#& expose him for the sap he is
xfindingtrouble · 1 year
👄 percy abt vex!
percy sits up a bit straighter, chewing the tip of his tongue as he thought of the right words. Vex had a way of swaying Percy, of reminding him of the good in this world. He could stare right into the abyss, take a step into it & she would still be able to draw him back. She had faced dragons, spninxes, even her bastard of a father & walked away with her chin held high. Vex was a beast of a woman & not even death had been able to slow her down.
Where percy could not help but simmer on the past, vex always seemed intent on moving forward, surviving & doing good when there was room for it. she made him want to change, evolve past his solitary existence. it was easy to wallow in the past, to get stuck in it. yet it was always at her back. vex made percy think he could be a better person, in the right hands. left to his own devices, he had a habit of looking to worst case scenario. anticipating gore & atrocities beyond belief. percy was particularly talented at prepetuating the horror. vex was better at taking things in stride, reminding percy that he should too.
" Sometimes you meet a person & they inspire you. " he speaks truthfully, though he's very careful. no word is chosen without purpose, a nagging paranoia in the back of his skull. he wonders if somehow she'll hear him through the walls, expose him for his sentimentality. if he was wholly honest & she found out he doubted he'd ever live it down.
vex'ahlia was, perhaps, one of the most magnificent people percy had ever had the luck of meeting. she wasn't perfect, by any means, no one was... but she had relentless strength about her. she could fight & fight & fight & still have more left to give. she was fragile, in other ways, though it was more difficult to see. there was a weight on her shoulders that came with the love she gave. it left her open, vulnerable in a way that percy is sure was supposed to be private... but he had a habit of looking for the details. it was not easy to choose good, it never would be.
but it was more than inspiration & he knew that, somewhere inside of him. for all the internal battles he fought, it was one he knew he would lose. it was a surreal thought, to think that another person could affect him so deeply... that he could want something ( someone? ) so badly. yet he could never admit to it, at least not out loud. but still, he's sure she's caught his lingering glances.
she was smart & decisive, fierce & terrifying. perhaps this is why it was so intimidating to think that she might know his truth, overhear any heartfelt confession. he was half-sure she would eat him alive if she did. he was nearly as sure that he would let her. vex knew how to read a man, how to bend them to her will & as intimidating as it was... it drew percy in. he wanted to be what she wanted, who she wanted. a hero, a friend, a lover, percy didn't care. he just wanted to be.... hers. was his face flushing now? definitely. he could feel it in his ears. he lets out a deep breath, unable to catch every racing thought that now poured into hs head. they were like fireflies in the dark, endless.
" I would die for her, " he finally admits, trying to shy away from his beating heart in different sort of dramatic confession. his next words are less careful, his mind beginning to tumble thhroug a hundred other sentiments while trying to shake the feeling at the center of it. he's going to need a drink after this, " Though I would much prefer to live for her. She is my inspiration. "
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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blcssom · 1 year
closed starter for @tcrnished + open m/f/nb based on: spotify starter call
tell me why storms don't scare me // no ocean's too deep // but when love comes and knocks on my door // i wanna hide i'm better on my own // baby i don't mind earthquakes // but you make my world shake // all the way down to my core // i don't know why i'm terrified // of loving you the most - terrified || debbii dawson
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he can feel the distance between them growing with each beat of silence but his brain has conveniently forgotten every word he thought he knew. "——- i don't have to work tomorrow... wanna go get a drink? i'll even treat you to those sweet potato fries you're obsessed with."
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neckromantics · 8 months
We don't talk enough about how absolutely devastating and romantic and hot the idea is that Astarion would know the scent of your blood anywhere.
How quickly he would notice when you've even the slightest of nics? When, no matter how focused on anything else he might be at the time, he always comes to check it out?
You'll be peeling a piece of apple with your pocket knife when it slips in your grip. The sharp edge of the blade slices a shallow cut into the meat of your thumb, and you inhale sharply through your nose even though it barely hurts at all. Instinct has you sucking your injured digit into your mouth with a soft curse– the sweet juice of the fruit you were snacking on quickly overpowered by the metallic twang of blood.
You nearly jump out of your skin when he appears over you not a moment later. He makes some offhand comment about how careless you are. Takes hold of your injured hand and tuts like he intends to tease, but he isn't fooling anyone.
He stands so close, jaw ticking as he clenches his teeth, a tension in his shoulders that tells you he's doing everything in his power to keep composure. Your blood calls to him like a moth to a flame, and as funny as you find it in the moment, you don't have the heart to tease him for it. It's actually kind of endearing.
He'd only get quicker in noticing as time passes.
Especially after you've been traveling together for a few years, and he's come to know your scent better than his own. Which only makes sense considering how often he's got his nose pressed to some part of you. (He thinks you smell good.)
At this point, when you get injured in battle, he often catches the fragrance before you've even processed that you've been hit.
He'd suck in a sharp breath through his teeth– a hiss so loud that it catches your attention just enough for you to spare him a glance as you fight.
It's all you need to see just how blown his pupils are from where you're standing, mostly because his gaze is laser locked onto you to second you search for him. His movements turn faster. Deadlier, as he scans the field before you. Determined. Hungry. Angry. He's searching for the sorry wretch that dared to get the best of you– that dared spill even a drop of his beloved's precious blood upon the soil.
You've already taken them down, of course. Poor sap might have gotten a good dig in at your shoulder, but ultimately didn't stand a chance once he properly pissed you off.
Astarion's eyes go heavy.
Half-lidded in that special way of his and only darkening further as he appraises you. You can practically feel it as he follows the line of your throat, zeroes in on your pulse point for a moment, before settling to watch the warm crimson that's beginning to soak into the sleeve of your tunic.
You see a bit of concern in those eyes, but then he sees your smile and– A flash of hot, honeyed desire catches you by surprise.
You suddenly can't tell if it's just the blood loss making you woozy or if he's about to make you swoon like a maiden from an old romance novel. You try (and fail) to keep a straight face when he sinks his dagger into his final opponent's neck without so much as a glance their way.
There's a splash of red against pale white skin, and a lifeless body dropping to the grass by his feet. Your heart stutters in your chest, and he all but moans in response to the sound of it. A mere four paces and he's on you– hands and teeth and tongue exploring every inch of your exposed skin, ripping open parts of your armor to gain better access, like you're not stood in a field of gore and ruin and freshly spilled blood.
You cling to him like a lifeline.
Before he drags you away to camp– to a warm tent and a soft bedroll where he can have his way with you for as long as you and your mortal body will allow him– he has you down a potion of healing or two.
And it's a good thing one of you has a Lesser Restoration spell handy somehow, cause you're most definitely gonna need it.
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
you try and fake an orgasm with Simon (based off this post)
when you and Simon fuck, it's always passionate. he refuses to give you anything less than his all, sucking on your clit and pumping your cunt full with his fingers, curling them just like he knows you go crazy for. and it's divine. it brings you nirvana just to slam you right back into your body with its tingling nerves and fizzing skin. he always says the sweetest things, mumbling about how perfect you are, how he can't get enough of you, caressing your body like its a marble statue of a forgotten goddess he can't stop mumbling the name of.
nothing's changed about his love. not his lips on your skin or his cock shoved into your cunt, metal piercings stimulating that spongy spot inside of you. you should be clenching around him, crying out like a bitch in heat, but all the intense emotions that you know should be there are muted. all that pleasure is watered down by some other insidious emotion that's severed that delicious connection that should be there between you and Simon.
still, despite that pit in your stomach eating up that tasty stimulation, you perform. he pulls countless moans from your lips, has your fingers digging into the tense muscle of his shoulders, and yet you are nowhere close to finishing. it feels like you're so far from an orgasm that you've never once experienced it in your entire life. but Simon's been going for so long, pushing all the right buttons in all the right ways, getting you so close to your release and yet so far from it. perspiration sits heavily along his hairline, wetting his hair and making it stick to his forehead in small clumps.
you're taking too long. he's never cummed before you before, Simon's always prioritized your pleasure before his, and the poor man is basically edging himself and has been for what feels like eternity. hushed words always fall from his mouth like a saccharine waterfall when he's close, and he hasn't stopped muttering praise after praise into your ear.
"so fuckin' beautiful, takin' me so well, aren't 'cha?"
when his thumb begins its gentle massage on your clit, you almost cry. it feels so good, but it's tantalizing, promising you the release you desperately crave and yet can't seem to obtain. utter torture. and Simon's watching you through heavy lidded eyes, eager to watch you come undone, and it's all too much. so you arch your back with a desperate pornographic moan while your eyes screw shut in feigned ecstasy. and it's terribly pathetic, pitiful even, but it's all you have. one stupid, paltry faked orgasm.
Simon's movements cease. the pumping of his cock in your cunt, his swirling thumb on your clit; everything. your panting mixes with his in some dull harmony as he leans forward, hands resting on either side of your head while his body hovers over yours.
"sweetheart... what was that?"
all the moisture is sapped from your mouth the moment that question leaves Simon's lips. your current position is terribly vulnerable. stark naked with your boyfriend between your legs and his dick nestled deep inside of you; you couldn't get more exposed than that. however that question made things all the more daunting.
"w... what do you mean?" you ask, unsure if your voice is unsteady because of your exhaustion or anxiety.
"that just now," he explains. "are you tryin' to fake it?"
all you can do is lay there and stare up at him, eyes as wide as saucers and growing with moisture by the second. white hot shame burns through you, searing through your chest and stomach to the point where you feel like you'll be sick. you don't know what to say. lie further, or fess up and tell the truth? instead, you take the secret third option that is bursting into tears.
as soon as the tears fall from your face Simon has you wrapped up in his arms within the instant. no longer inside of you, he makes it so that both of you are lying on your sides, facing one another as you bury your face in his chest. he shushes you, tries to comfort you as he smooths a hand over your head but all you can do is apologize.
"talk to me, sweetheart," he urges, "what's goin' on?"
snot runs thick and heavy in your nose, forcing you to sniffle and nearly choke on the sensation, and still you keep your face hidden away.
"i'm sorry, i just- i just can't. it feels nice but i just can't finish and i was taking too long and, and i just- i don't know-"
"hey, s'alright," he coos, "these things happen sometimes. you just gotta let me know what's goin' on, yeah?"
"i know, i'm sorry," you sniffle.
"nothin' to be sorry about," he assures you. "there's nothin' in the world that you could say to me that would make me mad at you, love. if somethin' isn't workin' for you, i wanna know, yeah?"
all you can do is nod your head in response to him, and he places a firm kiss against the crown of your head. he holds you for a while longer before pulling away so he can sit up. you wipe any remaining tears off of your face as you watch him slip out of bed before holding his arms out towards you.
"c'mon, let's get you cleaned up," he says.
still sniffling, you sit up in bed and stare up at him, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "but... what about you?"
equally as confused, Simon leans forward and takes your hands into his as he helps you off the bed. "what about me?"
"you... didn't get to finish," you say meekly.
"yeah, neither did you."
his tone left no room for argument, and you're already halfway out of the bedroom by the time you fully comprehend just what he meant. but it doesn't take long before you forget all about it. you're in the bath and Simon's washing away all the shame and embarrassment from your body. his hands scrub your body clean, and he kisses away the thoughts that plague your mind until you're full of so much love you forget all about what had you upset in the first place.
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a/n: 2.3k - boothill finds you digging around in junk and then offers you a gift he hopes you won't refuse... [plsdontflopplsdontflopplsdont-]
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the heavy metal clinking of boothill's foot steps clank their way to your shop's door. an all too familiar door he'd always find himself going up to whenever he was in need of repair- big or small. the swiveling security camera you keep at your entrance blinks with red-lit life and moves to start following his movements as soon as he enters it's field of vision.
who knows if you're ever actually paying attention to the camera feed or not though. you can be careless like that. sometimes you're just out- couldn't be bothered or could care less about the remote feed linked directly to your phone. other times, you're so focused on some project you neglect it entirely.
based on the sign hanging on your shop's door he was familiar with- it seemed that this time in particular you were out.
boothill didn't need to know how to write- much less read well- to take a wild gander as to where you had wondered off to. putting his spring loaded and metal jointed hands on his slim waist, his chin dips with an amused chuckle and shake of his head. the cowboy lifts the toe of his mechanical boot and twists his body fully 'round; his spurs scrapping across the ground during his lazy about-face. with one foot in front of the other and thumbs hooked through the hollow crops of his trousers, the galaxy ranger makes his way towards the junk yard.
it would never occur to the standard person to spend their free time digging around a scrap yard filled with junk thrown out for a reason- but you were anything but standard. if you weren't tinkering around in your shop or finishing up a repair or commission, you were scrounging around the grounds for material or 'hidden treasure'... which was key for just slightly more valuable junk.
a typical haul for you would be a few pieces of scrap metal you could use for wielding, the rare unstripped screw or loose gaggle of bolts, and all sorts of wire. if it saved you a few credits by finding material instead of buying them, you weren't one to argue with free trash.
passing under the wire-metal gate leading into the fenced-off territory, his thumbs still tucked into his pant legs, his ears stay sharp. listening for any sound of you digging around in some heap while his head swivels back and forth to try and catch a glimpse of you.
"ey, sugar, you around!" boothill shouts, one of his hands detaching from his hips to cup around his mouth. he wanders further in, gets more ground, before calling out the same sentence a second time. shaking his head in bewilderment on how far in you had gone digging, he goes even further still and tries calling out a third time.
"here!" you finally answer back. your voice echoes around him, bouncing off the scrap metal and spooking the rats and other critters that call the junk yard home. his head turns in the direction of your voice, the way his body leans towards it before his feet start carrying him that way never took notice in his own mind.
eventually, he makes it to you. squat down to the ground, under the rusty remains of some poor saps long eroded escape pod from whatever solar system they crashed in from. he crosses his arms, then his ankles, leaning his metal shoulder on the ruined dome you were digging under.
the ranger had no idea how long you had been out here, but judging by the half full bag you kept on your shoulder and the grease sticking to your neck and exposed skin he could guess it's been a bit. he chuckles when you dig out a rusted, broken pipe of... something, before tossing it over your shoulder with a disappointed click of your tongue and looking up at him. your cheeks had some gunk on it too, probably from you wiping the back of your gloves on it.
"fancy diggin' around in junk?"
"it's not all junk."
"the fudge it aint," he scoffs. to him, it absolutely was all junk. "this aint called the dang junk yard for nothin, sugar."
"it's a scrap yard."
"stubborn-bottom." you move to stand up, clapping your gloved hands together before taking them off so you could use your hands more freely. "good to see ya took my advice and startin' wearing some forkin' gloves around here." he eyes around at all the rust and sharp metal. "gonna get tetanus or somethin', and we can't have that."
"im liable to get tetanus from you before anything else," you joke so straight-faced it didn't feel like a joke. his crossed arms drop along with his jaw and his stance straightens as he uncrosses his ankles.
"ey', i aint as forkin' filthy as you pretend i am, and you know it." you shrug with a half smirk that was so dismissive he was tempted to keep arguing. you push the goggles you were wearing over your eyes to avoid getting anything in them and possible irritation onto your forehead. seeing the contrast between your sweaty, grease and dirt marked skin and the clean skin that was protected under the goggles had him scoff. "yer filthier than i am, by the look of things."
you roll your eyes and move to climb out of the rusty treasure trove of junk you had deemed no longer having anything of value. reaching out, boothill offers you his hand. you take it easily as he starts pulling you up and out to stand in front of him. your hand drops from his when you stand safely in his bubble, and he isn't sure if you know how close you are or not.
your nose is always so focused in tinkering around or messing with work that you can't always... read the room so to speak. its endearing, until it gets frustrating anyway.
"so, what're you here for this time? need something fixed again- i swear if you already burned through that new servo i replaced a month ago, im going to take off your arm and you won't get it back for a week."
"well, that's awful sweet of you." you knew by his dry tone and sneered lips that exposed his sharp teeth that the word sweet was definitely supposed to be a different five-letter word starting with 's'. one that his broken beacon (which you refuse to fix out of entertainment) wouldn't allow him to say.
"seems like an appropriate consequence to me, considering i don't charge you for repairs."
"i ain't here for not goose-dud repair," he hisses. "i had planned on givin' ya somethin', but based on your sweet attitude i aint so sure about it now."
"you brought me something?" he nods. "from a different solar planet?" he could see the curiosity start to ignite in your eyes. he nods again. you stuff your gloves into a pouch in your pants that he swears you've sewed another pocket into, before you're marching away from him and towards the entrance he had marched from at the beginning of this search. "well come on, let's get a moving!" you shout over your shoulder.
his synthetic voice chuckles at your back. eagerly waltzing after you.
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boothill soon finds himself sitting with his knees apart and comfortably lounging with his arms on the back of your worn-down, two-cushioned couch the moment you two got back to the shop. he had taken himself to your quote- reception room, as he waited for you to unload your finds from the junkyard (meaning you just took your bag, flipped it upside and let its content spill out unceremoniously onto your worktable before you would eventually sort through it at a later time).
the tapping of his metal toes against your floor echoed dully against the rug under the sofa as you soon made your way to stand in front of him, hands on your hips and an expectant look in your eyes. flicking the brim of his hat cheekily to get a better look up at you, he lifted his chin.
"my attention is yours," you dramatically sigh, hands flaring to your sides before bouncing back against your legs.
"im flattered, sugar," he jests back. still, he shifts. the small pouch he had strung to his belt that was home to his array of extra fire rounds was soon detached from him. the string of which was used to tie it to him previously, hangs lazily from his metal fingertips. with a raised, semi-skeptical brow, you carefully take it off his hands.
"if this is some sort of prank," you warn. his hands raise in the air with his elbows still resting comfortably on the back of the cushions he was leaning against, gesturing that he meant no harm.
slowly- cautiously- you pull open the bag and remove two different items that had been nestled safely inside.
tossing the now empty bag onto the couch next to boothill's leg, you took each item into one hand and looked between them. one was a small crystal that was no larger than the center of your palm. shining a swirling color of green and blue, you could only imagine that it would look even prettier properly polished and with a light shining behind it. in the other was a small box, one that could be opened with a rusty lid. giving it a small rattle revealed something to be inside. doing so revealed a small robot that had been covered in rust, missing a robotic arm and wires spilling out from under the cracked and broken screen that would most definitely have acted as it's face.
"what's all this?" you ask softly. boothill stands from his lackadaisical lounging on your sofa to come and waltz up to your side. he pointed at the robot sitting sadly in the container he had brought him in first.
"i found this lil fella and thought you'd have a gas fixin' him right up. as for that," he points to the crystal of dual-swirling shades next, "accordin' to my scanners, that there's a pretty dadgum power source." boothill takes the small crystal from your palm and hovers it just above the robot. "it suits him, don't it?" he chuckles.
in truth, the slightly dingy looking crystal shard was too magnificent compared to the busted and rusted robot. but, with a bit of work, repair and love, perhaps the color of the crystal really would look nice against polished sheet metal.
"i figure givin' you somethin' else to tinker with would be more... enriching than just your usual forkin' machines." and it could keep you company, but he didn't say that out loud.
when you would get it working like he knew you could, maybe you'd stop and think about him while he was away chasing his reality out as a galaxy ranger. if you could just spare a single thought towards him every day because of a small robot and shiny rock? he'd be tickled pink.
"he's cute," you whisper gently and boothill wonders if you know you said it out loud at all. he chuckles, bringing his hand up to cup the designed dents atop his cowboy hat. taking it off his head, he gently drops it onto yours, gaining your attention back from the gifts he had given you.
the way you lift your eyes to look at him- filled with something akin to excitement and fondness- and gently cradle the small rusty robot with his hat now shadowing your face, he could almost hear the wires in his chest running on turbo. he'd had to cool down asap before he overheated or crashed.
taking a step back- for his own sake- he leaves his hat on your head before patting your back.
"get to it," he softly tells you. you mutely nod, an excited smile breaking out over your lips as you trot towards a different room. it was a small private work space you retreated to for personal projects. boothill was one that was usually allowed inside since this room was where he would get his tune ups most times.
with boothill following your back, he watches you trot to your work bench. you gently set the robot's box down and remove it from inside. the crystal you submerged in a bowl that you soon fill with polish to let it soak. it took all of ten minutes before you're surrounded by tools and wires and equipment made for digital repairs. all the while boothill remade his comfort in a worn-down rocker you kept in the corner, content on staying put until he was forced to leave. whether it by your or by his next bounty.
he couldn't very well leave you with his hat either, even if it looked better on you than him.
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the next time boothill comes into your shop after that gift drop off, it wasn't a visit but a proper repair. running out of cooling agent for his internal hardware was just waiting for a disaster to happen. his synthetic-coded laugh burst into the room jollily as when he sat down on the stool he always planted his ass in for repairs, a small, shiny robot- with the cutest digital expressions and a small blue-green swirling crystal placed in the center of its chest- was waddling across your work bench. a vile of blue cooling agent the near size of his small metal body grasped tightly in its robotic arms.
it chirped happily with a digital reverb when you thank it for bringing the coolant over.
boothill was indeed tickled as pink could get seeing you already attached to the lil fella. he wondered what you named it.
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a/n: smol robot go beep-boop (i love the idea of mechanic!reader just having a cute lil guy to follow them around like a puppy :(( [big thanks to @/birinboom and my partner for letting me pick their brain on what gifts boothill ended up giving to the reader bc i had no idea lol smooches <3]
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caffeinewitchcraft · 3 months
The Mayor's Daughter and the Outlaw
Summary: After ten years, you've finally got your shot at your revenge. You've found the Hero. You have him in your sights.
Pull the trigger.
You’ve worked too hard not to pull the trigger. The sweat, blood and tears you’ve shed have been the least you’ve given to be here. The air is crisp and clean nearly a hundred feet up in a pine tree overlooking a remote forest. You’re probably the only person in the world capable of spotting the brown, camouflaged building spanning the length of the small river running through the valley. There’s a hologram of the river it’s covering playing over the building’s walls. Hell, there are even birds flicking occasionally across the illusion, not often enough to draw attention, but just often enough their movement sends your eyes darting to other trees, trying to find where they went.
You breathe in the scent of sun-heated sap so slowly that it takes a solid minute for your lungs to expand. Your pupils flex and adjust whenever the wind rocks your tree. The window you’ve been staring at for the past hour remains in your focus.
The Sun, hair just as fake-gold as it was ten years ago, sleeps on. He’s definitely older now that you can see him in real life instead of on magazine covers or under studio lights. The skin of his neck is loose and folded under the weight of his chin drooping towards his chest. His eyes flicker under his eyelids. The bastard still has the audacity to dream. His arms are crossed over the sun motif emblazoned across his breastplate, his dust-covered boots kicked up on his desk so you can see how worn the soles are. Judging by the way his lips tremble, he’s snoring.
Pull the trigger.
You exhale. This is when you should do it. When your shoulders drop and the wind dies so that, for a moment, the world stands still. There are no whispers across the canopy. Every bough is frozen. The reflection of the sun in the river is overcome by a well-timed cloud and the Sun’s head tilts back to expose the long line of his throat.
The trigger presses back against your finger like an eager puppy. There’s nothing special about the bullets, nothing special about this gun. It’s not the right weapon for what you’re asking it to do, but you’ve had longer and harder shots. You know that you’ll shoot true and the confidence steadies your hand even more. You smoothly pull--
If you kill a Hero, there’s no going back.
Your pupils dilate at the memory. For a moment you don’t see the Sun; you see her with her face burned as red as her prom dress. You try to dispel the image, try to remember that she didn’t die in her prom dress, but it’s too late.
I want you to live, Elian.
You’re suddenly aware of how your lungs ache and your legs burn from the way they’re wrapped around the tree and the bark is digging into your cheek and your fingers are like ice on the trigger. You’re out in the middle of nowhere. This is the Sun’s private residence. The security must be insane even if there doesn’t seem to be anyone else around. What’s your exit strategy again? Your thoughts scatter as her voice rings through your head again.
More than anything, I want you to live.
-------Ten years ago----
You’re what the heroes tactfully call a nuisance. A juvenile delinquent with powers, aka a kid that the police aren’t equipped to handle and the local Hero chapter is too overqualified and too understaffed to address often.
 Your moral compass has never had a true north and it only gets worse the more your powers develop. Soon you aren’t just stealing your mom’s car – you’re stealing the neighbor’s and then the neighbor’s neighbor’s and then the neighbor’s neighbor’s neighbor’s until you’re breaking into houses at the top of the hill and joyriding in a car worth more than your entire neighborhood together.
You find out pretty quickly that the heroes care a lot more when money is involved.
You spend your first night in jail after getting chased for three hours in a neon green lambo by the four heroes packed like sardines in a standard issue SUV. It’s laughably easy to out-drive them, choking around corners and careening down alleys that you scouted in the afternoon. Honestly, it would have been easy to get away, but your mom called just as the tank hit empty, asking when you were coming home.  You decided to give the heroes a break before they decided to play too rough with a minor.
Mom isn’t thrilled when you tell her you won’t be home in time for school tomorrow.
You kind of expect to be sent to prison the next day when you find out just whose car you stole. The Mayor’s daughter’s car, bought new for her seventeenth birthday a month ago. There are two open secrets about the mayor. One, he’s probably one of the heroes that protect the city judging from how much he praises them every time there’s a mic nearby. Two, he loves his daughter more than anything else.
So when you’re released the next day with a slap on the wrist? Yeah, you’re surprised.
When you’re released the next day to find the golden-haired, blue-eyed Mayor’s daughter waiting outside? Having just bailed you out?
You feel fear for the first time.
“You could have at least crashed it,” she says when she notices you gaping at her from the end of the parking lot. She’s leaning against the hood of a black SUV that looks a lot like the one the heroes chased you in last night. She waves a hand in the air. “Dad says the dents you put in the side will be out by tomorrow.”
Fear, apparently, makes you snarky. “What, you wanted to spend another week getting chauffeured by a hero?”
Her brows jerk up towards her hairline. She throws a glance over her shoulder. “You seeing ghosts? Nobody’s in there. I drove myself.”
“Good for you,” you say. You think you smell. They didn’t give you access to a shower last night. You’re upwind from her and damnit why are you embarrassed if you smell or not? Your chin jerks forward in a challenge. “You gonna give me a ride back home?”
You’re joking, but she nods like it was the plan all along. “Let’s go.”
Is that an answering challenge in her words? Your teeth grind as you force yourself forward. “Very kind of you,” you chirp, swinging up into the passenger seat. The car smells like leather and justice. “Just drop me off on the other side of the train tracks. I can find my way home from there.”
She snorts. “Is that a Footloose reference? Very dated.”
You stare at her profile. “…No. I literally live on the other side of the tracks.”
She flushes. “Right. Well…I’m not dropping you off yet. I want to talk first.”
The doors are locked. You swallow as she carefully pulls out of the parking lot and then guns it into the road without looking. Luckily, no one’s there. “Talk? About what?”
“About how you’re going to steal my car again,” she says. “And this time you’re going to crash it right.”
“You hate the color that much?” you joke.
Her tone is not joking. “You have no idea.”
You don’t find out her name until dinner when your mom’s managed to entice her into a third slice of homemade pizza. She stares down at the slice while your mom waves for you not to stay up too late before going to bed early. Gamely, you’re already on your fifth helping. Criminal activity takes a lot of energy.
“Does your mom know who I am?” she asks.
“Like, in theory,” you say. You’re full and warm as you lean into the hard wooden back of your chair. Mom added olives to your side of the pizza. “She probably doesn’t know you’re the Mayor’s daughter though. Just that he has one.”
“The Mayor…right,” she says. Her jaw firms. She flicks some olives off her pizza and then eats half the slice in one bite. “I’m Gina.”
“Elian,” you say instead of No, you’re the Mayor’s Daughter. You refill her soda cup before your own, just to show her you can be fancy and have manners too. She’s so out of place in your family’s one bedroom apartment. Her shirt is crisp and white, her gold necklace so shiny, that it’s like there’s a sepia filter over the eggshell walls and oak cabinets. “Sprite. Only the finest for the lady who bailed me out.”
“I’m thinking you can take my car next weekend,” Gina says so abruptly you nearly spit out your soda. There’s a hard light in her eyes. “Dad’s out of town for…business. He won’t notice for a few days. You take it, you get out of the city, you drive it off a cliff once you’ve wrecked it doing donuts or whatever.”
“A cliff?” You know exactly where she’s talking about. There’s an abandoned quarry about an hour outside of town. You shake your head. “That’s where people dump bodies. No way am I going out there.”
“They find bodies there because it’s outside of Hero Force’s patrol,” Gina says. She waves her hands in the air so the yellow light from the inset ceiling lights catches on her golden manicure. “If you think about it, it’s the best place to dump a car. Especially when the heroes are going to be out of town.”
You stare at her. “Did you just admit your dad is part of Hero Force?”
Her eyes skitter away from yours. “No.”
“Your dad is out of town next weekend.”
“And the heroes?”
“Maybe they’re traveling together.”
“I don’t think anyone is supposed to know when the heroes are going to be out of town. Isn’t that like a national secret, or something?”
“We’re not a big enough chapter for it to be a national secret,” she denies. She bites her lip. “Probably a state secret though.”
You stand and your chair chatters against the linoleum. “No. Absolutely not.” It’s time for Ms. Mayor’s Daughter to leave.
She scrambles up after you, following you into the living room. “Why not?! You already mess with the heroes. Weren’t you the one who kept breaking into the mall on a motorcycle? You hijacked one of their delivery trucks a month ago—”
“A food delivery truck,” you say. “Which was more of a commentary about the city’s investment in Hero Force luxury rather than after school programs—” You bite your tongue. You spin so that the couch stays between you. You glance at your mom’s closed door and consciously lower your voice. “How do you even know that?”
“I’ve been watching you,” she says. She laughs without humor, dragging one hand through her golden hair. “Sometimes living in this town is like being in a simulation. We have four A-class heroes for a population of 30,000 and everybody loves them. Nobody thinks it’s strange to have walking nukes in a small town. They love my dad. Did you know no one’s even run against him for the past two elections? It doesn’t matter what he does. He owns this place and these people. He has – could commit murder and it would be justified. People would think it would be justice.”
“He loves you,” you say weakly. Isn’t four heroes a pretty normal number? Sure, the ones in your town are big names, but that’s not weird.
Is it?
“He loves me so he gets to be a tyrant?” Gina scoffs. “If he’s even capable of love.”
“I’m not going to mess around with heroes’ civilian identities just because you’ve got daddy issues,” you say. When hurt flashes across her face, you wince. “Sorry. But it’s one thing to mess with heroes in masks, okay? Messing with a hero’s family—”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem when you were stealing my car the other night.”
“That was before I knew your dad was Mr. Solve or whatever—”
“The Sun,” Gina says.
“My dad’s the Sun.”
“That,” you say, “is so much worse. Didn’t he burn some minor villain’s eyes out last week?”
“Yes,” Gina says. Her mouth twists. “The guy got off easy compared to some others.”
You stare at her, momentarily speechless. “And you wonder why I’m not going to antagonize the guy?”
“But you already do,” Gina says. Her eyes are glinting. She looks so out of place against the dim interior of your home, a radiant girl dressed all in white and gold. She rounds the couch and snatches up one of your hands between two of her own. “Everyone else loves my dad. Except you. My entire life, and you’re the only one who dares to make—make statements about Hero Force consumption by stealing their deliveries or make the heroes chase you around an abandoned mall on foot like regular people. You challenge them, Elian. All I’m asking is that you do it again.”
“That sounds like a lot more than just crashing your car,” you say. Your voice sounds very far away. You never thought of your actions as so noble. There’s a tingling in your stomach that you’ve never felt before and your hand is so warm. She sees you. You shake the fantasy out of your head. “I—look. I’m flattered, but I’m not your guy. The heroes know my face. It’s only a matter of time before I get sent to whatever detention super-powered kids get sent to. I have to graduate high school.”
Rather than discourage her, Gina presses closer. “What if I told you there’s a way to do both?”
Her closeness fogs your brain. “Both?”
“Take the heroes down a notch and maintain your identity,” she says. She releases you and whirls to get her purse off the couch. “I can help you. We can train so that the heroes never recognize the new you. You can use your powers in new ways. And you can wear this.”
She thrusts a piece of chewed leather into your hands. A mask.
“I’m thinking,” she says, “we call you Outlaw.”
------ Now ----
You can’t shoot. Night is falling by the time you admit it to yourself. You press your back against the rough bark of the tree and stare up at the first stars. You cradle your gun in your hands.
The bloodlust is still there. You aren’t a fair lily incapable of staining your petals red (as red as her). So why can’t you pull the trigger? Because of her ghost? Her last message to you?
If you kill a Hero, there’s no going back. More than anything, I want you to live, Elian.
You grind your teeth. Easy for her to say. The dying never have to feel the weight of consequence. They can just say whatever the fuck they want.
You aren’t thinking when you climb down the tree. Your powers give you a lot of things – speed and healing, an instinct for the outdoors, and excellent eyesight. You don’t need to look to find one branch and another, dropping to the forest floor in ten-foot increments. By the time your boots hit the ground, you know what the problem is.
Unlike your other kills, this one is personal. It was never going to be enough just to see him dead. You need him to know why you’ve got him in your sights.
The Sun is an old school hero. The traps you were so afraid of are predictable, turns out. You pick your way around bear traps and landmines, sharp eyes easily picking out silver trip wire when it glints in the moonlight. There are cameras, but there’s likely only one person with access. In the past ten years of following the Sun, you’ve learned two things about him.
One, he’ll kill the things he loves before he loses them.
Two, he doesn’t trust anyone but himself.
You get to the building inside of an hour. The first floor is hidden by steel shutters and there’s no light peeking out from behind them. The second floor window where he’d been sleeping for most of the day shines with the faint blue glow of a television.
The front door looks like a bank’s with how thick it is. There’s a keypad and a biometric scanner you don’t have a prayer of hacking.
That’s okay. You’ve already seen your way in.
You climb up the nearest pine tree. The Sun likes to think of himself as a competent hero, but too many mayoral kickbacks over the years made him soft. He surrounded himself with powerful heroes and never once struggled to win. Because of that, he’s missing some caution and common sense. The building’s first floor is locked up tight, but the windows on the second are regular glass.
And he hasn’t trimmed the tree line back far enough.
You fire your first shot of the night into his empty desk chair, exactly where his chest had been hours earlier. Immediately a siren sounds, and the TV glow coming through the office’s open door is consumed by bright light. You run two steps and then leap, neatly flipping through the empty window frame. Your boots slide for a moment on the broken glass and you catch yourself on the edge of his desk. There are medical papers scattered across it, prescriptions and diagrams of the face and eyes and heart.
You chew your cheek at the sight of a pill bottle. There had been rumors that the Sun is sick with his own radiation poisoning. It’s good you’re here before nature runs its course.
The siren wails for another beat before dying. The silence rings. Your heartbeat picks up as your ears strain to hear if anyone’s coming to meet you. Strange. The Sun had to have been the one who shut off the alarm.
So where is he?
You hold your gun out in front of you and check your mask. The Sun knows who you are by now, but you want him to see the mask she gave you. The handsewn leather, patched more times than you can count, is recycled from one of his old leather jackets. It feels oddly poetic to be dressed in the first iteration of your costume, cowboy hat tipped back and a biker vest embroidered with the name she gave you.
Is the Sun hiding? You creep out of the office, eyes darting from the quaint landscapes hanging on the wall to the tasteful wooden floors. The Sun’s safe house feels more cabin-y than you expected. The property deed has been in his name for the past fifteen years. Did Gina ever visit? Her ghost runs ahead of you, golden nails dragging along the peach wallpaper to the first open door on the left. She looks over her shoulder and smiles.
There are times when you’re glad for the afterimages your brain conjures. This is not one of those times. You don’t think she’d be happy to see what you’re about to do.
You swing around the doorway gun first, a snarl on your lips. “You old bastard, drop what—”
The smell of antiseptic hits your nose first, dashing away the red haze filling your vision in an instant. A TV murmurs against the wall, some rerun of an old western, but it’s not what holds your attention.
There’s a bed in the center of the room. The Sun sits at bedside, his attention wholly invested on the hand he’s holding up. Carefully, he applies gold paint to the nails without once looking up at you.
The woman in the bed is obscured with white gauze and beige compression bandages. Her breathing is soft and even. The one eye you can see is closed and still. No dreaming, no awareness.
“Outlaw,” the Sun says. He gently sets Gina’s left hand down on her stomach and picks up her right. He squints at her pinky nail. “Close the office door, would you? I don’t want the heat to escape.”
“What,” you breathe, “the fuck.”
-----Ten years ago ----
It’s a good year with Gina. You never realized how friend-starved you were until she was there, over at your house every day after school. She always makes it sound like she’s coming over to talk about the Outlaw thing, but there’s other stuff too. Movies and cooking and tutoring.
“Life is about balance,” Gina says sagely during one such tutoring session. “Besides, even heroes don’t go on more than two missions a month. We’re doing just fine.”
There’s always a pressing need to do more though. Whenever you pull off a particularly daring heist, she smiles this secret and pleased smile that makes your stomach flip. Sometimes, when the two of you watch news coverage of your getaways, she murmurs how impressed she is, how smart you are, how cool your powers are.
It makes you want to do anything for Gina.
You’re watching the news one day, waiting for a recap of how you stole the Sun’s favorite shield from the armory, when a rare story comes on. A Hero is dead, some guy named Ibis from Atlanta. There aren’t any leads to the culprit except for eyewitness accounts of a mysterious, winged super-powered individual flying low over the city, hiding in storm clouds.
“I’d kill a Hero,” you blurt out.
Gina jerks so hard that the popcorn bowl goes flying out of her hands. She doesn’t seem to notice. “What?”
“N-not your dad or anything,” you say quickly although yes, if you had to kill anyone, you’d start with the man who makes Gina cry like that. “Just…in general. The news anchor said Ibis was connected to a civilian’s death, right? I could kill a Hero like that.”
“No,” Gina says. She drops off the couch to kneel by you. “No, Elian.”
You flush like you’ve done something wrong. You sink into your hoodie. “I’m not going to, I’m just saying—”
“If you kill a Hero, there’s no going back,” Gina says. She’s too close, so close that you can see the flecks of gold hidden in her eyes. “Your life—it’s not like what we’ve been doing. Dad’s got rules when it comes to stealing. But if you kill a hero?” She shudders. “I want you to live, Elian.”
“I got it—”
“Please,” she blurts out. The plea in her voice makes you really look at her despite the pounding of your heart. Her eyes are wild and her mouth is pressed into a thin line. “No matter what. Promise me.”
“I—” No matter what? You slowly shake your head, trying to get away from the instinctive desire to agree with her. “I-if someone is really bad, I’d—”
The tension makes you truthful.
“If your dad hurt you, I’d kill him,” you say. When she rears back, this time you follow. You brace your arm against the couch so you can lean into her space. With your other hand, you trace the fading burn on her cheek that could pass for an old sunburn if you didn’t know the truth. “I know you don’t think he will, but he’s been erratic lately. And I know about his temper. If he hurts you, I’d kill him.”
The air thickens between you. It’s rare that you don’t back down, but you’re not backing down now, staring into her eyes. Competing wills. For a moment you let everything you feel come to the surface. Your frustration when she visits with that fucking shadow in her smile, the helplessness when there’s another burn on her arm, the adoration when she’s just there.
Gina shudders and looks away first. She licks her lips. “I—I…appreciate what you’re saying, but I’m fine. You agreed I got to make the rules for Outlaw. I’m telling you one. Don’t kill heroes.”
She’s pulling away. You do too, falling to her side and sitting next to her rather than hovering over her. You try for a careless shrug but fall short. How can she make you feel so powerful one second and so powerless the next? You avert your eyes. “I won’t kill heroes,” you promise.
You hear her suck in a breath. “Good. Because I need you alive.”
“I do like being alive,” you say and don’t finish the sentence with with you.
“We’re done studying,” she decides. She darts up towards the kitchen. “I’m getting another bowl of popcorn before we start the movie. You want some?”
You stare at your reflection in the dark TV. Your jaw works. Finally, you say, “Nah. I’m good. I’ll just eat it off the floor.”
“Don’t be gross, Elian!”
“I will regret that day for the rest of my life,” the Sun says. He hasn’t looked at you once. His eyes are glued to the steady rise and fall of Gina’s chest. He times his breathing to hers and then sighs. “What a fool I was. Drunk on power.”
You’re standing on the opposite side of the bed. Your gaze flicks from Gina to him and back again. “Is she ever conscious?”
“It’s a medically-induced coma,” the Sun says. “The doctors say she should wake up any day now that most of her injuries have healed. Her last surgery was the final one. Now it’s up to her.”
This might be the first time in ten years that you’ve breathed. You suck in air greedily and imagine you can taste her scent under the layers of sickness and medicine. “They told me she died.”
“I told Hero Force you did it,” the Sun says. There’s no remorse in his voice. “They always tell villains they were successful, so they don’t try again.”
A decade of rage slides around your ribs. “You fucking bastard.”
“I did think it was your fault ten years ago.” He carefully picks up Gina’s left hand again to apply a second coat. It takes all your willpower not to slap him away from her. “If you hadn’t stolen Hero Force data, I wouldn’t have had to come after you with my full power. She would never have been in the line of fire.”
You’re fists shake at your sides. “I didn’t steal Hero Force data, I stole your fucking car. Don’t rewrite history.”
“There was Hero Force data in that car.”
“It was your Porsche, your civilian Porsche!”
“My fault to have left sensitive data out,” the Sun says. His confession surprises you into silence. “But I had to get it back no matter what. Then I blamed you by thinking how if you’d only asked me to take my daughter to Prom, I would’ve known she was in the car.”
“She’s not your property and it’s not the 1800s, of course I didn’t ask if I could take your daughter to—”
“I’m telling you what I thought,” the Sun interrupts. He finally looks at you. He looks worse than he did earlier, the years cutting deep lines into his face. There are black bags of exhaustion under his watering eyes. He breathes out shakily. “I had to tell myself it was your fault. It was the only way I could survive, Elian.”
Your real name shocks you. You stumble back. “How do you know that name?”
“She calls for you sometimes,” the Sun says. He drags a hand over his face before grimly returning to his daughter’s nails. “She’s never been really conscious for long. The d-damage took a long time to heal. But when she’s awake, she calls for you and she calls for Outlaw. Wasn’t hard to put the pieces together.”
Your chest throbs. “I should have been here. You should have—I could have—”
“Blaming you let me keep her by my side,” the Sun says. “I don’t expect you to forgive me or even understand me. But I…I regret more than anything what I’ve done to my daughter.”
“You’re going to regret it even more,” you say. The rage you feel is like a tidal wave. Ten years. Ten years. You could have held her hand through her recovery. You could have been there for her. And this selfish asshole who never even loved her like a father should took that away from you. You remember your gun. “You never deserved to be her father.”
“I didn’t, did I?” the Sun asks. He sets her hand down and swallows hard. He looks down the barrel of your gun without flinching. “She says one other thing, you know. When she asks for you.”
The curiosity stills your trigger finger. “What?”
“She says, Don’t kill heroes.”
Your face contorts. There’s the memory of popcorn in your mouth and the heat of her eyes on you. “Yeah, she said that to me before too. Back when I offered to kill you the first time.”
The Sun hangs his head. If he’s surprised to hear that, he doesn’t show it. “I wasn’t a good father.”
“No. But she didn’t want you dead.”
Understanding dawns. “Don’t kill heroes.”
“Exactly.” You tilt your head. “Do you feel like a hero?”
His lips tremble. His gaze drifts back to his daughter. Her eyes are flickering under eyelids. “I—I—”
The trigger presses back against your finger, eager and ready. “Do you?”
He licks his lips. “N-no,” he whispers. He closes his eyes. “No, I don’t suppose I do.”
This time, it’s easy to take aim. Steady your breath. And—
“Leave,” you say. You drop your gun back to your side and scowl when the Sun’s eyes fly open in surprise. “If you do what I say, you’ll live long enough for Gina to decide what to do with you. Leave and don’t tell anyone about this.”
The Sun shakes his head. “No, no I can’t leave her—”
“Then die here,” you snap. You bare your teeth at him. “Leave. We’ll be gone in a week. Maybe she wakes up and calls you. Maybe she—” You take a deep breath. “Well. Maybe she doesn’t. Either way, your part is done here.”
“I need to be there when she wakes up. Please, I’m her dad—”
“You���re her murderer,” you say. More than anything, you want to pick Gina up and run out of here before the Sun can stop you. You eye the monitors and know three people you need to call for advice before you even attempt to move her. A week should be just enough time to disappear. “You think you deserve to stay by her side?”
The Sun opens his mouth twice before he finds words. “I just—let me stay until she wakes up. That way I’ll know.”
“I spent ten years thinking she was dead,” you say. “You can last a month in limbo. If I have to ask you again, we’ll finally see who’s stronger now that I’m all grown up.”
The Sun picks himself up slowly. You think he cries. You’re not sure. He may even plead with you again. You’re deaf to it. Your brain has given up on splitting your attention and every atom of your being is homed in on Gina.
She’s alive. She’s alive.
You kneel at her bedside and wait for her to wake up.
Thanks for reading! If you want to read more of work or get access to stories like this a week (or more!) early, please consider checking out my Patreon (X)! This week's short story for my Triple Shot and above tiers is about a world where being loved adds years to your lifespan!
Based off this prompt (X): Love determines how long you live, some people are in their hundreds, but some don’t even live to be 20.
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uhohdad · 2 months
Loser!König x Reader - Spiking Your Drink
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loser!könig can hardly find it in him to feel bad about it. You’ve been teasing him for months, inviting him to devour you with his greedy stare, showing off a body that begs for groping.
loser!könig fixes you a drink after a particularly rough day, his cock twitching at the needy groan you make before airing your thanks. He hopes the extra lime masks the bitter taste that threatens to tip you off, relaxing once you take your first sip without complaint. You’re too good to me, König.
loser!könig’s cock pulses in excitement when he catches your muscles loosening, your eyelids lulling, your body melting further into the couch. Each rise and fall of your chest is drawn-out, the very act of breathing sapping too much of your energy.
loser!könig’s breaths turn shallow at the thick, drowsy slur in your words. When a fragile hand extends in his direction, he knows that you’re too weak to put up the fight that would have been futile regardless. ‘Kön? Don’ feel s’good.’
loser!könig’s movements are gentle, his reassurance cooing as he crawls overtop of you. Calloused hands wrap around yours, guiding the back of your hand to his lips. ‘It’s okay, schatzi. Rest now.’
loser!könig is already grinding himself against your front when you nod, oblivious to his intentions and the aching, leaking cock rutting against you. You nuzzle your cheek further into the couch cushion, pretty eyes fluttering shut.
loser!könig stutters his moans through a particularly drawn-out stint of grinds against you, ripping away with a whine when his cock threatens to stain the fabric of his underwear, the sight of you sprawled out and begging to be ruined too enticing. His knuckles brush against your skin as he lifts your shirt to your underarms, heaving breaths at the sight of your plush tits. Your pants are next, fingers slipping into both of your waistbands and peeling them off you, exposing your pretty little cunt to him.
loser!könig lets out a choke at the sight, nudging open your thighs so he can drool over your spread cunt. He’s fantasized about what you taste like since the moment he met you - he doesn’t hesitate to swipe his hungry tongue across the entirely of your slit, eyes rolling and a groan muffled into your cunt. He uses you for practice, inexperienced tongue picking up a sloppy rhythm. You taste so good, schatzi.
loser!könig cock throbs in his pants when you let out a meek sigh in rest, the slightest twitch in your limbs. The grip he has on your plush thighs tightens, moaning at your sweet taste. His stubble scrapes against your lips as he slobbers over you, a messy, relentless tongue that cannot be satiated lapping over your clit.
loser!könig’s arms nearly give out, doubling over with a strangled cry on his lips as he glides his cock over your spit-stained cunt. Tears well in his eyes, lining himself up, cunt spread and pliant while he works his tip into you. He’s never felt something this good - so warm and tight around his thick cock.
loser!könig sputters as he sinks into you, ignoring the way you shift in your rest, brows creasing ever so slightly. His cock pulses at the barely audible squeak that slips from your pretty lips.
loser!könig can’t hold himself back anymore, burying himself into you, hips slamming against your plush thighs. His moans are choppy and unrestrained as he ravages you with his cock, addicted to the way your tits bounce with each jolt of his powerful thrusts.
loser!könig doesn’t let up when your eyes flutter open, lips barely moving when you mutter unintelligibly. He grabs your jaw when you stir, tilting your head in his direction. ‘Look at me, schatzi. Want to see those pretty eyes.’
loser!könig bites his lip at the hazy look in your eye, staring at him like he was your dream, your fantasy. He shivers, a moan caught in his throat when your weak, delicate hand finds his chest, fingertips tracing down his strong core as you fade out again, pretty eyes disappearing behind lulled eyelids.
loser!könig’s unrelenting thrusts waver through his premature finish, tears steaming down his cheeks and huffed moans spilling from his lips. He’s sure to leave bruises under the crushing grip on your hips when every one of his muscles tense, burying his generous, pent-up finish deep into your cunt.
loser!könig can’t hold himself up anymore, collapsing on top of your weary body. His hardened hands grope your perfect tits once he’s found his breath, nuzzling his nose into your silky skin, hungrily nursing on you. Coating you in spit, flicking his tongue over your nipple while wandering fingers fidget with the other.
loser!könig fucks you each time you bring his cock to attention, bullying himself into your obedient cunt until you’re drooling his finish, until he’s been entirely drained, until his cheeks are puffy and stained with tears of oversensitivity.
loser!könig feels so guilty and ashamed after, he punishes himself to make it up to you by cleaning up the mess he made of your cunt with his tongue :(
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chxrryhansen · 7 months
rafe with a gun kink??
you never disappoint with these asks bae!!🫶🏻 sorry i turned this so dark also kinda poetic?…
₊♡₊˚ 🎀・₊✧
you yelped as your shoulder banged against the door frame, rafe shoved you into the bedroom, slamming the door closed.
his jealousy had hit, once again. some guy flirting with you his party had gotten him all riled up, as if the stranger didn’t know you belonged to rafe, everybody on the island did. you hadn’t even flirted back, of course you wouldn’t of, you simply told the man you were taken and that you were sorry…but rafe’s insecurity got the better of him, just as it always did. his need and want for validation from you towering over his sanity.
“r-rafe stop! you’re hurting me!” He shushed you by covering your mouth with his hand.
“shut the fuck up. apologising to the fuckin’ asshole. ‘i’m sorry i have a boyfriend’ what the fuck are you sorry for you slut, sorry you can’t fuck the guy? no chance.” he murmured, his mental state slipping as he pulled your pink mini skirt up against your hips, exposing your white cotton panties making you cry out.
you wished he could hear himself right now, he sounded insane. suddenly he reached behind you, grabbing something out of his drawer. your eyes widened in fear, the realisation of what the item was hitting you like a train.
rafe laughed at your expression “don’t look so scared baby, tell you what, you be fuckin’ quiet n’ stay still, and daddy won’t blow your brains out for being a dirty cheatin’ whore. how does that sound, hmm?”
the tears began to leave your waterline, droplets of salt pouring down your flustered cheeks as you sobbed. he had never gone this far before, i mean sure he’s threatened you plenty of times but never to this extent.
instead of taking your panties off like a normal person, rafe got down on his knees, tearing them off with his teeth. the cold air hitting your cunt left you breathless, yet the warm air from his breath filled your lungs once again. rafe slid a finger inbetween your slit, gathering your wetness and pulling back to show you his soaked digits.
“fuck, baby. who knew you were such a slut”
his laugh was dangerous.
“kidding, i knew. i fuckin’ knew you’d love this shit, cause’ your just such nasty little whore aren’t cha’. disgusting slut.” you whimpered at his cruel words, yet you couldn’t deny the sap leaking from your cunt. like honey oozing from bark. without even slipping a finger inside your pussy to stretch you out, rafe lifted the gun, pressing it against your entrance.
“your gonna’ be a good girl, and your gonna’ take daddys gun inside your pretty pussy like a cheap fuckin’ whore. if that’s how you wanna’ act thats how im gonna’ treat you.”
without warning he pushed the gun into your pussy, your cunt gripping it like a vice. you screamed as he penetrated you, the weapon hitting your cervix with his first movement as he rammed it into your hole.
“shh shh shh, it’s okay, sweet girl. let it all out.” he whispered, his tone still volatile.
there was no doubt the man from earlier could hear you, and everyone else downstairs. rafe made sure of it.
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peachdues · 3 months
COMPASS ONE-SHOT • bad boy!Sanemi x Reader
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A/N: a one-shot from my bad boy!Sanemi gang AU fic, Compass featuring Sanemi and Reader’s first kiss. It technically happened off-page in the first Chapter, so I thought I’d share it with you all now because I’m such a sap for these two.
CW: 1.7k • MDNI • mentions of explicit sexual content • mentions of masturbation • Sanemi’s been thinking about Reader in fun ways • first kiss • fluff/light angst
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You’re both seated on your floor, pizza box sitting in front of you, half-empty, alongside a couple of empty, discarded beer bottles.
“I’ve never had sex,” you blurt, prompting Sanemi to choke on his gulp of beer.
You pause in bringing your own bottle to your lips to glare at him. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
“I’m not,” Sanemi wipes his lips. “Who gives a shit about that — I mean, where did that come from?”
You take a long, pointed sip of your beer before setting it back down, drawing your knees up to your chest. “I don’t know,” you shrug. “Isn’t it weird that I haven’t? We’re both twenty-one — but I’ve never even had a serious relationship, much less had sex.”
That surprises him. He’d thought about your days in school more than he’d be willing to admit ever since he chose your bookstore to hide in all those months ago. He’s devoted countless hours to wracking his brain, trying to recall every minute detail about you, in a concerted effort to figure out why the fuck he didn’t approach you sooner.
But he’d found that he couldn’t quite recall, and maybe that’s because he never had an excuse.
Still, you seem like you should have had at least the opportunity for love. After all, Sanemi can’t imagine someone worthier of it.
You’re staring at him, now, expectant, and Sanemi distracts himself by reaching for his own beer bottle to inspect it. “’S not weird,” he says after a moment. “You’re young. You’ve barely been out in the world.”
“But you‘ve done it,” you push, taking another swig of your drink.
Sanemi nods with a chuckle, setting his now-empty bottle down. “Yeah, yeah I have.”
You refuse to meet his eyes as you mumble, “And you like doing it.”
“Is that what the rumors say?” He asks drily, concealing his faint grimace by reaching for another beer.
“I don’t care about the rumors. I’m trying to make a point, here,” you scowl, finally lifting your gaze back to him. “I want to do it. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”
He glances at you from the corner of his eye. “Noted.”
“I want you to fix it.”
His hand halts midair before it can reach the last unopened bottle, and he turns to stare dumbly at you.
You must be joking — or you’re drunk. In either event, there’s no fucking way you’re serious.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it — extensively, for that matter. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want it just as badly as you seem to — arguably, even more so, given that he can’t stop thinking about it.
He wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that he thinks of you that way often — so much so that he hasn’t been able to get laid in at least two months, because he couldn’t stop picturing you when he was with his designated fling of the evening.
Hell, he’d only been able to get off that last time because he stopped fighting the images in his head. Ones that involved that flirty sundress you loved wearing pulled down to expose your breasts, bouncing as you rode him, or the blush on your cheeks he imagined would form when he settled between your thighs, mouth lowering to steal a taste of what he could only assume was paradise.
Since then, the only thing Sanemi has been fucking is his own hand. And damn, if those little images of you didn’t keep sneaking into his subconscious. And though he always managed to cum fast and hard whenever those fantasies bled into his mind, Sanemi also was left to feel nothing but shame afterward as he wiped his hand and abdomen clean, guilt hanging heavily over his head for thinking of you in such a way.
For daring to think you might want him at all.
But now, here you were, looking at him with all the hopeful expectancy in the world. As though he has anything worth offering you.
Sure, Sanemi knew you were likely asking him to do it for practicality’s sake. You were a virgin and you wanted not to be anymore. And he was there, your only friend, and he was someone known for being rather unrestrained when it came to matters of the bedroom (or, anywhere that offered semi-privacy, for that matter).
He was a convenience; nothing more.
Did that stop him from considering it? Of course not. He was yours to use as much as you wanted, as far as he was concerned. But he’d assumed his usefulness stopped at being an ear to listen to; a companion — not because of anything you did, but because Sanemi had never felt like he held much value outside of what he could do for others.
And really, being used for this purpose — by you, no less — wasn’t too bad of an idea, all things considered.
But he can’t; he won’t. Part of him wants you to save that piece of yourself for someone who deserves it; deserves you. And that sure as shit isn’t him.
Part of him is also acutely aware that you’re tipsy and thus, the boundaries of your consent are blurry, and Sanemi would rather eat and shit glass than dilute them further.
But another part of him hesitates because he knows that if he does give in — gives you what you both want — that he’ll only further distort what remains of the lines he’s drawn in the sand. Lines, he sternly reminds himself, that are not just his means of protecting you, but rules that he is bound to obey as an extension of the Corps.
Don’t get attached.
And yet, he can’t help but wonder; can’t stop his traitorous heart from swelling, or his mind from running with the faint possibility of what life might be like if he just said yes.
What would it be like to be close to you? To hold you, kiss you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear he’d never told anyone else, but had secretly always longed to share? Would you moan or sigh his name? And if he was graced with the chance to see you fall apart — how would you look? Would you cry out, or would your mouth fall open in a silent o, your pleasure so intense that it stole the very breath from your lungs?
Never mind wanting and being wanted in return — what would it be like to have?
You rest your chin on your arms, eyes fixed on him, waiting, and Sanemi feels himself nearly break right there.
It’s nearly impossible to turn you down in a way that won’t hurt your feelings, but he has to. He has no choice.
He never has.
“Sorry, Princess. Don’t think that’s the best idea.” He reaches over to flick your nose before adding, “Plus, you’re a bit too tipsy.”
He hopes that his disappointment isn’t too evident on his face as he watches you; hopes that you cannot see the way his heart cracks under his own self restraint.
Thankfully, you drop your head onto your arms with a groan, concealing your face in your alcohol-tinged shame.
To his dismay, your obvious letdown punches at that soft part of his heart he’s reserved for you. His mouth goes dry. The idea blooms in his head and he’s acting before he can stop himself.
Just a taste. He swears. Just a taste. A little indulgence, so you know his reticence has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that he isn’t worth it.
You roll your head to the side to peer shyly at him, a pretty blush still staining your cheeks.
“Come here.”
You lift your head from your arms then, cocking it in a question that Sanemi decides to answer by crooking his fingers under your chin and leaning in.
The kiss he shares with you is soft; measured. Your lips feel like silk against his, and it strikes him that never before has he kissed anyone with so much tenderness. The few kisses he exchanged with his flavors of the night were always sharp, bruising clashes of lips and teeth, each party more focused on sating their own needs rather than tending to that of the other.
Then again, Sanemi never felt this way toward those serving as his temporary distractions. He never thought of them as something precious; something to be adored, the way he does you.
You don’t move your arms from where they’re folded atop your knees, and for that, Sanemi is grateful. He knows that were you to move your hands to cup his face or even tangle in his hair, he would lose whatever thread of self control he possessed when it came to you.
So, Sanemi continues to kiss you slowly; indulgently. He never lets himself deepen it, never lets his tongue flick out along the seam of your lips in an effort to part them. He simply moves his lips with yours for a moment longer before he finally pulls away, though his fingers linger under your chin.
Only centimeters separate your mouth from his, and Sanemi can feel the sweet warmth of your breath as he whispers, “We should pick out a movie.”
You nod after a moment, still too stooped in the haze of his closeness to you. Reluctantly, Sanemi shifts away, his hand dropping from your chin. You don’t see how he flexes it over and over when you turn away to fidget with your remote, Sanemi unable to shake off the memory of your skin under his fingertips.
He watches the movie without really seeing it; his mind is far too preoccupied with replaying your kiss, over and over on a constant, never-ending loop.
He’d hoped that the small kiss would smother some of the fire that has been steadily consuming him over the last few months. A temporary respite to the near constant pang of longing he felt in his chest every time he looked at you.
What a stupid fucking idea that had been.
Because, as Sanemi sits beside you, limbs rigid under the incessant buzz thrumming in his veins, urging him to reach over and lay you back against the rug and make you his, he realizes your kiss was only a gallon of gasoline dumped directly over his fire.
And, judging by the way you keep your eyes fixed resolutely on the screen before you despite the persistent heat in your cheeks, Sanemi thinks you might be just as hungry for him as he is for you.
Oh, he’s fucked.
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likes/reblogs/comments always appreciated!
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
Hi!! If you know the reference where the person A says the moon is beautiful without noticing the Person B saying yes beautiful while staring at Person A (//∇//) can I have that with the batboys? I know it’s corny lol thank you!
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I hope this was what you envisioned but idk.
‘The moon is beautiful tonight.’ You said.
Jason who’s eyes never left you for a single second, seeing no point in staring at anything else when everything he’s ever wanted was right next to him, smiled at your need to bring attention to the beauty of other things others may walk right past by without a second thought.
‘The moons always has been beautiful, and it will only grow more beautiful as time continues.’ He replied.
You looked over at him, only to see that he was staring at you fondly and with a dopey smile spread across his lips, and immeditly felt very exposed by the way he looked at you as though you had intricately hung the very moon and stars above by hand. It was a look you weren’t use to being on the receiving end of -having only heard of similar looks being talked about in books or seen in movies- but now that you were you were at a loss on what to say or do.
‘You really mean that?’ You asked, finding a loose bit of fabric on your clothing extremely interesting all of a sudden.
‘I’d gladly say it a million times over if it makes it more easily believed.’ Jason said as he moved closer to you until your shoulders were touching, he then gently grabbed your hand away from fiddling the loose bit of fabric of your shirt and intertwined your fingers together, not once had his eyes left your person the entire time.
You smiled at him as you leaned yourself into him, leeching off of his warmth as you tried to go back to looking at the moon, but found it hard once you were made aware of the fact that Jason was staring directly at you as though he found something much more interesting to focus all of his attention on. ‘It’s hard to not believe it when your eyes look at me like that.’ You told him.
Jason tilts his head. ‘Like what sweetheart?’
‘Like I’m special.’ You replied.
Jason then chuckles before kissing the top of your head softly as he then rests his head against the side of yours. ‘I could write an entire essay on how special you are to me and still it wouldn’t be enough, so yeah you are special, more than you could possibly imagine.’
Dick smiled as he propped up his head in his hands as he watched how the moonlight practically illuminated you in your entirety.
It was almost as if a spotlight had shone down on you, making Dick unable to look elsewhere but you and that gorgeous smile that blossomed across your face, not that he needed to be forced to look at you when he could be doing so for the rest of his life if he was allowed that simple luxury.
‘The moon sure is beautiful indeed, can barely take my eyes off them.’ Dick said softly in response.
You then looked over at Dick, only to see him looking at you in a way that made your heart flutter and your face become warm. ‘You can stop looking at me now.’ You tell him.
Dick leaned against the railing with a cheeky smile. ‘Why? I was enjoying the view.’ He replied.
‘Oh so I’m the view now?’ You asked, putting your hands on your hips.
‘You always were the view babe,’ Dick said, ‘a view so beautiful I could barely take my eyes off of and I’m lucky enough to get to see it as often as I do.’ He adds as he pushed himself off the railing and walked towards you and held you by the arms.
‘You’re a sap.’ You laughed, feeling your cheeks grow even warmer.
Dick watched as you laughed and took the time to mentally engrave this moment to his memory, from the way your mouth opened to laugh, to the way your whole face practically light up and the way you stood out amongst the rest of the bright, vibrant lights. ‘Yeah but I’m your sap.’ He retorted as he held you against his chest as you both soaking in the moonlight together, all the while only ever looking at one another.
Was speechless, the words he had preplanned earlier within the day to say to you had long left him as he could only admire you as you basked in the moonlight and looking ethereal amidst the artificial city lights.
This was a state he often found himself in whenever you were just standing there and it was a little embarrassing for him because it only made him think of how obvious he had been about his feelings this entire time. However he couldn’t exactly blame you for being the epitome of perfection and beauty simply just by existing, Tim didn’t know it could be possible to feel this strongly about someone but here he was, unable to speak his mind in your presence without admiring your every feature as though he was seeing you for the first time again.
You furrowed your brows when you didn’t hear Tim say anything, becoming worried that he might’ve passed out from the lack of sleep he’s had recently and went to look over at him, only to see him looking at you with a wide eyed expression and flushed cheeks.
‘Tim, are you okay?’ You asked, moving towards him.
‘The moon is extremely beautiful tonight yes, even when they are within close proximity.’ Tim blurted out and you stopped when it hit you that he wasn’t talking about the moon, but more so about you and now you were both stood in silence and extremely flustered.
‘That’s, that’s really sweet of you Tim.’ You said, breaking the prolonged silence between the two of you as you felt butterflies within your stomach and a warmth spread throughout your chest.
‘It’s- I was only speaking the truth.’ Tim scratched the back of his head as he looked away from you for a split second before looking back at you, gauging your reaction as a positive one and took the chance to shuffle closer to you.
Tim had been in dangerous situations before but being this close to you, sharing a heartfelt moment between the two of you was enough to have him unable to think properly, his emotions were running rampant within him as his heart was unable to remain at a steady and consistent pace the more he was near you to the point he couldn’t help but be hyper aware of it.
‘Well I appreciate you being truthful,’ you tell him, flashing him a smile that almost ended him with how sweet, kind and loving it was, ‘it’s one of the many things I like about you Tim.’ You add as you then rested your head on his shoulder as poor Tim could only stand there stiff as a bored, but that didn’t matter as a smile grew across his lips and rested his head atop of yours, not wanting to say anything else incase it ruined the perfect mood.
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luveline · 5 months
hiii jade, hope you're having a lovely day/night <3
can i request sirius comforting r after a hard day of studies? maybe with some good ol' domestic fluff?
it's exam season at my school and my world is getting absolutely rocked
thank you for your request <3
“You look tired.” 
“That’s not very nice, is it?” you ask, no maliciousness in your tone nor sarcasm. You sound as sapped for energy as you look, shoulders aching profoundly in a line down your entire back, your eyes sluggish from a day spent reading, and testing yourself, and then reading again. 
Sirius leans against the doorway. He’d been waiting for you when you got here at the time you’d promised, and here he remains looking at you like he might want to eat you or, at least, give you a kiss. He puts his arms behind his back and a slip of his stomach flashes under the cropped length of his t-shirt, exposing pale skin and a threading of dark hair. 
“Too tired for manners,” he says, clocking your ogling. 
“You flashed me. You’re a flasher.” 
You’re too tired to stand there flirting, letting the bag that hangs on your shoulder slip to your elbow, and knowing already that Sirius will take it from you. He proves your anticipation correct, closing the small gap between you to grab the strap. 
It’s his kiss you aren’t expecting. Sirius takes your shoulder in his opposite hand to keep you still, his chin ever so slightly raised as he presses his lips to your forehead. You indulge the both of you and let yourself tilt forward. 
“Did you take lots of breaks?” he asks. 
Not really. “Yeah. I’m tired.” 
“I know,” he says sympathetically. “No more tonight. Let me take you inside.” 
Sirius begins a half-dragging of sorts, ferrying you into his flat and on to his bed. Sirius is a loving guy, even if he’s hard to understand sometimes; you can’t work out how he’s feeling right now, but you can sense the tenderness in his hands as he unties your shoelaces and pulls your shoes from your feet. He doesn’t talk, doesn’t question you anymore about your day, and many might label him uncaring but he’s too busy trying to get you feeling comfortable to ask.
He pulls your hoodie carefully over your head so as not to jostle your chin, unfastens your belt and unbuttons your jeans. Then he pushes his arms under yours and carries you to the top of the bed (not carry, really, but manhandle seems too rough a word). “Okay?” he asks.
He looks you in the face. He really, truly cares. It would be startling if you didn’t know him well already. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired. Can I have a glass of water?” 
He nods softly. “You can take your jeans off without me? I’ll get you something with less buttons to change into. And some biscuits.” He’s halfway down the hallway when he adds, “Or I can forget the thing with less buttons.” 
You burrow into his white sheets and breathe in deeply. They smell like his shampoo, a consequence of his tendency to sleep with wet hair, but they’re perfectly dry under your cheek, and terribly smooth. You rub your nose into his pillow as you relax for the first time all day. For a few seconds the cacophony of lecture slides and textbooks melts away, because you’re here in his bed with your boyfriend so eager to take care of you. 
His hand where it lands on your back only cements this. “Don’t fall asleep, please. I just need ten minutes to make sure you’re alright.” 
“I’m okay.” You pull your face up. “Did you bring me a biscuit?” 
“Brought you everything I promised,” he says, leaning down to kiss your jaw chastely. “I know it’s hard right now, but it’s not forever. You’re doing well. In a month we’ll be spending our Saturdays entirely in bed. You won’t have jeans on for a minute.” 
You sigh happily. “Will you take them off for me? Too tired.” 
He takes them off, and he pulls the blanket over you murmuring about the cold before he lays next to you with his arm over your back to ask in whispers about your day. Your answers come in dribs and drabs, so tired you forget the water you’d wanted or his promised biscuits. 
You fall asleep under his touch. He kisses your squished nose.
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astonmartinii · 1 year
head in the clouds | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x fem flight attendant!reader
there's no one more attractive than the stranger at the same gate as you at the airport and sometimes that stranger works on your best friend's private jet.
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 3,105 others
yourusername: violently hungover, don't tell my boss x
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user1: i need to be her
maxverstappen1: your boss follows you on instagram genius
yourusername: oh yeah lol but i'm still alive and i was still on time
maxverstappen1: you took a nap on the flight?
yourusername: it was about ten billion hours long so spare me the lecture
maxverstappen1: you're so lucky we're friends otherwise i'd fire your ass
yourusername: you love me too much to do that maxy (and i know way too much about you) x
user2: how did you get this job?
yourusername: nepotism babes x
danielricciardo: i think you masked it pretty well for the first three hours
yourusername: THANK YOU
danielricciardo: but i did hear you throw up around hour four
yourusername: nothing like a tactical chunder on your childhood friend's private jet
landonorris: i for one couldn't tell you were hungover
yourusername: well look who's my new favourite, you should fly with max more often
danielricciardo: he's only saying that cause he has a crush, I'M STILL YOUR FAVOURITE
yourusername: whatever helps you sleep at night x
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,034,566 others
tagged: danielricciardo
landonorris: reunited and it feels so good 😊
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user3: always obsessed with this pairing
user4: they're cute but i know they're so annoying to fly with
danielricciardo: i knew you missed me :)
landonorris: of course i did you big sap
danielricciardo: so you didn't replace me with a younger and sexier version of me?
landonorris: not technically no
oscarpiastri: i'm just gonna take the compliment, thanks dan :)
danielricciardo: massive compliment, i'm extremely sexy
user5: thank the lord daniel is back who was going to make lando blush all the time?
danielricciardo: believe me he doesn't need me to do that when he flies on air max that's all y/n
landonorris: DANIEL?
danielricciardo: she took these photos - look at the blush. LOOK AT THE MATERIAL
yourusername: i think i'm just a better photographer than you two combined so i just capture my subjects well
danielricciardo: nope. i think lando just has a BIG FAT CRUSH
maxverstappen1: LMAO
yourusername: who wouldn't? (i'm shaking)
user6: wtf is going on here?
user7: i think we're witnessing bullying
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 892,330 others
tagged: georgerussell63, alexalbon, landonorris & yourusername
maxverstappen1: getting some padel in on the weekend off
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user9: max really puts his hyperfixations above his beef because who thought we'd see him playing with george after baku
danielricciardo: how did lando get through a whole session with y/n there he can barely get through a sentence around her
landonorris: why are you so obsessed with exposing me in public
danielricciardo: funny.
yourusername: he did very well, he took a few balls to the face but he took them like a champ.
maxverstappen1: i'm sure he'd rather be the one putting balls in your face. get it? his balls? sex?
yourusername: i got it, you're not funny pal
maxverstappen1: well i think i'm hilarious so
user10: poor lando is going through the ringer rn
yourusername: whipped all of your asses call yourself professional athletes?
alexalbon: you were freakishly good what is your trick?
yourusername: only time i'm not playing padel is when i'm asleep or on a charter with max it's the only thing i can be better than him in
landonorris: you're definitely better looking than him and like 10 million times nicer than him
yourusername: you're not too bad yourself norris, you've just bagged yourself an extra bag of peanuts next flight x
alexalbon: romance is dead
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liked by user11, user12 and 4,109 others
tagged: yourusername
f1wagsupdates: this is y/n y/ln potential new girlfriend of lando norris. she is a close friend of max verstappen, to the point that after she finished university and was without a job, he financed her education to be a air hostess, the job she now has on max's private jet. as far as we know she's never been in a public relationship but she also lives in monaco, is a padel enthusiast and has exchanged flirty comments with lando. also, she's a real one because she refuses to charter if jos wants to fly on air max - she slays for that one
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user13: if she's a longtime, potential childhood friend of max, the jos thing probably makes sense
user14: gosh she's so pretty
user15: giving your bestie a job and a life where you get to have her travel with you everywhere is really what nepotism should be
user16: for real where's my friend who will pay for me to learn to be a air hostess so we can hang out all the time
user17: i think her and lando would be cute
user18: and they would also make sense, they'd have a schedule that completely lines up and y/n would understand the sport and the lifestyle
user19: she also knows all of his friends already and they seem to get on with her
user20: "never been in a public relationship" she's just like us
user21: except she's gonna pull lando freaking norris and we're all still lonely
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 17,098 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: THE way to spend your saturday, perks of the job x
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user22: hey siri play that should be me by justin bieber
maxverstappen1: glad you could take a break from being a tourist to actually come watch me
yourusername: lies i'm always there you just don't know because i sit in hospitality so i can drink ;)
maxverstappen1: is that why my mum looked so happy to see me after sitting with you in hospitality?
yourusername: NO! sophie just loves me
user23: omg y/n and sophie just chill in hospitality? i love them
landonorris: i heard mclaren have great hospitality and actually has a cup of tea with your name written all over it
yourusername: hmmm we'll see if it beats the team who broke the cost cap on catering but i'm willing to take that risk
landonorris: i promise it's worth your time
danielricciardo: @maxverstappen1 look he's finally making a move 👀
maxverstappen1: ugh finally !!!
yourusername: yall mind? ACTUALLY i'm not coming back to red bull you're annoying
user24: has the bullying worked ?
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 1,093,455 others
tagged: landonorris
mclarenf1: lando is back on the podium with a p2 finish with oscar just behind in p4 congrats papaya boys!!
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oscarpiastri: congrats lando :)
landonorris: your podium will come oscar you're killing it right now
user26: omg faves i can't wait until the double podium
user27: y/n in the likes ..... 🤔 makes you think
yourusername: idk what you conspiracy theorists want to hear but you don't need to know everything that happens in the drivers' personal lives and i can like posts of my friends doing well
user28: so you're not together
yourusername: you people have the reading comprehension skills of a rock
maxverstappen1: congrats mate, try not to get too drunk tonight, air max is scheduled early in the morning 👍
landonorris: i'll be there no worries
danielricciardo: of course he will, his favourite will be there
landonorris: laugh all you will but i have a pack of peanuts promised to me
yourusername: i'll put salt in their drinks don't worry lando
maxverstappen1: i have done nothing wrong?
yourusername: i am in solidarity with lando
maxverstappen1: i'm ur best friend?
yourusername: he's cute :)
user29: you can't tell she doesn't like him back
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 1,209,778 others
tagged: yourusername, landonorris
danielricciardo: podiums give you balls. balls get you girlfriends.
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maxverstappen1: they are not awake yet lol they're going to kill you
danielricciardo: i'd like to see lando try. y/n i am afraid of though.
maxverstappen1: you should be, a girl once threw a drink over me in the club for walking into her and y/n went feral. i was afraid and impressed
yourusername: had to protect your virtue max
maxverstappen1: much appreciated, probably the only time i've been attracted to you
landonorris: AND THE LAST TIME
user33: considering their new relationship just got exposed, they're doing pretty well
yourusername: oh we're waiting until daniel is in an enclosed space where if he tries to escape we all die :)
landonorris: he's going to regret this before such a long flight, esp with a hungover y/n
danielricciardo: is it too late to say i love you guys?
yourusername: free enchante merch and i'll drop it
danielricciardo: done.
landonorris: Y/N???
yourusername: what were we really going to do? plus i've had a crush on you for so long people would definitely know by now if i wasn't dead in bed
landonorris: you had a crush? why was i the only one getting bullied?
maxverstappen1: please refer to my comment about the feral club night
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,237,903 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: on a scale of 1 - 10 how annoyed would you be if someone joined a particular club on your private jet?
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maxverstappen1: you're banned from the bathroom now, get a UTI i don't care do NOT shag on my plane
landonorris: so is that a 10 definietly not?
maxverstappen1: i will make sure you will never be able to use it again if you have sex on my plane with my best friend
landonorris: understood 😅
yourusername: i don't know how you did it but you made your first post about me even less romantic than dan's and his mentioned balls TWICE
landonorris: but i love you so that's all that counts right?
yourusername: i love you too but i also clean that plane so no one will shag on it or i'll scrap them
landonorris: i get the message no mile higher 😭
yourusername: but at least you get extra peanuts and the best pillow for life
landonorris: you spoil me too much
oscarpiastri: happy for you mate, it was painful watching you mope around the garage
yourusername: awww you moped ???? that's so cute
landonorris: i moped because i really liked you and daniel made it his mission to embarrass me constantly in front of you
yourusername: babe i've cleaned dan's sick off the floor of the jet nothing he could say could make me not like you
landonorris: thank the lord cause if i didn't ask you out i think i may have combusted
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 30,987 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: the 4am call times and mad max tantrums have all been worth it to meet you <3
view all comments
user36: god i have seen what you have done for others
maxverstappen1: now you're together i can say this, 1) i love you guys and i'm glad you're happy. 2) lando saw you once at a karting competition and had a crush ever since this was not new
maxverstappen1: and he confessed that seeing you in your uniform is what finally pushed him over the edge
maxverstappen1: bro don't worry you guys are together, you're set for life
landonorris: thanks for having faith i guess?
yourusername: he's not wrong
landonorris: hehehehehehehehe
oscarpiastri: he's literally sat in hospitality giggling and kicking his legs btw
landonorris: proudly so, my gf LOVES me
user37: lando got a gf before a win and i respect that
landonorris: i love you, can't wait for the rest of my life with you
yourusername: i can't wait, i'll even play golf with you x
danielricciardo: mate at least wait until the six month mark before you propose
landonorris: no promises x
note: hope you enjoyed, had this thought and i just had to do it. i'm working on requests and mamma mia p4!!
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
It's not what it looks like!
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 2,800+
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Synopsis: The ship has taken on a few more guests, the overcrowded Straw-Hat vessel now struggling to accommodate the number. Offering your room to the prisoner, Caesar Clown, you returned to find a sight you were ill-prepared to meet. Caesar had found your secret, and had them over his nose and mouth while chasing his high into his gloved fist.
Warnings: Caesar Clown x f!reader, MDNI, NSFW, 18+, smut, panty sniffing, finger sucking, masturbating, praise kink, exhibitionism, dirty talk, prisoner x captor, Straw-Hat reader, Caesar is a yandere creep - but we love him like that, lingerie kink, you like to dress up beneath your clothes for yourself.
Notes: a gift for @imveryyellow who said they recently ran out of Caesar content. I have been wanting to write him for a while, and this was exactly the opportunity I needed to take him to a solo fic. I hope you like your present!
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Legs hanging limply over the edge of the much smaller bed frame, Caesar whimpered and panted into the shroud of lace covering his lips and nose. Eyes scrunched tightly shut, chains rattled together in a sinful shuffle over his thighs. Larger, white coat removed, his yellow jumpsuit was as far down his arms as he could stretch it, his feet and legs exposed while the fabric danced over his body like a flag waving in surrender. 
Hands circling the girth of his cock, he pumped it maniacally in his gloved hands. Each rough motion was complemented by a deep inhale of the clean pair of lace panties covering his nose and mouth. The scent of floral fabric softener, clean eucalyptus detergent, and the scent of your lingering perfume from your wrists flooded his senses as he desperately pistoned his cock in his leather gloves. 
He was close, his breaths coming out in rough and desperate pants. Inhaling deeply, his tongue lulled out and gently dampened the crotch of your panties, pleading for just a taste of what they shroud on the regular. His cock bobbed, pearlescent precum rolling down the clothed thumb of his right hand while his left rose to his face. His middle and unity finger collected the fabric and thrust it into his parted lips, mouthing and fucking his gloved fingers with his lips. 
“ Hha-h, fuck. Just a little more, nghh-,” he whimpered, crying into the fabric and muffling his moans. A soft fall of pathetic tears fled from the corners of his eyes as his hips bucked up into his hands. He knew he didn’t have much longer until one of the other straw-hats would come and get him, but he needed this release. He was so pent up from the capture, so needy and desperate to cum it almost hurt. 
Just as he nearly hit the pinnacle of his release, the handle of the door clicked and began to creak wide. Caesar’s eyes widened, having no time to hook the holes of his jumpsuit back over his body, nor discard the panties from covering his face. 
“Caesar, looks like you’ve got me today! I hope you’re ready to get out to the mess hall for some break- Ah-!” you gasped, your eyes meeting the golden hue of his panicked orbs. Shock wrote itself over your features, leaning against the door and clicking it shut hastily with your ass. “What the fuck are you-? Are those my panties!?” 
The mercy of the straw-hats, the softness after the carnage that placed him on their vessel and in their hands. That was who you were. The ship’s botanist, specializing in different types of plants and their uses for medicinal and weaponizing purposes. Usopp, Sanji and you all worked quite well together, the surgeon of death also enjoying your informative knowledge regarding uses of leaves, saps, and bark as balm for wounds. 
As soon as Caesar’s eyes initially found yours, he was welcomed to a kindness that was foreign for a man such as him. He was smitten, willing to do just about anything to find himself in your good graces. At the offer of your room to house him, willing to bunk with Robin in Nami’s quarters: who gave up her own room to house Law, Caesar’s heart was swollen and as engorged as his large cock pulsating in his hand. 
This was the first night he had slept in your room, swearing to himself that he wouldn’t peruse the drawers and cabinets for your personal effects. The room smelled as sweet as you did, plants and dried flowers pressed within pages of your extensive collection of journals. 
Expecting to find more of your books and findings within your desk, he was shocked to spy an array of clean lingerie. Lightning struck his heart as his eyes widened, the innocent image of you within his mind shattering and replaced by a sexual lust he had no business in rising. The next few steps were made in haste: springing himself from his clothes and viciously fisting the rising bulge in his pants while inhaling the sweet fragrance of a random pair of your collection of panties. 
“I-I-I can explain-!” he desperately attempted to relay, spitting the lace from his lips and scrambling to find the words he needed to sate your wrath, “-It’s not what it looks like! I swear! I wasn’t-.”
“-Masturbating with my lingerie in your mouth?!” you whisper in a curt hiss, flicking the lock on your door behind you and stomping over to your desk, “You had to pick that pair?” Your whine caught him off guard, lips pouting as you adjusted your collection and refolded the mess he made by hastily grabbing the lace, “I was going to wear those today, damn it.” 
Caesar’s eyes widened, his jaw shuddering, and throat gulping back a collection of saliva behind his lips.
“You’re not upset that I’m-,” he begins, halted by your hissed whisper to cut him off.
“-Touching your cock? No, it’s yours. It’s a part of you,” you offer him quickly over your shoulder, ignoring him as you shut the drawer in your desk, “It’s natural. I get it, truly. We’re all pent up after that battle, and thinking about what’s likely waiting for us in Dressrosa is only making it worse.” Turning to face the ten foot giant on your bed, you cross your arms and scowl at him.
“What I am angry about is the fact that you were slobbering all over my panties while doing it. Those don’t belong to you. They’re mine,” you curl up your lip in a grimace, eyes falling to where your lacey pair of bottoms were pooled on the floor. Rolling your head back over your shoulders, you huff out an exhale of frustration, “I don’t get many luxuries while sailing with my crew. My collection of lingerie is one of my few interests that are explicitly mine. I don’t share them, that’s why they’re in my desk and not in my bedside table.” 
Caesar slunk back against your mattress, wanting to become one with the pillow and duvet. At this turn in conversation, he didn’t know if he should feel validated in pleasuring himself, or ashamed at the fact he was using your panties as a channel for his obsession. Looking down to your toes tapping on the wooden floor, arms crossed over your chest, and brow raised at his slinking position, Caesar couldn’t help the twitch in his cock. 
He was so close to release, he could barely contain it. The way you scowled at him made his desire worsen. His cock needed it, his balls sucked into his abdomen and swelling the veins engorging his shaft, prompting his eyes to round and plead at you. 
Truthfully, you had no idea what you expected when you offered the prisoner your room. Perhaps someone else should’ve given him theirs, likely Franky. Considering the ship had no brig, you had nowhere to place him. You knew he needed at least some autonomy, truly not wanting to see the scientist be target practice for Zoro’s throwing knife skills anymore. In honesty, you both pitied him and found him attractive. Using his knowledge and skills with elixirs and potions to craft and chanel his genius had you interested, but the fact he was so willing to listen to you and follow your instructions like a giant puppy had you smitten. 
Eyes traveling down to his bobbing cock, glistening with the first pearls of his sticky release on your bed had a possessive wave overcome you. 
“Well, don’t stop on my account,” you offered him with a smirk, leaning your hips back on your desk and nodding towards his cock. Caesar felt his heart palpitate, expanding in his chest and flooding his cheeks with a rosy blush.
“Y-You-... You want-... I can-...?” he stuttered and fell over his words, the jumpsuit and shackles jingling as he hastily covered his cock, “You want-... Me to finish?” 
“Do you want to finish?” you giggled at him, floating your gaze over his body before peering into his soul through his widened eyes, “Or do you want to be all rigid and frustrated at the breakfast table?” He choked on his breath, sputtering as he hastily moved to sit up on your bed. 
“I can’t with you watching me like that!” he exclaimed, his brows furrowing and scrambling his thoughts, “It’s private.”
“My, my. How the tables have turned,” you chuckle, stepping forward towards the bed. “Need I remind you,” you give him a shove on the shoulders, “You’re in my quarters,” you move your head to his forehead, pushing him back so he lies flat on your pillows, “And in my bed.” Reaching down, you collect your damp pair of saliva-coated panties and place them on his chest, “And have been using my panties in your mouth to stifle your cute little moans. Now, go on. Finish.”
Reaching forward, you collect his right hand and draw it beneath the shroud of his jumpsuit, wrapping it around his cock without touching it. 
“I-I-I can’t,” he whimpered, his cock betraying him as his hips automatically bucked up into his fist at the first form of contact. He searched your face, his eyes begging and pleading with you to not watch him while he does this. 
“Urgh, Caesar,” you roll your eyes, stepping away from his hands and hovering over his face. Gently flicking your index finger over his dewy cheek, you hum down at him with your eyes half-lidded, “We both know you can, you want to, and you need to. Just do it already so I can go to breakfast.” You purr down at him. 
He gulps back a whine at your orders, feeling humiliated at how close you were to him while being ordered to complete his shame to its conclusion. He looked down at the panties on his chest and back up into your eyes, his lips quivering and begging. 
“I-... Do you think…?” he stuttered, darting his rounded eyes between yours, “Can you…?” His eyes flickered down to your panties on his chest, down to your waist, and back up to your eyes once more. “...Can you put them in my mouth again?” 
“Absolutely not,” you giggle at him, gently caressing his cheek with mischief twinkling in your eyes. “Those are mine. I’ve only put them on your chest to serve as a reminder as to why I’m pissed off at you in the first place. You’re too cute to stay angry at, Clown. Gotta keep them where I can see them, while not stifling those little sounds I know you make.”
“Nghhm-!” Caesar groaned as he began pumping his cock at your praise. He kept eye contact with you, his shame evident in each slow thrust. He pleaded, begged and whined for you to break away your attention so he could focus on meeting his bliss. He had a thought that floated over his eyes that he quickly stifled away in a bid to not catch your focus.
“What was that, Clown? What just floated into that intelligent, pretty head of yours, hm?” you asked him, gently cooing at him while he rocked his body into his cock. He whined, trying not to cum immediately at more of your praise. 
Looking down at your body once more, he gulped back his nerves and spat out his confession. 
“Please sit on my face,” he hurriedly cried out for you, “Sit on my face, grab my horns, and let me taste the panties you have on. I need you to, please. Please sit on me.”
A laugh fled from your lips as you considered his request. Catching your breath, you offered him a soft purred, “But if I sit on your face, I'd miss the show-.”
“-Face my chest and hold onto my horns behind you. Let me feel you, please. I need you,” he whispered, gently using your name to further emphasize his words. You shook your head at him, slowly reaching beneath your larger shirt and hooking your pants down your thighs to pool at the floor. The larger shirt you were wearing was girdled at the smallest point of your waist, the hem falling just above the middle of your thighs. 
Hooking your panties over your thumbs, you step out of your pants and gently draw your used panties up to his face. 
“I'm not going to sit on your face, Caesar,” you wrap the crotch of your underwear over your fingers and raise it to his lips, “But I will let you suck on this pair while I watch you fuck yourself. It's the least I can do.”
Pressing your fingers to his lips, Caesar moaned and opened his mouth to welcome your digits in. Gently rocking your fingers on his tongue, the larger clown desperately sucked around the damp pair of lingerie you were grinding over his palate. 
Whining and keening, he eagerly sucked the essence of your honeyed slick from the pair. His cock desperately twitched and his motions picked up. The chains rattled and his jumpsuit flopped with each rustling motion. You giggled at his eagerness, clenching your thighs together and watching in earnest as he began to unravel himself. 
“You gonna cum, big boy? Gonna make a mess?” you pout at him, catching his eyes as his movements pick up. Circling his tip, he used shallow thrusts up to keep from spilling over completely. “C'mon, baby. Let me see. Cum for me. Put on a little show for me. Make a mess in my bed and let me see you cum.”
“Mmmmph-! 'Umming-!” he muffled around your fingers, tears of joy slipping from his eyes as he chased his high. Feeling his abdomen snap, hot spurts of his release shot up and painted his yellow jumpsuit and chest with wave after wave of uncoiling ropes. Sticky ribbons of his ecstasy painted his body, prompting you to empathetically moan at the display. 
He rutt against his body, bucking his hips in languid thrusts as he rode through his high. Be felt humiliated, overjoyed, supported, and chastised by your attention while he completed his moment in solitude. 
Pulling your panties from his lips, you curtly rose your hand up and slapped him across the cheek with the heel of your palm. He squealed out a soft scream in horror, more shocked as you met him with a smile. 
“That was for taking my panties without my permission,” you nodded sternly at him, stooping down to be at eye level. Parting your lips, you hastily collect his beneath yours and kiss him earnestly. Pulling away with a humming pop, you gaze up through your eyelashes at him, “And that was for using your listening ears and putting on a little performance for me.” 
You stroll over to your desk and search through your assortment of lingerie before settling on a fresh pair. Undressing the rest of the way, you unclasped your corsetted bralette and began to assemble a more scandalous assortment of lingerie over your body. Fishnets, cut outs, garters, girdles, and body chains: items that nobody would even know was beneath your flowy shirts and tanned pants, were put casually over your skin. Completing the look with a strappy thong, you turn to Caesar and give him a soft wink. 
“Clean yourself up, Clown,” you giggle at him, watching as his jaw fell slack and eyes glazed over at your body. “I want breakfast, and it's my job to look after you today-.”
“-Do you always wear something like that beneath your baggy clothes?” he whined in a loud moan, hastily using the two pairs of panties you left on him to clean himself with. You nod in glee, your smile warm in contrast to your scandalous assortment of clothes. 
“Yes. I like to feel pretty while I work,” you shrug, looking down at the arrangement and giving it a final nod, “Now hurry up. I'm hungry.”
Caesar emitted a shuddering moan as he cleaned and redressed himself, stealing glances at you as you shrouded yourself in a fresh shirt and pair of pants. He gulped back his nerves once more, gently offering a soft question out like a puppy returning a ball thrown by their owner and placing it timidly at their feet. 
“Do you think I could convince you to ride my face later?” he asked you, peering at you over your shoulder. You laugh wholeheartedly at the question, finally both dressed, and sauntering over to Caesar Clown’s looming form. Reaching for his hand, you gave him a gentle squeeze while darting your eyes down at the shackles. 
“The thong I'm wearing…” you nod down to your pants, Caesar knowing exactly what was under them and visualizing it while you spoke, “...is crotchless. Yes, I will ride your face in it later, thank you for asking so nicely. Again, we're all a little pent up, and I think you're quite sweet beneath all that insanity.”
Caesar’s cock, regardless as to the earlier release, remained half-hard for the duration of the day. Each time he gawked at you, he remembered the assortment of lingerie hiding beneath and eyes blackened at the promise of what was to come. He was going to smile up at you, eagerly lap at your cunt with a smile on his face, while you keened and whined, gripping his horns and chasing your bliss on his lengthy tongue and pointed nose. 
He could hardly wait.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane
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yandereunsolved · 3 days
Yandere Daryl Dixon w/ immune reader— 'we're all infected, why does it matter if you're the cure?'
Yandere Daryl saw your scraggly ass aimlessly wandering through the abandoned pharmacy he needed to raid. Walkers, five of em', and you fought them off bare fisted. Pretty badass, and fucking stupid, if Daryl has anything to say about it. You're bleeding from your neck more than any living person should.
A bite. You're bit.
No wonder you could care less if one of the rotting corpses bites on ya.
He wants to put you down like he should. He lines up his crossbow with your head, and like a deer caught in headlights, you flee.
Goddammit all.
Shouldn't matter anyway. You'll become another walker. At the most you got some gauze.
It had to be months again before he saw you on another run. There you are—banged up and just a lil more than skin n' bones, but there you are alive none the less.
Yandere Daryl admits to himself that it's the first time he's been intrigued by someone in a long while. Maybe that's why he's insisted on going on runs by himself these past few months. Maybe just maybe deep down he wanted to see you again.
It isn't hard to simply surprise you from behind and disarm you. He knocks you out and lowers you to the sidewalk. He doesn't see any walkers near, so he can check your wound out easy.
You still have gauze over it, but it has long since needed a change. It's drenched in fresh blood and covered in old. He unwraps it to see the damn bite. He can't tell if it looks better or worse now.
"Poor sap, what am I gonna do with you? Whats good a cure if there's no docs, only greedy men in this world." He tsks.
Yandere Daryl picks you up and carries you back to the group. He wraps a slightly torn shawl around your neck. It's one he found near the store you collapsed at. There's a reason you have been out here all these months.
You could'a just given up and died.
You could'a found a group.
Instead you found him again.
"Must've been fate, huh?" He chuckles humorlessly.
The way you looked at him. You're runnin' from somethin'. He just has to figure out what.
Yandere Daryl decides you're his to take care of. When he carries you into Alexandria, he doesn't let anyone else get their hands on you. He doesn't answer anyone's questions while he walks in and towards his house. He locks himself in and tells anyone that comes by to piss off.
Screw the rules and whatever the fuck.
You're a mystery that he has to solve.
So he grabs a change of clothes and some food for you. He plops them down on the table and sits in the opposite chair.
He doesn't mind waitin' for a while. It gives him plenty o' time to think. Somethin' in him is just stirrin'. He just can't decide what.
Yandere Daryl calms you down after you wake up. You can barely form words on those pretty lips and tongue of yours. Naturally, you question him and his motives. You're defensive and don't elaborate at first.
It takes just a handful of threats about exposing you and spreading around the fact there is an immune person to unravel your need for secrecy.
You only tell him that you're being hunted by a group you were once with.
"Mind elaborating, hun?" Daryl draws out while looking over your figure for what feels like the thousandth time.
"I'll tell you—but I swear to God if you use this against me I'll stab you through the head a dozen times over."
"Fair nuff."
"They would—If you get bit and are injected with... well, enough of my blood then it acts as a cure..."
They fuckin' what?
Yandere Daryl vouches for you, and you end up in Alexandria. You get no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They assign you to his house. Daryl definitely convinced Rick that since you're a newcomer and you trust him more, he could keep a watchful eye on you. It totally isn't because there's this strange all possessing feeling that keeps latching onto his heart when you're around.
He keeps your secret safe n' sound. He manages to steal enough makeup from rundown stores to keep your healing bite covered up. He makes sure you are eating and getting healthier. He checks up on you before and after he gets done with a run. Hell, he reminds you of shit he forgets about all the time.
This does extend to him killing people to keep you safe. They looked at you wrong. Maybe one of the residents feels suspicious about you. They may even have confronted Daryl and questioned him. Oh, well. Just another one pushed to the biters.
Daryl has never had a strict moral compass. So he doesn't feel bad about murdering people who he is supposed to consider his neighbors.
Of course, those who came with him to Alexandria get the privilege of questionin' you just a bit. He's quick to shut that shit down, though.
Carol is the only one who is close enough to knowing that you are immune. She knows that Daryl has something more than platonic towards you. She also knows that you were injured with something that looked suspiciously like a walker bite mark when Daryl first lugged you in. (She snuck in and looked through your scarf while Daryl wasn't aware.)
She just isn't looking for trouble. She doesn't want to believe it, as it doesn't seem plausible. There have been too many false hopes from the CDC to Eugene.
So she let's Daryl foster his feelings towards you while watching out for you both. If Daryl ever oversteps a boundary with you, Carol will be there to knock him up side the head, call him a stupid redneck, and threaten him in the most motherly way possible. 
Yandere Daryl never saw you have so much terror in the eyes as the day he mentioned The Saviors. It clicked in his mind immediately. He has only felt that rage one other time in his life: when he learned Meryl had been handcuffed to the roof and left for dead.
He didn't think, but he acted. He held you and refused to let go. It's just so fuckin' unfair. He loses everyone that has a semblance of importance to him. Not you. Not this time.
His only thought was that he was going to burn every one of those fuckers to the ground—innocent or not.
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ikts · 9 months
lust for life ౨ৎ hiromi higuruma. nsfw + fem reader + oral + needy hiro.
it's roughly the end of your sapping shift when you find yourself standing small in front of a tall tan door. its surface is smooth— small, intricate details etched into the hard, heavy wood. light dancing along the surface. the door's presence, specifically what's behind it, makes your stomach turn, your exposed thighs unconsciously pushing, pressing against each other underneath your short, knit pencil skirt.
before you can even think to knock, you hear higuruma's low voice calling you in, making you jump, your heart pumping hot blood throughout your entire body.
your legs carry you forward, your head fuzzy as you waddle into his office— eyes big, fixated on higuruma's tired, drooping face. for a second, you just stand there, letting him eye you up and down, his gaze heavy and cold— empty, save for the glint  of need only you could ever notice. if you didn't know him any better, you would've thought he was going to start scolding you with the way he massaged his temples, thick brows knitting together. 
he doesn't need to say anything. you already know to make your way into his lap, your legs on either side of his, soft hands resting on the back of his cold but warming neck.
"thought you left.." he sighs, letting his heavy lids decorated with long, wispy lashes fall shut. 
you just shake your head, and his hands settle onto your waist, allowing you to get comfortable, the initial feeling of nervousness sliding off you effortlessly, making you wonder why you were so anxious in the first place.
"you look so tired..," you hum, your hands falling onto his chest. 
"i am." he gently squeezes your waist, hips softly pushing up, letting you feel him, making you squirm in his grasp. 
his lids slowly peel open before he leans forward, his soft, plump, rosy lips pressing against yours. and he's pulling you closer, hands searching for a place to settle. 
he drags your hips against his, slowly pressing against your clit. and he's so needy, cheeks flushed a beautiful rosy pink, rushing to reach underneath your blouse to kneed your soft boobs, long fingers tugging at your perky nipples.
"need it," he sighs, head slipping into the crack of your neck as he presses sweet little kisses to the sensitive skin.
he slips his fingers past your silky panties, and he almost whines at the feeling of your warm wetness, all for him. how cute.
your hand loosely clings around his thick wrist as he toys with your clit, hips bucking against his rough palms, making a mess of him.
"wanna taste you..please," he sighs, lifting you onto the desk before falling to his knees. slim fingers reaching to pull your little skirt off. then his hands are behind his back, pearly teeth tugging your pretty little panties to the side. 
"my pretty pussy missed me?" he presses a wet kiss to your cunt before sucking on your clit so gently, humming against you when you whine out for him. closing his eyes to bask in the taste of you.
you lean back on your elbow, letting your other hand run through his messy hair— hips, grinding against his pretty face. ears flushed and sensitive when you stroke them. he's so cute. so drunk off your taste, he wants to be inside you so bad. feel your soft walls hold and hug him so tightly, so warm, but he isn't full off of you yet. 
he pulls back, placing a kiss on your puffy, swollen clit, to tell you, "you taste so good," dipping back down before wrapping his lips loosely around you. 
"goona cum.. 's so good" you're so weak, legs shaking, clamping around his head— he wouldn't have it any other way.
"please, let me have it."
with a breathy, drawn-out whine of his name, your back arches against the cold wooden desk, your knees knocking together before he's pulling them apart, lapping at everything you give him<3
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selfindulgentpixies · 3 months
A drop of you on my tongue
MDNI i will block on sight
Heeey I'm alive and writing again! So i'm here with an Aventurine x GN!reader fic! And it's well a lactation kink fic. Been having terrible writer's block but @yinyuedijun pulled me out of it very unexpectedly this morning. I'm in love with how they write Aven but it was anon they got that sent me down this rabbit hole. I've always liked lactation kink but i don't think i've written it on this blog before.
Cw: Reader is Afab but GN! using they/them pronouns. (since non-binary and transmasc people such as myself are indeed able to get pregnant) Reader is somewhere between the end of their first trimester and beginning of their second (it is indeed possible to start lactating that early.) Aventurine is implied to have been away for a bit but I don't elaborate on the reasons. Also i am a fuckin sap so i hope Aven isn't too ooc for you guys. During the fic he get's called Aven and Vasha at different moments. Please be kind since I just punched through a writers block with this.
Word count: 1600+
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It’s not intentional on either of your parts if you’re being honest. There was just a need for eachother, a need for intimacy after time spent apart. It didn’t matter to him that you were pregnant with his child already, or perhaps it was even more reason for him to want to touch you. To reacquaint himself with your body after his absence.
Aventurine helps free you from your shirt, exposing parts of you both familiar and new to him causing you to glance away. There’s of course a new swell to  both your chest and and stomach, stretch marks that hadn’t been there previously and an added softness beginning to settle in about you.
“Hey now,”  his voice is almost achingly gentle just like the fingers he places on your jaw so he can turn your face toward him. “You’re not getting shy on me now are you?” and oh, the look in his eyes isn’t one you’re familiar with. There’s both softness and awe in his gaze and it makes you feel far more bare before him than any lack of clothing ever could. 
“Would it be so strange if I was?” 
He hums and leans in to kiss you while the hand that had been on your cheek skims down your neck and down to the tender swell of one your breasts.  “Hmm perhaps not but I can show you that you don’t need to be.”  And his lips are moving against yours, his free hand coming up to cup the back your neck so you don’t pull away. All it takes is a gentle squeeze to your breast and you gasp, opening your mouth and allowing him to slip his tongue in to greet your own. He’s pushing you back to lay against soft pillows when you whine into him, your back arching and that’s when he feels it. A warm and wet sensation rolling between his fingers and down the back of his hand.
He pulls back, surprised and holds up his hand to look at it. Twisting his wrist as the warm pearl of white rolls down. Heat rises in your cheeks and you begin to turn toward your bedside to reach for tissues. “Shit. I’m sorry, Aven, they just started doing that, i didn’t think-”
“Considering the places i’ve put my tongue on you before,” You glance toward him, catch his fascinated gaze as it follows the droplets curling down his wrist and watch as a flash of pink darts out and he licks up the back of his hand and to the space space between his fingers where your milk had first squeezed out, “do you really think this would bother me?” His eyes fall shut. It’s warm of course but also so much sweeter than he would have thought it would be. “Fuck.. And here I thought your cunt was sweet.” 
It’s obscene. It shouldn’t turn you on and yet you feel heat curling low within you at the sight. You’re so lost in this thought that you don’t notice him until he’s right in front of you, his lips brushing your own and his tongue pressing the taste of you into your own mouth. He was right, it is sweet. “Will you let me have more?” The heated words are spoken directly into your mouth, while his hands make their way to your hips to give a reassuring squeeze.
You’ve always been terrible at denying Aventurine things. Taking any opportunity you can to give him whatever you can given everything he’s given you. Not just the material things but the less tangible. Smooth and syrupy words coaxing you to let him in, dropping the walls you’d kept up around your tender heart in a way you’d let so few in. Let him see your scar tissue in hopes that he’d show you his own. This is no different. Especially not when it’s proof of just another thing he’s given you. Something you were giving each other that neither of you had dared hope to have again. 
Still speaking against each others lips. “...alright if it’s something you’re sure you want.”
You feel and then see him smirk as he pulls back, eyes sparkling with something mischievous. “Of course it is.” He gives your hips another squeeze and tugs at you. “Here, switch places with me.” 
You tip your head quizzically but do as he asks so he can sit back against the plush pillows before encouraging you to sit on his lap. 
“There you go.” He runs nose along your jaw before kissing down your neck. “Arch your back a little bit for me.” And you do, pressing your chest that little bit up toward him so he can more easily dip his head down. He cups one of your breasts and licks at the bead of milk that’s collected on your nipple before coaxing it into his mouth using his tongue. An appreciative groan rumbles up his chest, vibrating through your sensitive flesh. It’s different from the other times he’s played with your body. You’re so much more sensitive, almost too sensitive, a whimpered moan falling past your lips as you press your chest further against him. There's a sensation you’d almost describe as a pull as his skilled tongue gently works you, figuring out how to best draw milk from you. You feel it when he gets it, gets your sweet essence  beginning to pool on his tongue for him to drink down. 
You nearly miss it when he begins to rut against your thinly clothed cunt. His free arm wraps around the small of your back pulling you tight to him, the slight swell of your belly pressing against the toned planes of his own. You whine beginning to grind against him in turn. He moans something incoherent against your skin.
Your hands move seemingly of their own accord to gently run through his hair, smoothing it back from his face as you look down at him. His eyes are half lidded, dazed even. “That good, ‘vasha?” The affectionate and rarely used abbreviation of his true name dripping from your lips like warm honey. 
 “S’good” he mumbles against you followed by him bucking his hips and whining against your soft skin. A resounding yes if you ever heard one. You moan and it trails into a breathy laugh as the two of you continue to rut together. Evidence of your own pleasure soaking through the cloth of your sleepshorts and through the fabric of his own slacks. Pity that they’ll probably be ruined, not that either of you actually cared. 
With a moan he pops off your nipple, “Think I can make you cum just like this?” he asks before adjusting his hold so he can move to your other breast, pulling the sensitive bud into his mouth before you can actually answer. 
“Ha-ah- careful that one’s more sore-” and he is careful, gentle with you, but he doesn’t stop. He’s lost to you, seemingly eager to drown in everything you give him. A mix of pleasure from the eager grind of your bodies and the sweet taste of you filling his mouth. 
Any soreness is forgotten as it blurs into pleasure once he pulls your hips down more firmly against him. Rutting his clothed cock into the thin and soaked fabric separating the two of you. It’s with a well timed push that catches against your clothed clit and particularly hard suck that your body goes taunt, your breast smothering Aventurine as your release truly soaks you both. Your world goes blank.
You’re so gone to the world that you don’t even register that Aventurine has also cum in his own pants. Shuddering with you before releasing your nipple and panting as he carefully rolls the two of you so you’re laying down while he hovers above you. It’s when his thumb rubs beneath your eye that you blink back into focus. He’s beautiful and disheveled. A bit of milk clings to the corner of his shiny and slightly swollen lips.  And oh, you almost want to look away because his eyes are full of so much adoration and it’s all focused on you.
His lips move and your name reaches you, almost sounding as if he’s said it more than once now. “-are you alright?” The inquiry is accompanied by him brushing hair away from your temple while he sits beside you. 
“Sorry- I i’m okay. More than okay.” 
He smiles, relief making his shoulders sag just a bit. “Good, you had me worried for a moment there.” Amusement shines in his eyes. “Now as much as I’d like to just lay here with you, how about we clean ourselves up first.” He gestures toward the lower halves of your bodies with a grimace. Both of you were an absolute mess after all of that.  
You whine not actually wanting to get up but knowing the growing awareness of your own discomfort would make it impossible to just roll back over. In the time it takes you to start getting up Aventurine is around to your side of the bed ready to help you up. “You know i’m not so far along that I need help getting out of bed.”
He hums in acknowledgement. “Yes but how about you just let me help, to make up for my time away.” 
He doesn’t comment on the little eyeroll as you take his hands. “Fine fine… Let me guess you’re gonna help me shower too?”
“Now you’re getting it~” he practically chirps at you before pulling you up and beginning to walk you toward the attached bathroom. “And once we’re all cleaned up and cozy in bed maybe you’ll let me have another taste of you.” He noses at your hair. 
“You’re terrible you know that right?”
“You’re figuring that out a little late, don’t you think?” 
It’s a strange way to say ‘I love you.’ yet you both know that’s what fills those words as you both share a small smile
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And there you have it. My writer's block broken by lactation kink. Special thanks to @yinyuedijun for inspiring this, i really hope you enjoy it. Also special thanks to @080325 and @fushigurro for proof reading for me
Divider credit it @threnodians
Tag list: @pastelle-rabbit @zorosdimples @strawberrystepmom @whispers-of-lilith
I'm actually not that sure who wants to be tagged in this one
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