#┊OCTAVIA ═══ ✧ in character
waywardsculs · 7 months
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wishlist for the birb dooter:
someone become a positive female role model / influence in her life
father / daughter time ? father / daughter time!!
f r i e n d s ....
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lichenbug · 8 months
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octavia n rarity would get along :)! rarity does a lot of octavia’s performance looks! since the two run in the same high-end circles they do a lot of shit talking :3
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blitzwhore · 3 months
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They said in the comments that these are all canon 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 happy pride to us holy shit
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eweeka · 3 months
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Making Amends Part 2 Making Amends Cover Making Amends Part 1 Making Amends Part 3 Making Amends Part 4 Making Amends Part 5 Making Amends Part 6 Making Amends Part 7 Making Amends Part 8 Making Amends Part 9 Making Amends Part 10 Making Amends Part 11 Making Amends Part 12
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sirazaroff · 6 months
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We are SO fuckin back
Original by @/soup-erb
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nervousninja-art · 3 days
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Some Stolitz bc I love these idiots 💕✨
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I am SOBBING with how cute this is, please a round of applause for @blitzy-blitzwing who has made me overload with adorableness 💜🩷
Kid Loona and Toddler Via from The Stars in His Eyes
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They are just too CUTE AHHHHUU
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malotte00 · 5 months
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starrysharks · 10 months
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i like my trad stuff more
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mintaikk · 5 months
You know a trait I absolutely love about Octavia?
She gets so upset whenever her dad doesn't stop what he's doing to immediately pay attention to her.
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In Seeing Stars, if girly pop waited FIVE minutes, they could've gone to see the meteor shower. But she didn't, and now her tantrum made them miss the whole thing. And you know what? I love this trait about her!
Let Via be a spoiled rich girl. Let Via be pissy when her daddy doesn't immediately stop what he's doing to pay attention to her. Spoiled doesn't always mean spoiled rotten, and she still a decent person. But she grew up with Stolas being there for her all the time, which isn't a bad thing, but she also grew up rich and was used to her every need being tended to in a matter of seconds. Of course she's going to freak out when it doesn't come immediately!
(Also, have this moment from her insta before it was archived)
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waywardsculs · 7 months
i wanted to state this very clearly: since octavia is underage, she will NOT be partaking in anything sexual. not until she canonically becomes eighteen.
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hellaversity · 6 months
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See, this is what happens when people don't count important details in storytelling just because it's not being said outright, but rather shown through character expressions without dialogue. There were hints from the beginning that Stella was always meant to be a bad person and an obstacle to Stolas' feelings for Blitzø.
Don't believe me? Watch Loo Loo Land again with more open ears and eyes. Stella is shown throwing stuff at Stolas, including his sentient plants which he values highly and she was likely aware of that. That imp butler she threw at him means she not only abuses Stolas, but her own servants too, especially those of a particular lower class race.
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Octavia's expressions here imply that this isn't an isolated incident either. That's the look of a girl who's heard this same type of arguing from her parents everyday. With how annoyed she looks, Stolas and Stella might as well have been fighting like this for years. It'd be more surprising if they didn't.
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Octavia's lack of a reaction to her mom throwing a plant that almost hit her implies that this is far from the first time Stella has thrown things around the house. That is a concerning thing to get used to. Stella is also heard yelling about Stolas sleeping with an IMP, in THEIR bed. Notice the emphasis on "imp" and "our" bed. Even Stolas' only response to that is "I didn't have time to go to a motel!" It's pretty clear here that Stella is more concerned about about Stolas cheating on her with an imp specifically and ruining her reputation than the fact that he cheated at all.
If she was truly upset about the cheating itself, she would've said something more along the lines of "I can't believe you slept with someone else!" or something like that. Throwing their imp butler and him saying "You wanna fuck this one too?" and calling Stolas "pathetic, imp-sucking face" is all you need to know that Stella is making it more about WHO Stolas cheated on her with than the fact that he cheated. Keep in mind that this argument was going on right in front of Via, who didn't even say anything or try to stop it.
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Octavia here says "You two done screaming for the day?" with little emotion, and Stolas' reply basically amounts to "Yup" without hesitation. More and more proof that his marriage with Stella was NEVER happy and never something that he wanted.
Later in the episode, Via does say that her parents used to love each other, even though we as the audience know it's not true. Stolas even tries to explain to her that he and Stella were never in love to begin with, but he didn't have the words. Because how exactly can you explain to your daughter that you and your wife were in an arranged marriage since you guys were kids for the sole purpose of producing a child, without offending her and making her think she was only born for one purpose? Or better yet, what reason is there to assume that she'd actually believe you?
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People have looked at this picture on the wall and somehow came to the conclusion that Stolas and Stella used to be in a happy, loving relationship based on this picture alone, just because Stella is smiling in it. But if you look cloesly, you'll see that smile on Stella is barely there. She's very obviously faking it to keep up an image. She's forcing it so people won't get suspicious. This is the vision of Stella that Octavia remembers from her youth, which is exactly why she was naive enough to believe that her parents genuinely loved each other before Blitzø came along for a one night stand in hopes of getting the grimoire. Sure, she had seen them arguing and fighting with each other before that, but that's mainly because most if not all parents have gotten into nasty arguments at some point that their children were more likely than not to witness.
Stella is barely looking at Stolas there, clearly rolling her eyes and just wanting the picture to be overwith already. Stolas is genuinely happy there, but that's because his "little owlette" is there with him. He's not looking at Stella at all. Another picture in their house with just Stolas and Stella together has both of them frowning and looking at the camera, not each other. Octavia is the only thing to come out of Stolas' marriage that ever gave him any real happiness. She was the only reason he stayed at that house.
That scene where Stella ignores Octavia's cry for help when she's having a nightmare and tells Stolas to go check on her instead is more evidence that Stella had never been a nice person or a good mother. You could argue that she was just too tired to do anything about it, but look again. Stolas was just as tired as she was, yet he still went out of way to comfort his "little Starfire" when she was having a bad dream. Octavia may have called for both of her parents, but she said she had a bad dream about her father disappearing. Not her parents, just her father.
Also notice the drawings in Octavia's bedroom when she's a child. Look at how many of them are of her and Stolas together, but Stella is nowhere to be found in those drawings. That shows how close Via is to her father, especially when she was a little girl, but was never really close to her mother at all. Sure, those drawings are no longer in Via's room when she's a teen in the present, but remember that her and Stolas gradually got less close to each other as the years went by and their relationship got more flawed, to the point that Via questions if her dad even loves her anymore and literally listens to music about hating dads. But the fact remains that there were never any drawings of Stella in her daughter's room and there still isn't now is pretty telling that Stella was never a good mom, still isn't now and likely never will be.
Now look at The Harvest Moon Festival. If Loo Loo Land didn't convince you that Stella was a bitch, then this episode sure will. Stella's only scene in the episode is her screaming into a phone while she's talking to Striker about wanting Stolas dead. Right in front of him and Octavia. While Via is listening to music that's too loud for her to have even heard the screaming, Stolas heard it pretty clearly. But he had no reaction to his own wife screeching about hiring an assassin to kill him. Him being completely unphased by something like that is surely a sign that Stella had always hated his guts and he knew about it. He likely heard her shouting at the top of her lungs about wanting to murder him with her own bare hands. If he's not reacting to Stella talking to Striker on the phone about planning his death in front of him, he might as well have been hearing shit like that from her for years.
Not counting the pilot, those are the only two scenes with Stella in season 1. Both scenes depicted her in the same light. A loud, violent bitch in a loveless marriage. Therefore, her reveal in The Circus about always hating Stolas from the get go is not a retcon. Not that there was even much known about her character for there to be retconned in the first place, but her few scenes before that episode showed her doing and saying nothing BUT horrible things.
As for Stolitz, Blitzø is more than once implied to return Stolas' feelings for him. He just never said it out loud and is in denial about his own feelings. He's not even aware that Stolas' love for him is genuine because between their reuniting at the Not Divorce Party and their fumbled fake date at Ozzie's, Stolas has only ever talked to Blitzø with sexual innuendos. So Blitzø had no reason to assume that Stolas was legitimately in love with him and didn't just want him for sexy times, because Stolas hadn't really been helping his case. Blitzø ranted to Fizzarolli about Stolas "acting" like he cared about him outside of sex.
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Everytime Blitzø talks about Stolas treating him like his own personal fuck toy, he looks and sounds pretty upset about it. I doubt he'd care all that much about his relationship with Stolas being transactional fucking if he didn't like him back. Right after the fake date gone wrong at Ozzie's, Blitzø is looking at several pictures saved in his phone, one of them being a photo of him Stolas laying together in bed. Blitzø looks genuinely happy in that photo, he's even smiling. He DOES enjoy being around Stolas. After Loona comforts him, he can be heard whispering the names of all the people he cares about and is close to. Those people being Loona, Moxxie, Millie and.... Stolas.
In Seeing Stars, Blitzø blushes when seeing Stolas in his human form and you can see his pupils dialating for a few seconds before he changes for a few seconds. I don't know about you, but I don't blush at anyone i'm not in love with when they get a new look. Pupils dialating are also a commom indication that you're looking at something you love. Later in that episode, Blitzo nervously sweats when Stolas whispers into his ear with a seductive voice, smiles at Stolas specifically when he causes the whole audience to laugh, and holds his hand while they run out of the burning building. Blitzø did not need to hold Stolas' hand. He could've just said "Hey, let's get the fuck outta here," and Stolas wouldn't have hesitated. On top of that, they are still shown holding hands long after they escaped and only let go once they see their daughters.
Now, onto the most complicated scene involving the Stolitz relationship, during Blitzø's ball tripping hallucination where he sees Stolas on top of a staircase and is being pulled towards him with chains. Already not a good sign. But Blitzø was already climbing the staircase before the chains appeared. Even when he saw Stolas above him, he didn't run away. He briefly walked towards him before being dragged towards him. He's seen blushing once he reaches the top and Stolas caresses his face. Also notice how the art style in Blitzø's ball trip sequence was completely different from how the show normally looks, but the moment he saw Stolas the art style changed back to normal. Meaning that Blitzø feels the most like himself when he's around Stolas.
He just wants to be in a legit, healthy relationship with Stolas out of love, not the transactional fuck buddy situation he's in right now. He wishes that Stolas would stop calling him degrading nicknames like "impish little plaything" and is bothered by the power imbalance between the two of them.
"Show, don't tell" is an important writing tool that isn't respected these days. If a story isn't being anvilicious and spoonfeeding you information with heavy-handed exposition and infodumps left and right, then foreshadowing details get dismissed and ignored, with some people straight up saying they don't count because it's not being spelled out to them every 5 seconds. This is why some people still insist that Stella's villainy was retconned and that Blitzø has no interest in Stolas despite evidence to the contrary. They were paying more attention to their headcanons than what the show actually presented, and got mad when their headcanons were contradicted by canon.
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blitzwhore · 9 months
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Tag yourself (and put it in the tags/comments if you want, I'm nosy 👀)
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eweeka · 3 months
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Making Amends Part 5 Making Amends Part 1 Making Amends Part 2 Making Amends Part 3 Making Amends Part 4 Making Amends Part 6 Making Amends Part 7 Making Amends Part 8 Making Amends Part 9 Making Amends Part 10 Making Amends Part 11 Making Amends Part 12
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fizzyrodeo · 17 days
[spoiler free 'sinsmas' leak discussion!]
regarding a discussion i saw about the sinsmas leaks, i'm going to be so angry if octavia is actually slammed both in canon and fanon for standing against stolas. the fandom seems to be on her side for now, as stolas is starting to be portrayed in poor lighting and hasn't been a particularly great father as of season two, but the fandom is very fickle; all it takes is stolas crying about how hard he has it to make half of them change their minds.
furthermore, while it makes sense that asmodeus and fizzarolli have/would take stolas' side, i dislike that there's not a large range of characters that seem to care about stolas being a cheater, despite loyalty being something that quite a lot of characters take seriously in this show. everyone either supports stolas 100% or has no thoughts about the situation, and those that do hate stolas don't hate that he prioritized some imp and bdsm fantasies over his wife and child but that he diverted from his social class. octavia is the only one who seems to care about the fact that stolas played a part in breaking the family, and i'm quite annoyed with that.
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squiddy-ink-s · 9 months
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Another set of characters for my Helluva Boss Redesign ‘series’!
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