#[ both an outside pack from the West ]
aworldofyou · 1 year
Remember in his twilight verses they’re both the same except who John(Wanahton) is imprinted to!
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strawbeerossi · 8 months
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Unsub!Spencer Reid
Description: Spencer has had enough with you not listening to his instructions.
Content/Warnings: Mean Spencer, scolding, spanking with a belt, crying, brief fingering.
Word Count: 0.6K
Kinktober Day Twenty Nine: Impact Play
Navigation || Kinktober Masterlist || AO3
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You had a hard time listening. Spencer wasn’t very fond of it. He had told you not to go outside for your safety, yet he found you sitting on the front porch of the house on his walk home. You had no idea why you had both suddenly had to pack up and leave DC, nor did you understand why your husband’s job suddenly let him go.
You weren’t aware that you were both on the run, having to hide from the outside world in a small cabin that Spencer found deep in the woods of West Virginia. Sure, the woods would make it hard for anyone to see you, however Spencer wasn’t taking chances.
He’d gotten home at six in the evening when he seen you on the porch, book in your hand as you sat quietly on the steps. “Why are you out here?! I told you that it’s not safe.” He spat, hand quickly grabbing your arm as you were pulled inside. It wasn’t rough enough to hurt you, however he pulled at your arm as if you were a little rag doll that he could drag around. “It’s such a nice evening out! I don’t see what the big deal is, Spencer. We are fine.”
The both of you weren’t fine. If Spencer was found, he’d be dragged back to prison while you were made aware of the carnage and bloodshed he left back in DC. He got sloppy, leaving behind a key piece of DNA that had every major news outlet in the country reporting on him. You didn’t need to see that. You were happy with him, he didn’t want you to be afraid.
“I don’t care! I told you to stay in!” Spencer scolded, hands working on his belt as he was keeping a tight hold on your arm before leading you to the couch.
Your body was tensed up as you knew what was coming, heart beating in your chest as his body was lowering onto the couch before he was tugging you over his knee. “I didn’t do anything wrong!” You tried to protest, the male ignoring your words as he was tugging your pants and panties down your legs, belt in his right hand.
“Shut up and take your punishment. I wish you’d just listen. You know the rules. You’re counting.” He spoke, hand rubbing over your smooth skin as he was getting the belt situated in his grip.
You’d just about accepted your fate when you felt the leather belt coming down on your ass, a sharp pain shooting through your body as you let out a yelp of surprise. “One!” You shakily spoke while glancing at your boyfriend, hoping for some form of mercy as his eyes were focused on yours. “Tell me you’re sorry.” He spoke, making your lip quiver. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, although another rough smack had your hips jerking upon contact. “I’m sorry! Two!”
There were eight more that came after that, your flesh burning hot from the amount of spanking as Spencer’s big, calloused hand was rubbing over the irritated skin in an attempt to soothe you. “I don’t like doing this but it’s the only way you seem to fucking learn..” He huffed, tossing the belt on the couch beside him before his hand was gently slipping between your thighs.
Your pussy was wet, the amount of friction of your clit dragging against his thigh previously being the one to thank. “God, should I help you or should I leave you to deal with it yourself?” He asked, amusement glistening in his eyes as you were blabbering about how you didn’t want him to leave you to deal with the issue alone.
As his pointer finger slipped into your wet cunt, he was only groaning in satisfaction as your walls clenched around the digit in an effort to suck more in. “Such a greedy little cunt. Wanna be stuffed?” His words were calculated, enough to make a whine of desperation fall from your lips as you were nodding quickly. You needed him desperately and he was making you wait.
You hated this game.
“Prove it.”
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almostheav4n · 23 days
Tomorrow Never Came: Chapter 2
masterlist | ao3
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader rating: 18+ warnings: unspecified age gap, hints at past SA, no break-out, no y/n, no reader description, discussion of past trauma, reader develops a reliance on him, hints at a ddlg relationship in terms of a caregiver x little relationship (reader is of legal age) word count: 3,693 summary: set in Texas in the 1980s, Joel picks you up on the side of the road when headed west, you embark upon a journey of self-discovery with the help of a seasoned man a/n: lots of fluff in this chapter before it gets real - Joel honestly doesn't seem like a guy who would rush anything so he gets a little push by the reader :p
“He looks like he works with his hands & smells like Marlboro reds…”
The morning light pierces through the flimsy motel curtain as you toss over on the mattress, stuffing your face into the pillows, as you blink away your grogginess. 
The sudden pounding at your door is enough to jolt you awake as you realize suddenly it’s Joel, springing up to sit on the bed before checking the time.
“Bout ready to head out?” His voice bellows from outside the door, slower and thicker from his own sleep. You can see the outline of him through the window and it makes you hyper-aware you haven’t washed up in the slightest, quickly giving yourself a smell as you lift your arms.  
It’s easy to tumble out of bed, tripping onto the floor, attempting to hurry as you stumble over the sheets, closer to the door, “Um, I um, just need a few minutes, maybe you can get breakfast or somethin’, I dunno, Ill be ready then…” 
You huff and puff trying to find your discarded clothes from the night, cursing yourself for not washing them the night before, smelling them, and finding it honestly quite fine, thank god. 
“No…” You can hear him thinking. “Ya need’ta eat, I’ll make myself busy, take your time,” He mumbles departing with two knuckle knocks on the door as you watch his figure disappear. 
You find yourself surprised by his reaction, half expecting him to get annoyed, maybe rush you at least. You wonder deep down if it’s a trick and you’ll find his truck gone. 
The truck remains there, however, spotting it in the lot after a good half hour of scrubbing your teeth clean and taking a hot shower to wipe away any grime left by sleep. 
You knock on the only door next to you, finding that Joel isn’t it. Eventually taking it upon yourself to find him. 
It’s not hard to spot him, dressed in fresh attire, forgetting he had planned on this trip & packed for it accordingly. His handheld luggage at his side while he talks to a woman, a young woman, probably around your age as they pass a cigarette between them. She laughs at something you can’t hear as she passes it back to him. 
You are quite well aware he doesn’t owe you anything, he doesn’t owe you any sense of loyalty, in fact, you feel in debt to him. But the rock in your belly sits hard as you come to understand he is a solid man, a good man. Women will want him, he’ll inevitably attract him and it’s stupid of you to feel jealous as he leans over to talk to her, wishing it was you.
Bitterness is ugly, sits on your tongue quite heavily though, makes your fingers flex as you cough, loudly, a bit too loudly, gaining both their attention as Joel’s back straightens up before turning to you, breathing the bit of smoke left from his nostrils. 
“Ready, darlin’?” He adjusts the luggage in his hand, walking over to take the bag in your hands, once used for the new shoes, now used for all your belongings that were shoved in your utility jacket pockets, feeling lighter for the first time in months.  
You happily allow him to, nodding up to him in approval as he tosses the girl a farewell before turning back to lead you to the truck, allowing for you to cut your eyes back at her. Watching as she returns a similar annoyed expression. 
He opens the door for you before getting in on his side and sliding the bags underneath the seats, starting up the truck with a quick motion. 
“Who’s the chick?” You hum, attempting to seem as nonchalant as possible, hoping not to come across any other way.  
“Not sure, wanted a smoke, only had one left,” He shrugs, pulling the vehicle out of the lot and onto the road with a few harsh bumps. 
You nod, twiddling your thumbs in a circle as you bite your lip back, calculating your response. 
You don't expect it, your head shooting up to find his eyes already on you, a hidden grin where his hand that’s not on the wheel, scratches at his beard as he raises one brow, teasingly. 
“Joel, I’m not…..” You shake your head, unable to stop the tremble that knocks your words apart as you attempt to correct him, “I’m not jealous.” You lie. 
“Just teasin is all, don’t waste your time worryin’ now…” He chuckles, Texan accent flowing over like honey, focusing his gaze back on the road, leaving you breathless as you feel you didn’t state your case as clearly as you could've. Feeling found out. 
You remind yourself to quit the longing glances, that could've given you away. 
You don’t even realize you’re still staring at him, lost in your own thoughts but you think you almost miss it, the quirk of the corner of his mouth, a small tinge of redness coming to his face then settling, a blush. 
Eventually, he pulls into a lot of a diner. You’re seated quite quickly, in a booth towards the back, menus handed to you as Joel immediately orders a coffee, you stick with a hot chocolate watching Joel's brow raise at that. 
“You like sweets huh?”
“I do…” You nod, gaze focused on the menu before looking up to him, “think it’s cause I’m quite sweet too…”
He smiles a bit then, the first actual smile from him, a quick flash of the teeth before disappearing under his thick beard. 
“You are… sweet.” He agrees, calculating his words before focusing his attention on the menu, giving you little time to react to his comment. 
“Need you to get real food in your system, understand?” His eyes latch onto yours as you nod, desiring the least to see him upset by your actions. 
He sets his eyes back on the menu, “Good girl.” 
Good girl. 
It’s all you can focus on when the waitress returns to drop off drinks and take orders, the wheels in your head turning over the comment, good girl, good girl, good girl. 
It isn’t until Joel says your name, alerting you to look up apologetically, ordering a nice stack of pancakes, something you haven’t had in months, allowing her to take the menus. 
The hot chocolate presented stacks high with whipped cream, you scoop up a fluff of it in your index finger, bringing it to your mouth to suck gently, gaining the confidence to speak, “Joel?” 
His gaze is stern as he looks out the window, focused on some altercation outside between two men over god knows what, “Yeah?”
“You can kiss me ‘f ya want.” You bring the mug to your lips watching as his eyes cut to you, quickly, watching a gulp go down his throat, maintaining his hard exterior nonetheless. 
“That right?” His voice is softer than ever, as if he’s whispering a secret as you nod, taking a sip. 
You wondered all night if him putting you in another room was an act of kindness or if he maybe was gay or if he didn’t even necessarily view you as anything but platonic. But you want to make yourself clear. You want him to know of your blossoming feelings.
You set the mug down, feeling the whipped cream along your upper lip, tracing your tongue over the spot to remove it, watching as he sucks in a quick breath. 
He’s swift, moving from the booth. For a quick moment, you think you may have scared him off. Instead, he slides in next to you, your body pressed between him and the wall by the booth, his burly arm snaking around your waist to pull you close to his chest, as you release a soft quick gasp before his lips connect with yours, your hands holding to his chest to sturdy yourself as his warm mouth opens onto yours feeling his tongue slip into your mouth, velvety smooth. 
You moan, too loudly for the small diner as it's absorbed into his mouth, your eyes closing, allowing him to take the lead as his mouth moves against yours roughly and eagerly as if he hasn’t kissed someone in decades, completely at his will. 
It isn’t until the sound of plates scraping against the table gains both of your attention as he breaks away suddenly, leaving a whine to linger at your lips as he turns to the waitress who doesn’t seem to care one bit as Joel releases you. 
“I’ll be back, gon’ get some fresh air…” He mumbles before sliding out of the booth, running his hands through his hair before setting his hat on, walking towards the door, and soon exiting. 
It would worry you if you couldn’t see him, walking towards a payphone outside and making a call. 
You wonder what the hurry was but busy yourself with your pancakes, sopping them up in a ridiculous amount of syrup, before digging in. 
You eat slowly watching him argue with someone on the phone, his body language showing clear agitation as you sip your beverage. 
Eventually, he comes back soon after, apologizing, “Sorry, forgot to make a call earlier…” 
He sighs deeply, tearing into his eggs, the runny yolk bleeding onto the sausage on the plate. 
“What was that about?” You hum happily, content, patting your full belly. 
“Sure it wasn’t your wife?” You test the waters, never noticing a ring but just in case, to be safe. 
“Ain’t got a wife,” he stuffs sausage into his mouth, “Think Im’a type of man to smooch on ya before headin’ home to my old lady?” 
“You’re older, Joel. Usually, men like you are married…” You tease, rubbing your foot along his leg under the table 
“I'm older huh?” He smirks a bit, raising his brow, bringing his coffee mug to his lips.  
“Yeah, you’re an old man Joel…” you lean over, resting your elbows on the table as your hands cup your face in admiration, your foot still knocking against his leg.  
“What do you do?” You question, desiring to know him fully. 
“Construction… just need to make calls every now’n then to make sure dumbasses don’t fuck up while I’m gone.” He clicks his mouth once more, annoyed it seems by the whole interaction on the phone. You decide to leave it alone
He eats quickly, quite loudly too. It makes you want to laugh, all his Southern charm replaced by a grumbling food monster when eating. 
He pays the check after finishing, mentioning the need to get you some clothes as the waitress brings by the change, he leaves a tip on the table. 
“You don’t like my clothes?” You gasp, fake offended, understanding what he means. 
To be fair you hadn’t shoplifted any clothes recently & the jeans that you wore now full of tears and rips matched the shirt that could give at any moment. 
“Ya know I can’t pay you back right?” You remind him, following him out as he holds the door open for you. 
“I am very well aware of that, sweetheart.” He chuckles lightly as if it’s the most obvious thing you’ve ever stated. 
You’re quick to turn to him though, in the middle of the lot, standing on your tiptoes to get the best angle as you press your lips to his once more, quickly, a peck, a little test of the boundaries to see his reaction. 
He returns it once you depart, his hand coming around the back of your neck, his mouth crashing onto yours, hot and hungry, before releasing, taking your hand in his warm and dry, leading you to the truck, following the same routine of scanning the lot, opening your door, before focusing on getting back on the road. 
The trip before Joel seems to come crashing down on you, the need for rest, the knowing that Joel is there that reassures your safety. 
Understanding you have true protection is enough to have you falling asleep in the seat until the jolt of the brakes has you blinking back the sun that has begun to slip below the horizon, realizing you slept through the day. 
“C'mon, sleeping beauty…” Joel jokes lightly, as your passenger's side door opens. 
You groan, too loudly and in an extremely un-lady like manner, stretching out your limbs as you smack open a yawn, clearing the sleep from your eyes. 
“Did I really sleep that long?” you murmur as Joel wraps his arm around your waist, hoisting you out with a surprised squeal as your feet connect with the pavement, a giggle spilling from your lips.  
“Sure did…” He helps to straighten you out, pulling your shirt down where it exposes your stomach slightly. 
You allow him, feeling pampered as he observes you to make sure you’re put together before giving you a hard nod, approving of his work. 
He takes your hand as you finally gain full consciousness, leading you into the building labeled ‘WAL MART’ 
Passing cars in the lot, you’re able to read ‘New Mexico’ on the license plates as you become aware you’re in a new state. Once in the shopping center, a buggy is presented as Joel turns to you, looking down at you with a familiar hard gaze, and for some reason, you come to understand when he’s wearing this look, he’s serious and means business. His eyes narrowing in and focusing as you know he needs you to listen as you look back up at him, blinking up at him as if he is the only thing that matters in the world. 
“You’re gonna go get some clothes and a bag to store 'em in, I need you to fill er up-” referencing the buggy, “I'll be ‘round, getting supplies alright?” 
He adjusts his pants, fidgeting on his belt as he looks around and then back to you. 
You nod, offering a little salute followed by a ‘yes sir’ and giggle before he presses a chaste kiss to your mouth, sending you on your way. 
You do indeed, fill’er up with an assortment of clothes, pajamas, bras, underwear, some shorts, skirts, jeans, and an arrangement of tops and you find a duffel bag that could surely hold it all. You also decide to shop for some feminine care items, sniffing at the different body & hair washes for far too long before finally making your way to find him. 
After looking down far too many aisles, you find him in the firearm section, talking to the worker who shows him a certain gun. You keep planted where you are, not wishing to interrupt, studying him, admiring him as he purchases it at the counter. 
You could've sworn he had one in the truck, saw it in passing. Maybe he just needs another you think, just in case.
“Starin ain’t too friendly baby doll...” He mutters taking control of the grocery cart before pushing it, sliding his basket on top filled with first aid and other basic necessities. 
“Just too handsome, can’t help it,” you apologize with a teasing shrug, looping your arm into his as you walk. 
He gives you a slight snort before you make it to the checkout stand. His hard hand pushes you back slightly out of the way so he can unload the cart. 
You busy yourself as you pick up a nearby magazine off a rack, the corny headline gaining your attention as you flip through it, only for Joel to snatch it from you. 
“Hey!” You whine, nose scrunching up in annoyance as he hands it to the cashier who scans it before he hands it back to you, nudging you out of the way a bit more as he throws the bagged items back into the cart. 
A certain freedom is found as you skip back to the truck, no worries or cares as Joel hollers at you to slow down, the sun now gone, making it easy for a car to hit you, you realize.  
You offer to help pack the bags into the back only for Joel to shoot you a disapproving look, that has you piling into the truck with a quickness. 
Eventually, you both are able to make it to a nearby motel. He tells you that you can stay in the car as he pulls up to the lobby of the motel. 
You decide against it, opening the door as the car barely rolls to a stop. 
“Hey now…” Joel warns, still in the vehicle as he sighs, stressed. Kinda makes your heart beat, his worried reaction. 
“You need to wait till I'm in park and I’ll open the door for you… you understand that?” He speaks seriously once he exits the vehicle, his eyes cutting down at you as his hands place on his hips, seemingly exhausted by your antics as you nod, moving closer to him as your feet scrape against the pavement. 
Your body collides against his chest as you lean up against him to kiss the scar on his nose before reaching up to grab his hat, setting it on your head instead. 
“I got it Joel, but how do I look?” You swiftly change the conversation as he folds his arms over his chest, veins prominent as he flexes lightly. 
“You’re as pretty as a peach in June, ‘f I say so myself, now c’mon…” He offers a small smile before reaching his hand out. 
You take it, sliding your own against it before taking your other hand to cover the other side of his, keeping a two-handed grip as he leads you into the lobby that plays 60’s music & holds an older dude at the front counter who reads a Playboy magazine. 
It takes Joel about a second to place you behind him, before walking up to the counter to greet the guy who speaks in grunts. 
“How many rooms yall need?” 
“One!” You squeak out, poking out from behind his back before Joel pushes you back behind him. 
“Alright, one room, two beds…” Joel mumbles, fishing into his pocket for his wallet as you pout. 
“Joel…” you grumble, fingers tracing along his brawny back. 
“You ain’t getting me into trouble tonight,” He whispers over his shoulder as you can’t help but break out into a smile. He’s old, probably too tired from the drive, you try to remember to tease him about just that. 
“What’d you want to eat?” He asks once you settle into the room, unpacking the Walmart bags, folding your new clothes neatly into the duffel, using the various pockets for other items picked up. 
“Not hungry…” You hum lightly, throwing some pajamas on the bed for post-shower wear. 
“Darlin’…” You know this tone, his stern one, a warning. 
“Joel…” You whine. “I’m used to eating corn nuts every two days, I gotta warm up to eating more food, but I promise I'll eat more.” 
You are quick to hurry to press a kiss to his lips where he stands by the door with arms crossed over his chest, an attempt to shut him up before making your way to the bathroom to turn on the shower, avoiding his disappointment. 
“Alright, I’ll be back real soon…” He hollers as you hear the door open and close. 
Your shower is one of the best ones you can remember. The water hot and the tub not as grimey as others you have come across, but the fact you can wash your hair and scrub every inch of yourself is refreshing. You wish for Joel to know how grateful you are. 
Eventually, you slink into your shorts and tank top made for sleeping, flicking on the television to some Western film, before painting your toenails with some red polish picked up earlier. 
Joel returns eventually, scolding you for not locking the door behind him as you blow onto your drying nails, apologizing before seeing that he brought back some greasy takeout. 
He kicks off his shoes aggressively, exhaustingly, placing some type of chicken nugget and fries on your bed as you roll your eyes slightly but no better than to challenge him, his hard stern telling you to “just eat”. 
You do eat it, dipping fries into ketchup, not wanting to refuse him of anything. Laying on your tummy to eat in silence, watching the film that Joel says is one of his favorites as he finishes his food fast and soon finds himself in the shower after the film ends. 
You try to stay awake to wish him goodnight, maybe get a goodnight kiss but sleep is heavy on you as you eventually wake up to pure darkness & the bedside clock glowing at 3:09 a.m. 
You can’t see him in the room, but you hear his deep snores as you remove yourself from your bed, realizing he must’ve tucked you in as you tear off the sheets. Soft footsteps lead you over to his bed, lifting the covers to slide in. 
You hope it won’t disturb him, you hope he’s comfortable with it as you wrap your arm around him, his back pressed to your chest as you kiss him there, once then twice. 
He stirs, a light sleeper you discover, grunting as he turns towards you, feeling his beard scrape against your cheek as you squeak, his warm lips connecting to yours, softly, sweetly. You sigh openly into the kiss as your tongue pushes against his, a groan whispering in his throat as you desire more. 
However, he’s quick to turn you over, pressing his chest to your back as your body curves to fit into his body, attempting not to pout at the loss of affection but grateful as you find yourself exhausted. 
It isn’t difficult to miss the hardness pressed against your bottom as he holds you tightly to him, it makes you coo as you move closer to one another, his face fitting into the crook of your neck as his breath there gives you butterflies & tickles your skin, your thighs clenching as you rest your hand over his on your stomach. 
“Night, Joel.” 
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” 
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staytinyville · 10 months
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ATEEZ ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU/ Wild West (it’s giving Red Dead Redemption)
New Fanfic for ATEEZ boys. I got no clue yet if it’s gonna be mature quite possibly but we get there when we get there. For now, I’ll be giving warning here if there is a chance of those things. Please enjoy!
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You worked in your family's Inn, attending to the patrons who came and went. The Illusion Inn was built by your grandfather when he had left his hometown in search of work. This was back when the town was barely putting in the cobblestone roads and better infrastructures. When the revolution started hitting closer, the Inn was the first one to house all the workers who were coming to better the city. 
Now though, it wasn’t often that people would stay longer than a day or two, they were only traders moving along to sell their things. You had the select few who had some jobs to do in the area and stayed for longer, but most often than not the hotel always had at least one room open. 
It made working there a lot easier for you seeing as you had three other siblings ranging in age from 20 to 6. The eldest were all placed to work around in some capacity which made the load that much easier to handle. Since being the oldest you were told to manage the front desk as well as the bar while your father was busy handing out drinks to the men who were often seen coming in just for alcohol. 
Being a waitress for the saloon part of the hotel meant you got to meet people of all kinds of class. As well as stories from different parts of the country. Each patron came in with outlandish stories about their journey by horse to Cromer or the gangs they met along the way. 
It was the time in history where so many people found it easier to steal and kill for things rather than do work themselves. Everyone was struggling to some extent. No one was safe from poverty when it came to building a society that was barely starting. 
“I think the outlaw is moving this way,” Some man spoke to your father behind the bar counter. “I heard he shot up a bar in Sharpstown. You better be careful with your family.”
Your father met your eyes as you placed a tray full of empty glasses on the bar. You carried on with your work though, moving to clean the cups you had just cleaned up. 
It was hard to miss the large wanted poster that was plastered nearly on every building in town. The bold Dead or Alive really caught everyone's attention. While it wasn’t uncommon to find a wanted poster of someone, it was rare to have the government want them dead or alive. You must have done something extreme to reach that point. 
“Don’t worry about me, John.” Your father told the man politely. “I’ve seen plenty of outlaws come and go here. You just have to know what to serve them.”
You pursed your lips to keep from giggling at your father. You moved around him to get some empty bottles of liquor before going back to pick up more dirty dishes. It was a rather tame day due to being the middle of the week, so the saloon of the Inn wasn’t really packed. It was easy to forget about the outlaw and his travels.
It was around the time the saloon closed for the night and your younger siblings had all gone to bed that things seemed to change within the air. Your mother was moving things around inside preparing to lock the door for the night, when the sound of horses caught both of your attention. 
You saw your mother pause at the door, moving the stopper to hold it open herself. She spoke some words to someone outside before moving to allow them room to enter. You were quick to put the cash from the day into a box, locking it to keep the two men from seeing just how much you actually had. 
There were two of them, their styled boots hitting the wood flooring with a loud stomp. When they had walked through the threshold, they immediately glanced around the area, assessing the place. 
You weren’t one to shy away from your opinion on people. As a child you would oftentimes get in trouble because you would openly make faces at people. As you grew older and started working with the patrons of the inn you learned how to be more subtle about it. So while these men assessed the inn you took the moment to assess them. 
The tallest one walked ahead of the other, seemingly messing with the bands around his wrists. He only took a glance around the lobby before heading in your direction with purpose. He had a slim face with high cheekbones. The clothes he wore were meant to withstand the weather. He was decked out in leather and cowboy boots.
The other however walked with his shoulders squared, eyes moving about in search of something he might not like. Unlike the tall man, this one had a more stern expression on his face, he looked mature. He wore just about the same clothing as the other, however his pants seemed to stretch over thighs a bit tighter. 
It was especially hard to miss the police badges on their chest as you eyed them up. When they reached you, you had to look up as the man spoke to you first. 
“We would like a room.” He told you. 
The Inn was technically closed for the night so you couldn’t give them a room until the morning. You glanced at your mother first, the woman giving you a nod.
“Just one?” You asked, glancing behind him to his partner. 
“Just one. With two beds if possible.” He didn’t dare to move his eyes from you as you stared him down. 
He didn’t speak more on the subject, but you knew he was coming up with conclusions on his own about the place he had just entered. It left a bubbling feeling in the pit of your stomach to think this person would assume you or your family would bring harm to anyone. Maybe you would if threatened. 
“(Y/N).” Your mother cleared her throat. “Please give these kind officers the room in the back.”
“Of course.” You told her, moving along to get the key you needed. 
“Follow me.” You told them, not waiting to see if they had listened. You could hear their boots clicking on the floor so you knew they had. 
The room was on the first floor towards the back of the Inn. With the building stationed on closer to the outer limits of the town, the view from the windows was of the meadows and neighborhoods. Your grandfather had chosen the area to make it easier for travelers who came by horse or foot to find rest faster. Your home wasn’t that far, which meant oftentimes you all would walk back for a rest. 
“I am the attendant for the night.” You told them in a rehearsed voice. “Should you need anything, I will be in the front.”
With that you immediately left the room and back towards the front with a shiver going down your spine. They weren’t dangerous men from what you could feel, but they still left you with an uneasy feeling.
“I’m going to head home now.” Your mother told you. “Be careful. You know where the gun is.”
It wasn’t the first time it was your turn to take over the night shift. When your parents deemed you old enough to attend to the hotel alone, they took rest and shifted the load. There were other employees as well but they still put you down as someone to watch over the inn. Besides, compared to others they trusted you a bit more. 
It was midnight when you had finished going over the inventory and had decided to go to sleep in the backroom for the night shift worker. Before taking a nap though, you made your rounds around the inn to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary. 
As you passed the two police officers bedroom, there was some shuffling heard but not enough to cause suspicion. Maybe they had still been awake. You shrugged your shoulders and moved along to take your rest. 
That was short lived when around 3 in the morning there was a lot of noise going on outside of the window. There was a good amount of cursing and arguments of trying to keep others quiet as whoever the group was seemed to move along the hotel's side. 
You kept the light off, hoping the street lamps would illuminate the aggressors. All you could make out were silhouettes cluttered at the end of the hotel. You tried to quietly open the window to peak your head out to get a better view. 
The building stretched for a good amount so the group hadn’t caught sight of you peeking in at them. You quickly glared when you noticed them huddled at the window that was meant for the last bedroom of the floor. It was the room where the officers were staying. 
With outlaws in mind, you were quick to put on your boots and a cardigan to cover up your pajamas. You rushed to the front lobby, doing a double take on the rifle leaning against the wall by the door. You made haste to grab it before rushing out of the lobby and into the foggy night. 
When you turned the corner, you raised the gun aiming it towards whoever you could. Before you could shoot to alert others, the last person seemed to have made their way into the window ungracefully. You cursed to yourself quickly rushing to see where they had entered. 
“Hey!” You screamed, rushing forward with the gun aimed right into the bedroom. Your eyes went wide as the barrel pushed into the stomach of the tall officer from earlier in the day. 
His arms were stretched above his head as he was about to shut the window. His eyes went wide as well when he realized someone was looking into the room. He moved to the side in a panic, eyes searching for his leader on what to do. 
As he moved out of the way, you noticed there were more men in the room than you cared to admit. You were more worried about how they all fit into the small space if anything. While your eyes scanned over all of them, you counted 6 new people in total. However the ones that seemed to stop you from scolding them were the two who seemed to be bleeding profusely. 
There was one on a bed, more than likely staining the sheets that made you internally cringe at having to buy new ones. Another was holding onto his shoulder as he seemed to sit across from the one sprawled out on the mattress. 
Just as your wide eyes swept back over the other men, your eyes caught the blue haired man who was looking at you with squinted eyes. 
“Grab her.”
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Series Masterlist
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
I love you, always.
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Fooled round and fell in love blurb
series masterlist
summary: You and Eddie get married on Valentine’s Day, amongst your friends and family. Someone calls to congratulate you, but eddie has another idea in mind.
⚠️warnings: SMUT 18+MDNI, time jump from the original series, mentions of sex, unprotected p in v, getting fucked while on the phone, slight breeding kink, slight daddy kink, cream pie, jealous Eddie, fluff fluff fluff, marriage stuff, Eddie being a devious little shit.
a/n: idea from @a-taurus , thank you babe!
Wanted to update this series and give my bbs their happily ever after, I’m gonna miss them. 🥹
Eddie photo edit: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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You’re about to marry your best friend. You couldn’t believe how far you and Eddie had come. From that incident with Randy, to him finally asking you to be his girl. All of that seemed so long ago, but also, like it was just yesterday. You and Eddie just made three years, he’d purposed on your anniversary and you knew you wanted a Valentine’s Day wedding. you’ve imagined yourself marrying the very man, you are about to on that day. Since, you started writing I heart Eddie Munson, in your notebooks in high school. You just can’t fathom that you are really getting your happily ever after, with the man who swore he’d rather die than get married, but that was when you were kids. He’s done nothing but make you feel loved and adored since.
The weddings small, filled with your closest friends and loved ones. You and Eddie decided on a beautiful garden venue just outside of Indianapolis. You got lucky, the weather was nice and sunny, even in mid February.
You wore a beautiful; white silk dress, that went down to your ankles, while Eddie wore a black on black tux, still decorated with his usual accessories. Everything was perfect. Wayne walked you down the aisle while Eddie sobbed, along with your mom and Robin; she was one of your bridesmaids, of course. Steve on the other side as one of Eddie’s groomsmen, was tearing up a little too.
You were having your very own fairytale moment, in a beautiful garden, marrying the man of your dreams.
Once the wedding was over, you all danced and partied until Eddie and his groomsmen were plastered. After, you both took a cab back to your hotel, you had a flight in the morning to key west, Florida for your honeymoon.
You were grateful to the gods, that you were both up and packed on time. Your honeymoon was everything and more. You and Eddie had amazing sex every night, and even better conversations and laughs. You walked on the beach, got messages and even got him to get a mani and pedi with you. Had amazing dinners at fancy restaurants and enjoyed the night life at some of the clubs around your hotel.
After a week of being in paradise, you were back in Hawkins, moving into your new trailer you and Eddie saved up for. It was a spacious two bedroom, double wide. Nothing fancy, It wasn’t your forever home though. You had plans of renovating, staying in it for a couple years and then selling it, to buy your forever home. You and Eddie had lots of late night talks about it, maybe even, have a kid or two.
Once finally moved in, it felt like old times— movie nights and sleepovers, like you use to have back in high school. But, this time you both were unable to keep your hands to yourselves, being able to kiss on him and touch him ways you wanted to at that time, made you feel like a giddy child. The butterflies never stopped, they probably never would. You got them just by being looked at by him. The way he’d whisper in your ear about something mundane like a part in said movie you were watching, the way he’d rub your thigh, gradually getting closer to your throbbing center, the way he’d play with your hair, after he’d jokingly do the little yawn and stretch move, still making you giggle no matter how many times he’s overused it, but that was the point. He’d do anything to make you giggle, like that.
After months of being married and officially moved in together. You were sitting on your queen sized bed, covered in silky maroon sheets while painting your nails a baby pink. Eddie walks into the room and sits behind you, while rubbing your shoulders and kissing the exposed skin underneath your tank top.
“Ed’s, stay still! I’m painting my nails!” You playfully screech
“Im sorry baby, here let me blow them for you,” he says while taking your left hand in his, and bringing it up to his mouth to softly blow, as he continued to dry your nails, his thumb rubs over your ring finger, playing with the wedding ring he had your mom and Robin help him pick out. He knew exactly what you would like, but he wanted the two people that knew you as well as he did, there. Once he was done with your left hand, he plants a sweet kiss on your knuckles.
The way he continued to make you swoon, with just the little things he did was absolutely hypnotic. He moved on to your right hand and began his ministrations, once he finished up and gave your right hand a kiss to match the left, the phone rang.
“I’ll get it.” Eddie whispers into your ear, sending a cool chill down your spine, and causing your skin to goosebump.
You can hear him answer the phone in the kitchen and begin walking back into your shared bedroom. You received the cordless home phone as a wedding gift from the Harringtons, you and Eddie were rather excited to use that on nights he was away on his mini Midwest tours with corroded coffin.
“Hey um, baby, it’s for you.” He says with his hand on the speaker, as he passes it to you.
Eddie hovered over you with a clenched jaw, and his hands balled up by his sides.
“Hello?” You say hesitantly, as you read Eddie’s face.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice on the other side, says.
You lift the phone from your ear and looked at it in confusion.
“Um, yes. Who is this?” You asked, with furrowed eyebrows.
“It’s Randy.” Your breath hitched, as he said his name.
“Oh, um hi?” You’re even more confused now.
Eddie continues watching you, as he rolls his eyes, hearing Randy’s faint voice.
Then Eddies face turns devilish, as if he’s gotten an idea. That’s never a good thing. That face got you both into trouble, more often than not.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I know this is weird. Me calling you and all,” yeah, tell me about it— you think to yourself.
As Randy continues talking, Eddie’s hand begins rubbing up your thigh, making a surprised whimper release from your parted lips.
“Shh,” He says as his finger goes up to his lip. When he puts it down, the devilish smile reappears.
“So, I was just calling because I heard about the wedding, uh, you and Eddie’s. Congratulations.” Randy says, as Eddie’s hand slips into your black sleep shorts, making another gasp leave you.
“You okay?” Randy asks.
“Mmhm, yeah I’m fine.” You answer back, as you glare at Eddie. Making him huff out a laugh, that he tries to conceal with his hand.
“So, umm. Randy. How did you get this number?” You’re still glaring at Eddie, as he stands up and begins unbuckling his belt. You can’t help but to smile and roll your eyes at your husbands, dirty idea.
“Oh uh, Well, I ran into Dennis at the grocery store, the other day.”
“Dennis? I don’t know a Dennis.” You giggle
“Kid with the curly hair? Um, he’s friends with Eddie.” You know exactly who he’s talking about now, which makes you laugh even harder, well that and Eddie pulling your hips to the edge of the bed, and discarding your shorts and panties.
“Oh, you mean Dustin?” Eddie can’t help but laugh to himself at that, as he takes his cock in his hand and slaps it against your wet center.
“Dustin! Yeah, yeah him! I kind of had to beg.” He began laughing at himself now.
“I’m surprised he gave it you.” You’re trying your hardest to keep your voice normal and steady as Eddie’s cock begins to breech your entrance.
“Well, I promised him it wasn’t in an attempt to take you from Eddie. Just heard the news from Rick about you getting married, and I wanted to just say congratulations…” he continues
“And that I’m sorry,” you start to feel kind of bad, at the fact that Eddie is trying to fuck you, while on the phone with someone who’s making an attempt to apologize. But, Eddie has a way to himself, something about him always makes you want to please him, go along with what he says. You suppose it’s due to love or your never ending infatuation with your husband.
“Sorry? Um s-sorry for what?” You can’t even remember what you were talking about, while Eddie is now completely bottomed out inside you.
“For sending Becky to Eddie’s place, for showing up to your house waisted, trying to fight Eddie. I don’t know, everything. I didn’t want it to end that way, ya know?” He says as Eddie’s slowing pulling out and sinking back into you.
You pull the phone away from your ear. Copying Eddie’s earlier actions of covering the speaker with your hand, as you begin talking to Eddie, while he fucks you.
“Baby, if you go any harder I’m not gonna be able to talk, just please let me get off the phone.” That makes him speed up a little, as a cocky smirk takes over his face.
“Go ahead and talk, sweet thing.”
You roll your eyes as you put the phone back up to your ear.
“Hello?” You hear, forgetting about the guy on the other end. Eddie snaps his hips a little harder, now discarding his slayer band tee and tossing it on to the bed, beside you.
“Y-yeah, I’m here. Sorry.” You stutter out, “well, thank you for that, I-I oh! Appreciate it.” Fuck, you almost got through that whole sentence without giving yourself away. But if Randy caught onto what was going down, he didn’t let it be know, as he continued to talk.
“So, how are you?” He asked.
You put your hand over your mouth, as your eyes start rolling back.
“He asked you a question, baby. Answer him.” Eddie whispers into your free ear, with the same cocky smirk.
God, a part of you wanted to punch him, but another part of you wanted to hang up on Randy and beg Eddie to keep fucking you just like that.
“I’m, I’m good, I’m really really good.” You say, with the last “good” coming out as a moan. Eddie laughs into your neck as he continues fucking you, hard and deep.
“How, um. How are you?” It’s only right, to be polite and ask someone back. Even though you wanted nothing more than to end the call, as quick as possible.
“I’m good, ya know. As good as I can be—” He laughs, but something about it makes you feel sorry for him. You’re an empath after all.
“I’m uh, happy for you both. You might think I’m bullshitting, but I’m glad Eddie was able to stop being a slut and settle down with you. I mean, it makes sense he did it for you. I cant think of another girl more deserving of that.” He rambles
You didn’t really know how to take that, whatever it was. I mean, it sounded like it was coming from a good place but also definitely like he was still bitter about it.
“Well, thank you Randy. I appreciate this phone call.” You said, as Eddie halted his movements after hearing what Randy said. He wanted to snatch the phone from you and tell him to fuck off! But he didn’t.
“Yeah, just thought I owed that to you. Um, you take care, okay?” He says, voice sounding a little shaky.
“Yeah, you too.” You say back, Eddie’s movements starting up again, as he realizes you’re about to end the call.
You hang up, placing the phone on the bed, beside you.
“Eddie! God, that was so embarrassing. I could barely focus on anything he was saying,” you say as you shove his chest, playfully.
“That was the point, my love,” he chuckles while sucking at the sweet spot on your neck.
“Mmm, fuck me harder now, please?” You say as you grab a handful of his hair gently, bringing his lips to yours.
“Yeah? Feel good baby?” He asks, breaking the deep kiss.
“Feels so fucking good, daddy.” You whine
“Such a dirty fucking mouth. Mmm, should I cum in that dirty little mouth? Huh?” He grabs your cheeks and squeezes them, until your mouth is wide open.
“Or do you want my cum, in this tight. fucking. pussy?” He says between hard thrusts.
“Maybe get you pregnant? You want that sweet girl? Wanna have my babies? Fuck, you’d look so sexy, with daddy’s baby inside you, all big and plump.”
“Mmm, fuck I-I want you to cum inside me, please?” You’re so close to cumming, your pussy is squeezing Eddie’s cock like a vice.
“Oh my god!” He shouts as he picks up your legs by the backs of your knees and spreads you out even wider, hitting your spot relentlessly.
“Eddie, I’m gonna cum. Fuck! Please, don’t stop!” The way your eyes won’t stop rolling in the back of your head, is definitely making you look possessed, but it feels way too good to care.
“Fuck yes, cum for me baby. Cum on daddy’s cock.” He’s so close, but he’s trying to wait for you.
“You’re not on the pill right now. Are you sure you want this, princess?” He asks, as he continues his hard thrusts.
“Yes, yes I want it so bad, please?” You’re so close to the edge, but Eddie brings his thumb between your bodies and begins rubbing at your clit, slow but heavy circles. That takes you over the edge, as you moan out while your toes curl.
Every orgasm Eddie has given you seemed to always be better than the last. It was his favorite thing to do, after all.
“I’m cumming baby. Fuck, I’m gonna fill you up!” He says as he pumps warm ropes of cum, deep inside you.
After you both catch you breath, you lay there wrapped in each others embrace. While, Eddie pushes your hair away from your face, giving you kisses all over your cheeks, lips and forehead.
You giggle, as you run your nails down his back, gently rubbing up and down.
“I love you so much, Ed’s.” You whisper to him.
“I love you, always.” He whispers back.
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Thank you for reading ❣️
Comments and reblogs are appreciated
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spyglassrealms · 10 months
I know I joke about hurricanes, because I am a Floridian and that's what we do. But that's because they're Normal, and so all Floridians know the Hurricane Rules. We know how the song and dance goes. West Coasters don't know the Hurricane Rules. You've never needed to know the Hurricane Rules. You guys know the Earthquake Rules, because that's Normal. But because of climate change, Hillary and her cousins are probably going to be a more common occurrence for the southwest. So here are the Hurricane Rules, straight from the Floridian's keyboard.
1: Assume the forecast is going to be wrong, and reality is going to be worse. Get your water jugs and batteries, get your Hurricane Cake, stack the sandbags, board the windows, and put your electronics on a high shelf. And if the NOAA says "category 5" and "landfall" in the same sentence without a "will not" in there, you pack your bags and get the fuck out.
2: Do not fucking go outside. There's surprisingly little lightning in a hurricane, but that's not the problem. It's the wind. The wind will knock you off your feet, either outright or by flinging heavy debris at you. You will not get back up again.
3: If the wind doesn't get you, the water will. Even after the storm has passed, stay the hell away from moving water, both on foot and in a vehicle. When the the flooding has settled down, then you break out the flat bottoms and jet skis and kayaks. Don't fucking swim in it, okay? Don't. The southwest may not have alligators like we do, but all the same you do NOT want to know what's in there. (It's mostly sewage.)
Also, your soil isn't built for inundation, and you've got hills there. Mudslides are going to happen, so be careful of mountain driving in the week or so after the storm comes through.
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alalaya2 · 1 year
Decided to continue this enjoy
Part 2 Ecto hits the fan
While Tim found the hornet nest that would cause the JL to be up in arms ready to attack the United States government . There was a town in the west of Huntington ky on the ohio side of the river in Amity Park. The young King was looking up at the night sky he was floating high enough that most Ecto weapons wont hit him and if any GIW had a jet packs he would hear them coming with enough time to get away.
He had just turned 16 today and Clockwork has finally told him that he was now the king of the infinite realm. Things were going to happen soon and fast the realms themselves were gearing for war. If things didn’t change soon. Then he, as the king, would have to lead them to battle.
Danny closed his eyes let the light of the stars shine over him. It was getting harder to keep both the humans and ghosts safe from the GIW. They didn’t care who they hurt Star and Wes were still in the hospital from when a stray shot from agent O nearly killed them. If Danny had been a second late they would’ve been crushed by the tree Agent O had shot down. As it was Wes had a broken arm and Star had broken 4 ribs while both of them had a concussion.
Last year his entire class had discovered his identity after an incident with Vlad. They had all started to help him because members of team Phantom. His parents had interrupted Boxy’s and Lunch Lady’s bonding ceremony and now admitted that ghosts were sentient and not all ghosts were evil. He finally told him that he was a halfa two months ago so things were going well at the home front at least.
While his personal life was getting better it didn’t change the fact that he was not ready to be a king and he didn’t want to go to war. Phantom opened his eyes looking at a satellite and wondering if it was the Famous watchtower. Most of the tower had tried to contact the JL many times his first year as a hero. They had thought that the first time was a prank call and by the next call the GIW had started to put up an informal barricade. No other calls had gotten through.
Tucker had hacked their system and found out that by the end of the first year. No information about the ghost were available to anyone outside of Amity and anyone who was in Amity was heavily edited to the rest of the world Amity Parker’s didn’t exist. Danny’s first thought was to fly up to the watchtower himself and tell them what was happening. Sam had stopped him while Amity wasn’t public knowledge the Anti-Ecto acts were publicly available. This either meant they knew and agreed with them or they didn’t know and we’re being kept in the dark. Now he couldn’t leave even if he wanted to it was too dangerous for his people for him not to be around.
His ghost senses went off and he sighed. His rouges had been getting better at not being destructive but The GIW were also out. He looked down to see Ellie running from the GIW. protective rage thrummed through his core
Not My Daughter
He took off like a shot his core screamed as he saw Ellie take a shot to the back. Ectoplasm seeping down her back as she was still trying to get away.
“Papa!” She cried out as she saw him coming.
Dani now called Ellie had finally stabilized and had created a parent- child bond with him. He could feel the echo of pain from that bond.
“Ellie” he cried out looking at the GIW he noticed the had a net. “Ellie look out” he pushed her out of the way the net wrapped around him and a high electric current went through the net. The last thing he saw before passing out was Wulf grabbing Ellie and taking her to safety
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seungrem · 4 months
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Bang Chan x m!reader
‘Life Without You’ - Part 1 of 2
anon request - masterlist - Part 2
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summary: Male!reader and Chan share a special connection in their teen years, though a difference in goals and family disapproval cuts their time short. Years later, someone attempts to pick up the pieces they both had left behind.
( overview: student & idol chan, student & non-idol reader, breakup, right one, wrong time trope )
( slight mentions: homophobia and family issues, arguing, and closeted feelings )
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ty anon for being my first request! Very happy to write for you. <3 Part 2 soon!
emoji code:
+🫧 (angst)
🌿 (around 4k words, part 1 of 2)
☁️ (means y/n)
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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The sun hung high toward the west, glistening above thin clouds. Chan rested his head on the school desk as he watched those clouds linger past the window. With only a few minutes of class left, the boy tuned out whatever the teacher was saying. He thought about the boy he was going to be meeting after school- the one with the beautiful smile and soft touch.
He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of books closing and zippers sliding, him quickly picking his head up and packing his bag. The bell rang, the students hurrying to depart as it was now the end of the day. Chan was the last to leave as he threw his backpack around his shoulder and patted down his school uniform. He moseyed out of his class, catching eyes with that extra-special boy.
☁️ rested his back against the wall right outside of Chan’s classroom, eyeing the boy up as he smiled. Chan smiled flirtatiously as the boy in front of him gave him a sudden boost of energy. It was almost as if ☁️ was the sunlight to Chan’s plant cell, or whatever the teacher was saying. He approached ☁️ and greeted him.
“Hey.” ☁️ replied slyly, his back still against the wall as Chan placed his body only inches from ☁️’s.
☁️ nodded, the two then strolling side by side down a hallway of tans and browns. They stepped outside into the crisp air as clouds began to block the sun. ☁️ and Chan settled at the nearest picnic table, many other students having already done the same. Talking amongst themselves or doing schoolwork, they paid no mind to the two boys. Chan looked around nervously, though he always did this when around ☁️ in public. The two sat across from each other, ☁️ placing his head into his hands.
This pattern of sitting outside after school became tradition as the two boys had been spending a lot of time together recently. Having met through a group project, the two very obviously felt something for each other. After becoming friends, that feeling was more than platonically mutual. Both were scared to fully act on it, the fear of what others would think restraining them.
The two talked for a while as the clouds departed from the sky, the sun’s rays now shining through the tree branches above. Chan periodically lookedaround, resulting in ☁️ becoming irritated.
“Why do you always do that? Am I that embarrassing to be around?” His tone didn’t change as to not start an argument.
“I always tell you this- I’m not embarrassed to be around you, I’m just..”
“Paranoid?” ☁️ said without much emotion, trying not to roll his eyes. Chan sighed and shook his head, looking down at the table. The two argued about the idea of them together in public pretty often.
“It’s fine, though. Do you wanna go?” ☁️ grabbed his backpack strap and threw the bag over his shoulder. Chan did the same, the two waking together out of the school’s patio and down the sidewalk. With ☁️ to his left, Chan discreetly analyzed his friend’s face and figure.
“You’re going to come over, right?” Chan asked, him still looking over to his friend.
“Would you like me to?” ☁️ responded, almost sarcastically. He kept his head pointed forward.
Chan sighed and grabbed the boys arm. He wrapped ☁️’s hand around his bicep as they continued down the empty sidewalk.
“Of course I would.”
“Hmph.” ☁️ scoffed at Chan, though he couldn’t help but smile afterward. He wouldn’t glance over to Chan until they finally arrived to Chan’s house. ☁️ let go of Chan’s arm to walk up the steps behind him, the two stepping in and taking their shoes off. Chan ran over to the kitchen where his mom was, which he usually did to greet her and let her know that his friend was over. The two then ran upstairs, holding hands as they did so. Walking into Chan’s room, ☁️ placed himself on top of Chan’s bed as his friend closed the bedroom door. Chan walked over to the boy, pushing his shoulder back and softly falling next to him on the bed. ☁️ smiled and wrapped an arm around Chan’s neck as Chan pulled the two closer to each other. Now lying on their sides, the two rested while holding each other. Chan placed a kiss on ☁️’s forehead as he laid with his eyes open, admiring the beauty of his friend.
He thought about the idea of him becoming something more with ☁️, dismissing it as he thought about his future. He didn’t want to address his goals as it would probably cause the two to split permanently, and he enjoyed ☁️’s company too much. He knew that the both of them would be devastated, more so himself.
The boy in front of Chan fell asleep in his arms, Chan using this opportunity to replace his arm with a pillow. He draped a warm blanket over ☁️, watching as the boy rested peacefully.
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☁️’s eyes opened to see Chan laying on his stomach beside him, typing on his computer. The window’s blinds were closed and a lamp light was on. ☁️ darted upwards.
“How long have i been asleep?”
“A good hour.” Chan grabbed ☁️’s shoulder and pulled the boy onto his back, cuddling him close.
“You should probably head home.. you know how your family gets.” Chan looked down and smiled as he climbed over ☁️, resting his face into his neck. ☁️ laughed at the tingly feeling and moved his hand down Chan’s shirt.
“I thought you wanted me to go home.”
Chan lifted his head. “I don’t want you to go home. But you should. I’ll walk you.”
“It’s fine, I don’t think my family is very fond of you.”
“Oh, why?”
“..No reason in particular.” ☁️ looked at Chan, who looked taken aback, as though he was offended. ‘He would be more upset if he knew why..’ ☁️ thought to himself.
He lifted Chan’s arm from his body as the two climbed off of the bed. ☁️ stretched and grabbed his backpack, Chan shutting his computer screen.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” ☁️ announced as he threw his backpack over his shoulder.
“At least let me walk you out.” Chan sighed with an emotionless expression across his face. He opened the room door, motioning the boy to walk through first.
The two made their way back downstairs, ☁️ opening the front door and stepping outside. Chan leaned against the door as ☁️ walked out, ☁️ waving behind him as he walked down the porch steps. Chan waved back, though ☁️ had already turned around and made his way home.
The sky was transitioning from orange to purple as ☁️ walked home. There was a slight breeze again, causing him to shiver slightly.
☁️ approached his home, sighing. Just as he reached for the door knob, the door swung open, his mother on the other side.
“☁️, where were you?”
“I was at a friend’s house. You know I always hang out with friends after school.”
“Which friend?”
“Which one, ☁️?”
☁️ walked through the door, walking past his mother as he dropped his bag down. He hesitated to answer her question.
“It was Chris.”
“☁️ you know how I feel about that behavior.”
“I wasn’t implying anything, he’s just my friend.”
“I don’t believe you.”
☁️ sighed and took his shoes off, turning his back to his mom. He grabbed his bag and turned to face her again.
“I don’t want you hanging out with him anymore.”
“Mom, I don’t see him that way..”
“You can like boys when you have your own home, not while you’re in mine.”
☁️ remained silent and nodded, turning around and walking to his room. He shut the door and climbed into bed, the weight of his emotions rendering him immobile.
Chan and ☁️ had been “seeing” each other for the past few months, but it’s been very hard to move past this awkward phase they were in. It could be because of ☁️’s family and their beliefs, or it could be because Chan thinks that he has an image that he must maintain. Regardless, a decision had to be made soon, which stressed ☁️ out.
Hopeless and tired, ☁️ skipped dinner and decided to get ready for bed early. He quickly fell asleep after changing and brushing his teeth.
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☁️ walked down a school staircase alone, though he quickly spotted the boy he was meeting. The boy smiled and waved from a table in the cafeteria. Smiling and waving back, ☁️ took a deep breath as he walked over to him.
Chan’s best friend since, well, forever, Felix knew everything about him. This included ☁️ and Chan’s “friendship.”
After asking to speak to the boy privately, ☁️ sat down at Felix’s table. The two of them sat alone while everyone in the surrounding tables disregarded the world around them.
“Thanks for doing this, Felix. I wanted to talk about Chris.” ☁️ placed his bag beside him and looked at the boy, who had a small carton of strawberry milk in front of him.
“Sure, what about him?”
“I know that you know about us, and we’ve been very stagnant in our relationship. We aren’t.. anything, but I used to hope that we would eventually be.. something. Does that make sense?”
Felix nodded his head in understanding, looking around him as he thought to himself.
“Where would you say you two stand, as of right now?”
“I’m not sure, we just hang out sometimes. And spend time alone occasionally.”
Felix raised an eyebrow, ☁️ not sensing judgement from his action, but rather a suggestive thought.
“So like, a situationship..?”
“No, it’s.. more intimate than that. I think.”
Felix nodded again, looking down at the table.
“I don’t think you should take it personally, Chris has a lot going on. He recently got recruited into an entertainment company, and plans on becoming an artist.”
That news shocked ☁️ as he thought to himself. “Why wouldn’t he tell me that..”
“I’m sure he planned to, and I’m also sure it’s difficult to choose between his dream and a life with you.”
☁️ felt his throat become dry. He was upset that Chan would hide something so important. Realizing that they haven’t communicated their future with each other, he knew they had always been happy to just be in each other’s presence.
Felix watched as ☁️ became lost in his own thoughts. He felt bad for both ☁️ and Chan. The two had so much love to give, especially Chan, as he’s told Felix in private. Chan also informed Felix about ☁️’s family and their beliefs, Chan also ranting to Felix about the family’s odd dislike of him. Felix knew that fate had other plans for the pair, but kept it to himself.
“You should really talk to Chan. I’m sorry he didn’t tell you about this.”
☁️ looked up from Felix as the boy dragged him out of his thoughts. “Thanks Felix. I appreciate it.”
Felix nodded with a sympathetic smile, ☁️ then grabbing his bag and taking off to his next class.
Chan took his time to pack up as the bell rang. The last one to leave the class, he saw ☁️ across the hallway, except his expression was different today. The boy didn’t have a playful smile as he usually did, but rather a gloomy gaze. Chan approached him, stopping only until they were a few inches apart.
“Chan.” ☁️’s tone wasn’t aggressive or annoyed, but rather the opposite. His voice was soft and precise, causing Chan to become hesitant.
“You okay?”
“Yes, I spoke to Felix today. He told me about your recruitment into an agency.”
Chan didn’t say anything and looked from ☁️’s face to the floor.
“Why didn’t you tell me about that? I didn’t even know you were interested in music.”
Chan took a few steps back from ☁️, avoiding eye contact.
“We should walk and talk.”
☁️ pushed off of the wall and threw his backpack over his shoulder. ☁️’s eyes never leaving the Chan’s, the two began down the hallway in silence.
Annoyed this time, ☁️ asked again.
“Is that why you didn’t wanna be more.”
“There’s more to it, ☁️.” Chan replied almost immediately. ☁️ stopped walking, though Chan took a few steps forward and turned around.
“Like what?” ☁️ raised an eyebrow at him.
“Your family. The people here at school. My agency. I can’t..” Chan took a pause. “I need to protect my reputation to become an artist. I can’t afford to have rumors spread. And your family wouldn’t let us be together, anyway.”
“So you didn’t plan to commit at all?” ☁️ was frustrated, this frustration leaking into the tone of his voice. Chan looked around and sighed aggressively.
“☁️, please don’t put the fault on me. If everything was perfect, I’d want to be with you, forever. But everything isn’t perfect. You also need to think- you could get in so much trouble if your family found out about us. I don’t want that..”
☁️’s heart sank, knowing that he was, at least somewhat, right. If they lived in a perfect world, people wouldn’t see them differently. If they lived in a perfect world, they could be together, and without worry. Tears formed in his eyes as he quickly wiped them away.
“Yeah, I get it.”
“I don’t regret.. my time with you. I just don’t…” Chan paused again, not sure how to word what he was trying to say without hurting ☁️’s feelings more.
“It’s fine, you don’t need to explain yourself any more.”
A few students walked past the two, Chan grabbing ☁️ by the arm and softly pulling him against the wall so they wouldn’t see him upset.
“I didn’t want to make you upset, okay?” Chan wiped ☁️’s face with his shirt.
“I was just really scared to tell you. I was avoiding it and ended up making you upset anyway. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, I had my expectations too high.” ☁️ was now the one avoiding eye contact with Chan.
“When you said that I should be realistic, especially about my family, I realized..”
“I didn’t say it like that..” Chan said with a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The two stood in silence for a moment, Chan still in front of ☁️ against the wall. ☁️ noticed Chan’s eyes shimmering in the sunlight, as if he held a vast ocean inside.
“I guess this means we’ll go our separate ways, then?” ☁️ wiped his face with his sleeves one last time. Chan grabbed the boys hand.
“I’ll respect any decision that you make.”
“It’s not like I really have options, Chris.”
“Oh, yea.. Sorry.”
☁️ let go of Chan’s hand and moved off of the wall. The two stared at each other for a while, admiring each other for what seemed like the last time. ☁️ watched as rays of sunshine hit Chan as he looked from ☁️ to the floor. ☁️ could tell Chan was defeated, though, so was he.
“I guess.. I’ll see you around then.” ☁️ looked over to Chan expectantly, the boy nodding and muttering a ‘yea.’
“Would you at least let me walk you home?”
“I don’t think I need you to. Thanks, though.”
☁️ turned his back to Chan and walked to the staircase, slowly making his way down. He didn’t turn around, but assumed Chan stood motionless, watching him walk away. ☁️ had a lot of thoughts going through his mind, but tuned them out as he stepped outside. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, though the wind was heavy and cold, for springtime anyway.
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“Did you stop talking to that boy?” ☁️’s mother walked into his room, where the boy laid flat on his bed once again.
“Yes, we don’t talk anymore. Partially because of you.”
“I’m just trying to protect and teach you.”
“Protect me from what? And teach me what?” ☁️ spoke calmly, rising up slowly to face his mother. He was already agitated.
“Teach you that this.. behavior.. is not okay. Liking boys is not okay, ☁️. You do whatever you want outside of this house, but you will not bring that here to your family. I love you and I’m trying to show you that there is a better world out there for you.”
☁️ mentally rolled his eyes as his mother continued to curse his existence. He felt just as bad for her as he did for himself, though. She truly did mean well in her mind, though she couldn’t see that there was a world beyond her point of view, too.
“I’ll.. look into it.” ☁️ looked at his mother with a blank expression, him just wanting her to leave at this point. She nodded emotionlessly and closed his room door.
As he laid his head back down, his door opened again. He didn’t pick his head up, but knew it was his father by the way he threw the door open.
“I know you already talked to your mom. I expect better from you moving forward.”
☁️ laid on his back as he stared at his ceiling, his dad slowly closing his room door. ☁️ sighed as he curled up around his pillow, allowing his emotions to finally consume him. The ocean in his eyes began to shimmer this time, with small streams leaking out. Flowing along the side of his face, gentle streams became harsh rivers.
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☁️ wandered school halls and streets alone in the months following his departure from Chan. Now the first one out of his classes, ☁️ quickly left the school and walked home everyday. This was to please his family, but more-so to avoid Chan and his friends.
When the two would catch the other’s eye in the halls, ☁️ would look away. He didn’t want to be reminded of the time they spent, or wasted, together.
No contact was made a bit easier by the block button below Chan’s number. Social media became less interesting, not that Chan ever used it anyways.
Graduation approached quickly. ☁️ celebrated with his family before preparing to leave abroad for higher education.
By the end of the school year, ☁️ managed to make new acquaintances while also keeping busy. Chan was still rummaging through his mind, though, making a mess of his thoughts. ☁️ was no longer upset, but still held on to a bit of the love he wanted to give Chan. The boy now had his own ambitions and goals, focusing solely on working towards them without distractions.
The move came quickly as ☁️ was prepared to start fresh. A new country, with new people, and new opportunities. Eventually, the Chan that made a mess in ☁️’s mind began to fade out of existence, ☁️ only seeing the boy as a lesson learned. Occasionally, though, he would visit Chan’s social media account to see if anything had changed.
After a few months of moving abroad, Chan’s account became unavailable. ☁️ assumed Chan had blocked him or deactivated it. This resulted in ☁️ checking his friend’s, Felix’s, account every few weeks. After a year of moving, Felix’s account became unavailable as well. ☁️ gave up on trying to keep up with the two, deleting the app entirely as it no longer served him. He was sure to keep his account, just in case of course.
Attending classes, meeting new people, and working a simple side job occupied ☁️ so much that Chan was no longer a thought. ☁️ would forget what he sounded like, and what he felt like. Initially, it was a terribly despairing feeling, ☁️ eventually deeming it necessary to finally move forward. It took graduation, a summer break, and a college semester, but ☁️ had finally leaned to be content in his independence.
Now, ☁️ lived in control of his future. He was away from his family and no longer yearning for someone special. Nothing could throw him off pace now.
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likes, comments & reblogs appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
a/n: part 2 coming soon, come back in March. ~*+ Thanks for reading!
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yve-barr · 6 months
Promise braids -part 2
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Just wanna say I hate this so much but y'all deserve something.
Part one is here 👇
I might right a part 3 but honestly part 2 took a lot out of me.
@goose-gremlin love you gurl! Tysn for hyping this up for me❤️
@maeriel-arnosel you too 🤗
I'm so sorry everyone else who wanted tagged it's just not working 😞
Warnings: legolas, injury, shitty writing on my part, adult theme?, lil rushed, violence, smut, public sex,
When the time came for you both to rise from the floor and say goodbye you felt your heart sink into your stomach. So little time had been spent between you two.
You both walked to the door, a fresh braid in your hair.
"I shall miss you my love," you whispered to him in elvish.
"as I shall miss you," he hugged you tight and snuck kisses along your neck.
Then he joined Gimli and Aragorn outside.
"you know I happen to own a certain cloak that makes the wearer completely undetectable to those she does not wish to find her."
"and what about an unbetrayed heart? Because I happen to be in need of one," you sighed.
"no I don't however I do have a spare horse if one was to need it."
"I can't go with you," you looked him dead in the eye.
"why not?"
"because he needs to know I'm safe," you replied honestly.
"then stay safe with him," the old wizard smiled, and you returned it.
"he wouldn't let me leave," you could feel giddy butterflies in your stomach.
"then wait for us to be out of sight then head northwest."
"thank you," you grinned before dashing off to gather your things.
By the time you had everything together and changed into riding clothes the others were well on there way. Checking you had everything you glimpsed the bow legolas had trained you with many years ago.
Grabbing it you brought everything outside.
Just as you packed everything onto the horse Gandalf had left you, you heard a horn blowing of in the distance. Your stomach dropped.
The orcs had arrived.
Your heart in your ears you quickly mounted your horse and directed her north west.
You could hear the beginnings of fear as screams rang through the town.
You felt sick to your stomach as you kicked your horse's sides and galloped off.
Praying you'd made it out in time you glanced back at the town which was gradually being ingulfed in flames.
You let out the breath you'd been holding.
You rode faster up the steep hill, when you turned around you saw them the orcs unlike any you'd ever seen.
Bigger, stronger, scarier.
They had swords the size of ponies and spears to match.
The archers had bows the size of saplings. The arrows as sharp as broken hearts.
The same arrows that were souring through the sky.
Quickly you forced your horse faster, but not fast enough.
You could hear the others. They had stopped in a valley with a lone tree near the edge and a small stream gurgling around.
There chatter blurred almost as much as your vision as you slipped from your horse. Hitting the ground with a thud.
Legolas turned his head picking up his bow as he went.
"what are you doing?" Asked Aragorn.
"I heard something," legolas answered simply.
Quietly Aragorn, and Gimli followed him.
Then legolas saw you lying on the ground your breath coming in uneven gasps.
"Y/n," he rushed towards you dropping his bow and arrow to the ground. He picked you up in his arms.
Then he saw the blood streaming from the arrow wound in your lower back.
"She's hurt," Aragorn called to Gandalf.
"Bring her to me," Gandalf called and legolas sprung to his feet almost running over to the wizard.
Your eyes fluttered open as legolas placed you down on your stomach.
"I have something that may help," said Gandalf and he took a small bottle filled with a clear liquid out of his pocket.
"will it hurt her?" Legolas asked.
"extremely," replied Gandalf. "I need to access her back."
Legolas undid the laces at the back of your dress top, leaving your back exposed but he made sure your breasts would be mostly hidden.
"elavate her head and chest so she can breath," Gandalf said.
Legolas shifted so that your top half lay across his lap, his legs crossed.
Then Gandalf removed the cork from the bottle and poured a little of the liquid onto the wound.
It smoked and sizzled. And you screamed.
Legolas tried to comfort you by holding your hand and stroking your hair but it did nothing.
Pain racked your body as the liquid entered your blood stream and ripped its way through your entire being.
Gandalf flinched away momentarily before pouring more liquid onto the gash.
You screamed louder.
"STOP!" You screeched. "PLEASE!" Legolas bent over you holding you tight to him.
Gimli turned away and Aragorn stared at the ground.
"please make it stop," you whimpered tears stinging your eyes.
Gandalf looked at you simpatheticly.
Your wound had disappeared leaving nothing but a faint red mark.
Legolas tied your top closed and sat you up in his arms cradling you into his chest.
"I'm sorry my love," legolas muttered to quietly for anyone else to hear.
"why did you leave?" You murmered before losing conciousness.
Legolas felt tears escape his eyes for the second time that day as he sobbed over your unconscious form.
When you awoke you were on a fine white horse with someone riding behind you.
As the horse jostled you about you felt yourself sliding right but the person behind you quickly righted you pulling you into his chest.
"I'm here," Legolas replied from behind and stroked the side of your face with the back of his hand.
"where are we going?" You asked sleepily.
"into the mountains," he answered leaving a sweet kiss on your neck. "Don't worry you will be safe there."
"Your leaving me?" You turned to look at him.
"We have to my love," he whispered his name for you in elvish.
You sighed and looked at your surroundings, you didn't want to argue with him right now.
You could see the level path gradually steepening, higher and higher until it disappeared amongst the trees.
Once you had traveled for what seemed like hours you reached a small cave in the mountain side. The cave extended about 5 meters back and 3 wide.
Silently you all dismounted your horse's.
"here we are," said Gandalf jesturing to the cave.
"and I'll be safe here?" You asked unsure. Trying to resist the urge to cling to legolas even with his hand in the small of your back. Especially with his hand on the small of your back.
"yes," said Aragorn, "no one will pass through here and if they do they shalln't see you."
"ok," you smiled and you took your small amount of luggage with you into the cave.
"oh and y/n, if someone does happen to come this way do not make a sound. Even if you are bleeding out onto the ground do not let anyone find you. They cannot enter this cave unless they see or hear you. You understand?"
Slightly taken aback you agreed and the company moved on.
"GOODBYE!" Called Gimli and legolas waved.
Wishing legolas was there you searched through your bags for the book you knew you'd packed, as it was your favourite and you had often spent whole nights with your nose stuck in between the pages.
Finding said book you settled down in a small alcove at the back of the cave with your bags resting beside you and began reading.
The story was on old one written by the first elves to travel to middle earth. It was about valinor, a place so pure that many elves were now traveling back to it.
Alas you could not return, not because of your human father. But you could settle for your imaginery version.
You would love to hear how it was now but no elves ever returnes from valinor.
The last thing you heard before drifting of to sleep was a horn blasting through the still silence.
When you awoke it was mid-day and the sun was streaming into the cave.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes you looked out at the lone tree gaurding the exit to your cave you saw shadows moving across the entrance.
Stiffling a gasp you shot back into the alcove.
You could hear bustling around outside before it all went silent. Peaking around the rock you could make out vague shapes lingering by the door.
Hurriedly you ducked back down reaching for the double recurve bow at your feet.
A voice came from outside and you let out a shaky breath collapsing your head into your hands.
"I swear she was right here," said Gimli.
"She was, she was right here," added Aragorn.
"maybe something happened?"came gandalfs voice.
"hopefully she's close by," said Gimli.
You made to stand up but froze. There were four shadows, three voices.
Legolas was there but hadn't spoken.
Silently you sat back down.
"where is she?" Gimli asked.
When you realise your name hadn't been mentioned you thanked your lucky star you hadn't walked out.
"where is she?" Gimli's voice asked again.
It wasn't them.
"probably gone," said Gandalf.
Suddenly you felt a sharp twing of pain in your head and you massaged your temple.
"I can feels it," whispered a wet voice.
Clasping your forehead you curled in on yourself. Wishing for the pain to end. You could feel your consciousness disappearing.
"it's in here," rasped another.
Then you heard the twang of a bow string and the thud of an arrow finding its mark.
Then three more times, before silence.
The throbbing in your head stopped and you straightened your back. Tempted to peer around the corner you shuffled further back against the wall.
You could hear footsteps outside quickly closing in.
"Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU OK?" Came legolas's frantic voice.
You peeped around the wall of the alcove and saw him walking inside the cave.
"yeah, I'm here," you called back meekly.
"oh thank god," legolas rushed to your side and knelt before you, "are you alright are you hurt?"
"no, I'm fine," you replied truthfully and he sighed in relief.
"I was worried."
"where are the others?"
"they sent me ahead, they are just coming," he said but his eyes didn't meet yours.
"legolas?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I ran ahead when I saw you weren't alone "
He helped you to your feet. Then he peaked outside seeing that the others were quite far off legolas turned back to you.
"we have five minutes," he said before slamming his hand beside your head and pulling you into him, kissing you agresively.
Melting into him you trailed your hands up his side's, resting them on his cheeks.
Legolas pushed your back up against the wall, his hand which was previously gripping your waist found its way to your breast, slowly needing it.
You moaned into his mouth and you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip before he took it in-between his teeth and rolled it around.
You pulled him impossibly closer and rapped your arms around his neck.
Panting he stopped gazing into your eyes. His own filled with longing.
"I love you," he whispers you tried to reply but he silenced you with his mouth. You gasped and opened your mouth wider, this must have been what he wanted because seconds later he had his tongue in your mouth.
The sounds of footsteps haulted your kiss.
"Y/N!" Called a voice much to close.
"I thought you said five minutes?" You whispered to legolas. He merely shrugged and walked out of the alcove.
"we are here!" He called out and suddenly Aragorn was upon you checking you to see if you were ingured.
"are you hurt?" He flustered about you.
"I am unharmed Aragorn," you assured him and pushed him back.
"I told you so," said Gimli as he hobbled up to you a humungus grin on his face.
"what bet did you win?" You asked him cheerily.
"Forty three!" Cried Gimli before he turned to see if Gandalf had arrived.
You turned to legolas for an explanation.
He merely looked at his feet and mumbled "one, it was one point," before sneeking his hand into yours looking for simpathy.
You gave it, squeezing his hand tight and rubbing your thumb across his nuckles.
Aragorn watched this exchange closly.
"so you two are really close then?" He asked.
"oh god yeah," you smiled back. "We're like siblings."
"Ah Y/n you are alright?" You nodded in response to Gandalfs question, "good, then we must make hast too Isengard."
"wait what about me? Legolas said I shan't be going to Isengard?" You pointed out.
"oh did he?" Said Aragorn. "Legolas failed to mention that."
All three looked to legolas sternly.
"in my defense," legolas trailed off unable to think of an excuse.
"well I suppose you could stay with the woman if Rohan," suggested Gandalf.
"Then I must stay aswell, harm befalls her whenever I leave," legolas objected.
"yeah, or legolas who is needed could go and I can fight with you guys?"
"No way," they all responded in unison.
"Tch," you tutted and walked too the entrance whilst the others discussed what to do with you.
Hopping down over rocks you walked further away. Following a small burn trickling down next to you.
That's when you heard it a rasping choking sound. The throbbing in your head returned.
"Gots you," gurgled the thing at your feet.
"Legol-" you tried to call out but you fell to your knees the pain in your head intensifying.
As the thing slowly crawled towards you, you kicked out landing a solid kick to its eye making it squeal in pain as it rithed around.
"Help," you cried a lot quieter but the thing at your feet heard.
"No helps for you," it said before lurching forward knocking your head against a rock. Blood poured into your eyes and you fumbled around for a weapon.
Finding a loose rock your turned to the creature bringing the rock down around its head. In the back of your mind you heard the twang of an arrow. But the creature seemed unbothered as it sunk its teeth into your calf.
You screamed an ear piercing scream and attempted to kick off the thing. Holding your rock more tightly you brought it down a second time this time hitting its jaw.
With a sickening crunch the creatures eyes flicked up to yours.
"Fiesty it is," a mix of saliva and blood pooled on your leg. You squeeked and tried to shuffle backwards but the pain in your leg was unimaginable. "Oh it's not leaving, it's not leaving," it laughed.
"Yes she is," cried Aragorn bringing his sword down splitting the creature's head in two. You let out a weak gasp.
Catching your breath you let your head fall back against soft moss.
"Thank you, I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing," he said pulling you into a tight imbrace.
"Where's legolas?"
"You know he heard you scream and ran out with naught but a single arrow and his bow."
"Then why is he not here?"
"Isn't it obvious, he missed,' Aragorn gestured to a singular arrow in the wood of a tree a few feet away.
"Oh," you said momentarily forgetting the pain in your leg but it was remembered harshly when you attempted to move.
Cursing Aragorn lifted you up holding you tight against him.
Tears soaked your cheeks as you cried in agony.
Aragorn started to run back up the mountain. Calling out as he did.
The blood loss would have knocked you unconscious but the pain kept you awake.
The cold stone of the cave floor did nothing to cool the hot pain searing through your body.
"Y/N!" Legolas knelt next to you but didn't touch you.
"Legolas," you reached your hand up to his face and he held it there.
You could hear gandalf ordering the other two around but your pain deluded mind didn't register it, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"Y/n I so sorry, I should have brought more arrows I should have helped more," his tears streaked his fave and landed on yours.
"It's ok, it's not your fault," you could feel someone wrapping bandages round your leg and you squeezed your eyes tight shut so you didn't scream. "Can I go with you know?"
"I am never leaving your side again."
"Thank you."
The road was rough everyone was tired as you trekked through marsh and forest alike.
You were camping out in a small gorge fire crackling and spitting.
***skipable smut from here till the next cut***
Everyone lay a few meters away from were you and legolas were sitting, all fast asleep.
You were proped up against a tree whilst he was leaning on your shoulder.
You were quite a bit away from the others so it came as no surprise to either of you that they hadn't heard you yet.
Legolas's hand was buried beneath your skirt, 'checking your bandages'.
His face was nestled in your hair his fingers working a silent apology on your clit.
You struggled to stay quiet his long fingers spreading your wetness around your folds.
you squirmed slightly and he picked up the pace rubbing circles around your sensitive bud making you whimper.
His fingers moved faster as you ground your hips against them desperate for more.
His other hand moved from your thigh up to your breast slowly massaging it and pinching at your nipple.
Wet squelching sounds erupted as he slipped his finger inside your soaked entrance quickly adding a second as you clenched around him.
His fingers pumped in and out of you in time with his hand on your breast making you moan and grip his thighs your legs spreading outwards.
He slowly let go of your breast his hand joing his other between your things only this one drew slow circles around your clit.
Your breathing quickened as his hands worked you faster.
suddenly you came letting out a silent moan.
He kept going through your orgasm until you had finished and her slowly pulled his fingers out of you and popped them in his mouth sucking them clean.
****end smut****
silence rung loud through the clearing broken only by gimlis uneven ear splitting snore.
The moon was high in the sky casting long shadows, and the cold air hung like a weighted blanket.
you fell asleep leaning against Legolas his breathing luling you to sleep.
Even with the ground poking you uncomfortably his arms were like a weighted blanket on your thoughts.
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itspbandjellytime · 3 months
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The Assistant [Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader] - Chapter 3
Plot: Y/N Waldorf is fresh out of college and her first job is being Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant, but what Y/N doesn't know is that Hailee is hiding a huge secret from the general public and from her, as her assistant.
Notes: This is a multi-chapter fic, you can also read this on wattpad under the same username "itspbandjellytime". This fanfic is also going to contain NSFW themes in the near future, so if you're under the age of 18 please don't read this. Thank you!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Word count: 1.4k words
[Y/N's POV]
The next day arrived, today is the day I move in with Hailee. I already packed my bags earlier this morning again, I looked at Jackie with a smile on her face and gave her a tight hug "Girl, don't be sad, at least we live in the same state now." I reassured her as she fake cries. Jackie pulls away from her and laughs "I know, I am just being very dramatic and besides, West Hollywood and Malibu is a 40 minute drive. You can visit anytime you want." Jackie told me "Hailee isnt expecting you to show up, that quick right?" Jackie asks me as I reached for the door. I respond with a shrug "Eh, better to be early.", Jackie grabs my wrist all of a sudden which made my eyes widen. "You good?" I ask her with a confused tone, Jackie told me to sit down on the couch with her for a bit.
"Yeah, It's just that I've been hearing something online about Hailee... you know... Keeping a secret from the general public?" Jackie said, as much as I love Jackie, she's my best friend, I will jump off a tall building and sell my organs for that woman... There are times that she relies on random and odd stuff on the internet, especially engaging in blind item pages like Deuxmoi. I furrow my brows, oblivious on what Jackie was telling me "What do you mean? Also what did I tell you interacting with those pages?" I said in a very motherly tone despite the fact that Jackie is two years older than me. 
"Heard it from Deuxmoi before you got here, someone said that Hailee Steinfeld is hiding a secret from the public and only her manager knows about it." Jackie says, and then gasps "Do you think she's pregnant?" 
"GIRL WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I yelled "You've been on Deuxmoi way too much! We both know that site is like the fifth? or lower circle in hell, you know what Tree Paine did when Deuxmoi went after Taylor Swift, right? Also we don't know these people personally!" I said, I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples, going silent for a while. "Look, whatever that is... I won't believe it." I said standing up, putting my hands up with a smile on my face.
Jackie smiles back, understanding what I just told her "Alright, but you know I am just one call away and we can meet up like once or twice a week." Jackie said, standing up again and giving me a hug. I hug Jackie back and nodded "Yeah, just message me if ever." I said, grabbing my bags and finally leaving the apartment.
Forty minutes later, I finally arrived at Hailee's lavish looking house located in Malibu. The house looked amazing from the outside and made me think what's in store inside as well, I parked my car somewhere and grabbed my bags from the trunk. I walked up to the front porch and rang the doorbell, waiting for her to open the door. 
Seconds later, she opens the door for me. Hailee is wearing a pair of black yoga pants, a pair of sneakers and a black sports bra that shows off those toned abs of hers that makes me weak on my knees. She looks so hot, my heart starts racing and a lot of thoughts run through my mind seeing her like that. But I still kept my normal posture in tact to be a little bit professional "Hey, you're here! Come on in." Hailee says, inviting me to enter the house. 
I enter the house with my bags and I look around the place in awe, I knew that her house would look this good even though I've never seen the whole thing. "I'm sorry if I look like this, I just finished working out." Hailee says, leading me to her living room "Make yourself comfortable, Y/N." Hailee says again, I nod with a smile on my face and I sat down on her couch. I just stare at her walk to her kitchen as she grabs a bottle of cold water from her freezer, the way I look at her is filled with admiration and adoration. My little moment was broken when all of a sudden I heard two high pitched barks, I look down to see her yorkies Brando and Martini looking at me, their tails wagging in sync. 
"Oh my goodness, are these Brando and Martini?" I say, smiling at the dogs having some second thoughts if I should pet them both, I am a huge dog person but I have a huge fear of dogs biting me. "Yep, in the flesh! Don't worry they don't bite, they're super friendly." Hailee says, heading to the couch to sit next to me. Hailee puts Brando on my lap and he starts to lick my fingers, which caused me to chuckle and gently pet his head "He's starting to like you, are you a dog person?" Hailee asks. I nod in response as I kept petting Brando while Martini is lying down on my shoe "I have a German Shepard in Washington, his name is... Well... It's a ridiculous name." I said, trying to keep up with an actual conversation with Hailee. 
"Well, what's the name of your dog then?" Hailee asks, her hazel eyes looking into mine. I swear, I get lost in those eyes every time.
"His name is... Sir Tenderloin McAvish the Second... We call him Tendy for short." I answered, Hailee starts to burst out laughing once I told her the name of my family's dog. Her laugh is so contagious, it made me laugh as well "I am dead serious, that's his name." I said, pulling my phone out and showing a photo of Tendy to Hailee. "He's a rescue dog, we got him back in 2003. He's like a big baby." I said, showing her a photo of me and carrying Tendy like a baby. Hailee laughs and smiles at the photo of me and my dog, zooming in the photo to see him up close.
"Well you're not wrong Y/N, I treat these two like they're my own children. Oh wait, that reminds me... Come, I'll show you your room." Hailee says, standing up from the couch. I gently put Brando down on the floor again and watch him run around the living room with Martini, I picked my bags up and followed Hailee upstairs. I continued to admire the interior design of Hailee's house, it looks cozy and comfortable. "Alright, we're here." Hailee says, opening the door of my room for me. I entered the room and looked around, I have a comfortable bed and my own bathroom and TV. 
I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her "Thanks, your place is cool. Who's your interior designer?" I asked, Hailee leans against the door frame, crossing her toned arms. "My mom, she's the best." Hailee chuckles and looks at me, "Well I gotta say, your mom is cool. Quick question, have you ever done this before with your past assistants?" I ask, Hailee shook her head in response "Nope, most of my old personal assistants are people older than me cause you know I started this whole acting and music thing at a young age..." Hailee answers, taking a sip of water from her water bottle.
"So I am the first assistant to stay in your place then?" I asks, with a little hint of casualness.
"Yeah, I feel like you're going to be an assistant that will last long." Hailee responds, winking at me with a smirk on her face "Anyway, if you need anything else. Just let me know, this is your home now... Well once you get a place of your own." Hailee says, closing the door of my room.
I flopped down on the bed, lying on my back as I stare at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. Everything is happening all at once, it feels overwhelming but in a very positive manner to say the least. I furrow my brows a bit, looking back as I was looking around the place before heading to my room earlier. 
There was this room at the end of the hallway and it was dark, I didn't ask Hailee about it because it might come off as invasive and I might lose my job. So I just quickly assumed it was a storage room, or a room that has her awards, or a room that has one single box that has her scrapped music or that damn album everyone in the fandom is waiting for. Whatever lies in that room, I'll just ignore it and focus on one thing and one thing only. My job as Hailee's assistant.  
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ash5monster01 · 24 days
Getaway Camp : Prologue
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: language, flirting, fluff, annoyance towards others, harsh parents, meet cute.
Summary: Charlie leaves home early for volunteer work in the Catskills, finally feeling free from his father, and on the path to the life he always dreamed of having. Yet when he arrives he meets someone who can’t help but capture his attention and he realizes fairly quickly that he’s already screwed.
word count: 2.3k
→ One
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June 4th 1961
Charlie wouldn’t consider himself much of a nature guy, but anything would do if it meant getting out of his parent’s house sooner. He had already been accepted to Columbia in the Fall but he didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment in the city quite yet. Which is how he discovered Adler’s West Lake Resort and Lodge. His counselor said the school looked fondly onto volunteers who worked there in the summer. So Charlie packed everything up and got himself the job. After all how bad could it be? A summer away in the Catskills, free food, free boarding, and a few rowing lessons here and there. He could handle it.
“Alright honey, do you need anything for your drive?” his mother asked from the porch, watching as he loaded his stuff in the back of the station wagon. She tried to pretend that she didn’t notice he had packed everything but a small part of her heart broke. This was truly it.
“I’m fine Mom, I promise” he told her, mind stuck on the five hour drive ahead of him.
“Okay honey, make sure you call and let us know when you get there” and both of them pretended not to notice the small chuckle that left his fathers mouth as he read the paper on the patio furniture.
“I will and you have the address and number to the resort already” Charlie reminded her, jogging up the porch where he quickly towered over his mother’s height. She hated how tall he had gotten, a grown man now, no longer her little boy.
“Be safe and good luck at school” she told him before pulling him into a hug. Charlie squeezed her right back, thankful to at least have a loving mother.
“I will Mom, thank you” he told her and she sighed, fighting back tears that threatened to spill over. Her only child driven away by the harsh expectations of her husband. He had been hurt so much by the world already and the minute he graduates high school he is off and running away from her.
“I’m about to head off, sir” Charlie says as he pulls away from his mom, walking to stand in front of his father.
“Good, you wouldn’t want to hit the afternoon rush traffic outside of the city” his father mutters, hands flipping the page of his newspaper. He felt that he owed nothing to his son. The only things his son had ever done was get himself kicked out of the best school in Vermont and cost him a lot of money pulling strings to still get him in an ivy league school.
“Exactly so thank you sir” Charlie said, holding his hand out and waiting for his father to bid him goodbye. He never cared much about what his father thought of him but he also figured if his father didn’t say some sort of goodbye he would always have control over some aspect of his life.
“Goodbye son, don’t dick around too much. That’s my name you’re tainting when you do that” his father responded, hand sliding into his own and firmly shaking it.
“I’ll do my best sir, I promise” Charlie said before letting his father’s hand go one last time. He was going to use these next four years to his benefit and take the well deserved break he needed. He couldn’t believe he spent all those years at Welton wishing his parents wanted him around more. What a waste.
“I guess we’ll see” is the last thing he says to him before returning his attention to the paper in his hand. Sighing Charlie brushes his hands down the front of his button up shirt and turns back to his Mom with a soft smile.
“Goodbye Mama” he says, swiftly kissing her cheek and the tears finally break through and cascade down her cheeks as Charlie jogs to his car that holds every piece of his belongings. He knew he didn’t need all of it for camp but he also knew his car could act as a private storage locker so he wound haven’t come back here before classes started.
“Bye baby, we’ll miss you” she calls out as the car rumbled to life and Charlie waved a hand out as he shifted the car in gear and headed down the long driveway. He knew his father would more than likely not miss him but it was kind that his mother still tried, so he waved his hand out his open window for her until she could no longer see him driving down the road.
The drive was fairly easy. Only two missed turns and one incident with a wrinkled map and Charlie was finally pulling his car up to the main lodge, the sun casted over the large lake beside it. It was quiet since campers wouldn’t be here until next week and Charlie was surprised to feel peace from the quiet and warmth that resonated in the area around him. Killing the engine he stepped out the car and started for the doors, prepared for direction to his cabin for the next three months.
“Hello camper!” a chirpy blonde girl perked up as he pushed through the cabin doors. He briefly wondered if it was an act, to be so excited about not having a real shower and mosquotio bites for three months on end. Yet the bright white smile on her face suggested otherwise.
“Hey” Charlie muttered, not one for too much enthusiasm. Actually he was pretty sure he hadn't been excited about anything since his Junior year of high school.
“Did you just arrive?” she asked, hands reaching for a large book that Charlie figured held all the information on every worker for the entirety of the camp. It's possible the smile could be fake but someone with this much responsibility had to enjoy this life somewhat.
“Yeah, Charles Dalton. I’m a Columbia volunteer, new rowing instructor” he said finally reaching the desk, hands falling and crossing over the top. He just wanted to find a bed and lay in it, especially after that drive.
“Well welcome Charles, let me grab your orientation packet and parking pass” she grinned still as cheerful and Charlie nodded, almost scared by how happy she is.
“Just Charlie is fine” he told her and she nodded before bouncing off and finding all the things he needed to get settled in. After only a few minutes she had a small stack of papers set in front of him.
“Okay so everything you need to know you can find in here. Cabin number, work schedule, map of the resort, and anything else you can imagine. When you get to your lodge you’ll find your walkie and uniform waiting for you. Meals and everything are all inclusive for staff and we hope you have a great summer” she finished her well practiced spiel and Charlie smiled as he collected the thick packet from in front of him.
“Claire” she filled in and he nodded.
“Thanks Claire, see you around” he tells her before heading back towards the front doors and where he left his car. Using the map to find employee parking Charlie found himself unloading the two suitcases he packed specifically meant for camp and locking up the rest of his belongings in his car. It was a bit harder to find the cabins but finally he was in the upper woods, brown buildings matching the next all in various rows. A big fire burning with a few people chattering around it and Charlie quickly looked for cabin number sixteen.
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Valerie had only been here an hour and already smelled like wood smoke. This wouldn't have been the case if she didn't somehow end up in a cabin with Chrissy Norwick. Valerie didn't necessarily mind the girl but she liked having a chill first day and Chrissy already had five girls compiled in the small shared cabin as she retold the stories of each date she had with Nate Fanning over the school year. She knew it would be the same thing, Nate would appear at camp and pretend Chrissy didn't exist, that was until the fall when he no longer had all of the camps options to focus on.
So Valerie sat by the fire with a few old friends she had been volunteering with since she was sixteen and listened to their much more relaxed conversation as she waited for her cabin to be much less crowded. It was then she saw a taller boy, chestnut hair falling in his eyes, as he walked the trail up into the cabins. It wasn't often new volunteers came around here so she was immediately perking up. He was handsome, in a soft way. A suitcase hung from each of his arms and she could tell from the hike and the strain off the weight, his chest was puffing out broadly. The small beads of sweat collecting at his hair line convinced her to approach him before no one else could.
"Hey, you need some help?" she curiously asked, straightening out her shirt as she appeared on the trail beside him. He jumped only lightly due to her quick appearance and she tried to hide her amusment.
"I’m fine" he muttered even though his hair was now starting to stick to his forehead from sweat.
“First rule as a staff camper, no job is too small to ask for help” and she was snatching one of the suit cases out of his hand that had been weighing him down the entire trek up the hill. Realizing she wasn’t going away anytime soon he finally took a moment to take her in. The white staff shirt laid across her shoulders and the eagle symbol stretched across the center of her chest. He admired her full hips and bright smile. Her long brunette hair tied high in a ponytail that hung in curly strands down her back. She was pretty and he was supposed to last all summer around girls like this. He prayed she wasn’t a lifeguard.
“For the record, I never asked” he told her before starting towards the cabins where she followed quickly behind.
“Well what cabin is yours then Mr. Independent?” she asked, ignoring his previous statement, and the boy sighed. He was realizing pretty quickly that most people around here were pretty cheerful and stubborn.
“Sixteen and the name is Charlie” he caved and finally she was beaming a smile back at him that made her eyes sparkle. He hated that her eyes sparkled.
“Well Charlie I’m Valerie and you’re in luck. I just so happen to be in cabin fifteen” and she was walking along and leaving him behind, going in a direction all too familiar to her. Charlie was a bit shocked by her ease but followed nonetheless as she led him to a destination he had been counting on the last five hours.
"So clearly you're new, so I'll share some wise wisdom as a camper of three years" Valerie told him, thrilled to have something to do other than stare at a campfire in the middle of the day. The June sun was already hot enough. "Never use the showers on the south end. Theyre used the least so not only do they include a variety of bugs you've never seen before but they’re also the showers that lose hot water first"
"This is not making this anymore exciting" Charlie says and the laugh that comes from Valerie surprises them both. Charlie hates the way the sound wraps around his heart and makes him content.
"If Big Al enters the bathrooms wait at least thirty minutes before going in. If you don't know who that is you'll find out fairly quickly. If it's an emergency we're surrounded by woods for a reason" and now Charlie is the one laughing which based on his attitude when they first met has Valerie fairly surprised.
"Lastly tuesday nights mystery dinner sounds fun but it's actually a mix of leftovers from the previous week so we have staff dinner here" Valerie says just as they approach cabin sixteen only to hear the girl laughs from the one beside it.
"Shouldn't you be in there giggling away?" Charlie asks as he takes his suitcase from her and sets them both on the small porch step.
"God no, no use giggling about cute boys inside when I can be out here talking to them" and much to Charlie's surprise she winks at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s so quick he's almost convinced he didn't see it.
"You seem to have it all figured out Valerie" Charlie says and she softly shrugs, glancing up at the tall trees above them. Birds chirp and in a few hours the cicadas would buzz and she'd finally be right back at home.
"I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting to share but when I remember I promise to tell you. In the mean time Charlie you can find me at cabin fifteen or the lake" she says, oddly comforted by the new guy herself. There was something nice about knowing she got to be the one to greet him here.
"Why the lake?" he curiously asks as Valerie moves to walk away and she flashes a quick grin at him, fingers gliding through her curly brown hair and Charlie nervously gulps.
"I'm a lifeguard" she informs him and for the first time for the entirety of this conversation Charlie accepts that he's screwed. Valerie was not the kind of girl you ignore despite how badly he wanted too. Now worst of all he had to spend every single day of the summer with her in tiny red bathingsuits.
"Of course you are” he says and she quickly flashes him a grin before starting back the way they came, ignoring the group of girls in her very own cabin. Charlie hates how he watches her walk away, admiring her long tan legs in her tight jean shorts. It had been ten minutes and he was already screwed.
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Happy 35th Anniversary to DPS. This is my love letter to this film <3
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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cinematicgf · 1 year
Te deseo, cariño- soft!javi
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Summary: you and javier are sitting in your apartment listening to the blues after he calls to see you on your day off- (yeah that’s pretty much it)
Pairings: javier pena x afab!reader (call girl!reader)
Warnings and notes: no warnings really, soft!javi, fluffy fluff, deep convos ig, call girl/sex worker reader, no use of y/n, making out, mentions of sex work, petnames, listening to the blues baby!!
~ 1.4k
A/N: hi all<3 enjoy this little fluffy Javi drabble. i usually write smut but i couldn't get this idea out of my head. as always, your feedback is always welcome, please like, comment and reblog<3
ps. he’s soooo lana coded, hence the west coast title, good LORD
The quaint sounds of Roy Buchanan settled in slumber around your body. There was gold peeking through the large twin windows of your apartment, a hue on your skin that felt like a flame, but all you could perceive before you in that instance was the seraph draped in your mother’s knitted blanket. Javi seated himself heavily on your couch, two autonomous curls fallen over his closed eyes and majesty at his fingertips. He hummed along to the soft, tragic acoustics of Drifting and Drifting. The raw impeccable talent of the blues singer being appreciated fully in the comfortable silence of the room, both of your exhaling of smoke being the only thing to cut through the silence.
A discarded pack of cigarettes lay on your desktop, a cloud of smoke eased through the empty air of your apartment as you breathed in the relaxing atmosphere of Javier Pena, cigarette dangling from his lips, hair messy and dressed in nothing but unbuttoned jeans, lying soundly with one foot on the arm of the couch and the other planted on the carpeted floor. You were leaning on your bed a couple of feet away, a thin t-shirt halting at your abdomen showing a peak of nipple, whilst your trousers were discarded on the floor, leaving you in your panties. You watched Javi drag from his ciggie, enthralled in the song, a thin layer of sweat coated his tanned bare chest. He had never looked so calm. He spoke outside of a song for the first time since the album began, “What’re you thinking about over there?” He broke eye contact with the ceiling and fixed them on you.
“Nothing. Just listening,” Your answer didn’t change the expression upon his face, so you took it he wanted you to elaborate, “Listening more to you than the record that is… I never knew you liked the blues, you never seem to play them when I’ve been in the car with you, or…. around any of the other girls?”
He shook his head, “I don’t think I would play them around anyone else.”
“How come?” you questioned while your body moved to the edge of your bed to be a bit closer to him. There were still a few feet between you, but the empty space was filled with possibility.
“Well, princesa” he brought his arm up to rest behind his head, “There’s something about them- they feel more… special.”
You grinned a little, before your smile fell. You thought about the tragic lyricism of the album you were playing, the crying of the guitar. You hesitated before asking what had been on your mind. The two of you weren’t seeing each other, as such, but after you had taken a job as a call girl for some extra money on the side to pay for your younger brother’s college tuition, he had seemed to have taken a liking to you, always requesting you when his emotions got the better of him and he needed to let off some steam after an operation went wrong, or when the notorious Escobar case was heating up.
After a couple of months of this, you found yourself staying for longer and longer each night. The two of you lying in bed next to each other, sometimes enveloped in one of his muscular arms, as you listened to music and talked. He had opened up about his dangerous job once he knew he could trust you, and sometimes, even when you had the night off, you would receive a call from him. You weren’t an informant, like so many of your coworkers before you, but you weren’t just another fuck to get it all out of his system either. This was one of those evenings. The sun caressing the edge of Medellin, drowning the city in a hazy hue; threatening another humid night.
He continued, “They’re songs we listen to when I was a kid. They have a nostalgia element linked with them that just… I don’t know… eases me, I guess. It makes me think about my mother, childhood, her and my father dancing in the kitchen on weekends.” He takes another drag of the almost finished cigarette before continuing his reminiscence. “I know you understand, I watch you close your eyes and really take in the melody, hermosa. It eases you too. I don’t want to play it around others because… I don't want to mix the image of them with the image of you when we’re alone.” You found comfort in knowing the music meant something special to this usually cutoff and hardened man. They were some of your most beloved songs and it was an added bonus that your parents didn’t mind the sound of them when they inevitably traveled through the thin walls. You managed to make something of the music and how it sat with you and that was your favorite part of being around him.
“I understand… Javier,” You hesitated again. He turned his head to meet your eyes once more. There was a sadness to them that you had been aware of, sure, but that you had never really looked into until now. “Do you think you’re a lonely person?” you whisper, deciding to just come right out and say what was on your mind.
He sighs heavily and you wonder if you’ve made a mistake in asking him this deeply personal question. You begin to apologize before he cuts you off, “Carino, I’ve still got a lot living to do, I guess… I don’t have much time to dwell on it, work takes up most of my time but… yeah,” He stood up from the couch and sat down beside you on the bed. He smiled at you for a quick second before laying his head in your lap and fixing his eyes on the ceiling again, “but I’ve got plenty of love to dwell in, I just need to find a way to remember that”. You can tell he is thinking about his parents again as the song comes to an end and the next song starts. The guitar cries on.
You watched as his demeanor brightened as he closed his eyes, taking in the melody. His lips twitched into a small smile and his usual frown relaxed as he sunk into you slightly. If your face could glow anymore radiant it’d plaster a silhouette on your apartment wall.
The both of you settled in comfortable silence again as the tune carried around your apartment. You didn’t think you had ever seen anyone so beautiful as the man lying in your lap, eyes closed. You gently raked your fingers through his hair, leaning back against your bed frame.
The sun was perfectly set now, and you could hardly see where he sat just moments ago on your creaky couch. Fleeting moments were contemptuous as they departed, but the present mended all resentment you had for goodbyes. You could see him. I could see his earnestness intertwined with the hard man he had molded into because of his dangerous job. How he hypothesized without fear of irresolution. And how he saw you for who you were, besides being a call girl. Besides being someone to call for a quickie. He saw you as an actual person, someone with interests and a childhood similar to his own.
“I think, you should stay tonight”, you whispered into his hair, placing a gentle kiss on his crown before removing the cigarette from his lips to take a puff. He used the opportunity to lift himself up slightly and place an open-mouthed kiss to your lips, tongue intertwining with yours, the taste of cigarettes and a hint of whiskey filling your senses as you kissed him back, ardently. He cupped your chin, thumb moving to open your mouth slightly wider for a better taste before moving your legs out from under him and settling you at his side. You replaced the cigarette back in his lips.
“I think I’d like that”, he replied without hesitation, eyes closing again as he laced a muscular arm around you and pulled you in to his bare chest. The blues played on as the two of you fell asleep entangled in each other.
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
It's been a long time
FIRST TIME WRITING A FANFIC - Since i was on LiveJournal (years ago)
Simon 'Ghost' RIley x F!MedicDoc
WARNINGS: Mention of death, blood, fluff and angst?
Song inspo: Think - Kaleida (Love John Wick <3 and Atomic Blonde <3)
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline...
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
(FYI: bold sentences... are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Part 1
Back again here. That's what you thought when you actually landed at the base. You're trying to calculate how long it has actually been. The years. The months. The days. The hours. The minutes.
Why? Because time is represented by numbers. And a weird number observer you were. Numbers are always assigned to occasions, incidents, blood pressure, mL of drugs, minutes to save a life, seconds wasted.
You furrow your eyebrows. You don't care about the wrinkles forming. Not anymore. You part your lips, and suck in some air.
The tightness of the black boots yet to be broken in like you were once.. were just painful and added pain of sore feet and legs from getting back into training was just a cherry on the icing.
The pain is just temporary... You think to yourself whilst you close your eyes and inhale for 4 through the nose, hold, and slowly breathe out for four, controlled, of course... and gradually open your eyes.
You should be grateful for this chance.
You take in scene before you. Base. Outside Berkshire... mid August...
The sky above is pale shade of blue with hints of orange as the sun sets in the west. It is surprisingly warm and nice today. Minimal clouds. As you look down you see the trucks on the grey charcoal tarmac, smooth and a few cracks here and there.. Buildings behind, patches of green..? Wow.
You couldn't also ignore the soon to be glaring floods lights surrounding the perimeter of the base. Without these, the views of sky where even more phenomenal. The stars. The realisation that there is a sort of weird chaos also going on out there too. The storm of Jupiter must be a sight to see you wonder..
"Corporal Kaur!" You hear a man shout from the left of you.
You break your gaze and see and old man from where that shout came from. Face still stern. Eyebrows still furrowed.
Captain Price.
You recognise that moustache and boonie hat from a mile away.Next to him where to other men, one bulky and tall, donning a half a skull over his face and wearing all black and the other shorter, still tall. but what was most noticeable was the hawk. Both of them staring at you.
You briefly stare back. Your new COs you assume.
You start to walk over to them, carrying your pack, and duffle over your right shoulder.
Back again. Back here facing death again. That's what you think. Over and over as you stride until you reach your old Captain.
You place your pack and duffle on the ground.
"Captain Price" you say, giving in a salute, heels slamming together. Your back straightening automatically when your right arm swung to the tip of your beret. Palms facing out. Always.
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing.
"At ease Corporal" Price says, giving a slight chuckle. His body turns to the two men beside him.
"This is Lieutenant Ghost" Price said as he gestures towards the masked man.
You put out your right hand for a hand shake. The lieutenant just stares at you, eyes cold and calculating watching you.
You raise your head curtly and trying to suppress the smirk from appearing. I'm watching you too you think to yourself.
"I'm your Sergeant; Soap MacTavish" the hawked man said, in a strong Scottish accent. He brings up his hand for a handshake, grinning hard.
You shake his hand. Soap grinned a bit harder.
"Soap and Ghost." You say turning your head to Price after shaking Soap's hand, you see him in the corner of your eye elbow Ghost and gesture towards you with his hand, you couldn't catch what he was saying as Price started giving you directions and something else he
"The team know you're here as their new medic. The infirmary, somewhat set, thought it was best left to the expert to order whatever you need. You remember where it is?" Price said. "I have to go to the hanger, catch up later" He saids, patting you on the shoulder.
"Thank you sir" You reply.
Yes. The team's medic. Not actually part of the team. Not anymore...
Not able to linger on the past for a second longer, you see Soap move towards your pack and duffle.
You grab your pack just before he does.
"I've got it, don't worry" You say, and this time you remember to smile, with teeth, a soft smile that a younger you adorned each day.
Soap laughs gently, and looks at your face, that smile broke your stern face from before, a kindness washed over your face Soap thought.
After picking up your pack and duffle, swinging them both over and onto your back. You stare back at the two men, and smile again.
"Well, I am going.. to get settled" You say to them "Nice meeting both of you" you said as you turn.
"We'll walk ya to the infirmary" The lieutenant said gruffly. You detect an accent, maybe northern?
"Yeah, that way we can get to know you on the way" Soap chimes in, grinning again
Fuck sake, not this already you think to yourself.
You turn to them, and force a smile, this time no teeth, nostrils flare, you hope they don't notice the force of it. Ghost does. Ghost raises his head, eyes widening slightly.
You did not like that Ghost thinks to himself. He crosses his arms across his chest, slightly puffing it out.
He looks at you whilst you relax your face as you looked at him do his little chest puff, your eyes widen, slight glare to the ground and then back to the familiar stern look, he lets out a light huff. Amused at the expressions coming and going on your face. He could've sworn there was hint of pink spreading across that brown skin.
"Price said you've worked here before" Soap continues, trying to ease the tension that was stirring between the three of you as the three of you walk across the tarmac, amidst the other soldiers and trucks driving past.
You stare again at Soap, trying to ease the furrowed brows, but they seem glued to their position. The back of your mind still processing your surroundings.
"Years ago. In my early twenties" You reply to Soap
"Wait, so how old are you now?" Soap asks
You look at him and smile slightly. People get so bewildered when they find out that you're a lot older than you look. Given that your face has hardly a wrinkle, no grey hairs, smooth and "fair" skin (for an Indian) that your mother loves to praise you about after years of her nagging of using SPF 50 daily, especially during winter.
"32" You reply
"Steamin' Jesus" Soap exclaims "You don't look a day over 25" he added
"Yeah, it's annoying getting ID'd when getting a drink though" You say back. You realise the two men are beside you, Soap on your left, and Ghost on your right. Glaring at you still, watching your movements. You're stuck in the middle. A rock and a hard place.
You feel the tension creep to your shoulders. You roll your right shoulder to ease the tension. It doesn't help. Not with the added weight your pack and duffle. You then take duffle off your back, and see Soap on your left raise him arm, again gesturing for him to help carry your stuff.
You raise your left hand and tell him again its okay. You've carried heavier. You've carried limp bodies for longer. You hold the duffle on your right hand, Ghost moves slightly further to make room. You take note and swing duffle, smooth and controlled.
The three of you head straight to building 2. You notice the building as been redone slightly since you were here last, a fresh slick of paint and new doors.
Soap runs up to the doors, and opens them for you, and gestures you through with his right hand. You nod and give a weak thanks.
"We have to keep you sweet" he says "Right L.t?" Soap says, nudging Ghost.
Ghost grunts disapprovingly.
"Why?" You turn to him, letting out a deep sigh. Laying the duffle and pack down on the ground. Suddenly the jet lag, the sore feet and legs hit you harder and you feel like you could just melt into the floor. But you couldn't do that.
"Well, you are our new medic, and you'll be patching us up after missions, so need to keep you sweet" Soap says in a chirpy manner.
"That's her job Johnny" Ghost said, voice rough
You smirk, reaching in your pack for a folder containing your documents and forms.
"Actually..." You start but then remember that even Price said your job role to your face. Medic.
"Actually?" Soap questions
"Nothing" You said, opening the plastic folder and retrieving your forms, you look up and see Soap with a puzzling look on his face and Ghost just coldly still staring.
The anxiety is kicking in. You feel it creep across your chest and swarming it's way to your arms and legs.
You pull out the forms needed and held them in your hand, in between Soap and Ghost, unsure who would take them
"Filled these out as requested by Captain Price" You say
Ghost reaches and grabs the papers, eyes weaving left to right from top to bottom across the forms. You see Soap try and peak and he notices a lot of thick blacked out information. His brows furrow and a curious sheen glosses over his eyes as he looks back at you.
"Most of this is redacted" Ghost says those cold eyes still on the paper. "Like your file" His eyes flicker to yours, hoping to catch you out.
But you stare back. Redacted like your face you think to yourself.
"Captain Price surely would've let you know why" You say curtly
The two men looked at each other. Ghost turned his head towards you, Soap still eyeing Ghost, and then peaking at the paper a bit closer.
No forename, no information of her previous time here... Was Ghost right? Soap thought
"Was hopin' to get somethin' outa' you" Ghost said brightly
He folded the forms into four and put them in his back pocket. He then bent down slightly and picked up your pack and duffle before you could. His eyes wondered up and down your body and your stare turned into a glare when you realised what he was doing.
You felt like he could see through the clothes that covered you. You tug the sleeve of your jacket, rolling your shoulders forward, trying to become smaller. And this man made you smaller. Not by his sheer size, but the way he just looked at you up and down.
"Need a hand Lt? Soap says, breaking the silence again. Hoping to at least try and carry the new medic's stuff.
"Nah, I got this Johnny" Ghost sighs, readjusting the grip on your pack and duffle and swinging them over his shoulder. "Let's show her the infirmary" He said walking off, leaving behind a bewildered Soap and yourself.
You follow the two men, wanting this to be over so you can lie down and sleep. And take the damn boots off. Your feet becoming numb with every step as you follow your commanding officers..
As the three of you reach the door of the infirmary, Ghost drops your pack and duffle from his shoulder to his side, still not letting go and places his left hand in his pocket and takes out a key and unlocks the door.
He looks down at you and you look up at him, you smile weakly, furrowed brows still and try and peak into the infirmary.
Ghost doesn't break his gaze from you, he moves from the doorway and gestures you to go in.
You go in first, the room a warm golden yellow, the light is turned off. The big windows let the last of the sun's rays into the room.
Golden hour.
It's so beautiful you think to yourself and as you move through the room to the window staring at the sunset.
"Best view on this side o' the buildin'" Ghost says, approaching you as you watch the sunset, he gently places your pack and duffle next you.
"It really is something" You say, smiling brightly at the sunset
Ghost sees the shift in your expression in the window, and looks down beside you, your eyes, they appear softer and warm. Not like the ones he experienced earlier.
"Johnny and I will get your room key" Ghost says turning to Soap who was about to take a photo of the sunset with his phone. "C'mon sergeant" as he walks past him and leans against the doorway.
You turn to look at them, Soap desperately trying to take a photo despite the sighing coming from Ghost as he watches him take endless photos of the "sunset". He saw Soap sneak a picture of you.
"Thank you Lieutenant Ghost and Sergeant Soap" You say, struggling to comprehend these codenames. Ghost you kind of get, given the mask. But Soap? There has to be some kind of gay connotation you think as you remind yourself of the saying 'Don't drop the soap'
The two of them turn to you, Soap smiles and Ghost just staring.
Soap eventually makes his way out past Ghost, and walks out.
"Meet you at the Hole Lt, need to take a piss" Soap whispers as he passes him.
You and Ghost lock eyes as he holds the doorknob and begins to just it close, you make your way over, ensuring that he will actually leave and not linger (like a ghost).
"Thanks again for carrying my stuff" You say, trying the fill the silence and encourage this man to leave.
Ghost's grip tightens on the doorknob, and brings the door closer.
"You are most welcome" He says
You smile again as you edge closer to the door. Leave dammnit
The smile on your face disappears, the mouth drops open slightly in an O. Eyes widen in shock.
You see Ghost's eyes wrinkle, a sign he's possibly smiling under that skull mask.
Got ya He thought as the took in the shocked face and closed the door leaving you bewildered on the other side.
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thefrontofmymind · 9 months
Proof Positive 5
a/n: holy shit its been a month and a half since i updated this. sorry lol.
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Time began to get faster. You were getting used to pregnancy and all the lovely symptoms that go along with it–you learnt to combat your nausea with ginger ale, you were getting very good at timing your naps to keep you going through the day, and you always have a pack of Tums on you for your heartburn. And you had gotten into a good routine, now adjusting to your time difference to Ross. Though that would be over soon.
You’d manage to wrangle a trip to the Dirty Hit office in LA, all in the name of business, conveniently at the same time the band would be in LA for Coachella. You missed Ross so much, and he missed you. You were both ecstatic about the fact that you were going to see each other again, even if it was only for a little over a week.
You had a day to get settled in LA, in the 20s era 3-bedroom in West Hollywood that Dirty Hit had put you up in for your ten days stateside. You had to share, of course–your bosses were kind to you but they weren’t that kind. Adam would be staying with you, not that you minded, you were close with him and always enjoyed his company. And then, in a stroke of luck, you managed to organise for Ross to stay with you two officially, without suspicion.
You could barely contain your excitement as the two men pulled up in an uber outside the house. You couldn’t help but run out to see them as you heard the car engine. With a wide grin, you welcomed them in.
You chatted with them both, asking about how the tour was going and all that–even though Ross told you everything, you had to keep up appearances. You knew you wouldn’t be able to keep up the act for long, so you relished in the sneaky glances, the sly inside jokes, and just the exhilaration of your own secret.
That evening the band had a show at the Roxy–a tiny venue, 600 people tops. And you were lucky enough to be one of them.
You beamed with pride watching them. Your boys. Though for most of it, you just couldn’t take your eyes off of Ross. You didn’t have a great view from the side of the stage, but at least you were on the right side to only be a few feet away from him, feeling his bass notes vibrate through you each and every time he plucked a note.
You prayed no one noticed when he gave you a wink after you let out a particularly loud cheer. You could watch him forever, so lost in the music, he wasn’t thinking about anything else–not a shred of self-consciousness to be seen. This was when he was the most beautiful.
That night you laid in your bed, still thinking of him. You could still hear Adam watching something on the TV, he would surely see you go into Ross’ room. You had to talk to Ross.
“Hi,” he whispered, answering your call.
“Wish Ad would just go to sleep!” You answered in a hushed whisper of your own.
He chuckled. “Miss me, darlin’?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe…”
He stayed silent, thinking for a moment. “Why don’t I go out there and make a brew and distract him and you-” A cough. “-sneak in?”
“Well off you go then!”
Ross hung up the phone and you heard his door creak open. There was muffled chatter between the two men, and the rumble of the electric kettle. It had to be quick, and it had to be now.
You gently opened your bedroom door. As you peered to the living room just down the hall and saw Adam and Ross in the kitchen just past it. On tiptoes, you snuck into Ross’ bed, now you just had to wait for him.
After a couple minutes he joined you, laughing at seeing you all cuddled up in the covers–right up to your chin.
“You made yourself right at home, huh?”
You didn’t answer, just patted the space next to you. After placing his hot cup of tea on the nightstand, he laid down beside you. Finally you felt at home again, tucked into his side.
You could finally kiss him again, and relished in that fact. Across his lap, with one of his hands placed firmly on your thigh to keep you there, you were practically one step away from breathing him in.
You couldn’t stop your body from moving against his, grinding on him in hopes of eliciting one of the filthy groans you’d become so addicted to. Once you did, it was a personal victory.
Soon the air in the room became stifling. As you reached for the bottom of the oversized t-shirt–that may have been Ross’ at some point in the past, Ross grabbed your hand.
“What?” You asked, barely above a whisper.
“Adam is right out there, and I can’t be quiet right now, and I know you can’t be either,” he whispered back.
You sighed in frustration. “I know…”
You rolled off of his lap to lay down beside him in a huff. He was right, no matter how sour you felt, you didn’t want this moment to be the one where someone finally catches you. 
You looked over at Ross, who was now sipping his tea. He looked so beautiful in the dim, yellow light. It was just dark enough to obscure all the little details of his face–details you already had memorised–but the light still bounced off the skin of his cheeks, you could see his smile.
It had been suffocatingly warm all day at the festival grounds. You couldn’t complain, it was Coachella–and you really couldn’t complain, lest anyone figure out all your sufferings together equalled around your tenth week of pregnancy. Ross had been by your side for most of the day, always getting you water and any snacks you felt like. Really the entire band was protective of you the whole day, and Rome as well–they all checked up on you, like real friends.
It got dark quickly, and with that, a chill ran through the air that you just couldn’t shake. Your whole group was huddled in a small tent set up as the green room, anyone and everyone was there–girlfriends, assistants, family, and you. You sat on a metal fold-out chair in the corner of the room, sipping the bottle of far-too-expensive water that was put on the band’s rider. You held your arms around yourself in an effort to keep warm, though that was difficult given the fact that you were just wearing a tank top and jeans, not even considering the weather.
“You alright?” Ross whispered from his seat next to yours in between the lulls of conversation as it inched closer and closer to the band’s set time. 
You looked around the room, everyone was in their own worlds, leaving you and Ross alone–a luxury that was rare in the past few days. “Yeah, just…nauseous,” you answered in a hush whisper of your own.
“I’m sorry, darling, how long left until it’s over? A month?”
“Three weeks, and don’t think I’m not counting down the days,” you laughed.
Soon, the band got the call they were just about due on stage. So the entire entourage made their way to the side of the stage–where you and the rest of the group would watch from a vantage point above the stage level.
You could tell that they were all nervous to perform, all of them were quiet on the walk there–and you couldn’t blame them, Coachella was a big deal and they weren’t exactly in front of a very forgiving audience.
You were side-by-side with Matty on the walk over. With an arm around each other’s shoulders, you could easily hear his shallow breathing.
“Hey, mate,” you said to him.
“Yeah?” He asked, trying to act as casual and relaxed as possible.
“It’ll be good, you guys’ll kill it, I know you will.” 
You squeezed him a little bit closer. Matty leant into the hug, resting his head awkwardly on the top of yours, making you both giggle just a little.
“Thanks, mate,” he whispered.
You were correct in saying the band would kill it, of course you were. You could see in all their faces just how ecstatic they were after the show. As you hugged each of them–all sweating and panting–you told each of them how well they did.
With Ross, though, you hugged just a little tighter, and whispered just a little lower. “I’m so proud of you.”
Soon enough you were whisked away to some swanky afterparty in a fancy white marquee tent, hosted by some sponsored vodka brand or something like that– though you didn’t really take much notice. You were too busy worrying about the fact that everyone else had a boozy night ahead of them and you were going to have to fake it all, some way or another. 
For most of the night it was easy, just order straight mixers at the bar. And the further and further you got into the night, the drunker everyone else got–too smashed to notice you perfectly sober. What was harder was George ordering round after round of shots for your whole group.
You had to keep slyly passing them to Ross–who kept by your side for the entire night–but by midnight you practically had to prop him up to keep him standing next to you. You didn’t mind it; over the loud music, you two could easily whisper to each other without anyone listening. It was fun to get him all riled up, knowing that the later it got into the night, the easier it would be to slip away to the nearest bathroom.
“I need air,” Ross slurred to you. You noticed beads of sweat pricking up on the top of his nose.
With a quiet “alright,” you helped him stumble out of the marquee tent, back into the fresh night air. There was a slight wind picking up, and it blew all your worry away. Just the two of you alone, like how this all started.
You eventually found yourselves sitting on the concrete curb outside, Ross had his head laid on your lap. The stars out in the middle of nowhere were so bright, he was transfixed by them. You could only chuckle at him staring, wide eyed.
After a couple minutes of silence–him staring and you lightly patting the top of his head–he spoke again. “You’re so beautiful.”
You laughed. “Maybe not from your angle, babe.”
“No, I’m serious,” he answered back. “You are…an angel. Beautiful.”
“You’re so drunk,” you chuckled.
You heard stumbling steps behind you, looking back you saw that it was the one and only guitarist of your favourite band, Adam. He sat down next to you.
“What’s with this one?” He asked you with a light chuckle.
“Had a bit too much to drink,” you smiled.
“It’s not my fault!” Ross piped up.
“You didn’t have to get blind, mate!” Adam answered.
“No, I did! I had all of her shots!”
“What? Why?” Adam asked.
“I…um…can’t drink,” you said. 
You could see Adam got a slight glint in his eye. “Why?”
“I’m…” You took a breath. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my god!” Adam answered. “Congrats?”
“Yeah!” You leant over to give him a side-hug.
“And is…” He pointed to a dozing-off Ross laying in your lap. You nodded. “Holy shit! Who knows?!”
You laughed at Adam, acting like a giddy school boy. “No one–just you, please don’t say anything yet!”
“Lips are sealed.”
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FREQUENCY: Episode 3 - A Soldier Boy Story
FREQUENCY:  A Soldier Boy Story
EPISODE 3: “Elkwood, TN”
PAIRING: Soldier Boy X Reader 
WARNINGS: (NSFW) Drugs, death, and mentions of suicide. Foul language, mentions of sex, or sexual innuendos. Slow burn starts now. (Sorry)
A/N: This story is dark, and covers mature themes. The main character, as well as other major characters, are offensive in nature, and may offend some people. Please peruse with caution, and remember that this is fiction. Reader discretion is advised. Please message me for any questions, comments, or concerns. 
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When Vought had relocated me to Appalachian West Virginia, I didn’t know anyone. I was moved into a wooded mountain home, and watched over by two local park rangers. Both men, both never had been married. They had no idea how to take care of a young girl. But, from fourteen to eighteen, I struck up a bond with both of them that I had never experienced with another human being. 
Jim was an older white man, maybe in his late fifties. He’d take me out on his gator and drive me all around the national park. He’d play me John Denver, as he’d smoke a pack of camel crush. He always told me never to smoke. That it was an awful habit he had formed. I told him he wouldn’t ever have to worry about that. I could always taste the pesticides. 
I always swore Jim had been gay. He had the quintessential straight man behavior. He shot guns, smoked, watched sports, and enjoyed shitty, cheap beer. But, he was handsome. He was over fifty and had never been married. He isolated himself in the embrace of the forest. He would sit outside on the back porch, and paint the sunset. On holidays I’d ask him why he wasn’t with his family, he told me his job was to watch me, so he couldn’t be. But that wasn’t true. He never liked talking about home. He had no photos up from his childhood. And he never, ever reminisced on simpler times. 
Wahkan was cherokee. He was from one of the reservations in East Tennessee. He moved up to West Virginia after getting offered more money to watch the lands up there. He accepted, of course, and funneled most, if not all of his money back to his family. Hell, the only reason he took on the challenge of raising me was so he could take the money from Vought, and send it back over to the res. 
I’m always fortunate I was able to go with him to the reservation. I used to sit in the long grass with the other girls my age, and make jewelry from creek rocks, and turkey feathers. The sun would set in the distance, and a crackling fire would billow up into the sky. They’d have buffalo roasting over it. Its hide laid out, and drying in preparation for a warm winter coat. 
When I decided to move back to the city after I had turned eighteen, it was a hard goodbye with the both of them. They watched as I got loaded back up into the same black Escalade that dropped me off all those years ago. I had waved goodbye with misty tears in my eyes. I wasn’t much of a crier, but watching them become smaller as the car drove away changed that. 
A few months after I had gotten settled, things felt uneasy. I would communicate with some of the girls from the res on Facebook. Wahkan, and John hadn’t been answering me. They said they hadn’t heard from them either. That day I sat outside of Vought tower on a bench, and listened in on crisis management. From the sounds of it, there had been a data leak that was traced back to somewhere a few miles away from the town I used to stay in. 
I hopped in my car and drove straight to West Virgina, only stopping for gas. I got there around nightfall. The cabin was dark, and quiet. That wasn’t normal, I had thought. I listened in, hearing one slow heartbeat. Thank god. He must’ve been sleeping.  I let out a sigh of relief, and started back to my car— until I smelled it. Fresh, hot blood. My face went white, and my heart sank. I sprinted up to the front of the house, and noticed the door had been left cracked open, a trail of red footprints staining the wood. 
I kicked the door open, screaming, seeing if I’d get any response. I flipped the lights to the house on, and looked around until I saw John’s body laying at the start of the kitchen. He was lifeless, and had been for an hour or so. They were just here. I searched frantically for Wahkan, trying to locate the sound of the slowing heartbeat I had heard earlier. My eyes landed on him. He was on the floor next to the couch. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said. “It’s not safe, if they find you, they’ll kill you.”
I fell to my knees, rushing to his side. I placed my hand over the wound on his stomach, firmly pressing down to stop the bleeding. 
“I don’t understand,” I cried. “Where’s the phone? I need to call an ambulance.”
“Too late,” He added, his voice barely above a whisper. “They cut the lines before they left.”
I reached into my pocket, going to pull out my own phone, but he placed his hands on mine, and stopped me. 
“No,” he shook his head. “This is my time. It’s alright.”
“This is all my fault.” I said, as I felt hot tears streaming down my face, and neck. 
“Don’t make this about you.” He laughed, soft and weak, putting a bloody hand against the side of my face. 
“They’ll never get away with this.” I demanded. 
He just shook his head, taking a deep breath. His eyelids were getting heavy. He didn’t have much time left. 
“Just be…gentle,” He said. “And if you ever need a place to stay…a place that’s safe…a place where you can think of home…the reservation will welcome you with open arms.”
He wiped a tear away with his thumb, as he took his last breath. His body going limp. At least he was at peace. 
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Driving down the interstate with Uncle Sam by my side, I knew exactly where we would settle ourselves at. Elkwood is a tiny town a little ways from Gatlinburg, nestled at the bed of a beautiful valley. It’s quiet, and everyone knows each other. Like, if someone was throwing a small get together, you best believe the whole town was showing up. Whether it be the people who lived on the res, or  just plain mountain folk.
I looked to my side, he was hunched over, my registration from the glove compartment settled in his lap. He’s snorting from a small pile of benzos he made me stop for earlier. He catches my gaze.
“Want some?”
“No thanks.” I chuckle.
“Suit yourself.” He says before diving back into the freshly crushed powder.
I watch him from the corner of my eye as I speed quickly down the highway. His hair, and beard are wild, and disheveled. He looks close to normal though in the sweat suit I gave him. I smile to myself, picturing him in that campy army green uniform. What a fraud, I think. The man was never a real soldier, they might as well have him look like one. 
“You’re a pretty good driver for a woman.” He states, wiping off his nose, scooping his powder back into a ziplock bag.
“Thanks…” I say, rolling my eyes. He was much nicer when he wasn’t talking.
“So what's your thing?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Your thing, like, your power, I guess. I don’t fuckin’ know. You said you were a supe, right?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” 
“Unfortunately? You must have some shitty power then.”
Some shitty power, I think. Rolling my eyes again. 
“I get it,” He says smiling, leaning into me. “They forced it on ya while you were just a baby, huh?”
He reaches down, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He puts one up to his lips and lights it, inhaling deeply. He blows the air out through parted lips as he continues his conversation.
“Seems like you bastards that had baby V are all just a bunch of freaks.”
I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. Now I know why they wanted to keep this guy fucking sedated. 
“Say, what's your name anyway? Can’t go around just calling you a freak bastard.” He chuckles smugly.
“Actually,” I grin. “That is my name.”
He squints his eyes at me, pulling his cigarette away from his lips. He leans back, taking me in.
“Some parents you have calling you Freak Bastard, huh?”
“No,” I say, laughing now. “Just Freak, short for Frequency.” 
He holds a finger up, tipping it at me. “Ah, but that's your Supe name, what's your real name?”
My real name. I go to change the subject. 
“So, do you want to know my plan? The reason why I’ve rescued you? What I need your help with?”
“I’m gonna be honest with you sweetheart, I don’t usually go by a plan. I just wing it, and it happens to work out in my favor.”
“Right,” I nod. “That's why you ended up back in the ice again, huh?”
He glares at me, I beam right back at him. 
“So,” I start. “Over the Summer Vought is throwing this huge party in celebration of Temp V.”
“What the fuck is Temp V?” He asks.
“...Temporary Compound V.” I say blankly. 
“Right, I remember the cock sucker talking about that. Wait…When the fucks the Summer? And what the fuck year is it?”
“It's April. And it’s only been a year since they put you back in that chamber.”
He stares off into the distance, a solemn look on his face. I couldn’t even imagine having missed thirty years of life. Being put to sleep at the birth of the computer, and waking back up at the dawn of AI.
My empathy for him is short lived.
“Wait, you’re tellin’ me I got to wait,” He counts on his fingers. “Three fuckin’ months before we do this?”
“That's three months of freedom to you.”
“It's not fuckin' freedom if I’m gonna be on the run from these people finding me for Christs sake! Also, last time I fuckin’ checked, you’re practically holding me hostage!”
I scoff at him. “Oh please, you said earlier you could kill me, then leave at any time.”
“Yeah, well, that’s before you brought up family.”
Fuck. I think. I forgot about that. 
I don’t say much else as I stare out at the road ahead of me. I feel my blood pressure going up, my arteries tightening at just the mention of my shitty lie. I’d make a horrible villain, I think. I feel guilty for everything, and everyone. I sigh, reaching down to the radio. I fiddle with it until it reaches a mixed station, classic hits from then and now. 
“Well,” I say, pressing my foot harder onto the accelerator. “We can try and catch you up on everything you missed over the past thirty years.”
I turn up the dial as “Wonderwall” sings through the speakers.
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We are about two hours from Tennessee now, he's fast asleep in the passenger seat. I got him a cheeseburger earlier, and picked up some hair shears from a dollar store on the same exit. I think he had worn himself out trying to trim his own hair and beard. He gets frustrated easily. I had offered to help, but he insisted on doing it himself. 
As the gas pumps in my car, I look down at my phone. There had been no news alerts about a break in, or that Soldier Boy was missing. Vought must be doing a good job with crisis management. Or the CIA simply never let them know. I had no texts from anyone either. See, it isn’t out of the ordinary for me to disappear into the middle of nowhere. In fact, even the likes of Butcher knew I often found myself back home in the South to escape the sounds of the city. 
Before I left I remembered to leave my debit and credit cards at home so I wouldn't be tempted to use them. I always kept a significant amount of cash in the safe anyway after years of training. I had turned on auto-payments for my rent, and obviously didn’t cancel any sort of subscription service like Netflix or Spotify. I thought if someone had been on my trail, the first thing they'd check would be my bank records. I made sure to turn off all location tracking on my phone, and decided to keep my VPN on 24/7. That wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to anyone either, again, considering my past in security. 
The pump thuds, signifying it's filled up. I grab the handle, and pull the nozzle out. I always have to make sure to cover my nose with my sleeve in these instances. The fumes have made me pass out in the past. Benzene is so pungent that a normal human nose can even smell it if there's just 1 part per million in the surrounding air. I get dizzy just thinking about it. 
We get close to Elkwood now, maybe twenty minutes out. I look over to him as he puffs little snores out into the air. His heartbeat is steady, his blood pressure normal in comparison to when I woke him up earlier.
Ever since he trimmed his hair, made himself look more presentable, I found myself not blaming women for being so attracted to him. I mean, he really was a beautiful man…As long as he kept that fuckin’ mouth shut. He has a light dusting of freckles across his nose, which is a stark contrast to his hard exterior. His eyes are a sweet shade of green, one that matches that awful uniform of his. 
I pull up to the outskirts of the res, some of the younger kids had ended up building their own homes around this area. I walk up to Ama’s trailer, leaving him back in the car asleep to avoid any unwanted interactions. Before I can knock on the door, she goes to open it. Ama beams at me, as beautiful as ever, pulling me into a tight hug. She's the one I had been keeping in touch with on facebook after all these years. 
“Welcome home.” She says smiling.
I smile back. Looking down I notice a small child wrapped around her legs, and a man standing up from the couch. 
“You’ve been busy!” I exclaim, waving at the little boy hiding his face behind his mother, giggling. 
“I have been,” She gestures to the man behind her. “This is my boyfriend, Asher.”
I put my hand out for a shake. A white guy, I think. I give her a look as he grips onto my hand. She looks back at me, beginning to laugh. I remember all of them always making fun of the Wasichu. Something catches her gaze in the distance. I turn around to see Soldier Boy leaning against the door of my car, lighting a cigarette. 
“Who is this?” She asks, walking over to my car to inevitably meet the man I so desperately need to hide. Fuck, I think. What am I going to say about this?
He turns to her as she walks towards him. He puts on a big smile. She opens her arms wide for a hug. 
“I’m Ben,” He beams. Ben. I swear his teeth glimmer in the light for a second. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Bastard. I think. He knows what he's doing.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ben,” Ama wraps her arm around my shoulder as I walk over to the both of them, grinning awkwardly. “She never told me she had a man back home.”
I flush at this. Damn it. He looks down at his feet kicking at a little rock. He acts bashful, like he's been caught doing something naughty. 
“What, she didn’t mention little ol’ me?” He asks.
“Nope, not even a peep.” She elbows me in the side. 
I scoff at her, gesturing down to the little boy who had followed us over to the car.
“I’m sorry, last time I checked you have a fucking child!”
She leans into my neck, whispering to me through gritted teeth.
“The elders don’t want others to know…” She raises her eyebrows.
Ah. I nod. At least she has an excuse. 
“Well,” She says, clapping her hands together. “Let's get you two home!” 
She still has her hands wrapped around my shoulders, walking us towards my new abode for the next few months. 
“He’s so hot. I didn’t know you were into older guys.” She whispers under her breath.
I elbow her in the side, my face heating up with some color. I could hear him smiling behind me. I wasn’t the only one around here with good hearing anymore. 
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The trailer is cute, small but cute. It’s painted a gentle powder blue, and the shutters contrast a pale yellow. It has a little porch with two adirondack chairs outfront, as well as a little bench swing hanging questionably from the wooden awning. Ama had made a note to put a bunch of potted flowers on the outside, knowing how much I like the smell of them. It also may have added to the overall aesthetic of the home. 
She unlocked the front door for me, and then handed me the key. SB and Asher were behind us talking about something to do with the house. This is dangerous. He knew nothing about anything these days, let alone how to even have a conversation with a modern man. If you were to ask him who the current president was, he wouldn't have an answer. If you were to tell him we have had a black president, he’d probably pass out on the floor. 
“Alright,” She says, showing off the place. “This is it.”
It's cute, small, but cute. I can't help but worry about the fact that neither of us will probably be able to stand each other at the end of this, but hey, let's think positively. 
“This is the living room, which is obviously attached to the kitchen.” She goes over to the couch, gesturing to it. “Pull out if he ever ends up in the dog house.” She clicks her tongue, winking at him. 
The living area has a floral print sectional, and a leather recliner. In the center is an old wooden coffee table, and a big ass TV across from it, mounted to the wall. 
“Cable, Netflix, ESPN, you name it.” She adds. 
The kitchen has smaller versions of standard appliances, and every sort of pot and pan or baking dish we may need. 
“The second eye on that stove doesn't work, so don't even try it. Oh, and unfortunately it is gas. If it really starts to bother you we can get you an electric.”
“Dont worry about it,” I wave my hand to her, brushing it off. “A little methane never hurt anybody.” 
She laughs, turning to Asher. “No need for a carbon monoxide detector with this one in the area.”
I look over at SB, he looks thoroughly confused. Standing here now I realize I still never told him the gift compound v gave me. I’m sure he's just utterly bewildered by this point. He looks between Ama and I like we’re fucking crazy. 
“Shower, bath, toilet. Don’t flush, and run laundry or do dishes at the same time.”
Bathroom, much like the rest of the house, is small. But again, it has everything we may need, so I can't complain. Also we lucked out with having a washer and dryer on site. The last thing I want is having to drag him to a laundromat. 
“And the best part, the bedroom!” She kicks the door open, displaying a very comfortable queen size bed. Only one. I think. Thank god for the pull out couch. 
“Drawers line the walls over here under the TV, and there are some more underneath the mattress.” 
“Awesome,” I beam. “Really Ama, I can't begin to thank you enough.”
She smiles, pulling me into a big hug.
“We’re so happy you're here.”
She goes up to SB, resting a careful hand on his shoulder, smiling at him tenderly. He nods to her, thanking her as well.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, and text me if you need me.”
“Will do.” I say, following her over to the front door, and closing it behind them. 
I take a deep breath, pushing my back against the door, sliding down onto the floor. I jolt my head up, pointing at him.
“He didn’t say anything you didn’t know, did he?”
He shrugs, moving over to the sectional and plopping himself down on it.
“So you're telling me I have to stay in this shack with you for three months?” He ignores my question.
I narrow my eyes on him.
“You got anything better to do?”
“Yeah, fleeing the country to sunny Costa Rica.” He counters.
I scoff, standing up, and walking over to the sink. I grab a cup from the cupboard, and pour myself a glass of water from the tap. 
“They make it pretty hard these days. Y’know, crossing the border.” I add.
He smiles, a weak, weary expression on his face. He looks down at his hands.
“For the time being, I don’t mind being here. As long as you promise no one is gonna find me.”
“They won’t, and they never will. I told you, once you help me with this, you are free to go. I will get you out of here, family in hand, no problem.”
He stares at me for a moment. It’s silent. He watches me with squinted eyes.
“What's all this about gas stoves? You pyrokinetic?” 
I start laughing, in fact, I start laughing really hard. So hard I have to bring a finger up to my eyes to wipe.
He chuckles now too, watching me.
“What?” He says.
“No, I’m sorry. It was just funny, the way that you said it, I mean.”
“So, you are?”
“A pyrokinetic.”
“Oh, God no.”
“Then what the fuck is your deal with gas stoves, little girl?” He grills, concerned.
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a little girl. I am an adult.” I gesture down to my obvious adult body. 
“Yeah, whatever. You’re at least a hundred years younger than me, so.”
There is silence, until.
“It’s my senses, by the way. Since you’re curious, I mean.” I say suddenly.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“My five senses, they are all heightened.”
“What, like taste and shit?”
“Yes, taste and shit.” I snort.
“You smell colors or something?” He jokes.
“Sometimes.” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I begin to walk off into the bedroom.
“Wait, what?” He glares at me questionably.
“I’m going to sleep.” I ignore him.
“I’m sorry, did you say you could smell colors?”
“Goodnight, Ben.” I put emphasis on his name, knowing he never told it to me. He grins. I start to close the door, he shouts to me from his spot on the couch.
“Leave the door unlocked, I’ll be in there in a few.”
“Nice try.” I say.
“A queen is plenty big for two!”
“So is that pullout couch.”
He groans as I close the door behind me. 
As I fall asleep, I can only hope for the best. As God as my witness, I would never mean to lie about something as big as family. Especially since I don’t even have one to enjoy. I’d do anything for that. At this point though, my game plan would be; get revenge on Vought, face the consequences from him, and inevitably die. That sounds like a dream. I’d go out with a smile knowing my success in Vought slaughter. May he blow me up into a million little pieces. 
Masterlist | Episode 4 | Taglist
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thirstnotes · 1 year
| Rivals to Lovers with Clark Kent |
Summary: Just mindless jabbering about mild “Enemies to Lovers” with Clark Kent for @ramp-it-up . It’s not a story, per se, but this one’s for you, homie. Merry New Year lol
Warnings: Ramblings, opinions, jokes, attempts at humor, morally gray Clark, smut, NSFW eventually (not this part tho) so per usual, minors DNI, typos probably, poor writing (but if you don’t like it, don’t read it)
Pairings: Clark Kent x BlackAFABReader
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You’ve been at the Daily Planet a little bit longer than Clark, so you knew the ropes before Golden Boy graced you all with his presence
You were a bad bitch, able to cover some of the toughest exclusives. From Bruce Wayne to Static Shock himself
But he started scooping you left and right and it was tap-dancing on your last nerve. But you respected how he was able to somehow get the story
You secretly thought he had to be Superman
Bc frfr the man was swole
“Scooped again,” you huffed quietly, packing your bag for the day, eyes flickering to the team congratulating Clark Probably-Superman-Because-What-Reporter-Has-A-Body-Like-That-Kent. You spotted him approaching from the corner of your eye and looked up with an enthusiastic smile.
“Well well. Congrats again, Clark.”
His dashing smirk grew a bit and he dipped his head with a laugh. “Thanks. You almost sounded like you meant it this time. The smile? Nice touch.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you sassily agreed, a little proud of your own performance and he laughed. You looked out at the office. “Well anyway. Your adoring public awaits.”
“C’mon, YN, we’re going out to celebrate. Have a drink on me.”
He was always really sweet. That was one of the things that kinda bothered you. He was perfect. Funny, gorgeous, smart and a hell of a journalist. You couldn’t even have a serious rivalry with him because he was just genuinely a nice dude.
It was a rivalry you both enjoyed, because you could sass each other on a professional level and still have lunch and debate topics civilly (most of the time) with a mutual respect
Loathe as you were to admit it, you had a lot in common
“Can’t. I have things to do.”
“I promise not to brag much,” he joked, his arms folding expectantly. You rolled your eyes and mimicked his pose, shifting the weight in your hips.
“Clark, as much as I’d love to pour-have a drink on you, I actually have a life outside of The Daily Planet Crew-Heeeey, Luke!”
Clark’s eyes followed yours to the man perched in the doorway. You lit up so much at seeing him, Clark looked back at you with a judgy smirk but you ignored him.
“Hey, you need a ride to class?” Luke asked, looking between you and Clark, who perked up.
“Yeah, no, we do a cooking class together. International Cuisines over on West and Central. You should check it out,” Luke explained and Clark looked moderately impressed.
“Oh! I didn’t know you two were. Are you datin-“
“Oh, um,” you started.
“No, no, no,” he gargled out at the same time and Clark looked between you slowly.
“I mean, it is a couple’s only class, but, like, between us, we kinda fudged the details a little bit when we signed up,” you admitted, your embarrassment growing. It was enough that your secret alone time with the hot photographer was being revealed to Mr. Perfect, but to hear Luke so vehemently refute the implication that you were his girlfriend. In front of him. Of all people. It was too much. You swallowed your feelings and kept it together. “Anyway, yeah, I’ll ride over with you.”
With that Luke continued down the hall to the darkroom. You exhaled and and pulled your bag onto your shoulder.
“Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Clark smirked, rolling his lips, to keep from laughing at the juicy interaction he just witnessed. He watched you lock up and leave, that annoying shit-eating smirk on his ridiculously handsome face ever present. You knew he was judging you. Like Damn woman, I knew you were thirsty, but this is next level.
Not like he had room to judge. Lois Lane could wear his balls as a necklace and he’d thank her for her time and energy. You had to respect the hustle, however, because he was just as shameless as you were to get next to his boo. You weren’t mad at that. The struggle was real. Today, however, was a major blow to your pride and progress and honestly you didn’t even know why you even bothered getting into the car, let alone slog through another class next to a man who clearly didn’t see you as anything but a fwb. The benefit being that you were a woman he could finesse a cooking class with.
You were way too fine to be used like that
You knew that
But in a way you were using him to be in the class too. It had limited seats and if word got out that you two weren’t a couple, you’d be put out for sure, so, annoyed and lukewarm (I said what I said) as you were on him now, you were trapped in this one-sided arrangement for now
But damn. Pretending was hard. When that man smiled at you over a perfectly cooked plate of crullers that you both worked hard to make…Hoooo. You were goo. It was pitiful. You hated it, but there you were. Laughing at his corny ass jokes. Joking back. Completely ignoring how he threw your potential relationship under the bus earlier that day. The laughter died down and eventually it was just you two in the car. Him driving you home.
“Hey, you remember when Clark thought we were dating?” you asked, hoping to work around to a genuine conversation about the two of you.
“Woah right? That was close. I mean, not that you aren’t attractive. You’re gorgeous, of course.”
“Of course,” you smirked saucily, chest fluttering at the blatant compliment he was giving. But the other half of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There it was.
He hesitated, as if trying to find the words. He hazarded a glance your way. “Between us, Lois and I have been dating for a little bit.”
You then throat chopped him, causing him to swerve sharply, sending the car into a spin-out off the nearest bridge, thus killing you both and sparing you the humiliating dread of realizing you wasted your time simping over some dude that Lois Fuckin Lane had already secured between her legs ages ago
Just kidding. That didn’t happen, but you were damn sure thinking about it right then
You were truly at a loss. You were a top flight journalist, you should’ve picked up on it. Something. Anything. Sure, they hung out a bit between meetings, but you all did. Then again, they did spend more than a little time at each other’s desks, smiling and talking. Grabbing lunch or coffee for each other. But you thought it was business. You and Clark did that for each other all the time. Maybe you just ignored the signs.
“Oh. Shit. That’s-That’s great! Is it getting serious?” you asked, kicking yourself for the filler question. He took a deep breath.
“I think so. I mean, it’s going pretty well. I wish I knew what was going on in her mind.”
“Well I’m not gonna spy for you, if that’s what you’re working around to,” you joked hollowly, the sinking pain in your chest making you feel sick and stupid. He laughed and you forced yourself to as well.
“Man, that’s cold,” he chortled and it gave you a petty bit of satisfaction.
“That’s life.*”
“That’s what people say,” he joked back, quoting the song. Though while he was riding high in April, it was you that was shot down in May. You were relieved when you saw home, nearly opening the door while the car was still in motion. You couldn’t wait to get inside and have a nice hot bath and a stiff drink.
Usually that was your time to unwind and read in the warm candlelight, or even touch yourself, if you felt so inclined to do so, but tonight, you weren’t feeling anything. Much less yourself.
You couldn’t help but think about how Clark was coping with all this. Provided he even knew. You could see him, the absolute Labrador of a man, reduced to nothing me than a kicked puppy at the news of his beloved Lois dating anybody that wasn’t him
Part of you was hoping he was Superman, so he could freak out and smack the shit out of Luke for doing this to you. Well. The petty part of you was kinda hoping
It wasn’t anybody’s fault, you knew that, but you just wanted to feel less like a fool and more like the confident woman you woke up as that morning
The next time you saw Clark, you debated not telling him anything, but you weren’t willing to let anybody go out the way you did. So eventually, over coffee, you broke it to him casually
“I know.”
“S’cuse me?”
“That they’re dating? I already know that,” he said, adding more coffee to his mug to make it less sweet. He was either taking this remarkably well, or he was playing it off like he was totally fine. Which would add amazing acting to his already impressive list of things he could do well.
“Then why are you still fawning all over Lois like it’s Single’s Weekend?”
He laughed with a shrug. “They’re dating, not married. She could change her mind.”
Part of you felt a small spark jolt through you. You always imagined Clark the traditional type. But there he was literally—openly—declaring war on your crush. Threatening to steal his bae.
“Oh. Okay. My bad.”
Part of you was cheering for him to.
(Part 2)
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