#[ we wanted to have a special thing for ourselves so we thought it’d be so nice to have our own special storage box for us! ]
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝙰𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ TW : 𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚎 ; 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 ; 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠 ; 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Word Count : 𝟹.𝟶𝚔
“Can’t believe you got so drunk on the plane!” Felix teased as he walked beside you, personal space not really existing right now, and for once you were thankful for that considering it felt like your legs were noodles and that you’d tip over at any moment. “We made it though! Aren’t you excited? We have a whole week here to ourselves.” 
An entire week of just you and Felix… Felix and you… Your stomach was fluttering at the thought of all the things you’d be able to do together, all the places he’d show you. It was like a dream vacation, and while the first semester of college hadn’t been the greatest for you emotionally… You knew that you wouldn’t be here with him if it weren’t for those god awful moments. “So… Where are we staying?” You asked, and while you weren’t trying to be rude, your balance was all but shot and you really just wanted to take a shower and lay down for a bit. 
“Well…” His feet shuffled sheepishly as you both stood at the side of the sidewalk, waiting for the cab to pick you up. “I rented out a really nice beach house for us… And I know that it’s a little too chilly to actually go in the ocean but… It’d be nice to take a walk or something… If you’d like to.” 
Your head nodded swiftly, the motion causing you to get dizzy, leaning against him with your head on his shoulder as you hummed. “I’d really like that…” You murmured tiredly, the alcohol hitting you harder now that you were both standing and out in the fresh air. “I wanna see the moon…” Your arm raised as you motioned up at the sky, your tipsy antics causing his heart to swell with adoration. How could someone be so damn cute? 
“I’ll take you to see the moon…” He agreed, waving his hand to the cab and then carefully helping you inside as the driver tossed your luggage into the trunk. “But first we’re going to the house. You need to sleep off your drinks.” He whispered, but your head was already slumped against his shoulder once again as soft snores left you, your arm draped around his waist as you quietly snoozed it beside him. “You’re so beautiful…” He mused, tilting his head so his cheek would rest against your hair, tiny strands of it tickling his nose in the breeze that blew through the slightly opened windows. It was the perfect way to start the vacation, he couldn’t be happier to be spending the entire week with someone as perfect as you. 
There was something so calming about being back home, just, being surrounded by such familiarity, it was peaceful. What made it better was that you had agreed to come with him, and maybe it was to try to escape the bullshit that was going on back on campus, but it just felt special, bringing you home with him, taking you to all of his favorite places, taking you to meet his family. It was more than just a little vacation… It could be more. 
“It’s so pretty…” You murmured, alerting Felix that you had woken up. “How are we going to see everything in a week?” You questioned tiredly, sitting up, much to his disappointment, to look out the window. As much as he loved having you so close to him, he couldn’t ignore how precious you looked with your face practically pressed against the window to watch the sights roll by. 
“We’ll just fill each day with sightseeing.” He leaned back in his seat, his head tilted to the side so he could watch you. He just couldn’t get enough of you, how cute you look, the way your eyes sparkled with excitement at everything you saw. “I’ll even take you to the zoo and we can see the kangaroos and the koalas.” 
Your head whipped around, your smile wide as your hands clapped together. “Really?!” You squealed, and his head nodded quickly, your excitement practically rubbing off on him, and it felt like that zoo trip would be the first time he had ever seen those animals as well. Your happiness was contagious and he wanted it always, he never wanted to be away from you. 
“Oh! Look!” He pointed out the window, his smile widening. “That’s the house, sweetums. Do you like it?” His own excitement taking over as he saw the beach house that he would be sharing with you, his stomach twisting into wonderful knots as he thought about all the things the two of you could do there. 
It was a lot larger than it looked in the pictures, and your face was practically smashed against the window as you let out an audible gasp. “No way!” You turned to him once more and wrapped your arms around him, the sudden show of affection had his heart hammering as his cheeks flushed. “It’s wonderful! I can’t wait to see the inside!” 
You were bouncing in your seat as the cab pulled into the driveway, your hand twitching towards the seatbelt to unbuckle it before the car had even completely stopped. “Remember, we have a whole week to see everything, take your time sweetums.” He said between little fits of laughter as he watched you jump out of your seat and run out of the car towards the trunk, doing your best to pull out all of the bags. 
“A week isn’t enough!” You shouted back to him as he climbed out of the car himself, and you were right… A week wasn’t enough. There would never be enough time, he wanted to spend every single day with you, and he knew that once the both of you got back to campus he’d have to share you again with everyone else. He wanted more than a week, he wanted forever with you, but he knew that that was far too much to wish for right now. 
The rest of the first day was spent just relaxing, as one should after such a long plane ride. The only sightseeing you both did on day one was around the house, which was probably one of his favorite moments. As soon as your bags had been brought inside and everything was situated, you grabbed his hand, leading him around the entire house as you both explored. There were two bedrooms, and while he was slightly upset about the fact that he wouldn’t have to share a room with you, he knew that he should be grateful anyway for being able to just have you all to himself right now. 
After the rooms had been picked, he helped you carry your bags up, and, even though there were two bedrooms, there was still only one bathroom, and you played rock, paper, scissors to see who would get to shower first. You won, and it definitely wasn’t because whenever he played with you he’d always pick the same thing just to ensure you win. He thought it was cute the way you’d bounce around excitedly when you did win though, so if he was doing it on purpose, would anyone blame him? 
While you were showering, he ordered pizza. It would be a lazy day for sure, and he didn’t mind it at all. Pizza and movie night with no one but the two of you. He wouldn’t have to fight for the spot beside you on the couch, he wouldn’t have to silently beg for your attention. It was perfect. When you were done your shower, he swore you were the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Your hair was wrapped up in a towel, your makeup was slightly smeared, you ducky pajama pants almost hung over your feet and you were wearing a hoodie that was far too big for you but it still looked great. He loved seeing you like this, you were so comfortable, and he kind of envied the other guys for being able to see you this way before he ever could. He knew right then and there, you were his favorite person in the whole world. 
Of course, what was a vacation without a little bit of teasing and fun? He made sure that you’d have to answer the door for the pizza while he took his shower, unless you really didn’t want to, he’d never force you to do that, he loves you too much, but you simply rolled your eyes, dropping down onto the couch as you rubbed the towel against your hair to try to get it to dry faster. 
You ended up falling asleep during the movie, your head falling to the opposite side of the couch as you curled up into a little ball. He didn’t even mind it when you subconsciously stretched your legs out, placing them over his lap as almost kicking his pizza out of his hand. God, he truly did adore you. 
The second and third days you both spent visiting his family. He could tell that you were nervous, and while he gave you multiple opportunities to stay home while he went and saw them for a bit, you insisted that you wanted to meet them too and that you would feel bad if he rushed just to get back to the house with you. To him, this was a big deal, a very big deal. Family was everything to him, his family was so important to him, and he wouldn’t take just anybody to go see his family. 
Your hand was firmly gripping his the entire car ride there, your legs bouncing as you stared out the windshield. He knew you were nervous, and he did his best to calm you, his thumb would brush across your knuckles and he’d whisper to you that his family would love you, and he was sure that they would, considering he had been talking about you nonstop since before the vacation even started, although he couldn’t really go into all of that. 
Just as he had told you though, you didn’t have anything to worry about. His family immediately came to love you, almost welcoming you as one of their own. His sisters became your best friends during the two day visit, and while he loved to see you comfortable and getting along well with his siblings, he couldn’t wait to have you back to himself at the beach house. It seemed like time was moving faster though now that you were his, he couldn’t slow it down. It felt like the two of you had just landed in Australia, yet there were only 4 days left, and the final day would be spent at the airport so it didn’t even count. 
The fourth day was for sightseeing, although he already knew where he was going, everything was so new to you. He loved watching your eyes light up with awe whenever he took you anywhere, and he wanted to take you everywhere. Taking you to the zoo was definitely first on his list, and he swore, his heart melted when he watched you full stop in front of the koala exhibit, your eyes widening as you pointed towards them and called for him. You were so precious, so pure, and although he had seen koalas a gazillion times before, being with you made it feel like he was seeing them for the first time all over again. 
Lunch was had at his favorite spot, a little restaurant that was more hidden than the others, but the staff was always friendly and they remembered him still after all the time that had passed. Your mouth had dropped when you saw the prices, but he reassured you that it was nothing, and you had teased him that it was more like a date rather than lunch. He had shaken his head, disagreeing with you, but in his heart that was the same way he had seen it, his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink that he quickly blamed on the lighting in the restaurant. 
The rest of the evening was spent walking around, he took you to his favorite spots that he remembered as a kid, little parks and playgrounds that felt a lot smaller now. When most of the kids cleared out and went home, you ran to the swings and you sat there for almost two hours, talking about everything and anything and nothing, as if right then were the last time you’d ever talk. 
The sun set and while he would have loved to sit and talk to you for two more hours, maybe three, maybe even four, he saw you shiver as the evening hours brought with it an Autumn chill. His arms wrapped around you as you stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the cab to pick you up and take you back to the house. Your eyelids began to lower and your body leaned against his. That was when most people would tell you they loved you, when you were out of it just enough to not reject the sentiment, he could just let it hang in the air and be happy knowing that he had told you… But he wanted you to know… He was just too shy to let you know right now. 
You ended up stumbling into the house, half awake, and then passing out on the couch, not even bothering to change into your pajamas. He didn’t want you to wake up alone in the living room, so he grabbed all the blankets from the upper floor and brought them down into the living room, setting up a makeshift sleep over and then passing out on the floor. He didn’t mind it, he was next to you, and he hoped that he’d wake up first just to admire how cute you looked in the morning. 
The fifth day was another lazy day, much like the first. You had told him that your legs were tired from walking all day the day before and he had laughed but agreed, offering to take a walk on the beach later in the evening when your legs had time to rest. You had quickly agreed, distracting him with your smile as you smacked down the draw 4 card on the top of the pile. 
There were so many board games in the house, they could have lasted the two of you until the end of your vacation, but you both decided that you’d try to play every single game in one day which led to the both of you becoming extremely competitive. The games only stopped when one of your stomachs (it was Felixs) growled and you both agreed it was time to have dinner. 
Dinner was simple, he had doordashed McDonalds and you both bickered over the remote and who got to choose the movie to watch during dinner. He teasingly held the remote as far away from you as possible and you had tried so hard to reach it that you fell on top of him. His heart felt like it was going to burst through his chest, and in that moment of weakness, you had snatched the remote from his hand and turned on Spongebob. 
He wanted the walk on the beach to be perfect, so he waited for the sun to set, the sky almost as beautiful as you, light pink and a slightly darker than lavender purple. The breeze that the ocean waves brought in had you snuggling up close against him, and what a perfect opportunity to be romantic it brought as he pulled his sweater off his arms and slid yours into the sleeves, the sight of you in his clothes warming his heart enough to ward off the cold the entire walk. 
He had brought a blanket with him, carrying it under his arm the entire time during the walk  before setting it out when you both had circled back closer to the house. The moon had begun to rise, its reflection rippling in the small waves that rolled up to the shore. The sky was perfectly clear, the twinkling of the stars was clearly seen. It was the perfect night, and there was no one else in the world that he would have rather spent it with. He’ll hold on to the memory of this night forever. 
You were staring out over the ocean, and he quickly leaned over, pressing a kiss to your cheek before sitting back straight and folding his arms around his knees that were pulled up against his chest. You had giggled so softly as you turned to look at him, your cheeks lifted with your smile, your head tilted to the side, you looked so beautiful. “What was that for?” 
He shrugged his shoulders, feeling shy now with your eyes on him. “I just wanted to thank you for coming with me.” He whispered, his head lowering to hide the rising flush in his cheeks. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and the next thing he felt were your lips pressing against his cheek and then your body scooting closer to him, your arm hooking under his before your head rested against his shoulder. 
“Thank you for inviting me…” You whispered back, your voice almost being drowned out by the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, but he heard you… He’d alway hear you. 
That night he got to lay beside you in bed, holding you close against him as you both snored softly, the ocean air causing you to sleep peacefully. Nothing much had happened that night, but enough had happened for him to know that when he got back… He’d fight for you, he’d fight until you were his, until every single day of the rest of his life was spent with you the way they were spent during the vacation. You had to be his… He needed you to choose him and only him. 
≪ °❈° ≫
Taglist : @marcillfll @illumishotgf @curly-fr13s @everglowdaisies @qveenbibi @facelesswrittes @moon0fthenight @erensdickgarage @leeoca @felixmainacc @chansducky10 @heistheavatar @axdreacc @streetrebelrootsdistinguish @randomthingsthatiwillpost @feybin @levinsonslut @mal-lunar-28 @persnyako @cozzzmina
206 notes · View notes
written-in-flowers · 2 years
Nameday: The Theatre
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Pairing: Aegon II x plussize!fem!reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Word Count: 6k
Summary: It is your nameday, and Aegon has planned a special day for you both. The next stop on your trip is the Hill Theatre, where a special play is being performed. Unfortunately for you, the theatre hosts some unexpected guests: your mothers. 
Tags: None for this part, really. Aegon still being unapologetically in love and obsessed with you. Perhaps some nervousness/anxiety/self-conscious issues?
Tagged: @f4ll-for-you​ @prettyblondguys​
Previous chapter: Nameday: The Picnic 
Next Chapter: Nameday: Madam Rosetta’s
He’d not lied about having a day planned for you both. When you arrived back in the Dragonpit, you thought you’d return to the Red Keep You truthfully had no desire to run back in a hurry. It felt nice being away from court and the rats lurking about. Though, you knew your parents and sisters must be expecting you soon. They’d arrived in King’s Landing early yesterday morning, and you’d spent plenty of time with them since then. It would not hurt to be out of their company for a bit longer. 
Walking out of the Dragonpit, arm-in-arm with Aegon, you saw the carriage awaiting you down the steps. Outside it on his horse sat Ser Erryck, no doubt told to follow Aegon and you for safety. You didn’t know if you liked being followed so closely. Not because you dislike Ser Erryk, but because people talk. People say things without thinking beforehand or it slips out in conversation. Kingsguard knights are meant to keep their king’s secrets, but how true are those vows to stay when it comes to scandals such as this? 
“I trust you had a good flight, Your Grace,” the knight said as you both approached him. 
“Yes, a very good one,” Aegon smiled, far too amused by the question. “The Princess truly enjoyed herself. Did you not, love?”
“I did,” you nodded, doing your best to maintain a certain formal distance. 
Aegon was having none of it. He kissed your cheek, then opened the carriage door. 
Bringing you into his arms, Aegon pressed you to the opposite corner of the carriage, half laying you down against the cushions as he kissed you. You relished in the warmth of his petal lips. After weeks of not having him, you clung to every bit he gave to you. You could not bring yourself to feel shame or embarrassment; your pride refused to let you. In his arms, you are not an ugly, fat creature undeserving of love. You are worthy and truly loved and worshiped. Aegon’s hands groped at your stomach, sliding between the folds of your torso and hips to grab your bottom. You chuckled as he gripped what he could grab, massaging the supple cheeks despite his hand barely covering them. 
“Was the cliff not enough?” you asked him, as he kissed the tops of your breasts on the neckline. 
“Not nearly,” he muffled, capturing your lips once more. “I want this,” he said, emphasizing the phrase by squeezing your ass, “I haven’t stopped thinking about it since the last time.” 
You dared to look away in shyness. Aegon only entered through there once, both of you drunk and blinded by lustful passion. It’d hurt for a moment or two, but he’d been gentle and careful throughout. It felt ten times better when he touched your clit at the same time. The mere thought of the act itself aroused you. Yet, he has not asked again until today. 
“Perhaps later, love,” you said when he broke away from you. “We should pace ourselves.” You glanced out the window to see you leaving The Hill of Rhaenys and turning into the street. However, you realized the carriage did not go towards The Keep. “Where are we going?”
“My favorite place in the entire city,” he said, pecking your lips. 
“The Street of Silk?” you teased. 
“No, my other favorite place,” he laughed, pulling you to his side and kissing you once more. “Mummer’s Alley.”
“Mummer’s Alley?” you raised an eyebrow in question. “I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s exactly as it sounds,” he told you. “All the best performers work there. It is left at the Hill of Rhaenys, and runs down to Hill Square. I think you’ll like it there. The Hill Theatre is there.”
“There’s a theatre? In King’s Landing?”
“It is a small one, but I assure you their plays are marvelous. You’ll really enjoy them,” he then smiled, “I commissioned their playwright to write something new. They're performing it today.” 
“I cannot wait,” you grinned. 
His efforts for today touched you. Nobody ever went to such lengths to make you happy. Your family did when you’d been younger, but as time went on the celebrations became meager and short. You pulled him back to you and kissed him deeply. Perhaps you’ll let him take you from behind. You enjoyed spoiling him as much as he enjoyed spoiling you. The two of you continued chatting and kissing as the crowds outside became louder. The sounds of singers strumming their instruments wavered over busy, bustling crowds. When the carriage stopped, Aegon peeked outside the window. 
“Good, they haven’t started yet.”
You heard a herald’s voice from somewhere in the distance as Aegon helped you out of the carriage. In front of you stood a wooden, circular building at the end of the cobbled street. Above the tall doors someone painted a long dragon with red, blue, and white scales. A flood of people herded through the main entrance while a short, portly man stood on a crate right by the door. 
“-Today’s performance is for one day, and one day only! The newest play by our beloved playwright, Moondrop! The Tragedy of Raelor and Maelis! A romance of the most tragic kind! Come, come, my friends and neighbors, and see a love to rival the Old King and his Good Queen! Plot, treason, and passion is to be had! Floor admission is only a copper! Come, come, and enjoy!”
“Moondrop? Who is that?” you asked, wrapping your arm around Aegon’s as you stepped forward. 
“A very popular playwright,” he answered. “They’re an absolute genius, a true wordsmith. My mother’s very fond of their works. She requests them and their troupe for every celebratory event.” He glanced over at you, “You’ll love it.”
He walked by a hunched man holding a wooden box with copper and gold coins. The moment he saw Aegon, he bowed his head. 
“My King,” he said in a quavering voice. “We’re honored to have you and Princess Y/N with us today.”
“Balcony seats?”
“Five dragons.”
Aegon reached into his coin purse and dropped the amount into the box. The collector bowed his head, then gestured for them to enter. The herald then spoke again:
“Make way for King Aegon of House Targaryen, Second of His Name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm! Make way!” 
The crowd parted and dropped their heads, letting you and Aegon pass to the balcony seats above. Dozens stood on the ground floor, a variety of people watching the stage and waiting. You noted other nobles amongst the audience on the higher levels, though did you best to not get their attention. Of course, with Aegon’s presence being announced, all eyes flitted towards you. You noticed two ladies from court recognize you, and begin whispering. Another lord eyed you both closely, huffing and turning away when you caught him looking. Could you find no escape from them? 
Aegon led you to a box on the left side of the stage, two cushioned chairs and a small table waiting for you. On the wooden stage, the theater group painted the set like a castle banquet hall. Finely detailed, you already imagined the sort of show you’d both see. Aegon paid a small boy for two cups of ale, one of which he passed to you. You declined the drink, not wanting a fuzzy head from the wine already in your system. Gazing around at the balcony crowd, your entire body froze in panic. You reached for Aegon’s wrist when he moved to drink his ale. 
“What is it?” he asked. 
“Our mothers are here.”
There they sat in a private box across from yours. Two body guards stood a few feet back, with their ladies-in-waiting behind them. You gasped when you spotted your sisters in the next box over, talking with each other as they waited. You wanted to run and hide. You prayed neither of them ever noticed you, but the gods do not favor the unfaithful. Queen Alicent scanned the crowd, smiling softly with excitement while talking with your mother. You never knew Alicent to leave The Keep; your mother certainly stuck to the castle back home. They preferred seamstresses, tailors, shoemakers, jewelers and performers coming to them instead of them going out. Their sudden appearance in this public place made your nerves cluster in your stomach. All the food and wine you'd drunk threatened to come up again. Ladies of court are one thing; your mothers are another. 
“Maybe we should go,” you suggested. “We can, um, see this-”
“-We are not going,” he said firmly, taking your hand in his. “I will not let them ruin your special day. This is about you and I. Not them. Not those stuffy ladies and lords at court. Please, dearest of loves, leave them behind and enjoy the play.” He pecked your lips, and pushed a cup of ale towards you. 
You considered Queen Alicent and your mother will be so engrossed in the play that they’ll never see either of you. Yet, your wandering eyes alerted your mother who then locked eyes with you. You tensed in your seat. She must be so appalled by this gross display by you and Aegon. Being together like this only confirms the rumors and suspicions surrounding you. Your mother looked between you and Aegon, then scrunched her nose at you. You winced, gripping the sides of your seat and nodded slowly. She bit her bottom lip, and you gulped. Her fiery eyes told you she’d never expected this of you. She nudged Alicent, who then looked at you. Alicent gazed at you in surprise. Her eyes shifted around to the people around the room, and raised her eyebrows. You grimaced, shrugged, and nodded to Aegon. The queen pursed her lips, then sighed, shoulders dropping. She turned to your mother, and you saw them both exchanging words. You could not tell what they were saying, but it certainly involved you and the King. Finally, both women turned to you. Aegon was the king. Who was going to tell him what he could and could not do? Alicent nodded gently in understanding right as music began playing from behind the stage. 
Your mother may have compassion, but not at this moment. You cowered underneath her hard stare. She kept her eyes on you even as the audience cheered. You chewed on your lower lip, begging for forgiveness from her. You shifted your eyes to Aegon and  shrugged. Soon enough, the coldness melted and your mother huffed. Putting her hand to her mouth, she blew you a kiss and smiled softly. This eased your anxieties, but not by much. 
In the next box, you saw four pairs of eyes staring right at you. Your sisters, slender beauties with thick black hair, turned to one another in disbelief, then back to you. Cassandra, the eldest, pointed between you and Aegon until you confirmed it. Maris, the second eldest, stifled back a laugh and looked away. Ellyn and Floris, the youngest daughters, made kissing faces at you. The embarrassment made you turn your head. 
“-Ignore them, sweetness,” he said, kissing your hand and rubbing it for you. This made your sisters squeal over the music, and your cheeks burned. “I wish for you to enjoy yourself today.”
The show started with a petite boy in a jester’s costume of red and black, back flipping his way onto the stage and dropping in the front center. The applause rang throughout the room, only ceasing when the boy held up his hands. 
“Two houses!” the jester called out, his high voice going throughout the room, “Both alike in pride, in fair King’s Landing, where we lay our scene. From ancient blood flows into new unity, where bastards become lords and conquerors become kings. From forth the loins of these two subjects, a pair of star-crossed lovers find one another. The passionate path of their unyielding love through the continuance of a raging war, to which but the kinslayer’s end, may never come to root. ‘Tis now the two-hours traffic of our stage,” he bent forward, whispering loudly to the audience, “The which, you with patient ears attend, what here you shall miss, our toils might strive to mend!” 
“A tragedy?” You told Aegon, surprised. “I would’ve thought you’d commission a comedy.” 
“You always favor the tragedies,” he explained, leaning to your ear, “So I went to the playwright who writes the best ones. Thankfully, Moondrop’s muse inspires him greatly. I don’t blame him, though. My own muse makes me want to write dozens of songs about her love and beauty.”  
“Why don’t you?”
“Being King takes up a lot of my time these days,” he said. “Now, pay attention.”
Out of the right side of the stage came two men dressed in yellow and black cloaks, the stag of House Baratheon on their chests. “Thaddeus, on my word we shall see this through! We will not let them humiliate us or our lady!”
“No, for then we shall be fools!”
“Prince Daemar marries the daughter of our liege lord! We will not let the dragons ruin our day!”
As the scene rolled on, you realized exactly what was happening. It was your wedding day. Well, it was Lady Maelis’s wedding day. According to the two men, she was marrying the “one-eyed dragon” and meeting his family, whom they hoped did not make a fool of her. During a wedding feast, young Lady Maelis comes upon King Raelor, whom she’d never met before. They’re immediately charmed with one another. 
“-Did my heart love until now? I swear it at first sight,” the handsome silver-haired youth speaks softly in amazement, “For I have never seen true beauty ‘till this night.”
Raelor follows Maelis around the stage through a floor of dancers, the both of them catching each other’s eyes. Lady Maelis is dancing with her new husband, Prince Daemar, who repeatedly moves her away when Raelor reaches them. He was a lanky man in a silver wig, wearing a large fake nose, and an eye patch; nobody doubted who he was meant to be.  When Raelor manages to steal Maelis away to the front left corner of the stage, he speaks to her with a sly smile. 
“If I dare say to you in this crowded place,” he said to her, cupping her chin, “I am ready to commit the ultimate sin for a tender kiss.”
You smiled to yourself, leaning on the railing to watch them closely. Aegon approached you in a similar way on your wedding night. He’d cornered you, flirtatious eyes gazing over your face, and told you that he'd slay a dozen men for a simple kiss. You’d denied him, of course. But, in the play version, Lady Maelis flirted back, coyly replying to his request. With a bit more talking and dodging Lady Maelis’s annoyed husband, they suddenly kiss on the other side of the stage. It’s passionate, soft and makes the women in the audience swoon. 
“I wanted to kiss you that night,”  Aegon confessed in your ear. "From the moment I first saw you, it was all I wanted."
"I believe you planned on more than kissing me," you said, mocking pensiveness, "I believe your exact words were, 'If you ever want to know what it is to be truly satisfied, all you need to do is ask.’” You snickered, recalling the moment vividly in your mind. 
“And you eventually did,” he remarked, moving closer into your ear. “I’d gladly do it for you again, and again, and again-”
The scene changed to one of Lady Maelis on a balcony, overlooking a garden, and speaking to herself. She laments having fallen for The King whilst being married to his brother, and how she wishes Raelor and Daemar switched roles. Raelor, who speaks a monologue about the situation, hides in the bushes to watch her. He loves his brother, but his heart aches to be with Maelis. He knows his brother will not fully give his heart to-
“-One so deserving of love,” said the handsome king. “Oh that she knew she was! I would spend countless days and nights reminding her of that love. Ah, look how she rests her cheek upon her hand. If only I were that hand, so I may touch her cheek. Sweet Lady,” he reveals himself from the bushes, and Maelis jumps startled, “Shall you have me sneaking about my own keep like a common sneak thief? If so, I will gladly steal through the night to be at your side for a mere minute.” 
It was a romance scene. Raelor proclaims his love, and Maelis is hesitant but her affections for him are clear. You thoroughly enjoyed the first half. But, the audience ate up every word. They gasped loudly when Daemar slapped Maelis across the face at her refusal to bed him. The crowd booed and jeered when it’s implied he assaulted her, and him being generally cruel towards her in front of company. They hooted when Raelor and Maelis finally gave into their feelings, the scene romantic and passionate, with both of them vowing to love each other in life and in death. But, that was not the part of the play that shocked you or the crowd the most. 
Daemar and Raelor talked strategy in a war room, standing on opposite sides of the table. When King Raelor leaves, Prince Daemar reveals his true intentions. He plans to win the war for his brother, only to kill him and take his rightful place as King. The crowd hissed at him, but he gave them a malicious grin. The Aemond you’d known would never betray his brother, regardless of what transpires between them. Prince Daemar, however, schemes and lies to his brother, who is seen as a man of the smallfolk and speaks on their behalf. You slowly realized what was happening. 
"This Moondrop character is quite bold," you said to Aegon during an intermission. "To depict a prince in such a bad light."
"I suppose they did it to gain sympathy for the two lovers," he put his hand on your knee assuringly. "Nobody would root for them if Prince Daemar treated Lady Maelis properly." He scooted his chair closer to you, "They might see King Raelor as the villain for taking another man's wife." 
“-Your Grace, what a surprise to see you here.” Cassandra and your sisters appeared beside you both. She stood in the forefront, hands clasped in front of her and a knowing smirk on her face. “None of us ever took you for an art lover.”
“I’m actually a staunch patron of the arts,” Aegon replied, standing to meet them. “Something your sister knows well. If you’ll excuse me, I must fetch more ale and speak with my mother.” He kissed the top of your head, then walked by them. 
The moment he left, your sister converged on you. They surrounded you closely, sitting around you now that the man left. 
“The rumors are true, then?” Cassandra asked in surprise. “You and the King?”
You gazed at each of them, seeing their intrigued faces, and said, “Yes. It is true.”
They gasped together, and shared a glance before Cassandra said, “When? Where? Why? Did Mother and Father put you up to it? Did he force himself on you?”
“No, no, no. It was nothing like that.”
You told them the short version of the story. Maris glared when you recounted Aemond’s letters, and cursed him for his deceit. She declared if he’d found you so repulsive, he should’ve married one of them. Floris asked if you would be marrying Aegon now, but Ellyn cut across you to tell her you’re still married to Aemond. Cassandra claimed he could always annul their marriage; your father would never refuse a marriage to The King. 
“Does he treat you well?” Maris asked you, her clever eyes serious and reading you. “If he has not, good sister, I will show him what happens to men who hurt our dearest Y/N.”
You smiled at her fierceness, “He treats me very well. He took me riding on Sunfyre, and we had this beautiful picnic by the sea.” They all awed at this, and you continued, “And he’s had this play commissioned for my nameday. The King is truly wonderful to me. He’s cared for me during my time here in the capital; he and I became quite close since, well, that night.” You then asked the question that haunted you, “Did Mother say anything to you?”
“I will not lie,” Cassandra answered. “She was very displeased. I couldn’t hear the whole conversation, but I overheard her telling The Queen that she will put a stop to you two.”
“What did The Queen say?”
“She says that The King will do as he pleases regardless of what anyone says.”
“I think she sees how The King feels about you,” Maris added. “I know I did. I saw how he kept glancing at you when you weren’t looking.”
“How…How does he look at me?”
Maris shrugged, “Like he’s in love with you. How else is he supposed to look at you?”
“Ugh, you’re so unromantic, Maris,” Floris rolled her eyes. “Sister, when King Aegon is next to you, he feels he is exactly where he is meant to be. Standing beside you must give him so much comfort and security in such uncertain and dangerous times. You have always been the sweetest of us all, and I think he’s seen that in you. Everyone believes him to be this drunken fool, but with you, he sees he can be something more than that.” 
“Floris the Poet,” Mavis teased, rolling her eyes. 
“I believe he truly loves you, Y/N,” she continued. “I remember seeing you with Prince Aemond, and he does not look at you how The King does.”
“Whoever this mistress is,” Maris glared, “I hope she was worth it. What he’s doing is bringing shame upon both our houses. I cannot believe the gall of him. If he were here, I’d-”
“-Peace, Maris,” Cassandra stopped her, “We’re all upset by this. But, that is not what is important.” She turned to you, “What’s important is how Father is going to feel about this.”
“Oh, Seven Hells, not father.”
“He’ll demand an annulment,” Ellyn said. “Ooh, maybe then you’ll get to come home!”
“If not, he’ll send all our men to march upon Harrenhal and he’ll duel Prince Aemond to the death for his daughter’s honor,” Maris responded. 
“Excuse me, ladies,” Aegon returned with a cup of ale in his hand. “But, I believe the play is resuming now.” 
The four sisters groaned in disappointment, and each kissed cheek before leaving your side. Knowing Cassandra and Maris, they’ll find a way to loosen your tongue more. Certainly, your mother will have words; your father is not a man of words, so you worry what his actions might be. Aegon sat beside you again, sipping from his ale and seeing your anxious expression. 
“I spoke with my mother,” he told you, putting the pint down. 
“Really?” you exhaled, “And what say she?”
“That I should be ashamed of myself for flaunting my affair with my brother’s wife in public,” he listed. “She said it brings shame upon myself, her, and you. She told me The High Septon will catch wind of this soon, and it may cause strife between House Targaryen and The Faith. Then she hissed something about Aemond, but I’d lost interest by that point.”
“Aegon,” you turned to him, imploringly, “She is right-”
“-I know she is, and I also do not care. This is not the first time I’ve disappointed every single person around me, or made my mother hate me more than she already does-”
“-Your mother does not hate you, Aegon-”
“-Then pray tell, my sweetling, tell me why my mother said I was no son of hers? That no son of hers would ever do something like this? Aemond is guilty of the exact same sin; he is the one who initiated it, but it is me she chooses to chastise. Why, if not for the fact that she’s always favored him over me?” he snapped, anger flaring in his eyes. “I realized on the last night we spent together that it doesn’t matter whether people know or not. I will always disappoint and disgust everyone around me-”
“-Aegon, that is not true-”
“-And with your kind heart, you lie to soothe me,” He cupped your cheek and held your hand. His violet eyes met yours, staring right into them as he said, “Y/N, never in my life have I met a woman I have desired more than you.”
“-Let me finish, woman, I am your King,” he said firmly. “I have never met anyone like you. You and I…I feel as if The Gods purposefully crossed our paths at this moment for a reason. You have come into my life at a time where so many things are unsure. You have come to me when I was in need of reprieve from the darkness that surrounds me. With you, my love, I can escape the suffocating weight this crown I wear has on me. With you, there are no responsibilities or difficult decisions or fear. There’s only you and me.” He kissed your lips, taking all the air out of you when he pulled away.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, the words slipping from you before you realized you’d said them. Your eyes opened wide, and you froze. 
Aegon studied your face, searching for a sign of falseness. The purple in his eyes was far darker than his brother’s, and usually glinted with amusement. This time they did not flicker with humor or gaze at you lustfully. They observed and examined you. You thought you may cry. You hadn’t meant to say it. They’d come out of you naturally. You both often said you ‘adored’ each other, but that is different from love. So very different. This affair went farther than either of you expected; it ran deeper than any other love either of you felt before now. Now, you worried you’d ruined it. You did not think you could be with anyone else but him. 
Then, a soft smile crept on his face until his perfect, straight teeth flashed at you. He rubbed your cheek and whispered, “I love you as well, my princess,” he said. 
“Not for only my…my body?”
“I love you for so much more than that. It does not matter to me; it never does. It is your beautiful, gentle heart that I love.” He pecked your lips, “I hope you feel the same.”
“I do,” you breathed in relief. “It is only with you that my worries leave me. I take great comfort in your presence and embrace. When I am with you,” you turned your hand over to hold his properly, “I feel I can be who I am. I do not have this need to impress or this anxiousness to keep you happy. I know I can do that by being myself.” You push hair from his face, “I love you, Aegon.”
Music from the stage interrupted Aegon’s next words, and they died in his throat. He gave you one more kiss, ale tinging the taste of his lips, then sat back. Yet, you held onto his hand throughout. You spotted your mother across the theatre, and knew she’d seen you. She did not appear as appalled or upset. In her eyes, you saw clarity. You did not know what that meant. You did not want to know. 
In the second half, Raelor is sitting in a room with his mother, Queen Alyssa, who is depicted as being gracious and kind. Seeing her green and emerald dress, long auburn curls pinned back, the crowd knew who she represented. Raelor mentions sending his brother to war since Daemar is a fierce war commander. Queen Alyssa seems to believe differently. Everyone watched as she confronted her son about his relationship with Maelis. He admits to the affair, and proudly proclaims his love for her. He then confesses that he wishes to send his brother to war so he may have Lady Maelis to himself. Queen Alyssa is shocked beyond belief when Raelor hopes his brother dies in battle, and accuses him of kinslaying. 
“-Is it kinslaying to pray for the safety of my beloved? Because then I shall pray, dear Mother. I shall go forth to the Great Sept, kneel upon the altar, and pray to The Stranger that my brother will fall.” He turns to the audience, and speaks again. “For should my brother be slain, Lady Maelis shall be safe from his cruel hands. If my brother falls, my sweet Maelis will know peace and be protected within my arms.”  
You looked to Aegon, who finished his ale without noticing you. Had he truly done that or is this fiction drummed up by Moondrop? You decided not to question it further, and watched the rest of the play. A long-limbed man dressed in a dark cloak and a skull mask comes to Prince Daemar on a battlefield. He stands there ghostly and menacing as he watches the man fight foes left and right. The Prince is eventually cut down, but not killed. When his men take him to a maester, The Stranger stands over his bed as he rests. 
"Take the bloody bastard!" A man in the crowd shouted through the silence.
"Kill the Kinslayer!"
"Kill the traitor!"
But, he is not killed. He is brought back to health, which angers the crowd. 
"Hush now, my children," The Stranger hisses over their displeasure. "Do not fret. I come for all in their own time."
You learn what he meant later. When The Prince returns home, he discovers Maelis’s unfaithfulness, and harshly berates her. He then sends an assassin to kill his brother. The moment said assassin appears from behind a curtain a scene later, Raelor bravely fights him off, and demands to know who has sent him. The answer sends him into a rage, and he runs off to duel his brother. 
"I have taken your wife, dear brother," he taunted, sword at the injured Prince's throat. Blood smeared on his shirt implied he'd been fatally wounded as well. Gasping and clenching his jaw, he growls, "And now, I shall take your life!"
The audience gasps at Daemar’s death. Raelor, injured and weak, stumbled away from the dead prince, clutching his bleeding wound and falling to the floor. He chokes up blood, which sprays across the wooden floors, and cries for his beloved. Lady Maelis, horrified and screaming, comes to his side and pleads for mercy from the gods. The couple exchange words of love, making the audience weep and sob. When Raelor dies, Lady Maelis gives a long speech about the cruelty of fate and love; that her life meant nothing before Raelor came to her. She says if she could not have him in life, then she shall have him in death. She grabs a dagger from his belt, and stabs herself in the chest. Tears sting your eyes watching the young woman slowly die beside her true love. Your heart ached for her. You understood her pain all too well. Then, The Stranger came forward and addressed the people. 
"As I told you before, dear children," he said, "I come for you all." 
He swept away in his long black robes, and the play ended to a slow melody. Despite your sobbing, you clapped along with the audience. The actors all came back on stage, bowing for the applause. Moondrop walked through the curtains, and everyone cheered louder. Dressing in men's attire, you still noted their feminine features. They bowed low and thanked the people for coming. 
"And our company wishes to thank our gracious patron!" Moondrop said, "The great King Aegon, a man of the people and lover of our art!"
Aegon raised his empty cup to acknowledge the applause. You then saw something peculiar. Moondrop, giving one more bow, turned to Queen Alicent. She’d stood up from her seat, smiling brightly and applauding the playwright. Pride shone through her eyes as she tossed a wreath of white flowers, leaves, and feathers to Moondrop, who caught it in time. A Queen’s favor. Moondrop blew her a kiss, which she pretended to catch. You turned to Aegon, who’d noticed the exchange but instead continued clapping. 
The people then began leaving the theater, the ground floor slowly becoming emptier. 
"Did you enjoy the play, love?" He asked you, smiling softly. You tasted and smelled the ale on his breath, and knew he'd drunk more than he intended. 
"I did," you nodded, wiping your wet cheeks. "It was beautiful."
"You're beautiful, sweet princess," he slurred. “The most beautiful woman in this room. Have I…Have I told you that today?” 
You giggled at his lopsided grin. "I believe it is time we went back to the castle," you stated, standing up from your seat. "You've drunk too much."
"No, not yet," he said, standing with you. "I haven't shown you the square. It's-It's lovely."
"You can show me another time, Aegon."
"No, now. Quick, before my mother catches us.” 
He grabbed your hand and led you down from the balcony seating. People bowed their heads, clearing a path for both King and Princess. Many of them stared at you. The women wiped their eyes and whispered words of reassurance and understanding. Even if the female lead had a different name, the people identified her as you from her wide hips and belly. They believed you to be a damsel in distress who is in a forbidden romance. It made them sympathize with you. Aegon brought you outside, and turned away from the carriage to the street. 
“Y/N! Where are you going?!” Ellyn and Floris came out of the theatre, the rest of the party following them. 
“I’m taking a walk with The King,” you called back. “Do not wait for me.”
“But Mother wishes to have tea,” Floris said. “You must come.”
“I will be there soon.”
Your mother stopped beside her, hand on her shoulder. “Y/N, do not stray too far, my love,” she replied. “The city is dangerous.”
“I will be cautious, Mother.”
Venturing farther from them, you came upon Mummer’s Alley. Passing vendors selling their wares, children running barefoot through the dirty streets, and several pot shops, brothels and businesses, you found a large market square. Like many other places in King’s Landing, it hummed with life. One man with white stained fingers offered you a mermaid statue carved from marble, which he’d clearly made himself. You admired the pieces before Aegon tugged you along. On a long stretch of street, several painters showcased their works right next to jewelers who bartered with customers. 
“Care to examine my newest set, Princess?” a gangly man with coal-black hair asked you, showing you a long emerald necklace. “Emeralds inlaid into real gold,” he claimed, “It’d look lovely around your neck.” 
“Oh my,” you marveled at it, “This is beautiful work. Did you make this yourself?”
“Aye, this and every piece you see before you,” he said, gesturing to the jewelry in front of you. 
You bought the necklace. You could not deny the craftsmanship was incredible. 
A distinct buzz hung in the air. This congregation of artists mesmerized you. Aegon moved about drunkenly, but that hardly bothered you. You soaked in everything. From the drummer sitting on a stool, banging an upside-down pot to an up tempo beat to the woman selling oils, creams, and perfumes she crafted herself. You’d never been anywhere like it. Music and laughter blossomed in every corner. You did not leave The Keep that often, since you're often warned how dangerous and violent the city can be. But, with Aegon beside you, you didn't feel scared at all.
"Is this where you go when you're in the city?" You asked, watching a man balance chairs on one hand. "This place?"
"Usually," he said, slowly sobering up during the walk. "It does cross into The Street of Silk." Aegon glanced over at you with a smirk, "Which is definitely where I go when I'm not here." 
You bypassed a singer perched on a high window ledge, strumming a lyre and crooning an upbeat song. Seeing the amount of people crowded below him, you guessed he might be popular. “Who is that?” 
"Ah, that's Flynn Lightfingers,” Aegon said. “He's the most talented bard in the city, possibly in all of Westeros. I've never heard anyone sing like him. Come, I'll show you."
He tugged you along until you came into earshot of the singer. A lithe youth with sand blond hair, Flynn Lightfingers lived up to his reputation. With deft fingers strumming the lyre, his melodic voice was gentle on the ears. The song was about a young man from Maidenpool, where he claims to have bedded all the maidens. It was raunchy and full of humor, which made a nice relief after a tragic play. He captivated and interacted with his audience. Finishing his song with a flourish, you clapped for him with the rest of the group. People tossed him coins, him catching every one in a small purse which is when he noticed Aegon. 
"Your Grace!" He gave a toothy grin, "How pleased I am to see you! Care to hear my newest tune?"
"Not today, Lightfingers," he shook his head. "I'm showing Princess Y/N around the square. She's very fond of the arts, and has never seen this side of the city before."
"Ah, in that case, I welcome you to Hill Square, Princess," he gave a bow of his head. 
"Thank you. You sing beautifully," you replied. 
"That's generous of you to say, Princess, I appreciate it."
"Are you performing anywhere else this evening?" Aegon asked him curiously. 
"Not anywhere special, my king."
"Then will you perform at the princess’s nameday feast tonight? She’d love to hear your voice in the hall, and I’d certainly gain favor with her if you came.” 
"Of course!" He perked up, "It will be a grand honor to sing for you and your guests, Your Grace." 
"Come to the Red Keep at sun down," said Aegon, taking your arm in his again. "I will make sure you're paid handsomely, Lightfingers."
The young man elated by the news promised a song befitting a daughter of House Baratheon. You listened to one more song before Aegon led you back into the square. You watched a fire breather perform dazzling tricks with his flames. You bought a small prancing stag made of yellow wax, and a crimson scarf from a woman who’d sewn it by hand. A woman claiming to be a seer told you that the Gods spoke to her and whispered that you'd be showered with riches. The last one did not dazzle you as much. You had riches. You wanted something more than that. 
You wanted Aegon.
A/N: nothing like a little Shakespearian-esque play to cause suspicion, right? Notice Moondrop and Alicent? I might have a side story featuring them ;) I may post it when this series is done, since I’ve yet to post anything Alicent centric. 
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lotusthewriter · 3 months
This night has opened my eyes (and I'll never sleep again)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) Rating: G Relationships: Edward & Alfons Characters: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; MENTIONED - Alphonse Elric Summary: Ed gets a cat home for once. Alfons doesn't like cats. Pre-Conqueror of Shamballa. Word count: 973 AO3
A/N: Based on this cute fanart of CoS!Ed with a cat! Except I made it sad. This is also my first time writing Alfons, so I hope it's good!
TRIGGER WARNINGS - presumed past character death and grief/mourning.
It’s a rainy, chilly night. Edward was supposed to be back at least an hour ago with groceries. But something came up…
“Ed? Where have you been?” Alfons asks from the kitchen, lighthearted even if concerned. He isn’t the kind to get mad at Ed or anyone. “I was worried you might get sick out there.”
“Nah, don’t worry too much.”
“Well, I managed some soup for now.”
“Great.” Ed takes off his boots, then he lets his wet hair loose. “I got us something special.”
There are steps coming out of the kitchen. “Oh, let me help you—”
Alfons stops in the way the moment a small meow echoes in their apartment. Ed carries all the groceries with his right arm, while the left has sheltered the cat inside his big coat.
“… What is this?” His roommate questions.
“We got a little buddy to join us for dinner, that’s what! I thought I might call him Ferdinand. Is it too grown up for him?” Ed caresses the gray cat once he releases the groceries.
“Wait, hold on, Ed. Did you really just pick up a random cat from the street?”
Ed’s smile starts to fade.
“Well, yeah… I thought it’d be nice to have a cat.” Finally, after all these years denying it.
Alfons does not look pleased with the idea. If anything, he looks not only judgmental of Ed’s decision, but he’s not very excited about the cat, which goes against Ed’s expectations.
“… You don’t like cats,” the latter confirms.
“Uh… ‘don’t like’ is a bit strong,” Alfons realizes and laughs nervously. “I’m fine with pets, but cats… I don’t really understand their temperament.”
“So you don’t like them.”
“Ed, that’s not what I meant—”
“But I know you don’t. And that’s- that’s fine. I’m sorry I brought him before knowing what you thought.”
Alfons grows quiet as Ed refuses to look him in the eye. The cat has also stopped meowing.
“Edward, I’m not mad, okay?” The former insists. “I don’t mind you having a cat, but right now, I’m not sure if it’s the best time. We’ve barely arrived here, gotten this apartment… how are you going to give the cat a home if we aren’t even able to buy much food for ourselves?”
Ed sighs. “Yeah, I know.”
He looks at the gray cat, which looks at him in return. It has beautiful hazel eyes.
Alfons scratches the back of his head.
“Well, I’m not going to tell you to leave him outside. He can stay over tonight. Maybe Ms. Gracia might help us out,” he imagines. “Maybe someone else can give him a home.”
Ed would’ve lashed out if it were a couple years ago. He remembers all the fights he pulled. He remembers all the times he did not allow a cat in his life, because he too couldn’t take care of it.
He just wanted to do this one thing he was never allowed. A little furry companion.
But no.
Alfons doesn’t like cats.
Not the way Al loved them and would’ve picked them up and hide them in his armor.
Ed can’t cry, either. He’s physically uncapable of crying. And the last time he did cry was when Al was literally separated from him for good.
The rain outside is losing its intensity.
Alfons is the one who sighs.
“Just… go take a shower and I’ll handle dinner, okay? Did you buy food for him, too?”
“Yeah.” Ed thought of everything. He even planned on giving one of his pillows to the cat and let it sleep in his room.
He places the cat on the floor for once. It meows again, pleased. Ed grabs a towel to dry the little guy.
The older Elric stares at its hazel eyes. Unlike everything else in this pale world, the eyes are the most vivid color he’s seen.
The cat is confused. It was promised it would stay.
Ed will end up breaking another promise.
“I’m sorry.”
The most emotion he’s felt in this last years.
Finally, he trusts Alfons to look after it while Ed gets warm.
He stands there for who knows how long.
Pale, pale blurs…
Ed also stares at the food and does not eat.
Alfons watches him.
Another conversation that won’t go anywhere.
“I’m sorry—”
“It’s fine, Alfons.”
(The name is also spoken with poison.)
“Look, again, maybe another day you can get a cat—”
“I wanted us to get a cat, but you don’t like them and that’s okay.”
The light-blonde boy sighs but he doesn’t protest too much.
“… This isn’t just about the cat, is it?”
Wow, so smart.
Obviously, Ed’s already being an asshole to Alfons, so he decides he won’t argue anymore.
“I know you miss home, Edward, and I’m sorry. I just… I want you to know that you can count on me.”
I can’t.
Alfons thinks Ed is making everything up about where he came from. Ed lives in a world where no one remembers him, because they’re nobody.
Ed is a nobody in a world of nobodies that have faces of everybody.
The cat is lying near Ed’s foot under the table (besides wanting to eat everything else on the floor right after it ate).
“I mean it, you can trust me,” Alfons promises.
Ed sighs yet again. He finally takes some soup, which has gone cold at this point.
Ed wishes he could say something else to Alfons.
But what’s the point if this world isn’t even real?
If not even in this dream Ed could get a cat? Or relive the bond that meant the world to him?
There’s nothing he can do.
He’ll just have to live in this bad dream and pay for everything that he did.
Ed just wants his little brother.
He just wants Al back.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Kou: Oh come on! Now isn’t the time to sleep, is it, Shuu-kun? Wakey, wakey~!
Shuu: Haah...Shut up. You two again...? What do you want today?
Subaru: ...The same crap again?
I thought we made ourselves clear that we don’t give a damn ‘bout who becomes Adam at this point in time? 
Ruki: About that, the four of us actually sat down one more time to discuss the matter. 
And we believe that there must be a good reason why that man decided to pass down his powers to Ayato. 
Kou: In other words~ If some other random guy suddenly appears to try and take those away from Ayato... 
It means that something bad must be waiting to happen, no? 
Reiji: ...I see. So you have come to the conclusion that we should attempt to rescue those two as soon as possible? 
Ruki: Well, I suppose that’s what it comes down to. 
Kou: As to be expected of Reiji-kun! You’re quick to understand! Anyway, the four us did a bit of investigating. 
And we believe that Ayato-kun and M-neko-chan are most likely at the manor of this guy named Kino.
Shuu: Kino...? So he’s the aforementioned...? 
Ruki: Yes. The guy who claims himself to be your brother. 
Laito: Hmm, Kino-kun...huh? Then shouldn’t we head over there quickly to go save those two?
According to what you told us the other day, this Resistance Group going by the name of ‘Raven’ consists entirely of Ghouls aside from Kino-kun, right? And not Vampires? 
Subaru: Hah! It’d be a piece of cake then! We should be able to wrap them up before mornin’ comes.
Ruki: Well...If things go according to plan, at least.
Reiji: ...Is there anything? 
Ruki: ...No, it’s nothing. Well then, let us be on our way.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Kino’s manor
Laito: So this is the place? 
Kou: That’s what our Familiars told us but...
Shuu: ...What’s this? It’s suspiciously quiet. 
Laito: They’re probably asleep? Come on, let’s get this over with nice and quick. 
ー They enter the manor
Kanato: Nobody’s...around.
Subaru: Oi, Kou! I thought you did your proper research!? 
Kou: Eeh~!? You’re putting the blame on me!? How could you, Subaru-kun!
Ruki: Sh! Be quiet! I believe I heard something just no...Guh!? 
Kou: ...! Ruki-kun!?
Ruki: ...! So it was a trap after all!
ー They are suddenly surrounded
??? A: So you fell for it, Vampires! We shall settle the score here once and for all!
??? B: We shall get rid of all of you and bring true peace to this World...!
Shuu: ...These guys...Vampire Hunters...!? 
Laito: Vampire Hunters!? Why would they be here...!? 
Shuu: We can think about that later! Here they come!
Kanato: Why...How did this happen!? 
Kou: Ruki-kun, are you alright...!? Hang in there...!
Ruki: Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worr...Ugh...
Reiji: Anyway, it would be dangerous to stay here in the human world any longer. Well then, let us go!
Shuu: ...A Vampire is working together with the Church...?
Who on earth is that Kino guy...?
ー They pass through the gate to the Demon World
Right before we left the manor,
I found an opening to talk to Ayato-kun. 
Ayato-kun told me that for now,
we should do as Kino-kun says
and wait out the situation. 
I shared this opinion. 
Kino-kun had put a pair of handcuffs,
on Ayato-kun beforehand.
Apparently these handcuffs were special,
as they would keep his magic suppressed. 
I am not doing this,
because Yuuri-san warned me not to resist,
but if I don’t approach this the right way,
I will only have to face the painful consequences. 
I did try to ask him,
where exactly we were headed,
but just as I thought,
Kino-kun showed me an ambiguous smile in response, refusing to tell me. 
While this would not be my first time,
visiting the Demon World,
when I would look at the area around me,
I felt as if we were headed,
somewhere I had never been before. 
Time passes slowly over here. 
So I have lost track of what day it is,
and for how long exactly,
our journey has been going on.
Then one day,
Kino-kun abruptly spoke up. 
Yui: Eh? What was that...?
Kino: ...Like I said, Rotigenberg. You wanted to know about it, no?
Our destination. The Cursed Wastelands of the Demon World...
Ayato: Tsk...
Yui: ...?
( I’m pretty sure Ayato-kun’s expression changed just now... )
→ Check up on Kino-kun (<3)
Yui: ( I’m curious but Kino-kun has forbidden me from talking with Ayato-kun, period... )
Kino: ...Hm? Is something the matter? Ah, are you curious about Rotigenberg, perhaps?
Yui: ...Yeah.
Kino: Well, I guess that’s something to look forward to for when we get there. Fufu...
Yui: ( That only gets me even more curious...! )
→ Check up on Ayato-kun
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( ...? Huh? Did I just imagine it? )
( Either way, I’m forbidden from talking to Ayato-kun. )
( I’m a little curious though... )
Yuuri: Kino, we will have to cross the mountains once we get out of the forest, so let us rest up right here.
Kino: Good idea. 
Well then...The usual, okay?
Yui: ...
Ever since we left on this journey,
Kino-kun would always use handcuffs to tie our hands together,
whenever we went to bed. 
Of course, I’m not thrilled about it,
but after going this process time after time,
I’ve finally come to the point where I can get a few hours of sleep. 
Kino: Well then, goodnight.
Yui: ...
Ayato: ...
Yuuri: ...
Yui: ( Even when Kino-kun is asleep, Yuuri-san is always keeping an eye on us... )
( I guess I won’t get a chance to talk to Ayato-kun after all. )
( I’m kind of exhausted. I suppose I’ll get some shut-eye as well... )
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ...
Kino: ...Uu...Aah...
ー She opens her eyes again
Yui: ( ...What was that just now...? )
Kino: Haah...Kuh...Stop...Why...I...
Yui: Kino-kun...?
Kino: No...I was...chosen! ...You’re wrong...No!
Yui: ( What’s happening...!? )
Kino-kun!? What on ear...
Yuuri: Wait, please.
Yui: ...Yuuri-san...? But Kino-kun is...
Yuuri: ...He is fine. So please, be quiet.
Yui: ...
Yuuri: Please do not let it bother you and get some sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us after all...
Yui: Okay. Goodnight...
Kino: ...Haah...Nn...
Yui: ( Is it really okay...? He’s suffering so much... )
( But the way Yuuri-san reacted...It’s almost as if he’s used to it... )
( ...I wonder if there’s something to this...? )
I decided not to let it bother me,
as I forced myself to close my eyes. 
Kino-kun continued to mumble,
as he kept on denying (否定) something,
again and again. 
I wonder what exactly it means? 
While pondering over that,
and before I had realized,
I once again drifted off to sleep (眠り). 
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ryuichirou · 1 year
I’m back, the VilOrtho enthusiast offering my VilOrtho agenda to you yet again 🤲🏻
So, I play EN servers but that hasn’t stopped me from watching book 7 on YT etc. plus all the art that’s going round, in particular Ortho’s Cerberus fit. Wow, they went hard didn’t they?
Obviously we haven’t got the full story yet but it doesn’t stop my mind from straying to the fact that Ortho is going to get in there and do his best to save everyone. I’m having thoughts of Vil rousing and Ortho being more than protective of his beautiful senpai. Since book 6 these two have had more than a special bond through film club.
The first thing Vil see is Ortho is this outfit, even though there’s a lot going on he just can’t help the ridiculous way he’s getting turned on especially when Ortho starts fussing him. Meanwhile Ortho’s sense of smell is heightened in that outfit, not to mention he’s experiencing heat. He can practically smell Vil without even trying.
Once things are over Ortho doesn’t swap back just yet… the idea of humiliating Vil first and knotting him until he’s nothing but ruined makeup and pleas just makes Ortho fucking wild. It’s new but even a sudden revelation of breeding the queen seems like something he wants more than anything.
Hi again, VilOrtho enthusiast! It’s good to hear from you again.
Ortho’s Cerberus gear is sick, I think it’s my favourite one out of all of his gears. They went so hard it’s insane. Even though ch7 isn’t complete yet, and we’re yet to see what he can do in this fit, its existence pretty much opened a Pandora box full of kinky scenarios and knot jokes lol It’d be a lie to say that we haven’t thought about it ourselves……
… Not with Vil though, damnnn 😳😳😳 A queen and a misbehaving pup?? With a heightened sense of smell?? That can find him anywhere because of course he can??
I approve this message and especially the idea of Cerberus!Ortho shoving his cold nose up Vil’s butt to say hi and make sure that he is the one he wants to breed.
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sunshine-overload · 2 years
[BSTS] Mokuren Ice Skating 4* Card Story
(maica pov)
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chapter 1 -outdoor ice skaing rink, day time-
maica: Thanks for coming along with me today, Saki.
saki: Same to you, I’ve been looking forward to it.
maica: That so? Let’s hurry up and get on the rink then.
-time pass-
maica: …Seems like a big crowd has formed for some reason.
saki: It’s really lively, ah, seems like a guest performer is here today.
maica: You’re right. I wonder if it’s a professional skater.
maica: …Um, Saki. Doesn’t that person that’s performing look just like Mokuren?
saki: Huh?
mokuren: —So it was you, Princess.
saki: Uwah, it really is Mokuren-san!
mokuren: I spotted you approaching from far away. I didn’t think I’d run into you here, I’m pleasantly surprised.
maica: We’re the ones that are surprised. You just got one massive round of applause, didn’t you?
saki: We thought a professional must be here or something. Have you been coming here to skate often Mokuren-san?
mokuren: No, this is my first time. I watch figure skating specials on TV sometimes. I watched one yesterday and it made me want to try it.
saki: It’s your first time yet you were already so amazing at it… That’s just like you, Mokuren-san.
mokuren: I was able to improvise those movements, but it appears the level of difficulty to pull off spins and jumps is quite high. But still, this is a lot more interesting than I thought it’d be. It can be good practice for my dancing, so visiting more during winter may not be a bad idea.
maica: I get the feeling it’ll only take you a month to get the jumps down, Mokuren. Let’s get ready to skate ourselves, Saki.
saki: Y-yes.
mokuren: Could it be you’re nervous, Princess?
saki: It’s actually my first time skating too.
mokuren: In that case, how about I join you. I was able to work out how to glide along the ice right away, so I think I’ll be a suitable teacher.
maica: I’m only a beginner too, so that would be helpful.
saki: I’ll be counting on you, Maica-san, Mokuren-san.
chapter 2 -same location-
mokuren: Alright, give stepping onto the ice a try.
saki: It’s quite nerve wracking for some reason.
mokuren: It’s ok, Princess. I’ll support you so take my hand.
saki: Thank you.
maica: Maybe it’s a good thing Mokuren was here after all. It’s taking all my concentration just to stand up myself.
mokuren: Now that you’re on the rink you can hold onto the railing around the edge. Keep going along like that until you get used to how the skates feel.
saki: Ok.
-time pass-
maica: I think I’m getting a bit better at it.
saki: Yes, I’m still just rolling along though…
mokuren: That’s just how it is when you first try something.
maica: But isn’t this your first time too?
mokuren: I usually do training similar to this for dancing. So adjusting to balance on top of the ice is no problem for me.
saki: Impressive. Are you sure you’re ok with lagging behind with us the whole time, Mokuren-san?
mokuren: I don’t mind. I’m happy I can be here to support you.
maica: I get what Saki’s saying though. Since you’re stuck at our pace you can’t skate around as much as you want.
saki: I’d like to see you glide around again, Mokuren-san.
mokuren: Princess… Ok, in that case then I’ll skate just for you, watch closely.
saki: (Wow… Mokuren-san’s movements are so beautiful…)
maica: Amazing, huh. He’s improvising to match up with the music the venue’s playing.
saki: It really does feel like we’ve come to watch Mokuren-san’s very own show.
saki: (Even the over visitors have stopped to watch...)
-time pass-
saki: Thank you so much for today, you two.
maica: Thank you as well, thanks to you I had a lot of fun.
mokuren: Me too, I’m glad I got to skate with you, Princess. I don’t think what I did today is good enough to be called a dance yet but, one day I’d love to show you a dance atop the ice. So look forward to it.
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atomic-insomnia · 2 years
15 Interview Questions (for Amelia)
thanks for tagging me, @dotr-rose-love!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Eh, not directly.  My mother thought it sounded “queenly;” same with my sister Matilda’s name.  She was very concerned about that, my mother, sounding royal.  You should’ve heard the airs she could put on.
2. When was the last time you cried?
*sarcastic grin*  I’m not much for weepers or sob stories.  It’d smear my mascara.
[Probably not since she was a kid or at least a young teenager; keeping her emotions hidden is one thing she considers deeply important.  It’s partially to protect herself from being vulnerable, but at this point in her life she’s just made it a habit and struggles to honestly open up about anything.]
3. Do you have kids?
Oh Jesus Christ, I hope not!  Haha!
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Noo, never.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The shiny bits.  *snort*  No, if I’m being honest, I look for their general mood--like, is this someone who’s open to a conversation?  Are they trying to go unnoticed?  Do they seem the type to fly off the handle?
Now, what I do with that information, that all depends on the situation at hand.
6. What’s your eye color?
Nothin’ special, just...brown.  Same old same old.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Hm...I’d say the two should go together.  The happy ending’s worth nothing if you don’t get your thrills & chills leading up to it, and why put up with the scares if you don’t get a happy ending?
...But that’s what movies are for.  Real life usually doesn’t play by those rules.
8. Any special talents?
Any sort of special talent you wish, darling.  One look at you, and *snaps fingers* I can tell you all your most hidden secrets, your dreams, your desires--and your future.  For a fee, of course.  *wink*
[Probably her most useful talents are reading people--which is what all that ‘psychic’/’i can see your dreams’ nonsense really is--and adaptability.  Find an unpredictable situation, then figure out a plan so you can say “mmm, just as I predicted, the Spirits were right”]
9. Where were you born?
Good Ol’ Harlem, New York New York.  Nothing much to say here that hasn’t been said before by wordier people than me.  There’s a lot for the newspapers to get rich suckers crying and wringing their hands about “the plight of the poor.”  But there’s more than that.  Sometimes I see people say the reason we’ve got so many artists is because art needs suffering--but that also means we’ve got people willing to turn suffering into art.  Doesn’t it?
...Whoops, got off topic.  Ignore me, haha, I must love to hear the sound of my own voice.
10. What are your hobbies?
I’m out every every night I can be, looking for someplace new to dance!  If I really need a quiet night, I go to the moving pictures or a vaudeville theater for a few acts.  Usually I only want action, but lately I’ve needed a break more and more often...
11. Have you any pets?
He prefers to be called an “assistant.”
[From across the room:  “I heard that.”]
No, but I’ve never been one for animals in the house.  ...That, and I can barely keep myself fed, I don’t want to be the one keeping something else alive.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I’ve played baseball, by which I mean, I’ve swung a stick at a rubber ball and run around the pieces of cardboard we plopped down on the street for ‘bases.’  That was when I was a kid, way back when.  Nowadays I only pay attention to sports to keep up with the betting odds.
13. How tall are you?
...Tall enough.  What’s it to you?
[Somewhat of a sensitive subject as she’s usually as tall as or taller than most of the men around her]
14. Favorite subject in school?
Oh, easy!  Arithmetic.  I know, I don’t look the type.  Of course, I got a lot more use of it outside of school--betting odds for the local race track, trade value of chewing gum vs. rouge powder...my teacher always told me the only value math had for a woman was budgeting household expenses.  My household is a party of two and we both take care of ourselves, so I guess that means my teacher wasted her time, hm?  I’m not bitter--genuinely, I’m not--I just can’t imagine wanting a life where you end up as either a repressed housewife, or a schoolmarm who’s jealous of the future repressed housewives in your class.
15. Dream job?
To not have to work, haha.  Oh, I’d find a way to keep busy and fill my days--could you imagine spending all day lounging on a beach somewhere?  They act like it’s a dream--yeah, because you’d fall asleep soon enough.  No, but, look at what the ritzy set gets up to with all their money and free time--parties, vacations, and all the drama of who’s sleeping with who’s wife!  Maybe instead of being one of them, I’d rather be the reporter selling them out to the tabloids.
Oh, I’m kidding.  I just want the free champagne.
I’ll leave an open tag for anyone who wants to fill out these questions for their OCs!
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reginrokkr · 2 years
Delusion, Dainsleif
Delusion: What are your Genshin unpopular opinions?
The Harbingers might be hot (not to me tbh, but I do admit that I find Pierro aesthetically appealing to me), but we’ve seen a bunch of them and they’re nuts, you people. I’ve seen people bashing other characters for doing less than them and still not receiving the “but they’re hot!!! treatment™ which kind of annoys me lol Don’t get me wrong, people can do whatever they want and like whatever they want, that’s why this matter is subjective, but what gets to me many times if this hypocrisy going on in so many aspects that are beyond RP that don’t bode well with me.
I don’t know how unpopular this is, although from things I’ve seen people saying it might be just that. It’s people bitching about the Traveler being nerfed at times and forgetting how lore-wise it doesn’t many any sense for them to do some stuff of what they do, simply because they’re meant to act as our self-insert for many reasons and it’s simply easier to get us to involve ourselves in everything that there is to happen out there. Yes, the logic that “they’re from another world, so they can do it” might be a good point, but to be fair it still isn’t enough nor it justifies many of the things that we get to do that... feel more like we’re shoehorning ourselves in. That’s just my opinion though, as to me the Genshin experience leans towards lore firstly. It’s just awkward to me how certain things are being dealt with despite how rich and interesting the lore is. Let it be known though that this isn’t me bashing the Traveler as it is criticizing Mihoyo’s way of doing things with them, which sometimes feels like they’re a mix of self-insert and an actual character but since they already started on the self-insert footing, the harem syndrome many characters have and all that “fun” stuff becomes just weird to happen.
Dainslef: What theory do you have about the lore and the Archon’s involvement with the destruction of Khaenri'ah
Initially, I used to have the mindset that some of the Archons had no way to have any involvement in Khaenri’ah’s destruction because for example Zhongli was busy marshalling the Millelith and Yaksha of the time to protect Liyue Harbor from the Black Cataclysm. I was in the mindset that if Archons were to have had any involvement with it, it’d be because they’re pretty much the Celestia gods’ servants and they have to do their bidding whether they like it or not, this based on what information we have so far about the Archons we know. But recently, I noticed that the Black Cataclysm wasn’t something that happened for a brief amount of time and that made it impossible to Archons to not be in Khaenri’ah too when the destruction happened.
In fact, the destruction of Khaenri’ah would be what provoked the Black Cataclysm on the rest of Teyvat later, so it isn’t incompatible. Moreover, there are being more proofs that this lasted for several years which makes it definitely plausible for them to be there, specially after what we’ve learned from Makoto’s stay there and Ei’s. As for their degree of involvement with it, I still stand by what I thought so far that it could be a case scenario of doing the Celestia gods’ bidding because they had no other choice, but I’m on the wait to see if there are other takes of other Archons out there that were actually in the agreeing side that Khaenri’ah had to be dealt with (which it had though).
Genshin ask redux → Accepting! || @samyavastha ✦
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prententiousjackal · 1 year
Sayings, ramblings, monologues or dialogue I made or planned on quoting, that didn't make it the final video.
Pretentious philosophy brainstorming that contributed to my Paper Puppets video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN4ExNIlAMc
Precise definitions are necessary for scientific discussion. But just because something has an imprecise definition right now, doesn’t mean we can’t create a family of sub-definitions to work with and differentiate between. For example, with increasing understanding of intersex conditions, defining male and female has become harder. But scientists created sub-definitions that they can use adjectives to distinguish. It’s not male and female, it’s phenotypically male or female, chromosomally male or female, gonadally male or female. Male or female in respect to the presence or absence of the SRY gene. Male or female in respect to whether the individual has a uterus or not.
Whether the concept of the soul is preposterous depends on how you define the soul. We could make it a scientific term if we were to precisely define it. But so many people lay claim to it that it’d be rude to give one precise definition precedence. Which is why we must create multiple precise definitions and use adjectives to differentiate between them.
What is the soul? Perhaps there are some missing electrical, ionic or chemical pathways in the brains that have gone unnoticed by our detectors so far. Does that make them any more special than what we’ve seen so far?
The ancient Egyptians had nine different categories for the human soul. Maybe they were ahead of their time. Finding the complexity. And they knew the connection between the soul and our body. However they didn’t pin it down to the right organ. They thought the heart did the thinking and that the brain was useless.
What’s the difference between sensations and thoughts? Aren’t thoughts just the process of sensing abstractions, and sensing ourselves.
Many physical things were once considered spiritual before we had a better understanding of them and then they were considered physical. They lost their novelty, their spark. What is spiritual but something that’s vaguely relatable but just out of reach. Once things become too familiar they’re not special anymore. And since humans want to feel special they don’t let it define themselves anymore. But just because our thoughts are electricity and we’re descended from monkeys, doesn’t make us any less amazing.
People grow helplessly attached to labels that they have to protect.
It hurts when we feel like our identity is attacked. We make choices based on our identity. When someone says we’re not who we thought we are, we question whether we made the best choices. We question whether or not we were acting in our best interests. Whether we were actually free. And that’s scary.
“You can’t let other people control your identity.” “Maybe they are a part of my identity. It is only me controlling myself.”
How we can be free depends on how we define the self. If our upbringing is not a part of ourselves then a man of his culture is not free. But if it is a part of ourselves, then a man of his culture is exercising self determination. If genes are not a part of ourselves then an instinctual man is a slave. If genes are a part of the self, then only the instinctual man is free. Whether we are free depends on how we define ourselves. Leave it up to each individual to define what’s a part of themselves or not. What is “we” or “individual”. Aren’t we presupposing a definition of self, to begin with. Perhaps genes are controlling us so that we care too much about them. Perhaps our culture is controlling us so we care about our culture. We can have a culture, that demands we make the culture into our identity.
The way to maximize free will depends on our definition of ourselves. Our identity. But how does one freely choose their identity? How does one define that freewill and where it comes from? Who it is working for. It’s a never ending cycle. A circular definition.
Maybe I don’t need a concrete definition of myself. I can just learn to navigate the different labels.
We roll our identity through a landscape of labels. We roll our identity up a hill that seems close to where we want to be. It’s a landmark but not the final destination. We let it roll back down and roll it toward a new hill. Eventually we’ll find ourselves moving in circles. "The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
If we discovered the soul would we even recognize it as the soul, or know that we understood it, would we just rationalize it as something merely correlated with the soul.
The divide between mind and body is artificial. Created by a system of aggressive division of labor. We are divided between manual and intellectual labor. Manual workers must give up decision making to their bosses and let them control their bodies. Office workers must suppress their need to get off their seats and take a walk, only able to enact their orders through other people's bodies. We are alienated from our own bodies.
We’re so stuck looking for outside entertainment but our bodies can be our own entertainment.
Our bodies have been made into alien objects. With confusing names that don’t resonate with us.
“The Loch Ness monster’s not real. It’s just an old dinosaur living in the scotland caves.” “That’s what the Loch Ness monster is! That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!”
“The most liberating identity you can have is being a child of God. No one can take from you.” “Identity is meaningless if it includes everyone. On the other hand, ‘Child of God’ excludes people who don’t believe in your particular definition of God, people who don’t like being infantilized, etcetera. And how do we know what God’s like? From those who claim to speak for God. Identity as a Child of God can bend you to the will of religious bigots. Now to defend your identity as a Child of God you must do all you can to be a hard working, obedient monogamous allo-cis-het automaton. Or at least that sums up the expectations of being a Child of God in my culture. What does being a Child of God mean to you?” “Well, being a good honest kind person.” “Then just say that.”
Just because we are ignorant of our predestination doesn’t mean we aren’t predestined. Being ignorant of our strings doesn’t mean we aren’t controlled by strings. But at least it holds hope that other people with malicious intentions don’t know how to control our strings. But what if the universe is malicious, whether it tries to or not. If an evil god or a collective evil is holding our strings.
Sometimes precise language isn’t possible, because what’s coming at us is vague. And sometimes even if we do have precise language, we don’t want to get into details because it feels uncomfortable. Vague language helps us test the waters, tread the fine line between privacy and openness.
The soul is created from promises. The brain’s confidence in being able to rearrange its neurons around something. I can’t make promises. I can’t be someone’s soulmate.
We can’t help but control each other. Words have an impact. We rearrange other people’s neurons, when we emit sound for them to hear and they listen and encode it so they can remember our words.
You can’t always just say “love”. There are many types of love. Platonic, romantic or sexual — sensual or rational — committed or fleeting — sacrificial or of mutual respect of each other's independence — emotional or intellectual — empathetic or utilitarian — exclusive love or love for all humanity — love of peers or love between master and pupil.
That’s why it’s hard to say if I’m in love. What kinds of love am I feeling right now? It’s hard to say what love I really want when I’m bombarded with media telling me how to love. What love is genuine. What love is forced.
“I claim you as part of my soul. Without your input, I am not free.”
“To put it simply, freewill is being able to do what we want.” “I got to disagree. People can do things they don’t want, and being a slave to yourself isn’t the same as being free.” “Ignore that for now. Freewill is doing what the self wants. But self is hard to define as well. What is the self? Is it the primal instincts handed down through genetics? Is it our upbringing? Is it our brain? Any specific part of the brain? Is it our neurology? Any specific function of our neurology? I think you’ll find that our minds are chock full of competing wills. The problem is picking a percent combination of each of them and calling that combination the most free will. But some people want to be ruled by their instincts. Some people want to be ruled by their upbringing. Is there an indivisible decision maker, a dictator? Or is our brain prone to condorcet paradoxes?”
Two billion years ago, our ancestor cells formed an endosymbiotic relationship with the proteobacteria that are now mitochondria. For thousands of years our species has had a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in our gut. It’s hard to say when individual lives begin, whether conception or birth, development of the brain. Which part of the brain? Which function of the brain? Where does one life end and another begin? Is there a crossover?
If something is determined by something else, then it is controlled. It doesn't have freewill. If something is not controlled by something else, then it is random, a first cause, a constant of the universe. It doesn't have free will either. Everything in the universe must belong to either of these categories. Neither category has free will. P or not P. If P then Q, if not P then Q. Therefore Q. It’s the law of the excluded middle, and Modus Ponens. The notion of freewill is an intentionally vague rebellion against what is, a tautology.
Fate and chance are a false dichotomy. We have no freedom in either of them.
At least if something is random we have hope that malicious forces can’t control it. But what if the universe, what if the randomness is malicious whether it tries to or not.
All this time we’ve been looking for the soul. But it’s been in front of us this whole time. The soul is matter. Our religion and culture has demonized this matter because it allows them to control us. Set themselves up as spiritual when they were no more spiritual than us. They become dictators of our identity and thus our free will.
We refuse to admit that we’ve actually discovered the soul. It’s an ever changing goal post. Some say the definition of magic is undiscovered technology. Therefore we will never discover magic by definition. We’ve made it the same for the soul.
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streetrunnazvol40 · 1 year
Nauseating Tension
“Okay Google, play the album I Let It In and It Took Everything by Loathe.”
The quiet room dimly lit by the overcast skies quickly filled with sound as I prep my laptop for writing. I take a long drag of my backwoods before I type something.  Four years ago, today was the day I ended the situationship with someone I wanted to marry. She decided to pursue our mutual friend behind my back and I caught them having sex. This is the aftermath. 
The air had turned sour after our vacation. Tension so thick in that 7-hour ride that it'd bust the windows if it had a physical form. A thick, repugnant gas of betrayal, jealousy, greed and lust. There's a certain type of hatred between two friends who turned into enemies. The friends who chose their respective sides revel in the camaraderie of the side they choose, but for what is turned into happiness is just as quickly turned into a putrid and deeply founded hatred of the other side. 
When you make a group of people choose a black-and-white side in a world composed of an amalgamation of grays it dilutes the little purity in the well of truth that both parties have to drink from. 
It creates an unnecessary drought of logical thinking and clarity amongst even the most well composed individuals.  You tend to build a deep distain for someone after you see them turn into something that they promised they wouldn't.  
After all, they promised. 
Hours passed, things happened and my phone vibrated. 
"We need to talk."
"Our spot?"
"Yea otw"
We sat together for what seemed like hours after we decided that it be best if we ended our friendship. Best if we dissolve our group of friends and go our separate ways. We were outside our little alcove that no one knew about, and we didn't want to go back into such a special place for such a sour occasion. Maybe she'll take him there, or maybe I'll take someone else there. It's not ours anymore, I guess, so it's best if I just mind my own business.  
Once she saw my bruised knuckles, busted lip and broken nose, she couldn't look me in the eye. Hell, I probably looked something real ugly being all busted up and bruised. I thought it was an accomplishment to look like this, it was evidence that I was the better man, right?  I looked at her and she opened her mouth, but she closed it immediately. I started to speak, but I just dropped it. I didn't have anything to say anyways.  We'd exchange glances as the other looked away, seemingly proving to ourselves that we'd lost our compatibility in a matter of hours. 
She exhaled and shifted her body, while brushing her hair out of her face as she moved away from me. I sank my head and looked off into the distance down the long hallway that separated us from the rest of the building.
All these battle scars revealed was that she wasn't interested in me, at least not anymore. In fact, it seemed like she was afraid of me. It wasn't the fact that I was fighting, she'd been used to that. Seemed like everyone from my city was angry, and we had a reputation for it. I come from a city of broken spirits, drug addicts, and dulled men. A city where the best you could do was a factory job, or a city job and all that’s left is the anger that seeps out from a lack of opportunities. A city where you have to constantly be aware of your surroundings. I had a flashback of the physical altercation from hours earlier, and clenched my fists in anticipation as I glanced over my shoulder. We made eye contact. 
"You okay?" 
I grimaced. Honestly, no. I mean, I fought three people at once and got the shit kicked out of me, who would be? Had I not been a competent fighter I wouldn't have been able to get one of them down. He was the one who’d wronged me anyways. They won the battle; I won the war. I thought of what I could say that could comfort her, but I couldn't think of anything. 
Another bout of silence. There aren’t any lofty sentiments, just a stillness of death that can only come from the ending of a relationship no matter the significance. it seemed like we were both waiting for the other to say something, but neither of us could will ourselves to speak. 
The floor vibrated, and my phone screen came to life. It was my ex. 
"Can I see you daddy?"
She had to have seen it because she sank even lower. She contorted her face and exhaled. Punching her in the stomach might’ve been softer than what text had done. I figured it'd be best if I leave now before the pain sets in, so I get up and straighten my clothes. 
"I gotta go.”
"I know. Goodbye, Justin."
I heard her sniffling as I rounded the corner. 
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Café Enchanté 2019 Halloween SS - 『Trick or Treat!』 English translation
This is one of the only two things I can translate for Café Enchanté... and well it is October. Not sure if or when i’ll get to translating the other thing as I’m mostly focused on Hakuoki Yuugiroku right now (though at a severely reduced pace unfortunately)... also I am not entirely sure if i will be making this post solely available on patreon later due to the nature of the content (aka this came from one of Otomate’s websites and my policy is basically to do things that minimizes potential problems to myself). 
anyway, since my switch isn’t working right now, I didn’t go check to see if I was using game-accurate terms.... and my translation of this story may not be 100% accurate since I did not translate this from Japanese. 
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Cafe Enchanté 2019 Halloween SS -  『Trick or Treat!』
Translation by KumoriYami
——October 31st.
In the human world, it was an exciting day called "Halloween."
Even the non-humans who were the strongest last BOSSes of the world who gathered on the street where Cafe Enchanté was located  were no exception——
Misyr · Il · Ignis · Rindo:……
Canus: Wh-Why are you all staring at me like that? Is there something wrong...
Misyr: Nn~ ahahaha. Not really. Though if asked if something was strange or not, it'd obviously be strange, right?
Rindo: It feels like the punchline ran away from that [???]...... Isn't that a Jack-o-Lantern?
Il: No, that's very different from the reference materials I saw before.
——To say the least, aren't there flames coming out of the pumpkin demon's eyes and mouth?
Ignis: Canus, the inside of pumpkin you used must have been delicious. Don't waste food.
Canus: U-Um, of course. Maybe she'll bake a pumpkin pie when she comes back..... but, is this really bad? Originally, I wanted a prepare a full-body costume.
Ignis: Regardless if you did that, you wouldn't have had that choice....
Rindo: Ahaha...... it should be said that it looks novel——it feels very eye-catching.
Il: Speaking of which, the store owner hasn't returned yet――Did the shopping district meeting get extended?
Misyr: Maybe. All the shops around here are doing something for Halloween, and there will be a mountain of problems associated with the children's itineraries and so on.
Ignis: Che...... Even if you hide Enchanté's existence, it's annoying how you can't hide the the fact it's on this street. I'm not interested in dressing up.
Canus: However, she rarely encourages us to participate in events like this. I cannot agree with your approach.
Ignis:......I know. I didn't say I hated it though, okay?
Il: Hm...... I've suddenly thought up a costume idea. But even if we don't disguise ourselves, if we just remove the recognition obstruction and return to our original appearances――that is to say our non-human forms, wouldn't all our problems be solved?
Rindo: S-Since I can only see a future where my superiors cut my salary, please spare me.....?
Misyr: Ahaha. Well~ regardless of Rindo's overtime and financial circumstances, it's the so-called when in Rome, do as Romans do...…. though it might be a bit different. Still this is a special event, so if you don't obediently enjoy it, it'll be your loss.
Canus: Nn. There are other costumes available. You should change before she comes back.
Ignis:……Ha, I get it. It's just....... seeing your appearance as a pumpkin demon, I'm a little worried about what kind of outfit you chose for me.......
* * *
——30 minutes later.
After the first person finished changing clothes.
Misyr:――Trick of treat! If you don't give me some treats, the human world will become covered in corpses? ——Just kidding.
Il: Trick or treat! I don't play tricks, so will you please give me some treats? If possible, please give me some ice cream!
Ignis: Hey, the stupid fallen angel over there. That's blackmail, right? You can't choose the type of treat you get.
Il: You can't? I really don't think I want to play tricks though——
Rindo: Haha. It's not impossible since he's a really gentle Frankenstein. As for the Demon King....... even if you gave him some treats, he will still likely play tricks.
Misyr: Oh, sorry. I keep my promises. Add— ition—ally? Today I am not the Demon King, but a Zombie King! ——I'll bite you and turn you into my zombie companion~★
Canus: Fufufu...... you're having a lot of fun/you're very happy, Misyr.
Misyr: Well. It's great that everyone is having fun. Furthermore, there are never any chances to dress up...... so wouldn't it be better to be thorough to have more fun?
Rindo: Having said that...... you seem more dignified, Misyr. If you continued that, you might seem more like a demon king than usual.
Misyr: What? Did you say something? Do you your guts to be pulled out? If it's Rindo, you'll be able to handle it regardless of how many times that happens★
Rindo:  I didn't say anything?!
Il:————(Chew chew)
Ignis: Hey, what did you suddenly start eating? Where the hell did that cupcake come from.
Canus:――Huh!? Il wanted to eat something sweet, so I just took that out of the cupboard......
Misyr: Hahaha, it's an overprotective pumpkin demon.
Ignis: Are you qualified to say that?
Il: Ohmnomnom [basically Il is eating and I have no idea what else to write here].
Ignis: Don't talk while eating!
Rindo: Fufu. well, since Il is eating cupcakes, it's our turn to change, right? Ignis.
Ignis: Ha...... okay. My costume looks very simple, and there are a lot of knickknacks...... what sort of costume is this? This……
* * *
Ignis, who returned after changing, was wearing――
Canus: Oohh......
Ignis:――What. What's with your reactions. Does this....... look strange?
Canus: No...... it's just a bit surprising.
Misyr:――Yes yes. I thought you were someone wearing a wolf kirugumi.
Rindo: I also thought he looked like a werewolf......
Ignis: That's because of your impressions of how I'm a flaming wolf...... isn't it? I tried not to minimize my original features since this is just supposed to be a disguise/costume.
Il: I think it suits you, Ignis. Pirates are always associated with a sense of roughness, which is just like you——
Ignis:——Okay, you hikikomori. Starting from today, I'll be eating all of your desserts. Aren't pirates associated with "looting"?
Il:……?! I, I refuse! I was praising you, so why?!
Misyr: But a pirate's costume has a man's sense of romance. I think it's cool.
Canus: Then, Rindo?
Misyr: · Canus · Ignis · Il:………………
Rindo: Oya...... that's the same reaction as Canus, but——
Ignis:......! That's it. You're "someone prepared poison because of overwork"!
Misyr: That's it!
Il: ! That's right.
Canus:......Oh. That's all I can think of too.
Rindo:――It's not that. Speaking of which, isn't it because of you all that I'm needing to work so hard? Anyway..... this is a scientist costume.
Ignis: A scientist?
Rindo: Right. This was probably prepared based on the image off my colleague, Mikado.
Il: So it's like that. This is the so-called "mad scientist".
Canus: Nn. Hearing you say that, it does remind me of how Mikado dresses.
Ignis: Then the liquid inside that syringe is——
Rindo: Oh, this is fruit juice. This can be used when kids are thirsty――. It seems that what's inside can be changed easily.
Misyr: Hm, these recent accessories are a lot more sophisticated. In the past, Halloween costumes were more simple......
* * *
In this way, as time passed, they all expressed their opinions about their costumes——
Canus: Nn...... it's been a long time. She should be returning soon.
Misyr:  Ah, that's right. I just finished changing, but why don't we all greet her together as we are?
Ignis: Ah? Li-Like this....... Ah~...... it's embarrassing......
Rindo: Haha, but wouldn't she be very happy?
Il: Yes, I think so. The manager was full of enthusiastism while she was thinking about a Halloween menu for today.
Canus: Indeed. I think she was looking forward to today.
Ignos: I, I get it........ Then....... if I'm gooing to have to do this――I'm going to do it like a pirate!
Misyr: Okay, okay. That's the spirit. ——Now, speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.
A familiar silhouette was heading straight to Enchanté's door and moved to open it.
Misyr and the others were waiting for her arrival, and as the door bell rang:
"Trick or treat!"
tn: The part where it says last “BOSS” was actually in English in the tl I used and the original text... but i had to make it plural since that grammatically did not work in English.
original link for this was (remove square brackets): [http://][blog.][otomate.][jp/info/article/2019/1031-4304.php]
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throbbin-bobbies · 2 years
AN: It’s just something rando I did. I might make more chapters lemme know what y’all think 😊
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Walking through the final gate at the airport, I can finally see Sasha, one of the farmhands at Horseland waiting for me. I made the decision to move across the country to start anew. At least as anew as I can.
“Hey squirt! Ready to get going and meet everyone at Horseland!?” Sasha greets me with a big hug and a bigger smile. He was one of my parents friends, along with the owners and the other workers at the barn.
“I suppose, haha! Hey, does anyone else know there’s a new girl coming to the barn or-?”
“Well, not exactly. You see, the Handler’s told everyone that there was a ‘special guest’ but left all the other details to their imaginations” Sasha chucked as we got everything and ourselves into the ranch truck.
“I see” I chuckle, “how mischievous! Now I see why mom and dad liked them so much!” We laughed as we headed to the ranch.
By the time we reached the ranch, it was just turning 10:30 in the morning. ‘Today’s gonna drag’ I thought to myself. Flying Michigan to California will have me up 24 hours when I go to bed at 9pm. My flight departed at 6 pm and I got here at 10 am!
“Do you think I have to participate in a bunch of meet and greets today? I kind of want to hermit in my room and consume as little energy as possible.”
“Well, the Handler’s sorta figured as such. So they offered to let you just rest all day if you’d like. What do ya think?”
“Hmmmm” I began to think. If I do the meet and greets now I can stay awake easier AND get the hellos out of the way. Resting in bed all day on my laptop sounds good too, but then I’d probably fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed. “I think I’ll actually just meet everyone today. That way I won’t fall asleep and ruin my sleep schedule on the first day, ya know?”
“I hear ya loud and clear, squirt” Sasha said, pulling in to the driveway to Horseland. It was big, and beautiful! The barns look amazing too. Looking out the window I can see a bunch of horses and people lined up. There was six people and six horses. Not going to lie, it’s a bit nerve-racking to meet all these people at once
Once we were parked, I got out of the passenger seat and walked back to the trailer. ‘Thankfully everyone is on the other side. Else it’d be a bit awkward, hehe’ I thought. Dropping the trailer I could see some of the riders though, so I gave them a smile and a wave. “Howdy, y’all! Let me get Little Miss out and greet ya properly!” As I finish the gate is finally open all the way.
“Little Miss? Oh, how cute! What breed is she?!” The blonde girl smiles.
“You’ll see soon enough” I chuckle. The reaction they’ll have ought to be good. You see, Little Miss is a 19.5 hand horse. A Percheron to be specific. “Come on girl! Let’s go say hi to everyone!”
{19.5 hands is 78 inches to withers, or 6.5 feet}
With a whinny she started moving her big hooves. I exited the trailer first, lead in hand, and watched everyone’s faces as I brought Little Miss out. It was a mix of awe, shock, and excitement.
“I don’t know if you know this already, but that’s no ‘little’ Miss nothing!” One redhead said.
“No kidding! Do you really expect to jump a horse like that?” The other lighter redhead followed.
“No, but what I do expect you to be nice or shut your mouth” I laughed. Typical mean girls. Gross.
“Hey! You can’t say that!” The first one said.
“Well don’t say rude things, and you won’t get rude things said back” I shrugged, matter of factly. “But please everyone, I’m really a nice person. I just sort of give back what ya give me. Otherwise I’m pretty tame!” I laugh with a smile.
“Hey squirt! Here’s your bags, I gotta split and get a project done before days out. See ya on the flip side!” Sasha came up with my suitcase and backpack. I placed my backpack next to my suitcase. ‘I’ll get Missy situated first before I deal with those’ I thought while petting her nose. “Okay Sasha, take care of yourself!” And he was off.
“So! My name is Misty! And this is my Percheron, Little Miss, but I usually just call her Missy.”
And one by one everyone introduced themselves and their horses. All of them seem nice! With the exception of the redhead sisters, of course.
“So what brings you out here to Horseland?” Sarah asks as let Missy out in the paddock to stretch her legs.
“Oh, family. In fact, I don’t know if you two know this,” I say insinuating towards Will and Bailey. “I’ll actually be staying with y’all for a while!”
“Oh really! Wow! Wait, what about school? Which one are you going to?” Molly asked, hopping on the fence.
“I’m doing online! I’m actually almost done with school all together.”
“Wait, really? How old are you? I thought you were the same age as us?” Alma piped in.
“I am! I’m just turning 16 this year. I did all my other schooling online and I just finish my classes early.”
“Must be nice” Chloe remarked.
“Yeah. We get stuck going to our school every year.”
“Every day!”
“Well, not all things are as great as they seem” I replied, watching Missy trot around.
“What do you mean, you get to practically do whatever you want” Chloe remarked again.
“Eh, maybe you’ll understand eventually, but for now let’s just worry about getting familiar with each other. I haven’t met anyone here before! What if one of you is like the boogeyman or something!” I laughed.
“The only boogeymen here are Chloe and Zoey” Bailey joked, causing the two to scoff and walk out of the barn.
“Well, we ought to go wait for our rides, it’s time to leave. It was nice meeting you Misty!” Sarah started the goodbyes. Then Molly, and Alma. Leaving me with Bailey and Will.
“So!” Will clapped his hands together, “Ready to go see your new room!?”
“Yeah! It’ll be nice to have a goooooood sleep” we all laugh, “I can’t say I’ve never been up this long before. But boy it’s been a long 24 hours with the time difference between here and Michigan!”
“Yeah, I bet all those introductions wore you out even more, huh?” Will asked, as I swung my backpack on my back. I went to grab the luggage handle but he quickly brushed my hand away and took it instead. “Let me, you’ve had a long day! You said it yourself!”
“O-oh…um. Thank you! That’s really sweet of you! And yeah, it was a bit tiring. I’ll probably sleep in a little in the morning, unless my body says otherwise of course.”
“An early bird huh?” Bailey chirped in, as we made it to the porch of the Handler’s house.
“Not quite, I’m more of a night owl, unfortunately with an early bird schedule”
“Ah, that must suck”
“Yeaaaah, but it’s okay for the most part.” I say as we walk inside, and there’s two middlish aged adults waiting for us. It’s Mr and Mrs. Handler, of course. I’ve met them once when they came out for a visit to see my parents a few years back. They didn’t take Bailey because of school so that’s why I’ve never seen him in person before.
“Hello sweet pea! We’re so glad to have you here with us.” Mrs. Handler said calmly walking in to give me a hug.
“It’s nice to see you guys again” I said as I pulled from our hug. “Even though I’ll be awkward for a while, I’m grateful you are having me here, really”
Then Mr. Handler came up and gave me a hug too. “Your parents would’ve done the same for us. They’re the best as they come after all” he smiled.
“That’s true, they are” I smiled.
“Now, come on honey, let’s let her get to bed, she’s been up long enough.” Mrs. Handler ushered her husband. “Will, can you show her her room please? And Bailey, come with us we need your help in the kitchen.”
“Follow me” Will smiled and lead the way. Going up the stairs and down the hallway lines with doors. He pointed out that the first on the left was the bathroom. First on the right was a closet. Second on the left was my room, and second on the right was his room. Baileys was down on the other side of the stairwell.
Walking into my new room everything was all cleaned up and smelled nice. It smelled like apple pie and vanilla. “Mmm. It smells nice in here, did y’all bake a pie in here!?” I giggled.
“No, not exactly,” Will chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “My aunt had me burn some apple pie candles and vanilla scented dust..or something like that- the furniture. She said it would help you relax, so I didn’t mind at all.” He finished with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
“Well thank you for doing that, I really appreciate it. Really. I absolutely love vanilla apple pie. It’s the yummiest. In fact I’ll make you one of my special ingredient pies so you can try it yourself! If you like pie that is” I chuckled.
“Oh no! Yeah! I love myself an apple pie! I’d-I’d love to try one of your apple pies.” His pink tinted cheeks spread and darkened to red.
“Okay, it’s a date then” I winked with small laugh. ‘He’s cuter when he’s flustered’ I thought, smiling.
“You know, like a date to remember. For the pie!”
“Oh—okay, haha”
“Well… it’s off to bed for me, so goodnight and thank you for everything” I smiled, “if anyone asks I’m going to try to sleep until 9 am. Ish.”
“Okay, 9am-ish it is. Goodnight, Misty!” Will said and closed the door behind him.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Sorry for adding onto your (most likely) already busy pile but is it alright if I put in a request?
I was wondering how/what Leona, Azul, Riddle, and the Leech brothers (all separately) would act/do if they have a crush on a hopeless romantic female reader? (Maybe how they’ll try to “woo” them/get them together?) Emphasis on crush, they’re not together yet 😅
In my opinion hopeless romantics are not so much about the perfect dream lover (chivalrous, gentlemanly, etc), but more about finding “the one” that we’re meant to dedicate all our time to. Sure, we do find ourselves more attracted to guys that’ll fit the description of our “perfect”, but generally we’re able to accept just about anyone, so long as they show their sincerity. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it’s the feelings behind them that counts. Small gestures with undeniable feelings behind them are weighed much more heavily than big gestures with little thoughts behind them. Not my words but I feel like this sentence describes it perfectly “Hopeless Romantics are in love with love”. No, they don’t have to sing me poems and proses, gift me flowers at every meeting, or serenade me under the balcony. Though I’ll admit that I had written pages upon pages of love poems on a single crush We are obsessed with the idea of finding someone made just for us, for us to love and be loved in return.
Just me turning to fictional characters to cope with the harsh reality... we really aren’t made for modern society 😔
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Leona Kingscholar
For a while now, Leona really did think he found hopeless romantics stupid. He just doesn’t get why someone would put so much importance in something as vague and fleeting as romantic love.
Then he ends up falling for you.
Needless to say, his crush is something that constantly taunts him. He really feels so confused around you, as if he shouldn’t like you as much as he does. He never thought someone like you would catch his attention, you just seem so... soft, sometimes. Leona is usually straightforward about his interest in people, but when it comes to you, he doesn’t really know how to go about it.
He knows you’re not somebody who would be swayed through his meaningless teasing, that you’re the sort of person who wanted devotion. And it isn’t like he doesn’t want that with you -- Though, he’d rather die than admit this right now -- but he doesn’t know how to express it.
He still wants to show his interest, but for you, he does it differently. He flirts more subtly, teasing you less, and when you’re alone, he almost acts sweet, way easier to fluster. When you’re sweet to him back, he feels so stupidly warm and fuzzy and he loves it hates it.
Falling for a hopeless romantic definitely is the way to break Leona. It might be the only way to catch him off guard romantically, even.
Azul Ashengrotto
Similar to Leona, Azul kind of looks down on the concept of love, but for a slightly different reason. For him, it’s that he doesn’t like being vulnerable, so letting himself have this level of closeness with someone feels just... too troublesome. The chance he’d be hurt is just too much.
So he didn’t do anything about his crush on you, at first, he was trying to just wait it out like he usually does. Then, he hears your opinions and expectations with love, and things change a bit inside his head.
He’ll always be uneasy trying to make moves on people regarding that, but knowing you were so... sincere, it made him feel like trying might be worth it, this time. Ironically, what a dubious guy like him wants is someone genuine, who he didn’t feel the need to play all these games with.
He gets a little bolder with you. Inviting you to Mostro Lounge often, letting you try new recipes that still weren’t in the menu, sometimes taking you out, even buying you small gifts of things you seemed to like. He wants to show you that you’re special to him, while still keeping some subtlelty.
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh, so you’re the same!
Riddle never talks about it, but everytime he thinks about love, it’s in a similar way to you. He wants to find someone who would be his one and only, a girl who would love him just as much as he loved her. He’s endlessly embarrassed by this, sort of convinced that his expectations are just too unrealistic, but he can’t help but dream.
When you two launch into a rare conversation about relationships and he finds out you agree with him... man, if he already had a thing for you before, now he was just smitten.
Sadly Riddle is very awkward when it comes to romance. He feels like you two would make such a good couple together, he’d be the best boyfriend he possibly could be! But he gets shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, and in the end, all he can do is hope you catch on to what it means when he’s trying to spend time with you often...
He shows his affections mostly by... sort of mundane things, like inviting you to the Unbirthday Party and asking you to sit next to him, or offering to help you study, or inviting you over for tea when you have free time, being sure to remember you favorite drink and desserts... if you’re also oblivious, it might be hard to know he likes you. 
He’ll be working hard on a confession plan, though, if you two want the same thing, then he’s more willing than ever to risk it all for a romantic relationship.
Jade Leech
As he starts understanding his own feelings for you, he starts trying to gauge information about your preferences so he could plan how he’d woo you, and that’s how he finds out you’re a hopeless romantic.
He thinks it’s so endearing, honestly. Jade loves to spoil, he wants nothing more than to be the one to give you all this love you crave. He thinks often about how well he’d care for you.
He makes sure to be sort of obvious about his crush, wanting to get his feelings across more than he usually would. Jade is always there for you, happy to help and advise, he’s an acts of service kind of guy so it’s mostly how he’d try to express the fact that he loves you.
It takes a while to get an actual confession out of him though. He knows you have high expectations and has sworn he’d meet all of them. Even if you’ve told him you didn’t put that much weight on grand gestures, he did want to make his confession something impressive, if only subjectively. He wants to make sure everything is meaningful, and shows through how much attention he’d been paying to you for a while now.
“Hopeless romantic” might be part of his type, honestly, Jade is a guy who lives for this mutual devotion you strive for.
Floyd Leech
A hopeless romantic and Floyd would be... a complicated pair. 
Floyd is very casual about love, you see. The second he knows he’s fallen for you is the second he decides you’re his, and he’s yours, and that’s it. He’s casual with his affection and doesn’t mind things like relationship labels at all, he doesn’t even see the need for an actual confession, really.
So he’ll be so affectionate with you, he’s constantly showering you in love. But... he’s so casual about it, his feelings might not get through completely to you. You might not realize he’s crushing on you at all, because of how chummy he acts with everybody else.
It’s a strange situation, because you’ll be talking about how wonderful you think it’d be if you found your one and only, and Floyd will be right there wondering why you’re saying things like that when he’s right here, he’s your one and only, right? Are you telling him you just haven’t noticed that he loves you?
He’s confused when you talk about love, if you were all about sincere gestures why aren’t you catching on to his feelings? He’ll actually blurt that out one time, probably. Floyd isn’t one to keep quiet about his crushes for too long.
Once you understand where he’s coming from with all the affection, he might actually be a good partner for you. He loves you so, so, so much, and it shows! Just in, you know, kinda odd ways sometimes.
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dippedanddripped · 3 years
Old Nollywood aesthetics and fashion may be considered trendy today, but the films were not always so well-regarded. In the 90s and early 2000s, when these movies were made and watched in parlours across Nigerian homes as they were shot, straight-to-video, they were considered as bad entertainment, or ‘low culture’. To watch and enjoy Nollywood films was to celebrate mediocrity. But today, nostalgic young Millennials and Gen Zers are overlooking the jarring audio, grainy pictures, and sometimes hammy acting, to appreciate not only the grooming and style of the actors, but the original and diverse stories that reflect unique Nigerian experiences.
It was for this reason that sisters Tochi and Ebele Anueyiagu started Nolly Babes, a nostalgic Instagram account dedicated to celebrating the cinematic period’s women. Started in December 2017, their first post was of Nollywood’s biggest star Genevieve Nnaji; a still taken from 2004 film Sharon Stone In Abuja, directed by Adim Williams. Nnaji plays the titular character, a sexually liberated young woman who uses her beauty and charm to ensnare unassuming men into doing her bidding.
The account is an ode to the female characters of old Nollywood who were often portrayed as warning examples. The storylines were steeped in moral principles rooted in the patriarchal culture and the dominant Christian religion of Southern Nigeria. A large number of the female characters were considered immoral because they kissed other women, challenged men, smoked and drank, or wore mini skirts. Today, Nolly Babes and similar accounts are reimagining these women, taking their scenes out of the moralistic context of the films, and turning them into iconic feminist personas.
The first time Nollywood content seeped into the mainstream internet consciousness can be traced back to 2017 when videos of Nollywood’s favourite comedic duo Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme, better known as Aki and Pawpaw, rose to popularity due mostly to the influence of a now-defunct Twitter account @nollywoodroll ran by Nicole, a woman based in Brazil.
Their memes became the go-to reaction videos for expressing a wide range of emotions: joy, disappointment, sadness, frustration. The appeal was in seeing children making mischief or in adult situations – drinking beer and smoking cigars, wooing bigger women, or in oversized suits shouting instructions at people twice their size. Although both Ikedieze and Iheme were in their 20s in the early 2000s when most of the films were made, they mostly played children because of their body stature. By 2019, the memes had achieved such virality that brands like Rihanna’s Fenty would use them for social media clout.
Theodora Imaan Beauvais is the curator of Yung Nollywood, another archive of clips and stills from old Nollywood paying homage to its controversial female characters, after screenshotting moments from Nollywood she found “appealing or inspirational”. Yung Nollywood is remarkably distinct from Nolly Babes for its subtitling of the films’ stills from Nollywood films, something she attributes to Tumblr. While the idea to give witty captions to the actors’ facial expressions came from watching Netflix. “I thought, ‘If someone could describe Nollywood reactions in short phrases it’d be an art form on its own,’ and I became that someone.’”
In December 2019, Tochi and Ebele hosted a Nollywood-themed party in Lagos. Nollywood actor and musician Nonso Bassey attended the party dressed in a two-piece jean set and bucket hat, a signature look of the bad boy/alpha male archetype, and a role reprised multiple times by older actors such as Hanks Anuku, Emeka Ike, and Jim Iyke. Since that party, Nonso has attended social functions and premieres in outfits that make a nod to the fashion choices of that era of Nollywood. He insists, though, that he isn’t cosplaying Nollywood characters of that era. “I’ve always been attracted to the idea of merging old world charm with a new school approach,” he said.
The party caused a cultural stir amongst Nigerians and Africans both at home and in the diaspora – every other week, there seems to be a Nollywood-themed party held either in Lagos or London. Take for instance friends and business partners Imani Okunubi and Aseosa Uwagboe, two Nigerian-British kids who grew up in the UK. Nollywood was one of the ways they could connect back to their roots. That experience informs their event brand, Lasgidi to London, targeted at Nigerians living in the UK. “We wanted to create events that were reminiscent of the Naija hall parties (Owambe) we attended as kids, as we don’t want to see that culture die,” Aseosa said. Their next owambe is a Nollywood-themed party and guests are expected to come dressed in their “best nolly Y2K aesthetic”.
Below, the Nolly Babes sisters talk about creating and hosting the first Nollywood-themed party and the cultural moment it has inspired.
How did that first event come about – please take me through it, from the planning to how it turned out?
Nolly Babes: From the inception of Nolly Babes, we knew we had to throw a party. Fashion is a huge part of what makes Nolly Babes different from other Nollywood-themed pages and we knew we were the only ones that could set Nolly Babes as the dress code and have people commit as they did. There are many iconic Nollywood scenes and scenarios. The daughter meeting her evil mother-in-law, the ominous visit to the Babalawo, the campus stroll – just the mere mention of these scenes evokes images that have been embedded in the minds of our fellow Nollywood enthusiasts. The party scene is probably the most iconic of them all. Whether it’s in a club, a mansion while mum and dad are out of town (but coming home early to crash the whole thing) or poolside, the Nolly Babes party scene has its staples: mad music, dancing, and sick outfits.
December in Lagos is notoriously hectic. On each day, there are day parties, beach hangouts, concerts, and we just knew we had to be a part of it. Our flyer was the first thing we made sure was done right, and that has been replicated (but never duplicated) many many times. We went through at least six drafts of that until we got the flyer to be a realistic replica of the home video covers from the golden era. The DJs Kemi Lijadu and vIVENDII Sounds understood the assignment and played music from the Nolly Babes era. We’re talking Tony Tetuila, Mo Hitz, Wande Coal, Plantation Boyz… We curated a special cocktail menu: Genny Colladas, Jim Iyke’s Hard Lemonade, MargaRita Dominic, and our Lagos Island Iced Tea, in tribute to Nollywood stars Genevieve Nnaji, Jim Iyke, and Rita Dominic respectively. We had a video projection on the famous red wall at Nok showing a mashup of emblematic scenes. We were partying while seeing images of a young Jim Iyke dressed just like many of the attendees were dressed. It was magical! We have an event we’re planning in New York for the summer – it’s going to be a madness.
Did you envisage it becoming the cultural movement it’s now become?
Nolly Babes: We really didn’t. We hosted the party because we knew people were taking inspiration from our page for styling jobs and music video treatments, and wanted to give everyone a chance to recreate some of their favourite looks. Now every week we see people planning Nollywood-themed parties and sending people to our page for references. It’s awesome. Toke Makinwa even recently attended a Nolly Babes-themed party and she was dressed as a character we have immortalised – Regina Askia in President’s Daughter. She killed it! Even though the character wasn’t referenced, it was clear as day and it was awesome to see that she pulled it off! Honestly, when we see people really pay attention to detail and execute the theme well it’s so, so dope.
How has TikTok helped grow Nollywood's influence? You posted a scene from Girls Cot, the famous “you stink with poverty” clip on TikTok and it went viral and birthed these recreations even by non-Africans.
Nolly Babes: We’re just happy to see that another aspect of Nollywood that we champion – the iconic scenes and one-liners – is also resonating across the world. We see Nolly Babes as an archival work and as much as we focus on beauty and looks on Instagram, it’s nice to be able to point people in the direction of the scenes that are forever embedded in our brains. These are scenes we recreated in jest ourselves before there was even a Nolly Babes to begin with, so to see it catching on TikTok is exciting and a new frontier for us to fully explore. I think what distinguishes Nolly Babes from other Nollywood pages and what contributes to our TikTok success is that we really watch Nollywood movies. We grew up watching these movies and continue to do so now so we can capture those moments in films that the casual consumer or poster of Nollywood content might not.
What are your thoughts on Nollywood’s influence on the Alté scene? Music videos of artists such as Lady Donli and Odunsi nod to the aesthetic and fashion styles of that era.
Nolly Babes: Nollywood, and specifically the aesthetic we have shone a spotlight on, is probably one of the biggest influences in terms of visuals in that scene right now. I have never seen so many Eucharia (Anunobi) eyebrows on TV and we love it! It’s awesome to see our images and scenes being used in treatments and storyboards. If we’re being candid, we think it would be great if we got the chance to step into our stylist/creative direction bag and help with the execution of the aesthetic.
“The bottom line is really that Nolly Babes has brought what was already an international cultural influence to the modern social media realm with a new lens” – Nolly Babes
How far do you see Nollywood's influence on pop culture, beyond Nigeria and Africa?
Nolly Babes: When we moved to New York we found our Dominican and South American friends had also grown up watching Nollywood films. The bottom line is really that Nolly Babes has brought what was already an international cultural influence to the modern social media realm with a new lens. Nollywood clips were online everywhere – but it was always in a comedic way. Aki and PawPaw are meme gods now, and that’s because their expressions transcend cultural boundaries. Black Twitter eats that stuff up.
Nolly Babes chooses to center the beauty, style, and iconic imagery, even the home decor with our #NollyDecor hashtag of the golden era of Nollywood. We share the makeup, accessories, fashion, iconic phrases, and scenes in a way that isn’t just comedic but inspirational and aesthetically groundbreaking. I see Nollywood being at the centre of this Y2K resurgence that is happening all over the world, from TV to runways and fashion collections. That era is coming back around and, this time, the Black experience is being revisited and centered in a way it wasn’t back in the late 90s and 2000s. (Black people) were always the originators of the trends and this time they’re tapping into the source and Nollywood, particularly the era we celebrate as Nolly Babes, is a great resource for that.
Follow Nolly Babes on Instagram
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
New York Special Salt: Confrontation
So....kind of had a thought on whether certain parties would respond poorly to discovering the stunt Alya and Nino pulled.
Salt to follow. Don’t like salt or characters being called out, don’t read below the cut:
"Wait. Wait. Wait." Adrien held up a hand to get their attention while cradling his head with the other. He couldn't believe this. He didn't want to believe this.
But he couldn't ignore it, he realized, as he lowered his hand and gave Alya and Nino a glare.
"Did you seriously lock us in a room with a fake supervillain just to see us make out?”
Nino floundered. Alya, however, went on the defensive.
"We were just giving you two a little alone time."
Neither Adrien nor Marinette looked happy with that response.
"I'm seeing someone!" Adrien exclaimed.
"I'm trying to move on from him!" Marinette cried.
Adrien balked at that. "Wait, you like me?"
"You're seeing someone!" Marinette repeated. "I couldn't just get in the way of that! I like you and Kagami is my friend!"
"At least someone cared about that." Adrien said, shooting Alya and Nino a dirty look.
“Nino, what the hell? You know I’m dating Kagami.”
The DJ winced. “I know. I just thought…well, you and Marinette have a lot in common.” He rubbed the back of his head. “And it’d be easier to double-date if it was the four of us and—”
Adrien glared, looking startlingly similar to his father.
“Alya made me do it!” Nino exclaimed, pointing to his girlfriend.
Alya turned on him in outrage. “Nino!”
This only made him turn on her, a full rant on his lips.
“Adrien!” Marinette started, moving in front of him and getting his attention. “It’s my fault! I like you and they knew that and they were just trying to help me—”
She was cut off at the abrupt way he turned to her and his intense stare.
“Marinette.” He stated, taking her hands in his own and smiling so sincerely at her.
“You are the kindest, most warm-hearted and honest person I know. It's what I've always admired about you. You apologize and try to make up for even the slightest of mistakes. You take full blame for things that aren’t completely your fault. You constantly help and defend people in need. You easily forgive others when they wrong you and try to help them regardless.” 
In an instant, the warm sincere smile was gone. “I am asking you, for once: Don’t.”
“But—but it’s my fault—”
“Did you ask them to do this? Was this a plan you were in any way part of?” He questioned her.
“Well, to be fair I have made some pretty convoluted plans in the past—”
Her name was sharp on his tongue. Brokering no argument. Demanding a simple answer.
She winced.
“No.” She mumbled, a mix of bitterly for the truth and guiltily for the lack of defense for her friends.
“Then for once, let me stand up for you.”
…What could she say to that?
She allowed Adrien to gently push her behind him as he squared off with Alya and Nino.
“You lured us into a room with no idea what was going on. You trapped us there and had us think we were in danger. You created a villain that made us believe no one loves us—which even with the fact that we weren’t ‘technically’ in danger, was a rather cruel thing to do.” He spat out, sounding especially hurt.
All three of those present winced.
“What part of any of this seemed like a good idea?” He demanded.
“We were just trying to give her a chance—”
“Did you even ask her? Or me? At what point did either of us tell you that being forced into an anxiety-inducing and potentially life-threatening situation was on our to-do list for this trip?”
“But it wasn’t life-threatening! Neither of you were hurt!” Alya pointed out.
Like that excused it. Like that made this any better.
“You didn’t know we wouldn’t be, Alya! We didn’t know what was going on! We could have hurt ourselves trying to escape!” He countered, practically seething at this point. “What were you thinking?!”
Alya narrowed her eyes and steeled her resolve.
“Marinette was going to give up on you before either of you had a chance to see if it would work! I had to help!”
The pigtailed girl covered her face with her hands. “I was trying to move on, I promise!”
“And you couldn’t try talking?!” He shouted back at Alya. “You couldn’t just TELL ME?!”
“Chill out, man. Marinette tried.” Nino spoke up, trying to defend.
“I didn’t mean for this—” Marinette cried. “I just wanted a good trip as friends!”
Alya rolled her eyes. “Marinette tried many times, but she always flaked out at the end, so I just tried to set up a stage she couldn’t run from at the last minute—”
“Then why didn’t YOU just tell me yourselves if it was that damned important?”
Suddenly, everything went quiet. Marinette looked up, tearful.
Nino backed up, warily.
Alya…actually looked a bit pale.
Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.
“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”
He glared.
“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”
“Marinette didn’t want to—”
“But she wanted to be stuck with me on a plane to the point of a panic attack? She wanted to be shoved in a room with me? She wanted to feel threatened with a supervillain attack on top of the anxiety of being pushed to confess to me? If she couldn’t tell me and you two weren’t going to tell me, then WHY BOTHER WITH THIS AT ALL?! What was all of THIS supposed to accomplish that simply telling me yourselves wouldn’t?”
“We…” Alya hesitated. “I was just trying to help.”
“If you wanted to help, you would LISTEN to your best friend when she tells you what she wants!” Adrien shouted, gesturing to Marinette. “She just said she wanted to move on! She wanted to NOT have to confess! She wanted to just try and be friends! And yeah, I’m shocked and a little frustrated that I never caught on to any of her feelings before now, but that’s because I’m a teenage boy who is new to feelings and I didn’t know about hers!”
He glared at Alya.
“What���s your excuse?”
It took a moment for Adrien to force himself to calm.
“I’m in a relationship. I do not want to cheat on Kagami. Marinette doesn’t want to disrupt what we have. Forcing us into a locked room together to force her to confess when she’s not ready and doesn’t want to would not result in any sort of happy or healthy relationship between us due to those factors. Which you both should have known.” He said, shooting another glare at them.
“I’m still new to how friendship works. But this…this isn’t how a friend acts. You don’t push a friend into a position they’re not comfortable with. You don’t discourage them from doing what’s healthier for them. And you don’t keep setting them up to fail.”
Alya gaped. “I…I don’t want her to fail!”
“You aren’t helping her to succeed.” He pointed out. “And if you truly think that forcing these situations neither of us are comfortable with is supposed to be necessary, then maybe you should rethink why this is really so important to you.”
Adrien took Marinette’s hand in his and started leading her to the door.
If the situation were different, maybe Marinette would have felt her heart flutter. But as it stood, she could barely tell over the way it was pounding in her ears from the anxiety and stress of this whole situation.
“I’m going to take Marinette. And we’re going to talk about where we stand as friends.” He shot a final glare at the other two.
“Maybe you should consider the same.”
The door slammed shut behind him.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Same!! Aside from the top 3 you listed, I generally don’t hate any character. Sure, if I see a bad character, I’d either go “Ehhh, I’m willing to forgive you... to some extent” or just “Nope, I dislike you”. But I don’t immediately think of them (except for those 3) when I go to my mental “hated characters” list. Thanks for answering 😊
Also, guessing request are open since your recent post said so, but the description says it’s closed...? I’m gonna take your word for it, and hopefully don’t offend you 😅
May I request Crocodile, Lucci and Kid with a crush on a fem. reader that’s a hopeless romantic? Just thought the dynamics would be adorable with how their personalities are portrayed >w<
As for what I personally classify as a hopeless romantic... it’s not so much the suaveness or charm. Sure, we love ourselves a gentleman that can remind us chivalry is not dead, but it’s more about finding “the one”. And “the one”, which we’re meant to find (kinda like a soulmate), has got to be able to show their sincerity. You can shower me in gold without the most genuine of feelings behind it, and I’d take one look at you, scowl and walk away. Small actions are weighed more heavily if the feelings behind them are sincere. A paper crane with a sweet note on it? My heart would straight up melt.
Figured it’d be interesting since I can imagine them trying to win her over with their perfectly crafted facade only to have her grimace in response since it’s not entirely genuine. We hopeless romantics are “in love with love” and could love practically anyone, but that’s only if they’re sincere.
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summary- having a crush on a hopeless romantic
characters - Eustass Kid, Lucci, Crocodile
warnings - none :)
a/n - Hopeless Romantic gang rise up 😫✊🏻 also akdjdid omg I totally forgot to even change the request until I saw your request. Thanks so much i hope you enjoy
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Eustass Kid
This man?? Having a crush?? Not in a million years....well it must’ve been a million years because the Captain of the kid pirates has found himself crushing over a common bartender
There is not anything special about you anyways, just a girl around his age who is stubborn, easy to talk to, and cute. He could find someone like her almost anywhere, but the thing that got him was how stubborn she was.
Kid could flirt all day and try and get you to come with him. But you just wouldn’t come, turning him down each time. It was so frustrating, seeing how you didn’t even flinch when Kid spoke but it was also nice. Kid loves a good challenge.
Of course, didn’t stay on the island the whole time, he still had other things to do, but he did come back often to meet up with her. Kid was not gonna let a perfectly good challenge slip away from him. So it’s easy for y’all to quickly become friends with how often Kid comes by and visits you. It only then did Kid finally realize why you kept turning him down: you were a hopeless romantic searching for the one and as far as you were concerned Kid was not it
When you told him that though all he gave you in return was a confused face and a curse word. ‘The fuck is ‘the one’?’ Kid has never heard anything of the sort, and it didn’t come as a surprise either. Kid was a very loud, mean, frustrating guy who probably only slept around.
Now that the 2 of you got closer, you decided that you could at least tell me, explaining why he doesn’t have a chance. Going over what you imagine your soulmate is just gonna be like definitely grossed Kid out, but he still listens trying to use your explanation as a hint
Long story short it didn’t work that much. Kid was farther from the mark each time he tried. At least that’s what you thought, the more time you spent around the red-haired captain the more selected traits would stand out to you. Traits that you told kid yourself.
Although with the fear of finding the wrong one and only wanting Kid because he’s convent to you, you didn’t say a word not even a peep to him. There would be no way to know that he is the one he’s so different then what you thought. With doubt still sitting in the back of your mind, you decided to keep quiet for now. It wouldn’t be bad to just enjoy his company for a while
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As soon as Crocodile had laid his eyes on you, he knew exactly what type of person you were a troublesome girl who is still obsessed with finding the one, your soulmate.
He tries his best to stay away from people like you, but it’s hard to do that when your working for him. However he still tried his best to stay away, but then you just always appeared where he would be. You failed the realize it but Crocodile definitely noticed it and just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
From there on out he kept looking at you where ever he went, wondering when and if you would show up. That’s when he finally realized, he has a crush.
It took him a while to approach you and to even get you to talk, but once he was able to, he constantly, being subtle about it, tried to when you over with small gestures of romance.
Which of none has even persuaded you. You had the idea of falling in love with your soulmate. Crocodile can spoil you as much as he wants but that won’t change your mind.
Although the gift he did give you was sweet, somewhat unexpected. Some days it might be a rose, others it might be bracelets, other days it might be a bag of money. Half of the time you thought it was whatever he had on him at the moment.
Aside from gifts he also let a lot of paperwork side which was probably the best thing he could’ve done. But you still did them all, although he was acting very out of character and being unbelievably kind, there was no way you were to gonna take advantage of him.
It frustrated him, it really did. The fact that you didn’t even budge but at the same time he found it very admirable. Having such a strong will and not settling for anything better than your soul mate. It’s a nice challenge that he would definitely accept.
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Rob Lucci
Each one of these men loves a good challenge. It’s just a known fact. So when Lucci learned that he was getting a new member on his team he treated her the same way he treated everyone: cold yet with respect. However, he failed to notice just the type of girl you were.
Talkative. Talking to everyone about anything. It’s doesn’t matter who it was you always found a way to talk to them. Whether it was Lucci or Kaku or just some random worker. You always found a way to talk
That was the first challenge. Just getting you to shut up, whether it was by intimation or if it was force, whatever it was, that was his first challenge what came next he has no intention of. You were....actually nice to talk to.
when you were rambling now Lucci could feel his expression loosely and a small, very small smile on his lips. You seemed to be a kinda nice person to talk to and Lucci doesn’t mind you. Maybe you were even nice enough to have a crush on. 
With Lucci’s newfound crush, he had no idea what to even do. Besides a few nightstands, the man has never really been considered with the idea. and to make matters worse, he overheard you talking about ‘the one’ as if he was supposed to know what that means. After asking around a bit he was able to figure it out and concluded that he wasn’t it.
Although he wasn’t ’the one’, what’s a challenge if you don’t at least try. So starting with the first thing he could think of he slowly began to participate in the conversation with you. It was awkward and weird but you thought it was cute in his own little way. At least he was trying.
Surprisingly it didn’t take long for the 2 of y’all to warm up to each other. From there, Lucci was able to learn more about you and just how to win you over. He wasn’t as bold as the other 2 but he did try his best to make it noticeable.
You were definitely quick to catch on to his change and to what he was doing but being strong-willed and all you continued to turn him down. Lucci just wasn’t your type and you felt bad for telling him that but it was true. However, Lucci is not gonna give up on you that easily. Once Lucci accepts and challenges there’s no going back
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