#{ ♡ } nao : misc . . .
naofaun · 7 months
gay people will see 2 men (or women) who hate each other and would rather tear each other apart than be nice and proceed to ship them more than anything
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starryemberskinposting · 11 months
people will see something be normalized and accepted in society and call it a “trend”. as if that's a bad thing. as if it's shameful to bring to light the countless cases of abuse and harassment and misinformation and overall cruelty towards “different” things. as if it's shameful to want to make the world a better place and help people learn to love themselves.
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naofaun · 10 months
dry texters are my worst enemy. do you hate me and wish me dead? do you find texting me incredibly boring? how dare you. at least try.
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naofaun · 10 months
It's normal to feel jealous. In friendships, relationships, whatever. Jealousy is a very normal, very human emotion and most likely, it's telling you that a need of yours isn't being met. But sometimes jealousy just shows up randomly and makes itself known for no reason. Maybe you have the happiest relationship possible and you still get jealous. Maybe all of your needs, and more, are being met. That's okay.
Never be ashamed of jealousy. Never be ashamed of anger or sadness or fear. These emotions are not “bad”, there is no such thing as bad emotions. You cannot be completely free of them, and they do not inherently mean you or the other person(s) is abusive.
Listen to what your mind is telling you. If you're jealous every single time your friend hangs out with someone that's not you; why? Are you scared of your friend liking the person more than you? Are you scared that you're not worthy of your friend's time and energy? Are you scared that maybe the other person secretly hates you and plans to turn your friend against you?
Whatever it is, its okay. Don't listen to people telling you that “non-abusers don't get jealous”. Because they do. It's just about how they handle the jealousy. If you listen to your body and figure out the underlying fear or insecurity, you're already doing way more than most.
Sometimes you can talk to your friend about that fear. Sometimes you can explain to them that you feel afraid when they hang out with other people because you're insecure. Do not ever make it out to be their problem, like something they should fix. They can understand and do their best to help you, but do not ever demand or even let them drop these friends for you. Unless the friends are genuinely awful people (which you should then have an entirely different conversation about), it is your friend's right to keep them as friends.
But maybe you can come to a compromise. Maybe when your friend is done hanging out with someone, they can tell you about what they did. Maybe instead of an obligation, its like a “oh my god I had so much fun and I want to tell someone about it” thing. They get to talk about how much fun they had to someone that cares, and you get to know that these other people didn't try to turn your friend against you, or whatever your fear may have been.
Anyway, my overall point is; jealousy is okay and normal. It usually covers some sort of insecurity or fear, like how anger can cover sadness or hurt. It doesn't matter how often you feel jealous - I'm a very very jealous person but I have coping mechanisms and ways to help me when I get jealous so that I don't hurt the person I'm jealous of. I will always suggest mental health assistance like therapy or medication if it's available, but sometimes, its more about the way you treat your feelings and the communication you have with your friends.
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naofaun · 11 months
it's always “i support cluster b!!!” until someone genuinely cannot even pretend to feel empathy. then you get angry and call us insensitive lol. sorry honey i can only pretend to feel something i can't feel so much before i burn myself out
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naofaun · 10 months
there are some ships that i don't particularly care much about but, in my mind, are completely canon. i don't interact with fan content, i don't really ship them, but i will always see them as partners.
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naofaun · 10 months
man wtf why is it so hard to know what to say to someone in pain. like i genuinely sit there trying to figure out what to say to the point where it's suspicious. i can't feel anything that you're hurting im SORRY but i promise i do want you to not hurt 😭
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naofaun · 8 months
it actually makes me so unbelievably and horribly grief stricken that entrapta and hordak never got their happy ending
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naofaun · 8 months
i have the kind of npd that makes me proud to be a bad guy. like, yes, tell all your friends every single sin ive ever committed, warn your family about me, might as well say i murder babies under the full moon!
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naofaun · 9 months
dottore is fully aware that he's a horrible person. he won't deny it or hide from it. he won't pretend to be a hero. he embraced his monstrosity long ago, when he was still a little boy with parents who didn't look at him and friends who laughed at his ideas
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naofaun · 10 months
ive been seeing a lot of shout outs to people who can't shower or clean or brush their teeth, which, good, but i also wanted to make a different, more specific type of post, so:
shout out to people who have to sacrifice certain hygiene practices (or what the general public considers clean/dirty) because of their disability
shout out to people who can't use wash cloths or alternatives
shout out to people who can't cut, trim, clean or file their nails
shout out to people who can only shower in hot water, causing outbursts of rashes, acne, etc
shout out to people who sweat or smell so much that deodorants/anti perspirants don't do anything for them, or who otherwise can't use them
shout out to people who can't use most soaps or shampoos
shout out to people who can't participate in skin care (lotions, face masks, etc)
shout out to people who can't shave and have issues with hygiene because of it (i.e, smelling worse or sweating more)
shout out to people who can't use menstrual products easily/at all
shout out to people who can't brush or comb their hair
shout out to people who can't brush their teeth, tongue, gums, etc
shout out to people who need a caregiver to help them shower, no matter how much help they need
shout out to people who have bladder or intestinal issues and therefore struggle with bodily fluids/being gassy/etc
shout out to people who have to clean parts of their body by “soap flow” because they can't reach to wash properly
(this also applies for any sort of struggling, not just “can't”!)
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naofaun · 9 months
when people think im faking my disability, i don't think they realise just how much i wish to not be disabled. i don't think they understand that i would do anything at all for my body to work properly.
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naofaun · 7 months
“you always talk about yourself!!!!” girl that's because im awesome
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naofaun · 10 months
me trying to figure out if im justifiably angry and hurt at someone because they actually did something malicious to hurt me over and over again, or if it's the npd and bpd speaking and im just upset about perceived unimportance/hatred/etc
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naofaun · 11 months
having interests as an autistic person is such an experience because i literally cannot cope with criticism about my interests, unless IM the one criticizing it. will i sit there and slander genshin impact like it killed my mom? absolutely yes. will i break into tears and hate myself forever if someone else even says they don't like it? also yes.
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naofaun · 11 months
Things in school that my autism affects that I never see anyone else talk about:
the arrival of substitutes is often unwelcome, sudden large change. their rules and methods of teaching are often different than the teacher's, meaning the class will be different that day and i had no time to prepare. also, students tend to get louder and more obnoxious.
rules that exist for no logical reason. for example, not being able to use your phone in free periods of class. or not being able to put your hood up. also, half of the points on our dress code.
this one isn't directly related to autism but rather the many disabilities that come with it, so: sitting in those tiny hard chairs, hunched over a piece of paper for 40 minutes before im allowed to move equals horrible horrible joint pain for the rest of the day
information processing. i take a longer time to process stuff than other people, and sometimes you have to explain something to me in a certain way so that i can understand it. things that i can't picture in my head as a physical form or occurrence happening will often take me longer to wrap my head around. because of the 25 other kids in the classroom with me, the teacher can't exactly slow down and explain to me in certain ways so i understand. also, i wouldn't ask even if they could because im terrified of being seen as stupid lol
anyway there's probably more but. all i see when it comes to autism in schools is sensory stuff like lights and people talking. im affected by a whole lot more than that.
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