#// i'm sorry y'all
courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Hello~! I'd like to request headcanons for the Leech twins with a younger sibling reader who's just really clueless all the time. What day is it? What time is it? What did you just say? (They were spacing out...) XD Thank you if you do this!
Head in the Clouds
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A/N: I did do this... two years later-!! Thank you for your patience anon ♡ I hope you'll see this on your tl or something. It's been a long time coming (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Jade Leech:
Out of the Leech twins, Jade is more patient with you. He’ll sigh and repeat what he just said to you again if you didn’t catch it
One would think he’d be annoyed by your ditzy state of mind, but he isn’t. Not one bit. Perhaps that’s the bias of an older brother or maybe he finds that Floyd is more a handful than you.
If anything, Jade worries a lot about you, moray eels from the Coral Sea have a decent amount of strength and agility, but if you don’t even notice your surroundings and zone out all the time… then how can you fend for yourself?
Well, he and Floyd are there for you. But what if they aren’t? What if, in some sort of cruel twist of fate, they can’t be there for you when you need their help the most?
This is something he that crosses his mind frequently despite him never voicing such feelings. Albeit, he has an inkling Floyd feels the same
Floyd Leech:
Sometimes, Floyd finds your clueless behavior amusing. He doesn't know what you'll do next or how many people you'll take by surprise because you forgot something they literally just told you. And that's funny to him.
Other times, when Floyd is in somewhat of a bad mood, he'll openly express being annoyed at you
"What's taking so long? Don't go that way; it's only trouble. Hey. Didn't you hear me talking to you?"
He would never do anything to hurt you or your feelings, but you have to look past his words. He worries for you and this is how he shows those feelings of apprehension.
Jade is more subtle about how he handles things with you, but Floyd will actively intervene because he really thinks you wouldn't be able to make it on your own. He'll let you have space and time to do your own things, of course, but he'll also pull you out of trouble the moment you zone out for too long.
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cinamun · 6 months
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OKAAYYYYYYY I'm done but damn the full circle is full circlinggggggggg
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boxwinebaddie · 9 days
everyone the day i finally write smut: YES
me, probably: The Stannish ~Sexquisition~ ;) xx
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chaotic-on-main · 11 months
Who Could Leave Me? | ModernAU One-Shot
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ angst, death, funeral, depression, if you squint really hard there's comfort? but mainly all hurt, alcohol mentions
☾ Author's note ➼ I'm actively going through my abandonment triggers and what better way to explore my emotions than to write about it. Betrayal, being left behind. They're the same thing to my ill brain. Anyways, I'm so sorry for the hurt I'm about to spring on y'all but I hope you'll forgive me. Now, back to my summer commissions and UW!
☾ Word Count ➼ ~2.5k
☾ Songs I listened to while writing:
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Betrayal was nothing new to you. Being left behind was just the same. But when you’re left behind and betrayed at the same time, that’s a whole new feeling. Especially when it came from someone you trusted.
But it wasn’t your fault, was it?
Your name floats by in a whisper, a voice you know all too well.
You wake up with a start and a pounding headache. The autumnal sunrise filters through your sheer curtains in light blue hues, illuminating the room enough to see the outlines of the mess around you. You’re on your stomach, face half buried in a pillow with your arm splayed out on the other side of the bed. Your fingers curl up in the empty space.
Oh, yeah.
Maybe if you go back to sleep, you’ll wake up and everything will make sense again, you tell yourself.
What a stupid thought, you tell yourself.
Rolling onto your back, you stare up at the dark ceiling. It didn’t matter how much you tried to slow time down, today came anyway. You weren’t ready. So, you stay in bed until the blue turns into oranges and finally yellows.
What time was it anyways? Then again, why did it matter? You didn’t care.
“Love?” You hear whispered from the other side of your door. It’s Hange, a mutual friend you met a while back. They stayed over last night no doubt to make sure you didn’t drink yourself into oblivion. It didn’t work, but you vaguely remember them checking in on you every hour, so you imagine that was enough for them.
They knock softly against the wood.
“I’m going to step out to get some preparations ready. I’ll be back in a couple hours to pick you up. Try to be ready by then, okay?” You turn your head at their voice and spot their shadow in the slit of the door. After a minute of silence from you, the shadow slips away. The sound of the front door closing reverberates through the house and then it’s silent again.
The hours that proceeded were spent in a catatonic state. Your wide eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, not a single thought floating by. You suppose that wasn’t a bad thing. You’re not sure how long it had been, but another soft knock echoes through your room eventually.
“You’re still in bed, aren’t you?” It’s Hange again. They sound tired. “I’m coming in.”
You roll on your side so you’re facing your friend as they step into your room with a squeak of the door. An onyx pantsuit drapes over Hange’s tall frame, their rectangular spectacles glinting off the only source of light in the room – the afternoon sun.
 “I knew you’d have trouble getting up.” They make their way over to you. Grabbing your blankets, they pull it all the back so that you’re exposed to the chill in the room. It makes you groan in displeasure, but you let it happen anyways.
They pull you out of bed with a ‘hup!’ and lead you into the connected bathroom, you follow with shuffling feet. Despite the sun being out and being under baggy long sleeves, the air is still cold so goosebumps pop up everywhere along your arms and legs.
They release your arm, leaving you in the middle of the bathroom as they zoom around you. The bath faucet is on in mere seconds and as the tub fills, they grab a few towels from the linen closet.
It’s weird because you watch all of this happening but for some reason, none of it is comprehending in your brain. It’s all a blur as they strip you down, lead you to the bath, and help you in. Before you know it, you’re half sunken and leaning all the way back, only your nose and up sits above the steamy water.
“You know, Levi had to help me with this in college, too.” Hange whispers behind you as they massage shampoo into your hair. It smells like roses. You hum back softly, not really sure how to respond.
Levi’s name doesn’t hurt you as much as you thought it would, but you’re not certain if that’s a good or bad thing. Everything feels numb, even the hot water that felt like it should be stinging against your skin.
“It kind of feels like the passing of torches, you know?” They chuckle quietly at the nostalgia.
The rest of the bath passes by. Rinsing off when asked, getting out when told, holding still when Hange dried you gently with a towel. Staying when Hange tells you to wait as they go grab the clothes that they had set out for you to wear today. You were a robot awaiting orders and nothing else.
Hange adorns your body with a simple long sleeve black dress. It goes down to your knees and the rest is covered by fleece leggings and warm socks. Eventually, they drag you out to the bedroom and sit you down while they lace up your boots. This is all done in silence, though you don’t miss the looks Hange gives you.
They’re the same looks that everyone has given you since the incident. Like you’re fragile and ready to break at any time. Though, you guess you can’t fault them for that. Your actions the last few weeks haven’t told otherwise.
“Hey,” Hange whispers down to you, and you shift your gaze up to their light brown eyes, full of sadness. “Did you…?” They hold out a ring to you.
It’s simple. Silver, studded with a handful of diamonds. You can’t see it, but engraved on the inside is the word ‘yours’ in Levi’s neat handwriting. A wedding band.
You reach out hesitantly, hand shaking as you take it as if you were afraid it might crumble on contact. With those same shaky fingers, you slip it on your left ring finger. It had been a bit since you last wore it, but like a bike you find familiarity with it again. Only this time, it feels heavier than ever.
“Are you ready to go?” Hange holds their hand out to you with a small smile.
It starts raining as soon as you both leave the house, heavy clouds eclipsing the sun for the rest of the day. Perfect for a funeral.
Outside of the warm tent, gentle but cold raindrops splash on the trees above and trickle down to the white plastic and onto the muddy ground. With the overcast of stormy clouds, the day is cold. It’s almost fitting, like a movie you’ve seen a million times. And you were the main character. It would make you laugh if you weren’t so drained.
As they call your name to wrap the service up with a eulogy, you feel your heartbeat quicken. You had requested to have it last as it was a job put on you and you wanted to push it off as much as possible. But your pulse racing isn’t from nerves, it’s from anger. Sadness. Frustration. Like a fissure in a dam, realization comes to you.
You can’t do this. How could he do this to you?
Your feet are running before you know it. Out the tent and up the hill into the enclosure of the forest that lines the cemetery. You don’t stop until you feel someone grabbing your wrist tightly and holding you back. It’s a strong grip from a warm hand.
“Le-?” You turn around and almost slip on the leaf littered floor.
Standing in front of you is a man about a foot taller, blond undercut and misty blue eyes that stare hard at you. Erwin Smith, Levi’s closest friend – Levi would always deny being called best friends, something you always teased him with.
“You can’t keep hiding and running from the truth.” He says gently. Downturned eyes and a frown to match, he gives you the same look everyone else is giving.
“Stop looking at me like that.” These are the first words you’ve said aloud in a few weeks. Your voice comes out scratchy and it hurts.
“Like what?”
“Like I’m just going to break down at a drop of a hat.”
“Maybe you need to. Have you even cried yet?”
“I don’t want to cry.”
“Maybe you should.”
You narrow your eyes at him. You haven’t seen him in about a month, but he was always a good confidant so to say that your high walls weren’t about to crumble down would be a lie. That fissure is growing with every second he stares at you.
“Erwin, why are you here?”
“I’m here to celebrate the life of my friend, same as everyone else. We’re all upset, too. We need you just as much as you need us.” His grip tightens on you. The rain is coming down harder and you start feeling the cold seep through your clothes and into your bones. You notice Erwin’s usual combed back hair is now in his face, dripping water into his eyes.  
There’s silence as you try to figure out what to say. That was the problem, wasn’t it? Your eulogy sits half finished on your dresser because you had no idea what to say.
What was even appropriate for others to hear? What would be selfish and what wouldn’t be? You suppose it’s all considerably selfish. The one who could call you out on your shit effectively isn’t here.
A low roll of thunder rumbles from above as you face off with him.
“There’s nothing to celebrate.” You mumble.
“You don’t me-“
“He’s not here, Erwin! He left me!” You feel your voice rising with every syllable. He opens his mouth to say something else but now that you’ve found your voice, you can’t stop the word vomit.
“He chose to go back into that building because of who he is. And I hate him for it! How could he do that to me?? Didn’t he think about me?” A sob racks in your chest, and it takes a moment to catch your breath so as to not choke. The water streaming down your face turns warm and you can practically taste the salt of your more-than-late tears as you continue on.
“What it would mean for him leaving me? Nothing feels right anymore, nothing feels like home because he was my home. He promised he’d be around for as long as I wanted him. But I still want him!” Erwin pulls you into his chest and holds you close as you start sobbing harder. They rip out of your throat just like the words you shout, voice becoming hoarse with every line. You don’t fight his vice grip. But you don’t stop either.
“I said I would always follow his lead. But why did he have to go somewhere where I can’t follow. He left me behind. He said he never would and he did it anyway. I hate him so much. I hate him for making me love him and then leaving me like this. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” You trail off, losing yourself in the cries of your pain. Everything hurts as you shake - the only thing holding you together is Erwin’s tight embrace.
The rain pours around you two as you continue to weep into Erwin’s drenched suit. He doesn’t say anything, only placing his hand on top of your head and holding you closer.  
“I don’t know what I could say to help, truthfully. But I know that Levi wouldn’t ever want you to feel this way.” He says finally, his voice rumbling deep in his chest. “Terrible things happen, and they can’t be explained. But it’s no one’s fault, not even his. It’s easy to point the blame, but sometimes there isn't anything to blame.”
“That’s not good enough, Erwin.” You mutter in between hitched breaths.
“I know, especially not now. But it will get easier. You need to be more patient with yourself. And be kind.” He whispers down to you, a hand rubbing up and down your back as he talks.
Erwin stays with you until you can breathe again. He offered to take over the eulogy for you, which you gladly accepted. You didn’t even show up to the rest of the funeral, instead opting to sit in Hange’s car until they came for you and drove you home in silence.
A few weeks had passed since Levi’s service. At Erwin’s request, you had been more patient with yourself in that time. Of course, none of it was easier - but you weren’t running anymore. With shaky resolve, you were able to bring yourself down to the cemetery.
You twist your wedding band in between two fingers as you walk down the path to where your late husband rests. Your heart feels like it’s about to explode in anticipation. You hadn’t seen the tombstone that Hange helped pick out, so when your eyes finally fall on it, it’s enough to make you stop in your tracks.
Levi Ackerman
Dec. 25th 1983 – Oct. 17th 2023
“The only thing we’re allowed to do is believe that we won’t regret the choice we made.”
He often said to live your life with no regrets. The thing that has been gnawing at you finally comes to you in a new light. Levi wasn’t the type to do anything without thinking. He knew the risks, and you knew the risks of loving him.
Your feet stumble over the soft grass, and you lean down to place a small bouquet of flowers onto the fresh dirt. There’s a layer of permafrost from this morning, just barely starting to melt. Today is warm with the sun out, but that doesn’t stop the fog of breath that comes out with every spoken word.
“I’m sorry for everything I said, Levi. I’m not mad anymore. I just miss you so much.” You sit yourself down carefully, facing the tombstone.
There’s no answer, of course. The only thing you hear is the whistling of the cold wind blowing through the almost empty trees that came with this time of year. You tuck your chin into the scarf wrapped around your neck. It still smells like Levi – clean laundry and pine.
“I don’t want to be here if you’re not. I see you everywhere.” Your words start to choke again. The day of the funeral made that dam within you break open and since then, you find yourself to be more vulnerable. More fragile, like everyone expected. “And I can’t pretend that it’s okay when it’s not. But I’ll try for you, because I know that’s what you’d want.” You whisper, silent tears streaking down your face into the scarf as you shudder.
“I love you. And I will see you again.”
-> Taglist: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @sckerman @nube55 @notgoodforlife @kingkonoha @missyasma @highgoon69 @elsasarahi @kamyru @eriellaa @genyastolemyheart @jadam724 @sujiroses @levisversion @apolloshaiku @secretmoneybearvoid @romantichomicide95 @elnyrae @dkbktk420 @icansmellsouls @levis-squishy-cheeks @missamity @roseofdarknessblog @youre-ackermine @averysmolbear
If you'd like to join my taglist, please go here! (also if you had multichapter fics marked or would be interested in my JJK content, please go back into your answers and recheck them! I fucked up and didn't realize if I changed the answers, it would uncheck things lmao oops)
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doublejango · 16 days
Bryce Tankthrust: What the fuck? Who are you people? Why are you staring at me? Are you checking me out? Where the fuck am I? Blitz: -grins- Hi, I'm Blitz. The O is silent, and frankly, I don't think you're ever going to earn it. Bryce: Ewww -checks calendar- Fuck, it's June! I meant, aww! Blitz: -grins more- Moxxie: -slightly manic smile- Angel: -finger waves from where he's draped seductively over a parked car- Charlie: -waves excitedly!- Vaggie: babe, no Bryce: oh my god, is this Hell? Nooooo, no, no no. See, no. No. There's no way, there is no fucking way I'm in Hell. I have paid off WAY too many charity thugs to end up here with the plebs! Lucifer: -strolls up, twirling his cane- Well, you finally got one thing right. Welcome, Ms. Tankthrust. We are thrilled to have you here... where it is always, ALWAYS Pride.
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fiona-fififi · 18 days
"Bobby's been the father I never had."
Okay, but why did that have to be said instead of shown.
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sofiiel · 1 year
:') because my mind is a cruel place and wants to put Eddie through it any chance it gets....this scene/scenario has been on my mind.
Imagine Eddie survives the demobat attack, but is gravely injured and shouldn't/can't move. But he knows you desperately need him to try because you can't cope with the thought of him dying or being left behind. So Eddie tries his best to move, it is painful, his whole body is screaming at him just from trying to flex a muscle. It's also making things worse, there's more blood flow, and it's tiring him out.
Struggling to lift himself from the ground, and as you aid him he paws at your shoulders and arms, trying to get a good grip, but it's just not working out well. More than anything, it's just exhausting him further.
You can see this and try telling Eddie to sit/lay still, but he just refuses. Seeing you worry for him, fear for him, hurts just as bad as his wounds do. There's nothing he can do for himself at the moment, but he can try to help you.
Eddie doesn't want to stop trying because He wants to survive the ordeal for your sake. So your protests of "stop, don't push yourself" or "please, just rest a while" slowly become words of encouragement "You can do this, just take it slow." or "Here lean on me, I've got you." and the simple "we can make it together."
Dustin is there, and he too is offering pep talks and support in getting Eddie moving, but just one look at his face, and you can tell he's worried too.
Eddie is heavy as he can't support his own weight no matter how hard he tries, and it's an agonizing hobble to find a gate, a way out. There are several moments where you stop to rest because it's become too much for him.
You have to tell him to stop saying he's sorry, Dustin gently rages at him because it's the fifth time Eddie's mention maybe it would be better if you two left him behind.
Dustin finally risks leaving you two to go back through the gate, it's simply taking too long as a group.
You linger with Eddie under a warped tree, trying to keep him talking. It is difficult to speak, but knows you are trying to keep him lucid. Eddie decides he wants to go down memory lane and starts rambling about all of his best memories, with you, with his friends, with his family.
The whole time, his hands holding onto yours as tightly as his body will allow. The time passes and Eddie slips into talking about regrets, that grip on your hand becomes weaker.
You need to stop this, bring him back to happier thoughts, So you ask him to talk about his graduation plans, you let him ramble, you talk about how you'd celebrate and when he can no longer speak you simply let him rest his head on your chest, stroke the top of his head and hum his favorite song.
As you do so that grip on your hand tightens, He slips into unconsciousness and for a moment you panic. As you do so, You spot a group heading towards you. It's Dustin, and he's hauled everyone back with him. Including the boys of Corroded Coffin.
Steve packs Eddie onto his back with the help of the other guys and carries him the rest of the way to the gate. The whole time, Eddie has never let go of your hand, so you have to walk behind Steve.
When you get out, you can't take him to a hospital, it's not safe, so you hide out with him in the van, Dustin, Erica, and corroded have cramped into the van, camped out as look-outs in the front seat.
Eddie's weaving in and out of consciousness, but he's just clinging to you. Matching his breathing with yours, fingers curled desperately into your clothing. Occasionally opening his eyes just to look up at you. Sometimes he offers a bit of a smile, or nudges himself closer to you. You faintly hear him tell you in a murmur that he's still there, and for you not to worry. So in return, you rub his shoulder or nuzzle the top of his head to make him feel safe, to let him know you're still there.
"You doing ok back there, bud?" Dustin asks him often.
"Don't you push up daisies on us, nerd." Erica says, causing Eddie to chuckle a bit.
And you just wait it out until it's safe to get him proper help, or until Nancy fixes the situation about him being wanted with her journalistic detective skills.
He rests his head in your lap and reaches out for you, you lower your head so that he can hold your face in his hand. His thumb just strokes your cheek/jawline on repeat. Touching you as if you serve as a reminder that he made it out and is safe now. The monsters can't get him here. When his arm won't stay up any more he instead slips it back into your hand and listens to you talk with the others, each of you adding him into the conversation even if he isn't strong enough to actively take part yet.
After getting him proper help, Eddie is only all too thrilled to show off his improvement in healing. Showing you he's strong enough to hold onto things, do things for himself, stand, hold conversations and so on. He is a ball of pint in zoomy excitement in the hospital bed as he can finally play guitar again.
His goal is to be ready to take that stage for graduation, when the town recovers well enough to host the ceremony, that is.
You know he's ok again when his neediness falls away, back into cheeky snark at his friends and playful silliness once more.
When graduation comes, Eddie excepts an honorary diploma for Chrissy and takes it to her final resting place, dragging his emotional support you with him, still by the hand.
For the rest of your lives, this is a thing, him just holding your hand for dear life any time the emotions are in a ruckus. And it's a trait that passes to his kids if he has any in the future.
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Hello Star! Guess who’s back? I am because Loki is calling to me and I need to see the sassiest Asgardian there ever was!
Modern Loki might blow my head off but I need him in that black suit again
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Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black
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"Loki Laufeyson, attorney at law." He bows over your hand clasped securely in his. "The pleasure is all mine."
"What can this mere lawyer, not even a partner at a fancy firm, do for a beautiful woman such as yourself?"
You'd searched out Loki Laufeyson for a very specific reason. His small office is richly appointed in buttery soft leather and gleaming metals. His voice makes you shudder, a promise barely veiled in sibilant tones as his eyes seem to stare right through you.
"Your help, Mr. Laufeyson." At his slight nod, you continue. "I'm about to be arrested for the murder of a friend and prosecuted against by your father and brother."
"Color me intrigued, darling. If I take you on, what can you promise me?"
For the first time you pull your hood down, exposing your face to his keen gaze.
"An opportunity to show how much nepotism has profited in Odin's Law Firm." He leans forward despite himself. "And an engagement to me - after all, you recognize who I am. My family will reward you richly, Laufeyson. As will I."
His green eyes widen in arousal as you drop to your knees in front of him, trailing your hands gently up his thighs.
"We have a deal, beautiful. Now tell me everything."
His hand feels like sin against your neck as he feathers a kiss against your crimson lips. "No secrets, darling."
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This is one of the boards from my 300 Follower Celebration! Want to join in? Send me an ask following these guidelines!
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negrowhat · 1 year
Uea's mother can jump right the fuck off a cliff...and not just any cliff...the one Wei Wuxian jumped off.
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cuoredimuschio · 4 months
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umflowers · 1 month
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lewis honey i love you and i don't even hate that outfit but it's all i can see
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cinamun · 11 months
*Darren fighting for his life*
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tvreadsandsleep · 1 year
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» Domestic!Attoye || Attoye Prompt Drabbles || Master List « » Sex Toy Chronicles #2 — Continuation of She bought five of them «
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Attuma had tied her to their bed, using shreds of pillowcase. Okoye had purchased handcuffs for this purpose—ones made from inferior materials so that he could easily breakthrough them if the need arose—but, knowing how she reveled in displays of his strength, he’d grabbed the nearby linen and torn through it as though it was tissue paper. His eyes had roamed her scantily clad body the entire time, heating her flesh and moistening her pussy with their intense leer.
He'd been creative with his ties—ripping the cloth into long strips that he’d entwined around the headboard, twisting them so they resembled rope before they flattened to gently curve around her wrists. His efforts made it so he could maneuver her body as he pleased while keeping her fixed to the bed.
Testing the strength of the binds, she moaned, rubbing her thighs together. When she’d originally made the purchase, it’d been Attuma she’d imagined shackled, held down and at her mercy, but this worked for her just as well. No matter who was in control, their play was always euphoric for them both.
Stood at the foot of the bed, he’d taken his eyes off her to rummage through the velvet sack that contained the rest of what she’d bought. The handcuffs, which she’d greeted him with upon his entrance into their bedroom, were discarded on the floor. The negligee, she’d also acquired, was on her person. Its sheer fabric left little to the imagination and teased her erect nipples as she shifted on the bed. That left the several butt plugs as the bag’s only contents. The pink rose one, that had captured her attention, immediately came to mind.
As if reading her thoughts, he retrieved that exact one, looking it over while putting down the rest.
“Is this for what I believe it is?” he asked. Joining her on the bed, he parted her legs, running the plug’s glass surface over the inside of her thighs. Its cool touch caused her to jump, but quickly warmed with the passes he made along her skin.
“It’s for my ass,” she murmured, intently watching the flex of his biceps. “I want you to put it inside me then fuck my pussy.” She spoke bluntly, her eyes meeting his when his arm stilled.
Her nerves nipped at her, but were unceremoniously forgotten when he suddenly flipped her over, the binds crossing above her head. Her face pushed into the mattress when he lifted her hips, pointing her bottom in his direction. The thong she’d worn to tease and tempt him met the same fate as the pillowcase, the material seeming to disintegrate in his fingers. Okoye panted, spreading her legs, wordlessly urging him on.  
Despite her display, he still asked, “Are you comfortable, my love? Is this what you truly desire?”
His hands drove her mad, fondling the globes of her ass. He pulled them apart, blowing lightly on the puckered hole, awaiting her answer.
“Yes! Yes, please!” She begged, pushing back as far as her position and his hands allowed.
She could only groan in relief at the feel of his thick, slick finger entering her body. (Of course, he would take care of her, fetching the lubricant she’d forgotten to lay out.) Needing more, she arched her back and relaxed her pelvic floor, readying herself for the night’s coupling.  
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I may be on hiatus this week cuz of my emotions and my mom PUNISHING me cuz of themmmm....it ain't right I know but...I can't wait to move...
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clarkes-and-god · 6 months
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Beth's Blog:
Welcome to my Blog!
Hello everybody,
My name is Beth and I'm very excited to be starting this blog. I'm 19 years old and I have just moved to Chestnut Ridge with my husband, Fabian. We have just had our first sweet baby, our precious Pleasant Holt! She is such a good baby, just like her name!! She's so happy, and she barely ever fusses for attention. I'm the second eldest out of 12 (almost 13) children, so I know how hard fussy babies can be. I feel so blessed that the Lord gave us such a sweet little one!
Some of you might be wondering why we decided to move to Chestnut Ridge. I used to live in Brindleton Bay, where my Dad is a pastor, and my mom is a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled us. I feel very blessed that I grew up in a saved home, because secular influences can be very damaging. Fabian's family wasn't saved until he was 8, and now some of his old friends use alcohol, tobacco, or even other drugs! We pray for them a lot. I worry a lot about the influence that people like that could have on me or my family, which is part of the reason why we decided to move here. It's safer for Pleasant and any babies we have in the future to grow up here, where there isn't as many bad influences. While my family is very Godly, there were lots of secular people in Brindleton! We were really close to San Myshuno, and even Brindleton Bay sometimes votes "blue". Chestnut Ridge is a lot smaller, and the people we have met here seem nice, although I think sometimes a little too friendly. I am thankful that our neighbour's wife, Zizi, told me to have a homebirth. It all went well and she was very helpful! Also, it's much quieter, which I like. It's nice to be able to appreciate God's creation by myself sometimes, although I don't get to very often, with Pleasant and our baby horse, Lazarus, needing looking after. Talking about that, I need to go feed Pleasant so I will have to stop writing for now!
Have a blessed day,
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gwenthebard · 8 months
Scooby Doo Texas Chainsaw Massacre crossover that goes horribly fucking wrong. They all manage to survive long enough to capture Leatherface, are pulling some Next Generation monologue about it all being a conspiracy to keep people scared to go in the woods and they're not actually cannibals and Leatherface is the gas station attendant
"Gang I...I cant get this mask off, I think it's sewn on"
"Jeepers, these fake corpses are awfully realistic"
"Jinkies, feel how weird this leather is?"
"Um, like, I hate to say this gang, but I'm glad I'm a vegetarian"
"Ruh roh raggy, what was on my randwhich?"
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