#[ basically saying once he gets the love that he wants he'll never let it go ]
disgustingtwitches · 1 month
Working at a restaurant with 141! (Part 1)
Let's get this out of the way, the restaurant fucking sucks. Don't even know how it's still open. The food is terrible. The owner is an incompetent drunk who's never there. You got referred to the job from a friend of a friend. You did an interview with the head chef/manager, John. He hired you because you were hot.
"The fuckin ass on that one, huh?"
Just like any man that works in a restaurant, they're all horny fucks who love to tease you. You'd run back to the kitchen and ask to tweak an order. Price would wink and say:
"Next time it's gonna cost ya."
When it gets slow (which was all the time), you'd sit in the back and chat about how they met and what they did with their lives. They all get paid under the table for various reasons. Johnny takes smoke breaks with you, sometimes Price joins. Gaz pours shots for everyone after "busy" nights (busy meaning there was an hour where there were two tables to serve instead of one). Ghost... well he's strictly work. Sometimes he engages in banter with the guys, but he only acknowledges you when needed.
Your first month flies by, you basically get paid to sit around and talk with the most charming men on the planet, and Simon.
"He'll warm up eventually. Just gotta loosen 'em up, just like any tight ass."
Soap smirked as he leaned against a counter while everyone was wrapping up for the night.
"Don't you have dishes to put away?"
Ghost snapped while wiping down his station. At least he was nice to look at.
You and Gaz would roll up the forks and knives talking about bullshit, knees touching. Soap and you would light each others smokes by touching one lit end to the unlit one, all while still holding the cigarettes in your mouths (he called it a cigarette kiss). Price would constantly make food for you:
"Gotta plump you up 'fore it starts getting cold, yeah?"
He'd look you up and down while sliding you a basket of fries. And Simon? Cold as ever. Even when he started driving you to and from work because your car broke down. He drove like a madman, but it was totally silent. You made the mistake of reaching for the radio once, he gave a admonitory grunt and you snatched your hand away.
As time went on, you got comfortable with everyone and they got comfortable with you. It started with suggestive jokes.
"Simon's just straightforward, doesn't beat around the bush."
Price said one day while prepping vegetables with Ghost.
"What are you talking about? He beats around the bush all the time Price, you know that."
Soap walked by with a shit eating grin while he was carrying a bucket of dishes to the back. Uproar from the guys. Ghost storms off following Johnny, knife in hand. You want to stop him, but Gaz places a hand on your shoulder.
"Best not to do that, just let 'em settle that amongst themselves."
Johnny comes back disheveled, wearing a different shirt. Simon is stone faced as usual as he goes back to prep. It only got worse after that.
You'd watch as the boys messed with each other more; pats on the back, that turns to squeezes on the shoulders, that turned to slaps on the ass.
"They're just handsy," you think to yourself.
Eye contact that lingers for a second too long.
"They're just close friends," you think to yourself.
Compliments that boarder on harassment.
"They're just joking around," you think to yourself.
Then you entered the walk-in freezer, only to make direct eye contact with Johnny as he has Kyle's dick down his throat.
"Oh, uh-huh..." you think to yourself.
You didn't look at their faces for a week, they acted as if nothing happened. Then, the flirting only got worse.
Price would yell while grinding up against Simon's ass when passing behind him.
"Yes, Chef."
He'd respond while he continued cooking, unfazed. They seemingly shared clothes: the younger guys preferred to don John and Simon's apparel all the time. You stopped going into the walk-in for a while, you figured you'd give Gaz and Soap some privacy (although they didn't seem to mind an audience). Christ, was everyone fucking everyone here?
You were taking a smoke break with Price when he leaned back on the railing and adjusted himself, it wasn't really adjusting himself as it was more him gripping his thick dick and looking directly into your eyes. You nearly choked as he smiled.
Ghost threw you a hoodie when he dropped you off one night. It started raining before you got home and you were complaining about just getting your hair done. You tried to give it back but he refused to take it.
"Keep it. I don't care about that one anyways."
He shrugged. You'd wear the oversized hoodie to bed, the smell was comforting. Smoky, dusty, boozy, like Javanese vetiver. It smelled like a grown man. Delicious. Accidentally wore it to work one day when you were in a rush getting ready. That started a trend for the rest of them to get you to wear their clothes. It less of a trend and more of a competition honestly. They'd "accidentally" spill drinks or food on you.
"No worries, I've got an extra shirt in my car!"
They'd have a wide, cheeky smile plastered on their faces while giving you their shirt. Of course, they wouldn't take them back either; so you had a growing collection of huge shirts that you'd wear around your apartment. Eventually, you had to go back to the walk-in. Thankfully, there were no exhibitionists present. You were reaching to grab some ketchup when the door opened. You and Johnny stared at each other for a long moment.
"Need help getting that, bonnie?"
Before you could respond he was reaching over you, pressing his chest on your back. He handed you the bottle while his dick grew hard on your ass. He was breathing hard in your ear, waiting for your reaction. You pushed back on him and that's all he needed, he gripped your hips and grinded into you. Even through your jeans you could feel his dick twitch when you moaned. It was a hot minute of panting while he pulled you back onto him desperately, like he was trying to fuck you right through the denim. The door handle clicked. You both froze, staring at the entryway.
Gaz's head popped in. Your face got hot while he stared back and forth at the two of you. One thing led to another, and your pants are around your ankles while Johnny is face first in your wet folds. Kyle is standing behind you, fucking your thighs and leaving sloppy kisses on your neck.
"Pretty doll, how long have ye bin waiting fur this, huh?"
Soap looked up at you with so much adoration, like he was servicing a goddess.
"Gonna cum Johnn-"
Gaz whimpered and bit your shoulder to muffle his groans as he came right between your thighs and cunt. Soap cleaned up the mess greedily, savouring the taste of both your juices. He didn't stop eating you out until you finished. Gaz held you up while your knees buckled when you came undone. Gentlemen they are, pulled up your pants for you and wiped the smeared lipgloss from your face. You stumbled out of the freezer, walking past the kitchen. Price's eyes crinkled as he saw you head out onto the floor.
"You shouldn't do that in there. It's unsanitary. And a health code violation."
Simon looked straight ahead as he weaved between cars. You opened your mouth, but no words came to mind, so you just nodded. Your leg bounced nervously. He grabbed your thigh, stopping the movement. His hand stayed there until you were in front of your place. You stared at him, his brown eyes boring into you.
He pulled his hand away, placing both of them on the steering wheel. You walked into your apartment, dizzy with confusion. "What the fuck is going on?"
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kings-highway · 5 months
haikyuu airport headcanons bc im in an airport. no particular order. shipping involved.
- Daichi has never missed a flight and somehow everyone manages to make fun of him for this. never forgets to pack anything. always finds his gate on time. "lmao loser," Suga says, missing 2 bags and lost as fuck across the airport. he will not make his flight.
- Hinata and Kageyama navigating an airport is nearly a crisis. They can never agree on the right way to go and especially during layovers will often end up outside of security. The first time they travel with Tsukki + Yama as a group it's like a goddamn miracle because they dont need to rush and everything goes smoothly.
- on that topic, Tsukki and Yamaguchi have travel down to a science. these bitches have checklists and schedules and just get in and out. Tsukki keeps the boarding passes and Yamaguchi counts the bags and they split snacks on the plane and just nail the whole affair
- Noya and Asahi are the most experienced travelers and have been to so many airports and you'd think this makes them good at airports and it does not
- Ushijima has never gotten through security without being searched.
- Oikawa likes airports an unreasonable amount. Bitch thrives in liminal spaces. "Lets go check out which stores are open," he says, as Iwaizumi begs him to let him sit down and nap during their layover
- Kenma has airport anxiety. "We're going to miss our flight. What if our gate changes?" What if there's a delay?" He does not like putting his schedule into the hands of an Airline. Rightfully so, he loses his luggage an obscene amount.
- Kageyama and Hinata fighting and causing a ruckus in the airport and security has to come over to talk to them
- Tendou and Ushijima are generally really prepared and on top of things, but they just seem to have the worst luck. They got stranded at an airport during a layover for like 14 hours and went through every stage of grief. It doesnt help that Ushijima is really practical and good at accepting circumstances ("I'll just sit here and wait") but Tendou is highly emotional ("I'm going to eat the next airline associate that tries to talk to me.")
- Daichi is often seen standing alone in airports. This is because no matter who he's traveling with, he's probably waiting for them to catch up.
- Aran thought he was a good and functional adult until he saw Kita's itinerary for their travel plans and how neurotic he was about making sure everything on time. Kita will pre-measure and weigh all luggage to know exactly whats going on. Looking at airport layouts days before to memorize what needs to be done.
- Atsumu and Osamu have never made a flight on time. The best they can hope for is sprinting across the airport at full-tilt. This is a common occurance.
- Oikawa makes friends wherever he goes so he doesnt mind long layovers, he'll just sit and chat with whoever is around to pass the time, but one time he did leave with a group to check out a store without saying anything and Iwaizumi was lost for 30 minutes
- Asahi has so much anxiety with airports. Too many people. Too many deadlines. Bad vibes. One time a guy in an airport gave him incorrect directions to a gate and he missed his flight and he has never recovered.
- Kuroo "Yeah we have tons of time" Tetsurou is a menace to airport staff and has never budgeted enough time.
- Tsukki is a master at packing efficiently and this is exclusively due to wanting to avoid others complaining. He can pull basically anything out of his carry-on to prevent whining on a 5 hour flight. Yamaguchi uses him like a vending machine.
- Daichi once got mistaken for an airline worker and ended up with a whole group of people he was helping find their gates
- Bokuto loves traveling and flying. He finds it so fun and exciting. This is probably why Akaashi hates traveling and flying.
- Suga secretly likes layovers because he secretly hates planes and cannot stand sitting still for that long. He always pretends it such a hassle to have to wait but its the best part of the travel day when he gets to buy himself a muffin and bother Daichi for entertainment.
- Ushijima, Daichi, Kenma, and Asahi are all team "No PDA in an Airport!!!!!" whereas Tendou, Suga, Kuroo and Noya are all team "We have 2 hours to kill let me make out with you!!!!"
- Yamaguchi has sooooooo many reward points. Tsukishima doesnt even know what he's doing to get them, he's just a master of good deals and specials.
- Mile High Club Members: Iwaoi, Bokuaka, Ushiten, and Asanoya
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members who cannot convince their boyfriends it'll be okay: Suga
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members that will NOT admit they think about it: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Aran
... well im boarding soon so thanks for reading ig
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
“I need to tell you something.”
Shitfuckno. Eddie doesn't even know why he's still surprised. This is how it always goes, after all. He should probably just give up and stop dating altogether – again.
Steve looks at him exactly as ominously as the words I need to tell you something require. Perfect Steve. Funny Steve. Sweet Steve. Sexy Steve. Steve, who Eddie had genuinely believed to be different.
Eddie sighs, barely suppressing a dark chuckle while he turns away from that perfect face. He doesn't want to look at Steve when he'll tell him the undoubtedly messed-up shit he's about to spill.
“Lemme guess, you're married?” That was what the last guy he dated told him, seven months after they got to know each other. It can't be much worse than that, can it?
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, causing him to involuntarily jerk up his head and meet his eyes.
“How did you know?”
Jesus H. Christ. Not again.
Eddie roughly pulls his hand out of Steve's grip and laughs a joyless laugh.
“Apparently I'm a good guesser.”
He stands up from the park bench the two of them had been sharing. “Well, Steve, this has been a blast. You should go back to your wife, or husband – don't tell me, I don't even wanna know – and I should um, get going. Maybe tell the next person right away what they'll be getting themselves into. Would save them a lot of wasted time, just in case cheating and going around other people's backs isn't really their thing, y'know.”
“Eddie, wait, let me explain!”
Eddie picks up his pace, but Steve, stubborn as he is, easily keeps up with him.
“I'm really not interested, man.”
“It's not – I'm not cheating on her!”
“Okay, so you have an open marriage, good for you. Still the kind of information you could've shared with me, say, three months ago, don't you think?”
“She's a lesbian.”
And that makes Eddie freeze on the spot. It takes Steve two steps before he realizes Eddie has stopped moving; he walks backwards until he's standing right in front of Eddie.
“She's my best friend,” he says, immediately using Eddie's stunned silence to his advantage. “Robin, my roommate – I told you all about her. We wanted to buy a house together and that turned out to be very complicated when you're not... Well, when you're not romantically involved. So we got married. For the, um, practical reasons. We never – we're like siblings. I love her like a sister. But she's also my wife. Platonically.”
It takes a few seconds until Steve's words sink in. Then, Eddie leaps forward and basically collapses into Steve's arms, needing to hold onto him to prevent himself from crashing to the ground.
Steve's arms are warm, strong, and as safe as ever.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Steve asks softly. His lips brush against Eddie's ear while he speaks, and worry colors his voice.
Perfect Steve. Too-good-to-be-true Steve.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” is the only thing Eddie manages to say.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Steve says. “It's just – I've gotten some, um... Less than ideal reactions, in the past, whenever I told this when I was seeing someone. So I thought it'd be better to wait until things were getting serious.” He sighs, tangling his fingers in Eddie's hair. “I didn't wanna scare you off. Are we – are you okay?”
Eddie nods. He lifts his head from where it's resting against Steve's shoulder and raises his hands to squeeze them around Steve's face.
“We're okay,” he says. “And I'm sorry I didn't want to listen to you. I–” He stops; he can't find the words right away. It's still difficult to talk about those things; to let himself be vulnerable. But Steve has been honest with him, so it's only fair to return the favor.
“I've been hurt, Steve,” he confesses. “More than once. I've had some really shitty experiences with dudes not being honest with me. I thought that that was what was happening again, and I couldn't – I couldn't go through that again. Especially not with you.”
“Jesus, Eddie, I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay,” Eddie rushes to say, pulling Steve even closer towards him. “I trust you.” And as soon as these words leave his mouth, he knows it's the truth.
“I do want to be absolutely clear about one thing, though,” Steve says.
Eddie leans back in Steve's arms to give him an expectant look.
“Robin is my wife. I'm not planning on that to change anytime soon. We've been through a lot together. She's been the most important person in my life for years. We own a house and a dog together, and I love her more than anything. I like you a lot, and I promise you I'm all-in with you, but... Robin is still my number one. And that's not gonna change overnight. I need you to be okay with that.”
Eddie swallows. He looks into Steve's eyes. All he sees is a man who is honest, who loves his friends deeply, and who refuses to make any compromises when it comes to love – whether it be the platonic or the romantic kind.
It doesn't scare Eddie off; it only makes him fonder of Steve.
He smiles, glances around to check if they're alone, and presses a quick kiss against Steve's lips.
“I think I can live with that,” he says. “As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this.” He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet Steve's again.
The sigh that Steve breathes into their tentative kiss is one filled with relief.
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luvyeni · 2 months
THEY PUNISH YOU 𖹭 엔하이픈 ( reaction ) !
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genre yandere 𖹭 warning — parings enhypen x fem reader | back to library .
request. hear me out.. enhypen!yandere punishments could you make them lowkey crazy.
「 authors note 𖹭 」 this is probably the darkest thing i've written , if this isn't something that makes you uncomfortable please don't read.
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﹙ 𐙚 : heeseung﹚ .ᐟ
heeseung will punish you by fucking with you mentally , you try to leave? go ahead, he'll let you leave , but not without consequences. see on the outside to everyone else heeseung is very influential , he gets around, and I mean to everyone , your friends , family hell even your teachers or employers , he completely isolates you from everyone , so with no friends, family or work , no where to go— you come back to him basically on your knees begging for him to take you back , which he does with a smirk on his face.
"everyone hates you now , so you come back to me, that's okay baby I'm all you have , remember that next time you leave."
﹙ 𐙚 : jay﹚ .ᐟ
jay doesn't have time for your bullshit; he'll tie you up and leave you in your room and go about his day , you're there to make him look perfect and if you aren't perfect, then he really doesn't have any use for you. he won't be bothered with you at all , he'd make sure the maid fed you and gave you water , but that's it , he wanted nothing to do with you until he felt like it was necessary , when he needed you to look perfect. he'd come back with a pretty dress in his arms , throwing it on the bed , telling you to get dressed.
"you're to clean up this act for tonight , if you don't embarrass me then I'll consider letting you out of your room."
﹙ 𐙚 : jake﹚ .ᐟ
jake would never hit you; no he would never hurt you , he'd hurt himself and force you to listen because he knew that would mess you up more than anything he could ever do to you. "jake open the door!" you slammed on the bathroom door , you tried to leave and jake caught you , grabbing a knife from the kitchen , running into the bathroom before you could even do anything. "get away , this is your fault." he screamed back. "you have to learn once you go i go , you hate me anyway just leave let me do it." you begged the boy to get out. "please come out , please." you tugged at your head. "please im sorry i won't leave." as soon as he heard that he opened the door , blood dripping down his arms. "jake." you held his arms in tears. "you won't leave right?"
"if you leave i'll do it again and it will all be your fault."
﹙ 𐙚 : sunghoon﹚ .ᐟ
sunghoon scares you, so normally all he has to do is give you a look and you're apologizing to him , begging him to forgive you. but let's say it's in the early stages , before he broke you in , you try and leave and the look on his face send shivers down your spine , before you could apologize , his hand was already going across your face , dragging you by your hair to your room , your screaming doesn't phase him as he tosses you around on the bed locking you up.
"you'll fucking learn , unless you want to end up like this again."
﹙ 𐙚 : sunoo﹚ .ᐟ
sunoo isn't another one who wouldn't hit you . the thing about sunoo is he is able to easily manipulate you, your brain is already screwed up into thinking what he's doing to you is okay , like you're his girlfriend and he loves you— so that's what he uses as punishment , he gets you by withholding it from you; his love. he ignores you, pretends like you're not even there , it hurts him but it drives you mad , until you're sobbing for him. "pl-please sunoo." you sobbed as he walked past him , completely ignoring you. "whatever i did i'm sorry please forgive me." he smiles , leaning down to where you were on your knees. "does that hurt baby?" he asked.
"good now you know how it feels when you hurt me."
﹙ 𐙚 : jungwon﹚ .ᐟ
whatever you did; he'll let it go, he'd pretend like it never happened, until he doesn't. the thing about jungwon is he loves psychological torture much like heeseung, so he'll continue on like normal , like hasn't already planned for this , boarding up the windows , soundproofing the walls so no noise came in and no noise came out , and when he feels like the time is right , he'll snatch you from whatever you're doing and throw you into the dark soundless room with nothing but padding for a bed. you'll beg and plead with him to explain what did — but he just doesn't , he'll leave you like that until he sees fit. the only time you see him or the light is when he slides food through the little door he made, and when you beg him he just laughs and mutters one thing before shutting it.
"you don't remember baby , that's too bad I was gonna let you out had you acknowledged what you did."
﹙ 𐙚 : ni-ki﹚ .ᐟ
ni-ki is all of them combined; but unlike sunghoon or jay , ni-ki enjoys inflicting pain on you; twisting your arm , making you scream in pain , that makes him smile a bit , so he's looking for anything you do that he hates so that he can punish you. you talk back? that's a tug on your hair. you don't reciprocate his love? that's a twist of your wrist. god forbid you try to leave , the last time that happened you were left with a broken arm and a smiling ni-ki every time you whimpered in pain , he'd just laugh at you telling you to do something else , maybe lift something, he'll know you'll drop it , it gives him another reason to hit you.
"you just don't listen do you? come here."
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l0sercat · 2 months
NSFW alphabet with/ Logan Howlett
A/N: I have only seen Deadpool and Wolverine so I'm going off of that. I'm going to watch the X-Men movies later, but I can't wait any longer to write for him....So if this is ooc please forgive me 😭🙏🏻 Also MDNI!!!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He'll carry you to the bathroom and run the bath and let you do your thing. He'll grab a beer and nurse it and when you call for him, he goes and carry you back to the bedroom. He'll put on a movie and hold you in his arms 'til you'll fall asleep.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hands because they fit so nicely on your throat while he's fucking you into your shared bed. He loves your thighs, he loves to be suffocated by them. He loves when he's eating you out and your perfect soft plush thighs squeeze around his head.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves to cum inside you. He loves the intimacy of it. He'll grab your hips and shoot his load deep inside you followed by a deep growl. But if you don't want him to cum inside he is okay with doing it anywhere you want him too!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants you to sit on his face. Doesn't matter what you weigh. When he says sit he means sit. Don't even worry about "crushing" him he can handle it. If he needs to breathe he'll just lift you up for a sec and then set you back down.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Yeah he knows what he is doing. He'll have you on your third orgasm while he only cummed once. He just loves to watch you cum undone!!
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Cowgirl. He'll be in control every second of it. He just loves how he gets to see every inch of your body while he thrust's up into you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He keeps it more serious unless something unexpected happens like your leg cramping because of a certain position he might chuckle, but that's about it.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
There is hair and you could call it a bush except that Logan actually keeps it's nice and clean. And he'll occasionally trim it just to tame it, because he doesn't want his pubic hair in your mouth while your gagging on his cock. Now the hair is dark and kinda curly but the hair isn't thick.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Depending on his mood he can be very loving and attentive to your needs. Or he can be rough and just shove your head into the mattress while he pounds into you from behind.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't masturbate often and if he did it's because he got hard and it won't go away. Also he hates when he cums and it gets all over his hand.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
#1 biter! He loves to bite you especially on your neck and thighs. He loves marking you because it shows everyone that your taken. He also loves tying you up or handcuffing you to the bed. There is just something about seeing you helpless and bound at his mercy that gets him going.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom or Living room!! Something private so Wade can't try to get a sneak peak(he'll still find a way or press a ear against the door) Also he just doesn't want to have to worry about anyone seeing you naked and in a vulnerable position.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Hearing and smelling how much you need him. Hearing you beg for him to fuck with a little pout and then smelling how wet you are for him. It overwhelms his senses.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that could seriously hurt you. Example, he would never use his claws to write his name on you. He may bring them out to lightly trace over your skin, but that's it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to give but he loves to receive. He just loves the sounds that come out of your mouth when his tongue explores your insides.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends how he is feeling that day. If he was jealous from whatever that day your getting fucked hard and fast. If he's tired your getting fucked sloppy and slow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He enjoys them from time to time. He prefers taking his time and ruining you, but quickies are nice when your horny and have to be somewhere soon.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is willing to take risks here and there. Wanna fuck in a public bathroom sure. Want to top him you, can sure as hell try. Just don't ask him to have sex in the bar bathroom. Cause he will not be doing that, it's too fucking gross in there lol.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last forever, joking. But he can last for hours. As long as your not tired and want to keep going he is not gonna stop. He will go day and night if able to keep up with him.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would own a pair of handcuffs and maybe a blindfold and bondage rope. I don't see him owning much lol. If you want to use other toys he will hesitate, and might agree to use them depending on what you suggest.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease until your crying and begging for him. He will kiss and lick away your precious tears. He loves you but seeing you begging for him is just so hot <3
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is vocal to an extent. He will grunt, growl, curse, and let out the occasional moans. When he finishes in you he curses your name and then lets out a little growl.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Occasionally if your okay with it he'll let Wade join/watch but Logan is giving the instructions on what he can do. And if Wade is getting on his nerves he is kicking him out lol.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I wanna say 7 inches long and thick so it stretches you out. The tip is a light red and it's circumcised. The base is a bit later than his skin. As I said earlier his pubic hair is dark and curly.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He isn't horny every second and doesn't think about sex often. But if your horny he's ready to go. Whenever you want to fuck he's almost always down to fuck.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As soon as your taken care of and comfortable in his arms and have fallen asleep, he'll finally close his eyes and sleep.
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
The Cullens with a reader that REALLY loves to nap/sleep?
This was on my list of ones to do so thank you! And I hope you like it!
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He got really concerned for a while
There was a period of time, before he started stalking you at night of course, where you would go hours without responding to his texts
He got so anxious one day that he just showed up at your window to make sure you were alright
And you were asleep
Pretty much every time after that if he wanted to know where you were he knew that's what you were doing
When you start dating and he can come and go more freely he'll cuddle up next to you and just watch (creepy)
But then it gets to a point where he gets a bit scared
You guys are out and about and you mention that you're tired and just want to go home and sleep
Or instead of watching a movie with him you'll just drift off
Genuinely asks Carlisle if this is normal
He needs reassurance from both you and Carlisle that this is normal and that sleeping is just fun <3
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Before you two start dating, when you guys are still just friends, she finds it odd that you won't hang out with her
Like wdym you don't want to spend a whole Saturday shopping
Also finds it odd that you don't want to text or call all the time
She just straight up asks you tho
Almost doesn't believe you when you say it's because you're napping/sleeping
"Okay yeah I toootally believe that you sleep from 7 pm to 4 pm"
But it's true
When she eventually makes her own Edward-style trip to your house in the middle of the day and sees you sleeping she has no choice but to believe it
When you guys start dating she gets a little more annoyed
Like come on you are her partner dammit why are you sleeping all day?
She makes the mistake of waking you up one day
That doesn't go too well
She doesn't do that again
She gets a bit huffy when you sleep all day but just make it up to her by letting her drag you wherever she wants one day and you're good to go
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Your relationship is slow to build
You start off only seeing each other in school
Then talking a little bit
Then hanging out at school
Then talking a little bit after
Then hanging out a little bit after
So he doesn't really question anything when you don't talk to him most of the time
He just thinks you don't want to move on to being that close yet
But once you guys start dating, that's when he notices it
For a while he thinks it's just him because he's so used to Alice literally always being there and ready to talk to him
But when he goes over to your house for the first time to hang out and you just take a nap
He puts the dots together
He doesn't mind one bit
He's quiet after all
I feel like he would appreciate the peace since his house is never quiet
And not to mention that he can feel the tranquil and calm emotions radiating from you
You bet your ass he is cuddling with you
He just likes to lay there and close his eyes
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She was pretty quick to notice tbh
I feel like she's one to pick up technology pretty quick
So she's a texter
And she notices that you go dark at like 4 pm every day only to respond again sometime in the middle of the night then stop again
She gets a little annoyed
She thinks you're ignoring her
She gets petty for like, a week
Won't acknowledge you in the hallway or answer your texts
It's only when you basically have a breakdown in front of her that she tells you why
And then you have another breakdown explaining that you're literally just sleeping
So then she feels bad
Cue a week of apology gifts
After that though she starts coming over to nap
Sleep sesh
She brings over a book or a movie to watch while you sleep next to her
She loves it
Like Jasper she loves the tranquility
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He'd also notice pretty quick that something's up
Like wdym you don't want to go throw rocks at cars or whatever he does for fun
He would just take it as you being a whimp tho
"You don't want to hang cause you're scared of *insert random thing* right?"
You give in one time and go do something with him and he notices like an hour in that you are yawning like crazy and walking super slow
You explain that this is your regularly scheduled nap time and then it makes sense to him
Unfortunately tho he's not one to just lay around
Something's gonna have to change
Maybe one day dedicated to doing what he wants and then the rest you can sleep as much as you want
Compromise :)
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Honestly she's down
When you first come over she thinks she's prepared for anything humans would need but then you start drifting off at like 4 and she's like "oh"
Instantly is putting you in a room and telling everyone to be quiet
Is a little concerned but also she thinks it's cute
And it makes her lowkey miss being human and being able to take naps too
LOVES laying with you tho
Will grab a book and lay there with you for hours
Chill queen
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He's concerned
He can't help it
He sees people come in multiple times a day every day with similar symptoms and rarely do any of them have nothing wrong
Once he has learned the extent of your sleeping, he takes you to do some testing
Not even an at-home consultation
You are going into the clinic no ifs, ands, or buts
When he finds that there's nothing wrong though, he'll ease up
Just a little
Is still super concerned though
Will check up on you every once in a while when you're sleeping
He likes spending time with you though
His favorite thing is if you take a nap on the couch in his office
He loves just having you there while he does paperwork for the clinic
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Vampire! Bella:
She remembers naps all too well
And she misses them too
Even though she loves being a vampire she does miss getting to rest and disappear from the world for a couple of hours
She will never ever wake you up
Unless there's like an emergency or something
Loves to chill
Again, would be content just reading a book or drawing while you're sleeping
Would like to cuddle too
She likes the warmth and the comfort
Might even convince someone in the Cullen house to buy a nice bed for when you come over (if she doesn't already have one)
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
Jack still sort of maintaining a relationship with Roy the first few years after Haley dies (Aaron thought it was important to maintain those connections for Jack even tho it hurt Aaron to do 😭 it was easy with Jess who he loves but SUCKED with Roy) but he gets extremely exclusionary once Ellie is born. Him being like “I will spend time with MY grandson who belonged to MY daughter but I will not be wasting my time, energy, and money on a child you’ve had with another woman. A child who – might I point out – would not have been born if you stayed married to my daughter and didn’t get her killed in the first place.”
Aaron being pissed on Ellie’s behalf (and his feelings are hurt tbh) and you being pissed on both of their behalfs. But, unexpectedly, Hc that Jack overheard this conversation and basically says to Aaron the next time Roy wants to take him somewhere (Aaron didn’t want to make HIM feel bad on top of everything else by banning him from seeing his grandfather, so he was gonna let him go), “I don’t want to spend time with grandpa Roy if he’s gonna be mean to Ellie. Thank you, but I’ll stay here.” SUCH A GOOD BIG BROTHERRRRR you and Aaron are so proud 🥺❤️
roy just completely refuses to acknowledge that ellie exists 😭
it happened right from the start: when aaron shared the two of you were expecting, roy brushed it off, muttering something incoherently in response. after she's born, aaron invites him over for family dinners, he refuses to come. he's invited to ellie's first, second, third birthday party, doesn't come. every time he comes over, he acts like he's never seen her before. disregarding her completely.
it becomes very clear very fast that he wants to spend time with jack and jack only. as much as aaron hates to admit it, in a way, he understands. roy's bitter about what happened to haley, so this was somewhat expected. it's a different situation that's hard to navigate - ellie isn't related to him, so if roy doesn't want to bring her along to places, whatever, aaron's not going to force roy to do anything. the issue is what an issue it is. how ellie is being treated.
it's more of a problem when ellie is a bit older, and wants to tag along with jack wherever he goes. she just wants to be included 🥺 sweet ellie simply says hi when roy comes over to pick up jack, he ignores her. the next time, she draws him a picture, and he doesn't accept it.
aaron gently confronts him, and that's when roy brings up haley and how this child is a disgrace to her. imagine he full-on admits he wishes she never existed?? 😭 ellie's a product of what happened to haley, he'll never forgive aaron for getting her killed, so he'll never accept this child's existence. she shouldn't exist.
that angers aaron and he starts going off - ellie is a part of this family, whether you like it or not. and fine, you don't have to love her (saying that SHATTERS aaron's heart) but do not treat her like she's nothing. aaron won't let that stand.
it starts a huge argument 🥺 roy refuses speak to aaron, except when it comes to arranging his time with jack, and the conversation is very short at that. he doesn't speak much to you either (never has). again in his eyes - you're haley's replacement. jack's new "mom"
and it's especially sad because ellie knows about haley too :( - not the story, but the simple, good things: jack has another mommy, she's not here with us anymore but you can talk to her with a candle. haley has never been a avoided topic in the house, she's encouraged. and so ellie loves haley in her own way :( so to call her a disgrace in haley's name?? when she's also keeping haley's memory alive? :((((
you feel awful. you know how hurt aaron is but he doesn't allow himself to show it. he hates talking about it, and he's always in a mood whenever roy's with jack. you feel awful for your daughter who doesn't know what's going on. you feel awful for jack who's taking an unnecessary weight on his shoulders in terms of this too.
ellie's confused and upset, this is the first person who's ever shown her unkindness. aaron gently tries to explain, but also, how do you explain this to a toddler? so he simply apologizes and scoops her up into his arms and holds her close :( he feels awful, and as if he's failing her in someway. this is "his fault", isn't it? 😭
so if roy's taking jack out, aaron or you, or both combined, take ellie out for the day to do something fun. or try to keep jack heading out on the down-low. it sucks, you still both encourage jack to spend time with his grandfather - maintaining that important relationship - even though it's exceedingly complicated behind the scenes.
and jack, being the sweet sensitive kid he is, picks up on the tension immediately. and he's torn 🥺 he wants to appease his grandfather, knows what he's doing isn't right, but also doesn't want to betray his little sister, letting behavior like this continue. he feels guilty :( he takes the initiative and brings it up to roy himself, asking if ellie can come with them someday, like to the zoo or to a movie. but roy's pretty level-headed and his mind is made up - absolutely no ellie.
so jack gets really upset :( he gets home one day and cries about it :((( you're trying to console him, as is aaron (who's close to tears himself), and ellie wanders over :( she gets sad whenever jack is sad :( and while she has no idea what's going on exactly, she just buries herself right up into jack's side as he's crying. to comfort him too 🥺🫶🏻
overall it's a reallyyyy messy situation, one that you can only hope resolves with time :(
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
Can we get a nsfw alphabet with joost please?💫
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Yippee ya yay I was waiting for someone to request this!!! Thanks for the request yah!
|Summary:Nsfw Alphabet For Joost
|Content Warning⚠️:Nsfw duh
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The absolute sweetest, pats your head and plays with your hair.
If your REALLY done and your absolutely exhausted he'll pick you up and help you get cleaned, washing your face and helping you wear your clothes as you both giggle and talk about how good that was
We all know he's a ginormous smoker so what's better than a smoke after having sex with someone you adore? He'll take you with him out to the balcony and either have you sit down on his lap or next to him, if your a smoker to you'll share together, playfully blowing smoke on eachother
If he's too tired aswell, you'll be the one in charge, helping him slip his clothes back on and then laying on top of him, soft kisses everywhere until he sleeps.
I'd say he's more of a giver than a receiver though so it's mostly him caring for you afterwards!
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
I'm a firm believer that joost is a tits man, prove me if I'm wrong, he loves your tits, small big medium it dosent matter hell still be fondling them and placing kisses on your sensitive nipples
He lives the dips and curves you have, whether you were a fat or skinny person, he loves feeling the curves and dips on your thighs and rib cage or tummy
As for himself I'd say his hands, just adores how much he can do to you with them, he knows how much you notice the size difference between your hand and his. Loves the fact he can ruin you with just one hand.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as I think he'd love to cum inside of you at all times, when he knows he can't or if your simply not into that at the very moment, it's always gonna be on your lower part of your tummy, always there, loves the whimpers and soft gasps you let out when he comes on your tummy and the warmth of it shocks you once again.
If you let him cum inside you? Well it's over, he's gonna stuff you full with his cum until your hole can't keep it inside, and he'll still use his fingers to push back the cum oozing out of your cunt.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
REALLY wants to fuck you while wearing those slutty lingerie fits, it might not be extremely dirty but I feel he would view it as so
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm pretty sure he already said he isn't a virgin(after attempting to lie that he's a virgin XP) after a while of knowing you I'm sure he'd be able to memorize your body like the back of his hand
He knows every part that could get you to arch your back by then
And he definitely has experience with a couple of women
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Doggy style probably,, enough of those references joost:o pulling slightly at your hair just to see the way your face scrunches and the way your mouth falls open when he slams his cock deep inside of you
If there's a mirror than that would make things even better
Cowgirl too, rubs circles into your hips as you desperately bounce on his cock to chase after your climax
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Most definitely silly, cracking a joke every now and then
Always stopping mid way to say something stupid that will get you laughing for 4 minutes straight
He's just fucking funny man
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
NEVER shaves it at this rate i don't think he ever picked up a razor for the purpose of shaving it
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Despite being silly alot during it he will make sure you feel loved and desired
Placing kisses on your cheeks and thighs when he's going down on you
Complimenting you during and after
"You did so well, so gorgeous" he'll tell you while playing with your hair after your both done
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He's got you, why would he wanna jack off?
When your not around and he's out on tour or your simply not in the mood I'd say he jacks off at least twice a week, all while thinking about you
Whimpering your name forever and always😞
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink(he'll praise you at any chance he has)
Breeding kink(he just loves seeing your tummy all round and full of his cum)
Dacryphilia(only if your tears are from pleasure) he'll coo at you and brush your tears away despite how much he loves seeing them
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
does he even care at this point?
Wherever you want, whenever
His favorites are your bedroom and backstage sex will always be his favorite
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The way you look at him will always get him, fluttering your eyes and acting all innocent
Seeing you wear his clothes of any kind
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to do with piss😞🤞
Even tho I think he'd be open to anything I feel like public sex will always be a no no unless it's discreet yo a certain extent
No threesomes why would he give you away to someone else
Any weird ass petnames like daddy or something (master, sir)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers going down on you
When isn't he NOT pussy drunk
He won't get off of you until he makes sure you came around his tounge atleast 3 times
He's very skilled, his tounge circling around your clit and teasing your hole before pushing his tounge further inside
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends, morning sex with him would be slow and sensual, he'll focus on making sure you feel good and loved, kisses everywhere and praise all over the place
Usual sex at night will be slightly rougher, bending you over anything in your room. Fucking you like it's the last time he'll get his hands on you
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Never passes a chance to get a taste of you
Fingering you in a bathroom stall and when you both hear people come on his hand will fly to your mouth to shield all the moans that slip out
Yet he still continues fingering you, despite all the noises your poor cunny is making
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Open to trying things, no matter what.
Hell take some risks here and there if he's really in the mood
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I feel like you both would have equal amounts of stamina
Hell go for 3 rounds maybe 4 if he's really full of energy
Or you'll both doing an extra round that's too sloppy cuz your both exhausted
His thrusts become sloppy over the rounds, which only makes you more overstimulated and frustrated
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He found out you owned toys on a random day and now when he comes over he'll randomly find one when he's looking around at your room and just ends up using it on you
If you own vibrating panties or small vibrators he'll use them when you both go out
Watching you squirm in your seat if he turns the vibrations up
Your mouth falling open as you try to regain composure so you wouldn't out yourself to everyone
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Biggest fucking tease out there
Whether it was normally or sexually
He'll never pass a chance to tease you in bed either
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not too loud if he isn't throwing praises at you
Groans and whimpers here and there and that's about it
Mostly quite just to focus on hearing the sounds you make
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Cock warming lover
It dosent even have to be sexual He just loves the feeling of you on his cock, warming up every inch of him, sometimes he'll end up bucking his hips and thrusting up into you occasionally
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches max 6 if he's really hard
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty horny, atleast 3 times a week, but you always have something going on almost everyday
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He dosent really sleep afterwards, just goes out for a smoke or just smokes while your laying on his chest, drifting into sleep but he just simply stays awake, smoking.
|Okay don't blame me if this turns out shit I haven't done these in a decade or so. Thanks for the request!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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satoruxx · 4 months
pairing: vampire poly!sashisu x reader | 1k words summary: basically describing how they bite and drink your blood, description of blood, pet names, teasing, lots of touching lol, somewhat suggestive bc it's vampires ig, but nothing crazy i'm just feral rheya’s note: you don't understand i've been thinking of vampire sashisu since march and ari fueled my obssession yesterday so here we are
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no bc the way there are subtle differences in how vampire poly!sashisu drink your blood…
shoko takes a drink first. it's understood among the three of them that she gets you first—she's the one who found you and brought you into their lives after all. so suguru and satoru sit back and let her get close, her smile going soft as you lock eyes with her. "hey baby," she grins as she gets into your space, and you laugh quietly in return. her lithe fingers gently crawl over the skin of your neck, brushing away any hair and leaving her favorite spot open. shoko loves your neck—has since the very beginning. maybe it's the doctor in her, or just some deeper carnal part of her, but she likes the spot where she can feel your pulse best—can feel it thundering under her lips. "ready?" she murmurs against your throat every time, and you'll sigh over her shoulder and nod yes.
shoko's bites are clean, and she usually restricts it to one spot unless she's feeling particularly ravenous. the side of your throat is hers, even though satoru tends to like it there too—there's a silent understanding between the two that it's her preferred area. when she's drinking her lashes will flutter, hints of red seeping into her normally hazel eyes. one hand will trail up your arm soothingly while the other remains still over your neck. she's reliable and comfortable and so so perfect. shoko is fantastic with her control, and since she's normally first, she'll only take as much blood as she truly needs before sitting back and smiling at you. her eyes dart over your flushed face as she wipes her bloodstained lips clean. "thanks baby," she finally sighs as she tucks your hair behind your ear.
suguru goes next, because he's levelheaded, and somehow seems to care more about your needs than his own. he crawls towards you, wetting his lips as his hooded eyes dart over you. you've been with him long enough to catch the silent question for consent, and he's known you long enough to understand when you say yes. suguru's favorite spot to drink from is your wrist—there's just something so intimate about it. and he always always always presses a kiss to it before his meal. sometimes it's a featherlight brush of lips, other times it's chaste and passionate—but he never forgets it. it's almost like a silent thank you for your generosity.
when suguru drinks, his eyes never stray from you. they remain open and hooded, going dark with a mix of pleasure and affection, but they won't go anywhere else. his gaze is so intense, but it's softened by the smile you can feel stretching across your wrist as he drinks. it's like he wants you to know that you are his only priority. when he drinks, his fingers will brush over your hand to comfort you through any pain because god knows he hates the idea that it causes you pain. he hums against your skin too, as he drinks—he needs you to know how good you taste. and when he's done he has to give the spot one more kiss. gently, of course, because he knows it's sensitive and he just needs a small gesture to display the magnitude of his love for you. "still okay, sweetheart?" he'll ask, lips finding your forehead. he just needs to make sure you're still good.
and then there's satoru, the most eager of the three. he thinks his eagerness is justified—he drank your blood once and has been hooked on it ever since. he claims there's nothing in the world that tastes better, and by the time it's his turn he's practically giddy. satoru is somewhat of a wild card as a vampire. depending on how he's feeling, he may tease you as he drinks or just desperately goes straight for it. regardless of what he's feeling, there is always an underlying tenderness hidden beneath his interactions with you. the same goes for his preferred spot. he's like shoko and suguru—he likes the throat and the wrist; thinks they're both fun. he goes for the throat more commonly because he likes how close you are to him. when he's drinking from your neck his fingers will almost always tangle themselves through your hair—he just likes how it feels and how easy it is for him to maneuver you the way he likes. if he's going for your wrist he'll usually just shut his eyes and drink deeply, because gods above is he on cloud nine when he tastes you.
and yet all of you know that satoru's true favorite spot is your thighs. he loves how flustered it gets you, loves how wild it makes him feel. he's almost always feeling extra playful when he goes for your thighs, and it shows in his deep throaty chuckles that he lets out against your skin. he loves how messy it gets too, because in between his playful laughs your blood ends up dripping down over his chin and staining him red—it makes his head spin and his heart race. but when he's done drinking satoru only cares about making you smile. sometimes he'll give you a silly grin and say "thank you for the meal, pretty," and you'll just weakly shove him away with a fond roll of your eyes. but he just takes your face in his palms and presses a warm kiss to your lips—a muted thank you.
and of course, when everyone's done and satiated, shoko starts quietly fussing over how you need to drink and eat and lay down because they've taken a lot from you. suguru is already grabbing blankets and maneuvering pillows in the way he knows you like best while satoru digs around for his favorite snacks that he's always willing to share with you. the three of them dote on you like crazy, keeping you wrapped in their embrace until you're peacefully dozing off. they just love their little human so much, but how can they not? after all, as insane as it is, you've somehow managed to wrap three powerful vampires around your little pinky finger—not that they would have it any other way.
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Hey, do you have any slasher X reader where the reader loves baking?
Slashers with Reader That Loves Baking
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, & Stu
A/N: Hmm... I don't think I do. Looks like I need to whip up another fic. Here you go!
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Freddy Krueger
Although Freddy doesn't need to eat, he'll try anything you make him!
He's happy that you have a hobby that you enjoy during the day
He's even happier that he gets to taste the results
Whenever you visit him, he makes sure the dream world has a kitchen for you in case you want to make something while you're there
You're more inclined to bake there anyways because Freddy can get you just about any ingredient your heart desires
When you do make items, Freddy switches into his "Kiss the Cook" apron and matching hat
He may not help you with the baking, but he still expects kisses while you work
He'll stand beside you, just observing everything you do
He doesn't ask too many questions either, he just likes seeing you relaxed
Once the treats are ready, he literally stabs a few onto his knifed glove and eats them off of it
There hasn't been a single thing you've made that he hasn't enjoyed
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Michael Myers
Michael is pretty neutral with your enjoyment of baking
He tends to his hobbies, you tend to yours
He doesn't feel like there needs to be any crossover of sorts
However, he won't deny you when you ask him to try things
And if you need help accessing the top shelf, he'll help you out
He secretly has a big sweet tooth, and your warm smile influences him to try everything (he'd be dead before he admitted it though)
He has a pretty basic taste in sweets too
He enjoys the majority of the cookies, cakes, and breads you've made
He isn't a big fan of pie or dried fruits though
If you make a batch of anything, he'll try a bite if you ask, but that'll be it
You're always certain he's just trying to be polite
But whenever you wake up in the morning, half the tray is gone
Michael will just shrug it off of course
But it's pretty obvious he enjoys your treats
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Jason Voorhees
He absolutely loves that you bake!
To be fair, he'd love literally anything you do that makes you happy, but baking reminds him a lot of his missed childhood
You've made a couple things already that reminded him of stuff his mother used to make, and it almost brought him to tears
He doesn't really get sweet cravings like he did when he was younger, but he will never say no to trying something of yours
He also enjoys decorating some of the treats too
His large hands tend to fumble a bit, and nothing comes out as good as yours, but he's having fun, and that's what matters most to you both
His favorite thing is coming home after a long day to the smell of baked goods and to see you casually mixing ingredients together
You just seem so content, and it gives him a taste of what domestic life is like with you
He'll always come over to greet you with a hug, not caring if you're covered in flour
And once he's gotten cleaned up, he just sits at the table out of the way, watching you
He especially loves when you talk to him while baking
It just makes him all warm inside
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Thomas Hewitt
He never really grew up with home baked goods like yours before, so it feels like literal heaven when he smells the sugar in the air
He likes walking up and peering over your shoulder, trying to see what you're doing
He also just likes hanging out with you in case you need help with anything
If your arms ever get tired from mixing or kneading, you know who to ask
If you let him, he'll take little tastes of the batters, predicting how much he's going to like them once they're done
(It's always a 10/10)
If it's sweet, he likes it
There's never been anything you've made that he didn't eat almost all of in one night
He loves if you make enough for the whole family too!
He's a bit hesitant to help decorate, and even more so to help add ingredients
But if you ask, there's no way he'd be willing to say no
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Bubba Sawyer
He adores your baking!
He absolutely has no idea what you're doing half the time, but he's happy about it all the same
You've got to be careful with this one though
Because if you even turn around for a second, the batter is gone
Same goes for when the treats are cooling
If you leave the kitchen, they'll be gone within just a couple minutes
You have no idea how he manages to do it
At least he's showing you just how much he loves your bakery?
But besides that, he's a great hand to have in the kitchen
He can mix and mix for days
And he's always there to help hand you whatever you need
Just don't trust him with the powders unless you want a white, dusty kitchen
He's also not the best around the hot oven, having burnt himself a handful of times
It's kind of like having a helpful but clumsy child in the kitchen with you
But he's so sweet you can't bare to tell him to leave
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms never grew up with many sweets in the house
So having his own baker at home is like feeding a starving man
And with Brahms, you can imagine how that goes
Will come to you almost every day with a new treat he is craving
In fact, he even added to the rules list that you needed to make him a bedtime treat or else he refuses to go to sleep
You love baking of course, so it's not a problem, but some of his requests are absurd
A pie covered in chocolate ice cream smooshed with cookies and drizzled with brownie batter might be a bit much for a midnight snack
But you honestly did it to yourself
The moment he tasted your treats, there was no going back
And be careful when the sugar rush hits
He's ready to bounce off the walls with you in tow
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Norman Bates
Norman has always been one for domestic hobbies
So the fact that you're a baker makes him feel so cozy and warm
Waking up to fresh muffins with his tea, coming home to a plate of brownies, and even being woken up in the middle of the night to some wild cookie recipe all makes Norman so happy
Jokingly complains that you're fattening him up
He's honestly a pretty good baker himself, although he argues that his skill is nowhere near as good as yours
But there have been a handful of times he prepare his own treat beside you in the kitchen, and it always came out amazing
And because of his experience, he's happy to give a lending hand when you need
If you're making something you know by heart instead, then he's still there beside you, keeping up with the dishes so you don't have to tend to a mess later
Norman enjoys whatever makes you happy, and is eager to learn even more about what you love too!
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Billy Loomis
He's pretty chill about it at first
He thinks it's a cute hobby, but doesn't know much about it himself
However, the first time he was actually there with you watching you work and tasting what you made...
He really gained a better perspective on it
He can see the hard work and true enjoyment you put into the hobby, and this makes him appreciate it more
He's not huge on sweets, but seeing you put all of this together for him makes it impossible to deny them
Will be brutally honest if he likes something or not, but there's truly only been a couple times he actually didn't like what you made
Will occasionally sit on the counter beside you and just ask basic questions
"What does this thing do?" "How long does it need to sit there?" "Is there a difference between folding and mixing?"
You always smile at him since his genuine curiosity is cute
Plus, it shows he's trying to learn more about what you do
Will definitely stand behind you and rest his head on your shoulder while you work
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Stu Macher
You love to bake? Well, Stu loves to eat
Match made in heaven in his eyes
He honestly is surprised by the amount of effort that it takes to whip up a simple cookie or cupcake
He's not usually on this end of the food process
But he honestly enjoys watching what you do
Will literally just stare and zone out, making you laugh
Loves loves loves when it's time to lick the spoon
He will dab batter onto your nose though
He's a huge fan of helping you decorate too!
Just be careful, because Stu is also a huge fan of squeezing the piping bag directly into his mouth
But surprisingly, Stu has become pretty decent at piping frosting and making your treats look pretty
He always insists on eating the ones you decorate though because they "taste better"
He honestly just loves being able to show praise for the stuff you make him and will always request a fun treat to accompany your weekly movie nights
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
most to least kinky [skz ver.]
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A/n: this has probably been done a million times before but I thought I could make my own list, right?
Warnings: this isn't full on smut, but A LOT of things are mentioned (from slapping to ass eating to crying to cnc) I can't possibly mention them all. Needless to say, this is strictly 18+, please proceed with caution!!!!
Disclaimer: I'm sorry. I'm incredibly sorry, ok? I don't understand Seungmin 😭😭 I absolutely love him with all my heart, but he's a mystery to me. I've also only been in this fandom for a few months so maybe with time I'll be able to write for him but until then, I'll just keep apologising to my Minnie biased readers for doing their baby dirty. I'm sorry, I promise I'm trying!! 🥺
Please let me know what you thought and if you have other ideas!! I'd love to hear different opinions!!!
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1. Lee Know 
Do I even have to explain? At this point, you could basically write an entire encyclopedia only using the stuff this man is into - he knows it all and wants to try it all. The thing is, whether he trusts you enough or not, because if he's too shy to bring up the one thing that's on his mind, he'll bombard you with hints, hoping he'd "manipulate" you into mentioning it first. Not that he'd ever do anything you're not 100% comfortable with, but he'd much rather you be the one who asks. He'd slap your ass, bite it, mark it, grope it, eat your pussy from behind and send you porn links - all while hoping you'd finally get the idea and ask him to eat your ass. Because he's shy like that. But once you do catch on and tell him about it, he's all in. 
And then, as he grows more comfortable around you, all these little games you two play will slowly start to shift. His main priority will always be you, but with time, his teasing nature will replace the old Minho you used to have sex with, and literally everything this man does will be about driving you insane. 
He'd make you beg, whine, crawl on your knees, hump pillows - hump his leg, just so you can prove yourself, only to deny you again, always with a grin on his face. A loving smile as he looks at you, right before he throws a very swift "No" in your face and makes you start over. You have to be spent, exhausted, dumb and drunk on him before he finally gives you what you want. But when he finally does, it's everything you ever wanted and more because he doesn't.hold.back.
2. Jeongin
To be fair, it might be because he had to go through the "Watch your mouth, there's a child in our grup!" phase, which - cute and all, got old very fast. Maybe this side of him would have never surfaced like this, but you can't possibly know, there's only one Jeongin and he's a meanie. He's stern, he's serious and there's only one way, his. 
He takes the safe word very seriously because otherwise, he doesn't take no for an answer. There's no "too much", "too hard", "too fast". He doesn't care. He knows you can take it and you have to. 
You don't move, he moves you. If you don't shut up when he tells you to, it's 'ass up, face down into the pillow' - no questions, no warnings. 
It all starts nicely, though. His good little girl, his angel, who needs to do absolutely everything she's told otherwise his punishments will be downright cruel and you'll be nothing more than a "dumb, fucking whore" until he's done with you. 
One thing that makes him draw the line though, is crying. He loves to see little tears at the corner of your eyes as he fucks you into oblivion, just so he can mock you for it, "Oh, is my sweet, little baby crying?" and then go faster. But if you let out anything more than a cute, little sob, or if you start actually crying, even though you're still down to keep going, he won't. He can't. He's cruel, but not that cruel, it hurts his heart to see you like that and absolutely never lets things get that far.
3. Felix
This man is into… everything. His eyes light up every single time there's something new for you two to try, and he puts his whole soul into it. 
On one hand, he's into the basics - he goes crazy for your tits, will lick, bite, suck and eat anything off of them (absolutely adores eating cream off your body, but yeah, your tits are his favorite spot). He loves lingerie, loves ripping it off of you, loves seeing you dress up, pretend to be a nurse, a teacher or the girl next-door who just so happened to leave the window open. 
Doesn't have a daddy kink but he's just so obsessed with doing absolutely anything for you, he'd go with it. Most likely prefers 'Sir' but it isn't a must. Will melt and cry if you allow him to fall you 'Mommy'
The definition of a switch. When he's a dom, 90% of the time he's soft, full of praises and encouragements, loves making you feel all safe and loved as you degrade yourself for him. He'll whisper in your ear the absolute sweetest, most loving words you ever heard in your entire life, all while completely breaking you in half with his cock. But also, there are times when there's just one way for him to relax and let loose, and during those days, he's lazy and he's condescending, judgy and a little bit mean, and these are the absolute worst moments for you to be brat. 
But all of these are only half of him, because this man is probably the most dedicated and enthusiastic sub in the world. He'll do absolutely everything he's told and then beg for more. Way too eager to humiliate himself for you. Also very, very vocal, he'll cry, whine and beg and will also never fail to let you know just how obsessed he is with worshiping the ground you walk on. 
4. Chan
Also a switch, but it takes months, if not more, for you guys to get there. He's a leader by nature, used to having a lot of responsibilities and a lot of control over the things around him. He likes to be in charge, knows how to do it, and loves the responses he gets. Probably one of the best doms out there because even though you have a safe word, he's so fucking careful with you at all times that he knows to slow down before you even have to think about using it. It only happened once, and your voice still rings in his head - he still hasn't forgiven himself for it. 
But since he's so observant and trusts you to put a stop to whatever is going on in case you need to, he feels free to go crazy. Unlike Jeongin, he likes to hear you cry, likes knowing he has that power over you and the fact you know how easy it is for him to absolutely wreck and ruin you, but still allow him to go crazy, drives him wild. Trust is probably what gets him off the most, he absolutely adores how you give up control and leave yourself at his mercy. 
But then again, as your relationship strengthens and he slowly realizes that maybe he doesn't always have to be the one to do it all, that others can take care of him too, that he can actually let loose and renounce all control, you start to see another side of him. 
He's an exemplary sub, not one brat bone in his body. He tries sometimes to test you, but he goes back to being doe eyed and whiny for you in no time. He's not as vocal and not as eager to let all his enthusiasm show, but just like Felix, he'll do absolutely anything you tell him, and then thank you for allowing him to do it. 
5. Han
Another switch. He can be a dom and he can be a sub, but I think there are two other sides of him. This man will go back and forth between being the absolute, most cocky motherf on the planet, to being absolutely wiped and wrapped around your finger. And while these for aspects of him can pair up in any way, leaving you with a teasing dom, a loving and soft one, or a bratty sub that will try to make you prove to him just how badly you need him to worship you and so on, I think he's not always like this.
You can't really tell whether there's a pattern, but maybe if you spent more time together you'd be able to spot one. Maybe it depends on how his day went, how tired he is, how his social batteries are like at the moment, but I think there are many, many days when this man just needs to feel you, to smell you, hear you. To collapse into the sheets with you, forget about the world and melt in your arms. Yeah, he's down to try a lot of stuff, but what he loves the most are the simple things. Like missionary late at night, with the lights on so he can see every glimmer of anything in your eyes, to wipe the sweat off your temples and to be able to smother you with kisses. Impromptu sex in the morning, lazy sex in the shower, cuddling that turns into you riding him on the couch while watching a movie. That's what I think he's into the most.
6. Changbin
Thank god this man is not the kinkiest because he'd probably break you in half and no amount of aftercare would be able to fix that. This man goes hard. No matter if you're the one that woke him up, all needy and clingy, or if he came home riled and ready to go, he's already ready to give you his all. That dumptruck isn't there for nothing, he doesn't even have to try that hard to make you scream. 
But it's not just physical, he goes all out in all ways. He doesn't just want you on your back, legs spread open so he can eat you out, no, you have to be on his face, full weight down on top of him, and you have to ride. Other than that, you don't really have to do much, because he's a sucker for handling you. He'll hold up your weight when he fucks you against the dresser and he doesn't mind being the one who gets rid of all the clothes in the way when he randomly decides he wants to fuck you bent over the kitchen table. 
So I don't think he needs much more than you two already have. Of course, he's usually fine with trying things you're into, and yeah, he likes them, but that's just more like 'fun' to him. He's not the kind to call you degrading names or spank you until you cry, through he might enjoy a little bit too much seeing his hand print on your ass or the bruises he left on your hips just from hard he was holding onto you while fucking you into oblivion.
Out of all the things you'd get him to try, I think one of his favorites would be wax play. He'll probably ask you to do it again, maybe like 3 months later. Also, one other thing that gets him going and that he still might be shy about it, is just how hard his cock twitched when you called him daddy. Oops. I don't like it, please do it again.
7. Seungmin 
Ok, again, disclaimer with this one. I wanna start by apologizing to Minnie and to all the Minnie biased readers that are here with us today, but I can't read this man. At all. And that's the reason I put him so low on the list because while I do have some ideas, associating him with certain kinks and stuff felt completely empty to me. Like I have no idea what he'd like? But in case you've read this far, lemme tell you what I did manage to come up with and please let me know how you see it!!
I think trust, communication and fun are the most important to him. I feel like he'd have so much fun guiding you and giving you instructions on how to do different things, from how to suck him off just the way he needs it, to how to use a toy on yourself. And I think it goes both ways, he'd love to have you tell exactly how and what to do at all times.
I also think he can be stern and commanding, serious and totally focused, but he also probably adores being a giggling mess, unable to control himself as you give him your all, worship him and make him feel absolutely cherished. I'm sorry, but I feel like this man thrives on love and appreciation. Other than that, my brain is empty, please help me!!
8. Hyunjin
Ok, maaaaybe I shouldn't have put him last. But fuck it. Sue me. I don't think he's kinky at all. I think that again, he'd be the type to try out most of the things you come up with, but I don't think he associates them with sex like that. I think it's just some form of fun you two have, I don't think there are too many crazy things that necessarily get him going. 
He's a romantic, ok? His main goal is pleasure. He's the kind to absolutely not give a shit about anything, all that he needs is you. If he has you and a surface (not even mandatory) he's satisfied. He'll do absolutely anything, worship every single inch of your body. The kind to kiss his way up your leg before eating you out, to kiss you before you even finished swallowing his cum. Nothing to him is gross, to him, bodies are beautiful and made to be worshiped. He'd paint your body, lay back and allow you to do absolutely anything you want to him, he's just full of want and passion. 
I don't think he'd ever be the kind of person to associate pain or humiliation with pleasure. Like he knows they're valid kinks and will not shame anyone about it, but with him, you have to feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, loved, cradled and appreciated in absolutely every way. 
Absolutely the type to eat your ass and then be like "What? People don't do that?". Doesn't think spitting in each other's mouths is degrading because, "We literally kiss all the time, what?" 
Will ask you to slap him just to see what it's like but will probably malfunction if you ask him to do it to you. 
I think he'd be down for a lot of stuff, but doesn't see any of them as kinks. Doesn't need any of them. They don't get him hard. It's all just for fun. 
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Please let me know what you thought!! I'd love to talk about this!!! ❤️
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zushikiss · 2 years
Sleepy affection
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summary ; peppering the genshin boys with affection when they're sleepy/when they're going to bed
warning ; use of petnames (honey, pretty)
pairings ; diluc, scaramouche, ayato, tighnari
notes ; it's been a long time since i made one of these, also i think the layout looks a bit off?? idk if its just me, Ayato's is written differently cause idek, DILUC HAS A STUBLE CAUSE DILUC HSISBSBS
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"Honey, im tryin' to sleep here.."
"I know."
you pepper kisses all over his face once again, his slight stuble making contact with your soft lips, he wraps an arm around your waist sleepily as he drags you down gently, you rest your hands on his chest as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
"Now go to sleep pretty, you can give all the kisses you want tomorrow."
"When will you stop? I'm attempting to get some shut eye for once."
and yet he makes no effort to push you away, his hands resting on your thighs as you straddle him, ironically though, once you pull away to finally give your lover some rest, he pulls you back down quickly, your hands landing on his chest as you prop yourself up.
"I didn't say you needed to stop now."
you giggle as you continue showering his facr and neck with affection and kisses.
he doesn't even say anything. He doesn't care if he's so sleepy he'll let you coddle him anytime, if anything he has a smile on his face and is probably asking for more, he's basically basking in love and attention, mf loves it and would never push you away, he does tease you though.
"Mhm, someone missed me."
"You were away on that expedition for so long, let me have this."
But once you move even an inch from your current position he will pout at you, his attempt at guilt tripping you to keep on showering him with affection.
the forest watcher's eyes are closed and he's ready to finally rest, however his dearest seemed to have different ideas, though you do know he's tired how can you help it? He's just laying and he looks so pretty you can't help but shower him with love an affection, he doesn't say anything though, who's to say he doesn't enjoy this.
"Sorry nari, i'll stop now."
"Hm? I didn't say anything about you stopping, keep going."
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lyrefromthesea · 3 months
Giyuu Tomioka - NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
truthfully, he's feeling tired after sex. he works a lot and just wants to sink into bed. on the other hand, he really loves and cares for you. he can't sleep without making sure you're fine. if you really need it, he'll make a bath for the both of you, otherwise he'll fall asleep with you in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his hands. it's not even his favourite body part because he's so fond of them, it's because you like them. it didn't take him long to realize that you loved his hands, even though they're rough from all the years of swordsmanship. he can make you feel good with them, so he loves them.
your eyes. he loves your eyes. it doesn't matter whether they're brown, blue, green or grey. he loves the way you look at him and how your gaze can reassure him silently. he'll often stare into your eyes while you're having a passionate session.
and every plush part of your body. your breasts? he loves squeezing them. he likes resting his head on them and peppering them in kisses. your hips or thighs? he loves holding them, following the curve of your body. it's perfectly shaped and he can't help but look at them when you're wearing something pretty. your ass? it's when he puts you on his lap when he loves holding it, squeezing it and maybe even give you a little spank - just to hear you let out a cute gasp or whine.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he wants to cum inside. he swears it just feels better. your greedy insides are trying to milk him, basically begging for another creampie. he loves the squelching sounds that are created with each thrust after he filled you up.
he likes cumming on your chest and thighs too. it looks so lewd, something about the sight just gets him going.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
you were away for two weeks once and he felt so lonely. while doing the chores, he found a pair of your underwear, wide eyes staring at the article in his hand. he had soiled it with his cum before he knew it, nearly tripping as he hurriedly brought it back into the bathroom. he could never tell you that he used your panties to masturbate.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he doesn't have much experience. he didn't have family while he grew up, nor did he have friends. there was basically no one to tell him anything about intimacy. neither did he meet anyone he had romantic interest in. his first real experience came with meeting you. nevertheless, he'll know some of the basics, just from overhearing people on his missions (even though he might have not wanted that).
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary. if he feels especially romantic, he wants to see your face while he works you to ecstacy. he wants to hold your hands and see your lips part to let out moans and whimpers.
doggy style. he just prefers it when you're having rough sex. he can hold onto your hips and see your ass shake with each thrust. he'll be able to pull on your hair and whisper in your ear, maybe bite your shoulder. it gives him a feeling of control. at the same time, he knows you trust him with your body, he'll surely make the best of it.
cow girl. sometimes he doesn't want to think or work. he wants to escape the world and seek comfort in someone else - you. he trusts you with his pleasure, just like you do when he's in control. he loves watching you bounce on his cock, it doesn't matter which way. either he gets to touch and suck on your breasts or he can see your ass jiggle each time you take him in.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's serious. intimacy is an act of trust for him, doesn't matter if it's rough or soft. however, he'll quietly laugh with you when something embarassing happens or when one of you says something a bit too cheesy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he's not going to shave it completely. the thought of cutting himself down there terrifies him, haha. i do think he's going to trim it though, he doesn't like when his hair grows too long. he also figured it wouldn't be nice for you when you go down on him. he wants you to be comfortable, one more reason to make sure it stays short and well-kept.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
he'll definitely be romantic. he'll hold your hands and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. how could he not? you make him feel so loved, so good - he needs to make you feel loved.
sometimes you'll engage in more rough sex, that will be when he's not that romantic. it's not like he loves you less, he's just occupied grunting into your ear and marking your skin. he'll still make sure you're well taken care of.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he seldom jacked off before you entered his life, there was just too much on his mind. he still needed to do it sometimes, because his dick would literally start hurting after neglecting it for too long.
the first real pleasure he got while masturbating was when he imagined you while doing so. honestly, he felt guilty at first, but slowly learned it wouldn't hurt you to be a part of his fantasies.
after you got together, he doesn't masturbate on his own anymore. why would he? you're there to help him. however, he certainly wouldn't say no to mutual masturbation and he'll do it when he's out for a long mission.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
hair pulling. a harsh kiss while feeling his hair being pulled at? he's hard as a rock. you're probably needy and your actions show it.
praise. he can't help it, his body automatically reacts to your words. you're so sweet, he can only feel his cock twitch in response.
overstimulation. he makes sure to draw a line when it gets painful, but seeing you cry and writhe in pleasure just makes him cum two times harder. naturally, he loves getting overstimulated by you as well.
creampies. it's wet, sloppy and tight after he came inside. even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop after one round. you must feel the same, right? he can tell by the way you're clenching so much around him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
preferably the bed. it's a safe place for him and it's genuinely great if you want to try something new or bask in the old. your bed is soft, big and you can fall asleep right after.
he would still do it anywhere else in the house, it's your private place after all. no one is there to watch you and he gets shamefully turned on when he's taking you on the kitchen counter or in the shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
hair pulling. he doesn't like it when you actually hurt him doing so, but he enjoys the softer version of it. when you two kiss and make out, he immediately gets hard after feeling you softly tug at his hair. it feels like you need him as much as he needs you. logically, he enjoys pulling your hair as well, the same way you do it to him.
skin. it sounds weird at first, but he loves seeing and especially feeling your skin. it looks soft and every imperfection somehow makes it even more perfect. he loves touching your skin, gently rubbing it while holding you close. if you have scars, he'll gladly trace over them and tell you how how beautiful you are in his eyes. he enjoys when you touch his skin as well, if you sweetly talk about his scars, it really gets him going.
nice words and compliments. he had been alone for most of his life, he didn't receive anything nice. now his body and mind easily react to compliments. it's especially hard when he genuinely trusts the person he receives such words from.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
pain. he is not willing to truly hurt you. knifes and other dangerous objects will not come near your bed. he could never forgive himself after doing such things to your body.
if you're okay with it, he won't have a problem with spanking though. your ass jiggles so nicely under the force of his hand. but he'll make sure not to spank you too hard. he'll probably massage your skin after rough sex as well, knowing that the red marks of his hand sting a bit.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he has no preference. he'll end up receiving more than he's giving though. he enjoys going down on you, but he has a problem stopping once his head is buried between your legs. he loves the sounds you make when his tongue laps against you.
however, you need to signal him when it's enough. your legs will often feel numb or tremble after he's finished. he didn't even push his cock in yet, you weren't sure if you could take more.
he'll definitely hold onto your head when you give him a blowjob. he needs to hold onto something when you suck him off, your warm mouth is just too much for him. his hips end up bucking into your mouth more often than not.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can and will do both. slow and sensual sex is definitely something he uses to prove his love to you. he's not so good with words so he uses his body to show his affection.
fast and rough sex works like a stress relief for him. fighting demons and saving inexperienced slayers will take it's toll on him, he needs something to get it out of his system.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn't hate them, but he would rather spend the night making real love to you. he's still ready to indulge in quickies every now and then. they're mostly going to consist of pressing you against a wall and going down on you. he likes your taste and has no problem working you to ecstasy like this. just expect him to have a real sex session once he has the time for it. he gets unbelievably hard from seeing you get off.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's not that risky himself, not because he doesn't want to initiate something, but because he's happy with your sex life. nevertheless, he's up for experiments, if you want to try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he's a hashira, he definitely has more stamina than you and he'll use it too. one round has to last at least 30 minutes, otherwise he'll not be satisfied.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't own any. he didn't have the time to inform himself about toys either. if you have toys, he's willing to try them on you.
if you buy toys for him, he needs a bit encouragement from you. he had never used them before after all and the pretty cockring you brought home one day made him nervous.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he's not teasing you often. he enjoys introducing you to real pleasure. stopping before you could orgasm just didn't feel right to him.
he'll tease you during foreplay though. he knows it makes you more needy when he takes his time and that's exactly how he likes it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
sometimes he's really quiet, especially at the start of your relationship. he's insecure about the sounds he makes. are they not manly enough? will you laugh if a whimper escapes him? it resulted in quiet panting and grunting until he's really close.
on the other hand, he can get really loud. the quiet pants won't go away, but are now accompanied by breathy moans and sometimes even whines or whimpers. he'll feel shy about it at first, but when you tell him how much they turn you on, he gets more relaxed about them.
he'll always be more vocal when he's reaching his climax. it's because his brain literally short-circuits when he's feeling so close. "c- cumming.. 'm gonna cum. gonna cum..!" or chants of your name are the most common things he'll say.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he uses total concentration breathing when he tops you. however, when he suddenly used a form of water breathing on you and you instantly came, he couldn't hide his surprise nor the new wave of lust washing over him. luckily, there were a few more forms he needed to try out.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
hear me out, i often read about him being packing, but i think he's just a bit above the average male. he probably has a decent girth and i would think he's 6,4, but that certainly doesn't ruin the experience. he definitely knows just how to make use of it and how he has to move to make is especially good for you.
furthermore, he has a pretty tip. it has the prettiest shade of pink and often leaks precum. it's your fault, he just feels so needy when you're there.
there is a vein popping out on the side of his shaft. it's long and you can feel it when he's plunged deep inside you. another one is located on the back of his dick, it's smaller than the other vein.
his cock has a slight curve upwards, which he honestly didn't even noticed until you told him during a blowjob once. now he can't unsee it and gets red every time he thinks about it a bit too much.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i imagine him to have a pretty modest sex drive. from a scale of 1 to 10 it would probably be a 7. however, since he is portrayed as a rather lonely person, he fully neglected that aspect of his life for a long time. as a result, his sex drive basically feels non-existent to him, though it still is there.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It really depends on how he's feeling right now. if he's rather affectionate, he'll stay up and either talk with you or watch you sleep. if he's had a long day and his eyes threaten to fall shut any moment, he'll fall asleep as soon as he's sure you're going to be fine.
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lexirosewrites · 1 month
popping in for slick sunday again with another bit on a fic im working on :) i hope you enjoy :)
(warnings ahead for mpreg, angst, and some medical stuff that probably doesn't make actual sense bc i possess no more than a basic knowledge)
this fic's big focus is secret pregnancy. steve and eddie are not dating, but they have this more "friends with benefits" type thing going on. that is, until eddie leaves. he's off with Corroded Coffin, trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. what eddie doesn't know, and what steve finds out a few weeks later, is that steve is pregnant (with twins).
steve decides to keep it a secret because he doesn't want to "ruin" eddie's life. he knows eddie would come back the second he knew, and he didn't want to be the reason eddie gave up on his dream. steve doesn't tell anyone for the first month or so, and then slowly, their friends start being pulled into the loop. robin first, of course. everyone promises not to tell eddie, even though most of them aren't happy about it. eventually, even wayne and the rest of corroded coffin find out about it.
wayne insists on being part of their lives, if steve will let him. which obviously he does, because he loves wayne and would never want to keep him out. so then it's weekly dinners at the trailer, and wayne offering to babysit when steve has to work, and wayne coming over to their apartment often. the twins spend a lot of time with wayne, and he spoils them whenever he can. he's really the only grandparent figure they have, and he's more than happy to take on the role.
when eddie does, eventually, find all of this out, it's not under the best circumstances. it's been about six years since he left hawkins without looking back. the band is at the studio, recording for the new album, when eddie gets a call. the first time he's heard from steve since he left. his entire world is flipped when steve drops the news. eddie has pups he's never known about, and one of them is sick. really sick. the doctors don't think she has much time, and she needs a bone marrow transplant, but finding a match is taking longer than they'd hoped. eddie might be the only option left to save her.
of course, eddie's on a plane back to indiana that same night, no questions asked. well, very few questions asked at least. his mind is reeling the whole time. he doesn't have the full story. all he does know is that he has to get back. he meets the twins separately. first, his daughter, before she's taken for more testing. she lights up, so excited that he's there and asking 100 different questions all at once. he loves her so much already. he meets his son a little later, and it's different. he's more closed off, wary. he's sitting on steve's lap glaring daggers at eddie across the room. it's clear that he holds some resentment, and eddie can't say he blames him. when eddie tries to explain that he's there to help, that he'll be there however long they need him, the boy blows up. he's angry, spitting back at eddie that they don't need him, they never did. steve immediately tries to step in, but eddie stops him. he's right, and eddie knows that. he deserves this.
it may have been steve who kept the twins from eddie, but eddie's the one that never bothered to come back. never called. never visited. he's just as much to blame, and he knows that. all he can do is try to make up for his own shortcomings, and hope it's enough.
happy slick sunday!
oh my god my heart is broken😭
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bubblegyu00 · 7 months
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riize as boyfriends !
riize x femidol!reader
a/n: currently in my rum pum pum pah talk saxy era 😋
• shotaro
boyfriend shotaro and idol shotaro are basically two different people. the members have mentioned that shotaro is a bit stern and serious during practice. but all of the frustration leaves his body once he sees his girlfriend stopping by after practice. goes from leader osaki shotaro to clingy baby taro in a millisecond.
is such a happy pill to you, but when you go without seeing him for more than 24 hours, then you suddenly become sad and depressed.
his favorite pass time is to talk about you, and he has proven that many..... many times. the members always get annoyed when the room is silent he and suddenly groans " man, i really miss my girlfriend ". but the poor boy can't help that you're always on his mind 😕
he definitely loves to annoy you, but only because he knows that you won't get angry at him. he thinks that you don't get angry at him because you basically let him do anything he wants ( which is true ), but it's really because even though taro likes to tease,, he never crosses the line.
if you would ever be at an awards show together, he wouldn't even try to hide your relationship — meaning the boy is quite literally gushing over how good you look. pokes you in the side and giggles quietly to himself as he watches you stiffen and try not to flinch.
" shotaro! what was that?! we were live! "
" it was so funny! "
• eunseok
boyfriend eunseok may seem nonchalant and tsundere ( yes i used that word, what're you gonna do about it 😛 ), he actually cares about you so much.
is on the verge of tears when he's cleaning a wound for you ( it's literally a paper cut ). will help you do everything for the rest of the day like you just got out of the ER or something.
makes you laugh all the time because he just wants to see you smile. his life goal is to protect you at all costs, and treat you like an absolute princess.
loves loves lovessss when you play with his hair or scratch his back. he can put up the tough guy act all he wants, but the minute you offer to rub or scratch his back he'll lay right on your lap and won't get up for another hour.
and even though he isn't as expressive, he gives you compliments like no other. he praises every little thing you do, and compliments you on every single piece of clothing you wear.
" you look so good baby "
" i'm literally wearing pajama pants and a tank top seok..? "
" i stand by my earlier statement "
( are my daddy issues showing yet? )
• sungchan
boyfriend sungchan is so cute i want to throw a rock at him. alright that made sense in my head.
he's so so so in love with you i don't think he could possibly put it in words. he probably wants to throw a rock at you too.
like you could literally glance at him for one millisecond, and that's a kiss in his book. he still gets giddy over the little things like holding hands and hugging and it's just so endearing 🙁
sometimes he forgets how handsome he is, and only remembers when he gets a scolding because he didn't know a girl was hitting on him.
no but seriously sometimes the fact that he is so insanely attractive leaves his brain. and the amount of girls that mindlessly flirt with him — even though his girlfriend is right there — double the amount when he's at the gym.
so he dosent leave for the gym until he gets sprayed with a bunch of your perfume, has a picture of you two in his phone case, a scrunchie on his wrist, and a pink bow around his arm. ( the last one is just cus... why wouldn't you try to tie a bow around sungchan's arm?? )
" maybe i should buy you a shirt with a picture of me on it "
" or i could just act like i'm gay when girls come up to me "
" oh my gosh yes! "
• wonbin
boyfriend wonbin is the beginning of the sassy man apocalypse. i say this from the heart wonbin 🤍
no but it's really a good thing because you needed someone who would overdress everywhere with you 😋. he still has never overdressed you ofc, he knows his limits 😼
most people thought you guys were just this big glamorous couple who slept glamorously, went on big glamorous dates, and just breathed in glamorous air.
this, however, is a big lie. most of the time you had dates at home, in bed, eating takeout, and watching horror movies.
although wonbin is very very very very hot in every way, most of the time you just saw him as a guy who was born to be a cutie patootie, but was forced to act like the mysterious hot guy.
wonbin only let's you see the soft side of him because he can really open up to you, and you understand him so well.
if wonbin is ever having a bad day and won't open up to anyone, the members call you immediately since they know that you'd be able to calm him down in five minutes tops.
" go away "
" binnie, baby it's me. you can open the door "
• seunghan
boyfriend seunghan most definitely was best friend seunghan before you "accidentally" made out one night
your love language is annoying each other and pissing one another off <3
you two are most definitely the couple everyone brings over to have a good time. the both of you together is quite literally is the best combo you could put together for having fun.
seunghan will annoy you, but make it up with the dozens of gifts he gives you for no reason. you showed him something online? he bought it. you thought something was cute at the mall? he's already whipping his credit card out.
he's not necessarily clingy, but will be touching you most of the time just to make sure you don't disappear. whenever you're at a party, or in public, he'll have an arm around your waist just for reassurance. he does in fact think you'll get kidnapped if you're not in his line of vision.
boyfriend seunghan most definitely calls you the most out of pocket nicknames just for fun. he thinks it's gold comedy.
" i'm home cucumber! "
" how was your day tissue? "
• sohee
boyfriend sohee makes me want to go into a cuteness aggression not gonna lie to you. the biggest simp out of the seven.
has you as his lockscreen and homescreen, has your photo card in his phone case, your birthday is his phone password, and his password for all of his accounts is the day he asked you out. ( he's a bit obsessed ngl )
sohee is usually very smiley, but he never ever smiles as wide as when he's with you. you're the only one who gets to see his fully pearly white smile
is still really shy around you, but it's so endearing. like if you say "i love you" he'll say it back but his neck, ears, and face will be a shade of red. or if you kiss him it'll still take him a minute to calm down because he has the reddest face ever right now.
like shotaro, sohee talks about you too much too. but honestly he only does it sometimes to make them mad or annoyed, but sometimes he really does just to talk about his perfect girlfriend.
will make sure you NEVER eat alone. he just thinks it's so sad that his girlfriend would eat alone when she could be eating with him.
" have you already eaten? "
" yes "
" aw, i wanted you to eat with me "
" oh, i haven't eaten yet, what do you want? "
" but you just- "
• anton
boyfriend anton makes me want to skip around my room and sing " look at the grass, the dirt! just like i dreamed they'd be! "
he gets really shy when you compliment him, but will compliment you on every single thing you say or do. like he'll literally say you look perfect when you're in sweatpants, and it makes you wanna do cartwheels and swoon over him.
he will so lose it every time you dress up at all. like he's literally drooling with goo goo eyes and he will NOT leave your side.
he feels so small next to you even though he's literally a whole shaq o'neal 2.0. he still can't believe how he pulled a bad bitch like you.
his love language is physical touch, but he is too shy to make the first move. for example, when you're sitting on the couch, about to watch a movie, he'll keep his hands to himself even though he wants to lay on your chest and have you play with his hair so badly.
people figure out your dating because when he's on live he'll bring you up every chance he gets. like every time he reads a comment, he somehow finds every single one to have something to do with you.
" anton what's your tmi? "
" um, my tmi for today is that i watched y/n's performance at mcountdown in person today and oh my god- "
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mywifealhaitham · 7 months
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pre release boothill relationship headcanons!!!
a/n: I'm fiending off crumbs... I've wanted to read some x reader of him but theres none so I gotta write it myself. I hope the other 4 boothill fans enjoy
warnings: gn!reader, like 2 gendered pet names (pretty girl/boy), most of this is written with bias because we don't have alot to go off, obviously written prerelease, when we actually get content of him I'll definitely be rewriting
bc: Valentine_DD_ on twt
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- Boothill is described as a righteous person if his bottom line doesn't get crossed, so he definitely treats you good. probably more on the protective side when it comes to you, he's probably not afraid to use his gun if someone is threatening you.
- and believe me he's intimidating. from his overall tough and "unruly" cowboy look to his mechanical body it leaves enemies just a little challenged. he lowers his voice too and probably has a more fierce look in his eyes too. after any threats have been delt with he probably turns to you and turns into the sweetest thing ever, a wide grin across his face and his hands on your cheeks peppering you with small kisses.
- Its said he's a bit sophisticated due to his experiences so I'd like to imagine sometimes he charms you with facts and details about other planets or just genuinely sharing some tips and tricks he's picked up from other cultures. he's also a person who can get along with others pretty well but he can easily give strangers an impression he's selfish and is a bad person.
- again this kinda feeds into he's basically you'd guard dog... but I mean who wouldn't want to be saved by a handsome and sweet cowboy. despite his unpredictable personality and looks he's a huge gentleman for sure. always opens doors and pulls out chairs for you, makes sure your behind him and okay if any danger approaches and practically listens to your every command (lowkey giving off my girl and I don't argue she tells me to shut up and I do)
- one part I'm so excited to see is what they mean by he's illiterate and using metaphors. it's probably just him using slang but it's still kinda cute. I feel like his cheesy and strange metaphors turn into pick up lines when talking to you. perhaps he'll pull a "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" or something cheesier. Definitely a huge nickname guy, almost never uses your real name. I'm guessing he'd use stuff like doll, sugar, baby, pretty girl/boy and more teasing names. heavy on doll and sugar and just imagine him saying it in a deep southern accent... 😍 kicking my feet. also I imagine he loves making you giggle by not cursing (because he literally cant) and normally he'd get pissed if someone laughed at him like that if it's you he doesn't mind at all.
- that's pretty much it for like analyzing the leaks I saw but now the stuff up ahead is just bias yapping because I always project
- HE DEFINITELY IS A HAND KISSER. greets you by getting on one knee, holding his hat to his chest and kissing your hand. makes eye contact with you too and does that toothy smirk of his IM SWOONINGGG
- maybe he's a dancer! pulls you into his arms and places his hat on your head when a good song plays in taverns. even if your clueless on any type of dances then he'll pull you along to the beat whispering Instructions in your ear.
- gets so lovesick when drunk it drives everyone mad. any folks he's sitting with at a bar gets a whole speech on his wonderful beautiful darling who he owes his live and would happily die by their hand. and may God save you when you come pick him up because he'll be all over you. Immediately he wraps a arm around your waist as he slurrs his hello as he proceeds to tell you he loves you like 40 times. besides the mass amounts of kisses you'll receive once you both reach a private spot he let's some feelings that he might be too shy to share normally, holding your face as he calls you his pretty girl/boy and how he's so lucky to have you.
- honestly not the best for cuddling however unfortunately he needs to cuddle you to sleep so goodluck! his metal body isn't completely uncomfortable it's just cold alot. he tries to get around this by literally preheating himself with blankets before you go to bed.
very bad boothill brainrot atm... only a few more weeks until we get official content 😭 everyone hold hands we got this
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here's the actual leaks if anyone is curious ^_^
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