#[ my anon is open for people WITH QUESTIONS- no willing ignorance ]
aworldofyou · 2 years
you complain about 'woke culture' so much and like your thanksgiving comment. are you a conservative?? a republican??
Yeah. I love Thanksgiving. What of it. Are YOU going to explain to me why I can't love Thanksgiving. What's wrong, can't rub two brain cells together and use your eyes to have ONE look at my pinned post. I LOVE THANKSGIVING AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. What I am doesn't matter because I vote according to Indigenous laws, and I ABIDE by those laws that are set up to protect my people from assholes like YOU who erase our culture.
If you have no respect for me, an indigenous writer, with REAL CONCERNS for our people, and MY LOVE for the ONE HOLIDAY where no native families starve? where i have met MOTHERS WHO CRIED TEARS OF JOY because our store was giving away free turkeys and thanksgiving meals because it was a night they didn't have to stress about feeding their children? Grandmothers who aren't depressed anymore because they have family again? Then this, is not a place for you.
HELL if you want to shit on a NATIVE AMERICAN for valuing her PEOPLE over the opinions of STRANGERS on what's right and wrong for her people. Then again. no place for you.
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themostwantedphighter · 3 months
“Welcome, darlin’! What brings ya here?”
(OOC: Heya, @prismaticstarshch here! I'm the person running this RP blog, and I'm gonna lay out a few things:
General notes:
My preferred nickname is Prism
Scythe's pronouns in this blog are strictly she/her
I also strictly go by she/her pronouns
I'm heteroromantic & aegosexual, my Scythe is panromantic & aceflux and currently set to be shipped with Aurora (@loving-till)
here's something for artists
a backstory headcanon + general headcanons list
a link for you to do your daily clicks for Palestine
writing this down here so I can remember it: Scythe's canon birthday is June 6th!
Blog content notes/warnings - There will be:
Alcohol/drug references
Mentions of cultism (the COTTE is a cult)
Violence & death (due to Scythe being a serial killer)
Dark humor (particularly concerning hurting/killing people and death in general)
Medical stuff (I project me having Grave’s disease onto Scythe)
Blog rules:
Please respect my DNIs - you can find the list of them on my main blog!
All content posted on this blog will only go as far as being mildly suggestive in nature. I'm fine with slightly raunchy stuff, crude humor, etc., but asks involving full-blown/hardcore NSFW will instantly be ignored. That aside, lore-related asks, things based off of headcanons, magic anons, meme prompts, in-character asks, and more are welcome!
Please don't send asks or start reblog/comment chains related to actually trying to kill Scythe, those will be ignored too (this only applies to anything affecting her in-character)
Also please put warnings on stuff with flashing lights/imagery if you include it in asks/reblogs, I'm photosensitive and flashing stuff makes me feel physically uncomfortable
Feel free to send in-character asks, whether they're from a RP blog or not! I'm open to doing interactions between Scythe and other Phighting characters (OCs included, but please provide a little bit of info!) on top of having a bit of fun with crack interactions between Scythe and characters who aren't from Phighting too, haha
Because I don't draw and don't have anyone to commission for drawings for this, everything will be described through script-style writing. Please don't demand pictures to be added to any posts!
Note: there will be some things that are based off of headcanons!
Feel free to flood the ask box!
I'm also willing to interact via reblogs and comments as well!
All in all, have fun!
Achievements List:
Snake Charmer: Get wrangled by Freezer Anon
Trial By Fire (and Ice): Survive Freezer Anon's antics (and other chaos) for a week
It's still you!: Experience full-body shapeshifting
The Forbidden Sauce: Drink a questionably-sourced potion (and suffer the horrendous consequences)
An End to a Living Hell [self-given achievement]: Survive being cursed until the curse is somehow lifted
Kittie Crazies!: Make it through the high of catnip whilst being in cat form
All That Is Fear: Learn about fear entities
oh, I also run a Phighting parody Tumblr Discord server! You can message me to get a private invite link!
Other blogs: @askroguered, @askblueredpinktrio, @thelosttemplerockhound, @drifterduet, @phightingparodymoments)
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
which oc from Midnight Darling reacting to reader asking them out of curiosity, to see what its like dating someone? and the only thing to show their love was through holding hands and leaning on the oc?
(the reader is based on what i did when i dated someone... as an asexual questioning their romantic orientation.
TW: Yandere Themes. Sexual Themes.
New OCs have been added! We now have a total of 20 (oh good yun) so this will quite a long list.
anon im not sure if you wanted specific ocs since you used which but then added reacting so have all of them and then more. plus popular girl as a character cause why not.
Reader is GN for this one.
♡ Gabi [ Yan! Popular Girl ] would either be completely opposed due to her hypersexuality, or intrigued by your modest nature. She’s used to sleeping with people after they’ve just met so you’d be a breath of fresh air. She respects your orientation completely though and will not cross any boundaries. She’s mid as a test subject because of her harem which will influence her actions throughout the relationship. You will end up either getting cheated on or killed.
♡ Shawn Ruiz [Yan! Underclassman] is asexual himself. He actually prefers the slow type of romance that’s more focused on just that, rather than a physically forward relationship. Like, why have sex when you two can go shopping for hours? He’s rich enough to buy a whole mall just for the two of you to have for a day. Best boyfriend you could ever wish for (on the surface at the very least).
♡ Isabel Labrador [Yan! Nerd] will do everything in her power to provoke you. She will show off her body just to make you take her. You’ll really have to drill it into her head before she understands that you have a pace you want to go with/that you do not want to get down and dirty. Great part about being her partner though is that she’ll do everything in her power to make sure you have the best grades in class. You will not fail or get any score under a 99% in a single subject under her watch.
♡ Darling De Leon [Yan! Teacher’s Pet] is the worst. While Isabel’s actions are from ignorance and her plain bratty attitude, Darling has no perception of boundaries whatsoever. She will kill for you, and she will kill others just to make you do what she wants. Plain and simple. Worst test partner to have. Only good(ish) side is that you have her utter devotion. She’ll try her best to please you as long as you also please her.
♡ Justin Del Rosario [Yan! Jock]. He was a complete virgin before he met Popular!Reader/Gabi, assuming they never got together, he wouldn’t really be out looking for sex and whatnot. You think from how he looked that he’d be the type that fucks but nah Justin is a complete househusband. Similar to Shawn, he’s gonna focus on giving the best possible taste of a relationship.
♡ Mona Noriega [Yan! Gossiper/Lackey] is an absolute marites. Most of your relationship with her is just conversations about other people that goes on and on and on and on- If you decide relationships are not for you and leave her, she will destroy your social life. Point blank. She’ll destroy your life outside of college too. No employer will ever take someone as filth ridden as you. But fortunately, she’s willing to get her hands dirty as long as you come back to her arms.
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] used to be a hedonist. You’ll have to be the one that guides him in the relationship and teach him that chasing after pleasure all the time is not healthy in the slightest.
♡ Reina Liwanag [Yan! Loyal/Puppy-like Lackey] is absolute focused on pleasing you. Overwhelming but can be controlled if you communicate with her properly. She’s fine with open relationships as long as you check on her once in a while. Leave her neglected for too long and there might be consequences…
♡ Ella Morin [Yan! Quiet /Emo Kid] has no relationship experience whatsoever, nor did she ever think she’ll ever be in one. She’ll be incredibly awkward to be with especially if you don’t share the same interests but as long as you take initiative and bond with her through her hobbies you’ll be a-okay. Lots of trying out rituals online, writing fanfiction, making fanart and what not. Leaving her might get you cursed to eternal damnation so be careful.
♡ Eloise Morin [Yan! Physics Professor] is an absolute wifey. Which, can be good or bad depending on who you’re talking to. She only dates with an intent to get married to that person. So there’s a lot of insecurity and hesitance in the dating period. But if you’re down with getting tied to one person your whole life then she’d be the best option. Extremely loyal, is a great cook, and is incredibly smart. Expect random spiels about Physics though, not as bad as Marx’s mansplaining but it’s there.
♡ Amelia Yorkshire [Yan! Linguistics Professor] if you’re looking for experience than there’s no person in the school who has the most knowledge on that type of topic more than Amelia. She’s an expert at wooeing and seducing but kinda falls off at the actual relationship part. She thinks sex is the biggest part and scared off many of her previous partners with how much of a nymphomaniac she is. Definitely a terrible option for an asexual, but I’d recommend her if you’re looking for a casual physical relationship that isn’t too deep. Then again, if you end up leaving her you’ll have a potential s*xu*l ass*ulter of yours on the loose. Yikes.
♡ Marx Esguerra [Yan! Biology Professor] is terrible in all ways possible. No matter what orientation you have. Once he ‘has’ you, he will never respect your boundaries. He will control your feelings, rewire your brain in order to fit what his ideals are. Mansplaining is a regular occurrence in a relationship with him. He won’t back down from a debate even if he’s wrong, and if you do prove your point properly he’ll either ignore it or ignore you out of spite. Actual child in an adult’s body.
♡ New OC! Althea Dalisay [Yan! Chemistry Professor] tends to be a teacher in and out of the relationship. There won’t be much difference between dating her and not doing so. She’ll be super sweet at times and then cold at the next. What you will get from dating her, as is common from all professors is that you won’t fail any of her classes. Either because of favoritism or her drilling the material into your head. The person with the least backlash when you break-up. Mostly cause it’s impossible with the amount of drugs she puts you under.
♡ New OC! Karen Nolasco [Yan! Mathematics Professor] why are you even dating her? She’s the most hated teacher on this planet. Like she made the name Karen an insult before it was even a mainstream thing. She’s snobby as hell and would act like it’s a privilege to date her when in fact it’s just a normal ass relationship. She won’t even hide her anger if you break up. She’ll fail you and write up every possible mistake you could ever do.
♡ New OC! Fernandez Imelda [Yan! Art/History Professor] the opposite of Karen. Sweet, sweet, sweet. He’s a gift giver at heart. A bit on the creepy side with the amount of paintings he has of you but isn’t it so romantic? This is just normal for couples you see? Never chooses you to model for class, even if its clothed. You’re for his eyes to see only. Overall cool if you’re fine with severe possessiveness and spoiling.
♡ New OC! Mel Morales [Yan! P.E. Professor] is an absolute pervert and doesn’t hide it. A bit hypersexual so they aren’t a good match for ace readers. Forces you to wear short shorts for P.E. and often gropes you during class. Before you dated they made it a rule for players not to engage in relationships but oop you found yourself in bed with them, too bad! Now they gotta take responsibility. But yeah, steer clear if you aren’t into sexual relations.
♡ Daniel Cruz [Yan! Principal] is another no no for aces. Extremely hypersexual that his wife isn’t enough, he has to seek the company of other people as well. Why would you even date a married man anyways? I guess the risk would be cool but don’t expect anything more than just fucking behind closed doors.
♡ Ricardo Peralta [Yan! The President] one of the super sweet ones. Knows everything about his s/o. Has notes and notes about your likes and dislikes, what to do with you often and what to avoid. He’s fine being the more forward one in the relationship but he does get easily shy and flustered. Tease him and he might just explode.
♡ Camille Valencia [Yan! Nurse] is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Is hyperfocused on your needs and wants. Will literally bend to your desires.
Until you try leaving her. Then you’ll have to deal with several sedatives and aphrodisiac she’ll force into your system, and you wouldn’t want that, right?
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] is another terrible match for anon specifically. He requires an extremely affectionate s/o. Is basically a man-child that requires affirmation constantly. If you don’t appease his needs, he’ll force it out of you via manipulation and guilt tripping. Of course he cheated on you! You didn’t give him an ounce of your time after all.
But yeah, yanderes ain’t it if you’re looking to test the waters. Boundaries who?
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
i am so sorry if this is the most ignorant shit you’ve ever heard—that long post about how the trans community isn’t inherently safe for intersex ppl—can you outline the harmful, like, ideas? phrases? intersexist talking points that you’re referencing? again i’m rly sorry, for some reason your intersex questions tag won’t show up for me but if you’re willing i’d love to maybe know what phrases or words i should look for to call ppl out on. obviously feel free to tell me to eat shit. i appreciate ur time thank you v much
you're totally fine anon, I'm usually open to most questions when I can tell that people have good intentions :)
So I'm gonna list out a lot of shit but I do want to clarify that it's not only trans people who do this stuff; cis people are horribly intersexist as well. I'm just going to be talking about some specific intersexist things I see more often in trans spaces and also because my audience online is a lot of trans people.
A huge thing is I see a lot of trans people saying that they "want to be intersex" or "wish they had an intersex body." This is an issue for a lot of reasons, because it feels fetishistic, is ignorant of what intersex actually is, ignores the fact that being intersex means you're going to face a lot of oppression, and generally contributes to stereotypes that intersex is like some mythical third sex where you perfectly have a mix of all your characteristics in a gender-affirming way.
Faking being intersex. I haven't seen this shit as much online in a while but this honestly was a kind of big issue in some of my online circles like 5 years back and I still see it popping up every now and then. I don't think I need to explain why this is bad.
Literally just using slurs. I see wayyy more dyadic trans people than I should saying "hermaphrodite" when that is not a slur that dyadic trans people can ever reclaim.
Saying stuff about "AFAB bodies" or "AMAB bodies" or generally talking about sex assigned at birth and assuming that means people have certain body parts or experiences. Not all people who were AFAB have a uterus, not all people who were AMAB have a penis. Generally, I see a lot of trans people making generalizations about the "transmasc or transfem experience" in a way that doesn't leave room for intersex trans people who have different experiences with transition or different ways of understanding their trans identity. Acting like AGAB tells you anything more than what is assigned at birth is a problem, because it excludes intersex people who have different bodies, sex characteristics, lived experiences, all that.
Saying really harmful shit about our bodies, whether that's about body hair or genitalia or our voices, or anything. I've had a lot of dyadic trans people say weird shit to me that I think they think is complimenting me but is just really fucked up. People make weird offensive comments about my body hair and will just say a lot of invasive stuff about my body that is not their business. Asking invasive questions about my genitalia, demanding to know what's in my pants, that sort of stuff.
Specifically harassing a lot of intersex people of color and saying racist shit to them when they speak about intersex topics. This is something I've seen a lot irl and also on tumblr, and people specifically have targeted intersex poc on here and said really racist shit to them if they call people out for saying intersexist stuff.
Getting involved in intracommunity discussions about whether or not intersex is LGBTQ and ignoring intersex people when we speak on it. Our relationship to the LGBTQ community is intersex people's business and we all have a lot of different thoughts on it, and too many trans people speak over us on that.
On the flip side, always leaving us out of conversations where we are relevant (like reproductive rights, lgbtq bills, some types of discrimination, medical abuse, stuff like that)
Only bringing up intersex people when they're arguing with transphobes. Way too often i only see people bringing up intersex issues when its like "Take that transphobes! People with XXY chromosomes exist so you're wrong!" And it's like yeah, that's true, but it's shitty when y'all only bring us up when we're a convenient talking point and then don't know shit about what our activism is, what issues are important to us. It feels exploitative to only use our issues when convenient for you and then not pay attention to us the rest of the time.
Currently a lot of people are ignoring the way transphobic bills are also intersexist. People don't realize that all the things they're saying about "It's so easy for cis kids to get hormones, why is it so easy for cis kids but it's hard for trans kids!!!" is ignoring the fact that most of the cis kids who are "easily" getting hormones are intersex kids who are put on hormones in a way that is often coercive and is trying to "cure" being intersex. All these transphobic bills have specific exceptions to enable intersex medical abuse and it isn't cis people being lucky, it's intersex people being abused.
In general, trans community will ignore intersex exploitation when it's convenient. This one I'm less mad about because I don't think that even a lot of intersex people know this, but the history of how gender-affirming surgery and transgender clinics have been created in the US is really not great. Like obviously gender-affirming surgery is great and I want gender clinics to exist and trans healthcare to be easily accessible, but a lot of transgender healthcare was borne out of intersex medical exploitation. Look up John Money and the John Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic for a particularly bad example. This isn't trans people's fault at all, of course, but what is an issue is when I see trans people unquestionably celebrating doctors who invented trans surgeries, or celebrating the birth of gender clinics without critically understanding the horrible history some of these places have.
Acting like being intersex makes it easier to be trans, or would make it easier to get hormones or be respected by cis people. Most of the trans and intersex people I know have gone through so much shit. I went through hormonal conversion therapy because i was trans and intersex, which was literally so fucked. Because I was both trans and intersex, they did a lot of fucked up medical abuse to try to turn me cis and dyadic, and it did not make medical transition at all easier, it made it harder. That's why it can hurt so much when trans people say that being intersex makes being trans easier, because it fucking doesn't.
Also, I've seen a lot of dyadic trans people lately acting really hostile towards intersex organizations that are advocating for an end to intersex surgery because they think it's going to limit access to trans surgery. Dyadic trans people do not get to fucking say that we should stop advocating for ending intersex genital mutilation because it's "not the right time politically." It's always fucking necessary to be advocating to end IGM, and if there was a specific issue with a specific policy that intersex orgs were advocating for that would make it difficult for trans people to get surgery, that would be important to bring up, but most people I've seen saying that stuff are just saying that we shouldn't talk about it at all.
Not educating themselves on intersex issues. Most trans people I know have no clue what intersex is, what our major activist issues are, what the major intersex org for their country is, what the legal landscape of intersex rights is in their country, stuff like that. I'm not saying that trans people all have to be experts on specific intersex intracommunity debates, intersex history, intersex politics, but I do think that dyadic trans people do need to do the bare minimum of education.
Honestly? This is a little more personal but I know so many intersex people who have had bad experiences in their relationships. A lot of dyadic trans people can get weirdly jealous of their intersex partners, which is fucked up when you consider the fact that the things they are jealous of are things that cause us systematic exploitation and abuse. I know a lot of dyadic trans people who also just...trying to think of how to put this. Who are really not considerate partners during sex for some unique needs that intersex people have during sex. Again not a issue unique to trans people but something that I know happens in like most intersex people's relationships so it's good for trans people to be aware.
In general, the way a lot of trans people talk about and think about biological sex is counterproductive to intersex justice. Biological sex is a social construct. Sex isn't real, in terms of there's no reason sex is tied to gender, and also no reason that we've decided some body parts are now all linked together in a specific way that for some reason is going to be sorted into two categories. Chromosomes and genitalia are not some special body part that is entirely different than like, your kidney or your stomach. Biological sex is not real and the sex binary is not real and I see a lot of people talking about stuff like "male" or "female" is a real category that means anything. There is so much diversity and variation of sex even within dyadic people, and I see a lot of trans people clinging to biological sex in a way that is really apparent and also pretty harmful.
This got kind of long but these are some things that really bother me. I also left out most of the overt stuff like actual hate crimes and assault because I think that most people can recognize that as intersexist when that's happening. Again, I don't want to make it seem like it's only trans people doing this shit, but this is the stuff that I am seeing a lot specifically in trans community and some stuff that has some unique dynamics from trans people. And I think that trans people a lot of times will say things about "how close our two communities are" and "how much our issues overlap" when in reality they don't, and most dyadic trans people aren't putting in the work to build solidarity with trans intersex people. Cis intersex people also aren't putting in the work to build solidarity with trans people either, to be fair, and I'm really mad at them too, but I'm talking about this from the perspective of a trans intersex person who's already existing here in these spaces. other trans and intersex people feel free to add on.
okay to reblog.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Healthy Boundaries
I just want to remind everyone that my Anon inbox is for friends. It is not a place where people can come and send me anonymous critiques, takedowns and personal attacks.
Almost everybody who sends hateful/hurtful messages tries to frame it as though they are doing so in good faith, because they have something deeply important they feel needs to be said. They think their views are so serious that such urgency bypasses any need to consider the humanity of the person they are addressing.
This ends here.
I feel like I have been really tolerant of and open to pissy messages from people in the past, and have even taken the time to respond to some in detail. I'm always open to discussing challenging topics with other people, even people who feel like I'm a horrible person.
However, from now on, any Anon turtle who does not come to my inbox in the spirit of friendship and kindness will be blocked.
If you want to talk to me in anything other than a loving tone, if you want to have some kind of a deep challenging debate or discussion with me, you're going to have to do it off Anon, and have a conversation with me on a level playing field where we are face to face. My private messages are always open, and if you've been following my blog for any amount of time you know that I am a patient person.
If you're not willing to look me in the eye and talk to me about whatever you have to say, then maybe you need to look inside yourself and ask yourself if what you're saying really is so important, if it really is in the spirit of good faith, compassion and openness, or if maybe it's just taking out your own personal baggage on another human being who you know nothing about. Maybe what you should be doing, rather than hammering out some aggrieved screed in my inbox, is simply blocking and ignoring me.
I opened my inbox to anonymous messages so that people who are shy about asking questions can feel safe to do so, not so that people can give me their drive-by critiques of my psychology, my motivations and my character.
I am always saying this, and I believe it to the core of my being: everything that we say, do and think can only ever be a reflection of ourselves. It can never be a reflection of anyone else. Particularly people we do not know personally. Whatever you think you are saying about me, it is a reflection of you, not me. That's all it can ever be.
However, that does not mean that the things we say, do and think can't be hurtful to others - even those who are fully aware that what they are hearing is not a reflection of them, but rather of the person speaking.
We should always think twice about how we treat people on an interpersonal level. We never know what burden we are placing upon them with our actions and words, or what burdens they already carry.
Just in case anyone's forgotten, I am a human being.
EDIT: More on this here.
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silent-sanctum · 11 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well! Do you think you would be willing to write Jotaro with a partner who was cheated on in a previous relationship? (Only if you're alright with it)
Hello anon! Sorry if I just got to your request but there's actually a fic I'm planning to write that includes the prompt you sent, so I hope you won't feel like I've ignored or retconed your request ^^ However I do have a very short snippet of said fic that's really long in comparison to this that I'd like to offer as consolation~ Hope you enjoy~~
Tumblr media
word count: 1k
“The snow’s pretty, right?”
It was sudden… but it wasn’t startling. What used to be just him staring back in the clear reflection now had someone else standing by it, the pure white-covered landscape beyond making both their mirrored faces a bit indistinguishable. He didn’t have to turn his head right to acknowledge the woman currently beside him.
Jotaro had no reason to respond and so he kept silent with an open ear. “Just the way little pieces of crystals would flutter down onto the ground to create a scenery as beautiful as these snow-capped terrains.”
Why is she telling me this? Still affixed on her reflection, the lady was someone already accustomed to this place. The simple cream yukata patterned with subtle floral imagery hugging her form was enough to tell him that. Next to her, he stood out like a sore thumb in his winter coat and hat.
And still, he remained wordless.
But with the way the woman didn’t comment on it, it seemed that she didn’t mind the lack of answers. “You must think this is weird for a random stranger to walk up to you suddenly talking about the beauty of nature.” Her reflection turned to him with a smile. “But it’s something I do ever since I booked my stay here.”
So she is a guest. Jotaro found it admirable from how calm she approached him, he would’ve thought she worked here as a hostess of sorts. “Men, women, non-binary, children, or the elderly… anyone really.”
“Why?” One word too late to realize he had spoke his thought out loud. It caught him off-guard when she made a little sound of surprise. Tucked in their pockets, his hands closed in on themselves.
She still smiled nevertheless. “I just like talking to people. I like getting to know how they’ve been and what goes on around them. It’s hard to enjoy simple stuff like that from where I’m working.” He nodded. Somewhere in the middle of her words, he had shied his gaze away from the glass and onto the floor instead.
“Oh, am I making you uncomfortable?”
Yes? No? He wasn’t so sure himself. Mindless conversations irritated him to a high degree, never finding the point of starting them when nothing productive or insightful came out of it. Jotaro had been the receiving end of such multiple times before so he knew when to leave.
But for some reason, he couldn’t classify her sentences as “mindless”. He did admire the intrinsic details of the winter environment and she did too. She answered questions he had and hadn’t asked and he appreciated the clarification.
It was something different. It made him curious.
Jotaro shook his head, finding some form of comfort in the tips of his shoes. It’s fine. Keep going. The woman chuckled. “You know. it’s okay to say that you are-
“I’m not.” 2 more words fled his mouth in an instant, so abrupt that even she got startled from it.
“My bad then mister,” she said with that sense of optimism intact. “It’s just that you weren’t replying back as much as I spoke, so I tend to catch my words before I end up rambling.” His mind drew a blank, not knowing what to say in return.
Jotaro nodded again. A reliable gesture of acknowledgment.
“Honestly, I like your silence.” He looked back to the reflection beside his on the glass. “Because even if you don’t say anything, you listen regardless. I’ve been with too many people who don’t and the world becomes deafening that others outside can’t hear me speak to begin with.”
He had his attention trained to this stranger, head angled so slightly towards her as he increasingly grew intrigued by her words. I know how that feels.
The woman gaped, caught in a moment of realization. “I’m sorry! I ended up rambling my thoughts.”
Another nod.
“Well it’s not like I’m going to hold you back any longer. You’ve yet to make yourself at home after all.” He furrowed his brows, turning to glance at her direction for a second to decipher what she meant, only to put two-and-two together when she stared at his current outfit.
I haven’t been to my room yet.
“Get comfy. I may be new too but I bet you’ll enjoy your stay here.” The woman was about to make her leave and out of the curiosity of his mind, Jotaro turned to look at her for the first time throughout their interaction.
And there she was, staring up at him with her ever-present shine.
In a second, Jotaro took in all of her appearance- dark brown locks done in a loose chignon. fair skin without a blemish to touch, the natural blush in her cheeks the same color as her full lips, deep shining irises that was so captivating that he couldn’t stare for long before it became too much, and the cherry blossom pin holding her hair together.
Unreal. It was almost uncanny.
This woman couldn’t be real.
Whether the preoccupation with his inner dialogue bothered her or not, she remained undeterred by his silence. Turning on her heels, she looked at him with a beaming smile and waved. “See you around!” To that, he watched her walk away with nothing to say back.
Jotaro was left alone to his devices just as it was mere minutes ago, still in his casual winter wear on the same spot he stood on. And yet one short conversation out of the blue felt like something around him shifted in the subtlest way possible.
And it took less than 5 minutes of a stranger’s time to spark that muffled sense of wonder in his brain.
What was it that she said? About wanting to know what goes on in the lives of others? The idea bore similarities to a minor mystery case he’d likely write about, more so when the subject was of the lady with the blossom pin.
If the world permitted it, by any means, he wouldn’t mind encountering her again.
“See you around…”
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klutzyroses · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm a bit nervous, I wanted to as of you could do mc who has mommy issues, like her mom mentally abused her, I'm sorry if this is too much too ask you can ignore it if you want(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
P. S I have been a fan of your work lately and have been stalking your account for any new updates lol but keep up the good work your an amazing writer (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
Ah, it's people like you who keep me writing, anon! Thank you!💖💖❤❤
IkeVamp HCs: Abused S/O
How do they handle an s/o who has been abused by her mother?
Suitors: Napoleon, Vincent, Isaac, Dazai
Warnings: Mentions of emotional and mental abuse, parental neglect
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The former emperor was never one to pry directly into people's affairs unless they were willing to tell him and that went for his nunuche as well.
However he couldn't help but notice a sudden shift in her behavior one day when she started acting a little different.
Any criticism, teasing or any scolding she received, she took especially hard. Harder than she normally would actually.
When Sebastian had lightly scolded her over a mistake she made while Napoleon was present, one would think he had driven a knife in her heart. He hadn't said anything out of the ordinary or anything particularly cruel, but the darling looked so crushed that both men were taken aback, especially when she hurriedly excused herself and ran out the room, near tears.
Was it even a question that Napoleon went after her almost immediately?
He really didn't take long to find his belle at the gazebo on the bench, her trembling form obvious from miles away. He wasted no time going up to her and pulling her into a warm embrace.
He will wait until she is calm enough to open up.
His grip tightens around her just a little, to keep himself from shaking with anger when he hears all about her cold and abusive mother, how she berated her daughter for every mistake she did and made her feel like nothing she did was good enough.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he let's her cry on his shoulder, running his hand up and down her back.
"It's okay, don't cry, mon ange, I'll protect you, and your heart from now on. So don't cry, okay...?"
He is a man of his word and he had yet to break any of the promises he made to the woman he loves.
He had been awoken by whimpering next to him to see his sunflower crying in her sleep. Her beautiful face was wet with droplets of sorrow and distress as her soft lips mumbled apologies to someone, and promises to do better.
Worried, he gently woke her from her nightmare, unable to stand her tears for long.
If there is anyone who can understand the pain of being unloved by a parent, it's Vincent. So when she opens up that her nightmare was about her mother, her very vulgar and ill-tempered matriarch who made her life nothing short of a misery.
Vincent tenses as he listens to his beloved weep her sorrows onto his chest, his heart tightening.
With anger? Sadness? Sympathy? All three?
He couldn't be sure, but it was not a pleasant feeling. He could definitely relate to what she was feeling and it was only because of the sunflower in his arms that he could ever rise above it. And he would do the same for her.
He raises her face, holding the pretty visage in his hands as he kisses each tear away with such heart-rending tenderness, that the woman's sobs died down to quiet whimpers which are briefly cut off by a peck to the lips.
"Shh, it's going to be okay, scatje. I'm right here. I'll always be right here."
He would spend as long as he needs to shower her with the adoration she deserves. Until those woeful tears turn to the brightest of smiles.
The physicist can very vaguely relate to having an emotionally distant mother, but to be treated in such a way? That was cruel.
He can't help but feel terrible for his darling when she opens up about how unkind her own mother had been to her and how it impacted her from early childhood.
He suddenly wishes he hadn't asked about her family. It had only been a casual question, that led to the poor dear to tear up.
He couldn't understand how anyone could hurt such a sweetheart?
If her mother was so cruel, how did she bring such an angel into the world?
Questions he could debate later but right now, his love needed to be comforted.
He tenderly takes the tearful maiden in his arms, tentatively as to not alarm or frighten her, tucking her close to his heart that aches at the sight of her tears.
The awkward physicist may not be as silver-tongued as the blasted authors that tease him on a daily basis, but he would be damned of he couldn't pour every ounce of love inside his heart into the fragile beauty in his arms.
"Please don't be upset...I can't stand to see you cry. I...love you too much."
He tries, he really does. He just wants to see that beautiful smile and nothing else.
His heart aches, more so than usual when he finds his beloved Y/N in tears one evening. She was cooped up in the library, all by herself in just her nightgown, staring far off into nothingness with just a handkerchief to wipe her never ending tears and the many books to keep her company.
He found himself moving towards her before he could stop himself and seating himself beside her before taking her in his arms, earning a startled gasp from the distraught maiden.
He doesn't push her to tell him what's wrong but he doesn't plan on letting her go until she is better. It's then that he finds out about her experience dealing with her cruel and negligent mother.
How she called her names, how she blamed Y/N for everything wrong in her life, how she always insulted her in every possible way...
As she weeps through her tale, she is pressed to her lover's chest, so she couldn't possibly see the tension in his expression. But if she looked up, she'd see his lips pressed into a flat line and his golden eyes narrowed ever so slightly as they gleamed with the almost imperceptible flicker of anger.
He doesn't speak until she is finished and he only holds her tighter, cradling her as her body wracks with sobs as he whispers sweet words of comfort into her ear. He wants to let her know that none of those cruel insults were true. That she was a wonderful person and she meant the sun and moon to him.
"You're adorable, even when you cry but please, dry your tears my love, I'd much rather see you smile. If you don't smile, I'll just have to make you, won't I?"
He may not be able to make her happy, but her smile is his peace and she is his joy. He'd tell her he loves her as many times as she needs to hear it. The man is good with words.
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lutawolf · 9 months
Hello Luta,
I have a very important question. How do you identify a good Dom in common social situations?
I am from a very conservative society where these types of things are never spoken aloud or even discussed in private most of the time. Where most of the marriages are arranged by family so there is a limited communication. I know there is no way to tell definitely like that but there must be some common characteristics or signs that I can use to identify a person as a Dom Or at least having Dominant tendencies.
Could you please reply privately🥺?
Hey lovie,
I can't reply privately to an anon! I'm so sorry. I debated even replying, but I felt this was important. How to spot a Dom through body language and how to tell if they are likely nice?
Most of you likely recognize a Dom subconsciously. Human beings are sensitive to social hierarchies. They want to know their status in their group; whether it be friends, school, work, and ect. We subconsciously look for non-verbal cues to let us know if someone else is above or beneath us. Many try to remove this thought processes because they view it as prejudice, but in doing so they lose a protective layer. This is the instinct layer that tells us when we noticed something was off, and we ignored it because we were taught that judging on first impressions is bad. I'm here to tell you that's stupid, hone your ability to read people through non-verbal cues, and then trust your gut. Don't apologize for it, either. We are the only idiots who get in an elevator along with a potential predator to avoid a socially awkward situation of hurting someone's feelings. That goes against our own survival instinct! So what if that one person isn't going to stab us, why are we chancing it? Trust your first gut instinct and don't apologize to no one, least of all yourself, for doing so.
Okay, so some things you'll notice from a Dom. First is the need to have control/lead. We want and need it. Second, we make sure to make ourselves appear big, noticeable. We need for submissives to recognize we are here and who they should give their control to. We are no different from peacocks, shaking our pretty feathers. Thirdly, we're typically very open in our stance. We have a very protective instinct, so we aren't closed in trying to protect ourselves, we're open and confident. A chin in the air is a very protective Dom.
Now, what's important to look at within that. Eye contact, if they aren't making eye contact with you at all, then they view you as beneath them. Are they standing in front of those who are vulnerable, or are they turning their back towards them? A tilted head indicates that they are listening and paying attention.
Using their hands to talk is common, it makes us appear bigger and brings notice to us. However, what we do with our hands when not talking says a lot more. Hands in pocket with no expression or head movement is someone who views you as beneath them. Flat palms is a patient Dom, one who is used to calming others and is comfortable with it. Pointed fingers are Doms who needs strict control.
Spread legs may seem like showing off, but it's actually an indication of our willingness to protect. If we put our arms near you and spread wide, we're indicating that you are ours. If we mirror what you are doing, then we are paying close attention to you and value you in some way. Doms are not afraid to stake claim and invade personal space in order to do it. Think My Personal Weatherman and how quickly Segasaki was willing to invade Yoh's space. It's an agressive move, but it tells us pretty quick where we stand with you when you don't quickly move back. We also touch when we invade space. The Dom who doesn't touch or only softly touches when first meeting, respects you.
Someone who naturally slows their speech when talking to you isn't saying that you're stupid. It's actually asserting dominance and our want for you to hear our command. Same, if we slow our movements, it's a really good indicator that we value you. Think about how in My Personal Weatherman, Segasaki slowed his movement and pace to match with Yoh. He knew this meant Yoh was anxious, and so he matched him to put him at ease.
Pay attention to the Dom that keeps standing while you sit or sits when you sit. Trust your gut. When we stand while a submissive is sitting, we're really exerting our Dominance. There are a lot of layers to that, so trust your gut. He could be sitting because he doesn't feel the need to assert dominance because he just isn't that into you, but at the same time standing could be a sign of too much aggression.
Okay, hope this was helpful. Good luck! 💜💜💜
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Did anyone know there's an Anti-endo mogai-culture-is blog?
They tried explaining what endogenic systems are. It was predictably terrible!
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Sorry, anon! If you can't stand being ignorant, you've come to the wrong place!
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I've already gone over plenty about how the "systems forming without trauma isn't scientifically possible" is nonsense, right? I mean, even with DID, most academic papers will only say it has a strong association with trauma, but will never make a claim like "it's scientifically impossible for DID to form without trauma." Actual scientists are willing to keep the door open for exceptions however rare they may be. Especially in psychology where there are so many unknowns.
But DID isn't even really what we're talking about, but plurality. And with the ICD-11 saying you can experience multiple "distinct personality states" (which it uses synonymously with alters,) the World Health Organization has acknowledged the existence of endogenic plurality, as have many other psychologists and psychiatrists.
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Okay, that "they spread misinformation" line has really aged like a fine... glass of milk... in the sun...
This is embarrassing in every way.
First... endomatrocis isn't a physical condition in anything. It's a completely made-up word.
Second, while this could have meant endometriosis, that's a disease in the uterus, not the spine. Is there a spinal disease with the endo prefix Is don't know about?
And third, endogenic had nothing to do with endometriosis either. "Endo" is a prefix used in countless ways, meaning "within." See endoskeleton, endorphins, endocrine system, etc.
Fortunately, someone is in the comments to correct the misinformation. Unfortunately, they're correcting it with different misinformation.
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Again, the "endo" prefix is used in a large number of contexts. Yes, some problematic people used words with a popular prefix in ways that could be harmful, because that's how language woks.
The word "endogenous" is generally used to refer to an illness or condition having internal causes. It's true that this was used at some points in sentences suggesting DID wasn't caused by trauma, as has words like "internal." It was also used by Kluft to speculate that there may be a non-pathological endogenous variant of multiplicity that might exist outside of clinical DID. Which... is actually pretty similar to how "endogenic" is used by the endogenic community. See:
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Now, endogenic isn't the same word as endogenous. It doesn't have that same history. But even if it was, endogenous isn't a bad word. It's just a general descriptor for ANY experience that's internally caused.
Freud, who I assume is the controversial psychiatrist being referenced since that's the anti-endo myth, never used either of these words because he's German and instead used a German word with the same very common prefix.
And while mostly beside the point, Freud was endorsing the fantasy theory, not the iatrogenic model which became popularized later. The fantasy theory is that memories of trauma came from fantasizing. The Iatrogenic model suggested DID was caused by mental health professionals and that psychiatrists intentionally or unintentionally implanted trauma memories. In either case, endogeous was never the OG "term" for either.
I feel so sorry for this poor anon who asked a question only to get huge lies that are going to leave them less informed than when they started.
But that's par for the course when asking information of anti-endos. You will usually come out knowing less than you did before asking your question. *grumbles about every anti-endo asked a question about tulpamancy describing it as a spiritual practice.*
Lastly, I'll just leave you with this:
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"AEMOGAI culture is not understanding why exclusionists are exclusionists, and why leopards are eating my face."
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taikk0 · 1 year
i dont think anon was referring to sps simple style, sp is a pretty controversial show. from what i've seen, it seems pretty bigoted? i could be wrong. sorry if this ask is rude, i don't mean to be rude, but yeah i think that's what anon meant
Oh no, not rude at all!! Sorry you have to apologize my response to that anon was a lot more srs than I intended I just wanted to get my point across, I'm all for open discussions :] to answer the bigoted question, I wouldn't entirely say no. but I can say that South Park was not made to make fun of minorities and spread harmful messages. The show presents bigoted behavior from the antagonists who are too stupid to realize they're wrong, it's up to you as the audience to realize that what they are the antagonists and that their actions should not be justified and supported. And even then, there are characters who outwardly speak out and work to fight against said bigots in the episodes they're in. However, the show also relies on shock humor. And this is a criticism on the fans part, but they really gotta stop saying "why are you surprised? It's South Park" as if being surprised over something gross or offensive wasn't the point in the first place. The ridiculous shit in the show isn't supposed to be normalized!! It's supposed to be absolutely ridiculous to the audience and catch them off guard!! You're not supposed to get used to it!! You're not supposed to like it, but you're not supposed to read too deep in it either, breaking down why it's wrong and why you found it shocking and why this is SUPER PROBLEMATIC!! Isn't the point. You just gotta acknowledge that "oh that's fucked up I cant believe they did that, that is so wrong" and just sit in shock for a bit and move on. Like, you can't tear the show apart for one joke when its purpose was for you to realize it's supposed to be ridiculous and wrong at the same time, and the show itself being aware of that fact. A lot of the offensive material circulating around on why South Park is bad lacks context. Cartman and Butters dressing up as chinese stereotypes? They are at a normal Chinese restaurant, harassing a Chinese family because they're idiots who believe that china will overthrow the world, they are asked to leave. Ike in a relationship with his teacher? Ike is a victim of a grooming that is not taken seriously by the police because the predator was a woman, portraying how male victims situations are overlooked in real life, the teacher dies in the end. Randy saying the N-word on live television? He is ridiculed and seen as a total asshole, he gets called "N-word guy" by the people around him and retaliates by making it illegal to call him that name, a satirical role reversal portraying the hypocrisy and sensitivity of white people (oppressors) where they make the "slur" against them illegal but not the slurs against the people they have oppressed for years.
But even after all this, I can see that there are other examples that I can't, and I am not willing to justify. At the end of the day, we all have to acknowledge that South Park was made by two cishet white men. (this was why I said I can't entirely say no) Their opinions will not always be right, and I'm sick of fans trying to justify some of their episodes and jokes just because they like South Park, South Park is not one of those shows you want to ride or die on. I personally have a few jokes and episodes I dislike and will absolutely never watch again, but that is not my main focus. Discrimination is not my draw, and I don't think that's the show's either. Now we're going out to discussion territory and more of personal opinion. I personally enjoy South Park because I feel very drawn to the characters and I find their character driven adventures and antics to be really entertaining. I don't care much for the social commentary. Not that I completely ignore it, it's just something I acknowledge is important in some episode's narratives, but not something I pay too close attention to.
I don't think I watch South Park for the intended reasons, and I don't think most of the fans over here on Tumblr do either. I can admit that I enjoy a version of South Park that isn't technically South Park entirely. I enjoy South Park for what it isn't, and that is a situational comedy with four little guys getting into all sorts of trouble <3
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And the funny thing about this whole post is that I used to be a South Park hater.
I thought it was just a bigoted show where the only jokes it had were slurs and children saying fuck, right before I actually gave it a chance and was surprised to find out that it was more than I thought it was, and that I actually somehow enjoyed it.
It's kinda crazy to me that I'm technically defending SOUTH PARK of all things right now.
But uh yeah, I like South Park, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, and I ended up hyperfixating on it. I'm not here to change anyone's mind and make them watch South Park because "it's ACTUALLY spotless and politically correct all the time, you're just sensitive ☝🤓" People are right to label South Park as controversial, and people are right to be offended by it when it's making fun of something it doesn't understand or without the proper nuance, and people are allowed to discuss and criticize the show for it. With all that said, The show is not emblematic of its own fans, and some of its own fans need to stop looking up to it like it's the bible.
Matt and Trey can be wrong, and even fans like me who enjoy it aren't too dumb and ignorant to recognize and rightfully not be in support of certain aspects of it when a line is being crossed.
This whole thing was supposed to end right after I attached the photo of the characters, but then I just decided to write more and so I puked this extra fluff out, sorry about that lol
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I hope you don't mind me rambling a bit here (please feel free to ignore this, if you wish), but I've been deep in the Lokius feels lately, and I can't get over how much Mobius almost single handedly turned Loki's world upside down. Prior to meeting Mobius, Loki was all about his "glorious purpose". It seemed like everybody had turned their backs on him, and so he'd rule them, and make them see him. But then a seemingly normal guy with a moustache and a tan suit showed up, and saw him perfectly, then showed him that his glorious purpose doesn't have to involve conquest and destruction. It can be about helping and saving people, instead. In return, Mobius went from someone who did everything by the book unquestioningly, to being willing to burn the whole corrupt system that had been his entire world to the ground. And nobody's supposed to ship that?!
Anon you are so right
Like yes!!! I've seen a lot of people complain that Show!Loki, who originated from 2012, underwent the whole character arc, that took him years in the sacred timeline, in like five minutes in the show, and while I agree that it was a bit rushed, it's about the people he met. In the sacred timeline, he just kept following his plan of ruling somewhere (following his "glorious purpose") and he had noone who shared his experiences.
Meeting Mobius and seeing his future and eventual death, along with the destruction of Asgard and finding out that he isn't the only Loki progresses his view a lot and kind of helps open his eyes.
I think the fact that Mobius specifically told him that he can do and be good did something to him. Just like seeing the world from Loki's point of view and start to question things did something to Mobius.
If you think about it, they both have kind of similar stories: Loki was taken away from his actual home, just like Mobius, and then they were both made to believe that everything they knew was correct, and then they find out everything they thought they knew is actually untrue and they start to question everything (twice with Loki: when he found out about his actual lineage, and when he arrived at the TVA). Like. The parallels.
Haha now I also started rambling anyway I sometimes feel like Lokius has actually good chances of becoming canon sometimes (I know, I'm a clown)?! Like, the scene where Mobius was very obviously jealous, THE FACT THAT ONE OF THE SONGS FROM THE SOUNDTRACK IS LITERALLY CALLED "LOKIUS"...but like, on the other hand, it's Marvel, so I'm crossing my fingers but not holding my breath.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
{spoiler warning for your followers maybe}
i love werewolfierre au so much but i was wondering if you would be willing to put a mildly dubious consent warning or something similar on the latest chapter for the last scene?
With the possessiveness/'wolf-ing out' thing and lack of communication/unclear state of mind for both characters it may be helpful for readers to have a little warning just to know what they may be getting into reading.
If you don't feel it is needed then of course just ignore this ask completely and I am very excited to read what comes next in this verse it is incredible!
Hi Anon,
So, first off I want to say that I am always open to people asking me to adjust tags on fic. I have done it before and will likely do it again. Part of my writing process is starting a fic and giving myself enough wiggle room to let things work themselves out. Sometimes that means the end of the fic I write isn’t what I initially started writing and I need to go back and adjust my tagging.
I also want to say that I know there’s a lot of conversation about how and why and what you should use the tagging system on ao3 for.
Tags for me mean that it’s a MAJOR theme in the fic and I feel like if I were to tag this fic as dubcon, it wouldn’t be true to the entire theme of the fic.
What I normally do in these circumstances is add a little note in the author’s note at the beginning of the chapter and say, “this chapter has xxx, please let me know if you have questions” and that seems to work.
Personally with this scene, I felt like I was very intentional with Charles’ state of mind and the way that I set this up and this is a result of the 70k slow burn that came before.
I didn’t add the note because I didn’t feel as though it was outside the realm of the total theme of the story, but I will make some adjustments moving forward.
Thank you for reading and thank you for enjoying so far! Things are about to get wild
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tangledbea · 7 months
Have you ever imagined you would come this far, having a very popular blog, knowing cast members, and even having some fans? I acknowledge (and admire) your dedication in achieving all this, but I wonder how it feels like XD
Honestly? No, not at all. XD I never sought any sort of popularity, and some days I don't even want it. Some days, it's kind of lonely. I made this blog primarily to be a resource archive, and to share my insights that seven years of being a Tangled fan had granted me (at the time that TBEA aired), but when crew members started showing up on Tumblr, I one day found myself in the headspace of, "The worst they could do is completely ignore me." So I reached out to everyone I could at first, and kept talking to those who answered.
I think the biggest shocker for me was finding out that crew who hadn't pinged my radar knew who I was. When I went to the Tangled the Series panel at D23 Expo in 2017, Ricky Roxburgh bound up to me, all excited to meet me, like I was some kind of celebrity, and I didn't know who he was (yet). It was surprising, to say the least. When I visited DTVA studios, people's faces lit up when we met for the first time, because they knew who I was. It was like meeting an old friend for the first time. Kay Hayes used to run livestreams of their drawing Tangled fanart, and I attended a few, and whenever I did, they'd say, "Oh hi, Bex!" and people in chat would lose their minds, because I was the Bex. I never thought I'd be the anything. XD And close to the series ending, or just after it, I was told by one of the animators that whenever they (the animation team) animated New Dream interacting, they thought of me and hoped I approved. Me, personally. I was literally told that I was influential in how New Dream turned out. I'm not ashamed to say I cried when I heard that.
The thing is, I'm just a person. I'm a middle-aged woman who works as a bookkeeper in a very small accounting office to pay my bills. There are people who would claim that I'm too old to still be a part of fandom space (especially things that originated when I was already an adult). But I think being in my 30s when the series began and in my 40s now gives me a unique insight into things, in that I'm an age-peer to a lot of the people who worked on the show. I don't come across as a silly kid, I come across as a mature adult. That made me trustworthy and on equal footing with the crew, so they were willing to talk to me in private about things (and even, in some cases, give me gifts that the public didn't get to see).
Fandom has always been led by adults, and fandom spaces were invented by women, of which I am both. But I never dreamed that the creation of my fandom blog would lead me to having days where I had so many asks in my inbox that I was too overwhelmed to even open it, or have to make hard and fast rules about what I didn't want to discuss, or create an FAQ for literally frequently asked questions. I didn't think people would look up to me, or find me too intimidating to talk to me off anon (hello to the handful of you who let me see who you are!). I'm just a person, just a fellow fan. If anything, this experience has taught me that everyone we idolize are just people, too. Sure, they might have a career or hobby that thrusts them into the spotlight, and fame and power might go to their heads, but they're really just people just like the rest of us. Just like you.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi Franky! How are you? How is your day going? I am sending many chill and comforting vibes your way. So umm I wanted to ask if you are comfortable writing for a muslim reader? To clarify a muslim is someone who practices Islam? And a muslim reader who wears a hijab (headscarf)? Also rant incoming sorry. Because there are no, if any at all, fics or content for muslim specific readers and yes I know it’s very specific and I can get as to why nobody writes for that category but it’s one of those things where when I do find content like that I’m like “OH MY GOD CONTENT RELATED TO ME SPECIFICALLY ARE YOU SERIOUS YESSSSSS” like anyone else would react with chubby reader or short ready or adhd reader etc you know? It’s just something special to me whenever I find fics that I specifically myself can relate to you know? I mean this isn’t uncommon but like idk it’s different because it’s so underrepresented. Anyways, sorry for that ramble you can ignore this if you want. I hope you have a good day!! *sends many virtual hugs*
So, I've asked many people for help on this, some wonderful people reached out on both anon and DMs and I have ran this piece by them for the check and it passed. HUGE thank you to the following amazing and helpful people who checked for me, imparted information about the culture and basically held my hand through this.
@hi-mimosa @jin-supremacy01 and @mikuisasmash
Disclaimer: I am a white little dude, but I tried my best for this piece, I did some reading, talked to people above and I mean full respect and hope you can enjoy this piece. I also have been told this doesn't fit strict rules of dating.
I picked three characters but I would be willing to do more in the future.
Someone even sent me tag suggestions and I hope they are all good. I hope I didn't offend anyone and anon I hope this was the sort of thing you wanted and were hoping for.
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It might take him a minute to understand certain traditions and rules but he listens and asks questions.
He knows to keep things simple, not to go too fast, offers you his hand, and doesn’t make a move until you take it.
He bought you a bright orange hijab, it matched his hat and he was very excited to give it to you.
His smile is bright as you look the hijab over and feel warmth, he wanted to match and that was so sweet to you.
He gets up, letting you have privacy to change, he leans down and kisses your forehead.
You look at yourself in the mirror as you gently collect up all your hair, putting it away in the gifted hijab, and smile wide when you admire it in the reflection.
The fabric is soft and feels nice on your skin, it also smells like him, like cinnamon and firewood.
Something to always remind you of him when he’s away.
He comes back, a knock on the door which you tell him he can open.
“Wow, it looks really nice on you, it compliments your eyes.” Ace says with a hum and sits down next to you.
He offers you his upturned palm and you place your hand in his.
“Thank you, Ace.”
Marco and Sabo undercut!
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He’s watching you sit there reading, a look of concentration on your face as you look over words, absorbing the story.
You huff when a strand of hair slips out from your hijab.
It was always the same rebellious lock that always insisted on peeking out.
You heard Marco chuckle and glanced up, seeing him open his drawer, grab something and walk over.
“I almost forgot I got this on my list trip for you.” He said with a hum and knelt down, he unwrapped a beautiful blue and gold pin.
You took a breath as he carefully tucked your hair back, using the ornate pin to slide your hijab into place.
He sat back on his haunches and admired how you looked.
Marco places a finger under your chin, carefully, admiring your eyes and how your lips curled into a smile.
Touched by such a gentle gesture you mumbled a shy thank you as he moved away, a hand resting on your shoulder, a firm squeeze of affection.
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He knows there are a lot of rules you have to follow and he never makes it hard for you, he does his best to understand and be a good partner.
And you love him for it.
He always offers you his arm, and you are often happy to take it. You rather hold hands when it’s just you and him.
You walk along with him, across the shore and the wind picks up, there's a nasty gust that pulls at your hijab and he quickly blocks the wind as best as he can.
Despite how panicked the situation is, how the rush of wind takes you both by surprise.
He’s so gentle with how he grasps the fabric, helping you keep it secured.
Sabo makes sure your modesty isn't compromised as you adjust and let out a sigh.
“Thank you,” you say with a sigh and he smiles at you.
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narumika · 1 year
kel with a reader that has adhd!
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contents: gn reader, my hcs for kel, spoilers
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-> i personally think kel also has adhd, so you both understand how the other feels on some degree. you talk about your hyperfixation, he talks about his, and you indulge each other. he especially appreciates this during maris death, letting himself get distracted for even just a bit makes him feel so much better.
-> he holds those moments and many more near and dear to his heart. he appreciates that you both can make accommodations for each other with no questions. you’re his safe space.
-> he loves doing just about anything with you. bike riding, basketball, you name it and he’s willing to do it with you. you two are just two people chilling and honestly respect
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g-xix · 3 months
I love how safe this blog is. Your open mindedness is refreshing! It's rare to find people willing to have discussions about things that may offend people. I'm grateful to have found this blog. Your brilliant writing is the cherry on the cake xx
thank u broski, honestly
I acc try to be pretty genuine ab stuff + I love that ppl feel safe on the blog too, i can't exactly say i've "fostered a nice community" bc realistically, my Tumblr 'community' are all j people who like the same stuffs i do
Tbh, i think a lot of the positive vibes on my blog are bc of all the ppl in the inbox who come to chat n are so genuinely nice + just wanting to be friends
N the talking ab stuff that offends people - icl, every day i fear that one day I'll wake up and have my inbox flooded with hate mail about one of my more questionable/contrarian opinions being unacceptable. Metaphorically criminal. Like, even the thing ab sexism/racism i posted earlier, im nervy that I'm gna have made a lot of white girlies unhappy w/ and wake up tmrw to have lots of ppl in my inbox saying my generalised sweepnig statement is stupendously ignorant and an awful thing to say...
But it's nice getting positive feedback, so ty anon, for calming those fears a bit - and I'm glad you enjoy my writing too, tbh I'm just glad there are people like you who acc give a fuck about what I'm writing, yk, I'm not just posting fics to an empty audience
Much love n thanks to the kind ppl in life
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