#à la Sans you know
konfizry · 1 year
the indignation experience in tales of arise is not one of “holy shit they put indignation in tales????” as much as one of Indignation? At this point of the game? In this part of the battle? This early in the playthrough? Localized entirely within the second boss’ chamber? 
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
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When you need to declare your love to your wife but it is so strong you can't help but revert back to french.
You know the perk of being french ? I can write Rook rambling haha !
(Though I am incapable of writing poetry, so here is the poem I used and its approximate translation:
Je respire où tu palpites,
Tu sais ; à quoi bon, hélas !
Rester là si tu me quittes,
Et vivre si tu t'en vas ?
(I breathe where you throb, you know ;
What for, alas! stay here if you leave me, and live if you go away?)
A quoi bon vivre, étant l'ombre
De cet ange qui s'enfuit ?
A quoi bon, sous le ciel sombre,
N'être plus que de la nuit ?
(What good is living, being the shadow of this fleeing angel?
What for, under the dark sky, being from the night only?)
Je suis la fleur des murailles
Dont avril est le seul bien.
Il suffit que tu t'en ailles
Pour qu'il ne reste plus rien.
(I am the flower of your walls for which April is the only good.
You only need to leave for me to be left with nothing.)
Tu m'entoures d'Auréoles;
Te voir est mon seul souci.
Il suffit que tu t'envoles
Pour que je m'envole aussi.
(You surround me with Halos;
I care only about seeing you.
You need only to take flight for me to fly too.)
Si tu pars, mon front se penche ;
Mon âme au ciel, son berceau,
Fuira, dans ta main blanche
Tu tiens ce sauvage oiseau.
(Should you leave, my front/forehead shall lean ;
My soul in the sky, its cradle, will flee,
In your white hand you hold this wild bird.)
Que veux-tu que je devienne
Si je n'entends plus ton pas ?
Est-ce ta vie ou la mienne
Qui s'en va ? Je ne sais pas.
(What would I become, should I not hear your steps anymore?
Is it your life or mine that is fleeing ?
I cannot tell?)
Quand mon orage succombe,
J'en reprends dans ton coeur pur ;
Je suis comme la colombe
Qui vient boire au lac d'azur.
(When my thunder dies down, I take some from your pure heart ;
I am like the dove that just drank in the azur lake.)
L'amour fait comprendre à l'âme
L'univers, salubre et béni ;
Et cette petite flamme
Seule éclaire l'infini
(Love makes the soul understand the universe, healthful and blessed ;
And this lonely little flame shines upon the endless)
Sans toi, toute la nature
N'est plus qu'un cachot fermé,
Où je vais à l'aventure,
Pâle et n'étant plus aimé.
(Without you, all of nature is only a closed cell where I go on an adventure,
Pale and no longer beloved.)
Sans toi, tout s'effeuille et tombe ;
L'ombre emplit mon noir sourcil ;
Une fête est une tombe,
La patrie est un exil.
(Without you, everything falls apart ;
Shadows fill my dark eyebrow ;
A feast/party is a tomb,
The homeland is an exile.)
Je t'implore et réclame ;
Ne fuis pas loin de mes maux,
O fauvette de mon âme
Qui chantes dans mes rameaux !
(I beg and demand ;
Do not flee any longer from my pain,
O warbler of my soul who sings in my twigs!)
De quoi puis-je avoir envie,
De quoi puis-je avoir effroi,
Que ferai-je de la vie
Si tu n'es plus près de moi ?
(What could I want?
What could I be afraid of?
What would I do of life without you by my side?)
Tu portes dans la lumière,
Tu portes dans les buissons,
Sur une aile ma prière,
Et sur l'autre mes chansons.
(You carry in the light,
You carry in the bushes,
On a wing my prayers,
On the other my songs.)
Que dirai-je aux champs que voile
L'inconsolable douleur ?
Que ferai-je de l'étoile ?
Que ferai-je de la fleur ?
(What will I tell to the fields that hide my inconsolable pain?
What would I do of the star?
What would I do of the flower?)
Que dirai-je au bois morose
Qu'illuminait ta douceur ?
Que répondrai-je à la rose
Disant : " Où donc est ma soeur ?"
(What will I tell to the morose forest that illuminated your softness?
What will I answer at the rose asking "Where is my sister?")
J'en mourrai ; fuis, si tu l'oses.
A quoi bon, jours révolus !
Regarder toutes ces choses
Qu'elle ne regarde plus ?
(I would die ;
Flee if you dare.
What is the point, days gone! of looking at all those she no longer looks at?)
Que ferai-je de la lyre,
De la vertu, du destin ?
Hélas ! et, sans ton sourire,
Que ferai-je du matin ?
(What would I do of the lyre, of virtue, of destiny?
Alas! And, without your smile,
What would I do of the morning?)
Que ferai-je, seul, farouche,
Sans toi, du jour et des cieux,
De mes baisers sans ta bouche,
Et de mes pleurs sans tes yeux !
(What would I do, alone, wild, without you, of days and heavens,
Of my kisses without your lips,
And of my tears without your eyes!)
Il suffit que tu t'envoles pour que je m'envoles aussi - Victor Hugo
(You need only take flight for me to fly too))
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pompadourpink · 2 months
Literal French expressions
À deux - at two
À la + n. - in the style of
À la carte - at the menu
À la mode - in fashion
Amateur - lover
Après-ski - after skying
À propos - about
Armoire - wardrobe
Art nouveau - new art
Au naturel - plain
Au pair - at the peer
Auteur - author
Avant-garde - before guard
Bête noire - black beast
Blasé - jaded
Bon appétit - good appetite
Bon voyage - good journey
Boutique - shop
Buffet - credenza
Bureau - office
Canapé - couch
Carte blanche - white card
C'est la vie - that's life
Chauffeur - warmer (n.)
Chef - leader
Cliché - picture
Clique - gang
Connaisseur - "knower"
Coup d'état - blow of state
Coup de grâce - blow of mercy
Coup de foudre - blow of lightning
Couture - sewing (n.)
Cul-de-sac - ass of the bag
Début - beginning
Débutante - beginner
Déjà-vu - already seen
Dénouement - untying
Dossier - file
Double entendre - double hear
... du jour - of the day
Eau de toilette - washing water
Eau de vie - life water
Encore - again
Ennui - boredom
En route - in road
Ensemble - together
Entourage - people surrounding you
Entrepreneur - starter (n.)
Essai - attempt
Esprit de l'escalier - spirit of the stairs
Étiquette - label
Exposé - exposed
Façade - frontage
Faux pas - fake step
Femme fatale - deadly woman
Film noir - black movie
Fin de siècle - end of century
Flâneur - "stroller"
Femme - woman
Folie à deux - madness at two
Foyer - fireplace, home
Gamine - female kid (casual)
Gauche - left
Gendarme - person of weapons
Je ne sais quoi - I don't know what
Laissez-faire - let (someone) do (imperative)
Laissez-passer - let (someone) pass
L'appel du vide - the call of the void
Lingerie - underwear
Maître d' - master o'
Mardi gras - fat Tuesday
Matinée - morning
Ménage à trois - household at three
Mon/ma chéri-e - my cherished
Montage - mounting
Motif - pattern
Mural - on the wall (adj.)
Né-e - born
Négligé - neglected
Nom de plume - feather name
Parole - word
Petite - small (adj.)
Pied-à-terre - foot on land
Poilu - hairy
Pot pourri - rotten pot
Pourboire - for drink
Première - first
Prêt-à-manger - ready to eat
Protégé - protected
Renaissance - rebirth
Rendez-vous - appointment
Répertoire - directory
Résumé - summary
Risqué - risked
Robe - dress
Rouge - red
RSVP - answer please
Sans-culottes - without pantaloons
Savant - "knower" (n.)
Savoir-faire - know how to do (v.)
Savoir-vivre - know how to live
Séance - session
Soirée - evening
Souvenir - memory
Suite - sequel, development
Surveillance - careful watching
Tête-à-tête - head to head
Touché - touched
Tour - circuit
Trompe-l'oeil - cheats the eye
Venue - came
Vignette - sticker, label
Vis-à-vis - face to face
Voyeur - "seer"
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Ballet vocabulary:
Allongé - laid down
Balancé - swinged
Balançoire - swing (n.)
Battu - battered
Brisé - broken
Chassé - chased
Chaînés - chained
Ciseaux - scissors
Coupé - cut
Dégagé - cleared
Développé - developed
Échappé - escaped
En cloche - in bell
En croix - in cross
Entrechat - between braid
En pointe - in tip
Failli - almost did
Fouetté - whipped
Glissade - sliding
Plié - bent
Jeté - thrown
Manège - carousel
Pas de bourrée - drunk step
Pas de chat - cat step
Pas de cheval - horse step
Pas de deux - step of two
Pas de valse - waltz step
Penché - leaned
Piqué - pricked
Port de bras - carry of arms
Relevé - lifted back up
Renversé - titled, bent backwards
Retiré - removed
Rond de jambe - leg circle
Temps de flèche - arrow time Tendu - stretched
Temps lié - linked time
Tombé - fallen
Tour en l'air - turn in the air
Kitchen vocabulary:
Amuse-bouche - mouth entertainer
Bain-Marie - Mary bath
Café au lait - milky coffee
Casserole - pot
Cordon bleu - blue ribbon
Crème brûlée - burnt cream
Crème de la crème - cream of the cream
Crème fraîche - fresh cream
Croissant - crescent
Éclair - lightning
Entrée - entrance
Filet mignon - cute net
Flambé - blazed
Foie gras - fat liver
Fondant - melting
Fondue - melted
Gourmet - foodie
Hors d'oeuvre - out of the work
Légume - vegetable
Liqueur - liquid
Mille-feuille - thousand leaf
Mousse - foam
Pâté - pasted
Roux - redhead(ed)
Sauté - jumped
Sautoir - "jumper"
Soufflé - blown
Velouté - velvety
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
2 part to: The engineer
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It was a sunny morning in Monaco, and Yn Leclerc sat at the breakfast table with her family. Her mother, Pascale, had just finished serving them a delicious meal, and now they were engaging in light conversation before Yn's graduation ceremony.
"Je suis tellement fière de toi, ma chérie," Pascale said, placing a hand on Yn's arm. "You've worked so hard for this day."
Yn smiled gratefully at her mother. "Merci, Maman. I couldn't have done it without your support."
Her brothers, Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur, nodded in agreement. They knew how dedicated Yn had been throughout her engineering studies, juggling her academic responsibilities and her part-time job.
Lorenzo spoke up, his voice filled with admiration. "Yn, tu es vraiment la plus intelligente d'entre nous. We're lucky to have you as our sister."
Yn's heart warmed at her brothers' words. She had always been proud of their achievements in motorsports, but sometimes, she couldn't help feeling a pang of insecurity. Being the only sibling pursuing higher education, she had often felt left out of their racing world.
"Merci, Lorenzo," Yn replied, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I'm proud of all of you too, but sometimes I wish I could have been a part of the racing journey as well."
Charles, who had become an established Formula 1 driver, reached across the table and grasped Yn's hand. "Yn, we love and support you in everything you do. Racing might be our passion, but we know how hard you've worked for your degree."
Arthur chimed in, his tone sincere. "Exactly! We wouldn't be where we are without your unwavering support and encouragement. You're an integral part of our success."
Yn's eyes welled up with tears, and she squeezed Charles and Arthur's hands. "Thank you, both of you. I'm so lucky to have such amazing brothers."
Pascale, ever the nurturing mother, rose from her seat. "Enough of the mushy talk, mes enfants! We have a graduation to prepare for."
The family spent the next few hours together, helping Yn get ready for her big day. Pascale, a talented hairdresser, skillfully styled Yn's hair, creating an elegant updo. She then applied subtle makeup to enhance Yn's natural beauty.
As Yn looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a sense of confidence radiating from within. She was ready to face the world, armed with her education and the unwavering support of her family.
The graduation ceremony took place in a grand auditorium, with friends, faculty, and fellow students gathered to celebrate their achievements.
"Y/N Leclerc, s'il vous plaît, venez sur scène" Y/N's name was called, a sense of accomplishment washed over her. She gracefully walked across the stage, accepting her degree with honors from her professor, Madame Moreau. The audience erupted in applause, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards her family, especially her late father, who had instilled in her a passion for knowledge.
Y/N took a deep breath and made her way to the stage. Applause filled the room as she accepted her diploma with a radiant smile. In that moment, all her hard work and sacrifices felt worth it.
After the graduates received their diplomas, Y/N was invited to give a speech on behalf of her class. Standing at the podium, she felt a surge of confidence.
"Mesdames et messieurs, aujourd'hui, nous célébrons nos réalisations en tant qu'ingénieurs. Je tiens à remercier ma famille pour leur amour et leur soutien sans faille. Nous sommes tous ici grâce aux sacrifices de ceux qui nous ont précédé. En premier lieu, je tiens à remercier ma famille pour m'avoir soutenue tout au long de ce parcours. Votre amour inconditionnel m'a donné la force de poursuivre mes rêves. Aujourd'hui, je suis fière de dire que j'ai obtenu mon diplôme d'ingénieur avec mention." (Ladies and gentlemen, today we celebrate our achievements as engineers. I would like to thank my family for their unwavering love and support. We are all here because of the sacrifices of those who came before us. First I would like to thank my family for supporting me throughout this journey. Your unconditional love has given me the strength to pursue my dreams. Today, I am proud to say that I have graduated with honors as an engineer)
Her voice resonated through the auditorium, carrying her message of gratitude and determination. She acknowledged the challenges they had overcome and the dreams they now pursued.
"Nous sommes la preuve vivante que peu importe d'où nous venons, nous pouvons atteindre nos objectifs avec passion et détermination. Ne laissez jamais les obstacles vous décourager, et souvenez-vous que vous n'êtes jamais seuls. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes ici ensemble, en tant qu'une famille d'ingénieurs" (We are living proof that no matter where we come from, we can achieve our goals with passion and determination. Never let obstacles get in the way of you, and remember that you are never alone. Today, we are here together, as a family of engineers)
As Y/N concluded her speech, the room erupted into applause. The pride on her family's faces was immeasurable. Y/N had not only graduated with honors, but she had also inspired her peers.
Her family erupted into applause, their cheers blending with the thunderous applause of the crowd. Yn could see familiar faces in the audience, including some F1 drivers who had become friends with the little Leclerc because of Charles such as Max Verstappen, with his signature grin lighting up his face, stood up and clapped enthusiastically, Lando Norris and Pierre Gasly joined in the applause, their support evident.
Yn's heart swelled with gratitude. She had found her place, not on the racetrack but among these incredible individuals who recognized her dedication and achievements.
After the ceremony, the Leclerc family gathered for a joyous celebration. Laughter filled the air as they toasted to Yn's success. The F1 drivers joined in, sharing stories and lighthearted banter.
"Merci d'être toujours là pour moi. Je vous aime tous. (Thank you for always being there for me. I love you all)” yn said raising her glass, and the room was filled with cheers, laughter, and heartfelt conversations.
As the evening wore on, Yn found herself in a quiet corner of the room, reflecting on the day's events. She could feel her father's presence with them, despite his absence. He had instilled in them the values of love, unity, and unwavering support.
Charles approached Yn, a soft smile gracing his face. "You did it, Yn. Dad would have been so proud."
Yn nodded, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes. "I know, Charles. Today, I felt his love surrounding us."
The Leclerc siblings shared a warm embrace, a moment of connection and understanding that surpassed words. In that moment, they knew that their father's spirit lived on within each of them, binding them together through their shared experiences and unwavering support.
And so, the Leclerc family celebrated into the night, cherishing the triumphs, overcoming the challenges, and reaffirming their unbreakable bond. Together, they stood as a testament to the power of love, support, and the pursuit of dreams.
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personnage-neutre · 4 months
First draft of Hergé’s letter to Tintin, 1964
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(I reproduced and translated the final version here.)
Mon cher fils (Tintin), Il y a 35 ans que je te connais, 35 ans que je te regarde vivre. Et je suis fier de toi, car tu as été -- et tu es encore -- un fils parfait, obéissant et raisonnable. Tu m'as donné de grands joies, quelques soucis également, bien sûr. Mais jamais tu ne m'as donné le moindre motif de chagrin ou de mécontentement. Alors, d'où vient que je sois un peu déçu? C'est que -- sans même me l'avouer -- je ((p? f?)??ais) que tu aurais quelque défaut. Et, j'ai beau t'observer et essayer d'en découvrir au moins un, un seul. Je ne vois rien. Tu es la perfection même. J'espérais qu'à force de fréquenter ce bon vieux capitaine Haddock, tu aurais fini par lui emprunter l'un ou l'autre de ses petits [tracas?]. Pas son penchant pour le whisky. Non. Autre chose. Je ne sais pas, moi. Ce n'est pas tout de même pas à un père de guider son fils dans le choix de ses défauts! A intercaler quelque part; Pourtant, il fut un temps où j'aurais aimé te ressembler. Moi aussi, j'aurai voulu être un héros sans peur et sans reproche. Hélas! Je ne suis pas un héros; j'ai connu souvent la peur et je suis loin d'être sans reproche.
My dear son (Tintin),
I’ve known you for 35 years, 35 years of watching you live. And I am proud of you, because you have been -- and you still are -- a perfect son, obedient and sensible. 
You’ve given me great joy, and some worries too, of course. But you’ve never given me a single reason for grief or unhappiness. So how is it that I’m a little disappointed? It’s that -- without even admitting it to myself -- I [wanted?] you to have some fault. And no matter how much I’ve observed you and tried to discover at least one, just one: I see nothing. You are perfection itself. I hoped that by spending time with good old Captain Haddock, you would have ended up borrowing one of his little problems[?]. Not his penchant for whisky. No. Something else. I don’t know.
It’s not a father’s job to guide his son in the choice of his flaws, after all!
To be inserted somewhere:
And yet, there was a time when I would have liked to be like you. I, too, would have liked to be a hero without fear and without fault. Sadly, I’m no hero; I’ve often known fear and I am far from being without fault. 
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linkedsoul · 3 months
HI MY FRENCHIES FROM THE 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION OF FRENCH PEOPLE ABROAD aka my French residents of Northern Europe and especially London: (and my English speaking followers who'd like to French elections drama)
Macron's candidate, Vincent Caure, is blatantly lying on his program about his opponent's party, the NFP, which feels very dishonest and, frankly, kind of pathetic? I know Frenchies in London voted a lot for him but PLEASE let's not let a liar get ahead of the race.
He claims the NFP - a coalition of green and leftist parties - will have Mélenchon as Prime Minister. For some reason, the French media is OBSESSED with making Mélanchon (the leader of a prominent leftist party) THE DEVIL. Look. I know some people don't like Mélenchon even on the left. But he's NOT EVEN PART OF THIS ELECTION. Besties: he's not a candidate anywhere. And even less for French people abroad. And even worse: the NFP has NEVER said who they'd send as Prime Minister if they get the majority in the assembly. This is FAKE.
He pretends French people abroad will be doubly taxed because of the NFP wants to put back the "exit tax", and that the NFP is obsessed with the universal tax (aka paying taxes for your country even when you work abroad). The exit tax is a specific tax that affects only people who own A LOT in assets. I have no idea how to even reach to that kind of criteria. I don't think neither me nor any of the French people I know in Dublin have the assets required to have to pay the exit tax. I wish I had that amount of money so I could get taxed on it! Alas, Vincent Caure and I don't live in the same world because it's not even remotely a worry for me. As for the universal tax, it's nowhere in the NFP's program so I guess they're not as obsessed with it as Vincent claim they are.
He offers to put more procedures online such as passpot renewal online whereas the NFP offers nothing. Ok slay king, then run your campaign on that instead of telling lies. Unless this is your only good point?
He claims that the NFP wants to end nuclear energy, which would make us depend on Russian gas. Nowhere is this written on the NFP program. There are only 4 mentions of the word "nuclear" in the NFP program and none of it is associated to the word "stop" or "end", half of them are not even about nuclear energy itself... I don't see where he got that from.
He does agree that the NFP wants to make railways more accessible but argue that they didn't vote for a law making mobility within France easier. Fair! He forgets to mention most of the supporters of this law were his party only and BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT voted against, citing lack of funding for this law as an issue, that the Prime Minister back then brushed away, so take that what you will. Also want to note his only point for this program is that they're going to use the funding for transport that they already have so... ok good? that's not revolutionary. That's just expected.
He also claims that:
the left is the one who led to the far right taking the lead when it's his own party who called for an election. Like. The move no one expected nor wanted except the far right. That was all Macron. That was all your party. You guys flirted so much with the far right that you led them right in, that is NOT the left's fault and even less your favorite scapegoat, Jean-Luc Mélenchon - who, I'd like to remind everyone, is not a candidate for this election oh my god shut up about Mélenchon already I don't care about Mélenchon why are you obsessed with Mélenchon
The left wants a Frexit because of their tax policies (debunked above) and nuclear energy policies (also debunked above). The left is notoriously pro-EU, his opponent is a British-French citizen who probably saw the shitshow of Brexit from the front rows. And even if the left wants to tax VERY rich people trying to avoid being taxed on their huge assets out of France (fun fact: it's for the people who try and get their assets moved to Dubai not to pay taxes on them lmao) and wanted to reduce the use of nuclear energy, that does not equate Frexit, like, I... I don't see the correlation.
The left is planning for 300 billion more expenses and intends to cover for those expenses by taxing people the most. The thing he's not saying is that they intend to tax the richest. It's the rich the target. The very VERY rich. Not you, regular French immigrant to Ireland who struggles with the cost of life in Dublin and cry for a better flat.
ALL IN ALL: Vincent Caure is a liar who ment comme un arracheur de dent et fait sa campagne dessus, ce qui est un peu dégueu.
He cries about potential taxes that would only affect a very, very tiny minority of French people who were probably trying to evade said taxes anyway and tries to frame it as "double taxing French people abroad"
The left wants to tax the rich and good for them and good for us who are not playing in the targeted tax bracket AT ALL.
Macron's party is the one who's fucked us all over; Attal is a notoriously impopular Prime Minister; they're a party for the rich (as proven above by trying to act as if a tax on the rich was gonna be a double tax for everyone like... lmao how out of touch are you) and love to frame themselves as the only right solution QUAND C'EST EUX QUI NOUS ONT MIS DANS LA MERDE
As with the rest of his party, he's obsessed with Mélenchon, who has nothing to do with this specific election since the opposition is initially from the Green Party.
and for my English speaking friends: please pray for us all (at least here the far right is not gonna pass but I'd rather not have such a liar for deputee please and thank you)
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smicksstuff · 1 year
The Pitbox Crew Series
Maple Syrup & Surprises
(lancestroll x yngasly)(f1 drivers x yngasly)
warnings: none
18 June 2023
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liked by lancestroll, chloestroll, landonorris, danielricciardo and 1, 390, 230 others
yngasly Lets go racing in Canada !!! 🇨🇦
view 902 comments
lancestroll when did you even take all these pictures ???
yngasly its a secret 🤫 i have more actually
pierregasly ❤️🔥
lancestrollarmy yn out here giving pure content !
lancelot this is what i live for
landonorris when are the night pics dropping
pierregasly yes i want those pics yngasly🤷🏼‍♀️ landonorris cmon they were nice charles_leclerc cmon you have to post them so i can post mine! carlossainz55 post it ! post it! f1girlies im so so interested to know what happened yngaslyfans pls i have my notifications on for the posts danielricciardo if you dont i will dannyric3 OMG SOMEONE LETS US IN ON THE TEA
astonmartinf1 we love you yn!! 💚💚💚
lancestroll hey she is my girl astonmartinf1 you mean she is OUR girl lancestroll 😤😤 fernandoalo_oficial at least im her favourite Spanish AM driver 🇪🇸 lancestroll im her favourite driver overall carlossainzfans ummmm i think you shld recheck that liked by yngasly, carlossainz55 and 463 others astonmartini not fernando joining in f1fans he had to specify the AM cause he knew carlos existed yngasly hey hey dont fight over me!
mickschumacher its an imposter in the mercedes garage 🫤
mercedesamgf1 its just yn its all clear yngasly hehe love it ! i can disturb mick anytime now 🙌🏽 georgerussell63 we are going to have a blindfold for you when you come again so that you dont snitch yngasly do that and i will steal carmen for the whole summer carmenmmundt where we going babe ✈️ georgerussell63 i was kidding. i take it back. and excuse me @/carmenmmundt wdym "where are we going?" carmenmmundt its yn, she is my baby yngasly 🥹🥹�� mercbuddies not yn pulling carmen and the mercedes team too f1wags girl is powerful
19 June 2023
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly, estebanocon and 1, 992, 830 others
lancestroll about last night ... joyeux anniversaire ma belle ❤️🎉
view 10,920 comments
yngasly je t'aime mi amor ❤️
pierregasly this is what we have been waiting for !!! happy birthday my little sister ❤️‍🔥
yngaslyfans OMG ITS HER BIRTHDAY !!!
yngaslyfc this is so cute f1wags i heard it was a surprise birthday yngaslyfans that is even cuter
estebanocon happy birthday mon amie! hope you loved it! 🤩
yngasly eventhough i hate surprises i particularly loved this one! 😍 estebanocon thank god lance was gonna warn you in the car but pierre talked him out of it mickschumacher hey i talked him out of it too francisca.cgomes it was almost busted when lando kept asking what she was gonna wear to "dinner" landonorris i had to make sure bestie here didnt come in sweatpants and a jacket francisca.cgomes thats also true
carlossainzarmy omg i cant believe that she had a surprise birthday party by the f1 drivers.
f1fans tbf i even more surprised that the plan wasnt a bust cs55 thats even more true
scuderiagasly Everyday, i think i fall in love with Yn more and more. I like Lance too.
lancestrollfans can lance fight ? he better be able to fight 🤺 astonmartini they are match-made in heaven
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liked by yngasly, lancestroll, danielriccardo and 902, 682 others
pierregasly Joyeux anniversaire à la meilleure petite sœur que l'on puisse demander ! J'adore t'avoir à mes côtés à travers tout ça ! Je t'aime ❤️
(translation: Happy birthday to the best little sister you could ask for! I love having you by my side through all this! I love you ❤️)
view 792 comments
yngasly merci, grand frère ! Je ne sais pas ce que je ferai sans toi ! Je t'aime ❤️ (translation: Thank you, big brother! I don't know what I'll do without you! I love you ❤️)
liked by pierregasly and 12,394 others
yngaslyfans good lord they are so cute !!
gaslyfc im sorry but yn was a footballer? bc thats so cuteee !
yourbff best striker in our league baby! could have gone pro with those skills ! yngasly you are being to nice yourbff im merely stating facts. go search up psg academy our girl is there. gaslyfc OMG SHE IS !! TOP SCORER IN THE ACADEMY TOO! gaslyfc guys this gets so much cuter!! she played the number 10 and when she scored her first goal she dedicated it to pierre cause he trained with her all the time!! scuderiagasly 😭❤️
masonmount happy birthday yn!! 🎉 since when you play football too?
yngasly im a girl of many talents masonmount i see .... i need proof that you are that good 🤔 yngasly i'll take you on anyday Mount masonmount challenge accepted! yngasly whats in it for me tho? masonmount ill ask Marcus to get you tickets to match day at OT? ⚽️ yngasly you bet! tho even if i lose (which i will not) i still want to come to Old Trafford. masonmount i accept 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 masonmountverse OMG ARE MY TWO WORLDS COLLIDING!
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liked by yngasly, joris_tourche, pierregasly and 1,947,366 others
charles_leclerc Joyeux anniversaire, petite fille ! J'ai toujours voulu une petite sœur et je suis si heureuse que ce soit toi ! C'est pour créer des souvenirs inoubliables avec vous ! Je t'aime, coureur ❤️
(translation: Happy birthday, little girl! I've always wanted a little sister and I'm so happy that it's you! Here’s to creating unforgettable memories with you! I love you, racer ❤��)
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yngasly merci charlie !! ❤️
leclercfans “i love you racer” MY HEARTT 😭🫠
alexandrasaintmleux baby yn is so cute!! those cheeks 😍 happy birthday princess!! ❤️
yngasly thankyou alex !! ❤️
wagsf1 these two are too cute!! bet they were inseparable when they were hanging together
f1fans this is giving me tsitp vibes leclercfans charles is definitely a jeremiah
pascale.leclerc.355 my babies !! so proud of the women you have grown up to be! forever my little racer girl, love you my darling ❤️
yngasly love you too marraine ❤️❤️
yourbff (private)
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly and 490 others
yourbff from the day we shared that chocolate cake during snack break, i knew you were gonna be my bestfriend for life! im so so happy to have you as my better half! happy birthday to the best girl on the planet!! i love you to the moon and back ❤️🚀
view 120 comments
yngasly i love you too bestie!! we need to have our choco cake date again!
yourbff when we go back to the UK we can do it! yngasly its a date! pierregasly we just had chocolate cake last night!? yngasly this is different. this is mamans receipe. we have it all the time yourbff yes this is the best chocolate cake ever. yn you have to call your mum to come to UK! yngasly already did! she will be there pierregasly when exactly is this happening ? last time i checked we shared an apartment yngasly british gp? then maman and (yourbffname) can come too!! pierregasly alright! but you are cleaning the apartment after your baking... yngasly 😠😠😠
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liked by alex_albon, yngasly, charles_leclerc and 890,290 others
lilymhe happy birthday to the best wifey in the world ! love you babes ❤️🎉
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yngasly love you baby !! ❤️
alex_albon whatisthisnonsense ? WIFE ?
lilymhe did you not see the ring she got me 💍 yngasly EXACTLY ALEX alex_albon @/lancestroll come get your girl, she is stealing mine landonorris ATTENZIONE PICKPOCKET!!!! alex_albon 😳🤦🏼‍♂️ lancestroll mate i am not getting between those two. lilymhe @/lancestroll smart guy. i approve.
lilyfc yn and lily are literal queens of the paddock! i love them so much 👑
yngaslyfc slay queens !! hammertime if i ever get paddock passes, i am going for them f1paddocksquad SAME BESTIE! SAME!
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liked by masonmount, lancestroll, lilymhe, yourbff and 992,930 others
yngasly so i turned 24 with some of the best people in the world! ❤️‍🔥
view 902 comments
lancestroll ❤️❤️❤️
liked by yngasly and 899 others
sebastianvettel Happy Birthday Kiddo! I will see you again soon!!
yngasly thank you seb!! see you soon :)
landonorris damn baby gasly is old now 😳
yngasly woah where is this coming from landonorris i mean are you not old? yngasly i am not carlossainz55 girls you are the same age 🙄 cs55 not carlos calling them out HAHAHA
pierregasly i think we can all agree that we definitely pulled off this surprise 🤩
charles_leclerc definitely but im never doing this again! its too much work alex_albon i have never texted so many people in my life georgerussell63 it was one group chat and her bestfriend alex_albon still.... that one group chat kept asking the stupidest questions danielricciardo asking for what presents to buy is not stupid. the girl only loves legos, harry styles, racing cars and football danielricciardo there is not much to work with alex_albon fair. but asking for fit checks is stupid, just wear clothes danielricciardo thats all lando f14lifers this is one chaotic group chat
masonmount happy birthday! hope you liked your gift!! 🎁
yngasly i freaking love it ! ❤️ pierregasly what did you get? i had to bring that huge box from spain to canada yngasly its a lego of old trafford pierregasly oh my lord ! thats actually cool yngasly hehe guess who is helping me bring it back pierregasly leave at your boyfriends house. he can bring it back lancestroll no no its her present she can bring it back yngasly but arent you gonna help me build it lancestroll ofcourse but in london, so you have to bring it back yngasly ☹️☹️☹️
benchillwell happy birthday yn !! hope to see you at a match soon!
yngasly sure thing ! 🤩
noahschnapp happy birthday bestiee 🤍
yngasly thanks bestie 🤍
florencepugh happy birthday girlie! hope you had an amazing day! ❤️🥳
yngasly thank you floflo 😍
charlottesine happy birthday babygirl! ❤️
yngasly thanks babe ❤️
isahernaez happy birthday babes! see you in london soon!
yngasly see you soon babes ❤️
yngaslyfc is it me or is seb at her birthday party?
scuderiagasly omg i think it is him f1fans girl had the ultimate f1 birthday party gaslyfc WHEN WILL IT BE ME!!! f1paddockcsquad this has got to be the birthday of the year!
scottyjames31 happy birthday gasgas!! hope you loved the party! you should be proud i didnt spoil the surprise on accident
yngasly thank you scotty !! im proud you actually can keep a secret
on instagram stories .....
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga @myescapefromthislife @deviltsunoda @lithiscool @bat-shark-repellant @harrysdimple05 @majx00 @noncannonships @rd14 @inejghafawifesblog @baw-sixteen
credits: all pictures found on pinterest and instagram.
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! if you have any suggestions send them to me! i would love to include them in the next chapter!!
if you would like to be tagged in the next chapters, comment down your username below 👇😙
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nordleuchten · 8 days
The man who hated La Fayette
I really struggled t find a fitting title for this post because I need you to read this letter! It is absolutely hilarious!
While in exile after the French Revolution and his time in prison, La Fayette and his family settled in Holstein in what was then Denmark on the country mansion Gut Wittmoldt. They were in contact with many of the local aristocracy. One family that was especially influential in that region at that time was the von Reventlow family. Now, I made a post in the past that not all of the von Reventlow’s were the biggest fans of La Fayette – I know Countess Frederike Juliane’s “this man” letter made not only me laugh. But now I found the one letter to rule them all.
Charles Claude d’Angiviller himself a French Émigrés, had settled in Holstein and was in contact with the von Reventlow’s. he even lived at their country estate Gut Emkendorf for some time. In 1798 he wrote a letter to Countess Frederike Juliane about her meeting the Marquis de La Fayette. I had to highlight the best part.
Eh bien! vous avez donc vu le froid, insipide et glacial Heros des deux mondes plus justement intitulé Gille César par le Duc de Choiseul? mot plaisant qui me semble le peindre parfaitement, car il s’est toujours présenté fierement à tous les événements, pour s’y conduire sans talent avec une insolence niaise et en sortir avec honte. Je doute d’ailleurs qu’au delà de la curiosité de la réputation appliquée sur le personage il vous ait infiniment satisfait, car toutes les fois qu’il a été dans le cas de parler, il auroit été au defrons de rien sans l’impudence d’immoralité qui a servi d’eclat à deux ou trois de ses mots, tels que l’insurrection est le plus saint des devoirs. Je crois que sa prison l’a conservé un grand-homme, comme ces fétus que l’on conserve dans l’esprit de vin. Je pense encore que la principale de ses qualités, qualité rare, et bien plus rare qu’on ne croit encore, est une sorte de ténacité et de suite dans la même idée qui fait qu’on veut, et ce qui est plus rare encore: qu’on veut longtems la mesme chose. Au reste ce n’est point une ame libre et indépendante, c’est un ambitieux hipocrite (…).
My translation:
Well then! you have seen the cold, insipid and icy Heros of the Two Worlds, more aptly named Gille César by the Duc de Choiseul? a pleasant word which seems to me to describe him perfectly, for he has always proudly presented himself at all events, only to conduct himself without talent, with foolish insolence and to leave with shame. I doubt, moreover, that beyond the curiosity of the reputation applied to the personage, he has greatly satisfied you, for every time he has been in a position to speak, he would have been a fool if it hadn't been for the impudent immorality of two or three of his words, such as insurrection is the holiest of duties. [d’Angiviller referenced the following quote of La Fayette here: “When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensible of duties.”] I think that his prison kept him a great man, like those fetuses that are preserved in the spirit of wine. I also think that his main quality, a rare quality, and much rarer than we think, is a kind of tenacity and continuity of the same idea that makes one want, and what is rarer still: that one want the same thing for a long time. Besides, he is not a free and independent soul, he is an ambitious hypocrite (...).
I personally lost it at the point where d’Angiviller compared La Fayette with a preserved fetus ... this is an insult even I have not seen before.
But as seething as this letter is, I can not bring myself to completely disagree with d’Angiviller. In fact, I completely agree with him, that La Fayette’s imprisonment almost certainly helped his status and reputation in the long run. This came at an awfully high price, but it did help. Furthermore, d’Angiviller, mentions that La Fayette’s talent was to be persistent, to want the same thing for a very long time. I agree with that as well. Moreso, many of La Fayette contemporaries seemed to agree with this statement. One of my favourite quotes about La Fayette is about him having blinders. French writer, politician and historian François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, a contemporary of La Fayette and himself an ardent royalist wrote:
M. de Lafayette had one idea only; luckily for him, it was that of the century. The fixity of this idea gave him a kingdom; it served him as a pair of blinders; it stopped him from looking to the right and left; he walked a straight line with a firm step; he went forward without falling into the precipice, not because he could see it, but because he didn’t; blindness served him as genius might have.
While this statement varies greatly form d’Angiviller letter, I find it interesting to see that still the same idea, the same in perception in different statement, made by people with differing opinions about the same person.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
Whump idea, Vincent gets cavities from eating so much sugar all the time and has to go to the dentist. He’s scared of it hurting so Chidi holds his hand the whole time. Maybe he squeezes so hard he actually breaks a bone in Chidi’s hand, but of course Chidi is too tough to let on…then later Vincent sees a splint on it and says he’ll kill whoever hurt him. And Chidi is just like, well…
I took so long to answer this because I went on hiatus right afterwards, I'm sorry 😭
But I love this ask, it's so adorable and so funny!! I was thinking about it all week. Please do send more if the inspiration strikes you, anon. I can't get enough of HoplesslyDevoted!
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-⚜- Sweet Tooth -⚜-
TW: Nothing except dentists for once! This is just fluffy hurt/comfort.
Image Source
The most painful things seemed to happen when it came to Vincent - or rather, Vincent seemed to do these things to himself, and perhaps to bystanders. The toothache was one of many such cases.
He wouldn’t admit it at first, but he was irritable for two days in a row, awoke looking like he hadn’t slept, and when he didn’t even want to eat sweets, Chidi knew something had to be wrong.
“Vous n'avez pas faim, monsieur? [Aren’t you hungry, sir?]” he asked, over a banquet table filled with a positively wasteful spread of breakfast foods, from syrup-drenched crepes to fresh croissants to heaps of jam and berries.
“Non.” But his stomach let out a noise that betrayed him, and Chidi raised an eyebrow. He watched Vincent look away and breathe a little too deeply for a moment, as he did when he was about to admit something. At last, barely above a whisper, he muttered, “J'ai mal aux dents. [I have a toothache.]”
Oh. Honestly, he was relieved it was nothing more serious. “Je parlerai à votre assistant d’un rendez-vous dentaire d’urgence. [I’ll speak to your assistant about an emergency dental appointment.]”
“Non, s'il vous plaît, ne le faites pas. Euh, c'est… [No, please don’t. Er, that is…]”
“…Monsieur, sans traitement, la situation ne fera qu'empirer. […Sir, without treatment, it will only get worse.]”
“Je SAIS que [I KNOW that],” he snapped. But he still did not give permission.
Vincent was toying with his fork, pushing a blueberry around an untouched plate. Chidi watched him fidget for a moment in silence, considering how to approach this. Finally, “Puis-je demander pourquoi pas, alors? [May I ask why not, then?]”
“Juste – tu viens avec moi ? [Just – will you come with me?]”
He was scared, then. Another person might have smiled at such endearing childishness, but that would have been a wrong move. Chidi just nodded, face flat. “Bien sûr. [Of course.]”
He soon realized how much pain the Marquis had been hiding. Once he could complain openly, he admitted that not one, but two molars were aching constantly, sending pain right through the back of his head. Chidi spoke to the assistant, cancelled all the day’s meetings, and spent the morning with Vincent’s head in his lap, massaging his scalp and his jaw while they waited for the appointment.
That afternoon, they found themselves in an office in Paris, with an elderly woman whose kindly demeanor and open face should have put anyone at ease. But she did not look happy to see Vincent. Apparently, she had served the Marquis since he was a child, and Chidi would guess she had quite a few stories she was sworn not to tell.
Vincent didn’t look happy to see her either. He was really pale and stood too close to Chidi in the lobby, keeping their shoulders in contact (though of course he was not made to wait more than a minute).
Chidi didn’t have to be told to take the seat next to the dental chair, though he was a little surprised to find Vincent’s hand catching his in a death grip almost immediately.  He described his symptoms in terse, one or two word responses, clearly fighting back panic. That was probably the only reason he allowed the dentist to lecture him about the amount of sugar he’d obviously been eating. All she got out of him was a glare. Chidi answered on his behalf about his diet, and promised to “work with the Marquis to establish a more rigorous tooth care schedule,” which was the most dignified way he could think to describe forcing Vincent to brush his teeth the next time he ate three chocolate éclairs at 9 AM.
He had multiple cavities, apparently. And despite very liberal use of anesthetic, when the dentist pulled out a drill, Vincent’s already crushing grip became really unbearable. Nonetheless, Chidi bore it. He just squeezed back and ran his thumb over Vincent’s fingers again and again to sooth him. He never spoke a word of protest. Nor did he say anything about it on the car ride back to the palace, nor when seeing Vincent off to a nap to make up for that night of tossing and turning in pain. Nothing except, “Vous avez été très courageux, monsieur. [You were very brave, sir.]”
The next time they saw each other, Vincent had emerged from his room for dinner, which would have to be mostly liquid. Despite grimacing at the creative smoothie blends the chef had concocted, he seemed in better spirits. His eyes fixed on Chidi affectionately across the table. “Tu sais, je pensais à quel point tu étais gentil avec moi aujourd'hui. Quand j’allais chez le dentiste quand j’étais enfant, la gouvernante s’impatientait au bout d’une minute et ne me tenait plus la main. Mais tu l’as fait, même si je ne devrais vraiment pas en avoir besoin. [You know, I was thinking about how kind you were to me today. When I went to the dentist as a child, the governess would get impatient after a minute and wouldn’t hold my hand anymore. But you did, even though I really shouldn’t need it.]”
Chidi smiled back, preening. “C'est ma joie d'être là pour toi. Ce dont vous avez besoin est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, et je vous l’accorderai. [It’s my joy to be there for you. What you need is just exactly what you need, and I will give you that.]”
His eyes finally lighted on Chidi’s left hand, where a splint wrapped around his pointer finger. “Attends… qui t'a fait ça ? Y a-t-il eu une bagarre pendant que je dormais !? Celui qui a fait ça, je lui arracherai… [Wait…who did that to you? Was there a fight while I was sleeping!? Whoever did that, I’ll tear out their – ]”
“Ah non, je ne pense pas que ce soit necessaire, [Ah, no, I don’t think that’s necessary,]” Chidi said sheepishly.
“Que veux-tu dire... [What do you mean…]” Realization dawned over his face. “Non, je ne l’ai pas fait. Ai-je? [No. I didn’t. Did I?]”
“Bien… [Well…]”
“Oh, Chidi…” He stared at his hand, rueful. “Venez ici. [Come here.]”
Chidi came to stand beside his chair and the Marquis took up his hand, very delicately this time, to plant a small kiss on the splint. “Je suis désolé. [I’m sorry.]”
“C'est bon, monsieur. Tu es juste très fort. Je ai été impressionné. [It’s okay, sir. You’re just very strong. I was impressed.]” Chidi’s eyes flickered meaningfully to the butler on the other side of the dining room. The man took the hint and slipped out. Free to be a little more tender, he leaned down to return Vincent’s kiss - on the lips this time, but equally gentle.
Vincent lingered with their faces together, cupping his cheek. “Je ferais mieux de me brosser les dents après. Tu es la chose la plus douce que j'ai jamais goûtée. [I’d better brush my teeth afterwards. You are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.]”
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whathehe11 · 8 months
I think I have found a song that perfectly fits Crowley and Aziraphale after the ending of season 2. It’s called à la Claire Fontaine and is about the singer listening to a nightingale singing while missing for their longtime friend to love them again.
I am currently obsessed with Good Omens (I know, total shocker) and it just hit me that this song my mom often sang to me when I was little fit surprisingly well.
Anyways, long story short I put the lyrics below the cut and I translated them in English (I tried to match the rhyming scheme and stuff but I’m not perfect)
À la claire fontaine at the pretty water fountain
M'en allant promener, while i was on a stroll
J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle, I found it was so pretty
Que je m'y suis baignée. That I went for a swim
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, It’s been so long that I’ve loved you
Jamais je ne t'oublierai. Never, will I forget you
Sous les feuilles d'un chêne under the leaves of an oak tree
Je me suis fait sécher, I laid myself to dry
Sur la plus haute branche, up on the highest branch
Un rossignol chantait. A nightingale sang high
It’s been so long that I’ve loved you
Never, will I forget you
Chante, rossignol, chante, sing, nightingale please sing
Toi qui as le cœur gai, you with your heart so light
Tu as le cœur à rire, you have the heart to laugh
Moi, je l'ai à pleurer. All mine can do is cry
It’s been so long that I’ve loved you
Never, will I forget you
J'ai perdu mon ami I’ve lost my very best friend
Sans l'avoir mérité, without having earned them (him/her)
Pour un bouquet de roses, for a bouquet of roses
Que je lui refusai. That I refused to take
It’s been so long that I’ve loved you
Never, will I forget you
Je voudrais que la rose I would’ve had the roses
Fût encore au rosier, still perched on the rose bush
Et que mon doux ami and for my dearest friend
Fût encore à m'aimer. To still love me deeply
It’s been so long that I’ve loved you
Never, will I forget you
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18 / 08 / 2024
This is the first post from the blog @submissivegayfrenchboy2, formerly @submissivegayfrenchboy.
I told you I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, which means my disappearance has only one explanation: my previous account was deleted. Have I been reported? For what reason? I don't know the reasons for the deletion of my account, but I only know that I was not informed of it.
And that this resulted in the loss of all my published stories, that is to say almost 500 since 2019, which amounts to around a hundred per year for 5 years. Tumblr was part of my life before 2019 and the start of my account, and I had a wonderful time there, started to become known and have hundreds of subscribers.
I will not forget the good times, the exchanges and the wonderful encounters. If I came back it is largely for my readers, my subscribers and my friends, including @leftprogrammingroadtripdean, @tidodore2, @roro29sstuff, @fartfagoutlet, @theleomarspt2, @bat-woodfeet-us, @thejwolf24, @jamesfootphag, @whiteboicuckie, @antoniomatosxd2, @houseboi999, @bdsmaistories, @tidodorearabgodsfantasy.
Feel free to send me a message 😁 though I can't answer you. Come to Deviantart and we'll figure a solution to interact.
I can't receive or send a message, so please go on Deviantart to text me 😁
Writing on Tumblr allowed me to be part of a community, and to discover myself through exchanges, and to flourish sexually.
I could have chosen not to try to return to Tumblr, but I experienced my disappearance very badly, as if I had never existed.
I don't know what caused me to be deleted, especially since I had more than 250 drafts of stories, articles, games, collaborations waiting to be published.
I still have lots of story ideas, but I lost the messages that people sent me privately asking for certain stories, as well as the ones that I wrote with people, which have disappeared.
I don't know how quickly I'll post again, and how often, since I can't unfortunately interact yet.
But I hope to benefit from your support ♥️
Ceci est le premier post du blog @submissivegayfrenchboy2, autrefois @submissivegayfrenchboy. N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message 😁 Je vous avais dit que je ne partirais pas sans vous dire au revoir, ce qui signifie que ma disparition n'a qu'une seule explication : mon précédent compte a été supprimé. Ai-je été signalé ? Pour quelle raison ? J'ignore les motifs de la suppression de mon compte, mais je sais seulement que je n'en ai pas été informé. Et que cela a eu pour conséquence la perte de toutes mes histoires publiées, c'est-à-dire près de 500 depuis 2019, ce qui revient à environ une centaine par an depuis 5 ans.
Tumblr faisait parti de ma vie avant 2019 et le début de mon compte, et j'y ai passé des moments merveilleux, j'ai commencé à devenir connu et avoir des centaines d'abonnés. Je n'oublierais pas les bons moments, les échanges et les belles rencontres.
Si je suis revenu c'est en grande parti pour mes lecteurs, mes abonnés et mes amis, parmi lesquels @leftprogrammingroadtripdean, @tidodore2, @roro29sstuff, @fartfagoutlet, @theleomarspt2, @bat-woodfeet-us, @thejwolf24, @jamesfootphag, @antoniomatosxd2, @houseboi999, @bdsmaistories, @tidodorearabgodsfantasy
Écrire sur Tumblr me permettait de faire parti d'une communauté, et de me découvrir par des échanges, et de m'épanouir sexuellement. J'aurais pu choisir de ne pas tenter de revenir sur Tumblr, mais j'ai très mal vécu ma disparition, comme si je n'avais jamais existé.
J'ignore ce qui m'a valu d'être supprimé, d'autant que j'avais plus de 250 brouillons d'histoires, d'articles, de jeux, de collaborations attendant d'être publiées. J'ai encore pleins d'idées d'histoires, mais j'ai perdu les messages qu'on m'avait envoyé en privé me demandant certaines histoires, ainsi que celles que j'avais écrites avec des personnes, et qui ont disparues.
J'ignore à quel rythme je vais publier à nouveau.
Mais j'espère bénéficier de votre soutien ♥️
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aedesluminis · 1 month
Prieur's last written letter
On the anniversary of his death, 11 August 1832, I want to share this very touching letter (for me, at least) that Claude-Antoine Prieur wrote to a certain Simone Frilley.
Simone was a young woman in her thirties, married with a pharmacist, Monsieur Frilley; he, Monsieur Monnet and their respective consorts where among the very few people that Prieur considered as friends and met with during the last years of his life, that otherwise would have been in complete loneliness. Indeed both his beloved daughter and grand-daughter died in 1831, not to mention the death of Catherine-Elisabeth, his life-long lover, which had happened just a couple of years before.
Despite Claude-Antoine's care for his friends and the many presents bought for them, despite the two being aware of Prieur's decision to include their names in his testament, thus leaving them with a great sum of money, both Frilley and Monnet never really returned his acts of generosity and affection and, in the case of Simone, he was always met with indifference, if not utter despise on various occasions, as the letter below shows.
5 May 1832, Could you ever take pleasure in making and leaving me miserable? Perhaps you ignore it and you will be surprised by that. But no, you know my feelings and you know that your friendship is indispensable to me. Whatever it is, without affection, without friendly words from your part, without receiving any invitation to come to see you and chat together, I am overcome with grief. Every time I come back from your place, I am sick. Your cold manners for me, they kill me, they make me do sad comparisons, they painfully remind me of other times. I truly feel unwanted and a complete stranger in your midst; you seem unapproachable. Ah! I say to myself, it is in vain that I wanted to adopt you as my niece. This makes me feel forsaken, abandoned and now all I am left with is a withered existence, consumed by useless regrets.
— G. Bouchard, Prieur de la Côte-d'Or, un organisateur de la victoire p. 428-429
Original in French: Pouvez-vous, disait-il, vous complaire à me rendre et me laisser malheureux? Peut-être l'ignorez-vous et en serez-vous surprise. Mais non, vous connaissez mes sentiments et savez que votre amitié m'est indispensable. Quoi qu'il en soit, sans un air affectueux, sans paroles amicales de votre part, sans invitation de venir vous voir pour causer ensemble, je reste abîmé dans le chagrin. Chaque fois que je reviens de chez vous, je suis malade. Vos manières froides pour moi me tuent, elles me font faire de tristes comparaisons, elles me rappellent douloureusement d'autres temps. Je me sens tout à fait étranger et de trop au milieu de vos entours ; vous me semblez inabordable. Ah ! me dis-je, c'est donc en vain que j'ai voulu l'adopter pour ma nièce. J'en suis délaissé, abandonné, et je n'aurai plus désormais qu'une existence flétrie et consumée par d'inutiles regrets.
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dancefloors · 10 months
Hard agree Taylor's interview was weird. There's almost no substance to any of her answers.
for real. I'll try to be brief or at least make this the last one (because I know I am being annoying about this but really I just find her a very fascinating case study), but for a songwriter who is often introspective and eloquent, it all seemed like a very shallow look at her life and career. a hodge-podge of buzzwords and dated pop culture references. I do wonder if that's just the nature of this being a sort of 'PR smooth over' for the unfamiliar audience, setting the record straight on a few accounts, and sort of rewriting the narrative of rep/her last relationship.
but it also was very intriguing how the image she paints of herself, and one she seems to internalise is that of her as a successful 'underdog', a perpetual victim in an uphill battle. I'm sure she's faced adversity in her career, but it's notable to me that the way she frames it ("female rage" at her image destruction, "freedom from patriarchal structures through the flow of economy") is in a way that sort of silently demands an obligation to celebrity and wealth. she points to her "cancellation" as gaslighting from a "social structure" but what structure is that? who is the perpetrator when the dip in your fame can be largely attributed to a PR fumble and public dissent at blatant money-driven strategic friendships (which she personally admitted), relatability marketing, and recognition that they are being sold an image? her song The Man/interviews regarding it detail how structural barriers that bother her the most are the ones preventing her from flaunting her money, chasing fame and fortune openly, being praised for the strategy and calculation behind her capitalist endeavours, from using people and discarding them when done (à la Leo in San Tropez or her partners being "playthings for [her] to use"). is it a structural issue when you leave your record label of your own accord and those very same business strategies and ploys are used against you? are fame and art to be free of criticism? is it victimhood when people point out the parasocial and expositional practises that gave you your fame, which you intentionally intertwined with your image?
I won't brush aside the misogyny that came with it. I believe women have the right to feel safe, supported, their sexual exploits not held against them, their career progression not halted purely because of their gender, that artists have ownership over their work.
but do I think they are owed fortune, that a couple months being reclusive in million dollar mansions and jet-setting around the world equate to 'cancellation', that people becoming aware of hollywood PR ploys is misogyny, that public favour is owed and losing it is the highest punishment (especially when they actively wield their team to push puff pieces to bury their own and their associate's/partners' bigotry), that speculation about a public figure's personal life is the greatest crime, that their own role in their career deserves to be seen simultaneously as that of an innocent subject of magical coincidence AND a mastermind strategist (but never the dagger of "calculated"), that their cries and causes should be heralded and never doubted or viewed with a critical eye even though the activist outfit is only ever put on for themselves, that they should be viewed as a brand when they want to shirk responsibility and an individual when they demand sympathy, that fame is owed, that any common person should think about all of this - consider their 'full story' and believe the image they want to sell of themselves? that we should be actively celebrating their excessiveness (it's for our own good!)?
no. maybe because i lack empathy for the rich and famous, but it all seems very out of touch. it's never been more blatantly about consumer feminism, bread and circuses, a prayer to her own idolatry, even further out of reach at the moment.
her fixation on the past, her own endlessly self-referential world, speaking about "defeating enemies"..... its just fascinating. and confirms to me that her main gripe has always been with the contradictory nature of her own fame. why can't she have it all? i don't say this in a bitter way, i think she's just an interesting case study, especially watching her career come up from the beginning. you only enjoy the circus when they are cheering for you. and she seems to have leaned into that more recently. i don't know what has gone on in her personal life (seemingly many references to a "life she gave away"), but it seems to have driven her closer to that, aware that at least in THIS world (that of fame, fortune, etc) she is somewhat an insurmountable titan not even stoppable by "a force majeure", whatever she may claim. maybe she can't control her personal life, but she can control this to a degree, and if not, the things that stand in her way can be / must be regarded the most unjust of nondescript "social structures".
again.. no hatred, just fascination. her image, success, and fan relationships hinged on relatability for so many years. this feels like a departure from that. an acceptance that she is extraordinary and that even her struggles are out of reach for the common man. she's operating in a different echelon, she's the centre of her world (why wouldn't she be), and she is free from the shackles of self reflection on her place in the broader world... I guess she's too soft for it all. I don't know... an interesting change. I'm sure someone smarter than me has something more interesting and eloquent to say.
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yurizzsblog · 4 months
French Facts:
International Language: French is spoken in over 29 countries across five continents. It is the official language in countries like France, Canada (Quebec), Belgium, Switzerland, and many African nations.
Global Influence: French was the dominant international language in diplomacy, science, literature, and art from the 17th to the mid-20th century. Even today, it's one of the working languages of the United Nations and the European Union.
Words and Phrases in English: English has borrowed many words and phrases from French. Some examples include "rendezvous," "fiancé," "déjà vu," "cul-de-sac," and "sauté."
Gendered Nouns: French nouns have genders; they are either masculine or feminine. For example, "le livre" (the book) is masculine, and "la table" (the table) is feminine. This can be a challenge for learners, as the gender affects the article and adjective forms.
Accents: French uses five different accents: acute (é), grave (è, à, ù), circumflex (â, ê, î, ô, û), diaeresis (ë, ï, ü), and cedilla (ç). These accents can change the pronunciation and meaning of words.
The Longest French Word: The longest officially recognized French word is "anticonstitutionnellement," which means "in an unconstitutional manner." It has 25 letters.
Silent Letters: French has many silent letters, especially at the end of words. For example, in "vous" (you) and "frais" (fresh), the final "s" is silent.
Tongue Twisters: French has its own set of tongue twisters, like "Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien" (A hunter knowing how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog).
Cultural Expressions: French is rich in idiomatic expressions that often don't translate directly into English. For example, "avoir le cafard" literally means "to have the cockroach" but actually means "to feel down."
Learning French: French is considered one of the easier languages for English speakers to learn due to its significant lexical similarities with English. However, mastering pronunciation and grammar can still be challenging.
Verlan: This is a type of French slang where syllables of words are reversed. For example, "fou" (crazy) becomes "ouf." It's especially popular among younger speakers.
French Academy: The Académie Française is an institution founded in 1635 tasked with preserving the French language. It regulates French grammar, spelling, and literature.
Multiple Dialects: Besides standard French (le français standard), there are many regional dialects and languages in France, including Breton, Occitan, and Alsatian.
French in Space: French is one of the official languages of the International Space Station (ISS), alongside English and Russian.
Rich Literary Tradition: French has a rich literary tradition with renowned authors like Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust, and Albert Camus contributing to world literature.
Homophones: French has many homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings), such as "mer" (sea), "mère" (mother), and "maire" (mayor). This can make listening comprehension tricky.
Loanwords: French continues to borrow words from other languages. For example, "le week-end" and "le parking" are borrowed from English.
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sarahalainn · 6 months
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Polymanga - Suisse. Quelle organisation ! Quelle gentillesse ! Quelle patience !
Chère Suisse, vous m’avez séduite ! Merci infiniment.
Les Suisses sont vraiment polis et gentils (j’ai été surprise d’entendre les jeunes dire "volontiers" à la dédicace).
Merci encore ! Quelle salle ! Vous étiez tous magnifiques ! J’espère avoir encore l’occasion de jouer devant vous.
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J’ai pu être moi-même grâce à un environnement très amical et positif. J’ai ressenti la même chose en rencontrant le public, ce qui est sans doute une caractéristique de la culture animés/jeux vidéo.
Je me suis vraiment senti à la maison et j’espère que je pourrai régulièrement revenir en Suisse.
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Thank you for such a warm welcome... especially when my voice failed me.
The concert on the first day was changed literally at the last minute to a talk show with a phenomenal solo performance by Benyamin Nuss - saved the day!
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One week after the convention and I am still recovering... I had a full anime/VGM vocal repertoire ready just for Polymanga, but due to "extinction de voix", I could only play the violin on the first day. One was my original piece "Animus", and I decided to play "Isabella's Theme" from "The Promised Neverland" too. Everything was improvised on stage - didn't even know what Benyamin was going to play but conveniently all his pieces were linked to very personal experiences I had with Japan. But people were so kind to say things like they discovered different sides to me. I somehow managed to talk, a lot more than what was originally planned!
It was difficult to accept that my voice completely disappeared (hasn't really happened since I was 13 in Australia?) especially after an extremely smooth rehearsal. But gosh the team who also do the Montreux Jazz Festival were la crème de la crème ! Their professionalism is truly unrivaled. Not to mention the completely improvised shows... so intuitive. No one knew what was going to happen over the next 2 days.
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À la dédicace le premier jour, so many Xenoblade fans came. Those who attended the second day will know I tried to sing just one excerpt of the ending theme "Beyond the Sky". The second day was originally meant to be a talk show, but I was still doing everything I could to sing and somehow managed to squeeze a few tunes out, including "Eight Melodies" from “Earthbound” (ou ‘Mother’ en japonais) and "Isabella's Lullaby" TPN. Again on the second day, I had no idea if I could sing and when I would do so, so a huge bravo to the team who were on point!
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My throat aside, I was surprised at how comfortable I was talking to you on stage and in person. Maybe it was a language thing. Maybe the Swiss/Polymanga audience were just so nice. Maybe the questions you all asked were interesting and different! I was able to be myself. Such a positive, friendly environment. I felt the same vibe from many of you too. I guess we all owe that in part to the anime, game, culture world.
I hope that there will be another opportunity to perform for you again.
I felt so at home that maybe one day in the future I'd like to call Switzerland a second home!
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mochademic · 9 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 55] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 55]
this holiday season I am extra thankful for caffeine, as I would not be surviving without it. I don’t think I’ve gotten to bed before 2A.M. for the last week, but somehow I’m still able to wake up for 6 without a problem. I haven’t been stressed; on the contrary, I’ve been quite satisfied & thankful. looking at where I was at the beginning of this year compared to now is almost surreal. & the best part of it all? I vowed to take this year slowly. I told myself I would stop over-working for the sake of the “grind-set”. the truth — or at least my truth — is that you must first get to know who you are & where your limits really are before you can successfully challenge yourself without burnout. could I have gotten more done? sure. we can always get more done. but that’s because there’s always going to be something else. but I’ve accomplished more than I ever have, & I have the results to prove it.
after finishing my first market weekend, I spent today working on custom orders & answering emails. this is probably one of the last days I’ll have this week to get preliminary work out of the way. I’m making the most of it.
currently listening // labour by Paris Paloma
En cette période de fêtes, je suis particulièrement reconnaissante à la caféine, sans laquelle je ne survivrais pas. Je ne pense pas m'être couché avant 2 heures du matin la semaine dernière, mais j'ai réussi à me réveiller pour 6 heures sans problème. Je n'ai pas été stressé ; au contraire, j'ai été très satisfait et reconnaissant. Regarder où j'en étais au début de l'année par rapport à maintenant est presque surréaliste. et le meilleur dans tout ça ? Je me suis promis de prendre cette année au ralenti. Je me suis dit que j'arrêterais de me pousser jusqu'au point de rupture au nom du "grind-set" dont beaucoup de gens disent qu'il est nécessaire pour réussir. La vérité - ou du moins ma vérité - est qu'il faut d'abord apprendre à se connaître et à connaître ses limites avant de pouvoir se lancer des défis sans s'épuiser. Aurais-je pu en faire plus ? Bien sûr, il est toujours possible d'en faire plus. Mais c'est parce qu'il y a toujours quelque chose d'autre à faire. Mais j'en ai fait plus que je n'en ai jamais fait, et j'ai les résultats pour le prouver.
Après avoir terminé le premier week-end de marché, j'ai passé la journée d'aujourd'hui à travailler sur des commandes personnalisées et à répondre à des courriels. C'est probablement l'un des derniers jours que j'aurai cette semaine pour faire du travail préliminaire. Je vais donc en profiter au maximum.
Chanson // labour par Paris Paloma
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