#( c; Vax )
hcpefuldreaming · 1 month
❛ you look really pretty right now. ❜ (vax to keyleth)
Looking up at him, she blushes darkly at the compliment, taking a second to think about her response, but she ends up tripping over her own words instead. "Oh, I, um, thank you, I mean. You look really pretty too, Vax." Keyleth admits, internally cringing at her attempts at flirting. "But then again you always do."
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harusuki · 5 months
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the legend of vox machina gifset per episode season 2 episode 1: rise of the chroma conclave
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justafandomgvrl · 3 months
Bitch you ask for a headcanon I shall provide ya:
How well does the rest of the team do as petsitters for Trinket? Do they fail a lot or are these guys used to petsitting by now? Does Grog try to feed him ale?
Grog definitely tried to give him ale - once, before Vex all but chewed him out so hard he couldn’t look at her. Other than that if anyone even looks at Trinket he’s got his weapon out.
Scanlan refuses point blank to look after Trinket. He just does not like that bear. At all. For no reason. And the feeling is mutual.
Vax successfully sneaks ale to Trinket and Grog pouts about it. Vax is the second best pet sitter for Trinket, partially because the bear is part of his family but mainly because his sister scares him.
Percy and Trinket have a respect and understanding for each other. Trinket knows to be safe. Percy knows to let him do his thing. Vex loves them both.
Pike is sweet with Trinket but she smells like Scanlan and he is not a fan of that. So she has to bathe before she can look after him.
Then there’s Keyleth. Sweet, loving, Keyleth. I think Trinket has a softness for Keyleth, doing as he’s told the way he does with Vex. Sometimes she becomes a bear and they just sit together, other times she druidcrafts flowers to make into a crown for him.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
Sorry narrative, you can't doom me. I'm just a silly little guy
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mezmer · 2 months
Deeeewwwwwd. I do NAWT want to fucking call the health department about this vaccine blood test hep C mf BULLSHIT save me literally anyone lol or anything
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eiko-chatter · 7 months
i have covid ;-;
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unforth · 1 year
...oh, the person who posted the "what's the worst pain you've ever experienced in your life" poll is absolutely batshit insane.
Deleted the poll and blocked.
@/woman-inside-water, for those of you who block the crazies.
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tsunbath · 1 year
you know worsties... now I actually have the plague
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allthatglxtters · 2 months
@hxlcycnx : "If a demon tried to possess me I'd just be like: ok take it from here, good luck man." (vax to percy)
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Percy paused at that, biting his lip slightly before looking at Vax. "Before you surrender yourself to a demon possession, can you at least warn me first? You were difficult enough to deal with enthralled to a vampire, I'd hate to see what you'd be like possessed." He lifted an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "Hopefully this all just remains hypothetical though."
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north-park · 11 months
OBSESSED with the preview of that PC Jimmy/Clyde fanfic on Pixiv, i hope the author will soon post the full version cuz it's too good, the japaneses never disappoint
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harusuki · 5 days
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the legend of vox machina gifset per episode season 2 episode 12: the hope devourer
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mothmvn · 1 year
there's a walk-in vax centre near me and today my partner convinced me to come along and get both a covide booster and a flu vaccine,.. im regretting my choices
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lackadaisycats · 5 months
Lackadaisy Cast + Crew at FurCon!
Rocky's there too. He may or may not have had his rabies vax...
With him are director @fablepaint, writer @DaveCapdevielle, and VAs @kovox, @MalcolmtheRay, and @VandomVA over at Table 57!
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There's a Lackadaisy Panel + Q&A on Sunday too!
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Video courtesy Dave C.! Puppet made by the marvelous Tina Roland!
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cherubfae · 4 months
ways they show they love you || vox machina x reader
With Vax, Vex, Keyleth, Percy, Grog, Pike, Scanlan & bonus!! Trinket, the best boii c:
tags: fluff, wholesome, pre-established relationships, crushing/mutual pining
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You need your bow restrung? Here let me do it for you. Oh, you are cold? Take my spare cloak, please, I insist. Lest you catch your death. Vax prefers to have you near his vicinity so he can reach you should something happen. His hand brushes against yours as you pass one another. His chest pressing against your back so he can reach something on the top shelf for you. His nose runs along the column of your throat. A common phrase he said to Vex soon became one he said to you as well. Do not go far from me.
Offering her hand to help you down a rocky hillside or up the steep slope of a mountain. Instructing Trinket to keep a close eye on you, and as best boi, he does. She gives you soft forehead kisses when you're fast asleep, damn-near chokes when you crack an eye open to smirk smugly up at her. Gives you a bit of the cold shoulder after but it's only because she is so heckin' embarrassed and needs some time to cutely and stubbornly pout.
Did you get enough to eat? Want some more bread or stew? She doesn't mind taking the first watch if you're still tired, the group would benefit from you being well-rested. Huh? No, she definitely wasn't admiring you while you slept, that's insane.
Subtle touches. His hand at the small of your back or on your waist. He never strays far from your side nor you his. Leaning his head on your shoulder for a quick nap, feeling safe to rest his form against yours. Pressing a quick kiss to your hand when you need to part ways for a bit, it causes everyone else to groan, but he needs to do it. Just in case. No matter what, Percy needs you to know you have his entire heart.
Picking you up and spinning you around every time he sees you. Always wanting to sit by you at dinner or have his bedroll near yours. Picking you up and out of the way of danger. Carries you and Pike on his back easy-peasy! Excitedly waits for you to wake up every morning, oftentimes he's leaning over your face. You bump heads every time, but Grog still follows this ritual as long as he's awake before you. He hopes you'll do it for him next time!
Always healing your injuries no matter how minor. She hates seeing you in pain. She tries not to pick favorites when it comes to healing but if you're the closest to her when others on the team are downed, she's gonna pick you first. Pike's gotten better with going for the most-critically injured now! Loves to give big, warm hugs where you two spin each other around. The hugs linger longer when no one else is around. A heartbeat and your lips almost brush, causing her cheeks to light up a bright pink.
Gentle hand-holds lack his former suave flirtatiousness and instead are replaced with nervous, almost shy glances and soft reassurances. Frequent check-ins when you are injured, if there is anything he can do or get for you. Shiny pale blue puppy dog eyes making sure you are always safe. He brings you little wildflowers he collects, always writing new songs he isn't sure that he intends to sing. Buys you little tokens and jewelry that suit your taste as long as he can swing it.
Gentle pokes with his cold nose and soft huffs against your cheek, this sweet bear will nuzzle his face into your tummy. Often times plops down beside you in an upright sitting position. You're his favorite after Vex. ♡
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clanslist · 3 days
Warrior Cats Name Generator in 2024 (Daylight Warrior Edition!)
Leafstar dips her head to you. "Welcome to SkyClan, dear..."
A - Angel
B - Bingo
C - Cocoa
D - Dream
E - Elvis
F - Fluffy
G - Gruff
H - Happy
I - Ichor
J - Jujube
K - Kaprycorn
L - Lulu
M - Merry
N - Nevaeh
O - Ollie
P - Peanut
Q - Quizno
R - Ragdoll
S - Scamp
T - Tingle
U - Unicorn
V - Vax
W - Wookie
X - Xander
Y - Yoyo
Z - Zippy
Aries - burst
Taurus - horn
Gemini - tail
Cancer - drop
Leo - mane
Virgo - fern
Libra - step
Scorpio - fall
Sagittarius - moon
Capricorn - storm
Aquarius - fur
Pisces - pelt
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thevalleyisjolly · 11 months
Critical Role PCs (main cast) ranked by whether or not Chetney could be their biological dad
Disqualified (dad known/knew their dad):
Ashton, Beau, Caduceus, Caleb, Fearne, Grog, Imogen, Jester, Keyleth, Laudna, Percy, Taryon, Vax, Veth, Vex
Disqualified 2.0 (no dad):
FCG, Kingsley,* Molly*
*Even if you count Lucien's parents as Kingsley and Molly's biological "parents," Lucien both knew them and killed them, taking them all clear out of contention.
Honourable mentions:
Orym. The one who first made us think, is Chetney _____'s dad? Alas, we know from EXU that Orym's biological dad went by the name "Tarrintel" - that is not to say that it was not, perhaps, an alias of Chetney's once upon a time, but it would hardly be consistent branding for C-Pop Industries.
Scanlan. While we know that Scanlan's father was not in his life, Scanlan did at least know enough about his father to say that his name was "Vicou." Again, it's possible that this is another Chetney alias, but be honest, can you really see Chetney ever going by the name "Vicou"? Would also be very awkward with Number 1 on this list...
And now, on to the rankings!
4. Yasha. Does not remember her biological parents, and it's not impossible that Chetney might have swung by southern Xhorhas in his travels. On the whole though, I'd give it worse odds than the other names on this list.
3. Bertrand. International man of mystery Bertrand Bell is so enigmatic that at one point, it was even speculated that he was the Lord of the Crossroads over in Vasselheim. He does appear to be fully human, but it would be mildly funny if he "exited" the story right before his father came in, which is why he's higher than Yasha.
2. Fjord. Who's to say that his other biological parent wasn't a half-orc who had a great night or two with Exandria's best woodworker?
1. Pike. We actually don't know terribly much about the Trickfoot family, or Pike's parents. What we do know is that at some point, Pike's parents left her with her cousins and went to Wynandir. Now would Chetney do a thing like that? Hard to say. There's nothing saying that Pock O'Pea is his birth name - he could mayhaps have been born a Trickfoot who, say, got in really hot water over in Tal'Dorei and had to flee to Wildemount?
In conclusion, Critical Role has spent a great deal of time pondering the all-important question, "What is that mother's name?" However, it is perhaps time that we all start asking, "What is that father's name?" and maybe even, "Are you my freaking dad?"
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