#[gestures madly] but I’ve been so productive
aeris-blue · 8 months
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[crawls out of a deep hole with a manic grin] I had time off… and I chose to use it for plotting…..
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mentesimploria · 19 days
you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I’m pretty sure you’re not that fucked up or an asshole as you paint yourself to be - otherwise she wouldn’t be with you. now, I’m gonna take credit for you guys being madly in love, and as a gesture of gratitude please find me a girlfriend.
hahaha if she saw this, she’ll tell you im an asshole. but i think she loves it that she’s the only one who can tame me… well she told me she likes it but i think she loves it. im just kind of doing everything to deserve her because i dont really deserve anybody(except her). my strengths also cause my greatest downfalls.
you can believe what you want and take credit for it if that’s what will make you happy. lol. <see? i dont really give a shit about other people’s opinion.i kind of hate it.> i think you’re very capable of finding yourself a girlfriend with your humor and flirting skills. lol.
should i keep in touch again when my girlfriend and i are married? lol. take care kid.
just a take on camren… did camren broke up bec c ended up questioning her feelings for the canadian during their shitshow and decided it “explore it” but later figured their feelings are the product of a situation and shawmila is nothing like camren? if lauren was the one who encouraged their shitshow and will just continue such things in the future, i think camila deserve better. not sure im even a camren shipper anymore. i hate the fakeness and corruptness of the world. i thrive on empathy and authenticity.
------------------------------------------------ yes, you’re cruel and mean.  but please let me know when you two get married. i’d believe Camila developed feeling for a tree but not for Shawn Mendes. lol i’ve been watching her podcasts/interview lately and i still can’t see her with a guy.  also, it’s funny how she has said more than once that she has been going on lots of dates and no one knows because they’re not famous or anything, but somehow i have to believe her and Matthew were a thing when no one knew who the fuck that guy was and yet they both were papped together in a desert beach. 
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cecesunshine · 3 years
Oiiii vim pelo confissões
Você poderia fazer a prompt 1 e 10 (acho que elas combinam bem uma com a outra) com o Alistair? Não sei se tem que especificar pronomes, mas poderia ser ela/dela se não incomodar?
It’s done, sorry for taking so long! Espero que você não se importe que eu tenha escrito em inglês. Beijinhos anjo <3
The Only Thing | Alistair Drew
Summary → The only thing that makes early morning practice tolerable for Alistair is when Scholar watches it. It’s time for him to have courage and confess his love for her.
Pairing → Alistair Drew x Scholar
Warnings → None
Word Count → 1830
Prompts used → 1. Can I kiss you? + 10. That was unexpected.
A/N → As requested, Scholar uses she/her pronouns! Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are errors or if something doesn't make sense.
As soon as autumn arrived, with it came the cold wind and the endless rain. Alistair rolled his eyes as he saw the cloudy sky that waited for him outside through his window. His bed was warm and it was Saturday, which intensified his desire to stay in bed.
Alistair forced himself to get up, feeling the cold of the floor as soon as his feet touched the floor. He took a quick glance at Tadashi, who was still sleeping. Poor guy, he needed a break after everything that happened between him and his father in the last few days. Alistair walked silently to the wardrobe that he shared with his roommate, taking out the red Athletics Department shirt and black sweatpants and leaving them on the top of his bed. Alistair grabbed his shower products and left the room, heading to the bathroom.
The dorm was relatively quiet, as it was 5:40 in the morning. Alistair loved his department, and he loved everything he did but god, he envied the fact they could sleep into late hours of the morning. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that he wasn’t alone. There was Scholar, fixing her hair with a concentrated look on her face.
“Good morning, Scholar.” Alistair greeted her, going in her direction and leaning into the wall.
“Alistair! Hi, I didn’t even see you coming in!” Scholar greeted him back, quite startled at the sudden salutation given to her. “Why are you up so early?”
“I have practice, the real question is, why are YOU up so early? It’s Saturday, you need to rest.” Alistair asked, studying her features. If there was something that he liked about Scholar, it was definitely her eyes, always wandering around the room or simply focused on something. He had noticed how she would avoid eye contact and look around at random stuff when she was nervous.
“I want to do the homework that Ms. Rodriguez gave us early so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend.” Scholar replied, staring at herself in the mirror again. “Also, I didn’t know Coach worked on the weekends.”
“He doesn’t, the Athletic Department students do it voluntarily, it’s part of the job. Although sometimes the only thing you want to do is sleep until late afternoon.”
“Well, shouldn’t other students from your department be up already?”
“We talked about it in our group chat, the other girls from the soccer team had a game yesterday and they are super tired, so they’re not coming. Raquel sprained her ankle so she’s not coming either and some of the boys said that they will be ditching practice today.” Alistair told her, then started counting on his fingers. “So taking me, Rick and some other guys, there will be probably 6 or 7 people at the gym today.”
“Got it. Well, good luck for you and the guys today.” Scholar said as she was making her way to the door.
“Scholar, wait!” The words left Alistair’s mouth almost immediately. “Do you want to...I don’t know...have breakfast with me?” Very slick, Al, he thought.
“I would love to. Meet me in my room when you're ready, ok?” She said and finally left, leaving a red Alistair alone in the bathroom, still processing what happened.
Alistair showered quickly, feeling his hands trembling as he ran his finger through his blonde hair. He needed to be nice and clean for her.
He made his way back to his room, dressing up in his usual practice outfit, trying to style it so it would look better.
"Wow man, never seen you so worried about how you look for practice." Said Tadashi, who had just woken up.
"I'm not only going to practice, I'm going to have breakfast with Scholar." Alistair announced, fixing his shirt. "Tucked in or tucked out?"
"In, obviously. You don't want her to think that you don't care." Tadashi joked. “I mean, she probably knows that you like her. Is not like you are very discreet about it, you’re always walking around her, complimenting her, flexing your muscles to her. It's cute to see, you’re like her personal golden retriever.”
Alistair didn’t reply, he just shot a serious look to his friend, so he would stop. Not because it wasn’t true, but because Alistair wasn’t aware of how other people looked at him every time he would orbit around Scholar. After finishing dressing himself, Alistair grabbed his varsity jacket and quickly said his goodbyes to Tadashi, who was planning on getting more sleep.
In the dorm hallway, the blonde boy knocked into Scholar’s room door, who came out seconds later. She was wearing black jeans, a white knitted sweater and her famous red scarf and was carrying her purse.
“Hi Al.” She greeted him once again. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
They both made their way quickly into the cafeteria, which was surprisingly empty. As Scholar sat down, Alistair went to the counter, where he got a coffee and a strawberry cake for Scholar and an energetic and a protein bar for him.
“Thank you.” Scholar thanked Alistair, as he put the table on the plate. “You know, I was very surprised you’d ask me to get breakfast with you. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, after I congratulated you for the Athletics Department’s presentation at the competition you looked…” She stopped talking, as she was looking for the right words. "uncomfortable. I thought that maybe I said something wrong and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided that I wouldn’t ask you what I did wrong because I didn’t want to upset you even more, so when you asked me for breakfast I was shocked.”
“Scholar, it’s impossible for me to be mad at you. You are the sweetest person I know.” Alistair said, reaching to her hand, grabbing it gently as Scholar looked away blushing, clearly embarrassed at this caring gesture.
They both ate the rest of the meal quietly, sometimes exchanging little smiles and stealing glances that ended up with both blushing or laughing quietly. If anyone else saw them, they would say they were a couple, but they couldn’t see it as they were both oblivious.
The time to leave finally arrived, where Scholar offered to walk Alistair to the gym, which he happily accepted.
As Alistair presumed, the gym was almost empty besides some boys who were doing push-ups and seeing who would be the first to give up.
“I guess this is your stop. I need to go do my homework so I’ll probably go back to the cafeteria.” Scholar pointed to her purse, where all of her supplies were, and then looked to Alistair, who seemed sad about the fact that she was leaving. “Or...I could do my homework while you practice, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Alistair agreed almost immediately, giving her a smile. For him, this was an opportunity to impress Scholar. She would see him doing the thing that he does the best.
As Scholar sat down at the bleachers and started taking her stuff out of the bag, Alistair started stretching, warming up his muscles and took off running around the gym. He was really excited to work out in front of Scholar, as this was probably the sneakiest way to show off to her without exactly showing off.
Scholar was supposed to focus on her homework, but at that moment, she could only focus on Alistair, who had stopped running and was now participating in a push-up contest with the other boys of his department.
As the boys gave up and left, Alistair started laughing. Alistair wiped his sweaty face with his face, showing off his abs and his muscular form. God, had he always been that handsome?, Scholar wondered and quickly brushed up that thought as Alistair was walking towards her.
“Everything alright?” The blonde boy asked, taking a sip of his water bottle. “I’m sorry if seeing me training is boring to you.”
“Nothing is ever boring with you Al, and I love being around you.”She said, making Alistair blush. ”Are you finished yet?”
“Finished? I barely even started. I still need to take the boxing supplies out of the storage room and set them up and then I’ll start the boxing practice. Do you want to help?”
Scholar agreed, setting her things down. Already in the storage room, they both started to take out the things and setting it up in the gym, sometimes touching hands and blushing madly.
With everything set up, Alistair began punching the punching bag, always keeping an eye on Scholar, who gave up on doing her homework and was now just watching him. Alistair smiled, his plan was working.
“How do you not have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” She abruptly asked, taking Alistair by surprise.
“W-What?” Alistair spoke, his voice trembling and betraying him at that moment.
“How are you not dating someone?” Scholar questioned again. “Tell me, how is Alistair Drew, one of Arlington’s most attractive boys, single?”
“Well, it’s complicated.” Alistair took off his gloves and his headgear, sitting next to her. “I’m only single because I’m a coward.”
“What do you mean coward?”
Alistair looked at her, staring deeply into her eyes. He needed to tell her, it was time to finally be brave. He held her hand caressing it with his thumb. Scholar reciprocated, also looking into his eyes, giving him a confused look.
“Scholar, I like you.” He finally confessed, still looking at her. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for a while but I was always looking for the right moment. But the truth is, I was just afraid of telling you how I feel because I didn’t know how you would react. You are the most incredible person I know, you’re simply the best.” Alistair got silent for a few seconds and then spoke again. “I really like you...and I hope you like me too.”
After his confession, none of them knew what to say. The silence between them was uncomfortable, in a way that neither of them could put into words.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Scholar said, trying to help the situation. “Look Alistair, that day during the competition, I was going to say the same thing.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I was going to confess to you. I feel the same, Al.” Scholar announced, smiling shyly. “I like you.”
Now, the silence between them was comfortable. So comfortable that they were now closer than ever, as Alistair placed his hand on Scholar's chin, looking at her like she was the only person in the whole world.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked for permission, waiting anxiously for an answer.
“Yes Alistair, you can.”
And their lips touched, as both were involved in a loving but innocent kiss.
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“If you can’t sleep...”
Pairing || Francisco Morales x Reader Rating || M Warning || Implied smut Word Count || ~720 Prompt || Anonymous Request: “If you can’t sleep... we could have sex?” As an aside, this was written when I was in the thick of my thesis research for grad school. That was very heavily channeled here. Taglist ||  @firefeatherx @goldenhour-goldenboy @mandoplease @mylifeliterally @phoenixhalliwell @havenforafrazzledmind @living-reminder @beatriz-silva-00 @pascalz @worldominatorx @givemethatgold @agirllovespancakes@lilacyennefer @dignityneeded @veuliee @briskywalker @the-bird-suit @mapache-lector @skylyknightly (let me know if you want to be added/removed!)
You scrub at your eyes with your hands, eyes sore from staring at your computer screen so long in the dark. A break would have been nice, but you can’t bring yourself to step away for even a minute. The stress and anxiety of meeting your deadline keeps you firmly planted in your seat, fingers clicking and typing away madly at your Word document.
Now you’re just glaring at the too-bright screen, narrowing your eyes and hoping you can intimidate your computer into making the words in your head magically appear on the screen.
Fish was still asleep when you slid out of bed, restless and unable to keep yourself from tossing and turning. For the past hour now, you’d been slaving over this damned research proposal you needed to have finished before the end of the semester. You’d hit a block, though, unable to decide which statistical tests were necessary for the analysis for the results of your study, in the event it ends up approved by the board.
You drag your fingers through your hair for the fifth time in one minute before slamming your hands down on the table with a grunt of frustration. Stray glasses left behind from before you went to bed rattle on the wood, breaking through the once-thick silence.
Behind you, you hear the bedsheets rustle before a light turns on behind you. You swear quietly, burying your face in the crook of your elbow as your heart sinks all the way down to your feet with dread.
“Y/N?” Fish’s voice is still heavy with sleep. “What’re you doing up?”
You throw your weight back int your seat, gesturing with both hands towards your laptop. “I’m trying to finish this damned proposal!” you cry. “Can you tell me if a one way or two way analysis of variance or a Z test is the best decision for measuring improvements in a student’s social performance and to tell if the results are significant or not?”
“Babe, I know what each of those words mean. I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about when you put them together like that.”
You groan and hide your face behind your hands. “Forget it. I’m doing a one way analysis of variance.”
“Just come back to bed, Y/N. That paper isn’t due for another six weeks. You have more than enough time to work on it.”
“Around assessments and meetings and writing reports and counseling?” You return your hands to your keyboard and start typing in a sleep-deprivation induced rage. “I barley have time to pee, Frank.”
“I know. I’ve seen you carry your laptop into the bathroom with you.”
You don’t even hear his footsteps before Fish is behind you, his hands coming down on your shoulders. He rubs against your tight trapezius muscles, moving down slowly to your deltoids. “C’mon, babe, before your side of the bed gets cold.”
“I don’t work in bed,” you remind him. “And I won’t be able to sleep until I get the analysis section of this report done.”
“You know,” Fish’s voice turns husky, and in the next moment you feel his warm breath caress your ear. “If you can’t sleep, we can always just have sex. A little birdie told me that climax increases the production of melatonin, which helps you sleep.”
In spite of yourself, you smile. “I knew you were listening when I gave you that mini-lecture.”
Fish presses a kiss to your cheek. “I think that merits some kind of reward. Don’t you think?”
You close your eyes for a long moment, then open them again.
“Fine,” you concede, shutting your laptop. You take Fish’s hand when he holds it out for you to take and let him guide you back to your bedroom.
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yeetingmyfeeling · 4 years
Boys Without Fear
Chapter One
Jeff was in the mansion today. He had very little he wanted to do, hasn’t even gone for a kill in the past five days. He was content to observe, watch life move around him, watch his friend mingle. Even that piece of bread going mouldy underneath the table was interesting. 
The couch was very comfortable, in his opinion at least. Much better than the bed he lays on at night. That’s mostly been his routine. Get up from bed, lay on the couch for the day, go back to bed. The only reason he doesn’t stay in his bed is because he shares a room with Eyeless Jack. Nothing wrong with him, just, if Jeff had to watch someone, he would rather watch everyone. 
He was feeling rather peckish, so perhaps he was to get up and get some food. Only, when he sat up, someone sat next to him. 
“Thinking of stealing my couch while I leave?” Jeff quirked an, what would have been, eyebrow. He has no eyebrow, or eyelids. So really, it didn’t look like much. 
“Jeff,” The fellow proxy spoke. It was Laughing Jack. His nose stuck out, pointed at Jeff. “While you are gone, to do whatever, I am going to cleanse the entire thing. It reeks.”
“It does not,” Jeff argued. “And for your information, i'm going to go get food.”
“I literally don’t care?” LJ offered. “Just get off.”
“Well, now I don’t want to,” The killer crossed his arms over his chest, an invisible pout on his lips. 
“Get up boy,” LJ deadpanned. “I will call down Hoodie and Masky on you, do not tempt me.”
Jeff stared, and reluctantly got up. LJ immediately got to cleaning. Jeff rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned and Ticci Toby, were all hanging around. 
“He rises from the couch,” Ben gasped. “I am in shock, someone restart the routers.”
EJ puffed a laugh. “Leave him be guys, we all know why.”
“We do?” Asked Jeff.
“We do?” chimed the other two.
“Oh, well if we apparently don’t..” EJ snickered. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“Excuse me, please continue,” Jeff gestured. “I would like to know.”
“Well, Jeff..” EJ’s left hand came up and rubbed at the back of his head. “You have been down, and depressed. You haven’t killed someone in five days, even though it has been dry lately. Plus, you’ve barely touched your knife, or even sharpened it.”
Ben nodded. “I’ve noticed these things. You go straight from your room, to the couch, back to your room. From knowledge, that’s what people with depression do. Or, who are going through a struggle.”
Toby nodded. “You haven’t showered, and hardly eat. This is the first I’ve seen you eat in two days. You're always spacing out.”
“Is this an intervention?” Jeff queried. ‘If it is, I rather go back to my couch.” 
“We aren’t.. Real people. We are classified as monsters, really. Maybe, we are. We don’t experience emotions and feelings the same, but we do experience them. Certain ones can be stronger in us,” EJ stared at Jeff, his eye sockets boring into Jeff’s lidless eyes. “I am just expressing what I have observed from you in the past, let's say a month. Jeff, you are either really horny or madly in love with someone.” 
The killer choked. On air, just breathed in too sharply. Now he is doubled over, hands on his knees, coughing and spluttering. He heard two voices of cackles in front of him, but he didn’t care. He was focused on not dying from choking, so he can choke EJ. 
“You- you fucking what?” Jeff stuttered. “Horny, or in love? In love!?”
Ben and Toby laughed louder.
“Look, it’s the best thing I came to,” EJ explained. “It was those, or you’re about to die.”
“I would rather die!” Jeff stated, rather loudly. “I don’t even know who you would think.. I… no!”
“Jeff, we still have needs we need to cater to,” EJ went on. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I think I know who it is..” Toby whispered to Ben. “Jane.”
Ben snorted. “Probably.”
“I’m not ashamed,” Jeff grumbled.
“Well, if that’s the case,” EJ clapped his hands. “Go take a shower, we shall prepare dinner, and we will have family bonding.”
“But I-” Jeff tried to argue. EJ just stared him down. Jeff sighed, groaned, then went to take a shower. 
Jeff decided to change into his more usual clothes. That being the white jumper and black pants. Who knows, he thought, maybe family bonding meant killing. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly, as he did stink quite a bit and his hair was more greasy and knotted then usual. 
Upon making his way downstairs, he smelt food. He went into the kitchen, seeing other proxies pile up their plates then go into the living room. Jeff began doing the same. Not everyone ate real food, so there was an array of options. There was spaghetti bolognese for the more human proxies, so Jeff grabbed a lot of that. 
He went into the living room, luckily being able to sit on the couch. Smile dog came and sat down in front of him, and Jane the Killer sat next to Jeff on the couch. 
“He is clean,” Jane gasped. “It’s a miracle!”
“Fuck off,” Jeff mumbled through a mouthfull of spaghetti. 
“We had an intervention for him,” Ben explained. “We think we have figured out what his problem is.”
“What?” Jane 
“Who wants to go for a killing tonight?” Jeff interrupted before Ben could say anything. The Link look-alike laughed. 
“I’ll go,” Jane said. “Although I will have to harass Ben later for why you’ve been so depressed.”
“We’ll go,” Hoodie and Masky chimed.
So after dinner, the four agreed to go out for a kill.
Once they returned, they all went to go get washed up.
“You got a kill then?” Sally asked excitedly, leaning over the couch where she sat with Clockwork.
“We got three,” Jane grinned. She went over to Sally, running her hands through the child's hair. 
“There was a group of teenagers in the woods,” Jeff added. “They were expecting Slendy, but got us instead.”
“Well it is Slendy’s woods,” Masky shrugged. “We have been here for long enough though.”
“Oh well. We got three kills, and we got Jeff out of the house,” Hoodie pointed at said teen. “A win win situation. Now dare I say, time for cheesecake?”
“Time for cheesecake!” Masky cheered. Then the two walked into the kitchen. 
“Speaking of Jeff getting out of the house,” Jane looked at Jeff, then at Clockwork. “Where’s Ben?”
“In his room playing games with EJ and Toby,” Clockwork replied.
“Thanks,” Jane nodded. “Gonna try to stop me?” 
“No,” Jeff sighed in defeat. Jane grinned and practically skipped away. 
“Jeff,” Clockwork looked at the permanently grinning killer. “Slendy wants to see you.”
Jeff groaned, throwing his head back. “What did I do this time?” He started walking down to Slenderman’s den, or office, mumbling to myself. “I haven’t done shit, literally. I’ve been laying around the entire past five days. I have barely existed. Today was my most productive day-”
“That is exactly why I wanted to speak with you,” Came a voice from behind the door, before Jeff had even knocked. “Come in.”
Jeff opened the door. “What do you mean?” he questioned. “Because I actually did stuff today, I’m in trouble?”
“I never said you were in trouble,” Slender shook his head. “I would like to talk about you, and your feelings.”
Jeff groaned. “Not more of this shit. Look, I’m fine, perfect, great, happy even.”
“Yes, you say this, but the dent on the couch in a Jeffrey shaped figure says otherwise. Don’t use language with me.”
“So I have been lounging around a bit. What’s wrong with that?”
“Jeffrey, are you depressed? Is there something getting you down? Or making you upset?”
“Stop calling me Jeffrey, and I’m fucking fine.”
“Stop using poor language. I am merely concerned about your mental wellbeing, if there is something wrong, I want you to know you can speak to me.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’ll be fine, boss man.”
Slender sighed. “You best be fine. You are my family, and I do not want my family to be upset.”
“Gotcha!” Jeff saluted the tall, white man. He spun on his heel, and walked all the way to his room.
It hurt, hearing that. Jeff didn’t want to admit it. 
‘You are my family,’
Jeff walked into his room, shut the door, and punched the wall. 
“Fuck…” He breathed out. “Feelings, man. Screw what EJ says, I’m blocking them out. Then I can’t get hurt if I ever got rejected by Slendy.”
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minah-delacroix · 3 years
At any price (Part VI)
Universe: Dynasty AU
Characters: Minah and Tyler
Word count: 1,7 k
Blame someone
“You can’t punish the guy for trying to move on” Tyler grunted as he followed Minah through the driveway of Delacroix Manor, lined up with luxury cars and clusters of chauffeurs conversing and smoking behind them. The woman could feel Tyler’s eyes boring holes in the back of her head, but she was too focused on the obnoxious feeling of the cool December air hitting her exposed skin to care “I don’t even know why you’re acting up” he continued, making Minah momentarily stop and look over her shoulder with a frown “You weren’t even interested in Sungjae when you had him wrapped around your finger” Minah rolled eyes and continued walking, heels clicking on the pavement. “That’s why I introduced him to Ashleigh”
Minah stopped abruptly, Tyler’s words causing her to look at him skeptically for the briefest moment and then huff furious.
“Wait, you introduced them?” Minah made a pause, thinking to herself before putting the pieces together “That night at the club-” she scoffed free of any amusement “So this is all your fucking fault!” She spat, ignoring what seemed to be hurt flashing in Tyler’s eyes. Minah’s first instinct was to slap him for sabotaging her relationship and meddling in her personal life, but she eventually took notice of her surroundings and decided that she needed to act like a Delacroix.
“If you have to blame someone, then yeah, it is my fault,” Tyler said impatiently “I was just trying to push him away”
“What do you have against Sungjae?” Minah’s voice came as a cross between disbelief and rage
“For fuck’s sake, Minah, I’m talking about you!” Tyler made an exasperated gesture and massaged his forehead with a hand, but Minah still looked puzzled so he gave her a look that almost made her feel like the dumbest person on Earth. “I love you” he finally confessed.
It took Minah a minute to process Tyler’s words. Of course, she’d known he liked her since they were two careless teenagers attending school in some remote place in Switzerland, but she’d always thought it was some sort of silly infatuation. At most, she represented a challenge for the irresistible Tyler Lee. ‘Love’ was a heavy word. Especially when Minah had the clear remembrance of Tara suspecting her brother was secretly seeing someone. Among the evidence Tara had gathered, there were several family plans and work meetings canceled, receipts for expensive luxury items, and intriguing visits to exotic places like the Bahamas, Saint Tropez, and Singapore. Minah didn’t really give it too much thought before, but there was something off about this sudden confession. Or at least Minah desperately wanted something to be off because otherwise, things were about to become awfully complicated for her. For all of them.
“But you’re seeing someone” Minah tried to reason, but the genuinely surprised expression on Tyler’s face made her falter. “Tara said you were. The trips to the Bahamas and Singapore-“ she trailed off. Thinking about the time Tyler canceled an important appointment at the very last minute and disappeared mysteriously only for him to show up two days later looking like he’d been partying in L.A. or gambling in Las Vegas.
“Since being unavailable seems to be the only way to get your attention, then yeah, I was with someone” Tyler conceded, making a near helpless gesture with the hands “And she was hot. Very.” He blurted, looking as though as he couldn’t believe he’d pronounce those words “But she wasn’t you, Minah. She was not the girl I’ve been madly in love with since I was a kid”
The ride to Lee Manor was painfully quiet and awkward. Minah’s brain replayed Tyler’s confession over and over and over as though trying to dissect it apart, trying to find a crack where probably there was none.
She recalled being fifteen when she first met Tyler. He was a year older, captain of the polo team, and had girls practically eating out of the palm of his hand. He’d started to pursue her from the moment he saw her —one of the reasons she never took him seriously—, then Maude Olivier came into the picture and dated Tyler for the rest of their high school years. There was nothing too memorable about their history, except the wild parties and follies of youth. Though now that she gave it some thought, Maude’s hatred for Minah had always felt a bit too personal to be downplayed as a simple family feud between the Olivier’s and Delacroix’s.
Tyler’s confession was definitely a turning point for them. Whatever Minah chose to do afterward it was meant to affect greatly her friendship and business with Tyler and probably Tara as well.
However, there was something she knew needed to be done first.
Minah typed two quick messages.
From: Minah Delacroix
To: Suho Kwon
So I could be wrong, but there are
two people stuck on the roof. 
So maybe you can help them out if 
you’re feeling in the holiday spirit. 
I know I am 😏
From: Minah Delacroix
To: Mr. Rausing (CEO of IN-Eco Corp)
I visited Ashleigh at work and I heard 
you’re having problems financing 
your cotton farming project in Peru. 
Thought it over and I am willing to help.
Use me
“I knew you’d be here burning the midnight oil” Later the same night, Minah walked into Tyler’s study room. She found him sitting in front of his computer dressed in his signature dark blue silk pajamas with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair didn’t look as nearly as immaculate as it did in the party and he’d put on his Gucci reading glasses. He looked so different from the collected and perfectly refined man he schooled himself to be on the daily that for a second Minah hesitated before walking further into his office. 
“I need to work harder if I have to keep up with you” Tyler hurried to close his laptop and when he did Minah realized there was a half-empty 1k bottle of scotch on the desk with a Baccarat tumbler next to it. There was also a book that looked suspiciously like their high-school yearbook. Tyler covered it up placing that morning’s newspaper on top of it. “What do you need Minah?” He asked, jaw visibly clenching. 
“I just came to say I’m sorry” Minah could feel herself sinking in size as Tyler’s eyebrows furrowed, looking at her as though he’s trying to bit down his emotions. Minah inhaled deeply and then gave a few steps toward the window. She saw an Aston Martin pull up the driveway of the manor and thought she could recognize Daniel sitting in the passenger’s seat. “I don’t know why I brought you up to that roof” Minah didn’t dare to look at Tyler so instead she observed Daniel making out with the man in the Aston Martin until she heard the sound of Tyler’s Antonio Citterio highback chair and noticed him approach slowly. 
“I do,” he said with a sour smirk “You were trying to get over that assistant”  Though his voice was calm, Minah could recognize spite lacing Tyler’s words “Only that’s been harder than you thought, so you were using me” his expression tight with a seriousness Minah couldn’t quite decode if it was a product of anger or disappointment. Both probably. 
Minah looked down, feeling the guilt overtake her. She played with the hem of her ruffled georgette pajamas simply because she couldn’t even look at Tyler. She was perfectly aware that she’d done nothing but take and take from him in a never-ending succession of selfish acts. She did the same with Sungjae and ended up pushing him away forever. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing Tyler too. “I-“ Minah attempted to mutter some sort of half-assed apology, but the words died in her throat. 
“So, use me,” Tyler said, confidently coming forward. The golden frame of his glasses glowed under the dim light coming from the crystal chandeliers, briefly distracting Minah from her plain confusion. When she came back to her senses she noticed Tyler stood in front of her. 
“What?” The tension between them was thick, but Minah still managed to keep her composure, though the way Tyler’s eyes darkened caused Minah to gulp almost imperceptibly
“You were only with that guy because it was easy for you” Tyler’s eyes looked right into Minah’s “Convenient” he added “You don’t have time for a real relationship because you’re too busy conquering the world” Minah deliberately took a step forth, then they were only inches away from each other. “Where else could you find someone with the same schedule?” He rolled eyes at the same time his hand brushed against the skin of her thigh “But you know? I could fit you in” Tyler’s expression shifted, as he moved behind Minah, his breath on the back of her neck “If you fit me in” 
Minah was about to respond with some witty remark, but she gasped when the pads of Tyler’s fingers came in contact with her neck and gently moved her hair onto one shoulder. Minah pivoted on her heels to face him but was taken aback when she realized she practically threw herself into his arms. They were closer than she had anticipated. “Are you possibly suggesting you want to be my rebound?” She managed to conceal her surprise and went on
“Isn’t that why you’re here so late?” Tyler raised a brow.
Minah chuckled and shook her head, there was something particularly annoying about the high regard Tyler had of himself, but truth to be told, he wasn’t entirely mistaken. As a matter of fact, Minah knew that something was bound to happen if she stepped into Tyler’s study room. And she still went to look for him. Nevertheless, she hopelessly tried to find an excuse “But we’ve agreed to keep this strictly business-” 
“And we’re at work, aren’t we?” A soft chuckle escaped Tyler’s lips before he closed the gap separating him from Minah and crashed his lips against hers in a flurry of desperation. 
Before any of them noticed or did anything to stop each other, Minah was lying half-naked on Tyler’s presidential desk, his mouth gliding a path down her body.
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 13
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 12. Now get ready for Part 13!:
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Poppy proudly strolled around her town, humming enthusiastically on her way. She passed by fellow Trolls who greeted her and she greeted them back, happy that her place is still in good hands from the formerly hungry Bergens that attacked her first party a long time ago. But she knew, deep down, that her people and her friends were the most important in her life, and this is why it gave her motivation to go see what they are doing.
When she arrived at the Show-and-Tell festival’s banquet, Satin and Chenille are already there, testing out their shampoo-and-conditioner presentation. As usual, Poppy approached and greeted them “Hey, girls!”
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“Hi, Poppy!” the fashion twins said, trying to sound casual.
“I can’t wait to see what you come up with for your lovely presentation!” Poppy said.
“Yes, we are!” Satin answered. “Chenille and I have been working up all day to dazzle this amazing extravaganza! I hope everyone will love this one!”
That was all Poppy needed to hear. “Well, let me see what you got!” she said with a wide grin.
Chenille cued Satin to bring in a large whiteboard, which showed an illustration of two respective bottles that each read “Shampoo” and “Conditioner”. Beside them was a neat handwriting from a marker that said:
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“What do you think, Queen Poppy?” Satin asked proudly. “We’ve been preparing for ten hours!”
“I think you’ve done quite a splendid job!” Poppy replied, applauding at their hard work they’ve put into. “I’m sure your score will compete much better than the other contestants!”
“Ugh, splendid?” Chenille huffed. “You think it would be more better if we present it to you?”
“Sure!” Poppy said, nodding. “I’d be happy to see your presentation right now! Let’s see how much effort you’re aiming for!”
Branch cautiously peeked from inside Poppy’s bag to understand what his friends were planning. Satin pulled out her professional presentation laser pointer from her pocket and activated it, aiming a red dot of light around the whiteboard and explaining basic information about Troll hair care.
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First, Satin pointed the laser pointer’s red dot to the shampoo bottle illustration. She explained to Poppy “Shampoo is the best hair-bathing product of Troll Village! Do you know where they come from?”
Poppy eagerly raised her hand, ready to make the right answer. “Oooooh!” she squealed. “I know where it comes from! The Gel Forest! It’s one of the most exotic places of Troll world! I’ve read all about it in the history of hair!”
“Correct!” Chenille exclaimed, pointing out Poppy’s good remark on scientifically accurate events.
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For the next question, Satin aimed the dot at the hair conditioner photo, confidently explaining “Hair conditioner is very similar to shampoo but it’s purpose was to make your hair in perfect condition!”
“That sounds so cool!” Poppy marveled with gushing amazement.
While the twins are discussing further information, Branch watched the red dot moving around their whiteboard. His eyes followed where the tiny glowing circle is at and he was so mesmerized by it that he sneaked out of Poppy’s bag to make his way to the presentation whiteboard.
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Satin descended the dot for a bit, close enough for Branch to see it coming down to him. He locked his eyes on that shining dot, ready for the right moment to pounce.
“And now, Chenille and I will talk about the main differences between these two. They seem to be both the same but they-” Satin was saying when suddenly...
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Branch jumped up from out of nowhere and waved his paws around, attempting to catch the red dot from Satin’s laser pointer. Stunned, she moved it away from Branch, but he kept following it in every direction. 
“Yeesh!!” she cried out in disgust. “What’s a cat doing here? Shoo! You are interrupting our presentation! Get out of the way!”
But Branch wasn’t even listening. He chased the bright red dot around the whiteboard, almost ruining the illustrations with his claws.
As Satin tried everything she can to get Branch away from their presentation, Chenille sneezed “ACHOO!!!”
Satin turned around to comfort her sister. “Oh no! Chenille, are you sneezing?!” she asked.
“I think it was that cat!” Chenille shrieked. “I’m allergic to it. ACHOO!!!”
While her sister kept sneezing, Satin protested “Poppy, do something!”
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It didn’t take long for Poppy to notice Branch interrupting her friends’ business. She called to her kitten worriedly before he can eventually get into trouble. “Oh, Mr. Tickle. Come here right now. Don’t step into the twins’ presentation!”
Branch chased the red dot madly around as Satin fiddled with her laser pointer to turn it off. After a few seconds, she pressed the button on the pointer, causing the red dot to disappear. Branch fell on his face right after it vanished.
“Can this get any worse, Chenille?” Satin shouted. “I can’t take it!”
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In her frustration, she flicked on her laser pointer, only this time it was aiming to her face. The dot shone on her forehead, and Branch turned around towards her!
Chenille nervously tapped her sister’s shoulder as she looked down at him. “Uh...Satin...”
“Meeeeeeooooowwwrrrr!!!” Branch made a leap for the twins, causing them to fall to the ground!
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The laser pointer fell from Satin’s hands, remaining on. The red dot stood alone in the ground, and Branch finally caught up to it, fiddling his paws around in an attempt to secure it.
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Satin and Chenille are not pleased for Poppy bringing a cat into their presentation that they picked Branch up by his neck and turned off the laser pointer. He dangled helplessly in Satin’s grasp, protesting “Meeeeow!! Meow!! Meeeow!”
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“Please tell your filthy cat to go home now, Poppy!” Satin demanded. “I don’t understand why you are bringing a mangy pet to us!”
“Yeah, get him out of here before-ACHOO!!!” Chenille said, before she uttered another sneeze. She eventually managed to finish her sentence with “He does anything else stupid again! Now I’m definitely allergic to cats!”
Poppy felt guilty for Branch’s safety. He would’ve been tucked and secured in her backpack while her friends did what they were supposed to do. He looked up at Poppy with wide scared eyes.
“I’m so sorry, girls,” Poppy said innocently. “Sometimes my cat was just too eager to go around town at a time like this.” She picked up Branch and placed him back in her bag before she finally departs. “Don’t worry. I’ll take him home, but please keep practicing your presentation until tomorrow!”
“Can you believe what’s going on, Chenille?” Satin asked her sister after Poppy left.
“You don’t know what’s happened! Now look at me!!” Chenille sobbed, gesturing to her dress covered with snot due to sneezing several times. “Someone get me another tissue.”
Poppy had made her way to some good space so she and Branch can have some privacy to interact. She opened her bag, revealing Branch curling up inside. He looked very scared when Poppy stared at him. “Mr. Tickle, I’m sorry for putting you into this mess,” she scolded. “But that wasn’t nice to interrupt my friends’ party preparations like that.”
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“Meow! Meeeeeow! Meeeeeeow!!! Meow!” Branch said, trying to apologize. But he knew Poppy can’t understand him so he just moaned quietly.
“You could’ve been confiscated by Animal Control! And what’s worse, you threatened my friend’s allergy condition!” Poppy said in her stern queen-like tone. Then, with a gentle voice running down her throat, she concluded “Perhaps it’s best I can leave you at home so that none of this is happening.”
Branch felt just awful. The thing that he hated more than anything in the world was Poppy scolding him, or much worse...having put back home so that he is unable to go to his bunker. Saddened, he turned around in a circle and settled back deep inside her bag, knowing that he had failed his plan. 
Poppy zipped her bag shut and started walking her way home, concerned about bringing a pet to the party premises. She is supposed to act like a good queen if she really learned her lesson.
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“I just hope everything will be fine,” she told herself. “But I feel like someone’s missing.”
Just then, as she was walking...
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Poppy jumped back and looked down to see she had stepped on a tree branch. This suddenly gave her an idea!
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“Oh, I wasn’t forgetting anyone!” Poppy murmured with confidence. Then she changed direction to find what she really hoped for.
                                               To Be Continued...
                                           Stay tuned for Part 14!
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jotarosbelt · 5 years
The Night Doesn’t End Until We Go To Sleep. [Joseph Joestar]
cw: birthday sex, mentions of alcohol
18+ content under the cut!
Happy Birthday Joseph!
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“Oh, dear.”
You stood in awe next to Caesar at the sight in front of you. Joseph was sloppy drunk, knocked out on his bed; the bottle of wine at his side to blame.
“What a way to spend your birthday.”
Caesar chuckles, asking you how you could love such a sleaze, jokingly saying how you could be with him instead. You roll your eyes, smiling, and walk over towards your shit-faced boyfriend to take the glass bottle from his hand.
Reaching for the bottle, the man who was supposed to be asleep grabs your arm and pulls you into his hard, toned body.
Caesar lets out a scoff, pinching the bridge of his nose for added effect. “JoJo, you’re some con-artist.”
Joseph turns his head around to look at Caesar. “Yeah, well this con artist,” he says while pointing to you with a sleazy grin on his face, “got the girlll.”
You blush madly and turn to hide your face in Joseph’s chest. He lets out a hardy laugh and turns your face up to look at him. “Awe babe! Don’t hide from me~ you’re so cuteeeeee.”
Caesar turns his head, trying to feign a frown to cover up the red spreading to his cheeks. “She’s alright.”
“You like her just as much as I do.”
“Do not,” Caesar retorted.
“Do too!”
Caesar turns to leave the room. “Why don’t you guys be productive instead of getting wasted and bothering me?”
There he went.
Still holding your face, Joseph looks at you. “You know, you’re really pretty.”
The blush on your face intensified; even more so when Joseph moved you up to straddle him, pressing his hard length against your crotch.
“I know we didn’t get to spend much time together today, but can I make up for it now? It’s still my birthday, after all.”
He grins.
Avoiding eye contact, you nod shallowly and he swallows you up whole; lips entangled with his and the smell of alcohol lingering through the room.
His tongue tasted of grapes, and his hands gripped your ass before one snaked up your back to undo your bra. He sits up, holding you close to him as to not break the kiss before finally doing so to take off your shirt and unclipped bra to give your chest some much needed attention.
Raking your hairs through his messy hair, he groans.
“Ah fuck, Joseph.”
He lets go of one of your nipples with a slick pop echoing through the room before looking up at you with a fucked out expression that made your core warm.
“Keep being that loud and Caesar is going to end up joining. Save that thought for another day, baby.”
You blush at the thought of that; Joseph winking and returning to your nipples pulling you out of your reverie. His fingers advance down your stomach.
He reaches the top of your pants and gives it a sharp tug, looking up at you expectantly; the flesh of your chest still in between his lips.
You pull away from him to pull down your pants, leaving yourself clad in your underwear and nothing more. Joseph’s eyes take in your naked figure greedily, biting his lip as he does so. With a lust filled look and the “item” in his pants becoming painfully hard, he pulls you back down on the bed and gets atop of you.
“You’re the sexiest person I’ve ever seen.”
He throws another wink your way, this one more seductive and less cheesy than it’s predecessor.
“Mind if I claim my birthday gift now,” he says in your ear. “I’ve been waiting for it all day, too bad it wasn’t wrapped in a nice bow, though.”
You smile. “Maybe next year.”
He grins at you, bringing his lips to his collarbones and kissing all the way down to your folds, restricted by your panties.
“Let’s take off the wrapping, eh?”
He looks at you with dark eyes, lifting up your hips and yanking the garment down your legs and throwing it somewhere in the room. He hikes your legs up around his neck, immediately diving into your wetness coaxing a scream like moan from the sudden contact.
“Oh my FUCK! Ahhh!”
He looks up at you, raising an eyebrow at your moan and teasingly licks a stripe up your dripping pussy. He takes your bundle of nerves into his mouth, humming, and takes one of his hands to finger you as his mouth was occupied.
You buck your hips up into his face haphazardly, lost in the ecstasy of having your boyfriend eat you out like a birthday cake. It made you happy he wanted to spend his special day pleasing you .
Being ripped from your thoughts once again, pulses of hot pleasure ran throughout your body as you spasmed underneath the burly man. Helping you ride the wave of your orgasm to the fullest, he sped up the movement of his finger inside of you, and sucked harshly on your clit. You grabbed a tuft of his hair and pulled hard, groaning his name as you plastered his face with your juices.
Relaxing from your high, he pulled back away from you, licking his lips and wiping his chin before giving you a lazy smile. He took off his tank top and pants, along with his underwear; joining you in your nudity.
You get up and crawl over to him, pulling him into a hard kiss and reach down to grip his member. He grabs your hand.
“I much rather cum in you.”
At a lost for words, you nod before he picks you up and places you on the edge of the bed. He opens your legs, positioning himself in between them and looks at you for approval. He was conscious he was much larger than average; he didn’t want to hurt you or cause you any avoidable discomfort.
You nod, and he slowly pushes himself into your core eliciting a sharp breathe from the both of you.
“After all this time, you’re still tight as ever. Fill me in on how later.” Another wink.
You chuckle, but that chuckle soon turns into a scream as he starts thrusting into you quickly and deeply. His strokes were thorough and made you shake as he hit parts of you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Oh fuck, yes, yes, yes. Keep- mm, keep squeezing me like that please.”
He didn’t even have to request for you to do so, as you were already instinctively clutching around his cock like a vice and wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him close.
His hips stuttered and he released himself dee inside you, the warm liquid bringing you to your second, but not your last, release of the night.
Both panting, sweaty, and fucked out of your minds, you collapsed on top of each other; still connected— but in both mind, body, and soul.
You didn’t understand how birthday sex could make you feel both so close and connected to a person, but the warm and cuddly feeling of feeling as though you saw a new side of Joseph, no, understood a new side of Joseph made you giddy.
You both smiled lazily at each other, him reaching up to tuck a piece of stray hair behind your ear before getting up and pulling out of you.
You wined, missing the feeling of you boyfriend inside of you, making him chuckle. He looked at the time.
He gestures to the bathroom.
“My birthday may be over, but that doesn’t mean tonight has to end, my love. The night doesn’t end till we go to sleep.”
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JSAB Fanfic: Duality
Okay, so I promised @small--crcle on anon that I’d write a fanfiction for the Reverse Superhero AU that was briefly mentioned on their blog. The idea’s been nagging at me for awhile now, so I finally sat down and finished it.
The Reverse Superhero AU is VERY loosely inspired by Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug, and any other superhero media in which the main character’s alter egos are the enemies of their parents. Because, y’know, ANGST FUEL.
Sadly, this pushed back production of Feeling Blue and Grey Area a bit, but I worked just as hard on this story, so I hope everyone enjoys.
For anyone who doesn’t know, @small--crcle has a swap AU askblog that’s pretty neat, so... go follow them for the original source. Trust me, I can’t do it justice.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy (and forgive me for inactivity ugh).
Description: An AU in which instead of shapes and beats, there are heroes and villains. However, one villain... isn’t that bad.
At thirteen, Blixer already has more scars than one could count. He’s weak, fragile, most of his peers say. They’d probably be right, had it not been for New Game. New Game simultaneously fixes everything and ruins it as well. New Game is part of him, but it’s still another shape altogether.
Blixer’s horns are cracked and brittle, and several cracks and fractures, chips from being thrown around by monsters, riddle his face and arms; he always keeps the scars from battle. New Game can’t be harmed, so it passes the hurt onto Blixer.
Each villain is more dangerous than the last. Blixer wishes he’d never gotten these powers. Everything is after him, wanting nothing more than to shatter him until there’s nothing left but dust. He thinks he’s about to do just that as he struggles through each day.
He walks down the street, towards his step-dad’s house, his only safe haven. It’s raining, icy water pelting him from above, most likely the precursor to some weather-based monster rearing its beastly head. Whatever it was, New Game would deal with it later, anyway. Nothing came after Blixer. They didn’t have to; he was a mess, already.
He stared down at the puddles, just waiting for them to ice over right before his eyes. Of course, all he sees is New Game, the being who ruined his life, who continued to save his life, who stole his life.
New Game grinned back, as usual. Blixer didn’t think it could stop. Frankly, he didn’t care. There was no point in contemplation; in a few hours, when night fell and that thing took over, it would be his face that was pulled into that cursed rictus grin. It would be his form that would be twisted into one of the very monsters that he fought to protect the city from  with his life.
And once again, he and his alter ego would be one and the same.
Shaking his head to rid himself of the thought, Blixer kept walking, his nublike horns drooping, his eye trained straight forward so as to avoid eye contact with his reflection. No one else can see it, after all, so he doesn’t bother speaking to it.
Nonetheless, the being chimed in, reading his thoughts, “So, Blix, what do you think we’ll have to fight tonight?” It chuckled in that horrible, evil laugh. Blixer is sure that he’s the only thing keeping New Game from going completely mad. New Game continues with a snicker, “Maybe it’ll be Cia… Ooh! Or, that mysterious cyan beast will show up. I’ve wanted to shatter him for ages.”
Blixer refused to look down, although he hissed under his breath, “The cyan one never attacks us. He’s tough, so we should try to keep it that way.” He winced as his most damaged horn suddenly throbbed with pain, reaching up to hold his head. “Unlike you, I don’t have a death wish.”
New Game only giggled, its smile stretching. “I can’t die, silly! Been there, done that, and now I’m glued to your soul.”
Blixer chose to ignore that last comment, quickening his pace. He was just a few blocks away from Kubix’s house, and if he wanted to get any rest, he needed to get home before sundown. The sky was a dismal grey, although Blixer knew from experience not to underestimate how fast the time could slip. Time seemed to drag on in the minutes before sundown, but from the moment he left school, to the moment the sun hit the horizon, it was quicker than he could process.
He zoned out, distracted by his thoughts, moving on autopilot as he approached the great doors to Kubix’s home. The square was rich, that was for sure, but he insisted on living in a smaller neighborhood to be close to Blixer. It was a sweet gesture, although Kubix could be cold at times. It was just another odd factor, a detail that Blixer often overlooked, attributing it to the other nonsense of his life.
He stepped inside, silent, not wanting to disturb Kubix in whatever he was doing. The square almost always seemed to be busy in the afternoon. Busy with what, Blixer never dared ask. If there was anything else he was sure about when it came to his mysterious relative, it was that he was secretive.
There were no mirrors or reflective surfaces inside. It was always dark, the curtains and blinds shut tightly. Blixer couldn’t say that he liked the darkness, although it made it easier to sleep, at least until the inevitable happened.
He was extra tired today. His feet dragged with each step, and his horns drooped, looking more frail than usual. His eye was glassy and unfocused, although its glow grew brighter with each passing moment, as it grew closer to sundown.
Without so much as a word, Blixer retreated to his room, going straight to sleep. He cared little for homework, only thinking of his crucial rest. After all, in just three hours, the monsters would awaken, ready to hunt down the worst monster of them all: him.
The sun retreated, the moon taking its place. The day was over. The evil, once chased away by the light of day, reared its head, and where there was once order, chaotic beasts came out to play.
New Game opened his eyes, his grin already stretching across his face. His entire body glowed with an almost radioactive light, fueled by a restless energy. It was his favorite time of day; hunting down villainous beasts. He was in no way a hero, but he knew full well that he was the city’s best hope for protection against evil.
Standing, he approached the window, throwing the curtains aside. The window itself was already open, already awaiting his arrival, the moon’s pristine light shining in and beckoning him.
New Game grinned, climbing out to sit on the ledge, to admire the stars for a moment before all chaos broke loose.
The moment passed in an instant, the heart rate in his eye starting to beat madly. He scrambled down the roof, catching himself with his claws as he slid down. Of course, he lost his grip. A roof shingle came down with him as he crashed onto the grass, although he felt nothing.
Blixer was his scapegoat for pain. New Game almost felt bad for him, although the sympathy faded as the being laid, splayed out on the grass, bright pink “blood” already pooling beneath him.
It wasn’t really blood; he couldn’t be hurt.
He just stayed there, collecting himself, staring blankly at the moon above, his smile constant. He thought about pain; Blixer was always complaining about it, so it must have been fun. Anything that annoyed Blixer seemed to be fun. So New Game tried to feel pain.
In five minutes, he was bored. New Game stood, his grin twitching, his good eye narrowing as he looked around. It was oddly peaceful tonight. Not even Droplet’s minions had shown their faces.
He was… lonely.
Horns drooping, New Game found himself standing there, listening to the wind, waiting for something to happen. He couldn’t sleep, so there was no escape from this emptiness… Without another word, he teleported to the top of some skyscraper. He didn’t care exactly where; he just wanted a better view of the sky, beyond the clouds.
He watched the stars for the longest time, sure than an eternity had passed. It was peaceful, even with the sound of passing traffic and the clamouring of the city. This… was the only thing that could placate him...
The sound of a twig snapping alerted the antihero to the presence of another shape… he wasn’t alone.
Whirling around, New Game tensed, his heart monitor quickening in pace as he eyed the being before him, expecting a fight. He immediately began formulating a plan of action, although he knew that, if it was a lower-level enemy, he’d just rush in blindly, anyway; it was more fun that way.
His smile nearly dropped, his heartbeat flatlining for a moment as he processed the sight before him. The shape wasn’t cerulean blue or even red, like most of the corrupted villains. He wasn’t some incoherent beast, either. The shape was just a normal square, set apart only by his expensive-looking clothes and the wicked horns that curved from his head.
A single, fearful word escaped New Game, “King?”
No one knew the true name of the infamous cyan beast. All the other criminals of the night lived in fear of the being, afraid to merely utter his title. Usually, if he was causing any trouble at all, he was causing it for the other villains, although he was by no means a good shape, even in New Game’s eyes. He’d seen this monster shatter innocents before his own eyes, a deed that not even the antihero would even think of, let alone attempt.
The King of Chaos let a small grin quirk at his features. He made no move to fight, although New Game still tensed, his near-constant grin threatening to drop.
“Calm yourself,” King huffed. He raised a hand, shaking his head. “I wish not to harm you, only to talk.”
New Game tensed. “And how am I supposed to believe that?” His voice raised its volume, a growl clear in his tone. “You’re a monster, you-”
“Blixer.” King cut him off, his tone cold, yet nonthreatening. “I promise not to hurt you.”
A slight feeling of relief blossomed in New Game’s heart, undoubtedly appealing to his other half’s fearful nature. However, one word in the other shape’s promise made the pink being’s stomach twist with unease.
“How…” The alter ego staggered back, bristling. “How do you know that name?”
No one was supposed to know of his connection to Blixer. Unlike him, Blixer could be harmed, and rather easily, at that. If the most dangerous villain of all discovered him… Blixer was as good as shards.
New Game kept his voice low as he growled, “You’re not supposed to know that.”
The cyan being’s gaze became distant, before he looked away, his voice lowering. “I know much more than that. More than you can imagine.”
New Game suddenly lashed out, discomforted by the other night-dweller’s phrasing. One of his arms reformed into a large claw, which he held at King’s neck, hissing.
“Y-you’re really insane, you know that, buddy? And that’s coming from me!” He stepped closer, his movements shaky. “I knew you were trouble! I’ll shatter you before you can get CLOSE to Blixer!”
King eyed the glowing claw with a bored expression, although something changed in his tone, his nonchalance seeming to falter. New Game felt a bit of satisfaction well up in his core; was that… fear?
Pushing the claw aside with a hand, King hummed in musing. “Bold of you to assume I would ever harm you… either of you.” His cyan eyes softened, if only slightly. “I was merely looking out for you. Just because we are considered enemies doesn’t mean I desire to bring you harm.”
New Game yelled, “That’s exactly what that means!”
Nonetheless, King smirked. “Well, then I suppose we aren’t enemies.” He approached New Game slowly, his hands held up in plain view so as to ensure that he wouldn’t try anything.
The antihero stumbled back, only stopping when he found himself standing on the edge of the building, gravity almost pulling him over. King caught his transformed arm, ignoring the spikes, dragging him closer to the center of the roof.
He stepped back as New Game was returned to stable ground, his smile still present.
New Game refused to look at him, averting his gaze to stare at the bustling streets below. The streets were alight with yellow light, packed with commuters, travelling shapes who would’ve normally cleared out as soon as a monster appeared. New Game hadn’t seen the city this active in months.
He had a feeling that King had something to do with it...
Taking a chance, he mumbled, “You’re not a villain, are you?”
“Oh, of course I am,” King chuckled, grinning with sharp teeth. “The most dangerous of them all.”
The alter ego closed his good eye, his heart rate eye displaying a slow beat.
“Then why?” He turned fully away from King, hoping that he would vanish. “Why do you help me? Is it a joke to you? Are you just... bored?”
At this point, New Game was just listing his own reasons for being a hero. He wasn’t a good person. He wasn’t nice. He tormented Blixer all day just to keep his body running all night until it broke. He only did the right thing because no one else would, and he liked to fight.
He was just another monster, a demon that had just happened to get stuck to a good person, to be influenced by altruism instead of greed and anger. But at his core, he was just a parasite with nothing better to do.
So what made King different?
Much to his shock, the ruler of chaos spoke up, his voice suddenly taking on a softer tone, sounding eerily familiar to someone that Blixer himself held dear.
“I cannot bear to see a child get hurt, Blixer.” King stepped closer. New Game heard him, although he made no move to escape. He felt himself being pulled into a hug, his anxiety skyrocketing as his instincts told him to shatter the other shape on the spot. However, King’s next words made New Game’s mind fill with something other than restless anger, something more than a bored listlessness.
He retorted, “That’s… that can’t...” He trailed off, defeated. There was nothing to say.
King whispered, the strange, otherworldly echo leaving his tone, his formal language dropping in favor for something kinder, something familiar. “Blix, I’ve told you this before…” New Game’s will to fight melted away, and he was filled with a different kind of fear, a denial that made both Blixer and himself want to scream, to make it go away. The worst monster in the word couldn’t be him, not HIM of all shapes.
Tears welled up in his eyes, and he found himself choking on his own breath, unable to process the conclusion his mind was putting together. The shock was greater than anything that New Game had felt, so great that he felt Blixer wake up, although he refused to take control.
Both of them were awake, awake to hear the truth.
King, or rather, Kubix, continued, his voice airy, filled with a parental love instead of that cold, calculating tone from before. Suddenly, he wasn’t a monster, wasn’t the most terrifying thing that dared to appear, who was just biding his time until he inevitably shattered Blixer.
No, it was just Kubix. Emotionally disconnected, awkward, Kubix. Blixer’s only guardian. He wasn’t much of a fighter, but he’d shatter to protect his son.
New Game’s heart nearly stopped at the next words, although he’d heard them countless times before, knew them by heart.
“I can’t let a kid get hurt… especially not my own.”
The King of Chaos was New Game’s only guardian. He wasn’t the best person, but he’d shatter to protect his heir.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Aisle Nine
Josh Dun Imagine
(Y/F/N) = Your friend’s name
Pairing: Josh Dun x reader
Request: none
Warnings: nothing really, just fluffy stuff
Word Count: 1,310
It was 4:53 pm and you were eager to get off your work shift in a couple hours. You worked at your local grocery store as a shelf and produce stocker. Out of all the jobs you could’ve applied for, of course it had to be the most tiring one. You were 18 and just out of high school and you felt as if working at McDonalds for 12 hours everyday would be a better job than this.
The only thing that kept you from drenching the whole store on gasoline and then proceeding to set it on fire was that your closest friend, (Y/F/N) worked alongside you. You two decided to get a job for the summer and of all the places it had to be a grocery store.
The store itself wasn’t the thing you hated, it was the fact that everything you had to do was annoying. Your position in the store required you to lift, position, and clean up pretty much everything. During the first few days of your job, you didn’t really mind it. Unfortunately, over time you realized how unfit you were for this job- you were out of breath frequently and your feet hurt 99% of the time. Oh and also- people shopping agitated you the most.
If you were trying to unbox items to put on shelves there was someone in the way. People drop stuff all the time, they leave items places where they shouldn’t be (you found a bottle of bleach hidden underneath a pile of watermelon one time), and worst of all, they talked to you. About half of the day consisted of some random dude or lady asking you where this one specific thing was. Sure, as if you had the whole store memorized front to back. You could barely remember what you had for breakfast.
Thankfully, your shift ended soon and you couldn’t wait to go home and get some well deserved rest. (Y/F/N) envied you, as her shift ended an hour after yours. The work schedule was confusing and random, no one really understood it.
You pulled a cart filled with boxes of items out of the storage area of the store. Of course, you forgot what was in them so you asked (Y/F/N) where they were to be placed. She was usually more attentive than you.
“Hey, do you know where these go?” you asked her, nodding your head towards the boxes.
She glanced at them quickly.
“Aisle nine. Hurry up with those though because our manager said we have to restock in the produce section again,” she replied with a scowl.
You sighed while pulling the cart of boxes behind you towards aisle nine. Once you made it, annoyance ran through you as you noticed you had to restock the very middle of the row. You couldn’t bring the cart in with you since there were multiple people going in and out of the aisle every now and then.
“Well this is stupid,” you mumbled, “now I’m going to end up breaking my back trying to carry all of this stuff.”
You started to piled up three boxes in your arms to carry, not really caring that you couldn’t actually see over them. People would move out of the way. Or so you thought.
You suddenly regretted your decision as you slammed into an immobile object. The force from walking too fast managed to push you backwards. The weight of the boxes was too much for you and you lost your balance and tipped over. Cursing, you fell on your back and heard one of the boxes split open as it fell beside you. You helplessly sat up and tried to see what you ran into.
Panic washed over you as you realized you rammed into another human, and his appearance immediately drove you to feel intimidated. The guy was wearing a dark grey snapback hat backwards over his highlighter yellow hair. There was a piercing visible on his nose and on each ear. A bright and colorful tattoo sleeve ran down his right arm and various tattoos were on his left arm. He was also a good height and appeared to be in shape.
Your panic was washed away by relief as you saw he wasn’t enraged by your clumsiness. His brows were furrowed together and his dark brown, earth colored eyes studied you in a concerned yet soft way.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you coming. Here let me give you a hand,” he said quickly while offering his hand to you.
You continued starring at him, then accepted his help and he pulled you to your feet. Shivers went up your spine as he grabbed your hand.
“No, that was my fault. Wasn’t looking, sorry about that,” you uttered while rubbing your neck nervously.
There was an awkward pause between you two before the guy spoke again.
“I suppose I’ll help you out with those,” he gestured toward the spilled items, “I’m Josh by the way.”
“Thanks Josh, but you don’t have to help me out here. I’m sure you’re in a hurry or something,” you said grateful for his offer.
Josh shook his head, bending down to clean up the mess. “It’s alright, I’m in no hurry,” he said smiling.
You nodded and turned around to grab some stuff off the ground when you heard Josh quietly say to himself,
“Not in a hurry anymore that is.”
The two of you cleaned up the products as quickly as you could. Every now and then your hands would brush against each other on accident and you could feel yourself blushing madly. Sometimes out of the corner of your eye you could see Josh smirking too. You two didnt talk much, but in the small comments Josh had, you noticed how nice of a guy he really was. He was the type of person who seemed easygoing and friendly - quite the opposite of his appearance. Once you placed everything on the shelves you turned to Josh again.
“I’ve got more stuff to do, thanks again for your help. Oh and sorry for running into you again,” you smiled at Josh.
“Yeah, hopefully I’ll see you around later or sometime,” he admitted.
You nodded and walked away from Josh, feeling his eyes watching your back as you moved away from him. For some reason, you felt sadness as you went to grab more boxes (only two this time, you learned from your mistake). Unsurprisinly, Josh wasn’t there anymore when you returned which made you even more upset. However, you noticed a piece of paper in the middle of the aisle, where you two had been standing before. You recklessly placed the boxes down to pick up the piece of paper. Inside of the folded up note, there was hastily scribbled writing.
Maybe we could hang out sometime for dinner? Call me :) -J
After that was a series of numbers which was most likely Josh’s phone number. A wide smile grew on your face as you abandoned your job of fixing the shelves. You were eager to find (Y/F/N) and tell her what had happened.
Running down the aisle, you replayed what happened just a few minutes before when suddenly you heard a familiar voice.
“Judging by your smile, I take that as a yes?” It was Josh.
You spun around and saw Josh leaning against some shelves in aisle nine. He mirrored the expression on your face and smiled too.
“Judging by the way you appear to have been waiting for me in a creepy, stalker like way, I say no,” you said.
Josh’s facial expression changed immediately as if he thought you were serious.
“Wait-” he began abruptly.
“Josh!” you exclaimed, “I’m only kidding, of course I will go to dinner with you.”
This was a pretty disappointing imagine. I apologize, it was lame! I suppose I can attempt to make it up by writing the third and final part of “I’ll Make You Believe” instead. ;)
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a-fandom-reimagined · 7 years
His Wife in Hiding
Warning: None
Word Count: 1933
Summary: Unbeknownst to many, Klaus Mikaelson is a married man but years ago, after an explosive falling out, she left Klaus and he’s been chasing her ever since. But when Klaus finds her hiding out in New Orleans…
Pairing: Reader x Klaus Mikaelson and Reader x Elijah Mikaelson (platonic)
Part Two
This morning had been extremely productive for you. You’d worked out, organized and cleaned your lavish apartment, you’d caught up on your favorite shows and successfully mastered the spells you’d been studying in your grandmother’s old grimoire and you’d done it all before the clock struck noon.
You’d practically raised Marcel so he allowed you to practice as much magic as you wished.  
You were in the parlor with a cup of tea and good book when you heard a knock at the door.
You flinched, startled. You rose from your seat with your brows furrowed. You so rarely received visitors and rarely left the house. Marcel’s men would gladly do you the favor of running your errands, hoping that it would bring them favor with Marcel and move them up in the ranks. After living a life such as yours so full of drama and despair this apartment, so peaceful and quiet had become your safe haven.
With caution you moved towards the door. You glanced through the peep hole and released the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You sighed in relief and threw the white double doors open with a flourish.  
“Hello, brother,” you said with a bright grin.
Elijah Mikaelson returned your smile wholeheartedly. “Sister,” he said in greeting. He looked you over, taking you in, in that over-protective, brotherly fashion of his. “Isolation has been good to you.”
I dipped my head in thanks. “I’m glad you think so.” You stepped aside so that Elijah could come in.
Elijah sauntered into the apartment. He was the only member of the Mikaelson family that could enter your apartment. In fact, he was the only Mikaelson who even knew that you had an apartment. The less people that knew your location the better.
You shut the doors behind him. Turning around you met his worry-filled gaze.
You cocked your head to the side, taking him in. He’d gotten here in a rush. You could tell from his heavy breathing and his tousled hair and clothing. Elijah Mikaelson was usually well put together and ready for anything. His hair was always well done without a flyaway in sight. His clothes were usually wrinkle-free and as immaculate as he was. Something was wrong and he was doing a poor job of hiding it.
You put your hands on your hips. “What is it, brother?”
“Klaus is in New Orleans.”
You sucked in a breath. Your heart hammering in your chest.
“He knows you’re here. You have to move. Now. If you want to escape.”
You moved around the apartment in a literal blur. You knew this day would come. No one and nothing could stay hidden forever. Especially not from a Mikaelson. Let alone from Klaus Mikaelson.
“He’s a hybrid now. He’s awoken his werewolf side.”
You swore under your breath as you gathered your necessities and most prized possessions.
“How did he find out?” you asked, on the verge of hysteria.
“One of the witches told him.”
Your blood began to boil beneath your skin. When you got the chance, when you returned to your home in New Orleans, you would hunt down that witch, feast on her flesh and use her bones for tooth picks. You shook your head as if shaking the thoughts of bloodlust and revenge out of your head. You needed to be of clear mind. You needed to be in top shape if you were going to do this.
When you’d packed the last of your things, you looked around the apartment with tears in your eyes. These walls had been the closest thing you’d had to a true home in centuries. It had been your safe haven after years of running from your former husband and now it was time to part ways. You’d prayed that this day would never come and now it was here.
Your future was a blank slate and you hated it. You preferred having a destination in mind when it came to running.
“Got everything?” Elijah asked.
You nodded, swallowing the bile that had risen in your throat.
Your former brother-in-law opened the door and waved you over to it.
You nodded again and picked up your full suitcases and headed out the door and into the warm sunshine. You inhaled the clean fresh air. It was a stark contrast to the stuffy air back inside but you would still miss it all the same.
Elijah took the suitcases from your hands and placed them into the trunk of an awaiting black sedan. “I’ve taken the liberty of procuring a car for you. I hope you don’t mind.”
Tears pricked at your eyes. You shook your head and laughed, “No. No I don’t mind.”
You ran to him, wrapping your arms around your brother’s neck. “You are the best brother I’ve ever had, Elijah.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Don’t you dare tell Kol I said that!” you threatened.
He laughed harder. “I won’t, I promise. I love you too, y/n. I wish that our time together wasn’t cut so short.”
“As do I,” you agreed. “I’ll let you know when I find a safe place.” You told him, stepping out of the embrace. “I only wish that I could tell Marcel goodbye and thank him for his hospitality.”
“I’ll give him your love,” he assured you, opening the passenger door for you. “I’ve compelled the driver to take you anywhere you wish.”
“You are too kind to me, brother. I don’t deserve you.”
He pecked you on the cheek as he ushered you inside the sleek vehicle. “Don’t talk like that. I love you. Stay safe.”
“You do the same. I love you.”
With some reluctance he closed the door and sent you off.
And then you were riding through the noisy, crowded streets of the French Quarter. You watched enviously as trumpets blared and people danced and sang and paraded down the streets and sidewalks like no one was watching. A pang of jealously hit you square in the chest. For a moment you decided that it wasn’t fair but then you remembered that it was your own fault. That’d you’d chosen this life and made this bed and now it was time to lay in it. You were just a moment ago, planning to feast on some poor witch’s flesh.
You leaned back against the soft leather seats.
“Where to, ma’am?” the driver asked. It was the first time he’d spoke since you’d met him.
“The nearest airport please.” You told him in a small voice.
You still hadn’t figured out where you were going. Mainly because there was nowhere else you wanted to be. New Orleans was home. You wanted to go back to your apartment and reminisce about the good old days with Elijah. You wanted to baby and cook for Marcel. You were tired of running but you were tired of fighting too.
You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your head against the plush leather seats.
You were nearly asleep when the door opposite of you opened.
Your eyes flew open. You gasped in horror when you saw who’d just gotten in your car.
“Don’t I get a goodbye too, love?”
“Klaus,” you gasped.
“Calm down, my lovely. I only want to talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you!” you spat.
“Good. Then you can sit here and listen.”
“And if I don’t want to?” you challenged.
“You want to keep running from me then go ahead,” he invited. “Be my guest. I’ll even give you a head start if that’s what you want.”
You folded your arms across your chest and gestured with your hand for him to go on.
He cleared his throat, dramatically.
You rolled your eyes in response.
He opened his mouth to speak but he let out a rare nervous laugh.
“What? You wanted to talk so talk.”
He rubbed at his beard. “I never thought I’d get this far,” he told you with a grin. “I’d dreamt of the day that I’d get to talk to you. To beg your forgiveness and now that we’re here, you’ve got me tongue-tied. Just like when we were kids.”
You turned away from him, biting your lip.
“I love you. I’ve always loved you and I’ll never stopped. The day you left was the day when immortality felt more like a curse than the gift I’d always made it out to be.”
“Why is that?” you asked him.
“Because what is the point of forever without you?”
You leaned your head against the window with a soft thud. “Don’t do this to me,” you whined. “We’re not good together Klaus.”
“How can you say that?”
“Because it’s the truth! Together we are chaotic and deadly and cruel and I don’t want to be that anymore!” You said turning to looked at him.
His eyes were clear, blue, calculating and smoldering, they raking over you with unmistakable hunger that sent chills down your spine. “Leave it to you to focus on the negative.”
“And leave it to you to be the one to act like the negative never happened.” You said throwing up your hands.
“I know what happened and I know what I did. What we did. But I would take it all back if I could, if it meant that you would come back to me or that you would have never left in the first place.” He inhaled running his hand through his curly, ginger brown hair. “We may have been chaotic, deadly and cruel but we were also happy and madly in love. We belong together, y/n. Don’t you see that? We were meant to be together, always and forever.”
“But at the expense of other people, Klaus.” You told him. Anything to keep from him how his words affected you. You loved it and hated it when he got all romantic like that. You wrapped your arms around yourself.
He sighed when, leaning back against the seat. “I can’t make you stay but I’m begging you not to go. Let’s work this out, my darling. I know we can. There is no way in the world that you could have forgotten how good we are together.”
You remained silent.
He put his face in his hands. “I won’t come after you if you choose to leave again. And if you decide to stay and you want to work this out, I’ll be staying at the old plantation. If you want to stay and live in peace…I’ll leave you be.”
He leaned in towards you.
Your breath caught.
He kissed your temple and then your cheek.
His lips were warm against your skin. You were relishing in the familiar sensation of his lips on you when he pulled away.
You sucked in a breath.
“Stop the car.” Klaus told the driver.
The car pulled to a stop in the middle of the road. Thankfully they hadn’t been moving very fast but that didn’t stop the drivers behind them from furiously honking their horns.
Klaus looked back at you one last time. You could see the fear in his eyes. You could tell that he thought this would be the last time he’d see you.
Klaus stepped out of the car and walked back in the direction of the French Quarter. You watched him through the back window until he disappeared from your line of sight.
“Ma’am?” the driver called, startling you.
“Still to the airport?”
For a moment you couldn’t speak. You were so torn. “Yes…to the airport,” you said unsurely.
Author’s Note: I had such a good time writing this! Please let me know if you enjoyed this story and if you would be interested in reading a part two!
Tags: @its-a-simply-me-thing
Part Two
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artificialqueens · 7 years
: Sinning Never Felt So Good (Pearlet) : Chapter 3 : katyasbingowings
A/N: hope you enjoy!!
The canteen being empty merely exaggerated its truly colossal size, with it’s only inhabitants being two dinners ladies chatting away, and Matt, who had awoke for breakfast at the earliest possible hour to avoid any unnecessary interactions with his succubus of a roommate. Matt had hardly achieved a wink of sleep after last night’s events, so his generous cup of coffee was defiantly deserved, the warm beverage acting as his sole life force. His seven pancakes, however, were not justified.
“I am going to be fat like the Americans soon enough,” Matt shot his head up, immediately recognising the bizarre Russian, whose exaggerated red lips most likely broke some rule, though Matt wasn’t going to rain on the cheerful woman’s parade.
“Morning, I didn’t expect anybody to be up this early,” Matt admitted - voice tired and gruff - wondering how Katya managed to maintain such energetic facade at this unholy hour, while Matt was prepared to peel over any moment.
“In Russia we wake when the suns does too,” Katya explained, accent thick and mouth full of toast, “I did try to wake Adoor, she called me a rotted cunt and punched me in the vagina, so I let her sleep for some more moments.” The interaction didn’t phase Matt, already expecting such oddity, despite knowing the pair for a mere 24 hours. He simply shook his head and began his fifth pancake, not remotely ashamed of his appetite. “Do you want some concealer for your eyes, Matthew, it will make them look less dead”
“No thank you Katya, I’ll be fine,” Matt smiled, not bothering to correct her on his name, knowing it wouldn’t stick in the long run. He monetarily considered the kind-hearted offer, knowing perfectly well that the sizeable bags under his eyes were not attractive in the slightest, before denying politely. Matt once covered his face in his mother’s makeup and he’d never seen his father so enraged, that memory put him off decorating himself with the products completely.
After brief small talk between the two, the canteen soon filled with exhausted students all craving nourishment, one even fell asleep in a bowl of cereal, which Matt seemed to relate to on a personal level. Adore eventually joined them, much more miserable than the previous twosome combined, face clean of her usual exotic makeup and hair unruly. “I actually want to commit. No joke. I’m gonna stab myself with a fork.” Good morning to you too.
“If you do Adoor we cannot have fun with the alcohol on Friday,” Katya quipped, brushing her fingers though the other’s mane in attempt to calm the relentless tangles.
“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that,” Matt stated, not particularly agreeing with the blatant rule breaking, though not wanting to lose his only companions by ruining their form of enjoyment either.
“Matthew you should join us! We made friends with a curly haired boy who had vodka bigger than my head, we are meeting to have fun times when the week comes to an end,” Katya babbled madly, acting out the scenario with exaggerated hand gestures. Adore - face down and lifeless on the table - sounded a grunt of agreement.
“I don’t know,” the boy began, though not a virgin to alcohol (even the most uptight Christians had fun sometimes, okay), was unsure of the whole situation, “I wouldn’t want to be intruding, or to get caught…”
“It’ll be who you know, plus curly and friend, I’ll personally get you a juice box if it’ll make you more comfortable, and take any blame for your delinquency,” Adore piped up, looking up for the first time since joining the table, gently grinning in attempt to sway the sheepish individual.
Matt was prepared to argue his case to the bitter end, before he saw Jason tiredly shuffling towards the table, “yeah, sure, whatever,” Matt rushed without a second thought, not even thinking over what he had agreed too. He stood up and planned his grand escape, “I’m gonna go pee,” he excused himself weakly, speed walking like his life depended on it as Jason took a seat.
“Matt is joining us Friday, isn’t that spectacular!” Katya squealed, squeezing Jason’s hand in a friendly nature, offering the boy a slice of buttered bread.
“That’ll be interesting,” Jason smirked, taking a sizeable bite and watching Matt leave in a rush. How very interesting indeed.
“Do these arms look like they do push-ups?” Jason quipped, greatly irritated by the mere concept of PE, especially offended by the physical trials he was being forced into. At his old school Jason’s teachers had learnt that even attempting to convince him to partake was useless, though the message didn’t seem to be getting across as easily as in the past. He sighed overly dramatically, falling to the floor in the most ungraceful way, completed a single push up, before returning to his previous position: sitting in the corner of the room doing absolutely nothing. This was not his gig.
The rest of his classmates were filing in, Jason recognising a few he had briefly passed in the corridors, all while waiting for the one and only Matt, who he knew he shared the lesson with after their discussion yesterday. And Jason was not disappointed when Matt arrived, not at all. Unaware of the fact he was being watched, the brunette sauntered into the gymnasium, shorts clinging complimentary to his plump arse, and vest demonstrating his toned, tan skin. Jason absentmindedly licked his lips, unapologetically checking the fellow boy out from head to toe.
Now Matt was completely oblivious - not realising him stretching caused V-lines to show, having no idea that squats just exaggerated the perfect way his rear end was formed, or that being painted in beads of sweat was borderline erotic. Jason remained shell shocked, never realising Catholic school would be the most homoerotic experience of his entire existence, throughly pleased with the spectacular occurring before his very own eyes. The oblivious Matt continued to take a sizeable gulp of water, a few droplets missing his mouth and dripping artistically down his chilled jaw, leaving Jason’s mouth agape. This is pornographic.
Snapping out of his lustful trance, Jason wolf-whistled loudly at his roommate, causing Matt’s attention to shift to the boy lingering at the sidelines. Matt was thankful for his current hot and sweaty state, as it disguised the prominent blush creeping up his neck and coating his cheeks. “Looking good there Lent!” Matt didn’t know how Jason knew his surname, and he wasn’t going to ask, so he shot the boy a lopsided smile and continued his workout, stationing himself as far away from the other boy as possible.
Jason caught wind of what Matt was hoping to accomplish by relocating further away: to be rid of him, and Jason refused to be brushed off that easily. “Couldn’t even spare me a hello? This after running off this morning? Unacceptable. I thought you were some God sent Christian or something,” Jason mocked, taking a seat in front of Matt. When Matt came up for his first sit-up, he caught Jason’s eyes briefly, pupil’s dilated, before returning to the floor. Breathe, Matt, breathe.
“I told my friend I’d meet him,” Matt spurted out, regretting his words the moment they left his mouth; he had never been a good liar.
“No you didn’t,” Jason called Matt’s bluff, staring at him blankly, “you don’t have any friends.”
“Y-yes I do,” he stuttered, shocked at the blunt tone he was spoken to in, and the fact that his fabrication was shattered immediately.
“What’s his name?”
“I can’t remember.”
“You don’t remember?”
“Nope, I also don’t remember how many sit ups I’ve done, you see! I’m not good at remembering things!”
“23,” Jason revealed, “anyway, me, Kat and Adore are going for a smoke at lunch, and I know you don’t like that kind of stuff, so you’ll be cool to hang out with your friend?”
If Matt disagreed, his bluff would be busted, and he was too far down the rabbit hole to admit defeat. “Yeah, yeah, absolutely fine, I’ll sit with him, have fun,” Matt rushed, now not only a liar, but a lonely liar.
“I just wouldn’t want you to be alone, that’s all.” Jason smiled, sincerely, before wandering away. Matt’s heart was beating erratically, a sensation he had not experienced before, and one which he could not logically explain.
“I never thought I’d love Monday mornings, but his butt might have changed that,” Jason admitted, casually perched on the floor and exhaling a cloud of smoke. The group had discovered a reserved location behind the greenhouse to hide while performing any of many generic teenage activity, the area completely hidden away from the main building: a perfect location for escape.
“Well I have this real cute maths teacher, he’s called Roy and has the most adorable dimples,” Adore gushed, “and - of freaking course - I came in late, looking like shit, so my plan on seducing myself to an A is not off to a good start.”
“Men think through their dick, I can assure you that it won’t be difficult,” Jason spoke, passing the cigarette to the celestial being he called a friend, allowing her to take a drag and relax. Katya had decided not to join them, instead tagging along with one of her classmates - it was either Tracy or Trissy, Jason couldn’t quite remember - to ‘save her from the nasty disease of the lungs’.
Adore was happily chatting away, though failing to distract the fair-skinned boy, as Jason’s mind wandered to Matt. He was undyingly curious to what sort of friend Matt had made, probably another God worshiping goody-two-shoes, someone Matt would get on with far better than himself. Jason let out an irritated huff, not understanding why he was growing so sensitive over such a simple event, he himself had even insisted that the other spend time with his new companion over lunch, and now he was wishing he hadn’t.
“I don’t know why I get so worked up over him, he’s just another bloody boy,” Jason eventually burst out, knowing Adore of people wouldn’t judge him, and he really wouldn’t mind some words of wisdom round about now.
“It’s cause you like him, duh,” she’s breathed out, as if it was the most obvious statement in the world, lighting a fresh cigarette with her kitten lighter. Unbelievably thankful for the smoke in his lungs calming his demeanour, Jason took another puff, continuing to ramble his thoughts.
“Im just used to sucking someone’s dick and moving on, I don’t do feelings,” it was true. Jason didn’t date, Jason didn’t fall in love; Jason had sex with no strings attached. The best way to do so, in his opinion anyway; emotions were unnecessary, an utter pain in the arse, and he didn’t have time for such stupidity.
Adore probably didn’t mean for her next piece of advice to be taken literally, to her it being a mockery of an idea, though Jason’s mindset was deluded and had little to zero common sense. “Just suck his dick and get it over with then.”
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