#// this is one of those scenes were someone else enters the room and look at this and be “the fUCK are you two doing” JUODHASOHDAUOHSD
No Man's Land |2|
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Sam can’t help but be drawn to the cute stranger from her gym, even if everything about them makes them the perfect suspect, just when Ghostface has returned.
Warnings: Talks of Murder and Killing
Word Count: 3k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2
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Sam had her head thrown back, trying to calm her nerves as she and Tara waited for Detective Bailey to arrive. When Quinn called her father, he had said he wanted to speak with Sam. He wouldn’t confirm or deny whether the killings on the news were the work of Ghostface, but he wanted her to come down to the station. Tara had refused to let her go alone and Bailey even agreed that he’d like to see Tara as well. They arrived at the police station first thing in the morning and were immediately escorted to an interrogation room, without anyone telling them anything.
Sam finally looked up when she heard the door open, seeing Bailey enter. “Sorry about the wait,” Bailey said, giving them an awkward chuckle.
“What’s this about?” Tara asked, tapping her fingers on the table.
“The killings,” Sam cut in. “Was it Ghostface?”
“We found this,” Bailey said, tossing an evidence bag containing a bloody card onto the table, ignoring both the girls’ questions. “At the crime scene,” Bailey sat in the chair opposite of them. “In which two of your,” he pointed at Tara. “Classmates were murdered. Care to explain?” he shrugged.
Tara leaned forward, her eyes widening at what was in the baggy before she looked back at Sam. Sam furrowed her brow as she took a look as well, her face instantly going white at seeing her ID, covered in blood, and in the evidence bag. “I lost my ID months ago,” Sam mumbled, shaking her head. “I had to get a new one.”
“Why didn’t you report your ID as stolen?”
“I didn’t know it was stolen,” Sam glared at Bailey.
Sam didn’t know detective Bailey too well. She knew he was a homicide detective and when Quinn decided to go to college at Blackmore, he transferred to New York so he could keep an eye on her. Quinn complained about him occasionally, usually saying how overprotective he was, though he did allow Quinn to live on her own with Sam and Tara, even though it would be much cheaper for her to live with him. Bailey always seemed like the typical dad, but Sam wasn’t sure, she saw danger around every corner but the majority of the time it was just her being paranoid.
“Where were you last night?” Bailey asked, getting back to his questioning.
“You can’t seriously think she’s a suspect,” Tara said. “That’s ridiculous.”
“I’m just trying to figure out what happened,” Bailey held his hands up in defense. “Do you have an alibi?” He looked at Sam.
Sam sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I was at work,” Sam answered. “Then when I came home Chad and I went to the gym, then back to the apartment.”
“And someone can verify this?”
“Lots of people probably,” Sam shrugged. “Your daughter being one of them, she was at the apartment last night.”
“It’s true,” Tara said, crossing her arms. “We were all with someone the entire day. Anything else?”
“Your classmates,” Bailey said, pointing at Tara. “Had a Ghostface shrine, it seems they killed their professor a Ms. Crane.” Tara sucked in a breath, Sam didn’t know her personally, but she had heard Tara and Mindy mention her a few times. “Earlier this evening. Know anything about that?”
“Why would we? I barely talked to them.”
“Are you familiar with a,” Bailey flipped open a file, squinting his eyes at something in the file, “Richie Kirsch?”
Sam couldn’t help the way she shifted in her seat, trying not to react. “He’s my ex,” she answered with a tight-lipped smile. “And he’s dead.”
“Yeah, he and my best friend tried to kill us last year,” Tara snapped. “What’s this got to do with anything?”
“Well, it seems these boys,” Bailey said, tapping his fingers on the photos of the two guys killed. “Intended to finish his movie.” Sam and Tara’s faces both fell at those words. “It seems they were working on a plan to kill you two.”
“We don’t know anything about that,” Sam said.
“Right, right,” Bailey mumbled to himself. “So, it’s just a coincidence these two boys end up dead?”
“There are no coincidences when Ghostface is involved.”
“Look,” Tara cut in, seeming frustrated and tired. “Are we under arrest or can we go?”
Bailey looked between the two sisters then down at the photos and evidence bag. Sam held her breath as she waited for his response. She wasn’t sure what was going through his mind, he still never confirmed if Ghostface was back, and she didn’t know if Bailey suspected her or thought she and Tara were in danger.
“You’re free to go,” Bailey said. “Just don’t leave town,” he gave Sam a look, like he knew she wanted to run.
Tara didn’t hesitate to get up, nearly knocking over her chair in the process. Sam gave Bailey one last glance before following after Tara. They flagged down a cab and Tara gave the guy directions to Blackmore. When Sam furrowed her brow Tara showed her Mindy’s text saying to meet at the school so they could go over suspects before class.
Before she knew it Sam had her head thrown back again, this time as she sat on a bench outside Blackmore College. Everyone was already there when Sam and Tara arrived and since then Mindy had been standing in front of everyone pacing back and forth. Sam just wanted her to get to the point already, she wanted to try and get some sleep before she had to go to work. She knew she wouldn’t get any sleep though; she wasn’t able to sleep last night and there was no way she’d be able to before her shift, not with Ghostface out there.
“Suspects!” Mindy said, finally seeming to get to the point. “With Ghostface, most likely, back we should go over potential people who might want to kill us! Because Bailey clearly won’t be of any help.”
Sam couldn’t help but glance at Quinn. The girl frowned at Mindy’s words but didn’t move to argue with her. Mindy also didn’t bother sparing Quinn a glance, let alone an apology. Sam couldn’t help but frown at Quinn’s reaction, or her lack of reaction. Detective Bailey was Quinn’s father, and she wasn’t saying anything to stick up for him or defend him. Sam wasn’t sure if that alone was suspicious or if Quinn just knew by now there was no point in arguing with Mindy.
“First!” Mindy continued, holding up a finger. “Ethan! The shy, dorky guy who no one suspects because he’s just so shy and dorky.”
“I’m a suspect because I’m randomly Chad’s roommate?” Ethan questioned, gesturing at Chad awkwardly.
“Roommate lotteries can be fixed,” Mindy rolled her eyes as if it was the easiest thing in the world to do. “And second, Quinn!” Mindy turned, smiling at Quinn. “Tara and Sam’s slutty roommate, a horror movie classic.”
“Sex positive,” Quinn corrected. Though she didn’t seem offended by Mindy’s accusation like Ethan had.
“How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?”
“I answered their ad online.”
“No need to say more, you’ve implicated yourself enough!”
“It was an anonymous ad,” Tara said. “And we vetted her.” Sam nodded, she had done incredibly thorough questioning to both Quinn and Bailey when they were interviewing potential roommates. “Plus, her dads a cop.”
“And that makes it more likely!” Mindy gestured wildly. “Cop dad is a great cover! Besides, what are the odds, your dad, would get this case?” Mindy crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at Quinn.
“How the hell would I know?” Quinn crossed her arms, finally seeming to get annoyed by Mindy.
“And lastly, Anika,” she smiled at her girlfriend. “You aren’t clear either.”
Anika’s face fell. “Are you kidding me?” she asked.
“Sorry babe,” Mindy shrugged. Anika just scoffed, crossing her arms and turning her head away as she refused to look at Mindy.
“I think that’s all the suspects,” Mindy said, giving herself a little nod of approval.
“And Y/N,” Sam added. Everyone turned to her with raised eyebrows. “What?” Sam shoved her hands in her pockets. “I just think they should be on the list.”
“I thought you said you haven’t ever spoken to them?” Mindy narrowed her eyes.
“I haven’t.”
“Then why would they be a suspect?” Tara questioned, crossing her arms.
“Because we have the same schedule!” Sam tried to reason. “No matter when I go, no matter what day, or what time, they’re there.”
“Suspicious,” Mindy admitted. “Anything else?”
“They have fighting experience. Not sure how much but I’ve seen them train, they definitely know what they’re doing.”
Sam continued to ramble on about you. She told them once again about how similar your schedules seemed, even when it was well after midnight and there was no one else there you’d show up. She talked all about the kind of people you did talk to and how you were otherwise reserved. Then she got into your workout and mentioned how much you lift and how much you focus on either sparring with someone or hitting the punching bag. When Sam was finished revealing all her observations about you, she looked around at the others. Everyone was looking back at her with raised eyebrows, she was going to assume they were just shocked by her keen observation skills.
“They are pretty badass,” Chad added, holding a finger up. “I hate to admit it because they seem so cool,” he let out a little chuckle. “But the way they fought that dude in the ring,” he let out an impressed whistle. “I’d hate to see what they’d do to an enemy.”
Everyone’s face slowly morphed into one of worry. Ethan and Quinn gave each other a look of concern and Tara looked at Sam as if Sam would have a solution to their problem. Sam could only offer her sister a comforting smile, she didn’t know who this new Ghostface was, but she wouldn’t let him hurt Tara.
“Okay, we’ll add them to the list,” Mindy agreed.
Sam nodded. A part of her felt a little guilty for suspecting you of such heinous things when you’ve only ever been nice, but she couldn’t take the risk. She dated Richie for months and he betrayed and used her, she hadn’t even spoken a single word to you. Sam didn’t have a real reason to suspect you, besides the fact that you went to the same gym, which a lot of people went to, but none of them had even close to the same random schedule she did, and she had never seen any of them fight like you could. She hoped you were just the cute stranger from her gym though, and not some psychopath. But she knew her life, there was no way her first crush since Richie was just a normal person that went to her gym, and all the other stuff, the stuff that drew her to you, was just coincidence, she wasn’t that lucky.
After being satisfied with their suspect list everyone went their separate ways with most of them going to class, while Sam went to work. Sam managed to get home and change but didn’t have time for a nap before having to head to her job. She managed to make it to the diner she worked at, just before she had to clock in.
Sam tried to focus on work and not let her mind wander to Ghostface and what was happening. She ignored the way people kept glancing at her, she ignored the articles she saw on their phones when she came to fill their coffee cups, she ignored the way customers bumped into her, spilling their milkshakes, ketchup, and syrup all over her. She ignored it all, she put on her fake smile and apologized to the next person who bumped into her.
Sam glanced at her phone every time she had a spare moment, when she knew, she wouldn’t get caught by her boss. She ordered everyone to text her throughout the day, so she’d know they were okay. She ordered her sister though to text her every fifteen minutes, Tara had rolled her eyes, but she had been doing it, if Sam didn’t hear from Tara within the time frame she would try calling first and then head off to wherever Tara was supposed to be.
When Sam’s shift finally finished, she rushed home, ignoring the way everyone was lounging in the living room once again as she ran to her bedroom. She didn’t have long before she needed to be at her therapy appointment, and she needed to shower and change first. She moved as quick as she could, showering long enough to get rid of the diner smell but not long enough to actually enjoy having the water rain down on her.
“I have therapy tonight,” Sam said as she rushed around the living room, ignoring her still damp hair. “I’ll be back later.” Tara nodded. “Be careful, stay inside, and don’t unlock the door for anyone.” Sam gave all of them a pointed look.
“We know,” Tara sighed. “You be careful too,” she whispered.
Sam smiled at her sister, giving everyone a quick wave goodbye before making her way out the door. She made sure to lock all the locks and double check herself before walking down the stairs. Her neighbor Danny offered her a kind smile, holding the door open for her as he was coming, and she was going. Sam did a quick check of her surroundings before shoving her hands in her pocket and began making her way to her therapy appointment.
Before Sam knew it, she was sitting in her therapist’s office, pulling at her sweater as she refused to look her therapist in the eye. She hadn’t been seeing the woman very long, she was seeing a guy for a while but when he learned her dad was Billy Loomis, he basically stopped being helpful. When Sam found Doctor Williams, Sam had started the first session by telling her all about her father, if this therapist wasn’t going to be helpful either Sam figured she might as well figure it out right away instead of wasting all her time and money.
“We’ve been sitting in silence for twenty minutes,” Doctor Williams said, not looking up from her notepad as she continued to write something down. Sam wasn’t sure what the doctor could be writing considering she had yet to speak. “Your session is only an hour long, if you want to talk,” she glanced at her watch. “You might want to think about starting soon.”
Sam frowned and flicked a glare at Williams. “I met someone,” Sam said, breaking the ice.
“That’s good,” Williams smiled, setting down her notepad and pen. “How has that been?”
“Well, I haven’t exactly talked to them yet.”
“How-How does that work?” Williams furrowed her brow.
“We go to the same gym,” Sam nodded along with her words. She was sure this was probably making her sound even crazier than she already seemed. “We’ve shared looks and a few nods,” Sam smiled to herself
She didn’t miss the small smile still on Williams’s face. “And what’s stopping you from talking to them?”
Sam’s eyes drifted down to the carpet, she pursed her lips, nodding to herself. “I think someone is trying to kill me and my sister again.” She looked up to see William’s staring at her with wide eyes. “And they’re on the suspect list,” Sam gave a little shrug.
Williams opened and closed her mouth a few times, clearly trying to process her words. “You think the person you like is trying to kill you?” Williams said slowly.
“Well, not just them, everyone’s a suspect.” Williams nodded unsurely. “I’m not being paranoid,” Sam tried to assure. “At least I don’t think I am,” she shook her head. “Tara always says I’m too paranoid but this time there’s a legitimate reason.”
Sam’s words slowly died down as Doctor Williams raised her hand. “Let’s start from the beginning,” Williams said softly.
Sam swallowed, ringing her hands as she tried to calm her nerves. “There was a murder last night. Two boys in Tara’s class killed their professor.” Williams furrowed her brow. “Then someone murdered them in their apartment.” Williams opened her mouth, but Sam wasn’t done yet. “There’s no proof, but the killings might have been committed by Ghostface.”
“And what makes you think this is Ghostface? Are you sure he’s not just on your mind, it’s around that time of year, no?”
Sam clenched her hands together. “The two students, they were fanatics,” she rolled her eyes. “Fans of Richie apparently. They were planning on killing me and my sister, but someone killed them first.”
“And you think that someone is Ghostface?”
Sam nodded. “Ghostface would never let two kids,” she scoffed. “Take out me and my sister. Not that they could,” she ran a hand through her hair.
Before Doctor Williams could say anything else the timer went off, signaling the end of their session. “See, you next week, I guess.” Sam gave a shy smile as she got up from the couch.
“Wait, I don’t want you to do anything rash,” Williams rushed, following behind her but Sam was already out the door.
Sam checked her surroundings once again as she exited the building. She began her walk back to the apartment. When she got back to the apartment, she saw everyone still in the living room. “We got pizza,” Tara said, nodding to the box on the table. Sam snapped a glare at her sister as she dropped her keys into the bowl by the door. “Anika went to pick it up,” Tara held up her hands, but Sam didn’t miss the eyeroll.
Sam sighed, shaking her head at her sister as she made her way to her room. She got ready for bed, but her mind wouldn’t stop. She kept thinking about the killings, about Ghostface potentially being back, and who they could trust.
Taglist: @thatshyboy1998
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sharkfinx · 1 year
< @uchihacollector | cont'd >
During Orochimaru's explanation, he reached inside his own cloak to get the disinfected napkins box he carried everywhere since pairing with Itachi. How impudent would be to enter someone without the proper cleaning (?) He nodded, assuring to understand all the troubles and consequences his demand could cause. “Thousand of snakes? Noooooow that you said it makes me want to test it out. Kekekeke. Sounds hilarious.” Kisame leaned in, crouching down to match his height to have a better look. Konoha and Kiri’s seals were different by miles but he could still recognize some. Not that he could do anything about it other than lower his chakra stream and hope for the best. "Nervous? I guarantee if I wanted to hurt you I would just say so, nee.”  “Excuse me, nee.” He leaned away, placing both hands around the sannins's cheek. His right thumb entering between his lips and so (and with the minimal chakra possible) touched under their right molars. They weren’t implants. Good. Then finally over the sharpness of them.
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The shinobi’s eyes were wide open, veins could be seen. He found the answer he was seeking for. His other free hand just pushed Orochimaru's jaw to close on purpose to pinch his finger. “ Hm.” Kisame murmured, letting go off as well pulling his hand which had blood dripping by. “ I have to admit of being ignorant on anything in the medical field, nee..but, even a thug like me knows enough to identify which bodies to bring back Home.” He stares at his own hand, remembering only kiri-kin had teeth strong enough to pierce a Hoshigaki's skin. “Pardon me, Orochimaru san. That’s all....I would rather let Konoha's claim you. There's enough monsters in Kiri, after all. Your secret is safe with me.” 
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mariclerc · 19 days
Meant to be | cl16
Summary: where you dream about a life with a guy you don't know yet.
Warning: fluff, soulmates!au, interlinked dreams.
a/n: let me know if you like this!!
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“My God, where are those keys, huh?” you say as you search through your bag for your house keys while holding a bag with some groceries you had bought. “Bingo!” you say finding your keys and inserting it into the knob and opening the front door.
Upon entering you were met with the most beautiful scene; Your pets, a kitten named Luna and a little dachshund dog with golden fur called Leo, they are playing with a boy, who is alone in a pair of sweatpants without a shirt, showing off his toned torso.
His skin is a bit tanned and sunburned, but he still look gorgeous with that contrast of golden and slightly red color from the sunburns. He laughs at the antics that Luna and Leo make at him, when he smiles he shows the cutest dimples you've ever seen.
He looks up at you and gives you that cute smile. “Hi there, mon chéri!” he says while stroking Leo's fur. (my darling) “Little ones, look, mommy's here!” he says to Luna and Leo, who come out to greet you with affection.
You smile. “Hi there my little loves!” you say at your adorable pets, Leo moves his tail wide and Luna moves her paws towards your legs. You put the groceries on a table and walked over your boyfriend. “Hey you, lovebug!” you greet him by giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, he closed his eyes and smiled.
“I missed you darling.” he says with a slightly hoarse voice.
You caressed his hair and he closed his eyes again, he looked like a soft angel. “I missed you too, honey. What were you doing?” you asked him softly.
He smiled. “I was picking some fruits from the garden while Luna and Leo were running around among the flowers.” he says softly. “And well, then I started playing with them!” he giggled.
“Sounds like you had a lot of fun!” you giggled too as you get up the floor and started walking to accommodate the groceries in their place, he gets up too.
“The best, but I missed my girl so much.” he says smiling as he helped you with the groceries.
He looks so soft and cute, it's like you've seen him somewhere before, not just in your dream, but somewhere else. His greenish eyes captivate you, he has a quite bewitching look, his face seems carved by God himself, and he looks like a prince.
“Awwe, I missed you too baby!” you hug him gently.
And just as he was leaning in to kiss you... Suddenly you wake up very excited and agitated.
You rub your eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. The dream felt very real and vivid, so much so that you still feel the sensation of his arms around yours.
You sit in your bed. “Why I can't remember his face? I don't understand, it felt so real...” you say softly to yourself as you swing your legs over the side of the bed, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion. “Oh god, we had a house... and a puppy... and a kitten.” you muttered to yourself while closing your eyes as you try to replay the scenes of the dream.
You get up and walked over to the window, looking out at the world outside. “It was perfect.” you sigh.
Almost simultaneously, Charles wakes up very sleepy from his dream, he had a dream quite similar to yours. He stretches as he smiles, trying to remember parts of the dream.
“That was... Different, but it felt so real.” he mutters to himself, He gets up and gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “There was someone... but who?” he thinks out loud.
He takes a sip and leans against the counter, lost in thought.
Back to you, you're pacing around your room, still trying to remember the dream.
“Why I can't remember? My god...” you say a little frustrated. Then you decide to grab a notebook and start jotting down everything you can still remember about the dream. “A cozy house... a dachshund puppy... a kitten... and him.” you say as you finish writing.
As the days went by you continued to dream about the boy and the pets you had together, each dream was different but the feeling was the same: there was that familiarity and closeness that you've rarely had with someone... You are now in your apartment with your best friend Sarah, you are having a girls' afternoon while catching up on everything that has happened in your lives.
“And then in this dream I was waking up next to him and god! He looked so angelic and peaceful I just...” you say and you sighed, covering your face with your hands. “Don't think I'm crazy, because I'm not.”
Sarah smiles gently. “I know you're not crazy or something like that darling... It means that maybe that is your soulmate and you are interlinked with him somehow.” She says as she removes your hands from your face.
“But the thing is... You know I've never had a boyfriend, and well, it's a little weird.” you say shyly.
“Y/n... That's not unusual, don't worry about rushing into that... Imagine that you meet this guy from the dream and that everything that occurs in the dream eventually happens in real life, wouldn't that be great?” she smiles.
You blushed. “I don't know, I just wish he was true.”
Suddenly Sarah sees a post about a charity gala at the prince's palace, in Monaco charity galas are very common and although you don't like being in the spotlight, you've always been fascinated by the idea of attending one of those galas.
Sarah shows you the post. “Look, there's a gala in a couple of weeks... And I know you've always wanted to attend one.” she smiled mischievously. “So... What do you think if you go and get the guy of your dreams there?” she says.
You giggled. “Oh... That's a good idea, but I don't know if I could find him there.” you say softly.
You and Sarah start going through your closet to find a dress worthy of a gala, waiting to see if the guy who makes you spend sleepless nights finally appears.
Finally the day of the gala arrives, you’re wearing a lovely dress but feel shy amidst the crowd. Whether you get the guy or not, you'll try to have a good time.
“Okay y/n, just breathe.” you say to yourself.
As you navigate through the crowd, Charles stands across the room, chatting with friends. He suddenly feels a pull toward you, when he looks up and sees you he can't believe it, you are the girl of his dreams, the girl who has been keeping him awake every night.
“Who's that? No way... she's here.” he says in a whisper while looking over towards you. “Excuse me, guys.” he says as he leaves his group of friends to start walking.
You catch his eye for a brief moment before looking away shyly. “Okay, just be yourself.” you whisper to yourself.
Charles makes his way through the crowd toward you, his heart racing with anticipation. “Hi there! I'm Charles.” he says while he smiles warmly at you, showing off his dimples.
The same dimples he had on your dream, the same cute little smile he gives to you in your dreams... It's real, he's real.
“H-hi! I'm... I'm y/n!” you say while stammering slightly.
“You look familiar... Have we met before? Because I can swear I've seen you somewhere else.” he says a little intrigued.
You blushed. “Ehm... No, I don't think so, but it's funny because I feel like I know you from somewhere else.” you say softly.
He giggled. “It's okay.” he smiles again. “You want to grab some drinks and have a chat?”
You nodded shyly. “Sure! I'd like that.”
As you walk together through the great hall, there’s an undeniable chemistry building between you two. You share stories about your lives, and he opens up about his passion for racing.
“And that’s why I love being on the track—every lap feels like a new adventure.” he says enthusiastically.
“That sounds exhilarating!” you say genuinely interested.
“What about you? What’s your adventure?” he asked playfully.
“I guess I’m still figuring it out… but I love animals.” you smiled softly.
“You know, I feel like we’ve known each other forever.” he says while looking deeply into your eyes.
“I feel that too.” you can feel your heart racing so fast. “The truth is that for a couple of nights now, I have had a very recurring dream... And someone similar to you appears.” you say shyly.
“Oh, really? Tell me all about it, let's see if it's similar to my dream.” he says softly.
You blushed, gaining confidence. “Well... It was about a pretty house in the countryside I guess... A little puppy and a little kitten appeared in it and, obviously, you...” you said the last thing softly.
He looks at you softly. “Oh, that sounds so interesting... I had a somewhat similar dream, I had cute puppy and kitten there, a nice house with a garden and, well... There was someone similar to you there, maybe it was you.” he says blushing a little bit.
You look at him shocked by his words, some time ago you had heard someone talk about soulmates and that there are some that are interlinked by dreams and such... What you didn't imagine is that you were going to get your soulmate, the guy you've been dreaming about for several nights, at a charity gala.
You looked at him, shocked. “You... You think our dreams were interlinked?” you say in a whisper.
He nodded while smiling. “I do think so, I mean, it's no coincidence that we had the same dream, right?” he asked you and you smiled. “I want to know what else was in your dream?”
You smiled. “Well, there was this house... It felt so safe and warm.” you say thoughtfully.
He leans closer to you. “What was it like?” he asked.
You smile nostalgically. “It had a big backyard with fruits and lots of flowers... and a swing set, we were so happy there!”
Charles watches your expression change as you talk about it.
“And, what about me? What do you remember?” he asked curiously.
You bite your lip. “Just that we were together... and it felt so right.”
There’s a moment of silence as you both absorb what you just said, the connection between you grows stronger.
“I think that our dreams are our hearts trying to tell us something.” Charles says softly.
You look into his eyes, feeling a rush of emotions. “Do you think… do you think we could make that dream a reality?” you whisper.
Charles shifts closer, his gaze intense. “Oh, believe me, I would love to make it happen with you.” he says earnestly.
Suddenly, Charles reaches out and gently takes your hand in his. The warmth of his touch sends shivers down your spine.
“Y/n... Can I kiss you? Please?” he whispered softly.
Your heart pounds in anticipation as you nod slowly. He leans in, capturing your lips with his in a soft yet electrifying kiss. It feels like magic—everything you've ever dreamed of coming to life in that single moment. As you pull away, breathless and smiling, the world around you seems brighter.
“Wow...” he whispered while grinning.
You blushed. “Wow indeed... Did you know that in my dreams we never got to kiss?” you giggled.
He smiled. “Let me guess, did the alarm wake you up too? Because it happened to me several times.” he giggled softly.
You shake your head. “Worse... I woke up all excited and flustered, but it was worth it, I think... That kiss was much better than I could have imagined.”
He giggled. “Oh, I know baby.” he kissed the back of your hand. “It was perfect, it felt like we were waiting a long time for it.”
With laughter and warmth enveloping you both, it feels like this is just the beginning of a beautiful adventure together—one that echoes the dreams you've both shared and those yet to come.
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Another Danny is a Jason look alike thing because it's in my head.
WARNING: mild destruction of vivisection ig
Jason after being told about both Dick's and Tim's interaction with his look alike felt weird. Like both his brothers, 2 bats believed this dude was him for a hot minute. He had to meet this guy at some point.
Jason's thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling shriek and the power in Crime Alley and at least a 800 foot (12 blocks) perimeter. This wail made the pit within him bubble and scratch with rage. Yeah, he had to go check this out and so did the rest of the bats. Great, a family adventure.
They pinned down the location to an old apartment build recently bought up by a mystery company surrounded by guards with unfamiliar weapons. Whatever those weapons were they hurt like a motherfucker, one of those guns, Lazer? Whatever it was it 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩, it felt like it was pulling something out of him or ripped from him. Whatever the hell those weapons were they didn't seem to affect Tim (lucky motherfucker) but they also found out if the Lazer wasn't focused on them the pain went away almost immediately though it did make them stagger a bit. Good thing there are plenty of them tonight. Though Jason would never say that out loud.
They managed to make it through their security rather quickly. Just as they got through another scream rang through the walls shaking the foundation as well as making the pit in Jason act up. Without warning or a plan Jason sprinted in shooting anyone in the way with rubber bullets, the pit was guiding him. Guiding him to what looked like a shittily put together surgical room. Another scream came through as well as sobbing.
Jason didn't wait for the other bats and opened the door to a horrific scene. Jason shot before he even realized he did. On the table was a girl who looked a little older than Damian, she was sobbing still somehow conscious.
The girl was strapped down to a medical surgical table with her chest cavity cut open and a few technically none vital organs removed and placed on a medical cart. A few of her fingers, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and one of her eyes were all placed on the cart. All of it bleeding an awful mixture of red and green. There were 2 IVs pumping through her, one green and glowing (Lazarus water?) The other, a dark black labeled as some kind of poison. He removed the black one causing the girl to whimper as her unfocused eye looked at him. The girl struggled but there was where to go. She sobbed desperately. Her voice horse and small
"It hurts- p l e a s e it hurts"
Jason tried to speak but couldn't muster the words. Right he must be terrifying and he needed to put this girl together again meaning he needed to take off his helmet to get it done right. Jason took off his helmet and began to put the child together again. He put her organs back into her body as well as reattaching them with some stitches.
The other bats would finally enter the room when he finished up his little impromptu anatomy lesson. They stood there for a second unsure as to what to do. Robin looked the most upset at this scene as RR went to the wall. The restraints on the kid was electronic meaning that one of these controls had to undo it. Nothing was labeled because of course it was never that easy. Nightwing would over and try to speak to the kid though she didn't really respond. The child's head lolled to the side and faced Jason.
"Danny?" The child rasped in her small voice as she tried to focus her one eye at Jason. Just as she said the name RR managed to find the button that would restrain her. The child shot up immediately suddenly staring at Jason with a deep toxic green eye as she grabbed onto him she looked at him with an scared and hurt eye. As well as popping a few of the stitches Jason had just done from the fast movement.
"...Danny you lied. Not safe.."
The child clung to him as someone else entered the party in the surgical room. Someone glowing green and chilling the room. Someone who looked Just like Jason, someone using the same but different pit energy, a protective energy rather than a rage filled one. They both just stared at each other.
They probably would have done something to each other but not of the bats could move. Whatever this guy was he was powerful and walking towards Jason. Jason couldn't move either as this man who looked exactly like him bug some how more regal and wearing a crown took the girl from him who had started to melt in his arms.
A glowing green portal appeared next to the man who glowed a similar green. He began to walk through then stopped. The man snapped his fingers having a card appear in front of Jason with some sort of summoning circle on it. As the man spoke the room boomed.
"Thank you for saving my Daughter. Summon if you need assistance from the dead."
He then stepped through the portal with the melting girl and had it close behind them allowing all of the bats and birds to breathe again. Batman spoke this time as Jason looked over the card that he was now getting a little of the green and red blood on.
"We will need to meet with Zatanna for this."
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tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 4 months
Glasses | Spencer Reid x reader
Summary: Spencer shows up in new glasses and it awakens some new feelings for your fellow BAU agent. 
A/N: I wrote this a month ago procrastinating studying for my exam 4 on Tuesday after I saw this GIF and finally finished it tonight. so here it is - hope you enjoy! this is NOT proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.  
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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**Aye Warning: this is PG 13 - little raunchy at the end * 
You and your fellow agents sat around the round table in the conference room. A new case had come to light, JJ gathering you all before you even had time to sit down at your desk. Fresh coffee sat in front of you and just the smell brought comfort. You glanced around the table, missing one of your agents. Spencer. Usually he beat you to work every morning, reprimanding and teasing you about it. 
“If you’d drink the coffee here instead of stopping every morning on your way to work, you’d actually be on time and beat me here.” Spencer teases following you through the glass double doors. He was in his usual work attire - slacks and a button up. His hair a curly mess. His messenger bag hung over his shoulder. 
You turned around to face him, walking backwards a few steps and made a face, mocking him, “I’m not drinking that tap water you all call coffee.” You saluted your coffee cup toward him, “I will always be late for a nice, fresh cup of coffee.” 
“Where’s Spencer?” You asked, sipping on your coffee and flipping open the case file JJ tossed in front of you. 
She took a moment to glance around the room, perplexed Spencer wasn’t here yet. “I actually don’t know.” She peeked out the window overlooking the rest of the office, “Usually he beats you here.”
JJ went on with the meeting, turning on the TV screen to show pictures of the crime scene and now the next missing and possible victim. 
“Sorry I’m late-” Spencer says, out of breath as he enters the room in a rush. “I had an appointment and it ran later than expected -” He tosses his bag on the ground with a thud, sitting down and oblivious to the surprised looks from his fellow agents. 
Glasses. Spencer was wearing glasses. Your jaw dropped at this new sight, the pen you were chewing on, hanging against your lips. You wouldn’t disagree, Spencer Reid was a very attractive man. I mean you’d admitted that multiple times, but he was also your coworker. A relationship with a coworker could create a rocky atmosphere for the BAU.
He always been an eye candy to look at, however, this new look tossed you over the edge, changing something inside you. You needed him. His touch, his lips against yours. You were overwhelmed with such affection and adoration. Where was this coming from? Immediately your mind went dirty, your face flushed with embarrassment at having those thoughts, scared someone else could hear them. 
Spencer met your eyes from across the table, a new twinkle in his eye, “What did I miss?” He’d noticed the effect he had on you, he could read you like a book. 
You couldn’t even look him the eye. God what was this man doing to you. A wave of warmth was felt through your body; spreading to your core as new fantasies come to light. A dark mahogany desk... Spencer in a button up, loosening the tie around his neck. Oh god. You sat up quickly as if you were just touched by a hot poker and composed yourself, “JJ was just telling us about the last victims who were found-” Your eyes pleadingly glanced at JJ and the screen behind her. 
“Right anyways-” 
Everyone had settled into their seats on the jet and you stood, slipping behind the curtain to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. When you stood back up, you were met with Spencer’s chest, “Shit--Spencer.” 
“Did I scare you?” He smiles in triumph, “You’re so jumpy.” He tilted his head as he observed the change in you. 
You stepped out of the way as Spencer reached for mini fridge, fumbling for an excuse. “Watched a scary movie last night.” 
He hums in response turning to face you, the small countertop digging into your back as you tried to put enough space between you and Spencer. “Which movie?” He glances back over his shoulder, checking the curtain is closed. 
You glanced around him as well, wondering what he was looking for, but finally meeting his eyes, “oh you know.. I think it was scream?” 
He closes the space between the two of you, slipping his hands behind you and  placing them firmly on the countertop behind you. 
“Spencer!” A quiet gasp escaped your lips as his body pressed against yours. 
“Shhh...” He places his index against your lips as he leans in close, the smell of his aftershave and minty breath hitting you in a wave. His breath is hot against your neck as his lips dance along your neck. 
Your entire body submits to his touch. oh god. 
“Wouldn’t want them to know what we’ve been up to these last couple months, now would we?” 
Comments, likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! x 
This tag list is an old one. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1 , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant)  , @bluerose512 , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafe , @abbiesthings , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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shuenkio · 2 months
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 | S.Jy 💨
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Paring: Idol!Jake x idol!male reader | Genre: Soft smau.
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Synopsis: You were so careless to the point you're stuck in a bathroom with Jake.
Cw: Cursing, whimpers, masturbate, mentioned of cum.
Non proof read 100% | wc: 1.7K
Eng is not my 1st language.
CRD to the owner of the pic and dividers. [Sadika]
A/N: I wrote this while my head is spinning. So there'd be a lot of grammar wrong, awkward part and explanation please bare with meh :<
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Having finished your day earlier than the other members was the best blessing you've ever wished for. You will be able to do anything you want at the dorm. After you are done with your shooting scene for the MV, you immediately head home without any worries.
You entered the dorm room, and silence enveloped you. The usual campus noise faded away, leaving a space untouched by sound. Each step you took was absorbed by the quiet, amplifying the room's stillness. Dragging your feet to your own personal room after those roommate bunk bed days was quite a relief since you've now been able to have your own space and some privacy.
Settled down with all your stuff, you had the urge to wash up before anyone came back later. Once you were freshened up from the shower with the towel wrapped around your hair, you decided to wait for the members, which included Jake, Jungwon, and Sunoo, to have dinner together.
You take out your phone as usual to look up the fancams for the music show yesterday since it's one of your hobbies. Then you stumbled upon Jake's fancams that the fandom had gone crazy for these past few days, and they've actually gone viral on TikTok so suddenly.
As a result, you click on one of his fancams that has the most insane views. You keep watching and watching, zooming in and out, unable to catch anything special, but one thing you've noticed is that it's probably his manly, craziest, veiny hand that makes social media almost die.
"Oh, so everyone has gone crazy for these? Damn, mine can't even half of him... But he kind of looks sexy, i guess." You murmur to yourself, looking at your slimy, skinny wrist, before you zoom in accidentally on the middle part of his, where the dance move was, he's thrusting.
Nevertheless, oblivious to you, someone else had been watching you the entire time from behind your back at the back of the couch you were sitting on. The moment was such a coincidence that he caught your red hand watching his sexy and hot fancam, and he might get the wrong idea of you.
"Did you say I'm sexy~ m/n?" Jake laid down lower as his hot breath whispered, brushing against your earlobe with such a tone. Who knew Jake had been there, watching you in silence, amusing you with your secret hobby? In return, you jumped before falling from the couch by the sudden appearance of him.
"What—the—... ouch, Jake Hyung?" Rubbing the sensation on your hip slowy from the sudden fall, as you look up to see it was Jake who did it.
"Yep, mate, it's me. Who else? Care to explain it to me?" Jake chuckled at your shocked reaction, and your jaw dropped open. The fact that he knows you've just realized what he meant by that makes the tension even worse.
"I can explain. Hear me out first, Hyung!"
"Okay, okay, but I won't believe it if you say you didn't like mine."  It was so embarrassed and such a shame that Jake caught you in such a bad moment like this, and if there's anyone else beside him, the scene would be twisted into another story, but gladly nobody else, it's just Jake and you in the dorm while the other two, Jungwon and Sunoo, were stopped by the ice cream store for the late-night snacks.
You explain with your heart racing, stumbling almost every word to make it a sentence, which makes Jake even more amused by your kind of behavior like this, and he likes it.
However, once you finish, you thought you'd already escaped by told Jake that he couldn't tell anyone else that it's just between you and him, even if it was just a coincidence and bad timing, but you fear his mouth would slip, and boom, the members would tease you to death, especially the one and only Maknae.
But in order to keep his mouth shut like a zipper, Jake has to make a condition, and in return, he wants something back from you. Hearing those deals, you didn't care about the favor he wished for; all you needed right now was to make it as clear as the night sky in the summer. So finally, you accept without any hesitation, even if Jake says you haven't even heard of him yet, but you urge him to make it happen, no matter what.
"You still want to do it, boy? I don't even open my mouth yet,  mate."
"I'm doing anything; I don't care. Just say the magic words, Hyung. Just say it, and I'll do it right away." Hearing the enthusiasm in your voice and the urge to willingly do anything got the best of him as his gaze slowly turned into something you couldn't imagine, from a shy expression to the dark side of him.
"Since you are eager to do it, take a bath with me then."
"I beg your pardon." Are you hearing that right? Bathe with what and who? What in the world gave him the idea of showering together? And imagine the butt naked body of his, and you wouldn't think that would be so damn awkward as hell.
"Come on, don't make me wait long; just shower again; you're sweating, boy!!" He said as he moved to the bathroom without faze. His voice was alluring through the hallway before you even noticed that you were indeed sweating. You wanted to decline, but you set it up by yourself, willing to do anything. Now you have stumbled into your own trap. Left with no choice, you make your way into the bathroom room too, with an unexplained expression mixed with anxiety and excitement.
Closing the door behind you before you take the sight In front of you, Jake was already naked while he was taking off his undies. A heavy, deep sigh left your chest and covered your messy, flushing face with your tiny fingers. Now you're stuck in a situation you can't turn back. Seeing you cover your face, Jake couldn't help but ask.
"Why did you cover your face? Don't be shy; we're men, right?" Jake then walks to the spot where you were standing before taking your hand to the bathtub as he takes off your clothes for you. But you stop him when he's about to remove your undies—
"Hyung,  let me ask something first? "I know you don't like showering with anyone, not even Jay Hyung, but why me?" You state that, making him freeze for a while. It's actually caught him off guard when you did know him quite well.
"Well, tbh, seeing you take a shower with another member piss me off a little," Jake responded with his arms folding around his chest, slightly showing his jealous side.
"Wait—that's mean you know I've shower with Sunoo Hyung? No way, I thought you were already  asleep."
"Well, not anymore and forget it; just shower with me; it's my turn to have you." I couldn't wait any longer. In a swift motion, your clothes were thrown away by him across the floor as he took you to bathe with him in one bath tub, and yes, it's not too wide to move.
"Um, alright, possessive, lol." You reply back in a dry tone, yet deep down, you just want to scream and yell out of your thoughts at the sight in front of your eyes right now. It's super distracted, but it's such a view to not look at. His dickey was not great with the length, but it's definitely fat in the girth. Everyone is uncut, and so was he.
It was not too big or too small, but the urge you had to grab it and feel it was crazy. Seeing your eyes glancing on his lower middle leg up and down like that, Jake's smirking before licking his plump dry lip as he mutters out.
"Enjoy the view? Or you want to feel it?" Another red-handed moment. You were speechless when he caught you in the scenes again, but this time, you can't explain.
"I never knew you were this freaky Jake, Hyung."
"I still have a man body at the end of the day, and actually, we humans feel the emotion so called 'horny', isn't that right?" Jake placed his back as he lay against the wall before closing his eye. He enjoyed the warm bath, and his dickens were slightly hard and visible on the surface. Oh my, it's twitching.
"Lord, have mercy" look away, embarrassed by the unashamedly carefree side of Jake. How can he, oh, well, you just realized he's from Australia? Later on, you feel the water is splashing nonstop before you take a peek at Jake and see him... masterbation. This is the death of you.
"Jake hyung, I'm still in the bathtub. Aishh," you said, swallowing hard while looking over to see. He wrapped his palm around his shalf and stroking them, and eh, the foreskin moving up and down gave you the same aroused heat in your dick too.
"Sorry, ma'boy, but NGh, it's too late to stop it. It's feel good. I feel horny." He said in the middle of his breath, gasping for air from the heart racing jerk off. As he continues faster, you can't help but take a full view of his masterbation; the grip on his dick was so full, so tight, and so hot. The idol Jake that everyone knows, at the end of the day, he's human in any way.
Jerking off is normally something that happens, isn't it? The water started to get hot from the intense moment between you and him, especially the one who enjoys himself. The hot view soon later got the best of you before your dick also got hard, begging for a touch too, but you didn't.
You love to edge yourself and continue to watch your hyung jerk off happily.
"Motherfucking shit too hot, I'm coming—m~n" Spare no more times, Jake's balls were clenching in unison as a wave of white stuff exploded out of his dick, along with the grunting noise out of his mouth, from the pleasure.
"That was guuuood m~n...fuck... I can't move my hand m~n can you please help me clean? Woah" After all of those sessions of masterbation, he collapsed on the spot from exhaustion. The cum stained that was splashed on your fingers is still hot, and the leaking of his dick continued to drip from the big load earlier.
"Very... Freaky Jake Hyung very" And little did you know, you were pre-cum by the scenes too. 
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🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
Open request for Jay ff !!
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ssivinee · 1 year
✧Magic Spell✧
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BEBE! Bada Lee x Jam Republic! F Reader: Jam Republic was probably the most anticipated group of this season of street woman fighters. With the season going international, you find yourself being a part of the talented group. While battling, you catch someone else's attention, the famous Bada Lee.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warning: The events aren't accurate to the actual show and were tweaked to fit the storyline.
Note: The reader is Korean, Tongan (Tonga), and Cuban. It's a little fast-paced.
Character Vision Board
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All the groups were seated in their respective recording areas, and in front of them was a TV, where all the crews were about to be introduced.
When every crew watched, everyone felt the exciting atmosphere really come to life. The vibes heightened once more as Jam Republic was introduced.
Jam Republic decided to send a team that would represent other women worldwide. Choosing the members Kristen Dodgen, Ling Zhang, Latrice Kabamba, Y/n Ramos, Emma Huch, and Audrey Lane.
Everyone checked out the information of each member, but everyone couldn't help but stare at Y/n's long list of achievements. You began as an underground dancer and competed in several competitions, winning about 95% of them, before entering the world of choreography.
Through several YouTube videos, you became well-known for your b-girling, house dance, and bone-breaking specialty. When continuing down the list, it showed the several artists you've worked with. Big names like Usher, Beyonce, Normani, Bruno Mars, and Ne-yo were just a few of those names.
You were the third youngest on the team, yet your triumphs showed your thorough background in the dance scene. At 23, you were known worldwide for your work and skills, even being popular amongst the general public.
They began to show some of your videos, and some dancers couldn't help but be in awe of you.
So when the day finally came, and everyone had to film together, the crews went in anticipating the impressive performances they'd get to see.
You and the girls entered the building with a bright energy and all smiles. "This is so exciting," Audrey squeals, and you pinch her cheek due to her adorableness. You made your way up the stairs. Linked arms with the youngest, with a similar vibe in your outfit choices.
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The group makes their way to the hot pink room and waits for their call. As you wait, you check your outfit, rotating your body often and posing.
"You look amazing. Stop worrying so much," Latrice says as she pats your hip. "Dude, I'm just so pumped right now," You tell them with much adrenaline pumping through your veins as you jump every so often.
"Is anyone excited to meet a dancer?" Emma asks, chilling comfortably on the couch. Audrey says, "Definitely wanna see Tsubakill."
"Bebe is fire, though," Kristen tells the girls, and you nod.
"They have a youthful energy you wanna bounce to," you state, fond of the team full of younger dancers. When you sat with the rest of your girls, watching through every team's choreography, Bebe was the one that caught your attention. The filming of their crew preview video, the outfits, and the high teen energy sparked something in you. They looked like they enjoyed the dance and had terrific chemistry, which made you happy. You almost couldn't stop grinning as you watched them.
Before you can even continue the conversation, all of you get startled by the loud bass of the TV, signaling them to enter the fight zone. They began to walk out, and as Kristen led them through the corridor, they stopped at the entrance and looked amazed at the setup.
Making it down the stairs, everyone's eyes were on Jam Republic, and you couldn't help but roam your eyes around. You didn't make it that far because you couldn't look away as soon as you locked eyes with Bada Lee.
You give her a kind grin, and she gladly returns one.
Walking past some of the crews, you heard many whispers.
"Wha~ Kristen is really here."
"Their vibes are totally unmatched."
"Jam being here is actually crazy."
Everyone's eyes then linger on you and Audrey. Your pretty faces shocked many of them. Bada can only look at the two in astonishment, "Audrey and Y/n are so pretty."
Other comments like you two looking like princesses or angels could be heard through each crew's murmurs. Yet none of the Jam Republic girls were fazed.
You then watched the video that provided unwanted comments as you stood at the center. Most of the words targeted Kristen, but they sure left you and Audrey with a bitter taste in your mouths.
"Audrey is a baby. She can just sit there, look pretty, and do nothing."
"Many people praise Y/n's skills, but I believe most people watch her just to see her pretty face."
"I wanna say I'm proud that Y/n is famous as she's half Korean, but I feel we've been let down by her. She's lost her touch after a while."
Your eyebrows raise at the comment, and you can't help but sneer.
"Lost your touch?" Ling questions as the same confusion lingers in the mind of your entire crew. You chuckle a bit as you begin to see the no-respect stickers.
Kristen had two, while you and Audrey were evenly split with five. Audrey, who stood beside you, raised her two thumbs in happiness, and you gave her a high five. You understood what she was feeling right now. You two had mandatory battles to show your abilities.
"I don't really get it. You're one of the greatest battlers out there, and they decide to comment those things?" Emma whispers to you, but you smile, "I guess I'm just gonna have to prove them otherwise."
As you stay seated, paying attention to the announced judges and host, Audrey nudges you slightly, 'We're gonna kill it out there."
"You're damn right we are."
As you listened, your eyes traveled to your left, and you saw Bada, who was paying close attention. The younger girls on her team seemingly notice and whisper to her, causing Bada to look back at you with seduction.
You weren't one to back down either, so you focused on her, inviting the flirtatious look as you unconsciously bit your lower lip, unaware of how sensual it looks on Bada's end. Bada looks at you up and down, pleased by your reaction with a sly grin on her face, and returns to paying attention to Kang Daniel as he speaks.
"And now, what the hell was that?" Emma asks you playfully, and the girls can't help but turn their attention to you. "What? She's hot," you shrug, and they can't help but just laugh at you.
"Wait, who?" Kirsten asks, a little confused, and Emma just says, "Bada."
"I can't blame you, though," Emma comments, and you giggle, knowing how much of an effect Bada seemingly has on many of the women in the studio.
"Well, if you are done silently flirting, please pay attention," Latrice gives you a joking glare as you give her a mini salute.
Before battles commenced, everyone was told to get changed and be ready in 10 minutes.
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You tell the girls to head out because you need to reply to someone's message, but suddenly, you hear a knock on your door.
"Come in," You say and see Bada's face peaking through the door. She smiles at you, "Am I interrupting you?"
"Oh, of course not. Please, come in and sit." You pat the seat right next to you, slightly adjusting your hat as you do so. You two sit down, and Bada introduces herself properly, "I'm Bada Lee of Bebe. I'm actually a fan of yours."
"That's so sweet. Well, Miss Bada, I'm Y/n Ramos," You shook each other's hands, "So, biggest and trendiest choreographer right now, huh?"
"I can say the same thing about you."
"I'm not too sure about that. Everyone on my TikTok was dancing to Rover, while I haven't seen many do my dances," you joke.
"It's because your choreos are advanced. I work in a world where the dance has to be a trend, so it appeals to the Kpop audience."
"I've noticed that in Kpop too. It's admirable, you know? Being able to have so many fans dance something you made."
You two loved the conversation's comfort, even teasing each other about wearing hats, but the moment was cut short as the staff began calling everyone back onto the set.
"Let's continue later?" Bada asks, and you nod as you approach the fight zone together. Both of your respective groups were teasing you two as soon as you took a seat.
As they began rolling the cameras, we headed straight into battles.
Redy of 1Million was called up first, and as she picks, she walks around, teasing to pick someone from Deep N Dap, but makes a fast 180 turn and chooses Bada instead.
"Redy, do you have anything to say to Bada?"
"I just don't respect you," She tells the taller girl right to the point.
"Not Redy, Soobin-ah, you're still an 8th grader to me," you gasp at the roast, and a light chuckle comes out. Ling looks at you confused and asks what happened and when you tell her the exact translation she audibly gasps, "That's gotta burn man."
"After hearing that back story, I'd be pissed at Bada too," you say, making her laugh. Redy began first, and while you watched, you felt it was a bit messy and failed to captivate you.
When it was Bada's turn, you watched her intensely. She grooved and taunted the younger girl, making her dance entertaining. You found yourself making a face of surprise, not expecting Bada to be so confident in battle as she was known to be an avid choreographer.
Nearing the end, you two make quick eye contact, and with a smirk, Bada takes a paper in her mouth and blows it in Redy's face. "That made her ten times hotter," you groaned, amazed, and Emma chuckles after hearing your statement, smacking your leg due to you being silly again.
You sat there, watching some of your teammates go up several times before you, making you itch to dance.
Audrey was the first in your crew to be called, even being chosen by two dancers immediately. You were never worried about your youngest, though. She had one of the most unique styles of dance in your eyes. Every move she made, you cheered or had faces of disgust, enjoying every move of Audrey's freestyle.
Then, you were on an emotional roller coaster on Kirsten's several turns. During these moments, you came to see who, from each crew, would be a formidable opponent to your team.
Emma then went on stage, and it was the loudest you cheered. Due to the similar specialties you and Emma had, you unconsciously hype her dance up with the same amount of energy. Bada watches you, adoring the faces you make each time your team is up.
She noticed everything about you: the side tilts your head did when Monika showed two team cards instead of one, the little tap your feet made when you got nervous about the winner of specific battles, your large jumps when you got hyped over a move. She was expecting you to be one of the calmer ones on your team, but after some thinking, it was probably because you were on the younger side of your team.
Bada knew well that when younger dancers worked in a team with older ones, their inner child came out much more often. You clearly had close relations with each of your members, appreciating everything about them, even when they lost.
Soon, it was the turn of Deep N Dap's Minny Park to choose her no-respect dancer.
"I choose Jam Republic's Y/n," You jumped off your seat, feeling more energized than ever. "Minny-nim, why did you pick Y/n as a no-respect dancer?"
"She's rusty, and I'm gonna prove that."
Many people enjoyed the laugh, and you responded, "Don't worry, I oiled up for the show." People go crazy at your clapback, and as you give Kristen your mic, the music begins for Minny.
"Let's go Minny!"
"Show her how it's done!"
The encouragement of her team gave Minny an impressive start. She starts by posing to the song's beats and looks at you with eyes of determination.
You watched very closely, staying calm and composed. That was the version of you that Bada expected. Seeing your new sides made her want to know you even more.
Minny was good, you'll give her that. She had a sassiness to her that carried the energy of her moves. She even added provoking dance moves which had you nodding your head occasionally. However, no matter how much credit you give her, you would provide her with a fight, and it would be a beat down.
"3! 2! 1! Switch!"
The music began to change, and you heard "Beggin'" by Madcon, which excited you. You said, "Perfect," telling yourself that you'd win with this song, no problem.
"Oh, she's gonna eat this song up," Latrice tells the crew, having pure faith in her best friend.
"Come on, Y/n!"
"Show them how battling is done, girl."
You start with grooving in the beginning, and as soon as you hear the first, 'I'm beggin' ~,' you give a pout as you kneel with praying arms to Minny. As the beat builds up, you smirk and hit a one-armed handstand freeze, then remove your arm quickly to do a small headspin.
You tutted, with some bone-breaking, and led into getting more in Minny's personal space. You see Bada's from your peripheral, whose jaw literally means dropped. You smirk and decide to give her more of a show.
Your hips rotated, and you swayed your ass to show more variety. As you drop to the floor dramatically on your knees, you grind your hips forward before going into a 1990 to Windmill. As the music subdues, you just end with a slight spin.
Everyone was already wild as it was, but they all gave you a standing ovation. Your face goes into a pout as it warms your heart.
"Judges, please reveal your votes," Kang Daniel signals, and you sigh in relief to see the 3 pink cards. Your team jumps and cheers excitedly for you as you bow at the 3 judges.
All the judges still stare at you in shock, and only Monika finds the words.
"I'm here to be as truthful as possible, and I can proudly say with my chest that battle was the most entertaining thing I've seen in a while. Minny, you are terrific, and if you picked anyone else in this room, you had a higher chance of winning. But Y/n is just on another planet."
Monika gets a bit passionate and decides to stand up, "As professional dancers, we know how difficult freestyling is. It's a completely different mind game than choreographing. Y/n tutted, b-boyed, did bone-breaking AND theatrics? If I could give you an award right now, I would." You bowed with your hand over your heart at the high praise and returned to your team.
Before returning, your eyes meet Bada's, whose face is still the same. You find it amusing, letting out a laugh with a wink, causing Bada to get all flustered.
After a few more battles, you were all given a 30-minute break, so after a bathroom break, you took advantage of the time and went to the lobby of the building, taking in the silence as you rested on the blue velvet chair.
You sip on your ice-cold water and observe your surroundings until you see the tall woman coming down the stairs, giving her a small wave.
"What're you doing down here?" She questions, taking a seat in the velvet chair right beside you. "I needed to get away from the noisiness. Besides, it's nice and cold down here."
"I can agree with that."
"I honestly need to know how you move like that when you dance."
You giggle at the older's comment, "A lot of training and stamina. I wasn't even that flexible back in the day. I stretched daily to get my body to where it's at now."
She only nods, appreciating the fact you shared your efforts with her to become a better dancer.
You two let the silence engulf you until Bada decides to get daring. "You were so hot out there."
Your eyebrow raises, and you smirk. "I'm hot? I could say the same about you, Miss Bada. Whenever I make eye contact with you, I can never look away until you do. It's like you've cast a spell on me," You lean closer to Bada.
She does the same, her eyes traveling to your lips and eyes, "Me? Spell? Maybe you did that to me?" Bada leans in closer, the tension between the two of you rising quickly, and now the two of you feel your breaths hitting your lips. "I don't think you understand what you do to me. You have my hands clammy, face heated, heart racing? I wanna know how you're doing this to me."
Staring at each other, you had an idea and gave Bada a little peck before running away into one of the empty rooms, giggling as you heard Bada gasp and chase after you.
As you got into the room, you tried to shut the door, but Bada beat you to it and was able to stick her foot in, causing the door to open. She comes in and closes the door softly behind her, and smirks, walking over to you.
"You're actually gonna be the death of me," Bada tells you, hooking her fingers around the waistband of your pants and pulling you into her. Leaning down, she pulls you into another much longer and loving kiss. Pulling away, her forehead still stays connected to yours.
"How about I take you out later tonight, Miss Ramos?"
You kiss her on the cheek with a cute smile, "I'd love that, Miss Lee."
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
Wild Cats (Part XII)
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XII. Hardhome
Summary: A ray of hope after weeks of… darkness
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, cannibalism, they eat dogs :(, might miss some warnings but you know what this is about, right?
Notes: Sorry for the rambles, In this chapter i break the remaining ice and the doubts of reader, she had been getting too much into her own head… you know? weeks on the road not knowing what they were gonna find, going hungry and walking all day, one tends to get in their own heads… anyways… things finally get to a halt here…
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You were near Noah’s place.
According to him, it was a safe community, with gates and all, and if we played our cards nicely, we could all stay there, he was over excited and Beth was too, and you had a sinking feeling on your stomach you couldn’t quite identify, you didn’t know if it was because you were nervous about going into someone else’s community, or for imminent danger.
You had found two cars, both runned down and in the brink of exploding, one of then was an old chevy SUV, and the other was an even older van
Only the SUV was working, Abraham insisted he could fix the Van, and as he, Rosita and Eugene did, Rick went forwards and formed a group, which was going to be the advanced group. Those were Rick, Michonne, Tyresse, Glenn, Beth, and Noah. And they left, starting driving north, you were shy of 200 miles from reaching Noah’s community
You stayed back with the rest
As the mechanical team tried to fix the van, you set guards with Daryk and the others
Carol and him went first, and you stayed back with Tara.
Maggie stayed inside the warehouse with Carl and Judith. 
You took turns to mount guard, and now, it was your turn to go inside with the rest, the sun had already set, and it was pitch dark already outside, a cold lingering in the environment. The Warehouse was nice, very modern, it had a hard cement floor and a floor and a half of height, no rooms but a small office. You had lit a fire inside of a cut out oil drum, and all of the giruo gathered around it.
Maggie walked towards you, with baby Judith in her arms.
You didn’t want to sound dramatic or even paranoid, but they were all looking at you, seemingly watching your reaction, as they had been talking about you
They had been, but you didn’t know that, they had been talking about how you had become distant, and they wanted to change that.
“Here, hold her for sec”, said Maggie, handing you Judith over
“Oh no…”, you tried to deny her, but it was useless, you took the baby girl into your arms, as you looked at you with her big eyes. You were not a monster, and, she was so sweet. 
The only babies you had ever held were your nephews and nieces, all of them far away from now. Rick had neve asked you to hold his daughter, and you believed that it was because he didn’t trust you with her.
But this… you looked at Maggie as she gave you  reassuring smile, and you smiled back at her
She trusted you, so did Rick, so did Daryl…
You accommodate her more into your hip as she seemed contented as she smiled at you, she was so small, a year and a half maybe, but she was a sweet baby
“She likes you”, said Carl with a soft smile, nodding at you, you smiled back
It felt nice, to hold a baby in your arms, like you said, it's been a while, and her very existence was the irrefutable proof that the world might be healing… that there was a chance for human kind.
You started rocking her, cooing at her, making funny faces until you got a couple of giggles out of her. 
“Who is the sweetest girl in all the land?”, you asked teasingly. She reminded you so much of the babies in your family you felt your chest tightening. But at the same time, it felt kind of comforting. “You?”, you teased, tickling her with one of your hands, she giggled even louder, “is that you?”
Daryl entered the room at this point, the scene made hims top on his tracks, looking at you wide-eyed
“Look who’s there, uncle Daryl”, you teased, turning around
Oh this was doing things to him
But he smiled softly, as he was watching you finally clicking inside of the group, as the past few weeks you had been drifting a bit
“She tends to do that,”, Maggie whispered in his ear making him jump on his spot, “cheering people up”, she said, referring to baby Judith.
How could you ever think about leaving the group? Daryl had said it, and you now were believing it.
You were aprt of the family
And together, with this strange group of different people
You could do anything
You were going to face DC and whatever lies within
You were going to make it, you were going to face whatever it came, and someday, hopefully soon, you were going to find a home in which you could settle, maybe lay on some roots, and grow.
You didn’t return Judith to Maggie, that night, she curled up against you, you cuddled her against your chest and she slept in your arms until you placed her in a wooden box you found in the office, of course made comfortable by a bunch of blankets the team carried with them
Only after you had made sure she was fast asleep, you dared to found a comfortable spot and remove your boots
Your dirty socks were now bloodied, and take them out had ripped off the thin layer of a new scab that was forming, making the small wounds on your feet to bleed again
“Here, I found this”, muttered Rosita, giving you a small first aid kits
“No, what if someone needs them?”, you asked her
“You need them, those could get infected, and that will be an issue”, she said, you nodded, “need some help?”
“I think I’m fine”, you said, you had to bite your own lip not to scream at the sharp pain, when you cleaned them with alcohol, you felt a bit cowardly, but those motherfuckers stung!, but you managed to patch yourself up pretty decently
“Ya’ alright?”, asked Daryl, sitting by your side
“Yeah”, you muttered, with a soft smile, “just a couple of blisters exploded inside my thick boots”, you said crudely, you had to let the wounds “breathe”, so they were going to heal better and faster, tomorrow you’ll apply some more alcohol and that…
“Wanna sleep a bit?”, you asked him
“Ya’ go to sleep”, he said a bit defensively 
“Fine”, you said with a smile, you watched around, Carl was asleep with Judith in the office, Abraham and Rosita had taken the van, you tried to ignore the wobble of the whole thing.
Maggie was on watch duty too, with Tara
You went to sleep that night, in turns, with a smile on your face, feeling safe, like they have your back, because they did.
You had to keep that hope up, no matter how you were hurt. 
No matter also that the very next day Rick hit you up in the walkie talkie, as you just went into the rute with the freshly fixed Van
“It’s gone”, he said over the radio, and everybody could listen it, “all of it, it’s gone”
There was a silence on the vehicle, you could actually hear dreams breaking, hope being destroyed, and you could only think about Noah, as you cradled Judith, although you were not specially excited about becoming her primary caretaker right now…
But anyways
It was something that had been on your mind, Noah’s community being runned, but it was a reality now.
“What are we gonna do?”, you asked, Carol looked back at you
“We meet at the “rendezvous” point”, she said firmly, “we go from there”
“What the hell does that mean?”, asked Daryl
“it’s french, it means meeting”, you said softly, he frowned at you
“Ya’ speak french?”
“I just know the more popular words”, you answered with a soft smile
You felt a lump in your throat, the reality hitting you in waves, the fact that you didn’t have a safe place to be yet, and you were on the wind… once again.
And the worst piled up, as you received new that the team’s SUV didn’t work anymore and they were on foot, as it was magic, your own van dropped shortly after, leaving you roughly a hundred miles separated from your friends.
What a shitty situation
But you were not going to let go of your new found hope so easily, if everything was happening, is because you were certain there was something betterfor you all, you had to believe it.
So you were on your feet again, walking and then walking some more.
You walked in the rearguard, hand in your holdster and the other in your ax, you had come across some fuckers, but nothing you couldn’t handle
Eugene and Maggie with the kids were walking in the middle of the group, flanked by Rosita and Abraham, Tara and Sasha were walking behind, Carol was leading the group, followed closely by Gabriel, 
It’s like everybody took their spots naturally at this point
Daryl always disappeared in the flanks, appearing after a couple of hours with a fresh hunt
And when he was near you, he was walking by your side. You looked at him and smiled softly, you enjoyed his company, always a soft and comfortable silence as you were
“Tell me something I don’t know”, you invited him, he looked at you and raised one of his eyebrows in question
“wha’?”, he asked
“Tell me something about you”, you said, “did you have a family?”
“I had a brother”, he said shortly, “i lost him a year back”
“I’m sorry”, you said
“He was a prick, but he was still my brother”, he said lightly, he looked back at you and seemed like he had so much to say, a story behind it, but he didn’t say a anything else, “got a dad when this shit started too”, he kept drawling, with his accent you liked so much. You just looked at him in question, “I ain’t sad he is gone though”, he said shortly
And you understood it
“He was more of a prick uh?”, you asked
“Yeah”, he said lightly, “How ‘bout you?”
“I had a mother, a stepfather, two siblings and nephews and nieces”, you said, “and many more before this started… I don’t know if… I still have someone out there”, you said, trying not to think about it, in our mind, they were all fine, together, on an island.
The uncertainty would have killed you if you didn’t have to fight for your life every day, distracting you. 
“DId you live in Atlanta?”, you asked then, he looked back at you
“Yeah”, he said simply, “you?”, you smiled at him, and the name of your country just flew out of your mouth like it was nothing, it seemed so foreign, you didn’t think you had said it since this started, and it sounded weird
You miss it, you miss the world as it was, but, who didn’t?
“What were you doing after this?”, you asked him, you remembered that night and conversation with Abraham, how tense he got, he hadn't answered, and know you felt like you were in prison, nobody asked you who you were “before”, is not how things worked anymore. But you really wanted to get to know him better, and for that great rewards, you had to take some risks 
“I…”, he seemed to doubt, to think about it, “didn’ do much”, he said, “just going around with my brother, up to no good”, he seemed conflicted at his confession, and then he raised his eyes from the road ahead of him and looked at you, frowning
Quick! change the subject
“When did you met Rick and the others?”, you asked
“First I met Carol, and Glenn of those who are left”, he said, “of a trafficjam outside of Atlanta”, he said softly
He didn’t have the heart to tell you that he and Merle decided to camp with the others to rob them, but then he decided against it, despite Merle’s protests and insults.
It had been so long ago
He was a different person now.
“How did you found RIck and Carl?”
“Carl found me on a roof”, you said with a smile, “decided to take me in”, he chuckled
“He asked you the questions?”
“He did”, you said with a soft smile, he nodded with a soft smile, “great kid”, you admitted, looking at wearer of the sheriff hat walking in front of you
He wanted to ask you back more questions, but you walked on silence, one step at a time
It took you two days to meet Rick’s gorup again, and their tiredness and hopelessness was evident.
Contrary to what you believed, the soldier trio as you called them were not the first ones to break, it seemed like Eugene had squashed whatever hope they had the hardest, so they now were hopeful to anything they could find, so they were the pens who kept it together.
You had formed a friendship with Rosita, Tara and Maggie, the former teaching you so many cool survival stuff, like how to create a water filter, with just different kinds of rocks.
You kept walking towards DC, now wordlessly, you didn’t even know where to start.
The group was crumbling, but you tried to keep it together, taking care of Judith, mounting guard, helped to keep the hunter of the group more comfortable, making sure he stayed hydrated and took some decent hours of sleep each night, as he slept by yours or Carol’s side. 
It was sad to say, that you were getting used to being in the wild
That is, until resources started to be dangerously scarce…
Starting by the water.
You were starving, you were dehydrated, and you felt like you were about to collapse
“What this it?”
You looked back at the small horde of walkers that were coming after you, like vultures, hoping one of you lost the footing and fell, for you to make a mistake
It was until you were on a bridge that RIck decided to command you to take care of them
It wasn’t confrontational, but you were to push them down towards a ditch.
You were so tired you didn’t think you’d had the energy for anything else.
You let them reach you and you grabbed the first one and threw him off the bridge. the second one proved itself more feisty, so you had to take out your axe
You did not believe in letting them “keep walking”, you were more into eliminating them permanently. 
You did that until all of them were gone, and then you kept walking 
“I’m starting to think we should have stayed in those houses”, Daryl muttered hopefully, looking at you, you looked back at him. 
“Mee too”, you admitted
“We are close to DC”, Rick said out loud, “we need to keep going”
Yeah, we needed to keep going
A big city meant there were more places where you can find food, canned goods, supplies, they might all be sacked, but in this big world, there were still hidden places with useful things on them.
“Say nothing”, demanded Daryl, as he walked by your side, “I think someone had been following us”
“Really?”, you asked
“Got nothin’ to show for it”, he said, “but yeah”
“Friend or foe?”, you asked
“Don’t know”
But if someone was indeed following you, and you trusted Daryl completely, nobody showed themselves to be. 
And the fact that you had to eat wild dogs to survive the very next day made you hope those who were watching were deterred from doing something to you…
You didn’t feel great about it, but this was about living, surviving, and you hoped you didn’t have to do it again.
The very next day, as your eyesight was tunneling, you found gallons of water on the road, apparently, laid down for you to take
“From a friend”, it read, you watched Daryl carefully, who seemed mistrustful of it
To the surprise of all, Eugene took one bottle, ready to try it, but Abraham slapped it off of his hands.
“We cannot trust this”, said Rick angrily
You were going to take a bottle and drink it yourself, but Daryl grabbed you by the hand the second you were going to move, preventing you from doing so.
But as you were going to protest, you were interrupted by a lightning, sounding far away, but with it, came rain.
It hit you from one moment and to the next, you were soaked 
You actually cheered when you felt the liquid of life hitting your face, you spread your arms wide and enjoyed it. Everyone in the group were so excited, except JUdith, who cried as she didn’t like it at all, but it was still a very enjoyable moment
“Grab what you can! with whatever you have!”, said Rick and he was right, you needed to gather it. You used a trekking water bottle, those with wide necks, to gather some water.
But the joy suddenly turned to worry, as darker and darker clouds were on the horizon.
“I know somewhere we can go!”, said Daryl, leading you away from the bottles and into the woods 
You saw a small barn where you could seek shelter, and the rain started to become more and more intense.
A whole storm broke out, as you took a walker that was in the small room in the back of the barn, a woman, who couldn’t take it anymore. It was sad, really
“She had a gun, she could have shot herself”, muttered Carol, watching the scene
“Some people can’t give up”, said Daryl, “like us”, he gave you a look and returned to the main space
The night quickly fall over you and with it, a full storm started to rage, to shake the barn to its core. 
Carl had fallen asleep like a log, after eating the squirrels Daryl had hunted for you.
You curled up on the floor, the archer by your side and Rosita on your other side. Rick ont he other side of Daryl
They had managed to set a fire, and you tried to relax, but the storm raging outside was proving to be difficult to that endeavor 
“I used to feel sorry for kids that have to grow up now…”, said Rick, as he was talking to Carol, but now he was talking to the rest of you, “In this.. But now I think I got it wrong… Growing up is getting used to the world, it will be easier for them”
His words weighed on you, and what they meant, Rick looked positively feral, he had been through so much, twice as much because of the weight of his children on him.
“This isn’t the world”, said Michonne, the ambience was tense, many had gone to sleep, you couldn’t hold yourself up any longer and leaned into Daryl, he didn’t seem to mind as he relaxed his stance, ”this isn’t it”, said Michonne
It was idiotic to think you were going to live long enough to see the world back to the way it was before, eliminate the virus so the dead didn’t rise again? reinstate governments? start to create infrastructure again? you didn’t see it
“It might be”, said Gleen, looking at the flame in front of him
“That’s giving up!”, continued Michonne
“It’s reality”, he said back
“Until we see otherwise, that is what we have to deal with”, the sound of the storm was lulling you to sleep, going completely slack against the archer, who seeme to mold to your comfort.
“When I was a kid… I asked my grandpa once if he ever killed any Germans in the war…”, Rick’s voice felt further and further away, “...he wouldn’t answer, he said that was grown up stuff… so i asked if the Germans ever tried to kill him, but he got real quiet, he said he was dead the minute he stepped into enemy territory…”
You took a long breath, breathing Daryl in, the warmth of his skin against your cheek
“Every day he woke up and told himself… “rest in peace, now get up and go to war”, and then after a few years that he pretended he was dead… he made it out alive. That’s the trick of it, I think”
His rambles made more and more sense into your head
“We do what we need to do and then we get to libe… but no matter what we find in DC, I know we’ll be okay… because this is how we survive. we tell ourselves… that we… are the walking dead”, just as you were embracing this new reality, point of view, or whatever it was, Daryl whole body shook softly with the rumble of his voice
“We ain’t them”, he said decisively, he accommodated you even more against his side, placing his arm around your shoulders, and you finally fell asleep, cuddled against him.
You woke up startled, the sounds of wood crushing shook you to your core.
The doors of the barn threatened to burst open, and if the growling outside was of any indication, the storm wasn’t the only thing seeking destruction in the night.
Daryl was the first one to place his hands on the wood, pushing, perhaps that is why you realized what was happening
You were the second
“We need all hands in!”, you called, Rosita’s and Abraham’s hands were the next, and all of them followed, pushing the doors back to their place. 
The gods forbid you have one peaceful night. 
You didn't know then, then the very next day… you were going to find everything you were looking for. 
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Post chapter notes: yeah didn’t kill Tyresse either, I’m a softie 
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. Enjoy reading. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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The guilt of kissing Edward was eating away at you inside. You didn't know if you were feeling worse because of the kiss or because you enjoyed kissing him so much. The worst part was that you were starting to want to kiss him again. But that couldn't happen again. Not while he's dating someone else and you're staying at the house of his biggest enemy.
"You know your thoughts almost scream because they're so loud, right?" Billy Black comments as he walks through the door of his room. Well, his guest room. You realize you've been sitting on the bed, replaying every moment from last night. What could you have done to avoid feeling so burdened with guilt?
"Mr. Black, may I ask you a question?" You inquire as you snap back to reality. Billy Black was your father's best friend, which is why you grew up close to Jacob.
"No need for all that formality, Y/N. But go ahead and ask your question." Mr. Black enters the room, wheeling his wheelchair close to where you're sitting. You look at him, feeling a bit embarrassed about asking such a question.
"If you had made a mistake and your mind was punishing you with the heaviest burden of guilt, what would you do?" You ask, sounding quite dramatic, which makes him chuckle a bit.
"There are two ways to relieve the burden of guilt. The first, more complicated and less chosen: be honest and admit the mistake to everyone it may affect. Or you can take the other way: experience the guilt and let it go. Your father used to tell me that some mistakes are meant to live only in the deepest corners of our being. I hope I've helped." Mr. Black speaks calmly, as you find yourself thinking that perhaps this is a mistake you'd like to keep hidden in some corner of your being.
"You did help. I think I need to get some fresh air. If Jacob asks for me, tell him I'll be at the cliff." You say as you get up from the bed, and Mr. Black nods understandingly, acknowledging that you needed that time. The cliff was the place where all of you used to meet when you were younger. Jumping off it was your big adventure together. When you reach the top of the cliff, you feel the wind hitting your face strongly. It's liberating. You close your eyes, and for a moment, you feel nothing at all.
"Do you remember the last time we were here?" Edward appears behind you. You really didn't miss those surprise appearances of his.
"I remember a situation like this before. You showing up out of the blue and me trying to figure out what I've done to deserve the honor of having my private time invaded by Edward Cullen. But tell me, what do you want?" You speak almost harshly, clearly on the defensive, fearing a difficult conversation with Cullen. You don't even turn to look at Edward.
"If only back then I had left you alone. Maybe we wouldn't have broken up, and now we might be experiencing a different reality." Edward speaks as he approaches, and you can feel his presence getting closer to you.
"Stop with this talk. After what we did, reminiscing about the past is the last thing we should be doing. You should thank me for breaking up with you. You're in love with someone else. And you shouldn't even be here. There's more than one pack of wolves who jump off this cliff ready to take out any vampire." Looking into Edward's eyes as you say this makes everything more personal. Unfortunately, you can't help but worry about Cullen. Unfortunately, the kiss you shared proves that there are feelings between you.
"I want to talk about the kiss. You basically locked yourself in the Black house. I had to come here." Edward speaks as he approaches you, and you take a step back. Too much proximity might lead to repeating the mistake.
"I'll make it easy for you. The kiss meant nothing. We were foolish and let ourselves get carried away by silly sentimentality. We're not meant for each other. You're literally living your happily ever after. Overthinking that damn kiss will only hurt us. And hurt those around us." You say, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. Damn it, this conversation has barely begun and you already feel deeply affected by lying to Edward, especially because it's not true.
"It would be easier for me to move on if you told me why you broke up with me. Why you want to bury your feelings for me so deep in your heart that I hardly recognize the woman I fell in love with," Edward says, somewhat angrily, moving closer to you.
"My father found out about us the day before I broke up with you. I wanted to tell you, but he said he would kill every member of your family, that a war between the Cullens and the Quileutes would be on my hands. I feared for us. And for my tribe." As you explain to Edward something that remained unresolved between you, you feel like you're reopening a very painful wound by reliving the past.
"And you chose to be a coward and abandon me. Seems fair, a war doesn't seem fair when you can just end everything with the person you say you love and walk away," Edward responds, clearly hurt. As if he could judge you.
"First, I will not accept being called a coward for doing the right thing. Sure, I could have told you the truth years ago, but lying was the safest way to prevent you from doing something reckless. And I didn't just say I loved you, I actually loved you. I loved you so much that I can't let anyone find out we were together because any member of Sam's or Jacob's pack might believe you killed my parents. And I've done a very good job defending that none of you, Cullens, would ever do something like that." The words come out of your mouth more harshly than you intended. Edward looks perplexed, perhaps never realizing that if they found out about us, they would think he killed my parents to be with me. You know he didn't do it. But the others, they don't know him well enough.
"We could have faced this complicated situation together. Do you think I wouldn't have faced the accusations and the wolves' fury to have you by my side?" Edward's words, along with his closeness, almost made you wish you had never left.
"You're impulsive sometimes. We wouldn't have survived long together if we were responsible for the pain of the people we love. Not to mention that when you and I dated, I wasn't transforming. Maybe that's why I never felt it was wrong for us to be together, but now it's different." Your conversation has taken a deeply melancholic turn, something you didn't want. A relationship discussion is the last thing you planned when you came back to Forks.
"Whether you turn into a wolf or not wouldn't change how I feel about you. It never could. I thought you knew that." Your gaze meets Edward's. You always thought he would see you differently if you transformed into a wolf. Hearing him say otherwise makes you feel things you shouldn't. Feelings you should have abandoned a long time ago.
The rain starts to pour down on you both with force, as if the heavens are watching your argument from a front-row seat. You stare at Edward, trying to understand where discussing the past will lead you. Then, suddenly, your lips and Edward's meet. You don't notice who made the first move, who stepped towards the other first. You only feel the cold sensation of his lips on yours as you deepen the kiss. Your fingers grip Edward's hair tightly while his hands gently hold your waist. Then suddenly, Edward is pulled away from you. Jacob, in his wolf form, charges at him with all his strength. Edward's body falls near the edge of the cliff, which puts you on high alert. Seeing that Jacob is about to attack him again, you know what you have to do. Your body transforms into the wolf version as you run towards Jacob. Even though Edward was taken by surprise, he is recovering when you finish transforming fully into a wolf and attack Jacob. You don't want to hurt Jacob so you decide that instead of biting him or attacking him, you would push him to fall off the cliff with you. And that's what you do. You don't feel anything for a few seconds until the feeling of falling off the cliff is too sudden for you. You start to worry about Jacob when you can't find him. Still in your wolf form, you try to swim to see if you can identify Jacob. You smell him close to where he is and see that he is unconscious. You use your mouth to hold his wolf body until there is no more water.
"Jacob if you're listening to me, I'm sorry." You speak using telepathy. You don't even know if you're apologizing for pushing him off the cliff or for this part right now. You transform into a human again and like an instinct, Jacob's body seems to have realized that for you to provide first aid, it would be better for him to be in the human version as well. You give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while trying to get him to stay awake. A few minutes later, Jacob wakes up, releasing some water from his mouth. He looks at you, for a few seconds seeming grateful for your help. Until we both notice that we are inappropriate. In the next second, the two transform into wolves again.
"I can explain." You speak telepathically, while Jacob remains silent. You've been following him to his house since you got out of the water. He must be too angry to speak to you, which is killing you inside. You never wanted to hurt him.
"At home." That's all Jacob responds telepathically. He must be really mad. Damn Edward for showing up then. You arrive at the Black house a few minutes later. Jacob heads straight for the shower while you look for something to wear. You shower right after him, both of you in complete silence.
"When were you planning on filling me in about your little affair with Edward Cullen?" Jacob's first words to you once you both finish getting dressed. You try to suppress the part of you that wants to lash out at Jacob for speaking so coldly to you, as if you're Edward's lover.
"To be honest, never. Though I understand why you're angry with me, I'd like to remind you that I'm a single woman. I admit my mistake in kissing a vampire committed to someone else, but none of this has anything to do with you." You speak, trying to be as cold as Jacob.
"Your father would die again if he knew you'd become the kind of person who gets involved with a vampire," Jacob says, looking into your eyes with a seriousness that honestly upsets you. He's aiming to hurt you, perhaps for what you did with him at the cliff.
"Is that what you want to talk about? Not the fact that I threw both of us off a cliff to stop you from hurting Edward? Or that I seem to favor him over you?" You also know how to hurt feelings, or at least that's what you want to demonstrate. But the truth is, you hate hurting Jacob.
"Do you love him?" Jacob asks after several minutes of silence. You move closer to him, sitting beside him. Gently, you place your hand on his face.
"I don't love him like I love you. What I had with Edward is in the past. What you saw was just two people confusing what's already gone with their current moment. Trust me," you say, leaning closer to Jacob. Part of you believes your words, but another part wonders if you're being completely honest.
"Next time you use your wolf form to attack me, I won't go easy on you. Just so you know," Jacob says playfully. You lean in, planting a soft, brief kiss on his lips.
"I'll be eagerly anticipating that moment. And know that I won't go easy on you either," you say, and Jacob smiles, kissing you in response. After the kiss, you hug him tightly, hoping that the concern about how Edward is doing after the cliff incident leaves your mind.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
Here With Me - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
hi!!! i wanted to request an ethan x fem!reader fic with some fluffy smut.
I was thinking along the lines of the friends to lovers trope: just a lot of mutual pining and sexual tension that’s built up over the friendship, which all comes to a climax (get it? 😅) when they break the tension and finally sleep together and admit feelings.
Please and thank you!!!! 😊
I didn't know my anon requests weren't on, they are now:)
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: A rainy day leads you confessions with your best friend.
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You and Ethan have been friends for years. He’s always there for you, you’re always there for him. You have movie nights on a weekly basis, if not multiple times a week. You’ve spent so much time with him lately that you don’t really have any time left to find someone to have a romantic relationship with. Sometimes you miss sex, sometimes you miss waking up next to someone, but that bond you have with Ethan, and the time you get to spend with him, overpowers any of your other wants. You’d been hoping that Ethan could be your best friend and boyfriend in one, but you haven’t had the courage to make a move. You two flirt with each other all the time, but you couldn’t shake the thought that he only did it because he had no one else, while you did it because you were head-over-heels in love with him.  
It started to rain as Ethan walked you back to your apartment. It felt amazing on the hot summer day, and you both didn’t care that you were getting soaked. You both laughed at each other’s appearance; his hair slightly less fluffy, and your mascara running down your face. As the rain got heavier, you decided to try to wait it out under a huge oak tree.
“Maybe we should just go to my apartment, it’s closer,” he suggested, the rain showing no signs of letting up.
“I don’t want to walk in the rain, though,” you sighed.
A mischievous smirk appeared on his face, as he scooped you up in his arms, and ran with you through the rain. It was only a block to his apartment, but it seemed like those gym sessions with Chad were starting to pay off. That boy carried you with ease, up to the main door to his building.
“Put me down!” you laughed, as he tried to still hold you and enter the code for his door.
“No, I think this is where you need to be,” he smiled, as your eyes connected. You saw something in them that you’d seen several times before, but you’ve never been able to figure out what it means.
Once you were inside of his apartment, he gently sat you down on your feet. You gave him a light shove for causing you to get even more soaked by the rain, as he plastered a fake-hurt expression on his face.
“Do you want some clothes to change into? I can put yours in the dryer,” he said, as he walked towards his room to change out of his wet clothes.
“Yes, please,” you said, walking into him putting on a dry shirt. You caught a glimpse of his abs. Yep, the gym has been good to him.
He grabbed a pair of sweatpants for himself and you and gave you a huge T-shirt to wear.
After you both had changed, you decided to go to the living room and watch a movie. It was scary, of course, and filled with many jump scares. You jumped in his lap at one point as the villain of the movie popped on the screen, the loud sounds adding to the jump scare. Ethan looked down at you, smiling. He noticed the paths that the raindrops took your mascara on, the way your eyes got big once the music sped up as someone was being chased, the way your lips looked like they’d fit perfectly with his.
“Did you see that shit?” you yelled, after the most gore-filled scene in the whole movie played out in front of you.
“No, I missed it,” he laughed a little, glancing back at the screen.
“How did you miss that? It was crazy!” You said, eyes still glued to the screen.
He noticed that you still hadn’t moved off of his legs. He was enjoying the feeling, too scared that if he moved, you would too.
You turned your head away from the screen, another horrific death scene playing out. Ethan looked down at you, and that’s when you realized that you still had the mascara dried on your cheeks. You tried to wipe it away with your hands, a grin playing on his lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was still on my face? I’ve been sitting here looking stupid for the last hour,” you laughed, as he frowned at your words.
“You don’t look stupid, you look beautiful,” your heart started to race, so you tried to play it off.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure I look beautiful with these streaks all over my cheeks,” you said, but he had that same look on his face as earlier, the one you can’t figure out.
“You’re always beautiful. It doesn’t matter if your makeup is messed up. It doesn’t matter if you’re drenched in the rain. Fuck, you could walk in here wearing a trash bag and I’d still think you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” he said, as he started to turn red at his own words. He meant everything he said, but he didn’t know how you’d feel about it.
“Well, if you feel that way, kiss me,” you said, as his eyes darted between your eyes and your lips. He hesitated, and you started to think that he might think you’re beautiful, but that doesn’t mean he’s interested. “…or not…” you trailed off, sitting up so you were no longer on his legs.
“No, wait,” he said, pulling you back to where you were before. He leaned down, placing a kiss to your lips.
As both of your mouths moved together, he started to get hard. You could feel him through his sweatpants. Your hands roamed his body, as his roamed yours, but he pulled away. You were confused, he seemed as into this as you were.
“I need to tell you something,” he said, distracting himself from your stare with the tv.
“What?” you asked, your hand reaching for his face, turning it towards you.
“I’m in love with you, always have been,” his words flew out of his mouth at a quick speed, you almost didn’t catch what he said.
“You’re in love with me?” You asked, smiling at him. He nodded, a small grin playing on his lips. The relief of you knowing his biggest secret lifting a huge weight off his chest.
“I’m in love with you too,” you said, pulling him back down to continue. This kiss felt a lot different than the other one. You could feel the love and didn’t question the intentions when his hands started to roam your body again.
You reached down to touch him through the sweatpants, him grunting into the kiss as you rubbed him. His hands went to the bottom of his shirt that you were wearing, lifting it up. Once he got it over your head, his eyes glanced down to your bare chest. He stared for a few seconds.
“My bra is in your dryer, remember?” you giggled, as he kissed down your neck. His hands roamed your chest, just like he’d fantasized about many times before. The sighs falling out of your mouth every time his hand over one of your nipples made him even harder. His hand trailed lower and lower down your body, rubbing you through the sweatpants.
“Fuck, that feels good,” you whispered. His hand moved back up a little, his fingers tugging at the waistband.
“My panties are in the dryer, too, by the way,” you whispered, his blown-out pupils connected with yours.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” he whispered.
“Ethan, if you don’t touch me, I’ll explode,” you laughed, as you took his hand, sliding it under the waistband.
His fingers wandered the new territory, especially your clit. The way your back arched when he brushed it over made him wonder what other reactions he could get out of you. He trailed his fingers a little lower, sliding one of them inside of you, before adding another. You’d been touch-starved for so long that it was hard to control yourself. He pulled his hand out of your pants, hooking your legs around his waist. He stood up with you wrapped around him, walking you to his room. Your lips were connected; your bare chest pressed against his clothed one. He tossed you on his bed, then pulled the sweatpants off you. He’d imagined you naked in his bed many times, but this was better than he ever thought it could be.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, placing kisses up your thighs.
Once his mouth connected with your clit, you made eye contact. Your mouth fell open as he circled the bundle of nerves with his tongue. He was intently watching you as your breathing got heavier, and your whines got louder.
“I need you inside of me,” you moaned out, his hard cock still confined to his sweatpants. He slid them down his legs, grabbing a condom out of the top drawer beside the bed. He put it on, and wasted no time slowly sliding inside of you.
He took it slow at first, before you really wanted him to pick up the pace.
“More,” was all you could get out. He started to thrust faster, letting a few moans fall out of his mouth.
“I have an idea,” he grunted, before stopping his movements. He pulled out, and walked to his closet. He grabbed another pillow out and walked back over towards you.
“Lift your hips for me, baby,” he said, as he put the pillow underneath you.
He quickly slid back inside you, the new position helping him hit that special spot inside of you.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, feeling your orgasm building. One of your hands traveled down to your clit, rubbing it quickly as you chased that high.
Once you started to squeeze around him, he was a moaning mess. It was hot to see him let his noises go.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he said, thrusts becoming more erratic.
He slid out of you and disposed of the condom, then snuggled up next to your naked body.
“That was better than I ever imagined,” he said, his fingers lazily tangling with yours.
“I agree,” you said. He started to smirk.
“You’ve thought about us doing this before,” he asked.
“Yeah, but my vibrator does nothing compares to this,” you said with a laugh.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.”
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thefangirlfever · 2 months
The bet (a Logan/ Wolverine imagine), 18+
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Note: This is not exactly the smut I promised you but rather a small idea I really wanted to write down. It's more suggestive than smutty but I still put a 18+ trigger warning and I'm still working in the real stuff. Enjoy!
Tags: M/F, suggestive, PIV sex, mention of cunnilingus, mention of drinking and smoking, written at 4 am.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language.
He doesn't remember exactly how it began, who started this but he dure was enjoying himself. She had caught his eyes as soon as he entered the bar. She was leaning nonchalantly against the counter top, a vague air of boredom on her features. A slightly crooked nose, a small foraged covered by outdated bangs, a mole under one of her charcoal eyes...She could almost blend into the decor if not for her hair. A luscious mane of red hair, as vibrant and deep as a sunset. Of course he immediately felt drawn to her, the shade reminding her of someone else, someone he should forget...
He just had the time to move to the bar to compose himself and chase those thoughts away. He wasn't even thinking straight as they started a conversation. She nay have been the one to offer him a drink first. Maybe he asked her if it was her natural color. The red was so vibrant it had to be a dye. Maybe she made a joke about sideburns were outdated. Maybe they shared a lighter, him for one of his cheap cigars and her for a Camel. Thin and elegant, like her. The scent of the smoke had clung to her skin, to her hair... She almost looked like a ghost among all this smoke, as if she was going to dissolve and disappear into thin air. This made him want to hold her back.
He told her he didn't know how to dance. But he was unable to resist a bet amd that's how he found himself following him to the dance floor. Her green dress hugged her swaying body and for a moment she looked like the stem of a flower swinging in the wind, her hair like bright petals. That's exactly when he knew he was tipsy. Comparing a woman, he was way past that.
His hands stayed on her hips as they danced and even as they walked to the room. He didn't know much about her after a few hours except that he wanted to get her out of that dress. It didn't bother him. After all he also had his secrets...
The sight of her red hair fanning over the sheets was breathtaking and almost made him stop as he hovered above her. His warm breath, heavy with the whiskey he had, caressed her skin and he watched with a male satisfaction all her body react from head to toe. She did smell like her cigarettes, except between her legs. There, the scent was like nothing he had ever smelled. It was heady, tangy and too sweet for him to let go.
With his face buried in her hair, his thrusts had become stronger, more forceful. Each sound he coaxed out of her made him feel dizzy. He still had her taste on his lips when he came, when he kissed her... His hands played with her hair, making the soft tendrils flow between his fingers like water. To his surprise, she didn't ask to leave after the sex. She simply leaned into his arms and lit up a cigarette while he played with her hair. They didn't even talk. They just basked in this comfortable silence. She was just as touch-starved as him.
When he woke up the next day, she was no longer here. He couldn't blame her for not staying. Then, why was he looking at the empty space on the bed like that? Why was he running his hand over the mattress like some lovestruck fool? He scoffed and tossed around before massaging his temples. He was getting too old...
Of course, he couldn't have chosen a worse day to be late. And of course he couldn't snuck into the school without someone seeing him. Scott was nice enough to not make a scene when he got his motorcycle back. Probably that the face of the older man told him everything he needed to know. This wasn't the moment to mess with him.
When they finally reached the office of the Professor to meet the new teacher, Logan was convinced this day couldn't get any worse. The whole meeting was as boring as one could be. At some point his eyes drifted over the woman. She was almost invisible, so easy to forget about as she mainly stood silent, all dressed in black like some of the moody teenagers they had at the school. But this time, his eyes lingered on her face, especially those deep charcoal eyes with a mole underneath one of them. She blinked in his direction and he saw a flash of recognition on her face. She knew.
She didn't have her red hair anymore. Instead she had short, shaggy strands of black hair as if she just rolled out of bed pointing in every direction. So, red wasn't her true color. But was this appearance even her real one ? At least, he knew what her real eyes would look like, two stormy skies before the rain when the clouds gather in an angry mob. The more he looked at her, the more he wondered how he could have thought she was invisible. A multitude of small features he hadn't noticed at first appeared at him as he observed her. His thoughts drifted away as he wondered if she still had that mark he saw the night before, that little moon-shaped birthmark on the inside of her thigh...
Once the meeting was over, he watched her leave for her quarters. Her eyes only left him once she had reached the door, almost a quiet invitation to follow her. And if there was one thing Logan couldn't resist,it was a bet.
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Yandere Shang Tsung x Reader: Wrapped Around You (Angst Lemon)
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Warning⚠️: This oneshot contains a NON CON scene with a yandere. Angst.
First one in 4 years. Don't like that; don't read, don't comment, keep scrolling.
Or if you want to read for the plot without reading the lemon look for the ⚠️ start and end.
Bonus at the end btw ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The dining hall was so chilly to you. Especially because of the dress you were put in. Or it could be the anxiety.
Is that why the room seemed smaller to you? You could've sworn this place was large enough to hold events. Every room you were in just seems smaller.
You're scared.
"Y/n, darling. Why aren't you eating your meal? This is the finest steak you could find in Outworld." You can tell he's staring at you from across the table.
Your eyes were blanklessly focused on the fancy dinner plate before your eyes, but you weren't thinking about the food, no.
Really, the thought of any food right now made you the opposite of the corresponding feeling. Nauseous.
Though ever since you were seized by him and taken, and though you were barely fed at first, you never had the urge to eat.
The food would look appetizing if it was your last meal.
You picked your fork up just to somewhat appease him and poke your food. You could make out the perfectly cooked mashed potatoes, some fine bread rolls, and greens. The steak looked medium well and juicy, but you assume the cows, if Outworld even have those, were different from Earthrealm.
Picking the knife up, you sighed and went to give the steak a try. You felt his eyes boring into you, and you tried not to give it any thought.
Chewing, chewing, chewing, and chewing you go. Not because the steak, it was like you lost your ability to consume. The meat is delicious, otherwise. But you began poking at your food again.
"Not hungry?" He coos at you.
"Never am." You coldly applied, subconsciously ruining the perfectly scooped mash potatoes with your silverware.
Servants entered the hall with the alcohol bottle. The atmosphere felt less tight now that someone else was here. But who are you kidding? They're no heroes.
But the wine they pour into your glass would make them one in your book.
The second they stop pouring the rich liquid in your cup, you'd grab it. Eyes on you as you slowly tilted your head back to down the alcohol and get it in your system as soon as possible.
That glass was empty within ten seconds. Shang Tsung sets his glass down after a small sip and observes you with no certain expression.
"Another one, please." You set your glass down and looked at the masked servant. They were hesitant, but they listened.
Filling the glass full took too long for you. When it was close to being full, you snatched the cup away and repeated. You drank your second glass faster this time.
After it was stained pink and empty, you pushed it to the servant. Just as the servant was about to listen to the silent command-
"That's enough!" Shang Tsung hisses out at the servant and motions for them to begone out of sight.
After the giant doors closed, the hurtful silence was back. At least you felt bold enough to look into his eyes. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, nor would you have cared.
He was the one to break off the eye contact to take another small sip of his drink and set it aside. "I don't need you intoxicated tonight."
You weren't sure if that was him looking out for you.
Standing from his chair and neatly pushing it back in, he eyes you again. "Come." He motions his head for you to stand and follow him.
"Where?" You shivered.
"My chambers. So we can talk." He answered simply.
This man is so good at bullshitting.
"We're talking right now, are we not?" You spoke back.
"I reassure you. We're just talking. You have my word." He places a hand on his chest and dips his head. It makes him appear sincere.
Either way, you couldn't fight him. "Okay." You sniffled and got up.
The man offers his arm to you, and you take it as he leads you upstairs to his dorm. He was muttering things to you with his charming smile, but you couldn't pay attention.
And when you two enter, you look back at him and see he quietly closes the double doors and locks it with a key that he would then vanish in his hand.
Yet, nothing has crossed your mind.
"Sit." His hand gestures to the bed. Walking slowly, you sit at the very edge and only kept your head down. His feet taps on the floor as he would sit beside you and way too close.
A hand rested on your shoulder, and you froze, not wanting to shake anymore and show how scared you are.
"You're so beautiful." He whispers before leaning in.
"When do I return to my cell?" Your voice whispered shakily. You stopped him at least. For the moment.
"Oh, a cell doesn't suit you, Y/n." Shang brushes your hair out your face full of anxiety and fatigue. Again he leans to you and you flinched back.
"What do you want to talk about?!" Your panic was visible. And all he does it laugh.
"You already know I was dishonest."
You knew.
Uncomfortable, you got up and slowly walked to the door. You really didn't want to do it. You felt shitty the moment you were brought to the island.
He doesn't stop you. Only watches as you reach for the doorknob.
Attempting to open it, you realized it was locked. And it wasn't like the door in your home where you could turn the lock and leave your room. This one has a keyhole...
But he teleported that key to gods know where.
Hands rubbing your sides sensually, you feel him behind you. "Why don't you just come back to bed?" He murmurs in your ear.
...(⚠️ START)
You started to dissociate as you were laid carefully on your back. Shang props your legs up before looming over you to attack your neck with love kisses and nibbles.
A hand lifts your given dress and cups your swimsuit area, which makes you wince. The small sound seemed to encourage him.
Giving your neck another kiss, he lifts his head to look at you. You got to look back at him and feel the despair kicking in.
"Please." Your eyes were clouded.
Wiping the tear, he sighs softly. "Don't cry. I won't be rough with you. You can trust me on that."
And you didn't. You could pray he was, but it wouldn't change anything. You just wished you were home with your friends. You missed Liu.
Slipping down your panties from under your dress, he looks at your face before slowly easing a finger inside you to test the waters.
Your eyes shut, and you winced. Perfect.
He adds another digit in before repeatedly pulling and pushing them in the wet entrance, fingering you to get you ready.
Shang really is keeping to his word this time.
"You're such a good girl." He praises as you weren't fighting at all. You just kept a really tensed position, clenching around his fingers. Your breathing was unsteady from panic.
"Please!" You wheezed. This would be your last plea for him to release you. A snake wouldn't listen to a poor bunny crying to be freed as the reptile wraps tightly around it, squeezing the life out the helpless critter.
"Relax." The sorcerer coos, still trying to prep you. "You'll make it hurt if you're tensed like this."
Soon enough, he got you out of the dress he made you wear for him. He quietly observed how beautiful you are without covering. All while ignoring how frantic you were.
He would get undressed as well. He's a handsome man with hideous deeds.
You whined out more as he climbs over you. At first, he presses his forehead against yours and tries to shush you. He'd force you to cuddle up to him before he starts.
Was this what Sonya had to go through? No. Sonya is a stronger woman. And she got rescued sooner. Good for her that she doesn't have to face the same fate as you will.
The villain was back to kissing your neck again and nuzzling it, hands caressing you everywhere. You were involuntarily damp between your legs and when he feels it he chuckles.
He takes it as you're ready.
Feeling his tip right against you, he rests his forehead against yours. Gripping your chin, he forces his tongue in your mouth the same time you feel his cock slowly being pushed through your poor walls.
The kiss muffled your brief cries, and your nails were scratching his shoulders, eventually his back as you would hug around him for some sort of support.
He'd still hold up to his word.
His dick all the way inside you, he held still. He didn't start ramming you. He wasn't going to break you just like that and make you sob throughout the assault.
Why is he being nice this time? He's in a position to cause more pain to you but he doesn't.
Breaking the kiss, he examines your face. You had dried tears but your breathing was still labored, and you do your best to accommodate to the cock in your organs.
One experimental thrust was given. Seeing your face blushed in the reaction without much pain was all he needed to see.
"Mm.... fuck..." You moaned under your breath, and Shang Tsung hears it well.
"Is this to your liking?" He continues to gently hump you. You damn well weren't going to answer that question. You didn't need to either way. He can tell it felt good for you.
Again, he presses you back into the mattress and kisses you as he sets a good pace fucking you. His cock moving in and out your cunt as his tongue pets yours, dominating it like what he's doing right now.
It felt like this was going on for hours. Being the sensitive girl you are, you came multiple times. But it didn't stop until finally he puts his weight onto you and clamps down onto your neck.
At first you were startled until you felt spurts flowing inside you and to your precious womb.
...(⚠️ END)
The black haired man pulls out and lays beside you, catching his breath.
The shame washed over you as the heat died down. And you curled up on your side, facing away from him.
Dark eyes looking at your back he places a soft hand on you. "How was that, dear?"
He wasn't expecting a full breakdown from you like that. You just started to cry. "I just want to go back to my cell. Please!"
Caught off guard he sits up. "Was I too rough with you? Believe I was trying to make it enjoyable for you, I-"
Resting a hand on your lower half for reassurance was a mistake as you reacted terribly. 
 "Very well... Let's get you cleaned up. I will take you to the dungeon if that's really what you wish for." He listens.
"Is she alive, Lord Raiden?"
"She's in a deep slumber, Liu Kang. I see no wounds on her, but we should probably let her rest. Elder Gods know what she had to endure."
The familiar voices brought you out of the unconscious state. Grumbling, everything was so bright. You felt like you finally touched the grass and experience sunlight for the first time in forever.
"She is awake!"
𝘖𝘩𝘩, 𝘓𝘪𝘶! 𝘔𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥!
"Liu Kang? Lord Raiden?" You blinked.
"We're here, Y/n L/n." The Thunder God answers.
Liu helps you stand up and brushes the dirt off you. "We apologize for how long it took to come to your aid! Did he hurt you?"
"Who- Oh. No..." You didn't sound that reassuring. Liu known you for awhile.
"Are you sure? You can-"
"Just malnutrition." You cut him off. You didn't want to talk about it. Not now at least. But it was still pretty recent. The emotional wound was fresh and stung like hell.
Tears appeared in your eyes just thinking about it.
"Y/n?" Liu rubs your shoulder out of comfort. You hugged him. You needed it from your friend.
"What he'd do, Y/n?" Caring arms wrapped back around you, this time from a good man.
"Nothing. I really missed you." You partially lied.
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scekrex · 4 months
You said to hit you with my trans femboy! reader x Adam prompts, so here we go! (BTW if you're not comfortable writing anything in this prompt or it at all, that's totally cool!)
Reader goes dress shopping at one of those places where they take your measurements and do a custom outfit, and Adam offers to go with him. The person taking reader's measurements/doing the consultation keeps misgendering reader and making rude/cruel remarks under their breath. Neither reader nor Adam are standing for it.
Also on a completely unrelated I-just-want-to-tell-somebody note, my birthday is on Friday!
Not me dropping the request I was working on before to write this so I can publish it on ur birthday- ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE <3
She hopes I’m cursed forever
pairing: Adam x trans!male!reader
warnings: language, homophobia, transphobia, reader gets misgendered
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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“I’ll be back in a couple hours,” you hummed as you crossed the living room in which Adam was sitting on the couch. It’s needless to say that a statement such as this caught the first man’s attention immediately. Adam paused the video he was watching and looked at you slowly walking to the front door. “Where the fuck are you going?” The first man seemed slightly confused, as far as he was aware you had nothing planned for the day. You simply chuckled softly, looked over your shoulder to look at Adam before you responded, “Dress shopping.”
The brunette turned off the TV quickly, “Not without me.” You raised an eyebrow at the taller male, quite surprised by how eager he seemed to join your little shopping spree. It wasn’t that Adam hated going shopping with you, he just tended to avoid it if he had the chance to, your boyfriend was an online shopper through and through. And he knew how exhausting shopping with you could be. “Since when do you wanna-” The brunette didn’t even let you finish, “Since someone has to make sure Heaven’s cunts don’t disrespect you.” Well, that seemed fair, so you simply shrugged, grabbed your jacket and left with Adam by your side.
The place you had picked was quite fancy, it wasn’t one of the more expensive tailorings nor was it one of the cheapest, the prices you had to pay for dresses were quite fair in your eyes and so far you had only made good experiences at their place.
The mood changed as soon as you and Adam entered the tailoring though. The person that greeted you was one you had never seen before, so you simply figured they must be new - nothing that really bothered you. “Hello Miss,” the woman greeted you, her eyes gave away that that was not her dream job and that she’d rather be doing anything else. You lowered your head a little, the ‘Miss’ didn’t sit right with you at all but you didn’t want to cause a scene so you remained silent. This would be a quick thing anyway, they would simply take your measurements, you’d decide on a dress and then you would be free to go - no big deal, right?
Yeah, no, dead wrong. It was a big deal because Adam turned it into one. The first man’s hand came down on your shoulder, the playful grin that usually hugged his lips was gone and he sounded quite pissed as he spoke, “It’s Mister, get his fucking pronouns right, bitch.” The woman who seemed to be the only employee at the store for that day looked Adam up and down with quite judgmental eyes before she simply shrugged and walked off without correcting her mistake. Adam immediately didn’t like her at all - not that you liked her any better, but you were better at hiding that you really just wanted to leave again.
Uncomfortably you followed the employee as she led you to a little podium where she would take the measurements. Your brunette boyfriend followed suit, he was right behind you, one of his hands was constantly on your body, whether it was your shoulder or your waist, the first man simply felt the need to reassure you, to let you feel that you weren’t alone and that he had your back. And it helped - at least in the beginning and at least a tiny bit.
You stepped on the small podium, all the confidence you had when you had entered the store was gone, you felt wrong, uncomfortable and if you were honest you really just wanted to leave and find another tailoring. But now you were too deep in, there was no turning away anymore. The woman stepped closer to you and you noticed how Adam watched the scene playing out in front of him. He was completely focused on the woman's movements, watching her carefully so she wouldn’t pull any more shit.
“Ma’am, you need to take your jacket off,” the tailor mumbled, she seemed quite annoyed by your presence and while you understood that some days were simply harder than others, that did not excuse her behavior towards you. You heard a low growl coming from Adam at her words, “He’s not a fucking ‘Ma’am’, quit acting like a fucking transphobic cunt and do your work.”
And while you appreciated that Adam was standing up for you, you didn’t quite like his choice of words, nor did you like the fact that the brunette was causing a scene when all you wanted was a simple dress that fit you. The female angel ignored Adam, not paying any mind to the first man or his rude words towards her, instead she mumbled something under her breath that you weren’t quite able to catch, however you did hear the words ‘fucking queers’ and ‘disgusting filth’ which caused you to just feel worse than you had already been feeling.
The female angel - which was slightly smaller than you were - did her job pretty sloppily, she did not care to properly measure you. You also noticed how she tried her very best to stay as far away from you as possible, she barely touched you while taking the measurements needed for the dress. And normally you wouldn’t care, if she wanted to execute her job badly, that was her deal. But in your very case that not only infected her but also you because that way the dress would not fit properly.
“God must really hate me to send me fucking gays,” she mumbled, this time loud enough for you to hear. And even though you really wanted that dress, you took a step back from her, stepped off the little podium and made your way over to Adam. The female angel looked confused at you, then her expression soured, “What are you doing?”
You were trying to get away from her transphobic hands, you were trying to escape her judgemental eyes and her homophobic words. “Leaving,” you simply said as you grabbed Adam’s hand and turned around. The tall brunette next to you squeezed your hand reassuringly, his wing wrapped around your back in a protective matter and he shot the employee a grin, flipping her off as he guided you towards the door.
“But-” the worker tried to protest, she had already taken the measurements and was about to wrap things up, she at least wanted to be paid. Yet Adam cut her off quite rudely, “You heard him, we’re leaving.” The taller man waved at her in a provoking way, a triumphant grin on his lips. You opened the door and as soon as you had done so Adam pulled you out of the store, seemingly eager to leave.
“We’ll get you a tailor who actually does their job instead of insulting you,” Adam hummed, looking down at you with a smile as he playfully ruffled through your hair. The smile on his quickly curled up into a grin though, “And then I’ll fuck your brains out in the new dress.”
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
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Welcome Back
A/n: Releasing another one shot about him because this scenario had been living in my head for a long time. I know that one is kinda long but it was one of the scenarios I most enjoyed writing fr❤️
Tw: Nsfw content
There was no better combination than a calm night accompanied by the sound of crickets and water running down the stone steps of the small river in the garden next to your bedroom. You were sitting on the chair in front of the bed while thinking about several things at the same time, your eyes wandered to the crack in the sliding door that led to the garden to see the moon shining in the sky.
The nights in Hino were always the same but now they remained colder since the man you loved had to leave one day and was now captain of a squadron of magic knights.
You sighed heavily remembering the last conversation you two had, which wasn't the most pleasant. You had so many things to remember about each other, so many. You've never been able to look at anyone else since then, no one could make that flame grow again, just him.
Now the question is: How long would you keep staying there, thinking about the way he looked at you and touched you, instead of moving on with your life like he did?
You had no answer and every time you thought about moving on, he came back to your mind again and you went back because once again, there was no one left but him.
You took the glass next to the chair and filled it with drink and drank it, feeling the liquid burn your lips and throat. You closed your eyes, after putting the bottle down and took a long sigh as you remembered all those scenes again.
You wanted to hate him, you wanted to punch him for leaving you behind. Why had he slipped through your fingers like that?
You should hate him instead of crying and wondering why he left for the kingdom of Clover, which was far away. You really wanted to hate him, but how? How would you hate the only person you truly loved in your life? The only person you opened up to and felt comfortable with?
So many nights coming home after getting drunk, and that's when things started. The hands snaking over both of the bodies, the hot lips, the wet kisses and so many other things...
The way you would hugged him on the living room couch or in bed, his hand stroking your hair as you two talked until fell asleep.
"No, you can't keep thinking about him. Forget that idiot..." You muttered with a long sigh, even though you knew you were lying to yourself with every word
The thoughts were scattered in seconds when a knock on the front door sounded and you jumped a little, startled.
You closed the door that led to the garden and straightened the ribbon that held your robe together before leaving the room and going to see who it was.
You placed your hand on the door handle, intrigued by the fact that someone had come to visit you at that time. As soon as you opened the door, you could have sworn you were hallucinating, or at least, you'd rather be. That idiot you were trying to forget, had appeared but this time in person and right in front of you. You definitely weren't expecting that man to ever think about showing up after all this time.
Now you were undecided between closing the door in his face or let him in but when you looked into his eyes for a while, calmly analyzing them, you knew he wasn't coming to make things worse.
He wanted something he thought he lost years ago.
"Hi..." Your voice was low and shaky as you lowered your eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in? I didn't come to cause trouble, I promise."He spoke in a deep, calm voice, putting out his cigarette
Yes, he hadn't forgotten anything like you thought. He was aware that the last conversation was hard for both of you and he also knew that going there might not be the best choice but he had to try.
You looked down and motioned for him to come in, without saying anything.
He went to the living room and sat on the couch, you entered the room shortly after, standing in a corner, arms crossed and looking at some random corner. When he felt your presence, he looked back but you remained there motionless.
"Come closer, I won't bite you."He called you, pointing to the armchair next to you to sit."Let's talk."
"I don't think we should do that, it went wrong last time." You remembered, now looking at him
"We were young…"
"No, it wasn't just that. You had a goal and I had a place I didn't want to give up."
"I, however, gave up Hino when I was a brat because of family problems. You knew that and yet, I came back here, years later, as a magic knight. I remember you welcoming me that day with a big smile and we ended up drunk after a night of drinking. It could have always been like this, but life was not a bed of roses..."Yami said, looking at the ceiling and sighing
"Yes, and it wasn't. It really wasn't..." You said, approaching him and sitting in the armchair. "and now you come back as a captain, hoping that I would welcome you with a smile again. The thing is, that it didn't happen and you'll be leaving soon for the kingdom, carrying out your duties and I'll stay here alone and... waiting for you."You whispered the last words, knowing you had already said something you shouldn't
Yami looked at you for a moment, seeing melancholy in your eyes. He always seemed oblivious to other people's feelings but he wasn't a total idiot like many thought. He just felt more than he said. He knew you still liked him, maybe there was still hope. The captain hadn't forgotten about you either since he left that day. He remembered every night and every day with you. Every single one of them.
"Do you want something to drink?"You asked, trying to change the subject after seeing the tension that had arisen in the room between the two of you
"Yeah, something really strong, please."He waved and you got up and went to get something very strong as he had asked
His eyes following you to the kitchen, not failing to notice how nervous you looked.
You returned with his drink and he thanked you before drinking it, placing the glass on the coffee table.
"Do you still have that at home?" He asked, referring to the drink you offered him
"Yes, it used to be your favorite... our favorite, in fact." You looked at him and he smiled
"Yes, I know. Don't you drink too?"He took another sip and handed the glass to you
"No, I'm fine."
"You need it, it would cheer you up a little."He insisted
"No, seriously, I'm fine." You assured
Yami put the glass aside and leaned back but his eyes focused on nothing else but you, looking you up and down as if they were trying to talk to you.
You didn't know why he was there, or rather, why you were sitting with him, as if everything seemed fine and, on top of that, he was drinking your favorite drink. The one you two used to share the bottle with each other.
Could it be that you were doing that because you still loved him and because you didn't want to lose that bond again?
You didn't admit it but maybe that was it, but there was an internal struggle within you between the pride and the love you still felt and that was making you very frustrated.
"Hey?! Are you there?" He snapped his fingers close to your face and you 'woke up'
"Yes, I am and I would be better if you weren't here." You said, giving in to pride and using coldness, even though you knew you would regret it bitterly later
"Don't say that, you're ruining my sensitive heart here." He placed a hand on his chest to emphasize the scene
"Fuck that heart of yours, you didn't care about mine when you went to Clover."You got up and went to your bedroom, unable to stay in the same space as him
"Y/n, come back here, I'm not finished yet. Hey! Are you listening to me?" He shouted from the room but you ignored him. "That idiot is a tough nut to crack..." Yami grunted, getting up and went up to your room
That night would be long...
You were walking in a circles, completely out of your mind when the door opened and you immediately turned to face him.
"Yami, get out now!" You ordered as soon as you saw him
"I just came here to see you but not like this." Yami said, approaching you."Come on, calm down."
"Yami, seriously, GET OUT!" You weren't holding back anymore and your voice started to become tearful, something you wanted to avoid
"You don't want to do this, I know..."His words only intensified the moisture in your eyes until you felt tears falling
You were mad, you were tired but at the same time you felt light for letting out what was inside you all those years, even if it was in front of him. All those tears were suppressed for months and you always told yourself that you wouldn't cry for him but now you had reached the limit with that situation.
And tired of all those emotions, you confessed.
"I missed you..." You shouted, between tears and sniffles. "That feeling never went away because you were the only person I had... When you left after our last conversation, I just wanted to disappear. I didn't know when you would come back, or if you would actually come back." You looked at him and he was looking at you, while you vented. He had a heavy heart after seeing what a mistake it was to leave you alone. "I was alone all these years, there was no one else after you, just you."Your eyes met his, full of tears and he felt bad, seeing you like that. He blamed himself even if neither of you were to blame for what happened. It was just a mismatch of life.
“Things could have been different between us. It was my fault that you were like this and now I don't think there is anything I can really do to make things right..." He said, looking down
"No, no, it wasn't your fault for following your life goals," You said, wiping your tears and moving your hair away from your face, sighing."But, there's something I need to know."
"What?"Yami asked and you looked at him for a short moment
"Have you been thinking about me, all this time? Did you manage to look at anyone else, after me?" You asked, taking slow steps towards him and looking him in the eyes. Yami was a little taken aback by the question but answered.
"I did, I thought about you a lot of times, even though I know I should move on."Yami sighed and you looked away."Regarding the second question, I can also say that there was no one else. Even if there was one or the other, that tried..."He chuckled and you looked at him sideways
"Of course they tried, who wouldn't try anything with a man like that?" You thought
"Yami?"You looked at the man in front of you, from top to bottom
"I still miss you," You lookes into his eyes, telling the true about what you were feeling."Your touch still remains in me, your lips, your eyes, your voice, your arms, everything about you is still marked on me." You curved your lips in a smile
"Y/n..."He felt a little lost for words seeing how your eyes had changed expression
Your name left his lips in a soft, low tone but you stopped any other words from coming out of his mouth as you kissed him intensely, taking him by surprise. He didn't think you would kiss him like that after all that, he even thought you would kill him right there.
Your hands held the back of his head firmly while his went to your waist, you could taste the taste of the drink on his tongue in that rough kiss. You broke the kiss to catch your breath, looking into his eyes, there was desire but something even deeper.
"You...What happened to you?" He asked, unable to help but smile
"Just shut up." You ordered before kissing him again
His hands undid the knot of your robe and removed the fabric from your body, exposing your naked body, your hands hurriedly ran over him, removing his shirt. You needed him more now than at any other time, you gave in to the deepest thoughts, the strongest desire, which you fought for years but now you had lost.
He grabbed the back of your thighs and took you to the bed, laying on top of you. He kissed your neck, marking all the skin as your fingers ran through his disheveled black hair. Maybe you missed it more than you thought.
He left the curve of your neck and brought his lips to your breasts, his mouth was voracious around them, his hands felt the flesh and his tongue swirled around your nipples, making you let out low moans.
He was more intense and his touch was more voracious and rougher than the other times. He was no longer the magic knight you had dated, he was the captain and an indomitable man now.
He knelt on the mattress and grabbed your legs, spreading them and reveling in the sight of the wet sheen, running down your folds that only made him want to bury himself deep inside you.
"You're too wet for a person you don't want to see in front of you," Yami said, running two fingers through the slit and you arched up. "Did you miss that too?"
"Yes, fuck yes." You said, breathlessly
He distributed kisses all over your thighs, leaving red marks all over, until he reached the middle of your legs and devoring your clit, making loud moans come out of your lips. Your body was taken by surprise by that man's roughness.
Many years might have passed but he was still the best at what he did down there. Yami ran his hands from your thighs and brought them to your waist, keeping your body firm against his face as he ate you out. Your hands pulled his hair, whimpers left your lips feeling the humidity increase.
You wanted that so much, you wanted his hands running through you, digging his fingers deep into your skin and leaving marks that you would appreciate in the morning.
His lips sucked your sensitive spot, the tip of his tongue swirling around it and driving you crazy, your head fell to the side with your eyes rolling back.
Yami looked up to find your face reveling in pleasure, that sight only turned him on even more and he could already feel his member aching against the fabric of his pants.
"Yami, I ahhh...so close. "You said between moans and with heavy breathing
He was completely oblivious to your words, wanting to take more from you, to taste how delicious you were.
"Come to me, let me taste you," He whispered, in a husky voice against your pussy. "You still have the best taste"
You could swear it was his voice that made you come at that moment, everything about that man was hot. He brought one hand to your folds, caressing them before inserting a finger into you, you closed your legs around his head and he used his other arm to hold one of them.
He added the second and your loud moans afterwards were music to his ears. He really thought about you calling for him, with that voice so full of desire, in his room.
His fingers moved in and out of you quickly as the tip of his tongue continued to taste your overstimulated clit. You closed your eyes, unable to take all that any longer, drops of sweat slid down your skin and your body trembled with goosebumps.
It didn't take long for you to come and wet the captain's fingers, who removed them from you and took them to his mouth to taste you again, wiping the corners of his mouth afterwards.
You opened your eyes seeing him looking at you, you could guess by the look and that mischievous smile that he was still starting.
"What's wrong, princess? Are you going to faint from exhaustion? You've weakened." He chuckled and you couldn't help but smile with him too, even though the urge to punch him was still there
"I didn't weaken, I'm just waiting for you to decide."You said, placing your hands on the mattress and sitting up to see his face up close
"Decide what?" He frowned
"If you're going to fuck me or if you're going to go back to the clover kingdom and leave me here to finish the rest," You said, taking one of your hands to caress the bulge in his pants. "Come on, captain. You know you want this too." You whispered next to his lips
He had to admit that when you called him captain, it caused something in him and he would want to hear that come from your lips again.
He grabbed your chin with one hand and pulled you forward to kiss you, you knelt in front of him with your legs still heavy, without moving away from his lips for even a moment. You took your hands to his pants and started untying the belt on his pants, he lifted his hips so you could lower him along with his underwear. He helped you to take the rest and threw them aside before kissing you again, his tongue carrying your own taste in it.
You took your hand to his cock, stroking it from bottom to top, feeling the first drops run down your hand and the length. He moaned against your lips when you sped up the movements with your hand, one of his hands grabbing the back of your neck and the other on your waist. You left his lips, licking yours, swollen and wet, while looking into his eyes that begged for you.
"I want you inside me," You asked and he sighed heavily. "Do what you want with me."
Yami didn't hesitate and turned you onto your back, placing you face down on the mattress and positioning himself behind you. You lifted your hips up towards him as your hands grabbed the sheets, you looked over your shoulder, enough to see his hands spreading your legs and grabbing your hips. Yami already missed that sight.
"I want to see if that voice still sounds as loud as it did back then." He said as he ran his hands over your skin and you giggled, looking back
"Why? My dear captain missed my voice too? How sweet!" You said and he slapped on of your cheeks and you moaned
"Don't talk too much. You'll end up hurting yourself." He leaned over to whisper in your ear and you chukled
He pulled away and held his cock, keeping the other hand on your hip, entering you slowly and making you whimper when you finally felt him inside, making your walls widen and your legs tremble. You dreamed about feeling that sensation again and now you couldn't be more pleased to be able to to feel him filling you, making you squirm beneath him.
He barely waited for you to adapt to him and he started thrusting into you from behind and you gripped the sheets tighter. The captain really didn't expect something like this to happen again but there he was and since you had done it like this, he would give it his all. He thrusted you strongly as he remembered the memories you two before, in Hino. He wanted to fuck you the day you two argued, he wanted to shut your mouth with his and try to resolve things but you needed space and when you pushed him away and ran away from him, he realized he couldn't do it nothing, but now, now he could.
His hands grabbed your flesh, marking it well so that he could see his hands there later and be able to say that he had done it to you because you were still his. His hips slammed against yours hard and fast, your legs could barely handle that intensity. Yami was a very strong man and had no problems using that strength to his advantage.
One of his hands went to your clit and rubbed it in quick, circular movements, eliciting countless moans from you. He looked at the reflection in the mirror next to him and that scene made him even harder and made him go deeper.
You were also able to see him through the reflection, his body coming and going against yours, your insides tightened around him just seeing that image. Tears of pleasure were overflowing your eyes and your mouth kept whimpering and saying his name.
You no longer remembered anything that had happened before, just how good he was making you feel.
"That's it...Just like that...So good" You moaned breathlessly and he smiled
He pulled you against his chest with one arm around you, his hand running down the valley of your breasts and the other caressing you down there while you held onto his forearms.
"Do you like this, huh? Couldn't you get over the idea that you were made for me all this time?" He said, thrusting you even deeper and you arched your back, tilting your head back
Your mind was blank and you didn't speak up but he was right, you couldn't and there you were.
"I'm coming...Yami ohh, I'm coming..." You said with a loud moan
You laid your head on the mattress as your cum squirted over his length, still penetrating strongly and erratically inside you. He bent down to suck the skin of your neck, he placed both hands on your hips, giving you one last strong thrust as he came inside you, filling your insides as he enjoyed the way your wet, warm insides tightened him inside you.
You lost track of what time it was, if it was still night or if he was still there.
Little by little, you were coming down from the enormous peak of pleasure he had given you and that was when you realized that it was still night and that it was late and that yes, he was still there.
Yami withdrew from you and you let your exhausted and sweaty body fall onto the mattress, you couldn't feel your legs and your breathing was very unregulated. With a lot of effort, you managed to turn around to face him, equally panting.
The captain took the cigarette out of the pocket of his pants, lying on the floor, and lit it, blowing the smoke as he sat on the mattress, looking at you at the mess he had done with you.
"You look like you won't be able to walk straight for the rest of the week." He said taking a drag and you smiled
"Guess who's to blame?"
"You're the one who started teasing me."
"Me? You're the idiot here, you're the one who did these things to me."
"But you like it when I do that, don't you? Because I don't ear you complain about it" He said, releasing the smoke between his lips and looking you in the eyes
You could see something else in his eyes besides the previous desire, it was as if he wanted to be there, close to you. You didn't want to talk about feelings now but you couldn't help it, you had to bet.
"Yami?" You called in a low voice and after managing to catch your breath
"You still love me?"You asked, after a moment of hesitation
The captain took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and pulled your body onto his lap, you put your arms around his neck, looking into the eyes of the man you would do anything for.
He placed a kiss on the crook of your neck and then looked at your face again before kissing you gently. He wasn't a man of beautiful words like in usual romances but his actions made your heart burn with love. However, he clarified it in words just for you.
"Yes, I still love you, idiot." He whispered next to your lips and you smiled, feeling a tear fall
You hugged him, wrapping his body in a hug of longing and the need to have him with you. You could stay in his arms forever, it would always be your favorite place, your place of comfort. You couldn't contain the tears and small sobs against the crook of his neck.
"Why are you crying? I said I loved you and you react like this? I don't understand..." He frowned as he ran a hand through your hair
"It's just happy to know, that's all. Tears are not always about sadness."You said, moving away from the crook of his neck
"Oh, I thought you were sad because I liked you. My heart couldn't take it..." He chuckled as he wiped your tears with his thumbs
"You and your stupid little heart again." You rolled your eyes, smiling
"Seriously, he's very fragile and--"Yami countered but you silenced him with a kiss
His hands caressed your back as he tasted the lips he loved so much. It was something slow, unhurried and intimate, something you loved living.
"Yami..." You whispered his name, pulling away from the kiss for a moment. "I think..."
"Say it." He encouraged, seeing you confused
"Would you accept me in your squad?"
Yami never expected to hear those words coming from someone who clung to that place so tightly but he would never reject you.
"Are you sure? You're not going to cry because you miss home?" He teased you
"Your presence is my home and if we still love each other why should I live far away from you?"
"Yeah, you're right. Well, I can take you with me but be prepared because those people there are fucking crazy."
"Your magic knights?"
"Yes, those brats." Yami laid you down on the mattress and lay down by your side, pulling you close to him
"I'm sure they love you."
"They do."He sighed
"Would they love me too?" You pondered
"I think so but if not, nothing like a good kick in their asses to make them change their mind about you." Yami said in a threatening tone and your eyes widened
"You're always the same brute idiot as always." You snuggled into his chest and he chuckled
"Don't you like this brute here?"
"You didn't hear me complain, did you?"
"Then, shut up and let me sleep."You slapped his chest
"This woman is still a danger..."He muttered, before falling asleep shortly after
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biblomaniac · 1 month
Part two of the fic ‘My Lovers’s Got Humor’
Kara flies into the Tower through the balcony entrance after helping at the scene of a massive pileup. A box truck overturned in the middle a two-way road leading into National City. It was just after five o’clock in the evening, meaning many cars were headed to the outskirts of the city to return to suburban homes.
Due to the position of the truck, vehicles traveling on both sides of the road were unable to brake safely, meaning they impacted the truck and the vehicle in front of them one after another. By the time Kara made it to the scene, five cars entering the city and 9 leaving the city had been involved in the accident. The wreckage was a disaster, people hurt in nearly every vehicle, with the most mangled cars being the ones in direct contact with the truck.
It took several hours to safely extract each person, turn off engines and checking fuel lines on each vehicle, lest a fire break out. Luckily, everyone involved made it to the hospital safely. Supergirl stayed after to help clear debris off the road so that backed up traffic could continue on about their evening.
By the time she was done, soot and ash covered almost the entirety of her suit while streaks of black marred the tanned skin of her face. Kara intended to go straight to the showers of the Tower before heading home. That is, until she heard the melodic beat of Lenas heart. Kara follows the sound to the lab where the scientist was tinkering with a proton gun she had confiscated from a rogue alien last week.
“Hey, Lena,” she greets, stepping into the room.
Lena looks up, she’s brightening at the sight of her best friend. She lays her tools down, removing the safety goggles on her face before crossing the floor to meet the blonde.
“Hi, darling. My, my, my, busy day I see.”
“Hey, I just got done with the accident on I-12. What have you been doing?”
“Trying to reverse the polarization on this gun. I want to see how effective its blast radius is.”
Kara loves to hear Lena talk about science. Though she played dumb for much of her time on this planet, Kara was actually very knowledgeable on Earths STEM fields. The information was primative in comparison to Krypton.
“I love hearing you talk about science.”
“Oh, really? I wouldn’t want to bore you.”
“You could never. I find intelligence an attractive quality in a woman.”
A dark brow raises, “Interesting. What else do you find…attractive, in a woman.”
Kara chuckles awkwardly and begins to list qualities she finds attractive in Lena, specifically. “Uh. Beauty, humility, a sense of humor, kindness. Y’know, the usual.”
“I see. You know what I find attractive?” Lena asks conspiratorially.
Kara ears perk. She’ll take just about any crumbs Lena will drop.
“Someone who’s smart, strong, brave, loyal, sweet…”
Okay. Okay. I can fit those, right? I’m super strong, I fight crime for a living, I’m vastly more intelligent than I seem, and I’ve been compared to a golden retriever on more than one occasion. Maybe I do stand a chance!
“And has lots and lots…of muscles.” Lena finishes, hand trailing along the dirty sleeve of Kara’s suit and squeezing. Her voice is a low whisper that caresses Kara’s ears.
Kara tenses, unintentionally flexing the muscles of her bicep. “Uhhhh. Um. Yeah. Cool cool. Well, I should shower! I’d hate to get you dirty, I mean— nevermind, see you!”
As she speeds toward the bathrooms, she hears Lena chuckling at her departure.
“No no no no n—dammit, Kara!” Alex exclaims.
Kara has just won their final round of Jenga, making her the champion of this game night.
“Suck it, Alex!”
“Language!” Kelly interjects.
“Sorry,” they both mutter sheepishly.
Esme isn’t usually present for game night, but her sitter cancelled and the group decided to pull out some of the more kid-friendly games to play with the young alien.
“How about we watch a movie? Since it seems you two can’t play nice,” Lena suggests from the kitchen.
“Good idea. Esme! Why don’t you pick a movie for us to watch?” Kara offers.
“Okay!” Esme skips to the console, opening it up to reveal the plethora of movies Kara has collected. There are a number of plays, musicals and other mediums available, but Esme only has eyes for the children’s films.
“Can we watch The Princess and the Frog?” Esme asks, pulling out the box to show the title.
“That’s one of my favorites! Have you seen it before?” Nia asks, grabbing the box to load the DVD into the player.
The little girl shakes her head, “No, but we read the book for story-time this week in school. I liked it.”
“You’ll love the movie, then. Kara made me watch it when we became friends and I loved it,” Lena says, walking back to the living room. She surveys the room with a sharp eye, determining where she will sit.
Evidently, Kara looks like the comfiest option. The brunette walks over, placing her drink on the end table before sitting sideways in Kara’s lap, her back to the arm rest.
Dear Rao, what do I do? Should I hold her? Maybe, she’s in my lap. Where do I put my hands? Her lap? Maybe not, what if—
“Aunt Kara, why is your heart beating so fast?”
Kara immediately flushes, rushing to quiet Esme before she embarrasses her any further. She would not say this is her proudest moment, but a six year old calling her out on her feelings was not in the agenda for today.
“Esme! What did we say about using other peoples powers without permission?”
The littlest brunette ducks her head at the admonishment, “Sorry.”
“Come here, love,” Lena beckons, spreading her arms to invite Esme for a hug.
She walks over head bowed low before burrowing unruly curls into Lena’s chest.
Kara feels bad immediately. “Oh, little one. I’m sorry.”
She places a hand on Esme’s back, running it up and down in a soothing motion.
“It’s okay,” comes the muffled reply.
“It’s not, I’m sorry. Come, give Aunt Kara a hug.”
Esme plants one knee into the couch, climbing on with Lena’s help to rest in her lap, head on Kara’s shoulder.
Kara kisses the girls forehead, squeezing her just tight enough for her little Dryllian body.
“You okay, love?” Lena asks her.
“Yeah, all better.” She presses a kiss to Kara’s cheek, then Lena’s, before speeding back to her parents to watch the opening scene of the movie.
In the time it takes for the movie to truly begin, someone has turned down the lights. The open curtains wash the room in soft moonlight. Snacks are shared, blankets passed out, and phones off for the optimal home theatre experience.
Yet, Kara still feels bad. It’s not Esme’s fault she gets nervous around Lena now. Sensing her distress, Lena turns to rest more fully against Kara. She lays her head in Kara’s strong neck.
“Don’t feel bad, darling. It was an accident, and you did the right thing apologizing.”
Lena’s warm breath on her skin makes Kara shiver. She doesn’t respond verbally, only squeezing Lena once in acknowledgment.
By the time Tiana is preparing beignet’s, Lena has burrowed herself under a blanket, arms tucked up against Kara’s chest. Her warm breath hits Kara’s neck at every exhale.
Kara still hasn’t figured out what to do with her hands. One is tucked into the couch cushions and the other hangs over the arm rest. The position has to look awkward to everyone glancing at them.
The editor feels a warm hand touch her cheek to angle her face down. Lena looks into her eyes before moving up slightly to whisper into her ear.
“Relax, darling. You can hold me.” The lilting whisper is meant to soothe, instead it winds Kara up even more.
Tentatively, Kara moves one hand just above Lena’s knee while the other wraps around her back, cradling her close. The soft clothes the scientist is wearing are actually Kara’s, but boy do they look and feel infinitely better on Lena.
“Good. You can touch Kara, I won’t bite. Unless you ask, of course.” Lena nips at Kara neck playfully.
Rao, give me strength.
Tonight is themed night at Al’s. This month, the theme is country. Kara sports a white tee tucked into beat dark blue jeans, brown cowboy boots, and a black cowboy hat.
Kara is at the bar waiting on the next round of orders when she feels Lena standing at her right, back to the bar and gazing out onto the dance floor. She looks out the corner of her eye, trailing her eyes up and down her friends figure.
The pants Lena is wearing are sinfully tight and flaring at the legs, hugging her curves perfectly. Her borrowed plaid shirt from Kara is tied in the front just below her sternum to hug her chest and show her belly. Her hair flows loosely, curling in its natural ringlets. The black one inch boots are comfortable, much more modest than her typical footwear.
Unfortunately for her, Lena notices.
“My eyes are up here.”
Cobalt eyes shoot to kryptonite green. A sheepish smile adorns her face.
“See anything you like in particular?” Lena asks cheekily, leaning back further on her elbows. This position happens to present her chest better than the first. It takes all of her Kryptonian strength to keep her eyes on Lena’s.
“Just admiring the view,” she smirks, tipping her hat down.
A boisterous laugh escapes Lena’s parted lips.
“I could say the same, darling.”
The ladies are interrupted by the arrival of their drinks, “Order for Kara?”
“Here! Thanks.” Kara grabs the tray and returns to the table. Lena follows behind, commenting on people’s outfits as they pass by.
Kara places the tray on the table, handing out drinks and food before returning to her previous seat in the booth. Lena remains standing, occupying the space behind Kara as she sips her drink, talking to Brainy about one project or another.
Nia perks up at the song change.
“Ohhh, I love this song! Lena, come dance with me!” She exclaims, pulling Lena to the dance floor by her hands.
Kara watches them go with a small smile. For so long, Lena had refused to believe that their friends were truly hers outside of a relationship with Kara. Seeing Lena dance with Nia, happy and carefree, warms her heart.
“Kara, go dance with her.”
“Huh?” Kara turns to the voice, eyes traveling to connect with Kelly’s across the table.
“Ask her to dance! Remember what we talked about? This is a chance for you to make your move.” Kelly reiterates.
“How should I ask her?”
“With your words, Kara. She’s not a stranger; go up to her and ask to dance. It’s that simple.”
Kara bites her lip, glancing back to the floor to see her friends dancing together.
“I can do this, right?”
“You can! Go go,” Kelly shoos.
“I got this. I got this.” Kara tells herself, weaving through the crowd to reach her friends.
Reaching them, she makes eye contact with Nia before looking to Lena, “Can I cut in?”
“Of course, darling. You don’t mind, do you, Nia?”
“Oh no, you go right ahead.” Nia smirks conspiritually. She gives Kara two thumbs up behind Lena’s back before disappearing to the table.
“So, uh. Would you do me the pleasure of sharing a dance?”
“How formal. Should I curtsey to accept your invitation?” She jokes.
Kara shrugs playfully. “A ‘yes’ will suffice.”
“Then yes, I would love to dance with you.”
Lena starts to sway, but Kara stands mostly still. Her “dancing” is often more of an awkward flail, and this certainly isn’t the time for that.
“I thought you wanted to dance; why are you so far away?”
“You want me closer?”
“Yes, Kara. Here; put your hands on my hips,” Lena grabs Kara’s hands, placing them low on her hips then wrapping her arms around Kara’s shoulders.
“See? Now move, you look like a deer in headlights.”
Kara’s wants to say: I feel like I’m staring into the sun.
What she really says is: “Okay.”
Kara follows Lena’s movement, going side to side, back and forth, moving to the rhythm of the beat. The lights flashing onto the brunettes skin make her look ethereal; like a being from out of this world (which really, Kara should be used to by now, seeing as she herself is a literal alien).
At the next song, the brunette turns in the taller woman’s arms, left hand dropping to hold Kara’s against her hip. She pressed her backside into Kara’s pelvis, hips never ceasing their movement even when the cadence of the beat changes abruptly. The music itself isn’t the quick beat of a line dance or the slow melody of a love ballad. Instead, it has a deep thrumming bass that Kara feels vibrating in her chest.
Pale skin feels incredibly hot beneath her clothes. Kara spreads her hands to palm at Lena’s hips and waist, but not trailing any farther above or below.
I may be using some…morally gray tactics, but I’m still a gentlewoman.
The hand grasping Kara’s neck pulls, tugging the blond to lean down to rest her lips near a pierced ear.
“Are you enjoying the dance?” Kara asks, testing the waters by pressing a quick kiss to the shell of her ear.
She feels a minute shiver emanate from her partner. “Very much so.”
Lena plays in loose hair at her nape, keeping her close and pliable. Kara is more than happy to wrap her body around Lena’s, molded to her back, hands roaming. When a pale hand reaches down to shift her open palm, Kara thought she’d gone too far somehow. That is, until Lena drags her hand up her side and across to rest on the naked skin of her stomach.
“You have to keep moving, Kara.”
“Sorry, you’re just so pretty. It distracts me,” Kara admits truthfully.
The brunette inhales sharply, movements pausing for a split second. Her heart thuds a little offbeat.
“Yeah?” She says questioningly, as if she doesn’t know she’s drop dead gorgeous.
“Absolutely,” states Kara. The tan hand on her stomach presses lightly, as if being closer is even possible. Lena doesn’t say anything, but Kara hopes she’s just as flustered as she was.
They move in silence for a while after that, relishing the closeness they’ve acquired.
Kara vaguely hears the DJ speaking into a mic, prompting people to take to the dance floor. “Okay, everybody! This hoedown is sure to get out your seats!”
An upbeat tempo comes on, making their current position a bit out of place. Kara watches people flood to the floor, forming lines and preparing to dance.
“Well that’s my cue, thanks for the dance, darling!” Lena turns in her arms, pressing a kiss to the corner of pink lips before walking past Kara.
On her way by, Lena grabs the hat on Karas head, placing it on her own as she retreats from the floor.
Kara stands there, fingers pressed to her face, watching tempting hips sway all the way back to the table.
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spillthebea · 5 months
may prompt: secret relationship
@wolfstarmicrofic – words: 951
warning: suicidal thoughts/sacrifice yourself
... this is sad, guys
“She was looking at you,” Sirius says first thing when Remus enters the room.
He is giving his back, folding and unfolding a shirt that has something against being unwrinkled. His hand stretches the material, fingers swiping the wrinkles away and yet, like the fucking itch of unwanted jealousy Sirius is feeling curled in his stomach, it does not cooperate. Why is he doing his laundry when Kreacher is there to lick his boots?
The door is softly closed and shoes are taken off.
“Was she?”
Sirius throws away the shirt exasperated, angry and turns, “Do not fucking play dumb, Remus!” in a burst of all the ugly thoughts haunting him throughout the day since the scene of the meeting. It won't stop replaying in his head.
Remus’ smile and Nymphadora's blush and how old Sirius felt with his sunk eyes and lost beauty.
After that, he went to his mother's room, rummaging in her vanity set for anything that would have helped give him what was once his. Sirius had been the light of the party. He had been flirted with, flattered and had charmed anyone with a look, or a grin and never cared for any of it because he had Remus in his heart.
But now? What does he have for himself?
He can't join the fight. Back in prison, now with just more rooms to roam around and run from his mistakes during sleepless nights of nightmares. He can't even maintain Remus’ eyes on himself because broken.
“… Sirius–”
“Do not use that fucking voice with me”
He sounds like his mother screaming at Orion. Between them, silence or Walburga demanding more of Father as she had done with all of them, her included. And in this house, his new cage, it's difficult to stop sinking in old memories and old fears.
He wants to apologise, reassuring he does not want to sound like Mother. Sirius has never wanted in his life to be like her.
He has always lost that fight.
“I want you to tell her. I want you to tell everyone, I'm tired of hiding.”
Remus quirks an eyebrow, the question loud between them; is Sirius still talking about their secret relationship?
“They won't kick you out of the Order if you tell them what we are,” Sirius continues, ignoring Remus’ little sigh, the drop of his shoulders because they both know it was coming. The signs were all there and no one else except Remus knew how to handle him. Not anymore, at least. All gone, leaving him behind. “They are your friends”
“They are your friends too.” Remus makes his way towards him, jacket wet from the rain outside and Sirius studies it as, just with his mind, he will feel the cold spring rain on his own skin.
Sirius cannot remember the last time he was outside. Even as Padfoot it could be dangerous because Peter… Peter could…
“No. I didn't rot for twelve years thought to have killed James and Lily to call those people my friends. All my friends are fucking dead!”
And so should I! is not said, but it is there between Sirius’ ribs and the need to point his finger at Remus for thinking him capable of wanting to hurt Lily and Harry, betraying James.
It's unfair. It was war, no one trusted no one; except Sirius did trust someone, didn't he? And everything had ended because of that.
Sirius, deep down, is aware that blaming Remus is not the way, but he spent the last twelve years replaying his errors, going through what he could have done to change them… spent those years blaming himself and now it's someone else's turn because he is so tired.
The pressure of his guilt has been clawing his heart for too long. What will Effie say when Sirius is going to meet her in his death?
It is a question that does not let him breathe. Night after night, her cries… He promised his ma he would take care of their James. How could she forgive Sirius after Godric's Hollow?
“Tonks looks at you,” Sirius mutters, hands brushing his hair away from his face and it does not help calm himself down.
She is younger. Full of life and less haunted than him. She can go wherever she wants and is so similar to a younger Sirius.
‘You must have noticed,’ he wants to accuse Remus. ‘You must or you would have not given her the time of day. Am I not enough?'
“And not making clear you are not interested does not help”
Tonks, she likes to be called. A change of name, a rewriting of fate just like Sirius who had hated his to the core– Effie would call them ‘Potters!’ for a meal or a family meeting and he had been included. A Potter. Not officially, neither of blood but in spirit, it had been enough.
Sirius wants to be enough; to have died saving his family like he had planned, bringing as many Death Eaters as he could six feet under with him. To be back in their old London apartment he got from Uncle Al, just the two of them. Remus and Sirius, on their sofa and Sirius stealing sips from Remus’ tea cup.
He wants Remus to touch and love him as they did when younger and less drained by life but when Remus tries to do that same thing, Sirius snarls and dodges to flee.
“Where are you going? Are you not coming to bed?”
The thought of lying down makes him itchy.
“We both know I won't sleep. Tonight, I don't have it in me to fake it for you”
np tag: @vlaflipvla (bc you were excited about it) @myriadparacosm
bc last time you said i didn't include you so now i did :))
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