#( don't you lie about being him | Flowey. )
ben-guy · 23 days
Undertale Month Day 2: Flowey
UT month schedule
< Day 1 < ★ Day 2 ★ > Day 3 >
Welcome to day two! Thinking of something interesting to do with Flowey can be hard, because sometimes it feels like everything has been done already! However, I reminded myself that there isn't an absolute need to be a trail blazer, and quickly decided on a fun premise. Day two!
There were many things that sucked about being a flower. Lack of limbs, mysterious emotional blankness, etc etc. The worst part though was probably the question. "Hello little flower, what's your name?" No one had been named Asriel in a long time, so he always got a hundred follow up questions. That, or he'd die immediately. What was that Sans guy's issue? Dodging the question was a great way to make people suspicious too of course. The obvious solution was to lie. The problem was that he couldn't think of a good one.
Asriel found Papyrus at the edge of Snowdin, painting that rock arch to look like a bridge. He always did that eventually if the reset ran long enough.
"Howdy Papyrus!"
Papyrus turned to look at Asriel with a start. He was starting to act a little jumpy around him this reset. Another thing he always did. Asriel was starting to suspect Sans was telling Papyrus to be careful. Which was stupid! He was just a Flower! Ugh, nevermind. He wasn't here for that today.
"Any chance I could get your help with something real quick?"
Papyrus grinned with a little trepidation.
He was getting way too on edge this reset. Hopefully Sans wasn't too close by.
"I've been thinking about using a nickname when I introduce myself, but I can't think of anything good. Most people ask a lot of silly questions y'know?"
Papyrus put a glove to his chin, intrigued.
Papyrus snapped his fingers.
"Oh really? What an honor!"
"Well, don't keep me waiting Papyrus!"
Papyrus beamed at him. He stared back.
"... Flowey huh? Flowey the Flower?"
Flowey chuckled at that.
"Yeah, I'd dare say you're almost as good as the king."
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chaoticgoodthief · 3 months
Voices and Video Games
Contrarian should play a game where you can annoy people. Untitled Goose Game, The Stanley Parable, Portal, all that good stuff. I think ones that allow the people to annoy you right back would be the funniest, through. Because he's never actually been in the position of being the one annoyed, and I don't even know how he would react. No matter if ge takes it really well or really horribly, there'd still be a brief whiplash moment and I'd pay to see his face during that mental bluescreen. (I also want to see his reaction over the Real Person ending in STP Ultra Deluxw, because Pain.)
Broken... I don't think he's in a mental state where "having fun" comes easily. But Contrarian taught him how to win the fighting games and it seems to make him slightly less miserable.
Smitten would probably thrive through trashy romance VNs. Sure, he would declare that his true affections lie with the princess, but that won't stop him from wooing each cardboard cutout love interest that digitally smiles at him. But do you know what would be really funny? Giving him a BL. A love interest rivals to lovers and watch him obssess over his "rival", see how quickly genuine intrest in the girl turns into one-uping the other guy. Or give him DDLC if you prefer your chaos with a side of pain. Tehehe...
Cheated deserves a two-player or multiplayer game. Actually winning against his opponents would be good for him. And even when he loses, he still has a chance of winning the next round. And I'll be nice to him and just leave it at that. He deserves nice things.
As I saw in another post (so sorry I didn't save it so I can't credit you but if you see this thank you for sparking this idea), Cold would probably ... can't say enjoy but ... he would be provided enrichment in his enclosure woth Undertale. I completely agree with you, he would deeply relate to Flowey as a character. But I have another thing I want to bring up. The genocide route. A route that Cold would definately at least attempt to see what happens. Would Papyrus's speech affect him? If not stop him, at least make him hesitate? And would he kill Flowey without hesitation? I'm curious. I am so unbelievable curious.
Paranoid should be given the most relaxing games possible. His blood pressure is high enough without the additional stress. Cute farming games, petting puppies, styling hair, just give this poor guy a break. He deserves it.
Stubborn would probably prefer real fighting to the online stuff, but still go to fighting games if there's no way to beat up real people. He would also absolutely suck at them at first, which would be pretty funny to watch. Even funnier if someone managed to teach Broken how to play the game beforehand (wink). I would pay to see Stubborn's face if that happened. He would probably mope for days. He would also probably like the trashy romance games too, but only if they have someone who could beat him up. Managed to start an arguement with Smitten about the better love intrest that quickly decends into a month of warfare between the two.
I... can't really think of anything for Hunted. Even if there was a game the suited him, I'm not sure he would even play it. He would probably be super helpful if there's some kind of trivia game about wildness survival.
Skeptic would love any detective/mystery games. But he either would be brilliant at them or completely hopeless, with absolutely no in between. Multiplayer deduction games with the other voices would be just as fun to watch, the sheer chaos of them being forced into potentially unfamiliar roles. Now I want to write a whole story about the voices playing mafia so badly...
Hero honestly deserves a break from moral dilemas and all the stuff the Narrator forced on his shoulders. Cut and dry good fights evil or no-stakes games. Just let the guy rest. He's dealy with enough world-ending side choosing for one lifetime.
Opportunist would probably lie about his favourite to anyone who asks, but enjoy games where you play as the villian or generally do immoral things and actually get rewarded by the game. I just think those games really cater to his world view. But what would be really interesting is one of the games were you are forced to realise that you are the villian, that what you are doing is wrong. Just for the funzies.
Phew, I really am deeply sucked into this fandom. Don't think I've ever written so many posts about the same thing before. I should do this more often with my other fandoms...
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saturnalorbit · 11 months
okay, maybe this logic is full of holes. maybe i'm totally insane. but isn't it really implied in UNDERTALE that the red soul you see throughout the game isn't Frisk's soul at all, but is actually Chara's soul?
like, okay. i started thinking about this because i really don't like the idea that Chara is just mysteriously with Frisk in a completely unexplained capacity, not physical or anything, just their... ghost? i don't know, but the point is, the more i think about it, the more it seems to make sense that the red soul is Chara's soul throughout the whole game. and i'm frankly surprised i've never seen anyone bring it up.
firstly, the battle interface. this is something i've always wondered - if the one participating in the battle is Frisk, why is the name of the first fallen human just..... inexplicably always present on the battle screen and stat screen? i've just never understood why it would imply that it's showing Chara's HP and not Frisk's, considering Frisk is the one that's actually there.
except, what if it is Chara's HP?
suppose it's not Frisk themself taking damage, it's Chara's soul taking damage. this brings me to another point. why does the soul shatter upon death? they're not supposed to - human souls are supposed to persist after death. all the other human souls did. but consider, chara's soul, assuming it's been around since they died, has been around a hell of a long time. decades, at the very least. this would make the shattering of the soul make significantly more sense. it's been around for a long time, and it took a bunch of damage. of course that would cause it to break.
next. why does Flowey mistake Frisk for Chara? yeah, they dress similarly, but like, come on. Chara was your best friend and you still can't tell them apart from the new kid that just fell down? but if we consider that every fallen human has a different soul, and Flowey saw that Chara's soul was in Frisk, it would give a bit more merit to Flowey believing that it is actually Chara.
granted, this is one of the more significant holes in the theory. if Flowey recognised Chara's soul, why didn't Toriel or Asgore? it's worth noting that Flowey didn't seem to realise that Chara was there straight away, he only notices at the end of the Ruins even if you're doing a genocide run. maybe it did just take him a lot of observation to realise it was indeed Chara.
so let's consider the timeline. Asriel returns from the surface and turns to dust. while the Dreemurrs are mourning, Chara's soul returns to their dead body, not to revive themself somehow, but to lie in wait. their body is stored in the coffin in New Home, until Toriel takes their body with the soul still inside to be properly buried in the Ruins.
so, we're set up now. chara's body is buried underneath the flowers where the humans will fall. now i'm just throwing this out there, but what if Frisk was soulless? this gives us a scenario where Chara may not be able to enter any of the first six humans' bodies because they already had souls. but when Frisk falls, Chara's soul finally has an opportunity to enter their body and take control.
that would make sense to me, at least. but i was pretty quick jumping to the idea of Frisk being soulless, right? well, the reason i find this idea interesting is because not only is it much narratively cleaner having one soul in a human body at a time, it's also a popular fan theory in DELTARUNE that Kris was soulless before the red soul in that game possessed them. now, there are people who believe that Kris has multiple souls, some people even believing they have up to three. but i much prefer the cleaner solution of only one soul being necessary, and i think there's a lot of potential here for an extremely interesting parallel to be drawn between Frisk and Kris' situations.
(i'm aware this reasoning is by absolutely no means flawless, feel free to agree or disagree if you'd like!)
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
instead of immediately going home after the sleepover, some stuck around to play games; emphasis on 'some'. tori took frisk and flowey home. frisk was bummed, per usual.
asgore actually came over for a little bit - gifted me (you guessed it) socks, (heck yeah) as an apology for being late - and tried gaming with alphys n' undyne.
he, uh.
had about the same issues as tori usually does.
though, his lack of knowledge about the game wasn't helping him much either.
undyne felt bad and tried to teach him, but alphys eventually suggested switching to something easier entirely.
he isn't playing.
not because he doesn't want to.
not because we don't have enough controllers.
not because he's busy with work or anything right now.
but because he's still asleep.
(gasp now.)
a part of me is shocked.
my brother? sleeping in? whoa.
the other part of me is significantly less flabbergasted.
felt something a little off about him all day yesterday - not emotionally, in particular. and don't get me wrong, he acted the same as ever. just... had the energy of a skeleton who might not've gotten all the rest he needed, y'know?
so for him to be stretched across the couch, layin' on me like a pillow right now...
not unexpected. not entirely.
others were a bit shocked; asking if he was feeling alright and all that.
he'll probably be peeved that i didn't wake him sooner.
it's been about an hour and the rest of the party has bid farewell. not before snatching some of our snacks unfortunately, but life goes on.
my bro's still out like a light, so i haven't moved other than for writing this.
i'll keep you updated if he lives or stops breathin'.
'cuz we skeletons breathe a lot.
suuuper worrying if one stopped doing that... it'd mean their lungs stopped working.
which, i know.
pretty bad.
that'd also mean the heart they have would stop.
and even their brain...
yeah, i'm gettin' a little bored.
papyrus blinks his eyes open slightly, squinting at the light.
to block the light and to look down at him, i lean my head forward.
"oh, hey. you're alive."
he groggily mumbles something, but i couldn't make out what it was.
"...jeez, bro."
questioning look.
"you really need to make resting more of a habit."
"shouldn't be worry-inducing to see you sleep in a little."
and his eyes close again.
"wh- huh??"
a lot of things flick through my mind;
'is he really sick?'
'did he sleep that little?'
'should i convince him to move?'
and then i take a moment to notice something.
i don't remember having papyrus on me like this when i fell asleep to begin with.
i also don't remember seeing him lie down - the last thing i do recall was asking what he was doing.
i look around.
outside anything done by friends after waking up, everything's cleaned.
a few questions are suddenly answered.
"..'k. guess i'm not movin'."
"sleep well."
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mspandorasart · 9 months
Thoughts about Undertale Yellow
Greetings, I just returned from binging through Undertale Yellow, True Pacifist Route specifically, and am seeking a place to let out some thoughts (and steam). It's the first time I'm doing this type of "review" on my blog, but since my thoughts on it are quite strong, I thought, "hey, why the heck not"? Spoilers for the game and its ending ahead, fellas. Buckle up.
First off, let me begin by stating that, for the most part, I had a blast playing through it. The music is amazing, the boss themes real bangers, the environmental ones great as well. My favorite track was the OST that played in the Dunes: a really catchy western vibe with Flowey's theme in it as well, an earworm that filled me with Determination while running through the sandy fields. Then we have a beautiful pixel art style, gorgeous sceneries, great gameplay with challenging and fun boss fights (side note: although I couldn't fully appreciate Ceroba's fight since it had a couple pretty much unavoidable attacks. Or is it just skill issue on my part? Anyway, that part annoyed me more than it should have. Moving on, lmao.)
Furthermore, the game also has charming characters! They are the ones that kept me going and really ignited my interest. Not gonna lie, it took me until the town in the Dunes to become really invested in the game. Martlet is charming and cute, sure, but North Star and his gang, no, that guy specifically sold it for me. Charismatic, funny, very expressive sprites (well, all facial sprites are quite colorful, but it took me until North Star to appreciate/notice just how many there are for each character) and an interesting internal conflict with wanting to entertain others so they forget about the pain of being stuck underground, but at the same time being so absorbed in his persona that he temporarily acts like a douche towards his pals and forgets who he truly is. He also features my favorite joke in the game when he proudly proposes to the salesman that "he wants to buy a gun for the child". Freaking hilarious, love him, huehehue.
Story-wise, I was pleasantly surprised and taken aback by the dark twists of Ceroba and her husband Chujin. And I appreciated how the flashbacks got intigrated within her final boss fight. I don't know about you, but my biggest motivation to play RPGs are not just the gameplay, it's mainly the characters and the story. If the gameplay is amazing but the characters/plot boring, then I lose interest quickly. To me, the real rewards of a tough battle are story progression and seeing just what the characters will do next. Therefore, I greatly enjoyed the breaks between Ceroba's phases in which we saw parts of her backstory. They even made me cry!
...Although, to be honest, I don't exactly understand why we had that insight into her mind in the first place. Why did we survive so many hits to the point of 0.00001 HP? Where's that coming from all of a sudden? Why did time stop at some point like Za Warudo? Maybe that random plot armor (that happened the first time and never again) is explained in another route, but anyway, moving on-
This review-style blog entry only exists because of the True Pacifist ending. I'll be blunt, I hate it. Why?
So it ends with Clover sacrificing their soul for the monsters so they can eventually break free. Which is fine on its own. Clover is for the most part a blank slate of a character, only driven by their desire to seek the lost humans, that's basically it. Maybe it would have made a bit more sense for Clover to see an actual physical proof of their demise before they give up on them completely, but eh. I'm also wondering whether they are really okay with potentially another, possibly innocent human falling down sometime in the future only to get killed by the monsters. But oh well.
(You know, now that I think about it, I actually am a bit salty about Clover's decision to sacrifice themselves, lmao. Would've been kinda cool if it was up to the player, have another ending split.)
Anyways, the issue I'm having is how our cast of supporting characters, Martlet, North Star aka Starlo and Ceroba react to Clover's decision. They are shocked first, but... agree surprisingly quickly?? What?? Excuse me, the entire hassle we went through to get to this point was to stop Ceroba from taking Clover's soul. Now with Clover volunteering to sacrifice themselves, the gang is cool with it??
Of course they don't agree immediately, but are easily swayed within a few arguments back and forth. Man, what friends you are, guys. The reason I'm having this pet peeve in the first place is because we as the human, who has known these guys for just a day, did a lot for them, alright? They all tried to kill us at one point, but we took the beating, the hard battles, forgave them and were there for them during their internal conflicts. We were a pretty decent friend, if I may say so.
Especially with Ceroba! We did a lot to change her mind and path of self-destruction! Yet our so-called friends don't put in the same amount of effort when it comes to convincing us otherwise- or heck, use force if you must- get Clover away from there, lmao. Wouldn't it have been an interesting act of redemption on Ceroba's part, by the way, if she tried to stop us? Being touched by our mercy and refusal to give up on her, she does the same for us?
I suppose the reason I am so baffled by all this is because of Clover being a blank slate, the player character really felt like me, like I was going through the journey and not like I was controlling another character. It felt like my decision to spare them all, to talk to them and wanting to get to know them better. So the group of characters I have really grown to like giving up on me within about a minute of back-and-forth just felt... wow. Thanks, guys.
If I compare it to Undertale's True Pacifist in which every important supporting character gathers up after the confrontation with Asgore, all agreeing with the decision of me, the player, staying in the Underground with them, then oh boy, it really stings. Just would've been a cool, wholesome sign of friendship if Martlet, Starlo and Ceroba decided that "nah, even for the surface, we won't give up on Clover". By the way, in this game, we don't even really get to see why the monsters want to return to the surface so badly. They keep saying they want to, but what are the reasons exactly? More freedom, I suppose. Yet by expanding the Underground with the Dunes, the Mines, the Factory, and some of Snowdin, the Ruins and New Home, their habitat seemed so much larger than in the OG game- What I wanna say is, their desperation should've been shown way more instead of told, so the player can understand the monsters' aspiration better.
The thing is, it's a shockingly easy issue to fix if you really want "the canon ending" with Clover ending up dead and their soul taken: have Clover still have their moment of doubt and realization, remembering what the monsters told them throughout their journey. Then they go to Asgore with their gang, hoping to convince him. It doesn't work out, so Asgore starts a fight. During the battle, Clover realizes it's useless to fight back, it's better to have their soul taken for the monsters, so they allow Asgore to kill them. Their friends are not powerful enough to stop him. There ya have it.
Siiiiigh. Is it just me, being annoyed by that ending? As a whole, the finale felt a little... rushed? Was New Home always meant to be so empty? Is it to build up atmosphere? Yet there were two silly NPCs in the first screen of New Home, making me assume that maybe, there was another plan originally? (If it has been stated in a devlog or any other comment by the creators, then I apologize, I haven't read those fully.)
Anyways, if I didn't care about the game, this rant wouldn't even exist in the first place. I was really invested in the game until the ending just left me... kinda sad, not gonna lie. It will take me a while to process it all.
If you got this far, then thanks for reading. Am I the only one feeling this miffed about the ending? I might go back and edit this post if I find out there are things to be corrected. Buuuut as of now, happy holidays!
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nightmareishomophobic · 6 months
Hi! I'm gonna try to break down the (canon and not?) Lore of NM is homophobic!
(TW for internalized and external homophobia and transphobia!)
Nightmare is a closeted gay man. Who suffers with EXTREME internalized homophobia. (From what I think, there's a good chance the villagers were NOT accepting of gay people, so NM has always been in the closet.)
(His brother however, is pansexual! There's a good chance after NM found out, he got even more jealous, but that's not important right now nor has supporting evidence!)
Dust working under NM, has been questioning her identity ever since she received a trans flag. Slowly coming to terms that, she is, a lady. Unfortunately as we've seen in a previous post, NM found out about the flag and yelled at her.
This, also proves NM is canonically a hypocrite. As he's previously stated (via a letter shown to us) that he supposedly doesn't care what his team are or aren't, as long as they still work for him.
Also, when Killer was asked, quote, "🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❓️" He replied with a simple yes! This could mean, possibly, one of three things.
He's both trans and well, not straight.
He's in support of the LGBTQ+.
He is questioning his gender and orientation.
Either way, he along with the rest of NMs employees, appear to be pro-LGBTQ+ and even all part of it.
Going back to Dust, the sewn trans flag on her hoodie, along with possibly fake eyelashes? (I'm choosing to HC she got them from enby Lust) it looks like she's now canonically Transfem in the UTQV! (Note it's possible the HomophobeNMverse(?) and UTQV could be separate things, I'm not sure how you feel about it lol.)
We've also seen past NM, also known as passive. As normal, the bullying deeply effected him, but he isn't homophobic there, in fact, it's possible CURRENT NM isn't all that homophobic. He's said multiple times, he's 'just spreading negativity' and it looks like he's projecting more than anything. (Also the lie detector said so. When asked if he was REALLY homophobic, it flagged as untruthful!)
So lore— I believe, the main reason he has such bad internalize homophobia, comes from the bullying he endeared, and the things the villagers said about OTHER gay people—Causing him to remain quiet about his own identity. Now corrupted, he's projecting all his hurt, anger, and sadness.
Dust is trans fem, we also know Papyrus is an Ally, as in an older photo—It's implied Papyrus is suggesting to murder NM because he's a transphobe.
There might also be a chance that one of them (Most likely Dust, Killer, and or NM even.) Is a regressor. As we've seen they definitely have heard of it, and both Dust and Killer had a good understanding. It's not often someone knows about the community without having some attachments. However, this has no Canon evidence yet. And it's possible they're just Allys, which is super cool too! <3
Also, flowey has made multiple appearances and claimed to be gay. Meaning he's canonically gay in the HomophobeNMverse as well.
Another thing, NM doesn't like being threatened. Multiple times he's reacted with aggression if someone challenged him. I'm going to guess this also boils down to the bullying.
Also, he can break the forth wall. Seen when his creator was drawing, and he started yelling at it. (Fae don't deserve that, NM, you jerk-)
However, he seems a lot more tolerate of his own team? My guess, is he's either:
Has a teeny, tiny, soft spot in his cold heart for them.
Doesn't think it's worth the effort.
All these save for the first one, has supporting evidence.
We don't know too much about Horror, save for the fact that he HATES milk before cereal.
Cross, appears to not be a Canon team member. It's certainly possible he'll come in later, but as of right now? He's not in the equation.
ANNDD with all that said! Everyone seems to have the ability to have hearts in their blush—It's adorable.
Sorry for such a long ask! I'm sure there's typos, I'm suspected dyslexic and apologize! Hope you're having a good day, and love your art! You're super funny, and nice!
(I'll try make more stuff with horror. @hernameishorror can message me and help me. Lol :3( also Cross is not canonly in the bad sanses)
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
Here we go again lol
Tumblr media
(Couldn't find the link sryy)
21. "Mh, I don't rly like my hands I think?"
22. "Probably like- stamina and intelligence?"
23. "Well.. I do it myself? I think I would understand, but it depends on the lie honestly"
24. "I like the cold^^"
25. "... I don't like saying it honestly, but I like hearing it, and not saying it back is sooo rudeeee"
26. "... I hate doing it"
27. Just laughing
28. "... Yeah.. "
29. "Pretty high"
30. "Many things! I don't think I should name them tho, idk who's listening after all"
31. "Who the hell needs food anyways" <- isn't a messy eater tho
32. "Mh...I can tell you which one made me feel the most loved? ^^"
33. "Ohhh:D called it, every moment with Ace tbh lol"
34. "Touch. Because I like hugs, and when killing I like to feel the blood and organs"
35. "Mh, depends"
36. "Mh, if I won't get killed, I'd ask Nm abt passive,it's rly interesting to me, and I like Nm! ^^ and I like passive, well- the one I know abt at least"
37. ".... I would say the past, but I would change so much and wouldn't meet Ace.. So the future! ^^"
38. "..my parents, toriel and asgore? Prob also Chara and asri-.. Flowey."
39. ".. I'm used to being alone.. So alone I'd say"
40. "I'm afraid of many things honestly, like monsters, I also hate it when ppl are taller then me cuz it makes me feel vulnerable.. But rly fear?.. Uhm.. I always start panicking when chaos gets mad or sad in anyway... hes.. pretty unreadable in those moments.."
21. "I'm not very fond of my face...it brings back bad memories......"
22. "Probably strength and intelligence. I mean- I have a fucking PHD."
23. "..... Next question."
24. "I like the cold weather, for... obvious reasons.."
25. "Telling someone you adore that you love them is not hard.. I like saying it only to Kris. Everyone else can honestly just fuck off-"
26. "I do not try and search for help. It's too late for me to be honest. What else is there for someone that lost it all?"
Seems like we have a small disturbance! Apologies.
27. "....... You're kidding. Right?" Of course he did lol.
28. "..I don't know. No one ever tried tickling me before. I mean... When you're in Nightmares realm, not many people go up to you and tickle you. Actually- let me rephrase that! No one ever comes up to me and tries to tickle me."
29. "I killed hundred upon hundred monsters, and humans. You really think that my pain tolerance would be low? Tch. Of course it's HIGH."
30. "Oh... I'd tell you.. but do you really think I would trust you enough to tell you?"
31. "The only messy eaters are Ted and Blade, not me."
32. "...." He's dead quiet...
33. ".....////" He's refusing to answer and avoids eye contact...
34. "Probably vision or hearing... I tend to rely on those senses the most.. heh.. why? Well wouldn't you like to know..."
35. "I don't try and make small talk. Why talk at all if you have nothing intelligent to say?"
36. "The only only that would be brutally honest is probably Nightmare... I mean- don't get me wrong! Chaos and Ted are honestly pretty blunt too. But they both sugar coat it... Uh... I don't know what I'd ask him though... Probably why he's so cruel. But he'd most likely avoid to answer this question."
37. "Realistically? The past.... Honestly? Future, so I could be finally dead-"
38. "Oh...well.... Probably the twins- I mean... Nightmare and Chaos.. but both had different effects. I like Chaos more.. I- have to admit that I'm a bit of a fan of his- Don't Tell him that though."
39. "I'd rather be alone... But I'm tied for life to the king.. Nightmare. So... I don't really have a choice. Do I?"
40. ".... Nightmare... But- I honestly fear Chaos more than Nightmare- for some unknown reason... Like- yeah, Chaos isn't the one pulling the strings! But I feel as though Chaos has a... Problem with his emotions at times..? May be because he's a clone, and doesn't really know about emotions.. I spend a week trying to decipher what exactly is going on with him, but I just- can't figure it out.."
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gabriel-xander · 6 months
Don't Forget
[Sans x Female!Reader]
4: Reading the Instructions on the Back of My Ramen Noodles Package: "Oh, Lore?"
You and Toriel came to an immediate and silent agreement: do not leave the house alone.
She isn’t trying to keep you imprisoned, nor are you such a pussy that you’re too scared to be alone. You’re actually pretty strong since one, you thought it would be funny. Two, you used to have to carry someone your age a lot when you were seventeen, so you (had to) build some muscles to be able to do it regularly. After that, you thought it’d be good to maintain that strength.
[Your build is actually deceiving to your physical strength, though. / Most people can probably guess you’re strong from your stature.] Either way, you don’t use that strength for malice since you don’t enjoy hurting others, and one day you’ll be officially taking the Hippocratic Oath. You might as well start living by it now to the best of your abilities.
It’s already the next day since you’ve arrived in the Underground, and there have been no signs of Flowey. You’re sure Toriel must be able to at least sense him, but not even she can say if he’s watching from afar or not.
Toriel is taking it upon herself to show you around the Ruins, taking you back to the beginning.
You picked up the toy knife before getting busy. You explained to Toriel that you won't use it, but you just liked to collect things. It's not really a lie, so you didn't feel bad about hiding your true intentions.
Anyway, Toriel watches you do the puzzles on your own, surprised to see how easily you’re able to do them fairly quickly.
“Not to give myself a congratulatory slap on the a–ahh–on the back,” You quickly correct yourself since there are monsters in the room, “But I was in high honors and AP classes at University. I got a big brain in this noggin’ of mine.”
You only corrected your language to keep up the appearance that you’re a kid. It’s not ideal, but you’re not trying to blow your cover.
“I would… advise that you continue to wear this out should we leave the house,” Toriel had told you as she gave back your washed, striped dress, “I don’t want to tell you how you should act or talk, but it might be a little safer this way. If somehow, you encounter a fight, monsters may not attack you as hard if they believe you to be a child. You understand, do you not?”
You pouted, taking the dress, “Yeah… Yeah, you’re right. Uh, I would like to apologize in advance if I swear on accident, though. I can’t help it.”
“Oh, please. It’s not as if though children don’t have a potty mouth as well.”
Yeah, certainly not ideal. But you know she’s right so there’s no use in arguing with it. You and the goat mom leave the rotating rooms that aren’t actually rotating. The next room you enter is the one with the six patches on the floor, with the right switch in one of them. However, since the spikes on the ground have already been disabled, you don’t have to worry about these puzzles.
“Speaking of,” Toriel continues, walking by your side, “What was your life on the surface, my child?”
Oh, boy.
“Uh, it’s not very interesting. I’m in University to become a doctor–more accurately, I wanna get into med school to become a surgeon.”
“A surgeon? You mean those doctors that cut into bodies?”
You laugh, “Well, that’s one way of putting it for sure. More accurately, we treat injuries, diseases, and irregularities by physical removal, repair, or readjustment of organs and tissues, and that often means cutting into the body.”
“Oh, I understand more now. Is that not extremely dangerous?”
“It’s risky, for sure. I mean, unlike monsters, our bodies can handle that kind of stress of being cut open and healing after a while. But we’re still cutting into people, no matter what, there’s always some kind of percentage that something might go unplanned.”
You say “we” and “us”, but you’ve never cut anyone open. You legally can’t anyway until you get into the proper practices and have a superior watching you. You don’t know the first thing about cutting into someone either. You understand how to on paper, but that’s vastly different than actually doing it. If you so much as tried with your current knowledge, you might seriously hurt someone.
You shrug your shoulders with a smile, “It’s scary, you know, but it gives us a fighting chance rather than just not doing anything at all.”
“That’s quite admirable, [Y/n]. You should be proud of yourself!” Toriel beams, “What else was your life like?”
You wave at the three Froggits in the room you two pass through, pleased that they’re waving back. It might be from fear since they’re intimidated by Toriel, but you’d like to think it’s because they like the cut of your jib.
“I think in comparison to most people, it was pretty… wacky. My family is okay, I’m not close to my mom, but my dad is one of my best friends. I have two younger siblings, too.”
“What are your siblings names?”
“Noah is seventeen, and he tries to be a protective brother over me. But uh, he’s kind of a weenie. He means well, his heart is just really gentle. As for Alejandro, he’s fifteen. He’s really quiet and shy, but he’s got a stronger resolve than Noah. They make a pretty good team whenever I bring a date over when I used to live with them,” You roll your eyes, though you have a contradicting smile on your face, “I love them to bits.”
You don’t bring up the fact that you’re all adopted children, since that information is unnecessary. Not only that but your mom and dad would always scream “LA-LA-LA-LA-LA” whenever you or your siblings call each other adopted. You think it’s sweet they always reprime you and your brothers about it.
“You must miss them…” Toriel hums softly, a sad smile on her face.
You pass the Spider Bake Sale sign and start to go down the hall where Napstablook should be pretending to sleep.
“I do, but I miss them every day. I haven’t seen them in almost half a year because of school. I call them regularly, but we kind of have this understanding that I need to live my own life”
“Ah, I understand,” The boss monster nods, “Did you have any signi-”
“-Hey, wait a second.”
You put your arm in front of Toriel, stopping her from walking forward. She gives you a questioning look, looking over to the direction you’re pointing. It’s a ghost lying down on a pile of red leaves, effectively “blocking” the way. You could probably just walk through it and continue your day, but…
The ghost, Napstablook, is pretending to sleep so well. He’s almost convinced you that he was napping if it weren’t for the fact that he is repeating the letter “Z” out loud repeatedly. Toriel doesn’t look impressed in the slightest, but you were greatly amused.
“This ghost is sleeping so peacefully,” You tell her in a hushed voice, “Let’s try walking around him.”
“…” She gives you the funniest side eye, “He’s clearly pretending to be asleep, [Y/n].”
“You don’t know that.”
“He’s saying “Z” out loud repeatedly.”
“It could be a ghost thing.”
You’re trying hard not to laugh at her expression. It’s like she knows you’re joking, but there’s that slight hesitation just in case you genuinely believe Napstablook is taking a siesta. Fortunately for you both, you don’t have to worry so much because Napstablook conveniently wakes up from his nap.
“i usually come to the ruins because there’s nobody around…” Napstablook opens his eyes, looking at you with a sheepishly little smile, “i’ll never forget that you had so much encouragement in my fake sleep…”
“Oh, I’m glad, then!” You smile patiently, offering him a thumbs up.
The shy ghost’s eyes flicker to Toriel, tensing up at her motherly glare.
“oh, i’m rambling again. i’ll get out of your way…”
“Wait, you–”
Napstablook doesn’t wait for you to finish. His body becomes more transparent than before until he’s gone. Oh… Well, that was disappointing. You sigh and gesture for Toriel to pass through first since the walkway is a little too narrow.
“It doesn’t seem like all the monsters are so bad,” You say offhand, “Maybe the ghost and I can be friends one day.”
“Mm… Perhaps, but…”
“I get it, I do. I’m still nervous around anyone who isn’t you right now. But you know, if we let our fear control our lives, we might miss out on a lot of great opportunities.”
Toriel laughs gently, “You are quite insightful, my child.”
“I might only be twenty-three, but I have my fair share of life experience,” You shrug, “Anyway, what were we talking about before we got interrupted?”
“Oh, yes. Did you have any significant others? Or do you currently have one?”
“HA!! As if anyone could handle my punk-ass. I’ve had a few partners before, but none that lasted for too long. I did have a first love, though.”
“Oh, dear. Did it not work out well?”
You reach the room with the mouse and the cheese. You smile softly as you two pass by the table. You hope the mouse can get the cheese one day.
“No, nothing like that. He had a skin condition that made him sensitive to the sunlight, and it made his immune system extremely fragile. He also had a brain tumor that was developing way too quickly to top it all off. We couldn’t afford his surgery no matter what we did, and he eventually passed away when we were seventeen.”
“Oh… [Y/n],” Toriel looks heartbroken on your behalf, “I am so sorry for your loss.”
Briefly, she wonders if that’s why you want to become a doctor. If he had inspired you to pursue this career for yourself… What was your original dream before that?
You shake your head, “No, it’s not–He’s not a painful memory, and I never feel bad talking about him. But… He is my first love, you know? There is some grief and that’s a type of love you never truly forget or get over, but it’s more like I’m missing an old friend. I’ve grown to be more grateful about him than bitter.”
“If you don’t mind, what was his name?”
You smile brightly, happy to be able to share him with another, “His name was Kōrenki.”
On the way, you DID remember to pick up the Faded Ribbon and pocket it. Toriel was worried when you purposely fell in each hole (to look for it), but you couldn't leave it behind in good conscience.
You love talking with Toriel, and you get the feeling she loves talking to you, too! You’ve mostly been talking about yourself since she is so insistent on knowing about you. You tried returning the gesture multiple times, but as soon as she answered, she would follow up with another question about yourself.
You kept out a lot of gruesome things, though. Like how you’ve been stabbed, like, eight times in the past. How you were a law-breaking kid before a Kōrenki had put you on a better path. You did NOT mention that you thought you could totally be a singer but gave up immediately because singing in front of people is too embarrassing.
Every time you tell people that, they tend to pressure you into singing so they can judge for themselves. Just as if you tell someone if you’re ticklish, they’ll try tickling you. Even if you say you aren’t ticklish, they’ll think you’re lying and tickle you anyway-
Short story long, you learned not to bring that up about yourself.
“Wow, we’ve been walking down this hallway forever,” You chuckle as you barely reach the end of it.
“This is the Hallway of Independence.”
“How ominous.”
“Fortunately, since you are older and I am also with you, there is no need to test your independence.” Toriel furrows her brows as you two near the end of the hall, “Now… as for this part…”
Ah, the spiked floor. Unlike in Undertale, you didn’t have to wait for the rooms to load to see what’s up ahead. Reaching the end of the hall, you’ve encountered the wooden platform that leads into the metal, spiked floor. You wish you could remember the pattern of the other room to do it alone, but the memory escapes you.
“This puzzle is… Hm,” Toriel holds her hand to you, “Here, take my hand for a moment. Stay behind me, won’t you?”
You take her soft hand, giving it a light squeeze, “Got it, teach.”
Toriel takes you closer to the platform, and with little to no hesitation, she takes a step forward onto the spikes on the outermost right side. Before the bottom of her foot comes in contact with the metal, it retracts into the floor immediately. You pay attention to where she’s stepping as you follow behind her; it feels really familiar to you, and you can predict where she might step next.
Guess you subconsciously remembered more than you originally thought.
You and the monster sigh simultaneously once you’ve reached the other side, safely off the hazardous puzzle.
“Some puzzles might seem too dangerous for now,” Toriel frowns.
You release her hand and walk up to the sign that hung on the wall. The text is a little faded, but you can still read it without much trouble.
“The western room is the eastern room’s blueprints.” You hurry to the east room, grinning and weakly pointing at the carpet, “Ahh, that’s clever. How long did it take for you to memorize that?”
The Goat Mother of the Year™ simply huffs a small laugh, “Not too long. I happen to have a very good memory, especially for things that I know are very important.”
“Now, isn’t that convenient? If I had a great memory like that I wouldn’t have needed to study so much for my mid-terms.”
Now you two enter one of the mine rooms, the one with the Dummy. The Dummy looks like he’s seen better days, but is still they’re still up and kicking it. Good for them. Good for them. (Damn, these bitches gay. Good for them. Good for them.)
Toriel stops at the doorway, though. She must want you to practice FIGHTing and ACTing on the Dummy.
Here’s the thing though: You don’t fucking know how. Unlike the game, the FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY buttons weren’t in front of you so conveniently. Sure, you can compliment a son of a bitch, but do you just… do you just say: “Alright, you’re Spared. Now give me three gold.”?? You’re not sure if that’s allowed.
Did calling Flowey a Beta Cuck count as an Action? Did telling him he was stupid count, too?
“As a human living in the Underground, monsters may attack you. As we are both aware of when it came to that strange flower monster.” Ruh roh, Toriel is giving her speech. Perhaps she did expect you to practice on the Dummy. “You need to be more prepared for this. However, the process is simple.”
You step up to the Dummy, “Really now?”
“While you are in a fight, strike up a friendly conversation! Stall for time, and I will come to resolve the conflict.”
You grimace, “And… what if you’re not where you can hear me? Or if I’m too far away?”
The other woman didn’t seem to like this possibility. Her face scrunches up as she looks away, “Well… I suppose… We should be careful should you ever want to step out of the house.”
“I’m not in a hurry to leave the Ruins, I actually like it here. But… You can’t come with me everywhere, Toriel.” You tell her, aware this might not be something she wants to hear. “This is where making friends with the other monsters would be good for me. Maybe they’d be less likely to fight me, or even want to help keep me safe.”
You continue with a smile, “Like that ghost fella we ran into. He didn’t seem like he was feeling up for a fight. Who knows? We might get along if we got to know each other.”
She looks away for a moment, “I… I suppose we will have to consider it. Especially since you don’t plan to leave the Ruins…”
“Oh… Does me… Should I leave the Ruins eventu-”
“-NO!” Toriel blushes (magically, you assume) and looks away to the far wall, “Ahem. No. I am–very grateful that you desire to stay, my child. More than you know.”
Oh, you know very well. And maybe it’s that reason that helps you accept that you can never leave this place.
“Still,” The goat mom, now in higher spirits at you confirming that you want to stay with her for a long time, walks to stand by with you, “I would like it if you would practice against the Dummy. Perhaps I can even teach you a few self-defense techniques. Ah–Not to seriously harm anyone, but perhaps something that can keep you safe enough.”
“Yeah, I’d love that, Toriel.”
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the-white-soul · 5 months
Flowey: If you're not dating nor are friends, you're acquaintances with a silent crush phase. Heehee, I know what you should say when someone asks what you are next time! You're blockheads.
That uh… that means you're not heartheads or smileyheads. *Flowey smiles innocently and snickers to himself as he tries to trick you into insulting yourselves.*
Anyway, got any root beer left for me?
(Kara) "Really? Blockhead."
(Dess) "What's so wrong about it? We're blockheads through and through. I'm sorry if you don't like the word for some weird reason."
(Kara) "*Slaps head* Should I tell her?"
(Dess) "Tell me what?"
(Kara) "I don't know. Hey, do you want to watch Peanuts?"
(Dess) "Sure. I don't know why you want me to watch it now."
*12 minutes into the story*
(Lucy) "Charlie you blockhead. This is what you call a tree?"
(Dess) "Oh! Flowey you trickster."
(Kara) "Oh also sure Flowey you can have it. *gives the rest to Flowey. After he finishes...*"
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(Kara) "I appreciate the respectful gifts. You all are so much nicer than I thought you'd be. When I heard horror stories about you all I was scared. Granted not all of you are good. I mean my arm got cut off by someone that seems to be part of the wind. That's fun. I always wonder why me? People like you though show how not all Anons are bad. Hell besides that airspeaker, you're all fantastic. Now back to our original problem."
(Dess) "Now we need an actual title."
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(Kara) "Perfect! Now that we've done something completely unimportant like naming ourselves we should probably go out and get to work."
(Dess) "On what?"
(Kara) "I didn't think that far ahead."
*John walks in looking like he hasn't seen the sun in 3 days*
(John) "Well that was difficult but I finally got Asgore's case. Does anyone want to talk with him again? I negotiated one more call."
(Dess) "I'll do it. *Grabs phone.* Hey Asgore how are you doing?"
(Asgore) "I want to say good but that'd be a lie. I've been burning from the heat and the work they make us do. These monster prisons are more brutal than I thought. Guards go up to you on occasion and beat you till you cry. It's a game they play and if you end up being last you get socked in the eye. If anyone tells anyone anything they get abused even further. It's scary and to say it's ignored would be too nice. They outright encourage it here. Anytime something goes wrong I get hit by their bats while everyone else laughs and throws whatever they want at me."
(Dess) "That sounds awful! Do you have any way to have them stop? Surely what they're doing is illegal."
(Asgore) "Those types of laws are barely enforced in normal prisons, let alone a species everyone hates."
(Kara) "Do you have air conditioning?"
*Dess and Asgore started laughing.*
(Asgore) "This is Britain! We're lucky to have air conditioning in our own homes. You really believe they care that much about monsters?"
(Dess) "Well, try to stay a low profile, okay?"
(Asgore) "Alright. *Hangs up.*"
*In the prison.*
Asgore walks back to his cell seeing the high amount of monsters entrapped. Some of them go into a room of complete white if they misbehave. Suddenly, while no one is watching Asgore, Chara burrows out of the ground.
(Chara) "So how do you feel? Don't worry you'll only get killed by the executioner, not me. I wonder if you'll ever crack?"
(Asgore) "Can you stop teasing me? You're the only reason I'm putting effort into stopping the death penalty."
(Chara) "You know it's funny. People think you are a great serious leader. The only smart ones are Papyrus and Alphys. They know who you are. I'm mostly here to make your situation worse and to observe what you do. I bet they give you food that tastes like poop."
(Asgore) "They gave us a bun for a meal. Two on special occasions. Help me please!"
(Chara) "WAH! Boo hoo. Oh, also one thing I want to do. *Slices his left thumb in half and watches it bleed.*"
(Asgore) "Why would you do that!!!"
(Chara) "So I can hurt you without killing you. Oh, people are coming. See you when you're fried!"
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madness-of-void · 5 months
I said I was going to be 'annoying' about the fic I am writing once I got home from work. Well, I am home from wooooork.
I'm gonna ramble a little, so it'll all be put under a read more. I'll be kinda vague with some things, but I'm also gonna indulge a little coz I was not lying when I said I am fucking excited for this fic.
Anyways...here. We. Go!
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It's a series! That's right. A series. Was it planned? Fuck no! Originally, it was only going to be this one chaptered fic. But then I had this idea to make a little prologue for a certain duo. Then I had this idea for 8 shorter fics. And THEN I had the idea for a second chaptered fic. *sigh* Yeah. I did that to myself.
There is a rough outline and other notes for the first fic in the series, but I am still flying by the seat of my pants with this one, folks. And some things I planned? Looks like they aren't happening! Things I didn't plan! They're happening! I have no control of these little shits, and I am okay with that. Kinda work better that way.
It is UTMV! Yaaay! I was a little apprehensive at first about diving myself into fic writing for this fandom, especially since I haven't written anything since 2020 and I have seen some people get a little butthurt about people not "writing these characters right". But you know what? I don't care. I have seen good fics/artwork with canon depictions, fanon depictions, and mixtures of both. There's a bunch of cakes out there to devour! Might as well throw mine out there!
Finally have a title! The series is called Reunion in Chains (RIC for short). The first chaptered fic is called Immured. The rest...are surprises. >:3
At the end of each chapter, I'll have a little author's notes that will be kind of like a behind the scenes type of deal. Fun little extra tid bits, if you will. Which I have never done before. Kinda excited about it, too.
Currently working on Chapter 4, which is being a royal beast. It's so far the longest chapter. Though, if the pattern of each chapter being longer than the last continues, it'll lose it's crown real soon.
How long will it be in total? No clue! Again, I'm just winging this bitch! Though I do have up to 6 chapters titled! Yippee!
There will be 4 ships in total: 1 that is mentioned real quick, 1 that is a secret until around chapter 6 or 7, 1 that is established before the start of the fic and is hinted at until it is outright said at a certain chapter (I am vibrating in anticipation to get to that point), and 1 that is slowly happening throughout in a more subtle way.
Possible rating will be M. Mostly for swearing, threats of violence (mostly physical, but there will be vague sexual ones as well), actual violence, mentions of past abuse, blood, and electrical punishment (you'll understand in due time).
I created 6 OCs specifically for the first fic that are fleshed out and have names! They are:
Ruperto - Human (he/him)
Taran - Spider monster (they/them)
Franciszka "Franny - Bunny monster (she/her)
Lilium - Flowey variant (he/him)
Abel - Dog monster (he/him)
Mimsy - Cat monster (they/them)
There are other random background kind of OCs that will be mentioned, but they are so minor that all they have is a description. No names. For now.
Lilium is my favorite to write so far. He is a fucking shithead and I love him!
There will be 2 additional OCs (that I know of thus far) that'll be created for the series, though they are going to be in the second chaptered fic. So no development yet.
Immured will be in Dream's POV! Which, not gonna lie, has been fun to do. Boy has a lot of angst potential, and I am running with it!
This includes having 1 dream that is a flashback, and 1 that mixes up a flashback and internal guilt. And plenty silent mentions of the incident.
Fun fact: There will be a lot of strikethrough in several chapters. This is very intentional! Let's see if anyone can figure out the reason why.
Error, by far, is the hardest one for my to write! I wanted to try to show his stuttering/glitches...but that is not easy to do. Sometimes I'm like "oh god, this is too much, I might have to fix this later", and other times it's "yeeeees I love how that looks, it's perfect". We shall see how it all ends up in the end after the millionth edit. (I have edited these chapters so much in the middle of writing, you have no idea.)
Ink is also so goddamned hard to write! Mostly because I want to write him as a silly little guy instead of someone reacting to the really shitty situation everyone had found themselves in, as well as having to turn off le emotions. For really important reasons. Promise.
Spoiler: Yes. Dream and Nightmare do make-up. Because I want them to. Badly.
Nightmare is also fun to write! Especially when I get to make him a sassy bastard.
Dream and Dust future smoking buddies? More likely than you think.
People underestimating Dream because he's the Guardian of Positivity and therefore there is no way he would be capable of hurting someone? 😏
Little sprinkles of a different take of the OG apple incident, with a full exploration in one of the side fics where the twins have a long, proper talk? 😏😏
The pre-Immured ship being absolutely cute here and there? And being that much more cute in their relationship 'prologue' fic, their side fic, and in the second chaptered fic? 😏😏😏
Dream and Nightmare having specifically adorable nicknames they used for each other when they were kids and they start using again as adults? 😏😏😏😏
And that's it! Though, before I end this rambling mess that I had to indulge myself in...I thought I'd leave some of my favorite snippets. I won't leave any context nor where they're at in the story. Enjoy!
Dream perked up, sockets wide and golden tears threatening to spill. Staring back with familiar shyness, Nightmare continued to whistle. As if he was waiting for Dream to resume the song. So he did. The twins spun the songs they used to hear at their tree – knowing their parts as if they had only performed it yesterday. Pure happiness squeezed within Dream's chest, ready to choke the air right out of him at any given second. It was nothing huge or life changing. Truly insignificant to anyone witnessing. But to Dream? It meant everything.
“Uh, excuse you? Nothing about me is straight. Dunno why you would think my priorities would be. And having nom-noms is a great priority! Right, H?”
But his face...oh god, his face. It was always different somehow in the way it was obscured, reminding him that he couldn't remember his twin's fucking face .
Nightmare scoffed right back – grin stretching wide and venomous. “Is that so? Well, why don't you enter my cage and see how big my bite is? I promise...I will leave some flesh attached, youngling.”
“So! Does anyone have any ideas? We can spitball! No idea is stupid!”
Taking it as a challenge, Killer smirked and casually sprawled out on the floor. “We can try to seduce them?”
“Except that one! That one is pretty stupid.”
And Dream began to wail.
Wail like the little boy who lost everything centuries ago.
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maxladcomics · 2 years
Re: your post about Sans not actually knowing Papyrus. I'm a fan of the 'Papyrus is Gaster, but because everyone has forgotten Gaster, Papyrus has also forgotten himself' theory. And I had Thoughts of along similar lines to 'no one really knows Papyrus because he always lies', albeit from a slightly. Different source?
That is, Papyrus DOES lie a lot. But the people who seem to care about him most and actively seek his company, and the characters who are the most affected by him are all characters with high amounts of Determination.
Like, sure, yeah. if you kill Papyrus, Sans vanishes and then asks you about how you should be wielding power, and he may threaten you at the end of a phone call. But overall, his role in the game doesn't change much at all, and his attitude in the endings seems more representative of the Underground's attitude.
But as we know, Flowey is the previous holder of reset. We know he's probably the person who actually knows the most about Papyrus(only one to REALLY know his favorite food), and he's also confessed Papyrus is the person he finds the most interesting.
But! There's also Undyne! Now, she may not know as much about Papyrus as Flowey does, and I think she projects her own view of him onto him. But she's probably the character who talks about Papyrus as a friend the most. From Sans' dialogue about Papyrus, he views him as someone naive in need of protection. And to basically everyone else, Papyrus is not Papyrus, but who he is in connection to those around him. A skeleton who informs Undyne of problems, Sans loud and tall brother, etc.
But Undyne... Papyrus still lies to her, and she still thinks Papyrus is too nice, but she acknowledges his strength. She doesn't want to upset him, she wants to see him succeed and tries to help him do so in her own way, by giving him something to be passionate about. And when you kill him, it enrages her. I'm sure it enrages Sans, too, but she doesn't just judge you for it, confronts you much earlier and demands to know what you did to Papyrus.
So I wonder if there's. Something like a not-my-problem field around Papyrus, or spacetime distortion, that causes only people with Determination to really see him? Not that his lies make it any easier. it could also just be the lying, that's a lot simpler and more likely, but I do agree that Sans definitely does not know Papyrus anywhere near as much as he thinks he does, and is just running on a number of assumptions. Which is simultaneously weird and sad, that Papyrus has so few friends and not even his brother can really be counted among them.
...At any rate! Hope you enjoyed my rambling and found it interesting!
Actually that brings up a good point, how forgettable or even ignore-able Papyrus is. Maybe he's yelling because no one pays attention to him pfff, I mean he tells so many jokes just for them to go over peoples heads, he shows excessive consideration towards others, just for the fandom to assume he's an asshole because he 'reacts badly' to puns.
//For those that don't know, they are doing a bit/playing with you. Sans' puns wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if Papyrus didn't react to them the way he does. Which makes it weirder to why Sans doesn't react to his at all. Why would he ignore them when it obviously makes him happy that Papyrus reacts? It's not just sans, tho, Undyne doesn't seem to notice or react to his puns either, but he responds to hers.//
The entire underground- or at least I know the entirety of Snowdin is affected when he's dusted. They all feel unsafe and unsettled suddenly, Papyrus has a huge effect on them. I do really love Undyne's response to him being dusted, the fact she knows he answers after two rings of his phone, means they talk a lot, and I love that.
Sans's reaction gives me the impression of "ok we're doing this run, byyyyeee" He only calls you a dirty brother killer, nothing else. He seems to care more about murdering you on a pacifist run than any other... I'm not hating on Sans for this, I'm just pointing it out- his vague awareness has put him in a mood of "Nothing REALLY matters" so it's because of that he doesn't really seem to care about Papyrus dying. He'll just call you a dirty brother killer and move into Toriel's house. Probably because he doesn't wanna deal with anyone asking about Papyrus, she doesn't know he exists, after all.
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askcharaandfriends · 3 years
The one thing I didn't like about AFAC was how merciless Sans. Usually that wouldn't bother me that much but since they never really touched upon it and just focused on his crush on Toriel, it seemed like a missed opportunity. Especially when he threatened Chara after they were redeemed. So I'm glad that your already showing a more merciful side with Papyrus not dunking them in genocide when Chara spared. I think it was a great way to show a connection with UT Papyrus and US Papyrus, showing that he still thinks everyone can be better if they just try. Great job, and can't wait to see more!
Well, it's not like afac is over yet. They probably will go back and resolve those feelings. Because I don't think it can be left like this. But also remember: that Chara also possessed Sans and tried to use his body to hurt his loved ones. It's a little more personal for him. And it's not like he saw the redemption scene the askers saw. It's really hard for him to trust them just with a snap of his fingers. I think they will have to really prove themselves.
That said, thank you! Going in to this, I really thought it was important that Papyrus still has certain standards. It's hard, doing a swap and trying to maintain important aspects of the original personalities. But I think it can be done. I will at least try. Good to see that it's paying off.
Holy hell, I’m glad this ask came. Yeah, we all know how messed up the whole Dreemurr Saga is, but Sans doesn’t fully grasp the stakes here, and like it or not, he is, to borrow Breaking Bad’s terminology, “In the Game,” and has been since he got with Toriel. He may be justified in his distrust of Chara, but at the same time, that doesn’t change the fact that everything he says and does from this point onwards is going to have an effect on the Dreemurrs as a whole.
For example, here, in Growthspurt, (I absolutely recommend reading, the only real flaw is yet another evil Chara [tm]) we see the kind of potential drama where Asriel confessed to his murder spree after Toriel refused to budge from her judgmental stance on Asgore, pointing out that if there’s no chance of redemption for Asgore, then there’s no way in hell he could ever move forward, forcing Toriel to realize that she was indirectly hurting her son through her aggression towards Asgore.
That same collateral damage could happen with Sans and Chara in AFAC, as well as anyone being judgmental towards Frisk here in ACAF down the line. I’ve also noticed that in AFAC, Asriel’s murder spree as Flowey, which was much much worse than the Geno Run or anything Chara did after in AFAC, has been seemingly handwaved or otherwise sidelined, at least for the time being... While Chara is getting the evil eye from Sans. Odd, and extremely so, considering Flowey and Sans were mortal enemies. 
Point is, I can see Asriel getting really pissed at Sans and Toriel about this double-standard. And it IS a double-standard. Heck, if he’s been told “all is forgiven,” then it’ll be even worse since that’ll just look like a big fat lie in retrospect. Thus, we’d have Sans being the villain (at least in part) despite having his feelings be justified. Worst case scenario, Asriel could lash out in a way that makes things worse, or the Soriel Ship could even be sunk. Now, I don’t see the worst happening with the Askers around, but if all perspectives aren’t considered, there could very well be a reckoning and SOME kind of point of no return being crossed.
TLDR: From what I can see, Sans is in over his head on this one, and just because you have justified feelings of anger and distrust towards someone, that doesn’t stop you from being the bad guy, or from needing course correction yourself.
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justanechoflower · 3 years
Payback Pt. 2
(For a summary of the writing go to pt. 1, otherwise, enjoy!)
Flowey paced Alphys' body back and forth. He'd already gotten everything ready with extra time to spare; TOO much time. It was boring. Where the HELL was that good for nothing, annoying, idiotic, goody-two-shoes, useless BRAT?!?! They're doing this on purpose just to make him suffer, he could bet. Hmph. At this point he would have to go after them himself!
Flowey storms out towards the back door, but as soon as it opened he was met face-to-Face with the same, politely smiling, "useless brat" he was just mentally scolding a few seconds ago.
He was lucky he had hidden himself inside Alphys' coat previously or else Frisk would have seen him and everything would be ruined.
"O-oh! Good. Didn't know you were there." He sighs in relief as in 'glad I didn't have to go through the trouble of kicking your ass'. "Here, now that we're together, follow me!"
You follow as Alphys walks into the 'bathroom,' door sliding open to reveal the hidden elevator. Surprising. Peeking out the top of the collar just enough to glance at Frisk, Flowey watches you pretend to look flawlessly shocked for someone who's seen it literally a hundred times before. Typical.
The trio ride the elevator down in silence, but it looks as though Frisk had something on their mind. Flowey hesitantly decides not to indulge for the sake of not screwing up his Alphys impression on accident.
Once they reach their destination Alphys tugs you through the rooms, not letting her stop to look at any entries, and sprinting past the amalgams. (totally not just Flowey being scared) You found this behavior odd; Since when has Alphys been so frightened of them before? Maybe there was something wrong with them. That's probably why she called you here!
Wait, why would they be avoiding the Amalgamates if that's what they were here for? How would they get help without someone getting close???
Alphys stops around the DT extractor machine area, pretending it was only a coincidence and she wanted to catch her breath. "S-sorry, I didn't want you to get into any fights. Those creatures are what I wanted to t-talk to you about. They're kinda aggressive lately."
Oh. That made a lot more sense.
"In short, they're supposed to be fallen monsters but I injected determination into them and this, well, th-this was the product. I know, its terrible. I ruined them and their families lives! Determination can lead to a whole lot of terrible things..."
She pauses to look directly at you. "Like RESETS."
Your eyebrows furrow at the accusation. It almost startled you- again, something was different about this timeline for a reason you couldn't out your finger on. None of this was normal. Recollecting yourself, you decide it's best to play dumb, as there was no need to stress her out with that idea.
"What are you talking about? I only hear about those things in video games. Unless you made a new way to incorporate video games in real life, that would-"
Alphys makes a disapproved tsking noise. "Frisk, Frisk, Frisk... Don't lie to me. We both know you're not tricking anyone but yourself~"
This was not typical Alphys behavior. You step back as Alphys takes a step forward. And strangely enough, you could see a hint of confusion in her eyes... All while she'd had been guiding you previously she had seemed so calm until now. It didn't align with the sudden unfamiliar confidence she takes at the moment.
Answering your questions, a familiar golden flower pokes its head out from the neck of Alphys' coat, wearing its usual innocent smile to its mismatched personality.
"And I think you stole a little something of mine I plan on getting back."
Frisk was slammed against the back wall in front of the towering machine, strapped down by vines that only tightened when she squirmed. Alphys' expression turned to fear and surprise, causing Flowey to make a cooing sound, looking back at her with fake sympathy.
"Aww, you didn't think I was going to help you for free, did you~? I even pretended to be you quite convincingly because you were too scared to help yourself! Surely I deserve some type of reward."
He guides Alphys' hand to grip a lever to the side of the machine and tries to pull down, but she won't budge, refusing to put Frisk in danger.
The slight resistance annoys Flowey, continuing to fight for control. "You think you can fight. Shucks, I outta admire that brave move of yours, but unfortunately you figured out the real scenario far too late. Heehee, and they call you a doctor!" One of the vines wrapped around Alphys' body clocks her in the head with just enough force to knock her out. Wouldn't want to go too far as too destroy his poor host. "We've already gone one step too far to give up now."
After checking Alphys is completely out, he claps her hands together in success. "There! Much easier to pilot without all that pointless fighting. You know how much I hate conflict. Now where were we?"
One of her hands rewrap around the bar. "Ah yes, you might want to bite onto something, Friskie. This may hurt a bit~"
Flowey's smile turns dark as he pulls the lever down and the DT extractor's interior starts to build a strong glow as mechanical whirring fills the air. If you were struggling with Muffet, this was way worse, as even your best attempts make no difference, restraints too strong to allow you to move an inch. Fear grips at your soul as you await for whatever is to come next.
But Flowey finds your attempts amusing, eating up your panic as he makes a fake attempt to reassure you. "Please, I promise you there's no point in trying to escape. You'd think after all your deaths you'd be used to pain by now. Oh well! Exposure therapy might work. Now sit tight."
At his last word, a strong beam bursts from the mouth of the extractor, hitting you squarely in the chest and pulling agonizing screams. You feel as if your very essence was being torn apart, but there was nothing you could do to make the pain stop. The only thing you were capable of was clenching your muscles and trying to distance yourself from the pain as if it could help anything. But it was impossible. For these few endless seconds, the clash of your own blood-curdling screams and the humming of the machine was all that can be heard until it all drops into silence.
Even after it was over, you suddenly feel unbearably weak and exhausted. Your ears ring from the sudden quiet and dizziness takes ahold of your head as you lose feeling. The floor feels like it’s wobbling underneath your feet and you’re out before you even hit the ground.
Flowey had let go of you after the procedure was finished and watches as you fall limply to the floor, not dead, but unconscious and rather damaged. He releases his hold on alphys as well, letting her body collapse next to yours. A clink can be heard from a slot below the control panel where the lever was, summoning Flowey to retrieve it. Taking the object out of the cubby, he smiles down at a few small vials in his vine filled with red liquid, swirling it around in its container. Determination. Frisk sure was a good supply! Sadly, he had to let you keep some of it so you don't die. He couldn't afford losing one of his most valued friends.
Once finished with business he goes back upstairs, taking the vials with him as he searches through Alphys' tools and pulls out a needle. He hated shots, let alone having to take several at once, but he'd have to make the sacrifice. He pours the pure determination into the barrel and injects shot #1 into his stem. Although it hurts, he could feel the powerful essence spreading into each petal and root quite satisfyingly. He pours another. Four more to go.*
After a few doses of DT, Flowey pulls up the game control screen and smiles to himself.
"Too bad for you Frisk, too bad for you... The timeline never belonged to you anyway."
SAVEing the game, he then flees to his usual spot in the ruins by the flowerbed. Chara would love to hear about this.
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harusaki-hugo · 4 years
◇》 Howdy!May I have a JJBA/Hetalia/Undertale match?164cm gemini ambivert straight girl pale skin wavy dark brown hair (the tips are purple) and eyes (with glasses) plus a little chubby.Sassy just+love cats and to laugh(puns and dark humor) play tease draw prank fight debate(about everything) learn and read(especially mystery thriller and fantasy) plus I'm a devil's advocate.Very open minded but confused with feelings so I'm an expert at making jokes at the wrong time and not reacting or (1/3)
◇》answer "normally" to some situations.Not very touchy in public+some trust issues.I'm charismatic prideful vengeful even if I appear chill Most people say I have anger issues it's more annoyance then anger(tsundere tendencies) cause if I get angry then I won't have ANY mercy toward you.I care about my friends and family even If they don't notice it and they don't come to me for help cause they say I'm blunt and I think it's better to finish this fast so I'm more logical but in reality I'm (2/3)
◇》expressive/talkative/protective/insecure a little naive but adventurous and a tomboy.I'm cruel to my enemies and even sadistic and indifferent towards them but I'm also curious in every domain(morbid ones too) and I have no problem talking about anything unless it's sexual or VERY gore which means that morally a lot of my entourage don't agree with me.A calculative and a smartass+chaotic good/neutral.♡ nightmares because they give me ideas and intense feelings.Thank you!(3/3)(Sorry it's long)
Sorry of the very late reply, I got very busy.
I match you with:
Rusia/ Ivan braginski:
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Aww, I think you and Ivan will get along so well. This guy loves your height, he 182 and you 164, he will be going to pick you up, twirl you around, and Eskimo kiss you if he can. He thinks your hair is so beautiful and that purple tips, you match with his eyes! He to a bit chubby so bet my money he going to pinch your cheeks while chuckling. He doesn't mind you being sassy, he too sometimes might get harsh with his word without him noticing. Love to play with the cat with you, will laugh at your pun and dark jokes ( he get the dark joke ). A love fantasy book might join you in reading together. Sometimes Ivan answers always leaning toward, "Magic Pipe Of Pain", I think the other countries are used to this situation, sometime he might react to you making jokes at the wrong time or not react to some situation. Because of his history, Ivan is sympathetic. He going to respect your boundaries and will take time to gain your trust, when he was a child, he always gets attacked by big countries so he understands you. Ivan might be big-hearted and innocent but that didn't mean he not going to smack you with his pipe, he insane and cruel, but he didn't even realize it, you two personalities clashed. You two make a badass couple. You a tsundere? Oh, he has a sister who is obsessed with him, he doesn't mind it, but he does his best not to make you angry. If you two pissed, I bet it going to be a bloodbath, Ivan will give no mercy, same with you. He cares about his family too, sometimes he gets depressed remembering his sisters, his older sister always scared to ask him for help because of her boss and his youngest sister is yandere and always ask him to marry her, yet he didn't even get to spend quality time with them, please comfort him. He looks like a cinnamon roll but can kill you. Yes, you two a perfect match!
Asriel Dreemur [ Before being flowey ]:
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This is a bit hard but I think Asriel is a perfect match for you. He loves your hair and eyes, remind him a bit of chocolate. I mean, come on. Toriel loves making a pun, he used to you pun though he might be concerned about your dark joke,( he going to ask if you okay.). Will join you on the prank, not a good debater but willing to learn with you. He sometimes gets worried at you for making a joke at the wrong time and reacting to a weird situation, like you facing Undyne and what you do? Cracking a joke while her spear on your throat. You okay, buddy? He respects your boundaries, will ask if he can hug you. The monster was sealed by the human, he understands your trust issue. Will slowly gain your trust. Remember Tsundere plane, you remind him of her, so he chills with your personality, might ask Alphys for a bit of advice. He all about kindness, when you get angry he will do his best to calm you down. He cares about his family, even though your family didn't see it, he notices it, he knows you love your family. He wishes to go to the surface so he has an adventurous side and will follow you to a new adventure. He can sometimes be cruel to his enemy but he rather takes a peaceful way, a.k.a it up to you to beat the crap out of his enemies. He looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll. 
Rohan Kishibe:
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Ah, yes, this arrogant Kishibe Rohan. He might find you pleasant to look at ( Totally lie, he love you look) He a sassy man too, you two might have a childish sassy comment battle. (Spoiler alert: he lost every time). He is hard to please but might chuckle silently at your pun and dark jokes. He down to learn new thing, rather than reading the book you recommend, he rather 'read' you story. Sometimes thinking if he should re-write something from you, maybe common sense, because this guy this close, this close using Heaven door to write you a common sense. One time, he burns his own house, and you make a fire and house pun. Another time, he told you to run away from Highway star to attack you, and what you do? Yes, react poorly to this situation. He loves you but for Pete's sake, stop making that dark joke. He didn't even notice your Tsundere tendencies because he so dangs prideful honey. He accepts you whatever you are. He didn't mind how merciless you, you not afraid to speak up to him, and put him in his place, Rohan is a brat, don't @ me. Nonetheless, behind his eccentric and discourteous demeanor, Rohan is still a decent person, he understands your actions toward your family. He loves adventures, even a weird one, might bring you along with him. Rohan is a Narcissistic, arrogant brat but still good in heart!
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
"We're not getting ANYWHERE like this!"
"you look like you need a hand."
"I don't!"
"I REALLY don't!!"
"alphys, stop grabbing me."
"It's only fair."
"c'mon. we're not getting 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 like this."
"Oh, shut UP!!"
i'm at undyne and alphys' place, playing co-op games.
(i'm really helpful, as you can tell.)
papyrus was playing with us, but he apparently made plans with flowey.
sorry, 'flowery'.
that's what paps calls him.
must be a nickname of sorts,
'cuz when paps is real serious, he'll say 'flowey'.
..which is to say, almost never.
that weed's got a big soft spot for papyrus.
and tori.
and despite the squabbles, i think he really cares about frisk, too.
"Let me-"
"I'm gonna make this jump by myself if it's the last thing I do!!"
"Y-you're losing all your lives.."
"I'm GONNA make it!"
she did not.
i'm already out myself, after undyne got pissed and threw me into a pit a few times.
now it's just alphys vs. the clock.
"GO, Alphy, GO!!"
i whispered, "(epic dub.)"
alphys slowly turned to me with a look of disgust.
"(You are... so cringe.)"
"(you're just jealous of my hip-ness. i'm totally epic.)"
"Yo, Sans."
"Wanna have one with us before you leave?"
undyne shook a cup noodle.
been a while since i had ramen for dinner, since paps usually cooks. stopped having them as often because they're not really substantial enough for me anymore.
oh, to go back to being a teen who could live off noodles forever.
sometime while we were eating, it really started coming down.
"When'd it start raining THIS hard?"
"You might have to stay here until it clears, Sans."
"if i pull my hood up i'll be fine getting home."
"Dude, no way we're letting you go out like that."
alphys squinted out the window.
"It's getting dark, too. You're not gonna be able to see a thing!"
they've got a point, but paps is gonna be worried.
"i am"
"did you get home before the rain?"
"looks like it might be all night."
"guess so"
"lemme ask"
"one pillow"
"but no sheets"
"good enough"
"how's it for you at tori's?"
"cup noodles"
he took a long time to respond.
"survived off the stuff before"
"if that was all i'd eaten"
"the cereal and coffee this morning"
"corn flakes are substantial"
"i'll lie"
"fuzzy vision+hands stuff"
"maybe i stared too hard at the screen or somethin"
"you still there?"
"what's going on?"
oh my god.
really papyrus, what the hell?
now you're worrying 𝘮𝘦.
he marched through that storm out there just to bring me home?
"Not even an umbrella..?"
"Like hell you are!!"
"you're soaked, paps..."
the weather eventually let up enough for us to borrow umbrellas and walk home.
i'm still worried about him, though. he sat in those cold, soaked clothes for a while.
says he feels fine...
but he's been trembling a little since he came in.
"paps, you are-"
"i'm only going if you do."
"goodnight, bro."
"throw on a couple more blankets tonight, ok? maybe put on a sweater."
he shivered.
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thefloatingstone · 6 years
speaking of fandom favourites why do so many people get angry at me when I tell them Sans doesn't remember resets .3. I know it's just my own theory but if he could really remember then I don't think he'd be so chummy around the human after a geno run, I dunno maybe I am all alone in that one. I assume he can only remember as much as everyone else since he gets flashes of deja vu like all the other main monsters
Actually you’re not alone at all! I am absolutely behind the idea that Sans CANNOT remember the resets any more than anyone else can. I actually answered an ask about this a while ago on the Time Scar blog, so I hope you’ll forgive me if I copy past my input on this here.
This is something I’ve been convinced of since the very beginning (and many of my earliest one shot comics will show you my opinion on this) and a big part of how I shape most stories using him and Frisk as characters.
I will say people getting angry with you over it is really stupid tho :/ that seems INCREDIBLY petty and immature.
Anyway, here’s what I said originally;
(Please be patient while I try and upload the images that accompany this post with my flaky broken internet)
Hey I read somewhere on your blog that you believe that Sans doesn't remember the resets and just figures out that it happens. Since I'm on the side of Sans remembering resets can you show me what evidence or argument you have for your opinion. I want to find out which is more likely to be cannon (cause I don't think Toby said anything about that). 
My answer:
I haven’t finished my Pacifist run through yet so I don’t know if he says anything in that playthrough, but considering most of the direct contact you have with Sans is in the Genocide run through it may not matter (Please don’t correct me if I’m wrong. I’ll get to Pacifist when I’m ready myself)
At the end of Genocide, (If you’ve played the game before obviously) Sans reveals a lot of info about how much he knows regarding the resets, and it’s very telling as to HOW he got the information.
When he confronts the human in the Hall of Judgement at the end, it’s because he’s reached the conclusion that the human will not stop and nothing can change that based on him just watching the Genocide run from a distance. He’s also come to the conclusion that the human is impossible to stop, THIS he mentions based not on what he remembers, but by what he’s discovered himself.
He mentions talks a lot about “our Reports” and stuff. (forgive me if my exact wording isn’t correct) as well as “their analysis”. He mentions how “they” have been monitoring the situation and have “noticed a lot of flux in the timespace continuum” and how timelines keep changing and altering, and through analysis “they’ve” come to the conclusion that he human is the one responsible for the changes in events, always in the human’s favour.
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(That seems like a very strange question to ask if he knew for a fact, isn’t it?)
If Sans simply remembered the timelines and knew the human could reset things then why the hell would he need data and analysis to know all that?
He has residual memories, but then so does everyone else. He mentions that “He can’t help but feel that we were once friends”. He mentions this not as a memory, but as a lingering feeling (much like Toriel remembers which kind of pie you like although she’s not sure HOW she remembers or even knows that). Sans has a feeling that there was perhaps a friendship between the human and himself, but he cannot really remember it. Which is PART of the reason the whole thing has him so despondent. He realised that a reset doesn’t just take away what could have been a happy ending; it doesn’t even have the decency to let you REMEMBER the happy ending.
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So he uses that residual memory as a weapon to literally backstab you. It’s another ploy to cut you down because at this point Sans is pulling out every trick he has the longer you’re able to keep up with him because he’s just fucking done with you. Later on if you KEEP coming back and fighting him he says “if we ever WERE friends, don’t come back.”
People seem to forget that Sans is a LIAR. He lies throughout most of the game. And a LOT of the things he does are deliberate ploys to misdirect or hide the truth. Most of the time it’s not malicious, most of the time it’s legit just a survival strategy, sometimes it’s just to be a bit of a jerk because Sans is a practical joker by nature, but if you start becoming a problem in a genocide run, he doesn’t magically start telling the truth all the time. He only starts mentioning a memory of being friends with the human after he starts sweating and getting tired in the fight. He realises you’re not as easy to put down. and only THEN does he even bother mentioning the possibility of being friends before. It’s another ploy using what little info he has. Even Sans’ info says he’s “the easiest enemy” which is an obvious lie. People forget that Sans is all about misdirection and blatant lying in various degrees which is part of the reason his fight is insanely frustrating. He keeps telling you things about his attacks or what’s about to do which are either misleading or just outright untrue.
So Sans has residual memories, but that doesn’t mean he remembers anything with clarity. He’s no different from the other monsters. He just happens to be insanely smart, and he’s extremely scientifically minded. I’m not sure who the “They” are that he talks about. My first instinct would be he’s talking about Alphys but he never mentions her by name so I’m unsure about that one.
But again, the point is, why the hell would Sans talk about reports and data to “figure out what’s going on” if he remembered and could just say “oh shit! The human’s resetting to get the odds in their favour!” you don’t need all this science hoo-ha for THAT! If Sans remembers the resets and decided he needed to do a bunch of science to figure out what’s going on… he’d be kinda stupid wouldn’t he? And Sans has shown through VARIOUS other situations in the game that he is ANYTHING but stupid.
People mistake Sans’ deductive reasoning for “oh he remembers!” and for the life of me I cannot understand why. If people actually listened to what he says instead of memeing about bad times maybe this wouldn’t be such a problem. But honestly, if you’re somebody who actually played Genocide (unlike me who watched it on youtube I guess) I can kinda understand missing some of this, since you’re so stressed out by the fight and trying to survive you may not be absorbing Sans’ conversation. (Much like I had people tell me they actually completely missed Papyrus leaving the Royal Guard when he calls you in Waterfall because the person playing is so busy trying to survive Undyne’s attacks that that little bit of info often goes unnoticed)
Why would Sans be such a special snowflake to remember things when literally NOBODY ELSE (besides Flowey but he’s a special case) remembers anything but residual stuff? It just doesn’t make sense.
Long story short; Sans is smart and figured it out using the tools he had available to him. He didn’t need a “special circumstance” (ie memory) to get the answers. He had exactly the same info as everyone else, but was intelligent (and distrusting) enough to look into the situation a little deeper since he had the resources to do so.
Give Sans a little credit, would ya?
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