#( ✱ SELF PARA. )
unpersoniverse · 1 month
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modern! clicks Korra chilling in a park
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 months
some disabled & neurodivergent side of tumblr safety & etiquette:
dont: dump negativity on positivity posts. if you dont relate to a post, it's either not aimed at you, or you're not ready for its message (and thats ok!)
do: make your own posts expressing how you feel; your feelings still matter and your blog is just the place to express them.
dont: speak over people with different experiences than yours, or speak on things you don't know about.
do: have an open mind and educate yourself on things you don't know much about - uplift the voices of people with direct experience.
dont: send unprompted vent or advice asks to blogs that dont have that as a stated purpose.
do: check out a blog to see if they take vent/advice asks; if you dont see anything, ask if you can vent/seek advice first - or add a disclaimer at the start of your asks, with TW.
dont: engage with triggering content. dont post your triggers publicly either, my lord.
do: engage with content that helps you express, process, and cope with your health. take breaks when you need them, too.
dont: treat bloggers like celebrities or like they owe you a response.
do: treat bloggers like regular people; respect boundaries.
dont: demonize ANY condition. including paraphilic disorders, sexual/moral OCD, personality disorders, addiction, or factitious disorders
remember: we're all dealing with our own stuff, and we're all in this together. if anyone acts as if this isnt true, they're probably not in a good place themself.
(feel free to add on!)
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wallpapedits-vvc · 7 months
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Matching wallpapers #180
Like/reblog if you save ✨
None of this wallpapers/pictures belongs to me, I just do the matching.
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saltandskeletrons · 2 years
Hamilton was one of the first pop culture medias I was really into with a cheating plot line and I was like damn. Can’t believe this guy threw away his successful career he dedicated his whole life to and incredible wife and family for one hook up. I should not have been surprised Apparently this is very common and easy for men.
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keegansgurl · 2 months
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Summary: The reader gets captured by Graves during his siege of Las Almas. And the commander has certain ideals about what's in store for her.
Warnings!! Gun violence, wounds, implied sexual content, Kidnapping, being held captive, 18+ themes
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Thunder cracks in the distance as you step out of the hummer with Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, and Rudy. It's dusk, and the air is starting to get heavy with moisture as the thunderstorm in the mountains grows near.
"Is that Graves' guys posted up at the gate?" You nudge Ghost when you spot the armed guards standing at the gate leading into the base.
Alejandro and Rudy share a look before Alejandro steps forward toward the gate. You hang back with Soap and Ghost while the Colonel searches for answers as to why a bunch of hired guns are guarding his base.
"What's Graves doing?" You ask Ghost as you watch Alejandro get up in his face.
"I don't know." Ghost replies in a gruff and cautious tone. "But I've got a bad feeling." He adds.
You nod in agreement, your dominant hand hovering over the pistol holstered at your thigh. Alejandro and Graves continue to but heads until all hell breaks loose. Alejandro gets taken down swiftly by one of Graves' men. Shots begjn whizzing through the air and Ghost grabs your arm to pull you behind cover.
"It doesn't have to go down like this, Ghost!" Graves shouts from his spot in front of the base gate.
"We need to get out of here." You crouch down next to Ghost with urgency.
Ghost nods in agreement and begins coming up with an escape plan. Graves' men begin to fan out and come towards the group. You and Ghost make a break for it but one of Graves' men manages to clip you with a shot to the shoulder. A searing hot pain shoots up through your shoulder and you crumble into the dirt.
Ghost stops and turns around to pull you up, but you wave him off with the hand that isn't clutching at your shoulder.
"No! Ghost, go! Get out of here!" You shout at your commander, the sound of Graves's men closing in growing louder in your ears by the second.
Ghost nods in understanding and takes off before your enemies descend upon you. One of them trains his gun on you while the other one grabs you by the injured shoulder and hauls you up to your feet.
"Ah!" You yelp in pain from the contact to your bullet wound.
Graves' men drag you back toward the gate and right up to their commander. Graves cracks a smug grin as you are dumped into the dirt at his feet.
"Well well well, if it isn't the infamous Spectre of the 141." Graves leans down and grabs your chin harshly in his hand.
You glare up at him as Graves holds your chin in his calloused hand. You grit your teeth as he smiles down at you with a sinister look in his eye.
"Boy who'd of thought that such a pretty thing like you could have all that rage and violence locked up inside." Graves chuckles at you. "You know? I'm glad it was you that my boys managed to catch first. Means that I get to have a little fun before work." He grins and signals for his men to take you away.
"You won't get away with this, Graves!" You kick and shout as you're dragged away and into one of the buildings on base.
You get tossed into a small barren room harshly. Your knees scrape against the floor, head hitting the corner of the doorframe as you get tossed down to the floor. The door slams shut and you hear a click followed by the sound of heavy boots walking away from the door.
You suck in a breath and manuever yourself into a sitting posistion on the cold floor. Graves' boys secured your hands behind your back with zipties after they got you inside the builging, so your movement is severly limited.
"Fuck." You groan to yourself as you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.
You glance at your shoulder where you got shot. Blood has completely soaked through your shirt and beginning to dry into the fabric. The tendons in your shoulders burn with every little movement, making you wince in pain.
You scoot yourself over to the far corner of the room and lean against it. Graves's men pulled the zipties around your wrists pretty damn tight. But if you can somehow dislocate your thumb on one of your hand. Then you think that you can manage to slip your restraints.
You keep your back almost against the far corner of the room as you work to dislocate your thumb. While you work you keep your eyes fixed on the door on the other side of the room. You can hear footsteps and muffled voices on the other side of the door. Graves' men no doubt. But if you can pull this off then you'll be ready for them next time they come through that door.
"Come on. Come on!" You mumble to yourself as you work. "Fuck! Yes, that should do it." You wince quietly when your thumb grinds against bone and eventually clicks out of place.
Your hand aches now as well as your shoulder. But now there is just enough leverage for you to dig your hand free from your restraints. The zipties dig into your skin, scraping away at the first layer of your dermis as you go. But you've got to get free.
After some effort, your left hand finally manages to slip free. You breath a sigh of releif as you move your arms back into their normal posistion. Your wrists are rubbed raw and bleeding at this point. But you're free.
"Okay. Stay calm, YN." You calm yourself down now that you're free.
You tear a strip off the bottom of your shirt and wrap it around your shoulder into a makeshift sling. The sling takes some of the pressure off your shoulder and you allow yourself a little bit of time to rest and recover. You think about Soap and Ghost while you rest. Surely the two of them managed to get away and are coming up with a plan to come rescue you and Alejandro right now.
The heavy sound of footsteps approaching the door switches you out of relaxing mode. You quickly pull your arm out of the sling and wrench your hands behind your back again. If your captor doesnt know that you've free'd yourself. Then you've got the element of surprise.
The door creaks open and Graves steps into the room. He closes the door behind him and grin at you. "Well, aren't you a sigh for sore eyes, sweetheart? All hunched up in the corner, cowering in fear like a meek little bunny." He chuckles to himself and approaches you.
You watch Graves come towards you. You could spring on him right now and take him down. But you know that it's better if you wait until he's closer and more off guard to strike.
"Fuck you!" You growl at Graves with fire in your eyes and venom in your tone.
Graves comes to a stop a few feet in front of you. He smiles at you before gesturing for you to get up.
"Come on! Let's see it." Graves prompts you. "I'm not stupid, sweetheart. I know that you've found a way out of those retraints by now." He insists.
You grit your teeth and begruginly move your arms back in front of you. It'll be no use in trying to attack him now.
"Atta girl." Graves muses and reaches behind him. He pulls his arm back out in front of him with a bottle of water in hand and offers it to you. "Go on. Take it."
You scoff and turn your nose up at the offer. "I don't want shit from you, traitor." You spit at him.
"Suit yourself, sweetheart." Graves shrugs and pops the cap off of the bottle.
You watch Graves place the bottle to his lips and take a large swig of water from it. You become acutely aware of just how dry your mouth and throat are as you watch little droplets of precious water drio out of Graves' mouth and dribble down his chin.
"Ah!" Graves smirks and screws the cap back onto the now half-empty bottle. "Refreshing." He taunts you.
"If you're going to kill me, can you get it over with already?" You stare up at Graves with disdain written plainly on your face.
Graves laughs and crouches down to your level. "Kill you?" He scoffs. "Now why would I go and do something as stupid as that?" He asks you. "Shepard gave me a look at your file, you know?"
"General Shepard?" Your head snaps up to meet his gaze.
"Mhm." Graves grins. "You are quite the soldier. Long list of skills that could be useful for a man in my business." He adds. "And all wrapped up in an enticing package too."
You reel back as Graves reaches a hand out to caress your face. You breifly think about biting down on his hand as hard as you can. But you know that he'd just overpower you if you did.
"Come on, sargent." Graves coos at you. "Think about all the trouble we could get into if you teamed up with me, huh?" He paints a picture for you. "Think about all the fun we could have. All the money that we could make." Graves drones on.
"I'd rather die than ever work for a scumbag mercanary like you." You growl and turn your head away from him.
Graves doesn't seem to falter any at your harsh words. He steps forward again, backing you further into the corner. Both of you are standing up now. But Graves is at least half a foot taller than you are. He watches you with intense eyes as you try your best to turn away from him.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic, YN." Graves scoffs. "Don't think that I haven't noticed the way you've been looking at me these past few days." He reaches forward and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. "Hmm? All those stolen glances at breifings? Or that cute little smile being directed at me when your meathead 141 buddies aren't looking?" He teases you.
You turn your head in shame, knowing that everything Graves is saying is true. Graves chuckles and grabs your shoulder where you got shot. You gasp in pain and turn to look at Graves again.
"Let me go!" You huff a breath out at Graves and try to pull away from him.
Graves doesn't budge, and instead steps closer to you. His body traps you between himself and the wall and you can smell the mint on his breath as well as the cologne he wears wafting off of him.
"Come on sweetheart, just give in." Graves leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers in a husky tone to you.
Your breath hitches in your throat and you freeze in place. It's like your brain is short circuiting right now. All those dirty thoughts that popped into your head 24 hours ago when Graves first introduced himself come flooding back all at once. All those thoughts about how handsome Graves looks in his tactical gear. About how that damned Southern American accent ignited something inside of you when he introduced himself to the group.
You could cut the tension in the room with a simple wave of the hand.
That tension is broken when a rapid knock sounds at the door. Graves step away from you with an annoyed grimace at being interupted. He backs up towards the door and offers you a wink and charming grin. "This conversation aint over sweetheart. I'll be right back." Graves assurs you before slipping out of the room.
Your heart thumps against your chest like it's due to burst at any moment. Your gaze stays transfixed on the door and you can hear Graves scolding whichever of his lackies dared interupt him just now.
Silence falls over the room again and you slide down the wall and back down to the floor.
"Oh fuck." You murmur to yourself, head in your hands as you try and regain your composure.
Somewhere outside, sirens start to blare throughout the compound as Ghost, Soap, and Rudy rally to take the base back. The trio locate where you and Alejandro are being held and begin their retrieval plan.
You are still sitting in the corner when the door swings open with force. You look up from your lap expecting to see Graves saunter in again but find Soap instead.
"YN!" Soap crosses the room in barely two strides.
"Soap!" You let out a shakey reply.
Soap leans down in front of you and helps you to your feet. He sets a hand on your shoulder and allows you a few seconds to calm yourself down.
"Are you alright? Did Graves do something to you?" Soap asks you.
"I'm okay, MacTavish." You shake your head and compose yourself. "Have you guys found Alejandro?" You ask him.
Soap nods, trusting that you wouldn't lie to him since the two of you have always been close. "Ghost and Rudy are getting him right now. Are you ready to go?" He asks, offering you a gun from the back of his vest.
"I'm good." You take the gun with a nod and prepare yourself for the fight to come.
A part of you wonders where Graves is at right now. You wonder if he's thinking about you at all. As delusional as that sounds.
Because it does sound delusional, right?
He's the enemy now.
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muraseclinic · 23 days
I'll follow any order,,, I'll cut myself as many times as you desire, I was thinking of recovering but i know I don't deserve that at all, do i?, i can even take as many pills so you'll see me being stupid for you and you could do anything to me
please? I'll be good I'll hurt myself as much as you want i just want you to ruin me completely,,,
awwwnn,, so needy ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ but you’re right, you don’t deserve to recover ! if you reeealllyy want me to ruin you, you gotta get that foolish idea of even trying to get better out of your head, kay?
in fact, i want you to pop some pills, cut yourself up real deep and pretty f’me, and send it to me / post it so i can get off ! you want me to ruin you, right? so you’ll be stupid and do what i tell you to, won’t you?
ฅ(ᵔ꒳ ᵔマ.ᐟ
🐈‍⬛ ask box is open + trying a theme change yaaay ᐟ.ᐟ
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Shoutout to the “dumb” s/is!!
The ones who can’t read
The ones who struggle with “basic” math
The ones that can’t spell their own names
The ones diagnosed with learning disabilities
The literal children
Your f/o(s) still love and appreciate you!! They’d always help you without complaint, and if they’re a teacher then they might even try to teech you!!!
(Yes even your big scary evil f/os)
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Siempre íbamos a ciegas
Necesitaba perderte para encontrarme
Ese baile me mataba suavemente
Necesitaba odiarte para amarme.
Selena Gomez - Lose you to love me
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tai-janai · 2 months
littel... voices,,, hug and makeu p...
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ill do the rest of the scene too so part one i guess
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treatmelikeyourpet · 5 days
when i breakdown and relapse and instead of being comforted she makes me send her pictures <3<3
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desasters-blog · 8 months
"bonito es coincidir con alguien que te cuide, que te respete y no tenga miedo de quererte con todo el corazón"
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wallpapedits-vvc · 8 months
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Matching wallpapers #170
Like/reblog if you save ✨
First edit by me. Credits of the original photos to their respective owners.
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vilisisms · 4 months
˚☽˚.⋆ ― open event starter // @exitiumstarters // phase 2 in the middle of the chaos
heat, pain, and the soulless eyes of an oea agent. those were the last things she remembered. the heat, that was the most vivid sensation she remembered. it came from... the fog of hiding so much, she didn't know why she felt the heat only that it was burning her from the very inside out. then the pain, she could see through the fog of her thoughts the cause of the pain and it was the cause of whoever those eyes belonged to.
she tried to get up, to move, to call out, but she felt trapped in her body and with her mind still covered in a fog, she couldn't understand why. it wasn't until she began to regain her hearing that a new memory flashed and broke free of the fog. screaming, the loudest screams she's ever heard in her life and then she realized it had been coming from her. the pain was so bad, and the agent would not stop, she didn't even realize she was screaming.
then it all went quiet, and the pain stopped. all of the pain, everything all at once just stopped and a peace like she's never felt before flooded over her and then it was black and she was gone.
that was until this moment.
she felt dazed and her confusion on what happened and what was happening was taking over as the fog disappeared. then all at once, she felt herself jerk back into her body and her eyes fluttered open. billie. she had been with billie searching rooms for a way out, but then they were caught....
'fuck.' those were her first thoughts as she moved sit up and take in the chaos around her. her throat was dry, and she felt weak but she would worry about that later, all she could think about right now was finding her family, briggs, and ryker. riley didn't know what she would tell them, hell, she had no idea what was even going on or what happened but she could gather from the scenes around her that every worst case scenario that they had thought of, happened.
then it hit her as fast as the pain had, she hadn't been just injured and knocked out. she had died. whatever the agent had done to her, killed her. this was her transition.
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Sugar pill’s dynamic
So I would’ve included this on their introduction post, but it’s already so long so I’m putting it here instead
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dead-air-radio · 3 months
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱༻¨:·
Trans he/him, switch, pan
I was originally @rotting-gorewhoree but tumblr Hates me
Block don't report
- emo and gorewhore
-religious truama turned kinks
-horror lover and freak
-morute and gloomy lover <3
This blog will have gore and explicit things on it and I'm making you aware. This is personally just a vent and rant blog about things I like don't take it too seriously. I have an ed and vent about it but I don't condone it
I'm fine with any nicknames,
Signing off
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blue-madd · 5 months
Write about your paracosms!!
I just read back some stuffs I wrote about a paracosm I created based on a dream like 5-7 years ago and I am sobbing. Yes, it's written badly. Yes, I'm judging myself a little but still-
Most of it is nonsense since I forgot some of the lore (like there are a lot of characters being mentioned with absolutely 0 clue of who they are & I can't remember shit about them so it's v frustrating) but I'm so happy I still thought about writing and keeping parts of this story because it's amazing and exciting and I'm so proud of myself, I can't believe my brain came up with all of that based on one fucked up dream!?
My point is : write it down. Doesn't need to be well written or make 50 pages but one day your future self might find it back and be amazed at how creative you are. One day, you might miss these worlds so keep a trace of it to help you remember how awesome they are.
These will make good memories to look back to, I promise.
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