#( hangover montage )
eilidh-eternal · 9 months
You have a secret
Part of the Metanoia series | Part 1 | Masterlist |
| SingleDad!Johnny x f!reader | 18+ MDNI | CW death of a loved one, grief, attempted SA, Johnny and reader are going through it |
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Glasgow is cold in January.
Hogmanay came and went with the typical rambunctious celebrations, every bar and pub in the city overflowing with patrons that spill out onto the pavement and the streets, properly drunk and stumbling over one another as they make their way to the next bar. Some of your coworkers invited you out for a bar crawl, just as they did last year, but you’d decided going out in the freezing weather and nursing a hangover at work in the morning isn’t worth the trouble. So home you stay, curled up with cheap Tesco sparkling wine and the last book on your reading list for the year, the tv playing a montage of celebrations across the city quietly in the background, and you slink off to bed just as the fireworks settle and the night falls quiet.
The days that follow are quiet too, the first week of the new year creeping along in the hazy in between, that little reset that comes between the holiday season and the yawning winter that looms before you, corporate deadlines and end of fiscal year reports that will start to pile up soon. You enjoy the quiet calm of that in between, try to remember what it feels like to be able to step away from your desk and take a lap around the office to stretch your legs before you’re inundated with so many reports you hardly have time to break away to use the restroom. 
Johnny frequents your thoughts more than you'd like to admit as you stroll around the office floor, wondering if he's operating in the same lull as you are, biding his time until his next assignment with dull busywork and monotonous routine. Wondering if he and Isobel had celebrated Hogmanay at home like you had or if maybe he’d taken her to a friends flat with him, one of his team members. Wondered if he let her stay up late with him and counted down the fireworks display together, or if he tucked her into a spare bedroom some hours before, waking her up just in time to see them and take her home to her own bed for the night. 
The growing tinge of disappointment hung like storm clouds over your mood when you hadn’t seen much of them in the days leading up to the new year, and you began to think maybe all the smiles, all the double entendres, were just a friendly personality and polite kindness on his part; just a neighbor being neighborly. There was an exchange of phone numbers with the offer to call or text one another if the other ever needed anything after dinner several weeks ago. Hardly an invitation for conversation. Another polite exchange and thanks for your mutual goodwill. 
Pretending not to care, to resist the urge to check your phone whenever it vibrates on your desk or in your back pocket, takes more effort than you had expected. It’s not him. Why would it be him? It’s not like he said he would call.
But Johnny has a habit of surprising you.
Snow and lights and festive wreaths don’t hold the same wonderment they used to. They all remind him of her. Remind him how she always insisted on a big family dinner. How she was always the one who invited everyone to their home and always had his favorite scotch on hand to toast with at midnight. The lights remind him of flashing red and blue, screaming sirens that cut through the air like the mournful wail of a banshee. The snow covered roads look too much like the roads did that day, tires slipping and sliding, the tail end of his car nearly spinning him out on the highway in his desperation to get to her. 
And the quiet.
The quiet of the world when snow falls and blankets the earth in layers of glittering sorrow makes the silence deafening. Her laughter doesn’t echo Isobels, there are no footsteps mirrored in the snow beside hers, and the tiny angel in the front yard stares up at the clouds where its missing guardian watches over them. It’s hard, for both of them. Isobel doesn't remember the accident, doesn’t remember riding in the ambulance with her mother or the way the security guard and several nurses had to hold Johnny back when she coded. She doesn't remember the tears, the anger, the denial of everything unfolding in front of him, crumbling around him and knocking the air from his lungs, leaving him crumpled on the floor outside her room. 
Isobel didn’t see how he sat slumped against the wall with his head between his knees, arms folded over his legs and fingers digging into his skin until the blunt edges of his nails drew blood. She never saw the procession of doctors and nurses that slowly filed out of the room, the only sound in the somber silence the soft tapping of rubber soles on tile. No beeping from monitors, no clicks and whooshes of the ventilator. Heavy, suffocating silence.
The social worker sat with him, let him fall apart right there on the hospital floor, a sympathetic hand resting on his trembling shoulder as he poured his heart out onto the cold, sterile white tile beneath him. When the silence became unbearable, when it started clawing at his skull and slicing into his skin like razor wire, he let her fill it. He listened to her tell him that Isobel is okay–scared, in shock–but alive and breathing. Lets her lead him through more sterile hallways to an office where another social worker does their best to occupy the tiny girl, but the minute Johnny walks through that door she’s all trembling hands and watery eyes, wobbly chin and confused tears.
He does his best not to let her see it, not when the snow is still full of magic and the lights still make her eyes bright with joy, pure and unbridled. But it's hard to hide the grief that dulls his own, the wintery haze that hardens them into icy pools that long for the warmth of summer skies. It’s hard to step outside and breathe the crisp winter air and not feel his throat constrict, feel the warmth seep from his body, replaced with the empty cold of a world without her in it.
Sometimes he can hear little bits of her in the way Isobel laughs, can see the same stubborn crease of her brow when she can’t quite figure something out and refuses to ask for his help. He sees the same light and spark in her eyes, the same mischief that they once shared through the years, and he can't bear to dim that light, to extinguish the joy and happiness that lives there.
It was a quiet holiday for the two of them. No big parties, no dinner and drinks, despite John's invitation. Just Johnny and Isobel, cuddled up together on the couch watching movies and sharing bites of whatever snack or dessert the other brought with them. He thought about texting you, asking if you had plans to go out, or maybe stay in. Isobel came trotting back from the kitchen, one of the cookies the two of you had made together in-hand, and clambered onto his lap, peering at the unsent message to you on his phone screen.
“What’s it say?” She squints her little eyes at the letters, still not quite able to put the words together.
“Nothin’, leannan.” The words disappear from the text field and he tosses his phone aside to settle his arms around her. “Did ye bring one for me?” She shakes her head no but breaks off a chunk and offers it up to him. “Thank ye.” He leans forward to take it from her, takes the bite straight from her hand, and her delighted giggles fill the gaping hole in his chest with comforting warmth.
Cinnamon and pine still lingers in the air, mingled with the scent of paper and ink, with the warm coffee several customers clutch between cold fingers. With boxing day and the holidays behind them, the shops are much less overwhelming at this time of year, most of the aisles in the book store blessedly empty and the silence only occasionally interrupted by the fluttering of pages or soft footsteps on carpeted floors. The perfect atmosphere for strolling between shelves and taking the time to read more than the blurb on the inside cover of a book before adding it to the small collection already cradled in your arms. It’s the perfect, quiet afternoon until it’s not. Until the silence is broken and every hair on the back of your neck is standing at attention.
“Well, lookit you. Pretty little thing, aren’t ya?” The words are clumsily spoken, slurred and hot against your cheek where his breath fans across clammy skin, sour and putrid, reeking of alcohol and god knows what else. He plucks the book from your hands, works hard to focus his eyes as he surveys the cover art and skims through a passage from the middle of the book. You stumble back a step, heels catching on the shelf behind you and nearly sending a few of the more precariously shelved titles tumbling to the ground. He follows, the only space between him and you created by the book in his hands, and you clutch your little stack tighter to your chest, willing hardbacks and delicate pages to become armor. “This isn’t the kinda stuff a little lady should be readin’.” He waves the book in your face, braces a hand on the shelf beside your head when he teeters off balance, and leans far too close, crowds you back against the shelf until the wood digs into your shoulder blades.
A glance at either end of the aisle reveals nothing but empty rows of shelves and not a soul in sight, no one to come to your rescue.
“I-I can read what I want. Please leave me alone, sir.”
“This is pure filth,” he sneers, shoving the book back at you. It lands on the floor at your feet with a fluttering ‘thump’ and the shelving behind you creaks as you try to maintain some distance from him. You wish that the novels at your back would open their covers and draw you in, hide you between the inked words within their pages. “Worse than porn, this is. ‘S not even any good. Why read this shite when you can have the real thing?” His hand dips down to fumble with something beneath his coat and you hear the metal teeth of a zipper unfurling.
You know what’s happening, know what you’ll see if you look down. You know that you should push and shove and yell and scream, but you can’t. Fear and realization settle heavy against your body, fog your mind with a haze so thick your vision turns blurry at the edges, and when you open your mouth to speak the only thing that comes out is a strangled, muted gasp as he presses his full body weight against you, searing heat pressed firm against your stomach and pinning you in place. 
Everything feels slow and blurry. Like you're underwater, trying to run across the bottom of the ocean, salt water stinging your eyes. The dread that weighs so heavily on your chest keeps you there, refusing to let you surface, refusing to let you draw more than shallow breaths that feel like lungfuls of water instead.
Something cuts through the depths. A noise. Someone's shouting. Angry. And then that weight on your chest, the weight that pins your body to the shelf, is gone. You still can’t breathe, salt water still blurs your vision, distorts the movement in front of you and leaves you disoriented, unsteady on your own feet. There’s more noise, softer this time.
An employee. She’s asking you something. Asking if you’re ok. You let her guide you, away from the aisle to a back room to sit in a chair and drink water from a paper cup while she calls the police. She stays with you until they get there and while they ask you questions, sits in silent support beside you and refills your water when you need it. The police leave, tell you that if they see the man he’ll be picked up, and the younger woman asks if you want to call someone to get you, to drive you home.
The thought of anyone else seeing you, talking to you, trying to touch you, makes your stomach twist with nausea. So you drive yourself home, empty book bag tossed in the seat beside you, no music to fill the silence. You don’t quite know how you got there, sitting in your car outside your house. Can’t remember making the turn down your street or how long ago you killed the engine.
Long enough for Johnny to take notice, it seems. He’s knocking on the window, calling your name, and it startles you. Drags you up from the quiet depths of your mind and sets your heart racing. Too fast. Too much. The car is too small, the seat belt too tight across your chest, and you need out. He nearly gets hit with the door, dodges heavy metal as it swings open suddenly, and his brows slope together in concern when he sees your shaking hands, sees the way you won’t look at his face.
“Wa’s wrong, bonnie? Wha’ hap-” You shove the door closed behind you, brush him off and skitter around him, won’t come within more than a few meters of him, and he calls after you as you climb the stairs to your door, hurriedly fitting the key in the lock. “Have I done-” 
You don't hear the rest of his sentence, and Johnny is left dumbstruck at the bottom of the steps, the slam of your front door and the sound of the deadbolt clicking into place ringing in his ears like he’s stood too close to a grenade.
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©️Eilidh-Eternal.2024 ~ The intellectual property of Eilidh-Eternal is not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Wild Nights || CL16 {1}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x songstress!reader Summary: After getting dumped before your wedding you decide to take your best friend on your honeymoon instead and end up having a whirlwind romance. Warnings: 18+only, NSFW, smut, oral, angst WC: 2.3k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Epilogue
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The memories of last night ran through your mind like a montage that was powered by a strobe light, disconnected images and snapshots that blinded you and left your head aching. You blinked against the bright sunlight flooding the bedroom you didn’t recognise and tried to suppress the groan of pain that came with the hangover you rightfully deserved.
You had drunk far too much but you deserved to let go and have fun. Getting dumped right before you were meant to be married definitely gave you a free pass to go wild so you kept the booking for your honeymoon in Monaco and took your best friend instead.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath as you spotted your iPhone on the bedside table and found the battery dead. 
A soft snore had you freeze and you slowly turned to the sound with a racing heart as another memory resurfaced. The back of a head full of lush, thick dark hair rested on the pillow beside you and your eyes trailed down his spine to the curve of his ass that was obscured by the sheet hanging over his hip. 
Angry red lines marked the otherwise smooth skin of his back and you remembered the pleasure of that moment. It had been the first time in a long time that you hadn’t needed to fake the orgasm that rippled through you. You had forgotten the feeling until you had collapsed light headed among the fluffiest pillows you had ever laid your head upon and fallen into the deepest sleep in weeks.
You slipped quietly from the bed and tiptoed across the carpet, collecting your bra and panties along the way until you found your dress in the living room. You bit your lip as you skirted around a broken vase, remembering how - shit, what was his name? - how he had picked you up with surprising ease and sat you on the side table between the desperate kiss you were locked in. The shattering of the glass hadn’t even fazed him when your ass had knocked it off. 
You looked around the apartment as you crept to the front door, hoping to find some indication of a name, but the high end place must have been an AirBnB because there was nothing personal anywhere. The only notable item at all was a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano that you were envious of, wishing you had a few minutes to run your fingers across the ivory keys. 
The thought of playing the piano drew the whispers of a memory that you couldn’t quite clutch.
Arthur? The name rang a bell but you shook your head as you unbolted the door and grabbed your clutch that was waiting beside it. There had been an Arthur at the bar but you didn’t think it was him in the bed. There were a lot of guys there last night, a lot of names to remember, hopefully Bea could fill in the blanks when you found her. 
Your cheeks burned as you walked through the heart of Monaco, trying to figure out where your hotel was in the maze that was the city. You stuck out like a sore thumb among the men and women out enjoying a sunny Saturday morning and you swore some of them even pointed your way as you passed by. 
This took the walk of shame to a whole new level. 
Finally you reached the hotel and as a bonus you found the keycard had survived the night and was tucked inside your clutch along with your lipstick. Your luck seemed to be turning around as you took the elevator to the honeymoon suite and pointedly ignored the tv screen set to welcome Mr and Mrs Wallace.
The shower was running so you went straight into the bathroom, not even knocking since there was no need for privacy among best friends. “Bea, I just had the best sex of my life and I don’t even know his name.”
The water shut off and the steamed shower door swung open to reveal someone who was definitely not your friend. “Oh my god,” you gasped as you spun away. “Who are you?”
Bea stepped sleepily into the bathroom rubbing her eyes with a groan, “Shhh, my head is killing me babe.”
“Bea,” you whispered as you grabbed her shoulders and kept your eyes above them since she wore absolutely nothing. “There’s a naked man behind me.”
Her eyes darted over to the man who had at least wrapped a towel around his hips. “Oh, yeah, isn’t Monaco great?” 
“Are you going to introduce me to your friend again?” the man asked with a charming smile.
“Again?” you asked with a frown.
“We met briefly last night.”
“At the bar,” Bea explained, though it didn’t really help considering there were a lot of bars. “Y/N, this is…Pe…ter?”
You were a terrible friend for feeling relieved that she wasn’t sure of his name either and you exclaimed, “Thank god, I’m not the only one. What the hell happened last night? I half expected to find a tiger in the bathroom.”
“And instead you found a lion,” the stranger winked. “It’s Pierre by the way.”
“Stallion more like it.” Bea dragged her eyes over his body before holding her hands up in front of your face, her palms about 9 inches apart and nodding. “Seriously.”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes drifted down her body before you could stop them. “Where did you put that thing?” 
“Where didn’t I,” she fired back with a husky laugh before dragging you from the bathroom and jumping back into the only bed in the suite. “Tell me everything.”
“I only remember little bits, well, and one not so little, definitely not that big though,” you pointed out as you nodded your head to the man collecting his clothes from around the room. “Please fill in the blanks.”
“Oh that’s easy,” Bea laughed as she snuggled back into the blankets, tugging them all the way up to her chin. “We met Pierre and his friends at Casablanca.”
“Casablanca?” you couldn’t remember the name.
“Yeah, they had an open mic night.” You screwed your eyes shut knowing what was surely to come as Bea continued. “I signed us up and we fucking killed it, babe.”
You fell back into the pillow that held a masculine scent it hadn’t the night before and groaned at the new information. 
“You were really good,” Pierre complimented as he pulled his shirt on and pulled his phone from the pocket of his dress pants, turning to Bea. “Can I get your number?”
“Why?” she asked with a laugh. “We’re only here for a few more days, you don’t have to try to let me down gently. I won’t cry into my pillow because you didn’t call.”
He seemed a little shocked at the rejection and you thought maybe he actually had wanted to keep in touch but he recovered with a smile and pulled his shoes on. “In that case, I’ll let you ladies enjoy your afternoon. Bea, it was a pleasure.”
“That it was,” she said with a whimsical smile that told you it was an understatement. Her eyes trailed after him and she didn’t snap out of it until the front door clicked shut. “I think I love it here.”
“You just love hot guys,” you corrected.
“And this city is drowning in them, and they are probably all stinking rich too.” 
Bea reached for her phone on the nightstand and you remembered that yours was dead so you plugged it to charge in before scooting closer to her. You figured you could watch a few mindless Tik Tok clips with her  before dealing with the day ahead.
A few clips turned to dozens and you were in fits of laughter at a compilation of fails when Bea swiped up and you heard a familiar voice. Bea screamed and shoved the phone on your face, her finger pointing to the likes. “Holy shit!”
You grabbed her phone as the short video started again and saw the camera was mostly focused on the man who was playing the piano beside you. “It’s him,” you gasped as you showed Bea. “That’s who I went home with last night.”
“Woah, nice! He’s a stunner. I always told you, piano players and gamers are the best in bed. Something about those fingers…”
“Shhh, you horn dog. I need a minute of quiet.” You rubbed your temples as you were flooded with freshly recovered memories.
You side eyed Bea when you heard your name called out and the MC shielded his eyes from the stage lights as he searched the crowd.
“She’s right here!” Bea shouted and pushed you forward, the heels unsteady under your feet after all the shots you had taken. 
“I hate you.”
“You love me, now let’s go.”
Bea took her place at the upright piano while you grabbed an acoustic guitar that had seen better days from the stand and adjusted the height of the microphone stand. You were acutely aware of the crowd as you checked it was in tune and turned to Bea to see if she had a song chosen. 
She leaned towards the mic set up on a boom above the keys and gave you a wink that instantly made you suspicious. “I wouldn’t be your best friend if we didn’t dedicate this song to that piece of shit ex.” 
You grinned at the idea of slating him and heard a few cheers from the crowd that told you you weren’t alone in having a shitty ex or maybe they were fans of Olivia Rodrigo. “I guess that means we’re playing Traitor.”
Your fingers strummed the opening notes and the self consciousness faded away as you fell into the meaning of the song, letting all the hurt and anger fill your words. 
The bar emptied as the crowd shifted away from alcohol and filled the dance floor, their bodies swaying to the rhythm. Suddenly their voices joined yours as the chorus came to an end. “Guess you didn’t cheat, but you’re still a traitor.”
Your eyes lingered on a group of guys that seemed centered around one who stared back at you, his eyes swimming with emotions you knew intimately. His eyes held yours as he raised his bottle in the air, saluting with the camaraderie that came with the shared pain and you couldn’t help smiling back through the heartache.
The song had ended but when you made your way off the stage the MC had blocked it and asked the crowd if they wanted to hear another. The screams had reverberated the stage floor and Bea had already said yes, going so far as to ask the crowd for a song request. 
“The angstier the better,” she said. Quite a few shouts for Adele came up and she pointed at a young woman. “I love Someone Like You, but unfortunately I don’t know how to play it.”
“Arthur does!” One of the guys in the group said as he pushed his friend forward. 
“No I don’t, Charles plays all the sad songs,” Arthur said as he elbowed the man next to him, the man who you hadn’t been able to look away from since he raised his drink to you. 
“Charles,” you murmured as you remembered moaning the name, your fingers laced in his hair when he went down on you. 
“What was that?”
“His name is Charles,” you repeated as you pointed to the handsome man playing the piano, his eyes remaining focused on you the entire time. 
“Oh yeah, it’s all through the comments. He’s some racer or something, I dunno, never heard of him.” She shrugged and swiped off to the next video. “So are we going to lounge around here all day or hit the bars?”
Your stomach protested the thought of more alcohol and you shook your head. “Is there a third option?”
“How about the beach?”
“I can manage that, I’m just going to shower while my phone charges.”
“Good, you reek of hot sex and I’m lowkey upset you haven’t given me any juicy details.”
“The audacity,” you gasped as you thumped her with your pillow. “This whole apartment reeks of sex and my pillow smells like a french Chad. See, sniff it.”
“I’ll take that,” she said with a smirk before burying her face on the pillow and inhaling dramatically. “You have lived vicariously through my sexual adventures, sexventures if  you will, now it is my turn. So, spill the tea.”
You groaned as you covered your face but she wasn’t going to let you off that easily and she pulled them away. “He was amazing, and I’m not saying that because I was drunk because I remember everything after we got to his apartment.”
“I already gathered that much, I need details.”
“Okay, well, he ate pussy like a champ, honestly, I didn’t even have to ask - he just wanted to, and I actually came.”
Bea snorted and buried her face in the pillow to scream before looking up. “Babe, that’s what real men do, he who must not be named was just a lazy asshole who never took care of you like he should’ve.”
“Jesus, I didn’t realise this was what I was missing out on all those years.” You shook your head ruefully and sighed. 
“Forget him, you’re moving onto better things, fitter guys, and plenty more orgasms where that came from.” She leaned forward and pushed you almost off the bed. “Go on, my little whore, go shower so we can get out of here. You’ve made us girls proud.”
“You’re so fucking weird,” you said with a shake of your head as you made your way to the bathroom. 
“Normal is overrated!”
Click here for part two.
Tagging: @alwaysclassyeagle
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clubdionysus · 5 months
[BAD DECISION #6] Wishing
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warnings: i like to call this a montage chapter - it gets us through the entire summer :) gym trips! dionysus nights! jaykay being sexy in the gym! dynamic and friendship solidified!
soundtrack: c'est la vie - ethan surman; my type - brb.; happiness - the 1975
wc: 6k
bd total wc: 540k (on-going)
minors dni | AO3 | series masterlist 
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The scowl on your face as you reach the gym prevails. You've a coffee in one hand - ice americano, double shot - and the hood of your sweater is bunching around your shoulders. You lift it over your head, and push the swing door of the gym open with your shoulder, wanting to avoid the unwanted eyes of Jiyeong, just in case she's working.
You don't look over to the reception, but the lobby is empty, regardless. It's quiet, always a little less busy in the morning than it is in the evening.
You make your way to the gate of the gym. Punch in the code. Get it wrong. Tell the keypad to 'stop being a prick'.
You try again, exhaling a weighty sigh as you do so.
There's a whir as it works this time, hinges clicking open for you. The metallic clang of gym equipment and grunts of burly men cloud the air, battling with the voice in your head for the title of most annoying sound. Always have to win, don't you? Couldn't just take a loss!
It's a flaw; one that you'll admit to, but one that you wouldn't change for the world. A little bit of drive is good, even if you do drive yourself up the wall more often than not.
Hood up, a pair of leggings and a sweater on, black high-tops tied in bows around your ankles, you look like death warmed up. There's glitter caught in your lashline, and your hair is still damp from your quick shower, but you've a point to prove.
And so, just shy of midday, your feet stomp heavily up the stairs, as thunderous as the look on your face.
It's not that you're actually mardy or moody at all - you're just hanging like an absolute bitch.
Whatever Jeongguk puts in those tiny purple shots is lethal. Writes you off every single time.
Admittedly, you had gone a little harder last night knowing that you didn't have work the following day, but that's beyond the point. Normally your hangovers aren't so bad, especially not when you drink water throughout the night - which, thanks to Jeongguk, you had been.
Jeongguk doesn't notice your arrival until you roll down onto the bench behind him. You're on your side, legs tucked up, just like you had been in your bed when his message had arrived in your inbox.
He's in shorts - black, finishing midway down his thigh - and a big baggy t-shirt. On his feet, he's matching with you. Black Chucks. The only difference is that he ties his around the front. His bows are double knotted and little lopsided, the white trims on the soles scuffed and well worn. He's got history in his hi-tops, and you wonder how it compares to yours.
There's a girl in the city who matches him, and it isn't you. You don't have the tiny 'J' scrawled into the rubber of your soles like she does. He's scratched out her initial on his sole.
Takes a little longer to erase it from his other soul, mind you. It's still there. Only faintly, but enough to make him trip over himself from time to time. S'why he always double knots. Harder to fall, that way.
There's concentration on his face, features perplexed as the weight he lifts forces him to exert more energy than he's fully ready for. His teeth are bared, face tight, brows tied in a pretty knot between his eyes. You can see why Jiyeong is so territorial. He's not a bad-looking bloke. Quite handsome, actually.
He exhales as he brings the weight down, resting it on the ground, chest heaving ever so slightly before he turns to look at you. His brows are still furrowed, but his eyes are soft as his body gets more comfortable and settles into a state of rest.
A breathly laugh graces his lips as he reaches for the towel by your head. He pays no mind to the fact your crown is resting upon it, whipping it from beneath you to dab at the sweat gathering on the back of his neck.
"I said bright and early," he smirks, knowing that you must be hating everything about this interaction.
"It's before twelve," you mumble, eyes closed, knowing that watching his dimples form would only make your tummy feel all light and vomit-inducing. You're too hungover for anything other than neutral sensations. "It is bright and early."
"You're basically asleep."
"The bet was that I'd be here, Jeon," you remind him, voice a grumble as you shuffle deeper into your position. "Not that I'd be doing anything useful."
You've a point. It's not one that he can argue against, and so instead he just shrugs and picks his water bottle up from beside the bench. He tosses a little back into his mouth, the stream of water running from the plastic opening and into his mouth with such precision that you're sure he must be an asshole deep down.
You don't buy the nice guy front. Only assholes look that good doing the bare minimum. You'll get to the bottom of his assholeness eventually, but not now. Not when you're this grouchy, and everything feels a little biased.
"C'mon," he says as he knocks his head to the side. "Treadmill. Walk with me. You'll feel better for it."
"I think I'll die," you tell him with so much certainty he can't help but laugh at you.
Still, he stands in front of you and waits for you to join him. Knocks his knee against yours. Kicks your shoe with his own.
He's patient, his eyes soft as they look down at what a sorry state you are. There's something about the way his lips purse gently that makes him feel like a safe bet.
You've no regrets for tumbling out of bed and catching the subway to meet him at the gym. Your head is killing, granted, but it would have been killing you at home, too. At least this way you can feel like you've actually done something productive despite the hangover.
"Trust me," he insists, holding out his palm. "It really will help."
And so you take his hand, letting him pull you up. They warm, and a little clammy, but you don't mind.
When you're finally on your feet, your eyes are level with his chest. He's broad, chest well defined even beneath the shirt. You try not to think about the fact you've seen him shirtless, but you can smell the scent of his laundry detergent, and it adds a whole new element to the enigma the Jeon Jeongguk is. Looking at him, you'd imagine a scent of musk - something woody, maybe. Instead, he smells like fresh blooms, sweet peas under summer sun.
You don't let yourself linger for too long, fearful of him reading into the way you can't seem to keep your eyes off him. He's just new. Something shiny. Fresh. Excitement amongst the mundane of a city you've grown tired of.
He reaches down to pick up your half empty coffee and takes a sip as he begins to walk away. "Tastes like shit."
You pull it back from him, and nudge his side. "Feels like crack cocaine. The Purple Starfuckers, man... they actually kill me."
"You're welcome."
Small talk peppers the walk down the steps - How are your friends? Get home alright? How was Jimin feeling in the morning? How long do you have to stay after closing time? - and flitters around the pair of you as you set your inclines. His is noticeably higher than yours, but you're not here to work out. You're here to win a bet - of which he keeps reminding you that you lost, and that you are, in fact, a 'loser'.
You just tell him to 'fuck off' in return.
He never does. Just smiles, beams all wide, teeth on display, nose a little scrunched, and says "sounds like something a loser would say."
Jeongguk is easy to be around. His company, his humour, the anecdotes he tells. They're delivered freely, revealed without pressure. No diamonds are being formed, but there's enough of them in your eyes when you laugh with him, regardless.
You reduce the ease of your interactions to your perceived lack of expectations he has of you.
There's security that comes with fucking someone's housemate. You're no longer a viable sexual conquest, and therefore you don't have to worry about an ulterior motive for your exchanges with Jeongguk. Jimin's been there, done that.
For Jeongguk to be hanging out with you, you think he must actually like your company. It's mutual. Reciprocal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
There's a clear line drawn in the sand between the two of you, as you walk forward on separate treadmills. He matches your speed - slow and lethargic - despite his marginally higher incline, before offering you his water.
You hold up your coffee, but he shakes his head. "It'll dehydrate you."
You'd left in such a rush (and without any intent on actually working out) so had neglected to bring any water with you. Never mind the fact you stopped by the coffee place inside the subway station. Force of habit.
You're chronically dehydrated as it is. Danbi has to remind you that you need water, not just iced americanos to get you through the day. Sometimes you listen. More often than not, you don't.
"Sure?" you ask, aware that you don't really know each other well enough to be sharing drinks yet (despite the fact he'd already helped himself to your coffee) but he just nods. Doesn't really see it as a big deal.
"Don't backwash," he tells you as you're mid-sip, and it almost makes you choke the water straight back into the bottle. You refrain, swallowing it down, coughing slightly as you recover from your shock.
"Christ. Too late," you joke as you pass it back, before he makes some crude remark about how you've basically kissed now, and that 'you can't have your way' with both him and Jimin.
"Fuck off," you laugh. "For starters, Jimin and I aren't like, a thing. It was a one-time hook-up."
"Well, I mean, he tried last night," you shrug, looking up to the mirror ahead, finding Jeongguk's dark eyes already on you.
He doesn't look away as he says, "he did?"
"You served us, Jeongguk," you remind him. Your memories of last night are far clearer than they were of the night you'd actually hooked up with Jimin. "He wasn't getting me drinks just to be kind."
"You don't know that," Jeongguk pouts, though he's not sure why. He knows Jimin. He was definitely trying to get laid - but he's also his best friend, so he says, "he's a good guy."
"I don't doubt that," you agree, not wanting it to appear as if you're being over-critical of Jimin. You're the one who fucked him, after all. He's incredibly attractive, and you know that many people would consider themselves lucky to end their night with him, but you've fucked handsome men before. It doesn't really couldn't for all that much.
A fuck is just a fuck.
What we do in the dark has no bearing on who we are in the light of day.
"Sounds like you do," he assesses, but you dismiss it.
"Sounds like you're reading into it a little too much," you banter back, slowly learning that Jeongguk likes to do that. He overanalyses. You do quite the opposite.
Jimin could have a noble peace prize for all you care. Doesn't mean you've any interest in fucking him again.
The conversation dwindles on, you gradually upping the pace of your treadmill to the point where Jeongguk might consider it a brisk walk (though you'd argue it's a jog).
He's kind in the way he takes a second to think before he speaks, conscious of letting you finish your sentences, and also wanting to be sure of the words he articulates. Thoughtful. Mild-mannered. Nice, but not in a way that boring. Nice, in a way that feels safe.
By the time your legs begin to ache, the treadmills have been running for over forty-five minutes.
You've been too busy guessing the conversations between other strangers in the gym. Who they are; where they're going after their sessions. What they'd had for breakfast (and for some reason, Jeongguk would guess 'egg whites' without fail for every single person) and what they'd be having for dinner.
He mimics their voices, and you laugh along, adding a narrative. So many lives have been lived by the people around you, and not single one you get even remotely correct.
There's a burly man, bearded and broad, with a petite girl hanging on every word he says towards the far corner, and you decide that they're a couple.
Jeongguk thinks they're siblings.
Makes it a little awkward when the guy starts squeezing the girls ass mid-squat.
"Yep, no, maybe you're right," he cringes, face scrunching up, lip ring almost disappearing into his mouth as he does so. Unfortunately, he does also then begin to debate the prospect of them maybe being stepsiblings, at which point you threaten to push him off his treadmill.
"You watch too much porn," you tell him, and he can't even argue against it.
It's been a little while since his last situationship ended, and he's been avoiding bedding anyone new like the plague. Been keeping girls he thinks he could grow to like at arm's length. Safer that way.
"I watch a perfectly healthy amount of porn," he scoffs, but then bunches his face up, clearly not proud of himself for making such a declaration. He chooses to not share the fact that he and Jimin split a VPN bill for that purpose exactly.
You laugh with him, the topic moving along to the PG shows he watches instead, the Netflix shows you're both hooked on, and what you'd each chosen for your Vecna song (which also leads to him helplessly defending all of his Spotify playlists from your gruelling judgement ( Justin Bieber defined a generation and I won't listen to you talk shit about him.... And fuck off, Mad at Disney is cute! Cute! I'm never showing you my Spotify ever again. EVER.))
He mirrors you as you slow the pace of your treadmill, looking over to you after checking the time on the clock - 58:23. Longer than he'd expected you'd last. "Done?"
"Done," you nod.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like death?"
"Still," you nod. "Need a Vita500 and a nap."
"There's CU round the corner," he notes. "I'm now about to leave anyways. I'll come with you. You can get your vitamins, I'm gonna grab something to eat."
You nod, not minding in the slightest - but he mentioned food, and your stomach begins to grumble like King Kong atop the Empire State.
"Would die for convenience store ramyeon," you sigh, musing over one of the finest delicacies in life. Nothing beats instant jjajangmyeon, not even a home-cooked meal.
"Wanna grab some?" Jeongguk asks a little mindlessly, not thinking much of the offer. "I'll eat with you."
And so he does. The comfort born in the confines of the gym is nurtured over cheap food and even cheaper shots at one another in the form of banter. He's a lot of fun, you think. It's a shame he's always stuck behind the bar and never able to let loose with you in the club.
He texts you midweek to let you know he can put you on the club guest list, if you want. Save paying entry and queueing. You'd be mad to say no - and so you spend the next few days convincing your friends that another night out is a good idea.
It's not. Hoseok somehow ends the night without his shoes, and you wake up with an ache in your lower back from a guy who'd tried to be all sexy in his bedroom last night, failing miserably. Human bodies aren't supposed to bend in the way he insisted on positioning you in.
You ignore the slight burn as you head to the gym though, ready to pretend like Jeongguk's the bane of your life once more.
A routine is forming.
What started as a bet becomes a weekend guarantee: you will get shitfaced at Dionysus on a Saturday, and then you will chat shit with Jeongguk on the treadmills for the duration of your Sunday morning.
He never lets you off the machines until the scowl that you inevitably arrive with transforms into a subtle smile. Some weeks it's quicker than others, but one thing is for certain; your scowl will always fade.
By week three, he's already by the treadmills when you arrive.
"No napping today," he teases with a soft smile, making light of the way you always curl up on the bench behind him as he does his final few reps. He's already done with them. Got to the the gym fifteen minutes early to make sure he would be.
"Gguk," you groan, dragging your feet a little and yet still heading in his direction towards the cardio area.
The way his body swings around to look at you, a single brow raised, is like something out of a kid's cartoon. He's so animated and full of energy that it's hard to believe he was at work until five that morning. "What did you just call me?"
"Shut up," you mumble, crossing your legs and sitting down on the treadmill belt. It's quiet - this time of day is never busy - so you don't feel bad for hogging a machine that no one would be using regardless. "Everyone calls you that."
He hops up on his treadmill and sets an incline, while you let your body flop down on yours.
"You're not everyone."
"Be impossible to be everyone," you mumble, eyes closed, body shuffling into a more comfortable position - until the treadmill jolts, moving ever so slowly beneath you. The way you get up is akin to a cat being confronted with a cucumber, a small yelp leaving your lips. "Jesus, Jeongguk!"
He's smirking, as if hadn't been tampering with the buttons, shrugging. "Started by itself."
"You could have killed me."
"What a shame that would have been." He grins at you like a kid who just found a stash of candy. "C'mon! Up you get. I've got places to be. A life to live."
You scoff as you begin to walk forward, lowering the incline that he'd set it to. "You? A life? Seems unlikely."
"You know, you're incredibly hard to like," he assures you. You catch the challenge of his gaze in the mirror and simply shrug.
"Yet here you are, still trying to be my friend."
"Can't shake you off."
"You force me to come."
"I do no such thing."
"Ohhhh, disco baaaaall," you begin to imitate him, bringing your clasped hands to your heart as if you really are begging. You sound nothing like him, but it's kind of deliberate. The more ridiculous you sound, the more he'll laugh. "Pwetty pwease come to the gym and keep me company."
"I don't talk like that," he laughs at how whiney you sound. "And fuck off, I've never said that."
"So you don't mind if I leave?"
His hand reaches over and hooks into the hood of your sweater, as if you're a dog on a leash. His grip is tight. Ain't no way you're going nowhere.
"No, you're not allowed," he says sternly, but there's a smile on his face, voice dulcet as the command rolls off his tongue and sinks into your ear. "I'll get bored."
"See!" You laugh, and pay no notice to the fact his hand stays with an iron grip on the fabric of your sweater even after the joke has been made. He keeps it there.
"It's either I have you keep me company, or Jimin keep me company," he says with a shrug. "I've always got a second choice."
"Aw, but I'm your first choice. How cute."
"My god, I hate you," he says as he finally drops his grip on your hoodie, nudging your shoulder as you walk. He busies his hand, tampering with his incline, trying to make it seem like the touch was casual. Nothing to read into.
It's a debate the pair of you are able to have for hours; who hates who more, who hated who first, who's gonna hate who for longer.
It's not flirting as such, but it is a ruse. You deflect the fact that you actually really enjoy each other's company, using hatred as a measure of just how much you like one another. It's all very juvenile.
He tells you he hates you when you steal half of the cheese he buys for his instant ramyeon after the gym, and you tell him that you hate him every single time you show up at the gym. It's a win-win.
By the time week four comes around, you're surprised to find yourself considering signing up for another month.
You rarely use your membership - once a week, to be precise, and only for about an hour at a time. It does give you a luxury of freedom, though. Chances are you'll be able to find Jeongguk there, no matter what time of day it is.
You'd swung by one evening that week after work just to show him the painting someone did of breadfish, knowing that he'd be the only other person in the city who remembered something so ridiculous.
He'd been deadlifting at the time, a thick leather belt cinching the baggy shirt he'd been wearing, stopping you quite suddenly in your tracks.
Hands covered in paint, hair up, a pencil still tucked behind your ear, you're the most 'you' he thinks he's ever seen you.
Sure, he's seen you with your makeup all smudged after a night out, and he's seen you after far too many drinks deep, but he's never really had the luxury of a totally sober 'you'. The 'you' that other people get to indulge in.
The glitter on your lids is a little more subtle than he's used to - it's thinner, finer, a little pink in its hue - but still prettily in place. Sparkling under the harsh gym bulbs. It's nice to know you're a disco even in the daylight.
He finds himself holding the bar he's lifting for a little longer than expected. His eyes are on yours in the mirror. You've paused by the top of the stairs, eyes on his.
It had been the shock of how bloody tiny his waist is that had startled you first, the look in his eyes, second.
And it's that second surprise - a pleasant one - which stops you from doing anything else but staring. He's got car crash eyes, and you can't help but watch the disaster of the wreckage burn.
You can't even really take in the rest of his face, and it's a shame, for he's a sight to behold; lips ajar, the freckle beneath them covered by the shadow of his pout, brows furrowing together slowly.
The longer he looks at you, the more strained his expression becomes - until his eyes close, teeth clenching, body holding the weight until he can't support it for much longer. It drops, his body shaking as his chest heaves, the sound shattering the tension between the pair of you.
You feel bad for intruding; as if you've seen him in a way you were never supposed to. It's not like you walked in on him showering or anything as intimate as that, but it's been a while since a man has looked at you like, well, that.
Desire, passion? Sure, whatever. They'd looked at you with those in their eyes.
But Jeongguk hadn't been looking at you with either of those wants. At least, not a want for you.
He'd been pushing himself. Proving himself.
And while he hadn't been proving himself to you, you're reminded why you don't fuck anyone face-to-face these days. Eye-contact. It's too much. Gets you all hot and bothered.
And so while his chest heaves, eyes looking you up and down, a little unsure of what the fuck just happened, you do the only thing you can: distract him.
Behind your back is the breadfish canvas, so you bring it around, hold it in the air and smile as brightly as you possibly can. "Please tell me you know what this is."
He takes a second. Tilts his head, and then realises exactly what it's meant to be - a loaf of bread with a fish head and tail tacked onto the end. He's not seen it since middle school. Was the only one of his friends who found it fucking hilarious - and the way you're beaming makes him think that you were probably just as strange as he was, growing up.
Your mutual childhood strangeness is proven right. Transcends in adulthood, apparently. He sends you voice notes of him singing the breadfish song on loop for three days straight. You block him on 4 separate occasions.
Doesn't stop him from making sure the DJ plays the song on Saturday night. He'll take the blocking if it means he gets to see your smile just as bright as your disco ball eyes.
When Sunday comes, the look on Jeongguk's face as you tell him your membership is due to expire is hard to read.
His eyes, for once, don't give much away.
He's forbearing as he says, "you can't use your memberships expiring as an excuse not to hang out anymore. I'll still force you on hangover walks."
His stoicism fades as he tries to hide a smile when you ask him to wait by the door of the gym lobby. You renew your membership. Just for another month - just enough to keep him happy.
And so the routine continues. Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus; Sunday mornings for the boy from behind the bar.
There's normally a gap of five or so hours between you saying goodbye at the club and hello at the gym.
Sometimes you go home from Dionysus with Hoseok and Danbi.
Other times, you end up in an apartment that's unfamiliar, with a man who's equally as unknown.
They're always nice enough.
Never nice enough to make you wanna stay the night.
On one occasion, you end up going home with another woman, instead. It's not unheard of, for you, just harder to come by. Your first experiences had been with women, and your dating history is littered with as many women as it is men. You don't subscribe to the idea of sexuality being a linear thing, far more content with just going with who feels right, not what feels right.
Naively, you'd put her on a pedestal, thinking you'd finally get a decent lay - but a drunk shag is a drunk shag. You still ended up leaving as soon as you could, orgasm not quite reached.
At this point, you figure it's a mental block. You never used to have this issue, but you also used to only fuck people you loved.
When the people you loved began to fuck you over, things changed.
You've too many rules now. Too many restrictions on yourself. You can never fully relax and actually enjoy sex for what it is.
The rules are never set in stone, but they always follow the same pattern.
Don't let yourself be vulnerable. Don't get fully naked. No kissing during sex. Absolutely no face-to-face fucking - taken from behind, or not at all. You'll give oral, but the second someone tries to reciprocate, you move it along.
How can you enjoy intimacy with another person when you won't let yourself be intimate?
There are just too many things that remind you still of him; things that will hurt your heart more than it already does when someone else takes his place.
And so sex isn't really sex anymore. It's a tool.
You use it to pretend like you're over everything that happened with your ex; as if you're in control of a situation that he created.
And so that's why Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus: they're filling the space of date night. Sunday mornings in the gym? Filling the space of lazy morning fucks and brunch down by the lake near Hoseok's place.
Being busy with the gym stops you from making 11:11 wishes for him to show up at your door, and the nights in Dionysus stop you from looking for shooting stars to wish upon instead.
Instant noodles with a guy you barely know don't quite manage to make you forget about eggs benedict with the man you thought you might one day marry, but hey - it's something at least.
On the nights that Jeongguk knows you don't go straight home, he checks up on you; will text when his shift is up, again when he gets home, and one final time when he wakes up. He doesn't care for the semantics that come with double messaging. He isn't trying to impress you.
He knows what you get up to in the dark. What you do is your prerogative. He's more concerned about the lack of trust and faith he has in the people you do it with. Despite this, not once does he berate you for it.
Even Hoseok's made a dumb remark here and there about the fact you're 'getting around', but if Jeongguk's thought similar things, he doesn't let you know it. He's a good friend. One that you're lucky to have. Thank God you fucked his flatmate and not him, instead.
The illusion of you has slipped by this point, for Jeongguk. He knows you too well to toy with what-ifs.
You feel secure in the fact he's not trying to get into your pants; a rarity for dudes these days.
Even Jimin took the hint after you turned him down, and has become a welcome addition to your nights out. He's fun to flirt with, but he knows nothing will happen, so he never pushes it too far - but is also happy to be your cover when another bloke is getting too touchy with you for your liking. He's been your 'boyfriend' a grand total of three times, now - only ever for a night.
You're not too familiar with Jeongguk's other friends yet, but you sometimes get in on a round of shots with them. There are four usual suspects: Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi. All handsome, all perfectly nice. None of them stick to you like glue, though. Not Jeongguk did.
Hoseok and Danbi have followed your lead, and consider the boys casual acquaintances; drinking partners for when they happen to be at the bar at the same time.
A dog walker by profession, Danbi always finds herself flirting with Taehyung, who tries his hardest to get a discount on her services. She always refuses.
Jeongguk and Yeonjun have a running bet going to see how long it takes until he's paying full price, just for an excuse to see her outside of a club setting. They've had to reset the bet twice, because Danbi might just be the most stubborn woman to have ever graced the planet.
Summer is spent in a technicolour haze of Purple Starfuckers, club lights, unorthodox gym routines and enough glitter to open a craft shop.
Jeongguk didn't quite know how, but he was always finding flecks of the metallic warpaint on his gym gear. He always has a little laugh to himself whenever he does the laundry. "Fucking Disco Ball."
It's early autumn by the time Hoseok and Danbi make their first appearance at the club without you.
He texts you - boo, you whore - and waits in the backroom of the bar until he sees a reply come through.
Busy tonight, your reply reads. It feels a little cold, but you don't mean for it to be. You're just a rush, and Jeongguk nagging you is the last thing you need.
JK:  Busy doing what?
You:  none of your business x
Despite the kiss you end your sentence with (he can hear the way you say 'mwah' the same way you do whenever you know you're being a little cheeky), it still feels... off.
JK: Oddly defensive.
You: i'm always defensive :)
You:  lemme know when you get home safe
It's a simple role reversal, but Jeongguk isn't sure what to make of it. He's normally the one making sure you get home safe. Not the other way around. It's not a 'what-if' scenario that he's run through in his head before. He doesn't like it.
He likes being depended on. Has gotten used to you depending on him.
Pushing it to the back of his mind, he makes orders without much thought, too busy letting himself indulge in what-ifs. It's been a while since he's thought of any regarding you, but he's consumed by them, now. Where you are, who you're with. Why Danbi and Hoseok won't give him a straight answer when he asks. They say it's not their business, but the way Danbi gives Hoseok a grimace whenever the topic is mentioned would suggest she doesn't approve.
It's probably why you haven't told him. He wonders how bad it must be. Secrets aren't something really kept between the pair of you.
There are things he hasn't told you - parts of his past he'd rather keep buried - but he doesn't actively hide himself from you. He thought you did the same.
Apparently not.
He arrives home with no new message from you. It's five thirty, and even though he's a little pissed with the sudden change in your attitude towards him, he can't bring himself to take it out on you.
JK: I'm home, asshole.
JK: Dionysus ain't the same without a disco ball.
Tossing his phone down onto his sheets, Jeongguk stares up at his ceiling. There's never been a complicated weight to your friendship, but he's also never been in the dark before.
Above him, origami birds dance in the light breeze coming from his aircon unit.
There's a dozen strung up from his paper folding phase six months ago, when he was trying to get his mind off of the girl whose initial had been scratched out of the soles of his shoes. Thought that if she came back, she'd find the birds endearing.
Kept them up just in case. Now, he just keeps them up as a reminder: You've gotta let wild birds fly away. Can't keep them caged up.
And it's funny, cause the strings the birds hang from feel like a cage for his thoughts, now. They get tangled in the spokes, your name wrapping around the bars. He can't keep you in a cage, either. Can't expect you to be as you always have been with him, just because it's the 'norm'; can't expect you not to have a life without him.
You:  does your apartment need one?
JK: A disco ball? Don't think so?
Truthfully, he thinks a little disco ball would be fitting strung up with all of his birds.
You: gaaawd, ur such a boy
You:  i'm   asking if i can come over :(
He tries not to read into the unhappy face, but it has him sitting up, replying just as quickly as his heart is beating. There's something amiss, and he doesn't like it.
JK: Oh. Now?
You: no, next week
You:  yes now, doofus
JK:  It's 5am?
He doesn't know why he's being like this. Difficult. Perhaps he is a bit bitter. Petty.
You: this isn't a booty call lmao, chill out
You: i'll be there in 15
JK: Do I get a choice?
He's smiling as he sends the message, and hopes you'll read it in the tone he intends. He's bantering, trying to deflect from the heaviness he can feel in your text thread.
He's relieved when you reply just how he hoped you would.
You: no x
JK:  See you in 15, db x
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87 notes · View notes
kaelidascope · 4 months
director's commentary for the parallel hangouts merging together in Reach in MM (and WHAT WERE BLAKE AND WEISS DISCUSSING IN THAT CHILI'S)
**cracks my knuckles**
Both Reach and Resist go hand in hand and achieve a handful of things all in one go. They read like a large time skip montage, showcase the growing tension between the bees, memorialize a handful of personal favorite memories of mine, and cover all these mod-podge collection of scenes I wanted for MM bees but ran out of space to properly expand on LOL
Blake teaching Yang how to pole-dance;
The stuffed bee comes from Pugoata's Etsy shop and I have one on my desk NGJFGFKGF
Yang not realizing the pole spins was also my first reaction touching a dancing pole for the first time LOL before I got into dancing, my roommate had me install her pole into the ceiling of our apartment and I went to touch it and almost fell off. Life imitates art or whatever
Around this time, as we later see in Resist, Blake is obviously going back and forth with her personal feelings and beliefs. Sawrin words it well in his breakdowns, but she is wanting to give into temptation by the obvious signs Yang is throwing at her. But then she remembers her life and situation and goes down a spiral of assumed futures and 'what ifs' and then just shuts down and runs off. Despite her willingly putting them BOTH in a situation where they could flirt and kiss. She's giving into natural temptation when she shows off to Yang more than she should, getting in her personal space. It's an easy mask to hide behind when she can play off her advances as 'teaching Yang how to be sexy'
She totally did intend on kissing her she just wussed out LMAO and what Yang doesn't see if she is downing that water in literal gulps because she is blushing profoundly and her hearts beating a mile a minute. This is roughly around the time Blake starts getting Ideas.TM about Yang and none of them are in the bible
Yang comes over for Guys Night at Pyrrha's;
I designed their neighborhood after the historic yuppity district close to where I lived for a brief time. More specifically, it's modeled after a fucked up cobblestone route I used to have to drive when I delivered pizzas in that area
Weiss may have been cut off from her family but she still had savings. She invested a fuck ton into that property specifically cus there's no HOA
The vibe I was going for with the fire pit and the projection outside on a cold November night was modeled after 2 experiences of mine. I remember being super fucking cozy around a fire pit at my ex's family house once and it was one of those rare nights where it was freezing. But with the scent of the firewood burning and being bundled up near loved ones, it was a rare moment of peace for me in my early twenties. Second, we used to have these family friends who had a sheet tacked up on their back porch and would watch football on it. I blended the two vibes together for this one
I can't get a lime to float to the bottom of a bottle of Corona so neither can Yang
I used to destroy the plate of pigs in a blanket at cookouts so that's why they ate those
Pyrrha's gambling addiction was born on the spot in this scene! It started with her just placing a bet but then after that, I saw opportunities present themselves and it was just too good not to pass up. The club-wide bet also did not exist until this chapter either LOL I wrote it into the story after the fact and it is not mentioned until The Hangover Chapter. But chronologically, she established it the second she saw Yang take Blake home after work.
The Chili's Girls Night is real and I used to do it often. The photo of them leaning over the table filled with empty margarita glasses also exists
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And yes. We were very hungover after (there are more photos that exist, but for the sake of pre-transition face reveal, I'll send them to you Spork in DMs after if you wanna see them LOL)
So on this particular night, Weiss spent a good chunk of it complaining about her usual gripes. After three drinks, she asks Blake about Yang. What Yang DOESN'T see is how supportive Weiss actually is of their relationship, and she's the one who told her to text Yang and send them some pictures of their night out. Blake has been dragging heels FOREVER about dating and Weiss is just glad she's not being a fucking shut in who only focuses on working and nothing else. She was very much a recluse even when they lived together, so she's glad to see Blake spending time with someone other than Weiss's mandated outings. She had thought something might've gone somewhere with Ilia, but Ilia couldn't end up handling it. They then collectively nod and drink on her behalf (poor thing). They talk about some things in their past memories. Blake asks how she and Pyrrha are doing. They talk about some social drama going on in the club. Jaune is their waiter at this particular Chili's (yes there is lore here) and they make drunk small talk/tease with him. After drink 5 or 6 Blake starts getting loose about her attraction and shyness towards Yang and Weiss asks Pyrrha to bring Yang to come get them since Blake's too embarrassed to do anything.
Blake actually being receptive towards Yang here is literally cus her insecurities and self-imposed rules are barred out cus of how drunk she is. Yang acknowledges this, much to her dismay, and misses another opportunity to kickstart their relationship because if they are gonna start, it should be proper LOL and not something that could be seen as taking advantage of Blake. Both of them are old kind of beyond the sloppy juvenile mistakes
Blake "sleeping" on Yang is a memory from when I had a really rough emotional night during my grieving period and my boyfriend at the time just held me on the couch while I half-slept. Same vibes. We eventually had to move but I did not want to.
In the anthology series Midnight Forever, we will see a lot more Blake/Weiss interactions both from the past and off-screen throughout the original fic. Including the night Weiss made her stay and their first Margarita Night SKKSKSS Weiss and Blake's dynamic is modeled after mine and my now oldest standing friendship :) the very same girl who I danced with! Unlike Blake and Weiss though, our dancer personas were completely different and incompatible LOL we did not have a matching act
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radio-ronpa · 1 month
Ok ok imagine: Rantaro, Kokichi and Gonta, in that order, in a slow walk montage towards the camera, wearing sunglasses amongst other ridiculous thrift shop items that don't match at all like they're in a comedy movie (like The hangover except nobody's missing their teeth).
What's the soundtrack?
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(I'm sorry this was the best gif I could find)
If you had said Kaito with Rantaro and Kokichi, I would have gone one way, but Gonta changes things. I'd say High Hopes by PatD or Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
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mysterygrl20 · 11 months
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tew already won my heart. that hangover soup prep montage hit the spot
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
bad decisions - jjk | six
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Summer is spent in a technicolour haze of Purple Starfuckers, club lights, unorthodox gym routines, and enough glitter to open a craft shop. Jungkook doesn't quite know how, but he's always finding flecks of the metallic warpaint on his gym gear. Has a little laugh to himself whenever he does the laundry. Mutters, "Fucking Disco Ball." It's monsoon season by the time Hoseok and Danbi make their first appearance at the club without you. He texts you—boo, you whore—and waits in the backroom of the bar until he sees a reply come through. Busy tonight, your reply reads. It feels a little cold, but you don't mean for it to be. You're just a rush, and Jungkook nagging you is the last thing you need. JK: Busy doing what? You: none of your business x
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Bad Decision #6 - Wishing
warnings: i like to call this a montage chapter - it's gets us through the entire summer :) gym trips! dionysus nights! jungkook being sexy in the gym! dynamic and friendship solidified!
soundtrack: c'est la vie - ethan surman; my type - brb.; happiness - the 1975
wc: 6k
bd total wc: 370k (on-going)
minors dni | wattpad | series masterlist |
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The scowl on your face as you reach the gym prevails. You've a coffee in one hand—iced americano, double shot—and the hood of your sweater is bunching around your shoulders. You lift it over your head, and push the swing door of the gym open with your shoulder, wanting to avoid the unwanted eyes of Jiyeong, just in case she's working.
You don't look over to the reception, but the lobby is empty, regardless. It's quiet, always a little less busy in the morning than it is in the evening.
You make your way to the gate of the gym. Punch in the code. Get it wrong. Tell the keypad to 'stop being a prick'.
You try again, exhaling a weighty sigh as you do so.
There's a whir as it works this time, hinges clicking open for you. The metallic clang of gym equipment and grunts of burly men cloud the air, battling with the voice in your head for the title of most annoying sound. Always have to win, don't you? Couldn't just take a loss!
It's a flaw; one that you'll admit to, but one that you wouldn't change for the world. A little bit of drive is good, even if you do drive yourself up the wall more often than not.
Hood up, a pair of leggings and a sweater on, black high-tops tied in bows around your ankles, you look like death warmed up. You haven't showered yet, and there's still glitter caught in your lashline, but you've a point to prove.
And so, just shy of midday, your feet stomp heavily up the stairs, as thunderous as the look on your face.
It's not that you're actually mardy or moody at all—you're just hanging like an absolute bitch.
Whatever Jungkook puts in those tiny purple shots is lethal. Writes you off every single time.
Admittedly, you had gone a little harder last night knowing that you didn't have work the following day, but that's beyond the point. Normally your hangovers aren't so bad, especially not when you drink water throughout the night—which, thanks to Jungkook, you had been.
Jungkook doesn't notice your arrival until you roll down onto the bench behind him. You're on your side, legs tucked up, just like you had been in your bed when his message had arrived in your inbox.
He's in shorts—black, finishing midway down his thigh—and a big baggy t-shirt. On his feet, he's matching with you. Black Chucks. The only difference is that he ties his around the front. His bows are double knotted and little lopsided, the white trims on the soles scuffed and well worn. He's got history in his hi-tops, and you wonder how it compares to yours.
There's a girl in another city who matches him, and it isn't you. You don't have the tiny 'J' scrawled into the rubber of your soles like she does. He's scratched out her initial on his sole.
Takes a little longer to erase it from his other soul, mind you. It's still there. Only faintly, but enough to make him trip over himself from time to time. S'why he always double knots. Harder to fall, that way.
There's concentration on his face, features perplexed as the weight he lifts forces him to exert more energy than he's fully ready for. His teeth are bared, face tight, brows tied in a pretty knot between his eyes. You can see why Jiyeong is so territorial. He's not a bad-looking bloke. Quite handsome, actually.
He exhales as he brings the weight down, resting it on the ground, chest heaving ever so slightly before he turns to look at you. His brows are still furrowed, but his eyes are soft as his body gets more comfortable and settles into a state of rest.
A breathly laugh graces his lips as he reaches for the towel by your head. He pays no mind to the fact your crown is resting upon it, whipping it from beneath you to dab at the sweat gathering on the back of his neck.
"I said bright and early," he smirks, knowing that you must be hating everything about this interaction.
"It's before twelve," you mumble, eyes closed, knowing that watching his dimples form would only make your tummy feel all light and vomit-inducing. You're too hungover for anything other than neutral sensations. "It is bright and early."
"You're basically asleep."
"The bet was that I'd be here, Jeon," you remind him, voice a grumble as you shuffle deeper into your position. "Not that I'd be doing anything useful."
You've a point. It's not one that he can argue against, and so instead he just shrugs and picks his water bottle up from beside the bench. He tosses a little back into his mouth, the stream of water running from the plastic opening and into his mouth with such precision that you're sure he must be an asshole deep down.
You don't buy the nice guy front. Only assholes look that good doing the bare minimum. You'll get to the bottom of his assholeness eventually, but not now. Not when you're this grouchy, and everything feels a little biased.
"C'mon," he says as he knocks his head to the side. "Treadmill. Walk with me. You'll feel better for it."
"I think I'll die," you tell him with so much certainty he can't help but laugh at you.
Still, he stands in front of you and waits for you to join him. Knocks his knee against yours. Kicks your shoe with his own.
He's patient, his eyes soft as they look down at what a sorry state you are. There's something about the way his lips purse gently that makes him feel like a safe bet.
You've no regrets for tumbling out of bed and catching the subway to meet him at the gym. Your head is killing, granted, but it would have been killing you at home, too. At least this way you can feel like you've actually done something productive despite the hangover.
"Trust me," he insists, holding out his palm. "It really will help."
And so you take his hand, letting him pull you up. They warm, and a little clammy, but you don't mind.
When you're finally on your feet, your eyes are level with his chest. He's broad, chest well defined even beneath the shirt. You try not to think about the fact you've seen him shirtless, but you can smell the scent of his laundry detergent, and it adds a whole new element to the enigma the Jeon Jungkook is. Looking at him, you'd imagine a scent of musk - something woody, maybe. Instead, he smells like fresh blooms, sweet peas under summer sun.
You don't let yourself linger for too long, fearful of him reading into the way you can't seem to keep your eyes off him. He's just new. Something shiny. Fresh. Excitement amongst the mundane of a city you've grown tired of.
He reaches down to pick up your half-empty coffee and takes a sip as he begins to walk away. "Tastes like shit."
You pull it back from him, and nudge his side. "Feels like crack cocaine. The Purple Starfuckers, man... they actually kill me."
"You're welcome."
Small talk peppers the walk down the steps—How are your friends? Get home alright? How was Jimin feeling in the morning? How long do you have to stay after closing time?—and flitters around the pair of you as you set your inclines. His is noticeably higher than yours, but you're not here to work out. You're here to win a bet—of which he keeps reminding you that you lost, and that you are, in fact, a loser.
You just tell him to fuck offin return.
He never does. Just smiles, beams all wide, teeth on display, nose a little scrunched, and says, "Sounds like something a loser would say."
Jungkook is easy to be around. His company, his humour, the anecdotes he tells. They're delivered freely, revealed without pressure. No diamonds are being formed, but there's enough of them in your eyes when you laugh with him, regardless.
You reduce the ease of your interactions to your perceived lack of expectations he has of you.
There's security that comes with fucking someone's housemate. You're no longer a viable sexual conquest, and therefore you don't have to worry about an ulterior motive for your exchanges with Jungkook. Jimin's been there, done that.
For Jungkook to be hanging out with you, you think he must actually like your company. It's mutual. Reciprocal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
There's a clear line drawn in the sand between the two of you, as you walk forward on separate treadmills. He matches your speed—slow and lethargic—despite his marginally higher incline, before offering you his water.
You hold up your coffee, but he shakes his head. "It'll dehydrate you."
You'd left in such a rush (and without any intent on actually working out) so had neglected to bring any water with you. Never mind the fact you stopped by the coffee place inside the subway station. Force of habit.
You're chronically dehydrated as it is. Danbi has to remind you that you need water, not just iced americanos to get you through the day. Sometimes you listen. More often than not, you don't.
"Sure?" you ask, aware that you don't really know each other well enough to be sharing drinks yet (despite the fact he'd already helped himself to your coffee) but he just nods. Doesn't really see it as a big deal.
"Don't backwash," he tells you as you're mid-sip, and it almost makes you choke the water straight back into the bottle. You refrain, swallowing it down, coughing slightly as you recover from your shock.
"Christ. Too late," you joke as you pass it back, before he makes some crude remark about how you've basically kissed now, and that 'you can't have your way' with both him and Jimin.
"Fuck off," you laugh. "For starters, Jimin and I aren't like, a thing. It was a one-time hook-up."
"Well, I mean, he tried last night," you shrug, looking up to the mirror ahead, finding Jungkook's dark eyes already on you.
He doesn't look away as he says, "he did?"
"You served us, Jungkook," you remind him. Your memories of last night are far clearer than they were of the night you'd actually hooked up with Jimin. "He wasn't getting me drinks just to be kind."
"You don't know that," Jungkook pouts, though he's not sure why. He knows Jimin. He was definitely trying to get laid, but he's also his best friend, so he says, "He's a good guy."
"I don't doubt that," you agree, not wanting it to appear as if you're being over-critical of Jimin. You're the one who fucked him, after all. He's incredibly attractive, and you know that many people would consider themselves lucky to end their night with him, but you've fucked handsome men before. It doesn't really couldn't for all that much.
A fuck is just a fuck.
What we do in the dark has no bearing on who we are in the light of day.
"Sounds like you do," he assesses, but you dismiss it.
"Sounds like you're reading into it a little too much," you banter back, slowly learning that Jungkook likes to do that. He overanalyses. You do quite the opposite.
Jimin could have a noble peace prize for all you care. Doesn't mean you've any interest in fucking him again.
The conversation dwindles on, you gradually upping the pace of your treadmill to the point where Jungkook might consider it a brisk walk (though you'd argue it's a jog).
He's kind in the way he takes a second to think before he speaks, conscious of letting you finish your sentences, and also wanting to be sure of the words he articulates. Thoughtful. Mild-mannered. Nice, but not in a way that boring. Nice, in a way that feels safe.
By the time your legs begin to ache, the treadmills have been running for over forty-five minutes.
You've been too busy guessing the conversations between other strangers in the gym. Who they are; where they're going after their sessions. What they'd had for breakfast (and for some reason, Jungkook would guess 'egg whites' without fail for every single person) and what they'd be having for dinner.
He mimics their voices, and you laugh along, adding a narrative. So many lives have been lived by the people around you, and not a single one you get even remotely correct.
There's a burly man, bearded and broad, with a petite girl hanging on every word he says towards the far corner, and you decide that they're a couple.
Jungkook thinks they're siblings.
Makes it a little awkward when the guy starts squeezing the girl's ass mid-squat.
"Yep, no, maybe you're right," he cringes, face scrunching up, lip ring almost disappearing into his mouth as he does so. Unfortunately, he does also then begin to debate the prospect of them maybe being stepsiblings, at which point you threaten to push him off his treadmill.
"You watch too much porn," you tell him, and he can't even argue against it.
It's been a little while since his last situationship ended, and he's been avoiding bedding anyone new like the plague. Been keeping girls he thinks he could grow to like at arm's length. Safer that way.
"I watch a perfectly healthy amount of porn," he scoffs, but then bunches his face up, clearly not proud of himself for making such a declaration. He chooses to not share the fact that he and Jimin split a VPN bill for that purpose exactly.
You laugh with him, the topic moving along to the PG shows he watches instead, the Netflix shows you're both hooked on, and what you'd each chosen for your Vecna song (which also leads to him helplessly defending all of his Spotify playlists from your gruelling judgement ( Justin Bieber defined a generation and I won't listen to you talk shit about him.... And fuck off, Mad at Disney is cute! Cute! I'm never showing you my Spotify ever again. EVER.))
He mirrors you as you slow the pace of your treadmill, looking over to you after checking the time on the clock - 58:23. Longer than he'd expected you'd last. "Done?"
"Done," you nod.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like death?"
"Still," you nod. "Need a Vita500 and a nap."
"There's CU round the corner," he notes. "I'm now about to leave anyways. I'll come with you. You can get your vitamins, I'm gonna grab something to eat."
You nod, not minding in the slightest—but he mentioned food, and your stomach begins to grumble like King Kong atop the Empire State.
"Would die for convenience store ramyeon," you sigh, musing over one of the finest delicacies in life. Nothing beats instant jjajangmyeon, not even a home-cooked meal.
"Wanna grab some?" Jungkook asks a little mindlessly, not thinking much of the offer. "I'll eat with you."
And so he does. The comfort born in the confines of the gym is nurtured over cheap food and even cheaper shots at one another in the form of banter. He's a lot of fun, you think. It's a shame he's always stuck behind the bar and never able to let loose with you in the club.
He texts you midweek to let you know he can put you on the club guest list, if you want. Save paying entry and queuing. You'd be mad to say no - and so you spend the next few days convincing your friends that another night out is a good idea.
It's not. Hoseok somehow ends the night without his shoes, and you wake up with an ache in your lower back from a guy who'd tried to be all sexy in his bedroom last night, failing miserably. Human bodies aren't supposed to bend in the way he insisted on positioning you in.
You ignore the slight burn as you head to the gym though, ready to pretend like Jungkook's the bane of your life once more.
A routine is forming.
What started as a bet becomes a weekend guarantee: you will get shitfaced at Dionysus on a Saturday, and then you will chat shit with Jungkook on the treadmills for the duration of your Sunday morning.
He never lets you off the machines until the scowl that you inevitably arrive with transforms into a subtle smile. Some weeks it's quicker than others, but one thing is for certain; your scowl will always fade.
By week three, he's already by the treadmills when you arrive.
"No napping today," he teases with a soft smile, making light of the way you always curl up on the bench behind him as he does his final few reps. He's already done with them. Got to the gym fifteen minutes early to make sure he would be.
"Kook," you groan, dragging your feet a little and yet still heading in his direction towards the cardio area.
The way his body swings around to look at you, a single brow raised, is like something out of a kid's cartoon. He's so animated and full of energy that it's hard to believe he was at work until five that morning. "What did you just call me?"
"Shut up," you mumble, crossing your legs and sitting down on the treadmill belt. It's quiet—this time of day is never busy—so you don't feel bad for hogging a machine that no one would be using regardless. "Everyone calls you that."
He hops up on his treadmill and sets an incline, while you let your body flop down on yours.
"You're not everyone."
"Be impossible to be everyone," you mumble, eyes closed, body shuffling into a more comfortable position - until the treadmill jolts, moving ever so slowly beneath you. The way you get up is akin to a cat being confronted with a cucumber, a small yelp leaving your lips. "Jesus, Jungkook!"
He's smirking, as if hadn't been tampering with the buttons, shrugging. "Started by itself."
"You could have killed me."
"What a shame that would have been." He grins at you like a kid who just found a stash of candy. "C'mon! Up you get. I've got places to be. A life to live."
You scoff as you begin to walk forward, lowering the incline that he'd set it to. "You? A life? Seems unlikely."
"You know, you're incredibly hard to like," he assures you. You catch the challenge of his gaze in the mirror and simply shrug.
"Yet here you are, still trying to be my friend."
"Can't shake you off."
"You force me to come."
"I do no such thing."
"Ohhhh, disco baaaaall," you begin to imitate him, bringing your clasped hands to your heart as if you really are begging. You sound nothing like him, but it's kind of deliberate. The more ridiculous you sound, the more he'll laugh. "Pwetty pwease come to the gym and keep me company."
"I don't talk like that," he laughs at how whiney you sound. "And fuck off, I've never said that."
"So you don't mind if I leave?"
His hand reaches over and hooks into the hood of your sweater, as if you're a dog on a leash. His grip is tight. Ain't no way you're going nowhere.
"No, you're not allowed," he says sternly, but there's a smile on his face, voice dulcet as the command rolls off his tongue and sinks into your ear. "I'll get bored."
"See!" You laugh, and pay no notice to the fact his hand stays with an iron grip on the fabric of your sweater even after the joke has been made. He keeps it there.
"It's either I have you keep me company, or Jimin keep me company," he says with a shrug. "I've always got a second choice."
"Aw, but I'm your first choice. How cute."
"My god, I hate you," he says as he finally drops his grip on your hoodie, nudging your shoulder as you walk. He busies his hand, tampering with his incline, trying to make it seem like the touch was casual. Nothing to read into.
It's a debate the pair of you are able to have for hours; who hates who more, who hated who first, who's gonna hate who for longer.
It's not flirting as such, but it is a ruse. You deflect the fact that you actually really enjoy each other's company, using hatred as a measure of just how much you like one another. It's all very juvenile.
He tells you he hates you when you steal half of the cheese he buys for his instant ramyeon after the gym, and you tell him that you hate him every single time you show up at the gym. It's a win-win.
By the time week four comes around, you're surprised to find yourself considering signing up for another month.
You rarely use your membership - once a week, to be precise, and only for about an hour at a time. It does give you a luxury of freedom, though. Chances are you'll be able to find Jungkook there, no matter what time of day it is.
You'd swung by one evening that week after work just to show him the painting someone did of breadfish, knowing that he'd be the only other person in the city who remembered something so ridiculous.
He'd been deadlifting at the time, a thick leather belt cinching the baggy shirt he'd been wearing, stopping you quite suddenly in your tracks.
Hands covered in paint, hair up, a pencil still tucked behind your ear, you're the most 'you' he thinks he's ever seen you.
Sure, he's seen you with your makeup all smudged after a night out, and he's seen you after far too many drinks deep, but he's never really had the luxury of a totally sober 'you'. The 'you' that other people get to indulge in.
The glitter on your lids is a little more subtle than he's used to—it's thinner, finer, a little pink in its hue—but still prettily in place. Sparkling under the harsh gym bulbs. It's nice to know you're a disco even in the daylight.
He finds himself holding the bar he's lifting for a little longer than expected. His eyes are on yours in the mirror. You've paused by the top of the stairs, eyes on his.
It had been the shock of how bloody tiny his waist is that had startled you first, the look in his eyes, second.
And it's that second surprise—a pleasant one—which stops you from doing anything else but staring. He's got car crash eyes, and you can't help but watch the disaster of the wreckage burn.
You can't even really take in the rest of his face, and it's a shame, for he's a sight to behold; lips ajar, the freckle beneath them covered by the shadow of his pout, brows furrowing together slowly.
The longer he looks at you, the more strained his expression becomes - until his eyes close, teeth clenching, body holding the weight until he can't support it for much longer. It drops, his body shaking as his chest heaves, the sound shattering the tension between the pair of you.
You feel bad for intruding; as if you've seen him in a way you were never supposed to. It's not like you walked in on him showering or anything as intimate as that, but it's been a while since a man has looked at you like, well, that.
Desire, passion? Sure, whatever. They'd looked at you with those in their eyes.
But Jungkook hadn't been looking at you with either of those wants. At least, not a want for you.
He'd been pushing himself. Proving himself.
And while he hadn't been proving himself to you, you're reminded why you don't fuck anyone face-to-face these days. Eye-contact. It's too much. Gets you all hot and bothered.
And so while his chest heaves, eyes looking you up and down, a little unsure of what the fuck just happened, you do the only thing you can: distract him.
Behind your back is the breadfish canvas, so you bring it around, hold it in the air and smile as brightly as you possibly can. "Please tell me you know what this is."
He takes a second. Tilts his head, and then realises exactly what it's meant to be - a loaf of bread with a fish head and tail tacked onto the end. He's not seen it since middle school. Was the only one of his friends who found it fucking hilarious - and the way you're beaming makes him think that you were probably just as strange as he was, growing up.
Your mutual childhood strangeness is proven right. Transcends in adulthood, apparently. He sends you voice notes of him singing the breadfish song on loop for three days straight. You block him on 4 separate occasions.
Doesn't stop him from making sure the DJ plays the song on Saturday night. He'll take the blocking if it means he gets to see your smile just as bright as your disco-ball eyes.
When Sunday comes, the look on Jungkook's face as you tell him your membership is due to expire is hard to read.
His eyes, for once, don't give much away.
He's forbearing as he says, "You can't use your memberships expiring as an excuse not to hang out anymore. I'll still force you on hangover walks."
His stoicism fades as he tries to hide a smile when you ask him to wait by the door of the gym lobby. You renew your membership. Just for another month. Just enough to keep him happy.
And so the routine continues. Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus; Sunday mornings for the boy from behind the bar.
There's normally a gap of five or so hours between you saying goodbye at the club and hello at the gym.
Sometimes you go home from Dionysus with Hoseok and Danbi.
Other times, you end up in an apartment that's unfamiliar, with a man who's equally as unknown.
They're always nice enough.
Never nice enough to make you wanna stay the night.
On one occasion, you end up going home with another woman, instead. It's not unheard of, for you, just harder to come by. Your first experiences had been with women, and your dating history is littered with as many women as it is men. You don't subscribe to the idea of sexuality being a linear thing, far more content with just going with who feels right, not what feels right.
Naively, you'd put her on a pedestal, thinking you'd finally get a decent lay—but a drunk shag is a drunk shag. You still ended up leaving as soon as you could, orgasm not quite reached.
At this point, you figure it's a mental block. You never used to have this issue, but you also used to only fuck people you loved.
When the people you loved began to fuck you over, things changed.
You've too many rules now. Too many restrictions on yourself. You can never fully relax and actually enjoy sex for what it is.
The rules are never set in stone, but they always follow the same pattern.
Don't let yourself be vulnerable. Don't get fully naked. No kissing during sex. Absolutely no face-to-face fucking. Taken from behind, or not at all. You'll give oral, but the second some tries to reciprocate, you move it along.
How can you enjoy intimacy with another person when you won't let yourself be intimate?
There are just too many things that remind you still of him; things that will hurt your heart more than it already does when someone else takes his place.
And so sex isn't really sex anymore. It's a tool.
You use it to pretend like you're over everything that happened with your ex; as if you're in control of a situation that he created.
And so that's why Saturday nights are reserved for Dionysus: they're filling the space of date night. Sunday mornings in the gym? Filling the space of lazy morning fucks and brunch down by the lake near Hoseok's place.
Being busy with the gym stops you from making 11:11 wishes for him to show up at your door, and the nights in Dionysus stop you from looking for shooting stars to wish upon instead.
Instant noodles with a guy you barely know don't quite manage to make you forget about eggs benedict with the man you thought you might one day marry, but hey - it's something at least.
On the nights that Jungkook knows you don't go straight home, he checks up on you; will text when his shift is up, again when he gets home, and one final time when he wakes up. He doesn't care for the semantics that come with double messaging. He isn't trying to impress you.
He knows what you get up to in the dark. What you do is your prerogative. He's more concerned about the lack of trust and faith he has in the people you do it with. Despite this, not once does he berate you for it.
Even Hoseok's made a dumb remark here and there about the fact you're 'getting around', but if Jungkook's thought similar things, he doesn't let you know it. He's a good friend. One that you're lucky to have. Thank God you fucked his flatmate and not him, instead.
The illusion of you has slipped by this point, for Jungkook. He knows you too well to toy with what-ifs.
You feel secure in the fact he's not trying to get into your pants; a rarity for dudes these days.
Even Jimin took the hint after you turned him down, and has become a welcome addition to your nights out. He's fun to flirt with, but he knows nothing will happen, so he never pushes it too far - but is also happy to be your cover when another bloke is getting too touchy with you for your liking. He's been your 'boyfriend' a grand total of three times, now - only ever for a night.
You're not too familiar with Jungkook's other friends yet, but you sometimes get in on a round of shots with them. There are four usual suspects: Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi. All handsome, all perfectly nice. None of them stick to you like glue, though. Not Jungkook did.
Hoseok and Danbi have followed your lead, and consider the boys casual acquaintances; drinking partners for when they happen to be at the bar at the same time.
A dog walker by profession, Danbi always finds herself flirting with Taehyung, who tries his hardest to get a discount on her services. She always refuses.
Jungkook and Yeonjun have a running bet going to see how long it takes until he's paying full price, just for an excuse to see her outside of a club setting. They've had to reset the bet twice, because Danbi might just be the most stubborn woman to have ever graced the planet.
Summer is spent in a technicolour haze of Purple Starfuckers, club lights, unorthodox gym routines and enough glitter to open a craft shop.
Jungkook doesn't quite know how, but he's always finding flecks of the metallic warpaint on his gym gear. Has a little laugh to himself whenever he does the laundry. Mutters, "Fucking Disco Ball."
It's monsoon season by the time Hoseok and Danbi make their first appearance at the club without you.
He texts you—boo, you whore—and waits in the backroom of the bar until he sees a reply come through.
Busy tonight, your reply reads. It feels a little cold, but you don't mean for it to be. You're just a rush, and Jungkook nagging you is the last thing you need.
JK: Busy doing what?
You: none of your business x
Despite the kiss you end your sentence with (he can hear the way you say 'mwah' the same way you do whenever you know you're being a little cheeky), it still feels... off.
JK: Oddly defensive.
You: i'm always defensive :)
You: lemme know when you get home safe
It's a simple role reversal, but Jungkook isn't sure what to make of it. He's normally the one making sure you get home safe. Not the other way around. It's not a 'what-if' scenario that he's run through in his head before. He doesn't like it.
He likes being depended on. Has gotten used to you depending on him.
Pushing it to the back of his mind, he makes orders without much thought, too busy letting himself indulge in what-ifs. It's been a while since he's thought of any regarding you, but he's consumed by them, now. Where you are, who you're with. Why Danbi and Hoseok won't give him a straight answer when he asks. They say it's not their business, but the way Danbi gives Hoseok a grimace whenever the topic is mentioned would suggest she doesn't approve.
It's probably why you haven't told him. He wonders how bad it must be. Secrets aren't something really kept between the pair of you.
There are things he hasn't told you - parts of his past he'd rather keep buried - but he doesn't actively hide himself from you. He thought you did the same.
Apparently not.
He arrives home with no new message from you. It's five thirty, and even though he's a little pissed with the sudden change in your attitude towards him, he can't bring himself to take it out on you.
JK: I'm home, asshole.
JK: Dionysus ain't the same without a disco ball.
Tossing his phone down onto his sheets, Jungkook stares up at his ceiling. There's never been a complicated weight to your friendship, but he's also never been in the dark before.
Above him, origami birds dance in the light breeze coming from his aircon unit.
There's a dozen strung up from his paper folding phase six months ago, when he was trying to get his mind off of the girl whose initial had been scratched out of the soles of his shoes. Thought that if she came back, she'd find the birds endearing.
Kept them up just in case. Now, he just keeps them up as a reminder: You've gotta let wild birds fly away. Can't keep them caged up.
And it's funny, cause the strings the birds hang from feel like a cage for his thoughts, now. They get tangled in the spokes, your name wrapping around the bars. He can't keep you in a cage, either.
Can't expect you to be as you always have been with him, just because it's the 'norm'. Can't expect you not to have a life without him.
You: does your apartment need one?
JK: A disco ball? Don't think so?
Truthfully, he thinks a little disco ball would be fitting strung up with all of his birds.
You: gaaawd, ur such a boy
You: i'm asking if i can come over :(
He tries not to read into the unhappy face, but it has him sitting up, replying just as quickly as his heart is beating. There's something amiss, and he doesn't like it.
JK: Oh. Now?
You: no, next week
You: yes now, doofus
JK: It's 5am?
He doesn't know why he's being like this. Difficult. Perhaps he is a bit bitter. Petty.
You: this isn't a booty call lmao, chill out
You: i'll be there in 15
JK: Do I get a choice?
He's smiling as he sends the message, and hopes you'll read it in the tone he intends. He's bantering, trying to deflect from the heaviness he can feel in your text thread.
He's relieved when you reply just how he hoped you would.
You: no x
JK: See you in 15, db x
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devynshaw · 1 year
Setting: Caesar Flickerman's After Party at The Museum of Panem History, post plot drop Who: Open
The surprise footage that was shown at the party had left the museum in stunned silence for a little too long. Soon, excited and confused murmurs sounded throughout the party, but Devyn's mind was racing as she stood in one of the exhibit rooms. What did it mean? She had an idea of what the footage meant, but it wasn't like she could talk about it with anyone openly. Best she figured she could do for now was carry on like everyone else seemed to be. Last thing she wanted was to hurt her chances of survival going into the Games. Still, it didn't stop her from wondering about the footage, letting it twist more at her gut and think that she might be part of that montage after tomorrow.
She decided to head to the drinks table in the dining room to get herself something to relax. Wouldn't have been smart to go into The Games with a hangover, so she made a promise to herself to just one drink, even though she would have preferred to drink the place dry. But she had to make good impressions, last minute things before she would have to go and fight for her life. Maybe she needed to find someone to talk to, just to keep her mind busy with things outside of whatever the hell they just saw on the screens and her own potential demise. No pressure, right?
Someone else approached the table and she glanced over with a polite smile, "Having fun so far?" she asked them, taking a sip from the champagne flute she picked up.
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ickletheficklepickle · 5 months
Get ready to grab your pitchforks for what I am about to say.
I’m equally sad yet happy they cut the karaoke scene, cause I’m sure I would be having second hand embarrassment from that scene alone.
The party already looks lit and crazy and If it appears in a montage, I think i will be okay with it.
And I’m more excited about Maddie and Chimney finally getting married. That’s what it should be about.
I am just happy that the show is back after being on hiatus for 2 weeks. Okay! My Thursday nights have been “oh i guess I’ll just watch something else” when I rather would’ve been watching a new episode of 911.
Thought of something else.
Also if something happened between Buck and Eddie during that scene that could be like “OH SHIT” then I’m glad they cut it.
Considering one is in a relationship and one is just starting one, the cheating troupe from both of them is something that I don’t want at all. And how well received Buck/Tommy are, which I bet you they aren’t expecting, maybe they re-watched there footage and were like “yeah, that has to go, because look at XYZ” then it had to go.
Also- the episode should be more on Maddie and Chimney okay. Thought I’d say that again. This is their day, they can do a little shout out to the Hangover, for a bit of the episode but it mainly should be about the wedding and finding the groom.
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joseopher · 3 months
tell me why I listened to a song that is LITERALLY about sex and instead went: What if this was about Parisa getting blackout drunk at some bar after the events of TAC which she NEVER DOES and Reina having to go find her? What if Reina has to drag her out of the bar and Parisa is on autopilot flirting up a storm unable to stop? What if Reina....enjoys it???
JUMPCUT. It's the next morning, Parisa wakes up back in the society with a massive hangover and is terribly embarrassed. She copes by trying to regain control and seduce Reina, cause it's literally her main coping mechanism. Reina is more flattered than she'd like to be, the attention is...nice, especially since it's coming from Parisa. which is strange and uncomfortable to her.
At one point Parisa corners her against a vanity and Reina, flushing red, helplessly motions to her black ring that indicates her asexuality. Parisa knew this ofc, she didn't expect to really get anywhere just flinging herself into her most destructive behaviour. But she backs off, knowing that she crossed a line. Reina, however, grabs her wrist and mumbles something about trying to be friends. Cue a montage of them just hanging out, dancing in the kitchen, ordering tea at a local cafe, and laughing over a shared joke. There's one shot of Parisa jumping in a pool before holding a hand out to Reina. When Reina takes it Parisa drags her into the pool too, causing a giant splash. Reina comes up for air and glares at Parisa for as long as she can before bursting into laughter. There's a longer shot where they are sitting on a bench together and Parisa tucks a strand of hair behind Reina's ears, but before she can pull away in embarrassment Reina kisses her on the cheek.
JUMPCUT. They are both blushing furiously and screaming in their rooms.
Cue a montage of them getting their shit together. They print out relationship anarchy sheets and fill them out. Shot of Parisa looking frazzled for the first time in her life researching asexuality and aromanticism on her laptop at 3am. Shot of Callum mansplaining queerplatonic relationships and Reina throwing a crumbled-up ball of paper at him
The last shot is Reina and Parisa lying in bed together fully clothed. Reina is watching Parisa in awe that she has actually fallen asleep. Parisa has actually trusted HER enough to fall asleep with her. Parisa wakes up and mumbles something about her thinking too loud and Reina kisses her on the forehead as the sun's rising light begins to touch the bedroom.
The end.
the song is HOT TO GO! by Chappell Roan XD
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thelaithlyworm · 4 months
For the writer asks: 4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like) 5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with? 20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?) 25.What part of writing is the most fun?
For the writer asks: 4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like) 5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with? 20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?) 25.What part of writing is the most fun?
Bear in mind that the minute someone asks me questions, all the Cool Answers wandering through my head slip off behind the couch and hide until the room is quiet again. But I’ll try.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Bai Haotian slammed her tiny fist down on the picnic table of Wushanju’s courtyard with pink-cheeked, drunken indignation. “Kidnapping does not constitute a teacher-disciple relationship!”
It’s got a nice snappy line (about the kidnapping) to hook in the readers. It also does a lot of scene-setting about who and where and what’s the tone of the conversation (casual but spicy) and who she is probably having it with (Li Cu, or about Li Cu, for that statement to make sense). And I like that flare of jealousy/possessiveness she’s showing there. I like Xiao-Bai as a sweet-tempered moppet, and as a competent manager. But I also like her as a small, stubborn kitten clinging to her chosen lap and hissing off all comers. (And I think that Li Cu and Xiao-Bai are Destined to wind each other up. Too much history with Wu Xie, too different and too deep, too many feelings.)
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
I tend to identify with all of them, as I’m writing them. Not gonna lie, though, as of Daomu Biji fandom, I feel a great bond with Wu Xie, ADD King, going off on his massive nerd spirals and wandering back to civilisation with deep circles under his eyes and cryptic utterances in his mouth. I feel it.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Hmmm… well for the story I quoted above, I was dropping some worldbuilding about how the memories of snake venom stick around – that Li Cu still had a hangover of Wu Xie’s feelings about people. Pangzi felt safe; Xiazi is someone you can’t trust not to tie your shoelaces together, nor not to lie to you, but always and ever you can trust him with your life; Wu Xie’s mental image of Zhang Qiling is reminiscent of the starts of Lost Tomb 1 and Time Raiders, an in-your-face montage of sun and mountain and snow. I think, at least for the universe in that fic, that the hangover would have faded by now but Li Cu gets lonely and hangs onto the imprint of Wu Xie for company. (Also, as a result of Wang Family indoctrination, Li Cu is incapable of thinking of Zhang Qiling as anything but “the Zhang Patriarch”, poor lad.)
Other meta… while I do have exceptions (multishipping is the path to joy) I tend to write Pangzi and Wu Xie as, not unrequited, they clearly love each other very much, but asymmetrical, where Pangzi wants kissing on the mouth but Wu Xie just doesn’t swing that way. Or any way. A little bittersweet, I guess. Anyway, what that also means, is that any time I write Pangzi’s other love interests, Yuncai and Piaopiao, my first step to breaking them is “a little like Tianzhen”. 
And, as a result of my last Wu Xie-esque nerd-spiral, I may start dicking around with Wu Xie picking up a fox mask. For, uh, reasons. (That thing where you make up a crack theory for funsies and end up convincing yourself, tut tut.) Anyway. In a similar manner to Wu Xie recreating San-shu after his apparent death with a face mask and copying his style, I think that King Mu of Zhou’s actual immortality method wasn’t baking himself in jade armour, but forcing a future child to learn his skills and style and become his hands in the far future. (I can explain my reasoning on request.) Anyway, if some of my fic gets weird in a particular kind of way, this is where I warned you.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Probably the part where I'm coming up with zingy lines like "kidnapping does not constitute a teacher-student relationship" quoted above and I don't yet have to do messy stuff like connecting it all together in 'a logical manner' or 'a timely fashion'.
I do also like getting to press the Post Work button too. That's just satisfying.
Thank you for asking!
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fractured-clockface · 9 months
show with an annoying side character who will do anything for attention and so theres a meta moment where the writer is like okay fine. you want attention? you're the main character now. and at first that character is over the moon excited, but very quickly the excitement wears off.
no montages of drinking and partying. the character has to live through every moment of getting dressed, putting on makeup, driving to the function and sitting in traffic. the hangover in the morning, dragging themself into the shower to get ready for work. arriving late and getting chewed out by their boss, still hungover, doing the whole shitty shift. at the end of the day theyre so worn out that theyre too tired to go out, and just want to sleep.
they say out loud that theyre done, they get it. being a side character is better. okay, writer, you proved your point. can the actual main character come back now?? hello???? with no response. they are the main character now. they are the main character until they finally get their life together and grow up and actually want to live - but theyre so tired. they want to live but theyre so burned out by living without having a break to rest in the background.
thats when the cycle continues.
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steampunkforever · 2 years
I saw Bablyon quite awhile back, in theaters, and was ready to love it. Chazelle is a great director and I was ready for him to make something so “out there” that the twitter letterboxd Ari-Aster-worshiper crowd that usually flocks to Chazelle’s movies would give it bad reviews rather than filming video essays about how “no, you don’t get it” in a way that serious film critics reserve for discussions on “Chopping Mall.”
The signs were all there. A 20s period piece. A great cast. An indulgent runtime. Bad reviews. I was ready for it to flop commercially but (as a connoisseur of indulgent, polarizing, and pretentious movies) sweep ME off my feet.
But it didn’t. This confuses me! Because the ingredients are all there for me to love the movie.
Amazing cast? Check.
Great performances? Check.
BEAUTIFUL cinematography? Check.
Jazz soundtrack? This is a Chazelle Movie, we live and breathe jazz here.
Complex characters? Check.
Fabulous colorwork? Check.
Sharp editing?  Check.
Unbridled nostalgia for old forms? Again, this is a Chazelle picture we’re talking about.
Everything in this film is shouting “this was tailor made for you to love me!” and if I did love it we’d be going into deep analysis on how the film tracks Ford Mustang Design Cues/our cultural shift away from pure nostalgia (post-9/11 brain) and into optimism and hunger for the future and a shiny new world.
Yet the entire movie was an uninspired slog! None of it was even fun. This is Chazelle letting loose with an R rating and it sucked! The nudity, the the gross out humor, the violence, all felt cheap, unearned, and overdone. Even the ever-lovable Margot Robbie couldn’t make her character a sympathetic awful person and instead had to settle for slightly charming but unlikable. The whole thing was gaudy and gauche and not in the way I hoped it would be. And I signed up for overindulgence!
I wanted overindulgence like devils food cake, and this was overindulgence like a hot tub hangover. A spectacle in how spectacularly dull it managed to make sex, drugs, and violence.
The end of the film is the perfect example of how badly Chazelle fumbled this movie. After a meaningless 5th act (I lost count waiting for the thing to be over and then being sad about how I was waiting for this to be over) one of the main characters revisits the old stomping grounds of his once-successful career in the movies. Stepping into a theater, he seats himself amongst a crowd of movie goers and sees the fruits of the life he left behind, projected onto the big screen. He makes a sad face, sheds a tear, and we zoom out over the crowd to see everyone enjoying his work, oblivious as to the star who sits in their midst.
It’s an effective ending! For as much as I found myself asking why I liked every part of the film but not the final combination, I was impressed by the elegance of the ending. This was promptly ruined by a garish, flashing nostalgia montage unrelenting in its resolve to beat a dead horse named “Hollywood” into a liquid paste.
Coming out of the film on that note, it encompasses the biggest flaw of the movie, in that when describing it to friends with one word, I initially chose “overdone” but decided instead to just use “sucked.”
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bengiyo · 2 years
Once Again Eps 7-8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Heading into this finale I am absolutely certain that this will end tragically with Ji Hoon saving both versions Jae Woo. This feels like a melancholy story about the inevitability of time.
It's not cold enough here for me to want to make a large amount of hot soup, but I am hungry already.
Despite the short length of this show, Ji Hoon's fondness for Jae Woo feels genuine. The shy brushing behind the ear as he sees Jae Woo in a candid moment is nice.
I do like when BL has these smaller domestic moments after the couple has recognized their desire for each other. Seeing people sharing and getting to know each other more once they've acknowledged and accepted their attraction is so gentle and relaxing.
Not sure why we have Ji Hoon in a Dutch angle when he asks about going on the trip. Why would Jae Woo feel anxiety about Ji Hoon agreeing to avoid the day of his death?
Now we get a cute gay date montage? Oh yeah, this is definitely gonna end in heartbreak. I appreciate that I can sense how painful this show will be from jump. I felt a bit blindsided by MODC.
I like the way Hyung Jin and the building manager discuss the budding romance before them. It's nice and lacking in homophobia.
"Just a few days left." Ma'am, what do you know????
This show really likes Dutch angles. They do not want you getting too comfortable with anything, and are gonna tilt the camera to keep you unsettled.
Oh, we do love a man who can express his feelings and kiss his lover openly. Good job, Korean BL.
Does Jae Woo count as his own wingman? 🤔
Ji Hoon may be one of the most emotionally available leads we've had in a while. He's handling the supernatural incredibly well.
Oh, this feels like a goodbye hug. Ominous.
Where's that image of the two characters continually moving to protect the other?
On to episode 8!
It was definitely a goodbye hug.
It's like 2007? I need to play Ms. Lauryn Hill for these boys. "You said you'd die for me...Why won't you live for me?"
Why is he writing at a 45-degree angle? Maybe I'm still having 180 Degree hangover.
I am often give tongue-in-cheek commentary on this, but I do think it's very brave of Ji Hoon to knowingly walk into his own death to save someone he cares for. Though I think they're stupid and should have involved people better qualified to confront a serial kidnapper and murderer, it is still brave.
Oh no, Moon Ji Yong is convincing when he wails. That was deeply affecting.
Joo Hyung Jin is a good friend. Your friend gives you a strange request right before he dies, and you complete it even though it seems irrational 15 years later.
The idea of the loop potentially changing since new Jae Woo is slightly different is intriguing. Still, this is as tragic and melancholy as it started.
Final Verdict: 8, Recommended with Caution. I think this show doesn't trick you. You go into it knowing what you're in for. If you can handle a melancholy ending and are intrigued by time travel, I think you can enjoy this show.
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stray-tori · 2 years
PiB 2 rambles compilation post
hi apparently ctrl+enter sends a post, whoopsies. attempt 2.
*kicks down the door* I JUST WATCHED PUSS IN BOOTS 2. & how can I return to my furry roots without returning to my tumblr roots.
! Spoilers ahoy !
Obviously i knew Kitty was gonna be in it but I was like HOW. WHEN. WHERE ARE YOU. and it was such a smooth and "of course!! of course she'S IN THE BOX" way to show up! I just saw the eyes and was like “:D!!!!” (Also does anyone else remember when DW said Kitty wouldn’t be in a sequel and the whole fandom was like “well then idc” DHSAJS)
ALSO MARRIAGE??! furry marriage is such a funny concept like. what are you gonna do- wear a flowy dress- apparently yes according to the dialog at least. IT'S JUST FUNNY MAN
Fun German Dub Things:
“savage” from one of the two sisters in response to the unicorn horns was translated to “Geiler Scheiß” which literally means “hot/sexy/awesome shit” but I JUST DON’T EXPECT TO HEAR “GEIL” IN CASUAL ANIMATED MOVIES Y’KNOW- then again I think it was also said in Strange World??
“that’s a dog in a cat costume” - “oh yeahhh- you tricky little shitter/fucker” Me: spits
“dogpiles don’t work on cats” -> “what are you doing? sleeping off a hangover” (hangover and puss are the same word in german) The fact that they not only adapted but it also works so well because he takes a sip at the end of that line is so!!!! GOOD JOB
All the "P" signatures were changed to "K" even in the animation?? I can’t prove this but once german ver is on something I’ll def compare the animations!! so much international effort holy shit... I was like "K??? for what does that stand?? KILL???" and then I was like "Kater??? [Puss] NO WAY WHAT"
there were a lot of cool transition cuts but one that stood out to me was after the scene with the lives singing and his silhouette shifted to two cliffs or something of the like-
Obviously the wolf is extremely cool and all his scenes slay so hard, but I also like how they played up whether he was real or not. I was tending to yes bc where he grabbed Puss on his coat there was actually a tear and I just thought it'd be hard to make a fight climax if he wasn't real, but I still like how they played that up BUT GOD THANK YOU I'm a little tired of things not being real (CoUGH IDV COUFH)
friend: Also have a close look at 4:51 [crowd shot of the extended preview] me: HOLY SHIT
HOWEVER, WHEN HE STARTED BEING LIKE "I was always there" i just sat there like. no. no you're not going to make me remember the STUPID EGG FROM THE FIRST MOVIE I WAS SO SCARED THEY'D GO INTO ANOTHER GOOFY MONTAGE!! I do think it's cool they kinda... made a parallel in that but I DIDNT WANT TO REMEMBER!! BEGONE
very fun movie. most fun cinema experience I've had for a while. I'm really glad I went to see it in cinema bc the heartbeat sound in surround sound was def grasping and like. obviously the bass and everything!
Also kinda got kicked by like... nostalgia too? I don’t really think of PiB as often as fondly as I do of KFP so it really surprised me that I got that happy to see them again. It definitely helps that the movie genuinely slayed.
it's what I want to feel for KFP but !! UGH THE CRINGE sahjads
I really enjoyed it, it definitely deserves all the hype it’s getting. go dreamworks!!
I will watch bad guys soon i promise i’ve been meaning to but A
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kaleuh · 2 years
I couldn't do Day 19 of NaSpWriMo because I had a big party to go to!! It was a killer party but me (and like everyone else) all went to bed at like 4am lmfao SO NEEDLESS TO SAY I got no writing done. Still trying to get my voice back after all that karaoke!!
Yesterday, though, I managed to break even with getting at least 3 pages down. Day 20 felt like writing with a hangover. AND it was all description, barely any dialogue; this is because we're now in ~*~montage~*~ territory. It was kind of interesting to see how montages are formatted within a script though! I've never written a montage before, so I had to look up exactly how to do it. You learn something new every day!
Anyway, I'm starting to get kind of scared about my deadlines. I can't tell if I should amp things up to 4 pages a day or not, because we're definitely in the Rising Action section of the movie, but I feel like it might take too long to actually get to the pre-climax/climax. Ah, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I suppose :') I have 6 pages to do today either way.
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