…hey i’m not dead! just not on this account anymore
i don’t know how many of my old friends are still active, but i was bored today and decided to log back on to look at my old account. a lot has changed, and i kind of just wanted to end this on a good note!
I MOVED OUT OF MY PARENTS’ HOUSE FINALLY!!! If you look through my old posts, there’s a ton about my parents and how horrible they were. I’m now 19 and living with my fiancé in an entirely different state (with two cats and hopefully my cats will be here soon too!). My ex-partner i talked a lot about on here is no longer in my life, which I think was best for both of us. It…hurt, a lot, and I lost more friends in the process, but I’m pretty sure it was worth it.
I haven’t been in a psych hospital since October of 2019, I’m not self harming anymore, and I stopped smoking/vaping. I’m planning on going to college for Criminology, when I can afford it.
Adult shit is hard. Insulin and diabetic supplies is expensive and I haven’t been able to afford my sensors for three months now, leading to a hospital stay. But I’m working on taking better care of myself, and my fiancé is helping me.
I’ve started to open up about more of my issues. I’m learning how to ask for help. I’ve shared with others my sexual abuse as a child and young adult, my (likely) eating disorder, and uh…I’m part of a system? I actually have been fronting less and less, so I wanted to share all of this just in case. But anyways, I’ve started to get help and heal and grow.
I’m still writing, although I haven’t in quite a while. Oh, I also had undiagnosed ADHD. I doubt anyone’s surprised by that though lol. I still find comfort in most of my old fandoms. I miss all my friends from here. But I wanted you all to know that I’m pretty okay right now, and working on doing better.
Uhhh idk how to end this but yeah!!! I’m keeping this up because I noticed people are still reading my stories. I hope they give you whatever emotion you need, they got me through a lot.
ALSO crazy fun fact: my fiancé followed me on this account, before we even met! he didn’t even know it was me until i showed him my old account lol.
anyways uh. love you all! i hope life is giving you everything good you deserve!
-tobie :)
(also if anyone wants to message me or say hi, my discord is 🐝ℬℯℯ🐝#7767 )
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I’m back!!
Hi! So, this year has been w i l d. I was homeless for a while, my depression has been awful, and my grandma has cancer. Also I switched schools to an alternative school, and now none of my friends from my old school talk to me :’)
However!! I was going to therapy again, and my therapist suggested I get back into writing. I’ve decided to start off (since I have no inspiration and crave validation lmao) with writing requests.
Since I haven’t been on here in forever, I’m going to change a few things. I’ll still write for Mystic Messenger, but my main obsession currently is the Arcana. So I will take requests for that (no nsfw)!! Also I’d love to talk about it if anyone wants to. Also something I’m getting into is Moomin (the 90s anime, I haven’t watched anything else so far) so if anyone wants to talk about that I’d love to!
For writing, I can do: matchups, one shots, headcanons, mayyybe a series but idk yet. I’d rather start small, but please request as many characters as you’d like, and what style of writing. I can also do moodboards/aesthetics/stimboards!! Feel free to check out my list of fandoms too, I’ll update it in a moment. 
I’d love to get back into writing and talk to people again! Feel free to send in an ask or message me, I’d love to talk to anyone!! Have a great day!
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Hey! My prayers are with you, Im so sorry for everything that you're going through. I wish the best for you always❤ please keep us updated if you are able to, we want to know if you're okay and well! Take care!
Thank you so much!! I’m safe right now but I have less than 30 days now to fine somewhere to live.
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Hey, uh...sorry for my absence. Long story short-I’m homeless. My mom is refusing to pick me up anywhere or offer a ride or support to get home, and I’m in a shelter now. I’m terrified, and I don’t know when I’ll be active again.
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Hi! I know I haven’t been on here in forever. Honestly, I haven’t had a whole lot of inspiration to write.
Anyways, I made a tik tok so if anyone wants to follow it for weird stuff and cosplay then message me!!
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Hi! I’m so sorry for my inactivity. I have a few asks, but those will have to be on hold for a while longer, since I’m possibly getting kicked out of my house in 3 months or so. I’m happy for it since my parents aren’t very good (as many of you know), but also very worried since I have Type 1 Diabetes and I don’t know how to drive, and I don’t have a job. Does anyone have any advice?
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it makes me so sad when ppl apologize for talking so much about their hyperfixations. like no keep going i love you
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Hey uh...I know I haven’t been on here in forever, but is anyone willing to talk to me? I don’t want to annoy/bother anyone but a lot of stuff is going on...thank you!!
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The day I started posting about #youre all so amazing was the best day of my life.
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Hi, I was talking about my OC sorry for the miscommunication lol
Also Archer is a Slytherin bc we need positive Slytherin representation
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my friend told me that he thought I’d be the final girl in a horror movie and honestly I think the new trend should be complimenting your friends by telling them what tv trope they remind you of
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Tumblr media
Laika: 1954-1957
Opportunity Rover: 2004-2019
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Also Archer is a Slytherin bc we need positive Slytherin representation
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I decided the book is going to be called The Struggles of Moving On
Also I made an aesthetic board for it and playlists if anyone wants me to send them a link to them I will!!
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Original Character: Archer Sirius Davis
(Yes his middle name is based off of Sirius Black, he’s Archer’s favorite character in Harry Potter, he’s a Slytherin. The rest is under read more bc it’s really long lol)
Birth Name: Alice Davis (hence his love of Alice in Wonderland and fantasy/weird things)
Name: Archer Sirius
Gender: ftm
Right handed
Age: 16
Height: 5’3
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye color: Green
Original Hair Color: Black
Distinguishing marks: Scars on thighs, stretch marks on thighs and stomach.
Parents: Robert and Nancy
Siblings: Grimm and Nancy (named after her mother)
Significant Other/s: Cass
Relatives: Grimm’s significant other, Indigo (Indie)
Pets: Cat (Megan), (later) service dog for anxiety (Quinn)
Friends: Bodaway, Enlil, Cass, Styx
Enemies: Parents, Alya (a classmate who bullies him and his friends)
Ethnicity: White (German on father’s side, French on mother’s)
Religion: Undecided (doesn’t want a specific religion, just believes in various things)
Superstitions: Mirrors broken-bad luck
Diction: Clear speaker but talks fast and slurs words together sometimes
Education/Grade: Sophmore (10th)
Work: None, helps Grimm with cleaning homes
Salary: $30 every 2 weeks (Grimm gives him part of his salary since it’s not an “official” job, he’s just helping)
Living situation: Lives with Grimm and Indigo in an apartment with a kitchen, small sitting area, bathroom, and two bedrooms.
Room: a small apartment room with beige walls and tan popcorn ceilling. Collects posters and images from magazines to fill the boring space, old fan on the ceiling with wooden blades with dark brown engraved decals.
Mode of transportation: Grimm/Indigo drives him around, school bus, in the beginning a regular bus.
Fears: Abandonment, silence, the dark
Secrets: self harm, a journal, his insecurities.
Eating habits: often forgets to eat when busy, Grimm/Indigo forces him to eat. Loves chocolate, Dr. Pepper, pomegranates, can’t stand macaroni and cheese or grilled cheese sandwiches/tomato soup, or most soup, can’t stand mushrooms or pickles.
Sleeping habits: insomniac, often works through the night or reads.
Book preferences: old, worn books catch his eye. He loves reading about mythology and magick, along with space books and Sci-fi/fantasy. (favorites are: Harry Potter, The Chaos Walking Trilogy, and anything by H.G. Wells)
Music preferences: Of Monsters and Men, The Neigbourhood, Panic! At The Disco, Waterparks, Lana Del Rey, BTS (only K-Pop he can stand)
Extrovert or Introvert?: Extrovert but occasionally gets overstimulated/worn out and needs a break.
Leader or follower:  naїve, will believe friends but isn’t an idiot. Makes his own path but is willing to accept guidance and direction (as long as it doesn’t go against his morals and isn’t phrased rudely).
Planned or spontaneous: very impulsive, but loves making checklists and planning for trips (to grocery store, traveling, school, etc). Will do things spur of the moment, but when it’s something that was scheduled he will do in depth planning.
Journal: irregular venting and occasionally writes about people in his life/things he’s done. He writes stories occasionally, but rarely writes in his journal. Has a planner in his backpack.
Hobbies: Enjoys swimming, star gazing, watching anime (Yuri!!! On Ice and OHSHC), hanging out at the library/a cafe
How he relaxes: listening to soft music, reads a book he’s read hundreds of times (typically Harry Potter), takes walks in the woods.
What excites him: friends, bookstores, animals (particularly baby animals), aliens, fantasy creatures, cryptids (that’s how him and Cass bonded).
Pet peeves: assuming/judgemental people, bullies, when characters in books make bad decisions, The Percy Jackson movies, people chewing gum loudly.
Prejudices: He dislikes small children, that all parents are the way his are (awful)
Attitudes: He’s typically positive and kind, but when he gets angry or feels attacked or hurt, he reverts to insults and heavy sarcasm.
Stressors: Parents, school, bullies, finding who he is.
Obsessions: Harry Potter, slime, aliens
Ambitions: to live his life as he is, to finish High School and go to college, to make amends with his parents (unrealistic, won’t happen)
As seen by others: Kind, lucky in life (even though he struggles, he doesn’t let often let others know), considerate, slightly selfish, quick to anger, often depressed, bold, ambitious, can be manipulative due to his parents, occasionally jealous when people aren’t paying attention to him.
As seen by self: Low self esteem, but proud of intellect. Awkward, loves his friends more than himself, undeserving of affection.
Mental health: Bipolar 1, PTSD (from parents), Anxiety. Struggles with nightmares, triggers are yelling and (perceived) physical aggression. Self harms on thighs.
Birth Date: November 1, 2002
Time of Birth: 1 pm (13:00)
Lives in: Goshen, Arkansas
Zodiac Information:
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Virgo
Mercury: Scorpio
Venus: Scorpio
Mars: Libra
Jupiter: Leo
Saturn: Gemini
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Aquarius
Pluto: Sagittarius
Ascendant: Aquarius
Traits of Zodiac:
Sun: Intense, determined (when doing something they’re interested in), patient, never give up, suspicious, defiant
Moon: Loves planning, nags/complains sometimes, loves being useful/needed, lacks self confidence, good memory, loves science, gets annoyed/upset often.
Ascendant: Able to mix with various people/groups, extroverted and works well with others.
Handwriting: Messy, quickly jotted down when ideas come to him. Notes are written in one notebook and copied down neater in another.
Health: Asthma, allergies, minor scoliosis (often gets back pain)
Objects kept in:
Objects kept in backpack: school backpack: gel pens, a pencil bag with a depleting amount of mechanical sparkly pencils, notebooks and a copy of a book he’s reading. Day-to-day backpack: inhaler & spacer, another notebook to jot ideas/thoughts in, a box with amethyst, turquoise, and aquamarine, along with a charging cord, portable charger, and a phone contact book with emergency information inside.
Medicine Cabinet: an extra inhaler, Zoloft, Prazosin, Benadryl, Singular, Zyrtec.
Bedroom: Books, Hogwarts banners/band posters, a framed piece of cork board with pictures and art on it, a small box under the bed with a journal and various pictures.
Closet: Band T-Shirts, a Slytherin sweater, sweaters, ripped jeans and baggy long sleeve shirts, faded jeans of various colors.
Clothes pockets: spare coins, ruined folded pieces of paper from being ran through the dryer, gum/candy wrappers, a small knife when not in school.
Bed: Missing pencils, pieces of crumpled papers with a few words on them, books in odd places, a radio on the shelf, a stuffed snake resting on top of a few books, a stuffed wolf on top of the mess of pillows and blankets.
Strengths: Appears confident, funny in an awkward way, likeable, intelligent, bookworm, extroverted
Weaknesses: Insecure, hides feelings, mistrustful of strangers, internalized homophobia/transphobia due to parents, paranoia.
Special memories: coming out to Grimm and him being accepting when he was 13 and Grimm was 16, meeting Cass, parents taking him to a park with his first crush (Sky).
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Does anyone want to read about my new character? He’s pretty cool (in an awkward way), and I relate to him a lot lol. He’s kinda based off of me.
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Me: I’m inspired! Let’s finish those requests and get some writing done!
Also me: Let’s start a whole new story with new characters
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