#šŸ–¤. bakugou katsuki
katsukikitten Ā· 1 year
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You've been writing to inmates in prison for almost two years now and have helped many feel more at ease with their current situations and possible futures. So it should come to no surprise when the warden of the most notorious prison seeks out your help with a difficult inmate they can hardly contain. The task proves difficult after you receive your first letter back from Bakugou Katsuki. More infamously known as Ground Zero, and you're not so sure you can help a man this far gone.
wc 6.8k warnings: dunno but he's mean and a villain so read at your own risk. MDNI 18+ content
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You've been selected for a special project due to your credentials with previous inmates. Letters exchanged between you and other inmates have had a positive effect on their rehabilitation which is one step closer to getting them assimilated back to the normalcy of society.Ā 
We ask that you help us by reaching out to inmate B-001174 Bakugou, Katsuki. He has not had mail correspondence nor a visitor due to his self isolation since his incarceration. We are hoping that a letter from the most well received correspondent begins to pave the way for a brighter future for B-001174. Please see the below instructions on what topics to avoid for inmate B-001174
Family members of any relation to inmate
Previous crimes by inmate or inmate's affiliates.Ā 
Current crimes by inmate's affiliates or any such nature of crimeĀ 
Current events of any kind including natural disasters, diseases, political elections or anything of relation.Ā 
Current hero rankings, change of status or death of any hero since incarceration December 18th 2XXX
Any mention of hero(es) who captured inmate listed as follows : Aizawa, Shouta - Eraserhead, Todoroki, Enji - Endeavor, Toshinori, Yagi - Allmight, Usagiyama, Rumi - MirkoĀ 
Current known affiliates are listed as follows : Kirishima, Eijirou, Midoriya, Izuku, Shigaraki, Tomura and Todoroki, Touya.Ā 
We appreciate your efforts in brightening the dull lives of inmates and hope you pick up your pen and do what you do best, change lives for the better! Please see the following attachments for instructions on how to address the letter and seal inside the pre-paid postage envelope before dropping it off at any post office.
Remember each letter will be opened and read for any sort of criminal activity before being passed along to the inmate.Ā 
Warden of Tartarus Maximum Prison Facility
You flip the letter over and skim the instructions, the same as they always are expect this time there is an extra line to add, maximum security level ten, as if you had to notate some sort of alert to the mailroom for an extra thorough check of this particular piece of mail. You bite the inside of your lip, toeing off your kitten heels before padding over to your computer with letter in tow.Ā Ā 
The request comes as a surprise, mostly because they listed a specific inmate instead of your usual list of inmates who wished to receive mail but had ties cut from their own families or needed some semblance of someone on the outside to speak with. Never asking you to address some sort of conversation with someone who sounded like they didn't want to have one at all.Ā 
Snarling your lip when you read the affiliates that you needed to avoid as if their government names gave you any idea of who they were, some of them anyway.Ā 
Two with whom you were already exchanging letters with weekly.Ā 
Your usual routine to wind down from work is lost to your undying hunger of who this person was. Although you had to admit Bakugou sounded eerily familiar.Ā 
A quick search brings up his villain name,Ā  Ground Zero, captured during a raid of some sort and he alone needed several heroes for his capture. His quirk was dangerous, explosions detonated by sparks along his forearms and palms from his sweat that contained nitroglycerin and it seemed as if his mental health was just as stable as the fuel to his quirk.Ā 
Looking at him wrong set him off and he was powerful enough to level buildings from just a few juls of output from his intense explosions. Still curiosity killed the cat and you delved deeper.Ā 
Wondering how Izuku, aka Deku, who was quirkless and Eijirou, aka Blood Riot who could harden his skin, which you knew from their letters, got caught up with a living, breathing nuke.Ā 
Thankfully most of the documentation and footage involving Katsuki's arrest was released to the public with redactions and edits of course but what you needed was the raw data.Ā 
Finding unofficially released footage from Mirko's body cam, the only surviving body cam between the pursuing heroes. It starts right in the midst of the action, sirens wailingĀ  and people screaming in the background as the scene unfolds. Ground Zero and Mirko exchange blows evenly while Endevor tries to ambush him from behind. The hulking blonde smirks, as if he had no blind spot, swinging his large arm backward hitting Endeavor right in the mouth, hard enough it sends him flying.Ā  Katsuki's bromine eyes flicker to what must be vantage points off camera as if searching for something.Ā 
"Got that pesky ass four eyes on me huh? I'm hurt ya don't wanna play with me properly, hops." He dodges a kick to the chest, sliding back and it's obvious his prowess as a fighter is unmatched, even with his quirk silenced.
"Shut the fuck up. Ya talk too much." Ā Shifting her weight to fein a kick that he catches, pinning her thick leg between his sturdy ribs and strong arm as he wears the nastiest smile. One that Mirko wipes off quickly with a swift kick from her free foot straight to his handsome face. Turning his cheek and blood arcs from his mouth, still he does not stagger nor falter.Ā 
He even still has her leg pinned as she stands awkwardly, back arched to him and her bunny tail twitches. The viewer can only see the ground and her free leg but the mic still very much catches what he says next and you're sure the smile he was wearing earlier comes back tenfold.Ā 
"Careful hops, ya get any rougher with me and I'll cum."Ā 
His laugh echoes shortly after and the sound should not cause your stomach to flip the way it does before the footage abruptly ends.Ā 
Taking the time to scroll through a few more pictures and articles, trying to find where it all went wrong when really none of that was your business, still it killed you to know.Ā 
And when you fail to find anything, fail to find that butterfly effect that puts his whole life askew, it does little to quell the uneasy feeling that gnaws at the pit of your stomach. If anything it fuels it yet still you rummage your desk for stationary and a pen.Ā 
Sealing away the envelope once you were done and setting it by your purse to grab in the morning when you think you'll be braver.Ā 
Or maybe less brave as you hesitate by the mail drop off box, your train fast approaching the outside terminal before you shove it into the slot quickly.Ā 
Too late to take it back now.Ā 
Besides what were the odds he'd even send one back?
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"B-001174, got mail." The guard grunts as he slips the already open letter under the cell door, finishing his rounds before the doors would open and the inmates could roam about the pod as they saw fit.Ā 
Katsuki snarls, he didn't get mail, letters or pictures or even the cult following he once had he'd scared 'em all off. Tired of all the stupid bullshit they spewed at him, the ideals they placed on him or the words they shoved into his mouth. Worst yet were how they justified their actions, their own wrong doings in the name of Ground Zero, too pussy to even own up to their own actions. Katsuki hated that as much as he hated liars.Ā 
Besides he didn't ask for all that shit, didn't care. He just wanted to watch the world burn.Ā 
Wanted to set it on fire and Katsuki's philosophy was that anything was kindling.Ā 
That everything is kindling.Ā 
And he thinks he should just ignite the smallest spark despite the quirk "silencing" cuffs and let the letter be devoured by the heat of his palms.Ā 
But the return address catches his eye, the name does. It's familiar in a way he can't quite place yet. Pulling the paper out of the envelope in the meantime. The first thing he notices is the faint almost perfumey smell of coconut from the paper, not from spraying the stationary but as if it were lotion rubbing across the parchment as you wrote in long looping letters, for a moment he finds the smell pleasant. His poisonous bromine eyes slide over the letter with ease.Ā 
Dear Bakugou,Ā 
I heard you don't get letters very often, if any, so I hope this one finds you well. The weather is warming up quickly, the cicadas are starting to scream even though it's barely June, we'll all be sweltering come August. Summer is my favorite season, do you have a favorite? Work slows down around this time and they usually grant us extra leave so we can enjoy the weather, which is quite nice. I hope you're getting to enjoy the sun as well.Ā 
I know cooking is one of your favorite things, I can see why. It can be relaxing or make you feel good to nourish someone else. What other hobbies do you have aside from cooking? Any favorite books or authors? Maybe I can send your favorite one in! Just let me know.Ā 
Do you have everything you need? Do you need any money for commissary? Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything at all, I'm only a letter away.Ā 
Hope to hear from you and maybe soon I can call you Katsuki.Ā 
Much Love
He snorts as he reads the last line and it finally dawns on him from where he knows your name. Lifting himself out of his prison cot with ease, the cheap thing groaning from his bulk as he exits his cell. Heading towards the neighboring cell that holds Deku and Riot, shoving his way into the too cramped space for the bulking men.Ā 
"Ka-kaachan!" Izuku chirps, surprised to see the hot headed blonde out of his cell and especially surprised to see Bakugou in his own. Lingering by Izuku's half with a quirked brow, his eyes roaming until they found the hidden stack of papers.Ā 
"Gonna grab breakfast with us?" Kirishima asks as he watches large hands snatch at the pile. Instantly Izuku stands, eyes darkening as he steps towards Katsuki.
"Put those down, Kaachan." It's that fake polite smile Izuku wears before a fight, the kind that never reaches his eyes and Bakugou doesn't heed the warning, "Please."
It's clipped and now Kirishima thinks to rise, doesn't want either of them to do solitary or to deal with the month long bickering if they do get into a physical fight.Ā 
Katsuki looks over the letters, reading them quickly and appreciating that Izuku is meticulous enough to keep them in chronological order, each one signed off the same way. Much love.Ā 
Such bullshit.Ā 
Izuku shoves Bakugou when he still scowls down at the papers that also smell like coconut. Katsuki drops the letters unceremoniously and Izuku scrambles to keep them from hitting the concrete floor. Bakugou already on Kirishima's side who watches with a confused glare.Ā 
"What are you-" But Kirishima doesn't get to say much else as Katsuki lifts the thin mattress from the metal frame to find the hidden letters. Tucked away safely as if the battle worn villain took comfort in the false words in shiny black ink.Ā 
Same return address, same name, same bull shit sign off.Ā 
"Katsuki!" Kirishima shoves him and the blonde hardly moves, Eijirou's skin half hardening out of habit before he tries to shove again. Katsuki hits his forearm harshly, a soft pop in warning although neither could do too much with the amount of sedation and silencing that came from the collar from around their thick throats. Izuku sans silencing cuffs, has no worries about a part of him being dulled. He was built like an ox with the metabolism of a pubescent teen despite being in his late twenties so sedatives or mood stabilizers hardly have any effect.Ā 
Bakugou tosses the letters onto Kirishima's scratchy blanket before he scoffs.Ā 
"Tsk, believe that bullshit?" He's rolling his eyes as he leaves the cell with nothing but the rustle of paper as they try to rehide what they act like is their dirty little secret.Ā 
God weak hearted fools were so fucking annoying.Ā 
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Post through the prison system could take some time, especially when it came to newer exchanges. It could be anywhere between two weeks to two months before you saw a reply from Katsuki. If you got one at all.Ā 
But the thought of his phantom reply slips to the back of your head what with your current workload and the other correspondents so when you see a sealed envelope the prison's return address you think nothing of it.Ā 
Not until you open it to see an open envelope with your address but instead of your name is spelled out Fake Bitch.Ā 
Blinking furiously you pull out the letter, unfolding it quickly to let your eyes scan over the page, each word burning into your retinas.
Piece of shit,Ā 
Such a pathetic fuckin slut, writing any and every desperate man behind bars you think is hot, hopin you'll get a conjugal visit. Already fucked everyone at surface level ya gotta try prison dick?Ā 
Or is it worst than that?Ā  Mommy and daddy didn't love ya enough? Didn't give ya enough attention so you look for it in anyone that'll give ya the time of day? Prey on those with no one to talk to knowing you'd get a reply out of desperation.Ā 
Lickin knives all ya know sweetheart? Pretty fuckin scummy if ya ask me.Ā 
Fuck off and die,Ā 
Bakugou KatsukiĀ 
Now you've received your fair share of mean and asshole letters but this? This was different.Ā 
This felt personal.Ā 
It was rule number one you'd given yourself when you were asked to start penning letters while in a shitty place yourself.Ā 
And yet here you were breaking it for some asshat who thought the cityscape was his to destroy.Ā 
Heart ringing in your ears as you try to calm yourself, counting your breaths until you finally could see straight. Penning up something simple yet effective telling yourself that even if he didn't reply it didn't matter.Ā 
You drop it into the mail the next day, two weeks later the same guard is slipping another opened letter under Bakugou's cell door. A snarl to his lip, he didn't expect you to reply and if he was being honest he may have forgotten about you, still the envelope was addressed to his inmate number and no longer is his name written in your cute script.Ā 
While you may think you know everything there is to know about life and me, I'd like to point out your position over mine.Ā 
Last I checked I'm not miles and miles in the ground, under heavy security, among other things a civilian wouldn't be privy to. However I will put it into lame man's terms as it seems your cognitive abilities have declined.Ā 
I'm not the one behind bars, asshole.Ā 
Much Hate
Bakugou clicks his tongue, he was used to the insult, wore it proudly most days but he knew his first letter would go one of two ways.
One, you'd cry when you read it and never replied to him again, which was his hope or two there was a very slim chance he'd get under your skin enough you'd feel the innate need to respond and defend yourself.Ā 
Bakugou does what he does best and burrows further under your pretty skin twirling the pen he finds in the library with ease as he takes to writing out a delicious reply.Ā 
Mail from Tartarus normally came on Wednesday or Thursday as if someone at the facility always forgot to send it out at the beginning of the week. So it became a part of your routine to check your PO Box you set up in a prefecture over in order to preserve your safety should something ever go awry with any of your pen pals or to receive online purchases. Mail day used to be a day you looked forward to, something to help you get through the remainder of your work week but today it was a day you dreaded.Ā 
The excitement from seeing the others' responses in the mail is overshadowed by one particular envelope that slips out of the Manila folder that all of the letters to the same correspondent were sent in to save postage.Ā 
You should be reading Touya's letter or hell anyone else's for that matter, yet here you stood, going for that obnoxious scrawl as he still refused to spell out your name and instead gave you some horrible insult.Ā 
Pathetic Slut
If lying to yourself by writing half ass disingenuine letters to prisoners out of pity makes ya feel like yer changing the world then by all fucking means write away sweetheart.Ā 
Just don't be surprised when you get an asshole response from an asshole behind bars.Ā 
Cause we both know that's what you think of all of us don'tchya?Ā 
Bakugou KatsukiĀ 
It shouldn't bother you, it shouldn't burrow so deep into your skin that his inky words scratch at your bones. Like his fingers could dig around in the marrow like maggots yet still it makes your cheeks heat. Makes your eyes burn from frustration and lack of blinking as your palms sweat.Ā 
Soles of your feet burning as you walk further into your apartment to rummage through the drawers of your desk.Ā  Uncaring how things topple over as you furiously grab for a permanent marker, pens and books scattering over the hardwood floors.Ā 
Heart pounding as it resounds through your body like metal striking a bell. Each beat faster, harder than the last until you think your vision starts to ehb at the edges from how much hatred burns away at any of the kindness you built up over the last decade.Ā 
Snapping the marker in half by the time you're done writing your final letter to the asshole.Ā 
You don't read it, don't care if it makes it past screening and he never sees it at all. Shoving it into one of your personal envelopes on your desk slapping on a floral postage stamp before stomping down to the express box that sat just outside of your apartment complex.Ā 
It takes a full week for you to calm down, another week to stop thinking about it daily, and one more week to even reply to the letters you got almost a month ago.Ā 
An email comes in from the post office, alerting you to something being placed in your box. You hope it's the new sun dress you bought as retail therapy after a long week and an even bigger bottle of booze that you'd drained. Spending quite a pretty penny on something you didn't even really have an occasion to wear it to.Ā 
More like a nice date, the type of dress you could dress up or down depending on what sorts of accessories you paired with it.Ā 
Taking the train three stops past your own to head into the post office. Turning the key to your decent sized box finding within the metal your promised package.Ā 
And on top of that a familiar manila folder with the return address to Tartarus.Ā 
You grit your teeth, holding onto the mail harder than you should as you take those three long stops back home. Swallowing thickly as you climb your steps, the folder and plastic bag package punctured from your sharp nails as you quickly press in your seven digit key code to get into your apartment and out of the sweltering mid August air.
When your door shuts it closed off the sound of the screaming cicadas and the few crickets that lie in the green space beside your apartment as you try to force yourself to follow your nightly routine.Ā 
Remove shoes, take off makeup, eat, shower, sleep.Ā 
But that damn folder was burning a hole into your fingers as you go to your desk, rocking your chair side to side before you just rip it open like you'd rip off a bandaid.Ā 
This time the letter addresses you in a new way.Ā 
I dare you to come say that shit to my face. You fuckin better show up Saturday other wise I'll let your precious Izu and Eiji know just how much of a fake bitch ya really are. Imagine what it would do to them? Break their hearts I'm sure.Ā Ā 
Ya'd hate to mess with their progress wouldn't ya?Ā 
Don't forget to wear something cute, it'd be nice to see some fat tits in my face at the very least. If a shitty woman like you even owns anything relatively sexy.
Fuck offĀ 
Bakugou KatsukiĀ 
You see red, breathing deeply as you re-read the letter again, who the fuck was this asshole? Black mailing you into visiting him so it wouldn't hurt your other correspondents because Bakugou was so fucking selfish.Ā 
So black out angry you don't seem to wake up, not when you put yourself in that sleek summer sun dress that went to your mid thigh, not when you stare at your angry scowl as you apply light make up, and especially not on the hour drive and then two hour ferry ride to Tartarus. Especially not during the twenty minute descent in a cramped elevator box with a guard in front and behind you with AKs clipped to their chests, the sweltering heat seeping down this low in the ground due to body heat and poor ventilation of the prison.Ā 
Not until the buzzer of the barred door in front of you screams its demands, that the handle was "live" and could be opened by the guard standing in the cage between the hallway that led back to freedom and the other where you could already see toxic bromine burning into your skin.Ā 
This was a bad idea. This was a really fucking bad idea.Ā Ā 
You swallow thickly, it was too late to turn back now wasn't it? The door had already swung shut as the guard came closer to you for one final inspection.
"Dress is kinda short." Katsuki can overhear the guard mumble to you, can see how the guard's fingers twitch and for some reason his own do too. He watches how the guard lingers, how the man's hand press against your body and bunches up your dress as he pats you down a little too roughly. How you bite your lip when the man squeezes your ribs and under the weight of your breasts a little too roughly.Ā 
Katsuki is starting to see red, sweat begins to collect on his brow. He hasn't even fully seen you at least not without an obstructed view but already he can tell he likes what he sees.Ā 
Likes how the dress clings to parts of you you'd favor, the parts you want to really highlight. How the hem flusters higher with each step of your strappy flat shoes.
Loves the scowl that pinches up your cute face when the door buzzes to allow you into the room with him and another six guards. Likes how you straighten your spine as if you've gotten fresh resolve when you come in.Ā 
Looking at him like he was trash and he smirks, like how you don't recoil from him despite how he looks now.Ā Ā 
Plexiglass spit guard with metal framing afixed to his face to keep more than his salvia to himself, more so to keep his gnashing teeth away from people's skin. How his throat is encircled with a thick black collar with a red light set far past stun and closer to kill that would send an electric pulse if he misbehaved but only if they could reach their remote fast enough.Ā 
How the silver cuffs around his thick wrists chain him to the table top, thick forearms exposed from him rolling up his bright orange suit that was harsh on the eyes thanks to the flickering fluorescent lighting overhead. Soft ash blonde hair messy at the top with a self given undercut beneath, iris so bloody red it was as if he was born straight from the calf of Ares himself.Ā 
"Hey Sweetheart." He purrs and his voice is pure sin.Ā 
Pure fucking sin.Ā 
Sending a jolt straight to your clit as his pretty lips curl up into a deadly smirk, showing his sharp canines.Ā 
Bakugou can't contain the feeling of triumph that dances in his veins, purposely egging you on in his letter with the closest Saturday knowing you'd be allowed to come on such short notice. See, most visitors needed to have thorough background checks and intensive mental testing before coming to meet anyone in maximum security five hundred meters below sea level.Ā 
But the conniving blonde knew you were special.Ā 
Knew the warden of Tartarus favored you and would allow you to skip these precautions, especially after what that dumbass thinks you've done. In less than a month of writing to him, that damn Deku finally added Inko-san back to his visiting list, actually came to the visit and cupped her hands. Murmuring on and on that her baby boy with the wavy emerald curls was okay. Inko cried and returned every month since.
No different for Kirishima either, adding Fat Gum, who was like a father figure to him during their shared time at UA, to his visitor list. Surprisingly Taishiro came, still comes, him and Inko car pool together.Ā 
Not even a few heartbeats pass between the two of you before you feel your tongue slicing up the sensitive skin of the roof of your mouth. Of the hard bone of your teeth.Ā 
"Fuck. You." The words drip with sticky poison that even one of the guards behind him flinches but not Bakugou.Ā 
No never Bakugou Katsuki, the Ground Zero himself who leveled a city for the fucking fun of itĀ 
He smiles, both sides of his mouth curling up and it should be disturbing how much he obviously gets off on your frustration, on your hate. But it isn't, it's almost mesmerizing how he looks at you. Like you're something to triumph and conquer, something he wants to keep for himself.Ā 
With that you turn to leave, skirt fluttering from the movement and Katsuki can see the tattoo on your upper thigh, the ink making his mouth salivate as he wonders if he can find any more you've got hidden on that fine body.Ā 
He lunges despite the rattling chains that keep him close to the table, still he has enough leeway to grab onto your arm in one giant hand. Foolishly you try to pull free.Ā 
"Oh come on sweetheart. I've got a whole hour of play time for this. Yer not leaving, sit down."Ā 
His grip on you is tight, his hand big enough to engulf half of your forearm and it gets tighter still. Hot palm making your bones creak from the pressure as he smiles up at you cruelly. All you can do is glare down at him, bore all of your hate where the two of you are connected, his skin feels electric against yours.Ā 
"Ya know, I could probably still blow your arm off." He doesn't bother to say it quietly, chuckles when you look at the quirk silencing cuffs and collar he dons, "They ain't shit against strong quirks."Ā 
Your eyes flash, anger spiking your blood and stupidly you strike. Hand stinging as badly as the tears that come to your eyes and threaten to fall past your lash line. Clawed fingers met with the metal framing of the glass spit guard mask that covers his mouth. Still one of your claws cuts his cheeks and he howls with laughter.Ā 
"Like I said-" He yanks you down harshly, playful tone from his voice gone as your ribs smack into the edge of the metal table, puffs of hot breath fogging the glass of his spit guard, "Sit."Ā 
The awkward angle forces your knees to bend, settling on to the cold metal stool while his warm fingers leave blossoms of black and blue on the skin. As if returning the favor for the cut.Ā 
"I can feel your heart pounding princess,yer pussy throbin this hard too?" He licks his lips, laughs when you lean away from him in disgust, "Ya like it. All sluts play hard to get at first."Ā 
Your eyes flicker to the guards behind him, all six pretend not to notice, panic shoots through your veins and the realization of just how bad of a fucking idea this was settles over you harshly. Like ice water flowing from the nape of your neck.Ā Ā 
He follows your gaze, even cranes his head like he didn't know who was behind him and exactly where they stood.Ā 
"Oh them? They ain't gonna do shit. They're too scared of me. Blew a guy's head off last week." He smiles and one of the guards suddenly finds the floor interesting, "Do ya know how drugged up I am right now baby? How much force these cuffs have to use to bring my quirk down to half power?"Ā 
Choosing not to respond you let your eyes fall back on his handsome face watching it snarl as you ignore him.Ā 
Oh he'd make you see him.Ā 
"What cat got yer tongue now ya scared cause I'm so strong? Invincible?" Your eyes narrow as he speaks the arrogance of this man is far beyond your comprehension.Ā 
"You bleed like every other man." He loves the way you speak, how you wield that sharp tongue. How he wants it pressed and slashing over his own as he's two fingers deep into your tight cunt, moaning into his mouth.Ā 
He brings the thick digits of his free hand parting gift you bestowed upon him. The long thin slash as rough pads bring smeared blood into view so he can lick away the dark red beads.Ā 
"Bloody men are usually the most dangerous, you never know if it's his or that of another's." He lets his hot thumb roll over the cut, cauterizing the small wound hoping it scars.Ā 
Eyes widening as he blatantly uses his quirk as if there weren't armed guards behind him. You're watching his eyes closely as he does and finally you realize what he said is true. There is a dullness to them that was lacking in the raw footage you saw all those months ago.Ā 
Then his eyes were vibrant, sharp and slicing, much more intense then the hazy glare he gives you now. It didn't make him any less of an apex predator.Ā 
Still watching you, recording your small movements and committing your soft skin to his memory as he studies you.Ā 
"Got a quirk?" He grunts out after a moment, after he collects whatever information he was looking for, "I wanna guess first. Manipulation?"Ā 
He smirks at his own joke and you roll your eyes, trying to ignore how his thumb swipes at the underside of your forearm idly. How the motion twists your stomach violently with dizzying emotions.Ā 
Rolling your eyes before you scoff an answer, "No. Besides you expect me to manipulate through what? Ink?"Ā 
"Ya never know. Went to school with some asshole whose quirk was comic book sound effects." He leans back never letting go but now his hand is around your wrist. His fingers twitch when he looks at yours, fights the urge to roughly lace them with his own.Ā 
"Well I don't. Manipulate I mean." You adjust in your seat, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny, "And I won't disclose whether I have a quirk or not."Ā 
"Haaah? Worried I'll like it?" When you don't answer he adds, "Is it compatible with mine?"Ā 
Slowly blinking at him trying not to read into what you think he means. He groans at your silence, the higher dosage of his morning meds finally catching up making him a little lethargic. Taking his edge off when all he wants to do is rise over the crashing wave of the pending high he can barely keep at bay and whisk you out of the depths of hell the two of you currently sit in.Ā 
"So then what? You just used regular words to manipulate them?" He fights back a yawn.Ā 
"Who?" Your ribs still ache from his actions earlier, it doesn't warn you like it should.Ā 
"Don't play fuckin stupid, Sweetheart." He's lurching into your space again, hand moving back over your bruise. It makes your stomach clench when it shouldn't, especially not as the chains rattle against the metal table top, serving as a heavy reminder of the setting of this conversation.Ā 
Still his breath comes in quick puffs as it fogs up the glass again, "Shitty hair. Deku."Ā 
Your brows furrow for a moment, another groan from him.Ā 
"For fucks sake." Light squeeze of your arm as he spits their names, "Fuckin nerdy ass Izuku. Eijirou."
"I can't talk about them." Looking away from his darkened eyes that flash with a fury of emotion.
"Who's stoppin ya? Them?" He tilts his head towards the guards, "I told ya-"Ā 
"B-001174, you have five minutes left for visitation." A voice crackled over an old speaker in the visitation cell, "Please remove your hands from the guest or we will apply force."Ā 
The small light on his collar flashes red and he just smirks, looking up, well above your head. Staring directly at the warden like he knows exactly where he stood behind the two way mirror.Ā 
"Yea? You'll apply force? Go ahead. Nothin but a little shock t' me but t' her? She'll die warden." There is no mirth in his smirk, lips twitching as his eyes are shrouded in dark warning, "And we wouldn't want that would we?"Ā 
The way he speaks sends a chill down your spine, the haze of whatever sedative they had him on is now gone and you're left sitting across from those vibrant radioactive eyes. Burning through the mirror to sear the warden's skin in a threat, a promise.Ā 
A buzz rings out as the seventh guard comes in, he scrunches his nose and it makes his oddly shaped mustache twitch.Ā 
"Miss." He grunts holding out his hand for you to take too close in your personal space for your liking. Slapping it out of your face before following your right arm down to where Katsuki held fast. Peeling off his thick digits with your finely manicured claws.Ā 
He hisses at the loss of contact, glaring at the guard when his hands hover close and the older man is smart enough not to antagonize a literal monster. Katsuki stands suddenly, a scream comes from the bolts securing metal to metal as he rips the table out of the ground, unable to break the chains for now.Ā 
Everyone but Bakugou in the room freezes, guns cocked and aimed at the bulking villain who rose to his full height, sticking his prison issued white shoe onto the seat he just sat on to push down roughly. Thick thigh muscles straining against the fabric of the bright orange pants. A smile to his face when the chains finally snap and he can move his hands more freely before ripping off the plexiglass spit guard letting it clink on to the ground. His large hands run through his hair as if to fix it.Ā 
"I'm entitled to a proper fuckin good bye." He hisses at everyone in the room, they keep their guns aimed at him but make no move to pull any trigger.Ā 
Katsuki stalks closer, a wall of muscle, broad chest and shoulders, slim waist that leads down to powerful legs and you try not to let your breath catch in your throat.Ā 
Try not to let the big bad wolf win by letting him know just how scared you were. Over how impressive it was that he snapped reinforced titanium chains so easily.Ā 
He's well within your arms reach now, so close heat radiates from his chest.Ā 
"I'll see ya soon, Sweetheart." He bids you a final goodbye, waving his fingers that pop with burning caramel explosions. You're not sure why it sets you off, maybe it was the way he wore that stupid smirk on his face, maybe it was the way he demonstrated his power or his dominance in an attempt to intimidate you one last time.Ā 
Maybe it's the way he was arrogant enough to think you'd waste six hours round trip on his ass ever again.Ā 
Either way it makes your temper flair, burrows deep into your subdermis to scarpe at your bones one final time before you unknowingly seal your own fate. Not knowing how his body would react to your parting words.Ā 
"There won't be a next time. I came here for one thing and that was to say fuck you." Delivered with just as much clotting venom as it was before, middle finger held high.
His smirk turns deadly, blowing out a snort as he leans closer as if to share a secret. You can smell the cheap commissary soap that clings to his skin that's starting to lose out to the rapidly building nimbus of smoking caramel that clouds the air as his lips press to your ear.Ā Ā 
"Don't have t'. I'll come to you." He pulls back and winks as you're guided out of the room, glare fixed on him as he stands unbothered.Ā 
He's lying, prisoners lie all the time especially if they think they can get the upper hand. He couldn't come to you. He couldn't escape prison for starters and lastly there was no way in hell he'd ever find out where you lived.Ā  The prison made sure of that by always including a fresh envelope with their own return address in the top left corner, you should know. You only triple checked each time you sealed away the letter, even a fourth time at the post box staring down at the address on the envelope making sure both were correct.
So fuck Bakugou Katsuki for being a dirty liar, fucking hypocrite.
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Shoving yourself into an oversized shirt after your body shower you finally get to plop down into bed. Relishing the feel of fresh sheets and blankets as you sigh deeply. It had been a long, long day and no amount of self care could get his toxic blood red eyes out of your head.
Switching on the TV to pull up some show to numb your mind with familiarity when the channel cuts out. Breaking news flashing across the screen makes your body go rigid.Ā 
A prison break from Tartarus has occurred in the late evening hours, several high profile villains are believed to have escaped such as Shigaraki Tomura, Todoroki Touya, aka Dabi, Kirishima Eijirou aka Blood Riot,Ā  Midoriya Izuku aka Deku and Bakugou Katsuki better known as Ground Zero. Please do not approach suspected escapees, please report any suspicious person or activities immediately. Most importantly keep all doors and windows locked at all times. I repeat do not engage with the inmates.Ā 
A knock comes from your left, making you jump out of your skin as you fist the sheets. A cold sweat breaking out over your skin in goose flesh as your hearing rings in your ears. Unable to bring yourself to look at the sliding glass door to your balcony just yet as if you could ignore it and the cause of the sound would simply go away.
Another rapt of knuckles pulls your attention once more before you finally dare to peek to see glowing red eyes peering in. The devil himself at your door and you knew better than to let him in.Ā 
Knew better that a locked door couldn't keep him out.Ā 
Bromine burning in the night like ever fanned flames, orange jumpsuit obnoxiously out of place against the night sky, stained in deep burgundy red and ash grays, the same colors streaking his face before he knocks again. But this time it's in warning, hard enough to rattle the door that you both know he could rip off the track with ease.
"How- how did you?" Teeth chattering that you grit closed still refusing to give in to his tactics until he presses a small envelope against the glass. Your personal envelope with your real home address listed for return.Ā 
Panic bubbles up your throat in a scream that dies at the back of your teeth as you sit frozen a minute longer while he gives a predatory grin, large hands pressing against the glass before his palms glow bright orange. Brighter than his jumpsuit before the glass shatters and your scream finally escapes your lungs.Ā 
In an instant he's towering over you, palms pressing into biting shards as he cages you against the plush comforter dipping his head low so he can nose at your throat, hot palm at your ribs. Leave a searing bite pulling a strangled yelp from your soft lips that makes him laugh before his mouth is at your ear for the second time today. Finally speaking dangerously low.
"Told ya I'd see ya soon, Sweetheart."
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kingkatsuki Ā· 2 years
Living Each Day Like Youā€™re Already Dead | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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Kinktober masterlist.
Happy Halloween everyone!šŸ’• This is my submission to the Bump in the Night collab. I hope you enjoy it, and that it kinda makes sense ahhh!
Summary:Ā Moving into your dream home shouldā€™ve been an idyllic experience, until strange occurrences begin to happen. It seems like the former occupant doesnā€™t want you living here, or does he?
Pairing:Ā ghost!Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+,Ā dub-con, spectrophilia, intoxication, choking, blood!mentions, allusions to death/murder (not reader), cunnilingus, spanking, creampie, degradation, not proofread!
Word Count:Ā 6.7k.
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ā€œBabe, whereā€™d you get the creepy hologram in the bathroom? It's so realistic I literally thought someone was watching me pee.ā€ Tatami scrunched her nose in distaste as she reached for another shot glass, pouring whisky into it before throwing it back with a shake of her head.
ā€œWhat?ā€ You raised a brow as you placed your drink on the kitchen counter.
ā€œThe dude in the mirror,ā€ She slammed the shot glass down, ā€œRight by your walk-in, I didnā€™t even wanna stare in the mirror when I was washing my hands.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re just drunk,ā€ You laughed it off, shaking your head as you watched her refill the glass, ā€œYou screamed when the guy dressed as the killer clown came in.ā€
ā€œListenā€ She held her palm in the air, ā€œThat costume was way too fucking realistic and clowns are creepy okay?ā€
You tried to brush it off, but this wasnā€™t the first time that someone youā€™d brought home had complained about seeing things. The day you moved in, the removal company had only been working for a few hours before you heard stories of them seeing dark red eyes in what was going to be the master bedroom. One man was so spooked he dropped his end of your couch going up the stairs so it knocked into the wall, damage that the company were more than happy to compensate for but the man still refused to step back inside your home. You werenā€™t even upset about the damage to the wall, but you appreciated the hefty discount.
The next happened a few weeks later when you invited a date back to your home, a few glasses of wine led to heavy petting on the couch. His hand slowly slid beneath your dress when he stopped cold, wide eyes staring at the corner of your living room as you looked back to see nothing.
ā€œYou look like youā€™ve seen a ghost,ā€ You teased, trying to pull his lips back to yours as he stood from the couch.
He didnā€™t even utter a word before he was shouldering his way out of your new house, forgetting his hoodie in his haste as you tried to call after him. He never did call you back.
It made you not want to bring men home anymore, the embarrassment of being left high and dry after three dates had you feeling pathetic. The loneliness began to permeate your heart again as you stood alone in the hallway, wondering what it was you had done that would make him want to leave so abruptly.
Youā€™d also noticed things had started to move around the home, certain youā€™d left a towel out for your morning showers but when youā€™d go to grab it, it would be gone. Your mug had d from his dedicated spot beside your kettle to the other side of the kitchen, sometimes even finding drawers or cupboard doors open. The creeks and whines that came with an old home helped ease your mind when the sounds began to echo at night, telling yourself that ghosts arenā€™t real as you tried to calm your racing heart and lull yourself to slumber.
ā€œWhat if my house is haunted?ā€ You murmured, thinking about the events that had occurred since you moved into the home.
You hadnā€™t discussed the history of the property when youā€™d started your lease, excited to find such a large house in such a nice area within your budget. Working with a third party meant you hadnā€™t had the opportunity to meet the previous owners, and you hadnā€™t bothered to ask.
But even after living here for a few nights, youā€™d begun to have vivid nightmares that had you waking up in a cold sweat, chest heaving as you looked around the room to see if the killer was there. As though youā€™d really been thereā€” you were her in the dream, lying back against satin sheets as you watched a man towering above you. Wielding a knife as he sent it plunging into your chest, over and over. But no matter how many times he stabbed you, and how damp the sheets became with your blood. You never died.
Youā€™d chalked it down to being alone in a new home, so used to the dingy apartment you used to live in that was barely a box. With more space, and it being an older building the floorboards creaking and the wind howling managed to scare you more than it wouldā€™ve in your old home. Telling yourself shadows were a trick of the light, and nightmares were a trick of the mind.
But something always stuck out in every dream, something between the sea of blood as you fought to make out her face.
ā€œDonā€™t trust him, heā€™s not what he seems.ā€ A girl's voice would call out at the end of each nightmare, the precise moment before youā€™d jolt awake.
ā€œWhoā€™s drunk now?ā€ Tatami scoffed, ā€œYou shouldnā€™t be trying to scare me when youā€™re dressed as an Angel. Isnā€™t that immoral?ā€
ā€œIā€™m being serious.ā€ You stroked the condensation from the side of your glass as you tried to think of something that wouldā€™ve indicated that something else was here.
ā€œYeah, yeah.ā€ Tatami laughed, ā€œTrying to shit me up on Halloween, I get it. Well, it wonā€™t work this time-ā€
ā€œTatami, honestly-ā€ You held your face in your palms as you whined childishly, hoping that recent events had just been a coincidence and there was a logical explanation for each one.
ā€œWe can burn some sage tomorrow or something if itā€™ll make you feel better.ā€ Tatami smirked, ā€œBut firstā€” shots.ā€
ā€œIā€™m going to use the bathroom, Iā€™ll be right back.ā€ The thought of another shot has your stomach whirring as you slipped past your best friend.
ā€œSay hi to your friend up there for me,ā€ She laughed as you weaved your way through the sea of people.
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You blinked beneath the harsh fluorescent light of your bathroom as you stood in front of the sink, your hands clinging to the countertop as you tried to stop the room from whirling. You hadnā€™t drunk that much, so you were confused as to why you felt as though you were experiencing vertigo.
Glancing into the mirror there were no apparitions, no shadows, no eyes except for your own staring back at you. Your racing heart began to lull as you realised there was nothing here, releasing a sigh as you moved to leave your en-suite and go back to the party. Stepping back into your bedroom which was currently illuminated by your bathroom light as you caught movement out of the corner of your eye.
ā€œThe bathroom is downstairs, youā€™re not allowed up here.ā€ You shouted, thinking that someone had gotten lost in their drunken stupor on the way to the bathroom.
But then the shadow flickered past your eyes again, a cool chill swirling past you even though the windows were shut as you felt your body begin to seize up with fear.
You wanted to call out, thinking it was Tatami or another partygoer trying to spook you. But it felt as though you were frozen, your legs felt like lead as your eyes roamed the room. The shadow moved closer as you felt it begin to loom over you, blinking frantically as you began to make out features.
Red eyes.
ā€œShit,ā€ You hissed.
This couldnā€™t be happening, there was absolutely no way. You had to be drunk, there was no other explanation as you were unable to take your eyes off the man as he came closer.
ā€œIā€™ve been watching you, sweetheart.ā€ The sultry rasp of his voice had goosebumps creeping up on your skin, your heart hammering against your chest as the sight of him came into view, ā€œItā€™s so good to finally meet you.ā€
The room grew cold the closer he came towards you, your eyes flickering towards the full-length mirror in your bedroom but there was no one else in the room. There were no reflections other than your own as you began to blink frantically, the alcohol in your system clearly impairing your consciousness.
ā€œIā€™m so drunk, this isnā€™t happening.ā€ You murmured to yourself before you gasped from the shrill cool of his hands against your hips permeating through the sheer fabric of your dress as he pressed you back, feeling your legs hit the edge of your mattress as you were shoved down on the bed.
ā€œYou think itā€™s not happening, sweetheart?ā€ The man scoffed, ā€œIā€™m heartbroken.ā€
ā€œWho are you?ā€ You mumbled, surprised when you felt the weight of him on top of you. The cold continued to permeate your body as you felt his hands ghostly against your sides.
ā€œYou donā€™t know me?ā€ He whispered, ā€œI know youā€” I feel like Iā€™ve known you a lifetime.ā€
ā€œHow do you know my name?ā€ You murmured, trying to mask your fear as you looked up at his face. He wasnā€™t someone you recognised, certain youā€™d never seen him before but something told you that he wasnā€™t being deceptive.
That he knew exactly who you were.
ā€œYou look like someone I used to know.ā€ His thumb traced the curve of your jaw as he curled his fingers around your neck, ignoring your question.
ā€œWho?ā€ You asked in confusion.
ā€œJust someone-ā€ His pupils dilated as he felt as though he was staring directly into your soul, his hand tightening against the column of your neck as you shifted beneath him.
ā€œThe girl that used to live here?ā€ You hummed.
The man gripped even tighter at the mention of her, the girl youā€™d seen in your dreams. Trying to connect the pieces of the puzzle as you thought back to the last dream youā€™d had, the one where she was laying down in a bed covered in blood.
ā€œYeah, her.ā€ He smiled almost wistfully as you felt a rush of cool air against your lips as he came closer.
ā€œDid she die in my house?ā€ You were scared to ask the question, but you wanted answers.
ā€œYour house? You mean my house, sweetheart.ā€ He grinned, ā€œI never left.ā€
The words had your blood running cold, heā€™d always been here, ever since you moved in.
ā€œDid she die in here?ā€ You tried again.
ā€œYeahā€¦ she did.ā€ He mumbled.
ā€œDid you kill her?ā€ You regret the words as soon as they left your lips, his red eyes narrowed as he squeezed your neck tight.
ā€œMe?ā€ He snarled, ā€œDid I kill her?ā€
ā€œI know you think she-ā€ You began, but he was quick to cut you off.
ā€œYou donā€™t fuckinā€™ know shit,ā€ He snarled, moving closer to you as he looked down at you with dangerous eyes, ā€œYouā€™re just like all the rest, but Iā€™ll show you the truth, youā€™ll see-ā€
You felt the energy begin to darken at your question, clearly hitting a sore spot inside him as for the first time you realised how much his hulking frame towered over you. Making you feel completely helpless.
ā€œShe tried so hard to make me into a villain, so I became the monster.ā€ Bakugou rasped.
Thinking back to all the dreams youā€™d had where youā€™d been beneath him, trying to remember the eyes staring down at you but all you could feel was pain. Your eyes roamed the scratches that covered his body, scratches left by his lover before heā€™d murdered her.
ā€œHeā€™s the devil in disguise.ā€ The girl in your dreams would call out to you before you woke up.
ā€œMy sweet Angel,ā€ His hand reached out to touch the halo that sat above your head as part of your Halloween costume, ā€œShe wore a similar costume the night she died.ā€ He murmured, watching his jaw lock at the memory as he pursed his lips.
That had to have been the girl in your dreams, the one dressed in white and covered in blood. The thought had your heart racing as you tried to decide if there was enough time for you to run, but could you really outrun a spirit?
ā€œWhatā€™s your name?ā€ You mumbled, watching his lips curl into a smile.
You tried to place the name, but it felt like one that youā€™d never heard before. Even in your dreams, the girl would never address the man by name, so you wondered whether it was Bakugou she was talking about.
ā€œWere you the one my boyfriend saw that night?ā€ You thought back to your date with Monoma, where heā€™d left your apartment screaming, his face deathly pale as he ignored all your texts moving forward.
ā€œBoyfriend? He didnā€™t deserve you, none of them did.ā€ Bakugou continued, ā€œYouā€™re perfect, too perfect...ā€
His hands smoothed over your dress, his thumbs stroking against the curve of your breasts as your nipples began to pebble beneath the cold chill of his touch. A soft gasp left your lips as his hands travelled lower, slipping beneath the sheer fabric as he began to push it up your thighs.
ā€œMy perfect Angel.ā€ He hummed.
ā€œWhatā€™re you doing?ā€ You mumbled, your palms reaching up to push him back to find with surprise you could touch him. It was like a cool wall of muscle as you pressed against him, but he didnā€™t move an inch.
ā€œWhat Iā€™ve been thinking about doing for weeks,ā€ He growled, ā€œHaving to watch all those other pricks put their hands on you when it shouldā€™ve been me.ā€
ā€œYouā€” you were the reason they left.ā€ The realization dawned on you that he was the one that was making all those men leave, your boyfriend, friends, the moversā€”
ā€œCourse, I was. You think I was gonna stand around watching those fuckers do whatever they want to you? They werenā€™t good enough for you. Youā€™re mine now.ā€ He scoffed, your blood ran cold at the tone of his voice, ā€œYou were mine from the second you stepped into my house. You wonā€™t leave me like she didā€”ā€
ā€œBut you killed her?ā€ You mumbled, scrunching your nose in confusion as you stared up at him.
ā€œI didnā€™t kill her, sweetheart.ā€ He shook his head, ā€œShe sealed her own fate.ā€
But if he didnā€™t kill her, what happened? He was covered in her blood and she was bleeding to death in the reoccurring dream youā€™d been having since entering the home.
ā€œI was stupid back then, I let love cloud my judgement. But Iā€™m not the same man anymore.ā€ He snarled, ā€œI donā€™t ask anymore, I take.ā€
His palm cupped your sex roughly, causing you to gasp in surprise at the cold chill, the thin fabric of your panties doing nothing to conceal the heat beneath radiating from you as Bakugou groaned low and deep in his throat.
ā€œYou canā€™t escape now,ā€ His palm squeezed slightly in warning, smirking as he felt your body curve into his touch, ā€œYour fate was sealed the moment you stepped into this house.ā€
ā€œPlease,ā€ You gasped as you felt him press against your clit, your body betraying you as slick began to dampen the fabric.
ā€œDonā€™t act shy now, princess.ā€ He cooed, his thumb pressing soft circles against your clit through your panties, ā€œI know you could feel me watching you,ā€
You thought back to the times in the property when youā€™d convinced yourself it was a trick of your eye or paranoia taking over when you were home alone, ignoring any signs that there couldā€™ve been something else in the house.
You didnā€™t believe in ghosts.
ā€œWhen you were showering, walking around the house in these pretty little panties.ā€ He pinched the elastic as it snapped against your hips, ā€œWhen you were touching your sloppy little pussy. You sound real pretty when you cum, you know?ā€
Your eyes widened in surprise as he mentioned heā€™d always been watching you, embarrassment flooding your system and making you feel scorching hot even beneath his cool touch at the realisation heā€™d seen you completely vulnerable already.
ā€œBut I couldnā€™t reveal myself to you, not yet.ā€ He growled, ā€œNot when she was still here.ā€
The vivid dreams youā€™d had each night of her death had your tummy swirling, wondering if this was the night where youā€™d suffer the same fate. Sheā€™d tried to warn you in those dreams, she told you to leave the house, but you didnā€™t listen.
You shouldā€™ve listened.
ā€œYouā€™ll never leave me, will you?ā€ He whispered, finally closing the gap to press his lips to yours in a salacious kiss, ā€œYouā€™re mine now forever.ā€
ā€œShe said you were the devil in disguise,ā€ You murmured weakly against his lips, watching the wild fury appear in his eyes as he snarled down at you, his hand tightening its grip around your neck as you felt him squeezing roughly.
ā€œShe paints me as the devil when all of this is her fault, she did this. Not meā€”ā€ He growled.
You wondered what he meant by that when he was the one that murdered her.
ā€œWe were going to get married, start a family, grow old together but she fucked it up. She did this.ā€ He continued, ā€œI know youā€™ve been talking to her. Fuckinā€™ bitch.ā€ He spat.
You felt the fear continue to grow inside you the more irate he became, his grip tightening as the air slowly began to leave your body, feeling yourself becoming lightheaded as your lashes fluttered.
ā€œDonā€™t believe a fuckinā€™ word she says,ā€ He loosened his grip, ā€œYouā€™re nothing like her, are you?ā€
You began to cough and splutter as he let go of your neck, sucking in gulps of oxygen as you felt yourself coming to.
ā€œYouā€™d never leave me.ā€ Bakugouā€™s fingers slipped beneath the hem of your panties as he pulled them down your thighs, letting the fabric drop to the floor as he moved his thumbs to your outer labia. Spreading you open as he caught sight of the messy slick stringing against your folds as more leaked from your tight entrance.
ā€œYou wanna say you donā€™t want me back when youā€™re fuckinā€™ soaked, sweetheart?ā€ He grinned, ā€œI donā€™t like liars.ā€
Bakugou pressed his thumb to your tight entrance as he watched it disappear inside you to the first knuckle, curling it inside you as it brushed against your inner walls. Pulling the air from your lungs as you bucked into his touch, the dull ache began to brew in your pelvis as he watched with intrigue.
ā€œItā€™s okay, itā€™s okay.ā€ He cooed, ā€œI know you like it, sweet girl.ā€
He began to lower himself onto the mattress as his cold breath fanned against your slit, cooling your slick against your skin as you shivered. Bakugouā€™s lips curled into a grin as he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to your clit, your body jolting in surprise as the cool chill hit the sensitive nub.
ā€œPrettiest fuckinā€™ pussy Iā€™ve ever seen.ā€ He hummed, ā€œI thought you were like her, but you ainā€™t.ā€
Groaning as he inhaled deeply, surrounding himself with the scent of you as his tongue slipped out to drag through your slit, tasting you as he felt your walls clenching around his thumb.
ā€œYouā€™re so much better.ā€
Before you had a chance to respond to him Bakugou was already devouring you like a man starved, his lips wrapped around your clit as crude slurping noises began to fill the room. Overpowering the noise from the loud thrum of bass from the party downstairs as you wondered whether Tatami might come to find you and if sheā€™d even be able to see him like you could.
This had to be another dream, there was no way that this was real.
This was wrong, you didnā€™t want this. There was something about his cold touch on your skin that made bile rise at the back of your throat as pearly tears began to leave silvery lines against your skin as they trickled down your temples and onto the soft sheets beneath you. Clinging to your lashes and obscuring your vision as the spirit of a man so callous used you for his own pleasure. You hated the way your body betrayed you, leaning into his touch as you willed him to touch you more, to have you coming undone in his arms.
But you couldnā€™t deny the ache he caused between your thighs, the ferocious desire brewing inside you at how badly he wanted you, needed you. The knowledge that heā€™d been the one watching you all this time, warding off any other men that may come between you. Your body burned at the thought of him watching you in your most intimate moments, trying to get yourself off as you furiously rubbed your clit, working yourself towards your climax. You wondered whether he touched himself while he watched you, whether he met his own end to the thought of you.
ā€œOi,ā€ Bakugou growled, pinching your clit roughly as your body jolted to bring your attention back to his, ā€œStay with me, sweetheart.ā€
His teeth nipped your clit as your body spasmed in surprise, thighs clamping down around either side of his head before you pulled back from the shrill cool of him. His tongue slid through your slick lower until he came to your tight entrance, moving his thumb so he could push his tongue inside you as deep as it could possibly go. Crudely flicking it so it nudged your sensitive walls as you reached your hands down to thread through his messy spikes, surprised you could feel the silvery wisps through your fingers as you tugged.
ā€œPlease stop, donā€™tā€”ā€ You whimpered. A feeble attempt to try and get him to pull away from you, to stop. But your body betrayed you, rolling your hips into his touch as he gathered your fresh slick on the pad of his tongue.
ā€œDonā€™t act like you donā€™t want it when your pussy is this fuckinā€™ honest,ā€ He snarled, spitting down onto your slit as he moved to run it through your folds, ā€œTold ya I donā€™t like liars.ā€
He moved his attention back to your clit as he wrapped his lips around it, lashing the tip of his tongue against it as he began to suck hard. Catching you off guard as he pressed two fingers deep inside you to the hilt, not allowing you a moment to adjust before he began a brutal pace. Curling the digits as they pressed against the spongy spot inside you, as though he already knew the exact spots and places to touch that would have you slipping into ecstasy. His moans sent pleasurable vibrations directly to your clit as he worked you towards your climax.
Bakugou shouldā€™ve felt guilty, ruining your delicate body with such little care, watching as you allowed fear to consume you as you submit yourself to him. His fingers pressed sultry circles against your clit as you made more saccharine sounds for him, your creamy sex dripping with need because of him. But thereā€™s no way youā€™d want anyone else after him, itā€™s selfish, but he wouldnā€™t allow it. You were his now, and you would always be his.
ā€œYouā€™re so easy,ā€ Bakugou scoffed as you whimpered when he pulled away from your puffy nub, ā€œThought youā€™d put up more of a fight, but I guess youā€™re just desperate to get yourself off, or are you scared?ā€
You were. You were petrified. Your soaked cunt clenching around nothing at his callous words as he pinched your folds together,
And yet at the same time, you were completely mystified by this entity. Heā€™d made you feel more wanted and desired than any guy youā€™d been with before, and the fear that he could harm you with ease only seemed to add to the allure.
The sensation was like nothing youā€™d ever experienced before, your eyes flickered over to the full-length mirror as you seemed to be alone on the bed, the man above you held no reflection as you tugged at his hair. Trying to gauge whether this was all just another one of your vivid dreams or if it was really happening. Bakugou snarled against your clit at the movement as his teeth grazed the sensitive nub, causing you to cry out in pleasure.
ā€œYou want everyone to hear what a slut you are for me, hah?ā€ He grinned, ā€œToo bad they wouldnā€™t live to remember it, youā€™re mine.ā€
The threat, even though it wasnā€™t directed at you, had your walls throbbing in a mixture of excitement and fear. A movement that didnā€™t go unnoticed by the supernatural being above you.
ā€œYou like that?ā€ He scoffed, ā€œCause you know I wouldā€” Iā€™d kill for you.ā€
And there was something in the tone of his voice that told you he was being completely truthful. Especially when heā€™d done the same to his previous lover, the fact that you believed even now that he could watch you take your final breath.
You gasped as he brought your attention back to him, curving his large palms around the fat of your thighs as he pulled you closer to him, keeping you spread wide open as thick fingers dug into the meat of your skin. Sliding the flat of his tongue through your folds as he gave a long, languid lick. Your hips bucked erratically as he deliberately avoided your clit, repeating the motion again and again as every so often he dipped the tip of his tongue inside your fluttering walls. His teasing was driving you insane, as fresh slick began to ooze from your overstimulated cunt, feebly trying to use the grip on his hair to pull him towards your clit. Your halo fell off against the plush pillows as he smirked up at you from between your thighs.
ā€œI thought you didnā€™t want this, sweetheart.ā€ He spoke against your folds, ā€œBut here you are practically begging me to get you off.ā€
Here you were beneath him, so compliant and responsive. It had his cock throbbing with desire as he subtly rolled his hips against the mattress, continuing to feast on your cunt as you writhed beneath him.
ā€œDo you want to cum?ā€ He snarled.
ā€œIā€” oh my god,ā€ You couldnā€™t think straight, still unable to believe this was really happening as Bakugou bullied two thick fingers inside your dripping hole. Immediately curling them towards the spongy spot inside you as he waited for your response. His cool breath fanning against your sensitive nub as your slick cooled and dried against it, making you squirm beneath him as you tried to form the right words.
ā€œAnswer me,ā€ He spat, his other hand tightening its grip against your thigh almost painfully, ā€œDo you want to cum?ā€
ā€œYesā€”ā€ You cried out abruptly, the fear still prevalent inside you, ā€œYes, yes. I want to cum. I need to cum.ā€
You could feel tears beginning to cling to your thick lashes as Bakugou dove straight back into your messy cunt, his lips immediately latching on to your puffy clit as he sucked hard. The sudden movement had you thrashing beneath him as you let out a shrill cry, your toes curling in the heels you were wearing as you came undone. Your climax was earth-shattering as you could only feel blinding pleasure coursing through your veins, even with the cool chill of Bakugou surrounding you, you still felt scorching hot.
ā€œThatā€™s it,ā€ He growled, pulling his fingers from your slick heat to delve his tongue back inside you for a taste. Collecting your juices against the flat of it as he groaned deep in his throat, cherishing the feeling of your walls continuing to flutter around him in the aftermath of your climax.
ā€œYou look so fuckinā€™ pretty when you cum, has anyone told you that?ā€ Bakugou murmured as he pulled away from your slit, pressing wet sloppy kisses on the apex of your thigh as he pulled back, ā€œI could go another eternity with only that image in my mind.ā€
You thought that was it, that heā€™d disappear and you could leave. But instead, he moved onto his knees, translucent hands moving to unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans down his hips. You watched as he slowly revealed his thick cock to your eyes, the mere thought of him fitting inside you had your cunt swirling in anticipation. No longer a way to tell whether this was a dream or reality as rough hands flipped you over as though you weighed nothing, something that terrified you as he pulled you up onto your knees as you leaned on your forearms.
ā€œOh fuck,ā€ He groaned, hands ghosting against your ass as he pulled your cheeks apart, ā€œEverything about you is better than her. Itā€™s as though you were what I was waiting for all this time.ā€
What did he mean by that? You still were unaware of the reason why his spirit was trapped inside this house, why he hadnā€™t been able to move on and whether the girl he spoke about was the one covered in blood you witnessed in your dreams.
ā€œFuck,ā€ Bakugou snarled, smoothing the fat tip of his cock through your messy folds as you felt it catch against your tight entrance, pushing forward as he failed to breach you as his tip nudged against your clit. Your fingers fisting the sheets beneath you at the motion as he pulled his hips back to try again, ā€œYouā€™re so tight.ā€
A dull ache began to ebb inside you as he pushed more of himself inside your slick walls, stretching you out around his cock as large palms gripped your plush ass. Squeezing roughly as he reached back to land a resounding smack on your cheek, watching it ripple beneath his touch as the movement had your body moving forward, pulling yourself off his length as his grip sought to pull you back.
ā€œShit, this fuckinā€™ pussy is perfect.ā€ He groaned, giving you a moment to adjust before he began a rough pace.
The sensation was indescribable, like nothing youā€™d ever felt before as you felt the heat of your most intimate place mix with the cold of him. His thick cock pressed against the ridges of your walls perfectly as he filled every inch of you, moving deeper and deeper with each rough rut of his hips as you felt his tip hitting the barrier inside you, heavy balls knocking against your clit with every forward motion.
ā€œSā€™too much,ā€ You slurred, wincing slightly as you felt the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, ā€œI canā€™t.ā€
ā€œBut yet you are,ā€ Bakugou snarled, rough hands reaching around your body to tug the top of your dress down, ā€œMy perfect little Angel.ā€
Bakugouā€™s hands groped your bouncing breasts, pinching your taut nipples between thumb and forefinger as you cried out beneath him, turning your face to the side to see the slightest flash of red as he continued plunging into your tight cunt.
ā€œThatā€™s it,ā€ He groaned, ā€œWatch those pretty faces youā€™re makinā€™ for me.ā€
He gave a particularly hard thrust to watch your face contort in pleasure as he smirked down at you, the crude slap of skin against skin filled the room and it made you wonder whether this was really a dream. Maybe youā€™d drunk too much and you were sleeping with a cute guy from the partyā€” but you couldnā€™t fool yourself, this was different, supernatural.
ā€œBakugou,ā€ You gasped, his thick cock dragging against your inner walls perfectly as he knocked against the sensitive spot inside you with a harsh thrust of his hips. Already feeling the first signs of your impending climax as you began to tremble around his length.
ā€œKatsuki,ā€ He grunted, squeezing your hips for emphasis, ā€œWant you to call me Katsuki.ā€
ā€œKatsuki,ā€ You repeated, the name sliding off your tongue as you broke into another sultry moan.
ā€œFuck, just like that, sweet girl.ā€ He choked back a moan as he increased his pace.
It was all you could do to lay there and take it, fingers curled into the sheets as the thrusts you tried to make were no match for his brutal pace.
ā€œI know you want to cum, sweetheart.ā€ He grinned, his chest swelled with pride as he heard more of the pretty noises that spilt from your lips, ā€œCan feel ya squeezing my cock.ā€
One of his thumbs pressed against your tight asshole as large palms kept you spread open for him, feeling the rim flutter against his touch at the foreign sensation as you began to shake beneath him.
ā€œOh fuck,ā€ You felt your body give out as your legs shook violently at the height of your climax, ā€œKatsuki.ā€
ā€œFuck, thatā€™s it.ā€ He grunted as he felt your walls begin to convulse around him, collapsing onto your chest on the mattress as he followed you down. His body was heavy on top of yours as he continued his harsh pace, his rough movements helping you to ride out your climax as he began to send you hurtling towards another.
The cool sensation of his chest pressed to your back was almost comforting as he pressed soft kisses against the apex of your neck, shifting his hips to change the angle as you continued to moan beneath him.
ā€œGot no damn idea how good this pussy is,ā€ He groaned, lifting himself off your back as he wrapped a hand back around your neck to pull you up with him.
The rough movement had you throbbing around his cock as he began to piston his cock in and out of you. Your eyes flickered to the reflection where you could now see the man behind you, his body completely covered in blood as you noticed the thick, deep scratch marks on his arms. As though someone had been clawing at him to get away from him, blinking as the sheets turned a dark crimson beneath you.
ā€œPlease-ā€ You gasped, trying desperately to move your body forward, to get away from him as he kept his hands tight against your neck.
You tried to scream, but only a dull sound escaped your lips as his hand tightened around your throat, feeling his lips curl into a smirk beside your ear as he used your body for his own pleasure.
ā€œI know youā€™re gonna cum again, princess. I can feel you clamping down on my cock.ā€ He grinned, ā€œYou love this, donā€™t you?ā€
You couldnā€™t respond, the mixture of pleasure swirling in your pelvis and the lack of oxygen was making you lightheaded again. With nothing you could do in this position except take it as he fucked you towards another climax. His other hand slid down your tummy to slip between your thighs, pressing rough, sloppy circles against your puffy clit.
ā€œOh shit, thatā€™s it.ā€ Bakugou groaned as he felt you fall into pleasure, continuing to fuck you through it, his fingers consistent against your clit ā€œGood fuckinā€™ girl.ā€
You allowed yourself to succumb to the white-hot pleasure coursing through you, your climax crashing down around you in a sudden tsunami as you thrashed beneath Bakugou. Your pliant cunt gushing around him like the waves against the shore as he continued to keep his rough pace. Your walls burned from the abuse as he worked himself to his own end, each forward motion had Bakugou fucking his cum deeper inside your creamy pussy until he came to a slow stop. His hands splayed against your sides as he leaned down to press a soft, sweet kiss against your pouty lips.
Your body convulsed as you rode out your climax before you became slack against him, your head lolling back against his shoulder as half-lidded eyes continued to stare into your reflection in the mirror.
ā€œBeen thinkinā€™ about filling this sloppy pussy with my cum for the longest time,ā€ He groaned, his cock throbbing inside you as he neared his own release, ā€œHad to stop myself from doing it while you slept. I wanted to see those pretty eyes when I was doinā€™ it.ā€
You couldnā€™t argue, already submitting to your fate as you felt Bakugou give a few more sharp thrusts of his hips against your ass, his fingers flexing against your jugular as he came inside you with a grunt. A swift burst of something cool erupted inside you as you felt it stick to your inner walls, surrounding you with the sensation as Bakugouā€™s pace began to falter as he filled you with his release. Rough grunts left his parted lips as his cold breath against your skin made you shiver, leaving a trail of goosebumps against your skin.
ā€œYouā€™re mine forever now, Angel.ā€ Bakugou whispered as you felt yourself beginning to pass out, the last wisps of oxygen finally leaving your lungs as your body went slack against him, ā€œWe donā€™t need anyone else, itā€™s just you and me-ā€
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You woke up the next morning sore, the early morning sunlight blinding as it shone through your windows, the blinds completely open as you held a hand up to shield yourself from the harsh rays. A harsh cough left your body as you reached over to your bedside table to grab your water bottle as you took a huge gulp of the tepid liquid, feeling it burn as it flowed down your throat.
A dull ebb throbbed between your thighs as you began to remember the vivid dream youā€™d had last night, starting to wonder whether it had really been a dream at all or whether it had actually happened. Shaking your head at the foolish thought as you got yourself up enough to sit on the edge of your bed. You were still dressed in your clothes from the night before, wondering whether instead of the dream the throb between your thighs had been caused by a drunken fumble at the party last night, wondering if the man was still somewhere in your home or had at the very least left his phone number.
Standing up from your bed as the whole room began to spin, as you took a second to ground yourself. Holding onto your dresser before you began to pad into your en-suite bathroom, moving towards the sink to splash some soothing water onto your face.
Standing back up straight is when you noticed itā€” the darkened bruises around your neck, almost seared into the skin as you reached up to press against them. Gasping in surprise at the painful pulse from them as you began to try and piece together what had happened last night, youā€™d never been so drunk youā€™d blacked out before, and you definitely hadnā€™t drunk enough to make you pass out.
The same name you remembered from your dream began to echo in your mind as you clutched the side of the bathroom sink, replaying the previous night's events.
Bakugou Katsuki.
Padding back into your bedroom you grabbed for your cellphone, ignoring the low battery warning as you unlocked it to pull up your search engine, typing the same name into the search bar as you added your location after it. Bleary eyes glanced down at the bright screen as you waited for the results to load before clicking the first article at the very top.
Gasping in surprise when the image loaded of the same man that youā€™d seen in your dreams last night, a messy mop of rusty blond hair with piercing red eyes. Scrolling lower as you began to read the article.
Jilted lovers end in murder on Halloween.
Police attended the home of Bakugou Katsuki on the night of October 31st 1985 after neighbours filed reports of arguing inside the home. The body of Bakugouā€™s girlfriend Uraraka Ochako was found in a pool of blood in the master bedroom with the cause of death being determined as asphyxiation after being strangled to death. Bakugou, who is thought to be the victim's boyfriend, stabbed Uraraka thirteen times before fleeing the scene. Later the police arrived at the house of Midoriya Izuku, an acquaintance of the couple, to find Bakugou Katsuki dead at the scene.
Midoriya is said to have killed Bakugou in self-defence, driving to the scene of the original murder to try and save the life of Uraraka but unfortunately, he was too late. Musutafu News has reached out to Midoriya Izuku for comment on what might have made this loving boyfriend of six years murder his girlfriend on Halloween, but we have not received a response.
Was it jealousy that turned this young man to murder? Or was something more sinister afoot?
Bakugou Katsuki may have taken this truth to his grave.
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mysteriesmuse Ā· 11 months
Obsessed, Devoted, & Utterly Whipped Dipped (?)šŸ‘€
A/N: thinking about spooky royalty Gomez and Morticia Addams this week and I want me someone as devoted and obsessed with me as they are šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ–¤
Katsuki Bakugou who loves to make you swoon.
Who is absolutely, totally, completely devoted to you . . . (and whipped for you) . . . Iā€™m talking ā€” frequently walks past you and gathers your hair in one large hand and twirls it around his thick finger just to expose your neck to the chilly air. Likes to duck his head and give a playful nip to your ear as you slap his chest with the back of your hand. Kats who leans back and walks away with a rumbling chucke, but not before giving you a warm apology kiss and then taking the time to fan and brush your hair back to its ethereal state behind your shoulders and tucked behind your ears.
Katsuki who has you pressed against the duvet just pouring melting with adoration all over you. Slow and sensual ā€” only to pause in your undressing and slide down to cup the back of your knee and press wet kisses up and down every inch of your shin and calf ā€” and then your other shin and calf ā€” leaving you feeling all hot nā€™ bothered but also as light as a feather as he says, ā€œitā€™s because this part of you doesnā€™t get enough love.ā€ And youā€™re left with your toes curling and thighs clenching as he presses his puffy lips up and down every inch ā€” especially every beauty mark.
Katsuki who takes every opportunity he can to whisk you out onto the dance floor. Takes you hand in his and ducks his head so that he stares at you, eyes slightly hidden from his bangs and presses a searing kiss right onto your knuckles that are firmly grasped in the sweaty, clammy, calloused adoration that are his. Who flirtatiously takes you into a dip on the dance floor as your finishing move. He likes having been able to watch you grow more and more comfortable in it, and itā€™s now as you giggle with your little smile turned upside down that his chest is rumbling with glee as well. He remembers the early days where youā€™d sheepishly smile with your chin tucked. Nowadays tho, you let yourself grow heavy in his hold and tilt you head all the back until your neck is exposed. And Katsuki canā€™t help himself but to press The Most ā€œsearing-toe-curling-kissā€ into the juncture between collarbone and neck ā€” prime real estate for a vampire. And the man is giving gleaming red eyes and a charming smile when you tilt your head back up at him with round eyes. And heā€™s following you with a boyish shrug as if he didnā€™t know that giving a good suck to your neck and jugular didnā€™t turn you on. So you drag him by the collar (bc he never wears a tie) back to the bathroom and immediately attacking him with some of The Messiest mosquito bites Katsuki thinks heā€™ll ever receive ā€” and heā€™s never gonna be able to send this shirt off to be properly dry cleaned once heā€™s buttoned it up and ready to make an exit. Because itā€™ll be stained from the substantial amount of your dark lipstick smeared across his chest all the way down to the navel.
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moodyvoid Ā· 20 days
(btw I don't know if this was meant o be LOV specifically but oh well)
A Headcannon I dislike
Y/n stuff is totally valid but like, when they make bakugo all soft an lovey over the pov character it's just like no. He would not do that. He would never do that- why is this so ooc??? Actually this applies to everyone who's super out of character in y/n stories, I just notice that it tends to be way worse for Bakugo specifically
However I love the headcannon where he's basically Eri's big sibling, I think they're adorable. If he's gonna be soft for anyone it's gonna be the traumatized child
Bakugo would be just as sarcastic to his partner as he is with everyone else lmao. I could see him having moments of genuine sweetness, but nothing overly mushy-gushy or lovey-dovey.
And thatā€™s a cute headcanon! Eri deserves all the supportive family members šŸ„ŗšŸ™šŸ©·
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bakugosbratx Ā· 8 months
Okay, but Yandere Katsuki Bakugo who practically bust when you cry, but gets so upset when you cry for other reasons than him?? He gets so jealous and upset. ā€œWhat? I donā€™t even fuckinā€™ matter anymore?!ā€ When in reality your favorite character in your favorite show died lmao
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epickiya722 Ā· 1 year
Wait, BkDk's signature colors are Halloween colors.
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lunaarraaah Ā· 5 months
Winners from last votings..šŸ«¶
All three winnings polls! But I need onešŸ˜¢
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thecowboykatsuki-anon Ā· 2 years
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Iā€™ve decided I donā€™t talk about this enough
This beautiful piece is by @your-fellow-passerine !
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sugarlywhispers Ā· 11 months
b.katsuki + lava Quirk!wife (both Pro Heroes)
ā˜†ā€”a.n; i woke up today feeling feisty lol not really xd just wanted some "i'm crazy as you are" type of love today lmaoāœŒšŸ¼šŸ–¤
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Bakugou Katsuki is obsessed with you.
And he doesn't even try to hide it.
You're his sidekick. You had trained in his Agency since you were a mere brat doing your internship your first year at UA. Of course, there were literally counted the times you had encountered him in person. The other Heroes that joined his Agency were the ones in charge of the kids. They had told you how Dynamight hated when babysitting time came every year, he wouldn't even participate in those actually. So they would advice to not cross his path.
From time to time, Dynamight would watch their sparrings sessions, gave them a bit of adviceā€“more like mean criticism yell at them. But he had better things to do, people to save, villains to get their asses destroyed by him. He was not going to waste his time with annoying brats like you.
He had heard of you, of course. The one brat that could control and handle freaking lava like it was fucking nothing. Of course when he saw you, he thought his sidekick had pulled a prank on him, joking to see if would be excited about the idea of having someone with that type of Quirk in his Agency. You couldn't be the one with the lava quirk. You looked... normal. Quirkless evenā€“if this were other times and if he would judge people about it. He had changed, okay? Thank you very fucking much. But he did think it was impossible that you were that amazing brat the other heroes were talking about. They had even compared you to him, in witty and determination to become the number one Pro Hero on the ranks, in strength and no mercy against villains, or other heroes and classmates.
When he stood right in front of you one day, towering almost three heads over you and almost one more person's size to the side, Dynamight laughed. You looked like a little bunny caught red-handed, terrified by everyone around youā€“especially by the size of himā€“and skittish, almost like what Deku had been as a kid.
That should have been a first warning for Bakugouā€“never judge a book by its cover.
You have trained in his Agency the three years you had been in UA, and he has never once seen you nor your Quirk on display, nevertheless in real action. He had only heard how good you were in trainings from the other heroes. But he didn't care enough to actually sought-after. He was already fighting Deku for the number one spot on the rankings, he didn't have time for brats like you.
Until one day, a dangerous villain, that created enormous monsters of metal almost to the size of a ten flour building, was causing too much disaster appeared. It was more than chaos, it had been a destruction like no other.
Dynamight nor Deku could contain the motherfucker.
He was bruised, his hands beat with agony at the amount of times he had used his blasts and the push to keep going, his body muscles were screaming for him to stop. A quick glance to his side where Deku was, and the guy wasn't better than him, breathing like his lungs couldnā€™t no more. Every other hero in the scene was in the same shape.
They were fucking losing.
And then, like an angel sent from heavenā€“or better said, a demon sent from the deepest hell for the way you fucking looked, you appeared in all your majestic glory, lava making you slide in between them, surrounding you like it was nothing, like strings coming from inside your body, and began a new fight with that fucking villain's monsters.
Bakugou saw ā€“an enamored expression on his faceā€“ how you your whole demeanor changed, your skin, your eyes, everything in you became so menacingly, so evil looking, so freaking scary, that if you weren't training to be a Hero, he thought you would be one the most terrifying villains of all times ā€“even more than that piece of shit AFO.
The lava was visible in all your body, and you fought, a crazed smile and eyes opened wide, enjoying the damage you were doing to the metal monsters; your joy was shining bright for everyone to see, as you yelled, "DIE, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" as the monster melted under your hands and body.
He was captivated, fucking spellbound, by the sight in front of him. He fell to his knees, watching you melt every single one of the monster in one more movement of your hand, as lava flowed towards them, capturing and melting them as you stand straight, the expression on your face serious and deadly. You then walked towards the source, the main villain who was creating this chaos, and the guy literally fell to the floor in fear, trying to crawl away from you in tears. When you stood before him, you crouched to his level, and smiled devilishly.
The villain pissed his pants.
And Bakugou's cock twitched.
He then murmured, "I'm gonna marry the shit out that woman."
Deku chuckled, shaking his head and letting his body fall to ground in tiredness. Everything was okay now.
From then on, you were by Dynamight's side all the time. The second you graduated ā€“Bakugou Katsuki of fucking course attended the graduation ceremonyā€“ he offered a job on his Agency for you. And you said yes, even though you had options like Deku's Agency, or Hawk's, and even Endeavor had offered you a big place on his, trying to win you by saying that most of his sidekicks were fire-like Quirks and that his mother had a Quirk similar to yours, he could ask her for advice for you. Bakugou's stomach turned thinking he might had won you over that. But before he could finish the sentence, "Would you like a spot on my Agā€“", you exclaimed a big YES, smiling warmly and eyes shining in excitement.
He had to clear his throat and look away at your expression, making something tingle in his chest. Was that his heart?
You became his partner then, in missions, in interviews, in meetings with other Agencies when some big villain appeared and they had to join forces. You were always there, not behind him but next to him.
In interviews he would always let you speak about how everything went and thank every body who helped. But Katsuki would look at you. Look as the lava started to dissipate from your skin, slowly turning down the temperature and going back to your normal color. Your hair that became liquid lava slowly became the color of greyish-black rock and then smoothed its way to your normal texture and color. He always felt mesmerized watching the process, and he would look at it any opportunity he got.
It wasn't until one night out with his old friends that Pikachu said, "Dude, tone down your thirst a lil' bit," in between laughs with Raccoon Eyes and Shitty Hair.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
Kirishima patted his back, shaking his head, "Your sidekick, man. The lava girl?"
"What we are trying to say," Mina smirked, "is that everytime you look at her, its almost palpable the way you want to eat her."
Bakugou gulped. "Shut the fuck up. I don't look at her like that."
Mina winked at him, "If you say so..."
That night he searched on the internet in his phone for interviews, desperately. Fuck, his friends were right. He did look at you with a fascination and hunger he had never saw himself do. He remembered thinking about marrying you back in the days, but that had been the heat of the moment, right? This annoyed the shit out of him. But watching you again in those videos, as you smiled so kindly to the reporters or other Hero friends or to even civilians while looking so freaking scary when your Quirk was activated, made something stir inside his belly.
Fuck, you're gorgeous. You're everything he didn't know he wanted.
And that's when he decided he would not hide his feelings for you anymore.
So now, a few years after, when you are married to number two Pro Hero Dynamight, people always talk about how your husband always looks at you. How he always encourages you in your fights to "kill those fucking piece of shits, baby!!" as he is very close to you fighting his own set of shitty villains and you encourage him saying "show them who is the number two hero, love!" He looses it then, a blast that ends it all.
They talk about how he would always kiss you after a fight, even after all that adrenaline that makes him want to bury himself deep inside your warmth, he only holds your face gently, gloved thumbs caressing your cheeks lovingly, eyes locked onto each other like the world doesn't exist outside that moment, and he kisses you softly, a simple touch, a cute press of lips that lasts a millisecond so he doesn't burn the skin of his face and lips. And then he pulls one of your hands with his up in victory.
He didn't only win the battles, he won you each and every time he got to simply look at you, be next to you, kiss you.
He is obsessed with you, and he doesn't want to fucking hide it from the world.
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sweetnsour1 Ā· 1 year
Bakugou x fem reader
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ā€œHmmmm.ā€ You kissed him again. Those stupidly broad shoulders were blocking anyoneā€™s view, so you let your tongue trace across his lip as you pulled away.
ā€œDr Pepper.ā€
He laughed and ran his tongue across the path yours had just taken. ā€œNah, cream soda.ā€
ā€œNuh uh.ā€
ā€œYuh huh.ā€œ
ā€œButā€¦but cinnamon?ā€
He laughed again, blowing and popping a red bubble in your face. The unmistakable spice wafted toward you.
ā€œDammit. Thatā€™s cheating.ā€
ā€œItā€™s called strategy.ā€ He leaned forward, smirk in full forceā€¦ready to kiss the pout and/or puffed cheeks you were giving him in return. He halted as a loud groan erupted behind him.
ā€œThe fuck is your problem, phone charger?ā€
ā€œDuuuuude, finally. Iā€™ve been waiting for you to ask.ā€
You smiled and sidestepped the man in front of you to see Kaminari spinning at his desk, eyes still glued to the ceiling. The exhale from Katsuki was the only invitation he needed to continue, raising his fingers to count off in front of his face.
ā€œFirst of all, me not having a cutie come in every day to kiss is a huuuuge problem.ā€
Katsuki tsked, slid behind you, and rested his chin on the top of your head. You ignored the gentle tugs against your waist in the direction of the door.
ā€œItā€™s totally not fair. And B, the least you could do is let me watch.ā€
ā€œThe fuck I will, you-ā€œ Kaminari ignored the interruption, continuing on. ā€œThird, do you guys go grocery shopping like every day?ā€ He stopped spinning and cocked his head to the side.
ā€œGrocery shopping?ā€
ā€œYea, like you want Dr Pepper. Itā€™s been weeks of you needing something every dayā€¦yesterday was mint ice cream, the day before that was coffee, and itā€™s always something different. Itā€™s weird.ā€
You laughed, pushing away the hand that had left your waist and was now trying to cover your mouth.
ā€œDonā€™t you dare tell that perv.ā€ You laughed harder at the whine in his voice as you broke free and hid behind Kaminariā€™s chair.
ā€œWe arenā€™t grocery shopping. Weā€™re playing a game.ā€
ā€œOh, can I play?ā€ You clutched your side as the image of that made your laughter more intense.
ā€œYou absolutely can fucking not.ā€ Bakugou nearly growled the words.
ā€œWhy not? Youā€™re so mean, man.ā€
You wiped the tears from your eyes. ā€œCharge, the game is guessing the chapstick flavor.ā€ Kaminari rolled his head back to look up at you.
ā€œGuessing the chap-ā€œ his eyes widened as Bakugou let out a huff in your direction. ā€œOhhhh, I seeā€¦ā€ He smiled and winked at your boyfriend, who was now successfully tugging you toward the door. ā€œI could totally play that. So what will you wear for us tomorrow?ā€
ā€œNot wearinā€™ anything for you tomorrow, idiot.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s hot, bro.ā€
You giggled as Katsukiā€™s ears became the brightest part of his costume.
ā€œShut the fuck up and get back to work.ā€
You were both nearly in the hallway when you heard one last shout behind you.
ā€œWait! Does that mean you have like 237 different lip glosses?ā€
You laughed, pushing Katsuki forward as he tried to turn and launch himself back into the room.
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Finally had a story caught in my head. First thing Iā€™ve finished and didnā€™t hate in a while. Hope you like it. šŸ–¤ slowly unblocking my brain
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angels-fantasy Ā· 6 months
Hi! I really liked the Katsukis memories one, so I can suggest you make like Bakugo a few years ago got out of a really toxic relationship and he couldnā€™t really trust anyone because his last girlfriend or boyfriend used him for his money and fame being the no.2 hero, until he met reader. So now heā€™s taking them to his old childhood hood to met his parents. Mitsuki also didnā€™t really trust anyone to be with his baby boy, but when she saw you walk through the door, I feel like she would make a connection and had really good vibes with reader. Thank for reading!šŸ§”šŸ’ššŸ–¤
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Perfect (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: established relationship, mention of a toxic ex, meeting the parents
Word Count: 1.1k
thank you for your suggestion and your kind comment! this was pretty fun to write so i hope i did it justice. i liked this :)
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When someone you love treats you horribly, it's something you never forget. It scars you, and no matter how hard you try to get over it, that pain and those bad memories are always going to be there.
It takes a lot of time to heal from these kinds of things, but it's possible. For Katsuki, it took three years. His last relationship was great at first. He was happy and in love, and he thought his partner was too until they revealed their true colors.
After a year of dating they made it clear that they were only with him because of his status as a pro hero and his money. This was heart breaking of course. It hurts to find out the person you loved never loved you. Katsuki was angry and hurt, so he ended things immediately and swore to himself that he'd never date anyone again. He avoided any type of romantic relationship for the next three years while he focused on himself, until he met you.
Meeting you was unexpected, like most relationships are. He was very closed off at first and hesitant to get to know you, but you were able to crack open his shell and find him waiting on the inside.
Before you started dating, you didn't know about his past relationship but you knew something must've happened for him to be so guarded. So you made sure to let him take the lead in everything. You didn't want him to feel pressured, so you would let him make all the first moves.
When he eventually asked you to be official you were extremely happy that he trusted you enough to try dating again, since a month prior he told you about his last relationship.
Now, six months later, he wanted you to meet his parents. But they were hesitant too.
"I don't know Katsuki. Are you sure they're not like the last one?" Mitsuki asked.
Katsuki was currently at his parent's house, asking them if he could bring you over this weekend because he wanted them to meet you.
He groaned, "Yes, I'm sure. I knew them for a year before we started dating, and they're really understanding about everything that happened before."
His dad, Masaru, spoke up, "We're just worried about you son. We don't want you to get hurt like last time."
Katsuki looked down, "I know, but just trust me, okay? They're a really great person and I think you'll like them."
His parents looked at each other, then Mitsuki said "Fine. Bring them over this weekend at 5:00 pm. I'll make dinner."
Katsuki smiled.
Fast forward to the weekend, it was now the day you were meeting his parents and to say you were nervous is an understatement. Your boyfriend has mentioned before that his mom was a lot like him, so you were afraid she'd criticize you right away. He did say his dad was much calmer, but you were still afraid.
"I'm scared Katsuki. What if they don't like me?" You asked as you two parked outside of his childhood home.
He put a hand on your head, "Relax babe, I already talked to them. I know they're gonna love ya, alright? And if they don't then they can fuck off-"
"It's true. I know they're my parents but I'm with you, and if they can't respect that then I won't talk to them."
You took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay. Can you hold my hand while we walk in?"
He nodded and did exactly as you asked as you both walked up to the large doors of the house. He knocked loudly twice before opening the door, announcing his arrival.
"Hag, I'm home!" He yelled, "Hey old man." He said to a man with glasses and brown spiky hair that was sitting at the dinner table.
The man was about to speak up but was cut off by a woman yelling, "I told you to stop calling me hag, brat!" Then, a woman that looked just like Katsuki walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh-Hello there! I'm Mistuki." She said and shook your hand.
You smiled and gave her your name, "It's so nice to meet you. You have really beautiful skin."
She laughed loudly, "That's thanks to my quirk, glycerin. Keeps my skin moisturized. Now both of you come and sit down! I made dinner for everyone."
Katsuki continued holding your hand and walked you to the dining table next to the man who you were assuming was his father.
He smiled and held out a hand, "I'm Masaru, Katsuki's father. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you'll excuse my wife, she can be a bit, well-I'm sure you know." He said with a small laugh. You noticed he was much more soft spoken compared to his wife and son.
You continued to talk to him and Katsuki at the table until Mitsuki came and placed the dish on the table. You were able to tell right away that she had made katsu curry.
You each served yourselves, though Katsuki kept insisting he serve you.
"Stop it. I want to do it." You said pushing him lightly.
He kissed his teeth, "Just let me do it will ya?"
"No." You then bumped him with your hip and served yourself, quickly serving him as well, making him sigh.
As you two communicated in your own way, his parents smiled at your interaction. Mitsuki was a little hesitant to, but Masaru rubbed her shoulder almost to let her know he was okay.
During dinner you all talked about everyday things, mostly surrounding you and Katsuki's relationship.
"So, how did you guys meet?" Mitsuki asked.
"We actually met at the public library." You said, "It was in the romance section, coincidentally."
"Yeah and you were picking a shitty book." Katsuki spoke up.
"Hey it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know anything about it."
As dinner went on, his parents, especially his mother, realized that you really were different than his last partner. They could see the way you cared for him just by how you spoke to him and interacted with him. Even the little touches you gave him on his shoulder or arm here and there.
At the end of the night when you said your goodbyes, his parents made sure to see you both out.
Mitsuki hugged you tightly and whispered "Thanks for taking care of my boy." Pulling away, she said "Come back anytime, all right? Don't let this brat convince you I'm crazy."
Katsuki rolled his eyes while you giggled.
Once you both drove away, Masaru asked his wife "So? What do we think?"
She nodded, "I think they're perfect."
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tag list for bakugou fics: @doumadono
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katsukikitten Ā· 1 year
Katsuki pulling out mid fuck to fist his cock and come all over your sticky pussy. Giving it a harsh slap when you whine about him not cumming inside of you.
He'll play with your clit, mix up his cum with your slick just to hear the clicking sound of your cunt and watch you squirm until he's hard again.
Leaning over to swallow your moans when he puts it back into your messy cunt, fucking into you furiously as he calls you his "dirty fuckin slut" until he feels his sac tighten, pulling out again just to repeat his actions before. Groan, cum an obsene amount of hot sticky ropes onto your abused cunt, before slapping it and sure to let his fingers hit your clit all while smirking.
"Please. Please Katsuki, I just want you to cum in me." Tears are in your eyes, legs shaking around his slim waist as you sniffle up at him for following through on his punishment and he just sucks his teeth, "I'll do anything, I'll behave."
"Oh so now you wanna be a good girl? I don't fuckin believe it." He sends another harsh slap to your cunt and the sting of it has you clenching around nothing, "Fat fuckin chance that I believe that, brat."
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boulderpunchinglover Ā· 3 months
Hii I was thinking for either bakugo or izuku u can write an image of the trend where the gf pretends that there's not enough food
also I'm so glad I found you, I know you only have one post up but I absolutely love your writing style and the way your profile colors are coordinated is so cute. I love it. Also because my favorite author is retiring šŸ˜­
also here's the link to the tik tok I'm referring to if you don't know
byee - šŸ–¤šŸ«¶šŸ¾
Woohoo! My first request!! As soon as I got the notification, I started writing immediately. TY for the profile compliment! I couldnā€™t decide on whether to write about Bakugo or Izuku so I did both! I hope that you and everyone who reads this enjoys <3
"There's not enough food" Prank on Bakugo and Izuku
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Katsuki Bakugo
One night, you were scrolling on TikTok in your bed as Bakugo slept peacefully on your chest. Youā€™re never up this late and you knew that Bakugo would be upset that you arenā€™t getting your beauty sleep. Good thing he fell asleep before you. He couldnā€™t fuss at you about being up this late. As you scroll, you see a video that catches your eye. A girl pranks her boyfriend by pretending that there's not enough food for the both of them and takes the plate with less food just to see his reaction. The boyfriendā€™s reaction catches your eye the most. He immediately takes some of the food off his plate and gives it to his girlfriend. ā€œHow sweetā€¦ā€ You say to yourself as you look down at Bakugo. ā€œI wonder if Katsuki would have the same reactionā€¦ā€ neuron activated. You know what you are going to be doing tomorrow.
There was this restaurant that you and Bakugo went to regularly that had food worth dying for. You guys ordered the same thing every time: katsu curry. You decided to set up a date there to conduct the prank. Convincing Bakugo to go on a last minute date with you wasnā€™t hard at all. He was always happy to spend time with you. As you enter the restaurant, you come up with a plan on exactly how to go about this. ā€œKats, find us some seats. Iā€™ll order the food for us.ā€ Bakugo shrugs and does as heā€™s told. When you go up to the counter, you order a medium sized katsu curry bowl for Bakugo, and a small one for yourself. Once you sit beside Bakugo, he sees that youā€™re holding back laughter and raises his eyebrow. ā€œWhatā€™s so funny?ā€ You try to get your laughter to a minimum in order to answer his question. ā€œNothing, just thought of something funny.ā€ Bakugo shrugs. Heā€™s still sort of suspicious, but he doesnā€™t think much about it as he holds your hand. ā€œOk, weirdoā€¦ā€ A few minutes later, the waitress comes out with both of your bowls. She places the smaller one in front of you, and the bigger one in front of Bakugo. As you begin eating like everything is normal, you glance over at Bakugoā€™s face. He looks quite baffled.
What the hell?ā€ Bakugo says as he compares your portion size to his. ā€œDid you order a smaller size?ā€ You shake your head. ā€œMy portion was smaller because the restaurant was running out of ingredients.ā€ Bakugo scowls and begins to dump some of his food into your bowl. ā€œThatā€™s bullshit.ā€ You giggle and try to stop him. ā€œYou donā€™t have to do that, Katsuki! Iā€™m not even that hungry, for real!ā€ Bakugo doesnā€™t believe that. ā€œYou were looking forward to going to this restaurant all day, idiot! Iā€™d be damned if you canā€™t at least enjoy your meal like you wanted!ā€ When Bakugou is done, you both have equal portions. In fact, you might have a little more. ā€œThere you go. If you want more, you can have more off my plate.ā€ How sweet. You kiss Bakugo on his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder. ā€œMy hero. Thank you, babe. I love you.ā€ Bakugo slightly blushes at your actions and words. He lovingly rubs your shoulder. ā€œYeah, yeah. I love you too ā™”ā€
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku insisted that he cook dinner when you were staying over at his house. After all, you were a guest. In his mind, you shouldnā€™t be the one cooking when you were the one staying over at his house! But after much convincing, he finally gives in and lets you cook. But little did he know, you offered to cook for a reasonā€¦ to recreate a prank on TikTok that you saw where girls would give their boyfriends a plate with more food while they took the plate with less food just to see their reactions. Once you saw it, you knew that you just had to do it with Izuku. You decided to make Katsudon, which was his favorite food. His reaction was going to be interesting, as you knew that he loved Katsudon and he would most likely be reluctant to share with you.Ā 
As you cook, you glance at Izuku as he studies at the kitchen table. He looks so peaceful, that you almost feel bad for your impending prank. (Keyword: almost). Once you get done cooking, you place each other's plates down on the table and take your seat. Izuku affectionately grins at you. ā€œThank you, love-ā€ Izukuā€™s sentence is cut short when he notices that you barely have any food on your plate. ā€œY/N? What.. what is this about?ā€ He says as he looks down at his plate in confusion. You smile and begin digging into your own, smaller portion plate. ā€œThere weren't enough ingredients for us to have the same amount. But thatā€™s ok. I wasnā€™t that hungry anyway.Ā 
Izuku shakes his head and swaps your plates. ā€œIn that case, you can have mine. Itā€™s not fair for you to cook and eat the least amount.ā€ You try to argue and swap the plates again. But he stops you. ā€œHoney, I insist. Please donā€™t fight thisā€¦ā€ You look into his eyes and see the genuine concern. You smile, knowing that you picked the right person to share your life with.
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kikis-writing-service Ā· 8 months
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Spicy Curry (Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader) Chapter 5
Summary: Pro-hero Dynamight hides his developing hearing loss from the public. He doesnā€™t want them or the villains to know about what he considers his only weakness. His family knows. His best friends know. And now you, the owner of his favorite little curry shop, know.Ā You want to live a quiet life & to protect your son. The last thing you want is to draw attention to yourself. You hide your identity, you hide your scars, and you hide your quirk.Ā And then Bakugou, Katsuki walks in one day with dried blood on his ears, and you canā€™t help but help him.
Parts: 1Ā 2Ā 3Ā 4Ā 5Ā ? ? ? ? ?
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Content Warning:Ā This fic will contain mentions of past abuse from a ā€œpartnerā€, including sexual assault.
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In the golden glow of the late afternoon sun, Kouichi and Katsuki walk side by side. Their steps sync as they stroll side by side, your silhouette casting a gentle glow ahead, like a beacon guiding their path. Kouichiā€™s hands dance through the air with a graceful flurry of gesturesā€”palms closing, then flinging open with a snap, his eyes aglow with endless curiosity. Meanwhile, Katsukiā€™s larger hands fumble, struggling to keep pace with the boyā€™s animated movements.
ā€œEver accidentally blown someone up?ā€ Kouichiā€™s question hangs in the air, his hands brushing against his chest in a hesitant mimic of a heartbeat, fingers trembling before folding back. His gaze dips, then rises to meet Katsukiā€™s again.
ā€œYeah, happens sometimes,ā€ Katsuki signs, hands rising a few inches, palms open. Echoes of singed collars, the acrid scent of burnt fabric, and a childhood friendā€™s laughter play behind his eyes. ā€œGotta be careful and have control.ā€ His hands flutter gently, settling back down.
ā€œHow?ā€ Kouichiā€™s brows shoot up, hands tracing a graceful arc in the air, fingers lingering. ā€œYour quirk is so strong, so dangerous!ā€ Awe flickers in his eyes as he tilts his head. Katsukiā€™s chest swells with a hint of pride, swiftly subdued by a wry smile. Kouichiā€™s innocence mirrors a younger version of himself, full of bravado and reckless curiosity.
ā€œTraining, kid,ā€ Katsuki signs, tapping his forehead repeatedly. His hands spread open, facing forward, then push against an invisible force, arms slightly bent. Each motion conveys the sheer practice it took to control his quirk.
Katsuki tilts his head, brows raised in a silent question. ā€œYou? Got a strong quirk too?ā€ His fingers splay briefly, then draw back, mirroring Kouichiā€™s earlier gesture.
Kouichi nods, his answer unspoken, hanging heavily in the air between them.
In the rhythmic hum of the laundromat, Katsukiā€™s imposing figure stands out against the serenity of the nearly empty space. Like a silent guardian, Kouichi claims his post before the churning waters, watching over your laundry. A playful sign from you directs him to keep an eye on the clothes as you drift toward a weathered bench, Katsuki following like a wolf shadowing a rabbit. The bench groans beneath his weight, his silent presence a reassuring anchor beside you.
His sharp, assessing gaze softens as it meets yours. ā€œDidnā€™t expect you to have a kid,ā€ his fingers sign, tapping his forehead twice, a hint of surprise lingering in the air. Even as he leans back, the tension in his shoulders refuses to fully unravel.
Your lips curve into a knowing smile. ā€œLifeā€™s full of surprises,ā€ you chuckle, the vibration sending a comforting warmth through him. For a fleeting moment, he wishes to be even closer. A playful gleam enters your eyes. ā€œHow old do you think I am?ā€ Your thumb and index finger meet, gliding straight down towards your stomach, a playful challenge dancing on your fingers.
Katsuki falters, caught between the unexpected jest and the truth shimmering in your smile. ā€œTwenty-four,ā€ he finally signs, hands forming the numbers, his gaze searching yours for the punchline.
The laugh that bubbles up from you seems to dance across his chest, a soft vibration against his skin. ā€œTwenty-nine,ā€ you confess, fingers shaping the numbers, your gaze meeting his with a playful tilt of your head. ā€œA few years your senior, it seems,ā€ you sign, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. Your fingers playfully count, then tap your forehead with a single finger, a silent challenge in your eyes.
The admission hangs in the air, a tangible presence filling the space between you. The washing machineā€™s steady thrumming echoes the beat of his suddenly racing heart. A few years? He chews on the words, surprised by the unexpected twist. It isnā€™t a vast difference, not to most, but in the whirlwind of emotions you provoke, it feels like a chasm.
ā€œReally?ā€ he manages, too shocked to use sign language, the word coming out a touch sharper than intended. The self-consciousness, that familiar foe, creeps up his neck, burning his cheeks. Is that disappointment he sees in your eyes or just a mirrored echo of his own surprise?
You lean in, a single strand of hair brushing the edge of his shoulder. His body shivers involuntarily at the warm breath against his ear and neck. ā€œNot a bad thing, is it?ā€ Your voice, a soft whisper against the machineā€™s hum, carries a hint of amusement. The warmth of your presence radiates against him, a comforting counterpoint to the cool bench.
ā€œNot bad,ā€ he echoes, his voice husky. ā€œJustā€¦ unexpected.ā€ The unspoken truth hangs heavy, a storm brewing behind his eyes. Heā€™s not sure heā€™s ready to face it, let alone navigate the currents of attraction pulling him closer.
You pull back, creating a deliberate but gentle distance between you. The warmth that had enveloped him now dissipates, leaving a void filled with unspoken tension. In the quiet embrace of the laundromatā€™s hum, Katsuki allows the tide of his emotions to carry him, a question lingering on his tongue like an elusive catch. Curiosity and concern weave within him, creating a knot impossible to untangle.
ā€œWhat about his dad?ā€ he signs, fist-bumping his forehead twice before opening it in a silent query.
Your smile wavers, a fleeting tremor before steadying back into place. Katsukiā€™s gut tightens, sensing he has touched a delicate chord. ā€œHeā€™s not in the picture,ā€ you respond, fist clutched near your chest, palm facing away. A swift flick sends it outward, like a discarded portrait beyond reach. Your brows furrow, a subtle head shake carrying the weight of unspoken words.
Katsuki swallows the apology forming on his tongue, aware of the pain swirling within you. He yearns to delve deeper, to inquire about Kouichi and you, but the storm cloud of your hurt lingers. Instead, he opts for silence, finding solace in the warmth pressed against his side. It seeps into the cracks of his unease, offering a shared refuge in the hushed ambiance of the laundromat.
His fingers itch with the desire to ask, the question a barbed hook caught in his throat. Torn between respecting your privacy and the burning need to understand, his hands finally articulate the words: ā€œHow did he lose his hearing?ā€ he signs, fingers intertwining like vines seeking solace. His earnest gaze searches yours for an answer.
You pause, a flicker of somethingā€”guilt?ā€”passing through your eyes. ā€œHe was born that way,ā€ you sign, tracing a path from stomach to heart. ā€œIt wasā€¦hard.ā€
Katsukiā€™s gaze steadies on your hands, a familiar pang in his chest twisting in a different way. He comprehends the feeling of being outside the box, constantly challenging a world that demands conformity. In your eyes, he glimpses a rawness, a vulnerability that tugs at his rough exterior.
Aching to offer comfort, to utter a soothing word, he finds his tongue feeling clumsy, the words caught between pride and the newfound awareness of your fragility. Softness has never been his forte; heā€™s a bull in a China shop, built for explosions, not delicacy. Yet, an unfamiliar urge to shield someone from the worldā€™s rough edges envelops him. Fumbling with it, he settles for a subtle shift closer, his presence a silent, rumbling reassurance. No words needed, just the weight of his frame, a shield against the worldā€™s harsh edges.
ā€œKouichi seemsā€¦ secretive about his quirk,ā€ Katsuki signs, hands forming the familiar shape near his chest, brow furrowed in a mix of curiosity and concern. His gaze flickers to yours, a hint of protectiveness glinting beneath the usual fiery intensity. ā€œWhatā€™s up with that?ā€
You sigh, a flicker of worry flitting across your face. ā€œHeā€™s hadā€¦ difficulties,ā€ you sign, your brows mirroring his furrow. One of your hands forms a fist, resting heavily on your chest. ā€œThere was an incident at his school.ā€
Katsuki felt the irritation bubble in his throat when he saw the look of frustration flit across your face. His brow furrowed, mirroring yours. The sharp edge of his posture softened as he leaned back, elbows finding purchase on the worn wood. ā€œIncident?ā€ he signed, the question still holding its edge, but his gaze holding a curious glint.
The air thickens with unspoken memories, a tangible presence you can almost taste. You take a deep breath, the scent of fabric softener doing little to mask the phantom smell of burnt flesh clinging to the edges of your mind. ā€œHis quirkā€¦it just manifested,ā€ you signed, hands mimicking the familiar shape for power near your chest. You lingered a beat longer than usual, the weight of the event hanging heavy in the air. A grimace played across your face, your gaze hardening for a fleeting moment before softening. ā€œHe can raise his body temperature. Like a furnace.ā€ Your hands wrap around an invisible heat source near your chest, then your fingers spread outwards rapidly.
A jolt of realization struck Katsuki. The singed hand youā€™d tried to hideā€“it all clicked into place. ā€œThatā€™s why your handā€¦,ā€ he began, his voice rough with concern, lines etching themselves into his face.
Your fingertips caress Katsukiā€™s lips, silencing him mid-sentence. The warmth of his breath dances across your skin, sending a tingling sensation down your spine. You hesitate, your hand hovering near his face, captured by the intensity of his gaze. Your heart races as you gulp and slowly withdraw your hand, allowing it to rest on your lap. His piercing eyes follow the movement, lingering on the bandage adorning your palm. The one heā€™d wrapped clumsily but carefully just a few nights ago, the one you havenā€™t bothered to change. Itā€™s a mess, wrinkled, and slightly stained from the spices youā€™ve been handling.
His brow furrowed, and his jaw tightened, a storm brewing in his gaze. He reached out, his rough, calloused fingers hesitantly brushing against yours before firmly taking hold of your hand.
ā€œWhat the hell,ā€ he mutters, his voice rough but laced with something that feels likeā€¦care? He grabs your hand, his grip firm but gentle. ā€œYou still havenā€™t changed this?ā€
Your body instinctively recoils, muscles tensing and heart racing at the slightest indication of danger. A memory flashes before your eyes: rough hands gripping you tightly, a frigid gaze piercing into your very soul, a menacing voice whispering threats that still echo in your ears. It all disappears in an instant, but the fear lingers on like a heavy fog. Your throat tightens, stifling a scream that never escapes. Instead, a meek apology slips out of your trembling lips.
Katsukiā€™s body tenses, his fists clenching tightly as he feels his frustration melt away like wisps of smoke. His eyebrows knit together in a mixture of concern and confusion, the two emotions warring for dominance in his stormy gaze. As a hero, he knows this reaction all too well. Itā€™s the response of someone who longs to flee but is paralyzed by fear. The response of a person who has tried to escape before and learned the harsh lesson that itā€™s safer to stay put.
He reels you back in, his voice softening. ā€œHey,ā€ he murmurs, his thumb gently tracing the lines of the bandage, his gaze lingering on the tremor in your hand. ā€œā€™Sokay, alright? Justā€¦take care of yourself, yeah?ā€ You feel a prickle of warmth, a mixture of guilt, and the unfamiliar comfort of his protectiveness.
His words wash over you, each syllable a soothing balm. It doesnā€™t erase the memory but pushes it back, a tide receding from a battered shore. His touch, gentle yet firm, feels like a grounding anchor, tethering you to the present where the air is warm and the hum of the washing machines a steady beat. You take a deep breath and force yourself to meet his gaze, the intensity of it almost overwhelming. The fear that had threatened to consume you recedes, replaced by a wave of relief so potent it makes your head spin. Itā€™s like stepping out of a suffocating darkness into the unexpected glow of a red sun.
ā€œYeah. Iā€™ll change it,ā€ you promise, your voice soft but determined. Itā€™s been so long since anyone has shown any concern for your well-being. So long since someone has offered their help expecting nothing in return. You canā€™t help but wonder why Katsuki is being so kind to you. Sure, he may have a rough exterior and a sharp tongue, but thereā€™s something about him that makes your heart ache with an unexplainable longing. Katsukiā€™s concern feels like a forbidden oasis, a shimmering pool of hope beckoning you closer.
And just like that, his warmth suddenly feels reminiscent of a ghostā€”like a brand against your skin. Your fingers twitch against his grip, the urge to flee as strong as the fear that had consumed you moments ago. The cruel joke of the universe hangs heavy in your mind, a bitter taste on your tongue. Why him? Why now? Why offer you this unexpected kindness, only to remind you of what you can never have? You inch your hand back, drawing a thin line of space between you and him. The worn bandage scrapes against his calloused thumb.
Katsuki senses the shift, his sharp gaze darting from your retreating hand to your now-averted face. A quiet tension hangs in the air between you, a palpable unease that he can almost taste on his tongue. A silent conversation plays out in the furrow of his brow, his hero instincts battling with the unspoken fragility he sees in your posture. He knows prying wouldnā€™t help, not yet. A sense of powerlessness grips his heart as he imagines you bearing this unseen weight all on your own. His hero instincts scream at him to protect you from the unknown source of your panic. He huffs quietly, frustrated at his own inability. That seems to be the trend these days, he thinks bitterly. Unable to hear, unable to be a hero, unable to help anyone around him. Heā€™s become so damn useless, and it eats away at him like a festering wound.
His eyes trace the delicate curve of your profile, taking in the subtle changesā€”your eyes now lighter, fixed on Kouichi as he leans against the porthole of the washing machine. Your words from a few days ago echo in his head: ā€œYouā€™re Dynamight, the goddamn explosion hero. Iā€™ve seen you blast through villains on TV. And no matter how bad things look, you always pull through, right?ā€ His cheeks warm. He huffs again, but this time, itā€™s a defiant puff. A consequence of the determination bubbling up his gut. He squares his shoulders, the frustration morphing into a quiet resolve. He knows pushing you wonā€™t help. He needs to find another way.
ā€œMaybe I can help.ā€ The words tumble out of Katsukiā€™s mouth before he has time to process it. He hadnā€™t meant to say it, not yet. The impulse, fueled by a potent mix of hero instincts and a strange, unfamiliar warmth towards you, simply overrides his usual caution. You turn your head, a sliver of surprise cracking through your curious expression.
Katsukiā€™s heart catches in his throat for a second. Heā€™s not used to thisā€”not used to the way you look at him with bright expectant eyes like you truly believe he could level mountains and tame storms if he sets his mind to it. He wasnā€™t used to the way his breath hitches when your eyes meet his, igniting a flicker of something dangerous and unfamiliar in his chest. He wasnā€™t used to feeling this vulnerable, so desperately in need of proving his worth, this damn human.
He signs, his fingers tracing the familiar symbols against his chest, a desperate attempt to ground himself. ā€œI know our quirks are different,ā€ he gestures between Kouichi and himself. ā€œBut Iā€™ve wrestled with a powerhouse quirk myself for a while now,ā€ he continues, his voice gruffer than usual.
You blink repeatedly, shock clear across your face. His confident gaze holds yours in place. ā€œBesides, Iā€™m kinda free for the foreseeable future.ā€ With a relaxed shrug, his hands open and brush downwards. ā€œGot nothing better to do.ā€
Hope blooms on your face, a delicate flower unfurling in the sun that makes Katsukiā€™s insides light on fire. ā€œReally? Are you sure?ā€ your hands sign, trembling slightly with disbelief. Your brows shoot up, mirroring the question mark your fingers form near your chin. Your hands repeat the sign for power, mimicking Katsukiā€™s, lingering on it a beat longer than necessary.
ā€œI couldnā€™t possibly repay you,ā€ you sign, hands open and palms up near your chest, fingers spread.
Katsuki scoffs, dismissing the notion with a careless wave. ā€œYou still owe me some curry,ā€ he signs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His fingers tap the palm of his hand twice, a smirk dancing on his lips.
A blush creeps up your cheeks at the unintentional implication given the sign name he gave you. ā€œCurry on the house, forever, if you can help Kouichi,ā€ you sign, fingers shoveling imaginary food into your mouth before tapping your chest twice. A radiant smile blossoms on your face, catching Katsuki off guard. Heā€™s sure his face is on fire now.
Standing up as the machines finish their cycle, Katsuki feels a phantom warmth press against his side, a lingering reminder of your absence. He glances towards the washers, a flicker of loneliness crossing his face before you return, your smile radiating excitement that crackles through the air.
ā€œGuess what?ā€ you sign, your eyes sparkling with mischief. ā€œKouichi wants you to come see something.ā€ Your hands mime holding an unseen object and thrust it playfully towards him, an unspoken invitation to share in Kouichiā€™s secret discovery.
Katsuki joins Kouichi, who bursts into an enthusiastic explanation of his love for the laundromat. ā€œI like the way the machines vibrate!ā€ he signs, forming the sign for a ā€œwashing machineā€ and mimicking a gentle shaking motion. His eyes sparkle with wonder, the hum of the machines his personal symphony.
Katsuki, though unfamiliar with the sign, easily catches his drift. He can hear the low rumble, but a pang of nostalgia tugs at him. He used to hear the water sloshing inside, too, a memory from a life that feels like a lifetime ago.
Kouichi glances at you, then back at Katsuki, urgency flashing in his eyes. He signs rapidly, shielding his movements from your sight. ā€œPlease donā€™t tell Mom what Iā€™m going to ask.ā€ His right palm pressed flat against closed lips, then quickly flicked down and away, fingers snapping open. Katsuki, sharp as ever, sees the cleverness in his plea.
ā€œSure,ā€ Katsuki signs, a relaxed confidence in his posture. ā€œAsk away.ā€
The hum of the machines fills the silence, a comfortable rhythm that underscores their budding understanding. Katsuki looks at Kouichi, his powerful quirk a hidden force within, then at you, offering a soft smile as you watch them from the bench. He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.
Kouichi leans in, his next question breaking the quiet. ā€œMom said not to ask about your hearing, butā€¦ā€ He signs, fingers brushing across his lips, then miming zipping a zipper shut across his chest. ā€œCan I still be a strong hero like you, even though Iā€™m deaf?ā€ His hopeful eyes plead for validation, his vulnerability raw and exposed.
The question strikes a chord deep within Katsuki, stirring memories of his own struggles with insecurity. He nods slowly, the gesture heavy with meaning. ā€œA badass hero doesnā€™t let something like that stop him from kicking ass.ā€ His dominant hand forms a fist, then explodes open, fingers spread wide, mimicking his signature explosive power. He repeats the movement, each strike a testament to his conviction.
Kouichiā€™s face explodes with joy, his eyes mirroring the admiration Katsuki usually sees directed at heroes like Deku. Only this time, itā€™s for him.
The intensity in his eyes holds Katsukiā€™s attention. Surprise flickers across his face, genuine and unexpected. He sees a reflection of himself in Kouichiā€™s unwavering determination, a boy bursting with the same youthful fire that once burned within him.
A playful glint sparks in Katsukiā€™s eyes as he signs, ā€œLike me, huh?ā€ His eyebrows rise, curiosity mirrored in his hands that rise in unison, palm to palm. ā€œThen you better train hard.ā€ He throws a fist forward, fingers snapping open like a detonation.
ā€œDynamight,ā€ Kouichi signs, his eyes blazing with ambition, ā€œIā€™m gonna be even better than you!ā€ His hands explode outwards, mimicking blasts even greater than Katsukiā€™s, a silent promise carried in the air.
A surprised laugh bursts from Katsuki, echoing through the laundromat. The audacity takes him off guard, reminiscent of his own brash younger self. But beneath Kouichiā€™s confidence, he sees a quiet strength, a determination that resonates even in the silence.
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a11eya Ā· 3 months
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a11eyaā€™s masterlist
all of my fic are reader inserts! characters whoā€™re love interests are aged up and at least in their mid-20s unless tagged otherwise. all my reader characters can be read as gender neutral unless tagged otherwise šŸ§”
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general writing tag šŸ–¤ ao3
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owlwithanapple Ā· 9 months
My Fanfiction šŸŒ¼
Bird & Fox ( Jason Todd x Reader x Dick Grayson )
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01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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Heroes In Love
šŸ–¤ Marriage Life ( Bruce Wayne x Y/N ) šŸ”žšŸ’¦
šŸ–¤ The Bat with love ( Bruce Wayne x Y/N ) ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
šŸ’™ His Ex & His Current ( Dick Grayson x Y/N ) šŸ”žā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
šŸŒø Blossom ( Jonathan Kent x Y/N Wayne ) ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŒø
šŸ–¤ The First Sweetness ( Bruce Wayne x Y/N ) šŸ”žā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
ā™„ļø One Night Only ? ( Jason Todd x Y/N ) šŸ”žā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
šŸ–¤ Youā€™re late ( Bruce Wayne x Y/N ) šŸ”ž
Your Hero ( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø One Piece
The Light and The Darkļ¼ˆ Silvers Rayleigh X Y/N ļ¼‰
Fate (Roronoa Zoro X OC X Trafalgar Law)
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