#[ but you are still welcome to bug the heck out of him ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
Hey Akira, how does it feel to give into the powers of a ten-year-old cousin and a European princess? Apparently they're both great at that forlorn, puppy-eyed look. They'll have you eating chocolate next! At a tea party!
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                  unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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       "...How about you mind your own damn business?" came his gruff retort with displeasure clearly evident in his voice. Truth be told, he’s annoyed whoever this was had clearly been paying too much attention to what sort of company he was keeping, that sooner rather than later, he’ll shoot them a glare... as if attempting to dissuade them from further accosting him.
     “I don’t need some busy-body spying on me. Or do you just have way too free much time on your hands that you can’t help but ask me stupid questions?” Akira scowls. Of course, he doesn’t dare mention that if Ami wanted to have a tea party, he’ll probably have no choice but to attend; after all, that would only serve to embolden this stranger to greater lengths.
    Why, as true as it was that he might always have a soft spot when it came to Sonia and his cousin, they didn’t quite need to know that, so he’ll keep it under wraps... refusing to even entertain their nosiness in good faith.
anonymous ( in reference to @more-than-a-princess​ )
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bubba-draws · 9 months
Ok I'll bite; in the Radi Vessel AU, what would Hollow's relationship with Ghost be? Would they be hostile toward them, welcoming as long as they don't try and stop them, or protective toward them to try and make up for the past? Heck, I could even see in that case Radi!Hollow trying to keep Ghost at their side at all times and learning to gaslight them into staying with them?
OK SO It took me a bit to answer this because to me the relationship between Ghost and Hollow is very unusual, especially bc of personal Headcanons I have about them
To me Ghost and Hollow were somewhat closer the moment both of them hatched in the Abyss, maybe not 100% attached to each other, but they still did care about the other, up until Hollow was picked by PK and they just decided to go with him, not thinking too much about their decision at that moment bc, well, you cannot expect a kid to take good decisions HAKDHAJD
I don't think Ghost felt betrayed? Just very confused as to why their sibling isn't there anymore? and lonely because there was barely any living vessel down there and the ones that lived didn't want anything to do with them (kinda like when u take a puppy from their litter and it misses their presence)
After they escaped the Abyss and went out of Hallownest, Ghost would eventually forget about Hollow (because bugs that leave Hallownest lose their memories), in the other hand though, Hollow does remember Ghost, and as they grew older they would always wonder happened to them (They were definitely dead, right? Just like the rest of their siblings down there, right?) But as the Hollow Knight they forbid themselves to think too much about it and then as the Radiance Vessel there was no point on wondering, even if they left the Abyss to exist, they could no longer go there, for their light was dangerous to the void and vice versa, if they were dead finding their mask was hopeless, if they were alive they would def try and attack them or hide from them
In the game Ghost comes back to Hallownest bc of Hollow no longer being able to hold on the Radiance, their scream (or rather Radi's scream, though I'd like to think part of the call came from them as well, even if they don't really have a voice?? It's weird ahskshdjd bc to me rather than following the call of the Radiance it was the vessels trying to find the sibling that called bc they're in lot of pain) calling the vessels towards them, if we go by this au, it would be because Ghost would accidentally stumble back into Hallownest, no call to answer, just coming to a kingdom that is far too eerie
At this point I am not sure how they reach their meeting, but I know it's not gonna be a pleasant one. It would take time for Hollow to recognize Ghost, but by the time they do they wouldn't just accept them with open arms, mostly bc I think at this point Ghost tried to pull an Ultrakill in the kingdom AJDJAKFBSKJG so it's a bunch of mixed feelings
But when the anger of their reunion dies down I think the guilt Hollow felt back then would crawl back, the thoughts they stopped from forming many times finally appear and the grief they were trying to ignore comes in waves, bc hey, the sibling they missed was alive all along! But they don't seem to remember them at all and is 100% down to throw fists
So, to summarize: First there's hostility, then guilt and sadness, then annoyance at Ghost's attempts to fight Hollow but also protectiveness because despite everything, Hollow wants to give Ghost the life Hollow wish they could've had (plus if somehow they make Ghost not wanting to attack anything Radi related then maybe they can use that as a case so Radi can let Hollow search for any other sibling that may stay still alive)
All of that could happen if Hornet does not intercede Ghost before they go bonkers in Hallownest HAKDHSJD
Hopefully this answered ur question! If u got any more or any ideas you'd like to share I'm open to hear them :3
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I have a request please!
Could you write about Eddie dear and Frank frankly taking care of a regressed reader?
(Headcannon or fanfic I don’t mind!)
Sorry I didn’t notice I got an ask !! Im still getting used to Tumblrs interface, especially since it’s so different on my phone than my laptop (���‿╰,)
Absolutely ! I’ll do headcanons since everything is so new, but I hope you enjoy it anon ! Hope you don’t mind that I like writing reader as a fellow puppet of the Neighborhood.
Synopsis : Frank and Eddie take care of you during dinner time and tuck you in for bed
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
✿ Just like Julie, you would consider yourself pretty good friends with Frank. You trusted him more than anyone else in the Neighborhood. So when he finally made it official with Eddie, you were over the moon for him! Now you had two besties to hang out with
✿ Most everyone knew you age regressed occasionally, heck, some of your fellow neighbors did as well ! Sally, for example, regressed like you do and made for wonderful playdates
✿ When Frank had suggested that both him and Eddie act as your caregivers, you hesitated. On one hand, it would be awesome having not one but TWO caregivers. On the other hand, you felt rather shy opening up to Eddie in such a vulnerable state.
✿ In the end though, you agreed. Frank had said that he spoke with Eddie before approaching you about it, and that the mailman was more than excited to partake. “I think it would be fun!” He had said
✿ Franks home is a nice little two bedroom house with a little office he kept for all his insect stuff. Especially his display of butterfly shadow boxes. The spare bedroom was originally a guest bedroom but doubled as the space where you and Frank would hang when regressed
✿ As the afternoon turned into evening and Eddie’s shift ended, little you and Frank waited patiently (albeit excitedly) for the mailman to come home. Dinner was around the corner and Frank had already set the table, your own colorful plastic plate and cutlery set out as well.
✿ “I’m home!” Eddie announced loudly as he entered the house. He set his satchel and hat off to the side. “Sorry if I’m a little late, I got lost delivering some of the last packages.”
✿ “Welcome Home.” Frank greeted him as well and went to give his hello kisses. You giggled at their interaction from your place at the table. “Dinners ready whenever you are.”
✿ You couldn’t help the giggles that seemed to spill out of you as you watch the two dot over eachother. It was enough to catch Eddie’s attention. “Now what this over here? Looks like someone has a case of the giggles.”
✿ “Papa gave Daddy kisses.” You said gleefully behind your hands. Eddie left Frank’s side to come over to you as he enveloped you in a hug.
✿ “And Papa gives kisses to littles too!” He said giving you quick smooches to both your cheeks. His hands found their way to your sides and before you could register what he was doing, he began to tickle you. This sent you into a raging fit of laughter, absolutely shrieking before Eddie took mercy and took his place at the table.
✿ Dinner went by normally. Frank put your food on your plastic plate, with dividers, and poured your favorite juice in a sippy cup. Eddie talked about his day and how it went and in turn ask you and Frank how yours was.
✿ “We played with Sally at her house and for lunch we had sandwiches that Miss Poppy made. It was really yummy. Then we had nap time and daddy read me the hungry caterpillar, it’s my favorite bug book.” You rambled off when it your turn to talk about your day. It was like that as everyone finished their food as Frank and Eddie started taking plates and washing them.
✿ Frank had been to worried in the past that you might accidentally cut yourself with something sharp while helping with the dishes, so he asked instead if you didn’t mind getting into your pajamas for the night. “I’m sure papa would love to see your new jammies we got from Howdys.”
✿ The idea of being able to show off your new pjs was more than enough motivation to leave to two in the kitchen as they cleaned. When you came back, they were finished and had put most of everything away.
✿ “Papa!” You had practically shouted as you came into the living room. “Look at my pjs! The stars glow in the dark!” They were indeed cute pajamas. They had a solid blue background with white stars scattered about in various sizes.
✿ “Come here,” Eddie patted the space between him and Frank on the couch. You gladly wiggled in between them to cuddle. “Why, these look spectacular! You’ll have to show me them glowing when it’s bedtime.”
✿ As you snuggled between your caretakers you felt sleep slowly but surely creep its way up as you began to yawn. Surely closing your eyes just to rest them won’t make you go to sleep. Besides, papa is telling a real interesting story (that you aren’t following) to daddy so of course you’ll stay awake.
✿ In all honesty, you only lasted for roughly half an hour, and that’s being generous. The sun had set long ago and the hour was late. “Oh dear,” Eddie said, suddenly dropping his voice to a whisper. “I believe they’ve fallen asleep.”
✿ “So they have.” Frank whispered. “Here, why don’t we take ‘em to bed.” He gently pried himself away from you, moving ever so slowly in order not to wake you. Eddie scooped you up in his strong arms, trying his best not to stir you, and carried you to the guest room.
✿ While Eddie tucked you into bed, Frank grabbed one of your stuffed animals and expertly slid it between your arms. You moved a little but it was to grasp the toy and hold it dearly. Frank plugged in a nightlight on the opposite side of the room before tiptoeing out, Eddie leaving right behind.
✿ Even though Frank had left you a nightlight, he flipped the hallway light on and left the door open a creek. He knew that you hated wondering around in the dark in case you needed something in the middle of the night.
✿ “Goodnight sleepy bug.” Eddie whispered to your sleeping form before finally taking his leave and following Frank upstairs and to their bedroom.
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cor-obscenum · 4 months
how do you think the ghouls would react to their significant other coming out as a cardiophile
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He would find it adorable. After all, it's one of your little quirks, the little things that are uniquely yours, and he cherishes that. Would give you lots of cuddles with your head on his chest, let you use his stethoscope to your heart's content and even teach you the auscultation points of the heart.
At first he might be a little put off, since he's a bit reluctant to let someone get close to such an intimate part of his. But after you explain to him that it's something that turns you on and/or comforts you, his mind would change! Then he would do his best to please (and tease) you. His favorite would be holding his breath to make his heart race.
As soon as you tell him that you're a cardiophile, he would look at you like he just BSOD'ed. Deep inside, he would be like: "Heck yeah! I hit the jackpot!" Seriously, he would be so happy, but still a bit shy about it. As his shyness wears off, he would want to experiment with your fantasies and open up about his own: having you poke your fingers through his gills to feel his heartbeat (yes I stole this idea from that last post bc I loved it), play doctor with you, underwater sex so you can hear your heartbeats...
I picture him finding it out by accident. He would notice that whenever you're sad or just wanting a hug, you'd rest your head on his chest and smile, sometimes falling asleep to it. At first he would think this position would have to do with the height difference between you two, since he's a tall boy. But when you explain to him that you enjoy listening to his heartbeat, he melts.
He would be chill with it, not too enthusiastic, but fine. But if you're into a fast, nervous heartbeat, he would be a dream come true. Since Bug is naturally wired all the time, even his resting heart rate is faster than normal. If you manage to get him totally flustered - especially in public - his heart would be hammering against his ribs. And secretly, he's into it.
Finding this out about you would excite Swisstopher in an unexpected way. He would do anything to get you going: from giving you ear-steth cuddles out of the blue in unusual places, to sending you audios of his heartbeat on the messaging app. Whenever his heart is beating faster and you're close, he would pick up your hand and let you feel. And if your thing is dark cardiophilia, he would experiment with his quintessence for various scenarios, such as phasing through your chest and touching your heart.
Oh, this girl. She would coyly pretend to be just okay with it, but not too excited. You go on with your life, a little disappointed that she doesn't seem to care, until you arrive at your quarters to find her in a sexy nurse costume, stethoscope around her neck. "Welcome, my patient. Have a seat". She would then proceed to give you a full body examination, stething included, praising you about how healthy your heart sounds. Then she would offer to let you use the stethoscope on her. After the play ends, she would confess to you that she's also a cardiophile.
When you tell her that you have a thing for heartbeats, she literally goes "aww!". To her, it's something incredibly romantic and intimate. Instantly you're wrapped up in her arms and with your head on her chest, listening as she pets your hair. She would be so enthusiastic about it that would make a point of buying every single cute thing shaped like a heart or stethoscope to give you as a gift.
She didn't even know cardiophilia was a thing before you told her, and would find it really interesting. Would be very curious about it, asking a lot of questions and listening to you talk about your interest for hours. And, of course, she would offer you to listen to her heart, since it's your favorite thing in the world. Would also ask to listen to yours, and after a while, would be like: "you know, this is really nice... Now I understand why you like it so much..."
Don't be mistaken by her cute, innocent looks: she's a Domme and will want to combine your kink with her own. So when you tell her that you're a cardiophile, she would be "ooh, nice to know" while plotting how she could make it pleasurable to both parts. Heart plays with her could include you being bonded or restrained while she puts the stethoscope on your ears and against her chest. If you're into dark cardiophilia, she would find a way to lovingly torture your heart (maybe trampling your chest to apply pressure on it). During aftercare, ear-steth cuddles and heart kisses are mandatory.
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dragon-of-norrisville · 3 months
Mun and Blog Introduction
I guess we’re doing this again! You have no idea how tedious it is to keep making new blogs but I’m doing this for fun so!
Mun Introduction
💫 Name: Cecil/Ghost (I hoard names like a dragon, but right now I’m choosing to go by these two!)
💫 Age: 23 (about to change in a few days!)
💫 Pronouns: They/Them + Neos
💫 Multi-Fandom Blogger / Creator of AU’s
💫 Active Fandoms: Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja, Xiaolin Showdown (Secondary: Danny Phantom, American Dragon: Jake Long, Miraculous Ladybug, Codename: Kids Next Door, Swat Kats, Totally Spies, Kim Possible)
💫 Hyperfixated on 2000’s cartoon media. Working on multiple alternate universes and WIP’s!
The Category Catalogue
☑️ Likes: writing (original/fanfiction), film/media (animation/cartoons, fantasy, some romcom, action/adventure), roleplaying, discussing my hyperfixations/interests, original characters/self inserts, traveling
❌ Dislikes: ableism, heated fandom discourse, wet/slimy food, bigots, loud noises, certain bugs
Blog/Universe Explanation
Alright, so! Unlike the first two blogs - this one’s a little different although it’s still for asking characters things!
This one specifically and its sister blog @norisu-dojo are part of the same universe; at the moment it doesn’t have an official name, so to explain - the AU is a role swap where “Finja” is the ninja of 2012/2013 (?) and Randy’s the First Ninja (so basically Finja and Randy swap places hahah). I wanted to use the ask blog as a way of developing the universe a little more and to make something different!
It was between that or somehow First Ninja had been given a physical form and Randy convinced him to get social media or something, but I figured why not use one of my AU’s for the heck of it?
Now keep in mind this is still being developed, but you’ll be able to interact with “Finja” and well, possibly get information about the world he’s in! Who knows~
Muse Information
🐉 Name: [REDACTED] / the Ninja
🐉 Age: 14, almost 15! (I mean- totally 800 years old what do you mean)
🐉 Fandom: Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja / RC9GN
🐉 Current Timeline: “Season One” of Role Swap AU
🐉 Occupation: the Ninja / Protector of Norrisville High School
🐉 Certain information will be revealed via either this blog or its sister blog!
☑️ Acceptable Asks/Requests: inquiries for the Ninja (general questions and/or more personal ones, within reason of course!), roleplays between moots, out of character questions allowed (but please don’t do this too often- that’s not what this blog is for), anything you fancy!
❌ Do Not Ask: headcanon infodumps (wrong blog for this), x Reader requests, anything inappropriate (this is not canon! Finja), requests for fanfiction and/or artwork, anything too weird (at my own discretion)
Writer’s Edit: All questions to “Finja” will be answered in-character to the universe! The only exceptions to this is if I’m answering out of character
Additional Notes
Gifts are always welcome, of course!
Please keep in mind I do have a life outside of this blog! I might not always be active but I will do my best to respond as soon as I can!
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Lemme set the scene (also idk if commissions cost money but I'm throwing my hat into the ring anyways)
They're in their early 20s, still dating, and chatting over the phone late on a rainy night. Amy mentions how she's been having stomach issues all night (she's not pregnancy, just a minor stomach bug). They hang up and while Amy gets ready for bed, she hears a knock on her window and sees Sonic standing outside in the rain. She lets him in and he explains that he thought them cuddling would help her feel a bit better so they do that and end up falling asleep and it's all cute and stuff
No money needed! This one is pretty short, and because you didn't specify the universe, I decided to make it IDW!
It was a dark and stormy night. I pace back and forth in my living room, watching the clock. 6:00. In thirty minutes, Sonic would be coming over. He wouldn't come any earlier, he never does.
That was the thing with Sonic. He never came a second before he was asked. Thing is, he never came around late either. (Well, unless he was held up majorly. Then it couldn't be helped.) Somehow, Sonic always managed to show up at the last possible second. At first, I found it annoying. Sometimes scary, even. But, especially in these past few years, I've learned to trust him more. And now? It's one of the things I love most about Sonic.
I felt a sharp pain again, so I sat down in a chair with a sigh. I closed my eyes. Do I have to tell him?
Yes, yes, of course I have to tell him. It's for his own safety.
I groaned. This sucked.
I'd hate to disturb him.
No. No. I have to do this. I sigh for the thousandth time and force myself to press dial.
"Hey, Ames!" said Sonic on the other end of the line. "What's up? Ready for movie night?"
"Um, yeah, about that, Sonic..."
"Uh-oh. What's wrong?" I could hear the concern in his voice.
"I don't feel too good," I replied sadly. "Stomach pains."
"Oh. Oh. Is it, erm... cramps?" his voice got noticeably quieter.
"Huh? Oh! No, Sonic, it's a stomach bug, according to Doctor Ginger."
Sonic chuckled. "Wait, wait, wait... Really? That's all? Geez, you scared me! Ames, you were really exaggerating this thing."
I was confused. Why wasn't he freaking out about this? "But... Doc Ginger said it may or may not be contagious!"
"Amy..." I could hear his smile through the phone. "By tomorrow, you'll be fine. Don't be so dramatic. We'll reschedule movie night, okay?"
"Alright. Thanks, Sonic."
"You're welcome, Ames. Get some rest."
"Will do. And Sonic?"
"I love you."
"I love ya, too, Amy."
After we hang up, I head downstairs to get some medicine. I decided that I'm gonna turn in early for the night. As I search through the medicine cabinet, I glance at the clock. 6:30. This would've been the exact time Sonic would--
I put down the medicine. It's coming from my bedroom. I climb the stairs, hammer in hand. "What the heck--" My thoughts were interrupted the second I saw the figure at my window. "On time as always, Hedgehog."
Sonic the Hedgehog was in the tree next to my window, soaking wet, with a pint of ice cream in one hand and a bag in the other. "You know you love it," he said as I opened the window. I then proceeded to push him out of my room and toward the stairs.
"I do, but I could be contagious, Sonic!"
He was unmoved. "You of all people, Amy, should know that I'm not afraid of a little virus." He gave me a pointed look. I giggled, and seeing it fruitless to try and stop him, I led Sonic to my living room. "Besides," he continued, "you sounded so sad over the phone, and I couldn't leave you miserable all night."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Have a seat."
"I come bearing gifts!" he announced. "A pint of strawberry ice cream for the cute pink hedgie."
I grabbed two spoons from the kitchen and sat next to Sonic on the couch. "That would be me," I said, handing him a spoon and taking the carton. "I see you brought candy, as well." I looked at all the junk food. "Yeah, this can't be healthy." Sonic laughed. "What movie did you pick?" I ask.
"I was thinking Spiderman. Superhero action for me, and that Tom Holland guy you like so much for you," he replied with an eye-roll.
"Relax. You know you're still my number one."
He gave me a smirk. "Come on, let's just start the movie."
Halfway through the movie, all the ice cream was gone, and I was drowsy. Feeling myself about to fall asleep, I cuddled up to Sonic. And just before I slipped into slumber, I heard him utter one more phrase:
"Goodnight, Amy."
Hope you liked it! This was my first time doing one of these, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for the commission, @benadrylcandlewhack!
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
The Weight of a Butterfly | Chapter 1
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✦ Shinazugawa Sanemi x femReader
✦ Synopsis: Sanemi gets a new Butterfly Girl who he really doesn't like at first, or even at all. Or maybe he does? Short, heartwarming, fluff story.
✦ Warnings: reader is described as an orphan, no smut
✦ From author: This is my first book written in English. It does contain a bunch of mistakes and overall isn't that great when it comes to writing skills. Nonetheless, I have a great sentiment for it and still adore the plot, that's why I decided to (re)post it. If you want to see my writing progress you can catch up on one of my more recent works.
Word count: 0,8k
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That was outrageous! You just got information about the whole division process from Shinobu. You could pick your own Pillar! Well... at least you could try to get to the Pillar you chose. Every Butterfly Girl got a small piece of paper where she was about to write three Pillar names, beginning with the one they most wanted to work for.
Most of your friends, including Miki, sweated over Rengoku. You liked the guy, but you didn't know him well. Heck, you also knew about his father living in his Estate. No matter how hot Rengoku was, he was not hot enough for you to deal with an old grump.
I think I will choose Mitsuri.
You thought to yourself as you've written her name in the first place. Now that you thought about it... you didn't know any Pillar except for Shinobu. You've heard about them, but that's pretty much all.
''Who do you guys write down, aside from Rengoku?'' You asked all your friends.
''I've heard that Giyuu is not much of a problem.'' One of the Butterfly Girls answered your question.
Yeah, you also heard about him. Might as well write him down in the second place. Now you only have to find the third one. You started to ask a bit around. It turned out that most of the Pillars had a bunch of votes from everyone. There was nearly no one who was left unpicked. There was only one exception.
''Who is that Shinazugawa?'' You asked Miki.
''Oh no girl, don't pick that. He will eat you alive.'' Your best friend warned you.
Asking the rest of the girls you noticed that none of them wrote that guy down. You felt kinda down about it. Shinobu told you that with this voting they also wanted to test the popularity of the Pillars within bystanders. They definitely had some kind of a contest. You felt really bad about the fact that this Shinazugawa guy had zero votes. You wrote him down in the last place. It's not like you will land him, right? You had two other propositions and Shinobu really liked you so she wouldn't give you away to any meany. Right?
All the skilled Butterfly Girls were standing in a row in front of the Pillars. The Demon Slayers looked rather relaxed, in contrast to their new pupils. You didn't feel a lot of stress, you were also relaxed. You knew no matter what you would get a good Pillar. Because all of them were good!
''Welcome everyone, we may get straight to the point.'' Shinobu found herself a place in the middle of the both sides, Aoi was helping her, holding a chart that only they could see. ''I'm happy to say that every one of the Pillars got at least one vote!''
There was a murmur of satisfaction hearable from the Demon Slayers.
''I would also like to congratulate Rengoku for being the most popular Pillar, nearly every vote has your name on it. You are lucky I didn't take part in the voting.'' The bug Pillar was sharp as always. ''As this was a contest I will read the names of my Butterfly Girls and the Pillars in the order from the most votes to the least votes. Please remember that if there was more than one vote for a certain Pillar there was a draw deciding who will get the job so don't whine that someone was favourised!'' With that she started.
''Our winner Rengoku, welcome your new Butterfly Girl Miki, treat her well.'' You could swear that you heard Miki scream internally.
Your friend hopped to Rengoku's side and waved to you. If you weren't standing in the row you would wave back, for now you had to focus and listen to your name. Next was of course Mitsuri. You also didn't get her. Giyuu got third place which shocked the other Pillars. The girl that got him looked like her eyes were about to pop out from looking at him so everybody quickly got what was going on. You swore you heard someone say 'that handsome bastard'.
Time went by and there were less and less Pillars yet, you were still standing in the row. Finally there was only one girl left next to you and her name was called out first. You sweatdropped.
''Last but not least, with one vote, Shinazugawa, welcome your new Butterfly Girl Y/N, treat her well.'' Instantly, you felt someone's eyes dart your way.
Wait... it was everyone's eyes, but one of them especially drilled holes in you.
One vote? It's like... the Pillar had to get only my vote. It looks like I did it on purpose. I barely remember the third name. I just know I wanted to get a job for Mitsuri.
You looked up at your Pillar, already standing in front of you. It was a man with white hair and a lot of scars. He looked like he wanted to kill you.
''Hello... master?'' 
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doll-in-the-walls · 2 years
Strangely Charming - Chapter 23
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Chapter Sum: Maeve returns to school like usual on Monday and is surprised when Billy wants to talk.
A/N:  Sorry this took so long, this chapter is very Billy-centric.
Warnings:  Mentions of / implied physical abuse, weed mention
Words:  3045
(Previous Chapter)
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Even though that weekend they had fought inter-dimensional monsters, the following Monday the kids all went to school as if it had just been another boring weekend. The only one who had stayed home was Will, considering the boy had been possessed by the main inter-dimensional ‘baddie’, the kid deserved some time to relax and recover.
The only thing they couldn’t hide from that weekend were the facial bruises Steve and Calcifer were sporting. Of course Steve’s were only a glamour, an illusion from the charm Maeve had made him, but Calcifer had turned down healing, less work in the long run. At first people thought Steve and Calcifer were the ones who had fought each other, until they saw the slight bruising on Billy’s face. It was clear who the victor of the fight was. 
This prompted a few people to wonder why Calcifer was with the two in the first place. Even though Steve had outright told him he didn’t care what people thought, Calcifer was still surprised when Steve told people the two were friends and that’s why they were hanging out. Neither went into detail about the fight with their respected friend groups, though his lunch table pestered Calcifer the entire time, and it turned out that Billy wasn’t bragging about it either.
Billy had seen Calcifer and Maeve that morning and while he remembered fighting the Irish boy and ‘The Hair’ he couldn’t shake the feeling he had seen Maeve that night as well.
"Emerson." Maeve turned from her locker, at the end of the day, to see Billy walking up to her. She tilted her head.
"Uh, yeah?"
"I…" He frowned as he reached her. "Did you bring me back to my house?" She blinked at him.
"What? Uh- when?" 
“Saturday night. Last thing I remember is that little shit… drugging me and then I wake up at home, she’s home, my car is home, and my-... my dad said I brought her home.”
“Oh, well-”
"Look, just-” he said, interrupting her, “ever since I saw you this morning… it's been bugging the heck outta me..” He looked conflicted and sighed. “Thanks."
"Huh?" Maeve blinked.
"For whatever damn reason, I've had the strongest urge to thank you all day. Then I figured you must have been the one to bring us home and I just couldn't remember. I mean your brother was there so- I mean, I don’t get why you would help after I-...” He cleared his throat and actually looked a little sheepish. “So I'm saying thanks."
"Oh… well, you're welcome, I guess." Maeve shrugged. He turned to walk away then paused and turned back.
“I saw your bird last night… She tell you?” he asked.
“Tell me that she saw you? No. Why?” She tilted her head. He swallowed and shook his head, jaw ticking.
“No reason.”
“If she saw you doing something weird or gross, you don't have to worry, she’s not gonna tell me,” she said with a small smirk she hoped didn’t look too forced. “She understands the concept of privacy, especially when it comes to teenage boys.” She let out a small scoff of a chuckle. “Won’t tell me anything you don’t want me to know.” He nodded slowly and hesitated as he took a step back.
“Good to know,” he said before he turned and walked away. 
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That night Maeve was surprised when Circe dropped a folded piece of notebook paper on the coffee table beside her perch after being let in for the night. All that was written on it were the words ‘open window, right side -B’ with an address written below it. Maeve looked to the raven.
“Give this to her. Don’t say anything,” the bird mimicked. 
“What’s that about?” Calcifer asked from his spot on the couch, looking up from a book.
“I’m not at liberty to say. Don’t wait up,” Maeve said as she grabbed her coat and her keys before she was out the door. Calcifer shrugged and went back to reading.
She parked at the end of the block and walked the rest of the way. Two windows on the right side of the house had lights on, but only one was open. The window was a good three feet above her head and she could see someone pacing back and forth inside. Instead of saying anything, Maeve picked up a small stone and hit the side of the house beside the window. A moment later Billy popped his upper half out. 
“You did remember how short I was, right?” she whispered as she motioned to the height of the window.
“Gimme your hand,” he said as he reached down. She let out a small scoff of a laugh.
“No way you can pull me up from there,” she said as she shook her head, crossing her arms.
“Give me your hand,” he repeated.
“Look, Max’s light is still on, she has a conveniently placed… thing to climb.” She motioned to the small wood storage under Max’s window.
“Fuck no.” He shook his head and motioned her over with his hand. “Come here.”
“You’re not pulling me up,” Maeve insisted, shaking her head. 
“Why are you being so difficult about this?” he hissed. “Just give me your damn hand.” The sound of a window opening brought their attention to Max’s window as she leaned out.
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are,” she said before motioning Maeve towards her window. “Come on.” Billy hit his windowsill with his hand out of frustration and moved out of sight before closing his window.
“Thanks,” Maeve said as she climbed up.
“What are you even doing here?” the girl asked, giving her a confused and concerned look.
“Honestly? Not sure yet. Gave me to a note to come here.” Maeve climbed in through the window and Max jumped as the door behind her dresser opened.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Billy hissed. 
“Don’t act like you don’t normally have your side blocked too,” Max said with a sneer. “Just go out through the hall. You’re not moving it.” He cursed under his breath and shut the door. “Come on, follow me,” Max said as she opened her door. She looked out into the hall, listening for the sound of either adult from the next room being awake, before she motioned for Maeve to go out. Maeve had only just stepped out into the hall when she was being pulled down the hall and into Billy’s room. 
The first thing that caught her eye was the music setup that had been in front of the window - that he wanted her to come through - was pulled out and pushed against his closet door. Billy let out a sigh as he shut his door behind him and gave her an annoyed look. Maeve shrugged.
“Sorry, but you were not going to be able to lift me through that window.”
“Yeah?” He gave her a look before he was suddenly lifting her up by her waist so her head was at least a foot above his. Instinctively her hands moved to hold his shoulders.
“Whoa. O-Okay. You made your point.” Billy put her back down before letting out a sigh and sitting on his bed. Maeve smoothed out her shirt as he ran a hand over his face. “So… Ciri didn’t tell me why you wanted to see me so late at night,” she said as she slowly walked over to him. “Can I sit?” He motioned to the bed without looking at her and nodded. She sat so there was about two feet between them. “I figured it had to be something pretty important considering we see each other every weekday.” He took a slow breath. “Is everything okay?” He glanced at her and had to look away the moment he saw the genuine concern on her face.
“The bir-... Ciri saw something the other night and-” He scratched the back of his head. “-honestly I thought you sent her to spy on me or something but… you said she hadn’t told you anything.”
“Which she didn’t,” Maeve confirmed with a nod. She felt bad for lying about it, but she understood why Circe had told her when normally she wouldn’t have. Maeve didn’t know exactly what Circe had seen but the bird was panicked enough about what she did tell her.
“When I asked-... Okay so, whenever I have my window open she likes to sit on the ledge. Think she likes my music,” he said with a slight chuckle and a half shrug. “So tonight when she showed up… I felt like a crazy person, but I asked her why she didn’t tell you what she saw… and she said…” He took a breath. “She said that I should be the one to tell you.”
“I told you before, she understands the concept of privacy and secrets. She wouldn’t tell me even if I asked.” He nodded. “Are you going to tell me? Or did you just want to double check that she didn’t tell me?” He shook his head.
“I asked her why I should tell you and she said… I can trust you.” He looked at her, finally meeting her eyes again.
“I mean… you can. Believe it or not, I also understand the concept of privacy and secrets.” He chuckled and looked up to the ceiling. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I won’t be offended or anything.”
“I want to… I just… I just don’t know how.” He let out another chuckle, this time humorless as he rubbed a hand over his face again. “I’ve never told anyone, not even the people who already know about it.”
“You don’t have to say anything if you’re not ready.” He swallowed.
“When I was a kid… back in California...”
She listened as he told her everything. He moved to sit against the wall that the head of his bed was against and she came to sit with her legs crossed at the foot of his bed. She didn’t interrupt and let him find the words in his own time. Even when he sat, for a full five minutes, with a fist to his mouth trying to push back tears the only thing she had said was a soft,
“You’re allowed to cry. It doesn’t mean you’re weak.” Which only made the tears fill his eyes faster, but he took the time he needed to collect himself enough to continue. He couldn’t look at her once while he spoke, instead looking at his hands or up at the ceiling. His voice never grew any louder or stronger than just above a whisper.
“-and I know this is gonna sound like some cheap pick up line,” he said with a scoff, “but… you’re different. Bird said I could trust you and… I already felt like I could. From the moment you noticed that damn cut…” He finally looked at her and swallowed hard as tears again filled his eyes. “And then you even noticed when I wasn’t wearing my necklace…” He let out a shaky breath as he reached up to hold the pendant. "You're-… the girls at school don't care, but you- you’re not even trying to-…" He let out another breath. Maeve uncrossed her legs, letting them rest over the side of the bed and moved a bit closer to him.
“Can I give you a hug?” she asked softly. “I swear I’m not coming onto you. Just a hug.” He started to chuckle as he nodded and the chuckles soon turned into quiet sobs as she put her arms around him. His arms wrapped tightly around her as she slowly rubbed his back. She held him until his tears ran dry. 
From that night onward, any time he needed or wanted to see her Circe would deliver the message and Maeve would drive out to his house. It was easier for him to write it down on paper than to verbally ask her. She had given him her phone number for convenience's sake, but he preferred to have Circe deliver the request which Maeve respected. As long as Circe didn’t mind, she didn’t mind.
If Max was still awake she allowed Maeve the use of her window. She had even moved her dresser so the door connecting the two rooms was usable, so Maeve didn’t have to go through the hallway to get to Billy’s room. She didn't really understand why Maeve would willingly want to be around Billy, but Max didn’t want Maeve to get caught by Billy’s father either. Once or twice Max listened through the wall, like she had the first night Maeve came over, but so far she hadn’t heard anything that made her concerned enough to tell any of the others. If anything, she thought having Maeve over was actually good for him. 
Sometimes the two would just stay in his room; he would talk and she would listen. Other times they would opt for distractions and sneak out his window to drive around or get high. They would watch movies at Maeve’s place while Calcifer was ‘out’. Billy didn’t understand why her cat hated him so much. 
Maeve had to ask Max to let him use her window to get back in after Maeve brought him home. The first few times Billy had initiated on just climbing up through his own window and left many shoe prints on the side of the house. She had suggested maybe putting a ladder of some sort under his window, but the idea was shot down before she had even finished saying it. Max understood and reluctantly agreed; if his father saw it and knew he was sneaking out of the house at night… 
Things didn’t change much in school. He didn’t talk to her any more than he had before. In the halls he would give her quick smiles or subtle nods. They would sometimes ditch class during the same periods and meet outside for a smoke. At the end of the day they would walk to their cars together, same as before only this time with a bit more idle chatter. She and Calcifer would go to the school basketball games to see Steve play - even though neither witch had any interest in sports - but Maeve would always give Billy a silent cheer when he would look over.
He told her of his plan, for after graduation, to save up enough money over the summer to finally get his own place then work on saving up even more to get further away from his father, maybe even go back to California. Maeve had asked him what would happen if he left Max and her mother in Hawkins with his father. He said that he figured - and hoped - that Susan would be smart enough to leave the man if Neil ever hurt either one of them for a change. If not he said he would report it to Hopper in a heartbeat. Then he made her promise not to tell Max he had said any of that.
He didn’t hate Max, not really. It was unfortunate circumstances and being raised by a devil of a man that caused him to lash out in unhealthy ways. It wasn’t her fault or her mothers, he knew that. A part of him hated the fact that he was always on the receiving end, but he still would never wish it on them. He hated his father for driving his mother away and for replacing her with Susan, but that didn’t make it Susan’s fault.
Ever since the night Max stuck a needle in his neck and swung a nailed bat between his legs, he had kept his word and left her and her friends alone. Though every now and then when Maeve would come over he would ask her how Max was doing. If the girl seemed upset, he would ask if Maeve knew anything about it. Had Max mentioned anything to Calcifer? Was someone at school giving her trouble?  
In an attempt to help both siblings have their own space where they weren’t forced to spend time together like his father wanted, Maeve started picking Max up on the weekends to bring her to the arcade and bringing her home after school whenever Billy had plans. Unfortunately, this also meant Maeve had to officially meet their parents. Neil insisted. Billy suggested she try to look normal so his dad wouldn’t immediately hate her, but when he saw her approaching the house in a Motörhead tank top and black jeans that seemed to have more rips than actual fabric, he knew she chose to ignore the suggestion. Despite her appearance, she was respectful and polite when Max introduced her. 
She didn’t take the bait whenever his father said something passive aggressive or even outright rude. When he bluntly asked why she was repeating her senior year, she explained she had missed too many days at her previous school because she and her brother had to stay home to take care of their sick father. This was something Billy and Max didn’t know about the two. 
As far as Neil knew Maeve was Max’s friend not Billy’s and Maeve did her best to make sure he didn’t think otherwise. Billy also did his best to give the impression that he wasn’t into Maeve. He didn’t want to hear his father bad mouth her once she was gone if he thought Billy was in any way interested in her. Maeve had told him she didn’t care what his father thought of her as long as it didn’t put him or Max in danger. He could insult her until his face turned blue, she wouldn’t care. 
Not caring about what Neil said about her was one thing, but Billy knew how she reacted when he would simply tell her what Neil had said about him. A few times he was afraid that when she finally met the man she would outright punch him in the face. Thankfully, she hadn’t; though she did mention - that night when they met up - she was very tempted to at least twice.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Thief in the Night
(aka a random Emicami fic because I fucking felt like it. Prepare for some wholesome, adorable, and hilarious fluff. Enjoy!)
Mirabel skipped over to the dinner table and sat herself down, right next to her sister Isabela. “Hey, Isa!” she chirped. “How ya doing?” 
Isa turned to her and smiled. “Oh, hi, Mirabel! I’m good. How are you?” 
“Good, thanks for asking. I like your dress, what did you do with it?” 
Isa looked down at her dress, a vibrant yellow and green with assorted mixtures of pink, brown, purple, red, and orange here and there. “Oh, I just thought of spicing it up here and there, is all.” 
“Well, I like it!” Mirabel said. 
“Thanks, I knew you would!” Isabela smiled and hugged Mira. 
“You’re welcome!” Mirabel said, hugging back. She started to whisper something else in Isabela’s ear, but a finger tapped Mirabel’s shoulder, forcing her to turn around. 
“Umm, Mirabel, excuse me, please. I wanna sit next to my prima-hermana.” 
“Oh, of course, Dolores.” Mirabel nodded at her smiling prima as she slowly got up. “As long as I get to still set next to my favorite cousin, of course.” 
Dolores giggled, then turned to Isabela. “Mariano’s little sister…” and just like that the two were enveloped in their typical gossip. 
Mirabel turned to see Luisa sitting across from her, talking to Julieta. She sighed. 
“Whatever, I’ll just talk to Camilo,” she said, turning to the seat on the other side of her from Dolores. But there was no Camilo in sight. “Camilo? Wait, is he even at this table?” 
A toucan flew down out of nowhere and landed itself on Mirabel’s shoulder. It was funky, but everyone else was used to it by now. They all knew where it had come from. 
The toucan squawked. Mirabel nodded in confusion. “Uh huh…” she murmured, pretending to understand. “Help, somebody translate it for me.” 
“Camilo’s in his room!” Antonio chirped as he showed up out of nowhere. 
“Oh, well, I’ll go get him, then,” Mirabel pushed back her chair as she walked towards the stairs. 
“Mirabel, where are you going?” Alma said. 
“I’m going to go get Camilo,” Mirabel explained. 
“Oh, okay mi vida.” Alma turned back to talking to Pepa. 
Mirabel walked up the stairs to Camilo’s room. Opening the door, she walked through the mirrors to find Camilo sleeping in his bed, cuddling up in his blanket with his teddy bear. Snug as a bug in a rug. He looked cute as an Angel when sleeping. But Mirabel knew that she had to wake him, even though she was going to regret it. 
Camilo continued snoring and ignored her, drooling on the teddy bear’s eye. Yuck. 
“Camilo…” Mirabel bent down to Camilo’s level and shook him gently. “Camilo, Camilo wake up.” 
“Not now Dolores…” Camilo slurred as he licked his lips, his eyes still closed. “I’m trying to eat an empanada.” 
“Camilo. Camilo, it’s Mami!” Maybe if Mirabel pretended to be Pepa, Camilo would awake. She tickled him playfully, and kissed him on the cheek. It didn’t work. Camilo even wiped the kiss away while still asleep! How did that work? 
Mira sighed. The only one who could wake Camilo up with a kiss was Antonio. No one else could do it. 
“Eeerrruhh, you leave me with no other choice.” Standing up, she took a deep breath, and then yanked the pillow from under Camilo’s head violently, smacking him with it brutally. “CAMILO! CAMILO WAKE THE HECK UP!!!” 
A groggy yawn escaped Camilo’s lips, and sure enough, he opened his eyes. And when they landed themselves on Mirabel, fire was within them. Uh oh. 
Camilo slowly rose up from his bed, and Mirabel took a few, a LOT, of steps back, keeping the pillow between the two as a shield. 
“I’m so—“ 
“I thought I told you.” 
“Camilo I’m sorr—“ 
“I thought I told you.” 
“I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU!” He snatched the pillow from Mirabel, who screamed and ran away, but she didn’t get far before the pillow hit her back with an oomph. “NOT! TO WAKE! ME UP! WHEN I’M! ASLEEP!!!” Each exclamation was punctuated by Camilo hitting Mirabel roughly with the pillow. “EVER! WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!?!” 
“I—“ Mirabel kept getting hit by her primo until she tripped over an untied alpargata and collapsed to the floor. “I can make it up to you! Please!” Camilo slapped her face with the pillow. “Ow! Umm, I’ll give you all of my arepas! All of them! Just, please, have mercy!” Tears spilled from her eyes, and she folded her hands with her fingers interlocked and pleaded from her position on the floor. “Please…” She was going to cry. 
GODDAMIT. Camilo could never resist Mirabel’s puppy dog eyes. He tried not to look at them, but there they were, begging him, so big and cute and full of sadness. He still remembered the first time she had tried this trick on him. When they were four and she wanted to use the green crayon. And so, he reluctantly…relented. 
“Fine.” He grumbled. “And you’re lucky, too, because I was just about to kill you. But you’re so cute and sweet and are my best friend in the whole wide world, so I probably would’ve just thrown your entire wardrobe out the window while you were asleep in any event—oops.” 
The tips of Mirabel’s lips wriggled. 
“Oh, you think this is funny?” 
Mirabel tickled the inside of her cheek with her tongue, trying not to laugh. 
“You think it’s a joke? Do you see a smile on my face?” Camilo bent down to her level. Mirabel nodded. “Really? Does it look like I am laughing?” 
But he barely even finished his sentence before he started laughing as well. 
As the two laughed, Camilo dropping the pillow in the process,  Mirabel snatched the pillow that was off the floor before he could pick it up again, placed it next to her, and then grabbed him by the ankle, yanking him down next to his primita. Not to worry, though. He landed on the pillow. 
Camilo took a long exhale before turning to Mirabel. “You’re a firecracker, you know that?” He said, poking her dimples. 
Mirabel giggled. “I know.” 
“But I’m serious. Please don’t wake me up when I’m sleeping!” 
Mirabel gulped and nodded. She never wanted to see Camilo that mad at her again. “But what if the house is burning down? What do I do then?” 
“I would already be up by then, mi vida. So anyway, your reason for pissing me off?” 
“I wanted you to come downstairs for dinner.” 
“Oh. Well, can I go use the bathroom first?” Camilo asked. 
“Sure,” Mirabel said. 
Mirabel followed Camilo and waited for him to use the bathroom and brush his teeth. When he came out, they went downstairs to dinner together. 
“Welcome,” Alma said. “You’re just in time to eat.” 
“I saved you a seat next to me,” Mirabel whispered. 
“Awesome,” Camilo whispered back. “Why are we whispering?” 
“I dunno.” Mirabel stopped whispering as she turned back to Tío Bruno. “Sorry, Tío. I promise I’ll sit next to you tomorrow night.” 
“It’s fine.” Bruno patted Camilo on the back as he placed himself between his uncle and cousin. “I’m always happy to be next to my oldest sobrino.” 
“Thanks Tío.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
The family ate quietly as they chittered and chattered amongst each other, before finally Mirabel spoke up. 
“Oh, and guess who’s coming to dinner tomorrow night?” she said. “Emiliana!” 
Camilo choked on his vegetable juice. “What?” He continued coughing. 
Mirabel and Bruno awkwardly patted his back. 
“Emiliana?” Isabela’s lips wiggled. 
“Emiliana?” Dolores said with a grin. 
“Emiliana?” Luisa asked genuinely. 
“Who’s Emiliana?” Antonio asked. 
“Mirabel’s best friend!” Camilo rushed to say as his face turned pink. “That’s it!” 
“Only the love of Camilo’s life!” Dolores said to Antonio as if her other brother hadn’t talked. “He has such a huge crush on her, he won’t stop talking about it!” Dolores told the entire family as Camilo burned with embarrassment. “In fact, I think they’re dating!” 
“I know they’re dating!” Isabela butted in unnecessarily. “Have been for over a month now! She is just so sweet and caring, I hope Camilo’s being a good boyfriend to her.” 
“Aww, that’s nice,” Pepa said. 
“Yeah, it is,” Mirabel affirmed. “They had their first kiss on the bridge at—“ 
“Okay, nice, now can we please change the subject!” Camilo hissed. “Geez.” 
“Wait—“ Felix waved his hands in an effort to clear up the air. “My Camilo kissed a girl? This is news to my ears.” 
“No, I want to hear.” 
“Papa we really don’t have to—“ 
“Well, Emiliana told me all about it!” Mirabel cooed against Camilo’s wishes. “You see, I was the one who encouraged Emiliana to confess her undying love to Camilo, as a good best friend ought to do. And I also told her to kiss him. But as a matter of fact, he was the one to kiss her!” 
“That’s great!” Felix said. “I am so proud! See, what was in that to be ashamed of, Camilito?” 
“Everything,” Camilo snarked as he banged his head on the table. Unfortunately, he forgot that he was at the table eating dinner, and wound up with a face full of arroz con pollo. 
“I’m gonna go clean myself up.” He got up and left the room. 
“Yeah,” Mirabel called out after him as he left. “Make sure to do the same thing tomorrow for when your girlfriend gets here!” 
“Shut up!” Camilo shouted from the stairs. 
Mirabel giggled, the other girls giggled along with her. She gave Dolores a high five. 
“Mami?” Emiliana tentatively whispers, praying that she hasn’t caused much of a ruckus. 
Emiliana sighed. “Mami?” 
More silence as her mom ignored her. Emiliana rolled her eyes. 
Finally, her mother put down the fork and glared. “Who are you yelling at?” She demanded. 
“I—I’m sorry Mami, I was just trying to get your attent—“ 
“What do you want?!” Her mother aggressively demanded. 
“I-I just wanted to go t-to…Casita. You know, Mirabel and Camilo’s house. Can I go? Please?” 
“Hmm…I know Mirabel, she’s the giftless one.” 
Emiliana winced. “She’s my best friend mama.” 
“But Camilo…he’s your boyfriend, right?” 
“Yes, Mama, you remember!” 
“Since when?” Oh. Emiliana guessed that maybe her mother hadn’t remembered. 
“Since always,” Emiliana answered vaguely. 
Her mother sighed. “You love him?” 
“Oh yes, Mama, I do!” Emiliana chirped. How could she not love Camilo? He was just the cutest, sweetest, kindest, most empathetic, and most handsome guy on the entire planet! 
“Pffft,” her older sister Valencia snickered. 
“Is something funny?” Emiliana demanded. “I don’t recall making a joke.” 
“Nothing,” her sister said. “It’s just funny how overjoyed and passionate you are about a puppy love fling that clearly isn’t going to last.” 
“He’ll get bored of you in an instant,” Veronica, Valencia’s triplet, added. 
Emiliana’s eyes widened as tears prickled from them. “How could you say that?” she said emptily as she lowered her head to her plate. “So disrespectful.” 
“Enough.” Thank goodness. Emiliana’s dad had intervened. “Quit picking on your little sister, mijas. I have had enough of hearing it.” He turned to Emiliana, with kindness in his eyes. “Emiliana, don’t listen to their harsh words. Your parents and I met when we were younger than you and Camilo.” 
“How old were you two?” Emiliana asked, although she already knew the answer. 
“Eleven years old,” her father replied, and Emiliana beamed as her sisters rolled their eyes. “Trust me. The two of you might not last, sure, but you have a chance.” 
“I guess this is where you expect me and Veronica to apologize now,” Valencia snarked. 
“You guessed right.” Their dad glared. “Apologize. Now.” 
Valencia and Veronica rolled their eyes. “Lo siento, Emiliana.” 
“I forgive you, but it’s not okay.” 
“What does that even mean?” Valencia and Veronica murmured to each other. 
Victoria, the third and youngest triplet, sat still and quiet, not hearing a word that went on due to being Deaf. She turned to her triplet sisters and signed, “What were you all saying?” 
Veronica rolled her eyes and signed in response. “We were just trying to knock some sense into Emiliana’s thick head, but Papa decided that he’d rather we keep her naïve and oblivious.” 
Oh. Victoria nodded her head. 
“That’s not what happened at all!” Emiliana yelled, enraged, signing it at the same time. 
But Veronica grinned. “Oh come on, Victoria. Who are you gonna believe?” She then wrapped an arm around Victoria and grinned. 
And Emiliana just knew, that despite the sympathetic look that Victoria was currently giving her, as she always did, she would eventually take their side, as she always did. 
She groaned. 
“Camilo, your girlfriend’s here!” Isabela shouted before laughing out loud. 
“Time for dinner!” The rest of the granddaughters sang before giggling. Yes, including Luisa, which hurt Camilo very much; where was the middle child solidarity? At least he had his mother, who was also a middle child. 
Camilo stormed out of his room. “I’m gonna kill you, Isabela. I mean it.” 
“If you do that, you might scare off your girlfriend. And we don’t want that, do we?” Isabela patted Camilo’s head. “Now go downstairs and greet your sweetheart.” 
Camilo grumbled as he came down the stairs. He saw the rest of the family setting the table. Amongst them were Dolores and Luisa, who were talking to each other, the former winking at Camilo, who ignored it. 
“Emi!” Mirabel was hugging Emiliana like there was no tomorrow. “I am so glad you’re here!” 
“Thanks, so am I! Thank you for inviting me!” 
“My pleasure. Oh, come in, we were just about to have dinner.” 
“Emiliana?” Dolores popped up out of nowhere. “Welcome back!” She opened her arms and Emiliana basically leaped into the hug. “How’ve you been, hermanita?” 
“I’m happy now that I’m here and away from my crazy family,” Emiliana said, making the “coo-coo” motion with her hand next to her ear. “I mean, Victoria and my dad are all right, but…you know.” 
“I know.” Dolores winked. “But it’s all right. We’re all happy to have you.” 
Camilo felt himself sweating bullets. He could not do this right now. Not with all of his cousins and sisters making it more embarrassing for him and his girlfriend, sure to make his anxiety surmount. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t. 
He ran up the stairs. 
“Oh, and Camilo especially has just been dying to see you,” Mirabel added. 
“He has?” Emiliana blushed. 
“Of course he has, Emi, he loves you. Just watch.” She ran up to the stairs. “Camilo, your—huh, where did he go?” 
“He never came down.” Isabela shrugged. “So much for my little prank, am I right?” 
Emiliana nodded at her, then suddenly her eyes widened. “Hey! You’re Isa! Mirabel’s sister! You grow flowers and plants! That’s so cool!” 
“You think so, thanks!” Isabela beamed. 
“And I love your dress!” Emiliana complimented. Indeed, Isabela’s dress was a deep pink with assorted jacarandas, bromeliads, sunflowers, and carnations in it, the blue, purple, and orange dye on it popping out, as well as the sunflower and pink streaks in her hair. “So imaginative and creative, I’m jealous.” 
“Gracias!” Isabela giggled. “But you don’t have to be jealous, I like your dress too.” 
“Well, that’s a relief,” Emiliana chuckled. 
“Oh, and even better, I don’t just create flowers anymore, I can create cacti, Venus Fly Traps, sundew, trees, and all kinds of vegetation!” 
“Ooh, show me show me show me!“ 
“Your wish is my command!” Isabela linked arms with Emiliana as they walked away to talk about all the plants that Isabela could grow. 
“Actually, he did come down,” Dolores said to Mirabel and Luisa. “He just ran up to his room because he was nervous for some reason. I should go check up on him.” 
“No, I should.” Luisa ran up the stairs before anyone could disagree. 
Luisa climbed up the stairs until she got to Camilo’s room, and knocked on the door. 
“Go away,” her primito hissed. 
“Camilo, open this door now.” Demanding was not Luisa’s color. “Please.” 
“Why? So you can make fun of me in front of my girlfriend?” 
“I won’t make fun of you, I promise.” Luisa sighed. “Look, I’m sorry about how you feel, but it isn’t that bad.” 
“Yes it is!” Camilo whined. 
“Just let me in. Please.” 
Camilo sighed, a doorknob appeared on the door, and Luisa opened it. 
Camilo frowned at her. “Spill.” 
“Spill what?” 
“I—“ a series of angry stuttering sounds. “Aren’t you going to apologize for making fun of me?” 
“Making fun of you? We were—Camilo, did you think we were serious? We were only joking! Hello?” 
“Well, it’s not funny! It hurt my feelings! So there!” Camilo grumbled, leaning against the wall and sliding down so that he was sitting, frowning as he crossed his arms and pouted. 
Oh dear, Camilo was not making this easy. 
Luisa sighed as she sat next to Camilo. “Hey, we’re sorry, Camilo. Well, I’m sorry, at least. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I just thought it would be fun, that’s all.” 
“Uh huh.” Camilo sighed. 
“But at the same time, it’s not like you don’t also make fun of your primas and their romantic relationships. You mess with Isabela and Monika all the time. You joke about Mirabel and Yamilet constantly. Why is it suddenly not funny when it’s being done to you?” 
“I mean, yeah I do those things, but not when Monika and Yamilet are there. And I still want them to be together.” 
“And you think we don’t want you and Emiliana to be together? You think we want you to break up? No! If she’s the girl who makes your heart skitter, then you to deserve to be together for as long as possible.” Luisa wrapped a protective arm around Camilo’s shoulder. “Look cariño, we love you and our teasing comes from a place of love too. Don’t actually think we mean anything by it. But if you want want, I can tell Dolores, Isa, and Mira to tone down the teasing. Okay?” 
“Good. Are you ready to go downstairs and greet your love?” 
“I am!” Camilo piped up. 
“Great! Let’s not keep her waiting!” 
She stood up, helping Camilo up as well, and the two went down the stairs together. 
“Hey Cami!” Emiliana grinned. “Your prima was just telling me about all the different plants she can grow. Did you know that she can make stink lilies?” 
“Oh, I know preciosa,” he rolled his eyes. “She uses them to wake me up in the morning when I oversleep.” 
Emiliana giggled. Her giggle was so adorable and sweet to Camilo’s ears, like the delicate tinkling of a triangle, and it made his heart speed up just hearing it. He remembered why he had fallen in love with this girl. “Well, I hope it works.” 
“Oh it does,” Isabela said to Emiliana, and the two laughed like they were sharing an inside joke. 
“And she also gave me a flower to put in my hair,” Emiliana said, showing him the pink carnation. “It’s pink, my favorite color.” 
“Isa, why are you giving my girl flowers? Last time I checked, that was my job.” 
Isabela smirked. “Well excuse me for wanting to make your girlfriend feel welcome while you ran away to gripe in your room.” 
Camilo laughed awkwardly. “I was just kidding, yoooo.” He cupped Emiliana’s face in his hands and kissed her nose affectionately. “It’s beautiful, mi amor. But not as beautiful as you.” 
“Awww,” the grandkids blushed, Mirabel jumping up and down and squealing. Her two best friends were soulmates and she couldn’t be more ecstatic. 
“Thanks, sweetie,” Emiliana smiled and blushed. 
“You’re welcome—“ 
“Time to eat!” 
They all went to the dinner table. 
“Emiliana sit next to me!” Mirabel squealed. “Camilo can sit on the other side of you.” 
“Sí,” Camilo said, pulling out her chair for her to sit. 
They all started eating. 
“So Emiliana,” Pepa was the first to speak, giving a warm smile to her son’s girlfriend. “When did you first realize you were in love with my son?” 
Emiliana blushed, Camilo did the same, putting down his fork with tingling hands. 
“Ay, hermana, don’t ask her that!” Bruno defended. “You’re embarrassing her!” He turned to Emiliana. “Don’t worry, amiga, you don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to. Unless you do want to, that is. Not that we’re forcing you to or anything.” It was clear that Bruno wasn’t on Emiliana’s side as much as he pretended to be. 
Julieta sighed. “Anyway, Emiliana, what’s your favorite food?” 
Emiliana thought this over. “Hmmm, probably ajiaco.” 
Julieta nodded. “The next time you come over, I’ll make you some!” 
“Thanks!” Emiliana grinned. 
“You’re welcome,” Julieta said. “You know, you and Mirabel are such good friends! She talks about you all the time. It’s good to have a girl her age that she can be close with.” 
“Yeah,” Emiliana agreed. “I am glad I met her. There’s not really anybody in my family that I can talk to besides my dad and my youngest older sister. And my cousin, occasionally, when he comes over.” 
“You have sisters?” Bruno asked. “And a cousin? What are their names?” 
“My sisters are Valencia, Veronica, and Victoria, and they’re all older than me.” 
“How old?” 
“Eighteen. And my cousin is named Marco. He’s the same age as me but a couple months younger, but he’s like a brother to me.” 
“Mmm.” Bruno nodded and fished food into his mouth. 
“So you’re staying over for the night?” Pepa asked. 
“Yeah, I am!” Emiliana said. “Thanks to Mirabel!” 
“She can sleep in my room,” Camilo piped up as he patted his girlfriend’s hand, but eventually realized her mistake when a stunned silence fell across the room and all the adults’ eyes fell on him. Except for Abuela’s, the old woman snorting into a napkin. 
“She can what?” Julieta asked. 
Still not realizing what he had said, Camilo stupidly dug a whole deeper. “Sleep…over, you know. In…my…room—“ 
“Absolutely not,” Pepa said. 
“WHAT? But Mami, why?” 
“Are you really asking me that?” Pepa demanded. “You two are boyfriend and girlfriend, is that not correct?” 
“Well, I mean, we are, but what does that have to—“ 
“Exactly. And that is exactly why I don’t trust you two.” She wagged a finger. “Well, it’s more so that I don’t trust you, Camilo. I respect young love, but you still have an obligation to be responsible.” 
“Responsible how?” Camilo asked. Emiliana wanted to shrink into her seat. She of course loved Camilo, that would never change, but although she’d never say it out loud in front of him there were times where he could be really…what’s the word…dense and oblivious. As if her countless attempts to get his attention before they started dating weren’t evidence enough of this fact. 
Pepa sighed. “Camilo, don’t make me explain it. Emiliana can sleep in Mirabel’s room or Dolores’ room if they so prefer. Would you like that, Emiliana?” 
“I mean, it doesn’t really matter to me,” Emiliana shrugged, forcing herself to look down at her arroz con pollo. This was a lie of course. She wanted to sleep in her beloved boyfriend’s room. But she didn’t dare say this out loud. 
It was then when Bruno spoke up. “I think they can sleep in the same room no doubt, Pepa. Just relax. So long as they aren’t in the same bed, I think they’ll be okay.” He grinned at the young couple. 
“Well, I did bring a sleeping bag with me,” Emiliana piped up shyly. 
Pepa sighed reluctantly. “Well then, I suppose it is okay. But no silly business,” she said to her son. “Understand?” 
Camilo nodded awkwardly, not understanding at all. 
After dinner, Bruno was happy to put on a rat telenovela for the family and Emiliana. 
“Oh, Hernando, please, don’t leave me!” Princesa Lavinia wept, as her knight in shining armor’s eyes slowly fluttered shut. “I can’t bear to live in a world in which you are not by my side. Without your love to nourish me, I am empty, I am weak, I am broken like a damaged china cup. Please, our wedding ceremony is in two days. Don’t do this to me, please!” 
“Oh no!” Emiliana covered her mouth, eyes widening in agony as tears spilled from them. “Poor Lavinia. Please, Hernando, live, please!” 
But Hernando lay coughing and wheezing on his death bed. “My love. You know it pains me to see you suffer so, to see your beautiful eyes clouded with misery, to leave you behind in the land of the living. But Death beckons me to the other side, and I have no choice but to go with him, to bend like a plant in the wind to the forces of nature.” Now it was Isabela’s turn to cry. “You must promise you will find someone else to love. Someone much more deserving of your heart than me, my princess. For now I must go.” 
“Oh, Hernando, no!” She gripped Hernando’s paw hand in hers, feeling the warm sensation thereof slowly disappear. 
“Goodbye my love. We shall meet again, in another life…time.” And with that final statement, Hernando closed his eyes. Two other rats came onstage and carried him away. 
“HERNANDOOOOOO!!!!” Lavinia let out a primal scream toward the heavens above, raging at the angels that dared take her beautiful prince away. She dropped to the floor, and wept bitterly until no tears were left in her. Once her eyes had dried, she came to a cold resolution, drawing a sword from her leather scabbard. “I shall desire the love of no man in this world nor the next, none but my sweet and gorgeous Hernando! Goodbye, cruel world! I shall release Death’s grip on me by taking my fate into my own hands, just as Death has taken my would-be husband.” 
Dolores squeezed Emiliana’s hand. “You might wanna look away. Hm!” She whispered to her. 
“So driven by despair at the loss of the brave and loving knight who adored her more than words could establish, more than any other human being in the world ever would, the heartbroken young princess plunged her sword into her—“ but the rat playing Lavinia scurried off. Bruno sighed. “Seriously? It was only a prop that resembled a tiny sword.” The rat shook her head. “Oh well. Anyway, that’s a wrap, folks!” 
“That was a lovely story!” Emiliana said as she hugged Bruno. 
“Wow, you really think so?” Bruno said, hugging back. 
“I know so!” Emiliana chirped. “It was nice. I’m at least glad the princess didn’t die in the end. It’s a shocking twist of events. I hope she found someone else.” 
“Me too, Emiliana. Me too!” He patted her shoulders. “All right then! It’s time you head off to bed. Tomorrow there’ll be another telenovela!” 
“Oooh really?” Emiliana bounced up and down. What will it be about? Tell me tell me tell me! Pleaaaase?” 
“It’s a surprise,” Bruno winked. 
“Aww,” Emiliana giggled. “Fine. But thanks again for the show. And for being such an awesome uncle. Mirabel, Dolores, and Camilo have told me lots about you!” 
Bruno smiled back. “I’m glad.” 
Emiliana flounced away. Not seeing the tears of joy that filled Bruno’s eyes as he wiped them. He couldn’t help it. Every time someone told him that he was a great uncle, brother, son, what have you, and that they were glad to have him back, it made him count his blessings and feel so much relief that he came out of the walls. And he had Mirabel to thank for that. 
Emiliana especially made him appreciate the random night time vision he accidentally had. He didn’t tell anybody of course. But he couldn’t wait for it to come to fruition. 
“So where do I sleep exactly?” Emiliana asked Camilo. “There’s only one bed.” 
“I thought you said you brought a sleeping bag,” Camilo said as he ran around closing the curtains on all the windows. 
“I…I actually forgot it, but I was scared to tell anyone.” 
Camilo paused, blinked, and stared at her. 
Getting flustered, Emiliana covered her face. “I’m sorry! I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear! I would never lie about a thing like that, it wasn’t a trick, I promise.” 
“I didn’t mean it like that, sweetie,” her boyfriend said as he continued closing the windows. “Sorry, I just hate the cold. Anyway, I forget those things all the time, so you’re good. No need to worry. Although you are super cute when you worry.” 
“Thanks, I guess.” Emiliana shrugged. 
“And besides, we can share a bed.” 
“Wait, but didn’t your Mami say—” 
“Who cares what my Mami says?” Camilo said to her. “It’s not like she has to know.” 
“C-Camilo, I’m flattered, but I don’t think…I wouldn’t want…I’m sorry but I just…won’t!” 
An awkward silence hung in the air. 
Camilo laughed. 
“Excuse me, Camilo, why are you laughing?” 
“It’s just, ahaha, you didn’t think I meant it, did you?” Camilo laughed, hoping Emiliana really did think he was joking. “I…I just wanted to see your reaction, you can sleep on the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor. Since you’re the guest and all. Aahahaha, Ay Dios Mio! See what I mean, baby?” He stepped closer to her until they were nose to nose, pinching her cheeks and squeezing them. “You’re cute when you’re—hey!” 
In an instant, Camilo found himself roughly shoved on to the bed by Emiliana, who towered over him with a pillow in hand. 
“Cute when I what?” She demanded. “Huh? Cute when I WHAT? CUTE WHEN I DO THIS?!” She whacked him as hard with the pillow as she could. 
“Hey! You take that back!” Camilo grabbed another pillow and whacked her back with it, the two laughing and squealing like toddlers as the pillow fought. “And you know what? I changed my mind! The winner gets the bed!” 
“You’ll regret challenging me!” Emiliana boasted as she and Camilo continued beating each other with the pillows. 
The pillow fight went on for a while until eventually, Emiliana was the victor. 
“I won!” She jumped onto Camilo’s bed and raised both pillows in the air. “I AM THE QUEEN OF PILLOW FIGHTING!!! And I get the bed too!” She let herself trust fall onto the mattress below with a heavy sigh. 
“Whatever,” Camilo wheezed as he struggled to get up. “I let you win.” 
“Sure, chico. And you know what else?” She sat up. “As the winner, I think I deserve a victory kiss.” 
“Really? You’re bribing me with kisses now? That’s how this relationship is gonna work?” 
“Yes it is,” she took him by the shoulders. “Pucker up.” 
Camilo hissed his teeth and rolled his eyes. But of course, secretly he was happy to kiss his girlfriend. 
But in the middle of their smooching session, the door suddenly swung open. 
The teens’ lips parted in shock. 
“We were only kissing!” Emiliana squealed in defense. 
“And nothing more! I swear!” Camilo agreed, crossing his heart. 
Dolores’ eyebrows furrowed. “I just came to wish you both goodnight,” she said. “I’m not gonna rat you out or anything. But if I’m interrupting something, then oh well.” She closed the door. 
“Phew!” Emiliana said. She turned to Camilo, giggled, and placed another kiss on his forehead before lying back down and pulling the sheets over head. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
“Buenas noches.” 
Emiliana saw the lights turn off. A pit of dread opened up inside her stomach as she wondered how she was going to make it through the night. At her house, she would walk about the halls, maybe enjoy a glass of water, although enjoy was an overstatement. 
But at least Camilo would think she was asleep. 
And if she kept her eyes closed for long enough, she’d think she was asleep too. 
Emiliana was not asleep. 
Three hours had passed. Or was it four. Or five. Whatever. It didn’t matter. 
Emiliana wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and join the synchronized snoring of the rest of the sleeping residents of Casita. 
But instead her eyes were splayed open, bloodshot and filled with tears as she looked at the ceiling. 
The stress building up inside her only made her more unable to sleep. She was tired. Dead tired. So why wouldn’t her body do what she wanted it to? Why was she still awake. 
Turning in her sheets to look at Camilo, bundled up between blankets on the floor beside her, she frowned when she saw that he indeed was asleep. He looked so cute like this. 
She felt a pang in her heart when she realized that Camilo would never get to say the same thing about her. 
She turned to lie down on her back as she buried her face into a yellow pillow to muffle her cries and hiccups. 
She hated herself for not being able to sleep, for never being able to sleep. She hated herself for being an inconvenience to others during the daytime. She hated that she had even agreed to this sleepover in the first place. 
It was after a while that Camilo woke up to the sound of his sweet girlfriend crying. 
“Emiliana?” He sat up straight in his bed. “Emi, dulce, what’s wrong?” 
Emiliana hiccuped. 
Camilo sat up and knelt beside the vet so that he could see her. “Hey hey hey, tell me what is wrong with you, please?” 
Emiliana sighed and turned her head to see Camilo. A tiny trickle of a tear slithered down her cheek. Then she spoke. 
“I…can’t sleep.” 
Emiliana looked down. 
“That’s not a reason to cry,” Camilo said, a hand snaking around her shoulder. “Maybe you’re just homesick. It’s okay. Just close your eyes and dream of—“ 
“NO!” Emiliana screeched, her tone throwing Camilo off. But she was pissed. “How could you even say that, you…just be understanding for once!” She took his hand and moved it from around her shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” Camilo stammered weakly, his voice quivering. “I just—“ 
“I can’t sleep. I literally can’t sleep. Ever.” Emiliana cut him off angrily. “And it takes a toll on my fucking mental health. I’m not homesick, Camilo, quite the opposite in fact. I’m…oh god, I don’t wanna tell you. You’ll break up with me.” 
“Why would I ever break up with you, Mi Bella?” Camilo said gently, peering down at her but not initiating any more physical contact. “I love you dearly, more than anything, hermosa. You complete me. And nothing will ever change that. You can tell me anything, I promise.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I…” she took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. “I have…insomnia.” 
Say something, she thought. 
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” 
“What you just said. Insomnia. Isn’t that when you fall asleep all the time?” 
“You’re getting that mixed up with narcolepsy. Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you can’t sleep at night, no matter how hard you try to…and that’s how it works for me.” 
“Oh…is that why you fall asleep all the time during the day?” Camilo said. 
“I see…so you’re like, an owl?” 
“No! I’m not a damn owl, Camilo! It’s a condition that I have no control over. And trust me when I say that it’s not a fun condition to have…” Emiliana bowed her head and face planted into the pillow. “I just wish I could sleep normally like most people. But instead I’m cursed with this. My dad has the condition too. And I think I learned it from him. But that doesn’t mean I like it, I hate it.” 
“Wow…do you really not sleep at all?” 
“If I’m lucky I get like, an hour or two, but that’s of course not enough. But…yeah.” She paused, afraid to go on. “Some days my insomnia is so bad that I wish I was dead.” 
Camilo felt tears clouding his vision as he looked at his girlfriend sadly. He felt enormously guilty. He had no idea she suffered like this. And he had no idea how to help either. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, knowing it wouldn’t do much. 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I know, but I’m sorry I wasn’t as understanding before. I love you, Emiliana. I would never wanna make you feel bad.” 
“I forgive you.” 
“You don’t have to forgive me.” 
“I know. But I do. Anyway you might wanna get back to bed. I’d hate to keep you up because of me.” Her eyes fluttered shut, although Camilo knew she wasn’t actually asleep, her mouth in the shape of a grim line. 
And so Camilo had an idea. “Scoot over.” 
Emiliana scooted over, and Camilo crawled into the bed next to her. He hugged her warmly. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I just wanna be there for you, that’s all.” He said, kissing her head warmly as he stroked her delicate brown coils, which were twisted up for the night. “You don’t deserve to go through this alone.” he whispered tenderly, his warm breath tickling her forehead. 
Emiliana smiled. “Awww, thanks Cami. This is why I love you.” 
“I love you t—“ he was cut off by Emiliana locking lips with him once again. 
They went back to cuddling together, Camilo falling asleep soon enough as Emiliana lulled herself with the sound of his slow, gentle snores. And he never once let go of the arm wrapped around her. 
She closed her eyes, once again trying to force herself to sleep, but to no avail. She felt her heartbeat quicken and fought back every single nerve in her body causing her to snap and panic. But Camilo served as her anchor, as she hugged his soft body lovingly. 
Outside, she heard the sound of someone walking outside. Two people in fact, their footsteps echoing in the halls even without their shoes. 
And then she didn’t hear any footsteps at all. 
Delicately embracing her boyfriend, Emiliana smiled at the warm feeling between her and Camilo. 
Shortly after, however, he got back up again. Emiliana felt downhearted, gripping at his clothes, she was desperate for him to come back. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said, gently removing her hand. 
Emiliana just closed her eyes. Her head felt beyond heavy, like it took Luisa’s strength to lift it. 
Camilo left his bedroom, and sure enough, came back. 
And that’s when she heard a scream. 
Emiliana opened her eyes. “Camilo?” 
She sat up straight. “Camilo?” 
She looked around frantically. Nobody was in the room but her. 
“CAMILO!” She screamed as she ran towards one of the windows. Opening it frantically, she looked outside. In the pitch black might, she couldn’t see anything. But she could hear Camilo screaming in horror. 
“HANG ON CAMILO, I’M COMING!!!” Emiliana put on the nearest shoes she could find—whatever, she couldn’t see—and ran out the door. 
She began banging on the doors to people’s rooms. “MIRABEL! WAKE UP! CAMILO HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED! YOU GOTTA HELP ME SAVE HIM, PLEASE!” 
But there was no answer. And when she tried to open the door, it was locked. 
But Isabela ignored her, of course. And the door to her room was locked too. 
But her room was also locked as Emiliana’s attempts to get Dolores out were in vain. 
And so Emiliana ran all throughout Casita, trying to wake every single last member of Camilo’s family up in an effort to save him. Luisa, Pepa and Felix, Julieta and Agustin, Bruno, even Antonio. But none of them answered. 
“Well fine! If no one cares enough to help me, I’ll just leave myself, so don’t say I DIDN’T WARN YOU!” Emiliana shouted as her hollers echoed through the entire house. Finally, she left, racing out of the sentient house. “BYE, CASITA!” She yelled as Casita waved back with her door. 
Emiliana ran out of the house and down the streets, panting all the way as she did so. She could see a shadowy figure running ahead of her and just knew that this was the person responsible for taking away her Camilo. She started running faster now in an effort to catch up to the kidnapper. 
The person noticed her, but didn’t even look back, continuing to run. Farther away, she saw an even taller figure running while carrying Camilo over her shoulder, the poor boy screaming his head off in shock and fear. 
Emiliana came to a slow, grinding halt. She searched around for the kidnappers, before noticing that they were running into the woods. 
“I won’t let them get away with this,” she said to…herself, before chasing the boyfriend-snatchers into the forest. 
Camilo cried out in pain as he was tied to a large, sturdy tree with vines, tears streaming from his eyes. 
“I think we’ll stop here,” the taller one said. “Hopefully she hasn’t followed us this far.” 
“Yeah,” the shorter one said. “Though it would he useful to have—AHHHH!” She screamed in horror as Emiliana came running and pounced on her, tackling the kidnapper to the ground. 
“GIVE ME BACK MY BOYFRIEND!!!” Emiliana yelled at the top of her lungs until her voice was raspy and horse. “OR ELSE!” She raised a fist in the air to really knock some lights out, but was came to a halt when the girl took off her black hood. 
“Mirabel?” Emiliana quickly got up. “What the heck are you doing?” 
Mirabel stood up and brushed dirt and grass off of her cloak and dress, which was similar to her normal one, but black and embroidered with skulls. Meanwhile, the taller girl also took off her cloak’s hood, and was instantly recognized by her gorgeous black ensemble adorned with white roses, and a streak of red in her hair, along with a rose matching its shade. 
“Isabela?!” Emiliana gawked. “You…what is even going on?” 
“What do you think?” Mirabel asked. 
“I think you kidnapped my boyfriend,” Emiliana snapped. “And, I don’t know why, and I don’t care either, but I’d like him back.” 
Isabela and Mirabel looked at each other, their grins widening as they held hands and squealed like infatuated schoolgirls. 
“We did it!” they rejoiced. “It worked! Our plan worked!” 
“Umm, no it did not, you literally tried to take my man away from me, and now I’d like him back…” 
“We know, tonta!” Mirabel wrapped an arm around Emiliana’s shoulder. “And that’s the point!” 
“What do you mean that’s the point?” 
“We wanted to see how much you really cared about Camilo,” Isabela explained as she slowly unraveled the terrified teenage boy from the tree. “Not that we don’t already trust you, but we wanted to make sure that you were good enough for our primo.” 
“Yeah, Isabela gets a little bit protective over Camilo sometimes and wants to make sure that he gets with the right girl,” Mirabel added on. “And together we decided that the best way to do that possible was to put you to tue test! So we kidnapped Camilo from his room in the hopes that you would chase after us and get him back.” 
“We just wanted to see how far you’d go for the person you love,” Isabela winked. “If you truly do love him, that is. And you succeeded, so, woohoo Emiliana! You’re clearly good enough for—“ 
“Are. You. SERIOUS?!” 
Everyone turned to look at Camilo, whose irate expression was aimed squarely at Isabela and Mirabel. Uh oh. 
“You kidnapped me in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping, while I was helping my girlfriend with her insomnia, all so that you could force her to roam the streets looking for me in the middle of the night and PROVE her love for me is true?! And you don’t see anything WRONG with that idea?” 
“Not really, no,” Mirabel said bluntly with a shrug, while Isabela looked actually apologetic. 
“Camilo, we didn’t mean it like that—“ 
“I don’t want to HEAR what you did or didn’t mean!” Camilo sassed. “How low do you think of my lovely girlfriend that you think she needs to risk her life fighting for me in order for YOU to decide she’s good enough to date me?! Do you not realize how condescending that is? If anything, I’m the one who’s not good enough for her! You should be very ashamed of yourselves for making her have to do this, as if she has anything to fucking PROVE to either of you!” He turned to Mirabel just then. “And Mirabel, you KNOW she has insomnia. You know! And you still did this. Are you for real, primita?” 
Mirabel lowered her head in shame. 
“Anyway, you’d both better apologize to her right now.” 
“We’re sorry Emiliana,” Mirabel said. 
“Yeah, we’re sorry,” Isabela echoed. “We never should have done that. We just thought it would be fun. But clearly we were wrong.” 
Mirabel nodded. “We’re still best friends though, right?” 
Emiliana had to force herself to nod. She was too flabbergasted to speak. 
“And me!” Camilo demanded. 
“We’re sorry, Camilo,” they said in unison. 
“Anyway, let’s go home, come on, Mira,” Isabela grabbed Mirabel by the waist, summoned a vine, and swung away with her baby sister in tow. 
Camilo ran towards Emiliana. “Emiliana, are you okay?” 
Emiliana blinked back tears. “I’m okay. I’m sorry about what happened to you, what with getting kidnapped and all.” 
“Yeah, I think it’s safe to say that Luisa is my favorite cousin,” Camilo said with a snort. Then he hugged her. “I’m so sorry about what they did to you, baby.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“But rest assured that it won’t happen again.” 
Emiliana smiled at her boyfriend, before noticing his confused glance downwards. She stared at him, puzzled, head tilted. 
“Babe, are those my sandals?” 
Emiliana blinked a few times, before looking down and realizing he was right. 
“Crap.” She facepalmed. 
And the next thing she knew she was back in her room. 
Opening her eyes to realize she was still inside Camilo’s bed, she immediately sat up straight to see if Camilo was inside the room. 
“Camilo?” She panicked upon realizing she was alone. “CAMILO!!!” 
The door gently swung open, and Camilo came in, carrying a glass of water. 
“I…was thirsty. That’s all.” He drank the water in one large gulp. “Why? Do you want some too?” 
“Good, imma go get you some.” Then he left again. 
Emiliana collapsed back onto the sheets, confused and tired. 
When Camilo came back, she took the water from him and drank it. 
“You okay?” He yawned. “You slept for like, an hour. It was peaceful actually. And cute!” 
Emiliana flushed at the praise. “I was waiting for you to tell me that!” 
 Camilo smiled back. “Anyway you wanna go back to bed?” 
“I guess so,” she laid herself down and he lied down next to her. 
Emiliana snuggled up to her boyfriend, before he fell asleep. 
Early the next morning, Camilo slithered out of his bed and onto the blankets upon hearing Mirabel say “I’m gonna go wake Camilo and Emiliana up.” 
She opened the door quietly to see Emiliana on the bed and Camilo on the floor. “Morning Emiliana! Morning Camilo!” 
Emiliana hissed her teeth. Another day of being relentlessly tired. According to Camilo, she had only slept for one hour. And she wanted to sleep for much much longer. 
“Morning Mirabel.” Camilo got up to leave with Mirabel out the door. But not before planting a kiss in Emiliana’s hair, making her smile. 
The moment Camilo came out after Mirabel, Pepa was there, crossing her arms. 
“Yes, Mami?” 
“Did you have a nice sleep?” Pepa asked. 
“Yes, Mami.” 
“Did Emiliana have a nice sleep as well?” 
“Oh of course!” Camilo beamed with a giggle. Pepa didn’t like that giggle, her glare intensifying, and Camilo realized he had made a grave mistake. 
“You’d better not have done anything you know you’re not supposed to last night! I wanna trust that you know how to control yourself, young man!” 
“Anything like what?” Camilo whined. “For the last time, I don’t—“ 
“Ugh, get over here.” Mirabel grabbed Camilo and whispered in his ear, watching his face turn pink. 
“Ohhhh,” Camilo slowly realized. About time. “Mami, you know I’d never do that! Honestly! I’m…I didn’t, I swear!” 
“Good.” She walked away, giving Camilo the “I’m watching you” hand gesture. 
Camilo gulped. “Why would Mami think that me and Emiliana would do…that? I mean…” 
“Hey, relax,” Mirabel said. “She’s just looking out for you both. Pepa’s just overprotective. Although she is happy for you and Emiliana she’s also afraid to see you growing up so fast. At least, that’s what she told me. Anyway are you gonna wake Emiliana up?” 
“No, I think she deserves to sleep.” Camilo shrugged. 
“Okay. Come on let’s go eat!” 
They walked down the stairs. 
Isabela was also down there, along with Luisa, and Pepa, who were setting the table. Today, Isabela had opted for a violet gown that was more modest and less showy than the dresses she normally wore, with simple green carnations adorning the hem and sleeves and tiny petals sprinkled across the blouse and skirt itself, like glitter. Nonetheless, she looked absolutely stunning in this outfit, although Emiliana wasn’t up yet to compliment her on it this time. 
“Oh hey you two,” Isabela said. “Where’s Emiliana?” 
“She’ll be down in a minute,” Mirabel answered. 
“Yeah,” Camilo said as he yawned. He had stayed up longer than he needed to, just to watch his precious girlfriend sleep and make sure she was getting the rest she needed. Of course it didn’t last long, but still. 
They sat down after helping to set the table, and a few minutes later, Emiliana came downstairs. 
Camilo, of course, was the first to greet her. “Look who’s up,” he said with a smile as he gazed at her with lovesick eyes. “Hey baby.” 
“Good morning Emiliana,” Pepa said. “Got a good nights sleep?” 
“Good morning, Camilo and Camilo’s mom, hold on a minute,” Emiliana said, she sat down next to Camilo and across from Mirabel. “I have to talk to you,” she said fiercely. 
“Sure?” Mirabel looked confused as her eyes darted from her sister to her other sister on either side of her. 
“Why did you do that?” 
“Do what?” 
“Mirabel, don’t play dumb. You know what you did.” 
“What did I—“ 
“YOU KIDNAPPED CAMILO!” Emiliana roared, rising from her seat and slamming both hands on the table. 
Everyone blinked at her in confusion. Even pepa was shocked. 
“Whaaaaa?” Camilo slurred. 
“N-no I didn’t—“ 
“Emiliana, please, listen to me, I didn’t kidnap your boyfriend.” 
“I literally had to leave Casita and chase you and Isabela through the woods! And you’re gonna tell me ‘I didn’t kidnap your boyfriend’ Mirabel?!” 
“What do you mean mis sobrinas kidnapped tu novio, querida?” Pepa asked, tilting her head to the side. “Explique, por favor.” 
Emiliana sighed. “All right, so here’s the story. In the middle of the night, Mirabel and Isabela somehow snuck into one of Camilo’s bedroom windows, kidnapped him, and ran away with him. I was awake when it happened! And then as I started chasing them, they ran into the woods and tied Camilo to a tree with Isabela’s vines. I didn’t even know it was them until I pounced on Mirabel! And then they explained to me that they kidnapped him in the hopes that I would rescue him! They had the nerve to say that they were putting MY love to the test in an effort to prove that I deserved Camilo! And then Camilo chewed them out. Tell me I’m not supposed to get angry at that.” 
“Honestly that sounds like something I would do,” Camilo said under his breath with a grin, which Emiliana didn’t hear. 
Pepa, meanwhile, burst into laughter. 
“Hey! What’s so funny?” Emiliana questioned her. 
“I swear, Emiliana, I’m telling the truth! I was asleep all night.” 
“Then whose footsteps did I hear outside last night?” Emiliana demanded from her best friend. 
“That would be Mami and I,” Dolores explained as she walked downstairs and entered the kitchen to sit next to Emiliana. “I had a nosebleed and Mami was helping me.” 
“Oh…well…” she turned to her boyfriend, her only defense. “Camilo, mi amor, surely you’ll defend me.” 
“I can’t,” Camilo replied curtly, shrugging. “Baby, that never happened.” 
And that’s when Emiliana realized she really wasn’t getting enough sleep. 
Pepa only laughed harder when she heard this. “Lord have mercy on my soul…” she cried into her hands. “Mijo, your girlfriend’s  hilarious. She’s a keeper!” 
“Thanks,” Emiliana muttered in aggravation. Sitting down in disappointment, she wondered how she could be so dumb as to mistake what were clearly fictional events that took place in a dream for reality. And she caused an even bigger storm than Pepa usually did while doing so. “Can you please not laugh?” 
“I’m sorry, mija.” Pepa wheezed as she tried to control herself. 
Emiliana sighed. “I’m sorry, Mirabel and Isa.” 
“Hey, it’s okay!” Mirabel chirped. 
“Yeah, it’s cool, amiga,” Isabela affirmed. “That was an entertaining story.” 
“Yeah, that was even better than the telenovelas!” Bruno piped up as he spontaneously appeared in the kitchen. 
“Hey Bruno.” 
“Hey kid. Mirabel, you ready to practice our telenovela tomorrow afternoon?” 
“I’m ready,” Mirabel affirmed. 
“Cool, hey, tell you what, Emiliana, next telenovela mi sobrina and I do, you can be a part of it! If you want to, that is, no pressure or anything like that. Heh.” 
Emiliana paused, then looked up. “Really?” She asked. 
“Yup!” Bruno agreed. 
“Yay, that sounds like fun!” 
“I knew you would agree. Who’d resist a good telenovela?” 
“Certainly not me.” 
Abuela came downstairs soon after, as did the rest of the family. And they ate. 
“It’s time for another rat telenovela!” Bruno announced after the morning meal, as everyone cheered happily. 
Sitting down with the rest of the family, Emiliana was excited to see this afternoon’s rat telenovela, as she took a seat next to Camilo. “Break a leg Mirabel!” She whispered to her best friend. 
Mirabel gave her a thumbs up and a wink. Emiliana giggled. 
The play started soon enough, and as Emiliana watched, she couldn’t help but notice her head feeling awfully heavy, as her body felt drowsy and weak. 
No, this couldn’t be happening again. But it was. 
She rubbed Camilo’s hand. Camilo didn’t get the hint and merely smiled warmly, rubbing back, but kept his eyes focused on the play. 
Until Emiliana said “Baby, it’s happening again…” 
Of course, Camilo didn’t know what she was talking about, and turned to look at her in confusion. 
And that’s when Emiliana’s eyes slammed shut, and she passed out cold right there on Casita’s couch, her head in Camilo’s lap. 
It felt like hours when she finally did wake up. 
“Emiliana? Querida, please open your eyes!” 
Emiliana’s groggy eyes forced themselves open as she rubbed them with her knuckles. She could barely make out Pepa crouching down in front of her. 
“Are you okay, mi vida?” 
“Yeah!” Emiliana’s eyes traveled down. “I fell asleep?” 
“Yeah,” Pepa said, nodding her head and tilting it diagonally, looking sympathetic. 
“So I…missed the play?” 
“You did, sadly,” Mirabel said. “It ended twenty minutes ago. But we all decided to give you some space. Except for Camilo, of course.” 
“I’m kinda cramped,” Camilo whispered to Pepa and Mirabel with a hand cupping his mouth, clearly too afraid to tell Emiliana this. 
“Let’s get you up, Emiliana!” Pepa said, gently lifting her by her sweaty armpits and raising her up off of Camilo’s lap. 
“I’m I’m so sorry!” Emiliana forced out. “I have narcolepsy, it’s not my fault.” 
“Finally!” Camilo kissed Emiliana on the cheek before getting up and running out of the room. “I really have to go to the bathroom!” 
The moment he left, Emiliana buried her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry once again. It’s my dad. I get it from him. I’ve been a terrible guest…” 
“It’s perfectly fine, mi vida,” Pepa said. “And you don’t need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. Oh, here, have a tissue.” She handed her a tissue, and Emiliana wiped her eyes before blowing her nose in it. 
“Thank you,” she said. 
“You’re welcome my dear. And trust me. Don’t worry about it. No one here is mad at you.” 
Emiliana smiled. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, darling,” Pepa replied before giving Emiliana a hug and patting her back gently. 
When they broke up, Emilina said “I think it’s time for me to go now. My mama will be expecting me.” 
“I understand, Emiliana.” Pepa smiled. “And we were happy to have you over, and would love to have you again.” 
“Yes, really!” Pepa’s eyes lit up. “Especially Camilo.” 
Emilina giggled. “I thought you didn’t want us together.” 
“Why would I think that?” Pepa asked. When Emiliana gave her a suspicious look, she giggled. “Well, I can see why you would think that. But truthfully, I just worry about my hijo sometimes. I can’t help but be overprotective, I’m a mother, it’s what I do. But I wasn’t just looking out for him. I was looking out for you too.” She placed a hand in the younger girl’s. “And I know you’d never hurt Camilo. You clearly are the right girl for him.” 
Emiliana giggled. “Thanks so much, Sra—“ 
“Oh, there’s no need for that. Call me Pepa.” 
Emiliana was speechless. But in a good way, of course. “Okay, Pepa!” 
“Come on, Emiliana!” Mirabel called out. “I’ll walk you home!” 
“Oh okay! Umm, bye Pepa!” Emiliana waved at Pepa. 
“Bye Emiliana!” Pepa smiled and waved back. 
But as Emiliana was leaving, Julieta came out, Luisa walking behind her. 
“Emiliana, cariña, can I give you something?” 
“Sure, what is it?” 
“It’s for your condition.” Julieta sighed. “I might not be able to cure every disease or ailment. But I can still help ease it somewhat. Here.” She placed in Emiliana’s hand a container of small fruit-flavored gummies. “These will help you with your insomnia and narcolepsy. Take two pills in the day and two in the night and they’ll improve your sleep so that you don’t have to fall asleep during the day.” 
“Wow! Oh my gosh! Thank you, Julieta!” Emiliana beamed and wrapped her best friend’s mom in a hug. 
Julieta hugged back. “You’re welcome.” 
“Wait!” Dolores ran down the stairs, Isabela following her in confusion. Dolores wrapped Emiliana in a hug. “Bye Emiliana!” She said, giving her a soft and affectionate kiss on the forehead. “You’ll always be my honorary hermanita.” 
“Awww, thanks, Dolores!” Emiliana smiled and hugged back. “I love you too!” 
Finally breaking up from the hug, Emiliana saw Isabela smile at her. “Take care, chiquita,” she said as she gave the girl a high five. 
“I will. Anyway, bye everyone,” Emiliana waved as she walked out the door, arms linked in Mirabel’s. “And thanks for having me, you’re all very hospitable and I couldn’t be more grateful.” 
“Bye Emiliana!” They all waved back. 
“Camilo!” Luisa called out. “Your girlfriend’s going home. Don’t you want to catch her before she leaves?!” 
Camilo came out of the bathroom just then. “Oh, she’s leaving? Bye bella durmiente.” 
“Is that your new nickname for me?” Emiliana snickered. 
“Sure is.” Camilo winked. 
Emiliana smiled. Rushing up to him and pecking him on the cheek, she grabbed Mirabel’s hand and raced out the door, Mirabel skittering behind her. 
And just like that, she was gone. 
As Emiliana and Mirabel walked, Mirabel asked her, “So did you enjoy your stay at Casita?” 
“Of course I did!” Emiliana perked up. “It was fun. Especially the rat telenovelas! My favorite part was when the rat playing Lavinia ran away at the end.” 
“Mine was when Hernando proposed to her.” Mirabel replied. “But the whole thing was fun and I’m glad she didn’t die at the end.” 
“Me too. The dessert Julieta made was delicious too. Plus Casita is friendly and funny! And I really wish I could have slept in your room, but I promise next time I come over, I will.” 
“Hmm…” Mirabel pondered. “No you don’t.” 
“Huh, what do you mean? Of course I promise.” 
“No, not that, I mean no way do you wish you slept in my room! You were happy to sleep in my cousin’s room, weren’t you?” 
“I-I…” Emiliana felt her cheeks getting hotter and hotter. “No I wasn’t.” 
“Oh? But you really enjoyed kissing him, didn’t you?” 
“It’s not like that!” Emiliana screamed and ran away, covering her ears. “How did you know?” 
“Dolores told me!” Mirabel laughed as she ran after her best friend, giggling. “You’re in loooove!” She cooed loudly in a singsong voice. “You’re in love with my cousin! You’re dating my cousin! You like kissing my cousin! You even wanna marry my cousin! Admit it Emiliana!” She made kissing sounds with her lips. 
Other people in the town stopped what they were doing to stare at the childlike display. But Mirabel didn’t care. 
“Stop it, Mirabel! Emiliana sobbed, tears of laughter streaming. “I can’t believe Dolores betrayed me like this.” 
“Well, we slept over in her room that night, and that was when she told me.” Mirabel gave a thumbs up. “She supports though! And so do I. And the rest of us!” 
“I know,” Emiliana said. 
Mirabel smiled and linked arms with Emiliana. 
“But it was still nice to have you regardless,” she said. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Emiliana said. “It’s nice to spend some time with my best friend. Oh! And next month my dad is taking me and Victoria to my cousin’s house, he said I could invite two people, so I invited you and Yamilet. Do you wanna come?” 
“I would love to come!” Mirabel perked up. “And I’ve never really talked to your cousin before? So I’d love to get to know him!” 
“That’s awesome! And hey, maybe you can stay over for a little while and we can arrange a sleepover for another date! After all, I couldn’t not repay the compliment!” 
“Yay!” Mirabel squealed. “I’m so excited!” 
“Me too!” Emiliana said, and the two walked on home, eagerly chatting about their plans to hang out together as best friends, of which there were multiple. 
The End
hope you liked it! and tell me whatcha think!
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changingplumbob · 11 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 2, Part 4
Joey hit it off with a Halloween party guest so he describes what being aromantic but allosexual is like for him. Alexander has been thinking of ways he can make James feel loved, so we welcome two furbabies! Keira got too sick to have proper conversations at the party. She meets up with Marta and talks about what's next for their relationship.
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Wonder where Joey disappeared to? He showed the blonde his room of course.
Amabel: So what are you saying
Joey; Romance, I don't feel it, need to make sure you get it
Amabel: I don't really
Joey: Lets try an analogy, Raisins because this was first put on Spoutible
Amabel: You talk the strangest cutest nonsense
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Joey: Thanks, you're rather cute yourself
Amabel: *smiles*
Joey: Raisins. Everyone knows what they are
Amabel: Mmm hmm
Joey: If I were to eat them I wouldn’t taste them, never have I ever indulged in raisins
Amabel: Mmm hmm
Joey: Most people know of oatmeal raisin cookies right
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Joey: In this analogy, the oatmeal raisin cookie is a relationship. The raisin is the romance, the dough is the woohoo
Amabel: I think you have your ratios wrong
Joey: Allegedly. Point, I enjoy the cookie without the raisin. I get that most people think the oatmeal cookie needs raisins but I don't
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Amabel: So you only want woohoo without romance and that makes you happy
Joey: Basically. I just think it's right to let you know off the bat
Amabel: So you won't fall in love with me or with anyone
Joey: Don't get me wrong, you're great, but no I wont
Amabel: I think I'd like some nice uncomplicated woohoo
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Amabel: And all your talking just makes me more attracted to you my lord
Joey: *chuckles* Okay, come here hot stuff
And with that discussion taken care of Joey makes sure Amabel feels like their own party was a success.
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Sure enough when Keira wakes up the next morning she isn't sure how much actually happened. How much was the fever or just a dream? How attractive could she have been speaking deliriously? She sees the rose and her heart flutters remembering she got a flower from Marta, that part's real at least.
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Joey: Why are you putting that out
Keira: I have a fear of fire
Joey: Right, dryer incident. So, how'd it go? You get lucky
Keira: I'm not sure
Joey: I presume you mean about how it went. You'd be bound to remember woohooing
Keira: I kind of got a bug that gave me a headache and crazy fever
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Joey: Sorry, I was going to keep an eye on you but then-
Keira: Your eye wandered
Joey: Heck yeah it did
Keira: It's fine. I think Marta kept an eye on me
Joey: Yeah
Keira: I think she cleared everyone out, made me tea and put me to bed
Joey: Not as great as getting laid
Keira: She gave me a rose
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Alexander: What did I miss
Joey: Keira was feverish but still got a rose
Alexander: James was pretty sick as well, must be cold season
Joey: But a rose is good right? That's what you romantic feeling people like
Keira: Yeah, I do
Joey: Got follow up plans
Keira: I have no idea
Alexander: Text her
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James: Oh Keira you don't have to clean up all the dishes
Keira: I want to. I would rather call than text and I'm likely to wake her up this early
James: Sleep well love
Alexander: I did and I have a plan
James: A plan
Alexander: You're a cat over, Ophelia was allergic, lets get a cat
James: Really
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James manages to convince Alexander they really need two cats, so they can keep each other company. While Alexander begins working on his term paper James sets about vacuuming the house to make a good impression on the adoption agency. Doing so he realises he's a neat sim after all.
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After her first class Keira gives Marta a call and thanks her for looking after her while she was sick. Marta is gracious about it all and is keen to meet Keira later on when her classes are done. She begins her homework feeling happy about the future.
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Joey: I took notes but I still got that stupid pay more attention pop up
Keira: Mmm hmm
Joey: You look chipper
Keira: I'm meeting Marta tonight
Joey: The watchers plans went wrong but somehow went right, suspicious
Keira: Whatever you say mate. Look I gotta run, see you later yeah
Joey: Mmm hmm
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Welcome to the household kitten Hamlet and cat Gertrude. Hamlet is affectionate, curious and spoiled. Gertrude is aloof, territorial and mischievous. So that's going to be... interesting.
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Marta: I didn't even know Pepper's had a basement level
Keira: It has so much
Marta: Are you sure you're feeling better today
Keira: Why? Do I not look good
Marta: *chuckles* you look stunning as always
Keira: All the better to woo you with
Marta: *chuckles* Your flirting is on fire today
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Keira: Beats my head being on fire. Thank you so much for looking after me
Marta: Anytime
Keira: I'm so sorry you had to. I had plans for last night that were much cuter and more intimate
Marta: The future is still full of possibilities
Keira: So you're not mad
Marta: No carino. Unless mad with lust counts?
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Keira: *blushes*
Marta: Come, stand up
Keira: Wait, why
Marta: Look at me carino, I didn't mind looking after you when you were sick
Keira: Truly
Marta: I want to be the one to look after you when you're sick
Keira: Do you mean-
Marta: Don't panic, I'm not proposing marriage but... will you be my girlfriend? Officially
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Keira: Yes
Marta: You will
Keira: Yes
Marta: *squeals and jumps adorably*
Keira: You're so cute
Marta: I'm the older one so you should be the cute one
Keira: I'm the tall one and you're the short one, so you're stuck as the cute one
Marta: I'm not going to complain with you calling me cute
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Keira: Since you're my girlfriend you ought to know, I've never had woohoo with another sim
Marta: Well I love woohoo
Keira: *giggles*
Marta: But I haven't had woohoo with a woman I love yet, so I guess we'll learn together. We can go as slow as you like carino
Keira: What does that word even mean
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Marta: I'm sure you can guess by now
Keira pulls Marta close and the two share their first kiss. Keira feels Marta relax into her arms and can't help but smile.
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Keira: I don't mind a little speed. Move in with me?
Marta: What?
Keira: I know you felt like your last relationship moved too fast and I don't want to pressure you but it's the best way to avoid an autonomous proposal according to Joey, the mansion is big enough
Marta: Guys and their sizes
Keira: What
Marta: Something you said
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Marta: When you were delirious
Keira: I didn't
Marta: You did
Keira: Oh watcher that's embarrassing
Marta: I don't mind but are you sure you're okay with this carino
Keira: Not having to travel to see you sounds like a dream
Marta: Then I'll be your dream, help me pack, I don't have much
Keira: Deal
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Joey: Yo shorties unite
Keira: Can you not be a bro
Joey: I'm trying to be welcoming to a fellow short person
Marta: Thank you
James: Now don't even think of paying board, no one else does, there's enough in the bank to cover us
Marta: Really
Alexander: His savings grew 5000 from interest alone this week
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Marta: Ay dios mio
Joey: You're welcome
Keira: Huh
Alexander: He means for the karaoke idea
Marta: That was yours
Joey: Only because Keira said you love singing
Marta: I love all music really
James: Feel free to use the piano
Alexander: Come on Hamlet, it's late, bedtime
James: I'll find Gertrude. Welcome again Marta
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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instablamwriter · 1 year
A3! | Misumi/Tenma
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Rating: G
Tenma's been having stomach problems and he has no idea why!
A/N: gift for shiro!
Tenma tends to his health seriously - he is a professional after all.
Leaving sickness untreated can only cause nothing but further headaches and project delays and so he leaves no seemingly minor symptom unchecked.
And so his latest problem is that he has no idea what is causing his stomach bug!
It's not a matter of meals since he eats the same stuff as the staff at the shoots or everyone else in the dormitory (he's only picky with carrots, he swears!), it's not motion sickness because he decidedly doesn't feel better or worse in the car, and it doesn't even happen to him while he's at work...so just what is this?!
"So when does it happen?" He's been ranting to Yuki who has surprisingly not thrown anything at him to shut up…yet. Maybe he's too bored with his homework that he actually welcomes Tenma as a distraction.
"I don't know...mostly at home. Like during practice."
"Are you getting nerves from performing again?" Yuki's forehead furrows. It's not asked unkindly. It's been a while since Tenma has dealt with his stage fright but there are days he still remembers how his body froze up on the stage. Being both his roommate and troupemate, Yuki knows that more than anyone.
"No! It's different." Tenma sighs loudly. 
"I wouldn't be having so much trouble if I knew what was going on."
"Tenma! Yuki! Do you want some onigiri?" A loud voice booms as Misumi bursts into their room, door opening all the way, a plate of onigiri in his hands. His eyes are shining as he meets Tenma's.
Tenma makes a face. That indescribable feeling starts again - his palms are sweating, his cheeks are heated, and his heart is so undeniably loud in his ears. He suddenly recalls the time he worked with a well-known senior in the industry and had to muster all his courage just to greet them on set. And now, he's even more jittery, even though he's in a room with some of the people he would trust with his life (Yuki on a good day). What the heck is going on?! "I don't know if I can stomach it right now…" 
Misumi pouts. He picks up one of the onigiri and offers it to Tenma. "Okay, maybe just one, the one easiest on the stomach."
He pushes it towards Tenma's arms then pats Tenma's head. "There, there, I hope these triangles will help your stomach get better!"
Woah, why does it feel his hands become clammier? He tries to get some eye contact with Yuki. It's here! The weird illness! Yuki looks at him and clicks his tongue. Huh, what's his problem?
After Misumi leaves and the door is closed, Yuki looks at him, eyebrow raised.
"I think I figured out your problem, sadly, it can't be cured with idiocy."
"Hey! What the hell does that mean?!"
"Try hanging out with the Triangle Alien a bit more. Maybe you'll find out."
"Why the heck is he talking in riddles?" Tenma groans and slides his palm down his face. It's not like Yuki to not be straightforward, so there must be a reason. Shit, Tenma can surely solve this. He won't let Yuki have the last laugh.
0 notes
crimsonblackrose · 1 year
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Did this girl scrapbook the ad? 😂 I thought this was the college project she did for her big brother whose flunking.
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Lol apparently it was a fluke that she scrapbooked the Equalizer’s ad. Girl, why?
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So why are these men in suits having their business meeting right next to a pool that is...in use by the swim team????
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Welcome back Joe Morton! Also did not know suicide squad was a sports term. 😂😅
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Why is this guy always near a lady in a swimsuit? Also why would wear a swim suit to do someone’s nails? Let alone do someone’s nails outside? What if a bug or something flies into the polish? Is this supposed to be like he’s so well connected and powerful? It reads as a terrible manicure. Dude, go inside for a manicure.
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Ugh this whole family has put their entire hope and future on their eldest son who got a football scholarship, but then got kicked of the team because he was injured. He keeps trying to find alternative ways to tell them and to like talk about it but they keep talking about his scholarship and bright future and this kids going to start selling drugs. Football player: Hey dad how about I join the family business with you? Dad: This business is crashing down around my ears, but you your business never will and you won’t ever let it will you?
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McCall: I’ve talked to your coach and he’s agreed to extend your scholarship for a year. Football player whose whole goal in life was to go pro and make tons of money from that and with 0 educational goals: My sister wrote most of my papers and did  most of my homework. What am I supposed to do?
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Gives the kid the watch off his wrist....why? lol it’s solid gold. Okay. I do like the birds of paradise behind him though. This is also a gym but for some reason 90% of time they’re next to the pool.
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I adore Brock, and I’m glad he made one more final episode. But since this is the final ever episode with these characters I’m kind of bummed that Control and Mickey aren’t in them. I got used to Scott not being in a lot of them quite a while ago. (Scott’s probably still dealing with the fact he killed a man. 😭) But I mean heck they gave McCall a restaurant with an old friend behind the desk and she’s not been around for a lot of episodes despite what seemed like a move to try and make her a reoccurring regular.
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I will say that’s maybe the best response to someone surprising you with a gun. Blows them a kiss. 😂 Ving Rhames did a great job in this episode.
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Our football player looks so uncomfortable. 😂
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At least Brock is there to keep an eye on them.
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Ah yes had to fit in the “I’m a father too” one last time. In response to...uh your son is hanging out with a drug dealer, working for him so I know how you feel. Scott hasn’t done that has he? McCall be nicer to your son. Oh wait. “Sometimes they want love so badly they’ll do almost anything to get it won’t they?” Maybe you haven’t loved your son enough McCall? Huh? I’ve got feelings about that. This is the last one. Welcome to a detour. Robert McCall has three children. One, a girl he was unaware of is the oldest who was raised in Montreal  with a police officer as a father who loves her very much. Then he has Scott and a girl who died as a kid. It’s unknown whether she was a baby or a kid, but I kind of think Scott’s the baby. And here’s my reasoning why. I think they probably had the girl and they loved her very much and then had Scott and the girl died and they sent Scott off to boarding school. Because at one point when Scott’s been accidentally abducted Robert says to his ex wife, that they tried really hard not to be parents. And even though it’s Scott whose in danger they spend most of their time talking about their dead daughter. He talks about her a lot. More so then the son he’s got whose still alive and for most of these seasons, the only child he had. Scott doesn’t seem to be terribly cut up about his sister, just tells his older sister that he’s happy not to be an only child any more and not alone. Which makes me think either he was too young to remember much about his other sister. Heck, Scott might’ve been like a “fix-it/band-aid baby” to try and save their marriage or a mistake. Because the ex-wife has shown up twice, played by two different actresses and essentially in both cases/instances, she doesn’t seem to know much about Scott and seems more or less determined not to...care too much. And it’s kind of a bummer since they introduce Scott in season 1 episode 1 and McCall is all like “I’m here my boy! I’ve retired, let’s fix our relationship!” and then we don’t really see Scott all that much. It feels like they meant to include him more and then had to cut it. It feels like based off that same Scott’s accidentally been kidnapped episode, that there probably were scenes where Scott and his father embrace or have important conversations but they were cut. Possibly for time, but who knows why exactly. But it’s just so sad. Because Mr. McCall plays the “I’m a father” card so frequently and yet he’s never really been a father.
Sure he’s got kids, he’s made kids, but the eldest one he was unaware of, the other daughter died while he was working, and then he ran away so hard and so fast that Scott spends most of his time snapping at his father for abandoning him. That promise in that first episode never got fulfilled and I think that’s what makes me so miffed about the whole thing. The show opens with here’s this ex-spy out to help people and also be there for his musician son and to repair that time spent away and to bond with him and instead that whole string got tied off into a circle, it’s the same ride every episode. They like each other they hate each other they make no progress towards healing. Which is that both of Scott’s parents abandoned him into a boarding school. In McCall’s case, since this is mostly his story, it’s a combination of fear because of what happened to his father and also the death of his daughter and all this grief and trauma but that first episode promises that he’s going to fix that, get better, that he and Scott McCall are going to finally heal and be a family. And each episode Scott’s in, that’s how it ends, but then in the next episode Robert is pissed about something Scott’s done or thinks he’s an idiot or a fool and, it’s dumb stuff, like sometimes Scott makes mistakes and is too trusting, but generally Scott is right. His instincts are almost always right. But McCall never trusts them, never trusts Scott and never tries to teach him the correct way to deal with things so it just continues to go in circles over and over again until the ending where things are better. I mean hell, Robert himself gets kidnapped and almost mortally wounded and they don’t even show Scott and Robert’s reunion at the end of that episode. They instead spend the “tearful reunion” time between some random guy we met for the first time an episode prior and Robert.
And some of this might be because they had planned that spin off with Scott as the main character but since that didn’t happen, it’s just kind of...frustrating.
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And there we have it, the final shot of the Equalizer. Kid running off to college with the grapes of wrath under his arm(gift from McCall), his coach and his little sister there to cheer him on as if a college campus is one single building like a high school, and turning back to wave at Mr. McCall. I’ve got a couple other screenshot collections to go through that I never shared. I’ll get those together at some point. But there we go, all done. It’s a weird choice for a final episode, feels like it was cut off before they planned suddenly and so they weren’t able to have that type of episode that most shows kind of do for their finales. Though who knows....maybe 80′s shows are like that????
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amplesalty · 2 years
Christmas 2022 - Day 1 - Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990)
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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a homeless man named Ricky!
The mood is right, the spirit’s up, we’re tonight and that’s so we can watch all manner of Christmas movies. That’s right, it’s December 2022 so let’s break out the festive horror and get this show on the road! It’s been a couple of years since we last looked at the franchise so why not return to the Silent Night, Deadly Night universe? They seemed to let these stew a little more during the early releases but as we’re getting to the end here, they’re really pumping them out; Part 3 in 1989, Part 4 here in 1990 and the final release in the original run in 1991. Then there’s the remake in 2012 but we already covered that many moons ago.
You know, this franchise turned into Rosemary’s Baby so gradually I didn’t even notice.  Which is really the biggest take away from this movie which continues to distance itself further and further from the original release. Now, granted that’s not the worst thing in the world as we’ve said on here before, there’s not point being stuck in a rut creatively just churning out the same movie over and over again (almost literally so in the case of Part 2) but this is really just a sequel in name only. The cheesiness was already stripped back in Part 3 but it’s entirely gone here and I’d almost suggest they’re going full latter day Hellraiser on it by just slapping the franchise name on a totally different movie but at least with Hellraiser you still get the interesting part of Pinhead interacting with these random characters and different settings. Here you don’t even get any returning characters, though they do bother to name one character Ricky which is the closest link you’ll get…well, apart from one moment we’ll come on to. But it’s not even the Ricky from the older movies, it just feels like a nod they made to either satisfy existing fans or trick them into thinking it’s the same character somehow.
It’s barely even Christmas themed barring the odd decoration here or there, a brief stop off at an office Christmas party or family living room, there’s certainly no killer Santa running around. Heck, the movie was released in the UK as Bugs so I’m pretty sure no one would be able to indentify this as a Silent Night, Deadly Night sequel unless you told them.
At least we have reason to welcome back Christmas Tor within the first five minutes, hello again old friend! I don’t think we saw regular Tor this year, nice to have him back.
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The movie centers on Kim, a budding journalist who feels held down within her workplace and looked down upon by her male colleagues due to her not so secret relationship with her colleague Hank. She’s rather keen on covering the story of a local woman who apparently committed suicide by self immolating and throwing herself off the roof of a building downtown, whereas Kim wants to explore the possibility of spontaneous combustion. It’s a rather odd case of spontaneous combustion though as the lady only really seems to be burned from the waist down. Most people are just left as little green globules on their drum seats.
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We do get some Christmas related events when she and Hank visit his parents house, only his Dad goes a bit Archie Bunker when he finds out she’s Jewish. Shame this man wont live to experience Kanye West, I think he would have really dug Ye’s philosophy on life. (Yes, we’re horribly dating this post. Grats to Kanye though on his recent media appearances though, it’s no small feat to be able to make Alex Jones seem like the sane and rational one during a conversation but my gosh did he manage it)
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During Kim’s investigations she befriends the owner of a local book store who advises her on suitable books on the subject, as well as the occult and feminism. Kim is more generally annoyed by the chauvinistic attitudes of her workplace and the perceived glass ceiling that’s in effect but this lady, Fima, and her friends…boy do they hate themselves some men. It’s a bit of a weird direction to go in when you’re ripping off Rosemary’s Baby; hardcore feminism and cockroaches.
The whole thing culminates in Fima drugging Kim, only for her to awaken in a daze to find herself in the middle of some sort of ritual where she’s raped by a man in what appears to be some sort of prototypical Noseybonk mask, have some sort of sizeable insect inserted into her and then proceeds to vomit up a cockroach about as big as a medium size dog.
It’s like that one chewing gum commercial if it was directed by Satan.
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She manages to escape but seems to be in some sort of weird trance where she flips between wanting to swallow a bottle of pills to jumping her boyfriends bones. They are rather rudely interrupted though when the witch’s accomplice, the aforementioned Ricky played Clint Howard, walks in and decides to watch some TV before stabbing Hank to death.
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Okay, gratuitous use of stock footage of the previous movie? Now it’s a Silent Night, Deadly Night movie!
Instead of giving birth to the son of Satan like in Rosemary’s Baby, the idea here seems to be for Kim to give birth to some sort of insect hybrid? I’m not sure, I kind of lost track of exactly what their motivation is here. Possibly something about her being the reincarnation of Lillith, which was suggested to be Fima’s daughter but I think they mean literally the mythological figure who is meant to have been Adam’s first wife in the Garden of Eden before she basically ran away and is painted as some sort of radical figure because she wouldn’t obey Adam.
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mrs-riceball · 2 years
cuddling with toge for the first time!!
toge x gn!reader
fluff UwU
you’ve actually cuddled before around campus when he would rest his head in your lap, or you’d rest your head on his shoulder
but, this time is different! he’s not shy over text when he invites you over to his room to cuddle
he basically tells you that he won’t be your training partner until you come over and cuddle with him in his bed
(he will actually still be your training partner since he loves spending time with you and would get jealous that anyone else gets to spend time with you)
once you get there, though, he shyly buries his face into his scarf as he lets you in
he goes and sits on his bed and you sit next to him, legs pressing against one another and you tug at his scarf because it would be silly to cuddle in a scarf
when his scarf is off, he leans over to give you a kiss on the cheek
he doesn’t get to do that often because you mostly hang out together around the other second years!
he wraps his arm around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder, burying his face into your neck
with a giggle, you lean back and you both topple backwards onto the bed
you gaze into each others’ eyes lying down, noses brushing against one another
he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and pulls you closer
you both eventually wiggle your way up to his pillows and dive under the covers together, finding as much contact as possible between your two bodies
eventually you end up with your legs tangled together, arms wrapped around one another, gazing into each others’ eyes
and neither of you can stop smiling! you just think the other is so hecking cute and cuddling together is so pleasant
you give each other pecks on the lips, cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, eyelids. it’s almost like a little game, who can land the most kisses?
he is a sleepy boy, though, after all, so cuddling turns into a nap session. you both sleep really well and feel so safe together
after this he finds reason after reason to invite you to his room, or to invite himself to your room, which ultimately ends in more cuddles
he’s pretty sure he heard a weird nose coming out of your room when you weren’t home and he walked by your door earlier, he’s gotta come check on it
he really needs help changing his lightbulb, even though you’re shorter than him
he goes out and buys new posters just so you can help him hang them up, then he grabs your hand and pulls you onto the bed, where the covers have conveniently been left half un-tucked just welcoming the two of you to climb in
he’s a huge cuddle bug, and he just wants to be near you all the time because you make him feel so happy and peaceful
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woniepop · 2 years
say you don’t love me
Chapter 32 :: Graduation. (written 0.7k)
Genre: Modern Fantasy Au, Smau, angst, fluff
Pairing: Jake Sim x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
taglist open!
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Alas, the most anticipated event finally came. There, upon the glass podium lay the book of contracts that would either make or break the students for the rest of their lives. 
“You nervous?” Jake asks, fiddling his fingers as if he couldn’t be feeling any more anxious than you right now. 
“Of course not. I’m excited! I’ve been waiting so long for this.” You say, gently placing your hands on top of Jake’s to comfort him. “You have nothing to worry about, love.” 
“I know, it’s just so many things that could go wrong and the one thing I don’t want to happen COULD very much happen.” Jake rambles. 
“Hey! How’s my favorite boy! I missed you! Oh, and y/n hi. It’s too bad this is your last day together. Thanks for taking care of him while i was gone!” Cindy giggles, using her position to try and separate the couple. 
“Hey Cindy-“ 
“Cindy we’d really appreciate it if you minded your own business for once” Jake steps in, interrupting you and placing himself in between the two of you as if you were at harm. 
“Ladies and gentlemen! Please take your seats as the class of 2022 is about to arrive! Settle down as our incredibly hardworking students take the stage and set off to their lives in the next few hours!” the mic announces. 
“It’s good that we’re all together guys! You know how important it is to sign, right Jakey?” Cindy says as she places a hand on Jake’s chest, to Jake’s dismay. He scoffs in disgust, picking her hand off his chest like a bug that’s just landed on him. 
“First up, our favorite childhood classic. You know it, you love it, Cinderella! Please cheer as we welcome to the stage, Cindy Rella.” The crowd goes wild for our ever so lovely Cindy. She had the perfect reputation, the perfect life, and the perfect grades. It was no wonder everyone was such a huge fan. They wanted to BE her, heck you would too. 
“I am Cindy Rella, daughter of Cinderella, and I am ready to pledge my destiny.” She holds her hand out to find a golden key decorated beautifully with blue jewels and pearls, just like her stunning mother. 
And just like that, she had unlocked the legacy book, flipping through every picture perfect moment of her planned out life. The chores, the bullying, the laughing, crying, and dancing that would soon take over her life. She was ecstatic. With a prideful grin, she hurriedly sign her page in the book. 
“Thank you everyone, truly. It has been an honor working with you all.” 
“Next up! Jake Charming!” 
Jake nervously stumbles up to the podium, eyes darting all across the crowd for his friends. “Hey guys! uh, I’m Jake Charming, son of Prince Charming.” His anxiety was very apparent in the way he spoke. 
The key to his happily ever after awaited him. He say his glamorous life with Cindy, their first dance, their first child, anyone would dream to have their whole life planned out in such elegance and wealth. Jake had never had to work for anything in his life, and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful, he just didn’t want this. His breath getting shakier by the minute, he takes a glance back at you for comfort. With one last look at the audience his eyebrows furrow and he gets noticeably upset. 
“My name is Jake Charming, and I’m going to write my OWN destiny. My happily ever after starts NOW” he slams the book closed, earning himself thousands of gasps and whispers from his audience. 
Jake gasps at the fact that he was still alive, YOU were still alive. 
“HOW COULD YOU BE SO SELFISH” cindy screams in horror as the crowd goes pin drop silent. 
“I’m sorry everyone, but I don’t want anyone to tell me who to be. I want to figure that out on my own. I want to be with the girl I love, and sorry Cindy, but that can’t be you.” 
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ira-hydrangea · 3 years
Can i request yandere (ace, duece, trey, idia, neige) with kuudere reader always picks them up when theyre jealous
A yandere with a kuudere? Interesting pairs. Sorry, this takes too long 😅. Enjoy~
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Ace Trapolla
It's a miracle, many people thought. Ace is a trouble maker and you are the typical Ice Queen. Always so quiet and indifferent about everything. Heck! They even though you didn't have any emotions. But soon they will see a different side of you.
It's a sports festival today. And a guest is welcome inside the NRC. Since Ace is a a part of the Basketball club, it's no wonder he also participated in basketball tournaments.
You watch from the bench how Ace secured a winning position by throwing the ball at 3 points zone. Of course, you are proud of your boyfriend. The only issue? A flock of bugs around him.
"You are so cool!" "Where did you learn to play like that?" "Can I get your number?" A flock of girls starts to swarm Ace around. You let it be because you think that Ace deserves this attention until this one girl decides to push her limit.
"Oh no! You are hurt! Are you okay?" She said while playing with that cute innocent eyes. "Huh? I'm not even realize that..."
"Here! You can circle your arms around me and I will help you to go to the infirmary." That is the last straw for you.
You calmly stroll to Ace before picking him up like a princess and walking away.
"Hey! Who do you think you are! EEK!"
You just send the cold glare her ways and said with a very chilling voice. "His lover. Did you have a problem?"
"NO! I mean! Please continue..."
You left with a huff. Didn't even aware on the very red face and crazed eyes that Ace have.
'Ah~ My sweet queen is jealous. How cute~' Ace thought while trying to calm down his rapid heart and put out a usual act.
Maybe he should make you jealous often so you can be more dependent on him.
Deuce Spade
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You and Deuce are on the date in town. Just chilling and walking around. Enjoy the day.
Until this one particular girl just starts to walk in towards Deuce with a map in her hands.
"Hey~ So I'm a tourist here and I'm kinda lost. Mind helping me a little bit here?" The girl ask.
You didn't mind any of it until you notice a weird setup. The girl is standing between you and Deuce. She even dares to press her shoulder to Deuce. Forgot that You is even there.
Deuce's reaction is also didn't help. He was just bashful and try his hard to move away from her but each time this girl just move even closer.
You accidentally release some cold aura and look at this girl with the fiercest glare ever. This trick seems to work. The girl turns back and almost cry seeing your expression.
You move even closer to her and she closes her eyes. Think that you going to hit her but you just move past her and pick Deuce like a princess before cooly walkout from there.
Deuce's face turn very red at this but he did not reject this either. He may or may not have already planned this.
Who knows that with some random girl help, he can turn you into this jealous girlfriend. He can't wait to try more tricks.
Trey Clover
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Idia Shroud
There is this one rare opportunity, where you got a chance to visit his bakery. And unluckily, that day is so packed with customers that you decide to lend a hand.
"Oh... She comes again.' Said one of Trey siblings.
"Who?" You ask. He just points at one girl in a cute dress talking with Trey.
"That girl always come whatever big brother come home. I mean it is pretty obvious, she tries to hit on him. I wonder why big brother never noticed this before..."
You stood in silence while watching the interaction. You are clearly annoyed with this display. What with this situation?
When you feel that your jealousy can not be controlled anymore. You just pick Trey up and bring him to the kitchen.
"Hey! How rude, you peasants! Didn't you know I'm still talking with h-EEP!"
"Apologies dear customer. But our bakery is still packed with other customers and my darling help can be used in the kitchen. Now excuse me..."
The girl didn't dare to say any word after you let out the word darling.
After Trey is been put down in the Kitchen. He chuckles.
"I see someone is jealous~" he tease.
"Hmph!" You just turn your head and go back to baking. Trey then hug you from behind.
"Apologies my love~ I didn't mean to make you feel jealous. Although this side of yours is very cute. You wouldn't mind showing this often to me, right?"
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Your date is usually spent time playing games in Idia rooms. Away from crowd and worries.
I think the only thing that can make you jealous is if Idia spends so much time in front of his computer while you sit with a bag of chips on your side.
You stare at Idia that still playing the gacha game on his computer. Soon you got bored and look at your phone. Try to find something to do until an erupted cheer can be heard.
"YES! I FINALLY GOT HER!!" Idia shouts excitingly. Curious, you look at his big computer and find one female character and her name in there that read 'Yae Miko'
Idia is still in his land. Didn't even notice your hardened eyes. Although you didn't show any emotions, with a twitch in your eyes, everyone can say something is wrong with you.
Can't take it anymore, you just stand up and stand behind Idia and wait until he noticed you. That didn't take long.
With that confirmation, you pick him like a sack of potatoes and throw him to the bed before capturing him in your hug.
Idia's hair burst to pink and he can see your expression. 'They are pouting! So cute~'. Idia thought while looking at you still with your face planted to his chest.
Didn't want to miss this opportunity, Idia slowly stroke your hair and enjoyed this environment.
How he wish this could occure everyday...
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Neige Le Blance.
Let be clear here. Everyone knows that you and Neige are a couple.
And everyone supports it. They even have their fandom about you and Neige as a couple. People said that you are looking like some ice queen while the kind prince Neige manage to melt your heart and make it his own.
So when you both are on the date. They try to respectfully give you both the space needed but sometimes the excitement overflows them and this gives you both hard situation.
Neige tries to get away from the crowd of fans that notice him. Not forget to look after you from this horde of humans. Oh, believe him. He tries to disperse the crowd using his charm but nothing worked. The crowd just got crazier.
You can't take it anymore. First, because their scream is so loud. Two, they disturbing your date and third, a few of them didn't know boundaries.
So you do something every partner do to their lovers. You pick them up and run like you on your way to your honeymoon.
This makes a funny chase between you and the crowd. Most of them are excited about seeing the popular couple and try to bless their eyes with these rare displays.
While you are busy trying to get away, Neige smile a little at this display and hides his face to the crook of your neck.
'That idea to make my fans destroy this date is worked.'
Yep. He enjoyed this and calmly inhale your scent. Now everyone in this world knows that you are his~
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