#{ august 22; 1979 }
cosmicanger · 5 months
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Bolaji Badejo (23 August 1953 – 22 December 1992) was a Nigerian visual artist and actor. He was known for playing the Alien in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien. He was 6 feet 10 inches (208 cm) tall, a height which convinced Scott to cast him in the role. It is his sole acting credit.
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davidhudson · 2 months
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Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987), Self-portrait, 1979.
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were-wolverine · 5 months
batfamily ages
as of April 2024
alfred: August 16, 1943-2019 (died at 76)
bruce: February 19, 1979 (45)
babs: September 23, 1992 (31-32)
dick: March 20, 1995 (29)
cass: January 26, 2001 (23)
jason: August 16, 2001 (22-23)
tim: July 19, 2004 (19-20)
steph: August 11, 2004 (19-20)
duke: August 13, 2006 (17-18)
damian: ???, 2010 (13-14)
i tried to be as accurate as possible to canon but some stuff just. isn’t ever revealed. the birth DAYS are what is generally accepted as canon but the years/ages are mostly up to interpretation. also i have no fucking clue when damian was born so
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bitter69uk · 1 year
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“Mae West was once described as “an outrageous female impersonator”; certainly, the persona she evolved on stage and in the cinema must be considered as the ultimate sex satire: splendidly vulgar, ostentatiously overdressed and not so much licentious as laughable. She is one of the great screen comediennes and the object of her mockery is not sex at all, but our attitudes towards it. Her first stage play was called simply Sex and gained her a ten-day jail sentence for its naughtiness. She could be considered the Lenny Bruce of the 30s, daring to talk about the unmentionable.” / From The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The World’s Great Movie Stars (1979) by Ken Wlaschin /
“I speak two languages: body and English.” Mae West
Born on this day 130 years ago in Brooklyn, New York: incomparable high empress of sex, raunch queen, actress, playwright, chanteuse, camp icon, inspiration for legions of drag queens and ultimate “dirty blonde” – Miss Mae West (17 August 1893 – 22 November 1980)! Pictured: West photographed at The Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, 1954.
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scienceisdope · 1 year
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Voyager 1 was launched Sept. 5, 1977, just days after its twin — Voyager 2 — on Aug. 20. Because it was on a faster route to the mission's first encounter, at Jupiter, Voyager 1 overtook Voyager 2 on Dec. 15, 1977. (This was the reason for the order of their naming.)
Voyager 1 flew past Jupiter on March 5, 1979, and Saturn on Nov. 12, 1980.
After snapping the Pale Blue Dot and other “family photos,” — at 05:22 GMT, Feb. 14, 1990 — Voyager 1 powered off its cameras forever. Mission planners wanted to save its energy for the long journey ahead.
In August 2012, Voyager 1 entered interstellar space. It’s now the most distant human-made object ever.
If you enjoyed this post, please give it a ❤️ and check out @scienceisdope for more science and daily facts.
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callmebrycelee · 8 months
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JANUARY 16, 1979 - AUGUST 22, 2001
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Half time with our calendar and this is the perfect moment to introduce you to a lady who shows the interface of Age of Sail and Age of Steam. She is generally regarded as the start of the Age of Steam and yet she still has both elements. But who am I talking about ? - The HMS Warrior
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HMS Warrior
More about her history here:
HMS WARRIOR was built as part of Britain’s response to concerns over France’s maritime ambitions which included the building of LA GLOIRE, a powerful ironclad which was the most advanced warship of its day.  WARRIOR was commissioned on 1 August 1861 and at that time unquestionably ruled the seas. Her main guns, engines and boilers were contained within an armoured wrought iron hull and she could be driven by both steam and sail. This combination meant that she could outrun and outgun any ship afloat and she never fired a shot in anger – the classic deterrent.
During the first commission her main role was to lead the Channel Squadron. On 22 November 1864 she paid off for her first major refit at Portsmouth Dockyard during which the ship was comprehensively refurbished. She was also completely re-armed with 7” and 8” muzzle loaded rifled guns. However, in the American Civil War the success of the Monitor was to have a dramatic effect on naval thinking and WARRIOR’s role as ‘Monarch of the Seas’ was to be very short-lived.
She re-commissioned in July 1867 and re-joined the Channel Fleet. The second commission was rather less interesting than the first as she was no longer regarded as the most powerful warship afloat and faded from the limelight. The second commission ended in 1871 and she then spent four years in refit at Portsmouth being fitted with improved boilers, steam power for the forward capstan and a new poop deck to accommodate an Admiral.  On completion in 1875 she became part of the First Reserve Fleet where she was to remain until paying at Portsmouth on 31 May 1883.
After periods as a depot ship and part of HMS VERNON she was paid off in 1924. She was then converted for use as a floating oil jetty and in 1929 was towed to Pembroke Dock where she was to remain for the next 50 years. In 1967 the campaign to restore WARRIOR started and prominent in this was Sir John Smith who formed the Manifold Trust. A committee chaired by the Duke of Edinburgh met in 1968 to discuss her future and from this emerged the Maritime Trust. When Pembroke Dock closed in 1978 the Manifold Trust agreed to underwrite the cost of restoration and the ship was handed over to the Maritime Trust in 1979.
In 1983 ownership was transferred to the Ship’s Preservation Trust which became the Warrior Preservation Trust in 1983. Although the hull was very sound the rest of the ship was in a poor state. The task which was part restoration and part re-building needed vast resources not only of money (£8M) but also of skill, patience and endurance. The 8 year restoration programme at Hartlepool transformed her into one of the world’s most important historic warships and in 1987 she returned to Portsmouth where she is now moored in the Historic Dockyard.
A planned preservation programme is in place for the ship and over the years she has been dry-docked twice, and the upper deck, (£725K provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund), all three fighting tops and half moons and the stern gallery have been replaced.
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erikiara80 · 6 months
March 22nd and all the birthday references in ST
Will's birthday has always been important.
A birthday mug in episode 1
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Same mug in Mike's basement. We see it in scenes with El in S1 and Will in S2. Yeah, I think birthdaygate could be about her, too. Will is the only character whose birthday was used to literally save him and the whole town. And we've seen El's birth and birth certificate, but we still don't know when she was born? Strange
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The I forgot your birthday card in Will's room in S1
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But in S2 we only see it when Joyce looks at the Will the Wise drawing. In all the other shots the card is not there, and the drawing is on another wall. This could be a hint at different timelines (of a timeloop?) More screenshots here
Basically, I have two theories about Will's birthday: either people really forgot it in S4, or the Will who was born on March 22 is the brown-eyed Will in the Missing poster, in the timeline we see in the shed scene, and not the hazel-eyed Will we see in the rest of the show. Maybe they hid the truth in plain sight, they let people believe that his eyes were different because he was possessed. But then in S3 they show that Billy's eye color never changes (here) Can't wait to see what this means
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No birthday card in these shots
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Lesbianmindflayer found a video posted on the official IG account in August 2017. At the time, they had already filmed S2, they knew there was an important scene about Will's birthday, so why posting the wrong date? Is it actually a mistake, or that's really his birthday in another timeline? We'll see!
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The amazing shed scene. One of my favorite! Joyce talks about Will's 8th birthday. That was in 1979, the year of the massacre. She also mentions his rainbowship, a hint at his queerness, but also a reference to the lab. And I think there's a connection to the "rainbow rocket" near Creel House, and the ship of Brenner's father, who was involved with Project Rainbow, and the first man to wind up in Dimension X. This scene is so important!
Will drawing a spaceship could also be a parallel to Olivia Dunham (Fringe), who drew what she saw in another universe. A Zeppelin
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Olivia's drawing (Byler-Polivia parallel and Subject 13)
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3x03. Happy Birthday and '76 on the poster. The lifeguard is talking to El and Max here. My theory about what this could mean and what might have happened in 1976 here and here
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The original title of episode 3x06 was The Birthday. There is no birthday in that episode, but after the intro, the song that plays is Stand up and Meet your brother, and then El meets the Mind Flayer/Vecna (as a lab kid, Henry is kinda her brother), who is possessing a boy named William. A surfer boy.
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Episode 3x08, posters of Firestarter and Sixteen Candles. Will is associated with fire, and in Sixteen Candles a girl hopeful thar her 16th birthday is the beginning of a great year, is shocked when her family forgets it because her sister is getting married the next day.
Sixteen Candles and a boy's 16th birthday are also mentioned in S4, and it is likely that S5 is set in 1987, after the time-jump, when Will is 16.
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S4. There are so many mentions of birthdays in this season, it's crazy to think that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
Mentions of birthday and stolen thoughts in the opening scene.
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Birthday party at Rink-o-mania. I could be wrong, but it looks like a party for two people, to me. And there's a hidden reference to the massacre. The game Asteroids was released in 1979 (here)
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The scene that made many people believe that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
March 22. The Rink-o-mania scene is a parallel to the lab scenes, Asteroids was released in 1979, and the day of the massacre El remembered her birth. Maybe a hint that her birthday is also on March 22?
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They call her little baby, and two of the bullies are twins.
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Murray says that a one-year-old won't remember their birthday
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Also, the wallpaper reminds me of these birds we see in his house, when Alexei explains how the two keys open a gate
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Murray says that his "son" is almost 16
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Mention of Sixteen Candles
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Mike's Happy Birthday mug
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At Suzie's, Will mentions Dustin's birthday
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Yeah, I think something will happen to Will in 1987, when he's 16. And it won't be funny, lol. But he'll get his happy ending.
Happy birthday, Will!
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nothoughtsgarf · 11 months
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Edit of August 22, 1979
Why did he wax the tv? A bit strange, but very funny.
He waxed the TV today
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 1 year
[UPDATED] Syd & Carmy Timeline
February 22 2022: Mikey's death
July 2022: 1x01 Carmy's worked at the Beef for about 2 weeks, and meets Syd on July 13th, 2022.
1x02 Hands takes place a week later. Syd is officially Sou Chef.
Mid-Late July 2022: the beginning of 1x03 Brigade.
August-November 2022: The end of Brigade 1x03 gives us clues that time is passing by, It appears it's one shift as you hear the chefs finishing orders but I think it is a way of saying the same shit, different day. Carmy walks early in the morning with Natalie's voice in the background as he's bundling up. She says "It's Mikey's birthday" which is November 15th, 1979
I just wanna share a fun fact Mikey shares a birthday with The Punisher, a character played by Jon Bernthal. I don't think that's a coincidence. it's just a fun little tidbit by the showrunners.
Late November/early December 2022: 1x04- 1x05 we can tell by the wardrobe that it's winter .
December 2022: 1x06- 1x08 takes place. Syd quits The Beef and Carmy proposes to Sydney to start the Bear shortly after.
January- February 2023: The Bear is coming.
March 2023: 2x02 is the second week of March and the Bear is officially 12 weeks to open
Mid March- May 2023: 2x02-2x10
May 26th, 2023: Friends and Family Night (as I mentioned in my last post, Chicago can have random temperature drops) Never officially warm until about late June or early July if we're lucky.
So Syd and Carmy had known each other for about 5-6 months when Carmy proposed to Syd. He lost Mikey, the one person who shared his vision, then here comes Sydney Adamu, with new ideas and a brighter future for Carmen Anthony Berzatto.
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duchesssoflennox · 1 year
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Four daughters of tsar Nicholas II and the last imperial children of Russia!
in order: Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia✨️ They were known for their special personalities and their Golden hearts, as well as their tragic deaths...💔🥀
I have written their personality characteristics under their photos🫶🥰
Romanov sisters adored their only little brother, Tsesarevich Alexei, who was always sick due to his congenital disease of hemophilia...🥺🌟
In 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power and Romanovs were exiled to Siberia after 300 years of rule. The revolution that began with the massacre of Bloody Sunday by Tsar Nicholas II on January 22, 1905, ended in 1917 when the Bolsheviks came to power! and tsar Nicholas with his wife, Five children and 4 of his crew were shot in July 17, 1918... 💔 Their bodies were then taken to a remote forest where they were mutilated, dismembered and buried with grenades, fire and acid to avoid identification.
Age of family members at the time of execution: Nicholas II was 50 years old, Alexandra Feodorovna was 46 years old, Olga was 22 years old, Tatiana was 21 years old, Maria was 19 years old, Anastasia was 17 years old, Alexei was 13 years old.
Their burial place was discovered by amateur detectives in 1979, and in 1998, 80 years after the execution, the remains of the Romanov family were buried in a state funeral in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg!
In 2007, a smaller grave containing the remains of the two missing Romanov children from the larger grave was discovered by amateur archaeologists. DNA analysis confirmed they were the remains of Alexei and one of his sisters.
During the 84 days following the murders in Yekaterinburg, 27 other friends and relatives of the emperor (14 Romanovs and 13 members of the imperial family) were killed by the Bolsheviks... 😥💔
On August 15, 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church announced that it had canonized the members of Romanov family for their "modesty, patience, and humility."
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Take it from me when I say there is literally nothing worse than getting trapped by a deadly spider amoeba. The Spectacular Spider-Man Weekly No. 337, dated 22 August 1979. The cover art, by Keith Pollard and Klaus Janson, was originally used on Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man No. 31 (1979). Marvel UK.
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Smash Hits (August 9-22, 1979)
David Bowie
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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Space Shuttle Challenger rollout ceremony at Rockwell International's Palmdale Facility.
Date: June 30, 1982
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"Commander Paul J. Weitz (far right) and the other NASA astronauts who will fly the new space shuttle Challenger — from left, Dr. Story Musgrave, pilot Karol J. Bobko and mission specialist Donald H. Peterson — attend turnover ceremonies, at Rockwell International's final assembly site in Palmdale, Calif."
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"She is named after HMS Challenger, a British corvette that was the command ship for the Challenger Expedition, a pioneering global marine research expedition undertaken from 1872 through 1876. The Apollo 17 Lunar Module, which landed on the Moon in 1972, was also named Challenger."
-Information from Wikipedia: link, link
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She was built as Static Test Article 099 (STA-099) and was a prototype of the light weight orbiter (OV-103 to OV-105). It underwent vibration tests designed to simulate entire shuttle flights, from launch to landing. When it was determined the design changes learned from STA-099, the Construction of Columbia and the Approach and landing tests meant the Enterprise (OV-101) would be expensive to refit into an operational orbiter. It requires a complete tear down and rebuild to bring it up to the latest design specs and delay the completion of Discovery and Atlantis by 12 months. It was found it would be cheaper to refit STA-099 and only delay the completion of the other two orbiters by 6 months.
Lessons learned from the first flight of Columbia (OV-102) led to her being 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms) lighter than Columbia, although still she was 5,700 pounds (2,600 kilograms) heavier than her sister Discovery (OV-103). Upon completion, She possessed fewer thermal protection system tiles and carry 2,500 lb (1,100 kg) more payload than Columbia.
Construction date milestones (STA-099):
1972 July 26: Contract Award to North American Rockwell
1975 January 6: start long lead fabrication of aft-fuselage
1975 November 21: start structural assembly of crew module
1976 February 16: start fabrication of forward-fuselage
1976 June 14: start structural assembly of aft fuselage
1976 August 2: start structural assembly of forward-fuselage
1976 October 1: start assembly of vertical stabilizer, Fairchild-Republic
1976 October 1: start assembly of wings, Grumman
1976 October 16: mid-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1977 January 25: aft-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1977 January 28: simulated crew module on dock, Palmdale
1977 March 16: wings on dock, Palmdale
1977 April 1: lower forward-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1977 April 6: upper forward-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1977 April 1: vertical stabilizer on dock, Palmdale
1977 May 20: forward landing gear doors on dock, Palmdale
1977 May 26: aft payload bay doors on dock, Palmdale
1977 May 31: body flap on dock, Palmdale
1977 July 22: forward payload bay doors on dock, Palmdale
1977 September 30: start of Final Assembly
1977 September 30: mating of vertical stabilizer, Palmdale
1977 November 7: forward RCS module on dock, Palmdale
1978 February 10: completed final assembly
1978 February 14: rollout from Palmdale
Testing as STA-099:
1978 February 14: delivery to Lockheed for testing
1978 August 11: complete test preparation, Lockheed
1978 August 14: start coefficient tests
1978 September 29: finished coefficient tests
1979 August 6: complete limited testing
1979 October 5: complete setup and thermal tests
1979 November 7: delivery to Rockwell for conversion to Challenger (OV-099)
Conversion date milestones (OV-099):
1979 January 2: start long lead fabrication of crew module
1979 January 5: contract Award to Rockwell International, Space Transportation Systems Division
1979 June 21: start structural assembly of crew module
1979 November 7: delivery from Lockheed, Palmdale
1979 December 7: demate payload bay doors
1979 December 14: demate body flap
1979 December 21: demate elevons
1980 January 18: vertical stabilizer returned to Fairfield-Republic for reworked
1980 January 25: body flap returned to Downey facility for reworked
1980 January 25: payload bay doors returned to Tulsa for reworked
1980 January 28: start instrumentation removal and prepare mid-fuselage for reworked, Palmdale
1980 February 1: complete aft-fuselage demate Palmdale
1980 February 1: aft-fuselage on dock, Downey
1980 February 1: elevons on dock to be reworked, Grumman
1980 February 4: start instrumentation removal and prepare wing for modification, Palmdale
1980 February 8: demate forward RCS module, Palmdale
1980 February 15: complete demate upper forward fuselage, Palmdale
1980 February 23: upper forward fuselage on dock to be reworked, Downey
1980 March 21: forward RCS module on dock to be reworked, Downey
1980 May 30: complete preparation lower forward fuselage modification, Palmdale
1980 September 1: start body flap modification, Downey
1980 November 3: start of final assembly
1980 November 3: start initial system installation crew module, Downey
1980 November 21: complete modification lower forward fuselage, Palmdale
1980: December 12: complete rework aft-fuselage, Downey
1981 February 2: start initial system installation forward RCS module, Downey
1981 February 13: left outboard elevon on dock, Palmdale
1981 March 1: body flap on dock, Palmdale
1981 March 27: vertical stabilizer on dock, Palmdale
1981 March 30: elevon rework complete, on dock, Palmdale
1981 July 2: upper forward-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1981 July 10: payload bay door on dock, Palmdale
1981 July 14: crew module on dock, Palmdale
1981 July 17: complete body flap modification, Downey
1981 July 21: aft-fuselage on dock, Palmdale
1981 July 24: body flap on dock, Palmdale
1981 October 23: complete airframe modifications, Palmdale
1981 October 23: completed final assembly
1981 October 26: start initial subsystems test power-on, Palmdale
1981 November 2: start initial subsystems test, Palmdale
1982 January 29: complete initial subsystems test, including Delta F, Palmdale
1982 January 31: forward RCS module on dock, Palmdale
1982 February 21: right-hand OMS/RCS pod on dock at Palmdale for thermal protection system installation
1982 March 3: left-hand OMS/RCS pod on dock at Palmdale for thermal protection system installation
1982 April 16: complete subsystems test, Palmdale
1982 April 30: complete final acceptance test, Palmdale
1982 June 21: complete configuration inspection, Palmdale
1982 June 30: rollout ceremony from Palmdale
1982 July 1: overland transport from Palmdale to Edwards
1982 July 5: Delivery to KSC
NASA ID: 2650-A, 13-219
Photo from the Phoenix Aviation Research Facebook page: link
source, source, source, source
Posted by Stephen Isherwood on the "Space Shuttle Challenger - The Legacy and History of OV-099" Facebook group page: link
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skz-sarang · 21 days
. . . - ̗̀ ౨ৎ LOVEY’s FAMILY LINE!! ، . ˓ ִֶָ 𖥔
warnings! mention of adoption, dr*gs addiction, kidnapping
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"Family" means never get left behind or forgotten.
i. chapter one : biological family
⸻ a. basics!
⌕ ‣  ׁ Zhang Hye-jin ⊹ ❪ biological mother ❫
&&. birthdate : March 18, 1982
&&. birth place : Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
&&. ethnicity : Han Chinese-korean
&&. occupation : Former factory worker
&&. status : Unknown (last known status was struggling with drug addiction and economic problems)
⌕ ‣  ׁ Xu Jianhua ⊹ ❪ biological father ❫
&&. birthdate : December 5, 1979
&&. birth place : Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
&&. ethnicity : Han Chinese
&&. occupation : Unemployed (formerly worked in construction)
&&. status : Unknown (last known status was struggling with drug addiction and economic problems)
⌕ ‣  ׁ Xu Xiaoyan ⊹ ❪ biological sister ❫
&&. birthdate : June 2, 2010
&&. birth place : Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
&&. ethnicity : Han Chinese
&&. occupation : Student
&&. status : Unknown
⌕ ‣  ׁ Xu Minghao ⊹ ❪ biological brother ❫
&&. birthdate : November 14, 2012
&&. birth place : Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
&&. ethnicity : Han Chinese
&&. occupation : Student
&&. status : Unknown
⌕ ‣  ׁ Xu Xinran ⊹ ❪ biological sister ❫
&&. birthdate : August 7, 2015
&&. birth place : Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
&&. ethnicity : Han Chinese
&&. occupation : Student
&&. status : Unknown
⸻ b. history!
Sarang, originally named Xu Xiang Mei, was born into a troubled environment in Nanchang, China. Her biological parents, Zhang Hye-jin and Xu Jianhua, struggled with drug addiction and economic instability, which eventually led to the removal of Sarang from their care when she was only two years old. After being placed in foster care, Sarang's contact with her biological family was severed until they re-entered her life in a traumatic attempt at reconciliation when she was twelve. This encounter left deep emotional scars and led to her developing anxiety disorders, impacting her trust in others.
⸻ c. relationship!
Sarang's relationship with her biological family was marked by absence and trauma. Her earliest memories of them were hazy due to her young age at the time she was placed into foster care. The brief reintroduction to her biological family when she was twelve was emotionally charged and ultimately traumatic, leading to feelings of betrayal and fear. The kidnapping incident particularly strained any possibility of reconciliation, and Sarang struggled with mixed emotions of curiosity, resentment, and fear towards them. Her relationship with her biological siblings, who were strangers to her, was almost non-existent, further complicated by the circumstances of their brief and distressing encounter.
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Family is where love grows, not where blood runs.
ii. chapter two : family
⸻ a. basics!
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Kim Min-seo ❪ Adoptive Mother ❫
&&. birthdate : April 15, 1975
&&. birth place : Seoul, South Korea
&&. ethnicity : Korean
&&. occupation : University Professor (Literature)
&&. status : Alive
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Kim Hyun-woo ❪ Adoptive father ❫
&&. birthdate : February 22, 1973
&&. birth place : Busan, South Korea
&&. ethnicity : Korean
&&. occupation : Engineer
&&. status : Alive
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Kim Jihoon ❪ Adoptive brother ❫
&&. birthdate : September 30, 1997
&&. birth place : Seoul, South Korea
&&. ethnicity : Korean
&&. occupation : University Student (Engineering)
&&. status : Alive
⸻ b. history!
Sarang was adopted by a loving Korean family when she was six years old, where she found the stability and support she had lacked in her early childhood. Her adoptive parents, both well-educated and caring individuals, provided a nurturing environment that allowed Sarang to thrive academically and personally. Her older brother, Jihoon, immediately embraced her into the family, helping her navigate the challenges of adjusting to a new culture, language, and life in South Korea. The strong bond she developed with her adoptive family became the foundation for her resilience and success as she grew up, despite the traumatic experiences from her past.
⸻ c. relationship!
In stark contrast, Sarang's relationship with her adoptive family was characterized by warmth, love, and security. Her adoptive parents provided the stability and care she desperately needed, helping her build trust in others and develop confidence. Her bond with her adoptive brother Jihoon was particularly strong; he was her protector and guide, helping her navigate the challenges of her new life in Korea. Over the years, Sarang became deeply attached to her adoptive family, viewing them as her true family, which helped her heal from the trauma of her early childhood and the re-encounter with her biological parents.
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Animals may not speak our language, but they speak to our hearts in ways words never could.
iii. chapter three : animals
⸻ a. basics!
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Pumpkin
&&. spec : cat (female)
&&. dob : june 07, 2013
&&. breed : Maine coon
&&. status : Dead
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Gingerbread
&&. spec : cat (male)
&&. dob : november 22, 2021
&&. breed : long-haired Siamese
&&. status : Alive
⌕ ‣  ׁ ⊹ Snowflake
&&. spec : cat (male)
&&. dob : march 08, 2020
&&. breed : long-haired Siamese
&&. status : Alive
⸻ b. history!
Sarang's adoptive family was not only filled with human love but also enriched by the presence of their beloved cats. Pumpkin, the family's first cat, was a constant source of comfort and joy, especially during Sarang's early years of adjustment.Pumpkin passed away in 2021, leaving a lasting imprint on the family. After Pumpkin, the family welcomed Gingerbread, a playful and curious longhaired cat, and Snowflake, a gentle and affectionate cat who loves to cuddle. Both cats quickly became a source of warmth and companionship for Sarang, helping her cope with her anxieties and adding a sense of calm to her life.
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©2024 , skz-sarang masterlist
!TAGLIST! : @smh-anon
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olafsings · 1 month
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Music History Today: August 22, 2024
August 22, 1979, Led Zeppelin’s eighth studio album, In Through the Out Door, was released in the United States. Little did anyone know, it would be their final full-length recording together.
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