#––– ❛ einar 【 warrior of light ⠀ ╱ ⠀ in character. 】
xsoteria · 2 years
Einar tags
–––  ❛  einar 【 the traveler    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  self.  】
–––  ❛  einar 【 warrior of light    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  in character.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 the heart’s beat    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  musings.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 sworn protector    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  behavior.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 firstblessed    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  aesthetic.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 solivagant    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  main.  】  
–––  ❛  einar 【 gunmetal soul    ⠀  ╱ ⠀  headcanon.  】 
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etherealspacejelly · 2 months
Side Quests of a Light Elf
Hey gang! I've started a new fic. It is a collection of short stories about my OC that are not canon to the main fic.
This first chapter is a Star Trek crossover where Einar is on the Enterprise and befriends Bones.
Summary and tags under the cut!
This is going to be a collection of one-shots about my OC Einar that are not canon to the main fic that they come from, The Lonely Warrior. There are various characters that I want them to meet that just don't make sense within the main timeline, and crossovers and AUs and stuff I want to write, just for funsies. There will probably be a lot of Star Trek crossover fics because that is what I am currently hyperfixating on!
Basically, I'm putting them in Situations for my own enrichment, and hopefully the enjoyment of someone else besides me.
None of these stories are necessarily connected, so don't expect continuity. And I cannot stress enough that these are Not Canon to my main fic.
I will be updating the tags as I go along because I genuinely have no idea what is going to end up here. If any chapter requires content warnings, I will put them in the Notes at the beginning.
If you want to read Einar's actual story, you can find that here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55054690
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek
Relationship: Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Original Character(s)
Characters: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Original Characters, Original Non-Binary Character, Original Non-Human Character(s), Light Elf Characters (Marvel), James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Found Family, One Shot Collection, Friendship, Developing Friendships
Tag list: (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
@fraudfrogz @wiggles-mcgee @nothoughtsgayboy @dobry-slimak @biblically-accurate-chaos
@frogofalltime @emilytheghostwitch @shortergaything @cipherdragon @bhawk-goose
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You know what. I just did like 4 hours of research on this so imma put it here just because. Every writer should know the pain of trying to name characters.
These are all for a Berserk fic that as of yet doesn't have a determined name. Premise is simple: Griffith manages to stop Guts from leaving, suffers PTSD, gets very sick, and ultimately they end up together along with Casca and to a lesser extent Judeau. But that's not why we are here, no, we are here because of all the OC this stupid fic requires.
So, have some character names and what they mean (I swear I will draw them all someday):
First, the ones you know, for posterity and comparison: Griffith - name means "Strong Lord" or "Strong Handed Lord" depending on how you read it. Welsh Origin.
Casca - "helmet; armor or shell". Latin.
Then the OC that took a life of his own, Rudesind, aka Rudy aka Rose (from Rosamond, the Spanish/visigoth version of his name): means "One who Walks/travels" but originally meant "one who Walks the path of Fame". Old High German. Rudy is Griffith's younger half brother, disinherited.
Kaspar meaning "treasurer" "one who defends [things of value]". Greek/Roman/Latin. Griffiths older half brother and Heir apparent to the Darcy household.
Evelyn, "Desired child". From Norman French Aveline. Griffiths younger half sister.
Anice, just a different way to spell Anise, the spice. Mother of Evelyn.
Lilliana. "Pure Lilly". Unsure of origin. Mother of Rudy and Kaspar. Deceased.
Aurelius "the golden one". Latin. Griffiths biological Father and current patron/Duke of the Darcy house.
Mariene, aka Mary. "Drop of the sea; bitter; beloved". French. Griffiths biological mother. Deceased. (Sort of - she's a ghost).
Beatrice "one who brings joy". Latin. Griffiths neighbor growing up. (I have not named the kids yet). Kind of a pseudo-adopted-mom.
Oslo. "Meadow consecrated to the gods". Old Norse. Surname of the man who "took in" Griffith at 7 and made him a ward. Also his house name. Has a habit of "picking up strays".
Lucien. "Light" (literal light) or "bright eyed". Rudy's life partner. Also pretty significant side character. Grew up in the same noble household as Griffith after he left.
Einar "bold warrior". Old Norse. One of the twins Casca has. Assumed to be Guts' child (because that's how they thought twins worked back then)
Caius "rejoice, joy". Latin. The other twin. Assumed to be Griffiths child.
Dawn. Self explanatory. Unplanned surprise daughter that showed up in a basket. Claims to be of Griffith's blood. He denies this, but Guts isn't fooled. Gets passed off as Rudy's and Lucien's ward.
Alaric "all powerful ruler". Guts' biological father.
Kane "warrior". Labann's oldest child and Heir. Waylens Squire.
Oliver. Has quite a few meanings, but here takes from "olive branch" from Norman French and German. Labann's younger son and Griffith's squire. Was Corliss's squire.
Corliss "benevolent, carefree, cheery." Old English. Corliss is none of these things. Part of the Kings court and leader of a as yet unnamed group of knights. Main antagonist if there was one. Really wants to bang Griffith.
Waylen "land by the road". Old English. Corliss's best buddy and evil henchman. Has some moral fibre.
Drakkar. "Dragon". Swedish. Evil henchman of Corliss who is actually evil. Has weird fetishes that involve blood and strangulation.
I have more but they aren't as important in this one.
Those are all I have for now. :) the joy of naming things
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darling-leech · 2 years
Einar Kennet Viggo’s Skyrim Character Sheet
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Here’s the Skyrim Character Sheet I used.
Here’s a blank one, if ya’ll wanna use it as well. Also here’s the Font I used.
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Name: Einar Kennet Viggo
Name Pronunciation: ai · naa(Einar), Ken-net(Kennet), and v-EE-g-oh(Viggo).
Age: 40
Birthplace: ????
Birthday: March(First Seed) 17, 4E 161
Race: Nord
Birthsign: The Steed
Class: Barbarian/Warrior
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender Male and He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual. Also Polyamorous.
Religion: The Nine Divines?
Height: 6′1 FT
Weight: 160 LBS?
Weapons & Tools: Iron Sword
Armor, Clothing, & Accessories: Iron Helmet, Studded Armor, Hide Bracers & Hide Boots. Also the Leveler’s Necklace & Leveler’s Ring(Both of which are part of the Levelers Tower Mod)
Powers & Abilities: All Dragon Shouts, But mainly uses Bend Will, Dragonrend, Unrelenting Force, and Whirlwind Sprint. Also is 100% on Destruction & Restoration. Also Fus(Force Without Effort) and  Agent of Dibella. 
Main Skills: Archery, Alchemy, Block, Destruction, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, Light Armor, One-Handed, Speech, Smithing, and Two-Handed. 
Personality: Adventurous, Aloof, Assertive, Aggressive, Charming, Distant, Dominant, Hedonistic, & Promiscuous.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine 
Enneagram: Type 8w7 - The Nonconformist(SX/SO variant)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor(Has some Slytherin traits tho too)
Factions: Bards College, The Companions, The Greybeards, House Telvanni, House Redoran, and Imperial Legion?
Titles: The Last Dragonborn/Dovakiin and Harbinger.
Likes: Fighting, Being Sensual(If you know what I mean lol), Drinking, and Being with Friends.
Dislikes: Being Alone/Feeling Lonely. Used to dislike getting close to people til he met Kloie Draasi and Eugenia Alexandra Ronec(My Self Insert OC). 
Background(Sorry it’s kinda messy, will update if I feel like it or whatever): Einar is my Dragonborn OC. He's friends with my other Skyrim OCs, he meet them during his travels in the events of TES: Skyrim. Also he's friends with Hadvar. He usually just wanders where he's needed or living it up at the Levelers Tower(A Player Home Mod). Is friends with Eairein, Eugenia Alexandra Ronec(My Self Insert OC), Kloie Draasi, and Hrafn Loki Hove. Is Acquaintances with Ghorgak Shezob Yazbug.
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Developer notes - Character descriptions
Each character with a speaking role (no matter how small) has a "bio" - a summary intended mainly for the voice acting crew. These notes include some details that a director should have in mind when choosing an actor for the role. The "age range" does not reflect the actual age of a character, but rather how young or old their voice should sound. It’s also originally given in hexadecimal system, so I added the conversion to decimal. 
Without further ado, here are all the character profiles from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, sorted by factions they belong to.
Stone-Bear Hold
Avvar Augur
Gender: Male
Character description: The Augur is an important figure in a village of people called the Avvar “barbarians” in the wilderness. He’s a magic-worker, a councilor, and an intermediary between the real world and the spirits. He can be a bit “otherworldly” as a result. He’s a smart man, unexpectedly jolly for his solemn position.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Thane Svarah Sun-Hair
Gender: Female
Character description: Thane (leader) of a hold of “barbarians” called the Avvar, a proud, independent people who live by hunting and trading in the wild. Tall and wiry, she is still strong despite her age. She’s a fair and observant woman who can judge the moods of her hold and the other hold they trade with in the blink of an eye. Smart, pragmatic, and not afraid to hit things or make hard decisions.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)2D = (dec)45
Gender: Female
Character description: This is a bear. Like literally a bear. I’m adding this because I need lines in the conversations where people talk to the bear, and the bear grunts or growls, but unless there is an actor who does like an AWESOME impression of a bear, I’m assuming we are using existing bear-audio.
Accent: Grizzly or Northern Brown
Race: Bear
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Arena Master = Arrken Feldsen
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar man in charge of an arena where his people train and fight in rituals. Brisk, Loves fighting - loves the theory, the practice, the philosophical arguments about honor and when to fight - loves it all. Gets a bit bloodthirsty when cheering on the fights.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age Range: (hex)23 = (dec)35
Skald = Fullna Hethsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: A skald (a bard and a keeper of oral histories) among the Avvar, a tribe of “barbarians” in the mountains. Proud of her people’s history, protective of her clan’s reputation. Aware she’s a bit young for a bard, so takes the role seriously and a bit self-conciously.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. Finds himself in a climbing race to settle a dispute with another villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. Finds himself in a climbing race to settle a dispute with another villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Mountain climber = Runa Lyrsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: A young Avvar with a passion for climbing the highest slopes around your mountain home. Cheery, energetic, and absolutely fearless.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Gender: Female
Character description: A fisherwoman wondering about her cousin.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Conspiracy Guy = Helsdim Rolfsen
Gender: Male
Character description: Helsdim Rolfsen is an Avvar trader. His work takes him outside his small mountainside village and he has an appreciation for the greater world as a result. He takes pride in the fact that he’s literate, a rarity among the Avvar, and is very into “alternate history”. (He’s a bit of a conspiracy nut, in other words, but a harmless one.) Helsdim longs to see more of the world, but he’s stuck in his little hometown village.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
The Exile = Sigrid Gulsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: An Avvar = a clan of tough mountain-dwelling people who the rest of the countries consider barbarians. She exiled herself to the woods outside her village because she thinks she’s made a mistake who brought shame on her clan. A bit dour but fiercely loyal to her people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Master of the Hunt
Gender: Male
Character description: Avvar Master of the Hunt, Old, seasoned, and blunt. Slow to give out praise, but sincere when he does.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)3C = (dec)60
Gyda Myrdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: Woman in charge of burying the dead. Sly, clever. Can seem unsympathetic, but is truly dedicated to her work and following traditions properly.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Finn = Finn Caldansen
Gender: Male
Character description: A kind young man who was injured while helping a friend. Sad over the death of his father.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)12 = (dec)18
Arvid Rolfsen
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar fisherman, old enough to be past most posturing and bragging, proud to be part of Stone-Bear Hold and unimpressed with the evil Hakkon worshippers.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Friendly Avvar Male = Einar, fisherman working with Arvid
Gender: Male
Character description: Friendly Avvar talking to his friends.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Friendly Avvar Female = unnamed fisherwoman working with Arvid
Gender: Female
Character description: Friendly Avvar talking to her friends.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Guardsman 01
Gender: Male
Character description: A guard for a small village. Strong, watchful.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Guardsman 02
Gender: Male
Character description: A guard for a small village. Easygoing.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Crafter 01
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. You craft goods and mend things.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Hunter 01
Gender: Female
Character description: A hunter who provides for her small village. Sharp-eyed, capable.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Hunter 02
Gender: Female
Character description: A hunter who provides for her small village. Experienced, capable.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Scout 01
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar scout. Good at his job. Cares for his clan of close-knit people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Scout 02
Gender: Female
Character description: An Avvar scout. Good at her job. Cares for his clan of close-knit people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Villager 01
Gender: Female
Character description: A hard-working Avvar villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Avvar Villager 02
Gender: Male
Character description: A hard-working Avvar villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Jaws of Hakkon
Gurd Harofsen
Gender: Male
Character description: Powerful, proud, menacing Avvar warrior. Heads a group calling themselves the Jaws of Hakkon. He serves a powerful warrior-god, and plans to voluntarily give up his own life in order to be a vessel for this god. A thug and a bully.
Speech pattern: He is chanting with a specific rhythm in his main conversation. See conversation-file notes.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Hakkon Beastmaster
Gender: Male
Character description: An evil member of a warrior cult who has kidnapped a bear for nefarious purposes. Your basic loud yelling bad guy.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Hakkonite Bully
Gender: Female
Character description: An angry thug who fights for the Jaws of Hakkon. She is trying to bully some non-warriors from a different hold, and reacts angrily as soon as she sees the Inquisitor.
Accent: North British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Hakkon Warrior 01
Gender: Male
Character description: A barbarian warrior.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Hakkon Warrior 02
Gender: Female
Character description: A barbarian warrior.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
First Inquisition
Inquisitor Ameridan
Gender: Male
Character description: A man in early middle age, an intelligent and seasoned warrior. He is somber and serious, driven by a duty he never asked for.
Accent: Welsh
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Gender: Female
Character description: This is a spirit that touched Inquisitor Ameridan’s wife, Telana, and speaks with her memories. She is a spirit of compassion, just like Cole, and has much of the same empathy and “talking as though in someone else’s head” that Cole does. Unlike Cole, she is clearly and obviously a spirit, tired and worn away from centuries of waiting for someone to tell her story to.
In life, Telana was a Dalish elf (hence request for Welsh accent).
Accent: Welsh
Race: Elf (Spirit)
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Second Inquisition and associates
Professor Bram Kenric
Gender: Male
Character description: A professor from Starkhaven who is bright, enthusiastic, and a little absent-minded. He’s the one whose theories pulled the Inquisition out here on the hunt for the Last Inquisitor, Ameridan (who vanished 800 years ago), and while he’s a little out of his element here in the wild, he is determined to see this through.
He’s innocent and naive, generally speaking, and may have a slight crush on Scout Harding (who he calls “Lady Harding”).
Accent: Scottish
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Gender: Female
Character description: An eager research assistant for Professor Kenric. She has a driven, A-type personality. As an elf, she’s faced some prejudice at the University.
Accent: French
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Lieutenant Farrow
Gender: Male
Character description: Professional Inquisition soldier. Very good at his job.
Accent: British
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Camp Researcher Male
Gender: Male
Character description: Man at research camp.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Camp Researcher Female
Gender: Female
Character description: Woman at research camp.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Havard-Pierre d’Amortisan
Gender: Male
Character description: A baron who researches dangerous animals. Intrigued by a mysterious animal that no one has ever seen. Speaks in a Lovecraft/Edwaridan-Horror-Story type manner.
Accent: French
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)2D = (dec)45
Gender: Male
Character description: Long-suffering assistant to Havard-Pierre d’Amortisan (a baron who studies dangerous creatures.) Dry, butler-like. Think Alfred from Batman.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Gender: Male
Character description: Young soldier whose friend has been murdered. Now possessed by a spirit//demon
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Forward Camp Soldier 2
Gender: Male
Character description: An Inquisition soldier.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Forward Camp Soldier 3
Gender: Male
Character description: An Inquisition soldier.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
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reader-rabbit · 4 years
Coming Soon!
Hello, all! The results are in, and I’ll be posting the first chapter of my newest work this Friday! I’m really excited to share what I called Option Two, otherwise known as Celestial Music! I didn’t get any votes here on tumblr, but I’m hoping that at least some of you will be interested in it, because I’ll be posting it here on Tumblr as well as on Wattpad (as @rachelanne017). Here is the story description, as it stands:
Marysa Arynsdottir is unremarkable. She has lived, loved, and lost, like most who live in her seaside village. But when she sings, the orca whales come. Invading travelers from a distant land, with their swift longships and cruel eyes, believe that she is more interesting for her relation to one of their famed warriors who disappeared long before she was born, and for the sword he left her upon his death. When she is abducted by the invaders and completely at their mercy, things take a strange turn as the extent of her gifts come to light. Things get even stranger when she captures the attention of one of the invaders, Einar Fostri.
The abduction is just the beginning, and Marysa struggles to keep up with the twists and turns that her life has begun to take. When those changes bring joys and unknown challenges, from the human world and the spiritual one, she must choose to embrace them, or lose those joys--and her gift--forever.
This innovative tale takes cues from Viking, Inuit, Haida, and Native American myths and legends to craft a world full of vibrant characters, high stakes, and wondrous magic.
Keep your eyes peeled this Friday for the first installment!
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drowninghell · 4 years
Semi Eita x Siren! Reader!
I’ve decided to start a new series with majority of the Haikyuu characters paired with a shape shifter or supernatural creature- based off their zodiac! If anyone has any requests regarding this series- don’t hesitate to request!
The song that inspired this is anilah w/ einar- warrior
p.s I love underrated semi ;)))
wordcount;; 2116
The transition through adult life was oddly strange, terrifying yet exhilarating at the same time. The blonde setter realised this more than anything when he left his family home and area to venture off to university. Changing the country side for an ocean town on the coast. Thankfully, Tendou Satori was heading to the same college and it made life easier in terms of finding a flat mate. They elected to stay out of student halls and get decent jobs – resulting in how Semi got his current job, a bar tender. That happened to be where he met her.
He had seen her around the university a few times, but never up close enough to actually recognise her- however, that night she walked into the bar? God his head was spinning. Semi Eita, was quite a modest person, never really was one to simply pick out appearances, but she- she was like nothing he’s ever seen before. She didn’t look normal, not in a bad way obviously. He’d never forget how she walked up to the bar, those eyes-a burning (e/c) staring back at him; he could have sworn they even glowed. The mysterious stranger ordered a drink whilst waiting for a date, and he felt himself become more off putting and sharp- just to compensate for his gawking.
Even though she was on a date with a relevantly decent looking guy, he could feel her eyes on him the entire night. Those dangerously beautiful eyes never relenting their ruthless gaze on him. At the time, he was adamant he was imagining it. His doubts of the vicious eye contact only stopped when he seen her pull the date in for a kiss. Eyes open and never leaving semi. She smirked into the kiss and it was clear – the beautiful nomad was locking on to the poor bartender who found himself gulping and frowning- he felt trapped in her gaze. Even with the woman’s tongue in another man’s mouth, whilst she  whispered sultry things into the unbeknownst ear of her date, she had the setter’s full attention – and he had her’s.
That man left with her that night and never came back. Not in the many times she visited the bar after. Every time she came back, he found himself wanting to ask the woman her name, or her number, or just maybe hear her voice? His own indecisiveness hurt his head, poor boy; she made a confident hot head /shy/.
“What?” the woman surprised him one night, speaking up with that soft voice. It reminded him of what liquid velvet would sound like- if it was ever a thing. It jolted him out of his train of thought and he had to blink to make sure she was actually talking to him. “What?” he re-iterated, kind of lost in the conversation. The grin she shot him made him even more of stammering mess. “You were staring at me.” She was a temptress and knew how to mess with him. That smug expression had him clicking his tongue and frowning. “I was not” he defended, going back to quickly wiping down the counters. “you were” she shot back, so confidently, that irritated him even more.” I was-“ he stopped himself when he noticed that his arguing back was adding to her smugness.
They ended up sleeping together that night and in all honesty, Semi Eita had never felt more out of control. The stranger known as y/n ran the show, he felt like a gazelle in the eyes of a lion. How her hips rolled under his hands, the subtle cure in her spine and that movement of her body. Her kisses were like ecstasy and to be quite honest- he was addicted. she reminded him of lust, in human form. she was  gifted and it was as though she knew every inkling of how to pleasure him, he didn’t know anyone else could compare, ever. That night he watched you doze off; he watched her  fall asleep and hoped that he’d see her in the morning.
 Of course he didn’t. she had left well before he had awoken.  In your place- a phone number on a small scrap of paper and then he got an ear full after Tendou bursting in the door and screaming about how he didn’t get a snippet of sleep because of his radical sex last night.
 The one night stand turned into a four night stand and on the fifth night, she was actually still there in the morning. He awoke to her, sleeping soundly next to him. The rays of light peaking in through the blinds illuminated those beautiful features and he was adamant if he kept staring at her he would catch feelings. That was one way for him to get his heartbroken. It was adorable, how she tucked her face into the crook of his neck and nuzzled closer to him. He’d kiss the crown of her head and as she stirred she littered gentle little kisses along his collar bone. Stretch in his arms and crack her brilliant eyes open. “Morning...” even her morning voice was cute. “Look who actually stays to see the sun...” how the woman would sleepily chuckle against his neck made his heart flutter. “Not intentionally Eita~”
`It became a common occurrence. Eleven months went by and still, the weird friends with benefits relationship they had going was still strong. Although now they basically knew most things about each other, she spent every other night together and some dates as well. The rule in the beginning of the relationship was no feelings. It was to stay casual, simple. No strings attached. Eita knew the minute she wanted to end this, he was royally fucked. He was so infatuated with her still; it hurt his chest to think that she wasnt actually his. Yeah, he was fortunate to wake up to her some mornings but he wanted more. He wanted her to be his. To tear down that wall of ambiguity that shrouded her. He wanted her and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide it for much longer.
 She  had met a few of his friends, Tendou liked her but was apprehensive- the rest didn’t know how to feel. she seemed, that little bit too perfect for them aesthetically, just unnatural. Those eyes alone could intimidate a person, no matter how big they were. Semi noticed it. y/n just seemed /unhuman/ ?
 The straw had broken the camels back when she blew semi off for another guy.  They had arranged that she would stay the night given she hadn’t seen him for nearly two weeks, when she cancelled (again) last minute with some shitty ass excuse that pissed the setter off. The blonde decided instead of wallowing in his sorrows he would go on out with Tendou and a few of his class mates. The night was good, they got drunk, danced. Tendou was even bringing a girl home! Many women approached him, but in all honest- Eita couldn’t even give them the time of day to know their names. They weren’t her. With sad thoughts on his mind and alcohol in his hand, the night spiralled. His social battery ran out and he just wanted to go home. Subtly, he bid his friends goodbye before leaving the packed club.  The cold night air helped him sober up slightly, there was a bitter bite to the breeze that led him to shove his hands into his pockets. He couldn’t get her out of his head; he was beginning to wonder how much he had drank. He was adamant he could hear her voice. Eyes lifting from the footpath and fixating on to your figure. You walked hand in hand with a tall man. He couldn’t see his face. He could just see her’s. His jealousy, his want and need for her motivating him forwards. His jealousy.
 y/n’s laugh- it was stunning, such a musical quality. He had never heard anything like it. she looked over her shoulder, and it was as though he had met her all over again. He was trapped, that gaze of her’s was cruel and unrelenting. He found himself changing course and following her. His feet moving of their own accord. The wind picked up and whipped her hair around her face- but she didn’t seem to care. she walked on, hips swaying. The streets were empty. Only y/n, Eita and the faceless man on your arm. You were humming and it was scarily perfect, it made him want to sway his body to the melody.
Waves crashed and curled in on themselves in a white and blue frothy mishmash. Stones knocked together as they lay victim to the brutal beatings of the sea. The wild blue abyss churned and moved- she had a life of her own, lapping up the shore and claiming the land as hers. Despite the dark night, the obsidian sky was sent alight with violent forks of electricity. They jolted across the sky and served as the only source of light. Then Thor’s hammer rolled in, thunderous bellowing resonating all around. The sea was angry. As was the sky.
 Warm brown eyes scanned the whole scene; a slow building panic reared its ugly head. How did he get here? Where did she go? Lighting cracked across the sky and for a moment, he could see her lone figure, sauntering down the pebbled beach.
“Hey! y/n!” he called out, his deep voice being drowned out by the violent torrents of the sea. Stumbling after her, he was in the dark again, shuddering when thunder joined the lighting. Eita kept walking straight after her, despite not being able to see.
The furious sky was sent alight again, she turned to be facing him, but still so far. Knee deep in the salty water. “Y/n! Stop shitting around!” the worry ebbed at his voice and he broke into a run after her. The water drowned his sneakers and had already begun to absorb into his jeans. He was afraid, for her. He was shivering as he walked deeper and deeper into the water.
When he was gifted his sights back by the electricity above, she was waist deep and flashing him that radiantly brilliant smile that always melted his heart.  He stopped; he was freezing and refused to go any deeper. “y/n, come on, you had your fun- lets go home. “she opened her mouth to talk and a language he could not understand left her lips. A song.
Everything went silent, the waves and sky lost their voices, and he stared at her,  usually fiery (e/c) eyes turning a glowing white. The longer he stared, the more his head filled up with those beautifully incomprehensible words. His arms that were previously in his pockets fell limp by his side. Those honey brown eyes of his slowly began to lose their colour. When she began to move deeper into the surf. He followed you.
Deeper and deeper.
Eyes changing and matching her own.
He wanted to touch her.
To hold her.
Hands reached out and cupped his cheeks; they evaporated any cold from his body. Her hands. His ominous white eyes gazed back into her’s. She still sang and he felt his eyes droop, struggling to keep himself awake. The waves lapped softly against his shoulders, then his neck. she led him further out of the shallows until he was completely submerged, still. she brought him out more- further and further. She was looking down at him now and he could feel his chest tighten, he needed to breath.
He couldn’t contemplate what was happening, he just wanted to be with her. He was convulsing with the need for oxygen, yet he couldn’t move to swim to the surface. Semi wasn’t sure he wanted to. Her voice wouldn’t let him. Lips turning blue, bubbles streaming from his mouth, yet she looked so perfectly calm, her hands holding his cheeks as he struggled. His limbs began to grow limp, her face got closer to his, slowly, and those now lifeless eyes of Semi’s slowly began to shut, the cold began to creep in and her warmth fleeted. Y/n’s musical anthem ceased. Her eyes softened and she brushed her thumbs across his cheek, kissed his forehead. Darkness shrouded him as his eyes shut. He heard her voice, y/n whispered about how much she loved and adored him , how she couldn't share him, about how she hoped he would always be her’s. Not long after, she was gone and all he could feel was the cold.
I may or may not do a pt 2 :))
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ofparrish · 7 years
- ̗̀☾ wiccan / pagan names ̖́-
so i was actually looking for some wiccan names and was getting a hard time trying to find some that i actually liked enough to use, and when i searched through tumblr i really couldn’t see much ?? plus it’s almost the best time of the year — aka halloween my dear spoopy friends — so why not !!!!!!!  under the cut you’ll find a list of wiccan/pagan names you could use for witchy purposes. they are sorted by female, male and unisex, but they’re definitely not restricted by those labels. please like and/or reblog if you found this useful in anyway, and most importantly, enjoy!
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adamina (of the red earth)
adalia (noble one)

adara (beauty)

adonia (beautiful)

adora (beloved)

airlia (ethereal)
alaine (dear child)

alaura (laurel)

alena (bright one)

alida (small winged one)
amadore (gift of love)

amara (immortal, steadfast)

amarande (immortal)

amaris (child of the moon)

amber (jewel)

ambra (jewel)

angeni (spirit)

apollina (gift from apollo)

aquene (peace)

aradia: (a character from the “gospel of the witches” book)
ariadne (greek goddess of fertility; most holy) 
autumn (season)
azura (clear blue sky)

bonamy (good friend)

brynn (hill)
callia (beautiful)

calliope (beautiful voice)

cameo (skin; pinkish stone)

caterina (pure)
catriona (pure)

ceridwen (the celtic goddess of poetry; beautiful as a poem)
chantal (stony, song + my actual name so it’s always a bonus asgfk)
charis (charity)

chenoa (dove)

creissant (to create)

cressida (gold)

dabria (an angel)

dakota (friend)

damara (gentle)

daralis (beloved)

deheune (divine one)

divone (divine one)

dyani (deer)

ebony (dark beauty)

edana (passionate)

eleta (chosen)

ena (fiery; passionate)

enid (spirit)

enola (solitary)

ermin (universal; whole)

esme (kind defender)

ethne (fire)

fanchone (free)

faye (fairy)

filia (friendship)

gaia (mythological goddess of earth)
galatea (pygmalion’s inspiration behind “my fair lady”)
gavenia (white hawk)

gemma (jewel)

glenys — or glennis, glynis (someone living in a glen)
grainne (love)

halcyone (tranquility)
iris (goddess of the rainbow)
jacy (the moon)

javan (angel of greece)
kassia (pure)

kendra (prophetess)

kimi (secret)

ladonna (lady)

leala (loyal one)

lena (light)

lona (solitary one)

lorna (alone; solitude + personal favorite, and actual character from over the garden wall)

lucia (light)

lucretia (brings light)

mai (coyote)
maida (maiden)

meda (priestess)

natane (daughter)

nenet (goddess of the deep)

neona (new moon)

niamh (bright)

nimue (memory)
nokomis (daughter of the moon)

obelia (pillar of strength)

olathe (beautiful)

orela (announcement from the gods)

orenda (magic power)

orianna (golden; dawn)

oriel (golden; angel of destiny)

panthea (of all the gods)

panya (crowned with laurel)

persephone (goddess of the underworld)
philana (lover of mankind)

philomena (lover of the moon)

rain (self explanatory)
raissa (thinker)

raven (self explanatory)
roisin (little rose)
rowena (slender and fair + a tiny harry potter reference, too)
sage (prophet; aromatic plant used for cleansing)

soleil (sun)
solita (alone; solitude)

tania (fairy queen)

terentia (gaurdian)

thadea (courageous)

thalia (to blossom)
topaz (gem)
vala (chosen)

verena (defender)
wind (self explanatory)
willow (a tree that is believed to possess magical powers)
acelin (noble)
adonis (manly beauty)
alastair (defender of mankind)
albus (white + very cool for potterheads)
altair (star)
angus (special; unique)
athan (immortal)
balder (god of light)
bardo (son of the earth)
bedwyr (knower of the grave)
brencis (crowned with laurel)
cadmun (warrior)
caedmon (wise warrior)
caradoc (dearly loved)
castor (a twin from the gemini constellation)
caton (knowledgable, wise)
cedric (bounty)
delano (of the night)
desmond (a knowledgeable man)
dimitri (lover of the earth)
einar (warrior; leader)
eoin (young warrior)
evander (good man)
fergus (strong and manly)
gawain (defender of the weak)
gunnar (bold warrior)
herne (hunter god of forest and vegetation)
kaspar (a treasured secret)
keene (wise)
koen (honest counselor)
laramie (tears of love)
lars (laurel crowned)
leaf (self explanatory)
leif (beloved)
llyr (celtic god of the sea)
lucian (man of light)
lysander (liberator)
maddock (generous)
neptune (god of the sea)
oberon (noble)
panas (immortal)
percival (one who pierces the valley)
pilan (supreme essence)
pollux (a twin from the gemini constellation)
rainer (counselor)
rune (secret)
tierney (lord)
zelig (the blessed one)
adair (oak tree)
aidan (fire)
bevin (old soldier)
blair (child of the field)
cyrus (young lord)
devin (divine)
kieran — or keary (little dark one)
lark (a song bird)
morgan (lives by the sea)
phoenix (deep red)
quinn (wise)
river (self explanatory)
rowan (little red one, tree)
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xsoteria · 2 years
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❝The griffins, hand them over.❞
He can finally have hordes of the flying, majestic creatures on his island. All other animals, except the chocobos, HAD to go now.
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xsoteria · 2 years
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“P a i n, kupo.”
NO, he is NOT happy to be fighting a fucking tree in Abyssos. And he likes less vanishing platforms and experiencing giant arms slamming into him and knocking him out until his cohealer deigns to revive him.
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etherealspacejelly · 2 months
The Lonely Warrior - Prologue
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Nick Fury, Original Characters, Original Child Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character, Light Elf Characters (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Additional Tags:
Avengers Family, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Avengers Tower, Avengers Compound, Original Character Death(s), Adoption, the avengers adopt a kid
Einar is the last of their kind, the Light Elves. They fought to protect the universe and won, but lost everything in the process: their family, their purpose, their entire species. Just a child with nowhere else to go, they are taken in by the Avengers, recruited by Director Fury to use their unique skills and abilities to help protect the Earth in exchange for a place to stay.
Basically, the Avengers accidentally adopt an orphaned alien child with superpowers.
TW for parent death, child abuse, and panic attacks. Please lmk if there's anything else I need to add to this list!
Tag list: (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
@fraudfrogz @wiggles-mcgee @nothoughtsgayboy @dobry-slimak @biblically-accurate-chaos @frogofalltime @emilytheghostwitch @shortergaything @cipherdragon
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etherealspacejelly · 2 months
assuming Einar's powers haven't been intentionally vague and that we just don't know much about them cuz the 2nd chapter wasn't focused on the fight, what are his powers(that you're willing to mention)? If there aren't any you want to mention but don't want anyone to know that you can just not respond. I know you have a lot of asks in your inbox so if you don't respond I'll prob just assume you didn't see the ask.
Einar can do elemental magic (earth, air, fire, water), essentially like the avatar in the last airbender lol. they can also fly/levitate.
idk if it really counts as a superpower but they also have increased physical strength and healing abilities, and finely tuned instincts because yk. highly evolved warrior race. ofc they're gonna develop those things via natural selection.
im considering giving them more powers as they grow up? like maybe light elves develop some powers in infancy but dont get all of them until they hit puberty.
in my head they've always been much more powerful but i wanted to nerf them a bit for the fic to avoid the mary sue allegations lmao
also just a gentle reminder that Einar uses they/them pronouns :) (i know the name Einar isnt technically gender neutral but. it fits so well with the character i just Had to use it, yk?)
tysm for asking about my oc!!! genuinely. i Love talking about them so much and im so happy i finally get to share them with the world. up until this point the Einar fandom consisted of me, Binya, and one of my high school friends lol. its wild to me that other people know about them and care about them now. im looking forward to sharing more of their story with you!!
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xsoteria · 2 years
Tags: Einar
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