#????? you are all INSANE this is breaking my heart in new incurable ways
babevevo · 7 months
back on tumblr bc im READING CHOICES BY MESSERMOON and i cannot believe people have read this entire thing and are still alive to tell the story
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
learning curve
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Yes hello we’re back with another installment of dragon dick kiri lmao sorry if ur getting bored of this but i’m obsessed
word count: 5k
warnings: smut, dragon dick kiri, uhhhh lots of cum?
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this takes place in between part one and part two!
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Intimacy with Kirishima comes with somewhat of an adjustment period. It shouldn’t be surprising, considering his inexperience with sex in general and your inexperience with sex involving cocks that look as though they’ve been pulled from the pages of an overzealous erotic fantasy novel, but your first time together had gone so well and had been so effortlessly sexy that you had come to the conclusion that every time would be like that.
You were, tragically, wrong.
The second time you two try to have sex (four days after the first time, because you had been walking funny for days afterwards) had been cut short because Kirishima had gotten it into his head that he came too quickly the first time, and he was determined to hold out for as long as possible the second time so he could make you feel good. It was incredibly sweet, in theory, but in practice it resulted in him straining so hard to avoid his oncoming orgasm that he accidentally bit through his lip. The sight of blood had set you panicking, and any sexual action was quickly cut short in favour of scrambling for tissues.
The third time, you had thought that it would be a cute idea to join Kirishima in the shower when he had returned from a long day of work. It had started out innocent enough, but then the inevitable hand-wandering had started and before you knew it Kirishima had hauled you up against the shower wall. What you had expected to be an effortlessly steamy experience turned into the two of you snorting with laughter as you realised that every time you rubbed against each other resulted in the most unsexy squelching noises thanks to your wet skin and the spray of the water. Determined to compromise, you slid to your knees and grinned up at him from your position between his legs. You were probably squinting pretty unattractively so you could see through the shower spray, but Kirishima was so excited that he didn’t seem to notice. 
He was, in fact, too excited -- within moments of you wrapping your lips around the head of his dick he shivered hard and swayed a little on his feet, only to slip on the slick wet ceramic tiles in the shower. Having the entirety of your boyfriends vast, heavily muscled body weight come crashing down on you while you were in such a vulnerable position was terrifying, made even worse by the fact that his enormous dick damn near pistol whipped you across the face. You’re not sure who was shrieking the loudest as you both writhed in the perilously enclosed space of the shower, limbs tangled together and blinded by water, but either way the crash from the fall and subsequent screeching was enough to summon Bakugou, who showed his concern by hammering on the bathroom door and roaring at you to shut the hell up.
In the days following that particular incident, a tender bruise blooms across your cheekbone from where Kirishima’s dick had slapped you. It’s pretty sore to touch, but it’s not the biggest deal ever and honestly you find it kind of funny -- plus, it’s not like it’s Kirishima’s fault that he’s got a cock like a lead pipe.
Kirishima, on the other hand, does not find it funny. Every time he catches sight of the bruise on your face his expression twists up into a guilty little grimace and he can’t quite meet your eyes. It doesn’t help that people keep asking about it, and even though you’re able to wave off any questions that come your way with a grin, you notice Kirishima shrinking a little every time. You try to convince him that it’s no big deal and it didn’t even hurt that much (which was a lie, because at the time you seriously thought that it was gonna take an eye out), but he still frets constantly and his new reluctance to touch you is obvious. You can’t lie, it’s disappointing. But as disheartening as your apparent inability to fuck your boyfriend without incurring bodily harm is, you can only imagine that it’s so much worse for Kirishima considering that the amount of times he’s gone all the way with anyone can be counted on one hand, and the amount of times he’s been successful in that can be counted on one finger.
“It’s seriously no big deal, Eiji,” you insist, trying to sound encouraging and positive but instead just sounding wheedling. You can’t be blamed, really, when you’re lying on your boyfriend’s bed in your underwear and desperately hoping he’ll be willing to try again. “Everyone has sex mishaps!”
“I could have knocked you out!” Kirishima shoots back from where he’s standing in front of his closet with his head stuck in a mountain of clothes as he tries to pretend to be busy sorting laundry. You’re not a total idiot though, you can see the little peeks he keeps throwing you over his shoulders.
“Oh please, you could not have knocked me out with a little slap from your dick.” you scoff. You wonder internally if he could, in fact, have knocked you out, and you reluctantly come to the conclusion that he probably could if he hit you in the temples or something. Then again, his dick was insanely sensitive, and you’re pretty sure that the impact of it slapping your face hurt him just as much as it hurt you.
“I gave you a black eye!”
“It was a bruised cheekbone, stop being dramatic!” You sit up so you can look at him properly, but his back is still stubbornly turned towards you. “Hey. Eijirou, come on. Look at me.”
“I just don’t want to hurt you.” His voice is so quiet that you almost miss it, but he finally puts down the socks he was pretending to be preoccupied with and turns to face you. “The first time- it was so, so good, and I don’t want to disappoint you with how… bad I am at all this-”
“Hey, stop.” you slip off the bed, kneeling down beside him in the mound of laundry. “You’re not bad at sex. I mean,” you amend thoughtfully, “You don’t have much experience. No one expects you to be a sex god right off the bat! You’re being too hard on yourself. Plus, I guess with what you’re packing there’s bound to be a learning curve, right?”
Kirishima snorts, and finally turns to look at you. “A learning curve.” He repeats, a grin beginning to play at the corners of his mouth.
“Yeah.” you say stubbornly, “We’ve learned lots already. I can’t have your dick in my mouth too long or I’ll dislocate my jaw. You really like it when I suck on the swollen part at the bottom of your dick. Your teeth are really sharp and you should avoid biting at all costs. And shower sex is a no go. Oh, and I should avoid getting clocked in the face by your cock, because that shit hurts.”
That pulls a short little laugh out of him, which is exactly what you had been hoping for. You grin, energised by that particular success, and when he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek you happily wind your hands into his hair. “Thanks for being patient with me.” he murmurs, a little bashful and so, so sweet.
You kiss the tip of his nose in return and wonder if your heart will ever get used to seeing him like this, all soft and smiley and blushy. You hope not; you hope you get to keep these fluttery feelings forever. “Of course,” you say quietly, afraid to break the moment, “We’ve had a few little accidents, but even if I could go back and redo them I wouldn’t. Not every time is gonna be perfect, but who cares? I like you, and I enjoy my time with you. That’s all that matters.”
Kirishima’s eyes blow wide and he clutches at his chest dramatically, lower lip trembling. “Baby… that was so romantic.”
“Oh, shut up.” you pull away, rolling your eyes defensively. Being all earnest and emotionally vulnerable is embarrassing; you have no idea how Kirishima can pull it off like it’s nothing.
“I mean it,” Kirishima insists, following after you, “That was really romantic. And I needed to hear it.”
You smile, pleased. “Good. Now stop being so hard on yourself. We’re in this together, and we will figure out how to master sex with your dick.”
He huffs a laugh even as he scratches at the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Need to get on top of that learning curve, huh?”
“The only way to learn is by doing.” you coo at him and then playfully wiggle your hips. You probably look more ridiculous than seductive, but your primary aim is to get Kirishima feeling comfortable.
It works, and a bright smile begins to work its way over Kirishima’s face. When he reaches for you, you press into his touch eagerly. “Wow, you’re really that eager for another sex disaster with my weird dick?”
“Don’t jinx it,” you insist, snaking your hand down the front of his sweatpants until you reach his dick. He’s gone without his usual jockstrap today since it was just the two of you in his room, so you can feel every ridge and bump through the soft jersey fabric. “Besides, I love your weird dick.”
He laughs at that, but presses his crotch into your hand nonetheless. As usual, his dick is filling out pretty rapidly, and there’s a growing wet patch where the head of his cock is beginning to leak precum. “Bed.” he suggests quietly, helping you to your feet and tugging you over to lie down on the sheets with him. When you’re settled comfortably on the bed he pauses, hovering over you and just smiling. 
This is always one of the best parts; the transition from chaste little kisses to heated touches, and the moments in between where Kirishima will look at you with the softest expression of pure reverence. When you reach up and touch his cheek he turns his face into your touch and nuzzles three quick kisses onto your fingers, smiling all the while. You grin back at him, delighted by the relaxed set of his shoulders; you have a good feeling about this. Surely this time will be successful and break the string of bad luck you’ve been having.
Apparently encouraged by your excited smile, Kirishima drops down to give you an open-mouthed kiss. You lean into it, looping your arms around his neck and hiking one of your thighs up over his hip to try and encourage him closer. The soft intimacy of the moment makes your breath catch in your throat just a little; it feels like every square inch of your skin is tingling from the anticipation of waiting for his touch, straining towards him as his fingers skim along your bare thigh so gently that the touch sends goosebumps rippling along your arms. The hand on your thigh adjusts, gripping firmly and pulling your leg further up on his hip so that both of your crotches are pressed together.
The outline of his cock through his sweatpants is hot and heavy, and when he starts up little rocking motions of his hips the hard length of it rubs up against your clit. Even through the fabric of his joggers and your panties the stimulation sends frissons of heat arcing up your spine and leaves you wound up and impatient for more. Luckily, you know you won’t have to wait long -- Kirishima loves winding you up, but his dick is so sensitive that once he gets started he finds it difficult to hold back.
With his free hand, Kirishima reaches up to play with your tits. Rather than waste time trying to unclasp your bra, he just pushes it up so that the bra cups no longer hinder his access to your chest. You try not to laugh as his fingers press into your breasts, because you know that he just likes the feeling of the squish when he squeezes them. He ducks his head and kisses each one, then licks a stripe over your nipple and sucks at it. You’re starting to feel tingly and very sensitive when he pulls back, your tit dropping from his mouth. The air against your wet skin feels too cold in the absence of his mouth, and your nipple is hard and sensitive to the point where it almost feels raw. “Hey,” he says, pulling your attention to his face. His eyes are fever bright, his face practically glowing with anticipation. “I want to eat you out.”
“Yes please.” you say rather stupidly. In all honesty, Kirishima could have asked to do anything at all to you in that moment and you would have been hard-pressed to say no. He looks so cute like this, his expression so open and soft and excited, any lingering unease or nerves being replaced by his desire to please and be pleased. He grins at you as he slides down your body, pressing a kiss to your belly button as he goes. Your panties are removed with one swift tug, but then he pauses just to look at you. “Quit staring!” you complain, clamping your thighs around his head to try and distract him.
“Ow! Hey, I’m just admiring the view!” He laughs, shaking his head free from your legs. “I’m not allowed to admire my beautiful girlfriend?”
“Gawking is not the same as admiring!”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“I’m gonna be inside you in a few minutes, but you’re embarrassed by me looking at you?” Kirishima sounds genuinely confused, but shakes it off with a laugh. “Okay, okay, fine. Want me to close my eyes?”
“No,” you laugh, still grinning down at him as he kisses the crease in your thighs, “Of course not. It’s just embarrassing to be stared at.”
“I like looking at your pussy,” he says with a shrug. His tone is conversational, as if he’s chatting over a cup of coffee rather than gazing up at you with his head between your legs, “It’s nice.”
You fold your arms over your face, fighting hard against the wave of self-consciousness that threatens to overtake you. “Right.” you manage to say, “Well. Okay then.” You hear him chuckle, but you stubbornly keep your eyes covered. Even without seeing, you know he’s taking you all in. Your body grows hot with embarrassment as you fight the urge to close your legs; seriously, you can’t figure out why he’s enjoying the view so much. You know there are better pussies out there. 
When his fingers trace over your outer lips you jerk, the touch catching you by surprise. The sudden movement causes him to make a rumbling sound in his chest, almost like a warning, and you still. You can feel his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, and you shiver just a little when he kisses along your outer lips. It's the anticipation that’s getting to you more than anything, every nerve firing as you wait for his next touch. 
You sigh happily when he starts getting into eating you out for real, your hips twitching into his mouth. He’s just so good with his tongue, it makes your breath stutter and rattle in your chest. When he sucks at your clit, you sit up on your elbows so that you can watch him. He meets your gaze and throws you a cheeky wink as he laps at you, and you just know that he felt you physically react to it by the way he laughs a little into your cunt. “Shut up.” you grumble without any heat, grinning helplessly at him.
The smile he shoots back at you is extra shiny thanks to the fact that the lower half of his face is covered in his spit and your own slick, but he looks so dopey and happy that you feel your heart and your pussy clench at the same time. It’s a particularly disquieting sensation, but even through it you recognise the heat of an oncoming orgasm building in your lower belly. When he dives back in face first, he laps and sucks at you so eagerly that you fist your hand in his hair reflexively as you twitch against him. All you can do is hang on for dear life as he devotes everything he has to eating you out. 
Some part of you distantly wonders how his tongue hasn’t cramped up yet, but that thought vanishes when you catch sight of the way his hips are moving as he humps the mattress. He’s gone down on you like this countless times long before you found out exactly what he was packing, but this is the first time you’ve ever seen him actually actively engage in seeking his own pleasure while doing so. It’s hotter than you could have expected, and when he grinds down hard and whimpers into you, you very nearly lose it.
“Eijirou,” you gasp, tugging at his hair. You’re trying to pull him off you before you come, but apparently he really likes having his hair pulled because he moans delightedly against you, “Eijirou! Wait, stop, I’m gonna cum-!”
“Stop?” He parrots, pulling back to stare wide-eyed at you. “You don’t want to cum?”
“I do,” you hurry to assure him, struggling to catch your breath. “But I want you to fuck me first.”
Kirishima’s face goes on a journey of expressions before settling on one that’s distinctly delighted. “Yeah. Yes.” he says, “We can do that.”
You settle back against his pillows eagerly as he reaches over to his bedside table for the lube. You’ve been stretching yourself pretty much every day in the hopes that this exact situation would happen, so when Kirishima brings two fingers to your entrance they slip in with ease. He breathes out sharply and adds a third, using his thumb to rub at your clit as he presses his fingers all the way inside you. You take the opportunity to quickly take your bra off and throw it to the side, and then lie back as Kirishima finger fucks you. He hones in on the spongey area at the front of your inner walls like there’s a homing signal there, and your toes curl as he massages at it and your clit at the same time.
“Eijirou-!” you gasp, growing impatient. His fingers feel so good, but they’re not enough.
“Yeah, I got you, baby.” Kirishima murmurs, then sits back on his ankles. For the first time since he started eating you out you manage to actually get a look at him, and the sight has your thighs clenching together as you swear you nearly cream yourself on the spot. The front of his sweatpants are ruined -- he must have been dribbling copious amounts of precum the whole time he was going down on you and humping the bed, and without his usual cup he’s soaked through the grey cotton.
When he notices you looking he flushes, obviously embarrassed, and opens his mouth, but you speak quickly before he gets the chance to apologise or try to put himself down. “That’s so hot. Shit, you’re so hot. Fuck.”
Your words are simple, but it’s impossible not to notice the subtle straightening of his shoulders as he shucks his pants and shuffles over closer to you. “I, um. I really like eating you out.”
“Yeah.” you breathe with a grin, reaching out to stroke his dick. It’s sticky and messy with his own precum, lying impossibly hot and heavy in your hand. The base of it is already flushed and swollen with cum, and the entire length of it strains up towards his belly in a truly awesome display of gravity-defying physics. “I can see that.”
He shudders and presses into your touch as you rub over the raised bumps and the bulbous head. You kiss his shoulder, sweet and fast, then spread your legs to give him some room as he settles in between them. The tip of his cock skims along your pussy lips and prods at your entrance, but doesn’t go any further despite your squirming. “Ready?” Kirishima asks, as though you’re not writhing against the tip of his dick like a cat in heat.
The chuckle Kirishima gives at that is breathless and excited, and it cuts off as soon as he starts to press into you in favour of a drawn out groan. The stretch and the sheer size of him isn’t as much of a shock as the first time, but you still lose your breath as he pushes inside in increments. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to the overwhelming stretch, the subtle curve, the ribbed bumps and swirls rubbing against every part of you. Even when you feel impossibly full he keeps going, and soon he’s over you and around you and inside you and it seems like your whole world has narrowed down to the points of contact where you’re touching.
His fists clench in the bedsheets by your head and his shoulders hunch over you as he visibly fights the urge to just rock into you all at once. “Fuck.” he grunts, biting his lip as he tries to hold back. Hit with immediate flashbacks from the second time you two had tried to have sex and he had bitten through his lip, you quickly reach up and kiss him in a desperate attempt to avert another disaster. When you pull back, he seems to have collected himself somewhat, despite the slightly glassy look in his eye. “You okay?” he asks, the muscles of his abdomen clenched tight as he holds himself back.
Honestly, with his cock splitting you open like this you feel as though you’re about to crack in half. Every couple of moments his cock twitches and flexes inside of you as it dribbles more precum, and you can feel it inside of you. It’s all just on the border of too much, and you’re desperate for so much more. “Yes,” you say at last, throwing your head back and trying to push further down onto his dick, “But baby, please move.”
Kirishima must have been waiting for that, because as soon as you ask it of him he begins rutting into you with a rough pant of “Oh, yeah.”
Every time his hips drive home the tip of his cock presses into your cervix and the subsequent achey jolt that shoots through you borders on pleasure and pain. It feels good, but you just need to- you need-
You shift under him and tilt your hips up, and the next time he ruts into you has you nearly yelping like a kicked dog. The swollen head of his cock hits against the spongey part inside of you, and the ridges rub deliciously along it every time he pulls out. You think your eyes might actually cross from how good it feels.
Kirishima doesn’t even seem to notice, nearly mindless with need. If you’re being honest with yourself, this is your favourite part; feeling him completely lose his mind just from being buried inside of you, watching his eyes lose focus at the heat and tightness of your pussy as he whines and moans even as he rails you into whatever surface you’re lying on. Kirishima whimpers as his cock jack-hammers inside of you, the soft little sound completely at odds with the strength of his thrusts and the way he’s holding your hips in place with his hands as he fucks into you. His movements are frantic, but he still manages to hold his strength in place, never moving hard enough to hurt. “Oh, oh, I love being inside you so much, baby, oh god, you make me feel so good-”
One of his hands comes to rest on your lower belly, and when he presses down you feel like you’re about to break apart. The subtle pressure of his hand makes every thrust so much more intense, as though you can feel him grinding in your belly. Every time he ruts into you it forces the air from your lungs, but you try to reply anyway, pushing the words out even as they almost catch in your throat, “Feels- feels good-!”
“Yeah?” he pants, kissing eagerly at your neck. His hand wanders down from your belly to your clit, and starts rubbing quick circles into your clit. His coordination is totally off but if anything that makes it so much hotter. You can feel how desperate he is with every clumsy jerk of his hand and every frantic snap of his hips.
The combination of his cock rubbing and grinding against the soft spongey part inside of you and the messy stimulation of your clit has your legs trembling and heat growing rapidly in your belly. It feels like you’re being strung tighter and tighter as your orgasm draws closer, and your breath begins coming in rapid pants. The pressure in your abdomen feels a little different than usual, and you take it as a sign that you’re about to come really hard.
You just manage to get out the words “Oh, yes-!” before the pleasure growing in your belly crests and your back bows as you start to cum. It feels like the most cathartic orgasm ever, like all of the pressure that’s been building up in your body is set free with the sweetest release, made all the sweeter by the fact that Kirishima keeps rocking into you the whole way through, the heavy head of his cock grinding hard against your G-spot the whole time. 
It feels like an oddly wet orgasm though, and you just have time to wonder disappointedly if you had missed Kirishima cum when he looks up at you, bewildered, and yelps “Are you peeing on me?”
“What?” you sit up so fast that you nearly headbutt him, and moving your body so quickly comes with the unintended side-effect of contracting the muscles inside of you. The abrupt squeeze of your internal muscles proves too much for Kirishima, and he starts to cum even as he pulls out of you, his hips humping furiously into the air as thick ropes of cum begin to splatter your skin. 
You’re busy trying to wrap your head around the fact that you apparently just squirted -- it had never happened to you before, and though the surprise of Kirishima’s question had lessened some of the intensity, the aftershocks of the orgasm are still shaking their way through your body -- so it takes a solid moment for your brain to get back with the program. It takes yet another moment to realise that Kirishima is cumming a lot. Like, more than usual, which is saying something.
His face has gone slack and his eyes are unfocused as his cock practically streams cum in jets, the swollen base pulsing as his whole cock twitches. You can’t deny that it’s unbelievably hot seeing him lose himself like this, sweaty and wanton and twitching, but he’s also getting cum everywhere - it spills all over you, all over him, all over the bed.
“Oh, shit” is all you can think to say, trying to catch his cum with your hand in a failed attempt to minimise the mess. It strings stickily down your arms, viscous and thick, and you’re pretty sure that if you hadn’t just had one of the best orgasms ever this would have you creaming yourself. “Holy fuck, babe, stop-!”
Kirishima doesn’t stop. His hips keep jabbing into thin air as his cock flexes with every dribble of cum. You reach out and grab his cock without any real thought, but your touch only seems to drive him wilder because he moans wildly and tries to fuck into your hand. It must be because he had been grinding himself into the bed while he ate you out; you don’t think he’s ever actually worked himself up before, considering how desperate and mindless he gets when he’s about to cum. At a loss for anything else to do, you just try to stroke him through it. Every pull on his cock results in more cum stringing over your wrist, the glide of your hand against the thick length of him wet and slick.
It seems like he cums forever, but at last it tapers off until his cock is twitching fruitlessly and his whole body sags as though he’s gone suddenly boneless. The two of you sit and stare at each other, shell-shocked, covered in various bodily fluids. Even the silence sounds confused.
At last, you blurt the only thing you can think of to say. “I did not pee on you.”
Kirishima’s laugh sounds like it comes from deep within his chest, and then suddenly he’s best over and laughing so hard he goes wheezy. “What-” he gasps in between exhausted and breathless giggles, “the fuck just happened?”
You join in on his laughter, unable to help yourself. The two of you are sticky and damp and sitting in a veritable puddle of cum, but you crawl over the mess and climb into his lap, sighing happily as his arms come to wrap around you. “I’ve never seen so much cum in my life.” you point out stupidly, “You’re gonna have to get new sheets.”
He grins as he flops back limply on the bed, taking you with him. “So, so worth it.” he sighs, raising your knuckles to his face so he can kiss them. His face twists up when he realises that your hand is still covered in cum and that it’s now on his mouth, which makes you erupt into cackles again.
“No injuries, so I’d say that’s a win.” You kiss his chest and stretch out on top of him. You’ll have to move soon, because the cum is starting to dry flakily and feels kind of gross on your skin, but for now you’re happy to ignore it in favour of being close to him.
“Hell yeah,” Kirishima playfully punches the air with one hand as the other strokes your back. “We totally crushed that learning curve, right?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, “Crushed it.”
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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hale-13 · 3 years
Slipping Through the Cracks
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 5 - Broken
Just when his life was finally leveling out Parker luck struck again. Peter has had four opportunities with parents and has lost all of them. The way he sees it, this is the least of what he deserves.
Post-Homecoming - Tony didn’t meet with Peter immediately to offer him a place on the Avengers.
Words: 3856, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen-Teen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, Ned Leeds
TW: Depression, Dissociation, a single line of Suicidal Ideation, Referenced Child Abuse
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
Peter was silent as he exited Midtown with Ned keeping a quiet pace with him. Seven months ago they would be just as excited as their classmates for the weekend, for the plans that they surely would have made to build Legos or marathon movies or even to just study together. Ned would have been ecstatic to set up in Peter’s bedroom as his ‘guy in the chair’ while Peter did a quick patrol or two. If they were at Peter’s instead of Ned’s, May would attempt some new dish that would, inevitably, be awful and they would order pizza from their favorite place for dinner.
Now Peter never saw any of his limited friend group outside of school. He didn’t build Legos or watch movies or eat take-out pizza and he certainly wasn’t Spider-Man anymore – he had given that up after the Homecoming disaster when he had destroyed Mr. Stark’s plane.
It had been just over six months since he had found May dead in their kitchen and Peter didn’t really do anything at all anymore.
The ER doctors told Peter that she had an undiagnosed aneurysm that had finally burst – there was no way for anyone to know. She went quickly. She felt no pain. There was nothing that Peter could have done even if he was there when it happened.
The reassurances meant nothing really – Peter was numb. May was his last living family member, he had no one else and nowhere to turn. He can vaguely remember telling the social worker that was with him when they told him the news about May that he was alone now. He can remember being taken forcibly from the hospital before he was ready to go, wanting to kick and scream and drag his heels but too shocked to do so. And then everything was a blur.
Somewhere in his mind he knew that he had been allowed to pack up everything important from their apartment to go into storage until he was eighteen besides the bag of essentials he had for himself. He knew that everything else was donated or sold to pay off their remaining debt and the medical bills he had incurred by calling for help when he found May on the kitchen floor. He knew that the social worker told him that, even after selling everything, they couldn’t afford a funeral. He has a business card in his wallet with the number of the crematorium that was holding May’s ashes until he was old enough to retrieve them and, hopefully, give her a proper burial in their family plot next to Ben.
He spent the two weeks after in a group home, mute and dissociating with seven other boys in similar situations. He didn’t go to school, but he remembers the constant stream of unanswered texts and calls from Ned and MJ before his phone plan was discontinued then his phone became a dead relic in his bag. There were a lot of discussions about school that Peter didn’t take part in but, thanks to his full scholarship, he was able to continue at Midtown at least until the end of the year.
And then he was placed with his foster parents.
The Fishers seemed to be pleasant people when Peter first met them; they didn’t force him to speak, they had extensive fostering experience with teenagers and were willing to pay for his subway pass so he could get to and from his school even though there was a decent public school in walking distance. It didn’t take long, however, for their true colors to show.
Now, though, Peter knew the rules. He was always home by his curfew of four on school days and he never went out on the weekends. His grades were perfect. He kept his undecorated room spotless. He cooked supper every evening and breakfast and dinner on the weekends. He kept the house presentable. He stayed out of the Fishers way. Mostly he drifted. His days slid together to the point he had difficultly remembering entire weeks passing him by but it was fine.
He was fine.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Ned muttered as he split off to get in his mom’s car, not acknowledging the pathetic little wave Peter offered in return. A coiling feeling settled in his gut and Perter felt guilt rise up to swirl in his throat. Ned was his best friend and he was treating him like shit. With Peter basically unresponsive, bullies had taken to picking on Ned instead… well except for Flash. Flash had been the only one to back off and stand up for both of them – it helped but didn’t fix everything.
“Better if he leaves you now,” a little voice in his head whispered. “It’s better to be alone.” And maybe at one point he would have fought against that mindset but now he couldn’t help but agree. Peter destroyed everything he touched and everyone around him was doomed for misery. Better for Ned to get out while he could.
Lethargically, Peter began across the empty football field toward the subway entrance – his trip home was always a little tight and he couldn’t afford to miss this train.
“Peter!” A harried voice shouted as his shoulder was grabbed and he was roughly turned around to face a red-faced and irritated Happy Hogan. Peter’s mind blanked for a moment in total shock at seeing the man again after so long. “Didn’t you hear me calling for you?”
“Sorry Mr. Hogan,” Peter mumbled, not making eye contact. He felt the phantom sting from the slap he had gotten for that when he first moved into foster care burning his bare cheek.
“The Boss has been calling you, he wants to chat. You screening our calls now?” Happy asked, accusatory as his eyes raked down Peter’s form. Peter felt a shiver crawl up his spine and kept his sight locked on Happy’s chin, trying to remain as relaxed as possible. It was important to not draw any unwanted attention to himself.
“No sir,” he answered, voice a little rough and quiet with disuse. “I don’t have a phone anymore.” Happy huffed and narrowed his eyes at Peter before steering him to the expensive Audi parked in front of the school.
“No matter, he wants to talk to you in person anyway. Hop in and I’ll take you to the Tower.” Peter gulped and fought the urge to dig his heels in – it wouldn’t be polite.
“I have a curfew of four,” he protested weakly as Happy pulled open the door for him and motioned for him to climb in. Peter hesitated but relented when Happy gave him a little shrug.
“I’m sure May will understand and Tony can always give her a call to clear anything up.” And with that Peter was gone. No one had said her name since she died and the thought… the very implication that he could still be living with his aunt, happy and carefree, was insane. His mind floated away and he felt like he was watching himself as a specter. He saw his body relax but his eyes were distant, cloudy. Happy, for the first time that Peter could remember, didn’t raise the partition between the front and rear seats and, instead, watched Peter in the rear view mirror.
The drive to the Tower took over thirty minutes with traffic and Peter would be panicking about how late he was going to be if he had any capacity to feel at all. Instead, he let his mind wander as the skyscrapers of Manhattan blurred into a grey mosaic outside the window, fat raindrops sporadically hitting the window as a drizzle started. “We’re here,” Happy told him as he parked the car in the underground garage that was reserved for Mr. Stark and other high level staff of the Tower. Peter popped his door open and followed the man to the private elevator that he assumed would take them to Mr. Stark’s office.
“Hello Happy. Hello Peter,” the disembodied voice of Mr. Stark’s AI, FRIDAY, said as the doors closed and the elevator began to move. “Boss is awaiting your arrival in his workshop.”
“Thanks FRIDAY,” Happy said, texting intently on his phone. Peter just remained silent as the elevator began to slow before stopping completely, the doors trundling open soundlessly. Happy nudged Peter out but remained inside the car as the doors closed, leaving Peter alone in the sleek room.
Tony was seated in front of a large hologram of his armor, code scrolling past on his monitor as he made adjustments. “Mr. Parker,” he said as Peter edged closer to him, not looking up from his work. “You’re a hard man to get in contact with.”
Though Tony sounded more forthright than angry, Peter still had to fight the cringe in his shoulders as he came to a stop about ten feet away from the work bench – out of reach and with enough time to prepare if the man were to make any sudden moves. “Sorry,” he murmured, keeping his eyes low and doing his best to keep his shoulders from curling in – the last thing he needed to do was show any weakness.
“No need for apologies,” Tony said, light, as he fiddled with a holo mechanism in the right repulser. “Just a statement of fact. According to the news Spider-Man has also been just as difficult to find.”
Peter just hummed in response, choosing not to comment on his previous alter-ego. He didn’t much feel like a hero these days.
“A man of few words,” Tony commented, shutting down the programs in front of him and turning to face Peter fully. “Are you the same kid who was talking my ear off in Germany a year ago?”
“Yes sir,” Peter said, keeping his eyes focused on Tony’s chin. He could feel his mind slipping as his heart rate sped up and he struggled to keep present – it was getting harder and harder to stay in the moment the more he allowed himself to get lost in his head. He occasionally dreamed that one day it might be permanent; one of the few good dreams he had.
“Sir?” Tony parroted, his eyebrows raising and a flash of guilt washing over his features quickly before disappearing. “Look kid, I think I owe you an apology. Actually, I know I owe you an apology. I didn’t communicate with you about the whole alien weapons take-down thing. I underestimated you and treated you like a side-kick and ignored you and then I left you alone and without any protection and you saved my bacon anyway.”
“I deserved it,” Peter said matter-of-factly. “I was in over my head and I disobeyed. The punishment fit the crime.”
“No it didn’t,” Tony told him bluntly but firmly, looking surprised but resolute. “Maybe we both share some fault in the situation but I’m the adult and the one with experience and I didn’t do anything to teach you or help you and for that I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Peter assured him, allowing himself to tap his index finger against his thigh once to let out his stress. Mr. Fisher didn’t like his constant fidgeting and Peter knew that it was pretty annoying so he had done his best to learn how to stand as still as possible to not incur any extra punishments – the index finger tap he was able to normally get away with.
Mr. Stark’s eyes were narrowed as he surveyed Peter. “I wanted to offer you a real spot as my intern. You could spend a few days a week in the shop working on tech and I made you a new and improved suit for the other part of your ‘internship’. I promise that you’ll always have the support you need to be New York’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. You’re the future of the Avengers, kid, its pretty clear to me now. Your spot on the team is there whenever you want to take it.”
For the briefest of moments, Peter was overwhelmed with excitement and incredulity. Ever since Tony had announced he was Iron Man to the world, Peter had wanted nothing more than to be a superhero as well, to be an Avenger. If Tony had offered him a spot on the team after Germany, Peter would have taken it in an instant. Now…
“Thank you Mr. Stark,” Peter said, voice still a little broken and hoarse from how little he spoke these days. “But I can’t.”
“Oh you don’t have to join now,” the man assured, misunderstanding. “You’ll need some training first but Rhodey and Vision are always down to join us at the compound for some group work. You have a lot of potential.”
“Thanks but that’s not what I meant,” Peter clarified. “I have to decline all of it but I appreciate the offer.”
“Oh,” Tony looked a little crestfallen, a dark expression of acceptance on his defined features. “I understand. Broken trust and all that. Sure.”
“It’s not that,” Peter reassured quickly. “I don’t hold anything against you – I was the one who messed up. It’s just I have a four o’clock curfew every day so I can’t do the internship.”
“That’s easily remedied!” Mr. Stark said, his eyes lifting with a smile and looking relieved. “I’ll just give Aunt Hottie a call and work things out and we’ll have you in the lab and out swinging through the streets in no time!”
Peter’s ears fuzzed out again, a sharp high-pitched note cutting off Tony’s excited words as a feeling of immense emotion flooded through Peter before he could tamp it down. His breathing felt a little ragged in his chest and he squeezed his eyes shut for just a moment to gather himself. “My aunt is dead,” Peter gritted out, interrupting Tony and rendering him speechless. “She died six months ago. My foster… the people fostering me are a little more strict.”
“Oh,” Tony said, face blank and an awkward silence filling the space. Peter gripped his worn down backpack straps and backed toward the elevator.
“Thanks for the offer,” Peter said earnestly. “It really is an honor I just…” he trailed off. “Thanks. For everything.”
And with that, he entered the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby, the doors shutting on Tony’s pitying expression before the man could say anything much to Peter’s relief. The metro card the Fishers had gotten him only had a set amount of money on it every month so Peter would be hoofing it back to their house from the Tower. His cracked watch face told him that it was already close to four-thirty and his stomach bubbled with anxiety. At this rate he wouldn’t be back in time to have dinner on the table at five-thirty.
Resigned to his punishments, Peter left the building through the shining lobby and pointed himself toward Queens, moving as fast as he could.
“You’re late,” Mr. Fishers’s tone was short and monotonous from where he was seated on the couch. The house was otherwise quiet which meant Mrs. Fisher was out that evening.
“I’m sorry sir,” Peter whispered looking at the floor and making no excuses. He had learned the hard way that trying to justify his poor behavior only made things worse for him in the long run.
“Go to your room,” Mr. Fisher told him making Peter cringe. “I’ll join you in a moment.”
Later, when Peter was lying on the bed with silent tears still leaking from his eyes and his back and ribs stinging in pain, he thought about Mr. Stark’s offer with selfish desire. In another universe, in another life, he would have been elated but now he only felt desolation - life always did like to dangle things in front of him he couldn’t have.
Setting his alarm for five-thirty so he wouldn’t oversleep, Peter let his consciousness slip away into the ether, mind going blissfully empty and blank.
Monday came both faster and slower than Peter wanted. His body still ached from his well-deserved punishment and he was exhausted from the extra chores and minimal food he had been offered as a result of his actions. School passed in a lonely blur for him as he drifted from class to class, hiding away in the deserted music room during lunch to avoid Ned and MJ. They didn’t ask as many questions anymore but Peter didn’t want to put himself in a situation where he would have to lie to his friends again.
When the final bell of the day rang, Peter chose to not stop by his locker where he may be ambushed and, instead, left the school, headed directly for the subway. He had nearly made it when a body physically blocked him from the stairs.
“Howdy Pete,” Mr. Stark said, peering over his glasses to look at Peter and Peter did his best to school his expression into indifference. He couldn’t be late again. He couldn’t take another punishment, he was just so tired all he wanted to do was sleep. Maybe forever. “Where are you headed?”
“Back to my fosters,” Peter told him, trying to skirt around. “I have a four o’clock curfew.”
“I remember you saying something about that,” Mr. Stark agreed with a nod. “Tell you what – let me give you a ride home. You’ll get home well before your curfew and I can talk to your foster parents about the internship. Who can say no to Tony Stark right?”
“NO!” Peter said loudly before smacking a palm over his mouth. He could feel the blood draining from his face as his body tensed, preparing for the correction he knew was coming. Mr. Stark’s brow was furrowed now and his eyes behind his blue glasses had a twinkle of understanding in them.
“Peter,” he began, reaching a hand out with the intention of lying his hand on Peter’s shoulder but he never got that far. Seeing the hand coming towards him and already being on high alert after his exclamation, Peter violently flinched away, only barely able to catch himself from falling over due to his enhanced reflexes, and squeezed his eyes shut tight. “Oh Peter,” Tony said, a desolate understanding in his voice.
Peter cracked his eyes open to see Mr. Stark with both hands raised in the universal ‘backing off’ signal, a soft look on his face. “Sorry sir,” Peter croaked out. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. It’s fine.”
“Do you have something you need to tell me kiddo?” Tony’s voice was soft and gentle and Peter felt his eyes well up with tears he hastily blinked away as he shook his head quickly. “It’s okay buddy. You can tell me.”
“I’m fine. I’m okay. It’s fine.” Tony looked even more crestfallen at Peter’s answer and tapped the side of his glasses to activate FRIDAY.
“Can you I’ve me a scan FRI?” He asked and Peter flinched again knowing there was no way to hide the broken and healing bones and skin that he had been doing his best to conceal. Tony’s face was tight as he stared at Peter and Peter felt all of the blood left in his face drain away.
“I deserved it,” Peter told him desperately. “I disobeyed, it was my fault.” Mr. Stark just looked even more beaten at his words and Peter felt his breathing picking up.
“It’s not,” Tony said, voice still unbelievably soft but firm. “It’s not your fault and you didn’t deserve it. You’re a great kid Pete.” Peter shook his head no and couldn’t stop a couple tears from leaking out before furiously wiping them away. “I promise that it wasn’t your fault Underoos. Will you let me help you?”
“You can’t,” Peter said, feeling hollow. “Everyone… everyone close to me dies. I’m cursed and I can’t do that to you too Mr. Stark.”
“Can I hug you?” Tony asked suddenly, arms twitching with need. After a seconds hesitation, Peter nodded and was hastily folded into the man’s arms; one arm tight around his shoulders and the other snaking up into his hair to pull through the too long strands carefully. Peter felt more tears leak out and, suddenly, he couldn’t hold it in any longer, throwing his own arms around Tony to return the hug and letting out a gut-wrenching sob into the man’s shoulder. Tony just shushed him and let him take as much comfort as he could. “You’re not cursed and none of this is your fault. I get the feeling no one has told you that yet and you need to hear it.”
Peter sobbed loudly again, curling in tighter. He had always thrived on positive affirmation and had grown up in a family where hugs and shoulder pats and forehead kisses were the norm. To go so long without… he had forgotten how nice it was to just be held and cared for. “Thank you,” Peter said, his voice clogged with emotion. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” Tony said firmly. “Anyone decent would do the same thing and it’s the least of what you deserve.”
Peter squeezed him one more time and took a deep breath before pulling away. “Thank you,” he reiterated, fighting to make eye contact so he could show just how sincere he was. “But I need to get back before four and I already missed my train. I can’t be late.” Tony, who still had one hand resting on Peter’s shoulder, gripped him tightly to prevent him from escaping up the stairs to the train.
“You aren’t going back,” he said firmly, ducking his head and forcing Peter to make eye contact. “You’re coming with me back to the Tower where I’m going to call CPS and my lawyers. You’re never going back there again.”
“I can’t ask you to do that,” Peter insisted. “It’s really not that bad if I’m home on time and do my chores and stay in my room. And its only two more years until I’m eighteen and then I can get a job and an apartment.”
“Pete,” Tony said, eyes shining as he wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulders and started leading him away from the subway and toward the Audi that was parked in the pickup lane; Peter could see the outline of Happy’s silhouette in the driver’s seat. “You deserve better. You deserve somewhere safe and you deserve to have someone care about you. I know you don’t believe it now and that’s okay – I’m just going to keep telling you until you do.”
Peter sniffed back another onslaught of tears and allowed himself to be pulled away. “Thank you Mr. Stark,” he said, voice clogged with emotion.
“It’s Tony kiddo,” the man told him with another squeeze that warmed Peter to the core. “And you don’t need to thank me for this okay?”
“Okay,” Peter agreed, fully aware and present and wanting to be for the first time in a long time. Things were never going to be the same, but maybe, just maybe, they would get better.
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A little batjokes fic I have been working on. It’s also on ao3 but I’m kind of at a loss of which direction to go with it at this point. So I figured I’d post it here for now until I figure it out .
I fell in love with an idea. A picture I had created that was never meant to be. There was never any possibility that we could be happy together. That a life where only the two of us existed could be possible. Not when every part of me craved the adrenaline from a night of violence and waking up to new scars that defined who I was. And you with your savior complex, thinking the whole world would fall if you went away. Needing the praise even in anonymity. Hiding the scars that defined you with a well-dressed suit. It could never be. But I would be a liar if I said every part of me didn’t ache for the possibility of existing.
Joker rolled over. His thoughts had once again turned the bat. He would never admit that he spent countless hours losing sleep considering the possibility of a normal life. One where his past had not led him to this place. One where he could casually run into a beautiful man while doing something completely mundane. Maybe walking down, the street, perhaps in a coffee shot, or even stealing passing glances on the subway. Finally, one would make a move. They would go on dates, share laughs, and slowly fall in love. He grabbed a pillow lying next to him a slammed it into his face, an attempt to eradicate these thoughts. The joker wasn’t a romantic. He was tyrannical, a leader, the bringer of chaos.At least in his mind this was how he chose to believe he was perceived. Sure, some would say he was insane, psychopathic, a cold-blooded killer, and well truthfully, he was these things. So, these romantic urges that kept coming over him where very detrimental to the brand that he had built around himself. For God’s sake if a hot intelligent blonde woman in a skintight suit who was utterly devoted to him never did it for him then why the hell was he fantasizing about a grown man in a cape. Joker groaned again because it wasn’t just any man in a cape, it was Bruce fucking Wayne. Leave it to him to fall for an eccentric billionaire with a savior complex and moral compass to match.
If you had told Joker a few months ago, the man he was caught in this never ending dance of justice with was Bruce Wayne he probably would have laughed in your face and depending on his mood that day, you might have also not survived the interaction. He did have a flare for being dramatic and something about senseless murder just made him positively giddy. Rumors have always spread in Gotham City’s underground. And why would they not, everyone wanted to know who was truly under the mask that continuously foiled their plans. Most wanted to know so that they could end him for good. Or at the least target those closest to him in order to prove a point. Joker had never particularly cared about the identity of his sworn enemy. He much preferred the tango the two performed without any outside views of who the other was. Both pushing each other to the right to the edge, waiting for the other to overstep their boundaries and go too far. Names could ruin that. There was something about the not knowing that added to the thrill of it all. That made the excitement of both men rise. Joker couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of it. But now he had name to the face behind the mask.
It had started as a relatively normal day, when Joker received word that a Mr. Bruce Wayne had been seen sneaking around one of Joker’s new warehouses. Of course, this had piqued his interest. Why was the elusive billionaire in such a bad area of Gotham, it’s almost like he’s asking to be robbed. It’s not as if he could blend in, everyone knew his face. And secondly the only ones in the know about this newest warehouse were Joker, his most trusted henchman R, Harley, and a certain bat who had found out and stopped by for a visit a week ago. Of course he had found nothing, and the camera only caught him for a moment before he flung one of those damned batarangs at it and every other one he found. Joker sighed, batbrain probably never even considered the expense Joker would have to incur to replace those. The warehouse was nothing, more of a safety net if he ever needed the space. Or more than likely it would be converted to a place for those who worked for him to stay. God knows the filthy animals couldn’t keep a living space to save their lives. And providing living arrangements, food, drugs, and booze was generally the best way he had found to keep street thugs loyal to you. He may be insane, but he wasn’t stupid. And of course, he knew word about his new endeavor would draw the bat in. If there was one thing batsy couldn’t resist it was a hot tip about a new diabolical plan the Joker was forming. And so, what if Joker had his henchman anonymously tip off Jim Gordon knowing he would immediately find a way to alert the bat. Sometimes you have to force fate to get what you desire. And that night what he desired was not a fight but just to watch batman in action.
From his hiding spot the Joker could see everything his bats did. He watched him canvas the area and could hear the frustrated huffs he let out every time he again came up with nothing. He watched as bats paced back and forth clearly trying to figure out what angle was being played. Listened as he radioed Gordon filling him in on the nothingness the warehouse held. They went back and forth wonder what plan was being devised for this place. God Joker could watch him forever. Studying his lips, the way his jaw clenched when he was unhappy. He longed to see his face, to touch him. On the other hand, that would ruin their game and Joker really really liked games. It was fascinating to him that even though the bat had found nothing he stayed there pacing. Glancing at the door every few moments. Joker almost wondered if the bat was waiting for him to show up. Did their little fights give the bat the same thrill Joker got? The way both of their adrenaline rose, their hearts beating fast, and their breathing getting deeper. The pain was so intoxicating and led to the ultimate pleasure. Nothing else could top it. But not tonight. Tonight, Joker wanted him to squirm. And squirm he did. In semi defeat, the bat sat down on a box in the corner. Hidden in the shadows waiting. He waited the entirety of the night, unaware that the Joker was sitting merely feet away. It wasn’t until light started to seep in that the bat finally sauntered away. It was curious. Surely there was other crime going on in Gotham. Honestly when wasn’t there crime in Gotham, the city was a cesspool of it. He’d even heard tell of a heist the Penguin was planning that night. And surely Bats had been made aware of that. And yet he never left the warehouse.
Snapping back to the present Joker frowned at the tingly feeling the memory had given him. Now onto the pressing issue of why Bruce Wayne was at his warehouse and how he knew it was there. He gathered himself, choosing his most basic suit. It was navy blue and had none of the flare that he had come to appreciate. He also forewent applying his face makeup to appear more normal. After a moments thought he also chose to grab his sunglasses, gloves, and a hat in an attempt to slightly disguise himself. He doubted this would do much as he slid a hand across the white skin of his face. It was an aspect of himself that he struggled to hide. It was why he preferred the night over day. In the darkness he could appear normal, avoiding the judgmental eyes that the daylight cast. He had learned throughout the years of course. Purchased wigs and learned how to properly put them on so they looked real, he had found contacts that closely matched the color his eyes had once been. But he was unable to find anything for the skin. He had tried foundations but none of them worked. He often questioned if it was due to the acid, this led to a spiral of remembering the events that caused him to fall. He never spent to long considering it otherwise his mind began to drift to a dark place. A place that scared even him, one where he could feel his mental state slipping. Slowly succumbing fully to the madness. Joker shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. After a final glance in the mirror, he slipped out of his apartment to find an available car. He hoped Wayne would still be there, thankfully it was only about a 10-minute drive from his place. He had made this decision deliberately hoping that no one would consider he lived close to his investments and would rather stay far away from them to avoid suspicion. Once in the garage, he chose a simple black car and started the drive, preparing for a confrontation with the treasure of Gotham, Bruce Wayne. As Joker pulled into the warehouse drive, he could see a small blue car parked not far off in the distance. It was pulled off to the side of the road just slightly, he assumed the placement was meant to make it look like the car had broken down there but due to the current situation it seemed like it may be Mr. Wayne’s. He pondered whether he should go search the car before heading to the warehouse, ultimately deciding against it in case Wayne decided to stop whatever he was doing and head back. Joker put his car in park and turned off the engine. He felt it best not to alert the man breaking into his building. As he walked up the gravel, almost by divine intervention a certain someone was crawling out of one of the first story windows.
“Uhm, excuse me sir. I don’t usually like finding unknown men crawling out of my buildings.” it seemed best not to start off too accusatory in case there was a valid reason a billionaire was snooping around his property.
“Oh, uhm, of course I am so sorry about this.” He stopped and cleared out his throat. “I am Bruce Wayne, I uh wasn’t aware that someone had purchased this property. I had been informed it was for sale and wanted to check it out to see if it would be a good space for some new developments at Wayne Industry.”
Wayne held out his hand and Joker realized he intended for them to shake hands. How disgustingly formal. He slowly reached out a gloved hand to shake, watching as the man’s hand nearly covered his own. The strong grasp jolted through Joker and he quickly pulled away wiping the glove on his pants as if this would establish some kind of unspoken boundary between the two. Joker kept his gaze on the man, there was something so familiar about him. Maybe he was making it up it was completely feasible that he had just seen an interview the man was in. His excuse was reasonable as well. The property had only been off the market 2 weeks at most, but why bother sneaking into it and distancing your vehicle from the building?
“Oh, I see. I’m Jack. Jack…Sawyer. Do you always examine potential investments by climbing through the windows?”
The man’s face reddened. “The uh, the door was jammed and when I was assessing the outside of the building, I noticed one of the windows was ajar and figured it wouldn’t hurt to use that as an entry.”
“Hmm understandable. Well, I would be happy to give you a tour of the building, but I am afraid that it has already been purchased by me, so it would be no use to your company endeavors.”
Clearly embarrassed by having been caught the man stood there fidgeting. His jaw clenching and unclenching. His eyes darting to the gate. He wasn’t scared, no Joker knew fear, and this was not it. Nervous perhaps? Anxious? Something was off but Joker couldn’t quite place it. His voice, his mouth something about it called to Joker.
There was a long uncomfortable pause before Wayne looked at Joker and said, “Yeah, I…I would love a tour. Do you have any plans for the building?”
Joker hadn’t expected this. It was more of pleasant offering rather than one he actually wanted to do. But, maybe during the tour he could pinpoint what it was about this man exactly.
“I’m not really much of a planner Mr. Wayne. To be honest the price of the building was such a steal I couldn’t pass it up. I’m sure you understand that you don’t become a billionaire by spending recklessly now do you? I am considering using it as a storage facility. I own a bar you see and the storage capacity there is really lacking so I figured why not buy a cheap warehouse.”
The man seemed genuinely taken aback by this statement. His jaw clenching again. His eyes searching Jokers face as if he was trying to pull something out of him. Joker stared back, his eyes never leaving Wayne’s. It was as if they were locked in a battle only Joker wasn’t sure what exactly they were battling for. Surely Bruce Wayne wasn’t so pressed for a warehouse building that he was going to come for some lowly bar owner. And that was when it clicked. Jokers’ eyes broke the stare and fell to the man’s clenched jaw. He knew that clench. He knew that mouth. As if he hadn’t fantasized about those lips on him for months now. Bruce fucking Wayne was Batman, unbelievable. In his surprise he let out a not-so-subtle gasp.
“Are…are you okay Mr. Sawyer?”
“I uh oh yes of course, sometimes my mind escapes me, I suffered an accident sometime ago and the effects seem to pop up at the most inopportune times.”
Wayne dropped his gaze and shifted uncomfortably. “You said you owned a bar. What’s the name of it maybe I’ve visited there?”
“Oh, I highly doubt that Mr. Wayne. It doesn’t usually bring in” he paused looking the man up and down “your type, but….If you’re ever feeling frisky, it’s called The White Knight.”
Joker stopped to look at the man after saying this. He knew damn well that Batman had no idea of the existence of this place. He had undergone every security measure to ensure so. But he knew that this would elicit a response from the bats. How could it not? The Joker owning a secret bar that batsy hadn’t been informed about, on top of the bar being a mockery of his title. It would make Batman seethe.
Wayne’s eyes darkened and his nostrils flared, it was slight, but it was enough for Joker to confirm what he already knew.
“Thank you for the offer to show me the building Mr. Sawyer, but I’m sorry I just realized I have to go.” he glanced quickly at his watch, “I forget I had a meeting to attend. This has truly been an enlightening afternoon.”
“I agree Mr. Wayne, it certainly has been. Are you sure you don’t want a quick tour?”
“No, uh thank you but no. I truly have to go.” And with that Joker watched the man saunter down the driveway. He pulled off his glasses and stared after the man. This newfound information complicated things but it also gave Joker leverage and God knows Joker liked having leverage.
What to do with this leverage? He could let it slip…no…no he didn’t like that. Freely handing out this precious information to those lowly Neanderthals. No, they would go after him, and while Batman would never stand down, they would probably kill him. The bat would die at the feet of those he spent so long pursuing. He grimaced picturing the scene. He couldn’t let them kill Batman. Batman was his. Joker felt that nagging voice in his head again, the one he constantly tried to keep at bay with Scarecrow’s medication.
if anyone is going to kill the bat it’s going to be you right?? You could never let anyone take him from you. He’s yours, yours yours. HAHAHAHAHA.
He took his hands, slamming them to his ears. “Shut up, shut up, shut up I do not want to kill him.”
Of course not, maybe just torture him a little bit until you can’t stop, poor Joker always unable to prevent yourself from going to far.. Drag the knife across his throat, cutting a tad too deep. Tie him up. Let him bleed out while watching you perform. That’s what you want isn’t it? For the bat to bleed, his pretty red blood spilling across the floor. And as he falls to the ground ceasing to exist so does his deluded version of Gotham. You, standing strong watching the city succumb to crime and destruction. Knowing they will not mourn him. Gotham doesn’t care. Gotham feeds on destruction, chaos, and the ruin of its citizens. If you’re born here you don’t stand a chance. There is no good in Gotham, so you must kill the only thing that believes it exist. Kill the bats, Kill the bats, Kill the bats.
He felt his mouth curving up into a terrifying smile as a fit of giggles erupted from his mouth HAHAHAHAHA.
His hands fell from his ears to clasp over his mouth, an attempt to silence, well really everything. After a few minutes, the laughter subsided, and the thoughts quieted. He sank to ground resting his chin on the top of his knees. His faced ached from the experience as it usually did, tears began to well in his eyes, a product of self-hatred, anger, and sadness.
He didn’t want the bat to die. Or…or maybe he did. Things would be far less complicated if a certain dark knight wasn’t involved. Unfortunately, a part of him wanted to be held by the knight. His slight framed wrapped in the strong arms of his enemy. Letting his body go limp as he breathed in the comforting smell. Hands running through his hair. Soft whispers trying to convince him that the world isn’t all bad. But it is isn’t it? There’s no good here, no God exists because if he did, he would surely drown this city. This hell on Earth, putrid and reeking of sin. Never allowing happiness to live within its borders. Joker pulled himself upright and violently wiped away the tears that had covered his face. He was the goddam Joker not some pathetic schoolboy with the luxury of pathetically crushing on the most popular boy in the grade. Brushing off his pants from sitting on the ground he began to stroll back to his car. Tonight, he would choose chaos. Perhaps a robbery he hadn’t performed one of those in a long while. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Harley to get the men prepped and to choose a nice jewelry store for their night out. Yes, a robbery sounded splendid. Maybe tomorrow he would figure out what to do with Mr. Wayne. Or maybe he would do nothing at all, just keep the information in his pocket. After all what was the point in ruining their game?
"Mr. J, if you don't mind me saying, you're uh heart didn't seem to be all into the score last night..." Harley's eyes didn't quite meet us. No doubt they were fearing the repercussion these words would bring. She would never say it but she liked the anticipation, the not knowing what was coming. Perhaps she even liked the pain when it came. But, perceptive as ever she was correct.
Sighing Joker looked over at her. "Harley I've told you time and time again please do not call me that. Just Jack is fine. Please just Jack. I was merely distracted last night. There's some financials issues with the club that I need to work out."
She walked over to him, placing one hand on his. The other at her side twitching to cup his face, knowing he would withdraw if she did. "I can't call you Jack anymore, it's too...personal." Then she jumped back and just like that her mood changed and smile erupted on her face "Besides Mr. J is so much more fun to say, wouldn't you agree? It gives you authority and I love a man who has power." The deviousness written across her face.
"Damn it Harley. Then call me Mr. Napier if you insist on acting this way about it. Also cut the showbiz act. It makes you seem desperate and pathetic." He knew the words would sting her. He wanted it too. He hated her for bringing out the worst in him. But that nagging voice loved her for it. Together the two could be unstoppable, maniacal. It's why he had broke it off. She was smart, brilliant even. She knew what his inside voice wanted and she knew how to provoke it out of him because in that world at least they are together. Part of him wanted to snap her neck and that be the end of it. And yet another part knew he could never do that because he cared for her in the way only two people with so much history and tragedy could. His gaze fell to her stomach, wondering what could have been. "Leave me alone Ms. Quinzel, your presence is pissing me off."
Tears gathered in her eyes as she turned to leave the room, slamming the door for effect.
He winced at the sound. Going after her would just provoke her wrath and he didn't have the energy to deal with that. It's best to give it a few days. He shouldn't have lashed out at her. He was frustrated. The bat had failed to show up last night, which meant the thrill he normally got from nights like that was nonexistent.
There was no point feeling sorry for himself. It never led to any place good. He stood up grabbed his jacket and headed for he bar. At the very least he could use this energy to get something done and for the sake of his workers hope that none of them were stupid enough to tantalize him tonight. His bloodlust was encompassing him and anything could set him off at this point.
The walk from his apartment to the bar wasn't a far one but the cold air made it seem like miles. Joker shivered trying to shake the chill that encompassed him. Gotham was always cold. It didn't matter what time of year it was. Sure the air warmed but you could still feel the breeze nipping at you, waiting to drop. He glanced at the sky, dusk was settling. It didn't matter, the sun never quite shown here in Gotham either. It was gray, just consistently gray. But it never seemed to bother any one else, or at least not that he had noticed. It's where his flare for colors came from, he wanted to break away from the gray.
He was merely feet away from the opening of the bar, the music creeped onto the otherwise silent street. He smirked, the song playing was one of his favorites. He leaned against the brick wall feeling the vibrations of the loud speak reverberate through calming him. He closed his eyes and just listened. Sighing as the song ended he felt a little better. Perhaps he would just go to his upstairs room and let the music take him away for the night. He would never admit the sway the sounds had over him. Finding comfort in the beats a rock song would produce.
A rustling sound came from the doorway, making him straighten quickly, keeping his face a blank canvas. He could already hear the gossip from his men if one of them found him out here basking in the sound of the music. Especially, with how he talked about it in front of them. Calling it a pointless waste. No. His entire personality was to remain hidden. To them he was a maniac, always angry, and mere moments away from snapping. Everything was jokes and crime. Not an entirely wrong synopsis but he was never to be seen as human, because that meant weakness and he would never again be seen as weak.
Fortunately, this was just a drunk patron stumbling his way out. In his drunken state the man couldn't particularly walk straight and managed to trip over his feet, his face colliding with the Joker shoulders. Finally a reason to have some fun. In less than a second Joker twisted away and wrapped his hand around the patrons throat, with full force he pushed him into the wall. The mans head collided with the brick, a sickening thud could be heard. Joker smirked, even drunk he could feel the mans fear radiating off of him. His adrenaline keeping him alert. His eyes screaming for help in ways his mouth could not. It was heaven. Joker leaned into the man, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that you should watch where you're walking?" He could feel his smile widening
"I.....I......uh.....I....I'm sorry sir." He gasped between words. Jokers fingers were wrapped so tightly around his neck it was a miracle he was able to get any words out all. With a glance down, Joker could see that the man had wet himself. Well this is no fun, the poor sap isn't even going to fight back. His smiled faltered where's the fun in that?
Just kill him, he isn’t worth anything. No one would miss him. Snap his neck, feel his bones crush beneath your strength. Come on you know you want to. You want to feel that rush. See the light as it drains from his eyes. Pleading until the very last second.
Joke could feel his smile widening again. His fingers twitched as he started to laugh. The man's eyes grew large with realization. He knew that laugh. All of Gotham knew that laugh. His body started to shake as tears streamed down his face.
See how pathetic he is. He doesn't deserve to live. You know you want the high this will give you.
And with that he gave in. His fingers tightened and with a final gurgle the mans will gave and his body slumped. The Joker let go and gasped at the feeling it gave him. He was positively giddy. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad day after all. He pulled out his phone and called one of his men to come dispose of the body. He didn't need anyone poking around his bar. A worker came out the side door and Joker motioned him over.
The worker glanced briefly at the body "Geez boss what'd he do to you?"
With a sneer Joker spat back "Not that it's any of your business but he bumped into me. Now get rid of the scum."
Recognizing his boss's mood the man quickly grabbed the body and retreated.
Joker turned away walking into the bar. He was ready to have some fun.
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alitheakorogane · 4 years
Assassination Classroom - Over The Moon AU
I have watched "Over The Moon" on Netflix recently and have the amazing idea. What if we wrote an Over The Moon AU for Assassination Classroom?
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Here is my concept of the Over the Moon AU. Please bear with my long ramblings.
Thousand years ago, Koro became fatally ill due to an incurable disease. His beloved wife, Aguri, loved her husband very much and decided to find a way to heal her dying husband.
So she travelled far and wide to search the legendary Tree of Life, a magical tree that bears a legendary magic peach that only blooms and grows once in a thousand years, which could heal all diseases, no matter how incurable it is. After weeks of searching, she found the tree, and saw the magic peach, glowing with power. Desperate enough to heal her dying husband, she plucked the peach, went home, and made a healing elixir that could heal Koro.
She made Koro to drink the potion and feel the healing power of the elixir, so Koro will be healed. As expected, Koro had recovered from the disease and they lived happily.
But the happiness was short-lived. Aguri found the painful truth about the magical peach too late.
Shin (the Second Reaper), the young and talented village healer, told her the painful truth about the peach. The one who intakes the magic peach can be cured by any illness that plagues him or her, but there is a catch, a curse. The one who intakes the peach can't die, and will be immortal forever.
Aguri clung on her husband’s hands tightly, as she held on his fleeting embrace. He was floating upwards, a mysterious force pulling him away from Aguri's loving arms. The curse has started, and Koro was taken away from her. She cried and cried, holding Koro's hands tight, but she can't cling to him any longer. She let go him, her hands trying to reach her beloved, but Koro was now far away, floating to the glowing moon above.
Aguri was grief-stricken and feels regret over the loss of Koro, so every day and every night, she would offer mooncakes and sweets to an altar she made for her husband. She would pray and sing, so Koro could hear her voice, hoping that she would reunite with him soon.
Unfortunately, Aguri is a mortal and have a short lifespan. She never remarried, as she still loves Koro very much. The tried everything, she prayed and plead and she went to the Tree to find another peach to eat so she could be reunited with Koro, but the peach only grows once in a thousand years. She fell ill and died alone at a young age, without Koro in her embrace.
The now-immortal Koro was alone in the moon, trapped forever in rock and lunar dunes. He cried for the loss of Aguri, as his crystal tears fell to the ground, giving life to the rocks that became his faithful subjects. The rocks turned to humanoid teenagers, which will help him cope with the loneliness and longing for his beloved Aguri.
Every 13th day of the third month (March 13th), people celebrates the tale of Koro and Aguri by eating and offering mooncakes, while telling the children about their tragic tale. The moon would shine so bright at this time, forming a crescent shape as the reminder of Aguri's love for Koro.
Thousands of years after, there was a boy named Nagisa Shiota. He lived a happy childhood, his father would tell him stories, while little Nagisa and his mother, Hiromi, would listen to the tale under the moon. Their favorite story was the tale of Koro and Aguri. When Nagisa was 8, Nagisa's father gives him an old necktie with a crescent moon emblem and a golden moon pendant.
They were very happy, until Nagisa's father died due to illness, leaving his mother depressed and insane, as she started to think that Nagisa was his daughter she never had. She began to have delusions of a happy family, and became abusive to her son, punishing him if he never did her wishes.
Until the day they met the Asanos.
When Nagisa was 14, Hiromi met Gakuho Asano, a widower, and it was love at first sight. After a year, they are planning to get married, and Hiromi began to revert back to her old self, although she was a little abusive to Nagisa.
Gakuho has a son, Gakushuu. He is the same age as Nagisa, and he was very different from the meek Nagisa. He was always serious, competitive and kinda proud, and Nagisa had difficulty getting along with him.
Nagisa was tired of this life. He still wanted his father, and hated the fact that his mother easily replaced his father by Gakuho in her heart. So he wanted to meet Koro, the god of the moon, to prove to his mother that love is not replacable, and it is forever. He had a plan: to build a rocket to the moon.
With a little knowledge of Science and determination, he successfully made the rocket, but he never expected Gakushuu joining his plan to meet the moon god, let alone met Koro in personal. Nagisa lost control of the rocket due to shock, crashing it.
Nagisa was pissed when he found out Gakushuu joined him in this plan. Gakushuu argued that he silently help Nagisa solve the equations needed for the rocket, as some of the calculations Nagisa did are slightly wrong, and can cause trouble for Nagisa later on. Also, Gakushuu wanted to see if this Koro is real all along, as he was still skeptical about the story.
They were arguing when they were suddenly taken away by flying... Octopuses? Gakushuu loses his shit.
And do I have to tell you Koro was always holding concerts at his kingdom? Can you imagine that?
Gakushuu and Nagisa meets Koro, the god of the moon. Nagisa was ecstatic and took a photo with the moon god, while Gakushuu was still mumbing how this is possible. It was peaceful until Koro demanded about a gift to them. The two humans were confused about the immortal's demand. They don't know about the gift.
So Koro had stolen the picture of Nagisa and him as a ransom, as he announced to all his subjects that anyone who can find the gift before the last sliver of moonlight in the orb fades, their greatest wish will be granted. Of course, all of Koro's subjects were excited, so they rush out to find the gift. Nagisa wanted to get the picture so he ran outside, leaving Gakushuu looking at Koro with a glare, suddenly challenging the moon god, demanding about the picture. Koro agrees.
They settled the fight by doing a quiz bee. Two girls, a blonde named Rio, and a purple-haired girl named Ritsu, held the contest, while the Gakushuu and Koro were the contestants. They answered questions with precision, and even Koro was amazed of the strawberry-blond kid's intelligence. But they still continued on, Koro was starting to get annoyed by the kid's knowledge. Until the final question.
Koro mocks that a measly kid like Gakushuu can't answer the final question, as Koro was a thousand years older than Gakushuu and more knowledgeable. Gakushuu, having a sharp mouth than anyone, retorts and mocks the moon god about the past.
"You are more knowledgeable than me, you say to me... But why you never stopped Aguri from picking that magic peach, making and letting you drink that potion that made you who you are now? You're selfish, because if you are knowledgeable as you said you are, I think you know the peach can make you immortal! Aguri was fooled by you!"
Koro was aghast about the accusations and he was pissed, unable to concentrate, leaving Gakushuu to be the victor. Koro screamed angrily that Gakushuu and Nagisa would never get the picture until the gift was given to him, breaking the deal. He left the room with Rio and Ritsu (who was apologizing), locking Gakushuu inside.
Koro was in despair, his heart was desperate to find the gift. Okuda and Takebayashi, the royal chemists, were busily mixing potions that will be needed for the ritual. Irina, one of Koro's two trusted advisors, advised the moon god to calm down. Koro replied that he can't bear to calm down, as the time is nearly up, and he can't reunite with Aguri if the gift was not yet found. Irina assured that they will find it, that Koro will gonna reunite with Aguri. The moon god smiled gratefully at Irina as he looked at what the chemists do.
After a few moments, Okuda announced that the potion for the ritual was ready. The gift was the only one left needed. Koro sadly smiled as he looked at the orb.
Nagisa went with a team of bounty hunters, Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Hazama. They fought and escaped the obstacles, as they reached the crash site, finding for the gift. Nagisa started to lose hope, praying for a sign. As he looked around, he noticed a sliver of pale light hitting the necktie. Nagisa widened his eyes as he realized that the necktie was the gift, and happily shows it to the bounty hunters. The bounty hounters, however, had interests for Koro to grant their wishes, bullies Nagisa into giving them the gift. Nagisa gives them a gift, but he was pushed by Terasaka, while his team laughed behind him. Suddenly, he was saved by a red-haired boy and a green-haired girl.
Terasaka calls the new arrivals outcasts as the redhead smiled like a demon, "You both were exiled by the great Koro-sama, why are you here?"
The redhead shrugged and threatened them in a conscending tone to give the necktie back to Nagisa, while the green-haired girl smiled menancingly, sending Terasaka's team shivers down their spine. Terasaka suddenly ran towards his bike with the necktie in his hands, and rode away, along with his team. Nagisa was shocked, before the redhead grabbed his hand and ran to a big pond where they could catch up with Terasaka. They reached the pond and rode on the huge toads's backs back to Kunugigaoka, as the toads like to feed in the lake near Kunugigaoka. Nagisa asked for their names.
"It's Karma and this is Kaede, by the way. You?"
"I’m Nagisa."
"Hi, Nagisa!"
Nagisa remembered what Terasaka said, and asked about it. Karma sighed as he reveals that Koro exiled him due to a song Karma sang to him about moving on. Before the exile, Karma was one of Koro's trusted students. Nagisa find out that Koro loved teaching, and Karma was one of the lucky Kunugigaokans who are the moon god's students.
Nagisa also found out the Kunugigaokans are born through Koro's magic tears. That means Karma practically came from the moon god's tears.
Kaede, on the other hand, was Aguri's actual younger sister. Nagisa was confused how she was with Koro when she was supposed to be mortal, while Aguri can't, Kaede revealed that she is actually a spirit, kinda like a shikigami, who died years after Koro was floated away to the moon, and her spirit remained to accompany Koro as his companion. Nagisa wondered why it was not Aguri, and Kaede explained that Aguri was the one who picked the peach, making it part of the curse Koro was suffering. The curse was not only to make Koro immortal, but it also affects Koro and Aguri's fate. They can't be together happily, even how many lifetimes they will be in. She was also exiled with Karma after telling Koro that a ritual to bring Aguri back would possibly not work.
Nagisa realized that Koro was unfair giving the two of them the punishment of exile for just saying a helpful comment. Nagisa spoke that he never expected Koro to be an arrogant and selfish prick, as his father told him before that Koro was graceful like a swan landing on a quiet lake, full of kindness and hope. Karma replied that Koro just missed Aguri, and love can make you desperate to do anything that may be impossible.
Nagisa smiled bitterly and agree. Kaede asked about Nagisa's family life and the bluenette told the entire life story. The two listened attentively to him. He even told them about his mother and Gakuho being remarried, and Gakushuu.
Karma smiled, "I hope I will experience having a sibling. Well, a sibling who could share my hobbies of pranking other people..."
Kayano nodded as she spoke with a cheerful voice, "Having a sibling is a fun experience though! Aguri was sweet, and she was a good sibling. Besides, we were alone for a thousand years, since we were exiled by Koro-niisan from the castle."
Karma smiled, "It is not bad to move on. You can remember them forever, cherish their memories, but you can't stay in the past and be stuck. Otherwise, you will feel alone forever."
Kaede had also remarked one fact about Koro.
"When he was overwhelmed by great emotions, the entire kingdom of Kunugigaoka will be affected, since he was the one who made the kingdom from scratch. In fact, when he was striken by great grief, Kunugigaoka will plagued by darkness, as Koro's happiness powers the entire kingdom's bright lights. The last time he was striken with great grief was the time he first landed on the moon, long before the kingdom of Kunugigaoka was made."
The trio catch up to the bounty hunters, after they reached the kingdom of Kunugigaoka, Nagisa seeing the orb on the castle glowing faintly, signalling they were running out of time. Terasaka and the gang tried to stop the trio from getting the tie, but the trio were persistent. They fought and fought, Kaede was jumping like a rabbit, Karma was happily punching Terasaka, with Nagisa watching at them in horror and shock, but in between their fight, the tie was accidentally destroyed. The bounty hunters stopped fighting them and proved that the tie was now useless.
Meanwhile, Gakushuu finds a way to escape the room and wanders around the place, looking for something to use for defending himself while looking for the photo. While finding, he met Isogai, a kindhearted Kunugigaokan who happily helped him find the photo. Along with Isogai is Maehara, a flirty blond haired Kunugigaokan.
Nagisa looked at the tattered tie in despair. "It was my father's gift to me, along with this pendant I am wearing."
Karma looked at the pendant and remarks that the pendant seems familiar. Nagisa looked at Karma in confusion, as Karma shrugged, thinking that he may be wrong. Nagisa looked at the pendant and saw something in it. The moon seems like it was actually part of something.
Kaede squinted at the golden pendant and commented, while smiling wistfully, "I remember that Aguri-neechan has that similar necklace thousands of years ago, a full moon necklace. Koro-niisan too have a similar pendant too, although it was a crescent moon pendant. He was still wearing it even now, after a thousand years. I remember that if you combined those two necklaces, it will become a whole moon, like a damn puzzle. It was their version of a wedding ring."
Karma laughed, "Yeah, I remembered that pendant. Koro-sensei showed it to me back when I was still his beloved student. He was so protective of it that he cried like a waterfall when I hid that pendant playfully that time. I remember that is how Itona-kun and Ritsu-chan was born."
Nagisa stood there, pondering over their tale. Being a perceptive person, all the pieces were put to place.
"Like a puzzle. The pendant is like a puzzle. The gift..."
Nagisa's blue eyes widened as he had realized that the tie was not the gift, but the pendant. The pendant that was with him all along!
Karma and Kaede smiled happily for Nagisa while Nagisa looks at the orb above the castle, there is only a sliver of moonlight left. Nagisa knew that there is little time left so he ran along, with Karma and Kaede following him.
While running inside, Gakushuu and Nagisa bumped to each other, and Nagisa hugged Gakushuu in happiness. Gakushuu was shocked as he tried to pull back (he kinda hates hugs), but Nagisa tightly gripped him.
Meanwhile, Maehara and Isogai looked at Kaede and Karma in apprehension, as all Kunugigaokans know that these two are exiled by Koro-sama due to personal reasons. Karma playfully greeted them while Kaede waved back.
Suddenly, a tall man came in, looking at the scene with a serious look. Everyone looked at him, even Nagisa who was pulling away from annoyed Gakushuu.
"Karasuma-sensei!" The four teens greeted the man, who was named Karasuma. Karasuma is Koro's second trusted adviser, along with Irina. Karasuma spoke in a serious voice, "I know you have the gift, the octopus is waiting for you in the main room."
Nagisa was confused why Koro, the god of the moon, was called octopus by Karasuma. Karma, remarked that Koro has great affinity with octopuses as Aguri loves octopuses. In fact, he was sometimes called "octoperv" by some people close to the moon god, due to his hidden pervert nature. It was a cute nickname for the immortal moon god.
Nagisa raised an eyebrow, he never knew about the fact that Koro was like some ordinary male, sometimes a perverted creep.
Koro was in the middle of the room, waiting for the gift, with the Kunugigaokans looking at the new arrivals with concern, happiness and relief. He raised his weird-looking eyebrow to Karma, who smiled like a demonic entity, and Kayano, who awkwardly waved at him. Kayano then looked at Koro with a concerned look, reminding him that it may not work and her opinion still stands, and the moon god smiled sadly, as he walked towards Nagisa.
Nagisa held the golden moon pendant to the immortal and Koro gently picked it up from the bluenette's hands. He looked at the pendant wistfully and removed his own crescent moon pendant from his neck and connected the two necklaces together. It fits like a puzzle piece. Takebayashi poured the potion over the necklaces and the necklaces glowed brightly.
"As two halves can be whole again, this necklace was now complete, like our love. Now, you can come back to me... Aguri."
The castle scenery changes, as it morphed into a clearing, with lots of trees around the place. There is a house in the middle, and Koro, in simple yukata he was wearing back when he was still mortal, was standing in front of the house. Nagisa, Gakushuu and the Kunugigaokans were looking from far away.
The door of the house opened, it revealed a short haired woman wearing a fancy yukata. She was short, with onyx eyes tinged with brown hues. Her short hair was adored with little hairclips and jewelry that was common for women in her time. Nagisa and the Kunugigaokans gasped from far away as they saw the woman. They saw the woman on the paintings of the castle, paintings where it was depicted Koro with his beloved wife. The woman was Aguri, the woman in the paintings and Koro's beloved wife.
It was a tearful reunion, with Koro looking at his love with a longing look as he spoke how he had missed her, and they were now reunited after a thousand years. Aguri smiled and held Koro's cheek with gentleness, but Aguri's hands glowed and slowly became transparent. Koro looked at Aguri in shock.
Aguri tearfully reveals that she can't stay any longer, as they can't be together, and Koro has to move on. Koro shook his head, screaming Aguri's name as he tried to hug Aguri and stop her from fading away, but the woman slowly floated away like how Koro had done a thousand years ago. Koro reached out desperately, trying to grab his beloved wife's hands, but Aguri faded away, smiling and saying, "I will always love you forever."
As Aguri faded away to the wind, the sliver of moonlight on the orb shatters, leaving into nothing. The time was up, and it was too late to bring Aguri back. She was gone forever.
Kaede looked at the scene sadly, as she saw her sister faded away to the wind, like how Koro has done before. She sadly remarked that she knew from the start that the ritual will never work in the first place. The curse will always plagued their fate. Also, if that was possible, you can't bring back the person long dead for a thousand years. Koro is an immortal, and Aguri isn't.
Upon hearing Kaede's sad truth, Koro was stricken with grief over the loss of Aguri once again, plunging Kunugigaoka into darkness. The god suddenly formed a protective barrier around him, forbidding anyone access to him. The Kunugigaokans were worried about their leader, Karasuma voicing his concerns.
"We can't enter the barrier, it is too powerful and no one can enters there. If there is someone that can enter it, they can't go out until Koro stopped the barrier. And knowing him, he will stay like that forever."
Irina continued, "He really loved Aguri very much, and did everything to make her come back. But we all know that it is impossible. Kayano-san was different from Aguri-san's case. That curse..."
Nagisa was confused, "How Aguri was different from Kayano?"
Karasuma looked at the moon good and sighed, " There is actually a story that was actually not included in the tales that you humans say about Koro and Aguri. When Aguri picked the magic peach and made a potion for Koro to drink, a powerful sorcerer named Shiro was very angry. He wanted the peach to himself, to be immortal forever. When he found out that the magic peach was gone, and hearing the news that a mere mortal became immortal after drinking a potion containing the peach, he was pissed. Of course, he can't curse Koro, as he was now immortal and now in the moon, so Shiro cursed the one who made the potion, the unfortunate Aguri. He used a forbidden spell to curse her."
Gakushuu asked, "Let me guess, the curse was not to let Aguri reunited with Koro forever??"
Irina nodded, "Yes. Aguri's spirit and Koro can't be reunited until the curse is broken. Shiro had announced that the curse should be broken before the last sliver of moonlight in the orb shatters, or Aguri be gone forever. But unfortunately, the curse was too powerful, even the gods can't easily lift it without trouble. Even Koro, who now revered as the god of the moon. But he tried everything to break the curse for a thousand years, and this is his chance to do it right. But he failed. That sliver of light was gone. Now Aguri is gone, and Koro can't bring her back forever."
Nagisa and the Kunugigaokans were worried when they heard the words. Even Gakushuu, who shows slight concern. Nagisa stepped forward and into the barrier's end, touching the barrier, expecting it to feel like a wall. They all were shocked when his hands passed through the barrier. Nagisa looked at the depressed god of the moon and determined to enter the barrier. Gakushuu stopped him, his hands touched the barrier. Unlike Nagisa, it never passed through.
"Are you crazy?! What if you will be stuck there forever? I can't go home without you, I still have a future on Earth!"
Nagisa sighed as he smiled, "The moon's guiding light will be gone if we don't do something."
He went inside, ignoring the pleas of Karma and Kaede telling him to stop. Nagisa walked towards Koro, who was curling up into a ball.
"Koro-sama? It's me, Nagisa. The effeminate boy? I want you to know the Kunugigaokans needed you..."
Nagisa went to reach Koro, but something... Or someone stopped him. It was the vision of his father. Nagisa widened his eyes in shock and sadness as he looked towards his father, reaching his hand to hold his father’s face once again. He cried, as he screamed for his father to come back. But like Aguri, the vision floated away, leaving Nagisa depressed. Nagisa curled up to a ball in sadness, as the memories of the happy times rushed over him.
Meanwhile, Gakushuu, Karma and Kaede tried hard to break the barrier, but it was no use. Gakushuu punched the barrier but it wouldn't budge. He may not admit it, but he is started to care about Nagisa. Kaede tearfully screamed as she pounded in the glass in desperation. In her desperation, she revealed a secret Gakushuu was shocked for: Nagisa was Kaede's descendant.
Kaede had apparently died in her 20s when she give birth to a baby boy, her first child. Before dying, she gave her sister's necklace to her son as a reminder of her sister's love for her husband. It became a family hairloom, and Nagisa got it from his father thousand of years later.
Karma comforted Kaede as Gakushuu looked towards the greenette and Nagisa in shock.
Meanwhile, Koro had noticed Nagisa crying towards the vision of his father before it fades away. Koro felt sadness as he looked towards the depressed bluenette, he realized that both he and Nagisa are similar. Both of them lost a loved one and grieving over their loss. He floated towards Nagisa and gently lifted the teen's head.
Nagisa looked at the moon god with a tearful gaze, as the moon god sadly smiled, speaking in a soft voice, "You don't belong here, Nagisa-kun. You have a family to come back to. Don't drown in sadness like I did, you are still young. I know it hurts to let go of them, but we had to move on and be happy with the ones we currently have. You will remember the moments with them, but we can make new ones. You have your mother who needed you, your new stepfather to support you, and a new brother to love you."
Nagisa looked down as he spoke in a soft voice, looking towards the moon god's dark eyes "It's not too late for you to move on too." Aguri may be gone, but they are still there." Nagisa pointed out to the teenagers who stood outside the barrier, "They needed you too."
Gakushuu punched the barrier, with Karma punching along with him. "Nagisa-kun, I know we are not in good terms, but we will try to work this out! Because we are now a family!" With one last punch, the barrier shattered, as Gakushuu and the Kunugigaokans rushed in to greet Koro and Nagisa.
Nagisa hugged Gakushuu tightly, as Gakushuu, still uncomfortable in hugging people, squirmed before giving up. Kaede smiled at Nagisa, while Karma patted his back.
All Kunugigaokans rushed towards the moon god, as they hugged the crying moon god. Ritsu, Okuda and Kurahashi was crying loudly, hugging Koro tightly. Karasuma and Irina stayed behind, but they were smiling at the joyful event.
Later on, Koro and the Kunugigaokans are ready to say goodbye to Nagisa and Gakushuu. Koro had apologized to Karma and Kaede for banishing them from the kingdom, as they were just trying to make him happy by moving on and focus on the ones who loved him now. Karma just laughed and said that it was fine, traveling was fun and exciting, that he gets to pick fights easily outside without Koro scolding him, making the moon god slapped Karma's head playfully. Kaede snorted as Karma hugged Nagisa and Gakushuu tightly as he admitted he was going to miss them, Kaede giving Nagisa a quick peck in the cheek. Nagisa blushed pink over the actions. Koro happily gives Nagisa the picture of Koro and Nagisa together, as proof. Nagisa clutched the photo with happiness, as Gakushuu rolled his eyes.
With the octopuses flying them away, Gakushuu and Nagisa returned to Earth. To a human observer on Earth, they are like shooting stars. Nagisa looked at the photo in his hand, and saw the photo is fading away. Nagisa realized that he didn't need proof, so he let the photo floated away in the wind as they fall towards the Earth.
Months after, Hiromi and Gakuho had married. Hiromi changed for the better, and Nagisa is happy that his mother is now happy in life. His brother, Gakushuu, started to warm up to him.
They celebrated the March 13th festival with their relatives by eating mooncakes and sweets while sharing stories of Koro and Aguri. Nagisa laughed at some of the story as he looked out at the moon. The moon was glowing bright, as if it was acknowledging Nagisa.
After the mooncake eating, Hiromi was with Nagisa, looking at the moon with a serene look in their faces. They remembered the memories of the past, but there is no heartbreak now. Hiromi apologized about how she acted towards Nagisa ever since his father died, and Nagisa smiled as he hugged his mother tightly. As they playfully chasing each other in the night sky, the moon shone brightly than ever, as a beautiful swan in a lake flew towards the moon.
So what do you think about it? I tried hard to fit the Assassination Classroom elements to Over the Moon, add some twists and new ideas, and hoping that there is not a character that is too OOC.
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Non disclosure agreements pt.2
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Summary: Shawn is desperate to talk to Y/N and fix things.
Warnings: mostly angst, some fluff
Word count: ~ 2.3k
Part 1
I moved my fingers around an almost empty bowl, grabbing a few popcorn and popped them in my mouth.
“This is a future memory.” Stefan begins the same line Shawn used and I frown, glaring at the television as if it’s the source of all evil.
“BOOO!” I couldn’t hold myself back, throwing the rest of my popcorn at the screen in frustration.
A weekend inside with The Vampire Diaries while the outside turned into winter wonderland was not ideal, but I needed it.
Shawn liked snow. He adored every damn snowflake, but I hated it. It was cold and wet, slippery and a hazard for clumsy people like me. Although Shawn fell on daily bases once ice rolled into town, he still enjoyed the weather...despite my Bambi jokes.
I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t on my mind all the time. I couldn’t sleep, finding him in my dreams every time I close my eyes. Watching his favorite TV show only to point out every time he used their lines on me wasn’t helping the situation and yet, I found it therapeutic. Not the words, but me boo-ing each line. Food? Well, I couldn’t get enough of food.
I scroll through my Twitter and Instagram, finding he didn’t post anything new since our break up.
Was he suffering too?
I know it’s childish and silly, but I wanted him to be hurt as I am. I was stuck in limbo, half of me loving him and the other one hating him. The part who clung to him had turned desperate and hateful toward the one who resented that NDA he presented me with. The hateful part...well, it simply despised him in every way.
I never thought he’d be the one to break my heart.
His sexiest quality by far is emotional warmth, nothing else comes close. Yet, I find myself freezing since the moment he pulled out those papers.
That sane part of me understood him, empathized with him. People always come and go in his life, all of them in search of something he could give them. Once they receive it, they disappear and take a part of him with them.
Shawn is the type to give his all to anyone he meets and regardless how difficult it is, he never showed to be disappointed when they leave. I guess it finally took its toll on him and I had to pay the price.
A soft knock on my door brings me out of this particular thought and I stand up, wrapping myself into a blanket. Trudging my way to the door, I quickly rub my eyes to make myself seem happier.
Forgetting to check who’s on the other side, I open the door and gasp unintentionally.
“Hear me out, okay?” Shawn stands with his palms pressed together, pleading. His eyes are tired, dark circles surrounding them. His usually styled curls are a mess, sticking out in different directions, unruly and wild like they turned only behind closed bedroom doors.
“Think I made myself clear.” With a heavy heart, I push the door closed. But Shawn had a different idea.
Shawn’s quick to push his way in, despite my attempt to keep him out.
I narrow my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest. I stay rooted to the spot, a breeze from the hallway moving my hair softly away from my face. Shawn keeps his eyes steady, remaining on my face as if they’re finally home again, just briefly before the sorrow in them starts to build up.
“Remember how happy we were! I’m begging you!” His voice is laced in desperation and it pricks at my heart like thorns of a red rose, a flower he frequently gifted me with.
I bite my lower lip, sucking on the soft flesh nervously, looking anywhere but at him with uncertainty. Should I let him speak, my resolve might waver. Should he break my resolve, it will chip away a piece of who I am and it will be lost to me forever. My features buckle just slightly before I speak, the only betrayal of my grief. 
“I think you should leave, Shawn.” I try and push back at all those happy memories we’ve made so far, finding they’re agonizing now.
“Hey! This is going to sound really stupid, but I saw you from across the street and I really wanted to kiss you. What do you say, eh?” Starting with the first words he ever spoke to me.
I recognized him instantly, thinking it was a prank of some sorts. Yet, I didn’t complain when he pressed his lips against mine and took the very breath from my lungs.
For a guy who claimed he has no game, he certainly proved otherwise that day.
“Now that we’re acquainted, what do you say about having a cup of coffee with me?” And he was smooth, charming...a perfect combination of sexy and fluff and I couldn’t resist him.
“Is this where we say goodbye? The end of the road?” He steps closer, looking down on me just like he did the first time we met. Just like he did every damn day after that; softly, gently, longingly. It’s the kind of a look that makes you sure love is visible, tangible and real.
“God, the way you look at me. Stop looking at me like that.” I speak through gritted teeth, running a hand through my hair as my emotions run wild.
I want to kiss him and slap him at the same time. I want to run my fingers through his hair and pull at it, caress him and push him away...I’m a walking contradiction when he’s in question and it’s driving me insane. Absolutely insane.
Shawn chuckles and I know he’s got a bad habit of laughing at the worst possible time. He shakes his head to wipe that adorable smile from his face, knowing I might be insulted by the gesture, but I’m not. I know he meant nothing malicious by that burst of energy he couldn’t contain. I know his anxiety is at an all time high right now and I can’t hold it against him.
“I’ll always look at you like you’re the only one for me. Because you are.” Shawn takes a step closer, reaching toward me with his hands.
I follow them closely, closing my eyes once they make contact with my hips and the hold he has on me tightens.
“If I give you a chance to explain why you want that NDA right now, will you please be honest with me?” The words leaving my lips make no sense, but my mouth seems to be faster than my brain right now. He’s in my head and I keep on forgetting he’s taken over my heart and he’s at the very seams of my being. He became a vital, out of body organ I needed to function. I know it’s wrong, but everything changed when we met. He became the blood that runs through my veins, but I’d survive without him either way. I’d move on, however, he’d always be somewhere inside, forever stuck with me.
Being infected by Shawn Mendes is an incurable disease and I know all I can do is manage the symptoms as they come along.
“I never lied to you.” Shawn says quietly, leaning down to rest his lips on my forehead. They’re warm,...far too warm for someone who just came in from a blizzard. And that’s when I know...He’s been standing in front of my door for God knows how long in hopes of talking things through and I feel my heart soften ever so slightly.
“So talk to me. Shawn, why?” I press the palms of my hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat is fast, but in perfect rhythm with my own.
“Because I got hurt. Hailey, she...kind of betrayed my trust while I swore up and down she’d never do that. And the worst part is, she worked with the studio for that. By the time I was included, I had already invested time and feelings and it all went to waste. It’s why I kept us a secret for so long.” Shawn sighs against my skin, moving back to look at my face properly.
I couldn’t look him in the eye, staring at his perfectly plump lips instead as he spoke.
“I was scared they’d ask the same of you. And I know! I know you’re not her, but there’s this quiet voice in my mind that annoys the shit out of me. It questions me and it questions my ability to know who to trust and I know in my heart I can trust you. I do.” Shawn keeps rambling, most of it becoming unrecognizable as his thoughts come out jumbled and I know his anxiety is getting to him. I know he needs emotional stability and yet, I need to put my foot down. Should I let this slide every time he feels any anxiety, I’d sacrifice my own needs for him all the time and instead of a loving relationship, we’d turn toxic.
I press my index finger against his lips, finally looking up at his eyes.
“That’s irrational and you know it.”
Then he turns to go, shoulders sunken and his hands in his pockets. Before I know what I'm doing I'm standing in his way and we lock eyes, the perfect distance for a kiss, but he shakes his head. I can see my pain mirrored in his dark eyes. 
“Shawn...You said you think I’m the only one for you. If that’s the case, is that NDA seriously more important than I am? Are you willing to let your fears hold you back from having happiness in your life? Will you let the label tell you who to date or will you make your own rules? Because that’s the Shawn I know and love.”
Shawn averts his eyes to the floor, looking at the fluffy black carpet he surprised me with on my birthday. He knew I loved anything soft that resembled  animal fur without it actually being fur and he got this as a present. I loved him for it. I still love him for it.
“Shawn?” He always said he'd persuade his label when the time came that we weren’t a threat to his career. I guess they won after all.
He looks back up at me, following the sound of my voice on instinct. He always said he’d know my whisper in a screaming crowd.
We have a silent conversation as we stared into each others eyes. I finally look away, tears threatening to blur my vision, when a hand encircles mine. It’s soft and warm, reassuring almost, as If the owner of that hand sensed my desperation. 
“You’re more important. I don’t really care for the NDA, I swear. I would place my life in your hands and trust you to keep it safe, let alone anything else. I was just angry that you didn’t even entertain the idea of signing. Like it was ridiculous. It felt like you didn’t understand me or the pressure they applied for a month until I caved to bring it before you.” He sighs and I blink fast, a tear slipping past my defenses.
He did fight for me.
He did.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Shawn? I wasn’t upset about the contract itself, but by the thought of you just letting them dictate our lives without a fight.” My bottom lip quivers and I notice his do the same as he looks up in exasperation.
“It’s not easy telling your girl you failed in something. Unfortunately, they wore me down and I really didn’t think you’d mind. I thought you’d laugh it off and sign it, throw it on some shelf to collect dust while we live our lives together.” Shawn admits, making eye contact once more.
I place a hand on either side of his face and observe him cautiously.
“You fought for me.” I pause, silently staring into my favorite whiskey colored eyes with adoration I’ve always had for him.
“It’s all I needed to know.” I smile, running my thumb across his cheek slowly.
“Of course. It always comes down to love of a girl and for me that was your love.” His lips turn up into a tiny smile, as he holds me tightly to his chest.
“That was a Damon line!” I exclaim, slapping his chest playfully.
“Founder’s party in season one, I think.” Shawn squints in an attempt to remember and I shake my head slightly.
“Sounds about right.” I add, confirming his thoughts since I basically watched the entire season yesterday.
“You’re not signing that contract.” Shawn leans down, kissing the top of my nose and I crinkle it in response.
“I’m grateful that you’re saying that now...but I’m gonna sign it.” I state, using the fact that his face is so close to me to leave a quick peck on his cheek.
“No, you’re not.” Shawn frowns, moving away from my face and I take in a deep breath.
“Are we going to fight about me wanting to sign it now? Because I’ll sign it to get them off your back. I don’t want you having anxiety over this anymore. You proved you love me, trust me...it’s enough for me. And I love you for it.” I whisper the last bit, capturing his lips into a kiss that feels just right.
“But tomorrow.” I break the kiss to look at him properly, my fingers wandering around the curls at the back of his head.
“I want to spend some quality naked time with my boyfriend tonight.” I smile cheekily and he grunts, connecting our lips hungrily once more.
Tags: @accalialionheart @xalayx @ourlittleshawnie @esoltis280
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shinigami-mistress · 6 years
(Evil?) Queen Grell
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I was joking around with a story for lovely Queen Grell here, and I actually ended up writing it out fully! It’s a tad long, but I wanted to post it for everyone’s enjoyment. It’s a total crack fic - a fairy tale AU, but I had a blast writing it.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful yet slightly insane queen named Grell who ruled over her chaotic kingdom with flair and a certain deadly charm. She was a beauty to behold with blood red hair, fair skin, and eyes of green and gold, but she was as dangerous as she was beautiful. Everyone approached the queen with great caution as no one wanted to incur her wrath.
Each day began the same for queen, although she typically eschewed routine, and this day was no different. She awoke at her own leisure and then went through an intense beauty ritual. No one, not even her most faithful servants, was allowed to lay eyes on her until her hair was styled, her makeup applied, and her wardrobe perfectly assembled. Today she had styled her hair in loose ringlets that were piled upon her head with only a few curls allowed to cascade down her bare back. Her dress was scarlet - a shade darker than her hair, and clung like a second skin to show off her slender muscles. It was cut low in back; stopping just shy of her hips although the skirt was full. With the dresses gold trim, she truly looked like a present just waiting to be opened.
Finally ready, Queen Grell quit her chamber, but she didn’t go to her throne room or even to the dining hall. Instead, she walked down a long hall to a set of narrow steps that led to a tall tower forbidden to everyone but her. This was also part of her ritual, and everyone had long since learned to stay back. The queen was not to be approached until it was completed.
At the top of the tower was a tiny, round room with a single window that commanded a spectacular view of much of the kingdom. Grell ignored that as she crossed the room to remove a red, velvet curtain from the wall to reveal an ancient mirror.
The black trimmed mirror wasn’t much to look at. There were cracks along the right bottom corner that looked like a growing spider’s web, and the surface had a scratched, burnished appearance that didn’t seem as if it would be good for reflection. Grell, however, ignored all these things as she stepped in front of the mirror.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall,” she began, “Who is the most fabulous of them all?”
“Fu, fu, fu,” a voice laughed, “You know the rules for a request so bold. To hear my truth, a joke must be told.” A face formed in the mirror - a pale face mostly covered by a mass of silver hair. The eyes were hidden, but the mad smile was in plain view. A twisted scar crossed threw the visible flesh before disappearing beneath the hair.
“Stupid mirror,” she growled, “Answer my question before I break you. Am I still the fairest?”
“Temper. Temper, my hothead queen,” replied the mirror, “I have much to reveal. There’s much to be seen. A simple joke - a humble laugh will do, and I will show everything to you.”
Grell shook her head, but thankfully she had heard a joke just the other day. Because of the mirror, she had started collecting jokes so that each day she could hear what the mirror had to say. “In Florence, a young woman who was somewhat a simpleton, was on the point of delivering a baby,” Grell began, “She had been enduring pain for some time and the midwife, candle in hand, inspected her. ‘The baby should be coming,’ said the midwife. ‘Look also on the other side,’ the woman said, ‘My husband sometimes takes that road.’”
The mirror didn’t speak for a few moments. He only shook his head and gave the tiniest of gigglies. “That wasn’t much,” he said, “There was no zing, so I will show you some but not everything.”
“Just show me!” Grell insisted.
The face melted from in view and in its place Grell saw a tall man with pale skin and raven black hair. He moved elegantly, almost catlike as he performed generic servant duties with his own special flair.
“He certainly is a handsome man,” Grell cooed, “Perhaps I should introduce myself.”
“This man, Sebastian is his name, already knows of you and of your fame,” stated the mirror.
The image faded as the face returned to the forefront to nod. “Sebastian has seen you; has examined your face,” said the mirror, “He called you a freak and a perverted disgrace.”
Grell gritted her rather sharp teeth together. She threw the curtain back over the mirror and rushed out of the room. She raced as fast as she could down to the dungeons - thinking that she was getting quite the workout this morning. At least it was good for her gorgeous legs.
“Othello!” she shouted as she ran into a small room off of the dungeon.
A small man with bushy dark hair looked up as she ran into the room. He smiled around a piece of black licorice, but he didn’t bother standing up. “Well, if it isn’t dear Grell,” he said, “It’s not often you come to visit me.”
“You’re supposed to refer to me Your Majesty,” Grell said, “but that isn’t important now. Do you have my apples ready?”
“Absolutely,” he said, “Although I’m really a scientist and not some sort of evil cook you know.” He jumped to his feet and crossed the room where he picked up a serving tray. There were two apples on the tray - one green and one red. Both looked very ripe and delicious. “The green apple is a special poison apple of my design,” he explained, “Once some takes a bite of it, they will fall into a deep sleep that can only be awakened by a true love’s kiss.”
“Why is it always a kiss?” Grell asked.
“Medieval sorcerer's code, 10577,” Othello answered, “It was one of the few concessions we had to made. Anyway, the green one is poison and the red one is that special love at first sight apple you wanted me to make for Willy poo.”
Grell picked up the apple. “Aw, my dear William,” she said, “One bite of this, and I will melt that cold heart of yours so you will be all mine.” With a laugh, she gathered both apples in her hands. Using her own magic, she transformed her image from that of a glorious queen, to that of a lowly and somewhat plain looking servant. Apples in hand, she set out on her new mission.
As she left, Othello resumed eating his licorice. “Wait,” he mumbled to himself, “Maybe the green one is the love potion and the red one is poison. I don’t know. Grell will figure it out.” He leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms behind his head.
No one noticed the rather mousy servant with the now long, brown hair exit the castle and run through the kingdom. While Grell hated being seen in such drab attire with boring hair and no makeup, it was the easiest way for her to travel without her guards. Without pausing, she hurried into the surrounding woods.
William, her beloved, was a woodsman, so he was always in the woods this time of day. Following the sound of the axe, she found him rather quickly where he was working with his apprentice, a young blonde man by the name of Ronald.
“Hello, William!” Grell called as she approached. To her great fortune he appeared to be alone. She wouldn’t want Ronald or anyone else accidentally eating the apple. “A fine day to be cutting wood, is it not?”
William paused; his axe casually perched across his right shoulder. “So far, we on schedule, so that’s good,” he answered, as he narrowed his eyes. “You know me by name, but I don’t believe we’ve met.” He was a tall, handsome man. While he wasn’t as flashy as Sebastian, he was still quite easy on the eyes with dark hair, intelligent green eyes, and well made features.
“Oh, you’re just well known is all,” Grell said - half cursing her disguise, “Here, have an apple. I’m sure you’re hungry from all that hard work. Reaching into a basket she had been carrying, she produced the red apple. “I just picked it, so it’s fresh. It would be a delicious snack for you.”
William took the apple hesitantly. “Thank you, I suppose,” he said.
“Just don’t eat it until I get back,” Grell said, as she turned away, “I want you to be looking in my eyes.” Laughing, Grell hurried away.
“Honestly,” William said, as adjusted his glasses. It was a strange encounter, but at least the apple did look appetizing. After wiping it on his shirt, he took a large bite.
From the vision she had seen in the mirror, she knew that Sebastian was currently working at the Phantomhive estate, which was just outside of her kingdom. She hurried to the location, and was happy to see that Sebastian was standing outside, serving some young brat on the lawn. She could have sworn there were actually two brats that lived her, but she never really cared for much details. Sebastian was her target, so she marched straight up to him.
“Working hard, I see,” Grell greeted.
“It is my duty to work as hard as is needed by my master,” Sebastian answered. In person, he was even more charming that just his image, but she would not be deterred. After all, he had supposedly called her a freak.
“From one servant to another, here,” Grell said, as she handed him the green apple, “Please, take a bite.”
“No thank you,” Sebastian said, and he started to drop the apple to the ground.
“Wait!” Grell cried, as she caught the apple, “I insist. You don’t want to be rude now, do you?”
“Sebastian!” the boy yelled, “Just take a bite of the apple and get rid of that freak! We have a lot to do today.”
“Yes, my Lord,” Sebastian said. As instructed, he took the apple and took a large bite of it. He chewed and swallowed the piece, as Grell watched - her disguise fading slowly until she was back to her usual, wonderful self.
“How do you feel?” Grell asked.
“A bit surprised to see you, Queen Grell,” Sebastian said, as he took her arm, “I’m afraid I’ll have to escort you off the property. Master’s orders. Although, for once I find myself hating to have to follow those orders.”
“You do?” asked Grell. Her voice raised in surprise as she was removed from the property. She had expected him to feel weak or at least ill. Othello had assured her the apples worked rather quickly.
“Yes,” Sebastian said, “because I find you rather fetching at the moment.”
Realization struck Grell with the force of a bolt of errant lightning. The apples had been switched! She would have to get her hands on Othello later but she had more important things to worry about at the moment. “William!” she cried as she jerked from Sebastian’s grasp and ran with the speed of a frightened lover back to the woods.
The first thing she saw when she returned was Ronald. He had apparently just been in another part of the woods when she had been here before. The young man was now leaning down over the prone body of William who was lying in a rather awkward position. “William!” she cried again, as she ran to the spot and knelt by his side.
“Oh, Queen Grell!” Ronald exclaimed, as he stood and rubbed the back of his head rather awkwardly. He noticed her attention was on William. “Yeah, the old man just sort of collapsed or something. I found him like this, with this apple by his body.” He held up the apple with a very conspicuous bite missing.
“Get rid of that!” Grell hissed, and she swatted the apple from his hand. Looking back at William, she shook her head. “I told you to wait,” she said, “but no matter. I’ll save you.”
Standing, she straightened her dress. “Make my darling comfortable,” she said, “and I’ll be right back to save him.” With that order, she dashed behind a clump of trees while Ronald was left only to stare down at William.
All it took was a kiss, but soon her darling would be looking straight into her eyes, so she had to look her absolute best. She took out a compact to make sure her makeup was still intact. Her reflection was so attractive, she couldn’t resist but wink at it before she pulled out her lipstick to reapply it. A little extra touch never hurt. Just as she finished, she heard Ronald cry out - yelling for someone or something to stop.
She reemerged, but she found Ronald now standing alone as William’s body was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s my darling?” she asked.
“He was taken by some...big, black cloud thing,” Ronald said, “I don’t know what it was, but it just swooped down and took him.”
“Where did it take him?” Grell cried.
Ronald pointed to a road that led away from the kingdom and towards the forbidden castle of dolls. “That way,” he explained, “I didn’t even have a chance to stop it.”
“Like you could have,” Grell snapped. Looking around, she grabbed an axe before running at full speed towards the forbidden castle.
“You don’t have to get all pissy with me,” Ronald mumbled, as he sat down in the shade to wait.
The road towards the castle was rough as it was rarely taken, and Grell nearly tripped several times over rocks, thorns, and tree roots which had overtaken the path. This was no road to attempt wearing heels, even though they made Grell’s backside look delectable. With great care and great speed, she hurried towards the castle, which loomed before her like a dark mountain.
“What are you doing here, my queen?” a familiar voice asked.
Grell turned and saw Sebastian sitting on a nearby rock. “I could ask you the same thing,” she said.
Sebastian stood and walked towards here. “I’m just here to make sure you don’t anything foolish,” he said, “You seem to be heading towards the Castle of Dolls. That would be a mistake. You know there’s countless possessed dolls in there all posed to attack, and they will turn you into a doll yourself if they manage to catch you.”
“They aren’t going to stop me,” Grell said, “I have to go in there and rescue William. He’s in there!”
“I know,” Sebastian replied, “I put him there.”
“You?” Grell asked, “But why?”
He moved closer to Grell; the soft wind toying with his hair like a lover’s caressing fingers. “I didn’t want the competition,” he said, “I wanted you for myself all alone.” He wrapped Grell in his arms. “Leave him and love only me,” he purred.
This was certainly unexpected, but now that Grell was in this situation she realized even more that William was the one she wanted. Sebastian was certainly handsome, and it did her ego good to hear him profess his love to her, but he would nothing more than a fling. She wanted passion, romance, and love.
“It would never work out,” she said, as she pushed away, “I must save my William. If you try and stop, I will fight you.”
“I would never dream of trying to stop you,” he said, with an odd smile, “Do what you feel you must.”
Grell was surprised by his lack of willingness to fight, but she was happy there would be no more interruptions from Sebastian. With a quick nod, she hurried on down the path until she came to the castle.
From the outside, it only looked like a run-down, slightly crumbling castle. It wasn’t even all that impressive as her own castle was much larger and more elaborate, but there was a feeling in the air that seemed to take your breath as you approached. Grell recognized this as very old, very dark magic, but she had to press on. Bravely, she opened the doors.
There were dolls everywhere. Broken marionettes hung from the ceiling. Smaller, children’s dolls littered the floor, while large, human sized dolls were lying on chairs or propped against the walls. Grell stepped into the room, and the door slammed shut behind her, as the dolls all opened their eyes slowly and turned towards her. A soft growl from an unknown source slipped around the room and she could hear the creaking of their joints as they began to move as one.
“For William!” she cried, with the axe high above her head. Leaping into the air, she sliced through the mannequins’ strings and they made a cry like a rusty scream, before she raced through the room. She moved like a caged animal as she chopped and cut at everything in sight. Not a single doll lay a digit on her as soon they all lay in mangled heaps of chopped limbs and heads.
She hurried up the steps and she searched for William. There were dolls in every room, but none stood a chance against her. Soon they ever tried to retreat, as she saw them scurrying to hide under beds and in dressers, but she was determined not to let one live. After searching many rooms, she finally found William lying on the bed of rather large, impressive bedroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, she stepped into the room to deliver her loving kiss.
A final doll jumped in her path. Some distant part of her mind realized that this doll looked much like the brat Sebastian served, but she didn’t care about such details. He moved with a precision and intelligence unlike the other dolls.
But he was still an obstacle.
There was shock and horror on his painted face when she attacked with her axe. He dissolved into sawdust within minutes as if he had never had a solid form, leaving Grell the easy victor. With a smile on her face, she jumped over the pile of dust to kneel by William’s side.
“My darling,” she said, as she pushed back a strand of hair from his forehead, “I’m here.”
“You did a good job,” Sebastian suddenly said. Somehow, he had suddenly appeared in the room, and was now sifting through the sawdust left by the last doll.
“I’m not leaving William for you,” Grell said.
Sebastian laughed. “Do you really think your little love potion ever worked on me?” he asked, “I only needed this.” He pulled a brilliant blue ring from the dust. “I was forbidden from directly destroying this doll, so I needed someone to do that for me. You did wonderfully.” He smiled darkly as he bowed. “I truly hope we never cross paths again,” he said before leaving the room.
“Jerk,” Grell muttered, but there were more important things to focus on now. With a gentle smile, she leaned forward and kissed William deeply.
He opened his eyes almost immediately. “What are you doing?” he demanded, as he pushed her back. Sitting up in bed, he looked out a nearby window. “Is it that late?” he asked, noticing the sun, “Where has the day gone. I’ll have to work overtime tonight or I will fall behind.” Mumbling to himself, he quickly stood and left the room.
Grell smiled. Her ice cold darling was back, and her love had brought him back. True, she was the reason he had fallen into the sleep to begin with, but he didn’t need to know about that particular detail.
It was after dark before Grell returned to her castle. Taking a candle, she hurried up to her tower to see the mirror one more time that day. When she removed the curtain, the silly face appeared to be sleeping and snoring - a line of drool escaping his mouth.
“Wake up!” she hissed, and the face slowly shook itself awake.
“Aw, my queen,” he began, “I watched your travel. A mistake in the apples almost made your plans unravel. But you did well, facing all those dolls. Shame old Willy still won’t be returning your calls. Fu. Fu. Fu.”
“Never mind that,” Grell hissed, “but I have a question. Why did you tell me about Sebastian? I want to the fairest in my kingdom - my land. Sebastian lives outside my borders.”
The face smiled. “I’ll tell you this time without asking for pay, because watching you through my glass has truly made my day. I showed you Sebastian. That much is true, but never did I once say he was fairer than you.”
Grell was shocked. “You...you tricked me?” she asked, “Then, am I still the fairest in the land.”
“Well, there is someone fairer, and that much is plain to see,” he answered, as he shook back his hair revealing his handsome face. “The fairest in the land is actually me!”
Grell frowned as she pulled a hammer from the inner liner of her sleeve. With one simple swing, she took care of the problem at hand.
“Who needs a magic mirror anyway,” she said, as she dropped the hammer to the floor and left the room.
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sambergscott · 6 years
Jake and Amy Plus Baby Makes Three
Summary: Amy is in hospital and gets a surprising piece of news OR Jake and Amy find out they’re pregnant like Jim and Pam.
read on ao3
When Jake first gets the call that his wife is in the emergency room, he freaks out. She’d apparently been on a routine patrol with one of her uniformed officers when an armed robber ran out of a bodega and shot her in the leg as she was apprehending him. It’s nothing life threatening, but still. It’s the first time she’s been injured since they got married seven and a half months ago and he needs to be with her, like, yesterday.
Terry drives him to the hospital (Jake’s in no state to be in a control of a car), turning on lights and sirens to get them through the busy New York traffic as fast as they can. They’re technically still on duty so they count at is a police emergency and Sarge says he’ll deal with any potential repercussions later. Jake would thank him for being a great friend but all he can really think about is Amy, gunshot, Amy, hospital, Amy.
Jake jumps out of the car the second Terry puts it into park, sprinting into the ER and up to the reception desk, his asthma and overwhelming concern for his wife making it difficult to breathe as he demands to know where she is.
“She’s with the doctor at the minute, sir, you’ll have to wait out here.”
“But I’m her husband,” he argues, panting heavily. “I should be with her!”
“Someone will be out shortly to update you and let you know when you can see her,” the receptionist promises and Terry - who’d finally caught up with him - has to forcibly drag Jake away.
The detective sinks into one of the uncomfortable metal chairs, burying his head in his hands. He registers Terry putting a hand on his back but he doesn’t react, his thoughts consumed with his wife. He assumed that now they’re married and he’s her emergency contact, he’d get privileges like getting to see her in the hospital after she’d been shot. He has to wait nearly one torturous hour before a nurse comes to find him.
He leaps out of his seat when she calls his name, worry written all over his face. “How is she?”
“She’s fine, detective. We just had to bandage her up and run a few tests. If you’d like to follow me to receive the test results with her-.”
“Of course,” he responds, exchanging confused looks with Terry over his shoulder as he follows the nurse through a door off the waiting room, both of them thinking the same thing: What kind of tests have they had to run for a leg wound?!
After walking through what feels like a million Hogwarts-esque corridors, they reach his wife’s room and his heart beats faster at the sight of her in a hospital bed.
“Hey, babe,” she murmurs as he strides over to her and gives her the tightest hug he can. “Were you worried about me or something?”
He pulls away and looks at her like she’s got two heads. “Ames, I was terrified. Still am actually. The nurse said they ran some tests?”
“I told them I’d been feeling nauseous all day and then I actually threw up so they wanted to check me over. I’m fine though, right?” She asks the nurse stood at the foot of her bed reading her charts. “It’s just a stomach bug or something.”
“Actually,” the nurse corrects, “you’re pregnant.”
Jake almost collapses.
Of all the words he’d been expecting to hear, “pregnant” was not one of them. He thought they were going to say they’d found a tumour or they’d have to amputate her leg or she has incurable genetic disease. He’d never even considered the possibility of her being pregnant.
It’s not like they were actively trying to have a baby. They had mentioned it a few times (Amy telling him that she wanted to have children before she made captain, Jake watching her with her nieces and nephews and marvelling over how good of a mom she will be) and he hadn’t worn protection in just over a month, but they weren’t trying and he definitely didn’t think it would happen that fast.
“We’re having a baby? For realz?”
“For realz realz,” the nurse laughs and Jake’s face breaks out in a wide grin. “I’ll give you two a minute.”
He turns to Amy to see that she’s crying and he panics. He wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t want this, if it’s too soon for her. She’s been in her new job less than a year and they’ve been married even less time than that. It’s fast and crazy and way ahead of her life calendar, but they wanted kids eventually, so why not now? He’s about to say all this when she starts siling and he realises they’re happy tears. This is really happening.
“So,” he says nervously, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“So,” she echoes, “a lot of change around here, huh?”
He kisses her - hard - as she repeats the words he’d said to her before their first proper kiss all those years ago when they were just two detectives who were very attracted to each other. Now she’s a sergeant and they’re married and in eight-ish months they will be parents and he’s never been happier.
“What do you think we’ll have?” She asks, breaking the kiss and resting her head against his forehead.
“Considering they’re half-Santiago, I bet it’s a little boy.”
“Really?” She bites her lip. “I think it might be a girl.”
“Are we seriously going to wage on the sex of our unborn child?”
Amy giggles, kissing him softly. “Maybe not. I don’t care what we have anyway, they’re going to be perfect, girl or boy.”
“Damn right they are,” he agrees. “It is our baby after all. Of course they’re going to inherit our awesomeness.”
“Charles might have a heart attack when he founds out.”
“I almost had a heart attack when I found out. Charles has been begging us to have babies since we first started dating. I don’t think he’s going to make it, babe.”
“At least if he dies he won’t be able to get weirdly invasive,” she points out and he barks with laughter because God, he loves her so much. “You know he’s constantly going to be talking to my belly and asking how my uterus is doing and feeding me gross food that is supposedly good for the baby? It’s going to be hell.”
“We won’t tell him until we absolutely have to,” Jake decides, placing his hand on her flat belly. “We’ll keep it between us for now and then, when you can’t hide the bump anymore, we’ll share it with the precinct.”
She smiles and nods and places her hand on top of his. “Can you believe there’s a little baby in there?”
“I cannot. I came in here thinking you were dying and instead we’re bringing a whole new life into the world.”
“It’s insane but I’m so excited.”
“Me too,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her lips. “We’re having a baby, Ames.”
“We’re having a baby!”
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blazingtheway · 3 years
Thr ough the Looking Glass – Storyline 8 – Together - Part Nine
Continuing on from...
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ I heard the comment about my laughing from cross the bar as if I was stood right beside them both. Picking up a wedge of lime I flung it across the counter and smirked as it hit Call on the side of his face just as he said they were trying to remind the townies where they were. “Joe Fucking Walker..” I half growled and half huffed, making #Sam glance towards Call with that questioning look in his eyes saying, 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙢 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚? There was a name I’d not forgotten and had spent the last few days and nights thinking of. But by the spirits it wasn’t in the way that man wanted me to think about him. There was still some unfinished business there with Walker and I knew if I saw him anytime soon, my fist would meet his face before any words would come out. ‘Didn’t you think he wasn’t bad on the eyes?’ My wolf teased me now too. What was this? Pick on Leah night because you will get away with it? My eyes darted over to Call as he laughed, he was really flying too close to the sun. “Watch out Icarus, wouldn’t want those wings of yours to burn and melt before you land on your feet.” My gaze flickered to his hand as that slight change, the tightening of his fingers around the bottle didn’t go amiss. ‘What is that about. Call of all people knows you can manage tenfold than what these five have to offer.’ My wolf asked, I didn’t have an answer for her. I wasn’t sure myself. It wasn’t like he’d not witnessed me throwing guys out of here before. ‘Here you go sis’ #Seth was back in record time, and I knew that he’d not even tried to keep his trip down to the basement in human speed. And I also knew that with the kids super hearing, there wasn’t a word up here that he’d not heard. Setting five #Mermaidspunks on the bar before the townies, I charged them $80.00. $50.00 was for the cocktails and $30.00 was an idiot tax that I’d put into one of Ma’s charity drives. ‘What the fuck is that?’ One of them scowled picking up the illumines blue drink.’ While his friends just stood there looking at the drinks without touching them. “That’s what you asked for. And I did reiterate your request, to which once again you confirmed. Now pay up, before I really start to show you those skills of mine you have been daydreaming about.” Holding my hand out as they all set the money down, picking up their drinks, walking away from the bar. “Now, if I add five to the total that I’ve already sold Call…. How many have I sold all together?” Stepping up to stand before him, I slide a glass of #Mermaidspunk in front of him. “And this one is on the house. But I need to hear you say it...” Raising my eyebrow, my arms crossed over my chest. ‘I guess I need to get myself and Emily that babysitter for Monday?’ #Sam laughed a full belly laugh, patting Call on his back a few times. ‘Vocal exercises. Tony was saying that those things really work and help a guy out.’ #Seth’s carefreeness was back as he marked the board and wrote: ✷ 𝓐𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓦𝓲𝓷 ✷ ↬ Embry Call ↫ My attention was pulled between the townies at the bar and #Sam; I was taken off guard by the lime wedge she lobbed at me. I flinched and picked the offending fruit up off the bar and smirked. I bit into it and sucked the bitter juice from it. "Thanks, Clearwater! Very refreshing." I teased her as #Sam muttered 'Disgusting.' under his breath... but it definitely wasn’t the grossest thing he'd ever seen me do. I chuckled at the muttered name of my boss. #Sam still had a clueless look in his eye... or at least #Sam's brand of clueless. More like a curious determination to figure it out. I just shrugged. "C'mon Trouble! You need to step up your nickname game!" I teased her. And #Sam's eyes rolled. 'You really are asking for it Call.' He sounded like he was warning me but his eyes were daring me. I smirked at him. I sighed... defeated when she sat the brightly coloured cocktails in front of the guys. Their indignation at the sight of them did give me a little joy though. I refused to answer her question
and struggled to keep the grin off my face. There was no point denying it, she had won hands down, and I was never one to welch on a bet. I looked at #Sam and laughed. "If I offer to babysit will that get me off the hook?" I didn’t mean it; of course, I would be here and take my lumps. I picked up the glass Leah set in front of me, and took a long drink of the sweet, liquid. "Yeah, yeah..." I admitted. "You win! I know." I lifted the glass and took again. "This really isn't bad... needs more alcohol... but it tastes pretty good." I smiled at #Seth's advice and shook my head. "Hey, it’s you guys that have to listen to it... your funeral!" I saw the moment of realization on #Sam's face. The vocal exercises comment must have done it for him. 'Wait... Call is going to sing?' He said, shocked and pulled his phone from his pocket. 'I'm texting every babysitter I know, right now!' ↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ Watching Call bite and then suck on the lime wedge made me wrinkle my nose. Nodding my head once in agreement with #Sam’s comment. And yet I could tell so clearly that Call was doing it to get himself a reaction out of me. And by the Spirits there was no way I was going to give him what he wanted. Out of my peripheral vision I noticed the townies making their way over to the group of girls from before, they offered the cocktails and then slipped in around the table with them all. I had to give it to them, for a team of idiots who needed to learn how to talk to a real woman, they weren’t doing too badly when it came to playing the room. About as 𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙝 as they could manage it. Serving a customer as I listened to them all laughing and joking, I stood still and narrowed my eyes. “Who are you calling 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚, dumbarse?” Setting the drinks on the bar I reached over and punched his upper arm hard. If it were a human, I knew I’d have broken some bones. But a Spirit Warrior? It was nothing more than a sting. “Keep it up Dimples, and I will dig you a grave and put your broken dead arse in it. Your saving grace is that I feel generous with my win tonight. And I won’t want to rub salt into your wound, not until after you pay up on your bet.” Glancing to #Sam again I continued. “It will be worth the money… Wait… I will call #Emma. That girl has some making up to do. So, it will be free.” I’d not forgotten about my little cousin and the diching school. Grabbing the bottle of vodka, I added a free pour to his glass. At this stage it was mostly booze with a touch of everything else. “We take all customer feedback here at the #HWH, I hope your drink is now satisfactory.” Pure sweetness dripping from my voice to the point that #Mac and #Seth both stepped back away from me. ‘It’s never a good sign when she’s that nice to anybody.’ #Mac whispered into #Seths ear. Making me smile that killer smile, combing my fingers through my long dark hair the way guys seemed to melt over. And just to test it, I turned to look at the men waiting to be served. And sure enough, all but two dropped their mouths to the ground. The two who didn’t were the ones I served next. ↬ Embry Call ↫ I couldn’t help but keep my ears half-trained on the yahoo’s from town; when they moved away from where I could see them without turning and making it obvious. I knew Leah and #Seth had a perfect view of the whole place from behind the bar, so they wouldn’t get away with much. I smiled at her threats making sure she got a good view of those dimples she was talking about. “We all know you’d never break my Mom’s heart like that.” I teased; it was funnier because it was true. ‘Momma’s boy!!’ One of the pups called from behind and I whirled lobbing the husk of the lime wedge at him. He ducked to the left and just about managed to swat it away at the last second. It skittered across the table of girls and townies. I stifled a laugh as the girls all shrieked like someone had just dropped a live fish onto their table. The guys glared at us all settled a little longed and #Sam and myself. We easily stood a head taller than all of them. ‘Sorry!’
the pup raced over to the table and snatched up the offending fruit. I knew that apology was really aimed at Leah. There was no way he wanted to incur his Beta’s wrath. I half expected her to throw the vodka at me when she approached me with it in hand. I was just about to taste the improved recipe. But I was stopped with the glass in mid-air; she was combing her fingers through her hair again. She really did that a lot more than I thought she did… I hardly missed that over all these years. This must be a new habit… Right? There was something in my memory telling me I was wrong. but I seemed unable to cast my mind back and wonder if I had seen it before. A throat cleared near me and I almost growled at the distraction that pulled my attention from the train of thought… or… was it that my attention was pulled from her? I scoffed at myself. No. Definitely the first one. “Hmm?” My gaze turned in the direction of #Sam; he was gaping at me like I was insane, and I spotted the gawking table of jackarses almost drooling over Leah, over his shoulder. ‘Do you have a death wish?’ #Sam muttered, but not quietly enough that wolves in the room wouldn’t hear. ↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ Taking my phone out I shoot #Emma a text. I wasn’t one to beat around the bush. So, I told her to be at #Sam and #Emily’s place on Monday night, because she was babysitting for free. Hitting send on the text I looked over to Call and his attempt to flash me those dimples of his. “Your Mom is the only reason you are still living, and we all know even those dimples can’t save you.” I scoffed at him, even if I found myself looking at his face a moment longer than I would have before. Again, the whispers of the Spirits telling me that he was on a path of evolution. ‘I knew there was a reason she didn’t kill him that night at the cliffs. If any of us had grabbed her….’ The Pups voice trailed off at the sight of my eyes on him. ‘I just mean it was funny how he took you over the cliff, and is still alive to tell the story?’ Pushing my hair over the side I leaned across the bar. “Who said he would live forever? The best revenge is served up when the other person is least expecting it.” I snapped my teeth at the pup, and he jumped out of his skin. ‘Sorry!’ The pup called out from across the room and I didn’t know if I wanted to go and smack him for not catching the lime peel, or it was Call who needed a kick on the arse for throwing things across the bar floor. The screaming girls all followed by the looks and the drinks being spilled made me growl, dipping my head before I grabbed a tray and a damp cloth. #Mac was on his way, but I stopped him telling him what the girls had been drinking and asking him to put a round together for them on the house. As I worked, I could feel Call’s eyes on me, and this wasn’t something new. But when I glanced up towards him again, he looked lost in his head. #Sam’s voice in my ears I wondered what it was I’d missed, but I was sure I’d soon hear about it when I was back. ‘Sorry Leah.’ The pup who’d ducked the lime skin whispered as I passed him towards the table. Telling the girls there was another round coming for them, I started to work my way around cleaning up the mess. ‘Here let me help you.’ Blonde tips came to stand beside me a little closer than was necessary. “Don’t worry about it, it’s all a part of the job. Feel free to continue with your evening.” I replied gathering the glasses. He moved in behind me, I glance in the mirror across the floor to see him looking over at his friends and the whispers in my ears started from them. ‘He is about to do something.’ My wolf told me, but in my heart, I knew it before she said it. I stood up and moved around the table. Excusing myself in the middle of two talking girls. Cleaning the spilled drinks, before making my way around and out of the way. ‘Lee, I got the new round.’ #Mac came to join me. I pointed out who had what before I started to step towards the other table, collecting empties on my way back towards the bar. ‘Are you sure you don’t want
some help?’ Blonde tips came back again. As I leant forward to grab some empties, I felt his hands moving up my inner thighs coming around and stopping on my hips. He lent over me reaching for a bottle, setting it down on the tray I was working to fill. In the moment, the world stopped around me. The sounds and the music were so far away, that I wasn’t even sure I was in the #HWH anymore. It was as though with that one move; he had managed to transport me back into the ring in Seattle. The look in #Beckers eyes frozen in my mind, and the sensations of his hands moving up my body had my mind racing. I was always in lockdown, but for a split second my heartbeat changed until I stopped my body from reacting. I was on auto pilot, the growl of my wolf as she pushed me to react but in the right way. But it was like her message wasn’t received in time. Dropping the cloth and the tray on the table. I reached behind me, taking a hold of the boy’s hands. Pulling them apart and off my body. Using my own weight, I stood up straight, twisting myself to face him. Face to face, I narrowed my eyes and for a blink it was #Becker who was stood before me and not some stupid townie who didn’t know how to read the room. Twisting his hands back and over his own wrists, I stopped at the point where I knew I would hear a pop and a crack. “You really need a lesson on respect, as well as on how to keep your hands to yourself, don’t you?” I growled in his face. His pale face had gone whiter as I pushed back on his fingers to the point where I knew just an inch more and they would pop out of place. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and I heard my name being called. “Do you have something to say to me? Do you?” I growled again as he fell to his knees apologising for his actions. But I still didn’t let go. ‘Leah Stop!’ My wolf ordered me. ‘He is not Becker. This is not Seattle!’ She tried to break me away from that Red fog that had come down over my eyes, and I let go of his hands taking a few steps back. Shaking my head as I brought myself back out of the fog, I always told the pups never to give into. “The Spirits!” His friends were by his side picking him up off the ground, but I didn’t give them much room. “Next time don’t touch a woman without asking her if she is happy with your grubby hands all over her. Especially at a place where she works! Now I believe it’s time for you to get your arses out of this bar. Head to the door before I pick you up and throw you out!”
↬ Embry Call ↫ I knew the thing about my Mom was true… or at least the reason why she’d never seriously wounded me. Not that it would have taken too long to heal. I laughed at the pup; he had balls to bring that up. “She didn’t kill me that night because it was fucking hilarious, and she knew it!” I beamed a triumphant grin. Even #Sam chuckled; I had no doubt he had seen a replay in one of the kids’ minds. I watched Leah mop up the mess and the pup scrambled to apologise. The arsehole that was sat at the table trying to 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 was playing with fire. I heard the warriors from both packs draw in a collective breath; when he touched her. It wasn’t a male ego thing about protecting a woman; maybe if it was one of the imprints. This was no different than when the pups saw me have an interaction at the club. A jerk that was harassing someone and you got a condescending hand on the shoulder and the ‘𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣' 𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙧𝙤’ line. Leah was one of us, no matter what pack or double X’s in her gene. But we all knew she had no issues handling the arseholes. The wolves inside of all of us, live by the laws of the pack. The social aspect of half a dozen guys zeroing in on one guy didn’t apply to them. Not until we pushed them back. And that was just the start of it… the hell we’d catch if we deprived Leah of the chance to toss this bastard out on his ear; was nothing compared to the lecture we’d get from the elders (that were in on the secret) when rumours of a gang of thugs in the Rez started spreading. I heard the stutter of her heart and I wondered if she was thinking about Seattle. She never let this crap get to her. In a matter of seconds, she had turned the tables and the guy was in obvious pain, nothing he wouldn’t get over quickly… Leah had exceptional control. But she wasn’t letting go… #Seth was fighting with all his will to stay behind the bar. She got control again and freed the man. I didn’t even need to look at Sam to know we were going to make sure these fuckers left the Reservation and didn’t take their attitudes elsewhere. I pulled one of the pups in close and told him to slip out the back. Then connect with whoever was on patrol and have someone follow them off of Tribal land after they got on the road. None of us would rest easy if we were wondering if they had taken this misogynist act to the diner or somewhere else. The kid didn’t even try to protest, he was more than happy to do it. They headed out the door; heads swivelling to keep an eye on the locals, after the door swung closed, I counted to five, biding my patience not to fly through the count. Then we pushed off the bar and headed out front, our drinks in hand and we made our way to a bench out front. There was a light drizzle so no one else was outside. Our eyes fell on the fools that were hooting and laughing, both about the bitchy bartender and the fact their idiot friend had gotten whooped by a girl. That one never got old! But it was funnier when it was one of the imprints doing the whooping. ↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ My feet grounded I kept my hands to my sides and fisted to make sure I didn’t go after Blonde tips again. Every inch of my being urging me to head out the back and cut them all off. To smash his face in until he got the message about how to know when a woman wanted his attention and when she didn’t. ‘That is the thinking, and the workings of Leah from ten years ago, not the woman who stands here today.’ My Wolf hadn’t backed down. She was the one keeping a tight hold around me. ‘You know you are better than this, don’t let old habits seep into the cracks Seattle cut into your armour.’ I cracked my neck from side to side, I knew she was right. but by the Spirits it felt good to imagine the outcome of him stepping up to me in a ring. ‘Watsi Nasgi Danuwa analihi’ ( Watch those Warriors ). All jokes forgotten in the moment. She was sounding proud at the way without making it obvious the packs took in a deep breath and steps were taken towards the group of townies. I wasn’t mad at them all for their
reaction, I knew this wasn’t about me being a woman. This was the same reaction they would have had if it were #Seth stood here, or even #Mac. We didn’t have our hive minds on our two legs. But there was more to it than that. We read people, situations, saw outcomes as a matter of it becoming second nature to us. This was what we had always tried to instil in the pups, have the ability not just in their wolf form but as humans too, clocking trouble before it got out of hand. And this very thing was what they all reacted too. I saw #Sam and Call taking their positions, waiting before they moved. I saw the pup slip out the back of the bar and disappear knowing he was going to give the patrol a warning of what these idiots could bring to the Rez. But more so my eyes moved to #Seth and that anger in his face. ‘He is not a kid Leah, even if you believe him to be.’ Picking up the tray I walked back towards the bar, but I was stopped part the way back. ‘That was well managed here.’ Pulling my eyebrows together, my glance moved towards the door where the wolves and the pups had stepped out of. “There’s nothing to worry about, this is a safe place to have a drink. We know how to manage little trouble such as that.” I reassured the man, recognition illuminating my now clear mind. He was one of the guys at the bar who had not reacted to my teasing. And the other sat on the table behind him smiling up at me. ‘I’m not worried at all; I had a feeling you were a woman who could handle herself as we watched you taking on that group of big guys around the bar.’ I smirked because he was talking about #Sam, Call, and the pups. Holding his hand out towards me with a charming smile. ‘Hi, my name is Charlie Waterson, and this is my boyfriend Theo. We’d just moved back to La Push and I was wondering if you may have a job for me here at the bar?’ #Theo stood up as I shook #Charlie’s hand and held his out towards me. ‘Please call me Teddy. Only my mom calls me Theo.’ His shake was a little more excited than that of #Charlie. ‘Char is from here, but not me. I’m a city boy born and raised. But you know how it is… Got to bring the Rez boy back to his roots at some time. And hope I am not too much for the town to handle.’ Raising my eyebrow, I listened to #Theo going a mile a minute and he reminded me of my cus #Jessica. “It’s good to meet you both. And Welcome to the Rez Th… Teddy” I corrected seeing the look in his eyes. “And it’s always good to see a Rez man coming back home Charlie. It’s a mad night tonight here as you can see. Why don’t you pop by the bar tomorrow before opening and we can talk then?” Excusing myself after I went towards the bar again, the eyes of the Pups left in the bar following me. “If you all don’t cut it out, you will be next.” I growled under my breath knowing they would all hear me. Setting the tray down to the side. ‘The pup went to tell the others; you don’t have to do it sis.’ #Seth whispered and I nodded my head, continuing into the back. I closed the door to the bathroom, turning on the water and splashed my face with cold water. When I finally looked up at the mirror hung above the sink, I saw myself. My eyes, my face, the anger that I was pushing down inside. Locking it all away from the world. ‘You keep pushing yourself to be better, but you can’t do that until you address what happened to you.’ My wolf was correct, and I knew that. But it was sometimes easier to push my crap to the back until my responsibilities were dealt with, with the Pack, with my family, with all that I needed to ensure was working smoothly. My face dried without the need for me to grab a towel, I combed my fingers through my hair, straighten up myself. All of me under a lock and key before I opened the door and stepped out again.
↬Embry Call ↫ The idiots spotted #Sam and me. We stayed seated, in a strained effort not to look too confrontational. Until they started muttering about us, then we stood up; both moving in such a way that it flashed the tattoos on our right biceps. Rumours of the group of troublemakers on the Rez with matching tattoos weren’t as common since the last of the pups learned their control. The random outbursts of temper faded out of people’s memory… But some local legends never died. One of the guys slapped the one that had harassed Leah on the arm and told him it was time to go. We watched them load into their truck; I wasn’t too worried about the driver. He didn’t seem drunk yet but they would have an escort all the way back to town. With us watching they didn’t even attempt to head towards the village. I knew the patrols would send someone to us if they saw them double back. We didn’t need them starting trouble elsewhere in La Push tonight. #Sam and I didn’t go back inside until the truck was on the tree-lined road, knowing the pack would be waiting for them, to give them their unseen escort off tribal land. #Sam and I took our seats at the bar and I looked up at #Seth, I gave him a nod to say they were gone. The pup wouldn’t come back until he saw them leave La Push in the hive mind. Leah was gone but I knew she wouldn’t be far. I hoped the kids would play it cool. But in the back of my head, I was thinking about Seattle. But even after that, she managed to find the strength to control herself, though I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had done a little damage to that arsehole. #Seth made a move to go into the back and I figured it wasn’t his first. “Kid!” I called after him and he stopped short. I gave him a sympathetic look, I knew how much he worried about his sister, but I also knew if she didn’t want to be alone, she’d still be behind the bar. I gave the tiniest shake of my head. He sighed and nodded. Just as he started to serve the next customer she reappeared. I knew I shouldn’t, but my eyes examined her face trying to read it like sheet music.
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ As I stepped out into the bar my eyes moved around the floor, taking in the remaining people. Who had gone, who had come while I was in the back and if there was anything or anybody, I needed to pay attention to. It was second nature to me, to the pack to know our surroundings, to understand where we stood and what could come our way or in the way of others. Only once I was sure that all was well did I pick up the tray of glasses and bottles, putting them away I moved to go fill the glass washer and then bringing back a large tray of clean ones. I knew, as I worked, I knew I was being watched. Their eyes were on me, #Mac moved closer and closer as he served, #Seth’s head kept turning towards where I moved to refill the glasses under the bar. The Pups now acting casual around the bar and the pool table, darted glances towards me, as I stood or bent down. And I pondered what they were thinking? Did they wonder if I would lose it and go after the townies? Or was it that I could lose control and let my wolf out? ‘Or is it that they are just checking to make sure that a member of their family is safe and well?’ My Wolf snapped at me to pull my head out of the questions building in my mind. I shook my head, telling her that they should know better. That they didn’t need to act this way around me. and she snapped again. ‘It’s no different to how they would react if they were at the #Glamour club and saw Call in the same situation, so get off your high horse.’ How I wanted to punch her. It had been a while since the two of us had a disagreement. But when they happened, she liked to snap me into the right place and out of whatever second guessing I was in. I stood up from under the bar, the empty tray in hand and I felt them. I didn’t need to search for them because were locked on me and searching for something. ↬ Embry Call ↫ ’s dark eyes. They were doing that thing again, that thing that felt like he was pushing past my walls and trying to see what was hiding behind my eyes. For a split second a glimpse of seeing him at the fight club made me stumble back into Mac. ‘You okay Lee?’ He asked, because I wasn’t the kind to stumble. But ↬ Embry Call ↫ ’s eyes still had a hold. I blinked back that small crack that had shown itself and pushed it all deep, deep down within me. “Yeah, all good.” I replied to #Mac who was watching me. Pulling myself free from those eyes, the Spirits. What was up with that guy and his evolution? #Sam shifted and my attention followed his towards the front door and the pup was back. His clothes a little ruffled, hair a little damp and falling into his eyes. He walked across the bar to Sam and Call’s side and whispered, but Seth and I could hear too. ‘They are gone, the pack are sure they aren’t coming back tonight.’ Sam nodded his head, his eyes now on me as I started to serve the next customer. The look I shared with them all saying. ‘It’s done and dealt with’. Opening a bottle of beer, I slide it to the pup, motioning towards the pool table. “You’re behind, go and catch up.” Shaking my head, I cursed under my breath at the scents I picked up coming towards the doors. Part of me wishing they had stayed away tonight. The wolf in me, the protector of the Pups and the Imprints. The one who took being the Beta as a calling she was born to triumph in seriously. That part of me was winning out now. ‘We heard on the great vine that the Girls can get themselves some Mermaid Spunk down at the #HWH!!!!’ #Rachel, #Ness, #Kim, #Becca and #Jessica came rushing in shaking their phones in the air, glimpse of Instagram showing. They looked dolled up just enough to make an effort. But not so much that they would look out of place. I pointed to #Jessica. “You behave yourself before I tell your mom.” She looked at me with innocent eyes blinking and I rolled mine. She would give those looks to us, as well as #Ness did, and sometimes it meant getting away with murder.
↬ Embry Call ↫ She was back… back to acting like nothing had happened. If it hadn’t been for Seattle playing on my mind, I wouldn’t have a question in it that she was okay… But between what happened in the ring and then her hotel room that night, it just didn’t seem like something to be brushed off. It was too much… even for someone like Leah. No one should be subjected to this much predatory behaviour… even if she could snap the pricks that did it, in half. I knew I was far from a shining example of male chivalry, but I put up no pretences to be either. I heard no on the rare occasions I was told it, or it was implied and let it go. I didn’t respond by grabbing her arse, or not even with a sarcastic comment… I just moved on. But after what she’d gone through… She may not believe or want to accept that its assault. But if it were one of the imprints, she would agree… even if it was one of the pups. This had to be chipping away at her ability to control her temper when it came to this. I knew if she cracked, she’d hold it against herself for a long time. Her eyes connected with mine and I didn’t pull away… It was clear to me now that her eyes gave away things she wouldn’t ever say. But I could feel the door being shut when she turned her attention to #Mac and then #Sam, when he moved to the pup. I swigged from the bottle in front of me and nodded to #Seth for another, we all tuned our ears on what the kid had to say. They were gone… Leah didn’t need to worry about them causing trouble elsewhere on our Rez tonight. I couldn’t help but give a slight chuckle that that would be her issue… them hassling another random girl; she would rather take all the shit herself. I heard the girls chattering outside and that tell-tale strange beating of #Ness’s half-vampire heart. It always stood out in a crowd. Excellent! I thought to myself. This was exactly what she needed… a distraction. None of the guys would bring down the girls obvious jovial moods by telling them what had happened. But she would at least have them; not looking at her like the pack was trying not to right now. They would find out anyway once news spread, maybe not tonight. I hoped. I considered briefly mentioning #Tony to #Jessica but, Leah would definitely kill me for that. She would do it in her own time. I took my beer and moved over to the girls draping one arm over Rachel’s shoulder and one over #Kim’s… the twin thing was too cliché. “Look what the wolf dragged in!!” I smiled at them. “And how are you beautiful ladies tonight?” ‘Don’t touch me Call!’ Kim teased, poking me in the chest and I feigned a mortal injury. ‘I don’t know where you’ve been today!’ She laughed.
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ I made a point to keep my eyes from looking back at Call, I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but I had no intentions of it happening again. I was locked down. I was back and the mask on as I got to work. #Mac offered to make the drinks for the imprints, and I didn’t stop him. My eyes glancing over to the others all settling in, and then I heard #Kim. The memories of the young girl who had fainted all those years ago, at the back of the Rez school the first time #Jared had kissed her, came to mind. And now here she stood, this woman who had for sure come into herself. “Never anywhere you want to know.” I muttered knowing the ones who needed to hear it would. The way #Jared and #Sams lips curved up a little told me so. ‘You okay Lee?’ #Bex leant over the bar, her short body not even making it half way and I smirked reaching over and pushing her back. “That dress isn’t made for you to climb up a stool and attempt to lean over a bar woman, and I am fine. What are you all doing out tonight anyway?” Speaking to her as I started to serve a few waiting customers. The look she gave me told me she didn’t believe me. But she never did. #Rach and #Bex were two of a few who knew the old me, the one from way back in my childhood, the dark years and now too. They knew me and stood by me in kindergarten and school, when I was starting to be known as the crazy kid who spoke to things that weren’t there. Even if it had been years since they were let in. The twins still tried to keep an eye on me even when it wasn’t needed. I was one of their protectors, it wasn’t the other way around. ‘Emily said she was going to take care of the meal runs tonight, she loves doing all that stuff. So, the girls and I thought we’d come see what was happening here.’ Turning her head towards the stage and then the board with the chalk marks on it. She tried and failed to pop her eyebrow at me. ‘The group chat has been blowing up all night.’ My hands tighten around the glass I was holding as I listened to her. My eyes then wondering over the imprints. All women who stood here surrounded by protectors, but they all had the ability to stand on their own two feet too. If you saw how #Rachel kept #Paul in line on his bad days, you would give the woman a medal. #Ness, that girl had grown up to be as sarcastic and strong headed as her mother, and then some. A hybrid who could hold her own in the midst of the pack. #Kim was still a little soft and got herself into trouble because she was too trusting. But all in all, they were intelligent women ( who sometimes bugged the life out of me. ) “So, Em is doing the food runs by herself tonight?” There were sick and elderly people on the rez who would from time to time need a helping hand. Ma, Emily and Ms C ( before she had gotten sick ) made it their responsibility to take care and look after them so that nobody was left alone and in need. ‘Yeah, you know how she gets. Everything needs to be done in a certain way.’ I had to put the glass down. My anger was flaring up again. ‘Easy, you don’t mean it. You don’t want to say it.’ My wolf pulled on me to keep the mask on tight. What I wanted to do was growl at her, at the others. I know they may not know that Emily was expecting another baby. And that she had been worked off her feet trying to ready herself, and her business for the time she’d need at home when the baby was here. I knew that maybe they hadn’t picked up on the fact that Ms C had been having a few hard days even if this morning had been a better start. The image of Ms C sat in my kitchen this morning and that smile on her lips, felt like a calming balm for a few seconds. Even if Call’s mom didn’t know about the packs, she knew all these girls, if they went knocking, I knew they wouldn’t be turned away. And finally, I would even give them benefit of the doubt that they may have missed that Ma had been under the weather fighting a cold. But still. It bit hard and deep that they couldn’t see that even if Emily hadn’t asked for help tonight. That she could do with
it. By the Spirits if someone as closed off and locked out as me could see it… They could see it… They were always in and out of Emily’s place more so than me. ‘Geyatahi Adanvdo Danuwa analihi’ ( Careful Spirit Warrior ) My wolf whispered. And I knew a part of her was right. But so was I. Biting the inside of my cheeks. I excused myself and pushed out from behind the bar and headed towards the floor again to collect the empties. “Control your Arse Woman!” I muttered to myself leaving them all talking amongst themselves.
↬Embry Call ↫ I watched the girl’s interaction with Leah, and I pulled out my phone to see what was being sent into the group chat. I let out a sigh of relief and tried to catch Leah’s eye; to let her know it wasn’t what she thought it was. But it was like she was avoiding meeting my gaze. #Ness sauntered over with a smug grin. ‘So…’ she drawled in her too-sweet-to-be-wholesome voice. ‘I hear you’re going to let us hear you sing at last?’ She laughed. “Word spreads too fast around here.” I grumbled, but jokingly… I would take my lumps with a good nature. “You can sing… any tips?” I lifted the bottle in my hand and swigged. ‘Of course, I do!’ She lifted her brows and flashed the evil smile of hers and I knew what was coming before she even spoke again. ‘But not for you… I want to see you crash and burn!! But I have a feeling you aren’t as bad as you say you are.’ I just shook my head and kept drinking. I noticed that something else was bugging Leah now… I wondered if maybe hearing #Ness and I talk would make her feel better. Knowing the group chat was blowing up over the bet. And that was fine with me, but she still seemed upset. No, angry. But it was hard to tell with Leah she masked most of her emotions with either indifference or anger. #Rachel spotted me and curled up one side of her mouth. ‘I guess we have you to thank for the new special right?’ She pointed to the words #MermaidSpunk on the specials board. I winked at her. “You know it!! And they are selling like hotcakes… who knew I was a marketing genius!?” Each and every one of them rolled their eyes in unison. “That had to be some kind of record.” I said with a laugh. Then one of the pups called me over to play a game of doubles at the pool table.
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ When I was far enough from the bar, I set the tray in my hand down and pulled out my phone. Not caring much for the group chats, they were always on mute. I only went into them now and then just to remind the pups for the most part that I was there and watching. The Beta was always watching. Looking at the time, I knew that once she put #Kishil to bed, it was when she got most of her work done for the next day. Opening up my chat with #Emily I shot her a message. 𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ I hear you are making the meals for those in need tonight? Need any help with that? -L ] I hit send and went to pick up the tray, but a reply was back instantly. “The Spirits she is fast.” 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ You are a gem, I have this in hand. I will have it done in the next couple of hours xx ] I frowned as I reply;
𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ That’s not the point, you are meant to be taking it easy. -L ] 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ I will be fine, but if you want to help cook… lol. Joking. Don’t go worrying about me. I know it’s hard for you not too. xx ] That made me scoff. “Worry my arse.”
𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ I don’t do worry, just don’t want you poisoning the old people on the Rez -L ] I smirked at that one as I hit send, I could see her face in my mind. 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ Oh please, however I will not push you to say you care xx ] I muttered “arse.”
𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ It’s a good thing you are cute, it’s the only reason I put up with you. L ] 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ You know the good looks, and kind heart are in our gene pool Lealea xx ] Rolling my eyes at her reply, my fingers moving fast over the screen. 𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 [ Go to bed. -L ] She knew that meant the conversation was done with. ‘See, she has it all in hand. And if she needed help, she would have said.’ My wolf spoke to me as I started to clear up the tables. “That’s not the point, she shouldn’t have to ask for help, it should be there for her no matter what she says.”
↬Embry Call ↫ I watched Leah from the pool table while the pups racked the balls up. #Sam insisted the Alpha 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤breaks. It wasn’t like her to be on her phone when she was working unless it was important. I smirked and pulled out my phone and shot her a quick text. Hoping to make her smirk or scowl… or both! Anything to get her out of whatever the cycle in her head was now and bring her back into the moment. [𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛! 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔!] #Sam made his break and potted a red ball for us. I gave him a low five as the campers that #Seth and I had relocated; came cautiously into the bar. I turned away before the blonde walked in a muttered. “Shit!” Why the hell did #Seth circle the bar on the map!? #Sam Looked over at the guy and two girls and gave me a telling look. He knew who they were; he had seen the camp before I had. ‘You don’t waste any time, do you?’ He teased and I muttered at him to shut up. Then one of the pups moved up beside me. ‘Can I have the blonde?’ assuming I was avoiding the brunette’s looks… my usual type. Not knowing I had flirted with the blonde to piss off the angry brother. I jabbed him with my elbow. “Really? ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖?” I eyed the kid and he went to take his shot. They all knew I was a player… but I chose my words carefully. The trio took seats at the bar and greeted #Seth like they’d known him for years. But #Seth was the kind of guy that returned the same kind of enthusiasm; he was too nice for his own good sometimes. Then #Sam tapped me with his elbow telling me it was my shot… dammit!! The white ball was at the other end of the table. That meant turning my back on Leah. Never a good idea when you had just taunted her!
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ ‘Use your teaching Leah, lean on all you have learnt over the years and all #TheGreatWolf has trusted you with.’ She was right, I knew it. And I knew I was on edge. But I also knew that this was my life, the one I have chosen to make my own. We were not given the choice before we were thrust into this world. But now that I was here, if offered a different path I knew I would pick the same life I am living now. My phone buzzed in my pocket pulling me out from the mind space I found myself lost in. Making me stop to set the tray and cloth down on the next table I was going to clean up. Wondering if #Emily had changed her mind, but it wasn’t her who had sent me a text. ‘He’s sending texts now?’ My wolf sat up and smirked, at reading the words on my screen I frowned, glancing up I found him right away. “Slacker? Does that man know me?” Narrowing my eyes at him as he stood and then shifted to… hide? My wolf and I scanned the floor, noticing the new people walking in and making a beeline for #Seth. I tilted my head, crossing my arms over my chest watching to see the interaction the Kid had with the two girls and the guy too. ‘Our Kid could make friends in an enemy camp.’ My wolf mused, and I flashed images of #Rose for the two of us to smirk over. ‘Case and Point. The boy has a pure soul, and people are pulled towards him like a magnet.’ I smirked watching him interacting with these new faces, as well as the imprints too. My eyes bolted back to the pool table at hearing the Pup and what he said. “Have? 𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚…What is she a hamburger?” I muttered to myself, a lesson on how to talk about women would be on the cards for them all soon. ‘Maybe #Ness and #Rachel will do it for us?’ I shook my head. They would have pure joy I was sure in setting the pups right when it came to the topic. Picking up a bottle cap, I played with it in my fingers, watching the Guy with the two girls and the way he tried to send out a message to anyone thinking of approaching. And it really would have made me laugh. The brunette smiled sitting herself down at the bar, watching close as #Mac helped #Seth with their drinks. But it was the blonde whose eyes were wondering, and wondering and…… “There it is.” She clocked ↬Embry Call ↫like a beacon from a bonfire, with her drink in hand, she jumped her arse off the bar stool, flipped her hair and started his way. I sent my reply now. 𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚢: [ 𝚂𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚖? 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙻𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝. -𝙻 ] Smirking I took the bottle cap, flicking it across the room and over the heads of the people between us to hit ↬Embry Call ↫ on his arse as he bent over to play. Knowing it would make him turn at the right time for the blonde shortie to see him face to face. ‘I see that worked to pull you free from yourself.’ My wolf teased with a smirk.
↬ Embry Call ↫ I leaned over the table with one last glance at Leah… with her phone in her hand, of course. She’d seen the message. I lined up a relatively easy shot… at least with the heightened eyesight and accuracy that lent itself to being a Spirit Warrior. Something hit me, I jerked upright, and the cue lurched forward; the white ball flew, pocketed a yellow ball and ricocheted across the table into the corner pocket. “Call!!” #Sam hollered, but he was spluttering in laughter. I whirled to find Leah, but I found the blonde with a doe-eyed pout on her lips. Shit!! My gaze cut past her to a very amused Leah, and I smiled… At least I’d distracted her for a moment. ‘Aw!’ the blonde cooed. ‘And here I thought I could be your good luck charm.’ #Sam was practically suffocating now… It was rare to see him this laid back either… especially after what had happened earlier. And apparently, I was the comic relief tonight. But I supposed that was what I got for betting against Leah Clearwater. I cleared my throat as I moved out of the way for the pups to take their shot. “Oh…” I slipped easily into my carefree grin. “Um... Milly… Molly… something with an M… Right?” I clicked my fingers as I pretended to think. ‘Laura.’ She corrected me, fidgeting with the straw in her glass and looking disappointed. I took my spot next to #Sam who was barely containing the rocking in his shoulders as he repressed his laughter. “Right!!” I smiled. “I was close.” I heard chuckles from the pups not in the game, but it wasn’t loud enough for her to pick up over the sounds of a full bar. She didn’t contradict me as she came to stand next to me. ‘Um…’ she grasped at straws for something to make conversation about. ‘The… um… beach you showed us is beautiful. Thank you.’ “Technically I showed you the car park… but you’re welcome.” I lifted a cupped fist to my mouth and coughed, whispering “Ness... Please help me!” She and Leah were the only girls in the bar capable of hearing my plea, and Leah never bailed us out of these situations. Then in a normal voice, I said. “And… I mean… it’s the Olympic peninsula. So… it’s actually pretty mild right now.” ‘Not a hope Embry Call!’ Ness muttered from the bar and then told the girls what I had said, causing them to fall apart laughing too.
↬ Leah Clearwater ↫ “Oh don’t you dare Ness.” I mumbled cleaning up the last table. And then she turned to wink at me. ‘As if.’ She laughed. ‘This is too much fun to see and hear.’ I shook my head. It was hard not to listen. Not to laugh at him he acted like he had forgotten the girl’s name. But the disappointing look she had given him was kind of... well.... you know.. sad... #Sam’s shoulders were going, and I could tell the man couldn’t keep it together. “Sam. Man. Stop letting the side down.” I said, thankful that nobody was paying much attention to the angry bar owner talking to herself as I collected a few more bottles. “If anything, you should be helping the girl.” I told him one my way back. The Imprints and the other girls were falling off their stools, more at the look that ↬Embry Call ↫was giving. Wishing and hoping somebody would save him. ‘I should go and help him.’ #Seth said and shifted to turn out of the bar. But I handed him the full tray in my hand and told him he had work to do with the glass washer. ‘That’s mean Sis.’ But he was smiling now too. ‘What did I miss?’ #Mac asked and #Bex pointed over to the pool table, explaining what #Ness had told them all. ‘What’s the big deal? Isn’t she kind of his type?’ He asked. #Rachel shook her head. But it was me who spoke as I serviced a couple with some drinks. “She isn’t a brunette, or a Goth chick, but she is a shortie. So that’s something?” ‘You know his type Leah Clearwater?’ #Kim was grinned at me. ‘Leah noticed everything.’ #Jess was the one to say and I rolled my eyes at them all. The pups moved around him and the girl, giving them space but I could tell they weren’t going too far. They wanted that front row seat to this pony show. ‘Leah?’ #Ness pointed to the bar menu. ‘Maybe Call should send over a couple?’ I had to grin. The junior Cullen was something. But I did like how her mind was working. I made up a couple of #MermaidSpunks, glancing over I saw what the guy with the girls was drinking. And slide the drinks before the two sat at the bar. The guy had his eyes on the blonde and Call, and I was sure that he was shooting daggers. “From Call, over there.” The girl at the bar smiled and giggles taking the drink. Whilst the guys shifted and just nodded his thanks. “Who is taking this over to the blonde?” I asked, but #Rach had jumped down from the bar and took the drink across the bar. “Don’t you dare save him Rachel!” I told her. ‘Please, give me some credit.’ She winked back at me. “She has a soft spot for that idiot.” I mumbled. But everyone knew it was true. Rachel was always looking out for him and stepping up for him. She had Call and Littlesea under her little wings on the best of day.
↬ Embry Call ↫ I had to fight not to roll my eyes when Leah was encouraging #Ness to keep out of it. The pups took their extra shot and pocketed two more balls. I shook my head… but they knew better than to get cocky yet. But so far this night was not going my way. The look on her face was a little pathetic… but really I was doing her a favour. I was not interested… The blonde thing could be forgiven, but the fact I had to remove her from camping on land that was considered sacred… That drew a line in the sand for me. There was a subtle line between ignorance and blatant disregard of the small parcel of land the Tribe was allowed to keep. I glanced to the bar when #Seth said he was coming to my rescue. Leah suddenly had a job for him to do. I heard everything that was happening over there. I could tell by her voice that Rachel was on a mission. She slipped up between us and handed the girl the glass of blue liquid. I fought back a groan. ‘Hi!’ she beamed enthusiastically. ‘Welcome to La Push! Our boy here asked for this to be brought over especially for you.’ She patted my shoulder. The girl flushed bright pink even under her pale make-up. How did she think I’d managed that? I’d not been to the bar since she approached me. ‘He’s a sweetheart like that!’ #Rachel continued and patted my back, again. ‘Did he tell that he spends his free time taking care of his Mom…’ she babbled to the girl. ‘Poor thing hasn’t been well at all. But he is so good to her. You know what they say? Bad boys are fun for a while…. But Mama’s boys are the ones you should marry.’ She was channelling her inner #Jessica. ‘Of course, silly me I went and married the Bad boy… and I love the idiot… but…’ she sighed like she was a little disappointed with her life; when we all knew she was disgustingly happy. ‘Oops! Look at me taking up all your time to get to know one another.’ She leaned in and pretended to whisper knowing damn well Laura could hear her. ‘She is so much prettier than you described.’ She giggled. #Rachel never giggled unless it was at something dirty #Paul whispered in her ear. ‘Good luck.’ Then she was gone. The pink pooling in her cheeks was crimson now and she sipped on the cocktail, thinking I had been talking about her to my friends all evening. I had the choice now to humiliate the girl and tell her it was a practical joke or…. Well there really wasn’t an or… The pups were gathered and listening despite making a good show of not doing so. ‘She seems nice.’ Laura smiled. “Oh yeah.” I said… the sarcasm was too much to contain. “Too nice for her own good really.” I shot #Rach a look as I moved to the other side of the table to take a shot. I knew someone would tell her what I said.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: Unraveled Chapter 2 Rating: T Word Count:  4,788 AO3 Summary: The morning sky was bright white, the palest of blues, but Hajime knew it wouldn’t stay that way for very long. The sun’s golden rays kissed the horizon, curling over the edge of the lake. The day was breaking; a day he’d hoped would never come.
Full fic under the the cut!! @its-love-u-asshole betaed!!
They rode back to town in silence, the clip clop of their horses' hooves the only sound echoing between them. The closer the castle drew, the more Hajime felt his chest constrict. Each movement forward was one step closer to Tooru no longer being his.
Who was he kidding? Tooru had never been his.
But he had always been Tooru's, even when he knew he shouldn't be. But Tooru convinced him with his beautiful brown eyes; Hajime was a fool. Eventually he unraveled, unable to deny Tooru anything he wanted. Tooru's fingers would dance across his cheek or his lips would brush against his, electricity shooting through his veins.
 "We can't."
 "We shouldn't.
And then, somehow, Tooru would be beneath him, face flushed, smiling, laughing, making ungodly noises that drove Hajime insane.
He watched as Tooru's body swayed up and down with the movement of his horse, the gentle bounce of his body had pushed his hood back ever so slightly. They were nearing the castle village, and Hajime knew the people would jump at the chance for a look at their almost King.
"Oi," Hajime called out, trotting up next to him. "Keep your hood pulled down, idiot." He reached out, tugging it forward over Tooru's hair.
Occasionally when they had left the castle in the past, Tooru would return out in the open to cause quite the ruckus in the middle of town. He loved the attention though, and Hajime would sit on the side watching his smile, waiting until Tooru grew bored of it all.
Today, they didn't have time for that. Tooru's coronation was in a few hours.
"Hajime! You don't want to see my beautiful face?" he gasped, placing his hand on his chest.
With a scoff, Hajime rolled his eyes. "I don't want anyone to see it. We need to get back to the castle."
"When did you get so possessive, Hajime?" Tooru teased, but his words didn't have the bite they normally did.
"I'm your knight, it's my job to protect you," Hajime muttered, keeping his horse's gait with Tooru's. "And right now, you're gonna be late to your own damn coronation if we don't pick up the pace."
Tooru's cheeks puffed, pulling his lips into a pout. "My Iwa is so mean~" he sighed.
Hajime couldn't look at him any longer, and if he could've blocked out his voice he would've. The sounds awoke memories deep in his heart he was trying so desperately to lock away. "Yeah, yeah," he grunted, waving him off. "You'll be thanking me when you have enough time to get ready."
Tooru opened his mouth as if to rebut, but Hajime quickly cut him off. "Don't try and tell me you won't take a long time, both of us know that's a damn lie," he chuckled. It was far easier to attempt to act normal.
Tooru's fists clenched around the reins, and Hajime waited for him to come back with a teasing quip. Instead, he stayed silent, tugging his hood over his eyes as far as he could.
To the outside observer, most would've assumed Hajime was the stronger of the two. He was a knight who, after having been brought to the castle, had spent the majority of his childhood training to do whatever it took to protect Tooru. His physical strength was unrivaled, and most knew him as stoic and a little intimidating. On top of that, everyone knew to leave Hajime alone, unless they wished to incur the wrath of the Dragon Prince.
But all strength aside, Hajime knew Tooru was the one who had to endure the weight of burdens he couldn't even begin to understand. The pressure of being a Dragon King alone was enough to break a person, and yet Tooru still pushed forward, ready to have the silver crown placed atop his head.
When they entered the small castle village, Tooru kept his gaze turned downwards, the hood hiding his features. Hajime was relieved he actually chose to listen, though it unnerved him how quiet he was being.
It was for the best, and yet, Hajime felt his chest constrict even tighter. His gaze stayed on Tooru's back, it was the first time since being a child that he actually felt the distance between them.
He'd never expected to have gotten this far, to be so deeply woven into Tooru's life. Their strings had become intertwined, and though it felt impossible to unravel them at this point, Hajime was clipping himself loose. Though he didn't feel any freer.
"Hajime," Tooru's voice broke him from his thoughts. "We're at the gate."
"Eh?" Hajime blinked, staring at the large iron gate directly in front of him. "Ah..." How had they gotten there so fast? "Right," he said, sliding down off his horse to push the large gates open.
He led their horses back to the stable, keeping both reins gripped tightly in his hands. He knew he was walking slower than normal, he just wasn't ready for this to end. He thought he'd let Tooru go back at the lake, that had been his plan anyway. But he wanted nothing more than to take their horses and run out of the gates far, far away.
 "My knight in shining armor."
How many times had he heard Tooru say those words? Would it be possible to hear them again? Of course he would still protect him, forever and always... but he knew it would be different from here on out. It had to be.
"Iwaizumi! Your Highness! Welcome back!" the stable master's cheerful voice broke Hajime of his thoughts once again. "Did you spend the morning out?"
"Of course," Tooru smiled, slipping down off of his horse. "One last time," he chuckled, brushing his fingers through the horse's white mane.
"I'm sure Your Highness will have plenty of chances to leave the city every so often," the man said, taking the reins from Hajime.
"Mmm," Tooru hummed. "I don't know if Iwa will let me." He furrowed his brow and cleared his throat. "It's far too dangerous for a Dragon King to leave, especially with the rumors circling about," he snorted, deepening his voice to do his horrible impression of Hajime's voice.
"Well certainly if your knight goes with you, you'd be fine."
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You're about to be a king and you still can't take anything seriously?" Hajime scoffed.
Tooru stuck out his tongue playfully. "Nope! Never!"
Hajime sighed, his body deflating as he walked around his horse, pressing his hands against Tooru's back to move him along. "Alright, we're already later than planned so we're leaving."
"See!" Tooru called back to the man. "Iwa is never any fun!" he waved.
"Tooru..." he mumbled, moving next to him, though he kept one hand on the small of his back, pushing him forward.
"Hajime, you have to stop acting like I'm going to be a different person just because I'm going to be King..." Tooru said, his brown eyes filled with a plethora of emotion. Hajime was certain he could pinpoint each one.
He sighed, folding his arms. "Tooru, it's not about me viewing you differently. You're going to be in the public eye more often, you're going to meet with the other Dragon Kings. You have to take those things seriously."
"You think I don't know these things, Hajime?" Tooru scoffed, walking faster. "The people already love me as I am. Being a King won't be any different than being a Prince."
"Maybe..." Hajime began, and Tooru clicked his tongue.
"You're right, Hajime, I need to start being more serious. So I better go get ready, like you said," he hissed, storming away.
Running his hand through his hair, Hajime let out a long sigh. Would he ever learn? He didn't wish to leave Tooru as a Prince behind in such a poor manner. It left a bad taste in his mouth, though he supposed he had ultimately gotten what he wanted. Tooru would get ready, and Hajime knew he should as well. They could patch things up later; they always did. In fact Tooru would probably be over it the next time he saw Hajime, and he'd be a King, yes, but he'd be pissing him off in some new way.
The mirror directly in front of him was cold. Or maybe it was just his reflection. Tooru stared at his brown eyes, covered now in white powder and makeup used to dress his face for the ceremony. His throat felt tight, the air in the room dry.
Oikawa Tooru wasn't ready to be a Dragon King. He'd never be ready, he didn't want it at all. Why hadn't Hajime agreed when he joked about running away? His duty was to Tooru after all, so if that was what he had wanted, Hajime should've agreed... but no! Of course Hajime had to be so stubborn. Just thinking about it made him click his tongue, folding his arms in utter frustration.
"Tooru, stand up straight," his mother scolded, placing her makeup back on the table. He looked paler than normal and it took all of his willpower to not wipe off all the makeup with his sleeve.
"Yes, Mother," he muttered, flicking his gaze away from the mirror. The longer he looked, the more he felt his soul slowly being sucked from his body.
Hajime was meant to have saved him from all this. Hajime had promised.
 "One day, I'll fly us out of this country and it will just be me and you."
 "I'll protect you! The whole time! That's what I'm training for."
 "Good! You better work hard, Hajime! I'm counting on you!"
 "I'll go wherever you want me to."
If Hajime had said the word, Tooru would've shifted and taken them far away from his kingdom. He'd always been serious.
"Tooru, my sweet boy," his mother cooed, stepping in front of him to adjust the collar of his white and turquoise robes. She brushed her long nails over his cheeks. "You should really let some of your scales show," she whispered. "You're about to be a Dragon King."
Closing his eyes, he sighed, letting the magic around his cheeks fall away as crystal green scales appeared, adorning his eyes along the side of his face. "Better?" he huffed.
"Beautiful," she smiled, gently brushing her fingers through his brown bangs. "I'm so proud." His mother had always been far more lackadaisical about her dragon form; scales constantly littered her face and arms, and her horns always peered out from her long brown locks.
Being a dragon, such a rare being, had always brought his mother such joy, and she took pride in her scales. Tooru felt similar, to a point. He liked being special, he loved the attention he got. And while he was excited to have the entire kingdom's eyes on him during his coronation, there was something else underneath it all that tugged on his heart.
If he was anyone else, a regular human, he could've been with Iwaizumi Hajime, wrapped up in his entire being, surrounded in everything that he was. Closing his eyes, he let out a small sigh, thinking about it; Hajime's lips caressing the smooth skin just beneath his chin, Tooru's magic sparking between them...
His mother's loud huff, broke him from the memory. "Tooru, focus, please. The procession begins soon, and I need to be sure you're ready."
"Of course I'm ready Mother! It's me," he hummed, flipping his hair slightly. "I've been preparing for this day my whole life," he snorted.
"You say that, but I can tell you're distracted," she said softly, walking slowly back to her night table. She brushed her fingers over the crystal handle of her hairbrush, pursing her lips. "You were with Iwaizumi this morning, weren't you?" she whispered.
Tooru hadn't thought his skin could get any paler and he swallowed. His brown eyes grew wide as he pulled his gaze away from his shocked reflection. "W-What?" he said, finally trying to regain what little composure he had after the question.
"He took you out this morning, yes?" she asked again.
Lying to his mother, especially when she was somehow aware of the time he and Hajime had spent together seemed to be a horrendous idea. "How did you know?" he retorted.
"Please, Tooru," she chuckled softly. "'I've known for years."
Tooru felt his heart drop. How? They had always been so careful together, always hiding and sneaking around. They did things privately, or early in the morning when it felt as if no one else in the world was awake but them. Okay, yes, admittedly there were a few occasions when Tooru hadn't exactly been quiet, but... it was always at such weird hours he'd assumed no one had heard!
Her deep brown eyes glistened, her scales shimmering against the lighting of her bedroom. "My son, I know you. I see the way you stare at Iwaizumi, and I've seen the way he looks at you. You are his whole world, and not in the way a normal knight may take his job very seriously. It's different," she explained, walking closer to him again. "Subtly has never been your strong suit, my son," she giggled.
Tooru pursed his lips, his cheeks feeling far more flushed than they had before. He wished he had a better poker face, but when it came to Hajime, he was a lost cause. "Alright, so what?" he huffed, not enjoying being called out by his mother.
"This morning, did you two end it?"
Tooru felt every muscle in his body tense. The words echoed around him, making him freeze in place. Technically they had 'ended it', and technically he was frustrated with Hajime for not holding up their promise from when they were children.
He couldn't look at his mother, his brown eyes fixated to the floor. He may have ended things, but in his heart, there was absolutely no one he loved more.
"Oh Tooru," she whispered, cupping his cheeks as she stared up at him. Her thumbs gently stroked over the scales on his cheek. "I know how hard it is to give up someone you are close to, especially when you love that someone," she mumbled.
Yanking his face from her grip, he shook his head. "I don't... you don't understand anything," he hissed.
She sighed, folding her arms together. "Best to tie up all loose ends you may have, my son. You're about to be the Dragon King. It's a big responsibility, and you will find a lovely dragon to be your wife to continue our line-"
"You've told me this since I was a child," Tooru muttered. "You don't have anything to worry about."
"Good," she nodded. "I'm trusting you." She walked by him, heading towards the door. "Or if you're going to do things like that, at least try and be more careful," she whispered. "Now," she said, smoothing out her dress. "Shall we? We don't want to be late for the procession."
Tooru's brow was furrowed. It wasn't worth it to describe anything in more detail to his mother. None of what he felt were things she would ever understand. "Alright," he sighed. "I'm ready." Though his words were far from the truth.
"Iwaizumi!" Hanamaki waved, standing next to Matsukawa. The two were halfway dressed for the coronation, the silver armor pulled up to their thighs. "You're late," he teased.
"Yeah, well someone wasn't being agreeable," he snorted.
"No surprise there," Matsukawa hummed, looking unamused. "You missed the practice procession this morning."
"I'm sure no one questioned why," Hajime sighed, running his hand through his messy dark locks.
"As always, everyone assumed you were with the Prince, er, King," Hanamaki corrected himself.
"Makki please," Hajime scoffed, "he's not the King yet."
The two boys glanced at each other. "He might as well be. In a few hours, everything will be done," Matsukawa muttered.
Hajime folded his arms, thinking back to the last moment they had shared while Tooru was still a prince. He shouldn't have been so pushy, so they could've left it on a more uplifting note. He could've told him he would be by his side no matter what... No, he frowned, he should've been pushy. Tooru, though a prince, was a walking disaster, and he was going to take years to get ready, and his mother would've murdered Hajime if Tooru hadn't been back in time.
"Yeah I know," Hajime said finally, resignation palpable in his tone.
"Hey," Hanamaki said, placing his hand on Hajime's shoulder. "Nothing is going to change." It was nice to have the other man reassuring him. All of Tooru's knights were well aware who the Prince's favorite knight was, but only a handful of them were aware of just how close Tooru and Hajime were.
"You guys have been this way since you were kids," Matsukawa added.
Well, that wasn't completely accurate, things had certainly evolved. But in a way the two were correct. Tooru wouldn't be gone, and Hajime would still be by his side. In many ways, nothing would change.
"You're right," he smiled anyway, not wanting the other two to delve any deeper.
"Plus none of us can deal with him like you can," Hanamaki joked, nudging Hajime's side.
"None of us want to," Matsukawa mumbled. All three of them laughed, their tones echoing off the pillars that lined the long hallway.
"The Prince is a lot to handle," Hajime sighed. "But he's also an idiot. Once you realize that, you can get him to shut up."
"He doesn't listen to anyone else. Pretty sure you're the only one who can get him to do that," Matsukawa said flatly.
Hajime knew many ways to get Tooru to shut up.
He cleared his throat, stopping more impure thoughts from entering his mind. He knew those were going to have to stop. Their duty was to be their main focus from here on out.
Maybe he could find a nice girl in town. He knew the other knights often went for drinks when they were off-duty. There had to be plenty of people who would catch Hajime's eye, a nice brunette with dark brown eyes. Hopefully she'd have a nice laugh, a coy smile...
Internally groaning, he realized he'd practically describe a female Tooru. Was he really so simple-minded?
Plus there were the thoughts of Tooru with a Dragon Princess... a girl he would make his queen... and those made Hajime's blood boil. He could imagine her tiny body pressed against Tooru's, the scales on her cheeks shimmering with her blush as she stared at his stupid, beautiful face. She'd probably laugh at every dumb thing Tooru said (none of it would actually be funny), and she'd run her fingers through his hair or keep her hand around his waist.
And Hajime would be there, watching, guarding, always on the side, withering away in the shadow of Tooru's happiness.
"Eh?" he shook his head, glancing at Hanamaki.
"You were really in your head," Hanamaki muttered, folding his arms.
"Sorry," Hajime sighed, rubbing his neck. "I should probably get changed. The procession is soon and we have to walk out first."
"Yeah," Matsukawa said. "We're going to get the rest of our armor now."
"I'll see you down there," Hajime said, nodding to both of them as he walked briskly towards his room. He shouldn't have let the two knights distract him, and really, Tooru had been so slow, it was mostly his fault. He grabbed the silver pieces of armor from his closet, stepping into the leg pieces first as he hooked them through his belts. He pulled the chest plate on, and grabbed the helmet, turning it around in his hands. He could see his reflection, his lips pulled tight and his eyes narrowed. Hajime knew he should be happy, happy that Tooru was finally going to fulfill his destiny today.
He ran his fingers over the pointed edges of the helmet, long spikes shooting out from the sides. They looked like dragon wings, which he supposed made sense for the knights of a Dragon King. He placed the helmet on his head, grabbed his lance, and made his way towards the main hall for the procession.
Tooru was nowhere to be seen, and it was probably for the best, as Hajime couldn't stop to speak to him anyway.
"We weren't sure if you were going to make it," Matsukawa teased.
"Are you kidding? Like Iwaizumi would miss anything that has to do with the Prince!" Hanamaki snorted.
Hajime couldn't deny Hanamaki was correct. He wouldn't have missed the coronation for the world, even if he had been dreading this day since he was about five years old.
The music began to sound, horns blaring into the main hall of the castle. It echoed through Hajime's helmet, and he clutched the grip on his lance hard. As Tooru's head knight, it was his job to lead the procession, and though he had missed the practice earlier that morning, he'd led the knights many times for various appearances Tooru had in town.
As he glanced around at the various members of the crowd in the hall, his heartbeat began to drown out the sound of the trumpets. It thumped loudly in his ears, swirling around in the helmet. Oh how years had flown by. Before, it always felt like they had years ahead of them to spend together as they pleased.
It still seemed like yesterday Hajime had found Tooru, lost and crying in a crowd of people in the middle of town. Even as a child, Hajime knew who Tooru was. He'd been so distressed, tears streaking his cheeks. He hadn't been able to hold back his magic properly, and scales had glistened on his face, his ears pointed and sharp. Small horns had peaked through his messy mop of brown hair.
Hajime had wondered what the Prince was doing in town, alone. Back then, he'd had no fears as a child, nothing to think or worry about.
"I'm lost!" Tooru had said. "But I don't want them to find me," he had whispered, hiccuping through his tears. It was then Hajime had given Tooru his brown cloak, covering up his horns and pulling it down over his face.
"Follow me! I'll help you!" Hajime had dragged Tooru through the crowd, hoping to help the Prince make his grand escape.
In the end, both of them had been caught, but Tooru had been so grateful for Hajime's help, he'd demanded Hajime be his personal guard.
An orphan at the time, Hajime had been ecstatic to live at the castle, and to this day, as he walked through the hall, the small orphan boy inside of him was still in awe by the ornate decorations, tall windows and delicate chandeliers hanging from the ceilings.
If Hajime really thought about it, he'd probably fallen for Tooru that day, even if he hadn't really understood his feelings. The second he had moved to the palace, he'd never wanted to be by anyone else's side.
The knights were positioned to the left and right of the throne, and Hajime went right, standing as close as he was allowed. There were others, advisors and Tooru's parents, who needed to be closer.
Hajime observed as the procession continued after him. Tooru's mother and father strode confidently down the long aisle. Their ears and horns were out, scales sparkling on their faces. Knowing Tooru's mother, she would've had her wings out too if she could've, but in a town of mostly humans it was better to keep their dragon features low key.
Then the music changed, and Hajime felt his pulse speed up. Tooru would be coming finally, and Hajime wasn't mentally prepared to see him.
Tooru walked slowly, with a princely poise, still his gait was filled with such purpose. His silver half crown was hooked around his long pointed ears, and twinkled against the sunlight pouring in through the windows. His robes were long and white, with accents of turquoise snaking around his arms. The collar of his jacket rose up around his neck, glistening with silver and turquoise pieces of cloth.
He looked stunning, which was really nothing new, but the thing that surprised Hajime the most were the scales dancing across Tooru's cheeks. The last time he'd seen those... well... Hajime's face flushed.
 Tooru, underneath him, his voice so desperate, heavy, breathy, he cried out Hajime's name, the scales appearing on his face. His horns curled up through his brown locks which were drenched in sweat. Hajime couldn't help but laugh.
 "Wow? That good?"
 "S-Shut up, Hajime!"
 "You lost a little bit of control of your magic."
 "I'm never sleeping with you again."
 "Oh stop, I love them," he'd whispered, leaning down to brush his lips against the turquoise gems. "I love your scales."
Hajime was thankful the helmet partially blocked his face, since he knew he would be a blushing wreck, seeing Tooru looking so damn beautiful. He pursed his lips, and shifted his weight on his foot as he followed Tooru's gaze. He wasn't supposed to, but he glanced Hajime's way, and gave him a wink.
When he made it to the throne, Tooru slowly lowered himself, his parents standing directly behind him.
"This is a glorious day!" Tooru's father called, stepping in front of the large chair. "Today my son, Oikawa Tooru, will ascend the throne as the next Dragon King of the Aoba Johsai region. Now he is 20 years of age, it is his job to protect this kingdom. He will meet with the other Dragon Kings, as they work to protect the magic of our race, and of all races. Today, we will celebrate his new position by presenting him with the Crystal Crown, and the Sword of the Crystal Dragon!"
"First bring down the crown," his father boomed.
A cloaked man walked down the aisle, holding out the circular crown on a pillow. Tooru's mother stepped forward, her dainty fingers picking up the delicate crown. From the sides dangled long pieces of crystal jewels meant to hook over Tooru's ears.
"With this, we crown our son, the new Dragon King!" his mother called out, slowly lowering it on to Tooru's head, and Hajime's heart skipped a beat. It was done. Oikawa Tooru was now a Dragon King. The love of Hajime's life was now completely out of reach, even as he sat mere feet away from him on his throne.
Cheers were heard, but Hajime was delayed. His mind took a moment to process everything that had happened. All the sounds were muffled, buried under the slow beat of his breaking heart.
"And now, we will present the Sword of the Crystal Dragon!" Tooru's father called out.
Claps rang out as another cloaked man approached with the sword. He moved slower than the other man, perhaps because he was just a bit shorter. As he lumbered forward, carrying what appeared to be a heavy sword, Hajime felt uneasy the closer the man grew. There was something off about the slow way he walked, and when stopped directly in front of Tooru, he was silent. Hajime had half a mind to get closer...
"Dragon King, Oikawa Tooru of the Aoba Johsai region!" The man's voice was loud and booming. Hajime immediately clutched his lance, ready to step forward. "The Dragon Kings must pay for hoarding their magic!" The sword clanged as it hit the ground, the hooded man leaping up as he shot a beam of bright of magic directly at Tooru.
"TOORU!" Hajime shouted, dashing forward, ignoring the cacophony of screams surrounding him. He ran directly towards the light, only to be knocked backwards when he touched it, his helmet flying off as he collapsed to the ground, landing directly on his arm, crushing it beneath all his armor.
He groaned, gripping his arm with his hand as he quickly pushed himself up, just in time to see the hooded figure land back on the ground, dashing away. "STOP HIM!" Hajime yelled to the other knights, but he didn’t stop to check who listened. He could only focus on Tooru, who had slouched out of the throne and fallen directly onto the ground.
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dfroza · 3 years
Love is absolute Justice that will right every wrong.
but Love is also grace for those who choose to embrace it.
we need spiritual truth in a deceptive world.
A set of lines from Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament Letter of 1st Timothy:
The Spirit makes it clear that as time goes on, some are going to give up on the faith and chase after demonic illusions put forth by professional liars. These liars have lied so well and for so long that they’ve lost their capacity for truth.
(the opening lines in The Message)
with the whole chapter here in The Voice translation:
But even so, the Spirit very clearly tells us that in the last times some will abandon the true faith because of their devotion to spirits sent to deceive and sabotage, and mistakenly they will end up following the doctrine of demons. They will be carried away through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences have been branded with a red-hot iron, saying, “Don’t marry. Don’t eat such-and-such foods.” But God created all these to be received with gratitude by people who hold fast to the faith and really comprehend the truth. For everything God made is good. That means nothing should be rejected as long as it’s received with a grateful heart, for by God’s word and prayer, it is made holy.
Place these truths before the brothers and sisters. If you do, you will be a good servant of Jesus the Anointed, raised and fed on words of true belief, trained in the good instruction you have so clearly followed. Reject worldly fables. Refuse old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself toward godliness. Although training your body has certain payoffs, godliness benefits all things—holding promise for life here and now and promise for the life that is coming. This statement is worthy of trust and our full acceptance. This is what we work so hard for! This is why we are constantly struggling: because we have an assured hope fixed upon a living God who is the Savior of all humankind—especially all of us who believe.
So go out and insist on these things. Teach them. Don’t let anyone belittle you because you are young. Instead, show the faithful, young and old, an example of how to live: set the standard for how to talk, act, love, and be faithful and pure. Until I get there, make sure to devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, and to teaching. Don’t neglect the gift that was given to you through the prophecy spoken when the company of the elders laid their hands on you. Cultivate all these practices; live by them so that all will see how you are advancing and growing. Take care of yourself, concentrate on your teaching, and stick with these things. If you do, then you will be effective in bringing salvation to yourself and all who hear you.
The Letter of 1st Timothy, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 30th chapter of the book of Jeremiah where he is instructed to write everything down into a book:
The word of the Eternal again came to Jeremiah.
Eternal One: Write in a book all the words I, the Eternal, the God of Israel, have said to you. Look! the days are coming when I will restore the fortunes of My people—both Israel and Judah. I will bring them home to the land I gave their ancestors, and they will again possess it.
So says the Eternal in a message about Israel and Judah.
Eternal One: A cry of fear is heard—
it is the sound of panic, not of peace.
Ask and see for yourself:
can a man give birth to a child?
Then why do I see strong men clutching themselves,
their hands on their abdomens as if they are in labor?
Why has every face paled, looking sickly?
I will tell you why:
for that great and awesome day is like no other.
It will be a time of suffering for Jacob’s descendants;
still they will be rescued from it.
For on that day of deliverance, declares the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, I will break Nebuchadnezzar’s yoke off their necks and tear off their shackles; no longer will foreigners force them into slavery. Instead, they will serve the Eternal their God, and I will raise up a descendant of David their king to rule over them.
So do not be afraid, O Jacob, My servant;
do not be troubled, O Israel.
For I, the Eternal One, promise to liberate you from that distant place,
to bring your children home from where they are in exile.
Jacob will return home to peace and quiet,
and no one will make him afraid,
Because I am with you, and I will deliver you.
I will completely destroy all the nations where I have scattered you,
But I will not destroy you completely.
I will discipline you, but My discipline will be just.
I will not let you go unpunished.
Your wound is incurable;
your shattered pieces are beyond repair.
There is no one to plead your case—
no healing for your injury,
no relief for your affliction.
All of those allies you loved have forgotten about you;
they care nothing about you.
For I have struck you as an enemy would
and punished you like the cruelest of foes.
Why? Because your sins abound
and your evil actions are abundant and brazen.
Why do you cry out over this wound,
this pain that won’t go away?
I have done these things to you because your sins abound
and your wicked acts are abundant and brazen.
But all those who devour you will be devoured.
Exile awaits each of your enemies.
Those who plunder you will be turned into plunder,
and all who prey upon you will be turned into prey.
For I will make you well again and heal your wounds
I, the Eternal One, declare to you,
Because they have called you an outcast:
“Look, it is Zion, the one for whom no one cares.”
I, the Eternal, have this to say: Look, I will bring back those from captivity.
I will show mercy to Jacob’s tents and dwellings;
From the ruins I will rebuild Jerusalem,
and the palace will once again stand where it belongs.
Songs of joy and gratitude will rise from the people.
I will bless My people and increase their numbers; nothing will diminish them.
I will honor them in the presence of others;
no one will despise them.
Their children will live as they did long ago,
their community will be established again before My watchful eyes,
And I will punish anyone who tries to harm them.
The prince who leads them will come from among Jacob’s descendants;
their ruler will be one of their own.
I will draw him near to Me, and he will delight to come close,
for he will devote himself to remain close by My side.
And as before, you will be My people,
and I will be your God.
Behold, the storm of the Eternal’s wrath will now break open,
swirling down out of the sky like a whirlwind onto the heads of the wicked.
The Eternal’s anger will not relent until He has carried out His most fervent plans.
You will understand all of this in the days to come.
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 30 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, September 12 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that faces fear:
The devil wants you to be afraid, to be very afraid; and indeed, inciting fear is the primary weapon he uses against us... The devil understands that the emotion of fear profoundly affects the way the human brain processes images and messages. Fear colors the way we see and hear things. And since the mind and body are intricately interconnected, fear is the root cause of many physiological problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, clinical depression, and other ailments. Indeed, left unchecked, fear can be deadly...
Most of our negative emotions come from fearful thoughts, including anger, frustration, and rage. On a spiritual level, fear and worry can cause people to question God’s love, to doubt His promises, and so on. The devil knows that frightening people causes them to be unsettled, off-balance, and therefore vulnerable to all sorts of sickness, manipulation, and deception. Living in fear is a form of slavery (Heb. 2:15).
Logicians call illegitimate appeals to fear "argumentum ad baculum," or the “appeal to the stick.” When someone plays on your fears, it is wise to discern whether there is any basis in reality for the supposed threat, or if the appeal is simply a rhetorical scare tactic intended to persuade (coerce) you to accept some sort of conclusion. Unscrupulous people such as advertisers, politicians, dictators, community organizers, social activists, and so on, regularly use fear to manipulate public opinion, of course, and they are only too glad to tell you exactly what you should fear. They are delighted to prey upon your anxieties and then offer you their supposed “remedy.” You know whom they serve, friends...
The war for truth began in the Garden of Eden, when Satan lied to Eve by saying that she wouldn’t die if she disobeyed God (Gen. 3:4). Satan cunningly played on Eve’s fear of being deceived to persuade her to disobey. Fear, then, is the emotional center of sin and the opposite of faith. The fearful are referred to as the “unbelieving” and those who “love and make a lie” (Rev. 21:8, 22:15).
God repeatedly tells us not to be afraid – not of man, nor of war, nor of tribulation, nor of various plagues, yea, nor even of death itself (Rom. 8:35-39). Indeed, one of the most frequently occurring commandments in Scripture is simply al-tirah, “Be not afraid.”
But how do we overcome our fear? How can we live our faith in the midst of a worldwide cultural slide into deception and insanity? How can we walk in peace while a worldwide tyranny is crafting a globalist police state wherein no one will be able to buy or sell if they are not wholly subservient to the dictates of an unseen power elite? How else but by wholeheartedly trusting that God is with us? The LORD will never leave nor forsake us, even if we are faced with difficult circumstances. The antidote to fear is heartfelt faith in God’s love for us (1 John 4:18). God saves us from our fears (Psalm 34:4, 2 Tim. 1:7). When we trust that God personally cares for us, we find comfort and courage to face life without fear. [Hebrew for Christians]
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9.10.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
September 12, 2021
Two Faithful Friends
“But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state.” (Philippians 2:19-20)
Paul cited Timothy and Epaphroditus as two faithful ministry friends (Philippians 2:19-30). Their activities provide a great inventory to follow as we “work out [our] own salvation” (Philippians 2:12).
Likeminded: The Greek word is isopsuchos, or “equal in soul.” Effective ministry friendships agree in purpose (Amos 3:3).
Genuine Care: The Holy Spirit used merimnao, a burden for others’ needs. Philippians 2:2-4 lists the restrictions.
Seek Christ’s Things: Edify each other (1 Corinthians 14:12), focus on heavenly ideals (Colossians 3:1), and crave the kingdom and God’s righteousness more than our welfare (Matthew 6:33).
Serve Together: Timothy was to Paul like a “son with the father” serving with him “in the gospel” (Philippians 2:22). To be acceptable, that service must be in “righteousness, and peace, and joy” (Romans 14:17).
Companion in Labor: Similarly, Epaphroditus is said to work with Paul (Philippians 2:25). As with Timothy, their focus was “to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith” (1 Thessalonians 3:2).
Fellow Soldier: Military metaphors abound in the Bible, with a common thread of the spiritual warfare defined in Ephesians 6:10-18. We must “endure hardness” when we assist in the ministry (2 Timothy 2:3).
Not every Christian meets the excellence of these faithful friends. “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” (Proverbs 20:6). HMM III
A tweet by illumiNations:
(i personally support the ICR and illumiNations)
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@IlluminationsBT: Did you know there are 3,732 languages still in need of Bible translation? But illumiNations has a roadmap, a process and the tools in place to help millions of people access the Word of God in their heart language! Learn more at http://illuminations.bible.
9.11.21 • 8:11pm • Twitter
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hookedonapirate · 7 years
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Tangled Up In Blue
Enough is Enough (Chapter 27/?)
Summary: Fear for her unborn child, a bruised and broken Emma Swan is determined to escape an abusive marriage. After she drives a long way from home to a small town in Maine, she doesn’t think her life could get more complicated… that is until she ends up falling for her OBGYN, a blue-eyed British man who’s shielded his heart from love long ago. But he may be just what she needs to begin her healing process and start a new life for her child. If only nothing gets in the way.
Notes: Okay folks, this chapter is the freaking monster of all chapters. It was probably the most difficult thing I’ve written thus far, so I’m sorry if it’s a mess. There are still some questions that won’t be answered by the end of the chapter but I promise everything will make more sense in the next one.
I have to give the biggest shout out to my best friend, Lydia (@rouhn), who has helped me out so much throughout my struggles, with her ideas and endless support, and points out my stupid mistakes. According to her, it’s the best chapter of this story, so hopefully you will all agree.
All I can say is, you’re either going to love me or hate me by the end of the chapter, probably both.
Also, for those of you who are interested, I’ve posted a deleted scene of Killian’s thoughts during their first encounter. It’s scene 3 of my collection.
Thanks for reading!
*TRIGGER WARNING* Mentions and depictions of physical and verbal abuse/domestic violence
Rated: M
Catch Up: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Check out deleted scenes: 1 2 3
Also available on: AO3 FF.N
The ticking of the wall clock was loud in the quiet room as he grabbed his bag, glancing around to make sure he didn’t leave anything behind before heading for the door. The four walls were painted in a cheerful yellow that made his stomach churn, and the furniture was old and worn out, but he tolerated it because it was free. Besides, he didn’t have anywhere else to go.
He was opening the door and walking out of his hotel room when he heard the familiar voices coming from the front desk.
“James, I’m gonna need the money you overcharged one of our guests back please.”
The man’s curiosity got the best of him as he quietly shut the door and made his way down the corridor.
Peering around the corner, he watched the interactions between the brothers from the short distance.
James certainly looked guilty as he pulled what appeared to be a bill from his wallet, handing it over to David. “I’m sorry, but you know it’s hard to break habits.”
David snatched the money from his hand, pointing a firm finger in James’ face, displeasure written all over his features. “I’m well aware, but you can at least make an effort. The reason why I gave you this job was so you could turn your life around, not continue your conniving ways. I thought I made that perfectly clear after you stole from Emma her first night here. You’re lucky I didn’t can your ass right then. ”
Sighing deeply in exasperation, James shook his head. “I already apologized to you both. What more do you want from me?”
With a long audible exhale, David planted his hands on his hips, glaring at his brother. “What I don’t want is another apology. You need to prove to me that I didn’t make a huge mistake by hiring an ex-con. Especially since Emma’s now living with my wife and I. She’s been through enough as it is and doesn’t need the harassment; she came to this town to get away from that.”
Narrowing his eyes, James furrowed his brows in confusion. “What do you mean? What exactly happened to her?”
Making his way around the desk, David opened the cash register, returning the money before shoving it closed. A heavy sigh fell past his lips as he turned to look at James again, crossing his arms. “Mary Margaret would kill me if I told you this, so you can’t say anything to anyone, you got it?”
James nodded. “Yeah, of course, what is it?”
The man had to listen even more intently to hear what David was saying as he spoke more quietly.
“Emma ran away from Tallahassee to escape an abusive husband.”
Well, this is an interesting development.
Guilt was flashing in James’ eyes that could easily be seen from down the corridor. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know.”
Ideas were unraveling in his mind as the man took in the information the brothers were unknowingly supplying him with.  He wondered how much a heartbroken man would pay to have his wife returned to him, or how much he would pay to find out her whereabouts.
After David left the building, the man came from around the corner, stalking his way to the counter.
James noticed his presence, and warily approached from the other side, the palm of his hands bracing against the surface. “Look, I can’t let you stay here for free anymore. I’m already in enough trouble as it is.”
The man grinned, leaning on the counter and looking James in the eye. “You don’t have to work here, you know? You could always take another job. In fact I have one you might be interested in.”
Killian entered the Bed and Breakfast in haste, drawing in the warm air as he stomped his boots on the mat to shake off the snow, a weary sigh escaping his lips. As he approached the front desk, a look of desperation was wearing in his features as he ran his hand through his damp hair, brushing out some of the snowflakes that had fallen from the early winter morning sky during the brisk walk from his car.
James raised his brow in curiosity, his eyes flashing with concern as he studied Killian intently. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me, there’s trouble in paradise already.”
Quickly shaking his head, Killian braced his hands on the counter, thoughts of last night racing through his mind. He hadn’t slept at all; he was still shaken from what had transpired.
Killian stared at the note in his hand, swallowing the lump in his throat. He’d been in a state of panic since he’d found the bed empty, and Emma nowhere to be seen. He was surprised that she would just up and leave, even for a short time.
Swaying Ian gently in his arms, he set the note down and called her cellphone, but it went straight to her voicemail.
“I think Emma’s up to something,” Killian confessed, his voice wrecked as he thought of what she might be planning.
“Why do you say that?” James asked, the area between his brows wrinkling in confusion.
“Emma went to the grocery store last night.”
James appeared to be even more confused, and of course, Killian couldn’t blame him. In his frazzled state, he didn’t think he could make sense if he wanted to.
“She left me with Ian and went to get milk.“
The other man stared at him blankly for a few brief seconds before shaking his head. “I’m not following. What’s the big deal about Emma going to the store to get milk?”
“James, if you look in our refrigerator, you’d be able to see that we already had a gallon of it before she left.”
James didn’t seem any less perplexed. “She has an infant who can only have milk. Why is it a surprise that she needs extra milk?”
Killian started to get irritated, although it wasn’t really the Nolan’s fault. He wouldn’t expect James to know a thing about babies, but that really wasn’t Killian’s concern at the moment. Knowing that Neal would be loose on the streets soon was enough to make him insane with worry. He tried not to be, but this was his family. Ian and his Swan were his world, and he was afraid that if someone dared to take them away, Killian would not be able to control his actions. In fact he would probably end up getting killed because Neal knew how to fight, and he did not. He feared that he would lose again, like he did at the bar. Neal hadn’t been much better off, but then again, he’d not been the one to incur broken ribs. “Aye, I’m well aware what Ian needs, but newborns don’t consume cow’s milk - Ian is exclusively breastfeeding.”
James’ features started to smooth out, but Killian could tell he still wasn’t quite sure what Killian was getting at.
“And that’s not the only thing that worries me… Emma has not been apart from Ian since he was taken from the hospital. Normally she hates even the idea of being separated from him, and normally she would take the time to wait for him to wake up and strap him into his car seat for a five-minute drive to the grocery store.”
James nodded; he was finally beginning to understand why Killian would be worried. “So, where do you think she went off to?”
Killian shook his head, feeling a bit depleted. He’d tried wracking his brain all night for an answer to his question, but there was only one thing he could possibly think of, and he was desperately hoping he was incorrect.  “I’m not sure, but I have my suspicions.” He didn’t want to question her about it though, for fear that she might think he was interrogating her or didn’t trust her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was have her think that he was trying to control her or disrespect her boundaries. He never wanted her to feel that way with him - not ever.
“And?” James asked, encouraging him to continue.
“And I need your assistance.” Killian couldn’t believe he was coming to James for his help again, but he was a desperate man.
Nolan crossed his arms, eyeing him skeptically. “You want me to assist you in breaking into someone’s shop again?”
Leaning closer, Killian gripped at the edge of the counter, his jaw tightening as he thought about what he needed to do. It wasn’t something that he wanted to easily admit, but the thought of a certain man he absolutely detested brought out the rage in him, and he wanted to be able to deliver that rage correctly, if need be. He would do anything to make sure that low-life piece of scum never laid a hand on Emma or Ian ever again.
“I need you to teach me how to fight.”
The incessant ringing of Emma’s phone came from her jacket pocket, drawing Mary Margaret’s and Ruby’s attention as they walked through the crowded mall. Emma was pushing Ian in his stroller, not intending to answer her phone, but Ruby dug into her pocket to retrieve it for her.  
“Here you go, Em.”  Ruby held it out for her, so Emma took it, wondering who it might be. Killian was performing surgery at the moment, so she knew it wasn’t him.
When she viewed the screen, her throat closed up, and she couldn’t breathe. Panic was coursing through her blood, her thumb hovering over the “decline” option on her phone as she gnawed on her bottom lip; it was a restricted number, but she had a feeling she knew exactly who it could be, and she really had no one else to blame except herself. She’s the one who decided to poke the sleeping giant.
“You alright, Em?” Mary Margaret asked out of concern.  
Emma declined the call and glanced up from the screen, offering a smile. “Yeah, it’s an unknown number. If it’s important, they can leave a message. She tucked the phone into her pocket as her friends accepted her answer.
“I don’t blame you. I never pick up my phone unless I know who the person is,” Mary Margaret told them as they continued to another store.
“Have you decided what you’re going to get Killian for Christmas?” Ruby asked curiously, changing the subject.
Emma shrugged in distress. Restricted phone calls weren’t the only thing making her panic. Christmas was just around the corner and she still hadn’t bought her boyfriend a present yet. “Does it make me a terrible girlfriend that I waited this long and still have no idea what to get him?”
Both of her friends shook their head. “Please, chica, you’ve had a lot going on. You have no reason to feel guilty,” Ruby assured her.
“Exactly. And besides, you’ve only started dating a few months ago. I don’t think Killian would mind at all if you didn’t get him anything. To him, you and Ian are everything he would ever ask for,” Mary Margaret added with a warm grin.
“I want to get him something though. He’s been so amazing to me and Ian, and he’s done so much for us. And yet I know he’s still going to get me something extravagant for Christmas. He probably has it all wrapped up and hidden in the house somewhere.”
Both of the brunettes didn’t hesitate to agree with both a laugh and a nod.
“You’re probably right about that,” Ruby chirped, “but no worries, we’re going to help you find something.”
Emma looked at Ruby cautiously, seeing her wicked smile and the mischief in her eyes. “Okay, but please, nothing gynecologist-related and nothing kinky, got it?”
Ruby dropped her jaw in shock, pretending to be offended. “Well of course, what kind of person do you take me for?”
It was Emma’s turn to laugh with Mary Margaret. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to find something that was both,” Mary Margaret joked quietly to Emma.
“Hey, I heard that,” Ruby shot back, spurring on more giggles.
Emma managed to get through the afternoon having a nice time with her friends and son and coming up with something to get Killian while trying not to think about the phone call she’d received.
However, when she looked at her phone again later on, she saw the notification on her screen, informing her that she had a message waiting for her.
With trembling fingers she called her voicemail.
The moment he started to speak, she lost a breath. "Hey babe, you probably heard the good news already - I’m out.”
“You’re doing great, Killian… for a beginner,” James taunted with a chuckle.
“Maybe so, but it’s not good enough.” Killian stayed focus, concentrating on his target as he held up his fists, bouncing from foot to foot while trying to maintain the form that James had constantly been hounding him about. “Now, come on, Nolan, give me your best shot.”
James approached him, but Killian lashed out first, hoping to catch him by surprise, his fist aiming for his face, but James blocked Killian’s attempts, barely flinching and keeping his stance.
“Come on, Jones, that’s the best you got?” Killian had made progress, but he didn’t think he was ready quite yet. Although, this time, he managed to block everything James threw at him. He was breathing hard after two minutes, but he wasn’t heaving like he had in the beginning.
“Don’t forget to breathe,” James had consistently reminded him. “Breathe out when you strike and breathe out when you get hit.”
They’d been meeting almost every day since Killian had asked for his help, and he was a quick learner, but there still wasn’t enough time. Neal had been freed from jail the day before, and Killian was now certain, more than ever, that Emma was planning something because of how secretive she was being. He just didn’t know exactly what it was, but he was determined to find out. At the same time, he didn’t want to hover over Emma and Ian; he wanted to give them their space and the freedom they needed without having him being too protective of them.
In the meantime, James had shown him how to do the most damage within the small amount of time they had; how to form a fist, where to hit, how to keep his fingers stiff to jab them into someone’s eyes, how to grapple and throw - all the things Killian would never dream of doing before because it wasn’t him. He had never wanted to hurt anyone, but there was one man who was now an exception.
It was one of the most frustrating things he’d ever done because whenever he was fighting James, even though it wasn’t actual fighting, he transformed into something else entirely; pretending James was Killian’s actual opponent. That was how much Neal had affected him.
Killian ducked, avoiding a punch from James, grabbing hold of his forearm and pivoting around to lift the Nolan brother and send him over his shoulder and onto the exercise mat with ease.
James was on the ground, winded and looking up him with a surprised, but gratified grin as Killian extended his hand to help him up.
“See? You’re getting it. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
In the beginning of Killian’s training, James had started him on a punching bag so he could work on the force and speed of his punch, and eventually moved him onto sparring. Before Killian had even started, he could already do most things, sort of; he had muscles and strength, he just lacked the finesse of actual fighting.
Killian helped James up and let out a pained sigh.
He could sense Nolan’s eyes on him as he strolled across the room and took a large drink from his water bottle. He swallowed it down, catching James as he watched and observing him with a concerned expression.
James came over to Killian, planting his hands on his hips and staring at Killian with weighty eyes. “This isn’t about how well you’re doing; you’re just worried about Emma, aren’t you?”
He wasn’t sure what gave it away, but James had a skill of reading body language, and apparently Killian wasn’t good at hiding his despair.
“What do you think?” There was a bit of harshness in his words; he wanted to combust, but James was not the person he wanted to take out his frustrations on. Killian looked at his feet; there was wreckage in his eyes as he spoke in a softer volume. “Emma’s been planning something and I have no idea what to do. I feel completely helpless.”
James offered an understanding nod. “I can imagine, but… there may be…” James paused and Killian lifted his eyes, waiting for him to finish. Nolan looked away, trying to decide if he should continue or not.
“There may be what?”
James shook his head. “Forget I said anything.” He turned around and started to walk away, but Killian grabbed his arm to stop him.
“Please tell me.”
With a heavy sigh, James turned around to look at him again. “There may be a way to find out what she’s planning, but you may not like the method.”
“James, if you want to talk to her, you should just do it. She’s lost a good friend, and as much as I hate to admit it, I think you’re probably the only person who could get her to confess.” Ever since James had been accused of being Neal’s spy, Emma was still weary around James, even after he helped his brother bring Ian and Kilian back to her, and Killian knew they weren’t as close as they used to be.
James gave him a cocky grin. “You know, you’re probably right about that, but… I have another idea.”
Arching a brow, Killian looked at him expectantly, urging him to continue. “I’m listening.”
“Like I said you’re not going to like it, but the best way to find out whether she’s actually hiding something is to give her the opportunity to go through with her plan.”
James was correct; Killian did not like where this was heading, but he decided not to refute, and instead allowed him to continue. “And how do you suppose I do that?”
“Okay, here’s what you need to do…”
“Emma, are you sure about this? I really don’t have to go if you don’t want me to.”
She was holding Ian in her arms, managing a feeble smile. She’d previously bundled the little guy in a onesie, a cotton seater and a thick blanket to protect him from the cold while she stood in her boyfriend’s driveway to say goodbye. “We’ll be fine. I told you, Mary Margaret and David will be stopping by to keep me company.” She could clearly see that her words didn’t do much to put Killian at ease, so she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, her son stirring quietly between them.
He drew in an unsure breath, his eyes fluttering shut as he wrapped them both in his arms, relishing in the kiss for as long as he could.
After a moment, Killian tore his lips away with great reluctance, leaning his forehead against hers.
She cupped his jaw in the palm of her hand, her thumb brushing over the apple of his cheek. “I love you, Killian.”
He lifted his eyelids, revealing his crystal blues as he finally graced her with a small smile. “I love you too, Emma… and Ian. You have no idea how much,” he spoke in a gentle whisper.
Emma had to blink back the tears threatening her eyes. He wouldn’t be gone for long, only a few days out of town for a medical conference, but still, it was difficult to say goodbye. “I think I might.”
“You promise you’ll call me if something happens, no matter what?” he asked her, his eyes full of wreckage.
Removing her forehead from his, she gave him a nod. “I promise.”
Killian kissed her one last time, and she savored the feel of his lips against hers. “I’ll miss you both.”
She had been taken off guard when he’d told her he was leaving, especially after Neal was released from jail, but Killian said that he was asked to speak at an OBGYN convention. Emma didn’t want to keep him from his career; she wanted him to keep doing what made him happy. Plus, it was the perfect opportunity to set her plan in motion.
“We’ll miss you too.”
Killian took out Ian’s small hand and pressed a kiss to his fingers. “Bye little Prince; take care of your Mum while I’m gone.” He dropped a kiss to the top of Ian’s cap-covered head, and the newborn looked up at Killian with his big blue eyes, holding a big smile on his face. Killian looked between the two of them, as though he were trying to memorize every detail before he had to part. “Bye, my loves.”
“Bye, Killian. Please drive safe,” her voice was cracked as Killian pulled away, opening the car door.
“I will sweetness.”
She watched as he got into his car and backed out of the driveway, waving her goodbye. She waved back at him and held her baby closer, brushing her lips to Ian’s forehead.
When Killian’s car disappeared from her view, she took Ian inside the house and settled him into his Rock ‘N Play Sleeper on the kitchen table before retrieving her phone from the counter. Her hands were shaking as she dialed, her breathing uneven, but she needed to do this.
The phone rang three times before he answered.
“He just left for three days. Meet me at the park tomorrow night at seven o’clock.”
Killian could see Storybrooke in his rearview mirror, cringing at the thought of lying to Emma. He didn’t want to, but he knew he had to. He knew that she was keeping something from him. She was afraid of telling him the truth, because whatever it was, he would not be happy about it. She was probably right.
Pulling into a hotel out of town, Killian was constantly keeping an eye on his surroundings.  He didn’t want to risk being caught, so he had driven far enough to not be noticed by anyone who would grow suspicious, but still close enough to get to Emma in a short amount of time if and when he needed to.
He checked into his room and carried his luggage upstairs. His heart was aching from being apart from Emma and Ian, and the knots in his stomach were overwhelmingly tight; he couldn’t even think about eating. The thought of what Emma might be up to, made him physically ill.
He waited in his room, anxious and on high alert. He was constantly pacing the room and checking his phone unable to be still for one bloody second.
It was half past five o’clock as Emma finished knitting the tiny sweater she’d been working on. Ian was growing like a weed, and was quickly outgrowing his clothes, so she decided to put the knitting lessons that Cordelia had previously given her to good use. Besides, she needed something to distract her from thinking about the nerves in the pit of her stomach. She had done everything she could to keep herself occupied. The main rooms had already been adorned with Christmas decorations, there were three stockings hanging above the fireplace and there was a Christmas tree twinkling with soft blue lights that Killian had cut down himself and brought home for them to decorate together while drinking hot cocoa and cinnamon and munching on some of the cookies she had baked with Mary Margaret and Ruby. She could honestly say that she’d never been a huge fan of the holidays, but ever since she had people in her life, other than Neal, to celebrate with - her friends, her boyfriend, her son - this time of the year was beginning to grow on her. She even bought some gifts for everyone and wrapped them up, placing them underneath the tree.  And now there was nothing left for her to do.
The entire house was absolutely spotless, and she’d made some apple pie for when Killian came home from his convention. So now she was left stewing in her thoughts, her mind frazzled; she had no idea how her plan would unravel.
Emma drew in a shaky breath as she set down the sweater and needle on the coffee table and grabbed her mug of hot cocoa as she stood from the couch, walking over to the large bay windows. Pulling back the curtain, she admired the soft snowflakes falling and covering the ground in a thick blanket of white. Her stomach was coiled in knots as she sipped the hot beverage, her eyes peering over the mug and soaking in the sight of the dark evening sky through the glass.
As she licked her lips to savor the comforting taste, she could see the Christmas lights and her son’s bassinet in the reflection of the window. She was missing Killian like crazy and she knew Ian was too. She loved their little family. Her two boys were honestly the best thing that ever happened to her. This is why she needed to do what was necessary; she needed to keep their family intact.
Emma was about to close the curtain when a dark figure appeared in the reflection of the window. When she recognized who it was, her stomach plummeted and the mug fell from her hand, falling to the floor, her drink spilling over an area of the carpet.
“Hello, Emma.”
Large snowflakes landed softly on the window as Killian drove through busy traffic, the windshield wipers working frantically to make the road in front of him visible. Killian’s heart was pounding erratically as he gritted his teeth, cursing under his breath. He should’ve left the hotel earlier.
The downtown streets of Storybrooke were always crowded and buzzing with excitement this time of year; everyone was out Christmas shopping and getting ready for the blessed holiday; not that he wasn’t a fan. It will be the wee lad’s first Christmas after all, and Killian will have the honor of spending it with him and his Swan. He was very much looking forward to it.
But, he currently had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and he would not be able to rest until he verified his suspicions. He and Emma had been talking quite frequently ever since he left the day before. She would send him adorable pictures of Ian that would melt his heart and they would send playful texts to one another, but apart from that morning, he hadn’t received any calls or texts, and she hadn’t answered a single one of his phone calls.
So when his phone started ringing, his stomach flipped, and he picked it up, hoping it was her. However, when his eyes flickered from road in front of him to his screen, paralyzing fear swept through him.
He swiped the screen to unlock it and raised the phone to his ear, unable to get in a word when he heard the panicked voice on the other end.
“Killian, where are you? You need to get home now.”
Killian froze, unable to speak.
“You were right about Emma - she’s in danger.”
Emma swallowed roughly; her throat felt like sandpaper. She couldn’t move; her feet felt like they were glued to the floor as she stared back at her husband. His arms were crossed and he had a menacing smile on his face as the flames from the fireplace were flickering in his cold, expressionless eyes.
“Wh-what are you… what are you doing here?” she stammered out when she could finally gather both the strength and the words to do so.
Neal just studied her, his smile fading as a dark expression took over the rough features of his face. Emma gnawed on her bottom lip and tore her gaze from him for a second, her eyes glancing at the clock on the wall, then Ian’s bassinet, which was luckily across the room from him. She slowly moved over and stood in front of it, her hand gripping onto the edge behind her, seeking some sort of stability.
“What, I don’t get a hello?”
Emma found it difficult to think straight, the fear of him being there was more crippling than she’d ever thought was possible, no matter how many times she had envisioned having to see him again. “Only visitors are welcomed with a ‘hello’. You broke into my home,” she replied, her voice cracked with fear.
Neal laughed shortly. “Ah, you mean your Doctor’s home?” He started pacing to the other side of the room, still maintaining his distance from her as he looked around, observing the photos on Killian’s mantle. He picked up one, studying it intently - it was one of Emma pregnant and sitting in Killian’s lap, both of them gazing at one another with big smiles on their faces as he rested his hand on her belly. “Such a nice place he’s built here. No wonder why you didn’t want to leave.” He suddenly let the photo frame fall from his hands, and Emma gasped as the glass cracked when the frame made contact with the hard floor in front of the fireplace. “Did you really think I was going to fall for your tricks, Emma? Did you really think I was going to meet you at the park so you could make a scene and get me in trouble?” He tore his gaze away from the other pictures and looked at her again, tilting his head to the side. “I’m not that stupid.”
If Emma weren’t scared for her life, she probably would’ve laughed, but instead she was more worried about maintaining some semblance in her features and her breathing. “How did you even get in here?” she demanded, attempting to keep her voice even.
Again, her husband mocked Emma with a laugh that sent an unsettling shiver down her spine. “You don’t look so happy to see me. I take it you didn’t expect me to show up here?”
Emma drew in a long breath, trying to keep her voice from wobbling. “You didn’t answer my question. How did you get in here?” she asked again.
Neal chuckled. “It was easy. You know I’ve always been good at breaking locks.” He grabbed another photo, and this time, it was the one Ruby had taken in the hospital of her, Killian and Ian. He looked at Emma, holding up the picture frame. “Now I believe you and I had a deal.” Neal stepped forward, making her wince. “You and our son come with me and the doctor doesn’t get hurt.”
Emma shook her head. “That wasn’t the deal. You have to tell me how you found me first.”
“Emma, I already told you.”
“You told me it was James that called you up in Tallahassee. Is that true?”
“What, you can’t trust your own husband?” he asked, clearly offended.
She scoffed, her heart pounding sporadically in her chest. “You tell me.”
Neal’s eyes were flashing with impatience, and glazed over with drunkenness. “I can prove it.”
Swallowing thickly, Emma gave a nod, encouraging him to do so. At the same time, she was praying that Neal was bluffing.
Then he took out his phone and tossed the photo aside, letting it land on the carpet. “I still have the voice message he left the first time he tried to get in touch with me.”
“Go ahead, play it then.”
He fiddled with the phone for a moment until Emma heard a man’s voice over the speakerphone.
The message was spoken with a flat even tone, “My name is James Nolan. I found your wife, Emma Cassidy, who now goes by the name Emma Swan. If you’re interested, I’ll accept a cash reward for her whereabouts. Or if you wish, I will bring her to you myself for double the price.”
“There, is that enough proof for you?” Neal asked when the recorded message had ended.
Emma nodded, maintaining a blank expression. “Yeah, it is.”
“Now, enough messing around; get the kid and let’s go,” he commanded firmly, taking another few steps forward, causing Emma to flinch.
She wasn’t going to back down so easily though. Instead, she shook her head, standing her ground. “Not so fast. Why did you kidnap my son?”
“He’s our son!” Neal barked angrily, making every hair on the back of Emma’s neck stand on its end. “He’s not your precious doctor’s! He’s mine,” he growled, “and I wasn’t about to let someone else steal my wife and son away from me!”
The sudden volume and harshness in his voice had startled her, but Emma did her best to remain calm. “So, you hit Killian over the head, and had your goons lock him up and take Ian from the hospital?”
Neal let out an exasperated sigh, clenching his fists. “Of course I did. I have your friend wrapped around my finger. After he told me you were at the restaurant, and you got away from me, I knew you would call the Sheriff and I knew he would be on the lookout for me. I showed up at the hospital, knowing I would get arrested if I tried to take you away. It was the perfect opportunity to fake a kidnapping and make it look like Dr. Jones did it.” Neal laughed wickedly, thoroughly amused. “You wouldn’t believe how gullible the people in this town are. All James had to do was wait until your brunette friend left the room to distract the nurse at her station while Gold slipped in to take Ian, covering him in a pink blanket and cap to pass off as Collette. No one would question the respected shop owner.” Emma could see the anger flashing in his eyes again. “The whole plan was flawless up until that bastard betrayed me and let Killian escape before the Sheriff and Deputy arrived,” Neal spat, gritting his teeth.
Emma had to hold back the satisfied grin threatening her lips. “So, Gold was in on it too?”
“Of course he was. He helped James track me down. Who do you think kept me hidden all this time?”
She nodded, not surprised at all. “So, tell me, Neal… have you ever met James, besides at the hospital when you were being arrested?”
He shook his head. “Nope; didn’t need to. Our business was done over the phone, and he was always more than willing to do my dirty work for a little money.
“Hmm,” Emma hummed with a nod. “And my yellow bug? Why did you buy it from Liam?”
Neal sighed impatiently at that point. “Because I needed to ditch mine - you know me; always finding ways to survive. I robbed a few banks on the way here. How do you think I had the money to pay James?” He exhaled a depleted sigh, his eyes never leaving hers. “Without you, I had nothing Em,” his voice was softer, a little wrecked in fact. She wanted to be sick. “I wanted to come get you myself, baby. You know I don’t like other men touching you. That’s why it hurt so bad to find out that not only you came here to forget about me, but you found someone else,” he said gritting his teeth, his tone growing harsher. “To top it off, you went and pawned off your engagement ring. Do you know how upset that made me?”
She took a few deep breaths and a few cautious steps forward, trying to keep her fingers from shaking. The only thing that was keeping her sane was the sound of Ian’s cries from the bassinet. “I know… but you… you hurt me Neal,” she choked out quietly. “You could’ve hurt our baby.”
“I never meant to. You know I love you both.” He walked up to her, slowly closing the distance as he pulled something out of his pocket. “You know I’ll take care of you and our boy. I always take care of you don’t I?” He was holding her engagement ring, and she cringed looking at it.
Praying for a miracle, she turned her head to look at the wall. Time seemed to be standing still, and she started to get unbearably anxious. She glanced back at Neal, managing a small smile as she held out her hand in front of him. “Of course you do.”
“I want us to start over, Em. Just the three of us, what do you say?”
Emma nodded, forcing her smile to widen. “I want that too. I want the three of us to be a happy family.” She wanted it to be as believable as possible, so she allowed Neal to slip the ring on her finger before she lifted her hand to cup his cheek; he took it in his own, and her whole body shivered. She was hoping it wasn’t noticeable.
“Me too, Em. Now, let’s get our boy and go home?” he offered, moving closer to kiss her lips.
Emma thought she was going to vomit as she allowed him to press his mouth to hers. She could smell the wretched stench of alcohol on his breath, and suddenly the memories of having to put up with his behavior every night - the memories she had been able to suppress for a short period of time - came rushing back to her.
She tried to push them away as she pulled away from him, speaking in a pinched tone. “Let me grab our son’s bag and you can hold him, how does that sound?”
Neal’s eyes lit up and he grinned as she moved away from the bassinet. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” He stepped forward, and Emma stood back, watching him as he looked down and reached into the bassinet.  He started shuffling around blankets, calmly at first, and then frantically throwing everything from the crib before pulling out a small device that was playing Ian’s prerecorded cries. That’s when she hit panic button by the door, triggering a silent alarm.
“Who’s gullible now, you asshole?” Emma asked sharply, trying to hide the fear from her voice. She could see the anger spiraling through him as he turned around.
His eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched. “You stupid whore.”
Emma gulped, seeing the murderous look in his eyes.
She instinctively started to run, heading for the front door, but she was still weak and not as quick as she thought she would be.
He took off after her and caught up, grabbing her hair with a hard yank. She whimpered as he pulled her back and shut the door to the hallway, pressing her firmly against it. She tried to look away from his menacing gaze but he grabbed her chin, pressing his thumb rough underneath her lip, forcing her to look at him. His mouth was inches from hers, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath, making her want to vomit as he breathed in her face. “Where do you think you’re going, Emma, huh? Did you really think your plan would work? Did you really think I would let you get away? For the last goddamn time, you’re coming home with me, whether you fucking like it or not! Now tell me where the fuck our son is?!” Neal’s shouting rang in her ear, ice cold fear rippling through her blood in a mad rush; she felt the air escaping her body.
“Answer me!” he snapped, lifting his hand and slapping her in the face. Her head whipped to the side and she cried out, holding her cheek, trying to sooth the sharp sting. “Why can’t you just be an obedient wife and listen to your husband after everything I’ve done for you?! I gave you a home when you were just a poor fucking orphan! I gave you everything and this is how you repay me!“
Before she could even attempt to speak, he wrapped his hands around her neck, tightening his grip. Emma grabbed his hands, trying to pull him away, but he was too strong. The air was growing thin and she couldn’t breathe. “You’re such a whore. I’ll bet it was some other fucking bastard who knocked you up, but you know what?” Neal’s words grew quiet as he stepped closer, her face turning beat red.  “I don’t give a fuck, because you’re both mine!”
Emma shook her head, panic swarming through her and drowning her; the room was spinning, making her dizzy. Neal’s fingers were pressed into her throat, and the terror was building inside of her, she could feel her legs giving out.
He finally released her, not waiting for her to catch her breath before slapping her so hard that she fell to the floor. She lay there choking, holding her neck as though she were still suffocating, and she sucked in as much air back into her lungs as she could. Through her blurred vision, she looked up towards the ceiling seeing Neal standing over her. She had never been more afraid of him than she was in that moment.
Before she could even attempt to move, Neal kicked her in the shin, and she howled out in pain. She wanted to curl up into a ball, but she couldn’t. Then suddenly, he took a fistful of her hair and dragged her to the sofa, throwing her onto it. Emma landed with a thud; her body was numb, and she couldn’t move as Neal got on top of her, pinning her arms down.
She tried to scream, but her voice gave out on her.
“Tell me where our son is!”
Emma was still struggling to breathe and she was weak, but somehow she summoned every ounce of energy within her to speak. “He’s- he’s not yours! You will never go near him!”
She could see the rage inside of him bubble to the surface, and he pulled his fist back, about to punch her in the face when suddenly he was being lifted off of her.
Emma caught a breath, her whole body sighing in relief.
“Get your filthy hands off of her, you fucking bastard!”
She was in a daze as she looked over, seeing Killian punch Neal in the face, complete rage in his eyes. “Killian…”
Emma struggled to sit up, and she became afraid for different reasons, hearing them struggle and throw punches at one another. She had never seen this side of Killian before. He was tossing Neal against the wall as though he were a bag of potatoes.
“Please, stop!” she pleaded, although neither of them were listening. She didn’t want Killian to get hurt.
Neal went down again at the hands of her lover. And for the first time in what seemed like ages, she saw fear in Neal’s eyes as he looked up, Killian towering over him. Everything was hurting as she tried to collect her bearings, but somehow she summoned the strength to remove herself from the couch. She started wobbling over to Killian. Neal struggled to get away, and if it weren’t for her urging hands and pleading words, Killian probably would’ve murdered him. Instead Neal got up and ran for the living room door, but was stopped by James as he stood in the doorway.
Neal panicked, surrounded and trapped as he reached into the waist of his pants and pulled out a gun. They immediately stiffened up and gasped as Neal grabbed Emma’s arm, pulling her to him and holding the barrel to her temple. “Stay back or I swear to god, I’ll shoot her.”
“Neal, please…” James begged him, holding up his hands in surrender. “Just let her go.”
Neal removed the gun from her head and aimed it at James. “Shut up! You betrayed me!”
James narrowed his eyes, confusion falling over his features. “What are you talking about?”
Neal tried to chuckle, but the fear was resonating through him, Emma could easily see it in his eyes. “Don’t play dumb. I played the voicemail you left me when you contacted me down in Tallahassee.” Neal never tore the pistol away from her friend, and the panic she felt grew more intense; it was crippling.
“Neal, it wasn’t him. It wasn’t his voice,” she choked out.
Neal stiffened and then moved the gun, this time aiming it at Killian. Emma’s breath caught in her throat and she almost cried out as she locked eyes with him. She could see the pain in his eyes, and could almost hear his shallow breathing, but she knew it wasn’t because Neal could shoot him any second. She knew it was because he didn’t want anything to happen to her.  
“Then who the hell was it?” Neal demanded.
“I’m not sure, but it wasn’t James,” Emma replied.
James’ eyes widened in realization from where he stood. “I think I know who.”
James stood straighter; his jaw firmly set as he crossed his arms and shook his head. “I don’t think so. I already told you I’m not interested in being your spy anymore. I have to prove to my brother that he didn’t make a mistake by helping me out.”
The man frowned, his features full of disappointment. “I haven’t even told you what the job is yet.”
Again he shook his head. The offer was tempting, but he didn’t want to go down that path again. He didn’t know why, but from the moment he met Emma, he was drawn to her. He decided he wanted to be a better man. He hated disappointing his brother, and he thought maybe he could earn Emma’s trust like David and Mary Margaret did. He hated being the bad guy who nobody wanted to be around. So he stood his ground. “Don’t care. Now leave before I start charging you for all the times I let you stay here.”
Anger spiraled through him. He couldn’t believe James was choosing to play ‘good guy’ after everything he’s done for him “Suit yourself,” the man flashed a dark smile as he headed for the door. “But mark my words, Nolan, you’ll regret turning down a job from me.”
Just then, the sound of a siren went off, the house flooding with red and blue lights. The air of the room shifted; Neal went stiff and the other three sighed in relief.
“Don’t move!” Neal started to panic, waving the gun around as he pulled on Emma’s arm and quickly forced her to move, dragging her toward the door. He picked up the pace and she almost tripped as they went through the door.
But it was too late.
“Lay down your weapon and remain where you are.” The sound of August’s forceful call from behind her made Neal stop in his tracks, but he didn’t release the tight grip he had on her.
“Sir, I need you to slowly lay down your weapon.”
She could feel Neal’s body tremble with fear as he turned her around so they were both facing the Sheriff.
Neal threatened to shoot her, forcing August to put his gun down before he started shuffling backwards down the hall, heading towards the backdoor. He released Emma and turned around, running. But he was stopped by Graham.
August assisted his deputy as Emma limped back to the living room, assuring Killian and James that Neal was being arrested. She flew into both of their arms, the three of them sighing in relief. Killian observed her face and neck with anger in his eyes; she knew there were bruises but she wasn’t the least bit worried about them right now. She knew, however, that Killian wished he could have killed Neal when he had the chance.
“Please tell me Ian’s okay?” he asked, his voice completely wrecked.
Emma nodded. “He’s safe. Mary Margaret and David are watching him.
Killian sighed in deep relief and drew her in for another hug, being careful not to hold her too tightly.
Just when they thought the night was over with, there was a gun fired.
The three of them panicked and hurried through the door, although it was more difficult for Emma because her leg was still throbbing.
August was on the floor, groaning in pain, his leg bleeding through the hole in his pant leg as Graham tackled Neal to the floor, putting him in handcuffs with the assistance of another officer.  The doctor in Killian took over and he tended to August as James retrieved a first aid kit so Killian could stop the bleeding.
The officers started taking Neal away when she approached and stood in front of him, looking him directly in his empty, dark eyes. Her features were hard - as icy as the evening air outside.  
The officers held him still, and she could tell he had no interest in talking to her, but she mustered up the courage and spoke anyway, pulling off the engagement ring from her finger. “Neal… I want a divorce,” she said flatly. “I don’t love you anymore. In fact, I absolutely detest you, and I never want you around me or my child ever again.”
Emma felt a lot lighter from getting those things off of her chest as she threw the ring at him, letting it hit him in the chest before it fell to the ground. She expected him to be enraged, but instead he just looked back at her coldly, not saying a word as the officers forced him out of the house.
Neal was being dragged away to the police cruiser as Graham approached her on his way to the front door, asking her if she was alright. Of course she wasn’t. She was still in shock, and her entire body was in pain. But at least, she had accomplished what she needed to. At least now Neal will be locked up for good, and she felt much safer having that kind of satisfaction.
“Not really, but I have everything on video.”
He looked at her in surprise.
“The entire house is under surveillance,” she explained to him.
“It’s true.” The sound of Killian’s voice was comforting to her as he came up from behind him. “Video and sound.”
“And I have proof that Gold helped kidnap my baby. I got Neal to confess everything,” she added weakly.
Graham nodded, clearly impressed. “Good work, Emma.”
“And I know who tracked down Neal?” James chipped in.
Emma and Killian raised a brow, eyeing him in surprise.
“Hades Underbrooke. I believe that’s the voice that left Neal that message on his phone.”
“I will check out the evidence, and I’ll need the three of you to come in for questioning.”
Emma nodded softly as Killian put his arm around her, and she used him for balance, her body pressing into his. Killian pressed a kiss through her disheveled hair, and Graham was surprised by the affection he showed her; she could tell he was mentally putting the pieces together, but of course there were more pressing matters. He offered a small smile, informing them that an ambulance was on its way before he headed out the front door.
James went to fetch Emma a blanket, as she sought comfort from Killian’s arms. They sat on the steps in the foyer, waiting for the ambulance to arrive as Killian had a look at her leg; there was a dark bruise, but it wasn’t broken.
Killian looked at her, a mixture of pain and relief lingering in his eyes as he gently cupped her cheeks in his hands.
“I’m proud of you, Emma,” he whispered gently.
Emma gazed at him, perplexed. “You are?” She was expecting a lecture from him for baiting Neal into his home, she was expecting him to be a bit pissed at her even, but she wasn’t expecting that.  
“Aye. Of course I don’t agree with your methods… you had me worried sick, but you confronted Neal after everything… and when you threw that ring at him-”
“Killian, I can explain- he got it back from Gold and-.”
“Emma, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain anything right now. I just… I just wanted to say… when you told him you wanted a divorce, I was grinning proudly.” Killian flashed a small smile as he continued. “That bravery I saw in your eyes is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you.”
Emma’s breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat at his words as she stared back at him. “I didn’t feel very brave… but I did it for you and Ian,” she managed, a small smile curving her lips. “I did it so we can be a family.”
Killian’s eyes lit up and his smile grew wider. “I know you did, love.” He kissed her lips ever so delicately and she sighed softly against him, letting herself become more relaxed.
James came back and wrapped Emma in a blanket; she laid her head on Killian’s shoulder as he leaned his head on hers, rubbing gentle circles over her back. There was so much to be said, but for now, Emma just closed her eyes, trying to process everything. For the first time all night, the adrenaline had completely subsided, she stopped trembling and everything seemed to be still as she got lost in Killian’s warm embrace.
@resident-of-storybrooke @followbatb @weplaydumbb @strawberrycupcakeprincess @shady-swan-jones @kmomof4 @ultraluckycatnd @phoenixsxul @eala-captian @teamhook @i-love-books2014 @andiirivera @piratesbooty63fan @missclois86 @fallensites @harrietmjones @winterbaby89 @wordsmith-storyweaver @andiirivera @slimacwrites @jennjenn615 @its-about-bloody-time-cs @liloproductions @followbatb @klar425 @hey-it-is-jess @ascolinwishes
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psychosistr · 6 years
Worth It Chapter 1: Forming a Plan
Summary: Joseph loves his best friend, Caesar, with all of his heart, but doesn’t quite know how to make Caesar see it. With a bit of patience, hard work, and forced abduction, though, it’ll all be worth it in the end.
Notes: This CaeJose story is the first in a series I am dubbing the Jojo’s Yandere Adventures stories. There will be some NSFW content in certain chapters, but I’ll edit out those parts and post them on my AO3 account with links once it’s set up properly. 
Also: PLEASE read the tags- this is a yandere/serial killer AU, so there will be uncomfortable topics such as drug use, murdering of unnamed characters, amoral behavior, kidnapping, mental manipulation, a bit of hypnosis, and stockholm syndrome.
Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli were best friends. This was a fact that anyone who even so much as glanced at the two would pick up on in an instant. The two had known each other for years, shared many secrets and personal feelings with one another, and were practically joined at the hip whenever they went out. Yes, they were practically the poster boys for the model friendship…at least, that’s what it looked like on the surface, and probably even to Caesar himself- but not to Joseph.
           You see, Joseph was not what people would call “normal”. He had no other way to categorize himself other than simply calling himself “different” or “morally atypical”. Sure, he had tried to find words to describe what he was, but nothing ever quite fit. Joseph was very smart (in his own eyes), so he couldn’t have some sort of mental disability or psychosis; he didn’t do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, so he wasn’t insane; he cared for and thought about others besides himself, so he wasn’t a sociopath. He simply did not feel things as “normal” people did- he could feel angry, happy, or sad, of course, that was not a problem, but his feelings regarding other people were what made him feel so different.
From what Joseph understood growing up, people were supposed to care about those around them, form attachments to their peers and classmates, and respect certain things such as their feelings or boundaries. Joseph never experienced any of these things. He did not form attachments to those around him very easily- the only people he considered important to him were his grandmother who raised him after his parents’ death as a baby, his grandparents’ friend who helped raise him (an adoptive uncle to Joseph), a boy he’d met when he was young named Smokey who helped look after Joseph’s grandmother, and, of course, Caesar. Other than this select group of people, he considered nobody else worth his time. He was always more clever than his peers, so why bother getting to know them? As for respecting the feelings of others, again, why should he? He felt nothing for them, ergo, they WERE nothing to him. Other people, to Joseph, were a nuisance at best and an obstacle to what he wanted to do at worst.
Being aware of this abnormality in his own perceptions of others often left Joseph feeling a bit like an outcast. Not that he’d ever show it, of course. He was clever enough to realize early on that straying from the norm in front of others could lead to social shunning, overly concerned and meddlesome looks from those older than himself (such as his teachers when he was younger), forced appointments with professionals that would try to figure out what he was truly like, possible incarceration or institutionalization, and, the most worrisome of all- phone calls to granny Erina. The thought of someone calling his grandmother and getting in trouble with her always made a chill run down Joseph’s spine- that woman was TERRIFYING.
So, to avoid being labeled by society (and incurring the wrath of his grandmother), Joseph put on a mask in front of everyone outside of his little circle for years. To most of the world he was the brash but clever, happy-go-lucky, semi-polite, mostly-spoiled heir to the rich Joestar family. He always put on his biggest fake smiles whenever he went out, treated people kindly unless provoked, and was considered a generally good-natured person. As soon as he was behind closed doors, though, and away from those who did not truly know him, he let the fake smile drop and became a much more relaxed man when he was with the people he cared for.
Though it was never directly stated or discussed with any of them, they all seemed to have the unspoken understanding that Joseph was different and they all accepted him for who he was. They would keep tabs on him while they were out together and could tell when his mask was about to slip, often coming up with an excuse for why they’d have to go somewhere else for a bit. They would let him sit quietly for long periods of time without bothering him to speak or talk about what he was feeling because they knew it annoyed him. They would even let him rant for (literally, sometimes) hours on end about how much the people he dealt with that day annoyed him, or about how stupid they all were, or how he wished he could make them all just shut up or disappear for good. He was immeasurably grateful for this, and often showed it in the way of telling his stupid jokes freely, or calling everyone by their own nicknames, or by offering to do something to help them out or dealing with someone who was inconveniencing them.
Joseph did often wonder, though, how they would feel about him if they knew about the thoughts that ran through his head or the things he did when none of them were around.
The first time had been an accident. It was back in high school, his sophomore year at an all-boys boarding school. There was a guy in his class that kept messing with him in the usual juvenile way- teasing, name calling, occasional shoving, scathing remarks, etc. - but Joseph did his best to ignore him. It got harder day after day, until finally he felt his mask about to break and skipped school for the day to go relax in the woods nearby. He found comfort in the quiet of the forest and enjoyed watching the birds that flew around and above the tree tops. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whom you asked), the boy from school came there too. He saw Joseph and kept antagonizing him until Joseph couldn’t take it anymore and lashed out, slamming his fist into the other boy’s head with enough force to send him reeling back into a tree. Joseph didn’t let up at that, though, taking out all of the anger and annoyance he felt not only for this boy, but for every person that he had to deal with at that school. He used his superior strength to practically bludgeon the unlucky boy into unconsciousness before wrapping his bloodied hands around his thin neck and squeezing until there was no pulse left beneath his large fingers. After the blood stopped roaring in his ears and his heart beat calmed down, Joseph realized that he felt BETTER. He probably should have felt guilty or sad or scared, but, no, he felt RELIEVED by what he had done- it was like he’d been bottled up until that point and now the lid had popped off and let all of the negative emotions out. It was so…so liberating. He easily disposed of the body by carrying it deeper in the forest and leaving it in an area that he knew from previous treks was frequented by all manner of feral beasts- even if the body was found, it would be too mauled to find a good cause of death- and washed up in a creek before heading back to school like nothing had happened at all. A missing person’s report was filed, but the body never turned up and Joseph felt practically giddy over how easily he’d gotten away with it.
The second time was not an accident. Nor was the third time. Or any of the now countless subsequent times that followed. Every time Joseph found himself feeling too pent up, he would find someone (usually a person that had annoyed him or inconvenienced someone he cared about) and get rid of them. It was second-nature to him by now. He was confident in his strength and abilities, was always careful not to leave any evidence behind, and disposed of the bodies in ways that meant they were never found. It was nothing personal most of the time, just a good way for him to relieve his stress.
Well, until recently that is.
Recently, over the past two years or so that is, Joseph has had fairly specific targets: the worthless, vile, loathsome whores that Caesar had involved himself with.
Caesar was Joseph’s closest and dearest friend, someone whom he could trust and confide in (aside from his secret activities, of course), and the person who could make Joseph feel the strongest emotions he’d ever felt in his entire life. They had met after Joseph graduated high school- he was taking advantage of a study abroad program at his new college to visit Italy with his adoptive uncle, Robert Speedwagon, when Speedwagon introduced the two by saying their grandfathers were close friends. To say they didn’t hit it off immediately would be a gross understatement. They ended up arguing and fighting constantly, Joseph finding himself incredibly annoyed by Caesar’s casanova tendencies and haughty attitude to the point of the two constantly getting into physical altercations. But, much to Joseph’s surprise, the annoyance he felt wasn’t like it usually was with other people, and when they fought he didn’t actually want to kill Caesar (just wipe that smug look off of his face for a bit). Caesar was witty, clever, and was able to toss back both punches and quips just as good as the ones that Joseph gave him. It was the first time Joseph found himself thinking of someone as an equal.
After the initial fighting subsided (that took a couple of weeks), the two got to know each other better and ended up bonding over several things they had in common. A big conversation that seemed to cement their still fresh bond was when they began talking about family- Joseph opened up about never knowing his parents since they died before he even had the chance to know them, and Caesar, in turn, told Joseph about how his own father left his family when Caesar was just a child and how he had run away later and joined a street gang, losing touch with the rest of his family and later witnessing his father dying in a horrible traffic accident after pushing Caesar out of the way of an oncoming car without even recognizing his own son. While neither Caesar nor Joseph had acknowledged it at the time, that was when the bitterness between them evaporated and they truly became best friends. They still wrestled and hit each other and traded quips and barbs back and forth, but it was with a sort of tenderness born of camaraderie and playfulness rather than any ill-will towards one another.
When it was time for Joseph to head back to America, he found himself close to tears at the idea of being away from his new friend and started to consider locking Caesar in his luggage to take him with him (thankfully he realized that would have been a bad idea and resulted in serious injury or death for the poor Italian man). Instead, the two exchanged contact information and a teary, heartfelt embrace at the airport. The next year was filled with constant texting, emailing, poking on social media, and web-camera chats as often as the two could with the time zone difference. Eventually, after saving up enough money between the two of them (and receiving generous combined early/late birthday and Christmas gift checks from Erina and Speedwagon), Caesar was able to move to America. When he saw the blond Italian stepping out of the crowded American airport, Joseph had been so excited that he ran through the crowd, not caring who got knocked over in the process, and picked Caesar up in a tight hug and spun him around, both of them laughing like idiots the whole time.
Life got so much better for Joseph after Caesar joined him in New York. The two would often hang out at each other’s apartments for hours at a time, one usually sleeping over at the other’s place and having a few drinks while watching bad movies or just talking about their boring jobs or Joseph’s grad school classes. When they weren’t crashing at each other’s apartments or busy with work or school, they would either be hanging out somewhere like bookstores (Joseph sticking to his comics and Caesar picking out new novellas), bars, or spending time with Joseph’s family and Smokey (Caesar had already been unofficially adopted into the family like Smokey had, though, and he couldn’t have been happier about that).
Yes, everything in Joseph’s life was perfect with Caesar around…until he started dating. The first girl had been some cheap floozy Caesar had picked up at a bar while he and Joseph were out. Joseph had left for a few minutes to order more drinks at the bar, and, when he came back, some girl with too much lipstick and too little clothing was saddled up next to Caesar and the two were flirting back and forth. Caesar ended up excusing himself with her for the night, apologizing to Joseph even after Joseph gave him a smile and thumbs up while saying “Nice!”. Truthfully, Joseph was enraged and felt something completely new to him: jealousy. Who did that tart think she was? Intruding on his nice night out with Caesar, stealing his attention away, and looking so damn satisfied with herself just because Caesar wanted to spend a night with her. He found himself wishing that HE had been the one going home with Caesar that night, wishing that Caesar could have cast such a seductive look at HIM before taking him off to….oh…Joseph’s train of thought derailed slightly upon the realization that he WANTED Caesar. He NEEDED Caesar. After a few more drinks by himself, Joseph decided that he and Caesar would actually work out well if they got together- people already made jokes or came to the assumption that the two were dating, anyway, and Caesar obviously liked being around Joseph if he was willing to move to an entirely different country to be with him. Caesar MUST have liked him, right? Right. He just needed some help realizing it and then they could both be happy. Joseph just had to get rid of the obstacles in his way, as he always had…
The first girl was easy enough to dispose of, she was just a one night stand that Caesar didn’t really care enough about to call or check up on after their night together. He’d had a lot of dates that ended like that, so it was easy for Joseph to make sure those whores didn’t come back. The ones that proved a challenge were the women (and a few foolish men) whom Caesar showed genuine interest in and contacted frequently. Joseph tried to take the easier route when he could- he would use his affluent status as well as the nice income he got from his post-grad school career as a real estate investor to bribe those ungrateful louts into leaving Caesar alone and just kill the ones that refused. Many of them took the large sum of money that Joseph offered them, which made him feel both relieved and angered at the same time because they were essentially saying that his precious little Caesar was worth LESS than some stupid wad of cash or big check. How dare they?! Caesar was worth all the money in the world to Joseph! Sometimes he would lose his temper and end up killing a few of them anyway after they broke up with Caesar. Then, every time one of Caesar’s whores (Joseph refused to think of them as anything else) stopped contacting him or broke things off with him, Joseph would be there to comfort him with a shoulder to lean on, a warm embrace, a bright smile, and some shitty jokes that never failed to cheer the other man up. During these times, Joseph would try to subtly flirt with the Italian man and get closer to him, but Caesar would just laugh it off and things would return to the status quo between the two…at least until the next person caught Caesar’s eye and the cycle would repeat itself again…
Seeing that just getting the obstacles out of the way wasn’t enough, Joseph decided he needed to form a more concrete plan to win Caesar over. After subtly (to him, at least) asking his grandmother for advice on what people normally did when they had strong feelings for someone else and wanted to win them over, he discovered that the best methods were to spend time together, give gifts, be generally charming with praise and compliments, and, as Erina had phrased it, to “be a man and just tell him how you feel already”. Joseph had no idea how she realized the person he was talking about was male- there was absolutely NO WAY anyone could tell he liked Caesar, after all- he was a master at hiding things.
While her advice was useful, it was tricky at first to implement it. The two of them already spent a lot of time together, and it would feel awkward to suddenly show up at Caesar’s door with gifts without it being a holiday (and telling him outright seemed out of the question at the moment). Then, a brilliant idea occurred to him- what if he and Caesar LIVED together? That would be the most time they could possibly spend together, and then Joseph would get plenty of opportunities to compliment and praise him every day, and he could bring random gifts home with him without it being awkward, and-and- AND THIS WAS PERFECT!
With this in mind, Joseph set the first part of his brilliant plan into motion. He brought up the subject of the two of them sharing a nice apartment together one night over drinks, but Caesar seemed a bit hesitant at the idea of having a roommate, saying he wouldn’t want to bother Joseph if he brought over any “guests”. Joseph felt a jolt of rage at the idea of one of Caesar’s whores coming over with him, but hid it well behind a loud laugh and dismissive wave. Caesar said that he would think about it, however that seemed like it would take too long, so Joseph decided to speed up the process. After paying a hefty bribe to Caesar’s boss to (politely, of course) let Caesar go, and then doing the same to any other companies Caesar applied to so they wouldn’t consider hiring him, it wasn’t long at all before Caesar’s bank account was running low enough that he could no longer afford his own apartment. Then, like the “good friend” he was, Joseph insisted that Caesar stay with him until he got back on his feet and helped him move in with Joseph.
The second part of his plan had been proceeding smoothly for a few months now. Joseph spent every bit of time he could spare at home with Caesar (when he wasn’t out killing anyone that caught the blonde’s eye or bribing more companies into not hiring him, that is) and found every opportunity to praise his precious little Caesar. Mundane tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or hanging out turned into conversations about how much Joseph loved Caesar’s authentic Italian cuisine (which he really did, the man could put most restaurants out of business in Joseph’s opinion), or how he admired Caesar’s organization skills, or how funny or clever Caesar was. Joseph also brought home gifts for Caesar at least once a week, varying the gifts from simple things like a bottle of Caesar’s favorite wine that he “just happened to pick up at the store” to expensive, thoughtful gifts like the brand new top-of-the-line smart phone and laptop that Joseph gave him “to make finding a job easier”. The slightly embarrassed smiles and the sparkle in Caesar’s eye whenever Joseph gave him something always left him feeling warm all over and gave Joseph a tingling sensation deep in his torso, making every cent and bit of effort Joseph spent on him worth it.
Now, though, now would be the culmination of the previous two years of careful planning and strategic bribery: He would confess to Caesar.
Joseph knew from his previous attempts at flirting with Caesar that being subtle wouldn’t work, but it still felt like it would be awkward to just bring it up out of the blue. So, Joseph decided that the best course of action would be to bring it up after a more…intimate encounter between the two. It made sense in his mind- people were usually influenced by their bodies’ instinctive desires such as hunger for food, desire for dominance, and lust for the flesh. Ergo, if Joseph could satisfy Caesar’s physical needs, it would show him how well they would work out together in the long run. Again, it made sense in his mind, even if it might not seem logical to someone else.
To make sure that Caesar couldn’t turn him down and would give him a chance to try, Joseph got his hands on some interesting little pills after doing a bit of research on the dark web (something he frequented quite regularly for inspiration and ideas, as well as supplies, over the years). According to what he’d read about them, the drugs were highly concentrated aphrodisiacs laced with ecstasy to induce a mild sense of euphoria and mixed with an agent similar to rohypnol that made the user more prone to suggestion, but without the short term memory loss (he wanted Caesar to be aware of what was going on, after all, or what would be the point?). Also, unlike rohypnol, this drug was meant to be taken willingly by dropping it into a drink- beer was recommended over hard liquor for it- where it would fizz up and change the flavor of the drink. This meant that he would have to get Caesar to try it willingly, that way he couldn’t later say that Joseph spiked his drink and turn the mood sour. Of course, Joseph wouldn’t take the drug himself, he would need to keep a clear head to make sure he did everything right, he would just put some similar looking seltzer tablets in his own drink to keep up the illusion- that way they’d be on equal footing in Caesar’s eyes.
‘Yes,’ Joseph thought, ‘This plan is flawless. Soon my beloved Caesarino will be all mine~<3’
Next Chapter->
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nicklesthename · 7 years
This entire post is completely inspired by a single image I saw on Pinterest.
Are you KIDDING ME? Are you really going to try and tell people that if they just eat celery and lemon they can replace their diabetes medication? Are you insane? I think single, solitary image drove me to write a whole article about the absolute worst people you will find online. These people go beyond the average troll, doing more than just insulting you or undermining you. These people perpetuate very damaging and dangerous ideas. They should be avoided at all costs.
Self-officiated doctors
This is the person who made the above image. They will claim that their home remedies will cure your incurable disease. The least dangerous of these people are the ones who just use vague terminology to make it seem like they have a miracle cure when really they don’t. That would be like if the above image was referring to only Type 2 diabetes which can be “cured” with a healthy diet and restricting alcohol. However, to get more clicks and attention, they just said “diabetes” instead of specifying, and put two random foods to make you wonder what could lemon and celery possibly do that is so magical to cure diabetes! It’s not honest or kind, but it’s not the most dangerous thing.
What changes the above image from that into true evil, is the part that says “replace your medication.” They are blatantly claiming that whatever their magic recipe is can manage your diabetes better than actual prescribed medicine from a doctor. Not that it can help in addition to the medication, but that you should stop taking your medication and instead use their crap. This is insanely horrible, immoral thing to do and will result in death. If someone goes into a diabetic shock, and then drink lemon and celery water, they will literally die.
  Let me also be clear about something: I am not against natural treatments for some illnesses. Ginger ale always helps my stomach aches and lemon tea feels great on a sore throat. But the fact of the matter is, you cannot cure most illnesses with natural ingredients. Some herbs may help reduce symptoms, changing your diet will generally improve your health, and teas can have an effect on your body, but to claim that a leafy vegetable will completely cure lupus is cruel.
Neurotypical Karen
This is a term I’m borrowing from Tumblr. Neurotypical Karen is a meme that is used when mentally ill people are dismissed or criticized by mentally healthy people. This person is someone who tells you that all you need to do to permanently cure your depression is do yoga and green tea will erase your anxiety. This person is similar to the first, but they go so far as to blame the ill person for their ailment. She says to just stop being all the time and that happiness is a choice, you just have to make it!
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This post basically sums up this type of person perfectly. While no one in real life is actually textbook Neurotypical Karen, there are so many people like her. They rush you and criticize you for not making progress how they think you should. They are ignorant but present themselves as mental health professionals. Meanwhile they reject most of the actually medical recovery options, such as medication and professional therapy. Most importantly, they ignore the scientific and anecdotal proof that mental illness is a combination of mental and physical conditions that are beyond the complete control of those affected.
  As with the arm-chair doctors, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with using these suggestions to assist in your recovery. Natural ingredients and some hobbies can help cope with  mental health. The issue is when these people claim they can completely cure these illnesses instantly, and blame you for doing it wrong when it doesn’t work that way. By all means, start practicing yoga, take up watercolour painting, and buy that smoothie with fresh fruits. But telling people that they are just lazy and selfish for not wanting to do those things is wrong.
Total expert on everything, ever
Sometimes it can be hard to get the facts online. There is no end to the amount of false information. And usually they are easier to see than the truth. Part of that is due to these types of people. They share hard facts without double checking the information, which often leads to spreading lies and ignorance. Sure, they sometimes hit the mark, but that occasional success is almost more dangerous because then you build trust in them as a source and then makes the impact of their not reliable content deeper. This is why it’s important to fact check pretty much everything you read online.
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The image above is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. This post is the bane of my existence. I’ve seen multiple people and family members share or reference this stupid image and it’s just not true! These numbers are completely made up and in fact, any money that refugees receive to facilitate their move to Canada has to be paid back, with interest. This is actually a burden on many refugees since this debt can follow them for years. My student loan debt is bad enough and I’m not moving across the globe, possibly leaving my family behind in a war torn country and trying to build a new life. So it’s blatantly not factual that Canadian government is treating their refugees better than their pensioners.
And that is the major problem. This image has a lot of numbers and math. It claims to know the dollar amount being given by the government to each and every refugee and pensioner, with no room for individual circumstance. They are not only stating these as facts, but they seem to back up these claims with numbers. Numbers can be very impressive to the passive Facebook scroller, so they assume it’s legitimate and share it along. But it’s not real at all. It’s just a dangerous, xenophobic message meant to create an us versus them mentality.
When false information is so widely agreed upon, it starts to shape people’s opinions. Not that people need help being pessimistic about accepting refugees, but if you also tell them that they are basically stealing money from the pockets of your grandparents, then you start to truly hate them. And the government for letting them. And it’s this change of opinion that makes Liar Liar so dangerous. Most of these incorrect posts come from a place of political messaging. Whether it’s race or class or gender, usually the information is emotionally-charged. That’s another way they make you less likely to question it: you’re so mad you aren’t thinking straight.
The perfect __________
The perfect mom. The perfect employee. The perfect neighbor. I’m not talking about people who are actually good at those things. I’m talking about those who are always criticizing other people for not being perfect. They must be perfect in order to make all those claims and insults, right? May those without sin cast the first stone, right? Oh wait, no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes and you should give other people a break when they mess up? Yeah that sounds way more realistic.
Apparently there is a Yiddish word for this exact thing. People think that giving advise is always a good thing. That people are inherently asking for your input when they post about their life online. But this is just as rude at blatantly saying to that person “You are a bad mother,” or “You’re a terrible artist.” You may phrase it as “You should be only feeding your children organic food” or “The proportions on your hands are too small.” But that is what that person is going to hear. Even if you think that you’re phrasing the advice in the most considerate way ever, if they didn’t ask for it, you don’t need to give it.
This type of person may not always be dangerous in the “perpetuating harmful ideas and behaviors” kind of way, but they are very threatening to personal self-esteem. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism can be an important part of bettering oneself. Without feedback, we can never know what we are doing well and what we should work on. But if all you are getting is unsolicited advice on things you don’t want to be reviewed on, then you are going to become less and less confident in yourself. Also, for a large majority of the time, you don’t know the whole story behind a post on social media. You don’t understand everything that is going on in that person’s life and the reality of their relationships. An example used below is when parenting advice is given. This father had been criticized for taking his children to McDonald’s. He explains that when it comes to children, letting them have the junk food is intensely easier and more placating than anything else you can do for them. In reality, they don’t always have the time to cook dinner or negotiate with their toddler for two hours in order to get them to each the home cooked meal. Not to mention for some families, all they can afford is the drive-thru. Making these assumptions that the parents are just being lazy or negligent is simply unfair.
RIP Trolls
So here is something I didn’t know existed until I was researching for this post. This isn’t just a troll, someone who abuses cap locks and slurs. This is a special kind of demon. These people go onto Facebook and find tribute pages. These are groups or pages that are dedicated to someone who passed away recently. Sometimes they double as awareness for whatever condition the person died too and sometimes they are just a place for people to share their condolences and memories of the deceased. They then flood the page with triggering content, meant to disturb those who are using the page to grieve. I know right? This sounds like absolute madness to me. What kind of monster takes a child dying to gun violence or a husband dying to cancer and throwing it in the face of their friends and family. Why?!
From posting gory images of people dying to writing out evil messages to tear at the hearts of those who cared, these people are very disturbed. Some of them claim that they do this to critique society’s way of publicizing personal matters such as deaths. But that is no excuse for the things these people post. One person commented on a photo of the deceased 14 year old “help me mummy, it’s hot in hell.” On top of that, they posted this on Mother’s Day.
I honestly don’t know what else to say about these people. They take trolling to a new level. And that’s why they are on this list. They can’t settle for just being mean or rude. They need to take someones grief and twist it and crush it. And you can bet that these people wouldn’t ever dream of saying those things to a mourning mother in person. They are cowards who hide behind their computer monitors and keyboards.
On that cheerful note, those are some of the worst people online. Watch out for these people, and for the love of all things good in this world, don’t be them!
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The Worst People Online This entire post is completely inspired by a single image I saw on Pinterest. Are you KIDDING ME?
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