#[ allister // for the departed ]
giantkillerjack · 2 years
Chris Pratt is like, the good-looking homophobe who always got the lead in the spring musical in high school despite being bad at singing
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witchembrace-a · 10 months
the masked boy looked over at his fellow gym leader and tilted his head , unsure of what exactly bede meant at first . allister had always been attuned to the unknown and the pokémon that most other trainers seemed to avoid or dislike . since he was always seen as an outcast himself , it was only natural for the youth to be drawn to that himself . so when questioned about it , he didn't know exactly what to say .
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' i . . . don't quite know . . . ' he punctuated his words with a languid shrug . ' i just . . . fit right in with them , i guess . . . '
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@hxlyknight // "with all these ghost pokemon, how is it that you’re never scared?" bede asked to his fellow gym leader. not that he was scared of them or anything, no, he'd never be. [ for the damaged // bede to allister ]
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autisticadvocacy · 2 months
We are appalled, but unsurprised to see the House pass H.J. Res. 165.
If the resolution becomes law it would overturn the Department of Education’s Title IX Rule to strengthen protections against sex-based discrimination, harassment, and abuse in federally funded schools. This resolution is part of a continued pattern of attacks against LGBTQ+ people’s right to exist. The House has voted on 60+ anti-LGBTQ+ bills this session. The resolution is also an attack on survivors of sexual assault and harassment and pregnant and parenting students. Without this rule, federally funded schools can continue to turn a blind eye toward sex-based discrimination and sexual assault.
ASAN signed on to a letter of 110+ LGBTQ+, women’s, civil, and human rights organizations that urged members of Congress to vote against this resolution. The Title IX rule is very important to ASAN and the autistic community. Autistic people are more likely to be LGBTQ+ than allistic people and more likely to have our trans identity dismissed or disbelieved. Disabled LGBTQ+ students are also more likely to be bullied and harassed. Autistic people are also three times more likely than the general population to experience sexual violence. We are often denied access to quality sex education. The worst harassment and abuse is directed toward autistic people with intellectual disabilities.
We urge the Senate to oppose S.J. Res 96 which, if passed, would follow in the House’s footsteps. If this resolution became law, it would also prevent the Department of Education from producing any substantially similar regulations in the future. The White House has promised to veto the resolutions if either reach his desk. We urge the President to keep that promise. You can read more about this resolution in a statement from National Women's Law Center.
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autistpride · 6 months
The history of ABA and the unfortunate reality of current therapy options
ABA was founded on a basis of hatred and ignorance about autistic people.
Ole Ivar Lovaas created ABA and saw autistic individuals inhuman. He later went on to create a gay conversation therapy.
"In any case, what one usually sees when first meeting an autistic child who is 2, 3, or even 10 years of age is a child who has all the external physical characteristics of a normal child—that is, he has hair, and he has eyes and he has a nose, and he may be dressed in a shirt and trousers—but who really has no behaviors that one can single out as distinctively ‘human’. The major job then, for a therapist—whether he's behaviorally oriented or not—would seem to be a very intriguing and significant one, namely, the creation or construction of a truly human behavioral repertoire where none exists."
"You see, you start pretty much from scratch when you work with an autistic child. You have a person in the physical sense—they have hair, a nose and a mouth—but they are not people in the psychological sense. One way to look at the job of helping autistic kids is to see it as a matter of constructing a person. You have the raw materials, but you have to build the person."
The purpose of the therapy is that autistic people are broken, and should not be allowed to be themselves. That they should be subjected to treatment until “molded” into something deemed more acceptable to society and their parents.
ABA doesn’t actually change the subject into what the program and their parents want. An autistic kid does not become allistic.
What it does accomplish is to essentially force the subjects into acting more like the type of person desired by the program (masking).
After enough bullying, shaming, coercion, and general breaking down of a child’s personality and defenses, that child learns to pretend to be allistic as much as possible, to please authority figures and avoid negative consequences (beatings, denial of food, denial of affection, denial of water, denial of washroom breaks, denial of preferred items etc).
It’s intensive “training” using aversive and coercive methods, to force change in a child’s behaviour. A lot of the time, this is about changing harmless self-sooothing or coping behaviours in autistic children.
ABA is an intensive therapy, usually 35-40 hours a week, of compliance training. Children are often pulled out of school for a good chunk of these hours, missing out on actual education, for what is essentially a full time job.
In these sessions the RBT (who only had to do a few weeks training) has the child do tasks repetitively earning a small prize like a candy or a token to gain a privileges to their favourite items and activities. The consequence is their favourite things and activities are removed, including the encouragement of the removal of their parents attention, until the child complies.
When subjected to compliance training for 35-40 hours a week, autistic children are taught that they lack autonomy. They are taught that they do not have the right to say “no” to something that they do not want to experience.
That’s incredibly harmful and dangerous. This leaves autistic survivors of ABA to be highly susceptible to various forms of abuse both as a child, and later on in life.
Also “pretending to not be autistic” thing is extremely problematic. I'll talk about that in another post.
A study in 2007 found that nearly half of all ABA survivors met the diagnostic threshold for PTSD. Other studies referenced put the number closer to 85%, and also include C-PTSD.
In 2016, Congress funded a report to examine whether the ABA services they have been effective
With 3,794 participants, this is the largest study ever conducted on ABA. The 31-page report entitled, “The Department of Defense Comprehensive Autism Care Demonstration Annual Report 2020” concluded that “ABA services are not working.”
“… these findings demonstrate that … the delivery of ABA services, is not working for most TRICARE beneficiaries in the ACD.”
“ … the Department remains very concerned about these results, and whether the current design of this demonstration, as well as ABA services specifically, is providing the most appropriate and/or effective services to our beneficiaries diagnosed with ASD.”
In last year’s report of over 709 individuals with autism, 76% showed no improvement after one year of treatment, 16% had improved, but that 9% were worse after a year of treatment.
ABA “therapists” - BCBA stand to lose a TON of money if ABA is considered bad. Parents or insurances are paying around $25,000 for 3 months of ABA.
As a society, we realize that gay conversion therapy is inhumane. We look at the type of dog training that most closely resembles ABA to be animal abuse. We look at residential schools - an idea that bares striking resemblance to the concept and execution of ABA - as a dark spot on our country’s history, and one that we are trying to make reparations for now, after the fact.
Unfortunately, ABA is oftentimes the ONLY resource now available to families with autistic individuals.
When given the diagnosis, the professionals hand out pamphlets and print outs of ABA companies. Some have even resorted to fear mongering or threatening families who refuse to use ABA.
Many doctors are not even taught about ABA or therapy options. They are simply told ABA is for autistic people, push it, and they do.
For families that trust their medical providers and have no other knowledge on autism or ABA, they think their provider is looking out for their best interest.
Many parents are just sadly uninformed and think they are doing the best thing for their child.
This is not helped by the fact that there are even facilities that are basically ABA in name only in order to be covered by insurances that will only pay for this therapy and none others.
These facilities are often floor time or play therapy in disguise which confuses people even more due to the fact that they claim to be ABA but are not. This has caused much discourse between people who think that all ABA must be like this when in fact they just got extremely lucky.
For BIPOC families, who are targeted by authorities already, any therapy they can get can be a potential life line that may help keep their children alive.
This leaves these families in a terrible situation of having to choose between one or potentially the other.
I'll share some amazing BIPOC voices in another post as I am not qualified to speak on their story due to me being white.
And for some families, it has become a last resort choice before having to move to a more institutionalized setting or in some cases threatened with child services.
A good hard look at ABA should be done with funding and encouraging alternatives like more access to floortime, speech, ot, or pt.
Those therapies are provided for some families but given very few hours in comparison, there are no facilities near them and they cannot afford the travel to them, and for some families, they aren't provided at all.
Some individuals qualify for no therapy options outside of ABA and this leaves some families without any resources or help and left to navigate everything alone as best as they are able to.
Which has been our experience and why it is important to me to get information out there, for those who have no other resources.
And sadly understanding that until acceptance and other resources are available to all families EQUITABLY, some may have to choose between one heartbreaking choice or another.
Either way, there is potential risk in ANY therapy you choose to utilize and it should be something to be aware of. So be aware of any red flags.
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mothyandthesquid · 2 years
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“Winter Berries” for @wonderwoolwales ❄️ It usually sells out on the morning of the first day of shows because it looks so great IRL. I tell everyone who picks it up “if you like that one, you should buy it now as it will be gone later” but often folk think I’m trying to push for a quick sale! One nice thing about autistics is we often just tell the truth, and it can be really useful information. Most folk don’t do this so allistic people can experience discomfort or disbelief, perhaps caused by occasions when “neurotypical” salespeople have attempted to manipulate them. Usually, it is the autistic person who suffers from this undue credibility deficit. But with “Winter Berries”, it is the folk who return later in the day to get the yarn and find it sold out! I am a terrible at sales because I’m not deceptive. Honesty works for me only because the yarn is inherently desirable to that one buyer who already wants to give it a loving home. Whilst it’s a myth that autistics can’t lie, I personally can’t be bothered. Folk don’t even believe the truth when I am the speaker! Some of you may not even believe this. Perhaps you think I am plotting?!? Rest assured, my grandest and most evil plan would be to sell approximately as much yarn as in 2019 but at a price that is now much lower in real terms. That’s literally it. Meanwhile, corporations have actual “public relations” departments. WTF, world?!? #mothyandthesquid #yarn #knitting #crochet #actuallyautistic #wonderwool (at Mothy and the Squid) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqC6QYwKguO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jay-locket · 1 year
it's been a while since I've done some AO3 tag highlights since all my other ones got deleted w my old phone so here's mostly batman ones 🦇 since it's my most recent fanfic hyper fixation
2. schrodinger's virginity
3. let the teenager have his coming of age crisis in peace okay
6. but hey you try coming back from the dead via a magical rage insanity hot tub
7. the pit gave jason gender reassignment surgery no further questions please
14. "take it up with the complaint department"
16. blowjobs to distract your partner from the secret identity fail ur about to commit
19. the emotional quality of a big whiff of diesel exhaust
24. in his most relatable move yet dick is a medical mystery
25. i am autistic and don't know how allistic people work. god bless
ok ty n have a nice day
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midnights11 · 2 months
I enjoy writing my own news headlines
Daily Mail news on July 18th, 2024
JD Vance thinks women belong in the 1950’s, calls women with cats and without kids “unhinged” and “crazy”
I can do it with a broken heart officially Taylor’s second single from The Tortured Poet’s Department. Is a music video coming?
Will they make a Calvin and Hobbes movie once Bill Watterson passes away? Lee Salem says no
Autistic people more likely to be ignored on social media than NT/allistic people
Katy Perry slammed for new Woman’s World song and video. “She’s not celebrating feminism, she’s mocking it”
The Anti Disney:
From innuendos in Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon to a one night stand scene (Puss in Boots) How Dreamworks made a name for themselves being the spicier animated movie company
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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*I received a free review copy in exchange for an honest review of this book. 
The TL;DR is "this stressed me out, you should read it too".
THE SPIRIT BARES ITS TEETH is about a trans boy who is institutionalized for "Veil sickness", a condition which is basically a supernatural version of hysteria, itself a historical catch-all term for "that person we think is a woman isn't doing what we think she ought to do and we want it to stop". What's unique about Veil sickness as opposed to hysteria is that it specifically applies to people with violet eyes, a mark of those who can contact departed spirits. Violet-eyed British men are channeled and constrained by a strict social hierarchy and a physical mark that they are following the socially approved path of a Speaker. Silas is not a girl, he's an autistic trans boy whose interest in anything unfeminine is a threat to the Speakers' power. THE SPIRIT BARES ITS TEETH focuses on Silas as both trans and autistic, as well as times when he meets people who are one or the other but not both.
Full Review at link.
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thesaltyace · 2 years
I'm so glad I know I'm autistic now because it heavily informed how I replied to an upset faculty member and I think (hope) it resulted in me being able to avoid inflaming the situation.
My initial response would have been in the vein of "I followed policy. Your request conflicts with policy, so no."
But I was able to look at my very direct and factual reply, see how it would probably be interpreted by an allistic, and make some changes. Now the reply is more like "Hey I totally get what you're saying, but I'm unfortunately unable to do what you're asking because I must follow xyz policy."
Which to me sounds like exactly the same information but with extra and unnecessary words. But I'm sure it comes off as more "appropriately" deferential which I now understand is very important to allistics.
Like, I seriously don't give a shit, I will tell the department chair (my direct boss) to his face that he's fucking something up, in the same tone I would tell a peer. Which is a nice tone because I'm nice to my peers! But it's a tone that suggests I know what I'm talking about, which is apparently super unacceptable to many people.
Here's how I see it though. Do I conceptually understand that you're above me in the organizational structure? Yes. Does that suggest to me that I should always behave as though you're better/smarter/etc. than me? Not at all. You're a peer, bro. That's the only level of hierarchy I've got, so you've gotta deal with it. If you know your shit, I'll defer to you. If I know my shit, I'm not deferring to you. I'm not going to placate you or pretend for the sake of your ego.
And you know what's hilarious? Every boss I've had seems to takes it in stride. I've not really had any direct issues with it. But folks who are adjacent to me, "higher up" but not in my chain of command? Ohhhhh they get PISSED if I don't handle them with the deference they feel they deserve.
Like, I didn't show the proper deference but they have ZERO power to do anything about it, so they decide to rant to my boss, probably in hopes that they'll appropriately reprimand me. So then my boss is like, "Um... Idk they're upset but you're right about it so just... Ignore them I guess? Or send them to me in the future if you need to avoid them?"
Maybe I've just lucked into jobs where my direct boss tends to be ND themselves? Idk, but let me tell you, academia is WILD sometimes. I think most professors are ND in some way, often likely autistic, yet so many of them demand that staff treat them with an insane amount of deference. Bro, you aren't better than me. I'll call you Dr. So-and-so without a problem, you've earned that title, but sometimes you're just plain wrong and I'm not going to pretend you're right to preserve your inflated ego. 🤷
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thediktatortot · 1 year
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Wanted to show off the character edit I made for a SW campaign I’m gonna be playing in!
His name is Allister Whiles, a defector of the Empire, previously a lieutenant in the Engineering department.
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A Clash of Kings - 17 TYRION IV (pages 238-253)
Tyrion lays some bait for the members of the small council as he tries to plan for the future of King's Landing and his family. Meanwhile, Alisser Thorne finally arrives, but his warning about the up coming Zombie Apocalypse is unfortunately delayed.
"There are a hundred whorehouses in this city where a clipped copper will buy me all the cunt I want," Bronn answered, "but one day my life may hang on how close I've watched your louts." He stood.
"cunt" = 🥛
The sellsword grew more serious. "There's a moneylender from Braavos, holding fancy papers and the like, requests to see the ling about payment on some loan." "As if Joff could count past twenty. Send the man to Littlefinger, he'll find a way to put him off. Next?"
... Does Tyrion know how in debt the crown is? He should by this point shouldn't he? I can't decide if I should be reading this as "Tyrion knows how bad the debt is and that they can't pay it so they need to stall for time until they can" or "Tyrion doesn't know how bad the debt is but money and stuff is Not His Department and thus not his problem."
"Ser Alliser Thorne?" Of all the brothers he'd met on the Wall, Tyrion had liked Ser Alliser Thorne the least. A bitter, mean-spirited man with too great a sense of his own worth. "Come to think on it, I don't believe I care to see Ser Alliser just now. Find him a snug cell where no one has changed the rushes in a year, and let his hand rot a little more."
*slow clap* Excellent. And thus, because he did not like the messenger, he did not hear the message until there was no evidence left to prove it true.
That's part of the allegory though, isn't it. People don't want to hear the message, they want to hear it even less from people they don't like, as if the truth is depended on whether or not we like it.
Also, I keep going to type 'Allister' every time I have to spell Alliser's name.
"That's a handsome knife as well." "Is it?" There was mischief in Littlefinger's eyes. He drew the knife and glanced at it casually, as if he had never seen it before. "Valyrian steel and a dragonbone hilt. A trifle plain, though. It's yours, if you would like it." "Mine?" Tyrion gave him a long look. "No. I think not. Never mine." He knows, the insolent wretch. He knows and he knows that I know, and her thinks that I cannot touch him.
Valyrian steel + Dragonbone = 🥛🥛 (the weather's still atrociously hot, so it still counts for two. Stay hydrated all!)
Oh wow, Littlefinger really does own the entire economy from the top down. No wonder he's been getting away with embezzlement and tax fraud.
"- I've heard you grew close to the Tullys." "You might say so. The girls especially." "How close?" "I had their maidenheads. Is that close enough?"
-and then suddenly the floor and wall collapsed, dropping Petyr into the yard where the hares decided they'd had enough and staged an uprising, killing Joffrey and Petyr first with all the vengeance they could muster, calling on their ancestor: The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog!
"She believes she has good reason. When I was her guest in the Eyrie, she insisted that I'd murdered her husband, and was not inclined to listen to denials." He leaned forward. "If I gave her Jon Arryn's true killer, she might think more kindly of me."
*looks directly at the camera like we're on The Office* just a sliiiight flaw in that plan, Tyrion. Very mall, true, but unfortunately, structural. Load bearing, even.
... You know, I do kind of like Varys in spite of myself. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him, but he grows on me. Like a cute, giggly fungus.
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ablednt · 1 year
Is being autistic something that is true for all members of a system because it’s a developmental disorder? Is it possible for two autistic members of a system to have different sensory issues (like if one can’t stand crunchy food but another doesn’t mind that texture)?
Yes! Because autism is something that effects the entire brain/is a neurotype rather than say personality disorders or trauma disorders every member of the system is autistic at the very least as long as they're fronting. Different headmates might exhibit different autistic traits which can lead to some headmates seeming allistic (and if they call themselves allistic that's their prerogative, it's different than say a headmate in an allistic system/body claiming to be autistic) but it's not as simple as just introjecting an alter that seems allistic and then you aren't autistic anymore if they're fronting, more likely, they're just better at masking than other headmates and need to be sure they're taking care of themselves to avoid burnout.
Also yes! Sometimes we have universal sensory reactions but it's really common for different system members to experience autism differently (not just un the sensory department but also in communicative abilities, social "deficits", etc.) and it can definitely be a lot to juggle for just one system so be sure to reach out for support if needed.
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witchembrace-a · 10 months
part six ! 6/?????
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stateofsport211 · 2 years
Argentina Dramatically Clinched the Third World Cup, Defeated France in A Penalty Shootout Despite the Comeback
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Kylian Mbappe (left) and Lionel Messi (right), one of the major key players for France and Argentina, respectively (📸 Getty Images via BBC)
A thrilling final was delivered in the classic match between France and Argentina. They last met in the Round of 16 of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, where France defeated Argentina 4-3 to advance to the quarterfinals, and eventually become the World Champions. Knowing their last meeting and their current form, they were expected to enter another rollercoaster match, which precisely happened this year.
There is a possibility of this match ending not in regular time, which happened because of every equalizing goal. Here goes how everything unfolded.
The Regular and Extra Times: Always Scoring, Always Equalizing
The first several minutes of the regular time was filled with Argentinean dominance, where they mostly attacked France and left no room for the latter to even respond. One of those early chances came from Julian Alvarez, where the ball was saved by Hugo Lloris; followed by Alexis Mac Allister and Angel di Maria, but their chances were not materialized. On the other hand, France had their own chances: there was one coming from the middle where it was saved by Emiliano Martinez, while Olivier Giroud's header several moments after went too wide. In between, Argentina kept initiating their own chances.
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Lionel Messi's first goal from the penalties (📸 The Guardian)
Argentina was granted a penalty after Ousmane Dembele fouled Angel di Maria in the penalty box by making a contact from behind, and Szymon Marciniak (the referee) pointed out to the spot, hence the penalty. Lionel Messi then executed the penalty perfectly at 22' for Argentina to lead 1-0. Their full-scale aggressiveness continued when by the middle of the second half, they had 2 on-target chances out of 5 to French no-chances-at-all. Angel di Maria's second goal was caught off-guard at 35' when Messi flicked the ball towards Julian Alvarez, sending Mac Allister away before di Maria received the ball and went solo to convert the goal, breaking the French defense lines. France made interesting substitutions before the end of the first half with the entrance of Marcus Thuram and Randal Kolo Muani to replace Giroud and Dembele, but the Argentinean 2-0 lead still stood at the end.
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Kylian Mbappe celebrated after scoring one of his goals in this match (📸 Deutsche Welle)
In the second half, Argentina kept itself in an offensive position, when several chances were recorded, one of which was saved by Hugo Lloris. One of their closest chances came from Messi (where the ball landed outside of the goalpost) and Mac Allister (where he tried to break the French defensive lines, only for Lloris to save the ball again). Take into account how France raised their level trying to counter-attack Argentina when Kylian Mbappe had a shot on target at 70'. However, Nicolas Otamendi's drag-down to Randal Kolo Muani in the penalty box resulted in a French penalty, which Mbappe executed perfectly for France to get back in the game. As a result, Mbappe became the youngest person to score in 2 World Cup finals.
It might have looked like a carriage, but Mbappe caught the Argentinean defense department off-guard from the way he broke it down, where he passed through Messi and several other players before cracking the ball on E. Martinez's ball for an equalizer. Another "whether or not this foul resulted in a penalty" discourse then arose in the injury time when Kingsley Coman was fouled near the left corner flag, followed by contact between Eduardo Camavinga, Adrien Rabiot, and Emiliano Martinez, but the match played on. Several minutes after, the regular time was finished with a 2-2 draw, hence the game carried on to the extra time.
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The goals of the extra time: Lionel Messi's goal for the Argentinean initial lead (left; 📸 The New York Times) and Kylian Mbappe's second penalty execution (right; 📸 USA Today FTW)
The extra time has proven itself to be a unique kind of rollercoaster. While several intriguing substitutions were made (e.g. Wesley Fofana replacing Rabiot for France and Lautaro Martinez + Leandro Paredes substituted J. Alvarez and Rodrigo de Paul for Argentina), several other chances were caught after for the match to heat up, mostly for Argentina: Marcos Acuña's cross went too wide, and Lautaro Martinez fired his on-target shot only for Dayot Upamecano to defend the ball, hence the French corner (which carried through the possession). Toward the end of the first half (of the extra time), Lautaro fired another shot behind the goal net, while it was perfect in construction with regards to the preceding passes.
The second half of the extra time delivered the portion that might have summarized the regular time: one would equalize when one scored a goal. Messi started with an extremely close chance before it got converted several minutes later with his right leg, even though there were concerns about this goal being offside in construction. A preceding handball when Gonzalo Montiel tried to defend (but it touched his forearm instead) enabled Mbappe to execute his second penalty, resulting in his ability to score a hat-trick and France getting back to the game thanks to his electrifying executions.
Toward the end of the extra time, both teams had their chances, but nothing got converted. Kolo Muani fell short in his attempt (and another French chance went too far away), while the "game of chances" ended the extra time with Mbappe's shot saved by E. Martinez responded by Lautaro's shot went too wide in execution. Even with Mbappe's three goals and his leadership to get France back in the match (and match Argentina's level in a similarly aggressive manner, capitalizing on the penalties when it mattered), the Argentinean counter-offensive response and balanced defending brought the final to the further distance: the penalty shootout.
The Exciting Penalty Shootout and the Awards: Mostly Argentinean Sweep (except the Top Scorer)
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The penalty shootout proceedings (📸 self-illustration) and Lionel Messi lifted the trophy for Argentina during the awarding ceremony (📸 Associated Press via NBC)
The penalty shootout was equally thrilling as the regular and extra time. The first turn started with Mbappe and Messi scoring for each team, before Coman's penalty kick was saved by E. Martinez in the second turn. Paulo Dybala managed to score another one, followed by Tchouameni missing the ball too far and wide for the Argentinean 2-1 lead by the end of the second turn. In the subsequent two turns, Leandro Paredes and Randal Kolo Muani scored for their respective teams before Montiel sealed the title for Argentina after strengthening the lead 4-2 by the end of the penalty shootout.
With this victory, Argentina won the World Cup for the third time (after 1970 & 1986) and marked Messi's first World Cup title. What made the title sweeter is how he shared this with Angel di Maria since they were teammates in 2005 and how he decided to continue playing international football to the best of his ability despite this World Cup likely becoming his last.
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The FIFA World Cup individual awards recipients, from left to right: Enzo Fernandez - Lionel Messi - Emiliano Martinez - Kylian Mbappe (📸 Reuters via India Today)
Furthermore, there was an Argentinean sweep in the players' individual awards: apart from Mbappe becoming the top scorer with 8 goals, Lionel Messi also received the Golden Ball Award as the best player of the tournament (for the second time since 2014). E. Martinez received the Golden Glove Award for his two heroic penalty shootout performances (both against the Netherlands and France, which if without the latter, there could be a debate between him and Dominik Livakovic as the recipient), while Enzo Fernandez received the Young Player Award for his influence, especially against Mexico.
Within the fans, not only the party exploded the afternoon in the center of Buenos Aires (and the rest of Argentina in general) but also "affirmed" Messi and Mbappe's status in the fan-induced goat debates, with the former being "coronated" by this World Cup victory. A tweet from 2015 emerged when a fan predicted Argentina to lift the World Cup and how it would be Lionel Messi's first World Cup title. After the competition, the French team was consoled by their President, Emmanuel Macron.
The domestic leagues will return sometime next week, with some countries already having their leagues back (and some already did an "exhibition" or their friendly matches). For the other World Cups: the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in the middle of next year in Australia & New Zealand, as well as FIFA U-20 (Men's) World Cup in Indonesia in a similar timeframe. At the end of the day, while this achievement is being celebrated this week, the football keeps footballing, the ball is round, and any other things can still happen. FIFA World Cup will be back in 2026 with North America (Canada-United States-Mexico) hosting.
Until then, one of the biggest football competitions in the world! The 64th match, the "match of the matches" of this year, was complete. This match surely goes down in the history books as one of the most unbelievable matches of all-time, with the dynamicity of the final and how dramatic the turntables were.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
So, a question. Have you tried using SS Morty/OG Serena or any fire nuker/Gordie? Gordie uses Tar Shot, SS Morty sets up Sun, and Serena nukes. I'm thinking of getting Halloween Allister, so I can combine him with SSR Cynthia to make Morty and Halloween Morty stronger.
I'm curious how field effect combined with some type rebuffs would help the damage, or if it's better to choose between type rebuff or field effect, especially considering Halloween Allister will kinda slow the party's gauge down.
Personally, I haven't tried it, but that is a pretty fun idea. I might give it a shot, if not with Serena, then maybe with someone like Hilda who's a little worse off in the raw offense department.
The good news is, SS Wally has both a Zone and a rebuff, so we know how they play together overall, and it's pretty great. The effects are multiplicative, rather than additive, so it's a tremendous bonus having both on at once. To give the quick example:
Let's say you deal 1000 damage at base. A skill like Ramming Speed is additive, so it'll deal 300 more damage. If you had a second Ramming Speed, it would add from the base 1000, so it's another 300, for a total of 1600.
A Zone is a 50% multiplier, so it's +500. But let's say you had a Ramming Speed stack there, giving that +300. The 50% Zone is from the total damage, 1300, instead giving +650. Multiplicative buffs work best when you have a bunch of others acting in tandem.
So what happens with a Zone and a Rebuff is that they both work multiplicatively. So even with just the base 1000, Zone is +500 for 1500, then Rebuff is +450, for 1950. A Zone and one stack of rebuff is nearly double damage on its own. Stacking in any inherent move damage multipliers makes it absurdly strong. So they absolutely work for tremendous damage.
That said, you're right to worry about gauge issues with Allister. I like the kid, but he's slow, and Ghosts are a whole don't feel especially fast. Renegade Cynthia has the benefit of being able to charge a good chunk of gauge with Phantom Force, so it's something, but my desire to see Anni Lillie with full support is likely to result in a frowny face. Still gonna do it.
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so its been 2 weeks and somehow my brain thought it was 4-7days since you replied- my sorry , meant to respond sooner !
1) yes after my extensive research (read: my one google search “what are wire glasses”), can confirm that my glasses are wire glasses
2) saw about the seizures and that sounds super frustrating and scary :( glad you were able to use your wheelchair and that it seems to have lessened tho :),
also can relate to the sticky electrode wires they put on your scalp, used to get those once a week and they kept having to adjust them because my hands would pick at them unknowingly and stimming! 😅
what’s it like for you at the hospital? Since they are notoriously sensory hell even for an allistic person, and you seem to have to go often (reasonably ofc, just compared to people who can get 2 checkups a year and be good :0)
P.S. my glasses and hair are similar to Mirabel from encanto, that may help visuallize it more . or glasses on my lemon 🍋 is perfectly reasonable to, wait just picture the 2 leaves and tiny lemon atop of Mirabel ,,, so many options :0 😂
That’s okay, time feels non-existent for me currently so I honestly hadn’t noticed how long it had been either. Especially in the last few days because of being in hospital and seizing constantly and whatnot.
Good to know, I love Mirabel’s glasses and hair so that makes you seem even more super cool in my mind!
I’m glad too. It seems like my body/brain had just had enough , and this was it’s (very scary) way of telling me. I’m finding it hard to process and put into words right now but I plan on writing a bit more about the connection between the seizures and everything else (like the catatonic freezing episodes, meltdowns, autism, etc.). Because it does feel connected. (Especially since I now know for sure that they are non-epileptic, which is at least reassuring to know that my brain is not being damaged with these “events” as they kept calling them at the hospital).
Yes, I still have the paste in my hair! Haven’t managed to wash it out yet, that’s a priority for today. It has mostly dried now and it feels a bit like there’s hair gel but only on certain parts of my head 😂. Very strange. They also had to adjust mine I think, I kept touching my head and then I would seize and one or two came off my head. And having it done feels a bit like a dream because I was so tired and “out of it” that everything seemed kind of fuzzy/blurry and unreal at the time. Now that I’m back home my memories of hospital are already feeling strange.
Hospital is horrible and hot and bright and loud. All the worst things. The A&E (accident and emergency, like the ER) department is the worst, children screaming and crying, bright lights, machines beeping. I felt like I was in a “meltdown mode” the whole time- and all of the overwhelm definitely made the seizures kick off and happen a LOT more. All I remember of A&E each time I visit, is the excruciating pain I feel every time I’m there, along with strange random snippets of things people said and being touched all over that I can almost still hear and feel.
Staying overnight was a new experience for me (as far as I remember, but I’m not sure if I can trust my memory on this), as was getting and ECG and an EEG (I’m pretty sure anyway, I might’ve had and ECG and forgotten, but definitely not an EEG). So it was incredibly overwhelming and I think my tendency to meltdown/shutdown was coming out in the form of the seizures and freezing episodes this time. I had some moments where I would start to feel a tiny bit more “lucid” and be on the edge of tears like I’m about to start melting down, then a seizure would come and replace that feeling with my whole body tensing, shaking, twisting, then freezing in the position I ended in.
Going to appointments is slightly different, still horrible but much less frantic than staying overnight or being in a room with a bed and having nurses coming in to do obs, etc. There is at least a routine to appointments and they are scheduled beforehand so I have time to prepare myself. It is still an awful experience every time, but I tend to come out of it slightly less traumatised than I feel at the moment from that unexpected, unplanned stay with lack of routine and anxiety all the way.
Lovely to hear from you as always, replying to this ask has made me feel a bit more normal and back to myself which is great:). There will be lots of swinging and stimming today to “fix” all the dysregulation from the hospital. I hope you have a good day!
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