selfboosterblog · 3 years
Sympathy vs Empathy: 4 Reasons Why Empathy is More Dangerous
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selfboosterblog · 3 years
The 4 Critical Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology You Must Know
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selfboosterblog · 3 years
The Mysteries of the World - Mind Guild Welcomes You
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selfboosterblog · 3 years
5 Emerging Technologies that Demand Change in the Future of Government
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Using the Law of Attraction #1 13 What is the Law of AttractionThe law of attraction is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Like the other universal laws, it must be used in harmony with the other laws of nature. When this is done, the law of attraction can bring you prosperity and success. But if you work against this powerful law, it will result in pain and misery. Successful people already know how to use the law of attraction, even though they may not even be aware of it. These successful people are just working in harmony with this law without even knowing. Amazingly, the truth about the law of attraction had been hidden for many years. Very prominent people tried to keep it hidden from the lower classes for many centuries. They did this out of greed and the desire to keep all wealth for themselves. As you might imagine, the outcome for these people was catastrophic
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Understanding The 6 Laws of the Universe 13 Start Making These Universal Laws Work For YouFew people are aware of the universal laws that govern everything we do. And these universal laws never make mistakes. Experts claim that these laws are so perfect that when we align ourselves with them, prosperity will overwhelm us. But in order to get in tune with these laws, we must learn more about them. We all know the laws exist, but we really don 19t know much about them. Additionally, we are also not very clear about who created the universe. In the end, this depends on your personal belief system and what ideas you are willing to accept. Science gives us the Big Bang theory which explains many things about the birth of the universe. However, there are far more mysteries that the Big Bang theory cannot explain. This implies that a universal creator took part in the creation of the universe.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Using Positive Affirmations to Manifest Dreams 13 Affirmations Control Your ThoughtsSadly, most people are not aware of how powerful affirmations can be in their lives. They are a great way to structure your thinking patterns in a way to support your goals and dreams. Of course, there are many people who have not heard about positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are statements that you tell to yourself internally or out loud to reinforcing a belief. Using positive affirmations are recommended by experts for those who suffer from adverse mental ailments. They have proven to be effective for those suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, self-confidence, and even panic. The good news is that anyone can use them for achieving goals and increasing their willpower. In fact, there is virtually no limit as to how positive affirmations can help you. This is because over time, your affirmation statements will modify your perception of the world.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Teaching Your Mind to Let Go of Fears 13 Rid Yourself of Crippling FearsReleasing and overcoming your fears can be a daunting task. Fear can us paralyzed and make us helpless to move or respond to stressful situations. Most of us are afraid to try new things and often hesitate. Often times, it is our fears that are preventing us from living our happiest lives. Therefore, we must learn to address the things that frighten us. Make a list of all the things that scare you. Write all of them down and don 19t hold back. You are free to write anything, like the fear of death, fear of heights, or anything else scares you. After writing them down, rank them on a 1 to 5 scale. Use 1 for things that make you less scared and 5 for those things that scare you the most. Create a list of the things that you resist because of your fears. This could not willing to accept help from other people, or not willing to relocate for a promotion. Write these down and give them a rank like you did on your first list.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Learn to Become Mentally and Emotionally Grounded 13 6 Powerful Actions you can Take NowIn our ever-changing society, it gets harder and harder to remain grounded. Keeping yourself emotionally grounded is vital because it reduces stress and improves your life quality. Anyone can learn to stay grounded with the right mindset and determination. Effective grounding techniques are also needed. Never forget that sincere abundance begins within ourselves before manifesting in the material world around us. Being grounded means remaining humble and living in harmony with the world around you. Having a willingness to take calculated risks indicates a strong character. Having the courage to own your mistakes indicates an even stronger character. We must never attempt to hide our mistakes. Instead, admit them right away and learn from the lessons they teach.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
6 Ways to Overcome Negative Energy from Others 13 Make your Mind and Will StrongerMany of us are not aware how damaging the negative energy around us can be. Negative energy is the destructive energy which can result in bad karma and even loss of fortune. It can also become an obstacle in our lives in almost all aspects. The very first thing we should do is to avoid the negative people in our daily lives. And if we wish to counteract the negative vibrations altogether, we can seek out the company of positive people instead. This can be a difficult thing to do because it requires that we change our habits. We need to pay more attention to the way that our mind works. It is more effective to replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Over time, you will begin seeing the positive changes in your life.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
8 Ways to Control Your Mental Energy 13 Enjoy More Productivity NowAs we are subjected to the wear and tear of our daily lives and even some direct mental attacks. We start realizing that some effective strategies will be needed to retain the energy our brain functions. Our very nature is always in search of equilibrium; our mental energy does it automatically. When you learn to let go of things inside your mind, your mind and body will find its natural center. We just have to refrain from forcing this to occur as we will only get in its way. Since our minds seek out energetic threads around us, we can sometimes create connections that distract other things. This is why we must be aware of these mental connections in our minds. There will be times when we need to break these connections to regain our energy.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
10 Ways to Know If You Have Been Mentally Attacked 13 Surefire Ways to Recognize the SignsThere are various ways to tell that if you are under mental attack by your environment. Some of the more common ones are when you experience energy loss or depression. To be certain that you have been attacked, you must learn to recognize the signs. Attacks on our character can be very subtle. Often times, we have no clue what has caused our mood shift. We must start become aware when these occur so we can identify their cause. Never under estimate the power of your mind. We have seen people completely forget entire years of their life, if their minds dictate that outcome. If a mental attack is severe enough, we can actually experience memory loss. An outside mental attack can leave us befuddled. When we try to sort out the origin of this confusion, It can absorb the majority of our thinking power.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
Is Your Environment Draining Your Mental Energy? Start Developing a Stronger MindCreating abundant life and achieving our goals is something that all of us can easily do. All we need do is learn and adopt some mental strategies that will help us. Do you feel weakness and extreme fatigue after spending time with somebody? Do you feel uncomfortable after listening to someone who has a poor attitude? These are most likely signs of personal power contamination. The good news is that you can eliminate this toxic energy and take measures to prevent it altogether. Mental Defense Strategies. What you need is to learn mental self-defense strategy. This will allow you to overcome the negative energies and other things that adversely affect your state of mind. We humans can become mentally and physically ill because of harmful energies that linger around us. Learning mental strategies as a self-defense mechanism is very beneficial. Cultivating a personal self-defense for our minds is a must for everyone. Learning how to use it in the best way possible is one of the actions that you can do to safeguard yourself from negative energies, falsehood, contaminated energies and influences.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
5 Fun Ways to Keep Your Brain Operating at a High Level 13 Achieve Mental Peak PerformanceWith all the information available about boosting our brain performance, it sounds like a lot of work. This should not be the case at all. We need to have fun while enhancing the performance of minds. This approach allows us to build momentum in our daily mind boosting routine. Let us look at Fun Ways that we can boost our mind power every day. Do Things with Your Opposite Hand We take the function of our dominant hand for granted. Try performing routine tasks with your other hand and your mind becomes instantly focused on that task. Use you opposite hand to write a note, use your computer mouse, or even eat your dinner. While this can be annoying, it is actually creating new neural connections in your brain. It serves to stimulate new cerebral regions that your brain doesn 19t normally use.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
5 Daily Habits that will Boost Your Mind Power - Enhance your Brain RapidlyHabits can be wonderful things. Many of us only think of habits being bad, but there are also good habits. Our good habits are what keep us productive and allows us to reach our goals. Did you know there are daily habits we can easily implement that will boost our brain power? 1. Get Plenty of Sleep This one should almost go without saying. Sleep is how you recharge and prepare yourself to face the new day. Without deep sleep and the dream state, our ability to function at a high level is diminished. 2. Get Up When the Sun Does Pay attention to your natural biological rhythms. When you start your new day at dawn, you 19re putting your body in sync with the world around you. People who live out of sync tend to experience many problems like obesity and depression. Starting your day early and sleeping at dark will also keep enhance your overall mood.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
8 Long Term Benefits of Boosting Your Brain Power 13 Exercise Your MindHave you ever considered exercising your brain? Giving your brain a good workout isn 19t quite a simple as getting up and talking a walk. But there are many activities that will enhance your cognitive skills. And doing this will prevent you from having as much age-related memory decline. We can start with giving our brains something new and exciting to ponder. Our brains benefit most from more complicated activities, if we have the patience. People who take part in mind building activities will experience these 8 long-term benefits: Enjoy a Less Stressful Life. Stress is the #1 reason for poor health and productivity. If we can reduce our stress now, then we can benefit for the rest of our lives. We will also have a lot few health challenges in our elderly years. Experience Fewer Memory Lapses. Develop a memory that can stand up to the rigors of aging is a great benefit for brain boosting now. When we reach the age of 85, we stand a good chance of experiencing memory loss 13 35% of people do. Exercising our brains today will help us preserve our memory later.
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selfboosterblog · 4 years
A Simple Daily 5 Minute Mind Exercise 13 Develop a Healthier and Happier BrainEveryone wants a happy and healthy brain. Did you know that doing one simple thing for only 5 minutes daily can change how your brain works? To optimize your mental processes, you only need to do one thing, and that is Meditate. As you age, your brain undergoes many changes. Brain scans reveal that we can expect a certain amount of loss of brain matter over time. This brain shrinkage is what causes us to forget things. This is why your brain begins to slow down, and you find it harder to concentrate or remember. Scientists tell us that people who meditate do not experience this brain shrinkage. Various studies have shown a big difference in people who meditate regularly versus those who do not. One scientific study conducted brain scans over eight weeks to learn more about meditation effects. The brains of those who did not meditate got smaller, but the brains of those who did meditate did not shrink at all.
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