#[ thank you very much for sending this kind ask! ]
artssslut2 · 1 day
Summary: Arts wife goes into labor during one of his most important matches and Patrick is caught in the middle.
Art Donaldson x Reader
Okay it’s a little long but I like the way it turned out! Please send requests in!
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It was July, it was hot and you were heavily pregnant. The combo did not go well, you were so uncomfortable and anyone around you longer than ten minutes knew it especially Art. Art felt terrible he didn’t know how to help, you were so irritated most of the times he felt like it was his fault. But if he acted like it was his fault you would cry and think your a bad wife so he just kept to himself and did the best he could, doing whatever he could for you.
You and Art had been back at home for a few months and were able to get the nursery all set up and were ready to welcome your baby girl. However Art had one last match before you planned to give birth. The U.S open. Luckily it was right by your house this year so you didn’t have to travel. You were doing your best to support his prep but you were kind of pre occupied.
It was the day before the match, Art was off because he always took the day off before a match to rest and reset,
“Can I get you anything babe?” Art asked you standing up from the outdoor lounge bed. It was a painfully hot day and your air conditioning had broke in your house so you and Art were outside relaxing
“No Art sit down. I should be getting you stuff you have the most important-“ Art cut you off while you tried sitting up
“Hey hey stop, it’s okay just relax, you have something big coming up too so let me take care of you” he said making you lay back down
“Art I’m such a bad wife” you started to cry, you felt pathetic, Art knew the drill
“Baby stop your the greatest wife you know that” Art knew what would make you feel better even if it would make him feel worse “can you… get me some water?” He offered more for you than him. You stopped crying and started to stand up and grab his some water,
“It is so fucking hot!” You yelled aggressively handing your husband your water, “I just need this baby to get the fuck out! My back hurts my feet hurt I’m huge and it’s so fucking hot!” You continued on your hormonal rampage Art stood up letting you finish which he learned was best. He walked up to you and wrapped His arms around you, you slowly gave in Art waited a minute before saying soemthing
“You know it’s so amazing what your doing for our little girl, I’m sorry it’s so hot out. But it two weeks we will get to see Lily, and hold her and I will never let her forget all that you did to bring her into the world.” He softly told you. You loved him so much he always knew what to do
“ I love you Art. thank you I’m sorry I’m such a wreck.” You said into his chest
“You’re allowed to be my love… want me to give you a back massage?” He offered, you just looked up at him smiling already going inside.
“I’ll text Patrick and tell him to bring over all of his fans.” Art said picking up his phone
The rest of the night you spent relaxing as did Art, doing some minor prep things for his huge match tomorrow. You knew he was nervous this is the first open of his career. Patrick had brought over four fans which helped but not much.
Throughout the night you couldn’t sleep which wasn’t unusual for you lately but this was different you were having some pain in your stomach and back. You have had Braxton hicks before but these felt different, you were pretty sure they were real contractions. This couldn’t be happening not now before your husbands big match. You tried to stay calm mabye it would pass and you were just over reacting. You decided not to say anything to Art, he needed to focus. If he knew that anything was wrong he would not play as well. Besides the contraction we’re very far apart and not frequent enough to worry anyways.
You picked out Arts outfit like you always did. Art was leaving before you to warm up and get ready.
“Patrick is gonna pick up in a half an hour, I don’t want you to have to drive right now” he told you, you rolled your eyes playfully at his over protectiveness. You may have protested but you didn’t think it was a good idea to drive either.
“Go get ‘em champ” you whispered before kissing him with your arms around his shoulders, he gave you a nervous smile then leaned down to your bump
“Hey Lily girl wish your daddy luck today, okay?“ he kissed your belly making you smile, she definitely was wishing him luck. Art kissed you once more before leaving. You finished getting ready, you had only felt one contraction since he left about fifteens ago. They were starting to get more intense, you wished Art was here to support you.
Patrick came though the front door as you were leaned over clutching the counter top in the middle of a contraction.
“Fuck y/n are you okay what’s going on!?” He rushed over to you putting his hand on your back, the contraction ended after about 40 seconds
“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just… I’m fine” you stuttered. Patrick looked at you knowing you were lying. He looked terrified “I think I’m in labor” you continued. Patrick’s mouth opened wider
“Well should I call Art?!” He panicked already grabbing his phone
“No! Don’t call him!” Patrick looked at you very confused “he can’t know this is the most important match of his Career he can’t miss it or be distracted. He can’t” you had tears in your eyes because of how terrible you felt that this was happening today.
“Y/n you gotta call him it will be fine” Patrick tried convincing you
“No Patrick! It’s fine the contractions are far apart and spontaneous, it might not even be real, and if it is we’ve got a lot of time so we are going to the fucking match and we are going to support my husband and not take this away from him! So get in the damn car right now so we aren’t late!” You ordered, Patrick hesitated then decided to listen to you. You took a deep breath and headed out to the car as well.
The drive to the stadium you had one more contraction only lasting 30 seconds this made you feel better because you knew they should be one minute before thinking about going to the hospital.
You and Patrick sat in the stands, Patrick keeping a very close eye on you. He was scared shitless and it was obvious. The coin toss just happened art was serving first he saw you in the stands and gave you a smile and a quick wave. You did your best to not look freaked out.
The match was going well art won the first set and they were on to the second it had taken about an hour and you had three more contractions but they weren’t too intense. The two player just started the second set when you felt another one hit you like a train this time in your back too, you gasped grabbing Patrick’s forearm tightly. You looked at you,
“Y/n, Y/n is that another one? Y/n”
“Just shut up” you said through gritted teeth squeezing his arm so tight.
“Pat you gotta do me a favor and time them okay? How far apart they are and how long they last, please” you asked him letting go of his arm.
“Of course. But we really gotta go I think we should at least tell someone on Arts team or-“
“No! It’s almost done he needs to win this I’m fine, my water didn’t even break yet” you interrupted him trying to believe your own words, but as the day progresses you started to panic more. You knew it was the real thing now.
It had only been about an hour but it felt like a lifetime. Art lost the second set so now they had to play a third. Contractions had really started to pick up and you didn’t know how much longer you could last.
“Y/n that’s eight minutes apart. Stop this you have to go.” Patrick told you trying to be firm
“Don’t you want him to win!?” You said in a whisper yell,
“I don’t want you to have his kid in the stands!” He whisper yelled back. A few people around you probably cougt on but you didn’t care.
“It’s almost over. Your supposed to go to the hospital at five minute and eight minutes is not five minutes Patrick” you said clearly not budging on your plan. Patrick put his head in his hands, he was a mess, sweating pale you’d think he was the one in labor.
It had been another hour and the match wasn’t over. Luckily things hadn’t progressed to much probably because you were just sitting this whole time. Contractions were six minutes apart. You were in so much pain you couldn’t believe it. You were trying to hide it from everyone but it was becoming harder. Patrick was bouncing his leg nervously and it was driving you insane.
“Patrick stop.” You said glaring at him
“I’m nervous okay. This is crazy”
“I know it is. But can you just stop being so annoying because I’m nervous too. I’m about to give birth on live television at my husbands tennis match.” You told him, he looked at you realizing he should stop being a baby
“You’re right y/n I’m sorry. It shouldn’t be too much longer now. Can I get you anything a water?” He offered putting his hand on your knee.
“Yes please thank you” you patted his hand but before he could stand up the crowd went wild. To be honest you or Patrick weren’t paying attention to the match at all. You looked down at the court. Art had won. You totally forgot about how much pain you were in for a second seeing the confetti fall down to the courts
“Oh my god Patrick!” You smiled Pulling Patrick in for a hug
“He won he fucking won! He’s won the US open!” Patrick cheered, everything felt unreal until another contraction came crashing through ruining the moment
“Fuck Patrick get Art we gotta go now” you said clutching him to help keep you standing, he held you up until it was over
“Okay I’m going just hold on” he said helping you sit down, Patrick ran down the stairs leaning over the edge to motion art towards him art had just finished shaking his opponents hand than ran over to him while simultaneously looking for you in the crowd. You couldn’t hear what Patrick said you just saw arts face go into shock as he was frozen then Patrick hit his arm and art leaped over the bar into the stands. People were still cheering like crazy. Art found you in the stands and bolted towards you kneeling in front of where you were sitting
“Hey baby what’s going on?” Art said out of breath and panicked
“I’m definitely having this baby now” you said feeling another contraction come on Patrick was right behind Art. Now the three of you had caught some attention. Art looked shocked and confused
“Oh my good um okay I’ll- i um- I don’t hav e my car here fuck” Art stuttered looking like a mess still sweaty from his match and in shock that he’s about to have a baby
“We can take mine come on!” Patrick said both boys helped you up out of the seat. The crowd was still cheering and arts coach’s and team were looking for him, he would explain later. He didn’t care about giving a speech or doing interviews or any of that all he cared about was you.
You all piled into the car after making your way through all the people, people were shouting at Art cheering for him asking for autographs but be totally blocked it all out. Art sat in the back you were in the front,
“How long have your been in labor?” He asked leaning over the seat from the middle
“Since this morning, we’ll kind of last night” you admitted feeling guilty all of the sudden
“What!? Why didn’t you tell me y/n!?”
“I couldnt! You had to play, you couldn’t miss this match Art!”
“Well I can’t miss the birth of our child either!”
“Well you didn’t! And I knew if you knew I was having contractions you wouldn’t play as well, and I haven’t had her yet and you won so we are all winners!”
“Guys! Mabye you should focus on the big picture?” Patrick shouted interrupting you and arts disagreement
“Your right I’m sorry baby, I’m just surprised. Are you okay how do you feel?” Art asked shifting to a calming compassionate tone that instantly made you feel more comfortable.
“I’ve been better. I’m just happy you’re here now. I was starting to freak out I thought the match would never end” you reached grabbing his hand looking back at him he looked at you and smiled
“We’re having a baby y/n” he laughed kissing you. Just then you felt something pop, your legs became wet. Fuck.
“Shit I think my water just broke” you cursed looking at Art terrified, you saw Patrick grimace probably worried about his car seat
“Uh um. It’s okay baby we’re almost there just take deep breaths” Art said stroking your arm. Art was terrified but he knew you were too. He didn’t have time to freak out and he needed to be there for you in case you freaked out.
“Fuck I’m scared Art.” You whimpered you hadn’t even realized how scared you were because you were so focused on trying to get through the match.
“I know. Me too. But your already doing so great. I can’t believe you were doing this all alone”
“I mean I was there too” Patrick chimed in but you both ignored him
“Your gonna be such a good mom y/n I’m so proud of you my love” you spoke softly cupping your face. Another contraction ripped through you the worst one you’ve had yet you let out a gutteral moan grabbing Arts hand, you could hardly breath. You couldn’t talk through it, it was much more intense now.
“Patrick how far away are we?” Art asked trying to stay calm
“ like ten minutes but we’re stuck in traffic so I don’t know” he said also trying to stay calm
“I don’t want to have a baby in Patrick’s car” you cried as you felt the contraction coming to an end
“You’re not baby it’s okay we will be there soon” Art reassured but was terrified you might actually have a baby in his best friends car.
You had been sitting traffic for ten minutes and your contractions were now four minutes apart. You were arched off the seat grabbing your stomach trying to get through the contraction, Art looked like he was about to cry from seeing you in so much pain. Patrick looked angry that there was so much traffic.
“Your doing so good y/n/n, just keep breathing okay?” He said stroking your hair.
“Art what do we do?” You asked scared that the traffic wouldn’t let up
“We um we-“
“Finally!” Patrick yelled seeing the traffic break. Everyone sighed with relief.
You had finally made it to the hospital and were settled in a room laying down with Art kneeling by your head stroking your hair. Art sent Patrick back to let his team know why he left and make sure everything was okay. Your labor seemed to be at a stand still, no progress had been made since you arrived.
“Hey I never told you how proud I was of you champ.” You said facing your husband smiling putting a hand on his face
“Well you were kind of busy” he laughed kissing your nose
“Sorry we couldn’t celebrate”
“This is a pretty good way to celebrate are you kidding?” He chuckled
“We’re gonna be parents. Like tonight” you whispered sweetly to him he had tears in his eyes
“Thank you for going through this all baby I owe you everything” he kissed you.
It had been another hour. Very little progress had been made you were so frustrated and just wanted to get your baby girl out and hold her. They suggested walking around to help move the process along which was the last thing you wanted to do. But here you were walking around with Art right by your side. Another contraction came on and you helped in pain, your arms were around arts shoulders as you leaned down in pain. He held you up and swayed you back and fourth.
“I can’t do this anymore” you cried grabbing your husband for dear life.
“What can I do for you y/n how can I help you babe” he asked wholeheartedly
“Can you help me walk, I gotta hurry this up” you said breathlessly. Art came behind you and wrapped his arms under your armpits and walked with you, pretty much for you. You couldn’t ask for a better father of your child. He was the most supportive guy you’d ever seen. He would do this for hours for you.
Now you were settled back in bed exhausted. It felt like an eternity had gone by but then the nurse came in to check you.
“Alright your ready to push I’ll call the doctor in” she smiled. You were shocked and scared. You looked at Art
“What? I don’t I can’t I’m not ready I can’t-“yes you can y/n. I know you can. Your the strongest person I know you’ve made it this far I’ll be here the whole time.” He instructed you. You looked up at him with tears nodding.
It had been half an hour and you were still pushing not making much progress. Everyone could tell you were exhausted.
“Y/n cmon you have to push harder we gotta get this baby out” the doctor said
“I can’t … I can’t do it anymore” you cried feeling lifeless. Art didn’t say anything he just climbed in bed behind you and straddled you holding you up with his body.
“Now y/n push” the doctor told you again
“Baby look at me just look at me. You can do it only a few more than you’ll be able to hold Lily. Okay? You got this champ” he told you tears in his eyes too. You let your head fall back on his shoulder as you screamed in pain pushing as hard as you could. Art was holding you legs back with his arms around you.
“Good good, just one more y/n” the doctor told you
“Your doing so good darling just one more” art was in tears you couldn’t see but you knew. You have one more push before hearing a very loud cry
“Oh my god” you cried as they Laid your daughter on your chest
“Congratulations you have a little girl. “ the doctor smiled. Art was speechless and balling, he couldn’t believe his baby was here he was holding the love of his life who was holding the other love of his life that you two created together, it was a perfect moment.
“We gotta have more Art she’s so cute” you said crying harder every second, everyone in the room laughed,
“I can’t believe it y/n. Thank you so much thank you so so much” he said crying into your hair. He reached his arm around to the baby who grabbed his finger with her tiny hand. You both cried with joy
“Oh my god look at her fingernails” Art said still in disbelief “there so tiny”
“Art we have a daughter” you said to him as he kissed your cheek multiple times
“Does she have a name?” The doctor asked
“Lily” you both said at the same time smiling. You and Art decided on her middle name a few weeks ago
“Hi Lily Jane” you whispered kissing her head. You were so content with your family. All the pain and tears were 100% worth it.
Later on that night Lily was cleaned and wrapped up in a cute little blanket with a hat on in her dads arms next to the hospital bed asleep. Art was smiling down at her still teary eyed. After examining all your babies features you decided she was a clone of her father. She had your lips but his everything else. Even a little speck of brown in her blue eyes that made your heart swell. You had never been more tired but you also had never been happier.
“She’s so beautiful” Art whispered trying not to wake her up “I could look at her for hours.” He smiled
“She looks just like you baby” you told him, he looked at you then her and smiled
“ I don’t know I see you a lot in her too” he told you. Just then you heard a knock at the door and saw Patrick’s head poke through, he was carrying the trophy Art had won
“Hey I thought I’d bring this by” he said quietly “is now a good time?” He asked softly, you nodded and he came into the room
“Wow.” He said carefully walking over to Art staring at the baby in his arms “She’s uh wow she’s-“
“I know.” You finished knowing his was mezmorized by his niece.
“I’m so proud of you guys” he said speaking from the heart
“You wanna hold her?” Art looked up at his best friend
“Oh I don’t know she looks pretty comfortable”
“Oh come on she’s gotta meet her uncle.” Art said standing up and handing him the tiny baby. Patrick took a deep breath staring at her
“Jesus Art she’s your twin” he laughed “Let’s hope she doesn’t get your ears” he teased
“Yeah Pat your one to talk” he he teased back.
Patrick didn’t stay long it was getting pretty late. You and Art decided to announce it on his social media to fill everyone in on why he rushed out of there after winning. He posted a picture you took of him holding Lily in one arm and his trophy from that day in the other. He captioned the picture with
I didn’t think my day could get any better… but it did. Welcome to the world sweet Lily Jane, she’s already our little champ🤍
Of course the post blew up and many people commented and reporters contacted him but he ignored it. At least for now. He had never been so happy with his life than in this moment. This day would go down in history for the Donaldson family.
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Hello, I'm not sure The request is already closed or not, if it's already closed then I'm sorry. But if it's still open, I have a request.
Do you know the KOH bloopers, when Edward Norton try to speak but got interrupted by a peacock? So imagine Baldwin trying to have a serious conversation with his wife but always being interrupted by peacocks.
Thank you very much, and please take your time no need to rush. I always love your writing and I do hope can support you enough ❤️
♤ Those Darn Birds - King Baldwin x Reader ♤
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♤ Crack Fic ♤
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your kind words and all your support, it really means a lot 🫶! This is a funny idea I like it a lot, thank you for sending it in. I hope it turned out how you imagined it would! As always this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: Sorry that this one is short
“I told you earlier darling, your sister said that their wedding will be here, at the castle! She offered to host their union here six months ago!” y/n said as she untied her hair from the braid it was previously in.
“They were planning on hosting it in Jerusalem anyway, it was simply for convenience sake” she added, turning away from the mirror to look at Baldwin, whose unmasked face had dropped the second she mentioned the wedding of his cousin and her soon to be husband being held at the castle.
“What?! Why would she do that?? She knows how much that man hates me?!” he said in utter disbelief causing y/n to roll her eyes.
“Oh hush Baldwin, he does not hate you and you don't even need to speak with him!” she turned back to the mirror, continuing to work on her hair.
“That man is a complete-” a sudden loud noise from outside cut him off.
“What on earth was that?” y/n asked, a slight smile spreading across her face.
“I don't know, anyway he hates me and no doubt he will-” the loud sound cut him off again causing the queen to burst into a fit of giggles.
With an annoyed sigh, Baldwin stood and walked over to the window to look for the source of the sound.
“Oh it's those darn peacocks! Why do we even have those stupid things” he muttered, returning to his seat on the edge of their shared bed.
“Language, husband!” y/n said through laughter.
The king smiled and attempted to continue his sentence. “So anyway, as I was saying, the man that my cousin is to be wed to is incredibly rude and will no doubt try to start an argument with me about something. I would rather just not attend the wedding but since it's in MY castle I must! I am tired of Sybila making decisions without asking me first. I-” the peacock's obnoxious screeching cut him off for a third time.
Y/n began laughing again and this time, Baldwin couldn't help but join her.
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Hi there! Hope this is the right place to ask this. Something I've been thinking about is how best to handle something like the bodyswap trope when race is a factor, in terms of how such a plotline would be written/address that factor. I was thinking about what it would be like for my OCs (who are both good friends, one white, one Black, and they're both guys) if they had to live each other's lives for a little bit in a bodyswap situation. But I'm also just curious for any thoughts you might have on the trope in general and how it might be applied across a broad range of contexts.
Race would be, of course, just one of many factors depending on the characters involved and their specific circumstances.
This is not for a specific story I'm writing, more just me thinking casually about various scenarios my OCs might potentially be in, this just being one of them.
Regarding the specifics of my OCs' situations... I had been focusing on the other aspects of their circumstances apart from race, when I realised something: my white OC would react badly (much more than my Black OC) to the bodyswap for reasons unrelated to race (he would react very badly to absolutely any kind of bodyswap with anyone), but I think it would be reasonable for my Black OC to suspect that racism may be a larger factor in my white OC's reaction than it actually is. They've been good friends for quite some time, they treat each other with respect, but people can still have dormant and unexamined racism (and my white OC isn't any kind of perfect paragon when it comes to race, it would just be realistic for him to be imperfect on the subject too). I think it would be reasonable for my Black OC to be a bit upset at the potential implications of his friend's reaction and try to call him out on it. But... I'm not sure how I would best approach something like that (like, it doesn't need to be a huge deal, it can be brought up, addressed, and moved on from) or whether I should even be attempting to approach something like that. But I guess, if there were a story involving this, I do wonder how it could/should be handled.
My white OC wouldn't be offended if they were called on potential racist motivations for their (over)reaction to a bodyswap, more just taken by surprise and awkward, since as far as they're consciously aware it wasn't about race.
There are more factors involved/more information I could provide, but this is already quite long, and I'm not sure if it's something you'd be interested in commenting on at all or getting into in the first place. There is another element at play that adds important context, and I could send another (much shorter) ask detailing it, but if it's not really something you're interested in getting into that much, if at all, then that's all good. Thank you, really appreciate your blog. <3
I had to think about this one for a bit, bc it made me uncomfortable. Not you, but the scenario itself. I'm gonna try my best to explain why.
So first, I'm sure you've seen Get Out ? Or at least heard of it? You sound worried about your white character "being more upset" with the switch, and I wanna know what he's going through bc frankly I'm far more horrified for your Black one 😅 now I'm assuming this scenario isn't as... horror movie as Get Out , but what you gotta understand is that some white person simply white-personing in my Black body could at worse get me killed. There's an entire other set of societal rules that I have to play by, that someone white in my physical body simply would not be able to do upon the switch without prior awareness and practice. The thought truly like... upsets me �� So it's definitely important that they have that conversation!! It is not in any way shape or form dismissible!
That segues into my next point, which is: how good/safe is their friendship really, if they've never had a discussion about race? Because you say they were never consciously aware of it being about it. I've asked this question before and upset a few people, but it really is worth asking yourselves. How many of your Black peers have actually had deeper conversations about this topic with you- have they brought it up, what about, how was your response? Because if your characters haven't discussed race after "quite some time" of friendship, there's always been a certain barrier between them. A line that they didn't cross. So if they haven't had that conversation before, it's damn sure gonna come up during a body switch with a white person, and they would see a more honest, direct side of their Black peer that they've not seen.
You said that they'd accept the feedback, so... Idk. I don't know how to describe to you in life "what would be said", so much as that if it goes well and not defensively, your relationship is now more trustworthy bc we recognize you See Us, you See the difference in how our existences are affected despite our shared interests and space. I feel far safer around a white friend I can openly discuss race with. So if you want to make this conversation "easier", they need to already have that level of relationship. The white character can't be "shocked" that the Black character pointed something out to him, the Black character shouldn't have to quietly suspect- they should be close enough to say "hey dude, it looks like you're being racist".
Like unless this occurrence is happening in a universe where race "doesn't matter", it's going to matter EXTREMELY. Even if they're young and don't quite have the language, the world around them will react to their behavior. it might even be worth a plotline in and of itself, a challenge to their relationship bc if you can't even take care of my Black body, if you think you're gonna put me in danger... Nah. That's violating.
This might have been a lot, it's just the question got me thinking. I hope it helped.
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catiecat1320 · 2 days
Very proud to announce that I am participating in the Sonic the Hedgehog Big Bang (@sthbigbang)!!
Thank you to my wonderful artists, @lofithetanuki, @therealsinnohdawn, and @sleepingcircus; as well as a thank you to my beta reader @thesummoners!! I <3 you all!!
Shadow has never been the kind to think of himself as special. Aside from a talent for music, he’s just your typical guy. Nothing more, nothing less.
That is, until he meets Sonic. Until something about the unremarkable him catches the eye of the world famous solo dancer. Until he’s offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with a legend. 
There’s so much more to the star than he could have ever imagined. There’s so much more to himself that he never knew. And there’s so much more between them that blooms in the time they spend with each other, beautiful, foreign, and absolutely hectic.
Standing in the face of chaos, the only logical step is to find a rhythm to dance to.
Chapter 1 Below 🔽
“And… I think that’s all I have planned for today,” Shadow announced, idly stretching before gently lowering the piano lid. “10 minutes of an early end. Nice job, Cream, as always.”
His protege beamed, her wide grin proudly displaying the gap of a missing tooth. He chuckled as she tapped out a happy little jingle on the piano in celebration, the sound reverberating throughout the pastel room.
Mere moments later, a soft knock sounded, and Cream hurried to let her mom in. 
“Are you finished your lesson?” Vanilla asked, carefully closing the door behind her.
“Yeah!” The bunny exclaimed, “how’d you know?”
Her mother patted Cream’s head, though her attention seemed to be elsewhere. “Well, sweetheart, you always play that tune when you’re done.” She then turned to Shadow, bowing her head slightly as if she were apologetic. “May I have a word with you?”
He nodded, curiosity perking in his ears as he shifted his shirt collar. “Of course, Mrs. Vanilla.”
“Please, just Vanilla is fine,” she remarked, smiling at his formality. She seemed nervous, he noticed, tense. “I need a favor. I’ve already scheduled Cream’s next lesson, as you know, but yesterday she… Cream, why don’t you share the news? You’re practically bouncing off the walls.”
Her mother’s comment was definitely accurate— if felt as if one little tap would send the bunny zipping around the room. “I won a dance competition! And they gave me tickets to see Mr. Sonic!” Cream piped, vibrating with excitement. Shadow pretended to know who she was talking about as the gears turned in his head.
“That’s… great. I’m so proud of you,” he picked her up in a congratulatory hug before turning his attention back to her mother. “I’m assuming that this event coincides with the lesson? If so, canceling it is no problem.”
“Mr. Shadow, Mother has an appointment when it happens,” Cream interjected, grasping his hand before he could fully let her go, as if by some magical power, her thoughts would translate through the touch. Vanilla only nodded, allowing her daughter to lead.
“Oh, you want me to take you, don’t you,” the hedgehog realized, his response laced with teasing undertones. “And if I don’t?”
“Pretty please?” Cream locked gazes with him, face morphed into a painting innocent and pleading. Caramel eyes grew big and glistening, a deep pool that threatened to drown him should he decline. Shadow twitched involuntarily at the display. 
“Don’t give me that face. I’m just joking— of course I’ll take you,” the tutor breathed, and that seemed to satisfy the bunny enough for her to tuck away the act for another day.
Vanilla breathed a sigh of relief, squeezing her daughter’s shoulder in silent acknowledgement of her effective (although slightly questionable) communication skills. “Thank you so much, Shadow.”
“No problem at all.”
Cream’s little hand wrapped around Shadow’s fingers, gloved in protection against the chilly February air. The kid skipped along the line, dragging her chaperone with her, hyperactive from the sugar in the donuts he should not have bought her.
That pleading act was just too convincing…
The auditorium was crowded with fans young and old, most settled down in their places a long time ago. Although it was expected with how late they were in the acceptable entry frame, it posed a problem as the pair awkwardly scooted past the legs of the already seated, many scoffing in annoyance as he waved in apology.
Somehow, they made it to their spot before Cream exploded from anticipation, and soon the overhead lights went dim, shushing the audience. Different lights switched on, one after another, highlighting the stage in all kinds of pretty colors that seemed to captivate everyone but Shadow.
He really should have found out what this show was about beforehand, huh? Sorely regretting putting off the task in favor of an unnecessary house cleaning, he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. That blinding rainbow cascade was going to give him a headache. Glancing at Cream to make sure she hadn’t bounced out of her seat, he reached over to take her already shed jacket before working at his own. The building was heated quite nicely, so he folded them neatly and put them aside for the time being.
By the time he was done, a soft melody had already begun playing— violin, Shadow recognized, partnered with a quiet piano. The song was unfamiliar to him, but having grown up in a world of music, he’d developed a deep understanding of it, and having that knowledge helped him relax. His fingers flitted upon an imaginary instrument, picking apart the tune as the sounds filtered through his mind. 
Beside him, he felt Cream go completely still, a sharp contrast to the excited jumble she had been seconds ago. In fact, it felt like the whole room was holding its breath. A little suffocating, in all honesty, but he followed the general example and looked up.
Just in time. Right then, a lithe figure sprang onto center stage, striking a deeply bowed pose in time with a dramatic thrum. All eyes focused on him at once, everyone shifting forward in unison as if connected by one single mind. Shadow just squinted, unimpressed.
A blue hedgehog, dressed up all prim and pretty in something that seemed like it would be awkward to wear, he assumed that the dancer was the “Mr. Sonic” Cream had been so ecstatic to see. As multicolored lights swirled around them, Shadow couldn’t deny that there was a certain air of elegance to them that almost seemed magical. Yet he could not understand what the big deal was.
That is, until Sonic moved, along with a sharp crescendo in the melody, gracefully gliding across the stage akin to a figure skater— there seemed to be no hindrance, no friction, as if he didn’t touch the ground at all. Their eyes were closed as he twisted and twirled, complete confidence that their steps would land and they would be beautiful. 
For once in his life, Shadow didn’t pay attention to the music.
Suddenly they flipped, once, twice, much to the audience’s delight as everyone surged forward in their seats. And even as the dancer landed at the edge of the stage, they never once looked. Never once feared falling, as they maneuvered the border like a tightrope walker, delicately making their way around.
It wasn’t a specific style of dance they were doing, at least, not to his limited knowledge of the art. They were just moving. Yet there was a story hidden behind it all, one that was told without the use of words, but still communicated so clearly that Shadow could understand everything, could feel everything.
It was like magic.
At last Sonic came to a stop, once again at center stage, and dropped into a bow. A beat of silence resounded before the audience cheered, exploding with thunderous claps and shrill whistles. Beside Shadow, Cream grabbed his hand, exclaiming something he could not hear. He could only nod in response, which only kicked off more of the one-sided conversation that he sorely hoped was not important.
On stage, the blue hedgehog shouted something he barely missed, and Cream excitedly tugged at his sleeve. Sonic flashed a bright smile that gleamed in the stoplights, and Shadow swore several people swooned as sparkling emerald eyes passed over them. 
Someone who had gotten up to leave obstructed his view for only a moment… but when they made their way out of the row, he found himself locking gazes with the dancer.
It felt like someone was staring straight into his soul, yet it wasn’t a cold feeling. More warm, like a fire, swirling in his gut. 
Shadow could not, for the life of him, get his body to move.
Sonic winked at him, saluting to the general crowd before disappearing backstage. As he and Cream were caught in the mass of people moving out, he gripped their things tightly in one hand and held on to the bunny with the other, unable to do anything but wonder, what was that?
As he found out much too late, Cream had neglected to tell Shadow that they were invited to the Meet & Greet after the show. He figured that was what’d slipped past him among the chaos. Keeping a vise grip on the bunny’s wrist, he followed the rest of the lucky few to a different room. 
It was quieter here than in the auditorium, and much more well lit. He assumed that this was originally a practice room of sorts, repurposed for this mini event. As they filed in a line to spend a few moments with the dancer, Shadow took the opportunity to text Vanilla about the change of plans. Easier said than done, because Cream had reverted to a bouncing ball of energy, and she took every chance to yank him forward in line, startling him every time.
Somehow, he managed to send a less-than-refined message to Vanilla without dropping his phone. But before he even had the time to look up, Cream tore herself from his grasp with a squeak. “Mr. Sonic!” 
“Heya, kiddo,” her idol replied with a grin, patting her head gently. She beamed, introducing herself excitedly, her pitched voice making it hard to decipher her swift speaking. But Sonic seemed to have no problem, answering all her rapid-fire questions like they planned specifically for this moment. 
Shadow let them have their time, picking up the things that had fallen from his arms when Cream had so abruptly pulled away. It was cute, really, the way the two interacted as if they were old friends. The dancer was making a very exaggerated motion to accompany the story that they— he, as per the pronouns displayed on his poster— was telling, his one person audience very engrossed.
Eventually Cream settled down long enough to take a picture, which was then printed and signed for her with a wink. But before they left and let someone else take their turn, Sonic got to one knee and whispered something to Cream that made her face light up like a firework. She somehow yelled and whispered at the same time. “Really?!”
“Would I lie to you?” The dancer grinned, much to Cream’s elation. Shadow sighed softly— he had no idea that she could get more excited than she already was. If this kept going… well, Vanilla was in for a very long night.
He hadn’t realized he was zoning off again until he felt a tug on his sleeve. Cream stared at him with expectant eyes, then cocked her head in Sonic’s direction. 
Shoot. Shadow looked up to see the dancer wearing a lopsided smile. Once he realized that he had the other’s attention, Sonic clapped his hands together. “So! How’d you enjoy the show…?” 
“Mr. Shadow,” Cream helpfully chimed, to which her idol nodded in thanks.
Said hedgehog rubbed his arm nervously, unsure how to respond. He settled for a shrug. “It was okay.”
Emerald eyes sparkled knowingly, although their owner seemed to have a great poker face. “Well, take care of little Cream here,” he patted her shoulder, to which she perked, again, “she’s got lots of potential.”
“Mhm.” That he knew. Who better than her teacher to assess her skill? Sonic’s brow furrowed ever so slightly, indicating the want for something more. Panic began mottling in Shadow’s stomach. Sue him, it was nerve-racking for a famous person to stare you down when you’re already bad at social interaction. What did he need…?
Both people in the room were staring at him now, the awkward silence doing nothing to help his nerves. On instinct, he shifted all his things to one arm and reached out for a handshake— something he found both polite and a good way to end conversations— with a “It was nice meeting you,” for good measure. However, Sonic took it in an entirely different way than he intended.
Soft lips, rosy from the previous exertion, pressed against the back of Shadow’s hand as emerald eyes stared teasingly into his own. Heat flooded tan cheeks instantly, and he clamped his jaw shut before it could fall open. Dimly registering a giggle from Cream, he was much too caught up in the fact that Sonic was kissing him.
Who the hell did that anymore?
Sonic straightened once more, the moment over as fast as it began. Yet somehow it felt as if hours had passed. The dancer was either oblivious to Shadow’s mental meltdown or he just didn’t care, bouncing on the balls of his feet like there was nothing wrong as he winked, giving a mock salute similar to the one he’d left the audience with. “It was nice to meet you too, Shadow. ‘Til we meet again!”
Shadow made a sound like he was being strangled, only serving to deepen his embarrassment along with the furious bloom of blush on his face. Somehow, he managed to keep a grip on everything tucked under his arm, despite it going slack in shock.
Before he could properly process everything, or even save himself some face, he and Cream were already outside, Shadow fumbling with his keys as he tried to get a hold on the one for his motorcycle.
Sometime in the building, amongst his memory lapse, they’d both put on their coats, leaving the bunny with one arm hooked around her chaperone’s. She was staring, caramel eyes worried. “Are you okay, Mr. Shadow?”
“Yes. Now hop on, your mother’s waiting.”
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e-dubbc11 · 2 days
i just realized that i had my asks for the summer sleepover ready but i didnt send them...ya know, like an idiot 🫠
I’ll deal with him.
He won't hurt you again, I promise.
but not with reader...with sweetest pain's very own teenage!anna 😭😭😭 i just really need protective dad!billy 🥹
Hello my darling friend! ♥️
This was such a fun ask so thank you for sending it in and for participating in my summer sleepover. I know how much you love this series and this little family so I really hope you like what I did here.
Always Her Hero
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader and Teenager! Anna Raven
Warnings: Swear words, fluff, protective Dad! Billy
Word Count: 2.5K-ish
Summary: At 16, Anna Raven gets her first boyfriend. Her parents have a bit of a hard time watching her grow up.
A/N: I hope it’s ok I told this from Billy’s POV. Part of The Sweetest Pain Series, read the rest of the collection HERE
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Don’t you give me that look, Billy Russo. I saw you squeeze that kid’s hand tighter than you should have when you shook it. He’s 16, baby.” She said after watching your daughter leave on her first date.
Her arms were folded protectively across her chest and she glared at you playfully with narrowed eyes and a tight jaw, trying to look intimidating but she just managed to look adorable and beautiful as always.
Even after all these years and two kids later, she’s still such a little firecracker, and still just as stunning as the first day you saw her. She wandered into your tattoo shop wanting to get a sleeve done and the rest is history.
Well, it didn’t happen that quickly. It took a long time to express how you really felt about her but luckily for you, she felt the same way.
You made her your wife and she gave you everything you had ever wanted including two great kids. Your oldest, Anna Raven, was the perfect combination of you and y/n from her looks down to her ambition and strength.
And your son, Dylan, well, let’s just say he’s more like you in ways you hoped he would have been more like his mother.
“Where were they going again?” You asked.
Y/n moved a stray hair away from your face that had tumbled into your eyes and then brushed your beard with her thumbs. She gave you a warm smile and pressed her lips gently to yours. She always knew how to ease your tension.
“They were going to drive go-karts, my love. He said he would have her home by 10:30, sharp.” She said and then paused. “Billy, I know this isn’t easy for you. Hell, it’s not easy for me either; she’s our baby…our Little Raven. But we can’t stop her from growing up.”
Anna may have your eye color but the shape of her eyes were her mother’s and they were kind just like hers.
But you were a teenage boy once, you knew how they operated, and didn’t even have a real relationship until you fell in love with y/n. You just wanted to protect your little girl.
Until now, you have always been around to protect Anna from any harm. When she was learning to walk, you tried to prevent her from hitting her head, tripping on anything, or falling. But she wasn’t a toddler anymore and you couldn’t follow her around forever.
“I know, sweet girl. I’m just…still getting used to it.” You said, sheepishly.
She took your hand in hers, smiled again and said, “Come on, soldier. I think I have a piece of chocolate in the kitchen with your name on it. We can mourn our little girl growing up together.”
That night you sat on the couch with your wife looking at pictures of Little Raven from when she was a baby and all the way up until now.
“Remember this day, baby?” You asked.
You were holding up a picture of Little Raven doing her first tattoo. She tattooed her name on your leg and y/n lost her mind when she came into the studio to pick Anna up and found her with a tattoo pen in her hand.
“I still can’t believe you let her do that, Billy. Good thing you didn’t get caught!” Said y/n. “She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face too. ‘I’m tattooing, Daddy! Look Mommy!’” She said with a smile.
You brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Ah, we weren’t open yet for the day anyway.” You told her.
“Both of you…little sneaks.” She said.
All of a sudden, you heard a car door close out front in the driveway. Closing the photo album, you absentmindedly tossed it onto your wife’s lap and crept over to the front door.
“Billy Russo, don’t you dare spy on our daughter’s first date!” She whisper yelled at you. “She’s gonna catch you and when she does, you’re gonna feel the wrath of your own temper from our child.”
She wasn’t wrong. Anna did have your temper.
The entryway into your house was dark but the outside light was on so you could see both of them awkwardly standing on the steps, trying to figure out what to say next, and that’s when he leaned in and kissed her.
As hard as you tried to keep from clenching your fists and your teeth, you couldn’t do it. You even thought you had a cause to get mad because she got home later than her curfew but that wasn’t the case either.
It was 10:25.
The kid even brought her back home early…shit.
You had drifted away for a minute and snapped back to now when you heard a key in the door. It’s a good thing you had long legs because it only took you a few strides to make it back to the living room before Anna walked in.
“Mom? Dad?” Anna called out.
“We’re in the living room, baby.” Said y/n. “Sooooo, how was your date?”
Little Raven rolled her eyes at her mother. “It was fine, Mom. Jake’s a nice guy.”
“You had a good time then, Miss?” You asked.
Anna dropped her shoulders and rolled her eyes again.
“Yes, Dad. I had a good time.” Said Anna, looking at the photo album cover. “What are you guys doing with the photo album?”
You exchanged a look with your wife, knowing Anna hated when the two of you would make jokes, you decided to mess with her a little bit.
“Oh Mom and I were trying to decide which picture to show Jake the next time he comes over. Which one do you like better? This one of you in the bath? Or this one of you crying after we washed your ‘tattoo sleeve’ off?” You said, holding up the two photos side by side.
“Don’t you dare, Dad!” Yelled Anna.
You laughed with y/n while Little Raven scoffed and walked upstairs to go to bed.
“G’night Mom, g’night Dad…Love you.” She said on her way up to her room.
With your wife still sitting on the couch, you leaned over and touched your forehead to hers. She raked her nails against your scalp, smiled against your lips, and whispered, “I love you.”
You smiled back and replied, “I love you too, beautiful.”
8 Weeks Later
“Yeah? And how long have you been seeing this JAKE, Little Raven?” Asked Frankie.
He was Anna’s godfather and at times he could be even more overprotective than you or y/n. Even he was having a hard time accepting that she was getting older, she didn’t mind that he still called her “Little Raven.”
“It’s just been a couple of months, Uncle Frankie. Do you have to give me the third degree? Mom and Dad do that enough.” She grumbled.
You hated to admit it but Anna reminded you a lot of yourself when she made certain grouchy facial expressions. You’ll have to remember that for the next time you’re being a grouch to y/n.
“Are you seeing him tonight?” He asked.
Anna shook her head. “Not tonight. I’m goin’ to dinner and the movies with Sofie and Hannah.”
“Alright, well have fun, kid. I wouldn’t say no to you bringing me your leftover popcorn.” Said Frankie.
Anna smiled and replied, “You know there’s never any leftover popcorn. I’m a closer, Uncle Frankie.”
Everyone laughed, she waved goodbye and you felt a little relieved that she was going out with her friends tonight, instead of her boyfriend. It worried you a lot less.
Around 8:30, while you and y/n were enjoying after dinner drinks in the living room with Frankie and Maria, you heard keys in the door.
You knew Dylan was upstairs playing video games and Anna was supposed to be at the movies with her friends, so it surprised you to see Anna storm through the front door, walk right past her mother, and head directly upstairs to her room without saying a word.
“Anna?” She called out.
Everyone heard her door slam and it got really quiet, really quickly.
Y/n called to you, “Billy…” And she motioned for you to follow her up the stairs.
“Be right back, you guys.” You said to Frank and Maria.
Standing outside Anna’s door, you remembered when you had moved into the house. It wasn’t long after Dylan was born.
One of the first things you did before moving in was paint Anna’s name on her bedroom door. She was so excited to see it and she loved it so much. Even though she was a teenager now, she never wanted to paint over it which made you smile.
“Stay here for a minute.” Y/n said to you as she gently knocked on the door. “Anna? Baby? You ok?”
After she walked into Anna’s room, she left the door open a crack so you could see and hear what was going on. Through the crack in the door, you could see that Anna was face down on her bed and hear her sobbing into her pillows.
You didn’t even know who or what made Anna cry like that but you became breathless with anger and your muscles suddenly stiffened while you tried to find the restraint not to rage punch the wall.
“What happened, honey?” Her mother asked.
Anna fought to regain control of her tears but it was still hard to get the words out.
“He was there, Mom…at the movies! And he was kissing another girl!” Sobbed Anna. “And when I confronted him, he said the dumbest thing possible. ‘Oh I didn’t know you were gonna be here.’ OBVIOUSLY!! So I kicked him in the nuts and told my friends I wanted to go home.”
You were furious and proud at the same time. She’s a firecracker too just like her mother. Anna let her mom comfort and soothe her by stroking her beautiful dark hair that was just like yours, telling her it’s ok, and what an asshole he is.
Even she was proud of her for kicking him in the beans because she told Anna that it’s something she would have done.
As Anna was being comforted by her mother, the doorbell rang. Frank answered and called upstairs to say that Jake was there.
You walked into your daughter’s room but instead of seeing Anna’s sweet teenage face, all you could see was a teary eyed three-year-old Anna Raven when she had skinned her knee or fell face first into a snow pile…it was at a time when all she needed to feel better was a kiss on the tip of her nose but it wasn’t that simple this time.
“Dad?” She asked.
You kissed her on the tip of her nose and replied, “I’ll deal with him. He won’t hurt you again, I promise.”
You turned to head downstairs before y/n stopped you in the hallway.
“BILLY! What are you gonna do, baby? You know you can’t kill him because believe me, I want you to.” She said.
You captured her lips in a passionate kiss; she was taken completely by surprise but quickly melted into your arms and you felt the tension in her body ease just a little bit.
“I know I can’t kill him but it doesn’t mean I can’t scare the crap outta him, right sweet girl?” You said with a smile and a wink.
She bit back a smile, shook her head, and walked back into Anna’s room while you headed downstairs. You received a video text from Anna before you reached the bottom of the stairs that made you laugh. You’ll definitely be showing that to others.
Jake, looking frantic, was waiting at the bottom, pacing back and forth in front of the door.
“Mr. Russo, do you think I could just talk to Anna for like a minute, please?” He asked.
“Walk with me outside for a minute…Jake.” You said softly but in a bitter tone.
The two of you started to walk away from the house and into the front yard.
“Did Anna ever tell you what I used to do in the marines?” You asked through gritted teeth.
Anxiously, Jake shook his head back and forth. “N-no s-sir, she didn’t.”
A wide Cheshire Cat smile stretched across your lips as you replied, “She didn’t huh?” You paused and started to rub your hands together. “Well, it may have a more profound effect coming from me anyway. Ya see, I was what they called a Scout Sniper, my file said I had 134 confirmed kills. So unless you wanna make it 135, I suggest you leave my daughter alone and never contact her again or else she will send this video to the entire school.”
You put your arm around Jake, pulled out your phone and pushed play on the video Anna had sent you. One of Anna’s friends had recorded her kicking Jake in the nuts and then zoomed in on his tear stained cheeks as he cried out in pain in the middle of a crowded movie theater lobby.
In barely more than a whisper, you heard Jake mumble “Oh fuck…”
Still with a devilish smile on your face, you said firmly, “Now get off my property and I never wanna see you near my daughter ever again, not that she’d ever let you anyway.”
You watched Jake run to his car and not look back as he drove away as fast as he possibly could. It was pure joy that you felt in the pit of your stomach knowing you scared the shit out of some poor 16-year-old kid that broke your daughter’s heart.
As you stepped inside the house, you could hear everyone talking and laughing. Anna had emerged from her room and was showing Frankie the video. It was almost as if nothing ever happened and Anna was smiling again which is the only thing you wanted.
Your wife crept up behind you and you always said the same thing to her, every time she did.
“You know you can’t sneak up on me, sweet girl.”
She replied, “I know, baby. I just like lookin’ at you from behind.”
You heard Anna groan. “Ewwwww, Mommmmmm-uh!”
That made you laugh.
Anna crashed into you and wrapped her arms around your torso. She said, “Thank you, Dad. You’re my hero. Love you.”
Hugging her back, you replied, “You’re welcome, baby girl. Love you too.”
Anna Raven was definitely your little girl. She was resilient, she’s always been that way, and you knew she always would be. She would try over and over again to get the outcome that she wanted.
You recognized the perfectionism trait you had passed down to her but also noticed the compassion and big heart she had that came from her mother.
Anna learned self-reliance; she had started to need you for less and less and you missed the days when she came to you for every little thing because she couldn’t do it herself. She had to learn to save herself if you weren’t around but you would be there if she ever fell.
And no matter how old she gets, she will still need you some of the time, she will always be your little girl, and you will always be her hero.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @snowkestrel @music-indie-tv @kayhi808 @fictional-hooman @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @aoi-targaryen @rachlovesactors
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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pinksobg · 2 days
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hello! thank you guys so much for all the support, kindness, beautiful messages and 200+ very lovely followers! 🌷💌💞
for a celebration 🎉 we will have a mini event yay :D
it will be 10 personal readings with one question each! 💞
How to participate:
Follow me
Like and reblog this post
Send an ask with your question, initials or how can I call you (can be a nickname) + a song recommendation or telling what reading of mine was your favorite 🤗💞💌
Status: closed for the moment. thank you all very much!
More information:
Anon asks, following the event rules, are welcome too! 🎀
I can send your reading in private if you feel more comfortable with that. For that case, please specify in your ask. You can write something like "Private". So I can know you would prefer this way. 🤗 and I will send your reading through private messages here on tumblr.
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inkly-heart · 1 month
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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5qui99l3draws · 6 months
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one fairysona with a pigeon friend for @pfandghoul!
commission info here
bonus thumbnails because they're cute:
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fluxweeed · 30 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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despairforme · 4 months
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He's swiping right on literally everyone now. Fuck it. He's gonna find a date.
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lloydfrontera · 14 days
I think what annoys me the most about fans assassinating Arcos' character in order to woobify og!Lloyd is that, if you squint, there is a reasonable in text reason why og!Lloyd grew up to be such a shithead.
In the earlier chapters, the novel states 2 things. 1) That in TKOBAI after the Fronteras lost their land, they had to move in with an unnamed aquaintance. An aquainance that would go on to exploit Marbella's labor to the point of almost killing her. Which raises the question, do none of the Frontera's have any friends at all? Why wouldn't they take them in when an aquaintance would? And 2) That Arcos says that Lloyd squandered the money Arcos gave him with the "scoundrels you used to get on with." Arcos only gave him that money 2 years before Suho took over his body. And yet we never see nor hear from og!Lloyds "friends" at any point in the entire novel.
So what I think happened is that og!Lloyd, while naturally being prone to selfishness, addiction, and rowdiness, was not doomed to become the abusive bastard we see in canon. Instead he grew up as the most priveliged child in the middle of nowhere. The only other kids his age were probably commoners, so they were inaccessable due to the class devide. (Whether this was enforced by society or og!Lloyd himself, it could go either way). Julian was too young to make a good friend. And as everyone has speculated, he probably saw Javier as a direct threat to his place in the family.
So take this lonely and socially isolated boy, and give him friends that are the absolute worst influence on him. We've seen from Diego that falling in with the wrong crowd can turn even a nice kid into an absolute prick, so if this happened to og!Lloyd then I wouldn't be suprised.
I also think that his "friends" ditched him as soon as the Frontera's fell into debt. Which led to og!Lloyd doubling down on all of his worst tendancies, drinking more, getting more violent. Which is why Arcos' is only now having Javier babysit him, until the Suho wakes up in Lloyd's body.
Now in universe, this is probably because the original author of TKOBAI didn't bother to detail any meaningful relationships for the extras who die in the first couple chapers of the book. But now that these extras have become real people (in TGED), that lack of connection the Frontera's have with anyone outside their immediate family looks really depressing.
og lloyd has been ruined enough for me that i'm happy to believe he's just a shithead because... that's just how he was. no deeper explanation. some people are just shitty and there's no real reason for it.
but yeah! this is a pretty plausible reason! very supported by canon! i like it!
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takami-takami · 1 month
Hi! Feel free to ignore if you don't want to get into it, but I've been feeling a little anxious just wanted to ask directly.
If i write smut for aged-up characters would you rather i not interact with you at all? I of course wouldnt send you asks about it/etc., but i was unsure how far the boundary extends and would hate to make you uncomfy!!
(And no matter the answer, thank you for always being such a compassionate and caring presence!! We're all so happy and grateful you're here)
I think being in the BNHA fandom and all, this definitely is a topic that is unavoidable to talk about so I appreciate you bringing it up!
Aged-up personally makes me uncomfortable— but that doesn't mean I have a vested interest in anything other than curating my own space outside of it. Meaning, when I see aged-up stuff I scroll and I do not permit it via asks or dms in any circumstance, and will never write it. It is okay if you follow/interact
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roselise · 10 months
Hello, my friends! I hope that you're doing well & taking care ♡
This is just something I feel needs to be said:
I apologize for how long people have had to wait for me to get back to asks & stuff!
Since I treat people so warm & welcoming I think it's assumed I'm outgoing and social
And when I say I'm shy I'm just saying things
Not at all! I'm actually extremely introverted & keep to myself most of the time. Being social makes me nervous
I believe in kindness though. A friendly world with people who care about & consider one another is where I'd like to live ♡
So I try hard to get over my shyness & show as much love to everyone here as I can c:
And honestly, I enjoy seeing & hearing from new people! I'm really happy for all the kind hearts who reach out :D
It’s just often a lot for one as timid as I am :’)
So I’m sure it seems like you’re being ignored, but as long as you're courteous (and *not* inappropriate! As my blog states no adult content) I'll get back to you!
It might take a while, but all I ask is a bit of patience, please ♡
Sending hugs, hearts, & much happiness to my sweet friends! Thank you very much for all the love & I wish you the nicest day ~ ! 🤍 ⊹ ✿ 。⁺ ♡₊ ࣪⋆ 🌼 XOXO
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
Thinking about the orange/golden fireworks that symbolize Mobius in s1e3 and the green fireworks that represent Frigga when Loki was talking about how much she believed in him, just like Mobius does. Also thinking about Loki's golden ornate dagger that Kid Loki hands him in s1e5, the same dagger that's deliberately in every close up of Mobius during their hug, that erupts into a flaming dagger after Mobius specifically says “thanks for the spark,” about how he carries the golden dagger with him throughout s1e6 (only when he drops it does sylvie betray him, AND there is intentionally NO DAGGER during the betrayal kiss, deliberately showing the emptiness of the harness) and how Loki's throne is golden and how Mobius has a heart of gold. Thinking about how, for Loki, “love is a dagger” and the tva's symbol is a golden dagger (symbol of Mobius’ and Loki's love for each other) impaling a Mobius strip, aka an infinity symbol (Loki and Mobius’ love being infinite, endless, for all time) with two eyes staring ahead (Loki watching over Mobius on the sacred timeline). LOVE IS A DAGGER. 🗡🔥⏳
(idk if you take requests, and if you don't that's perfectly fine, but i'd LOVE to see a gifset for these connections someday!! your gifsets are just so beautiful, i couldn't resist requesting!)
Thinking you and I are thinking on the same wavelength anon! 😅💖
Asks like this make me so happy because stopping to pick up on all the details and parallels of their relationship is unbelievable, it's why I sometimes end up summarizing every scene they've shared throughout both seasons in replies because they really didn't waste a second showing how the impact of knowing each other is this giant ripple effect on every aspect of their lives from that moment on?? Never seen a ship portrayed in such a way where both parties somehow manage to gravitate around each other even when they're not physically together, it's just a natural, unspoken fact their presence has essentially become the grounding force of every move and decision they make from that point forward and I can't imagine finding anything more romantic in a piece of media for as long as I live.
(Also LOVE IS A DAGGER 🗡🔥⏳ because of course it is and Loki is such a dork I know he'd probably think of that phrase at least ten times a day trying to come up with a smoother way of explaining it to Mobius 😂)
I absolutely do take requests for anything and everything Owen related to the best of my ability and it was a pleasure to get yours, the finished set is right here and I certainly hope it's even slightly close to what you imagined or wanted 🥰
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allylikethecat · 6 months
hellooooo ally!! i have officially read it’s christmas (so this is gonna be a nightmare) twice lucky me!!! what a treat!!! i have so many thoughts and feelings about the fic you don’t understand how much i love the trope/concept of fic!matty not being liked or accepted by people outside the band because of his “quirks” (serious and personal mental health/ addiction issues) because it’s just so unfair. perfect angst and also very realistic???? being written off as Bad News because he experiences hardships that are more scary and extreme than most people?? so wonderfully devastating and very real.
you aren’t allowed to apologise for the fic not being finished. you’ve done it to every other ask but i’m putting my foot down. no apology please!!! releasing it in parts just builds suspense anyways i love it.
now for the clumsy partner prompts!!! thankyou sooooo much for reblogging the list i feel very blessed. i’d like to request gatty 15, 16, 17 and 18 (they are all pretty similar so you could maybe combine some in one blurb? but obviously im not telling you how to write do whatever calls to you i just feel bad for requesting so many at once😅)
as always have a lovely rest of your day and i’m really looking forward to whatever you post next!!! love ya😇🩷
Hello! Thank you so, so, so much for reading the first bit of the Christmas fic not only once but TWICE! I hope it's lived up to the hype even if it's not finished yet. Poor Fictional!Matty just wants his future in laws to like him, because he's not the same person he was when he was in his early twenties, he's worked on himself and deserves to be given a chance! Also I will not apologize for the fic not being finished by Christmas as requested even though I am sorry that I didn't finish it - it will hopefully be finished by the end of January at the latest!
Also!! thank you so much for not only suggesting the clumsy partner prompts to me, but also sending in this prompt request! I wanted to challenge myself a little bit, so I actually (I think!) managed to weave all four of them into one fill! Let me know what you think! If this wasn't what you were looking for, let me know and I will rewrite them! (If anyone else wants to send in any prompts, the list can be found HERE)
Thank you so much for reading and sending in this ask and for always just being so lovely and wonderful and supportive! I'm so sorry that it's taken me a minute to get to some of your other prompt requests as well! I hope you enjoy this one though and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Thank you again!!
15. “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble, really.”
“Shhh, stop it. You're no trouble at all, zero.”
16. Their partner sometimes feeling that their clumsy tendencies ruin everything and them, actually finding it endearing. They are sure to let their partner know they love it.
17.  “Oh, I don’t want to mess it up.”
“You won’t mess it up, go on and give it a try.”
18. Makes it clear to their partner and anyone on the outside that just because they’re worried, doesn’t mean that their partner needs them or depends on them. It’s simply their partner allowing them to do the things that make them comfortable because they’re always worrying.
Matty knew he wasn’t the most coordinated person on the face of the Earth. He was always tripping over his feet, his head in the clouds as he bumped into things and other people, stumbling over curbs and spilling cups of coffee. George always had bandages in his backpack, and an extra Matty-sized shirt for when an inevitable incident occurred. His knees were permanently bruised and his palms forever scrapped. Despite George’s endless patience, and “I’ll kiss it betters” Matty wanted to die each time they were late for a meeting because Matty ate it in the parking lot. 
He had been horrible at sports as a child, his limbs never seeming to want to move the way he directed them, despite not being very large he felt like he had never properly grown into his body and developed the spacial awareness and grace that George seemed to carry. He had tried yoga but just grew frustrated at the disconnect he felt from his physical form and had quickly given up, citing some bullshit about not subscribing to George’s crunchy granola agenda. They both knew he was spouting nonsense. 
Thanks to Matty, they were going to be twenty minutes late to their first fully staged rehearsal for the new tour. Matty was so careful focusing on his footfalls, holding his Starbucks cup away from his body so it wouldn’t splash onto his white tee shirt. He wasn’t even wearing his airpods, he was making sure he was aware of his surroundings George until he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. He managed to not only spill his coffee down his entire front, but bang his elbow on the cement so that it was now bleeding sluggishly. Matty sat on his ass in a puddle of coffee trying to comprehend what just happened while George looked on in mild horror.
“Are you alright?” George asked softly, voice thick with concern as he helped pull Matty to his feet, careful of his bleeding elbow, scarlet splatter bright against the white coffee stained fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m fine,” Matty said, his lower lip wobbling in frustration. He wanted to pull away from George’s grasp but wasn’t sure his shaking knees would support him on his own. His elbow stung and he wanted to cry in frustration. If he couldn’t walk down the street, how was he ever supposed to handle thirty nine North American tour dates? 
Today was supposed to be a good day, Matty thought hysterically, an important day, and as per usual not only were they late, it was his fault.
“Hey,” said George, tugging Matty into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Let’s go get you patched up, I think I have an extra shirt in my bag.”
Because of course he had an extra shirt, because he knew that Matty couldn’t be expected to walk normally like an adult without spilling something. Matty should have woken up earlier and drank his coffee at home, sitting safely at the kitchen table. George led him through the doors of  the venue they were renting for rehearsal space, flashing their credentials to the security guard and following the signs in the hallway to lead him straight to the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry,” said Matty, his voice wet, fuck he really was about to start crying, as George helped him sit up on the lip of the sink so that he could clean his elbow with a damp brown paper towel. “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble, really.”
“Shhh, stop it.” said George, pulling away so that he could look Matty in the eyes. “You're no trouble at all, zero.” 
“But I’m always tripping over myself and ruining things,” Matty said with a sniffle. 
George threw the paper towel away and pulled a box of bandages and a small tube of antibiotic ointment out of his backpack. He dabbed the ointment gently against Matty’s scraped skin with a careful kindness that made Matty’s heart hurt. He didn’t deserve George. 
“It’s kind of cute,” George said quietly, after a moment, Matty swallowing a hiss of pain as the scrap stung. “Like obviously, I don’t like it when you get hurt, it makes me quite nervous actually, but you’re cute, like a baby deer discovering they have legs for the first time.” 
“A baby deer?” Matty asked, raising his eyebrow amongst the pain, his eyes still wet even as he tried to force a smile. 
“The cutest baby deer,” said George with a small grin, smoothing the bandage over Matty’s elbow before leaning down to press a kiss to the plaster. 
Matty just snorted in response, and hopped off the counter, pretending he didn’t notice the way George was hovering at his side, ready to reach out and grab him in case something went wrong. 
“Thanks,” he said, taking the offered black tee shirt from George and pulling off the now stained white one he was wearing. He pretended not to notice the way George was blatantly checking out his chest and stomach as if he didn’t see him naked on a daily basis. 
“It’s nice of you to join us,” said Ross smirking, “Even if you’re never beating the diva allegations, Healy.”  Matty sighed dramatically when they finally joined the group in front of the stage, his eyes going wide as he took in his vision come to life.
“I had a little mishap in the parking lot,” he admitted sheepishly, holding out his now bandaged elbow for Ross and Adam to see. 
“You’ve got to be more careful mate,” said Adam, ruffling Matty’s hair as they sat down on the sofa that had been brought into the space, and went over the stage show with Tobias. 
“I want to cut the song on the roof,” Matty said quietly after a moment, when the time came in the first run through for him to put on a harness and climb up onto the roof portion of their set. The music stopped as Matty chewed on his lower lip nervously. 
George blinked, that was a segment that Matty had been dead set on, and excited to perform, having chattered about the visual implications of doing so and how it furthered the story for weeks. 
“What?” George asked his expression of concern and confusion mirrored on Ross and Adam’s faces as well.
“Oh, I don’t want to mess it up.” Matty said softly with a shrug, “I’m so clumsy I’ll probably fall off the roof and traumatize our fan base or something.” 
“You won’t mess it up,” George assured him even if Ross and Adam looked skeptical.  “Go on and give it a try.”
Matty opened his mouth as if to argue but George just shook his head. “No, go on, try it out, there is a whole team of people that are going to make sure you’re okay, and you’ll have the harness so even if you do slip, you won’t fall far.” 
Matty swallowed hard but nodded, having needed the extra push from George, to disappear into the makeshift backstage. 
“You sure this is a good idea?” Ross asked quietly, stepping away from his microphone to make sure Matty didn’t hear him. “I was worried about it when he was all excited about it, but now if he’s even having second thoughts...” 
George shrugged, fiddling with one of the drum sticks. “I’m worried, obviously,” George said, “but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t support him, he wanted to do the song on the roof, so we should at least try the song on the roof, there are foot holes, and handles up there, plus he has a harness on to make sure even if he does fall he won’t fall far.” 
“You’re a better man than me,” said Adam, “I’d have Carly wrapped in bubble wrap if she was as accident prone as Matty.”
George shrugged, smiling when he looked up and saw Matty waving from the roof, before flashing a thumbs up. 
“We’re partners,” George reminded him, “and that means working together as a team.” 
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Still find it extremely insane that Piepoe reblog like. Chain of more specific arts I made has over 2000 notes yall are actually so insane!!!! I am glad my silly fake peppino clone can be a ":)" mood to so many creatures. Bless...!!!!
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