#//i didnt do everyone bc i forgot about this while i was away
ofchrysoprase · 2 years
you find a plastic takeaway container, decorated in sweet little holiday themed doodles done in permanent marker. inside are home-made shortbread cookies, shaped like stars, snowmen and christmas trees, all decorated appropriately with sprinkles and edible glitter. attached is a hand-written note, on special winter-themed paper bought from cupid’s, written in blue sparkly gel pen:
“ dear aurora/dante/eisa/eun jae/cindy/hoseok/aaron, this year, just like the last, has been incredibly tough on us all. i hope that despite this, you find a little bit of happiness in the holiday season. here are some cookies i made all by myself ! i hope you like them and that they lift your spirits a little bit. 楽しい休日, happy holidays, xo momoko noguchi ! ”
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Aurora had a feeling she recognized the handwriting as soon as she opened the note, but she couldn't help but smile widely when the signature at the bottom confirmed her suspicions. She honestly felt blessed to have a friend like Momo in her life, as spending time with her made the chaos around her slow down to a more bearable speed.
It wasn't that it was rare to make friends in a small town like Shrike Heights, but ever since becoming a parent, she rarely had time to go out and meet new people, making her cherish the friends she had all the more.
The smile remained on her face as she carefully opened the container and selected a cookie to try. Everything about the gift was very Momoko and it warmed her heart, knowing that they had probably poured their heart and soul into baking the cookies. Taking a bite, she was already on her way to the phone to try and see if her friend was home, so she could properly thank her for lighting up her holidays.
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The gift had been fully unexpected, especially for someone like Dante, who didn't feel like anyone took him for the type of person who cared about Christmas. He may not have lived in Shrike Heights for that long, but his disinterest in any type of holidays was usually quite obvious. Then again, he couldn't even quite remember who this Momoko person was. Shit, had he been on one of his ultra awkward dates with them? He really hoped not. Regardless, he caught the corners of his lips pulling up in just the tiniest smile, just for a moment. Even if he had zero holiday spirit in his body, it was nice to know that someone had made an attempt to make him feel better during a time where he felt the most lonely.
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Eun Jae's initial reaction to the gift was one of excitement. He was in fact so thrilled about receiving something, accompanied by such a sweet little note, that he didn't immediately register exactly what was sitting right in front of him. He carefully folded the note back up into its previous state and then hesitantly opened the container.
He felt so stupid for how much he was freaking out about the prospect of cookies, since he worked in a freaking bakery, but at work he could easily mentally disconnect himself from the food surrounding him. However, these were made for him; they weren't something he could just put down for someone else to enjoy.
The cookies looked beautiful and adorable, covered with sprinkles and glitter. His slender fingers trembled as he hesitantly reached out into the container and picked up a star shaped cookie, his heartbeat quickening and his brain trying to focus on anything but the buttery crumbs sticking to his fingertips. Jae closed his eyes and reluctantly brought the cookie to his mouth.
It was just an innocent little star. It wouldn't hurt him.
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Aaron had actually opened the container before reaching for the note, just to see who had sent them this cute surprise. He devoured two cookies whilst reading, glad he had something to do while he focused hard on the words on the paper. Reading was something he was still a bit slow at, especially longer words, but the note was simple enough for them to gather the gist of the message.
A genuine smile spread across their face as they reached for their glass of wine to wash some of the cookies down, quietly chuckling to himself when noticing the glitter now stuck to his fingers. If there was one thing he could appreciate the most about the holidays, it was all the decorations. The lights, the glitter, the shiny bulbs. It gave the dark days a magical feel that they were sure going to miss once the world went back to being dreary and cold.
0 notes
cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
I loved your stories with Clarisse. I wanted to know if I could do one where Reader is a daughter of Nemesis. Normally very quiet and "calm", to the point that many don't understand how she and Clarisse work out. But one day, some campers set up an ambush for Clarisse in the capture the flag and she ends up getting hurt. Even though Clarisse doesn't care much, Reader comes up with a plan worthy of Annabeth's surprise, and takes revenge on the campers who hurt her girlfriend. Everyone knew it was her, but there was no concrete proof so she gets away with it.
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I’m not your friend
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Daughter of nemesis! Reader
An - im Actually loving all these request also i didnt add much of the song to the fic bc low-key i forgot that was the song I choose but it’s ok I’m just a girl
Palestine help links
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The conch shell rang loudly. You looked up and sighed, finishing tying your shoes you grabbed your weapon of choice before heading towards your spot at flag patrol.
Clarisse ran past you but stopped. She gently grabbed your waist, kissing you she grinned. “Feel like a winning day?”
“Maybe” You mumbled with a smile. Clarisse kissed you one last time for ‘good luck’ before she ran off to do some hunting.
Many campers were confused about your relationshp. Clarisse who was an arrogant and abrasive girl who had to much pride for her own good, managed to end up dating you a calm collected and quiet daughter of nemesis. Some figured your gentle nature just happened to balance out clarisse chaotic one.
You aimlessly walked in circles around the flag with the other kid who was patrolling with you doing the same. You stepped on a twig which made a loud snap, you felt an over whelming sense of anxiety. Your kiss earlier for good luck had also connected you and clarisse both in battle a gift you had inherited from your mother.
You grabbed your weapon that was sitting on a near by rock quickly. “Where are you going!” The kid who was patrolling with you yelled as you ran off.
Soon you found clarisse sitting against a tree wincing in pain as her sibling was adjusting her arm into a sling.
“What happened” You anxiously dropped by clarisse moving some curls out of her face. “Fucking Athena kid made some dumbass trap” clarisse nodded her head as a signal for her siblings, they moved her arm fast making her yell a string of insults in Greek. After a few minutes she panted as the pain subsided “Sprained my arm but it’s fine, i can still fight”
“No Your not” You sternly spoke.
“It’s whatever just a sprained arm I’ll live, can’t say the same for that Athena bitch though” clarisse muttered under her breath.
You looked up at her siblings and gave them a look which they understood was ‘don’t let her leave from here’. The kids looked at eachother but kept quiet, you leaned over and kissed clarisse. “Stay here ok.. 20 minutes and if I win the game you will take a break for a few days ok”
Clarisse grinned at the bet “and if you don’t?”
“You’ll get my meats for the next month”
You spent the next ten minutes getting caught. You get caught then you had the advantage in setting your trap.
Luke tossed you down with a small pile of kids one of which was your brother Ethan. You pretended to be sad and dissaptioned using your clean record charm to your advantage.
“Sorry y/n It’s Nothing Personal Just fun and games” Luke gave you his same old sarcastic smile.
“No it’s ok I get it” you shrugged your shoulders. Waiting for him to walk away you turned to Ethan. “You set the ropes right?” You leaned over and whispered
“Yeah did everything like you asked” he muttered while glaring up at the blue team kid who’s as standing guard over the captured kids.
It took about 10 minutes until you heard a loud commotion, with that you had knocked out the solider standing guard stole the flag and ran off to the lakes shore.
The final conch rang signaling your teams victory. Clarisse rolled her eyes as she walked over towards you shaking her head at your dumb sarcastic grin. As your group celebrated, the blue team walked over with Chiron in tow.
“Her fucking y/n she’s the one who set up that damn trap” Liam a Hermes kid pointed at you accusingly you however remained innioncent.
“What trap?” You played it off.
“Oh you little—“ liam started to get into your face but clarisse immeaditly stepped in. Chiron however put his arm inbetween the two to keep things cordial.
“How about you tell me what the trap was” the centaur looked down at the angry kid. He had been scuffed up pretty bad with a few bleeding cuts of his own.
“It was a Large rope scheme, we stepped into our safe zone and boom a loud explosion of green fire went off before we could leave more went off getting practically all of our team surrounded in Greek fire, then once we got free half of us were swept up into the tree upside down by that point the flag had been taken and now we’re here and I know it was y/n because… well I can’t actually prove it but I know it was her!” 
You kept your innocent appearance with a small smile still denying the accusations.
“I’m sorry Liam but if there’s no solid proof I can’t do anything, as far as I see y/n is innocent” Chiron sighed while setting a comforting arm on his shoulder. The kid scoffed and stormed away, as everybody cleared off you smiled at clarisse giving her a kiss. “So about the bet” you grinned.
“Shut up” she laughed but kissed you back. In the corner of your eye you saw annabeth chase of all people walking over to you.
She stopped infront of you with a serious expression. You raised an eyebrow confused but waited for her to speak. “I know you set that trap, and I know you made sure not to leave an evidence you did it. Next time you wont be so lucky” she crossed her arms, you knew annabeth was a force to be reckoned with and crossing her was a bad idea. “But you have my respect that was a good trick you pulled today. Enjoy your celebratory dinner” she sighed before walking away.
You looked back at clarisse for a moment. You smiled wide at her laughing at her pretend agitated face at the fact you had won and clarisse ultimate lost.
“You know” clarisse started while walking back to the dining hall with you. “It’s kinda hot how you managed to fuck up a bunch of kids just because I got hurt, don’t tell me your over protective”
“Shut up clarisse”
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Clarisse - this is bullshit
Y/n - you lost now you have to rest for a week
Clarisse - again this is bull shit
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
random craig tucker headcanons
has level 1 low support needs autism
gay (not a hc bt whaever.)
special interest is star trek and space in general
watching red racer every day is a routine he mustn't under almost any imaginable circumstance break
got some peruvian ancestry (from which parent's side? heck if i know) + knows a bittt of spanish
his family mostly goes without saying a word to each other during meals
when hes waiting outside the counselor's office for flipping off someone again he sits and either thinks about space or looks at images of stripe on his phone to ease any tension that migth be there
barely ever smiles except when stripe, space or tweek exist
closer to thomas than to laura
his parents taught him everythin ghe knows <33 (emotional constipation and invlulnerability but breaking the ice every one in a while)
sometimes just randomly infodumps about random facts about star strek or space or guinea pigs at the most random of times (actually canon as briefly shown in TFBW)
likes to learn / memorize random facts abt red racer, space, star trek or guinea pigs
random fact i almost mispelled guinea pigs every single time wtmf is wrong with me
for birthdays he mostly gets space-themed stuff cuz everyone knows he loves it
if hes overwhelmed, instead of having a meltdown he'll usually have a shutdown instead
sometimes rants to stripe abt stuff like relationship drama w tweek lmao
he actually liked the clothes he wore during the metrosexual fad, (evident by keeping them in his closet as shown in TFBW)
most emotion he shows is anger/being pissed off
"sooooooo happy" is actually a stim of his and it feels satisfying for him to say it every time hes sooo happy
even when hes sooo happy the most emotion he'll show is a faint smile
doesn't really smile in any pictures unless hes forced to
flipping people off for him is kinda like pushing people away and making them pissed off at him so he wouldnt need to care abt what they think of him and that way he sorta protects himself (mostly saying this bc of one of his attacks in tfbw)(i swear im sane)
hes sometimes overwhelmed from his relationship w tweek but he fucking sucks at communicating (his kryptonite in TFBW is literally communication) he didnt communicate that to tweek just yet (this is mostly shown in buddha box)(NOT SAYING CRAIG DOESNT CARE ABOUT TWEEK HE LOVES HIM HES JUST OVERWHELMED SOMETIMES FROM FEELING LIKE HES COMPLETELY RESPONIBLE FOR HIM ANDN OIEAHDKKSH leave him alone) i like to imagine tweek and craig resolve this at one point cuz im pretty sure they get married in the future and they always push through their struggles together and they rly need each other so .
u can point to a star n hell name it
has space themed pajamas
(StOLEN HC IdK FroM whO) has those glow in the dark stars in his room
i googled it sometime ago n apparently he has blue eyes ? idrc
his childhood dream was to become an astronaut (I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL IT I LITERALLY HAD TO GOOGLE IT I HATE MYSELF) but when he grew up he probably settled for something less extreme. idk what though
either got diagnosed w autism at age 10, in his teens, in his young adult years, or far afterwards, or never at all. when he was told by someone that he migth be autistic he didnt rly even bother to look it up or anything but if he did he would go like "idk i dont really think im autistic i dont think i do (x symtom) all that much" and tweeks like "You do that literally all the time !!!!". but yeah even if he gets diagnosed he doesnt rly end up taking any medication or specializzed therapy but he does gain a larger understanding of himself and how to handle things like shutdowns.)
really picky eater (cuz sensory issues)
hates wearing jeans or similiar uncomfy clothing so he wears exclusively sweatpants (again cuz of sensory issues)
his whole family is autistic actually ive decided so when mr mackey brings up the possibility of him being autistic laura and thomas deny it cuz all the symptoms he shows are what they do as well, andthyere obviously not autistic so neither can craig be.
sometimes he goes over to tweeks house completely unannounced and so does tweek (actuallycanon as shown in put it down)
0verwhelmed by the concept of emotions in general but his relationship w tweek forces him to confront that part of him he tries to avoid and forces him to open up a bit which is actually rly important
since tweek is on meth, he heavily lacks appetite and sometimes skips meals or just doesnt take care of himself enough. craig learns abt this (not the meth part cuz tweek doesnt know that eithrer) so he helps him eat enough food throughout the day so he doesnt fucken starve to death
replies to tweeks texts instantly (actually canon)
tolkiens best friend (canon according to the official south park wiki). clydes a closee second
clyde annoys the fuck out of him but in a friend teasing way and they both care abt each other obvu
i actually dont rly have hcs for him n tolkien sryyyy
jimmy makes the best remarks abt creek (canon)(in put it down he asks craig (when craig doesnt know why tweek isnt in school) "uh oh. trouble in paradise?" and in TFBW during a battle tweek tells craig smth like "ill be right with you super craig!" and jimmy says "OK, i guess illbe the third wheel." anyway live laugh jimmy)
extremely blunt pessimist (canon)
despite his reputation as a troublemaker hes actually a decently polite kid (minus the constant flipping off)
barely goes out the house or does anything exciting. nice n boring. just the way he likes it.
hates changes or sudden surprises or his routine being broken
on the verge of being diagnosed w oppositional defiance disorder
sometimes wears black nail polish (again cuz in tfbw its kinda implied he liked the metrosexual fad n black nail polish migth be a more neutral form of such self expression)(mostly self projecting here)
tumblr user
during one pride month thomas went all out and bought craig a shitton of pride themed merch that he mostly doesnt use
he loves loves lovess seeing tweeks smile !!!1!! hes like omfg finally hes getting a fucking break (tweeks life is a fucking mess)
appears unphased by some stuff even when hes really uncomfortab;le
sometimes sleeps without pillow ehn he deems it more comfortable
deals w some form of small anxiety, not to a disordered amount thogh
maybee has depression ?!? idk
dated a girl in the past cuz he thought he was supposed to, but he felt like "she was holding him back". overall he didnt give a fuck abt their breakup cuz he didnt really care that much abt the relationship and when others questioned him abt it he was confused and didnt know most ppl were heartbroken after a breakup. (sorry i love early craig being a gay mess in denial)
sometimes cartman calls him a pocoyo rip off and each time he feels the strongest urge to either decapitate or defenestrate him
before he n tweek got together he would joke to tolkien abt how he was gonna propose to him when they grew up so he could live off his wealth and not have to work for any money. (SORRY i got this concept from a webcomic (the four of them))
he n tweek send heart emojis to each other (implied)
mostlyyy dry texter (he doesnt mean to)
at one point he n tweek buy a pair of guinea pigs for stripe to befriend and craig names them castor and pollux
he n tweek get married in the future
mostly likes dry, tasteless and cold food (There r obviously exceptions thats why i said mostly)
says and intreprerts things more literally than most
still sarcastic at times
hates huge social events with too many people and noiises
used to blend in well and fit in w mob mentality but doesnt really care anymore
it wont let me write anymo
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villainessprefect · 2 years
Anonymous asked: hello!! may i request a fic with malleus x gn!reader pls? this is too specific since im having a bad day sooo my request is where reader is having a bad day since they found out their 'friends' talking sh*t behind their back and they didnt attend the whole class for the whole day and ignoring everyone esp malleus (bc reader want some alone time) so at night time, malleus found reader and just comfort them? thank you, have a good day! :)
hello! I hope this fic brings you some comfort!! don't let those types of friends get you down!
title: turn to me
summary: Your latest ‘friends’ turn out to be trash. Their words lead you down a terrible descent. At least someone is willing to reach out to you.
ship: Malleus x gn!reader
word count: 2,167
note: does this need a trigger warning for like. self-loathing?? idk
Read on AO3
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You should have known from the start that it would end this way. In this hellish world, you would always be an outcast, the odd one out, the magicless one. No matter how hard you tried to fit in, no matter what you did, you were not part of this world.
But is it so wrong to hope? To think that maybe, just maybe, you could be a part of this world if only for a moment.
Perhaps you were just foolish. Naive. All you wanted was to belong somewhere. Taking a chance to break from your usual friend group had been your own undoing. You should have listened to their warnings and stayed with them. They know these people better than you do. After all, they're just like them, aren't they?
You didn't listen. You let that glimmer of hope lead you down the wrong path. All you wanted was a normal school life. With that, you could believe that you were normal.
"Aren't you tired of hanging around with that magicless Prefect yet? It's so damn boring. We can't do anything with them around!" One complained.
"Just a little longer, we can't lose our gopher just yet." Another says.
"Hey! Maybe we should start calling them our best friend. You think they'll like that?" He laughs. Loud. "I bet they'd think they're part of the group!"
"Man, not even they could be dumb enough to believe that. Although, you know what they say. No magic, no brains."
Vile gossip runs around your latest group of 'friends'. They continue to throw insults your way while unaware of your presence. At some point, you begin to tune out what they're saying. Their voices grow smaller and smaller as you make a run for it, but you can still hear their voices echoing loud and clear in your mind.
You run home, or at least to the place you're forced to call home. The door to Ramshackle is forcibly pushed open, left ajar as you head straight to your room. Your bag and books drop to the ground, supplies scattering on the floor. A part of you thinks to pick them up, another disagrees- what did it matter anyway? It's not like your friends would come over.
Finding comfort in your bed is hard. It's not the best, not the softest, it barely does its job, but its all you have. At least this old thing wouldn't betray you. Hopefully. You don't want to jinx it and have your bed turn into a futon.
You take in a shaky breath and struggle to let the darkness consume you. You're not even tired, but your body aches, your chest stinging with every heartbeat. The longer you stay awake, the more your thoughts haunt you. And the last thing you want to do is let those bastards win.
Your phone catches you off guard. In your haste to hide away from the world, you forgot to toss that aside along with your bag. All you do is dig the buzzing phone out of your pocket and turn it off, not even bothering to see who is blowing it up. Friends, new or old, you didn't want to speak to anyone. You couldn't.
With no more distractions, you lie in bed and succumb to your fate. Nasty thoughts poke at you, prodding at you and telling you how stupid you are. You wish you hadn't been so optimistic about branching out. You couldn't always rely on your usual group of friends, but at this point...it seemed like you had to.
It's impossible to reassure yourself that things are okay. They're not. You think how useless and stupid you are. And that...this is how things should have been from the start. People don't need you, you need them. You're unwanted and alone, and always will be for as long as you're in this world. And when you leave? It'll be like you were never here in the first place.
As the day draws on, you fall in and out of consciousness. You don't recall crying, but your pillow says otherwise. Your stomach craved food while feeling as if it couldn't hold down a single scrap. The only movement you willingly made was tossing back and forth for a more comfortable position.
Ramshackle is eerily quiet. The ghosts aren't hovering over you nor is Grim. The latter is probably with the others. It's fine. He's part of this world, you are not.
Something forces your body out of bed. You don't know what it is. Perhaps its an old habit that takes control of you. One that lets you meet with a dragon fae during the darker hours of the world. He doesn't always show up, and for once you pray he won't.
The cold air hits your body and you shiver. The night air that usually comforts you freezes you instead as you take a seat upon the steps of Ramshackle. The light of the moon reveals all to you. It's truly a beautiful night. One you wish you could enjoy.
A dark shadow looms over you. You don't bother lifting your gaze, merely staring down the legs that have blocked your view.
"Child of man," he starts. You don't move. "You were not at school today."
"Are you feeling alright?" Malleus asks you. You can't bring yourself to speak. You don't want to have a conversation with him right now. Not with a tainted heart that's laced with the fear of betrayal. Surely he wouldn't be the same as that lot, would he?
No. Deep in your heart you know Malleus would never reach that low. He may be cheeky, but he's always been honest with you. If he wanted to end things with you, he would with the snap of his fingers. But you've always been special in his eyes. You're just...not in the mood to find that spark of hope again.
Your silence causes him to worry. The lack of acknowledgement does as well. Malleus looks forward to being beside you. Your conversations were always odd yet interesting. You never feared getting close to him, physically or otherwise. And your smile was worth waiting a whole century for. Having none of that tonight is a little upsetting. Not at you, but...for you? It's strange, difficult to put into words for him.
"Lilia once told me that silence can be hurtful and comforting, you just need to know when it's the right kind. You do not need to speak and if you wish for me to leave, simply...tell me." The last of his words comes out strained, forced. If his voice could break, you think it would have been heard then.
You take in a breath and decide his fate.
"You can stay."
You don't catch the way he lights up. How his eyes widen in surprise at your answer. His brief moment of joy doesn't last, but he finds it a blessing that you allow him to stay by your side.
Malleus takes a seat beside you. He sits closer to you compared to normal, but you don't mind. You didn't exactly pick the most spacious place to brood.
Having company after being alone all day is a little nice. His warmth helps keep some of those nasty thoughts away. Although you don't think that you really deserve this touch of kindness.
You still refuse to look at him and instead lift your gaze to the stars. You once heard that each star is a different world. With countless stars that fill the sky, that meant there were numerous worlds out there. And if a star went out, that meant the world was gone. It must have been a whimsical tale, yet now you wonder if it's true. Was your world a lost star? Is that why you're here now? Did the heavens think putting you here was better than meeting that fate?
You squeeze your body tightly.
"Malleus..." You breathe out his name, which catches him by surprise. It's unusual for you to not use the nickname you gave him. He makes no comment on it. Only watching and waiting for you to continue.
And when you face him, it hurts to see you.
Tears pricking at the corner of your eyes that are filled with nothing but pain. The sadness you bear is so heavy that he can see it. You look so lost and desperate. The friend he once knew is now broken.
"Do you ever think that...I'm worthless for not having magic?" You ask, pleading for an answer.
"No," he responds, quickly. There's a hint of anger in his eyes. He may not know who hurt you, but the question you posed gives him an idea as to how. "You are an extraordinary human in this world. If you wish to base worth off of magic, then one must do so knowing how to wield it. Even the strongest of mages can prove to be inferior to an amateur who only knows a single spell."
"But I don't know any," you respond. You hadn't meant to cut him off, but it was too late to stop now. "I'm not an amateur and I never will be. In this world, I'm not anything. Just a dumb human who thinks that there might be good in all the wrong places."
"You are not dumb." He responds and reaches out to take your hand in his. You're immediately met with his warmth. He doesn't use magic, but it feels like he cast a spell to soothe your body. "And anyone who says otherwise are the fools here. You have done plenty that others have not, without the use of magic. A hardworking and kind soul such as yourself is admirable. Your valor and resolve are truly commendable." He can't help but smirk. "Who else would dare to allow such weakness in front of me?"
You can't tell if his attempt at cheering you up is supposed to be good or not. It's fitting to come from him though. And it's just enough to make you crack a small smile.
"Only a fool would," you say with no pain in your voice. You can see the little annoyance in his eyes though, disliking at your self-loathing words. But, he allows a pass for the moment.
"Will you show your bravery by telling me what happened to you?"
You take in a breath and grip his hand. The pain from earlier is coming back, almost tenfold. It hurts the same as when you first heard those words spoken literally behind your back.
"Friends. Or I guess they're not friends anymore," you scoff. "I thought I could, you know, be a normal student with a group of friends and..." You shake your head, biting down on your lip.
"Spade and Trappola harmed you?"
"No! No! Not them!" You respond quickly. "Other, no-name, unimportant assholes," you huff out. At least that felt a little good to say, even if the insults were rather weak. "I thought I could befriend a few more people, so just in case...I won't have to be alone. But...that didn't work out."
A loud clap of thunder causes you to jump. Your hold on Malleus tightens as you instinctively huddle closer to him. You hadn't noticed the clear skies being overtaken by dark clouds, causing the night to grow darker. And after catching a flash of lightning, you feared that a storm might be coming.
"Those...not friends of yours," he spits out, as politely as he can. You can feel the anger seeping from his voice as he does his best to remain pleasant before you. "They are unwise for taking your company for granted. Your presence itself is a treasure they do not know the true value of. They are blinded by their own ignorance. If there is no one else that you can turn to, then you can always turn to me. I would never take your company for granted."
You feel a pang of guilt for your earlier thoughts. To even question that Malleus would do you harm- you'd really been a fool.
"Thanks," you whisper and let your head bump onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry for...not being in the best mood tonight. At least I know I can always count on you, Hornton," you chuckle.
Hearing that nickname brings a smile to his face. While the clouds still hover overhead, the sound of thunder and visions of lightning are no more. You release a breath that you'd been holding in and finally begin to relax.
While you know you've been keeping Malleus this whole time, you can't bear to let him go. Not yet. He shined a light upon you that you needed. And maybe, it wouldn't hurt to be a little self-indulgent.
"Can you stay a little bit longer?"
"Of course."
And just like that, the night sky is clear once more.
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
Happy birthday Bubby!
Couple more questions!
-Are you able to say everyone’s ages in So(u)l, including the animatronics?
-Does June ever play his guitar and sing in public or at bars or anything or does he only do that at home now?
-Soulmate question, kinda regarding Rush and Morgan’s bond, does that imply that if you don’t have a soulmate due to your previous one passing away, you can get a new bond later even if your future soulmate already exists? Like the string will “wait” kinda until they’re ready? Or was Morgan and Rush’s string there right when Rush woke up?
-What are June, Hello, and Goodbye’s main fidgets/stims?
-Okay this might be weird lol but I’m curious, what are Hello and Goodbye’s favorite little things that June does in his sleep? Does he talk, twitch, unconsciously cling to them like a koala, anything like that?
-What kind of odd jobs does June do on the side?
Thank you!!
i wanna keep it vague, but June is roughly in his mid 20's matt is roughly in his mid-late 30's Marlow is roughly one year younger than June Morgan is two years older than June Hello is a year old (his AI is somewhere around June's age) Goodbye was a year older than June (now the same age as Hello) Rush is around 8 years old (his ai is early 30's) Wibble is around 6 years old (his ai is the same as Rush) Cammie is 4 around years old (her ai is the same as wibble and rush) Octavia is around 2 years old, but was technically never completed (her size makes it much easier to fit a more complex system in her, so her mental age is around 40) The skrittles have the same AI age as toddlers, but theyre a few months old Astro Cadet has been worked on off and on for about six years, and his ai is about the same age. It grows much slower than the WOW branded animatronics
Absolutely no in public things. He's gotten a lot more shy about performing since his band days. He only ever plays for hello/goodbye and piper
Soulmate marks are all about right time, right place. if you arent the version of yourself that would be soulmates with someone, no markings will show up. Morgan was a very different person with their last soulmate, and their life experiences changed who they are. it happens! people change, especially as they get older. its why a lot of people are told not to be upset if they dont get any markings until later on (SPOILERS BELOW) Its why samir and june didnt have any soul marks until samir was goodbye. he wasnt the person that wouldve been soulmates with june yet, he needed to experience and change and grow before that would happen. So did june!
June chews his lip a lot, and sighs. Sometimes he sighs for no reason just because he forgot to breathe. I think his favourite fidget toy would be one of those fidget cubes Hello stims by waving/flapping his arms, or playing with his hands. I think he'd enjoy fidget spinners or rubix cubes! Goodbye stims with squeezing/pressure. He'd enjoy weighted blankets, and I think he'd enjoy stress balls. Ones with thick stuff inside so he can really squeeze down
Hello likes it when June sighs in his sleep, or mumbles. Goodbye thinks its funny when he snores on occasion, and records it to play it back while pretending to nap. (taking inspiration from my roommate bc its hilarious, sometimes june will make the saddest, softest little sigh in his sleep and hello will wake him up like "WERE YOU HAVING A BAD DREAM ARE YOU OKAY" & june will be entirely confused)
June does a lil of everything. people in town come to him for a lot of stuff like yard work, painting houses/fences, cleaning houses. He occasionally comes into bryn's office and helps with anything they might need too, like fixing the chairs, etc. He's known as a jack of all trades around town (which makes him feel nostalgic, since that used to be what he called his childhood best friend)
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tojiscrack · 2 months
in honor of the new soano chapter- my thoughts
i actually also love the fact that y/n is so iconic in this so here's a list
- shadis, badis, madis, and kadis
- forcing jean's lookalike to eat peas
- scheming with hange after running away(for the first, but definitely not last, time)
- "remember me?"
- insulting erwins eyebrows😭
- pulling a turn around on badis after LOCKING HIM IN THE WOMENS BATHROOM??????
- drawing flowers instead of answering the math problem
- actually befriending malakai😨
- convincing everyone that the schedule had changed
and saving the best for last,
- "OH SHADIIISSSS!!, guess who's baaack"
i probably forgot to write a few down but i hope ur happy with this list😈
i loved the new chapter so much like i actually was kicking my feet and giggling from the shenanigans ilysm pls never die i actually wish i could smooch u bc this was beautiful 😔😔🙏
start of a new obsession masterlist here:
MALAKAI ORIGINATED IN LIAR, LIAR BUT WILL BE IN EVERY UNIVERSE OF EVERY STORY I WRITE 😭 him and y/n will meet a millions times. and yes, he’s 10000x worse here and it’s actually like that for a reason — in aot’s universe, they don’t exactly have much to lose. we don’t know much about how their jobs work and stuff. all we know is that if you have a criminal record, it stays. if you’ve done something incredibly grave, it stays (as seen with eren and mikasa’s murder crimes committed at 9 years old LMAO). but we notice that even with that, eren was able to join the cadet corps and even ended up ranking 5th before joining the scouts. so, malakai truly has nothing to lose when he goes feral 💀
please you basically just summarised the entire chapter DKMMM 😭😭 i had sm fun writing it for the few readers that are actually invested despite how little traction it gets. soano will always be my favourite to actually write simply bcz of how much crack it consists of.
had to make her punch boris cuz he was so annoying when i watched him in the ova. she’s doing what i wanted to do so badly. and her friends will understand why she ran off 😭 they know her well despite only knowing her for a week.
y/n in liar, liar, despite the way she acts with malakai, sees him as a friend. it’s the same thing in the soano verse. y/n and malakai 🤝 being a chaotic duo in every universe.
miffysmittens, i wait for ur notifs EVERY time. i’m gonna mwah both of your cheeks, i wake up in the morning for you, don’t YOU ever die 😤‼️
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oddogoblino · 3 months
So I just had a dream where, essentially, trying to find an artist's art tag for what I bought a sticker of sent me into a strange world where the people there thought they were dogs.
Dream rambling under cut
Like, I was looking for some sticker the artist drew because, in the dream, a friend asked what I'd bought from them so i looked for it because i didnt remember, and suddenly I was in a field and had no clue where I was.
And this short girl with curly hair and her taller best friend with straight hair ended up talking to me and leading me around, asking what kind of dog I was because i didnt look familiar nor like everyone else. The curly haired girl was a chihuahua and the straight haired girl was I think a German shepherd. "Everyone's a dog here!" The chihuahua girl was named Chelsie and the German shepherd girl was named Alana.
They were still very excited, confused, and welcoming to me as they showed me around. They dressed and looked like people but just weren't 100% human looking for some reason. They didn't have like- dog ears or anything, they looked human but like- not- entirely??? I think it was their hands, their hands looked like paws somewhat with fur and claws for nails and darker skin on their palms.
And I'm just wandering around trying to get used to this small town of sorts that they set up in an abandoned amusement park, mainly just walking around, and I meet two other dogs. A tall (compared to me..), muscular man with blonde, messy hair and his unwilling roommate(?) who was an older man with black , graying, cleanly styled hair. I think they were implied to be a golden retriever and a i'll assume a chocolate Labrador given how I remember his hair looking. I think their names were Alex and Ricko.
The blonde man just asks inappropriate questions upon being met, so I ran off to avoid him, and he later sulked and asked his friend why he "can't get bitches like you can" (which is really funny to me-) and the older guy reminisces about when he was younger and was the heartthrob of the town. He was a musician & singer too. He was implied to still have incredible pull but he didn't feel he was as handsome or anything as he once was.
The dream moved on to me with the girls and we're chatting and Chelsie accidentally spilt her friend's snacks on the bed so we were just awkwardly there as Alana began to vacuum them up, the other having left bc she didn't like the noise and me trying to nervously pick out some of the chips(?) that were missed. I remember Alana ended up talking to me about "knowing I don't really seemed to care for them" and how she'd kinda felt I was looking down on them for being dogs after we'd spent the day hanging out & them hunting animals with me tagging along. It was such an awkward moment in the dream, because how do you explain you just haven't figured out how/processed you ended up here to begin with? But we'd talked it out and got on better terms. I went to my new home or sorts after saying goodbye since it was late out.
My home was like- an abandoned apartment that I was given the uh...honor ...ig of fixing up so I could comfortably live there. A gang of dog people ended up hearing about me though and kept trying to break in the next morning while I was away to "see what kind of person I was". They used a literal actual cat to try and sneak them in because they hoped it'd unlock the doors for them or show them another way of how to get in. Cat refused and instead messed with them. Tho I remember I had subtle cat imagery in my room along with things from fandoms i like, which might've indicated I was/was becoming a literal cat person paired with the girl thinking I was looking down on them when I wasn't.
I think the dream ended with me walking back home, not knowing there was a gang of dogs trying to get into my apartment.
So yeah I had a weird dream, just wanted to type it down before I forgot.
Oh also, everything about the world I'd seen looked kinda abandoned. The dogs lived in abandoned houses that clearly had been human houses before, there were broken cars that were rusty and not used for years, grass was overgrowing in places it didn't before, the night was pitch black if not for all the stars and moon lighting the place, the amusement/Waterpark stuff the people I found lived in were all unused and moldy/rusty. They figured out how to make foods I knew of because well- recipes n such they found around. They had farms and such for all of this. Never once saw chocolate or grapes around any food I'd see in the dreams though.
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thegeminisage · 9 months
ok, its time for a QUICK tng update before xm*s proceedings. saturday we did "best of both worlds part ii" and "family" and last night we did "brothers" and "suddenly human."
best of both worlds part ii: I LOOOOOVED THIS EPISODE. mwah. EVERYTHING i wanted. creepy little cyborg implants. brainwashed picard. his beautiful perfect cgi tear (which may or may not have been cgi, this is a point of debate, experts please weigh in). data bravely doing a robot mind meld. 1000000/10 more borg episodes please please PLEASE
can you imagine if the borg has ben in tos btw. what a thought experiment, except for how i quite literally can't think about it or i'll get so excited i'll pass out
did guinan imply she and picard were lovers in this ep...girl you can do better
my one nitpick with william riker was him promoting that lady he hated instead of someone who deserved it, like worf or data. it probably would have given worf ptsd but can you imagine that enterprise having a captain and first officer being gay on the bridge again...wonderful. except this time there would also be deanna <3
"how much do you remember" "everything" AHAHAHAHA GREAT. GOOD. WONDERFUL. anyway
family: extremely unusual episode but i loved it nonetheless. i was really shocked worf's parents were so sweet!!! i fucking loved them. they're like the cutest people on earth i can't believe they raised such a taciturn and stoic guy like worf...
picard's family i wasn't sure about at first until the wrestling match in the mud. sometimes you need to punch a guy and his brother stepped up to the job admirably. i kept thinking he looked like michael caine, which would have been an incredible choice.
WESLEY.....................................................we don't need to talk about it
everyone's accents in this ep were wack. why does picard have a totally different accent from his brother. why is worf's accent different from his parents. ik its not that deep but its making me crrrazzzyyy
brothers: i didnt even get a look at the title of this episode before we started bc vumoo (the shady site im using to watch) doesn't display them but it was SUCH an unexpected pleasure to get a data episode
absolutely scuh-reaming at the ease with which he hijacked an ENTIRE goddamn starship. he's so competent i love that. a real "glad he's on OUR side" moment, not unlike spock commandeering the enterprise in "the menagerie" (rip i wish that had been a better episode).
lore grew on me really fast. i was neutral on him during his last appearance, the meme aside, but in this episode he was really fun and unsettling. brent spiner can do horrible, horrible things with his face
this ep felt a little cut off? i expected another confrontation with lore, a getting back of the chip, or at least some kind of burial or funeral for dr soong, but we just quit like 3/4 through the episode. maybe less time spent on the opening section of the hijack could have fixed this
anyway i love the foil between data and lore...one has support and the other does not...but it doesn't make sense for lore to get the emotions chip because it seems like he already HAS them??
oh yeah and data repeating "i am not less perfect than lore" got funnier EVERY time he did it. little man was really going thru it i was cracking up genuinely <3
suddenly human: this episode was wack
ok, did you guys read face on the milk carton when you were in school? i did when i was way too young to be reading it and it fucked me up real bad and i completely forgot about it until i watched this episode and then i got to unlock that memory in real time
anyway, while it is obviously the correct choice to return a child to their family when they are kidnapped as babies, it is also hugely traumatic for an older child to be ripped away from a loving home* and transplanted with strangers, which those books explore in horrific detail. so the whole episode i found myself going "i KNOW it's bad politics but could they not just CONSIDER leaving him with the only family he's ever known as a possible choice" and then they DID THAT and i wanted to be ill because it was obviously the worst choice in the world
* this is a different scenario than the first tng episode involving kidnapped children, which strongly resembled the residential schools from real life. THIS particular situation, minus the method of kidnapping (during warfare), more closely resembled the crazy cult shit happening in those books, where the kidnapped girl was being raised by people who thought they really were her biological grandparents and weren't bad people and her biological family also weren't bad people. a "no fault" situation EXCEPT FOR HE KIDNAPPENED THAT BABY DURING WARFARE.
anyway this is the second time tng has dropped the ball on this subject so i think from now on they should not do episodes like this anymore. really really really really bad.
NEXT TIME: "remember me" and "legacy"
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
Hawk Talk
Okay so sorry if this is a little jumpy I'm having a so far two-day long anxiety attack anyway-
We got assigned seating in history and i got sat next to the biggest cunt wad i have ever met i fucking despise her and she's my desk partner
she was cordial and so was i but she has not fucking changed at all
And the cute boy from years ago is still cute and shy and such a sweetheart but he sits behind me ish and to the very far right
So I can't even look at him anymore without anyone noticing :(
And nyxie darling (@whennyxfallsinlove) was right, i was looking at him like a deer staring at headlights the first day because holy shit i REALLY *REALLY* liked him (still do) because he was one of the only genuine boys I met at the time and I was having a really difficult time and yk hanging out with him helped me out since things were happening in my home life that were difficult to say the least
So then the rest of class went smoothly
For math, there is no cute guys
But thats fine because I really like my teacher and he's taught ways to do math that are so much easier
Not only is he funny, but he also REALLY goes into depth of equations and helps out a lot!!
Sooo yeah
I had a mini heart attack bc after I left class I thought my phone fell outta my pocket but the pockets on my jeans are high (since the jeans are high-waisted duh) so it turns out my butt just didn't recognize the feeling since majority of my jeans don't have wider pocket space
But yeah
Anddd then I went to English class
And if you saw the recent small Hawk Talk posts of me interacting with nyxie, you'd know that there are two boys that are lowkey cute 👀
Idk they're cute by my standards but probably not everyone else's lmao
So I feel like I should call these guys smth??
So umm let's call one of them Baseball guy bc he likes baseball and I also didn't wanna ask his name but when I do, I'll probably make a nickname to refer to when I post about him
And the other we'll call D/Dee ig??
So yeah D was funny as usual
And the baseball guy talked more and lanie, him, and I were going through this box
It was a worry box and my English teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) basically had a chest and put it at our table to write our worries on an index card and put it in there (anonymously, but some kids put their names so now we have Blackmail™️ . Probs won't need it, but it's good to have information on people)
And like she said that we could NOT under ANY circumstances go through it..
But we did 😘
So yeah that was fun because I didnt get caught
so i'm her favorite student while also being a little shit
So me and Lanie started following Cute Baseball Boy™️ to his locker because we're nosy bitches
But then I lost lanie so I sat on the floor until i was found like a 7-year-old who lost her mom at the supermarket
Aaand then we had lunch together !!
But then I found out she thought baseball guy is cute too :(
And idk how to feel about that
So I'd anything happens between them I'm gonna be kinda bummed bc I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me thinking he's cute
So im gonna have to find a way to not like him ig??
Or just keep shit to myself (with the intention of telling y'all every little detail)
Gonna je bummed if they start dating or smth but I'll be supportive nonetheless because they're both my friends and if they're happy then that's all that really matters to me
So anyway
Thus guy across from us at lunch was fucking hilarious
His friend kept putting a plate of school food someone forgot to throw away in his face and he let out the most high pitch ear piercing scream I have EVER heard lmaooo
Same bro, same
Felt that
And like I looked at him like wtf was that dude
And his eyes got SO wide
He kept frantically pointing to the girls that were sitting near him and even his friend 💀
So like that was funny
And then we got to gym !!
We didn't get to actually do anything :(
Basically what happened in PE: got gym clothes, got gym lockers (mine and lanie's are next to each other!!), and watched boys get play basketball (D was playing and he wasn't that bad)
Sooo yeah
Ik I said that I went basic white girl mode and watched the boys play
But like half the time I was just taking selfies on snap and scrolling through tumblr memes lmao
But the other half me and lanie were laughing at the boys clothes and haircuts bc they look like they rolled out of bed and asked a 5 year old to make their hair the shape of a fucking broccoli spout or whatever tf you call it
y'all it was that bad
(we also laughed abt that shit at lunch too)
Oh forgot something
While we were all going into the girl's locker room of the gym i thought lanie was right behind me but when i turned around i had to tilt my head up and look around for her head because she's way taller than me and she was at the very back of the crowd
So i went to the side and waited for her to get close to me
And she literally fucking said
L: damn girl i keep losing you, you're really speedy
Me: yeah i'm short but it means i walker faster than you, you're a fucking giant
L: well yeah to YOU. but like i'm tall enough to be your mom
And I lost it. I laughed so hard bc of the way she said it lol
Soo yeah that was the end of my school day
Hope you enjoyed <3
Oh and tagging people that wanted to hear about my day and/or have been reading my Hawk Talk posts (if you dont wanna be tagged lmk and i wont anymore, and lmk if u do wanna be tagged in the full day hawk talk posts!) : @cereal-is-a-soup100percent-true @whennyxfallsinlove @dizzeners @cau-lee-flower215 @sp1rit-realm
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new-ish to the blog (been here about a month....,,) and i wanted to finally get this off my chest bc it was killing me. i'm queer as hell now but BACK THEN when i was 11-13 i was a cis boy who just liked reading comics and doing a jump everyday in hopes of becoming the tallest jumper in the world. and at the time i found out about happy tree friends and got into it very fast, both bc the gore and extremity was edgy and cool to me and because i genuinely liked the characters. i developed a crush on flippy, because, who didnt, and finding out a LOT of htf fans felt the same made me happy at first. but it became really clear nearly all the people who crushed and fangirled over him were girls irl and i felt like a weirdo about it because i was a BOY and i had a crush on flippy who was ALSO a boy. BUT seeing those same people ship flippy with other boy-characters in the show gave me massive mixed messages, because everyone seemed to love it when it was in-show only and i hadnt EVER met another boy online who had a crush on flippy so i wondered if it just wasnt allowed when it was outside of that, even though i wanted to express it with everyone else so bad. i couldnt go to my irl friends bc none of them were into htf and i was worried theyd think i was weird anyway. so my solution to keep crushing on flippy while still being normal to everyone else was making a htf oc that was quite literally a self-insert of myself, all the way down to the comics i liked irl, and shipped him with flippy. but i never told anyone it was my self-insert and just said it was an oc very unrelated to me and i wanted to keep it that way. i made horrible art of us and wrote equally horrible fanfic of this "oc" and flippy, bc i thought it was a genius solution to expressing my adoration for flippy whilst keeping the handful of followers and online friends i had satisfied bc it was boy x boy stuff. i never wrote/drew raunchy stuff about them bc as far as i can remember it was just shit like going on a date with flippy at the library or having picnics with him etc etc. but once i shared a recent fic with one of my online friends about them and at some point they went "you wrote it like an x reader so i thought it was self insert lol" and i was genuinely in shambles. i thought they were accusing me of having a crush on flippy myself and they were about to expose me or something (they didnt even know i was a boy irl so i dont know??) so i defensively told them it wasnt a self insert and i wasnt attracted to flippy in the slightest. but i was really rude about it and they replied saying they never said that, they never accused me of having a crush on flippy or anything like that and it was just a mistake. i dont remember the entirety of our messages but i remember getting so butthurt and angry i kept telling them to fuck off and that it wasnt a mistake on their end and they HAD to be accusing me of actually liking flippy. i blocked them and i cried so hard into my pillow i could barely breathe and i considered running away from home that day bc i was convinced that person was gonna tell everyone i liked flippy even though i was a boy and somehow get to my irl friends and family and i would be considered a freak for it forever. i stopped posting my art and fics of that "oc" and flippy after that and i didnt know how to delete my account at the time (it was on deviantart) so i just logged out and never touched it again. ive been thinking about it recently now as an adult and i forgot the password to that account so everything is still up and there hasnt been a new comment since 7 years ago but it keeps me up at night thinking about the person i cussed out and all the published stuff
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acredb · 1 year
you guys are cool
*gives you my everhood au ideas*
spoilers for after arm getting so its after the cut
its very long i apologise
context: at this point, reds killed the forest spirit, the mushrooms, slim jim shroom (the sprunkel fight), the maze monster and gold pig
(this is literally just bc during a playthrough when i got to this point i figured "...yeah, this would hurt them mentally." so i MADE it hurt ;3 ) (they killed gold pig out of spite, they were the only person red WANTED to kill not counting maze monster)
they couldnt bring themself to kill their friends so they quit. they didnt let the lost spirits know that they were quitting the murder rampage, they just did. ofc the lost spirits weren't happy about this, so they started to 'punish' red for this. they appeared in their dreams, *fucked up* their dreams, and every so often one of them would appear and just...lecture them, using their mental state against them, so this hurt
nobody alive knows about them, not even blue
reds become a lot more protective, meaning theyll get mega pissed if someone hurts blue, green learned the hard way (they decided to prank red into thinking theyd killed blue (dumbass) and red almost killed them they were so upset)
a few weeks? go by and red decides theyve had enough of constantly fearing that they'll hurt their friends so they decide 'What's the point of keeping this stupid arm if all it does is hurt people?' and casually drop it into the incinerator where it burns to a crisp
the lost spirits did NOT like that.
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(zoom in to read details but im explaining it more so uh) the lost souls got a lot more direct in how they were making red regret this. they appeared in their dreams *every night* instead of just when they felt like, and warped them more and more until red would wake up terrified
the spirits started following them everywhere, always just out of sight. every time red's seperate from the rest of the group, they appear, multiple at once.
this ended up driving red mad, and they go bezerk, running away into the Peaceful Forest (peaceful my ass) because theyre so afraid to hurt their friends now that theyre not taking any chances
because theyre so unstable they act like a scared animal, if they cant run theyll attack. literally the only person they wont try to hurt is blue, because even in their madness they know they care about them too much to hurt them
after a month and couple weeks of looking for them, rasta beast finds them in the forest eventually, very much scuffed. red does the whole regular run away thing, until they get cornered. a small (physical, not dance) fight breaks down, rasta fighting back in self defense, until they manage to knock some sense into red. for the first time in a while, red's comforted
this does nothing for their fractured mind, but it gives rasta beast a *little* more protection, because they can snap red out of it for even just a couple minutes
rasta beast goes back and tells the others (everyone hangs around prof.orange's lab cause protection) and prof.orange wants to get red into the lab maybe to study them or something so he sends green and purple mages to get them cause theyre magical and shit
after a mad goose chase the two lose red, but green finds some gnomes (the psychadelic ones) and asks them to get red high out of their mind so they and purple can bring them to orange
(little about the gnomes in this au, they can emmit pheromones that stimulate the mind like weed does because there is NO WAY red wasnt high for 'you want gnomes'. also whenever red is high theyre too overwhelmed to do anything so they eventually just flop over and see god until it wears off, which is why green got the gnomes)
it works and now purple and green are bickering about the morality of the drugging while dragging a practically passed out red to the lab
(ive come up with everything until this point, ill make a part 2 whenever i add to this)
(oh yeah and i forgot to mention but prof.orange has a machine and using it seperated pink and red so the vessel is sentient and the soul lives, orange also made a machine that translates some of red' thoughts into audible sound, they were so fucking happy when they heard their voice they cried)
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 9-10
This is actually so traumatizing. Can you imagine being Kai and Nya. Wus life on the line as well as the entire world
Kai has such a strong sense of justice
omfg i cant imagine how pained Kai and Nyas parents must feel. Seeing their kids being forced to retrieve a time blade and their old dear friend Wu aging to death
And they cant do anything about it
Ray: We hid the timeblade in a place that fire and water coexist. The boiling sea.
Holy shit thats cool
Jay: Its just a strategic retreat!
Cole: ‘Strategic retreat’ is just a fancy way of saying giving up 🙄
HFNSJNFND i love Coles sass
Zane: Wait! I cant retreat, im getting a signal.
Jay: Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this?! ‘MOVE YOUR ASS ZANE!!!!’
Awwww Zane wants to save Cyrus borg
No but fr theyre right, theres too many vermillion warriors for Zane to handle
id like to take this moment in time to remind everyone that when Zane tried to sacrifice himself, Jay tried to run in and stop him while everyone watched in horror. Now at this exact moment, Jay is the first to volunteer in joining Zane to saving Cyrus borg
Technoshipping has been looking especially likable lately 👀
Kai: Gotta give credit to whoever named it the ‘Boiling Sea’ for accuracy…
The time brothers can be so stupid sometimes
Can we talk about how Nya was the first ninja to make a fusion dragon TWICE
Shes the fucking best
Their fusion dragons so cool
Ray: Now listen, this is VERY important. The first obstacle—
Kai: THERES NO TIME! Wus wasting away!
just wait a goddamn second 😭
I love their sibling relationship sm
Kai, who almost fell in a crater: haha… who knew you could be so high up, under water…
Nya: 😐😑😐
Kai: uhhh any idea on how to get down there without breaking our necks.
Nya: well, we could ask our dad… Oh no wait! You were too impatient for that.
Their relationship is everything to me
Cyrus borg after attacking the ninja in vermillion suits: You came, to rescue me?
Jay: Yeah… a decision im coming to regret…
Love how Jay was a huge cyrus borg fanatic and now is just tired of the guy 💀
Cole: Duh, they kidnapped all the builders in ninjago. Pay attention Jay!
5 minutes later
Jay: Duh, its a temporal voyage, temporal meaning ‘time’. PAY ATTENTION COLE.
Love how at the beginning of this season Jay didn’t even know what Temporal meant.
I feel like thats happened before, with Jay not knowing the meaning of a word and then constantly using it when he does.
Kai: You know how moms can get, haha!
Nya: No… because, i never had one.”
Kai: ah.
Kai: Right.
Kai: Because ours got kidnapped when you were only 3.
Kai: Sorry.
what a blunt way to just drop that 😭
Awwww now hes trying to cheer her up 🥹
Hes such a good older brother
Cyrus borg is actually so smart implementing a self destruct code even when the time brothers were watching him like a hawk
(All the ninja secretly taking borg away in their disguises with their faces covered)
Jay: (Showing his whole face) Aye aye captain!
Vermillion general: DID YOU JUST TALK!?!?
Cole: seriously Jay??? We’re NINJA we’re supposed to be stealthy
SAMURAI X!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!
knowing Samurai X is Pixal makes this whole exchange between the two of them adorable
Pixals so badass
Ok but why would their parents create geometric monsters that water and fire cant defeat.
Awwwww the little geometric screams
Kai after they try to use water and fire on the door: Working together, hehe 😎(Breaks his hands and feet fighting it)
Nya: Its the dragon blade! For ONCE take TWO seconds to think a problem through!
Shes not wrong💀
Kai: (picks up the time blade and everything starts crumbling)
Kai: We gotta bolt! Or do you wanna stay and think a problem through?
i love them sm
I keep forgetting they can do airjitzu
Cyrus borg: Uhhh i remember the destruction code was a 13 hundred sequence…
Yeah. I mean, it was pretty obvious the time brother werent gonna let Kai reverse Wu.
they lost :(
okay but why do Kai and Nya need the dragon sword to make a fusion dragon. Jay and Nya didnt need one in skybound???
Zane: 13 hundred? Thats the first line of code-
Pixal as Samurai X: -in Programming a nindroid!
From Jay being the person who uses his element the most, im assuming its the easiest to animate 😭
Zane (literally shaking from how fast he’s typing): JUST A COUPLE MORE HUNDRED DIGITS
Jay: This could not get any worse.
Cole: did you really just say that? You totally jinxed us!
Jay: pft- Thats not how real life work 🙄
Yeah but thats how cartoons work
(Giants flying shop descends)
Jay: Not saying another word.
Pls pls plsssss Nya and Kai come swoop in and save the day
Kai: the dragons not gonna make it in time, we dont have enough speed!
Their mother: good luck kids.
Nya: What are you doing?!?
Mom: Giving you the speed you need! (Fucking jumps off the dragon with her unconscious husband)
Oh ok she landed safely 💀
Kai: Our mom is totally awesome!
Hell yeah she is
Nya and Kais mom: Children…
Jay: Nya!
Cole: Kai!
Just wanted to point that out. Thats for the lavashippers out there
Jay calling out to Kai and Nya 🥹
Jay: Why did they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix 😢
Ray (their father): It was the only way to save Wu….
Jay: Oh, Okay. Im good with that!
Cole: We need to go after them! Cant you build another time machine Cyrus????
Cyrus: I cant :(
Jay: Ohhhhh I get it. ‘I cant’ is business speak means itll cost ya big. Okay business man, i hear you. Uhhhhhh I have a tenner?
Jay: Okaaaay, well samurai 2.0, since we’re waiting why dont you tell us whats really under that mask???
Samurai 2.0:
Samurai 2.0: No.
Jay: …
Jay: Would a tenner change your mind?…
i love Jay sm
Can Ray and Wu just NOT die from aging??? It isnt that hard. Just stop.
Love that Nya and Kai are just hiding right under the time brothers noses
See this is what I meant when i said time travel shit fucks me up.
If Krux and Acronix went back in time shouldnt Wu REMEMBER them coming back????
Jays bio mom: Am I dreaming or are those the guys we just fought?
Time brothers: You stopped us once today, but we now have a legion with us.
Jays bio mom: Awwwwww! And here I thought I was finally gonna go on my honeymoon! Really cute guy too, Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-
i love her sm
Wish we learned more about her
“Change anything, change everything”
God this is giving me so much season 1 time traveling deja vu
Love how the ninja contradict Wus own wisdom with his other same wisdom hfjsbfjsjr
i laughed a little when Kai exaggeratingly deepened his voice terribly like his fathers and then Nya proceeded to give the best impression of her mother ive ever seen 😭
Cant believe the time brothers just killed their snake commanders
Hate that their time machine is called the ‘iron doom’
Jays bio mom: Ughhhh SERIOUSLY!?!? normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop THAT?
Noooo time has been altered :(
wait, no technology?
NO ZANE?!?!?!?!?
I miss Garmadon….
Seeing him and Wu young and somewhat happy makes me wanna cry
Krux: You know what they say, fight fire with time!
Acronix: I hate when you make up sayings.
Wait what is Nya doing
Ik shes doing smth super smart but WHAT
Nya istg u better have a plan bc Krux and Acronix just traveled to the future and are probably gonna destroy the world so you better have SOMETHING
also your brothers absolutely dejected and feels like a failure so maybe talk with him
wait what are they doing with it
i cant do time travel shit i dont understand a thing
Ok ok, so they fixed everything.
That was anti-climatic.
Jay: Kai and Nya did it! (Hugs samurai x) wanna celebrate by telling me who you are?
Samurai 2.0: No.
Oh wait Rays dying.
Krux and Acronix: if we go far enough in time, there will be no one who knows us! Aaaand no Kai and Nya!!!
Kai: Wow! You just keep getting it wrong dont you?
Nya: That must be really, really frustrating.
I absolutely love them
Wu cares for Ray sm 🥺
Wu: (destroys the fucking time machine)
Kai: Why did you do that?????
Wu: Putting off until tomorrow what cannot be done today.
Damn. Twisting around his own analogies now.
They made Rays old death so much more violent and sad then Wus
Cole: Wait, wheres master Wu?????
Kai: Hes gone…
Cole: So, we dont have a master anymore..?
Jay: Yes we do, you Lloyd. It has to be you.
Im so glad im rewatching this show, I legitimately forgot all about this.
Lloyd: We will not rest, until we figure out. where is Wu.
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aroace-poly-show · 2 years
follow up to my last oc rant: im gonna cover weiss and jex here since im brain rotting about them again sigh
also i tried my best with the sort of worldbuilding dont come for me if its not great this was for fun
jex’s illness specifically was inspired by this fictional disease thing i saw on pinterest and im so sad bc i didnt save it so i cant link it FUCK anyway specifically it was heavily inspired by the ink cough one. essentially jex’s body pretty much starts to slowly fail on them. throughout the life of one affected by this, they’ll slowly become weaker and weaker, getting sick much more easily (and those sicknesses tend to affect them much worse), having more and more violent coughing fits, being unable to heal very quickly/properly/more prone to infections, and blood from any injuries gets darker overtime, eventually becoming black. a lot of people often become eventually paralyzed. nearly everyone who has it has their expected lifespan cut incredibly short. those rare people that live longer spend their last days pretty much suffering. (no one really knows what causes it, theres rumors that it was a curse from an old dead god, placed upon the world in their final breath.. 👀 hehe)
stress tends to trigger jex’s cough but its not ink its like blackened blood. while they do tend to cough occasionally just in general, stressful situations will trigger a really really bad coughing fit, its worse depending how distressing it is to jex.
oh, and i forgot to mention!! weiss also has a sort of condition!! basically whenever they have an injury that draws blood, flowers will bloom from them. these flowers often help the wound to heal faster than if they weren’t there!! weiss was always fascinated by this, and (!!!possible tw: sh!!!) !!!sometimes would get hurt on purpose to draw blood and see the flowers bloom. its pretty cool having basically blood flowers that help you heal faster...until its like an internal injury then theyre an absolutely fucking pain in the ass to deal with.
so, weiss and jex were childhood best friends. they’ve been best friends foreverrr (and now romantic partners <3) since the one time jex fell out of a tree like a foot away from where weiss was messing with mechanical stuff. how fun!! jex had pretty much hopped out the window of their house after their caretaker left their room for like 2 seconds to grab their tea (which they absolutely fucking despise). before weiss can even say anything jex is just like “OOOOO WHATS THAT OMG” and just. fucking grabs the lil mechanical thing weiss was messing with.
weiss got pissed off at first bc “hey who are you why are you touching my stuff??” but then was overjoyed at the opportunity to infodump about her machines and stuff. boom now theyre besties. weiss used to help jex sneak out all the time. jex absolutely loved weiss for this, she was helping them live their childhood and god they’d do anything for her already.
weiss learned why jex had to stay inside all the time but it never really hit her until she actually witnessed one of their coughing fits. jex’s parents flipped the fuck out and weiss saw the amount of panic from them. jex had always played it off as it not being a big deal but seeing them struggle to just fucking breathe really shook weiss. the next time weiss saw them she made a promise that she’d find a way to help her, no matter what.
jex just kind of went along with that promise not thinking it was gonna be a serious thing, but weiss took that promise very seriously. she started focusing less on her interest in mechanical things and focused entirely on studying to help jex out. unfortunately…it resulted in them starting to drifting apart. jex was kept at home more especially since there wasn’t anyone to help them sneak out. eventually weiss hears about this group working towards learning more about their world, pretty much just scientists. she hears about one of their goals to help heal those illness that keep taking lives and she immediately fucking joins. goddamn shes excited!!! she can finally help her best friends!!! if only she read the fine print…sigh
so the group she joins, fucking sucks. very unethical experiments and projects but uh oh!! it seems theyre working with the shitty corrupt people that have wayyy too much power for anyone to do anything major about. so uh oh!!! no one’s coming to sue their asses!!! how sad for these (non)human lab rats :(
weiss had no idea about it at the beginning until shes offered a higher position in an important project, and she takes it bc she was told theyre working on the exact illness that jex has!! so of course shes gonna take that opportunity!! but unfortunately shes gonna be even busier, and jex wasnt happy about it. they already barely get to se weiss, and now they might not see them at all? theyre kind of hurt, and feel like shes treating them the same as their parents did. not letting them live the life they do have, just focusing on trying to extend it. it results in an argument between them, with weiss storming out. weiss didnt really get it, why would jex be upset??? shes trying to save them??? the fuck is their problem??? but she brushes it off and goes to start her new project, yay...
shes totally having a great time until she finds out just how far theyre willing to go “for research” (theyre really just pretentious fucking assholes who are basically torturing people and using “but science!!!” as an excuse). girl witnesses them recruiting fucking CHILDREN for these experiments and nopes the fuck out. and steals a child in the process. oopsies!! (she returned that kid to their parents and told them to get the fuck outta here) unfortunately!! they dont take kindly to people who know too much leaving their little group!! especially ones that also steal their lab rats!! uh oh!!
so weiss goes to see jex in the middle of the night, scares the everloving shit out of them, scares them EVEN MORE after she explains her situation, and they make up really quick and go on the run together!! how sweet!! (they make up properly later, weiss said sorry like a million times <3)
nowadays they travel around under new identities (their current names are the new identities btw i just refer to them in the past with the same name for simplicity [*cough* i didnt come up with previous names.. *cough*]). they visit bars and jex often does little perfomances and magic tricks there! if anyone's up to it, jex'll have a little spar with someone as well. they get by asking for tips for their performances. they often move from town to town, but they're fairly happy together <3 weiss is still looking around for any leads on possible solutions to jex's condition though, its how she got to know dorian. they crossed paths once and dorian was more than happy to help with her goal!! jex is here mostly to just enjoy themselves with their beloved. <3
jex fucking LOVES spicy food. doesn't matter how spicy it is, doesn't care how much they always end up coughing afterward, they will eat any kind of spicy food they'll see at any restaurant. (weiss has to beg them not to eat too much otherwise they'll be coughing for hours)
i think about them alot to "if i could ride a bike" - park bird/chevy , specifically in a modern setting. i love them dearly
i ended up writing...way more.. than i thought i had oh my god?? pls i originally did them first bc i thought they had a lot less but..jesus fucking christ man;;
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vintagedoctor · 3 months
ok heres my ocs part two cuz i reached the tumblr picture limit
heres a skin im currently wearing cuz
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its june duh! happy pride! i love this skin and only wear it during june. my base skin is also a pride flag so im not doing the rainbow dollar thing anyways. i just switch it up for some color, thats all.
next up is a skin i spent so much time for next to no payoff.
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this was for a lore event in s1 of the smp and.. i think.. was the last "canon" lore event. this is the skin where i first changed the mask color to match the vibe. i love it so much. i spent so much time building the venue, making the skin, sending out in character invites and getting everyone good on a time. it was the big finale we didnt expect but surely needed. this skin serves as a reminder of that. then i wished it ended a bit better but now i think its kinda ironic. that server "ended" with a chaotic explosion with much confusion and all planning going out the window much like how the server felt while playing.
anyways next up is a skin i like but really shouldnt be as good as it is
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this is a pirate skin i had just laying around but used for my second village minecraft event with that one youtuber. they announced it was an ocean theme and omg i immediately knew i had to use that skin. no one recognized me cuz i didnt have the plague doctor mask but i couldnt pass up a chance to use this. its a good looking skin
this next skin was for s1.5 of the smp... (we were bored).
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im not the biggest fan of this skin but i remember spending a while finding the right skin base. this was for a server on 1.19 bc the server owner then wanted to try a new server to keep the community alive. this server was short lived. this was meant to be another corrupt business man or actor? i forgot. but it looks good, ig.
i think the last skin i wanna talk about thats not so deep in the smps lore that id need paragraphs explaining it would be
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my pokemon skins! my friends made a couple pixelmon servers years ago and i had to make skins for them. the 1st one is for the one that actually lasted but i think i prefer the 2nd more. i do wanna play around with changing the eye color. ive only done it a couple times for cringe things but i think its cool.
anyways thats all the skins i wanna talk abt rn. im not ashamed of these two long posts; i had to get it out somehow. anyways hope any of this made any sense and maybe inspires you to create variants of ur skins. its fun and ud be surprised how creative u can get.
i do wanna address something real quick. i wanna say that about 99 to 100% of these skins were bases i put my face on. im not a skilled pixel artist and i want to thank everyone who made these skins. if you recognize any of these as urs, thank you ever so much for making a beautiful skin that inspired my creations. i hope youre proud of your work cuz i was honestly blown away by the skill of the minecraft skin making community. you guys are so dedicated and cool i wanna shout out all of yall.
so yeah thanks for reading all this. look out for my server lore explanation and... i said something else but i forgot atm.
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svnflowermoon · 5 months
hi luie (can i call u luie? i think it sounds really romantic and cute but if u dont like it let me know)
u said in ur intro post that ur a lesbian & a certified romantic advice giver, so i thought maybe u could help me out or tell me what u think?
so 3 years ago i really liked this girl (lets call her M) i was best friends with, and we both knew that we both were interested in girls. M eventually told me that she liked me so much and i told her i liked her too. we didnt really do anything about it, bc we didnt know what to do. then the next year we were in different classes and stopped being best friends, i kinda forgot about liking M. then the year after that (last year) we were in the same class again and i started to like M again.
but then i found out (not from her) that right after M told me she really liked me she had asked our mutual friend ‘bmgf?’ and idk what they did as girlfriends but they stopped being girlfriends after a few months (?) . and then i found out M dated this other girl for 4 months… i was really upset and confused about this
so back to the fact i started liking M again. we am were in the same class and were sort of friends but not really. some things happened (when we got hurt bc M tripped over me she kept holding my hands and not letting go and asking me if i was ok, and she waves at me from the bus stop and makes eye contact, and one time i was waving at another friend and M came up to me and held my hand for a few seconds and then let go)
so now i dont like M so much anymore but i am so confused and i dont really know what to do… what do you think? what do you think i should do?
anyways im so sorry that it’s so long and if its too complicated u dont have to answer it but thanks anyways for reading
(im from nz too btw!)
from anon 🫀
hi angel!! (sorry in advance this is such a long answer you probably expected like three sentences 😭)
yes ofc you can that's so cute i love that so much everyone should call me that <3
ahhh yes i am indeed both of those and no one has asked for romantic advice in a while so yayyy this is exciting!!
OHHHH WOW OKAY i know the feeling babe i've been in a similar situation especially with the drifting apart part
that's so weird omg, like the fact that you both said you liked each other and then she went off and dated other people?? (i hope i'm interpreting this right ahsjzhsjkhd)
ok the holding hands and stuff lowkey sounds like flirting (especially the part where you're with another friend like in my experience that kind of thing tends to have some kind of meaning behind it) where like she's too awkward to do anything more?? maybe she's trying to figure out if you still like her or if you've gotten over her??
i honestly don't really know what you should do but i can tell you what i'd do in that situation.
(generally i wouldn't recommend this bc it can be unhealthy but in this scenario your whole friendship seems very on and off so it might actually be beneficial) you said you don't like her so much anymore, and when that happens to me i always just take a (metaphorical) step back. like i don't push them away or anything but i just kind of distance myself from them. see how M reacts if you put a bit of distance between the two of you, by doing that you can kind of figure out how she feels about you??
if it doesn't help/give you any indication of how she feels about you then it will definitely give you some clarification on how you feel about her. idk but it sounds from what you're saying that you're not entirely sure how you feel about her rn. having some space between you tends to be more difficult if there's strong romantic feelings. i've found that there's been a few crushes where i put some space between us and was SO releived it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders?? like it was hard bc we were close friends but she was like super bad for me and i had felt myself getting more negative about life in general whenever i was around her??? that's a special case though like we just genuinely weren't compatible and if we'd dated like she'd wanted us to we would have absolutely gone up in flames lmaooo
but anywayyy i feel like im rambling
so like I'd just try put some space between the two of you bc that can clarify a lot of things for you.
if you realise from her reaction that she is interested in you + you are interested in her, then go for it!! at that point it's up to you to decide how to go on but i would probably say make the first move bc even though she seems fine to confess she might not be confident to actually start anything?? which would be why nothing came of it in the first place but idk?
if you get the feeling that she doesn't really care that you're distancing yourself, then you can probably assume that she's not interested in you anymore.
if this is the case, then the best move is to try to get over her.
i have no advice for getting over people because i have never gotten over anything in my life but if you decide that getting over her is for the best then i wish you the best!!
and if you realise that your feelings for her aren't as strong as you thought, then that speaks for itself.
anyway if you've made it this far i hope this massive answer had one or two sensible bits of advice amongst my rambling and feel free to ask more questions ml <33 also hi to another nz mutual (?) idk if we're mutuals but yeah ily <33
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bardictwink · 5 months
just fr venting about my weird ass living situation
god so i've been in like... i don't wanna say it's an abusive living situation but i've essentially had the roommate from hell for two years. met her through work and we're friends. decide to take on the lease w/ her because there was one more empty room. i think i might have ignored signs because she had issues with other roommates before but i also had issues with the one (in hindsight i think the other girl might have been fed up because she was definitely being treated the same way by someone who was like, 7 years older than her lol).
this is all like spring summer 2022. things are going okay. we find another roommate who is pretty chill.
so, at this point we're sending the rent money to my one roommate and the company that owns our building takes it out of her account. she asks us every month to give her rent. she just completely stops paying the rent all together and i keep getting emails and court dates because theres like 4000 dollars owed in backdue rent that was never paid
all while she gets increasingly more hostile in behaviour, blaming everything on me. not cleaning up after herself and saying it's me. etc etc
she also steals my clothing and goes into my room w.o asking me to take said things. i would buy groceries and she wouldnt buy anything and just eat my stuff. ask me to get things like coffee and milk and make her and her longterm situationship (lol) coffee.
somehow manages to pay it all off. tells everyone in our personal life it was in fact, my fault she didn't pay her rent at all (while taking my money) (she said it was because i never bought groceries and never paid my rent). wasn't aware she was saying this so idk if it's just no one thought that was important info. since i didnt know this and we had signed on for another year i was like... maybe i can forgive this whatever, we're friends.
since we're the only ones on the lease and the other roommate isnt, we now have rent split in two and half comes from mine and hers. she is supposed to send me the remainder i'm owed from my other roommate. never sends it so i pay half the rent and am stuck in a cycle of poverty. continues to not buy groceries etc. continues to not clean except wjen she feels like it. leave huge messes, but gets mad if u like. forgot to put a sock away (sends photos on messenger with a ? mark)
still doesnt pay her rent at all so we owe 2500 again.
she has a full time job and makes more than me but she has a shopping addiction or something lol. i remember telling some friends and they thought drugs or something but like. it is fr clothing. the actual cost of the current place isnt that much with 3 people splitting rent + utilities.
anyway now we both found new places and we're both moving out in july. i was having trouble finding a place and she would ask lik "ooohhh what are u going to do? *pleading eye emoji* and then i said i was planning to move in with a certain friend and she went to tell that person that i'm an awful roommate and dont clean up after myself but thankfully my friend knows she's INSANE and has to be blameless. and idk. it just felt like such a weird thing to do when you know someone is trying to find a place to live. it's not like im moving out abruptly. she found a studio????
there was just soo much weird behaviour i felt like i was going crazy. any time i got sick or had a cold she would get super weird and defensive and tell me i'm a hypochondriac. and i mean like, over me getting a cold or the flu. i've called off work maybe once or twice in a year and she would get super weird about it and blame me for getting sick. this woman lies in bed most of the time she isn't working but if i decided to sleep a cold off... it's like the end of the world. but i thnk it's bc she was leeching off A UNIVERSITY STUDENT WHO WORKS PART TIME AND BARELY MAKES MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE so obviously if i miss a shift it's a big deal (i was working like 25 hrs a week which is wayyyy too much for a student and since i had student loans i could afford to work less but whatever. my expenses have been needlessly higher bc ive had to deal with this)
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