Thirst For Adventure
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Are you thirsty? Adventurous? Thirstily Adventurous?! Check out this adventure I wrote for Savage Worlds with art by WaylessLottie! It's about a magic, wine, cocktails, elementals, heists and drinking! Inside we've got maps, enemies, puzzles, treasures to steal and rules for getting magically drunk! Check it out HERE!
THIRST FOR ADVENTURE Cervisia is a mage who has turned her powers not to immortality or power, but to collecting, brewing and refining alcoholic drinks. Her abode is filled with enchanted liquors and flagons but in her cellar now lies the most expensive wine ever brewed: the Millennium Guzzle. It’s your job to get it, and whatever else you may find along the way. Good luck!
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So you have Maria Theresia of Austria. Back in the 18th century she was pretty badass: fought a lot of wars, ruled a lot of nations, kicked a lot of ass. But this story isn't about her.
You see there's a different kind of war going on. Around that period everyone got real scared of creatures like ghosts, werewolves but most importantly VAMPIRES. It was an epidemic, people in south-east Europe were digging up corpses to stake and burn, and these believes were spreading through the rest of Europe too! Maria wasn't having any of that so she sent her personal doctor to fight the existence of all things that go bump in the night. And that man was Gerard Van Swieten!
Now he didn't just settle for preaching some critical though. No, my man was going to personally discredit every report of the supernatural that came his way. That's right, Van Swieten was a paranormal investigator. Most of all he was Vampire Hunter Van Swieten!
After many Scooby Doo adventures Van Swieten's been peacefully forgotten alongside his archenemy. That is until both were resurrected by a certain Bram Stoker! In his book DRACULA Van Swieten was reborn with a new name as... VAN HELSING!
In a case of SUPREME irony he's become a symbol of the myths he tried to destroy. I reckon he'd turn around in his grave... except Van Swieten wouldn't buy into that kinda stuff.
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"This wouldn't actually happen in any game I'm aware of, but the heck with it, IT AMUSES ME." -Dan Shive
Or would it?! I present to you Savage Worlds and the modifiers Ellen provided!
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"Wildly Attacks" from an earlier panel - Wild Attack +2 to hit, +2 to damage. "Close Range" - no clear analog, but she must mean the Scale difference fully applies +3 to hit! "Surprise Attack" - The Drop +4 to hit, +4 to damage "Vital Area" - Called Shot, -4 to hit and +4 to damage again "Off-balance" - Ooh, +2 to hit prone targets! "Distracted" - Clearly Ellen meant Vulnerable, +2 again!
Since this chicken is no mere chicken but glorious Maribel we can grant minimal stats of a d4 in fighting, d4 claw attack and d4 strength. From there on out we end up with a d4+5 in fighting which almost certainly gets you a raise for another d6 damage. Final damage score is... d4+d4+d6+10 damage! But surely, Marik as a cleric is wearing heavy armour? Ah, but the Called Shot to the neck ignores all that leaving him with a likely measly 4 toughness! A quick visit to anydice leaves us a ninety percent chance of Marik being too wounded to try anything else and a neat 50% chance of being out immediately!
Checks out perfectly. Excellent system mastery, Ellen. A+
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Beware of chickens
They're not T-Rexes, but they're not going to let you forget they're theoretically descended from T-Rexes.
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Savage Worlds Setting Rule: Duel Track
In a setting with formalized duels normal combat doesn't always fit the tone. The duel track stresses the structure, ensures the fight will not be decided without dramatic build-up and ramps up lethality round by round. To keep things simple and compatible we use normal combat rules but enhance them by the phases of a duelling track. Each turn of duelling advances the duel by one round, the effects apply to all participants. Different duelling tracks can fit different settings but here are some examples
Honorouble Bout These duels start off slowly with probing blows and fanciful forms. Lethality ramps up as the duelists get a read on eachother. These duels are usually formal and with an audience. There is a focus on presentation and technique.
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Optional Extra rules:
Negative conditions that normally only last one turn like distracted and vulnerable last the entire duel unless a duelists gives up a turn to recover.
You can choose to soak with an agility roll instead of a vigor roll.
Recommended for:
Jedi duels
Armoured knights
Deadly Showdown
These duels are short and deadly. The first round is usually reserved for taunts and hidden maneuvers. The second round is a no-holds barred lethal exchange where the wounded party usually concedes. A third strikes means a desperate continuation putting everyone's lives at risk.
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Optional Extra rules:
No Soaking Damage
Good for:
Cowboy duels at noon
Deadly Samurai clashes
Interruptions Duels are usually respected engagements between two parties. If either side tries to abandon a duel with anything but surrender it is a shameful affair. If other people join the bout both duelists keep all advantages and disadvantages towards eachother but not others. If only one side abandons the duel by calling for help, fleeing or openly cheating then they suffer all the disadvantages while the opponent profits from all the advantages for as long as they can maintain the form of the duel.
Other Tracks These are example duels that cover a wide range of tropes but if your setting requires something different you can easily make your own extra rules or new tracks alltogether. Perhaps social presentation is important and you can support yourself with Performance rolls, the culture values sneakery so Thievery tests are made or each round has distinct phases allowing for different free actions.
Other systems For scaling systems like D&D allow skill rolls to lower AC or grant Advantage/Disadvantage so the non-damaging rounds can be impactful. You will need to increase damage to factor in scaling health. To do so you can multiplying the number of bonus damage die by level once per round or alternatively institute this extra rule:
Dueling Strikes: Whenever hit in this duel you must make an appropriate saving throw against any damage taken and count the losses. In a non-lethal duel three losses decide the bout, in a lethal duel the third loss means death. (As usual this can be more or less than three for shorter or longer duels)
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Model Behaviour
I always am the perfect parent My child performs my every errand
She sleeps, she eats, she wakes on time I always punish every crime
But suddenly she is a tyrant And where she learnt never apparent
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Homebrew Magic Item: Elemental Bullets
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By exposing these bullets to raw elemental magic during the forging process they've been magically enhanced, the only problem is that it's almost impossible to tell which element will manifest upon firing!
Upon firing roll a d4:
Fire: extra d6 damage
Earth: reduce movement speed to 0 for 1 turn
Air: knockback 4 steps (reduced by size)
Water: freezes (distracted/disadvantage)
Reskins These are bullets intended for a piratic naval game, but in a other settings they might be: Arrowheads Orbs or rocks for slings/catapults Coatings for melee weapons Balance tips This is a zero-action required buff for the party! Limit the number available to a handful (6 will do) and consume on use unless you're addressing a party imbalance. If you don't limit the use this will slow down combat by requiring more dice rolls. Each effect is quite powerful but balanced by being unpredictable. Players may want to predict what effect will manifest with appropriate skills or abilities. Let them, but have there be a reasonable chance of ruining a bullet on failure. Magical interference and all that.
System tips These effects are all pretty system independent except for the damage. It's originally balanced for SWADE where a d6 is a lot, but in scaling systems like D&D a d6 can fall off. If that concerns you add level to damage.
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Twas that sad moment when us apes were cast out from the trees and grounded among beasts we first saw need to speak. Among dangers, lacking shelter, we instead needed one another to survive. One to scavenge for food and one to survey for great cats, snakes and birds. Agreement, task and distribution!
Imagine that first word to fit that first need. It rings out in terror, it sends all fleeing from foiled feline. MONSTER How beautifully portentous our great herald sung!
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We could learn about bestiality but let's not go down that rabbit-hole.
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The Benny Board
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Savage Worlds Setting Rule: Benny Board Translation for D&D: Bennies = Inspiration
The Bennie Board is a list of bounties the players can complete once per session to earn a Benny. Items on the Benny Board can change between session or be mostly the same.
Letting your players put bounties on the board is a good way to engage them. You can also use the bounties to incentivize mechanics you feel are being underused or to encourage roleplay moments.
Here are some bounties for Savage Worlds specifically:
Support an attack
Test With a non-Combat Skill
Triple Action
Push an enemy
Here are some roleplay-based bounties not linked to any system:
Fall in love
Waste money
Tell a story
Share a secret
Background In Savage Worlds the game runs best when the meta-currency named Bennies flow freely, in other systems like D&D this is sometimes called inspiration. These are usually rewarded for great RP, daring play or just being a nice player.
Remembering to hand out Bennies can be hard, though! Often I only remember my players need them when they're all out and in trouble. And if I start giving them out then, then my players complain I'm taking it easy on them, but the Benny Board is a neutral arbiter the players can engage with on their own terms.
Practical A good starting number of bounties is at least one per player, but you can easily go up to twice that much. Beyond that it can become hard to keep track.
The Benny board can be a literal board, a sheet on the player-side of the GM-screen, a simple printed list or just quickly announced at the start of each session. You could also leave them as implied knowledge and just keep them mostly the same through each session.
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Is it good?
I saw a movie called Tchaikovsky's Wife. I was fully experiencing it when a thought entered my head: "Is this movie good?" As I considered it, many people I know spoke in my head, all calling it some version of good or bad. I took some time to consider this question, but then I realized the whole experience was lessened by it. Why did I have to ask myself that? It is what people will ask me about the movie afterwards. I will be expected to have an answer ready by the end. It is the language we use to describe movies. But if these value judgements don't improve the experience are they really essential? Are they the only language available, or do I just believe that because it's what I'm used to? Is that how we experience all art always? Or is this the result of its extreme commodification? Of course, not all art is equal. It can be more meaningful, technical or accidental. But maybe our obsession with ranking art has taken away some of our ability to enjoy it.
Art and Groups There is an implied grading structure for movies. How literate you are in it becomes a mark of social prowess. A tool to stroke your ego and mock others. It's not a global one, each subculture has their own markers, but they don't exit in isolation, instead they're classist. Niche and populist film audiences both look down on each other. But even within their own rankings, there is the need to be critical and able to predict the opinion of your subculture. Reducing each piece to BAD or GOOD.
Art and People Art is no longer about the piece and audience, but instead about the audience and the subcultures that form around the art. But art is not a one-way transaction, the observer does not simply receive entertainment for cash, they have their own debt. The audience owes the art emotional availability, haven't we come to art to receive something? If we don't, we are a negligent partner to the piece. We make it dance half a duet yet criticize the steps.
Art and Criticism Should we then consume art mindlessly? No, but we can be critical of art without the need for value judgement and rank-ordering. I do admit there can be academic value in those analyses, they can be meaningful to both artists and prosperity. But consider that the relation between audience and art is different from that of judge and art. You cannot easily be both. And by coming as judge, you refuse the art piece half of what it needs to form the artistic experience.
Art and Language But can we speak of movies without calling them some variation of good or bad? Is it impossible, or is it only hard because that's the common framework? It is not impossible. We can speak of art without grading it. We should appreciate art from within, not without. We can talk of what the art elicited in you, what emotions it summoned, what memory it brought, what you could or could not relate to. Yes, this is hard. It leaves you utterly vulnerable. Share any emotion and people will think you weak, even just liking something can be a risk. How can you admit to loving a song when people constantly attack pop music? If art summons our emotions, it becomes part of us. A negative value judgement of art we feel for becomes a negative value judgement on us, so it becomes important we figure out just how everyone around us will react to the piece and react accordingly.
It has to be the wrong language. Value judgement can't be the ultimate tool for discussing art. It diminishes the role of the audience in the artistic experience and serves to further commoditize and tribalise art. Or least, it should be a smaller part in a bigger conversation.
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The Schemer Ring
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Queels face showed nothing of the frustration he felt. His presentation was impeccable as he stood at the head of his unit with hooked spear at the ready. He was the perfect guard, a prime example of concentration and dedication. Mind you, his fellow guards weren't doing badly either, but having to hold position in the dark for hours takes the edge out of most people. Inwardly Queel was ready to throw his weapon on the ground and sulk. He didn't want to protect this place. Oh, sure, Bü was probably an incredibly respectable lord and many men would gladly give up their lives for the man. But it all falls short when you consider that a mere two days ago they were guarding the Emperor themselves! It hadn't been easy but Queel had earned his place in the royal guard. He was nearly sent to the frontlines as a foot soldier where he would have been stuck playing servant for the Turbans but thanks to Arrastin, Queel had gotten the opportunity to prove himself.
Protecting the palace, protecting the Emperor… That had felt meaningful. Just being close to them and knowing the Emperor was counting on him had been immensely gratifying. As if Queel was defending all of the realm. Then one incomprehensible exchange between the nobles later and in a symbolic gesture Queel and his unit had been given to Lord Bü. Queel hadn't felt very symbolic. He'd thrown a fit but Captain Zarah had been quick to correct him. The other guards hadn't even cared. It was as if they had no passion at all! Admittedly, "passionate" wasn't in the job description for guards but Queel had expected at least something. Sure they kept their armour and were still technically royal guards but it all seemed daft if the Emperor wasn't involved. Those times had been meaningful, this ambush was pointless. They were all hidden near the dining hall, but Arrastin was not going to come. As far as traps went this one was very transparent. Bü may have gotten Arrastin to agree to a visit but all that meant was that Arrastin would get some flack for ditching the appointment. Good thing too, Queel was not keen to point a blade at his friend.
"Visiting tonight... At the great Bü mansion... Lo--", the servant paused for a second, trying to figure out how exactly to announce someone with such an elusive rank, in the end he figured Lord should be safe enough "The great Lord Arrastin..." The servant dared a glance at his master and the visiting "Lord", neither had called for his head yet which must mean he'd done a great job. Reassured he quickly scurried away while executing the required bows and grovelling. Cursed fool, Arrastin! Why are you here? He should know Bü and his cohorts wanted his head! The lighting was set up so the guards could see through the tapestry that hid them, but not the other way around. Like this Queel could vaguely make out the large figure of his friend, his thick furry clothes forming his unique silhouette. Only the captain who had taken position in the corner of the dining hall was visible to the public, probably to impress with the royal emblem on her chest. Instinctively Queel strained to take measure of Arrastin’s escort. Of course, he didn't have one, he never did yet the way he walked and swaggered suggested he had a personal army nearby. Any thought that Arrastin had come to plead quickly disappeared when he approached Bü, grabbed his hand and made a small bow, a greeting normally reserved for family or close friends who are equals. A serious error in etiquette but exactly the kind he had a reputation for. Queel couldn't quite make out what was being said, it seemed Arrastin was uncharacteristically quiet, with Bü leading the exchange. Soon they both took a seat with Bü’s family and began their meal. Food worth more than Queel was served, even Bü respected death enough to make a proper last meal. When the liquor was presented Queel cursed his luck for having to see his friend poisoned.
"It was delicious!" Arrastin’s cry silenced the room. Everyone held their breath as they waited for his triumphant expression to fade. It didn't. The poison should have felled him in seconds yet a minute of silence had passed. "Y- Yes, the finest drinks for our guest", Bü stammered, slow to recover. He took Arrastin’s cup. It was indeed empty. It was the correct cup, he could tell from the marks placed beforehand. Bü turned to the servant kneeling near the table. "Bring us more! Let's show what the Bü household has to offer" Bü hissed the words, struggling to maintain composure. Arrastin was the only one still eating as the others found themselves staring. Seizing this silence Arrastin got to work. "Though I'd gladly feast all night, I fear I have indebted myself too much already, Lord. I would rather turn my focus to repaying you! I cannot fill the kegs we've emptied tonight but perhaps I can help prevent a rot from taking hold in your cellars." Lord Bü's eyes were spinning, panic had taken hold and not a word reached his ears as he imagined a myriad of both consequences and causes of failure. However the same was not true for his companions. Those Arrastin stared down in measured theatrics and drew in with calculated phrases. A captive audience to a very different poison. The servants finally arrived with more, Bü observed Arrastin’s portion carefully, he could see the damp coloration of the poison. The servants had become nervous and abused the dosage, it should have been undetectable. At least this time he'd be certain. He made to hand Arrastin the cup when his own son held his hand to stop him. "Father, perhaps we've had enough for tonight- perhaps instead we should consider Arrastin’s words before we lose our head in merriment." Lord Bü looked into his son’s eyes and saw both fear and doubt apparent. Was he just as easy to read? "Let go, son. We would shame our name if we did not provide until our guest is finished."
Arrastin took the exchange calmly, accepted the offered cup and locked eyes with Lord Bü. Their stares held until Arrastin gave a shrug and downed his cup. "Truly, Lord, your service is wasted on me." He was not dying. He should have been long dead by now. No man could have survived that, there was enough poison in that cup to bring down a great beast. Terrifyingly the conversation advanced. The man was unfazed… Unfazed and laughing… Laughing and speaking. When the thumping in Bü’s ears left several topics had passed him by. The table had spoken on the importance of a royal guard and what their role ought to be as the Empire modernised. How difficult they could be to manage since they had an entirely different set of procedures and etiquettes. Sö Danst had mentioned he got headaches from memorising them when Arrastin closed his trap and advocated for spiritual guidance as a cure for mental pains. Around this point Bü noticed that against all etiquette even his guardswoman Zarah was involved in the conversation. Bü had lost track, worse, he'd lost control. Lord Bü stood up and wandered away from the meal in a dazed manner. The young master was quick to apologise for his father losing his mind to drink and Arrastin was faster to forgive. Outside of the dining room there was a resting place for visitors to take a private moment. Bü kicked over the seating and pulled heavily at a metal ring to open a hidden compartment. There was laughter from the hall. What was wrong with them? They had helped him plot this attempt and now they were humouring him? He was alive. He had failed to kill him, Arrastin is still alive. He is still alive and he is winning them over. Having found what he was looking for Bü returned to his dining room. Arrastin was still seated with his back turned. Bü came within a few steps of his visitor, took aim with his crossbow and pulled the trigger.
"Father, what are you-". The younger Bü cried out before realisation set in. He looked at the body, at the bow, and then the body again before giving a sigh of relief. Lord Bü, with a grin on his lips, gave a cry of relief. "Saints alive! I thought the devil would never die." Twice he stamped the floor in celebration before kicking the body. In an instant Arrastin was upright, face inches away from Lord Bü's. Sö Danst gave a scream of surprise and broke his plate on Arrastin’s head. He tumbled over, only remaining upright by hanging onto Bü. Their eyes met, Bü could not look away from the bloodshot gaze. Arrastin’s mouth opened to speak but only more blood came out. Arrastin’s fingers dug deeply into Bü's shoulders as they both struggled to stay up. "Let go! It's over, you're done!" Bü screamed, trying to free himself. Bü's son grabbed a knife from the cutlery and lodged it into Arrastin’s back without much effect. Arrastin made another attempt to speak but only produced a gurgling sound. "Shut up! I don't want to listen to you!" "Aside, young master!" Sö Danst growled. Panicked shouts rang out as the elder broke a priceless vase on Arrastin’s head, causing him to collapse again, this time taking Lord Bü with him to the floor. The family tried to separate Bü and the unmoving Arrastin but the Lord called for them to stop. He crawled over to Arrastin whose head was twisted at an odd angle. It was hard to judge the wounds through Arrastin’s thick fur coat but soon he found it. The arrow. He could see the front end of the arrow coming out of his chest. He'd hit him, he definitely hit and pierced him. The body was cold. The young master helped the still shaking Lord Bü get to his feet. "All is well, father, we got him." "Are you unharmed, Lord?" Sö Danst inquired, clearly exhausted from the feat. "Yes, I'm fine. I'll be fine. I'm fine now he's out of the-". Bü mumbled. All three men were silenced once more when they heard a deep moan. Arrastin had raised himself again and was stumbling to the exit, bent over and leaving a trail of blood.
“Bring me another bow!”, Bu hissed. It was then he noticed Captain Zarah, still in position. “What are you doing? Kill him, get him now!” Zarah banged on the floor with the back of her spear and gave the command. “Move out! Kill Lord Arrastin!” Bü’s usual guard would have acted much sooner.Not because they were better trained or organised. In fact, it was the opposite. The royal guards were more disciplined than any other unit and would, within reason, not act unless ordered or otherwise signalled. This was because the Emperor enjoyed giving his visitors a chance to “prove themselves”. An overeager defence would only upset the Emperor so the Royal Guard had a very specific set of instructions based on many subtle commands. Once ordered the guards moved with great efficiency and precision, flowing out of the hallway with a theatrical presence. The first two moved to halt Arrastin, the next charged for the exit Arrastin was trying to reach while the other guards moved to block other avenues of escape. Arrastin pushed aside a frightened servant and nearly made it out when he was overtaken. Two guards came for him directly, the closest aiming for his neck. The weapon stopped inches from his jugular, the tip caught in Arrastin’s hand cutting off a finger in the process. Immediately the guard pulled to free his weapon but it held tight in Arrastin’s grip. The second guard was faster than Arrastin’s free hand. He pierced Arrastin’s chest and sealed his fate.
The river Plons ran through the capital, cutting it in two pieces of about equally volatile city. Despite the Empire's excellent organisation and complex but definite hierarchical system a natural rivalry had taken root between the riverbanks. The rivalry was so widespread that depending on your address you were inescapably West-side or East-side. The only exceptions to this rule are the Emperor, whose palace was built right in the middle of the river, diverting it, and the garbage discarded in the river some time ago. The current slowly dragged it along the river floor, gathering dirt and critters until it finally caught onto heavier refuge. Then a small figure appeared, pulled the garbage known as Arrastin loose, and dragged it to the nearest bank. After that it undressed and wrung its clothes dry. "You Damn well screwed us over! I said it was a Damn trap, I said it, I told you so! But no, Arrastin doesn't listen to what anyone says, Arrastin walks Into any trap because he thinks he's Damn invincible!" Arrastin got up to a sitting position. "Oh stuff it, Imp, if I hadn't gone willingly they'd have come to me soon enough. I could either go today and fight on my terms or wait until they'd gotten themselves worked up enough to ambush me." "But you didn't fight!", the creature hissed, "you drank poison as gluttonously as you ate Damned steel! Unarmed, you came unarmed!" So the creature complained, now untying Arrastin. The Imp paused for a moment before adding "And don't call me 'Imp', it's Djinn. Djinn, Djinn, Djinn!" "I did not come unarmed. My tongue is my blade, Imp! A weapon I lost halfway through the duel, despite your promise to keep me fighting fit!" "I did, I did! I kept your Damn legs moving and your Damn arms swinging! Would you rather have been a stump with a wagging tongue?!" "Yes! Take my life before my voice!" "Fool! You’d have both if you'd not fed me poison and cut me off!" "Cut you off?" Arrastin wondered. His arms free he checked his hands. His ring was now on his middle finger, instead of his ring finger. Then he noticed his ring finger was gone.
"It's been enough" The Djinn cried out. "Change your face, go join the army! Do like Vantos did. We'll climb fast!" Arrastin didn't turn to acknowledge this request, instead he freed himself from the weights tied to his feet. "Vantos was a fool who wasted your abilities", he said offhandedly. "Vantos had more power than you!" "And he died, so what did that power get him? I can spend a lifetime in the military and become the greatest general the realm has known but I'll never get close to the Emperor. Did Vantos ever ever speak to the Emperor in private? Did he meet their children? He didn't and he definitely didn't get close to their daughter! Vantos had peaked. I did you a favour." "And what did your Damn politics do for us besides an arrow in the back? Your 'friendship' with the Emperor won't save us. No matter how much they like you. They won't risk splitting the realm now. Even your pet guard betrayed you!" "He did not." "Yes he did! He made the Damn hole in your Damn chest!" "My heart was unharmed. Tell me, Imp. Would I have survived losing my heart in that state?" The Djinn turned this over before answering. "I don't know." He admitted. "Queel wavered, he met my gaze and missed my heart, he would not have missed for anyone else." The imp was stunned. "So that's what your Damn friendship gets you? Get stabbed five inches to the Damn right?!" "Oh shut up, Imp.” He twisted the ring and the Imp disappeared. It tugged, trying to turn itself back on but Arrastin clenched his fist, locking it in place. Judging from the moon some days had passed, Saints, maybe a cycle had come and gone. Should have asked Imp. He kicked the weights into the Plons and sat himself down on the riverbank. He took in his surroundings, checked his pockets, crossed his arms and looked up at the palace.
"I’ll get it back. I just need some time to think."
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