#'I'm not your superhuman' 'And if that's what you want/I hate to let you down'
deathdxnces · 1 year
paramore's idle worship is ireliacore
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Can I req a hoshina x reader, but school au and they're academic rivals? Leikk, they're in the same class and debates every now and then who's correct. Fights aren't uncommon between them especially when they both ran for council
But what's surprising is that they actually study together outside school?
(I'm sorry if this is to much 😔, I love your fanfics. Theyre my oxygen, ty for keeping us hoshina fans well fed 🫶)
You absolutely do not need to apologize! I am totally happy to do this for you. Thank you so much for your support, and of course, I'm always happy to encourage the Hoshina hyperfixation.
The Best Plans
You had so many ideas about how you thought your college life would go; you'd be top of every class, give a rousing speech at graduation, rock your first internship, and score a killer first job. You didn't anticipate anyone having the smarts to fuck up your masterplan. But Soshiro Hoshina was a whole different beast, something you couldn't have anticipated.
Your whole life, you'd been smarter than everyone around you even without trying. It was just a given that you were better. So you never could've predicted that you'd have to break a sweat just to keep up with him. For the first time in your life, you were pulling all nighters, just raw dogging tests with no sleep, no sanity. You were frequenting the library so much, studying at all hours of the day and the night, that you had become good friends with the librarian. Her name was Himiko. She had two cats and loved Italian food. She was a sweetheart.
But even through all this struggling, you persevered. You got 100% on almost everything (with the occasional 99% that Hoshina would tease you about relentlessly until your next 100%). You were not about to let some scrawny, short-ass, bowl-cut wearing, squinty-eyed, nerd disrupt your whole plan.
You hated the way he laughed at you. It was loud and unhinged. And it was uninterrupted, nothing could stop him once he'd started. And the way that he smirked was so smug and unapologetic, you thought you might just hit him with your encyclopedia.
Your favorite class was debate, because then you could argue with him to no end and even win participation points for it. Of course, you'd argue with him for free, but it was significantly more fun to destroy him for a good grade. It was like a nice little treat to yourself, compensation for having to endure his cocky personality.
And you endured a lot. You had the unfortunate luck of knowing him better than you had ever wanted to, better than anyone else ever could know him or ever would know him. You knew what arguments he was going to use before he used them, you knew what energy drink he felt was more effective for his late night study sessions (you'd run into him so frequently at the library), you knew his poker face, his stressed face (you were surprised to discover that he actually got stressed, and you teased him incessantly about not being so superhuman after all), you knew which subjects were his favorite, which subjects were his least favorite, which classmates he liked and disliked. And you had always thought you were on the "dislike" list until one day you both ended up on the student council together.
It was the first time in this school's entire history that they'd ever had two student body presidents. Your grades were so even that it was hard to assign the role to just one person. Though, Hoshina would constantly introduce you as his vice president anyway. You'd get him back by telling people he hadn't even qualified for vice president, so he was stuck with the position of treasurer. No one knew who to believe, but everyone knew the two of you had an intense rivalry.
It was so intense, you almost thought you wouldn't be able to handle being in even closer proximity to him than you already were, but you refused to step down from the council and let him be the president, and of course, he wasn't stepping down anytime soon either. So the two of you spent even later nights together, poring over the school budget, planning out events, discussing new policies.
And eventually, to your shock, he admitted that he actually enjoyed spending so much time with you. He enjoyed the banter, he enjoyed your perspective, he enjoyed hearing your opinions even if he teased you that they were wrong, and he especially enjoyed the way you'd walk by a vending machine and think of him, then buy him a snack but -not wanting to let on that you cared- you'd chuck the bag of chips in his face, saying if the hunger didn't kill him first, you would.
And when he admitted these things to you, you were shocked to realize you felt the same. You liked the way he absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair when he was deep in thought. You liked the way his eyes settled on you when he was listening intently to your plans. You liked the way he always made your plans into a reality, shrugging and saying that it was no big deal and it was half his plan anyway.
You spent so much time together in school, that eventually it spilled over into your personal life, and suddenly he was visiting you at home. He'd bow to your mom, shake your dad's hand, wave to your little sister, and then run upstairs and collapse on your bed beside you. You'd stare up at the ceiling and talk for hours, until he'd decided to tickle you, to which you responded by shoving him off the bed.
And then you'd eat dinner together, study together, and just keep living life together.
It was hard to believe that just a couple months ago, you were butting heads, clawing at each other's throats. But it was even harder to think about living without him anymore.
And suddenly, all those plans you had for your college life, all those goals and lofty ideas, none of them mattered as much anymore. Your only plan at this moment was to enjoy your time with him, and pray it never stopped.
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musaslullaby · 23 days
Enemies on road
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Carlos Sainz x fem reader
Summary: A fierce rivalry on the Formula 1 track turns into a moment of forgiveness and unexpected romance between two drivers.
Warning: fluff
The tension was at its peak. My foot pressed down on the accelerator as if it were the only purpose in my life. Driving made me feel alive; I didn't care about the risk I was taking. I was ready to accept death in a Formula 1 car, convinced that it was the most dignified way to honor the sport I had devoted myself to with passion.
"Can I fight?" I asked, focused. Even if the engineers had said no, I would have done it anyway. I would have worn those tires down to the last shred.
"It's all yours." The affirmative response hit my ears, accompanied by a surge of adrenaline. My mind was focused, my hands trembling slightly from the strength with which I gripped the steering wheel.
I swerved left, trying to slip into the space Carlos Sainz had left unguarded. In a matter of moments, we were wheel to wheel, our cars sparking as we raced down the straight. I increased speed, approaching 350 km/h, but he wouldn't back down. The more I pushed, the more he pushed; he either mimicked me or tried to defend himself with all his might.
"What the hell!" I shouted, slamming my hands violently against the steering wheel. That tiny bit of distraction was enough for the car to veer in the opposite direction, completely stopping its response to my commands. A sudden wave of fear swept over me as I slammed on the brakes with all the strength I had, but it was all in vain—the car kept gaining speed.
A large cloud of dust rose, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself against the barrier. From what I could see in the cockpit, the car had sustained severe damage.
"Are you okay?" my engineer asked, genuine concern in his voice.
"I'm fine, but they should teach that idiot Sainz how to drive, because apparently, he's seriously lacking," I replied, fully unleashing my anger. At that moment, all I could see was red, fiercer than the flames of hell.
I unbuckled the steering wheel with superhuman strength and climbed out of the cockpit. Like an idiot, I waited by my car, which was completely wrecked from the violent impact, for the safety car. But what bothered me the most was that this two-bit driver was still racing and had taken my damn third place.
When I returned to the pits after the medical check, I felt all the cameras on me, but I had no desire to talk to the press.
"Get them out of here before I scream at them," I said, agitated, as I headed towards my cabin without looking anyone in the face.
I collapsed onto the blue leather couch and let out a scream of frustration, which did nothing to improve my state of mind.
I was covered in bruises, in pain, and felt like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. I wanted to be alone, but I didn't even have that luck, because the race was over and my duties with the media awaited me. How I hated press conferences, and even more, those stupid journalists who ask malicious questions just to get a scoop, or whatever the hell they call it.
A very kind girl, with a welcoming smile, showed me where to sit. Of course, these press people had organized everything to perfection. When I sat down on that uncomfortable little couch, I found myself facing Carlos's playful grin, invading my personal space.
"Wipe that horrible grin off your face and move away. Isn't it enough that you invaded my personal space with that damn car?" I whispered nervously, so only he could hear, and I wouldn’t get scolded by my team for my foul and impolite language.
"Admit it, you didn't mind," he responded, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
I wanted to tear him apart, make him take back everything he had said, but they handed us microphones and started the usual round of stupid questions.
As soon as the last question was answered, I was the first to jump up and walk as fast as possible away from that room full of people; I almost felt like I was suffocating. Someone called my name from afar, but I ignored it.
I returned to my small, cozy room. In my head, I had planned everything: I would stay there for the next two hours, so no one could interrogate me or even speak to me.
But after just a few seconds, someone knocked on the door. At first, I didn't want to waste my breath, but then the voice that spoke to me was so sweet, sincere, and regretful that my heart involuntarily softened.
Slowly, I opened the door and found the Spaniard standing there, his eyes red and his spirits low.
"Can I come in, please?" he asked in a barely audible whisper. With a nod, I stepped aside, letting him in.
"Did you come to make fun of me?" I asked with a defeated sigh, collapsing onto the couch.
"I'm sorry, I went too far. I didn't mean to push you off the track; I took a risk and was stupid. I'm sorry," his voice was calm, shaken by some tremors of sadness and genuine regret, in stark contrast to the tone he had used during the conference.
"You know I would never intentionally hurt you?" he added, with an obvious note of hesitation in his voice.
I lowered my gaze. It was too much to process; too many emotions were swirling around, creating a tsunami inside me. I had been furious with him, but now I just wanted to drown in one of his bear hugs and sink into his soft lips.
A gentle and delicate touch snapped me out of my thoughts. He was there, in front of me, looking at me with those brown eyes full of love and guilt. I couldn't stand it; I couldn't see him like that. I pulled him towards me, slowly. We looked at each other for a few seconds, our gazes traveling from our lips to our eyes, and then I felt the warmth of his breath brushing my face.
We gave in. I held him tightly as his lips met mine in a kiss full of apologies and a need for love. He wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me in a tender embrace. Finally, we pulled away, not because we wanted to end the kiss, but because of the lack of air.
Carlos pressed his lips to my forehead. "You forgave me?"
"Just this once," I said, breathless. I saw a happy and calm smile spread across his face, and I would have given anything to see it more often and protect him from the entire world that didn't believe in us.
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A/N ::: Literally, I'm not gonna tell you what I was doing when I though of this 🫣. But uh, my god, dude. Stick a fork in me cuz I'm super, super done.
C/W ::: Just like, gross lovey dovey shit. Fingering, teasing, um, I don't even think this has language. So yeah. If you hate romantic stuff, mushy stuff, this is not for you.
WC ::: 646
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Song Rec
Kafka laid down to your right, next to you on your bed. He thinks it's a lot like you: Warm, soft, and he never wants to leave.
And for the last 45 minutes, he's been kissing your neck so slowly and gently that you feel like you're either going to cum from the tension that has been racking your body or crawl out of your skin.
His right hand has been drawing tiny circles on your belly. His thumb rubs the parts of you that you wished he'd never notice. Never pay attention to.
Still kissing you, he slips his hand just below the elastic on your probably too-casual-for-the-occasion panties. He just looks down at you, locking eyes, and smiles that loving smile that he gives you when he knows something you're not quite privy to.
Your brows furrow, hips jutting upward as a nearly inaudible whine slips from your throat.
But his superhuman hearing caught that and the way your heartbeat increased dramatically as he sought out your wetness. His fingers danced further down with every intention of filling you. But at the last second, he withdrew his destination.
He put his middle finger into your mouth and tipped his chin up at you, silently reminding you that you know exactly what to do right now.
You obliged and let it slip passed your lips, sucking him in. You swirled your tongue around him, tasting yourself. Eyes rolling uncontrollably at how utterly sexy this man is right now and always.
Kafka had a way of making you feel like you were the only thing he needed in this world. The way his eyes dilated as you sucked on him made you feel like the only thing in his world his sights were set on.
His voice was barely a whisper as he asked, "Is this what you want? Is this what you need?"
He knew the answer already, but he loved hearing you say it. You wanted him. You needed him. You were his. He was yours. And right now, all you could focus on was him making you cum with his fingers, his mouth, his dick, or any combination thereof.
And so, he put his middle finger back in your mouth and took his index finger back down to your pussy. He spread your wetness over your clit. Your breath hitching in your throat as you felt his touch getting heavier.
He pressed down on it with a gentle but firm touch, and you melted into his embrace. The feeling of his hands on your body and his breath on your neck made you feel like you were floating.
Your orgasm was coming on quick. You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him and grip onto him like he was the only thing keeping you tethered to the earth.
With every kiss and stroke, he carried you closer to the edge. Your hips bucked as you felt the pressure building even more inside of you.
Your moans grew louder and louder until finally, you couldn't hold back any longer. You came, cursing any deities that were within range of hearing you. And, finally, a sigh. You were left feeling like your body was going to explode from the sheer pleasure of it all.
Kafka held you through it all, his fingers never leaving your clit, until you'd completely released every ounce of energy he'd made your body stockpile.
He held you close and kissed your forehead gently. "You're so … I love you so much."
You knew he meant it. You knew he loved you more than anything else in this world. You just wished you knew why. Why did he choose you? How did you end up with someone who was so perfect for you?
As he lay next to you, Kafka gently nibbled your earlobe and whispered, "I'm never letting go."
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@supersecretsaga @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@witchy-scribblings (I hope it's ok to tag you?? I figured if you love him as much as I do you want to see everything ever written for him lol. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged and I'll cease and desist! =) )
@darkstarlight82 @arlerts-angel @bakubunny
@viburnt @reiners-milkbiddies @southside-otaku
@trevengersprincess (Sun-Ray? Do you want to be tagged in this stuff? Lmk! =) <3)
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lemon-russ · 2 months
here's your smut you filthy animals /s (like i wasn't the one specifically writing this for that exact purpose), Finally put these nerds in a Situation (tm)
I make you read for it though. bone apple teeth.
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Part 4/ ???
part:: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Rough angry sex, Cato being an emotionally constipated bully, mild descriptions of violence and injuries
Summary: Cato discovers a new emotion. it's horny! he's mad about it.
word count: 2,325 (I wrote this the same day as part 3, my boyfriend keeps being like 'Why Cato though??', the fool. he cannot understand the fleas.)
You decide that you must have angered the God Emperor of mankind. Maybe you used his name as a curse one too many times. Maybe he was upset with you because you failed his son Lord Guilliman in this mission. Either way, you certainly were being punished.
You lay on your back, staring at the rock ceiling above you, in the dust and dirt, drenched in other people's blood, in a once pretty gown now torn to the knees. And Cato was just sitting there, smiling for some reason.
“My neck feels fine.” you mumble. He has been actually quite concerned with you having some sort of spinal injury from the thunderhawk crash. You didn't want to think about why that made your stomach flutter a little. You did not want to have positive feelings about this ass hat of a man who got you into this whole mess in the first place.
Cato glances over at you, pursing his lips into a line. “Hmph. fine, let me look you over first though.” He says gruffly, scooting to lean over you. Blood rushes to your face as he gets a bit close, touching your neck and carefully moving your head. Your mind flashes with the image of him over you protecting you from the shots of the rebel guards, and then again of him shielding you during the crash. “You're okay- I got you”- Even through the speakers of his helmet, him saying that did something to you you did not want to unpack, especially not while he currently was gently inspecting your neck and shoulders, inches from your face.
He grunts. “I guess you seem okay, from what I can tell, but if you feel weird or you have random nerve pains, tell me- why do you look like that?” He says, sitting up and frowning in confusion at you. You frown back and sit up, “Look like what?” You force out, clearing your throat and trying to cool off. He narrows his eyes. “You were all pale, now you're all flushed.” he says, almost seeming suspicious.
He looks you up and down, eyeing your bruises and scrapes. “You should still lay down. And tell me if you're dizzy or something. You might have internal injuries and I can't know.” He says with an annoyed sigh. You knit your brow at his tone. “Are you... mad at me...?” You ask incredulously. He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. How come you're so breakable? If you'd have worn some sort of armor, I wouldn't need to think about any of this. You are a being a huge pain in my ass.” He says exasperatedly.
You shake your head in disbelief. “I'm sorry that I'm not a superhuman mutant soldier like you?” You say annoyed. He huffs. “You could at least make my job easier and try a little harder not to die.” He stands and walks to the entrance of the cave, and if you didn't know better you'd call it sulking, the way he was sitting there with his arms crossed. By the throne he is insufferable.
You sigh and start gathering up some brush and leaves, then use it as a pillow so you can lay on your side facing away from him. “You are impossible.” You mumble. “I've done nothing to you, but you hate me for things I can't control.” You continue, crossing your arms and curling up a bit. He groaned. “You're the reason I had to even come here, I should be fighting on front lines right now, taking down Guilliman's enemies- but no, I'm babysitting you” He said, raising his voice a little.
You've just about had it with this rude, cocky, useless man child of an Astartes. You sit up and turn to him, matching his tone and volume “Then just go!” You snap. “I'd probably have better odds without you running in head first and fucking things up anyway! Go, call the ship and go home.”
His face contorts. “You'd die without me and you know it-” he growls, voice lower.
“Like you'd care if I did, you just don't want to get in trouble-” You yell, raising your voice more as you reach the end of your patience.
“That's not true!” He retorts, outright glaring at you now.
You glower back. “Of course it is- you don't care if I live or die! You just care about how it looks if you fail your mission!”
He growls through grit teeth, “That's not- I do care!” He yells, standing and glaring down at you. “I don't want you to die here, even if you are doing your damnedest to make sure this shithole rock is your grave!”
You flinch back at his shouting and towering over you. But you narrow your eyes at him anyway. “Bullshit.” you say in a low voice. “You don't care about anyone but you, Cato.”
He looks like it's taking everything to hold back his temper from actually losing his control. “I do care about you, you stupid, breakable, insufferable woman!” He shouted now. “I don't know why, especially because you're being a huge fucking pain in the ass right now, but I feel sick thinking about leaving you here to die, and I hate seeing you all beat up like this, and by the golden throne I can't get the image of you getting kicked by that pompous asshole out of my head-” He audibly snaps his mouth shut, gritting his teeth again and looking away.
You stare at him, shocked, mouth hanging open a little. Holy shit. You did not know how to process this. You really thought he didn't care if you lived or died, but... was all that protective stuff just him? Not just him doing his forced duty to protect you? You feel color creep up your cheeks.
He frowns at you. “No, stop that- don't give me that look. It's not like that.” He says in an exasperated, almost frantic tone.
You knit your brow and flatten your mouth to a line. “It kinda sounds like it's like that-”
“No, it's not” He raised his voice again, “That's baseline human nonsense, I'm evolved higher than- than that” He says, looking disgusted. “If anything you're like an especially pathetic stray dog. I pity you, more than anything, really.” He grumbles, fists tight at his side as he turns around to look out of the cave again.
You scowl. “Seriously? A stray dog?” you snap, flushing again. Stupid, why would you think he actually cared any amount-
He growls in frustration, “Emperor damn you, that’s not what I-” He lets out a frustrated noise, stomping up to you and pulling you to your feet, holding you by the shoulders. “Do you exist purely to infuriate me, woman?! We’re you created as a personal demon for me specifically?!” He snarls, teeth gritted and face holding back rage.
You scowl up at him still, “Funny, I was just asking myself what I did to upset the Emperor enough to be cursed to be stuck with you-!” You snap back, frustration at it’s peak.
He snarls, “Warp take you, you stupid, vapid, useless-” he snaps his mouth closed and grimaces, then does the last thing you expect. He pulls you off the ground by your shoulders and smashes his mouth to yours in what might be the worst, roughest kiss you ever have experienced. Your eyes widened and for a split second you could only freeze, stunned, but that quickly gave way to you melting in his hands, kissing him back.
Your back smacks against the stone wall of the cave- your head cushioned by Cato’s hand- and you can barely keep up with the sudden shift. You’re still so mad but for some reason it feel like the only thing you can do to stop being angry is fuck this stupid asshole until your mind goes blank. This stupid, hot, protective-
You gasp a bit as you hear the sound of plates hitting stone as Cato discards the more in the way pieces, mouth still holding yours hostage in an angry, needy kiss. He breaks away with a gasp just a second to growl at you, “Strip-” before capturing your lips again. You groan involuntarily, a shiver running right through you. You break and gasp in air, then frown. “Cato-” you say with a touch of exasperation. He frowns and glances down, realizing he has you completely pinned to the wall, preventing you from undressing. He grumbles, “Useless woman, I have to always do everything for you-” He huffed angrily.
His hand- now free of it’s gauntlets for your safety- snakes up your thigh and under your dress, finding the edge of your panties and swiftly ripping them off. Actually ripping them. “Damn it Cato-” you snap in annoyance as he inspects the remains of your lacey underwear. He chuckles at your annoyed scowl, tossing the scraps aside. “By the Throne, that angry face- like a petulant kitten” he rumbles a heady chuckle as he hooks your leg over his arm. You blush and gasp, torn between angry and being putty in his hands. “It makes me want to torture you more just so you keep making that pouting face-” He smirked, eyeing you like prey. You frown, biting your lip. “Insufferable ass” you mumble as you grab his face in your hands and kiss him hard again- properly this time, stupid marine doesn’t even know how to kiss.
He growls into your mouth, mimicking how you push your tongue behind his teeth. At least he’s a quick learner. You shiver again as you feel his other hand slip between your thighs, and groan into the kiss as he roughly runs his massive finger between your lips. He breaks the kiss again, grinning smugly at you. “Already so wet? If you had a crush on me, you could have just admitted it” he teases, making you somehow more annoyed and more horny. You catch his mouth again, taking your anger out on his tongue, and he groans and shifts your weight.
You feel something massive pressing against your entrance, and freeze. Holy throne, that can’t possibly- you gasp and see stars as he immediately hilts into you, grasping at his shoulders for anything to ground you. You can only make a strangled moan as he stretches you, gritting against the pain and pleasure. He actually frowns a bit, scrunching his brow. “Oh, uh, too fast…?” he asks sincerely. By the golden throne you are going to strangle this stupid man. “Yeah-” you groan out, and he sighs and holds still, letting you adjust. “Seriously? Is every part of you so weak and breakable?” he says like it’s the biggest inconvenience in the world to not actually impale you.
You scowl at him, but it doesn’t have the same bite when you’re shuddering around him, dripping and panting and by the throne he was so hard- you inadvertently moan and shiver, and he takes that as good enough to start bucking up into you. “F-finally-” he grunts, but again, the bite was softened by his shuddering gasps. “throne you’re tight-” He groans, curling around you and bracing his elbow against the wall by your head, his own head resting on your shoulder as he bounces you.
Your mind starts to go blank, all you can feel is him stretching you around him over and over, all you can hear is your mixed panting and moaning and the wet slapping of his hips meeting yours. He picks up the pace and inhales a sharp breath through his teeth, “Fuck-” he gasps, lips attacking your neck. In between giving you hickies- damn it Cato, you have shit to do and now you’re going to have to cover those- he starts panting your name in a gravely, heady voice, which wipes out your complaints immediately. You gasp his name in return, desperately rocking your hips against his thrusts as you feel your body start to coil with heat and flutter around him. “C-Cato-” you groan, “I’m close-”
He growls at that, and straight up bites your shoulder, making you moan and shiver. “F-Finally-” he growls, “You take so f-fucking long-” he grunts, a hand slipping between your legs and finding your clit roughly- albeit with a lot of fumbling and cursing on his part, he had to actually look down to get there- but he smashes his thumb in rough circles on it, making you cry out and see stars. You don’t even have the wherewithal to be annoyed with him leaving more marks on you.
He rumbles against your neck as he bites and sucks up and down it, “Come.” he demands, “Come for me, I got you- let go-” he growls between love bites. You’re almost mad at yourself that you comply, not logically liking being ordered around but when he says I got you like that you melt anyways. Your mind goes blank and it’s all you can do to just hold onto him as you come, soaking him and shaking, hands desperately grasping at the back of his armor. “Cato- Cato-” you gasp weakly.
He growls again and slams into you faster, and in the back of your sex drunk mind you dread how you’re going to feel tomorrow. He grunts your name, then catches your lips in a kiss again, shoving his tongue into your mouth as he moans and hilts into you- well, as much as actually fits- and you moan with him as he thrusts a couple more times, hard, and feel him come in you in a few jerking motions. He nearly drops you, breaking the kiss to lean his head back, groaning, then stumbles back against the wall, trying to catch his breath. You try and catch yours too, mind hazy and body weak.
Cato chuckles a little, smiling down at you. “Mmf… Guess your squishy, weak body is useful for something after all.” he grumbles breathlessly.
By the holy golden throne of the Emperor, you are going to kill this man.
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lelianaslefthand · 3 days
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i did it... Mirela my love <3333
tbh her party comp changes pretty often outside of bull. solas is brought along 2nd most often but the 3rd slot changes everytime she heads out or for different missions/areas. i put dorian bc i always default to him if i dont know who else to bring... me and my inquisitors' ride or die fr
idle worship is HER song it perfectly encapsulates her feelings about being the "herald" specifically "Hey, baby I'm not your superhuman / And if that's what you want / I hate to let you down" !!! a lot of the songs are kind of angry at the world bc over the course of the game mirela becomes very disillusioned with the world that she's been tasked to save. she lets herself marinate in the frustration of her culture and personhood being dismissed at every turn (hahren solas is Not helping in this department), by the end she just wants this chapter of her life to be over.
template by @mt07131
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majorproblems77 · 9 months
A thought occurred to me.
Sky is a knight. He trains every day. He slep a lot, but he trains every day.
And he went toe to toe with Demise, after slapping his sleepwalking bum down like three times.
My point of this. He a strong boi. Which tells me he’s as ripped and strong as Twilight?
Is Blorbo ripped under his clothes and the game just denied us seeing?
OOOHHH a good question, and While I do have a take on this I've gotta be careful how I word it to avoid spoilers. You got me researching things, (And mass comparisons cause I live in kilograms but I know my American friends don't. So I've got both! :D)
So, Here we go :D
Sky is strong, he's very strong, but he's not as ripped as say Twi. He's lived at high altitudes his whole life and trains on the daily, eats pumpkins on the regular alongside what I can only assume is actually quite a healthy lifestyle. But I wouldn't say he's on Twi's level. Twilight is by a long shot the strongest of the links.
He's not a ranch hand like Twilight or say Time. He's not lifting masses of weights on the daily. He's training with a sword that's actually pretty light in comparison.
I did research for this
So taking the master sword as a Longsword blade, from my rough research into the blade. And assuming that Sky always trained with a Longsword. (I don't know about the goddess blade, but I'm working on the master sword dimensions.)
An average longsword weighs approx 1.5kg, (3.3 pounds) - or about a bag and a half of sugar. Which would be heavy, to begin with, but if you lifted that same weight for years without changing it, it would become really easy to lift. Like how if you lift your work or school bag all year it's easy to lift after a while.
After a while it's second nature, it just becomes an extension of yourself.
Sound like anyone? Who can swing a sword like it's nothing??
Whereas in comparison, Twilight works as a wrangler. He wrangles goats. Goats are a little heavier than that. Lets say about (65 - 100kg (between 140 - 220 pounds). Using the midpoint at about 80kg, or 176 pounds. (Or in terms of bags of sugar, 65 - 100 bags) As i couldn't find any information about Ordonian goats but did find information about goats. LOTS OF GOATS
Goats are just heavier. By a bunch.
Man I rambled a tad there
Basically, No, Sky isn't ripped. He's just got one hell of an adrenaline rush. You could even say he was fuelled by spite and hate, the determination to save Zelda and destroy the guy that caused him all the pain in the first place and became superhuman for a while before what I can only assume is crashing so damn hard he slept for several weeks.
But thats all I can say, I don't want to give away spoilers. Spoilers are bad. We ain't here for that.
This was an interesting thing to look into this Friday night, thanks for the ask! :D
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
37 or 38 with Renfield and Rebecca (platonic or romantic, it’s up to you)
--as comfort.
One month after Dracula's demise, Robert still wasn't home.
Turns out that after dozens of crooked cops and hardened criminals wielding SWAT gear storm an apartment complex and two people dispatch them with guns and superhuman powers, questions are asked. The residents of Sunrise Tower were shipped out to hotels or the homes of family and friends while an investigation- and cleanup- started. Robert was staying with Rebecca, at her insistence. "You saved my life at least three times, letting you crash on my couch is like the least I can do for you."
Robert was fine with it all, he said. He was too tall to sleep comfortably on Rebecca's couch so he nested on the floor with a pile of extra blankets his friend had (she insisted she didn't have a hoarding problem, she just hated being cold). Tonight they were eating Chinese takeout on the couch and watching TV. It felt entirely normal, and Rebecca was quietly grateful for that.
She looked over and noticed Robert wasn't really eating, just moving noodles around with a chopstick. He was also doing that bad posture thing she had started calling 'folding,' because it looked like the guy was trying to fold himself in half at the waist and by bringing his shoulders forward.
Robert raised his head, feigning a sudden interest in the TV movie. "Hm?"
"How're you feeling?"
"I'm good."
Robert turned his attention back to his plate. Rebecca set hers on the coffee table in front of them and scooted a little closer to her friend. She reached over and tucked an errant lock of his dark hair behind his ear. He smiled just a little bit.
"C'mon, talk to me."
He sighed and set his plate on the coffee table and straightened his back a bit. "I'm just... I miss my apartment. Which is not me saying I'm ungrateful to your hospitality, of course, it's-
"We had to move a lot, Dracula and I. Semi-frequently. Every place after the castle was a hideout. I suppose it was a sort of homesickness, but in the last decade with him I did really want to settle down. Have a home again, stay in one place. And now I'm locked out of the place that was wholly mine for however long it takes an FBI task force to investigate all the shit we did."
He smiled a sad smile. "I'm sorry. It's a silly thing to be sad about, isn't it."
Rebecca placed a hand on his knee. "No, it's not. What does Mark always tell you guys? Your feelings are valid. Even if you think they're stupid, they're still valid, and they're a sign you're still working through shit." She sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have pushed for you to crash here. We can still find you a hotel, if you wanna be alone."
He chuckled. "Oh, no. It's not being alone I miss. It's what the place represented for me. Freedom."
They sat quietly for a moment. The movie too, oddly enough, had hit a quiet moment.
Rebecca looked at Robert and then reached over and pulled him down just enough that she could kiss his forehead.
Robert sat up, a quizzical look on his face. "What was that for?"
"When my sister and I were little, we'd get real scared sometimes that Dad wouldn't come home. Especially if he was on a stake-out or something. He'd kneel down and hug us and kiss our foreheads and say everything'd be okay. And for some reason, that always made us feel better." Rebecca smiled. "I mean we were dumbass little kids, so I guess anything woulda worked, but." She shrugged. "The sentiment's there. Everything's gonna be okay, Rob. I promise."
Robert smiled and leaned his head on Rebecca's shoulder. "Thanks."
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catreginae · 1 year
(same anon sorry I'm just gonna send you some questions because I LOVE VAMPIRES and I'm somewhat unfamiliar with yours)
There is a rather lot of vampire lore out there. What sorts of things are applicable to your vampire Wars, and what might be some in-world misconceptions? You mentioned sunlight isn't BAD just sad, same with garlic. What about mirrors? Does Wars get a reflection? Oh no his eyeliner
I'm going to put this under the cut because there will be some spoilers for Thou Shalt Not Fall regarding some of the powers I haven't revealed in the story yet. It's also long!
Here are some of the traits that I've seen elsewhere that applies to Warriors:
Fire, decapitation, and a stake through the heart will kill him (along with light magic but that's still a way to burn to death in my book). He can withstand some fire damage and not die, a stake anywhere else in his body causes a lot of pain but doesn't kill him, and partial decapitation isn't good enough.
He has amazing healing abilities and can regenerate missing limbs when given enough time, blood, and rest. He likes this ability because he can be a meat shield. Everybody is always more worried about his injuries than he is (with the exception of like burns, which take longer to heal).
He has some of the same abilities! He has superhuman speed and strength, superior senses, he has the capability to walk on walls and ceilings, he can float, hypnotize humans and monsters, and he's immune to illness and most poisons (poisons have to vampire specific - he can eat hemlock and be fine). He hasn't discovered he can do them all yet, but he is capable of it.
He has the invitation limitation. He needs to be invited into homes before he can step foot in one. He can use a welcome mat as a loop hole though.
Most animals dislike him and are aggressive towards him, especially dogs and cats.
His fangs and claws are retractable, so he passes quite well as a regular person. His eyes also change when his fangs are out, but that also
Some plants are super effective against him, such as hawthorn.
He doesn't age, so he can live for centuries. He will never die of old age or feel the effects of old age.
The rest of the chain hasn't seen it yet, but he does enjoy hanging upside down. He mostly does this when he's on watch and has a tree to hang off
Here are some things that don't apply:
Warriors isn't undead. I haven't quite decided if this is all vampire in-universe, but Warriors is only half-vampire (I kind of want to say he's a dhampir but like, he wasn't born that way so I don't know if he counts as one) so even if they are undead, Warriors in particular wouldn't be. This also means he can sleep outside graveyard dirt.
He can use mirrors just fine.
He can cross rivers.
I've seen some debate about whether or not silver is effective against vampires. Here, he it doesn't bother him or other vampires.
Vampires aren't affected by garlic as you have stated. It's just something he personally hates.
I am unsure about shapeshifting. He's only half-vampire, so even if other vampires could, he wouldn't be able to. I think it might be neat if other vampires could and he was able at least take on some traits of let's say, a bat (such as being able to use echolocation).
As for misconceptions, there aren't a lot of misconceptions in-universe regarding vampire facts. However, most people are unaware that he's only half-vampire at first, so misconceptions he experiences is mostly based on people being surprised that he can do something regular vampires can't do. Sunlight is BAD for vampires and will kill them, but Warriors doesn't experience the weaknesses as strongly, so it just gives him sunburns. People who know about vampires, then become aware that he is one, panic when they see him in sunlight.
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liliansun · 1 year
day 17/365 of haechan appreciation~
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the sunflower urge to gatekeep is strong today (once again)
i'll be honest - i hate writing in anything other than black.
6 questions for a bored/procrastinating sunflower :)... lilac i'm expecting answers btw and i'll share mine below
what are your three favourite hairstyles/hair colours on haechan and tell me why in detail
how would you describe haechan to a friend?
if haechan were a demon, what are the five items (doesn't necessarily have to be 'items' either) you're using in the pentagram to summon him?
6 reasons why you like him? (short answers. bullet points. essays - just give my man some loooove)
if you had haechan as a contact in your phone, what would his contact name be?
what do you think people overlook or may miss about haechan? something you wish he got more credit for? (something like that - 'you may miss at first glance if you're not looking at him the way I am' kinda thing)
fuck. so many options. i want him to do that silver/white hair colour again from superhuman and get appreciated more for it. loved that red on him. purple too...... black. i don't actually know.
i think an actual conversation i've had about him is - *onslaught of photos* he's my baby. what do you think of him? // i approve. he's pretty. // i'm glad you know.
personally - kimchi jjigae, his camera, renjun, bucket hat, anything remotely related to michael jackson.
always wins. incredibly clever and witty. belongs on stage (everywhere) - he just knows where to look/how to act etc. articulate speaker. his smile and laughs. SO RNB ORIENTATED.
here's his options; (1) jjigae (2) beba (3) kiddo (4) baby (5) sunshine sunmine (not really it just came to my head) (6) the reason i'm going to die an early death
he's seriously overworked (not a secret) but i think he thrives from it? like take his hiatus for example - it was like he was restless throughout the whole thing. i think his stage has oddly become his comfort space?
listen, purple is my favourite colour but this just does not feel right.
Listen, having to change my color palette on the app doesn’t make it any better 😭 OKAY OKAY LEMME ANSWER.
1. PURPLE. it’s my favorite color overall so it’s kinda 🤭biased but purple hyuck really has a special place in my heart. Black haired hyuck makes me..feral. Like I literally become another thing I’m not even human atp I might as well be a dog bc I’m barking and howling at the moon for black haired hyuck. Lastly (and I don’t think we’ve gotten this like in actuality but have had a taste of it) I want BLUE HAIRED HYUCK. y’all know Jeno and Nana and even mark ROCK The blue hair,, just let hyuck have it please I’ll literally PAY. 👰‍♀️
2. (This is giving me butterflies just thinking about it) okay how would I describe him to a friend,, I’d probably say he’s the light on the darkest days. His smile instantly brings smiles to everyone around him and he’s funny,,the kind of funny that makes your stomach hurt when you laugh too much. He’s kind and caring and the most considerate person I think I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet and boy is he clingy, but if he wanted me to I’d hold him and never let him go and tell him how much he is appreciated and loved and how deserving he is of all he has and will become.
3. IF HYUCK WAS A DEMON PLEASE LET HIM BE MY DEMON PLEASE EITHER HIM OR RENJUN LETS BE HONEST. Ehm I’ll be setting up my lil pentagram w ofc a steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae, the nail ring the dreamies wear, a hoverboard from chewing gum, a Michael Jackson vinyl (thriller ofc) and probably doyoung so hyuck has something to do when I’m at work 🤭
4. Only 6?? Okay,, that’ll be hard but I’ll narrow it down. (1) his dedication to his music and performances makes my heart feel full (2) his laugh, oh boy his laugh really just replays in my head whenever I hear it sometime throughout the day on a video or etc. god I love his laugh. (3) the way he loves and takes care of his younger members in nct but also cherishes and absorbs all the love from the older (specifically 127) members. (4) his teasing of his members and even the fans, he just knows which buttons to push and when to stop and I cannot tell you how bad I’ve laughed w this boy just egging the dreamies (5) his entire fucking existence likee 🤕🫶 (6) his voice,, it literally gives me chills and I cannot describe the serotonin boost I get when I see him on my feed,, also his stage presence?? IMMACULATE. FUCKING. IMMACULATE.
5. POOKIE BEAR is one, hyuck 🫶 is another, the bane of my existence (affectionate) is another one I think of a lot, baby daddy is def a crowd favorite and lastly my sun 🫶
6. Honestly I wish people paid more attention to him when he’s feeling dejected and idk if it’s obvious, but he deals w a lot (I’m not him so idk this factually but I think it’s worse w the dreamies) and kinda keeps to himself when he looks like he’s down in his mood and it’s just sad bc people love him and appreciate him but at the same time walk all over him and it’s just sad,, I just think sometimes some things are taken too far and it hurts him more than we know—so I want people to appreciate the fact that he takes shit w a grain of salt when it comes to some things
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neurodivenport · 2 years
♫ with chase (and/or chaz)
UGH i have so many songs that remind me of him its so hard to narrow it down.. ive talked about marina with him so im gonna do a song ive never talked about with him before
idle worship by paramore! it's such a long and awful lonely fall / down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on / what if i fall on my face? / what if i make mistake? / if its okay a little grace would be appreciated / just let me let you down / hey, baby, i'm not your superhuman / and if thats what you want / i hate to let you down / or get your hopes up / now i got you hoping / that i'm gonna be the one that let you down
send me a ♫ + a character/ship and i’ll post a song that reminds me of them
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gxdmade · 6 months
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@naviculariis asked [SogeKing Playlist!]
Idol Worship - Paramore
Hey, baby I'm not your superhuman And if that's what you want I hate to let you down I got your hopes up Now I got you hoping That I'm gonna be the one that let you down Oh, it's such a long and awful lonely fall Down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on What if I fall on my face? What if I make a mistake? If it's okay a little grace would be appreciated [...] La, la, la, la, la, la, la Just let me let you down!
Michael in the Bathroom - George Salazar (Be More Chill)
I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall I could stay right here or disappear and nobody'd even notice at all I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly Or pretend to check a text on my phone Everything felt fine When I was half of a pair And through no fault of mine There's no other half there Now I'm just Michael in the bathroom Michael in the bathroom at a party Forget how long its been I'm just Michael in the bathroom Michael in the bathroom at a party No, you can't come in I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave And picking at grout as I softly grieve I'm just Michael who you don't know Michael flying solo Michael in the bathroom by himself All by himself
Creature - half.alive
Look inside my heart and find a perilous ravine Carved within the beauty, the darkness in between Standing in the balance of complete and incomplete I identify the echo of what is and what will be I know I'm made of clay that's worn Blighted by imperfect form But I will trust the artist molding me In a room that's growing dim Illuminated from within The pull of tension's empathy I am creation, both haunted and holy Made in glory Even the depths of the night cannot blind me When You guide me, oh I am creation, both haunted and holy Made in glory Even the depths of the night cannot blind 'Cause what comes Creature only
Thirty years of anxious, thirty years of suffering Thirty years of torment, thirty years of (wait!) Thirty years of bitter, thirty years of lonely Thirty years of pushing everyone away (You'll never evolve) I know I can change (We are not enough) we are not the same (You don't have the heart) you don't have the strength (You don't have the will) you don't have the faith (You'll never be loved, you'll never be safe Might as well give up) not running away (You don't have the guts) you're the one afraid I'm the one in charge I'm taking the (no!) I'm taking the Reigns.
50 Ways to Say Goodbye - Train
My heart is paralyzed My head was oversized I'll take the high road like I should You said it's meant to be That it's not you, it's me You're leaving now for my own good That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say- She went down in an airplane Fried getting suntan Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes! She met a shark underwater Fell and no one caught her I returned everything I ever bought her Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies And ways to say you died
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mental-mario · 10 months
100%'ing Games and the Pressures of Perfectionism
"Hey baby I'm not your superhuman, and if that's what you want I hate to let you down. I got your hopes up, now I got you hoping that I'm gonna be the one to let you down."
If you know the song/band without looking it up, I f*** with you! 👌
I know there are many competitive gamers out there, but I am not particularly one of them. Don't get me wrong, I'm no slouch, but I sure do not claim to be an expert. If you beat me online, you won't be the first! 🤣
But I probably will beat you...if you want to find out, friend me on Switch with my friend code: SW - 4419 - 5159 - 3401
Beat me, and I'll s*** your d*** (proverbially) with a shoutout, plug, whatever you like! (within reason) but WHEN I beat you, you gotta chuck a nice tip my way...because I want your tip, baby! Don't worry, I will appreciate you for it.
Anywho, back to the topic of this post, I was raised to be rather competitive, even though my nature is really not to be so competitive. For example, if I got a B for a grade, my parents would be concerned and ask why it wasn't an A. Needless to say, I'm a huge disappointment to my family in this life. Oh well...Comment below if you can relate to that! So it makes for an odd paradox in me of being highly competitive in some respects and not at all in others.
In terms of video games, there are many games I have beaten but not completed 100%. Two that come to mind are Super Mario World and Super Mario 64, but there are many others. It used to bother me quite a bit, due to my OCD, that I didn't finish every task and complete every achievement, even though it really means nothing.
I have also achieved high scores as a kid in the arcade for TMNT, where my name and score was posted up on the cabinet, until it was eventually beaten, and I also participated in the Donkey Kong Country competition edition at Blockbuster, where I had the high score almost to the end. Someone did wind up beating it, and I finished in 2nd place. I have finally accepted that about 25 years later, but I was pissed at the time when I was about 8 years old.
As good as I was in gaming, my friends were always more naturally competitive than me. I have one friend whom I used to beat senseless in Super Smash Bros Melee when we were high school seniors. Didn't matter if it was 4 players, one-on-one, items or not, and no matter what stage or other conditions, I would beat him every single time. I would be Mario and he would always be Captain Falcon. I was a gracious winner, and he was not. He was also a sore loser and couldn't accept losing. He would continue to challenge me for rematch after rematch all the way until 3am, when I would finally let him win a match so he could screech victoriously and I could go home to get some sleep! He never did seem to question the fact that I would always win until that final match...and of course, I had to make it look competitive or else he wouldn't accept the win and harass me for yet another match.
I've known many people growing up who were similar in that they were completely incapable of accepting a defeat or even a setback. They took the phrase "win or die" too literally and grew up competitive to what I believe amounts to a very unhealthy level. I'm thankful to say I have laid down the conditioning of perfectionism and have accepted that I am, of course, not perfect nor do I pretend to be. I think everyone accepts that they aren't perfect, but the attitude and approach and veneer that they were on a daily basis promotes themselves as nothing but perfect. Perfect status, perfect life, perfect possessions, perfect friends, perfect relationship, perfect family, perfect parents, perfect career...you get the gist. Any veering off course of this image portrayed to the world can send one spiraling out of control into a pattern of self destruction, self sabotage, and self abuse (and regular abuse as well). Might be why we as a society need to get super intoxicated on the regular, so as to be able to tolerate ourselves and our shortcomings that we were taught to never embrace, display, or learn how to harness into a strength in our lives.
I'm rambling on now, so forgive me. I have recently reached a more manic, creative and inspired state, so I'm on a bit of a roll now. I've also begun jotting notes towards a script/storyline for a game that came to me last night. Came so hard that me and it were practically up all night together. That said, I'll look to share that in a future post, as long as you promise to click Follow and like the post because I can use your friendship...for my personal gain!!! Hahahahaa!!!!
Wait, did I say that out loud? Whoops!
Please donate as well because I can also use your financial support. The bigger the donations, the better the gifts get! Last gift winner requested to stay anonymous, but thank you so much anyway!
Friend me on Switch and send an invite my way! I'll be happy to help you reach a high score or if you'd rather compete, I can put you in your place...8th! 😁
Until next time, friends, keep your heads up and remember that life squashes us all sometime, but it eventually gets up off of you so it can go squash someone else! (cheery, ain't I)
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skayafair · 11 months
S2 Ep 48 Your Shadow at Evening
I have my little ghost at the head of the bed and my favorite podcast with ghosts in it, too, what's more to- Episode summary: "Returning home, Bill Tyler grapples with the revelation of Morrison’s actions… And the role he played in enabling them." Oof. This is going to hit hard.
Upd. IT DID. Gods. I'm shaking. First of all, I rarely want to beat someone's face up but Morrison is asking for it. Gods I hate him. The worst thing? He's VERY realistic. That's why he pisses me off so much. This. Damn. Arrogant. Jerk. I hope he gets killed. I REALLY hope so!
Secondly. I desperately wanted to give Bill a hug for the most of the episode. He finally broke down, bad. Punched a wall. I know this type of frustration, of being so angry at yourself and powerless at the same time because the mistake or mistakes are already done, it's in the past, and it can't be changed.
After all, he had it worse than anyone else from the team. He was hiding Sam and had to hide this not just from Morrison, but from Robert as well. No one could know. It's painfully obvious how his personal relationship suffered from this, and he didn't do anything bad, he was literally saving a life. And here it came to the point when Robert couldn't bear it any longer. He saw the state his love was in, how he was being torn apart inside and suffering but still keeping silent. This night though it breached any limits, Bill literally told Rob to go away because he had to let his rage out, to put his thoughts in order, and you normally NEED to be on your own for that, but Bill couldn't explain any of that because he had to keep Sam a secret, and that meant keeping everything else a secret, too!
The way he TRIED to push something out to explain as much as it was possible but there was just nothing, so he cut himself mid-sentence several times was painful to hear. It's dark in the room but I still had to hide my face in my palm because. It's just. It's insufferable. And familiar. When you're demanded to tell something - righteously so - but you can't, because it's someone else's personal information so you can't disclose it and have to dance around inventing ways to find what you can tell while keeping out what you can't… yeah it's hard and I hate it. Especially with an added "don't talk about it this topic is still painful for me" and then being interrogated about this exact topic but I can't even say that because I'm not allowed to talk about it?? And Bill had it so much worse. Just. Buddy. You deserve the world. And one much better than the one you live in.
Apparently Rob noticed something specific because he went from being offended to talking soothingly and reasonably, explained how all this made him feel, and what will most likely happen if they go on like this. It felt a bit like pressuring and threatening to leave if Bill still kept everything a secret, but at the same time he was just laying out the way he felt and warned of what would follow. He was simply being honest - and in a careful enough way.
So Bill broke and told him everything. The episode has a CW "character betrayal" and I prayed that it isn't Robert's. That he's not the traitor. I let such a deep sigh of relief out at the end. He's just a good partner, like Bill is just a good person. And when he was telling Bill about why he wanted to know, and how he didn't need Bill to be a superhuman, how he wanted him to just be present, all of him, the good with the bad - I think I forgot for a moment to whom it was addressed. I just listened. And it was very calming. If Bill looks like a saint, Robert seems to be his angel. I don't know how else to explain it.
Then I had to cover my face with my hand once again because when Rob asked Bill to get something at the groceries, Bill apparently went straight to Morrison. Y'know, the VERY thing others asked him NOT to do? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Bill, dear, you're probably one of the best people of all the podcast characters I know but you really did a BIG mistake and it was painfully obvious.
But the way Morrison told he can do anything he wants… I think I may be more emotional about it because of the situation in my country for the past few years. He sounds just like them. He knows he can get away with anything and he doesn't care if there is "colloteral damage".
And you should hear the way he said all that. I. HATE. HIM. Also insane kudos to the voice actor, he's something else for real. They all are, actually.
What a rollercoaster of an episode. I'm going to need some time to calm down after this.
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thesiaswritingblog · 1 year
For Her
Thing i wrote while i was a bit stressed over smth. Felt like making an oc murder (i literally made these ocs on the spot wtf lmao)
(TW: Death. Mentions of blood, knife. Implied murder.)
Miyuki knew Ayaka for a long time now. In fact, they're literally best friends! They've been with each other through thick and thin. They had each other, and that's all that matters.
...Until they interfered.
Miyuki never knew how much rage she felt when she found out about how Ayaka's parents treated her. They treated her like shit, constantly forcing her to do her responsibilities when she doesn't want to and talk shit about her behind her back.
Miyuki hated that.
Ayaka's parents also force her to study until late at night with no rest whatsoever. They never let her sleep or rest from her studying every night, and because of that, the girl always seems so sleepy in the morning, constantly not focusing on certain things well due to her lack of sleep.
Miyuki hated that.
Ayaka's parents always force her to put up some sort of act that Miyuki now calls the 'perfect bitch' act. Ayaka's parents wanted her to be perfect, amazing, good at everything, when really, she's no superhuman.
Miyuki hated that.
Ayaka used to be so cheerful and expressive. Always looking up at the bright side of things, always so kind and caring, and even bringing Miyuki herself out of bad thoughts. But now, Ayaka is reduced to being an emotionless, expressionless, and broken individual who's hard for Miyuki to fix.
Miyuki hated that.
Miyuki hated them.
So that's why...
Miyuki's going to end it all here.
Miyuki recently got a text from Ayaka, telling her that her parents will be out for the night. The pink haired girl knew that this is her opportunity.
This is her opportunity to end them.
Once and for all.
So, Miyuki tries tracking down where the friend's parents are. After successfully finding them through a tracking device, the girl got into a disguise, got everything she needed, and went downstairs. She was nearly ready to put her plan into motion when she forgot something.
Quickly enough, she went into her house's kitchen and grabbed a—
A knife.
And then they were gone.
She got rid of any traces of them.
She changed into cleaner clothes.
She destroyed any evidence and her old, bloodied clothes.
And that's the end of it.
"She doesn't need to suffer anymore," She said in pure happiness.
She knew she has gone insane at this point, laughing at the death of her victims.
But all of that doesn't matter anymore.
As long as she did it for her, she doesn't need to worry about it.
Miyuki could hear her phone's ringtone from the bathroom just when she's drying off her hair with a towel after a good shower. She quickly got out of the bathroom and answered the call, not bothering to check who's calling.
"Miyuki?" The familiar voice of her best friend could be heard from the other side of the call. "Hey Ayaka! Sorry for answering your call a little late. What's up?" The pink haired girl cheerfully replied.
"My parents....they've been gone since last night, as you already know, but they're not back yet it seems..." Hearing that, Miyuki fell silent. However, her smile didn't drop. "I-I'm worried for them, Miyuki...I'm gonna go find them-" "Ah! No, no, no! No need! I'm sure they'll be fine. Maybe they came back last night when you were asleep and then went out again this morning before you woke up?" Miyuki 'speculated', despite knowing full well about the well being of the black haired girl's parents.
"I-I highly doubt that-"
"Relax, Aya! I'm sure they'll be fine. Trust me."
There was a long pause from Ayaka's side of the call for a brief moment, before a sigh could be heard. "Alright. Fine. I trust you on this. But if they end up not coming back until tomorrow, you're seriously gonna be the death of me..." Miyuki knew full well that's a joke, so she laughed along with Ayaka, who actually only nervously chuckled. "Right, right~"
However, Miyuki knew damn well what she did last night.
And she wasn't guilty about it either.
Because as long as she did it for her, then she doesn't need to worry about it.
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half-doomed · 2 years
Song: Idle Worship by Paramore
Hey, baby I'm not your superhuman And if that's what you want I hate to let you down
Send me  ♪ and I’ll give you my favorite lyric from a shuffled song from my music library
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