#— my art ▸ you ain't seen the best of me yet
2c75ff · 6 months
tag dump;
— ic ▸ what's so foolish about wanting to have a little fun? — ooc ▸ we're gonna hit you with the aftermath — inbox ▸ and what do you want now? — memes ▸ nobody is as strong as i am — headcanons ▸ a part of the game — drabbles ▸ you're hitting your limit while i'm just getting in it — countenance ▸ am i giving you a hot flash? — my art ▸ you ain't seen the best of me yet — crack ▸ your sensors must be malfunctioning — saved ▸ too much is not enough
— musings ▸ my whole life all i wanted was a change of pace — aesthetics ▸ break out the gate with a rock in your walk — fashion ▸ talking the talk; put up or shut up — interests ▸ you know it ain't easy running out of thrills — audio ▸ we make it loud
— main; post cell ▸ i still don't fuck with the in crowd
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cassiusfen · 11 months
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This isn't my art, (it's made by @ TheHearthFox over on Twitter) but I wanted to make a long post about why this work in particular speaks to me so goddamn much. I think such a massive part of the queer experience -- and also the furry experience -- is about the abstract. This can be seen in so many different aspects of furry "culture," from the concept of fursonas to kink and and other fetish content. You and I will never know what it's like to be a werewolf and transform under the full moon into the form of a big hulking furry beast. However, us furries create art and other works about the idea of it anyway. We never will be able to be our fursonas -- our often idealized and "perfect" versions of ourselves -- and part of that really hurts. It hurts so bad honestly, to the point where I can't quite put it into words. In terms of queer culture, I will never know what it is like to be a cis woman, and that also messes with me a lot. Yet, I'm still trans, my identity can change, I can perceive myself as whatever I damn well please. Identity allows you to shape yourself and the world around you in your own image, even if not everyone can see its beauty.
We have ways to get at least somewhat close to how we feel in our abstraction. VRChat allows you to make an avatar of what ever you want, whether it's your fursona or just an ideal version of you. Hell, it doesn't even have to be you, it could be anyone or anything really. We have a whole industry based around creating big ass costumes that allow people to at least look something like their desired character. But it's not enough. It's never enough. I ain't religious, but sometimes I feel like I've bitten the apple, been kicked out of the garden, and now I'm left to fend for myself with an identity that my physicality will never match. When I made my fursona using an avatar base in vrchat and configured it to match my real world body scales and looked down, I honestly started crying. I take the headset off, and I'm still me. Everyone takes the headset or fursuit off and they're still the body they were given, not what they would choose. Our reality is objective, and there's no way to really change that. We can act like animal people online all day, but the moment that screen shuts off, the moment we walk away, that warm, fuzzy feeling (hehe) fades.
To think abstract is to think beyond what you can normally sense. You will never get to brush the knots out of your fur in the morning, or play with your antennae while anxious (I see you bug people). We can still have those ideas, however. I know I'm on the third goddamn paragraph and I'm just now talking about the artwork I linked but this is an important concept to me. Usually, when I think of the abstract, it feels unreal, "fuzzy" so to speak. However, in HearthFox's piece, the objective reality appears out of focus and pixelated. It feels like even if we are unable to fully embrace the abstract, we can still embrace what we can of it, and bring some sort of color to a world that doesn't feel like it is made for us. The colors being outside of the lines could suggest that our abstract perception is maybe just "painted on" to the world around us, but is that a bad thing? Is it bad to take things in from the world around you, but still look at it all in your own unique way? I think not. This also isn't only about therian identity, or furry identity, or even queer identity -- it's also about neurodivergence. You are never in the wrong for thinking about the world in a way that is viewed as "non-standard" by the rest of the world. If you see yourself as a wolf, bee, fox, bear, raccoon, a fucking plane, it's not a bad thing. We can still identify however we want, and this modern way of looking at identity is the best way for us to embrace the abstract.
Go wild, go fucking stupid. Love yourself, if you're a fox, be a fox, there are ways you can feel that way, even if it's not all of the time. We can fight, we can love, we can still find ways to elation, even if sometimes existence itself feels wrong to you. This work is but one side of abstract thinking. Look at the color the fox has compared to the objective. Look how the fur drapes, how it runs down the body, or how the snout expresses emotion. Sometimes it feels melancholic, but you cannot tell me that trying your absolute damnedest to live your identity doesn't at least bring some color to your otherwise dreary and unfocused world.
Stay safe, love yourself no matter what.
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
@davycoquette with the fun question games again!
Get to Know the Writblr
Gonna put this under a cut because it got long, but feel free to treat this as an open tag if you want to hop on!
On the Tumblr Writing Community:
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since the beginning of the year, maybe? Sometime in February, I think.
What led you to create it?
I was feeling pretty lonely having no one to talk to about my writing. None of my real-life friends are writers and I'm really terrible at expressing my interests verbally, so I figured online might be the place to go. So far, I've been right!
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Oh, the people, for sure. It's incredibly rare that I come across anyone being less than supportive on here. No matter our skill level, I really feel like every writer on here has a sense of being in this shit together.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Hmmm.... I'm pretty open about sharing things about myself, so idk if there's anything major I haven't touched on yet. I wake up at 4am every morning for work, so if you see me posting at an egregious time, that's why. Also, if you ever want martial arts tips for your fight scenes, I'm your gal!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I love it when people make memes of their ocs. Makes me giggle every time.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
You gotta interact with people. I know it can be scary, but even a reblog with no tags can make another writer smile. Chances also are, if you leave a nice comment on someone's work, they might check you out and leave a nice comment on yours! A community isn't a community unless you go out and commune :)
WIP it Good:
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Lately, I've been juggling writing my first draft of Mortal God book 3 (tentatively title being The Machinations of Machine and Man) and going over @kaylinalexanderbooks lovely comments on MG1. My ghost ship project is also on a low simmer in the back of my brain, but I'm trying to leave that until I'm done with MG3.
How long have you been working on them?
Good lord, I started MG1 about... almost two years ago now? Damn, it feels like it's been so much longer. But hey, three book drafts in two years ain't bad! Honor's Outcasts, which is largely written by now, I started about three years ago.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
The two main characters of MG started as a vague daydream, which then became two important dnd npcs along with MG's main villain. I ended up liking them all so much that I wrote a short story which became *drumroll* three entire books! A lot of my inspiration came from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and the Foundryside Trilogy of books. I can't think of anyone specifically who inspired the characters, except that Astra was originally based on the archetype of the silent wandering cowboy/samurai as seen in a lot of Kurosawa films and old westerns. For anyone familiar with her, uh, things changed quite a lot.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least ten percent of my brain's storage is dedicated to my wips at all times. As for how often I'm actively thinking about them... it's also quite a lot.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Uh, fantasy stuff?" is my go-to.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I really wish I had the ability to explain my wips as succinctly with speech as I do with writing, but alas. I would want to give a nice, book jacket blurb that doesn't give away too much of the crazy shit.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos:
Name any characters you created.
I think I'm really good at names, so we're gonna go down the list!
Izjik Meautammera
Sepo Kaiacynthus
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris
Djek Kagura
Astra DuClaire
Mashal Darezsho
Ivander Montane
Elsind Cavernsight
Duchon Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III
Faalgun Falani
Nyda Burningrock
Kaulakri Ondohuroata
Anarac Fifth-Blood
Who’s the most unhinged?
Unhinged in terms of violence? Sepo for sure. Unhindered in terms of sheer chaos? I'm gonna go with Izjik and Djek as a duo. Between both of their high charismas and low intelligences, along with their combined expertise in fighting and creative uses of magic, they're unbeatable.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Probably Izjik. I've been writing in her POV for the longest.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Sometimes yeah, when they do something real stupid. But, then again, I did make them that way.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
I think I know my characters really well and base my plot around their motives, so there really isn't a huge need for control.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
On Writeblr Engagement:
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
Probably creativity. I've read a looooot of fantasy/sci-fi, so if you're doing something I've never seen before, I'll probably give you a follow.
What makes you decide against following?
Any kind of hateful rhetoric or someone who doesn't want 18+ interaction. Other than that, I think it's important to follow people who write different genres or have different methods than me.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I wouldn't say so. I get a little shy doing that.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
The characters of @kaylinalexanderbooks @mk-writes-stuff and @somethingclevermahogony all have a little place in my brain. Favorites from each include Robbie and Akash (not to be separated), Narul and Bop (love me a good living weapon/teddybear of a dude team-up), and Nellie and Stellaris (their earnest kindness makes my heart happy). If you haven't yet, you should go check out their stuff and see for yourself!
And with that, thanks for reading! Go out and have yourself a bitchin day <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC interview
Thanks to @bloodmoonloveletter here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @illarian-rambling here, and @elsie-writes here!
Last did Wade here.
Doing Jazlyn now because I don't talk about her enough and I'd like to develop her character more!
Are you named after anyone?
“Nope. The one and only, girl. I'm just Jazlyn!”
When was the last time you cried?
“Oh, pfft! I don't cry. Maybe out of sheer boredom listening to Dr. Ass-ghar ramble on about her rules and how I'm not following them! Like, girl, I can't help that I have fire powers and lit something on fire! That would be like getting mad that Gabe got a little dirty. Oh, and her meetings are the wooorst. Yeah crying for my life in there.” [It was during Ewan's clarinet solo actually]
Do you have kids?
“Girl, what? I'm not even eighteen yet! Close... I'd love kids, honestly. A lot of them! I'd have so much fun with them!”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Look, I know I come across as someone who uses sarcasm, but I'd rather just flat out say what I'm thinking. Why be like ‘wow that was so riveting’ when I could say, ‘this is the most boring crap I have ever seen in my entire life’? So much easier, no mental hoops. Besides, Ewan is the most oblivious to sarcasm I have ever seen.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“Their confidence level. I can usually tell how someone feels about themselves based on how they stand. Posture is the key, but also what they're doing with their hands.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Brown. With some golden flecks when the light hits them right, according to Ewan.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Easy, scary movies. This question is stupid - they aren't opposites. However, nothing is more fun than a horror movie. Love getting the blood pumping. Yelling at the characters for being massive dummies is also the best. Horror is the most entertaining to watch with others. Ewan thank the Lord is also a horror enthusiast. We make a habit to have at least one or two horror movie nights a month.”
Any special talents?
“Oh, several. I am pretty athletic. Took cheerleading a while back and now I am on my high school basketball team. At first, I wasn't sure I would like basketball - my coach in middle school pulled me aside and recommended it due to my height, but I love it now. I am also getting pretty good at learning archery. Lighting the arrows on fire makes that more exciting. I am also pretty good at martial arts and my pyrokinesis. Working on breathing fire without burning my throat. Thank the Lord I have Wade to heal me so I can try again!”
Where were you born?
“I was born in flippin' Utah. I know--lily white state, you'd never guess. Ewan and I plan to move somewhere else once we can. Can you believe he was born in Alium? That ain't fair.”
Do you have any pets?
“Ewan and I plan to one day get a dog. We have been planning on moving in together for a while.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Like I said, basketball. I would love to learn how to play this Alii fireball sport. It's very similar to basketball, but pyrokinetics pass around fire. That sounds like so much fun, man. Did you know they have to keep a healer at each game because not all pyrokinetics are immune to fire? And the audience can get hit too if they're not careful! This sounds like such a fun sport.”
How tall are you?
“I have finally passed six-foot-three. Alii heights are a blessing and a curse.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“I hope you tell me PE counts as a subject cause I ain't saying anything else. School sucks, girl. I have gotten detention for the lamest reasons imaginable.”
What is your dream job?
“I would love to be in sales. Something about convincing people to do what I want is inticing. Planning on getting a marketing degree when I go to college next year.”
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @eccaiia @mysticstarlightduck @monstrouswrites @mrbexwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @winterandwords @i-can-even-burn-salad @elizaellwrites @chauceryfairytales @somethingclevermahogony @faeriecinna + anyone else who wants to!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Blanks below the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
^for an easy copy and paste
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mlmxreader · 2 years
One Of A Kind | König x m!reader
@corpsefry asked: i love your writing sm no one gets it ur my #1 writer forever and always🤞could i request könig x male reader with prompts "we could run away together" and "Here, have half my cigarette, it'll calm you down"
summary: König is always there to greet you after a flight, always.
tws: smoking
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
The pride of the RAF, a pilot with great tactics, both feared and celebrated, you were no stranger to danger and no stranger to being quite well known; the pride of the RAF, you could hardly ever get a few moments to yourself when you were on the air fields, always mobbed by pilots and recruits alike begging for your advice, your input. You wondered if rockstars felt as nervous and off-put as you did when you were surrounded by dozens of questions and requests. But at least there was one good thing about being back.
König. Always waiting next to Cohen, towering over the Air Chief Marshal with ease, yet completely and utterly immersed in their little conversations. Cohen didn't mind, always making casual conversation with your boyfriend as if he didn't have to crane his neck to look up at him, always walking away with a dull ache at the base of his neck.
Seeing König stood just off of the runway, arms folded and only wearing a surgical mask, was always what saved you; what kept you from being as venomous towards your own as you were towards the Americans next door who kept trying to encroach and trespass on RAF territory.
You and Perveen were always getting pulled aside by Cohen for that; reprimanded for scaring Americans, yet the two of you treated it like a sport... and if he was around, König was never one to say no to joining in. König liked the RAF for that, for including him in their games, for treating him like little else than one of their own; he appreciated it, not a lot of people did, and even if it was only because his boyfriend was one of their own, he was still grateful for the inclusion.
The laughs he let out when Perveen accused him of cheating due to his height were always hearty and full of giddiness, often coming closer to loud giggles than anything else. He never missed the way you smiled at him when he laughed like that; a look that always made him blush when he saw it.
So fond and so awestruck, like you were seeing the original 'Art Of War' texts by Sun Tzu, like you were gazing upon a masterpiece by Van Gogh. Like he was absolutely precious and priceless. One of a kind.
Today was no different, as you made your way towards the little smoking area near the runway, knowing that König and Cohen would be there; but to your surprise, Cohen was nowhere to be seen, although when you reached König, he immediately noticed your concern, and shrugged, his surgical mask hanging off of one ear.
"Here, have half my cigarette, it'll calm you down, mein Mann," he said, giving it to you and letting you take a few drags. "Cohen is doing Schlacht reports."
"Ah," you nodded. "Natürlich he is... du gut?"
"Ja," he smiled. "Und du?"
"Ja," you nodded back. "Glad there's no Soldaten on my tail for once... don't think I could handle signing another Autogramm."
From the office behind you, which you knew was Cohen's, you could hear 'God Ain't Gonna Getcha For That' by Shania Twain, and you grinned as you offered König your hand.
"Nein," he laughed softly, shaking his head. "Not to Shania Twain."
You scoffed, doing your best not to roll your eyes as you watched him finish off the cigarette before he sat on the bench behind him, tapping his foot to the beat. You raised your brow.
"You danced with me to Cradle Of Filth the other day..." you grumbled playfully. "And you're tapping your foot."
"Nein ist nein," König shook his head again, a fond smile on his lips. "Nicht Shania Twain."
"Suit yourself," you chuckled, sitting down beside him and letting a soft hum escape your throat. "Did you play with Perveen?"
"Oh, ja," he nodded. "We chased off sieben Amerikaner today."
"Seven?" You pursed your lips, more than impressed. "Fair enough! Most me and Perveen got was fünf."
König laughed softly, such a sound making you look at him so fondly; like he was one of a kind, an absolute masterpiece and anything you could ever wish for. Like he meant everything to you.
"I'm going out for drinks with Horangi," he cleared his throat, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. "Would you like to join?"
"He's your friend," you pointed out. "You don't always want your boyfriend there with you... I'm good."
"Really?" He furrowed his brows a little.
"Yeah," you reassured, putting your hand on his thigh. "König, our ketubah is in a month. I'll be your husband after we've signed it and been under the chuppah... trust me, I'll be fine if you go out for a few drinks with your mate."
"Natürlich," König hummed, making himself comfortable on the bench as he sighed softly. "Aber... what if you get hounded by recruits?"
"I can deal with it," you shrugged. "Or did you forget that I've got Perveen and Bashar on base with me?"
"My bad," he murmured, still smiling. "Mein Kampfflieger."
"Immer," you agreed softly. "Mein Scharfschütze."
"Und, the flight," he looked at you with those big old puppy dog eyes that you could never say no to. "Es war gut?"
You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat to try and get more comfortable, hoping that you wouldn't get splinters in your ass through your uniform. "Sehr. We were only messing around with the Red Arrows, so... nothing groß. Thankfully."
"After our ketubah, and after we've stood under the chuppah," he started, "we could run away together. Settle somewhere."
"Nein, mein geliebter," you said softly. "Maybe one day, aber... not now."
"Alright," König agreed. "Ten years?"
"If we're both still alive," you took his hand in yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. "If we're both still alive in ten years, we'll run off together... how does Tschanigraben sound?"
"Oh, sehr gut!" He beamed. "Tschanigraben it is!"
"Y'know, König," you reached over to press a kiss to his temple. "You really are one of a kind."
He couldn't keep the grin from his face.
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goteambrooklyn · 7 months
Barbie Black History Month Music Video! 🎶| Dance & Sing Along to “Legacy” with Barbie! (youtube.com)
Uploaded February 1, 2024.
"Barbie is celebrating #blackhistorymonth with a brand-new Music Video! Happy Black History Month!"
Audio version: Legacy (youtube.com)
Provided to YouTube by Mattel - Arts Music Legacy
Vocals: Barbie
Composer: Lauren Evans
Composer: William J. Fuller
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Lyrics below the cut:
[Spoken] It's me - Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts!
[Sung] I come from a rich, rich history My roots are strong, yeah, they run deep I feel it in the rhythm with my feet Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba
Every generation's story Another branch in my family tree I hear it in the melodies I sing La, la, la, la, la
Passed down from heart to heart We all play a little part And I do my best to play it well
'Cause I'm building my, my, my legacy I get to make my own history L-E-G-A-C-Y, legacy Oh, it's my legacy
I'm building my, my, my legacy I get to make my own history L-E-G-A-C-Y, legacy Oh, it's my legacy
It's my turn to reach for the stars And I feel them cheering me on They're with me, keeping me strong Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah
Passed down from heart to heart We all play a little part And I do my best to play it well
'Cause I'm building my, my, my legacy I get to make my own history L-E-G-A-C-Y, legacy Oh, it's my legacy
I'm writing my name in the sky Give 'em the credit I'm so thankful for all they did Now it's my turn, I'm ready, I'm ready You ain't seen nothing yet
'Cause I'm building my, my, my legacy I get to make my own history L-E-G-A-C-Y, legacy Oh, it's my legacy
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occatorcreator · 6 months
Wait, so are all the planets... Well I guess their not all planets. ahem, celestial bodies heads draw to scale from their real life counter parts? Seems like it and if that's the case then the Gas Giants are going to be horrifying big and don't get me started with the Sun. (Also wdym that you do request? Like we could actually request art? If so maybe you could to 50000 Quawar or whatever you call it. I was always interested in it's weird ring system)
It is indeed! I thought it would be fun to draw the celestial bodies to scale. Or at least close to scale, I anticipate that there will be some inconsistencies in order to make things clear. But I will try my best because it is a lot of fun drawing such large and small scale characters next to each other.
I have been sketching some concepts of Jupiter compared to Earth and Ceres and hoo boy if you thought Ceres was tiny compared to Earth, you ain't seen nothing yet when she's next to Jupiter!
And yes, I am open to art requests for now! I had to look up videos of Quaoar and they're a nifty dwarf planet- they feel a bit punk-ish to me:
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and I opted to give them a belt that represents their ring system!
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blasphemousgoggles · 1 year
Strange Mr. Qi Part 2
A Mr. Qi x Reader, I might have to make more parts.
Warnings: Mr. Qi is the warning (Stalking)
Edit: Part 3 Added
He’s blue. Not in a sad way but in the way that he is literally blue. Now you had seen many things before, all sorts of strange monsters but you had never once seen a blue man. Other than that time Clint had to drink one of those Joja Colas for a commercial and got food poisoning but that's besides the point. You highly doubt that Mr. Qi would be drinking those liquid abominations. While strange you suppose that he was at least a very lovely shade of blue, a beautiful pale blue that you can see in the sky or maybe in an aquamarine from the mines.
He was tall enough that you had to crane your neck to look at him, his hair was a deep purple just above his shoulder and his hands were clasped behind his back. You couldn’t see his eyes due to them being covered by his amethyst lenses. He dressed very extravagantly, he wore a sleek button up and slacks, the fabric of his clothes looked like space itself. Blue, green, and yellow stars were glistening in and out of existence, a bit like a Christmas tree. To top it off he was wearing a wide brimmed hat that appeared to be made out of the same cloth of his outfit. While not traditionally, he was… really pretty Oh. Nah. Not happening. It's the weird stalker blue man, my guy. Walking red flag but blue. Why are you like this, out of all things to think about? Why. Get that thought out of your head. Better yet don’t think. Perishing the thought, you quickly avert your eyes away from him, he most definitely noticed that you hadn’t greeted him yet.
“Er- yeah, you too I guess…” you sound way too shaky man, pull yourself together then you can ask some questions. His smile widened and you can see the pearly whi- OH BOY does he have sharp teeth. You break out in a cold sweat, why are his teeth like that? It makes his grin look so much more menacing than it should, like you feel like you're gonna get eaten alive with those teeth. Please stop smiling. “Tell me do you know why I singled you out?” You frown, honestly you had no idea. You shake your head. “You've got the 'spark'… that's why I singled you out.” What. You furrow your brows “Spark? Sorry I don’t understand what that means.” Clearly he finds your confusion amusing because he starts chuckling. “What spark? The conduit of mystery, of art, of exploration… People like us have a responsibility to keep the world alive, to give folks a taste of the extraordinary. He then bent down to look at you better. “You see, kid, the world's like a bowl of rice. It's got substance, but it ain't worth nothin' without a good, zesty sauce. That's where we come in.” He gestures. Did this guy just compare you to a sauce? And you're now noting that he calls you kid a lot, why? He can’t be that much older than you. He continues to speak, “Didn't you ever wonder who put those treasure chests in the old mine shaft?” Now that catches your attention, you look at him quizzically, “Yes I have, but why would you leave them there?” he grins much more normally now, his voice deepens “I like to give people surprises. You'll understand someday. Just keep doing your best and never give up.” He straightens up and looks down at you. That was actually pretty motivating, your nerves were calming down just a bit with the added distance. “Thanks. I think. I mean I appreciate your- uh faith in me. Your quests made me feel more entertained in a way and you showed me that there's more I don’t know in the Valley.” Mr. Qi smiles softly, he looks as though he's about to say something so you quickly add “Also, I have to ask you some questions. I am a bit confused on a few aspects.” Mr. Qi doesn’t turn to look at you but he tilts his head to your direction and raises an eyebrow. “How did you get my information? Like on the club card you somehow got a photo of me and my full name. Are you keeping track of me somehow? What's the point-” He places his pointer finger on your mouth and shushes you like a child. Rude. “Dear, I can’t answer all of those questions right now, it would ruin the intrigue and excitement.” He smiles and removes his finger away from his mouth and points to a bear shaped machine. “That can answer one of your questions however.” with that he waves you off.
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
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Stuff like this always make me laugh. Because at the end of the day:
Just what is "problematic ship"?
Now, on one side you have clearly messed up ships that involve incest, age gaps where one is a minor, grooming, any type of abuse, kidnapping etc. etc. - we all agree those are aspects that make ship "problematic"
But then, is ship between 20 and 30 year olds problematic? What if they've known each other for years but only started dating when younger one was 20? How about 25 and 45 year olds? How do I know someone with "dni if you ship problematic stuff" in bio won't bother me for something like that? How about 16 and 19? My best friend had that age gap with her bf back in the day, they're still together and one of healthiest couples I even had luck of knowing. And yet there are people online who adamantly insist such age gap make relationship inherently abusive cuz power imbalance induced by age difference. And yet I've seen a relationship between 15 and 18 year old where 18 year old guy had to escape from this possessive jealous irrational 15yo girl
What about all the action TV series or animes where characters are on opposite sides and tried to kill one another? Enemies to lovers trope? Or if just one side attempted to murder or harm other? That's still abuse right? Or if A murdered B's family member? Would you call shipper an apologist? Or if one of characters is a bigot? Is any fan automatically a bigot? What if two characters didn't have abusive relationships but mistreated someone else? What if they had a bad fallout and one character psychologically suffered because of indirect actions of another? Where is the line what amount of 'abuse' is tolerable in a ship?
What about those fandom made found family tropes where 'son' is 21 and 'mom' 29, do we get called pedos for shipping two adults that ain't even related but fandom views them as such? How about shipping characters that appear to be asexual or aromantic in canon? Do ace shippers get called aphobic for that? How about two characters that were shipped for years but only at the ending of the series author reveals they're related? Should we stop shipping them, delete all fics and arts of them? Or when both characters are 16 and there's fanart or fanfic of them doing something other than holding hands and kissing lightly (since y'know, kids those ages do experiment with each other irl)? Do we throw half of every shonen fandom for daring to ship underage characters? What about immortal characters? Who are they 'allowed' to get shipped with? Or if characters ages are never mentioned so we don't really know if they're around 17 or 23?
I could go on and on but naming every possible scenario isn't the point. Point is that for almost every ship in media that isn't made for small kids and isn't bland af there will be something "problematic" about the ship if you're persistent to dig deep enough. How do I know if you will? When I see "if you ship problematic ships dni" even if I don't have any ships that fit first category of ships I mentioned, I still don't know if you'd view one of "normal" ships I have as "problematic" because of xyz and attack me for that
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fangirling221b · 14 days
Look at Me
Darling, to be perceived
Ain't that the biggest price you pay
For being able to see?
To taste the light that leaves from your skin
Oh! what a sin. Oh, what a sin!
I know how my face, what an awful visage
To behold, withhold,
In my eyes, a tragedy foretold
Worth putting on a blindfold
But the first time that you saw me
unknown, alone and underground
Some part of me began to break, escape
In search of the same melody
A melancholy of solace
And when your soul melds into mine
Your giggles at the funeral, my knack for refusal
Too sweet, at times too much brine
In my laughter, see your humour shine
Won't you look at me baby?
Won't you look at me baby?
Won't you look at me baby?
Would you look at you, baby?
Oh, to be loved, is to be seen
Yet, lover, I'd be
blind and beloved, to your Medusa
I'd become the screen, embracin’
The shadows you love to dwell in
I'd write this song
into the inside of your eyelids
Never to be seen again, Never to be heard
Never to exist outside, for anyone third
And I'd whisper into your ears, horny Hozier lines
Run away with you, from the Dinner and Diatribes
To roam around the woods we could end up dead inside
Watching Eros arise, all inhibition untied
If you find out one day, that I was the Mastermind
Thread of the fates that I intertwined
This perfect love story that I designed
Would you go back to change it all
Would you look at me babe?
Would you look at me baby
Would you look at me baby?
Would you look at me again?
Oh but to love someone who bleeds in blue
I'm so sorry to have made one out of you
It's a curse, my love, an abomination
A calamity in the name of creation
Born of rage, forged by tears
Of solitude desire and despair
It's a wicked thing, Honey,
Don't heed its call
Don't feed it, it will devour
honey, it will devour
Best untamed, Better unnamed
Crawling up my spine, this art I call mine
It knows the worst of all my days
Only the worst of all my ways
Only the worst
Of all my ways
And when the debt that is love has reached its filling
Every dead version of me, tired of its killing
When the kindness in me has reached its billing
Would you still look at me, babe?
Won't you look at me, baby?
Won't you look at me, baby?
Won't you look at me, baby?
Why'd you look at me, baby?
When all is said and done,
Our undead youth, alive and returned
No plan left for us, but to ravish this skin
As close to ashes as it can come
When my ink has dried from years of treachery
No words left in me, no worship, no faith, no fury
Your secrets in my heart, are all that I now contain
Love in my skin, from your kisses that remain
When I am but an echo of what I used to be
all around us now, only ghosts of me
Remind me again, of our love story
Lover, could you be good to me?
Lover, be good to me.
At the edge of the storm, the ninth circle of hell
What little left of me, for which you really fell
What are we anymore, you could never tell
Would you still look at me, babe?
Won't you look at me, baby?
Won't you look at me, baby?
Won't you look at me, baby?
I hope you would.
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insomniac-jay · 11 months
You Ain't Really Gotta Be My Girlfriend {Riddlerchrome}
Riddler begins to make moves on Gotham's newest rogue, the enigmatic art thief, Monochrome.
Relationship(s): Edward Nygma | Riddler x Mona Lisa Beauvais | Monochrome (OC)
Rating: T & up
Misc: Title from Just Friends by Musiq Soulchild, Query and Echo are the best girls, Riddler is down bad
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When he first saw her, Riddler could hardly believe his eyes. What was such a lady like her doing being chased by Gotham PD? Her face may have been obscured by the mask, but her voice--Oh, her voice--was so lovely. Deep yet feminine, just the way he liked it.
After he brought her back to his hideout is when he finally got to see the beauty behind the monochrome mask.
Her head was full of black locks with tufts of white. Her grayish green eyes shined like lustrous jades. And her light brown skin completed her Junoesque appearance. That moment, he recognized who she was.
Mona Lisa Beauvais, pop singer, artist, socialite, and widow of lawyer Francis Beauvais. He'd seen her face on advertisements and in commercials before, but he never knew that the newest thorn in Batman's side was her.
"My goodness, you are gorgeous."
"Mèsi, but I'm not in the mood for flirting."
"Of course." Edward observed her. Her figure was shapely, almost like an hourglass. Ed considered himself a gentleman and didn't stare at certain parts of her body for too long. She walked with a certain finesse, making it hard to take his eyes off her. Did she always make people turn their heads?
It honestly surprised him that she didn't have a whole row of men lined up at her door to remarry her. He knew he would given the chance.
"You look tired. Why not spend the night here?" He bowed, taking off his hat. "I promise to make things comfortable."
Monochrome hummed. "Keep the riddles to a minimum and you have a deal. But what about them?" She motioned to Query and Echo, who watched curiously from the corner. They took notice of their boss's attention on the art thief. "Won't they be jealous?"
"Will you, girls?"
"Nope. Not at all, Eddie." Query giggled.
"Yeah. She should get the presidential suite." Echo added.
Monochrome wanted to ask what they meant, but was too tired to. She'd get some rest then head to the sale tomorrow. No point in risking capture by either GPD or Batman because she's tired.
"Lead me to this 'presidential suite'." Monochrome demanded.
As Riddler led to her room, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd be able to have a woman like her by his side. Even though she was still a grieving widow and he preferred himself as a gentleman towards women, he wanted to get to know her. To study her. See just who was Monochrome behind the mask.
"Here we are." He opened the door to the room. It was spacious, probably nothing she wasn't already used to, with a queen sized bed covered in white sheets not too far from the window.
"Mèsi. Do you have any body washes or soaps I can use?" Monochrome turned on the lamp while she placed her mask down on the nightstand. The dim light of the lamp gave Riddler another view of her back and side of her face.
Part of him envied the deceased Beauvais. How could he leave such a beautiful woman behind?
He wanted to reach out and touch her, pushing her hair back behind her ear to plant a kiss on her cheek. Had he still been Edward Nashton, an honorable name for an honorable man, he'd court her and show her all the ways a man could love a woman like her.
Was this normal? Maybe. But for now, he would settle on watching her from afar.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy
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i feel safe in this acc to vent sometimes so....
(cw for existential and identity crisis, depersonalization and dissociation, a bit of religious stuff as well)
since yesterday I've been feeling a bit... off. before that as well, probably.
I'm not sure how it started, but i remember i was trying to write my thoughts down, and suddenly i couldn't hear my voice
you know, the little voice in your head narrating what you're reading? like right now? i couldn't hear it the way i usually do...
it was tyler's. and that didn't exactly upset me, but i just... it felt weird. i was writing my thoughts and feelings, it felt weird to hear someone else's voice saying it instead of mine
i tried writing about it even more (if that ain't clear yet that's how i express myself) but the more i tried to write to get a hold of myself, of who i am, the more i heard his voice instead of mine and that began to anger me
I'm not him, i could never. i get this thing that when i like someone too much I'll contemplate what being them feels like. what having their life instead of mine would feel like. but it always happens with close people, never to someone I've never seen irl
my words twisted into rap music and that was the last straw to me, because then i wanted them to have a melody behind, and a whole song, but guess what? I'm tone deaf. i can't create and sometimes even play music unless i follow it by the sheet, I've tried it before
I'll never have what he has, be that a supporting best friend who understands me even in my dark days or even the ability to express myself, to be someone
i do art as well, but recently I've been in an art block and i wondered... what if this is the end of me? if I can't create, do i even exist?
it makes no sense, probably, but I can't understand how people live without creating stories or art or something to let others know what they think somehow... that sounds insane to me even tho I'm aware it happens
i felt useless these days, but it didn't bother me as much, i can be happy being useless, i can live with it
this morning at church however, the feeling started to bother me again. like hands around my neck holding my voice, because it isn't my voice, if it's not original it doesn't exist
I don't wanna go into details of what happened (no specific reason) but holding onto you was stuck in my head like a loop. "tie a noose around your mind" it kept repeating like a broken record... "tie it to a tree... this ain't a noose this is a leash... now you must obey me...."
long story short, I'm convinced god and tyler have some sort of direct connection or something (/j) cuz the pastor says basically the same thing with other words
and i still don't really feel like myself, I'm still tone deaf (I'm learning; today i achieved playing twinkle twinkle little star by ear only) and still not original, but i know it's gonna be okay
it's weird how this band gives me such a bittersweet feeling whenever I'm going through something lol
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This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse so,
I'll get an arts degree
We can't make any promises now can we, babe?
But I can write poetry
Crisis at the IHOP where you at?
Starlight in the rearview in the back
Come here you can meet me with a snack
Old jeans and Converse look at you
Oh dang never seen such dirty shoes
Just think of the fun things we could do
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
I'll put off all my work (yeah I want toooo)
We can't make any good grades
Now can we, babe?
But I can make good cook-ies
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that it's in my head
Cause I know that it's Delicate
Is it cool that I said all this?
Is it too soon to do this yet?
Cause I know that it's Delicate
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arklayraven · 1 year
I checked out the drama on twitter and the whole thing is blown out of proportion. That person only left one comment on the artist's post and then also apologized for any misunderstanding. I personally see the relationship between Asmodeus and Solomon as abusive after the screenshots you posted. It's not queerphobic to not want to see abusive relationships and I think this kind of representation does more harm than good.
God I really wish I could ignore this but can't...I hope I get my words out right here because lol feeling emotions high rn.
Blown out of proportion? The person literally is queerphobic clearly and transphobic at that too by the looks of things.
I'm keeping this person's identity hidden because I have some kindness still even in such situations...but how can you see this as not a issue? Take note as well, these are AFTER the apology they gave to the artist...
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They say 'differing opinions' but what they are clearly showing is just pure queerphobia at best here.
Also, if you have a issue with someone's art. ship art or not. DON'T. COMMENT. ON. IT.
Keep it to yourself, or post your personal opinion on your separate post. Don't respond with negative comments over anyones art.
Also their apology is pointless to me at this point if this is how they responded afterwards.
As well about the whole damn Solomon and Asmo situation. Yes, their relationship isn't perfect. god I still don't support them as a ship personally myself much. Because of my clear reasons I stated many times before.
But I ain't gonna personally go after people over it and post shitty comments on their arts or fics involving them as a ship. Yes, you, and anyone, is allowed to dislike them as a pairing. But actions like, like this person has shown, when it comes to a damn ship, one that is very queer. Is just not excusable, even if you personally don't like the ship. Just blacklist, block, ignore and move on. Simple as that.
Also...God I've seen this talk many times over.
Not every display of queer relationships in fiction or media is gonna be perfect or has to be. Any relationship in such media can often come with their own issues and problems in story telling. But to say every display of queer pairing has to be just pure and good to be counted as 'good' rep. Really isn't okay? Like yes we'll like to see some queer relationships in media be shown in positive lights only. But some of us also like some dark, complicated and just fucked up shit too. Because that's the beauty of art and fiction. It can be either bright and sunny, or dark and stormy in story telling.
This of course, won't be for everyone, no duh, but its good to have different interpretations and options to explore and see. Freedom of creativity pretty much. Even if not everyone will be in agreement of some of those expressions of creativity.
Also its kinda harmful to want to see just queer relationships in media in just a pure light. I get what you're aiming for, but that's like saying characters like Deadpool, Loki, Harley Quinn, the whole damn cast of WWDITS, etc. Are all not valid queer rep in media because they are all complicated or show problematic stuff compared to the just happy bubbly queer rep pairings in other media.
All queer rep is valid rep. No matter if they have problematic stuff or not.
And even tho Asmo and Solomon relationship, if you see it as a pairing, isn't the perfect display of positive queer relationship rep in OM. It's still damn valid and important to a lot of people in the fandom and community.
For out of all the brothers, Asmo, is by far, the only on to truly show his queerness more openly than others. Yet because its not a perfect interpretation to some people when it comes with Solomon...Some want to see that now gone. And honestly...that's not okay. It's just censorship at that point and I'm against that shit.
Their relationship can be improved and fixed in time, I want to cling to hope it will in time. As og OM has apparently shown they did improve things between them in time...
So I hope in NB it turns out the same, even tho the writers clearly messed things up with writing from canon past information to present...
But no matter if its still a messy display for relationship. This is a rep that shouldn't be thrown away or seen as not valid, just because it doesn't fit some peoples personal likes and standards.
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settriigh · 1 year
arright, imma take the wheel real quick. i'm bad with words, but it's true that this is probably better than a msg chain. anyways, borb, we didn't interact THAT much (still enough for me to say all that) but i rlly enjoy your presence on the dash. i had seen a few glimpse of your arts in and there (but not that much as i don't use twtr) so i'm glad to see these drawings and doodles over the dash. even outside the dash, like the ocs you've shown are so cool hello??? (soft spot for azrul). as for writing interactions, they may be mostly crack or unhinged but it's no less fun. you/we're just pushing the inetivable angst to later-- as for ooc, i think you're fun to talk to, we have some matching interests too, and i like hearing about stuff anyways. i just ain't the very best at small talk. or big talk. so i guess the point is: GET APPRECIATED BORBY DUMMY
{ Rey my beloved please talk to me more io enjoy having banter with u abt our muses and ocs.. I love how u draw draven, I KNOW you have more muses but I havent talked to them yet. So going off Draven I really like I want to physically punch him in the head violently. Which means you're doing a good job!!! I mean its so fuckin scary how assholey you make him while being such a sweet person. It's so wild to like have a friendly convo and then theres Draven in the background like "BITCH U WHAT" idk, its silly and funny and good, heehee }
{Also have this }
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quinloki · 1 year
How about 001 for One Piece of course?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: ... I have to pick ONE. Ah. Heck. Well, I gotta go with Eustass Kid if we're talking over all XD
Least Favorite character: Akainu. Aikanu? The admiral guy - not even for what he did. His philosophy rankles me, and his personality makes me wanna punch in the nose.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I mostly x reader with characters, buuut - Frobin's cute, I've seen great ZoSan stuff. Thanks to @yamiyamiart I'm down for Croco/Sanji. I like Law/Kid, but funnily enough I haven't read any xD and I love the two couples that are the Charlotte kids who basically stan'd their new families and not Mama's.
Character I find most attractive: Marco. Those eyes are cheating, that chest ain't hurting anything, I wanna steal those sandals, and look he can just talk to me non-stop.
Character I would marry: It's a Legit Toss Up - Kid, Killer, Law, or Crocodile. Marco too honestly. All for different, yet equal reasons idk that I could ever choose.
Character I would be best friends with: Usopp. I'm a chicken, I enjoy drawing and creating, and I love to fiddle and tinker, and I know he would protect me from the scariest stuff - bugs.
a random thought: I wouldn't actually want t a devil fruit power. I really really love swimming too much.
An unpopular opinion: Idk - I'm a live and let live kind of person. I guess if I had any kind of opinion, popular or otherwise, it would be that some people just need to take a deep breath. Someone else's pairing or POT or TOP or OPT or whatever doesn't invalidate your own, etc. etc. We all love these characters, that's enough.
my canon OTP: Errr... idk. Probably Bege and his wife. She's feisty, I like her.
Non-canon OTP: ZoSan probably? Idk, after reading 20 Year Waltz by - I think - @landeg (I'm bad with names, my apologies if I'm tagging the wrong person) I just fell hard for them. (I also recommend the comic, I think it's up on red bubble or some such, easily worth 20+ $ imo)
most badass character: honestly, I gotta say Kid - No mentor, no teacher, no granddad or anything. Aside from Killer and the people he eventually gathered up, he didn't have any real support or help, and how far he got on his own like that is impressive.
pairing I am not a fan of: None comes to mind. I can see the pros of pretty much any pairing. I'm personally not in for under age pairing, but I mean like, teenagers date. I was a teenager, I remember that. Cutesy stuff has no age concerns for me.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Ennnnnh. No strong feelings here. I'm just enjoying the story xD
favourite friendship: Zoro and Chopper. OMG the vibes, the art, the banter, I love it. Those two are just perfect buddies.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I mean... yes? lol Idk, for a more legit answer, honestly, probably Crocodile.
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