#🌹 = wip sneak peak
whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Thank you for sending in a rose my love! I get so excited sharing little pieces of my wip's with you guys!
Here's a little something for König... that is now updated and finished!
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Established relationship, dirty talk, anal fingering, mentions of anal sex, unprotected vaginal sex, lots of German (with English translations)
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Heavy breaths and firm grabs, a small sound of wetness, the smell of sweat. This is what currently consumes your senses. There are other things, of course, that add to the atmosphere. A candle you’d lit before his presence took hold of your night, the soft blanket you’d put on the couch rubbing against your thigh. It was already dark, the lights dim as night crept by. And usually, he wouldn’t have visited at this time. But it wasn’t his fault, it just happened to be the time they let him out tonight. 
“Mm,” It’s a forceful moan, followed by the release of a gasp. 
He’s holding you, one hand on your cheek, fingers pressing into your crease; his other on your waist, arm wrapping around your lower back. Pulling you into him, you rest on his chest, leaning entirely on the firmness of his body. And he supports your weight easily, happily. He yearns to feel the weight of you against him. 
“Meine Liebling,” He breathes out against you, the hand on your ass tightening its grip. “Meine Liebling.” (my darling, my darling)
Your forehead moves over his chest, nodding. “Yes,” Comes your small squeak, eyes pinching shut. “Yes.” 
Coming home to you is different; he’s truly returning to where he belongs. In the land he was born, with the woman he loves, every part of who he is, is with him now. Once again, all that he adores is in his very hands. 
With your arms linked around his neck, you can feel his muscles bulging beneath the surface, his skin is warm - genuinely hot to the touch. 
“Fuck,” It comes out as a forceful whisper, clinging to him desperately. 
It goes without saying, but he says it anyway. “Ich habe dich vermisst.” I missed you. Leaning down, he kisses your cheek, your face scrunched up from the painful pleasure he brings. 
“Ich weiss.” Nodding again, you gasp, feeling his hips push up against you. You’re already sitting on him, how much deeper could he possibly get? “Mein Kriegerin, mein schutz." (I know. My warrior, my protector)
Groaning, his head falls back. He’s yearned to hear you speak those words. He’s wished to hear them for weeks. 
“I will always take care of you, always protect you.” 
It feels like he’s in your guts, your legs spread as wide as they can so you can sit comfortably on his lap. With his hand looped around your lower back, he keeps you in place, stuffing his fingers into your ass. You’re taking two for him. In the beginning, it took time, but now? It’s even easier than him filling you with his length. Regardless, he was always so sweet and gentle and patient with your body, his hands caressing every inch of you.
Sliding one of your hands down his chest, he grabs it, pressing his lips to the back of it. The soft skin of his mouth runs across your fingertips, the hot breath of his moans fanning against your digits. Leaning forward, he continues his kisses, mouth sliding over your shoulder and neck.
He’s right up against your ass, the tops of his thighs pressing to the bottom of yours. Slow and squishy thrusts are what he gives, grinding into you. And then he throbs, purposefully, too. It makes you quiver, trembling limbs holding onto him as he coos sweetly to you. 
“Ich bin hier.” He whispers to you, sliding his fingers a bit further into you. “Du bist stark, hübsch.” (I’m here. You are strong, pretty) 
It feels like you can’t handle it, but you take it. You take everything for him. He never demands it, but you take it. 
It wasn’t his idea to break up, it was entirely yours. You insisted that it was for the best, telling him that you both were better off without each other. It wasn’t fair, constantly having to worry about the other. After so many tours, it became difficult to handle the emotional trauma of it all. Every day you worried about him, worried until it made you sick. And he thought about you just as much. Before you, he looked forward to being deployed. As strange and twisted as it may sound, König truly loves what he does. But with you around… it puts a particular strain on him. After being with him for so long, though, it was impossible to go without his presence, his love. And König felt the same. You’re always scared you’ll lose him. But you’ve decided he’s the man you love, the person you can’t live without. So, why would you deprive yourself of spending every minute you can with him? 
“Need you,” Comes your small whimper, nails digging into his shoulder. “Ich brauche dich.” (I need you)
“I’m here,” He repeats, in English this time. “I’m here with you.” Exhaling a few heavy breathes, he promises. “I’m not going anywhere, Schatz. I’m not leaving you.” (Sweetheart)
It was his first deployment without hearing from you, his first time without plans of coming home to you. And he couldn’t take it. He didn’t know where else to go. He needed you, he fucking needed you. 
When he came in, he’d dropped his backpack on the couch, neither one of you speaking a word. You knew what the other wanted. You’d cried your eyes out while he was gone, and now, all you wanted was to be as close as physically possible to him. And of course, that meant him being inside you. He’d reached into a pocket in his backpack, retrieving a bottle of lube. On missions, he liked to use it when he jerked off. Right now, he’s using it to cram his cock and fingers inside you. 
“Scheiße,” It comes out as a hiss, one expressed by him. (Shit)
Applying more pressure, his fingers bottom themselves out inside you, opening you up while he splits you in half on his cock. He loved doing this; he knew how much it overwhelmed you. And maybe he had a little fixation with this, with playing with your upper hole. He’s fucked it before, but not without licking and fingering it first. He loves the fact that he has to work you open for him to fit, no matter where he is. 
“You can’t get rid of me, hübsch, not that easily.” (pretty) 
“I don’t ever want to do that again, baby.” You admit wholeheartedly to him, tears welling in your eyes as you press your forehead to his chest. 
“König,” You whine out for him again, feeling his fingers pump into your tightest channel.
“Does it feel good, Schatzi?” (Sweetheart)
“Yes!” Pushing yourself back into his hand, he grins, humming pleasantly from your desperate act.
“Oh…” He sighs deeply, “So bist du so schön.” (You look so beautiful like this)
Lifting your head with a dramatic breath, you kiss him, pressing your lips to the softness of his. In times like this, he wears a tighter mask instead of his sniper hood. Specifically, he wears a black balaclava, one still adorning those signature red streaks below his eyes. He does it so he can lift it easier, use his mouth on you easier.
The love König has for you is infinite, but still, he won’t ever let you see his face. He doesn’t want you to be able to identify him in other places… on documents, specifically. He’ll never allow you to discover the things he’s done. When he’s on deployment, he’s a different man; you wouldn’t recognize him.
Aside from you, everyone that knew König knew he was a merciless man. He was dangerous and fearsome - lethal, and sometimes without reason. He followed orders well; he does what he has to do. Or rather, what he likes to do. König doesn’t believe in a god, how could someone when they wake up every day to kill twice as many people as they did yesterday? But still, he prays for the day you see his face. He prays that day never comes.
“Mehr, bitte.” You’re begging for him, hands reaching for his neck to keep him close so you can kiss him again. (More, please)
It’s easy for him to give into you, thrusting up harder between your legs. The muscles he’s worked to build over the years allow him to treat you this way, to hold you so easily on his lap and manipulate your body. They’re bulging against his uniform, the gorgeous form of his biceps.
He groans from your words, pulsating his hips upward much quicker than before. The slick squelch of him re-entering your sex has him going mad, your soft insides repeatedly sucking him in. And the expanse of his palm continues to spread out over your ass, pumping his fingers into you. But then, he’s moving them, sliding them out of your body.
“Baby, no,” You protest, eyes finding him. “Put them back in; please put them back in?”
When you lift your face to look at his, he’s smiling, the scar running through his upper lip curling and stretching the skin. In one fluid motion, his fingers are on his lips, parting them to welcome the digits in. It sends a shock through your entire body, watching his lips close around his thick digits. Holding your gaze for only a second, he sucks on them, lids fluttering shut as he moans.
Reaching up, you slide the pad of your pointer finger over his lower lip, entranced by him. “I love it…”
A low snarl rumbles from the back of his throat, the taste of your tightest hole lingering on his tongue. After wetting his fingers, he returns them to your backside, slipping into your taut hole with ease. Your soldier growls quietly from it, from how effortlessly they go in.
“You take it so good,” His voice is tantalizing, the way he speaks to you sending a shiver through your body. “You’re so good to me…”
You feel like you can barely breathe, hiccuping and sniffling below him as he repeatedly enters you. You’re overwhelmed from his body and his overt adoration and love, the thickness of him stuffing you full until you’re shaking with pleasure and begging for more.
“Oh,” You gasp, clinging to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Ducking down, you attach your lips to his skin, mouth sucking on him until darkened splotches begin to cover him. His skin is salty, the sweat from his tiring day lingering on him. Truly, no one will ever see them, the bruises you leave, so it’s easy for you to get carried away with it. And he might, in turn, get a little carried away, too.
Removing his fingers from you once again, he uses both hands to grip your hips, fully lifting and lowering you onto him. He does it in time with his thrusts, his grunts coming from deep in his chest and punching into the air. And you can’t take it, the forceful jab of his tip against your fleshy walls. With the way he fucks you, it’s like he’s trying to mold you to him, to carve out your insides until they only remember him.
“Liebling,” Your lover growls, his voice straining. When you don’t look up at him, he lifts a hand, grabbing your chin and forcing it up at him. “Liebling…” (Darling) (Darling…)
“My love.” Reaching up, you stroke his half-covered face, sighing as you admire him.
Entirely numb, your eyes drift shut, doing your best to meet his gaze but failing miserably. You’re drunk from it, mind turning to mush as he fucks himself into your body. And it’s weeping for him, the wetness of your cunt soaking his skin, the veiny intrusion stretching your sensitive lips. But his next words shock you, bringing you down from the clouds of your lusty haze.
“I would die for you.”
“König…” Mumbling quietly, you’re struck by his confession.
“I would kill for you.” And he means it, too.
Though you hate to admit it, you know your lover is a deadly man. You know he’s killed people, you know he’s done awful things. But you never ask about it, because you know you’d be disappointed. If you’re honest with yourself, though, you don’t ask because you’re worried you’d become scared.
“You’ll never have to.” It’s a promise you can’t keep; you both know it.
“If I did,” He admits honestly, looking deeply into your heavy-lidded eyes. “You wouldn’t know.”
Immediately, you surge forward, pressing your lips to his. His words come from a place of goodwill, of genuine love and protection.
The wetness between your legs continues to drip down onto his lap, aiding in your continuous slide. He knows he’ll want you more than once tonight, and still, he doesn't have any restraint with you. He doesn’t build up to an intense fuck, doesn’t tease or edge you. With König, every time was like the last, like he’d never get to be inside you again - like he’d never get to feel your squishy walls while you cry out brokenly for him again.
“You want them inside?” Slowly, he drags his pointer and middle fingers along your damp crease, bringing you back to your earlier plea.
“Please,” Your fingernails are clawing at his chest, sex choking the thick intrusion shoving its way into you.
A gentle shake of his head. “You dirty thing…”
Easily, they return to you, a small squish emitting into the air. His lip curls into a brief snarl, a low grunt slipping out of him. “So feucht…” Retracting, he pushes them back in, listening to the wet squelch of your asshole taking his fingers again. “And all for me.” (So wet…)
You can feel yourself slipping, can feel that inevitable drop in the pit of your stomach he so easily brings. It’s already come once tonight, and he’ll make sure it comes again.
“König!” Briefly crying out for him, you lift your head, latching your lips to his.
Even with one hand occupied, he’s still able to move you like it’s nothing, like you weigh absolutely nothing to him. The firm shove of his hips up into your center makes you squeak with every bounce, every thrust he gives.
Eagerly, he meets your kiss, desperately moving his mouth against you. And his own moans only become louder at this, the feel of your talented mouth dancing across his lips. It’s the only thing that truly flustered him, the desperate look on his face evident when you pull away. And when you’re leaning in again, that excitement is written all over his blushing skin, his open mouth waiting for your tongue. Licking into him, his first whine of the night pierces your ears, his cock throbbing while seated balls deep inside your sensitive sex.
“Halt still,” You order softly, holding his face in your hands. (Don’t move)
Slowly, you move your hips against him, lips suctioning around his tongue while you do it. It’s his weak spot, the act that makes him go absolutely dumb.
“Mehr,” He whimpers when you pull away, moaning at the feeling of you bouncing your hips over and over again. (More)
“Mehr?” You tease, grinning.
“Mehr,” Your lover grunts out forcefully, pistoning his hips up into you again. “Ich komme gleich.” (More, I’m about to cum)
Diving in, your lips wrap around his tongue once again, sucking on the wet muscle for him. Immediately, his eyes are rolling back, feeling the powerful thrum of your walls around his thick erection. Harshly, he shoves himself into the slickness of you, your sweet arousal leaking onto his lap. It stains the cargo pants he didn’t care to take off, but he cares not about the wet spots that will be left.
More than ever before, you can feel the muscles in his chest tightening, his abdomen contracting as he prepares for the high you’re giving. Those ridiculously powerful arms secure themselves to your torso, ripping his fingers from your backside to do so. He holds onto you, almost painfully so, unable to help the forceful jerk of his hips up against your cunt.
“K-Königin,” Your lover moans sharply, eyes pinching shut as you let go of his talented tongue. “Meine Königin…” Grinning, you hum. A small play on his name. (Q-Queen, my Queen…)
Grinding his pelvis against your ass and thighs, he unloads himself into your very center. It’s thick and warm, the heaviness of his cock sitting firmly against your walls as his body shivers from the sensation of it.
“König…” Leaning in, you brush the tip of your nose over his chin, his cheek, kissing his exposed skin. “Ich liebe dich.” (I love you)
Instantly, he’s returning the phrase, albeit while slightly winded. It doesn’t help his breathlessness when he can feel the sticky wetness of himself dripping from your lips and all over his lap. He hisses at the feeling of it, the gooiness seeping into his pants.
“Oh…” Panting, he drops his head back, groaning out a small ounce of praise. “Braves Mädchen.” (Good girl)
Leaning in, you rest your forehead against his shoulder, cunt aching but you’re basking in it. Everything feels cold and wet, your combined releases and sweat. And still, you cling to each other, pulling the other as close as they can possibly get.
But he can’t rest long; this is the first time he’s cum tonight, and he’s remiss you didn’t do so twice before him.
A menacing shade takes over the coloring of his eyes as his head lifts, dominant hand sliding up to find your throat. Grasping it firmly, he lifts you from his shoulder, holding you before him.
“Nochmal.” (Again)
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demonvibez · 1 year
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· Ahoy! My name is Ghost, and I write Obey Me fanfiction. 🌹  · I am in my late 20′s, use any pronouns, and obsessed w/ these demon bois. · Requests: CURRENTLY OPEN · My writing process (usually) takes a lot of time, so please be patient while I work on your requests - thank you for your patience as well as your prompts! · Asks are also open to chat - demon banter always welcome ♡ · I tend to write about both SFW & NSFW topics - be sure to mind tags/warnings! · I reserve the right to ignore anything that makes me uncomfortable. · Poly MC requests are accepted; solo smut requests are also accepted; not comfortable writing technical demoncest! Sorry, folks. No hate, though!    · Writing about Luke will be strictly platonic/familial. · Follows/likes come from my main blog: @maskedshinigami · My OM spam sideblog: @ghostisademon · Wanna send a lil love? See a few sneak peaks of my wips? -> Here is a link to my Ko-Fi! ♡
Masterlist Key: ♡ Smut ♡ Suggestive ♡ Fluff ♡ Comfort ♡ Angst ♡ Dark • GN Reader • Fem Reader • Male Reader
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Headcanons & One Shots: 
• Showering with Luci ♡♡♡
• Showering with Mammon ♡♡
• The Secret Garden with Luci ♡♡
• The Book Club (4/5) ♡
• Bloodlust (Barbatos) ♡♡♡
• [Yandere] Mammon ♡♡
• Overwhelmed (Leviathan) ♡♡
• [Yandere] Satan ♡♡
• Impulsive (Diavolo) ♡♡
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• Smol Asmodeus ♡
• On Your Knees for Satan ♡
• Speculation (Mephistopheles) ♡
• The Watcher (Royals) ♡
• Coronation (Diavolo) ♡
• Stratagem (Dia + Luci) ♡♡
• Pleading (Solomon) ♡♡
• Return ♡
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• Shower Drabble (2/3/6) ♡
• Plushie Wars (All Bros) ♡♡
• A Midnight Encounter Pt 1 (1/2/3/4) ♡♡
• A Midnight Encounter Pt 2 (5/6/7 + Dia) ♡♡
• Starlight (Belphegor) ♡
• Clueless (All Bros) ♡♡
• Entrapment (Thirteen) ♡
• Ravenous (Beelzebub) ♡
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Ghost’s Random Polls:
IRL Sins
Demonic Traits
Demon or Angel?
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tender-rosiey · 10 months
oh no, don’t be mad rose <3 live laugh love life <3 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️
AYO THAT’S LIKE ALL MY WIPS?? and no, I shall take out my anger by posting the angst because my friend reads my stuff and now she’s gonna get it
BUT it’s not like heart-wrenching angst, just very soft AND very sad
also because ilysm I will put two sneak peaks
he bites on his lips to hold back his tears, “no, no, it’s not—you can’t do this to me,” a shaky breath escapes his lips, “we still have a future together, a daughter to raise.”
and here’s one from a different wip
getting a mic out from god knows where, he clears his throat and delivers the best performance of his life, “I want your love and I want your revenge—“
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writing-desk-rae · 1 year
(updating as I go)
Rae's Writing Prompt Extravaganza Masterlist
ColdFlash: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Dialogue: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Spooky Season: 1
Meet Cute: 1, 2, 3, 4
Title Prompt: 1
Story Prompt: 1
Lyric Prompt: 1, 2, 3
Ask Games: send me a _ and get _
🌹 - most recently written line from a wip
📓 - the plot of a wip I haven't (and probably won't) write
🤐 - unpublished dialogue
🤹 - plot points I'm juggling
🍋 - smutty ideas for my fics (even/especially if I don't write them in)
✂️ - cut plot lines
🗑️ - deleted scenes
Any emoji - lucky dip
Or just ask a question
AO3 Fics
Did Icurus Fall or Fly (does it matter) - 911/TopGunMaverick - series - wip
Stick By Me - The Flash cw - wip
Be our guests, make a mess - TopGun Maverick - wip
Never have I ever...written a side fic series for Fuddlewuddle - gifts for @fuddlewuddle 's Never Have I Ever series - TopGun Maverick - complete
We are all made of Dreams - The Sandman netflix - series - complete
My Wife, Her Alien, and Me - Doctor Who - wip
Tumblr Fics
Last Night on the Demeter
The Lord of Gifts
Another Admiral
Max (updated)
Deleted Scene: The Wife, The Alien, and Me
Extended Scene: Flight Path, Burning In
Sneak Peaks: Flight Path, Burning In
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mangoisms · 1 year
🌹 please grace us with another sneak peak!
for every 🌹 received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence from a random wip
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that between the two of us, you’re the one with the nasty punch.”
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
She chuckled, walking to it opposite from him, "How could I not? Your name's been circling my bar for weeks," she set the small box to the side before she crossed her hands over the table. 
another line from the dream witch mini series i'm working on <3
send me a 🌹 for sneak peak at a wip
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
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hahahaahahah I love it 💙
here’s a sneak peak for some Clockwork AU Nick Fowler -
“I can smell your cunt from here, omega. You’re dripping, aren’t you? Does the fear excite you, pup?”
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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silver-pieces · 1 year
🌹 is this right? you already kno i’m gonna be 90% of the roses
Yes my lovely, thankyou! For you, it's gotta be a snippet of Mandalorian's Mercy Part 10. I haven't written much yet, but here is a brief sneak peak without giving too much away...
🌹// Vizsla - dickhead - and your almost captor - dead man walking.
He must have traced you through the holo and alerted the client to your location. Fucking perfect. //🌹
Send me a 🌹 and I'll give you a random line from a random WIP!
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foli-vora · 1 year
a sneak peak at my new javier pena series "this will be" -
Would he call you a first love? He didn’t put a label on it at the time, but looking back now it was clear you’d been something special. You moving away hadn’t been on the cards, but it had happened and there was nothing his much younger self could have done about it. One chapter closed, for another to open. 
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henswilsons · 2 years
🌹 yay sneak peaks!
we love sneak peaks!!
“Do you think he’s ever worked at a Saddle Ranch?” Chimney says. “I reckon he’d make a killing.”
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing!
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stonedregulus · 3 years
🌹 let’s go with jegulus
this is actually a sneak peek at idca’s next chapter:
Regulus bit his bottom lip, eyeing the way James’ hair stood up a bit like he’d just gotten off his broom, “How is your day going?”
“Good, yeah. Yours?”
“Great,” Regulus smiled, instinctively taking a small step closer to him.
“Why are you guys acting so weird?” Sirius asked, eyebrow cocked as he threw an arm around James’ shoulders.
(🌹asks are closed now loves i’m just catching up still after 2 weeks sorry 💚)
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kmackatie · 2 years
🌹 :D
a future sneak peak into a musicians chapter
His back spasms and he hisses, lifting his head up from the pile of paper he has somehow fallen asleep on. One of the sheets sticks to his face, and he hears Essek snort—though it sounds incredibly fond—before it’s gently peeled from his face. “Aşkım, you said you were coming to bed hours ago,” Essek chides gently, wrapping his arms around Caleb’s shoulder and resting his chin on the top of Caleb’s head. “It’s been far longer than is healthy.” “I know, I know. I just—I’m so close to getting this down.”
send me a 🌹 for a line from a WIP
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Thanks for the rose, Josi! You were asking me about the Rick Flag x Next Door Neighbor!Reader fic, so here is a sneak peak: 😉
“You use your hands to mix your meatloaf?” Rick stares at you incredulously.
“You don’t?”
He shakes his head. “Can’t say I’ve actually ever made meatloaf. My mom used to when I was a kid, but I don’t remember actually seein’ her make it.”
“Well, I don’t know how other people make it but that’s how my mama taught me. It’s just easier to get all the ingredients mixed in properly. An’ I’ve never had any complaints about the taste.”
“I’ll take your word on it.” Rick chuckles softly to himself.
You pick up the wooden spoon you had been using for the mashed potatoes and wave it playfully in his face. “Hey, you might be the expert when it comes to tools an’ such, but don’t question me about my southern cookin’!”
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one sentence of a WIP
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braveclxrke · 2 years
🌹🥰any chance to see aj writing and im there
ASHLEY, my wonderful beautiful sister! I have not written merthur in such a long time but i am BACK for you and I loveeeed writing this and i hope you enjoy this little sneak peak.
- your dear sassenach 🌞💛
Merlin watched as the trees above swayed together as the wind swept across the land. He followed a leaf as it danced down through the air, being lifted up every few seconds before dropping again.
He slowed his pace, the leaf sweeping across a large bush covered in blooming flowers, a butterfly perched on them, "Merlin, I promised my father I would be back before supper and at this rate we won't be back until tomorrow," Arthur called from out at front, his hand resting on the halt of his sword.
Merlin pulled his eyes away from the flowers, catching up to Arthur, "You know you have walked through these woods for years but have you ever really looked at them, seen them," He said, feeling the cool breeze across his skin.
Arthur narrowed his eyes, "What are you talking about Merlin," He said.
Marlin opened his mouth, then closed it a moment later. There was no way to explain how the forrest felt without exposing himself, without destroying everything he had built here. He sighed, shaking his head, "Nothing,"
"Then why are you talking," Arthur snapped.
"You know being particularly difficult today, worse than usual which is already pretty difficult," Arthur just rolled his eyes. Merlin noticed the way the man gripped his sword tight, his whole body seeming tense, "You want to talk about it?" He asked, coming to stand closer to Arthur.
Arthur scoffed, "With you?" He sarcastically asked.
"Me?" Merlin laughed, shaking his head and pointing to a near tree, "No, no I thought you could talk to that tree over there? the grass," Arthur reached out, gently pushing Merlin and for the first time today, he noticed a gentle smile on Arthur's lips.
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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generallybarzy · 3 years
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Wow!!! Less than a month since I hit 1.2k and we're already up 100 followers! So, I have to say all this again. I'm literally so so so grateful for all my followers and ESPECIALLY the ones who send asks and reblog my posts and interact, you guys are the best 💕💕. I literally never thought I would get to this many followers on a dumb blog I made just to share my little stories about hockey. But here we are.
This time around, I'm gonna have a whole week scheduled out, with each night a different theme. You can send asks about each night in advance but I'll answer them on the specific night!
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C E L L Y N I G H T S (AUGUST 03--10)
💤 sleepover night (08/03): let's just chat about some stuff, fashion, makeup, our crushes, our jobs, school, even hockey if you want to! We can also do little also games like FMK (fuck, marry, kiss, but you can chose the three options), make me chose between two players, stuff like that!!
🤔 headcanon night (08/04): send me hcs you have about players! I'll add commentary to them or even give my own at times, but you run the show! Fluffy, smutty, or just general! Anything you want!
😍 appreciation night (08/05): tell me about your favorite players! Doesn't matter if I know them or not! I wanna spread some appreciation!
🥰 appreciation night pt. 2!!! (08/06): send asks about your favorite blogs and write them a cute lil message and I'll tag them! Let's share some love!
🫂comfort night (08/07): send me a line from this list and I'll write a comfort blurb for you. You can also specify a specific topic the blurb can relate to. Dont send anything too triggering, just some light angst that has someone comforting you, but I'll tag all these with TW to be safe
“I promise, no one will ever hurt you again.”
"Do you wanna talk about it?”
“You’re not going to lose me. Ever.”
"I know it hurts, baby."
"Listen to my heart, okay?"
"You want me to tell you a story?"
"We'll get through this one."
"Is it too bright in here?"
+ might add more on that night!
👀 sneak peak night (08/08): I'll post an updated list of all my wips and you can ask me about any of them, including long passages from each!
✨ moodboard/header night (08/09): send me a player and a theme and color scheme if you'd like and I'll make you a cute mood board or header image (for your blog or a fic! You can also tell me if you'd like it the normal squares format or something funkier
🥵 smut night (08/10): send me one of the blurb prompts from this list and I'll write a lil steamy thing!!! You can give as little or as much detail as you want in the request!
"Babe, it's the middle of the night."
"We shouldn't, not here!"
"I'll guide you."
"Just focus on me."
"Don't test me."
"You look good enough to eat. In fact..."
"You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"
+ might add more on that night!
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Once again, thank you all so much for hanging in there with me and actually sticking along for this mess. I saved these celly nights until after my very last day of work so I can focus solely on finishing asks on those days! I'll post more in depth "rules" on each night. Feel free to start sending things, but make sure to label your asks with the enoji or date for whatever night you're sending it in for, just for my sanity, thank you!!!!
🌸🌷🌺🌹🌻⚘I LOVE YOU ALL⚘🌻🌹🌺🌷🌸
Going through my mentions and tagging people who've tagged me in appreciation stuff in the past cause idk who considers themselves my friends anymore but ily all anyway: @fallinallincurls @dembenchboys @josthours @joekellys @yeahisupporttheleafs @probablygraves27 @bb-nhlqueen7 @matbaerzal @andreburakozy
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
“Who are you?” His pitch black eyes locked with yours. 
“Only the Devil, peach, here to collect my payment.”
this has been in the works for so long but i'm just waiting for my muse to come back to it - devil!bucky x human!reader
send me a 🌹 for sneak peak at a wip
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