#//he really went and thanked the whole crew wOw
funlovinzara · 2 months
Sanji with a crush Who is insecure about her pudginess like even Nami, Robin, and the other notice something was off reader? but was really worried Sanji the most was when she refused to eat, so one night when she snuck into the kitchen to get a drink of water He voiced out his worries And even confessed his feelings for her.
(we all have moments like those before and we all need some joy in our lives😊)
Sanji x chubby/pudgy! Reader
I absolutely love this request, i have a bit of pudge on myself and this would be so cute to write! Reader is also fem btw!
Warnings: Eating issues
Sanjis pov:
‘Gosh she is the most prettiest gal ever…’ i whispered in my sleep on accident and that stupid moss head threw a pillow at me to shut up, it woke me up instead. I took a look at the clock and it was 5:32 in the morning, i decided to get out of bed and start cooking early. If i didn’t then everyone would be too hungry by morning, and id be behind my usual schedule. I get alot of sleep often anyway, so im not too angered.
For breakfast i decided to keep it simple and make fluffy pancakes from scratch with syrup, honey and other assorted fruits, i know my loves Nami, Robin and Y/n would love that. Even chopper loves sweets, he would love it too. However for the guys, i knew Luffy, Usopp and that marimo wouldn’t have sweet pancakes for fuel. I made omelets over rice with a big batch of bacon that would satisfy them for the time being, id eat some of that too…BUT i cant salivate while cooking..id save my hunger for when im done!
The moment i finished cooking i could hear a few footsteps coming towards the main area/kitchen. It was Nami, Robin, Y/N and Chopper! Just the people i wanted to see! “Nami-swaann!! Robin-chann!! Y/n-sannn!!” I wave at them before setting up there plates with heart eyes, i made sure to tend to Y/n as well since they were the one i truly have my heart for.
“Wow Sanji this looks really good! Thank you!” Nami took her plate as-well as Robin, who gave me bright smile as a thank you. Y/n took her plate, i thought i could see a flash of disappointment on her face before she just slightly bows with a smile “Thank you, Sanji.”
The rest of the crew came in and of course Luffy almost devoured everything, i hit him on the head and yelled at him. I glance towards y/n and i see shes not eating..but i thought she would have loved that? Am i mistaken?
Narrators pov:
Y/n looks at her plate, with the big pancakes sitting in-front of her this would affect her in so many different ways. However she didn’t want to be mean so she takes a bite, it was really really good!! But since you know how this could be unhealthy for you, you push it to the side. But it’s really tempting..the way Sanji made it was out of this world. You were close to taking another bite before a voice snaps you out of your trance
Sanji was behind you, he whispered close to your ear in a soft voice. “Why aren’t you eating? Is everything alright?”
Nami and Robin could clearly see the situation, but they pretended that they didn’t and they continued to listen.
Sanjis voice tickled your ear a bit and you jumped, regaining consciousness. “Oh yeah im fine..can i save this for later, um…my…stomach hurts real bad i think i ate something i was supposed to the other day.”
Sanji looks a little saddened but he nods his head as you walk away to your room. There weren’t too many currents that day so the ship didn’t move so far, you were still on your way to the next island and it was going to take some time. You didn’t eat anything else for the rest of the day, even if Sanji insisted, you would only take a bite. You felt immense guilt for turning down Sanjis cooking even when it was the best you have ever tasted in the whole world.
That night everyone went to bed, you fell onto your bed but you couldn’t sleep somehow. You needed to clear your mind. You tip toed your way outside your room onto the ship and then to the kitchen, you grabbed yourself a glass of cool water and walked to the edge of the ship to star gaze. It was always beautiful on ships, and there was a nice breeze today. You took a sip of your water, and let out a refreshing puff of air. It felt nice to just relax every once in awhile.
However you didn’t know that there were footsteps behind you, and you felt a pair of arms sneak around your waist.
“Y/n, what are you doing up?” Sanji says in a low tone trying not to wake anyone up. You jolt in fear and drop the glass, before it fell on the floor Sanji softly kicked it up with his feet and caught it. “Be more careful…as i was saying, are you okay?”
You’re still in shock before you calm down. “Yeah..”
“I don’t believe you.”
You both stood in silence before he spoke up again. “I have a feeling i know that this is about. You’re worried aren’t you? You’re worried about your body and how different foods will affect your weight? Am i right?”
You nod your head admitting in a bit of shame
“Y/n, i know how you feel. You’re amazing don’t you know that? You don’t have to be ashamed of who you are, if you’re looking for change then i want to help at-least. I want to make sure my crew-mates are the healthiest.” You look at him is surprised, but you didn’t understand why he was telling YOU this.
“But Nami and robin, they don’t have to try hard to be pretty..and you obviously love them so much. So why are you talking to me about this? What do you know so much about me anyway?” You slightly snapped back not meaning to sound harsh, Sanji giving an anxious look in return.
“Im speaking you about this because you’re the one who’s struggling alone and i love you too much to let you suffer.” You both stand in silence..
“I love you.”
He steps closer slowly, step by step he opens his arms wider, then taking you all in by hugging you. You lightly shed tears into his arm while he kisses your forehead. “I love you too, Sanji..”
Oh yeah you and can definitely guarantee Robin heard it all.
Oh my gosh body positivity guys. U matter regardless of what u look like!!🌸
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moonydustx · 6 months
So I have this thing...
I need more Law x Reader fics pleeeaassee (;TДT)
May I ask a reader (up to you what gender) reacting to law proposing to her? Which I doubt canon law would even do but I guess since it's fanfiction, who cares if it's Canon, right???
OMG, this is incredible, hold my hand and I'm with you on this, thank you so much for the request. In my HCs on the Law (I will still post them) I think if it was important for him to do it without even blinking. Surely it would be something more discreet, a small ceremony between just two? I don't know, I might be rambling too much.
Apologies because I didn't have much time to review and maybe I got carried away writing it. I hope you enjoy!
Important: italics are for flashbacks and character readings aloud.
The proposal - favorite moment (part 01)
Part 02 - Part 03
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Law counted the minutes until night arrived, it was one of his favorite moments. That was when you would sneak around the submarine and end up knocking on the door on it. In most of these situations, you didn't get out anytime soon. He's not much of a follower on the calendar, celebrating each month together - and come to think of it, everything happened so naturally that it was decided on which day it started to be difficult for you to be a boyfriend.
Like so many other nights, you found yourself doing what was one of the only things Law could name as a hobby. You were nestled between his legs, your body resting on his chest as you attentively read another book. He found himself leaning against the wall, one of his hands resting on his body while with the other he tried to leaf through one of the new editions of Sora comics that he had picked up on the last island he visited.
He had already lost count of how many times the two of you had wasted hours tangled up in his bed reading and something else he was used to hearing you sniffle at something, like you were doing this time. His eyes looked away from the painting and went straight to where you were reading, just out of curiosity. The other times you were sniffling, he had found you reading about some character who died, some reunion, some couple who got together. This time, from what he could see, it was a marriage proposal.
He already knew it was an important topic for you. He also knew that if he had to choose to spend his entire life with someone, it would be you. Law had thought about the hypothesis a few times and when reading the small excerpt from the book, he let himself think about the idea.
"Wow." your feet were planted in front of an immense showcase. Dresses were stacked side by side in various sizes and textures, some with huge trains and others full of silk.
"Don't tell me you're one of those marriage freaks." Ikkaku planted himself next to you, next to Bepo.
"They are beautiful." the bear confirmed, touching the glass.
"Not freak…" you tried to find the words, you really didn't want to sound like a crazy person. "I mean, marriages are two people coming out in love to the world, to the government, to whatever god they may believe in or to no god at all, as if nothing could intervene or separate them."
"Okay, insane then." Shachi appeared behind you, mumbling.
"Actually, that's a nice way of thinking." Ikkaku replied to him, watching you just shrug. "And I won't deny it, they are beautiful dresses."
"Time to go." The captain's voice echoed closer than you imagined, as if he had been there the whole time listening.
Seeing the crew members move forward, agreeing to the captain's request, Law took a few seconds to evaluate the display that had distracted everyone. He could just be daydreaming, but one day you would look incredible wearing a dress like that along with the new name you would carry. Ms. Trafalgar.
From that day on, the idea of ​​proposing to you never left his mind, Law just needed to find the perfect opportunity and it appeared before his eyes.
"Okay…" your choked voice took him out of his reverie. "That's enough tears for today and I'm getting sleepy." you closed the book, turning towards him and snuggling even closer against Law's body.
"Do you mind if I keep reading some more?" he asked and you just mumbled no. His hand got tangled in your strands of hair and it didn't take long for unconsciousness to take you away.
Law gave himself a week to put the plan into practice. The small room at Polar Tang was tidier than usual however you could notice Law more tense than usual behind his back.
"Everything is fine?" you asked, quickly turning to face him. Law seemed distracted from the book in his hands.
"Everything amazing." his lips quickly touched the top of your head. It was now. All the other battles he had faced had not even come close to the anxiety he felt at that moment. "That book you were reading last week?"
"Ah, it's this one. I'm almost done. It's a period romance, princess, knight and all the little things that involves." you laughed, knowing that from your description he would hate the book. "There's no point trying to convince me to read Sora, this one is much cooler."
"So cool you were crying the last time you read it." he said in a teasing tone.
In a casually planned way, even if it went unnoticed in your eyes, he placed the comic he was reading on the bed.
"It's because he was so sweet to her, made an amazing statement."
"Really? Let me see." He moved even closer to your back, looking for space on your shoulder to follow the written words and find the perfect cue.
"Here. Can I read it?"
"Please." he asked, feeling his hands sweat cold.
"Of all the countries I've visited, I don't think I've ever found a home except in you. You've been my home, my safe haven." You started reading, already feeling yourself melting with those words. At the same time, Law took out a small box hidden behind one of the pillows. "So let me be the sword that protects you, the heart that loves you infinitely. I thought happiness would only find me in the next life until I found myself lost in you. What do you mean by that, my love? So, the The knight fell to his knees, the wounds of the battle he faced seemed not to bother him, not when Annya's eyes rested on him. Annya then heard the four words that carried a lifetime of promises…"
"Would you marry me?" Law's voice echoed alongside yours.
Before you could ask what he thought, a small black box appeared in your field of vision. Inside it, a golden ring with a small heart symbol glittered. The book fell from your hands, finding your lap, as you turned to your boyfriend.
"Law?" at that moment, your voice was not the most reliable. As shaky as she was, your vision was blurred by what you suspected were tears. Your hands covered your lips, still not believing what you were seeing.
"Maybe my sword heals you more than defends you, but that doesn't mean I'll let anyone hurt you in this world. You're my home, my safe haven and I can't wait for you to be my wife. I'd even kneel, but It's a little complicated." he smiled, seeing you still paralyzed on top of him. "So, would you marry me?"
"Yes." the first time came out as a whisper. "Yes Yes Yes!" with each new time the word left your lips, you allowed euphoria to take over your body.
Law took your hand, placing a small kiss before putting on the ring and repeating the gesture, as soon as the jewel was in the place where it belonged. His hands pulled you so your legs were around his waist.
"That's…" you even tried to speak, but it was impossible to put everything you felt at the moment into so few words. You saw him pull out a ring that was the same color as yours, without all the details. "Let me do it."
Before he could put it on his own finger, you took it from his hand and repeated the same thing he had done to you. He placed a small kiss between the tattooed fingers and let the jewelry take its rightful place.
"I don't believe." You looked at your hand and then at him. "Law, that was so amazing."
"You're incredible. I can't wait to see you become Mrs. Trafalgar. My beautiful, smart, a little crybaby…" he wiped away your tears, bringing a laugh from your lips. "My dear wife."
"I love you so much." you cupped his face, taking his lips to yours.
Even though it was full of emotions and promises, it was a calm kiss. Law, like you, wanted to record every second of that moment, every inch of skin kissed, every touch.
In the end, Law was also a marriage nut - just with his dear Lady Trafalgar.
Little extra:
Law was never a big fan of public displays of affection, but that morning he had made an exception. Seeing you happy, showing off your new ring and the promise of marriage, ideas of what to do on the date, honeymoon suggestions. He couldn’t deny it, it was amazing to see how happy you were with the whole situation.
His happiness was short-lived when he saw three sullen faces - one of them looking like a bear - sitting in front of him.
"So Law, my friend." Penguin began.
"Shut up, it's me."
"But I'm his best friend." Bepo grumbled.
"What do you want?" he asked, trying to understand what the three were discussing so much
"Which of the three of us will be the best man?" Shachi warned and Law watched the three in front of him cross their arms and wait for a response.
Before he could respond, Law felt two arms slide and lock around him.
"We haven't decided that yet guys. We can talk about it later." you asked and watched them begin to argue among themselves who would be what.
"Thanks." Law muttered, making you laugh. You bent down to his ear level.
"And you, I'll be waiting for you in the room. I got someone to cover my duties today, now I want to continue feeling what my dear fiancé can do for me." In contrast to the whispered and sexy voice that left your lips, you left a chaste kiss on Law's cheek and left towards the dorms.
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
Monster trio meeting the girl of their dreams but turns out they are a marine
Pls and ty:)
Have a great day<3
Prompt: Monster trio meeting the girl of their dreams but turns out they are a marine.
A/N: First time at angst! WOOO (ง ื▿ ื)ว I kinda went overboard with this one…. So it took kinda long aha, Hope you enjoy tho anon if you’re still here!
Content Warning: Fem!reader, Angst, Mild blood, Reader is a new marine fresh out of training, Reader is all slightly different in each head canon since each person’s dream girl wouldn’t be the same, hurt/ no comfort.
Not Proofread
Word Count: 5.4K
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First Meeting:
You were on your first job, patrolling around the island to catch any criminals or report any bad deeds. With rifle clutched in hand, you practiced your stomping routine all-thru out the day, eyes darting around to scan the whole area. That was when you came across a boy? Or a young man  now that you glance over his ahem nice build, passed out in a alleyway. You immediately rush over to him, kneeling down and lifting up his head and checking for any obvious wounds or blood.
“Foo-food….so hungry..”
You heard him faintly groan out, followed by a loud stomach rumble. ‘Poor thing must not had eaten in a while..’ You pondered looking at his thin frame. You gently rest his head on your lap while you pull out your lunch bag. As soon as the stranger heard the sound of your bento opening, his eyes shot open, drooling pooling out of his mouth. You stifled a giggle at the sight, taking a pair of chopsticks and picking up one of the fried chicken you made for lunch. Offering it to the strange man, his lips seem to ‘stretch’ out and enveloped the whole chicken piece in a flash.
“Mm... yummy!”
You didn’t think more on that strange moment when the man urgently asked for more by making grabby hands motion and pouting out his lips. You couldn’t back your giggles at this point, once again picking up your chopsticks to hand feed this man. Soon, your whole lunch box was emptied and the man leans up, carefully positioning his straw-hat on top of his head. ‘That looked oddly familiar to me but why..’ Your thoughts get broken though as the strange man loudly smacks his lips together and turns to give you a thumbs up with a wide smile. “The meal tasted amazing! Almost as good as Sanji’s cooking!”
You blush a bit at his compliments, you always cooked for yourself so hearing someone saying that they enjoyed you’re cooking was new… and pleasant. “Ah! I forget to introduce myself.” You got up and dust off your pants, it was a new Marine Uniform they were testing out so you hate to get it dirty so quickly. “My name is y/n, may I asked for yours?” You reach out our hand in your introduction and the man’s hands quickly came to hold them.
‘Warm…’ You thought silently.
“Luffy!” He shakes your hand up and down rapidly, “You’re really pretty and nice by the way! You should come meet my crew! I’ll have Sanji cook something as a Thank You for giving me your lunch!” He spoke out in quick succession, not giving you time to respond back. Though you can feel your face heating up at hearing him call you ‘pretty’. “Oh right! I was supposed to meet up with my crew somewhere! I need to run now but see me later, yeah?!” You could only stare at his back as he starts to rush off somewhere.
Luffy’s POV
‘That food was so yummy! And the lady was so nice and pretty and wow!’ Luffy’s thoughts usually went a mile a min, especially now expect it was all about you. He couldn’t wait to tell his Nakamas about what happened today. He thought about how soft your lap was to rest on, how he enjoyed every single bite of food you gave him, how even more delicious the food was when it was coming from your hands. He had a skip in his steps as he ran around the island looking for any signs of his crew, ‘I hope y/n likes Sanji’s cooking! Maybe so much that she’ll even join us!’
A/N: Luffy not the type to fall in love in first sight, so idk how to exactly write out him meeting his dream girl other than this  。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ
Second Meeting:
You were alerted by your Commander about a group of pirates causing havoc near the docks. You dash to the dock ready to deal damage to these Pirates. ‘How dare they! Terrorizing a small island like this one!’ You thought angrily as you get closer to your destination. You soon come across a giant blue haired robot person? And a green haired man wielding three swords. Your allies were being slashed down right in front of you. You brought out your rifle and took aim at the pirates ready to fire at a moment notice.
When you noticed a certain straw hat jumping over everyone. Your heart was thumping, blood rushing to your head as you screamed out; “Luffy!?”
Luffy turned to look at you in midair and grinned wide, stretching his arms impossibly long to where you were. He crash land in front of you with a loud ‘thud’. “Y/N! You made it!” He yelled near your ears excitedly, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You get shoved him off and point your rifle at him with shaking hands. He gives you a sad puppy eyed look. “What’s wrong?” He tilts his head in a way that almost makes you stumble in your step. But you hold fast; “What’s wrong?! What’s wrong is that you are damn Pirate!”
You raise up your rifle again in fury. Did he not know that you were a Marine this whole time? …No, he must had known and pretended to be sick so you lowered your guard down or something, after all, all pirates are the same. You blink away the tears in your eyes, the expression on Luffy’s face almost tricked you into believing that he was clueless in all of this. “Surrender now! Or else I will use this!”
You get slammed by a reindeer or some sort of reindeer liked monster. Your back hits the ground with a hard “Oof.” Escaping your lips, through bleary eyes you can barely see Luffy reaching out for you before he was pulled away by that swordman. Another Marine goes to help you back up, you wince at seeing how your forearms were all scratched and bleeding now. With only rage fueling your voice you scream as the Pirate’s ship was getting ready to sail away. “This isn’t over Luffy! You’re dead to me!”
Luffy’s POV
The Sunny was sailing away and everyone on the ship was safe and accounted for. They made off with bags of food as well. Sanji even said he was making a feast tonight. So why did Luffy feel so sad… He only known for a couple of mins but those memories kept replaying in his head. Your warmth and your kindness, it was replaced with the vision of you screaming out and on the ground bruised.
His crewmates were quick to noticed Luffy’s new attitude, him slumped over on the railing just looking at the island as it fades out of view. When anyone came up to ask, Luffy didn’t give them a answer on why he was feeling this way, he just was. He hoped that the next time you guys end up meeting that it would turn out better but the bitter feeling in the back of his mind told him that you wanted him dead. Why did you have to turn out to be a Marine… he then wondered if he could change your mind and turn you into a pirate instead.
With that new plan in mind, he cheered up a bit and went to bother Sanji about when dinner was ready. He kept rubbing at his chest the whole day though, trying to suppress the ache he felt inside.
First Meeting:
You were cursing your way into shelter as the rain poured down on you. Keeping your sword close to your body as you huddled underneath a tree. ‘Damn it, of course it would rain as soon as I finished with my sword training for the day.’ You cursed silently, wringing out the sleeves on your robe. You always switch out of your usual Marine’s uniform when training but now you’re began to regret that choice. The Marine’s uniform were waterproof to a degree, given how much of your work was out on the sea.
You huff out, rolling your eyes to the dark overcast, flipping it off like it would make any sort of difference. You heard a snort coming off from the left. You jump up a bit in shock, glad that you’re commander wasn’t here to see you be so careless enough not to notice another presence near you. You glare at the new person, not out of any hatred, just annoyance. Why were you even annoyed at this person? You don’t really have an answer for that…
You take a good look at the stranger, he have oddly colored green hair, a scar over his eye, and three swords hung by the side of his hip. He sends over a small smirk when he catches you staring for too long at his open chest. “A picture would last longer, you know?” He taunted with a slight tilt of his head. You feel a fierce blush coming up and you tore your eyes away from watching the rain droplets go down on his admittedly nice abs. You faked a cough and straighten your shoulders out.
“I was just making sure you weren’t a threat or anything like that.” You grunted out. You blush even more when the stranger gave you a toothy smirk in response as he hums. The hums almost came out as growl from how deep it sounded. “So, do you still think I am threat then little missy?” His grey eyes now scanning over your body. Your hands itches towards your sword but you stop yourself.
“I’m Y/N, and I’m…” You took a small pause, “I’m sigh sorry about before, thinking you were a threat and all that.” You did feel bad for glaring at him for no reason, after all he didn’t do anything to deserve it. The man shifted his position, letting his robe fall open, exposing even more of his tanned skin and scarred muscles. “Tis’ fine, it’s not like I blame you for staring.” Oh, alright, now you don’t feel bad for glaring at him.
“I was-wasn’t staring!” You quickly snapped back, which cause the still unnamed man to barked out a laugh. You start to grind your teeth, ‘Fuck him and his stupid attractive laugh too.’ You thought as you turn to find shelter elsewhere. You felt a tug as the man grabbed on to your wrist and pulled you back.
“Hey! Wait! I uh fuck.” He lets you go. “Look, I didn’t mean to upset you alright. So don’t leave ok?” His voice sounded a bit softer than before. When you turned around, you catch sight of a small blush painting over his face. It made your heart skip a beat. You shuffles back to your spot, next to the man, letting your shoulder bump against his tall frame. “I didn’t know that you wanted me back that badly.” You jested, feeling off the warm feeling crawling up.
You heard another snort come off the man, and then the warmth of his broad hand coming to ruffle your hair. He didn’t say anything in return though, just letting the pitter patter of the raindrops wash over you two. It took a while and some brushing of hands and fake coughing for one of you to speak up again. “So.. what type of sword style do you use?” The man grunted and looked over to the sword by your hip. You drummed your fingers on the hilt of your blade nervously at his intense gaze.
“I came from a place called Mount Hua, and I was taught the Plum Blossom sword technique there.” You tilt your head back to glance as his expression. Most people would scoff when they see a woman with a sword so you wonder how he’s reacting. It catches you by surprise to see him so intrigued by your words. “Could you show me once this damn rain goes away?”
He sounded serious about it, not like all the others who taunted or mocked your style. ‘Plum Blossom style? Heh! Sounds girly enough for a woman to use! What does it do? Make everything pretty? Bahahah!’ Your thoughts race to all the things people said to you before. You faked another cough and tried to secretly wipe away your tears that were threatening to fall. You just settled for a nod, looking away, hoping that the man doesn’t see your tears. You hear some shifting beside you and the hand returns upon your head.
His callous fingers gently sunk into your hair, scraping against your scalp tenderly, it almost makes your purr from the sensation. He stayed silent, just letting his hand convey all his feelings. The rain soon ended after this moment, you didn’t know if you wanted to be happy or cry that it was over. You step out from under the shelter and give a head nod to the man. You wondered what a good time to ask for his name, it feels awkward to ask after so long.
The man gave a nod back and began to follow you as you walk to a good place to show off your sword technique. You suck in a shaky breath, readying your sword stance. Closing your eyes and steadying your mind, your body goes thru the motions you repeated so many times before. Right foot first, swing your sword out into an arc, twist your body and follow that arc, another step into a whole dance. Move your body like the swaying petals that descend down from Mount Hua.
Since your eyes were closed the whole time, you didn’t get to see the awestruck expression the man wore on his face the entire time. Mouth slightly agape and his one eye never leaving your form as you make the plum blossoms  bloom around you with each swing. It was breath-taking and utterly ethereal, the man thought to himself. His own hand itching to try and copy your sword style. He wanted desperately to see more of this technique and more of you if he was being honest.
Once you were done, the plum blossom softly fall down around you, it made you look heavenly. You tried to not let out a wheeze, controlling your breaths unless your heartrate fully calmed down. Your turns toward the man as he was walking to you, mouth open to say something but cut off by the ringing of your transponder snail. Pere Pere Pere…. Click. You take out the snail from your pocket, it’s eyes opens as your commander’s shouts out. “Y/N! Where are you!? We have a code red down at the docks! Hurry over now!” You stammered out an yes while shooting the stranger a apologetic look. You quickly took foot to the docks, your duties outweigh everything else.
Zoro’s POV
His hand reached out before his mind could react but you were already gone. ‘Shit..’ Zoro looked back to the plum blossoms scattered on the ground. Picking one up between his fingers, rolling it around he sighs. Hand going to rest on his sword hilt he wonders if he could make flowers bloom like you could. His mind flashed back to your sorrowful expression when he asked you to show off your technique. You must had a hard time in the past, his fist balled up in fury at the thought of someone… anyone making you cry like that. He shook his heads as these kind of thoughts filled his head, it was unusual for him to feel such strong emotions and for someone he barely knows as well. He rolls his shoulders and tries not to delve deeper into these new emotions, wondering where the hell his crew was. (A/N: Zoro was supposed to meet his crew an hour ago but he got lost ofc ヽ(~_~()
Second Meeting:
Clang! Your sword comes down and clashed against the large blue metal arm of the cyborg. “Woah there lady! Why don’t we all calm down and talk about this, yeah?” You stepped back when arms sprout from the ground trying to grab your ankles. “We can talk about this once you all are all in handcuffs!” You ready to swing again but you stumble in you step when you caught sight of a familiar green head of hair. A fellow officer catches you before you fully fall flat on your face. “Get it together L/N!” You nod at your fellow officer.
Fighting down the urge to puke when the green haired stranger goes to join the Pirate Crew’s side. Your lips pressed together when you see him take out his swords against the marines. Your body tense and you made your way to the man. Swish! Clang!Zoro’s eye widen when you clashed swords. “Y/N? Wh-what? Why the hell are you here?!” Veins forming on his forearms as he tried to push back against your attack. “I should be asking you that! If I had known that you were a damn pirate I would never had-!” Your breath falters as your eyes start to well up with tears. Zoro let out a hiss when you managed to nick his arm a bit.
You could feel that he was holding back, not putting his full strength into his attacks. You growled out, “Stop doing that! Are you going easy on me just became I’m a girl?!” You swung down again with a heavy arc. Zoro jumped back shock and then anger paints over his face. “I wouldn’t hold back just cause of that! You don’t know a damn thing about me!” He snarled out, accidently putting some of his haki into his next swing, the force pushed you all the way across the battlefield. Your Commander caught you before you fell into the ocean.
Your head was dizzy and your ears was ringing, you felt your Commander’s hands on your back and neck as he props you up a bit. His visage was hazy and you could slightly hear the words, “Y/N?! Ar- -ou wi—me!? Y/N!!” The last thing you saw was Zoro in the distance, jumping up on the Pirate’s ship and leaving. You soon pass out in your Commander’s arms afterwards.
Zoro’s POV
He was getting patched up in Chopper’s office, heart still thumping from the visage of you all bloodied on the ground. From his own attack as well. He hiss out when Chopper applied the medical salve on a  particularly grisly wound. “Sorry Zoro! Are you alright?” Chopper fretted over him, going to check over every inch of his body again. Zoro only grunted a “Is ok.” In return and stood up. He waves off Chopper’s worries and ignores the stinging stares on his back from the rest of his crewmates once he walked out on deck.
He goes up to the Crow’s Nest, pretending the paining in his arms weren’t there. He looks at all his gym equipment and slumps his shoulders, opting to just lay on the ground. ‘A nap sounds fine I guess…’
His hand goes inside his robe to pull out a single plum blossom petal, he rolls between his fingers, admiring the soft shades of colors. His mind goes back to you, your cute expression when he teased you, your form when dancing, and you.. dead on the ground because of him. He shuts his eyes and holds the petal close to his chest and goes to sleep. Wondering if things went differently, where you would be now…
First Meeting:
You pulled the short stick and got tasked with the duty of groceries shopping for the rest of your team this week. You squint at the long list your Commander gave you. “Apples, Bread (Make sure to get Rye NOT WHEAT), Meat, (Beef, Pork, Lamb if you find it), Bruss-oof.” You hit the back of a tall blonde stranger, stumbling backwards you shut your eyes preparing for the crash landing. Only to find yourself in the arms of the same stranger you bumped into. “Woah there! Are you alright ma chérié?” A smooth voice asked. You open you eyes to find the face of the stranger, a handsome man with a curly brow.
With his arms wrapped securely around your waist he brings you back up to your feet. You stuttered out an apology and bowed to your savior. He chuckles and bowed back with a more flawless posture. “No need to thank me, I will always help a beautiful lady in need.” He then put his hand out in asking for yours. You blush at the compliment and bashfully gave him your hand, he then proceeded to plant a soft kiss on the back of your hand which cause you to blush even further.
“May I ask why you were in such a big rush, my dear?”
“O-oh! I was getting groceries and I was looking at my list and not paying any attention, which I am so sorry for again!” As you explained your reasoning you went to show the list that held all the items you needed to buy. Expect it wasn’t in your hands anymore or your pockets for that matter. You pat around your whole body looking for that very long and important list. Finding nothing in the end, yours hand start to clench as your breathing became more unstable. “Shit, Shit, SHIT! This can not be happening to me right!” Your whole body at this point starts to shake, when you feel warm hands on your shoulders and a calming voice guiding you down.
“Hey there, look at me alright, and breath with me. You need to breath, miss…. That’s it… slow and steady… good job.”
Your breathing starts to calm down as you listen to the voice. Shoulders still slightly shaking as you feel the same warm hands as before pat your head and began to wipes away tears you didn’t know was falling. You start hiccupping as the man pulls you into his arms, rubbing small soothing circles on your back. Once you calmed down enough to speak, you look at up the man, still being held in his arms.
“Th-thank you for this… I’m sorry for—”
He stops you before you could finish your apology. “Don’t feel like you need to apologize my dear, it’s a man’s duty to always help dries a lady’s tears as well.” His head still petting your hair so sweetly it makes your heart squeeze a bit. Still he was a stranger no matter how handsome he is, so you reluctantly push away from his firm chest and try not to think too much about the look on his face as you did. “It just that I lost the list of all the things I need to get for my group and I’m not sure what to do now…”
The man hummed for a bit, closing his eyes before he said. “Why don’t I help you out with your shopping? Not to brag but I am quite the talented chef so this would be a easy task for me to do.” He grinned down at you. You start to refuse stating that you didn’t want to bother him but he had already grabbed your hand into his and was pulling you towards the marketplace. “Just tell me about who we’re buying for and let me take care of it, ok sweetheart?” Your heart skips so many beats hearing him call you sweetheart, just so casually like it was something that was normal between you two.
You brush aside the nickname and your beating heart to explain some of your teammates tastes and dislike. The more you talk the more comfortable you got, telling him about how each of your teammates have something they actively hate and will not even touch a dish if it has that certain ingredient in it. Throwing your arms in the air as you told the story of how two of them got into a fight over who ate the last of the mangos. He chuckles at the story or at how you were acting, you weren’t so sure but you were enjoying the time spent with him.
He easily explained what was best to get, how to pick the best fruit, cut of meat, and fresh fish, he also showed you how to haggle for the best prices as well. You giggled when he went back and forth with the old fishermen, his hand still held on tightly to yours the whole time. You felt a small squeeze every time the fishermen retorted back saying the price was firm. In the end he did get a couple of free fishes with his order. He was swinging his hand that held yours as he happily carried the numerous amount of bags all in his other arm.
You wanted to share some of the load but he was adamant about carrying it all for you but he denied every moment you asked. His hand was oh so warm and caring, when you reached your building you didn’t want to let go. And it seems like he didn’t either, he just silently drops the bags off and hold steady to you hand before letting go. Your fingers slipping past each other slowly until you were freed, free but cold. You just stayed there in the middle of your doorway, you both don’t even know the other’s name but you feel like there was something that was bubbling just below the surface.
However, before anything could happen the both of you heard a huge explosion come from somewhere in the city. The make the ground beneath shake heavily and your ears ring from the aftershock. You look around frantically to see any signs of enemies or anything that could be dangerous while the man did the same while shielding you. You shake off the same feeling in your chest as you went to Transponder Snail to check in with your team. “I have to go check on my friends! Please stay here and stay safe!” The man yells as he starts to run towards the source of the explosion.
You yelled after him but he was already long gone, the Transponder snail still ringing in your hand. You bite you lips in worry for your teammates and the strange man you gotten close to.
Sanji’s POV:
While he hates to leave a beautiful young lady behind, he can’t help but worry about his friends. So while his legs went on autopilot to his friends his mind wandered back over to the marketplace and to you, how his hand fits so perfectly on your waist, the way your smile seem to set his heart aflame each time you directed at him, it was a different sort of feeling from what he usually get when seeing a pretty lady. It both terrified and excited him at the same time, he thought of what he could do when he needed to leave the island later. Would you accept a vivre card from him a stranger, was that too much? Maybe just giving you his number would be fine… or maybe you could join the crew as his assistant? He need to convince Luffy first but also you but his mind couldn’t help but think of all the scenario of you and him together.
He finally reached source of the smoke and found his friends being attacked by a group of marines. He hurries in to help fight them off.
Second Meeting:
The Transponder snail opened up it eyes and you heard your teammate shout out your name. You responded back right away, asking how was everyone and where they were. You voice came out in rasps as you didn’t know that you were holding your breath this whole time. You slide down to the floor upon hearing that everyone was safe from the blast. Tears falling from all the stress, but you steadied yourself once your teammate asked if you could come help. You stifled some sniffles and told them that you’ll be there soon.
You got into your uniform and ready your weapon by your side as you head to the meeting area, the source of the explosion. ‘Where that kind stranger went to….I hope he’s ok..’ Thoughts like these race in your mind as you dash across the town. You hear the sound of fighting before you could spot anyone. You get out your weapon and hurry to the battle to find… The same stranger.
Your heart stops in your throat, your mind was spinning, and you could barely hear you’re the fight over you, as you eyes set on the man. He looked good, you hate to admit it, as he was going around kicking your teams’ ass, but dam does he look good doing it. You snapped out of it when you got pulled back by your commander as a strange and buff Raccoon dog(?) was barreling your way. You landed with a oof and grunted out a sorry as your commander went back to help the others.
Your mind was still foggy over why he man was helping the pirates and what that meant for the two of you. The two of you?? You only knew him for what? A couple of hours? Why were you thinking so hard on this, it obvious that he’s a pirate and that he needs to go down, just like every other pirate out there. You keep telling yourself that as you head straight towards him with your weapon pointed. “Halt!”
The man stopped in his tracks as he turns to meet you, his eye goes wide but then he immediately smiles wide. “Ma chérié! You’re here!” He stretch his arms out wide, as if he was waiting for a hug. You almost falter in your step as you felt your cheeks warm up. You pretended it was from anger and not anything else as you take a step back and faced your weapon towards him. “Surrounded now Pirate! I won’t ask twice!”
His arms was still out stretched but the smile on his face fell. It seems like he was struggling to say something but then the same Raccoon dog you saw before was crashing towards you again but you managed to step away just in time. “Get away from Sanji!” ‘Sanji… so that’s his name..’
You land on your feet with a hard thud. Growling as you try to swipe at the large creature, almost landing a hit when Sanji stops you with his leg. “Wait! Please let talks this out, my dear, we could work this out.” You pushed away his leg and yelled back. “Talk what out?! You’re a pirate! We have nothing between us!”. As soon as Sanji’s face fell, you regret what you said, heart twisting in your chest. One of your teammate came to stand beside you and take aim at the two, shooting at them while they ran back to their ship. You curse them out as the ship’s sails unfurled and they began to leave. Trying desperately to stop the tears from falling as your heart reach out to him while your mind was yelling at you.
Sanji’s POV:
He just stayed in the kitchen for most of the week after leaving that island. Distracting himself by preparing new dishes, snacks, drinks, anything that occupy his hands and his mind. Usopp and Nami was worried about him and the food storage but Sanji waved them off. He puffed out another smoke from his nth cigarette. Looking at his hand and trying to remember the warmth he felt when yours was holding it. He sighs, putting out his current cigarette and lighting up another one. As his thoughts pulled him back that marketplace and the sound of your laughter rings in his ears.
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Can you do it with other characters as well? Preferably blitzø, moxie, millie, loona, octavia, and stolas?
It can be romantic or platonic, whichever you're more comfortable with or which suits the character more.
Thank you again babes <3333
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(A/N) I love me some Striker, but I need to write some different characters LMAO! DW HE’S STILL IN HERE- I gotcha covered, I only write Via platonically however just as a heads up for anyone who wants more content of her specifically!
Helluva Characters with S/O giving them a bracelet!
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Blitzo 🐎
You were crafting a little bracelet for Blitzø, as a thank you for bringing you into this family- IMP, was like a newfound home for you.
Even if it was a business, the co-workers were great- (even Loona- at times)
You even started a relationship with Blitzø, there’s a lot of hard moments with it sometimes but you still loved him and he still loved you.
Even if the idea of love scared him.
Hell, it did to you too sometimes- but you wanted to show him, regardless you’d be there for him thick and thin.
You crafted this bracelet that had charms of things that reminded you of him.
From Blitzø’s love of horses, to the IMP crew itself- plus that fancy revolver he carries around.
You thought of charms that represented little inside jokes you two had. The whole sha’ bang.
It was great! You thought before slowly getting a tad bit anxious, you know it’s unlikely but maybe would he turn it down if it seemed too unprofessional even for him?
Would people not take him seriously if he had this on? Or? Maybe he just- wouldn’t like it?
Your thoughts weren’t allowed to fester too much as you were startled at the sound of a door bursting open.
It was the one and only, Blitzø coming in with a smile on his face and sparkles in his eye.
“You’ll never believe what just happened- I got to pet- a pony! There was one outside, just chillin’ about and I got my chance to pet it- it ran away, but still got the chance too!” He rambled on, “I even drew it.”
He showed you a picture of a pony, you chuckled and smiled before you were able to say a word he slid over to you.
“Oh whatcha doing?” He looked over your shoulder and you tried hiding the bracelet.
“Making a bracelet-“ you said, testing the waters to see how he’d react.
“What type of bracelet? If it’s a friendship bracelet- I’ll be offended if there’s not one for me- just sayin’ no pressure of course.” He jest, you think.
You took that as the A-okay to hand him the bracelet you were crafting for him, rocking back and fourth with a grin on your face.
He took the bracelet as his smile got smaller, with a soft genuine grin.
“I- Wow- this- really was for me-“ he turned the bracelet to see the charms and his tail gave a small wag,
“Heh it even has the horses I showed you.. “ he scratched his neck, then he perked up with an ever larger grin.
“I’m gonna show this to Mox and Mills, they’re gonna be jealous I bet you right now-!”
He grabbed your hand and rushed out of the room with you, you smiled that he enjoyed it so much and you saw how he kept it on him at all times.
Even in fights- that made you the happiest demon in hell…
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Millie 🪓
You thought about making something for Mills for a while kle now, but one of the main thing you thought of was- the main thing you knew how to do well for others.
Bracelets! You went out to get some charms, even made a few to fit her.
Getting one that was her iconic axe, a few things that reminded her of home and a black heart charm like the one on her shoulder.
You tried to make it a sweet as she was, yet fiery too because she was.
Making a little special thing for her made you happy, but it started feeling childish in some ways.
Dear Satan, when did anyone do this- outside of childhood? Y’all were adults now and, it felt kiddish to do this.
You debated on keeping it to yourself to save away from the embarrassment of giving it to her.
You scratched your head and sighed, looking around before putting away in a drawer.
Eventually you went off to do something else forgetting about for a while.
Till one day, you asked Millie to grab something for you out of your little work-station / desk, while you were distracted with what you were currently doing, you heard the pause of the searching of drawers.
Before you heard a gasp and her walking towards you-
“Did ya’… make this for me?” She looked at you with a large grin,
You blushed looking at the bracelet before nervously nodding.
“Y-yeah- it was supposed to be for you- I didn’t think you’d like it so I left it in ther-“
“Don’t like? Shug’ I love it! Anythin’ from ya’ I like? Ain’t cha’ realize that by now-!” she kissed your cheek with a smile before putting it on, doing a twirl while looking at her wrist.
“It’s so cute,” her tail wagged and she hugged you joyfully.
“I’m glad you like it!”
“I love it!” She peppered your face with kisses as she kept looking at it.
She loved it and you, to you- you wished you had given it earlier!
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Moxxie 🎭
Moxxie’s a sweetheart, and a passionate fella everyone knew that- especially you.
He made you smile, you to him and you loved hearing his voice as he passionately talked about the things he loved.
From theater to weaponry, anything really.
He liked that you listened to him, and didn’t tell him to be quiet on the things he liked as other demons did.
You two got together, and it couldn’t be better!
But one day you decided to put that all together and put into a bracelet as appreciation for him.
Using charms on the bracelets, from theaters he personally liked the most- one of his favorites being Phantom of the Opera.
You used the mask of that as a little charm, then you put a few sniper model charms on it too.
Making it a little themed one of him! For extra measure, you added a cute small bowtie charm as well.
Putting in love and adoration into the bracelet.
You got picky with it however, and personally kept readjusted things to make it better.
Before having a frustrated sigh and breathing out a whisper to yourself saying, “how could he like this?”
Moxxie heard you as he passed by you-
“Not like what?” He said with a curious yet comforting tone, he walked over to you and pur a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey if- anyone doesn’t like what you do for them- that’s on them, okay? It’s on them, I like what you do- I like anything you do.” He smiled at you and you looked at his smile, his contagious grin that made you even smile a bit.
You nodded,
“Thanks Mox, it’s just- I made this for you and-“ you handed the bracelet off to him.
He looked at it and a wide grin came on his face,
“This is incredible- the detail on this! The little- the little- is that the mask from, oh my- this is amazing!” He put it on still looking at it.
“Thank you-!” he gave you a sugar sweet hug and his tail wagged as his leg bounced up and down.
You hugged back and smiled, holding him tight as you were happy this happened.
How just a little mutter he paid attention to, and how he proved to you regardless he’ll like anything and be there through anything with you. 💕
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Loona 🐺
Loona you’ve always known to have a soft side underneath that aggressive and mean exterior, because she’s opened to you like that
She also can be an adorable dork, at times. It’s cute you’ve always liked that.
When you two got into a relationship, she was over the moon and happy about it- it wouldn’t be uncommon for her to even wag her tail when looking at you.
She’s even tried her best during arguments to calm down and not be mean, which is for her a lot of effort.
Albeit, today when you tried making her a bracelet you got a bit anxious she wouldn’t like it. Although you put as much love you had into it, putting all the things she liked into it.
Things you picked up with her, her enjoyments, her likings, plus all of the sweet things you two shared all into one as charms.
You had the beads be based on her eyes and fur, the colors of the moon.
You liked it and smiled at it, unfortunately you got a bit timid with showing her- you’ve seen how much she can dislike something.
Remembering that few times she’s smashed items she disliked because it pissed her off.
Even though she’s never expressed or acted like that to you, you fear if there ever is a day where that happens to you.
You looked at the bracelet and then looked at the reference image you used for the beads of you and Loona, you smiled at it then looked away.
Sighing you got up, with Loona you always have to try, in relationships in general you always have to try- she always tried, she did and you loved her for trying.
So, you got your courage and gave her the bracelet when you two met on your next date.
She looked at it, her tail started wagging erratically and her eyes widened with adoring shock.
She smiled, with her puppy eyes- she hugged you while trying to find the words to say.
“You know how much I love these little things! It has oh- you remembered that?” She chuckled, patting your back having her tail wag still.
“I look terrible for not giving you a gift this time, ugh- next date you’ll see-“
You smiled and hugged her, she perked up her body and her ears did.
She hugged back and her tail wrapped around you, the date went off to a great start- and if you wanna know it went great even till the end~ 💕
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Octavia 🦉 🪄
You were friends with Via for a long time now, pretty much being buds for life.
You two shared everything together, whenever Stolas got on her nerves or Stella- even just them together in general she was able to vent her frustrations to you then you the same to her.
You the same to her, she may have been pessimistic in situations but you brought out a certain optimism in her that she thought she couldn’t really bring back up since her situation with her parents.
You two were close, like two peas in a pod, and you honestly- forgot you two didn’t have anything like symbolizing that like other friends do.
Like friendship necklaces or friendships bracelets, so you made the ladder.
You bought some beads and charms, then got to work.
You made it based on astrology. One thing you knew she adored was the stars, always the stars, both her and her father had in common was that.
You even remember talking to her dad about them at one point with Via.
You finished the bracelet and smiled, before running off to hand it to Octavia whenever you had the chance to.
You made one of your own too, to match with her.
You feared a bit not from what Octavia thought but what Stella would think, because from what you know she’s picky on appearances and might pick at the bracelet and get her daughter in trouble.
So when you gave it to Via you reassured her you didn’t have to wear it all the time, maybe not even at all but just know that you’ll always be her friend.
She let out a happy hoot when she saw it and shook her head no
“Are you crazy? I’m literally gonna wear this- all the time! I love this, it’s amazing! I think my dad would like this too-“ She looked over it and put it on.
She hugged you, then took a photo of you two wearing them in a selfie.
Then posting it to her Voxstagram, smiling at this.
“Literally do not care if anyone- even my mum talks about it, I’m wearing this. It matches with my favorite shirt too!”
She hooted again and smiled, you were thrilled when she said that and happy about it- scared she’d get in trouble but regardless you two just knew you’d be there for her even if something like that happened. ✨
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Stolas 🦉 ✨
The way Stolas was, he honestly was appreciative of really- any nice thing that came to him.
His plants, his daughter, not his wife, and well- you.
He smiled at when you told him lovely things and he didn’t know how to respond, like how handsome he looked that day or how sweet he was.
His feathers puffed up- plus his heart skipped many beats, smiling at you with stars in his eyes. A faint blush over his face.
He was a passionate person with a loving heart that was just- something he wasn’t able to use, especially with his wife happening.
A relationship with you was controversial with the Goetia family, but he could care less as there wasn’t love in his ‘relationship’ with his wife anyway.
He smiled at the happiness he had with you.
You did too, it made you happy to see him happy and having instead of yearning for something positive.
You decided at one day, something small to give him would make him thrilled.
You made a bracelet that used a makeshift fake vine tying the bracelet together, with purple and blue beads.
Whilst using star-like charms on it to add to it altogether.
You spent a while on it, trying to make it look as fancy as possible to fit with his starry theme.
You got unsure if it would suit him or- if- if he would get in more trouble with Stella because of this.
It was lingering in the back of your head, but you wanted to give it to him because you know on weekends he’s lonely.
As weekends, Via is taken by Stella to her home.
So, during that time you visited him and as he welcomed you in with a smile. He was in his robe and you can tell he was- not doing the best that day.
You decided this was the best- you gave him the bracelet and he gave a loud hoot.
He took it and put it on without hesitation.
“You… made this… for me? Oh my, this is lovely- thank you, I’m cherishing this for the rest of eternity I swear-“
He smiled,
“You truly brighten my days even on the worst ones- i swear…”
He kneeled down (or just didn’t) to kiss you passionately and hug you tight spinning you around.
Stolas did NOT care if his wife got angered by it, he was getting a divorce anyway- let her be mad.
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Striker 🐍
The gunslinging cowboy of the wild Wrath, you were surprised that you were able to date him.
With how prideful he was, and how confident he was- plus he was wanted (legally) and by other demons. So him looking at you, made your heart flutter.
He liked you, hell- he loved you, found you different and unique to other demons.
When you let him into your life and you into his, he gave you a wild ride. From his job, to at home, anytime was a fun time with him. He let you know how much you loved him.
You smiled at him whenever you’ve seen him.
But this day, he was at work- off killing someone you luckily did not know.
You decided to make him a bracelet, something that was reminiscent of his cowboy and western loving style.
Having it be less- fancy, and more down-to-hell.
You added the snake theme to it with the bracelet itself, then added a charm of a demon horse (more resembling Bombproof)
His hat, plus little additions of his favorite western movies you found from stores. Thankful that they had it-
You looked at it, you knew he probably wouldn’t wear it in in public all too often.
Especially on the job, because looking intimidating and seeming so, was important- you didn’t mind that. What you did fear was if it- wasn’t good enough for him.
You knew how much his appearance meant to him, how much he avoided the idea of being soft or vulnerable.
So maybe that this bracelet would refuse that for you, you sighed when you realized that.
Little did you know- because you were so focused- he came home early and surprised you, by kissing you on the cheek and holding you from behind.
“Heya’ darlin’-“ he grinned, resting himself in your neck and having his tail rattle with a low hiss of satisfaction.
“I missed ya’ all damn day, fuck ya’ got no idea- this bitch refused to fuckin’ die-“
You chuckled a bit,
“Wouldn’t anyone?”
“Well ya’ but- it would’ve been less painful if they did-“ his tail lowered down.
You looked up at him, then the bracelet, and he looked down at you.
“Whatcha’ got there?”
You smiled nervously, then showed him the bracelet.
Looking at his face for his reaction.
He smiled and took the bracelet.
“I wanted to make you something, since I had the time to-“ he cut you off with a kiss and lifted you up, his tail wagged and rattled.
“Darlin’ I fuckin’ love you,” he peppered your face in kisses with a grin on his face.
“I knew you’d love those movies!” He cackled which brought a smile to your flustered face.
“I can’t wear it all the time but… do me a favor and wear it for me when I’m not around, ya’ got piece of me nailed down into a band,” he smiled a bit before pulling you to him.
You know he loved you and you him, this just made it even better for both of you 💕
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 11 months
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the oscars
Pedro Pascal x f!reader
summary: pedro pascal and his wife take on the oscar’s as she is nominated for her new movie
a/n: this was my first time writing fan fiction bitchessss obviously it’s not the best
PART 2 is up now bbs <3
the night was young, you were in the living room of your shared home with Pedro getting glammed up by your team for the Oscars. As they finished up the last touches of your makeup and hair, you went into the bedroom to get into your dress, looking into the mirror "damn I look good." you said "fucking right you do" the voice of your husband Pedro said behind you "mami you look breathtaking." he says as he grabs you from behind staring at you lovingly in the mirror, he lightly kisses your temple just as, "CARS HERE!" your assistant yelled. "let's go bebe" you say grabbing his hand and walking to the car.
As you guys pulled up to the Oscars red carpet, you could hear the fans screaming along with the paparazzi. you two stepped out of the vehicle hand in hand, everyone was going crazy, as you made your way down the red carpet taking photos with your Pedro you heard one of the paparazzi guys say " Y/N are you excited to be nominated for your new movie ?" "I am beyond thrilled to be nominated for the movie "No Hard Feelings", my castmates and I worked so hard on this movie, and I'm so glad people really enjoyed it" Pedro gave your ass a squeeze while taking pictures, with that all you could do was laugh. you didn't think you were that nervous for the Oscars. Making your way inside, you head STRAIGHT to the bar "I need a drink before this shit starts, I don't think I can go up there without liquid courage" Downing your drink in one go, Pedro laughed.. he grabbed your hand and walked towards your reserved seats.
while sitting there fidgeting with your husbands wedding band on his finger you thought going through the list of awards is gonna take forever. That was until your name was called and your character Maddie from the movie was displayed across the big screen. "why does my head look so big? i mean seriously out of all clips from the movie”you leaned over giggling at Pedro all he could do was shake his head and laugh. "your overreacting, your head is a perfect shape baby, you will always be beautiful to me." " AND THE AWARD FOR BEST FEMALE ACTRESS GOES TO..." you legit felt like you were gonna throw up. "Y/N L/N for Maddie in no hard feelings!" you looked at Pedro with your jaw dropped, he was smiling cheek to cheek
“i’m so proud of you, go baby go accept your award!" as he gave you a steamy quick kiss
the song from your movie "Maneater (live) by Andrew Barth Feldman played at 1:24" played in the background. holding onto your long dress you walked up the stairs to the stage, thank the lord you didn't trip and eat the ground. is all you can think in your head. "congratulations y/n, do you have anything you would like to say" smiling you take your award and start speaking into the podium mic "fuck, IM IN SHOCK.. am i allowed to say that?” the people back stage shake their head no. “no? wow okay, well first I would like to thank my husband pedro pascal, and my kids alexis and antonio without them I wouldn't be where I am today, I would like to thank the cast and all of the crew it took to make this movie, I would also like to thank my manager, publicist, and my assistant, lastly i would like to thank my fans, you guys are my everything i love you all so much. WHEW now i'm ready to get drunk and shake ass at the afterparty" The whole crowd laughed and cheered as you made your way down the stairs with your award heading back to your seat. "i love you cariño" pedro says as he grabs your face and kisses you deeply.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Some Perfect Bloopers
Hello! Today, we are answering a request by @thenerdysimp : ‘I just had another idea, and I don’t know if you’ve done something like this already but I’d like to request it anyway.
I know you’ve done one where she surprises Ben on his birthday but I was thinking that maybe she just randomly for no reason in particular surprises him on set of shadow and bone. Like she has talked to the crew and the cast telling them that she is coming so that they are in on the surprise. She has contact with Jessie or someone and they tell her when Ben is filming a scene so she can walk on set to get a good clip of him getting distracted by her for the bloopers or something. It’s all just a cute surprise reunion🥰’
Hope you enjoy what I’ve prepared for your request!
I hope everybody enjoys this little piece of pure cuteness! Tell me what you think about it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: Unbearable cuteness and tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: The cast of SaB and you organise a surprise for Ben: you’re coming to Hungary without warning and surprise him on set. Of course, the camera’s rolling, it will make some amazing bloopers…
Word Count: 1845
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You were nervous, even if there were no reasons for you to be.
There was still a lump in your throat, a twist at the pit of your stomach. You rubbed your clammy hands on your dark jeans, before climbing out of your cab, staring at the large building where the Shadow and Bone cast was working…
You had come in Hungary a couple of times while Ben was working on the first season of his show, but the view of the large building was still impressive.
You thanked the taxi driver as he helped you with your large suitcase, paid for your ride. You had barely turned around that Kaz Brekker was appearing behind you, only, Freddy’s version was wearing a large grin.
You laughed at his warm welcome, giving Freddy a hug. It was still a little strange to see him in full costume.
“Wow, look at you, mister Brekker!” you joked. “A true Crow!”
“Thanks! Luckily for us all, even after a couple of years, I still got it!”
You laughed, and Freddy picked up your heavy bag while you dragged your suitcase towards the building. You would be staying for three full weeks, so your luggage was rather heavy.
“How was your flight? Everything went fine?” Freddy asked, holding the door for you.
“Thanks. Yes, it was alright. Just… exhausting, but it all went smoothly.”
“You could take a nap for a few hours and see Ben this afternoon…”
But he laughed as he caught your eyes.
“Absolutely not. I haven’t seen him in seven weeks, I don’t care about not sleeping for three days to see him if I have to!”
Freddy laughed hard at that, raising a soothing hand, the black glove shining slightly under the artificial light of the hall.
“Alright, alright. Well, Ben is filming in area B today, I’ll get you there. You’ll have to hide with the make-up team for about half an hour, they’re doing a scene that’s a bit too technical to waste time on it for now. But then, Jessie and Ben have some heavy dialogue to go through, it’ll be better suited for our devilish plan.”
“Heavy dialogue?” you laughed, and Freddy soon joined you.
“Well, it gets kind of heavy when characters want to kill each other all the damn time.”
“True, true…”
Freddy hid you away in the make-up department, and you spent some time chatting with a couple of artists you had met before, waiting for one of the Crows to come and pick you up. The planned half-an-hour turned into a full hour, but you didn’t mind waiting. What you minded was the way your heart raced in your chest as Kit appeared by the door.
He rushed to hug you first, but you were surprised to find the whole gang waiting for you in the corridor.
“What are you all doing here?” you asked, hugging Calahan.
“Do you really thing that we would miss Ben’s face when he sees you? Absolutely not!”
You chuckled at their silliness, but were glad to accept their company as you walked across the building to reach the large hangar where the set had been built.
Ben was shooting a scene in some kind of cave, filled with parchments, torches and old wooden tables.
Everyone was in on the prank, and you wondered how they had managed to keep Ben in the dark. Even the director waved and shot you a mischievous wink when you walked in.
You easily hid behind Calahan’s large shoulders to walk in the room unnoticed, and remained quiet as Ben and Jessie finished their scene, a mix of anger and seduction. Ben was facing you, but he was deep in character and barely noticed the large group coming in. You were, for the most part, hidden in the shadows anyway.
You loved watching him work. He was impressive like this, in a dark kefta, with scars across his face, in full make-up and costume. His voice was deeper than usual, firm and threatening, a tone you weren’t used to hear coming from such a sweet man. He still looked mesmerizing though, oozing charms and something magnetic that made you want to run to him as soon as you saw him. He was talented enough to make you feel as threatened as Alina would have been if this were real.
The loud Cut! rang through the room, and you hid more carefully behind Calahan, making sure Ben wouldn’t notice you if he looked up.
And he did. He frowned hard at the sight of the entire group standing there, behind the cameras.
“Hi!” he laughed, Jessie turning towards the crows as well.
But if Ben seemed puzzled, Jessie couldn’t refrain an excited grin.
“What are you all doing here?” Ben asked, frowning.
“We’ve come take a look!” Freddy answered.
“And we’re waiting for you to go to lunch. Hurry up! We’re starving!” lied Amita.
You were struggling hard not to laugh, imagining Ben’s face as he let out an amused chuckle.
“Alright, alright,” he shrugged, used to his co-stars’ silliness.
Archie thought it would be hilarious to tease you some more and started poking at your arm. You almost choked as you swatted his hand away, and Ben seemed to notice the laughter Archie was trying to hold back.
“What are you all planning now?” Ben asked slowly, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
The director faked to check something on the screen, before interrupting the group’s banter.
“It was very good, both of you. But I think we should try to move the camera differently. We’ll do the same scene again, just to get another angle.”
“Should we change our marks?” Ben asked.
“No, no, no. We’ll just change the movement of the camera to catch the light differently. Just play the same thing again.”
Ben and Jessie were given a few seconds to fall back into character, before the camera was rolling again.
And that was your moment to strike.
Ben was focused on Jessie, speaking in a slow, half-seducing and half-threatening tone. He didn’t notice at first that everyone was moving away to let you pass through. He was bothered by the movements beyond Jessie, but he was too focused to realise what was happening. Only when you stepped before the whole group did he start losing focus. Because there was a patch of colour, there, beyond Jessie’s shoulder, that was the exact hue of his favourite shirt of yours…
He couldn’t help but blink and look up, just for a second, but then…
… it lasted but an instant and yet he was almost certain that he had seen your shirt and… you… wearing it…
He did a double-take, blinking a few times more while doubt clouded his mind and he lost track of his piece of dialogue, and looked up again, his gaze lingering on your frame this time.
His mouth fell open and he completely silent.
You… You were there…
Jessie started laughing, moving out of the way, while everyone exploded with laughter, while realization slowly sank in Ben’s mind.
He closed his eyes tightly, a grin breaking across his features as he buried his face in both his hands.
You walked closer, chuckling and grinning even though you had tears in your eyes. After all… you had missed him so much.
He bent over for a couple of seconds, before standing straighter again.
“SURPRISE!” Jessie started the shout, but everyone in the room joined in.
Ben looked up, standing straighter again. He finally lowered his hands, and he walked towards you, closing the distance between the two of you in an instant. You welcomed him with open arms and he held you tight, his face immediately buried in your hair.
“What are you doing here?!” he asked, throat tight with emotion, but there was also so much joy in his tone, such a bright smile on his face…
“I’m here to see you, obviously.”
“How long?”
“Three weeks.”
You breathed in his perfume, your nose pressed to his shoulder, before he would pull away just enough to look at you. He was grinning and crying at the same time, and so were you.
“Three weeks?!” he asked, taken aback. “And you haven’t told me anything?”
“It wouldn’t have been a surprise if I had, would it?”
“And everyone knew, I suppose.”
“I had my accomplices.”
He let out a bright laugh, holding you close again.
People started cheering, and Ben seemed to remember where he was, where he stood, that he was surrounded by his colleagues and was not, in fact, alone with you.
He blushed fiercely, pulling away. But then again, you looked so beautiful, and your smile was so bright, and your lips were so tempting, and he had missed you so much…
Damn be the whole crew. Damn be the teasing he would earn from this. Damn be every single one of his castmates for clearly being in on it.
Damn be the rest of the world, of the Universe even, when you stood there, before him, after so many weeks spent apart, when a mere hour already seemed way too much to be spent without you.
He stared into your eyes again, hands moving from around you to hold your face, tender yet firm, to make sure you would remain close.
“Damn it. All of it.”
And before you could reply, Ben was leaning down to kiss you. Passionately, deeply, like there was no one else in the room.
People shouted, catcalled, cheered. You barely noticed a sound. You were too busy abandoning yourself to the feeling of his lips, of his tongue, of his hands over your cheeks… melting against his tall frame, feeling lucky he was there to catch you when your knees were too weak to bear your weight.
When you broke apart again, out of breath, you were both grinning like idiots, brushing your noses together, holding on each other tight again.
And Ben didn’t seem to notice that the camera was still rolling. That about a year later, the footage would be used to tease him profusely by the cast until a part of it would be revealed for the entirety of the internet to go absolutely insane. He barely noticed his colleagues at all until he finally took a step back, holding both your hands in his, but turning to the room around him. No, he didn’t notice anything for a while but you, your eyes, your smile, your perfume…
“I’ve missed you so much,” Ben whispered, lips barely parted from yours at all. “Thank you so much for coming here.”
“I’ve missed you too. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
He shook his head in amazement, still barely able to believe it was all real.
“You’re really here.”
It was more of a statement than a question. Still, it was hesitant, uncertain. Your voice, though, was perfectly steady when you answered. It was more of a promise than a statement.
“I’ll always be here, Ben. Always.”
Taglist: @reg-arcturus-black @sergeantbuckybarnes @wolfmoonmusic
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Situations 7
Jenna Ortega x reader
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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After your first date, another and another and another followed. They were always fun and your friends haven’t seen you this happy in a while, you seemed carefree, less stressed and for the first time since your heart was broken there was a sparkle in your eyes. Jenna did all of that for you, someone who liked you for you and made you feel like you were one again.
At the moment Jenna had an event in England, and as she wanted her friends, especially Emma and Gwendoline so you traveled with her. After one hell of an argument she let you pay your ticket yourself, it was nice that she wanted to but you weren’t ready to take presents like this from her yet.
“So, are you coming to the event?” She asked when you settled into the hotel room, you booked two as to not make people suspicious. You weren’t sure if Jenna wanted the rest of the world to really know about you two. “Of course, I wouldn’t wanna miss seeing you up there for the world” you answered with a smile while she blushed. “Then you should probably get ready, oh and afterwards we are meeting at Emma’s for a small party” she pecked your lips before leaving to greet her makeup staff.
You went into your own room to get dressed and made up. Deciding on some dress up pants and a tight black shirt with white sneakers and quickly making your hair, you listened to some music before going back to the actresses room. The ‘come in’ that followed your knock was your sign to enter but you quickly stopped in the doorway just starring at the girl. Everyone in the room could see the concern in her eyes until you mumbled a ‘wow’ still starring.
After hearing her crew giggle you finally moved from your place walking towards her. “You look beautiful darling” your voice was a whisper as you didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “Thank you” she whispered and leaned up to kiss your cheek. “So, we are going to be picked up in around 10 minutes and then we are going backstage-“ you interrupted the girl carefully. “No, I’ll be going by bus and we’ll meet afterwards. I’ll be in the crowd as your biggest fan alright? This is your prime time honey” you hugged her quickly before departing again “now, go and have fun. I’ll be there to meet everyone later”
You waited until she was gone for about a minute before grabbing your jacket and walking to the bus. You got yourself a seat at the front where you could see her. As the group walked on the stage her eyes immediately found yours and a smile spread on her face, everybody else’s eyes followed hers. They grinned as Jenna gave you a small wave before sitting down and greeting everyone in the crowd.
The whole event was great, it was amazing seeing Jenna so passionate about her work and you couldn’t help but constantly take videos her. Every time she looked over she couldn’t help but smile.
Afterwards you were waiting in front of the V.I.P entrance for Jenna to pick you up. “Sooo, who was your favorite?” A voice behind you said causing you to turn around, behind you stood Georgie Farmer. You weren’t sure if he was joking or if he didn’t know about you and the leading actress. “Mhm, to be honest I think miss Ortega had quiet the charm” you grinned causing him to sigh. “Georgie, wrong girl you got there” Jenna laughed as she walked up to you, standing in front of you and backing up slightly until she was pressed against you. You wrapped your arm around her waist and placed a kiss against her temple. “Just wanted to see what she would do” the boy grinned as all of you made your way towards the exit.
All of you made your way towards Emma’s apartment, she was filming there at the moment which was why she rented one. You were seated on a couch next to Jenna with a cup, filled with some kind of alcohol inside, in your hand.
“Y/n, let’s get to know you. I think some truth or dare kinda stuff would be great” Joy said and the rest of the crew nodded in agreement. “Well, then ask away I guess” your hands suddenly sweaty. “Truth or dare y/n” hunter giggled, the alcohol clearly already showing, “truth” you looked over at Jenna who giggled. There was a moment of whispering as they thought about what to ask you. You used the time to lean over to the brunette, “I think the last time I played truth or dare I was in middle school” both of you were laughing when they finally decided.
“Alright, First Love?” Emma asked you causing you to sigh, “11th grade” you answered thinking that that was enough but the shaking of heads and the thuds that followed were a clear no. “Her name was Anna, I was 16 and I drove by her nearly everyday, in addition to that we had a lot of classes together. I don’t even know when I really fell for her or why but I just did, I liked her for over 1 1/2 years. I did everything for her, drove her around, send her my homework, carried her bag but she was in love with someone else and we never had something” there was a moment of silence before the next question was asked for another person.
You weren’t really paying attention until you felt something on your thigh. Jenna’s hand rested on top of it, her thumb slightly stroking over the fabric of your pants. A quick smile was shot her way to reassure her that you were fine before it was your turn again, “truth or Dare?” Jenna asked with a grin that caused you to smile too. “Truth” you were kinda scared to pick dare, not knowing what they’d make you do. “Celebrity crush?” You shot a glance towards Jenna which made the other person add a quick “before Jenna, you know” a disappointed sigh left your lips followed by silence as you thought about it. “Dua lipa I believe, she has a great voice and is fairly pretty” you answered truthfully, nearly everybody in the room nodding in agreement.
There were more questions like first kiss and some stupid dares like chugging lemon juice. Everybody was really drunk by now so it was no surprise that this was gonna be the last round. “Now you gotta choose dare” hunter slurred with a giggle, “you gotta kiss the prettiest girl in the room” joy grinned. You didn’t even look around, immediately kissing Jenna who sat next to you with a big smile.
After that you decided to call a cab and go to the hotel, it was late, you were drunk and your flight back was rather early in the morning. You led the actress to her room and made sure that she was changed and alright before going to you room to snatch some pills against headaches, hangover has never been a problem for you but you weren’t sure about Jenna, so you wanted to make sure.
The moment you entered her room your phone started ringing and you couldn’t help but giggle when you saw it was her. “What can I do for you love?” You asked, your voice slurring a bit. “I thought you were gonna sleep here?” It was hard to make out the words but the moment she saw you she hung up and flung herself at you. “You back” she mumbled into your hoodie clad chest, “yes I am, now let’s go to bed alright?” She nodded sleepily. The moment her back touched the bed she was out like a light, you, after you set an alarm for tomorrow, followed closely behind.
The next morning you woke up to the sound of your alarm and a pained groaned next to you, followed by a ‘turn that shit off’ causing you to laugh. “Here, take these. We have to get ready soon” you said as you gave her a pill and the water you laid out the night before, “thank you” she took the pills before putting a hand on your chest to push you back down. Any protest from you was shushed when she laid on top of you, “5 more minutes”.
15 minutes later both of you got ready and said your goodbyes as you parted on your way to the airport. “I’ll see you back in L.A. alright? We can get something to eat and watch a movie or something” she said as you stood inside the hotel, “alright darling, text me if you need anything okay?” You gave her a quick kiss and hugged her before going to your Uber.
A lot of hours later you were finally home, you made sure that Jenna found her bodyguard before departing and she texted you when she arrived home. After a long shower and putting away your cloths, you got a call from the small brunette, “can I come over now? I gotta tell you something” her voice was vibrating with excitement, which immediately made you smile. “You can come over whenever you want love” you said your goodbyes and hung up. You were rather sure that she hadn’t eaten yet and you were too late at the airport so she also didn’t have breakfast, so you decided to cook some food while you waited for her.
Around 25 minutes later there was a knock on your door. “Hey babe” Jenna said as she entered with the spare key, “uhhh, are you cooking?” She walked towards the stove to look into the pot. You stood behind her to stir the sauce, “so what were you gonna tell me?” You asked as she went to sit on top of the counter, “oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I got a mail, I’m invited to the met gala and you should see my dress. It’s soooo pretty” she beamed as she told you and you could feel your heart beat so unbelievably fast at the look on her face. “Jen, that’s awesome. Im so proud of you” you stood in front of her while she wrapped her legs around your waist to pull you closer, “but I still need a plus one and I thought, maybe, if you, you know want to, you could come with me. I know that that’s an important decision because it means that people would know about us like for real and then you’d have to deal with a lot” she was cute when she was rambling like this, you thought about letting her keep doing it but then decided against it. “If you really want me to, I’d love to come with you”
After a little celebration she finally unwrapped her legs so you could finish cooking. “Ohhh, and Enrique said he’d take care of your outfit” she told you, giving you a passionate kiss before taking the plate from your hands and sitting down.
Welp, seems like you were going to the met gala
So I kinda like this one actually:) Do you wanna see Y/n at the met gala?
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oh-my-may · 5 months
LET'S TALK HSR PENACONY 2.1 (or rather, have my impressions and thoughts on the main quest and some other stuff)
First of all, I went out of it with so many thoughts and emotions. This is not gonna be spoiler free (duh).
ACHERON IS SO FUN TO PLAY. Like, really really fun. Finally Simulated Universe is not an annoying pain anymore, and much quicker too. Thanks to a good friend of mine her relics aren't too bad either. She's already so fun to play with Black Swan, can't wait for a Kafka rerun now 💀
Aa for the story now: I FUCKING KNEW MIKHAIL WAS THE WATCHMAKER. I KNEW IT. Now to wait for them to confirm that Misha is connected to him, either as a ghost of his past self or a child or some sort. It's the only way.
It's also really refreshing to see that HSR is giving 4star characters significant roles in the story. First it was Tingyun, now it's Gallagher (and maybe Misha? I'll die on this hill).
Loved the pacing. Story was quite long and lots of gameplay but didn't feel overwhelming at all, probably because we didn't just stick to the MC the whole time. The characters split up and we didn't just follow the express crew but also Aventurine, I really loved that. It felt so dynamic and immersive.
WELT AND ACHERON INTERACTION. BRO. The way I gasped the whole time. We still don't have a canon confirmation of how Raiden Mei and Acheron or just generally HI3rd and HSR are connected but it's sp clear that Acheron is by far the closest connection yet. So sp excited to find out more about this. Raiden Mei, I'll love you in every universe.
Aventurine and Ratio are also very interesting to me. What does Ratio gain by involving himself in all of this? What does he get out of it? Anyway, their little journey through the mansion was nice. GIGANTIC RATIO. The kinda stuff my dreams are made of tbh.
Generally the whole Aventurine story got me right from the beginning. He's generally one of the most interesting characters to me (although this game has plenty of them). I gotta admit of course I was suspicious of him (as one should be of all Penacony characters) but I liked him nevertheless. This patch supported my feelings, my GOD HE xkdjjdjdjd. The way I cried. Since I played the story so late ofc I saw some spoilers/screenshots of his backstory but I never expected it to hit me this hard. Just wow. His ending, too. It's so bitter. Kinda hope we get to see him again, since he'a mot really dead, right? Just in some limbo.
His boss fight was really something. Not a lot of different patterns, but I still had to try a bunch of different teams, since you're kinda fucked even with just a single single target character in your party. Had to unbench Clara, and I gotta say, she came through for me. I might not have used the most meta team, but it worked soooo...
And just as I was glad I had managed the fight they hit you with that big cut scene, woah. AND THEN WITH THE FIREFLY SCENE? AND SUNDAY????
First of all, apparently it was common knowledge among the community since last patch that Sam was Firefly. Yeah, I gwt it bc of the leaks and stuff. But I'm just so confused as to HOW. Like HOW and WHY and just generally HUH. I can't wait for them to explain this connection (if you're reading this and you wanna spoil me with non-confirmed stuff then leave it, please, I might as well wait another 3 weeks).
And then Gallagher and Sunday... Just as I was admiring Sunday's beauty because he might legit just be one of the most gorgeous male character designs... THEY KILL HIM. When I tell ypu I was SHOOK. Mouth agape and all. Didn't know what to do. What a cliffhanger.
Now I don't have a real theory as to what I think will happen. If I remember correctly they said the main story will stretch until 2.3, right? I really wonder what else will happen, the story already seemed so huge this patch and I really wonder how it'll conclude. There's still so many questions and stories. Might add on to this post later when I have more thoughts.
Also Aventurine's banner just dropped but as of writing this I haven't pulled yet. Might add a little post later about it.
For now, have some screenshots I took during the story:
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ALSO I GOT AVENTURINE. SECOND 50/50 WIN IN A ROW IN THIS GAME HAVE I FINALLY BROKEN THE CURSE. Now for the long and treacherous road of farming his trace mats and relics ... Since I never really prefarm 🥲
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A pic I took in my excitement. Forgot the screenshot button exists.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Oh wow! I loved that! Part 2 of Yandere Platonic Straw Hats please?
The crew is now looking for a Cook, and meet Sanji and Zeff, who both spoil Reader with apples (Zeff can tell Reader’s been through a lot, for her crying tears of joy over a delicious yet simple meal, yet can’t seem to smile) as Reader tries to help with her Brother Luffy who needs to work off his debt from accidentally destroying a part of the Baratie (Reader tries to help, by serving drinks or get some of the ingredients for the chiefs, which makes the cooks and customers gush by how cute Reader is for trying to help)
Sanji instantly becomes attached to Reader the moment she compliments him for making her food and watching him cook, praising him for his skills in the kitchen (In a platonic ‘Big Brother’ way obviously) and he becomes very determined to make Reader smile from his cooking (With little to no success for now, but she always tells Sanji how incredibly yummy his food is, so he knows that’s progress, plus Reader’s eyes sparkle from each bite she takes)
However, the Cooks of the Baratie and Straw Hats battle Don Krieg, and Zoro ends up fighting Mihawk, with Reader wanting to heal his wounds but he refuses (Zoro being the stubborn ass he is and he doesn’t want Reader to overexert herself again and get a fever, but he’s too much of a Tsundere Big Brother to admit that)
Plus after the battle, the Straw Hats, plus their new crew mate Sanji must go after Nami, who stole the Going Merry (Plus Zeff gives Reader some apples as a reward for all her hard work)
Eri is just, so cute (When I heard her say ‘Oh no, it’s the bad Guy’ in Dub I was screaming over how cute she is 🥹🥹🥹)
-The waiter was a bit funny as you were all seated at a table together, Luffy lifting you up to sit beside him, he was really nice to Nami, giving her a fancy parfait, while the men only got some water.
-When his eyes fell on you he instantly kneeled, “Such adorable beauty as this deserves the best parfait in the whole world!!”
-Your eyes were sparkly as him and a guy with only one leg, a big mustache and a really big hat came out, the main chef and the two gave you the prettiest apple parfait you had ever seen, Luffy and Usopp were drooling over it.
-You turned to the two, tears in your eyes, “Is this really for me?” people all over the restaurant, from other guests to your crew to Sanji and Zeff, collapsed to the floor, holding their chests, unable to handle the overwhelming cuteness!!
-You shared bites of your parfait with Luffy who thanked you and gave Usopp some of the cookies on top and you held out an apple slide to Zoro who was going to refuse you, but your sparkling eyes made it impossible to resist and he took it, quickly stuffing it in his mouth, looking away with a blush on his face.
-Luffy caused some trouble, a lot of trouble, a whole heap of trouble, and was forced to wash dishes to pay off the damage and you went to Zeff, asking to help your big brother too.
-Zeff could tell by the way you held yourself that you were a damaged child, afraid of the world, but you had strong people on your side, helping you.
-Unable to resist your puppy eyes, Sanji helped put you in the smallest apron they had, which was bright pink and frilly, and you helped by taking dishes to Luffy.
-The other guests were fawning over you as you gave shy smiles and when an older man asked you why you were working, you beamed, “I’m helping my big brother!”
-Cue round two of cuteness heart attacks!!!
-Sanji had you on a chair next to him as he cooked, showing you the skills in the kitchen and he soaked up all of your praise, enjoying your sparkly-eyed look, “That’s amazing, big brother Sanji!!” he legit cried into his elbow, overwhelmed by your kind words.
-You cried when Don Krieg attacked, hiding under a table, your hands on your head as you wept silently, afraid of all of the noise until Nami found you, “There you are!” she grabbed you, holding you close as you clung tightly to her.
-You and Nami took refuge from the fight as a good part of the ship got destroyed in the fight, you gasped, calling out as you tried to get out of Nami’s arms, “Luffy!” watching him get shot at by spears, getting hurt.
-You managed to get out of her arms, rushing to your brother and Don Krieg saw you running, sneering down at you as he pointed his weapon at you, “Kids should stay out of the way!!”
-Everyone saw this happening in slow motion as your family all screamed out your name, including Sanji as he tried to rush to your side.
-A sudden pressure surrounded you and you froze as a man appeared in front of you, with a long cape and a huge cross shaped sword on his back, protecting you.
-You gasped, looking up at him as his head turned to you and you saw a piercing set of gold eyes. You could tell this man was powerful, dangerous, but there was no malice towards you.
-He easily took care of Krieg, shocking everyone watching before you learned this man was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Dracule Mihawk!
-You ran to Luffy’s side, wanting to use your quirk but he put his hand on your head, “Don’t, I’ll be okay.” You sniffled softly but nodded, not seeing Mihawk’s glance.
-You felt like you couldn’t breathe, seeing Zoro get cut down by Mihawk, just standing there and taking it as the loss of a duel!
-You ran to his side and Sanji saw that your horn was a bit bigger, flared with energy, something Mihawk noticed as well, glancing out the corner of his eyes.
-Zoro put his hand on your head, much like how Luffy didn’t, “Don’t, Y/N. You’ll make yourself sick again.” You were sobbing, holding onto his hand, wanting to help him as he grinned up at you, trying to pretend he wasn’t bleeding out, “I’ll be fine!” Mihawk smiled softly, seeing Zoro’s attention for you as your horn shrunk down again.
-Zeff helped stitch Zoro up while you walked around the damaged ship, seeing it getting repaired already. You trotted up to Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp, concern on your face, “I can’t find Nami.”
-Shock was very quick to set in when they realized that the Going Merry was missing and so was Nami, as Zoro’s two friends told you all that Nami stole it.
-Your eyes went wide, holding your dress around your belly, ‘Stole it…?’ you couldn’t understand why she did that, and why she left.
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bengiyo · 7 months
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 9 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, everyone sensed that something was up with Kurosawa, and so the squad rallied to host a home party to cheer him up. Kurosawa spent much of the episode working on saying goodbye, and even left instructions for Maki with some household tips before teaching him how to make his version of miso soup. He left goodbye videos that completely destroyed me, and his final scene in the park with Haruta brought me back to the In the Sky goodbye in ways I was not ready for. I don't want to mourn him, but I feel like I already am.
I can't drink those smoothies that just taste like grass.
He kicked the doctor!!!
All this drama over red food!?!
Oh lord his home sold. Where is he going to go??
I hope the entire cast comes to visit him a little bit at a time. This is great.
"Give me back my tears, geezer!" Yes, Maki! Fight him again!!!
I'm with Haruta. I think about my parents getting older. I've been making slow preparations for the future.
Good job, Chizu. I'm glad you're still here to keep Haruta from spinning out.
Oh, thank you for the shower scene. Tanaka Kei has a great body.
Natflax real estate???? I'm gonna lose it.
This recruiter looks familiar. I'm going to need to look them up later.
STYLER JIBS!!!!!!!!!
Oh no Haruta is having nightmares now.
Whoa, is that Tabasco hot sauce???
I really do love the way Kurosawa and Maki moments have evolved over time.
I love that the whole crew is here for a surprise party, and glad Kurosawa is back to tormenting Maki.
Haruta bursting into tears whenever he feels too much love is one of my favorite things about him. He always appreciates every earnest gesture from Maki.
This is beautiful. I would love to be surrounded by all the people I love telling me all the things I did that made them feel supported and appreciated.
Takegawa got a cat! That feels so correct.
This whole sequence is incredible. It's an ongoing group hug, a party, and a talent show.
Maika is always eavesdropping and she is correct. Not all queer relationships need names that fit neatly into other expectations.
It does feel like a family photo. I have quite a few with my wider digital families.
Wow, the cherry blossoms scene was beautiful. I really appreciate how explicit this season has been about the complex nature of family and that finding community and joy in it is possible in any number of configurations.
Maro is such a dude I love him. He would absolutely get into a fandom just to be closer to his mom and wife.
Kiku and Izumi made it! Can't believe that they've grown on me a little bit.
Teppei, Chizu, and Maika having dinner with their kids as Teppei sings another song is perfect for them.
Maki stay trying to slam the door on Kurosawa.
Another almost brawl!!
"WE ARE FAMILY!!" I got all my sisters with me!! Okay, I cried.
Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. I think, even if you bounced off or didn't watch Ossan's Love (2018), you should absolutely check this show out. There's so much to be had in this show about adults navigating what they want for their lives as they try to take care of the people they love. Maki and Haruta figuring out what their romance is going to Iook like when it's not just an idea landed so well for me. I like that Maki is still able to be a little bit terse or reserved, but he's finally able to say clearly to Haruta how important he is to him and he's also better able to be around others. Izumi is right that Haruta is this beacon of love that others seem inevitably drawn to. Kurosawa is such a huge presence, and he reminds me of some of my favorite gay elders. I hope to be as powerful and loved as him when I get older. I'm so glad I went back and watched Ossan's Love properly. I can't believe I denied myself this incredible experience for years.
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
Smol Brainstorm: Would You Stay With Me In Korea?
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Author's Note: Anotha smol oneshot/brainstorm. I found this in the old documents. This will take place in BTS Bon Voyage Season 3! The scene where the cute little boy went up to Jungkook and shook his hand. When I saw the scene this idea popped into my head and I wrote about it. It made me think of Jungkook wondering about the future with him and Jennie. Wondering if she'd stay with him in Korea and marry him one day.
I may add onto this when I officially get to this chapter but enjoy the cheese! (I still have yet to watch Season 3 but when I get to the chapter, I will! Val got a lot to cover lol.)
Looking at his phone while holding her hand, Jungkook tried to figure out where they were supposed to be going. Meanwhile, Jennie happily observed the scenery of Malta in the evening as the camera crew followed them. The couple had gotten so used to the cameras filming their moments together that it was like they didn't even notice anymore.
“Okay, I feel like we’ve been walking in circles. You sure you know where we’re going? I can always just look at the phone.” she suggested.
“I got it…I think.” he stopped walking and released her hand, scrolling through the map.
Laughing, she took his phone to figure out what the problem was. Periodically, she glanced at her surroundings while he stood next to her, watching what she was doing.
“This isn’t the right way,” she confirmed.
“What?” he whined. “How?”
“Kookie, just admit that you got us lost and you got too confident.”
“I-I was not!”
“That whole I’m the Golden Maknae speech from earlier is kinda funny now after finding out you were taking us the wrong way.”
“Or I did it on purpose so we can spend more time alone before we have to meet up with the rest of the hyungs,” he admitted.
“Which I enjoyed! But you could have just told me.” she playfully bumped into him while a bright smile came across his face.
Once he received his phone back, he then noticed a figure running their way and turned, looking down to see a little black boy staring at them curiously. Jennie glanced at her boyfriend, about to ask what he was looking at but then saw the kid. The boy was smiling at them and it made her heart flutter when Jungkook stuck out his hand for him to shake. After the child cutely ran off, looking back at them occasionally, Jungkook laughed softly and said that the boy was cute.
Before Jennie could comment on how adorable of a scene she had witnessed, Jungkook spoke up, again.
“Ah…I bet our kids will be just as cute as him.” he thought out loud.
Her heart began to race at his statement while Jungkook looked shooked when he realized he blurted it out loud. The camera crew filming them thought it was adorable while she looked down shyly with her face on fire.
Did he really mean that?
And just when she was about to reply, the little boy and his parents approached the couple and greeted them, introducing themselves.
Jennie gushed over how adorable the boy was and was able to see his cute smile up close and personal. She gave him a hug when she kneeled to his level and enjoyed his adorable answers to her questions as she asked him if he was enjoying himself and what he did for fun, today.
“Are you from here?” The mom asked once Jennie stood up.
“No, ma’am, my boyfriend and I are vacationing with our friends. It’s a beautiful place.”
“Wow, how long have you two been dating?”
“A couple of years, now.” she proudly said with a smile.
“Ah, young love. You remind me of my husband and I during our college years. Well, I hope for many more years to come. With the way you are with our son, I can see you’re good with children.”
“Me? You think so?”
“Yes, indeed. I bet you will be a great mom, one day.”
“Really? Wow, thank you. I hope so, too.” she grinned and laughed cutely, making Jungkook smile. “How long have you two been married?”
“We are actually celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary.”
“Wow, 12 years? What a blessing! I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. This man drives me off the wall sometimes but I love him.”
After a nice conversation with the family and saying goodbye, Jungkook walked with Jennie to their destination.
“Me as a mom? I get so nervous when someone brings something like that up. Do you really think I’ll be a good parent?” she started to ramble.
“I thought about it, actually,”
That took her by surprise but she thought he was joking and playfully hit him in response.
“Don’t joke like that!”
“Who said I was, Mrs. Jeon?” he giggled, looking at her lovingly while her heart skipped a beat.
“Stop playing with me.”
Kissing the top of her head, he wrapped an arm around her as they continued to walk. 
He thought about it often. The thought of marrying her and having children with her in the future. He couldn't see himself with anyone else but her. These years of being together have been filled with amazing memories and he couldn't wait to create more with her. 
For a while, he had started thinking that she was the one whom he wanted to settle down with. But he wondered if she would want to permanently be with him in Korea. Would she leave America and live with him in Korea?
With his mind deep in thought, he decided to ask what was on his mind as he removed his arm from her and continued holding her hand.
With butterflies in his stomach, as he thought about the future with her, he asked softly, “Would you...would you want to stay in Korea with me?”
Jennie stopped walking which made him stop, too as she made him face her. Standing on her toes, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him close for a sweet kiss as he held her in his arms.
Pulling away, she smiled. “Yes, I would.”
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fraterimperatour · 3 months
under the cut for those that don't want spoilers .
also these are completely out of order because i'm just spewing my initial thoughts!!
he intro??? absolutely wild!!! So dorky and film nerdy, like sooooo much of the movie oh my god i love it. and i love how much they lean into the fan aspects it's so sweet and funny plushia front and center
unfortunately, not enough of Swiss, Mountain, and the Ghoulettes!!! but i do kind of get that they would be more difficult to film in a live setting. still sad!!
"i'm sorry i didn't tell you about my condition" Copia she was literally in a wheelchair with a nurse administering medicine multiple times my dude what did you think was happening.
the twins are ghosts too??? did i miss something or was that new?!
the amount of wizard of oz references tobias i will fight you in the la forum parking lot AAAAHHHHHHHHH
nihil actually saying something useful and supportive??? wow! guess you can grow even in death
also love that they made it very clear that only the clergy can see the phantasms, it was very funny and i think works very well for the lore
SPEAKING OF WHICH i LOVEEEEEED the mary on a cross scene!!! though!! i am disappointed that it completely knocked out the possibility of the swiss/papa shimmy moment
i loved how much of the fans they put in it as well! the person's face during the skeleton dance just literally jaw drop?? bless. the fans screaming into the camera!! seeing people's costumes and shirts (ghost and non-ghost ((the misfits shirt!!!))).
the fact that they filmed it so that we ALL got ciriced.... thank you. i desperately needed that.
I looved kevin and ashley getting shout outs! and obviously papa thanking the whole tour and venue crews, i just really love that so much. art is collaborative don't look at me i'm not crying
the if you have ghost sequence was so beautiful and that singer is HAUNTING
also???? official ghoul name list! wow! that's honestly surprising but good for them, get those loud credits!!!
and the fucking end??? Father Imperator serving cunt on a ruby platter!! the gems being red instead of blue!!! is it another wizard of oz reference, or is it symbolic of Copia letting go of his time as Papa and moving on from his signature color! the encore jacket!!! is also red!!! bitch!!! i swear to satan!!!!
AND the VERY end!!! the way the wwhole theater went AAAHHH and i heard people saying fucking this band i'm suffering. like it's so on brand for ghost and i honestly loved it.
um?? copia is a twin maybe??? is this what was being hinted at??? and was the credits song Papa Nihil's third song??? or is there another song coming down the pipes!?
speaking of which 'up the poop shoot' copia i'm stabbing you
personally i think that Father Jim DeFroque is going to be the next Papa. They get a mask based off Christian Rodrigo's face, with the Papa paint it doesn't have to be exact, that's a benefit. Christian Rodgrigo still plays DeFroque in chapters, and Tobias still does Copia. I really think that could work well for them. We shall see! i'm not married to the idea! it's just my thoughts!!
Hail Satan! Hail Ghost!!!
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analogwriting · 8 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 17: Silicon
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.4k a/n: figured i'd give you some up before we get to the real downs next
After your little confrontation with Killer, if you can even call it that, you decided to see what you could find out about the SMILE fruit that you could. You did find out that Kaido was getting it from the warlord Donquixote Doflamingo who had someone named Caesar the Clown making it. Though, in your research, you found out that someone else had been somewhat wrapped up in things. At least he was there when things went belly up in Punk Hazard. 
Trafalgar Law. 
Luckily, everyone was on the same port as the ships were being repaired and prepared for departures. Everyone around the same area meant it was going to be easier for you to slip away for a few moments to try and talk to him. You knew your brother absolutely loathed the guy and everyone else would just raise an eyebrow on why you might want to strike up a conversation with him. And if you wanted to be incognito about your whole plan then…
You spotted him leaning against some rock somewhat on the edge of all the commotion, so no one would probably pay attention to the both of you as long as neither of you brought attention to yourselves. You headed that way, plopping down next to him. He looked at you with a confused expression.
“The hell you want Eustass 2.0?” 
You could suddenly see why your brother hated him. What a warm, stand up guy. Though, his whole personality was surrounded by the idea of death - so you guess it checked out. You glared at him. “First of all, I’m the older sibling, so if anything he’d be y/n 2.0.” Law stared at you in disbelief.
“You two are related? So there really are two of him?”
“Oh my fuck, just fuck off with that. Anyway.” You shook your head, you were here for a reason. You weren’t about to let your annoyance get to you over some petty comments.
“I need to know everything you know about the SMILE fruit.” You looked at him and his expression changed to a more serious one.
“And why would I tell you anything?” 
“Why wouldn’t you?”
He seemed to pause at that retort. “Because I don’t have to.”
Your face changed to that of a deadpanned one. Nice to know his trash talk was garbage. “Wow. King of comebacks, you are, huh?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re not making me want to help you, you know.”
With a roll of your eyes and a sigh, you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Well, whether or not you tell me the information doesn’t actually matter. I just thought I could start with some kind of foundation.”
“What are you getting on about?”
You looked at him once more. “Since no one else seems wants to fucking do anything about it, I’m going to be trying to cure the SMILE fruit.”
“And you need my help? What could I do?”
“I don’t need your help, I just need to know what you learned on Punk Hazard.”
He stared at you for a moment and you could feel your irritation growing. This man was impossible. You absolutely saw why your brother was always irritated by his mere presence. With a sigh of irritation, you stood up and dusted yourself off.
“You know what? Forget I asked. I just wanted to help someone I fucking care about but I should’ve know better than to fucking ask for help.” You casted a glance across the port to Killer who was talking to Dive at the moment before starting to head in that direction.
“Wait!” You stopped, honestly surprised. You turned around to look at the pirate lounging on the rock. “Fine. I’ll tell you what I know. But I’m only going to say it once, so listen close.”
A smile spread across your face. “Thank you, Trafalgar. I owe you.”
After that irritating interaction with the other pirate captain, he did provide some pretty useful information to you. You wouldn’t exactly be starting at ground zero, so at least that helped. You headed back over to your own crew, feeling a bit lighter.
“Y/n!” Dive ran over to you, looking up at you. “Did you hear about the bounty update?” You shook your head. She held up the paper with your brother’s face on it and your eyes widened. “Fucking what now?” You took the paper, looking at it closer.
“Just cause you hold it closer to your face, doesn’t mean the number’s gonna change.” You glared at Killer before you looked around. “Wait, where’s Tungsten?” 
“Well, after the bounty reveal…” You looked at Killer and groaned. “Yeah. Probably gonna pick a fight.” You made a face. “I should probably go and stop him,” you grumbled. Killer laughed and you started trudging your way to the Flower Capital as the other followed you. There was supposed to be some kind of feast anyway.
“Tungsten! Get your ass down here!” 
Eustass looked down at you from where he was…being held? by Luffy. You assumed your brother tried to attack him and Luffy took it as a celebration of some sort. You haven’t known him long, but you could already tell that this Strawhat was quite the character.
You placed your hands on your hips as you looked up at your brother. “Fuck off, Bigs! You don’t tell me what to do!” He was shouting at you from up above and you groaned. 
“We’re not going to start another war here in Wano. Wait until y’all leave then sort out whatever beef you have!” 
“There’s no time like the present! If I take him down now-”
As the two of you argued loud enough for just about everyone to hear, Law was watching the interaction. The person you were when you were with your brother was completely different from the one who had a conversation with him earlier. “Are they always like this?”
“Yeah, actually.” Killer laughed. “It’s weird if they’re not.”
“Isn’t it a headache?”
He shook his head. “You kind of start to miss it when one of them is gone and presumed dead,” Killer said with a shrug. Law just looked at him, about to ask what in the hell that cryptic statement meant when the other moved forward and threw you over his shoulder as he always did to diffuse the situation. 
“Killer!” You groaned, not even bothering to fight it, as your brother cackled - the situation diffusing as it always does. At least he stopped trying to fight Luffy and the lot of you could enjoy the festivities now. 
When the festivities began, it was a whole entire different atmosphere. There were no enemies here, only allies. The three pirate crews, the citizens of Wano, everyone was intermingling. It was truly peaceful and light hearted. You were going to enjoy it while it lasted because you had a long journey ahead of you. 
The night dragged on and you felt yourself growing tired. You were sitting in between Killer and your brother when Dive popped up next to you. Her pigtails looked worse for wear and she looked at you with urgency. “Will you fix my hair?!” You blinked. 
“Sure?” She was more than capable of fixing her own hair, but you also weren’t sure why she cared. She wasn’t exactly one to care about her appearance. She plopped into your lap. “Heat got rice and stuff in it!” She folded her arms with a pout.
She handed you a brush that she said she acquired from someone, but you didn’t exactly question it. You took out her hair, picking out the food. You used the water you had to wash out whatever sticky shit had also ended up in her hair. 
As you did her hair, she idly talked about whatever was on her mind and you heard Killer laugh from next to you. You looked at him. “What?” He shook his head. “I’m assuming you gained a more domestic side while you were gone?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“What do you mean by that?”
He stuck up his hands. “You just seem more soft around the edges - not a bad thing.”
“Well, I grew up around you guys. Then I was on an island of scientists for, like, two years. Much less rowdy. Plus, Lily always liked it when I did her hair.” As you were brushing Dive’s hair, your heart hurt. Your mind shifted to what Kese had said. You still couldn’t believe Myra had deceived you in such a way. Your mind still couldn’t wrap around it.
You did find yourself missing Lily though. She was a breath of fresh air. You’d brush her hair like this before bed every night.
Before your thoughts could delve any further down that spiral, you felt a hand on your thigh. You looked over, seeing Killer looking towards you. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.” You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t mean anything by it.” Though, your face was growing more and more red by the second. 
“I think she just wanted to spend some time with you before you left,” he mumbled so Dive couldn’t hear what he said. You looked at him before looking to Dive. It made sense. She seemed to have missed you a lot.
One deep breath later, you focused on Dive’s hair and whatever she was prattling on about, trying not to think too much about the hand that currently wasn’t leaving your thigh.
And it didn’t.
As the night droned on, Dive eventually fell asleep against you. Killer’s hand never left your thigh, or if it did, it returned back to it. You were at a table, so no one else noticed, but you were painfully aware of it. You were flustered, but you also felt incredibly at ease at the same time. It didn’t matter if the two of you were talking to each other or someone else, he was always keeping contact with you.
You almost regretted deciding to stay, but you knew this was important. This was for him. Whatever feelings were happening and whatever the hell this was - you could figure that out when you met up again. You were going to enjoy it while it lasted though.
You weren’t exactly sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up back on the ship with Dive curled into your side. How did you end up back here? Did your brother carry you back? The events of last night flooded your brain, mostly the hand that never left you last night. Did Killer carry you back then? What was all that about? You had a feeling you weren’t going to be able to get any answers today.
You pushed those thoughts away. Today was departure day. Eustass was to set sail and you were to migrate to your new lab. You had spoken with Momonosuke about everything and he seemed more than willing to let you help his people - even told you he’d give you anything you needed to succeed. You appreciated that. 
The morning was pretty busy. You were helping your brother ready the ship for departure as well as everyone saying their goodbyes to you. It was pretty emotional, but you guess that the last time you left, they thought you had died while you were gone, so the hesitation and emotions all made sense. 
When it was time to go, there was a group hug that took place. You were nearly crushed by everyone, but you were accepting of a fate like that. At least you were surrounded by endless love if you died that way. 
Everyone dispersed to head back onto the ship. Eustass stayed behind for a moment. You knew he was hesitant to leave you behind. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you talking to Trafalgar yesterday,” he grumbled, looking annoyed. You looked at him and rolled your eyes.
“I was trying to get information about the SMILE fruit. He was on Punk Hazard for some months before Strawhat and he took it down.”
That changed your brother’s tune a little. “Oh.”
“What do you mean ‘oh’? Why the fuck else would I talk to that dickhead?” 
Eustass snorted and shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s why I was asking. So you don’t like him either?” 
You shrugged. “He’s got that air of arrogance about him. Made me want to punch him in the nose. But I do appreciate the information he gave me.” You smirked, causing your brother to laugh.
“That’s my Bigs.” He wrapped his arm around you and the both of you looked at the ship.
“Make sure you don’t die, yeah?” Eustass’ voice was soft. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “I should be telling you that.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. He just shrugged, shaking his head. “I can’t die now. Not when we’re so close to getting to the One Piece.” 
“Well, I’ll find you as soon as I develop a cure, okay? So, don’t do anything fucking stupid, okay?”
“Me? Stupid? Never.”
“Says the one that thought it was a good idea to fight Shanks.” You glared at him and he just narrowed his eyes at you. “I could totally take him.”
“You lost an arm!”
“What makes you think you’ll beat him the next time!?!”
“Because I can!”
“Oh my fuck, Tungsten, please.”
The two of you delve into more laughter and before sighing. “Suppose until next time, Bigs.”
“Until next time, Tungsten.” Then he paused, turning to you. “Did Killer talk to you?” You blinked, tilting your head to the side. “About what?”
He shook his head. “I take that as a no then.”
With that, he boarded his ship. “Wait! Tungsten! You can’t-” But he wasn’t listening. You watched as he approached Killer, asking him something. You blinked as he proceeded to smack Killer upside the head and start yelling at him while Killer just sheepishly rubbed his neck. What was that about? What did he apparently want to talk to you about? Or supposed to talk to you about? Great. Just another unanswered question.
You weren’t able to dwell on it long before the rest of the crew were yelling goodbye to you once more and you waved, shouting your own send offs. Then you paused. “Are they just…”
Your stupid fucking brother.
“Are they just going to launch themselves over the mountain?” Then you watched them do just that - much to your dismay.
Settling into your new lab wasn’t too difficult. You didn’t have too many things, as most of it had still been on the island in which you had lived for a couple of years. You never got that stuff back and now you supposed you never would. Which sucked because you did have some stuff in there that would probably help with what you were dealing with now.
You started making new notes, first writing down everything Law had told you. You were lucky you had an amazing memory - you didn’t forget a single thing he had mentioned. 
You heard something clatter behind you and you turned around, seeing a small child standing there. “Oh, sorry!” She picked up the book she had knocked over and held it up. “My name is Toko! I am not sure if you remember me though.”
You blinked, taken aback. You remembered her, yes. But, you hadn’t noticed before because of the whole, defending them from Killer thing - she seemed to be affected by the fruit too. You could tell with the unnatural curl the edges of her smile had.
“Nice to meet you, Toko,” you said, walking over to her and taking the book. You knelt down to meet her on her level. “I’m y/n.”
“Is it true you’re trying to find a cure for the SMILE fruit?” You blinked. Were they just telling everyone? “I overheard Hiyori talking about it.” Ah, that made sense.
You smiled, ruffling her hair. “It’s true. I’m going to try my best to help you and everyone else who was affected, okay?” You saw her eyes light up. “Really?!” You nodded and she threw her arms around you. “Oh thank you!”
You awkwardly patted her back, your heart aching. Talk about pressure. You already had the weight of your brother’s disappointment looming over your shoulders, now this small child? Well, there was also just the shogun and whomever that guy told. Ugh, there was more pressure building by the minute.
“Toko! You shouldn’t be bothering them. I am so sorry, doctor.” Hiyori appeared in the doorway. You looked at her and shook your head with a smile. “It’s quite alright. She just seems curious.”
“Also, thank you for rescuing us!” Toko looked at you, her smile reaching her eyes. When dealing with people affected by the fruit, you tend to focus on their eyes more. That’s how you gauged their real emotion. You were just luckily Killer had always really worn a helmet so you could just read his entire being.
You blinked. “Oh, uh…you’re welcome?” Hiyori laughed softly. “Humble, I see.” You looked at her. You almost wanted to apologize on Killer’s behalf, but you also felt it was probably best they just never knew that little tidbit of information. 
With the energy of Toko and the calm nature of Hiyori, they really did remind you of Myra and Lily. Your chest aches at the thought of them. You missed Lily, but you knew that you’d never see her again. And when you thought of Myra you just…hurt. All that love turned to pain.
“Well, we’ll leave you be. Let us know if you need anything. Come along, Toko.” You nodded, waving as they left. 
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. When you exhaled, you opened your eyes again and went back to your notes.
The first few weeks of your time at Wano, post-battle, was spent cooped up in the lab. You were trying to figure things out. You were gathering as much information as you could about the stupid fruits before you tried experimenting with them. You slept in the lab most nights - mainly because you’d work so long you’d just pass out at your desk.
Toko visited almost daily. She just enjoyed chatting with you, mostly talking about nothing. You always enjoyed the background noise of people talking. She’d bring you snacks and such. It was nice to have at least some kind of distraction every once and a while. Hiyori would sometimes join her in the visits. They were both incredibly sweet and a welcomed breath of fresh air from your stuffy lab.
“Doctor y/n?” You turned, smiling at Toko. “C’mon, I told you that you didn’t have to call me doctor, Toko.” 
“I know, but I like the way it rolls off the tongue.” She laughed and you smiled. “Alright. So, what’s up? How can I help you today?”
Whenever she visited, you always paused what you were doing to fully turn your attention to her. If you ever were doing something where you couldn’t be interrupted, you’d just lock the door. 
“There is someone here for you. They said that you know them but we wanted to come and check first!” You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Who the hell could possibly be visiting you? You knew there was no way in hell Eustass would be here. Or anyone else from your crew.
“Who is it?”
The look in Toko’s eyes fell. “Oh, I forgot already. Toko sorry.”
You walked over, ruffling her hair. “Oh, don’t apologize. There’s nothing wrong with forgetting. Let’s go take a look together, hm?” 
Her eyes brightened once more as she took your hand and walked with you to the front of the building. You walked with her when you heard a familiar voice talking with the guard that stayed stationed at the front. You immediately stopped in your tracks. “Y/n?” Toko asked, looking back at you.
Your eyes widened and your stomach dropped as your eyes fell on your ‘guest.’
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therealgchu · 8 months
Snippet Sunday - Hot or Not To the Shore Style!
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thanks @fangbangerghoul for the reminder <3. tagging the rest of the coemancer crew, @silurisanguine, @atonalginger, @a-cosmic-elf, @toxiclizardwrites, @samcoesclub, @eridanidreams, @bearlytolerant, @aislingdmdt, @staticpallour and whoever else i may have missed. i'm kinda doing this on the fly.
instead of a sneak peek into the new chapter, i'm going to put up some funny dialogue pieces. i just finished playing mass effect legendary edition, and there was the scene with edi and joker in the club discussing hot or not. so, i kept hearing the dialogue in my head of sam and hwa discussing who's hot or not.
all of the romanceable characters are canonically bi. i have a whole headcannon that sam had a crush on delgado when he was young. and hwa, while not exactly i would call bi, also isn't the straightest person, either. so, here's just some fun little dialogue bits. these will eventually get published on ao3. but, i'm still writing them as they occur to me.
if you want to read my whole fic, To the Shore, check it out on ao3.
Sam: well, he is pretty cute. Hwa: really? You think so? Sam: I mean, he’s a pirate, and who doesn’t love pirates? Hwa: me, actually. Pirates are kinda stupid. The whole pirate romance thing was nonsense. Scurvy, buggery, frequent starvation, not my idea of a good time. As someone that spent way too much time in their teen years reading Horatio Hornblower and learning about Lord Nelson’s Navy, being a pirate was pretty shitty. Sam: yeah. But, they’re still hot. Hwa: hrm…looks at Delgado again. Ok, I’ll give that one to you. The red scarf is nice. And, I suppose scurvy isn’t nearly the problem now as it was in 1700. To be on the safe side, you should check his teeth. Sam: I’m not checking Delgado’s teeth. That’s just…weird. Hwa: I thought you said he was cute? Sam: And, how do you think I should check his teeth? What, do you want me to kiss him? Hwa: only if I get to watch. Sam: and what if I say no? Hwa: then you don’t get to kiss him.  Sam: how about you check his teeth. Hwa: I don’t want to kiss him. I don’t go for bad boys. That seems more your speed. Sam: you’re not wrong…
Hwa: hrmmm Sam: what? Hwa: how about Naeva? Sam: how about Naeva what? Hwa: She’s curvy. I like curvy. Sam: Eh, not my type. Hwa: you don’t like curvy? Sam: I don’t like psycho Hwa: yet there’s Lillian Sam: touché
Sam: wow Hwa: wow Sam: yeah Hwa: yeah Sam: Hadrian? Hwa: Hadrian. Sam: she’s very strong Hwa: she’s very curvy Sam: you like curvy, don’t you? Hwa: you like strong, don’t you? Sam: yeah Hwa: yeah Sam: I bet she’d look hot wrestling a terrormorph Hwa: that’s where your imagination went to? Sam: what were you thinking? Hwa: not terrormorph wrestling, that’s for sure. Sam: ok, where did your brain go to Hwa: flowing silk dresses, hot summer sun, silk dresses with removable silk ties, bedposts. Blindfolds. You know, normal sexy stuff. Sam: takes out slate to take down notes…normal sexy stuff. Got it. Hwa: what are you writing? Sam: a grocery list
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jcbbby · 2 years
one of my first fics, Glowing and Growing, was a request where reader is pregnant with her and Jamie's first child and insecure about her pregnancy weight gain/body. someone mentioned back then that there should be another part where she goes into labor. so…here’s that I guess, kind of lol. really no mention of body issues, just a sweet piece about a growing family. :')
***also!! I've never gone through labor myself, but I do know for a first time mom, it definitely doesn't usually go this quick! this fast as fuck early labor to birth pipeline is just for dramatic effect lol.
Warnings: pregnancy obviously, description of labor and delivery, a few swears.
Walking the red carpet for an award show at 9 months pregnant sounded a lot easier from the comfort of your own couch when the invitation came in. Jamie was nominated for best villain after being in Stranger Things, and you insisted that you both attend in person. Not only could it possibly be your last event as just a couple, rather than parents, you were also just so proud of him. You wanted to see him win that award in real time with him.
You both stood in front of the step-and-repeat, bulbs flashing in your face, people calling your names. Jamie had his arm around you, draped around your waist. Your right hand rested gently on your belly.
“You doing alright, love?” Jamie asked, looking to you.
You nodded. “So far so good…I really need to pee though.” You both laughed.
Carrying on down the carpet, you happily stood next to Jamie as he did quick interviews for various outlets. They asked about if he think he’ll win, what he has coming up for roles, his music. And of course, mention was made of you and the baby, asking how excited you both were.
The ceremony went on smoothly. Billie Eilish performed, which you were looking forward to. About halfway through the show, you started to feel slightly uncomfortable. Nothing hurt, but you just kept needing to shift in your seat, stretching your back a little. Jamie was quick to pick up on your discomfort, leaning over to you while the host started speaking on stage again.
“Everything okay, love?” He spoke quietly in your ear.
“Yeah, yeah…I think I’m fine. My back just hurts a little is all.” You stretched your stomach forward, arching your back and placing your hands behind you in an attempt to relieve some pressure.
“Do you want to leave? Should we head home?” He asked, placing a hand on your knee.
You shook your head no quickly, putting your hand on his. “No, no I promise I’m fine! This night is all about you, baby.” You smiled.
He smiled back. “Okay…just, if you want to go back home at any point, please tell me. We can leave if you need to.”
You nodded before you both turned your heads back to the stage up front. Towards the end of the ceremony, Jamie’s category came up. They ran through the nominees and their respective roles, pulling a camera up on him as they said his name.
“And the winner is…” the presenter unfolded the envelope in his hands. “Jamie Campbell Bower!”
The crowd erupted in applause. You turned to Jamie, your jaw agape, your hormones making the happy tears come much easier than they maybe would have before. You both stood up, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. Your hand rested on the back of his head as you whispered repeatedly that you loved him and were so proud of him. With a quick kiss, he turned to head down to the stage.
“Uh, wow. Okay. You know…this award isn’t just for me. I really think this was a colossal effort between the whole cast and crew- Matt and Ross Duffer, Barry Gower, Duncan Jarman, the special effects team, and the whole cast. I mean, they really created Vecna. I just showed up.” Laughs peppered the crowd. “But really, thank you so, so much to all the fans who watched the show and welcomed me to this community. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. I can’t be up here or do what I do without you and your support, so thank you. All of you. Thank you.” He held up his arm in a wave as the crowd cheered as he left the stage with the presenters.
After some time, Jamie made his way back to his seat next to you. You hugged and kissed again before he sat down, gushing about how proud you were of him.
When the night finally came to a close, he helped you out of your chair, and you walked arm and arm toward the exit. He held the door for you as you got into your hired car to take you home. Throughout the ride, you found yourself growing more uncomfortable, now a pressure enveloping your lower abdomen. Each bump during the ride caused an involuntary wince from you.
“Is your back still hurting, love?” Jamie asked, caressing your thigh.
“It’s getting worse, I think. It feels like there's just pressure wrapping around from my back to my stomach.” You adjusted yourself in your seat.
“Oh, darling…do you think we should maybe call the doctor?” He asked, putting his hand on your belly, rubbing it softly.
“No, no. I wouldn’t want to bother him if it’s nothing. I think when we get home, I want to just get in the bath for a bit and then go to bed.”
After arriving home, Jamie helped you out of your shoes and gown, going to draw a bath for you as you took your makeup off in your bedroom. You waddled into the bathroom as Jamie turned off the water and dunked a hand in to test the temperature. You removed your bra and panties, Jamie helping you step into the tub before you sank down into the water.
“This is already helping, thank you baby.” You smiled; your eyes closed as the rested against the porcelain.
Jamie sat with you as you relaxed in the bath. He held your hand, lovingly caressing it with his thumb. You didn’t necessarily want the bath to clean yourself, as you had showered before the awards. It was just the only think you could think of that may help your discomfort. You stayed in the bath for maybe 45 minutes until the water started to get too cold. Jamie helped you up and out of the tub, wrapping your robe around you for you to head into the bedroom to get in some comfy pajamas. You both got into bed, with it now being well past midnight. You were exhausted, and while you still weren’t feeling 100%, you were able to fall asleep relatively quickly.
A sharp, tight pain that engulfed your lower abdomen pulled you out of your slumber. You curled up on your side as your body tensed, breathing deeply, trying to focus on anything but the pain. After a moment, it began to subside. You quickly sat up and turned over to Jamie, still asleep, shaking his shoulder to wake him up.
“Jamie…Jamie, baby, wake up.”
He slowly opened his eyes, confusion briefly taking over his sleep filled eyes before seeing your face.
“Jamie…I...think I’m in labor.” You couldn’t help but let a small laugh out involuntarily, in shock the time had finally come.
“W-what? You…Okay, okay…shit. Okay.” He shot up, now fully alert, looking all around trying to make sense of this to himself.
“Honey.” You placed a hand on his chest. “We have time. He’s not coming right this second. But I just had a full-on contraction. I think we need to get ready. Is the bag packed?” You asked glancing over to a small diaper bag on the corner chair.
“Hmmm....mmmph….hmmm…” You hummed softly to yourself in monotone, rocking back and forth on your yoga ball, with your legs wide and head down and eyes closed; your hands planted firmly on your knees, pushing your shoulders up to your ears.
Jamie kneeled behind you, his hands lightly on your hips helping you rock, quietly shh-ing as you focused on getting through this one. His heart ached; he hated seeing you in pain. He knew this would all end with your son coming into the world, but he just wished he could take the pain from you. It had now been a couple hours of worsening on and off contractions, waiting until they were close enough to head to the hospital.
“You’re doing great, my love. You should be almost out of this one.” He glanced at his phone, checking the contraction timing app he had downloaded.
You exhaled harshly through a rounded mouth as you finally felt the relief of the contraction ending. You fell back slightly into Jamie’s body, rolling your head back on his shoulder.
“How many minutes apart are we at?” You asked, getting your breathing back to normal.
“Six minutes now.” Jamie kissed your temple. “You’re doing so well baby, you’re amazing.”
“Oooh, I hate this.” You chuckle, bringing your hand up to hang around his bicep. “This boy is already grounded forever for putting me through this.”
Jamie laughed with you. “Well, we’ll see how you feel when you’re holding him soon.” He kissed your cheek.
You went to stand up, just wanting to stretch your legs and walk for a minute. As you took a step toward the kitchen, a splashing sound came from the wooden floor under you. Looking down, a small pool of fluid gathered at your feet, running down your legs. Your biker shorts were soaked. You knew your water had just broke. Stunned, you whipped around to Jamie, equally as stunned, staring down at the puddle.
“Oh fuck.” You gasped, looking back down.
“Was that…” Jamie started to say.
“Yep, yes it was.” You replied, knowing he was about to ask if that was your water breaking too.
“Shit, okay. Okay. Uh…” He stood up, frazzled once again. “I uh…keys…fuck, fuck-” He looked around frantically, a hand running through his hair in an attempt to self-soothe.
“Babe. Babe. Look at me.” You approached him, taking his face in your hands. “I need you to be cool, okay? I need you here for me. I can’t do this without you. You’ve been so good so far. Take a breath with me.” You and him both inhaled deeply before exhaling together. “We got this.” You smiled as he nodded.
“Why don’t I go put the baby bag in the car, and text your mum to see if she can come meet us at the hospital. I’ll take care of the clean up, too.” He gestured his head toward your puddle on the floor.
“Thank you, baby. I’m just going to throw on some new pants.” You chuckled, carefully waddling towards the bedroom.
Once you had changed into some dry sweatpants, you headed back out to the living room. Walking down the hall, the most intense contraction yet came on strong and suddenly. You exclaimed in pain as you stopped and fell into the wall, your legs giving out in shock. Jamie came running when he heard you cry out. Sliding his arm around you, he led you over to the yoga ball again, helping you lower yourself, as you leaned back into him. You squeezed both his hands that rested on your thighs. His chin was perched on your shoulder, as he cooed and breathed with you through your contraction.
“Mmmph...hmmmph...Jamie, it... mmmph, it huuuurts...” You whimpered, tears stinging your eyes. You moaned in pain, squeezing his hands tighter, squirming and rocking your hips in a futile attempt to just feel some sort of relief.
“I know, my love, I know. You’re okay, breathe, darling.” He whispered, his gut wrenching at the sight of you in so much pain.
Once the contraction began to taper off, you breathed heavily against Jamie as he gently peppered kissed on your neck, whispering encouraging words.
“Hospital." You panted
Jamie helped you stand up and assisted you out the door with his arm around you. In the car on the way to the hospital, contractions were coming rapidly. You asked to roll the window down out of fear that you may be sick from the pain. Jamie tried his best to speed without causing an accident, luckily it was still in the wee hours and there wasn't much company on the road. His free hand never released yours, not even noticing how brutal your grip was on his with each new wave.
The nurses got you into a gown and into a bed, hooking you up to the necessary machines and an IV. Jamie came rushing in from parking the car, panting, with a bead of sweat on his forehead from running as fast as he could to be there for you. The doctor came in to check you, surprised to see that you were already dilated ten centimeters and 100% effaced. The good news, baby would be here soon! The bad news…there likely wasn’t enough time for an epidural to take effect before he came. Your birth plan had started with the idea to do it without medication, but with the option that if the pain got to be too much, you wouldn’t deny yourself the relief, that's what it was there for after all. But now you had no choice.
“Nonononono, I-I-I don’t think I can do this. Jamie- ah!“ You began to say, being cut through by another contraction. You thrashed to one side, facing Jamie, sounds you didn’t even think you were capable of making escaping your mouth as it sank into the pillow.
Jamie stroked your dampened hair, caressing the back of your tense hand with his thumb as you fought through it. “You can do this, love. I’m here with you, shhh.”
After a few more brutal contractions, you began to feel the overwhelming urge to push. You alerted your nurses and doctors of this feeling, and the doctor came to check you.
“Okay, my dear, I think it’s show time. Let’s have ourselves a baby!” Your doctor smiled up at you and Jamie.
You were so exhausted and weak, you heard the words but they didn’t register with you. All you could think about was the burning pressure in your pelvis, and doing whatever they told you to bring it to an end. As the nurses swelled around the room, the doctor instructed you to push downward, hard, from your core as soon as you felt the next contraction come. You nodded, taking deep breaths. Jamie placed an anxious kiss to the top of your head.
You felt the tightening, all consuming ache coming on, whimpering as you dreaded the next part. The doctor instructed you to push with encouragement. You took a deep breath in, squeezing your eyes tight and gritting your teeth as you pushed down with all your might as the doctor counted down from 10. The burning and pressure were brutal, you grunted and yelled as you pushed. You sat forward slightly, bearing down into the bed. Jamie held your hand and cradled his other arm around your upper back, helping you sit forward. As the doctor reached the number one, you released the breath you were holding with force, falling back against the upright hospital bed, gasping and whimpering.
“Another push, sweetheart. Stay in it. Push push push push.” The doctor called out.
You took a few preparation breaths before repeating the same action. Jamie was so attentive. He was in absolute awe of you, of your strength.
“You’re doing so good, darling. I love you so much. I’m so proud of you.” He kissed your clammy temple.
After a few more contractions worth of pushing, the doctor said he thought this next one would be the last, you were so close. You lay against the pillow, whimpering, sweaty, exhausted. You looked to Jamie, he was near tears himself, absolutely terrified but so in love with you. He held up a cup of water with a straw for you to take a sip from.
“One more, darling. One more push and he’s here.” He smiled, pulling the straw away, placing the cup on the table next to him. “You can do this.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, as another one came on. Everyone around you chanted for you to push and cheered you on. Jamie squeezed your hand back as you gripped his. In a wave of energy, you let out a wail as you pushed your hardest. Suddenly, the burning stopped, and time stood still for just a moment. It felt like everything went silent until you heard the beautiful, angelic cry of your son. The world slowly filled in around you as the doctor lifted your baby up, placing him on your bare chest. Your arms instinctively flew up to cradle him against you, as you started crying into his soft, damp skin.
“Oh my god, oh my god…” You repeated, not believing you had just done that. "H-hi little one. Hello baby." You cried softly.
Jamie immediately bent over you, taking his now bigger family in his arms. He kissed you repeatedly, you feeling the tears falling off his face. The three of you cried together.
“I love you so much, darling. I love you.” Jamie said, muffled against your neck.
After the doctor walked Jamie through cutting the umbilical cord, the nurses whisked your son off to get cleaned up and his vitals taken. Jamie stood over watching them, enamored with his child. You looked over, your heart so full.
Once everyone was all cleaned up and you were now recovering, you found yourself desperately in need to sleep. You made Jamie promise to wake you up in an hour, but he was going to let you get as much rest as you could after that. When you finally woke a few hours later, it was dark, and the room was empty aside from you, Jamie, and the baby. You opened your eyes to see Jamie sitting in the chair across from you, staring lovingly at your child swaddled in his arms. He heard you stir as you sat up and looked over to you.
“Hey.” He whispered with a smile.
“Hi.” You whispered back, beaming at the sight of Jamie holding your son.
“I’m a dad.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.
You snorted. “You are. And I have a feeling you’re going to be an amazing one.” You smiled.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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magnuficentwo · 9 months
Wanna share your fav Brazilian hcs with the rest of the class :)
- Everyone knows about famous One Piece Guy Monkey d. Luffy being brazillian, or at least inspired by the culture, but I think his whole crew should be brazillian as well (except for Sanji for comical effect). Chopper is just a caramel dog to me, If I could animate I would put Nami in a "Girl of Ipanema" pmv SO fucking fast, Zoro would fucking love football if he knew what it was, and Usopp just fits the stereotype of "malandro" (sneaky malicious guy) PERFECTLY. I've seen that kind of man at bars and he was stealing the cups everytime.
- Lagoona from Monster High is Australian-Brazillian to me. It just makes sense. I think if Monster High ever went to Brazil they could make some cool worldbuilding stuff around the flora and fauna and mythos of the place (Mula sem cabeça girl), and out of everyone in the group I feel like Lagoona would know the most about the culture. She strikes me as a girl from either Rio de Janeiro or Bahia, but honestly you could tell me she's from anywhere with a beach or even just a Big Quantity Of Water and I would believe you. Frankie would probably also have a few brazillian body parts but since they can't talk all they do is shake really hard when she says something wrong about the country /j
- I still have to draw this but Link is like a fantasy brazillian to me. I don't have much of a basis for this except for "I want him to be", but I feel like if I could I would hit all of hyrule with Brazillification beams. You think he's a gringo because of his beautiful blond hair and scary blue eyes, but then he starts speaking in the thickest accent you've ever heard in your entire life and you don't even ask him about it anymore. He even has zero self preservation, which is a trait every brazillian man has <3
- Sonic. Source ? My baby cousin saying he was like 3 years ago. And honestly it does make sense to me I think he should compete in the Copa for us.
- Goku. I don't know how to even explain this one but I'll try anyway: when I was a kid, I never knew Dragon Ball was an anime, and I only watched the portuguese-br version of it, so to me all that stuff was just happening in my state in a really weird version of the world where super sayans were real. I never knew the guy was supposed to be japanese despite the obvious names and the fact the credits were always IN JAPANESE, so in my head I was like wow 🧡 o goku é Mineiro que nem meus tios 🥰 ele também deve ser meu tio 😁. Anyway, long story short, I drew a lot of me and Goku hanging out when I was like 8-10 years old and doing typically brazillian stuff. It was awesome. He's mixed (Super Sayan/Japanese/Brazillian)
I have a lot more but I don't even know how to explain without sounding. Insane. So I will leave at that ! Thank you so mucj for asking I love this country and every character I like is from here 💚💛💙🇧🇷💥‼️
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