#[also catch me over here crying he's so damn little next to her]
phant0mth1ef · 2 months
are we still friends? can we be friends? are we still friends? i’ve got to… know. (pt. 2 to the feeling that i’m losing her, forever). part 3
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to say you didn’t expect to see a pair of bright red eyes staring you down as you walked into the facility was an understatement, you hadn’t made eye contact with those eyes in over a year, and you flinched the moment you realized just who you were looking at.
you’d stumbled into inasa once you snapped out of your daze, catching yourself quickly as your cap hit the floor, the boy using his wind in order to float it back onto your head.
“thank you.” you mumbled before going to take your spot in line, coincidentally right next to your former best friend.
“why haven’t you called me?!” so now he wants to begin a conversation.
“been busy.” you shrugged, refusing to even look at him because you knew you’d start crying the moment you met his eyes again.
“okay? you could’ve texted me or some shit!”
“my phone stopped working.” you were competing for the title of nonchalant final boss at this point with how casual you were being.
“bullshit. i saw you with it at the exam! just tell me why you’re avoiding me like the plague.” it may not have looked like it, but bakugou was scared out of his mind. you’d changed since the licensing exam, he could sense it in the way you carried yourself. you were being cold.
“what the hell happened to you?? you used to always call me, always text me. what happened?” did he seriously not know what happened?
“you happened.” and that was all you were able to say before the proctors for the training session entered the room, quickly commanding you all to stand in line as your face changed to a softer expression.
it was a casual sparring session, so why were you sending rocks the size of boulders his way? his mind was too clouded to even dodge them effectively, the words you said still playing out in his mind as he mindlessly sent out explosive attacks.
you’d tried to pack up as quickly as possible afterwards to avoid a confrontation with your former best friend, but you heard the clanking of his boots hitting the ground and just let out a sigh.
“what?” you snapped.
“what me? what you!” he was starting to get angry, the way he would get angry back in middle school.
“what about me?! you’re also at fault here. i was the one always trying to get in contact with you! i just grew up and realized that if you wanted to, you would.” you begun to shove all your things into your duffel bag, accidentally smashing your fist into the ground.
“what the hell does that even mean?! you’re the one who stopped calling me outta nowhere. i didn’t tell you to do that.”
“don’t you get it?! i was the one always calling!” you shoved your bag to the floor as you stood up straight, your voice getting strained as you finally made eye contact with bakugou.
“i was the one who always had to start talking to you first! it made me feel like a nuisance. and then one day i hear you telling your new friends that you think i’m annoying? like what the fuck, katsuki. none of this is my fault. if you’d just been a man and picked up the phone, this could’ve been avoided.” you had a habit of crying once you got frustrated, so naturally the tears were threatening to fall from your eyes.
he didn’t have any words, letting out a scoff as you picked up your bag and shoulder checked him on your way out, sending him stumbling back as he just stared at the ghost of your presence.
later that night he sat in his dorm room, his finger hovering over your contact but never once pressing on it, unsure of what he’d even say if you decided to pick up.
“i mean how the hell am i supposed to apologize? she’s so confusing. like damn sorry i called you annoying but it isn’t even that big of a deal anymore that was months ago!” bakugou was ranting to his little group of friends that were huddled on his floor, suprised that the boy would even invite them, let alone drone on about his issues with the friend that none of them even knew about.
“so you called her annoying but you didn’t know she was listening?” mina spoke up.
“yes but that was months ago! i don’t even know how to talk to her anymore because she won’t listen to me.” he sprawled flat on his bed.
“sounds like you’ve dug yourself a deep hole bakugou.” kirishima said, a hint of disappointment in his tone.
meanwhile, back at shiketsu, your group was currently huddled in camie’s dorm, and you sat on the bed while they formed a circle around you.
“i don’t know who he thinks he is but i am not going to beg for him to be my friend, i am not going to be as pathetic as i used to be!” slow teardrops fell from your eyes as you recalled back in middle school when bakugou found more friends and slowly begun to leave you behind.
“i know, and i get that, but you should at least try to give him a chance. he’s making an effort.” she tossed you your phone that was sitting on the desk, a notification on the lock screen.
[kats 💥🫂]
Meet me at the spot tomorrow. Please. 4 PM.
tags; @riverozada @lupitalove @msjaeger @aintseennothinyet @wendeeeee ask and you shall receive sorry if its kinda bad 😢😢
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sweetiecutie · 11 months
🖤Fuck or Die part 2🖤
Part 1
Pairing: slasher! König x fem! Reader
Warnings: Dead Dove Do Not Eat, mdni, smut, non con so rape, violence, obsession, drugging, face-slapping and nose bleeding, choking, kidnapping, mention of murder. If you feel triggered by any of these warnings - just scroll past!
A/n: this took me way longer than I expected but yay, I finally wrote the second part!!! Also absolutely not me incorporating a quote from the movie bc I think it’s impossibly hot🤭
Reading part 1 is recommended for understanding the plot
Your life will never be the same. That damned evening changed you, everything around you, splitting your life into before and after.
Your memories of next few days after the murder were a sheer blur of events and conversations - numerous interrogations with police officers and detectives, psychologists trying to soothe you out of your stupor still, your mother crying her eyes out at the sight of you right after police arrived at the place of Paul’s death. And, of course, nasty journalists trailing behind you, watching your every move, invading your personal space unapologetically.
Of course, you were quite a catch - the first and only one who ever survived a meeting with König. Everyone wanted to know what he looked like - any particular details, scars or tattoos, a fucking skin colour - anything you could remember would be of huge use, giving at least any clues to a dead unmoving case. But there was very little you could help with - König took great care of covering every centimetre of his skin in black clothing, his voice changed, he smelled of nothing but earth and sickening metal of your boyfriend’s blood. Bastard was even smart enough to not cum inside nor anywhere actually, so that police couldn’t get his DNA samples.
A few months had passed since that horrific attack and there were still no traces of König.
It was midday when your parents had to leave to attend your grandma’s birthday - your mother was reluctant, not wanting to leave you all alone. You were never alone actually - a few police cars always patrolled right outside of your house, not allowing even postmen to get too close to your family’s property. It took a lot of reassuring and encouragement from your side to get your mother off your back, convincing her that you’ll be just fine by yourself and that you want your parents to have some fun. She then gave up with a deep sight, promising to be back in only a few hour’s matter.
You heaved a heavy sigh, closing and locking the front door after waving your parents goodbye, heading to the kitchen to grab yourself a drink. A pile of dirty dishes stacked in a sink caught your eye, the sight of its ugly mess on otherwise clean and tidy kitchen caused an itch somewhere deep in your brain. Without second thought you rolled up your sleeves, pouring dish soap onto the sponge and foaming it up.
As you were halfway through the dishes loud trilling of your landline phone calling startled you, causing you to jump on your spot. Your head whipped around, looking into direction from which the sound came. Wiping your wet hands on the kitchen towel you grabbed the phone, tucking it in between your ear and shoulder after accepting the incoming call.
- Hello? - you said, coming back to the sink, swiping foamy sponge over another plate, cleaning it of any grease and leftover bits of food.
- Hello! Um, can I speak to Paul? - your movements halted abruptly. You stood there silently for a long while, muscles stiff and unmoving, eyes staring blankly at some invisible point in the space before you.
- Excuse me, are you still here? Do I have the wrong number? - the man on the other end of the line said, his voice sounding concerned. It seemed to bring you out of your stupor as you drew in a long breath, exhaling noisily.
- Um, can I ask you how you got this number? - you said, already sensing something weird about this whole situation. But cops were all around your place, there was nothing to be worried about, right?
- Paul gave it to me himself. Said to call here if I needed to reach out to him, - man explained. That was strange but not unexplainable - Paul often hang out at your house, you wouldn’t be surprised if he knew your home phone number better than his own. - So am I calling right?
- Oh, yeah, sorry it’s just… Paul’s dead, - you said, teeth sinking into the inside of your cheek, sweet metallic taste coating your buds, but you couldn’t care less, nibbling deeper into small wound, feeling of slight pain grounding you successfully.
- Oh god, what happened? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. But who am I speaking to then? - the man said, his voice now sounding genuine and apologetic. Everyone around Y/n suddenly sounded genuinely and apologetic. She heaved another sigh, resuming her scrubbing on the plates.
- He was murdered. And I’m his girlfriend, - you said in a calm tone, free of any emotion or feeling. Paul’s death was pretty much the only thing you talked about with others - police, detectives, police again, his parents and friends, your parents and friends. It seemed like such a sensitive topic turned into a rough callous way too quickly. - Well, I was his girlfriend, - Y/n mumbled after a short pause, faint clatter of porcelain audible in the background.
- Sorry about your boyfriend, - man on the line said. There was a brief moment before he added: - all those muscles didn’t help much, did they?
You froze. Silence settled in, interrupted only by occasional electric noise humming through the speaker. You heard your own pulse humping rapidly in your ears, your breathing fast and shallow, all muscles in your body tensing in alarm, straightening your back. Your eyes shoot up, looking out of the window above the sink. There were a few trees growing shallowly - barely an orchard - separating your house from your neighbours. No one was there.
- What’s that, sweet girl? You can’t see me? - a voice taunted, erupting herds of goosebumps running down your spine. - What a shame, I can see you clear as day.
- Neighbourhood is packed full with cops, you sick son of a bitch. If you only fucking dare coming anywhere close to my ho-
- Now-now, Y/n, - slasher interrupted you unapologetically, his voice hard and cold, causing thin hairs on your arms to rise. - Control your fucking language when you speak to me.
Your eyes dropped down onto the sink, fluffy dish soap foam was sparkling, playing with all the rainbow colors under the sun rays pouring in through the window. You clasped the phone in your non dominant hand, your dominant one reaching out and grabbing a kitchen knife from the drying rack, handle still wet and a bit slippery in your grasp.
- My, my, a dangerous thing that you’re holding. Be careful and don’t cut yourself, dearie, - König taunted, making your teeth clench. All blood drained out of your face, making you as pale as paper. Your eyes were fixated upon your window, peering into the orchard, desperately trying to spot any movement.
- What are you planning on doing? Everyone will hear if I scream. And cops will get your ass into prison, right where it belongs, - you spat out, pushing off the counter; your eyes ran all around the kitchen, looking for your cell phone with detective’s number saved, trying to keep the current call going so it’ll be possible to track it down.
- Oh will they? Then you better not scream, silly, - König snorted, making your blood boil. You were frightened still, terrified even; but the remorse of what he did to you, to Paul, was fuelling into your spite, making you a tad bit braver.
Failing to find your phone you entered the living room, rummaging through cushions and blankets piled on the couch, failing to find the stupid thing.
- Looks like you lost something. What’s up sweetheart? - you threw soft cushion back on the couch violently, huffing in annoyance upon not finding what you were looking for. You straightened and turned around to head to your bedroom, stoping in the middle of your tracks, freezing to the spot.
In the doorway leading to the hall stood König - dressed in all black, with heavy leather boots and his huge dagger strapped firmly to his thigh with a sheath, white scream mask staring right back at you. One large hand was pressing the phone to his ear, the other one was holding up your cellphone - the exact one you were looking for.
- You looking for this? - he asked, his own voice reverberating on the line because of your proximity.
You threw the phone to the side clutching onto the knife tightly. You dashed to the kitchen - there was a back door you could slip through - and outside was filled with neighbours and cops. Just pathetic six or so meters. Just a bit…
A scream tearing through your throat was muffled by a huge hand clamping against your mouth, the other one squeezing your wrist so tightly that for a fleeting moment you thought your bones were snapped, causing your grip on the knife to loosen, it falling down on the floor with loud clatter. König kicked the knife away across the kitchen, folding your arm back which caused your back to arch in pain - it felt as if he wanted to tear your limb from the rest of your body.
- Where do you think you’re going, Y/n? - König growled next to your ear, picking you up effortlessly and dragging your kicking form back to the living room.
Hauling you onto the floor König hooked one meaty thigh over your squirming body, putting bigger part on his weight down onto you, momentarily halting all of your struggle. One huge hand took ahold of both your wrists, pinning them to the floor above your head with frightening ease, his other hand was clasping your mouth still. He crouched down, scream mask was mere fifteen centimetres afar from your face as he seethed:
- Now you shut the fuck up and listen closely to what I have to say, and no one will get hurt, you get that? - he said, waiting until you gave him any sing of agreement. But you offered none. - You get that?! - König growled impatiently, bumping your head against the hardwood floor, causing black spots dance in the corners of your eyes for a long minute. You gave a weak nod, feeling hot tears running down your temples, getting lost among your hair.
- I’ve been thinking about you. A lot, - König sighed, hand that was on your face squished your cheeks together painfully, making your lips pucker out. - About this gorgeous mouth and pretty lips…
König crouched down, barely leaving a few centimetres between your faces.
- A this tight little cunt of yours. Remember how you clenched around me? How good my cock was filling you up?
- What do you want from me? - you weeped quietly, voice barely audible, broken by faint sobs and hiccups.
- Very little, dove. Just be an obedient girl and do as you’re told and no one will get hurt, - König tutted, taking in the sight of your crying face. Gosh, he was a sick fuck - his cock was already getting painfully hard, straining against his pants.
Letting go of your face König reached behind his back, withdrawing something from the rear pocket of his jeans. Just as you opened your mouth to cry out for help he shoved that thing inside of your cavity, slapping a hand over your lips so you won’t spit it out. The thing momentarily dissolved on your tongue, leaving a bitter aftertaste; you tried to struggle against killer’s strong hold, thrashing violently, but it led you nowhere.
Suddenly you felt hot - as if you had a really bad fever. Your mind clouding up rapidly, thoughts muddling, muscles becoming weaker by the second. You huffed out in frustration; moving your limbs a few centimetres seemed like impossible labour. World was spinning around you, blurring sharp and distinguishable features of König’s mask into a white haze.
König let go of your face once again, his now free hand slid down your body, cupping your sex through numerous layers of clothing separating you two. Sudden pleasure surged through your weakened body upon the contact; a loud moan that rolled off your tongue startled you - and suddenly you realised just how aroused you felt.
- Jeez, that dude didn’t lie about this shit, - König laughed out excitedly, watching your eyes widen in terror. You could barely move by now, not speaking of trying to fight off a man twice your size. His size. In a blur of all events, words and pain you never came back to just how fucking huge he was. You never mentioned that in any of your interrogations. How fucking stupid, huh?
Killer let go of your wrists cautiously, watching you closely - you rose your hands, resting your palms on his chest and pushing with all the might you had left, but it wasn’t enough to even push a cat off the chair - so that was the limit of your strength in this state?
König barked out another laugh - he was going to have so much fun with you! His hand never stopped massaging your crotch, noting a small wet patch forming on your shorts - you were soaked through your panties and now soaking your shorts? Gosh, he better buy a few dozens of these aids. Psycho’s eyes shot up to your face upon hearing a sob - tears ran down your eyes like small diamonds, turning your eyelids a pretty shade of red. König shifted forth so that his mask was almost touching your nose:
- Oh baby, I’ll be much gentler with you this time, I promise, - König cooed, pressing cold plastic of his mask against your flushed wet cheek, as if giving you a comforting peck.
Slasher shifted a bit, changing his position from sitting on your thighs to being in between them, yanking you towards him by your knees. He did quick job of taking your shorts and underwear off in few fluid moves, impatiently discarding them somewhere to the side. König felt his heavy cock twitch inside his jeans at the sight of your puffy cunny, all shiny from slick that practically oozed out of your fluttering hole. He swallowed hard, saliva was practically pooling in his mouth, having to restrain himself from tearing his mask off and devouring your cunt, exposing his face too early. You whined out something unintelligible, still trying to pry his fingers off one of your knees.
Your skin felt hot even through thick fabric of his gloves, so when König took one off and plunged two of his thick fingers inside of your tight hole he was surprised at how hot it was inside of you - one of the drug’s effects, he guessed. You couldn’t help but mewl at the pleasant feeling, your brain barely functioning, controlling yourself was beyond hard.
- That’s it, sweetness. Lemme hear all the pretty sounds you make, - König encouraged, plunging his fingers in and out of you, increasing the pace. Rough thumb coming to circle your slicked clit, causing your whole body to jolt softly. Scent of your pooling arousal was strong and prominent, seeping even through König’s mask, making him throb in his pants.
He couldn’t wait any longer. König was dreaming about your pussy being spread around his cock since that first night, he needed to be inside or else he’ll lose the remnants of his mind. Slasher slipped his fingers out of you, quickly undoing his pants, sliding them down as much as knife holster on his thigh would allow. Your breathing increased as you tried to close your legs, man’s bulky form making it impossible for you to do so.
- No, no please.. not again, - you begged, tears rushing down your temples, your voice meek and barely audible, so König just ignored it.
Pulling his girthy cock out König pumped it a few times with gloved hand, aligning pink swollen tip with your leaking entrance. It one smooth movement he bottomed out half of his impressive length, your body - flushed and pliant - taking him inside without any resistance. Low groan rumbled through his broad chest; König’s head fell backwards, hands gripping soft fat of your thighs, leaving pale marks of his fingertips on your skin.
You hated every second of it. Hated how his hips collided with yours with every thrust, how you felt him throb and twitch inside of you; hated how his hands wandered up and down your sides, rubbing your waist and palming your tits. And you hated how fucking good it felt. Hated how your body, despite all your attempts to resist, to fight off the effects of the drug, gave into the pleasure.
- That’s it baby. Just take what I give you, - König breathed out, his words slurred with pleasure. - See? See how good it can feel when you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you to? Just be a obedient little girl and feel good, I’ll take care of everything else yeah?
It felt as if a ball of bile got stuck in your throat; your face scrunched up in disgust as much as your jelly muscles allowed it:
- Fuck you, - you barely managed to choke out, your tongue struggling to form right sounds.
For a few moments you were sure König didn’t hear you, given the lack of any reaction nor acknowledgement of your words. But the next thing you knew was searing pain in your left cheek, the impact of man’s wide palm with your face jolted your head to the side, sudden change of its position made you felt dizzy. Now world was spinning around you even more so, you felt something warm trickling down your cheek - blood from your nose, you figured. Killer’s fingers roughly gripped your chin, yanking it back so that you were facing him once again.
- You wanna say that again bitch? Come on, I fucking dare you, - he spat out, movements of his hips halting completely, leaving his cock buried deep inside of your rippling warmth.
Your head shifting so harshly once again made you nauseous; you could barely see anything, dark purple circles were dancing all around, changing their shapes and giving way to greens and yellows to flood your vision.
- That’s what I fucking thought, - König gritted out. His hand let go of your chin, coming lower to wrap strong fingers around your neck. His hips started working with even more vigour, forcing his dick in and out of your drugged cunt on the pace that was almost inhuman.
Firm clasp of maniac’s hand around your neck made it nearly impossible to breathe. Both your hands wrapped around his mighty wrist, too weak to actually get him off you. Your vision started to darken rapidly, white noise trilling in your ears, barely allowing any other sounds to filter through.
- From the very moment I laid my eyes on you I fucking owned you. And I own you right now, and forever will. This is my fucking cunt, and I’ll use it whenever I want to. And I need you to fucking. learn. it. - König growled out, emphasising each of his last words with hard deep thrusts of his hips against yours, his cock making your stomach bulge, surely bruising your cervix.
- Oh but I’ll train you. Mould you into my personal cocksleeve, ready to be used whenever I feel like it, - his pace was quickening, thick cotton of his denim pants muffled filthy sounds of his mighty hips snapping against your ass. The grip of strong fingers never eased; König shifted part of his weight onto his hands which were wrapped around your neck, white mask hovering right in front of your face - milky white of it was a harsh contrast to blackness pooling in the corners of your eyes.
With that your conscience started to slip away. You felt your body jolt with every ferocious thrust of man’s hips, his cock buried deep inside of you, bruising your insides with its persistent bullying. Acute lack of oxygen burnt your lungs, and you prayed to all gods that König held your neck a tad bit too long - just enough for you to not wake up the next time. And just before you slipped into heavy delirium, your mushed up brain picked up König’s growl, penetrating through thick noise humming in your ears:
- You’re mine. Forever and ever.
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Street was filled with all kinds of noise - sirens from police cars were going off triggering dogs from nearby houses, neighbours were crowding a bit afar, frowning and shaking their heads, everyone having their own theory of what happened. Loud cries of Y/n’s mother shook the air, putting everyone further on the edge. She is such a sweet girl, she’s never done anything bad! Oh god, why is this happening to her of all people?!
Some people were saying that the girl simply snapped, breaking under the pressure of events and finally fleeting the country without telling anyone to not give any clues about her whereabouts to the killer. Some said she just went out to unwind from being constantly watched by police and have some alone time - she’ll show up anytime soon. But everyone knew that it was one of murderer’s deeds - he did something to her. And everyone knew, deep down, that they’ll never see Y/n again - alive, at least.
A young lanky policemen, obviously green and not experienced in his job, was babbling out his report to the superior, all the other cops that were patrolling with him as well stood around silently, too scared to pipe in.
- Sir, I swear we were patrolling the area all this time, there was literally no one but the neighbours, but they were staying at their pro-
- Then you were not doing it well enough! - city commissioner barked out, his mighty vice silencing everyone around for a short moment. His face was red, fuming with rage; nostrils flaring with intensity of his heavy breathing, angry vein popped up on his temple, pulsating in tandem with his rapid heartbeat. His heavy gaze shifted between all the poor officers, their faces pale as chalk.
- You had one fucking job. ONE fucking job - to keep the girl in the sightline - and where is she now, huh? I’m asking you motherfuckers - where is Y/n?! - Mr. Lindner barked out, his heavy voice making everyone jolt. Younger officers stared down on their shoes blankly, not daring to meet eyes with their boss.
- You may consider yourselves lucky if you’ll still have your licences by the end of the week, - commissioner Lindner tsked, spitting onto the ground in remorse. Turning around, he headed to his police issued car, shouldering all those nosy ones who were brave enough to approach him in this state. Getting inside Mr. Lindner closed the door with a loud bang, starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway onto the main road.
Commissioner Lindner drove in full silence, blue eyes fixated on the road ahead; it was barely past midnight, but the darkness hung thick all around, being slit by two yellow rays of his car’s headlights. He gripped steering wheel tighter, one hand coming to comb back his grown out hair out of his eyes, a small smile played in the corners of his scarred lips.
Soon he’ll be home - maybe the effects of drugs will wear off by that time and he’ll watch Y/n wake up slowly, those pretty doe eyes of hers gazing up at him drowsily. He will cook her dinner - all of her favourites - and maybe even spoon feed her, if she’ll allow it. Then he’ll bathe her and tuck her in her new bed, locking up the door for the night and watching her sleep through the cameras.
Everything was going as smoothly as ever. No one has accidentally seen him dragging unconscious Y/n out of her house and hauling her into the backseat of his car. No signs of struggle or fight were found - kitchen sink was still half-filled with soapy water and dirty dishes, clean ones drying off on the countertop, a knife with all the fingerprints being drowned among other dirty utensils. Y/n’s parents approved that everything was on its original place - as if the girl just disappeared, dissolved into thin air.
No one suspected a thing. And, of course, no one suspected a respectable city commissioner Lindner with years upon years of experience, a veteran with impeccable reputation, a person no one could speak badly of.
This was the beginning of your new life, life in which everything revolved around König, causing you to cling onto him as if he was some kind of goddess. Life in which you no longer belonged to yourself, but to your abductor. Life in which you finally understood that you don’t need anyone or anything else because you had König, understood that König was your life itself <3
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Slasher! König Masterlist
A/n: I apologise for giving König a half assed name, but I thought it’d be really cool for the plot😌
Once again, feedback is highly appreciated! I’m making this a series so feel free to send in your suggestions for more slasher! König content<3
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
The satellite dish at Camp Half-Blood would be better suited as a cereal bowl.
It hardly works. It catches a grand total of nineteen channels, twelve of which are news stations, and the final seven almost never have anything playing that’s actually worth watching. But the DVD player only ever works every third month, and the strawberry plants have to be watered, so on rainy days, the sixteen of them cram into the rec room of the Big House, organised, fight-reduction seating for as long as Nyssa can tiredly maintain it, and squabble over the remote.
“It’s my turn! Give it to me!”
“Quit whining you little twerp —”
“Will! Make her give me the remote!”
“Snitch! Snitch! Sherman, beat him up —”
Nico narrowly dodges Kayla’s dirty sneaker, sniggering to himself as Will and Sherman share, for perhaps the first time in either of their lives, an identical sigh of endless suffering, each grabbing one sibling and yanking backwards. They’ve really dug their claws in, so it takes a couple tries.
“Kayla,” Will warns, both hands clamped around her ankles, “if you don’t let go in three damn seconds —”
“Ellis sucks at picking channels!”
“Everybody sucks at picking channels! We got maybe four to choose from!”
“Seven,” correct several people at once.
Will rolls his eyes. “Forgive me. I forgot about the three toddler channels the rest of y’all babies are so enthralled by.”
“As if you don’t watch Sesame Street with as much childlike glee as the rest of us, Solace.”
“Can it, Diaz. Kayla, remove your nails from his face!”
A hand tugs on his sleeve. Nico glances over to find Austin’s big, pleading eyes, and since he is a massively weak loser, apparently, he sighs, mouth twitching when Austin wiggles happily, and plunges his hand into the nearest shadow.
He digs around for a second, trying to orient himself, and smirks when he sees his hand reappear across the couch, right in between Kayla and Ellis’ heads. He waits, watching for a break. Austin watches carefully next to him, hands still around his other wrist, and when the timing is right — a twitch in Kayla’s knee indicating an oncoming kick that even Will won’t be able to stop — he squeezes. Nico darts between them, snatching the remote for himself. He passes it to Austin with a wink. Austin points it to the TV immediately, clicking it to what everyone has aptly named the ‘Grandma Channel’ — twenty-four-seven footage of gardening set to quit jazz.
Thirteen groans — one cheer by Miranda, their lone ally — sound at once.
“You’re weak as all hell, di Angelo,” Billie informs him, obviously a fake gardener. Shame.
He makes a face at her.
Despite their troubles, the peace of the Grandma Channel does not last. In what can only be a coordinated attack, Nico and Austin are lulled into a false sense of security, entranced by a particularly satisfying timelapse of a grape vine, and when their guards are down, they are ambushed. With a deafening war cry, Harley is flung bodily on top of the two of them, landing with two gleeful elbows to Nico’s shoulder and Austin’s ribs, rendering them breathless and perhaps even close to death.
“No maiming,” Austin protests, wheezing.
“I’m telling Chiron,” Nico agrees, similarly struggling to reinflate his lungs. He glances at his medic boyfriend, also known as Judas, who only shrugs, smirking. His thumb is notably smeared with grease, a consequence of touching Harley no matter how many times Nyssa forces him to shower. Traitor. “No maiming is, like, the only rule here.”
Harley climbs off of them, elbows once again violating the rule on the way off. Nico actually feels his spleen compress into the size of an atom.
The little twerp hands his prize to his big sister, who points it at the screen gracefully, as if she did not just use said brother as a weapon against two innocent people. Constantly innovative, those Hephaestus children.
Nyssa, on account of having hands like steel wires and a right hook that could make Muhammad Ali fall crying to his knees, is left peacefully alone with the remote. Nico glares at her, as he often does, with equal amount of hatred and awe. His emotions are widely replicated across the overstuffed couches.
She clicks rapidly through the channels, as she always does, fast enough that the sound echoes like static along with the rain.
breaking — jump! — traffic — learn — George — crayon — soil — sale —
She hardly rests in a channel for more than a second, cutting in the middle of sentences and even words, images flashing rapidly across the screen, swirling colour and skipping melodies, steadied by the roll of thunder, the patter of raindrops, the roar of wind and away of bending trees.
kids! — buy — gun — bridge — add — spade — colour — nine — east —
Austin sighs from beside him, sinking into the couch. Nico breaks away from the hypnosis for a moment to glance at the rest of the room and finds everyone else similarly entranced; eyes half-lidded and unfocused against the still-swirling TV, heads tilted back, curled into each other, limbs slow, fingers tapping quietly.
run — neat — rose — pasta — schools — closure — Sola — bumper —
“Wait,” Will murmurs.
gym — roll — climb — bush — accident — bud —
The old couches creak as Will shifts, Kayla pushed gently to the side as he moves forward.
“Nyssa, wait. Go back.”
The rain seems to mute itself. Nico is aware, quite suddenly, of the stiff set to Will’s spine, the odd quality of his voice. Nyssa, too, must recognize it, because she glances over at him, then slowly back to the TV, pressing the channel button once and setting the remote carefully on the coffee table in front of her.
No one grabs it.
“— terrible tragedy,” says a news anchor. “Unbelievably, really, Barbara, and something so sudden —”
“No,” Will says.
“Yes, Dave, always something you read about in old newspapers but never remember happens in real life —”
“No. No.”
He reaches for the remote but misses the first time, patting blindly on the table, and the second time, too, eyes glued to the bright screen. His hand scrabbles, nails digging on the old wood, increasingly desperately, but his eyes won’t move, face won’t pivot. Nico swallows, pushing back the sting of bile crawling slowly up his throat, the dullness in his ear, muffled like his ear is turned to a soundproofed wall. The hands he tells to reach over and hand the remote to Will don’t work.
“— almost makes me think of James Dean. That’s Naomi Solace, for those just tuning in, currently in critical condition from a head-on collision with a semi in Savannah, Georgia —”
Nico’s ears white out completely.
Will’s knees hit the floor.
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a-spes · 11 months
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T H E D O G ' S F A L L - One shot.
Words count - 5,2k.
Tags & Warnings - mob boss!Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader, angst, harm/comfort, manipulation, mentions of blood/past abuses, human trafficking.
Summary - Anyone that can beat her in a fight will earn her, and Natasha intends to be the one, working hard to get what she thinks is hers. A dog can't fight for eternity, can it?
Moodboard here.
N/A - It's the longest os I've wrote so far, took me a lot of time but it's enventually here so I really hope you'll enjoy it! If it's the case, don't hesitate to let me know by interacting with the post :)
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It is at the back of that popular night club that everything is happening, where no one can see your distress except the one that enjoys it, where everyone is too busy having fun to pay attention to the veritable purpose of this building. On a dark corner that light never reaches, a man is guarding the most important secret of that place, and very few are the people he lets through; only rich and influential men and women get their ticket for this special spectacle that takes place here every night.
Down there, the loud music is replaced by the shouts of excited men that makes her sigh; why do they have to scream like animals? If she gets a few glances, no one dares to say anything as the infamous Black Widow is walking through the crowd to get to her place. She has blood on her back, people are whispering, some from admiration, others from fear, but no one stays indifferent - how could they? One of the most important mafia bosses of the city, but also one of the most discreet, is here. She has her reputation and, even if she is rarely seen, she is well-known, so none of the men dares to protest when she decides to take place in their lodge, chasing them out of the room. 
From here, she has a perfect view of the cage and, most importantly, of the Dog.
It is obvious that there is no way out of the ring, that you are trapped in that cage until one of these men’s victory - or your last breath - but, somehow, you still believe that defeating them will lead you out of that basement. So, not caring about how many of them are daring to step in your cage, you beat them, one by one. You watch the man you just defeated being escorted out of the cage so the next one could take his place - it gives you a few seconds to catch your breath. 
The world is spinning, you can’t even see the faces of your opponents, but you don’t give up. Even if the only thing you want is to curl up in the corner, crying for your mom, you can’t. You can’t because it will mean giving them your life. No, you need to be stronger than them, to pretend that you don’t feel the pain inflicted by their blows, to pretend that you are not bothered by the metallic taste of the blood in your mouth, they need to believe you could do that all night. But you are not foolish and you know damn well that you won’t last long. 
It is hard to focus on anything, even on breathing, because you are overwhelmed by a crew you can't even see, blinded by the lights; you are the spectacle. They all came to see the Dog fighting, hoping to witness its fall. They are shouting, mostly insults in Russian, whistling and clapping everytime something exciting is happening during a fight, but it won’t be enough to save you from that place. 
Oh, at first, they were cheering for you, but it slowly changed, people getting tired of seeing your pretty face every night. They thought you would be easy to break and hated to be proven wrong, and you perfectly know that the stakes have changed. It is no longer about giving them what they want, entertainment, it is purely about surviving and you noticed how the attitude of your opponents changed over the weeks, becoming more aggressive.
You were a champion, now you are just a little bitch they need to get rid of. 
The organization that threw you in that rat hole understood that as much as you did and, tonight, they changed the rules. Tonight, it'll be only you against the world, until they are tired of it. No break, no help, everytime one leaves, the next one is already stepping in the ring, as an endless torture. 
Tonight, she will be one of them. She has been looking at you hungrily since the first time she came here, and she knows that you will be hers by the end of the night, after all she came just for that, to take you home.
Even if she is here every night, you never had a chance to notice the woman. She was always sitting in the last row, observing you from her balcony, where she is hidden by the shadow, but she noticed you for sure. The time she came, it was only because of one of her associates that wanted to meet here specifically, she never left since. From the moment her eyes landed on you, she was unable to think about anything else, the way you were looking so innocent but so feroce at the same time got her heart. 
She sent a few of her best men, knowing they would lose, as a test, waiting for the moment it would be her turn to enter the cage. She never expected them to win and she would have killed them if they had the audacity to: she is the one that is supposed to defeat you, the only one that has the right to own you. The urge to possess you only grew stronger over the weeks, being deeper every time she came here, she wants to see you as you are breaking under her effect, to control every aspect of your life. 
So she patiently waited for the right time to come, she always liked a bit of challenge anyway, having a soft spot for things that are hard to get. She worked hard to get you, spending weeks observing every of your movements: she learned how you are fighting and your habits, she learned to read your body and face as if she was on your mind, and that’s the difference with the others: if you are a game for them, for her, you are a goal she must reach at all costs. 
As soon as your eyes laid on her, you knew she wouldn’t back up, somehing in the way she stepped in the cage already made all the difference. It is her confidence. It is the smirk on her face, a cocky one. It is the way her hands are stuck in her pockets while she is observing you. It is the slight sigh as she gets rid of her leather jacket. It is all these details that give the impression that she is just here to settle a formality, already certain of her victory.
Even the way she is moving has something unrealist. Every step, every look, is calculated and almost imperceptible. Usually, you would step forward, ready to fight even before they entered the cage to show them you are not afraid, but this time? You can’t help but instinctively step back when she enters. The movement was slight, as you were already leaning the grid but she noticed it, the way her aura is pressuring you, and she loves it.
As soon as the door was closed, your fate was sealed.
It all happened really fast because she knew exactly what to do, she prepared for that moment. You quickly realized that you were right: the woman had nothing in common with the men you were fighting against earlier, you never stood a chance to win that fight. The realization is more painful than the blows she is currently throwing at you. Every punch you try to land, she knows exactly how to dodge it. As if she was on your mind, she knows exactly where to hit to get you weak, stealing your breath and your strenght, having you on your knees then laying on the floor in less than a few minutes. 
At first, you tried to get up, to fight, but she is faster than you are, and wiser, and stronger, and more trained. She is being pretty much better in everything. Soon your vision is so blurry that you can’t see anything, you are feeling so weak that even moving your fingers or keeping your eyes open is just too much. 
"Stay still,” she quietly ordered when she noticed you were struggling against her grip - she had you pinned down on the ground by pressing her foot on your back and grabbed your hair to lift a bit your head. "You're going to be mine no matter what, so don't make things harder for yourself, honey." 
You hear the countdown but, this time, it is not your victory that is announced, it is hers. As soon as her name is shouted by the crew, her grip releases your hair but you simply don't have the strength to move, the news leaves a void in your chest. The pain, but mostly this feeling of emptiness, is keeping you frozen in place. She owns you, and this simple idea is sending shivers through your whole body. You don't realize yet what is happening, thinking that, maybe, it is just a cruel joke on you, and it explains the lack of reaction when she asks you to get up; she needs to grab your arm and lift to get you on your feet. 
You stumble, fighting the urge to vomit. Your brain can barely process what is happening, especially when you realize that your feet are not touching the ground anymore. In her arms, you are nothing more than a rag doll, silent and motionless, barely having the energy to keep your eyes open. 
"She is not for sale,” she coldly said, her voice bringing you back to reality. As she was on her way to get out of the night club, some men were offering the woman outrageous amounts of money in the hope of getting you, they all backed up once she coldly glanced at them. "No one will ever take you away from me, do you hear that, love? You are safe as long as you’re with me," she then whispered in your ears. 
You drift into unconsciousness as soon as the car starts, despite the woman that kept begging you to keep your eyes open, the way she was cadling you not helping. You just had enough time to notice the men sitting at the front of the black van, both armed and intimidating, before falling into darkness. 
You opened your eyes again when the car stopped in an alley. It is late, the sun gave its throne to the moon a long time ago and, even if you can't tell what time it is, you know it is the middle of the night. How many hours did you spend down there, fighting for your life? The question makes you sick because the only answer is too many. All these hours for nothing because, no matter how hard you triee, you loose. You were never supposed to win their twisted game, you never got a chance and you slowly realize that the promised freedom was just a lure. For weeks you believed them, you played along their rules, thinking it was the only way to get your life back.
And here you are, in the arms of your new owner, a woman you know nothing about but that now has every rights on you, even if you will live depends exclusively on the redhead's choices. The fear twists your stomach, the humiliation clenches your throat and the exhaustion makes your eyes burning, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, you repeat in your head, but you don't know for how long you will be able to keep your tears for yourself.  
The woman is not looking at you at all, she is concentrating on not falling as she is walking to the house, barely seeing where her feet are landing. You, however, can't help but observe every detail of her face, noticing how serious her expression is. You are trying to guess how your life is going to be by her side, but you can't, she is a complete mystery and you hate that.
A part of you wants to go back in that basement. It may have been a living hell, but you had your habits, you knew how to survive, now you will have to learn everything again. 
You notice that two armed persons are guarding the front door and, when you pass by them, they exchange a few words in Russian. You can't understand a word of what they are saying, but you guess they are greeting the woman, beside some insults, you don't know a lot and only because that's how they used to call you.
The inside of the penthouse is exactly as you imagined it: expensive, tidy and minimalist. You never felt comfortable in that kind of environment, it always reminded you that you will never have a place in that sphere, you are nothing more than their animal, a dog that does everything they want. 
Once inside, you almost expected her to drop you on the floor but she didn't. Her grip is strong, as if she doesn't want to let you go, that's because she is scared too. She exchanged a few words in Russian with a woman before heading upstairs. 
Your eyes closed because of the light, you don't see much more of the house, nor of where you are going. You can feel that she climbs the stairs, takes a few turns and walks through a door before she eventually lets you go. It is with care that she sits you on the floor of the bathroom. 
"Here we are," she whispered, "you can open your eyes, love," she added when she noticed they were still closed. If you can't see her smile, you can feel her hand brushing your cheek. 
For weeks you didn't see anything else than pitch darkness and the dimmed light of the basement where you were fighting, it is great to eventually be able to see something else. She even made sure to not turn the big light on, only a small one in the corner that diffuses a subdued light. Somehow, she knows exactly what to do to make you feel comfortable. 
"Let me help you," she said, coming closer to kneel in front of you when she realized you couldn't take your bath alone.
On the way home, she sent a message for one of her maids to run a bath for you to enjoy when you arrived. The mirrors fog up and a scent of jasmine fills the room, but even if the idea of taking a bath sounds good, you don't move. You are curled at the exact place she left you in, your knees against your chest.
You are like a dog, but nothing like a fighting one, she thought when she saw how you tried to back up when she reached for your shirt.
"I am not going to do anything," she quietly said, trying to sooth you by using a gentle tone and caressing your cheek with her thumb. "I am going to help you to get rid of those rags so you can get a bath, okay? Then, we can clean your wounds and have a good meal, does this sound good?" she asked and you slowly nodded. 
She helps you to get rid of your clothes that are closer to rags honestly as they have holes in them, the fabric being soaked in dirt, blood and sweat, sticking to your skin. You never felt so vulnerable than right now, under her serious gaze, what is she thinking about? It is impossible to guess but you can feel her eyes on your body as she looks you up and down. A quick glance which allows her to take a mental note about all your injuries.
"What are you doing?" she chuckled, when her eyes didn’t land on your chest but on your crossed arms - you were trying to hide, how cute. "How silly you are,” she whispered when noticing you didn't seem to understand what she was talking about, "thinking you can hide like that."
Her tone sounded too sweet for it to genuinely be and there is something behind her gentle tone that is rigging alarms in your head. You can't tell what it is exactly, but there is that weird feeling, your instinct screaming at you to be careful when your body just wants to give up and be in her arms, ‘cause what could go wrong?
She takes your hands to pull them away from your chest so you can’t hide from her anymore. Her grip is firm, just a little too strong so you understand that, despite her sweet smile, she won't hesitate to be harsh with you if you don’t behave. However, she still seems to be extra careful while moving you, as if you were a porcelain doll, because for nothing in the world she would hurt her fragile princess. She  slowly takes your arms away so she can give a glance at all your injuries. What she sees makes her sigh, she seems about to say something but keeps her words for herself ; you should have been more careful. 
She helped you to get in the bath and it was a nice moment, a few minutes you got for yourself because, surprisingly, she let you bathe yourself alone. Oh, she wasn’t far away, just at the other end of the room, keeping a close eye on you at every time, but dealing with something on her phone. She would occasionally comment on the way you were doing things, talking you throught it so you can shower the proper way, her way. Once you are done, she wraps you on a soft towel, bandages your wounds and gives you clothes that are hers, a hoodie and a short, and you can’t help but notice how good they are smelling, how comfortable you are feeling in these.
"Did you say something?" she genuinely asked, turning to you because she was sure she heard you mumbling a few words. 
She was talking about your life here, talking almost alone as you weren’t really talkative, but thinking she would miss the words you whisepered was a mistake because she never misses anything.
"Nothing important," you replied, but this answer doesn't seem to please the woman, something twitching in her eyes, coming from soft to sharp.
"When I ask you a question, you reply to it, am I clear?” she said, immediately leaving what she was doing to come close to you and grab your chin.  “You are not the one that gets to decide what’s important, your small brain can't handle big decisions and that's why I am here. I mean, see how it got you to be by yourself …" she continued, looking at you with disdain, as if she was thinking that it is only your fault if you ended up in that rat hole, caught in human trafficking. “I am here to give you a second chance and you better take it ‘cause it may be the last… so don't talk to me like that ever again, did I make myself clear enough?"
The only answer you are able to give her is a whining accompanied by a sniffle and she obviously doesn’t like that. Even if you tried your hardest to not let those tears rolling down your cheeks, you can’t help it, her harsh words only making things worse because you are already hating to disapoint the woman. 
"If I knew you would cry, I would've sold you ..", she sighed in annoyance, her nails digging into your skin, "I hate cry-babies, understand?" she asked, but it wasn’t not a question: it was a warning. "The fighter I saw in that ring must be here when I am back," she coldly added before releasing the pressure she was exerting on your face.
She leaves, slamming the door shut so you easily understand that she is upset with you reacting that way. She has done everything she could in order to help you to be comfortable here : she gave you a bath and clothes, cleaned your wounds, promised you a meal and a bed, even gave you comfort but it still doesn't seem to be enough because you were crying as if she was some sort of monster, and she can't bear that vision. She tried to repeat to herself that you are just tired, that things are going to get better with time but it doesn’t calm her down. Whether you want it or not, she will make sure that, one way or another, you will accept her and she won't hesitate to use the hard way if she has to. 
When she comes back, she notices that didn't move an inch, scared by what the woman could say and impressed by the bedroom. But it didn’t prevent your eyes from wandering around the room. It is really minimalist, there is nothing that could give you a hint about the person she is, everything is exactly where it should be, not a speck of dust and no personal objects. It feels like a hotel room more than hers.
When you hear the door, your gaze settles on the woman. Your knees are bent against your chest as if it could protect you from all the dangers of the world. She probably left you for only five minutes, but they felt like hours. Your thoughts had time to run while waiting for her : what about trying to escape? But it never worked, it’s always a dead end, a path to regrets because they always find you, making sure you won’t even think about doing it again and, if they do not find you, it's someone else. You learned that there is no escape and gave up on going back to your old life a long time ago. It is not even the fear of the armed men that is keeping you here, it's the void in you when you think about what you would do if you were free again, nothing. Nothing because you forgot how to live on your own. So you didn't move, not even a finger because she didn't ask you to do it, only being a dog that lives for its masters' will.
But what piques your curiosity is more the tray in her hands than anything else. As soon as she enters the room, closing the door behind her with her foot, a pleasant smell spreads through the room. You can see many things on the tray she brought back : a glass of water, some pills, a bowl of steaming soup with bread and a plate with rice, vegetables and chicken. When was the last time you ate a real meal? Long enough for you to not remember what it was.
"Eat." she said as she put the tray on your knees.
It smells good. That's the first thought that crossed your mind when you saw the plate. For a moment, you forget about the past hours; when was the last time you got a real meal? You can't remember, not even a fragment of a memory. 
You would eat what your owners give you, eat quickly before they come back, never knowing what you are eating nor when the next meal would be; you learned to not ask too many questions. At first, it was difficult to accept such a fate: you would refuse to even taste the food they were giving to you, but it didn't last long. Eventually, you started to eat - inhale - anything you were given without thinking twice about it.
Tonight, for the first time in years, you are going to eat something else than the leftovers of someone you don't even know. Tonight, you won't have to be scared about your food being stolen. Tonight, you can even see the smoke, a sign that your meal is still hot, freshly cooked and maybe homemade.
"I-," you started, but she didn't let you finish your sentence, your lips barely had time to move that she already cut you, leaving no place for an argument.
I am not hungry, you were about to say, and she somehow knew it. She also knew it was a lie, your stomach has been painfully twisted because of that sick feeling for days, but the knot is also caused by your fears. 
It all feels a bit too perfect. It feels like a trap, a way to encourage you to let your guard down only to break you after, making the fall harder. Some did that in the past, why not her? She doesn't look less cruel than the others. Yet, when she is talking, she seems more genuine, you could believe her when she says she only wants what's best for you, that she cares, she just has a twisted way to show it. 
"Yes, you are, so eat, now," she ordered you with such a cold tone that you don't dare to argue. There are all these warnings she doesn't say out loud but you can read in her eyes: just do whatever I tell you, pretty girl, they say. 
And, for sure, you don't want to face the consequences of your insubordination. So you slowly take the fork, not glancing away for one second, your eyes into hers. You are looking at every detail of her expression as if it would change, telling you that it is a trap, except it doesn't and her expression stays stern. It is impossible to read anything on her face, not even a hint of how she is feeling.
You take the first bit, carefully swallowing and… nothing happens. You don't feel weird, it doesn't taste bad and she doesn't snap at you for a small imaginary mistake you would have made. It is the complete opposite. The food is really good, melting on your tongue, and you start to eat quickly, not because you have to, but because you want to. For the first time in years, eating is a pleasure. 
She sighed when she noticed that you were inhaling your food, but she didn't say anything; she will have all the time later to change that habit of you. So she just stood there for a few seconds, observing you in silence, with her arms crossed, before sitting next to you - that's when you broke eye contact, once she was sure you would eat everything. 
As you are eating, she is barely paying attention to you, at least that's the impression she is giving. One of her arms wrapped around your shoulder, her hand is absently drawing circles on your skin while she is on her phone, dealing with something serious - you can hear her frustrated sighs from time to time.
Except she sees everything and your mistake was to not be careful enough around the woman. A little because of your clumsiness, mainly because of how fast you were eating, you dropped a bit of your food on the floor. You didn't think it was a big deal, picking it up to put it back on the plate. Three seconds rules, dropped on a clean floor, you don't have very high standards anyway - but she does. She turned to you the moment she felt you were moving, a curious, but disgusted, look on her face.
"What are you doing?" She asked, her hand grabbing your wrist before you could drop the bit of food on your plate. She moves your hand on the side of the tray, far from your plate, before you even get a chance to reply. "Drop it," she ordered to you, "that's gross, hope you weren't going to eat that." 
You shake your head, too scared to do anything else, but she knows you are lying; of course you were about to eat it. You spent the past years living like a fighting dog, you would eat anything she would give you, you might even eat directly from the dirty floor if she asked you to. She winces in disgust, not letting your hand go.
"Give me that," she snarled and you can feel how her grip tightened on your wrist to force you to give the fork away.
She then takes the tray that was in front of you to put it on her side of the bed, you are looking at her, scared she would definitely take your meal away. You are about to protest when she notices it and glances at you, daring you to say a word, you don't. 
"Come here," she said, gesturing you to come closer, she even grabbed your arm to guide you when she noticed you were hesitant to move.
She sits you between her legs and you are clearly uncomfortable, wiggling, but if she notices it, she doesn't seem to care. She is so close to you that you can feel her breath tickling your skin, but she keeps acting like nothing is weird here. When she leans to cut your food, you can feel her chest pressing against your back, the contact making your heart races. Too focused on how close you are to the woman, you barely noticed when she approached the fork from your mouth, waiting for you to open. It takes one more second for you to understand what she is waiting for and, when you do, you blush in embarrassment. She takes advantage of you opening your mouth to say something to feed you, and you don't dare to push her away. 
"Can't even eat alone, hm?" she whispered in your ear while you were chewing the bit of food she just gave you, "but that's fine, I am here now," she added, and there is something in her tone that makes you shiver.
Once she made sure you ate everything, she wrapped her arms around you, laying a kiss on your temple. It is strange how safe you are feeling in her embrace: for a few seconds you forget she is the one that beat you earlier. Right now, she is just someone that cares for you, with whom you feel at peace. You can't remember the last time someone made you feel that way, you can barely remember your life before entering the human trafficking circuit.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, but your eyes were quick to close under the effects of her fingers running on your hair and of her voice whispering sweet words in your ears. At some point, a maid came to take the empty tray away and the woman layed the both of you in the bed, under the covers, trying her best to not wake you up. This night, you slept in a comfy bed, feeling protected in the arms of the woman despite the things she did, not even thinking one second about pushing away her hands that found their way under your sweatshirt, resting on your stomach. 
The Dog fell right into the Black Widow’s web.
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enkas-illusion · 8 months
The Night Is Still Young
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Nanami x f!reader
Genre/Theme: One-night stand; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff, drinking, flirting, Nanami got rizz, suggestive, no smut.
Summary: You are exhausted from working the entire month and you need some stress relief. What's better than finding a gentleman at the club and things take a turn for good.
Author's Note: This was supposed to contain smut but I really hit writer's block. So here's a quick drabble with my husband Nanami. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
~ Nanami's Munchkin
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“Shots! Shots! Shots!”
You shoot down the 6th shot of the night, the bitter liquid no longer tastes so bad anymore but the buzz keeps getting stronger.
It’s another Saturday and your plan was to stay home, sulking for the weekend but your friends had other plans.
You had just submitted your assignments and were exhausted beyond repair. Your friends were kind enough to give you an option (not really) between staying home and drinking your exhaustion away only to feel worse the next day – of course, you had to choose the latter.
“You know what would have been better than getting shitfaced tonight?” you asked your friends. Your friends roll their eyes, already knowing you are gonna bitch about being here again for the nth time but what you say next surprises them.
“If a man would fuck me so good that I see God,” you say in all seriousness.
“Damn she’s drunk drunk” your friends laugh at your confession.
You were neck deep into assignments for the past month. You didn’t leave your house except for going to the library to get shit done. So naturally, this also meant that you were frustrated mentally and sexually, needing nothing more than to melt your stress away. 
So what could be a better way than coming to the club to find someone who can help you with it? For your friends, it might mostly be the alcohol talking, but you knew the motivating factor that really convinced you to step out tonight was yet to be met.
“So you’re here to find a guy to hook up with... but all you’ve done is cry about being here. Make it make sense?” your friend Mila counters.
“It’s cause there aren’t any hot guys in here!” you cry out loud. “You need to help me find someone. Please—“
You go quiet as your eyes land on the group of guys that enter the club. Your gaze is fixated on this tall buff guy with blonde hair. He has a tired look on his face that rivals your own and he is oh so handsome.
The thing that catches your interest is his outfit. He’s wearing a black dress shirt with tan pants. His shirt hugs his muscles so tightly that it might rip open any moment. He stood out amongst the crowd of boys who wore T shirts and cargos and called it a fit. 
Your friends have already caught on to him with the way you were shamelessly checking him out. “Go talk to him,” your other friend Dia suggests.
“Oh God! He’s hot isn’t he!?” you whine. 
“Girl, you have a type. And it’s always the stoic, uninterested men.” Mila interjects.
“You forgot the hot dilf body.” Dia chimes in.
You don’t realize that you haven’t taken your eyes off him until you see him catch you staring. You revert back to your friends with a groan.
“Oh shit.”
“Why are you still here? Go talk to him.”
“Urghh… he doesn’t look like a guy who would be interested, you know? I mean look at him. He looks like he was forced to be here,” You say, sneaking looks at him.
“Oh my! You always do this. You thirst over men but never make a move. This ain’t window-shopping! Stop acting like a bitch for once,” Mila states clearly annoyed.
“Don’t you get started, Mila. Why don’t you go ask out the guy at the coffee shop. Harry, was it? You even made me ask for his name! So stop calling me a bitch.” You snapped at her.
“You know what? Let’s make a deal, go dance with that man and I’ll ask Harry out.” Mila replies, her lips twisting in half a smile.
“Deal,” you say, shaking hands with her.
“But I need a little bit more of that liquid luck.”
You head to the bar, ordering two shots of tequila and instead of drinking it, you walk up to the mystery man.
“Hey there, handsome. Care to join me for a drink?” You say almost screaming over the loud music blaring in the background. You were so fixated on him that you didn’t notice his whole group was staring at you.
“Oh he won’t drink, he's a buzzkill, you know. But I can take you up on that offer, pretty girl,” a guy with white hair butts in and you give him an annoyed look.
“Leave her alone Gojo,” the blonde says, pushing the snow haired guy away. “Don’t mind him, he’s annoying that way. Sure I’d like that drink.”
He takes the shot glass from your hand and you click it before shooting it down together.
You move closer to him to introduce yourself so as to not scream in front of others.
He holds his hand out and says, “Nanami Kento, nice to meet you.” When you go to shake his hands, he gently lifts it to leave a small peck on the back of your hand and you feel chills run through your body. 
“I didn’t know you got game, Nanamin,” the Gojo guy shouts. Nanami rolls his eyes and looks at you. 
“Do you wanna—“ you both say at once which makes you laugh. “Go ahead,” he responds.
“I was gonna ask if you want to dance with me?” you ask, suddenly shy.
He nods, holding his hand out for you and leads you to the dance floor. “Hmm… didn’t know you were such a gentleman. You don’t look like the guy who goes clubbing on the weekends,” you tease him.
“Trust me I’m not. I was forced to join them. Need to keep them out of trouble,” he says with a sly smile while his hands move around your hips and you both sway around to the music.
“So, you are the daddy of the group, huh?” you ask, which comes out more seductive than you intended and you cringe slightly.
He spins you around so that your back is touching his chest and you take this opportunity to grind back on him.
He leans closer to your ear and says, “Umhmm… is that the reason you were undressing me with your eyes ever since I entered? Need daddy to take care of you, too?” 
You turn around to face him and snake your hands around his neck. You have to stand on your tiptoes even with your heels on to reach him.
“So what if I do?” you look at him with dark eyes.
He pulls you into a messy kiss and you melt into it letting him take control. You don’t remember how long you’ve been making out in the middle of the dance floor. 
You hear your friends hoot which makes you self aware about your surroundings. You pull away from the kiss breathlessly to look at your friends and give Mila a look to which she mumbles ‘okay, okay’ with a shrug while Dia gives you a thumbs up.
You look back at Nanami who witnessed the whole interaction. “What was that about?” he asks with a quizzical look.
“Argh… nothing. Just a stupid bet between friends.”
“Is that what I am? A stupid bet?” He asks feigning hurt which makes you chuckle, “So what was the bet? Get a kiss?”
“Well I could tell you the truth that it was just to dance with you or I could just lie and say that it was to get you to sleep with me,” You reply with your hands running over his biceps suggestively.
“Hmmm… the lie sounds much more convincing to me,” he says lowly in your ears.
“So Nanami-san, you gonna help me win the bet or not?” your hands move up to play with his undercut.
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely.”
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Green Snake, Red Lion (6)
[Slytherin • Aemond x Gryffindor • female]
[warnings: kissing, mention of sex, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is a Chaser and captain of the Slytherin team. His biggest rival on the pitch from the Gryffindor team, turned to be his biggest fan, and he hates her with all of his heart. His hatred towards her slowly turns into something else, when she one day stands up for his sister, Helaena. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Even though they both tried to fall asleep, all they got out of it was short naps between kissing and touching. With her so close to himself, Aemond couldn't help planting tender, innocent kisses on her lips every time she made a movement in his arms, opening her sleepy, thirst-warmed eyes.
She reciprocated his tenderness fervently and passionately, massaging his lips with hers with a soft, muffled moan, stroking his hair with her hand. Aemond didn't dare touch her between her thighs again that night. He knew that part of her was horrified by what had happened between them.
In the morning he felt her trying to gently extricate herself from his grip and get up. He didn't let her, letting out a low growl of displeasure, not even opening his eye. He pulled her even closer to himself, hugging her from behind, his nose in her hair. He heard her swallow hard.
"I should go to my bedroom. I wouldn't want your parents to catch me here." She spoke softly and painedly.
He opened his eye at her words, feeling uneasy at the way that she said the phrase. He felt his heart pounding hard.
"It's only dawn. We can lie together for a while if you want." He said softly, kissing subtly the patch of skin on her neck exposed to him. She didn't answer him for a long moment. He felt her chest rise and fall unsteadily in his embrace.
"…will you tell your teammates about what happened between us?" She asked in a whisper, terrified, her voice breaking at the end as if she was about to cry.
Aemond raised himself quickly on one elbow, wanting to look at her face, frowning. She turned her head away, but he took her cheeks in his hand and gently forced her to look at him. Her eyes were terrified. He thought with a sinking heart that she regretted what they had done.
"What are you talking about?" He asked uncertainly, all tense, his eye expressing concern.
He felt pale, his stomach clenched into a tight knot. Solren swallowed softly, one tear slipping from the corner of her eye down the side of her face.
"You're going to pretend that nothing happened between us, right? When we get back to Hogwarts." She whispered. He felt his heart leap into his throat. For a moment he couldn't get anything out.
He didn't want to announce to the whole world that he had slept with the opposing team's best player. He didn't want to give cause for gossip about them. He also wanted to give himself some time to get used to this new situation. He wasn't going to take it as a one-off, though, like with the random girls in the restroom.
He didn't want this to be their last time. He didn't want to stop talking to her either. It was just that what was going on between them surpassed him in every possible social way. He didn't know how to explain it, so she didn't feel like he was throwing her away. He sighed softly, running a hand over his face.
“I…fuck, it's not like that. I mean – ugh, damn it." He shook his head, stuttering, everything he could think of sounded hopeless and evasive. She looked at him, sniffling, all red. She swallowed silently.
"I'd like to keep this between us, but that doesn't mean that I want to forget about it and end it there." He said after a little thought. Solren blinked, twisting in place, pressing her lips together, apparently processing his words in her mind.
"So what would you like?" She asked uncertainly, but there was a note of hope in her voice and she was no longer crying. Aemond sighed, rubbing his temple.
“I guess… I mean… I – fuck – I just wish that we were together like we are now. Didn't analyze too much and saw, what – um – would come of it." He finally said with difficulty, but somehow relieved that he had managed to say what he really felt. He looked at her uncertainly and saw her face lighten slightly. She nodded.
"All right." She said and smiled warmly, sniffling, her eyes bright and happy again. He smiled involuntarily at the sight, his hand ran over her warm, red cheek.
"I'm gonna kiss you now, okay? I will also do this at school." He hummed as he leaned over her, stealing from her a long, lingering, sticky kiss. She murmured into his mouth contentedly, apparently expressing her full consent to fulfill his desire.
They spent the rest of the morning kissing, touching each other's cheeks and hair, enjoying the intimacy that they knew would soon be unavailable for them again. Aemond was relieved that she wasn't expecting straight answers and precise statements of his feelings from him right away.
All of this was very difficult for him, but at the same time it filled him with an indescribable satisfaction. The thought that perhaps she had been in love with him from the very beginning filled him no longer with discouragement, but with a pleasant, warm feeling melting in his heart.
Solren ate breakfast with his family, then they all gathered to transfer to Kings Cross Station. For this, they used a passage hidden in one of the subway stations, enchanted in such a way as to exit on platform 9 ¾, created for Hogwarts students.
As they stepped out onto the platform, a large red and black locomotive was waiting ahead of them, surrounded by students with suitcases and their pets, joyfully greeting each other after the break and saying goodbye to their families. Aemond, Aegon, and Helaena also exchanged polite farewells with their parents, and Solren thanked them for their hospitality.
Helaena and Solren went ahead, talking to each other. Aemond and she tried not to look at each other, but they were doing rather poorly. They were both shocked by what had happened between them and how intense the experience was. Aegon was telling him how he couldn't wait to get back on the pitch and play Quidditch again, but Aemond, though agreeing with him, couldn't concentrate on what he was saying.
He stared at Gryffindor's skirt, thinking of her hips which he squeezed so hard as he fucked her. About how wonderful it felt to be sunk between her thighs, how tight and wet she was, just for him. He swallowed hard, feeling his cock throbbing in his pants at the thought. He flinched when Aegon mentioned her name.
“… it's good that she will play again. She's the only Gryffindor I like, and I have to admit, she's quite pretty. I hope you don't see this as a betrayal of the team, but I want to flirt with her a little and see what comes of it." He grunted, brushing his hair casually, as he pushed his way through the crowd of people.
Aemond felt his heart stop for a moment. He pursed his lips, unable to utter a word.
"She already has someone." He blurted out after a moment, not even thinking about what he was saying.
He immediately felt embarrassment at what he had said, and felt as if he would burn with shame. He'd told her that he didn't want anyone to know about it, and he'd just betrayed them himself. He thought that he was a fucking hypocrite and squeezed his eye shut. Aegon raised an eyebrow at him, surprised.
"Really? And how do you know about it?” He asked curiously, recognizing that it was knowledge did not seem to match their level of familiarity. Aemond looked away.
“Helaena told me. If you'd talked to our sister more instead of pretending that she didn't exist, you'd know that too." He lied with surprising ease, feeling his heart pounding wildly as he climbed the steps into one of the train cars that Helaena and Solren had boarded moments earlier. Aegon sighed heavily as he followed him inside.
"Who's the lucky guy?" He asked with irony, looking with him for some free compartment. Aemond saw Helaena and Solren enter one, Solren waved for them to follow them. Aemond felt his throat tighten. He wanted to hiss that he is and tell Aegon to fucking stay away from her.
"I don't know." He said low, furious with himself and with him for some reason.
They followed the girls into the compartment and made themselves comfortable. Helaena and Solren sat on one side, Aemond and Aegon sat on the other. Before Aemond had even taken off his cloak, Aegon asked a question, that made him freeze.
"I heard you have someone, cutie. Who is that?” He asked with amusement, leaning his head against the backrest.
Solren blinked, surprised, completely confused about what he was talking about. She looked at Aemond and saw his terrified, pleading look that said it all. She swallowed hard, her eyes dropping to the floor as she thought hard about how to lie.
"I… well, I don't want to say anything because it's not certain yet." She said softly, pressing her lips together, as she glanced at Aegon. He raised an eyebrow, obviously not satisfied with the answer.
"How is it? You don't know if you want to be with him? Tell me who it is and I'll tell you if it's worth it." He smirked, looking at her expectantly.
Aemond covered his face with his hand, resting his arm on the armrest, feeling that he was about to die of shame and the awkwardness that he had put her in.
Solren turned all red, he could see the physical effort that she was putting into thinking at the moment. Helaena looked at her curiously, as if only now realizing what they were talking about.
"You didn't tell me that you were seeing someone." She said, but there was no regret in that voice, only curiosity and soft warmth joy at her happiness. Aegon looked at his brother, frowning.
“You said, that you learned it from Helaena. You…” He said and suddenly stopped talking, as if he had connected several threads. He looked at Solren, then back at his brother, leaning forward, mouth open in disbelief.
"You must be fucking kidding me. "She's already taken but I don't know who it is?" Seriously?" He said, mocking his brother's voice impatiently. Solren pursed her lips, red with embarrassment, looking at Aemond in surprise.
He rubbed his face, sighing heavily. He looked at her with an expression of utter hopelessness on his face. Whatever happened, there was no turning back. He wasn't going to deny it and say that they had nothing in common.
Aegon's confession made him realize painfully quickly that he didn't want to share her at all. Not after what happened between them. He couldn't bear the thought of anyone else touching her the way he did.
Fucking her the way he did.
"You just surprised me. It was supposed to stay between us for now." He said finally, lowering his gaze, dropping some small powder from his pants on which he focused his gaze, avoiding the eyes of his brother. "Yes, we are together."
There was silence in the compartment. Aegon sank back into his seat, shaking his head, amusement mixed with disbelief on his face.
The Gryffindor stared at Aemond with pursed lips, and when he looked at her, he saw joy and happiness. She lowered her eyelids timidly, playing with the material of her skirt, barely holding back the wide smile that appeared on her face.
"That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you!" Helaena said lightly, pressing herself against her arm, closing her eyes with a dreamy smile on her face.
They spent the entire trip in practical silence. Aemond stared out the window, feeling the tension in his body and the horror of what was happening. On the one hand he was relieved, on the other he was afraid that Aegon would blurt everything out and everyone would talk about them.
He hated drawing so much attention to himself, it made him extremely uncomfortable. He felt Solren look at him once in a while, but he didn't dare look at her.
As they arrived in the evening to their destination and were heading for the carriages that would take them to Hogwarts he saw that Solren was talking to Aegon about something in the rear. He felt uncomfortable at the thought, but decided not to say anything. Stark and a few others called her to come with them, and she waved to them, saying that she'd be right over.
Aemond saw, surprised, how she rushed over to him. Before he could say anything, she started talking.
“I asked Aegon to keep what he heard to himself. Helaena won't tell anyone either. So please, don't worry." She said, pressing her lips together, looking at him as if she was worried by his condition.
His heart clenched at the thought that she thought of his feelings more than her own. She was the one who was terrified, she was the one who lost her first time with him, she was put in a situation where she didn't know what would happen next.
He thought that he was cruelly selfish, as usual.
"I want to kiss you." He spoke softly and matter-of-factly, almost indifferently, though his heart was pounding like crazy. Solren blinked, blushing, looking at him uncertainly.
"Here?" She asked, surpised.
He didn't anserw her, but just grabbed her by the nape and bited into her lips hungrily, placing a long, wet, lingering kiss on her lips. He pulled away from her with a sticky click and pressed his forehead against her temple, his nose pressed against his cheek.
"Do you want to be mine?" He asked in a whisper, still holding her tightly by the nape, all around them were the surprised, quick conversations of people who had just seen what he did.
He heard her shudder at his words, dropping her eyelids modestly, smiling sweetly. She nodded, and he grunted contentedly, as kissed her cheek, pulling away from her. He looked at her, for some reason more content and calm than ever.
"See you later."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses
Others: @fangirlninja67 @helaenaluvr @queenofshinigamis @scmdsblog @talesofoldandnew @godrakin @nina2697 @saminalloxo
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justjams2003 · 5 months
The Desire to be Loved: 2
Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, soulmate au, cursing, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,8k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
Tags: intothesoul
(I've moved the next part to the bottom)
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What a cruel but beautiful creature. To look at me with such entrancing brown eyes that makes something warm flutter in my gut but leave me here. Her aura is that of a setting sun, but her hair is like that of the sun itself. A dear shocked by the presence of a different creature in her woods. Or perhaps shock that I could see her?  
But with the beauty she carries is also something vicious. Another immortal creature who seems to have some recognition behind those doe eyes. And yet knowing who I am and what importance I hold for the mortal world she leaves me here. Without a single second thought she disappeared into a different realm.  
I do not know who she is. Or rather what it is. The human’s son who captured me could not see her. He looked at me with utter confusion, but that is saying so little since they always look at me with fear of the unknown. As they should.  
Clearly something supernatural, but not something powerful enough for me to have known of them before. But in my 50 more years of confinement in this my glass prison I couldn’t help but keep myself busy with the thought of her.  
One of these days, almost on cue, that perfect pink aura suddenly appears in front of the glass bulb. She looks dishevelled. Her braid is messy, several front pieces have fallen out and covers her face. Where last time she wore shoes that made her quite a bit taller than the human Alex. Now, just a few inches.  
But more than that there’s blood all over her hands. Her eyes look glassy with tears but are wide with fear and shock. She’s down on her knees on front of this cage. A shudder pours through her body. Air doesn’t seem to making it into her lungs. Does she have to breathe or is the shock shaking her soul?  
She looks up at me and this seems to make it worse. The dam breaks and tears roll off her cheek. Her chest heaves as she tries to breathe. “I-I-” She mutters trying to comprehend and it seems as if she knows even less than I do now. “I don’t know what I did.” Her voice is just barely above a whisper.  
“He-he said I had to.” She mutters over and over, who is this he? What did she have to do? I wish this damn barrier wasn’t here so that I could see what is this situation. “And-and- I was so mad at him for making me-” another bout of tears overcomes her.  
She then stops and looks at her hands again. “Look at what I’ve done.” I can see how her mind is starting to break.  
That can’t be good. She must play some role in this the human world. Even if only slightly important, it could very well be the beginning or end of this earth. Should I care? Of course I should care. I was made by the first humans subconscious to help the humans. I can’t let all that effort go to waist now...  
But how could I help now? Stripped from all power, locked up and unable to be heard in this glass bubble of mine. I do all that I can think of. My hand slowly slides over the glass to where she sits kneeling in front of me.  
My movement catches her eye almost instantly. Her head snaps up, her ragged breathing stops. Her eyes seem to twinkle like gold dug up from deep in the core of the earth. Time seems to stop and I just can’t seem to understand what is going on. Is she a siren or witch of some sort? Putting a spell on me?  
Her hand, smaller than mine, reaches up and touches the glass where mine is. The blood smears against the glass into a red aura around her hand. The glass makes her fuzzy. Like a halo of red surrounding her as if she’s one of the angles.  
“What the fuck?!” One of the guards exclaim, interrupting this stopped moment in time. This moment, a red haze of ardency. From the human’s point of view, Dream of the Endless somehow just spawned a bloody handprint on the outside of his glass cage.  
The guard stands up from his seat, pistol in hand. “What the fuck did you just do? How the fuck did you just do that?” He says, his pistol raised at the cage. To the humans this seems entirely impossible. Some sort of witchcraft that they fear with their soul.  
The creature who has taken all wisdom from me’s head snaps in a neck-aching turn. Her breathing becomes rapid again after just having calmed her down. She sees the way he approaches my cage and then she turns to me again. “I have to go again. I don’t want him to find out about this this time.”  
With that, she’s gone again.  
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For the next 14600 days I could not be there when sun would set and the dreamers were supposed to enter my realm. My dreamers would instead be either stuck awake forever or asleep forever. 40 years of restless, dreamless sleep all because of the Burgess’s. 
I had seen with my own eyes how Alex killed his father by accident or not after a fight about my confinement. He had begged just as his father had. Not for the same thing, but in the same breath for fear of Death. My sister shouldn’t be feared but perhaps he worries about how I might inact my revenge.  
He grows old now, I’m sure, but he has not come to beg again. Humans become frail with age. All entertainment I have is my mind and my plots. Vengeance swirls around in my mind. That and guilt. Guilt of Lucien having to run the Dreaming in my absence. And all of those Dreamers doomed.  
My days and nights are one. I only know the difference from the change of guards. I can’t help but watch their lazy lives. Having to sit and watch me all day. They chit chat of their lives all while the years pass by in front of me. No interruption. No difference.  
And then, there she is again. One second an empty space covered in sand and the next, a dishevelled creature. No heels this time. A pair of these “sweatpants” as I’ve heard the mortals call it. Her hair is no longer in a braid. Golden silk in long mixed wavy and straight hangs on the floor.  
Her eyes are red and look dry and irritated. She appeared standing, but not for long. Her legs seem to give in on her. She sits down on the floor. She pulls her legs up to her chest and just hides her head. I move closer to the edge of my cage. I can see it puts the guards on edge.  
She slowly lifts her head again and rest her chin on her knees. Then suddenly a quiver, assumingly her quiver, appears strapped to her back. She pulls out a single arrow, the only arrow in this quiver. It has a red heart at the very tip. She seems to be inspecting it carefully.  
The creature seems to give a dry scoff. “This is the only soulmate arrow I’ve received in over 100 years.” She twirls it in her fingers and then suddenly it all begins to make sense. A soulmate arrow? And she has them ready to shoot? The humans have so many names for her. Cupid, Venus, Aphrodite, Freya. But I do remember Desire naming her Love.  
Her head falls back on her knees. “I feel so tired...” Her eyes seem to droop. The pink aura she had before is completely gone. The golden sparkle in her eyes is dead. She closes her eyes for a second and lets out a heavy hearted sigh. All soul seems to have left her.  
Then her eyes open again. Again her dead eyes drag over the arrow. “I fear the day I found you here because it has only caused my demise. If I didn't let my own mind wander into the realms of desire and curiosity I would not be weak as I am now. He calls himself Desire but he and his twin are one in the same because now Despair is all I know.” The words begin spilling out of her from a speed unparalled.  
“Something above him, maybe even you, is punishing me for doing as I am told and I cannot take it any longer. All I've done this last century is rip the love from people's hearts. I fear I might have lost the ability to knock an arrow in my bow because I can't even remember how to grant love. Only how to take it.” 
“My soul is kind, I promise.” Her eyes look up at me, her brows pulling together in the middle as if she’s pleading for me to believe her. “If I was not kind I would not be in the state I am in, right?” Again she begs. What for I’m not sure? I do not know of any sins. Could Love ever even be able of causing harm? Is she able of concocting the concept of harming others?  
“There's no love left on this earth. Only this shell Desire has made me and therefore I don't want to live with myself anymore. Him unmaking me would be easier to stand than the hurt I have caused.” It looks painful when she starts to stand up.  
The way she walks, it looks almost deliberate when the salt under her shoes breaks the several circles surrounding my cage. It’s confirmed when she looks back at the now broken salt circles and looks satisfied by this. Then her eyes look back at me.  
The world looks so heavy on her shoulders. Like her head weighs too much for her neck. Her hand comes up on my glass confinement. She steadies herself and then she tells me what sounds like final words: “I will not beg for your forgiveness for not freeing you sooner.”
Her eyes land once more on the arrow glowing in her hand. She takes a big gulp, then she seems to make time stop again. “If you must kill me, I will beg you do it before Desire punishes me.” With what seems like her last bit of energy, life force, she raises her arrow and stabs the glass.  
A large crack breaks through this glass bubble. But she stops before she can repeat the action. Her eyes raise as if she’s listening to something from above. “It seems he was watching me.” Her dried body takes a step back but I catch her before she leaves me once more.  
“Thank you, Cupid. I will find you.”  
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If you want to be added or removed from the taglist, just ask!
Part 1~Part 3
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jaemified · 1 year
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major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers-ish (y/ns mean to riki smh), romance, drama, fluff, small angst, non idol au
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood (someone gets cut), mention of offing yourself but its just niki making a joke
wordcount ; 7.0k
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted, sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
note (5/29) - there isnt rlly much mention of jake/nikis actual siblings but for one scene theirs like additional (baby) siblings
note (7/10) - its finally here!! im a little upset it took me 2 months to write 7k since i used to be able to write 4k in 8hrs but summer has been kicking my ass so im glad its out despite being 10 days past release date
taglist 🏷️ ; @stinkoscope @asyleums
read below the cut !
"'when im with you, i.. im so happy. i like you, na bora!' 'i like you. i like you too! i really really like you!'" y/n cried at her computer screen, rewatching 20th century girl for the 2nd time this week, before being so rudely interrupted by her brothers presence, bugging her with the same, repetitive question. the same question hes been asking for years on end now.
"the guys are coming over and of course you know niki is gonna be here as well. i want you to talk to him. why cant you just be friends?"
"id appreciate it a lot if youd leave, this is my space."
"i dont know if you noticed, but this is a small flat with not much room to move around. its not only you living here you know." jake reminded.
of course y/n knew there was limited space, she knew the moment she first realized she had already circled about the unit, trying to escape her brothers nagging.
"if you know theres not enough room for you and me then what makes you think theres room to accommodate an additional 6 other grown ass men. go to your room, im doing homework.'
"you were literally just crying watching 20th century girl milliseconds before i walked in, and im not asking much y/n! all i want is for you to talk to him, even pretend like youre getting along, thats it!" jake remarked, before catching the pillow y/n attempted to throw at his face.
'so damn annoying.' y/n thought, growing more and more annoyed by her brothers constant nagging as each second passed.
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"well hes cocky as hell and is still a better dancer, basketball player, volleyball player then i, not to mention ive been playing longer and layla likes him more then she likes me!"
"thats your fault youre never home, laylas just more used to him. and me. i am clearly her favorite between you and i."
"more like his fault hes practically living in my apartment cause hes never at his own home. and how can she be more used to him when ive known her since way before she met riki.."
"tough luck." jake pat y/n on the head on his way out before shutting the door.
the sound of the doorbell awoke y/n from her, well, what was meant to be a quick nap (which later turned into a 4 hour sleep). just as she slowly got out of bed to answer it, she heard jake yell from down the hall, "ive got it! make sure you dont look stupid or anything in front of my friends!"
she rolled her eyes and climbed back into bed, thinking about her outfit. standard pajamas, plaid shorts and a black tee (which probably wasnt even hers). she thought about how the one person out of the 6 she didnt want to see would be out there. truth be told, even she herself didnt know the best explanation as to why she hated riki so much. y/n figured it was because of a little mishap back during freshmen year and she just couldnt bring herself to apologize for everything that had been said during that time, so she forced herself to continue hating him. 'yeah, seems about right.'
the sound of the door opening caught her attention and the next thing she knew, there was a boy in a cream essentials hoodie jumping onto her.
"oh shit, what the f-"
"hi y/nnn!" sunoo smiled, carefully getting off his best friend.
y/n was in joy once she realized who it was, and brought him into a tight hug.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay hyung. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to him but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
he was slightly surprised when he saw niki and jungwon sitting on the couch, having a sip of their drinks.
"back already? i thought you were setting up the nets."
"yeah, but it was easier then expected. and we didnt even need to go to the lobby for the stuff. it was all already in the courtyard." jungwon told the two with a smile, proud of their work.
"y/n." niki looked at her with that stupid grin she had always hated.
"i didnt know youd be here." he observed, ignoring how she had addressed him by his last name instead of niki, or riki.
she scoffed, crossing her arms.
"i live here dipshit. you think id run away just cause i knew you were coming?"
niki got up from his seat and walked closer, and closer, until their faces were mere centimeters away.
"just like you ran from all our problems in freshmen year huh?"
"you realize it was all because of what you did, dont you?"
it took niki a minute to notice how close they were. he looked down at her lips before realizing what sunoo and jungwon were saying in the background. "are they about to kiss?"
"hell no!" y/n and niki both yelled out in unison, quickly pushing away from each other.
"whatever. i need to use the bathroom, i cant stand seeing your face." she remarked to niki.
as soon as y/n closed the bathroom door, she let out a breath she never knew she was holding in, slowly trying to register what had just happened. 'did i really almost kiss him.'
minutes after being stuck in the bathroom for so long, she left and walked into the main living space, only to notice everyone was gone.
well, almost everyone.
"are you serious."
y/n dryly stared at the boy sitting on her couch, in her spot, watching her favorite show.
"i forgot you were still here." niki yawned.
"where is everyone?"
"did you seriously not hear them say theyre gonna get food and that theyll be back in.. three hours or more?"
"three hours or more? it does not take that long to get food, youre fucking with me." y/n walked into hers and jakes individual bedrooms to see if anyone was hiding from her, to her dismay, niki wasnt lying.
"it does if youre getting food from busan."
"why the fuck are they going all the way to busan for food??"
"language! my young ears cant take this!"
"shut up nishimura youre only 11 days younger."
"more like 11 years at heart cause you act like a grumpy old lady all the time.."
"whatd you just call me?"
"so why are they going all the way to busan for food again?" y/n reminded, getting niki back on track.
"cause they got a friend whos house is down there and hes in town for the weekend, they said theyll bring us home our own order."
y/n walked into the kitchen, rummaging for food.
"what are you doing now?"
"looking for food, im gonna die if i see your ugly ass face any longer."
"what are you on about 'ugly'? girls at school love this face."
"and apparently you loved those girls too much in return.."
niki got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen bar, sitting down. "are you still mad at me about that?"
she stopped what she was doing and looked at niki, not saying anything, hoping it was enough of an answer.
"so you are." 'so he isnt all that dumb'
"look, i didnt know she had bad intentions, and you were right, i shouldve listened to you. but you really have to stop avoiding me. how was i supposed to tell you i didnt realize what she was trying to do if you keep running away?"
"how do you not realize no matter how many times i warned you?"
"i thought you did it because you were jealous."
"i did it because i loved you!"
niki froze, thinking he was crazy, thinking maybe he hadnt heard right.
"you what?"
"past tense. loved, not love. and how could you think so badly of me? we were supposed to trust each other, always tell the truth, and you thought i told you she would end up using you was because you thought i was jealous? how could you?"
he sighed, thinking about what he had done, realizing how badly he had mistreated y/n in the past, realizing there was no reversing it. he walked into the kitchen where y/n was, backing her into the corner as the kitchen was just as small as the apartment itself.
"get away from me!" she yelled, throwing ramen packet after ramen packet at niki.
"no. i know i havent been the best to you-" "more like you know youve been the worst."
niki glared at y/n.
"-and i know theres no reversing it. i realize i cant undo the past, but what i can do, is fix our future. i want to show you i can be better to you then i was then. we can be what we used to be before, us. our spark."
"there is no us, or we, or, our. but maybe just you, caught up in your daydreams." y/n pushed niki out the way, and walked out the kitchen, not noticing she was slowly being followed.
"i loved you too you know. except for the fact that i still do."
"can you just please leave." she turned around, now facing him.
her vision blurred, head dizzy, face stained, all as her glass like tears trickled down her cheeks.
"hey, its okay. dont cry."
"get away from me!"
niki attempted to hug y/n as she fought against him, trying to run from his grasp, struggling to no avail. she eventually fell still in his hold, forgetting its natural warmth and comfort.
"im sorry for everything." was the last thing y/n heard before falling asleep, growing tired and stressed from everything that had just happened.
it was late at night by the time everyone else had come back, 2am to be exact. traffic was unusually heavy though it was a saturday night, not to mention the designated driver and his understudy (heeseung and sunghoon. yikes, scary night) ended up being the most wasted while everyone else was still tipsy. poor jungwon, still tired from a 4 hour nap after being on 2 hours of sleep all day, had to drive everyone through the slow traffic.
jake, who was slightly sobering up, turned on the lights in the dark room and dimmed them as his head was still throbbing. he walked into the living room and saw y/n, fast asleep with her head on nikis shoulder with his arm around her as he finished the rest of avengers endgame.
jake knew his sister well enough to know she had been crying once he focused on her puffy red eyes. but, it was a sweet moment, y/n was passed out, niki was barely conscious, and everyone was painfully drunk or achey. he figured he would just yell at riki for whatever happened in the morning.
sunghoon and heeseung ran into the kitchen (as best they could without tipping over) for water, jungwon had knocked out as soon as he sat down in the chair next to y/n, jay was busy trying to figure out how to use jakes water filter, and sunoo was sitting at the kitchen bar eating a pudding cup.
jay called for jakes help, just as his eyes had fluttered shut. begrudgingly so, jake got up and helped the three boys it the kitchen. "you press the bottom button, not the top button. the top is for ice."
"thanks." "yeah whatever."
"i know youre tired hyung, but so are we. where are we all supposed to sleep?" sunoo quietly asked, putting his hand on jakes shoulder.
he thought, looking at the three sprawled out in the living room, and the three bubbling nonsense in the kitchen. "jay and sunghoon can stay with me, ill move niki and y/n to her room, you can stay in the living room with jungwon and heeseung hyung. but move jungwon to the couch since he drove everyone."
"thanks-" sunoo cut himself off as he heard the sound of jakes receding footsteps.
morning came, and though it wasnt a good one, y/n wanted to remedy that. or, remedy the nasty hangover she knew everyone would be experiencing.
she had woken up with her eyes puffy and red, and even though she didnt want to get up she knew she would have to eventually.
"is that hangover soup i smell?" jake asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he walked out his room.
"well i know riki doesnt know how to cook and jungwons still asleep. so who else would be making it?" y/n flashed a tired smile, pouring a serving for jake.
"so, why were you crying last night? and dont say you werent or that you just didnt sleep well. ive lived with you long enough now to tell the difference between your 'i didnt get enough sleep' eyes, and your 'i was crying pretty hard' eyes." he interrogated as he took a big sip of the soup. so good he almost felt better already.
"what did he tell you? or were you watching me?"
"he didnt tell me anything, he was already asleep by the time we came back. i just saw the look on your face and knew."
"just reminiscing on some bad times is all."
jake raised a brow at his sister, taking another sip.
"you dont have to tell me now if you dont want to. but i do want to hear about everything. later. when my head isnt pounding like when i heard mom push you out in the emergency room. after i take a nap. and when youve bought jungwon some coffee."
"me? why do i have to buy him coffee? im not the one who drove him because the designated drivers were too wasted."
"we typically treat him to an iced americano since hes always up taking care of us when were drunk, but we havent gotten this wasted in a while. and he spent so long getting sunghoon out the house, not to mention the long drive to the point he ended up falling asleep as soon as we got back."
y/n thought about it before mumbling a, "tough luck" to jake, patting him on the back before walking into her bedroom.
she was met with the sight of niki making the bed as she walked in. "when did you wake up?" she quietly asked.
"not too long ago, you?"
"about an hour ago. i had to cook for them."
"ah. did you sleep well? i know sleeping upright on the couch mustve been a lot less comfortable then this."
"i guess. i dont remember waking up to walk here though. jake probably carried me."
"he was way wasted, snoring loudly way before i woke up. how else do you think you got here?"
it took a minute for it to click in y/ns mind when she realized it was niki who took her to the room and slept next to her. this whole time, she thought it was her brother who lent his own room to his friends.
"of course not, he just asked me to help or make sure you got to bed safely and that i could stay with you since there was nowhere else."
'that bastard.. ill kill him one of these days. im surprised i havent already.' she spoke to herself in her head.
"so. are we good now?" niki questioned, walking over to the other side of the room.
"how can you ask me such a thing after making me relive one of the worst memories of high school ive ever had?"
"it wasnt my intention. i was just trying to explain-" "theres nothing to explain when i had already given you multiple warnings. thats on you."
y/n threw a pillow at niki and walked away, back outside.
"what was that all about?" sunghoon asked, taking a sip of the coffee he had just made. 'where did he get silk pajamas from. are- are those mine?'
"not to bother, but i mean, you were kind of yelling." heeseung explained to y/n.
she let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in stress.
"i dont want to talk about it right now. i- actually. you know what? ill be back."
"where are you going?" sunoo asked y/n, following her to her room just as niki walked out.
"somewhere, not sure yet. dont follow me."
"i wont, i know how much you value your alone time but- oh youre changing. hold on ill turn around. but please be safe. when will you be back?"
sunoo turned back around and saw she had changed into beige cargos and a white crop top. realizing he was staring, he looked around the room, before a certain picture caught his eyes. he walked closer to get a better look. it was baby jake feeding yogurt to baby y/n. 'awe, they were always close werent they.' he hadnt even realized y/n was talking to him, and by the time he faced where y/n was standing, she had already left out the front door.
y/n🤨; srry, u were so immersed in that picture of jake and i as kids, but i rlly wanted to leave. i cant handle being around niki. see u l8r
sunoo😴 ; no worries, have fun, stay safe, and dont take any candy from strangers lol
y/n drives to her favorite cafe she always used to visit with her brother, mama han's. she sits down at the bar and scrolls deep into her camera roll, coming across some mundane memories of her and riki back when they were close.
"what can i get you, hun?" the waitress, jiwoo, asked with a small grin. she didnt look to be any younger than 40 something now, compared to the last time she visited the spot. jiwoo was always the waitress here, even served the two frequently in their childhood when they visited from australia.
"just a vanilla shake is all. extra whip please."
"sweetie, arent you lactose? it must be pretty bad if you want extra dairy."
"yeah, it is. but, im not comfortable talking about it at the moment if thats alright."
"of course it is. just hope youre doing okay." jiwoo pat y/n on the shoulder, before reaching down to get the ingredients.
"hows your brother? havent seen either one of you in a while."
"hes well, a little hungover, but hes fine."
jiwoo laughed as she poured milk into the blender. "of course. what more to expect from your brother. well, how are you? i realized i didnt really ask."
"im alright. and, do you remember niki?"
"little niki from when you were kids? the one you used to like- oh dear, dont tell me hes the reason as to why youre so down?"
"long story, but yeah. its fine though, ill deal with it. but what about you, whats going on? did you ever pursue your dream as an actress?"
"no, and i regret not going for it. i didnt get to be in stairway to heaven, but shinhye and taehee did though. which is why you need to go for what you want, otherwise you really will regret it." jiwoo advised, adding the cherry on top of the extra whip prior to sliding the glass over to y/n.
"so i should forgive him?"
"if its what you want. though i dont know the backstory, i do know that as long as its something you want then its worth a shot. the worst he can say is no, you know?"
"yeah.. oh and jiwoo, can i get a chocolate shake to go?"
"no problem, just give me 4 minutes. and- oh dont worry about it, put your card away! its on the house."
y/n heard her phone buzz in the center console as she pulled into an empty parking lot. she turned the engine off the car and pulled out her phone.
sim jaeyun ; Can you come home
Y/n Sim ; can u stop using caps
sim jaeyun ; I don't think it matters but okay
sim jaeyun ; can you stop disappearing whenever you're mad at someone
Y/n Sim ; can you change my name so its not in caps
sim jaeyun ; can you stop changing the topic and just drive back because niki wants to talk to you and i was getting worried
Y/n Sim ; can u change my name
'sim jaeyun' has changed your display name to 'y/n sim'
y/n sim ; i bought u a shake from jiwoos
sim jaeyun ; no you didn't she probably got it to you for free
y/n sim ; cz im her fav sim
sim jaeyun ; im going to tell all the guys about how you pissed yourself at disneyland on splash mountain
y/n sim ; driving home rn
sim jaeyun ; no texting while driving love u
y/n sim ; lyt
she let out a small laugh at her brothers texts. she quickly got out the car, taking some pictures of the sunset for her instagram, and posting it, before driving out as the milkshake was beginning to melt.
niki got the alert y/n had posted and pressed the notification at the top of his screen. he didnt miss how the caption referenced wave to earth as it was always their favorite band to listen to together.
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@/05sim_y/nn ; how can my day be bad when im with u? - [9m ago]
liked by @/02sim_ikeuu, @/suniskim, and 99 others - 20 comments
@/rikimura has liked this post ! [now]
after getting back home and taking a relaxing shower (thanks to everyone leaving 2 hours prior), y/n had continued to keep herself up at night for the past week before deciding it was time to talk to riki.
she pushed her feelings aside, waking up on a random wednesday morning at the crack of dawn then randomly told herself 'ive got to do this, for my brothers sake and our friend group.' (or so she unconvincingly tried to convince herself, but thats already another thing she didnt want to get into at the moment) y/n quickly threw on whatever clothes she could gather laying about the floor, then ran to grab her car keys and hurry out the door.
as soon as she swung the big piece of metal open, she was met with the familiar sight of nishimura riki knowing when hes done wrong, his guilty face, with his hand raised and ready to knock.
"what are you doing here at the ass crack of dawn?"
"what are you doing ready to run out your apartment like its the olympics as the ass crack of dawn?" he responded to her question with a question, with the intent of knowing how much she hated it.
"actually, i was about to leave to see you. i think its time we had a talk. you know, after my.. moment, that i had last week."
"yeah. i know. its not your fault i realize now, or, im telling you that but ive realized it since the moment i lost you. i think-"
niki was interrupted by jake shouting from across the flat, "if youre gonna finally have this talk i think you should go somewhere else! can you leave soon? 'cause my girlfriends gonna come over at like 12!"
"i seriously doubt any place is open for us to be going to at 5:41 in the morning." y/n yelled in response.
"you know well mama han's is open now, and jiwoo works day and night, just go there so i can be alone!" "for 7 hours?"
niki laughed in response as he registered what jake and y/n were arguing over.
"what girlfriend?-" "-talking stage, technically, but he says theyre dating because she accidentally kissed his cheek on their first date when reaching to grab something near him."
"i remember her lips on my skin like it was yesterday, meanwhile you have yet to kiss niki." jake scoffed in english, the words flowing smoothly off his tongue with his accent before walking closer towards where y/n was standing.
"gross. if anything her accidentally very barely brushing her lips against your stupid face is the only action youll ever be getting if you keep trying to get rid of your one and only favorite little sister." y/n muttered in response, slightly ignoring niki muttering about how he thinks y/ns accent sounds cute.
and so y/n found herself driving to mama han's cafe with niki after jake called their eldest brother, complaining she should listen to him because shes younger and if she wouldnt listen to jake himself then maybe she would listen to her older-older brother.
"you should listen to your older siblings but jake, if you had someone coming over you shouldve told her in advance. and what are you even gonna do alone for 6 hours??"
after being seated and placing their orders, niki brought back the conversation from earlier that had sort of been killed by jake.
"i get it, youre mad at me, and i shouldve listened to you. i know i fucked up and i know you see it too. i get it if you dont want to forgive me yet, or if you ever even will. but when you decide we could be good, im always here for you."
"why would i be here if i hadnt been prepared to forgive you?"
"i seriously question how dense you are sometimes."
"thanks for believing in me."
"no problem, but seriously. i forgive you. as much as i hate to admit it since i know youll use it against me, but i kinda missed having you around. i mean, you were my first love among other things but you were also one of my first and closest friends. it wont always be the same but im sure if we try enough we can get pretty damn close."
"god have you always been so philosophical?"
the two burst into laughter together, smiling as they took a sip of their milkshakes, reminiscing on the times they had spent together in their earlier high school years. it was moments like these that they has missed the most.
by far the most fun together (said niki), by far the most fun theyve had in a while (said y/n) after having spent the morning together, discussing and going over whats happened in the past few hours before going to pay. "ive got it," niki said, pulling out his card. "its the least i can do."
"thank you for today. i know i was hard on you but i needed this."
"no worries, i think ive owed you for a long time now right?"
"i need to do something in here real quick. you mind waiting in the car?"
"wait are you gonna be okay? i dont wanna leave you here alone."
"im a regular here, i know the people. its fine."
"are you sure?"
"if you go ill let you have the aux."
thats all it took for niki to run straight for the car, rushing to open the door.
y/n laughed as she saw him waving from the passengers seat, before going to talk to jiwoo who was busy wiping down the counters. she took a seat at the bar and felt comfort as jiwoo flashed the same smile she always would throughout y/ns childhood.
"thats a hell of a boy youve got there. special one isnt he?"
"you could say that in the very least. hes definitely special to me though."
"thats the boy you were tellin my sister about? he aint from round here, that right?" an distinct, familiar, voice spoke from the back kitchen.
"auntie jiwon?" y/n questioned in shock.
jiwon is jiwoos sister, she also used to work at the cafe just as much as jiwoo did. had been a favoritre of the customers including the sims themselves before moving to the countryside, only popping up on occasion. jake would call jiwon auntie since she was older and it had also grown on y/n.
"thats my name isnt it?" she chuckled as y/n ran up to hug her.
"wow, i cant believe it. i havent seen you in like, 7 years!"
"been a long time right? well, im just down here for a short while before i gotta go back. just here for a weddin and thought to visit my sister at work."
"thats great auntie, too bad you arent here for longer."
"yeah, well. thats what happens when you get 3 divorces and run out of money, that right jiwoo? but, seriously, whats with that boy of yours? he dont seem to be from here."
"hes not, hes from japan, for the dance academy we all go to."
"that explains a bunch. i always knew youd be a dance. you have quite the physique for it, no?"
jiwoo interrupted jiwon from rambling on the way she always would, quickly seeing y/ns desire to leave as she has other things to tend to.
"alright well, im sure y/n has plenty of things to do as do we, so we all really should be going. its about time for the regulars to start coming in." jiwoo awkwardly laughed as she too seemingly forgot her sisters idiosyncratic personality.
"you dont want to spend time with your auntie jiwon is it? kids nowadays have no sort of respect for their elders. you could drive a preacher to drink!"
y/n awkwardly cleared her throat and put on a smile, frozen in a sort of way as auntie jiwon hadnt seemed to be the same as she was 8 years ago.
"oh im only joking now! go on then, ill just see you in another 8 years." she sighed, overexaggerating the moment.
"its not like youre her real aunt anyway." jiwoo muttered, yet jiwon heard it.
"like your supposed to be? what are you to her anyway?"
"someone whos around of course! i practically raised her and babysitted her on top of running a restaurant with my own children whenever her parents would be in office from dusk till dawn with her brother busy at school with his own life."
"i was there too you know! she would tell me things she never told you."
"she only told you things because you made her! she was scared of you!" jiwoo rolled her eyes at jiwon before quickly gesturing for y/n to go.
"what are you doing- where is she going?" "somewhere where youre not."
as y/n go back into the car, she slightly scared niki in the middle of a game.
"what happened in there? looked kinda tense. never seen the other lady before."
"jiwoos sister. shes kinda crazy and possessive and scary. didnt even know she came back."
"maybe we should go.. shes kinda walking towards the car so i suggest to step on the gas."
"shit- shes what??"
within the next few months, niki and y/n drew closer to one another like they were before.
it was only a matter of time before their unresolved feelings for one another began to surface, yet they continued to push it down with all their might, not wanting to ruin anything like before.
so here y/n was, watching some random kdrama out of boredom, completely uninterested before she received a text from niki.
nishimura ; help
sim ; with what
nishimura ; baysitinf
sim ; the fuck
nishimura ; hold - my brother just took my phone
sim ; babysitting?
nishimura ; yes pls
nishimura ; jake literally js dropped off ur sister here while my brother was having a hyper thingy
nishimura ; hes just very hyper
nishimura ; send a swat team.
sim ; i dont rlly wanna watch sarang tho😐
nishimura ; BUT ITS UR SISTER??
sim ; yea but she’s a headache i have to deal with that like every weekend
sim ; i gave her to jake so i can have a free day just for her to bounce back to me😒 sim ; i hate guys named jake
nishimura ; thats what u get for abandoning a 5 year old
sim ; then im not helping
nishimura ; that lego set i bought you arrived today
sim ; see u in 20
and so here y/n found herself driving towards nikis apartment, reminding herself to lecture her brother once they both get home.
“good thing you came otherwise i mightve actually killed myself.”
“this better be good, i dropped crash landing on you for this.”
with that, niki stepped aside to point at the kids behind him without breaking eye contact with y/n, not wanting to look inside only to furrow his brows as she tilted her head in confusion.
“is this a joke?” she scoffed.
“what are you talking about?” his jaw dropped once he saw sarang and hiro getting along together just fine, completing some puzzle together. “i swear they werent getting along and hiro was just bouncing off the walls, plus sarang was like having a meltdown about ice cream!”
y/n slightly grinned then spoke, “you look fine. they look more then fine. you don’t need my help. did you just want an excuse to see me?”
“no! i- i mean i kinda wanted to see you but that’s not why- i, ughh!”
y/n held back a small laugh at nikis frustration before she heard the two kids watching them giggle adoringly at their older siblings.
“riki has a girlfriend!” “y/n has a boyfriend!” hiro and sarang exclaimed in excitement.
“im going home.”
“absolutely not.” y/n groaned in annoyance while niki pulled her into the house by grabbing onto her shoulder.
“so.” he awkwardly started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with the palm of his hand.
“about yesterday.”
“what about it.”
“we’re good right?”
“of course we are.” she reassured.
just as niki was able to reply, sarang began to cry loudly, like she saw a monster in her closet or something.
“what happened?”
“i cut myself!” she cried, showing the skin between her fingers. her and hiro had been doing small arts and crafts for the past hour, so she has hurt herself with the scissors.
“just put a bandaid on and ice it.” y/n rolled her eyes, shaking her head while not even bothering to look up from her phone.
“you’re so mean y/n unnie!” sarang pouted before holding her ‘injured’ hand up to nikis face.
“what is this, the school nurse? you gotta be a more helpful sister then that.”
“i am helpful. i asked her what happened then gave her a solution.”
“but you were so mean to her.”
��im teaching her to be tough! our parents were hard on me and my brothers, so we have to be hard on her.”
“but you aren’t your parents. you’re y/n.”
“but what if i don’t want to be just y/n?”
“well, then that’s not something you can control. you’re you whether you like it or not. you gotta learn to accept life as it is. that’s what really being hard on yourself is, and that’s what it does to you.”
niki goes over to sarang to pick her up and carry her over to the kitchen. he sets her on the counter and grabs a pastel flower print bandaid before placing a small kiss onto where he placed the bandaid.
he coos at her lovingly, with him who’d always seen her as his own sister having had watching her grow up since she was born despite her not really remembering much of him.
y/n felt her heart melt as she saw how good he was with her baby sister.
she got up from her seat to go over where they were, wrapping her arms around nikis waist to envelop him with into a warm back hug, pressing her head into the space between his shoulder and neck, letting it rest there.
“mean unnie.” sarang stuck out her tongue at y/n, pushing her face away from niki as she stuck out her tongue back.
“what are you, 5?”
“no but she is.”
niki sighed before pulling away (he really didnt want to but you didnt need to know that) grabbing his car keys, and picking up his brother.
“let’s go for some ice cream.”
so here you were, sitting at the local ice cream parlor together.
niki’s face turned as he watched you absolutely devour those three scoops (scoups) of mint chip.
“i seriously dont see how you could eat that. it tastes like toothpaste.”
“why are you talking when you’re eating plain vanilla.”
“hey, sometimes basic is better!”
“well you don’t have to like mint then. ‘cause me and this kid do!” she jokingly replied, hugging said kid (hiro) while niki and sarang rolled their eyes with their vanilla cones.
“hate to be a bother, but you guys are such a cute little family. youre just like me with my kids when they were still young. and, little girl, you really have your fathers eyes.” an elder women from a table across the parlor smiled, patting y/n and niki on the shoulder as she ignored her husbands remarks “stop disturbing the little couple!”
“do we really look like a family?”
“sort of, if you really think about it.”
“okay but she had to be lying because your eyes look nothing like sarangs.”
“i mean.. if you look closely enough.”
“you aren’t even korean!”
they laughed together, for the first time in a while.
“okay, but on a serious note. what are we? are we friends, lovers, or whatever’s in between?”
“i mean.. I guess for now, in between.”
“please date y/n unnie! shes sooo lonely and boring.” sarang interrupted, tugging on nikis sleeve.
“yeah! and i want more playdates with sarang!” hiro pouted, looking up with puppy eyes at y/n.
niki laughed at the kids’ reactions, before taking y/ns hand into his.
“well, no matter what you decide, let’s see where this takes us. they seem to be up for it anyway.”
“you’re right. alright, fine. but if you fuck this up again, you realize you’re not getting another chance, right?”
“i promise i won’t hurt you again. it already cost me everything last time.”
“glad you’re aware.” she bitterly mumbled.
“so. you will date me then?”
“ill think about it.”
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Follow up of the Marco And Shanks Feuding Over Buggy -
Once things resolve, the captains are somehow the WORST instigators. Roger, once he realized Marco was flirting with his Baby Bug, is caught between "well, kid has good taste" and "Oh I Gotta Kill A Child".
Whitebeard makes frequent comments about daughter in laws and it sends EVERYONE reeling, especially Buggy. He thinks it's hilarious, and it mostly joking ((but a little serious)).
Maybe it's the multishipper in me, maybe it's the polyamory projection, but eventually Shanks and Buggy have The Conversation about being captains of the own crews, of being each other's most definitely, of being married ((they are 13-15 when The End Is Nigh for Roger, and I can see Buggy having a sudden realization that Captain that Dad is dying. She and Shanks speedrun being married so he can do it. They're minors so it isn't official, but they get/make rings, set it up and have Captain officiate it so they're "married". It's the closest they'll get to the real deal and both need their dad there for this.)).
Shanks and Buggy establish an open relationship. They can be with and pursue others, but communication is key and they need to just keep each other relatively in the loop.
Buggy jokingly asks if Marco is still a sore subject, and Shanks shoots her a grin. "If you stay mine, you can be with whoever you like. Just promise me you will make sure he treats you the way you deserve, princess."
The next time Marco crosses either, it's Shanks. And he asks "hey featherhead, still crushing on clowns?"
"And if I am?"
"Here's her denden number - be nice, be polite, don't hurt her or I'll roast you for dinner, chicken boy :))"
"No wait what-yoi-?"
Buggy goes on to assemble the world's weirdest, most unexpected polycule. A Yonko husband, a Yonko's division commander boyfriend, two warlords, a Marine, maybe a Revolutionary, just... wild ass polycule.
((Bonus, once she settles in the East for a bit, Zeff takes one look at her and goes "Oh boy now I have a niece. Damn it all." He threatens to shovel talk anyone who dates his weird clown niece but they rarely stop by the East, so he's got the conversations scripted in his head. When Mihawk shows up, he is READY.))
Buggy also has a bunch of evil exes bc she's a catch but she doesn't always clock red flags. It's mostly fine, but if any attempt retaliation, usually she's oblivious, either bc her crew goes full Protect Mom Mode or bc her current partners... take out the trash, as it were :))
Once Luffy realizes Buggy is basically his step mom is all sorts of ways, the Strawhat Protection System is enacted full throttle. She is oblivious. It's hilarious. Buggy has Scary Dog Privileges and doesn't even realize.
Whitebeard still calls her daughter-in-law. Roger is screaming crying throwing up in the afterlife. Rayleigh flips between "Oh my baby girl can handle herself ahe's so strong" and "Nobody Is Good Enough For My Daughter". Crocus hoards all newspapers that so much as mention her or Shanks.
Just. Silly funny polycule shenanigans.
Buggy just has a whole ass harem of boys pining over her and she goes through life thinking they're normal about her but they're not. They're literally obsessed with her. She only loves Shanks and is fond of Crocodile and Mihawk (ends up falling for them eventually, y'know) and the people she has been with have always been just kind of there? She doesn't forget them but she doesn't really care about them either. IT girl, girlboss behavior for once even if she's still a failgirl. But they always remember her. She's not easy to forget. Everybody that loves her is so protective of her too and she wonders why she never gets bothered by anybody?? She believes it's because she's now important and scary and yadda yadda but it's just because people have to go through Rayleigh, the strawhats, Shanks, and Cross Guild to get to her. So, you know, she's protected.
This is just amazing, btw. I also think they have an open relationship. And Marco being extremely confused when Shanks gives him Buggy's number is just hilarious, help. He's having a moment there wondering if it's a trap or something. I think Buggy would have the time of her life, and although Shanks also sleeps with other people, his heart will always be with Buggy. Like- He's the clingiest most annoying husband in the world. He's so proud of calling Buggy his wife. He's just there cheering for her, knowing that no matter how many people she's with, she'll go back to him!! The trust they could've had in each other if things would've gone well,,,,,, Going insane.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Love Again | PJM (Fifteen-FINAL)
Summary: A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to ???, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 16.1k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, mourning, stages of grief, heartache, guilt, crying yeah lots of crying, dealing with death/loss of a loved one, graveyard, mentions of sex, another character death (sorry), mention of funeral, lots of closure!!! Full circle moments! Lots of sweet moments that make me cry lol, tons of DIRTY TALK, oral (fem rec), super sensitive oc, unprotected sex, creampie, honestly they’re both sensitive and desperate as hell lol oh and the use of the word ‘slut’
Notes: It’s the last chapter of this series. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around or is new. I’m sad its over but I hope you’ve enjoyed this crazy ride. Lots of love. Send an ask to chat about the story, makes my day<3 
Previously on…in chapter 14 of Love again, Jimin is feeling jealous and he just really wants to talk to you. Jimin has finally had enough and Jungkook thinks it’s the perfect time to let the universe work its magic. Jimin confesses his feelings he has and you two decide to try a low key relationship. Jeremy finally confesses to Naomi and they get together! It’s almost perfect but something is wrong with Jimin and you’re about to find out what. 
© taestefully-in-luv
Today is a big day. The kind of big day that is talked about for years and years to come and the kind of day most have fantasized about since years and years ago. So, of course you are staring at yourself in the mirror, feeling nervous as you wonder if your make up is good enough or if this was actually the perfect dress choice. It’s a day of love. It makes sense that you are nervous. This is marriage. And weddings need to go smoothly so obviously you feel on edge! It’s natural. Or is it? It’s not like it’s your wedding. 
But well, you are the maid of honor. 
It’s the end of September, a little over a year since Naomi and Jeremy got together. Honestly, it only feels like yesterday—June 3rd—when Jeremy confessed his feelings to Naomi. It was the same day Jimin had his opening show and you all celebrated at Hoseok’s house and Jeremy poured his heart to Naomi in Hoseok’s kitchen. You shudder remembering the absolute cringe that unfolded in that kitchen but damn, it was soJeremy and you remember Naomi’s smile and you realize she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
You catch your reflection again as you quite literally reflect on the last year of everyone’s lives. How that night brought everyone here now, the good, the bad, the ugly. And also everything so beautiful. 
June 3rd of last year 
As distracted as Jimin is tonight, his eyes find you so often and he’s hit with adoration but also guilt. Maybe guilt isn’t the right word but it’s the only one that feels good enough right now. He feels guilty because he is guilty. In so many ways that crush him and every time he sees you smiling with your friends it just grows more and more. 
But sometimes even for the first few moments when his eyes land on you, before the guilt settles, he feels love. Love because he loves you. And it’s obvious to more than just him.
“Damn, dude.” Jungkook comes next to him, drink in hand as he uses the cup to gesture towards you. “You look like you’re in love.”
Jimin wants to roll his eyes and tell Jungkook to leave him alone but his love for you betrays him because he just softly whispers, “I am.” Instead. 
“Does she know?” Jungkook leans into him, smell of alcohol leaves his mouth. “Because—”
“She knows.” Jimin answers simply, a barely there smile tugging at his lips. 
“Oh.” Jungkook leans away, before prying further. “Are you two—”
“Yeah.” Jimin answers, knowing exactly where the question was headed. “We are.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen just the slightest before his entire expression shifts. Shit eating grin taking over before he bumps Jimin’s shoulder. “Then I guess I should say ‘you’re welcome’ huh?” 
Jimin finally tears his eyes off you before raising a brow at Jungkook.
“Yeah, you should probably invite me to your wedding.” Jungkook raises his cup towards Jimin with a smirk on his face.
“I didn’t even want to invite you here.” Jimin deadpans.
“Well, at least it worked this time.”
“What did?”
“Me and Taehyung had a similar plan years ago.” Jungkook exhales a long breath, finally ready to admit their shenanigans. “We thought if you saw y/n get pursued by others that you wouldn’t want to risk leaving her…ya know,” He starts gesturing around with his hands, “She’s so amazing and hot and everyone will jump at the opportunity at her, blah, blah, blah. And you wouldn’t want anyone else to snatch her up! We thought if you saw this…then you wouldn’t leave for New York and you’d stay instead…but well,” Jungkook just shrugs.
“You knew about New York? Taehyung told you?” Jimin’s brows pull together as he tries to make sense of what he was just told.
“Yeah, he did. Don’t be mad…he just didn’t know what to do.” Jungkook shrugs again. “He couldn’t really tell his best friend not to follow his dreams but he also knew y/n wouldn’t want to follow…”
“Well, he was right, I guess.”
“You kept the secret from y/n that entire fourth year, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t think it would go anywhere…the audition, I mean.” Jimin sighs, “But in the spring they wanted to fly me out and I couldn’t keep it from her anymore.”
“Eh, whatever. Past is in the past.” Jungkook brushes it off, smirk back on his face. “What matters is the plan worked this time! You had nothing to worry about though. I mean, don’t get me wrong, y/n is…super cool and oh my god, so freaking hot like dam—”
“Jungkook.” Jimin says his name in warning.
“My bad. Habit.” Jungkook raises his hands in surrender. “Point is, she is just a friend. Just wanted to rile you up, buddy.” 
Jimin narrows his eyes for a second before asking, “So you aren’t a girlfriend stealer?” 
“Dude, I can’t even find a decent single girl. So, no.” Jungkook chuckles. 
Jimin joins Jungkook in laughing, shaking his head at how ridiculous Jungkook is and the entire plan he had with Taehyung…he can believe it though. Suddenly, Jimin’s laughter dies down and any trace of a smile is wiped from his face when he feels his phone buzzing for what feels like the millionth time tonight. He takes it from his pocket and scans the screen before his sour mood returns tenfold. 
“You okay?” Jungkook asks, quickly noticing the shift. 
“I’ll take it from here.” Both boys lift their heads to the sound of Taehyung’s voice as he walks up to them. He’s clearly been well aware of Jimin’s mood lately. And he’s ready to confront it. Jungkook nods his head, getting the hint before squeezing Jimin’s shoulder and joining everyone else in the kitchen.
“Hello, my favorite person in the world!” Taehyung grins at Jimin before leaning against the living room wall. His smile turns soft before he calmly requests, “Let’s talk.” And talk is exactly what they do. Jimin explains everything. All of it. And of course, it breaks Taehyung’s heart.
“These feelings won’t just go away…the feelings won’t just leave you, man.” Taehyung’s voice is quiet, soft and troubled. “They don’t hate you.” He tries to reassure his best friend, “But what breaks my heart, Jimin, is that I think that it’s you who does.” 
It’s a truth Jimin knows already. But to hear it from someone who has always kept it real with him and has always warned him and has always helped him…he just feels it is solidified. And at this point, all he yearns for is comfort and the person he needs it from most is you. Even though his emotions are starting to spill from him and go all over the place, he wants to try to rely on comfort alone but he also knows he needs to be honest. 
Jimin walks into the kitchen, his gaze set on you as he sees you at the counter, pouring yourself a glass of water. He comes from behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as he plants a few kisses to your neck. He doesn’t care about anyone seeing. You turn in his grasp, a curious look on your face as you glance around.
“Jimin?” You question him cutely and he wants to melt. “You’re making it quite obvious, you know?” He knows. And he doesn’t care. You’re laughing a little but you grow serious as you look at him and he knows you’re well aware of how utterly down and pathetic he looks. “Hey,” You brush some hair from his eyes, “Everything okay?”
“Not really.” He answers you honestly. Because honest is what he needs to be. 
Once the door to Hoseok’s back yard is shut, you and Jimin walk towards the end of the pavement where grass is met. It’s gotten later, the moon rising higher in the sky with a few stars scattered here and there. You brought Jimin out here so you two could have some privacy to talk and you feel nervous but ready to hear what’s been going on with him.
“You know,” Jimin looks down at the ground, “I’m trying so hard to convince myself I’m not a bad person because you don’t deserve a bad person. Even though I know I am.” 
Your heart is already picking up in speed, nerves setting fire to every molecule in your body. Blood being poisoned with his words. 
“Jimin…” You go to stand a little closer to him, “What are you—”
“Emma’s parents reached out to me.” He admits while his throat burns. “They called me like a week ago. They told me they were hosting a gathering to celebrate Emma’s life…and they invited me. Not just invited but rather…” He pauses, foot kicking imaginary rocks. “They were pretty insistent that I go.”
“Why now?” You ask slowly.
“They want to go public with the accident.” Jimin tells you. “They paid a lot of money at the time for things to stay very private. But now…” He starts chewing on his lips, eyes on his black dress shoes. “They believe in order for them to really move forward from grieving…they want to face it and accept it. So, they want to celebrate her life and they told me it’s something I should be there for…considering…”
“Oh.” You nod, trying to process everything. You think you can understand her parents perspective…they want to move forward—a healthy thing to do—instead of burying. “When is it?”
“It was tonight.” Jimin’s voice is quiet. “But tonight was opening night. And honestly,” He chuckles bitterly, “Even if it wasn’t…how could I show myself to them?” He finally lifts his eyes, head turning towards you with a pained expression. “I killed their daughter.”
“Woah, hey…” You immediately shake your head, brows pulled together so closely. “Jimin—”
“They’re disappointed I didn’t show.” He tells you, “Her father hasn’t exactly said kind words to me all evening.” 
“Oh.” You think about it for a moment. All the times he’s looked at his phone with a frown. “He’s just acting out, Jimin…I don’t know what he’s said but—”
“I’m selfish.” He croaks out. “Selfish for so many things and you know it.” 
“What?” You look at him, puzzled. “I don’t think that of you.”
“I am.” He says with a set mind. “I could go on and on—”
“No, you couldn’t.” You try to steer him away but he isn’t having it.
“I couldn’t?” He asks, “Seriously? Okay.” He nods. “What we had…” He motions between your bodies, “Was great. More than great. But I still left you for New York. You suffered, y/n…while I…and I am selfish for missing tonight when it is all my fault. If I never went to New York, I would have never broke your heart. If I never went to New York,” He pauses, throat still burning as his eyes sting. “Emma would still be alive.” 
Your heart has dropped to your lower belly, dying there, struggling to beat anymore.
“Me going to New York ruined everyone’s lives, huh?” He asks you, knowing no answer you could give will change his mind. He’s staring at you, teary eyes boring into yours. “I’m here. I’m the one who is here. It shouldn’t be me. Why is it me? Why am I the one who is here?” 
The pain in his eyes is enough to know his heartache won’t be easy to soothe. You know his guilt has become all-consuming and for the first time, you actually don’t know how to comfort him.
You’re at a loss for words. Mouth hanging open, your own teary eyes blinking at him repeatedly because you can’t fathom his overwhelming feelings and you cannot know what he is going through. 
He stares at you, growing more and more emotional and your lack of response is sending him into a spiral now. You want to reach for him or say something—anything—but you’re feeling broken as you watch him begin to stutter out apologies, voice cracking and eyes beginning to shed his mournful tears. He repeats his words over and over. Between ‘I’m sorry’s’ and ‘I don’t deserve you’s’, you see how he breaks further and further into a mess. And then he says the most heartbreaking thing of all.
“I love you but I’m not the man I want or need to be for you.”
You feel it. You feel his words before he even says them. You are surprised though…you understand where this is going and what exactly he is implying. You understand completely even if you are still trying to make words come out. You understand his desire to step away from you, from the both of you. And you feel your heart breaking. He’s breaking your heart again.
But this ache you are feeling isn’t because of what he is saying that you are completely understanding. Your heart is broken and aching only because his heart is broken and aching. It’s that simple. You aren’t sad because of his implication. You’re sad because he’s sad. 
As much as you want to believe hugging him and telling him you love him will be what he needs, you know it’s not enough. You might have the ability to soothe him, but you do not possess the ability to heal him. It has only been over a year since he’s faced this loss…he’s grieving. And the biggest issue is…he isn’t even grieving properly. You’re aware there’s stages to this—five, you’re sure.
There’s Denial. You know that after the accident, Jimin tried so hard to live his life normally…he still went to work, rehearsals every single day despite needing literally anything else. Then, there’s Anger. His outburst at work. The drunkenness, attempts at fighting and harsh words. Third, there is Bargaining. You weren’t there so you don’t know exactly how this one was for him but even a few minutes ago he was blaming himself for Emma’s death and going as far as saying if he never want to New York that she would still be alive. 
Next, is Depression. And you think this is the stage he has been stuck in since coming back home from New York. He isolated himself…words from Lucy who saw it herself. He wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything. Never smiled or laughed. He omitted joy. But thankfully he found Lucy who seemed to help him and he was able to see a little light. 
But the light was just the sun barely peaking from dark, heavy clouds and perhaps you and your friends kept those clouds from crying rain over him. But you don’t think the clouds have dissipated quite yet. He hasn’t fully seen the sun.
And he deserves the sun.
Last, is Acceptance. Probably the stage that feels impossible. And it is definitely the stage he hasn’t experienced. You stand here, watching as he cries his heart out in front of you. Soft sobs leaving his body, looking frail, weak, fragile. Finally, you know what to say. Since you cannot heal…you’ll soothe. 
“Aren’t you the one who said the past is set in stone—you can’t change it—and you wouldn’t want to. Remember, why explore the ‘what ifs’?” You begin, but you see in his eyes he already hates this. But you continue, “Things happen the way they do, Jimin. That’s it. That’s life.” 
Jimin continues to cry silently, eyes on you but he’s confused where this is going.
“You did great things in New York, Jimin.” Your tone grows softer. “You created loving, everlasting memories. You wouldn’t change that, right?” He cries harder. “And me?” You point to yourself, “I grew up. I met my best friends who mean the world to me…I grew more independent and spent so much time with others.”
Jimin can’t bring himself to respond to anything yet and you’re glad because you aren’t done.
“And you gave Emma you.” You say to him as tenderly as possible. He parts his lips but no words come out, just a deep sob as he finally lets himself break down. “You don’t know what her fate was even if you weren’t involved in her life. Trust me, as someone who has experienced love with you…she wouldn’t have traded it for the world.” 
Jimin lowers himself to the ground, face buried in his hands. “Also,” You continue as you look up at the moon. The pretty moon. The moon who deserves the sun. He deserves the sun. The sun to reflect its light to make him shine. “Don’t say you aren’t the man you need to be for me.” You glance down at him before squatting down to his level. You cup his cheek and add, “Love yourself and be the man you need to be for you. You’re already everything to me, Jimin.”
He lifts his face, cracking a small smile through his snot and tears. “You aren’t letting this end between us, are you?”
“No.” you return his smile. “Not exactly, anyway. We’re a team. No matter what kind of relationship we have.”
“Yeah.” You nod. “I think you should see someone. A professional. And that’s a you thing…so I will respect these boundaries so you can heal…even as a friend…” You use your thumb to wipe some tears from his cheek, “I will never leave your side.”
August of last year
“I’m serious!” Naomi points down at the lunch menu, “The prices went up!” 
“You’re right…” Jeremy whines, “We are loyal customers here. How could they do this to us?”
“Ah ha!” Hoseok wiggles in his spot out of excitement, phone in his hands. “Dae finally sent me the actual dance competition video. She finally found it.” He looks up at you, his phone suddenly sliding to the side on the table at your usual lunch place. “Ready to watch it and see how I was so wronged that day?”
“She didn’t just send you sex videos again, right?” You can’t help but chuckle, pretending to slide his phone back. “Not something I want to see.” You pretend to gag while your best friend rolls his eyes.
“You aren’t so lucky.” He scoffs, “But anyway, no. This is the actual video! Let’s watch it!” And now he is scooting his chair closer to you, his finger itching to play it already.
“Fine.” Now you’re the one playfully rolling your eyes as you show him some finger quotes. “Let’s see how you were ‘so wronged’ in how Dae won.” 
“Trust me. I deserved to win.” Hoseok’s finger finally pushes against the screen as he plays the video. “Okay, watch here…see how I…wait, damn.” He pushes his head back in slight shock, “Did she really do that move…I don’t even remember.”
“Oh, she is good.”
“Yeah, but not bett—wait, okay see my immaculate foot work? Yeah, I’m a star!” He grins proudly as he watches. “Damn, wait. She just did the perfect moon walk. But no, still…I should have…hold on.” He pauses the video before looking at you. “There’s no way she was this good?”
“Weren’t you aware?”
He plays the video again. “Okay, you cannot tell me I am not moving to the beat. The rhythm is—hold on, did she just…there’s no way she…maybe she is good…”
“Didn’t you think so at the time too?” You start teasing him, “Isn’t that why you hated her and got horny and wanted to…oh what was it? Teach her a lesson?”
“Shut up.” He grumbles as he keeps watching. “Holy shit…maybe she did deserve to win.” You laugh at this but he immediately shakes his head in denial. “No, no. I’m just blinded because I’m in love. I totally deserved to win.”
You’re about to laugh again and continue to tease him when you realize what he said, “What did you just say?”
“That I totally deserved to win.” He keeps his eyes focused on the video.
“No…” You say slowly, “Before that.”
“Oh. That I’m blinded because I’m in….oh.”
“Love?” You punch his shoulder, smile on your face. “You just admitted you’re—”
Hoseok’s wide eyes meet yours, “No, that’s not what…we’ve only been dating for a few…no…holy shit.” He starts nodding his head as he stares at you. “Oh my god, I am.” 
You laugh, while Naomi and Jeremy laugh as well at the entire conversation. You look at your best friend, totally endeared before you pinch his cheek and he tries to swat you away. “Happy for you.” You tell him softly, “And she’d probably be happy to hear it too.” And then you release his cheek before swiping a fry from his plate.
“Hey!” Hoseok whines, “I thought you were done stealing my fries! You steal Jimin’s now!”
“Speaking of Jimin,” Naomi looks up from her menu, “Where is he?”
“It’s Thursday, Naomi.” Jeremy reminds her, “He has his appointment today.”
“Oh, that’s right!” She nods along then her eyes find yours and you see her sincerity. “How is that going by the way?”
All eyes on you as your friends wait for a positive response, “It’s going well.” You tell them honestly, “I think it took him a minute to get warmed up but there’s been progress.” You say with a smile, happy that all of your friends finally know about Jimin’s past and reasons for leaving New York. “Mr. Smith has been so great with him…he cares so much about Jimin, obviously. He gives him every Thursday off so he can just relax since it can be emotionally draining.”
“That’s awesome.” Naomi leans into Jeremy’s shoulder as she grins. “Progress, even a little, is everything.”
“Yeah.” Hoseok agrees, “He deserves to be happy.”
“He does.” You say before you click your phone as see the time. “Oh shit! We need to order or we are going to be late going back to work!”
September of last year
You’re at your desk, tension between your shoulders as usual as you try to finish this report before the deadline. You’re almost done—or maybe you’re just about to give up—when you feel that someone is behind you. You spin in your chair to see Jungkook staring at your screen before he’s blowing out air through his mouth and he sighs to himself.
“I’m going to miss this.” He complains so suddenly, breaking his whole character of being so serious at work. “I can’t believe today is my last day being your boss!” He finds your eyes now before he’s smirking. “But don’t worry, you can still totally call me Mr. Jeon.”
You swat his stomach and he flinches, “Hey!” He pouts at you, “You’re fired!”
“Yeah, yeah.” You brush him off with a laugh. “We’re going to miss you here too though. But we will still hang out!” 
“Of course we will.” Jungkook grins at you, “I’ll miss telling you what to do though.” He winks before walking over to Jeremy’s desk and you hear him immediately scolding him. 
You shake your head with a smile, eyes going back to your computer screen before you remember something that has you pulling out your phone and opening a text thread you haven’t seen in a little while.
y/n 2:32pm
Happy Birthday!!!! 🥳 I hope this book tour has been everything you’ve dreamed of and more. And I hope your birthday has been super amazing! ☺️
Namjoon 2:35pm
Thanks y/n 😊 it has been more than amazing. Just finished up our last stop and then I will get ready since Emiko and I are going to get dinner to celebrate. Thanks for the birthday text, hope you’ve been doing well.
You smile down at your phone before you click it off and get back to work.
October of last year
You can’t but laugh in your spot as you watch Jimin grow a little red from how loudly Taehyung is shouting at everyone who walks by. “It’s my best friends birthday!” He yells over and over, drunkenly slurring his words as he wraps his arm around Jimin’s shoulders. “Wish him a happy birthday you non-birthday wenches.”
“Wenches?” Jimin rubs his temple, “Interesting word choice.”
“It just feels so right.” Taehyung nods, determined look in his eyes. “Doesn’t it?”
“It’s not nice.” Jimin deadpans.
“Wait, you’re right.” Taehyung nods again, “I’m supposed to be finding the love of my life. Let me try again…hello,” He stops a group of girls who are walking by, they stop and stare at Taehyung, expecting him to get on with it. “It is my best friends birthday and you guys are just way too beautiful to not tell him and by him drinks.”
“We’re good.” One of the girls says before she looks at Jimin, “Happy birthday though.”
“Fine, by me a drink then.” Taehyung slurs. 
“No thanks.” Another girl says, eyebrow quirked at drunk Taehyung.
“No thanks? Don’t you want to fall in love?!?!?” Taehyung starts complaining now but it’s to no one since the girls have now walked away. “Why is love so hard?!” 
“Taehyung.” Jimin smiles at him.
“I’m lonely and no one wants me.”
“You just have to meet the right girl! You’re meeting all the wrong ones.” Jimin tries to make him feel better. “Don’t force it! Before you know it, you’ll be randomly meeting a girl who is just like you!”
“That probably doesn’t exist. I’m the only one of my kind.” Taehyung slumps his shoulders. “Anyway, since it’s your birthday I think we can convince y/n to have a threesome with us—” He stops when he sees Jimin’s unenthused expression. “Okay, I’m going to the bar where Hoseok and Jeremy are, they’re downing shots like men. I too am a man.” He waddles away while Jimin chuckles to himself before his eyes find you. He gives you a small wave.
You go to him, where he stands on the other side of the tall table, arms wrapping around him as you give him another hug. “Happy birthday again.” You say. He smells so nice. So Jimin and you melt, wanting nothing more than to just stay here, inhaling him for all he’s worth and living like this. But you know you have to pull away.
“Thanks.” He keeps you stuck to his body for a moment longer before letting you disconnect yourself. 
“Thanks for being born.” You smile, “Thanks for being here. I’m glad you are.”
Something similar to the guilt he’s been harboring for a while now flashes in his eyes. The same guilt you had been exposed to. But after a moment it’s replaced with an honest softness before he’s smiling, “Me too.” And you know he’s telling the truth. “Mr. Smith says to stop by more often. He says show days isn’t enough. You owe him, according to him.”
“I owe him?” You raise a brow in amusement. “How so?”
“He told me he only increased my pay so I could take you out on dates.” He’s playful as he speaks, “Like the old days.”
You laugh a little, cheeks feeling warm before you speak. “Doesn’t he know there’s no dates?” 
“He said I can just save up and take you on one in the future but it has to be fancy, I guess.” He shrugs. 
“Also,” You still feel your cheeks heating up. “What about the old days?”
“I used to beg him to pay me more so I could take you out.” Jimin’s lips lift into one of his sly smiles. “How else could I afford it?”
Now you’re really laughing, “Jimin, the most expensive date we ever went on was watching two movies in one night.”
“Movies are expensive! I bought us popcorn! And drinks! And candy! You think money grows on trees?” Jimin’s lips are in a puffy pout with big, exaggerated eyes. “I didn’t know you were so ungrateful.” He jokes, eyes softening.
“I’m not!” You defend yourself, “I don’t care what we do or what we did! Just liked being with you…” You mumble, eyes sliding to the side.
“Is that so?” Jimin’s voice drops a little lower, “Then you’re happy right now then? Even like this…” He pauses, waiting for you to get his implication. “You’re happy?”
“Even like this.” You assure him. “Now let’s join the others. I think Jungkook said he brought a birthday surprise for you but is waiting until we get back to my place.”
“It’s fucking brownies, isn’t it?” 
“It’s Jungkook…what do you think?”
December of last year
Jimin 7:14pm
Merry Christmas again y/n 🥰 have you and your family had dinner yet? My mom asked about you probably around 8 times now lol she won’t stop bringing you up since the show last month
Jimin 7:15pm
She also wont stop telling me youre going to get a boyfriend at any minute since youre so beautiful 
Jimin 7:15pm
I mean shes not wrong but 🙄
y/n 7:42pm
sorry we were still eating! We had a late start bc my mom insisted to do everything herself but then complained when no one helped her lmao
y/n 7:42pm
but yes merry Christmas again hehe
y/n 7:42pm
and tell your mom no boyfriend for me 
Jimin 7:45pm
She is really happy were in each others life tho
Jimin 7:45pm
Im also happy about that
y/n 7:58pm
me too jiminie 
Jimin 8:14pm
Also…im still sorry about last week
y/n 8:51pm
you were drunk its okay plus its not like I was going to stop you
Jimin 8:51pm
Its not fair though…for you. I don’t want you to think I don’t take where our friendship is at seriously. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you when im still so….
Jimin 8:52pm
You mean so much to me and I I wouldn’t do that to you
y/n 8:53pm
its really not a big deal dude lol seriously! 
Jimin 9:02pm
Me wanting to kiss you feels like a big deal tho 🙃 but I get what you mean but im still sorry 
Jimin 9:02pm
I hope I can kiss you again one day in different circumstances 
y/n 9:05pm
jimin im sorry but maybe we can just change the subject for now…got any presents yet?
February (current year)
It’s one day before your best friend, yes your absolute bestest friend in the entire world or even universe’s birthday. Jung Hoseok. And you wish you were staying up with him until midnight to celebrate his life because he deserves it. He’s your closest most special friend, he is your family. And you couldn’t be further away from him. And he couldn’t be more understanding. 
Because he knows how important this is. 
It’s your second time ever visiting New York, it’s cold, freezing even, but watching Jimin gives you an undeniable warmth rushing through your body. You’re both here, visiting this city with a purpose. Different purposes…yours is to merely support—to just be here. 
There’s snow falling all around you, snowflakes decorating the ground, the trees and the tombstones. Your back is against a tree, the trunk is thick and the leaves that never managed to fall covered in snow. Your eyes are on the scenery around you and falling to Jimin every now and then, his side profile in view. The bridge of his nose, the plumpness of his lips and his head of hair hiding beneath a black beanie. He’s not too far from you, his figure standing tall as he holds a bouquet of flowers while he stares down at the grave. 
This was his idea—or maybe it was his therapists—either way, you know it’s necessary. Necessary for him so he can move on…more forward. Receive closure, perhaps. But of course, you know this isn’t easy for him, no matter how bravely he announced to you that he wanted to do this. He didn’t hesitate to ask you to join him and you didn’t hesitate to agree to come along. And Hoseok didn’t hesitate in urging you as well. 
He’s been standing there for a while, eyes so focused on the name on the tombstone. Emma Dubois. You can sense how tense he is, staring down and you can basically physically see the millions of words in his head. You stay leaning against the tree when you notice Jimin finally slowly fall to his knees on the grave, his shaky hands placing the flowers down as he bows his head. 
It’s the two year anniversary of her death today. This isn’t easy for him. He’s stiff, still with his head bowed down before you can finally see the image of his shoulders slightly shake. His eyes are slammed shut, his breaths are heavy—you can see each one in the cold air. Of course you want to go to him but you keep your distance, knowing he needs this. Needs this time alone. No, not alone. Time with Emma. 
The urge to go to him only grows stronger when your heart begins to pinch…it doesn’t take an expert lip reader to see the apologies and regret spilling from his lips and all the tears that accompany. You’re sure his tears are warm on his cheeks, the way they trail down, leaving behind their warmth to comfort him since you can’t. This. This is what he has been yearning for…giving Emma his words, his heartfelt words. Each tear that falls to the grave gets him closer to the forgiveness he is searching for, closer to the freedom. Heart pinching a little less, you see how this begins to relax his body, like he is releasing everything and maybe he can finally feel something close to ease.
After a while, Jimin stands again, legs looking a little wobbly but he manages to stand stronger than before. Hands wiping at his face, finally letting himself mourn just a little while longer before he takes a deep, deep breath and smiles down at the grave. He gives a small nod before turning in his spot, eyes finding you. You who leans against a tree, snow whirling around your figure and Jimin is starting to remember how pretty snowflakes are again. 
You can see in his eyes that he has finally bid his farewell. He walks closer to you, finding a spot on the thick trunk, leaning against the tree as well. His eyes lift to the snowy sky.
“She’s missed.” He tells you softly. “I’m grateful for the time I got to know her.” He lowers his gaze, eyes finding yours before he’s smiling and reaching for your hand. You’re surprised by the contact. The contrast of this cold day with his warm fingers makes you feel like a cozy blanket has suddenly wrapped around you. 
“Should we go eat now?” He nods towards the street, “I’m so hungry!” 
You blink at him for a moment and then you finally smile. Last stage…acceptance. “Yeah.” 
“Wait what the hell is happening? Is this what I think it is?” Hoseok keeps hitting your thigh, his knuckles knocking against you annoyingly.
“If you think it’s a fucking proposal then yes. Stop hitting me!” You try to shove him away, “And shush!”
“Naomi….” Jeremy has Naomi’s hands in his, “I really—”
“Did you know this was happening? He didn’t tell me?!” Hoseok whisper shouts in your ear, “Did you know?”
“No.” You whisper back, eyes glued to your two friends who are apparently about to start making out because you think Jeremy just proposed. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No!” Hoseok’s wide eyes stay on them as well. “He doesn’t even have a ring? Maybe he didn’t even know he was doing this.”
“We can literally hear you guys.” Jeremy finds the closest napkin and throws it at you both. “And no, I didn’t know. But I knew it was time.”
“Time?! You’ve been dating for like—” Hoseok is cut off when you swat his arm. 
“Wait, are you two really engaged now?” You ask, but when you see how absolutely in love and happy Naomi looks, you kind of know the answer. “I didn’t even get to hear it…” You slump your shoulders at the restaurants table. “Hoseok wouldn’t shut the hell up.”
“You know I narrate everything? Why are you acting surprised?” He’s the one acting annoyed now. “Jimin did you hear anything that happened?”
“How could I have?” Jimin laughs, “I was trying to pay attention but dude, you don’t know how to whisper. But also, it’s not like y/n wasn’t talking the entire time either.” 
“I want to get married too.” Taehyung stabs his utensils in his food right when your server comes back to your table. 
“Can I get you all anything else?” She smiles at you guys when Taehyung lifts his eyes towards her.
“Want to marry me?” He blurts.
She glances around awkwardly, “I literally don’t know you.”
Taehyung shrugs and nods his head like he understands, “That’s fair.” He mumbles before stabbing his food some more.
“Anyway.” Dae rolls her eyes while she shakes her head. “Congrats, you two.” She raises her water towards Jeremy and Naomi. “You’re really engaged? Like you two are going to get married?”
“Well, since Hoseok is loud as fuck and no one heard my incredibly romantic proposal…” Jeremy huffs out. “Yes. I literally asked ‘will you marry me’ and—”
“And I literally said yes.” Naomi shakes her head in disapproval but she’s still smiling. “You’re telling me you guys didn’t hear it at all?”
“All I could hear was Hoseok’s loud ass voice.” You deadpan.
“Oh yeah, let’s all blame the guy for saying what we were all thinking.” Hoseok waves you off but you lean into him with a straight face.
“We were keeping our thinking in our heads unlike you.” 
“Can we just congratulate our best friends or are you going to keep complaining?” Hoseok leans into you as well with a glare.
“Should I start saying what I’m thinking too?” You ask with a smile. “Thoughts of strangling you with my bare—”
“Oh my god, just say you’re happy for them you two.” Dae cuts in with a hearty laugh. “You guys fight like siblings who are in middle school.”
“Speaking of middle school, remember that girl who said you had no swa—”
“Too far!” Hoseok shouts out incredulously. “Jimin, can you please get your friend.” 
“Wait, what happened in middle school?” Dae asks, glancing around the table. 
“Some girl said Hoseok had no swag.” Jeremy shrugs, “Something like that.”
“Who was it baby?” Dae grows serious. “I will fight this bitch, who was it?”
“You’re the only one I can count on, Dae.” Hoseok closes his eyes slowly with a nod to his head, “You’re the only one who understands how truly—”
“Anyway,” you finally laugh a bit, pinching Hoseok’s arm as he yelps. “We are happy for you both. Why so suddenly though?”
“We are already live together, work together, hang out together and we’re basically already married…why not just make it official? Love is fucking awesome.” Jeremy tells you all. “Highly recommend.”
“Thanks for the recommendation.” Taehyung grunts while he continues to stab his food. 
“Well, some other news.” Dae gets everyone’s attention. “I put in another work transfer request and I’m feeling pretty hopeful this time! I probably won’t know anything until later in the summer though.”
“You’ll get it.” Hoseok grabs Dae’s hand. “You’ll be moving in before you know it.”
“Yeah. Dae.” Taehyung stares down at his food, “You’ll be.” Stab. “Living.” Stab. “With your.” Stab. “Soul.” Stab. “Mate.” Three more stabs. 
Naomi offers a disturbed expression before looking at Jimin and silently mouthing ‘is he okay?’
Jimin just laughs it off, waving his hands around before massaging Taehyung’s shoulder, “He’s just a little sensitive.”
Taehyung pauses his stabs before looking at all of you, “I’m not sensitive.” He says matter of fact before dramatically looking up at the ceiling with a solemn expression. “I’m lonely.”
“More like dramatic.” You chuckle. 
“Don’t worry bro.” Jeremy slides a shot over to Taehyung, “Your time will come.”
“It’s pretty miserable but honestly, you guys won’t believe it!” Jungkook leans forward on Hoseok’s sofa, beer bottle in his hand. “My mom actually praised me. Trust me, I know it’s hard to believe!” He offers a large bunny grin.
“What?” You question him excitedly. “What did she say?!”
“Okay, you guys ready for this? She said, and I quote ‘wow, Jungkook, you actually didn’t fuck up this time.’ Can you believe it?!” He continues to grin while you blink at him.
“Oh…” You smile awkwardly, “I guess that’s a start?”
“I bet she was so sexy when she said it.” Taehyung sips his own beer.
“Gross, dude.” Jungkook shudders, “Anyway, my dad even agreed. It’s looking up.”
“Quick, Taehyung. Is his dad hot too?” Dae asks.
Taehyung sighs out, “Unbelievably so.” 
“Nice.” Dae nods.
“What is wrong with them?” Hoseok groans out, “Anyway, Jeremy said he and Naomi will be here in like an hour. They were having dinner with her parents.” 
“How’s their wedding planning going?” Jimin asks from beside you, “Good?”
“Naomi is a perfectionist and Jeremy kind of just exists.” You say with a laugh, “But it’s not too stressful yet.”
“That’s—oh, hold on. Getting a call.” Jimin says as he tries to slide his phone from his pocket. He looks down at the screen as he frowns. “I don’t know this number.”
“Probably spam.” Taehyung tells him. “I get at least 5 a day.”
“So annoying.” You add.
“Probably.” Jimin slips the phone back in his pocket after sending the call to voicemail. “Anyway, I—” He stops when he feels his phone vibrating again. His eyebrows furrow as he tries to slide his phone out again. “Oh. It’s Mr. Smith this time.” He says with a smile. “Hold on. Hello? What’s up Mr—oh, hi Mrs—sure, Alina.” Jimin continues to smile as he talks to Mr. Smith’s wife. “Is everything—oh.” His smile suddenly drops. Jimin’s eyes quickly go to you, he looks a bit worried and you feel yourself grow a little worried too. You mouth, ‘is everything okay?’ but Jimin continues listening on the other line, concentrating on her words. 
“When? Oh. Okay. I see. I’m so sorry…” His voice grows quiet and now everyone in Hoseok’s living room is watching as Jimin takes this phone call. “Yeah, no, I understand. Of course. I’m so sorry Alina…Viktor was…yeah. It’s when? Of course, I’ll be there. Yeah, she will come too.” Jimin glances at you, your eyebrows pulled so closely together as you try to understand what’s happening. “You want to meet? Sure, we can. Of course…of course. I’ll see you on Monday then. Once again, I’m sorry…yeah.” He nods. “Bye.” And then he hangs up the phone. He stares at nothing for a moment before he looks at you. 
“That was Mrs. Smith?” You ask, “Is everything okay?”
“Um,” Jimin smiles a little, “Not really. Uh, Viktor—Mr. Smith, he uh, he passed last night.”
“Wait, what?” Hoseok gasps a little. “The director?” 
“Yeah.” Jimin nods. “It was peaceful…in his sleep.” Jimin confirms softly. “Alina, his wife wants to meet me on Monday though. Has something for me.”
“Holy shit…” You whisper. “Are you serious?” Your eyes grow a little watery but Jimin is quick to grab your hand. 
“It’s okay. She said it was peaceful.” 
“I’m sorry dude.” Taehyung frowns, “I know you guys loved that guy.”
“Will you come with me?” Jimin asks you, squeezing your hand. “Alina says to bring you.”
You take a moment to respond, the shock a little well, shocking. You finally knock out of it and nod your head and squeeze Jimin’s hand back. “Yeah, sure.”
You’re in the old theatre building, the one that needs renovations so bad, the one you came to almost daily back in college and the one you come to now to watch Jimin perform. The one that feels like stepping inside a place similar to home. The one Mr. Smith had always made you feel was a home.
You and Jimin walk in the back to Mr. Smith’s old office, one he is no longer occupying but it still smells like him. Old books, leather, maybe something sweet from a candle that’s fire has lingered. Mrs. Smith is sitting at his desk, a pair of glasses hanging lowly on her nose as she reviews some papers. She lifts her eyes when you and Jimin walk into the room, a gentle smile on her bright face. 
“You’re here.” She beams at you both, her eyes sparked with adoration. You wonder how she looks so okay when her husband has just passed. Her smile isn’t the only thing gentle, her eyes are also shining with a delicacy. She’s looking tired, age evident on her but she still smiles. “Sit, sit.”
“Hi Mrs—”
“Please, call me Alina.” She tells you, her cheeks dusted so rosy. “Viktor never let anyone call me anything but Alina. Said my name was too beautiful to be called anything else.”
“Wow,” Jimin chuckles softly, “I didn’t know Mr. Smith was so smooth.”
“Oh, 50 years ago he was the smoothest man I ever met. But somehow,” She leans back into the leather chair, “He got even more impressive with time. I must have taught him well.” She winks at you guys and you both laugh. “Anyway, the funeral is on Thursday but I wanted to meet before that…I have something for you Jimin.” Her fingers tap against a packet before sliding it across the desk. “Take a look.” 
You and Jimin exchange a glance before he’s taking the packet, opening it and slipping some papers. His eyes scan over it a few times, his expression growing more and more confused the more he reads over it. “What am I looking at?” Jimin questions quietly, “What—”
“To put it simply,” Alina reaches for her glasses before taking them off her face. “This building…its ours.” She gestures around. “He bought it decades ago. You probably didn’t know, huh?”
“He owns this building?” Jimin looks up from the papers. “It’s his? I thought he just worked here…” 
“Was his.” She smiles. “He’s leaving it to you.”
“Wait, wait.” Jimin’s eyes go back down to the papers in his hands, “I’m sorry but what?” He scans the papers again, “No…it’s yours. Right? It’s yours, I can’t possibly—”
“I thought you’d deny but,” Alina opens a drawer at the desk, she reaches for a closed envelope. “He did too. So here.” She hands Jimin a letter. “Read it, honey.”
Jimin looks at you, his eyes big and confused. He’s hesitant but reaches for the envelope and opens it as smoothly as possible. A single folded sheet of paper inside. 
Dear Jimin,
Did you know that you brought this old building back to life? You might have even been the one to give it life in the first place all those years ago. You are what I once dreamed of becoming when I was young…ah,  but I could not command a stage like you. So my new dream was to provide it for someone who could. How’s Alina? Don’t let her sweet smile fool you, she’s actually quite feisty. My beautiful wife has tried to get me to sell this building for years. So please…don’t think even for a second she wants to keep this place. She’s probably feeling relieved to finally get rid of it! With that being said, it’s yours. But I know you are meant to be on stage…so I wouldn’t be upset if you decide to sell it. Do that if you’d like. Use the money to buy yourself a more decent place to live! Your studio apartment truly is tragic. Sell if you need to. Maybe to someone who might actually renovate it, unlike a cheap bastard like myself! (haha!) Please watch after my Alina for me. And please…ask y/n to watch after you for me. 
Live a long and wonderful life.
Viktor Smith 
Jimin’s eyes are teary as he folds the paper again, he takes a moment to collect himself, deep breath before finding Alina’s eyes. “Did he know he was going to…” 
Alina blinks a few times before understanding his question and then she’s smiling again, “He’s been sick for some time, dear.” She informs the both of you. “My Viktor is resting now. He lived very happily.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, trying to remain calm even though this feels a bit emotional.
“He talked about you two years and years ago…back when you were in college. A natural star and his beautiful girlfriend. How much fun the two of you were…he would come home laughing so hard, telling all these stories. Well,” Alina blinks back a few tears of her own, still smiling. “I guess buying this building forever ago was worth it. Seeing him that happy. Thank you.” She tells you both, “Take care of yourselves.” 
“Are you fucking kidding me, Jeremy?” Naomi shouts across their living room. Your eyes go between her, Jeremy and the little, tiny thing she is referring to.
“What?” He looks around, clueless. 
“Our wedding is in a month! I am literally going insane trying to plan this thing! Why do you think this was the right time for that?!”
“What do you mean?” He continues to play innocent.
“A puppy, Jeremy?! Are you serious?!” Naomi throws her face in her hands, “Why?”
“…Bacon needed a friend.” He finally gives a reason.
“Oh my god, I am going to kill you.” Naomi looks around at the rest of you, wanting some back up. “I finally got Bacon to stop being a little shit and pissing on my rug. Now we have a puppy to potty train?” 
“Damn, that does suck.” You shake your head and Hoseok nods his head in agreement. 
“Nothing about having a puppy sucks guys.” Jeremy scolds you both. “Why is everyone so heartless?”
“The wedding is in a month. We don’t have time for this…” Naomi gives up, plopping down on her sofa. “It’s so soon.”
“It is so soon.” Hoseok chimes in, “Like, didn’t you guys just get engaged…oh my god, Naomi. Are you pregnant?” 
Dae snorts at this but immediately hits Hoseok’s chest when Naomi glares at them. “What?” Hoseok whines, “We’re all thinking it. So…are you?”
Everyone laughs before heads are turning towards Naomi and Jeremy’s front door when Jimin and Taehyung walk in.
“We’re here! We brought lots of snack and—” Taehyung stops in his tracks when he notices a little puppy standing in the middle of the living room. “A puppy?!” He runs towards it in excitement. 
“Oh, cute.” Jimin smiles but it drops. “Wait, I think it’s peeing.”
Everyone’s head turns towards Naomi who is already glaring at Jeremy. “I’m going to kill you.” 
“I don’t think I’m going to make it to being a married man, guys.” 
“R.I.P” Hoseok sends Jeremy some finger guns. 
You giggle to yourself, “So anyway,” You turn to Hoseok and Dae, “Just two more weeks, right?”
“Yeah!” Dae grins, “Two more weeks and Hoseok and I will be done with the long distance. I’ve already started bringing some things over when I visit on weekends. Hoseok isn’t willing to compromise on some things though. Can you talk some sense into him?”
You quirk a brow at your best friend, “What kinds of things?”
“She’s being unfair, y/n.” Hoseok tells you. “She wants to change my bedding!” 
“It’s going to be ours though!” 
You glance at Dae, mortified. “Hoseok’s sheets were expensive! He’s cheap as hell, it was one of the only things he was willing to spend money on and you want to change them?”
“Exactly!” Hoseok leaps into your arms, “You get me. She gets me, my best friend gets me.” 
“They’re red!” Dae looks at you like you cannot be serious. “They’re so ugly!” 
“Sleep in the guest room then.” Hoseok shrugs, still in your arms like you’re going to protect him.
“Fine.” Dae raises her nose in the air, “Have fun using your hand for the rest of your life.”
Hoseok’s eyes widen, he jumps from your arms to hers. “Now that I think about it, red is ugly.” 
“Men.” You roll your eyes. 
“What about men?” Jimin comes to you all, he stands next to you from where you sit on the sofa. 
“Easily manipulated with sex.” You shrug, barely dismissing how pathetic it is. “Sad, right?”
“Manipulation is also sad.” Jimin laughs. 
“Can you help me cut up some fruit?” Jimin asks you, “Taehyung went to the bathroom. He’s lying about his stomach hurting, he just doesn’t want to help.”
“Classic.” You stand from the sofa, already heading towards Naomi and Jeremy’s kitchen with Jimin following behind. “Strawberries too?”
“There weren’t any that looked perfectly juicy, sorry.” Jimin smiles sheepishly. “I wanted to get you some, I promise, but I wasn’t going to bring some that weren’t good enough.” 
“Ah.” You click your tongue, “Well, what can you do.”
“So you admit you’d want something only if it were good enough?” Jimin says lightly, he comes from behind you as you reach for a pineapple. “I’ll cut this.” 
“No I can—wait,” You think about what he just said for a moment before you snort. “Jimin,” You turn to face him, his body only inches from yours. “Did you just compare yourself to strawberries?” 
“I don’t know.” He laughs but there’s something a little sad in his words. “Did I?”
“Anyway,” You look into his eyes, all teasing gone. “You’re the only one who thinks you’re not good enough.” Then you turn back around to face the counter before you’re attempting to cut the fruit. 
“That so?” Jimin whispers, “Maybe I’m still working on it then.” 
You cannot believe it’s already the night before the wedding. You, Naomi, Dae and Naomi’s sister are treating yourselves to a spa day/night. You’re all wearing cute, rejuvenating face masks, eating snacks and giving cheers with full glasses of champagne.
“I can’t believe tomorrow is the day.” Naomi chugs back her entire glass of champagne. “Is anyone else freaking out or just me?”
“It’s normal to freak out.” You chuckle, “It’s a big day.”
“I just keep thinking…like, every time Jer does something that makes me feel annoyed I’m like…oh my god, can I deal with this for the rest of my life?!” 
Dae starts giggling at this, “I had a thought like that recently when Hoseok started vacuuming our bedroom while I was still sleeping.”
“He’s a menace.” You snort, “My condolences.”
“Guys, I’m serious. I’m freaking out. This is a huge life thing and I’m just…wondering how people do this and they’re so sure. How do I know this is right?” Naomi sits down onto a chair. “I love him. And I know that there probably isn’t anyone else out there for me…not like how he is. Actually, yeah.” She kind of smiles now. “He is for me. Just like I know I’m for him…but I’m afraid one day he will just get tired of me.” She laughs. “I don’t even think my concern about him doing annoying stuff is even about me finding him annoying. I think I’m just afraid he might think that about me.” 
“He lives with Bacon.” You tell her with a smirk, “No one is more annoying than that guy and we all love him. Trust me, if he can be best friends with that dog…you’re a walk in the park.”
“Did you just call my dog annoying?”
“That’s beside the point.” 
“Naomi,” Naomi’s sister hands her another glass of champagne, “Answer this one question.”
“Which is?”
“If you called off this wedding, would Jeremy still be the one?”
“Huh?” Naomi looks around, “Of course he would be.”
“Then you know you’re ready for marriage.” She tells her, “Chug the drink.”
“I’m confused.” Dae admits, “How is that—”
“If you can envision your life with a person even without marriage then there’s a good chance they’re the perfect person to marry. You can still be happy, still satisfied and content because you just want to be with that person. Marriage just has perks. It’s not the thing that solidifies love.” Her sister says softly, “If you can confidently say with or without the big day that comes tomorrow…that he and you could still be happy and in love—then you’re marrying the right person.”
“Dang, I wish I had an older sister.” Dae looks at Naomi’s sister with heart eyes.
“Oh come on, Dae.” You chuckle, “Taehyung is a master of advice—especially when it comes to life and love.” 
Dae nibbles on her lips for a moment, “You’re not wrong. Taehyung is the definition of a cool, understanding and protective brother. Even though he complains a lot.” She laughs. “But he gets disturbed easily.”
“And whose fault is that?” You ask with a straight face. “It’s your life mission to make him scold you.”
“I’m the baby in my family it’s like literally my life’s purpose to be a brat.” She shrugs nonchalantly. 
“At least she’s self-aware.” Naomi nods. “Anyway, I’m sure Jer and the guys are having a blast.”
“Speaking of the guys…wait, y/n.” Dae whips her head in your direction. “Any progress with Jimin?” 
“You mean with his therapy? He’s doing so well—”
“No, with you, dummy.”
Your cheeks heat up, face feeling hot and you’re grateful you’re wearing a face mask that seems to be cooling you down. “With me?” You point at yourself. “I don’t even know. It hasn’t been a topic of conversation in so long. I’m trying not to think about it. I don’t even know if he’s even thought about it.”
“You’re still into one another, right?” Naomi asks. “I mean, obviously. Friends or whatever the hell, you guys are attached at the hip.”
“We don’t cross any lines.” You admit as you take your own seat. “There’s moments sometimes where its unspoken, I guess. Tension. Innocent flirting. But it never goes further.” 
“You sound disappointed.” Dae calls you out but you wave her off.
“No.” You say, “Not really. I’m just wondering how long I can keep it up.”
“You mean…how long until you move on?” Naomi asks, brows pinched together. “Nobody would blame you, you know? Not even him.”
“I don’t know that I could ever move on.” You chuckle quietly, “I don’t want to rush him but I can’t read his mind…I don’t…I’m respecting the boundaries but I think because we have both had this mind set for so long it’s almost awkward or strange to bring it up now again.” 
“That’s realistic.” Naomi assures you, “You’ve been trying to be cool, and chill and understanding but I think you also get the free pass of being demanding of some answers.”
“Getting answers means there’s a chance I won’t like what I get.”
“Then at least you’ll know.” Dae cuts in. “Taehyung can be pretty smart sometimes. You guys really are soulmates and maybe you’re blind to it but Jimin is probably on the verge of exploding. His eyes are never not on you, y/n. And the story that is the two of you…well, it’s not going to end with an answer you won’t like. It just means it’s not the end of the story yet.”
“Can I offer some advice?” Naomi’s sister questions you and you nod your head frantically.
“Jimin is the one with thick lips and an ass, right?”
“My advice is that you confess and claim. Hurry or I will.” 
“Dude!” Naomi shouts at her sister. “Anyway, the guys are doing their weird little manly men tradition. Camping or whatever.”
“Yeah, my brother said it’s going to be an epic boys night.”
“Jimin mentioned it too,” You chime in, “Classic testosterone building.”
“Ugh, great.” Naomi rolls her eyes. “They’re probably punching each other right now in the face as we speak to see who is the manliest. I swear if Jeremy shows up tomorrow with a black eye…on our fucking wedding day.”
-The guys-
“We know why we’re here,” Taehyung gestures around, a proud grin on his face. “We’re celebrating our fellow brother, Jeremy.” 
“Brothers.” Jeremy nods towards the guys. “It’s my last night being an unmarried man and there’s no one else I’d rather spend the day with. As men, we have certain duties…”
“Exactly.” Taehyung throws his hands on his hips. “Do you guys know why we’re here?” 
“To do manly shit, right?” Jungkook starts hopping in his spot. “I’m so fucking excited.”
“Exactly. I don’t know anyone else who achieves this level of fucking gloriousness.” Taehyung suddenly bumps Jungkook’s chest with his own. “Men!” 
“That’s us.” Hoseok says proudly, “Reporting for duty.”
“Right, right. Reporting for duty.” Jimin laughs. 
“Is this fucking funny to you?” Taehyung asks with a scowl, he comes toe to toe with Jimin. “Say it like you mean it.”
“Right, sorry. I’m just really excite—anyway, men!” Taehyung looks up at the sky, “I think we all know exactly what we want to achieve tonight.”
All the guys start nodding along as they look at one another, “We do.” Jeremy says. 
“Hell yeah!” Jungkook keeps jumping up and down. “What’s first? Going to cut down some trees and chop up wood for a fire? Fire we make from scratch? What else? Oh! Catch our food! Climb a mountain?!”
“Oh Jungkook.” Hoseok puts a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “This is way better than just climbing a damn mountain. It’s more than you could ever imagine.”
“In a way, we will climb mountains,” Taehyung sighs out, “In a way, we are starting fires from scratch.” 
“You have no idea, Jungkook…” Jeremy starts filling him in, “But we’re about to exceed anything you thought being manly was. This is crazier, more intense, maybe even illegal and forbidden…maybe even a fucking crime.”
“Holy shit are we going to kill some—”
One hour later
“And that’s how I,” Jeremy is forced to pause when he hiccups. “How I knew Naomi was the one.”
Jungkook stares at him in disbelief, expression angry while his eyes look teary. “Give me that.” He yanks the bottle of liquor from Jeremy’s hands and takes an aggressive sip. “That had no fucking business being that beautiful.”
All the boys heads turn towards Taehyung when they hear him sniffling, “WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN?!” he yells out, the tiny tent they built barely holding it together. 
“Don’t force it, dude.” Jeremy slurs.
“So what?” Taehyung cries out dramatically, “I’m supposed to just pretend that I’m not constantly looking for the love of my life?!”
“Sometimes you find the love of your life when you least expect it.” Jimin says.
“Exactly.” Hoseok adds, “That’s how that works.” 
“Mhm.” Jeremy takes the bottle of liquor back and takes a gulp.
Taehyung looks at everyone incredulously, “Oh.” He starts laughing. “That is rich coming from you guys! This is what privilege looks like.” He is now the one stealing away the bottle and gulping some back. When he swallows the nasty liquid, he wipes his mouth before pointing at his friends. “Your love stories are basically written like romance novels with the most basic tropes. You,” He points at Jeremy, “Best friends to lovers. Boring! And you,” He points at Hoseok now, “Enemies to lovers. How creative! And you!” He points at Jimin, “Some sort of weird exes story.”
“Wait, what about me?” Jungkook points at himself innocently.
“The perfect author hasn’t found you yet, buddy. But what’s my story?! Huh?! Don’t tell me I’m just some side character in your stories and I don’t even get my own book?!” 
“What the hell is he talking about?” Jeremy whispers towards Hoseok, “I literally don’t understand anything he’s saying.”
“Same.” Hoseok shrugs.
“Guys, we all know Taehyung has a really interactive imagination.” Jimin offers Taehyung a pity smile, “Listen, I just know you’re going to have the most epic love story of all.” 
“I think so too. If we stick with your logic, you might even be the main character here.” Hoseok reaches for the bottle. 
“Yeah well…wait,” Taehyung pauses as he ponders thoughtfully. “Actually, you guys might be onto something…maybe this has actually been about me the entire time…”
“Anyway,” Jungkook takes the bottle from Hoseok, “If this night has taught me anything it’s that the most important thing is to love ourselves.”
“Fucking exactly. That’s step one!” Jeremy shouts.
“With that being said…” Jungkook glances around the tent, nerves making him feel crazy…”…I’m going to quit my parent’s company!” He suddenly blurts. “Yeah! Fuck that place! I’m going to quit!”
“Wait, for real? You’re serious?” Jimin asks, smile growing on his face. “You’re sure you want to do that dude?”
“You basically just asked me if I’m sure that I want to love myself and be happy.” Jungkook gulps some liquor back. “I want to live my life.”
“Hell yeah, brother.” Jeremy nods in approval. “No matter what happens, we support you.”
“Yeah, we do.” Taehyung grips Jungkook’s shoulder and rocks him around. “This is brotherhood.”
“Fucking boys night.” Hoseok grins to himself. 
“But uh,” Taehyung clears his throat. “Speaking of loving ourselves and what not…Jimin.”
Jimin lifts his head with wide eyes, innocent expression on his face as he cutely questions Taehyung’s sudden call out, “Huh?”
“What’s um, what’s going on with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh come on…” Taehyung smiles at his best friend. “You’ve beat yourself up long enough, don’t you think?” 
Hoseok reaches for Jimin, palm flat against his back as his starts to rub it. “Yeah, dude.” 
Jimin looks at his friends, eyes dancing around the tent and he sees their eyes. They’re filled with concern…hope…and maybe endearment. His eyes land on the bottle in Jungkook’s lap and he points at it, laser focused. “Gimme.”
Jungkook wastes no time in passing Jimin the bottle.
Jimin wraps his lips around the bottle they’ve been sharing, the last drops remaining sliding down his throat. He’s quiet, still feeling the eyes of his friends on him. He’s thinking. The same thoughts that have been swarming for a little while. He knows his own answers. Small smile begins lifting his lips before he raises his head and locks eyes with each of his friends.
“Yeah, dude.” Jimin repeats Hoseok’s words. His expression alone tells his friends everything they need to know. 
Hoseok rubs his back for only a moment longer before the softest most genuine smile begins growing on his face, love and pride filling his veins. Hoseok glances around the tent, all the boys forming their own smiles. And Hoseok spills the words they’re all thinking so slowly and intentional. “Boys night.” He says calmly and quietly. 
Jimin nods his head, grin growing. “Boys night.” 
“…Boys night. Boys night. Boys night.” Jeremy starts chanting and then Taehyung joins him. “Boys night! Boys night!” The voices inside the tent gets louder and louder. 
“Boys night!” Jungkook joins with pure excitement. 
Just a small tent under the moonlight, surrounded by trees, is quite possibly the manliest men. Well, according to them.
Present Day
Watching one of your best friends walk down the aisle to join hands with one of your other best friends and seeing them smile all giddily with glossy eyes as they vow to one another about a long life of love is surreal. You and Hoseok are probably the most emotional ones here at this entire venue. You don’t even know how you’re going to handle Hoseok’s wedding one day and he’s thinking the same about you. 
Naomi and Jeremy seal the deal with a sweet kiss and everyone’s going wild, clapping and hollering for the two lovebirds. You were nervous for no reason earlier when you watched yourself in the mirror, reflecting on the last year—the wedding has been perfect. 
Once the ceremony ends, the night continues on to the reception. A big place. Open bar. Dance floor and round tables with beautiful decorations scattered around. Families joined, friends gathered and love so thick in the air. 
Taehyung is walking through the lively crowd of people of friends and family as he grips the drink he just got from the bar. He sees you and Jimin chatting in the distance, your bodies close together, laughing and touching so innocently. Dummies, he thinks to himself as he smiles. He wants nothing more than for the two of you to have this kind of day of your own. But he’s also wishing he could imagine this kind of day for himself as well. In his dreams, because he thinks he is officially giving up. He even sees Jungkook in the distance flirting with a cute girl. 
“When will it be my turn?!” He mocks himself, groaning out loud, not even realizing his own volume. 
“Please.” A feminine voice suddenly can be heard. “That’s what I’m asking.” 
Taehyung’s eyes lower to a girl sitting down at the nearest table to him, she lifts her drinks in some sort of depressing cheers. “Want to take a seat at the losers table?” She asks him with a playful smile. Taehyung looks around the venue before shrugging and taking a seat.
“Trust me, no one is more loser than me.” Taehyung mumbles, taking a sip of his drink.
“You sure?” The mystery girl raises a brow in a challenge. “This is my eighth wedding this year.” She counters confidently, “Imagine having that many friends in love?! I set up half of them. I deserve a fairy tale too.” She pouts before taking a sip of her own drink. 
“God, I know exactly what you mean!” Taehyung nods his head enthusiastically, “My friends all make fun of be for being the biggest believer in soulmates yet they all have one but me?! Make it make sense?!” 
“Unbelievable!” The girl shouts, egging him on with her own woes. “Maybe we’re meant to die alone.”
“I’m starting to think so.” He agrees before taking another sip.
“Love is this magical thing and we will never know.”
“It’s literally the best thing to exist!” Taehyung shouts, “Right?!”
“Hallelujah, amen.” The girl sighs before they clink their glasses together in some depressing cheers. “Why aren’t there more people like us? We deserve it the most!”
“Exactly!” Taehyung starts getting more riled up. “Where is my me?! And where’s your you?!”
“Someone like us?” The girl shakes her head, expressing how impossible that is. “They obviously don’t exist. As if we would meet anyone who share our ideals.”
“Fucking exactly, my dude.” Taehyung takes another sip. 
“It wouldn’t happen,” She drags out her words, completely believing them. Excited to know someone she can share this pain with. “We would never meet…” She says the words slowly, blinking at nothing before she turns her head towards Taehyung. Her eyebrows start to furrow and he gazes back at her, his own brows pinching together as realization starts hitting them both. 
“…Wait…a…minute…” They both say slowly in unison as their eyes narrow at one another. 
They keep staring and staring before Taehyung quickly shakes his head and he laughs, “No…that…that can’t be.” 
“Of course not!” The girl rushes to say as well, “That’s ridiculous! We just met.” 
But then Taehyung narrows his eyes again, “…But what if…”
“Yeah…I mean…” She looks at him suspiciously as well. But then Taehyung snorts.
“We don’t even know each other’s names this is,” Then he suddenly becomes serious. “Taehyung.” He extends his hand out and she takes it immediately.
“…Nice to meet you.”
“…Likewise…” She keeps her hand in his palm and they take a moment to gaze at the other.
“Did you feel that?” Taehyung suddenly asks.
“If you’re talking about the bolt of fucking electricity when our hands touched then hell yeah.” 
“…Are we…”
“…Soulmates?” She finishes the question. 
They stare at each other again and then they both let go on each other’s hands as they start cracking up, heads shaking at the idea.
“God, that’s so ridiculous.” Marisol waves him off before reaching for her drink again.
“For real.” Taehyung laughs alongside her. “Anyway,” He raises his glass towards her. “Cheers.”
“Cheers, fellow loser.” She brings her glass to her lips as they lock eyes, both smiling as they drink. 
You can hear lively dance music in the distance as you finish drying your hands in the venues bathroom. You open the door to exit when you run into someone. Like, literally. 
“Sorry, I—” You pause, eyes wide as you eye the girl you just bumped into before you’re grinning. “Lucy?”
“y/n!” Lucy squeals in excitement.
“Wow,” You eye her over, “I almost didn’t recognize you.” You say, she sheepishly tugs at the ends of her hair. Her blonde hair looks a couple shades lighter and her once long locks have been completely chopped off. Her hair curls right below her chin now. 
“Wanted something new.” She admits cutely. “But I’m so happy I ran into you! The ceremony was so beautiful, oh my god, I cried a little, I won’t lie!”
“Girl, you’re telling me.” You chuckle.
“So how are you?” Lucy asks, “I’ve really missed you guys.”
“I’m good.” You smile at her. “We miss you too. Are you doing well?”
“More than that.” She admits, “You’ll never believe it…but I’ve been offered to study below a pretty big deal designer in Paris for 6 months. I’ve accepted…I leave in November.”
“What!” You quickly bring her in for a hug. “That’s awesome, Lucy!”
“It is.” She says in your chest. “Things are good.” 
You pull away from her, “I’m happy for you. Truly.”
“Thanks.” She grins,  goofy smile on her face that you haven’t seen in so long. “Anyway, I really got to pee! Catch you later, girl.” 
“See ya!” 
You watch as she disappears in the bathrooms and you feel your heart glowing. Despite everything…you’ve always just wished her well. You’re glad it’s come true. 
You walk down the hall, your short heels clicking against the tiled floors and you follow the sound of music into the main area. And just when you thought you were done running into people…
“Well, well, well.” Min Yoongi. “If it isn’t a pretty stranger.” He shows you an adorable smile before you’re laughing and giving him a hug. “Namjoon and Emiko are right behind me.” He tells you, you both look behind and you see the two approaching. 
“Namjoon!” You feel your lips spread into a wide smile. He looks as handsome as he ever has. His smile grows on his own face and it’s the one you’ve always known—that genuine fucking smile. 
“y/n.” He says your name with ease, “You look great.” 
“You’re one to talk.” You tease him before you’re being scooped into a firm hug. “And Emiko, you look gorgeous.”
“Wow,” She blushes, fingers brushing back her black, silky hair. “Thank you. You do too!” 
“I’m glad you guys were able to make it.” You tell them all. “Have you said hi to everyone else?”
“Yeah, not too long ago.” Namjoon says. “I’m glad those two finally got together.” He laughs as Yoongi nods along with a smile. “Being reunited with everyone has been a gift.” 
“We feel the same.” You tell him honestly. “Anyway, I’m sure they’re wondering where I’m at. I’ve felt my phone vibrate at least ten times since I’ve slipped away to the bathroom.”
“I’m guessing we can all assume its Hoseok.” Namjoon chuckles.
“Naturally.” You playfully roll your eyes. “It was great seeing you guys though. Let’s all dance later!” 
“Sure.” Emiko grins at you. 
And then you’re walking off to find the rest of your friends.
“Going to use the bathroom, be right back.” Yoongi tells Namjoon and Emiko.
“Sounds good.” Namjoon waves him off, then he catches Emiko’s eye. “What?”
“Nothing.” She sings out. “I was wondering how’d you react when seeing her.” She teases him, “Do you think her and that guy are together?”
“Jimin?” Namjoon raises a brow, “Hmm, I don’t know.”
“You aren’t upset about it?”
Namjoon chuckles at this, “Why would I be?” He smiles at her. “I’ll defend her love decisions!” 
“That so?” Emiko continues to tease.
“Ah, she went on a date with me the day she saw Jimin again for the first time in five years. You know, I bet a whole book could be made about her and that situation.” He laughs, “Maybe I should write it.”
“Going to venture into a new genre?” Emiko giggles, “Okay, what would their book be called? Something like ‘Still in love’” She jokes but Namjoon thinks about it thoughtfully.
“No…” he ponders, “Maybe something like ‘Love Again’ instead.”
“Oh, cute.” Emiko nods her head. “Okay, if we had to have a romance novel about the two of us what would it be called?” 
Namjoon’s eyes expand slightly before he’s titling his head. “Huh?”
“A good title would probably be ‘Oblivious’ hm?” She continues to joke and tease. Namjoon stares at her for a moment. He’s not as oblivious as she’s making him out to be so he smiles before responding.
“Or maybe something cheesy like, ‘First Love’” He tells her with a dimpled grin. But she just drops her smile slightly, blinking at him slightly confused.
“Ah, that phase I had back in like middle school where I ‘hated’ you? I didn’t actually think you had cooties.” He chuckles, “I was just a dumb kid who didn’t know how to handle his feelings. Kids, you know?” Namjoon shrugs and Emiko stares at him while blushing. “But I like to think I’ve matured since then.” 
“Alright, I’m back!” Yoongi walks between them, “Should we get some drinks now?”
“Oh my god, can you believe it?” You lean against Hoseok’s body, swaying into your best friend before he’s wrapping an arm over your shoulder.
“Believe what?” He grins, “That our best friends are all grown up?”
“Exactly. Can you believe we had no idea these two were going to get together?”
“Honestly, I’m still in shock.” Hoseok laughs loudly, “All they did was bicker!” 
“According to everyone it was sexual tension.”
“Literally there was nothing sexy about it.” He deadpans and you burst into laughter.
“God, I am so glad we agree.” 
You two are leaning against a cold, metal railing that overlooks a calm pond. There’s a few tables set up outside but everyone’s indoors, dancing the night away. You and Hoseok found yourselves outside, enjoying the cool late September breeze, escaping the inside crowd.
“Well, if it isn’t the two most important people in the world.” You hear Naomi’s voice from behind you and Hoseok. “What are you two doing out here?”
“Escaping.” You say, sticking your tongue out.
“Hell yeah. Us too.” Jeremy grins, “Can you believe those people in there? So much energy.”
“Pretty gross, if you ask me.” Naomi giggles, “I wish everyone could have agreed to take a nap before getting this party started.” Naomi and Jeremy stand on either side of you and Hoseok. All of you leaning against the railing, eyes on the water. 
“Should we ditch this lame party and have a movie night instead?” You tease.
“God, only if we watch a horror movie so Hoseok can entertain all of us.” Naomi joins in.
“You guys are assholes.” Hoseok complains as he knocks his hip into yours.
“Oh come on, Hobi, we love you.” You knock back into him. “Hurry, tell us you love us back.”
“Not sure you guys deserve my love.” 
“Bruh.” Jeremy whines. “I didn’t even say anything!”
“Fine, you have my love, Jer. But the two of you are on thin ice.” Hoseok looks as you and Naomi before you’re all laughing. “But really…I do love all of you. Feels like an appropriate day to be cheesy.”
“Agreed.” You smile, eyes still on the pond. “This is life, huh?”
“What else would it be?” Jeremy snorts. 
“You know what I mean.” You turn your head to glare at him but then you soften. “We’re at the part of life where things grow and change. It’s natural to grow apart too.” You say more quiet, “We will probably see less and less of one another. Get busy with so many things. Life, you know?”
“I guess you aren’t wrong.” Naomi mumbles. “As sad as it sounds.” 
“Yeah…” Hoseok agrees softly, his arm tightening around you as his other arm goes around Jeremy. “We’re still family though.”
“Always will be.” You say.
It’s quiet between the four of you for a few minutes, everyone staring out into the world, moonlight shining over the pond as you all soak in this moment you’re sure you’ll cherish for the rest of your lives. 
“Wait…” You suddenly blurt.
“Huh?” Hoseok glances at you, “What’s up?”
“Yo.” You look at your friends, “We’re literally stuck together dudes. Less and less my ass! We are stuck with each other Monday through Friday, bitches!”
“Oh shit.” Hoseok suddenly grins, “That’s so true.”
It’s quiet for another moment before you’re all dancing in your spots and collectively yelling, ‘Ayy!’
“We’re in this shit until retirement, huh?” Naomi smiles so hard her face hurts. 
“No doubt.” Jeremy agrees, “And in this economy? Might be forever.”
“I guess I could do forever with you guys.” You laugh.
It’s quiet again until Naomi detaches herself to look at the three of you more seriously, a delicate fondness in her eyes. “But seriously the four of us…” Naomi pauses because her voice cracks a little and she starts laughing at how ridiculous she feels for getting emotional. But you just smile at her, nodding along because you completely understand.
“Yeah.” You say simply because you get it and so do the guys. 
It’s been one magical night. You feel happy and loved and grateful. But you have no idea that the most important part of this day has yet to happen. Your friends have gone back inside, Hoseok being challenged by Dae for a dance off and Naomi and Jeremy explaining they should probably socialize with their guests. 
You’re taking this moment to just breathe this late September air and watch how the moon grows brighter. 
“Hey.” You jump a little at the sudden sound of Jimin’s voice. “Whoops,” He chuckles softly, eyeing you over. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Jeez, Jimin.” You throw a hand over your heart. “Warn me next time.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” He smirks at you, “You must have been pretty lost in your head to not have heard me come out here.”
“Not lost.” You smile. “Admiring this beautiful night.”
“Ah,” He comes closer to you, standing by your side before he’s looking out over the water. “It is a beautiful night.” 
“Wow,” Jimin turns to face you, looking offended. “That was your cue to tell me I’m beautiful! Drunk you would have done it.”
You laugh at this, “Well, I’m not drunk. So I guess you’re out of luck.”
“Damn, and I thought I had pretty good luck.”
“Maybe another time.” You tease him, playfully bumping into his side. “We haven’t really gotten to talk the last few days since we’ve been so busy with wedding stuff.”
“Trust me, I’ve felt your absence.” Jimin admits, voice soft and low. 
You stare ahead at the water, gulping because his words somehow always affect you so stupidly. Your heart is already pounding in your chest and it makes you feel silly. “Have you now?” You finally ask, voice calmer than you thought you could manage.
“Of course.” Jimin responds, “Is it not obvious that I’m incapable of living without you?” He asks but it sounds like a harmless joke. “If it’s not obvious what can I do to make it that way?” He turns his head to gaze at you. “What kinds of things should I say or do?” He asks lowly, voice smooth and charmed. 
You meet his eyes and try to swallow the anxious lump in your throat. “I don’t know.” You chuckle awkwardly, “Isn’t saying it just like that enough?”
“Hmm.” Jimin licks his lips before continuing, “Is it enough?” 
“I-I don’t know.” You say again. 
“You do know.” He steps a little closer to you, “You’ve been…”
“I’ve been…?”
“Amazing.” He says in one breath. “But that word doesn’t even feel like enough.”
“y/n…I’m okay.” He decides to say, his eyes on yours, barely even blinking. “I’m okay.” 
“What do you—”
You stop when Jimin turns his head to face the water again, a deep sigh leaving his mouth before he’s swallowing a lump in his own throat. “I want to tell you…” He begins, voice shakier than before. “That I am finally the man I need to be for me…because,” He pauses. “Because I’m the man I want to be for you.” 
You stare at him, speechless, eyes on his side profile, trying to process what he’s saying. 
“I don’t have that darkness eating at me anymore.” He spills truthfully, “I only see light.”
Of course he does, you think. You blink at him, still rendered speechless. 
“So much light.” He swallows.
Of course there’s light. Because he deserves the fucking sun.
Jimin turns to face you again, eyes glassy and a smile so heartwarming you might melt right here, your liquid body dripping into the pond.
“I can’t not be with you anymore.” He admits, breaths heavier as he tries to come up with more to say. “If you’re ready then—”
Finally, after this long year…you are feeling his plush lips against yours as you lean into him with your rushed kiss. He’s surprised for only a moment. His eyes slowly shutting as he kisses you back, hands feeling your waist when he pulls you in closer. But the kiss falls apart quickly, your emotions bubbled over, all you can do is exhale into his mouth before you’re leaning away with teary eyes on his.
“You-you’re okay?” You ask, hands going to his face, cupping his cheeks tenderly. “You’re okay?” You ask again, voice cracking.
Jimin’s bated breaths are hard to miss. He tries to smile for you, his own emotions spilling. “I’m not okay, y/n. I’m good.” 
“You are?” You ask, in an almost pleasant disbelief. “Do you still—”
“Love you?” He chuckles, sniffling a little before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your lips. “With all my heart. We’re fated.” 
You laugh, despite wanting to cry. “Cheesy.” You push him back playfully, “You sound like Taehyung.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Jimin rubs his hands on your waist.
“God, not at all. He might be the best one of all of us.” 
“Yeah.” Jimin nods. “He is our soulmate, after all.”
“Don’t let him hear that, we will never hear the end of it.” You giggle, hands still cupping his cheeks. “I also love you, by the way.”
“I know that.” Jimin brushes his nose against yours, “You’re going to love me again and again.”
“Forever.” You confirm. “So…”
“I’m pretty sure we could leave if we wanted.”
“Oh could we?” Jimin leans further into you again, his lips pressing over yours as he smiles. “You going to let me take you home, baby?”
“Going to let you take me anywhere.” You reply, voice laced in silk now.
“Paradise.” He says, “Going to take you to paradise.”
God, you don’t think you’ve ever known another tongue like this. Wet and delicious, sliding up your inner thigh, teeth nipping the fragile skin. Your fingers dig into your sheets, the soft material not enough to handle the violence you’re unleashing on them. You’re not convinced you can make it out alive. Not with a man promising paradise, promising heaven. 
Jimin’s got a thumb spreading the tops of your folds, exposing the place that promises your sinful death. He only admires your heat, arousal dripping to your mattress and he takes a mental picture. He wants to remember your pretty pussy like this—before he ruins it. 
“We don’t have to take our time, Jimin.” Your hand goes to the top of his head, fingers threading through his hair before you tug it. “I’m so desperate for you.” 
“I love those kinds of words, babe.” Jimin kisses the inside of your thigh, dark eyes on you. “You can say whatever words you want…but that won’t change what I do with you. But I encourage it, it just makes me harder.” He tells you, his hips rutting against the mattress. “Say you’re desperate. Talk about how badly you need my cock inside you or you might die. Go ahead,” Another kiss, but this time closer to your core. “Say it so I can get so hard that I come all over your sheets, baby.” 
“Jimin…” You whine his name and he only smiles at you, sly and forbidden. 
“Look at you.” He mocks you sweetly, “Looks like you’re going to fucking fall apart just from this.” 
Your chest is heaving. He isn’t wrong. You probably do look like that since that’s how it feels. You’re so fucking sensitive, you’re so fucking pathetically sensitive. 
“I could suck your clit for 30 seconds and I bet you’d fucking shake from a quick, pathetic orgasm, huh?” Jimin teases, his tongue poking further from his lips. He keeps his eyes on you when he finally uses it. Uses his tongue in the place that’s going to kill you. 
“Fuck, Jimin.” You breathe roughly, body tense from how insane you’re going. He stares up as you, eyes with flames burning inside. He presses his tongue against your core, a ridiculous but perfect amount of pressure as he drags it up towards your clit. You’re not going to survive and you sure as hell aren’t going to last.
Jimin, using that same amount of pressure, circles his tongue expertly, making you cry out. Making you want to scream. And he does what he teased you with…he wraps his luscious lips around your sensitive nub and he sucks on it. Your legs immediately react, heels of your feet digging into Jimin’s back. He groans into your cunt, sucking while his tongue fucks you into another reality. 
He said 30 seconds but you cannot even confidently say it’s going to be that much…you’re feeling like this is the first time. First time you’ve ever been touched. First time you’re being introduced into a new world of overwhelming pleasure. You’re moaning, high, low, whimpers, whines and everything in between. 
And then you gasp, heels digging deeper into his back when two thick fingers push inside your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck.” You cry out, eyes slamming shut even though you want to watch him. Those two fingers curl and explore…and you cannot keep this impending explosion of pleasure at bay any longer. Fingers tugging at Jimin’s hair, you cry his name over and over until you feel yourself get hit with a rush of heat. Fire trialing across your entire body as this orgasm hits you in waves. 
Jimin lets you use his face to ride it out, your moans a melody to this rhythm. When you’re finally relaxing, Jimin backs away, satisfied, sinister grin on his face. When his fingers leave your dripping hole, so does your sanity.
“What did I say?” Jimin crawls up your body, voice taunting. “You’d be shaking from an orgasm that you so pathetically welcomed.”
“Because I’m so desperate for you, Jimin.” You pant, completely worn and out of breath.
“Keep up the desperation, baby.” He strokes his cock, “Because I have yet to fuck you.”
“No condom.” You moan, “Fuck it. No condom.” You tell him again, “I’m good about my birth control…fuck me with nothing between us.”
“You just want my cum filling you up, don’t you? God, you’re so dirty, baby.”
“Yeah.” You nod, your fingers going down to his member, stroking his length yourself. His eyes roll to the back of his head at the contact. “Need your cum inside me, want to feel it dripping out, want to feel the evidence of your pleasure mixing with mine.”
“That’s something a slut would say, baby.” Jimin’s hips jolt forward when you squeeze the head of his cock. “Is that what you are for me, hm?”
“Find out.” Your breaths are erratic, smile on your lips as you guide his cock to your core. Jimin allows you to tease the tip of his dick, the swollen head dipping into your hole, stretching you with every little push.
“More.” Jimin is the one begging, “Let me push inside more.”
“Yeah.” You nod frantically, whines leaving your mouth. “Bury yourself inside me.”
Jimin’s hands go to your hips as he concentrates on sliding further into you, inch by inch slowly disappearing as your pussy sucks him in. “Yeah, fuck.” He pants, body falling further on you, his face hovering above yours. “This is how I’m going to fuck you, yeah?”
“Mm, yeah.” You cry, his cock finally fully inside, his pelvis meeting yours. “Move.”
Jimin says nothing, he just pulls his hips back, his length brushing your insides before he’s thrusting back in. He’s breathing so heavily as he starts repeating these motions. Your fingers are now clawing at his back, he groans right in your ear at the slight pain he feels from your nails. But he doesn’t hate it. 
“More.” You beg, “More, more. Fuck, Jimin, more.” 
He’s motivated. Hips slapping against yours, fucking you properly now. He’s pushing in and out, forcing his hips to grind into you with such depth and precision. He’s feeling the tightness in his balls and he’s struggling to keep his sounds from sounding so incredibly pitiful. And it is so fucking sexy to your ears. 
“Jimin, fuck…” You whimper, “I’m going to come again…from this alone, god, I’m going to come…I’m so cl—”
“Yeah?” Jimin starts fucking you harder. “Thank god. The way you’re squeezing me, baby…” He can’t finish that sentence…your walls close in on him as you feel the high of pleasure possess your body. You’re entire body is tensing, back arching and Jimin can’t control it when his cock reaches the end and he’s in euphoria. He’s coming. Hot cum creating art inside you. 
You’re both panting, you’re both moaning, crying, sinning beyond repair. You’re both in the paradise he promised. 
“Shit,” Jimin collapses, trying his hardest not to crush you. “My love…” he kisses your neck, “I fucking love you, you know that?” He whispers. “This is day one.”
“Yeah?” You smile, breaths still erratic. “Good. I love you too.” 
“What time is it?” You murmur sleepily, pointer finger tracing little patterns on Jimin’s chest.
“Maybe like 3am.” He tells you softly, “You want to sleep?”
“No.” You chuckle. “But also yes.”
“You know,” Jimin sinks deeper into the sheets, body twisting so he can face you, eyes on yours. “Life is crazy.”
“For sure.” You say, lips curving up. “Everything happens for a reason though, right?”
“Yeah.” He smiles. “Fate or whatever.”
“Mm,” You nod. “I guess so.”
“You know how Mr. Smith left me the theatre?” Jimin gazes at you, softness in his features.
“I found a good person to sell it to.” He informs you, “He would like this guy.”
“Oh.” You blink at him in slight surprise. 
“I’m going to use the money to buy a house.” Jimin scoots closer to you, soft breaths hitting your lips. “How does that sound?”
“You’re asking me..?”
“Mhm.” He pecks your lips. “A home for us. We know we’re good at living together already,” He chuckles, “Been there, done that and what not.”
“Right.” You laugh, pecking his lips as well. “Might as well do it again.”
“Yeah, how do you think that sounds?”
“Sounds like fate.” Your hand goes to his cheek, thumb brushing against his smooth skin, “And you know what they say about it.”
“It works pretty funny.” 
“You have no idea.” He grins once more before kissing you again and again. 
Well, maybe you’ve had an idea all along.
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yaesnovels · 2 years
— boyfriend.
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— synopsis; “i could be a better boyfriend than him, i could do the shit that he never did, up all night, i won’t quit. i’m gonna steal you from him, i could be such a gentleman. plus all my clothes would fit.” // catching your boyfriend cheating on you has you practically running into arlecchino’s arms to find comfort … and maybe also true love.
— word count; 1.500
— pairing; arlecchino x reader
— disclaimer; fembodied!reader but no specific pronouns; mention of getting cheated on / a breakup ; arlecchino gives you comfort after your breakup with tartaglia, oral and a little fingering, i’ll probably always suck at writing woman x fem-bodied!reader lol
— a/n; repost from my previous blog. probably the last post i hadn’t reposted yet. been busy trying to figure out plots for the bouquet requests, and i’ll try to bring out the first one in a couple of days. also childe my love, i’m sorry for making you the asshole in here, i love u lots <3
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arlecchino ... who watches you leave tartaglia's study with a rather sad expression, when she enters the headquarters of the fatui, already suspecting that the young harbinger probably did something to break you precious heart again.
arlecchino ... who decides to watch your relationship to tartaglia progress, hesitating to ask you how you are doing and if you are genuinely happy with him – despite already knowing the slut he would take into his study once you left and the noises that they would desperately try to muffle.
arlecchino ... who gets sick of watching you look so unhappy whenever you spend time with her fellow colleague. she finally decides to intervene and invites you for dinner at her home — as friends, obviously.
arlecchino ... who sees you with quivering lips as you break down in her arms, telling her with soft sobs escaping how tartaglia broke up with you, after a quite long relationship and arlecchino realizing that this might be her chance to show you that you deserve a lot better.
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“hey, hey, please, sweetheart, calm down, yeah? look at me”, arlecchino spoke with a sweet, calm voice, softly embracing your cheeks with her gloved hands. she softly lifted your head, asking you to follow her example as she took a long breath and softly exhaled again. it took you a couple of minutes to finally stop shaking and having you sit next to her.
arlecchino couldn’t handle seeing you so sad. despite the fact that she always wanted you for herself, she never wanted you to be so unhappy, how could she even think of that? she made herself a mental note to question her damn colleague about this and she knew she wasn’t going to hesitate to … use more drastic methods towards tartaglia.
“you better now?”, she calmly asked as she listened to your now calm breathing, you two were laying on her bed, your head on her chest as her hands were softly caressing over your back. you nodded, closing your eyes. “do you want to talk about it?”
you shook your head, not even verbally responding because all that crying had exhausted you a lot – you didn’t even want to think about him. you just desperately needed a distraction and you were glad that arlecchino had invited you to her home.
you looked up to the harbinger, realizing how you found comfort in her arms so easily. you lifted up your body a little, wanting to look at her beautiful face and a little smile formed on her lips. oh, those beautiful lips… you had noticed a long time ago how beautiful your now ex’s colleague was and you often noticed how much you enjoyed her company, the way she made you laugh when you were waiting for your tartaglia to finally come to his study.
why did you never realize how attractive she was?
“as much as i want to kiss you, y/n… i don’t think this is right”, she stopped you when you leaned in to kiss her. arlecchino could’ve slapped herself for that. why would she say that? “you just broke up with tartaglia. i want you to want me. i will be there for you but i don’t want to do something right now that you might regret later. i wanted you for so long but couldn’t ask you out because i didn’t want to make you feel pressured to choose either of us. but now…”
she was right, you knew that. she had a good point.
you gulped, nodding slightly. “don’t think that i don’t want you, sweetheart, i do. i wanted you to be mine for so long now. i just don’t want to be a distraction for you and someone you regret having in your life.”
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a few days had passed since that night tartaglia had broken up with you and arlecchino happily offered you comfort. you were still thinking about the things she said. she was right about one thing – the moment you were so close to kiss her, you wanted to have her distract you.
that night, you caught tartaglia in his study with that woman sitting on his desk, him between her legs, holding her chin between his thumb and index finger and telling her all those nasty things he was going to do to her with his usual smirk on his lips. his eyes widened as he saw you at the door / realized you were watching them from the door when he saw you at the door – he didn’t expect you to be there as you had decided to surprise him for once. how could he do this to you? why would he do this?
thinking about it, you never really received the attention you needed from him. despite only being a friend, you only ever really received care and attention from arlecchino. the harbingers were intimidating people, however, arlecchino always had a very soft spot for you, making sure you took care of yourself and everything.
you knew if you hesitated again, you would never reach anything with her. so you left your house and walked to the headquarters of the fatui where all the harbingers have their personal spaces with everything they could possibly need for their … work.
on your way there, you saw tartaglia, standing in front of the entrance. when he saw you, his eyes lit up, he quickly jogged to you and took your hand in his. “y/n, love, please hear me out, i am so-”
“save your excuses, i’m not here for you or your half-assed apologies. is arlecchino here?”, you interrupted him with a cold voice. tartaglia was started by your harsh tone, not really knowing why you would be looking for his colleague. he nodded quickly and told you she was in her office and you quickly entered the ice-cold halls to look for arlecchino.
once you were right in front of her office, you couldn’t decide between knocking or just going in. impulsively, you just entered the office, a little breathless from running all the way to the palace with the headquarters next to it.
“y/n? what are you–”
you didn’t even let her finish as you were already in front of her, putting your arms around her and kissing her. arlecchino was taken aback with your sudden action, pulling you closer once she processed what was happening and immediately kissed you back with such fervor that now you were surprised.
“‘cchino i–”, she shushed you before she pushed you against her desk, holding your wrists tightly with her hands.
“just… don’t talk. i’ve waited too long to waste time with talking”, she mumbled as she unbuttoned your jacket, pushing it over your shoulders. “i’m going to show you what you missed out on all this time, sweetheart.”
you felt the butterflies in your stomach go crazy with the nickname. why was it affecting you like this so suddenly? arlecchino always called you sweetheart and it never got a reaction out of you. or maybe it did and you just never realized it?
the soft kisses she peppered over your skin made you close your eyes in bliss, especially when she moved away from your body for a moment to pull off your hoodie, leaving you in your bra only. it didn’t take long until your upper body was completely naked and you shivered as you processed the cold.
arlecchino pushed you down on her desk, hovering over you immediately and leaving kisses and pecks over your collarbone and finally started sucking on your nipples, having you bury your fingers in her white hair, even pulling on the strands you were gripping.
she let out the prettiest sound – a little, soft whine escaping the sweet lips she was making your whole body shaking with.
“i’m going to show you what you missed out on, sweetheart. and i will make you scream for me for everyone – including fucking tartaglia – to hear you come for me”, arlecchino said as she finally pulled down your pants and her lips were sucking on your clit.
“oh, archons”, you moaned out as she already pushed a finger inside your hole, having you thrash around and look for something to hold onto – which was a little too hard to find as you were laying on her desk with her documents spread all over it.
your whole legs was shaking as you came around her fingers, you couldn’t remember the last time you came this hard, especially not with childe; and it took you a couple of minutes to finally regain your ability to speak.
“now, now, if you think we are done, sweetheart” – she interrupted herself as she got up from her position on her knees again and caressed your cheek softly, the total opposite of action from how she already ruined you with her finger and lips only – “you are absolutely wrong. i have months long of yearning for you pent up. i promise to show you how much i love you, sweetheart.”
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lostonehero · 2 months
What comes next
Mechs agnst! Mechs agnst! Mechs agnst!
Jonny groaned and woke up to familair ticking in his chest. Why did he wake up? Why does he still have this damn heart? The room held a soft scent of something sweet, and it reminded him of when he was a boy. He sat up, letting an old tapestry blanket fall to his lap. It's funny that looked like the same one he had as a kid.
He hopped down from his bed, confused. The room was too familiar, like a replica of his childhood bedroom. That was impossible. After he turned 18 doing dirty work, his father burned the damn place down. He was 25 when Carmillia put this heart in his chest. So why did he feel so small? He knew he was short, and they never bothered him, but this was different.
He looked down at himself with another layer of confusion. He hasn't worn this type of clothes since he was in New Texas. His tail twitched as he went to the dressor. All of the clothes had a hem open for his tail. They were also all handmade. He made his own clothes, yes, but these were... he rubbed his thumb over the stitching. Something wet dripped from his face before he realized he was crying. His mother used this type of stitching he could never emulate it and settled on his own style, which his mother loved.
He shouldn't have a mechanical heart. He shouldn't be back here. He's supposed to be dead.
A loud slam against his door makes Jonny jump out of his thoughts. A male voice slurred on the other side. "Get your fucking ass out of your room you lazy fuck. Your mother is outside. Make yourself useful."
Jonny could feel a chill down his spine. This was hell, the one Tim talked about. It had to be. It's not like he didn't deserve this, but his father, really? He throws on something quickly and rushes out of his room, barely glimpsing his father with a bottle in hand. He stumbles and nearly falls on his face before someone catches him from tumbling into the sand.
"My little sand skipper, you know better than to rush out even with your father in a mood." The woman, Jonny's mother, was blurry until his eyes adjusted.
Jonny could feel tears prick the corners of his eyes, and he reached out and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Hey, sand skipper." Jonny's mother pauses and pulls Jonny away to crouch down. "Hey, I know growing up is hard, but I didn't think you would be crying. This isn't your first hunt."
"N-no." Jonny freezes at high pitched his voice sounded as he placed a hand on his throat. "This isn't... it can't be right." He began to shake. "I'm supposed to be dead in hell, not..... not... you aren't supposed to be here."
"Jonny." Jonny's mother cups his face. "Jonny, what are you talking about? Did you have a bad dream?"
"Valerie you cunt you're making him soft." Jonny's father growled.
Valerie scowls and picks up Jonny. "Oh, shut up. Come on, Sand Skipper." She shoots in the air with her free hand a bird like creature falls to the ground. "Eat that you fucking cunt."
Jonny's father growls but knows better than to argue.
Valerie sighs as she places her son down on a rock by a few cactuses far enough away from their home. "Jonny, what happened?"
Jonny immediately jumps back into her arms. "You have to promise that this is real. I'm supposed to be dead. My heart shouldn't be a machine when I'm this young. The ticking w-wont stops."
Valerie places her ear against her son's chest and pauses, and a metronome tick is heard. She takes a breath and sighs, sitting down and putting Jonny in her lap. "There's this doctor edge of town."
"No! No! NO!" Jonny whimpers as he clings tighter to his mother.
Valerie hugs her son from behind. "Jonny, breathe for me." She pauses and sighs. "I need you to trust me. I won't let her take you. I will protect you till my final breath."
Jonny started to cry again, muffled by his mother's clothes.
Valerie waits for her son to stop before talking again. "Jonny, when did this doctor first appear?"
"I was... I..." Jonny whips his head up. "I'm... no, it's too early." He leans his head against his mother's chest and hears something that isn't possible.
Valerie leans back against the rock. "Jonny, I was her first victim. I may have been enjoying watching you grow up again, but I knew it would be a matter of time when you would return. The promise of a final death is just out of reach."
"You... did you..." Jonny frowns. "Did you try to find me?"
Valerie chuckles. "Oh, I tracked you to every seedy bar, planet, and whatever you managed to get into. I was always a step behind, though. Ran into an inspector who claims to know you guys, and I collected all of your music. Even kept your wanted posters."
"You... you..." Jonny sniffs. "Can we pretend some more?"
"No, but I would happily spend as long as you want here, but if you don't kill him, I will." Valerie chuckles as Jonny smiles. She hands him a gun. "Come on, it's time to grab food for the day."
Jonny nods and wipes his eyes. "Of course. Thank you mom."
Tim woke to high-pitched screaming, which could only come from children. He made it a point to stay away from children after the war and join the mechs. He woke up, which again was weirder than the screaming. He went out in a blaze of glory, destroyed another moon, and crashed and suffocated. Why was he alive? He still had the mechanical eyes if the sharp vision and whirling noise were to go by anything. He stared through the ceiling to blue sky's with clouds, which confused him greater.
Tim gave a heavy sigh and rubbed his face and froze, where the fuck was his beard? There wasn't even any stubble it was smooth. He sat up, and the screaming got louder as the sound of footsteps ran away. His metal eyes were still here he could feel them. Where did they drop him off? The bed was soft, and the blankets had little cartoon... he knew this cartoon he had the same bedding when he was growing up until his sister spilled her nail polish all over it. Did Raphaella locl him in his memories? No, then he wouldn't have these mechanical eyes. This room looked identical to his childhood bedroom, even the two other beds for his brothers.
Tim sighed as he pushed himself out of bed and ran his hands through his.... did they fucking cut his hair too? He's going to skin Jonny when he sees him. The sound of feet and a deep yawn caught his attention as the door swung open.
"See! Someone stole Timmy's eyes!" A young boy pointed at him.
The other older boy pointed as well. "They replaced them! I told you."
The tired older man rubbed his eyes and looked at Tim, and he froze now wide awake. "Boys, wake your mother and get your sisters now." He stayed incredibly calm as boys nodded and ran off. "Hey Tim, are you ok?"
This couldn't be real his father died in an air raid before he signed up with Bertie. He was 21. 24, and nearly 25, when that doctor mechanized him. He stared down at his hands, which were way too small. Everything was so much bigger, like he shrunk. His brothers looked 13 and 12, which meant he was.... oh fuck no. He shook his head, feeling the oil drip from his eyes. His breath quickened, and that's the last thing he can remember before passing out.
"These machines have completely replaced his biological eyes. This technology is way more advanced than we have ever seen for a protestic." A hushed voice spoke over Tim.
"But how? We put him to bed, and he was fine. His brothers tried to wake him up as they always do, and then they just started to scream." A woman's voice spoke next. "Who would do this to a child he's 6 for God's sake."
"Ma'am I know you're scared, but we can't rule anything out. We have to wait for him to wake up to see if he's in pain." The male voice was soft.
Tim's eyes whirled as they let in light, and he saw a doctor and his mother. He looked down to see an iv in his arm and other wires connected to him. He huffed, making the two aware that he was awake. "Take them off!" He wanted to shout, but it came out as a whine. He hated how childish he sounded even though he was back being 6.
"Timothy! Are you ok? Does anything hurt? Did someone hurt you?" His mother fired off questions grabbing his hand.
Tim froze, anger melted away. That's his mother, a strong woman who went to his father's funeral and didn't shed a tear. She didn't even cry when his oldest brother came back in a box from the moon. She was his anchor, even in the worst of times. He hoped she got his letters while he was on the moon. He swallows. "I'm ok. Why would I be hurt?"
The woman relaxed and smiled. "That's good. You're being very brave. I know you don't like the doctors."
Tim reached out to grab her hand. "I missed you, mom. I missed you so much."
"Baby boy." Tim's mom smiles softly. "I promise I won't let anyone else hurt you."
"Why's your freak brother following you like a shadow?" A older kid scoffs. "Told you to leave the freak baby out of this."
Andrew huffs. "Mom won't let me go anywhere without the brat since his eyes. It's been a month the whole shock is over yaknow."
Tim sighs. He was only following them because he knew his brother stole his father's lighter, and he really wanted to set something on fire. Fuck he sounded like Ashes.
An older teen approached them. He wasn't human, obviously. His hair was moving on its own accord, his clothes were baggy, and his long tail twitched behind him. His ears were pointed, and so were his teeth. He has claws on his one hand. The other was metal. He had a faintly sickly sweet smell to him.
Tim gasps. He knows him by his arm alone, but before he can go his brother grabs him.
"Timmy, you can't just run to random strangers, let alone an alien. They have their own neighborhoods for a reason." Andrew frowns.
"Yeah the fuck you doing on this side of the street?" The other teen grabbed a rock.
Tim remembered something important. The common folk hated the non-human citizens. This was taught from a young age and unlearned when the war began. It didn't stop him from trying to tug himself away. "Let me go!"
"You should let him go." The older teen frowns. He hissed as the other kid threw a rock at him.
"So what you can eat him? Leave us alone you freak." The kid picked up more rocks.
Tim stopped and bit down on his brothers arm, making him let go, and he ran to the older teens' side. "Marius!" He grabs his metal arm.
Marius chuckles. "Hey, I didn't think you would be so small."
"First off fuck you." Tim huffs but smiles. "Second why is your hair pink?"
"I haven't reached adulthood where my hair picks a color to stay at. I have forgotten how moody it used to be. Anyway, Nastya found me and Ashes. We'll she found Aurora first and begged for them to take her back, but then she picked up Ashes and then they found me by accident. They were looking for Jonny testing out different time periods, but they were on my home planet, not his, which is weird they thought it was mine since it's neither an asteroid nor a dessert planet."
"H-hey, leave my brother alone!" Andrew shouts.
"I'm ok!" Tim huffs. "Where did they go?"
"Oh, they left me here and went looking for Ivy since Ashes just became an adult for their species, and Nastya was an adult. They didn't want me to be causing problems being a teenager, so they left me here to find you since Nastya doesn't know you." Marius pauses, and his hair seems to stiffen. "Fuck I hope Lyf doesn't find me like this. My body is changing a lot, and it's very weird."
Tim looks over to his brother and sighs, running over. "Meet my friend."
"Timmy, that's a dangerous alien." Andrew frowns.
Tim shakes his head and turns his little kid cuteness up to 11. "But he's nice, and he's gonna be a doctor. Come on, say hi!" He tugs on his older brothers arm who groans.
"Moms going to kill me." Andrew sighs his so-called friend already ran off. He walked over to Marius. "Hey, I'm Andrew, and apparently my brother likes you. Look, we don't want any trou- " He freezes as Marius holds out his metallic hand.
"I'm Marius it's a pleasure to meet you." Marius shakes Andrew's hand. "It's nice to meet Tim's family. I was worried he was just wandering about alone. He's too small for that."
Tim scoffs
Andrew smiles. "Yeah, he knows how to get into trouble. I'm stuck with babysitting duty because our sister is off at school, and dad took our other sister and brother for some grocery shopping."
"Yeah, I know my siblings can get overprotective. Just because either lost part of my arm doesn't mean I'm always getting into trouble." Marius sighs. "Like I can take care of myself. I know how to be on my own."
Andrew nods along. "You're right." He smiles. "You don't seem awful for an alien, and I guess Timmy likes you. Do you wanna play with my lighter?"
Marius's eyes sparkle. "Oh, that does sound like fun. You gotta teach me about earth stuff."
"Tell me about your planet, and it's a deal." Andrew smiles.
Marius nods and uses his tail to pick up Tim. "Come on, I got him so he won't slow us down."
"Oh, that's awesome." Andrew laughs as Tim pouts. "You have to show me what else you can do."
"Andrew, you didn't tell me your new friend was... um..." Tim's mother was trying to find a polite way to state this. Her son's have been hanging out with this mysterious Marius for a few months now, and she finally got to meet him and his parent.
"What do you mean? My son's what?" The person who wasn't human and also couldn't tell if they were male or female. They were definitely a different species from Marius.
"I mean not to cause any offense, but I just didn't realize that he was um not human." Tim's mom sighs.
"So what if we aren't? Your boys seem fine with it." They roll their two pairs of eyes.
Marius shrugs, crouching down by Tim. "I didn't think you were that serious about the racism."
"I didn't know you were serious about being adopted. Is that why you don't know what your species is?" Tim hums as Marius nods. "Weird. Anyway, wanna leave before things get worse."
Marius nods and holds out his tail for Tim to grab. "It's nice to meet you, Miss. Stoker, we're going to go play. Hey Andrew! Are you coming?!"
Andrew rushed out past his mom. "Of course you even got little Timmy all set to go. See ya later, mom." The two teens run off while Tim is being carried.
They blink and look at Miss. Stoker. "I believe our boys decided for us."
Miss Stoker chuckles. "I suppose I can't argue if they're that happy."
"I have to ask." They pauses. "Is your little boy different? I mean the metal eyes. He's like my boy Marius, just woke up one day with a replaced part, and his personality changed like he was acting like a kid and not being a kid."
Miss Stoker frowns. "How about we discuss this over tea? Timothy did say he was a part of this group, the mechanisms, and that he shouldn't be alive. I assume from that look he wasn't making it up."
"He was not." They sigh.
"But your brother on the phone."
Andrew huffed and gave Tim the phone.
"Yes, mom." Tim steps back.
"Are you going to be honest with me?" Her tone didn't leave room for argument.
"I mean, I've already told you the truth." Tim sighs. "I can tell you how dad dies, and Andrew dies. Dunno about everyone else never returned after I blew up the moon."
"You were serious?"
"I mean, what would I gain from lying?" Tim sighs. "Mom, I love you guys, but I'm really shit at acting, and I haven't been a kid in a very long time. It's just that I wanted to enjoy having my family back for however long, that is."
"You sound so tired."
"I am." Tim frowns. "Mom, I love you, I love my family, but I don't think you'll like the man I become. I am."
"Timothy, I will love you regardless of what you've done." She sounded sincere.
Tim sniffs, getting close to crying. "M-mom."
"I love you, my baby boy." She pauses. "Please stay as long as you can."
"I'll try, I promise."
"And I want to meet all of your friends that you made family."
"Are you sure?" Tim smiles and wipes his face. "They can be a bit much."
"Yes, and I heard you git a husband."
Tim huffs. "I dunno how he views it, but I like to think we are. His name's Jonny. He is probably stuck on his planet asteroid."
"I can't wait to meet him. Be safe my baby boy and you better be home before sundown."
"Yes, mom. I love you." Tim hangs up.
Marius tilts his head. "Good talk?"
"Yeah, i feel better. The truth is out there." Tim smiles. "Come on, let's keep playing."
Jonny walked through the metal halls. His mother's ship found them, and he found out his aunts controlled the ship. Well, they were dead but uploaded to the ship. They were nice, and he wasn't used to having family who was related to him and loved him like his mom. It was nice, and he knew where they were going first. He wanted to find Tim. Might as well introduce him to his family first, and maybe propose again. Granted, he just had to grow up again. Thanks to talking to Carmillia, he would stop aging when he was first mechanized. His mom then took care of her so she couldn't follow them.
"Little Jonny." Audrey huns appearing in front of him. She was the oldest looking out of his aunts.
"Hello, Auntie Audrey." Jonny smiles. "What's wrong?"
"There seems to be one inspector hailing our ship. Are you ok if your mother lets him on?"
Jonny nods. "Yeah, Lyf has the right to know what's going on. Besides, Marius would be heartbroken if he didn't know what he was getting into."
Jun appears next. She was missing her tail, and her skin was a bit darker. "Lyf is coming aboard. Shall I help you to him?"
"Juniper, Jonny is capable of exploring the ship himself." Audrey huffs. "We don't need to hold his hand."
Nina appears and just holds her hand out. Her horns are spotted. Jonny nods and follows her.
Lyf jumps, spotting the boy who is supposedly Jonny. "What the fuck!"
"Inspector." Jonny narrows his gaze, maybe slightly embarrassed his voice hasn't dropped yet.
"What the fuck happened to you guys? You just vanished after DTTM, and your ship was just floating until a blue skinned woman appeared. She was really rude." Lyf pauses. "Seriously, what happened? Why are you tiny?"
Jonny huffs and crosses his arms. "Because I'm 13 first off secondly I have to age normally and I'll stop when I am the age I'm mechanized at. My heart is still a machine if you were curious."
Lyf frowns. "Wait, did this happen to all of you guys?"
Jonny shrugs. "We're on our way to earth to find Tim. You can join us if you're so inclined. Dunno, where your lover boy went, he doesn't recall much about his original planet."
"Is it possible to dock my ship in here?" Lyf turns to Valerie.
Valerie nods. "Nina, that's your thing. Have at it."
"Ooo, of course." Nina vanishes.
"Fuck I thought that was Aurora." Marius crosses his arms.
Tim raised his brow. "The ship is literally purple and way smaller than Aurora."
"Well, I'm sorry I haven't developed my ability to see colors yet." Marius rolls his eyes. "Also, I don't have your magic eyes."
"Seriously, man, what the hell are you?" Tim shakes his head and walks back to the picnic table. "It's not that far... ok, it is, but still."
Andrew raised a brow. "What are you doing your adult talk?"
"No, Tim just forgets his eyes can focus on objects impossibly far away and others can't." Marius snickers.
Tim huffs. "I can not wait till I tower over you, prick." He smiles softly now that the secret is out and his family accepts everything he feels comfortable. He can talk with his parents with ease and his sisters and hell he warned them about the future war and how to be safe.
"Yeah, pipsqueak, I don't buy that." Andrew ruffles Tim's short hair.
"And I can't wait till I can grow my hair back out." Tim crosses his arms and pouts.
"Um..." Samantha, Tim's eldest sister blinks and points. "That spaceship is getting too close."
Marius stares up. "They'll park in the empty field, not on us."
"They better." Tim's eyes whirl like he was rolling his eyes.
"Are these your friends?" Tim's father leans over.
Tim shakes his head. "Aurora isn't purple. They're silver also not that small."
"Could one of your friends have stolen a ship?" Marius's parent motions to the now parked craft.
"I wouldn't put it past them." Tim raised his brow. "You sure nobody answered the communicator?"
Marius holds it up. "Only Nastya and Ashes have them because they are still trying to find Ivy, and they only found Raphaella, who has locked herself in her lab."
"You have weird friends." Kenny raised his brow.
"Being normal is overrated." Tim chuckles.
"Oh Jolly Good!" A familiar voice interrupted the light banter between friends and family.
Andrew stares. "That's terrifying."
"Is that a living mannequin?" Samantha picked up Tim and hid him behind her.
Tim huffs. "That's just Toy Solider."
Marius already made his way closer. "Hello TS!"
"You Shrunk Like Jonny." TS continues to smile.
"I did not shrink." Jonny hops out. "I am merely in a younger body."
Marius chuckles. "You sound so weird."
"Fuck off." Jonny huffs rolling his eyes.
Tim wiggles out of his sister's hold. He runs as fast as his small legs can take him. "Jonny!"
Jonny stops taking one look at Tim before manically laughing. "Fuck me look at how tiny you are!" He continues to laugh before Tim punches him in the crotch and he goes down.
Tim scoffs. "To think I actually missed you asshole."
Valerie chuckles from the top of the stairs to the ship. "Jonny, I warned you to be nice."
"No, that was him being nice." Lyf pokes his head out.
"Inspector!" Marius waves frantically. "Inspector, it's yours truly."
Lyf pauses. "You're right. This is weird. Why is your hair blue?"
"Becauss it hasn't settled on a color yet." Marius smiles, and his hair waves.
"I don't know why I keep forgetting your hair is alive." Lyf pinches his brow. "I don't envy any of you."
"Don't say anything. You'll give your god ideas." Jonny chuckles getting up.
Lyf's eyes glow, and he shrinks to the same age as Tim as a rainbow light flashes around Jonny and Marius, and they also shrink down to age 6. He stares at his hands. "Jonny, I'm going to kill you."
Marius looks confused as he stares at himself. His hears seem massive for his small frame, his tail is being held like a security blanket, and his eyes seem to be a dazzling purple as if to warn he's poisonous. His hair is much longer, and silver is ready to attack. His teeth seem to be dripping a substance that was sickly sweet. He has talon scaled feet and a clawed right hand still with his mechanical arm just smaller. He tries to move towards Lyf, but he trips on his pants and falls on his face.
Jonny had little nubs of horns poking out from his forehead. His tail was keeping him upright. His ears were massive on his small frame and seemed to twitch at every noise. His teeth were small and razor sharp. The padding on his feet and hands seemed thicker than his adult self. He grabbed his tail like a security blanket and looked close to tears. "I... I....."
Tim hugs Jonny, and Valerie comes over and scoops the two up.
"This is why we don't tease the gods that exist." Valerie sighs and grabs Marius and Lyf as well and heads to the table.
Reborn Mechs chat
Marius Von Raum has added Jonny D'ville, Gunpowder Tim, Toy Solider, Lyfrassir Edda, and Valerie D'ville.
Jonny D'ville changed their name to Jonny
Gunpowder Tim changed their name to Tim
Lyfrassir Edda changed their name to Lyf
Toy Solider changed their name to TS
Valerie D'ville changed their name to Valerie
Marius Von Raum changed their name to Marius
Nastya: How the fuck did you find all of them? We left you on earth.
Ashes: Who the fuck is Valerie did you get hitched?
Jonny: that's fucking disgusting
Valerie: I'm Jonny's mother, the first mechanism, if you run into Carmillia tell her to fuck off she used our asteroid as a playground to make the mechanisms
Jonny: anyone has a problem they go through me
Nastya: that makes a lot of sense actually
Nastya: welcome
Valerie: thank you
Ashes: damn we have a mom now
Raphealla: I demand to do a genetic test when we reunite.
Marius: I can confirm they do look alike
Marius: you can meet my parent
Lyf: No, they are not the same species. Marius was adopted, and has adopted siblings which are also not the same species. Apparently he's from a refugee planet so yeah that's still a mystery
Nastya: huh
Raphealla: that's actually frustrating
Marius: I'm sorry I can't remember
Lyf: at this point I need to know for safety concerns
Marius: my hair likes you! You don't have to be scared
Valerie: I'm keeping an eye on everyone.
TS: I Am Helping. Miss Valerie Is A Great New Friend
Valerie smiles softly, tucking her son in next to Tim, Marius and Lyf are on the next bed dead to the world.She walks out of the room and heads to a crowded kitchen. "The boys are asleep, don't worry about them."
"Thank you, Valerie." Nexus smiles softly. "I know Marius can be a bit much in regards to sleep. I honestly don't know if his species is known to sleep long."
"Nonsense all children need sleep." Abby sips her tea. "I don't care how old they are mentally they are still our babies. How did you handle the sudden mechanical part anyhow?"
Valerie sighs. "It helps that I already had a mechanical heart myself due to being the first victim of that crazed doctor. My poor boy was terrified I was going to give him away. I would never."
Roger comes in and sits next to his wife and frowns. "Poor Timothy was terrified we would hate him. Good or bad, he's our son, and we'll still love him."
"I'm glad we're in agreement." Valerie sighs, taking a mug offered to her. "I do have their music recorded on my ship."
"Oh, why didn't you say something? I would love to hear some." Nexus smiles. "The way Marius talks about it got me interested."
"I suppose it wouldn't be wrong to listen while they sleep." Roger hums. "Although I heard it's not excatly family friendly."
"Oh, it's not." Valerie sighs. "None of them have a happy ending."
Abby frowns. "None of them? Why?"
"My boy takes stuff that has already happened, and the outcome isn't always the best. They tell the stories of societies or nations that are long gone. Comes with immortality, and they will out live any empire. I've seen my fair share of civilization rise and fall." Valerie takes a small sip of her tea. "I guess we'll just have to teach them to not always look on the bad side."
The four adults share glances and nod.
"Why are we even going to school?" Jonny tugged at his uniform. "And this is ridiculous."
"You've never been to school first off." Valerie ruffles Jonny's hair. "You're lucky I got them to accept that you can't wear shoes."
"I have a doctorate in theoretical physics." Jonny huffs.
"He's also got a degree in literacy tragedies." Tim hums, tugging at his tie, which his mother already fixed six times.
"Timothy, stop playing with your tie." Abby sighs.
"Marius has like eight doctorates." Jonny rolls his eyes.
"And you won't acknowledge any of them." Marius puffs out his cheeks.
"Eight?!" Lyf stares at Marius.
"Well, it's actually 24, but like the ones where the graduation ceremony was destroyed doesn't count." Marius smiles.
"That's not... that's not how it works." Nexus picks up Marius.
"But I don't have the degrees, so yeah, it is." Marius grins when Nexus picks up Lyf next. "I've never been to a human school before."
"Neither have I." Lyf smiles back softly. "Also, he's right it's a ruke on the Aurora. No graduation, no doctorate."
"I still don't know why you memorized that." Jonny sighs as Valerie picks him up. "Do we really have to? If someone ends up dead I warned you."
"Jonny." Valerie narrows her gaze.
"I'll behave." Jonny huffs.
Tim is scooped up by his mom. "I can walk!"
"And I can hold you." Abby hums as Tim pouts. "Try not to scare the teachers, and remember you'll be in a different class from the others because you're human."
Tim continues to pout.
"You mean I'll be stuck with the space cop? Fuck." Jonny begins to pout as well.
"I literally cannot be a cop anymore, Jonny." Lyf pinches his brow.
"You're still a space cop." Marius chuckles.
"Yog Sogoth just fucking kill me." Lyf groans.
Tim sat in the sandbox bored. The other kids avoided him because of his eyes, and the teachers kept whispering about him. He's still human, yet they treat him like he's a freak. He's physically a child, and they still treat him like this. He knows his family is different, and they got over this, but he can't expect that from everyone.
The alien school wasn't even close to this one, so there wasn't a point on escaping. He's fucking 6 it's not like he can get far. He laid back in the sand and stared up at the blue sky. He focused his eyes and stared at the moon. It was quite odd being able to see it with people living on the surface and not war torn dusty and lifeless.
Tim refocused his eyes as he got up and sighed. He dusted himself off of the sand and headed inside as the bell rang. He wanted to be back in Aurora's armory and lose himself to fixing the weapons. He just wants to be anywhere but here.
More whispers from kids and teachers alike, and it made Tim feel even worse. He couldn't even do anything. He hid himself in the corner of the classroom and kept to himself.
A soft metal creak pulled Tim from his thoughts as a boy with silverish, goldish skin pulls a chair next to him. He had a winter hat on his head, and his clothes were way too big.
Tim paused as his eyes focused and saw a familair heart. "Brian?"
The boy nods. "Carmillia found me after.... I don't know how I ended up here, but she turned my metal into a biometal substance, and it's weird. I don't know why I'm a child either." He pulls down his hat more, and Tim could spot a fox like tail flick back and forth. "She's pretending to be my mom and strong armed her way to make me go here. I don't like it."
"Well, I'm stuck too." Tim frowns and pushes his crayons over. "You never had a tail before."
"I've always had a tail, I think before um... this." Brian grabs a yellow one. "I don't think I enjoy earth."
Tim nods. "I don't, either."
"Can you take me with you when we leave? I don't want to go back to Carmillia." Brian pleads. "She keeps using me for experiments. I don't want to go back to being metal."
Tim smiles. "Mmh yeah, you can come with me."
Brian braced for Carmillia to appear, and he held onto Tim's hand tightly. "Do you see her?"
Tim is scanning the pick-up area. He didn't see any signs of the doctor, but he stood on guard. "I don't, but if she grabs you, she has to take me too. I won't let you go alone."
"Oi Timmy, who's that?" Andrew stood over both of them.
Tim tugs on Brian's hand. "One of the mechs, this is Drumbot Brian. The doctor is here! Don't let her get us, please!" He grabbed his brothers hand with his free hand. "Please, Andrew you can't." He sounded close to a panic attack.
Andrew grabbed both boys' hands. "Dad pulled his car up. You both will run with me, and we'll head straight home."
Roger nearly spit out his drink when the three boys rushed into his already packed car. "What's wrong? Who's your new friend?"
"That bad doctor is here!" Andrew pulled both boys close to him as the door shut.
"I-I don't want to go back." Brian clung to Tim.
Roger peels out of the parking lot. "Well, get all of you home safe, and you'll hide in the basement."
The ride home was silent, save for Brian's mumbling and Tim's panicked breathing. Both boys shot off like a rocket as soon as the door opened, and they rushed inside. Abby barely got a word out when the boys ran inside.
"Roger, what the bloody hell?" Abby watches her older children run in and get their makeshift weapons. "Samantha put that knife away."
"So you know how Tim told us about that doctor." Roger frowns. "She's here somewhere, and the Tim nearly had a panic attack. His new friend is a part of his crew."
"His name is Drumbot Brian!" Alex runs by them. He's on the heavier side, but he's 12 and will grow into it. "Andrew told me. Timmy looked super scared."
Abby takes a breath and smiles. "Kids relax. We can handle this. Samantha, go down to the basement and keep an eye on the boys.
Samantha nods. She was the oldest at 17. "Of course, bring the other kids down when they come back from school."
Abby nods. "Now everyone else, you're going to help me with dinner. Roger, you will head over to the other school, and I form everyone else and help them get back safely."
Roger gives a thumbs up and runs out to his van.
"Hey, are you two ok?" Samantha crouched down by the two boys hidden in a corner of the basement. "I'm Sam, I'm Tim's older sister."
Brian looks up at her. "I'm Brian." Tim has buried his face in his chest, shaking tell tale signs he's having a panic attack but even more afraid to make noise. "I didn't know Tim had siblings."
Sam takes off his hat and two fluffy fox ears spring up amoung curly hair. She sits next to the two. "I guess Timmy didn't talk about us."
"W-we never pushed." Brian, let's her take Tim from him who clings to her, getting black oil like tears all over her clothes.
"Well, that sounds nice of you guys. So why did they call you Drumbot?" Sam smiles softly, watching Brian's pupils shrink as he relaxes.
"I was... I was all metal except my heart. The doctor experimented on me here when she found me. I think it's some sort of bio metal now. It's weird. I can eat again, though, and I'm starting to get my parts back from before I was mechanized. I remember, too." Brian yawns coming down from his fear. "I don't like being a kid again. It's much harder to keep my thoughts in order, and emotions are all..." He yawns again. "Everything and hard to control. I'm tired."
Sam ruffles Brian's hair and scratches behind his ears, which makes him purr. Tim had already passed out in her lap. "How about you lean on my and rest your eyes?"
"Ok." Brian moves closer to her. "You're very good at this."
"Yes, I am. I want to go to school for this stuff."
"Yes I do."
Jonny was humming an old song as he waited next to Marius and Lyf. "I wonder why we get out later than the humans."
"Racism, most likely." Lyf shrugs.
Marius tilts his head. "Valerie, why are you covered in blood?"
Jonny snapped his head to his mother. "Mom?"
"I'm fine, it ain't my blood." Valerie takes out her cigar and puffs out smoke. "Apparently, we were followed by that fucked doctor."
"Carmillia?" Lyf looks between him as both Marius and Jonny paled.
"Mmh, I tied her up and threw her in the back of Nexus's truck. She's gagged as well she doesn't know when to stop talking." Valerie rolls her eyes. "You guys are safe."
Marius tugs on her leg. "Are you sure?"
Jonny nods. "Are we safe?"
"I won't let anyone harm you. Any of you." Valerie pauses as the sound of someone running stops in front of them.
"Good, I caught you." It was Roger.
"Is this about the doctor?" Valerie raised her brow.
"Oh, you're covered in blood." Roger blinks and pales.
"I've got her tied up and gagged. Don't worry. How do you know?" Valerie frowns.
"There's another kid, another mechanism. Drumbot Brian. That doctor has been experimenting on him since she found him." Roger looks disgusted. "I don't care how old he actually is. The boy looked six and was scared out of his mind."
"Brian?" Jonny frowns. "Take us there, please."
Marius nods, and his tail wraps around Lyf. "He's our pilot! He is the best of us."
"I think they will enjoy watching her tied up and gagged." Valerie smirks. "Roger, take them with you I'll prepare the doctor."
Roger nods.
Jonny rushed down the stairs, followed by Marius and Lyf. "TIM! BRIAN!"
Brian woke up confused. "W-what?"
Samantha chuckles as Tim wakes up his face, a mess with black streaks.
Tim rubs his face, making the mess worse. He gets up and is pushed by Jonny back to the carpeted floor.
"You're ok!" Jonny hugs Tim tight before spotting Brian and tackling him next. "You're back too!"
"When did you get a tail?" Marius smiles and waves.
"What happened to the metal?" Lyf raised a brow.
Brian, let's out a little giggle. "Jonny! Let go!"
Jonny giggles and sits back. "You've got weird bio metal now."
Tim nods. "Yeah, he can eat now and sleep. You were sleeping right?"
"I think so." Brian frowns. "No, I was. Did... is she here?"
"My mom took care of it." Jonny smiles wide. "She's the best."
"Your mom?" Brian looked confused.
"Miss Valerie Is A Hunter!" TS waves from the top of the stairs. "Doctor Carmillia Is Tied To A Tree Outside, Hanging From A Sturdy Branch. Miss Valerie Is Being Hosed Off."
Brian blinks stunned. "She's been captured?"
"I'm still shocked she never caught you guys when she was tracking the Aurora." Lyf sighs.
"I still don't believe that was true." Marius frowns.
Tim nudges Brian. "Jonny's mother was the first of us since Carmillia was using New Texas as her personal playground."
Brian frowns. "That is horrible."
Jonny huffs. "Come on! We might as well see what the good doctor wants."
The kids exchange looks as Sam is too slow to stop any of them rushing to the stairs.
"You were not this small when you left New Texas." Carmillia stares blankly at the children looking at her hanging from the tree.
"That's actually probably my fault." Lyf sighs. "Fucking Yog Sogoth."
"What are you even doing here?" Jonny huffs.
Carmillia smiles and begins to explain in detail how she wants Valerie in every way possible.
"I love Marius, and even he is tame compared to that." Lyf shudders.
Jonny is pale. "I'm.... That's my fucking mother." He starts to dry heave
Tim shudders. "I need a fucking shower."
Brian blinks. "I would literally rather be left on a sun again than know any of that."
Marius was pulling at his ears. "I'm just I'm going to...." He joins Jonny in dry heaving
"Do you enjoy traumatizing them?" Valerie rolls her eyes. "You don't get any better with age."
"I enjoy your company." Carmillia winks.
"I need a fucking drink." Valerie groans
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caesarinsalata · 10 months
Part 3!
I know the visuals are mostly Ed, but I just couldn't make something that included them all. Oh well 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️
Just in case you haven't read the beginning on it yet. You can find it here 🥰
[Achaemenid: Prologue:]
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A Month or So Later
It's been quite a while since Al and Winry could even see Ed. They were starting to believe they might not get the chance to, so they were going to take this opportunity and sneak in to see him. Al was getting antsy not knowing the condition of his brother for such a long time. Winry was determined to help him, despite her also being a little worried for Ed.
They've been keeping a close eye on the rotation of the specialists’ shifts in and out of Ed's room. They took turns sneaking around corners and waving each other on. Hiding behind curtains and tables whenever someone walked by or out of the rooms.
“The coast is clear, Al. Go!” Winry hisses, waving him on. He shimmies quickly through the curtain and holds it open for her, ushering her in. She slips in and almost loses her footing given how dark the room is, save for candle light. She supposes they've been wanting him to sleep it off.
What she could see of the room, Ed and Al's beds had been pushed together to give Ed room to stretch. There were extra tables the specialists had brought in. She didn't know what was in the bottles and sachets of herb mixtures. That wasn't her focus anyway, they didn't have much time to see Ed before someone would be on their way back in.
“Winry, let's hurry before someone catches us…”
Winry nodded, not knowing if Al could even see it. She looked to the bed in the center of the room. The candle illuminated Ed's sleeping face. He didn't look too good. He wasn't sickly, he just seemed to be having a bad dream. As she stepped closer, he turned his head and groaned, gripping the sheets. She looked him over, his ailment was outside the sheets for easy access. She covered her mouth.
“What's wrong? Is he okay? Oh my goodness….” Al did the same now that they were staring down the space where a leg should've been.
The bandages are still a little red at the base. Most likely from Ed struggling on more than one occasion, he still hasn't healed fully. Winry looked back up at Ed's face. His breath was shaky, still having difficulty staying still.
Al reached to touch Ed's upper thigh, wanting to make sure it was real, but Winry gripped his wrist and shook her head.
“Don't touch it.”
“It might wake him up. It's not a good idea.”
Al whined quietly, deciding to just touch Ed's shoulder. That was at least better than touching him elsewhere.
Ed stirred, his sudden gasp of pain made the other two jump.
“E-Ed?” Al looked as if he was going to cry again.
That had apparently woken him up or at least enough for Ed to take a deep breath and barely open his eyes. He looked as if he were drugged. He could barely make out who was next to him right now.
“Brother! Yes, I'm here! I'm so glad you're okay!”
“Hey, Ed…how are you feeling?”
Ed didn't fully register anything they said at all. He just squeezed whoever's hand was holding his.
“I-I’ve been better….I think… Where have you two been?”
“They won't let us in…”
“It's been almost three fortnights.”
“Uuuugh…” Ed winces. “How long does it take to heal a severed leg?” Blinking, Ed's face looked a bit sad. “I can't believe that son of a bitch cut my damn leg off…”
Al and Winry both smiled just a little. Glad this whole endeavor didn't totally ruin Edward.
To their surprise, Ed reached for Al's hand and pulled Winry's closer to him and touched them together, bringing them to his chest. Sighing he seemed to be able to ignore the numb pulsing in his stump.
“You should go…”
“But brother-!”
“Al…” Ed managed to open his eyes wider. The candle flame reflected in his eyes and made the gold hues in them dance. “I don't want you two to see me like this…and you'll just get in trouble if you keep sneaking in…Although…” He brought their hands to his lips and just held them there. “I appreciate it…”
Winry couldn't help but blush a little at the sentiment. She knew they had him on something that was still in his system to make him so calm, but this was not like him.
“We…we just had to make sure you were still alive…” Al cut into Winry's thoughts.
Edward chuckled a little, but winced and let go of their hands to grip his thigh. Before responding he had to take a moment. “Like you didn't know already…” Fully aware of how much he's been tiring himself out from all the screaming and kicking. He glared at the ceiling, gritting his teeth. “I'm not meant to sit still…”
“We know Ed…”
“Especially when that….monster…is still sitting on the throne…”
“Ed, what could you do? We're kids!”
“Not to mention, we're powerless. We may know a little bit of alchemy, but we're still under the King's rule. He'd have us killed!”
Edward smiled. “What makes you think I would ever put you two in harm's way like that?”
Al frowned. “You're not doing this alone, brother! Father is already gathering the resistance in secret to overthrow the King.”
Edward blinked. “He what? He's actually going to rebel against the King when he's been licking his shoes for years?”
“I think what happened here is what drove him to take such measures, Ed…” Winry absentmindedly pointed at Ed’s missing leg.
Ed just sighed, “Took him long enough…”
Just then, Ed's eyes shot open. Digging his nails into the side of his thigh, he grunted and growled through his teeth. “Why does it wear off so fast?!”
“Hey! What are you two doing here?!” A specialist bursted through the doorway.
“Get out! He needs to relax. You'll just stress him out!”
“We wouldn't have to sneak in if you'd just let us see him!” Al actually raised his voice and Winry was amazed.
“Al! Win! J-Just go!” Edward was starting to work up a sweat and panting from the onslaught of pain.
They didn't want to leave him with the mean Specialist, but they had to keep his recovery in mind. They made sure to glare at the man before walking out.
“At least he's….okay?”
Winry crossed her arms. “Yeah….for now.” Then placing her hands on her hips. “But I think I know how to make Ed’s life much easier in the future…”
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little-escapist · 11 months
<3 angsty romance prompt 15 pleaseeeeee
Whoopsie. Um. I am not sure what this is. More action than angst, probably? Warnings for violence. I also changed the prompt slightly.
15) ”Please. Just kill me and get it over with. Don’t screw me over. and. over again.”
Both Rachel and Santana turn around, away from their captive, to stare in shock. Kurt keeps his face stern and unmoving, not meeting their alarmed, masked eyes.
“Kurt, what’s going on?” Blaine’s eyes are huge with fear and damn but he shouldn’t look so good tied up to a chair, hands behind his back. His hair has escaped from its gel. He looks a little wild.
“Hold up.” Santana marches to Kurt and drags him away by his arm none too gently. Once she deems that they’re far enough, she stops. “Why does he know your name?”
Kurt swallows. “Because he’s the guy I’ve been seeing.”
Santana’s mouth drops open. “Holy shit, Blackbird. How’re you going to get out of this one?”
“I’m still working on it,” Kurt says, hoping he sounds calmer than he feels. The last few days have been a living nightmare, knowing it would come to this, to torture and pain. He has no choice. He never wanted Blaine to find out about his other identity, but then again, he never expected Blaine to be his next target, either. It all just proves how deep he is, how nothing good can ever happen to him.
“Well, feel free to tell us any time about how you wish to proceed,” Santana says. “He’s yours. I’m not touching him unless you tell me to.”
A horrible, pain-filled scream echoes as a finish to Santana’s sentence. They share a quick look. Kurt feels his insides twist. The scream came from Blaine. Rachel started without them.
“Fuck,” Santana swears and turns around to run.
Kurt shakes himself out of his frozen state to follow her.
“Nightingale!” Santana roars. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Completing the assignment,” Rachel answers, indignant. “You two went away to gossip, but time is running out. We need the answers or we’re screwed.”
“Kurt?” Blaine sounds desperate. There’s a huge red mark on his left cheek. That’ll turn into a bruise very soon, Kurt knows from experience. “She… she said… that you’re here to kill me.”
Kurt can’t speak. He only wants to comfort and care, he wants to untie Blaine and gather him close. He thought he could keep his cover, but Blaine saw right through it the moment he opened his mouth. Now he has to look into the eyes of the man he loves and see his pain reflected back.
“Yes. You give us the codes to family estate, and we’ll be merciful,” Rachel says. “The longer you hold out, the longer you’ll hurt.”
Blaine’s eyes narrow. “Kurt, I’m speaking to you. Has all this been a con? You just… you just want the Anderson money?”
Kurt says nothing. He does close his eyes when Rachel hits Blaine again, tries to ignore the slap and the groan of pain that follows. He feels Santana’s hand on his shoulder. He wants to stop Rachel, but he has no idea how they’ll get out of this alive if he does. He knows there’s a camera recording this small, lit area of the warehouse. Their bosses want it all and they’re not giving them much leeway but to do their bidding.
Once Blaine speaks, they’ll have what they want – an in to the Anderson estate without breaking a single lock or door. But they like the violence. They would have enjoyed Ancient Rome and the gladiator fights, for they want to see blood and death. They will want to see Blaine’s blood. Blaine’s death.
“Kurt.” Blaine is pleading, voice wet. “Please tell me you didn’t seduce me just for this. Please tell me I didn’t fall for you just to end up here.”
Kurt clenches his fists by his sides and opens his eyes again. There’s a tiny trickle of blood at the corner of Blaine’s mouth. He probably bit his cheek with the last hit.
Rachel turns to stare at Kurt, eyes huge behind her mask. She’s finally catching on. Santana shakes her head, still standing by Kurt’s side.
“Kurt, tell me. Was it all just a lie?” Blaine starts crying, face contorting – he’s not a pretty crier. He looks like a mess and Kurt loves him. He loves him maybe even more than during their nights together, during lazy mornings trading kisses and orgasms, during silly tv shows or duets in the kitchen. He never said the words, trying to gather his courage, and then he got this assignment. Then it was impossible to say anything at all.
“I can’t believe this,” Blaine mutters, as if to himself, and spits blood that splatters right next to his foot.
“Tell us the combination to the gate,” Santana says, stepping in. She clearly sees that Kurt is useless right now.
Blaine lets out a bitter laugh. “You’re too late. See, I told them I was done playing their games, that I was in love with a man, and my code will no longer work.” He turns his eyes from Santana to Kurt and Kurt shivers at the pain and anger there. “See, Kurt. Some of us want to be honest. I got screwed over by my family, but I didn’t care because on the other side there was you. Only for you to screw me over as well. So. Please. Just kill me and get it over with.”
A pained breath escapes from Kurt. He can’t. He won’t. He doesn’t know how to. He will not be able to hurt this man.
“He’s of no use to us,” Santana sighs. “How great. We’re fucked.”
“How do you know he’s not lying?” Rachel asks, stepping closer to Blaine and grabbing his hair. “Maybe he’s just trying to trick us.”
Blaine grimaces. “Oh, ask Kurt. He knows how my family is. They don’t like gay people. I was disowned. You’re free to try ABD9914, but it won’t work.”
“You got what you wanted!” Santana shouts, grabs her pistol from her belt and shoots towards the ceiling. A weird sound and an electric burning smell erupt.
“That was their camera. Let’s get out of here.” She goes to Blaine and starts working on the rope tying him to the chair. Rachel lets go of his hair and bites her lip. Kurt stands still.
“Hawk, that was not smart,” Rachel says. “We’re as good as dead.”
“This is not happening on my watch, pipsqueak. I am not making him kill the man he loves,” Santana says, helping Blaine to his feet. “So sorry, nothing personal, just some very unfortunate business.”
Blaine sighs, twists and stretches his arms. “Apparently. It could have been just business, but someone turned it personal. Was any of it real?” His voice is too loud in Kurt’s ears.
“All of it,” Kurt whispers, breathless, shaken and numb. “I love you and then they forced me to do this.”
“I never knew fashion design included kidnapping and torturing people.”
“Let’s get going,” Santana interrupts. “You can talk on the way. We must clear this place before they come after us.”
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bp4545 · 1 year
Apologise (Angst to Fluff)
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Word count: 2k. I know it's long, but I promise it's very worth it, I absolutely loved writing this one!
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, and mentions of depression and weight loss. It also has a happy ending, and if enough of you like this, I might make a part 2 I wrote this in the perspective of either a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, but any house will do.
Summary: You've been bullied by Draco Malfoy since 2nd year when a rumor about you liking him spread around the school. It's fourth year now and you've just about had enough of his rude remarks, so you stand up to him for the sake of your own mental health, catching him off guard with an apology.
*Let me know if you want a part two of this with a happier ending!
2 years.
2 years of this stupid shit. You've had about enough. 
You walk through the halls with your books tucked in your arm. You refused to make eye contact with anyone anymore, you just felt numb. You didn't really feel anything anymore, not after everything. You were left with no friends and a sad life after second year and you absolutely hated it.
Everything went wrong after a rumor went around, claiming that you had a crush on Draco Malfoy, the one and only.
Gosh you hated rumors, they had no purpose but to ruin the lives of people that they involve, you wished you could forget everything that ever happened. 
Second year, the year had just started and you were so excited to be back in the classroom with your friends. 
You walked into charms class, only to find that your friends were already seated on a table of 4 with no room left for you to sit with them. You looked around and saw only one free seat. It was in the table of 4 next to Blaise, Pansy, and you guessed it Draco. You were a friendly person, enthusiastic and full of sunshine, so you didn't think much of it.
You went and sat next to Draco, and he looked over at you with a scowl but composed himself quickly. 
"What are you doing here mud blood" Pansy snarled at you.
"There's nowhere else to sit, and I'm not a mud blo-"
"Sure you aren't, just shut up will you?" Blaise remarked.
You already knew you hated these people. No respect whatsoever, you've never talked to them and yet they treat you like dirt under their shoe.
You tried to ignore them and listen to the teacher in class but it was so damn difficult. Pansy was kicking your feet under the table, Blaise was not so discreetly looking over and copying your answers, and Draco, well Draco... his presence in itself just seemed to annoy the shit out of you.
That was when Pansy kicked your leg a little too hard and the noise could be heard through the classroom. Pansy went red and looked angrily at Draco in panic, trying to think of some excuse as everyone was staring at her.
"Draco! Pick up my quill from under the table!" she winked at him, signaling for him to play along.
Draco looked confused at her and you turned to look at him. He went under the table and pretended to pick up his own quill that was in his hand already, he came back up and gave Pansy the quill in his hand.
He was empty handed and had nothing to write with, so being the nice person you are you grabbed a spare quill from your case and handed it to him. 
"Why are you giving this to me?" he said, clearly confused. His face showed a hint of disgust however.
"I'm giving it to you because you don't have one-"
"IT'S BECAUSE SHE LIKES YOU DRACO!" Pansy screeched. The whole class looked your way again, seeming as if they were waiting for you to respond or fight back.
"Pansy I don't like Draco" you said calmly, trying not to inflame the situation further.
You went red of anger, as the whole class burst into laughter, even Draco was laughing at you. 
The bell rung and you stormed out of the class, walking into your dorm and crying.
It didn't take long for rumors to spread around the school that you liked Draco, in fact it spread like wildfire. It had only been two days and even the year above you knew about it.
Your friends had abandoned you, I mean, it was much to embarrassing to hang out with a person who was the center of a rumor right? You knew you hadn't picked your friends wisely.
Each day now you would be bullied by Draco and his group of friends, you wished you hadn't even shown up to class that day and none of this would have happened.
Yet two years later and all this shit was still going on.
"Oi! L/n!" The books tucked under your arm tumbled to the ground, you had a dead expression in your face.
Draco had knocked the books out of your grasp as Pansy was cackling behind him. You bent down with no emotion to pick them up, you were used to it of course.
"Has no one asked you to the Yule ball yet" He mocked you "Pathetic. It's because you're still so helplessly in love with me huh? 2 years and you're still not fucking over it" he laughed at you. 
You didn't feel anything anymore. 2 years of insults didn't phase you anymore, maybe it used to.
You stood up after collecting your books.
"Knock it off will you Malfoy?" you kept calm, even though he was throwing insults at you. Draco found it intimidating almost. "Just leave me alone" you said in a small voice.
It was then he look a proper look at your face. The spark in your eyes had died, the enthusiastic girl everyone once knew was only a shell of who she used to be now. If he payed any less attention to you, he wouldn't have recognised you as that same 2nd year girl. He felt a heavy feeling of guilt start to build up in his lower stomach.
He keeps his gaze on you as you stare back at him. He can't even see the emotion in your eyes anymore.
After a while he realises he hasn't said anything, he can't muster up another insult at you, no. He feels too guilty, he feels stupid. He can't imagine what two years of putting up with his shit would have done to you. 
You sigh and slowly walk away from him to your next class. Gosh he feels horrible.
He walks into breakfast the next day, that same feeling of guilt still pouring over him. Why all of a sudden does he feel this remorse? He finds himself searching through the crowds of people in the great hall, eyes landing on you making sure you're actually eating something. He sees you sit at (your house) table, alone away from everyone else. You pick at a few pieces of food and eat. 
Then he notices your eyebags, you haven't been sleeping. He notices you don't smile anymore, he notices that you've lost weight, you've been starving yourself. He notices you look so different, so different from how he remembered, he wishes he never made you go into this state.
He is going to apologise.
You go and sit in the common room, and you go through some worksheets that you have from divination. You inhale deeply and for the first time in a long time, you felt relaxed.
That was until you heard footsteps behind you. You snapped your head up and saw the last person you wanted to see.
"What the fuck do you want from me now Malfoy" Your words hurt him a bit, but he knew it was nothing compared to the hurt you've been feeling all these years.
"I'm not here to be mean to you y/n" he reassured. He caught you a bit off guard. He never calls you by your first name, and his voice sounded soft, apologetic. Oh so he's here to apologise after all this time. "Here eat this" he tells you.
He hands you a small muffin, that looks a bit burnt on one side. 
"I know you haven't been eating y/n, so I made these for you" Then he pulls out a whole paper bag full of them.
You take one skeptically and inspect it. 
"It's poisoned isn't it? Draco I'm tired of this just go please" You pleaded him, you just wanted to be alone.
He sat next to you on the couch, dangerously close, you were sure if he got any closer, your reflexes would have told you to punch him.
"No they're not poisoned. I-" He paused for a moment. Would you even accept his apology? It seems a bit too late.
"I'm here to apologise y/n."
"And why is that?" You raised your voice slightly, you were sick of his games "Why! Why after all this time, you decide to apologise now? Why now, when all the damage has been done! I can't sleep Draco! I'm alone! You know how many friends I used to have? You know how many of them LEFT ME after you spread those rumors, ALL OF THEM, FUCKING ALL OF THEM. I can't even eat anymore, I can't even be happy."
He saw tears form in your eyes, and it broke him. He stayed silent, he could never expect you to forgive him not after everything.
"So no. Draco I don't accept your apology, I don't forgive you, maybe a year ago I would have but it's too late now."
You two stayed silent for a bit, and he shuffled uncomfortably, he truly felt terrible after everything he had done. He had made the brightest person he knew unable to smile. 
"I don't expect you to forgive me" he said softly "I just feel bad, and I wanted to let you know that I truly do feel guilty."
"Well that won't do anything will it" you laughed through your tears.
"I know. But I just want you to know that I am so so sorry, for all the hurt that I put you through."
"Thanks I guess" you whispered, you were glad that the bullying was going to stop now, you just felt that it was a bit too late. He took your hand in his own and stroked it with his thumb, confusing you a little bit.
"And I want you to eat more. I want you to sleep more. Please stay healthy y/n, it hurts me that I was the cause of all this, I just feel so bad that you haven't been happy and healthy lately." He attempted to intertwine his fingers in your own, and you let him, the two of you sat in silence for a bit, comfortable in each others presence, a few tears still slipping down your face.
Draco gently wiped away the tears, staring into your eyes. You saw that a few tears had made its way into his eyes too.
He cupped your face and you smiled softly at him. His heart beat a little faster, it was the smile he had been wishing to see in a long time. He smiled back at you. 
It felt nice having someone care about you after so long, even if it was Draco. You felt oddly safe with him, and the thought made you cry a little bit more, you felt so many emotions wash over you at once.
You broke down into tears once again, and it made Draco's smile falter. He used his one arm to take you by the waist and pull you into his chest, so you could let all your tears out, and his other arm protectively at your back with his hand holding your head in place. He comforted you and hushed in your ear rocking you both slowly.
Your arms found their way around his neck as you pulled him closer. You sniffled and pulled away from him and placed your forehead against his, he was crying too now. 
"I'm so sorry y/n" he whispered again and again. He looked into your eyes and he saw the sparks coming back, his heart fluttered as he saw your eyes flick down to his lips. He slowly leaned forward, looking into your eyes for any sign of discomfort before your noses touched. You felt his hot breath on your face and leaned in to capture his lips in yours.
The kiss was soft, every emotion could be felt, and every apology was heard. Draco deepened the kiss further and you smiled against his lips. Your hands found their way to his hair and his hands gripped your waist, pulling your closer.
You broke away from him, and he was still a bit dazed from the taste of your lips. You giggled at his expression and his heart swelled, he kissed your forehead and you leaned your head into the crook of his neck. You stayed like that for what felt like hours.
"I'm sorry y/n" Draco whispered once again. He put a hand on your back and realised you were already fast asleep on his chest, and he smiled, readjusting himself. He inhaled deeply.
"And I love you"
a/n: this was really sad ahaha, I felt like I needed to write some angst but I hope you enjoyed the happy ending:))
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jinkicake · 2 years
I can’t keep letting these 5”5 men have a chokehold on me, it’s getting unreal bc if I go this con in February and see a rly pretty albedo I will FOLD ON THE DOTTED LINES😭 like I was thinking about how kazuha looks cute but he’s unhinged and I’m like the opposite kinda💀 literally people think I’m the one in charge of the relationship but he’s so sadistic😭 and he’s has HUGE Simon vibes,, cute police and smiley,very good w words, a fugitive, super strong- like they’re a lil too similar💀 my friend pointed out that I do have a type and I can only sigh. Kazuha will smile in your family’s face at a function like he didn’t rearrange your insides like 3 hours before and is gon do it again as soon as y’all leave, Simon will sit at the dinner table laughing w Lucifer and diavolo while he’s making eyes at you like “I am going to send you straight to the celestial realm” they’re both super into bondage, like kazuha will tie your arms behind your back and take you from behind outside. I’ve heard he likes to have sex w nice scenery and I agree he will take you to a cliff for a picnic and you’re like aww romantic but he has rope in his sleeve. Simon would invite you over to study(Bible study) but he doesn’t even let you put your stuff down before he’s pressing you up against the door and feeling you up. Here both definitely sex feinds😭 like it’s a regular Wednesday morning and they’re asking you to bounce on their cock💀kazuha is BOLD bc like he lives on the crux and who’s gunna beat his ass?? Like if he walks back on board w a pretty little thing on his arm all starry eyed, Beidou already knows she’s gunna catch a glimpse of him balls deep😔 fortunately there’s a rule about sharing whatever you bring on board bc it’s her boat💕 (it’s me I am for the streets and Beidou is so damn fine, ik she has a custom jade strap, she wields a claymore she could hold me up w one arm) she doesn’t look the least bit surprised to see kazuha bending you over in the captains quarters. And he don’t look like he’s been caught w his pants down😒 “I see you’ve been busy” “you were taking too long for my liking, I was just keeping them nice and warm for you” and it’s like ooohhhhhh y’all planned that💀 someone sent this to me and said it was kazuha
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Like this would be him😭 rocks your world but he goes where the wind takes him so he’s out the next week. But I’m build differently I’ll prove myself by out fucking him to when he taps out he can get some sleep, and by the time he has to depart Inazuma he has to take me w him bc I have him under my thumb🥰🥰
no literally... how many times must we have this conversation! theyre 5'5!!!! guys under six foot are friends (not xiao tho)! one day i'll help you overcome this, i promise!
but also folding bc of albedo is so reasonable i understand it like idk what i would do if i actually saw one of these kaeyas out in real life... i would act like a complete and utter fool,,, begging for an ounce of kock or koochie loooool
now that youve brought it up.... we need more rough kazuha smut in this world! he is written so delicately and to be such a sweetheart but like where is fierce and crazy kazuha huh? where is he!!!!
naurrrr see if i were at a table w lucifer, simeon, AND diavolo... i would take lucifer and simeon to another room. diavolo can watch i guess smhhhhhh im inviting everyone!
dont- no beidou- im gonna go feral like that woman is so..... im drooling ugh i need her bad! oooh but a kazuha and beidou threesome now wait a min i really like the trust between them! that would be good-
NO THAT TWEET COULD ALSO BE ALBEDO TOO LIKEEEE THAT FANART I SENT YOU YESTERDAY... you can't tell me he wouldnt hit and then dip the next day and ghost you for life.... but back to kazuha i would cry if he ghosted me like that would hurt real badly huh
you just gotta follow kazuha w the wind... get a glider... kekeke that's how you keep him
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