smushy-panda · 4 years
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I know technically the burn is on his right hand but that just didn’t go with the visual I wanted 😗
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smushy-panda · 4 years
Please enjoy my latest Tiktok 😌
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smushy-panda · 4 years
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smushy-panda · 5 years
Black Friday was a bust and we shouldn’t ignore it
So I’ve LOVED starkid for so many years and have fallen in love with their many create visions and ideas, so when I heard they were making a sequel I was skeptical. 
The guy who didn’t like musicals was so incredibly good because ONE it held the classic starkid charm where they didn’t take themselves too seriously while also having such good subtlety in their story and writing that you feel for these characters. That scene between Paul and Emma where they’re stuck in Hidgen’s basement and talk about they’re lives and what they wanted and didn’t want from it is such a good example that it should be taught in school. And TWO they veered away from that usual wacky side of themselves (B@tman, HP, Trail to Oregon) and pushed for a little more serious tone (Twisted, Firebringer) and was successful in balancing both of these factors.
The point of a sequel is to further establish the world that the story takes place in and how the characters (and audience) could further learn from it. This means that they would have to tackle these things while also continuing the subtlety, tone and characters that starkid is known for. The reason their last sequel, A Very Potter Sequel, was so successful was because the world they were working off of was already fully constructed by JKR and they used that as a crutch to focus on the story and characters instead of trying to keep those things in while also explaining why all of these things are happening. So this is where they failed to reach expectation because they had SO much plot and reasoning to cram in for world building that they didn’t have time to develop much of their characters.
Like really what were these characters? I was totally down in the first twenty or so minutes when we finally got the year long answer! Like wholly shit its Paul and Emma! They’re alive and happy and we get to dive further deep into Emma and her sister’s past! This started off good because we were reminded of our love for these characters that got the perfect development in TGWDLM and was leading us down a path of learning more of them and the people they connect with, which lead us to Tom. His character is so interesting and I was expecting him to get that sweet sweet character development and backstory we usually get for main characters (especially characters played specifically by Dylan) and his first solo proved for that to be the case until we are ripped away from Emma and Paul all together and put into the introduction of the first stereotype and flat character. They have done some stereotypes in the past but at least they had some purpose to the plot but Lex’s boss or Mr. Krabs 2.0 is so heavy that its painful. So we lead into the scene were we really meet the Lex and her motivations and relationships. I liked her dynamic with her (very sweet, like holy shit get me one of him) boyfriend, or maybe I was too distracted by Robert’s pretty face to notice anything bad but OMG I almost forgot I was watching a starkid musical because their song starts with “MY MOM’S A BITCH” LIKE WHERES THE SUBTLETY IN THAT??? The song is one of many that falls flat but is saved by Roberts angelic voice and Kendall’s fun dancing. 
Okay this is were it starts to become one note and stays there literally the rest of the musical, the scene in the line outside the toy store is boring and introduces stereotype number 2 with Loren’s power hunger rich lady and leads through another song which starts to weird trend of stopping the story DEAD in its tracks to establish something that wont be important in the end. Every song in TGWDLM either had a purpose and/or was a BOP (therefore it got a pass) but many of the music in this show didn’t do either of these. Anyway it moves on to the next song were I audibly cheered because I thought FINALLY a classic starkid song that people will sing at conventions for years to come with Dylan belting “ITS MINE, ITS MINE” and honestly it is one of the best from the musical and I loved how extra feral Jeff was the whole time.
Ethan was the one character I felt got the best character because he got the starkid special. They’ve always been masters at establishing personalities in the most basic of conversations in their shows and that probably why Mr. Krabs and rich lady irritated me so much because their writing felt lazy. Remember how the original MacNamara was so charming because he had that weird personality of loving romance despite being the classic military character? Anyway Ethan’s death was the most impactfull for me and that’s all I gotta say about it.
UGHHHHHH Okay so I’ve got to talk about this dumb ass villain. Joey is so fucking good at play villains it’s unbelievable but what heightens the impact of it is the reasoning and this guy’s reasoning gets so mixed up in the cramming of the plot that I can’t even remember.
I get MacNamara’s point in the story but they completely erased the likable personality that I previously mentioned for the sake of plot which is irritating because I know they are capable to keeping a consistent character whose sole purpose is forwarding plot. He leads the final boring song of act 1 but sadly not the last one of the musical.
3 minutes of that fucking highschool santa song. I like the joke of a bad Christmas movie for teens but damn that dragged. 
Tom’s story of trying to earn the love of his son while actually longing for forgiveness is such a good story and I do think they do it really well with the time that they give it but god nurse girl annoys me. JUST TO CLARIFY I LOVE HER VOICE IT GOES INCREDIBLY WELL WITH DYLAN'S. But Dylan going on a heartrenching speech of how he blames himself for the death of the love of his life and the mother of the son whom he thinks hates him to her going wOw rEmeMBer us In HigHscHoOl was so painful to watch. I did like their song despite the lack of chemistry until they started going at it after they expressed his PTSD and her murdering someone (who yes totally deserved it). Okay but the joke when they went back to the santa hightschool movie was the best joke of the show it was just too good. 
The next time we see them they’re acting like the rest of the “infected” and like??? when did that shift happen?? 
God I feel so bad for Curt in that fucking suit. Okay but like is Joey wiggly or not? Is he just a follower and if he is why is he in the Black and White? But that use of the christmas ordiments and the hadestown lights was so cool and clever I really liked it. 
I really liked that Friday is Black for Me song but now I can skip to the dumb part...
Super powers????? What????? How does MacNamara know Lex? When was that established and he not only know’s of Lex and her “powers” but also Hannah and her abilities as well which were never shown or hinted at other than Webby her imaginary friend which was also pointless. 
He says there is a Warrior of Light trapped in a deep sleep? Then she imediently goes to Tom which means MacNamara also knew of Tom and implies that Tom has powers as well???
Finally after listening to more pretty Dylan singing we go to another tensionless cult scene which ended up being the climax surprising me because again it was all one note. The scene was just so boring that when nurse girl shot Loren I had to recap because I could not remember how she got away from the people who dragged her there. But like seriously the lack of tension was crazy, Lex LITERALLY had the last doll not only in her hands but next to fire that of which she was threatening everyone with and Loren just strait up pushes Tom away walks up to Lex and takes it from her. Yeah the joke was funny but logically why didn’t Lex light it up right after she got out of Tom’s grasp???
So yeah after the climax when Joey’s character who was set up as the main villain pulling all of the strings never showed up and left Loren’s flat character take the fall the falling action was everyone huddling together like a family even though the last time Hannah saw nurse girl and Tom they were actively hunting her with a needle to kill and sacrifice her to their god and I don’t think Lex had ever met nurse girl but its fine because they burned the mall down even though the rest of the country was already taken over by the dolls and they were forced into WWIII because??? The Russains?? Had a portal too??? And I get that the actors showing up in their original character’s clothes adds to the mystery that they’re trying to set up at the end but I don’t think its good to purposely add questions to a list that is already piling up pretty high. 
Emma and Paul bickering at the beginning was the best part, then they are completely forgotten with Tom and nurse girl’s relationship, joey’s villain character, Ethan all together (like we didn’t even get a scene with Lex reacting to his death), and Hannah’s imaginary friend all for the sake of a cool visual at the end.
Again I adore starkid and their voices shine through but every show is iconic in its own way but the only memorable moments were the call backs to the original which I don’t think should count
These are my opinions and honestly I would like some feedback, I understand that people enjoyed it and I’m glad they did, I just need someone to explain to me why.
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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Re binging Brotherhood while I wait for Better Call Saul S4 comes out
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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I’m gonna try being more active around social media 👌
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smushy-panda · 5 years
reblog if you’re asexual and proud
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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Haven’t yet seen this new season but I can already tell you that crates will be the best part!
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smushy-panda · 5 years
Ahhhh! Thank you, your writing never disappoints đŸ„°
Hey could you do something were on patrol LB and CN aretalking and trying to keep stuff on their identities minimal but soon leads to “who would be the last person you’d want the other person to be?” and jokingly chat says people like Chloe and possibly Lila (etc.) but LB mentions Adrien and kinda offended and confused Chat pushes further (angst plzzzz) Ps I ADORE your writing! You understand and appreciate Marinette unlike anyone I’ve read 💕💕💕
Big thanks to @anonymouse-thoughts who not only beta read but added a lot as well (plus stay to the end because I have something funny to show you)
Ladybug gave a slight yawn. It was late a night; she should be asleep but wasn’t. The one thing that stayed consistent through all her time as Ladybug was how beautiful Paris was at night. It didn’t matter how stressful her day was or how little sleep she got, the city’s sparkling lights always seemed to calm her.
“Hello, My Lady,” Chat announced as he landed on the roof. Ladybug just rolled her eyes. Great, my headache is back.
“So, I know you said we can’t reveal our identity,” Chat started, strolling up to her.
“Don’t even think about it, Kitty,” Ladybug hissed hissed with narrowed eyes.
“No, no, nothing like that. I was just thinking we can have a
 discussion. Based on the students at Collùge Françoise Dupont.” He gave an innocent smile to His Lady, which only made her more suspicious.
“What type of discussion?” Ladybug asked, still wary of where this was headed. Why that school- my school? She began to worry her partner had begun to piece together her identity and mentally cursed Alya for posting that theory about her Dupont-issued history book.
“Who would you never partner up with?” Chat asked with a cheshire grin, clearly pleased to have gotten His Lady to talk - or at least consider talking. She was always so quick to shoot down any topics that could remotely tie back to their civilian identities.
Ladybug let out a snort. “So basically an excuse to rant?” Ladybug replied with a knowing smile. It was well-known that Dupont had one of the highest akumatization rates in all Paris so it made sense for her partner to be vaguely acquainted with its students. No need to worry after all.
“Yep! I’ll start,” Chat said, taking a seat next to the red-clad heroine.“I couldn’t deal with Chloe as my partner. She’s much too bossy and would pretty much just put herself in danger. Plus, she attracts akumas like a magnet. More hindrance than help, really. Maybe a close second would be Lila. She lies so it would be hard to trust her accounts of what’s going on in the field
 What about you, My Lady?” Chat asked at the end of his rant.
Ladybug looked at him, his eyes brimming with catlike curiosity, before turning to gaze over Paris. He was probably expecting an answer similar to his, knowing her dislike of both girls mentioned. Honestly, she was expecting to give such an answer too. But looking down at the city of love and light, her heart clenched as she gave way to the truth. “Adrien Agreste.”
At that name, Chat let out a choke. He began to cough and sputter while making vague gestures as if trying to physically collect his thoughts. He fumbled silently for a bit longer before letting out a broken breath. With a look she couldn’t quite read, he proceeded. “Why is that My Lady? I heard he’s purr-etty good in a fight,” Chat Noir prodded, trying to make Ladybug reconsider.
“Because he would never have my back.”
“Adrien is a lot of things and, while he may be good in a fight, he is also stubborn and naive, which is a dangerous combination. He’s someone that always thinks he has the moral high ground, and if you don’t do something his way then you’re wrong with no nuance taken into consideration. I can’t work with someone who won’t reason or be flexible about these things.” She paused to catch her breath and the continued, though her voice grew fainter and her tone more bitter with each added word. “And he’s two-faced; he says what you want to hear and then turns around and does something else. He’ll make promises and act like you matter to him and convince you that he’ll be there for you, just so you agree with him. But once you’ve done what he wants he’ll abandon you
 And the worst part is he doesn’t even see that what he’s doing is wrong. He just - he always thinks he’s in the right,” Ladybug finished her rant with a defeated sigh and watery eyes. Chat Noir stared in stunned silence. He was trying to process His Lady’s words, but he couldn’t have been that bad, could he?
“Do you know him?” he asked tentatively. This could just be the result of some silly miscommunication. No way Ladybug would ever think this if she knew the real him.
“I see him everyday, Chatton, and he’s hurt me in the worst possible way,” Ladybug said before bringing her legs to close her chest, trying to comfort herself. She’d said too much but at this point she didn’t really care. After finally letting all her emotions out there was no taking them back.
“And what way is that?” Chat saw the tears begin to spill gently down her cheeks, completely unaware of the tears running down his own face. Ladybug looked over at Chat with a lost expression before instinctively resting one of her hands on her chest.
——under the cut for something funny.
Ok so I gave this to anony to read and edit. And it get this rant part way through and I have never laughed so hard. To be far they are not wrong..
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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Good morning 💕
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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I guess this is something đŸ€™
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smushy-panda · 5 years
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smushy-panda · 6 years
all that pent-up angst had to go somewhere
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smushy-panda · 6 years
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My heart and soul!
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smushy-panda · 6 years
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Part one of six 🐝🐝🐝
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smushy-panda · 6 years
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smushy-panda · 6 years
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Once a hero, always a hero
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