#[ ooc :: anon asks ]
askchilchuck · 2 months
How do I serve cunt like you, chucklefuckle?
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No idea what you’re talking about.
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c3berus · 3 months
Kia ora! Are you able to write about 141 having tall!reader bf. What was their initial reaction when they first met Him? Besides, it’s quite hard to find someone when you’re too tall😔😔.
(I’m 6’5🥲. sorry if some of the words don’t make sense, had to just guess some the words, English ain’t my first language)
Can I be 🫀anon?
they met you when you all had to work together to catch some terrorist. they all sat around the table, silently chatting with each other at a meeting waiting to meet you. and when you walked in lets say you were definitely a nice surprise. From the way you slightly had to tilt your head to enter the room to in johnnys words you walked like your dick hurt to carry.
they were immediately interested in you.
simon was particularly bothered by it but not mad at it. he liked how you looked down and titled your head at any words he spoke. or when you would brush your hands over his waist to get by him. it left him wanting you more.
kyle insisted you worked out with him so he could yander at your muscles. he’d ask if you could workout with him as an added weight which eventually would turn into you fucking him into the sparing mat, roughly pushing his head into the sparring mat with the sounds of your dick bullying into him.
johnny wasn’t even the tiniest bit ashamed of the way he’d feel you up and stare you down. he’d make comments on how you hand to be some type of giant, or how you shouldve went to wrestling. if you’re above him in rank, he’d come into your office and situate himself on your lap despite your series of ‘not now’s’ and ‘im busy’s’ and put your hand into his pants letting you feel how riled up and leaky he was for you and he whined into your ear about how he wanted you to have him.
and price, the ever so sweet price, he’d try to be respectful he’d greet you with coffee or tea, he’d cook you dinner on base and let you sit in his office as you worked on reports but nothing up above would help him when he trailed his eyes to your dick in the joined base showers. he didn’t even think he’d need any help the way you were fucking the pleas out of him like you were his god.
and let you have a particularly raspy and deep voice?? they’re squirming in their chairs.
if you harbored a bit of broken English?? they didn’t mind, in fact simon often teased you about it like the little shit show he was. you’d often bite back saying something about brits back.
BUT what really sealed the deal for them was how protected and secure you made them feel.
you remembered when ghost ordered a recruit to explain why he was late and the recruit gave some half assed excuse why, before marching off like a little shit and giggling with his lads about why he was actually late. you overheard it was because he was being a creep trying to hit on the female recruits. they didn’t notice that you had heard their entire conversation. until it was time to dismiss and you called him back, forcing him to push his body to the absolute limit. that soon earned him the call sign mute because everytime you were present he wouldn’t utter a single word.
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static-impulse · 3 months
The Q&A (Welcome to Twitter!) - Part 2
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Part 1 -> Part 3
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
Maybe you could draw something in reference to the “it’s pride month you know what that means” meme
I love overcomplicating things,,, /s
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This is like. Attempt 3 or 4 at this one- we may see one of the other attempts completed at some point. Maybe. We'll see.
(Alt version under the cut bc She Would)
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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oh boy anon, you’ve activated my trap card. GET READY FOR A SEBASTIAN CHARACTER ANALYSIS ESSAY BELOW LMAO
ok so first off I know im obvs biased, but I don’t actually think my seb is that ooc, AND PUT DOWN YOUR PITCHFORKS IMMA EXPLAIN WHY. but im also gonna explain why I don’t think the other more friendly and lighthearted renditions of seb are ooc either. bc theres so many aspects of seb we get in the game that can be interpreted in so many diff ways, and so this is how i see it/landed on MY rendition of seb:
PROTECTIVENESS/POSSESSIVENESS: this is one of the main aspects of him, imo. his entire questline is about wanting to cure anne, and how he’s not giving up, and how he believes that HE is the only one that can do it, because “she’s MY sister!” seb is super tunnel visioned and has a one-track mind when it comes to this, and I headcanon that he’s this way because of their parents deaths. he’s the brother, the boy, he’s gotta be strong for his sister, and ofc when their parents died, he tries to comfort her and be there for her/be the rock, and it happens again when she’s sick. shes his sister, his responsibility, and he’ll die before he gives up on her and her safety.
SO, I just transfer all those aspects over to a romantic relationship instead. you just replace “shes my sister” with simply, “she’s mine/my gf/my wife/etc.” and in the same way I think seb tries to be strong and reliable and protect anne because he’s the brother, I think seb would be the same way in a relationship, because he’s a boy and she’s a girl and its 1890 and he’s chivalrous and he just sees it as his responsibility. I think the death of his parents and his dynamic with anne has baked this sort of mindset into him, and its even MORE intense in a romantic aspect, because then hormones and puberty and sexual tension and attraction is involved (plus the fact that seb in my fic is 17, so he’s older and has even stronger raging hormones and testosterone LOL.
JEALOUSY: who can forget the lines “between the two of you, I’m starting to feel left out” and “ominis simply needs a moment with you and he’ll change his mind. is that it?” the first one is more playful but I feel like the second one really showcases sebs brand of jealousy, and how biting and uncharitable it can be.
AGGRESSION/VIOLENCE: yet another iconic line with: “fine. but ominis knows, I won’t step back from a fight.” LIKE... the fact that apparently ominis knows this means its come up more than once…and im not saying seb is some unruly aggressor who flies off the handle at anything, but he defs has a capacity and is willing to get violent if HE believes the situation calls for it—basically the same way he feels about the dark arts. he felt justified using imperio to protect anne, and taking the relic to save anne, and so he would have fought ominis to get out of the catacomb. and with MY seb, while he doesn’t go picking fights with any boy who looks or gets close to clora, he’ll definitely be willing to beat up or lay hands on a creep who bothers clora/who is in the process of bothering her LOL.
SO YEAH, that’s pretty much it, and I’ll be the first to admit I definitely ramp up these traits further because he’s older in my fic and i think these traits would only get more intensified with age + being in love and also bc IM A TWILIGHT GIRLIE!!! what can I say. there are so many moments in my fic where you can just replace seb with edward and it wouldn’t seem out of place tbh LMAOO so blame twilight, it was a formative experience for me BAHAHA
BUT like I ALSO said, I don’t think peoples more lighthearted interpretations of seb are ooc either. because even all my earlier above examples, you can just focus on diff aspects of them. like his tunnel vision and obsession to cure anne? instead of seeing it as over the top protective and possessive, you can just view it in a more wholesome determined selfless sort of way. like I said we got so many nice little bits and ingredients of his personality that we can turn into anything we want, really👌just pick which flavour of seb u like best and use what we got in game to create it HAHA
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AW TYY QUEEN BAHAHA💖 and aw im always so honoured when ppl tell me they consider my stuff canon that’s like the best compliment I can get, tysm 😭 and im glad you like my fic and art so much (enough for your friends and family to unfortunately know💀 LMAOO)
im adding your ask to this because it kinda ties into my seb essay. LETS GET INTO WHY A SWEET BABY ANGEL WOULD LIKE SOMEONE LIKE SEB. the answer ISSS: the same reason WE’RE also all into him I guess?? BAHHA
ok but to start off im gonna defend my seb, not only cause of what you said anon (i dont want you to feel like this is targeted to you!) but also bc I got an ask recently asking me to summarize seb and clora’s relationship since all they see from my art is that “they fuck and seb is possessive” LMAO, and I feel like ppl who JUST see my art and don’t read my fic have a warped image of my seb.
this may be shocking but I don’t consider my seb a red flag LMAO. I joke about how hes more of a pink flag tbh, but even THAT i dont even really believe, and don’t even consider him overly possessive. like yes he keeps an eye on her when shes hanging around other boys, but I feel like that’s normal (esp for 1890) and all of his most possessive moments have been when theres been a threat to cloras life/coming from a place of love and protection (especially since clora is so self-sacrificial, she’d have killed herself by now if not for seb LOL) so to me id actually put Sebastian as being PROTECTIVE as his first and foremost trait, followed by the possessiveness.
and yeah he gets jealous, but unless a dude is actively trying to get with her/hitting on her/harassing her, he’ll otherwise just kinda be unhappy about it/let it play out/ watch on unhappily LOL. and even when lawley was blackmailing clora and getting in between her and sebs relationship and lying about how close he and clora were, seb demanded answers from CLORA on what was happening between the two of them, but he didn’t touch lawley or tell him to stay away. bc seb thought that was what clora wanted, so he let her drift away. if he was TRULY a red flag, in this instance he would have just beat up lawley for taking what was "his"/not allow clora to leave him/immediately go to lawley instead of clora, and tell him to stay away despite what clora might want. (and clora even WISHED seb had interfered and done this. she was like 'why is he letting me drift away and go off with lawley i WANT him to fight for me...but she couldn't actually say anything thanks to the blackmail)
clora doesn’t just 'put up' with sebs more possessive and protective behaviour though, she actually likes it HAHA. just bc shes a precious baby angel, we all like a bad boy, even back then. just look at jane eyre, and how popular the dark and brooding and assholey mr. rochester was.
she tells seb at one point that she likes those things about him, even his immature competitive side, and his darker sides, and that he shouldn’t try to hide them or change himself because she accepts them. and even putting aside all of the stuff they’ve been through together that has bonded them (like the main canon quests + annes curse and then CLORA being cursed, and then clora being kidnapped and seb saving her) clora thought seb was roguish and charming and witty and intelligent and good looking from day 1. add to the fact that he’s just so devoted to her in everything he does, that even if he CAN get a bit overbearing at times, how could you NOT fall for someone like that😩 someone whose possessive behavior just stems from wanting to protect you and love you and want to keep you safe and cherish you like DAMN…. GET ME A SEB, TOO. WHERES MINE!!!😭😭
clora also realizes in ch 32 WHY seb is so protective of her (the trauma with his parents and wanting to be there for anne) and that she accepts it, and enjoys it, and that she might even MISS it if seb were to ever get less protective of her/might get lonely LOL, and then sebs like "i’ve "spoiled you, have i?"
so YEAH I don’t think sebs protectiveness and possessiveness goes into any toxic territory or red flag territory PERSONALLY (and the time that it DID get toxic was because of the relic, and clora DID put her foot down)
but my normal seb? whose dream in life is to whisk clora away into a tower and lock her up to keep her safe and keep her all to himself, but that he’d never ACTUALLY do because he knows its insane and unreasonable but jokes about wanting to do it anyway bc he would if clora agreed? clora finds that endearing and cute and is touched by how much he loves her and wants to keep her safe.
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realpokemon · 1 year
You must get a lot of asks, how do you decide which ones to answer?
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psycloclo · 1 month
hey! You good?
Um.. can you draw Zoro from one piece?
I LOVE ur artstyle, tbh, that's amazing!
Love ya!🩵
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thank you so much! here is a Zoro.
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bills-library · 4 days
Rockabye Billy, please don't you cry It's not your fault you have that strange eye Stay safe for mommy, you'll never fall And we'll always love you, sharp angles and all
Rockabye Billy, please don't you cry It's not your fault you have that strange eye (that strange eye) Stay safe for mommy, you'll never fall And we'll always love you, sharp angles and all
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p-please... j-just s-stop...
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mammoth-clangen · 16 days
@ Lilac: Why the long face?
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Rude!! Rude Question to this poor horse man!! he could also have said "my whole family was killed by ice fangs but that would be depressing
Invasive like... 6/10? it's kinda just mildly annoying (i imagine the same level of annoyance as i have with people asking about my birthmark bc it's on my knee and NO it's not an injury have you people Never seen a port wine stain before???)
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vinomino · 1 month
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Summer Beau
That boy from a long ago vacation.
Featuring: Uryu.S, Sako.K, Suo.H, Umemiya.H x fem!reader Contents: sfw kissing, angst w/o comfort
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On the topic of boyfriends with your daughter, she suddenly asks, “Mom, who was the first boy you liked?” Memories of the summer you went to visit your relatives, flying to a different country flooded back into your head. That sickly sweet June that smelt like cherries, the month you met that boy you couldn’t forget. 
❀ Uryu.S
You met him by chance, at “Cactus” bakery, he helped you pick up all the coins that scattered across the ground when your purse ripped. “Thank you!” You rapidly bow your head as he pours the coins into your hands. Uryu simply nods, returning to pay for his bread and leaving the store. You notice a sunscreen bottle lying on the ground, did it belong to him? 
Uryu Sakaki, you learned his name from the cashier, apparently he frequents the bakery every day. The next day, at the same time, you waited for him. When you were about to give up and go home when he showed up with a boy that looked extremely similar to him. “Um! Excuse me, is this yours?” You hold out the sunblock. Uryu nods and takes it, his fingers brushing against yours, sending electrical shocks throughout your body. “Uryu, what do you say?” The other boy squints his eyes at him. Uryu looks back at you, mumbling out a thank you. “Sorry, he’s not much of a talker. I’m Seiryu Sakaki and I’m the older twin.” 
“Why does Uryu look so gloomy?” Tsubaki picks up on his advisor’s solemn mood. “It’s because the girl he’s been seeing for the past month is flying back home today. He’s just been moping around the whole day.” Seiryu explains. Tsubaki clicks his heels on the ground, placing both hands on Uryu’s shoulders, “Why are you sitting here?! Go after her!” He smacks Uryu’s back. In an instant, he fell into submission to his need, and he sprinted off. Rushing towards the house you were staying at, he began to frantically ring the bell. Your cousin comes out a bit annoyed, “If you’re looking for her, she already left for the airport.” 
He ran as fast as he could to the nearby airport, you were going to board that plane in less than an hour. Uryu pushes his way through the crowds, trying to find you. Whipping his head around the terminal, he fears that you’ll already— he spots you walking towards the gate. Uryu almost trips over his own feet as he scrambles towards you. “Uryu?! What are you doing here?” You stare shocked at the panting boy. “Why–” He grabs your face and smashes his lips against yours. It’s a harsh and needy kiss. You can hear your mom giggle behind you. Blushing, you break the kiss, staring into his shaky eyes before surging forward to quickly kiss the corner of his mouth. “Talk to me often okay?” Uryu watches you disappear into the gate and onto the plane, he’s still heaving and his lips are now tingling. 
❀ Sako.K
The sugary scent of coffee wafted throughout the air. Sako had taken you cafe hopping, trying different drinks and foods. “Try this one,” he slides the strawberry pancakes towards you. You take a bite of the berry-heavy batter, “It’s so good, you should try some too!” Holding out a piece of it on your fork for him. Sako felt his body heating up and it wasn’t because of the cashmere turtleneck he was wearing. He leaned in and ate the pancake right off the fork, the taste made him smile. 
But the smile disappeared quickly, it was the last day before you boarded your flight back home. You would be thousands of miles away from him and he wouldn’t even be able to count down the days when you’ll come back. It would be day for him and night for you. “That was great…” you stretch your arms above your head while stepping out of the cafe. “What should the rating be?” The little list you and him created, rating restaurants and cafes you two visited together. He wants to rate it one out of five, he couldn’t enjoy anything about the place when the thought of you leaving plagued his mind. “What do you want to rate it?” His hair moves with the breeze, blocking his view of you. “Five out of five, I don’t think I’ll be able to forget this one.” You giggled at him. 
Sako walked you back home, hand intertwined with yours. His hold on you kept getting tighter the closer your place was getting. You stand on the first step of the porch stairs, making you equal height to him. The sadness you were fighting off resurfaced, and tears trickled out of your eyes. Sako panicked, taking out his handkerchief and wiping your eyes, “Don’t cry…” How hypocritical of him when own his voice breaks. “I’ll miss you.” You sniffle into the cloth, it smells like his cologne. “We’ll keep in touch and we’ll see each other again.” He leaned in and kissed your forehead, “We’ll find a way back to each other.”
❀ Suo.H
His tassel earrings brush against you as you lay your head on his shoulder. The train takes both of you back to Makochi, you were exhausted after the day. A whole day spent having fun, going to shopping and entertainment districts. The plushie he bought for you is enclosed between your arms on your lap. “Are you sleepy?” He coos, eye peering down at you nodding off against him. You yawn, “Yeah…” 
“There’s still a while until we get back, take a little nap.” You shake your head at his suggestion, “No– if I fall asleep, I’ll be wasting the little time I have left with you.” Suo lets out a small ah. It brews a bitter feeling inside him. In just a month you’d become one of the most important people in his life and in less than 24 hours, you would be gone. He would have to cling to all the memories of the past 30 days, and he harshly swallows. “Shall I see you off?” You don’t look up at him and he’s glad you didn’t, his usual calm image was shattering. If you paid close enough attention, you would’ve been able to feel his breath slightly shaking. 
Squeezing the plush between your hands, you also rub your shoes together, creating a little friction. “No, I think I’ll start crying at the airport— everyone would be looking at me.” You stifle a chuckle, trying to make the situation humorous. “That would be pretty embarrassing.” Suo smiles as he teases you, he wants to keep teasing you, to keep hearing your laugh. You dread the moment the train stops at the platform. Suo sensed your tenseness, clasping one of your hands, he raises it to his lips and presses your knuckles against his lips, and you finally look at his face. “I don’t think I’ll be able to live with you.” He lightly jokes, covering up his real feelings. There it is, that laugh he loves so much escapes your lips.
❀ Umemiya.H
“Umemiya.” You spot him walking around town, his ears perked up at the sound of his name. “Good morning!” He beamed walking towards you. “This is for you. My uncle wanted to give you his old books.” For a delinquent, he didn’t seem like one at all, he didn’t look or act the part, especially his hobby of reading. Umemiya thanked you while accepting the bag. He was easy to talk to– to get along with, so it was inevitable that you grew closer to him. 
“Are you finished with the page?” He whispers into your hair, you wordlessly point out the line on the page you were reading. “Alright.” Umemiya takes the moment to admire you through the lens of his glasses. You were all cozied up against his chest, your foot knocked with his own when you shifted to keep yourself upright. You tap his arm that’s around your waist, signaling him to turn the page, he does. But you don’t notice that he stopped reading, too absorbed in the book, and he was too focused on the way your body fit right into his. It felt like it would be forever. 
His chest aches when he helps you pack, it was the end of the month and you were going back home. “Can…we keep in touch?” Umemiya glances at you, pausing the zipper of your suitcase midway. “Yeah sure, here’s my number.” He smiles as he takes the paper, and you return the smile, looking up at him. You already felt lovesick, even though he was still in front of you. Umemiya contemplates his next action, in a split second he has his lips on yours– kissing you breathlessly, kissing you so desperately that his whole body curves into yours. You lean your forehead against his, lips just a few millimeters apart, “You’ll come back to me right?” He whispers with urgency and you nod, placing your hands over his. 
❀ Your family never returned back to that country, too busy with work and you were kept up by school. Over time you fell out of touch with him, texts and calls were reduced to once a month, and the nail on the coffin was when you changed your number after getting a new phone. It’s been decades since and you simply moved on with your life, he had to have too as well. “Do you ever wish to meet him again?” Your daughter listened intently to your old story, and you softly chuckled at her question. “There’s no reason to dwell so far in the past.” 
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askchilchuck · 2 months
are you gay
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Are you?
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shhh-secret-time · 8 months
rahhhh i’m such a fan of your writing omg and I never request stuff so i’m very nervous to send this but can I Pretty Please ask for something w kyle who’s usually more of a sub being asked to like Go Crazy Dom and at first he’s nervous but then like completely gets into it and wrecks reader’s shit please…. thank u for yr service🙏🏼
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Oh lovelies you never need to be nervous when sending requests, I know it can be intimidating but believe me I say this truly makes my day!
That being said, I hope you don't mind that I've combo the request with someone else's! I'm getting a lot of Kyle and I wanna make sure everyone gets a little of what they want! And there is filth ahead so get your bibles ready. Sinners the lot of you.
Me too
Warning: NSFW, Slight choking, Dom!Kyle, Sub!Reader, Breeding Kink, Oral, Strong Language
Pairing: Kyle x Fem!Reader
Notes: Shout out to the roommate who talked me through making a Danish so I didn't have to google it lmao.
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The smell of brown sugar and cinnamon filled the air swirling around in your small kitchen. The morning light peeks through the curtains of the circular window in front of the sink, you smile at the view of lilac and orange seemed to blend. You've read things online where people compared the morning sky to painting where the paint seemed to just melt together, and it seemed like one of those days. If you were better with a camera, you'd take a picture just to share it. That and the fact that you had a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a very sleepy curly red-haired man nuzzling into your shoulder.
Your husband Kyle was never a morning person, for all his perfections and his strict schedule keeping, when the morning sun would greet him, he'd return the greeting with a groan and a feeble attempt to hide. You were trying to revive the poor man by making a pot of coffee, the warm brown liquid was the only thing that brought him back to the land of the living. The man ran off of coffee, you were sure the Tweeks owed half their business to him. With the coffee pot humming its little tune and the smell of ingredients laid out across the counter this morning just seemed perfect. Now if only your husband didn't have to leave and go to work if he could just stay with you and keep you warm.
The crisp morning air seeped into the house and sure you could change out of the basketball shorts you stole from him, and the large T-shirt you stole from him, oh the fluffy socks you stole from him but then you wouldn't smell like him. Because he would be leaving after he got through with his morning routine, and you'd be alone in this cold little house.
"What's with the face baby?" His voice broke you out of your little pout, the sleepy gravel laced in each word sent a shiver down your spine.
"What face? I'm making apple and brown sugar Danishes..." You say with a little smile on your face knowing full well he was going to keep bugging you about this.
"Hm... that’s why you had your lip poked out. And your brows were doing that thing." How did he know? He still had his face buried in you, now pushed into the crook of your neck.
You only hum in response as you focus on the apple in your hands, the knife gliding across the skin of the ruby red fruit. He knew better than to mess with you while you were handling dangerous kitchen tools, so he waited until you finished. Once you finished slicing the apples you gently placed them into the lemon water mixture, it would keep the apples fresh while you worked on the rest of the pastry. Next your hands find the mixing tool and begin to pull together nutmeg, brown sugar, butter, salt, and finally the cinnamon. Because you didn't have a lot of time in the mornings, knowing your husband had little time, you prepared the flour before he even stirred.
"You can't ignore me forever; I'm just going to keep bugging you until you tell me why you made such an adorable face." Kyle reminds you that he's still latched onto you by placing a lazy kiss on your neck, his lips trailing down towards your shoulder touching any skin that's exposed by the baggy shirt.
Every little kiss pulled you further and further away from your mixing, you couldn't help but melt under his affection. That didn't stop you from trying. You try squirming away from his lips, pushing your cheek against his face to nudge it out of the way.
"Baby, I'm trying to make you breakfast. Do you want to go to work hungry?"
"Hmm no, but if it means getting you to talk then I can suffer a little." He responds by tugging you back against him pulling you away from the bowl, the only shield against his wondering lips.
Kyle turns you around and lifts you up so you're facing him, using the counter so that you can look him in the eye. He's lucky you already put the ingredients you needed in the bowl, it didn't matter how pretty he looked with his messy bedhead and his soft green eyes, if he ruined your work, he'd get more than a pout. You expect him to move his hands from under your thighs, but he doesn't, instead he slots himself in between your legs and keeps the warmth of his palm on your exposed skin.
"No where to run now, come on love talk to me."
You look away for a moment, the heat from his hands was almost as warm as the blush on your face. "I- was just thinking about how lonely it is sometimes when you leave for work. I miss you..." You finally cave, how can you not under his gaze especially when it softens as you speak.
Kyle lets out a soft 'oh' that seems to drag out along with a sigh. He places a soft kiss on your cheek, one of his hands leaves your thigh and cups the side of your face his lips aren't on. "I'm sorry, you know getting out of bed is one of the hardest things I do every morning. I want nothing more than to stay wrapped up in the blankets with you."
This is why you didn't want to say anything, it was a selfish feeling. He was the one going out to provide for you both, he was the one who had to leave the house while he insisted that you stayed home to relax. When you first married Kyle, it was one of the first things he expressed he wanted, the need to take care of you and pamper you. It was a dream at first, having all that time to yourself and your hobbies and the only thing you needed to focus on was keeping the house clean.
Kyle pulls your face towards him, his index finger hooking under your chin to guide you back to him. His face drops to a frown when he sees the look on your face, his eyes studying you carefully.
"Hey, why don't we go out tonight? We can get some dinner and maybe catch a movie?" He's trying and it's so sweet, the way he doesn't seem to even mind your selfishness.
"That sounds nice. I'm sorry Kyle." You smile at him giving him a little kiss on the nose.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's just-...you're the one that has to work and I'm being, I dunno clingy?"
"Baby you're not clingy. Honestly, I love that you want me here. I want to be here." If he wasn't already smiling at the way you kissed his nose, he definitely has a love filled grin now.
"I know and it makes me feel bad for telling you. Like, it's probably already hard enough for you to go to work."
Kyle goes quiet for a only a moment before shaking his head, the red curls bouncing from side to side as he does. He sighs softly and looks at you with heavy lidded eyes. The love in his smile matches the soft greens of his eyes.
"You're so sweet. Such a wonderful wife, you know that? I can't believe I'm this lucky to have married someone so considerate." Between his barrage of compliments and the way he peppers your face with so many soft kisses you can't argue back. "You're not making my life harder by wanting me to stay, I'm not burdened by you, I promise. Have I ever been the kind of guy to keep that kind of thing quiet?"
No. If Kyle Broflovski felt strongly about something you would hear it. It was honestly one of your favorite things about him, you never had to guess how he felt or if he wasn't upset and was too afraid to tell you. There were moments where he needed time to sort out his feelings or he'd explode, and he swore he'd never do that to you. Not you, not the person he bound his life to.
"There's more to this isn't there? Come on love, what is it?" Kyle Broflovski was also very good at reading you, turns out.
You pressed your lips together as your hands worked up towards his hair, carding your fingers through his fiery red curls. He hummed in delight at the way your fingers felt against his scalp, if you didn't want to risk ruining the moment, you'd compare him to a cat.
One should feel honored that Kyle would even allow them to see his hair when he was a kid, now here you were touching it and even massaging his scalp. You swore if you had enough time, you'd have him purring in your hands.
"I was just thinking about a way to not make the house so lonely."
"You want me to see if I can't start working from home? It'll be a little difficult, but I can-"
"No, no. I mean that would be awesome but no. I mean like...what if we had a little us running around? You know?" You whisper letting your voice drop as if someone could be listening in on your conversation.
Kyle's eyes widen and you watch his face turn a bright red, the freckles on his face pop against his skin. You've never seen him react like that, even before you were married in those early dating stages. Sure, there were times where he got nervous, times where he felt his heart speed up when he looked at you, times where he was puddy in your hands and you could pull a side of him that he'd never show anyone else.
In the bedroom it was you who took the lead. Maybe it was because Kyle was so busy being "dominate" in other parts of your relationship that when it was time for love making, he just wanted to let someone else have control. Being able to shut his mind off and just focus on the wonderful feeling you gave him was what heaven felt like, he was sure. And he was just lucky you liked the role, that you took to it so easily. There was no shame in his eyes, he just wanted to keep what you both did between you two. The world didn't need to know what went on behind closed doors. But the way he looked at you told a different story.
"You...want a baby? My baby?" His voice matches your level, but his voice seems to dip lower than his usual sleepy voice.
"Who else? I know we haven't really talked about it, but I think we're in a good spot and we'd make really good parents."
When Kyle doesn't respond you squirm a little on the counter, shifting in his hold that seemed to tighten around your thigh. You watched as he took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut. Then he grabbed his phone and began tapping away against the screen. You went to move so you could give him the privacy he needed as your eyes caught the little text bubbles being sent. You tried your hardest not to read what he was texting but his hand on your thigh squeezed around the soft flesh, a silent warning to keep still. The way his jaw shifts and the veins in his arms poke out makes you tilt your head in confusion.
"I called off." His voice breaking the silence makes you jolt, that and the way he tosses his phone to the side.
"What?! Why!? I don't want to be the reason you're staying home." You try to protest further but you're cut off by the way his lips slam into yours.
"I've got plenty of sick days I never use. You're sitting here in my clothes talking about wanting my baby. And god damn it I didn't even want to go in today anyway." He growls in between the kisses, emphasizing each word.
"I always wear your clothes though! I don't see-... Kyle did asking for a baby get you worked up?" You ask pulling him back from your lips by his hair, he usually likes when you tug on the roots.
He lets out a small moan, but it's cut off by another growl, he grabs your hands holding your smaller wrists in his one hand. Pinning them above your head against the cabinets behind you makes you gasp, and your eyes widen. This was a new side to him that had your core pulsing with desire.
He didn't need to answer, you got it from that alone, but he did. "You have no idea how long I've been thinking about wanting to fill you up. How bad I wanna cum in you until there's no question that you're pregnant."
You shutter and whimper at the way he speaks to you, his dirty talk working its magic. As the years went on, he worked on trying to keep it out of his vocabulary, but in moments like this where he gets worked up it would slip out.
But it never came out like this, you never realized how much you liked Kyle like this. You never saw the looks he would give you when you were so busy taking care of Ike. The way his eyes would linger with a dark hunger behind them as you took care of his baby brother like it was second nature. Thoughts of your own kids grabbing at your hip and hugging your leg, a baby in your arms and another one in his. How jealous he was that Stan told him one night that he was trying with his partner for kids. How Kenny already had one with another one the way. Kyle wanted his kids to grow up with theirs, maybe they'd be best friends like they were.
More importantly he wanted to see you pregnant, the need to take care of you was ingrained so deeply that he wanted this. Needed this. His cock was aching already over the fact that you brought it up and he didn't have to. You came to him wanting a baby and fuck he was going to give you one. Especially if you kept whimpering and pressing your body against his like that.
"Who's getting worked up now? Do you like that idea? C'mon talk to me Mama." Oh, the way he called you that was dangerous, his hot breath ghosting over your exposed collarbone.
"I-I-" You can't get it out, the way your head is spinning and the way his lips are working, making his mark on your skin. You yelp when his teeth sink in and his grip on your wrists tightens. "I do! I-I want you!"
He seemed to like that, liked the way you beg for him so easily. You feel him smirk into your skin and his free hand push up your shirt. His fingertips glide across your skin finding your breasts, there he gives your nipple a sharp pinch, rolling the nub between his index finger and this thumb. "You sound so pretty like this; I should have done this forever ago.... I'm gonna let your hands go so I can get this shirt off you. You keep them there." Kyle wasn't asking, not the way he clicked his tongue and rolled your nipple.
You cry out and nod, barely able to verbally respond, the pain was intoxicated something you didn't even know you liked. If this was how he was acting from just talking about putting a baby in you, you couldn't wait until he was actually fucking you. For now, you'd play his game, keep your hands above your head so he can slip the faded T-shirt off you.
"I never get tired of this." Next comes your shorts, he unties the strings keeping the baggy basketball shorts up and around your waist. His hands working on pulling them down until they pool beneath his feet, kicking them to the side. "I can't believe you thought for a second I would be upset with you for wanting me to stay home. Fuck, I'm glad you said something. Guess I don't have to worry about going to work hungry hm?" He returns to your neck, but he doesn't stay for long, he kisses a heated trail down to your breasts.
There his lips latch onto your hardening buds. His tongue swirls around the pink flesh hungrily sucking until they're red and sore. Each little cry and moan you let out only encourages him to give the other side the same attention. All the while his hands work on opening your legs to him.
His attention is pulled away when he feels your soaked cunt. Expecting to find your panties, he growls and looks down at you. You don't know how he went from looking you in the eye, to almost hovering over you with such a dangerous look. How he made you feel so small like you were prey.
"Was this a part of your plan? Make those adorable pouting faces and get me to fuck you on the kitchen counter? Wear nothing under my clothes so I can dive right into that delicious looking pussy?" You moan and throw your head back, not just from how filthy he spoke but from how he bit the inside of your thigh.
Teeth marks marking up and down your plump perfect thighs, they were perfect to him. Perfect in the way they felt under his teeth, perfect in the way they filled his hand, perfect in the way you tasted. All of you was perfect.
"Oh fuck~" You're nearly cut off by another gasp as his nips turn to kisses against your slit.
"Keep moaning like that, it goes so well with my breakfast." The way his tongue slipped through the lips of your cunt against your bud made your gasp turn to moans.
Kyle devoured you like you were his last meal, his tongue swirls around your nub like he had your breasts. You couldn't help as your hips rolled against his tongue chasing pleasure with greed, but he stops you with a firm hold on your thighs. His teeth graze your bud as a warning, a silent demand for you to sit still, but if the way he spoke and pinned you down was anything to go off of; you needed to keep pushing. So, you pushed against his hold again, squirming against his mouth.
When Kyle pulls back and clicks his tongue, it isn't until you see the look in his eyes that you know you're in trouble. "I kept my hands up like you told me to...w-what is it?"
"You know what. I'm trying to eat my meal in peace and you're making it very hard. Quit being a brat."
"But I was just-"
Kyle cuts you off again, but not with his lips or his own words, but from his hands wrapped around your throat. The tips of his fingers applied a healthy amount of pressure to cut off just enough air to make your head spin. His eyes narrow down at you as he forces your head up.
"You were just...what? Arguing with me? No, I think you were going to say, I'm sorry I won't move my hips again. I'll keep still so you can eat."
He waits. Waits for you to nod before letting your throat go, then he waits another second looking at you expectedly. As you gasp for air your tongue traces your bottom lip. "I... I’m sorry and I'll keep still so you can eat."
"Good girl."
Oh. Oh. Maybe you were more of a switch than you thought. Maybe it was just the way he said that with that delicious purr. At this moment you didn't really care to put a label on it, you were just burning from the praise. Not like you had a lot of time to think about it anyway, not when he knelt back down and started eating you out. His lips latched onto the sensitive nub pulling a moan from you as he sucked, his tongue flicks over it again and again. He's attentive to every sound you make from the way your muscles flex and bounce under his touch. All but humming when your yell for God or his name.
Throwing your head back, you swore you were seeing stars when he shook his head back and forth. The friction had you clenching around nothing and your nails digging into the wooden cabinets behind you.
"Kyle baby, I'm gonna cum. Please let me cum. I-I've been good I did what you told me!"
When he doesn't say anything, you have to fight the urge to grab him by the head and force him to look up at you. Slowly he looks up at you and the little flicker of fire behind them tells you all you need. It takes everything in your power not to close your eyes as you cum around his tongue, even more so when his tongue begins to greedily lap it up. You mewl and squirm trying to pull away from him, but he won't let you, won't let you move from his hold. Nothing you could have baked for him would taste as perfect as you do.
"So sweet~. Hmm always taking care of me." Kyle rubs his lips against your thighs again, wiping the slick off his jaw.
As he stands back up, he can't help but admire his work. The way your skin is marked with his teeth marks, the purple bruises on your thighs shaped like his hand, and now the way your face is flushed a dark red as you try to catch your breath. You can't quite read what's going on in his head, but he's got that look like he's thinking about something. The way his brows knit together and his eyes flicker from you to around the room.
Then he hums, picks you up and carries you over to the kitchen table. You shiver when the cool wood hits your back but it's a distant complaint as he hovers over you. Somewhere between the counter and the table he's slipped off his plaid bottoms and his boxers. Discarded somewhere with your clothes, you click back into reality as he pulls his shirt over his head. Most of his freckles are covering his shoulders, dusting across the pale skin and down his back. He raises a brow at you when he catches you admiring just how handsome he really is. It's only morning and he's already got you so dazed and worked up.
"Got something to say Mama?"
Fuck you were really beginning to like that, "just thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. We're gonna make some really pretty babies."
He smirks at you, the kind that would have made you fall to your knees if you weren't laying on the table. "Yeah? I was just thinking the same thing. How fucking beautiful you are. How pretty you're gonna look when I finally paint your insides."
You cover your mouth to stop the moan from slipping out of your mouth, but once again he stops you and pins your hands by your side. "No. Let me hear you. I need to hear you begging for my cock. Beg me to fill you up."
It takes a few teasing glides of his cock over you folds and a few more growls before you finally cave. The way the words roll of your tongue is like sin. "Please Kyle, I want you to fuck a baby into me. I want it so bad; it has to be you. Only you!"
"Fuck!" His own resolve crumbles just as the tip of his cock slips back down to your begging hole.
This isn't the first time you've felt him without a condom but this time it felt so different. Knowing he wasn't going to pull out this time was exciting, the fact that he could just let go and take you however he wanted. To claim you with his cum. You're so caught up in your own thoughts you don't even feel the way he puts your legs up on his shoulders, or his curls brushing against your face. It isn't until he finally sheathes himself into you that you snap out of it. You moan next to his ear when he bottoms out in you, the way your thighs burn feels so good.
"Your cunt's choking me, trying to milk me already baby? Don't worry I'll give you every last drop." Kyle lulls his head to the side as he begins lazily rocking into you.
You're almost folded in half from the way he has you under him, knees pushed back towards your shoulders. Kyle's got your hands still pinned by the side of your head; fingers intertwined with yours. Normally his eyes would flutter shut, he'd give into the sensation of his cock nudging into your walls, but this time he keeps them open. Like he is trying to memorize every time your lips form that cute little 'o' and a moan comes spilling out. The way your moans pitch up when he hits that delicious spot. The way you pant and beg for him to go faster.
That's when he shifts, the loving hold and lazy thrusts turn to fast paced fucking. Love making is always there, you never doubt that, but the way he's got his hands around your waist pulling you back onto his cock feels so raw. He slams into you with a newfound force neither of you knew he could muster. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, stars dancing across your vision. He rewards you with his own moans and grunts, the further his cock head pushes past your walls the faster he brings you to climax. Now that your hands are free from his strong grip, you place them on his forearm’s nails digging into his flesh. He hisses but it only seems to push him further.
"Come on baby. Cum around my cock. Yeah, just like that. Just like that!"
You arch your back and give him all you have. Your walls finally grip his cock as you reach your peak. Between your heart beating in your ears and the way he slams back into you, it's almost too much. Kyle finds a way to keep you on the line without pushing you too far. You feel the way his hips begin to stutter, and his moans become ragged. You know he's close.
"Yeah. Fuck you feel so good, I'm gonna- gotta fill you up. Take it!" He groans and then you feel his hot seed against your walls. Pushing up into your cunt, he plugs your hole with a final slam of his hips.
You and your husband lay there against one another, panting heavily until your breathing slows down to match one another. You can feel his lips pressed against your neck and his eyelashes tickle your skin. When you move your hands to his hair again, he knows you're okay, he presses a few short kisses onto your soft lips. Kyle feels you smile against his lips, and he doesn't even bother stopping the lazy one that comes across his.
"Never seen that side of you. I like it." You purr finally able to talk now that you've slowed down.
"Hm, keep that in mind when we do this again."
"Oh baby, we've got all day. It's Friday. I'm going to treat you to dinner like I promised. After that I'll take you upstairs and we're going to do this again. And again. Aaaaaand again. I'll keep my cock plugged in you like this and we'll go to sleep." His fingers push back into your hair, pushing it out of your sweaty face.
"J-Jesus Kyle." You shutter under his touch, unable to stop the way your walls flutter around him again. You can feel his cock bob in response, and when he slides his hardened member out slowly; you feel every little vein like he wants you to memorize it.
"Gotta make sure you're pregnant. My perfect, beautiful, wonderful wife deserves to be a mama. And what kind of husband would I be if I didn't give her exactly what she wants?" Kyle smirks down at you with newfound energy.
It was going to be a long morning, maybe you could convince him to let you finish making those pastries but you had a feeling that would be a battle. Especially since he's already started thrusting back into you. Maybe a few more rounds wouldn't hurt, you could always have him put the baked goods in the oven. After all he was doing so well already.
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a-hug-a-day · 1 month
Hey Goob, what do you think of Glisten?
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"He really likes my hugs… I make sure to hug him extra long.
But overall I think he's nice!"
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Ink why would you hurt the bad sans like that?? What happened to your kind, caring soul? Oh wait that's right.... you don't have one, and you never will.
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the-king-official · 15 days
send him to a path in the woods. and at the end of that path is a cabin-
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This is a strange place, anonymous one… It’s dark… And some strange man is speaking to me…
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kumezyzo · 5 months
bf!sapnap accidentally mentioning in a stream that he has a girlfriend because he saw a trend on tiktok or something, and he wouldn't realize until EVERYONE mentions it
I feel like he would be so embarrassed, but in the end he would say something like “fuck it, I have a woman and you don't”
it would be so funny cause it would be about something like the "tell ur gf im ur gf" dance like:
"my girlfriend did it withiut practicing cause of how many times she saw it," he rolled his eyes, not realizing the words that came out of his mouth.
minutes passed, and his chat was still blowing up, and he looked over because of a completely unrelated question he asked.
"what do you mean 'my girlfriend'? I... dont have a girlfriend...." he's panicking on the inside. and the chat is telling him that he did say it. and obvi twitter is freaking out. so he just sighs, "okay, yeah whatever, i have a girlfriend."
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