#// killer needs his vitamin A.
jade-muffins · 15 hours
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That's him without the white makeup. Now one can't tell cuz it's not colored and he still looks tired, but the white makeup helps cover the extra wrinkly bits from the scarred up glasgow smile and also his horrendous eye bags and how sickly he actually looks
Bonus Jeff doodles:
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dfortrafalgar · 5 months
for requests, can you do law taking care of sick reader, hurt/comfort kind of thing that ends with fluff????
Hi anon, thank you so much for your request!!!! a few months ago, i actually started this fic when i was ill with a pretty bad sinus infection, but then i just never finished what i wrote, so your request was actually the perfect thing to get me to finally finish that and share it with the world! i hope you enjoy it, thought it might not be as hurt/comfort as expected, so i hope that's alright <3
Law x Fem Reader
A nasty illness inflicting you brings out the warmth in Law.
Warnings: fairly detailed descriptions of gross sinus infection symptoms (cus i initially wrote this while actively dealing with one so its kinda visceral lol)
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A light sleet gently tapped against the glass porthole as you weakly rolled your body over under the warm blankets that firmly surrounded you.  The sound was enough to quickly lull you back into the comfort of slumber, but your mind was already starting to run.  There would be no more falling asleep now.  A cold spot lay beside you, no surprise that Law got up before you did.  As you slowly entered the conscious world, your body was wracked with a cold shiver, a sensation deep within your marrow that seemed to bounce off of every cell.  You became acutely aware of a hard stone in the back of your throat that made swallowing a heavy burden.  Inhaling through your nose was met with nothing but a clogged nasal cavity, the crackling of mucus that wouldn’t move bouncing around your weary skull.  You attempted to push yourself up on your hands, but your muscles trembled feebly and you collapsed back down into the plush mattress with a tired groan.
No doubt about it, you were sick.
You angled your head to look toward the small wooden bedside table that Law used for his analogue alarm clock.  Your blinking eyes, slowly adjusting to the dreary gray light of the cold, snowy day outside, focused on a small piece of notebook paper placed on the table, under a paper cup of water and two pills.  You reached an arm over, carefully pushing the cup and the pills out of the way so you could grab the paper.  You shifted slightly on your side for a better reading view, cringing uncomfortably as you felt the pressure in your sinuses move around with every adjustment.
Good morning, love. You were breathing strange when I woke up so I did a scan on you- you have an acute sinus infection.  I left you a pain killer and a vitamin C capsule, please take them as soon as you wake up.  We docked at an island for a supply run, so I will be back around noon to take care of you.  If you need anything, Bepo stayed behind on the ship.  I love you. – Law
Your illness had no bearing on the way your heart fluttered with boundless affection for your boyfriend.  His note was analytical, but you couldn’t help but appreciate his professional physician side as well as his tender, intimate personality you saw behind closed doors.  It was just like him to notice something as minimal as your breathing while you slept, it gave you a sense of security you didn’t think you needed, but were beyond happy you had.
You once again attempted to push yourself up on your arms, just enough to reach over for the two pills, throwing them into your mouth and swallowing a gulp of the room-temperature water from the paper cup.  Your throat convulsed from the pain of swallowing, and you needed to force your esophagus to move the pills where they needed to go, but once they were down you laid your head back onto your pillow, closing your eyes tightly as the pressure within your sinuses began to ebb its way into your attention with your waking body.  You had felt fine when you went to sleep the night before, but now you were wracked with aches, chills, and pain in your face.  Just your luck, truly.
At least it was a cold, snowy day.  You didn’t feel like you would be missing out on anything too important.
You slowly shuffled upwards on the bed, now sitting up against the metal bedframe and holding the bed sheets against your frigid shoulders.  You had a tendency to sleep in tank tops and shorts due to the heavy insulation the metal walls of the Polar Tang provided, but that made very little difference in your feverish state.  Even the thought of the blankets revealing any centimeter of bare skin made your teeth chatter, but you knew you had to get up.  You felt gross, the back of your mouth coated with a foul-tasting funk from your blocked head, and you craved nothing more than the refreshing taste of the mint toothpaste you shared with Law.
Though, if you were ill, it might be best to open a different bottle… and use a different toothbrush.
You gazed around the small bedroom that you shared with Law, a comparatively tiny room aboard the submarine, composed of very little except for his bed, a tiny desk (much smaller than the one in his medical ward), a small bookshelf, and a wardrobe.  Law’s outlandish, feathery coats took up a lot of room, but they were comfortable and outrageously warm.  Your eyes formed the most efficient path you could take to don yourself in warmer attire as quickly as possible.  Taking a deep inhale through your mouth, which scratched your sore throat enough to make you suppress a heavy cough, you pushed the blankets off of you, swung your bare feet over the side of the bed, and plopped across the steel-panel floor towards the wardrobe.
The soles of your feet sent shivers up your entire body as you pulled out a ratty pair of sweatpants, one of Law’s oversized sweatshirts, and one of his feather coats.  You yanked on the clothing as quickly as your shaking limbs would allow before finally offering your feet relief from the cold floor by sliding them into a pair of fur-lined slippers.  Your trembling fingers pulled the coat tighter around your body as the relentless, feverish chills endlessly consumed your entire body.  You weakly pushed open the heavy metal door into one of the narrow labyrinthian halls of the Polar Tang before following a familiar route towards the galley.
Rounding a corner, you spotted Hakugan on the floor in front of an open electrical panel, a small box of tools by his side.  His mask was pushed upward, revealing his face so he could better focus on his work, but when he heard you enter the vicinity he made quick work of pulling the white plastic back over his face.  He fully turned his head to look at you through the black slots of his mask as you meekly approached.
“Good morning, yeesh you look terrible,” he muttered.
“‘Morning… I feel terrible.”  Your voice left your larynx with an airy, hoarse crackle that left a stinging sensation in its wake.  “Law said I have a sinus infection.”
Hakugan hummed, a sound slightly muffled by the barrier in front of his face, and turned his head forward to continue whatever he was previously occupied with on the floor.  “We have some apple juice in the fridge, that’ll fix you up in no time!”
You chuckled at the statement, which wasn’t much of a laugh and was more of a congested, donkey-like groan.  “Thanks, Hakun, I appreciate it.”  Your friendly nickname for your crewmate made the man smile, judging only by the slight way his jaw moved under his mask.  You continued down the hallway towards the galley, pushing open the door to the sight of Uni and Bepo swabbing the floors, counters, dining table, and every other surface with regular hand contact.
Uni looked up towards you from his diligent hand-washing of the surface of the dining table before groaning.  “Now we’re gonna have to wash everything again ‘cuz you’re sick!”
You frowned.  “You want me to starve?”
Bepo quickly stepped between you two, putting his thick paw on your shoulder and ushering you towards the fridge.  “Feed a cold, starve a fever,” he quoted.  “That’s what my mama used to say when I’d get sick.”
“I guess I should starve then,” you responded bluntly, feeling the hairs of your arms rise with goosebumps as another chill waved through you.
“Nonsense, you need strength to get better!” Bepo had immediately assumed his comforting, caring demeanor and pulled over a folding chair for you to sit on.  “Do you want anything for breakfast?  I can make you some eggs and toast, or some oatmeal, or some fresh fruit!”
You smiled warmly towards the bear, finding solace in his uplifting personality.  “Some fruit sounds nice.”
“You stay right there, I’ll make you a bowl.”  The mink turned his back to you and began rummaging around for a cutting board and a knife to prepare you a small bowl of fruit to take back to your room.  
Uni had left his washcloth on the table and paced over to where you sat, keeping his distance but still leaning forward to talk.  “How are you feeling?”
You flashed a smile in his direction, followed by a hearty and mucusy sniff.  “Sick.”
The much taller man chuckled beneath the cloth that covered his mouth.  “Yeah, no surprise there.”
“What does Law normally do when one of you gets sick?”
Uni’s long fingers drummed against the countertop.  “He lets us suffer, really.  If he used his devil fruit to keep everyone healthy all the time, then our immune systems wouldn’t develop.  At least, that’s what he tells us.”
You gazed at the floor.  “I guess that makes sense.”
“He’s got plenty of remedies to make the symptoms easier, though.  Did he give you one of those vitamin C pills?”
You nodded.  “He left one on the nightstand when I woke up.”
Uni also nodded affirmatively.  “Those things work like magic, I’m convinced.”
Behind your conversation, Bepo was laser-focused on creating the healthiest fruit salad for your consumption, rife with healthy vitamins to kickstart your immune system faster than a pill could do.  He turned in your direction with a bowl in his hands, a shiny metal fork sticking out of it for you to use.  “Ta-da~!” he cheered.
You carefully took the bowl into your shaking hands.  “Thank you, Bepo!”
“Of course, anything for you!”  You could almost see prideful sparkles floating around the mink’s head.  “There’s tangerines, some strawberries, blueberries, some diced watermelon, grapes, and some chopped peaches.  The tangerines are from the Straw Hats actually, they’re super delicious!”
Holding the bowl firmly in your grasp, you stood from your chair and carefully pulled Law’s coat higher on your shoulders.  “I’m already feeling better, thank you guys.”
The two crewmates waved you off as you began your fatigued trek back to the captain’s cabin.  You passed by Hakugan once again, who uttered a tired-sounding, “Get better soon,” in your direction, which you happily thanked him for.
Twisting the hatch of the cabin door, you heaved the barrier open and stepped inside, closing it behind you.  You placed the bowl of fruit onto the small desk to free your hands, allowing you to shrug off the feathered jacket and drape it carefully off the wooden desk chair.  You faced the small bookshelf, eyes picking between Law’s assortment of extra medical texts, personal journals, and comic books, before finally pulling out a novel you had started some months prior.  Book in hand, you grabbed your bowl of fruit, kicked off your slippers, and scampered back into bed, pulling the covers up to your shoulders and once again enveloping your shivering form in a barrier of serene warmth.  Your shaky hand grabbed the handle of the metal fork, stabbing into a piece of watermelon and placing the fruit into your sore mouth.  You flipped through the book, tired eyes barely absorbing any of the words as you focused solely on chewing each bite of fruit you took.  You very quickly began to nod off yet again, finally subdued by the subtle hum of the submarine’s engines, the tapping weather outside, and the words of your novel.
You placed the bowl of fruit, now half eaten, on the bed stand and let your book fall to the ground as you rolled over onto your side and let yourself fall back into the clutches of slumber, at least until your beloved returned aboard.
A harsh, wet sneeze jostled you violently from your slumber.  You sat up with a jolt, one hand covering your face to contain your snot, which made you cringe at the sensation.  You glanced over toward the clock on the nightstand which read 11:30 AM.  You groaned.  How long had you been out?  It couldn’t have been longer than an hour and a half at the most.  You swung your legs over the side of the bed and shuffled into your slippers once again, making your way to the submarine’s bathroom.  You felt unbelievably gross, between the hand on your face holding your dripping mucus in your nose, your feverish cold sweats, and your overall malaise.  You couldn’t remember the last time you had been this sick.
You knocked on the door to the bathroom, per routine.  There was only one shower stall and bathtub, so every Heart Pirate kept to a strict bathing routine.  To have you slip in for a quick, steamy shower at this hour was outside of that norm, but with many of the crew gone on the supply run, you didn’t think you’d run into any issues.  You entered the bathroom, locking the door behind you and making your way towards the metal sink bowl, running warm water and washing off your hand.  You grabbed a paper towel which you used to wipe your face (and subsequently blew your nose once again) before you began to disrobe from your smelly, sweaty clothes.  The steam from the shower would hopefully loosen the compacted mucus in your sinuses, so you turned on the shower faucet and stuck your hand under the tap to make sure it was warming up to your liking.  You grabbed a towel from the nearby bathroom linen closet, placing it on the sink so you could grab it easily when you were done.
The hot water immediately soothed your cold sweats, and the steam entering your lungs felt euphoric compared to your congestion.  You stood under the stream of water letting the drops run down your body, taking in as much of the warmth as you could.  You idly reached for the bottle of body wash that was kept on the edge of the tub, squeezing some of the soap into your hand and washing the parts of your body that felt the worst.
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you stepped into the bath, but you started to feel strange under the flow of hot water and clouds of steam surrounding your head.  Your eyes began to blur, your vision swaying back and forth in repetitive motions.  Your fingertips felt tingly and numb, and a nauseous sensation filled your abdomen and reverberated into the back of your throat where it left a cold, sour taste.  Without thinking, and without turning the water off, you sat down under the running faucet and leaned your head on the side of the bath, closing your eyes.
A cold towel was placed against the back of your neck, once again making you jolt upward.  What time was it?  What day was it?  Why were you naked in the bathtub?  Did you turn the water off?
“Hey, look at me.”
Your eyes darted from the shower tap to the porcelain tub wall to the hand that waved three fingers in front of your face and gestured for your attention.  You lazily gazed forward, your weary expression meeting steely golden eyes that were narrowed with profound concern.  His other hand was pressed against the back of your neck, where a cold washcloth was pressed against your damp skin.
“You had a hot flash.”
Law shook his head, but not out of disappointment.  Rather, he was incredibly worried.  With pursed lips, he carefully helped you to your feet and out of the tub.  Once your feet met the cold metal floor, you sank to your knees with a weary groan.  Law grabbed the towel you had placed on the sink and threw it around your shoulders, beginning to dry you off as best he could without disturbing you too much.  You hung your head limply, letting your boyfriend work the water off of you without protest.  The cold compress on your neck began to warm with your body heat, and you felt it slide down a tad toward your shoulder blades before falling to the floor with a wet plop.
“Look at me,” Law said once more, voice firm and asserting, yet calm.  Your eyes flicked up toward him.  “I’m going to pick you up, alright?”
You simply nodded your head, barely a thought to make any move otherwise.  Law’s hands wrapped the towel around your body under your arms, carefully holding it in place in the front by your breasts.  His arms snaked under yours, hoisting you up like a heavy toddler, before he awkwardly bent down and placed his forearm under your knees, hauling you off your feet and against his chest.  Your head fell into his pectoral, taking as much of a deep, snotty inhale as you could, feeling your eyes close at the comforting sensation of his shirt against your face.  A faint ‘Shambles’ was heard, along with the weak magnetic sensation that you felt every time you were teleported with Law’s ability, and you were suddenly met with the comfort of your bed for what felt like the millionth time that morning.
Your towel slipped slightly, and Law quickly put it back into place before walking to the wardrobe and picking out new, clean clothes for you to wear.�� He worked quickly, dressing you, wrapping your hair, wiping your face, and applying another cold compress onto the back of your neck while helping you sit upright.
The deepest part of your nasal cavity tickled uncomfortably.  You let out a gargantuan sneeze while Law’s back was turned, making him jump and turn back toward you.
A large blob of snot dangled from your nose.  You made zero attempt to do anything about it this time.  One might compare your current state to that of a sad, wet dog.
“You’re more sick now than you were this morning.”  Law used a tissue to wipe your face.  If you had any piece of mind, you would be humiliated at your juvenile state.  “I’m sorry I was away for so long.”
You were slowly coming to your senses after your hot flash in the shower, just in time for your boyfriend to ease an oral thermometer under your tongue.  He held your mouth closed with his fingers, muttering a quiet, “Hold it there,” then retreated across the bedroom to dispose of the tissue in his hands.  He squeezed a generous helping of sanitizing soap onto his hands, rubbing it as far up as his forearms.  He turned back to you right when the thermometer came back with its final reading.  Gently pulling the device from your mouth, he held it to his eyes which grimaced at the sight.
“What’s it say?” you asked, feebly.
“102.2.  You’re definitely fighting off a bacterial infection.  I’m assuming bacterial rhinosinusitis, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, judging by the color of your mucus.”
You hung your head.  “That’s so fucking gross, Law.”
He chuckled, placing the thermometer on a paper towel on the desk to be cleaned later.  He sat at the edge of the bed, reaching a hand over to gently rub the top of your head.  “I’m sorry, it’s the doctor in me coming out.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crawled onto your face.  “It’s okay.  I just don’t like sneezing out hurricanes worth of boogers.”
“I don’t blame you, it’s not fun.”  His hand trailed from the crest of your head down toward your cheek, gently stroking beneath your eye with his tattooed thumb.
“Is there anything at all you can do?  Uni told me you just make everyone suffer to build their immune systems.”  Your voice was groggy, but you were pretty much completely lucid once again.  Your eyes darted toward the nightstand.  Your bowl of fruit was gone, replaced with two glasses, one with water and one with apple juice.  Alongside the drinks were three bottles of medication and your book which you had neglected after falling asleep earlier.
Law hummed under his breath.  “Well, I do prefer that everyone work through illness on their own with the help of standard medication, yes.  It’s how I make sure everyones’ immune systems are working as they should.  Any more sick than an average fever, then I intervene.”
You attempted to inhale through your nose, pulling up snot deeper into your sinuses and exhaling a congested breath.  “Can you intervene with me?”  You tried your best to give your man the puppy eyes you knew he couldn’t refuse.  This time, however, he stifled a chuckle at your expression.  Puffy, scorching hot cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and a nose rubbed raw from constant sniffing.  Your lips were beginning to become chapped with all the mouth breathing you had to do.
Law turned away from you, bringing a hand to his mouth with a badly covered snort.
“Lawwww,” you whined.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry my love,” he turned back toward you, a mischievous smile on his face, though his eyebrows were angled with sympathy.  “I really do wish there was something I could do to alleviate your symptoms quicker, but I’d rather not get invasive.  Simple remedies can make you more comfortable, but the antibiotics will be doing most of the work.”
You hunched your shoulders and leaned back against your pillows, sniffling once more with a pout on your lips.  “I guess I understand…”
Law replied to your weary tone by pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.  “Because you’re not contagious, however, I can spend the rest of the day with you… if you want.”
Your eyes, albeit puffy, lit up like fireworks at his suggestion.  “Really?  You can?  You don’t have, like, any work to do or anything?”
“Well, I do…” he muttered, scratching his cheek with one of his fingers.  “But I’ve come to learn recently that I can put off working when someone who I care about needs me.”
You could hardly respond to his fond words, instead choosing to drop your heavy, congested head onto his shoulder as he moved over the mattress and pulled you into his chest.
“Just tell me to move if you get too hot or uncomfortable,” your beloved whispered, stroking the back of your head with his inked hand.
A soft, weary hum of acknowledgement was the only sound you could muster as the feeling of his warmth circling your cold, feverish body brought you the first sense of true serenity you had experienced since first waking up.  While you couldn’t smell him due to your blocked sinuses, his lingering presence alone was enough to lull you into yet another much-needed slumber.
Law exceeded the definition of ‘pampering’ when it came to caring for your ill state.  When it was revealed to you that he very rarely treated the rest of the crew with the same level of domestic, loving care, you tossed your lover a pointed, disapproving gaze.  He simply did what he had to do as a doctor and a captain, but you were special to him, far more than just a regular crew mate.  (If that wasn’t obvious already, with the way his kisses always seemed to burn your skin and his hands knew every part of your body.)
But in the days following your first onset of symptoms, Law hadn’t left your side, even after the Polar Tang submerged yet again deep below the dark blue ocean, cruising to its next destination.  Law moved some of his work materials from the medical room to the floor and small desk of your bedroom, half of his brain focused on his studies while the other half kept a close watch on your slumbering form in the bed next to him.  The antibiotics were quick to shut down the illness, and although they did come with a few less-than-pleasant side effects, you were thankful for how rapidly the regimen of pills slowly loosened the mucus in your nose, the pounding in your head, and the tightness in your chest and throat.
Perhaps he might have been a bit too attentive.  Shachi and Penguin tossed lighthearted jeers in their friend’s direction as he followed you into the shower for the third day in a row, keen on making sure you didn’t faint under a stream of too-hot water again.  While you found it humorous that he wouldn’t leave your side, you were also beyond thankful to have someone so focused and dedicated to ensuring your wellbeing.  Law was truly one of a kind.
And when your first 24 hours without symptoms passed and you were deemed officially in the clear after a long week of recovery, you were rewarded with a long-overdue kiss on the lips from your doting man.
You, as well as the entire crew, were given strict instructions to incorporate Vitamin C capsules in your daily food intake to prevent more severe infections from cropping up, but with the way you were taken care of by your bespeckled boyfriend, a small part of you wouldn’t mind getting sick again.
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honeyshiddendesire · 5 months
I’ll Teach You
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Warnings: INCEST PLAY (big sis/little brother)! Bimbofication! Slut Training! Vaginal penetration! Fingering! Oral sex! (M) throat fucking/gagging/choking all the works! Praise & degradation kink! Size kink! Older reader! Spanking! Hair pulling! Whore training!
*you've been warned so don't come for me*
Summary: Eustass was the friend to your little brother, Killer. As you’re on the phone he overhears you complaining to your mom that no one likes you in your class. Confronting you about it he tells you that your mama bluffed so she wouldn’t hurt your feelings but he was willing to help you.
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“Guys want a slut.”
“That big brain of yours is good for later as a wife but right now … guys wanna see how well you take a cock.”
“Ah fuck- that’s it big sis look at you go.” Eustass had a wicked grin as he looked down at you. Your hair wrapped in his big hands as he thrust into your stretched open mouth. Gagging you with the heavy girth as he pinched your nose for a few seconds before pulling you off to spit in your mouth.
“No idea how fuckin’ pretty you look right now- shit-  this is how you should be everyday.” Rubbing his large hand all over your face to smear the tears, mascara, precum & spit that was there. Smushing your cheeks together roughly making you whimper before he tapped his cock back onto your lips. Rubbing the leaky tip on your lips like he was trying to apply lipstick made of his seed.
“You look wrecked. It’s so fucking hot.”
Opening your tongue right up like he taught you had him barking out a proud laugh. Wrapping your hair in a ponytail he fucked his cock back into your obedient throat. “There we fuckin’ go big sis. That’s what the hell I’m talkin about.”
“Fuuuuuck. If you’re this good at suckin’ dick then I can’t wait to see that pussy game.” Eustass grunted dropping his head back as he put a leg on the couch that you knelt in front of. Putting his hands on the back of the couch he thrust into your throat, pinning you against the sofa.
“Mmphhh!” You gagged against his meaty cock as he fucked your face into the side of the couch. It was hot how he just used your face like he would your cunt. It made you sneak a hand under your skirt, pushing your soaked panties to the side with a muffled sigh.
“You’re such a good listener big sis -fuck- fast learner too. Shit big sis can’t believe you need me teaching you how to be a slut.“ Eustass’ voice was breathy as he fucked into your throat, groaning when he felt you claw his thigh.
Pulling back with a coo he looked at you gasping for air, his heavy cock pushing against your cheek making you whimper. Tongue coming out again with heavy pants, eyes dazed as you looked up at Eustass for his next moves.
“Say what I taught you.” Eustass growled out as he grabbed your hair. Sitting on the couch with you on your knees, hair in his hand waiting on your response.
“P-please use me. I need your cock to fuck me in my slutty holes and fill me full of your cum.” You answer while spreading your legs for him to see how soaked you were. The bold action making him hum with satisfaction, “Good girl. See I knew my big sis had the potential to be the best cock slut ever. Okay, come ride my dick. I wanna see that pussy split apart.”
“But y-you’re so big.” You whimper making him tug your hair to pull you close. “I wasn’t asking sis. You’re my little freeuse slut and that means you hop on and ride me when I tell you to.”
Leaning back he put his hands on the back of the couch lounging as he waited on you. “Besides it’s dick…it’s good for you, think of it like a vitamin. Vitamin D. Ha! Ya need it to live so hurry up and start ridin’.” He barked out patting his thigh.
Standing up you removed the rest of your clothes making him whistle as he spun his finger around. You did a slow turn letting his eyes rake over your body like the piece of meat he wanted you to be. “Pretty one ain’t ya sis.” Eustass teased as he spanked your ass when it was in front of his face.
“Hop on this cock, slut.” He groaned out as he stroked his thick cock, thumb running over his leaky tip. Licking his lips as he watched you climb on top and spread your pussy open. “Yeah, just like that.”
“Nngh ahh! Fuck! Kidd~it’s too big still.” You whimpered with teary eyes as his thick cockhead opened up your wet pussy. “Ahhhh wait Kidd! Too big it h-hurts.” You plead going to lift yourself back up but his calloused hands on your hips pull you down roughly. Thrusting his veiny cock up as he pulls you down flush to his hips.
“Shhhh just take it like a good girl and quit cryin’ sis. Fuck- bimbos do as they’re told. Period.” He growled as he slammed you down on his dick making you scream. The tip instantly slapping into your sweet spot with its slight curve and fat tip.
Kidd smirked when he felt your pussy clench and flutter around him, wetness coating the base of his cock making his mouth water. “Tight little cunt you got.”
Eustass gripped your ass cheeks, kneading and spreading them apart before grinding you on his cock. “Ahhh! Fuckfuckfuck!” You moan out as his tip rolls into your spot. Pulling his hand back before swatting it down on your ass causing you to yelp. Lifting you up to the tip before bringing you back down with a deep moan. Raspy and heavy as he threw his head back against the couch.
“Fuck - I needed this.” Eustass grunted as he manhandled you on his cock, your hands clawing at his massive shoulders. “Men need a nice cunt to bully their stress in- fuck- you were made for this shit sis.” Hearing him praise and objectify you made your body burn in shameful desire.
You felt sexy like you wanted to please him. Knowing that just your pretty pussy is the cure to a man’s rough day only makes you wetter. All those pointless awkward conversations out the window knowing all you needed to do was relinquish control, submit to your slutty side and spread your legs. The realization was incredible and you found yourself bouncing on his cock with newfound enthusiasm.
“Hell yeah get in to it. Lil nerd finally letting go and being the whore she was meant to be. So fuckin perfect. That’s it sis, turn off that big brain of yours until all that’s left is takin dick.” Eustass’ words put you in a trance and you couldn’t help the noises that it caused.
Wet slapping sounds, squishing walls and moans filled the living room as you rode the hell out of Eustass. Thick cock hitting all the right spots till you were throwing your arms around him begging to let you cum. “Pleasepleaseplease lemme cum lil brother please. I’ve been good right? Please let me cum! You can cum inside me too! Please I just need it so bad~!” You begged perfectly for the man, he couldn’t have been more proud of the slut he created.
Taking you and pinning you down to the couch he fucked into your cunt. Legs on his shoulders as he leaned over you, fucking your pussy deeper. Screams leaving you as your back arched. “Yes thank you! I need your cock all the time please~!” Your words weren’t even registering in your brain at this point and Kidd loved it.
“I’m tellin’ ya Y/N you’re a natural. Honestly I might have to keep you for myself. Shhiiit-fuck I’ma cum. Dammit not before you.” Kidd growled as he felt himself twitch. Pushing your legs back till your knees were at your ears he began thrusting harder.
“Eustass! Lil-little brother! You’re making me so full.” You whine and it makes Kidd’s brow twitch.
“No way in hell I’m coming before you nerd.” He grunted as he rubbed your aching clit, fingers rubbing over your quickly with all your slick that dripped out. “I wanna see you squirt on my cock like a good bimbo . Tongue hanging out panting like a little bitch while I’m pumpin’ this pussy full.”
“Anything you want, brother please ~!” Your hands clawing at the cushions with whines and broken moans. “Wanna cum on my cock? Show me what all these guys are missing.” Kidd groaned as he felt your gooey walls tugging him in, dripping to his balls that slapped into you. Sticking your tongue out you stared at him with a pleasing expression he was becoming obsessed with.
“That’s my fast learner.” Eustass smirks as he spits into your open mouth. Enjoying the whimper as you swallow and open back up to repeat it once more. “So fucking good.”
“Cum with me sis. Cum all over your little brother’s big fat cock.” Eustass grinned as he slapped your clit a couple times before rubbing it again.
“Ahhhh haaa nnngh fuuuuuckkmeeeeeee! EUSTASS!”
Eustass bit his lip to cover up the whimper that left him as your pussy clamped down on his cock. Wetness gushing out to splash back in your face had him fucking his cum into your cunt. “Damn that’s hot.”
“Take this load babe.” Kidd grunted as he rocked into your cunt, cum seeping out the side a bit. A groan leaving him as you clenched and fluttered around him squirming.
“S’to much K-Kidd~” You whine but Eustass only laughs shaking his head. “Nah there’s still a lot you need to learn. For now~ you didn’t do too bad…sis.”
“Ugh can’t believe you had me call you that!” You grumbled swatting his chest as he pulls you on his lap sitting down. Practically giving you whiplash from the transition. Eustass only slapped your ass with a laugh.
“Ah What can I say? If you run into a guy like me he’ll be thankful you’re already trained in the nasty shit.”
“Thought you were gonna keep me?” You teased him pinching his cheeks causing Kidd to blush.
“I m-mean w-why would I do that…y-you’re a total nerd.” His flustered expression was cute and you stored it mentally for later.
“Good thing you’re teaching me to be the perfect bimbo whore right lil brother?”
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Yandere Professor Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Chapter: Dog Days.
When your ex Professor Hannibal Lecter kidnapped you after you finished your school semester as his student, you were at first rebellious. Quite the fighter.
The first meal Professor Lecter cooked for you was none other than Oxtail Soup. He wouldn't let you feed yourself. That annoyed you.
Smiling, he used the spoon to fill it with the tasty liquid and held it to your lips. "Say 'ahh'.''
You blew into the spoon and it caused the hot water to splash onto the face of Professor Lecter.
He hissed in pain. He then put the bowl and spoon down. He slapped you hard across the face.
You were shocked. You clutched your face and felt a bruise forming on your cheek. No one ever raised their hand to you. Not even your own father.
"Listen, Bitch." Professor Lecter grabbed the bottom of your chin to make you look up at him. "I am trying my best and I will not tolerate disrespect."
For you whimpered as tears flowed down your eyes. How frightened you were of this man.
Professor Lecter's expression softened in pity and you think regret. He sighed as if he was tired. 
"Please cooperate." He held a spoonful of soup again. 
Slowly, you opened your mouth and sipped.
The next morning, you felt weird. You couldn't understand the feeling. It wasn't pleasant. It was, in fact, ugly. Your head hurt and it was spinning like a dark and creepy carousel.
Your throat itches and feels dry. The worst was your temperature. Both overly warm and then cold. Switching on and off. Causing you to be confused. You were sick.
Lecter wanted to make up for slapping you. He knew this was to be expected. I mean he did kidnap you and it was natural to be scared. He felt foolish for losing his temper.
But, his whole life he was respected. His parents spoiled him and would never refuse him. He was popular at school. And when he became an adult and then a successful Psychiatrist, he was always worshiped and respected.
He didn't like this new treatment.
He wanted you to love him back.
Lecter wanted to remove that chain you were wearing and live a normal life with him as his wife.
Well, he wants you to homeschool his future kids. Other than that, he wants a normal life.
Lecter had to wake early to go grocery shopping. He doesn't eat sugar. Only meat and vegetables.
He got the ingredients to make heart shaped pancakes.
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He went to Pinterest to cook simple pancakes. He never cooked pancakes before and didn't want to screw it up. This was new to him. 
Lecter tried his best. He assumed it was okay. He added strawberries and powdered sugar. It looked decent.
He felt nervous. Normally, he was always confident in everything. With you, it was the opposite. He felt insecure. Oh, well. He shrugged his shoulders. Maybe it is because he loves you. In novels and movies, he read that people feel stupid all the time around their crush.
Taking the tray, he added soy milk and gummy vitamins. He walked down the stairs to the basement.
He saw you curled in bed. "Wake up, my dear. It is time to eat." Lecter announced in an authoritative voice.
When you didn't answer, he clenched his jaw in annoyance. The hard way again? So be it. Lecter settled down the tray on the expensive glass coffee table and walked over to you.
He ripped the blanket off your body. And to his surprise, you were still as a stone. That confused him. He felt your forehead and to his horror, you were burning up.
That caused his heart to pound in fear. You were sick! He then checked your pulse and opened your eyelid. A high fever you had. Lecter then covered you back with the blanket and went upstairs for medicine. 
Over the past two hours, Lecter tended to your every need. He gave you pain killers and fed you chicken soup instead. You got better.
But, still weak. Your ex Professor was currently sitting next to your bed pressing a wet rag against your forehead.
You poor thing. He thought. He held your hand lovingly and watched you. 
To his surprise, you began talking in your sleep. He blinked in curiosity. He didn't understand what you were saying at first. Now, he heard it loud.
Ouch. You missed your mother. Lecter sighed. First you wouldn't accept his love, you reject him, he hits you, and now you are sick.
Everything was going wrong.
He is lost and doesn't know what to do.
Covering his face with his hands and resting his elbows on his knees, the stress and worry of your health caused something strange to him.
He felt tears sliding down his wrinkled face.
The thought of you dying was the worst thought. He cannot imagine you leaving him permanently. That was why he took you away in the first place.
"Why are you punishing me, Name?"
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toboldlygohome · 8 months
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: You are oblivious to all of Leonard's attempts to flirt and all of your friends think it's hilarious.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James "Jim" Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu
Warning(s): Slightly cringe attempts at flirting, Painfully oblivious reader, Stephen King references
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Leonard was finally ready to move on. The divorce had left him with wounds he wasn't sure he could heal from. He hadn't been interested in dating for years afterward. But for the first time since then, someone had caught his attention.
You were the new head of Archaeology aboard the enterprise. You had been transferred from the USS Celine to assist in the 5 year mission. To say you were new wouldn't be exactly correct, you had been on board for about 6 months already. You had taken to the position well and were already good friends with everyone in your unit, as well as all of the bridge and command personnel.
Leonard knew he liked you the moment you met. You had a firm handshake, a killer smile, and when Captain Kirk asked if you were single, you told him it wasn't his business. Jim's stunned face when you shook his hand and walked away was priceless.
Of course there were far more reasons to admire you other than your ability to take the captain down a peg. You were incredible at your job, finding ancient ruins in the most unlikely of places. You were like a dog when it came to fossils, sniffing them out almost as soon as you landed on alien soil. You were smart and always ready to answer questions. You were also highly tolerant of people's mistakes, something that was slowly rubbing off on him. When you were around, Leonard found he had more patience for stupidity and everyone else noticed as well.
You were kind, you were a great listener, you were hilarious, you were dependable, considerate, honest, cheerful, and you could always be counted upon for some witty banter. Not to mention you were the most beautiful person Bones had ever seen in his life.
That's not to say you didn't have your downfalls too, everyone does after all. You were self deprecating, a little easily distracted, and of course you were the most painfully oblivious person in the universe.
It all started one morning at breakfast. You were sitting in the cafeteria with Jim, Nyota, and Spock.
Leonard had made his decision the previous night while drinking with Jim. Bones wanted to pursue a relationship with you, but he wasn't going to just tell you point blank. He wanted to gauge your interest before taking that leap of faith.
"Mornin'" Leonard said as he sat down beside you. "Jim, you look terrible."
Jim, who was still hung over from the night before, frowned at the doctor. "Gee, thanks. I had no idea."
"You're welcome. Now Y/N on the other hand, you look great this morning," Bones smirked. Jim and Nyota immediately perked up, clearly not expecting him to be so forward (especially not this early in the morning.)
"Thanks Doc," You smiled at him and returned your attention to your oatmeal.
"What's your secret?" Asked Bones upon deciding that your smile was a good sign.
"My secret?" You raised an eyebrow.
"To looking so good every morning," he clarified. Nyota and Jim looked at each other incredulously.
"Ummmm," You thought out loud. "Get good sleep, take your vitamins, and don't get wasted at two in the morning." You patted Jim's shoulder and stood up with your empty bowl. "I better get to the lab, see you guys later!" You grinned.
Everyone bid you a good morning before gawking at Leonard, amusement etched on their faces. "What's your secret? Did you seriously ask 'what's your secret?'"Jim cackled.
"Leonard, you seriously need to up your flirting game." Uhura barely stifled a giggle.
"I know it's been awhile doc but seriously, that was terrible! And I've heard Spock's attempts at flirting," Kirk snickered.
"It wasn't that bad, y'all are acting like I'm some cretin who stole their oatmeal and called it flirting. I called them attractive, get off my back." Leonard rolled his eyes.
"No, you said they looked good. That could be interpreted in, so many ways. As far as flirting goes, that was pretty pathetic." Nyota said.
"I would have to agree doctor, perhaps you could take instruction from the captain or even-" Spock started.
"Shut up and eat your breakfast," Leonard snapped, causing another fit of giggles around him.
Bones sat there, glaring into his eggs, trying to figure out where he went wrong. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed that Uhura was right. You didn't realize he meant it in a romantic way. Maybe he was more out of practice than he thought. He was just going to have to give it another shot. Practice makes perfect after all.
The next day, Leonard tried a different approach. Coffee mug in hand, he made his way to your office only to find it empty. He looked all over the labs, nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until made it up to the bridge that he found you deep in a discussion about landing sites for an upcoming mission.
Your head perked up when you saw the doctor come in from the turbolift. "Ahoy, McCoy! We missed you at breakfast this morning." you smiled as he came to stand beside you.
"Sorry darlin', had some gamma shift engineers to patch up." Bones casually passed the mug over to you. "Made you some coffee."
"Really? for me?" You peered into the cup and beamed, "thank you doctor, it's just how I like it!" Jim gave Leonard a subtle thumbs up while you sipped your drink.
Leonard had a good feeling this time. You were happy with the gesture and even Kirk seemed impressed. It felt like a good first step, until-
"First Chekov brings me a croissant, then McCoy brings me a coffee. I'm so lucky to have such great friends. Thank you guys!" You smiled at the two men.
"You are very welcome!" Pavel grinned.
Leonard's mood plummeted almost instantly. While he was glad you got to enjoy a croissant and a coffee, Chekov's untimely generosity made his romantic gesture seem more like a friendly one. He was going to have to go back to the drawing board.
You turned to the captain, cradling your warm cup in your hand. "Is there anything else you need of me Captain?"
"No Commander, I believe you've answered all my questions," Jim said.
"Wonderful! If anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab trying to decode some ancient texts," you took another sip of your coffee before strolling back to the turbolift.
Once you were out of sight, Jim patted Leonard on the arm. Sulu and Chekov were trying their damnedest not to laugh, and failing miserably of course.
Leonard furrowed his brows at the two of them before looking back at Jim's cheeky grin.
"You told them?" Leonard scowled.
"Told them what?" Jim laughed.
"About..." Leonard rolled his eyes and gestured to the turbolift.
"The only ones I told were Uhura and Spock," Jim assured.
"He didn't need to tell us anything, It's written all over your face Dr. McCoy," Sulu said.
"Yes, you get all red in the cheeks and you have this look in your eyes like you've seen the sun for the first time. It is very obvious you are vying for the Commander's attention," Chekov agreed.
"If I'm so obvious, why isn't Y/N picking up on it?" Leonard crossed his arms.
"Maybe you need a new approach, try... I don't know, making up new excuses to spend time with them. Or maybe you could try touching them," Jim suggested.
"Touching them?"
"Yeah, nothing inappropriate or anything. Just little things, like pats on the back, nudging their shoulder. Stuff like that. Might show Y/N you're interested without having to use the words, you know?"
"I don't know Jim..."
"Look, you're a doctor right?"
"I hope that'd be pretty goddamned obvious by now," Leonard glowered and put his hands on his hips.
"And as a doctor, you have a pretty good gauge on if someone's uncomfortable right?" Jim asked, "just try it and if you get the sense they're uncomfortable, just stop doing it. Easy as that."
"Why do I get the feeling it's not going to be as 'easy as that?'" The doctor shook his head.
"Because you are an incorrigible pessimist, Bones." Jim patted his shoulder.
"I'm done here, some of us actually have work to do," Leonard grumbled and trudged to the turbolift.
"All work and no play makes McCoy a dull boy," Kirk beamed.
"Quote Stephen King to me one more time. See what happens." Bones said as the doors closed. Alone in the elevator, he allowed himself to think about where to go from here. Perhaps Jim's ideas weren't so terrible. He rather liked the idea of spending more time with you. He usually talked with you during mealtimes and meetings, but not much outside of that. The touching is what was making him nervous.
He came into contact with people all the time, being a doctor was a very hands-on profession. He just didn't have Jim's level of confidence anymore. It felt ridiculous, he could stitch a man's thumb back to his hand and deliver an infant in the middle of a battle, but he couldn't touch your shoulder? Maybe he'd just skip that step for now. Quality time, that seemed like as good of a direction as any.
He continued bringing you coffee every day, It gave him more time to get to know you and Leonard was falling harder by the minute. He hadn't really looked forward to anything in a long time, but he looked forward to your coffee talks. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough anymore. The chats weren't long enough and you still weren't catching on to his feelings.
It had been a particularly stressful day, it felt like everyone needed something from him and he was in desperate need of a break. The moment things got quiet in the medbay, Leonard snuck away and his feet carried him to the archaeology labs.
It was quiet inside. A few ensigns were at work in their stations, putting together fossilized bones and carbon-dating old tools. Leonard found you in the back of the lab where you were busy decoding some old scrolls. Learning to understand a lost language was no easy task; Leonard couldn't fathom the amount of reading it would take to accomplish such a thing. Still, you seemed ready to take on anything the Captain dished out.
"Commander, I see you're hard at work," Bones smiled and came to stand beside you.
"I see you're not!" You joked and looked up at him from your seat. "What brings you to my neck of the woods doctor? Did I forget about an appointment?"
"Not at all, I was just taking a break and wanted to see how you were doing," he said, hoping you would understand what he was trying to say: that he was thinking of you and wanted to see you out of everyone else on the Enterprise.
"Well I'm really glad you're here Len, because I've just made a breakthrough!" You beamed. "Take a look at this," you motioned for him to look closer.
Leonard leaned in to look at your scroll. "So, you know how I found these papers in a box under the Mofeli excavation right?"
"Mhm, you insisted there must be a basement and you found one," Bones hummed.
"I originally thought the site was a business, that these papers must be some sort of documentation. You know, like land deeds, proof of insurance, perhaps even money. Basically stuff you would usually keep in a lock box, but these aren't ledgers or inventory slips or anything like that at all."
"What are they?" He turned to look at you.
You met his gaze and gave him a grin that could melt the ice caps and outshine Sirius. "They're love letters," you said and his heart hammered his chest painfully. He was only just now realizing how close he was to you. How his hand was resting on your back, how his face was mere inches from yours.
"See, if you look here you'll find this symbol all over the place in these letters. It's the symbol meaning love or lover. I've completed the translation on this one right here." You returned your attention to the paper. Leonard swallowed and glanced at the sheet, trying his damnedest not to stare like some creep.
"What, um... what does it say?" He cleared his throat.
"It says, and I'm paraphrasing here, 'My dearest love, I find words elude me. My heart blossoms for you under the light of the sun and keeps me warm when the light fades. I find not the courage to speak, but many a whim to write. I desire your embrace. I seek your song. I crave your hand. I covet your blazing eyes. One day I-' This part is all faded so I can't make it out, but the last thing it says here at the bottom is 'May our hearts and bodies be intertwined for eternity, and our souls may sing together as one.' Then there's what I assume to be a name at the bottom, but I'm not sure how to pronounce it."
"It all sounds a little sappy to me," Leonard joked in a slightly strained voice. This whole thing with the closeness and the touching and the letter was really affecting him. If you noticed his struggle, you gave no indication, In fact, you seemed perfectly at ease being this close to him.
"Hey, a little sap never hurt anybody," you elbowed him lightly in the side.
"Croakus sap can."
Leonard chucked softly and lightly patted your back before crossing his arms casually over his chest Your easy conversation was already helping him relax again. "so, Commander, you've been down here in your lab for an awfully long time. What do you say we go for a walk to the observation lounge?"
"Sorry doctor, I would but somebody's got to make sure the ensigns don't blow the place up. That, and Spock wants me to finish three more translations by the end of my shift," you explained.
"Of course he does," Leonard huffed.
"But I'm free this evening if that works for you?" You tilted your head.
"Of course, absolutely." Leonard had no idea if that was going to work for him, but he was going to make it work.
"Great, I'll see you then," you said with a surprising amount of enthusiasm.
"See you then. Don't work too hard," he smiled and left you to your translating.
Bones was pleased with himself. He had managed to follow Jim's suggestions and they appeared to work. He'd even managed to secure a date with you later that evening...Well...he hadn't actually called it a date when he suggested it. No matter, Leonard would just clarify all that the next time he saw you!
He never got to make the distinction that your walk was intended to be a date. You had brought a friend with you. Leonard could feel the fear in your ensign companion's eyes. Bones was sure everyone on the goddamned ship knew what he was trying to do but you. It was still a nice night despite the unwanted guest. He learned a lot about where you grew up, your interests, and your favorite films and music. He learned your favorite flower was the iris, your first job was a librarian, he even learned you were in a band during your time at the academy.
The more he learned, the more he liked you. He wasn't even sure if liked was the right word anymore. You had quite a few things in common. Your favorite foods, you liked the same movies, and you enjoyed the same music. You asked him questions that got him really thinking. They were the sort of topics you don't realize you have an opinion on until you start talking about them. But what surprised him most of all was when you asked about his daughter. What sort of interests does she have? How is she doing in school? I wonder if she would like X,Y, and Z. He was always hesitant to talk about Joanna or his ex, but it felt easier with you. Like that wound he had been carrying for so long was finally closing.
Your friendship progressed beautifully, but he felt like you were growing more and more blind to his advances. He had seen you turn plenty of people down before. If you weren't interested in someone, you made it abundantly clear. But you had yet to do the same with Bones. It wasn't just him: Jim, Nyota, Pavel, Scotty, Hikaru, and pretty much everyone else who knew you were puzzled as well. Even Spock couldn't understand how you were so incognizant. It was funny for them at first. They would laugh at every compliment you didn't register, every smile you didn't realize had meaning, every coffee, every walk to the deck, every deep conversation, every breath of relief when you come back from a mission. He was even so bold as to tell you in no uncertain terms that he'd do anything to make you smile.
The laughter turned into looks of pity. Leonard was about ready to give up. Maybe you weren't interested and you just wanted to let him down easy, you were good friends after all. Bones sat at the bar as Jim poured him another glass. Normally he was the one playing bartender, but Jim insisted he take over.
"I gotta say Bones, I really hate seeing you like this." Jim poured himself a drink too. "How did lunch go?"
"I told them they have beautiful eyes." Leonard sighed and shook his head.
"And?" The Captain probed.
"They said 'if only they worked as well as they look,'" Bones groaned.
"Ah..." Jim stared into his drink. He tried to put himself into Leonard's shoes. What would he do if he were in this situation?
"I don't know what I'm doing wrong..." McCoy muttered.
"You aren't doing anything wrong, Y/N just-" Jim started.
"It's something I'm doing, it has to be. Maybe this is a mistake."
"No, Bones it's not a mistake. That couldn't be farther from the truth."
"And how would you know? It's not like you have any problems finding dates," Leonard rolled his eyes.
"Seems like Y/N's not the only one who's oblivious," Kirk chuckled.
"I'm not in the mood for jokes Jim." Leonard took a sip of his whiskey and ran a hand over his face.
"Believe me Bones, I wish it were a joke. There's just no way the two most unaware people are head over heels for each other. I'm waiting for the punch line" James smirked.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bones scowled.
"Look, just... we have shore leave coming up in a few weeks. Ask them on a date. Like really ask them. Be frank, be clear, make sure there is no way Y/N can misunderstand you. Trust me," Jim squeezed Leonard's shoulder.
"Fine. But if this goes south, you owe me as many drinks as it takes to forget this whole debacle." The doctor downed the last of his glass.
"Bones if this goes south, I'll eat my hat."
"You don't have a hat."
"Point still stands. It'll work, you just have to have a little faith. And lucky for you, I have enough faith for the both of us." Jim winked.
Leonard wished he had Jim's enthusiasm. Officious little prick, he thought to himself...Dammit, now I'm quoting Stephen King.
Shore leave was just around the corner and Leonard was no closer to his goal of asking you on a date. Everyone was running around, trying to prepare the ship for inspection, he still had his normal duties to attend to, neither of you had time for coffee all week, Spock was being especially nitpicky about protocol, and he was anxious about what you'd say when he eventually got around to asking the million dollar question.
Yeah, Leonard was about ready to lose his marbles.
He was prepping the supply storage units, when Spock strolled in for the tenth time that day.
"Dr. McCoy," Spock greeted, startling Bones to the point that he nearly dropped his box of gauze.
"My god man, what the hell do you need this time?" Leonard implored, "don't you have anything better to do with your day than pester me?"
"Indeed I do, doctor" Spock replied.
Leonard huffed and sat down his box, "then what is it, did you miss my face or something?"
"I saw your face only moments ago, I have no need to miss-"
"It was a joke Spock, what do you want?" Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I came to inform you that I saw Commander Y/L/N coming in this direction." Spock stated.
Leonard raised an eyebrow, "and?"
"It is my understanding you are anxious to speak with them regarding your-" Spock started.
"Your understanding is correct, I just..." Leonard sighed and shook his head.
"Would it help if I told you the odds that they will say yes?" Spock asked.
"Never tell me the odds Spock," Leonard grumbled.
"Then I will simply say, good luck." Spock turned and left again, leaving Bones to decide if he was ready for this. He didn't have time for a decision, because there you were in the doorway with two mugs in your hands.
"Hey, stranger," You laughed. "Looks like I got here just in time, you look like you need some." You handed over the cup and Leonard took it gratefully.
"Thanks," Leonard offered you a smile and took a sip from his mug. It was just how he liked it, right down to the temperature. Together, they retreated to the safety of his office. Once inside, they fell into their usual conversation. He waited until things got quiet, then he decided to go for it.
"So, got any plans for shore leave?" Leonard asked, leaning back in his chair in an effort to appear more at ease.
"No, not really. Maybe I'll visit with a couple friends, catch up on sleep. How about you? got any exciting plans?" You leaned in, resting your chin on your hand.
"Not yet," he admitted. "But I'm hoping to make some."
"Oh? You got someone special in mind?" You hummed.
"Someone incredibly special, yeah." Leonard smiled. So far, so good.
"Oh, well I hope it goes well." You shifted awkwardly in your seat.
"Me too..." Leonard agreed. You both didn't speak for a moment, the distant hum of the warp core did little to tame the silence.
"Hey Y/N... I was thinking maybe we could go to that restaurant you like, you know the one with the really good Chicken Parmesan you're always talking about." He mused, "what do you think?"
"I, um... I think they'd like it" The smile you gave him looked...sad?
"What are you talking about? Who'd like it?" Leonard couldn't possibly be more confused.
"Your special someone?" It was your turn to look confused.
You've got to be kidding me
"I'm talking about you darlin', do you want to go to that restaurant with me, just us, nobody else. You and me. Together." Leonard clarified, meeting your gaze.
You looked positively flabbergasted. He couldn't possibly mean what he was saying, right? There was no way Leonard wanted to... I mean, he was way too good for you! You had been trying for months to get his attention, to no avail. This must be a dream. You're going to wake up any minute.
"I, uh...what?" You blinked out of your daze.
"Dammit Y/N, I'm trying to ask you out on a date!" Bones ran a hand through his hair, exasperation evident in his tone.
"Really? Me?" You asked hopefully.
"Yes!" He replied "Look, it's okay if you don't w-" You suddenly burst into laughter and all the words died on his lips. "What's so funny?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! It's just-" You giggled, "I actually came here to do the same thing..." You said sheepishly as you dug into your pocket "I, um... I got us tickets to see your favorite band. Figured if you said no, you could just take Jim instead." You handed the tickets over to him.
Leonard stared at the tickets in his hand, shock written all over his face. "Sweetheart, are you telling me we've both been dancing around each other for months, when we could have been doing stuff like this the whole time?"
"Seems that way, yes."
Leonard smiled and shook his head. "We're not very good at this, are we?"
"Not at all," You laughed. "Ahoy McCoy? What was I thinking?"
"Points for creativity darlin'," Bones chuckled. He almost couldn't believe things had turned out so perfectly. But in his experience, coincidence didn't exist. "Jim knew, didn't he?"
"He was actually the one who pushed me to come here," you admitted.
"Same. The bastard told me you'd say yes... Guess this was one of the few times I should have trusted him." Leonard concurred.
"So... What now, doctor?" You leaned a little closer. How had he never noticed your eyes before. He knew they were beautiful of course, but the way they were looking at him now made him weak in the knees. Had you always looked at him like that?
"Well, for now we're going to finish up our shifts, wouldn't want anyone to think we're slackers. But later, we're going to meet at the recreation room for a drink, possibly a game of darts. Then we'll see where the night takes us," McCoy smirked.
"How romantic, I can hardly wait for you to sweep me off my feet, they're killing me from all this running around, you know?~" You mused, resting your chin on your palm.
"Now you listen here darlin'. I'm a doctor, not a broom." Bones couldn't hide his amusement when you rolled your eyes at him.
"Well, what if I sweep you off your feet then?"
"You'll have to be careful, you might drop me and we could end up tangled in a whole mess of limbs."
"Oh, I'm counting on it.~" You teased.
Leonard swallowed hard and hid his bashfulness with a sip of his coffee, "Well in that case, sweep away."
You laughed again and McCoy was sure he had never heard a more beautiful sound in his life. He could see a future with you then. He wanted to sweep you off your feet, kiss you until you were breathless, share coffee with you early in the morning, and swap stories until late in the night. He wanted to introduce you to his daughter.
Baby steps.
"I hate to cut this short doctor, but I left the ensigns alone for too long, I'm worried there will be no lab to return to. I'll see you tonight?" You asked, fidgeting nervously with cuffs of your sleeves.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going to change my mind." Leonard smirked.
You blushed and smiled in relief, "good! Great!" You stood, grabbed your mug, and sauntered happily to the door. You paused just a moment and looked back at Bones sweetly. "See you later, handsome."
"See you later Y/N," replied Leonard. You gave him a cute little wave before hurrying back to the labs.
Once he was alone again in his office, Bones leaned back in his seat and admired the tickets on the desk. He almost couldn't believe how thoughtful you were, but this wouldn't be the first time you gave him an incredible gift. A couple months after you met, Bones had mentioned offhandedly that he missed a particular brand of whiskey from Earth. Despite being light years away, you managed to find some and give it to him. It wasn't even a special occasion, you got it just to make him happy. Leonard supposed he should have realized your feelings for him right then and there. Damn. He really was oblivious.
McCoy wanted to give you something tonight- no, he needed to give you something tonight. Something sweet, something romantic, something that says: 'you're special to me and I need to show it to you because I'm terrible with words'. But where was he going to find something like that on a starship? The botany labs. Flowers make for a great gift on a first date! Maybe if he was lucky, they would have irises growing down there. So what if bouquets are a little sappy?
A little sap never hurt anybody after all.
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Various crps x reader who struggles w/ self care
I miss old creepypasta fandom sometimes (unrelated to the post)
Characters: slenderman, eyeless jack, nina the killer, masky
Notes: reader is GN, can be read as romantic or platonic, very self indulgent for the admin but hes keeping it mostly open/vague so those can also enjoy this, admin uses any pronouns for nina
CWs: none
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still in love with the idea that hes not fully aware of your needs as a human but hes knows the bare basic minimum- something about him not being a human himself and not regularly interacting with them to know what to look out for blah blah blah/lh
notices youre a little more down than usual and he does his best to find out whats wrong- are you sick? tired? hurt? is his human okay? its kind of like seeing someone fret over their pet, except its this old cryptid and his human friend
mostly stands off to the side and quietly passes you some water and snacks, keeps your glass full so you dont have to keep getting up- or a bottle of water if you would prefer!
though its not unlikely for him to get more assertive with his care, he might just pull you away from bed and try to get you cleaned up. if you let him hes going to be doing everything for you
will interfere with outside things so you can have a day to yourself to rest and recover (ex. fizzing out work calls, messing with any electronics if anyone is bothering you, ect ect, god forbid someones actually making you feel horrible on purpose)
very good at reminding you to drink water and take your meds (if you have them), i like to think that sometimes he lives vicariously through you because you can still eat human foods and that bleeds into generally what you need to put in your body-
what i mean to say is that he is great at keeping track of things for you if you struggle with it! time, energy, or just not having the motivation, hes making sure you get what you need even if you cant do it yourself
does his best to get you some extra boost of vitamins and stuff in an attempt to boost your energy/mood, obviously he knows its not going to be a magic fix but its better than nothing.. hes the one cooking though! for reasons that align with the first bullet point!
very straight forward and blunt when asking if theres anything wrong, he can come off as disinterested or annoyed based off of his tone but genuinely hes trying his best to help you open up... jack himself isnt used to opening up so he doesnt have much experience being gentle and soft
brushes through your hair before you both go to bed
nina can be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to this sort of thing as they tend to not... take very good care of themselves.. though its mostly out of not remembering to keep to a routine
does her best to get you to go out and do something with her that will eventually lead to you taking care of yourself in some way- asking you out for lunch or doing an activity that gets you extremely messy so you have to go take a shower
if your lack of proper self care is caused by any personal struggles you may be facing, nina makes it more than clear that you can go to them to talk
easily the most non judgmental person ever, you can tell her nearly everything and shes not going to think of you any differently
opens up about her own struggles to make you feel less alone
THE monarch of reminding you to take your meds, if you have them
watches you from the side like a cat, kind of just keeps an eye on you throughout the day to make sure you're still kicking
will push a plate of snacks and your meds to you- like a cursed little charcuterie board!
he would make you a meal but ignoring the fact hes not a good cook at all, he feels it would be easier on you to just have snacks.. better something than nothing
will keep you in bed if youre tired or sore, will keep you pinned to him if he needs to- you might just take it as him wanting to cuddle...
and he never cuddles so to you this is a once in a blue moon experience!
or do you need to get up and stretch? hes going to do something to get you up, be it pestering you until you come to get him to pipe down or trying to get your assistance for something
might even lift his mask up next to you to get you to brush his teeth with him
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nethhiri · 3 months
Marooned: Chapter 50
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Rape, torture, body horror, loss of body part, violence, forced pregnancy, infertility (Seriously heed the warnings. This one is dark.)
Warthin had fallen asleep next to you. If you weren’t chained, you could have bashed his head in with the weight if the seastone. The first hit would disfigure his face, lacerate his skin. The second hit would cave all his facial bones inward, maybe exposing the tan, jagged edges of bone, and the indent would fill with blood and viscera, appearing like a bowl of soup. The third hit would splash this soup everywhere and crunch the rest of his skull. Gray-pink, gelatinous brain would squeeze out of the cracks from the force of impact. This is what you replayed in your head when he woke up and raped you again. 
He left and came back some minutes later with some “good” news and breakfast, which you refused. The “good” news was that you weren’t pregnant with a Kid Pirate baby and your womb was open for business for his own. He tried to feed you and you moved your head away or knocked it from the fork. He didn’t like that. He forced your mouth open by squeezing your jaw and shoved food in your mouth before covering it with his hand so you couldn’t spit it out. He wasn’t very gentle and you gagged a few times, but eventually he had force-fed you the entire plate and then some vitamins, “nourishment for his child”.  
He visited you a lot throughout the day, alternating between raping you again and force-feeding you. He got quite frustrated with you by the time dinner came around. This time when you refused to eat, he had a pair of pliers handy. If you didn’t want to eat then you didn’t need teeth. He loosened some up by punching you square in the jaw, then he took the pliers to one of your molars and pulled. It hurt. It felt like he was yanking your whole jaw out. You screamed and pulled against your shackles. You could feel blood run down your arms from the metal digging in to your skin. When your tooth finally came loose, your mouth was filled with blood. At that point all your screaming and struggling had made him hard, so he fucked you again, a little rougher than he had been. You knew it would only be a matter of time before his rapist instincts overtook the procreative ones. Afterwards, he fed you cold dinner, which you had to choke down because chewing hurt too badly.
Later, you vomited from all the blood you had swallowed. You didn’t have enough chain to lean over the edge of the bed so you were forced to vomit next to you. You couldn’t even wipe your mouth. Warthin accused you of doing it on purpose to starve his future child and proceeded to beat you for the transgression. He didn’t even let you clean up or change the sheets. You felt like an animal. You felt dirty. 
This cycle repeated. Every time was a little bit rougher, until you were covered in bruises. Every part of you was sore. There was dried blood in many different places and dried semen all over your thighs and between your legs. It wasn’t that bad. You could take it. You could survive this. Only a few more days you before they would come for you. You could last a few more days. I hope.
“Look at me.” Warthin demanded as he fucked you. “You never look at me, my darling.”
You ignored him. 
He grabbed your head by the hair and slammed it into the headboard behind you. “Fucking look at me, you pirate fucking whore.” He slammed you into the headboard again. “I bet you looked into their eyes when they fucked you. Didn’t you? You liked being violated by their diseased, dirty cocks.”
Tears spilled over your cheeks. Your head still hurt from him ripping out your tooth and all the times he had hit you already. 
“LOOK AT ME, CUNT!” Warthin choked you out until your consciousness faded. 
You blacked out and woke up to him still on top of you, not sure how much time had passed or if this was even the same rape.
”There you are.” He was holding a small, sharp blade. “I’ve thought of something that’s fair for both of us. You don’t have to look at me, but you’ll never get to see anything ever again either, especially not those pirates you give yourself away to.” He pressed the blade below your eye.
”Please don’t.” You rasped, throat raw from screaming. You felt the point of his blade cutting into you. Losing one eye was bad enough. Losing both would be your end. You had no observation haki. You would never be able to sense your surroundings. You would be rendered useless. If he removed it completely, you wouldn’t be able to use your power to bring it back. And then what worth would you have to Kid? What worth would you have to yourself? 
He withdrew the blade. “You’re right. I have to take the other first so you can see me crush it.” Warthin roughly stuck his fingers into your right eye socket, taking out your log pose and inspecting it. “So this is what you used to track us. You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He held it up for you both to see before crushing it in front of you. “All gone.” He took the small blade back out.
”No. Please. What do you want? I’ll look at you. Please don’t do this.” It was rare for you to beg, but you would have no pride left if he took your eye anyway. You would have nothing left. You would be nothing. The Kid Pirates wouldn’t take you back. What use would you be? You would be an extra mouth to feed with no benefit to the crew. Even your devil fruit power would be dubious since you needed to visualize things to make it work.
“It’s too late. You had your chance, darling. And as much as I love seeing the hate in your eyes, I want to be the last person you ever see, so that I’m burned into your mind.” He slowly pushed the knife under your eye.
”NO! NO!” Your pleas devolved into screams as you felt the worst pain of your life. You could barely struggle under his weight pinning you to the mattress. The restraints were pulled taught until your hips and shoulders ached constantly; you couldn't move even if his weight was absent. Hot, semi-vicious liquid dripped down your cheek and onto your chest. The sickening sound of wet, tearing flesh reached your ears. 
“Oh fuck yes keep screaming. Just like that.” Warthin didn’t want to rush this but it was difficult to resist finishing. “Fuck!” He came inside you again but didn’t stop. He was enjoying this too much. He grabbed the collar that was still around your neck and ripped it off, noticing for the first time the writing on the back of the tag. “If found, return to Kid Pirates.” He had a tone to his voice that you didn’t like. “They won’t want you back when they see how much you’re enjoying yourself here.”
You didn’t know what he was doing. The pain was so intense that it was all you could feel. You were pretty sure your eyes were open, but you couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything either over your own screaming. You blacked out from the pain soon after that. Welcomed into a dream state by familiar faces, you were happy to see them, and that you could see. Their faces weren’t welcoming. They were frowning. Kid was there telling you how useless you were to him, nothing better than a set of holes now. Killer wouldn’t even look at you, your face too grotesque. Your hope was faltering.
Kid and Killer were reunited with the Victoria the day following the incident. Everyone immediately knew that things were dire when they returned with Mini, and you weren’t accompanying them. They expected Kid’s rage, not Killer’s. It was rare that the first mate got angry, but when he did it was scary. Kid was very outward with expressing his. Killer held it all in. He answered in clipped tones and few words. They could tell he was boiling inside and no one could tell when it was going to erupt. 
They met with Heat and Wire to explain their plan and afterwards, made themselves scarce. Kid was in his workshop, facing away from the door that led to the infirmary. It made him too upset when he looked at it and expected you to be there. Killer was in his room, unable to come out again until Kid came to check on him. When he did, he saw a crumpled metal ball. A blue and white metal ball. Killer had crushed his own helmet in his rage. He kept thinking about his regret that he hadn’t told you more about how he felt, and he may never get the chance now. They were both emotionally triggered by the event, reminded so much of Victoria. 
Kid returned Killer’s helmet to its original state. “Are ya ok, Kil?” 
“I’m fine,” he lied. Killer was far from fine. He was pissed at himself for not being there for you or for Kid. If they had taken Kid too, he didn’t know if he could come back from that. “Wish I had told her that I cared about her. Wish I could have done more for both of you.”
”Ya can tell her when we get her back. And I’m here, aren’t I? Ya still saved me from being taken prisoner.”
A few days passed. They used your clothes and the blood of Warthin to track in the right direction. Mini would sniff the items and then point in a direction that they would follow. Sometimes the trail dropped off when the wind changed and it delayed them greatly. It frustrated Kid to no end. He was thinking too much. Left alone with his thoughts, he was ashamed that his mind kept creeping in the direction of questioning your loyalty. The doubts crept in the more he was left alone. Maybe this was all a setup. Maybe you planned it all from the beginning, stealing his heart just to lure him to his capture. 
Killer joined him for dinner, bringing it to the workshop, where Kid had been holed up. “What’s wrong?” Kid had skipped lunch earlier.
"Maybe we shouldn't be trying this hard."
"M'sayin that I have doubts."
Killer narrowed his eyes, feeling his blood starting to boil. "What do you mean 'doubts'?" His skin got hot at the mere thought of Kid turning his back on you. His temper was getting the better of him, yet he was torn between his loyalty to his captain and his protective instinct when it came to you.
”Don't ya think this could be a setup?” He stared down at the plate of food. “Maybe she wants us to follow her so the marines can capture us. Don’t ya think it’s weird that they didn’t kill her right there, but they tried to shoot me in the head?” He felt guilty for asking it, but he had to know if he was being rational or irrational at this point. The lack of sleep wasn’t helping his anxiety about the situation.
Killer slapped him across the face, not hard, but not gentle either. “KID! She tried so hard to earn your trust, don’t you dare question it when she needs us the most!” Killer’s voice cracked. His index finger dug into Kid’s chest. “You saw how scared she was, Kid! You think that was fake?” Killer put his fist down on Kid’s workbench. “YOU WANT TO QUIT ON HER BECAUSE OF A SCENARIO YOU CREATED IN YOUR HEAD? WHEN SHE’S SUFFERING AND PROBABLY BEING-“ Killer didn’t finish, putting his head in his hands and letting out an anguished growl. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to explode at you. I just-“ He didn’t know if he did it because of fear or anger, or some combination of both.
”I know, Kil. Yer right. Sorry.” Kid shook his head and rubbed his cheek. “I needed that.” Kid felt bad about piling so much of his own feelings on Killer when Killer was dealing with the same anguish. And he felt worse that he questioned your loyalty.
They ate in silence. Neither of them could truly comfort the other. They were both hurting. Killer tried his best to stay strong for Kid, as he had in the past, but he was in pain, too. He didn’t have the capacity to carry the pain of two people. He struggled with his own, ready to lash out again at any moment. They spent the night curled together in Kid’s cabin, before sleep vowing not to let the same thing that happened to Victoria happen to you.
In the following days, tensions rose significantly on the Victoria Punk. They were stalled. The scent stopped coming back to Mini and she was unable to track you further. She paced back and forth across the deck with just as much anxiety as anyone else. Kid and Killer poured over maps with Wire, trying to figure out where they may have gone, where they may have taken you. They argued about what the best course of action was. Kid's intrusive thoughts only became more intense. Killer was snapping at everyone who got in his path. It was looking bleak. Then in the afternoon, about five days after you had been stolen, the Kid Pirates received a package.
There was a scream that rattled the windows on board the ship. Quincy was the one who grabbed it, thinking maybe it was something she had ordered on the last island, or maybe new wanted posters. Heat rushed to her, being that he was the closest, eyes drifting over the package on deck. He froze. Staring back at him were three eyes: 2 belonged to a video transponder snail and the other was irrevocably yours.
Heat hurriedly grabbed the box, suppressing the urge to vomit or cry or both. He didn’t want the rest of the crew to see it. Quincy followed closely behind him, worried about her friend. The four commanders and Quincy stood around the package. Killer pushed Quincy and Heat aside, zeroing in on the jar. He knew what it was when he saw it, and still brought it closer to make sure, to ensure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. There was a Y/E/C iris staring back at him, complete with the trailing optic nerve and attached muscles. Kid, on the other hand, assumed it was a gag, a fake, some kind of taunt. Everyone was waiting for the other foot to drop, for Kid to explode. When he didn’t, and instead went off about cheap tricks, Killer delicately explained that it wasn’t a trick. Then, Kid went ballistic.
“THEY TOOK HER FUCKING EYE?! THEY TOOK HER EYE!” All Kid could think was how devastated he would be if his remaining arm was taken from him, and applying that same feeling to you. 
Heat quickly grabbed the jar containing your eye before Kid could smash it in his rage. 
Killer attempted to quell Kid’s anger. “Kid, if they’re sending us this, it’s likely she’s still alive.” Albeit, alive purely for the purpose of torturing. 
”AND SHE PROBABLY DOESN’T WANT TO BE ANYMORE! WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO HER, KILLER? WHY?” Kid let himself be enveloped by Killer, burying his head into Killer’s shoulder. Kid felt hot, angry tears roll from his eyes. He was pissed on your behalf, upset that someone would maim you in this way, more upset even, by thinking of the pain you must be feeling. It brought him back to when he woke up after losing his arm. He had been livid, scared, and he did question his ability to be a pirate captain. But he had another arm. And he could make a prosthetic. You had neither equivalent. 
”That may be so, but that’s all the more reason we have to get her back.” Killer embraced his captain. “We have to change her mind.” He held onto Kid until the broader man pulled away.  Kid scowled, but said nothing. Who was he to try and change your mind? Keeping you in a state of misery just so he wouldn’t lose you would be selfish. He pushed that line of thought from his mind. He didn't want to explore that possibility until it was a reality, if it became one at all. 
As soon as Wire saw the transponder snail, he told Quincy to leave, even with her protests. He knew nothing good would come from it. She didn’t need to witness whatever happened next. He didn’t want to entertain whatever taunts would surely come from the other side, but he wasn’t sure what would happen if they ignored it either. Before they did anything though, he was going to figure out how to use it to pinpoint your location. It was a feat to keep Kid from calling on it right away. Wire convinced him to hold off until they could create a device to track the signal. 
A bad feeling settled in the pit of Killer's stomach. He could only imagine what they would see on the other side of the transmission. It was already difficult to keep himself from replaying the terrified look on your face when you tried to warn them about Warthin. What if he saw something worse? And what if that was the last thing he saw of you? Bile burned the back of Killer's throat. 
Time was a continuous stream. There was no start or stop, no beginning or end. You couldn't say how long you had been here or even when the start of a new day was. At first, you could, but lately Warthin had been depriving you of sleep. He almost never left, constantly feeding you either his twisted perception of reality and how you were going to be the perfect wife and mother or cruel depictions of how worthless you were now. He went on and on. You were starting to believe him. Maybe you would be better off pretending to go along with his sick fantasy. At least he would want you. 
Tears pricked the corners of your empty eye sockets. Falling between the skin of your eyelids into nothing instead of rolling down your cheeks. Even if they found you, the Kid Pirates would leave you there once they saw your sorry state. You were weak from being chained in bed. Your face was swollen, probably beyond recognition. They would see how you've been used and how could they ever look at you the same again? You wouldn't blame them. You were disgusted by yourself, allowing yourself to be caught and abused, becoming the very thing you had been trying to protect. You were too pathetic to be a Kid Pirate. Maybe they would be so kind as to put you out of your misery before they left, if they were even looking. 
All fighting it did was exhaust you and excite your captor, so you had given up. You stared at the ceiling, well, that's what you imagined you were doing. You did your best to ignore the soreness between your legs, the movement of the bed, the horrid breath against your neck. In a way, you were glad you couldn't see. You didn't want to see the satisfied look in his eyes when he was done defiling you, or any part of him at all. Instead, you tried to remember the molten iron orange of Kid's eyes and how they burned with anticipation when he looked at you; you tried to remember the crystalline, icy blue eyes that you could tell were looking at you with amusement and patience from behind Killer's mask when you tried to do anything in the kitchen. Every night, or what you thought could be another night, you went through the faces of the crew in your head. That stubborn part of you refused to let Warthin's face be the last thing you saw and you were afraid if you stopped, their faces would fade from your memory altogether. 
The lines of your sanity were beginning to blur as you went from wanting to die to desperately wanting Kid or Killer to break through the walls and scoop you up to safety. As much as you told yourself you weren't worthy of them anymore, a small part of you hoped they could look past this and they could still care for you. You had finally gotten a taste of what it felt like to be loved, not just romantically, platonically as well. Hanging out in silence with Wire, joking around with Heat, gossiping with Quincy, listening to Dive's wild stories, all of it was precious to you. The shame of what was happening to you was what held you back from embracing the desire to return. They knew you as a strong, ruthless, independent pirate. You didn't want them to know you as a victim, not strong enough to help yourself.
There was an intense pressure around your neck and you struggled to get a breath, coughing and sputtering. For a minute, you thought maybe you would be granted the release of death. There was no way to know since you could no longer tell if your vision was going black. You experienced flashes of color as your brain was deprived of oxygen and fired neurons at random. Then your throat was released and your lungs greedily expanded with air. 
"Angel, you're not paying attention again." Warthin grabbed your face, licking his lips as he took in the dark maroon blood around where your last remaining eye used to be. It pooled under the skin and went nearly all the way down your cheek.
You spit at him. "Fuck you." If he really pestered you to react, you tried your best to make him snap. You knew he had it in him to kill you. You wished he would. 
"Come now. Don't be like that." The back of his hand trailed down your cheek. "Don't you think a child should be made with love?" 
Every word made your throat ache. "I fucking despise you."
"But I love fucking you." He laughed and grabbed your breast roughly. "I wish we didn't have to chain those long legs down. I want to see your ankles next to your ears. Maybe I'll chain them up by your arms instead. That way your pretty little pussy would always be wide open and welcoming for me." 
You had to fight the urge to dry heave at the feelings of his fingers playing with your cunt. Sometimes you wished you weren't so revolted by him so you could get wet. The dryness made every time he entered you painful. If you were lucky, he would spit first. You winced as he pressed his cock against your entrance.
"You know this hurts me, too." Warthin removed the pressure against you and brought his fingers back instead. "Why don't you imagine what those pirates did to you? Make it easier for both of us. Let me guess. Obviously, you fucked the captain and he's a large guy. Did he split you open on his fat cock?" He moved his fingers inside you, testing to see if anything he said made you react. "I bet you liked feeling him fill you up. I bet you liked when he chained you up. How is this any different?" 
Was there a difference? Kid was mean to you. He had fucked you under dubious circumstances. You did like being chained up. Had you just been manipulated to believe that there was a difference? You had an emotional connection with Kid didn't you? What if that was just a tactic to keep you around longer? 
Warthin leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You stupid girl. We're the same. You just like being used. So let me use you." He pumped his fingers. "What else did they do? Did Eustass share you with his pals?" His fingers felt the beginnings of wetness. "You were passed around to Killer, hmm? Heat? You open your legs for any freak, you filthy whore." He could feel your pussy twitch. "And what... they weren't enough to be stuffed by so you let Wire fuck you, too. I bet his cock is huge. Just look at the guy." He chuckled as he felt his fingers become more slick. "That's it." 
"S-stop." Your lip trembled. You hated that the memories you held close were being used against you. You hated that you could feel yourself become wetter. It was an involuntary response. "Please." You would be forced to forget even those treasured moments just so he couldn't use the images in such a sick way. He was taking everything from you.
"Good girl. Cry some more for me." He removed his fingers and was about to rut into you, when he heard the transponder snail ring. "This is perfect timing." He got off you to answer it.
That was out of the ordinary. He usually ignored everything when he was with you. 
"Hello, Captain Kid. I've been expecting your call."
Your heart froze in your chest, cold tendrils of fear snaked through your veins. 
"WHERE IS Y/N?! WHAT HAVE YA DONE TO HER?" The sound of Kid's voice made your heartbeat quicken.
"Oh what haven't I done?" Warthin sneered. "Would you like to see her? We were just in the middle of enjoying ourselves." 
See her? It dawned on you that he might have a specialized transponder snail. You heard him get closer. "No. Please don't." Your voice shook. 
"What's wrong, my love? You don't want him to see how much fun we've been having together?" 
You thought you could hear a sharp inhale on the other end of the line. "Don't look. Please don't look." Tears spilled down the sides of your eyes as you turned your face away. 
"Uh uh." Warthin tutted. "You look at them." He roughly grabbed your face and turned it back.
"What do you want?" Killer's voice was calm, but cold.
Warthin laughed. "I'm not sure I understand. I have what I want right here."
You yelped as he pinched your nipple through the silk of your nightdress. Although you wanted nothing more than to see their faces, you were simultaneously glad that you couldn't. The immense shame you were feeling couldn't be hidden except to your own eyes.
"What do you want in exchange for her?" Killer questioned.
You could hear Kid in the background screaming unintelligibly as someone tried to calm him down. 
"Nothing. I think you've misunderstood the situation." Warthin pulled the fabric of the dress until it ripped from your form. "She isn't my hostage. She's my prize, and I'm gloating." 
You felt the mattress shift under his weight and you understood what was about to happen. "L-leave them out of this. I'm- I'm begging you." 
"Sweet Y/N. They called me. They put themselves in it." Warthin snickered. "And now they're gonna watch while I put a baby in you." 
Your stomach dropped at Kid's words. That was the only layer of protection between you and the true cruelty of Warthin. 
"What does he mean by that?" Warthin picked your head up by the hair and slammed it back down when you didn't answer. "I SAID WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY THAT?!" 
Kid and Killer were hurling threats through the transponder snail. You could tell by the tone of their voice. You couldn't make out any of the words through the ringing in your ears. The chains rattled and were pulled taught as you instinctively tried to cover your face with your arms. Hearing Kid and Killer's voices again, how they wanted you back, washed away all the feelings of despair that had brainwashed you. Desperately, you wanted to be back with them and everyone else. You wanted to survive in the hope that this could be your future. But even that small flame of hope would be snuffed out.
"YOU LYING FUCKING SLUT." Warthin punched you in the gut. "You let me believe all this time, that you could give me a child?! There are consequences for lying." He leaned down over you and spat in your ear, "Your wretched crew are going to watch me rape you." His voice was slightly quieter, like he was addressing someone else. "And if any of you look away, I'm killing her right here." 
"BASTARD! PRAY THAT I DON'T GET MY HANDS ON YA BECAUSE WHEN I DO, I'LL BE TAKIN MY TIME KILLIN YA! AND I'LL KILL EVERY LAST FUCKER IN MY WAY." You could picture how viciously Kid's golden-orange eyes flashed as he said it. 
The dread that closed in around you was suffocating. You turned in the direction of Kid's voice. "You can look away. It's- It's okay." He was going to kill you anyway now that he knew the truth. The least you could do was spare them from seeing you be violated in your last hours. You tried to smile, but the tears that had been flowing turned to sobs, enough for salty streaks to finally coat your cheeks. "I- I- love you." It pained you to choke the words out in this setting. "Please don't remember me like this." You gagged when you felt your mouth forced open and fabric be shoved inside. 
"That's ENOUGH. You were supposed to love ME!" Warthin grabbed you by the throat. 
"We're coming for you, Y/N. Please don't give up," you heard the sad, sweet voice of Heat.
You could hear the low growl of Killer's voice, "You have no idea what's coming for you, you bastard." 
Their promises were like a shell coating what little was left of your resolve. They did want you and they were coming for you, but that also meant they weren't going to let Warthin make good on his threat, and they were about to see what brutality he was capable of. 
Tag list: @bbnbhm @nocturnalrorobin
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
the appeal of yeojeong as a normal guy who’s just a little bit off. not enough that you would notice when talking to him, of course, but it’s just there, under the surface. a disturbance. and i think it’s interesting because typically you have two types of guys somewhat adjacent to this: guy who seems totally normal but is secretly sadistic/a psychopath, and then guy haunted by a traumatic/troubled past, who has that secret layer of torment running beneath the surface of their image. but yeojeong breaks through these archetypes, and i think part of it is because he’s just so...calm. it’s not that he’s living a double life (kind doctor by day, killer by night) or hiding part of his past (everyone he worked with knew about what happened to his father, and watched his downward spiral during his college days). he’s not the typical male character who is, at every attempt, trying to outrun his tragic past (even though he does run once or twice); he’s not haunted by flashbacks, or suffer from PTSD in the way that is usually portrayed in dramas. and i think part of that is because the glory is a story about victims. it’s dongeun’s story, first and foremost, even though it is also yeojeong’s story, and hyeonnam’s story, and sohee’s story. but it’s a story about dongeun’s pain, and when it’s not about her pain, it’s just about the pain of victimhood - unlike other dramas, this isn’t a show where male pain outweighs the rest.
so yeojeong is just a normal guy. he’s handsome. he has a good career. he’s a plastic surgeon, an interesting choice when both his parents were/are hospital directors, and his father seemed to have worked in the er or something of the sort prior to his death (or at the very least wasn’t a plastic surgeon). something could be said here of yeojeong choosing the ‘safe’ path as a doctor, a path where he cures pain and makes people happy without the added risk of being attacked by one of his patients. there’s no proof of that in the show - why he chose to be a plastic surgeon - but it’s an interesting thought path to travel. 
dongeun says he must have lived a good life. that he’s never had to worry about the path that he’s on. and that’s true, to a certain extent. to everyone, including her in the beginning, yeojeong is perfectly friendly. he’s perfect, but not the perfect that people perceive as too perfect (i.e. the guy who’s hiding things); he has his moments where he spazzes out, gets into fights, goes crazy over dongeun texting him back, teases his mom. he’s perfectly well adjusted (a perfect contrast to dongeun’s ‘maladjustment’). he wears flip flops to work and gets the same coffee order daily. he plays go with old men in the park.
he likes to listen to the fizzing of vitamin tablets in water because it calms him down. is this a strange thing? only because he thinks it’s important enough to mention to his therapist. he does it at work too - drops the tablet in, closes his eyes, rests his head. he does it at home - drops the tablet in, opens the drawer, draws a knife. it’s about the noise. bubbles rising to the surface, like bubbles rising from underwater. he stays underwater until the last possible moment, when he has to break the surface in order to breath. dongeun makes him feel like he’s at the eye of a storm - a deceptively calm center, while everything else rages outside. and i think it’s kind of important that he makes that comparison, when he’s someone always seeking that calm. the soothing noise, that makes him feel lonely.
so he’s just a normal guy. a normal guy who receives letters on a regular basis from the prisoner who brutally murdered his father. he doesn’t like letters, he tells dongeun. who knows what he does with the letters - does he keep them? does he throw them away as soon as he sees them? he must have read some of them; maybe you only need to read one to know what is in the rest. maybe he’s still reading them; maybe he keeps them without reading, an invisible torment. it’s not what he does with the letters that matters, but that he receives letters at all. 
can you still call it a haunting if you’ve almost made your peace with it? if you’re living with it? 
he’s just a normal guy, who looks his therapist right in the eyes and tells her that she couldn’t fix him. he diligently attends therapy for years on a regular basis, even though it doesn’t work. he finally abandons it when he moves to semyeong, because he chooses to embrace dongeun’s revenge. he chooses his own revenge, too, in a way. the dark part of him that he can’t escape. the one that makes him pick up the knife, who asks dongeun who to kill before she even tells him she wants any of them dead, even when he’s a doctor from a family of doctors, and doctors don’t kill - they save lives instead. 
you couldn’t fix me, he tells his therapist calmly. so calmly. as if there’s not a bloodied man sitting next to him, a man he dreams of killing. the man is just life to him, just like the letters are life to him to. a dulled numbness. an acceptance of it. 
is your son going through hell? can you even tell it’s hell, if it’s what you’ve become used to? is it hell when you’re a doctor dreaming of murder? is it hell to no longer be tormented by dead men and living murderers who send you letters? is it?
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nesting-dreams · 5 months
Realistic depiction of how useful the boys would be in every universe when someone is on period worst to best case scenario
Say a s/o came on their period late at night and all the stores are closed at 2 am. If s/o or April happen to run out of pads and pain killers. Cuz you sometimes do lose track of it.
2016: knows nothing and is useless even after they get a s/o cuz they’d all not steal for their s/o. Raphael may attempt too, but he’d be unsuccessful. Would leave s/o be cuz that’s all you can do.
1987: Doesn’t know anything and is useless cuz April is more like a co worker and she wouldn’t feel comfortable telling them stuff. They won’t learn the basic stuff until one of them actually gets a girlfriend. Donatellos the only one willing to steal you things for your period while the others don’t. All the boys are very understanding, Raph might test you with his sarcasm though but he’ll shut up if you glare at him. Donatello makes sure he knows which pad type to get and strength of painkillers.
2012: Doesn’t know anything until April. She is their friend and will tell them half the details. Donatello and Raphael would totally be down to stealing for her. They steal the basics like pain killers and pads. Very understanding. None of them joke, but feel super awkward first time. Raphael will soften up for his s/o if they’re having serious stomach pain. They get every kind of pad and pain killers and stash it for future emergency. Leo gives you tea.
2003: Only knows the basics from their April cuz she’s more like an aunt. Will steal stuff from stores without hesitation for her. They have stolen bishops icecream for petty reasons. They’d totally steal for Aprils well being and comfort. Once they get a s/o they’d pamper them for sure when the stomach aches come and the wanting to kill yet be affectionate feeling and cry for no reason comes up. They actually ask what a girl needs specifically and gets that. Mikey would get the chocolates and pizza cuz that’s what he likes to be cheered up by. Leo gives you tea
Mutant mayhem: only knows basic from April cuz friends. Would steal you basic pain killers and make sure to get you the right pads too. I expect Leo and Mikey would get you snacks as a treat.
Rise: knows April since age 10 and they probably saw her going through her first period. She is like a sister so they are going to learn all the details much to their horror. They probably need like a day to process it first time cuz tween girls are blunt. Would steal everything from the convenience store for her. Like even stuff she doesn’t need. Best case scenario. They’d be even better for s/o cuz they’ve had practice with April for years and now they know what they are doing. Donnie probably is trying to figure out a way to make the pain less painful but be careful if he experiments on you. Might go wrong. If your periods are heavy, even though it grosses him out, He will research proper nutrition to help you with the period. Leonardo would actually do the same when he stops testing your patience with jokes and he starts worrying about how the period is affecting you badly. He doesn’t sleep for you in researching and then he steals the proper nutritions and tablets and vitamins for you. Mikey and Raphael are just here to be good boys who cuddle and give you teddies and pizza. Leo gives you tea from his own personal stash that he wouldn’t give his brothers usually, he hates seeing you like this so he gives.
All would be low-key scared cuz of the wanting to maim someone feeling s/o has. All would think April is dying the first time they might see blood.
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swampstew · 1 year
*pokes head in* Did I hear 'requests'? I'm so excited! If you're interested, could we please get some headcanons about Kid and Shanks each comforting a tired, run-down reader? I don't know about you, but work, school, and other responsibilities have me feeling like a wrung out dish cloth. And spicy headcanons are awesome too, if you're in the mood, because something tells me both of these red-heads like to use their bodies to help their partners relax~
As always, thank you for all the hard work, Raven. You make a lot of people very happy and we appreciate all you do. <3 Take care of yourself, witchlet!
AAAH Star thank you for the request and double thank you for making it a Kid one♥ I'll do fluff and spice head canons cause we deserve it! I hope you take some time to self care beloved.
Content warning: 18+ only, fluff and spice, Eustass Kid X GN Reader, Shanks X GN reader (no reader description or pronouns used), existing relationship with both. Minors DNI you will be blocked
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Kid realized something was up when you couldn't meet his eyes. Like you were trying to distance yourself from him when he was in the same room as you. He didn't like that. A chat with Killer reveals you've been stressed for a minute and a half and that makes Kid angry. Why didn't you say anything? He knows he's gotten on your ass about taking care of yourself from burnout, but do you ever listen?! Baka! His baka. Ok, so now he has to take matters into his own hand(s). Bet.
Whatever you were busy with, you're not anymore as he snatches you away and charges like a bulls to his cabin with you against his chest. Not slowing down, the first thing he does is toss you into a tub full of bubbles and hot water. Time to scrub away all your tension and he'll be doing the honors thank you very much. He leaves you to prune as he goes to the kitchen to help Killer prepare a plate for you. Nutritious finger foods, some sweet fruits, and your vitamins and supplements you've been neglecting to take.
As you eat, Kid - with as much patience as he can muster - meticulously combs your hair and lathers it with your usual products. He'll slap a face mask or two on you, yes at the same time because logic(??), and maybe even do your nails if you're into it. He'll even massage your upper back, working out all the knots that you didn't realize were there. He has to stop himself from going any further, there'll be time for that later. Now that you're clean and fed, it's time for him to whip out the shock factor.
Clearing his throat and pulling out a sheet of paper (that Killer gave him), he starts to list off: "Tell me how you're feeling." "Did I do something to hurt you?" "Do I need to kill anyone or destroy anything to get you to smile?" "What can I do to make you feel better?" "Do you need a shag?" "Why didn't you tell me you were struggling?" "Are you an idiot?" - Kid snuck that one in, it is not Killer approved. "You know I love you and I'd do anything to make you happy, right?"
Kid is still uncomfortable with being vulnerable but he won't let that stop him from being there for you as you spill everything that's been causing you anxiety and stress. Might cringe a little at the crying but that's because he's awkward and used to being the cause of someone's crying. Don't let it stop you though! He'll just smother you against his chest. He applies the logic of a weighted blanket here by using brute force to cement your face between his pecs until your breathing slows down. Snot and drool don't bother him but hearing your whimpering cries is enough to fracture his steel heart.
NGL, Kid's first thought when he sees how strung out you are is that he's not dicking you down enough. He's heard of Vitamin D deficiency, and he's truly an asshole to be depriving you of his D. He didn't think he was but shit he must have if you're struggling this much without him. Haah? It's because of lack of sunlight and proper food? Nope, doesn't believe you. He's taking you to pound town. Yes he said it exactly like that.
He won't deny himself an opportunity to fuck you, but if you don't want him to penetrate you with his actual D, he'll just fuck you with everything else. His fingers, his tongue, his teeth and lips, and all the toys he's been making for the two of you to play with. He'll build you up nice and slow, dragging it out at first because he's still a bit mad you didn't trust him enough to let him in when you were hurting - this is your punishment. The rewards will be delicious and bountiful, don't you worry.
Kid doesn't expect anything in return but if you feel generous enough to reciprocate, he won't say no. He definitely won't push it, might hint at it a few times, he'll respect your boundaries either way. Nah? Ok he'll focus on breaking his standing record of how many times he can make you cum without his Dick. Yes? Nice! Again he'll build you up nice and slow, cause he wants you to feel every drag of his Dick inside you - then when he thinks you've earned it, he'll ravage and mark you with his stamina and passion.
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Shanks is able to keep tabs on your well-being because he's generally closer with you and actively talks to you about most things. Also because he cheats and uses his advanced observation haki to feel you out. However, he knows how much you value your independence so he won't step in immediately when you start withdrawing, letting you be the one to come to him first. Sometimes you're really fucking stubborn and he waits too long to reach out until you're in the throes of a spiral or burn out. No one claimed he was a genius.
He's a communicator though and that's the first thing he'll do once he corners you after you've tried to dodge him for the fourth time tonight. No where left to run little one. Time to talk about your feelings. Yes now. With no choice, you spill your sorrows as he nods his head with a frown on his face, so upset that you've been suffering in silence when you had him all along. He needs a drink tbh.
After you cry it out some, Shanks finally releases you from his grip and pulls you into the shower. It's time to sluice off the depression, starting with a steamy shower. It'll open your pores to let all that stress dissipate. Then, he makes you dinner paired with a bottle of wine - where he starts listing off all the responsibilities he's taking off your plate (while stealing some food off your plate), penciling himself in your calendar for weekly dates with him, and weekly self dates for yourself. You need to treat yourself more! He'll give you all his gold! "No Captain," Benn calls from the doorway. "Yes Captain," Shanks retorts defiantly.
Ok so you can't have all the money but you can have pretty much anything you want. Currently its being held down in a cuddle sandwich between Shanks and Benn while Yasopp yapped out a story while sitting at the edge of the bed and somehow that distraction was enough to get you out of your own head. Oh Lucky Roo entered the cabin with some snacks, great you were getting hungry again.
Before you fall asleep much earlier than you had been recently - before midnight even! - Shanks sank into the bed with you as the others left and turned off the light. He whispers sweet nothings into your ears to help drive out any anxieties still lingering in the space between your ears. Don't wait too long to talk to him ok? He wants to do everything in his power to make you happy with him and happy in life.
Like the other one-armed, red-haired pirate, Shanks first thinks that the reason you're feeling down in the dumps is because he's been neglecting you physically. So he is quick to offer himself up to you - in mind, spirit, and chiseled body. He gives you a show because he knows you like to check him out when you think he doesn't notice - news flash he always does but he thinks its so cute you think you're getting away with it. He makes it a sensual and light hearted show that surely leaves you panting.
Shanks has always been a generous lover and that's no different now. He takes you in your favorite ways, not bothering to edge or tease you, going in for straight pleasure because you've been feeling everything but recently. Knowing your body like he knew his sword (Gryphon), he guides your way to bliss easily and repeatedly.
This is the one time he's purely selfless and does not pleasure himself, only focused on pleasing you. By the time he's through with you, your frown is upside down, lopsided and flooded with drool. Your voice is hoarse, your body is littered in love marks, he knows he's done a good job at wiping your mind blank of all your troubles, at least for a little bit. When you wake up, he'll be there to help you with the rest.
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darlingsfandom · 11 months
Hi Hi~✨ Can I request Spencer/mgg taking care of reader with chronic pain having a flair up? Perhaps with some hot chocolate & books? Pretty please? 🥺 💕
Thank you so much for taking requests and for all your writings thus far! 💕
Hi friend !! Yes of course.
Also I'm going to cry !! Thank you so much ✨ I'll always do my best to fulfill request .
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The pain was nothing new to you at this point it was more of an annoyance. All the doctors you had seen had just dismissed and gave you the same story every time that you're too young, you need to loose weight, sleep more, take more vitamins and every other excuse out of the book to ignore your pain.
You were sitting on the couch with a heating pad on your lower back when Spencer came in with some plastic bags.
"Hi sweetheart, I'm sorry I'm late. When we were on the phone earlier and you mentioned how much your back was bothering you, I stopped at the store and got you some more medicine, some hot chocolate mix, some sour candy because sour candy sends this little signal to your brain..."
"Spence?" You cut him off with a whine as he set the bags on the counter and quickly ran over to you. He sat down carefully next to you. Spencer always treated you like you were made of glass during a flare up. "I love you." You placed your hand on his cheek and he placed his hand over yours before he took your hand and kissed it softly.
"Have you taken any medicine in the last four hours ?" He asked while adjusting your heating pad so that you could lay down on the couch.
"It's been about six !"
Spencer grabbed the pain killers from the plastic bag before bringing it to you along with a glass of water. "Take these, they're leftover from when I got shot in the knee." You looked up at him with soft eyes as he helped you take the pills. "Good girl!" He kissed your forehead before getting up. Spencer made you some hot chocolate and brought it over to you in the coffee mug he got you for Valentine's Day last year.
"Thank you honey bunny!" You giggled as you took the cup. Spencer pulled the book out from his back and handed it to you. "Spencer ! You got me the collection of the original Grimm s fairy tails??" You pouted your bottom lip at him . Spencer moved closer and kissed your pout.
"I figured you'd like it and it would help distract you from the pain." He placed his hand on your knee and gave it a soft squeeze. You eyes teared up while you looked up at him through your lashes .
"I love you Spencer ! Will you read to me please?" You handed him the book. Spencer took the book carefully as he pulled back the blanket and moved you closer to him as carefully as he could. He laid your head on his lap and ran his fingers through your hair slowly.
"Once upon a time..." Spencer started reading as you laid there listening to him read you your favorite story . This might not be modern medicine but who needs medicine when you have Spencer taking care of you the best way he can.
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blackypanther9 · 10 months
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
WARNING!: Cursing !!!
Part 2 – Aunt Jane
They got home after Mike and M/n were shopping for a bit of food and drinks. Michael didn’t have much anymore and really had to watch the price tags. Max told him that food was still left over and warm and that Abby didn’t eat yet, which Mike decided to take care of.
After a while he came back out, utterly defeated.
“She still refused ?”, M/n asked.
“She keeps talking about her imaginary friends...”, Mike sighed out and sat down on the couch.
“I should probably leave.”, Max said.
“No, no. The three of us have to discuss something before you leave, Max, but first, let me try to convince Abby to eat...”, M/n said and left.
“Good luck.”, Mike called after him.
M/n entered Abby’s room soon enough and looked over her shoulder at the drawing, she was working on.
“I don’t want to eat right now.”, she informed M/n.
“Abby, please eat now. Your drawing isn’t going to run away from you, but your food will get cold and then it will taste bad.”, M/n told her softly.
“We can make new food.”
“Abby...we can’t.”
“What do you mean ?”, Abby asked.
“Oh dear, how do I explain this... Mikey lost his job and with that you don’t get any money right now. It means you are unable to get more food and drinks, like stuff to draw on. Mikey and I are looking for another job for him already, right now, but until then, PLEASE just eat when you are told to eat, yes ? You worry Mikey and me with your habit to starve until you are done drawing.”
Abby looked at her drawing, then at M/n and then at her bed. She seemed like she listened to someone talking. Then she looked at M/n again.
“My friend said that Mike is stupid. He said that if kids don’t eat properly, they will stop growing.”, Abby told M/n.
M/n looked at her and frowned.
“But that is true. If you don’t eat and sleep properly until a certain age, you stop growing sooner and stay small for the rest of your life.”
“How is that possible ? That sounds stupid.”, Abby asked.
“Well, I mean when you are older, you will learn about that in school, but food and sleep are very important to our bodies and our systems. Our immune System gets strengthened when we eat Vegetables and fruit and bread and when we get sick our immune System develops, to deal with it better next time. Our body grows thanks to sleep and the food, we consume. Healthy food. It has a lot of protein, Vitamins and minerals.”
“And how is that getting into our body ?”, she asked confused.
She got up and M/n walked with her to the living room.
“Hm, well, what we drink and eat comes out of us too. That is why we go to the bathroom and need to take daily dumps.”
“Eww...”, she said grossed out.
“It is all natural. Every living being does that. Our digesting System does the rest for us, I suppose. It pulls out all the important minerals, vitamins and protein it needs and then another part of our body works it over and it ends up in our blood, while the unnecessary stuff, gets washed out of us and into the toilet. So a lot of it does our stomach.”
“What if I don’t drink enough ?”, she asked.
“You will get thirsty and your thirst will be too much for your stomach to handle. Your throat will scream endlessly for water, while your stomach begs you to stop, that is why Mike tells you to drink enough and why he tells you that you didn’t drink enough at certain days. Our body is mostly made out of water and our organs need a lot of it too. And when you are sick and drink a lot, there is a high possibility that you get healthy quickly, with a lot of resting, of course.”
“Why even is our body tired, when we are sick ?”
M/n grabbed a plate and put the Macaroni and Cheese on it, not all of it, but enough for Abby to eat. Mike needed food too. While he piled the plate he explained.
“Because it focuses all its energy against the thing that harms us. A disease is always a small virus and our immune System is there to destroy it as fast as possible, with that it focuses all your energy on healing and getting better, that’s why you are always so tired after. The disease you have, that the body fights off, can only leave, when you wash your body out, in other words, drink a lot and sleep and go to the bathroom. Fresh air and a bit of movement is also very good when you are sick, with that you strengthen your body to be stronger next time you are sick.”
Then he gave her the plate and they sat down on the couch. Mike stared at M/n impressed. When M/n talks about something, even the most boring thing, he can make it sound very interesting.
“Huh...”, Abby replied.
“Our body is full of wonders. Kids your age still need nap times and a lot of sleep, to get stronger and to grow properly, that is why Mike and the other adults are so mean to you and tell you what to do. And no, in fast food is nothing healthy for your body. Some bit of salad is not enough. Too much meat is bad, too much sweets is bad, too much fried things is bad. You need everything balanced, for your body. I am not saying that eating any of it is harmful, but too much of it, will harm you. Too much sweets, you will suffer with stomach aches, too much eggs, same thing and you will fart a lot.”
“Eww !”, she giggled out.
M/n chuckled and looked at her with a small smile.
“Everything needs to be balanced, Abby, dear. Otherwise, everything comes crashing down on you one day and then you will regret a lot, but can’t do anything to change it anymore.”
She was quiet at that and looked at M/n.
“From where do you know all of this ?”, she asked.
M/n chuckled.
“My Mother was quite small. She was short, a head shorter than an average sized woman was, her hands were small, her fingers short and her feet the same. She forced me to eat healthily. Three to four times a day and a lot of fruits and vegetables and she forced me to sleep a lot. I hated her as a child for it, until she explained to me one day why she did it. She rebelled against her parents too, when she was my age and...that was the outcome for her. She was small, weak and she hated her feet and hands. She always called them Baby hands and baby feet, because they were so small. When she properly slept and ate, she had quick growing spurts, but as she rebelled...she stopped growing and she regretted it deeply, that’s why she forced me. That’s why Mike wants you to listen and do as you are told. So you won’t end up like that.”
Everyone stared and he had a wobbly smile on his face, silent tears running down his face.
“She couldn’t even change a light bulb that was over her head, because she was too short, always needed a ladder.”, he got out with a voice, thick with emotion.
The three stared at him.
“I was gone for only two days and I saw her dead on the stairs with that cursed ladder fallen over and the light bulb shattered on the floor.”, he sobbed out.
At that all six eyes were ripped wide open. That’s how his Mother died three years ago ! The ladder fell over with her on top, she fell and hit the stairs, breaking her neck in the process.
“Oh god...M/n...”, Mike got out and hugged him from the side.
Max took the other and stroked his hair, while he sobbed. Abby left her food alone and got on M/n’s lap, hugging him from the front tightly. He hugged her back, while he calmed down. No need to start wailing again like a three year old. For fucks sake he was 25 years old !
“I don’t want the same to happen to you, Abby. One day you will be all grown up and you will want to be independent from Mike and me. How are you supposed to, if you are too small to reach anything alone ? One day Mike might not even be there anymore, for you and what then ? Who will help you ?”, M/n asked, voice emotional, but not hiccupping.
“I understand, M/n. I will...listen more to Mike...”, Abby replied.
“But only about sleep and eating, right ?”, he sniffed out a joke.
She giggled and nodded.
“Only on that.”, she confirmed.
“Eh, at least something, Abbs.”, Mike replied with a smile in his voice.
Then they parted and Abby continued to eat.
“So what did we need to talk about ?”, Max asked.
“Mike has his eyes on a certain job. But he can only get the Nightshift. Do you think you can babysit at night ?”, M/n asked softly.
She looked at Mike at that.
“Really ?”, she asked surprised.
“Yes. I would take the job, but I wanted you to have time to either accept or decline babysitting.”, Michael replied.
“Let me think about it for a bit.”, Max replied softly.
“Okay.”, Mike replied.
With that Max took her stuff and left. M/n waited for a while and then scoffed.
“I still don’t trust her.”
“Mike she is acting fishy.”, M/n interrupted him, before he could defend Max again.
He sighed and leaned back. M/n rubbed his eyes and then got up.
“Eat something Mike. I will drive home now and we will see each other tomorrow, okay ?”, M/n asked.
Michael nodded.
“Be careful on your way home, yeah ?”
“I will be.”
With that M/n left and drove home in his own car.
-The next day-
Abby was drawing outside of the building Mike and M/n were in. The Social Services department, a woman always talks with Abby and the woman then talks to both Mike and Jane about it all.
“Just look at my Nephew. It is barely 10:00 and he can barely keep his eyes open.”, Jane said.
M/n turned to her.
“He didn’t sleep well tonight, so what ? As if you always get out of bed full with energy, woman.”, he argued back and stuck his tongue out at her.
“You keep your nose out of this.”, she said back.
“You aren’t my Mother, so you have to suck it up. How long and how often do you wanna pull the same show now ? You aren’t gonna get what you want, like always. Why do you still bother ?”
“After what this man did to that poor family Father, I am thinking mostly of Abby now.”
“If the child would have been kidnapped, like Mike thought, by the way the man DRAGGED and TORE the kid away, and he wouldn’t have done anything, you would sit here now and say ‘THAT POOR CHILD, LOOK HOW IRRISPONSIBLE HE IS.’. So how about you shut up ? It was a misunderstanding and Mike already got scolded, it’s not like he killed someone. It looked like the kid was about to get kidnapped, Mike misunderstood the situation and jumped in to protect a defenseless kid. My god, such things happen some times. You make a big show out of this. We all know Mike is not abusive to Abby.”
Jane scoffed and then had a scowl on her face, directed at M/n.
“As if you would know.”, she snapped at him.
“I do know so in fact. I am there every day. I watch Mike the whole time. I KNOW what is happening in that house and I have a recording of how the kid got DRAGGED by his so called Father. I have all the evidence I need. Where is yours, that Mike is abusive and bad for Abby ? He takes any job he can get and works his ass off for her and himself. Yes, he is tired, but he has more problems than your primadonna girl ass. Keyword: BILLS. Wow ! Ever heard of BILLS ? Cool, now shut up and stop annoying us.”
She glared at him and then at the woman worker.
“Look at the disrespect he has towards his elders.”, she accused.
“MY elders ? Woman, you act like a 12 year old, each time we are here. You put up a drama show and then expect to get what you want. We KNOW that you fake it. Stop being so fake and be an actual aunt that LOVES and CHERISHES BOTH of her Sister’s children, the only Family, by the way, that you still HAVE, you single, old fossil !”
She stared at M/n with an agape mouth.
“Honestly that is all you do, make a scene from the smallest things and then try to make everyone believe that Mike is the bad guy, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries. You want me to respect my elders, then you should respect YOUR younger generation first. They are, quite literally, YOUR future. You already made Mike not like you and Abby isn’t fond of you either, so maybe accept defeat, take the last few remains of dignity that you still have left and leave them both alone.”
“You bratty little-“
“You are the brat here, woman. Both of them want NOTHING to do with you and you just CAN’T leave them both be. You want to rip siblings apart for a stupid paycheck ! How stupid do you think we are ?!”, M/n yelled at her now.
Jane put a hand on her chest.
“How can you say something like that ?”, she said offended.
“Woman, I know how you tick ! We all know that you are faking it ! God...just why the heck do you think NOBODY likes you ?!”
“I think we should all calm down now.”, the social services worker said softly.
M/n took a deep breath and looked at her, away from Jane.
“I’m terribly sorry that she gets on my nerves. This outburst won’t happen again.”, M/n said, calm again.
“It is quite alright, M/n. You just said, what you felt. That is healthy.”
“Just like a child drawing all the time and seeing magical creatures that don’t even exist ?!”, Jane yelled.
M/n’s glare hardened and he was close to snap again. He took a deep breath and then looked at that annoying Bitch again, wishing her a brutal death already in his head.
“Abby is a child and children have a wild imagination. She is an active child and it is completely normal for her. She will grow out of it.”
Jane scoffed and gave him a nasty smirk.
“Like you did ? You still talk to yourself.”, she snapped back.
M/n’s glare intensified.
“Only when I am frustrated and usually I talk to objects then. Like when I am angry and my pen falls from the desk, then I say: ‘Of course, fall down, not like I need you Bitch, I have other pens too.’ And grab then another one. It is entirely normal.”
She laughed without humor.
“As if !”
“It is called letting steam off. Now shut up and leave me alone.”, M/n replied with a smirk and turned to Mike, who was just hoping that this meeting will be over soon.
“This is ridiculous... Abby needs to get away from them, this has been going on for long enough. Doug.”
Her lawyer didn’t react.
“Doug !”, she called.
He snapped out of it and gave Mike a pile of papers, on the front stood “Family Court Matter”. M/n wanted to laugh and planned her death, even though, he knew that he can’t kill her. He was no murderer, nor did he have the skills to be one.
“This is the only right thing to do and deep in your heart you know it too, Mike. You are unfit to raise a child.”, Jane said.
“And what if I don’t sign them ?”, Mike asked.
“Then me and my lawyer will drag you to court and they will take care that you will see your Sister never again. Do you want that ?”
Mike looked at the paper. M/n leaned over to his ear.
“I will find a way to get her to lose, don’t worry about it, Mikey.”
He looked at his friend and just nodded softly, then Jane and Doug left and Mike, M/n and the social services worker went to the hall, watching Abby from a window, while they talked.
“She just wants the monthly paycheck, this is not about Abby.”, Mike said.
“Of course it is not. She could take care of the both of you, she is your aunt too, but she refuses. She is very fixed on Abby and taking her away, no matter what, doesn’t matter if Abby said a million times already that she hates her. Any normal thinking person would have left you and Abby alone after that. If it would be about Abby, she would respect her wishes, which, spoiler alert: she doesn’t.”, M/n replied annoyed.
The woman looked at them and they chatted for a while longer. That Mike was important to Abby, that drawings are very important to children and that she definitely loves him the most, which made M/n smile.
“See ? Your Sister loves you in her own special way.”, M/n chuckled out.
“Yeah. But my aunt is right...no one would let me keep my Sister.”, Mike stated saddened.
“Did you already find a new job ?”, the woman asked.
He looked at her and was hesitant.
“He had one offered, but the Babysitter needs to give a reply, so we can arrange everything, before he takes the job.”, M/n answered for him.
She looked at M/n and nodded with a smile.
“It always gives you extra points, if you have a job.”, she told them and then sent them off, wishing them a great day.
Then they grabbed Abby and drove home. As they parked at their home, Mike received a call from Max and he picked it up.
“Hey, have you decided yet ?”, Mike asked.
There was silence for a second, then a relieved sigh.
“Thank you so much, Max. Yes, yes. I promise, as soon as I can, I will repay you.”, Mike replied and then hung up.
“So I’m guessing she will watch Abby at nights.”, M/n concluded.
“Yes, she will.”
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zoeykallus · 2 years
idk if you’re taking hc ideas right now BUT if you are maybe tbb finding out that their crush’s hands are almost always cold 💕
Like mine? ^^' I know the reson though I need more vitamins and money to use my heater XD
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Cold Hands
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Warnings: Partly Suggestive
You are cuddled up together after a long day. When you touch his chest he takes a sharp breath and says, "Maker! Cyare why are you hands always that cold?"
"I don't know"
Hunter takes your hands between his and rubbs them warm gently, each finger and your palms, kneeding them softly between his strong hands. When he finally feels they are warm enough he lets you sneak them back under his shirt with a soft sigh.
He tucks you into blankets every night and kisses and breaths on them to get them warm.
"You need to get more vitamins and better food. It's not a good sign if your hands are always that cold"
Echo is so caring, as always, making sure to warm you up. He never minds when you touch him with your cold hands, at least he's not comlpaining. But he is always worried. You can be sure he'll take care that you eat well and get warmed up.
He's not complaining but he likes to warm your hands up between his big hands. Wrecker isn't as worried as Echo but he still cares as much. If he feels it makes you uncomfortable, he does everything to warm you up.
He lets you warm them up on his body too if you like, pressing them softly agains his chest or belly. Wrecker doesn't mind if later on, when your hands are warmed up on his chest or belly, if they sneak downwards, if you catch my drift.
Yet another chance for him to info dump on you.
"Vitamin and mineral deficiency (B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium), could be a reason for your cold hands. But there are a lot more possible reasons.
Starvation, dieting. Drinking too little. Lack of exercise. Lack of sleep. Stress, mental strain.
Just to name a few"
He makes a plan for you, for sleep, food and vitamin intake and watches very closely if you keep it. But of course he also warms you up every time your hands are cold, with his own. And he gets you a portable heating pad.
He is almost angry about it. Almost. Crosshair warms you up whenever you get closer. Cold hands are a mood killer for him. Especially when you two get a little closer in bed.
As soon as you are warmed up, he let's you touch him again, but not any moment earlier.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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doctorstethoscope · 2 years
Sink or Swim || January
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hiii besties so excited for you to read this first chapter!! let me know what you think <333
Series Masterlist
contains: food and caffeine consumption, allusion to sex
wc: 1.7k
It had been three whole days since Hotch was in the office. Things were quiet, the new year had just been rung in and while serial killers never slept, the people who made requests to your department occasionally did. In your 5 years at the BAU, you couldn’t recall Hotch ever taking a day off, holiday or not. It isn’t that you’re in incapable hands with Rossi and Morgan— but it’s weird nonetheless. It was weird to not pop into his office and offer to top off his coffee after you’d made a fresh pot. It was weird for him to not call out to Emily and chase her for her late supplemental reports. It was like there was a limb missing— as it would feel with any member of the team, you tell yourself. 
In the absence of Hotch, you push open Rossi’s office door with a fresh brewed pot in hand.
“Any news on the boss?“ you ask as you refill his mug.
Rossi shrugs apathetically. “Must be a nasty bug. He hasn’t told me much.”
“Is he sick, or is it Jack?” You ask.
“Not sure,” he says. 
“Did you ask him anything at all? Do we know that he’s not wasting away in a hospital bed somewhere?” You ask in an exasperated sort of tease.
“Woah, mama, take a breath.” Derek says from behind you– you hadn’t heard him enter. 
“I’m just saying. It’s a total man thing to do. He could be on his deathbed for all we know.” You grouse as you fill Derek’s mug as well.
“Don’t you think Hotch would tell us if he needed anything?” Derek asks. 
“No, actually, I don’t think he would,” you point out. 
“Fair point,” Rossi says. “If he’s not back next week I’ll send a search party.”
Next week simply wouldn’t do. That night you went home and put together a soup. Lemon chicken noodle, for vitamin c and for comfort. You pack it all up with some cookies and a loaf of bread and head over to Hotch’s place, bundled up in your coat, hat and mittens— he’s probably expecting you at this point, it wasn’t uncommon for you to deliver a care package to a coworker in need. 
You knock on the door and hear Hotch’s steady footsteps from inside the apartment. His windows still have rubbery cling decals stuck to the inside— a Christmas tree, some presents, and a few snowflakes. You smile, thinking about him and his son sticking them up together.  “Jack, the pizza’s here!” You hear him yell. 
Well, Hotch doesn’t sound sick, but it certainly can’t be Jack if Hotch is letting him have pizza. The door swings open, and you smile sheepishly, decidedly not the pizza he’s expecting. He looks almost frightened, which makes your anxiety pique as you look him over, noticing the bundle in his arms for the first time. 
“Hotch, you have a baby,” you say stupidly.
“And you have soup,” he says, just as dumbly.
“Is that…” you start, and then trail off. What is there to say?
“Why don’t you come inside,” he says. “It’s freezing out.”
He lets you in and the two of you fumble around each other like you’re strangers– but the only stranger in the room is wrapped in a pink terry cloth blanket. You set the soup and accouterments on the countertop, he offers you a mug of tea which you gratefully accept, and then he looks at you from across the counter as he sets the kettle on, his brows pinching together as he begins to speak.
“Rossi had taken me out to a bar, months ago, and I spent the night with a woman–” 
“You don’t have to,” you cut him off, gently. “I barged in on you. You don’t have to be ready to tell me all of this just because I showed up at your house with soup.” You reiterate. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”  
“I don’t know if I’m ever going to be ready for this,” he confesses. “But you feel like a safe place to start.”
The thought of that warms you up inside, just a little bit. You nod. “Go ahead, then. I’m listening.”
“We had each other’s phone numbers, Cheyenne and I, and it’s not like I disappeared in the middle of the night, but I think we both knew we weren’t what the other person was looking for. We never made any plans to see each other again. I didn’t know about Lexie until a few days ago.” 
You’re about to ask if Lexie is the baby’s name when Jack comes bounding down the stairs. 
“I washed my hands!” He exclaims.
“Hi Jack!” You say, pivoting towards him and trying to be as normal as possible, given the circumstances. 
Jack beams when he sees you, clambering into your lap. He loved all of his supplementary aunts and uncles, of course, but you and Aaron had been fast friends, and you and Jack had a special relationship as a result. “Did you come to meet my sister?” He asks. 
“Yeah, I did,” you half-lie. It’s only half a lie because your objective in coming over had changed pretty quickly once Aaron opened the door. “And I brought some soup over, do you want me to make you a bowl?” 
“Yes please! Is it the special soup with the star noodles?” He asked. 
“Of course, sweet boy,” you tell him. “Come on, let’s get some.” 
“I can–” Aaron starts to interrupt you when the baby squeaks loudly, and everyone can tell she’s moments from a full cry. 
“I’ve got it, Hotch. Divide and conquer,” you tell him, as he stands to bounce Lexie and you reach for a bowl in the cabinet.  The two of you reconvene at the table once Jack is fed and Lexie is changed, and the pizza, which arrived in the midst of the chaos, is packed up and saved for another day.
“This doesn’t count as meal prep, by the way.” You tease him as you wrap the slices in foil. “You still need to eat a vegetable.”  
“Am I keeping you?” He asks after chuckling politely at your joke. “I know this was a lot more than you intended for your evening,” he says, taking the last of the pizza from you and putting it in the fridge, leading you both to the couch to continue talking.
“I truly don’t think I’d be able to sleep tonight if I left without letting you finish,” you tell him as you settle in on the opposite end of the sofa, across from him. 
“I suppose that’s fair,” he agrees.
“So you found out about Ms. Rosy Cheeks over here a few days ago,” you prompt. 
“Cheyenne… the woman from the bar. Her intention throughout the pregnancy had been to put the baby up for adoption. But she knew I was the father, so she put my name on the birth certificate. A social worker from the state was waiting on the front step when we got back from the last case.”
“So she doesn’t want anything to do with the baby at all?” You ask, somewhere between shocked, disappointed, and angry. 
Aaron shrugs. “It’s her right.” 
“You called her Lexie, earlier?” You say, nudging him towards giving the two of you a proper introduction. 
“Cheyenne had named her Alexis, but she hadn’t given her a middle name, so I, uh.. I added Haley.” 
“Alexis Haley Hotchner,” you test it out. “It’s perfect. She’s perfect,” you conclude, leaning over to look at her face, scrunched up in half-sleep. 
“You think so?” He asks, and when you look up at him, you can tell he really wants to know. 
“Yeah, Hotch. I mean, how could she not be?” You say. “Can I hold her?”
“Of course,” he obliges, leaning towards you from his place on the couch and gently depositing her into your waiting arms. “Hi, Lexie,” you coo. “You and your daddy are going to be just fine, huh?” 
“I’m scared,” he confesses. “I don’t know how to do this.” 
“You did it with Jack,” you remind him, but he shakes his head. 
“Haley did all the heavy lifting. I was hardly ever around, not near as often as I should have been. I didn’t know there would be a test,” he says with an anxious half chuckle. 
“There’s no test. You’ll figure it out. I promise,” you assure him. “She’s about to fall asleep. Where should I put her?” You ask.
“She’s so little, I have her in with me for now,” Aaron says, leading you to his bedroom, where the bassinet is set up next to the right side of the mattress. You set her down gently, and Aaron sits on the edge of his bed, taking a moment just to look at her. 
“You could have told me,” you say to Aaron. It’s not an accusation, and he knows that. 
“I probably should have. I’ve been in my head about it,” he admits.
“How could you not be?” You cut him some slack. “You are going to be okay, I promise. And I also promise that you won’t do it alone. Tell me what you’re scared of,” you ask him. 
“What am I not scared of? I’m scared of failing her, of failing Jack. Of failing you and the team. In a weird way I can’t quite explain, this whole situation feels like I’m failing Haley all over again,” he tells you. 
“Hey, hey,” you stop the self-loathing train before it can leave the station. “You’ve got seventeen years and fifty weeks to get through, here. It’s far too early to start passing out failing grades.”
“I don’t know… This whole thing, it really just feels like… it feels like it’s sink or swim.” He tells you. 
You reach out and take his hands in yours, forcing away the anxiety that has crept in, willing yourself to believe that you could handle this, that you could help him handle this, that the two of you could be a team here, and that everything really would be just as okay as you kept telling Hotch it would be. “Okay,” you say, taking a deep breath to ground yourself. “So we’ll swim.”
tagging: @spacecowboyhotch @honeybrowne @call-me-mrsreid @lostinthefandoms11 @angelfxllcm @rousethemouse @skyler666 @mintphoenix @gspenc @ashhotchner @wheelsupkels @infinite-tides @zetasaturno99 @itsmeiguessidk @ahouseforhermitcrab @catsofsmoke @silversighs @anlin2058
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skwistokgetalongshirt · 10 months
Anyway, I also made a day 1 of Winter WonderKlok that includes my OC Missy and her guys. I plan on writing more about them and of course more in depth things BUT FOR NOW some silly Winter WonderKlok fun things.
This was Missy’s first time experiencing snow and she was pretty sure she was severely under prepared for this. Despite dressing in layers  as Skwisgaar had suggested, it definitely wasn’t enough. Her legs felt frozen, and despite moving forward through the snow she was worried her body would freeze at any moment.  It must’ve been noticeable since Toki ended up heading over and scooped Missy up to carry her.
“Pff… Shows off.” Skwisgaar mumbled under his breath.
“Th-thank… Y-you…” Missy managed to say, now burying her face against Toki’s chest desperate for his warmth.
“Welcomes. Cant’s believes you ammnst never been in snows befores!” Toki exclaimed, still holding Missy close to him. He could feel how much she was shivering even still. “Do you wants to go backs inside?” He sounded concerned - he didn’t want Missy to get sick.
“N-no… No, I’m okay.” Missy said. Yeah, she was freezing but she also didn’t want to miss out on the chance to make her first snowman!
“Okays… So…” Skwisgaar began to say when they finally got to a good spot with enough snow. “You gots to move the snows close togethers to bunch up enough snow to makes this.”
Missy was still clinging tightly to Toki but she looked over to watch Skwisgaar’s demonstration. 
Skwisgaar seemed to be struggling with bundling up the snow together, so Toki used this opportunity to gently set Missy down to go over to help Skwisgaar. 
“Skwisgaar you gots to do it likes this…” Toki seemed to be able to bundle up snow far more quickly and rolled it together much faster than Skwisgaar.  “You ams taking too longs, Missy ams goings to freeze.”
“Fines. Then you finish it and I’ll keep her warms…” Skwisgaar released the snow he was holding and went over to hold Missy instead. Since Skwisgaar was touching the snow, she felt the remnants of snow that had been on his jacket and when he hugged her she swore she could feel the coldness making its way through her layers.
“It’s way too cold for me out here. Maybe… I could just wait inside and I’ll come back when you two are done?” Missy suggested, she seriously felt like her toes were starting to freeze, unless they were frozen already.
“No Missy! You gots to builds it with us!” Toki exclaimed, he went over to bring her close to him again in an attempt to keep her warm. “We’ll be fast… Promise. Wants you to experience snowman’s building.”
“Okay, okay…” Missy was still a little reluctant, but she also didn’t want to disappoint Toki. She could tell Skwisgaar didn’t mind if they ended up ditching the whole ‘snowman building idea’. 
“Comes on Skwisgaar, lets hurries so Missy doesn’t freeze.” Toki got back to bunching up more snow. 
“What do you thinks I ams doing?” Skwisgaar was still having a hard time bunching enough snow to roll into a good size. It had been such a long time since he did this. 
“Theres! See!” Toki exclaimed happily now showing Missy their snowman. Well, so far it was just three snowballs stacked on top of each other. 
“Now we just needs decorations…” Skwisgaar looked at the snowman. He wasn’t sure what to add to this. 
“Don’t they usually use um… Sticks and carrots and… coal or something?” Missy asked, she had only seen what they looked like on TV. 
“Yeahs, if you wants a BORINGS snowmans… Gots to be more creatives.” Toki reached into his pocket. “I gots some crayons… Uhh gonna use them as horns. Skwisgaar what do you haves?”
Skwisgaar reached into his pocket, he had some pills in his pocket which he didn’t even remember what they were… Maybe something Pickles wanted him to take when they were drunk? He thinks one was a vitamin and maybe a pain killer… Who knows what other pills were. “Coulds use these for somethinks maybe?”
Missy’s smile seemed to fade… just what kind of snowman would this be anyway? She made eye contact with Toki and knew this meant her turn was next. She reached into her pocket, she had a guitar pick in there. “I just have this.”
“Okays, goods! Comes here Missy…You cans puts the decorations up!” Toki sounded so excited to let her do this.
“Okay.” Missy nodded and stepped forward. Poor snowman… doesn’t even have arms. Maybe she’d find some sticks for it later. She took Toki’s crayons first and stuck them on either side of its head to make the horns that Toki requested. Next, the various…pills that were in Skwisgaar’s pocket. She decided to make eyes for him, and the guitar pick of course ended up being the nose. 
“Wowie! Your first snowmans!” Toki clapped his hands together excitedly.
“Snowsman… mores like sadmans…” Skwisgaar chuckled a bit to himself, seemingly proud of the joke he just made.
Toki didn’t find it funny though, he just frowned.
“It’s still very…incomplete.” Missy said as she stepped back to take a look at it from afar. No arms, no hat, no smile… She almost felt bad for it.
“Don’t worries Missy! We cans get more things and makes it better! Wants to make sures you have a goods time… Wants to make sures your first snowmans ams the best one!” Toki exclaimed.
Missy couldn’t help but smile a little at that, although Skwisgaar just stood crossing his arms to his chest. Stupid Toki and this snowman idea… if they picked what he wanted to do they’d probably do something better in the snow like maybe ice skating or sledding. 
“Thank you Toki! Let’s go get some more stuff for the snowman… and I think I need more layers too. I’m freezing…” This time Missy huddled up to Skwisgaar, she could tell he was feeling a bit grumpier than usual since Toki seemed to be more into this idea than he was. At least having Missy huddled up to him like that made Skwisgaar smile ever so slightly knowing she was closer to him now. 
“Yeah, alrights! Let’s go backs inside, gets you warmed up, and then we’ll finish this!” Toki eagerly wedged himself inbetween Missy and Skwisgaar putting his arms around both of them as he led them back inside. 
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
GoopTales 11
In which an invited guest becomes an uninvited, invited guest. Also, Noot tries to be annoyed, but he can't truly.
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11(you are here)
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8)
Lyra returned with bags of things. Toys, clothing, pajamas, children's books, board games, children's vitamins, small toothbrushes, toothpaste formulated for children, and even step stools so they could stand at the sinks. Much of it Nightmare never would have thought of getting. He helped unpack the bags after sending the boys off with a puzzle.
"Are you sure you can handle this?" She asked as she handed him a bottle of children's body wash specially formulated for skeletons and similar monsters.
"They are my responsibility. Besides, this will only be until they are restored," Nightmare said as he looked at the bottle. "Raising children seems to have become more complicated since I was young."
"Our knowledge of their needs has expanded, that is all," She said softly.
"Is that so…," Nightmare hummed as he set the bottle down. "I need to leave them for a time tomorrow. Could you watch them then?"
"May I ask where you are going?" She inquired.
"To pay a visit to the one who did this to them," he stated. "I want to know what potion that witch used."
They paused as they heard boney feet clicking on the floor. Killer and Cross came running into the kitchen, all excited with big smiles. "we finished the puzzle!" Killer exclaimed.
"come and see!" Cross added as he grabbed one of Nightmare's and Lyra's hands each to pull them along.
Dust stayed in the doorway, with Horror. The child version of his tallest henchman had tears in his sockets. "mr. night… if it's okay, can he have more of those pills for his head? it's hurting him again."
"Ah, yes… let me get that for him, and then I will come to look at your puzzle," Nightmare said as Cross let him go. He walked over to grab the pill bottle and shook out the dosage recommended for someone so young. This was really concerning. How often was Horror's head hurting him? Was this typical? Did he just adjust to the pain?
Killer and Cross were now over by Horror, apologizing they didn't notice before and asking if they could help. Horror shook his head, "i… didn't want to say anything."
"Please do. I do not wish for you to be in pain when you don't need to be," Nightmare said as he offered the pills and some water to the child.
Once the pills were taken, he scooped Horror up, who leaned into Nightmare and closed his sockets. Dust took hold of one of his tentacles as he walked to the entertainment room to see the puzzle. "Ah, yes, you four did a good job putting that together. Now, I do believe it is time for bed."
"aww, do we gotta?" Killer whined.
Lyra clapped her hands together, "I know! Let us have a pajama party! I will be watching you four tomorrow and have rudely invited myself to stay the night to save me a trip." She winked at Nightmare, who felt his face flush a little.
"That is rather rude, but I will allow it since you have been so helpful. You still have things here. In your room, anyway," Nightmare sighed and looked away.
"Hmmm, if I have a room here, and it is indeed my room, is it really that rude to stay unannounced?" Lyra inquired.
"Yes, it is still rude. Children, let this be a lesson: always ask if you may stay over at someone's house," Nightmare said, making this a teasing teaching moment.
 "My, my, how bitter. One would think you were a fan of black coffee and not hot chocolate," Lyra giggled as Nightmare shot her a glare and then looked back at the boys. "He may act tough, but Mr. Night is sweet, much like his drink of choice."
"nu uh! mr. night is mean!" Killer announced.
"yes, very mean and terrible," Cross added.
"Good boys," Nightmare smiled as they beamed at him with big smiles. He then gave Lyra a smug grin as she snickered.
"You have trained them well, I see," She teased, then shook her head. "I stand corrected; Mr. Night is truly a nightmare."
The Guardian of Balance and the children giggled at her pun. Nightmare couldn't help but glare at her again, even if his face felt hot under the cool corruption over it. If she noticed his glare, she ignored it as she smiled brightly at the children. 
Once they all settled down, she offered to take Horror from Nightmare. "Now, how about if you four get into your pajamas so I can see if they fit. And maybe, while we are away, Mr. Night can prepare a spot for you four to have a slumber party after watching another movie."
"Inviting yourself over and changing my plans, I see," Nightmare tried to sound annoyed, but he wasn't. Having the group together and near him might do his nerves well. "Fine, I will have some nests ready when you five get back."
They left, though Dust seemed very hesitant. He looked back at Nightmare as if asking if this was okay. The dark skeleton simply nodded, and Dust followed the others. Ferrous trailing behind with Bill pouncing playfully at the dog's legs. Once alone, Nightmare sighed. As much as he felt he should feel upset, he couldn't. He was thankful to not be alone.
Still, this was his home… his henchmen… and their pets… he could handle this.
He then left the room and got the bedding needed to make his boys a cozy place to sleep.
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