#[;this is where the magic happens | dash commentary]
rpdepartment · 2 years
new words might be hard to understand right away if you’re new... here’s some basic glossary to help getting started! some are more obvious than others, of course, but i know lots of people who might be confused, especially people who don’t speak english as their first language, so i figured it’s better to write down any “important” words
this list might be updated every now and then!!!
activity: the abount of time spent on a specific blog. it can be high, medium, low, or even lead to hiatus or semi-hiatus
affiliates: blog canons who tend to be tied together
archived: an archived blog is what remains of a blog no longer used, but that the player prefers not to delete. The blog might’ve been remade, so always check!
AU: alternate universe, when the story setting changes completely. 
canon-divergent: a blog that follows canon only to a certain extent, making significant enough changes to distance itself from the original version of the character
crack: silly posts, more often than not out of character, meta and meant to be jokes. crack intreactions are generally considered non-canon for the blog
dash commentary: in-character comments about what’s currently happening on dash, like other characters’ thread or replies to asks
DNI: do not interact; a list of people or blogs you don’t want to interact with, for a reason or another
double: people who play as the same character
event: a roleplay event is, for lack of better terms, an event that lasts for a generally specified amount of time, that involves a handful of characters to the whole dash. examples of events could be working together to save someone from another muse, or simply partecipating to a holiday ball
exclusive: a blog who doesn’t roleplay or ship with doubles of certain muses, since they already have mains who play them.
FC: faceclaim, the face used to represend a character, usually OCs
godmodding: any form of cheating to win an argument or a fight, usually involving metagaming or ignoring the partner’s actions to succeed. an example of godmodding could be the good ol’ “it’s an hologram” thread
hard block: blocking someone permanently
hiatus: a blog on hiatus means that the player isn’t going to be around for a long amount of time, generally unspecified
HUB: when someone makes secondary blogs to roleplay with, they usually keep their primary blog (the one they use to follow others) as a HUB where they can redirect others to all their other blogs
IC: in character; what your character says
icon: small images used to represend your characters’ expressions
interest checker: a post, or a google sheet, people ask to like, comment or fill up to see if they’re interested interacting with a certain character or blog. 
magic anon: anons of bygone eras, who cast “spells” on muses in their askbox for a specified amount of time. for example, a magic anon could “transform” your character into a cat for a week, and expects you to roleplay the situation accordingly
main: a RP partner with who the player interacts with more often; some mains can be or become exclusives
meta: metagaming, playing in character using knowledge the characters themselves don’t know, but the player do. it’s the RP equivalent of knowing how to deal with a boss in a game because you watched a walkthrough, making your character break the fourth wall and godmod to win
moved: a blog that was remade, usually either reusing the same URL or keeping a post with a link to the remade blog, leaving behind an archived blog
muse: the character you play as
musing: sentences, prose or lyrics, often written in stylistic manners, that represent the muse’s feelings, thoughts, relationships and history ( you can find a lot of them here )
mun: the player. this is you!!!
mutual: someone you follow, and who follows you back. a lot of blog are mutuals-only, meaning they’ll roleplay only with people they follow and who follows them back
OOC: out of character; when the mun talks. the opposite of IC
para/multipara: long threads, written in paragraphs
permanent starter call: generally speaking, permanent starter calls are posts the mun asks others to like or comment to make sure they’re “allowed” to send asks, interact, dashcomment or mention in other threads
promo: a post where the players promote their blog and their character, where they often give an idea of who the character they play as is, very basic rules and links to rules and about pages. please reblog those if you want to interact with them
prompt: also called ask memes or sentence starters, posts with a bunch of pre-made sentences used to break the ice and send as asks. they can be both in character and out of character ( you can find a lot of them here )
reblog karma: when someone reblogs a prompt, it’s common courtesy to send them something before reblogging the same prompt, or at least wait a few minutes and then reblog from the source
RP: roleplay
RPC: roleplay community, the “main” fandom you’re roleplaying with
rules password: a word or sentence left in the rules page of a blog, meant to be sent to prove the mun you read their rules. while the trend died down and even those who leave passwords generally agree that it isn’t something you’re forced to send, a lot of people at least notify their partner that they read their rules
semi-hiatus: a blog on hiatus means that the player isn’t going to be around very often for a long amount of time, generally unspecified
selectivity: depending on a mun’s selectivity, it means how open they are to play with new people, or non-mutuals. non-selective blogs are open to anyone to join, semi-selective blogs are much more reserved, being much more open to mutuals and people you know, while selective blogs are more often than not mutuals only and tend to have mains or even exclusive partners. someone being selective doesn’t mean they will never roleplay with you, and someone who’s non-selective isn’t automatically better than others. decide how selective you are with your blog based on nothing but your own comfort
softblock: blocking and unblocking someone in your follower list, not blocking them completely but still making sure they don’t follow you . A lot of mutuals-only blogs prefer to softblock people they don’t follow anymore
starter: the first post in a thread
starter call: a post muns ask others to generally like or comment if they want a starter for their muse. they usually have a specified limit
tag dump: the list of tags the mun uses in their blog, often to help people finding specific kind of threads (like ships and crack), or to make sure tumblr saves the most elaborate ones expect tumblr to not save them and remake the tag dump a few times
thread: the interactions between two (or more) muses
VC: voiceclaim, the voice used to represend a character
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demonsfate · 4 months
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maybe somewhat controversial but saw somethin on a confessions blog saying this and i guess i do kinda miss when rping felt... sillier at times? like with both the existence of magic anons & dash commentaries. things just feel Stricter or More Serious now? not sure how to put it. dash commentaries do still happen, but not as frequently as i used to. like GOSH, i remember 5+ years ago, i'd have my character saying something bizarre and it would BLOW the entire dashboard up. like almost all my mutuals would be commenting on it, a lot of "silly drama" would happen because of it. some would agree with my muse, some would prosecute them. that doesn't really happen anymore. though, i also understand. i get that ppl have boundaries, but sometimes it really feels like you have to walk on eggshells lest you upset somebody.
i recalled one time this character was just being AWFUL to mine (mine who has done nothing wrong lol) just hurling insults, mistreating them, whateves. so y'know, there were dash commentaries about this and it eventually lead to the other mun getting very upset that their character was being "villainized". and it's like ... don't ... write an antagonistic muse if you don't want that? or the very least, don't write them BEING antagonistic toward innocent people? i mean, when ppl's muses & anons used to bully abaddon, i actually loved it. because indeed deserved it, he's a horrible horrible person who mistreats and kills the innocents. and plus it's just fun ok? i love conflict - regardless if it's angsty, serious, or silly conflict.
and magic anons... i get it can be a flawed concept. (ppl can send their Thinly Disguised Fetishes in it - not that i care but obvs other ppl would rightfully care) but i still thought it was very fun because it's like temporary or mini aus. it plunges characters into otherwise impossible scenarios and then give you new thread concepts based on those scenarios. i'd say even to this day, i still accept magic anons. but that feels pointless to say because they're virtually nonexistent anymore.
this was all i was gonna discuss in this post, but i can also understand why the rpc is often... less engaging anymore? why we have a problem with communication, why we have a problem with less anons being sent out. this isn't a generalization, of course - there are other reasons why this happens. but this is something i've personally experienced in the past, and it makes me think it could be the same for other people. it's just the fear of being blown up at, again - upsetting somebody.
i've seen people be legit hateful towards the anons they get A LOT. like an old rper i've stopped writing with would literally call the anons "assholes" and trying to "ruin fun" because the anons would just comment on the threads or ask questions regarding the threads? and it's like i thought that was supposed to be a common thing... anons like that just help add insight to how the muse is feeling regarding a thread or somethin. but the way they reacted was so unnecessary hostile? when they could've politely told anons to stop or just... fucking deleted the anons like lmao. and it's not just this too but i've seen other people just react bitterly to certain anons they get. or this one time where somebody REQUESTED for CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and i sent an anon giving my criticism, can't remember quite what it was but obvs i said nothing mean or insulting - i just told them a problem i noticed and gave tips on how they could possibly improve (AGAIN, THEY ASKED FOR THIS) and they later went on their blog talking about how they got ANON HATE???? HELLO????? so yeah, i understand not liking certain anons you get or whatever. but ppl react to them with so much hostility, that it makes everyone else afraid to send anons anymore because they'd rather say nothing than upset the user, especially if they're gonna be potentially villainized for something that is virtually harmless.
then there is just talking to people ooc. hell, i've had somebody who followed one of my old blogs (this was like a few years ago iirc?) and their rules had that blood was one of their triggers. so i told them that i tag that so they don't have to worry and they literally said something like "I didn't ask you to :/" and that's it??? and then they were just rude to me the entire convo until we eventually unfollowed lol. not to mention all the skype & discord contacts i add over the years and then we just stop talking in no time...
anyway, i'm not saying everyone is like this at all! there are MANY super cool people in the rpc, many people i have a lotta fun writing with here. but when you look back at all the bad experiences, or even looking at the bad experiences at are currently unfolding, it makes more and more sense why a lotta the "silly" rp aspects that ceased to exist. why there are no more magic anons, and why dash commentary & anons in general are becoming more and more scarce.
it was this post that inspired me to talk about this. which i actually don't agree with everything op said. in fact, i wouldn't even say the primary issue of current threads is romance or smut. more so, i noticed that fluff / slice of life threads with no conflict is what makes up for most threads nowadays it seems lmao. which is also understandable, because again - it's a popular known issue within the rpc that it's hard to have conflict in threads, lest somebody legit gets their feelings hurt OOC!!! hell, this has happened to me a few times because i often play antagonistic muses. which again, is another issue that makes people feel like they're constantly walking on eggshells. but anyway, it just inspired me to think about and discuss this.
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keeperofquestions · 1 month
Verses (Mobile-Friendly Version)
The following are a list of established verses for Duedephelon with various writing partners. I’m only going to be listing named verses with specified planned plotlines or particular dynamics set up for now as otherwise all interactions are each in their own verse. I will add to this over time.
Since Phel’s age can also vary slightly by verse, that will also be listed here as will any of his shards that have been found and what they do past the four he has at the start.
All verses will be tagged “Verse: Name” and will be put in any associated posts, memes, or dash commentary. Adding yourself to one of these verses requires the consent of all blogs involved.
Verse list under the cut.
The Constantine Conspiracy
@siempreminta (Dove)
After discovering another person who lost their memory, the Nephilim Dove, the two team up to try and discover what happened to each of them- and may discover a shared history and a common foe.
Phel’s Age: Unknown Found Shards: None
I’ve Lost My Memory but This Librarian Has Let Me Explore Her Dangerous Magical Archive for Answers
@copaceticjillybean (Jillian)
Tagged as “Verse: Archive Dungeon” because… look at that.
Duedephelon has been lead to a magical library with an endless forbidden archive to find answers to what may have happened to him with the help of its librarian. Named like a light novel because it’s basically an anime dungeon crawl adventure.
Phel’s Age: Early 20s Found Shards: None
The Frozen Court
@a-hell-of-a-time (Andrealphus)
Duedephelon has found a steady role in the form of acting as steward to High Marquis Andrealphus and taking care of many of his lesser tasks. In exchange, when Phel is seeking out his shards, he shares the findings with him.
Phel’s Age: Unknown Found Shards: None
New Horizons
@a-hell-of-a-time (Caim, Yui)
After a series of dead ends, Duedephelon agrees to enter the service of a lesser Ars Goetia Caim and journey to the mortal realm- to Japan, where her wife's yokai family dwells. Here he must learn a new people and a new culture while he learns to recraft his artifact with their methods.
Phel’s Age: Unknown Found Shards: None
Perfect Match
@thehazbins (Thea, Maachi)
Phel has discovered that before losing his memory, he was in an arranged marriage to Princess Theodora Arcanus-Custos, daughter of King Purson. They reunited by chance and Thea is determined to both figure out what happened and to make sure their future marriage doesn’t begin in shambles.
Phel’s Age: Mid-twenties Found Shards: None
The Pomegranate Accord
@holyfurnace (Lute)
NOTE: This verse follows an alternate timeline from Hazbin Hotel show canon.
Charlie Morningstar’s diplomatic mission to Heaven has born fruit and a truce has been signed. The exterminations have been paused and the hotel given a chance. To keep both sides invested in the peace, an arranged marriage was proposed by the Ars Goetia offering one of their lesser nobles, and shockingly Heaven agreed, offering one of their exorcists. So long as the accord lasts, they would marry and spend half the year in Hell and half in Heaven. If they don’t kill each other first.
Phel’s Age: Unknown Found Shards: None
Servant of the Stars
@grimowled (Stolas) a-hell-of-a-time (Octavia) @angelsandemons (Alfred “Pringles” Impington)
Duedephelon’s shattered artifact and subsequent memory loss is the due to the direct actions of Stolas, who intentionally destroyed the young steward’s mind with the intent to mold him into an ideal servant and weapon. Meanwhile, he has developed a deepening friendship with the prince’s daughter who is determined to get him to act more his age.
Phel’s Age: 18 Found Shards: None
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dalishious · 1 year
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Running Commentary: The Masked Empire Ch 17 & Epilogue
TL;DR: Gaspard and Michel finally have their duel. Briala realizes Celene cannot be trusted, and takes control of the eluvians for herself, claiming them for the elves of Orlais.
After the fight with the varterral, Michel and Gaspard prepare for their duel.
Briala asks Celene where she got her Lady Mantillon ring, the same one Gaspard possesses. Celene says it was given to her as a gift after her parents died, lying that the lady must have felt sorry for her. Briala pretends to believe this, and kisses Celene... when in actuality, she uses this kiss as a distraction to pick the magic ruby that unlocks the eluvians off of Celene's person. (But Celene isn't aware of this yet.)
Gaspard and Michel begin their duel, but Lienne and Mihris cheat using magic to hex Michel. Briala picks up on this, but when she tries to stop the fight, the two mages supporting Gaspard say that they can't hear her, #BecauseMagic. So Briala slits Lienne's throat, and then announces that she's figured out Mihris is possessed by Imshael. Imshael threatens to just kill everyone if he doesn't get what he wants, but is sated by Felassan's mental promises of something big to come.
“You know, you’ve got a good point,” Felassan said. “Fire and swords are dull. But what if something bigger was coming?” “I’m listening, Slow Arrow,” said the demon. “What could you possibly do that you and I have not seen a hundred times before while the sweaty mortals lusted and grappled and bled their lives away?” Felassan said nothing, just smiled, twisting the tattoos around his face. “Oh, my,” Imshael breathed. “Is that a promise?” “Well, I was going for more of a threat.” Imshael turned to Celene, who stared at him uncertainly. “Empress,” he said, “best of luck to you. I do believe you’re going to need it. Whatever happens, I believe that Orlais is going to be quite exciting for the next little while.” Then light flared around Mihris, and she fell to her knees, her staff flickering back to icy white. For a moment, a smoky shape flickered around Mihris, a haze that clung to her body, and then it was shooting across the room through one of the mirrors on the wall. The mirror flared brilliant red, then darkened back to the inert dullness of its dormant state, and the demon was gone.
(Felassan is, of course, thinking about Solas's world-ending plans.)
With that taken care of, Briala thinks about the last story Felassan told her of Fen'Harel. She interrupts the fight by calling out to Michel, saying she is enacting the debt he owes her, and orders him to yield. Michel does so, and also reveals to everyone else that his mother is an elf as he drops his sword.
Celene demands answers from Briala.
Celene spun at Briala, her daggers drawn. Briala stepped away, two steps carrying her out of range. She did not draw her own blades, but she was certainly looking at Celene now, and Celene cursed herself for a fool as she saw the anger in her lover’s eyes. “Why?” Celene gripped her blades so tightly that her fingers burned. “Tell me again how you will free my people.” “I gave you my word!” Celene stepped forward, a dagger raised. “I swore!” “And I think you even believed yourself.” Briala swallowed. “But when the nobles protested, when it threatened to weaken the empire, you would have let it go. You would have ignored your promises to me, knowing that I would always forgive. That I would always stand at your side.” Now her blades came out. “After all, I believed in you even after you killed my parents.”
Briala put together that Celene in actuality got her ring from Lady Mantillon after her first arrangement of death as part of the Game; namely, all the servants in her estate, including Briala's parents. And Briala herself, had she not successfully hidden from them, if you recall.
Celene jumps to attack Gaspard, and while everyone is focused on that, Briala dashes for the pedestal. Realizing this, Celene notices that she no longer as the keystone ruby, and that Briala took it from her in that last kiss. Celene tries to kill Briala, but is stopped by Mihris. Briala reaches the pedestal, and whispers a passphrase to secure her control of the eluvians. She announces, “I claim these eluvians for the elves of Orlais.”
Briala uses the eluvians to send Michel and Gaspard away. Celene tries one more time to say that she would have freed the elves, but Briala is done falling for that shit.
“I would have freed them, Bria.” Celene stood a few paces away. Mihris and Felassan leaned against the pedestals, not quite blocking Celene’s path to Briala. “So you say,” Briala said. “But freedom is not given. It is won.” “It is both.” Celene shook her head, wiping tears from her eyes. She seemed so much smaller now than she had in Val Royeaux. “Have you seen nothing in all the years you spent at my side? Change comes through careful planning, through compromise.” “You compromised my parents.”
Briala then sends Celene to Halamshiral.
Mihris asks if Briala will share the passphrase to the eluvians with her, which Briala laughs off, but does promise that she will work with Dalish only if they help all elves. Mihris departs, leaving just Briala and Felassan.
“Are you sincere? You will use the paths of the eluvians to help your people?” Briala thought for a moment. “Celene and Gaspard saw an army, but that would be fighting their fight. With the paths, I could get food to alienages where elves would otherwise starve. They would let me move ahead of an oncoming army and warn the target, or move behind them and attack their supply lines.” “Which army are you going to hamstring?” Briala looked over at Felassan, smiling, even as she started to shiver from the winter’s chill. “Whichever one seems to be winning. What was it? Anaris and Andruil?” Felassan smiled. “You prolong their fight, and in the chaos, your people work free from their bonds?” “It can work, I think.” Briala held her arms around her. “Halamshiral rioted because of a single nobleman. I can find elves who will help me with my work in every city in Orlais, and more who are too afraid to fight, but will serve as eyes and ears if I can help their children survive the winter.” “That is,” Felassan said, and after a pause, finished, “a unique use of the ancient relics of our people, da’len.” “I think Fen’Harel would have approved,” Briala said, and saw Felassan give a startled laugh. “He might have,” her teacher said, “though I very much doubt it.” “Oh, I almost forgot,” she said. “The passphrase to access the eluvians. In case we’re separated, it’s—” She broke off as his fingers brushed her lips, looking at him in surprise. Felassan smiled again, but his eyes were sad, and wiser than Briala could ever imagine. “Don’t.” She looked at him silently for a moment, and then put it together. “You’re leaving.” “I must.” “The Dalish?” He snorted. “Them? Please.” Then his face turned serious. “But the elves of Orlais are in good hands, it seems. Many other things are not, and I have more work to do elsewhere.” She nodded, though her eyes stung. Begging him to stay would accomplish nothing, she knew. The protestations in the back of her mind—that she had more to learn, that she could not do this without him—she silenced before they gained a voice. The wisest man she had ever known trusted her to winher people’s freedom. And to her surprise, she found that she didn’t doubt his judgment. “One last question, then, hahren. Was this…” She gestured at the tunnels; then at the woods where, somewhere a few days’ journey away, Clan Virnehn lay dead; then to the north, where Halamshiral tilted toward the war that might set her people free. “Was this always your plan?” He chuckled one last time. “No, da’len. You did this yourself.” He leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. His lips burned like a brand, and her head spun for a moment.
Felassan disappears, and Briala whispers the passphrase, “Fen’Harel enansal” (Dread Wolf's blessing) to seal off the tunnel.
Celene arrives in Halamshiral and begins preparations to engage in a civil war.
Gaspard and Michel are transported somewhere in the wilderness, and part ways, with Gaspard vowing to keep Michel's secret origins hidden.
Felassan contacts a mysterious person, who we know is Solas, in the Fade. He reports that he does not know the eluvian passphrase, and refuses to take it from Briala. So Solas kills him.
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The Masked Empire is a wild read, because there's so much I can't stand about the story... and yet at the same time, it has some great characters in Briala and Felassan.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my commentary, and found it helpful if you've never had the opportunity to read the novel yourself.
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inventors-fair · 1 year
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Runners-Up: Punchlines and Punch-Ups ~
Our runners-up this week are @bergdg, @little-red-rabbit, and @real-aspen-hours!
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@bergdg — Mad Dash
I blame you for inspiring me to look at Norman Rockwell’s history instead of starting commentary the other night. Like, wow, that guy had a lot of art in a lot of places and had a huge impact. The point isn’t that he’d be a Magic artist, though, so let’s think instead about the utility of this card. What I love is that if need be you can play it post-attackers and have that be just a regular buff for your guys. Or, you can goad your opponents into things! What I don’t like is that it still gives them the buff and keywords. What if instead, it made them attack and only gave them a buff if they were YOUR creatures?
As for why this card is here flavorfully, I don’t think there’s a particular world or place where this card would find a home. Instead, it’s a fantastic example of what it means to take the levity and translate it across the board. They need trample because of the lawns and gardens that they’ve trespassed upon! They need haste to move fast! And they’re forced to move, too! Is it exact? No, but it all makes sense and feels light. What else matters?
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@little-red-rabbit — Alela’s Mischief Makers
I want to commend this card here for having such a dramatic and powerful mythic take the place of a lighthearted contest entry. Perhaps there is a subtle darkness to it! What happens to the farmers if their whole harvest goes missing for the sake of a prank? The black represents the taking, the blue the sneakiness, but it’s not insidious, not for selfish power, but just to mischief-make, indeed. It made me smile to think about this being part of a set and being part of a world where it fits.
The mechanical side is quite interesting as well; slowing all extra card draw means that you have to really work on how the hand works and where you’re allowed to control things. So, if you have this card, and then Consider/Opt at your opponent’s end step, you get to make a deck where you’re blasting through your control pieces and drawing everything you need to on your end step, instants with cantrips to get reactively, and it’s actually quite a strong control piece. Notion Thief comes to mind. As for the wording, the “When” should be “if,” “that many cards from the top...” etc. can just be “the top card” because it replaces each draw, and you’re missing an “of” in the end of the clause. Minor notes, though, and I grok what you need. FT can be a single sentence, and maybe this could even be a 3/2, but those are small pieces of a larger well-intended card I want to show off here.
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@real-aspen-hours — Out to Lunch
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FOOD AGAIN. Maro was right about having an Un-sequel that was all food-focused. Y’all are hungry this week. But, this is both a hint at what matters—maybe—and a great top-down card that I enjoyed having the little additive detail of. Where can we introduce a blink-with-a-food, or, what does that concept of being out to lunch mean in the metropolis of Capenna? I don’t know which one came first and it doesn’t matter. It’s a silly little uncommon, and I love blinking in general, so that’s just me enjoying myself. I wouldn’t make a contest around it, but I like it regardless.
What’s a second paragraph... Right, okay! The flavor text! One of the strengths of all the cards this week was a diversity of flavor texts and a clarity that I found refreshing. Some told stories in the fairytale sense, some made them out to be spoken (like you and just–a–penguin) by someone not related to the target, and there’s a simplicity to this one that lands for me. Now what indeed? I love the discrepancy between a massive aether-ripping excursion like in some blink spells and the simplicity of being out to lunch. That landed back on the battlefield for me, just so.
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Commentary will be whenever I can do it, but it's gonna be a slow methodology. I'll let y'all know. Be good! @abelz
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itsavgbltpta · 1 year
Should You Watch Magical Destroyers?
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(Japanese title: Maho Shoujo Magical Destroyers / Magical Girl Magical Destroyers)
A Brief Summary
A government-like organization in Japan decided that otaku - people obsessed with things (anime, trains, idols, etc… honestly if you’re reading this anime review, I think you already know what an otaku is) - should be considered a protected culture.  But what they actually meant is that all otaku should be wiped from existence and their objects of obsession detained.
A lot of otaku went down during the war, but there are groups of resistance fighters working hard to make sure otaku culture never dies.  They go on raids to facilities that house the goods (figures, magazines, and all kinds of fun merch), and even bust out their fellow otaku.  
The main resistance group that Magical Destroyers follows is lead by the prestigious and aptly named Otaku Hero.  He just so happens to have three magical girls under his command that pack a big wallop.  But the bad guys have their own army and are working their hardest to make sure otaku culture stays dead.
So, should you watch the anime?
Maybe.  This anime is truly for the mega-otaku (I say this because I am one) or anime fans that enjoy chaos.
Because it’s a chaotic mess.
The first episode blew me away.  I was convinced Magical Destroyers was going to be the best anime of the season and maybe even a new favorite.  It felt like a dash of pure insanity, but in a good way - like a FLCL kind of way.
Subsequent episodes were fun and continued the rule of cool, but no other episode quite lived up to that first one - at least for me.
That’s not to say the show was boring, because hell no.  There is almost always something going on in Magical Destroyers.  It doesn’t always make sense, but it’s flashy.  The animation was energetic throughout the show, if not always spectacular.  The team didn’t seem to be afraid of using experimental angles and techniques when they felt like it.  I was a fan of this as it kept my attention in the same way as shows like Kill la Kill or the previously mentioned FLCL.
Further into the episode count it felt like Magical Destroyers tried to get more psychological and dark.  There’s an entire episode that flips between two possibilities of the world’s timeline that kept me engaged, wondering how things would pan out and which direction it would take.  And the show’s ending is… not what I was expecting, but also not disappointing.
But there are also episodes that feature basic anime tropes (a swimsuit episode, sports tournament, etc) and goofy slapstick.  Not to mention the owo face plastered on all the bad guys’ helmets.  It’s hard to take them seriously with that dang face!
There is some social commentary thrown in as well, like in one episode where older, hardened otaku who are used to a life of people making fun of them are angry at the newer otaku who have it easy and don’t have to hide their obsessions.  As an older otaku, I related, lol.
I want to take a moment to gush about the OP of Magical Destroyers, because holy shit do I love it.  The aesthetics are great and the visuals are pretty but also weird, especially the breakdown at the end.  It caught my attention hard, and I actually watched it every episode instead of checking my phone or whatever else.  The ED isn’t a slouch either, but I think the OP perfectly encapsulates the vibe of Magical Destroyers and is the best indicator of whether or not you will enjoy the show.
Magical Destroyers doesn’t shy away from sex, drugs, or violence - in fact it revels in all three with one magical girl assigned to each!  Besides Otaku Hero - the glasses-wearing nerd who is trying to save all otaku despite mostly bumbling through doing that - there are a variety of character flavors in Magical Destroyers.  
A red-haired tsundere who is always ready for violence and is the de facto leader of the magical girl squad (Anarchy).
A blue-haired masochist who is up for any torture thrown her way, as well as translator for the third magical girl (Blue).
A pink-haired gas-mask wearing rave enthusiast who is all about drugs and only speaks in a language that consists of the words Go and Bo (Pink).
A weird floating mascot figure that seems to be immortal, which leads to it being used as a shield or for other violent shenanigans quite often (Kyotaro).
A dependable hacker-type otaku who is always ready to help out and provide the resistance with whatever is needed to keep up the fight (Nick).
A gothic-lolita fan who seems to have a connection to Otaku Hero and the magical girl squad (Slayer).
The leader of the SSC organization - the anti-otaku army - who wears a sharp suit and has a monitor for a head showing a constant owo expression (Shoban).
Plus other various otaku who show up to lend their help in trying to fend off the SCC and keep otaku culture alive!
Where does it rate on my personal scale?
S: I will buy it at full price (unless it’s released by Aniplex USA, because fuck their pricing).
->A: I will buy it on sale sometime down the line.
B: I had fun watching it, but don’t need to own it.
C: It’s not my cup of tea, but wasn’t awful.
D: Dropped it.
X: Finished it out of spite, but did not enjoy it.
Magical Destroyers ranks at a low A.  It started out very strong, but that may have been a detriment to the anime as it couldn’t maintain the wow factor all the way through.  I think it deserves a second watch for sure, which means it is good enough for me to buy on sale in the future.
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sweet-berrry · 4 days
…………if you want another episode……….58 maybe?
Episode 58: The Tides Between Us
This one is 4,211 words long, and 1.5k words longer than my other post. I had so much fun transcribing this and thanks for requesting it!!
Information: ● Scenes are roughly separated by bullet points - while sentences or smaller pieces of info are separated by dashes - this helps me type faster and still keep things somewhat organized - Pink text is my commentary/reaction
Warning: When I say "transcription", I am lying. This is a strange type of note taking where I try to write as much information down as fast as possible with minimal pauses. It serves as typing practice and fun (for me). I did not proofread this. Spelling and grammar mistakes are very likely.
EPISODE 58: The Tides Between Us
Intro - Everyone introduces themselves enthusiastically - including…. Chinsicle [I love visual bits in my podcasts] - Chinsicle got in through the vents and craves chins for “chin time” - They suggest playing dnd and Chinsicle screams in pain 
RECAP - The trio woke up in the night to find Ollie had become a child again - Chip had made a deal with Niklaus to restore Ollies youth - Ollie is torn between being happy to be a kid and sad to leave the crew - The crew made it to Allport alongside Lizzie’s crew and ship - they docked and chip tried to reunite Dre and Lizzie - It did not end well - Lizzie asked Jay and Chip to meet Rufus, the lovely shopkeeper and ex-black rose pirate - Gillion and Caspian went to The Tank and Gill reunited with Eden Tidestrider [wahhhhhhh wahhhhh] - Chip and  Ollie are with Rufus (investigating what kind of bird Apple is) - Gill and Caspian are leaving The Tank - Jay is with Lizzie and they are headed toward The Porthole - END RECAP
Chip and Ollie are hanging with Rufus - Turns out that Apple is a magical bird! - Rufus isn’t sure what kind of magic it is - Chip pokes Apple to learn more [?] - “Yep, bird, bird” - Rufus tries a potion that supposed to dispel the magic - Chip worries that the magic might be keeping the bird alive - They hear the door opening, and Rufus’ wife walks in - She is named Amber and is a Kitsune [I hope I spelled that right?] who has very long hair and a blue silk kimono style robe. She also wears a lot of jewelry - She asks chip who he is and what they can do for him - he answers appropriately - She says that she noticed the sense of magic but thought it might have been something he was trying to pawn - Chip blows on Apple to try and reveal something, nothing happens 
Ollie is interested in a belt that gives you super strength, Chip is also interested - Amber suggests they focus on Apple - Rufus helps Chip with the belt - It costs twelve thousand gold pieces, actually 1200 pieces - Chip asks for a deal “for an old friend” - he rolls a 19 for persuasion - Chip promises to use it for good on their adventures - There is purple smoke coming from the Apple room - Rufus says he can give Chip a deal since Amber isn’t paying attention - And gives him fifty percent off [I wish real life worked like this] - Rufus checks him out - the belt is made of leather and metal and there is a swirling engraved design of two mountains - Rufus asks if they want anything else - chip says no - Ollie asks if he can wear the belt, chip says no - Ollie starts to cry and asks if he wears the belt, can he stay on the crew - Chip dodges the question and suggests they check up on Apple
Amber returns and says that making Apple “back to normal” will be difficult - She also confirms that Apple was not always a bird and that the transmutation magic used on her is very old [at this time Apple is referred to with she/her pronouns so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯] - A magic that you don’t learn from books - Chip says that Amber might be able to keep the bird [*sweating*] - Rufus hints at something - Amber mentions another sorcerer who is a recluse who might be able to help them  - Chip asks where he could find him - She says his name is Grimm and lives in the northern sea - but it’s very dangerous in the north sea - Chip kind of promises to bring Ollie there [smh] - Rufus brings up that Chip was wondering about teleportation magic to take Ollie home - Amber says that it might take a couple days to set everything up - Chip asks for more time - Rufus warns that they close at sundown - the time is waning, they have two or three hours till sunset - Amber warns that teloportation is very expensive and can be dangerous - Chip examines Ollies reaction - Ollie is resigned and straight faced. Obviously mildly upset, but is taking it like a champ - Rufus says he could give Chip a discount, but Amber objects - Chip leaves Apple with them overnight - They say their goodbyes and Chip and Ollie step out
They see an intricate shopping center surrounding a main road - behind it is a wooden platform that leads to the lowest level of the city - Directly in front of them is the main wooden street - Chip and Ollie are walking casually - Their are mostly humans and elves walking the streets - This middle level of the city seems to be very well planned - Chip is looking for the Porthole to meet up with Lizzie - He rolls a 14 for perception and recognizes that this level will not have a pub like that - They walk to the lower levels of the city
Chip attempts to conversate with Ollie about the possibility of teleporting Ollie back home - He tries to make light of it, but Ollie is obviously reluctant - Ollie asks if there is anyone on the crew who can teleport - Chip says he if they can and they haven’t told him he’d be pissed - Chip decides to be honest and tells Ollie that he wants him to go home, but doesn’t want him to feel like he’s getting rid of him - Ollie reassures Chip that he wants to go home, but he will miss this adventurous new home - Ollie was lonely at home, but he feels more brave when he’s with the crew; like he has a purpose - “I hate being a kid [crying sobbing on the floor] - Chip says that he understands Ollies frustrations, but that Ollie deserves to have a childhood - Chip reassures that he enjoys Ollie’s company, and that he is so grateful that he hasn’t tried to or threatened to kill him [ok chip chill, he’s twelve] - “Maybe if you knew how to stab me, you would” - Ollie says that being with the crew makes him feel better, and that he would be sad to miss out on any of the adventures they go on - Chip says that maybe Ollie can come on just a few more [Chip, you deserve every bit of that slap] - Chip then hands Ollie the belt - Ollie is very excited - Chip tells him that he needs to use the belt to stay safe, not to put himself in danger - The belt is a little big, so he looks a little silly - The belt doesn’t work immediately [you have to attune to it I think] - Chip then invites Ollie to geta tattoo with him - Chip is looking for a tattoo shop and finds out that he can get a tattoo at the Porthole - They walk there pretty easily
Gillion decides to wait for Eden to get off of work - He says he considered breaking the glass but changed his mind. Eden giggles at this and Caspian encourages him before realizing that he would be banned from drinking there. Gillion says since everyone is aquatic anyway… it’s just an idea - Caspian explains what a nine-to-five job is - Gillion is shocked and wonders if maybe he should break the glass - they continue to banter and plot until Eden’s shift ends - Eden does have dental benefits though, so Gillion is coaxed out of using a barstool to break the glass - Gill asks where Eden wants to go - Eden says she can’t stay for long, but she’d love to meet Gill’s friends - Gillion tells “Meh” (the gate keeper) he hopes they meet again - They all leave The Tank and as they step out, Eden throws her hands around Gills neck and starts crying - She wasn’t sure he was still alive and is overjoyed to see her brother again [I’m cryinggggg] - Gill apologizes, saying he didn’t mean for it to be so long before they met up again  
Eden pulls out a cloak for Gill to wear from her bag. It’s to hide their Titon features from prying eyes in Allport - Gillion doesn’t understand why he would need to hide - She smiles and jokes about his wanted poster, but she reasserts that he needs to protect his identity - Gill worries that Eden isn’t safe at Allport, but Eden reassures him that she’s been safe [really?? Really Eden?? Is that the truth????????] - They swim through the tunnels back up to the surface - Gill asks Eden how she got here - Eden says that she came to the surface after Gill disappeared. The elders stopped letting her see Gill, but didn’t tell her that he had been banished. She went searching for info about what happened to him. She got into some trouble and thought she might die, but she was saved by a random kind gentleman who she hasn’t seen again. It was Niklaus. [rrraahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh] But she denies making a deal with him - Gill warns her that he is not trustworthy and that if she sees him again she should swim in the other direction - She says that she will trust Gillion, but also the “Nicholas” left a very good, honest, and selfless impression on her. [ooohhhh, that’s why I saw ship art of them a couple days ago] - after being saved she came to Allport - They both talk about how smelly the oversea people are - Gillion specifically warns her about how stinky Chip is - OOC: Bizyl says, “She’s gonna love the musk” [what.] - As gill and co make their way to the Porthole, and Caspian magically dries them all off - Caspian calls Gillion “The Driplord” - and they continue toward the The Porthole
Jay and Lizzie are walking together, with Jay opting to stay silent and wait for Lizzie to start conversation - Lizzie is walking in front of Jay and gives a little bit of a tour of Allport - Lizzie leads her to The Golden Circle Market. It is gold and in the shape of a circle and a market - She leads Jay to the edge of the market and to a ladder - At the top of the ladder is another section of the city, entirely lit by lanterns - it is primarily a woodworking/construction sector - There is a ship embedded in the wall that has been repurposed into a multi-level tavern - Lizzie goes up the steps to the entrance door. The door has a minotaur bouncer - The minotaur demands a code. Lizzie asks Jay if she knows any of the pirate code. Jay says that Chip only told them that the first rule was not to piss your pants - Lizzie is shocked that they don’t know anything about being a pirate - Lizzie tells her another tenant is “If you don’t consent, you die” [I think maybe Grizzly meant “If there’s no consent, you die” cause that makes more sense] - The minotaur winks at Lizzie and wishes Jay and Lizzie a fun time [the shipping] - Jay asks how Chip and Gill are gonna get in - The inside is literally just a pirate ship that’s been converted to a tavern - It is warm because there are tons of people. Also it stinks. -  Lizzie leads them to the bar and asks the bartender for a few rounds. The bartender slides four tankards over and Lizzie gives Jay one.
“I wanna have a conversation, but I think I gotta be a bit drunk to do it” - Jay takes a sip, rolls a six on the con save and immediately gets a little drunk - Lizzie also fails the save but doesn’t start talking yet - Lizzie drinks her second tankard, but rolls a nat 20 on this save - Jay starts the convo, but it’s still very awkward - Jay is nervous about how quickly she is getting drunk, but Lizzie encourages her to drink - Jay reminisces about the last time she did a keg stand and Gill blew up the ship - Lizzie asks about it and Jay explains - Lizzie finds it a little funny and drinks another tankard, fails the save and is definitely drunk - She asks about Jay’s dad and past - Jay downs her drink in preparation and rolls a nat 1 (she is drunk beyond belief) - She just starts crying about her dad always breaking things. Like her doll when she was a child (he shot it) and Lizzie’s ship (he sawed it in half) - Lizzie agrees he sounds like a dick, Jay says he always loved her - Lizzie confesses she cares about Chip, and that she tried to convince Chip to leave her - Jay admits that when she first started sailing with them, she was a spy
Lizzie gets a little suspicious, but Jay says she never reported anything to them - Jay gets giggly when drunk [so cuteeeeee] - They talk about their mutual love for Chip, despite his sillyness - Lizzie admits there’s hope for some of the Black Rose pirates to be alive - When Jay starts to worry they’ve made the conversation to dark, Lizzie reminds her that that’s why you drink. To open up with people you wouldn’t usually be able to - They’re the women, the girlbosses - Jay says she wants to be the best pirate ever, but Lizzie warns her that’s there’s lots layers - Lizzie says she wants to prove everyone who ever called her weak wrong [by very extreme methods] - Jay says the Navy is a lil fucked up - Lizzie says they should redistribute the power so everyone is equally fucked up [I think Caspian is canonically a communist] - they both get another drink and fail, if they fail again they’ll pass out - they really like each other now - Lizzie slips and says Jay looks a lot like her sister, but backtracks saying she didn’t know Jay had a sister - Jay wants to beat the shit out of everyone in the Navy - Jay asks what Lizzie will do now that John is back - They will use John knowledge to find some shit out in the North Sea - Lizzie admits they have some double agents within in the navy, but she can’t say more or else Caspian would kill him
Chip walks in with Ollie - They’re talking about what tattoos they want - Chip promises that they will prank someone today - Then they make their way to the girls - Jay grabs his face, “You’re real” - Chip sets up to prank Jay by getting her to get a tattoo - Jay tells him that they were having a heart to heart - Lizzie says Chip should shut up if he doesn’t want to get killed - Lizzie has a pink wave tattoo sleeve - Lizzie challenges Chip to a fight in The Pit
Gillion walks up to the porthole with Eden and Caspian - When asked to give a piece of the Pirate Code, he recites the “don’t piss your pants” one - apparently it’s a rule because “fear piss” attracts the strongest sea monsters - and they walk into The Porthole and find the others very quickly - Gill introduces Eden, Jay calls her cute and Chip goes “wow” - After Caspian reminds her they’re safe among pirates, Eden lets her hood down - “Gill, why didn’t you tell me you had such a cute sister?” “Because I didn’t know if I would ever see her again :|” - Chip immediately starts acting a fool - Lizzie drags Chip to the pit before he can start flirting - Eden feels very awkward, but warms up to Jay fairly quickly
The Pit is a beam over a mud pit - Lizzie rolls up her sleeves and says winner gets the other persons ship - Chip denies those terms at first, but everyone tells him not to be a pussy - Eden knows Lizzie - Ollie cheers for Chip - Jay picks Ollie up so he can watch his uncle fight - Lizzie rolls a higher initiative and throws a punch that misses - Chip doesn’t really want to hit her, so he slides behind her and uses the bandana to mimic her - Lizzie boops him, and then her eye starts glowing purple - Moving to the side, Chip shoves her in the ribs - Lizzie just barely keeps her footing - Lizzie throws another punch, but misses again - Chip trips her, sending her into the mud pit - The crowd that has gathered cheers for him, before Chip cannonballs into the mud with Lizzie - Everyone is in good spirits and standing - Still covered in mud, Chip introduces himself to Eden. Poor, poor Eden starts gagging from the stench surrounding Chip. - Caspian helps Lizzie and Caspian clean off before they meet again towards the back of the Porthole
Chip still has a big head from the win - Caspian starts the conversation while Lizzie naps a little bit - Ollie and Chip tell Gill that Apple is a magical not bird - Gill tells Chip that he’s met people and he’s met birds and he’s 65 percent sure that Apple is a bird [I love himmmmmm] - Chip explains transfiguration - They ask Jay if she’s a bird and she tries to fly - Chip starts trying to impress Eden, introducing himself as the captain of the Riptide pirates and ignoring Gillion explaining the co captain thing - Gill gives the funny crew run down - Chip asks if she’s ever had anybody important like a crew in her life, obviously trying to find out if she has an S/O - Eden admits she doesn’t know much about pirates, but that it’s great to hear that they have such a wonderful family - Gill shows Pretzel to Eden, and Eden remarks on how big she’s grown - Eden is happy that Gill wasn’t completely alone all this time - Gill says they don’t have to talk about his childhood right now - In order to change the subject, Eden admits she doesn’t have anybody right now, and that she’s sorry she had to show up in her work clothes - Chip says she looks great - Jay comes back wondering why she thought she was a bird - Eden says that she has her parents back home, that her and Caspian are good friends, and that she’s met Lizzie twice now - Chip continues to be insufferably, remarking that oh yeah, he’s kind of like Lizzie’s older brother, no big dea, you know, he just tries to look out for her is all B) [I cannot with him.] 
Gill asks how the parents are [it was just a mistake to you. To me? Gill calls them THE parents because they were never really HIS parents. Not after they abandoned gave him to the elders] - Eden responds that she tries to visit them, but doesn’t think they know they are in the oversea - Gill worries that he was banished from his home and will never be able to return, but Eden comforts him that whatever the elders decided proves nothing about Gillion’s character. - “I thought I did everything right.” [I’m crying. He sounds so tearful. I am not normal about this man and listening to this podcast reminds of that] - Gill tells her the elders are well informed to make good decisions, but Eden tells him that no matter what they told him, a lot of things are going to change.
Chip asks why they didn’t grow up together - Gill explains that he didn’t have many friends or family visiting him while he grew up in the palace - Gill says the duties were not always nice. [understatement of the century] - Eden and Pretzel were some of the only reasons he made it through those times - When Eden found out that Gill had been sent away, she’s been looking into the elders and trying to find him - Gill tells Eden he’s sorry he didn’t find a way to contact her - “Gillion, it’s not your fault. Nothing that you have been through has been in your control, and none of it is your fault.” - Gill starts crying - “If you were suddenly dropped into the middle of the ocean, surrounded by strange creatures that didn’t share your ideas, understand what you were, why. And yet you held these things with such conviction. It’s easy to become a representation. It’s just a lot.” [catch me crying into my sour patch kids] - Chip says I didn’t know you had a sensitive side, and Gill responds “It’s because I don’t” [once again, he’s just like me fr]
Eden asks if they can help her with something - She’s been looking into the Undersea Elders and the RAFT Navy - She thinks the navy is gonna try to create an artificial leviathan, to oppose the undersea gods - She can’t say how she learned the information - She needs them to break into RAFT HQ stealthily - Allport is technically neutral, but the Navy is gaining power and targeting undersea dwellers - Eden requests they investigate a specific office that should have the location where they’re building the leviathan - “Besides stopping the underwater mech god, do you guys have anything else going on?” “I mean, kinda” - Eden urges Gill to keep a low profile, only getting the location, or else the citizens of Allport will bear the burden of pirates causing havoc [foreshadowing foreshadowing foreshadowing]
Chip tries to remind Gill of his grandfather, and asks Eden if she remembers anything about him - Eden admits that she doesn’t have many memories with him, but knows that he was a brilliant man who went to the oversea - Chip affirms that Finn is alive and Eden suggests that he might have a lot of the answers that Gill’s been searching for - Eden can’t be associated with any pirates publicly or anything so she really appreciates them being willing to help out - “I don’t mean to brag… but I don’t know if we’ll be able to get up there without being arrested” [Chip, you sad sad man]
Eden asks about Jay being a bird - So Gill and Chip start lying about her actually being a bird who magically appears human - Jay tries to fly again - Ollie tries to help Jay up, but because he’s so strong, he accidentally throws her up into the ceiling 
Chip helps her up and takes her to get a tattoo - he wants to get her a little jaybird feather - Grizz explains how magic tattoos work, but our pirates are broke ass bitches - For Ollie, Chip wants to give him a little riptide flag - And for himself, Chip wants full sleeves of tattoos of blue waves - Jay falls asleep during her session 
Gill asks Eden if she found anything of interest about the elders - Eden is sorry, but she can’t tell him the entire truth yet - Gill tries to see if it’s her choice to keep the secrets, but he can’t fully discern her complicated feelings, but she is not afraid - Gill says he trusts her - They once again celebrate meeting again - Gill voices his desire to destroy robot god, although Eden tells him that the goal is to destroy it before it’s built - Gill asks Caspian for help learning new sword fighting techniques, but he doesn’t have a sword - Caspian gives Gillion his own sword, saying he can lend it - Caspian argues it will give him time to practice hydromancy - In return, Gill gives Caspian the immovable rod - “And as the pirate code, all deals are sealed with a shake” “hmmmmmm… yes. What are the other ones?” - Caspian says he should ask Lizzie some other day - And he picks up Lizzie ready to take her to the ship
Eden promises that they’ll meet again, but she can’t say when - “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow” [feeling ill about them] 
Chip also gets a coral crown and a bluejay tattoo on his back
They make their way back to the ship with Chip leading the way and Jay leaning on Gill - While passing an alleyway they hear coughing and see drop of blood - Immediately investigating they come upon Old Man Earl clutching his stomach and bleeding profusely 
If you actually looked this far, just know that I appreciate you
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formxrkinga · 4 years
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// Tag dump
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lxcuuna · 6 years
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“You could say I’m an...arrow ace.”
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edasnest · 3 years
Might you have any Raeda headcanons you'd be willing to share?
Oh shit I didn’t see that you sent this to me until now oh man.
But you better believe I’ve got some Raeda headcanons >:D
[Spoilers for Eda’s Requiem and Knock Knock Knockin on Hooty’s Door! Also a little bit of a character study regarding those eps lol]
Raine is constantly in awe of Eda. Eda’s desire to learn every kind of magic and buck tradition and societal norms sometimes leaves them breathless. When they were young, Raine always admired Eda for the clever pranks she’d pull using different kinds of magic despite being in the potions track. They also admired Eda’s boldness when it came to standing up for herself and her sister.
Eda found Raine to be interesting considering they were in the bard track despite their stage fright, but once Eda watched them perform and saw how they’d lose themself in the music was, no pun intended, magical. They had a fierce grip on Eda’s heart and she didn’t know why; she was fascinated by Raine and made it her goal to be best friends with this oddly shy bard (which she achieved pretty quickly).
After Eda’s curse caused her to unintentionally disable her dad, she was terrified of what it would mean if she was caught off guard like that again. So she started putting up walls. No stressful situations, no hard conversations, no sudden bright lights or loud sounds that she wasn’t the cause of. If she could be in control of her surroundings, she could control the Owl Beast. The elixir she’d discovered that could keep the curse’s side effects at bay helped maintain her sanity and her chill demeanor, but Raine was able to tell she was always slightly on edge. Raine knew about the curse; after Eda had transformed on the Grudgby field the first time everyone had been talking about it, but they didn’t know the extent of it. Everyone just said she’d turned into a monster and then fled; but what kind of monster?? But every time Raine tried to get more information about it, Eda would brush it off and change the subject. It broke their heart watching Eda brush off something that was clearly bothering her, and eventually it all came to a head. She was lying more and more often to Raine and they just couldn’t take it anymore. What happened to their best friend??? Why would she lie to them????? It was maddening and all the frustration and aching in their heart became too much. They needed to focus on something other than Eda. They weren’t nearly as bold as Eda, even after all these years, so they joined the Bard Coven in order to start teaching and building a career for themself. They’d happily welcome Eda back if she’d just tell them what was going on. But it never happened. Burying themself into their work and then, eventually, into the BAtTs helped keep the heartache at bay, but only sometimes.
Eda and Raine caught glimpses of each other as the years passed. They’d spot one another in the market or Raine would see a flash of unmistakable ginger hair dashing around a corner; sometimes they’d hear Eda yelling at some Coven guards and quietly hope she’d make her escape. Eda would occasionally see posters advertising a performance starring Raine; she’d either buy a ticket or sneak in just to listen to them play again. She could never stay for very long though because listening to them play made her heart hurt so much she’d be at risk of turning into the Owl Beast. Raine grabbed one of Eda’s wanted posters and keeps it hidden under some other paperwork in their desk, pulling it out sometimes and going over every detail of the artist’s rendition of her. One day, a new wanted poster came out - this one with a weird skull dog now part of the image and the bounty having increased significantly. Raine would always smirk whenever they saw the new version, although they were alarmed the first time they saw her drawn with all-grey hair. When had that happened? They weren’t that old yet, right??
The day Eda saved the BAtTs and figured out Raine’s secret was maybe the best day Raine had had in years. Their best friend was talking to them again, helping them with their plot. Raine didn’t bother pushing Eda about the last 20 years; their last conversation proved enough that Eda didn’t like it when people pried. But Eda had become not just older, but so much more kind and open. To a degree that sort of shocked Raine. When they asked Eda if she had nothing to lose and Eda took their hand, it was like they’d gone back in time. As if they were both 20 again and daydreaming about a world they’d create for themselves where covens weren’t there to shackle witches down and stage fright didn’t exist; where Eda’s curse never happened and they could stay there on that hill forever.
Eda of course was warring with her own emotions during all of this; she was under the impression that everyone in her life was leaving her again. And not because she was pushing them away this time, but of their own volition. She got her big sister back only for her to go back home to their parents after just a few weeks. She overheard King talk about leaving to find his dad and her apprentice - the first person to ever break down all of Eda’s defenses and show her how to love again - was constantly working on ways to go back to her own home. Eda would be left with Hooty and Owlbert and absolutely nobody else and that hurt so much more than she cared to admit. So when Raine showed up in the town square with their BAtT mask on, using their magic to turn some coven guards into bumbling fools, Eda was a little shell-shocked. The first person to leave her of their own volition was right there in front of her and needed help. So she helped them. And when she became invested in their plots to free wild witches, she felt like she was a teenager again, plotting out pranks with Raine in her secret shortcuts room at Hexside, blushing at every interaction they had because even after all this time, Raine was still Raine. Her Rainstorm. It was like she was starting over, like the last 20 years had faded away, except they hadn’t. Because Luz and King were competing in a race that she needed to be there for. Her past and her present were all different types of painful but finding Raine like this again gave her so much hope! Until she realized she wouldn’t see the end of that race, not if it meant stopping Belos. And she was ready for that, ready for the pain to just stop already, but Raine wouldn’t let her.
Losing Raine again was so much worse the second time. But what they said stayed with her and Eda needed to get back to King and Luz. So when she got back and discovered they’d lost, of course her first thought was to help them. Anything to take her mind off of what she’d just lost. And when King announced that he wasn’t leaving at all, he was legally changing his name? She was “stuck” with him forever? That was too much and she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Someone wasn’t leaving her. In fact he was legally binding himself to her. No one was leaving, at least not any time soon. Eda definitely still cried more that night after King and Luz had gone to bed.
In the future, Eda and Raine agree to start from scratch: Eda explains the curse to them in detail, all the things she’s learned about it over the years and specifically with Luz and King and Hooty’s help. She explains that Lilith was the one that gave it to her to begin with and why (Raine is appalled like???? Raine specifically worked with Lilith in that last year before they had been made head of the Bard Coven?? And Lilith showed maybe irritation at best at the mention of Eda, so like?? What the fuck???). Eda also explains how she’s come to accept the curse as something that’s part of her and the history the Owl Beast has that she got a glimpse of which is super intriguing to Raine. Also Harpy Eda was a thing which was maybe the most surprising part of it all.
Raine in the meantime tells Eda about their time working their way up the ranks of the Bard Coven, how they met each of the BAtTs and recruited them, the façade they had to maintain to stay on track to become the head of the Bard Coven (something that greatly impressed Eda given Raine’s history with being an awkward actor).
Eda introduces Raine to Luz and King to which both of them start shooting rapidfire questions at them and overwhelm them pretty quickly. Eda has to shoo the two away before Raine just bursts out laughing, saying something about how they’re definitely Eda’s kids (all of them blush while Raine is laughing). Luz is just as fascinated with Raine’s Bard magic as Eda was when they first met and the similarities between the two are striking. Raine tells Eda as much later on and Eda begins gushing about what a great apprentice Luz is and everything she’s done during her time on the Boiling Isles.
They fall easily back into dating once they reconnect properly and everything’s calmed down a little - Raine will still be humming a piece they’re working on and suddenly grab Eda and begin dancing to the tune, Eda laughing the whole time and making their heart soar. Eda will still play with Raine’s earring when they’re cuddled up together just chatting. Raine will start asking Eda again for her opinion on musical pieces they’re working on and Eda will make suggestions along with some jokes or snide commentary. They both still love watching the clouds overhead on their hill, sometimes playing music, sometimes just holding hands.
Raine loves watching Eda interact with Luz and King. They love watching how easily Eda loves them and how much she’s changed since they first broke up. Once they’re alone together, in a moment total admiration for how far they’ve come, Raine tells Eda they love her. Eda immediately kisses them and starts crying, repeating Raine’s words back to them and mumbling about how she’ll never let Raine leave ever again.
A canon Non-binary love interest to a main character that uses They/Them pronouns??? In my kids cartoon???? It’s more likely than you think.
Anyways I fucking love Raine and I love how much Eda and Raine love each other and I can’t wait to see what ends up happening with Them™️
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
headcanons for Rook, Malleus, Silver, and Vil when their m!s/o jumps on their back biting their head screaming nonsense like a mad man. the first year gang coming running and one explains wheezing “mistake in potions, physical capabilities inhanced, out of control, immune to magic, help”
the rest of the day is spent with literally all the twst boys chasing after their insane boyfriend. tears were shed, dignity lost, pride scratched.
by the time he’s caught it’s nearly midnight and none of them know what’s real anymore since he kept screaming very philosophical things.
i await your answer with anticipation~
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*weakly grips you,,,* 
it is...finished....i will leave most of my commentary in the notes...also please read the warning tags carefully! 
Warnings: language, mild physical violence, implicit dementia (Vil’s part!), poison, blood, depiction/description of death, goofy’s trial dialogue (Vil’s part), mild gun threat (Vil’s part) << no actual guns were present but was mentioned Tags: male!reader, angst, crackfic
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This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Ace started it. Deuce aided. Epel volunteered. Jack said it was a bad idea and Sebek warned them. Yet in the end—in the end—they contributed. They helped. And when the smoke cleared from the explosion that shattered the laboratory's windows, beakers, and test tubes, spilling chemicals on the ground—on you—it was too late for Crewel to protect you. For your friends to protect you.
Grim called your name. Once. Twice. Thrice in a yowl of panic as Deuce held him back and carried him away when he tried to get closer to your unmoving body; it's laying in a puddle of liquid. Black? Brown? Gray? He doesn't know the colors—how doesn't know what's happening—he doesn't know and he doesn't care because he just wants you to be safe.
Ace couldn't speak. Deuce couldn't move. Epel started shaking but hid behind a mask of control. Jack's ears and tail were erratic and Sebek broke the silence with a firm command of retreating. Let the professor handle this. Let the adult handle it.
Then you moved.
They watched you rose from the ground like a corpse from the grave.
And hell breaks loose.
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➸ Why did you bite his head and messed his hair up
➸ He got no time for games, fool
➸ Granted you did jump at Vil when his Flying Class was done. It startled him and shocked everybody. His face flared because he thought your surprise hugs had gotten too far. It took Mr. Ashton and a few of his classmates to get you off him. He's pretty sure you managed to tear off a few hairs from his scalp—and skin apparently because he felt blood drip down his lashes. 
➸ Okay, that's not normal behavior for you-
➸ You were more than disheveled; your lab coat was torn and singed, blood was seeping from your clothes, and you had a dazed look. Vil fixed himself immediately, of course, but it's natural for him to get worried about you. You looked awful. Vil was sure the chemicals splattered on your skin and uniform was what was making you disoriented. What are these fools doing still holding onto you? You should be taken to the infirmary this instance! 
➸ Vil wasn't prepared for what you did next. The moment Mr. Ashton held your shoulders to lead you to the infirmary, you knocked him out with an elbow strike. What the fuck.
➸ Okay, obviously, you're defensive. Vil took out his pen and—along with a few other students and the professor??—tried to restrain you. Vil was careful not to cast any harmful spells on you but for some reason, the professor and the other seniors seem to go off on casting advanced spells that could quite literally kill you! Du spinnst wohl are they insane?
➸ It took a lot from Vil to not be hysterical. Panicking will not do him any good but having to witness you get blasted by magic and only shake it off while maddeningly laughing is frustrating. He couldn't bear the sight of seeing you get hurt and argued loudly with one of the seniors to go easy on you. The fact that you were spouting nonsense doesn't help your situation at all, especially when you declared this, "ah-hyuck! I'll fucking shoot 'em again."
➸ "Love, will you please cooperate!" was what Vil wished to say, but seeing you in this state brought a jab of pain in his heart. The familiarity of this situation—the confusion, the frustration, the worry, the pain—adds up to the pressure and desperation of just saving you from whatever the fuck this is. 
➸ Vil doesn't even want to look at himself in the mirror. He fears that he'll end up breaking the mirror from what he'll see, but he's pretty sure, with the fight and the chase you're giving everyone, that his makeup is running and his hair is a mess. Amidst nausea and chaos, Vil came up with a solution to restrain you. So, gathering what is left of his dignity and pride, and his love for you, Vil wiped the sweat and smudged makeup off his face and ran back to Pomefiore.
➸ Don't ask why he has a ready-made collection of poisons. Just don't. It's for emergencies—such as this. 
➸ Rook found him hunched over his table with the vials of poison. He calmed Vil down and assured him that you'll be alright. The only fear that Vil has is losing another person he cares about—that includes you. Rook kissed his hand and told him he will bring the poison to you. Rook knows how much you mean to Vil, and because of his devotion to his roi de poison, he will do whatever he can to ensure your safety for Vil's sanity.
➸ Rook advised Vil not to come with him, but he wants to. Vil wants to be able to hold you in his arms and be the first to make sure that you're okay. 
➸ When the deed has been done, Vil rushed to your side. He expected your body to be as cold as a corpse but still, it shocked him. He ignored the whisper of doubt and tended to the wound Rook made to put you to sleep. You've been taken to the infirmary along with everyone else that you caused inconvenience. Vil didn't come for the anxiety settled with the fatigue in his body.
➸ When Vil came back to the Pomefiore common room, sluggish and tired, he found Rook holding Epel's shoulder. The little potato couldn't look at him in the eye and frankly, Vil just wanted to spend some time in his quarters. However, Epel's confessed, and a little bit of energy came back to Vil so he can process what the little potato said to him.
➸ He what.
➸ His hand sprung up instinctively and Epel flinched. But Vil knew this wouldn't undo what happened. He knew it isn't worth it. Vil doesn't have the strength to be angry or blame Epel. It was a mistake, after all. A very stupid mistake. Epel looked pitiful crying for forgiveness so Vil asked Rook to send him back to his room.
➸ It's proven enough just how Vil cares about you.
Vil sat down in front of his vanity table. He could not bear to look at himself in the mirror. All he could do is stare blankly at nothing. Your words made no sense and Vil feared the worst when you wake up. If you wake up.
"Great Sevens..." he muttered and wiped the tears that fell from his face. He knew what he had to do next. He just had to be prepared for it.
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➸  Imagine Rook saying "oh mon Dieu" with the most neutral face and surprised eyes as if the explosion was just a mild inconvenience. 
➸  POV: you're Trey Clover 
➸  He and Trey were just cleaning around in the greenhouse when the explosion occurred. Rook knows that you have a special assignment with your friends. You didn't tell him what it is but he doesn't need you to. (He overheard Epel and Ace chill he respects you enough as his boyfriend to not pry into your private life via stalking)
- ➸ He wasted no time dashing to the potions lab. Being a hunter makes you very quickly as well as expecting the unexpected. However, he didn't expect the First Year Gang to be thrown out of the door and you emerge from the smoke as if you were some sort of ravaging beast. 
➸  If you weren't obviously covered in soot and blood, Rook would have fainted from the beauty and badassery you're currently conveying. 
➸  Now is not the time to be in awe—you jumped wall to wall with a speed faster than a cheetah's and Rook was able to deflect your attack by sidestepping. However, a few students got injured in the process. Rook saw your intention despite Monsieur Heart warning the students to not get in the way, lest they hurt themselves. You had no intention to harm—only run. 
➸  Rook has two options: follow you empty-handed or grab his bow and risk losing you
➸  He's confident in his skills in finding you, so he chose to gather information first. By that, well, pulling Epel to the side to calm him down then ask him what happened. Rook managed to understand the situation despite Epel shaking like a leaf. He doesn't feel angry. Such emotion would only intensify his instincts and he might do something that will put you and everyone else in harm more. So instead he thanked Epel, gave his head a pat, and quickly dashed to his locker for his bow and arrows. 
➸  Your boyfriend is a madman before you, for he immediately knows where you were after getting his bow. Rook attained higher heights for a better view and from the roof, he saw your figure dashing towards the forest. Ah, so your instincts led you to where you wish to be. Alright, this isn't Rook's first hunt. 
➸  When everyone else had trouble tracking you down, Rook doesn't. He reminded himself that you're not in the right mind. His monsieur filou is akin to a startled, confused, and defensive wild animal at the moment. Like a little rat, he supposed. Your movements aren't that hard to decipher for a hunter like him plus he can hear your kitchen philosophy from a mile away. 
➸  He has to apologize to Vil for taking a few vials of ready-made poison. But this is a matter of life and death. You are in danger from yourself, and as your knight, Rook will save you. Quiet as he can, he laced the tip of his arrow with the poison and aimed it at you. Rook closed his eyes and reminded himself that he is doing this to save you; not to harm you. 
➸  He notched his arrow—and you caught it with your bare. Fucking. Hand. SINGLE HAND!!
➸  Rook, internally: holy shit that was hot 
➸  Well his covers have been blown and you waved the arrow around screaming something about "I trusted you little guy!" before throwing the arrow with such accuracy while saying "go and take your little mice friend family rat with you!"
➸  Mon Dieu, he does not appreciate being called a rat!
➸  The chase continued and you quite gave everyone a workout. As much as Rook appreciated the stimulating experience you gave him, he much rather wants you subdued and safe, not running around with so many people after you. Luckily, Vil came in and gave him a new vial that is much more potent than the one he stole. He is amazed by the preparedness of his roi de poison but he is much concerned at the potency of the poison. 
➸  Vil strictly stared at him and nodded at the new direction you ran to. "With his state like that, you need to take the risks." Rook took his advice. Vil is always sharp as a dagger after all.
➸  Which means he had to use a dagger than an arrow to subdue you. Yes, Rook took the risk of having the poison close to him and closer to you in a 1 v 1 scuffle. Ah, this took him back to when he wrestled his first bear. Except the bear is his boyfriend and you're still quite human...and he's going to drive the blade of his dagger in a non-critical part of your body.
➸  Finally, the drama ended, and the curtains closed when your body fell into his arms. Your blood trickles into a small stream from where he drove the blade in. Rook knelt to the ground and cradled your body in his arms. Sweat dripped everywhere on his skin but he doesn't care about that. He cares about you. 
➸  Rook reminded himself that you can be cured of your sleep-like death and prioritized the wound that he engraved on your skin. He kissed the place where he stabbed you and solemnly apologized for defacing your body. Worry not, he will have you stitched in the infirmary, and you will awaken with his kiss...atleast he hoped you will. 
➸  Epel was waiting there when Rook brought you in. The poor boy had been crying and he apologized to Rook for the mistake he had done. Rook felt no anger and instead felt sympathy. He too had done his fair share of mistakes, and Epel should not burden himself with those. Instead, he told him, take this as a learning experience as to not do it again.
➸  Rook saved Epel from Vil's harsh scolding. Now, the only one that needs saving, is you.
Even in a sleep-like death, you are still beautiful. Your pale skin is a worrying sight to many but Rook managed to calm himself by admiring it instead. Your body is like marble with blue veins spreading in varied directions.
Rook knew he cannot distract himself by admiring you like a statue of art. You are an art, not a statue. Only histories remain as statues—and you will not become history. He knew what he had to do.
"Oh, mon filou," he whispered against your cold lips, "forgive me."
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➸ Just a reminder: Malleus cares for you deeply :))
➸ He was just minding his own business when you suddenly attacked him from behind. Malleus thought you were just being your usual self and lifted his head so you'd let go of his horns. But you didn't and instead, you pulled on it harder that it startled him. He knows how strong you are—meaning something is wrong-
➸ You had quite the vice grip on his horns even when he used his tail to try and pry you off and even shake you off. He didn't want to use his entire strength to throw you but the moment his skin broke under your nails, his instincts came in first, and he threw you across the hallway. 
➸ Malleus was horrified. He didn't mean to throw you much less even hurt you. The panic got to him faster than the pain on his head as he rushed to where you flew. Was it possible to feel overwhelming fear? When Malleus' saw the outline of your figure cut clean on the window, he felt something more than fear. If he had lost you and it was his fault, then his promises for you are broken. 
➸ Then he spots your hand reach through the hole in the window. And you pulled yourself up and through the hole before dropping to the floor like a ragdoll. You were covered in bruises and cuts. Malleus feared that you have a concussion as well for you were muttering loudly about the stars melting and the Moores burning.
➸ Well, Malleus could worry about that later. You were injured and disoriented. The amount of blood coming out of you is increasing and his priority is getting you to safety. 
➸ However, just before he can scoop you in his arms, his knights came to his side. Silver looked like he'd been roused from his sleep as Sebek is disheveled. He made a firm declaration of protecting the Young Master, and that would have been normal for Sebek...if he was standing proud and tall as he said it. Malleus could easily smell the anxiety and lingering guilt from the young fae. 
➸ Things got even more concerning as Professor Crewel, Crowley, a few senior students, and Sebek's friends joined in. Malleus looked back at you and saw your cornered state. He doesn't understand what's happening yet but one thing is for sure—you're equally terrified as he is. Everyone was on guard, the Headmaster and the Professor spoke to you as if you were a wild animal—which you were—but all Malleus could think of is grabbing you and flying you away to safety.
➸ Which he did do despite public opinions
➸ By public opinions, the shouts of protests that soon fell quiet when he grabbed you and disappeared...also the "protest" falling from you which Malleus couldn't really understand. It was philosophy and poetry and a prophecy that he can comprehend little; for all Malleus cares about is you.
➸ "My dear, please, what had happened to you?" The desperation was painfully obvious in his tone as he restrained you with advanced magic. Yet as he tried to call you out of your subconscious he realized that magic is futile. Whatever state you are in you are able to break free from his magic. Malleus stayed on the defense as you attacked him, yet he recognized your attempts of attacking as desperation for help. If you crying and wailing out "save me" and "free me" isn't enough to give it away.
➸ No matter how many cuts you give him, no matter how much he will bleed, Malleus refused to fight you. 
➸ He just wants you to be okay :((
➸  Malleus knew what he had to do but he doesn't know if he had the strength to do it. Your face streaked with tears and pain pushed his heart to do it anyway. So, Malleus shoved you away with a quick pulse of magic, just enough time for him to summon his staff. He blocked your mouth from biting his neck with his arm, and even if it hurts, seeing your eyes begging to be saved hurts more. 
➸ When Lilia and the others found him, he was cradling your body in his arms. His staff laid on the ground and his tears dripped down your face like a fickle rain. Lilia didn't need an answer to know what he had done. 
➸ Malleus pulled your unconscious body close to him, hoping—desperate—to feel your warmth. But he couldn't. He couldn't hear your pulse, your heartbeat, and he couldn't feel your warmth. All he could feel is cold and numbness. But atleast you are at rest. You are saved. You're okay. You're okay, you're okay, you're okay.
➸ But he knows deep down that you're not. Because if you are okay, he wouldn't be noiselessly crying and clinging to your body as if you just died. You're alive but you're also dead. Knowing the cure for this dilemma tore his heart to pieces because deep down Malleus is still afraid. He feels like he lost you even though the truth isn't far from it. 
➸ Your words echoed in his mind before he hit you with his Unique Magic. You started hissing and wailing and finally, you raised your arms in the air and shouted, "this curse will last till the end of time—no power on earth can change it!" 
➸ Can you blame him for putting you in a sleep-like death, a sleep which you will never awaken unless by True Love's Kiss? He panicked :((
➸ Malleus kept your body close to him even when he stood up and looked at Sebek bowing deeply on the ground. He was shaking but his tone was loud enough for Malleus to have an understanding of the matter and of Sebek's apology. 
➸ Hearing that he was an accomplice of what happened to you gave him mixed emotions. 
➸ Sebek vowed his loyalty to Malleus, and when you came into his life, Sebek vowed to protect you as well. And he failed. That is very clear. The poor boy must be getting gnawed inside out with guilt. Well, Sebek did say that he will accept whatever punishment that is will befall him. He should stay true to his words because Malleus is furious. 
➸ Malleus vowed to protect you and raise Hellfire to whoever will cause you harm. He wanted to curse him, burn him on where he stands, and make him pay for what he had done unto you. He could do all of these for he can.
➸ But Malleus won't. He won't do those things to Sebek. He held himself back, swallowed the anger, remained in control of himself in front of the pitiful boy. Sebek is your friend. Sebek is his family. In the end, despite his loyalty, despite his duty, Sebek is still a kid. And Malleus knows that. He won't let this burden the young boy despite him taking full responsibility for the situation.
➸ But Malleus doesn't have the words to say what he wants to say. Instead, he told Sebek to rise from his feet and wordlessly left to bring you to the infirmary. 
➸ In the end, what matters most is you.
Your words remain in his mind to echo along with the voices of his fears. Malleus wished to feel the warmth of your hand again, for when he grasped it by your bedside he could feel nothing.
True Love's Kiss can wake you. True Love's Kiss. But do such a thing exist in Twisted Wonderland? Of course, it does, Malleus, of course, it does. However, seeing your pale lips are more of a dreadful reminder than a hopeful invitation.
The fear settled in his stomach along with his insecurities. Malleus cannot lose you. He can live without you, but he does not want to.
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➸ Homeboy was just sleeping under the tree,,, he didn't hear the explosion go off or even heard you running at him at full speed
➸ By that, well, running at inhumane speed and pouncing right on him like a rabid animal.
➸ He woke right up when he felt the pain immediately. It was like getting hit with a spine of a book—it jostled him enough to wake him, at least, and the adrenaline rushing through him was enough to knock you off. Silver didn't have time to get what the fuck was happening but thank the Sevens he was trained enough to be quick-footed. 
➸ He had time to grab his baton but he didn't have time to block your pounce. And damn you hit like a truck! Silver had to use his baton to block your face even if your entire weight was pressing down at him. There was something definitely wrong with you—and it's not just the look in your eyes-
➸ "What's gotten into you?!" the sudden shout made you calm down—thankfully—and Silver thought you're fine again. You looked at him blankly and the anxiety nipped at his skin. "Are you talking to me?" ????? Who else is he talking to??? 
➸ When he talked to you, like, yes dear I'm talking to you, your face contorted into something akin to bashfulness—the tipsy kind of bashfulness. The next thing you said confused and worried him more: "Mrs. Robinsons...you're seducing me."
➸ ???? Who the fuck is Mrs. Robinsons???
➸ Well, Silver doesn't have time to think what kind of enchantment table language you're daying because you're suddenly thrown away from him by a burst of magic—advanced magic that he only saw Malleus cast once because of the sheer force it can create. By that, meaning, one single hit of that magic can KILL A REGULAR HUMAN BEING.
➸ It was Professor Crewel who fired the blast and even he looked astounded at what he'd done. Silver didn't waste any time rushing to where you were blasted off. He was expecting you...dead, remains, fuck...what he wasn't expecting was seeing you still standing. Barely alive with your skin blooded and peeling and regenerating—but alive, nonetheless. 
➸ He locked eyes with you again and the cold feeling settled at the pit of his stomach looking at you. "Hey. Don't look at me like I'm fucking Frankenstein." You opened your arms at him and gave a solemn nod. "Give your father a hug." 
➸ Silver, softly: what the fuck
➸ When Professor Crewel withdrew his wand again you literally hissed like a raccoon. And it looked like he wasn't alone for Sebek pulled Silver away from your range. Ace, Deuce, and Grim were here too. Silver took a deep breath and looked at Sebek wordlessly demanding what the fuck is happening. 
➸ Sebek, as quick as he could, explained the situation to Silver. The quick run-down of things swum around in Silver's head as your nonsensical remarks made him dizzier. Guess that explains your strength and immunity to magic. 
➸ Silver: who did this to him?? Sebek, sweating: it's a funny story, really
➸ Silver stared at Sebek. He didn't have time to process what the fuck Sebek just confessed to because you screamed again. Sebek and he whipped around to see you viciously tearing apart roots and magical bonds set off by the professor along with the senior students that rushed to the scene. "ALRIGHT," you screamed, yeeting Ace, "I'm TIRED of these EFFIN snakes on this MOTHERFUCKIN' TRAIN!" Then you took off running the other direction toward the forest, and the chorus of frustration reminded Silver of the gravity of the situation.
➸ The absurd weight on his entire body made Silver wish this was just a nightmare.
➸ But it would be a nightmare to lose you. 
➸ Even when the night was starting to stretch, and the others were sent by the staff to the infirmary, Silver went to the forest with a heavy heart and his baton in hand. Sebek followed him—for what, a sense of responsibility?—and stopped him before he runs into a tree or worse. Silver snapped at him, the anger finally reaching its surface, and he glared at the young man. Silver isn't the type to fight with his fist nor his words, but this is about you. You who were struck by a mix of potions and magic and currently missing because someone's big head got you in trouble.
➸ Silver knows that Sebek knows how much you mean to him. He's also well aware of Sebek's particular dislike for humans. That remark made Sebek slightly stumble. A flash of hurt and angry was in his eyes but he never tried to hit Silver, despite almost losing control over himself. 
➸ "Fighting would not bring him back, Silver. Arguing will not either," Sebek told him. "I know my apologies will be useless in this situation and that is why I will do everything that I can to fix this." 
➸ Silver is on the verge of fucking tears but it won't compare to Sebek who remains a straight face while his nose turns bright red from holding back tears. Fortunately, before things get worse, Lilia and Malleus came from the trees. In Malleus' arms was you, quiet, and sedated. Silver would have jumped at Malleus and whisked you away but he's suddenly overcome with fatigue that Lilia had to place his arms around him. 
➸ Apparently, the two found you by the river doing whatever then Malleus struck you with his Unique Magic. At that mention, Silver felt cold. He didn't realize how tired he felt, from running around to worrying about you. Despite the heaviness on his shoulders and eyelids, he kept his eyes on you. You looked peaceful but hurt. And Silver wished he can keep you close to him to make you less hurt.
➸ He's glad that you're okay now but he feels dreadful about what's to come next. That dread never left, though, even when the slumber takes him.
"Poor things," Lilia sighed, stroking Silver's locks as Sebek carried the boy on his back. Malleus still has your unconscious body in your arms. His expression is unreadable.
Sebek felt the guilt suffocating him but he remained calm despite the lodge in his throat. "M—Master Lilia—Young master—It...this is..." Sebek stammered, failing to grasp the appropriate words for a sincere pardon. Yet Silver's weight is just as heavy as his sins. Lilia, however, stroked his head. "Save your strength, little one. The best you can do for now is take Silver to the infirmary," the elder fae instructed.
Sebek only nodded and obediently abided.
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
Okay smart ass. How come you and the other big blogs aren't saying shit about the racism and other problematic things happening in the fandom? Specially when almost all of you were always ready to put your opinions on something as petty as fans criticizing Thomas for how he wears a skirt.
Well, I cannot speak for other ‘big blogs’ because, while I am friends with some of the people who run the blogs that you’re lumping into the ‘big’ cateogory, we are not a monolith. We don’t have a secret group chat where we all decide “today we shall talk about Thomas wearing a skirt and ignore racism on purpose.” I can offer speculation that perhaps more people quickly added their own two cents on the skirt thing because when compared to everything else that was going on in the world, both on tumblr and off it, it was such a simple thing to digest. Everyone was craving something simple at that time, so it was an easy, cathartic thing to jump in and say “hey, don’t be mean in people’s inboxes” and proceed to stop thinking about almost just as fast. Anyway, like I said, I can’t speak for other people, only for myself. So since you apparently want me to, I’ll speak for myself. 
“How come you and the other big blogs aren’t saying shit about the racism...”
I am white. It is not my place to speak over poc about racism. It is my place to reblog their posts, elevating their voices without commentary. That is something that I learned this year, and it is something I intend to continue to practice. I do recall making one post in early June, about not using the b/l.m tag on fanart posts, but after seeing several poc express that they wanted white people to talk less and listen more, I elected to make no more original posts about the subject and stick to reblogging without comment. If you’re looking for some good posts about racism in the sanders sides fandom, here are a few good ones. Though most of the posts about racism that make their way across my dash and subsequently onto my blog are less fandom focused and more broad. 
“...and other problematic things happening in the fandom?”
This is where I must repeat what I said the other day; this could relate to any NUMBER of things, and unless you are more specific I have no idea what you’re talking about. Are you talking about callouts for specific creators? There were two that happened over the summer that I know about, but A) again, those were about racism, so I chose not to muddle the conversation with my voice, and B) the works being discussed in those situations were works I was personally unfamiliar with, and thus did not feel like I had enough information to state an opinion publically (which again, as I understand it, would have been unneccessary additions to an issue I have no authority to speak on). 
So maybe you’re talking about the Twitter callouts, or the situation with the artists for the Storytime Madlibs video? Again, I felt as though I lacked sufficient need/information to make any statements about those issues. I have a twitter, but I barely use it, and don’t use it for the fander community at all. I had NO IDEA what any of that stuff people were talking about was, and still don’t, and since I don’t use Twitter and am not in that community, it seemed pointless to speak about. That is not to trivialize any hurt or harm that was caused or experienced during those events, just to say that I have nothing to do with them, which is why there’s nothing about it on my blog. (The joke I made about fandom twitter was supposed to be universal and relate to how all the twitter discourse these days seems to be a rehash of tumblr discourse from five years ago. Bad timing on my part I guess, oh well.) And, being 100% honest here, I don’t think I even watched the Storytime Madlibs video. If i did, I don’t remember much about it. I know that when it came out that the artists were underpaid, I reblogged one or two posts about how content creators should not be put on pedestals and are not perfect, but the rest of that situation was centered around the artists involved in that video, and since I was not one of them nor did I know any of them personally, it seemed like something that again, I shouldn’t bring up because I didn’t know anything about it. From what I understand, a solution is/was being worked out, but I haven’t heard anything recently. 
Or by ‘problematic things’ do you mean the existence of remrom, or unsympathetic sides, or how I’ve been in this fandom for over 3 years and our anon hate problem has never gone away, or the rampant purity culture, or the pervasive ageism, or literally a dozen other things, some of which are genuine issues and some of which are simply differing opinions being handled with all the grace of an elephant on roller skates? I’ve said it over and over again on this blog, but this fandom is not perfect. No fandom is perfect, but this one in particular has a reputation for being ‘pure’ and ‘wholesome’ for some reason; a reputation that it has never upheld by the way, because, shocker, fandoms are made of humans, and humans are not flawless porcelein dolls. We’re incredibly flawed creatures, and mistakes are inevitable. The sooner we all accept that and start treating our mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow and do better next time instead of a signal that we were always worthless pieces of garbage that had no chance to do anything other than fuck up, the better off we’ll all be. 
And may I reiterate: look outside this website for a minute. There is SO MUCH going on in the world right now, every single one of us is utterly exhausted, we are suffering from a massive traumatic event, several massive traumatic events at once, actually, forgive me if my attention is spread a little thin at the moment. 
I’ll readily admit, there have been posts in the past several months that I’ve seen, read, and then not reblogged. Often this is because I feel as though the post that I am seeing does not have the full picture, and that it would be irresponsible to reblog only that part of the ‘discourse.’ And most of the time, I just don’t have the mental energy to go looking for the full story on whatever the Issue of the Week is. And I shouldn’t have to. Because at the end of the day, what I put on my own blog is my business, and no one else’s. There’s not some rule list that magically appears once you pass 1,000 followers that tells you what you must and must not do as a blogger. I am not required to weigh in on every little thing that happens in this fandom just because a lot of people in it follow me, and in fact, NO ONE is obligated to reblog something regardless of how many followers they have. If you are dissatisfied with the posts I make and/or reblog, you’re welcome to unfollow, there’s no rule that says you have to stay. But my energy is so limited these days, and I’m not going to devote what little free time and headspace I have to figuring out the ‘Correct’ take on fandom discourse.
I’d like to end by once again reiterating what many have said beffore, that racism is not the same thing as fandom discourse. It is always my goal to not speak over the voices of poc, and if in this post I have done that in any way, I’d like to apologize. Poc are welcome to DM me so that we can discuss it in any such instance, whether on this post or any other from the past or that comes up in the future. I am still working on unlearning racism, and know I am likely to make many more missteps on that journey. Stay safe out there everyone. 
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sweetfirebird · 3 years
(if you're serious about dvd commentary? if not, obviously ignore!) but - I'd love to know some talk behind A Heaven to Reach For. I know the intent was to write a short fluffy thing, but did you have an specific approach to world or character building for it?
To be perfectly splendid honest, part of the approach was something vaguely sellable. I mean, it always is, unless an author is already wealthy, but because I suspected (rightly as it turned out) that Delf wouldn't sell well. So even though historical and fantasy are generally assumed to be less popular than contemporary for romance purposes (which I think is generally but not always true. Certain authors have made careers out of historicals, so there are exceptions), I find fantasy easier because literally just adding magic to a story means you can do whatever you want. Even if I also label it historical, adding magic to the mix changes events, or can change events, in lots of cool ways. (Not to shade certain big name YA fantasy authors who are Scottish and also absolute cunts, but adding magic to regular world history should uhhhh change the world history, not just leave it exactly the same but with secret chocolate frogs. Anyway. Somebody is salty this morning...afternoon.)
So being a history nerd, and also having just seen a gifset for the BBC Musketeers (a show I enjoyed), I was like... yeah that sort of vibe. A Musketeers sort of vibe. But seeing as (I literally thought about and starting writing this because of the stress of watching armed anti-mask assholes storming D.C.) I just wanted something to help me relax, I didn't want... actual Catholic v Protestant France v England/Spain shit happening. Also I wanted it to be gay. So--MAGIC.
And then, because it pleases me and because it also pleases a lot of other people, I decided on a tol and a smol. It was supposed to have a sex scene but it just didn't feel right with the flow. I could have added one in an epilogue but it felt tacked on and weird? So I didn't.
And then.. idk. I like it when the tol is strong and tough and everything but also just... easygoing and gentle. And the smol is... a little falcon who is capable of immense damage and smart people know to steer clear of them. And I like mutually pining dweeby dorks, who each think their love is impossible for very different reasons. And I like it when people who speak the same language--but in different ways--start to realize what the other person is actually saying.
Anyway, and then a spring holiday for fucking...
I was a pretty lazy student. I like to learn things. I don't particularly care about academia, though. So... lazy. So I should have been a history minor but to officially be a minor would have required a statistics class... aaaaand I didn't want to do that and just took history classes instead. I also read history books, all the time.
So when it comes to worldbuilding... I sort of use that historian-lite background. Not, say, taking a specific holiday from some real point in time. But the idea of it. Lots of cultures had something similar. Lots of cultures in Europe had pagan traditions that carried on, maybe only slightly changed, even with the Church looming over them. I think it's a human nature thing.
Basically, I decide, loosely, on what I want. And then I go about creating a place where that could happen, where the manners and rules and social mores could create a giant of a man who has good friends but contents himself for a life without the romance and care that he wants, and where a scrawny little mage could be unwanted by the world at large and so assume he would be unwanted by the gentle giant also. And where musketeer-like dashing, flirtatious soldier types could laze about an inn all day, teasing each other about fucking and their secret hearts desires.
And then I sprinkle in some lesbians.
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concubuck · 3 years
// Opinion time! What sorts of RP trends do you wish there was more of? Vague question, open to interpretation. (e.x. this could be anything from really enjoying 'group' interactions like mass dash commentary, to wishing a specific etiquette would become popular, to liking designated 'days' like Sinday, etc.) (xoxo alexamun)
*rubs hands together*
- I think @ing who you're talking about with dash commentary should be mandatory. (Or saying in the tags, or linking the post, etc.) Sometimes dash commentary will be like "she quietly listens to the conversation with great interest..." and it's like, which? Which conversation? There's five.
Since I mentioned this a few weeks ago, a lot of folks in my immediate RP circle started doing this; I think the practice deserves to be continued and expanded.
- If anons make a comment or ask a question, and the blog asks them a follow-up question in their response (especially if it's a question for clarity), the anon should be legally required to come back and answer it. Listen this is just. This is just a personal pet peeve. If I ask an anon a question and they don't reply I'm spending the next two days watching my inbox hopefully.
- I'm not gonna let go of my campaign to dedicate each day of the week to a different sin.
I'm gonna mention a couple things I saw happen in old fandoms that don't seem to happen here but that I think would be neat:
- Mass AU magic!anons: dozens of blogs would get an ask a few weeks early like "Magic anon: from July 1-7 (or whatever) your muse is a dragon (or a god, or a kindergartener, etc)! Forward this to whoever you want, or send it as an ask to yourself if you see and want to participate, and tag your posts #BigFriggenDragonAU2022 so everyone can see who's participating!" Everyone would come up with their headcanons, then do that for a week.
Sometimes I see folks go "I'd love an AU where..." and they come up with a side verse, but it gets very little interaction because they're the only one playing in that verse. Mass AU m!as are fun ways to get a bunch of people briefly involved in an AU they wouldn't otherwise do.
- Transformers RP had "Shatterdays" (named for a TF comic called "Shattered Glass": an AU where the heroes are evil, the villains are good, and everyone's personality is reversed): we made Shattered Glass AU versions of our muses, and used them (irregularly lol) on Saturdays. A similar once-a-week AU would be fun. The 2P concept is widespread enough in fandom that you could easily go "make a 2P version of your muse to play on 2P Tuesdays" or we could do "once a week we imagine our characters are alive in the modern world," etc. Any flexible AU with broad mass appeal would work.
- Greeter posts: making a post @ing a new follower just to go "hello!" in character. I think some folks still do them but it's less frequent than it used to be, to such an extent that I'd feel nervous about starting up the practice out of fear that it'd scare anxious muns that weren't expecting to get "you just followed this blog!!" broadcasted to the whole dash. But they're very helpful ice breakers.
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Chapter 28: Starlight’s Mother, Part 4 - The Tragedy of Starlight’s Past
The group that went to New Haven to bring back Sunburst’s father return to the room where everyone else is waiting for them.
Twilight: Welcome back, all of you! So you’re Sunburst’s father? It’s nice to finally meet you.
Sunspot: I could say the same Princess Twilight… especially after you and your son Spike’s Dragon Tear has allowed me to find some closure about Sunset. We still have yet to hear everything about what happened… but I’d still like to thank you and Spike so much for letting me see my sister again, from beyond the grave no less.
Twilight: You’re welcome! Once me and Spike discovered this and got some important information on how it all works, we needed to immediately get to the ponies we knew that would need to see any spirits whether they miss them so much like Applejack and her parents. Or as it turned out… figuring out the mysteries about Starlight’s Mother, your sister, and what happened to Sunset. Who knew they’d all connect?
Sunset: Speaking of what happened to me, while there... I had another memory jog… I still don’t know everything yet… but Sunspot brought back something that helped me remember something.
Twilight: Oh? What is this?
Sunspot brings out the jar with Sunset’s disembodied yellow horn he found while on a search at Nightmare Cliffs.
Just about the entire room gasps. Any Unicorns and both Alicorns in particular shivering at the sight. Rarity in particular just about shrieks in horror.
Rarity: I-is t-that…?!
Sunset: My disembodied horn? Yes, it is.
Rarity falls over fainting, Fluttershy catches her as she falls backward
Twilight: You lost your horn?! Was this during the confrontation with the Anarchists?
Sunset nods
Sunset: When I saw the horn, I instantly got a mental image of facing two pony shaped figures in front of me and another flying above me. Followed by a large rock that was dropped at the base of my horn, breaking it off and giving me a short concussion.
Twilight: That’s awful… I suppose that also explains how you had trouble despite the anarchists otherwise being regular ponies…
Sunset: It definitely looks like whatever happened, they took advantage of the fact I couldn’t effectively use my magic after my horn broke, and I died somehow… That’s all the new information I have, though of course a reminder that 2 of the 3 lost their lives too… so whatever happened next certainly couldn’t have been as simple as they grouped together to throw me off the cliff or something.
Starlight: Brrr… losing the horn… that’s a fear just about every unicorn has… I can’t imagine what that must of felt like…
Sunset: It was quite painful… and I definitely think I remember feeling a bit of helplessness after I recovered from the concussion.
Starlight: At least physical injuries don’t seem to have shown up permanently on your spirit. I can see your horn’s still on you right now
Twilight: Spirits show up as the last known appearance of those who summoned them. Which means Firelight’s memory likely allowed Sunset to appear as she was on the last day Firelight saw her before she left towards that fateful chase. It might be possible had Starlight summoned Sunset by herself, maybe the physical appearance of when you died would of showed up, since it defaults to just about the spirit’s age and/or last appearance when alive if the one who summoned them is somepony blood related that did not know them. Though Spirits are also capable of becoming any age/appearance they were when alive. I saw Jinn turn herself into an old mare, and a filly earlier. I wonder if the same goes for physical injuries?
Sunset closes her eyes and focuses, she only needs to go a little bit forward. Most of her horn fades away revealing a hole of a horn very much akin to Tempest Shadow’s own broken horn, a disheveled and wet mane and tail as if she was in the middle of a heavy storm, and her right eye injured with a black eye revealed as she opened her eyes
Rarity has finally recovered from her faint, but as she looks up she now sees Sunset with her injured appearance. And she faints again.
The rest of the group just look taken aback as they view Sunset’s likely appearance before she died.
Twilight: Ouch… I hope going into injured appearances doesn’t result in you feeling that pain again…
Sunset: Thankfully no, it’s only appearance-wise on us spirits. We don’t exactly… have nerves anymore. Like say if somepony who was able to touch me, hit me for some reason. It wouldn’t exactly hurt. I could still get angry and ask why they’re trying to hit me, but I don’t think Starlight, Sunburst, Princess Celestia, Fi-Fi, and my brother would ever want to.
All those who she named nod in agreement that they have no reason to want to hit Sunset. Sunset focuses again to erase the injuries and looks like how she was before again.
Meanwhile, Sunset’s brother Sunspot approaches Princess Celestia and bows before her.
Sunspot: Princess Celestia, it’s an honor to be in your presence.
Celestia actually looks sort of solemn at the bow of Sunset’s brother.
Celestia: Are you sure I deserve this bow… Sunset led a dangerous life because she was my protege… It’s indirectly my fault your beloved little sister’s life ended this way...
Celestia closing her eyes, with tears dropping. Sunset looks at her old mentor, and immediately goes to reassuring the Princess.
Sunset: Princess, you know as well as I do that I when you said you wanted to make me your personal protege, I was enthusiastic. I very much enjoyed my time as your student, if anything, I should of listened to you when you told me to take a break from watching the movement of every threat out there that I personally chose would be my prerogative. But I was so dedicated to protecting Equestria that I lost sight of having much of a personal life. And because I chose to pursue criminals at every opportunity, that only made it more difficult to establish one.
If there’s anypony to blame for what happened other then the 3 anarchists I chased that fateful day, it would be myself, for getting careless…
Celestia: I appreciate hearing that from you, Sunset… just even I kick myself for what I perceive as failures… even as I now have my sister back, it doesn’t make it any less upsetting that I didn’t stop her turn into Nightmare Moon in the first place…
Sunset just gives Princess Celestia a reassuring smile.
Sunset: Good thing you found a new student that succeeded on bringing her back to you, and now Twilight will achieve everything you hoped I would one day. And from the sounds of things, the world has gotten more and more peaceful. Actually…
Sunset turns towards Twilight.
Sunset: Is if ok if I ask for a run through on all the threats you faced in your time as Celestia’s student? I know you didn’t really start saving the world until past Adulthood, meanwhile my world-saving days started in my pre-teens. But maybe I can provide some commentary if any of them were in my list of potential threats.
Twilight: Well.. I guess I’ll start with Nightmare Moon. Where, through trials of my friends showing their elements. we discovered the Elements of Harmony and were able to banish the evil out from within Luna.
Applejack tips her hat up and winks, Pinkie Pie bounces, Rarity gracefully poses, Fluttershy smiles, and Rainbow Dash gives a smug grin as Twilight reminds them of their first triumph together.
Sunset: Mmhmm! Very nice! It was still a good two decades before Luna’s Banishment was over so I would of been in my 40’s if I had been the one to face off with Nightmare Moon. Though if I had continued on, I likely would of already ascended prior to then so I could really help bring Luna back.
Celestia: I don’t know if Sunset would of had 5 individual friends, like you did Twilight. Another option we possibly had was I use half of the elements, while Sunset used the other 3 for us together to free Luna. I probably would of used the elements of laughter, kindness, and generosity. And Sunset would be given magic, loyalty, and honesty.
Twilight: Those elements do seem to fit you, I know from experience Princess Celestia would of wielded the 3 elements she mentioned, and now that I’ve met Sunset… She was very good at magic, she was really loyal to Princess Celestia, and while this is a bit posthumously… she’s shared much of the truth of quite a few things. So that might’ve worked.
Sunset: What’d you face off with next?
Twilight: Next was… Discord. He was surely a hoof full…
Sunset: Ohhhhh yea, Discord was still trapped in his statue throughout my time. But I was aware of what crazy things he was capable of. But apparently he’s on the good side now?
Twilight: When he wants to be I guess... he’s friends with Fluttershy so he doesn’t do much to actively antagonize any of us. But he does do some things we often have to go and fix… Frankly, one good thing about being a genie… is that I’m able to fix something crazy he does faster then it otherwise normally would of been.
Sunset: It is true that becoming a genie got you powers just about on par with Discord. He does call himself the Spirit of Chaos. Given you’re at least in part Spirit, you could say you’re the Spirit of Order. *giggles*
Twilight: Wait… is Discord’s magic soul magic too?
Sunset: I’m not even sure, I think Discord has magic that fits in its own category, but it is quite powerful. It might be safer to say it’s sort of a mix between soul magic and dark magic? It’s neither powered up with good over a lifetime like soul magic is, though it’s not inherently malicious or damaging like dark magic is.
Twilight: Hmm… true. His magic often has insane or annoying results, but it’s often all for laughs and/or doesn’t purposefully harm anypony. Might be for once, something interesting to talk about to him later.
Anyhow… after we defeated Discord. Queen Chrysalis and her army of changelings invaded my brother’s and Princess Cadence’s wedding
Sunset: Ah yes… Queen Chrysalis… I did some recon of the hive back in the day. But due to that protection they have of not allowing non-changeling magic from working around or in the hive… I couldn’t really approach to attack myself, as it was too dangerous to go in alone. But they also didn’t have much power, since there was no big event for them to gather enough love to attack like the wedding your brother had. I had them listed as a low-tier present time threat that could potentially become a big threat, if a publicized event full of love to feed on happened as they invaded.
Twilight: Which happened to be my brother’s wedding… huh…?
Sunset: I guess so! And it was also another reason I had a secretive wedding with Fi-Fi, a personal protege of the princess having a public wedding may have been exactly what Chrysalis was waiting for.
Twilight: The changeling invasion was the last big event before I became a genie. Going to Saddle Arabia was in fact somewhat of a reward Celestia allowed me and Spike after defeating Chrysalis. There was no threats then, but I wonder if maybe Malakhar would of tried to genify you at some point Sunset if he had seen you?
Sunset: Possibly! Though I believe Malakhar may have only been a little colt back when I was still Celestia’s protege.
Twilight: I guess his Grandfather could of possibly done it then, if they had found out about you early enough.
Sunset: I have been to Saddle Arabia before, but I mostly accompanied Celestia during routine negotiations with the Sultan. So I was never there too long, and never really on the Streets where Malakhar’s grandfather could of approached me.
Twilight: Alright… so next… the Crystal Empire came back and so did King Sombra.
Sunset: Oof, Sombra is certainly a doozy. He’s pretty much dark magic incarnate. I think sometime ago, he discovered a way to sort of control himself in Dark Magic form if he ever was killed though at the price that if he’s defeated, he sort of gets a fate worse then death in being trapped in a void that only could escape through substantial magic, such as the Crystal Empire coming back. I think technically the first time Celestia and Luna faced him was when he “died” for the first time.
Twilight: Oh, is Sombra being controllable dark magic why he has that sort of smoky form?
Sunset: *shrugs* I only heard of Sombra through whatever the royal archives had on him, so I’ll take your word you saw that. But maybe?
Twilight: The fact he only goes to a void may have explained why he came back two more times…
Sunset: WHAT?! You had to face Sombra THREE times?! How in Equestria did that happen?
Twilight: …I did say Discord did things that we had to fix
Sunset: ….Are you sure Discord is on the good side? I would of put him back in stone for bringing back Sombra TWICE!
Twilight: Believe me when I say I sometimes feel the same way… but again, he does have a legit friendship with Fluttershy. Plus, he’s actually helped me out at least once when I was had this strange Genie Sickness. He also helped with something that i haven’t quite gotten to yet. But I still have a few more events and/or villains to talk about before then. 
Though Sombra was the last threat before I ascended to Princesshood. Though… given you were Celestia’s student before me. I hope you don’t feel like me mentioning that is sort of flaunting a status you didn’t achieve…
Sunset shakes her head horizontally
Sunset: No, staying to eventually ascend to Princesshood became the opposite of what I wanted. I wanted a family. Celestia & Luna have never been married, and the reason for that is while outliving friends, family, as well as royal staffers & guards is hard enough. It’s a whole ‘nother thing with special someponies, and your own children. Cadence has your brother, though arguably she may be the one exception being the Princess of Love. Outliving your brother is just going to have be something she faces one day.
Twilight: Yeah… though at least Spirit summoning will sort of help with that. But I picture it’ll still be rather hard for both her & me when Shining passes
Sunset: Just always remember that everypony going up there just continues to protect the planet long after they’re gone and that may make you feel better. Plus, unless you have a lot of huge dragon friends that pass you want to see, it should be safe to summon a few friends down every now and then.
Twilight nods
((Story continues after the break))
Twilight: Continuing on… my first huge test against a villain as Princess was Tirek.
Sunset: Oh yeah… Tirek would of certainly been a toughie had he gotten out with enough strength to cause havoc when I was around
Twilight: He certainly was tough, even with the combined added strength of Celestia, Luna, and Cadence coursing through my veins. Tirek had Discord’s magic powering him up... So we had a stalemate. And it took an additional power-up offered by the Tree of Harmony to send him back to Tartaurus as we just happened to have collected these sort of strange keys over the course of that year that allowed us to open a box given to us.
Sunset: Sometimes you gotta be lucky, when saving the world!
Twilight: After Tirek… was when we returned to Saddle Arabia, though this time also bringing my friends along. That was when we came face-to-face with Zathir, who controlled me with a device of his own, and if not for Spike creating his Dragon’s Tear that we’re using to see and talk with you now… the world would likely be under a Saddle Arabian empire controlled by Zathir.
Sunset: I did always have a feeling that Zathir was somepony that had some sort of plot in his mind. Though now I know what it was, his method of trying to take over the world seemed unlikely given no genies were around. And up until what he did to you, the Sultan naively trusted him.
Twilight: Perhaps the scariest part was ironically after I was freed from his control… where he stabbed Spike straight in his right eye…
Sunset: OUCH… I guess that explains Spike’s scar…
Spike: It’s thanks to Fluttershy, I didn’t end up with only one eye. Remnants of being a vampire bat pony had healing properties in her fang.
Sunset looks over to Fluttershy a bit dumbfounded
Sunset: You were a vampire?!
Fluttershy sheepishly smiles
Fluttershy: Sorta… only in regards to fruit… not blood, ehehhehheh...
Applejack: We kinda always get some pretty strange things happen t’ us, even when we’re not saving the world
Sunset: I see… well, I certainly have to be thankful for what happened after you girls defeated Zathir... not just for the usual saving the world once again... But due to that event spawning the very Dragon’s Tear allowing me to speak down here so I can see my husband again and talk to my lovely daughter for the first time. 
So… what came next?
Twilight gulps, given Sunset just mentioned talking to her lovely daughter… given her daughter was the next villain. Twilight looks over to Starlight, who gives her a sad face but still whispers as she says…
Starlight: Go ahead, Twilight. It’s best she knows much of the truth of what my life’s been like…
Twilight nods, even if she is still a little afraid of Sunset losing all good will she had for her daughter up until now.
Twilight: Well um… how can I put this… your daughter… Starlight… led a whole town under an Equalist Cult that took cutie marks away… and aimed to expand...
Sunset looks over to her daughter with a stern look, causing Starlight to lower her head. But instead of actually getting mad at Starlight, Sunset just breathes deep and sighs.
Sunset: *sigh* I knew I shouldn’t have left that manifesto in the house… even if I at least tried to hide it…
Twilight: Huh? Manifesto?
Starlight: She’s… probably referring to the other book I found when I broke the wall… it happened to be the manifesto that got me hooked on the beliefs I held over “Our Town”…
Sunset: Among many of the criminals I defeated were also those looking to start dangerous cults. I burned most copies, but usually kept one as a sort of historical account of what to look out for. It’s a shame that this one lone copy ended up in the hooves of my daughter, and she got influenced by it… so I kind of blame myself more for that one…
Sunset turns around to Firelight with a rather stern eyebrow raise at her husband
Sunset: Though I should also ask how you let her read it…
Firelight: Um… you never told me what the book looked like… I thought it was just a math book from the Equal Sign on the cover… She always looked like she was quite deeply engrossed in the book… I didn’t want to take it away from her because she always had this infectious smile on her face reading it so intently…
Sunset: You never saw what was in the book other then the Cover?! What kind of filly her age was going to be so engrossed in Math like that?!
Firelight: I’m so sorry, Shimmy! I really thought she was just yearning to be a fantastic mathematician or something!
Sunset facehoofs
Sunset: Well... at least Twilight and the others broke you out of that ideology… and you seem to be on good terms now. 
Given the reaction though, it makes Twilight even less sure about telling Sunset about what came next. She leans on over to whisper to Starlight.
Twilight: Starlight… I can skip over what happened with the time travel… I feel like she may blow a gasket if she hears about that…
Starlight looks to the side and allows Twilight to not mention it, though she has this strange sense it’d probably be important for her mother to hear it anyhow.
Twilight: Anyhow… next Queen Chrysalis came back. And managed to bottle nap me and capture many of us. A team of your daughter, Trixie, Discord, and a rogue changeling named Thorax had to come in and save Equestria
Hearing this cheers up Sunset, she grins and looks at her daughter
Sunset: No way! My daughter has saved Equestria once? Once again, the apple hasn’t fell far from the tree. I’m proud of you, Starlight!
Starlight at first blushes from her praise, but then she looks to the side sadly. And she lowers her head and closes her eyes.
Starlight: No… I don’t deserve this praise yet… maybe not even ever... and I refuse to hold any more secrets out from my family…
Sunset: Huh? What do you mean?
Starlight: There’s some context missing before I helped defeat Chrysalis the 2nd time around… it didn’t go as simply that Twilight and the others freed me from the Equalist ideology and then I was on their side from then on… I ran away and plotted a revenge plan… 
The whole room gasps as it looks like Starlight’s about to fully come clean to what she’s done to her mother who was known for making sure Equestria was safe at all costs. Starlight’s use of Time Travel arguably being one of the highest threats to Equestria as they knew it throughout Twilight and her friends’ era.
Starlight: I tried to change the past with a Time Travel spell by preventing the Elements from earning their cutie marks… It took seeing multiple timelines of bad outcomes and some soft spoken words from Twilight before I was finally convinced to get back to the present safe and sound…
Sunset just stands there distraught, and her face towards her daughter becomes even more stern.
Sunset: Starlight… An act like that… if I were the one to see you do that… I would of had the hard choice of having to turn my own daughter into stone.. or sent to Tartaurus! You don’t mess with time travel! Do you have any idea how many lives that effects?!
Starlight: I know, I know, I know! I kick myself for it everyday… I never even gave Twilight the full context of why I did it back then… I told her what put me on the path was Sunburst earning his cutie mark and leaving me in sparsely populated and friendless Sire’s Hollow…
But I left out that you disappeared 2 weeks after I was born…
I left out that when my father was at work... I was left alone at the house, not even one babysitter as a mother figure to tell me right from wrong... and a naive father… 
I left out that not only did I read a manifesto that only reinforced my beliefs about Cutie Marks… I also got my very own Cutie Mark by using a spell book you left behind in the house after an intense magical outburst… I never even mentioned back then that I couldn’t understand my mark…
Or perhaps more accurately… I didn’t want to understand it…
Thus over years of indoctrination, I eventually put it into action when I took over a small village and plotted to expand. But then I was defeated by Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony... my hypocrisy exposed as they managed to show I still had my Cutie Mark to the entire village and thus had been lying to them… I ran away, occasionally keeping up with Twilight’s movements.
Until... I finally made my move and gave in to my darkest impulses… I entered her castle and went to change the past… Battling Twilight as the timelines changed… It still took a bit of time… but seeing all those horrible futures… and Twilight speaking to me softly near the end… I finally gave in, and turned myself in fully expecting a harsh punishment for what I did… What Twilight did instead… I couldn’t have ever expected…
She extended the hoof of friendship, and put me under her wings as her student. I couldn’t believe it myself, I had done such terrible things and from all they knew, for such petty reasons as a friend moving away… Not that I wasn’t grateful for not being as harshly punished as I probably should’ve been… but another thing about being under Twilight’s wing… she sort of became the mother figure I never had in my life at that point… and this was an opportunity to finally feel how that felt like…
Starlight starts tearing up heavily
Starlight: I just didn’t have a very happy early life because you were gone, mother! I was so jealous of other ponies! I was left with almost no reason to care what happened to the world when it all seemed so unfair! 
Twilight and her friends get worldwide recognition as heroic, talented ponies not just because of their marks… but they also had lovely families and friends that loved them, were always around, and/or didn’t keep such important secrets from them! And while I never understood how I got it until now, because I had so much raw magical power... perhaps I thought it was just my destiny to change Equestria in the way I saw fit...
But then my Equality Cult was foiled in “Our Town”... I thought I would only end up rotting in jail if I allowed myself to be captured, so I gave in to my worst instincts and decided to get revenge on Twilight and her friends in the best manner possible while also proving cutie marks weren’t the be-all to end-all once-and-for-all. And Time Travel felt so enticing to that goal... 
I wanted to see Twilight’s face when she sees cutie marks don’t matter and the world would of been fine without her and her friends finding their talents. But each timeline kept backing up what Twilight was saying... Especially the one where Equestria was nothing but a cloudy, deserted wasteland!
I gave in to dark instincts prior to time traveling, but I never aimed to actually kill anypony nor end nearly all life on Equestria! I foolishly thought everypony’s lives would generally be unchanged without the Elements of Harmony finding their marks! I still cared about Equestria at large, I just refused to believe 6 Cutie Marks were so important to the world when all I had known about cutie marks was the loss of my only friend and utter confusion and disdain about my own... And never having that mother figure in my life to tell me right from wrong…
If only you had survived, Mother! *sniff* I may have never gone the path I went down!
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Starlight covers her eyes with her hooves and just starts sobbing uncontrollably on the ground. Sunset now hearing the full context lowers her head, and lessens her stern look at her daughter. She sits down for a moment and stays silent. Before outstretching her hooves to call Starlight in for another hug.
Sunset: …Come here, dear. You look like you need another hug from me
Starlight sniffs, and is a little bit surprised she managed to get her mother on hugging terms after she admitted how dire her actions got. Starlight walks on over into her Mother’s hooves and continues to sob right into her mother’s shoulder. Tears again falling through the transparent spirit. Suddenly, her mother lets go of the hug and starts singing toward Starlight.
((To the tune of My Past is Not Today))
Sunset: Answers…
Was all you desired… But all that grew inside of you was the darkness you acquired…
When you began to fall And you lost the path ahead… That’s when your friends found you And they lifted you instead!
(Sunset jumps up slightly kicking her hind legs as she transforms her body from the waist down into her spirit tail and triumphantly flies around her daughter as she sings the chorus)
Like a phoenix burning bright in the skkkkkyyyyyyy! I’ll show there’s another side to you... You can’t denyyyyyyy!
I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I saaaay... That your past does not define you... ‘Cause your past is not todaaaaaay!
(Starlight feels the warmth and comfort of her mother’s singing get to her as her tears start streaming more in joy rather then from admitting everything she’s done. Though she still expresses some concerns)
Starlight: My... past is not today...? I don’t know about that... It’s certainly always felt like it’s still today... because I can’t help but always think about it... *sniff*
Sunset: Your past is what shaped you into the pony you are today, that’s all true. There’s no shame in admitting things you’ve said and done were wrong. But you also don’t have to feel like who you were in the past is still who you are now. You alone... have the power to shape yourself into the pony you want to be...
(Starlight smiles and raises her head high, as she begins to sing a verse of her own towards her mother)
Starlight: Vengeance…
Is what I belieeeeved…
Would be the only way...
to make them seeeeeee…
Because you disappeared...
And I found myself alone…
Until you came down like a comet...
And now it truly feels like hoooome!
(Starlight charges up her horn to allow her to levitate herself in the room, she used it originally before she got her cutie mark. And eventually mastered it by the time she fought with Twilight across the timelines, but is now simply using it to go in sync with her flying spirit mother in the air)
Like a phoenix burning bright
In the skkkkkyyyyyyy!
I’ll show there’s another side to me
You can’t denyyyyyyy!
I may not know what the future holds
But hear me when I saaaay...
That my past does not define me...
‘Cause my past is not todaaaaay!
(Starlight and Sunset quiet down their voices to repeat the chorus together)
Sunset & Starlight: Like a phoenix burning bright... in the sky...
I’ll show there’s another side to you/I’ll show there’s another side to me
Sunset & Starlight: You can’t deny!
Sunset & Starlight: I may not know what the future holds 
But hear me when I say…
That your past does not define you/That my past does not define me
‘Cause your past is not todaaaaaay!/’Cause my past is not todaaaaaay!
Once they float themselves back down, with Starlight deactivating her hover and Sunset reforming her spirit tail back into her hindlegs and pony tail while both of them slowly float back down to the floor. They once again embrace eachother as Sunset softens her voice as she comforts her daughter further.
Sunset: I wish I could of been there for you too, Starlight. I would of gladly told you how special Cutie Marks actually are. Both Myself and Princess Celestia thought at one point thought my mark meant I was destined to be the next Princess of the Sun. But perhaps, whether I changed my destiny or perhaps what I now hoped would actually be my true destiny was… so that one day, I’d instead simply be your sunshine… showing you the light and warmth of a loving Mother, always there for you, and supporting you on whatever path you took…
But because I was gone… you had no such sunshine. And not even a sliver of moonlight to comfort you as you fell deeper and deeper into darkness. At least you understand where you went wrong, you can say sorry, you can feel remorse, it doesn’t make what you did justified, but the fact you can actually learn and there was still hope for you to change yourself into a better pony… is probably ultimately why Twilight decided to put you under her wing as her student…
I love you, Starlight… I hope you know that…
Starlight: *sniff* I love you too, mom!
The mother-daughter hug after their song lasts a good long while, the rest of the group smiling or crying joyous tears again as Starlight came clean to her mother about what she did. And Sunset answering her daughter with the comfort of her mother she couldn’t get for her entire life until now. It’ll never erase what Starlight has done, Starlight certainly never will quite forgive herself for doing what she did.
But she’s finally gotten most of the things she’s always wanted during her life. Lots of friends, she now recognizes that her cutie mark shows her true self as the daughter of a former Celestia protege who became a student of the next one, and is for now the Principal of the School of Friendship where she’ll be helping hold up Twilight’s ideals to the next generation of both ponies and non-ponies alike, and now she has her mother back to talk to whenever she can stop by to see Spike summon her spirit back down.
They let go of the hug and stand back up, Twilight herself tears up with liquid pride for Starlight for coming clean the way she did. She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to straight up admit what she had done right after informing Sunset of the one time Starlight saved Equestria from Queen Chrysalis. But she’s proud of Starlight for bravely going forward with admitting it, even to her Mother who dedicated her life to protecting Equestria’s way of life.
Twilight: I’m very proud of you, Starlight.
Applejack: That took guts t’ admit t’ your Mother, Starlight. Perhaps some o’ the strongest, honest feelings ah’ve ever seen. If ah could, ah’d let ya borrow the Element o’ Honesty necklace fo’ this.
Firelight: I’m happy to know that you’ve obviously inherited your mother’s singing talent too... you both sing so beautifully... *sniff*
Starlight: Thank you all…
Everyone in the room takes a small moment to smile and help comfort Starlight further. Allowing some free time before Twilight finishes her recap of what they’ve faced over the years.
UP NEXT: Chapter 29: Starlight’s Mother, Part 5 - Closure At Last
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Bah Hiddleston | Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Tamra Harmon) | Chapter 11 | Joy To The World
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Tamra Harmon)
Summary:  Tamra Harmon has no mind to mess with Christmas. All that talk about Christmas magic and the joy of the holidays is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. But will a chance encounter with perennial Christmas lover Tom Hiddleston change all that?
This chapter:  Tom sets out to make things right and Tamra goes to see the sights. Will they get out of their way before Tamra has to return to America or is their love lost forever?
Warnings for story: smut, oral sex, implied smut, vaginal sex, light angst
After waking up for the umpteenth time that morning, Tamra resigned herself to the fact that sleep was not in the cards and left bed to get ready for the day. She spent about twenty minutes in the shower. The warm water washed away the physical evidence of the last two days heartache. The tear stains, the disheveled air but nothing could erase the emotional evidence. She pulled on a sweater and a fresh pair of jeans. She teared up as she reached for her peacoat but fought back the tears.
“Pull yourself together.” She reminded herself as she pulled on her hat and scarf to face the winter weather.
Tamra located a nearby store and purchased an overpriced charging cord. She returned to her flat and plugged in her phone and then set off for the day.
Tom bounded out of bed when his alarm sounded. He grabbed his phone his heart swelling at the thought of Tamra calling while he slept. The blank screen dashed his hopes. He got ready in record time, pulling on the first clean sweater he saw.
His mother sat at the table, a teacup in one hand.
“You’re up early. I hoped you would sleep in, what with all the commotion over the last several days.” she took a sip of tea.
“I’m going over there.” he tugged his red puffer coat over his white sweater.
Diana stood and came over to fix his collar. “Nice outfit, dear. It is nice to see you in something other than blue every once in a while. Be safe. And don’t forget to bring Tamra by this afternoon to meet your sisters.”
Tom kissed her cheek. “You have such faith in me.”
“I love you, Thomas.”
Tom smiled as he set off towards Tamra’s.
After tucking into a quick breakfast and picking up a cup of coffee to go, Tamra headed to Tower Bridge rather than return to the flat and retrieve her phone. Melancholy and sadness at the thought of not having Tom by her side replaced the exuberance she once experienced at the beginning of the trip going through all the museums. She pushed through the crowds to move from exhibit to exhibit. There was no joy in her movements.
“Tom…” she called out before remembering he wasn’t there.
Instead as she turned, she saw a young couple. Their fingers intertwined, and the girl laid her head on the boy’s shoulder as he gestured at the display. They turned and gave Tamra a nod and wave, which she returned, but inside her heart broke. She hurried through the rest of the exhibits, giving them little more than a cursory glance. Without Tom giving his commentary in his rich baritone and gesturing excitedly with his hands over some minute piece of history, everything seemed flat and two-dimensional. It was as though, things sparkled brighter in his presence. Or at least it did for Tamra.
Tamra found her way to the gift shop and realized though she had visited so many museums; she did not have a single souvenir for herself or anyone else. She moved through the shop, plucking items for her mom and co-workers from baskets and shelves.
Tamra headed up to the front of the store to pay for her items. She paused at a display of Christmas ornaments. Her eye caught a small clear glass ornament. Inside was a London scene covered in snow. She sniffled as lifted the ornament from the tree and added it to her purchases. The clerk rang up everything, taking care to wrap the ornament.
“Merry Christmas!” the clerk commented as she handed the bag to Tamra.
“Merry Christmas.” Tamra responded, without a hint of an eye roll or nose wrinkle. She grabbed the bag and almost ran out of the store, fearing she would burst into tears at any moment.
Tamra thought about hitting another museum or tourist attraction but her heart wasn’t in, so instead she headed back to her flat, fighting against Boxing Day foot traffic and hoped her phone would be operational.
“Tamra!” Tom bellowed as he knocked on the door.
“Tamra, open up please!”
His pleas went unanswered.
“Darling. I’m not going anywhere. You’ll have to come out at some point and talk to me.”
The people passing by threw Tom confused glares.
“Tamra, let me in. It’s freezing and people are staring.”
He pulled his phone to call her. Voicemail. With a huff, he sat down on the stoop in front of the door. The cold air chilled him and he pulled the red hood up and over his head. He slumped against the door and before long; he slipped into a state of half sleep, Hours later, he awoke to a sharp pain in his shoulder. Someone was shoving him.
As Tamra rounded the corner to her place, she squinted to see something on the front step. At first, she thought it was a garbage bag but the red material appeared to be fabric. She came closer and realized it was a person. Asleep. Right in front of your door.
“Hey!” Tamra shouted in hopes to startling the person to move. But without success.
She stood before the lump of limbs and red jacket; she kicked a toe at a sneaker peeking out. No movement. She put her bag on the pavement and gave the man a hard shove to the shoulder.
“Do you mind?” a baritone voice drifted up from the lump. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“Well wait somewhere else, I need to get into my apartment.”
The lump shuffled to stand. “I happen to know who lives here, and it’s—” Tom threw his hood back and came face to face with his assailant.
“TAMRA!” he pulled her against his chest, her face buried against his jacket. He didn’t let her go. “I called and called, but you didn’t answer. I was so worried.” If possible, he squeezed her even tighter, like hugging her was the only way for he to know she was real.
His voice cracked as he spoke, and she inhaled his scent. Spice and woods. Tears formed in her eyes at what Tom’s presence might mean. “I left the charger at your house. Why are you here? What are you wearing?”
The words flowed as freely as from her mouth as the tears did from her eyes. Tom released her just enough for her to wriggle her hands up to his face. She wiped the tears from his face. She noticed his bloodshot and red-rimmed eyes. If possible, he looked gaunt and hollow cheeked. He hadn’t been eating or sleeping from the looks of things.
“You’re freezing, Tom. You look awful. Are you sleeping? Eating? Why are you crying?” she continued to question, searching his face for answers.
“I’m sorry. I fucked this up.” Tom ignored her barrage of questions. He had to get what he needed to say out before she disappeared again, possibly for good.
“What do you mean, you fucked up? How you could fuck this up, you made it clear this was nothing more than a fling. I overheard you talking to your mother. It’s fine. You are a famous movie star and I am a nobody museum curator from Florida. It was doomed from the beginning. I fucked up by making the mistake of falling in love with someone unattainable.” She dropped her head against his chest.
“You are not nobody. You are somebody to me. You are everything to me. I want to wake up every morning with you next to me, smelling of my shampoo and soap. I want you dancing in my kitchen. I want all the highs and lows and everything in between. I was too scared to say it before. But you walking out my door and leaving that note made everything clear. I know you are scared too but I will wait until you are ready. But please don’t shut me out of your heart. I fear if you do, I may wither and die where I stand. And I can’t have Luke be right. Again. Please make room for me in your Grinch sized heart. I beg you to give me a chance.”
Tamra lifted her head, her hands never leaving Tom’s shoulders. “For a man of action, you talk too much.” She pulled him into a searing kiss.
It was unlike any other kiss either had experienced. Their lips tasted salty from their tears. The kiss made a promise of hope and love neither could comprehend. There was heat and fireworks and lasted forever and a moment all at once.
They parted and Tom smiled as he moved Tamra’s hair from her face. “Well, you know..” he kissed the tip of her nose “… I like a woman who takes charge.”
Tamra smiled as she kissed him again before leaving his grip to pick you discarded package. She unlocked her door and disappeared inside.
“What are you doing? Where are you going?” Tom asked the door.
She popped back out and gripped Tom’s wrist. “To put my packages down. You wanted me to take charge. You’re frozen to the bone and I have just the thing to warm you up.” Tamra wriggled her eyebrows and Tom’s eyes sparkled as Tamra yanked him inside and slammed the door shut.
Emma and Sarah paced the living room as Diana sat in the armchair, nursing her third cup of tea for the day.
“Are you sure he is coming home, Mum?” Sarah questioned.
“Quite certain. He had some important matters to attend to.” Diana didn’t look up as she responded coolly, not giving away a single bit of information by look or word.
“What is more important than Christmas with his family?” Emma whined.
Diana gave a cryptic smirk. “In due time, dear. He texted saying he was on his way home.”
The door creaked open and the sounds of nails clicking on the floor filled the air as Bobby rushed to meet Tom at the door. Everyone but Diana rose to meet Tom at the foyer. The girls skidded to a stop as Tom stood with a strange woman, helping her out of her jacket. A suitcase and other packages left by the door. Bobby nipped at the heels of the woman, excited to see her.
“Tom?” they asked.
“Em, Sarah. Let me introduce…” he pulled Tamra tight against his side, “…my girlfriend, Tamra Harmon.”
“Hi.” Tamra gave an awkward wave with her free arm.
“Girlfriend?! Since when? Why didn’t you tell us?” the questions bombarded both Tom and Tamra.
“It’s about time, Thomas. The girls were getting restless.” Diana’s voice cut through the din. She moved past Emma and Sarah to hug Tamra. “Welcome home, darling.” she whispered so only Tom and Tamra could hear.
“Thank you, Diana.”
“Am I missing something? Mum, you knew about this?” Emma grilled.
The three of them shared a smile. “I’ll explain over supper.” Tom offered. “But first… presents!”
There was a shout of excitement as they all moved into the living room where the rest of the family remained and took turns opening their gifts, wrapped hastily by Tom the night before. Tom took Tamra aside into the hallway while the kids ripped the papers and bows to shred . He fiddled with a small box in his hand.
“Merry Christmas.” He hesitated a moment before handing the box over. Tamra’s brow worried as she lifted the lid to reveal the snowflake necklace.
“Tom. It’s too much. I can’t accept.” She put a hand to her mouth to cover the surprised gasp.
“Quite the contrary, love. It is not enough.” He pulled the necklace from the box and moved to fasten it at the nape of Tamra’s neck. “This necklace is an imperfect symbol of my love for you.”
Tamra’s fingers traced the outline of the snowflake. “But I have nothing to give you in return.”
Tom leaned forward to kiss her. “Your presence, your love is gift enough. There is nothing more my heart desires.” He kissed her again, pulling her close.
Tamra gasped as she remembered and ran off leaving Tom abandoned in the hallway. She returned with a small parcel of tissue paper. “Merry Christmas, Tom.”
“It’s nice to hear you say those words.”
“It’s nice to say them. Now open, carefully.”she warned.
Tom pulled at the layers of paper and retrieved the snowy London scene ornament.
“A Christmas ornament? From you?”
“Does that surprise you, Thomas? I would think you of all people believe in a bit of Christmas magic.”
“Very funny. I love it. And I love you. And thank you for the Christmas magic.”
She wrapped her arms around Tom’s waist, fingers teasing along his hips. “Thank you for believing in me. I love you too.”
Tamra pushed Tom against the wall and kissed him, her tongue needy, her lips urgent.
“Hmm.” They separated at the sound. Sarah stood at the end of the hallway.
“If you two can keep your hands off of each other for two seconds, the children would like to show their uncle Thomas and his new girlfriend their new toys.” She raised one eyebrow in judgment. Her and Emma were still not entirely certain about this new development in Tom’s life but were glad to see him so happy.
“We are on our way.” Tamra replied. Tom pulled her back into loud living room filled with laughter. She loved every minute.
After everyone ate supper, Tamra and Tom told the story of their adventure, and Tom’s family were on their way back to Diana’s home, they collapsed onto the bed.
“Sure you still want this?” Tom asked. “It only gets worst from here.”
Tamra laughed. “If I can handle your mother, I can handle anything.”
“Just wait until you receive your first signature Luke chewing out.”
“I would like to see him try.”
Tom grabbed his phone. “Speaking of Luke, I’m surprised he has not been harassing me for updates or with some new scandal.”
Tamra ripped the phone from Tom’s hand. “Let it wait until tomorrow. Tonight you are mine.”
“As you wish.” Tom pulled her on top of him, fingers tugging at her shirt.
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