#''honey I've heard worse for less''
emeraldwit · 1 month
Hi hi, this is simpingtmblr, and like. yeah. i ended up writing a 5+1 for the peanut post you made. ive not finished it yet but like simp is my simping alt so had to go on anon. anyway. have a sneak peek bc like holy shit your idea unlocked something in my brain:
“... The other x-men wanted to meet you.”
Wade wasn’t sure what was worse, the hope that entered Logan’s eyes at that or the way he watched the man skewer said hope through with his claws and stamp its head into mulch before his face twisted up into that nasty self-deprecating one that took Wade a couple hours to get off of his face (and Laura a couple less, but the kid had pack-bonded with Logan - he was pretty sure he’d heard both of them refer to her as his kit- so he didn’t have too much jealousy regarding the time difference.)
“The one fuckin’ thing I asked-” Logan cut himself off with a nasty growl before he was pushing himself to be sat up on his behind and ran his hands over his face. A pit opened up in Wade’s stomach (that wasn’t a certain honey badger’s claws or cancer) at the noise and the way that murdered hope in Logan’s eyes started getting desecrated like a certain anchor point’s corpse had in an NSYNC induced fever dream all that time ago. The more he looked up at Wade, the more tired Logan looked, “How did you even manage that one, huh?”
(In the back of his mind, just past that segment dedicated to the boxes and their obnoxious reprimands; and taking a sharp turn past the part of him in a perpetual frankenstein-esque, lovecraftian-rip off realisation of horrors beyond human comprehension - in the face of acknowledging his existence as something human and not in the way something that was played like a goddamn skin suit by other humans in the 3D plain but existed as a sentient creature with its own thoughts simultaneously whilst keenly aware it was also words on a screen and little drawings on pages dumped in the back of some kids wardrobe uncomfortably close to the sex sock could- there was the part of his brain that had seared the way that Logan had looked at him when they’d first met. That pathetic smile when he’d leant his head against the muzzle of his gun and practically asked him to finally put him out of his misery before giving it one last go himself with the help of a bottle and enough alcohol contents in his stomach to have a mortician drunk due to sheer proximity to his corpse. He’d seared that fucking smile into his brain because Wade remembered seeing it in the shitty mirrors of Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Girls back when Vanessa had died.)
I'm so happy I was able to tickle your brain with this. I've read this segment have a dozen times and I'm going to keep reading it.
It makes my brain go burr
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jenniferjareauwife · 6 months
hello, could you write something about jj and the team finding reader passed out in the office bc of an eating disorder?
Passed Out
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: eating disorder
word count: 838
summary: jj and the team find you passed out in your office
I rubbed my face while pacing around my office, trying to take a deep breath to calm down. My head was spinning and my stomach was growling but I didn't care. I hadn't eaten in 3 days and I planned to keep it that way. I was losing weight and I looked better than ever.
A few minutes passed and the dizziness wasn't getting better, it was actually getting worse. I leaned against the desk for support but it didn't help anything. The next thing I knew , my head had hit the floor and everything was black.
My head pounded as I heard a woman's voice. I didn't recognize it at first but then I realized it was JJ's. "Hey. Hey sweet girl, don't sit up." My eyes fluttered open and I leaned into JJ's hand that was resting on my cheek. The edges of my vision were black and my vision was a bit blurry but it came into focus after a minute. JJ was kneeling down on the ground next to me while Emily was on the phone in the corner of the room.
"What...what happened?" I whispered, trying to sit up.
"Shh. Lay back down." JJ smoothed my hair out of my face. "You passed out baby." She kissed my forehead.
"What do you remember from before you passed out?"
"Dizzy." I reached for her hand.
"Have you eaten?" I hummed in response, not giving her a straight answer. "Yes or no baby."
"Don't lie to me."
"Ok...no." She sighed before kissing my forehead again.
"You've gotta eat my love, we've talked about this, ok?" She wrapped her arms under my shoulders to pick me up and lay me down on the couch. "You have to have food in your system to function. Or else things like this happen." I turned towards the door slowly as the rest of the team came rushing into the room.
"How is she? Does she need an ambulance?" JJ shook her head while holding my hand.
"No. She was out for less than a minute."
"Why'd she pass out?" Spence asked, a genuine look of concern on his face. JJ furrowed her brows, asking if she could tell him. I shook my head slightly, my vision getting blurry again.
"Shh. Come on sweet girl. Let's give her some space, yeah?" She caressed my cheeks and kissed my forehead.
Once everyone left she pulled me into a gentle hug. "You ok? Dizzy anymore? Blurry vision?" I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again and it was still blurry.
"Mhm. Blurry."
"Ok. I'll be right back. I'm going to go get you some food."
"No fighting on this, ok? You passed out and you need food." She kept her voice soft but firm. "I'm gonna go get you some yogurt." I held onto her hand as long as I could before she was too far away.
She came back a couple minutes later with vanilla yogurt. I made grabby hands at her and sniffled while trying not to cry. "Why are you crying honey?" She sat down next to me and handed me my yogurt.
"I'm sorry."
"Shh. No baby. Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for, it's alright." She held me tight against her as I took small bites.
"But I didn't mean to scare you and the team and I- I didn't mean for it to get this bad again-"
"Shh." She kissed my temple. "No. No apologies love. I've got you. Just focus on eating right now. I'm right here. If you start feeling bad again, just tell me and I'll call an ambulance. It's going to be ok." I nodded and leaned into her, taking bigger bites of the yogurt. God I was so hungry.
We stayed like that for at least half an hour. She played with my hair and whispered reassuring words in my ear. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her close to me. "What if- what if I had died?"
"Let's not think about that, ok?" She kissed the top of my head. "You're alive right now and you have some food in your system, it's gonna be ok." She rubbed my shoulder.
"I don't want to be this way, you know?"
"I know honey. No one deserves to struggle the way you're struggling right now but that doesn't mean you can't get through it, yeah?"
"I guess." My voice broke.
"You can get through this. Just don't pass out on me again, please." I laughed softly. "You scared us all so much."
"I scared myself." She kissed my temple again, pulling my head against her chest so I could hear her heartbeat while she stroked my hair.
"It's ok now though, ok? I've got you. I'm always here for you." She rubbed my back comfortingly. "I love you so much, I'm always here to support you, yeah?" I nodded and wiped my tears away. "I love you so much." She repeated.
"I love you too."
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i984 · 2 years
A Letter to the Yearning Moon
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader
|Warnings|: HURT HURT HURT, Stupid! Wednesday Addams, falls too late! Wednesday Addams, hates proper communication! Wednesday Addams, a rejection letter for a confession letter, this isn't even a fic, you guys will just sit there reading from first person, improper use of Greek mythology, author was sick when writing this.
|Summary|: Wednesday Addams receives a love letter.
|A/n|: I used @tundra1029 's prompt very very loosely. This goes to all of you who fell in love at the wrong time.
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An envelope.
Wednesday snatched the object from her beloved Thing.
Inside is a paper filled with letters that form words and thus string sentences together snugly beside each other. Carefully opening the folds, the ravenette's eyes trace your handwriting, your voice playing inside her mind.
My dear Selene,
Countless words have been poured on papers, yet none truly holds the power to speak my sentiments whole. Man's invention has failed me; poetry and portraits defeated by my thoughts and feelings for you. Like others before me, I'll still try to convey myself to you, and I hope by the end of this letter, we'll still be able to face each other and nod in tandem.
I loved the way you smiled. It was rare, of course, and when it finally happened, I saw before my eyes the most beautiful angel grace the earth with sweet honey and green meadows; light rain washes the world from its wrongs, and suddenly everything was so vibrant, so you.
I loved the way you laughed. It resembles the little bells adorning the bracelet I gifted you last year. In what people will deem maniacal, I find comfort and warmth, genuine glee and freedom. The things I would do to go back and listen to it again for the first time, I wouldn't regret it one bit.
I loved the way you walked. Our shoulders would brush, and my pinkie would tremble because I wanted to link it with yours. Every time, I would worry that you'll flinch and step away, or even worse; you'll tell me off, and we'll never walk together again. That never happened, and instead, I was the one who pulled away and disappeared.
I loved the way you let me into your life. To become a friend, a companion, and to let me cling to my hope of us ever becoming more. I watch you tolerate my obnoxious laughter and incessant chatter, my tasteless love poems, and the squiggly drawing of us—holding hands with our foreheads pressed together.
I loved how you hurt me gently, with no remorse or regret. When your countless 'no's proved fruitless, you just stood there and gave me less and less. I was doing the loving for the both of us, even though there wasn't an 'us' to begin with.
I loved you too much; it killed me every time I saw you, felt you, touched you, heard you, and it ruined me. The mere idea of you burns my husk with an eternal flame of suffering. Eros was laughing at me, and I hated passion and everything it stands for.
Your raven hair and pale, cold skin haunt my sleepless nights and daydreams. Your typewriter stared me down atop your desk, and I could clearly picture the image of your back and hear the clacks your fingers produced with each move.
I can see our hands accidentally touching atop that damned bookshelf every time I walk past the library. Your eyes were sunken, and your braids were messy. You looked lifeless, more than ever. And I've never hated anything more in my entire life.
It's funny—or tragic, depending on who's talking—how you, a person so impassive and emotionless, make me experience all the feelings poets and writers have sung and poured on paper. I adored love songs and loathe them now. I screamed, and I laughed, in despair and in delight.
You made me love, then hate, and I didn't understand you, me, and us.
I hated my arms that longed to hold you. I hated my fingers that wished to brush your hair loose. I hated my lips for wanting to press them onto your perfect skin. I hated my mind for yearning to understand you. I hated myself for desiring such a creature of perfection and bliss—God's gift for dirty and wretched humanity—a blade that lodges, twists, and turns the heart, and you wouldn't pull it out.
So I freed myself from your chains and whips, from the ruins and the broken pieces that were us, from the shards of glass that slit my neck and arms, and from the three words I wish to hear you repeat after.
Love was deeply tangled in hatred, and if I loved you more, I might kill you out of resentment. Instead, I killed my muse, freedom, and your half-finished portrait. And I figured that maybe that way, I could kill love, kill you.
I loved you, and in some ways, I still do. You're a great friend and a patient confidante. You're my hero and the moon I sought to glow above my bleak and numbing nights. But I've learned to love me more than you, and to love me means destroying your temple and building my own from the collapsed rock. It means painting over your mural with my favorite colors and drawing hearts on love poetries to myself.
I sprouted wings, and they blazed golden. Claiming heaven for myself, I left you down on treasured mother earth. If cruelness grew in me, I would ask you to stop feeling for me. But to fall for someone, and for you, is the greatest blessing in life, and I wish for you to experience the same.
Your words finally mirrored mine, and I pray in another life, we can love and live without fear, regret, or guilt. Until that day comes and sets us free from human prison, do settle as my fallen angel, my harbinger of death.
And maybe then, Chronos will let us meet and fall for each other together, and our story will be complete; a happy end for you and me.
I loved you, Wednesday Addams, and I am eternally grateful to have you feel the same for me now.
Your foolish sun.
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A/n2: Did that make any sense? No. So I'll clear a few things out for you. This is a letter for someone who fell for you late. You fell so deep in love, it drives you mad, and you've confessed countless times to this person. Yet, the person doesn't reciprocate your feeling, and so you gave up. You moved on in life, and learnt to love yourself like you did this person. As Fate has it, this damned person falls in love with you after your feelings are gone, and this letter conveys that it's too late because you can't love them again, and you wish for them to figure out what one-sided love feels like, and what does it mean to love themselves in the end.
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vechter · 4 months
Top 5 Dick ships?
hello anon i think this is prolly gonna be the last one i do i've procrastinated enough today, also forgive me for not peppering this with enough comic panels i just can't be bothered to look for the issues 1) dick/roy- in my ideal world, dick moves back to new york after his batman stint and he and roy go on a crazy, adrenaline fuelled, bonkers mission to find lian, who is obviously not dead. brings things full circle to when they first got roy custody of lian from jade in nightwing: old friends/new enemies. they talk about roy's questionable titans for hire choices, dick's fear of being batman (let alone a really competent one) realized. they are both irretrievably changed from the last year but despite it all, they still fit. they find lian, cue heartbreaking reunion. and then they kiss <3 honestly tho they have so much history, roy started a whole ass team to help dick deal with his grief over donna despite the fact that roy loved her immensely too and was probably grieving her just as much. outsiders (2003) once again i am unable to be normal about it. 2) dick/kory- kory was probably the best thing to happen to dick. at a time in his life where he was hurting and struggling to figure out who he was beyond batman's partner, kory was a breath of fresh air. both she and dick have core desires of freedom but for dick, it tangles with the discipline and bruce of it all. they were so cute with their terms of endearment ("honey", "gorgeous", etc.), their pictures in each others' apartments, the way they were always touching. also just the fact that she can fly. the deeper meaning to kory will never let dick fall. it ended awfully and hurtfully but their love for each other changed them. for the better. they will always have that love for each other, even if they aren't in love with each other. i do think they are soulmates but very very clearly right person, wrong time.
3) dick/joey- im sorry none of those initial interactions were anything less than deeply, deeply homosexual. the way dick spent his entire birthday on tamaran monologuing at joey and joey heard it all. they have inside jokes! dick feels awe when he looks at him. also the fact that joey chooses to possess dick in titans. ahhhh what a fucking fantastic nuance to their dynamic.
4) dick/midnighter- when i do accept the existence of a post n52 world, midnighter is prolly one of my fav things to come from that era. i love the idea of a dick losing himself as a spy and subsequently choosing to engage in awful, awful self-destructing behaviour and midnighter clocking that but not rlly able to do more bc he's grieving his relationship with apollo, too. their relationship would just be a lot of adrenaline and lying and covert ops and it would be short-lived bc both of them know it isn't what they want, esp not even the person they want. also a lot of attempts to extract information from each other with progressively unhinged ways of flirting and stalking.
5) dick/being single i'm so serious,,, this is prolly my top one. he needs to be single bc either he is a staggeringly great partner or an awful one, no in between. i love him but if i were a fictional character and ever had to date him, i think i would combust from wanting to clock him. unfortunately, therapy will not fix him, i think it would just make him worse so he should just be single, untethered to any place or person (well, as untethered as you can be when you are as insane about bruce wayne as he is) and able to swing away. but also swing back to the people he loves.
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gothdaddyissues · 1 year
The Devil Came to a Small Town
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Catch up here: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 is now up!
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Read on Ao3 or below the cut... (~6500 words)
(Also, thanks to @copiousloverofcopia for letting me make Sister Ren a member of the Abbey! 💜💜)
October 2
Copia rushed through the halls at Sister Imperator's heels, wringing his hands in worry. For the last hour,  the high-pitched whines and howls from the Ghouls' Den could be heard all over the Abbey, sending Siblings skittering away in fear. Another unearthly shriek echoed through the halls and Imperator covered her ears, the sound sharp and piercing enough to cause actual pain.
Terzo appeared from an adjacent hallway and walked alongside them. He was paintless and disheveled, looking like a moody teenager just rolled out of bed despite it being well after lunchtime. He winced when another screech sliced through the air. "Satan's sweet honey-covered balls," he swore, "What the fuck is going on?"
The three approached the door of the Ghouls' Den, entering without knocking. Dewdrop lay maskless on the common room floor, shivering and shaking, his Ghoul companions huddled nearby. Cirrus sat with him, his head on her lap as she pressed a cold washcloth to his forehead. Secondo stood above him, arms crossed over his chest in annoyance as he watched his wife, Sister Ren - head of the Abbey's infirmary - tend to the stricken Ghoul.
"I told you yesterday, you need to drink water. A ton of it," she scolded, "To flush it out of your system."
Dew moaned, writhing on the floor in pain. "I'm dying."
"You're not dying, you bambino," Secondo scowled, "You've got a headache and indigestion. We warned you not to drink any more coffee."
"He's a Ghoul," Ren chided her husband, "It's not going to affect him the same way it affects us humans. Caffeine makes their nervous systems go into overdrive."
"This is much worse than last time," Imperator sighed. "Is there nothing Primo can do to help? Some herb or concoction?"
"He's already gone to the greenhouse to prepare something," Secondo said.
Another wave of pain washed over the Ghoul. He convulsed, curling up into the fetal position, and let out a wail of anguish. Within seconds, all the Ghouls began keening, squirming in their seats, sharing in the suffering of their fellow hell-spawn.
"Uggggh!" Terzo cringed at the sound, glancing at the other Ghouls, "What the fuck?"
"They're feeling his pain., Terzo. They share a connection, both physical and mental, having been called from the same source. How many summoning rituals have you been to? Shouldn't you know this?" Secondo snarked.
Terzo raked his hand over his face, rubbing at his tired eyes. "Don't be such a stronzo. I thought that was just for major stuff, not upset stomachs."
The door swung open and Primo swept in, hurrying to the Ghoul's side. "Here." He had a glass vial in his hand which he uncorked and held out to Dewdrop. "Drink this tincture. The herbs will sedate you, help to ease your pain. There is more I can do to fully cleanse you, but I lack some of the ingredients."
"What do you need?" Imperator asked.
"Bloodroot and Black Nightshade. I have been unable to replenish since we moved from the city." Primo looked to Copia. "If your witch lady-friend's shop is as magical as claimed, she should carry both of them."
"I will go to her," Copia volunteered, ignoring Terzo chuckling under his breath.
Cirrus and Sister Ren helped Dew up into a seated position, and Primo handed him the vial: "The quicker you drink it, the less you'll taste it."
Dewdrop gave it a sniff and twisted his face into a look of disgust. Then he took a deep breath and gulped it down, trying not to gag. "Fucking hell," he swore after he swallowed, "It tastes like the Devil's asshole."
"How do you know what the Devil's asshole tastes like?" Swiss asked him from across the room.
"Because I've kissed your mom," Dew shot back before he laid down on the carpet again, ignoring Swiss' agitated growl.
Imperator turned to the Cardinal. "Copia, get to Miss Bennett's shop, quickly. Before these two send each other back to Hell."
"Yes Sister, of course," Copia bowed slightly to her and as he turned to leave, Aether stopped him.
"Hang on, boss, I'll take you."
"Are you sure, Aether?" Copia asked. "You're still going to feel his pain no matter where you go. I can drive myself."
"I'll be fine, Cardinal," the Ghoul assured him as they met at the door. He leaned in and whispered, "Please, boss, I need to get outta here. I can't stand listening to him whine anymore..."
Primo's potion must have taken effect because except for a few early moments of discomfort for Aether, the drive into town was uneventful. As they arrived at the shop, Copia realized he had not seen Isabella since their meeting in the cemetery two days prior. It seemed like much longer... ages even. Being in her presence brought all his nervous energy bubbling to the surface. He straightened his tie and smoothed down his hair before stepping inside.
She stood behind the counter, clad all in black with a long grey cardigan over top, her dark hair flowing over her shoulders in soft waves. Simple and comfortable, and utterly bewitching. He was so smitten that for a moment, he could not move, his heart fluttering in his chest as he took her in. Aether had to give him a little shove of encouragement to keep going.
It was when he finally moved further into the shop that she noticed him. Her expression lit up, a warm smile spreading across her face, dimpling her cheeks and crinkling the corners of her eyes. Oh Satanas, what he wouldn't give to look upon her beautiful smile every single day...
He cleared his throat, composed himself: "Good day to you Miss Bennett."
"Good day to you, Cardinal," she greeted. "And good day to you, Cardinal's... friend?" She motioned to Aether. "How should I refer to you?"
The Cardinal chuckled softly. "You may call him Aether, for that is what I call him."
"Aether? Okay, good day, Aether." She smiled at him, and he put his hands to his heart and bowed slightly, acknowledging her greeting. "So what exactly is it Aether does for you? Is he your bodyguard?"
"You could say that. He's a bodyguard in a sense. My driver. My companion. Wait... no. Not THAT kind of companion. I mean... it's not.... there's nothing wrong with that sort of companion, I'm not saying..." he stammered nervously. "Eh... what is the word I am looking for?" Again he was reduced to an awkward mess in Isabella's presence.
Aether leaned in and whispered into Copia's ear.
"My assistant!" Copia suddenly blurted out, "Yes, that is it. My personal assistant." He could feel the heat of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.
If she noticed his discomfort, she did not mention it. But she did raise her eyebrows toward Aether. "Oh! So you can talk?"
"Ah yes. Yes, he can." Copia used this opportunity to push through his anxious thoughts. "The Ghouls are technically not permitted to speak in the presence of those outside of the Church," he explained, "It is an archaic rule, but one we still mostly abide by."
"Ghouls? That's what you call them?"
"A silly nickname, I know. One used for millennia. Because of the masks, you see." It was a small lie of omission, easier for him to explain than the real reason...
But Isabelle couldn't help but smile. "Seems appropriate. Being minions of Satan and all." She didn't know how close she was to the truth.
The magnetic pull he felt toward her rendered him speechless yet again. The urgency of the visit dictated that he keep things quick and professional, but she was so lovely, so clever. He was captivated. Aether gave Copia a nudge, yanking him out of his reverie.
"Eh, yes, so..." He moved closer to the counter, closer to her, while trying to refocus on the task at hand. "Primo sent me to fetch some spell ingredients. Bloodroot and Black Nightshade? He seemed quite certain you would carry those."
Isabelle nodded, turning to the large apothecary cabinet behind her, filled with glass jars of various herbs and materials. "I do! How much do you need? A little or a lot?"
Copia and Aether exchanged a look. "Best make it 'a lot' just in case."
She pulled two heavy jars out of the cabinet, placing them on the counter to begin her work, scooping a generous amount of each into flat-bottomed paper bags. "Now, he’s used these ingredients before, yes? Knows to take all the necessary precautions? Don't ingest them, don't directly inhale the smoke if you burn them, et cetera?" She looked up at him with a pointed expression. "Right?"
"Primo is a master with such things, yes. He will be most careful, I assure you."
"Of course, just making sure." She took out a black marker and wrote the name of each ingredient on the outside of the bags, then folded the tops over and sealed them with a sticker. "I trust you. But I have to do my due diligence. I won't sell these to just anyone, you know? It's definitely more advanced stuff."
Izzy rang the transaction through on her register, taking the credit card Aether handed to her. And as they waited, Copia glanced around the shop, sensing something was missing. "Your partner... Ari? That is his name, si? He is not here today?"
"He's out running an errand for the shop," she explained, laughing softly. "But partner? No. Friend? Yes. Best friend since we were 10 years old. Really, he's like a brother to me. He was hanging around so much when I opened the store, I figured I might as well hire him and give him a reason to be here all the time."
He was relieved to hear it. It was a thought - a worry - that had crossed Copia's mind, that perhaps her co-worker was more than just a co-worker. She and Ari were obviously very close. "Ah, so you and he are not..." Copia faltered, anxiously wanting to confirm it, but not sure how to say it.
"A couple?" Izzy found the word for him. "No. I'm not really his type. He prefers the uh... penis-havers."
"Oh! Eh... I see..." Copia mumbled, embarrassed yet again. "I did not mean to pry..."
"No, no, it's quite all right, Cardinal. It's not really a secret." Her eyes met his and she gave him a reassuring smile, putting him at ease. He envied her confidence. She had the uncanny ability to make even the most awkward of moments more comfortable for him.
Before he could reply, he felt Aether prodding him, directing his attention to the back room of the shop. Visible through the doorway was Isabelle's desk, and atop it sat a vase holding the flowers Copia had delivered to her the day before, on prominent display. It gave him a little swell of pride seeing them there. This means she likes them, yes? "What a beautiful bouquet of flowers you have there, Miss Bennett," he remarked, trying hard to be oh-so-casual about it.
She handed the credit card and their purchase to Aether. "Yes! Aren't they just stunning? Absolutely gorgeous! I love them so much." Her eyes locked with his. "And they really did brighten my day, as you’d hoped. Thank you, Cardinal."
Copia shyly averted his gaze, knowing he had been caught out. "You are most welcome," he said, "I heard about what happened at the coffee shop yesterday - I'm so sorry. All because you defended us. It was the least I could do."
She laid her hand over the back of his. "Don't give it another thought. I'd do it again, anytime. Because we take care of each other, right? Please, give your Ghouls my thanks for looking out for me. I hope they didn't have to put up with any abuse from that woman."
He patted the top of her hand. "Oh no. They actually gave her a good scare, I'm told."
"It may be wrong of me to say but I'm glad to hear it," Isabelle smirked. She did not make any move to take her hand away from his, but her expression quickly turned serious. "But really, you need to watch out for her. Her name is Diane Francis. She's made trouble for me in the past, and I'm worried she'll make trouble for you too, especially after yesterday."
"Diane Francis... Francis... why does that sound familiar?" Copia wondered aloud.
"She's the biggest real estate agent in town. You've probably seen her name and picture on signs and ads, pretty much everywhere."
"Would this be the same Francis who owns a land development company?" he asked, the name jogging his memory. "They were bidding against us for the Abbey property for a short while."
Isabelle nodded. "Yes. Well, actually it’s her husband’s business, but she's involved too. He's an even bigger asshole than she is, to be honest. Can you believe they wanted to tear the whole Abbey down and build condos there?" She shook her head in disgust. "I don't trust them. They have tons of money and influence around here and they don't like anyone or anything they can't control. Please be careful, okay?"
Copia could see the distress in her eyes. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, wishing that his hands weren't gloved so he could feel the warmth and softness of her skin under his fingertips. "We take security very seriously, you mustn't worry. But thank you for the warning. I will tell the clergy and I promise we'll be cautious."
He heard the soft 'ding' of Aether's phone. The Ghoul read the incoming message, then quickly tapped Copia on the shoulder, putting the phone in front of his face so he could see it as well.
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"Oh dear..." he sighed. Aether was already headed towards the door, clearly panicked. "You must forgive me Miss Bennett, we are needed back at the Abbey. I thank you, as always, for your kindness."
Izzy came out from behind the counter, following Copia as he went after Aether. "I hope everything is okay?"
"Yes, yes, just a minor emergency. Ghoul trouble. It happens... more than it should, honestly." He made it to the threshold and stopped, spinning on his heel to turn back to her, hating having to say goodbye so abruptly. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, peppering it with three hurried kisses. "Mi dispiace, cara. Please forgive me for rushing off. Ciao, Bella. I will see you again soon, si?"
Aether held the door open for him and he climbed into the backseat of the SUV, cursing the stricken Ghoul under his breath. "Damn that little gremlin! Hopefully we make it back before he inadvertently burns the Abbey down..."
Ari saw the expensive SUV pulling away from the curb as he made his way back to the shop. When he entered, he found Izzy standing in the middle of the shop floor, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"What'd I miss?" he asked, "What happened? Was that the Cardinal?"
"Yes... He just ran off. Some kind of emergency at the Abbey. Something to do with the Ghouls...I hope everything's okay," she fretted.
He placed one of the two bags he was holding on the shop counter. "Ghouls?"
"The guys with the masks. Bodyguards and assistants. They're called Ghouls. Oh, and they can talk, they're just not allowed to outside of the church."
"Huh. Nothing weird or creepy about that at all," he remarked sarcastically. "Anyway, here's your stuff from the office supply store, and..." He held up the other bag he carried, "I got some sandwiches from the deli for lunch."
Ari wandered off into the back room, Izzy following at his heels. "Really? That's your response? I thought you were as curious as I was."
"I am! But girl, honestly, I haven't eaten all day and I'm hangry. I'll indulge my curiosity after we eat, 'kay?" He moved the vase of flowers over so he could sit opposite her at the desk and unpacked the takeout bag. He nodded over to the bouquet. "And did your loverboy fess up to sending these?"
"He did," Izzy admitted, plopping down into her desk chair, looking dejected. "It was a thank you-slash-apology for being harassed by Diane Francis yesterday."
"As suspected." Ari glanced over at the flowers again, admiring their unique blooms. "Quite the grand gesture. He must really like you or something," he teased.
Izzy opened the bottle of iced tea Ari placed in front of her then unwrapped her sandwich. She took an unenthusiastic bite and pondered her sudden foul mood. Just yesterday she had been so overwhelmed by the smutty dream she'd had that just the thought of being in Copia's presence sent her into a tizzy of denial. But now, only a day later, she was deeply disappointed he hadn't been able to stay longer. Each time she saw him, her longing grew. She wanted to spend time in his company, away from the shop and the Abbey, where the two of them could just be. Her intuition was still screaming that there was more to this...
"Okay," Ari interrupted her thoughts. She'd barely touched her food and he had already plowed through half of his. "I've eaten some and am now officially 50% less evil. So... tell me about these Ghouls."
October 6
It was a bright, beautiful autumn morning, with a light breeze carrying the slightest hint of the winter chill to come. Deep red and rich golden leaves swayed against the clear blue sky, occasionally dancing through the air and swirling to the ground on a gust of wind.
Isabelle unlocked the gate protecting the front of her shop and pushed it off to the side where it latched down, out of the way. She dragged the chalkboard A-frame sign onto the sidewalk to sit next to the door. Ari had covered it with Tim Burton-esque drawings of monsters, bats, and pumpkins surrounding a large square in the center to countdown the days until Halloween - 25, as of today.
Main Street was already bustling with activity for a Wednesday. Izzy waved hello to Alex and Melissa, owners of the antique shop across the street, and nodded greetings to passers-by. She picked up her old straw broom (so stereotypically witchy of her) and began sweeping the dead leaves and dirt off the sidewalk in front of the shop, humming a happy tune to herself.
As she worked, her thoughts drifted - like they so often did these days - to Cardinal Copia. His image was always lurking at the edge of her consciousness, his essence flitting in and out of half-remembered dreams. It had been a few days since she had seen him, since he had rushed away for that emergency. She debated with herself, wondering if it would be too unprofessional to call him to see if everything had worked out all right. But more than that, selfishly, she found herself missing him. Odd, considering they had probably spent at most an hour total in each other's company. In truth, they barely knew each other. But he had a bewitching hold upon her, this strangely familiar and comfortable feeling that overtook her in his presence. His absence brought a longing to be close to him, making her ache, almost as if she were homesick for a place she had never been...
Izzy finished sweeping and noticed two young women on the sidewalk a few steps from her door. They were dressed in low-cut, black tunics with long black veils draping down their shoulders. The stylized upside-down cross of the Church of Emeritus hung from chains around their necks - Sisters from The Abbey. Izzy recognized one of the two as a regular customer. Assuming they were coming in to shop, she was about to step aside and give them room to enter, but they were interrupted by rude voices snickering behind them.
"What the fuck? Hey! Hey ladies, Halloween isn't until the end of the month. Why you all dressed up? Are these your Naughty Nun costumes?"
The Sisters turned to see two teenage boys there, probably no more than sixteen years old, tall and skinny dressed in oversized flannel shirts and artfully ripped jeans. They saw the crosses on the Sisters' necks and laughed louder.
"Oh shit!" one boy hooted. "You're from the Satan Church, aren't you? Whatda they call you? Sisters of Sin?" His eyes dipped down to their cleavage, ogling them shamelessly. Their habits did not leave much to the imagination.
"My parents were talking about you," the second one continued, "They said you're all bunch of freaks."
"Are you a bunch of freaks?" The first one got right up close to the shorter Sister. "Do you sacrifice animals? Do you drink their blood?"
The second one joined the first. "I heard is they have big orgies. All the time. Is that true?" He reached out his fingers and skimmed them along the Sister's veil, close to her face. "C'mon baby, you can tell me. I wanna hear all about it... Gimmie the deets."
"Or maybe show us what you can do?" They were both laughing now, cruel and taunting.
The other Sister took her friend's arm, leading her away. "Ignore them, Sarah," she said, "Just keep walking. Let's go."
Izzy watched, the anger welling within her as the Sisters tried to escape. But the boys continued. "Awww... come on, we were only joking. Don't be stuck- up sluts. Try to convert us! Tell us about the orgies!"
"HEY!" Izzy yelled. "Leave them alone!" She approached the Sisters and ushered them over to the entrance of her shop, shooting the boys a scolding look over her shoulder.
"Oh look, it's the local bitch... I mean, witch," the first boy sneered. "What are ya gonna do? Fly around on your broomstick and put a curse on us?"
Izzy brandished the broom in front of her, swatting it at the boys. "Wanna find out? I'll turn you into toads, don't tempt me..." She eyed them for a moment, trying to place them; one of them seemed familiar. "Wait a sec... Aren't you Tony's kid?" she asked the first boy. "You look just like him. And shouldn't you be in school right now?"
"Shit, dude," the second boy muttered, smacking his friend on the shoulder before beginning to back away, "She knows you. Let's go..." The first boy quickly followed his friend without saying another word, hurrying across the street and in the opposite direction.
"Say hello to your dad for me!" Izzy called as they scurried away. "He and I go waaaay back!" She ensured they had disappeared down a side street before turning to the Sisters in her doorway. "Are you ladies okay?"
The Sister Izzy recognized nodded, but the other kept her eyes averted, fidgeting with the cross around her neck. Izzy touched her shoulder gently.
"Why don't you two come in and sit for a few minutes?" she suggested. "We've got a big pot of fresh chamomile tea all ready." Izzy pushed open the shop door and led the Sisters inside. "I've seen you in here before," she said to the one she recognized, "You always get the lemongrass incense. What's your name?"
"I'm Brooke. And this is Sarah."
Ari watched them enter, a concerned look on his face in response to Izzy's worried expression. "Hello, ladies," he greeted before turning to Izzy with his eyebrow raised. "What's going on?"
Isabelle brought them over to the reading nook and motioned to the settee. "They got harassed out on the sidewalk by a couple of punk-ass teenagers. One of them was Tony's kid... they were awful. Can you get the Sisters some tea, Ari?"
"Of course." He hurried over to the tea cart at the end of the counter, readying two cups.
Izzy crouched down in front of Sister Sarah, who was still clearly shaken up. She took the girl's trembling hands in hers, hoping to ground her and ease her distress. "Sarah?" she said softly, "You okay?"
Sarah nodded, her eyes still downcast. "I... uh, yeah. I'm okay," she mumbled.
Ari approached tentatively, full teacups on matching saucers in each hand. "Here you go," he said softly as he handed them off to each Sister, "Sip on these a bit."
Izzy took a step back, giving them some space but still keeping a close eye on them. And really, she needed more than a moment to compose herself too. The harassment she’d experienced? She was used to it. But to see these young women taunted and objectified by those deviant brats? That made her blood boil. Once the Sisters seemed more at ease, she asked: "How are you guys getting back to the Abbey? Do you have a car here, or are you getting picked up?"
"We were just going to get an Uber back," Brooke said.
Izzy frowned. She wanted to make sure these girls got back safely and in comfort - especially Sister Sarah. After all this, a stranger driving them didn't sit right with her. "Let me call the Abbey," she said, pulling her phone out of her back pocket, "I'll see if someone there can come get you."
She scrolled through her contacts until she came to Cardinal Copia's name. Well, you wanted to talk to him, right? Now's your chance... It felt weird, too forward, like she was pushing a boundary. But it needed to be done. Her confidence faltered and the butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she tapped on his office number and the call rang out. After a moment, she heard Copia on the other end: "Pronto? Copia speaking."
Her heart was pounding. "Cardinal?" The high-pitched, nervous chirp of her reply made her cringe. "Uh, hi, it's me. Isabelle? From the metaphysical shop?" Like he's not going to know who you are?
"Oh! Bella!" He was definitely caught off guard but she could hear the smile in his voice. "Yes, I recognized you. What a lovely surprise! How are you?"
His pleased reaction eased her nerves, and she let out the anxious breath she had been holding. "I'm well, thank you. But I have a bit of a situation here at the shop. Two of your Sisters are here with me, Brooke and Sarah? They dealt with some harassment out on the street today and they are a bit shaken up."
"Oh dear, oh no," Copia fretted, "The poor things. Sister Sarah is quite new to the Abbey, a very sensitive young lady. I worried perhaps she wasn't ready for an outing in town just yet."
"It was a couple of teenage boys causing a nuisance, skipping school. They have a reputation as troublemakers, the little shits. I scared them off for now. And your Sisters are safe here. Is there someone there who can come and get them? If not, I can give them a ride..."
"Yes, I'm sure there is someone available. One moment..." She heard Copia place the phone down, his footsteps fading across the floor, and the sound of a door opening. She could faintly make out his calling on Aether, telling him to bring a car to the shop as quickly as possible. Then the sound of the door shutting again, footsteps growing closer, and the rustle of him picking up the phone once more. She could picture it in her mind, envisioning him in his bright red cassock, those soft leather gloves cradling the phone next to his ear... "Please tell the Sisters Aether is on his way to get them, and will be there as soon as he can."
"Oh good! Thank you Cardinal."
"No, no, thank you, Bella. Again, you take such good care of us. I am so grateful it was you who was able to help them."
"You're welcome... really, it was the least I could do. Like I said the other day, we look after each other, right?" Not wanting the conversation to end just yet, Izzy took the opportunity to continue. "I, uh, I hope everything is well with you? Last time I saw you, you rushed out of here for that emergency. Did it all work out okay?"
"Ah, yes, yes. It did - eventually. Some of our Ghouls have a talent for getting themselves into trouble," Copia replied cryptically, "But all is well now."
"And your friend Primo was happy with his spell ingredients?"
"Very! Very impressed," Copia assured her. "Better than he could've grown himself, he said. Which might be the highest compliment I've heard him give. He will talk your ear off about herbs and potions if you let him."
Izzy laughed softly, "Well, I hope I get to meet him someday. Maybe when I come for the tour of the Abbey you promised me? Which I really want to do. Soon." Then before her brain could stop her, she blurted out the thought that had been on her mind all morning. "I've been looking forward to seeing you again."
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the call before she heard Copia's nervous chuckle and shy stammer: "You... uh, really? You have?"
She wanted to say something witty, something to play off the confession and seem so self-assured. But there was no clever quip to gloss over the truth. "Yes," she replied simply, "Yes I have. So if you're in town, for whatever reason, don't be a stranger, okay? Stop in and say hello."
"I will," Copia said, his voice gentle and sweet, "I absolutely will. I am..." He paused for a moment and cleared his throat. "I am looking forward to seeing you again too."
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." She couldn't suppress a giggle. Okay, shit, this really isn't the time to be flirting - you need to be professional - and get off the damn phone before you say something else stupid... "But until then, I know you're busy, so I won't keep you. I'll make sure your Sisters are well taken care of until their ride gets here."
"Thank you again, cara mia. You are a gift to us. See you soon, yes?"
"I hope so... Have a wonderful rest of your day, Cardinal."
"You too. Ciao, Bella."
"Bye," she said softly. Izzy ended the call and clutched the cell phone to her chest, pressed against her thudding heart. I'm a gift? Cara mia? He wants to see me again too? She was grinning like a fool, lost in her own little world of Cardinal Copia bliss when she snapped back to reality - Ari and the two Sisters were staring at her in silence, various degrees of amusement on their faces. They had overheard the entirety of her end of the conversation.
"Don't move," Ari said, holding up his finger in the air, "I have to capture your face right now - it’s just precious." He grabbed a nearby pad of paper and a Sharpie, quickly sketching out what he saw before him. With pride, he held it up to show her: the name 'Bella' written with a big arrow pointing to a smiling, heart-eyed emoji face. He looked at the drawing, at her, then back to the drawing. "The resemblance is uncanny!"
With gritted teeth, Isabelle gave Ari the most annoyed death-glare she could muster, shifting her eyes over to the Sisters and then back to him, wordlessly telling him to shut the hell up. It didn't stop him from laughing out loud. At least the Sisters were polite enough to keep their giggles hidden behind their hands. Izzy took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and slipped her phone back into her pocket, attempting to exude confidence while refocusing on the matter at hand. "Aether is on his way to pick you up," she told them, "He should be here shortly. Let me send you back with some incense, hmm? My treat."
"Oh no, you don't have to do that!" Brooke protested.
Izzy waved off the objection. "No, no, I insist. I know it doesn't make up for what happened outside, but it's a little something to brighten the day, right?" She went to the shelf of incense sticks on display. "Would you like your usual Lemongrass, Brooke?"
"Yes, please... You're too kind, Miss Izzy. Thank you. For everything."
"You're most welcome." Izzy placed six sticks into a small paper bag. "And you, Sarah? Which kind would you like?"
"Um, something sweet? Or fruity?" She finally seemed to be relaxed.
Izzy picked three black cherry and three vanilla into a second bag and handed them over to the Sisters. "I'm really sorry you had to deal with all this today. It's hard when people are awful to you because of what you believe in. Trust me, I know. But don't let a couple of edgelords looking to stir up shit discourage you. The majority of people here are definitely NOT like that. And the handful who are love to make themselves known, so they're easy enough to avoid. Seriously, if anyone in town gives you trouble again, you come and see us," Izzy said, "We've got your backs, okay?" As she spoke, the familiar black SUV pulled up to the curb in front of the shop, and Aether hopped out. "And, I think your ride is here."
The Sisters turned to see Aether enter the shop. He rushed to them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "It's okay, Aether, we're fine," Brooke assured him, "Miss Izzy has taken really good care of us."
Aether turned to Isabelle and took her hand in both of his, shaking it vigorously. His grip was tight and remarkably strong, and his skin was strangely cool to the touch. But just as she registered how unusual it was, he let go, stepping back to usher the Sisters to the exit. "Thank you for coming to get them, Aether. We appreciate it," she said.
He blew her a kiss and gave Ari a wave before giving them both his hand-over-heart gesture of thanks once more. Then the three of them were out of the shop, into the car, and back off to the Abbey.
Izzy glanced over at Ari, that smug, teasing look still on his face. She sighed and collected the two empty teacups, taking them to the back kitchen area, Ari following behind.
"Sooooo...." he began, "I have a question. Like, a serious one. No teasing, no bullshit."
"The Cardinal... why don't you just ask him out?" His tone was one of genuine curiosity. "You're usually so forward. You like a guy and you're ON him. What's different here?"
"What's different is now I'm a business owner, and I'm trying to be professional," she replied. 
"You're not trying very hard," he observed. He wasn’t wrong. When it came to the Cardinal, the pretense of professionalism began to fall away the minute she first laid eyes on him. And was fading ever faster after dreaming about fucking him nasty in the Abbey greenhouse…
"I stand to get a lot of business from the Church if I handle things right,” Izzy continued, “I mean... yes, I like him, and he likes me. Yes, we have this weird connection. But I don't want to rush into something with him and screw everything up. So I'm trying to let it develop naturally." Ari raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Or naturally-ish," she conceded, heading back to the shop floor.
"I see… Well, I guess there's a first time for everything," Ari mused, “How very mature of you.”
"You may have noticed that rushing into relationships has been successful for me exactly zero times. It can't hurt to try a different approach."
"True," Ari agreed. “Not gonna lie, I’m curious to see how long you hold out. Especially after your ‘Notice me, senpai’ moment today.”  He looked down at the drawing he'd made earlier and giggled again, then tore it off the pad of paper and handed it to her. "Would you like to keep this? Frame it? Maybe display it at your wedding?"
Izzy snatched the paper out of his hand and crumpled it up. "Ass," she muttered, tossing it in the recycling bin.
"Awww... I love you too, Iz."
Copia and Imperator waited at the main entrance for the two Sisters to return. Imperator gave both a gentle hug. “Are you alright, my dears?” she asked.
Sarah nodded. “Yes, Sister. I’m okay. Better now that we’re back here. But Miss Izzy was very kind to us.” 
“I’m very glad to hear that,” Copia said, “Miss Bennett has done so much for us already. We are lucky to have her as a friend.”
Brooke and Sarah exchanged looks. “Yes Cardinal,” Sister Brooke said, unable to hide a knowing grin, “Very lucky. She is so thoughtful and sweet… and pretty, wouldn’t you say?”
“Eh… eh yes. Yes, she is.” Copia’s brow furrowed, aware that he was being teased. The Sisters likely overheard Bella speaking to him on the phone. And considering how quickly gossip spread among the Siblings, it would probably only be a matter of hours before the entire Abbey knew about their flirtations. He stood a little taller, clasping his hands behind his back and giving the Sisters a stern, authoritative glare. “Miss Bennett is an exceptional ally. This is still a new place for us, and we must cultivate friendships with like-minded people if we wish to thrive here. We must remember to be grateful. And we must repay her kindness someday, si?”
“Yes, Cardinal,” the Sisters replied.
“And,” Sister Imperator interjected, “I think we should consider a policy of going into town in our secular clothes for the time being. At least until people become more accustomed to our presence here. It’s not ideal, but I don’t want this to become a regular occurrence.”
Copia nodded. “Now off you go, dolci sorelle” he shooed them away with his hands, “To the kitchen. I asked them to save some lunch for you.”
“Yes, Cardinal. Thank you.” The Sisters bowed to him, then to Imperator in turn, then rushed off to the dining hall, giggling to each other as they went. 
“Are you sure about this, Sister?” Copia asked as they walked back to their offices together. “Not allowing the Siblings to wear their uniforms outside of the Church seems a bit like blaming the victim, don’t you think? Hiding who we are, as though we’re ashamed?”
“A temporary measure, Cardi,” she assured him, placing her hand on his arm, “I have no desire to hide either! But I want everyone here - and everyone who may be considering joining us - to feel comfortable and safe. We’ll give it a bit more time and be good little citizens. People will come around, I’m sure of it.” Imperator stopped outside her door and turned to face Copia. “And don’t worry, dear. You can still go visit Miss Bennett any time you like.” She gave him a wink and disappeared into her office, shutting the door behind her.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
Could I get a follow-up to Adam's nightmare? Maybe someone else in the Motley Crew coming to investigate the sound of him breaking the mirror?
I did roll to see which member of the crew would approach Adam and it rolled Erik.
Frozen, Adam stared at the shards of glass and splinters of wood embedded in his knuckles. He barely registered the pain as blood dripped into the porcelain basin of the sink. He’d made such a mess of the mirror that shards and splinters littered the washroom from wall to wall. He needed to clean it now, it wouldn’t do to leave evidence of his wanton destruction. Trembling he knelt and tried his best to scoop up the debris into the wastebasket, cursing as his bloodied hands left stains on the tile. Served him right for his impulsivity.
Adam supposed he had no real need of a mirror anyhow; it wasn’t as though his reflection was a thing to be missed…
Before he could clean away the smears of blood, he heard a gentle cough. Two eyes, yellow as his own, gleamed at him in the dark.
“Erik…” It was no more than a grunt. Given that Erik had shown him nothing but distrust Adam was less than enthusiastic to find the infamous Phantom in his quarters. “How did you even get in here?” he grumbled as he groped behind him for a towel to mop up the blood.
“I heard the sound of something breaking and thought perhaps someone was in trouble,” Erik replied silkily, “The lock on your door is broken, by the way.”
“How very queer, it was in perfect condition when I locked my door just a few hours ago,” Adam hissed through gritted teeth. Erik wore his black mask, obscuring his expression but his smirk came through in his honeyed voice.
“What can I say? English locksmiths are woefully inept at their craft. Such flimsy and inelegant contraptions are prone to fall apart at but the barest application of pressure in the right place.”
Smug bastard. A muscle twitched grotesquely in Adam’s cheek, “Be satisfied then, that there is no danger and no one has need of you. Be gone, Erik! Vanish like the mock specter you are and leave me to my toils,”
“I would but you seem to be struggling. You can’t get glass up with your bare hands, you’ll need a dustpan or you’ll be stepping on tiny shards for weeks. I’ve smashed enough mirrors to know how to clean them up by now,” the arrogance was gone, replaced with something akin to resignation.
 Adam huffed wearily, “I suppose you are right; I seem to be making things worse for all my efforts to repair the damage. Such is my lot.”
“My large friend, you need to get that glass out of your hands before you try to clean anything up. Shall I wake Dr. Watson and have him attend you?”
Now Adam was puzzled, not only was Erik not being hostile, he was being downright helpful. To what end? Adam squinted at him, wishing that he could rip the mask off of the other man’s face and reveal some expression by which he could gauge his intent.
“What has inspired these fine new manners? Was it not you who spun tripwire through the corridor like a damned spider hoping to snare me in you web? Did I not find you crawling over the rafters just this morning spying on me? It fills me with suspicion for your motives that you should be charitable only at such a time as when I am vulnerable.”
Erik held up his slender hands, fingers splayed in a gesture of supplication, “I've come in peace! I have concluded through my observations that you are not my enemy. I don’t know what you are, perhaps I will never know, but as I am coming to accept that the world is full of vampires, werewolves and other such creatures of the night, perhaps you are not the most uncanny thing I’ll encounter”
Sucking in a sharp breath through flared nostrils Adam fought to keep his tone even and civil, “Why did you not simply ask? I would gladly have shared my tale and heard yours in return. I have seen what is under your mask, you are no less hideous than I am, though I would wager my deeds are darker even than yours.”
From under the mask muffled laughter bubbled, “You would lose your wager. I have committed crimes that the devil himself would shudder to think of. I confess when I first saw you and felt your hands, the genuine article of a living corpse, which I had only ever pretended to be, I was frightened.”
With a weary sigh Adam nodded, “I suppose that is to be expected, ugly or no, you are still just a man like any other.”
The mask tilted as the narrow neck holding up Erik’s head crooked, “How easily you say that. It pleases me to hear it. Thank you!  Please, let me show you that we are friends by allowing me to help you now. First, we shall tend to your hands. Let us go to Doctor Watson!”
Adam frowned, “I-I don’t know, he will be asleep. I don’t think we should wake him, not over this,” he felt suddenly ashamed, the idea of burdening his friend and greatest benefactor over his momentary lapse in self-control stung him.
“Who else would we take you to? Your hands are full of wood and glass, they can't be left until morning!You are being childish and difficult when I have extended you an olive branch and I don’t appreciate that.” Erik tapped his chin, the only part of his face that was exposed, thoughtfully. Through the holes in his mask his eyes narrowed in a way that raised the hairs on the back of Adam’s neck.  
“You know, I think Hafiz might have what we need, he is a well prepared and useful fellow, by now he is also accustomed to being awakened in the middle of the night. He’ll be cross but he won’t refuse me, he never does,” Erik’s tone remained affable but Adam could sense he was beginning to find their exchange offensive.
“Your Persian friend? No, out of the question. I would feel guilty to no end if I woke him over this. Please, I have had worse injuries, just leave it until morning,” Adam begged him, feeling every bit as childish and difficult as Erik had accused him of being and hating himself for it.
“Nonsense, you’re just going to keep getting blood on everything if you’re not taken care of. Unless you know any doctors who would be awake this late it’s going to have to be Watson or Hafiz. Now, make your choice!” Erik insisted, notes of growing agitation tainting his speech. Adam shook his head stubbornly, refusing to be a nuisance to good people. Erik more forcefully reiterated his request that Adam make a decision, his patience, of which he had little, was rapidly beginning to ebb and a flash of temper colored his voice with a harsh cadence that even Adam found intimidating.
Before Adam could protest again there was a crash of shattering glass from down the hall followed by a loud string of colorful expletives and the sound of heavy thumping of someone hitting hardwood. Erik’s eyes twinkled almost maniacally, “You know… I think he’s a doctor, isn’t he? He certainly sounds like he’s awake…”
“Oh, Erik, no. He’s more likely to injure me further than he is to be helpful. For god’s sake, not him!”
But Erik was already heading down the hall and Adam found himself doubting Erik’s motives towards him were entirely benevolent. As they drew closer the thumping increased in speed in volume, each loud THUD punctuated by screeches of “FUCK!” and “HORSESHIT!”
“Erik, he is in a mood. If you value your life you will not touch that door,” Adam pleaded.  
The former Opera Ghost ignored him, a maddened energy fueling him to throw caution to the wind. Firmly, he rapped his knuckles against the door and Adam braced himself to grab the slender man and yank him back should Edward Hyde come out of his room swinging.
The door wrenched open so violently that Adam was shocked it didn’t fly off of its hinges. Edward Hyde stood in the doorframe, drenched in sweat, chest heaving, hands and cheeks marred with some kind of black, viscous, fluid that reeked of sulfur.
“Just what,” he snapped, “brings you to my door?!”
Rather than cower Erik replied rather cheerfully, “It seems our mutual friend here,” he gestured to Adam, “Has made quite the mess of his bathroom mirror and rather than do the sensible thing and wake Watson to tend to him, he wants to stay up all night leaking blood all over the furniture.”
Edward gave his hands a cursory wipe, his face darkening with momentary rage. He looked from Adam to Erik contemplatively, lingering on Erik in suspicion. He seemed to have an epiphany and to the shock of both the Creature and the Phantom his face smoothed. “Alright, bring him in, I’ll see what I can do,” he said, “I could use a break anyway,” he swept out a hairy, corded, hand, still slightly blackened and greasy, at the broken rack of vials and the abused chair and desk where he had vented his ire.
Erik and Adam exchanged looks, shrugged, and followed him into the laboratory… ..... Lucky for Erik and Adam, Edward passed his insight check and caught on that Erik was up to something.
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disintegratedfingers · 4 months
Quirk: Unkown
Warnings for this chapter: Some family tension. Nothing serious.
(Proofread ✅)
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Chapter 2: Uses
"Dad?" Opening the front door, you call for your father, itching with anticipation.
"Hey!" He announced, hip pressed against the counter. "How'd the exam go?" The rich smell of noodles floated throughout the room, sourced from a large pot on the stove.
"Eh well-"
"Oh, don't worry about it now," he waves a hand. "Save it for Mom, too! I'm making dinner to bring over in a bit. Get ready, okay?"
You nod, a weak sigh filtering through your nose.
You didn't necessarily want to tell your parents how the exam went... you barely got any points compared to the other students. Weak control of your quirk and lack of speed were quite capable reasons.
Not only were you dissapointed, but Dad was about to be... not to mention Mom's perspective. Tears pricked at your eyes, but you willed yourself to change into less beat-up clothing.
Check-in was quick- the man at the front desk had memorized your names by now. With a subtle bow, your father led you to the elevator. He held a pot of yakisoba while you carried a bag with paper bowls and chopsticks inside.
"We had this last time we came..." You mentioned, slight frustration in your tone.
"Your mother liked it," Dad shrugged. "The lady gets what she wants."
"Oh?" You smirk. "Can I go pick up some takoyaki then?"
"Not you, hun," he nudged your shoulder as the elevator doors parted. "You're not sick and in the hospital."
No... no, you weren't.
Your mother was.
You wish you were in her place. It hurt to see - and feel - your mom in pain. She couldn't be at home because it could spread to you, and her health had been wavering from good to better to bad to worse in such little time. Not to mention that her quirk made it worse to bear.
You sniffed.
"Hey there," a voice sounded from down the hallway. You saw Dr. Cooper, your mother's main caretaker. "She's chatty today."
"Oh good," Dad bowed with a smile. "And I heard that her appetite's grown, too?" Dr. Cooper nodded, gazing warmly at your father. You felt the tension melting into something new.
'Things might be getting better... hope is here, hope is here.'
"Y/n!" She called, eyes sparkling. "And- oh jeez what's it this time?" She pointed at the meeal being carried in effortlessly with your father's strength quirk. "I've been more hungry but that feels like a lot."
"I need leftovers for work," your dad replied, side hugging Mom. "How are you?"
"I'm fine. Gearing up to break out of here soon,"
"Yes!" You grinned playfully. "I'm so in."
"Even if you got the window open, there's a 500 foot drop," Dad pointed out, dishing up some dinner while you got settled in a chair beside the bed. "Anyways, y/n's got something to tell us."
You're eyes snapped open wide, face warming uncomfortably. Mom peered at you oddly, curiosity and fear seeping off her. You twirled chopsticks in the noodles, nervous, while Dad radiated with questions and warmth.
"Well," you thought back to the exam, piecing the words together carefully. "At first I was alright... I took down some opponents with help, but I didn't get enough points..." your hands hung in your lap helplessly.
Dad patted your knee reassuringly. "You don't know that," he offered. "Let's wait for the letter."
"That's what I wanted to hear," Mom's tone darkened. Dad nearly choked on his meal. You huff in frustration.
"Why you gotta be-"
"I don't wanna discuss this agajn," Mom set her bowl down in her lap, glaring at you. "It's risky even just trying to apply for U.A. I'm still not allowing it."
"Honey-" Dad winced before getting cut off again.
"Alright, fine," you stood up, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm pretty sure I failed. Happy?" The tension grew and thickened as your voice grew steadily icier. Letting out a shaky breath, you looked up at your mother.
She stared back with a firm guard up, even when her emotions shook with indecision. You clenched your fists. 'What else can I say?'
'Bad... don't mess it up... she's weak,'
Dad glanced at the two of you nervously, eventually deciding to defuse the situation.
"Why don't we finish this up quickly?" He suggested. "Y/n, eat the rest of yer noodles." With one last dark look at Mom, you stuffed the remnants of the meal into your mouth and stood up.
"I'm gonna walk home," you decided, earning a hesitant look from Dad. You turned, ignoring Mom's small wave and walked down the hall.
As soon as the door closed, a flood of regretful emotions hit you. They weren't yours.
You knew you're mother wasn't fond of the "hero" idea. To her, it was like sending a son off to war; she'd watch her child get beat to death, most likely before they even reached the battlefield.
But to you... it was like a dream-an opportunity.
Getting recognized for such grand acts and doing important work with others. In addition, you wanted to invest your quirk in something; it was difficult to understand and control, but maybe U.A. could help with that. Maybe you could make it useful. Maybe, you wouldn't just be sitting around or working at a gas station.
Things were tense now.
The air cooled as the sun went into hiding, faint street lights guiding you home. Rock hard frustration had begun to wear off of you and the day was forgotten for a few moments.
Thanks to approaching darkness, the amount of people out had lessened. It was just you, the cicadas... and you're thoughts.
'I've never had to use my body before,' you thought back to the entrance exam; you crushed a weak bot with just your mind, but out of instinct, you exerted more force from your hand.
Your eyes widened in realization, a silent pride flowing through you. Even if you didn't make it to U.A., you were one step closer to understanding this quirk.
Ooffff that took a while... Tumblr deleted my writing a lot due to some glitches- sorry!!
Things will begin to escalate very soon >:°
(Please let me know if links are being wierd 🙏)
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thewingedbaron · 13 days
Tag game! Open tag from @arendaes!
Tag game: Give your KC's first impression and final opinion of each of their companions.
Since Vysk's playthrough is still going, I'll throw this back to Allix, my first KC. TLDR: He's a Freebooter Ranger turned Angel that struggles with the Lawfulness of Heaven while doing his best to keep everyone alive through the crusade. He drinks a lot of coffee.
First Impressions-
Seelah: There are worse people to be trapped in a hole with in a city under siege by demons. A paladin is one of the best options running. I just hope she isn't too by the books...
Camellia: A noble. Just my luck. We'll be lucky to crawl out of this hole with our sanity intact. She has all the fixings of a higher-than-though noble... and yet. There's something off about this one. Some glimmer in her eye I just can't place a finger on. I need to be careful with this one.
Lann: I've never heard of a mongrel before. He seems cheery enough for someone who's lived their whole life underground. Certainly much more open that his companion here. Free spirited, headstrong. I can respect that.
Wenduag: You, I don't trust. I know what it's like to carve out a living in the wilds, amongst a tribe. Those that refuse to walk with kin do not last long, unless there is something else going on in the background. You and Camellia might get along, I feel. You have the same steely glint to your eye, no matter what honey rolls off your tongue.
Woljif: A thief turned crusader. That ought to be something. Woljif might play it cool, but there's a jumpiness to that one. I couldn't leave him in that cell. He seems a little too eager to jump out into the burning streets. He'll bear watching, but I don't think he's as cowardly as he wants to appear.
Ember: No one will touch this child again so long as she remains in my care. To maintain such innocence in her philosophies after being so wronged by the forces that claim to act in the greater good. She is either crazy, or hopelessly optimistic. Either way, she will be protected.
Daeran: Just what I need. Another pompous noble who cares for nothing but his own entertainment. He knows the city better than any of us, and his influence might prove useful. I'll placate him for now, let him get his fill of blood. Gods, hopefully he grows bored and just stays at the inn.
Nenio: A scientist with a death wish that cannot even remember home. Am I the one going mad? Perhaps it is perfectly reasonable to be strolling the streets in the middle of a warzone, asking cultists what they really know about their gods. She has gall. I respect the hells out of that.
Finnean: Poor soul.
Ulbrig: A hundred year old griffon just came crashing through the roof, demanding to know what I did to his lands? I don't have time for this. Well, I might have time for this. This just keeps getting stranger. Maybe he'll calm down once we get him some ale.
Sosiel: A cleric of beauty in the middle of a warzone? What confused loyalties have led you here my friend? He seems nice enough, though I fear he may lack the spine for what is to come. If he can find beauty on a battlefield? Gods, I would envy him. He is even less prepared for this than I.
Regill: Clipped, professional, a man of few words beyond those required for what passes as hellknight tactics. I abhor his organization. I hate with all my heart his treatment of prisoners, wounded, and allies. Yet, his chapter knows how to run an army, run a supply train. I need his experience, as much as I loathe to admit it. We'll be allies, though I may suffer some sleepless nights.
Arueshalae: A demon that wears an icon of Desna? Can demons truly turn on the abyss? I don't see a reason they couldn't I suppose. My own kin are called demons the whole world round for our horns and tails. Who am I to judge if her intentions are true? I'll need to keep an eye on our new ally, but something tells me she's telling the truth. Desna may not be my chosen patron, but she shares a realm with Erastil. May old deadeye guide me true.
Greybor: Any fellow willing to charge a baylor with naught but a dagger is one worth meeting. An assassin by trade? Not exactly my old job description, but I'm sure there's plenty of overlap between that and a bounty hunter. As soon as this is all wrapped up, I need to buy that man a drink.
Trever: Oh Sosiel. A man who wanders from the path is not all lost. I cannot speak to the horrors Trever has suffered in the Abyss, nor can I judge him for the things he has done to survive. I will get him home. That much I can do. As soon as we get out of this thrice damned place.
Queen Galfrey: I am officially over my head. I'm here on a bloody bounty contract, killing demons for gold and hunting the occasional deserter turned bandit. Now, I'm drinking with a Queen and being handed control of a crusading army? It's not too late to slip out the back door, I suppose. But these powers... Gods damn it, this is not the kind of mess I need to be mixed up in.
The Hand of the Inheritor: Oh joy, the right hand of Iomedae, herself. Of all the realms to be looking over my shoulder, I got the lawyers of the afterlife. Angel's have long been allies of the crusade, but I cannot say that I was expecting to have the right hand of the goddess herself looking over my shoulder.
Final Thoughts:
Seelah: One of the finest people I shall ever have the pleasure to know. First among drinking buddies. First into the fray and the last to leave the field. I have had the privilege to meet very few people who truly care as much as Seelah. This war has bent her, but I believe she shall never be broken. I shall treasure her friendship for the rest of my days.
Camellia: I have no regrets in her fate. Thousands of soldiers have perished under my command over this past year. Thousands of families have been devastated, left without sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. That some would be murdered like livestock in my own camp? There was never a way that Camellia could have left that basement alive. Horgus Germ will face tribunal, and perhaps I may sleep soundly again. I very much doubt it.
Lann: Faithful friend. Never have I seen one so wracked with guilt, and yet, you have survived it. I am proud to call you my brother. I cannot explain to you how angry I felt when I thought you would be the instrument of your own demise. I would never have you question my faith in you. I am glad that you found the strength to question your faith in yourself. Please do not name that boat after me.
Wenduag: I cannot help but feel that I could have done more for you. So focused were you on strength, on finding or creating the stronger master. I hope that you found peace in the end, for you have left me with none. For Lann's sake, I hope you found peace.
Woljif: I cannot overstate how proud I am of you. You overcame your demons, quite literally, and chose the higher path. You could have sunk deep into your magic, claimed the power that was before you, but instead you struggled on. I hope you're enjoying your retirement, my friend. I believe we're going plane hopping next month...
Ember: I have never seen someone surprise a god so thoroughly as you. Even Arueshalae is baffled that you managed to flip the Redeemer Queen. They will regale you as a saint, I'm sure. But your friends know the truth. You're just another person, trying to create as much good in the world as you can. I always look forward to your visits.
Daeran: I never did apologize for misjudging you so badly. While I think you and I would never quite see eye to eye, I am proud of how far you've come. I hope you're enjoying shaking up Queen Galfrey's court. She'll need some excitement in peace time. Don't forget that we're vacationing with Woljif soon. I can't wait to hear all the details you've left out of your letters.
Nenio: You continue to baffle me. I'm not sure that I will ever truly understand the depths of your mind. Though I can confidently say that being told to "take my pants off" for friendship in the abyss is a memory that I will never forget. Thank you for making me your assistant. Even if it took you years to finally learn my name.
Finnean: Rest well, my friend. You've earned it.
Ulbrig: I don't think I'm going to ever get used to the idea of you as a god. Come visit some time, yeah? I'll never outdrink you, but it is always a joy to try.
Sosiel: My dearest friend. I do not know how, but we survived. I hope that you are getting the rest you deserve. Your estate is lovely, and your cherry wine is still Arue's favorite. I know that you have your quiet days. The world was never as hoped it would be. But with Trever, and your love at your side, I hope you still find beauty wherever you look. We'll come visit again soon.
Regill: I never expected to have the respect that I harbor for you. We were never quite friends, but I think we now understand each other. I cannot help but admire your discipline, even as it kills you. I hope for nothing more than joy for you. However you choose to find it.
Arueshalae: My darling, what else is there to be said? I am so proud of you for the impossible heights that you have scaled. Our cabin on the water is beautiful. I cannot wait to explore many more dreams with you.
Greybor: I will never understand you. A man truly married to the job. I wish you well, friend. May you stand the test of time and ambition. It takes a lot of gall to run an assassin's guild in the abyss.
Trever: I hope you find your peace, friend. I suspect it will not be found in gods, nor liquor. You have a long and dark road still to walk, but I can think of no finer a man to walk beside you than your brother.
Queen Galfrey: I harbor you no ill will for your trespasses against me. I cannot imagine the weight on your shoulders after a hundred years of war. Your realm is changing rabidly now, new councils, new liberties. The real test of your rule has begun. I am curious to see how you intend to handle it.
The Hand of the Inheritor: Last we spoke you asked me to kill you. I cannot say if I made the right choice in refusal. I hope you found your healing, my friend. I will search for you soon, my friends at my back. If heaven deigned not to open its gates to its finest servant, hurt and broken after fighting its war for it, I will tear down those golden gates myself. Wherever you are, I hope the sun shines brightly. We shall meet again soon enough.
First- Finally, someone competant to take all this over. Hey, hey, what do you mean I'm in charge???
Final- Anevia is the luckiest woman in the world to have someone as steady as you around. I would not have survived without you. Please bring those cinnamon cookies over again next time, I think Arue would kill me if I forgot to ask.
First- A kindred spirit. We're going to get along famously. Assuming we survive this of course.
Final- The greatest spymaster I could have asked for, and an even greater friend. I will not forget the blackberry mead next time. That was my bad.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Wolf Rises
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO (more in part two), slick, mpreg, Viking/god Col, fae Dom, slight PTSD, mentions of war and death, playful boys, heavily pregnant Dom, talks of wolf Col, vague mentions of shifted sex (if you squint, I'm just being careful), Tod fluff, mentions of sex, grinding, just lots of fluff and peace ☠️ rating: let's say explicit ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom sighed happily and grinned when his lover saw him from across the yard. He'd slept in a little late but who could blame him? There was a pup growing larger in his womb every day, weighing him down and exhausting all his energy. Well… he wasn't the only pup stealing the fae's energy, his father was a menace to society at large but certainly to his pregnant mate. No matter his form he was pawing at Damhnaic day and night. His palms rubbed slow circles under his swollen belly, the babe was resting lower than usual and driving him mad but he was more thankful than he could explain for all they had together. For a runaway prince his life was turning out next to perfect, though he still had nightmares sometimes about all they'd fought through to get where they were. He knew that might take a long time to work through and his lover gave him the support he needed. Always.
Kol'son dropped the ax he was using and wiped his brow before running to meet his wife at the steps of their hut. He worried about his prince every time he tried to waddle down them alone and he wondered where the bodyguard was that should have been babysitting. Of course he didn't have to ponder for long when he heard his cousin's laughter and saw the two fae stumble out of the forest.
It had been awkward for a while after they found out they were kin, less for them and more for Inga but they both knew she'd only lied so long to keep Mod safe. He was honestly surprised how much the village had warmed to him when they realized Modig wasn't mad- well wasn't just mad and high but he was magic and related to their clan mother. Before long they'd welcomed the new regime. He was finding himself more relaxed than ever before- he wasn't the only one in charge and he was getting his dick wet regularly. If not for his fear of Dom's impending delivery he couldn't fully shake he'd be ecstatic all the time.
"Don't growl. It ain't nice unless you taking me back to bed." Dom grumbled as his lover glared at their kin and he swat gently at the man's arm. He could get himself down the damn steps but he didn't mind the help, though he'd rather his daidí do exactly that, he swore he woke up hot and needy every day and it only got worse the closer they were to the day they met their whelp.
"Maybe I should eat him. I mean if he won't obey…" Kol trailed off, he was finding himself easier to anger since he first shifted but his love could always soothe his wild beast. He still didn't understand what was happening to him and he wasn't sure how to find out- but with a fae prince for a mate, a seal for a friend, and a nymph for a cousin he wasn't too shocked by the wolf he held inside himself. Well, his first night had been surprising but Dom had scratched behind his ears and held him close and eventually he'd shifted human again. He didn't believe the boy when he called him a demigod but he could never complain about his selkie thinking he was special. It was taking time but he was finally learning to control it and in those moments he couldn't- when the hold was too overwhelming he would push his snout against his mate's belly and breathe in that warm baby scent. He didn't know why his child smelled like fresh honeyed bread but he wouldn't complain. Mixed with the siren's rose, amber, and sea salt smell it was perfect.
"Try it puppy, I've got an army behind me." Mod joked back as the two finally joined them and Dom whined. He'd been hoping to lure his husband back to bed.
"No, I think my thrall has an army behind him. They just tolerate you." Kol'son huffed, poking his tongue out at the seer.
"Technically they follow Mush but… I'm sorry I have to agree here. They like Dom better, love." Tom teased his boyfriend. Those old instincts to side with his prince would probably never leave no matter how long he was with the one he called his mushroom man- or Mush for short. Dom had never thought he'd see the day that his best friend went soft but gods he was. They had truly found a home among the mixed clans- both human and fae and any other strays they picked up along the way.
The fae clan probably did like Dom a little more but he couldn't help everyone thinking he was precious. It was honestly annoying at times, he knew it was mostly that he was an incubator for… well, none of them were quite sure what the child would be, but it was a pleasant turn around from being alone so long. He and his kin were loved finally, he was loved. "What are you thinking about boy?" The Viking hummed, stepping up close behind his mate and wrapping his arms around him. The noise that escaped the siren when he gently lifted his stomach went straight to the god's cock and he couldn't stop himself from gently rutting against him. "Because if it's bed…"
Dom's lips curled in a slow smile, his fangs on sharp display as he turned his face up to his scarred and inked lover. "Mmm, you read me mind." The next sound he made was closer to a squeal when the man picked him up bridal style to drag him back inside. Kol no longer felt like he had to be outside constantly, he had other leaders of the clan to help him out. Where once it was almost impossible to convince him to hide away in their room together- he spent days in bed making love to his wife. Though he still had trouble not being available. Dom had tried convincing him to take a little trip deep into the forest and stay a few days in a little hideaway but it made the chieftain too nervous. Someday though, someday.
"Finish the wood Mod, I'm sure it would do you good to show off a little. I'm taking the afternoon off." Kol shouted to his cousin before they disappeared through the doorway and Dom caught the seer pout before he heard his friend laugh and say he would do it. He couldn't help thinking his mate saw Modig as more of the man between them- as he saw himself, but Damhnaic knew relationships didn't work that way all the time and truthfully the forest nymph was more like him than Tom was. He was trying to help his lover understand but… they tended to easily distract each other.
When Dom's feet touched the ground again he giggled, his husband was more handsy than he used to be, all nerves about his purity had fallen away as their breeding became visibly obvious. "Not fair of you. Come outside while I'm trying to take care of our people. Looking as you do." The Viking growled, licking his lover's throat as he untied the shift dress from his body.
"Oh? I didn't fink. You poor man. Jus' trying to do right by ya clan but 'ow can ya wiv a nymph about?" He teased, his cheeks flushing as the fabric fell away and he was left bare to his mate's heavy gaze.
Kol'son smiled, holding his boy closer as his cock slid gently between Dom's thighs to rest against his dripping wet core. His hands wandered, one cupping the siren's softly swelled tit and the other sliding under his stomach to cradle their son. Of course they weren't positive he was a boy but… Kol knew. They wouldn't raise their pups thinking the oldest was any more special than the others and they'd commanded their clans to treat them equal as well. The pain that befell his family would die with Bjørn. He vowed it to whatever gods would listen and to his wife. He would be a better father than his own, their babes would all feel loved. "I don't know who you're talking about boy, I wed a siren. No nymphs here." He purred, his hips shifting slowly, the head of his cock catching exactly where he was needed most with every playful thrust.
Dom whined but smiled wide, he loved how adamant his daidí was about teaching their children exactly what they were. He was proud of everything his wife was and he'd correct anyone who called him the wrong thing- including Damhnaic himself. He didn't think their pup could understand anything in the warmth of his womb but he wouldn't complain about the respect he was shown from the man he'd been so careful of early on. Who knew when he came to gather his second skin that night so many months before that he would find all he'd ever dreamed of and so much more? "Should you teach me a lesson?" He asked softly, his plush ass bouncing gently against his husband's abs.
"Mmm, should I worship you or should I make you worship me?" The Viking's voice was barely above a growl, his animalistic side so near to the surface when they got this close to making love. He couldn't help it. Dom just brought it out of him. So did rage but mostly his sweet gorgeous selkie. At the sound of his voice he felt a fresh rush of slick escape the boy and he found it almost impossible not to push right in. His mate deserved better though, he was carrying such a large load he deserved pampering... and perhaps another kind of load. Fresh and warm and dripping down his thick thighs. His lover's perfect pink pussy wasn't the only thing that reacted to his growls though and he chuckled at the feel of his son's foot pressing at his palm. "I believe his vote is you being cared for. Sorry queen, two to one."
Dom pouted at the man he once called his master but he had a far better term for him. "But I wanted to be on me knees for me god." His voice rasped and half shifted fangs nipped at his neck.
"Fuck. Such a good boy for me. Don't worry, you will be." The wolf growled, curling his fist around the base of his cock to hold back his pleasure. He led his prince to their bed and helped him get comfortable on all fours, perhaps it wasn't exactly what Dom had wanted but he was careful with his pack. Besides, it put him in the perfect position. Since he first shifted he couldn't help finding it hotter than he should when his lover presented for him. He felt made up of so much animal instinct but that was alright.
He was learning about things, Dom was helping him with books Bjørn had stolen from other lands. Of course he'd been shocked when they made love after his true self came out and he realized the pain in his cock that night had been… something strange- but he was starting to learn he was an alpha and that had just been his first knot trying to form. It was frightening having his dick change after twenty three years of life but nothing had ever felt more right than when they were tied together. It was the only thing he ever wanted to do.
"Daidí please?" The siren whimpered, his hips bucking back, his core dripping slick down his thighs. Kol couldn't help but admire a moment longer, his mate was curvier than he'd been before and he loved every place he could grope and caress. "Me god?"
"Fuck." The Viking cursed. His boy really should be careful if he didn't want to be mounted by a wolf instead. "If I wish to stare at you I will. You were a petulant thrall and now you're an even more stubborn queen. What did I get myself into?" He teased, spanking softly at the fae's perky ass. He knew though, he knew exactly what he'd gotten himself into- paradise and a happiness he'd never even dreamed he could find.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
🥹😭 Thank you all so much for being on this journey with me. I'd like to admit something here, I've never truly been able to finish something like this. I always get lost along the way and nervous I'll ruin it. Honestly I've never even tried writing something so structured and novel-like. I'm more proud of this than I've been of anything I think, even though it's shorter than some it feels complete and real in a way I've not experienced before. I couldn't have written this without you, genuinely I wouldn't be doing as much as I have without you all. I always get overwhelmed and think I'm not good enough but all the comments and likes have been so inspiring.
This idea started with @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker and she's helped so much, so it's not just mine but she'll get annoyed if I try to give her too much credit. Seriously though, she's been amazing and I wouldn't have had the idea without her help. I hope she knows how thankful I am.
I hope you'll all join me for part two, there's so much more in store for these boys and their pack! I promise at least for a bit I'll give you fluff and happiness. Mostly. Thank you again, you've been incredible! I just hope you love this as much as I do! 🖤☠️
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hassedah · 9 months
Neil take care MC who is sick :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here’s the headcanon from Mc sick, this time with Neil. All that’s left to do is Léandra and Farah. I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Neil gets ill less often than you. But in your defence, you're still a young vampire and your immune system isn't yet as resistant to disease as that of the older ones.
When you're ill, Neil always takes care of you and it's never bothered him. After all, you look after him when he's ill and he knows full well that he's not a nice person to be around when he's ill. So taking care of you when you're not feeling well is the least he could do to thank you for staying with him.
He doesn't have the best medical knowledge. He can cure a cold or a touch of flu, but he's generally much better at healing wounds and sores. He is, however, willing to fetch you a doctor - However, he knows a few witches and vampires who would be perfectly capable of treating you if you had a problem he couldn't handle himself.
Tonight you really weren't feeling well, between your stuffy nose, your headache and your watery eyes, nothing was right and that was without mentioning your irritated throat and the constant coughing fits that shook you from head to toe. You let out a disgruntled grunt before sniffling, the box of tissues seemed light years away from your bed and moving to it an ordeal. You let yourself fall back onto the pillow out of spite, knowing that you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep anyway.
Neil had gone out before you woke up, probably to go hunting as he hadn't been able to go for several days. It has to be said that he had fallen ill this week and that you were with him to look after him… which no doubt explains the state you were in this night.
You still hadn't moved from your bed an hour later when you heard Neil come home, not finding you in the living room, he immediately went upstairs to see you in the bedroom. You barely straightened your head when you heard him open the door.
Your headache seemed to have got worse in the meantime, because the creak of the door made you groan in pain, as did the light coming from the corridor.
"MC? Are you feeling all right? Why are you still in bed?
-I think I'm a bit sick," you mumbled.
Neil remained silent for a moment after hearing your hoarse voice before continuing.
-A bit? You look like you haven't slept in days.
-I'd like to get some sleep, but my eyes are hurting and I feel like the top of my head is wrapped in cotton wool.
-Oh, that reminds me," joked the vampire. What can I do to make you feel better?
-Hm… me too. Could you pass me the box of tissues, please, darling.
Your vampire nodded immediately before taking the box of tissues from the chest of drawers and sitting down next to you.
-I knew this would happen. It seems you've been a little too close to me this week.
-Well… it looks like you're going to have to get a little too close to me this week too.
Your joke is stopped by a coughing fit that makes you tremble. Neil helps you to sit up more comfortably in the bed to get over it and once you've calmed down you sigh in annoyance before resting your head on his shoulder.
-I thought that once I became a vampire I wouldn't fall ill so often…
-Your body still needs a little time to build up immunity, but this will happen less and less often. Neil replies, gently stroking your head. Would you like me to do something for you in the meantime? Some honey tea, perhaps?
-Mh… yes… Are you staying in bed with me tonight?
-Of course, as soon as I've made you some tea.
He kissed you before leaving to make you a cup of tea, promising to come back soon. When he left, you sighed. You weren't getting any better, but knowing that your partner was taking care of you all night was quite nice.
Neil came back quickly, as he'd promised, and gave you a hot cup of tea before lying down beside you in bed. You were able to come back and snuggle up to him, leaning against his shoulder to keep yourself steady as you slowly sipped your tea. You didn't say anything for a while, until you finished your cup of tea and Neil picked it up and put it on the bedside table.
"Do you want me to read you a book or would you rather get some sleep?
-If you read, I might find it easier to fall asleep," you say, leaning back against him a little more. There's a book I wanted to finish on the bedside table.
Neil smiled and kissed you before immediately taking the book you'd asked him for to start reading. You closed your eyes in the meantime, still feeling as though your head was in cotton wool, but your partner's calm voice was slowly calming you down and the simple fact of being able to keep your eyes closed while listening to him soothed the pain that was throbbing in your skull. After a long time, just as you were starting to fall asleep, you murmured.
"I like it when you look after me like that.
-You don't have to get sick for me to do it.
You laughed before answering….
-I'll try to think about that next time, then... I love you.
-I love you too. Sleep well. I'll be right beside you."
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ener-chi · 1 year
Review for Ener-chi:
Imagine for whatever reason the spirit world has some hold on you that you can't escape. To make matters worse, you're not at the level to handle it by yourself so you seek out those with the abilities that can. Alright, shouldn't be difficult right? Incorrect. Things that have happened to me on my search: scammed, ghosted on and just feeling like I'm left in a ditch in the middle of nowhere with the sound of howling coyotes approaching. Thankfully, I'm a stubborn cow that just wants to chew my grass in peace so we climb out of that hole and give a finger to the coyotes. Here is my review of Ener-chi aka Zach!
Skill level: intermediate.
it's a given if you've gone through Zach's posts with his adventures in the astral or the readings he's done for others. With the readings he's done for me it's been the whole "what I needed to hear" and not "what I'd like to hear to stroke my ego." My ego was out of control once so Zach didn't sugar-coat the message from my spirits. The end result? Me with a metaphorical black eye. My ego? Bruised, swollen and crying like a baby for days on end😥😰😭😭I was ganged up on by not only my own spirits but the spirits of Zach's cards too. Looking back, I know I deserved it and my spirits did try giving me spoonfuls of honey but noticed me being greedy and thought enough was enough. Painful truths serve a purpose so between them and a beautiful lie, I prefer the former's bitterness because who's ever heard of "good" medicine that tastes sweet anyways?
Spirits like to talk in their own cryptic ways so I'm not surprised when I asked for clues related to something I need to search for in the physical only to be redirected to something seemingly unrelated but likely is related. Zach's readings made me feel reassured that my spirits do have my back. If they didn't care, they'd fill my head up with helium and I could descend down a path of egotistical madness that repulses me down the road. The spirits that care for me remind me of my own physical friendships where if a friend told me they want to jump off a cliff I'd berate them and probably take a taxi over and beat them over the head in person some more. My friends would thank me for that and I'd thank my friends for doing me that favour too if I said something like that.
There was a time one reading turned into a healing session and I've got to give props to Zach's ability for that; something was deeply buried in my energy that previous practitioners didn't detect at all. Even my guides who keep a watchful eye over me didn't sense it. This nasty yucky thing Zach said was leftover rotting energy that I'm thankful he removed. In the physical, it seems that this nuisance was aggravating my negative moods. The moment it was taken out I felt wayyy better. More relaxed and less hurt by whatever weighed on my mind. After that Zach helped configure my energy which I guess the nasty thing stunted from working normally. My energy has since entered a sort of "clearing out" state. So if I was worried something threw a metaphorical wrench in my clockwork it's since been taken care of.
Maturity: a humble dude.
There's a quote I'll paraphrase that goes something like, "people can brag about being enlightened but those who truly are just let themselves be and their actions speak," I'd say Zach is definitely the latter. Zach cultivated not only his abilities to be able to decipher the messages of the spirits and heal others but also as a person which is demonstrated by his patience and willingness to discuss things with people. He has, in my opinion, stayed humble and not strayed from growing both spiritually and in the physical as a human being. You can't separate the physical from the spiritual since they're two sides of the same coin; whatever injuries you get from either side it's gonna show up, so you can't neglect either. Speaking from observation, some practitioners neglect their humanity and it shows in how they treat others.
In the past, I've approached various somebodies that presented themselves as open to helping others only to do the exact opposite and I'd be worse off. So I'm forever thankful Zach isn't Ike that and recognizes the responsibility and weight of this line of work. I'm not afraid to ask for clarity which he is happy to provide. On the economical side of things, he's willing to work it out and godbless him for that. There's people who would charge up to $100 if not more than $300 for a single reading that they'd say has NO guarantee to help you. IMO, if they're not a scammer then they might as well be one. I don't joke about the fatalities energetic injuries can lead to physically so if somebody is that enamoured with money they're fine with you dying and being in debt thanks to them they shouldn't dare claim they're "enlightened."
You could hire anybody to compliment you, even probably hire lots to insult you and some would offer to do it free of charge but somebody who can get rid of a parasite that's giving you months of insomnia you never had in your entire life? it won't cost an arm and a leg?? PLUS they're not an asshole???! A national treasure find.
Conclusion: highly recommended.
This was written because I had this nagging voice in my head saying I truly wish Ener-chi would get more love for what they do! I thank whatever forces looking out for me that led me to them. For as long as Zach would allow it I'll be back to check in with whatever's going on that side for me. It's easy to talk to him, he's level headed and channels the voices of the spirits well. Also if stuff is going down with your energy he can tell you straight away if it is from spirits giving you unnecessary grief. If you've eliminated the usual physical checkup then maybe it's time for a spiritual energetic one.
In light of me opening up my readings again, I wanted to share this wonderful review that I received! I always love getting feedback on my readings, because it helps me grow and improve. But I also love hearing about how it resonates and how it helped you. That's probably one of my favorite parts about doing a reading 🥰
Thanks again for the review, anon! It's absolutely wonderful and I'm incredibly grateful for it, and for you too (:
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dxppercxdxver · 2 years
lyric ask,,,every hhsa character /hj
okay bitch (affectionate) let's fucking go
juno: half awake, i wander through this house / lost in a labyrinth and left with no way out / i built this hall of mirrors all myself / the faces staring back at me look like somebody else - wander. wonder. by the arcadian wild OR so throw on the black dress, mix in with the lot / you might wake up and notice you're someone you're not / if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see / you can find out first hand what it's like to be me - the end! by my chemical romance
nat: oh but i'm quite small and i never have it all together / and i'm just a girl who doesn't have any diamonds or pearls / but don't give me your pity 'cause there's more to life than pretty things / so i'll just give you me - five foot three by flannel graph
eloise: well, i'm just a stranger, i'm only a walker / i guess i am human, but sometimes i feel / like i'm only a ghost, like i'm only a wall / and if you come around, honey / i'll probably just follow you home / 'cause it's all that i know how to do - steamboat by adrianne lenker
andrés: and you've come to know me stubborn as a butcher / and you've come to know me thankless as a guest / will you recognize my face / when god's awful grace / strips me of my jacket and my vest? - hymn #101 by joe pug
lawrence: there's rules to life i know / and if you follow them you'll go / up to the mountains and the clouds / and where the golden rivers flow / but I've always been so good at breaking all the rules / i wasn't made to be their robot / and i ain't nobody's fool / i am the goat that got away / but i know there will come a day / when i'll be punished for my mind / 'cause i led myself astray - what's a devil to do? by harley poe
margaret: i picked up the sword that you gave me today / took your blessing and then i made my way / hoped the first challenge would be easy / oh, great deku tree, would you please me? / all the heartless want my blood / all of the gods wanna spit me out as cud / if I don't make it out alive / at least i'll see my undead wife - the dying song by montaigne
draven: so kiss me now / this whiskey on my breath / feel the lives that i have taken / what little soul that i have left / and oh, my god / i'll take you to the grave / the only love i've ever known / the only soul i ever saved - chasing twisters by delta rae
pidge: and i have so many / questions / about life, the universe / and everything / i look up at the / stars at night / and i sometimes wonder / if the atheists were right / 'cause this world is getting worse / don't know if i wanna be here after the night - 42 by sage crosby
northernfield: hey, danny-boy, i was thinking of our crew / but thinking just makes me sad, and that’s why i write to you / how do you do? / there’s been years between us / didn’t we have big ideas when our school was done? / we’d leave our smaller minds and move out to oregon / but i was the only one / who went the road less taken - those days are gone, and my heart is breaking by barton carroll
ebony: out of the blue, everything's new / all the talk we heard was true / the legends we all heard once / the whispers from the storefronts / hope for the best / prepare for the worst / we wait like stock-piled landmines, ready to burst / wait all your life to see what you see / open up your eyes and be free - sicilian crest by the mountain goats
juniper: i dragged her down / i put her out / and back there i left her where no one could see / and lifeless, cold / into this well / i stared as this moment was held for me - drowning lessons by my chemical romance
claire: but counting down the days to go / it just ain't living / and i just hope you know / that if you say / good-bye today / i'd ask you to be true / 'cause the hardest part of this / is leaving you - cancer by my chemical romance
this genuinely emotionally wrecked me thank you for this ask do come again
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allthemusic · 28 days
Week ending: 31th October
Well, we've hit something frightening, and just in time for Halloween! This song might not be explicitly spooky, but there's a frenzied mania to it, a horny-knife-wielding-psycho kind of energy that you can still feel today. Heavens knows what this one felt like in 1957...
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On - Jerry Lee Lewis (peaked at Number 8)
Well, we've just come off one track about having a wild party, and now we've got another one up to some pretty much identical tricks. Except while I accused Elvis of goofing it up to make himself seem more harmless, Jerry here seems to be doing his level best to make himself seem more wild and dangerous, a confirmed threat to wives and daughters across the land!
Part of this is simply due to the speed and sonic rawness of the track - if you thought Elvis was ramping up the speed, you ain't heard nothing yet. The song runs on this untiring, thumping boogie-woogie piano bassline, livened up by all sort of trills and runs, and a drum beat that just doesn't let up. The drums are strangely recorded, muffled and not as crisp as they could be, and at one point in the middle of the song, Jerry shouts a let's go and the drums take over, together with the piano, suddenly playing at double speed, along with a piano that's suddenly gone absolutely insane and a brief bit of properly scuzzy-sounding guitar that's notable mostly because it's the only bit of guitar in an otherwise piano-driven song. It's rockabilly thumpiness at its best and least subtle, an absolute screaming mess.
In the face of this instrumental battery, the song's lyrics are barely relevant. It's a cover of a Big Maybelle R&B song, and Jerry does a good job of it, giving it plenty of welly where he needs to, especially in the lines at the start, where he encourages his love to come on over, baby, whole lotta shakin' goin' on, but there's not a whole lot more than that, not at first.
Then we get downright risqué in the middle, as Jerry's voice drops to a low, lustful purr, telling some imaginary lady that all you gotta do, honey, is kinda stand in one spot / Wiggle around just a little bit / That's what you gotta do. And then we get a whole load of lines that are basically just shake it, babe, shake it. Up until this point, I'd kind of assumed that the "shakin" in the title just meant partying, but there's no mistaking it, Elvis might be happy to just dance the night away, but when Jerry tells you to "make it shake", he means something much less innocent than a teen dance party.
Amusingly, a producer apparently told Jerry to tone this down. Which he evidently didn't, and I can't say that the end result is any the worse for it. But yeah, I can see this raising eyebrows. The lack of control in the playing, the messiness of the recording, the innuendo of it all, the outright wild changes in dynamic and tempo. It's dynamite, punk rock before its time. I don't, for all that, love it, but I like that it managed to do this well for itself, in all its chaotic glory.
Yeah, we've had a few weeks of chaotic little rock numbers, but honestly, I can't see this one being topped for a while, just in terms of wild energy. It will be interesting to see how artists respond - are we entering into an arms race of ever-increasing sexiness and thumpiness? Or is somebody going to come along to tone it down? I've no idea, but I'm excited to find out.
Favourite song of the particularly messy bunch: Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
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hotsimplayer · 3 months
the conflicting thoughts i have about you are intrinsic, the majority of them are left unspoken in friendly conversations. they're glad you're gone, that's what i've heard lately, i see their eyes light up with anger as they speak profanities about what you've done, they have made a list just to make me remember. i told them i'm no angel in this situation, their arms wrap me in a soft embrace either way.
i can express my thoughts better like this, in a comfortable distance. when im with you, im a mess. your shallow "i love you" shakes my stability, that's what my therapist says. love is something you demonstrate along the way and not just at the end. I wasn't ready to let go but if i didn't, i was going to get left, so what's worse? to leave in complete distress or to be left shattered?
don't get me wrong. i know i did the right thing but it doesn't get easier. with time, you learn to leave faster so you don't hurt for long but i wonder what would've been. i would be there, talking to you until sleep, 3 min long voice notes you don't wanna hear and beg me to stop sending them, i'll hate my voice because you don't wanna hear it. you'll live ignorant to your own power. you'll grown deaf to screams and echoes. you'll hate my guts until you are left in a crisis and i'm not there. nobody is going to be there for you like i did. you'll fall in love with me right then and there because nothing tastes better than love mixed with tears, the high tastes better just after the fall because you know it won't last. you know it. what now? this is all we know. i'm tired of it.
i will bite back in every fight, my stabs are deeper each time and i'll hate myself every time i see back at my reflection because i love who i am but i hate who i become when im with you. and even like this, you know i loved you. even more than what words can contain, even if it made me ill, i'll be left for eternity with my mouth trying to find words that grasp correctly the meaning of the love that i had for you. i've never loved someone this deeply. i hope i never do, that's what you said.
if i have to say thanks for one last thing, i would thank for showing my capacity to love. and to hate. and to be resentful. to forgive and to let go. i'll continue to write songs about you until the feeling wears down and hopefully, one day, think kind and fondly about you, wish you the best sincerely and, for once, stop hiding.
one day i'll hate you less, i'll stop seeing the reflection of my pain in you.
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coolstorysister · 9 months
Lyric starters 2
You'll see my face in every place, but you can't catch me now.
I'm here.
You can't catch me now.
Bet you thought I'd never do it.
It's time to go see what unfolds.
What's hiding in the dark?
Why do I feel so small?
I could walk those halls with my eyes closed.
I felt that it was time for me to go.
A part of me will always bleed.
I am not yet sure what I am looking for.
Just cause it's hard to go does not mean I should stay.
I'm on my way.
We're all bored.
We're all so tired of everything.
We're so young, but we're on the road to ruin.
We play dumb, but we know exactly what we're doing.
I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me.
Every day is like a battle.
We're all here.
It's all in the timing.
I'm about to play my ace.
The rumors are terrible and cruel, but honey, most of them are true.
Please, take my hand.
Time moved too fast.
Look up.
You can hear it in the silence.
You are in love.
You're my best friend.
And so it goes.
He keeps a picture of you in his office downtown.
I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words.
It was months and months of back and forth.
I think I am finally clean.
There was nothing left to do.
I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing.
Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it.
I won't give in.
I can hear them whisper as we pass by.
It's a bad sign.
They are the hunters, we are the foxes.
I know places we won't be found.
I know places we can hide.
I know places.
Let them say what they want. We won't hear it.
You know for me, it's always you.
Are you insane?
That's how it works.
That's how you get the girl.
I want you for worse or for better.
I would wait forever and ever.
I don't want you to go.
Let's get out of this town.
Heaven can't help me now.
Nothing lasts forever.
This is gonna take me down.
I can see the end as it begins.
Say you'll remember me.
Say you'll see me again.
No one has to know what we do.
This is getting good now.
Someday, when you leave me, I bet these memories follow you around.
Now we got bad blood.
Take a look what you've done.
Now we got problems.
You made a really deep cut.
Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted.
Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?
It's so sad to think about the good times.
Did you think we'd be fine?
Don't think it's in the past.
These kinds of wounds, they last and they last.
Did you think it all through?
All these things will catch up to you.
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes.
That's what people say.
It's gonna be alright.
The haters gonna hate.
Shake it off.
I never miss a beat.
I make the moves up as I go.
People like you always want back the love they gave away.
People like me wanna believe you when you say you've changed.
The more I think about it now, the less I know.
All you had to do was stay.
I don't know what to say.
I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made.
People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye.
Let me remind you, this was what you wanted.
You were all I wanted.
Looking at it now, it all seems so simple.
I remember.
Are we in the clear yet?
Like we stood a chance.
I'm setting you free.
It's been a while since I have even heard from you.
We never go out of style.
What you heard is true.
I've been there too a few times.
Take me home.
Nice to meet you.
I could show you incredible things.
You look like my next mistake.
I can read you like a magazine.
I know you heard about me.
Let's be friends.
I'm dying to see how this one ends.
It's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames.
They'll tell you I'm insane.
We're young and we're reckless.
The worst is yet to come.
I can make all the tables turn.
Who is she?
Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Everybody here wanted something more.
Welcome to New York.
Everybody here was someone else before.
You can want who you want.
Like any great love, it keeps you guessing.
You know you wouldn't change anything.
Come here.
Was it over then?
Is it over now?
Did you think I didn't see you?
All was quickly forgiven.
It was almost obnoxious.
I didn't come here to make friends.
I broke my own heart cause you were too polite to do it.
My whole life's ruined.
I heard from everybody.
Don't even get me started.
Did you get anxious?
I guess I'll never, ever know.
From the outside, it looks like you're trying lives on.
I miss the old ways.
You didn't have to change.
I guess I don't have a say.
I called my mom, she said that it was for the best.
I cannot be your friend.
I pay the price of what I lost and what it cost.
Truth is, I can't pretend it's platonic.
I called my mom, she said to get it off my chest.
Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk.
I've known it from the very start.
Oh no.
I'm unarmed.
It won't stop.
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why'd you have to twist the knife, walk away, and leave me bleeding?
Say, "don't go".
Don't go.
It's not fair.
I'm yours, but you're not mine.
Why'd you have to make me want you?
I said, "I love you", you say nothing back.
What if all I need is you?
I'll pay the price. You won't.
It's a big mistake.
It might blow up in your pretty face.
I'm not saying "do it anyway", but you're going to.
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✝oday's honey🌱
March 14, 2023
*Everything Will Be Fine*
Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
You're probably shaking your head right now. And you're probably thinking this:
"They don't know what I'm going through"
"I've heard this over and over."
"Be real. Not everything will be fine."
These questions are great. Thankfully, God has answers.
I agree. I don't know what you're going through. But God does. And He's been through worse. Remember His son Jesus on the cross for you? If He handled that, yours isn't too difficult. In fact, all h
He did on that cross was for you.
You've heard "everything will be fine" time and again. Well, it doesn't make it any less true. The word of God can never be a cliche:
_"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" (Romans 8:28)._
Notice that God says all things will be fine? This includes everything!
_Today is a day to smile again. If the sun hasn't stopped showing up each day, you shouldn't either._
Further studies: 1 Peter 5:10; Genesis 50:20; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Psalm 46:1-2.
Bless a life by sharing
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