#<- just in case for savs
gilears · 9 months
endeavouring to reply to All my unreplied to comments on the o&t series (and, stretch goal, my d20 fics?) bc i am notoriously bad at replying to comments but i do love doing it and also would love to have everything cleared away before o&2 tomorrow.
anyway. wish me luck and sincere apologies for people that have commented on multiple chaps/fics and are about to have their inbox terrorized by ao3 user sulfuric. i love you okay bye
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
cat!sav has latched onto morgan as his favorite person and won't let her leave the room without him, what does she do? lol
Morgan is ofc quite taken off guard by this 😂 but she takes it in stride. She lets cat!Sav curl up on her lap, strokes his fur while she works, and generally talks to him about various things while he sits in her lap and listens like there's nothing else he'd rather do. She talks about the poems she's writing, the writing elective she's taking that she loves, her woes over Organic Chemistry, etc.
(when she's doing multiple choice questions for Organic Chemistry, cat!Sav always nudges her toward a specific choice...which always ends up being right. Hmm. I wonder what that's about)
She also gets to vent a little, about how she’s feeling during s3: the new Wells she doesn't trust because he's so nice it must be fake (HR), how nice it is to be back in Central but a little jarring how she's a little out of the loop after her year in Star City, butting heads with Caitlin more than usual, still being a little upset with her about last year (s2, when she didn't believe her about Zoom) but unwilling to say so to her face, still butting heads with Jesse and still being a little jealous at times even though she thought that was “fixed” (oh Morgan. Oh honey. It’s never that simple)...etc and so forth.
It...helps, talking about it. She's going to therapy, and it's helping (as little as she can say about the Team-Flash-specific parts, she still feels like she's improving), but it's nice to talk to cat!Sav about it, who can't facially or verbally react to anything she's saying. All he does is curl more into her lap, or even press his face against her hand as she's petting him. Or her heart 🥺
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @vexic929 @raith-way @thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce
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i-love-def-leppard · 1 year
i walked past a golden goose store at the mall expecting to see sav in there buying another pair of shoes
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Guys, not to be gay but I can't be on the side of the creature either
Like OBVIOUSLY Frank sucks dick but the creature killed a 6-year-old, I'm sorry but I'm
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hyasinttis · 2 years
It's so cold outside which means pulling out all my epic jackets
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savnofilter · 1 year
i haven't been on tumblr in 3 years and decided to come back on here and ahhh ur still here!? howve u been :)
woahh the fact you can remember me is making me blush a little idk 🤭 but hi my love!!! im doing pretty good actually, im so glad that summer is right around the corner! everyday feels like such a blessing. how are you? hope everything has been well. <333
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Parenting Practice (Lando Norris)
A look into the Norris family summer vacation
Note: english is not my first language. It's been some time, hasn't it? A lot has been going on, and my mental health has taken the biggest toll, so the blog hasn't received much attention as I'm trying to keep the train going! For those who are here and have stayed, thank you for being so patient and for staying - I hope this is good enough ✨️
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests right now, so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to send them in but know that I don't know when I'll be able to get to them!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3 @sltwins
"Are you all packed, my love?", Lando asked you as he zipped his suitcase effortlessly.
"Yes - are you sure it's fine if I take my pillow?", you wondered, holding the pregnancy pillow close to you, folding it into the carrier bag.
"It's regular carry-on, and as much as I hate that I have to share my cuddles with it, I know you sleep better with it so you definitely need to take it", Lando winked.
Blushing at your husband's antics, you made sure it was packed before looking around in case you missed something you needed to pack, "seems like I'm all good too - when do we need to leave?".
"In thirty minutes - how about I make us a snack to eat, then you can go pee before we go and then we head to the airport?", Lando suggested.
"Why did you need to specify that I have to take a pee break?", you poked you tongue out at him, pinching his butt as he walked past you.
"You were the one that told me I should always inform you of when you couldn't pee for a long time! The jet will touchdown to pick us both up and go straight up again - I don't think we will have time to use the base's bathroom, and you say you don't like the jet's bathroom, so I was just warning you, woman!", he bit back playfully.
Recalling the last time where you tried to use the bathroom and had to call Pietra to hold you in case you couldn't get out on your own, afraid that the bump would make moving around the tiny space impossible, you swore you'd always plan your pee breaks carefully from now on, "I'm craving something salty", you beamed as Lando walked down the stairs.
"A salty snack for mama and baby girl coming right up!", he yelled back and you could just imagine his head shaking from side to side with a charming smile on his face.
Your mother in-law was the first to greet you as soon as you stepped inside the aircraft, Lando holding your hand to make you didn't fall and helping with your shoes, "Y/N! Oh, you look so gorgeous!", she cooed.
"It's the compression socks, isn't it?", you giggled, lifting up your long skirt to show her, "doctor said it would be better for the swelling - Goodness knows I need all the help I can with that", you mumbled the last bit.
"Don't be silly, you look beautiful!", Pietra complimented.
"She does, doesn't she?", Lando complimented, kissing your cheek before letting you go and feeling slightly jealous that everyone was now looking at you when you had been a sight for his eyes only for the past few days.
"Is all of that jealousy, brother?", Cisca asked her brother, touching her toes on his thigh after she sat down on her beach chair. The sun had finally showed up and there was a light breeze going on, making it the perfect beach day and it was only lunchtime as they sat on the beach bar after making the food orders.
"Jealousy? Of what?", Lando quirked his eyebrow over his sunglasses, drifting his attention from you and looking back to his youngest sister.
"The girls haven't left Y/N since the plane, only to sleep and Sav was just saying she swears she heard Athena call your wife before she fell asleep", she snickered, "You've lost favourite uncle status, we all have I think".
"Like we stood a chance to begin with", Lando scoffed, "she was made to be a mother, and before that she had all the practice with being an auntie. And the girls genuinely think they can play with baby girl like they play with their dolls once she's here with us".
"Mila is gentle most days, Athena is... still a bit hard on her movements I think - oh, just on cue!", she yelped.
"Oh, darling, that was a bit strong, wasn't it?", you scolded softly, taking her hand away from your ear after she pushed on your hoop.
"Come here, you trouble maker!", Adam called, grabbing the little girl away from your lap as you rearranged your jewellery.
"She surely has a strong grip!", you chuckled before winking at Lando, mouthing a silent "I love you, Lan" across the table.
Cisca groaned playfully, "is all of that jealousy, little sister?", Lando teased her before blowing you a kiss and mouthing it back.
You were enjoying the pool the villa had, soaking up the sun as you laid on Lando's chest, tracing random shapes on his chest while his hand travelled around your waist and bump, often tapping it when your little girl kicked or moved.
It was fairly quiet until the girls woke up from their naps, immediately coming down to join you and invite everyone to swim with them.
Deciding to engage in their delight, you got up and walked to the edge of the pool, carefully sitting on the warm stone and letting your legs dip in the water to cool your body while Lando dove in and played with the girls, "careful, Mila, you can't unzip your vest!", he called.
Pulling her closer to you, you managed to zip it back up and help her swim back to her uncle, "is the bump getting in the way?", Sav asked you, mimicking your early movements and sitting next to you.
"When I'm sitting down, yes", you chuckled, "I don't have the same range of movements and my mind still has to catch up with that".
"It's a sign that she's growing well though", your sister in-law added, propping herself up on her arms so she could ease the rest of ther body into the water, getting immediate attention from her children as they called her to them, "soon enough you'll have someone calling you every waking second!".
"She already does, though! Look at him making a bee line to her now that she's free!", Oliver joked as Lando swam to you.
"I won't even bother answering that", Lando pointed to his brother before reaching you, ignoring everyone else as he gently wrapped his arms around your calves and rested his chin on your knees, "hi, beautiful", he smiled.
"Hey, handsome", you smiled, brushing a fallen curl away from his forehead, "did you enjoy your splashes?", you asked giggling.
"It was fun, yes. Athena poked my eye a couple of times though", he argued, "can you imagine our little princess playing with them this time next year?", he wondered.
"Three little girls", you mused, nodding at the idea, "you better get ready to be a princess too!".
"I have what it takes to be a girl dad, some people might even say I'm very girl dad coded", he tsked you, earning laughs from you.
"You definitely are, yes", you rubbed your bump, "you haven't been her long and she's already kicking like crazy - definitely a daddy's girl".
"Hey, sweet girl", Lando spoke, lightly wetting the skin as his hands touched your bump, "are you having a good time in there? Mummy always says she's too hot so we hope you're doing good away from this heat. And this helps, no?", he wondered as the baby kicked against the droplets, "yeah, it's good and cooling", he cooed.
"I'm craving something salty", you said as you grabbed the menu, flicking the pages to see what tickled your fancy.
You had decided to go to the beach bar and have lunch there, not wanting to have to pack everything to go back home only to come back for the afternoon. Everyone was gathered around the table as the waiter took the orders.
"Feeling good? Well rested?", you asked Lando once you caught him looking at you.
"Yes", he admitted, "I thought it would be harder to switch off, but it's been very good", he squeezed your thigh, kissing the side of your head and pulling you to his chest, "how are my girls today? You look ethereal in this dress, darling".
The white dress was flowy at times and tight in all the right spots, showcasing your babybump perfectly, "we've been good, no more harsh kicking on my bladder which I appreciate, isn't that right, Tilly?", you rubbed just above your bellybutton, "but we're both quite hungry".
"The waiter said yours should be quick to make", he offered since the waiter mentioned that the Caesar salad was a popular plate and they always had it running.
Once everyone was served, you began eating, delighted and exclaiming how good e everything was.
"Have a bite of this, baby, trust me!", Lando offered as he gathered a bit of everything on his fork to feed you.
"It's sweet, I'm not sure I'll like it", you scrunched up your face.
"Try a little bit", he encouraged as he made a shell shape with his hand to catch anything that fell or dropped.
The food was definitely the opposite of what you had, but it was delicious. That you couldn't deny.
"It's good, isn't it? I told you!", Lando smiled, "do you want some more?", he offered while already getting everything on the fork again.
"Baby girl seems happy too", you giggled, feeling her move.
"She has good taste in food, what can I say?!", Lando giggled back.
The vacation was well underway by the time you decided which days you wanted to spend on the boat, Oliver and Savannah staying inside with the girls along with Adam and Cisca who decided they would make lunch for everyone.
"Do you know what I have just realised?", you spoke to Flo as you both watched Lando and Cisca's boyfriend jump into the water, "your brother has a massive head - like, it's really big, specially when you compare to Max's", you pointed to your husband's best friend who had joined you for the last few days.
That morning, you cried about the fact that your bikini dug on your hips only for Lando to tell you that you hadn't tired the sides properly and that you had more than enough room to accommodate your growing body, so right now this was a way better way to deal with the rush of hormones you were having.
"I think we all do, to be fair - Cisca has the smalled one I guess", Flo squinted as she looked at her sister who walked closer to you.
"Why are you looking at me like that?", Cisca wondered.
"I've just realised how big your brother's head is and how I'm probably going to be split apart when this little girl - little body but surely a big head - joins us", you rubbed your bump as tears formed in your eyes.
"Oh, Y/N, my friends have had babies with big heads and they're fine", Pietra offered, "they were just fine", she said before waving at Max so him and Lando could come to the rescue.
"I don't know why I'm crying, which makes this even worse - Goodness", you wiped your eyes and chuckled, "I can feel her head, it's about here from what I remember from the scans - and it's big, like, really big! How is that going to work?", you blurted.
"What's the matter? Is everything alright? Y/N, are you good? Is it Tilly?", Lando asked worriedly as he saw you break into a fit of giggles and seeing the girls fight their laughter a bit before joining.
"The matter is that you have a big head and Tilly's will also be big", you explained, "I'm not the tiniest person ever, so there's definitely room but can you imagine? I have to ask your mother how big your head was when you were born because I feel like I need to do prep work for it", you mused, "it's all natural until you decide to have a kid with the guy who has a big head".
"Oh, Y/N has gone dark", Max muttered, earning himself a swat on his forehead from Pietra, "what? Did I lie?", he hissed, containing his laughter.
"I'm not sure what you'd like me to do here, my love", Lando admitted, sitting next to you and attempting to squeeze your thigh lovingly, knowing the affectionate gesture could go both ways.
"Our baby is making me feel like I have the emotional and cognitive skills of a toddler", you mumbled as you cuddled your husband, supporting your bump with a pillow Flo got for you as you both layed down.
"It's okay, Y/N, I don't mind having to reason with you - we'll consider this practice for when we have our little one, okay beautiful?", Lando kissed your forehead.
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spencerreiddddd · 3 months
Cabin Trouble 2
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Content: continuation of Cabin Trouble, go back and read part 1.
Gist: pt2
Not proofread
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You now stood in the room awkwardly holding onto the handle of your luggage as Spencer set up the pull out bed for you.
Maeve’s and Spencer’s bed was directly infront of the pull out bed with a wide gap in the middle that led to the bathroom and closet. Maeve was currently in the bathroom setting up her and Spencer’s side of the double sink.
“Alright all done, this is better than that couch downstairs.” Spencer said walking over to you standing extremely close.
You shifted uncomfortably “Spence I don’t think this is a good idea.” You said looking up at his face his eyebrows furrowing at your comment.
“In what way?” He asked looking at you softly
“You and Maeve deserve privacy, and I don’t want to be the reason y’all can’t….enjoy yourselves.” You said awkwardly smiling at what you were implying. “Enjoy ourselves?” Spencer questioned confused
“Physically, intimate.” You said gagging at your words and the thought that popped into your mind.
Spencer’s eyebrows shot up and a small smile grew on his face as he took your hand into his. “That doesn’t matter, you being comfortable means more to me than THAT….plus we don’t do it much if that makes you feel better.” Spencer said smiling big causing you to gasp and pull your hand he was holding up to your mouth to cover the small laugh that escaped your lips.
“Spencer I don’t think I should know that.” You said looking up at him.
“Know what?” Meave said as she walked out the bathroom and up to where you and Spencer where standing.
“Nothing, let’s set up our bed.” Spencer said guiding Maeve to their side of the room and helping put up their luggage and clothes.
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Everyone was downstairs it was night time, around 9pm it was dark and trees surrounded the window filled cabin.
“Alright who’s up for a game!” Penelope yelped out as she stood up clearly a little drunk already.
Everyone started cheering.
“Okay so Kevin and I had an idea a few hours ago, since we’re all couples here we wanted to do a sort of romantic horror game.” Penelope said as she guided everyone outside into the cold chilly air. Kevin began handing every couple a flashlight and he handed you one flashing you an apologetic smile. You groaned internally, you honestly didn’t want to be here anymore you hated being the one everyone took pity on.
“Kevin and I went on a walk in the woods earlier and set up rock towers in different directions to make different paths to get to the flags we have placed at the end of all these paths and the goal is for every couple to try and get their flag and be back here first. Hotch and Hailey will stay here since Jack is already asleep.” Pen said as Kevin made it back to her side.
“Alright go!” Pen said as everyone scattered around onto different paths into the dark woods.
You watched as JJ and Will went on their path, Morgan and Sav pushing each other around laughing. Your attention was caught by Maeve and Spencer as she laughed clinging herself onto Spencer’s arm as they went down their designated path. God how you hated everything, your stomach felt tight and uncomfortable.
“Are you going to stand there or go?” Hailey said wrapping her arms around your shoulders and placed her head on your shoulder. You smiled you viewed Hailey as a mother figure, her comforting presence helped you after a long case when you and everyone had just started out at the FBI. “I’m going.” You smiled as she let go of you and walked back to sit with Hotch.
You began walking into the woods shining you flash light around being lost in thought you kicked rocks. You hated how you couldn’t physically bring yourself to cut off Spencer, you hated the way your chest tightened painfully anytime you saw Maeve and Spencer together. You hated the way Maeve climbed onto his arm, you hated the way they could be smart together. But you knew you hated yourself for being a coward and not just saying what you felt, for having to live a what if. So lost in thought you didn’t notice a tree root growing on the path and tripped over it rolling over down the side of the path as you hit rocks and tumbled until you reached the bottom of the small hill. You lays there as you body stopped tumbling, staring up into the night sky.
You felt a stream of tears begin to pour out from you eyes, you didn’t know if you were crying from the physical pain or the emotional pain. While you cried you tried lifting yourself up immediately failing as your ankle was shot with pain. You groaned frustrated as tears continued to stream down your face, you looked around into the dark and up from where you had fallen. Surely they’d come looking for you, and yet you didn’t want anybody to find you and pity you.
You sat there burrowing your head into your hands and waited…
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The couples had come back to the front of the cabin already hollering and making noise as they carried their flags, obviously Morgan and Sav had won and come back first as everyone made their way back.
“Where’s Y/N?” Rossi asked as Krystall and him were the last back.
Everyone looked at Hotch and Hailey.
“She was the last to leave.” Hotch said getting up concerned Spencer’s head snapped up at this, surely even if you were the last one to leave you would have beaten Rossi and Krystall.
“Im going to look for her.” Spencer said walking towards the path you would have taken flashing his flashlight.
“Spence!” He heard Maeve say but she didn’t matter, not right now when you were in the woods somewhere probably hurt or in danger.
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You heard Spencer’s voice “Y/N?” He repeated as the voice got closer above you. You lazily raised your head from your hands to look into the path above you, watching as a small white light danced in the night air.
“Spencer!” You yelled out flashing your flashlight up to catch his attention, you watched him jog down to where you were sitting.
“What happened?” He asked crouching down next to you searching your face for something, you pointed at your ankle.
“I tripped over a tree root and lost my footing, I ended up rolling down the hill.” You said as he lifted you up from your armpits and held you up. “Get on my back.” He said as he guided you towards his back.
“No Spence it’s fine, I can hop my way back if you help me.” You said in protest.
“I wasn’t asking.” Spencer said catching you off guard as he crouched down waiting for you to get on his back. You obliged and got on, he got up and made his way up the hill and onto the path again.
“Thank you.” was all you said as you walked the few minutes back to the cabin.
Once you saw the cabin in the distance you saw everyone still standing outside presumably waiting for you.
Spencer walked passed all of them and up stairs into the room. As he placed you on your bed he walked into the bathroom not saying anything to you. That was odd but you really didn’t want to talk to anyone either at this point, frustration building up inside of you.
Spencer walked back out with a first aid kit which caused you to giggle.
“Of course leave it up to Spencer to pack a first aid kit on vacation.” You said your voice low and teasing yet he didn’t smile and proceeded to lift your pant leg up to accumulate at your knee.
He bandaged your ankle up and stood up finally looking at you. “You had me worried.” He said as he stared down at you the lamp in the room illuminating his face.
“But I’m fine.” You said flashing him a small smile.
“You should have watched where you were going.” He said crossing his arms across his chest.
“Don’t you got a girlfriend to be worrying about and attending to.” You said trying to protect yourself from feeling any pretty feeling from Spencer’s concern.
“Why do you do this?” Spencer asked sitting down next to you on the bed. “Do what?” You replied annoyed.
“Why have you began to distance yourself from me, you don’t treat me as your best friend anymore. I feel like I can barely talk to you without you running away or making an excuse to leave.” He says hurt evident on your face.
You stayed quiet turning you attention to your ankle debating what to say next you decided to tell him. You owed him an explanation and you needed to give yourself closure.
“Spence, I can’t be your friends because I can’t see you as one.” You said watching hurt flood his eyes as he frowned.
“I can’t see you as one because I love you, because I love you to much for my own good. I love you so much it’s not fair for you and Maeve.” You said tears beginning to brim at your eyes.
“I began pulling away because I want to be respectful to you and Maeve.” You say but before you could begin again Spencer grabbed your face and kissed you. He kissed you so fervently so hungry like a man deprived of oxygen for to long. You began kissing him back emotions dictating your actions. You knew this was wrong both of you did, but both of you needed this you wanted this.
“I love you.” He said kissing your jaw and ear.
“Spencer… your with Maeve, this was out of line.” You began to say trying to pull away.
“I was going to end it with her after we got back from this trip, being here with her made me realize I can’t use her to push away my love for you.” He said pulling you closer to him. You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“God Y/N, I have been in love with you since the beginning months that I’ve known you.” He said kissing your jaw up to your lips.
“What?” You managed to speak out.
“I guess we were both scared to ruin anything and now look at where that brought us.” He said laughing as he looked at you with puppy big begging eyes.
“Spence we can’t do anything or become anything if you’re still with Maeve.” You said closing your eyes.
He nodded pulling away.
“I’ll give her this weekend so she isn’t embarrassed.” He said but he saw Maeve as he turned around causing him to freeze.
“No need Spencer, I’m calling an Uber and going home.” She said dryly as she began packing her suit case. Spencer stood by you silently as you watched Maeve pack away her belongings. “You made this so much easier for me Spencer, I didn’t know how to tell you that I found you boring and plain.” She said chuckling as she looked at Spencer before walking out with her things.
You sat there quietly, you felt guilty and awful.
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Spencer walked out of the shower and into his bed as you later in yours staring up at the ceiling.
“Y/N?” You heard Spencer call out your name causing you to sit up and look in his direction. He patted the bed side next to him and you made your way over.
“I know this isn’t the best way things turned out.” Spencer said looking at your figure as you got under the covers and layed down. You nodded even though what Maeve said made you feel better a bit about what happened you still participated in cheating and ruining someone’s relationship.
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Spencer said wrapping his arms around you and burrowing his head on top of your head.
“Doesn’t feel like that Spence.” You said closing your eyes.
“I know, but now we grow from this and move on. We enjoy each other now, we’ve missed out on to much time already.” He said kissing your head as you fell asleep.
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Well this was part 2 and the last part, I sort of didn’t want to make the characters redeemed because cheating is still cheating no matter if it’s physically or emotionally. I wanted them to feel guilty even if the other party was emotionless to what had happened. Sorry if this didn’t come out as expected. And agin I’m taking requests! DM me if you have a request.
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eternalsa2z · 6 months
Savant 2 Fantasy Trophies
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(This is a continuation of a previous post called Savant. Because what's better than one secret bimbo genius? Two of them...duh!)
I tried to be happy playing fantasy with my secret silly weapon. But somehow it didn't feel right. Maybe it was my competitive side. Maybe I felt I didn't deserve a bimbo savant like Kiki. Or maybe it was some secret curiosity about exactly how she thought about things. So I asked her to help me understand what goes on inside that bimbo brain of hers.
"Like...you sure you wanna learn from a ditzy doll like me?" she asked incredulously. Eyes wide. Shining with excitement. I nodded and she squealed and hugged me. "OMG yaaaaaay! I soooo wanted a fantasy friend. A bimbo bestie who just, like, gets me...ya know?"
So soon I was being coached by an absolute cutie. Trained to look, act, and talk like her. Because as Kiki says, "Like, to be good at fantasy you gotta BE a fantasy. Duh!" It didn't really make sense. But I'll admit that when we went to a Super Bowl party dressed up in identical outfits, I felt a connection. Even if I just had a breastplate and wig on...I couldn't help but smiling just a brightly as my bestie.
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The training continued all summer. Kiki said I needed, like, a state of empty serenity. To clear my head of all my old thoughts. To just focus on picking out a cute outfit, like footballers select their cleats. Memorize how to get my makeup juuuuuust right, like a player putting on eyeblack. How to strut and sparkle and shine, just like a superstar fantasy stud. Or in my case...a superstar fantasy bimbo babe nicknamed Nally!
By the end of summer, things started to fit into place. Not just the thinkys. But, like, my body and stuff. Kiki was sooooo nice and saved some winnings from last year so I could get some lip filler, cute hair extensions, and real boobies!!! OMG we were, like, breasties now!
When draft time came and we showed up in these adorable 'lil outfits, it sooooo made sense. My costume was, like, my strategy! There was a cowboy hat cuz the Cowboys players were soooo sexy this year. Big high heels that were, like, hard to run in cuz running boys are less important to me. Oh and everything is red since, like, we watched that super good red team win the Superb Owl last year and they'll totes be hawt again!
I couldn't explain it. It was, like insti...instink...er, just felt right, ya know? Kiki was soooo supportive and even, like, finished my thoughts for me if I got too giggly or blank for too long. She's not just a great teacher...she's, like, a total awesum teammate to me. Oh and she even, like, started joking about 'Nally's Fantasy Lyfe' which turned into the cuuuutest team name for the year. NFL! Isn't Kiki is soooo clever?
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By the end of the year, like, I was sooooo happy! Kiki and Nally, like, both won all our leagues. I was sooooo proud that I was a strong, independent bimbo who just needed another bimbo to show me what to do. I'm like a sav...savvy...er, secret smartie skirt just like Kiki now! Or at least a trophy doll just like my breastie.
Oh ya! Like, speaking of breasties, I'm suuuuuper proud of my boobies too! Kiki suggested I do 'TDs for titties' so like every time a player of mine scored, like, I'd add a CC of silly-cone too my chest. As you can see, like, I did GREAT this year. So great that Kiki and I both got all dolled up to celebrate!
We were also dressed all pretty and stuff cuz we went to a special Superb Owl party. Not to watch the game, of course. I can barely focus on anything but the short commercials anyways. But since, like, it was kinda boring to win soooo much, Kiki wanted to introduce us to another fantasy group. One filled with other fantasy bimbo smarties just like us!
The competition next year will be fierce but the prizes will be enorm...humung...er, like, as big as the fake titties the winner gets! Losing also isn't so bad. Like, you get to be 'lil lesbian pet of the winner alllll summer. A lit-er-all fantasy trophy IRL. Honestly, like, Nally is trying to find a way to trade all her best players to her breastie so they can be top and bottom. Like, being a bimbo doll is the least Nally can do to thank Kiki for, like, showing her how to be a fantasy savant too!
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scudslut · 7 months
em's masterlist/guidelines
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fluff - 𐙚 || smut - ♱ || angst - ✾
➳ Daryl Dixon
one-shots: sins and honey flavored sweetness 𐙚 ♱ ✾ heartsease 𐙚 ♱ a summer wasting 𐙚 midnight refreshments 𐙚 a new years surprise 𐙚 ♱ lazy mornings 𐙚 stay with me 𐙚 ✾ too sweet ♱
drabbles: taste me ♱ head w/ daryl 𐙚♱ daryl’s uncut ♱ s4 daryl 𐙚 ♱ ✾
cannock chase 𐙚
➳ Scud Frohmeyer
one-shots: take me however you want too ♱
drabbles: cockwarming w/ scud ♱ scuds a slut (canonically) ♱
➳ My Edits
normy's bday dhl burn, burn, burn new bottega
please send requests!
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About Me!
em | 20 | gemini
hi everyone! this is so long awaited (i’m legit so lazy) but finally i have a masterlist/about me!
╰─▸ my names emma, i’m obviously in love w daryl dixon/norman reedus. i love to write and make edits — u guys should totally follow my tiktok account @mrsemmadixon or otherwise known as scudslut;)
i met norman jdkskajajs at the nyc comic con 2023, he signed the back of my phone case, i’ll actually die on a fucking hill. yes, he’s just as godly in person.
in my day to day life i work with animals 10 hours a day, they are my main passion aside from writing and whatnot, so if i post a photo of a really cute dog i met, that’s why lmao.
i have 2 cats right now, my baby lily i got last year and sophie who i’ve had since i was a kid. typically we rescue all our animals!
i deal with extreme anxiety and depression from a major accident that happened in my life a few years ago (so if i don’t respond or have trouble posting sometimes… that’s why and i really hope everyone understands.)
I love, love, love music. I play the piano and guitar, probably not very good but who cares. some of my all time favorite artists are.. and here we go on a rampage... deftones, cigsaftersex, wheezer, nirvana, mac, frank, lana, djo, catpower, the vines, dinosaur jr, 21 sav, labi siffre, the kills, tom odell, basement, strokes, velvet underground, kendrick, norah jones, red hot chilies, the smiths, billy idol, the cure, no vacation, mazzy star, fleetwood, empire of the sun, pinegrove, otis redding, neil young, etta james, summer walker, motley crue, guns'n'roses, foo fighters, biggie, shady, drake, nelly, jay-z, $uici$ide boys, gucci, trippie... and so much more, my music taste is actually bipolar.
on that note, i actually have a playlist for daryl + norman (music he reposts/i think he’d like) lmk if u want me so share them.
i’m canadian
my parents are both extreme alcoholics, so i suffer from a multitude of childhood traumas as well as current ones. we love it here!:) but id like to think i relate to daryl in some sense, if its the only comfort i get from it.
i could live off of pasta, watermelon and coffee alone
i spend my time either at my job, reading, writing, editing or spending time with some close friends.
and that’s pretty much me!:)
please feel free to ask me questions or request fics, i will absolutely love to do them! (as long as they follow guidelines) if your unsure, just message me to clarify! i won’t ever leave u on read, i promise!
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My Guidelines:
absolutely no rape/SA/even slight connotations of it.
no incest.
hitting, slapping, or any extreme violence during play, is a no. (daryl loves to smack your ass when he hits it from the back… that’s okay… but he would. not. hit you.)
age play - i will dabble in this but nothing major where reader is barely an adult. the most i’ll do is early/mid 20’s and daryl is his canon age.
oh yes, and i will write for all norman reedus characters! if you want someone else, messsage/ask me!
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gifs/dividers from @cafekitsune
© scudslut - all works are my own. please do not steal, copy, translate or modify any of my work!
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thesamoanqueen · 3 months
Anatomy of an affair
Warnings: age-gap (but we keep it legal), cheating.
A/N: I was talking to @alyyaanna and the anatomy professor's idea took control, I couldn't resist, so this one for her. It will have a sequel, this is just part 1.
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They say the secret of a good relationship is friendship, I had scientifically proven that this wasn't the case being a test subject all my life. Tobert and I had grown up in the same neighborhood in Pendleton South Carolina, two nearby houses, our families loved each other, we went to school together, hung out with the same group of friends, we even broke our arms together – it was his fault –. For everyone we were two soul mates linked, it was inevitable in some way. We had done everything together our whole lives, the most mundane things and the first shameful experiences. Our relationship on paper was destined for success, absolute, overwhelming, our faces under the heading "goal couple", at least until I decided to study medicine in Boston and he stayed in our hometown. Our paths had separated for just three months before he had a bad accident at his uncle's construction company, he had begged me, it had been a tough decision, but I had agreed to come back to support him. But now that I had finally taken control of my life, in my second actual year of studies, Tobert was boycotting everything again.
For the entire previous year I had thought he was trying to distract himself from the void I had left in his life, filling it with trips and nights with co-workers and friends, but looking back I had been kidding myself. Our parents called every day to find out when we were getting married and if I would be home soon, but from him? Oh, well, a few calls, always short, couple of messages, often stupid ones, and a facetime on weekend for some creepy phone sex. He didn't come to visit me, he didn't organize anything when I returned home, for my last birthday he sent me a package with a sweater I suspected he hadn't chosen. And now, after months of tolerating it, I saw him in an IG story with a chick’s ass in his face.
- "Good Lord man!"
- "Sav have you seen? Sav?"
What I could see was that he was even enjoying it! He had the same stupid face of an old man who can't read the newspaper, the one has been in my face since we were fifteen, ending our moments like commercials on TV in his father's garage.
- "What’s with that face? Sav is it everything okay?"
- "Savannah…"
I had felt guilty for wanting to start again and leaving him behind, I was working hard to finish and return home, I had always pushed away the instinct that told me I deserved more and instead he was living his best life without worrying about hiding it. His behaviour was not somekind of abandonment syndrome, it was just one of his bullshit and evidences were everywhere. I was a freking clown, our relationship was a joke I had wanted to believe alone because after so many years it seemed impossible to think of anyone else to me, when he was simply used to having me there at his disposal and now he thought was free. I had wasted my life and almost burned my future…
Realization hit me in the cafeteria, my colleagues staring at me like at some psycopath and rightly so, because when the next story popped up on the screen, I snapped.
- "That asshole!" – my scream echoed throughout the entire hall, overcoming the chatter that always filled it.
The sudden silence that followed and the hand one of my friends smashed against my arm brought me back suddenly, but by then it was late. I had just made the scene I would probably always be remembered for. Standing with my latte dripping onto the couch and music now playing in the background like a bad theme for my drama, I saw dozens of eyes staring at me.
- "... Sav what’s you problem?! We got company... get your ass over here!" – my roommate whispered in a panic, nodding towards the two men who had been about to leave.
In slow motion I saw them both looking at me and to humiliation was added absolute terror when without thinking I raised my hand to wave an embarrassed greeting, restarting Tobert's story. Oh, they would definitely remember me for that scene.
There wasn't a person on the entire campus who didn't know about my performance and the worst thing certainly wasn't the rumors but rather pity looks, plus the extra tasks I had agreed to do to clean up my reputation and keep myself busy. I hadn't received any formal warning, not even a comment, but I didn't want to risk ruining my career after having already dropped out in the past. The idea of losing the opportunity of a lifetime to someone who had already gotten more than he deserved from me drove me crazy.
Tobert hadn't commented, probably his two brain cells hadn't yet met to discuss what to do or they didn't think it was serious, but I had clear ideas and I had chosen to run the circus, patiently planning the day I would have kicked him with my degree.
So armed with good will and courage I marched across campus with my head held high, ready to face my demons and regain total control. It was almost time for the anatomy course to start and I planned to pass with top marks, but to do so I also had to make sure that the new professor didn't just remember me for screaming that day in front of him and his predecessor. My friends talked about him constantly, but I didn't have time for gossip, I had to seem like the right person to invest in for the future of medicine. When I arrived in front of his studio, however, my intention seemed less simple than expected. The entire aisle had been assaulted by a crowd of students, mostly girls. If I had suffered from amnesia, I would have thought I was at a concert or among a nymphomaniacs cult. We weren't in California, those outfits were definitely out of season as well as indecent, what’s was wrong with all of them?
- "Do you think he will receive today?"
- "Ah, I hope so! I want to see him so bad!"
Forced to wait like everyone else, I caught up with the gossip I had refused to hear from my friends, discovering the new professor was not only charming, but also young and free, which explained the cult. I also sadly discovered firsthand he hated receiving students and from what I saw he didn't even respect the time when he should have been forced to do so. Sitting in my chair, I waited twice as long before seeing the other students go away resignedly with their tiny blouses and too short skirts, deciding to spending my time finishing the chemistry project I had to hand in the following week. With my head down and fixed not to give up, I continued typing on my keyboard until two voices distracted me.
- "You can't take care of it alone, it's not necessary and you shouldn't at all" – I knew Mr. Heyman, he was an authority everywhere thanks to his investments and was often in the area because of his daughter, as well as a good friend of the rector.
The other man with him, I had only seen him on the day of my drama and I must not have seen him well due to the shock, because if I had I would not have given dirty looks to all the girls who had waited for him with me. Was he really a professor? Since when were professors like that?! You couldn't be like that, it was disorienting, didn’t help to the teaching process.
- "I should find someone but I don't have time to waste, Paul" – he complained and his voice sent a shiver through my body as I watched them reach the door in front of me.
- "I could ask, I have some friends, I'm sure there will be many smart guys who would be honored to do it, extra credits or not."
- "I will do it."
I said without thinking, lost in thoughts I shouldn't have been having, and they both turned to look at me, just as confused and surprised by the interruption as I was.
I had planned to introduce myself, ask a few questions, apologize for the bad first impression and now I had just made another one, listening to conversations that didn't concern me, without even saying hello, volunteering for who knows what next. Perfect.
Once the confusion was over, Mr. Heyman looked at me with interest, almost analyzing me, and I quickly tried to put myself together, putting everything away to get up.
- "And you are?" – He asked, his hands hidden in the pockets of his elegant suit.
- "Savannah Naïs Simon. Among the best in my class" – I introduced myself without hesitation and once again mentally scolded myself.
Now I even praised myself?! I usually handled the pressure well, for that kind of career it was indispensable, after all, but all of a sudden I was making one misstep after another and I couldn't afford it, not now. Tobert wasn't there to screw things, I had no excuses, it was my time, it was up to me. Head held high, nerves strong, that's what I needed.
- "Among the best doesn't mean the best" – Mr. Heyman cut me off, shaking his head – "and we have to check it too. I'll make a call."
Struck dumb, I quickly tried to think of something, anything, to make my case. The other professors would have confirmed, but what would I look like standing there waiting for their help?
- "It's no use" – however, Professor Reigns, who had watched until that moment, stopped us both.
His voice really played tricks on my body, but when my eyes met his it was even worse. His expression conveyed nothing, I couldn't imagine what he was thinking, but he exuded authority and there was something magnetic about him, the kind of man capable of changing the atmosphere with just his presence.
- "Are you sure?" – he heard Mr. Heyman ask him, finally stopping looking at me.
- "I’ll take her" – he established, checking me for a brief moment and I held my breath without even realizing it.
He will… take me? for doing what? And was it positive or…
- "We start tomorrow morning" – he said, addressing me directly.
- "I will be on time" – I promised, even if he had already turned his back to me to open the door, Mr. Heyman following him without paying any more attention to me.
- "No phone Miss Simon" – he advised from afar, just before I was left completely alone in the aisle and I distinctly felt the weight of the entire campus falling on me.
I had risked making another scene, I had volunteered for something I didn't even know what it was, I would have had to move lessons to keep my word and I would have thrown away even the amount of time I had left to sleep. And once again that wasn't the worst, but the fact he remembered and had already targeted me before I could even apologize.
What awaited me was a role as an assistant for the entire duration of the course, but I only found out the following day, after spending the whole night awake. I wouldn't have much time to do anything else, it was clear from the first moment, but I had no intention of backing out after having volunteered. It wasn't just a way to make up for my bad impression, it was an opportunity for which anyone else would have gladly given an organ, I myself would have done so - who needed two kidneys? One was enough - and that would certainly help my career, I was lucky. Professor Reigns was a successful doctor, he had changed the landscape of pathological anatomy with his works and his presence was an honor for the university. Admissions to his course were closed after just one day and the program specified that a selection would still be made by him personally. Assisting him and observing how he worked could have given me a great advantage in the selection phase and that was what I was aiming for. Memorizing had always been my thing, but anatomy was much more than listing body parts.
However, reality once again did not correspond to my expectations and in the following three days, I felt more like a secretary than an assistant, with alla those emails and calls. He always arrived early and most of the time I found him sitting at his desk, looking at personal documents and boxes full of medical records. He worked with his head down for hours, often without speaking or taking a break, which wasn't good for my ambition, but at least it helped me not to get distracted because the rare times I saw him looking at me were a test of mental resistance.
His presence demanded attention, his imposing body promised what it shouldn't with the most banal gestures like a pen between his fingers. Calling him a good-looking man would have been an insult, the world was full of handsome and insignificant men, but he had something vaguely frightening, something I had never tasted before and it awakened an almost primordial impulse in me.
The sound of someone knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I quickly straightened up, hoping nothing in me would give me away. I couldn't think about certain things, I wasn't there to daydream about affairs, not when my future was in play and my lifelong boyfriend had cheated on me. A student I had seen a couple of times appeared in the doorway, wearing a lab coat, a deep neckline underneath. Her blue eyes scanned the room where I was in search of what interested her and which was instead sitting in the near room.
- "I know it's not reception hour, but is the professor over there? I would like to talk to him in private about some things" – she said without even trying too hard to simulate and I batted my eyelashes at her, fascinated and annoyed at her courage before stopping her.
- "Unfortunately he is busy. If it’s important you can ask via email or otherwise wait for the course to start. Lessons start tomorrow morning, the time and place are already confirmed" – I anticipated, getting a reproachful look.
- "I need to see him now."
Oh, I could imagine it and I would have complimented the clever attempt to show up when no one was waiting if she hadn't been trying to call me dumb.
- "Can I help you now?" – I proposed without getting too upset and she seemed on the verge of losing her patience.
- "Can I have an appointment?"
- "Sure, I'll put you on the list."
I didn't see her expression, she was probably furious, but she didn't give me time, huffing her disappointment out of the studio, leaving me with the agenda in my hand. I closed it with a heavy breath, putting it back in my bag, where I had been advised to keep it so that it was always with me and never unattended. When I raised my head I almost had a heart attack, discovering Professor Reigns intent on staring at me from his desk, hands crossed, his expression curious.
- "I'm busy?" – he inquired and his low, rough voice made my neck tingle.
I hadn't told a lie, he was busy. He worked on those medical records all day, there was always some document on which he kept his eyes glued. Why was he staring at me like that? Maybe I shouldn't have spoken before asking yes, but my intentions weren't bad, I was trying to be helpful.
- "With the material for the research project and the visit to the rector this afternoon, plus I don't think she really had any questions" – I explained, clenching my fists praying that I could use them against myself because it would have been much better.
I spoke without being involved, I made decisions independently, now I also commented and implied. The unkind thoughts I'd had about Tobert were backfiring on me, bad karma.
- "Is that so?" – Professor Reigns asked curiously, leaning back in his chair and knowing for a fact it was better keep my mouth closed, I nodded, returning to look at my laptop in silence hoping to not have to explain anything else.
I couldn't talk about those things with a professor, someone who could have mentored me, it didn't matter if there wasn't that much of an age gap between us and we ended up on the topic. It was an off limits talk and I tried to focus on the topics outline he would analyze the following day during the first lesson, it had to be detailed and precise, but I couldn't even read what I had summarized until five minutes before.
- "Savannah right?" – I heard my name being called and even more shocked, I watched him finally get up from his desk to join me – "you want to be a cardiologist"
- "How... who"- I spluttered in surprise and putting hands in his pockets, he smiled at me amused.
A smile that would have knocked anyone out, perfect and soft, so incredibly unexpected on an authority figure like him. For three days he had paid almost no attention to me, only addressing me as necessary as Miss. Simon and I had never hoped for more than that, because of our first meeting and his role. Plus not many people knew my goal, after giving up and coming back was something I had learned to keep to myself.
- "Paul is a friend of mine and the rector's. He has his people. He was doubtful at first, but he thought better of it after a few calls and was right as always. You're doing a good job" – he replied, clarifying the doubts I wasn't even able to express and I felt my stomach tighten with emotion.
I knew I shouldn't expect recognition, not in such a competitive environment and when I was a nobody, but it was nice to know my effort was being noticed. Noticed moreover by people of that level. It was a rush of positive energy I really needed to give value to my sacrifices and know investing in myself was the right thing. Tobert and this sort of incestuous relationship we'd had had tried to screw everything, but I was still in the running.
- "I do my best, it's an honor" – I said enthusiastically, matching the smile he had given me, but he raised a hand to stop me, swinging his head.
- "Let's leave this out, I need support and an objective opinion at every lesson. I'm not a real professor, I'm a doctor, but it's an opportunity and everyone has something to pass on. Do you think you can do it, without distractions?" – He asked, throwing another dig at me, but this time I quickly got over it, nodding immediately.
At that point I would have done anything he asked me, I couldn't refuse him anything. It had been three days as a secretary, ignored and perpetually under pressure, but I had passed the test, I had earned his trust. He really wanted me to become his assistant now, he asked for my opinion even though we weren't equals in that field. Screw karma, I had already won in life at that point!
- "I can give my word Sir" – I promised and once again that smile appeared on his perfect face.
- "Good girl" – he approved, before leaving me again.
Those two words rang in my ears right inside my head, as dangerous as a spell and I had the impression of feeling my blood warm, while my body suddenly came alive and melted at the idea of having deserved that pet name. Subconsciously, I scratched my notebook, legs clenched under the desk as I watched the profile of his massive back. We had had an important moment and there I was holding my breath for something that Tobert had never in a lifetime been able to give me, after two words said without any intention.
I saw Mr. Reigns sit back down, rolling his shoulders with ease as he resumed whatever had occupied him before our chat. His eyes searched me one last time and a part of me that shouldn't have throbbed around nothing, making me lower my head to the lesson plan.
I was imagining it, it was in my head and it had to disappear as soon as possible.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @expert-texpert @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318 @headoftheetable @sortudademais
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reyreadersblog · 2 months
I read so many reviews of TGG...
And i have a few opinions to say:
(Keep in mind, that they are MY opinions and don't hate pls🙏🏻)
Not proof read.
1. Gigi was the best player, idc. I hate Brady for what he did and the way Gigi handled the situation was rlly good, i love her even more in this book. The cliffhanger had me screaming😭😭
2. Apperantley, everyone loved Odette..and mabye i'm just being a hater but i didn't find anything interesting about her character😭. For me she was just "there", sure she helped a lot, but what was the point?? The only reason i kind of liked her character was because she gave us so many Lyrason moments. I kind of felt bad for her towards the end tho. She gave Grayson and Lyra hints, she solved some of the mysteries...but her character was lacking something. I did like her tho and i wanted her to be in the for a while.
3.grayson was best version of himself,i KNOW he was thinking with his dick the whole book but it was actually hilarious, and the character growth he had??? Amazing, truly. He was finally healed. Also the rizz he had...?
4.i liked Lyra's chapters the most, prolly because her father's whole case had me so invested.
5. I loved all the Savannah x Rohan moments we got. The tension AHHHH.
But there were some moments where i felt like i was reading TIG and TFG all over again, simply cus they're dynamic reminded me so much of Averyjameson back in the days. I'm not saying they're exacly the same, it just felt a bit..forced and similar, which i didn't like, i'm being very honest.
6. First half of the book i LOVED savannah but near the end she pissed me off so bad broo😭😭🙏🏻. I know it's all Eve's doing, but Sav isn't blameless too for trusting her. The whole "i'm going to get my revange on Hawthornes for killing my father" UGHHH. GIRL if there is anyone who has right to get revange for her father and messing up her mental health is Lyra. You don't get to say anything cuz..💀
7. Slater might get his redemption arc but idc i'm never going to like him.
8. Lyrason. That it. That's my opinion.
9. Puzzles were overdone. I understand that it's "the grandest game" so obvi there is going to be tons of puzzles and secrets but THERE WERE TOO MUCH.
10. I want Lyra to win and at the same time i want Rohan to win lmaoo😭😭.
11. Avery slayed that 2 minutes of "screentime" she had. Queen.
12. Savy and British had me cringing so bad i'm sorry😭😭
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I still can’t believe how unhinged the couch thing is.
In s5 we see that Taylor brings her couch into the loft even though Buck has one and they have a problem from the get go because both couches (aka their personalities, their lives, their wants) do not fit in at the same time. They are both too attached to their own individual lives and goals to actually share a life. There’s no space for both of them in that home.
Ok anyway moving on Taylor is gone and we have an empty space where she forced her couch into Buck’s space.
Anyway, my point is: 6x1 we have the whole couch conversation and it’s always been such an OBVIOUS metaphor for Buck and Eddie’s relationship that it drives me insane.
“You know, I think it’s weird that he’s struggling to pick a replacement when he has so many excellent options right under his nose.”
“Like you?”
“It’s like he’s choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer.”
In the same season where we now know that Eddie will be exploring his dating options and going out with other people?????? Are you kidding me???????????
Buck saying this while he cooks for Eddie and Chris???? While he offers food and comfort??? In a show that has consistently utilized cooking and feeding others as a clear metaphor for love and family?!?!
And they even hammer it in again!!!
“What are you offering?”
“Right now, Bobby’s famous lasagna.”
I need to talk about thisssss. Because not only have we been presented with the idea of food as love and nurturing but also cooking as personal growth, about learning to nurture yourself and others and getting out of the darkness. Think about Bobby after joining the 118. But also think about Maddie being impressed by Buck “growing up” represented by Buck having learned cooking skills from Bobby. Think about Eddie going to therapy and swapping recipes with Linda and learning to be better and look after himself after getting chewed off by his dad for burning breakfast for his mom and sisters.
What Buck is offering is his own growth as a person. Is saying “I’ve put myself back together”. It’s saying “I’ve been working on myself for five years to become a better man”. It’s saying “it’s taken me several tries but I’m finally getting there.”
And of course after all that it’s when we go fully into the couch metaphor. It’s hard to say much about this dialogue that hasn’t been said before, but mostly I want to highlight that, for Buck, this metaphor is tightly tied to romantic relationships. “My last two couches came with girlfriends” and “maybe I don’t want to pick the wrong couch again”. But it’s also the fact that Buck picks his chair to take the couch’s spot for now. That is Buck. Buck being single.
The whole metaphor could’ve simply been about Buck realizing he doesn’t need a relationship to define him and who he is and that he should choose his own path and create a space in his home for himself. But if that was the case he would’ve just bought a couch for himself. The single chair represents his single path at the moment. The couch will be a romantic metaphor.
All of this to say that it’s absolutely unhinged that this is the last shot of Eddie we see in 6a.
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And this comes after a) Buck called to give them the baby news, b) Eddie looked less than pleased at the reveal, c) Eddie hung up saying he was gonna try to get some sleep before taking Chris to school.
Except we see him drop the controller here. So he clearly kept playing. Even though he looked quite frustrated there. Fighting with himself. Anyway clearly something was bothering him.
What’s insane to me is that we cut immediately from this shot to Buck sleeping and the whole baby onesie shot. And I don’t think it could be any more obvious that we are meant to connect these two dots. Especially when we see them in the same montage as Henren and Maddnie sleeping together on their respective beds. And we know Buck’s whole donor thing was partly motivated by other things, like his need to be useful to others and save everyone, but also his eternal search for family and perhaps a call to fatherhood (even though he’s clearly not struggling with separating the idea as everyone expected).
Anyway, I do think having Eddie sleep on his couch rather than his bed was certainly A CHOICE. and it feels even more obvious when we know what happens in 6b.
I love that the Buckley’s brought up Buck’s lack of couch an episode before. HEY REMEMBER THIS? And it’s so much A Thing that we see that even Maddie gets it.
Which is so important considering the very. next. episode. we are going to get the most obvious callback to this metaphor in the shape of Buck finally finding rest and peace at Eddie’s couch?!?!?!
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And then they go as far as to have Buck point out “how did I pass out so fast?”
Like boyyyyyy you’re this 🤏🏽 close to figuring it out!!!!!!!
Anyway I cannot WAIT to see how they bring it up again and how Margaret’s couch finds its demise and especially knowing Buck’s very last scene of the season will touch back on the metaphor.
It will be so insane if they actually pull this off!!!!!!!
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Hello! I’m not Jewish and I just learned about Pikuach Nefesh. Being Jewish yourself, I’m guessing you have a lot of thoughts on this and how it relates to Bruce’s no-kill policy. I’d be really interested in hearing them if you want to make a post!
Hey friend!
I absolutely have thoughts, but I must begin with a disclaimer:
My perspective does not cover all Jews, nor is it the authority on what is or isn't Jewish. I grew up Reform/Reconstructionist, in an ethnically Ashkenazi Jewish family, and these are just my thoughts as a Batman blog.
Another important note: different types of Jews hold the halacha (rules/principles) of Judaism to be far more important in their lives. An Orthodox Jew will observe halacha much more strictly than a Reform Jew. Despite what some people will tell you, this doesn't make either of them better. Just different.
Whew, okay. Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business.
What is Pikuach Nefesh?
In very general terms, Pikuach Nefesh (hard ch sound in the back of your throat) allows Jews to override other religious "rules" or values in the pursuit of preserving or saving a life.
A good example of this is a an Orthodox Jewish person, who, following halacha, will not drive or operate items with electricity during the Sabbath (Shabbat). But what happens if someone has a heart attack and they need to call 911? Pikuach Nefesh would permit them to use electricity, despite it being Shabbat.
If a Jewish person who keeps total kosher is in a situation where they will starve if they do not eat non-kosher food, they are permitted to eat non-kosher food.
There are some notable exceptions to Pikuach Nefesh, which I suspect is what your question is getting at. The threat to an individual's life generally has to be known, urgent, and not abstract.
Murder is another large exception, with some conditions. Generally, the intentional act of killing another person, or injuring them to the point where they might die from their injuries, is not an act that can be permitted by the principle of Pikuach Nefesh.
The slim exceptions to this include highly specific cases of self defense of oneself or another against an aggressor. One may kill to preserve a life in very strict situations, but they cannot murder. There are even times where killing is obligated, such as war.
So how does this relate to Batman/Bruce's no-killing rule?
Okay. So. I've had a lot of discussions with folks about this, and the answer I've learned is: it doesn't. Not really.
Pikuach Nefesh refers to the principle that a Jewish person should preserve life over almost any other rule or halacha. It does, actually, permit Bruce to kill under very specific situations. It does actually forbid him from gravely injuring people and doing so in the name of fighting against abstract threats, which are both things he does in canon.
The last time I wrote about this, I was definitely off about the details of Pikuach Nefesh in regard to Batman. I was corrected and I stand by that correction. I didn't grow up in the Orthodox faith and I don't observe much of their halacha, which is where a lot of religious theory questions arise from. I'm not an expert, and my explanation is only as deep as my own experience.
I think a good way of looking at Pikuach Nefesh is not as a way to define what, if any, killing is acceptable, but rather, what are we obligated to do to save a life?
The more important Jewish principle shaping Batman's ideology (in my opinion)
"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."
This is much more of an important focal point for Bruce's Jewish-influenced ideology. The flipside of this quote, from the Talmud, is equally important: "Whoever kills one life, kills the world entire."
Bruce's no-killing rule is famously tied to his parents' deaths during his childhood. In a way, his entire world ended with their murder. He sees his mission to clean up Gotham as a way to prevent that loss from occurring for anyone else.
Saving one person, like he tells Barry in Justice League, is enough. That is a viciously Jewish thought. It is frequently quoted in reference to those who acted in support of Jews during the Holocaust, doing what little they could against a fountain of evil.
In that regard, yes -- Pikuach Nefesh tells us that preserving a life is the most important thing above all else. But Bruce's no-killing rule would swiftly be broken if he followed the principle of Pikuach Nefesh closely, in that he would a) likely have to kill someone in self-defense at some point in his duties and b) it would not allow him to injure or hurt people to the extent that he currently does in canon.
More importantly, Bruce's no-killing rule is a better reflection of the Talmudic quote that "he who saves/kills a life, has saved/killed a world entire."
It is not much of a stretch, in my opinion, to connect Bruce's trauma from losing his parents at young age to his outright refusal to kill later in life. The more interesting question, in my mind, is if the creation of this no-killing rule truly was shaped by Batman's Jewish creators and their view on life and death, especially post Holocaust.
Comics became more widely available during and after WWII and the Holocaust, during which time many -- many -- Jews entered the field as writers and artists. Their influences on the characters we see today are obvious, often intentionally Jewish, but just as often un-intentional.
Was Batman's no-killing rule a product of the post-WWII Jewish comic writers who shaped his character? Was it a coincidence that lined up well with the Talmud, but not necessarily all the conditions of Pikuach Nefesh?
How else does Batman represent, or not represent, the goal of Pikuach Nefesh (the necessity that a person act in the preservation of human life, above almost all else)?
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forget-me-maybe · 28 days
Interview with the writer
thank you for tagging me @savriea !!! <3
i'm not sure who's done this already but i'd love to hear from: @adoenamedjane @heartfluttered @toads-treasures @lizziemajestic @underthedark0 (if you want to, and if you've already done it please let me know i want to read your interviews!!)
When did you start writing?
i did write some really cringy short stories when i was around 9-12 but then i just stopped. i had a bit of creative death connected to puberty and, well, being depressed for like 10 years. i started writing again in january this year. so i'm just a baby.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
i slurp psychological horror up like soup but could not write it.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
no, and i've never thought about it either.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
it's AWFUL. i moved to a new flat this spring and i still haven't got a table. i just sit in my sofa with my laptop and it's killing my back. my writing is definitely suffering from it.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
daydreaming. a lot of what i write is just scenarios i make up in my head and then i plot around them. i also love me some slice of life so i can find inspiration in the most mundane things, doing my make up and thinking "what if........ OH".
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
when i started writing i hated torturing the characters, i've come to realise that's because happiness is a sort of new concept to me and i wanted the sad boi hours to be over forever. i still want my little guys to be happy but i'm not above putting them through the trauma tumbler before that happens these days.
What is your reason for writing?
sav put it so well: To [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] that wonderful pixel man. (but in my case, also the awful pixel men)
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
i love all comments. when people do the take lines from the chapter and comment on them one by one thingy i get on my knees for them. i had some say they enjoy my writing style which had me sobbing on the floor (because i honestly hadn't thought about having one before that). BUT i'm so weak for the chaotic comments, the screaming ones, the ones written in the heat of the moment.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
anything other than "oh no not them again" is fine by me.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
i LOVE writing dialogue so i'm gonna say that. the banter and bickering. lovely, lovely stuff.
How do you feel about your own writing?
before posting: this is kinda good wow forget you really did this.
after posting: i need to be shot.
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thewolvesof1998 · 9 months
✨ 2023 writing round-up ✨
Edit: must have accidentally copied someone else’s intro without realising 😂
I’ve posted 57,184 words to ao3 this year (I also started in June) I have almost the same number of words in my wips 😭 This year has been crazy and this fandom has provided me so much joy, not just writing but getting to know all my wonderful mutuals <3 The 911 brainrot is strong and I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings!
I posted the more words to Ao3 this year than I have in any other previous year, which is wild since I only really started writing again in June. It's wild the choke hold that Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley have on me. Here's my writing round-up for 2023 :)
I posted my first fic on June 20 and in nine days I had posted 6 fics 😂
I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown 
Teen | 826w
Rage, like a broken window to an oxygen-deprived room that’s already in flames, explodes within him and almost takes him out. He resists the urge to slam the phone’s receiver into the wall until it's just fragments of plastic that dig into the palm of his hand, drawing blood. He breathes through his nose and then out of his mouth and repeats that until he gets himself under control. or Eddie's in Jail and he almost calls Buck.
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes
Mature | 1.6k
Blue eyes meet his, washed out in the morning light, he's like the watercolour paintings they had seen in the museum with Chris last week, soft and fuzzy around the edges, with just a hint of bright colours. Blue like the sky, splashes of pink at his eyebrow and lips. Those lips, that still looked bruised from last night. Or The morning after Buck and Eddie finally get together.
asking all these questions, just to be polite, while dying inside
Teen | 1.2K
But Eddie looks good, like really good, like how is anyone allowed to look that good in jeans and a green henley? His hair is all fluffy which means he hasn't put any product in it, he wonders if it still smells like the green apple conditioner that Eddie and Chris liked to use. There's a new wrinkle at the corners of his eyes like he's been smiling a lot these last few years and it shouldn't hurt this much to know that Eddie's been happy without him but it does. or Buck dreams of what it would be like to lose Eddie as a friend and run into him five years down the line and having to ask all of these stupid questions just to be polite while dying inside.
Tapping Morse Code into your heart 
Explicit | 2.8k
Buck can’t keep still. It was a known fact that some part of Buck’s body will be in constant motion, and when it wasn’t? You should be concerned. A bouncing knee, an elastic band wound around his fingers, head bopping, fingers tapping Morse code he had learned on a whim after Eddie told him that he knew it. So Buck can’t stay still even if his life depended on it. Or in this case an orgasm. And Eddie-well Eddie is annoyed. or Buck and Eddie use Morse Code to communicate when words can't be said.
I want you to be selfish with me 
Mature | 4.6k
When Eddie gets the call is 12.24 am. He’s lying awake in bed, trying to avoid spiralling but failing when his phone lights up, vibrating and blaring out the stupid song Buck had changed his ringtone to. “So you know it's me calling.” Eddie didn’t say that he always knew it was Buck calling even without the ringtone. Buck’s the only one that calls him this late at night, it's also the only time Buck calls since he prefers to text during the normal hours of the day. Eddie sighs, dragging a hand over his face, looks like trying and failing to fall asleep is going to have to wait. His other hand reaches for his phone, answering. “Buck,” He says, he can hear a lot of background noise, voices and music, so it’s not an ‘I woke up from a nightmare and I needed to make sure you're still alive’ call. “Eddie,” Buck slurs, drunk, “Eds, Eds, did I wake you?” or Buck called Eddie while drunk and Eddie ends up using some of his military training to save him.
You bring me comfort
Teen | 4.1k
Frank asks him “When was the last time you were hugged?” He’d hugged Chris that morning. “No, I mean the last time you were held” He didn’t really understand the difference, he regularly hugs Christopher, Tia Pepa, Abuela, and even a few quick hugs with Buck which never seem like enough. “Not you holding someone else, comforting someone else, just purely someone holding you because you need it” Eddie thinks back to the hospital, thinks back to seeing Shannon’s body on the gurney, the way Bobby’s arms had gone around him and held him up. “When Shannon died, Bobby, my Captain, he-he hugged me” It had been so long ago, years and before that? He couldn’t remember. Frank doesn’t exactly give him homework called “get hugged” but he suggests that Eddie should ask for want he wants next time he needs comfort instead of putting on the sweater. or Eddie is touched starved and just needs a hug instead, instead he has his sweater.
I Can See You 
Teen | 3.1k
Eddie gets out of his truck and watches as Buck sings along to whatever song is playing in his car. It’s captivating but Eddie thinks many things about Buck are. He’s unashamed as he belts, singing into his phone like it’s a microphone. Buck looks up and makes eye contact with Eddie, who can feel his lips stretched in a smile. Buck smiles back, continuing his impromptu show, now singing to Eddie even though he can’t hear it from across the parking lot. Eddie watches for a minute or so before walking over to Buck’s jeep, drawn to him like he has his own gravitational pull, stronger than the earth's as if Buck is the only reason Eddie hasn’t gone floating off into space yet. As he gets closer he can hear the muffled music, he can see the blue of Buck’s eyes as they gleam from joy. Eddie can barely make out the words: I see you, I see you, baby, Oh, baby OR Buck’s a Swiftie and he makes Eddie listen to Speak Now (TV) and accidentally confesses his love because of the song I Can See You
Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em 
Explicit | 17k | 2/3
“What can I get you?” The bartender asks as Eddie slides up to the bar. “Whiskey, neat, thanks” “Make that two” A voice says from beside him, Eddie turns and takes in a black leather protection vest that’s undone over a bright blue button-down shirt. He drags his eyes up, over pale skin, an adam apple and stubble to blue eyes a shade or two lighter than his shirt. His white cowboy hat is back on, it makes the pink mark on his eyebrow stand out. There's a small smirk on his lips that Eddie does not linger on. “Evan Buckley,” He says, holding out his hand. Eddie clears his throat, “Eddie Diaz” He says shaking the offered hand, noticing the callous and firm grip before pulling back. OR What if Eddie had never left El Paso? What if Buck became a bull rider after being a ranch hand? After Eddie gets back from Afghanistan and Shannon divorces him some of his high school buddies decided to drag him to the rodeo to cheer him up. I don’t think they had in mind Eddie getting blown by a rodeo star behind the stable but it sure did improve his mood. Now Eddie can’t get Buck out of his mind and he might just become a rodeo regular.
Under the Guise of Violence
Explicit | 3k
Buck was kneeling. Not in the way Eddie had too frequently fantasised about, though from the lascivious smile on his face, maybe in a way Buck had fantasised about. There’s a cut above his right eyebrow, it’s a reflection of his pink birthmark, his nose is broken and blood-half dried-is trailing down to those plump pink lips. Eddie has to force himself to drag his eyes away. His hand tightens on the pummel of his sword, careful of its sharp edge that rests against the fragile skin of Buck’s neck. He doesn’t know how they got here. OR Eddie can't touch Buck unless it's to hurt him, after a sparring match Buck confronts him and it leads them back to Eddie's bedroom.
August, September and October I didn't post any fic- I was moving country and could not finish a fic to save my life 😂
nicknames, supernova similes and the family we make 
Teen | 800w
“Bobby, I’d like you to meet, Robin Buckley-Diaz,” Buck looks at the small bundle in his arms, bright blues staring right back up at him, “This is your Grandpops.” Bobby clears his throat, “Grandpops?” Buck looks up at the man who’s been more of a dad to him than his own blood, who had been by his bedside at every hospital visit and helped him grow up into the man he is today, “If that’s okay with you?” OR Bobby and Athena meet Buck and Eddie's new baby girl.
let me cradle your body (be a safe place to rest)
General | 1.9k
“Seat theif,” Buck pouts, “Where am I supposed to sit?” He asks and look, if he purposely makes his eyes all big and puts a little whine in his voice in a deadly combination that usually has Eddie folding to his whims that it’s between him and the universe okay? “Here,” Eddie says, patting his thigh and it shortcircuits Buck’s brain for longer than it probably should’ve. Eddie doesn’t actually mean that, he’s just messing with Buck right? Because as much as they’ve been accused of practically sitting on each other, they’ve never actually sat in each other’s laps. Buck opens and closes his mouth a few times before deciding that if Eddie is pulling his chain then he’s going to regret it and if it’s being earnest then it probably is comfier than the floor and better than being squeezed into a too-tight spot. “Okay,” Buck says, Eddie offers him a smile and his hand, as if daring him to do it. Buck takes the offered hand and Eddie pulls Buck onto his lap. OR What starts out as a normal 118 gathering ends with Buck sitting on Eddie's lap.
even when the heat breaks I’m still yours
Explicit | 6.1k
Eddie has many regrets in his life, lying on the floor of the cabin in the middle of a heat wave with his six foot two best friend pressing into his side while they were both trying to stay cool under the pitiful breeze of the ancient ceiling fan had the possibility to be high on that list. He turns his head to be confronted with a tattooed and freckle-covered shoulder, he can’t remember when they decided to strip down to their boxers -he might have suggested it after Buck’s third shirt had been soaked with sweat and had been clinging to his muscles in a dangerously distracting way- but at the time it had seemed like a good idea, he wasn’t sure about that now considering this was the third time in the last hour that he’s found himself turning to stare at the miles of bare skin. OR Buck and Eddie get stuck in a cabin during a heatwave, they finally take the next step and fuck nasty on the floor.
We might end up real close
Explicit | 2.2k
“Said you wanted us to bond. We might end up real close.” When Buck said those words to Bobby just merely few hours ago, it had been a joke about how if the bomb went off they would be reduced to blood, shards of bone and flesh, mixed so together that you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart without DNA testing. He hadn’t meant it in the way that it was now true with Eddie balls deep in him as he fucks Buck against the tile wall of the firehouse showers, both of them still fully dressed, uniform pants undone and pulled only down to mid-thigh in their haste. Though he thinks maybe Bobby wouldn’t be too surprised by this development given Buck’s recent past. OR the 2x01 Rewrite where Buck and Eddie fuck after removing the bomb.
They don’t know (your name is already mine) 
General | 7.6k | 3/4
“Sir, can you tell me your name?” Buck opens his mouth, his tongue feels like lead, “E-ed-” “Ed? Is your name Ed?” Buck shakes his head and winces when he sends a spike of pain through his head. Hands pull at his shirt and he feels the cold metal of scissors as they cut his brand new shirt. He’s supposed to be wearing that to tomorrow's Christmas Eve dinner. Eddie had said the colour makes his eyes pop. “He’s wearing dog tags…Eddie Diaz,” Buck moans, blackness at the edges of his vision seeps in, he tries to blink it away, no, they need to call Eddie, “It’s okay Eddie, we’ve got you,” is the last thing he hears before the darkness takes over. OR Buck gets in a car accident on Christmas Eve Eve and the only ID he has on him is Eddie's dog tags. A case of mistaken Identity, a trip to the hospital and a Christmas Surprise.
tagged by: @exhuastedpigeon @smilingbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @buddierights @callmenewbie @try-set-me-on-fire @hoodie-buck @carrierofthepaperclips
tagging (no pressure): @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @malewifediaz @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @mangacat201 @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @jeeyuns @thosetwofirefighters @monsterrae1 @princehattric @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @singlethread @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @blurredbuddie @aquamarineglitter @devirnis
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