#( ; anyways i'm just gonna curl into a ball and cry )
nobodybetterlookatme · 2 months
Begging whoever is making my life a whump fic to stop actually
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poppy-metal · 2 months
leave it to me to get horny w smth pure and domestic..*sighs* anyway imagine it’s night and u n art are all sleepy and your doing your nighttime routine together in the bathroom (like that one bring it on scene) and ur giggling at eachother for no reason and afterwards you try cuddling but maybe arts too needy and ur teasing him (as if u aren’t too) so it leads to somno and/or cock warming 😔 somno my beloved <33
- 🌷
gonna cry domesticness w art <3333 he's in his soft cotton shirt and briefs and you're in one of his shirts that's big on you and you keep brushing against his arm while you brush your teeth and giggling. it's that feeling of butterflies like being close to your high-school crush - but he's your husband. your forever boyfriend - n that makes you giddy. makes you rush into bed and bounce on it in glee like a little kid because you get to sleep together! with your HUSBAND!
"its like a sleepover." you tell him, still giggling and breathless and hes so endeared by you. comes up and his hands come to your waist, pulling you into him - standing on the bed you're only a little taller than him, arms looped around his neck. "wanna see who can stay up the longest?"
"hm." his smile is small - happy. his hands slide under your - his - shirt to skim up your bare sides. his palms are big and warm and make your heart race. you're already leaning in and his next words are murmured against your lips. "I'm not very tired."
his voice sends a warm shiver through you. your lips part against his - your tongues touching. you kiss hot and wet and your hands curl into his shirt - you moan into him - let him guide you onto your back and press on top of you. he tastes like the mint toothpaste you share and he's so warm and big and husband husband husband. all yours.
you end up on your side - spooning - his body curled around yours, your thighs curled up just a little - his cock gliding in and out of your slick cunt. he feels so good inside you - you'll never get tired of this sensation - the stretch of him inside - the feel of his body touching yours - moving together. your ass rocks back against his pelvis and he moans softly into your ear, lips pressed there - "I love you - " he gasps, "god - I love you so much - "
you squeeze around him. hot and tight. kiss his hand that you're clutching to your cheek, his arm banded around your breats to anchor you to him - "love you too." you moan. "you feel so good inside me."
you feel him pressing kisses against the back of your neck. there's no rush to cum - just a gentle rocking- his cock gently tugging in and out of your pussy - balls pressed snug against the lips of your cunt. "you're so warm - " he noses along your throat. " - and tight." he sucks your flesh into his mouth. "feels - ah - you feel incredible, baby."
you end up falling asleep first. the gentle rocking of your bodies swaying you into comfort far too easily. the comforting weight of your husbands cock inside you making you feel content. you murmur something about him staying inside - not pulling out, please - and then you're gone.
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hearts-hunger · 20 days
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Under the soft glow of the purple Halloween lights, Danny is sweet to you like he always is. || Sequel to Kitkat and Honeyglow
Pairings: Danny x Reader | Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | Word Count: 2.4k | Warnings: drinking, smoking, mentions of wacky tobaccy, me not knowing anything actually about tarot cards (sorry)
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @spark-my-nature and go look lovingly upon this Kitkat 'verse Danny fanart she made that made me cry!!! Every Danny and Kitkat fic is dedicated especially to Miranda now :) I have at least one more fic for these two sweeties up my sleeve this spooky season, and I hope you like this short little fic! ♡
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“Damn, Jake, how much tequila did you put in this?”
Jake laughed when you winced after the first sip of your drink, clinking his solo cup against yours.
“Beats me, kitkat,” he said. “You know I measure liquor with my heart.”
“Should start measuring with your liver,” you said, taking another drink anyway. “Lordy. I'm gonna be slap-out drunk after one drink.”
He cackled. “Slap out? That's weird. You're funny, honey.”
You grinned at the sloppy kiss he bestowed on your cheek as he went to rejoin the party, knowing Jake was well on his way to being slap-out drunk already. Most of the partygoers were in various states of intoxication, whether from the counter littered with half-empty bottles of booze or the weed that was being “discreetly” smoked in the back yard. One of the boys' friends had planned this bash to celebrate the beginning of the season at the haunted house attraction they worked for; this was sort of their last hoorah before nights and weekends became dedicated to scaring the bejeezus out of people for the next two months. You knew your boys were looking forward to getting back to work, and even though you weren't the biggest fan of haunted houses, you were happy to come and celebrate this year's reign of terror on the folks of your small town. 
You fished a Corona out of the cooler and went in search of your boyfriend, weaving through rooms filled with people talking and laughing and singing along to the Ghostbusters theme song playing at a blinding volume. Some were dressed in their costumes for work, getting in the spirit of things, and you politely sidestepped a ghoul and an undead nurse making out in the hallway. You spotted Danny in the living room, sporting a black hoodie and a backwards ball cap that somehow managed to tame his thick head of curls. He was talking animatedly to Sam, who was giving him a vaguely drunk but comically serious look of attention and consideration.
You'd almost made it to them when somebody in a clown mask started razzing the crowd, hollering and getting up in their faces. They all seemed to like it — it was just another day at the office for them, after all — but you stumbled back a little when he turned to you and held his hands up as if to snatch you.
“Hey, Bri, easy on the fright night with my kitkat.”
Your boyfriend’s kind reminder from behind you had Brian backing off with an applogetic laugh.
“Sorry, kid,” he said, muffled through his mask. “Forgot you weren't into all this. My bad.”
“That’s okay,” you said with a smile, thankful for the quick response. The actors who worked at the haunted house were very good about keeping things light and fun for all thresholds of thrill-seeking, even those as low as yours. Still, Danny's hand on your waist was a welcome comfort as Brian went off to scare somebody else.
“Thanks,” you said, turning to Danny. “I guess I should be used to this sort of thing by now.”
He smiled. “No sweat, kitkat. Brian's just funning you, but it's okay if you don't like it.”
You handed him his beer, and he accepted it with a word of thanks.
“This is my last one tonight, though,” he said, looking at your cup with a wry smile. “Somebody’s gotta drive us home, and if you're drinking some shit Jake made, no way should you be behind the wheel.”
Sam held out his hand for a taste of his brother's concoction, and when you let him have some, he coughed and spluttered.
“God damn, kitkat,” he said as you and Danny laughed. “You’re gonna be on the floor after that.”
“That’s the plan, Sammy boy,” you said cheerfully. You knocked back another swig and shuddered with the acrid taste. “Goes down real smooth.”
Danny chuckled and hugged you close to his side. “Having fun, kitkat?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Are you?”
He hummed in agreement around a sip of his beer. “It’s fun to be back with everybody. It's gonna be a good season, I think.”
The music crescendoed, almost rattling the windows with the volume of the synth.
“Do you know who you are yet?” you asked.
Danny leaned closer to hear you over the noise. “Do I know what?”
You stood on tiptoe and leaned on his arm. “Do you know what part you're playing yet? At work?”
He nodded. “Ah. Yeah. Werewolf again. It was such a big hit last year that they want to keep it around.”
You gave him a cheeky smile and a kiss. “It was a big hit for me too.”
He pinked a little, liking the compliment and the reminder of how you'd met. 
“Glad you're happy, sweetheart,” he said, a little bashful. 
Some of his friend wanted him to play a game of darts with them, and you stole one last kiss before you sent him on his way. You knew enough of his coworkers to hang out on your own, and the Kiszkas were milling around somewhere; you went to mingle and talk to some of the friends you'd made over the last year as you'd frequented the haunted house in the off season of repairs and updates.
Cindy, one of the girls who’d worked the zombie maze last year, took you by the arm and let you to where she and a couple other girls were messing around with tarot cards in the dining room.
“Your turn, kitkat,” she said, ushering you into the chair at the table laid with cards and fairy lights. “Time to seek your fortune.”
The girl telling fortunes shuffled the cards and fumbled a few with tipsy hands, and you laughed.
“Off to a good start, I see,” you teased.
“Just you wait,” she said with a grin. She laid three cards in front of you, and you watched curiously as she presented the lovers upside down, the tower, and the moon.
Your draw earned a low chorus of “oohs” from the girls around you. You didn't have the slightest idea what the cards meant and looked around at their faces to see what you could glean from their expressions.
“Bad news?” you asked.
Cindy gave you an uncertain gesture with her cup. “Dunno, kitkat. Looks like your love life is gonna get fucked up, your carefully laid plans are gonna get blown to shit, and you're in for some fear and confusion.”
“Aw, what the fuck?” you protested with a laugh. “Gimme some new ones. I don't like those.”
She waggled her fingers at you. “The cards tell all, babe. Better get with it.”
You let someone else have a turn, and though you enjoyed spending time with your friends, you couldn't help thinking about the cards you'd been given. You didn't want your love life to implode; you liked it just the way it was. 
When the girls pulled out a Ouija board, you declined being haunted and excused yourself to find Danny again. He was out on the porch, smoking a cigarette and finishing off his beer; you snuggled close to him in the chilly night air, thankful for his warmth.
“Saw you in there with Cindy,” he said. His handsome features were sharp in the purple lights strung overhead. “What were y’all getting into?”
“The future,” you said mysteriously.
He smiled. “Oh yeah? What'd you find out?”
You downed the last of your drink. “Well, we're about to break up, and then I'm gonna explode and die, probably.”
He laughed. “Well damn, honey. Is that all?”
“That’s all she wrote,” you agreed. 
He leaned his elbows on the railing, looking out at the spooky decorations in the yard, and you hugged his arm.
“I don't wanna break up and explode and die.”
He turned his face to yours, nudging the bridge of his nose against your cheek. “We’re not gonna break up, kitkat.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, half-serious. Maybe — certainly — it was the alcohol making your head fuzzy and your emotions wobbly, and you knew you were worried way too much about some drunken tarot reading that none of you had done correctly anyway. But you still wanted reassurance, and as he always did, Danny gave of his kindness and patience very generously.
“Kitkat,” he said gently. He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “I’m sure, sweetheart. I'd have to tear my heart out to ever live without you. You hear me?”
You blossomed under his touch, leaning close. “I hear you. I love you, Danny.”
He kissed you, and you felt his smile. “I love you, my sweet kitkat.”
You shared a cigarette under the soft violet lights, talking about the upcoming season and your plans for your anniversary that was only a few weeks away. 
“I think we should make it official and start a family,” he said.
You blushed, partly out of surprise and partly out of some insane pleasure at the idea. Of course you weren't ready for kids and he was only messing with you, but you didn't mind the thought of starting a family with him one day.
“Little Danny junior, huh?” you teased gently.
He grinned. “Later, kitkat. Let me marry you first. But maybe we could get a puppy and start practicing.”
You laughed. “Okay, honey. I like that idea. And the one about you marrying me.”
He pulled you snug against him. “I’m working on it. But, you know, rings that a haunted house actor and part time drummer can afford are kinda scarce.”
You slipped your hand under the purple lights on the railing and showed him a light resting on your ring finger.
“There,” you said. “Found a free one.”
He chuckled and kissed you. “You sure are silly, kitkat. I love you. And your free ring. It's very generous of you to find one.”
“Just doing my part,” you said, smiling up at him. You untangled your hand from the lights to brush your fingers over the curls that peeked out from his ball cap. “I love you too.”
When you ventured back to the party, you found that most everybody had settled out in the back yard for a showing of some horror movie on the projector. You and Danny found a spot on the grass to watch, and the Kiszkas joined you. You hoped it would turn out to be a slasher, since you were getting braver with that kind of scary flick, but you quickly found out it was something about ghosts or demons; you didn't watch it closely enough to find out. You hadn't quite gotten over your innate scaredy-cat nature to handle that kind of movie yet. Danny was absorbed in the movie and talking to the boys about it as they all enjoyed it, so he didn't notice that you were hiding behind your hands for a large portion of it.
Halfway through, when the movie was paused to let people refill drinks and snacks, Danny did lean over to check on you.
“How’s it going?” he asked. “This one’s not so bad, is it?”
“Um...” You didn't want to spoil something he was obviously enjoying, but you’d just about reached your limit for terror, even on a movie he thought was tame.
His expression softened with chagrin and worry. “Aw, honey. You don't like it, do you?”
His understanding made you brave enough to tell him the truth. “Not... not really,” you said apologetically. “I’m sorry, Danny.”
He shook his head. “You don't have to apologize, kitkat. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. We can go home if you want.”
You looked up as he stood. “Are you sure? I don't mind staying if you want to finish the movie.”
He offered you a hand up. “I don't want to stay if it's scaring you, honey. I'm happy to go home if you're ready.”
You took his hand, grateful for his kindness to you, and you said your goodbyes to the Kiszkas and the rest of your friends. The boys gave you some ribbing about still being a scaredy-cat, but you knew it was in good fun.
On the way home, you and Danny stopped to get something to eat and ended up camped out in the living room at the house he shared with the Kiszkas. You divvied up your Taco Bell orders as Danny queued something up on the tv.
“I think this one's a little more your speed, kitkat,” he said. “But you let me know if it’s too scary.”
The opening to Halloweentown started to play, and you nudged your elbow against his ribs and earned a sweet little giggle.
“Sorry, kitkat. I’m only teasing.”
He consoled you with a kiss, and as you sat together and enjoyed the movie that was indeed much more your taste, you found yourself watching him more than your were watching the movie. 
He chewed on his straw. “What?” He offered you his Baja Blast. “You want some?”
You smiled. “No, but thank you. I’m just admiring my lovely boyfriend.”
He grinned. “Yeah, I'm a real hunk eatin’ my weight in tacos and nacho fries.”
You patted his shoulder. “I like a man with a healthy appetite.”
He laughed and gave you a goofy smooch. “Good to know, baby.”
You broke out the candy after a while, grabbing a bag of the fun-sized Skittles and Hershey bars you’d been planning to save for trick or treaters in your more proactive moments. But you could buy more, and the boyish smile on Danny’s face when you tossed the bag in his lap was priceless.
“See, this is why I keep you around,” he said. He fished out a candy for you. “Your special candy, my sweetheart.”
You smiled when you took the Kit-Kat that looked impossibly small in his big hand. “Thanks, honey. I guess it is my special candy, isn't it?”
You broke off half of it and gave it back to him. 
“I didn't mean for you to share it with me,” he said, amused and kind. “But thank you.”
You gave him a quick kiss, candy-sweet and full of the easy love you shared, and he smiled as he pulled you close and deepened it.
“I love you, kitkat,” he said. “You know that, don't you?”
There was no way for you not to know. In his kindness and patience, his selflessness and sweet nature, Danny showed you he loved you until you thought your heart would burst with it.
“Yeah,” you said softly. You smiled. “I know it. I love you too.”
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taglist: @viagvf @allieisacrybaby @itsafullmoon @spark-my-nature @anthemheatwave @xserenax-13 @musicspeaks @mountain-in-springtime @stardustsecret @alwaysonthemend @madneedshelp @josh-iamyour-mama @dannythedog @thecoldwind @woyayaofdreams @joshkiszkapunchmeintheface @lostoverseer @jakesguitarpick @heartcannotsow @kissingkiszka @gold-mines-melting @lizzys-sunflower @iluvjoshkiszka @musicislove3389
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
Not This Again | Hobie Brown x f!reader
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Whatever it may say about me, my first thought when someone grabs me by my backpack strap, violently jerking me backwards towards the ground, is 'shit, not this again'.
With a thud, my head hits the pavement, and I roll over onto my side, reaching my arms up, groaning as stars dance in front of my eyes.
"Fuck, shit," I hiss. From above, someone is yanking my backpack, trying their hardest to get it off my shoulders, forcing my arms backwards into an uncomfortable position.
I want to say that without the crack to the head, I would leap up, ready to defend myself from whatever asshole idiot is stealing a backpack - so much harder to steal than a purse, I think? - but I'm pretty sure I'd just be handing it over to avoid confrontation.
This fucker could have just asked and looked menacing. I'd probably have handed it over.
Finally, I manage to half roll over when the backpack slips away, and get a glimpse at the backpack-thief. He's tall, slender, and the top half of his face is covered in shadow by a ratty blue ball cap. His lips are thin, cracked, and the hair around his mouth is probably something he proudly calls a beard, but it definitely isn't.
His thin lips curl up in a half smile, half sneer. "Thanks for this."
As he turns, I find solace in the fact that when he gets home, he will find nothing but art supplies in the backpack. My wallet is in my pocket, along with my phone.
It does suck that he took my keys, but there's a spare somewhere.
My head is throbbing as I sit up, and I'm pretty sure I need to go the hospital. I pull my knees to my chest as I take my phone out of my pocket, and shuffle back to press my back against the brick wall of the alley.
He answers on the first ring.
"Kind of," he grunts, and I hear a shuffling of feet and the large bang of something metallic falling to the ground, "busy!"
"Oh. I.. got mugged."
"On my way."
He arrives within five minutes, descending nearly silently from above me, startling me when he lands.
"Which way did he go?" he asks, his chest heaving, his voice muffled only slightly by his mask.
"That way," I say and point, "but please don't bother. I think I need to go to the ER. It feels like I might pass out. I hit my head." I reach back, showing him. He runs his hand over my swollen skull.
He looks left to right, and then pulls his mask off, his hair springing free. Reaching out, he runs his thumb over my cheek, just below my eye.
I'm puzzled until I realize he's wiping away a tear.
I'm crying.
"You're okay now, love," he says, leaning forward to bring his face just inches from mine. "I'm here."
My body falls forward, my forehead pressing to the cold leather of his vest, and I take a few deep breaths, in and out, in and out, in and out.
"I can't believe this happened again," I whisper, and I feel his chest shake with a laugh he's trying to stifle.
"Once is usually enough for most people," he replies sarcastically, but I can hear the smile in his voice. "If it happens again, I'm gonna start bringing you with me, everywhere I go."
He brings his fingers up under my chin, tilting my head so I'm forced to meet his gaze with mine.
"Might do that anyway," he says.
"Hobie..." I roll my eyes.
He bends down, and presses a soft, lingering kiss to my lips. The pain in my head momentarily vanishes, and all I can feel are his warm lips on mine, and the pounding in my chest.
He pulls away, and I lean forward, prolonging the kiss for just a few seconds.
"I wanted to do that the first time, but thought it might be... poor taste," Hobie says with a smile when we finally break apart, both smiling.
He stands up and pulls his mask on, and extends a hand to me. Gently, he lifts me into his arms, cradling me.
"I would do anything to keep you safe, Y/N," he says, and I can't see his face, but I can hear how serious he is.
"I know, Hobie," I say, my cheeks burning.
Now, I owe that thin-lipped, tiny-bearded moron something. Without him, when would Hobie have kissed me?
Concussion be damed. This is the best day of my life.
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sqquidzz · 1 year
"As Long as I'm Here, No One Can Hurt You."
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Summary: Sanemi had found you while he was on a mission chasing a demon, covered in the blood of your own family and crying in your house all alone. He decided to "adopt" you and give you a new home.
Tags: Fluff, slight gore in backstory, Sanemi is a good parent, trauma, PTSD, slight mentions of past abuse, soft Sanemi, protective Sanemi, Y/N reminds Sanemi of Genya, loss of parents, adopting, some sadness, swearing, insults (but Sanemi doesn't really mean it) etc.
A/N: Hello readers! I'm so sorry to those following me that I haven't posted as often as I probably should, I just got writers block and lost all my motivation and I forgot to post something for you guys. I hope this will make up for it. I have not written fluff yet, so I'm hoping you guys will have some improvements for me if there are any. And also, thank you to those who are following me, I really appreciate it! About the story now, PLEASE do NOT read this as a sexual relationship, this is only a PLATONIC relationship. But anyways, enjoy!
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"Get back here, you brat!"
Sanemi was currently chasing you around the house. After a long year of going on missions, Sanemi finally had a break day. Of course, meaning that he could spend that day taking care of you. And coming back to the scene before us, Sanemi swerves around tables and chairs, trying to get you to get back into your room. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, you were also wearing no clothes.
"Nanana Boo Boo!" you giggle as he dives to catch you, but you jump out of the way, blowing a raspberry at his face, snickering as you run away once again and hide, leaving Sanemi wheezing on the floor from chasing you around.
"You better get back into your room you piece of shit, or else I'll kill you!" Sanemi barks as he rises from the floor, getting up and dusting his pants before searching for you.
"Oi, you better not be fooling around my room you little fuck!" Sanemi yells as he searches your room and comes out empty handed.
However, as he approaches his room, he hears quiet sobs through the closed door. Now Sanemi is getting a little concerned.
"Y/N...?" he calls out gently as he opens the door, the door creaking slightly. He ends up finding you on the opposite side of his bed, curled up into a ball, face in your knees as you cry silently, sobs racking your small frame.
"Hey buddy... what's wrong?" Sanemi asks quietly as he reaches out to you with his hand. But immediately after his hand makes contact with your back, you flinch away, head shooting out of your knees as you look wildly around you as if your afraid the world is hunting you.
"Whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you, see?" Sanemi whispers and holds his hands out.
You slightly calm down at the gesture, but your expression is still wary, still feeling like Sanemi was tricking you.
"You wanna tell me why your crying?" Sanemi asks gently as he attempts to hold your hand again. This time, you don't flinch back, sniffling quietly as you stop crying.
"I- I got scared," you whisper out, "I knew you wouldn't hurt me.... but I couldn't help thinking about what they did to me."
Now Sanemi was confused. Who were you talking about? Who did what to you?
"What do you mean, pumpkin?" Sanemi asks. He always used pet names with you, sometimes they would be insulting, but most of the times, he would call you buddy, pumpkin, things like that that made you feel like he really cared.
"M-my parents used to do things to me," you sniffle, "They always said that it was for the best and I believed them for a while. But what they did hurt so much." You burry your face into your knees again, shoulders shaking from newly sprung tears.
Now Sanemi understood.
He had found you as a baby after your parents had been slaughtered in your house. He decided to take you in himself since he didn't want you to end up being an orphan forever or getting adopted by a bad family (bless his kind heart 😭)
However, he had never thought to ask about your past. He just assumed that you had grown up with a normal family that loved and cared for you. Oh how he was wrong.
"Y-your parents...?" Sanemi whispers as you continue to sob out of fear and grief that your parents had in fact abused you and had neglected your well-being entirely.
By now Sanemi was shaking with fury, but not at you. He was shocked. How could someone hurt someone so kind and joyful? How could they rob you of your happiness?
Sanemi took a deep breath. Now is not the time to get violent.
Instead of asking any further about your past, Sanemi simply wraps his arms around you in firm but loving embrace and you bury your head into his shoulder, letting out all of the tears that you held in for so long.
"It's okay Y/N. You safe with me. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you," he coos, rubbing your back to sooth you and calm you.
After a few minutes, you calm down, finally running out of tears to shed and you fall asleep in Sanemi's warm embrace.
He smiles down at you, and as he gazes at you, a memory pops into his head
"Nemi! Nemi!"
"W-what is it?" Sanemi asks, rubbing his eyes, clearing his vision to reveal Genya.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Genya asks nervously, "I had a nightmare and I'm really scared."
Sanemi blinks for a moment, then smiles softly and throws his blanket to the side.
"C'mere," Sanemi sighs, and Genya immediately jumps into his embrace, burying his face into his chest. "Don't worry Genya, as long as I'm hear, no one can hurt you.' (sound familiar?)
A tear runs down Sanemi's cheek.
He hadn't realized until now how much you reminded him of Genya when he was younger. Cheerful, determined, kind. And especially the fact that you love to sleep. (pointer to those manga readers out there)
Sanemi picks you up in his arms, tucking you into bed and watches as you snuggle the blankets closer, savoring their warmth.
He slowly climbs into bed next to you as to not wake you up, and holding you close, he too, falls fast asleep.
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reidslovely · 1 year
Bambi!! I have a request, my love!
Frat!Peter taking you and your little baby daughter on a picnic sometimes because he just wants to spend time alone with his girls ♡ maybe she's a bit older by now and he just chases her around a field and they pick flowers to bring to momma? he's so girl dad I'm gonna cry. okay, anyway, love you, love frat!Peter, hope you have a lovely day/night
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Tana my love I love you so much!! I adore this thought and while listening to my cute little domestic Peter playlist Hozier's In a Week came on and it only fueled me to write more...thus I give you this cute little blurb..
We'd Become the Flowers
(please reblog or comment in place of liking/hearting this post pretty please)
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Grass and flowers crushed under Peter's bare feet as he chased the three year old around the field. “Maisy, Maisy, Maisy May.” He said your little girl's name in a sing-song voice pretending not to be able to catch up with the little girl. 
“Be careful you two I don’t need another coffee table incident.”
Peter and the little girl's ears peaked at your voice yelling into the field. 
“I only needed a few stitches.” Peter defends himself, hearing you laugh. Snatching the curly haired toddler into his arms blowing a soft raspberry on her cheek. 
Her soft giggles and squeals of more filled the air in the meadow, you lounged lazily on the yellow checkered blanket with your finals study guide/homework scattered around you. Peter could see a blur of your hair color and the blue sundress hazy in the sunlight. 
“Wanna help daddy?” Peter asked, kissing his daughter's head spinning her around. 
“Wanna help.” She says kicking her legs as Pete puts her down picking a handful of flowers. She watches him intently grabbing from yellow and pink flowers. “For momma.” 
Peter nodded in response. “Of course.” 
Peter watched her adoringly, she was the perfect mix of the two of you. She was so little but her heart already held your passion and kindness. Her need for adventure and terrible two’s coming from him. He thanked whatever sent you to him, and whatever got him here. He sat in the grass pretending to bite at the flower his daughter was putting in his face.
 These were his favorite days, all day picnics in upstate. He felt a joy he knew all too familiar. It was the same feeling he held going to ball games with Ben growing up, but now he was happy to be on the other end. 
Peter carried his daughter on his hip as he walked back, her little arms tucked full of the flowers they had picked. Maisy insisted she was big and strong enough to carry them all. 
“What is this?” Your head craned up to look at them and the heat built in Peter’s chest and face. 
“Just a little gift for momma.” Peter smiles sitting Maisy down as she handed you the bouquet, which of itself was pretty impressive. 
“Awe thank you Maisy May.” You said kissing your daughter's head flattening out her hair. Maisy smiled hugging her arms around your neck and Peter took a mental picture tucking it away into his long term memory. 
“Everything okay?” You had asked him after a bit of him just sitting and staring, your daughter half asleep in your lap. Your fingers played with her curls as Peter's chin rested on his knee. He smiled and twirled one of the pink flowers from the batch. 
“Everything is perfect bashful, I got my girls.” 
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Hope you enjoyed this small little blurb friend 🫶🏼 it was so cute.
Taglist: @helloheyhihowdyheya @sincericida @a-lumos-in-the-nox @moonyslove78 @messymissy @adhdhufflepuff @toomanyfictionalboyfriends @eevylynn
If you'd like to join my taglist check my pinned post!!
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y3nze1 · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / IV / V / VI
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Tw! Mention of Blood, Cuts, Gun and Violence! Interact at your own risk, darlings! anyways, short continuation chapter. Fic based on This! happy readings my darlings!
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You stood, staring by the balcony, scratching your forehead softly, sighing to yourself as you wonder what you got yourself into. you stared up the sky, watching the clouds clump by, surrounding the moon as it shimmers down you.
You stood at the balcony, staring up at the moon as it graced the clear night sky. You felt a sense of calm wash over you, like everything was okay for the moment. A gentle breeze blew past you and you took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh, crisp night air.
'If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!'
But despite the serene environment around you, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty.
You began to wonder if you actually had feelings for Alastor or if it was just a passing fancy. The thought of possibly being in love with someone so powerful and intimidating both thrilled and scared you.
'Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of'
You let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of your own emotions bearing down on you. You wished you had someone to talk to about this, someone who could help you sort out your feelings. But who could you turn to? And what would they think of you if they knew how you felt?
'No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no'
Despite these thoughts, you couldn't help but smile as you watched the moon glow brighter against the dark sky. It was a reminder of the beauty and mystery of the world, and it made you feel a sense of wonder and possibility.
'It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love'
"damn it!" you bang your fist on the railings, "damn you.." you run your hand through your hair, sighing softly. "damn me.." you turned around, your back facing railings slowly breaking down, sitting on the cold tile. "damn you daisy.." chuckling, you leaned back, sighing.
As you sat on the cold tile, you felt a sense of melancholy wash over you. The thoughts of Alastor and your feelings for him kept creeping into your mind, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and confusion. You rested your head against the cool stone of the balcony, letting out a deep sigh.
'I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
Despite the pain, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. The cold tile felt soothing against your skin, and the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves of the trees below seemed to calm your racing thoughts.
'You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Baby, we're not buying
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got, got it bad'
You close your eyes and let out a long, deep breath, trying to clear your mind of all the noise. For a moment, you felt like everything was going to be okay. That you could figure this out and come out on the other side.
As you sat there, lost in your thoughts, you felt a sense of serenity wash over you. It was as if the world around you was slowly coming back into focus, and you felt a sense of hope and possibility for the first time in what felt like forever.
'No chance, now way
I won't say it, no, no'
you clutched your chest, slowly feeling flustered at the thought of him, his smile, his soft voice, his cute goddamn laugh. you curled into a ball, internally screaming at you picture him in every way.
'Give up, give in
Check the grin you're in love'
You sat there, lost in your thoughts, thinking about Alastor's smile, his soft voice, his cute laugh. You felt a sense of love and desire wash over you, and you clutched your chest, feeling your heart racing.
'This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love'
You thought about all the times you had spent together and how he had made you feel. You remembered the way he looked at you, how he had always made you feel loved and special. You thought about the times he had supported you and been there for you, how he made you laugh and feel alive. you shook your head, cupping your cheeks as you formed a small smile.
'You're doin flips read our lips
You're in love
You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it
Girl, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love'
You realized that you were in love with Alastor, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You felt a sense of peace wash over you, and you smiled to yourself, feeling happy and content for the first time in a long time.
At least out loud,
I won't say I'm in love'
you stood up looking into the light of the city, blushing immensely as you stared into the busy streets. scratching your forehead once again, you decided to sleep the feeling off, you headed for your room, laying down on the soft mattress as you fiddled your hair softly. you closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep.
"Alastor, my guy, come on.. d-don't be like that. we can work it out some way" the man cowered, backing away as he dragged his cut arm from the cold concrete, blood trailing on the ground as he grit his teeth in pain, eyes staring up at alastor with fear.
"I've been patient enough, pal. I don't like it when someone-" he swung his knife, cutting through the man's leg as the guy writhed in pain. "provokes.. me.."
Alastor's expression darkened as he watched the man writhe in pain. He held the knife firmly in his hand, not even blinking as he looked down at the man, still backed against the wall. "Now you see," he said coldly, letting his words hang in the air as he tilted his head slightly to the side. "That's what happens to people like you."
"you are given the privilege of.. someone's goodness" he kicked the man face, keeping the same sinister smile on. "you take that kindness.." he gripped the man's hair, smashing it onto the wall. "and. you. abuse. IT" with every word, he slammed, watching the blood trickle down the man's forehead.
"alastor.. p-please i-i told you I'd pay.. give me some more time.. i-i promise.." the man stuttered, "you said that six months ago." alastor grits his teeth, pulling out a gun from his pocket. pointing at the guy's forehead.
"send my regards to the devil." he laughed. the bullet bursting through the man's skull, parts of his brain spewing out as the blood drains out from his head, his body going limp, parts of his fingers still moving yet his eyes were in an upward gaze. skin pale like flour.
Alastor remained sat back in his chair, the light from the candles casting his shadow over the blood-stained walls. He lit another cigarette, taking a deep drag, his eyes on the limp body lying on the ground. He took another drag, then tossed the cigarette onto the body, watching as it smoldered and died out.
His eyes closed as he let out a deep breath, his head lowering from the weight of the world around him. For a moment, it felt as though time itself had frozen in place, and he was the only living thing in that moment.
After a few more minutes, he opened his eyes, and with a heavy sigh, he stood from his chair, walking towards the body and kneeling down next to it. He looked at the gun in his hand, and with a slight shake of his head, he placed it on the table beside the candles, the shadows cast by the dancing flames illuminating his features.
He closed his eyes and held his hands over the body, his palms slightly angled towards the light. he hummed. His voice is soft, yet powerful, holding a strange and alluring quality to it, as though it was the voice of the universe itself..
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divinelolita · 1 year
dawg these r one of the worst ideas ive ever had but wtvvvv
IMMA ORDER UHHHH MILKSGAKE AND FRIES ALONG WITH 20 PIECE CHICKEN NUGGETS(full band separate headcannons😋) who got a bf and he's not a model singer or anything bro and it gets out in the public but thing is the band doesn't necessarily care cuz half of the fandom was wayyy nicer back then(check the comments of bill being accused of liking men they were so supportive) but reader is freakin out cuz of the backlash the band is getting again which is barely any people
ok so reader is prolly pacing around in his room and what he's fr doing is practicing the break up out loud and spoiler alert a member walks in and only hears the part '(insert band member) we need to break up' and they're jus mad confused and hurt and reader is making up lies on why he wants to break up when the only reason is because he doesn't want them to fail as a band bro loves them too much
OH u can choose if the ending is good or bad(pls dont make me cry too much)
hiii 😻 im so tired oml
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・He needed to ask you a favour.
・Most likely having to due with washing the hairspray out of his hair for him, since he was too lazy to do it himself
・He heard muffled voices comin from your room. He didn't want to eavesdrop but from what he could make out you sounded..worried or scared.
・Walks in your room, opening the door slowly so it doesn't creak.
・He watched you pace back and forth, your head in your hands. He stayed silent for a second, listening to you more carefully. Only to hear..
".. I'm sorry but..we need to break up, Bill."
・Oh. Oh.
・Stays silent for a minute before he shuffles on his foot, the sound of his shoe hitting th floor making you turn around with a small gasp.
"Bill! I thought you were out with-"
"M/N..what the hell were you saying?"
・Through sniffs and shaky breaths you'd explain how you just didn't want his career to be fucked, how you just wanted him to be safe
・He's arguing through tears, pointing out how truthfully nobody cares ever since it has gotten out you two were dating.
・He'd cry and sob and he would keep telling you that he loved you too much to let you go, how even if it messed up his career he'd always pick you.
・But..he was so disappointed you went to break up with him instead of talking it out.
"If you really want to break up them I guess.."
"Bill please I-"
"No. Stop."
・Walking out of the room holding back sobs and cries, running to the bathroom when he feels like he's gonna throw up.
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・He was actually going to tell you something too!
・What? Did you forget it was your guy's one year anniversary?
yess im doing tha idc if its dumb
・Wanted to ask you about your favorite restaurants so he could pinpoint a location.
・Only thing best for M/N, right?
・Anyways, walking towards your room he can't help but keep the grin off his face. He's already prepared a gift for you downstairs.
・He's hearing muffled noises from your room, so he thinks at first your just calling a friend. Cool, thats fine-
"Tom this just...isn’t working anymore."
・He stops mid step, grin fading off his face as his heart stops.
・He doesn't know how to feel.
・He feels sad and nauseous and angry all over, his body trembling a he gets overwhelmed with emotions
・Tales a second before barging in, watching you stop pacing an look at him with big eyes.
".. What?"
・He can hardly choke out, feeling a if his legs will give out on him. He feels like he's gonna fall and crash on the floor, curling up in a ball as he sobs
・He can't make out anything you're saying, only half listening to your continuous 'sorries' and pleas for him to just hear you out and listen.
"But Tom, all of the backlash and.. -"
"WHAT fucking backlash?!"
・He's mad mad. Can hardly look at you as tears well in his eyes. He can hardly make out your own face, you're all blurry in his vision.
・Storms out of your room, slamming the door and ignoring you when you scream and beg for him to come back
・He doesn't, and probably never will.
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・He was bored, so tired of just sitting around the house all day!
・Wanted to bring you down to the lake, maybe have a picnic and listen to music...yeah that seemed nice. He knew you loved this lake, you'd always talk about it everytime you drove past it.
・Walking to your room, nearly skipping as he was going to tell you to put your boots on and get changed. It's been quite a long time since you have been out of the house yourself.
・You, on the other hand, weren't looking forward to hanging out with him right now. You weren't sure why you were so caught up about the fact dating him got out, nobody really cared.
・He was too giddy to knock, instead he strolled right on in with a big smile on his face. You were turned away, walking back and forth in your room as you muttered to yourself, although he could only make out a few words.
"..I can't do this with you anymore, Georg.."
・His heart drops at the same time his smile did, he feels like he's frozen in place. He can't move his legs, hands, nothing.
・Watching as you would look up at him as you stopped your steps, eyes tinted a shade of pink as your jaw was slightly dropped, neither of you being able to form words.
・Only takes a few seconds for your rambling to start, telling him your sorry and trying to make up an excuse.
"I..i was just practicing this thing for school about breaking up and-"
"That's such goddamn bullshit!"
・Can't look at you, hands giving to cover his face as his breathing is ragged. He'd stay quiet as you spoke, not absorbing anything.
・Doesn't bother to argue or intervene, just listening to your dumb excuses and desperate apologies that didn't mean anything to him anymore.
・Although if you mentioned something about your relationship being outed, he'd be furious. Doesn't quite show, he doesn't yell, but he's fuming.
・Truly doesn't get why you don't understand how much he loves you. So what if a few people dislike this? You were his boyfriend and you mattered to him so much..
・Well- you were his ex boyfriend now.
"If you wanted to break up you could've just said so! How long have you been feeling like this?"
・He's hurt and distraught and sad all at the same time, he's unable to process all of this.
・He doesn't actually say "We're breaking up" but it's so damn implied it felt like he was screaming it at you in the back of your head.
・Can't bother to look at that dammed lake anymore, taking another route if his original went past it.
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・He wanted to watch your favorite movie with you today!
・He knew you have been stressed recently, although he didn't quite know why. He just wanted to be there for you and help you get through this.
・You didn't want him to help you at all though, huh?
・You've wanted to break it to him for the past couple weeks that you needed to seeperate from each other, but it was hard considering that's not what you truly wanted.
・Although you gained so much positive feedback when your relationship got outed, those snarky,rude comments were getting to you.
・Anyways...Gustav had already gotten the popcorn ready, along with some of your favorite candy. Skittles, chocolate, starbursts..
・He had set up everything perfectly in the living room, making sure it was all neat and gorgeous. He couldn't wait to see your eyes sparkle with joy!
・Walking to your room, whistling quietly under his breath. Slowly opening your door. You were faced away from him, which gave him the perfect opportunity to scream "SURPRISE" if he wanted to!
・Yet he wanted to wait, he could hear your voice tremble as yo whispered to yourself. He could make out hardly anything, but a few words stood out to him
"Gustav..we should break up."
・He felt like he'd been hit with a brick. His heart beat sped up and he wanted to vomit.
・You turned, feeling like something was watching you. You were right. There stood Gustav, frozen in place as he started at you with glossy eyes
・Tears pooled in his eyes. He felt as if all the moisture in his mouth suddenly disappeared and he found it hard to swallow. It was like there was a rock lodged in his throat.
"Gustav, I didnt-"
"..you didn't?"
・His voice was barley above a whisper and he had to hold back sobs. He couldn't stand properly, leaning against the bedroom door for security.
・He didn't know what he did wrong! Why didn't you love him..why did you want to leave him..did he do something?
・Listening to you make up lies, he wanted to believe them. He wanted to think he heard you wrong and that you meant something totally different.
・But no matter how hardvhe tried to ignore it, there was a voice in the back of his head telling him that the things you were spewing were bullshit.
・His body trembled as he hit back another sob as you went in to tell him that you just wanted his career to be safe and easy, for there to be no backlash or hate.
"Please, M/N. Just..stop."
・Doesn't say anything as he staggers out the room, tears streaming down his cheeks. He ignores your pleas of forgiveness and sobs to listen to you. He had already listened to you and you had lied again and again.
・Can't sleep for days, thinks that you lied about wanting his career to be okay and really he had done something wrong.
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Loser III
Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Part One // Part Two // Part Four
Summary: After your confession, you run to Yoko's room for solace, horrified by your actions. Yoko offers the best advice she can, but before she can placate you, an unexpected visitor arrives at Yoko's dorm, also seeking advice.
Warnings: crying, anxiety, super awkward situations, self loathing
Words: 1,582
a/n I won't lie... I got second hand embarrassment from writing this... anyways Yoko is the queen of advice <3
Your entire body was shaking as you arrived at Yoko's dorm and your breaths were short.
"Woah- what's going on with you?" Yoko asked from where she was sitting on her bed, scrolling on her phone. She turned her attention to you, looking increasingly alarmed as she realized how distressed you were.
"I just- I told Enid." You blurt out, pacing her dorm as you run your hands through your hair. You felt like your heart was about to explode from how fast it was beating.
"You what?" Yoko asked in astonishment, her expression dropping. "I'm not gonna lie girl this is... not the best timing." She says, wincing at her own words.
"I know! I don't know what I was thinking! She just started asking why I was avoiding her and I just- I couldn't lie to her! Not when she looks at me like that!" You shout in exasperation, desperately rubbing your face as you felt a lump rise in your throat and tears burn your eyes. "I'm such an asshole." You whisper, your voice cracking.
"No you're not." Yoko says firmly as she walks up to you, gently grasping your shoulders and turning you to face her. "You're human, and maybe confessing your feelings for somebody fresh out of a relationship isn't the best idea, but it doesn't make you an asshole." Yoko attempts to comfort you, her brow furrowed in worry as she tries to pull your hands away from your face.
"Yes it does." You protest, your voice thick with tears. You feel sick to your stomach, your mind reeling with the gravity of the situation. You hear Yoko sigh quietly.
"Well... how did she react?" Yoko asks quietly, gently rubbing up and down your arms. You let out a strangled whimper, pressing your palms into your eyes harder.
"I don't know..." You mumble, and Yoko's hands stop moving on your arms.
"What?" Yoko asks gently, and you pull your hands away from your face to look at her in desperation.
"I don't know! As soon as I said it I ran away!" You shout, feeling a flash of anger at yourself. How could you be so stupid and selfish. You always went on and on about how you could treat Enid better than Ajax, and then you pull this? You really are a loser.
"Well... Maybe you should try... talking to her about it?" Yoko proposes hesitantly, and you instantly burst into tears at her words, your expression crumpling.
"I don't want to ever talk to her again, I can't." You sob, and you knew in the back of your mind you were being dramatic, but you felt like your whole world was crumbling around you. Yoko gently guides you over to her bed, and you flop down onto it uselessly, curling into a ball and crying.
"I know you feel like this is the end of the world right now, but maybe this is actually a good thing. Who knows, maybe she likes you back." Yoko proposes, and you were too upset to notice her knowing tone. You shake your head in despair, wiping your eyes and turning your face up to her.
"No, there's no way she likes me. And if there was even a chance she did I definitely just ruined it." You whimper, fresh tears streaming down your face. You sniffle and hiccup sadly, wiping your eyes even though it was like you had an endless river of tears.
"You never really know-" Yoko was cut off by her dorm door flying open.
"Yoko I seriously need your help right now because I'm in an absolute crisis-" Your head snaps up to see Enid standing in the doorway, her face red from crying. Her eyes widen in shock at the sight of you, and you feel your heart drop onto the pit of your stomach.
"Oh." She says, her voice small as she stares in shock. You hear Yoko mutter something along the lines of "You've gotta be kidding me" beside you.
"Uhm- I'll just- I'll come back later." Enid says, already backing towards the door. You sit up quickly, your heart skipping several beats as anxiety floods your system.
"Wait-" The word flies out of your mouth on its own accord and Enid freezes, staring intently at you. You feel like you could pass out with how lightheaded with fear you were feeling in that moment. You swallow thickly, your mouth suddenly dry.
"I just- I'm-" You stammer, beginning to sweat as you wring your shaky hands together. "I'm sorry." You murmur, voice faltering. Enid stares at you, taking a small step further into the room.
"Why?" She asks quietly, and you see an unreadable look in her gaze. You look down at your lap, fumbling for an answer as you try to calm your breathing.
"W-well I..." You trail off, trying to find the words. 'How do I tell her I'm sorry for even liking her in the first place? For being so jealous that I pulled away from her? For being so...'
"I'm sorry for being so selfish." You say quietly, your voice thick as tears well in your eyes. You quickly wipe them away. Why were you even crying? Enid is the one who has a reason to cry, not you.
"I'm sorry for being impatient. I'm sorry for avoiding you. I'm sorry for even liking you at all. We'd still be friends if I could have just kept my mouth shut." You say, feeling the familiar burn of self loathing rise within your chest like bile as you angrily wipe away your tears.
"...we're still friends." Enid says quietly, taking a few more small steps towards you. Your gaze snaps to hers in surprise, completely taken off guard by her words. Why on earth would she want to still be friends with you? Or even be around you?
"I mean, I don't really know how I feel right now but I don't want to just... stop talking to you." Enid says hesitantly, flashing you a weak smile. "I mean, I hated not talking to you for the past few weeks so I can hardly imagine a future where we don't hang out." She murmurs, a blush rising to her face as she looks down at her feet before meeting your gaze once more. Your heart clenches at the sight of her, and you feel guilty for feeling butterflies at her words.
"Really?" You ask in astonishment, staring at her dumbly as she awkwardly fiddles with the hem of her shirt.
"I mean, yeah? Unless you don't want to-" You cut her off before she can even finish, standing up and taking a step towards her, your hand absentmindedly reaching out to hers.
"No! I definitely want to still be friends. I don't want this to... change anything between us. I mean we can just forget about the whole thing." You blurt out, heart hammering in your chest as hope rises within you. Enid looks slightly... disappointed? Or perhaps you just imagined it.
"Oh- yeah. That's- we can do that." She says with a faint smile as her gaze meets yours. The two of you stare at each other for a few moments before Yoko clears her throat from behind you. You flinch, having nearly forgotten she was even there.
"Well, as sweet as this is, could you maybe not do this in the middle of my dorm? I have homework to do." Yoko says drily, reaching for her book bag and beginning to pull out textbooks. You and Enid immediately jump into motion at the same time.
"Oh! Right! Yeah- sorry. I'll just head out-"
"Of course! Goodluck studying, we'll um... talk later?" You and Enid talk over each other, both incredibly flustered as you begin to head to the door. Yoko offers the two of you a stiff wave before shutting her door in your faces. You both stand there awkwardly, avoiding eachothers gaze.
"Well... Glad we're... okay now? I guess?" Enid says, shuffling her feet as she offers you a small smile. You stare at her, your heart skipping a beat at the way she shyly looks up at you. 'God, she's so pretty.'
"Uh, yeah! Me too. Sorry again for... everything I guess." You offer lamely, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth as you speak.
"It's okay." Enid says softly, and you can see something swimming in her gaze as she speaks. Before you can think to much into it, she clears her throat and angles her body slightly away from you.
"Well... I'm gonna go back to my dorm now. I'll... see you around." She says, offering you an awkward wave before hurrying away.
"Yeah, see you." You call after her, before mentally berating yourself as you head back to your own room. What was that? What does this mean for you? Is everything really just... okay now? You honestly were a bit relieved that she could just put this behind you two, but a small part of you was disappointed. You figured being friends with her was better than never talking to her again.
"What a mess." You mumble to yourself as you enter your dorm. flopping face first onto your bed and letting out a weary sigh, a headache already brewing in your temples.
You felt a tingle of trepidation run up your spine as you anticipated the next day. Could things really go back to the way they were?
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busycloudy · 11 months
A Feeling Of Emptiness
You ever have those moments where you feel empty inside or something of the sorts? Literally me when I was writing this
Anyways, @azulashengrottospiano I wrote this with Azul as you had suggested!
You sighed. Why did you feel like this? You felt... empty. Like you was a puzzle with a piece missing. You've done what you had wanted, right? You have great friends, you've finally got enough money to the point where you can take care of Grim and you, and Ramshackle is fixed up. All these overblots have been taken care of. So what was this void you felt? The emptiness inside of you. What more could you possibly need?
Why was life like this? What in the world could you possibly do to get rid of this feeling? Then a thought struck you. You knew why you felt like this instantly.
You wanted to go home.
All Crowley did was say he's finding you a way, but even after all of these overblots, there's been nothing. You knew he wasn't doing anything. All Crowley was doing is keeping you here to do all his work and look after the students. Why was you here? What did you do to deserve this? You hated it here. You wanted to leave. You wanted to go back to your world. But no, that wasn't gonna happen for a good while
You felt as if you wanted to cry. Salty tears started forming, proceeding to fall down your cheek. You hated it here
hated it
hated it
hated it
All you wanted to do was cry. You felt angry and sad at the same time. You went from feeling empty to feeling everything. You were curled up into a ball, head in your knees. You felt tears drop down from your face. The glass bottle you took great care of and kept all your emotions in had fell down and broke, spilling all its contents.
You didn't know what to do except cry. The thoughts in your head were swallowing you whole. You were so immersed in these thoughts you didn't even notice anyone walk in your room until you felt a pat on your shoulder.
You sniffled, then looking up. It was Azul. How he got into Ramshackle? You didn't wanna ask, you just wanted to bury your head in your hands and cry more. Azul held your chin up, looking at you in the eyes. "Prefect..." He had a look of worry on his face. "I'm fi-" Azul shook his head. "You're clearly not MC" Azul had a slight frown. "There's no need to lie about being fine. It's perfectly fine to not be ok" Azul took a seat beside you, his hand holding yours.
You just looked at him in the eyes.
You then broke down into tears, putting your head on his shoulder. You needed a shoulder to cry on right now.
You told him about how much you just wanted to go home. About how much you missed it. About everything. And Azul comforted you, gently patting you on the back, listening to you quietly.
When you looked up at him with your tear stained face and asked "Why must I feel like this? What is the purpose of life?" All he did was wipe your tears away and answer with "Darling, that's something I don't know the answer to myself. The purpose of life, no, your purpose of life, is something only you can know."
This is my first time actually writing comfort, so yeah💀 I doo hope you still enjoyed this little thing!
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
#21 phantom & Swiss (maybe phantom helping swiss through a rut?)
I wanted to use Phantom but Aeon kept popping up when I wasn't paying attention so that's the name I'm going with. Apologies, I hope you don't mind.
“Are you sure? Once I start I don’t think I’m able to stop.”
"I'll be fine, I promise. Anyway, my heat's close enough that your rut should trigger it."
Those were the words that sealed his fate.
Not like being pinned flat underneath Swiss was a bad thing. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get loose, only earned a firm bite to his shoulder in warning. He was even kind enough to kiss over it when Aeon stilled, huffing into the bedsheets.
"Close," Swiss breathes right into his ear and Phantom shudders, grinding his own cock into the mattress. Swiss has knotted him over and over again, wrung out orgasm after orgasm from Aeon until he was sobbing from it, twining his magic with Swiss' brand of quintessence to stave off exhaustion and sensitivity.
One more, Aeon thinks deliriously, pushing his hips back. One more should trigger my heat.
He really, really hopes this one will do it.
Swiss growls, shoving his thick cock in impossibly further. Aeon shakes at the feel of it, mewls when there's the telltale swell of a knot, the weight of Swiss' balls slapping against him with the force of the other ghoul's thrusts, something deep inside him lighting up flares with each firm hit. Pleasure coils up in his abdomen, snakes down to the root of his cock and Aeon lifts his legs, curls his toes, whimpering and waiting for it…
"C'mon, " he begs. Swiss or his stupid body, he's not sure. Doesn't really care when he's standing at this awful edge. "C'mon, please." His eyes sting with frustration but not even tears will well up, his body holding everything at bay until something breaks.
"M'gonna give it to you." Swiss says lowly, pulling Aeon back on his cock and keeping him there. Threatening him with the flare of his knot. "Can you feel it?"
Aeon nods frantically, doing to his best to work himself back on it. He can't feel anything else, Swiss is just so big, he's pushing Aeon out of his body, he can't focus, can't even breath beyond gasping about how good Swiss is giving it to him.
"About to make it better." Swiss promises, and Aeon gives a high keen when the bulb of Swiss' knot pushes in, stretching Aeon even wider and he smothers his anguished yell into the pillow.
There's no way he can cum, he thinks with despair. His body's failed him, the magic's pulled back to conserve energy. Swiss, too lost in his orgasm to notice Aeon going limp in defeat. He's so tired. Will Swiss let him tap out after this? Would he laugh at Aeon, for biting off more than he could chew. He sniffles, shivers and prays Swiss won't think bad of him for it.
Above him, Swiss peels himself off Aeon's back with a groan. One hand detaches itself from Aeon's hip to rub at his jaw as he yawns. When Swiss covers him again, he nuzzles at Aeon's cheek. Licks away the tears that are finally falling.
"Baby…" Swiss says with the barest hint of a slur. "Naw, baby, don't cry. Did so good for me. Think that was it."
"Really?" Aeon asks, a faint tremor to his voice. "I did it?"
"You did it." Swiss says with a loving chuckle, a gentle kiss to his neck. "Proud'a you. Not bad."
"Not bad!" Aeon scoffs, gathering his wits back together. "I take your knot four times in a row and you say not bad!"
"Record's six." Swiss says with a yawn.
"What the fuck." Aeon says flatly. "What is wrong with you."
Swiss hums noncommittally and snuggles in close. He snuffles in Aeon's ear and Aeon laughs, bats him away.
"Thank you." Swiss says sincerely. "That was a lot. Promise I'll make it up to you."
"Oh, you will!" Aeon chuckles. "Chore duty, breakfast in bed, run my baths-'
"Ah Lucifer, he's turning into Rain." Swiss complains to thin air.
"Just you wait!" Aeon says. "You're gonna regret this!"
"Pretty sure I won't." Swiss says smugly.
So he might regret some things, Swiss realizes in the morning.
He regrets not noticing how clingy Aeon was when he left. How not even the promises of a homemade breakfast spread could dissuade him from letting go. How he tasted on Swiss' lips, how he whined into their kiss, still grabbing needily anywhere he could touch.
How he smelled, underneath the layers of sweat and cum and pheromones from Swiss' own rut.
But most of all, Swiss regrets how his rut always, without fail, puts his dick out of commission for minimum two days afterwards.
"Swiss…" Aeon moans, rocking his hips up into the pillow. His cheeks are red, eyes glassy. His cock is so red and swollen it looks painful. "Help me, please, I really need to cum, don't think I can stop-"
"Hang on, kid." Swiss says unsteadily. "I'll call the cavalry in."
He rolls over, still grinding on the pillow to show off how ruined, gaping and dripping Swiss left him. The sight punches a groan from him but his dick…his poor dick remains uninterested.
Aeon's eyes roll back, giving out the sweetest little moan as he cums over Swiss' favorite pillow, flooding the room with the scent of his heat, so thick Swiss can taste it.
Taste…Now there's a thought.
He shoots off a quick message to the rest, drops his phone on the table and nearly trips over his own feet in his eagerness to bury his face in Aeon's thighs, the better to clean his own mess.
It's the least he could do.
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buckybuckyboo · 1 year
Mother Nature
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Summary: Mother nature comes knocking.
Bucky x female reader
Word count: 1,071
A/N: I DO NOT give permission for my work to be copied, translated or posted on other sites. All mistakes are my own. Feedback is always welcome and I'd love to hear what you think!.
Warning: Bucky is super sweet. Periods. Blood.
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Bucky left early in the morning to meet with the team at the tower. He quickly turned his alarm off, rolling back to you wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck.
"I'll be home as early as I can baby" He whispers as he peppers kisses along your neck. Turning to face him and kissing him softly.
"Okay baby, just be careful okay? Tell everyone I say hi"
"Of course, my love, go back to sleep"
He kisses you once more before getting out of bed and wrapping the covers around you. You moved over laying on his pillow and breathing in his scent. The last thing you remember is hearing the shower turn on before you fell back asleep. Bucky showered, got dressed, and made some coffee to take to work with him. You wake up again at around 9 am to use the bathroom and realize you had gotten your period.
"Oh yey," You say sarcastically. Grabbing a pad from the cupboard under the sink and headed back into bed for another hour. A period always allows another hour in bed! When you wake up again at 10 pm you felt like you had been kicked repeatedly in the stomach. All you could do was roll into a ball and cry. Bucky always calls you at lunchtime just to check in but you didn't answer the phone. You just couldn't move. Bucky just thought you were busy so he rang back again about 20 minutes later but there was still no answer. He started to worry. He told Steve he needed to leave and Steve said he would cover for him if Tiny asked. He rushed home calling out for you when he opened the front door but there was no answer from you.
He ran up to the bedroom and you weren't there.
"In here Bucky"
He heard you call from the bathroom. He walked up to the door and opened it, seeing you sitting in front of the toilet.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"Got my special monthly gift this morning. What are you doing at home?"
"You didn't answer your phone and I got worried. I'll be right back. I'm gonna call Steve and tell him I'm taking the rest of the day off"
"No baby, you don't have to"
"Shh, I can't leave you like this, I'll be right back."
"Okay, not like I can move anyway" You chuckle.
Bucky leaves the bathroom to make his call. You sit on the floor trying to control your breathing. Bucky comes back moments later and effortlessly lifts you off the floor and carries you back to the bed.
"You try to relax baby girl, I'm gonna take good care of you"
You curl up into a ball again hugging Bucky's pillow. He comes back about 5 minutes later, picking you up again and carrying you into the bathroom where you see that he had a bath ready for you. He's got the room a little dark to help with your headache and has some candles lit.
"Aw, Bucky! Thank you" You kiss his cheek. He smiles back at you and sits you on the counter slipping your shirt off and your bra.
"Can you stand for a minute baby?"
Sliding back down off the counter and he slips your sleep shorts and underwear off. He wraps his arm around your back walking you to the bath.
"I'm sorry Bucky"
"Shh baby don't be worrying okay I just wanna help make you feel better"
"I know Bucky but I should -"
"No, stop right there, all you have to do is let me look after you"
"Bucky, I love you so much" Kissing him sweetly. He picks you up and gently places you into the nice warm water. You can feel the hot water already relaxing your muscles. Bucky brings you a cold washcloth to put over your forehead. He doesn't leave your side, he knows you don't feel like talking so he just gently washes you, massaging your feet and your shoulders.
"Mmm feels so good baby, I feel like a princess" You giggle.
"You are a princess! You're my princess"
The smile on his face was huge, you knew how much he loved you.
"Do you wanna get out yet?
"I don't want to but the water is getting cold" You chuckle.
He goes and grabs you a big warm towel, he holds it out for you to step into and he wraps you up in it. It felt so warm and nice. He drys you off gently and he shows you that he's left some fresh PJ's out for you.
Once you were dressed he picked you up again carrying you back to the bedroom.
"Thank you, baby, I already feel a little better"
"Good! I'm so glad my love"
Laying you down on the bed and pulling the covers over you.
"Do you wanna try to sleep a little? Or would you like to watch a movie?"
"I think I'll try to watch a movie. Are you not staying with me?"
"Oh of course! I just wanna get some stuff downstairs first"
He smiles kissing your cheek. You settle down in bed deciding on what to watch while Bucky was downstairs. He arrives back with his arms full of snacks, making you giggle.
"Baby, I appreciate it but I'm not hungry"
"That's okay baby, if you feel hungry you've got some snacks. I also brought you up a heat pack"
"Oh thank you so much, baby! Just what I needed"
Bucky leaves all the snacks down in your reach and pulls the covers back "Show me where to put the heat pack baby"
You smile caressing his face. Pull up your shirt and roll down the top of your pajamas to help him place the heat pack. He leans in kissing around your stomach area, running your fingers through his hair. "Thank you, baby"
"You don't have to thank me, baby, I just wanna help make you feel better"
You pull his face to yours to kiss him softly and look into his eyes.
"Thank you Bucky, I feel so much better"
He smiles kissing you again then slips in beside you in bed as you start the movie. He wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him.
"If you need anything just let me know okay"
"Okay baby" He smile
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Now just follow me for a second.....trans cumulus, and Mountain playing with her tits for so long she manages to cum untouched....neither of them knew she could do that, and Mountain is going to abuse this fact repeatedly actually....thanks for your time
Mountain taking good good care of our girl below the cut. She deserves it. Trans!Cumulus, use of the word "cock" to describe her anatomy.
Cumulus aches. She arches against Mountain, back pressed to his chest. His legs bracketing her hips as he holds her. He's pressed back against her tufted headboard. Ample pillows behind his back, comfy. Her head is pillowed against his collarbone by her white curls. Wild after everything they've done. Mussed from Mountain literally throwing her around earlier. She's over sensitive now, shuddering with each brush of his fingers over her skin. Cock hard and sticky against her belly. Mountain ruts his against her back, pushing against pillowy skin. Grunting low in her ear with each languid roll of his hips. Her gauzy canopy and fairy lights swim in her vision when she blinks up at them. It's late. Probably the middle of the night. She's lost track, can't be bothered. She hums, purring against him as he trails his fingers up over her sides and higher. He cups her breasts in his hands. More than a handful, fingers dimpling into soft flesh as he squeezes her nipples between his fingers. Rolls the pale blue bars stuck through them. She keens. Jolting hard in his grasp. Each push and pull of his fingers makes her stomach ache. Her cock twitch. She squeezes her eyes shut. There's an impossible feeling building in her gut. Her hips twitch up as he continues to play. He presses his chin into her curls and watches her. Watches the way her body shakes with each rough pull. He drags his blunt nails over her pebbled nipples and she whines. Hips canting up, pre welling up at the tip of her cock. Flushed dark, painfully hard. "You gonna cum like this?" Cumulus shakes her head. That isn't possible. She's never--not untouched. Not like this. But the way her gut clenches, the way her balls tighten, tells another story. "Bet you can," Mountain hums against her hair. Presses a soft kiss to the base of her opalsescent horn. "Mount, I--" "Wish you could see yourself like, Lus," he says. "So fucking pretty. All worked up. Close aren't you? Just from me playing with your tits." He punctuates his words with a rough squeeze. She chokes on a noise. "Don't stop," she begs. Voice canting up. Toes curling, fingers clenching in her pale satin sheets. It's impossible but she's chasing it anyway. Focusing on the building sensation. Arching her chest further into Mountain's grip. Mountain's calloused fingers pluck at her nipples, drag over the soft skin on the top of her breasts. Pale and smooth, unblemished. Perfect. When he tells her as much she shudders. She turns her face to the side and latches her mouth to his jaw. Dragging her fangs over the hard line. Mountain shoves his cock harder against her back, almost painful. Smearing pre along her spine. One more rough pull of at her nipples makes it undeniable. She's going to cum. He's going to make her cum like this--just from playing with her tits. Just from tugging on her piercings and shoving his dick into her spine. "Mount--I'm gonna--oh no--" she goes rigid. Words choking off into a high-pitched cry as she cums all over her stomach. Breath hitching with each new wave, drawn out by Mountain's insistent fingers. He doesn't stop, not even when she goes soft and sags boneless against him. Thumbs still sliding over swollen pink nipples. It takes her a handful of seconds to realize he isn't going to stop. He's grinning against the side of her head.
"Mount--wait--hang on--" the words are cut off into a high pitched moan as he squeezes her tits roughly, fingers digging in hard enough to be the right side of painful.
He flattens his tongue and drags it up the line of her horn, groaning low when her cock twitches valiantly against her thigh. "Do it again."
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
My Perfect Girl
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Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: your friends leave you feeling more insecure than you already were, but Ellie comforts you and yells at your dickhead friends
Cw: body insecurity, mentions of feeling/being fat+ugly, troubles eating
You struggled to breathe as you lied in bed curled into a ball, crying your eyes out. Your crying fit had been a result of a rather hurtful conversation with your "friends." Your body faced the wall as tour hands came to cover your face, your palms wetting with tears. Time passed, you didn't know how much, but you'd heard a voice behind you and the bedroom door creaking open.
"Baby? What's going on, what happened?" Ellies voice was laced with concern and worry as she rushed to your side, rubbing your back.
You sniffled as you turned to face her, tears still streaming down your face as you picked up your phone and opened up your grouochat then handing it to her. Your breaths were ragged and quick as you watched her read, hee brows furrowed in worry quickly arched with anger as she did.
Y/n: guys I feel like I look bad today *image attached*
Ryan: wdym
Rosa: yeah u look the same lol
Y/n: idk like I feel ugly and like fat :(
Ryan: I don't see any difference 💀
Rosa: ong you look like u always do
Ryan: yeah ur just being dramatic lmao
Rosa: she probably just wants attention to be really honest
Ryan: omg you're right tho, fishing for compliments haha
Y/n: guys stop I'm not kidding.
Ryan: come on yk were right
Rosa: yeah just calm down bro
Y/n: whatever I'm done talking to you guys.
"What the fuck." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Ellie, I look terrible and they're just making fun of me." Your bottom lip quivered.
"Baby, you don't. I promise they're just being assholes for no reason." She tried to reassure you, rubbing at your arm up and down.
You turned away from her, facing the wall again as you cried harder. You couldn't believe a word she said, you just felt insecure. It wasn't the first day you've felt like this, but it never got easier. It was days like these where you couldn't even bring yourself to look in the mirror, shower, or take care of yourself in general.
She let out a deep sigh, bringing a hand to rub your back gently, occasionally combing through your hair with her fingers. She looked at your phone again, then stood to leave the room.
"I'm gonna talk to them." She stated before exiting and calling the group.
Your friends picked up and were confused, seeing Ellies face instead of your own. It's not like they didn't recognize your girlfriend, but they wondered why she was the one calling them.
"Oh hey Ellie." Ryan greeted with a smile.
"Hi. So what the fuck is wrong with you guys?"
Rosa laughed a bit, her brows furrowing.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Whyd you guys say that shit to Y/n? Seriously what kind of fucking friends are you?" She asked in return, as if it was obvious.
"Oh come on, she knows we were kidding!" Ryan argued.
"Yeah, she's probably being dramatic anyways." Rosa chimed in.
"I bet you're only asking because she told you to." Ryan spoke smugly.
"Um, no actually I'm asking because clearly she's upset and you guys are just being assholes. And if she knows you were joking why'd I come home to her crying, hm? Terrible fucking jokes by the way." Ellie argued, feeling angrier at your friends poor reactions.
"She was crying? Oh shit, sorry." Suddenly Ryan seemed to feel bad.
"Yeah you fuckin should be, she's probably gonna be worked uo for days now. Great fucking job you two." And with that Ellie hung up, as she couldn't bear to speak to them any longer.
She shut off your phone and set it at the bedside table, sitting down and glancing over at you as you let out a heavy sigh. You silently cursed as your stomach grumbled.
"Babe, you hungry?" Ellie asked, leaning down to rest her chin on your shoulder.
"No." You lied, shaking your head.
"Ok, well have you eaten today?" She asked, already sure she knew the answer.
"No." You were quiet now, feeling ashamed at your inability to care for yourself, how you know you should be.
"Alright well come on then, let's put something in that belly of yours." She tried to turn you around, take you to the kitchen.
But you wouldn't budge, tears falling from your eyes once again as you shook your head furiously.
"No! I-I'm already fat enough I don't need to eat anymore!" You protested, believing everything you said.
"What? Stop it, that's nonsense and you know it. Come on, just come have something. Please." She frowned as she held your hands in her own, it hurt her to see you so upset.
"I can't." You choked out and she pulled you into a hug.
You immediately leaned into her relaxing touch, wrapping your arms around her back as you nuzzled your head into her shoulder.
"Baby, you can. I know you can, you're stronger than you think. And your body is perfect" She pulled away, holding your face in her hands as she peppered kisses over your face, "I love every part of it, and you. You're amazing and your brain is just lying to you." She reminded you.
"Love you too." You responded, sniffling and leaning your forehead against her own.
You finally followed her to the kitchen, still hesitant but you'd get past that. You sat at the table and watched as she made pasta for the two of you, mainly because she knew it was your comfort food. A smile made its way to your face as she brought over two bowls, giving on to you. Ellie smiled ten times as big as you did, rubbing her thumb over your cheek fondly. It made her happier than anything to see you smiling after you'd had such a tough time that day.
Once you finished eating, Ellie insisted on doing the dishes. You felt bad for not helping out, but she reassured you that she was more than happy to do it herself. She told you to go sit down and pick a movie, and of course you did.
You'd selected something happier, usually you two watched horror together but tonight you just didn't feel like it. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest, a fuzzy blanket engulfing you as you waited for your girlfriend. She was sitting beside you in no time, pulling you into her side. You hummed contently, leaning into her touch with a smile as you leaned your head on her shoulder.
About halfway through the movie, Ellie placed a kiss to your forehead then placed a hand on your chin to make you look at her.
"Is my girl finally feeling better?" She asked.
"Mostly, thank you for helping me." You smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss.
"Of course Baby. You tired yet?" She asked, looking at her watch and noting that it was getting late.
You just nodded before placing your head back on her shoulder and closing your eyes. She chuckled a bit at you, rubbing your side lovingly then letting her head fall against your own as she waited until you fell asleep before carrying you into your shared bedroom. She laid you down then climbed in next to you, pulling you in. You let out a small groan as you hiked your leg over her own, wrapping your arm around her stomach.
A/n: sorry ik it's kinda short! Hope u still liked tho :)))
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stygianheart · 10 months
Usually I don't send these but asks are better than messaging for me..
BUT HELLO??? This chapter was AWESOME!!
From tears to my own rage to fucking joy, it was so good!! Koby and Luffy finally getting a real lovely moment
And the end of the chapter?? Hello??
I'm so scared for Ryan, you're gonna make me curl into a ball and sob/pos
And fuck Luffy, how you described the scene is so awesome and sad?? I could FEEL his emotions, just like always through your writing, but this was just pure art!? I'm so excited, because I'm hoping I get more Joyboy action, along with everyone else completely ruin this shit show, especially now that Ryans dead/dying
And fuuuuck the idea alone paints a image in my head that if I had the confidence I'd do it right, I'd draw it out?? Because it has me in a grip
And Koby oh Koby, love to have his pov of things, this chapter was just chefs kiss
You did really good, I'm so excited for the last three chapters!! You write long ones, so I really don't know what to expect, but it's gonna be great!! You did just. God..I'm gonna be on this for awhile I mean just it's. It's so amazing..I don't even know how to describe it, I hardly got all my thoughts and emotions out
Just, good job!! Great work and you have my heart on a platter I'm so invested in Ryan and the rest of this story, came here for Kobylu, currently crying in a sea of tears and joy for this lovely and heartbreakingly, funny story <33 Please know I haven't been this infested in a story in ages, I think of fanfics I've read a lot but this one definitely has me in such an iron grip I can't not think about it
- Mr.Fabulous
Luffy and Koby finally getting their alone time was the thing pushing me through this depressing chapter. That and the funny “which way is left? That way? Okay! *bolts in the other direction*” as well as the “gotta love iron” scene.
The ending is my favorite part! A perfect climb to the climax, which will drag on for another two chapters before the resolution of chapter 14.
AND YES MORE JOYBOY!!! I love Joy Boy a normal amount, I totally don’t have a giant poster of him in my room, no sir I do not. But how could I not add as much Joy Boy scenes as humanly possible??? It’s so fun to write.
(Also don’t be afraid about not doing it right, just draw it, I bet it would be a 10000/10 drawing anyway—)
And we gotta love Koby the Poet with his Muse Luffy. That boy is down so bad and he finally had the nerve to say it. Like sheesh. Took you long enough. One of my favorite details in the whole story is how Koby is constantly thinking “why me?” and “do I deserve this?” but in that one moment with Luffy, Koby doesn’t care about the why or if he deserves it. He just takes it with open arms and loves it.
I’m so happy you like TSaTS so much! I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite child out of my fics, but…well I do certainly love it a whole lot, and I’m gonna be sad when it comes to a close near Christmas/New Years. But in the mean time, I’M HAPPY YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
Worthless - Part 16
Masterlist | Previous
Content: disordered eating, mention of vomiting, mention of past abuse, dehumanization, degradation, self-hatred, self-deprecation
If I missed any content warnings, please let me know!
Elliot was half asleep when he heard the gentle knock at his door. Still wrapped in his warm cocoon of blankets, he flinched, his eyes snapping open. It wasn't an aggressive sound, but it startled Elliot nonetheless.
"Elliot? Sweetheart, can I come in?" Broderick's voice called through the door.
Elliot curled up beneath his blankets soundlessly. He didn't want to see anyone. More than that, he didn't want anyone to see him.
However, when he didn't answer, Broderick opened the door anyway. Elliot closed his eyes and hid his face in his cocoon.
"It's just me," Broderick announced. "No one else is coming in." Elliot peeked up over his blankets, blue eyes ringed in red. Broderick flashed a sad smile his way. "I'm sorry if we overwhelmed you earlier. I didn't know the girls were gonna barge in like that, but it's just us this time."
Elliot didn't say anything, but the tightness with which he held the blankets around him loosened slightly.
Broderick awkwardly cleared his throat. "So...do you wanna talk about what happened? I know this can be a sensitive topic, so it's fine if you don't want to."
Elliot was silent for a beat, his eyes flitting everywhere across the room except to Broderick's.
Broderick sighed and sat himself in the chair he'd left beside Elliot's bed earlier. "Listen, I'm not going to judge you or belittle you or even force you to eat, but-but I do wanna help you. All I want is to help you."
Elliot shook his head and spoke for the first time since Broderick entered the room. "You can't help me," he mumbled. "I'm broken."
"You're not broken, El-"
"No, you-you don't understand," Elliot interrupted. "I'm broken!"
Broderick furrowed his brow. "What are you talking about?"
Elliot sniffled, but there were no tears in his eyes. "I-I can't eat anymore. My-My stupid body won't let me." Broderick didn't react. "Ev-Every time I try to-to eat, I-I throw it back up. I've-I've tried, r-really, I-I have. I just-I just can't." Elliot curled into an even tighter ball. "I'm broken," he whimpered.
Broderick watched him with sad eyes. "Has this happened before?" He asked.
Elliot glanced up at him. "Wh-What?"
"Has eating ever made you throw up before?" Broderick reiterated.
Elliot thought for a moment before his cheeks reddened. He nodded. "At-At the beginning of...wh-when Master started f-feeding me." Elliot refused to look at Broderick, training his gaze on his fidgeting hands instead.
"Well, what did he feed you?"
Elliot's face turned a deeper shade of red and his lip started quivering. He didn't want to answer. He was too ashamed and humiliated.
But why? It's more than you deserved. You're lucky Master even fed you at all, you stupid, worthless mutt
Elliot didn't want to cry. Crying in front of his friends never failed to spark guilt in the pit of his empty stomach.
"You're so pretty when you cry."
That's what Master had said. Elliot wondered if his friends would agree.
"Elliot?" Broderick called.
Elliot snapped back to reality, remembering the question he had been asked several minutes ago. "Oh, s-sorry," he mumbled.
"That's okay. You don't have to answer if it's too upsetting to remember. I understand."
No. Elliot wanted to be good. He wanted to do as he was told. But then again, it was such a painful, dehumanizing memory. Making decisions was never one of Elliot's skills, even before Christian. It had only gotten worse after him.
That's because your stupid animal brain isn't capable of thinking for itself. Pets exist to serve, not to make choices
Elliot sniffled again. "Will-Will it help you figure out what's wrong with me?"
Broderick shrugged, flashing a charming half-smile. "It wouldn't hurt."
Elliot frowned. Talking about his time with Christian unearthed so many painful memories, but Broderick had given him an order. Pets don't refuse orders.
"He-He f-fed me d-dog food," Elliot stammered. He didn't look up at the medic's expression, but he flinched, preparing to be laughed at or mocked.
Broderick's heart broke. "Oh." He didn't know what to say to that. Of course, he had known that Elliot had been treated like a dog, but Broderick hadn't suspected that he may have been fed like one. "I'm so sorry, Elliot. You didn't deserve to be treated like that."
Elliot looked like he was on the verge of tears. His lower lip started wobbling. "M-Master said it was g-good for me. He-He said it would k-keep me in my place."
Broderick shook his head. "That's not right," he mumbled.
Elliot sniffled. "I-I told you I was b-broken."
Broderick's hatred for Christian continued to grow. He shook his head again. "You're not broken, sweet. I think I know what's going on."
Elliot glanced up at the medic, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You-You do?"
Broderick nodded. "Dog food isnt made for human consumption and can result in foodbourne illness. When you first started eating what Christian gave you, your body knew something was wrong and rejected it. But as time went on, you eventually grew used to it. I think the same may be happening now that we're trying to reintroduce you to human food." Elliot's gaze wavered. "I'm hoping that this nausea will start to fade as you get more and more used to eating real food. It'll take some time, and we'll have to start small, but it should be a pretty easy fix. I can give you some anti-nausea medicine too, if that'll help."
Elliot was silent. He didn't react at all to anything Broderick said. Broderick tilted his head as he considered Elliot's blank expression. "You okay, sweet?"
Elliot's dull eyes lowered to his lap. "W-Wouldn't it be easier to just k-keep feeding me d-dog food?" He mumbled. "That-That way, I-I won't be such a-such a burden."
Broderick sighed, his chest and shoulders heaving with the motion. "Elliot, you are not, and never will be, a burden. No one is forcing us to help you. We want to because we're a family." Elliot cringed and glanced up. "I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true." Elliot didn't say anything after that. His gaze lowered once more and he began to fidget with his fluffy blanket. Broderick pursed his lips as he examined Elliot.
It hurt how much Elliot reminded Broderick of his little brothers, how small they were the last time he'd seen them. They were only twelve the last time Broderick had visited them, but that was years ago. For all he knew, they could've been seventeen by now, but it didn't matter. As much as he missed the twins, he'd probably never see them again. Not as long as his father was still in the picture.
Broderick shook the memory of his family out of his mind. Elliot hadn't moved. His shoulders were hunched, his head was lowered, and his fingers were still mindlessly tugging at his blanket.
Broderick forced a comforting smile onto his face, but it was weak and clearly fake. "Why don't I go make you something that'll be easy on your stomach?" Elliot didn't move. "When I was sick, my mom and step-dad would always make me soup with crackers, and it always made me feel better. Why don't I go make you some of the same?"
Those words made Elliot pause his fidgeting and look up at his friend. "Th-That...That sounds...nice."
Broderick raised his brows. "Yeah?"
"But-But, what if I can't keep it down?"
Broderick gently took hold of one of Elliot's quivering hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, sweet. We'll go slow, and remember, I'm not going to make you do anything you're not comfortable with. If you're not ready to try, or if you want to be alone, that's okay. It's completely up to you."
Elliot knew Broderick was just saying that. He could see it in his eyes. Broderick desperately wanted him to eat. A pang of guilt struck Elliot in the stomach as he gazed upon the sheer amount of worry in the medic's eyes.
Elliot bit down hard on his lower lip to keep it from trembling. He wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and said, "I-I want to try."
Broderick's face lit up with relief, and despite the anxiety churning in Elliot's stomach, he couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved as well.
"Okay," Broderick said, a wide smile splitting his face. "Then, I'll go make you some soup and crackers. You just relax and I'll be right back." Elliot nodded silently as Broderick left the room.
Elliot was left alone to his thoughts. There was a deep, gnawing ache in his stomach. Whether it was anxiety or hunger, he couldn't tell, but he hoped that just trying to eat human food would sate it, even if just a little.
. . .
"How is he?" Lyra asked the second Broderick left Elliot's room. Karine gently coaxed them back down onto the couch, but the concern painting Lyra's face didn't falter.
Broderick didn't know how to answer. "He's-He's okay." It wasn't completely true. "I'll tell you everything later, but right now, I'm going to make him something that'll be easy on his stomach."
Lyra furrowed their brows and followed Broderick into the kitchen. "What does that mean, 'easy on his stomach'?"
Broderick pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup from the cupboard and poured it into a pot on the stove. "It means, something that won't make him sick."
"So that's why he hasn't been eating? Because it's making him sick?"
Broderick groaned and rolled his eyes. "I thought I said I would talk to you about this later."
"I'm his best friend, Broderick."
"Then, ask him yourself. What happened to Elliot is his business. It's not mine to tell."
Lyra furrowed their brows. "Why are you being like this?" They asked. Broderick stared into the pot of soup, his jaw tight and his fists clenched. "Did something happen?"
There was a tightness in Broderick's chest. He took a deep breath to try to loosen it and turned his eyes toward the ceiling. He was furious. Thinking about how Elliot had been fed nothing but dog food for over a year made his blood boil. No one should be treated like that, least of all someone as kind and cheerful as Elliot. It broke Broderick's heart.
Broderick shook his head as he stirred the soup. "It's Elliot's business," he repeated. "Not mine." Lyra merely stared at him silently after that. Broderick wedged his bottom lip between his teeth to try to keep from crying. "I-I just wish there was more I could do for him. I'm the medic, and yet, there's nothing I can do about the amount of pain he's in."
Lyra nodded in understanding. "I get that," they mumbled. "But he's getting more comfortable around everyone. He's slowly getting better, and he's going to keep getting better as long as we keep helping him." Broderick didn't acknowledge that they'd spoken. He leaned against the counter and wordlessly stirred Elliot's soup. Lyra tiled their head. "Did Elliot tell you something?" Broderick nodded. "But you don't wanna tell me?"
"Like I said." Broderick ladled the soup into a bowl and pulled a bag of crackers out of a different cupboard. "It's his business. Not mine."
"I'm gonna go bring him his food."
. . .
It wasn't five minutes later that Broderick returned, this time holding a steaming bowl and a bag of crackers. The smell that wafted into Elliot's nose was delightful, and yet, it made his stomach churn.
"I made chicken noodle soup," Broderick announced as he sat at Elliot's bedside. "I hope that's okay. I figured it was the easiest thing to start with, eh?" Elliot eyed the food nervously, but he nodded. "You okay? Remember, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to."
Elliot pursed his lips. "But you already made it. I don't-I don't wanna waste it."
Broderick smiled. "If you don't eat it, I'm sure someone else will. Hell, I might even eat it. It won't go to waste, I promise."
Elliot's insides clenched and he swallowed the bile rising up his throat. He didn't have to do this. Broderick had told him he didn't have to do this, but by refusing to eat, wouldn't he be disobeying an order?
It's just soup, you pathetic mutt. What kind of worthless bitch is afraid of eating soup?
Elliot clenched his jaw to keep his lip from trembling. "O-Okay," he mumbled. His voice was small and pathetic. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just eat?
Broderick tilted his head. "Sweetheart, you don't have to do this. I'm not going to force you."
Elliot shook his head. "I-I can do it. I can be good. I wanna be good."
"You are good. Nothing is going to change that."
Elliot shrunk in on himself, glancing over at the steaming bowl in Broderick's hands out of the corner of his eye. "I-I don't think I can d-do it when-when you're watching me," he admitted, his voice growing even smaller than before.
Elliot expected Broderick to be angry, to shout at him or throw the scalding hot soup over his head, but the medic didn't do either of those things. Instead, he simply nodded in understanding. "Okay," he said. "Would you like me to leave?"
Elliot hunched his shoulders, his eyes growing misty.
Bad mutt!
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Broderick assured him. He slowly set the bowl and bag down on Elliot's nightstand and began to stand up from his seat. "I'll just set these over here. Take as long as you need. Or, if you don't want it, feel free to bring it back out to the kitchen, or just set it in front of your door and I'll come grab it, eh? I'll give you some privacy." With that, Broderick gently shut the door behind him and Elliot was alone again.
Elliot glanced at the bowl. He stared at it for a few seconds before taking it into his hands. With his weak muscles and the unease coursing through his body, Elliot was shocked he didn't drop the bowl before setting it in his lap.
Staring into the soup, there was less of it than Elliot had expected. Perhaps it was because Broderick wanted ease him into it. That was the only explanation he could come up with, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to believe that it was true.
It's just soup. I can do this
With shaking hands, Elliot brought a spoonful of the delightfully warm food to his lips and carefully drank it down. It was delicious and comforting and sparked a welcome warmth in his chest on the way down. Elliot waited a few seconds. His stomach gurgled and ached, but it ultimately accepted the food. Elliot felt his heart jump.
I did it
It was such a small feat, but one that he found himself growing immensely proud of. He didn't know exactly how long he'd been Christian's pet, how long he'd been forced to eat nothing but dog kibble on his hands and knees out of a tin bowl on the floor. This was the first time in so long that he was able to eat without feeling sick, and he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He hoped his friends would be equally as proud of him too.
Elliot sighed in contentment and went in for a second bite.
If anyone is curious, Elliot has a type of eating disorder called ARFID (Avoidance/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) which is basically an eating disorder in which an individual is extremely selective of what they eat (which is a gross oversimplification, but I'm not going to go into detail). In Elliot's case, this comes from a fear of throwing up, which developed as a result of a mild case of refeeding syndrome
Sorry this took so long. I've been struggling a bit lately with my mental health, so writing wasn't a huge priority of mine. Also, this topic is a sensitive one for me, since I have the same eating disorder I gave Elliot, but I thought it was important to touch on for Elliot's recovery
I hope you enjoyed!
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