#''oh but i had sex or i liked dating'' ok you can still be ace or aro. ''oh i liked being a girl'' ok you can still be transmasc
shmaroace · 11 months
your past does not determine what you can identify as
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland First Kiss Headcanons:
Diasomnia, Savannah Claw, and Heartslabyul
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Your first kiss with him was absolutely awful
First off, he started with the French kissing
When I tell you, his tongue is like the facehugger from the alien series
His split tongue is going to the back of your throat.
Gag reflex is trying to work but he’s not stopping
Literally won’t stop kissing you either until you run out of air or
When he accidentally burns your tongue because his fire breath was activated.
He’s just a very awkward kisser. It’s not his fault though
He’s trying.
You make him watch a how to kiss YouTube video afterwards.
Shoujo Prince#1
When he kisses you, it feels like roses are in the air.
The perfect kiss
It’s like being kissed by a Disney prince.
Says the most romantic or cute afterwards
“That didn’t feel weird, did it?”
“No, not at all 😍”
It’s just too much for one person
He’s too perfect.
Awkward but not awful
It’s the perfect representation of a teen’s first kiss.
It’s not perfect, but not horrible either
He did accidentally bite your bottom lip though
One he realized your lip was drawing blood, he stopped kissing you and started his shouting antics.
“Somebody help! My lover is bleeding!”
“I’m fine-“
“We have to disinfect the wounds so my superior fae bacteria doesn’t cause an infection!”
“What? What kind of logic is that?!”
“The right logic!”
In the end, you end up with a a cute little band aid on your lip.
He’s a good kisser.
When he kisses you, it’s the type of kiss that has enough passion that could lead to sex.
That’s how good he is.
Doesn’t use too much tongue
Not too forceful
Not eating your face or lips.
Leaves a hickey on your neck afterwards
He’s the one using his tippy toes to kiss you in the relationship.
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Shoujo Prince#2
Kisses like a broody anime prince
Tilts your chin beforehand then kisses you
Has his tail wrapped around you
His tail brushes your cheeks
Says the most romantic thing ever
“Don’t go around getting into trouble without me beside you, ok?”
Didn’t expect Leona to be so romantic but it’s accepted.
His kiss is adorable
His tail is wagging the whole time
The whole experience is so cute
He starts off on the lips, stops, blushes, sees you smiling, then makes his next move.
Jack begins to pepper your cheeks with kisses and you go to the ground
Basically like having a dog lick you but instead it’s kisses.
“Aww, Jack I love you too!”
His ears are perky the entire time.
It’s adorable.
He’s a sneak kisser.
He kisses you after a snack steal gone right.
“Thanks for helping me steal all these snacks!”
“No problem-mmph!”
He gives you a quick smooch, then runs off.
“See you later!”
“Ok! What just happened?”
You just accept the new title as his lover/partner in crime.
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A mix of Sebek and Malleus
The kiss is too long so it becomes awkward
But he doesn’t use tongue
Afterwards, he’s a blushing mess
“So are we like dating now? Because if we’re not that’s totally cool! I can be friends with you after this-“
“Just shut up and kiss me, Ace.”
He does as you say and it’s happily ever after after that.
He’s a surprisingly good kisser.
In his delinquent past, he had a couple of girlfriends.
He learned what worked after a while(couldn’t lose his street cred because of his inability to kiss well)
His lips are soft.
And they taste like cherries.
“Is that cherry flavored lip balm?”
“Oh yeah! I bought some chapstick to repair the damage from my lips from all the fights I used to get into!”
“Wow. Good for you.”
Continues kissing you and it lasts for seven minutes.
This boy watched several how to kiss videos
But despite that, the whole experience is awkward.
“Do you want me to squat down?”
“Just stay still, I can reach you without you having to squat down.”
Riddle tries to jump to your lips several times.
Finally he jumps on you and wraps his legs around your waist.
When he kisses you it feels ok but in an unnatural way.
In theory he knows how to kiss, but because he’s never done it before, it doesn’t play out the same way as when he kisses his fruit.
“So, how was it?”
“Umm..it was ok..”
“Riddle, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“Yes, it is! I’m supposed to be a good kisser to impress you!”
“Riddle, really it’s fine.”
“In that case, I’ll have to kiss you more so I know what to do.”
This man is a freak.
Straight up had you banging on his door for help.
When he kisses you, it starts out normal.
Then he starts using his tongue.
It moves around in your mouth inspecting your teeth and gums.
When his tongue runs over your teeth you scream.
“Trey! What are you doing?!”
“You’re neglecting to properly brush your front teeth. There’s a bit of plaque on them. Don’t worry, I can’t get rid of it with my guest dental kit.”
“Help! Someone help!”
“Now say ah…”
“Help, he’s going to brush my teeth!”
Trey brushes your teeth but everyone else it sounded like sex.
Especially because all they heard was your screams, something vibrating, and Trey saying things like “It won’t hurt” and “Be still for a minute.”
You ended up with clean teeth, but that’s where it got weirder.
Trey got amped up and continued where he left off.
At that point you just accept your weird boyfriend.
He’s a good kisser.
He’s had many short term girlfriends over the years from moving around so much.
“Don’t be nervous, Cay Cay knows just how to make it your best kiss ever!”
When he kisses you, he doesn’t use tongue at first.
When you’re comfortable enough, that’s when he asks.
“Do you mind if we take it up a notch?”
“Oh, sure. I don’t really know how to do stuff like that…”
“I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead.”
He led you through the whole experience of kissing while using your tongue.
By the end you’ve learned things and are going to keep learning things with Cater.
“See, I told ya Cay Cay would help you!”
He kisses your cheek and wraps an arm around you.
You both smile and giggle.
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ladymidnight24 · 1 year
Ok, so I know I'm totally just preaching to the choir on here, but I wanted to rant for a second and this is the only place I'm willing to do it, so-
Scrolling through the sad remains of Twitter today, I came across this post:
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And I got super excited because I feel like I rarely see people flaunting their Asexuality like this (outside of the community here on Tumblr, that is), so I was just like "Oh fuck yeah, Ace rep!"
Then I made the mistake of scrolling through the comments... and that's really what this post is about, I just wanted a quick vent over some of the more repeated sentiments that I found.
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(She responded to a few of them herself and I left in her responses, because yas queen, clap back at them!)
But anyway, quick tale of my experience as a bi-ace person: First and foremost, I think I look good/attractive/whatever and at times I do want to flaunt that because if I'm really feeling the way I look, why shouldn't I be encouraged to show off my muscles or wear a shirt that accentuates my boobs or pants that show off my ass? So yeah, I dress in a "sexual" manner from time to time, especially at pride where it lowkey feels like part of the point a lot of the time, and no, I'm not looking for any serial attention from that and yes, that is okay and normal and people need to stop acting like showing skin means you're some desperate whore (not that theres anything wrong with people who *are* hyper sexual in any way, Im just venting my own experience here).
Also, there were a lot of comments about why protection and rights matter for Ace people when at their most extreme they are A) not have sex and B) can basically go incognito in society and no one needs to know. But more complicated than that, isn't it? Because first of all, not all ace people are fully celibate (Im not) and all ace people I know personally still want to be in a relationship, just not necessarily a sexual one. In my case I got super lucky with my first major partner in that I was able to explain it to him and have him understand that I only get properly horny once in a blue moon, so if he wants sex, he needs to initiate and if Im really not feeling it at all, he needs to be okay with that. We were able to work out what the sexual part of our relationship would look like and things worked out, but, like I said, we were *lucky*.
And on the topic of commication and safety, that stuff is a two way street, it doesn't always help to be upfront about it. I have a friend who's fully non-sexual Ace and the first relationship they got into after feeling solid in that identity they *did* tell their partner right away that they're ace and explained that they're not interested in anything sexual at all and their partner responded by LYING and saying that he was fully non-sexual ace too, but then months into the relationship he tried to start shit and when she reminded him that she didn't want that he suddenly was talking about how they only think that because they've never had sex before, and they just need to change the medication they're taking because *thats* the cause and it's actually just religious trauma that makes her think she doesn't want it and he effectively tried to gaslight them into thinking they were straight when that is absolutley NOT the case and it's taken YEARS for them to feel solid in her identity again, not to mention start dating again (her current partner is lovely genuinely accepting and Im super happy for them)
So anyway, I just wanted to rant about this because it fucking SUCKS to constantly have people tell you that your too sexual to actually be ace or your unnatural for not wanting sex or your just confused or whatever and it can lead to genuinely horrifying situations of being forced into very uncomfortable situations because you're being gaslit by people who are supposed to and claim to love you.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
For many human AUs, I think about Desire and Dream's rivalry and just... *smacks lips* They could do so much damage!
What if Desire oh so kindly helped their big brother lose his virginity by setting him up with someone. And the sex was terrible. And they try again and again but all the people who they set Dream up with are so bad that Dream doesn't even want to see them again. And each time, Desire SWORE to him that the sex would be good, they've been with this person before, it'll be amazing, but nope, Dream usually doesn't even come, even though he's still halfway a virgin. So, Desire and Dream "figure out" he's sex-repulsed/ace or something like that, he doesn't even care and honestly, he's just glad that Desire dropped the topic and he can go willow in self-pity and loneliness because now he's absolutely certain he'll never find a good partner for himself.
Enter Hob. Who is not deterred by Dream's personality or anything else. He wants Dream. Even after Dream tells him that he is not into sex at all. Hob is ok with a romantic relationship without sex.
Desire does EVERYTHING in their power to prevent that. They hit on Hob constantly, they spread rumours, they tell both of them lies, but nothing has the desired (pun intended) effect. Dream and Hob are happily dating.
Well, some months into the relationship, with the help of some alcohol, Dream and Hob talk about sex. And Hob is confused at first - is Dream drunker than he seems? - and then gently "dove, half of what you describe is not even sex, not even a virgin would cum from that." And the other half sounds just painful or awkward.
Turns out Desire had been paying people to have horrible sexual encounters with their brother to make him think sex is not for him, just to mess with him.
I'm kind of a regular here but I was thinking I could also get a sign off. XD 🚒 Fire truck taken? I was trying to think of the most random emoji, so hopefully it's free. XD I might also continue to be an anonymous anon because I often send weird and kinky shit. 😅
CACKLING about this. I love Desire as The Villain in Dream’s life even in human aus because they do the prettiest shit JUST to make their big brother's life difficult.
I think the funniest outcome of this is that Dream and Hob then do experiment together to see if Dream does like sex. And Hob is experienced enough to give Dream a good and well rounded introduction to good sex, but... Dream is like "eh". He doesn't hate it, sure, but he does still feel a bit uncomfy with the whole thing. He panics for a minute thinking that Hob will be angry or upset but he really doesn't mind! He's always accepted that sex might not be a part of their relationship, that isn't going to change and he loves Dream exactly as he is.
Next time Dream sees Desire he has some... choice words for his sibling. He finishes the whole spiel by declaring that he's still ace anyway so Desire's whole plan was completely pointless. He's NOT lonely and he doesn't pity himself anymore, he loves having the ace community to identify with, and Hob is never going to leave him because of anything as stupid as sex anyway.
Hob (who has sadly been forbidden from punching Desire in the face) is like "and I'm definitely not leaving him for someone as horrible as you" and Desire is mostly annoyed because it turns out that they accidentally helped Dream to discover self-love and identity that works for him, dammit.
You are so welcome to be 🚒 anon! Welcome to the emoji clan ❤
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penguin--person · 1 year
Top Ten Reasons Why DIMANYA Is AROACE as FUCK
Hi. My name is Penguin and I have prepared an explanation (there’s no top ten reasons actually, I lied) as to why Dmitry and Anya are both aroace.
anyway, fuck proper punctuation.
i'm gonna split this into part one, Anya - part two, Dmitry - part three, allo/heteronormativity - part four, ace stuff- part five, both of them combined and their superswag aroace power.
Anya - anya, our dear friend Anya… i think she has the mindset of “all this lovey dovey stuff is just one big joke. everyones playing a trick on me. theyre lying to me again, those losers!!” until she meets dima. then, it's “omggg i feel so strongly towards him, i feel so happy with him, this must be the love everyone is talking about!! this must be a crush” while little does she know, yes, she loves him, but not romantically. before she meets him, she’s “not like other girls”, she’s DIFFERENT, she’s BETTER than to get a stupid crush. when she gets in trouble with those guys in Punch it, Punk! she thinks “I could really use a prince charming now”, at first thinking that this is her romantic break. but then she thinks “you know what fuck it ill take anyone”, showing she doesnt care much for the romantic norms of having a prince charming. Anya can take care of herself but would like it if someone took care of her for once. when she gets in trouble with those guys in PIP and dima rushes in and saves her, its like! he cares for her! he helped her despite not even knowing her! this Must mean that he loves her a ton
Dima - dima doesn't know what a boyfriend is. he doesn't strike me as the type to read/watch the limited access to the romance genre he gets at the facility, and temnova doesn't strike me as the type to teach him about all that. so, when he saves anya and she gets so. so happy. so lovey dovey. patches him up (though olga probably did that, anya probably convinced her) even though she doesn't even Know him, and she gets him a place to stay at olga’s without him even asking, and when she asks “anyway, do you wanna go out with me?” do you think he fucking knew . what that meant. “do you want to be my boyfriend” now that he'd understand. but i think he just said ok as in “do you wanna hang out with me”. anyway, i think when he found out that they Were dating. he didn't mind.
Dmitry just. just. unconditional love. that Must be romantic. it Has to be, yes? and what he feels towards anya should be that also, then, because he also thinks she's cool and swag and all. even if it wasn't, i don't think he'd care. he cares for her and that's enough, mhm?
Allo/heteronormativity - this will mostly be centered around Anya because she has more experience with it. this is also going to be based a lot around my experiences, as i am so swag to have been blessed to be aroace, so. it's gonna be a lot of projection. anya never really thought about how she's never had a crush, but when she does (and its only because someone asks her “have you even ever had a crush?” and she thinks “oh. oh its supposed to be real”), it’s just “im so fucking cool for not having gotten a crush yet. i'm so awesome. psh. no insecurity here bucko. nah. i'm not like other girls (isn't a girl(but we’ll get into that later)).” she does have slight insecurity about it, but she always pushes it down. when she sees dima and gets such a strong attachment to him, it MUST be love at first sight. she’s still not like other girls (not a girl), but it's nice to be able to brag about your cool boyfriend. like, she just takes it that she’s too cool for all this romance stuff. but then dima comes. and what a boyfriend he is! so kind and cool, what more could anyone want? what more could she want? she's never felt so happy with someone like this, so it MUST be romantic love, it MUST be what she's been missing.
Ace stuff - anya thinks sex is gross and disgusting and can’t imagine how it could ever be enjoyable. she's the kind of kid to go “GROSS!!! BLEGH!!!” at even just seeing a kiss (unless she's giving dima a peck on the cheek ofc). she hates thinking about it, yuck, gross. even simple tongue kisses are disgusting - why are you putting someones tongue in your mouth, ew, yuck, Gross, thats Yucky. dima doesn't know what sex is, as the facility did not provide him with much information (“you're not going to be having sex anyway. we don't need to waste resources on teaching you”) and hed Never ask temnova about this kinda stuff. he thinks kissing someone tongue style is sex. he thinks ‘unprotected’ sex is like, doing it outside of the safety of your home. boy does not know a thing about it
Together - i’m going to now analyze the last scene of PIP through an aroace lens. dima gets confronted by olga. he panics, visibly. anya sees this. she returns him the unconditional love he first showed her when they met, when she was confronted by those guys, when he saved her. she sees him in trouble and becomes his prince charming, breaking the norm once again. anyway, i think even if anya and dima somehow realized they were aroace and somehow accepted it. they'd still wanna stay (at least anya would and dima wouldn't mind) dating. anya definitely loves to say “my boyfriend this, my boyfriend that”, and dima wants her to be happy. like even if they somehow learned what a qpr is they'd stay dating. for the swag
In conclusion, they’re Swag. theyre so aroace, three of my friends and i thought "mmm dimanya aroace swag" at different times before we even met one another
if you have any thoughts on this, i encourage you to expand on this in the replies/reblogs or even just tags!!! id love to hear what u lads think
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neonstatic · 1 year
sex ed season four... not surprised the writers had no idea it was the last season. it's definitely the weakest season. i still remember how hooked in i was by s1 and s2, and i was in love w otis and eric's friendship and deeply related to both their personal struggles. and ofc i love all the characters too: maeve, aimee, ruby (ofc), adam (yes him too ofc!!), viv (underused underrated), jackson (ditto), isaac (literally my husband) and jean (milf).
i think the season lost me bc of its setting? why is cavendish some sort of lgbt haven school. it rly pulled me out, felt v utopic. i loved that there were new trans characters---and that they had a v untypical dynamic. roman is a gnc trans man and abbi is a trans girl, and i expected they would have as close to heteronormative sex as possible but nope! (i personally found roman v charming, he's my bb boy. but wtf does he have his gf's name tattooed so big non his chest jesus) i liked that there was a deaf character, aisha, who is queer and poly...but all 3 of them were so lacking in personality. they felt like checkmarks :/ i liked cal's introduction to the story in s3 but they too feel like a checkmark. i know that they're nb, dysphoric, quiet, and like to smoke. that is sooo little info. even o---whose character was butchered and made into a villain post-production according to yasmine benoit, her creator---has a lot more personality. and ykno what, yeah o was very unlikeable. she looked smug and two-faced. me personally? i like that and i found her cool. it's still sad tho that it wasn't the intention at all, and that it makes one of the few ace characters in media into a manipulative dick whose coming out scene didn't feel genuine.
still glad maeve and otis broke up i rly couldn't stand them together anymore teehee no more push and pull, no more on-off!
eric meeting god was corny ok. wtv happened to realism. rly had to suspend my disbelief w this one. (lowkey also when the pastor went to the school ball. it feels too good to be true idk.) but it's fitting htat he wants to be a pastor. ruby should become a pr manager srsly. and she should date me. jackson and cal should get back together also. or not. i don't believe in hs sweethearts. (says the one who was classmates w elementary school sweethearts)
joanna was such an annoying character im sorry. why would you do that. and who tf is dan i dont remember him
anyway yeah you can tell it shouldn't have been the last season. i was happy to get a finale cus so many shows go on forever but yeah that wasn't a proper ending. oh well!
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
Uncommon Asks for Rosie, Kaia, and/or Lee
Do as many or as few as you'd like, there were a lot of interesting questions that I couldn't decide between!
4, 5, 9, 13, 19, 28, 30, 38, 43
Also D, G, and H for the creator questions
Thank you very much!
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Rosie: I feel like it's pretty easy. She tries to assume the best in people.
Kaia: Not as easily, especially when she's younger because it was kinda drilled into her head at a young age that there are forces out there that can get you (Heaven & Hell)
Lee: I don't think it's as easy, but it stays strong when the trust is earned. She's pretty loyal (unless something really bad happens ofc). Though there are times, she wrestles with worries of people betraying her, etc. But I think it just really depends.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Rosie: Not easy. She usually tries to give people the benefit of doubt. Makes excuses and etc. Which has landed her in some trouble.
Kaia: Very easy, I think the previous Kaia answer points it out.
Lee: I think a mix.
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Rosie: No way. Closest she's gotten is typing/writing words out but never actually saying them. If she's sweared, it would've been when she was little and still trying to grasp speaking. Like I could totally see her as a toddler trying to say 'ducks' but not quite yet mastered the d sound, and you can probably guess what instead. She'd remember that because Peter would retell the story because he thinks it was funny.
Kaia: I think she's only sweared in private. I don't think she remembers the first one. She definitely flips people off though.
Lee: Oh man... yeah. It's probably her "worst" habit. Her first swear was probably 'asshole' and she was like :Oc to >:)c
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Rosie: She thinks she looks best in purple. Yeah, I say so. Though blue also suits her.
Kaia: She thinks she looks best in different shades of blues. Yes, it brings out one of her eyes.
Lee: She honestly wears a lot of like neutrals I think and warm tones. It suits her.
19. What is their favorite number?
Rosie: 3.
Kaia: 23.
Lee: 8.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Rosie: Yes.
Kaia: No.
Lee: Usually no.
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
Rosie: The girls from her childhood that bullied her. (It's a long and future story.)
Kaia: I don't know... there are plenty of unpleasant angels and demons out there.
Lee: Well, this one is kind of a cheat answer but her adoptive mother. She didn't meet her per se. Since she was adopted as a baby.
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
Rosie: Probably something related to ducks?
Kaia: She has a lot of nice memories of being in the park. Or if we're going deeper, almost anything relating to Arith and Iriel. Like not memories of them, but something related like a picture or letter.
Lee: Probably something from her childhood.
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
Rosie: "I'm a lesbian, I like girls; anyone who's not a guy, to be honest. But my attraction is only romantically, I'm asexual. So that means for me I like to date and stuff but I don't feel sexual attraction."
Kaia: "Honestly it's kinda all over the place, nothing specific other than queer and ace/asexual. That just means I think someone is cute or beautiful, date them and stuff, but leave sex out of it."
Lee: "Um... how do I explain this... Ok, so, I'm basically bisexual. But replace the 'sexual' part with 'demi-romantic' which boils down to I like multiple genders but I only develop romantic feelings for someone after a long time of getting to know them. But only romantic feelings. I don't feel sexual attraction."
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Rosie: She's always kinda had the same appearance. Even before deciding a face claim, I knew I wanted her to look more like her mother.
Kaia: Out of these three she's gone through the most changes. I don't think she had freckles originally. Her hair was lighter. And her eyes were blue but had golden speckles in them instead; rather than the typical heterochromia.
Lee: Since she's my newest OC, she hasn't had a lot of changes done. The only thing I can think of is just deciding who her faceclaim would be. But I always imagined her with dark hair and brown eyes.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Rosie: This is more of just a kid thing rather than Rosie-specific, but I mean sometimes she's kinda whiny (at least little Rosie, not so much when she's older)
Kaia: This is more on me but like it makes me sad how much she struggles, like she's been through so much trauma and I feel bad...
Lee: She's super stubborn, which is kinda fun to write but also like as I'm reading/writing it I'm like "Girl what are you doing"
H) What trait do you admire most?
Rosie: She's very friendly, and loves unconditionally.
Kaia: Her strength and how she keeps going through challenging things.
Lee: She's clever and witty but also quite brave.
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Wordcount; 3, 681
Fandom; ACE
Pairing; Reader X O5
Characters; Park Junhee & Kim Sehyoon
Warning; fluffy, slight angst, soft Dom Sehyoon, edging, Orgasm denier, Fingering, oral (receiving) and thighs Sex.
Notes; Chapter 3/8 of Release That Stress earlier Chapter found here
Happy Christmas Choice 💜💜💜💜💜
Your woken by sweet kisses up your neck, rousing you from the couple hours sleep you managed to get. “Morning baby, you need to eat,” Junhee whispered into your ear. “For food or for sex,” you muttered refusing still to open your eyes. “As much as I like that option, you still have to reserve your energy for the rest of the stress heads,” he chuckled leaning himself down on to you, pinning you to the mattress. “Ok, ok, I’m up,” you moan as he rolls off you chuckling. Your eyes roam the view before you lift yourself off the bed to the view of two cooked English breakfasts. “Wow that looks delicious,” you said standing up to press a kiss to his lips before aiming for the food.
You had barely finished when his phone rang as he left the room momentarily to answer. Checking on your mobile, the guys had individually sent you Christmas greetings which was all very sweet.
You smiled along the messages as you felt your heart warm, reminding yourself that you couldn’t afford to get too attached.
As quick as you sent a reply Byeongkwan replied, which told you he wasn’t the one coming to you today, especially if Junhee was on the phone to today’s date.
‘I’m glad Junhee has treated you like a princess. I hope you know your special to us all, Not just as our sex buddy, but as a friend, we cherish you very much too.’
You smiled at his soppy words, he showed on the outside as if he didn’t have the ability for heart & flowers. But he had showed you he was the most romantic of the five deep down. If there was one member you could see yourself dating it was Byeongkwan. Those feelings that you was sure would blossom if you allowed was pushed deep away, you couldn’t afford to fall.
‘Your all special to me, each one of you in your own way.’
You wrote back smiling when the bubble told you he was replying instantly.
‘Which one’s the most specialist 😉’
You rolled your eyes, smirking at the members failure to give up there intention to push you to choose one from the five as your favourite.
‘Your all equal you know this 😘’
You replied as always. Placing your phone down, Junhee walked back in smiling. “Seems I have to drop you off to the dorms for your next date,” he smiled. “What do I wear?” You asked in an attempt to get more answers. “Clothes,” Junhee said smirking as you deadpanned his way. “Normal stuff really,” he added.
Sitting in the car Junhee pulled you in for one last sweet kiss. “Junhee your car is not tinted, are you trying to get into trouble,” you scoffed swatting him when he’s lips left you. “I’m just letting my tongue massage there manager that’s all,” he winked before leaving you alone.
You was looking at the mobile still texting Byeongkwan, when the car door opened. Your eyes fluttered to the person sitting by your side. “Happy Christmas Princess,” Sehyoon said as his hands rested over the wheel smiling your way. “So your todays date then?” You smirked before your eyes found his thighs. Your core always being weak at the view of them, his lusting eyes told you he was aware.
“Do you think you can wait before mentally fucking me,” he teased as he started the car. “Erm no, I’m bouncing on your thighs right now in my mind,” you winked as he chuckled shaking his head softly, before you set off on your journey.
“Sehni,” you heard the shriek from the pretty younger girl, floating her arms around him as you emerged from the car outside the complex building.
The features on her face instantly told you she was his sister. “Oh this is perfect, your here, mum and dad too and oh,” she paused removing herself from him to look at you. “Who’s this?” She giggled elbowing her brother, as her eyes raked you up and down. “I’m Y/N,” you smiled as she mirrored with her familiar genetic smile of her brother. “Girlfriend hey,” she teased elbowing Sehyoon who growled her way. “She’s just a friend don’t get over yourself,” he said grabbing your hands to take you into the complex. “Friend my ass,” you hear her scoff behind you as she followed.
Sehyoon’s parents had the same reaction then his sister, Sehyoon’s father gripping you in a bear like hug, that made you felt like your in Sehyoon’s arms. “So Y/N where did you meet our son?” his mother asks as she warmly takes you to the sofa. “I’m a childhood friend of Yuchan, so I met him through him,” you said as his parents both smiled. “So how long have you been dating?” She asks getting excited with the conversation. “Ok thats enough of the Inquisition, we are just friends,” Sehyoon says placing a protective hand around your shoulder. “A friend who’s brought to a family dinner,” his sister smirks as Sehyoon scowls her way. “Well who ever you are to our son it’s lovely to meet you,” Sehyoon’s dad adds as you bow slightly thanking him for the compliment.
You enjoy your Christmas meal of Bulgogi, sweet potato noodles, and kimchi, listening to them talk about Sehyoon’s child hood. Red blush upon his face as he kept asking his parents to stop was highly amusing. But it was also interesting to see him in a family setting, you had been use to his assertiveness with you despite his quiet laid back character.
However, here he was a blushing mess whenever his family said anything remotely cute. He would counter react it by talking about what he had been up to. His sister soon realising the pattern and redirecting the conversation back to you. “So if you two aren’t dating then why?” His father said as his mum and sister brought out some steamed rice cake decorated with the most prettiest of fruits. Sehyoon seemed more uncomfortable with his father addressing your relationship. “Or which one of you don’t like the other?” He suggested looking between you both as you looked to the table. “We both like each other, I would love nothing but to date this beautiful girl,” Sehyoon said looking doe eyed your way, making your heart flutter. “But you know just as much as everyone we can’t date as idols, I care enough about her not to give her that chaos, risk and danger hiding her,” he said looking at his fingers with a red blush. “Makes sense, but I sure as hell think it’s a shame,” His father said sounding disappointed as he helped him self to a Rice cake.
“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier?” Sehyoon said as you walked down the dark streets walking his sisters Dog. “You didn’t, actually I think what you said was sweet,” you said letting your hands brush with his. “Even if it was just for affect,” you added as he stopped. “You think I just spun that out,” he scoffed as you stop too, twisting to face him. “Y/N, I’m crazy about you, and I meant every word I said to my father tonight,” he smiled as his blush returned. “When I see you in that moment sometimes I wish this wasn’t my chosen path,” he said brushing his hands along your cheek bone. “But this is your everything Sehyoon, I would never want you or any the guys to give that up,” you said letting the dreams in your mind float away. “I know I’ve worked so hard, we all have,” he said looking at the ground. “If I had one Christmas wish it would be someone who could give you everything you deserve. You need to be cherished like the princess you are,” he smiled. You looked around the empty street finding it empty and kissed his cheek. His face moved to press his lips against you as you both got lost into the moment of his declaration.
Lips removing the second the dog growled into the nearby bush. Beneath the Growls you heard a cat cry. Moving to the bush you found the most tiniest kitten, he was fluffy white, looked abandoned by his mum. Sehyoon passed the dog lead to you scooping the scared little thing into his palm. “Ok little fella, where’s your mum?” He said as the kitten gave small licks to his palm. “You look so cold,” he coo’d as he took his scarf off to wrap the kitten in. “Let’s see if we can find your mummy,” he said as he started to knock on the nearest door.
The search for the missing kittens mum didn’t become fruitful as you made the decision to take him with you. Sehyoon’s sister face lit up as she saw the small thing in her brothers palm, as she fell in love. “What you going to do with him?” she asks stroking the purring animal. “Didn’t you say you hadn’t got Donghun a gift yet?” Sehyoon asked as you nodded. “Well I know he keeps talking about getting Hae a sibling, maybe this is what could be your gift,” Sehyoon suggested. You looked at the quiet fluff ball and you knew Donghun would fall in love. “I can look after him till it’s turn for you to see him next, but we may have to sneak him into the hotel tonight,” he smiled mischievously. “Hotel, wait you two are staying in a hotel, and you expect me to believe this is innocent,” his sister scoffs. “It’s a gift from us all so she isn’t lonely this Christmas, there’s no dating going on,” Sehyoon says rolling his eyes. “What ever,” she chuckles sitting up to leave the room. “Do you really thing Donghun will like him?” You ask as Sehyoon smiles nodding.
“Well we hope one day to meet again,” Sehyoon’s mum says hugging you as you go to leave. “Me too,” you smile bowing to them all. “And thanks for all the goodies,” you smile thanking them for the large food parcels they sent you back with. “Oppa, don’t forget to visit me soon right, it’s not like I live that far from you,” his sister chuckles. “Plus I want all the glory details when you two eventually date,” she adds laughing when her brothers eyes smalled her way.
You walked into the hotel room, the kitten wrapped in Sehyoon’s scarf before he places him with blankets in the bathroom. “Right little fella, you need some sleep, we needs some sleep too,” he says winking your way as you make a bowl of fresh milk, placing by his side.
His arms hold your waist into him as soon as he shuts the bathroom door. Nuzzling in to your neck he presses small kisses. “So what made you want to take me to meet your family?” you ask intrigued with his choice of date. Spinning you to face him he smiled looking back. “Because i promised my sister today was hers,” he said as you looked to him still puzzled. “But why did I get today and not the other days, i know your schedules not till New Year’s Day,” you said quizzingly. “Did you not enjoy today then?” he replied sadly. “No, no I loved it I really did, your family’s amazing just wondered why you wanted them to meet me,” you said hastily. “Y/N your special to me so I wanted them to meet the woman that puts smiles on my face most the time,” he adds letting his lips fall to your forehead. “That sounds like heart and flowers,” you gasp under your thundering heart. “If Donghun was here he would scold you,” you add a little breathless when his lips reach your neck. “Well Donghun’s not here so sue me,” Sehyoon reply’s as his hands bunches your ass.
“Oh your gift,” you scoff breaking his contact from you as you skittle to the other side of the room. “Oh Y/N really! trying to break the mood,” he growls as you laugh. “Keep being mean to keep them keen,” you chuckle as you bring his gift his way. “You wish you wouldn’t have said that later I promise you,” he said with a glaze in his eyes as he looks at his gift.
Unwrapping them his heart returns soft as he views the art and craft box with water based painting. “Oh Y/N there’s so much here,” he said rifling through the collection. “Well I know you like to have a lot stocked up and I thought I’d help add to the joy of your talent,” you smiled. “You mean to make me think of you when I’m using my craft skill,” he smirks as you nod blushing. “Yeah that as well,” you admit as he pulls you in.
He holds your hand losing himself to you in the moment before getting off to reach into his pocket. “I have your gift too,” he says passing you a rectangular box as you looked at him with delight before opening. Inside was an amethyst bracelet that was so pretty, making you look at him feeling giddy. “I love it Sehni,” you said pressing a kiss to his cheek as he smiled. His lips press against you removing them when you try kissing him back.
“Right let me show you what I’m thinking right now,” he growls nipping your ear lobe. “That you want to paint me?” You tease as he pushes your ass into him that your core clashes with each other. “As much as that sounds like a sexy opportunity, it would leave the bedroom a messy form,” he sniggers letting his teeth dig into your collarbone earning a hiss.
Hands attacking your body he removes your clothes between rushed and impatient kisses as he was slowly unraveling himself. Lifting you up as you wrap your feet around him he takes you to the bed.
Kisses falling upon your thighs, he brushed his thumb over your clit. Arching your back you moan under his attack his fingers are having on you. But nothing holds your cry’s when his fingers slam into your core. “That’s right princess, you forgot that I promised to punish you didn’t you?” He growls as his tips find your sweet spot. Rubbing against them has your legs attempt to close as his other hands push your thighs apart once more. “No no, I don’t think so,” he mocks as his fingers fasten there pace. You knew in his eyes he meant business as he started rolling your Clit with his thumb. As your core burnt under his touch you tried to hold your shaking thighs at bay, but they deceived you. Like you suspected as your core built he removed himself. Smirk upon his face told you he planned to torture you tonight.
Making swirls on your naked thighs he waited for you to calm down before he removed his top. His muscular body came in to your view as you choked as always. The whole image of Kim Sehyoon always made you weak. He smirks knowing you was melting as he tilts his head licking his lips. Kisses returning to your thighs he enjoys watching you jolt due to the sensitive skin he was kissing. Mouth falling to your throbbing nub had you arch your back. Your fingers fall to his head tangling around his hair as you struggle to hold your moans. Suction around your clit, his tongue made movement around your folds. Moans falling into the air as your core struggled from his tongue assault. Tongues slide into your heat your walls clench around the wet muscles. As he fucks you with his skills you feel a fire burn through you as your pelvis moves with him. Hands falling to your thighs to keep you still, you cry in frustration as your orgasm builds. Struggling to keep your body calm before he suspects your high close. Vibrations from his chuckle fills up your core like he knew he would, having you hanging on the edge. Removing himself he laughs as you whine to the emptiness. “Oh Y/N, you reminded me of your visual session earlier,” he whispers hovering over you.
Moving to sit at the edge of the bed he turns back to look at you as he removes his bottoms. Patting his thighs you realise what he meant and waste no time leaping off the bed. His meaty member straining in his boxers has your mouth melt before you straddle one of his thighs. Leaning back on his hands to hoist him up, his darkened eyes watch you start your pace as you fuck him. The tensing of his muscles has you go crazy as you instantly feel the heat in your core. Certain you can fool him this time, you pressed yourself down hard letting his thighs friction burn your throbbing nub. Chokes of air as you race to your orgasm, nails digging into your own thigh as your seconds from exploding. But before you can realise his hands lift you off him as you whimper and stamp your feet like a stroppy toddler. “Please,” you cry as you attempt to Mount him but he stands letting his lips fall to yours to hush you.
Pulling you towards him as your lips are clashing in your own desperate need you suckle down his chuckles. Pushing you off as he laughs at your desperate needs he places you on the bed. Hovering up you he wastes no time leaning himself into your body, his clothed bulge digging into you as he rubs himself against your heat. “Fuck Sehni I need you in me,” you growl as he smirks.
Leaning over your stomach he arches himself to remove his pants before bringing himself towards you, aiming for your core. Sliding in, you whimper as he stretches you, you could never get use to his size as he fills you with his meaty member. Stilling and keeping his eyes on you he starts a pace, his thrusts hard against you. Your walls clamp around him each time he slams himself in. Nails dig into his shoulder as your orgasm attempt restarts but this time with more desperation. “Patience Princess,” he whispers into your ear as you shiver from his voices effect. “Need you, can’t, I need to cum,” you plead as your pelvis meets his. Pleading as you chase your high has him shown you no mercy as he leaves you empty. “Fuck sake Sehni,” you curse as frustration attacks you.
“Oh your such a bad tempered princess,” he mocks flipping you over onto your stomach leaving a slap to your ass in its wake. “On all fours,” he orders as you slowly obey, “faster,” he growls as another smack hits. Positioning yourself you wiggled your ass expecting another slap which he did. “Cheeky princess, cheeky,” he sighed as his hands rubbed the cheeks. Sliding himself into you, his angle instantly having his member press into your core has you bite on your lip. Hands gripping around your hip, he started a hastened thrust that told you he was chasing his own. Letting yours go to chase with him, your walls clenched around him earning grunts to fall into the air. “Princess, Y/N, fuck,” he cried as you was close to falling off the edge before he removed himself. Throwing yourself on to the mattress screaming into the pillow with pure frustration, Sehyoon chuckled into the air.
“Princess what’s up,” he mocked, “I fucking hate you,” you lied as you was beginning to go crazy. He had fooled you to let you get so close to the end to snatch your orgasm back from you.
“Princess if your going to cum I want to see that face,” he coos as he flips you over to face him. He looks a little pained and his throbbing cock in your view tells you he struggling himself in his own game. Lips falling to yours he kisses your slight irritation away before flipping you so your straddling him.
Like a hungry starved human you jump on him slamming yourself down as his face scrunches up. You ride him with pure impatience as his hands fall to your waist. “Fuck Princess, slow down,” he cry’s and you feel satisfied that you can fuck him up too. Biting his lip as he thrashed his head you know he’s holding on and refusing to let go. Clamping yourself around him after each bounce has him scrunch the sheets as you feel the burn of your own orgasm attack.
Deep panting as your breath gets caught in your throat as you get near your final chance to get your release. But in pure torture his hands fall to your thigh restricting your movement from his strength.
“For fuck sake,” you cry, “please please please don’t do this, let me cum,” you cry tears falling down your eyes.
Sitting up his lips clash with yours as his hands remove to the back of your neck. “You can cum Princess,” he says between kisses as he works with you to bring your orgasm. Your chests rubbing against each other as you clamp your arms around him bringing your body’s closer, him following suit. He meets your slams down with his uprising thrusts as you suckle down his grunts. “Please please let me,” you cry into your kiss as a mantra as you chase your orgasm once again. “Princess, I promise let go,” you suckle down. With that your body falls into euphoria as your wall convulses around him pushing him into his own. Teeth clamping on to your bottom lip as he falls, he fills you with his warm cum. Working through your orgasm you both pant leaning into each other. “I hate when you do that,” you moan leaning into him. “Princess we both know you lie,” he sniggers and you hate him in that moment for seeing right through you. A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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stranger-awakening · 1 year
ok if you dont wanna answer but but how did you figure out you’re ace and not ‘just’ repressing being gay or whatever else? I don’t think i understand what attractions supposed to be but looking at stuff like the lesbian masterdoc is really confusing and making me second guess everything i thought :/
Oh, thank you for being so respectful about this, but don't worry this is totally okay to ask !!! First, I want to say that I haven't read the lesbian masterdoc but you can absolutely be a lesbian and asexual if that's how you feel. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
As for the more personal stuff, I actually realised I was ace a few years before I realised I was also bi, so I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'll put my journey under a read more in case it is !!!
So, I had my big asexual realisation when I was 17, I think entirely thanks to seeing the definition and posts by other aces on this site. I hadn't heard the word before that, but I read "lack of sexual attraction" and thought "hey that might be me."
I've always been a hopeless romantic who wanted a relationship one day, and I had a lot of crushes growing up, so it wasn't really until I was a teenager that I realised there was something different about me. Because that's when people started really talking about sex, and I was always so uncomfortable around sex talk. Like, I have a vivid memory of one of my friends in high school asking why I was so uncomfortable when they all brought it up, but that was before I had an answer.
At the time it was very much like, sure I like boys and I would like to date one but also I would rather die than sleep with one. Which (to my knowledge) isn't something people who aren't ace feel. I actually used to tell people I was waiting for marriage just to avoid being asked about it. Not for religious reasons, but because marriage was the latest (somewhat) socially acceptable time you can put that shit off. I kind of knew anyway that even if I really loved the person that wouldn't be on the table. I just couldn't picture or think about it without feeling kind of sick. Sex just wasn't for me or wasn't something I wanted. Which was super isolating because I didn't know anyone else like me until I found other ace people on this site and learned that was sex-repulsion and that a lot of ace people (but not all) feel that way.
So, that's kind of how I figured it out. I guess my asexuality is kind of textbook in the sense that I don't feel any sexual attraction and I'm sex-repulsed, so those are super defined puzzle pieces that were (somewhat) easy to link together. It was kind of confirmed for me too when I got into my first relationship and none of that changed. I loved my girlfriend at the time, but I didn't want to have sex with her. At all. I just never looked at her and wanted her that way.
That said, I honestly might not be the best person to talk to when it comes to liking girls if you want like clear cut answers because realising that was ... messy. For me, liking girls was always tied up in 'do I want to be like her/look like her or do I want to be with her.' It really took me until I was like, uh, 19 or 20 I think before I realised it was the latter, and I still second guess myself all the time.
But, in terms of not knowing what attraction feels like, I've heard a lot of ace people say that they've felt that way too. Here's an article that has some details about the different types of attraction which might be worth skimming through.
Hopefully some of this helped a little !! It's okay to be confused. Every person has their own way of finding out or discovering who they are in as many steps as it takes.
You can also absolutely send follow up questions if I didn't cover something and/or you want some more specific answers, I don't mind 💜
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pridefulrose · 1 year
It is kind of irritating to me that people pretend that because I live in a Western country I do not have to deal with homophobia. This is for the aces. It is kind of annoying to me that I always have to seat and discuss my future with family member from my extended family and they always go back to these ideas that I wished I could have left behind long ago.
It all starts with deep heteronormativity and it comes in avery strange way. I am getting older and the excuses are running out for me because I do not know how to explain to people without coming out that I simply do not care enough to condemn myself to live a life with a man for the sake of having a man. The horror stories I have heard about their relationships are awful and I don’t know how they can be like you have to protect yourself from men because they are selfish, unfaithful, violent and then I am like oh ok then I will not marry and theyare like noooo you have to find a partner! Then statistics after statistic tell me that i am more likely to ot be abandoned by my partner if i develop cancer, they might use my money and want to control me financially if i get pregnant, they might turn violent after marrying me etc
Then I have my own particular set of bad experiences. For example pn how men look down on me for me being fat, they try to squash my self confidence because they can tell I am a very smart “woman”, literally men telling me I am ugly just for them to be like damn you are actually a pretty good person underneath the fat and I want to date you now. Then being treated just as a sex object not a person just a sex toy. Some men using their larger bodies to intimidate me into shutting up despite their bad treatment. Being 15 and being bullied by 18 year old guysor even being bullied by my own male teachers.
Then you have the fact that I am queer but i cannot be truly myself in a way that I want because they hold me hostage with a lot of things they would use against not me but my mother because they would attack my mother relentlessly.
Some people dont even comprehend how much I have to fight tooth and nail for them to leave me alone and let me love my two queer best friends. I cant even share how much joy I am finding in learning and getting to know all of the different flavors of queer people there exists while going to Uni. I have received comments on those few that know that maybe hanging out with queer people is hindering my chances to get a heterosexual man. As if finding a man is the greatest most rewarding experience a woman can have and not all of the accomplishments I have had despite all of the trauma and obstacles i have had to face during my short life.
To them friendship doesn’t matter and marriage is the ultimate goal. And fighting this while having to listen to the homophobic comments is really tiring.
And i don’t ont know how to say this without hurting the good men because I have loved men. I am primarily attracted to men but sometimes the future looks bleak and I do not know if I am willing to still hope.
But this is also to tell you that women have also being dangerous to me. Women had always kicked me out of their social circles. Women have never liked me and they had bullied me trying to make me fit a mold that they deem worthy. Because by nature i am weird, strange, not enough, too prideful, don’t care about social hierarchy, ignorant and unable to read their social cues. I had been ignored, casted away. I was considered to be intolerable, too loud, too happy. Someone compared me to a parrot without me knowing it was her way to tell me she found me annoying.
Women pretend that because sometimes I like women I must be in love with them. I am ace I have the advantage to be able to control the feeling I develop or not and i would rather die than ever like a heterosexual girl and tbh most of the time it doesnt even cross my mind. Sometimes queer women do this to me too, I amnice to you caus eI love you as a friend. I had a lesbian tell me why would it suck to date me even though we have never gotten along that well and it was so strange to think she believed i was hopelessly in love when i literally just treated her as a precious personin my life and at no point i thought of her as a potential partner.
Women also actively participate in maintaining the sexist, homophobic world we live in.
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flyingcookierambles · 2 years
i think i really hate the term messy. like. ok maybe im terminally online or something but like. idk.
as an afab acearo enby who felt alienated/alone in high school by classmates/friends who had their first kisses and first crushes and stuff, and then as an adult who goes to online queer spaces only to see stuff like “REAL queers are MESSY. we have heartbreaks and yearning and sex to make us human and real queers. all the prudes are repressed and confused and stupid and they just need to have sex with someone to be real queer people. no western culture puritan virgins allowed in our community haha cry virgins and get laid or be a gross neckbread cis man/virgin incel in your mom’s basement  >:D” and im like just standing there like. oh. ok. i guess i’m not a “real human being / queer”. (ngl, i would like the “being a man” part to be true, plus thanks to the awful economy i’ll probably live at home with my mom for the rest of my life wow love it!) i’m just. not interested in irl sex/romance stuff, like fanfic and romance books are ok i guess, i think the right term in aegosexual? im too introverted to go to parties or meet strangers on tinder and have like idk a one night stand or something and lose my chance at being a wizard by 30, plus although i do finally have a drivers license and my sister’s old car, im not that comfortable with driving around, so i have no transportation or anything.
still, its frustrating to see “queer” communities just be like. aphobic (or like whatever the word is for against aromantics as well, unless that just gets rolled into the term aphobic?). allo friendly only. they just dont say it out loud. they just say that “real queers are messy and have great sex all the time” (thats my impression at least)
i dont want ppl to sexualize my body bc its gross and im not on hrt or anything so i just look like a cis woman (ugh even writing that term makes me feel gross now) but i know that thats what ppl judge me at first glance as and i dont want it. tbh even if i were allo, i think that id only want to date other nb/trans ppl (the t4t tag) who hopefully wont judge me for my body. like. maybe if i were allo in some alternate universe, i would only date bi/pan or demi-sexual trans ppl who can understand my body issues and judge me more by personality (or, like, for bi/pan people, they likely enjoy all body types. hopefully. not just. “female” bodies. idk. the t4t tag tho, i enjoy it and am glad i learned about it recently, very helpful 10/10)
ugh i guess. just. as an ace person trying to mind my own business, its annoying to get messages from the crazy jesus freaks that i am a “woman” and i must “have sex” and “have kids” and then get messages from the (allos only but this part is silent) queer community that to be “queer” is to have “sex with strangers bc if you only want to do it with ppl you know/are in love with, youre actually just oppressing yourself with western purity culture and you have to unlearn it right now and jump someones pants or else you wont save yourself from your own oppression” and be “messy” and be “not boring/introverted” and “go to parties and have flings” and “fall in love = human and queer and messy and adult” and “use tinder” or something idk (also disregarding the issues of health/STI risk and/or the risk of pregnancy for afab people + shrinking access to birth control/abortion care. no. just go out. having a casual hookup with someone. dont worry about it, just go lose your virginity you boring loser)
like idk. i dont like loud parties like on all those tv shows of “real messy human lives” like euphoria or whatever. im still a virgin so i guess i’m just an immature boring child who cant talk to people, even tho im a boring tax paying 25 year old temp office worker with ~30k of college student debt. even though i am nb/under the trans umbrella, i guess that im not sexual enough for the queer community. i dont like alcohol since its dumb and expensive and doesnt even taste good. i dont do drugs bc i dont even know where to get them. like. idk maybe i can text one of my former college classmates and ask if i can get weed from him or something. (but like i dont even like the smell, its like a skunk. maybe if the smoking kind like joints only smell bad and the edibles like the brownies or cbd infused foods dont smell i’d try it maybe idk?)(does making my dovakhiin in skyrim buy and drink skooma count?)(does watching game of thrones count? lol (until that horrible dumpster fire of a last season, i dont even have the motivation to watch the house of the dragon plus i dont have hbo max or the computer space to torrent rips of the episodes, i think the 8th season of GOT just made me lose faith in any other GOT media/tv spin offs other than the actual books themselves lol))
like. idk. maybe to the “cool, mature, real adult queers” online im just a silly little confused puriteen cis girl whos just too deep in the western puritan culture (bruh i grew up atheist and, for better or worse, spent my high school years on reddit with “Very Cool Atheists” i am not religious in any way) and “we must save her from the christian brainwashing” and im just cosplaying being “queer” or im not queer enough to be one of the cool “Messy (TM) queers” and “once youre out of high school/tiktok/get freedom from your parents house, you’ll learn better and have great hookup culture/drinking parties in college dorms” (....i am out of college...) and “being human is feeling love and having a good cry after a breakup” (ok guess im a heartless loveless freak like a kingdom hearts enemy lmao???) or “get therapy lol” (i cant afford it nor do i have the time. but tbh i probably have undiagnosed depression or anhedonia or blunted emotions or something. is that Cool enough for you? does having undiagnosed depression make me Messy (TM) enough to be in your Cool Queer Clique with Adult Life Experiences like not being able to afford therapy and having mystery mental illnesses?)
ugh. just. frustrating.
ill cry alone later and go on some depression sub or r/offmychest or r/confessions or something and probably complain again later abt this idk im just like. ugh. saw 1 tweet about how the only way to be queer is to be Messy (TM) and im just like. no. no that doesnt make me feel connected to your community at all. maybe i just shouldnt use the label queer if im not a real enough person with enough of the right kind of Messy Life Experiences (TM) to fit in with your clique and then get up at 5:55 am to get ready to go to my second job/retail shift. you know. since im just a puriteen confused sexless/maidenless little girl. not a boring 25 year old afab non-binary virgin who just wants to chill and play video games and maybe not have existential crises over how boring and dull and drab and poor i am to not be able to afford to go to parties or travel the world/ “haha you dumb puritan american, just go to a different country to see others cultures lulz” (i have no money and also paid time off doesnt exist here + you have to put in time off requests like 2 weeks to a month in advance and i dont even have a passport) and try 80 different kinds of alcohol or not have one night stands with total strangers despite also watching law & order: SUV (yes yes i know its copaganda and therefore Bad) and try to not think about how i, a small and kinda flabby/unfit asian american afab, might be hate crime’d and/or murdered in someones apartment or something (like, even i were allosexual, i know that even within the queer community for allo people like lesbians and bi/pan women (whether cis or trans women or generally feminine leaning ppl) have some qualms with cis gay men community’s hookup culture)(like i think that there was some ad or concept for a dating app and one of the features was just a button that sent your match your exact location via gps. and all the comments and qrts were of afab/feminine gender leaning ppl being like “bro why”)(also thinking of that one tweet of a tiktok of a white cis woman putting some strands of hair in her uber’s car and all the comments were just like “terminal true crime brain rot” which like yeah theres issues with true crime and exploitation and also tiktok brainrot is probably definately a thing but like c’mon man can ppl not ridicule marginalized ppl for 5 seconds. yes, that lady in the tiktok was def white and probably wouldve gotten like 800 news stories about her if she were to disappear, but like if the tiktok were of a bipoc person leaving a finger nail clipping or hair in an uber car, would you have still ridiculed that person having “terminally online true crime brainrot” or would you have sympathized with them? why do reasonable worries get made fun of despite the current hostile sentiments towards bipoc/trans people?)
eh. rambles. frustrations. idk. im gonna finish this stupid book of skywind 2 for this bard relic weapon. as a “not real/queer enough” person to be considered “human”. just a boring gamer boy that lives in his/their mom’s house and has no life i guess.
(i feel that i have to clarify again that this are random frustrations i have and i might private or delete this post at some point idk. but like. idk. i dont care what others do in their private times. i just am annoyed when others views on how my private life should be gets pushed on me, whether it be by right wing religious people being like “when are you getting married to a man/having kids” or by the “Cool Messy Adult Queers”/”Real People” club being like “why havent you lost your virginity yet, youre just oppressing yourself and are a heartless loveless freak, you need to have the exact same experiences that we allos have to be considered a Cool Queer Adult with Adult Experiences or else youre just a baby puriteen” (ah the infantilization thanks as if i dont get that enough with me being a young looking asian american under 5 feet tall and being a “girl” (gag))(wait wow wee golly gee the thought just occurred to me, but am i just oppressing myself by making myself sexless? *gasp* im not enough a Good Enough asian american, what with the transracial adoption issues so i dont “act” asian american and cant speak mandarin/cantonese/Leizhou Min since i dont have anyone to teach me as a child, and the only focusing on study in high school/college and not going to parties at all. im just a sexless good student asian american stereotype and my entire existence is an offensive stereotype and i cant call myself asian american enough or queer enough to be considered part of those communities! *GASP* wow thanks (allos only) queer community for teaching me that i am a truly a failure as a living breathing thing. i cant even call myself human since i dont have enough Messy (TM) Human Experiences (TM) and my love/sex life (the only part of life that matters after all, not that probably undiagnosed mental illnesses of depression or imposter syndrome or other gender/racial identity issues) is just me reading a spicy fanfic or playing DOL (if ya know ya know lol) sometimes and is totally virtual, not attracted/interested in Flesh And Blood Real Life Humans who are Cool and Queer at all, i only enjoy cold lifeless passionless boring dull monochrome digital letters on a screen and thats not Cool or Messy or Real (Life) enough to be the right kind of Queer for your exclusive Queer club or label myself as Queer or Human or Adult. (aces can only be boring emotionless robots stereotype intensifies)(imposter syndrome over racial identity issues intensifies)(oh yeah i am still ace/aro but like if i had to pick a micro-label i did kinda learn abt aego recently and i think its just neat so yoink lol))
so. maybe i shouldnt call myself queer. idk.
Thought that we left this aphobic/let's make fun of any one whether they are a legit minor too young to go party/drink/do recreational drugs or whether they are an adult with financial issues or trapped in a rural/conservative area with no other irl queer friends who can't afford to go to the cool hip queer sex bar/night club like thousands of miles away in the city (ageism/classism/ and metronormativity all in one?/reverse virgin shaming weirdness/ Trauma(TM) fetishization (*insert that sexy depression girl in bed meme pic*) bs back in like 2013 -15 tumblr or whatever. but I guess I was wrong.
(Also shout out to the time when I got a papercut real bad in my college dorm when I was doing homework and my colleges stupid health center/school nurse closed at an early time of night and all they have in the waiting room was a bowl of free condoms but no free bandaid or period care like free pads or tampons iirc. You know. Reasonable stuff that everyone could use not just allos. Had to spy into the hallway of the office and saw a light on in a back office. Banged on the door and was playing loud music from my phone for a guy to come out. Turns out like admin or accounting for the school shared the space with the hallway/office the school nurse was in. Asked the guy if I could have a simple bandage and he said no. Too much health insurance documentation legal stuff to say that one bandage was missing for one single student with a papercut at 8 pm. Had to walk in the dark to CVS to buy my own box of bandaid. While it was a "safe college" neighborhood thankfully nothing happened, it was not a fun time for me as a short and physically weak person waking around alone at night. Still salty over that. So stupid. My college was so weird and dumb sometimes)
Edit: oh yeah remembered that in addition to being aego aro I am also touch adverse. Sure can't wait for the Cool Adults to just ridicule me as a loser lonely repressed virgin brainwashed by the western purity culture robot forever and tell me to just go touch grass or get therapy or something unhelpful and stupid.)
edit edit: its been abt 10 hours now my temper is a bit cooled down. so like to reiterate, i think that i do agree with some of the sentiment in the original original post about queer media being more than just pg fluff and stuff and queer stories can be 18+ and whatever, its just that this one guy’s reply was just. mask off. exclusionary. aces are not queer, aces are straight people. just. uuugh. anyways. a qrt by an ace person and then a thread/conversation with the aphobe who thinks that ace doesnt belong in queer. i think ill block this guy. seriously i thought that we left this ace exclusion in 2015 but i guess not.
editiedit a few more days later even more now that my head is cooled down from the rage mood i was in when i typed this earlier: yes. i agree with this that being sex neutral should be the way. like i said rambling incoherently earlier, i dont like the actual bad slut shaming puritan stuff of conservatives, but again, i dont like the virgin/”youre just a puritan!” shaming that excludes sex repulsed aces, people who have trauma or whatever about sex that prevents them from having sex, disabled people who physically for whatever reason cant have sex, etc., that comes from the mEsSy QuEeR (extroverted party-going allos only put this part is silent) community. putting sex on a pedestal or glorifying it, as one reblog tag on that post says, should not be the answer to slut shaming. its just a thing that some people do and some people don’t. like deciding to eat pizza or not. its a personal choice and i dont agree with shaming people for doing it or peer pressuring people into doing it before they’re ready. i also saw a screenshot of the “sex repulsed aces = puritans. all my ace friends would hand out water bottles at the orgy.” that everyones talking about and like. nooo??? again, this is the virgin shaming/sex repulsed aces/people with disabilities/trauma exclusion that im talking about from the toxic positivity/sex positive group. if people dont want to go to the orgy and hand out water bottles, they just dont want to go to the orgy to hand out water bottles. it does not equal being a “pUrItAn.” (also, do not invite me to hand out water bottles at the orgy, as an introvert and also a person who doesnt want to get covid19, i just dont like parties or large groups of any kind, the only exception being anime conventions with strict vaccine and mask rules.)
editeditedit: also yes
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xiaq · 3 years
Hi, I have a question re:sex and Christianity. Small background: I still go to church, and I still live with my parents even though I'm not much younger than you, because housing is very very expensive where I live (pretty common here, I would say about 2/3 of my friends live with their parents and we are decently privileged kids)
Anyway. How does one get over purity culture? To be clear, I've never been told in church not to have sex, I've never gotten the gendered lessons that you got. But I am terrified of having sex. My first real, multi-year relationship just ended and while there was hand stuff etc, there was never any p in v sex (lol I feel 12). But I still had insane anxiety about being pregnant despite being on bc. And I think its because I know my parents would be so disappointed if I had sex. And if I was pregnant I could imagine all the gossip. And honestly I think im from a pretty open church, b/c one of our previous ministers kids recently got married at 8 months pregnant and lots of church people were at the wedding and supportive and her parents were there and everything.
I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???
(Asking because it seems like you've been pretty open about purity culture/removing yourself from it)
CW for sex talk (again)
How does one get over purity culture?
Oh man. That really is the million-dollar question, huh? Obviously, I can only answer re my personal experiences, and this is something you should talk to a therapist about, but I can tell you how I’ve tackled it with my therapist at least.
Purity culture is, at its core, an ideology that is perpetuated by shame. If you’re indoctrinated into purity culture when you’re a kid, the concepts become baked into the way you construct your identity, your perception of self, and your perception of your sexuality. It’s practically intrinsic, by the time you’re an adult, to feel shame any time you’re reminded you have a body, much less a sexuality.
According to the chapels I sat through every week as a kid, a girl's body could be 3 things: an intentional stumbling block for men, an accidental stumbling block for men, or unnoticeable. Women were to strive for the third option so as to keep their (and their male friends/authority figures) purity intact. After all, if a boy, or even your male teacher, had impure thoughts about you, it was your fault for tempting them (which, holy shit. I still can’t believe that was a thing I bought into for so long. If my 45 yr old grown-ass teacher had impure thoughts because he could see my 12 yr old collarbone, that sure as hell wasn’t my fault. But I digress.) The Only time a woman’s body can be something else, is when she gives it to her husband, at which point she must suddenly flip the switch in her brain that she is now allowed to be a Sexual Being and she must perform Sexual Duties despite living in outright fear of her own body and sexuality for years (decades?) up until this point. Jesus take the wheel.
Purity culture isn’t a thing you can just decide to walk away from if you’ve grown up in it. Because its ideology is insidious and internalized. So first you need to submit to the fact that you’re going to be fucked up about sex. It sounds like you’re there. Second, you need to interrogate what you believe. If you’re leaving religion behind entirely, you’ll approach removing yourself from purity culture differently than if you still identify as a Christian. It sounds like you might be the latter, which meant, for me, separating what’s actually biblical and what’s shitty, contrived, doctrine that I was told is biblical but is actually more political than spiritual. This helps you address the shame issue.
You need to throw away I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Lady in Waiting and all those ridiculous books you read and reread in the hopes of somehow obtaining impossible marriage perfection and look into actual scripture interpreted within its historical context. I could write a book on this, but the TL;DR is that the text of the Bible was written, translated, curated, and changed multiple times over thousands of years by human beings with human biases and, often, personal and/or political agendas. It contradicts itself! Reading it as it is—a flawed historical document—rather than some sort of God-breathed perfect document—is incredibly freeing. When you do, you’ll probably realize that purity culture is bullshit on a spiritual level. Which is a good start, if that matters to you. Because any time you start to feel shame or guilt you can ask yourself: does God actually care if I wear a bikini or touch a dick I’m not married to? Probably not. Wear the bikini. Touch the dick.
The most important therapy session for me was when my therapist asked what I would do if I got to heaven and God was actually the God I’d been raised to fear. What would I do if he condemned me for being bisexual and having premarital sex and becoming educated, for arguing with men, and failing to isolate while menstruating, and wearing mixed fabrics? If Montero had come out at the point, I probably would have said I’d pole dance down to hell. Instead, I said I would spit on heaven’s gates. If a god that cruel and that pointlessly demeaning really exists—a god who would create in me condemned desire—I won't worship him. The good news is, I’m 99% sure he doesn’t exist. At the very least, he isn’t supported by scripture.
Okay. The final thing you need to do is figure out what you actually want, sexually speaking. This bit is probably the hardest. I’m still in the early stages of this myself. You say: “I dont even think I particularly like sex, i might be on the ace spectrum, but how do I remove it from all the anxiety that's tied to it so I can even give myself the chance to find out???” Bro, I wish I had an easy answer for you. For me, whenever I’m feeling anxious about Sex Things, I tell myself: 1. My God does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 2. My partner does not equate my worth to my sexual habits. 3. I do not equate my worth to my sexual habits. It seems silly, but reminding myself of those three things is massively helpful. If, after I’ve sorted through those, I’m still anxious or uncomfortable, I stop doing the thing. I evaluate. Am I overwhelmed and I need to try again some other time? Do I just not like the thing? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Sometimes you change your mind. Sometimes you just don’t know. That’s why having a partner who you trust and who’s willing to patiently explore your interests (and respect your disinterests) is so important. Half the battle, for me, was having a partner who told me they’d be ok with no sex at all. Because that took the pressure off me. If the bare minimum they need is nothing, then anything more than that is a bonus! Hooray! This is maybe TMI, but let me tell you. I thought I was asexual* right up until I was able to have moderately non-anxious sex. Never in my life did I think I would initiate a sexual situation but… I do now. It’s a fun thing to do with a person I love and, holy shit. I am furious that I nearly missed out on it.
Finally, re birth control: I don’t know how you can approach that fear in a way that works for you. If you don’t want to ever have penetrative sex, that’s fine! If that’s a point of anxiety you can’t get rid of, then don't push yourself to do it. If you find out you like other sex things, do the other sex things! If you don't like doing any sex things, don't do any sex things! Also, have you considered sleeping with people who can’t get you pregnant? Always an option if it’s an option you want to consider. ;)
Okay. I hope this was even a little bit helpful. Sorry if it’s a little convoluted, I typed it up in bursts during my work breaks.
*This is not at all to say that asexuality can be “fixed." Rather, it’s to say that things like purity culture can drastically confuse your sexuality in general. If you’re asexual, then this process is still important to discover what you like/dislike. Then you can be explicit about those necesities and find a partner who’s a good fit (if you want a partner at all, that is).
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kkusuka · 4 years
HQ Middle blocker kinks <3
@xxxxtanaxxxx​ request  hq kinks but middle blocker version please 🥺
I'm gonna be honest i wasn't gonna do this buuut here it is 
i have a setter one in the works and here is the ace version!
here is the setter version <3
Characters:  Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Suna Rintaro, Satori Tendo, Taichi Kawanishi, Issei Matsukawa,  Takanobu Aone,, Shoyo Hinata, Lev Haiba Shugo Meian (MSBY captain), and Yutaro Kindaichi
Mentioned female anatomy, but mostly gn
content warning: consensual non-con, humiliation, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurisms, degradation, bondage, sex toys, cockwarming, edging, soft priamal/prey, mentions of house break-ins, pegging, size kink, overuse of the word Daddy, face fucking, hickeys
i think thats all? 
buckle up, this is gonna be looooong.
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Tsukishima Kei
This is a given, my mans has a mouth on him, AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE IT
He says the most vulgar things in your ears (and you love it)
His nickname for you is Cum-dump, and he calls you that so much that you’ve started to respond to it. “Hey, Cum-dump! Come here” “ok Tsukki”
And when he’s cumming? A slew of insults just come out
“You whore, oh, you fucking cum-slut, you’d let anyone do this to you won't you”
And it's not limited to this!
“You're just a hole”
“You only exist for me to fuck, Right? You're just a glorified fleshlight”
“You're only good for sucking my cock”
“I should just leave you chained to the wall so I can fuck you anytime I want, that's all you're good at so you should love it”
It won’t even be only during sex
You could literally be just studying with him and he’ll just lean over and say “ you want to be fucked right now don't you? In front of all these people, I bet you’d love it Cum-dump”
Goes with a dirty mouth
He’ll flip your skirt while walking in front of groups of other students
He purposely sucks hickeys where your uniform does not cover and then laughs at you because you're just such a slut.
One of his favorite things to do is have you wear a vibrator in school, only on days where you have to do something in front of the class
No worries he has the remote and turns it alllllll the way up during the middle of your presentation, you just look so cute all red!
He’ll make it better!!
You can cum in front of the class, let everyone know how much of a whore you are!
Purposeful neglect
He wants you so horny you can’t think
If that means not giving you attention for FIVE DAYS so be it.
No touching yourself and if he finds out you did he’ll ignore you for longer and you don’t want that do you?
You will wait for him to touch you.
He’ll also just ignore you.
No begging, he doesn't care, he doesn't want to hear it.
Don't touch him, stop being a brat or you won’t get off for a whole week.
It's all about control <3
Having you tied up and immobile is the best way to show how little you are.
He’ll tie you up and put you on the couch with a vibrator and just watch movies, unable to rock your hips
This seems cruel but he’ll tie your hands up and make you eat dinner with just your mouth <3
He’ll make you watch tv with a ball gag in
He’ll have a riding crop in his hands when you study and he’ll hit your little clit/silt with it every time you get a question wrong
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Pet names
Literally any kind o endearment, but mainly switches between Kitten and Baby Girl/Boy(i am swooning right now)
He WILL call you these in front of people and out loud in public
He’s called you them in front of your parents in front of Kenma in the middle of the grocery store.
So you're wondering, why does that matter? People do that all the time!
Well, he calls you them so you remember how he completely ruined your little body and how his cum is still dripping out of you <3
And its cannon that he has a sexy voice, and it drops and gets deeper when he calls you them.
Thigh highs
It doesn't matter in you have the biggest thighs ever or just a bone, if you wear any kind of thigh highs (bonus points for Cat ones) he will be ready to bust a nut
It's not only him that gets off on them, especially when he takes them off
He’ll climb over you and use his teeth to pull them down to your feet and he’ll kiss and bite his way back up to do the other one.
He also will sometimes leave them on to rail you into your bed, when this happens he puts your legs over your shoulders and squishes his head between them.
(kuroo loves thighs, and that's that)
He's taken care of Kenma all his life, and you bet your ass he’ll do it for you
This means he gives the best aftercare you could imagine, I’m talking bubble baths
He’ll cook for you in nothing but an apron, and he’ll tease you when you get all flushed and cute!
You had a bad day? He’ll eat you out for hours until you’re all cuddly and tired.
He’ll fuck you slow where you need it and he’ll kiss all the pain away <3
He just loves having you dependent on him makes him so happy and thankful to have you!
Mainly for Kenma, but he let bokuto have a turn and even convinced Tsikki to give it a try!
He really just wants to show off that you��re his what better way to show you off then let some of them get a taste of something they’d never have.
Favorite position for this? Split roasting/ Eiffel towering
He's the one who you're sucking on, and he’s so far down your throat making him suck you deeper and deeper until you’re drooling all over his balls like a good Kitten
Whoever he sharing you with would be in you following whatever Kuroo tells them to do
Rub your clit? Yes Sir.
Faster. Yup
Slowdown Kittens being bad so she doesn't get to get off <3
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Suna Rinatro
Purposeful neglect
Just like Tsukki, he wants you hot and bothered all the time
He will just sit around and scroll on his phone while you’re whining :(
Just let him watch this video and he’ll get you off!
Will never tell you but you just look so cute, all needy and horny for him.
Sometimes he’ll slip you a libido pill and just watch the world burn.
He will wait until you have ruined whatever shorts you’re wearing (and he’ll take them) and THEN he will help his poor needy baby
Almost every time he games, he puts you on his dick
you already know it’s happening when he takes the controller out
He says it's because he doesn't want to “leave you out”
No moving on him though, if you8 move it could distract him and you do not want him to lose, losing means being pounded into the floor until you can't think, then being ignored the rest of the day “horny sluts can sit on the floor until they need to be used”.
But if all goes well, he’ll go soft in between rounds and will suck on your neck and will let you cuddle into him during the rounds
But when Suna if feeling a bit more adventurous he will put his headset on you and fuck you with all of his friends listening
And if that's not bad enough they all clearly know what’s happening id Osamus soft coo’s and Gin’s little comments (but it's not like they want it to stop anyway)
Will literally just do this out of nowhere
You thought you were finally gonna cum, then nothing
HE WILL just do things for hours to see you cry and begging or him to just let you cum
He’ll stick four fingers in you and bring you to your climax and just leave you on the edge
He won't even have a reason, you were being good, you let him play his game and he does this?
Que pouty bby
We all saw this coming-
But he takes it a step further than just having a photo collection of you
He has a personal private story with just you in it where he put videos of you riding him or sucking his dick fo you to “see how slutty you are”
 that's not even it,  he sends you a picture of you naked in the middle of work, with no shame either
Thus one time you were showing a coworker a shirt you had bought and he texted you and the picture showed up. It was awkward for the next few days.
But these don't even compare to how he has an entire Instagram account (private of course) of your nodes and videos of the two of you fucking.
One extra little thing is that you both watch porn together for ideas.
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Satori Tendou
(i could make him a post of his own-so so many kinks for Satori)
Humiliation (mentions of pee)
This can range from calling you names to making you touch yourself in public
He’s called you a pillow princess in the middle of class, in front of your teacher
It had gotten so bad they Ushijima had to ask what a “cum-dumpster was” because Satori had called you that in front of the team.
He doesn't even introduce you as his S/O, hw=e would call you an escort or that you were just his personal fuck toy.
This kink goes so far that when you were on a double date with Semi, under the table Tendo had his hand literally in your pants.
**One of his favorite things is to make you hold your pee in until you are almost peeing yourself, isn't that embarrassing that you're a grown adult who’s about to wet yourself?
He wants to see you a complete mess all over him
The main goal of all of this is to make you squirt or begin to have dry orgasms
He will not stop until he’s happy or you say your safe word (which is rare)
One orgasm just isn't enough for him :/
And it's a big boost of confidence for him!
he‘s proud to know he can make you cum so much you cant even think!
This AND overstim?
Good luck
He can't even explain why it turns him on so much.
You just look so beautiful with tears streaming down your face all fucked out
It always hits him at the worst times too, you crying over a bad grade? A pretty tear falling over your soft cheeks. Hard.
Just watched a sad movie, he’s ready to pound you into the couch.
Oh ho ho
This can be one of two things, he does it because it feels good
He does it as punishment
That means no lube
No adjusting to his dick
And no extra pleasure to help you get off
He’s so mean </3
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Taichi Kawanishi
This man screams pornstar
Public sex
This man is unstable
You could just be walking in public and he just decides he wants to fuck.
Who are you to stop him?
Just let him get this out real quick you can shop later.
The thought of being in the open? This man loves it
And you don't really have a choice but to love it
Every time you go to the beach he just has his dick in you, in the ocean sitting in his lap while eating lunch
He doesn't even care who sees
Children? Who cares, look away or whatever
Getting caught
It doesn't even matter who it is
If someone walks in when you're doing it he’s cumming
It's just hot
He doesn't need to explain it to you
he also makes u take nudes and had them as his homescreen for a while
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Issei Matsukawa
I’d let this man kill me-
Leather/ latex
He wears them when he fingers you so he can make fun of how wet you made them.
He dresses you up in these pretty little pastel dresses (gender to heel, he doesn't care, you look hot weather your a boy, girl, or not) and he wears all black (goth daddy Mattsun) and his gloves to fuck you in his leather-covered fist.
That's not even it
He has an entire bin of different colored chokers and leashes just for his pretty baby
Along with that, he has a shelf of latex thigh highs for you to wear and even has an entire outfit for you to wear and show off to him.
This is why he has a lot of things that you wear!
He loves to take care of you all the time!
He loves to make his baby food and love to watch movies with you
And you love him so much too!
You would do anything for Daddy!
And he takes you shopping and to restaurants, and if you want literally anything big or small all you have to do is look up at him with puppy dog eyes and a “Daddy, please!!” and boom his credit card is already out.
Size kink
Big dick Mattsun-
This all comes back to the fact that you are so beautiful
And big dick little hole, who doesn't love that??
He sure does, don't worry though he always makes sure to prep you
Except if it's punishment- he doesn't like it he swears! He’d never want to hurt you!
And you’d believe it until your crying on his cock and it throbs ://
But if it still hurts, and it does, he’ll let you go your pace and sink all the way down onto his cock<3
Fun fact the first time he went into your ass he tried to with no lube and you couldn't sit for DAYS
Voyeurism (receiving)
Makki Makki Makki
I would say he was into Cuckolding but its always him doing the watching while Issei fucks you
And Makki loves it too if his constant praises and coo’s said anything about it.
And Mattsun just gets off on the fact his best friend is watching something he’ll (maybe if you're not into it) never fully have
Mattsun also likes having you tied up an watching him fuck a fleshlight of just jerking off
You look so pathetic :)
extra for big dick mattsun, he Shows all of his friends <3
I am a whore for the Seijoh 4
You bet Makki has an entire folder of pic of you, whether they are of you dripping cum or just with your legs open.
Even if he says he doesn't save them, you know Iwa has gotten off you a recording of you moaning and asking for Daddy’s cock
And Oikawa is always asking for more (the little manwhore), he says they are “references” for him, liar, he jerks off to them in his bathroom.
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Takanobu Aone
It's always the quiet ones-
I just gotta get these first two out-
Consensual non-con
I can just TELL he like to pretend to break into your house
Pretend you're so scared and you don't like it
Tying you up and listening to your little cries, awwwwweeee
You were just too pretty to ignore
Just let him have a taste, stop crying he knows you want it just as much as he does
He wants to feel like he earned his reward
A perfect little trophy for him to use as a toy
His dick in your tiny dripping hole is all the reward he needs
It's like you're a pretty innocent bunny and he’s a big fox just waiting for the right time to strike :)
Soft sex/ praise
I know what I said up there
But none of that means he doesn't love just setting you down on the bed with candles and rose petals and just making love
Soft music in the background and worshipping every inch of your skin
You need to be vocal though!
Tell him how pretty he is when he cums, and how perfectly his dick fits in your hole!
Tell him how soft he looks and how he is making your nipples feel like heaven.
Aftercare- bc I am also soft for aone and he is a good guy
Bubble baths and chocolate
Movies and cuddling
All of this makes him so glad that he found you
Especially when you cuddle into him all sleepily and tired.
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Shoyo Hinata
oh he is so pretty-
Mutual masturbation
It's the perfect way to experience pleasure
He can see you in all your glory
All of the faces he sometimes misses when he’s fucking you!
He also learns from it!
He sees the angle your fingers go to hit that sweet spot so the next time he’s in you he knows where to aim!
(he is so precious-)
You wanted to try it so he almost immediately agreed-
But it felt good!
The two of you reserved what one you wanted so the one he picked was almost made for him.
Plus, you look ridiculously good with the strap on-
And he voices that as much as he can!
And sometimes when he rides the strap he just watches it going in and out and in and out
(you also think this is SUPER hot but won't tell him :/)
It doesn't matter if it's you or him
Watching you fall apart on his cock without him doing a thing makes him cum harder than anything
Sometimes he gets so excited that he comes before you and makes you stay there until he’s hard again, which doesn't take long at all.
when it's him?
he’ll go for hours just to hear you tell him how good he is and how pretty he looks
Especially pastel babydolls
But nothing you wear could ever make you look bad in his eyes
Ok he likes it when you keep the lingerie on too like he’s fucking you and you till have a little nightgown/crop top on
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Lev Haiba
Size kink
Unintentionally too
He didn't even know it, but he did know that he liked that you were so much smaller than him.
He likes to put your hand to him and just look at the difference and before he knew it he was painfully hard
On the occasion, he makes fun of you saying his dick is just too big for you and you can't handle it, but then you get on your knees and he shuts up real quick
Praise kink
A given
He wants to know how good he makes you feel at all times
It doesn't have to be words either!
loud moans explanations of pleasure all drive him to move faster and faster!
Even yelling “oh god!” gets him off
He makes you feel that good huh?
Wall sex
Just playing on the size kink thing
He loves to just pick you up and fuck with reckless abandon
Gets a way better angle too- bet you didn't think he would realize that
He also likes to watch the combination of your juices drip to the floor-
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Shugo Meian (MSBY captain)
Sexiest team-
Daddy/ Captain kink
Just look at him, he screams Daddy louder than you do when he’s fucking you
He takes pride in being Captain meaning he’ll fuck you for hour if the word even falls from your lips
And yes you have said it (daddy) front of the team and he did get hard, and the both of you did fuck in the locker room of the gym for an hour before you got kicked out
Even in arguments you better call him daddy, he will stop and fuck you into the ground for it
Angry or not you WILL use his title
Will threaten you with this almost everyday
He just uses it as an excuse to touch your ass
He makes you count after each one and makes you thank him
It would look a bit like this
“Five! Thank you Daddy!” “Good Baby, five more”
But that doesn’t mean when you really deserve it that he won't unleash the wrath of god onto your poor ass
But after he’ll kiss it all better and Daddy will reward you for taking your punishment well
Controlled orgasms
By this i mean that you wont cum unless he says so
And you have to ask
Aka “Daddy please let me cum, I really want to”
And depending on what he’s feeling maybe you’ll get to cum then
And if not you’ll have to wait like a good Girl/Boy and cum when he does, which could late literally forever.
but its better than disobeying his orders, which could lead to him completely pulling out and just jerking off to cum on you :((
Deepthroating/ Face Fucking
Nothing is better to him than coming home to you on your knees and mouth open and ready
But when he’s all pent up from practice and he sees you?
Rip your throat, you aren't talking for a few days
He’ll literally fuck your face no question
He’ll put his dick so far down your throat you could feel it in your stomach
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Yutaro Kindaichi
Hate sex 
He just makes everyone angry
And he gets off on it
You look so fucking delectable all red faced and angry
Makes him want to just slam into right then and there
Clearly he wants to be in control
Controlling someone is just such a  turn-on for him
Looking all pretty doing exactly what he wanted you too <3
Wants to show off that you are his 
What better way than marking up your neck with pretty bruises
Plus he likes how you get all shy when people look at them 
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 + 𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚.
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; how their teams react to the scratch marks on their backs (obviously provoked by you)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; suggestive, few curse words, mentions of sex??
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; crack (??? im not sure
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; i love this hcs and wanted to do it for by best boys and my best teams. also no one ever mentions kawanishi and that's so sad bc i love him 😞
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— 𝚒𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚎.
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-> i swear it's not that he's rough.
-> i mean he is but sometimes he just want to have some good old vanilla sex and cuddle yk.
-> and last night was one of those times.
-> but my man is just– HE'S ROUGH EVEN IF HE DOESN'T TRY.
-> so he usually have scratches marks after you do it, although he is pretty careful about it.
-> he doesn't want the team to tease you and that's your intimate sex life like he's trying to protect you ok.
-> also he knows matsukawa and makki WON'T let it go and oikawa is not better.
-> but this time he just forgot.
-> he has a lot in mind and when he arrives to the lockers and starts changing the last thing he thinks about is last night.
-> he is a little thrown off by how silent everything is.
-> kindaichi, who usually speaks a lot to kunimi while changing, is dead quiet.
-> since iwaizumi's face is facing the wall, he can't see how everyone there is watching beholding his back.
-> sure, mattsun, makki and oikawa knew you had sex.
-> and the rest kinda knew too?? but ignored it??
-> but that was some EXPLICIT CONTENT.
-> "ohmygod y/n that poor thing" makki is the first one to talk.
-> iwa just stands there like ???????wdym
-> "is that– is that blood?" that one is watari.
-> "IS IT OKAY FOR US TO TALK ABOUT Y/N-SENPAI THIS WAY????" and this one is kindaichi, who is in all shades of red.
-> and then it hits iwa. just as oikawa walks in.
-> iwaizumi can't even react he just puts on his shirt and (・_・;)
-> he doesn't even leave the locker he's just standing there, all red.
-> yahaba would be so jealous, but act cool, like he had done it a thousand times already pack it up virgin
-> kyoutani kinda doesn't care?? but he stares and secretly thinks he HAS to have more scratches whenever he does the deed.
-> watari is still trying to get over the initial shock.
-> and kunimi left the locker room like five minutes ago bc he doesn't care fr.
-> one of the few times he teams with makki and mattsun.
-> "my iwa-chan, such a big boy" "should we check on y/n?" "i really thought you were vanilla"
-> hajime just takes the jokes like a champ, he knows they won't stop so he just gotta smile and nod.
-> but when you arrive to the gym, looking for him to walk home together, and oikawa teases you???
-> somehow iwa manages to throw like three volleyballs at him at the same time because NO ONE'S FUCKING WITH YOU.
-> you get it?? bc he did that last night but he didn't let oikawa mock u–
-> that was the day he became daddy iwa for the third years 😛
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— 𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒.
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-> he is massive, ok?? massive.
-> homeboy doesn't even know how massive he is.
-> not until probably tendou pointed it out, and ushi would just be like:
-> "huh 😕"
-> so yeah, scratch marks are pretty common.
-> the thing is, he doesn't have a high libido, so you don't do it that often.
-> hence to why, he never had to worry about it.
-> he was a little shocked the first time you did it and he looked at his back after and ????you used it as a fucking canvas.
-> his only concern is wether you are okay tbh.
-> he's always the first one to arrive to the locker room, until goshiki appeared and started to arrive earlier to show he's more committed than ushijima.
-> tendou and wakatoshi are like go off girl.
-> the rest arrive a few seconds later, and ushijima proceeds to take off his shirt.
-> lemme tell you, goshiki STARES at his body.
-> scratches or not, he (●__●) at his abs, his shoulders, his back, his arms, EVERYTHING.
-> who wouldn't tho.
-> so he's the first one to notice.
-> does he has to have sex if he's the ace??? does he needs scratches???? looks like it hurt, but if ushijima-senpai can do it, then he can to 😤
-> "uh..." says reon, elbowing kawanishi at his side who elbows semi who elbows yamagata and they are not shocked but waiting for the kouhais' reactions.
-> "oh my sweet lord i knew this would happen"
-> ushijima genuinely doesn't understand what everybody's talking about, but he never does so he just stands there and listen trying to comprehend.
-> shirabu is a mix between disgust and amazement because his captain's back is sO marked, it's even a little swollen.
-> was he..... was he that big?
-> that's when shirabu starts thinking about what could you have done, like, in details.
-> his face suddenly becomes RED OH FUCK THAT'S Y/N-SENPAI HE'S THINKING ABOUT
-> semi has to do his best effort to hide his laugh but every now and then he lets out a giggle which leads to kawanishi laughing too.
-> "are you okay ushijima-senpai?"
-> someone protect this child please.
-> wakatoshi is kinda thrown off by the question but he is feeling alright.
-> semi can't hold back and just burst in laugh.
-> shirabu is so distressed and yells "DON'T LAUGH HE'LL REALIZE"
-> ushi: 🤨
-> "did you have a fun night, wakatoshi?" asks tendou, a smirk on his face, shouting glances at his teammates.
-> "i did, i took y/n on a date, we had dinner and then..." he can't say what you did next.
-> "then...?" follows semi, gaining a hit from reon.
-> "i don't think y/n would want me to talk about this"
-> "we know, wakatoshi" that's tendou. and he slaps ushijima's back, a little too hard.
-> it's when he feels a subtle burning feeling he remembers.
-> "oh, yes, i have scratches on my back"
-> everyone's like who would've guessed 🧐
-> goshiki thought he was going to explain??? maybe give some advice???
-> anyways, shirabu STARES at you the next time he sees you and goshiki can't look at you without turning red.
-> kawanishi and semi TEASE and reon literally asks you if you're okay.
-> tendou is so surprised because he knew wakatoshi had to be rough but expectations WAY surpassed.
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
bath time [henry cavill]
A/N: Ok, i wanted to make this as domestic as possible, so basically this is just plotless SMUT + a fair amount of sex talk. Also, for the sake of this one shot, imagine Henry is not famous. It’ll make sense later. That being said, I hope you’ll enjoy this, and please don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought! (4.5k)
"There are literal drops of sweat rolling down my sides" you huffed, throwing your bag onto the floor and kicking off your shoes.
Behind you, Henry sighed as he closed the door. As soon as you heard the lock click, you turned to see him shuffling out of his shirt. It was a swift motion; just a half second after he grabbed the back of his collar and until the material was off of his body and all crumpled up in his hand. "You got nothing on me, love" he shook his head.
Even in the darkness of your entrance hallway, you could see faint traces of light reflect from tens and tens of sweat droplets all over his body. The curls that would normally frame his face were now glued to his forehead, and if you didn’t know any better you’d have thought he had just gotten out of the shower.
"Has it ever been this hot?" you mumbled, rushing into the living room and turning on the air conditioning. "Like, is this normal?"
"Normal?" Henry laughed, walking past you and into the kitchen, "Most likely not. But I think we should get used to it"
"I'm sorry, mother nature" you whispered, moving towards him.
You settled against one of the counters, and watched Henry rummage through the fridge. "Have you heard about Costa Rica?" he asked over his shoulder.
"No... What about it?"
"Apparently-" he said, straightening his back and closing the fridge. He handed you one bottle of water, and as you opened yours, he placed his’ against his chest, and rolled it down his abdomen. What a sight, but he didn't seem to have done it on purpose. "They're gonna be the first country in the world to completely free themselves of single use plastics and fossil fuel. In 2017 I think, they ran on 100% renewable energy for 300 days"
"Can we move there?" you asked, "That's incredible"
"I hope it's true and that they keep this going" he sighed, and finally opened up his bottle to take a sip.
By now, the cool air from the AC had barely started to reach you, but your body temperatures were already starting to drop. You decided to hop into the shower, and Henry affirmed he was going to do the same after he unpacked the bags. Although you felt a bit guilty letting him do this all by himself, you figured you'd be even eventually, since you were the one to cook dinner that night.
You didn't bother to grab any clothes before heading into the bathroom. You just walked in, turned on the water, threw all your clothes onto the floor and jumped into the shower. It felt heavenly. For a few minutes, you didn't even move, just allowed the water to drip down your body and wash away all the layers of sweat you had acquired during your morning errand run. 
Just when you grabbed the soap, you heard the bathroom door open, "Yeah?" you mindlessly called, assuming Henry must be needing something from his cabinet.
Nonchalantly, he just walked inside, not even bothering to look at you. He just sighed with relief and started unbuttoning his jeans.
“What are you doing?” you laughed, expecting him to just grab something and then leave.
With obvious surprise on his face, he raised his gaze, “Getting ready to shower?”
He stopped dead in his tracks, his pants hanging onto his thighs for support as he had already undone and unzipped them. “Is this a problem? Do you want me to leave?”
Judging by the look in his eyes, he seemed a bit offended, but still willing to give you the privacy he thought you wanted.
“No, no.. Don’t leave, what the-” you chuckled, pulling the curtain to the side as an invitation for him to join you, “Just thought you were gonna shower in the other bathroom that’s all”
“What would I do that?” Henry shook his head, shuffling out of his jeans, “I can go if you want me to-”
“Jesus christ, Henry” you scoffed, and waved your arms for him, “Just come here”
“Why are you acting weird?” he laughed, taking off his underwear and walking towards you. He stopped just before stepping inside the shower, and looked at you with a devilish smirk on his lips, “Did you do something stupid?”
“I didn’t oh my god” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his forearm.
He followed your guide and stepped in. As you raised your hand to reach for the soap on the corner shelf, Henry wrapped his arms around you from behind. The water hadn’t yet reached his body, but he was still a bit damp and a lot sticky.
You let out a shriek, “I think we know who won the sweating contest”
“Of course I won, love” he laughed, burying his head into your neck. He spoke softly, in a low tone, but he did it so that his breath fanned directly against your neck, “Didn’t think there was any question about it”
“It was worth a shot” you laughed and turned around in his hold.
You took a few careful steps backwards, and pulled him after you. Leaning against the tiles, you stood and watched him walk directly into the water stream. It poured down his body, along his sides and down every calloused dimple of his frame. With your eyes trained on his body, you reached out and handed him the bar of soap, “Wash yourself for me, please”
“I take it I should put on a show” he laughed and you just nodded.
And he did try. “Ok, but like gimme a second to prepare” he commanded, pointing a finger at you.
“Whatever you need” you giggled and watched him grab a lufa, soaking it in ridiculous amounts of shower gel. He looked up at you, grinning proudly as he pushed his hair away from his face.
What you expended him to do was to sensually rub that sponge all over his body and have your mouth water in an instant. However, he had other plans. Henry held the eye contact as he closed the distance between the two of you, pressing you all the way back and against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. 
“I know it’s not what you were waiting for” he chuckled in your ear, “But I think you’ll like this better”
There was no actual reason for you to argue and try to convince him otherwise, so you just hummed in agreement. He took it as his cue to get going, so his arms snaked around your frame, meeting at the base of your spine. The atmosphere, the hot water, his body so close to yours - everything was working on making this moment as intoxicating as possible.
You felt the soothing material rub against your back as Henry pushed his hands upwards along your spine. In the meantime, his lips pressed against the side of your neck, fervidly kissing away all your self control. 
“Ok, ok-” you moaned, tilting your head to the side. Your words were molded by the smile on your lips, “I see you, ok”
Henry kissed his way back up to your lips, “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m glad it’s working”
“Oh, it’s definitely working” you eagerly nodded. He happily attacked your lips with another kiss, and you almost gave in entirely. Without any warning, he went full in, his tongue lewdly parting your lips, tasting you with no trace of hesitation. You arched your back against him, and in response, a soft moan escaped his throat. For a short while, he kept the message going, the rough touch of the lufa awakening your senses. It was nice while it lasted, but when he dropped it, you didn't feel like complaining. 
His rough palms pressed against the skin of your back, lustfully caressing their way up your spine. Pure, lascivious need dripped from his lips, suffocating you in the immense pleasure he was able to lay upon you, even through just a kiss.
As caught up in the moment as you were, your reality was instantly shaken up by the feeling of his cock fiercely twitching against your thigh. Not even a moment’s worth of hesitation followed, as you suggestively dragged your right palm down his callused body, only to grip his hardening member into your hand.
Henry gulped deeply into the kiss, his lips freezing for a second. Allowing his forehead to fall against yours, he spoke with his eyes closed, “You’re asking for it”
The threat came in what was probably the most sexual way possible, but he meant it. As crazy as you were about shower sex, it was a no go. You and Henry have been dating for almost three months now, and even with all the lube in the world, shower sex was still off limits. This was one of the very few moments it came as a bother, because you two never encountered a situation where you couldn’t find a place to do it.
“It won’t hurt to try” you suggestively brought your lips between your teeth, looking up into his eyes through your lashes. 
As you spoke, your hand traveled along his cock, with the profound intention to get him to agree.
“It probably will, darling” Henry chuckled, along with a knowing shake of his head, “Just let me wash you, yeah? And we’ll finish this later”
“Or I could just finish this now” you smiled, the grip of your fingers tightening ever so slightly around his cock, “Please?”
“Can you not?” he laughed, “I’m-”
Seeing him about to disagree, you lustfully guided your thumb along the slit of his penis, moving it back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace. It was enough to get him to shut up.
“Fuck-” Henry grunted. His hands slammed into the wall on either side of your head in hopes of finding another source of balance, while his head urgently fell back.
“Knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me” you smiled, fisting his cock into your hand.
Feeling his member harden against your palm made your mouth water. Directly in your line of sight, you could see Henry’s chest, vehemently rising and falling, as water dripped down his skin. His flexed arms framed your body, trapping you between his massive figure and the wall, and it all worked in your advantage. 
“Look at me, baby” you smiled, nudging the side of his abdomen.
Less than a muscle put at work, his head fell forward as if it was the most difficult task in the world. Henry watched you from under a pleasure induced frown, a vulgar color tinting his cheeks towards the most errotic shade of red.
“Go on, love” he encouraged you, as if needed.
The pleasure was all yours. The choked back moans that would manage to escape his throat were all you needed in return. Despite the warm water that was pouring on top of your bodies, his breath was coarsely hot, fanning against your lips.
Picking up your pace, you could feel his cock getting harder by the second.
Cupping his cheek into your free hand, you effortlessly guided him to meet your lips. Although covered in miniature droplets of water, his lips were dry under the strain you put on him. You worked him up beyond expectation, feverishly consuming his whole self control.
A soft purposeful moan from you and into his mouth was the last drop, “Angel-” he whimpered.
“I got you, baby” you teased, speaking lewdly against his lips.
Looking down between your bodies, your eyes landed on his inflamed tip, ripe precum dripping onto your fingers for the shortest of seconds, before being washed away by the endlessly pouring water.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” you moaned, consuming his remaining ounces of vigor as you worked devious amounts of pressure against his slit.
Bottom lip tortured between two rows of merciless teeth, all Henry managed to give you was a nod. A nod of approval, one which brought a smile to your lips.
“Come on” you deplored, crying your words without any kind of shame, “I want your cum, baby, give it to me”
“Fucking hell!” Henry groaned, rubbing his forehead against his shoulder, “Really want it, huh? Couldn’t fucking wait to get out of the shower?”
“Better get on your knees then” 
Vividly maintaining the eye contact, you lowered yourself in front of him. You opened your mouth, getting ready for him, but you weren’t there yet.
Henry wrapped his hand into your wet hair, pulling you towards him as he took a few steps back. His cock hung proudly in its full glory inches away from your starved lips, but you decided to wait patiently like you know he loves so much.
With his fingers still gravely tormenting your roots, Henry made you look up. The fervor in his eyes was reflected in the length his cock had reached. “Tongue out, angel. And look at me, yeah?”
You nodded eagerly.
Henry worked himself through the remaining energy he had left, fisting his cock with nowhere near as much lust as you did just minutes before. But you were on your knees, mouth open and tongue out like the good girl he loves to fuck so much, so it was only a matter of time until he pushed himself over the edge.
He didn’t cum without a warning, that came in the form of a harsh tug of your hair.
In waves, his cum coated your tongue. The water was still full on pouring behind you, yet all that was audible were his moans, and the plethora of curse words he found suitable to express himself.
“Jesus, fuck-!” Henry cried, mercilessly pumping his cock.
He was nearing the end of his high, but he kept going. The sight of you proudly swallowing his cum added to his pleasure, forcing his head back, “Fuck… Y/n…”
Your teasing side awakened, and in the head of the moment, you pushed yourself up, circling your lips around his tip, sucking the last droplets of his juice directly into your mouth.
As soon as he finished, Henry collapsed against the wall by his side, panting heavily, eyes trained somewhere on the other side of the bathroom.
“Thank you, daddy” you laughed, choosing his thighs as the perfect element of stability to help you stand up. You happily kissed his lips as soon as you reached his level.
“Oh, this is nowhere near done, baby girl” Henry taunted, effortlessly spinning you around and slapping your ass, “Out”
“What do you mean out!?” you questioned confused.
You tried to turn around, but Henry forced you out of the shower, stepping out right after you.
“We’re changing bathrooms,” he said sternly.
“As cute as I think it is that your pussy is too tight for my cock-”
“It’s the water!” you protested, slapping his hand, “My pussy is just fine”
“Your cunt is perfect, I never said it wasn’t,” Henry laughed, kissing your lips, “But I got an idea, so now go and run a bath”
“What’s this idea?” you asked as you started to walk out of the bathroom.
“What does it matter? You’re always down for everything I want”
“Oh god” you exclaimed, the way he worded it making your cheeks catch on fire.
“Isn’t it true?” Henry teased, slowly approaching you.
“When you put it like that…”
“Go” Henry shook his head. He slapped your bare ass before you two parted ways, “I’ll be right there”
And you did as told, forcing every brain cell in your being to not buzz with anticipation. Things with you were new anyway, but him acting like this brought upon you a whole new feeling that ached all the way down between your legs. Working on autopilot, you ran the bath, added some random and forgotten bath salts to the mix, and about ten minutes later Henry joined you. The light here was dim, contouring the perfect romantic atmosphere you knew had no place in the room right now. 
“Come here” Henry encouraged.
He was sitting down at the end of the tub, the water reaching up to barely cover his abdomen. You obediently crawled over, on all fours, stopping only when your face was inches away from his.
The salacious smile on his lips should’ve come as a warning, but you were too out of it, so when his hand brushed against your inner thigh, all your senses went crazy. He wasted no time before finding your pussy, probing your folds for just a second before slamming his pointed fingers inside of you.
“Fuck” you panted, squeezing your eyes shut, the impending feeling of his fingers filling you up having an unanticipated effect on you.
“Look at me” Henry commanded, roughly gripping your chin into his hand, “None of that, love, ok? I know you can take my fingers”
With tears of ecstasy coating your eyes, you nodded your head up and down, biting harshly into your bottom lip.
“How’s it feel?” he asked proudly, his grin worth a million words, “You’re already wet as fuck”
“Feels fine” you breathed, getting used to the feeling.
“Fine won’t do, darling” Henry shook his head.
This time, when he kissed you, he shoved a third finger inside your cunt, making you gasp directly against his lips. The pain of the impact dissipated quickly, as Henry pressed his thumb against your clit, working experienced circles against it. 
“Hmph, Henry-” you cried, falling forwards to hide your in the crook of his neck.
“That’s it, love” he encouraged, caressing your side, from your hip up to your breasts with his free hand, all while maintaining the pace of his fingers on your pussy. His movements were aggressive and impatient, pushing your buttons and spreading your boundaries beyond control.
“Oh, god- I- what-” you moaned. 
Complete randomness, and it for sure wasn’t meant to make any sense either. The experience in its whole was new and so was the feeling that was forming inside your belly.
“Cum on my fingers, Y/n, ok? Don’t hold back.”
“Ok, fuck” you whined, arching your back as you white knuckled the edge of the bathtub for support.
Henry picked up his pace, roughly fucking you pussy with the kind of roughness you didn’t think you’d ever find enjoyable. Yet there you were, a moaning mess, squirming uncontrollably as you waited for an orgasm to calm the fire in your veins. 
“How come I’ve never had you ride my fingers before?” Henry chuckled, the arrogance of his tone twisting your stomach into a knot, “No fucking work for me, and I get to see you like this?”
After processing his words and allowing your mind to soak up the dominance in his voice, a loud moan escaped your throat. You tried to muffle it by slapping your hand on top of your mouth, but you were too late.
“Don’t do that” Henry said, ushering you hand away, “Think I didn’t feel your pussy clench around my fingers?”
“Oh- This is just, Henry, what are- fuck.. I’m so close”
“Cum, doll” he taunted, grabbing your chin again. He slammed his fingers deeper inside your cunt, spreading your walls and putting pressure against all your spots, “Make a mess of my fingers, love”
And that was it. The last drop. The last profanity your mind was able to take before slipping down a spiral of endless pleasure. Your reality distorted to the point where the only thing you felt was the urgent touch of his fingers. And he worked you until he saw every last drop of pleasure leave your body, and it still wasn’t enough. As satisfying and exhausting at it was, you were not ready to have his fingers leave your body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful” Henry said, his voice managing to bring you back to reality.
You licked your lips, uselessly trying to moisten your mouth, “Yep.. yeah..”
As you came down from your high, you cuddled into his chest. The water around you was starting to get cold, but you didn’t care, and neither did Henry.
“You good?” he questioned, the warmth of his tone coming in perfect contrast with the taunting attitude he had been displaying in the past minutes.
“So good” you smiled, content.
“Up, then” Henry laughed, slapping your hips.
Reluctantly, you did so but not without a whine, “Why?” 
“I wanna see if you can take me now”
Your heart panged, and you felt like hesitating, but the mere thought of him stretching you up beyond your limits excited you. “Just- go slow, yeah?”
“I won’t do anything you’re not ready for, angel” Henry assured you, guiding your hips so that your opening aligned with his already hard again member, “I’ll just slip my cock inside, and let you adjust, that’s all”
“That’s all?” you questioned, unable to hide your faint disappointment.
“I’ll do more if you can take it” he chuckled, “But if you can’t, I’ll stop and we’ll get out so I can properly fuck you in the bedroom”
“Ok, I’m not made of glass!”
“We’ll see”
“Stop!” you laughed, “It makes me feel like this inexperienced little girl”
“How is that not a turn on?” Henry questioned, “I don’t get it”
“Well, I’m not one”
“You’re not a slut either, but we both know how much you love it when I call you that”
“So what do you prefer?” you laughed, “A slut or an inexperienced girl?”
“You know what I fucking prefer, Y/n?” Henry spoke, loud and clear, after taking a deep breath of air, “I prefer my girlfriend who wakes up at 6am everyday to work on her PhD but deepthroats my cock before lunch like her life depends on it”
“Oh wow” you giggled, “I did not expect-”
“What didn’t you expect, hm?” Henry interrupted you, “Didn’t expect me to want to fuck your brains out every time I see you in a pencil skirt and heels? Or that half the time I look at your lips I think about shoving my cock down your throat? Or that the fact that you’re 7 fucking years younger than me and working on your fourth degree, turns me the fuck on?”
“Then fuck me” you said, “Now, rough me up, I can take it”
“Another thing you might not have expected-” Henry grinned, guiding his cock to your entrance and tracing it back and forth, “The fact that I still don’t think you’ll be able to take me, turns me on more than thinking you might be able to”
With your heart on fire, you leaned in, trapping his face in between your palms. He welcomed you mouth open, tongue ready to take control, as his hands settled on your hips.
You concentrated your mind on the kiss, on his taste and on the feeling of his tongue wagging dominantly against yours, while he sank his fingers into your flesh, pushing you down against his cock.
When his tip pushed past your folds, you whimpered against his lips, but none of you showed any signs of wanting to stop. You kept lowering yourself, the stinging sensation between your legs only growing more and more intense with every other inch of his’ you’d take in. Henry kept kissing you, peppering the moment with the occasional lip bite that only worked in your favor.
The way he moaned against your lips, the way you felt his throat vibrate with every grunt he released, made you more and more eager.
“So, so, fucking tight, fuck” Henry groaned, “Fuck me”
You nodded yes, sharing the feeling with him. Your eyes were covered in unshed tears, as the hazardous feeling between your legs only intensified. 
“Are you ok?” he asked as soon as you completely lowered yourself onto his cock.
“Yeah” you said, “This is actually nice. Kinda”
“Come here” he cooed, motioning for you to lay down against his chest. As soon as you did, the stinging sensation between your legs blew up. On the other end of the spectrum, Henry threw his head back, moaning out loud.
“That good, huh?” you teased.
“Fuck, love” Henry chuckled in disbelief, “Your pussy was made for me and I don’t wanna hear otherwise”
“No one’s gonna tell you otherwise, baby” you giggled, “Don’t want any man to think about fucking my mouth other than you”
“Good,” Henry said sternly.
“Doesn’t it turn you on though?”
“Think about other men wanting me but I’m all yours?” you asked, your voice a bit lower.
As he put his thoughts together, Henry closed his eyes, rubbing his cheek and chin, “Depends”
“On what?”
“Now I’d fuck your brains out while some dude watched and cursed that he’s not me. But I can’t promise that this will always be the case”
“Do you get jealous easily?”
“You got up at 7 this morning to come with me and wait in a line for 3 hours just so I can get one piece of paper” Henry said, “Pretty sure I don’t have any reason to be jealous yet”
“Aw, this is so sweet” you gushed, leaning down to kiss him again. By now the water was dead cold and the feeling between your begs was starting to dissipate, but your mind was in a different place, “You were so cute and now I don’t wanna say what I had in mind”
“Oh god” Henry chuckled, shaking his head, “By all means, please, tell me”
“Ever tried Chatmix?”
“No, what’s that”
“Well…” you hesitated, “It’s a site.. Where people go and masturbate together”
His face fell, “And what do you exactly wanna do?”
“I want you to fuck me while strangers watch”
For a second, he failed to answer, but eventually, a smile creeped up on his lips, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah… I mean no one would know who we are and I think it’s really hot to like you know… I mean.. I just think it would be hot to have people watch us.. And see how good you fuck me, and how I do whatever you tell me because, I don’t know... I’m your good girl…? and I want people to like see how you… own me?”
The color on Henry’s cheeks drained. All the life in his features wilted away, and for a second you couldn’t believe how badly you just fucked up. But the warm tone in his eyes soon got replaced by a wicked shade of carnal blue, and the corners of his mouth tilted upwards, proving that you might have just been wrong. Before he opened his mouth to speak, you felt a faint pang deep in your belly.
“Did you cock just twitch?”
Henry cleared his throat, “Chatmix you said?” 
“Do you wanna-” he started asking, voice an octave higher.
“Like right now?”
“Yeah? Or not-”
“We should” you affirmed.
Henry nodded, seemingly deep in thought.
“Did you cock just twitch again?”
“Ok, let’s go”
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ace!Leviathan x ace gn!MC
Words - 2503
Content warnings - asexual characters, some internalized acephobia, lots of love and comfort
Prompt/inspiration - a gift for a reader on AO3 ☺️
Summary - You head to Levi’s room to check on him after not hearing from him all day, only to find him crying alone. After talking with him, you both learn something special about one another.
You were standing outside of Levi’s door debating whether or not to knock. Usually he was the one calling and texting you, inviting you to join him to play games, or watch anime, or just to hang out together in his room. But today, he had been quiet. Something that hadn’t happened since your early days in the Devildom.
To make matters worse, he was leaving all your messages on read, so you weren’t sure if he was mad at you or just too busy to respond. And you couldn’t think of anything that he had been looking forward to recently that would leave him so occupied. While you were contemplating your options, you pressed your ear to his door to see if you could hear any sounds from inside that might give you a clue as to what he was doing. That’s when you heard the unmistakable sounds of your favorite otaku sniffling and choking back sobs.
“Levi?”, you called out to him, opening his door without waiting for a response.
“Hmm?! Yeah?!” Levi startled, roughly scrubbing at his face to rid himself of his tears and trying to make himself look at least a bit like he hadn’t spent the better part of the day sitting in his room feeling sorry for himself.
“Hey, Levi, what’s wrong?” you asked him gently, as you sat down next to him by his aquarium, facing the opposite direction so you could see him better. He had his knees drawn up to his chest, and by now had given up trying to dry his tears and instead just hid his face in his arms.
When Levi didn’t respond, you simply wrapped your arms around his head and shoulders and held him, running your fingers through his hair. He stiffened for a moment, unsure if he really wanted you so close right now, but soon he had released his hold on his own legs, opting instead to wrap his arms around your middle, practically pulling himself into your lap in the process. And as soon as his face was hidden in the fabric of your shirt, he started crying once more.
All you could do for Levi was hold him, gently rubbing his back and combing his hair with your other hand. You had never seen him so upset before. Is this why he was hiding in his room all day?
“It’s ok Levi, it’s ok.”
But it was definitely not ok. At least not from Levi’s perspective. This had officially been the worst day ever, and there was exactly zero possibility of it getting better. He had stayed up late the night before, crafting the most eloquent love letter he had ever written (well, the only love letter he had ever written), determined to give it to you today to tell you how he felt. And just as he was about to slip it under your door, he stopped dead in his tracks, watching as you smiled and laughed with his brothers on your way to breakfast.
Oh. That’s right. How had he forgotten?
Levi wasn’t stupid, he could tell how smitten his brothers were with you. It was obvious to anyone with eyes, and especially obvious to him who had known them for so long. They had all changed in subtle ways, becoming kinder, softer, more loving, since you had come along. And he had changed too. He knew that. He wrote a love letter for goodness sake. He never would have imagined he would be doing that for anyone that wasn’t 2D.
Still, there was one striking difference between himself and his brothers that he knew from all his anime and manga and dating sims was an essential part of any healthy relationship, and it wasn’t something he could give you. At least, not how he knew it was supposed to be. He loved you more than anything, he had no doubt in his mind about that. He even thought sometimes that you loved him too, with the way you would smile at him or gently hold his hand when he got anxious. But that didn’t make any difference did it? Love alone wouldn’t change things.
That didn’t stop him from clinging to you though, sobbing into your shirt and wishing you could just know how he felt and that he didn’t have to put it into words or explain. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same, even though he knew that was impossible. But he could still dream couldn’t he? Dreams were all he had left now.
After a while, Levi’s breathing started to calm and he was able to focus on the sound of your heartbeat. He loved that sound. More times than he’d care to admit, he had gotten distracted just listening to it while you cuddled with him and watched a show together. Sometimes even falling asleep. You had never said anything to him about it before, but the way you held him to you now made him think that perhaps you knew and wanted to make sure he could hear it.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, trying to sit up, but you didn’t let him go and he didn’t fight you. He only snuggled closer to you, which made you smile as you hugged him tight.
“It’s ok, Levi. You don’t need to apologize,” you felt him nod against your chest, and you pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“I was worried about you today. I tried calling you and texting you all day at RAD,” you paused before continuing, “Can you tell me what happened?”
He didn’t answer right away, and you felt his arms tighten around you.
“It’s ok, take your time. I just want to help,” you soothed, continuing to rub his back as you held him, patiently waiting for him to open up.
“...do you like any of my brothers?”
“Uh, huh? I mean, they're all important to me, if that’s what you’re asking. But where’s this coming from?”
“No, I mean like like them. You know,” he mumbled into your chest.
“Like do I have a crush on them?”
“...yeah,” he replied, meekly.
“Well, no, I can’t say I do. But seriously, where is this coming from?”
Levi didn’t want to answer. He was bad at this stuff. It’s why he wrote the letter in the first place. His thoughts and feelings would just get so jumbled up whenever he tried to talk about these things out loud. He tightened his fist around the letter that he was still holding, crumpled up in his hand. Maybe if he could just give it to you, you would understand?
This time when he tried to sit up and pull away from you, you let him, studying his face closely as he did his best to hide behind his bangs. When you noticed the wad of paper he was holding out to you, you took it from him and carefully unfolded it.
“What’s this?” you asked, and when he still didn’t answer, you started to read.
Dear Henry,
I bet this is weird, getting a letter from me right? I hope you don’t mind. I thought about talking to you, but every time I tried I forgot what to say so I thought writing would be easier.
I’m really glad that you were chosen for the exchange program, and that I got to know you. I’ve never had a best friend before. And you’re the best friend I could ever imagine. I know I’m just...well, me...but I hope I’m able to be at least half as good of a friend to you.
I love you.
Lord of Shadow
You had to read over the letter a couple times just to make sure it was real and you weren’t imagining the whole thing. Levi loved you? But why was he so upset? And what was with all the weird questions about his brothers? As much as you wanted to leap for joy after finally receiving his confession, you were also deeply confused.
“Levi, I’m not sure I understand,” you asked, raising your head to look at him again. Levi was curled up on himself once more, hugging his knees tightly to his chest and keeping his face from view.
“What is there to understand? It’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Then why are you so sad?” you scooted closer to him so that your legs were touching again, and tenderly stroked his head, “Did you think I’d reject you?”
“That’s what you’re going to do isn’t it?” he said, sniffling and pulling his legs even closer.
“No, Levi. Of course not. I love you too.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Why would you think that?” your arms were now wrapped around his shoulders again, your cheek resting on top of his head. You had to admit that it stung hearing him reject your own confession, but it only strengthened your resolve to get answers.
“I’m not like my brothers.”
“I know, that’s why I’m here with you and not them.”
“I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend.”
“I’d like to be the judge of that.”
“But it’s true. I can’t...you know...do the thing.”
“The thing?”
“Yeah the thing.”
“I don’t know what that is, Levi.”
“THE thing. The thing only couples do,” he was getting a bit frustrated now. Were you really going to make him say it?
“Levi...do you mean sex?” you raised your head to try to catch a glimpse of Levi’s face, but all you could see were the tips of his (very red) ears as he turned his head more to the side and buried it further in his arms.
“Hey, that’s ok. You don’t need to,” you said, wrapping your arms back around him, hugging him tightly.
“Of course you need to. That’s what couples do,” Levi couldn’t conceal the waiver in his voice as his eyes started to well with tears once again.
“And where did you hear that?”
“I dunno. Everywhere. It’s how it is, isn’t it? You fall in love, you kiss, you...you know...and that’s how you know you’re a couple.”
“Levi,” you chuckled softly, “this isn’t a shojo manga or a dating sim. There are plenty of people in relationships that don’t have sex.” You pressed another kiss to the top of his head as you started to run your fingers through his hair like you had been earlier.
The truth was, this was the exact conversation you had been fearing and why you had avoided admitting to your own feelings for so long. You had been in relationships before, and some of them ended quite badly after you had explained your sexual preferences, or lack thereof you could say. The last thing you wanted was to have Levi reject you, but even more than that, you didn’t want him to think that there was something wrong with him that made you not want to have that sort of a relationship.
Learning that he felt the same way, and struggled with the same fears, was a huge relief to you, lifting a weight you hadn’t even been aware you had been carrying from your shoulders.
“There are plenty of ways to be intimate, to feel connected, that don’t involve sex. And I think we have a pretty good connection already, don’t you?”
You heard Levi sniffle, before he cautiously raised his head to look at you. He was surprised to see the understanding in your eyes, as well as the soft smile that spread across your lips. He hadn’t thought it possible to love you anymore than he already did, but here he was, heart threatening to beat out of his chest, while you looked at him like he was the most precious person in the entire world. When his tears started to fall again, you were quick to pull him back into a hug, and this time he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“I love you, Levi. So much. So so so much,” you whispered to him, “Do you want to know a secret?”
Levi nodded against your neck, still too emotional to verbally respond.
“I feel the same way as you. I don’t want that sort of relationship either.”
He tightened his grip around you, soaking up all your words and reassurances. Did you really feel the same way as him? Is that why you understood him so well? Because you wanted the same things? Is that why he always felt so at ease around you? Because you never asked of him more than he was able to give?
“We can do things our own way, you know? That’s for us to decide. Doesn’t matter what anyone else does.”
“Really? I can just hug you and watch anime with you and stuff and you’ll be happy?”
“Yeah. I’ll be happy. I am happy. You’re my best friend, aren’t you?”
“Then that’s all I need. My best friend.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while, hugging and cuddling one another, the occasional giggle being exchanged as the smile started to return to Levi’s face.
“Hey, you think we could go cuddle in the bean bag? We could put on an anime or something if you want. My back is just getting kinda sore sitting on the floor like this,” you asked, straightening up and stretching out your neck. Levi was quick to agree and help you up off the floor, leading you by the hand to his oversized bean bag chair.
“Umm...do you think we could...just cuddle?” he gave your hand a small squeeze, blushing at having asked such a direct question.
“Yeah, we can do that,” you replied, taking a seat and tugging Levi down to join you, causing him to tumble into your lap.
“Ah! S-sorry…!” he scrambled to get off of you, but you only laughed and adjusted your legs so that he was seated between them, perpendicular to you.
“It’s ok, you can stay,” you said with a smile, gently holding him in place with your hand on his hip. Levi’s blush deepened, but he nodded in agreement, quickly wrapping his arms around your middle and resting his head on your shoulder, with his forehead pressed against your neck.
As you began to scratch his back, he relaxed more fully against you, enjoying your warmth and the tenderness of your touch. He could feel his worries melting away. He felt so safe with you. So understood. Accepted. It didn’t matter what weird quirk he revealed to you, intentionally or otherwise, you always embraced it, often revealing one of your own to help put him at ease. It was like the two of you were made for each other. Soulmates, if such a thing existed. And his heart had never before felt so full.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too, Levi,” you replied.
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