#;-; Rory Williams is perfect
genderqueerpond · 5 months
speaking of big finish's lone centurion series one thing I really appreciate is how ace they wrote rory
like there were a bunch of unappealing directions they could have gone and instead they simply wrote him as a technically-demisexual-but-in-the-absence-of-the-one-(1)-person-he's-ever-experienced-attraction-to-very-very-aroace man who is utterly oblivious when people make advances on him because the entire thing hasn't crossed his mind
he goes "oh! a friend!" and doesn't read anything into it no matter how explicit the other person is trying to make it and the whole thing has HUGE ace energy
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
"I have chosen. Of course I've chosen. It's you, stupid."
"I will never be able to see you again." "I'll be fine. I'll be with him."
Ugh but Amy ultimately always choosing Rory is just so!!! for all the Doctor negs him, and for all Amy seems taken by the Doctor, the truth of the matter plain and simple is that she loves Rory more than anyone or anything, always and forever. no matter what. even when he can't see it.
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Ten years of Whouffaldi
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My word, where did 10 years ago?
Ten years ago on Aug. 23, the episode Deep Breath launched the remarkable era of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor (or true Thirteenth if you want to annoy some people).
And it was the true launch of one of the most interesting romances in sci-fi (friendly reminder that Peter, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat, writers and directors have all in some way or another confirmed that this wasn't fans watching with "ship-coloured glasses" - it was canonical. Regardless how some fans and even media have tried - as recently as a few days ago - to pretend it didn't exist.)
I do think it was not intended. It cannot be denied that a lot of people consider there to be an age-gap limit in romances, real-life and fictional, even when both parties are consenting adults. So when Peter replaced Matt - and no one can deny Clara had the hots for Eleven because she flat out says so, several times - they obviously planned on a return to the First Doctor-Susan dynamic with Capaldi (or maybe more accurately Third Doctor-Jo Grant, since Three low-key held a flame for Jo, since Twelve would still remember how he felt as Eleven, plus Three was "Capaldi's Doctor"). But due to the fact Peter and Jenna had such intense chemistry (to this day some fans remain convinced they had a real-life romance, which is not something I ever subscribed to), coupled with the decision to shoot the first episodes of the season in order of broadcast, you can see Moffat and his writers pivoting in real time as they adjusted to the fact that - with no disrespect to Samuel Anderson - Danny Pink was never going to be the next Rory Williams. This is most in evidence with Listen defining a future for Clara and Danny that was definitively retconned by Danny's death in Dark Water.
I know the Capaldi era was not everyone's cup of tea. Season 10 in particular did not age well for me, mainly because it was clearly "one season too many" for Moffat and Capaldi himself seemed to "check out" after a fashion when it became known that the next producer wasn't planning on keeping Twelve around. And if we're going to harp about falling ratings for the show in recent years, Peter never attained the same viewership levels as Matt or David. But for me, Seasons 8 and 9 were - a few off points notwithstanding - the best of the modern era and easily rank alongside the Pertwee years as some of the best this show ever had. (I stopped watching after Season 10 - but having spoken to people whose judgement I trust, I don't think anything that followed is likely to have rendered that statement outdated.)
But I appreciated the more mature approach to the show. Yes, I know DW always was at its core a children's show - though upgraded to family show over time. But having the Doctor and Clara having a mature conversation at the diner, the Doctor inviting a villain to have a drink with him (the closest the Doctor ever got to being James Bond), Clara freaking out about being called a control freak (not to mention her perfect "Nothing is more important than my egomania!"), the fact the episode confirmed that the Doctor did look upon Clara as his girlfriend when he was Eleven, and the fact the episode walks up to ageism and pops it in the nose with Clara being upbraided by Vastra for being ageist because of Twelve no longer being the young man Clara fell for ... all these add up to a remarkable episode and likely the strongest debut story for a Doctor since Spearhead from Space.
Deep Breath also marks the last time we saw the Paternoster Gang on screen. Having praised Moffat for Whouffaldi, now time to aim some criticism his way - he set up a perfect spinoff series (Neve McIntosh is one of my favourite actresses not named Jenna Coleman) and yet never followed through. Say what one might about RTD, we'd have gotten 4 series of Vastra, Jenny and Strax had he been in charge. Big FInish doesn't count though I'm sure Neve and Dan Starkey appreciated the fact they didn't need to put on the makeup all the time! LOL
So happy 10th anniversary to Whouffaldi!
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Rory Williams is such a great character and one of my favourite companions. He's just such a kind, and endearing person. He's the kind of character who might be too boringly perfect as a protagonist, but is amazing as part of a cast with two other more flawed characters to provide messier kinds of drama. I love how much he sees through The Doctor's shit. I love the sense he would have been content living a simple life but still enjoys the adventures as well. I love the implication he could kick ass if he wanted to with 2,000 years of experience but chooses not to because he's by nature a peaceful person. His complete lack of toxic masculinity. He on some level fulfills the The Doctor's ideals more than The Doctor does. Peak comfort character.
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I was watching baby reindeer and it struck me how real trauma binding in such situations can be. Which got me thinking .... Did Harry marry his stalker??
We know she orchestrated the meeting with Harry. We know the lowkey stalking-manifesting on her part may have started a couple of years in advance. So many credible theories that they "accidentally" kept meeting again and again, their circles just "coincidentally" coincided over the years.
Various youtubers and Tumblr bloggers have put together very credible evidence of them meeting in -
1. May 2016 in Toronto for an Invictus lunch that Cory was a chef for.
2. In May/June 2015, Soho House Istanbul inauguration. Lots of pictures of Meghan being there, meeting various celebs. And Harry supposedly also attended since he was in Istanbul, with Charles, for a royal engagement. No pictures, but rumour is he landed a day early for the Soho gig.
3. May/June 2014, art Basel Miami, where Meghan met up with Misha, who also introduced her to Eugenie. Early articles mentioned Mm and Misha meeting there, and Misha said this in the interview she did for her store launch that happened with the smartworks thing Meghan did in london 2019. That article has since been edited. There were also mentions of this in Meghan's PR she did pre-harry (I used to follow her superficially). It was also on Tig. I remember this but those articles have also gone now.
Harry was in Miami at that same time for his friends bachelors and pre-wedding party. This is the same thing he broke-up with cressida over, not buying her ticket even though their whole friend circle was going to Miami. (William joined the gang later in another city for the wedding, so no chance of him meeting her).
Anyway, at the time this was covered by some media reports which said Harry spent the evening chatting up a "tanned brunette" in a corner and spent the whole evening with her. There were no photos. It's quite a coincidence that both HnM attended the same party at the same venue, were in the same social circle (misha-eug-harrys aristo group).
So, what I am saying is that it seems that they kept meeting every year around the same time, and that Meghan (or Harry) may have thought this was the universe trying to push them together. So when Meghan found herself in London in June 2016, having already met Harry 2 months back in May, she took her chance and "surprised" him with a blind date. She may as well have deliberately put her pictures with Violet on social media in order to bait Harry.
I know it's far fetched but this kind of orchestrated serendipity isn't unheard of. It's a very teenage, high school behaviour but it does happen. And people fall for this all the time.
This theory also aligns with how and why Meghan suddenly pivoted towards a humanitarian PR in 2014. For Harry, it may have been a forgettable encounter, but for her it was the perfect opportunity.
So, what do you think? Is there any credibility to the rumours that Meghan targetting Harry, and then enmeshed him in some sort of trauma bond?
Old ask from May 9th
To the first question, I don't think so. I think if one wants to believe that Meghan stalked/targeted Harry for two years, one needs to also believe the rumor that Harry met Meghan multiple times before he remembered who she was. And personally, I don't have any evidence of that other than the conflicting stories of when they met and who set them up. Those aren't slam dunks.
I'm not discounting that it couldn't happen, it absolutely can and the internet is chockful of stories about real relationships like this. I just don't think it's likely - primarily because given how messy Meghan is, something like this would've leaked out by now.
I do think Meghan was social climbing and strategizing for a wealthier husband - remember, she was going after athletes (hockey boys post-Trevor, cheating on Cory with Rory McIlroy, sliding into Ashley Cole's DMs) because being a WAG was the ultimate life of luxury - when the opportunity to meet Harry dropped in her lap, and she took full advantage of it. Because to someone like Meghan who's chasing WAG dreams, the only thing better than being a WAG was being a princess.
Which is, I think, the real story: Meghan and Harry hooked up in May 2016 at the Toronto Invictus Dinner behind Cory's back and met up again a few weeks later when she was in London for Wimbledon. The Violet photos could very well have been bait (to catch Harry's attention and let him know she was in town) or a plant (to create a Hallmark meet-cute story to hide how they really met).
But to the second question, absolutely. Meghan definitely set things up so that Harry trauma-bonded to her and she did that with the Toronto break-in claims, which preyed on Harry's paranoia of paparazzi and security.
I couldn't get into Baby Reindeer. I tried several to watch it several times but it wasn't for me.
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satanlikesmyfics · 7 months
House of Balloons
a rather short fic inspired by the song 'House Of Balloons' by the weeknd, modern au
ellie x stalker!reader
an: HEAVILY inspired by a post by @elliezlils11utt
contains: drink spiking, stalker behavior
words: 850
you enter your room, locking the door behind you. you live alone, across from ellie williams. since she had noticed ellie and started watching her, she had been on another level. through your window you can see her taking out the trash and throwing it in the bin. you fantasize about her pulling your hair and grabbing you that way...
you grab your diary and write your entry about what ellie does in her daily life, gathering information and her routine to make her like you more when you're finally able to gather the courage to go talk to her. with a black pen, you write in your unsteady handwriting:
'20:58, 19th of February 2024'
'ellie brings out the trash in a black sack, throws it in the green bin outside her house. tommorow is trash day, so she perfectly timed it, like the perfect ellie she is.. after she went inside, she turned on purple leds in her room, turning off the rest or her lights. -> gets ready for bed at 21:00.'
since you've been watching and documentimg everything around her, it's like you finally have a purpose in life, since she came, no more pain. you're very very determined to talk to her soon, because tomorrow she goes for her weekly grocery shopping at the local store. you get your outfit and jewelry perfectly ready to impress.
*next morning*
you get up, get dressed and ready to go out. you make sure to brush your teeth untill they're perfectly white and spray some perfume on. you drive your bmw to the store approximately 15 minutes before ellie usually arrives. you go inside with your shopping cart and wait around the meat isle where ellie loves to buy her favorite chicken and eat it the same night, she loves chicken so much. while you pull out your phone, you hear a second cart roll behind you, towards the chicken. you whip around and there she is.
finally you get so see her up close.. you have to remember to write down where her freckles are. you look into her eyes.. they're pale green and you notice a small scar on her right eyebrow.
"uhm.. do I know you? I can't recognize your face.."
"oh hahaha!! I'm uh.. your next door neighbor.. the blue house?"
you see her eyes light up as she remembers the house. she says she's never seen you before and you're fairly with inviting her over for dinner to 'get to know each other'. she agrees and you give her your phone number. she texts you a "hi!" and you favoritize it immediately. I mean.. it's fucking ellie??
later that night, as you finish packing up your groceries into the fridge and cabinet, you take a shower after your bit of time watching ellie. right when you get out, you hear the doorbell ring and groan in annoyance. you throw on your robe and head downstairs.
you open the door and.. oh shit.. oh fuck.. it's ellie. your face reddens immediately with embarassement. "oh uh.. I see you're a bit busy? should I come over another time or..?"
"no. well I mean, you can just wait down here, I won't be too long haha."
you hand her the tea already on the counter, you initially had made it for yourself. lucky enough, there was some ketamine by the counter you were gonna use to spike her drink. you just didn't expect to see her so soon. you sprinkle the powder into her drink and hope she doesn't notice.
"oh yeah.. sure I'll be waiting"
you practically run upstairs after leading her to the sofa and shutting the door. you get dressed in your Rory Gilmore sweater and some loose-ish jeans. while you run back downstairs though, you notice your diary about ellie lying open in the kitchen table and ellie standing in front of the door with her shoes on, with a blank stare towards the locked door.
"did you..?"
"yes. yes I fucking did. let me the fuck out. now."
you feel your whole personality switch.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Ellie."
she turns around, scared and confused.
"you're in my world now.."
she frantically tries to open the door by jamming at the door handle.
"no no ellie.. you can stay.. you can stay."
you look at her with sorry eyes, sorry for what she will have to experience now, as the price for looking through her things.
"it shouldn't have gone this way els.."
the nickname made her visibly shiver and you can feel her must wanting to cower into a ball on the floor. only her closest friends would call her that. but of course, you had picked up on that already.
"you shouldn't have been so nosy the first time over. god, the hopes I had for us. you disappoint me."
she feels the effects of the ketamine you gave her earlier just hitting at the right moment.
"oh sweet els.. whatever happens I hope you can remember that you belong to me."
"you belong to me."
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the1gayteen · 3 months
Doctor Who and the 188
Quick rant that may turn into a PowerPoint.... 
A stupid crossover between my two current hyperfixation shows. What new-who and classic-who era doctor who companions the 118 and friends would be (aka what I feel like they would act like as companions to the doctor): 
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Ben Jackson; Companion of the 1st and 2nd Doctor 
We all know Bobby’s the one in dire situations to take charge and help wherever he can. Finding clever ways to fix situations or how to stop things. He would be the same as being a companion. Even if he has a hard time believing and conceptualizing the fact of aliens and other dimensions. He will make it his duty to help those on the planets he finds himself on, leading and guiding where he can. He also will definitely have a tendency to take people under his wing, while also being under the doctor's wing, trusting him (the doctor) but going against his orders at the times he knows he has to. Matching that same energy from one of my favorite early companions Ben. 
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Donna Noble; Companion to the 10th and 14th Doctor 
Listen, Hen and Donnie absolutely would match each other's energies. Snarky, takes no shits from strange aspects. Hunt down answers from hunches and let's not forget stylish as hell. I see Hen having a similar start to traveling with the doctor like Donna. Being placed in the TARDIS randomly and arguably freaking out, but also helping the doctor when he needs it the same day (I also head cannon that she would insist on finding out how he is a ‘doctor’). Her humor and antics would match perfectly with the doctor, as well as her quick wit and thinking that would help them get out of situations. If Hen was a companion she would also be like Donna, a potentially short lived one who became the viewers absolute favorite because of how well she can push and pull, as well as meld with the dynamic of the doctor.  
Chimney & Maddie:
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Amy Pond & Rory Williams; Companions to the 11th Doctor
I fully believe the Chimney would go nowhere without Maddie, and vise versa, especially travelling the universe and time. I see Chim and Maddie as married Amy and Rory, less of the pining for the doctor and more just a great throuple situation. I fully believe that chim would wait centuries for Maddie, and that they both of them would be perfect matches for the doctor. Also seeing Maddie as emotional as Amy and how perfect that would work for the drama is *chefs kisses*.
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Sarah Jane Smith; Companion of the 3rd , 4th, and 10th Doctor 
He is Sarah Jane to me on both ends of her time within the Doctor Who universe. From her standalone TV series with her son. Eddie would absolutely love and cherish his alien son. Protecting him and helping out other species like his son on earth, protecting the world from home. As an actual travelling companion, he would fit in so well. Able to follow orders, but also able to break away when he knows how to help or what needs to be done. Headstrong but sweet overall. Helping others without the worry of self-sacrifice. Managing to save the Doctor and his self-sacrificing friends time and time again. Just like Sarah Jane he would just mix so well and push the doctor to what he needs to do and who he needs to be. Also, would absolutely travel with Buck.  
Evan 'Buck':
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Adric; Companion of the 4th and 5th Doctor 
Adric is my favorite companion and is arguably (for classic who) one of the most impactful companions. There is so much overlap between Adric and Buck (I like to imagine the doctor finding him after the lightning strike with his new math abilities, mimicking Adric's superior mathematical skills). Adric starts out like Buck 1.0. Both stubborn and thinking that they are better than what they actually are. But after being taken under the wing of someone, learn to care for others and become self-sacrificing in order to help and protect others, especially those closest to them. Both have a fear of being enough and abandonment. Buck absolutely as a companion would still be self-sacrificing, but kindhearted. I could possibly see him doing something like Adric as sacrificing himself, leaving a lasting impact on the doctor for life (but like buck always does manages to come back). Overall Buck would have a blast as a companion, most likely shooting off random facts with the doctor back and forth while being reprimanded for another stupid stunt.  
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A mix of Both Martha Jones (Companion to the 10th Doctor) and Ace (Companion to the 7th Doctor) 
Athena would be the most efficient and badass companion, but I also feel like that would absolutely lead her into a unique position with the doctor. She had Aces self determination. Wanting to fight and protect everyone around her, but also Maratha’s badass and rule following methods (as apposed to aces anarchy). Athena would be a great side hand to the doctor, if not just being able to handle herself in situations. But I can see similar issues to ace and Maratha. With the doctor (like ace) being upset about her straight to aggressive tactics. As well as Martha's headstrong determination to help everyone while staying in line with expectations. I think Athena would not be a volunteered companion either. Probably snuck on the TARDIS to investigate or find wherever someone disappeared to and quickly the doctor and her learn to respect each other. I could also see her being a secret part of UNIT.  
... Thank you for reading my thoughts, please tell me I'm not alone in this lol!
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sc0tters · 1 year
AU List
Thoughts for AUs are: OPEN
All of the au’s below are my current active ones, in these au’s you will find the blurb section which is where you guys are able to have your say in what happens during the overall storyline!
for aus that don't have a masterlist yet, they are tagged below!
the universes!
the wips!
Cole and Parker - Big Reputations
Nick and Scottie - The Lost Baby
Luca and Aspen - Pretty Boy
Ethan and Astrid - Perfect Fit
Rutger and Emmy - His Girl
Mark and Abigail - Lessons
Nick and Francesca - Bed Buds
Luke and Isabel - Captain's Sister
Jesper and Emilia - A Bakers Dozen
Ryan and Ava - Sparks
Will and Bailey - Baby on Board
Cutter and Lillian - Meant to Be
Jacob and Ivy - Triple Split
Gabe and Jamie - Teammates In Action
Drew and Erin - It Girl
Seamus and Liana - Unexpected Connections
John and Maya - Baby Hughes
William and Matilda - Star
Matt and Sydney - Golden Girl
Luke and Allie - Hookups and Screwups
The Flyers Throuple - Teammates in Sheets
Cole and Darcy - Match Made
Adam and Sabrina - Write a Song
Sidney and Camille - Homes and Hearts
Steve and Lucie - Long Games
The Umich Throuple - Three's a Match
Jeremy and Adelia - Made Match
Juraj and Alana - A Dream in Time
Quinn and Rouge - Rookie Compliance
Jack and Kennedy - One of a Kind
Gracie and Elias - Little Teammate
Matthew and Lilah - Give a Dog
retired aus
Mitch and Amelia - His Rookie
Nico and Harper - Don't Tell
Elias and Payton - Coaches Daughter
Sidney and Rory - On Ice
Matthew and Billie - Opposing Teammates
Trevor and Daisy - Babies and Buddies
Luke and Blake - Girl Next Door
Quinn and Charlotte - Teammates Sister
Jack and Riley - New Roommate
The Zegras-Hughes Children - Next Gen
Adam and Sophie - Romantic Roomates (because we now have adam and sabrina)
Gavin and Bridget - Besotted Differences
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teddypickerry · 2 years
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pairings! jess mariano x female reader
word count! 1.4k
warnings! swearing
a/n! it’s been a minute. hope everyone had a decent holiday and didn’t have to be stuck in a room with their sucky family too long lmao. don’t forget requests are open, and i’m aliveeee. this was actually a request from a few months ago but i accidentally deleted it or something so idk i can’t find it now. so i’m sorry person who requested!!
THE WIND WHISTLED throughout the chilly morning, entering the wooden apartment building with ease. As if it had been waiting all morning to do so. An escape indoors when a purple coated man with funky boots opened the bright red door, holding it with his mittens. The girl stepped in behind him a soft 'thank you' with a warm smile releasing from her mouth.
The building was inevitably cold. The winter months didn't allow any other way. So the few who mingled throughout the lobby, sprawled out on the mismatched couches, were bundled. You recognized them as the Williams family. A pair of older adults with their one son. Their heater had broken individually in their apartment leaving them stuck to the lobby for warmth. The mother was sure to greet you with a smile, one you mirrored with a quick 'hello.' You had already offered your company to them the evening before. When your boyfriend and you had come home from the bookstore.
The couple had politely awarded your generosity with a hug but declined the offer. You had gifted them a blanket or two along with one of the books for the son, who seemed bored out of his mind. So it warmed your heart to catch the teenager sat on the floor with the novel in his hands. This was one of the moments that Jess Mariano; the love of your life, had fallen even more deeply in love with you. It was only a few weeks ago you had moved to the city. The past nineteen years of your life had been spent in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. The town where you so luckily met your boyfriend two and a half years ago.
You hardly knew the people in the lobby who seemed fairly upset but you offered your kindness to them. Something most wouldn't do. You trusted people and you trusted your heart. Which is something Jess Mariano never had the taste for. He had spent his whole life searching for warmth. Being raised by a mother who didn't know him from the next and preferred the men she met on the streets over him — left him with no real resemblance of what a true kind person in your life meant. When he was seventeen he was shipped from his mother's home (which lacked any home truly) to the small town.
Living with his Uncle Luke he rebelled immensely. That's what he knew how to do. Stars Hollow was also where he met Rory Gilmore. The girl whom he assumed would change all in his mind. She was pretty and incredibly bright. They had similar book tastes and both trashed the same musicians. But they were never on the same step. Always one step forward, and three steps back. So the short lived relationship was ended quicker than it had arrived. And that's when his love for you blossomed.
You made your way up the flight of stairs that you had made so familiar with these past few weeks. Fumbling with your keys, and your schoolbooks to unlock the door down the hall. The tiring day of academics that started far too early for your liking was finally coming to an end. There was nothing more you preferred to do than run inside and fall asleep in your warm bed. New York University was harder than you had imagined. But delightful in more ways than one.
When you had been accepted just a year ago, right after you started dating the dark haired boy who had won over your heart, you didn't have the money to move your life (and your love) to the city. So after yet another year with your boyfriend in Stars Hollow — and saving up as much as you could, the two of you could comfortably afford an apartment in Brooklyn. One that was the perfect little home for the both of you.
The door opened, the keys jingling in the process. The sound of a Billy Squier record engulfed your ears immediately. Your boyfriend's adequate yet varying taste in music was always something to adore. You could hear the record stop, and footsteps make their way over towards the machine. It was only seconds later another song sounded. The classic rock filling the home.
Dropping your books and bag on the kitchen counter, you took off your shoes and made your way quietly into the small living room. Where the sight of records, CDs, and books sprawled out all over the ugly green carpet surprised you. Hardly any walking space anywhere. But spotted directly infront of the built-ins was the man who had your heart. His messy dark hair sprawled all over his head as it faced the wall, his back the only part you could see. He sported a jean jacket over his blue t-shirt and black sweats. Which you could only assume was because of the weather. A stack of books held in one of his hands while the other attempted to place them on the shelves.
"Woah was there a tornado? I didn't feel it." You had joked, a small smile appearing on your lips as you watched your boyfriend's head spin around. Attempting to not drop the pile of books in the process. A goofy grin was quick to appear on his face, turning his head back to face the shelves. "Hey, how was it?"
"Um... I mean," You paused with the shrug of your shoulders despite knowing the curly haired boy wouldn't be able to see. Making your way towards the boy, making sure to not knock over each pile or box of things. "It was hard that's for sure. But worth it. I'm glad I'm here and thank you for coming with me."
"Hey, cmon no need for that shit. I'd never leave my girlfriend in a city by herself. Plus what's Stars Hollow without Y/N Y/L/N? It's just bullshit," Jess simply spoke as you made your way up behind him, your hand approaching the small of his back. "So what are you trying to do?"
"Trying to go for a Martha Stewart vibe," He humored placing the last book on the shelf before wrapping one of his arms around you. "Books on this side and I'll get another shelf for our bedroom. Then your records here, mine here, and our CDs there. And a worship lair for Kathy Griffin right here."
"Hm," you hummed as your smile poked out at his last sentence. "Why can't our records be together?"
"Megadeth and Carly Simon clash, babe." Jess teased lightly before turning down the record player a few tones. So hopefully it wouldn't burst a journalist in the making's eardrums. How else would you hear all the political bullshit? "You didn't have to do all this right now. I know you're probably tired from working."
"I'm fine. C'mon, it's gotta be perfect for you. And if my sleep deprivation means that you'll get that New York apartment we've always talked about, then fuck sleep." The nineteen year old explained before removing you from his embrace and reaching down for more books. "That was cheesy, Mariano. Rom-com cheesy. You love me so much."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Y/L/N." The boy's once rebellious demeanor took over as he dropped his warm face. Trying his best to appear vile. "Well definitely not you, Mariano. You tend to keep me wide awake." Your words revealed a smirk on the boys face as you pressed your hand to his shoulder. "Okay well, I'm gonna order some dinner. Let's see if I can get through this without tripping."
"Hey, wait." He called out anxiously making you turn to face him once more. "Where's my kiss?"
"I think I left it at school." You pouted making the boy give you an annoyed look before you pressed his lips against yours. A sweet sensation taking over your body in the process. You felt the boy ross the books onto the chair in the corner of the room, his hands pulling your body into yours as he deepened the kiss. There was nothing like the feeling of kissing the love of your life in your shared apartment. Not just an apartment, but a home.
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am0rin0 · 6 months
The last Centurian
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Yes, I'm still chewing my way through Doctor Who...
If they don't fight for me the way RORY WILLIAMS does for Amy I don't want them lmao. Can we just appreciate the man?! The fucking lengths he went to for Amy. Muah. Beautiful. Ahh. I'm not saying they're perfect. However, the love is there. Love that I envy haha.
This is likely good documentation for why I will never find a partner. .
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disasterbiwriter · 6 months
Tagged by our collective darling @belleandsaintsebastian to share a bit of a WIP. This is from Say What You Want... and I'm gonna pop it under a cut so those who want to avoid spoilers can!
Lane has fled and Luke is God knows where and Jess figures Babette and Patty are about to bustle in for brunch and goss, and what else the fuck is he supposed to do with Liz except escort her up to the apartment?
He’s spinning out. Liz in Stars Hollow. His mother, in his town. It feels apocryphal, in spite of the photographic evidence he once found at the bottom of a pile of William’s Hardware detritus: teenage Liz and Luke at the Gazebo, Liz at Stars Hollow High in Jess’s math classroom, Liz with a parcel of girls her age, all cobalt eyeshadow and Aquanet fumes, Liz in a fuschia taffeta monstrosity, sandwiched between her parents. Seeing the set of William’s shoulders and the slant of his brow made Jess feel like looking into a funhouse mirror or a crystal ball. Behold thy future.
“Have a seat,” the autopilot feature of his brain says. “Do you want, uh, coffee? Or tea?”
“No caffeine for me,” Liz chirps. She rummages into the giant bag slung over her shoulder and pulls out a slightly crushed, bright pink box. “But I’d love some tea!” She passes the box to him.
“Tea. Sure.”
He busies himself with setting their ancient kettle to boil, reading the box of tea in desperate dissociation – Also known as holy basil, the label informs him, tulsi is a sacred plant for many in India and may have anti-inflammatory properties – and tries not to notice Liz drinking everything in around the apartment. His skin prickles when she lightly runs her fingers over his bookshelf; it takes a titanic effort not to blurt out “Don’t!” when she plucks Rory’s copy of Krik? Krak! off the shelf, but he still holds his breath until she puts it down.
He fills a mug for them both (not that he’ll drink, his stomach’s shrunk to a walnut, equally shriveled) and clears his throat. “It’s ready,” he says.
“Great!” She comes over to the table and drops into the chair Jess usually sits in – it hits him like electroshock. He wordlessly sits down in Luke’s chair.
Liz blows the steam from the top of the mug, then takes a scalding sip. “Perfect. Have you tried tulsi before?”
“Never,” he answers truthfully.
“Oh, it’s lifechanging. If you like it I’ll send you some.”
They sit, Liz drinks, and Jess spirals.
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Huntlow Week Day 3: Prompt Nerds/Nature.
Willow liked Cosmic Frontier enough. At least that's what she'd told Hunter. She'd sat through all the movies and the TV series with Gus and Hunter.
She'd been happy enough to get him a bootleg version of the Cosmic Frontier Holiday Special that the creator had wanted buried forever as a gift for Bleeding Hearts Day.
But when it was announced that there would be a convention in the middle of Bonesborough that celebrated Human Realm pop-culture, Hunter was surprised when Willow suggested the two wear a "couple's costume."
"It shouldn't be a surprise, man!" Gus chuckled. "You two have been joined at the pinkies since that time at the Archives! You can go as O'Bailey and Willow can go as Hanako."
Hunter had considered it. But when it came right to it he wasn't sure it was right. After all, Willow liked Cosmic Frontier enough, but not as much as he did.
"Here's the thing." Hunter told Willow. "I wanna go with you! I wanna do the ... you know... couple's costume and stuff? B-but I know I like Cosmic Frontier more than you do?"
"Hmmmmmm. Astute as always, O'Bailey" Willow tapped Hunter's temple playfully. "So here we have a bit of a dilemma. We are both nerds. But what we need to find is that sweet spot where our nerdoms meet in that perfect intersection that the costume would work for both of us."
"Understood." Hunter nodded tersely. He pulled out a notebook and a pen. "Okay. I was thinking we could be Leia Organa and Han Solo..."
On the notebook, Hunter scratched out the words "Leia and Han."
"Oh! That's a good one." Willow cooed. "But one problem. Which one of us is Leia and which one is Han."
"That's a tough one." Hunter mused. "I mean, we're both badasses. And they're both badasses. And we could both rock those costumes."
"True." Willow nodded. "Our dual badassets transcend gender norms."
"But if we're gonna do a Star Wars costume, I kinda wana have a lightsaber, and Leia and Han don't use one in the Original Trilogy... and I don't wanna get into an argument with Jerbo about EU and Legends canon again, so maybe we should hold off on that." Hunter let out a grunt.
"Fair." Willow nodded. "We don't need you and Jerbo to go down that road again."
"We could do Chat Noir and ... you know..." Hunter offered.
"Even though she's not an actual Ladybug, I don't think I've got it in me." Willow bit her lip. "Sorry."
Hunter wrote down "Lady Bug and Chat Noir" and then promptly crossed it out.
"How about Rory Williams and Amy Pond?" Willow smiled. She extended a gentle finger to his nose and gave him a soft boop.
Hunter laughed, just a bit -- then his eyes grew real serious. Too serious. Silly serious. Running his fingers through his hair Hunter gave wink and something that Willow called "Duck Lips".
"You dork!" Willow snorted. "What are you doing!"
"I'm imagining the costume." Hunter raised his chin with confidence and gave double finger guns. "Yeah. I could totally rock a Roman Centurion look"
"Yeah you could." Willow giggled. She returned his wink and his finger guns, and flexed her bicep which made Hunter's smirk falter slightly. "But you know," Willow said hotly, "I'd be the one waiting for centuries to protect you."
With a moment Hunter's mask of confidence slipped. He felt his eyes grow soft. His ears heated up and he couldn't help but reach out to cup Willow's round face as if she was made of the very porcelain of a teacup. "I would protect you too." He murmured. "We could protect each other."
"Oooooohhhhhh." Willow gasped.
"Speechless, captain?" Hunter's smirk was back. "Because you know I would."
Willow released a breath. Fanning herself dramatically she took Hunter's arm and dropped a kiss right in the middle of his wrist. Right on that awful sigil -- and for a moment it almost felt as if his former life had dissolved under the soft brush of her lips.
"Who's speechless now?" Willow lilted.
In spite of the heat in his stomach, Hunter felt a bit of ice track down his spine. "Maaaaaaaybe we're not ready for those costumes just yet!" He laughed. "B-but we can put it on a list for a future con?"
Willow nodded slowly. "Sound's perfect." She agreed.
"So, we know what we're not gonna do." Hunter mused, "But we still need a costume. We all know Luz and Amity are -"
"Gonna be Azura and Hecate." Willow agreed.
"Classic." Hunter nodded. "But what's classic us?"
They looked at their hands. Fingers intertwined like lace. Like a tiny flame between them. And then? A small smile played upon Hunter's lips.
"Do you trust me?" He asked gently.
"Pfft. Yeah." Willow nodded. "With my everything, guy!"
Willow slipped into the long sea green dress. The sleeves were perfectly puffed at the top. Her neck fastened with smart buttons. Her boots tapped on the ground as she slipped out from behind the changing screen. Placing the round woven hat with a red ribbon on her head she strode out to meet her match.
And Hunter? He looked nothing less than pure magic. Leaning against Willow's dresser in long black slacks, a white gauze shirt and a pink and blue checkered cloak with a red lining. He wore a concealment stone on a rope on his neck that made his hair appear just a bit longer.
And when he rose to meet his witch? Hunter greeted her appropriately. He said, "There you are, sweetheart, sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you."
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sgt-reckless · 7 months
I have finished watching all of the RTD and Moffat seasons of Dr Who!
General vibes of each season:
S1: Perfect, No notes
S2: A pretty good season, plays it safer than S1
S3: Marta, my beloved. And we get the master, who is great. An absolutely jam packed last half of the season, from Human Nature 2parter to Blink to finale trilogy
S4: God, I love Donna. Such a season fun. Turn left is one of my favourite episodes of Dr who, easily. The masters Lightning powers are goofy AF.
S5: You can tell everyone is sort of getting used to the change in show runner, don't super love the start of the season but Amy's choice and beyond are all pretty good.
S6: The River Song season! A lot of good episodes, you can Def tell they were having fun here. The season arc is not great though, especially how it resolves.
S7: Easily my least favourite season of pre-chibbnal NuWho. Why are Amy and Rory back? What's the point? It just takes up time from Clara, who I actually quite like in this season, but she Def needs more characterization in this season. Power of Three is a really good episode, minus its real quick ending. Bells of Saint John is such a bad episode.
S8: Pretty solid season, minus two absolute stinkers in the later half (Kill the Moon and In The Forest of The Night). We get missy and Danny pink this season, and more focus on Clara! It's pretty good.
S9: Season 9 is either real good or pretty boring. Hell Bent and Zygon Inversion are stunning episodes, Heaven sent is a nice end to Clara's story. Husbands of River Song is a super nice Christmas episode. Ashildr/Me did nothing for me, I think Maisie Williams was still trying to do that naturistic acting that stuff like she did on GoT and that doesn't super work with the energy of Doctor Who.
S10: My favourite season, not a truly bad episode in there. Worst is probably the Lie of The Land, mostly just BC the ending falls on its face. But every other one hits and hits hard, even like Smile which is a super good filler episode. Twice upon a time is a very nice final episode.
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doverstar · 7 months
The little details in this fic???? I’ve been thinking about them all day?
I have never read a fic from a writer with a better understanding of the Pond family dynamic. The SASS that exudes off of rory Williams is so perfect. Amy’s unflinching trust in the Doctor, how she will take any order from him, but still pursing her lips, so simultaneously irritated with him and filled with care and affection for both her boys and trust for the Doctor. The way that Matt Smith’s doctor had control over A ROOM. How that contrasts with Will. It’s all INSANELY GOOD. It’s like I’m watching an episode straight out of Series 6, you have such a good handle of dialogue and specifically these character’s way of speaking. Rory’s quips. The doctor spewing nonsense that’s ten steps ahead of everyone else in the room. Amy’s concern. You have complete mastery over all four of these characters. GOD I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT ROSE. I love how you display her so complexly, how she’s so quick yet she’s so scared to accept that her realities been flipped on it’s head, that the Doctor has changed again. And oh my gosh, the Doctor and Rose’s relationship. It’s so perfect. The semi-awkward but completely emotionally charged moment in the elevator. The bit about their hands fitting perfectly. How she finds it easier to accept him this time. It’s so soft and tender, and best of all, it all feels EARNED. Not just through all they’ve been through in this story and canon, but through the pacing of your story in specific. You don’t rush it. There’s not many fic authors, or writers in general, that can do that. It makes for such a satisfying story that I just can never get enough of.
Last one!! But oh Will!!! It makes me so sad that Rose said it doesn’t matter anymore, his silly knit hoodie and mismatched converse. I’m gonna miss him so much, I’m still grieving. I’m wayyy more excited that the Doctor is out of the watch, but still, my boy is gone!!! My scrunkly!!! Rip!!! I especially love how you contrast them, how the Doctors talking strong finally where Will was a mumbler, how you’ve talked about his pale eyes the whole story and now it’s his bright eyes. Also, how Eleven walks on an angle LMAO. Just, all of it.
I just needed to get these thoughts out of my head. Your attention to detail is magnificent and this chapter was well worth the wait. I can’t stop rereading. I’m just begging, BEGGING you to forget about Journey’s End so they can have a happily ever after.
Sending you love!!!
I need to start responding to long wonderful comments with a bit more of the enthusiasm I actually feel for them, so everybody wave hello to the Keep Reading line -
Thank you so much! I do love the Ponds and their specific chaos. Amy probably comes off pretty cold or tetchy in my fic, but I couldn't imagine her not being stressed and overprotective of the Doctor in that whole scenario. Also, I'm a big fan of Rose's pettiness when it comes to other women, because that's realistic, even if she often tries not to show it, and I'm an also a big fan of Amy's huge temper. And Rory is always a treasure. Always. I was so excited to write for them, thank you! I've been worried about the way I portrayed Rose and her thought process, but you've been so encouraging here! Thanks for that, too. I'll miss Will! I loved writing for a version of the Doctor that didn't have to deal with the simultaneous burdens of being a Time Lord, a genius, a hero, a murderer, immortal, etc. Will is just Eleven with less ambition and less worry. I was thinking, "What would the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor be like if you took away all the things that made him an immortal alien and just turned him loose?" And the result was a very sweet, awkward young man with bad dress sense who thinks he's 20-something. It's just my take, but I'm so fond of my take. Aw, Will. Miss you already, boyo. Thank you for noticing the details! That's so kind of you. I don't think I'm 100% happy with the latest chapter as it is (I was so tired), but I'm beyond glad you can still appreciate it! Loved getting this message.
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cuubism · 1 year
“You are speaking to the King of Nightmares, Hob Gadling.” OH THAT IS SUCH A GOOD LINE and a perfect ending!!! (Is this on ao3? Because if it is I'm going there and bookmarking this)
I love the way you write this version of Hob and Dream's reaction, it is absolutely fascinating, and as someone who's been wanting to write a villain-ish au for a character for years, I want to study this under the microscope and learn from it. (Rory Williams from Doctor Who, is who I've got a villain headcanon for).
aw thank you! i'll drop it on ao3 eventually :)
it's fun to write a sort of dark au for a character. it think it just hinges on amplifying their already-existing amoral traits, while maintaining some amount of personal moral code or code of conduct that's also in alignment with their canon characterization. Hob's already proven himself more than willing to kill people in canon, so killing again is not a stretch, but he would never hurt Dream, etc.
If you want to write it you should definitely go for it!
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renee-writer · 7 months
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 56
They walk into Lallybroch, each holding a baby. Rose and Willa follow with all the gear and presents. This will be the first time the rest of the family meet them. Claire and Jamie decided that for the first few days it needed to just be their parents and sisters.
“Welcome home baby Frasers!” Ian booms. A pointed way of reminding them that they don’t know their names.
“Sorry guys. It was important to have us, Rose and Willa bond with them first,” Jamie says. He then looks down at his daughter, “Meet Emily Catriona.”
“And Thomas Sawney.” Claire adds.
“Em and Tom.” Rose is grinning.
“Oh,” Jenny hands Rory to his daddy, “let me see my nephew and niece.”
They are placed in her arms. Ian, his children, and Beth ground around them.
“They are so wee.” Maggie breaths.
“Were we that small?” Michael asks for him and Janet.
“Aye, you were smaller. Thomas takes after your Uncle.”
One by one, they take turns holding them.
Beth cradles them, on the couch, Rose beside her. “I want one,” Her girlfriend ‘s eyes go up, “After college,” Beth adds, “I know you weren’t sure…”
“I am now.” She runs her hands over their soft heads, “Mama Claire and daddy have shown me the last few days how much they love me. In time, I will forgive Anna ( she no longer calls her mam). I must, for my own peace. Letting go, knowing I have all types of loving families, I am ready to move on. With you and, in time, our own babies.”
“Sawney for William,” Jenny is on the verge of tears, “Jamie, it is just perfect.”
“Aye, Claire asks if I wanted a Jr. I thought about it but no. Another way to honor William, that is what I want for my son. To have him grow up to be anything like his uncle, it will be a blessing.”
Later, they lay the babies down together.
“They look like triplets.” Claire says, resting against her husband.
“Aye.” They watch them.
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