#// maybe this is is more of a handshake than a cheers in reality
Until My Lungs Give Out
Florence Pugh x reader
You sat a few rows back from the front, watching the stage with a dorky smile on your face. Your best friend, Chris Evans, had invited you to be his plus one to the Oscar’s. As an up-and-coming musician, you’d been to award shows, but they paled in comparison to this.
The room thrummed with anticipation as the actor on stage announced the next award. “And the winner of Best Actress in a Leading Role goes to…Michelle Yeoh for Everything Everywhere All at Once!”
You cheered and clapped along with everyone else, but couldn’t help the tinge of disappointment you felt. “I was hoping Florence Pugh would win,” you tell Chris.
“Yeah, cause you have a crush on her,” he laughs.
“No! Because she’s an extremely talented actress and I respect her work!”
“Yeah, okay.”
Later on at the after party, you were making your way back to Chris and some other friends with your next round of drinks. Somewhere between the third and fourth round, you had lost the blazer of your suit and were left in a lacy corset top. Laughing as you see Chris dancing like an idiot, you fail to notice the blonde walking in front of you.
Your paths collide. You manage to avoid getting her soaked in alcohol, with only a couple of the glasses tipping over on the tray.
“Oh shit! Oh, god, I am so sorry,” you say at the same time she says “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!”
“Guess I should pay more attention to where I’m going,” you chuckle as you stand up the fallen glasses. It’s then that you look up and realize exactly who you had just run into. “Holy shit, you’re Florence Pugh.”
“That I am,” she smiles softly. “Okay, so you know my name. I think it’s only fair that I know yours.”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you greet, extending a handshake. You try not to revel in how soft her hands are.
“Pleased to meet you.”
“Wait, like the singer?”
“That’s me,” you nod shyly.
“That’s so cool!”
“Thank you. I’m surprise you know my music. I’m still pretty small in the industry. Look, I’m, I should probably get back to my friends. They’re waiting on their drinks. But I’d love it if you came and hung out with us for a while?”
“I’d love to,” she smiles. “Lead the way.”
Chris only chastises you mildly for the spillage of the drinks, but you hand him one of the in-tact drinks and patted his arm with a false pout. Florence blended in perfectly with your little group of friends, joking with Sebastian and ganging up on you with Chris.
You’re way more drunk than you think as you ask Florence to dance with you. She agrees with an excited look in her fierce, glassy eyes.
The beat thrums in your chest as you spin her around, jumping up and down with no rhythm. Your laughs are careless and free, and you don’t ever want the song to end.
But, as reality goes, the song ended and another came on. You groaned at the familiar beat, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
“Oh my god, it’s your song!” Florence yells. “Why do you look like someone just kicked your puppy?”
“I don’t know, it’s just weird. I’m not embarrassed of my music but it’s really personal and it’s just awkward sometimes.”
“Well, I can understand that. But rest assured, I love this song,” she whispers with a glint in her eye.
You swallow nervously as she grabs your hand and pulls you closer.
What becomes of I
After we have died?
Belly up and scream
Life’s a bitter feeling
You could be anything
Anything you want
Oh, you know better
Don’t you know better? Yeah
Florence sings along and you have a hard time processing the fact that she knows the words to your song.
You could do what you choose
You’d abuse it all
Oh, you know better
Don’t you know better?
Your muscles loosen up as your hands find her waist. Your body swings with hers as you both scream the lyrics like fools.
So I made a mistake
Wound up on the floor
With something inside my veins
Maybe i have no place
It keeps me at war
Belly up and be saved, my child
Florence’s hands roam your body, setting your cheeks ablaze.
Stuffed with corporate lies
Stretched on a disguise
Reach inside the dark
Hands are ripped apart
A dangerous smirk rests on her face and your stomach clenches at the sight, wanting nothing more than to kiss it off her pretty face.
You could be anything
Anything you want
Oh you know better
Don’t you know better? Yeah
You could do what you choose
You’d abuse it all
Oh you know better
Don’t you know better
The song continues, as do the sway of your bodies, growing closer with each beat. Her face draws nearer to yours, her heavy breath ghosting your lips. Before you have a chance to close the gap, she laughs and pulls away, leading you by the hand off the dance floor.
“What do you say we get out of here? I know a twenty-four hour taco place that’ll change your life.”
“Yeah, absolutely,” you agree. I’d go anywhere with you.
You think you should feel a little silly walking into a greasy taco joint, dressed to the nines at two in the morning, but with Florence by your side, you can’t find it in yourself to care.
Your orders were ready in less than five minutes and you tore into the paper bag, practically moaning at the delicious carne asada tacos.
“See? I told you. Life-changing.”
“You were so right. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same.”
She sees something over your shoulder that makes her eyes light up. Curious, you turn around to see what she’s scheming. You spot a karaoke stage and immediately tense up.
“No. Nuh-uh. No way. Don’t even suggest it, Florence.”
“Aw, come on! It’ll be fun,” she pouts. You wish you could resist it. She must see your resolve crumble, you think, because she grabs your hand and drags you to the stage with a smile on your face. “I won’t do one of your songs, I promise.”
You roll your eyes dramatically as she selects “Sober/Hungover.” She fails to notice your reaction and immediately immerses herself in the music. You sing along perfectly, not needing the screen to tell you the lyrics. You made them, after all.
When the song finishes, you laugh with Florence as the restaurant crew claps and cheers from behind the counter.
“Hey, Flo? You know I wrote that song, right?” You asked with a slight blush, laughing.
“Wait, what?” Her smile drops. “Did you really?!” You nod and she slaps you on the chest, mumbling something along the lines of you could’ve told me.
“I wrote and sold a lot of songs before I got the courage to sing them myself. That’s one of ‘em.”
“Oh. Well I’m glad you started singing them yourself. You have a beautiful voice.” You blush at the compliment. “What made you finally record your own songs?”
“Um, my mother died unexpectedly of a heart attack. I wrote a song for her, and I couldn’t bring myself to sell it, but I knew I wanted the world to hear it.”
“I’m so sorry, darling. I’ll bet she’s proud of you.”
“I hope so.”
Sensing the night coming to a close, you share a moment of silence, risking small glances at one another.
“Hey, Flo? This might sound a little crazy, considering we’ve only known each other a few hours. But I really don’t want this night to end.”
“Me neither.”
“Maybe you could come back to mine? I’ve got a song that I’d really like your input on.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she smiles genuinely.
Back at the apartment, you give her a small tour, stopping in your bedroom to pull out comfier clothes for each of you. You silently thank your past self for cleaning up your messy apartment the day before. She changes in the bathroom while you change in your room, and then you lead her to your in-home studio.
You try to calm your nerves as you prepare to play the song, but your hands shake a bit. Your songs are so personal to you; it’s like opening your diary and pouring your heart and soul out for the world to see.
“Y/N, you don’t have to show me if you’re not comfortable. I’m happy to be here either way.”
“No, no, I want to. This song I’ve been working on is really close to me. I want you to hear it before anyone else does.”
She doesn’t say it, but the fact that you’re showing her this song before anyone else pulls at her heart strings.
You blow out a slow breath, adjusting your grip on the guitar . Florence sits silently next to you.
Your fingers begin to dance across the strings, the muscles recognizing the familiar pattern.
“Take my soul, take my heart
Tear me apart
If I’m good for anything
It’s all of this suffering
So use me for parts
To you I’m just salvage
I ain’t ran right in years
So drive me then gut me
Deceive and fuck me
And then disappear
Take all my jokes
And tell them to them
And act like your someone
That could be someone worth loving
And steal all the good parts you found in me
Yeah you’ll sell ‘em quick, yeah,
You’ll sell em cheap
Hey, you’ll give ‘em for free
But I cleaned all my pistons
I’m runnin’ on 91
And I’m piecing myself back off the shelf
One by one
And now I’ve got a driver
Who chooses the high road
They don’t use me for scraps
Or throw my ass back
When I hit potholes
And I’m flyin’ down freeways, going 117
And a ‘68 Fastback looks like a hatchback racing me
I believe, you cannot tear down what’s built up strong now, thankfully
Oh, I believe that you cannot tear down what’s built up strong now, thankfully
And I’m flying down freeways, going 117
And a ‘68 Fastback looks like a hatchback next to me”
You finish the song, setting the guitar down on its stand next to your stool. You risk a nervous glance at Florence, but you can’t really read her expression. Her eyes are wide and glassy and her lips are parted slightly.
“So…did you like it?”
She darts forward, placing a quick peck on your lips. She's gone before you have the chance to reciprocate. You look at her with wide eyes, shocked by what just happened.
“Oh, god. I’m so sorry. I totally misread that, didn’t I? It’s just—we were clicking so well and then we came back here and you played that song and it’s— I guess guitars really do work on girls because-“
You cut her off by leaning forward and pressing your lips to hers. She makes a small shocked noise before melting into you, bringing her hands to the back of your neck and head. You pull her in closer by the waist, kissing her lips soft and slow.
“You didn’t misread anything, Florence,” you whisper when you break apart.
“I think I quite like it when you sing.”
“If it prompts that reaction, I’d sing until my lungs give out.”
Music: “Belly Up” by Return to Dust, “Sober/Hungover” by Sueco & Arizona Zervas, and “68 Fastback” by Zach Bryan
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pancake-stack · 1 month
Stuck with you: Chapter 3 WIP
Summary: When Vox gets trapped inside a virtual reality that grants his every desire, Alastor is sent in after him. Forced to play the role of devoted partner, Alastor must figure out how to get them both out of the program while learning how deep Vox's obsession for him goes and how he can use it to his advantage.
Charlie looked different.
Not completely, of course, she was still very much recognisable. But as he observed her closely, he picked up on the inconsistencies. The heavy bags under her eyes, her messy plait- not to mention her clothes, more rumpled than Vagatha would have ever have allowed her to wear outside the hotel.
It seems that Vox viewed the dear princess as an unprofessional and frazzled joke.
Pulled out of his thoughts, he realised that he had been staring for slightly too long without responding to her and he was quick to rectify.
"Why, terribly sorry there, I was lost in my thoughts for a moment! How very rude of me. Would you care to repeat yourself, dear?"
Brightening at his non-dismissal, to which she was no doubt used to, she transferred the posters into the crook of her right elbow and offered her free hand for a handshake.
"Oh, it's no problem at all, I'm always getting lost in my own head." She chuckled and Alastor took her hand, still thoroughly charmed at her cheerful naivety.
"Um, let me try this again: I'm Charlie Morningstar and I run a rehabilitation hotel in the northern part of the city. We help sinners better themselves so they can ascend to heaven, which will stop our overpopulation problem!"
Waiting patiently for her to finish reciting the opening that Vaggie had probably helped her rehearse to reduce her rambling nature, Alastor gently but firmly removed his hand from her own.
Now, how to respond here? Vox had clearly removed his presence from the Hotel, so responding familiarly to her would only raise Vox's suspicions. On the other hand, if she was here then she had to have been in the public eye, if only to add to her humiliation, so he would know who she was. Taking a chance, he chuckled and leaned forward slightly into her personal space.
"Why no need to introduce yourself, everyone here knows who you are!"
He had barely finished his sentence before the television shop next to him, which he hadn't taken much notice of, coincidently changed their channels to showcase Charlie's disastrously hilarious interview with Katie Killjoy on every screen.
Well maybe not so coincidently, Alastor thought, taking note of a CCTV camera trained on him.
Charlie gave a nervous chuckle as her past self tackled Killjoy harshly to the floor and looked down at her posters in shame. Still, he had to give her credit when she raised her head after a few seconds and resolutely ignored the screens.
"So, um, would you like to try our redemption program yourself?"
Still hilarious to hear, even after all this time!
Unfortunately, he couldn't even get in a disguised jab at her proposition before Vaggie appeared and yanked her girlfriend behind her to shield her from Alastor's gaze.
Pointing her spear at his chest in a way that was very reminiscent of their first meeting, she spoke to Charlie without taking her eye off him.
"Charlie, what are you thinking? You can't just approach the Radio Demon of all people!" She hissed, eye betraying her frantic feelings that he was here at all.
Now that was a sentiment he liked to hear.
"Do you want Vox to hunt us down for fucking with his partner?"
Never mind.
His ears flickered down in response to his agitation at the implication he was only intimidating because he was associated with Vox. How dare she. To suggest that his reign of terror could be outclassed and overshadowed by new-fangled technology?
He was half-tempted to find a busy street and start his radio show early to release some of this building anger. He might have done so if he had been back in reality and not in Vox's blasted fantasy world.
Seeing Vaggie eye him wearily and tightening her grip on her spear, Alastor recognised he was getting angry. Such a reaction would only alert Vox that their little liasion was not what it seemed, which would make all of this shit had been a waste of time. Taking time to slow his breathing to calm himself down, he forced himself to raise his ears and soften his posture to regain his earlier relaxed appearance. And if his smile bared his teeth more than usual, that was no one's business but his own.
Dematerialising into the shadows and rematerialising behind the two women, he slung his arms around their shoulders, revelling in their panicked flinches and yelps.
"Now, now dearies, let's not cause a scene in such a quaint area." he exclaimed, nodding at the neon nightmare with as little distate as possible, "Come, let us continue our civil conversation from earlier. I'd love to hear what you've heard about me. Perhaps over a nice dessert?"
He wouldn't let the two leave, not when it was so suspicious that they of all people had approached him in the first place. There was a chance he could get information from them, no matter how irritated he was with their mannerisms.
Vaggie gave a low growl but Charlie's eyes sparkled at his hospitality. "Oh yes, that's a great idea! C'mon Vaggie, you love sweets."
Faced with the eager grins of both her girlfriend and the Radio demon, Vaggie reluctantly relaxed her grip on the spear and gave a reluctant nod. She cast a concerned look in the direction of V Tower before following them into the bakery with a deep sigh.
The inside was still far too modern for Alastor's tastes, but it wasn't as outrageous as the outside had been, so he made do. However, he did have to wonder if a bakery even needed this many cameras. At least the wait time was none nonexistent- the staff practically fell over themselves to sit the group down.
He told the girls to order anything they wanted, ignoring Vaggie's mumbling about how it was free for him anyway, and placed his own order for the fruit tart he saw in the window and a coffee with cream. Charlie and Vaggie soon followed suit and ordered a chocolate and strawberry cake with matching glasses of juice.
Once their food arrived, he purposefully ignored the two's idol chatter to enjoy his first bite of the delightful dessert. The sweetness of the custard mixed well with the juiciness of the fruit and he let loose a small hum of appreciativeness, his shadow twirling contently around his chair.
His ears twitched as they caught the sound of the cameras whirling as they zoomed in on his figure. He winked at the camera closest to him and took great joy in watching it spark slightly.
Predictable as always, he thought, almost fond.
Reluctantly turning back to the girls, he took another bite of his food before asking, "So, what else have you heard about me?" Seeing their reluctance, he pointed his fork at them playfully, "Come now, I do so love to hear theories from others."
Naturally, Charlie was the one to talk first, "Well, I don't actually know that much about your past. But! I do know that you have power over the Radio and you're part of the AVs."
Well, that's not very helpful, he knows all of that. Though Vox changing the name of the group to the original name he had pitched to him seven years ago, that was certainly new.
"How do you not know their past, hun? It's common knowledge." Vaggie asked incredulously, turning in her seat slightly to properly look at her partner. "You've been around longer than I have."
"Yeah, I know but Dad never let me out of the castle much growing up. Plus other demons are a bit... um, shy around me I guess, so I don't get to hear much gossip." Charlie admitted, playing with the ends of her hair as she often did when discussing subjects that were unpleasant to her. Not willing to admit that her own subjects thought of her as a fool to be avoided and mocked.
It seems Vaggie picked up on that piece of information regardless, as she bit her tongue to repress thoughts of those who had interacted with Charlie to that degree.
Taking a soothing breath, she patted Charlie on her back and gave her a soft smile once she met her eyes, "Don't worry, Hun. I'll always be here to help you out. I've picked up a lot of information since falling down here."
Sensing an opening, Alastor wasted no time butting into the touching scene that was blooming. "That may be true, but, you still have not said what you know about my story. Surely you aren't all prattle?"
Charlie quickly answered before Vaggie could do something impulsive with her irritation; such as take her half-eaten cake and aim it at his head.
"Vaggie knows all sorts of things, i'm sure she'd be happy to tell you!" Vaggie settled back in her seat at the words but still gave him a vicious glare as Charlie continued, "Besides, it'd do me good to hear about Hell's history."
Though still looking far from pleased at the request, Vaggie still caved at her girlfriend's appeal, as Alastor knew she would. He couldn't recall a single time that she didn't go along with her schemes.
Nonetheless, he leaned back in his chair as Vaggie reluctantly began her tale, encouraged by Charlie's own smile.
"It started seven years ago. Before they were together, the tales of the rivalry between the Media demons for control of Hell were legendary. Their brawls would level cities, destroy businesses and massacre anyone in the vicinity."
She paused for breath and dramatic effect before continuing, "That was until one day, when Vox asked Alastor to become his partner. He refused, and the ensuing battle levelled the entire South Ring's residential district."
Well, she sure knew how to paint a picture- then again, he had always found her to be overly dramatic when recounting hell's history. The fight in the south ring was true, though, they hadn't fought to that extent before that.
He did have to wonder why this version of himself didn't simply accept Vox's invitation in this reality. After all, it was clear his cooperation was what Vox truly wanted. It must have badly wounded his pride for Alastor to have been able to so easily reject him.
He didn't have time to ponder this query further as Vaggie continued her tale, "Of course, Alastor was defeated." At that statement, her eyes took on a sadistic glee.
"He was then dragged off by Vox and wasn't seen again until two months later at a press coverage, where their new alliance as partners was announced to Hell."
Oh my, only two months for Vox to get bored of besetting him? With all that man's boasting, he would have expected to have been tortured for half a year at the very least.
Then again, being forced to be part of an ever-growing, ever-changing brand that keeps up with modern times is frankly worse than torture to him.
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alinajohsblog · 1 year
20th Septemer, 2023: Communication in various situations
Today is the third and last day of me ”refreshing” my english skills. The past three days have worked as a sort of introduction to the ALMS course. I wanted to start off the course with a tad more easy tasks, to get into the idea of working autonomously.
Today I observed three different reality shows. I took notes on how the different people, communicated in various situations. I also compared these different individuals and their ways to communicate with each other. The reason I did this, was to think about, and get examples of how to communicate in different situations with different kinds of people.
The first show I watched was the ”Hype house” on Netflix. The show is about the most talked-about, young adult, social media stars. 
Firstly, the stars used a lot of curse words. I think that they added these to their sentences, as a way to put more feeling into what they were saying – in a way, they had to say less verbally, but made themselves and most importantly their reactions and feelings understood. They also used a lot of facial expressions and hand gestures, and in other ways spoke with a lot of emotion and passion. It seemed like the stars didn’t have a hard time expressing their feelings and thoughts.
I noticed the stars used the word ”like” a bit too often. I don’t think they noticed it themselves, which led me to thinking, that maybe I use the word to often also. A sentence by one of the stars, could have sounded like this:  ”Like, I personally don’t like giraffes. Like, I think elephants are much better” (This sentence is just an example I came up with and was not from the episode). 
The young adults used a lot of shortened words such as legit and bro. They also had their own slang. When the friends greeted each other, they used their special handshakes or hugged, in a way to show appreciation, I think. They also used memes, jokes and sarcasm as a way of communicating.
The second show I watched was the Selena + chef, in which Selena Gomez cooks with the help of a professional chef. The chef and Selena were communicating through some kind of virtual communication and collaboration platform, such as zoom. 
I noticed that Gomez wanted to make assure she was listening, with eye contact and small gestures, such as nodding. However, the chef still wanted to check that Selena had gotten the instructions, by simply repeating the most important stuff. I think this was partly because the chef was french, and had a french accent, which could be hard to understand at times. 
I noticed that the pair asked each other a lot of questions, followed by supplementary questions, no matter if they were talking about the cooking or making small talk. They joked a lot to keep the air tension free, even though the foods they were cooking weren’t the easiest. 
Gomez voiced her concerns, when there was something troubling her – like when she did not understand the instructions. Both the chef and Gomez made their emotions known, by giving them voice or using facial expressions. Frustration was also shown by screaming and sighing. The chef was good at cheering Gomez on, by applauding and complimenting. 
The last show was about the elections in 2016 and 2020, from the Trump family’s perspective. The show is called unprecedented. In this show they used a lot less emotion, compared to the other two shows. The places they were interviewed were also much more formal than in the other shows. The language The Trumps used was also much more grammatically correct and formal. 
I think that all these people, even though they communicated in partly different ways, wouldn’t have any problem with communicating with each other, since I think that the majority of people can read into the situation and communicate in a way that suits it. I do not think that the young adults would use words as bro with the (former) president an so on. 
To summarize, I learned that it is good to show your feelings, in both expressions and words, in almost every situation. However, in very formal situations it is better to support what you are saying with logic, rather than emotions.  When with friends or people you are familiar with, it is okay to speak and discuss in comfortable and cozy places such as the sofa, while it is better to be in mor formal places during formal discussions.     
The episodes:
The hype house: A hype house divided (31 min)
Selena + chef: Selena + Ludo Lefevbre (24 min)
Unprecedented: The roar (51min – observed for 20 min)
Writing the text took me 1.5 h
Work today: 2.75h
Work in total: 6.25h
0 notes
messers-moony · 3 years
Divorce | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Reader goes through divorce with her arranged husband but sees her Hogwarts crush almost two years later at her Potions shop in Diagon Alley
Divorce sucks. There is no other way to say it. There is no amount of sugar to properly coat the words to make them seem better than they are. Instead, they’re pure salt– pure acidity. An arranged marriage for purebloods was typical. That doesn’t mean that everyone technically agrees they work. Some speculate that arranged marriages work more than chosen marriages. Y/n wouldn’t be one of those people.
Her family was a part of the sacred twenty-nine. The L/n’s, to be more specific. Y/n was a model child, an only child at that. She was sorted into Slytherin with not a consideration of any other house. Immediately at the age of sixteen, she was engaged to another man called Zenix Flores, another family of the sacred twenty-eight. Zenix was sweet, but he wasn’t her type.
Throughout her years at Hogwarts, Y/n stared at another. His name was James Potter. A star Quidditch player for the Gryffindor team. The best Chaser. Y/n’s lingering stares and dreamy look didn’t make it past Zenix. Fortunately, Zenix had eyes for another as well, Sirius Black, the best friend of James Potter. They bonded over that. They bonded over being in love with people they couldn’t have.
Everyone dies eventually. Immortality is not reality, and once Y/n’s parents died. Divorce was in order. However, they didn’t love each other like they should’ve it still sucked. They were close friends. But did close friends have a child together? Leo Flores, the product of Y/n Flores and Zenix Flores, was only eight years old when they went through the divorce. Leo was a token to show that Zenix and Y/n fell in love. An illusion.
It took months, but after the process was complete, Y/n left. Leo was to be in her care for the rest of his life. Zenix would send some of his profit to them to help, but he would never see his son again. Granted, he didn’t treat Leo well. Always so harsh, so strict on the little boy. The first words out of Leo’s mouth were ma’am and sir. Not momma or daddy. Instead, they were formalities.
They lived in an apartment in Diagon Alley. It wasn’t huge, but it was enough. Y/n changed her last name, and Leo’s back to L/n. Another long process but worth the wait. Y/n worked at a Potions shop in the Alley. Sometimes her old friend Severus would visit and buy some ingredients, but no one else she knew ever came into the shop. Not until he showed up at the door.
James Potter came waltzing into the Potions shop like it was nobody’s business. Unknown to the woman working the shop, he had been watching her work from afar. Just across the street was a bookstore where Remus would visit. During one of those visits, James caught sight of her. Granted, James didn’t think he’d find love after Lily ran away after his proposal claiming he wasn’t enough but that all changed when he saw her.
The feelings came back like it was yesterday she was gazing at him from the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Y/n’s cheeks were set ablaze, and her stomach was placed into a frenzy of a million different feelings. Her heart made it seem like she ran around the Quidditch pitch one thousand times. Unbeknownst to her, he felt the same way.
Eventually, he made his way to the counter, “ Um- Good Afternoon. “
“ Good afternoon, sir. How may I assist you today? “ Y/n asked despite her racing heart, “ I need some help brewing a complex Potion. “ James confessed, fiddling with his hands.
“ What Potion, sir? “ Y/n inquired, “ Wolfsbane. “ James answered.
Her eyebrow quirked upward, “ That is a difficult Potion. It could have awful defects if made incorrectly. “ Y/n explained, looking at the ingredient list, “ How about this, I’ll make you the Potion instead of you possibly messing it up? “
“ How can I trust you won’t mess up? “ James questioned, smirking teasingly, “ Well. If it helps any, I received O’s on all of my Potion examinations, even in N.E.W.T level. “ Y/n quipped.
“ Well. I suppose you know your stuff. “ He replied as he crossed his arms, “ I suppose I do. “ Y/n retorted with a smile.
So James decided that she’d make the Potion. He would’ve paid her a million Galleons if he was just allowed to sit in the shop and stare at her. She was a beauty and moved so gorgeously. She moved with a purpose, with determination and ambition. Sirius and Remus had begun teasing him as James stared longingly at the Potions shop across the street.
“ Do you know her name? “ Remus asked, standing beside James now, “ No? “ James stated.
Remus chuckled; of course, he didn’t, “ Y/n L/n. She was a Slytherin in our year. Amazingly brilliant she is. Apparently, she was married to Zenix Flores but got divorced two years ago. “
James and Sirius stared gobsmacked, “ Did you stalk Prongs’ future wife? “ Sirius accused, and Remus shrugged, “ I was curious. Plus, I knew her at Hogwarts. She was a Prefect. We had a lot of rounds together. “
“ She was a Prefect? “ James queried, “ Mhm. You were too busy drooling at Lily to notice her. “ Remus nodded.
Now James felt incredibly stupid. All those pranks on the Slytherin house made him feel exceptionally stupid, knowing that she could’ve caught the backlash on some of them. Not only that, but she was a part of the sacred twenty-eight. James had never felt more idiotic, and he had gotten rejected after proposing to his girlfriend. That was saying something.
A month had passed, and the potion was ready. So once again, James walked into the Potions shop. This time she had a messy top knot present on top of her hair. Her eyes held extreme tiredness, and she moved almost sluggishly. James was worried. But Y/n saw him enter the shop and her cheerful smile glazed her face. Two bottles were now present on the counter for James to take.
He stood at the counter and pressed ten Galleons on the table, “ Sir, they’re only three Galleons. “ Y/n stated, “ Take the extra. You look exhausted. “ James replied.
“ Th- Thank you. “ Y/n smiled, “ Thank you, Y/n, for making these. “ James said gratefully.
Y/n blushed, “ I- Um- You were a Slytherin Prefect in my year at Hogwarts. “ James stammered, “ I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you before. “
“ It’s okay. Divorce can do that to you, Huh? “ Y/n laughed bitterly, “ Well, when I proposed to Lily, she straight up told me I wasn’t good enough so, that was almost like divorce minus the paperwork. “ James added.
“ I’m- I’m so sorry. “ Y/n apologized, “ No, no. I’m okay, trust me. It’s been about three years. “ James replied.
Before Y/n could speak again, steps were heard from the second story, “ Mom! Mom! “ Leo’s voice called as he rushed down the steps.
“ Mom! “ Leo appeared from behind the counter to see James and a blushing Y/n, “ Oops, uh, sorry, mom. “
“ No, it’s fine. Come here. “ James beckoned, and Leo hesitantly approached, “ What’s your name, little man? “
“ I’m ten! “ Leo announced proudly, and James chuckled, “ That’s awesome! “ James smiled.
Y/n turned to her son, “ What did you need, Leo? “ Despite being embarrassed, she was calm, “ You accidentally placed my quills on a high shelf. I can't reach them. “ Leo confessed, slightly embarrassed.
“ I’ll be up in just a second, but- “ Y/n began, but James stuck out his hand, “ I’m James. “
“ I’m Leo. “ Leo accepted the handshake and smiled at the adult man, “ If your mom doesn’t mind, maybe we could chat? “ James inquired, looking toward Y/n.
Leo looked hopeful at his mom, “ Please? “
“ Sure. You can go. “ Y/n allowed, and Leo hopped over the counter.
Before James could leave the proximity of the counter, Y/n grabbed his wrist, “ Please. Take care of him; I'm trusting you blindly here. “ She pleaded, and James smirked, “ Of course. “
The rest of the day went smoothly. Y/n had closed shop and began restocking items when they showed up. James' unkempt brown hair was more unorganized, but his hazel eyes glassed with mischief. Leo’s black hair was blown away from the rain, and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement. James beckoned the ten-year-old back upstairs while he approached Y/n.
“ So? Have a nice day with my kid? “ Y/n teased, and James chuckled, “ He’s fantastic. “
“ I know. “ She replied, “ I took him for ice cream, and we went shopping for a little. “ James informed.
Y/n melted at the adoration present on James' face, “ Do you need any money back? I can- “
“ No. Don’t worry about it, doll. I’ve got it covered. “ James interjected, “ I just saw him, and he had this look. He looked trapped. He needed to leave and just let loose for a couple of hours. “
“ I- I really love him. “ James confessed, and Y/n smirked, “ You’re in love with my son but not the woman who created him? “
“ If we're being honest. I’ve been watching you from the bookstore across the street. I thought you were gorgeous. Remus was the one who told me who you were. “ He admitted nervously, “ But being with your son today. If you’d like, could I take him out more often? “
She stepped down from the ladder and stood in front of him, “ How about you stay forever? “
“ I- I mean that is if you want. I know that I’m a pureblood, and- and my son- you probably don’t want to have a child right now. He’ll be going to Hogwarts soon, and quite frankly, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it. But- But his former father wasn’t amazing, and I’m not sure you want that responsibility- “
Y/n was cut off when James grabbed her by the waist and placed his lips on hers. His thumbs rubbed gentle circles on her skin through her shirt. Y/n’s hands went through his unkept brown tuffs and his glasses slightly fogged from the heat of the kiss. They pulled apart but rested their foreheads on each other. They were still somewhat breathless from the soft kiss.
He held her chin in his hand, “ I’d love nothing more than to stay forever. “
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Mini Garcia pt1/ Spencer Reid
Summery: Y/N is the new Tech Analyst intern under her mentor Penelope Garcia and has just started her first day at the BAU. During a case Y/N get a few calls from a not so familiar boy genius who seeks her help...or does he seek more? 
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warning: Fluff/none 
A/N: This is the first of many stories i will be writing and i look forwarding to writing more. I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it :)
Please Interact for more Spencer Reid/ MGG fics!!
“you will be fine trust me, you are already a natural and thats coming from yours truly” you were so nervous because today was your first day working at the BAU as a Tech Analyst Intern. Penelope was the one who got you the job working along side her. She was your teacher, mentor, and even your close friend and you knew working with her would be nothing less than entertaining. “P what if they don’t like me or I don’t fit into their group, you told me that they were like family” you followed the women wearing a floral dress with glittery high heel through the halls of the FBI coming to a stop next to two glass doors. “Y/N before we go in you are going to take three deep breathes and snap the hell out of it, cause you my little prized protege, will fit in just fine, so stop over thinking and pull yourself together”. I inhale three breathes before she pulled the glass door opened guiding me into a large room which from memory i think she had called it the “Bullpen”.  As we walked in i noticed in the corner of my eyes a man and a women eyeing me up and down. The man was large and muscled, he was appealing to the eye, just not preferably my type “Babygirl who is this fine little thin-” Penelope put her hand out barricading me from the man “cool it hot cakes, she is pure” I chuckled under my breath at her immediate response “This Derek chocolate thunder Morgan is the new Intern, working beside me as i mentor her into become the next best Garcia, Y/n meet Derek Morgan” we both extend our hands to go in for a friendly handshake “Oh and this fine ass piece of women is Jennifer Jareau” I smile shaking the pretty blondes hand “JJ for short its lovely to meet you” she hesitated for a moment before continuing “You seem so young, if you don’t mind me asking how old you are” I nervously try not to stutter upon my words “Oh um-m yeah i’m 20, but I got into the early acceptance program for computer programming and coding at Georgetown and now i’m here” Derek and JJ both exchange stairs before Derek opens his mouth “you, princess should meet our resident genius, i’m sure you two would get along quite well” JJ chuckles before giving Derek a smirk “OH YES how could I have forgotten about boy genius, where is he by the way” A tall dark haired man and a slightly shorter Italian looking man appeared from behind us “Reid and Prentiss are at a conference they will be meeting us in San Francisco” He looked intently at the group surrounding me then turned to look at me “You must be Y/N L/N, i’m Aaron Hotchner but please call me Hotch, and this is David Rossi, we are happy to have you on board, Garcia has spoken very highly of you” both men shake my hand firmly “I’m glad to be on board sir and thank you for this amazing opportunity” Hotch goes to say something before he was cut off by a text message appearing on his phone. “Wheels us now, they need us down their asap, Garcia brief us on the plane” and with that they were all making their way to the elevator. “Come on little Einstein we have work to do”
Garcia had just finished briefing the team on the case they were assigned to. From what i could catch it was about a Zodiac killer who had been killing over a decade ago and has recently just started up again. I tried to listen in and take note on everything Garcia was doing because god knows this job is fast past and i don’t want to fall behind on my first day. I found myself continuously zoning out thinking back to what that Morgan guy said about a “resident genius”. Who was he and why was Morgan so sure we would get along. So many questions were crossing my mind, before i heard Garcia’s voice continuously saying “Earth to my little oracle, hello, Y/N come back down to earth little one” i snap back to reality seeing Garcia waving her hand in front of of me “oh sorry- P who was that resident genius Morgan spoke about earlier” she spun in her chair making eye contact with me smirking “Oh my god yes Reid, how could i forget again. So you didn’t meet Emily Prentiss she is a total kick ass babe who is super cool and Spencer Reid who is a total genius with an eidetic memory and a whopping I.Q of 187″ i began to open my mouth to say something when Garcia interrupted “you guys would totally be so cute together, i need to set you two up, it would be a match made in heaven” I blush, a little taken back by the abrupt comments made by Garcia who is now really cheery “P calm down i haven’t event met the guy and i think you are a little in over your head” she looks at me still smirking “you are already intrigued by him aren’t you” just as i was about to stop her, the computer phone began to ring and the caller I.D was most clearly someone i didn’t even know yet but for some reason already was under affect by “ANSWER IT” Garcia motioned to the headset on my head “no i don’t even know what to say” she pointed at me with her fluffy unicorn pen “answer the phone i trained you for this” I reluctantly answered and within seconds i was met with a masculine yet soft voice on the other line “Hey Garcia I need you to track the ISP of the user who entered the spam comment to an internet cafe” I immediately got butterflies in my stomach, no stop Y/N you have never met this person and Garcia is just getting in your head, you continue to remind yourself. “U-mm i’m sorry I-I’m not Garcia i’m Y/N L/N the new Tech Analyst intern” I began to fidget with my figures staring between the plasma computer screens and Garcia “Oh Hi, I’m Reid, I mean I’m Spencer, let me start over I’m Dr Spencer Reid but you can call me Spencer or Reid, nice to meet you” my nerves begin to calm at the sound of his voice and the fact that he sounded just as nervous as me. I look to Garcia as she was smiling and motioning her hands to continue the conversation “Oh um-m sorry, you needed me to track the ISP of the user who entered the spam comment to an internet cafe...right?”I patiently await his response, which seemed like forever “Yeah, if you can do that, that would be great, thanks” I look to Garcia once again as she gives me a reassuring smile of encouragement before i turn to the monitors and type away, I remember everything Garcia taught me about the bureau system and was surprising easier to manoeuvre once actually assigned to a task “Hey um Reid, you still there?” thinking maybe he hung up “still here buttercup...um i mean Y/N” Garcia nudged me overhearing what Reid had just said and was cheering in the air, I quickly regained focus “so yeah unfortunately the unsub used a prepaid credit card, so I don’t have an I.D, i’m sorry” i felt my nerves regain their position in my stomach as i thought i didn’t do a good job “Thats okay, thanks for your help L/N and am excited to meet you in person, hopefully soon” I blush quickly at his comment, this going unnoticed by Garcia who is in her own world of happiness at the moment. “Yeah same goes for you, take care and if you need anything else you know where to find us” I end the call not wanting to make anymore of a fool of myself than i already have “BUTTERCUP, HE CALLED YOU BUTTERCUP” I groan at Garcia’s response already embarrassed by the ordeal “Y/N i know Reid and i have know him for many years, never in my time of being in boy geniuses presence have i ever heard him call someone BUTTERCUP” a million things swoop through my mind in that moment, why did he call me that, was it a fluke, was he just trying to be friendly, what am i saying i have literally never met this guys before its for sure nothing. I turn my head to Garcia giving her a please stop looking at me face, before she puts her hands up in defence” Okay okay i’ll stop, but you guys would make cute babies” she whispered the last part just loud enough for me to catch it. 
As time goes on I observe everything Garcia continues to do in order to find the details of the unsub. This job although seeming like fun is very high pressure and i made sure i noted down everything that Garcia done so i didn’t seem like the biggest failure in front of the team, or one team member in particular. The phone rang once again causing Garcia to answer it “He who seeks the queen of all knowledge, speak and be recognised” I chuckle under my breath at the witty response before i felt a tap on my shoulder “Pretty boy wants to speak with you” I give her a confused look “Boy genius, girly” I straighten up and answer my headset “Hello L/N speaking” i try to analyse why on earth he would want to speak with me and before he got a chance to answer a million conclusions were rushing through my mind “Hey L/N, long time no speak” there was a pause in the background before i heard a male chuckle and whisper “thats one way to get the girl Reid” he cleared his throat before continuing on “So i just thought i’d give you more training so can you run something for me” I physically prepare myself for what he is about to ask, ensuring i don’t screw this up “I need you to compile a list of people with I.Qs of 160 and above in the region” I type away trying to speed up so i don’t slow the team down “I’m checking with the bay area mensa society which is kind of slumming cause folks can get in with a measly I.Q of 130″ Reid chuckled at my statement making me feel more comfortable about what i was doing “try and check old school records, we’re looking for someone who is in his 20′s or 30′s” as I am intensely try my best to recover these names it appears in front of me “BINGO, Caleb Rossmore and Harvey Morell, they both have I.Qs over 160 and get this they both use to write about the Zodiac in their junior high school newspaper” I smile at myself, kinda proud at what i just accomplished on my own “thats amazing, thanks Y/N and tell Garcia she has the best intern” I smile to myself satisfied that i done something right and that Reid thought so too. “Yes that’s my little Einstein, ah you are moulding into a beautiful little Garcia, how proud i am right now
The team had just got back from catching both Caleb Rossmore and Harvey Morell and Garcia had gone to greet Morgan at the elevators. I had stayed behind packing my belonging as i was ready to head home to my fluffy dog Milo and sleep for hours. A knock on the door startled me. I abruptly turn around and was met with a tall figure who had beautiful brown eyes and shaggy hair. “Hi, I’m so sorry to have startled you, I’m Spencer Reid the one that kept annoying you on the phone” I feel my cheeks heat up from the sight of how pretty this boy was “um yes, i mean no you weren't annoying at all if anything you gave me the training i need, so i should be thanking you, and I’m Y/N L/N” Reid stuck out his hand which took me by surprise because according to Garcia he was not a handshaker and refused to shake hands with anyone, stating that even kissing was more sanitary “Well, in that case i’m glad to be of assistance and its nice to officially meet you Y/N” we stared in each others eyes for a few moments before we were met by Penelope and Morgan “Hey guys you have met, yay, okay now can we go this princess is getting bags under her eyes and those aren’t the kind of bags i want” we all laugh at Garcia’s remark as we start to head towards the elevator. “So I heard you went to Georgetown” i look up at the brunette boy who was gazing down at me “yeah, I actually graduated this year, which i’m kind of sad” “oh why’s that” I look straight into his eyes “I like educating myself, and expanding my field of study is something that i genuinely enjoy, so i’m kind of sad its over, but i’m looking at going for my PHD in Computer engineering” Reid looked me deeper in my eyes without saying anything, just then i heard a murmur “they will make such cute babies and i’m going to be the best godmother” and with that the elevator doors open and we all began to file in. 
I may have just met Spencer Reid but i have a feeling we are definitely going to be getting along. 
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Written for Day 7 of @aangweek! Read here on AO3.
7. love - don’t got nowhere to go / so we’ll go with the flow / yeah, we’re living the life / sippin’ on sunshine
“I can help clean,” Aang offered as Iroh began clearing their group’s cups and plates from the circular wooden table.
Iroh chuckled, shaking his head. “There’s no need -”
“I insist,” Aang interrupted, standing and collecting his own dishes. “It’s the least I can do to thank you for closing the shop early so we could be together without politicians and paparazzi peering over our shoulders.”
“There’s no use arguing with him,” Toph commented before Iroh could protest further. “Once Twinkle Toes decides to help someone, nothing will change his mind. Accept your fate, Iroh.”
Katara laughed along with the rest of their friends, and Aang gave them a guilty grin.
“Hey, I learned from my wife-to-be,” he teased, pressing a kiss to Katara’s forehead. “Never turn my back on people who need me!”
Katara rolled her eyes at his comment, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Aang and Iroh gathered the last of the group’s dishes before disappearing into the kitchen.
Zuko hummed in contentment, draping an arm around Mai’s shoulders. “I wish we could meet up like this more often. Be together without all the chaos.”
Today had involved an annual meeting of important representatives from all four nations, this year hosted by the Earth King. In other words, Katara knew, it was a very rare opportunity for their friend group to reunite in full. Only after the day’s politics had ended, of course.
Sokka snorted. “I agree, but you’ve gotta admit it’s pretty much impossible for this to be a regular event.”
“Ember Island is always open for an impromptu vacation,” Mai reminded them, earning more laughter from the group.
“I might take you up on that soon,” Suki mused, pulling her hair out of its ponytail and shaking her head. “A vacation is sounding more and more attractive with every second.”
Katara allowed herself a breathy sigh. “Spirits, if I could get Aang to take a vacation…” She snorted. “That would be the day.” Her fiancé was notoriously stubborn about working until he dropped. In fact, there was only one other person whose work ethic could compare.
Mai chuckled. “Zuko is exactly the same. Always working himself into the ground.”
Ah, yes. There it was.
Toph snickered. “Sounds like a match made in the Spirit World. Are you guys sure Zuko and Aang shouldn’t be the ones getting married next month?”
Zuko flushed a shade of scarlet as bright as his fire. “I’m sitting right here, you know.”
Katara bit her tongue to hold back a snicker as Toph grinned at him. “Yes, I’m very aware.” Her grin narrowed into a sly smirk. “You’re sitting right here, and yet you deny nothing.”
Sokka burst out laughing, lightly elbowing Zuko in the ribs. “She’s got you there, hotman.”
Mai snorted at the nickname before giving Katara a play-sympathetic look. “Master Katara, how do you cope with the fact that my husband and yours-to-be are in love with each other?”
Katara sighed, leaning back in her chair and pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. “Oh, it was incredibly difficult for me to come to terms with.” She wiped an imaginary tear from her eye. “After I learned they’d kissed, I thought I’d never -”
“Oh, Agni,” Zuko groaned, burying his face in his hands at the same time Toph exclaimed, “Sparky and Twinkle Toes have kissed?!”
Katara couldn’t feign her melodrama any longer, letting herself succumb to a fit of intense laughter that made her entire upper body shake.
“Yes, they have,” Mai confirmed with a smirk. “It was hilarious, and I will never let Zuko hear the end of it.”
Zuko stared dead into the distance, his empty expression screaming that he’d rather be anywhere but there. “You’re going to tell them the story, aren’t you.”
The melancholic certainty with which he spoke was enough to make Katara snicker once more as she gave Mai a knowing glance, but before the Fire Lady could respond, Sokka spoke.
“Of course they’re going to tell us the story,” he scoffed. “The Avatar and the Fire Lord kissing? That’s the kind of thing you pass on forever to future generations!”
Suki laughed. “You sound way too invested for someone who has also kissed the Avatar,” she teased, smirking at her boyfriend.
Katara raised an eyebrow in amusement. Now that was news to her. “You did what, Sokka?”
Blood rushed to her brother’s face. “Not on the lips!” he squawked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I am just very comfortable in my feminine side around Aang.” He tapped his cheek. “So yes, we have technically kissed, but not like that.”
“To be fair, I’m pretty sure we’ve all been on the receiving end of Aang’s affection in some way or another,” Suki conceded. “That’s just his way of expressing love.”
A smile flitted onto Katara’s lips at her friend’s words. She knew most of all, perhaps, how Aang inclined towards physical affection. He was especially fond of kissing the tip of her nose.
“Really?” Sokka said, bewildered. “What, does he have a ‘thing’ with each one of us?”
Suki shrugged. “I mean, I guess so?” She smirked at their group. “Aang and I have a special, top-secret handshake. That’s our thing.”
Katara laughed. “I remember when Aang was just beginning to figure out the motions he wanted to include in your handshake.” She held her own hands up in joking surrender. “I was never privy to the final product, of course. Only experimental aspects.”
Sokka pouted. “First of all, I am hurt that I was never told this handshake existed. And second” - wounded, he placed a hand over his heart - “how come I don’t have a handshake with him?”
Suki rolled her eyes. “Babe, you said yourself that your thing with Aang is cheek kisses.”
Sokka appeared unconvinced. “Yeah, but I’m not the only one who gets cheek kisses from him.” He jutted his thumb towards his sister. “Katara gets them all the time!”
“Katara is also going to marry him, Snoozles,” Toph said with a snort. “I don’t think it’s totally off-base to consider she might have a few additional privileges compared to the rest of us.”
“Katara might be the one who snagged the Avatar,” Mai drawled, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, “but I think it’s safe to assume that everyone in here had a crush on Aang at some point in their life.”
Katara burst out laughing both at Mai’s declaration and the different forms of denial that followed. She’d long since accepted the reality that Aang’s charm meant many people would fall for him. And if anything, it made her feel even luckier that she was the one preparing for a wedding.
Mai appeared to thrive on the chaos she’d incited. The Fire Lady had clearly been spending more - maybe too much - time with Aang. “I don’t know why you’re all so up in arms about this,” she commented, studying her nails. “When I saw him dressed up for Zuko and I’s wedding, I wondered if I was marrying the right man after all.”
Zuko choked at her words, and Mai laughed as she patted him on the back. “Kidding. But I did think Aang was the best-looking man at the reception.”
Everyone’s gaze turned to Zuko, who sighed, shoulders slumping. “No, I agree with her.” He flushed, his eyes dropping to the table. “Aang was definitely the most attractive person there.”
Katara remembered that outfit of her fiancé’s fondly. Saffron robes that danced the line between classy and casual, as fitting for an Air Nomad Avatar. And perhaps she recalled the attire begrudgingly, too, as it had attracted both wanted and unwanted attention towards her then-boyfriend at the reception.
“I’ll admit my heart fluttered the first time Aang returned to Kyoshi Island after the war,” Suki mused. “I hadn’t expected him to get so tall.”
Sokka gave his girlfriend an affronted look. “Wait a minute. Wasn’t I there -”
Suki silenced him with a finger over his lips. “Sokka. We both spent that weekend discussing how hot Aang had gotten. Don’t deny it.”
Katara raised an eyebrow at her brother. “You were planning to make some moves on Aang?”
Sokka’s face reddened. “You know what?” he finally said. “Maybe in another life. I’ll leave it at that.”
“You’ve been awfully quiet, Toph,” Mai commented, giving the earthbender a small smirk. “When did you realize you had a crush on ‘Twinkle Toes’?”
Toph crossed her arms over her chest, which Katara noted with amusement did nothing to hide the rosy blush coloring her friend’s cheeks. “Never. Because unlike all of you, I’m blind and therefore cannot be affected by Aang’s so-called ‘good looks.’”
“Aw, but Aang is so much more than his looks,” Katara teased, unable to remain out of the chaos Mai had incited any longer. “What got you, Toph? His voice? His jokes? His incessant kindness towards anyone and anything?”
Toph opened her mouth before slamming it shut. “Fine,” she grumbled. “I’ll tell you. On one condition.” She pointed at Zuko. “I still want to know how Sparky and Aang locked lips.”
Mai snickered at her husband’s misfortune, and Katara herself couldn’t help but laugh as Zuko muttered a variety of curses under his breath.
“An easy deal,” Katara agreed. “Now tell us - what got you?”
Toph exhaled a resigned sigh. “His voice,” she grumbled, and the table burst into another round of laughter and cheers. Really, they were lucky that Iroh or even Aang himself hadn’t returned to investigate all the noise.
“Honestly, no one can blame you there,” Sokka remarked, shaking his head. “Who could have predicted Aang would grow up the way he did?”
Katara raised an eyebrow at her brother, though she doubted the expression was as intimidating as she intended it to be. “Really?”
“Okay, well, except for you -”
“Enough chatter!” Toph interrupted, slamming a fist on the table. A smirk pulled at her lips. “Sparky? Storytime?”
Zuko groaned. “Remember how I said I wished we could all meet up more often?” He shook his head. “I take it back.”
Suki laughed. “Stop whining and get on with the story, Zuko.”
“Or else I’ll tell it for you,” Mai added, slipping her hand into her husband’s. Katara couldn’t deny the story would be funnier if Mai told it, as she’d already heard it a dozen times from her friend.
Zuko sighed. “It’s not even an exciting story.” He rolled his eyes. “I was going over some paperwork with Aang and Mai. At one point, Aang was called away for - for Avatar business, or something.” He huffed. “Aang went to give me a ‘goodbye kiss’” - Zuko pointed to his forehead - “because that’s his ‘thing’ with me, I guess. But I didn’t realize what he was doing, so I looked up to ask him a question, and we -”
“- and you accidentally kissed?” Sokka finished flatly. “Aw, man! That is boring.” He shook his head in disappointment. “Such a letdown.”
“What Zuko conveniently forgets to mention every time he tells this story,” Mai said, amused, “is that he leaned into the kiss.”
Toph burst out laughing as Zuko adamantly protested that no, he had not, no matter what his wife said. “So,” the earthbender said amidst her snickers, “what I’m hearing is that Zuko never really got over his crush on Aang?”
“No, he did not,” Mai mused. “But it’s not like I can hold that against him. Having a crush on Aang is perfectly understandable.”
“If it’s any consolation, Zuko,” Katara said, resting her elbows on the table and placing her chin atop her hands as she gave the firebender a devilish grin, “Aang thinks you’re a pretty good kisser.”
Her comment set their group off for the umpteenth time, and Katara snickered at the rollercoaster of emotions roaring over Zuko’s face. There was nothing better than sparking a little chaos every now and then, was there?
Huh. Aang had rubbed off on her, too. She supposed being engaged to him would do that.
“Uh… I feel like I missed something here?”
Katara bit the inside of her cheek to contain her laughter as Aang dropped into his seat beside her. “Oh, no. You didn’t miss anything.”
Aang stared with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment at their friends, who were yet to collect themselves. “Are you sure? What did you guys talk about without me?”
Katara hummed noncommittally, shrugging. “Nothing special.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Just how much we love you.”
more of aang being adored by his friends in fanworks 2k21, please and thank you. i hope you enjoyed my collection of ficlets for the week, and as always - thank you for reading!
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
Who Needs a Suit?
"That is fantastic news!" You glanced up as you heard Willow’s excited voice, catching a glimpse of him as he spun around on his desk chair with his phone to his ear. It’s not that you were trying to listen in on Willow's conversation but your workspace was right next to the small room that was his office for the duration of this project. And his door was open, like usual. And he wasn't exactly talking quietly to whoever was on the phone, also like usual.
"Of course, of course!" He continued after a brief pause. "Yes, I will inform the team immediately. We are very honored." This caught your attention even more and you eyed him discreetly over your papers, something you had become quite good at since this project started. “You have a good day as well and thank you again!”
You quickly looked back down as Willow ended the phone call, hoping to Mythics that he didn’t see you eavesdropping. A few moments later he emerged from his office, giving you a quick smile as you glanced up again before addressing the room.
"If everyone could pause for a moment, I have an announcement!" The main lab area wasn’t large at all, but it suited the needs of the current project, and it only took a moment for the three other workers to stop their work and turn towards the professor. “I have just received a phone call from the chairman of this year’s research committee and…” Willow paused here for dramatic effect, “our project is being recognized at this year’s award dinner!”
At this the room burst into cheers, everyone congratulating each other on the good news. Once the din settled Willow explained that the invites would be sent shortly and that everyone should be proud. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged all around and the mood in the lab was certainly more exciting than it had been a few minutes prior. You were about to sit back down when Willow caught your attention.
“Oh, (Y/N)?”
You turned towards him but before you had a chance to respond Suzie - your friend, fellow lab colleague, and roommate - threw her arm around your shoulder. “Isn’t this exciting? All our hard work is finally being recognized!”
“Yes, it’s wonderful.” You agreed, looking back at Willow apologetically. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Oh, just...good work (Y/N).” He said with a smile before turning back to his office.
“Oooh!” Suzie teased quietly as a blush crept across your cheeks.
“Shush!” You shooed your friend away from your desk. “Don’t you have work to be doing?” It was no secret between you two that you fancied Willow and Suzie had, on more than one occasion, gotten frightfully close to disclosing that in front of the professor even after you had made it abundantly clear that if that happened you would lock her in a room with a hungry Arcanine and throw away the key. This time she did relent and went back to her work station as you returned to your desk to continue the morning’s paperwork.
A few days later the formal invitations arrived and it was like rehearing the news for the first time again. You slid the beautifully written card out of the envelope gently, flipping it over to read the details but almost immediately your stomach dropped as you spotted your name with “+ one” written in perfect calligraphy at the top of the page. A plus one was not something you had, which was fine! you reassured yourself, it just meant that everyone else would be bringing one making your lack of one stand out.
“So who are you bringing?” Suzie startled you as she took a seat on the edge of your desk. “My Jane will be so thrilled to finally get to go to one of my work events.”
“You know I don’t have anyone.” You chuckled, trying to play it off.
“You so sure about that?” She smiled coyly at you. “I know a certain profess-”
“Will you hush!” Casting a quick glance towards Willow’s office you were relieved to see he was still absorbed in the papers on his desk. “We’ve talked about that. Besides, he has his own invite. No need for me to ask him to go. Probably has his own plus one already anyway.”
“You won’t know for sure unless you ask.” Suzie gives you a knowing look that you ignore.
“Come on, he’s my boss. I can’t, it isn’t allowed.”
“Well now that this project is wrapping up maybe he won’t be! You could ask for a reassignment, then what’s your excuse?”
You were saved from answering by the loud crash of glass hitting the floor. Suzie hopped off your desk to go help clean up but not before telling you to think about it, like you hadn't already a million times. But maybe she did have a point. With the project being pretty much over maybe you would have a shot at asking him out. You looked over to where he still sat at his desk and frowned. He probably has a someone special already, you thought but Suzie's words 'you won't know till you ask' echoed in your mind. You had two weeks until the award ceremony, maybe you should just ask.
In those two weeks you found every excuse you could not to talk to Willow, your nerves getting the better of you. The closest you had gotten was first thing one morning as he settled into his office for the day but you had chickened out and just said good morning instead. It was probably for the best, you found yourself thinking, not noticing you were staring at him while he was working at his desk until he looked up and made direct eye contact. You were certain you turned as red as a Charmeleon as you quickly looked away, missing the warm smile he gave you.
The day of the event everyone was allowed to go home early to get ready and Suzie insisted on dolling you up in one of her dresses and makeup.
"If that doesn't get Willow's attention, I don't know what will." Suzie smirked, surveying her work as you blushed, fidgeting with the hem of the dress. It was a bit shorter than you were used to but after seeing yourself in the full length mirror you had to admit Suzie had done a great job.
Walking into the venue you felt a bit out of place, even though everyone was laughing and dressed up you were never quite comfortable in formal wear. You had been the first to find your table and take a seat, avoiding the small talk over cocktails, but soon enough the others slowly trickled over to join you. Checking your phone you frowned, it was only a few minutes before the ceremony was about to start and everyone had shown up except the professor. Which is odd seeing as he was in charge of this research project, you would have thought he would be the first to arrive.
Right as the lights were dimming a series of low snickers started echoing through the hall and Suzie startled you by gripping your arm and whispering 'oh my Mythics'. You turned to see Willow snaking through the tables and to your amusement, and seemingly everyone else's horror, he was still in his lab coat and work attire. Taking the last seat at your group's table he didn't seem to notice or care how out of place he looked or that everyone was staring. You couldn't help but grin, half wishing yourself that you had worn something more comfortable than a dress and heels. He caught your eye from across the table and you were thankful the lights had dimmed so he didn't see your blush as he gave you one of his charming smiles but you swear he held your gaze for just a bit longer than needed before turning his attention to the stage.
The recognition ceremony went pretty much how you would have expected, groups getting called up, speeches made. When your group was called out Willow went up for the speech and thanked everyone on the team, prompting you all to stand as the room clapped. As you glanced around at the room you caught Willow's eye again, why did he seem to be watching you directly? It was probably just your imagination though, you thought as you took your seat. Or was it?
After the last group was recognized the lights became brighter and a band appeared, it was time for the after party. You followed Suzie to the bar but soon found yourself alone as Jane whisked her off to the dancefloor. Sipping at your drink as you watched the crowds you didn't realize Willow had come up beside you until he spoke.
"I hope you're having a good time?" He startled you but you recovered quickly.
"Oh I am!" You took another sip of your drink to hopefully calm your nerves. "It's a very lovely place, although I wish I had worn something more comfortable like you did." As soon as you said it you regretted it, worry flashing across your face as you wondered if he would be offended. "I mean, not that there's anything wrong with your attire! It's just that-" you stopped short as he began laughing.
“Ah yes, I must say, formal attire and I don't get along so well. I find it too constricting, besides you never know what you’ll come across in the field! That's actually the reason I was late, a trainer brought in an injured Psyduck and it took a little longer to get the little guy back up to good health than I had anticipated." Willow paused, smiling sheepishly. "It would seem I am rambling. May I get you another drink?"
"You mean another free drink from the open bar?" You teased, the few drinks you already had seemed to have loosened you up a bit.
"Ah, yes, one of those."
"Thank you but I think I'm okay for right now." You set your now empty glass on the counter as Willow rubbed the back of his neck.
"You'll have to forgive me, I don't seem to be very good at this." He laughed nervously as the song changed to something a little more slow paced. "Can I interest you in a dance instead?"
"A dance?" It comes out as more of a question as you were still wondering what he meant he wasn't good at. But Willow was watching you expectantly, holding out his hand as an offer and as if in a trance you took it. This couldn't really be happening, could it? He led you the few steps to the dance floor and your heart pounded in your chest, suddenly finding yourself unsure of how to act as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your waist.
"You look lovely by the way." Willow's words brought you back to reality as you two stepped in a slow circle to the music.
"Thank you." Was it warm in here or was it just you?
"I'm glad we got to-" Before he could continue he was cut off by Suzie's sharp voice from behind you.
"(Y/N!) There you are, oh!" Suzie's eyes widened in shock as she spotted you, or more precisely who you were with. "Oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt! It's just…" She looked like she didn't want to continue, especially as you shot her a look that said this better be worth it. "It's just that Jane tripped and I think she sprained ankle, we're going to have to take her to a hospital just to be sure and I know we're your ride but…"
"What? That's terrible!" You instinctively pulled away from Willow, rushing the few steps over to Suzie as worry washed over you. Quickly realizing what you had done you spun back to Willow with an apology on your lips only to see he had followed.
"Is everything okay, do you need any assistance?"
Suzie glanced between the two of you, clearly judging her next words but concern for her girlfriend won out. "Actually I could use another set of hands getting her to the car, she can barely walk."
"Of course." Willow nodded. "Lead the way."
After the three of you had packed Jane in the car Suzie ran over to the driver's side but hesitated before getting in.
"Are you coming, (Y/N)? I know we're you're ride home but I don't want to make you wait at the hospital with us for Mythics knows how long…"
"Perhaps I can take you home?" Willow offered before you had a chance to respond.
"Perfect!" Suzie grinned, hopping into the car. "Love you girl! I'll text you with an update when we get there!" Winking at you she slammed the car door and took off, leaving you there rather baffled as to what just happened. You turned back to Willow wide eyed and mouth agape, probably looking for all the world like a Magikarp out of water.
"I...what...I'm so sorry...you shouldn't have to...I can call a cab."
"Nonsense!" He grinned. "Besides I offered. Now I'm not sure about you but I don't know that I'm up for more mingling. Unless of course, you want to-"
"No, it's fine. Getting out of these shoes sounds lovely."
Willow led the way to where his Jeep was parked, trailer and all still attached. After helping you into the passenger seat, not the easiest feat in your somewhat tight dress, he took off, following your directions back home. Since your building was on a main road and his vehicle didn't exactly fit in the parking lot around back he wound up finding a side street a few blocks away to park and absolutely insisted on walking you to your door, adamant it was the gentlemanly thing to do and he would be crushed if something happened to you.
"Thank you again, I'm sorry if this cut your night short."
"I'm actually rather pleased it did. I'm glad I got to see you outside of working hours."
"So am I." You blushed, fidgeting with your keys as you two approached the door.
"Listen, (Y/N)..." Willow started, meeting your gaze as he searched for the right words. "I've really enjoyed working with you on this project."
"I have too, I'm sad it's coming to an end."
"I must say I'm not." He must have seen the puzzled look on your face and quickly backpedaled. "I mean, I am but also not...ahh. I told you I'm not good at this." He chuckled nervously before continuing. "What I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see you outside of work again and since dating colleagues is frowned upon-"
Your mind was racing just as fast as your heart was and it only took you a moment to understand what he was trying to say. You cut him off by bringing a hand up to his cheek, a look of surprise crossing his face. "Yes, I would like that. I would like that a lot." He grinned back at you and surprised you in return by leaning in to press his lips to yours. It only took you a moment to return the kiss, sliding your hand around his neck as he circled an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He might not have been so good at flirting but you couldn't say the same about his kissing, it was just as good -if not better- than you had daydreamed. After a few moments you broke apart, touching foreheads as you both caught your breath.
"Well, great, then it's settled. Thank you (Y/N), it was a lovely night and I guess I will see you at work-" He began awkwardly, stepping back from you, but you cut him off.
"Would you like to come upstairs?" You blurted out, not quite as smooth as you had hoped for but he grinned nonetheless. You didn't wait for an answer, instead turning to open the front door. After all, you did want to get out of these shoes.
Just a little (okay not so little) idea I had after Eevee community day when Willow said he didn't have any formal attire. Hope you enjoyed! (Sorry, I just can't seem to write anything short!)
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt 7
hello!! thank you all so much for reading my story, i super appreciate it, you have no idea! from the last chapter i guess you’ve kinda maybe sorta started to notice a little something happening there. but don’t worry, we’ll get where we need to be :) please share if you can!!
pt 1
pt 6
pt 8
“Yes, yes, I’ve joined the Avatar, I’m betraying my country, I’m a dishonor to everyone, blah, blah, blah. You can’t tell me anything that I haven’t already heard from your brother.”
“I actually think it’s quite admirable that you chose to become a traitor. It shows that you’ve developed more of a backbone than I ever thought you could. I’m a bit sad that we have to end your life. I always looked forward to having you as a sister.”
(Y/N) was panicking. She had not anticipated that when she came to Omashu with Aang, Katara, and Sokka, that she would be face to face with some of her oldest friends. It had been years since she had seen Mai, Ty Lee, or Azula, but she had always imagined their reunion going a bit differently than this current one, which involved her friends from her past attacking her current friends. But, she supposed, traitors can’t be choosers.
“Isn’t this a special treat?” Azula drawled. “It’s so good to see old friends.” The young princess had grown so much since they had last seen each other. She was fourteen now and her face contained the same ruthlessness as her fathers.’ If (Y/N) was being honest, Azula intimidated her, but there was no way she would let her know that.
“Azula,” she said, nodding at her old friend. Katara and Sokka looked at her, their expressions riddled with surprise.
“I’d heard rumors that you had become a traitor. I wanted to see it with my own eyes, of course. You know how vicious gossip can get.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Yes, yes, I’ve joined the Avatar, I’m betraying my country, I’m a dishonor to everyone, blah, blah, blah. You can’t tell me anything that I haven’t already heard from your brother.”
“I actually think it’s quite admirable that you chose to become a traitor. It shows that you’ve developed more of a backbone than I ever thought you could. I’m a bit sad that we have to end your life. I always looked forward to having you as a sister.”
The comment caught Mai off-guard, causing the stoic girl to break her gaze from the group to glance at Azula. (Y/N) noticed this instantly. If there was one advantage she had over their enemies, it was being able to tell when they faltered. She shot a flame at Mai, who barely had enough time to dodge it. The fight had begun, and while she and her friends focused on fighting Mai and Ty Lee, Azula slipped away to go after Aang.
The four heroes managed to escape their attackers, but the fight had bothered (Y/N) to her core. If there hadn’t been already, there was no doubt that the Fire Nation was now going to put a bounty on her head. And seeing Azula stirred up similar feelings that she had experienced whenever she saw Zuko. As evil as she had become, it still hurt to fight against her. She had been a troubled child for sure, but (Y/N) had had many good times with her. There were sleepovers where they giggled into the early hours of the morning. Too many secret handshakes and inside jokes to count. While Zuko had become her best friend, she had also become close to Azula as well. Up until the moment she left the Fire Nation, she had considered Azula to be like a sibling. A crazy and evil sibling, but still a sibling nonetheless.
The hunt for Aang’s earthbending teacher did well to take her mind off of things. After their terrifying time in the swamp, it was nice to return to civilization in the Earth Kingdom. The city eventually led them to the underground earthbending competitions, where a small girl reigned supreme over earthbenders twice her size. The event had made (Y/N) a bit uncomfortable, as she wasn’t used to have two-ton rocks flying at her face every second, but who was she to complain? 
They tracked the girl back to her home and learned that she was a member of the Beifong family, one of the wealthiest families in the entire Earth Kingdom. They had been invited to join the family for dinner and (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder if the actual members of the Earth Kingdom could tell she was a fraud. Her green tunic and pants were burnt at the edges from her firebending and she felt like they were eyeing her suspiciously. 
“So, (Y/N),” asked Toph’s father, Lao. “I see you’ve traveled far in your journeys with the Avatar. Tell me, where in the Earth Kingdom are you from?” 
“Oh, a small town,” she waved a hand to signify its unimportance. “I doubt you’d even know it.” 
Lao Beifong raised a suspicious eyebrow. 
“She’s a refugee!” Sokka shouted. 
“She’s homeless!” Aang shouted at the same time. (Y/N) put her head in her hands. 
“She’s a homeless refugee,” Katara clarified, smiling pleasantly at the Beifongs. “We picked her up off the streets when we were passing through her village. Isn’t that right, (Y/N)?” 
“I mean, I wouldn’t say you picked me up off the streets, but--” 
“I remember the day she was begging me for coins like it was yesterday,” Sokka sighed. (Y/N) kicked him from under the table. He tried his best to suppress his yelp. 
“How lucky you are to have the Avatar and his companions save you!” Toph’s mother said. (Y/N) glared at her friends. 
“Oh yeah. So lucky.” 
Despite their efforts to convince the Beifongs to let Toph accompany them on their journey, and the fact that they had literally saved her life, the group of four was banished from ever returning to the Beifong residence. They were practically thrown out of the house by the guards and were left to continue on their journey. 
“It’s okay Aang,” Katara said to her friend. “We’ll find someone to be your earthbending teacher.” 
“No one like her,” Aang sighed. He felt defeated and every one of his friends felt the same. Even Momo’s ears were less perkier than usual. 
“This is exactly why I hate stuffy rich people,” (Y/N) said haughtily as they walked up the hill to Appa. “They think they know what’s best for everyone.” 
“Weren’t you a stuffy rich person?” Aang asked. 
“I think that’s besides the point.” 
“Hey, wait up!” Toph shouted as she ran to catch up with them. She carried a knapsack over her shoulder. “My parents changed their minds! They said I could come with you!” 
“That’s amazing!” Aang cheered.
(Y/N) pursed her lips. She knew how rich people acted. She had grown up around them her whole life. They never changed their minds. Not unless someone richer than them told them to. She could tell Toph was lying, but she understood why. Her parents treated her like she was helpless and wouldn’t let them out of her sight. In reality, Toph was anything from it. She was tougher than all four of them combined. 
She climbed Appa and reached down to help Katara get up. “Alright, let’s get ready to go! We’ve got an Avatar to teach.” 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova ,
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aliaslua · 3 years
In broad daylight
Chapter 01: Out and about
Raphael is still learning to cope with his new life. On the rainy evening after Michelangelo's first national interview, the big and solitary turtle brother decides to go on a walk and while he tries to adapt to a world he never wanted to be a part of, he meets a human woman that changes his path.
This is an AU that diverges from cannon after the events of Out of the shadows. Instead of choosing to keep living hidden in the sewers, the family of mutants accepts chief Vincent's suggestion of trying to live a normal life among humans. This is a compilation of events that unfold after the fact, tales about the turtles and the humans that cross their paths.
This series may contain mature themes (Trigger Warnings will be included before every chapter), if you’re a minor please don’t interact.
TW: None
You can also read it in AO3
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It took Raphael two years to finally decide to walk on a sidewalk alone. It was the first time he was alone in... Well, Michelangelo called it “upstairs”, Leonardo called it “the real world” and Donatello just called the streets of New York by their common name. Raph didn’t called it anything since names carry meaning and that world and its residents were a mystery to him. When he had to describe the world above him, he called it “outside”.
He was 19 when he was outvoted and then convinced of accepting the idea of coming out into the world. Now a grown 21 years old man-turtle, he still felt his palms sweaty and his fingers cold as he held the knob of the door that led into the streets of New York. A shaky breath left his mouth when he finally opened the alley door.
It wasn’t the first time he walked among humans but in every occasion he had to (knowing he would only do it if he was obligated) he had Casey holding one of his shoulders or April holding one of his fingers. Now, the world presented itself in front of him and he was alone. Despite his anxiety, the landscape wasn’t as intimidating as he once anticipated, there was no big crowd filled with scared looks of disgust, only the concrete street and light rain drops. He didn’t know exactly what he expected, actually. It was too late in the night to be walking the street alone, no human would dare to bet their safety to wander around an ugly and stinky street. Raphael wasn’t human and he would bet his life knowing no one ill intended would dare to cross his path... No one would even dare to ask for directions or to wish him a good evening. No one would dare to approach him. He had learned sooner than later that even well meaning humans would avoid being alone next to him and despite his efforts to understand them there was a deep part of Raph that held a grudge against it.
The second oldest brother would rather spend the rest of his life avoiding contact with this reality. It took maybe two or three minutes after he started to walk down the street for him to regret that decision as he felt the warm thick air of the night against his skin. He kept his pace despite that, determined to reach at least one mile before coming back home. The streets were still empty and he could only hear his heavy steps on the ground and the distant sound of cars. There was a time he loved this city... A time when all he wanted to was to roam around hidden in the roof tops and the dark shadows of the alleys, a time when he could watch this world and not be a part of it, when he could be invisible, a mere observer. Maybe he still could, he thought, maybe his outfit made him look human enough from a distance... Raphael liked the clothes, he liked he was now able to hear Knicks' shirts that fitted him perfectly thanks to his new access to tailor-made clothing, he liked his loose trousers and the dark colored sweaters that covered his shell, he liked his sneakers and his watch. Life out on the surface had brought him many new luxuries: now the lair had tiles and furniture and a long corridor that led to a door facing the streets, it didn't smell bad anymore thanks to modern isolation and he had his own bed, a king sized bed, with many pillows and clean white bed sheets. Raph sighed loudly once again, maybe Mikey was right. Maybe life could be more than he perceived to be.
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
"Turn it on!"
The crowd cheered lively as the host turned in his chair.
"Good night, ladies and gentleman." He started talking in a pleasant voice "Tonight, in a exclusive interview... An absolutely unique moment in history. It's an honor to be here, sharing this moment with you as we receive with a warm round of applause please welcome... Michelangelo Hamato!"
Mikey walked into the stage with the biggest smile as the applause kept going, he was wearing a well fitted set of blazer and pants and he looked nothing like the wild and anxious brother they new. He waved to the crowd with such confidence that the absurd size difference between him and the host looked funny instead of terrifying, he even flipped the edge of his blazer behind him as he seated in the two-seater sofa and crossed his leg, showing a shinny elegant shoe.
"Michelangelo.... May I call you Mikey?"
"Yes, please."
"It's an honor... and I mean it, it's an honor to have you tonight."
"The honor is all mine, Jim."
The crowd cheered once again.
"Now... Mikey, I've to start saying... You're a sight to be seen!"
"Thank you!" Loud claps echoing from the crowd.
"How tall are you?"
"I'am 6'5"
"Taller than Micheal Jordan!"
"... And the smallest in the bunch!" Mikey commented with a big smile and the host returned the smile with wide eyes.
"Must be a very tall bunch!"
"A very big bunch!"
"Yes indeed!" The crowd laughed along with the host as Mikey shared a wide smile again.
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Ten minutes had passed since Raphael started his walk and three minutes had passed since a man with a dog on a leash had walked past him, completely unbothered by his presence. Had he made it? Has he invisible? Comfortable enough with the prospect of an empty city that slept while he walked, Raph took his headphones and pressed play in the link Donnie had sent him, the cellphone opened a new tab and a podcast started playing. Soothing was followed by a female voice that introduced the name of the show.
"...As always, thank you all for listening. In today's episode we'll be discussing the new revelations in the law case that wrecked the nation: the case Sacks vs Hamato, that absurd demonstration of pure capitalist greed that tried to condemn four literal teenagers to pay an equally absurd amount of money - and prison time!- for materials damage caused to the Sacks company-" "...and illegal espionage." A second voice complemented "Yes, thank you Sabrina. We have already discussed the legal implications that case could open for the judicial system here in America and all the possible outcomes in the Thirteenth episode of the first season of this podcast, if you haven't heard it yet, I heavily suggest you do so you can follow the argument of the developments in this case. Now, Sabrina... Yesterday we saw the final outcome of this case and the hearing that decided the sentence ended with an incredible emotional speech from Donatello - we know he was one of the brother's more involved with the whole process" "Yes" "... And now they're free! Of all charges!" "...Yes Gabi what we saw today followed by Michelangelo's incredible interview in the Late Night Show back on Thursday was, honestly, a beautiful strike against bigotry in this country..." "Absolutely, I mean... The judge of the case himself assumed that the charges were unfounded and biased..." "Yes! And now we have a established background to be able to-"
Raphael stopped the audio, unable to disguise his contempt. Geez , is that the kind of thing Donnie spends his time listening to? Wasn't real life already a bore? He let out a grumpy sigh and put his phone away. A human figure across the street started to stare indiscreetly at him and Raphael felt his heart shrink before making a blunt turn in a different street. The rain had stopped and the night wind was starting to feel colder, just like Raphael's heart as he tried to escape whoever it was that was trying to identify his figure.
A bright blue light appeared at the end of the new street Raphael just walked into. An all-night convenience store. Raph had been in a place that before, he and Casey had brought snacks and a couple of beers. He felt his mouth water at the idea of a cold beer. He had cash - more than enough. Maybe if he promised a fat tip they would let him get in. He shift his height between his feet as he observed the inside, the neon blue light was coming from a weirdly shaped advertisement placed above the entrance, perfectly contrasting with the ugly green light inside the store, some shelves appeared through the glass window and door, but he could tell that the place was empty - or almost that. In his head, Raphael had decided to take that chance and he was determined to perceive, his body, otherwise, didn't seem as thrilled with the idea. He waited outside as the rain started to pour once again, trying collect the mental strength to got in when a skinny old man opened the translucent door
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"Mikey, your last name is now worldwide known since the start of the trial, tell me: is it Japanese? Was it inherited from you father...?"
"I don't know, actually... We made it up!"
"What?" The human man asked as the crowd giggled
"It's exactly that, actually. When we came to the surface and Sacks decides to sue us the judicial system needed a surname to use... Apparently!"
"So you just made it up!"
"Hell yeah! Wouldn't you like to come up with your name?"
"Yes, absolutely."
"What would you call yourself?" He host made a surprise expression as Mikey changed the dynamic
"Jim Linotax!"
"...Oh, it's a pleasure, Mr. Linotax!" Michelangelo said, offering a handshake as he managed to pull more laughs from the crowd
"Michelangelo... It's a unique name!"
"I heard once it was very popular in the sixteen century."
"Oh, really?"
"Oh yes."
"And all your brothers have renascence names, is that right?"
"Yes. Thanks to old dad."
"How 's that?"
"Well, you see, when you grow up in a tiny sewer house you have more concerns than you weirdly specific name..."
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
"Are you gonna steal?" The tiny man asked and he seemed to fight the same nervousness as Raph. The turtle-man on the other hand, felt all his limbs stiff and his hands go numb at the sound of that old man directing calling to him. He made a genuine effort and reached his pockets for the dollar bills.
"I-I just want a couple of beers."
"Go AWAY! Go away! No beers here for you!" The man started to yell as Raphael finally caught up his accent. It was stiff and hard in the h's and o's, he couldn't decipher where it was from.
"I just want to buy something! I am a client!" Raphael responded too late to recognize his anger.
"Nothing here for you! Go away!"
"I HAVE THE MONEY!" Raph screamed back at him, waving the bills in the air. The world started to feel out of focus as he realized people had gone to their apartment balconies and were looking at him through the windows in the buildings surrounding the store. Had he woke the whole street? Did he hear someone saying they were calling the police? No, please... The last thing he needed was a scold from Leo for causing a scene... All he wanted was a beer. Fuck, fuck, fuck. More and more lights started to turn on as the buzz around him got bigger and louder. He felt his heart sink and his hand hurt from the tight firsts he could not undo. Something inside him couldn't decide between the want to murder that man and the uncontrollable desire to scream and shout. "No more roof climbing." Leo had said "We're like humans now. We can't just go out jumping through people's houses." He couldn't just vanish away, despite the burning desire to just escape that situation.
"Look," Raphael managed to say, after two or three deep breaths "... I am sorry. I just wanted to buy a beer... I am leaving now."
"Hey! I finally found you!" An unfamiliar voice shouted from the other side of the street. Raph turned to look and almost knocked over whoever it was. Their bodies bumped into each other but only the smaller of them reacted to the impact, he felt a tiny pair of hands grab his arm."OooOOooww! That was close... Hey, we've been looking for you! Did you get the drinks?"
"NO DRINKS HERE FOR YOU!" The store owner screamed once again.
"Damn... Ok. We can go somewhere else!" The female voice had a sharpness to it, finally Raphael finally looked at her.
Nothing in this world could have prepared him for the vision of the young women holding his arm. She was short (but most people usually are in comparison to the mutant), had a luscious curly hair, tied in two pigtails that ended in the back of her neck. She was wearing a very revealing blouse and high waisted pants that matched in color. She was clearly dressed up, with sparkly high heels and long elegant earrings and she was holding his arms with a casualty he had never experienced before.
"C'mon!" She said and turned her head to him, showing a full face of makeup and bright brown eyes "Let's get the hell out of here."
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
The crowd followed Mikey and the host as they laughed at the childhood story the turtle just shared.
"Mikey, unfortunately our time is almost over... I just wanted to thank you once again for coming tonight, for coming out into the world."
"The pleasure is all mine Jim, really... I've spent all my teenage years watching you on TV... I never thought I would be here tonight, I never thought I'd have the pleasure of meeting such a welcoming audience (loud cheering noises) and I never thought I could be part of this world."
There was an almost child-like honesty in his words making the brief moment of silence that came after especially touching.
"He's killing it." - April whispered to the TV
"100%" - Leo's voice came after
"Thank you, Michelangelo... I hope we can have all your brothers soon!"
"You can count on it!" Mikey answered, excited
"You can NOT count on that" - Raphael responded at the TV
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
"I thought you guys didn't walk the streets... I've red the interview your brother gave to the New Yorker... He said you probably would wait a while until you decided to stroll around." The woman said as they walked back to the lair's alley door. She had told Raphael her name was Clara and they had held hands until they turned the corner and were out of sight from those judging eyes. She was smaller than most humans, Raphael later realized, maybe 5'1 or 5'2 and had a high pitched voice that made the turtle think about those weird anime dubs he used to watch as a kid. The strangest thing about his savior was that she seemed strangely familiarized with his presence. He ignored her comment as they kept walking in silence for a while. Raphael couldn't stop thinking about how long it would take for him to finally reach his destination and how could he respectfully ask for her to back off. Not that he wasn't grateful but her presence alone made him incredibly uncomfortable. She was too small, too elegant, too beautiful to walk just like that, beside him.
"I guess it is equally strange to you, right? To be here, in the real world... Out and about." Clara walked casually with both hands in her pocket as she looked up to the streets lights, Raphael wondered if she actually expected him to answer "... Is it weird for me to be like this? I mean... I thought you could use some help back there. But I don't mean to be inconvenient... Is it ok if you just walk with me closer to the next bus station? It is a bit late and I guess you're the perfect body guard..."
They kept walking, Clara and her tiny hands in the neon green pockets of her pants and Raphael with his stiff steps and dark clothing, all he wanted was to walk home without meeting everyone else, lock the door behind him and drink until all the memories fade away... But it didn't seem his wishes would come true as a pair of men jogging appeared at the end of the street, just in front of them. They looked at the strange couple and one of them startled at the vision. Clara looked at them and waved.
"Good night to you!" She said with a calm tone.
"Are you alright??" One of them asked from far away, still trying to figure out Raphael's image.
"Yeah!" She answered immediately "Why wouldn't I be?" Then she gave them a wide welcoming smile that made Raphael's heart beat uncontrollably "Good night to you." Clara then said, just as she turned one corner, grabbing Raphael's arm.
She then let go of him and offered a warm smile "It's ok... I don't think they will bother you. The bus stop is just right there turning the other corner... Thank you for bringing me here. Good night!" And just like that, she turned her back to him and started to walk away. Each step pressing Raphael's heart against his chest.
"WAIT!" The worlds came out of his mouth before he could stop them. She startled at the unexpected sound and immediately turned to him
Raphael waited a minute so he could gather all the emotional strength to ask: "Can you walk me home?"
Clara smiled as she approached the mutant once again: "Is it too far?"
Raph took a minute to answer but instead said: "I'll pay you a cab when we get there." Clara hums and adds:" You sure? I leave pretty far." Raphael only nodded. Then she gave him the same silence answer. He couldn't mentally trace the path he had taken that night but he knew it was almost morning. The rain had stopped long ago but the air was much colder than when he left the lair, he was actually getting cold and wondered if she felt the same. They kept walking in silence until it finally hit him:
"What were you doing in the streets so late at night?"
"Oh..." She seemed surprised by his question, her voice a comparison that made him realize how low he sounded "I was on a date actually..." She said showing her teeth in a straight smile that indicated self-awareness, well that explained the clothing. "The guy turned out to be a prick, so I bolted! I was completely lost when I heard all the fuss the store guy was making... Thank god I found that mess, actually... I was getting pretty scared."
Silence as they got closer and closer to the lair's street door.
"... It was a complete coincidence to find you, actually... I was watching the rerun of your brother's interview today... I am actually in love with him! "she said in a ambiguous tone "Can you introduce us? Do you think I have a chance?" Raph finally laughed. Not at the idea that Mikey was charming enough to acquire the interest a woman like Clara, but at the absurd fact she thought she had to ask if she had a chance. With Mikey?
"He's also a prick." Raphael responded sharply but with a captivating tone to his voice. Then... She laughed. Raph couldn't contain his own grin.
The first sunbeams were about to appear at the horizon and when the red-wearing turtle finally reached the large metal door, he felt a relief like never before.
"I'll call a cab and get inside… So you know… The guy doesn’t bail because of me."
"Ok." Clara said, a light smile in her cheeks. "It was nice to meet you..."
"Raphael." He added after realizing she never asked his name did she knew it already?
"Hope to see you around soon."
Raph nodded with uncertainty and grabbed the metal knob. Clara's last words engraved in his brain as he crossed the long corridor that led to his underground home.
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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- request from anonymous: “i’ve seen scenarios about miyuki leaving the reader but could i have a req for maybe narumiya making the reader leave and she somehow ends up at seidou and with miyuki and narumiya finds out?” 
- request status: open
- pairing: ex narumiya mei, miyuki kazuya x fem! reader
your eyes widened, not believing what you were seeing. 
you and Narumiya hadn’t seen each other in what felt like weeks. you both had been so busy with your individual schedules that it felt hard to make time for each other. 
you wondered how many ‘practices’ Narumiya had made up seeing as though he had his arm around another girl at a cafe. he was flirting up a storm as the girl sat with a deep crimson blush spread across her face. 
you couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief as you walked into the cafe. you had a plan conjured up in your head that you knew would make a scene in front of the cafe but frankly, you were feeling too upset to even care on how that made you look. it was the only thing that ran through your mind at the moment. 
you walked into the cafe and made sure that Narumiya didn’t see your face. you quietly asked for a iced americano and waited patiently until you got your drink. as you waited for your drink, you made conversation with one of the barista’s, apologizing to her advance. 
she handed you the iced coffee as you thanked her and walked up to the table where the girl and Narumiya were sitting at. his eyes instantly widened as the girl looked up at your mortified. 
“Mei, I thought you had practice today with Carlos and Shirakawa?” you asked him, your tone hinting at sarcasm. you could tell Narumiya was struggling for words as you felt the other patrons looking at the scene unfolding, “or did you make that up so you could go on a date?” you asked again, this time clutching your coffee with a iron grip. 
the girl tried to get up from the chair as you shook your finger no, “oh no, you both have me several different types of fucked up if you think either of you are getting out of this,” with that, you uncapped the coffee before pouring it over the two of them. 
the entire cafe looked at the three of you, eyes widened and mouths almost on the floor. you gave them a look as they both couldn’t believe what was happening. 
you bent to Narumiya’s level before staring at him in the eyes, “the next time you want to go out on dates with another girl, make sure to have enough respect to actually break up with me instead of cheating,” you spoke before looking to the girl, “and if you plan on continuing to see him, remember this lesson when he starts getting ‘random’ practices everyday.” 
standing up, you dusted yourself off before giving one last apology to the baristas before leaving. you could sense that Narumiya was planning on chasing you down but you decided on taking a turn into a random crowded alley to lose him. 
word had gotten around Inashiro about the dramatic break up between Inashiro’s ace and his girlfriend. you had walked into Inashiro the following day with your head held high as your friends immediately crowded around you to hear the full story. 
“wait so you went up to them, dumped iced coffee all over them, and left?” you nodded, not bothering to play into the drama by continuing to make the situation worse, “yeah. that’s what the ace of Inashiro gets when he decides it’s okay to cheat on his girlfriend of two years.”
they could tell that you were getting more and more annoyed by the constant questions they kept asking. you eventually left them by walking to your homeroom which you immediately got stopped by teacher and a few faculty members. 
“we’d like to speak with you regarding the events of your last rally performance,” your teacher said. you gave her a confused nod before following the few teachers and faculty into conference room, “so our school is doing an exchange program with Seidou and their rally team,” they started off. 
you were beyond confused on what they meant by exchange program but continued to listen, “for the next few months, we want you to attend Seidou for their rally team. you wouldn’t be doing a complete transfer as you would still be graduating with Inashiro at the end of your third year, however; you would be attending school there until the end of the year,” they explained. 
“wait so you want me to compete against Inashiro by attending Seidou but still belonging to Inashiro?” you asked in complete confusion. they chuckled as they hesitantly agreed, “well when you put it in those terms, yes, that’s what we want you to do. you don’t have too but however it would look good on transcripts if you plan on attending university,” they mentioned. 
your fingers tapped on the table as you thought for a moment. the idea did not sound bad as you figured this could have been a way to get you away from the drama that was infested Inashiro. 
“what about my parents? have they been notified?” you asked them. they nodded, “they said it was ultimately your decision. the distance between Seidou and Inashiro is relatively the same so it would be a matter of you just saying yes and no to the decision.” 
you sat on the offer for a few moments before looking to the Seidou faculty and smiling, “call me an honorary Seidou student,” you told them with a laugh at the end of your response. 
they smiled as they gave you a firm handshake, “we’ll be expecting you at Seidou soon,” they said before handing you a few things. once the Seidou faculty left, you remained speaking to the Inashiro faculty as they informed you on a few more things. 
the rest of the day consisted of you going around to your other teachers and explaining the situation before going to your rally team and saying how they were going to get an impromptu captain for the next several months while you stayed at Seidou. 
while you still had another day at Inashiro, you managed to convince your mom to let you stay home so you could ‘mentally’ prepare yourself. while you were planning on doing that, in reality, you just wanted to sleep in for a day. 
the following morning, you took out the Seidou uniform and put it on slowly. it felt odd not wearing Inashiro’s colors for the first time but you had to give it to Seidou, they made really cute uniforms. 
you applied very light makeup before going downstairs to make yourself coffee and heading to the bus. you were taking another bus that went to the other end of the town and a part of you felt flutters in your stomach. 
once the bus stopped for all Seidou students to get dropped off, you took the map out of your bag as you tried to find your way to the main office. a few students were surprised at the new face but you couldn’t bask in the new attention as you had made it to the principals office. 
“ good morning ( your name ),” he said with a warm smile, “welcome to your new home for the next six months,” he continued as he showed you out the door to show you the school. 
a few students waved at you as you finally got to the baseball field. you could see the team practicing and you couldn’t help but laugh. you knew them way too well. being Narumiya’s girlfriend for 24 months had you hearing about the infamous Seidou High School Baseball team and because Narumiya and Miyuki had a history, you knew more than most people did about him.
they didn’t pay attention to you but you couldn’t help and stare at their catcher. while you were dating Narumiya, you had never given the others a good look but not looking back on it, you couldn’t lie, some of them were very attractive, their catcher included. 
you made your way back to your homeroom class and sat at your desk, making small talk with your desk partners. you hadn’t bothered to see you kept walking in and out of the class until you realized Seidou’s cute catcher happened to be in your class. 
he sat in front of you and while you would have never done this while you attended Inashiro, you tapped the brown haired boys shoulder and smiled. 
“hi, i’m ( your name ), i’m a transfer from Seidou,” you said. he laughed as he shook your hand, “transfer from Inashiro? interesting,” he said as he turned himself around to face you. 
a few months had passed as you got more and more comfortable with being at Seidou and getting unintentionally closer with Miyuki. 
the two of you had been discreetly hanging out with each other after both of your practices and had ‘study’ dates whenever the two of you were struggling in a particular class. 
you had Miyuki about your past with Narumiya a few weeks into informally dating him. you knew that because they used to be so close with each other, you would have felt weird not telling him your past with the blond. 
Miyuki had laughed off your revenge but a part of him wanted to god honestly strangle Narumiya for doing that to you. friendship aside, Miyuki he had to make sure that you knew you weren’t going to be pushed aside like Narumiya did to you. 
he knew his relationship skills lacked severely but you weren’t too upset on the idea of teaching him the ropes. Miyuki knew that he would eventually get the hang of it but until then, he liked holding your hand and receiving small pecks in private. 
Seidou and Inashiro were going to have a scrimmage game right before the start of the season and you knew you were going to end up seeing Narumiya at some point during the same. 
you had told a few of Miyuki’s teammates about your situation and Kuramochi more than anyone was willing to devise a plan to make Narumiya get into a soured mood. you wanted to deny but eventually, Sawamura found out and unintentionally dragged Furuya and Haruichi into the plan. 
you were wearing the Seidou girls rally uniform which consisted of a white athletic long sleeve and a uniform that looked eerily similar to the Seidou cheer team. 
Kuramochi and Sawamura met up with you as they both wrapped their arms around your shoulder, “what are the two of you planning?” you groaned into your hands as Kuramochi gave you his infamous laugh, “don’t worry about it, now lets go find your boyfriend.” 
you nodded as you met up with Miyuki in the teams dugout. you knew the opposing team walked out of the same dugout to get to theirs but the hallway seemed relatively quiet. 
“hey,” you said giving Miyuki a smile as he returned it. you looked up at the clock realizing you didn’t have much time left before you had to go to the front row section that was reserved for the rally team, “I have to go soon before my club kills me,” you informed the boys. 
they laughed as all of you walked out of the hallway and they said they were going to walk you to the section. just as you turned the corner, you nearly ran into Narumiya and a few of the boys. 
you felt your heart race as Miyuki stared at his old friend, “Narumiya,” he stated, grabbing your hand immediately. Narumiya looked at you and Miyuki as his eyes widened at the gesture. 
“are the two of you?” he asked pointing at your hands. Kuramochi laughed manically, “dating? yeah! thanks to us!” he boasted as Sawamura agreed. Narumiya couldn’t help but feel his words get stuck in his throat. 
“Kazuya, I have to get going before I’m late!” you whined as he nodded. the two boys exchanged a few competitive words before Miyuki waved his friend off. Narumiya on the other hand reached out to you but Miyuki caught his hand, “don’t even think about it. don’t want to injure yourself before the start of the game or the season, right?” he said in his evil tone of voice. 
you couldn’t help but laugh as Miyuki pulled you into his side and pushed you in front of the team as Narumiya’s mouth dropped in surprise. he had no idea the two of you were dating and had never seen such a possessive side to Miyuki before. 
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
The call comes sooner than Pam’s expecting, though honestly she’s not even sure what she expects now that a good chunk of her life is back in shambles, just when she thought she had finally gotten her shit together.
She knows it’s a mess of her own making, for once again allowing emotions to prevail over reason, but it still hurts, the pain somehow worse than it was a decade ago. Back then, when she and Ellen first walked away from each other, Pam knew that Ellen would always have a piece of her heart. But now? Now it feels like she left it entirely in Houston, her chest aching and hollow.
She answers the phone on her desk without thinking, on autopilot after a late drive back to Austin, a sleepless night tossing and turning on a motel bed, and not enough caffeine in the shitty coffee from the faculty lounge.
“Pam Horton,” she says in the most upbeat voice she can muster, cradling the receiver to her ear.
“Pam, it’s Larry.”
Breath catching in her throat, she’s torn between dread and hope. She briefly considers hanging up, but Larry’s next words make her hand still.
“She’s a mess. You’ve gotta at least talk to her.”
Tears sting Pam’s eyes and she squeezes them shut. “I can’t do that.” She knows she couldn’t bear to hear the heartbreak in Ellen’s voice, or worse, see it spread across her face.
“Why not?”
“You already know.”
Larry sighs on the other end. “Look, I know you think you’re doing what’s best for Ellen. But she deserves a say. Don’t take that away from her.”
She wants to snap at him to mind his own damn business, irritation spiking. She doesn’t need Larry twisting the knife when he’s had a decade of reaping the benefits of his marriage to Ellen. But she bites the inside of her cheek and manages to refrain. It’s not Larry’s fault that things are the way they are, at least not entirely. Pam keeps her voice steady when she says instead, “Thanks for calling, Larry.”
“Pam, wait--”
Pam hangs up the phone quickly, already feeling worse than she already had. But she refuses to cry. It’s all for the best, she tells herself as she leans back into her desk chair. For all of them.
She got over Ellen Wilson once before.
She can do it again.
But today is definitely not that day.
Especially not when Pam’s hunkered down inside one of the college’s fallout shelters, breathing in stale air and wondering like the rest of her students whether the next breath could be their last. They’re surrounded by thick slabs of concrete and rebar. In one corner are two massive water tanks that the custodial staff have been trying to fill since the harsh blare of the air-raid siren blanketed the campus in panic and confusion. A few other instructors huddle around a transistor radio, anxiously awaiting any word that the emergency is over.
If Pam could, she’d laugh at the absurdity of it all. Because of course the world could end in nuclear armageddon the day after she left the love of her life.
She knows she should try to comfort her small class of budding writers, who fidget on the cold metal of their folding chairs. Should maybe tell them that everything’s gonna be all right. But Pam knows better than to lie, so she keeps silent, mind zigzagging from one thought to the next.
Pulse pounding in her temples, she wonders if her parents made it to their bunker and wishes that she had returned their last calls sooner. Hopes, with a pang between her ribs, that Elise has made it to safety. Tries not to imagine Flannery, their Maine Coon cat, cowering beneath what used to be their bed.
But most of all, she thinks of Ellen.
Always Ellen.
She allows herself, in a moment of weakness, to envision how the morning would have gone if she had just stayed. Pam would have held Ellen close, forever amused by the fact that the fearless astronaut--the girl who caught the tank, no less--always preferred to be the “little spoon,” back tucked snugly against Pam’s front, their legs curled into one another’s. And before she’d have to slip out of bed to solve the latest crisis at JSC, Ellen would’ve turned in Pam’s arms and warmed her with a gentle kiss.
Regret squeezes her lungs so hard, she almost can’t breathe, and she forces herself to suck in air and push it back out. It must come out harsher than she intends because one of her students leans toward her, forehead creased with worry.
“You okay, Ms. Horton?”
Pam’s lips form a wholly unconvincing smile. “I’m fine, Judy.” Snapping out of her stupor, she reaches inside her messenger bag on the floor, pulling out a small notebook and a pencil.
“What’re you doing?” Judy watches Pam flip to an empty page.
“Pouring out a double,” Pam deadpans. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“How can you write at a time like this?” Another student, Valerie, asks.
Pam can’t tell them the truth. That if she doesn’t do this, she just might break down entirely.
So she merely shrugs as she presses lead to paper. “How can you not?”
Somehow, the world survives.
All thanks to a handshake in space.
When the news breaks over the radio, Pam is weak-kneed from relief, clapping and cheering with her students and colleagues. She wipes away the wetness on her cheeks as pride swells within her, knowing that astronauts she’s known and loved saved them all.
In some small way, it makes her feel justified in her decision to leave Houston. Even though Ellen herself wasn’t on the Apollo, Pam knows she would have been involved in the ultimate outcome. Ellen was born for leadership, and had so much good yet to do. Pam did the right thing in removing herself as an obstacle on Ellen’s path. Right? Right.
Her fellow professors want to celebrate their new lease on life. But Pam’s exhausted and wants nothing more than to crawl back to her motel room with some bourbon and pass out. So she takes her leave, picks up Chinese takeout, and swings by the liquor store where she buys a bottle of Michter’s, convincing herself that she selected it for its quality, and not because it’s Ellen’s favorite.
A shower, full belly, and three sheets to the wind later, Pam finds herself on top of the squeaky motel bed, surfing the late-night news for NASA coverage. Purely as a concerned citizen, of course, and not to catch a glimpse of the agency’s beautiful acting administrator. There’s nothing, though, and Pam lays her right arm over her eyes to block out the spinning room.
She dreams of Ellen.
Always Ellen.
They’re on the gray surface of the moon, surrounded by the twinkling darkness of the star-studded universe. Ellen, in her white space suit, is walking in the distance, her legs skip-floating across the dusty surface. Pam, however, is left exposed in the vacuum, unfathomably alive as she runs after Ellen. Or makes the attempt, hopping in weak gravity. No matter how hard she tries to cross the distance, the farther Ellen seems to pull away.
Her chest hurts, but Pam calls out anyway.
I’m sorry.
I love you.
Her words are swallowed by cold silence.
Pam wakes with a gasp, swallowing air into her lungs, heart pounding against her ribs. Blinking rapidly, it takes her several long seconds to remember where she is, the motel room slowly coming into focus. The television’s still on, now airing the morning news. Empty takeout boxes remain scattered on a small desk. For some reason, the room’s phone is off its hook, dangling off the side of the nightstand to her right.
Pam chokes back a sob.
Ellen doesn’t try to contact her, as Pam feared she might after her last conversation with Larry.
She should feel relieved. It's what she had wanted, and intended, when she left the letter on Ellen’s bed. And yet, she can’t stem the undercurrent of disappointment that lingers.
The news about Tracy and Gordo Stevens breaks while Pam's searching for a new apartment. Sitting in her favorite pub in Clarksville, tucked away on a quiet street in the historic neighborhood, she’s halfway through the newspaper classifieds when a sudden hush descends. One of the servers turns up the volume on the television above the bar. Photos of Tracy and Gordo in their blue flight suits flash on screen, their smiles confident and bright.
A news anchor says something about an accident at Jamestown, and how they and two other astronauts had lost their lives during the repairs. The exact details are lost on a shell-shocked Pam, a pencil slipping through her now slack fingers. It seems like only yesterday that she was pouring drinks for them both. They had been two of Pam’s favorites--Gordo with his terrible jokes and off-key singing, and Tracy with her kind smile and quiet determination.
They had always treated Pam as one of their own, and she can’t believe they’re gone.
It doesn’t feel real, and yet it’s now reality.
A few weeks later, every channel airs the funeral in Arlington National Cemetery. Elise has it on the television when Pam drops by their house to pick up the last of her things. Well, it’s not their house anymore, technically. It’s Elise’s until the lease to the small rambler expires at the end of the month.
They haven’t seen each other since Pam had left Elise for Ellen, and it’s every bit as awkward as Pam expected. Elise has every right to be hurt and angry, and Pam wouldn’t blame her if she felt the need to lash out. But Elise is civil, almost disconcertingly so, keeping her expression neutral as she walks ahead of Pam to the living room.
“I went ahead and packed the rest of your stuff.” Elise crosses her arms, maintaining her distance.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Pam ducks her head. Elise is nothing but efficient. It’s one of the things Pam loves about her. “But thank you.”
“I’ll let you get to it.” Elise nods and returns to sit on the couch.
A suitcase and several boxes are waiting next to the dining table. Flannery greets Pam instantly, curling around her ankles. Smiling, Pam bends down to pick up the orange Maine Coon.
“Hey, little guy, I’ve missed you,” she murmurs into his soft, fluffy fur. Flannery purrs in response.
On the TV screen, the president is giving a speech at the cemetery’s white-marble memorial amphitheater. Behind him are four coffins draped in the stars and stripes, and Pam’s heart clenches.
“Did you know them, too?” Elise cradles a mug between her hands as she watches the coverage.
“I knew the Stevenses, yeah,” Pam admits quietly.
“Guess there’s a lot you didn’t tell me,” Elise huffs out.
Guilt courses through Pam as she gently lowers Flannery back onto the floor. He meows in protest. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. It was just a part of my life I wanted to forget, I guess.”
Elise doesn’t respond, her eyes glued to the news coverage, where the camera pans to the crowd. Pam’s breath stills when she catches a glimpse of Ellen in black standing solemnly between Danielle Poole and Molly Cobb. She’s on screen for less than three seconds, but it’s enough to discombobulate Pam, who tamps down another swell of grief.
“I’m surprised,” Elise says suddenly, turning her head to regard Pam. “That you’re not there with her.”
I would be, Pam thinks, in a better world. But that’s not the one they live in, and Pam’s not even sure she’ll live to see the day when relationships like theirs will be accepted or, at the very least, tolerated without condemnation.
“It’s not my place,” Pam says vaguely.
She can’t bring herself to tell Elise the truth of what she had done, how in the end she had let Ellen go for the greater good. The pain is still too fresh. Without elaborating further, she picks up the first box with a slight grunt. It’s heavier than it looks.
It takes only a few minutes to load up her car, both amazed and sad that the tangible portion of a life with someone amounted, in the end, to so very little. Elise meets her just outside the storm door with the suitcase, saving Pam one more trip inside.
“Listen, I just…” Elise bites the corner of her lip, brow pinched. “I want you to be happy. And I’m trying to understand, but…”
“I know.” Pam attempts a smile she’s sure comes out half-hearted and weak. “I want you to be happy, too.”
“Just not together.”
“Elise…” Pam exhales slowly through her nostrils. A car rumbles down the street behind her. “I think,” she swallows against a lump forming in her throat, “if Ellen hadn’t walked back into my life, you and I would still want different things.”
Disappointment ripples across Elise’s face, and another wave of remorse washes over Pam. Children have been a sticking point between Pam and Elise, and it isn’t an issue that would simply resolve itself with time. Elise deserves someone who wanted, without hesitation, to build a family with her. And as much as Pam loves her, she just isn’t that person.
Pam takes in a deep breath. “We were friends before. Maybe… maybe one day we could be again.”
Elise only stares, blinks once, twice. “Maybe. I need some time, I think.”
“I understand.”
Nodding, Elise opens the screen door, but pauses before stepping back inside. “Take care of yourself, Pam.”
“You too.”
The door closes with a soft click that nevertheless feels loud in its finality. On a long exhale, Pam picks up the suitcase and walks away.
Life moves on, as it always does, without a care for tragedy or triumph.
In some ways, it’s easier than the last time Pam put herself through a hard reset. She’s not starting from scratch in a new city, or struggling to make ends meet as she works her way through grad school. She has her health, her career, and her freedom to live her life out in the open.
Pam settles into her new apartment in Clarksville. It’s better than the hole-in-the-wall she had rented way back when in Houston, but not by much. Still, it’s hers and she’s grateful for the distraction of unpacking, organizing, and decorating. Between those tasks and teaching, she doesn’t have time for much else.
But sometimes, in quiet moments alone, usually in bed staring up at her dark ceiling, her mind wanders and wonders--just how different would her life be if she had gone down the roads not taken. What if she had stayed with Ellen a decade ago? Could she have tolerated Ellen’s marriage to Larry? Would she have been able to stand the constant fear and anxiety from Ellen’s stints on the moon, not being able to have the same privileges as other spouses and wives? And what of Ellen’s potential foray into politics? Could Pam have found the strength to support her without resentment?
Pam doesn’t know, and will never know, but she explores the possibilities in poems jotted down in notebooks, stories scrawled in journals, and snippets scribbled on restaurant napkins and whatever scraps of paper she can find when the muse strikes. It helps, she thinks. Or hopes.
And so she pushes forward one day at a time: eat, sleep, teach, write. Eventually, she becomes so engrossed in the routine that she blocks out nearly all else, completely missing the news about NASA’s acting administrator stepping down to the surprise of the Reagan administration.
"Pens down, that's all she wrote folks!"
There's a palpable sense of relief around the room, even as some of the first-year students groan when Pam calls time on their final exam.
"Come on, it wasn't so bad, right?" She smiles from her desk as they turn in their papers. "I'm proud of you all. Have a terrific break."
Pam gets up to erase the instructions she had written in the blackboard. The chalk dust makes her nose crinkle, and she brushes her hands off on the front of her pants. Once the classroom empties out, Pam gathers the exams and slips them inside her messenger bag, cursing under her breath when she accidentally knocks a pen from her desk.
As she bends down to retrieve it, the door opens once again.
"Be with you in a sec." Pam stretches her arm to grasp the pen. Straightening back up, she turns to greet her student. "What can I do for…"
Her heart stops.
Ellen Wilson smiles.
"Hi, Pam."
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javier-djarin · 4 years
Como Me Duele: Chapter 1
Ship: Javi x Reader
Rating: M
Word Count: 3,270 words
Warnings: Language
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Summary: After your life fell apart six months ago, you decided it was time for a change. So, you moved to Colombia, taking a position at a local hospital. Your family thinks you’re insane, but The Murphys couldn’t be happier having you as their neighbor. Upon your first, and very brief, meeting with Agent Peña, you’ve captivated him. Despite Steve’s warnings, Javier still wants to get to know you on a more personal level.
A/N: This takes place a little into season 1. This is my first time writing Javier. So, please let me know what you think. Please let me know if you want to be on my taglist!
Your POV
You had been living in Colombia for about a week, working at the hospital as a doctor. You had signed up for one of those Doctors Without Borders programs after you broke it off with your faithless, bastard of a fiancé. You needed a change of pace and a change of scenery - a way to forget about what happened. When he heard you were leaving, he accused you of running away from your problems instead of trying to fix them. Maybe he was right, but after catching him sleeping with your Maid of Honor, you knew there was no fixing your problems. You wanted to leave that life, the memories and pain, behind and find yourself somewhere new.
Your old college friend and roommate, Connie, told you about the hospital in Colombia and how it was in terrible need of assistance. Luckily for you, she had said, there was even an apartment in her building that had just opened up. You took this as a good sign and applied for the position. Your family, mother in particular, thought you had lost your mind. Colombia was dangerous; especially with the likes of Pablo Escobar running rampant. However, you reassured her that you weren’t alone since Connie and her husband Steve were down there and were going to be your neighbors in Bogotá. 
You moved down there in March, just before Spring. You decided to head down a few weeks early to get acclimated to the area and comfortable in your new apartment. Connie sat with you in the middle of your floor as you unpacked some boxes with a wine bottle between the two of you. “I’m so glad you took the job,” she said sipping on the red wine.
You smiled. “I had to get out of there. Everywhere I went, people stared at me, pitied me for what he did.”
Connie shook her head and took another drink. “I still can’t believe Michael did that to you. You guys had been together since undergrad!”
“I don’t know if his or Hannah’s betrayal hurt worse,” you sighed, taking a huge swig of wine, “but now I’m here ready to start over.” 
You froze as you pulled out a photo album from a box. It was your engagement photos. Instinctively, Connie reached for the album. “I’ll get rid of this.”
You pulled it back. “No. I want to keep it. It can always remind me that things could be worse.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. It’ll stay in this box forever, probably, but I’ll still have that reminder. No matter how bad things get, I didn’t marry a lying bastard.”
Connie laughed and held her wine glass up. “Cheers to that, girl.”
You pushed your glasses up on your face and stretched. “I have so much unpacking still, but it’s getting late.”
“I can stop by after work tomorrow if you want.”
“You sure Steve won’t mind?”
She shook her head. “He’s been working late these last few nights. But, if he is coming home early, I can have him pick up dinner for the three of us.”
You knew Steve was a DEA Agent and that he volunteered for this job when his partner in Miami was murdered. This move had been rough on Connie, but she loved her husband dearly and would follow him to the ends of the Earth. Your heart ached for that kind of love, but you knew that with the cards you had been dealt, you needed to wait for a new hand. “If he doesn’t mind, then Girls’ Night Round 2 will commence.”
There was a knock at the door. You looked puzzled at Connie. You literally only knew Connie and Steve down here, so you weren’t expecting anyone. You stood up from the floor and fixed the messy bun your hair was in. You opened the door and saw Steve standing there with another man. You had seen him before and figured he worked with Steve and lived nearby. “Hey, Y/N,” he said, giving you a hug and kiss on the cheek, “is Connie still here?”
“I’m in here, Steve,” she said holding up her glass of wine at him. 
“Ah, yes. I see you two are still catching up.”
You laughed. “Come on in. It’s not much, because we are still unpacking.”
Steve and his friend stepped inside. You adjusted your glasses again and grinned at him. The man behind Steve cleared his throat. “Oh, sorry. Y/N, this is my partner Javier Peña.”
You held out your hand for him to shake. He grabbed it and gave you a devilish grin. “Nice to meet you,” you said.
“Mucho gusto,” he said in Spanish. The syllables flowed off his tongue and almost had you melting where you stood. You could tell just by those two words he was exactly what you wanted to avoid. You glanced up at his dark brown eyes and smiled. No matter how good looking this man was, you needed to avoid him at all costs. He smelled like trouble.
You turned away and walked back into the room with Connie. “What did you need, honey?” she asked.
“We gotta fly out tonight,” he said, “to Medellín.”
She stood up. “For how long?”
He shrugged. “Few days probably.”
Connie sat her glass down. “Thank God I have Y/N to keep me company then.”
“I’m sure we can find plenty of trouble to get into while you’re gone,” you said with a grin. 
Steve laughed and shook his head. “Just don’t get too friendly with the local law enforcement while we are gone.”
“Hey,” you argued, “I haven’t been friendly with them since after I completed my residency.” You saw Javier’s eyebrows raise in curiosity, but you ignored him. “And even then I still talked my way out of the cell.”
“Connie, she’s not helping,” he said.
“I’ll keep her out of trouble. We will be more focused on setting up her apartment anyway.”
Smiling, Steve leaned in to kiss his wife. “I’ll call you when I can.”
“Be safe. Love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He and Javier walked out of the door. Before closing it behind him, Javier turned to you and said, “It was nice meeting you, Y/N.”
You smiled and nodded. “Likewise.”
You waited a few seconds before saying anything to Connie. “He radiates trouble.”
Connie sat back down on the ground and laughed. “You could say that. I love Javi, but he’s a little more trouble than you would want right now.”
“I doubt I’ll see much of him once I start working anyway.”
She grinned at you and took another sip of her wine.
He followed Steve down the stairs of their apartment complex without saying a word. It wasn’t until they reached his Jeep did Steve finally break the silence. “Okay, man, just say it,” he said.
“Say what?”
“I’m not a moron Peña.”
He grinned and started the car. Boston came on through the speaker. “I fucking love this band,” he said, cranking up the volume. 
Steve leaned over and turned it down. “Come on. I saw you look at her.”
“I had to when you introduced me.”
“Okay, but I saw you look at her. Just promise me this, you won’t try anything with her. She’s one of Connie’s best friends and she’s been through enough. I don’t need my wife trying to murder my partner because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
Javier laughed and put his Jeep in drive. “With our schedule, I don’t think I’d have time to try anyway.”
Steve let out an audible, annoyed sigh. He knew that was Peña’s way of getting around making any promises. Luckily, he knew Y/N well enough to know she could hold her own. If she didn’t want a man to fuck with her, she’d let them have it. Part of him wanted to see her give Peña’s ego a reality check, but the other part didn’t want him anywhere near her. 
They rode in silence for a little while, and Javier’s mind began to wander. In her messy bun, glasses, oversized concert shirt, and short shorts, she was the sexiest woman he’d seen. He wanted to run his hands down over her round, plump ass and pull her down on his lap, devouring as much of her as he could. He could still feel her soft, delicate hand in his while she gave him a nice firm handshake. He pictured taking each of those fingers and nibbling on them before he worked his way to her wrist and up the rest of her arm. These thoughts made him a little uncomfortable and he adjusted in his seat.
Steve looked at him, disgusted. “I know what you’re thinking about. Find the local whorehouse when we get to Medellín, please, so you can get this out of your system.”
Javier rolled his eyes. “I can’t help it. You didn’t warn me that your wife’s friend looked like that!”
Steve rested his hand in his hand near the window. “Look, man, she will destroy you. Trust me, she wants nothing to do with your shit right now. I’m pretty sure she hates all men.”
“What happened?”
“Her piece of shit fiancé slept with her Maid of Honor about two months before the wedding.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah. So leave her alone.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t do anything that will make her regret moving to Bogotá.”
He did it again. Made a promise without making a promise he would break. Steve leaned forward and turned the music up a little bit. An Aerosmith song was playing now and offered as a nice distraction from their current topic. Steve knew there was no way he would get Javier to promise he wouldn’t try to sleep with Y/N. 
Your POV
Just as she promised, Connie came over after work to help you finish setting up your apartment. You had everything out of the boxes, now and were working on organizing things. Connie walked in with food from a local bar just down the street and some more wine. “I figured if Steve is still gone tomorrow, we can go out with a few people from the hospital. It’ll be a great chance for you to meet everyone.”
You took a bite of your food. “Just let me know what time.”
“The staff is wonderful down here. How’s your Spanish?”
“Rusty, but I think I can manage.”
“Great! I’ll come by after work tomorrow to come get you. It’s just a short walk from here.”
You finished your dinner and downed a glass of wine. Connie noticed when she walked in that you were a little off. She noticed how puffy and red your eyes were, but she figured that was from wearing contacts all day. “Is everything okay?”
You sighed and put your head in your hands. “Michael called this afternoon. He was begging me to come home and work it out.”
“How did he get your number?”
You shrugged. “I have no idea. I want to say my mother, but there’s no way she would have given it to him. He wants to burn him alive for what he did to me.”
“What did you tell him?”
“To fuck off.” You tried to fake a smile, but it didn’t work.
Connie caught on. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But you don’t have to deal with him anymore. He’s out of your life now. You’re somewhere new, ready to move on.”
Sighing, you took another sip of your wine. “It’s not that simple, Connie. We were together through undergrad, through med school. I thought he was it. The love of my life. I can’t just forget that.”
She reached forward and grabbed your hand. “I know, but don’t let him get to you. Who knows how long they were fucking before you caught them.”
“A year. Or so he says.”
“A year! You were engaged for almost a year!”
You felt the tears brimming in your eyes, ready to stream down your cheeks. “I know. I still have more questions than he had answers.”
“When I told Steve what happened, he was ready to fly home and murder Michael himself.”
You smiled. “Tell him he can take a number.”
Connie laughed. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there."
You shrugged your shoulders. "It's fine," you said, "I don't know what I would have done if Kate wasn't there."
She came around the counter and wrapped an arm around you, putting her head on your shoulder. "She should come down once you're settled. I miss her."
"I told her that once I was moved in, I would give her a call."
She smiled and clapped her hands. "It'll be just like senior year!"
You grabbed the dishes and placed them in your sink, scrubbing the food off them before letting them dry. Connie moved into your living room and started organizing all of your books by genre. "I can't believe you brought all of these," she said. 
"I only brought my favorites!" You defended. 
The bookshelves were set up comfortably around your TV set and were just barely big enough to house all of your books. You followed behind Connie placing picture frames and knick-knacks on the shelves to give your little library more character. You stopped when you found a picture that was taken of your med school graduation. You and Connie were surrounded by your friends with Steve clinging to her side...and Michael to yours. It was one of your favorite pictures, but now it only brought back the pain. You gently set it on the second shelf, at eye level for you. Connie watched you stare at it and felt her heart break for you. She waited for you to say something first. "What hurts the most is remembering all of the moments like these. The nostalgia of when we were happy and in love."
Connie walked over to you and rested her hand on your back. "We had so much fun that night," she smiled. 
"And given what I know, I would do it all over again."
The phone rang, startling both of you. You rolled your eyes. "I'll answer it," Connie said.
She walked to the wall where you mounted your phone and picked up the line. "Hello?"
"Y/N?" A familiar masculine voice said on the other end. 
"She's busy," Connie dryly replied. 
"Oh, it's you, Connie."
"She doesn't want to talk to you, Michael. So, stop calling here."
"You don't understand. I need her back. I cannot do this without her."
"Well, you should have thought about before you started fucking Hannah."
"I made a mistake," he pleaded.
"Clearly you weren't that sorry if you kept going back."
She heard him sigh through the receiver. "This is between me and Y/N. Give her the phone."
"She's getting ready. We're heading out with Steve and his partner Javi for the evening to celebrate her leaving your worthless ass."
"Wait. Javi-" she slammed the receiver on the wall and turned to face you. 
"Now that's settled, back to decorating." She was obviously very proud of herself.
"Javi?" You grinned.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. It's not like he's going to come down here to bring you home."
You laughed. "Thank you."
"Of course." She finished putting the books away for you before going to the stacks of pictures on the floor. “Y/N, we need to update some of these.”
“Let’s do it!” You saw Connie taking the photos out of frames and making piles of them on your side table. She laid them neatly inside the drawer. She, then, started hanging up the empty frames. “What are you doing?”
“That way you remember that we should update them with pictures down here.”
You smiled at her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
They were on a stake out just outside of a rundown building that they believed was one of Escobar’s operations. They needed to find proof that Escobar was in fact a Narcos to help derail his political ambitions. Javi sat in the passenger seat staring out the window, finding it hard to keep his eyes open. “Hey,” Steve said, “wake up. I’m not going to sit here on this stake out on my own.”
Javier grumbled and sat up in his seat. “Look, no one has come in or out of this building for hours. I think we need to throw it in. We got bad information.”
Steve leaned his head back on the headrest and sighed. “You might be right. I don’t know what’s worse. This or sitting back at the office going through paperwork.”
He laughed and grabbed a cigarette to light. “I’ve been thinking…”
“Oh great. I absolutely love it when you do that.”
Javier rolled his eyes. “I think Connie’s friend needs a good distraction to forget what that piece of shit fiancé did to her.”
“Are we seriously going to talk about this again?”
“Come on, Steve. You can’t forbid me from talking to her. That makes her like…” he paused, trying to think of the appropriate metaphor, “forbidden fruit.”
“Forbidden Fruit?” Steve laughed. “Jesus Christ.”
“You know that just makes her that much sexier to me.”
Steve adjusted in his seat to look at his partner. “I can’t even pretend to be surprised by this. Shouldn’t you be more worried about your...ahem...contacts?”
Javier gave him a devilish grin. “Just introduce us. Properly, this time. Not just in passing like you did.”
He shook his head. “Nope. You’re going to have to ask Connie for that. I refuse to get involved.”
Javier let out an exasperated sigh and flicked some of his ashes out of the window. “I’ll just do it myself.”
Steve knew that Javier was a persistent bastard, especially when he set his mind to something. Had this been ten years ago, he might have actually considered setting the two of them up. She was his type, and fiery enough to keep Javier on his toes. But now? He’d known both her and Michael for years. He knew how in love they were, and how she would do anything to make him happy. Javier would only make her life more complicated right now, and he didn’t want to put her through any more shit. “Peña, I seriously suggest you leave her alone. Her life fell apart only a few months ago. Connie said she broke down more than once unpacking her things. She’s not going to just jump into bed with you after the one person she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with broke her heart. Hell, I doubt she’s ever going to trust anyone ever again. They were together for eight years before he popped the question. You can’t forget someone like that.”
Javier took a minute to think on what Steve said. It wasn’t too long ago when he broke his own bride’s trust, leaving her at the altar, embarrassed and alone. Several months after things cooled down from the incident, he asked his father about Lorraine. She was distraught. After all, they were together for almost as long, if not longer than Y/N and her fiancé. He never knew if she found someone and moved on with her life. He couldn’t bring himself to digging into her, for fear of her finding out. He had done enough damage. It was then that he understood the pain Y/N harbored. “Fine, you fucking hillbilly. You’ve made your point. I don’t want to cause her anymore pain.”
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mariinara · 4 years
can you do a sailor!sam hc? :) love your writing babe, hope all is well
Oh, wow! Thank you, darling!
That's SUCH an interesting request, because:
-Sam has ALWAYS been a man of the sea. Ever since he was a child, he'd always wondered what lies beyond what his eyes can see. He was crazy about it. Adventure called for him on land, but in the sea? He knew that's where he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
-He grew up near harbors and – because he adored the smell of the sea so much – he worked as the helper of a fisherman during his teenage years. He enjoyed getting out there, in a small boat, and throwing his net and sitting there, getting his hair and his skin stained by the unforgiving sun and sea salt. He adored every second of it. Except when it was actually time to sort the fish and it was when he'd hope for a chance to actually get out there without having to stink later. Whenever he'd voice his true ambition, everyone would laugh and make fun of the lanky, teenage boy.
-He'd kept this job as he grew older, trying to support his little brother. When Nate reached the age of 23, it was when he joined Sam in this job to bring more food to their table. But when Sam finally hit the age of 28, something amazing happened. He'd known that this occurrence was very rare. A famous sailor, who was once as ambitious as Sam, had his ship in the docks, waiting on buckets and buckets of fish for sustenance.
-Sam was awestruck. The grandeur of the ship made his breath hitch in his throat. Almost 20 canons were lined up in the side of the ship and he reckoned that there were more on the other side. Men, as tall and as big as oxes, scaled down the side of the enormous ship, laughing heartily and cursing each other out.
-Sam dropped everything: The fishing net, the empty baskets that needed to be filled– everything. Even his sanity was thrown out the window. And with a grin and a suggestive stare towards his brother, who'd been trying to snap him out of his trance for a couple of minutes.
-Nathan didn't know what was going on at first, but when Sam gestured with his head towards the ship and started to walk along towards it, he begged him to stop and think this through. They argued, back and forth, until Sam made it clear that him and Nathan were to only check it out and make it out before any crew member would catch them. Hesitantly, Nathan acquiesced.
-They carefully looked around as they made it closer. The chattering of men on the docks made it easier for the two men to slip by, unnoticed. And onto the ship, they made it. Boosting each other up and pulling one another aboard the deck.
-As much as Nathan didn't quite.. fancy the situation him and his brother were in, he, too, was awestruck by it.. So much to explore, so little time.. But they paid time no mind. They snuck around and even pretended to be captain and pirate, dueling to claim a great treasure. Swords clashing, shared laughter, and merely children in men's bodies could be heard from the deck of the ship.
-And it was too late to turn back. Everyone was getting back aboard, clutching buckets and buckets of fresh fish and chum. Sam and Nathan dropped everything, finally snapping back to reality, and scurried to hide. Nathan was panicking, whilst Sam kept calm and only focused on getting them out of there.
-So far, they were doing fine and no one had spotted them as they backed away. But suddenly, they both bumped their backs against something– rather someone so big that they could be mistaken for a rough, massive object.
- "Trespassers!" The man yelled, getting a hold on Sam and Nathan, shoving them forward as they struggled against his iron grip. Everyone gathered around them, protesting in unintelligible words.
- "Stop!" Came a stern, demanding voice. Yet, it was soothing in a way– calming. Soft, even. It made everyone freeze. Sam and Nathan included. The boys watched the captain of the ship approaching them. They saw how the crowd parted into two groups, like the sea when Moses walked it. And towards them walked a beautiful woman– taking steps at the pace of molasses. Her head was held high as if she owned the world.
-And suddenly, all struggle left Sam's body and for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that day, his breath hitched in his throat once the woman looked at him. As if his very soul was sucked from his body.
- "Let them go, gentlemen." She ordered and, immediately, Sam and Nathan were let go. Questions seemed to fill her eyes as she looked up at the two brothers and they were the same. But with the power she had over that crew of large, beastly men suggested that she was – in fact – the captain of the ship.
-Sam couldn't help but stare at her in awe. She wasn't nearly as tall as he was. On the contrary, she was probably the smallest person in this sea of men that swarmed her. But with the aura that surrounded her, she seemed to tower over everyone.
-The older Drake couldn't help but allow a smirk to show on his handsome features. He enjoyed the presence of beautiful women. But he had no idea that a powerful woman would be even more intriguing than a woman who would be at his beck and call. She was by no means easy and was going to prove to be a challenge and Sam loved nothing more than a good challenge.
-Nathan, however, was the one sane enough to answer all of her questions after she'd ignored Sam's flirtatious smile and his little "Hey. How are you?" in an attempted, sultry voice that didn't even scratch the rough surface of her hardened spirit.
-She introduced herself with a firm, rough handshake that left the boys grimacing. (Y/N) was her name. She soon found out that the brothers could read maps, had knowledge about the stars, and she could tell that through the way Sam was so enthusiastically engaging with her in talks about the sea and the ocean and its wonders that he'd wanted this for a long time. It almost reminded her of how it was like being a poverty-stricken orphan, begging around in her town.
-And, hesitantly but without her authority wavering, she offered the boys to join her on her next travel across the South China sea. And maybe on every adventure there was to come.
-The brothers kindly asked for a chance to think it through and discuss it among themselves and, as soon as the cabin door closed to give them privacy, Sam was all over the place, hollering and cheering for the "chance of a lifetime" as Nathan stood with an amused smile, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his brother prancing about, listing the opportunities and things they might stumble upon through their adventures.
-And, reluctantly, Nathan agreed with an unsure nod that made Sam pull him into a bone-crushing hug that Nathan returned with a breathless laugh, patting his back and telling him to "take it easy".
-And so it began. The ship was heading away from the docks, with two new members aboard.
-The captain was not easy, nor was she lenient. But she was kind and showed small acts of compassion that only Sam could notice. He was watching her like a hawk. He followed her every move when he thought she wasn't paying attention. While laying out her plans, Sam's focus would be all on her and he'd make suggestions that made them lock eyes for a few seconds, with Sam flashing a cocky yet warm smile that made her rip her gaze away, clear her throat, and agree to his plans.
-He was adorably charming. As cliche as it was, he had his very own sea shanties that other crew members hopped on while going about their daily, mundane chores. Everyone loved the man. He could hold his drink down, had the most ridiculous, filthiest jokes, and proved useful in almost every area, just like his little brother who was just as outgoing.
-The hardened captain couldn't help but smile lightly as she watched the tall, handsome Drake going about his day. His laugh would echo throughout the ship to infect almost every single passenger. They'd know then that he was up to his usual shenanigans with one of his crew members.
-Sam would not relent when it came to his favorite ship captain. He had dignity and knew when to back away when he left her all flustered because of one of his many ridiculous nicknames that almost cost him his life the first time he'd said it. "Sweetheart" and "Beautiful" was among the very many nicknames he used on her when he'd bombard her with grabbing her waist and dancing around before dipping her and bringing her up again in his strong arms, only to leave her with a deep frown and a frantically beating heart.
-He was very trusted by her, nonetheless. He'd sometimes give orders around and drive the ship instead of her while she got a few hours of shut-eye. This continued every night and sometimes, Nathan would cover for Sam when he'd be too drunk to function properly.
-It was one night that Sam had the wheel in his hand, his hair softly getting blown by the easy sea breeze, his eyes glued to the horizon, and a soft, content smile gracing his lips. The subtle, steady rocking of the ship from underneath them was somehow comforting to the man and he inhaled his blessing deeply, letting it all in his system before slowly breathing it out.
-He thought he was alone. But, no. There she was, emerging from the cabins behind him. She watched his back for a few seconds, her eyes twinkling at his calm posture. It was so obvious that he was deep in thought.
-She'd hate to interrupt him, but on the nights she couldn't sleep, she'd always secretly wished for company and now that he was there, it was tempting to walk up to him. And so she did, taking ginger steps up the wooden stairs that led to her newest, most trusted crew member.
-"Evening, sailor.." Came her surprisingly soft, soothing voice to snap him out of his thoughts. He whipped his head to look at her, the look on his face expressing nothing but mild surprise. She had a small, thin smile across her face as she stood next to him, her eyes glued ahead. He'd never seen her like that before. Hair draped over her shoulders. She was in an off-shoulder top and her usual black pants that had buckles everywhere, and she was barefoot. He couldn't help but smile and look ahead as well, the periodic croaking of the ship filling the silence, "Evenin', cap'n."
-They stayed in comfortable silence for a little while and Sam noticed her looking down at her hands as they picked on splinters on the wooden railing, "What're you doin' up?" He asked, to which she sighed softly. "Couldn't sleep." She simply replied, rocking on the outside of her heels a little.
-This piqued Sam's concern. He had never seen her so fidgety before. She seemed slightly shaken and timid. He had to ask. And, reluctantly, she replied. She came forward about all her reoccurring nightmares. Losing all of this– losing her crew. Her family. The people she cared for and loved for so long.
-He was taken aback by her honesty with him. She told him everything and it was so moving for him– that she trusted him THAT much.
-And just when he noticed a thin layer of held back tears, he took her hands in his and turned to her slowly. She turned to him as well, in completely different skin. She needed him. She wanted to be held and loved. She'd ignored his charming advances for almost two months, but she was still human and Sam was the only one who treated her as such.
- "Hey.." He softly spoke, looking into her eyes with utmost adoration, his hands coming up to cup her face, his thumb swiping against the skin of her cheeks that heated up at the simple, intimate gesture. It made him smile softly, "I'm here.." He assured her. And he could swear that his heart almost leapt from his mouth when her palms pressed against his chest. He took in a deep breath and shook his head, exhaling shakily, "You don't have to go through that anymore." He told her, with as much sincerity as he could manage. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and the touch made her sniffle and become more emotional.
-She never thought she was worthy of that kind of love. And as if Sam heard her concerns, he refuted them by pressing his lips against hers, stealing her breath away.
-It was magical. She was a completely different person in his arms. And she returned the passionate kiss shortly, making Sam inhale deeply, his brows arching in desperation. He, too, was a completely different person when it came to her touch or smile or even the slight shake of her head after he throws one of his pick-up lines her way.
-And the wheel on the ship was tied with the railing with a rope, holding it in place securely, while the two got busy in the captain's very own cabin. They got lost in a fog of their desperate moans and whispers of sweet nothings under the dim candle lighting. Their grips on each other was all that tethered them to reality– to planet earth. They couldn't get nearly enough from each other and they only relented when Sam collapsed next to her, trying to catch his breath.
-It was the same way for another month. No crew member noticed, but Nathan knew everything. Sam didn't usually kiss and tell like the grown man he was, but the nights left questionable marks on his neck and chest that only Nathan noticed as he and Sam jumped into clean attire. And upon the question of what that was, Sam gave a dreamy sigh and spilled everything to his little brother.
-It was no shock. Sam was incredibly charming and could wrap anyone around his fingers, but what intrigued the younger Drake was how the captain had Sam wrapped around her fingers just as much.
-Pretty soon, everyone started noticing and gossiping and seeing the not-so-discrete kisses they shared when they thought no one was looking. For their own sakes, they kept their mouths shut about it but they knew that the two belonged to each other.
-Sam was right. He was a man of the sea. And she wore the name of captain with pride. She made sure she was worthy of the title.
-The years flew by, and soon the boat had little rascals running around. The products of the captain and Sam's many late night escapades.. They were just as fierce and as stubborn and wild as their parents and Nathan was the proud uncle of both of them.
-And as Sam watched his wife spoiling their children with kisses, a newfound glimmer in her eyes and glow on her skin, a smile would tug up on his lips.
-He was right, yet again. This proved to be the greatest adventure. The adventure of getting to fall in love with her over and over again every single day.
Tags: @missdictatorme , @samdrakeftw , @yaeji-passion , @easy-and-steady , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @s4mdrake , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @elledrake , @writer-jamie
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meghancooking · 4 years
My pitch for the eventual ‘Community Movie’
The film opens in 2023. After a brief bounce back from the efforts of the Save Greendale Committee, Greendale came upon hard times during the global pandemic (due to a poor attempt to transition classes like “Ladders” and “Nicolas Cage: Good or Bad” to an online setting.) Frankie left long ago to help hospitals rearrange their budgets for life saving PPE.
The Dean informs Jeffrey that things have gotten so bad that he has to let him go, and Jeff ends up at Britta’s bar for a drink. On the TV in the corner they see a commercial for a film that looks oddly familiar, about a community college study group that goes on wacky adventures. Jeff looks the movie up online to realize that Abed is the director and the film has a ton of buzz from Indie Film Festivals.
In “Community: The Movie,” Timothy Olyphant stars as Jiff Wanger, with Alexandro Daddario as Allie Anniston, Nicole Byer as Sally Benton, Dev Patel as Abed Nadir (no name change), John David Washington as Trey Burns, and Abed’s hero Harrison Ford as Piers Hawksworth.
Jeff tries to call Abed on the phone and realizes that Abed has changed his phone number since they last spoke. Feeling more disconnected from his old friends than ever, Jeff announces to Britta that they’re going to get the study group back together and confront Abed in L.A., intent on suing him for using their likeness without permission so that they can save Greendale. Britta says, “But neither of our cars can make it across the country.”
“But mine can.”
Jeff and Britta whip around to see Rick. Britta and Rick start making out over the bar counter. Jeff takes the keys from Rick’s hand and goes to “warm up the car.”
In their Honda CR-V, Jeff, Rick, and Britta go to D.C. to pick up Annie. At first she’s reluctant to take time off work, but when she realizes that Greendale is in trouble of closing for good, she throws her FBI badge in a nearby fountain.
Cut to the group looking for Annie’s badge in the water. “I wanted to be like those people that throw their cellphones in the ocean, in movies,” Annie sighs. “But you never think about them going back to get them.”
After they get Annie’s badge they head for Atlanta, Georgia to scoop up Shirley. Shirley’s sons are now old enough to attend college, and it breaks her heart to realize that her old school is closing down. “Not that I want them to go to Greendale,” Shirley adds. “They’re going to an Ivy. But if they need a back-up for their back-up’s back-up…”
Throughout their whole journey the group does their best to find out where Troy is, but no one has heard from him in years. Every time someone wonders aloud if he died in a horrible boating accident, Annie starts sobbing and they turn on the radio. A song by a popular new rapper Kiddish Bambino seems to be always playing whenever they turn the radio on. Shirley says she hates rap but she nods her head along with everyone else.
Rounding out their journey through New Mexico on the way to L.A., the gang stops at a Mexican restaurant on the side of the road. Annie pretends like its Jeff’s birthday to make up for “all those years of birthday cards I owe you.” And Britta says, “What about my birthdays? Are mine less important because he’s a man?” At which point they all tell the waiter they are celebrating a joint five-way birthday. The waiter goes to get the manager to catch them in a lie, and the group worries that they pushed it too far. Until they realize that the restaurant owner is Chang, speaking perfect Spanish. He’s so excited to see them that he says, “Birthdays on the house!” And every patron in the restaurant gets trashed on free margaritas.
As they’re drunkenly catching up, Chang fills them in on what happened to him after season six. With a renewed sense of ambition, Chang realized that he was happiest when he was a student-torturing Spanish teacher. But before he could let him get his job back, the Dean challenged him to actually learn Spanish. He moved to New Mexico to take classes and learn about Latin Culture, and ended up marrying a woman and having three kids. “Now I dog on my kids instead of dogging on students,” Chang says. “It’s great.”
After hearing about their road trip across the country, Chang decides to join them. He makes the joke “And my axe” at an off moment and over-explains his reference. Everyone groans but Rick asks to hear more, because he never actually watched Lord of the Rings, “Though of course I love it in the way that people love things they’ve never seen in person, like the Northern Lights or God,” Rick says genially.
So Jeff, Britta, Annie, Shirley, Rick, and Chang end up in L.A. to storm into Abed’s office, only to be told that he’s getting ready for the theatrical release of “Community: The Movie” at the Chinese Theater. The gang pulls a scheme to get into the premiere and bumps into the movie-star versions of themselves on the red carpet. Classic trope.
When they finally slide into their seats at the theater, the film starts. And it’s amazing. There’s laughter, there’s tears. Rick and Britta hold hands…Jeff and Annie accidentally brush hands but look away as Sara Bareilles’ “Gravity” plays on screen. Chang tries to hold Shirley’s hand but gets slapped away with a “Ben, you’re married” as he defensively says, “As friends. You never hold hands with your friends?”
At the end of the movie Abed stands up for a Q&A. The old study group was moved to tears, so they’re not angry anymore, but Jeff is enraged. He wrestles the microphone away from a fan and wakes to the middle of the aisle to confront Abed.
“That Greendale on screen is a lie built by Disney magic and Timothy Olyphant blood money. Do you know right now the real Greendale is a sinking ship?” Jeff asks. “Our home is about to plummet under the waves and here you are, weaving movie magic to show the ‘perfect’ version of our lives. Well the truth is far from perfect. Because in reality, Abed doesn’t even care about his friends. He hasn’t called in years.”
Jeff starts to tear up as he talks. Abed tilts his head.
“Jeff, this isn’t some Sony Pictures presents Marvel’s Disney project. This was a kickstarter, Zach Braff style. This was my ‘Wish I Was Here,’ but better because I’m not a famous movie star asking people in a lower tax bracket for money. This wasn’t funded by corporations, it was funded by the people.” Abed stands up. “The first tier got donors a ‘Community: The Movie’ pin. The second tier got them a swag bag. And the third tier…well the third tier paid admission for a semester at Greendale Community College. The real one.”
Abed looks out to the audience. “Could all the third tier donors in the audience stand up?”
Jeff, Britta, Annie, Shirley, Chang, and Rick look on in shock as three-fourths of the audience get to their feet. Even Timothy Olyphant stands up from the front row. “What?” He asks his co-stars. “They’ve got a class on Nicolas Cage. Is he good?”
Jeff approaches the stage and Abed helps him up. Their silhouettes are backlit by the stage lights as they hug. “But…” Jeff says. “You never called.”
“I threw my phone in the ocean when I got to L.A.” Abed shrugs. “I see it in movies all the time when people have fresh starts. I didn’t realize it would be so hard to get back.”
The rest of the gang comes up from the audience to hug Abed. The Q&A host (maybe a Josh Horowitz type) says “The real cast of Community!” as the crowd cheers.
End-credits scene is Abed and Troy hanging out in the green room after the movie premiere, just chatting normally. Everyone else stares at him.
“And after I found Abed in California I became a famous rapper and I changed my name to Kiddish Bambino,” Troy says, finishing his story. “You can kind of do whatever you want when you’re a millionaire.”
Troy and Abed do their handshake.
“But you never called,” Annie chimes in.
“Oh I threw my phone in the ocean like Day One on the boat,” Troy says. “Not to get a fresh start. I was just trying to give a mermaid my phone number.”
“Troy got heat stroke 12 times,” Abed says.
“The doctors say my brain is ‘basically’ normal,” Troy says.
“Same,” Abed responds.
“Don’t you work at Subway?” Troy asks Rick.
The group laughs.
End credits (Elroy watches “Community: The Movie” in his RV after it comes out on DVD, with Julie from Natalie is Freezing at his side. “I knew most of those people you know. They’re all uglier in person. Nice kids, though.”)
What would you add? What would you throw out? I know there's too much Rick but it can't be helped. How else would they get a Honda CR-V, America's dream car? 
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the-wlw-cafe · 4 years
Supercorptober 2020 - Day 2: Baking
Read it on ao3 here!
After weeks of trying to confess her feelings to Lena before Valentine's Day and chickening out at the last minute Kara decides that maybe she can't trust herself to get the words out right, and maybe a different strategy is in order. They do say that love goes through the stomach, right? There's only one snag in the perfect plan: Lena insists on helping her best gal pal and isn't taking no for an answer.
“I heard you’re stress baking.”
Kara let out an inelegant squeak of surprise as she heard the voice from behind her, dropping her wooden spoon into her bowl of sad, lumpy batter.
“Lena! You’re not supposed to – how did you – why are you here?”, she stuttered, desperately shifting around the kitchen, trying to hide the incriminating evidence behind her back. It was an exercise in futility as every flat surface of the room was covered in either ingredients, used utensils or the several batches of cupcake prototypes she’d already gone through.
“Well, you did give me a key to your apartment, and when Alex called me to inform me of the cupcake related breakdown you were having I thought it as good an excuse as any to check up on you.”
“She’s a traitor”, Kara huffed. She’d downright begged Alex not to tell Lena about her feelings, no matter how much her sister called her a useless bisexual who needed to grow a pair and tell her best friend she’s been crushing on her for years now. Alex was right, of course. But Kara had to tell Lena in her own time, in her own way, and her own way just happened to involve heart shaped cupcakes on Valentine’s Day. Was it cheesy? Maybe. Absolutely. But was it Kara’s last resort after finding herself absolutely tongue tied whenever she tried to bring up the subject of her feelings in front of Lena? Most definitely. Besides, Kara was sure the best way to the heart was by way of the stomach anyway.
“Traitor or not, she means well”, Lena said. She let her gaze wander demonstratively slowly over the chaos residing in the kitchen. “So, what’s brought this bout of stress baking on?”
“I’m not stress baking”, Kara said, sounding a lot more petulant than she wanted to, “I’m just...stressed while baking.”
Lena’s eyebrows shot up, and by the way the corner of her mouth twitched it was clear she was fighting a smile. Kara wished she wouldn’t fight it at all, the sight of Lena smiling was sweeter and more addicting than sugar to her.
“Looks like you might need a helping hand”, Lena offered.
“No – Nope, I’m doing good. Great. Stellar!” Kara internally cringed at her desperate attempt to sound casual.
“Stellar, hm?”, Lena purred, dragging her pointer finger over the charred top of one of her more pitiful attempts, smirking when it left a sooty black residue on her skin. Kara could feel herself deflate at the sight.
“I swear I’m not usually that useless of a baker”, she sighed, unsure of who she wanted to convince more, Lena or herself. “It’s just...I keep getting distracted practising what I’m going to say in my head, and by the time I snap back to reality I notice that I’ve been sifting salt into the batter, or I’ve left the cupcakes in the oven for literal hours.”
“So we are at the detailed imagining of future conversations stage of anxiety already? Sounds like you really do need my help after all.”
Kara made a helpless sound, somewhere between a whine and a groan. She did need help, that part was true, but she’d rather take it from Snapper Carr than Lena, and threaten to ruin her entire scheme to ask her best friend out.
“Oh come on, Kara, just because I’m rich doesn’t mean I’m useless in the kitchen. In fact, reliable sources have told me that I’m very good with my hands”, she grinned, her smirk widening as Kara choked on thin air once the implicit meaning of the words caught up to her.
“It’s not that”, Kara whined, “It’s just that they’re for -”, she broke off, gesticulating wildly, hoping to somehow convey the meaning of please don’t make me give myself away more.
Lena’s brows furrowed at this, she blinked once, twice, before the confusion cleared away.
“Oh.” Kara swore she could see Lena’s face falling for just a fraction of a second, before she flashed her her brilliant smile again. It didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I didn’t realise it was so close to Valentine’s Day. I’ve made a habit of ignoring it, between my family ties and my sordid history with my exes I’ve pretty much resigned myself to eternal singlehood.” She awkwardly patted Kara’s biceps. It was a short, fleeting gesture, nothing like the tender touches they usually shared – no wonder Alex had been convinced they’d been secretly dating for months before Kara confided in her about her crush. Lena’s voice dropped some of the forced cheerfulness. “I am truly sorry if I intruded, and if you really want me gone, I’ll leave.”
The word had left her lips before Lena had even finished her sentence.
“Please stay”, she added, softer, awkwardly fiddling with the rim of her glasses and leaving a trail of batter on her face.
“That’s what friends are for”, Lena said in a sing-song voice, a few octaves too high to be casual.
“So, won’t you tell me who they’re for?”, Lena asked, her voice strangely stilted, as she methodically cleared away some clutter to create a better work space.
“Um…”, Kara squeaked, desperately pottering around the kitchen stalling for time while trying to devise a way to answer Lena’s question to her satisfaction without revealing everything.
“Kara, hey, look at me.” Lena gently took both of Kara’s hands in hers.
“You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable. I understand completely.”
A silence between them stretched, tense, borderline uncomfortable, and there were so many things Kara wanted to say to break it, among them thank you for always having my back no questions asked and I’m always comfortable around you and I think I’m in love with you. What instead came out of her mouth was: “I got batter on your hands.”
Lena blinked at her, dumbfounded, before her gaze dropped down to her hands that were indeed sticky with batter.
“Well”, Lena said, seemingly glad for the distraction, “I’ve been told eating more batter than finished cupcake is an essential part of the baking experience.”
And just like that, she lifted one of her hands to her mouth, a pink tongue darting out to lick them clean and, oh, this was a fresh kind of torture. Hearing a tell-tale crack, Kara quickly hid the remnants of the crushed wooden spoon she’d been holding behind her back, a flush of embarrassment creeping across her cheeks that only worsened when she saw Lena’s face contort with the effort of hiding blatant disgust at the taste.
“Oh, golly, Lena, I forgot to tell you – I might have mixed up sugar and salt for this particular try.”
Honestly, Kara shouldn’t be surprised that baking with Lena is so much easier. Despite her nervousness around the CEO, everything just seemed to be a bit lighter with her around, all the worries, expectations and guilt seemed to weigh a little less heavy on her. Kara only hoped that she could just repay an inch of that kindness, make Lena feel a fraction of the comfort Kara felt around her.
It took two more tries, one of them ruined because Lena had to stretch to get a new packet of vanilla extract off the top shelf even though Kara told her she could have just floated up to get it, but her protest had died in her throat when Lena’s shirt had ridden up just so, and, well. After she was done wiping the sugar-and-egg mixture off the kitchen floor Kara had gained a new understanding of what Alex meant when she called her a useless bisexual.
Still, they came out with a tray of perfectly acceptable cupcakes, chocolate flavoured and dotted with perfectly kitschy pink sugar hearts. And sure, maybe they weren’t Paul-Hollywood-Handshake worthy, but Kara felt reasonably secure in the assumption that he at least wouldn’t refuse to try them.
Lena had pointedly avoided asking her about the recipient of the sugary goods.
They looked down at their work, Kara absent-mindedly wiping her hands on the sides of her jeans (she’d long since given up on keeping her clothes clean).
“Look at it”, Kara gushed, “we did it!”
Lena shot her a tired smile, stubbornly avoiding eye contact. “Your valentine would be a fool to reject you.”
Oh. Yes. Kara had almost forgotten, and just like that, her nerves were back, fluttering in her stomach like a panicked hummingbird. She wasn’t sure what she was fearing, exactly, she knew that even if her feelings weren’t reciprocated Lena wouldn’t be cruel about it. It would be awkward, of course, and maybe she’d need some space, but Kara had absolute trust in the fact that their friendship was stronger than that. There’d always be a them. Kara’s eyes flickered over to the alarm clock displayed on her oven. It was already past midnight, she hadn’t even noticed the time passing so quickly while Lena was here.
She had to do it. She had to do it now, before she got the chance to overthink it.
“So...technically, it’s already Valentine’s day.”
Lena gawked at her.
“Kara, please tell me you’re not seriously considering showing up at your valentine’s house in the middle of the night.”
“Not technically, no”, Kara began.
“Not technically? Darling, I know you’re a catch but I think nobody would be glad to be woken so late at night, not even by you holding a tray of – Kara?”
Since words had obviously failed her, Kara had resorted to actions, taking the most delicious looking cupcake of the batch and holding it out to her.
“Do you want me to try them?”
“No, I want you to have them.”
Lena’s head snapped up, wide green eyes meeting Kara’s. Her superhearing wouldn’t let her ignore the miniscule gasp the CEO let out, and the breathy “Kara…” that followed.
And just like that, Kara couldn’t hold the anxious ramble back anymore.
“I mean, I know they’re nothing special and I could have just flown to your favourite boulangerie in Paris and gotten you the buttered chocolate croissants you love so much even though you won’t admit it -”
“- but that would be so easy for me, it’s just a matter of seconds, and I wanted to show you that you’re worth more, that you’re worth the effort-”
“-and I know I’m not the best baker and I’ve let you do all the hard work but I really, really wanted to surprise you-”
“Darling, you’re squishing your cupcake.”
With another hot rush of embarrassment Kara realised it was true, she’d completely crushed her gift in her hand.
“Gosh, Lena, I’m so sorry, I’m doing this all wrong!”
“I wouldn’t say that”, Lena purred, picking up a piece of squished cupcake with pointed fingers and popping it in her mouth. “See? Still good.”
“You like it?”, Kara asked, bouncing on her toes with barely contained excitement.
“Hmm, I don’t know”, Lena drawled, but her voice held no bite, only affection and playfulness. “I think I need a second taste.”
Before Kara could react, Lena had leaned forward and without breaking eye contact she started licking the chocolate icing off Kara’s fingers deliberately slowly. Kara had to cling onto the counter, as her knees had suddenly become wobbly.
“Rao, Lena, you can’t just do that!”
Lena pulled back, mirth twinkling in her stunning eyes, one eyebrow raised in challenge.
“I don’t see you stopping me.”
Kara had made the mistake of letting her gaze drift down to Lena’s full, red lips, and now she found that it was a thing of impossibility to avert her eyes again, transfixed by the way Lena’s tongue darted out to wet them.
“You’ve got chocolate on...at the corner of your mouth”, Kara muttered. It was a paper thin excuse.
“Is that so? Could you be a dear and get it for me?”
Kara did.
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shekissesturians · 4 years
~Sun Showers ~ Mirio x Fem!Reader/Oc (Chapter 1)
Tumblr media
Synopsis~ Quirks are as much a blessing as they are a curse.
This is the reality Toogata Mirio is confronted with upon interning with Nighteye Agency. It is hard to create a program that can counsel all the different varieties of abilities that can manifest in a quirk. Most follow a basic formula that is easy to adapt and control... while others fall through the crack with a quirk that does not fit into counseling parameters.
When Mirio responds to a flyer that is seeking help for a final art project, he encounters a girl who clearly is one the few who has fallen through the cracks. The more he gets to know her the more he learns how unstable her quirk is.If she doesn't gain control, he fears that she might become one of the many who become another problem in the system. A statistic that is "treated" and lost.
He can't let that happen.
He won't let her fall. ~
Chapter 1- 3,520 words - Ao3 link 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Wanted to post a full version on Tumblr as it might be easier for some to read. Hope you enjoy <3
                                                  *    *    *
Mirio thoughtfully thumbed the green flyer in his hand as he looked around himself trying to gain somewhat of a handle on his surroundings. The one thing he knew was that he was currently at Tsukuru High School…. And that was the current extent of his knowledge. Currently, he was in decent sized courtyard that had a strip of grass planted down the center with benches dashed along on either side. Around the courtyard was a string of tan doors situated under white awnings, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out where their room markers were. This school wasn’t nearly as big as U.A. so he had figured it would be no problem finding the room mentioned on the flyer! Alas… he was gravely mistaken.
Mirio quickly brought the flier back up to his face reading it over for a third time now-
~Wanted ~
Nude models for final art project.
3 session commitment.
Will compensate time with a paid in full dinner.
This is professional - I really need to pass my class.
I promise it will be a good dinner!
If interested meetup time is from 3pm-5pm at classroom B32a at Tsukuru High School.
I will be there every day, please consider!!
- 3rd year, Ueno Yua
He had discovered the flier while patrolling with Bubble Girl and knew immediately he needed to help out a fellow student in need! Especially after they asked so kindly, and he would get free dinner out of it which was an especially nice bonus!
It all worked out perfectly, Sir Nighteye had him doing patrols from 11am till 1pm, then a check in from 1pm till 2pm, which would give him more than enough time to get across town to Tsukuru High within the time stated on the flier! Unless he got horribly lost… which he did- because for some reason this school decided not to mark their classrooms!
Mirio released a deep sigh just as he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He froze, glancing over his shoulder to see a pair of big grey eyes looking up at him from underneath deep cyan hued bangs.
“Excuse me? Are you lost?” The girl’s voice was gentle and soft, so soft it took Mirio a second to hear what she had said, “ Um, pardon? Are you lost?” She repeated a second time a bit louder when she realized he couldn’t hear her.
“Oh!” He brightened into a smile, finally pulling the flier away from his face, “I am lost, how’d ya know!?”
The girl, who appeared to be around his age, pointed to his uniform. Mirio’s gaze followed her finger to where it was pointing inches away from his chest.
“We have different uniforms.” She stated politely, but very matter of fact.
He looked back and forth between the two of them, quickly noticing the differences. While his uniform was the standard U.A. green and white, this girls’ was white with a red and blue plaid on her short skirt and tie.
Mirio released a quick laugh, “ Yeah I guess that is an easy tell, isn’t it?” He looked back over to her and held out the flier for her to see, “ I’m here because of this flier. I am looking for room B32a, do you know where that is?”
The girl blinked as the flier was thrusted in her direction. She looked over it briefly before her eyes widened and a huge smile spread across her face.
“That’s me!” She suddenly pressed her hands together in a cheer. Her voice still soft but now filled with excitement, “That’s my flier!”
“Wait, this is your flier!?” Mirio couldn’t help but smile along with the girl’s new infections excitement. It was a complete switch from the quiet demeanor she had displayed just moments ago. Now she was bouncing in place, her short hair bobbing on her shoulders, while she practically glowed from ear to ear.
… It was pretty cute.
“Yes! I’m Ueno Yua!” She quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him into an overly excited handshake.
Mirio laughed, “I’m Toogata Mirio, nice to meet you, Ueno!”
“Oh, thank you so much for coming!” She quickly turned, shifting her grip to pull him towards a nearby room, “B32a is right over here!”
Mirio stumbled behind her as she practically dragged him under the awning pathway that lined all the classroom entrances. It wasn’t until he was underneath that he finally spotted the classroom numbers above the door.
They were there the whole time!?
“You can’t see the numbers if you aren’t under the pathway.” Yua pointed above the door. She looked back at Mirio to see defeated realization etched across his face.
Her smile instantly sunk with concern, “Ah…I should have wrote it in the flier! Maybe that’s why others haven’t shown up…”
“You mean, you haven’t gotten any other models?” Mirio straightened his posture as she released his hand to pull an ID card out of her skirt pocket.
“You’re the first.” Yua pressed the card to a black reader pad next to the classroom door. With a light click, the door was pulled open and instantly the smells of solvents and paints waft out of the room.
Mirio was instantly consumed with curiosity as he entered. It was nothing like any classroom he had seen before! There was a whimsical chaotic-ness to the room. Wood easels were spewed about with no real organization in mind. Some held canvas’, some did not, but all of them were spattered in an array of paint stains which gave each easel its own unique character.
Behind the forest of easels, on the far back wall, was a large metal trough sink. The counter space surrounding it was piled with different sized cups and containers. Mirio grinned as he continued to take in the room. While the classroom was colored in grey and white tones it was the aftermath paint splatters and spills across the floor and even the walls that gave the classroom its warmth and color.
While Mirio explored the room further, Yua walked over to her easel that was set up near the center of the room and began to prep her station.
“Thank you again by the way,” She spoke out to Mirio. He paused in his current exploration of a large shelved wall that house nearly every color of paint one could imagine. “- for coming to model. You saved me, I would have failed my project.”
He grinned back rubbing a finger under his nose.“Well, that is what heroes do!”
Yua curiously tilted her head as she fiddled with some of the paints on the small table next to her easel, “Oh! You’re a hero?”
“Well, working on it.” Mirio made his way back towards her, “I go to U.A.”
“Really!? Wow, you must be something then!” Yua excitedly squeezed the brushes in her hands tighter, “I get to capture a future Pro- hero in my painting!? It really is my lucky day!”
Her actions caused him to chuckle, she was definitely an easily excited person.
Now Yua’s attention wasn’t even on him anymore. She was looking up towards the ceiling completely encapsulated by her thoughts, whatever they might be.
Mirio had a hunch though.
He could see it, the passion she had about her work. It made him even more pleased that he decided to answer the flier. It wasn’t what one would consider “normal” hero work but he was helping someone in need so it definitely counted in his book! As a bonus, she seemed to be really nice as well.
“Okay.” Yua finally breathed out seeming to gather her thoughts just as Mirio reached the painting station she had created around her easel, “I know exactly what I want now.”
She sat down her brushes before walking towards the center of the room. Yua turned motioning for Mirio to follow her as stepped up onto a raised platform that was draped with a thick red sheet.
“So you will be posed here,” She gestured beside herself, “ - and If you could go ahead and get undress I will adjust the lighting.” Again her eyes drifting to the ceiling in thought while she chewed lightly on her bottom lip, “I was thinking about a kneeling pose.”
Mirio watched as Yua knelt down on the platform resting on her right knee while her left leg stayed up in a bent position.
“Like this!” Yua guided, “Oh I will need to get you a cushion for your knee…” She noted feeling the pressure of her own on the hard surface, “- but then I’ll have you lean over your leg and look to the ground.”
Mirio nodded, studying her examples carefully, “I can definitely do that!”
“Wonderful!” She popped back up to her feet with a smile. Once again she pressed the palms of her hands together happily, “I have a cushion over here we can put under your knee once you cha-”
Yua’s voice froze she turned to see Mirio instantly phase out of his entire school uniform,
“What happened to your clothes!?” She quickly rubbed her eyes with her fists making sure she had just correctly seen a man permeate through clothing.
“Oh that’s just my quirk. Pretty nifty huh??” Mirio stepped away from his clothes with a smile, “So you just want me over here?” He stepped up onto the platform.
Yua stared at him with unwavering eyes as he stepped up next to her. She had figured he was in shape being at U.A. and all but she never imagined him being in that good of shape. His physique completely through her off guard, but in a great way, this was better than anything she could have hoped for!
Mirio could feel her gaze carefully trailing over his form, examining him with what he could only describe as… inquisitive intrigue. Still, when her bottom lip was captured between her teeth as she slipped into another bout of deep thought, he couldn’t help the tint that rose to his cheeks.
She was really too cute to be making a face like that while he stood next to her naked!
“...You really work out huh?” Yua finally released her lip.
Mirio couldn’t help the snort of a laugh that escaped him, “Oh you know, on occasion.” He teased.
His voice seemed to snap Yua out of her daze as she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. A mortified wave of emotion washed over her features upon the realization she had just been staring at him in the most unprofessional way possible.
“Sorry!” She quickly bowed, hoping that she had not made him too uncomfortable…. That was until she realized she was now face to face with his crotch.
Yua’s eyes widened in absolute horror, “Sorry again!!” She squeaked, immediately covering her hands over her eyes and tripping over her feet as she tried to turn away from him.
“It’s okay!! It’s okay!!” Mirio kept repeating. He slapped a hand over his mouth in an attempt to conceal his laughter and not embarrass the poor girl even more, but the series of antics that had just unfolded was too much.
While Yua squatted down into a ball rambling of apologies, Mirio suddenly felt himself begin to sweat as an intense wave of heat hit the room.
“It’s alright Ueno! No worries!!” He tried to reassure her as his laughter finally calmed.
The shroud of heat that suddenly encompassed the classroom was now thickening the air like a sauna.
“Ueno, I’m sorry, but do you feel like it got really hot in here all of the sudden??” Large beads of sweat were now accumulating his skin. This wasn’t in his head, the temperature definitely changed in the room.
As soon as the words left his mouth Yua’s string of apologies halted. She removed her hands from over her eyes, lifting up her palms to take in the new sensation around them.
“… It’s me.” Yua’s voice softened as she returned her hands to cover her face, the red tint on her cheeks deepening.
“Pardon?” Mirio leaned down trying to hear her better. She was talking softly again and he could barely hear her. His hands fanned his face furiously as he waited for her response, it was getting hotter by the second!
“My quirk!” Yua forced her voice to speak up, “It’s … it’s because I’m embarrassed.” She slapped her face a few times with the palms of her hands in an attempt to knock out the embarrassment.
At her words, a light suddenly clicked on in Mirio’s head, everything made complete sense now!
“You don’t need to be embarrassed Ueno!” He quickly jumped into a crouch in front of her, “I’m the one that's naked, I should be embarrassed!”
“No, no.” She shook her head and began to pinch her own cheeks, “ You’re the model, I’m supposed to make you feel comfortable, but I just bowed my head into your crotch!”
There was a warm haze to everything in the room now. The temperature was getting close to unbearable. It quickly became obvious to Mirio that Yua did not have very good control of her quirk…. If any at all.
“You’re not the first person to get up close and personal with my willy, I’m used to it!” He tried to brush off her concern, until he saw her eyes widen through her fingers, “ Wait… that didn’t come out right.”
A sudden spike in heat forced Mirio to cringe. He could barely breathe at this point, it felt as though he was about to burn alive, but he couldn’t just run out and leave her alone. He had to think of a way to help her. He was a hero, he could do this!
“So get this,” Mirio forced up a smile, steam was now beginning to swirl around them. He had to work quickly, “I tell dad jokes, but I don't have any kids…. Guess that makes me a faux pa.”
Yua peaked up at him through her fingers to see the huge grin he was holding even though his face was turning beet red from the heat.
“So when does a joke become a dad joke?” Mirio paused for a beat, “….When it becomes apparent!”
Yua couldn’t contain the smile that broke through the cover of her hands as he continued.
It was working! Mirio could feel the heaviness of heat in the room begin to dissipate along with the swirls of steam. Now he just had to land the big finisher!
“Did you know… your Japanese when you go into the bathroom, and you’re Japanese when you come out of the bathroom, but do you know what you are while you’re in there?” He raised a brow in Yua’s direction with a pause making sure he had her full attention, “European!”
At his last word, Yua’s laughter broke into the room instantly causing the wave of intense heat to dissipate.
Mirio couldn’t contain the deep sigh he released at the sudden temperature change. He felt like he could breathe again! His chest rose and fell with each breath as he began to cool down. Sweat was dripping down his face but he couldn’t help but genuinely smile as he watched Yua laugh.
It was a deep laugh, a hearty laugh… a nice laugh.
“Those... were horrible.” Yua’s laughter slowed into a chuckle before she flashed Mirio a grateful smile.
“Hey now!” He tried to wipe the sweat that was still dripping into his eyes away with his forearm, “You laughed. You thought they were funny!”
“They were funny and horrible.” She locked her eyes with his, “Thank you, Toogata.”
“Any time!” Mirio straightened his posture, “Though I’m sorry, I’m so sweaty now.” He looked down at himself, he was literally drenched in a sheen of sweat.
“No, no,” Yua looked over his form with him, “This is actually perfect, don’t wipe any off! It’s defining your physique, and with the right lighting you’ll be even better to paint now!” An excited glow was back on her features.
Mirio smiled as he watched her quickly rush about - grabbing a pillow, adjusting the standing lights around the platform, and situating the red sheet across the pedestal to her liking. She was back to being passionate and focused as though they both weren’t just nearly baked alive.
He could tell though, this probably wasn’t the first time an incident like this occurred. Though her overall disposition was bright there was a lingering sullenness in her eyes he just couldn’t shake concern for.
Once Mirio was in the position Yua wanted, she quickly skipped over to her easel and got right into laying paint down onto the canvas.
“So if you don’t mind me asking, what is your quirk? Cus honestly that was pretty crazy!” He tried to speak as upbeat as possible, he was so curious but hated to trigger another occurrence.
“Oh….” Yua responded, slowing in her painting a bit as she thought through how to answer his question.
“- And I mean crazy in a good way!” Mirio quickly added, turning his head towards her so she could see his smile.
“It’s weather.” Yua spoke up after finishing a few strokes on the canvas, “It’s triggered by my emotions, so… I have a hard time controlling it….”
“That’s pretty sweet though!” Mirio chimed in making sure she wouldn’t have a chance to feel negative. He could tell from the way her voice was softening it wasn’t something she was necessarily comfortable talking about, “ So you could make it rain, or snow, or anything like that?”
Yua couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips from the enthusiasm of Mirio’s questions. She found the positivity over her quirk pretty refreshing.
“I can.” She answered, splitting her attention between him and the canvas in front of her.
“So which emotion would make it snow?” Mirio thoughtfully inquired, “That would be awesome for on a hot summer day!”
Yua paused from her painting to study Mirio for a moment, she had never thought about her quirk in such a way before,
“… I don’t know,” She went back to her work, shading in the contours of his back, “It’s often rather random, …many times I don’t even realize it's me right away… Honestly, I try to avoid triggering it.”
“All quirks take practice, gosh I still lose my clothes on a regular basis!” Mirio poked fun at himself, trying to lift her own spirits.
He didn’t know Yua at all, but the thought of her feeling such turmoil with her quirk made he himself feel downhearted. There were still red marks on her cheeks from where she had been pinching herself earlier, trying to get her quirk to stop. She was really struggling, perhaps even more than he initially realized in the moment.
“I can only imagine.” She giggled, “Doesn’t it get frustrating though?”
“Well yeah, of course!” Mirio glanced over his leg to watch her paint for a moment, “But it also makes people laugh, so I think that’s a pretty great trade-off.”
He watched Yua captured her bottom lip in her teeth, she was thinking again, contemplating something important.
“You really like to make others laugh, don’t you Toogata?” She finally released her lip, turning to dip her brush into a jar of gamsol before dipping it into a new color of paint.
“Absolutely! I mean you never know whose around that might need a pick-me-up. Laughter can really change a lot for people, also… it’s just fun don’t yah think?” He flashed her a bright grin.
“Yeah… ” Yua made eye contact with him for a moment before turning back to her work, “It is…. so where would you like to eat after we are done?” She completed a few more strokes before picking up some more paint on the tip of her brush, “I definitely owe you a good dinner after this session.”
“Oh yeah!” Mirio nearly forgot, “My payment!”
“Have you been to Kaiyo Joō?” Yua smiled, focusing on her work, but keeping her attention on Mirio.
“Oh that’s good! I won’t get sushi there though.” Mirio responded.
“Really why?” Yua tilted her head in question.
“It’s a little fishy.”
Yua nearly knocked over her canvas at his comment as she snorted out a laugh.
Mirio couldn’t help but laugh along with her, and he was sure for a second he felt a crisp breeze swirl throughout the room.
... She really did have a nice laugh.
Next- Chapter 2
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