#⧽ ⠀ ⠀ ── ⠀ ⠀ main. ⠀ ⠀ ﹕ ⠀ ⠀ you'll understand why storms are named after people.
So for those that are planning to watch Twilight of the Gods and haven't yet. My review is the following:
It's very much a Zack Snyder plot but without the bad Snyder tropes of past movies (thinking especially of 300 here). It's edgy, has beautiful visuals (Snyder projects often do), and has plenty of equal opportunity sex scenes. Plenty of bi characters. Do they look like they'll kiss? They will and much more...
There are very interesting designs. I loved the voice acting and I'm glad Thor sounds much better than in the trailer (I think they edited what he actually says to avoid spoilers).
My main disappointment is the cliffhanger ending. I hope there's a S2 with some non-cliffhanger ending. I fear for the possibility of Netflix not renewing it and think all Netflix series seasons should never on cliffhangers.
It was definitely made with a lot of research. It takes its liberties, as there's some major differences, but I love how they adapted and altered things from the myths for the story's purposes. A lesser "not-like-Marvel" adaptation would have made Loki a Fire Giant/God a la Wagner. But they had the spider association instead!!
Something I really liked is that they made Loki sympathetic without turning him into an actual child. It's something I've seen a lot, and I'm just like "Cowards, there's plenty to work with without turning him into a child!" Loki feels very much like myth!Loki. He's very sympathetic, but you'll never forget that if he's helping, it's because the goals currently align. You'll be crying at the club for Loki, then go like "Oh shit! WTF Loki!?"
GOW has done antagonist Thor the best so far. For people whose Thor is their blorbo-from-myths (because some follow me), I must warn he's currently very much like Homelander (murderous, physically abusive, predatory) but without a fully developed reason to why he's like that YET. They implied interesting things, such as a fear of eternity and wants to die. If there's a second season, I hope it develops that further to make Thor more interesting. I didn't understand his weird fucked up relationship with Jormungandr, and don't think it was necessary to turn Jormungandr into a sexy snake lady to make Loki and his family sympathetic.
I thought his powers were very cool though and you're like "No wonder this guy is so hard to defeat." Like do you ever go like "How the fuck can this guy with a hammer defeat so many people? The plot armor is ridiculous." Here you won't. Actual storm good powers. And there's some very cool shit like he can do. Fight scenes are great.
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siphoncursed · 9 months
"you can never admit when you're wrong!"
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lizzie can feel her jaw tense at the tribrid's words, a sense of discomfort slowly creeping up her spine until it just about takes over her entire body. none of this was fair and none of it felt right. "that's the problem with you, hope! you just always assume the absolute worst in me and run off with it because it's easier than owning your own issues. it's fine for you to just up and leave without as much as a freaking phone call so i knew you were okay. look, i'm always open for self-improvement and taking the steps you need to get your mind back into a healthy state but i needed you. i was turned into a vampire and you didn't even know i had a back-up plan. you would've just murdered me without blinking. you're... you were my girlfriend, one of the best people in my life and it broke me to see you go. i couldn't help but wonder if i had done something so terrible to you that warranted snapping my neck, if i meant that little to you that my life was just not in the grand scheme of your universe. maybe you think i'm this awful, selfish person who doesn't give a damn about other people but i cared about you. i loved you and it... it hurt, okay? it really hurt."
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plumipal · 1 month
The Tattoo (part two)
After scarabias overblot, and seeing what ace and Deuce were willikg to do for you, you were so touched that you decided ro get them tattooed on your body as a small heart and a spade. After that chaos ensues-
I'd you wanna read the while prolouge, then it's here
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Floyd feels a lot. He feels betrayed and enraged over the tattoo, feeling the urge to fight those two damn guppies you call friends. How dare you betray your mate like this, you were meant to be! Atleast he will show you that he will fight for his mate, if that's good or bad that's for you to decide...
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He hates the tattoo, yet as much as he hates it he can't really put the anger onto you. It's that damn mackerel and crabs fault! They must have forced you into it! Don't worry, like the good mate he is he will mark over their dumb marks, showing who's boss. He hates hurting you but he needs to do what has to be done to show that you're his...
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Jade is... off. As soon as he hears about the tattoo his composure just, shatters. He cant understand why you would play him like this, you're quite cruel aren't you? Playing him like this, making him lose his composure... you want him to kill to show how much he cares? Because he will- in fact, he will use any dirty tricks in the book to make sure he wins, magic or not..
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If magic won't work, he will result to desperately trying to insert himself into your life more than he already has. You'll have a personal butler at this point, one begging for your attention and affection,, to think all this started because of a harmless tattoo...
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Azul is about to throw up. The world is spinning, he feels like he is about to throw up. This can't be happening, right?? You, you really hate him don't you? Why else would you get those two troublemakers a tattoo but not him...
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The desperation gets worse, the longer he thinks about it. He cant stop crying, having to lock himself in the vip lounge so nobody sees how this issue has reduced him to a sobbing little crybaby. The desperation turns somewhat into determination, the urge to write up the best contract ever to make you happy, maybe throw in a little condition where you need to get a matching tattoo with him..
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Jamil is about to have another overblot. He, he is the reason? His overblot? He can't, he cant take it. Being the main reason for the tattoo makes him lose his mind. He avoids you for a week, nor being able to look at you without losing his composure and crying on the spot.
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Desperation grows, turing ugly. He cant control himself, searching you out after a week of not seeing you. He begs for forgiveness, for you to not hate him, please, he begs you... He needs you, he needs you in his life, he needs you to love and cherish him, to be your number one.
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Kalim feels off. This is one of the few times where he doesn't get what he wants. It's an unknown feeling, a hated feeling. He could be fine with anything else, bur a tattoo of your friends? Isn't he your friend too?? Is it because of the overblot that happened at his dorm? He will get you anything if it means that you'll forgive him! Please, he is begging you..
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The jealousy grows, turning into an ugly mess. He cant help but hate on the Adeuce duo, hating them for taking you from him. He tries to endlessly gift you anything you look at for more than a second, trying to get you to spend countless hours at scarabia with several parties a week that always end in a romantic carpet ride. He tries really hard, okay? Just let him show you he is the best choise...
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Epel is enraged, how dare you? The emotions get too intense, and he storms off. He cant believe you, picking favourites in your group? They may have been there before you but he loves you way more than they could ever love you!
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He is in constant state of dissaray the first day, his anger rising the more he thinks about it. The anger stops being directed towards you and instead those two dumbasses, Ace and Deuce. He cant stand their asses! Going straight to battle living shit out of them.
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Only, that isn't how it goes for him. He gets his ass kicked with everyone he tries to fight, getting so beat up he can barely stand up straight. Oh well, he can atleast leech off of you to nurse him back to health. You have to, please, he is begging for some alone time with you...
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Also please someone help him with getting a new blazer, his old one is currently torn to shreds. The fights he got into wasn't really that good for him, since he is trying to fight people twice his size. Only for you, he would only go so far for you...
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Rook feels... nothing. He can't bring himself to feel emotions currently, too stuck up on the tattoo. Sure, it's such a beautiful thing you care enough for someone that you would permanently etch that into your body. But why? Why couldn't it have been him? He is your friend too (he wish he was more to you, but that can wait, he will wait eons for you, only you)...
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You feel bad for the man, wondering why he was so down all of the sudden. You still care about him (you care for everyone, they're you're friends after all), deciding to let him stay the night at ramshackle. He is forever grateful for your endless kindness, swearing to get into your good graces just so he can one day also get a tattoo..
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Vil is desperate, he is emotional. The pain of not only comming second, but THIRD in your heart, it feels like you are stabbing him over and over again in the heart. He cant breathe, he cant stop the tears wellinh up in his eyes, he cant stop the emotions overflowimg his poor body. Why would you do something so heinous to this poor actor, he only wanted your love...
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He has been acting since he was a little kid, yet this time he cant control his emotions, the stakes are too high. Your love is on the line! He can't stand to look himself in the mirror, feeling way too ugly for his emotions, his outbursts, his feelings. He wants to be enough for you, and he will do anything to achieve that..
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THERES PART TWO DONE!!! The literal biggest thank you to @artdolliewishes for helping so much and expanding on the au with me!! It means so much to me that someone cares about a project I've done as much as I do :,)
Also I'm very sorry for being so delayed on posting, I went to the ER and all, I swear the students of nrc was trying to kill me lmao
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batman-dc-imagines · 6 months
Gotham! Jervis falling in love with a cop! reader please :>
A/N: Alice will never be written as related to Gotham!Jervis. Also this might have slight yandere-ish traits since Jervis is delusional af.
Left this on a small cliffhanger so if you want me to continue this let me know. Sorry for the wait.
Gotham!Jervis Tetch
Relation: Situation ship (a relationship that hasn't been explicitly defined) but progresses to Romantic.
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You, like most of your colleagues, probably met him for the first time when he raided the GCPD searching for Alice.
You were trying to escort one of the rookie officers, who had been hit when the raid happened, to safety.
Two big men who looked like wrestlers had jumped up onto the desks a few minutes earlier and started shooting up the place, wounding some officers in the process.
You might not have noticed him at that moment but oh he noticed you.
He didn’t understand how or why but you practically stuck out like a sore thumb in his eyes. He’d have to deal with you later though.
After Alice’s death, tormenting Jim, and being sent to Arkham, that's when Jervis saw you for the second time.
You had accompanied Captain Barnes at his request. Just for the extra support and to be a bodyguard basically.
Jervis is ecstatic when he sees you.
He’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat and waving at you all giddy like.
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He pouts a bit when you don’t acknowledge him.
Barnes ordered you to wait outside the caged room.
After a while of integration and threatening, Barnes finally got frustrated and stormed out.
You started to follow after him before Jervis called out to you.
“Don’t leave just yet, my dear”
He leaned his body in your direction.
Though the handcuffs that were chained to the table didn’t give him much
“Without you my heart will fear, the emptiness that you'll leave behind will be a pain that's hard to find”
You mentally cringed at his words.
Rhymes to be exact.
You looked behind you to check that Captain Barnes wasn’t waiting up for you.
The hallway was empty.
You faced Jervis again, seeing now he had a giddy smile on his face.
He enjoyed observing your actions.
You showing signs of hesitation to leave right now and follow after your boss made him feel all sorts of things.
Giddy being the main one.
You open your mouth to speak but jump when Barnes’ booming voice shoots out from your radio yelling your name.
To jervis’ dismay, you quickly exit the visiting cell and speed walk down the halls.
The sound of your boots echoing til you leave the building.
Jervis pouted for the rest of the day at the fact he didn’t get to hear your voice.
He so craved to know what you sounded like.
Was it angelic like a morning dove?
Or perhaps thunderous like a lion's roar?
Whatever the matter.
He’d see you again soon.
He’ll make sure of it.
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letstevengrantsleep · 30 days
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Part Eight
Previous part / Next part
Eddie Munson x reader slow burn
part summary: Eddie bumps into Rob as he's on a walk to clear his head, and finds out something that will absolutely devastate you.
word count: 1,314
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: So... you know how I said that we'd be on the up and up now that the reader is with Eddie..? That's coming, I swear :')
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Eddie's boots echo softly against the damp pavement. It was late, almost midnight, and he'd stepped out to get some fresh air, smoke a little and clear his head as you slept. His mind was a whirl of thoughts, all about you. You're safe, tucked up in his spare room where Jake can't get you. It comforted him, knowing you were sharing his space, that you were somewhere he could keep an eye on you. It was making him feel funny, the protective streak he had rearing its ugly head as his paces got wider. He took a slow drag from his cigarette, the ember flaring to life and casting a warm, fleeting glow across his face. The soft crackle of burning tobacco broke the silence of the night, as well as his thought process. Something he was grateful for.
As he turns a street corner, Eddie spots a figure learning against a lamppost.
"Hey, Eddie!" the figure calls out, pushing off the lamppost and walking towards him, further into view. Rob.
Eddie nods politely and tries to keep walking, his guard immediately up as Rob continues to walk nearer.
"Hey," he catches up, asking if Eddie's seen you around lately. "How's she doing? I tried calling today but no answer."
Eddie's eyes narrow slightly as he takes another drag. "She's okay. Just dealing with some stuff, you know?" It's cryptic, Eddie knows that, but something is nagging at his gut. Something that tells him he shouldn't be completely honest with Rob right now.
"Stuff? Like what?"
Eddie keeps his tone casual, but firm. "Personal stuff. She needs some space, hasn't been great at answering my calls either." He's lying through his teeth, and hopes Rob can't tell.
Rob's concern seems genuine, but Eddie can't shake the feeling that there's more to his questions than meets the eye. "Is she not staying at her apartment or something?"
Eddie's jaw tightens. "What?"
"Jake's been asking about her. Mentioned about going round to her's to get some stuff he left." Rob gestures vaguely, shrugging, too casual for Eddie's liking. "I mentioned about the spare key still being under that plant at the front, you know, right? Said I'm sure she'd be okay with him using it. I think he was planning on going round last night to grab his stuff. That's why I tried to call."
Eddie's fists are tight at his sides. "Fuck."
Rob blinks, taken aback by the sudden intensity in Eddie's gaze.
"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Eddie takes a step forwards, finding it hard to veil his anger. "Jake showed up last night and it turned into a huge fight. He was so aggressive towards her that she had to call for help." Eddie finds himself laughing at the look of sheer dumb fucking idiocy on Rob's face.
"Shit, man. I didn't know-"
"You talked to her. You did know."
"No, no listen man, she said he was a bit angry, but-"
"She has a fucking bruise on her face because of him, and you thought it'd be okay if he went to her place?"
"I swear, I didn't think-"
Eddie's had enough. "No, you didn't think." His voice is low and dangerous. "I had to step in and physically remove Jake from her house."
Rob's face pales, shoulders slumping.
"You need to understand how serious this is. You put her in danger. She trusted you, and you let her down. If you care about her at all, you'll stay the fuck out of her way until this has blown over and you'll keep your mouth shut."
Rob swallows hard, nodding. "Got it. I'm really sorry Eddie. I didn't mean to-"
"Fuck off, Rob." Eddie says, his tone makes it entirely clear that the conversation is over. He throws the butt of his cigarette to the ground and storms off, heading back to the trailer park.
Eddie lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling, the conversation with Rob replaying in his mind. The trailer is quiet, save for the occasional creak of the structure settling. He can feel a knot in his stomach as he thinks about the implications of it all, that you've put your trust into this new friend and he's already gone and broke that trust. He knew. Rob knew what Jake was like, that's the reason you were even talking to him in the first place: because Rob knew how horrid Jake had taken the breakup.
Part of him wanted to believe that Rob really didn't mean to put you in harms way, but he can't help but think back to how you'd described your first meeting with Rob, the way that he'd given you his number because he knew you might need support through the whole thing. Because he knew what Jake was like.
He turns onto his side, pulling the blanket up to his chin. The weight of the conversation presses down on him, making it hard to breathe. He knows he can’t keep this from you, but the thought of causing you more pain is almost unbearable.
When you sit down across from Eddie at the breakfast table the following morning, something feels off. Of course it does, you're sitting eating breakfast with Eddie Munson, unable to go back home. But it's more than that, something about the way that he won't meet your eye.
"Are you alright?" You mumble, spoon in hand as you push your cereal about in the bowl in front of you.
"Hm?" He asks, glancing up at you for a second. You can tell something is on his mind. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Just didn't get much sleep." Eddie looks to you, hoping you'll buy the excuse.
As the day goes on, Eddie finds it harder and harder to maintain the facade he's put up, trying to be helpful but also avoiding conversation. He wants to be honest with you, but figuring out how he can do that without hurting you is making his head hurt.
He knows he can't keep this up forever but for now he can convince himself that he's doing the right thing for now, keeping the information to himself until he can figure out the right way to tell you.
"Can I use your phone, Eddie? I want to call Rob."
Well, shit.
"Uh," Eddie looks like he's just seen a ghost. Shit, he mumbles under his break before taking a step towards the phone, picking it up off the hook on the wall."You can," he holds it out to you, "but can I tell you something first?"
You stare at him, confused.
"Right." Eddie starts. "I went out for a smoke last night and ended up walking into town. Saw Rob, and he got talking about a couple things." He looks over to you, checking you're still listening. "He said that Jake had been asking about you, about wanting to pick up a few things from your place that he's left behind. Rob was the one who told him the spare key was still in the pot by the door."
The room is so quiet you can hear the creaks of the trailer as the metal expands in the heat of the summer sun. The heat does nothing to stop the chill that runs down your spine though. There's a horrid sense of betrayal that runs along with the chill, your thoughts swirling with confusion and a twinge of fear.
The one time you try and make a friend and it comes back to bite you.
"Right." You choke out, words caught with a sob in the back of your throat, eyes welling with tears. You're embarrassed. And as the seconds tick on the self loathing sets in, that horrid feeling of worthlessness. Are you not worth a true friend? Is this what it has come to?
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@sapphire4082 @twirls827 @bewr0210 @maskofmirrors @saramelaniemoon @halialex1119 @mugloversonly
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musings-of-a-rose · 4 months
Falling Slowly - Chapter 10
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 3900+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I'm sorry this took so long to post! Originally this was supposed to be it, but this chapter took a lot more to write than I anticipated, so you'll have one more chapter after this one!
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**Divider made by @benkeibear 
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Main Masterlist
Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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Tommy was right about Joel. Not only did he refuse to come, he got into an argument with Tommy, calling him all sorts of names before storming out. Rose and Sarah both think he's just scared of losing Tommy, and they're probably right. My pants would be engulfed in flames if I said I wasn't scared shitless.
But the alternative is staying here and, as much as I love this cabin and our family, we can't stay here with this raider situation. I cannot lose my husband.
Tommy ends up having to do one more raider mission, but he knows that I'm packing up our things, quietly. Jax is mostly upset about leaving Sarah, but he understands why we have to leave. He may only be 13, but he's fairly observant. He's seen the weight on his father's shoulders and knows that it can't stay that way.
I get everything gathered up, provisions, any personal items that we'd need, like our packs. I fill up canteens and water canisters they had lifted from an old Walmart a couple years back. When Tommy and Joel return, Tommy actually has a little pep in his step. He pulls me in for a hug, whispering in my ear.
"I have a Firefly meetup location."
That had been the reason Tommy had gone out once more, to scout more information about the Fireflies. I don't know how he did it, but he did, the scowl on Joel's face all the confirmation I need to know it's legit.
We all take full showers, not knowing when we'll have this luxury again, Tommy and I lingering a little longer than was necessary in ours. After a full night's rest, or as much rest as we can get, when the sun has barely risen, we're putting the last of our things in the back of the SUV. Rose and Sarah had come down and made breakfast while we finished packing and loading. Joel had come down but said nothing, eating silently as we all joked and ate, trying to push away the real idea that we may never see each other again.
Rose and Sarah walk Jax and I to the SUV out front, idle chatter trying to cover up how scared we were. Tommy and Joel are still inside and we figured we would give them their space.
"If he changes his mind, just find the Fireflies. They'll know where we are," I reassure Rose as she leans over to hug me. "Even if we end up leaving them, we'll leave word with where we go."
Rose nods against me. "Did you get the extra med kit I stashed in your bag?"
I chuckle. "Yeah. Thanks, mom."
She pulls back and cups my face. "Please be careful."
"You too."
She hugs me briefly again before stepping back. "Who knows, maybe Joel will change his mind."
Sarah blows a raspberry with her tongue. "Yeah, that'll happen."
I pull Sarah to me, still in shock that she's somehow 24 and not 12. A whole entire ass adult. She hugs me tight, like if she squeezes just a bit harder that I won't go.
"You watch out for your dad, Sarah. Don't let him get in his head. You know how he is."
She nods and pulls back, wiping tears from her face. "Pulling his head out of his ass should be fun."
Fuck I'm gonna miss this kid.
The front door opens and Tommy and Joel walk out, Tommy chatting away to a stoic faced Joel.
"...can change your mind, you know. We can pack everything up and be gone in a couple hours?" Tommy ends with a hopeful note, but his face quickly falls as Joel shakes his head.
"I already think you're fucking stupid for leaving this place."
"Fair enough. Well, you know how to find us." Tommy tosses his pack in the backseat and turns to give Joel a hug, their embrace lasting a little longer than it normally would have. Tommy moves on to Rose and Sarah, Joel stepping back to give them their space.
I walk up to him and squeeze his hand, his brown eyes, so like his brothers but so very different, finding mine. "Please think about it, Joel. Even without the Raiders, you know it's only a matter of time before the kids would want to leave and make their own lives."
He nods. "I can't promise we'll leave, but I promise to think on it."
"I'll take it."
Joel pulls me in for a hug, which always still surprises me a little, as I'd thought for the longest time that he hated me, only to find out he was pissed at Tommy for not asking me out for forever.
"Uncle Joel?" Jax cuts into our embrace and Joel whispers something in his ear, which must have been some joke between them because Jax starts laughing and Joel even cracked a small smile.
"We gotta get going, Daisy." Tommy touches my arm and I look at him, nodding before looking back at everyone, exchanging our last goodbyes and I love you's.
Driving away from our little corner of this new world into an uncertain one was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
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"Welcome to the Fireflies," A woman named Marlene, who appears to be the big leader, welcomes us into their makeshift camp.
"Thanks for having us," Tommy shakes her hand and she nods.
"Anyone willing and able to join the fight. And from what I hear, you're an excellent shot. Military background?"
"Desert Storm."
Marlene nods. "We could definitely use that. Everyone pulls their weight around here. What can you two offer?" Marlene looks pointedly at me and Jax and it's then I realize that she wouldn't give two flying fucks about us if it it were between the mission and us. Something to keep an eye on.
"I'm really skilled with gardening."
"I swear this woman could grow an apple tree from a broken stick," Tommy chuckles.
"That's great but we don't really have much need for a gardener."
"Oh. Well I'm pretty good with medicine. My...sister in law was a doctor. I helped her a lot."
"Medicine? That we can definitely use. What about you?" She turns to Jax, who's eyes widen at being addressed directly, which make sense since he's only talked to us since he was 3.
"I uh, I'm good with ani-"
"He was learning medicine. Alongside me. He makes a good assistant."
Marlene looks between me and Jax for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Both of you report to the med room in the morning. You all have the rest of the night to settle in. Your room is at the end of the hall, the door with the Barbie sticker on it. I'll see you in the morning, Tommy." Marlene walks off, another Firefly immediately approaching her and speaking in a low voice.
"Well. Let's go see where our for now home is."
Tommy picks up his pack and a bag, all of us copying his movements, and heads down the dingy hallway. I'm sure this building was gorgeous, back in it's day. But the years since the outbreak haven't been kind, water had leaked through the roof, the wallpaper peeling back in places, piles of rubbish strewn about or pushed aside to make a path. We reach the door with the Barbie sticker and Tommy pushes inside, the room not much cleaner than the hallway. There were two beds in this once hotel room, but I'm not certain I want to sleep on them.
"I miss home," Jax says under his breath.
"Yeah, bud. Me too. But this is an adventure! And temporary. We can deal with this."
I appreciate his optimism, but I am also doubtful about the conditions of our living situation changing while with the roaming Firelfies.
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Life with the Fireflies was constantly busy. It seemed like they were trying to fight multiple battles, people often going on missions away for weeks at a time, our camp always on the move and not just in one area but across the country. Tommy was often away, either helping Marlene strategize or actually putting his own boots on the ground. I hated when he had to do that. He'd get this look in his eyes, much like when he has PTSD dreams about his time in the Army.
After a time, Jax asked me why I had lied to Marlene about him helping with medical things as opposed to his gift with animals. I told him I wanted him close, which was the truth. It wasn't that I thought he wasn't capable, but I wanted him near me in case something happened. I didn't trust them. Not entirely.
About 2 years in, we were stationed outside of the Denver QZ, which was still controlled by FEDRA. It took them a few months of scouting and gathering intel before Marlene finally approached Tommy and another member, Eugene, about infiltrating the QZ, attacking them from the inside.
"I'm sorry, she wants you to be, what, a terrorist cell or something?" I couldn't believe what Tommy was telling me. I knew he had to be doing some things he didn't like, his PTSD was really bad these days, but this?
He nods. "Yeah, something like that. Except we aren't terrorists, Daisy."
I count on my fingers. "Infiltrating a city, gathering more intel, setting off bombs or some shit, and probably fucking.. I don't know, torturing people or whatever terrorists do? That's not terrorism?"
He shakes his head. "It's not like that, Daisy. FEDRA is a military dictatorship. Those civilians in there are struggling and dying under their bullshit terms."
I scoff. "So you're going to free them from their oppressors by bombing them?"
He pauses. "I don't make the call."
"No. You just follow orders." The anger and hurt in Tommy's eyes cut into me and I sigh. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I am. I'm just...I'm scared."
The anger softens and he takes my hand. "I know. I am too. But those people need our help."
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6 months. Tommy had been gone in his "not terrorist cell" for 6 months. Marlene just avoided me now, not even bothering to see me when I demanded an update. She kept telling me she'd tell me when she knew something, but how do I trust her? She sends her people in like pawns, their deaths for the cause are justified in her eyes.
I remember the day he left. A soft kiss to my lips in my early morning daze, the press of his hips against mine, my moans catching in my throat as we have to be nearly silent.
I adjust his jacket by the front door, smoothing it down before running my fingers over his hair, which he'd let get a little longer these days, the curls sometimes tumbling over his forehead.
"I promise I'll come back, sweetheart."
"You better. Or I'm coming in the afterlife and dragging your ass back out."
He laughs, a sound I had become unfamiliar with, and it brings tears to my eyes. He cups my cheek, his thumb brushing away the tears. "I don't doubt that for a second."
"Please be safe. And don't be stupid."
He pulls me to him, my face nuzzling into his chest as I inhale his scent, trying desperately to etch it into my memory.
"I love you, Daisy. Keep Jax close."
"I will. I love you."
One last kiss, a swipe of his tongue in my mouth and he's gone, a small smile and freckles the last image of him before the door closed. He'd told me a few weeks, maybe a month tops. Or 2.
But it had been 6. Half a year.
Jax turned 16 shortly after Tommy had left and I could hear them trying to recruit him to be boots on the ground. Not that age really matters to them. I've seen them parade kids through here, no more than 11, putting a weapon in their hands and telling them they have a chance to fight for freedom. But Jax will have none of it. He took my warning when we first joined and poured himself into his role as a medical assistant, helping the other healers but always staying near me. I knew his heart wasn't in it, not like it was with animals. But that calming nature the animals loved allowed him to calm anyone who came in, whether they were dying or not.
It was late. I sent Jax to our room, letting him crash a bit earlier than normal because he just looked so weary. I start to tidy things up a bit, never really having the time to during the day. When I put the last tray up, I hear shuffling and mumbled voices in the hall. I listen, not to eavesdrop but to hear if they were coming my way. They were, and in a bit of a hurry. The door is kicked open and 2 men enter, carrying a 3rd man in between them.
Relief and terror washed over me as I take him in, the 2 men laying him on the makeshift examination table. I swallow down everything to focus on the healing part. There would be time for more later.
"Daisy, can you handle this?" Marlene asks from somewhere in the dingy room.
I nod, a tray already in my hand. I bark orders at one of the men and he scurries about, trying to gather up the things I need. Tommy lays on the table, nearly unconscious, the other man, Eugene, has his hand pressed tight against Tommy's side.
"What h-happened?" I manage to choke out.
Eugene looks at Marlene for permission and I see red.
"If my husband dies on this table because it's some classified-"
"Shrapnel. We didn't see the grenade. Tommy saw it last minute and pushed me out of the way. He cleared the blast but it sent shit flying."
Fuck. Fuck fuck FUCK. Not the time to panic.
"Marlene, go wake Tenari. I'll need another pair of hands."
"What about Jax?"
"He doesn't need to see this."
She nods and heads out the door, setting a brisk pace.
I pour some alcohol over my hands and wipe them together, disinfecting them as best as I can. "Ok, Eugene. I need you to move your hands so I can see."
"Yes ma'am. I just didn't want it to jiggle."
I swallow hard and can't help the gasp that leaves my lips when Eugene's hands are clear of Tommy's body. A sharp piece of metal sticks out from the side of his abdomen at a strange angle, his shirt ripped and soaked in blood. The other man comes back with the supplies just as Tenari comes in. She glances at Tommy and immediately moves to our makeshift medicine cabinet.
Fuck. I wish Rose was here. This is very out of my league. But she did tell me a bit about foreign objects in the body. It's not just the shrapnel I'm worried about. It's how dirty the metal was.
"His blood is red so it missed his liver," I note as Tenari sets down some herbs and medicines next to the bandages and rags that the other man had brought.
"That's something at least. You want me to stitch? You know I have a steady hand."
I nod. "Yeah. That might be best. I'll get by his head."
Eugene stands next to me, grabbing Tommy's arm. The other man moves by his feet. Marlene comes back in with someone else, each of them taking another leg and arm. I lean over his face, his eyes still closed, placing my hands on his cheeks.
"He's going to wake up when I pour this on him and take it out. You gotta hold him still. Everyone ready?" A quick glance and everyone nods.
Tenari wastes no time. In one quick move, she picks up the alcohol bottle and dumps it on the wound. Tommy immediately wakes, shrieking and yelling, his body pushing against everyone holding him down as the alcohol burns him.
"Hey baby. Ssshhh it's me. It's Daisy."
His eyes flash up to mine, tears leaking from them. "Make it stop, Daisy," His voice is small and raspy, choking back pain.
"I know, baby. I know. But the alcohol is doing its job. But, hey look at me," Tommy's eyes had started to wander, noticing Tenari grabbing something from the little side table.
"Tell me."
"You took shrapnel. It doesn't appear to have hit your liver, which is good. But we have to take it out and stitch you up. You gotta stay still, which we will help you with."
"This is gonna fuckin' suck, isn't it?"
I smile a little down at him, brushing some curls from his forehead. "Yeah, baby. It's going to really suck. But I'll be right here, ok? Feel my hands on you? I'm right here."
He's scared, but he'd never admit it. A moment's pause before he nods. "Just do it."
Tenari looks around at us and we nod, everyone bracing. My eyes don't leave his, not when she pulls out the shrapnel, not when the scream erupts from my husband's throat, not when he involuntarily pushes against everyone, his body trying to escape the pain. I call his name and he looks at me, pain in his eyes and I smile gently at him. I start to sing, one of his favorites and he focuses his attention on me, grunting out when Tenari starts to sew his skin back together. By the time she's done, he's stopped fighting it, his eyes solely fixed on me. Tenari places a hand on my arm, letting me know she's finished. Everyone lets him go and I end the song, Tommy still looking at me, a faraway look on his face as his eyes start to close from the stress of it all.
"You got it from here?" Tenari asks.
I nod. "I got it. Thank you."
She squeezes my arm before gathering up all the things that need to be washed, Eugene and the other man helping her. As they leave, I hear Marlene tell Eugene he needs to find his wife. Something about her not being happy.
I sit on the stool next to Tommy's makeshift bed, a clean rag and a bowl with soapy water in my hand. I start to clean him, making sure all of the blood is wiped away so we can keep a good eye on his stitches. I make a poultice from our medical stash, placing it over his stitches so it can hopefully keep away any infection. We managed to get some antibiotics in him, but who knows if those still work after all this time?
When I'm all cleaned up, I sit back down in the chair next to his bed, taking his hand in mine. I lace my fingers with his, using my other hand to push his hand back from his face.
And then I lose it.
Tears pour from my eyes like I've never cried before. My body shakes, my stomach in knots. My heart feels simultaneously like it's being ripped from my chest but also relieved that he's finally back with us. I calm down enough to kiss his cheek, speaking directly into his ear.
"You are not allowed to die on me, Tommy Miller.....please don't die on me."
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Tommy sleeps for nearly 3 days straight, only waking once to take a sip of water before slipping back into sleep. Tenari says that's a good thing, that his body is trying to heal.
He was a little warm that first day, but by the second he was cooling down. By the end of the third day, any trace of a fever was gone. The strong smelling poultice was doing its work.
He croaks out my name and my head snaps up from where I had been dosing off next to him.
"Tommy! Hey baby, how do you feel?" I feel him squeeze my hand. Even though it's weaker than normal, I still think that's a good sign.
"Like I had a piece of metal ripped from my stomach."
I chuckle, unable to stop the tears that started flowing the second I heard his voice. He reaches up and wipes away a tear from my cheek.
"Hey none of that. You really think a dinky piece of metal is gonna take me away from my family?"
I sob, nodding. "Either that or infection."
"Come here."
He pulls me to him as best he can, holding me while I sob into his chest, speaking gentle phrases into my ear to calm me.
"I'm not going anywhere, Daisy. Well, I'm not dying anyway."
I sit upright, looking him straight in the eyes. "Don't tell me you're going on another mission?"
He shakes his head. "No, baby. I think...I think we need to leave."
Relief surges through me. "Are you serious?"
He nods. "When I was in the QZ, I managed to get a job working the radio. Lied. Told them I'd had experience. Anyway, I was listening in one night and I heard some people, not in the QZ, talking about some settlement up north. Somewhere in Wyoming."
"Wyoming is fairly large, Tommy."
"Yeah, I know. Supposedly it's somewhere in Teton County."
"Another QZ?"
"No, nothing like that." He grunts, but declines my offer of more pain meds. "It's like a proper settlement or somethin'. They didn't hear much after a few radio sessions, but they did say they were working on the radio."
"So it could be overrun? Or non existent?"
Tommy shrugs. "I think it's worth a shot."
"And...and what if it's not real? Or overrun?"
He takes a deep breath and winces. "Then we find some remote cabin up there and figure it out."
Being with the Fireflies isn't really safe. We've had more close encounters with clickers being with the Fireflies than we ever have. The QZ's didn't look like great places to live either. I guess we have as decent a chance as any trying to find this place. We still have our truck so at least it won't be entirely on foot.
"Get Jax. We should ask him," Tommy gestures towards the door to the stairs that leads to our little room.
"He's only 17."
"Yeah. A man."
"17, Tommy."
"This world is different. He's smart. Just...let's hear his opinion."
Jax immediately agrees to leave, tired of this hectic life, tired of the Fireflies trying to take the medicine from his hands and replace it with a weapon.
And so, a month or so later at the start of fall, once Tommy has mostly healed, we pack up and leave the Fireflies, telling Marlene where we were heading just in case Joel or Rose or Sarah reach out. I can tell Marlene isn't happy about Tommy leaving, but she did say we were always free to go.
This time, I don't look back.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
The diference between love and obsession
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[ YANDERE COMPARISON ] [ Nejire Hado ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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Nejire was the main reason and inspiration of why I started this type of fics, she was the first one i thought about and im finally writing for her!! 🩵🩵
Although, in my head are quite a lot of things running around so i hope I made it right
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Nejire's love is intense but innocent, she is completely extrovert and loud, she is always going around with a smile and whenever she sees the person she loves she just bums more in happines and bright (as if it is even posible)
Nejire is always good to start conversations and she always goes directly for what catches her attention immediatly showing her interest with her characteristic excited nature, and, of course, the person she loves won't an exception for this! everytime she has the opportunity she clings to your side and start asking anything that come to her mind
Nejire's love grows slowly but stronge, it pass for a simple crush to a deep true love, it take a while and it take even more for Nejire to understand her own feeling and when she does she have a storm of emotions inside of her, going from excitment to even shyness and flustered (but not enough to stop her from going to your side)
Nejire's love is passionate and determinated, despite being quite clingy and going straight to what she wants she won't even think on forcing her feelings onto the person she loves, Nejire's love may be intense but is also innocent and sincere, she want to win your heart in the right way, day by day
Since Nejire's love grows slowly at first can go unoticed, but it quickly shows little signals like she wanted to be more time with you or how she shows true interest on you, remembering to let you answer all her questions before doing more since she is truly interested on hearing your answers. Nejire's love make her so happy that she doesn't even bother in hiding it
Nejire's can be caotic and loud but it can also be gente and caring, she can notice little details and her mind works pretty fast so she quickly notice your bounduries and respect them, but never stop being herself, somehow Nejire finds a way to be clingy while still respect your bounduries
Nejire's love is so sincere that she love you in your totality but also in freedom, she loves watching you being you and doing what you like on your own just as much as she loves hanging out with you and doing things together
Nejire's love is so sincere and innocent that even if at the end she doesn't manage to win your heart she will happily stay as your friend and cheer for you at anything you'll do next in your life
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Nejire's obsesive love is soffocating, is so intense and exciting that even Nejire can feel herself explode by the intense feeling and it happens so quick that doesn't even let room to be understood nor doubted
Nejire's obsesive love is discreet at first, Nejire is trying really hard to try to process her own feelings that lead her to imediatly run to your side everytime she sees you, Nejire's obsesive love is what lead her to be so curious about you to the point where she is asking more and more about you to you and your friends, and yet it all seems quite like her normal self at first
Nejire's obsesive love is what lead her to idealize you after a while of collecting information about you, every new little details she get to know about filled her heart and make her feel complete, and along with her usual curiosity and racing mind she just feels like she wants more and more about you
Nejire's style is not watching you from afar, not when she feels like her heart will explote everytime she sees, not when she feel her smile grow with excitement by the only idea of being in the same room as you
Nejire is quite friendly and extrovert, so is not weird when she first came to you wanting to get to know you and be your friend, however the moment you accepted become her friend was Nejire's obsesive love what lead her to think and hope that there could be more than you can see, maybe you feel your heart race everytime she is with you too
Nejire is known to be affectionate, passionate and loud, invading others personal space due her excited and happy nature, and even when at first is was just being too close like with anyone else Nejire slowly grow to be suffocatingly clingy, sticking to your side every time she can and just laughing at any sign of discomfort, thinking that you probably are just flustered
Nejire's obsesive love lead her to mistake any sign of discomfort or awkwardness as shyness and the feeling of flustered, her mind simply doesn't understand that you may not be too happy with her closeness since she is happy, and really happy, Nejire herself feels her heart racing with a flustering feeling so you most be feeling the same!
Nejire's obsesive love lead her to think that you two are meant to be with each other! Nejire's obsesive love will not leave room for arguing from your part, do not worry darling, Nejire is making sure you two have your happy ever after
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kitsune-oji · 10 months
Hi! Nice to find your blog! I just read your "There is no guarantee you will be different", and I loved it! I was wondering if I could request the same thing for Lucifer? And/Or Satan? Especially as these two have anger issues. And I think it could be interesting?
I especially loved to finally find a prompt/story where it's relatable for this type of trust issues. Thank you!
There's No Guarantee You will be Different
Mc who has been hurt a lot in the past (betrayed, lied to, used) even by those that promised otherwise and were nice at first and struggles to trust others because of it. Not understanding why someone would actually like/love them or not believing them, being scared of getting hurt again and again like in the past.
Of course! Sorry this took so long but I hope you like it :)
Characters: Lucifer, Satan
Other: Barbatos & Beel, Mammon
-> feel free to request this with other obey me characters too
Warnings/tags: hurt/comfort-y, implied intimate actions (Lucifer), implied violence against third parties (Satan)
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"You keep saying you love me, you keep promising that you will never leave, that you'll never hurt me... How do you know that? There's no guarantee. In the past, I've trusted those who told me all that and in the end, they ended up breaking all their promises anyway. Please, don't promise me things you can't keep. Even if you think you can keep them now, you don't know how it will be in the future. Maybe you'll get sick of me too, just like everyone else. I love you too but... I'm just scared. I'm sorry."
"...no, I guess I don't know that. You're right but you're also wrong. I love you right now and that is the truth. I can't see myself not loving you in the future and you can't expect me to act the way others have before me. ...their actions say nothing about your worth, even if it may be hard to recognize that. I'll make sure you will understand your worth. You should be proud to be yourself."
Lucifer is upset over the fact that you would hold him to the same standards as those who have hurt you in the past but after the initial displeasure, he understands that that isn't what he should be focusing on
He's convinced that the main problem is the fact that your confidence and self image has been damaged from your prior experience and that helping you build yourself back up will make you less anxious about the relationship you two have
Honestly, he's not wrong
Lucifer pays attention to verbally recognize any achievements you make and praise you for them
Sometimes, he asks you to tell him good things about yourself and will reward you for every thing you can list with confidence. Your rewards depend on what you like, obviously ;)
It's incredibly sweet when someone like Lucifer makes an effort to voice and show you how much he thinks of you. Not just the affection he as for you, which is plenty, but also how he appreciates you as another person. The skills you have, how much you do for him and his brothers, the effort he sees you put into your self-betterment and anything else positive he sees
You're an amazing person and in his eyes, everyone who has hurt and left you in the past are downright dumb and not worth your time anyway
In the first moment, it pisses Satan off so badly to hear those words that he has to go outside and search out the street cars he regularly goes to just to clear his head
Once he isn't so angry anymore, he feels bad over the fact he just stormed out like that
"I'm sorry. I'm not angry at you, just at the fact that you feel this way. They had no right to hurt you like that and I can't understand how they couldn't see how wonderful you are. You weren't appreciated by those you loved in the past but I'll make sure not to make the same mistake. I know it's hard for you to trust me but please, give me a chance to show you I'm different."
Satan regrets his initial reaction and wants to make it up to you even more
Honestly, there's a part of him that wants to make the people who hurt you pay and if you let him, he will. You won't have to hear about it if you don't want to, everything is up to you
He tries to find romance stories where the main character has gone through similar pain as you did and find love in the progress of the book with the intent that it may show you that there is always hope
If you want, he can read them to you as well
Little notes of poems and anecdotes are scattered everywhere from your school books to your lunchboxes talking about Satan's love for you and what makes you so lovable in his eyes
He makes a list of all the romantic dates he has heard or read about and wants to try with you. You can rank them with him and then Satan will do his best to make everything come true one by one
Yet the most touching and convincing situation for you were the times when Satan was so lost in his rage that he couldn't see clearly and yet the mere sound of your voice calmed him so quickly that you almost go whiplash from the way he switched around
Even cats didn't always work to make Satan get out of his blinding wrath but every time you manage to do just that, it makes you feel that you truly mean as much to him as he claims and it reassures you that maybe, this time will be different after all
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IOTA Reviews: Illusion
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You know, It's really sad how this is a Lila episode, and she somehow isn't the most annoying character to come out of it.
Let's get into the fifth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Illusion
We start off with a news broadcast where several people are interviewed about the recent developments this season. There's an attempt made to show differing perspectives, but while half are recurring characters who are confident Ladybug and Cat Noir will beat Monarch (Xavier, Mr. Damocles, and Alec), the other half are antagonistic characters who either blame Ladybug for everything going wrong or are too stupid to care about the bigger picture (XY, Chloe, and Bob Roth).
This is one of the overarching problems with the show, its refusal to show any nuance in its arguments. We already know how easy it is for the writers to blame Marinette for things whenever there's a conflict, but whenever there's an argument where both sides make interesting points, the opposing side is almost always represented by an antagonist or jerk who frames their view in either a condescending or idiotic way so it's easy for the viewer to brush them off, and the same can be applied to their side of the argument as well. Hell, it's already happened twice this season with Lila and Chloe (Multiplication, Determination). It just comes across like the show is pretending to act like its conflict is deeper without actually showing any real nuance with it. I get that some arguments aren't morally gray, but if you're trying to discuss Ladybug's past failures, put more effort into showing how the people of Paris would see something like this without knowing the full context.
Also, this is a minor thing, but I actually like how when we see Alec on the talk show, he's wearing a wig like the one he had in “Wishmaker”, and has the same positive outlook on life he had at the end of that episode. For a show that usually plays loosey-goosey with its continuity, it's surprising to see the writers actually acknowledge the character growth of someone as insignificant as Alec.
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Congratulations, Miraculous Ladybug. You managed to give a very minor side character a consistent arc. Now if only you could put the same amount of effort into writing your main cast.
We cut to Adrien's room where, shock of all shocks, he isn't exactly a fan of his image being used for a high-tech ring without his consent. He storms off to see his father, but it turns out that Gabriel is experimenting with the idea of not being such a terrible father for once. He's making breakfast, saying that Adrien can call him “Dad” now, and even admits that he's been very neglectful towards his son ever since Emilie “disappeared”. Yeah, he's cooking breakfast in his white suit and haircut that makes him look like a grandpa for some reason, but hey, at least the kitchen isn't on fire.
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Of course, Gabriel still isn't really good at comforting his son, as seen with his response to Adrien's concerns about Alliance.
Adrien: Speaking of which, Dad, I'm not really comfortable with having my face on all these rings. That's actually why I didn't want to be a model anymore, to avoid that. Do you understand?
Gabriel: Of course, I understand, my son. But that's the point; it's just an image, it's not you! And since this image frees you from your obligations, we, the Agrestes, are able to spend more time together. But if you'd rather everything went back to the way it was before, just say the word.
Adrien: You're probably right.
Gabriel: You'll see, my son. Alliance will bring us closer.
“I know you're concerned about me using your image for something that I could have hired literally anyone else for, but if you would rather go back to being a model on a strict schedule, just say the word.”
Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.
We get a decent interaction between Marinette and Alya where they discuss ways that Monarch could be giving Miraculous to his Akumas, unaware of what the Alliance rings do. Alya comes up with an interesting hypothesis that Monarch is using the Dog Miraculous to swipe them back, and honestly, that sounds like a much better plan than “develop a cutting-edge AI ring and hope whoever I akumatize had enough money to buy one”. I like this bit, as it shows the two thinking of ways to stop Monarch beyond beating whatever Akuma he sends out next. It honestly could have been a really interesting story arc to see Marinette, Cat Noir, and Alya learn more about how Monarch is using the new Miraculous he got instead of having us know what he's doing already.
After class ends, Nino talks to Adrien about an underground resistance he's forming with his friends, deciding to give each member a condiment-themed title.
Alya: What's up with the sauces?
Nino: What's up is Ladybug and Cat Noir don't have us to help them anymore.
Alya: (nervously) Um... uh... what do you mean, “us”?
Nino: Well, us, you Rena Rouge, me Carapace! (Alya kicks Nino's leg underneath the table) Ouch! What's the big deal? We can tell Marinette and Adrien we used to be superheroes. It's not like we have any Miraculous that Monarch could steal from us. The only ones who need to protect their secret identities are Ladybug and Cat Noir, not us. And anyway, I already told Adrien about Carapace.
Adrien: (chuckles nervously)
Marinette: Adrien knew?! Alya, did you know that he knew?!
Alya: What, no, I swear I didn't know at all! (kicks Nino's leg again)
Nino: Ow! Come on! He's my best bud, I can tell him stuff! You and Marinette tell each other stuff, don't you?
Alya and Marinette: No we don't!
Yeah, remember how shocking it was for Nino to reveal that he and Alya were Rena Rouge and Carapace to Adrien in “Rocketear”, and how we thought this reveal would play into something big like the Season 4 finale, possibly splintering the trust several characters had with each other? This is what it culminates in. Wasn't waiting over a year since that plotpoint was established totally worth it for that gag that once again ignores the secret identity rule?
Also, just because you don't have a Miraculous, it doesn't mean Monarch can't target you like he did last season (Optigami, Sentibubbler), you dumbass.
For the first time in God knows how long, Lila actually becomes relevant when she asks to sit with the four, only to be rebuffed by Marinette and Nino. Using some more condiments and food as props, Nino explains his plan.
Nino: We're gonna film an akumatization.
Alya: And how are you, Comrade Ketchup, gonna be in the know when and where this akumatization takes place?
Nino: Easy, Comrade Beurre Maître d'Hôtel. I'm gonna make it happen.
Yep, this is the plot of the episode, people. Nino's going to try and get someone akumatized. Now I know what you're all obviously thinking: Isn't this cruel?
Adrien: Isn't that cruel?
Alya: Totally! To make someone suffer just to discover Monarch's technique? Super cruel!
Nino: No, it's not! You forget Ladybug always fixes everything in the end with her magic ladybugs! The akumatized victims forget what happened to them.
Oh yeah, this is totally ethical, you guys. Who cares about the emotional trauma an Akuma victim would go through, much less any civilians endangered by their rampage?
To make things even better, guess who Nino wants to get akumatized?
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Okay, putting aside what we, the audience, already know about Gabriel that Nino doesn't, why would he think pissing off one of the most influential fashion designers in the city of Paris is a good idea? He says he's targeting him because it's easy to do so during parent-teacher conferences, but why not target someone else who has been akumatized more often than him, like Xavier/Mr. Pigeon? I don't think the idea of a more morally gray plan to stop Monarch is a bad one, it's just that this plan is so stupid, and the writers only go over the ethical implications, and that said plan is so ludicrous, Nino is basically asking for a restraining order.
While Adrien and Marinette agree to Nino's plan, Alya only hesitantly goes along with it, but unbeknownst to any of them, Lila was overhearing their conversation, so she goes to tell Gabriel what they're doing. During the conferences, Marinette barges in and pretends to trip and drop some pizza onto Gabriel's clothes, and I'm going to assume that either the pizza was cold of Gabriel is really good at keeping a cool head because there's no way taking a hot pizza to the chest wouldn't hurt like hell. Adrien and Alya come in with more food, and we get the one funny joke of the episode with Alya half-assing her performance as the half-heartedly throws some cake onto Gabriel's suit. Pretty funny how Nino is conveniently the only one who isn't taking the risk by attacking Gabriel in front of his teacher by filming the whole thing, isn't it?
Gabriel has had enough and does a 180, planning to take Adrien out of school and somehow, Marinette blames herself for going along with the plan... even though she was the only one to not approve of it, while Adrien and Alya did, and even then, the latter two were very hesitant. It turns out this was all part of Gabriel's plan, as we see him transform into Monarch as soon as he gets to his lair and uses Trixx's power to create a Mirage of his civilian form, having a breakdown so dramatic, I'm surprised he didn't end it by saying, “YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, MARINETTE!”.
The illusion of Gabriel turns into the Collector again, and now he supposedly has the Horse Miraculous' Voyage as a power. Adrien and Marinette transform into Cat Noir and Ladybug respectively, and try to fend off the “Akuma”. Back in Monarch's lair, we learn that he somehow has the ability to unify with five different Miraculous at once, choosing to do so with the Bee, Mouse, Horse, and Rooster Miraculous. Why is he able to do this now?
Monarch uses Voyage and heads to the sewers, activating Venom before using Multiplication to create eight smaller clones of himself, finally using Sublimination to give the copies the power of invisibility. Strange, wouldn't wanting to be invisible count as a wish? While looking for “the Collector”, Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm, getting a bag of shredded cheese. The two chase after the illusion, only to fall through a Voyage portal into the sewers, where Cat Noir is almost immediately stunned by one of the clones. Hey, it took five whole episodes this season for him to be incapacitated by an Akuma to pointlessly raise the stakes this time! It's a new record! Ladybug throws the cheese to reveal the clones, who are then chased off by some nearby rats.
Monarch goes back to his normal form, and after a small pep talk, the illusion pretends to reject the Akuma entirely before falling into the water. The real Gabriel detransforms and then pretends to have gotten out. So Gabriel tricked the heroes with his foolproof plan... except for the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir should have recognized the use of Venom, the hidden clones of the Collector when the video Nino got only said he had the Horse Miraculous' power, the akuma somehow purifying itself when Ladybug still needed to de-evilize it in “Rocketear” and “Penalteam”, the fact that Gabriel should be soaking wet from falling into the water, and the—okay, you all know where this is going.
Meanwhile, Nino sees the footage of the illusion and sees what he believes to be the way Monarch gave the Collector the Horse Miraculous' powers. Nino then apologizes to Gabriel for attacking him, Gabriel forgives him, and Nino invites him into the Resistance, with a bunch of new members. The final scene reveals that in addition to Nino, Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Gabriel, the Resistance now has Max, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, and to Marinette's horror, Lila. Also, there's a post-credits scene where Gabriel explains what he did to Tomoe when literally everyone watching was able to figure it out.
Okay, so let's summarize. The first mission for Nino's resistance involved assaulting a private civilian, was easily discovered before it could even be implemented, was just as easily foiled by an illusion, now Monarch and one of his allies have infiltrated the alliance as moles, and Nino isn't even aware that his plan was a colossal failure. This resistance isn't exactly going to be like the Rebel Alliance, is it?
Yeah, this episode sucked. It's easily the worst one so far in my opinion. There were a handful of decent moments and ideas here, but my God, the story was just terrible. Morally gray subject or not, it's hard to get behind the heroes when they try to intentionally piss someone off for a plan that the audience knows is going to fail, especially a plan as stupid as Nino's. This episode features Nino at his most obnoxious and unlike Alya, Marinette, and especially Adrien, he doesn't even feel bad for what he did to Gabriel when it ended up being (as far as we know) completely pointless. It feels like the writers wanted to gloss over the ethics of Nino's plan by making Gabriel the victim, because if it was anyone else, it would have made him look like a colossal prick. The fact that he learns nothing and thinks his moronic scheme was a success really doesn't help.
The other characters thankfully weren't as bad. It seemed like the writers were trying to show some self-awareness by having Alya, Marinette, and Adrien object to the plan in one way or another, but it never really went much other than them begrudgingly going along with it, much less calling him out for his actions. At the same time, they all got some decent moments, like Alya and Marinette's discussion about Monarch and Adrien struggling to convey his feelings about the Alliance rings to Gabriel.
It's also kind of weird that it took us about five episode into the season for Lila to finally be relevant again after she did absolutely nothing for the last three episodes of Season 4 and the first four episodes of this season. It was only three and a half years since “Ladybug”, the last major Lila episode premiered, right? But hey, at least the writers didn't overindulge in the dumb Lila lies like her other episodes, and was used more as an informant to kick off Gabriel's counter to Nino's plan.
Putting aside how terrible Nino's plan was, Gabriel's plan still had a lot of problems to it. Like I already mentioned, it's a little strange that Ladybug and Cat Noir never talk about the tiny clones they fought, or the fact that Cat Noir was stung by Venom. I can kind of suspend my disbelief by saying Ladybug was too focused on the battle to think, but why the hell didn't Cat Noir say anything? You would think after working alongside Queen Bee and Vesperia, he would recognize what being stung by Venom must look like. Yeah, Ladybug and Cat Noir didn't know Monarch can now use more powers for some reason, but it still really bothers me, because they should know the Collector can't multiply himself. It's also strange that he made his trick so hard to find when you would think it would be more obvious to see
But overall, this one was just a chore to get through. It feels like the writers saw how much some people didn't like Nino in “Rocketear”, and were like, “You call THAT character assassination?” And speaking of...
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Was there ever any doubt? The dude talked about his identity in a public place, nonchalantly blew him and his girlfriend's cover when he had no reason to for his Resistance, tried to get his best friend's dad akumatized while not caring about any potential damage, showed no remorse for what he did when his plan blew up in his face, tried to tell Ladybug and Cat Noir about what he learned while they were fighting the Collector, and all that was for a plan that didn't even work because the intel was discovered with ease, to say nothing about how he unintentionally let two enemies into his own Resistance. I've seen a lot of stupid decisions in this show, but never have I seen a single episode where a character makes screw-up after screw-up and doesn't even realize how much of a colossal moron he's being. With the past five episodes I covered and awarded Biggest Idiot Awards to (Ladybug, Alya, Xuppu, Mr. Damocles, and Luka), it was more them not seeing the bigger picture. Here, Nino is honestly trying to help Ladybug and Cat Noir, yet he failed at his job in every way.
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siphoncursed · 1 year
I wanted to write to you and your sister separately so you'd both have your own personal letter, a reminder that as twins you don't have to share absolutely everything. Though I am hoping they arrive at the same time.
Europe Is great but it's nothing like home, Mystic Falls and where ever you are will always be my home. Trust me sourcing blood over here is a nightmare, and I'm positive blood in America just tastes better.
I miss you so much, and I know you're probably thinking mom why didn't you just pick up the phone to tell us this, but I thought a letter was the most special way. Alongside a few postcards I've sent separately, just for fun.
This is more of something for you to keep, a reminder that no matter where we are in the world, I'm still so proud of you, I love you and I believe in you. Keep up the good work and I hope to be home soon.
Lots of love
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the blonde looks down at her mother's perfect handwriting, a soft yet sad smile playing on her lips. she understood that caroline had an important job to do when it came to recruiting for the school and college, it was crucial for them to always have new students available for the next academic year. and then looking for a way to stop the merge was another huge obstacle that resulted in her prolonged absence. lizzie holds the letter to her chest, feeling the all too familiar pang of loneliness as she reaches out to grab her phone so she could call her mother to thank her for the much needed letter.
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"…minimize the toll of time taken on both of them the same way it did for Zelda, especially since they semi-turn to stone immediately after. There are a lot of dialogue bits that feel like they are here for damage control and reassure us that the nice things are nice and the bad things are bad…"
So much yesssss. I honestly wonder if they did that because the story plays in a way where Link at no point feels like an active participant in any of what is happening.
Like "Oh yes there are consequences… but don't worry nothing is really gonna happen until we're in the present time with Link." It's weird how it almost feels like the game doesn't even acknowledge calamity Ganon. Not saying we need this huge cutscene about it, but imagine just showing Calamity Ganon being born at the same time as Zelda turns into a dragon. Showing the immediate negative consequences, and how Hyrule now has to wait millennia for totk-Link to finish what was started.
Hey, thanks for the ask, and sorry for the wait!
Yeah, I think there *was* a way to connect past and present more efficiently --using the past as revealing new information to guide objectives in the present-- but I think it would have gone against their open world philosophy (which didn't really mesh with the kind of story they tried to tell). As a consequence, nothing in the present really happens either honestly? The consequence to restoring a region involves giving you a tactical advantage and having some key players moving to the main Lookout Camp, but fundamentally you could skip all of it and lose almost nothing plot-wise, because the philosophy is: you can beat the game in any way you want.
And while I think it worked for BotW, where rediscovering that world you lost is never mandatory but it does give you emotional stakes in the fight ahead on top of helping you prepare your final battle, here it just feels... meandery? Your main goal is to find Zelda, but you don't actually have to find Zelda. You can finish the whole game without having invested a single thought into finding Zelda beyond the tutorial area. The overarching objective to Destroy Ganon worked in BotW because it remained the core pillar all the way, literally staring you in the eye from all across the map: every other quest objective is nested in the first one and optional by default, and it is made abundantly clear what the game expects of you while guiding you to opportunities to make your journey easier and more grounded as you rediscover Hyrule (gradually mastering the land, your own abilities, and your understanding of your place in that land to give you the best possible chance --mastering the Wild and becoming part of it, if you may).
But here? The game *tries* to hide its core objective (which is to Destroy Ganondorf: this is what actually triggers the ending credits sequence, not finding Zelda, which triggers... nothing at all actually) in a mystery the game... isn't actually that invested in gameplay-wise.
For example: you go handle the issues in the various regions because there are problems to fix and maybe you'll get information on where she is, which is honestly an assumption that is kind of based on... nothing? Why would the ritos facing an unnatural ice storm or the gorons facing a drug problem give you a clue on Zelda's location? Like yes, surely there is something weird going on and it might be linked to the same phenomenon that made Zelda disappear, but what makes you think going there will give you any hint of where she is? Honestly, the Lucky Clover sidequests almost feel like they should be the main quest given they actually involve Zelda sightings directly, but the fact that the game extra-diegetically categorize them as sidequests lets you immediately know these are all red herrings before you actually complete them...
But honestly: it would make sense to go look for her.... where she was last seen. Which is under Hyrule's Castle. And I didn't go there immediately, not because the game convinced me it was not necessary, or was too dangerous and I wasn't prepared yet, but because I knew for sure it was where Ganondorf would be, and so I pretended to be stupid so I would let the game lead me to its interest points while ignoring the glowing red hole under the core landmark of Hyrule where I had last seen Zelda and Ganondorf.
Sure, there was a glowing red boar in BotW screeching into the night, but. The game told me it's where the final boss was. Immediately. It was not trying to surprise me with that information. TotK, on the other hand, does an awkward little song and dance being like "oooooo I wooonder what you'll have to dooooo neeeext" and... it's pretty damn lame that I need to consciously course-correct the bad job the game does at leading me places to have a good time with it, using game design literacy to assume what I should and shouldn't do not to ruin my own experience as I play (same could be said for the Dragon's Tears as well, and it does an even worse job at it since I *did* spoil myself almost immediately, because I trusted the open world philosophy to carry into the memories like in BotW --and the fact that they are linear??? somehow?? without telling you and it's the only linear thing in the entire game?? is just so so so Not Good).
When I say the quest design of this game is a complete mess, I do mean it. It's layers upon layers of these baffling decisions, and I don't understand why they didn't apply any of the lessons learned in Breath of the Wild, given they were genuinely good and interesting lessons that have guided open world quest design ever since the game was released.
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rev-feaw · 11 months
First Impression of Reverse: 1999 from a Long Time Gacha Games Player
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Hello! Today I'll tell you my first impression about a new gacha game that just release it's global version not too long ago, "Reverse:1999". I preregistered this game and mind you, I actually had zero intention to add more gacha games into my sleeves especially the turn-based ones, but the art... The ART man!! It caught my attention soo let's dig in!
Before we start I'd like the readers (you) to know that I've been playing gacha games daily for a considered long time, since 2017 and still going on today. Although not a lot of them so here are some that I've played for over 3 months (pretty much understand the overall system):
Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Genshin Impact, Honkai/Star Rail
Bold are my main daily games. And then here are some that I've tried, well at least I know their UI & prologue lol:
SAO MD (discontinued), Food Fantasy, Granblue Fantasy, Punishing/Gray Raven, Tower of Fantasy
I might bring up some titles to compare and most likely from between the "over 3 months" ones. Then, let's start!
What's the big deal of "gacha game" and why I play them?
I like to draw and gacha games have one of the best community for art clout. No this is serious, and one of my top reason of why I'm playing this borderline gambling type of game.
Gacha games are living from their banner rotation. The second ones are new characters and story reveal that updated regularly... Don't you think these are real good timings for posting?? They also got those art gods that somehow helped the promotion and attract the peasants (me included) to get to know the story and make fanarts too. I'm not kidding. This is why I've been here since I started digital art. Lol.
But every actions need consequences. Gacha games are very high maintenance to stay relevant, from the player's side. You missing one update, you'll feel like an old man. This is the most FOMO (fear of missing out) type of game. The main sacrifice is TIME. So many things need to tend in one game, and if you play multiple it means you have to spare some hours in a day. If you can't, get ready to lose something. Why I don't say money? Because I'm pretty much f2p, I never really spent my money for gacha. But time, time bro. Time also money! This is also why I write this post.
The Premise of Reverse: 1999
The early story kind of reminds me to Persona 3 where there are some special times (Dark Hours in P3) where an ordinary human can't survive and there are some special creatures than survived.
In R:1999 the special time is called "storm" which will turn back time further from your original time. For example, MC is from 1999 but she's sent to 1920s thanks to the storm. So they made a foundation or something to get back to the original time. Well in a sense this is kinda similar to FGO (Fate/Grand Order)'s Chaldea, maybe that's why I'm so driven to try this game lol. The name of those "special creatures" are arcanists.
Actually I don't really understand everything yet, but at least that's the glimpse I got. Also they tried to fix the history or something whenever they're getting sent back so, basically a fancier FGO right?? I have no problem though.
The game's mainly set in the west in 20th century. I think this is the main perks of the game, because the entire design and aesthetic revolves around this so it can differ greatly from most gacha games that either have fantasy RPG setting or urban post/apocalyptic ones. Personally I really like this.
The Main Character
The MC is such a breath of fresh air!! It's a woman, and people called her "Vertin". So no, not your typical self-insert anime degenerate persona like most gacha games. Here is a very beautiful EP of her:
The Characters
The characters are pretty unique imo, you can play as inanimate object (visually) like apple and satellites. The arcanists are the playable (and summonable) characters. So expect to see various 20th century-themed designs.
Also the designs are dope!! They're unlike most gacha games' characters designs where they wore something weird that will awaken your darkest corner of brain but here they're just dressed NORMALLY LIKE A NORMAL FANCY PERSON I'm so glad. Normal doesn't mean boring, this is a compliment. Even the "fanserviced" ones are still pretty tasteful than just put random windows everywhere.
This game has a carry-over pity on 70th roll, soft pity started like in the 60th. They use the same gacha currency on both permanent and limited banners. There's 50/50 like in Mihoyo games. You need 180 clear drops (?) to turn them into one rabbit statue (?) for a summon. I think this one is very similar with Arknights. Personally in my opinion this is very generous and reasonable, but I'm a FGO player so yeah my "generous" standard may differ greatly with a lot of people lol.
Oh you also can get guaranteed *6 from beginner's summoning banner.
(Early) Gameplay & Progression
The gameplay is like FGO with extra steps. Or FGO with fewer steps... Anyway, it's a card game. Each character has cards you can choose per turn. Once the "stars" are filled you can unleash the ultimate. Honestly? A little boring lol, but things may change once I get out early-game phase. People said this is very similar to 7 Deadly Sins game but I never get close to the IP so idk.
You can set which enemy to hit per card unlike FGO where it's done per turn. Personally I think this is neat. Although among the games I've tried I think Honkai/Star Rail still superior for turn-based system since they can control the speed and whatsoever. However this kind of "fixed" system also nice since you don't need to farm artifacts/relics to be playable.
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The early stages are so easy. Well, most games have very easy early stages though, unless a certain popular furry tower defense game (*cough* Arknights *cough*).
For character progression pretty much just level up, no need for artifacts/relics like Mihoyo games so it's fast and easy.
You can set a "replay" for autofarming once you get 2 stars achievement on the node. You can also choose the "amount" of drop rate for just one battle. This is very neat!
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Dailies, Weeklies, etc
R:1999 has similar progression with Arknights and Mihoyo games with this one. The daily and weekly tasks literally like Arknight's.
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Tbh their dailies are quite a hassle lol, you need at least spend 5-15 minutes to clear all.
And their "battlepass", looks like Genshin's battlepass or HSR's Nameless Honor
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Gotta admit between ALL the games I've played, nothing beats the simple daily of LOGIN in FGO (in exchange with disastrous gacha and tremendous farming🙏).
UI & Visual
Maybe I should've put this a little earlier lol.
The UI is AMAZING!! One of the best. Really (once again) reminds me of Arknights, since I like their UI too, and even better I think especially their retro aesthetic.
The visual is GORGEOUS. The game is presented in common gacha game storytelling method: visual novel, however they tried to incorporate like L2D animation in the STORY'S VISUAL.
The characters have different art styles, I think done by different artists like most gacha games (the only one who didn't do this are Mihoyo games, please explain). And the sprites are full body non-chibi 2d animations! This one's like FGO, although still like 10% chibified so in terms of sprite style, FGO still has the crown.
Music & other sounds
Music is BANGER!
I rate it 4.5/5. Maybe the 2nd music of gacha games that I like after Genshin. It doesn't sound like basic visual novel ost (looking at you FGO and HSR) in most part, tho since this is basically *still* visual novel, so in some part still sounds pretty stale after you heard it so many times.
The voice over is dope! They used various accents, so it's pretty interesting!
The name of housing/dorm in R:1999 is "Wilderness", something like islands. This is once again reminds me to Arknight's "Base" but outdoor.
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End game
Honestly I haven't found the endgame content for this one, if you're looking for challenges maybe games like Arknights and HSR still better choice.
Based on every gacha games I've played, I can say progression, UI, and summoning from Reverse:1999 is similar to Arknights, but turn-based and A LOT easier at the start. If you've played Arknights before I think understanding the system will like walk in the park.
For the story it's somewhat like FGO, of course not the same, but still both are "correcting the history and go back to our time" kind of story.
The game doesn't ask much, so I think if you're a gacha game player and barely have any time for more games, this one's still enjoyable with very minimal investment. Suitable as your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th gacha games. Especially when you're just want to vibe with the art and setting like me.
If you're new in gacha game, there's no problem with trying out this, but I think the game is made with thought that the target market are people that familiar with gacha games. Still, enjoy your time!
Tl;dr if you still want to play your main games daily while join the Reverse:1999 bandwagon, it's totally possible without sacrificing much of your time.
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softpine · 1 year
Hi! I’ve been following you for probably 3 years? I never read your story in full because I felt like I was already so far behind when I tried reading it the first time. I know the very beginning is very gameplay-esque I was wondering where I should start so I understand the lore and story properly? I don’t want to miss anything! I am always so amazed at the way you edit your story posts and the writing! So I really want to deep dive and finally read everything 😭 sorry it took me this long!! Writing this on anon cus I’m shy and a little embarrassed tbh ><
hey!! don't be embarrassed, i'm not judging in the slightest. i'm more aware than anyone else how crazyy long my story is. but sadly there's not a great place to start reading without missing things :( but here's a summary of the main plot points that become relevant later on:
rosie camellia (right) is a college student from brindleton bay, studying archaeology abroad in selvadorada. she meets isa delavina (left), an author and the great-granddaughter of madre cosecha, the scientist who founded selvadorada. she ends up showing rosie the hidden temple, they fall in love, start dating, move in together, etc.
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now stick with me. rosie has 4 younger brothers, both are pairs of twins. michael and jack were teenagers at the time, but owen and isaac were very young toddlers. anyway, so michael shows up in selvadorada and breaks the news that their moms, genevieve (left) and reece (right), were in a car accident and both of them are dying. rosie rushes back home, leaving isa behind.
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gen and reece die. [you'll see them as ghosts much later on.] rosie gets custody of all 4 brothers. isa moves to brindleton bay to support rosie and they eventually get married. michael & jack go away to college. owen (right) & isaac (left) were so young that they consider rosie and isa their moms, which is how they will always view them going forward. [the only brother who is really important is owen, because he will be stevie's dad.]
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using IVF, isa becomes pregnant with caroline. while she's pregnant, her old friend from selvadorada, eva vasquez, shows up with a baby of her own, beth!!! 💖
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as it turns out, eva had to escape an abusive relationship with beth's father, so she turned to isa and rosie for help. she eventually moves in next door. beth (right) loves to play with owen and isaac, and when caroline (left) is born, they become the best of friends immediately.
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the last thing you need to know is about caroline. she'll become the main character so she's super important. the day she's born, we get our first bit of true plot in the form of a letter from isa. it's a recounting of caroline's birth written in the future. she talks about why they named her caroline (after the song sweet caroline started playing on the radio), about how the huge storm subsided as soon as she was born, and finally, she writes: "We miss you, we love you, and we need you to come home. Please, please come home, Caroline." so caroline's entire childhood and teen years are clouded by the knowledge that at some point in the future, she will lose contact with her family, though we don't know how or why or when.
now you can start reading from around this point, although there's still plenty of cringe left before i really hit my stride 😭 i'm sorry, it's just the nature of working on the same story since 2018 and learning as i go. i hope if you decide to give it a shot, you'll be able to find some value in it :')
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
So, yesterday I made a poll asking people whether or not I should share my in-universe(!!!) tier list for how powerful characters are, and the results are overwhelmingly biased toward "yes"! You guys are really so sweet, idk if I deserve it. 🥺😭
To begin with, some context: this tier list was in-universe created by the Existential gods! They're kinda the "top dogs" of them all, wielding so much power that they're able to all but command the "lesser gods" (axiom) around! Except... they don't.
The Existentials are playing a game of war with the world, and all they demand of axiom is that they cooperate in their games. (For a more in-depth explanation of any of this, send an Ask!)
So, in simpler words: this "tier list" was created by them to be able to place their chesspieces (aka, the people working for them / "avatars") on there and understand their strength relative to the others. It's used both for bragging rights--a certain Existential has three S tiers--and to be able to be used as a shorthand to understand who would win in a fight. Hence why it came to mind for this, haha.
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Certain types of magic can negate others. Some terrains--or situations in general--will be favored by certain kinds of magic users (MUs), while they'll hinder others. On that note, those situations can tip the favor in the advantage of a MU in a lower tier.
This tier list is used to gauge a MU's power level relative to each other rather than who would win in a direct fight. Due to this, some infamously terrifying MUs may be in a lower tier than they "should" be, because their power is less directly applicable in a fight. Tiers are registered by definition, not "vibes".
MUs can advance into higher tiers given time and dedicated training--they're not stagnant. However, a MU originating in a lower tier is highly unlikely to reach a high tier.
TIER S - DO NOT ENGAGE reserved for magic users whose presence almost absolutely guarantees victory for whomever they're fighting for. For one reason or another, they are able to account for and cover just about any and all weaknesses they have with another of their talents. Typically can take on large groups of similarly powerful individuals or at least five (5) Tier As by themselves. Otherwise, they can be able to completely control or neutralize the abilities of at least three (3) Tier As or axiom.
Quinn, Fate's avatar (Fate / Water) He is capable of seeing all of time--past, present, and the current path the future will take--at every moment, no matter what. They're pressed into his mind, forcing him to watch the timeline and allowing him to plan out things centuries in advance. If he would lose a battle, he could just avoid it. His presence guarantees victory partially because he simply wouldn't show up if he'd lose. In the niche case that someone actually attempts to fight him, Quinn is an extremely competent Water MU who's constantly accompanied by storms that give him his element to fight with. On top of his competence, he's able to plan his actions prior to the fight to minimize received damage while maximizing his output. In-universe, Quinn's very presence is considered a bad omen. Even if he's not around to pick a fight, he's coming with bad news, or even accidentally bringing a flood. He's known by the Existentials to be lenient--if you're in his way, he'll give you the chance to move if he know you'll take it. And by Existence--you better.
There are no main characters who will ever reach this point... for very obvious reasons. Similarly, each S-tier has been alive for hundreds of years and their experience is a good part of why they're so high up.
TIER A - the biggest threats extremely competent MUs who are able to take on large groups of similarly powerful individuals by themselves. Can't compare to Tier S, but are significantly better than Tier B.
N/A No known (by you) characters fall into this tier. Once again--this is for practical storytelling reasons. If they were this powerful, they'd kinda be able to do whatever they want. This tier list was literally (in-universe) created by the most powerful gods. It's going to be skewed.
TIER B - threatening strong MUs who are able to take on large groups of mortals or similarly unprofessional (not trained by immortals/someone associated) individuals by themselves. No non-avatar or similarly unaffiliated individual should be able to take them down by themselves. One (1) Tier B should be able to handle at least three (3) Tier Cs by themselves. If they are not capable in a fight, they must otherwise be powerful enough to control or neutralize other individuals efficiently.
Adilzhan, Zhrizn's berserker (nature / {REDACTED})
Valyarus Fenastra, unaligned faerie (law)
TIER C - powerful competent MUs who can take on large groups (21+) of unpowered individuals. Can sometimes, but not always in a disadvantagous matchup, take on groups of weakly powered individuals. One (1) Tier C should be able to handle at least three (3) Tier Ds by themselves. If they are not capable in a fight, they must otherwise be able to neutralize or control powerful individuals of an equal or higher Tier.
Daleira Fenastra, unaligned faerie ({REDACTED})
Ponderosa, unaligned spirit (storm)
Bolyui; fae spirits (species || variable)
Kieran Caron, unaligned berserker ({REDACTED})
Nikolai Borisyuk, Ertzat's avatar (ice / {REDACTED})
TIER D - competent MUs who are able to take on medium-sized groups (7-20) of individuals on their own; typically capable of fighting back groups of weakly powered individuals as well, but not always. One (1) Tier D should be able to handle two to three (2-3) Tier Es on their own. Otherwise, they should be able to weaken large groups of individuals singlehandedly.
Rieka, {REDACTED} (blood)
"Crow", unaligned human (shadow / antimagic)
Freya Ula, unaligned {REDACTED} ("sun")
Gene {REDACTED}, unaligned human ({REDACTED}) (yes... 7-year-old Gene who begins the series! Unfortunately, kid doesn't even know he has magic, so he only ever uses it subconsciously! Wonder why all this weird stuff happens around him, hmmmm...)
TIER E - capable MUs who are able to take on a small groups (3-7) of individuals on their own; should be able to win in a one-on-one fight against untrained MUs. If you're unsure if they can, are you certain you want to register them as an avatar?
Tazin {REDACTED}, unaligned human (fire / healing)
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WIP! Posting early so I can connect this to the OG poll when it closes! If you'd like to see this when the examples are done, you can follow the post and check back tomorrow!
Otherwise, I'm tagging everyone on my worldbuilding tag list when I'm done, haha. Feel free to ask to be added!
Dividers from @firefly-graphics
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content-d3leted · 2 months
Here are 5 reasons why I believe that Robert is autistic as fuck. Enjoy!!@!!!! (yes I know noone will ever read this but I don't care :D )
1. Does not understand metaphores/phrases, and that sort of thing. Pretty common symptom for my fellow 'tism havers. Here's a few examples I can give for this without rewatching the episodes again.
• Firstly, when Justin says 'back in a blink!', Robert takes it literally and blinks, and gets confused as to why J's not back. He then says 'Oh, Justin can be so confusing sometimes.' showing that this is a reocurring thing that happens.
•Second example is a bit more of a silly one, when Justin says 'Ah, it's a piece of cake!' (meaning it's easy). And of course, Robert turns around, believing there is literally some cake lying around, probably since cake is his favourite food of all time aswell.
•When he's having a sleepover but doesn't understand what the word sleepover means so decides to literally sleep OVER Justin by leaning over his face
2. Stimming. JESUS CHRIST THIS ROBOT STIMS ALOT. Every series, every episode, pretty much constantly! I'm gonna list them all since there's quite alot of them..
• Subtlety tugging his blazer downwards with his hands ALOT. At first I thought he did it because it was positioned wrong on his body or something like that, but his blazer wasn't ever positioned wrong, and also the actor himself does the same thing in other roles he plays throughout cbeebies, sooo I'm pretty sure it's a stim of some sort
•Moving his thumbs down the sides of his RMP-1 Player. He did it in s1 more than the other ones, but there is no apparent reason for doing it other than it being a stim. Also Chris did it aswell when acting as Robert?? Maybe he saw Steve doing it so copied it to be more in-character lol
•Chewing. Common stim, and obvs he's not actually chewing anything other than the inside of his mouth. Does it alot, only in s6.
•And of course, the signature hand clapping whilst jumping up and down whenever he's excited one!
3. His humongous collection of feather dusters. Let's be real, no neurotypical person is going to collect those things! Collecting things (especially if the items are considered 'odd') is pretty common in autistic people (I personally have a collection of 14 straight sticks, 207 can tabs, and I used to have over 40 rubbers.. I have no idea why lol), so yes. Also in an episode he said he had over 5000(?) spanners and put them all into size order, and it was the best day of his life.... now that is an achievement.
4. His 'over-the-top' reactions to certain things, especially himself or the house getting messy. Common for NTs to (falsely) think autistic people overreact
•eg in s6ep4, when Robert gets a light splattering of goo on his outfit and face, he reacts quite strongly by pretty much shouting and then storming out of the room. When he returns he whispers to himself 'Right, you'll be fine', showing that he was clearly quite upset previously
•also in s5 'in the dog house'(? can't remember name), when theres a bunch of muddy pawprints all over the kitchen floor, Robert seems to start crying because of it, and again, leaves the room. (Also I hate Cats reaction to it, haven't watched it in a while but I swear she does this weird smile to Justin implying that she thinks R is being silly)
5. Special Interests. I guess Robert's main one is cleaning, since that's his entire personality basically! Also it correlates with why he loves collecting dusters. His other special interest is space for sure. In the stargazing episodes that are available to watch, especially in the most recent series, Robert is absolutely ecstatic about learning about it, for example when he learned that Uranus has rings, he was literally shouting it down the microphone whilst bouncing up and down!
And that, my dear non-existent viewers, is why the one and only Robert the Robert from Justin's House is autistic. He is such an icon frrr
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trash-monkey · 10 months
The Endless Sea
Chapter 6
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A new day quickly begins with clear sky's once again and at the first light of sunrise everyone in the floating apartment rise with it, Takemitchy hands me heat suppressions after awakening and once we're sure the pills are working we join the other three for breakfast.
"Thank you for breakfast." All of us said at the same time before digging in which Mitsuya smiles at while giving a nod and after I mark to day on the calendar that Hanma had put in a few in the bags from the store we looted inorder for us to keep track of the days, Takemitchy and I move to the rooftop greenhouse to see what we can do to get things to start growing as the other three start on the barrier and water system.
"What my grandma taught me in the old pack ways that each member must know their roles so there's no inter family problems and if there's more then one Omega they all would puppy pile in a unscented room so their scents can battle and determined who's going to be the main 'wife' of the pack....." He trails off as he looks through pots and dirt, just wanting to make conversation to fill the silence which I stop after processing the information.
"Is that what we did yesterday?" I asked with my eyebrows frowned together.
"Yeah which you had won so if or when we establish the pack you'll be the main 'wife' meaning you'll get the first of everything while determining if it's safe for the others to do or have as it's the same for the Alphas also."
"So your the second 'wife'." I said with smirk as he's cheeks turns red in a deep blush before giving a shy nod.
"As you claim me as." I move to his side and rub my nose from his gland to his temple as I take a deep of his sweet scent which his eyes close as he tilt his head to allow me more access to his neck, giving the gland a kiss that travels up to his lips which he gladly accept with a sweet addicting moan but he quickly stops it before it can go farther.
"As much as I want to we just can't, if we continue your hormones will go into overdrive and absorb the medicine quickly which will only force me into heat also. Which won't be good as there's two Alphas and a Beta all unmated......" He falls into a mess as he trys to explain why we shouldn't continue which I already knew about.
"I know." I stop his rambling with one last kiss before seeing something move in the corner of my eye which I turn to see it's a house floating by.
"House!... HOUSE!" Takemitchy quickly turns to what I'm pointing at only to see the top of a house flowing by over the edge of the apartment building and with speed he returns to our main apartment with me slowly following behind as I can't go as fast as him for my ankle which the three had already attached the coble by the time I got to them on the ground floor.
"May I come over with you?" I shyly ask the two Alphas before they head over which they glance at each other.
"I'll let you once your ankle is completely healed." Draken stated which I nod in understanding of his decision and watch the two including Mitsuya swimming their way over before sending the stuff they can to us on the cable, luckily we got non wet books, four large garages bags of clothes that Hanma and Draken carried to us, few canned goods, and more kitchen stuff along with bathroom before they started to demolish what they can to use for the barrier we need around the apartment.
"We're lucky we haven't gotten a storm yet." Takemitchy mumbled to me as we put things up in the storage apartment as the three do what they can to create the barrier before the house is forced away and I give him a nod.
"Hopefully they can get it up all around before one hits us." I mumbled back before Mitsuya stands at the door dripping wet.
"Here, found this in the house." Takemitchy gets up to grab what he has and shows me it's a ankle brace.
"Thank you, Takashi." Me calling him by his first name cause him to blush a little before returning to the other two, Takemitchy helps me put it on which I thanked him for and with it on I can walk better now.
"Luckily the second floor of the house isn't flooded making it easier for us to get into the attic." Draken commented when he drops off a plastic tub full of stuff the owner had thrown in to get out of the way which I place it aside to look through at a different time with the tub Hanma brings in after and four medium sized boxes in two garbage bag so they can't get wet on the way over here.
"Well, we better get sorting through these clothes to see what we all can actually wear before having to wash them by hand, I wish for a washing machine so bad!" I whispered to Takemitchy which he laughs at and causing me to do also, we started to getting to work and see what we can get done before dinner.
"You think we should leave the washing for tomorrow?" I asked once we got done with the first bag.
"Yeah, we can get the other three to help so it can be done faster and we also need a place to dry them after."
"What about the apartment across from ours?" I suggested and he nods.
"We can wash them in the bathroom so we don't water everywhere and hang them up in the living room." Right then Mitsuya walk pass the open apartment door.
"Takashi!" I called and asked if we have any thick string to make a clothing line out of when he turn his head to us which he said he'll look.
"After drying everything we can put them into our closets in the apartment...." I mumbled to Takemitchy but I trail off when finding a beautiful red peplum smock dress.
"Takemitchy! Look at this dress!" I hold to dress up and lay it on my front to see if I would look good in it.
"That's so pretty!" He commented before gasping when look farther into the garage bag of clothes I'm looking though.
"Theres more!" He pulls out a simple but elegant lolita dress in a cream color which he also lay it on his front.
"That dress is basically made for you! I never thought I would ever wear a dress!" I giggled at the thought before frowning.
"My mother has been trying for years to get me to wear a dress but I won't....." Takemitchy also frown next to me where I had drop down to sit.
"Now look at me, wanting to when we're the only people in this whole building and might as well be the whole world!" Tears started to fill my eyes and Takemitchy immediately out his arms around me.
"We got to do what we got to do and hope one day everything return to the way is was." I hug Takemitchy back tightly.
"I'm so glad I'm not alone" I said into his shoulder.
"You two alright?" We jump at the sudden voice of Draken which apologize for scaring us.
"Nothing Alpha" Without a thought the word Alpha slips out before I could stop myself which surprised myself, Takemitchy, and Draken when hearing. Only mated ones can call their mate their second gender type, I guess my Omega instincts are so out of whack that I didn't notice it because of the suppressions and plus my Omega already sees him, Hanma and Mitsuya with Takemitchy as pack.
"Draken, I sorry, it just slipped out!" I immediately apologized.
"It's alright, here." He gives us some rope that I asked for which I take.
"Thanks" He turns to leave but me and Takemitchy caught a glance at the redness of his cheek, although we looked at each other we stayed quiet to save his pride.
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