#( his beautiful girls ….. am weak when ray gets to be a dad )
dullweapons · 3 months
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also — meet @regnantlight & rays beautiful bby girl named Sonia 💕 after the first queen of hyrule
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 8 - Hospital Stays and Fears (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
When Kirby 'comes around' she's in a hospital bed, Eddie whispering a prayer by her side, holding her right hand tight, and her parents rushing into the room.
"Eddie... Edward... why are my parents here?" She asks, her voice weak, but just loud enough to hear.
"Kirby? Sweetheart, you're awake?!" Eddie beams, leaning over the hospital bed to kiss her deeply, then realising that she wasn't kidding when she asked the question.
Her father clears his throat, before walking up to his daughter's opposite side, followed by Kirby's mother, who scoots past her husband to check on her only baby.
"Helo [Hi] Mam." Kirby whispers, smiling softly, when her mother kisses her on the head.
Eddie seems to back off slightly, letting Kirby's mother hug her close.
"O fy maban bach tlawd, wyt ti'n iawn fy nhywysoges? Fe gawson ni'r awyrwen gyntaf allan, methu â mentro peidio â gweld ein merch fach pan mae hi wedi brifo. [Oh my poor little baby, are you alright my princess? We got the first flight out, couldn't risk not seeing our baby girl when she's hurt.]" Kirby's mother whispers.
"Byddaf yn iawn, mae'n debyg mai dim ond anaemia neu rywbeth sy'n dod yn ôl o fy arddegau. Dw i'n dy garu di hefyd, mam. [I'll be okay, it's probably just anaemia or something coming back from my teenage years. I love you too, mum.]" Kirby replies weakly, looking over at her parents and then at Eddie.
Eddie turns his cap backwards and smoothes his tank-top out, hiding his rosaries between his two tank-tops, clearly trying to present the best version of himself in his mind.
"Eddie, my parents. Mam and Da, this is Eddie, the guy I lost to and the man I am in love with."
"You better be nice to my little girl, or else I'll-" Kirby's dad growls protectively.
"Hywel Críostóir Taran Donndubán Rhydderch, you apologise to that young man right now." Kirby's mother orders.
"Oda, I'm just-" Hywel attempts to argue his case, before looking at the anger in his tiny, Scottish fireball, wife, "I'm sorry, Eddie. Obviously, I need to trust my little princesses' choices more."
"It's fine, I get it, ya daughter starts datin' a guy, you don't know him, ya get worried because what if she's in a bad situation. My brother went through it with his wife. Her folks thought that this kid, from New York, was a little too 'street' for their angel, ended up telling him to be extra careful."
"Yeah, but you, my handsome warrior, Kingy, are Irish-American on your father's side, hence those beautiful green eyes of yours." Kirby mumbles, stroking Eddie's arm as she talks.
Hywel's eyes light up, "An Irish boy, I really should trust my daughter more... Also, 'Kingy', princess, are you forgetting that we are already considered royalty by our surname? After all, 'Rhydderch' means 'Exalted King'." He states proudly.
"So, you're Half-Irish?" Oda asks gently, "What about the other half?"
"Puerto Rican, though my mother still raised me Catholic. Kirby knows all about my Catholic guilt, and how bad I wanna beat Damien's head in." Eddie grunts, clearing his throat and standing up, getting pulled into a 'manly' hug by Hywel.
Kirby's parents soon leave her and Eddie alone together, Eddie still slightly shaken by the hug from Kirby's dad. Kirby distracts him from his thoughts, pulling him into a kiss by the front of his tank-top.
"You just said the one thing my Da's been waiting to hear someone, anyone actually, say since Damien got involved in my career." She whispers, her eyes locking with his.
"Your father's fuckin' scary for a guy shorter than me." Eddie murmurs, holding Kirby close.
"You smell like cigarettes, it's strangely calming to me."
"I've been here all night, Moxie had to drag me away so I would eat somethin'."
Eddie kisses Kirby's forehead, holding her close and breathing deeply. Kirby grips onto Eddie's shoulders when the lights shut off in the room, the emergency power sustaining the machines in the room and deep red 'emergency' lights.
"The fuck is goin' on? Was there a power outage or somethin'?" Eddie grumbles, about to go and see what's going on, Kirby tightens her grip on his shoulders, "You scared of the dark, babe?"
"Please don't tell anyone, but yes, I'm terrified of the dark." She whispers, her voice trembling.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, holding Kirby tighter, kissing her forehead and neck to keep her calm. Kirby moves her hands to Eddie's face, cupping his head in her hands. He climbs into the hospital bed next to her, holding her close as they fall asleep. When they wake up, entangled in each other's embrace, Eddie kisses Kirby lazily, breathing a sigh of relief when she opens her eyes.
"What's the time, Kingy?" Kirby murmurs, still half-asleep.
Eddie checks his phone, "It's eight in the mornin', babe-alicious."
"The feck did you just call me?"
"Babe-alicious." He shrugs, kissing her before getting up.
It takes around an hour for Kirby to be released, with a new prescription, her parents joining her and Eddie as they head to the drug store. Eddie never once lets go of her right hand, clinging to it like a lifeline. Kirby gets her iron supplements and Xanax, picking up enough to last her a month. Her father then drives them to a café, they get a small table in a quieter area, making sure Eddie sits next to him.
"So, you plan on kicking Damien's ass?" Hywel asks Eddie, keeping an eye on Kirby.
"Yea, I plan on makin' him pay, for all the shit he put my lady through. I will pound him into Hell, where he says he's from, so it'll be a warm welcome home. I am gonna show him how much pain he put Kirby through, and more, much fuckin' more."
Hywel nods in agreement, holding his hand out to Eddie, "Well, I feel secure in this," He looks over at Oda, she nods in agreement, Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion, "Welcome to the family, son."
Eddie accepts the handshake, "You mean that... sir?"
"Absolutely, but I will still destroy you if you break her heart, after all she's still my little princess." Hywel growls in Eddie's ear.
Eddie looks nervously over at Kirby, he's already backed into the corner of the building, a look of fear in his eyes.
"Da, stop threatening my boyfriend, this is why no one dated me before. They met you and it was, 'I'll destroy you, you hurt her, I'll hurt you, I know every weak spot, I own an axe, I can chop you up'." Kirby murmurs, doing a rather spot-on of her father.
"Hywel, stop it. Do you ever want grandchildren? Because this is not how you get grandchildren." Oda grumbles, smacking his arm.
"I think that could be arranged," Eddie smirks, "you keep me alive, I give you and Oda grandchildren."
"Eddie, no." Kirby whines, not quite ready for children.
"Deal." Hywel grins
"Dad!" Kirby squeaks in shock.
"Hywel!" Oda groans, shaking her head, at her husband's habit of talking without thinking.
"But ya gotta keep me alive, I ain't being a deadbeat dad, or a dead dad." Eddie explains, smiling when Kirby's father nods in agreement.
Kirby stares at Eddie, a look of total confusion on her face. It takes her a while to even close her mouth, let alone recognise that Ethan, Eli and Moxley have come to check up on the couple. Her parents leave them to order and get their meal.
"Everything okay Kirby?" Eli asks, gently checking on her tall friend.
"I'm fine, this motherfucker though, ain't getting any sex, for a year, if he says anything else to my Da." She grumbles.
"What did you do, Eddie?" Mox chuckles, sitting next to him as Ethen tries his hardest not to laugh.
"I made a deal. Her dad keeps me alive, I give him grandchildren. He could've said no. It's her father's fault she's mad. All I gotta do is try to get her pregnant, He's gotta make sure Damien doesn't kill me."
"You did what?" Ethan giggles, "You made a deal? That's not a deal, Eddie."
"Technically it is a deal, If Eddie were to just say 'we're trying for a baby' every time we fuck, my Da would have no choice, but to keep up his end of the deal, providing Eddie with the protection of my entire family." Kirby explains.
Eddie's eyes go wide, "Ya entire family, that's a fuck ton of people, all I gotta do is say that... and I get, like a hundred or more, trained wrestlers as protection? Kirby, baby, sweetheart... I know what I said was dumb, but that's crazy."
"But it's true, except for maybe my uncles, they would have to meet you... all of them would have to meet you, then they'd decide. Either you charm my whole family, and get a literal wrestling family as protection, or you fail at that and get your ass kicked."
"You only have, what, seven uncles?" Eddie shrugs.
"No, Eddie, my entire family... ugh, just forget it, I'm gonna grab my coffee from my Da before he drinks it." Kirby huffs, getting up as Eddie does the same.
Eddie pulls her into a heated kiss, stopping her from leaving his sight, he traps her in his arms and refuses to let go.
"Eddie, my Da will actually drink my coffee, Edward, you gotta let me move."
"I'm not lettin' you outta my sight, I thought I lost ya yesterday." He whispers in her ear.
"Then come with me, you oaf." She groans, still grumpy with him.
"The fuck does that mean?" He raises an eyebrow.
"It means you're being a jackass, you know, like making a deal to get me pregnant... We aren't even married, and I've never met your parents... and you're Catholic, which makes that deal sinful."
"Shit," Eddie murmurs, "ya right, I really should have thought about it. A'ight, I'll see if my parents can get down here before your folks leave. I'm sure they'll love ya, but I gotta make sure ya dad won't kill mine. Can I still kiss ya, babygirl?"
Kirby kisses Eddie softly before leaving to get her coffee, returning and sitting on Eddie's lap. He pushes Ethan's phone away as Kirby's parents come back, making 'All Ego' move to stand behind Eli as he films.
"Hywel, Oda, this is Ethan Page, Eli Lucifarian and, my best friend, Jon Moxley," Eddie introduces Kirby's parents to the trio.
"Lucifarian, as in you represent a sin. Envy, I'm guessing." Oda says, shaking hands with Eli.
"Your best friend? So I can tell you to stop my future son-in-law hiding his rosaries. I was raised an Irish Catholic too." Hywel chuckles, shaking hands with Moxley and Ethan.
"Are we still on for the gaming stream later, Me, you and Geia?" Eli asks Kirby.
"Yeah, I'll text you when I'm outside your hotel room. Two hours, right, six 'till eight?"
"Wait, you didn't tell me 'bout that, and should ya really be doin' that after yesterday?"
"I'll be fine, Eddie, don't worry."
"Kirby, you fuckin' fainted. I ain't lettin' you outta my sight, for anythin', especially not for two hours."
"Then come with me, Eddie. I'm sure the fans will love seeing big, strong, Eddie Kingston, taking care of his girlfriend." Kirby teases, kissing his temple.
"That's fine with me, I'll see you two later." Eli smiles softly, leaving the group and heading off.
Eventually Eddie and Kirby leave, Her parents get a room next to the couple. Eddie calls his parents, and keeps Kirby in his grasp for the majority of the day.
"Ma says she'll grab dad and fly out tomorrow, how long are ya parents stayin'?"
"According to my Da, they'll be here for a month. Judging from the look Mam gave him, they'll be here at least two."
"You wanna get started on my end of the deal now, or?" He smirks, winks and raises an eyebrow.
Kirby glares at Eddie, hitting him in the arm and changing her clothes (finally) into something fresh.
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celestialnocturnes · 3 years
a message to my youth (reply 1988 thought dump)
warning: this isn't meant to be a coherent review or commentary on reply 1988. i literally just finished the kdrama a few moments ago and i want to preserve what i'm feeling through this entry. this is only a cathartic attempt to show how the kdrama had impacted me in so many ways. also, spoilers!
to the things that are already gone. to a time that has already passed, i want to say a belated farewell. goodbye, my youth.
watching a kdrama wasn't in my top priorities this year, but things that used to be a part of you would demand to be revisited sometimes. i'm glad that i did, and i'm thankful that it was reply 1988.
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taking a nostalgic look at the year 1988, this kdrama tells about the story of five families in a humble block in ssangmun, seoul. for someone born 12 years after the setting, the plot is something strange, a history lesson in the lens of simple households. for someone in the limbo between careless youth and adulting, and someone born in an asian family, this kdrama will feel like home.
culturally speaking, reply 1988 was a beautiful exposition of how asian households run. what got me hooked to continue the drama was the endless saga of giving dishes to neighbors in the first episode. funnily enough, all families ended up having a feast of each house's dinner on their tables.
from a mouthwatering display of korean side dishes, to the trends of 1988 korea (back when jyp himself was a hit lolz jk), to the endless neighborhood gossips, to the flawed and conservative views on politics, and to the tight-knitted family dynamics — one would find this hilarious and relatable, informative even.
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reply 1988 was a lot of things, but its casts hold a special place in my heart. the gang had so much love between them and it was so beautiful to see a pure friendship evolve through the years. i wish i could still have loud dinners and drunken nights with my friends when we get into our careers. I would love that.
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sung deok sun, the optimistic figure in the group, was a ray of sunshine to me even as a viewer. i love deok sun because her spirits were never faltered by her failures and her status in life. my personality is sooo far from deok sun's, but she was relatable to me when she said she didn't know what to do in her life. she doesn't have a dream, i have a lot of them. even so, the uncertainty is there. i guess we all figure things out in the end. deok sun became a flight crew and was able to earn money for the family. i can't wait to figure out my own path, too.
dong ryong, being deoksun's self-proclaimed soulmate faced the same journey. despite not getting into a prestigious university, it's amazing how he was able to establish his own restaurant and even expand branches! makes you really think that not everything in life can be solved by good grades. honestly, i wish i have his street smarts and wisdom. what a powerful person i would be, then.
jung hwan was the man of few words in the group. he showed his affections not through words, but through his actions (and teases for deok sun). his love language would definitely be acts of service! i love jung hwan. he was a good son, brother, and friend. i aspire to have the kindness that he has. but oh dear heavens i would kill just to see how his love life would unfold had he faced the courage to confess to deok sun. i mean, come on! just be straightforward! they would honestly make a good pair, the ray of sunshine girl and the cold guy.
choi taek, the professional go-gamer, was the baby of the group. like jung hwan, he was a man of few words, except that taek was actually shy. his growth through the series was perhaps the most apparent. his innocent image was eventually changed by the way he picked up curse words from the gang, to his smoking, and to his openness of affection for his family and later on, deok sun. also, his character made me fall in love with park bo gum and his smile!
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before i go to the next two characters that i associate myself with, i would also like to comment on the household parents of the block. the fathers here have different personalities, but their identities as providers of the house defined the way they act. they keep a tough act and may be distant to their children, but the love is there even though they don't really know much about the household.
and the mothers, oh dear, the mothers. my mom is not a working entity, but i've seen her struggle through the years. i think her burdens are even heavier than that of my dad's. the way this kdrama portrayed the stories of the mothers touched my heart so much that i couldn't stop my tears. never underestimate a woman's strength, i tell you.
from these figures, i learned so much about adulting and marriage. our parents miss their parents, too. our parents would always worry about us, no matter how old we are. our parents are trying to keep everything together, so they put up a tough front. our parents' wishes are devoted to their children. our parents just want the best life for us. not only us are growing old, but our parents, too. our parents want our attention, too. our parents do not have the perfect marriage, but they would do anything for their children. our parents love us deeply.
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okay, here goes my reflection in the kdrama — sun woo and sung bora. initially, i was planning to write an entry only about bora, but i realized that i am in many ways alike to sun woo as well. both characters are the eldest children of the family and they face a lot of pressure in their respective families. both characters sacrificed their dreams because they are limited to what their families can afford. sung bora took math education despite her dreams as a prosecutor. sun woo took medicine because that was what his mom wanted. as for me, i chose a course that would promise a stable salary. i dreamed to work in the field of science or writing, but both paths have unstable pays in this country. i do not come from a well-off family, so i have to set my dreams aside.
bora and i do not share the same personality. hers was aggressive and frank, mine was the opposite. even so, i found a piece of my soul in her character because she was steadfast in her goals and was very understanding of her family's situation. she was the cream of the crop in the siblings, the only one who became a student in the premier university, the talk of the neighborhood. she had strong political stances that made her own parents almost disown her, but she was never sorry for it. when it comes to little things, bora had so much privacy over her things that she would get mad at the slightest unauthorized touch of it. oh dear, if that wasn't me.
sun woo, on the other hand, was nearing my male counterpart. he cares so much about his mom and his sister that he hated the thought of the former working. he was the model student, the one with the straight a's, and the one who acts professionally even with the internal turmoil of emotions. he never opposed his mother's wishes and he loved his sister dearly. he would always hold his feelings in, but gets weak in the arms of a loved one. based on his upbringing and firm values, you would also see how he respects women. i love it.
these two never worked out at first because they prioritized their dreams above romance, but i'm so, so happy that they got together in the end.
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reply 1988 was perhaps one of the best slice of life shows that i've ever seen. i wish i had watched this when i was younger, because it would teach you so much about family, love, dreams, friendship, and growing up. the pacing would feel kind of slow because of its movie-length episodes, but i swear it was worth it.
to the youth that i was, thank you for building the youth that i am.
to the youth that i am, enjoy the uncertainty and strive to be a better version of yourself.
to the youth that will be, may you never lose the spark inside your heart no matter how old you are.
i will hear your reply in time.
most ardently,
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winterscaptain · 4 years
uncle dave.
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader 
a/n: this is a long time coming, but it was originally a request and i can’t for the life of me remember where it came from! i know @pan-pride-12 is particularly eager for this installment. i hope y’all enjoy it and i can’t wait to see your thoughts! i’m also cleaning my tag list this week!! if your tag doesn’t work or you’ve changed urls, please let me know! 
an ajf fic
words: 900 warnings: none!
summary: uncle dave saves the day. nobody’s surprised, but everyone is sleep deprived. 
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
The girls are awake, but quiet, in their bassinets next to your bed. Aaron’s kicked back in the chair at your side, his hands laced behind his head, his eyes closed. It’s been a long night, to say the least. It’s morning now, but it barely counts. 
“Hey.” You pat the side of your bed, trying to get his attention 
He cracks an eyelid and looks at you sideways. “Hm?”
“How do we tell the team we don’t have a name for one of the girls?”
He shrugs and closes his eyes. 
Some help he is.
And you did all the work. 
There’s a tiny knock on the door, and Dave pops his head in. He keeps his voice low, and you find yourself smiling at him as he speaks. “They said you could have visitors now, but I can make myself scarce. I did, however,” he extends his arm, revealing a full reusable grocery bag, “bring breakfast.”
You wave him over. “C’mon in. Come meet the girls.”
He sets the bag down and makes a beeline for the sink, thoroughly washing his hands after rolling up his sleeves. You roll Sophia’s cradle toward you, leaving your currently-nameless daughter closer to Dave. 
Aaron’s choosing to ignore the proceedings, making a weak attempt at sleep in the deeply uncomfortable recliner. 
Rossi approaches the little one closest to him, picking her up and immediately marking the resemblance between you. “She’s beautiful.”
You smile, your fingers absently playing with Sophia’s blanket. “Thanks.”
“So,” he says, humor in his voice, “aren’t you going to introduce me to my nieces?”
With a smile, you tap Sophia’s little hand with your finger. “This is Sophia Haley.” You pause, rueful. “And little one over there doesn't have a name yet.”
Dave smiles down at your daughter. “That’s okay, caro. You don’t need a name, yet. Your mom and dad will find the perfect one for you when you’re ready to have it.”
Wait a minute. 
“Wait, Dave. That’s it.” You shift, sitting up straighter and reaching into one of your cups for ice chips. You pelt Aaron with them until he furrows his brow and sits up. 
“What?” You may have underestimated his napping abilities - he’s sufficiently bleary-eyed. 
“Hey, Dad. Aaron. Chief Hotchner. Whatever. Dave just named our kid.”
Dave furrows his brow. “I did?”
You grin tipping your head toward Dave. “Tell Aaron what you just called her.”
Aaron rises, peering over Dave’s shoulder at his baby girl. 
“I called her caro. It means ‘darling’ in Ital -“ He cuts himself off. “Who am I kidding? I call you caro all the time.” He looks pointedly at you and you smile. 
Aaron’s eyebrows rise as he listens, his eyes still on the baby in Dave’s arms. “Caro. I like it.” He looks at you. “Caro...l? Caro...lyn?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Caro...line?”
“Caroline.” He looks down at her again and you know even before he says anything that it’s decided. “I think that’s your name, my little love. What do you think?”
The little love in question chuffs a little, as only newborns can, and Dave bounces a little bit, keeping her entertained. 
The scene in front of you is more than adorable. You almost wish you had a camera. 
“Caroline…” He searches, looking back at you. 
You think for a moment. “Emily? Caroline Emily?”
Aaron shrugs and nods. “Think she’d be okay with that?”
You reach for the bedside table, and your phone is in your hand before you can blink. You tap the fifth number on your speed dial, and she picks up on the first ring. 
“Hey, Em. Would you hate us forever if we named our kid after you?”
She’s quiet, and you know she’s more than touched. After Doyle, there’s a chance she can’t have kids of her own. The two of you had talked about it over the years, about legacy, about family, everything. While she wasn’t sure she wanted kids at all, she told you once that she wanted something of her to be here when she’s gone. 
It only seems right. 
“What’s her name?” Emily’s voice is almost a whisper. 
“Well,” you say, a little smile on your face, “we were thinking Caroline Emily.”
You can hear her sniff once, and then silence for a minute. You suspect she’s muted herself in an effort to hide how affected she really is. When she returns, she sounds very collected. “I would be honored.”
“Thanks, Em.”
“Yep.” She hangs up. 
I love my repressed, dark-haired weirdos. 
Between Aaron and Em, you have a veritable flock. 
You look at Aaron and nod. He grins, wide and genuine. Dave passes Caroline to him and finally reaches for Sophia, expertly taking her into his arms.
“Look at this, huh? Uncle Dave comes in and saves the day.” He’s only talking to Sophia, and you and Aaron share an amused glance. “Your sister didn’t have a name and now she does. It’s the Italian magic, bellissima. I’ll have to teach you about it, the Uncle Dave way. Between you and me,” he drops his voice to a stage whisper, “I’m not sure your parents have the chops.”
Aaron sits on the edge of the bed and kisses your forehead. You settle your head against his shoulder, your gaze shifting between baby Caro in Aaron’s arms, and Sophia in Dave’s. 
It takes a village...
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pinkdiamond1016 @pan-pride-12  @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @bauslut @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner  @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @garcia-reid-lovechild @cevanswhre  @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @spencerelds @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 9 (Jasper Hale x OC Imagine)
Note: I'm literally in tears right now. I have 7000+ words over 13 pages on my word processor just for this chapter.
Night after night, summer and winter, the torment of storms, the arrow-like stillness of fine weather, held their court without interference.’
The swaying wheat and barley waved in the warm breeze; the burning sun burned like the beacon it was. The entire world was brown and golden. It was hot, it was suffocating. It was terrible.
“The land is barren.” Adeline muttered, her body rocking to and fro with the movement of the wagon, her eyes were trained into the far distance, squinting in the broiling sun.
“You’re being over dramatic.” Henriette’s tone was dry, her hands on the reins, spurring the horses to continue its trot.
“I hate it here already.” Adeline announced, crossing her arms in a huff. “Why couldn’t we have gone somewhere else? Somewhere with more greenery than this? There’s still plenty of places to hide in Louisiana-”
“Staying in the same place over and over will attract attention and you know it.” Henriette was losing her patience too, turning her head sharply to glare at her sister. “Your father will find us if we keep staying in the same place.” The lines on her face and around her eyes deepening, the ever growing frown settling over her wrinkled forehead.
“…We left Ralph in Orleans. All alone.” Adeline bowed her head in grief, hiding her face behind her hair and avoiding those piercing eyes of her sisters. “Six feet under and his body wasn’t even cold when we left.”
Her sister sighed again, though this time it betrayed a tenderness and affection that she only displayed towards her loved ones, freeing one hand to gently comb back Adeline’s soft tresses.
“Silly girl. How many times do I have to tell you? Ralph hasn’t gone anywhere, he’s always with you and me. Always.”
“He’s dead, that’s what he is.”
Henriette continued rubbing her shoulder’s soothingly, as if she were comforting a child. “But he’ll always be in our hearts, and that’s what matters.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Come Addie, let’s not fight.” The older woman smiled lightly, turning the younger girl’s head towards her for closer inspection. There were bags under her eyes and an unnatural pallor, a sullenness swirling behind. Even her usual bright eyes were dulled. “I hate it when you’re angry or sad.”
The younger girl shook her head and curled around the older ones side, much like a feline would.
“I still hate it here. Everything’s so dry and barren and ugly. I’m only putting up with it because of you.”
“What will you do when I’m gone?” Henriette sighed.
“Then I’ll just have to die and pursue you."
“Silly girl.” The elder smiled at the other indulgently, yet her eyes betrayed a melancholy she failed to hide. “You don’t mean that.”
He saw them long before they arrived.
Initially a speck in the distance, and then gradually enlarging until he could see their wagon gradually pulling into town along the dusty highway.
In truth, Jasper had noticed the old lady at the front first; her face hard and etched into a permanent frown, doing nothing to dispel the presence of her wrinkles and only succeeding in making more pronounced than ever. He would have turned away back to his field then had he not caught sight of her in the setting sun, the last of the sun rays reflecting a pale face.
She had a simple shawl wrapped around her head, protecting her from the dust. But it did nothing to hide the beauty she possessed, there was an ethereal feel to it; a otherworldliness. There was also a melancholy to the girl; with her head bowed, eyes downcast, looking so dejected. It captured his attention, struck a chord in his heart, and later he would stop to think about her, in his work, during mealtime, before he went to bed, in his walk.
His eyes followed their receding figure unconsciously as they made their way into town.
He did not know her name yet.
But she had unknowingly sent a ripple in the pool of his heart
Except he did not know of any of this yet.
It was another sleepless night.
Adeline clutched at the tattered copy of To The Lighthouse she had found fallen behind the shelf in the library and staggered downstairs.
Sleep had evaded her yet again. When was the last time she had had a good night’s rest? Or perhaps it was herself who was avoiding it altogether. Whichever it was, she barely slept a wink in the past week. she could almost feel the rush of agitation in her nerves now, the lethargy in her frame, the shortness of her temper.
She needed to get out.
This was a paradise for vampires she supposed. A secretive hideout for the Cullens, no one bothered them here. The town was too enamoured by the dazzling family, the town’s police chief was Bella’s dad and the only visitors they ever had were the wolves from the nearby indigenous tribe. And anyways there was ever only one person who came most of the time.
But it still unnerved her. The jitteriness she experienced in Colorado never fully left her. And she was still startled by the smallest things, the tiniest sounds.
It was the house. She finally concluded. It was Jasper.
She couldn’t rest with Jasper around. No she couldn’t.
Pocketing the few cigarettes she still had remaining into her worn satchel, Adeline grabbed the giant coffee flask she had prepared and stalked out of the house into the dreary morning of Forks in only a thin parka and boots.
As she stalked down the clearing at the back of the house, she felt a shiver down her spine and a feeling of being watched. Turning back she just made out a silhouette at the upper left window.
She didn’t need to squint to know who it was.
She flipped the bird at him before turning around to leave in a huff.
Jasper saw her multiple times in town over the next few days. The two had settled down into one of the cottages his parents had owned bordering their own farming fields; he had yet to formally acquaint with his new neighbours. But it would seem that the arrival of the girl had already sent the town into frenzy.
For one, her dress making skill was excellent. Her embroidery so fine and so meticulous that all the ladies of the town were soon sending in requests, until she had to put them on hold until she could finish the earlier ones first.
Two, she was soon the gossip of the entire town. She’d already had seven proposals in the course of a week, all of which she had rejected without even a side eye. Men were in awe of her beauty and wondered aloud at her ever downcast eyes and the enigma that she was. For the women in town though, she was the subject they loved to hate, for monopolising the attention of the other half of the town. Jealously was an ugly sentiment and hostility an ever isolating one. And the girl soon found herself alone and alienated without a single soul to call as friend.
Soon they had a third topic to discuss on.
She was seen trying to storm the local bookshop for new reading materials, but on seeing her, the store owner had kindly redirected her back to her ladies’ weekly digest.
“You don’t make any sense! Why am I not allowed to read?! It’s only a novel!"
“Child, novels are hardly a suitable reading material for a lady. It promotes unrealistic fancies in young minds like yours.”
“That’s a condescending observation sir.”
“Who do you say you live with again?”
“My grandmama.”
“Well young lady, I suggest you have a word with you grandmother then.”
The man slammed his door in her face.
And no matter how hard she pounced on the wooden door, the shopkeeper refused to open the door again to the girl.
“Darling, sweetheart.” A pair of well-meaning elderly ladies stopped in their tracks to regard the girl. “Don’t be mad at the man, he’s only trying to do you good. What kind of gentleman of good status would want a woman with her head stuck in a book? It’ll only spur you on into fantasies after fantasies; no man would want a wife who would neglect the family. What would you possibly do then?”
Her lips pursed now and Jasper could see how upset she was with the way her shoulders were hunched and her teeth biting into her lips so hard it drew blood but somehow her eyes shone with a fierce defiance he had never seen.
“A man who loves me would not ask me to give up any of that.”
She let slipped this one sentence before turning to leave with her head held high.
“What a peculiar young girl.” The lady turned to her equally surprised friend and wondered aloud.
The crowd dispersed to return to their day and errands.
Only Jasper was rooted where he was, his mind replaying the conversation the girl and the lady had, the silent dignity, the crackling flame inside her.
He looked to the bookshop again.
Adeline always thought that their relationship now was like a predator to its prey; Jasper always on the outlook, ready to pounce anytime she showed the slightest weakness. But when she did look closely, it wasn’t difficult to find him shuffling awkwardly in the corner when they were in the same room, looking at her with unveiled longing and then the predator would turn into a wounded puppy.
Adeline wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the entire situation. That he should feel hurt and yet still longed for her, instead of choosing to hate her for all she had done. It was beyond her comprehension. If their fortunes had reversed, she couldn’t say for certain if she would feel the same.
She wondered if he ever thought of the past, their past together. Because she was convinced that he viewed it through a rose tinted lens
Adeline lighted a cigarette and puffed thoughtfully. What she had read at the break of dawn still fresh on her mind.
“There it was before her - life. Life: she thought but she did not finish her thought. She took a look at life, for she had a clear sense of it there, something real, something private, which she shared neither with her children nor with her husband. A sort of transaction went on between them, in which she was on one side, and life was on another, and she was always trying to get the better of it, as it was of her; and sometimes they parleyed (when she sat alone); there were, she remembered, great reconciliation scenes; but for the most part, oddly enough, she must admit that she felt this thing that she called life terrible, hostile, and quick to pounce on you if you gave it a chance.”
She must admit, Woolf’s writings always did have a knack of making one feel and think differently; to approach life, time and memory in a new light; to reflect. The lighthouse, was the never changing vantage point in the passage of time, the ever eluding desire that one chased after but never could quite grasp; ten years was a very long time in a life span, people change, for better or for worse; people die, and all was left was a memory frozen in time. And even that fades, lost in time and space. Nothing was everlasting, no mark or testimony survives the void.
Not even love.
The brutality of life and reality had made sure that it did not.
She briefly considered her own life.
The innocent child Henriette had protected at all cost when she was alive, who was immediately killed by her father after Hettie’s death, gutted and left to her own demise in some dirty gutter. And in her place, all that was left was this new emotionally dead and drained Adeline. Haunted by her own past, her deeds and her misfortunes, completely broken and never quite pieced back together right.
Adeline had taken the gamble with life and lost miserably.
The fog was getting thicker now, the wind lost somewhere in the thicket. The spring air was stagnant, and the soft tendrils of smoke curled around her hair, her frame. For a moment, she stopped in her tracks, just to take in this present moment that would soon morph into another forgotten memory of hers.
He found her at the far end of his parents’ field, looking out into distance, sniffing.
“Hey are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” She sniffed again no doubt surprised that someone had crept on her, scrubbing at her face furiously. “Never better.” Before turning around to scrutinise him.
“Who are you?”
“I don’t think we’ve formally met ma’am, I’m Jasper Whitlock.”
“You’re Mr and Mrs Whitlock’s second son.” The girl gasped, before ducking her head formally and shaking his hand. “I’m Adeline, Adeline Ruelle. Your mother’s told me about you.” She looked around again before smiling awkwardly and gesturing to the fields. “I’m trespassing. This is your land. I’ll go-”
“No, no. It’s uh… it’s alright. I don’t mind, Miss Ruelle.”
“But still. I shouldn’t be disturbing the lot of you.”
“Wait. Uh I… I couldn’t help but saw what happened in the town square.”
“Oh.” She frowned before looking down, clearly getting the wrong idea. He wasn’t there to reprimand her too. “It’s alright, I won’t-”
“No wait, I don’t mean it that way. Here.” He quickly thrusted the bundle he had been hiding behind his back this whole time.
Confused, Adeline clutched at the bundle, feeling the hard texture of the package before looking up to stare at him agape. Her hand quickly dove in to tear at the wrapping paper to reveal a hardback book.
“Frankenstein?” She held the book up questioningly. “Why are you giving me this?”
“You wanted this right? Or was it not this? I could take it back and change it if you want-”
“No, no. This was what I was looking for. But why are you giving me this?”
“Because you wanted it.” He stated as a matter of fact. When his answer didn’t dispel the confused look on Adeline’s face, Jasper struggled to explain himself more. “I don’t think they were right in refusing to let you read just because they think it’s not suitable for a lady. Anyone should be allowed to pursue their own knowledge…”
“This isn’t really the most educating thing you know.” For the first time, there was a playful smirk on her lips. “It’s a novel on a man making a monster.”
“You know what I mean.”
Evidently she was grateful. “I- how can I ever thank you for this? How much does this cost? I’ll pay you back the money… I’ll pay you double for all your trouble-”
“No, no it’s fine. Please don’t pay me. I wanted to help. You looked so sad and I just wanted to cheer you up is all.”
“Wait, where are you going, Mr Whitlock sir?! Wait.”
In his mind he had embarrassed himself. It was a stupid move buying her the book. Now she would think him worse than all her other suitors. He had intruded into her privacy and had condescended her by deciding that she would want the book. He had never lost his cool once before, not in front of the girls who had flirted with him, and this new girl had come along and thrown him off his balance.
He didn’t realise till then that his heart was beating erratically and his hand clenched over it unconsciously.
What a stupid stupid man that he was.
She was momentarily shocked from her thoughts. Looking up, she found that she had come across the Cullens. There was Alice with the little family.
Alice looked concerned, no doubt surprised by her haggard look and her sleep deprived countenance. Even Bella and Edward looked alerted too. Despite being eccentric, Alice was, Adeline concluded, actually quite a nice person, overly friendly maybe.
“You look tired, are you alright?”
“I’m alright.” She shrugged nonchalantly. Even though the exhaustion was catching up on her fast.
Alice hesitated before smiling. “We’re going to hunt. Do you want to join us?”
Ah, so they were going to hunt. She remembered her surprise when for the first time she had heard that they were vegetarians and that they only fed on animals. Henriette had half forced half bullied her to adopt this kind of diet since she was born, yet she had never seen another doing the same before.
But she didn’t like to hunt in the presence of another, it made her self conscious. And anyways, she was trying her best to steer away from the company of the family.
“It’s alright.” She remained aloof. “I’ll hunt on my way.”
“Will we expect you by dinnertime?” Bella spoke up at the back, Adeline could literally see the trying in her effort to be nice. She quickly looked to Edward who’s face remained neutral.
“Hmph. I’ll be back.” She nodded her head at the latter.
Their paths diverging, the rest of the clan soon took their leave of her. And Adeline looked on at their receding back from her spot.
They would all soon be a distant memory of hers, there was no need to be formally acquainted with any of them.
‘With her foot on the threshold she waited a moment longer in a scene which was vanishing even as she looked, and then, as she moved and took Minta's arm and left the room, it changed, it shaped itself differently; it had become, she knew, giving one last look at it over her shoulder, already the past.’
This time she was waiting for him.
The moment she caught sight of him strolling towards the perimeter of his fields after supper, Adeline immediately jogged towards him, a large basket in tow.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, Mr Whitlock.” She chirped, an unusually bright smile graced over her porcelain features, a stark contrast to the melancholy he saw on her first day in town.
He decided that he loved seeing her smile more than anything right then.
“Jasper is fine ma’am.” He ducked his head bashfully. “Mr Whitlock’s my dad if you will, everyone around here just calls me Jasper, Miss Ruelle.”
“Fine. But then you must call me Adeline. It’s only fair.”
“Miss Adeline.” He bowed half out of jest.
“Adeline.” She corrected him, though there was a twinkle in her eyes. “So where’re you headed to?”
“I’m just heading to the creek down below to rest for a bit, it’s been a long day.”
Adeline nodded in understanding and he was somewhat amused to find the girl trotting behind him. Chuckling, Jasper swooped in to take a grasp at the handle of the basket and carried it. When they finally settled at a shady spot near the creek, Adeline leaned forward to open the latch of the basket.
“I wanted to thank you,” she began, pulling out a batch of baked cookies. “For the book.”
“Its nothing-”
“No! It wasn’t just anything! I…” He watched as she frowned and look away, debilitating with herself, trying to find the right words to express herself.
“No one’s ever done this for me… ever.” She finally murmured, her hands playing at her aprons absentmindedly. “So… yeah.” She pulled at her ear sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m sure you’re not interested in my ramblings. I should go… it’s your rest time.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind.”
They sat in mutual silence, though there was less initial awkwardness.
“Do you-”
“So I-”
They started at the same time. Sheepish, Jasper gestured for Adeline to continue speaking. She smiled another of her easy smile.
“What I wanted to say was that you really don’t know how much it means for me… for you to get that book for me. My grandfather taught me how to read and write. And between the both of us, this was our most favourite book of all time. But his copy was destroyed in the floods some years ago so when he died… I wanted something to remember him by. That’s why I desperately wanted it at the bookshop.” She grew sentimental then. “Of course it’s not the same copy we used to have, but it’s the sentiment of it that’s the most important.”
“Then I’m glad I got it for you.” And he meant it from the bottom of his heart.
“Here.” She handed him a cookie, “you still haven’t tried it yet.”
Tentatively, he took a bite out of it. “It’s delicious!"
Adeline grinned, evidently proud. “Of course. And they said no decent southern gentleman would want me. You’ve just proven them wrong!”
Jasper laughed. “Well you’ve certainly stolen my stomach away with that amazing bakery.”
Adeline reclined onto her elbows in her spot and squinted in the dazzling sun. “You know it’s not half as bad here as I initially thought.”
“Must be because of my company.” He spoke jokingly.
“Hmm. Maybe." Jasper found himself observing Adeline’s every move. Now she was closing her eyes, basking in the glory of the setting sun, humming to herself. The warm ray of light accentuating her long neck and her collarbones and-
She turned suddenly, her excited eyes on him.
“Have you ever read Frankenstein?”
She knew she was getting closer and closer towards the sea, despite the fog being thick and hanging over the threshold. She just knew.
There was the faint crashing of waves now, getting louder by the minute. And the brambles of the forest floor was spreading out.
Now all she needed to do was-
And she stepped out into the sunlight. Despite the sun, it was not the Texan sun she remembered from her memories, it barely gave her warmth. But it did dispel some of the mist that clung around her like tendrils. Here was a cliff of some sort, with the sea roaring right below her feet, the moss and the wildflowers carpeting the entire forest ground until it ended abruptly at the ledge, to a steep drop of some fifty or even sixty feet.
It was indeed beautiful.
Adeline watched mesmerised, how the waves licked the cliff side, thundering, throwing up white foam and algae and whatnots.
Sighing, she leaned back against a tree trunk. The sky was grey and endless in the horizon. It was dreary, and she felt that it suited her more than the Texan sun and blue sky ever did.
She readjusted her sitting position against the tree and took out her book.
James and Cam and Mr Ramsey were heading to the lighthouse now and Lily Briscoe was finishing off her painting ten years later.
‘“It will rain,” he remembered his father saying. “You won’t be able to go to the Lighthouse.”
The Lighthouse was then a silvery, misty-looking tower with a yellow eye, that opened suddenly, and softly in the evening. Now—
James looked at the Lighthouse. He could see the white-washed rocks; the tower, stark and straight; he could see that it was barred with black and white; he could see windows in it; he could even see washing spread on the rocks to dry. So that was the Lighthouse, was it?
No, the other was also the Lighthouse. For nothing was simply one thing. The other Lighthouse was true too. It was sometimes hardly to be seen across the bay. In the evening one looked up and saw the eye opening and shutting and the light seemed to reach them in that airy sunny garden where they sat.’
She closed the book with a sigh.
To be fair, she knew that Jasper thought about their past, just as she did. Except, they each remembered things and events differently. Or maybe it was just that for her, with the knowledge of hindsight, everything was brought into a new light and became tainted.
Could she look back with pure joy now? At her days with him which was now, in hindsight, filled with regret and more importantly, guilt.
There was some truth in it she supposed.
Perhaps there were more facets in their memory than she would give credit for. There was the truth, and then there were all the different angles you could appraise it from. Both were looking at the lighthouse, but he no doubt looked on with fondness and through a rose tinted lens, and she with hindsight could only look on with a sense of dread.
She only wished that he would not be so enamoured by his sentiments that he was blindsided by the truth.
With that thought, her mood soured again and she threw the book into the ground. Subconsciously, her hand went to the locket hidden beneath her shirt where she fingered the engravings to calm herself.
Adeline closed her eyes and listened to the sea.
After that fateful afternoon, Adeline was showing up at the fields every few days. And the creek immediately became their mutual meeting point. And on days when she was too busy with her work to venture out, Jasper would swing by, just to see her, have a chat. They lived close enough, and he was always giving excuses after excuses about why he was there. Excuses he thought she saw through with that complicit smile and the twinkle always present in her eyes. Her grandmother was less impressed however, but she never treated him ill, always being ever cordial, receiving him, making tea, working in the corner, muttering to herself in French.
The days blurred into one, and towards the end of that summer, his parents invited the Adeline and her grandmother over for dinner one fine evening. His mother took an immediate liking towards the girl, and his father called her the daughter he always wanted.
It made Jasper feel giddy, that his family loved her so much. He was almost proud.
It would be the best summer he ever had.
They had read Milton, the Odysseus, the Aeneid, Austen, Dickens, and many more.
He was always surprised to see Adeline brimming with so much knowledge at such a young age. He had wondered at the background of her grandfather, but she always deflected the questions with a wistful smile then he learnt not to ask them anymore.
It was perhaps cliche to say, but she really was not like other girls. Adeline was open, she was kind and sincere and more importantly she was the sun herself, a burning beacon, radiating with warmth. One look at her and he found the day’s worth of handwork and fatigue to be nothing.
Jasper knew the implication of his thundering heart. Romance was not something new to him, he’d heard it from fieldworkers, men who were only a few years older than him.
But he had his doubts too.
He saw how the men tried to talk to her, and though she never mentioned it once to him, he heard enough to know about all the confessions and declarations and proposals she received on a regular basis. Her refusals did nothing to quell his disheartened heart. Her suitors ranged from various backgrounds including pretty boys with wealthy backgrounds and ancestors who were founding members of this town even.
What was he? Nothing but a simple farmer boy. How was he to compete with then?
Every time he heard of another refusal, his hope would get a little higher, that perhaps her smiles and her openness were only directed at him. Yet one look at himself and his meagre possessions, and he would lose what little confidence he had.
Even so, even so she never missed a day with him. Never forgot an engagement, never failed to show up.
That she would welcome him warmly each time, with her radiant smile and her gentle words, even if she would ramble on and on about her long and tiring day and her tedious work.
He was failing miserably to quell his beating heart. Some days It was pure agony, other days he would find himself hope against all hope that perhaps, just perhaps that she would reciprocate even a fraction of his feelings.
But his doubts held him back each time, when he was on the brink of a confession. He would be reminded of the string of failed proposals that came before his and he would become afraid and stopped himself short.
Was it better to protect this friendship, this comradeship that they had?
But with each passing summer day, as he got ready for harvest, his heart was becoming more and more heavy.
It was too much.
He didn’t think he could go on like this.
The ravens cawed and she awoke with a start. Standing up immediately, she was dazed to find that she was not in her simple attire of boots and parka anymore. Gone was the sea and the grey horizon; the pines surrounding her were tall and ominous, a light mist was beginning to form around her, obscuring her sight further on. She was in her Sunday best again, the cream coloured dress with those understated embroideries she had seen herself. There was the chain of daisies at the hem of her sleeves and around her collar. She looked around, trying to comprehend her surrounding.
So she was in a dream then.
A nightmare perhaps.
Might as well walk to the very end of it so that she could wake. Though she loathed to think how it would end, hopefully not with her screaming bloody murder again.
Trudging onwards, the claustrophobia was getting more and more intense, the fog thickening and the trees crowding more and more together until there was no distinguishable path that she could follow. She felt suffocated.
Just then, there was a chill around her heart and it began to thump fiercely. Turning her head cautiously towards her back, she was instantly struck by an intense fear.
Run, her instinct was screaming in her ears.
She ran like the frightened bunny that she was. She could hear the laughters of her sisters, and worse of all. The shoutings of her father.
There seemed to be no end. The brambles tore at her dress, tearing the embroideries, the mud splattering all over her apron, the loose branches leaving small open cuts over her hands and face. The laughters behind her never ceased. She was bone chilled and yet she daren’t stop in her tracks. For fear of being caught, for fear of a punishment worse than death.
And just when all hope was lost, there in the distance was an opening!
And out she ran into a field of wheat and barley. Shocked, she looked back cautiously at the edge of the forest she had just dashed through.
The eeriness had gone and it was only just a stretch of low woodland and shrubberies. Her nightmarish forest was gone.
Cocking her head to the side in confusion, Adeline nevertheless continued to trudge on and at the end of the wheat field, a warm inviting cottage stood in its midst.
The smoke gently curled around the chimney, the vines over the walls, the blue cornflowers at the windows.
It was painfully the same as she had remembered.
She quietly opened the latch to the door and stepped inside the threshold.
“You’re back.” As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, she saw a man in a simple cotton white shirt and dark pants gently settling the white bundle in his arms into a crib. “How was your walk? Refreshing?”
“Yes…” Adeline stuttered. “Jasper?"
“Yes darling?” The man turned with a tender smile towards her, arms opening wide to welcome her. This time she did not hesitate and rushed towards his strong inviting embrace. Breathing in the strong familiar scent, feeling the warmth he radiated. All the while avoiding glancing at the crib she had seen.
“I’m tired.” She murmured. “Take me to bed?” She pleaded.
Jasper only chuckled.
As they finally settled in bed, his calloused hands, overused at the farm, began its motion of combing through her hair slowly, soothingly just like he did all the time when the two were in bed. Adeline closed her eyes and sighed. She didn’t want to wake up from this and back to the icy cold acquaintance that they now shared.
“I had the strangest dream.” She murmured to him, burrowing deeper into his embrace, her ear rested on his chest, and she could hear the strong beating of his beating heart. “I dreamt that I left you. And that it destroyed you so badly that you became something I couldn’t even recognise anymore. And then I hated you so much and you resented me so much for turning you into what you became.”
“Left me…” Jasper repeated to himself, his hand froze momentarily in its motion.
Adeline looked up in desperation. If this was a dream, at least she would keep him happy. This much she could do at the very least.
“It was only just a dream though.” She tried to smile, raising a hand to trace his strong jawline. “I could never leave you.”
He resumed his soothing motion, combing through her hair, massaging her scalp. She hummed and turned to listen to his beating heart again.
“No, because what would happen to us if you actually left?”
Ah… the bundle in the crib.
She imagined a young boy, with golden curls around his temple and warm inviting hazel eyes. Who would call her maman, who she would teach French to, and raise him and teach him well, just as she had done to her handful of brothers and sisters. It would’ve been domestic bliss. It would’ve been what she wanted if she had been human.
She was drifting in and out of consciousness again as she lingered in her impossible dreams.
The soothing motion over her scalp never ceased. In fact it became more and more concrete.
“Adeline…. Adeline…”
There was someone calling to her softly, far away, at the edge of her consciousness. And it was getting nearer and nearer.
Somehow she felt safe, warm and calm. A sense of serenity washed over her.
She was protected.
She felt a light peck over her lips.
A chaste little kiss.
She chastised without opening her eyes, though her lips were slowly pulling into a small smile.
“What are you playing at-” she mumbled in her sleep.
And then she descended into sweet oblivion.
They met in the fields as usual the sun casting its shadow towards the east, amongst the waving barley and the golden wheat. Adeline was chatting animatedly about the latest novel she had been reading.
He cleared his throat when she stopped to take a breath in between.
“I have something to tell you.”
Her brows shot up no doubt finally realising that she had been hogging the conversation table for the last half an hour or so, but she quickly composed herself and gave him a reassuring smile. “What is it? I’m all ears.”
“I’m joining the army.”
“I’m joining the Texas cavalry.”
“Why?” She looked bewildered, and there was a frantic look in her eye. “Don’t you have enough to do in the farm? The harvests and the cattle’s and… everything! Have you talked this through with your parents?!”
“I have. They are in full support of it.”
“But why?” She pouted her lips cutely, but her voices sounded betrayed. “I enjoy our time with you here everyday, don’t you? If you join the army, you’ll be working and training everyday. I-” she stopped and looked away, embarrassed, scuffing the sole of her shoe over the ground petulantly.
He chuckled. How to make her understand? That he was doing this exactly because of her.
“Besides, you’re a landowner yourself. I know the land isn’t much, but it should be enough for you right?”
“So why would you suddenly decide you want to become a soldier?”
“I mean sure I know you’ll excel in it anyways. You’re going to charm you way up. Then you’ll forget little ol me.”
“Adeline.” Jasper finally had to smirk. "You never let people finish what they have to say.”
Adeline huffed in annoyance and crossed her arm. “Fine. By all means!”
What she didn’t expect next was for him to clasp her hand in his.
“You might think that a farmer is well respected enough, but I’m a second son. When my parents die, my brother will inherit the farm. I can help with the farm, but it will never be mine. I’ll never have an income as prosperous as my brother will if I continue to work for him. When I do marry and then someday have children of mine, would I want them to endure the same fate as I have?”
“But if you love her then surely-”
“Would I be able to have better marriage prospect as my brother does? The answer is no. I would never be able to do better than him, I would be at a disadvantage, less likely to get the girl of my dreams. No decent gentleman would marry their own precious daughter to a second son. That is, unless if I make a name for myself in some other way.”
“By joining the army?”
“It was either that or become a priest.”
“There are other ways surely! You can study to be a lawyer or… or a businessman or anything other than joining the army!”
“Don’t you find some of the younger soldiers charming and dashing? I overheard you chatting with-”
“I care about you too much to want to see you get hurt!”
There was a solemnity in her clear blue eyes that betrayed nothing but sincerity and concern. It left him feeling giddy, that gave him a confidence he had been lacking for sometime to carry out what he was about to do that he had psyched himself up to do for weeks now. He couldn’t help but grin.
But it irked her to new heights.
“Stop it, don’t laugh! It’s not a laughing matter!” Adeline pouted again, slapping him in the arm repeatedly, and this time there were angry tears threatening to fall from her beautiful orbs. “I worry about you! Even if you seem no have no care about your own safety!”
“Fine! Go! Go join the bloody army if you love it so much for some bloody girl you think you’ve fallen in love with! See if I care when you get killed off by some stupid I don’t know what!”
She turned around and by the slight tremor in her shoulder and the sniffing he realised with a newfound panic that she was crying. This wasn’t what he had intended to do.
“Adeline.” He soothed, coaxing the girl to turn around to face him. “Are you crying?”
“No I’m not.”
“Hush, then turn around see that I can see you properly.”
When she did turn, he could still see the devastation over her face. The tear trails over the apples of her cheek, those eyes brimmed with unshed tears. But she stared back with great defiance, her chin held haughtily up. He has to suppress a tender sigh, his heart was so heavy with love for this girl, the little treacherous thing thumping against his chest so loudly he was sure she would’ve heard it.
“Adeline, you must know how important this is for me."
She looked away then and feigned boredom. “Why are you telling me this Mr Whitlock? You’re wasting your time on me. Shouldn’t you be looking for your bloody lover to her about this.”
“I really should shouldn’t I? But I need your help and advice.” He studied her closely as she bit her lips so hard it almost drew blood, as she raised a hand to finger her earring in an effort to calm her nerves mo doubt. He slowly reached out a hand to hold her chin and turn her pretty face back to his before delivering the final blow.
“But suppose I’m looking at her already right now as I speak?”
“Looking at her…?”
“Won’t you tell me how do I stop her tears and make her understand that I’m joining the army so that I can have a future with her? So that I can stand on my own and go to her grandmother to ask for permission to court her and marry her?”
He saw the moment the realisation hit her, Adeline’s mouth dropped as she stared mutely at him.
“You… I… I don’t think I understand what you-”
“I’m telling you that I love you Adeline. And I want to marry you.”
He stopped abruptly then to take a deep breath, his heart beating ferociously now, the rush in his ears was almost deafening, he was too fearful of what she would say.
But when her looked into her eyes, there was a newfound vulnerability, one he had never seen before. She wet her trembling lips.
“This isn’t a joke you’re pulling on me is this?”
“I would never joke about this.” He said with resolute.
Bashful, she looked down and sucked at her lips. And if he had looked closely, he would have seen how her cheeks were tinted red, not by the summer heat or the burning sin.
“No one has ever said that to me.” Her eyes were brimming with tears again though her lips were slowly, but surely drawing up into a smile. “I think… I love you too Jasper Whitlock.”
And that was the straw for him.
He stepped forward to close the gap between them, long arms stretching out to hold her tightly. Her arms slowly wound themselves around his neck, their face inches apart, looking straight into each other’s eyes.
“Don’t you think we’re a little too close for propriety’s sake, Mr Whitlock?” The corner of her lips tugging up playfully.
“Hush”. He thought his heart was going to burst. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And under the setting Texan sun, amongst a golden burning world, they shared their first ever kiss, two hearts beating as one.
The thick clouds above were for once finally dispersing and the radiant sunbeams filtered in between, producing a luminous effect as it struck his skin.
The motion in his hand never ceasing, gently combing through Adeline’s hair as she herself laid on his chest, breathing in and out calmly. Without the hostility and the jitteriness, Jasper was almost fooled into believing that this Adeline was the same Adeline from his past.
But she was not.
Jasper sighed again, his heart so full of emotions it was painful.
He had wandered out after she left the house and subconsciously, or perhaps guided by a vengeful angel, he had stumbled across her, in the midst of a nightmare, curling into herself, whimpering. He acted on his natural instincts to soothe away the frown, and it mystified him that the moment he laid his hand on her head did the whimpering stopped. He couldn’t resist stealing a light kiss from those plump lips.
Looking down at Adeline’s serene sleeping face, Jasper wished he didn’t have to hide himself like this, that he could’ve held her when she was awake, her radiant smile guided towards him and himself only. Not like this, not when she wouldn’t even know that it was him who had comforted her and held her in her sleep, had warded away her nightmares, even if just for a few moments only.
Oh but he couldn’t let her know.
Every small movement now would send him into caution, to extricate himself from her before she woke, lest she would run away, lest he would startle her, deepen this gulf between them.
He surveyed their immediate surrounding, there was Adeline’s cassette player, the tiny thing’s battery had long since stopped running. He made a remark to ask her about the mixtape she had been listening to. The emptied coffee flask, the burnt cigarette butts. And there lying open with its cover up, its spine breaking right in the middle, was Rosalie’s old battered copy of To the Lighthouse. He remembered watching her going all out just to hide it behind the shelf.
It’s too painful. She had finally confessed one rainy day. But I can’t bear to throw it away. It’s like a mirror you hold up to juxtapose it with your own life.
He never read it, not in depth anyways.
He reached out to grab it and randomly flipped through it, scanning the words as he did so.
‘To want and not to have, sent all up her body a hardness, a hollowness, a strain. And then to want and not to have- to want and want- how that wrung the heart, and wrung it again and again!’
“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”
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Chapter Nine: Sleep Peacefully
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(Image not mine)
Rated: PG
~What story should I tell? Will it end happy, will it turn out well? What dreams do I own? Can I call any place my home?
And I rock myself to sleep, and I tell myself "don't get caught too deep" 'Cause I know by now, you're here for me.
And I tell myself "move along" and I tell myself "you were all wrong" But I know by now, wrong was right for me.
I'll sleep peacefully~
The black paved road of the near-empty highway stretched out in front of us, a stark contrast to the piles of glittering snow that the snowplows had pushed off the street. We had been on the road for 9 hours and were now somewhere in Iowa. The area we were now driving through was so much brighter than Copper Harbor ever was. There wasn't so much as a cloud to be seen in the sky. The last few orange rays of light from the setting sun sprinkled across the landscape as it dipped below the horizon, glittering and reflecting off hills blanketed in white. The sight almost hurt my eyes. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Whipping out my phone I snapped as many pictures as I possibly could, though I knew they would never do justice to the spectacular view.
The sun sank lower and lower and eventually vanished beneath the horizon. Then the stars came out. Scattered across the black velvet sky, they were so numerous it seemed impossible. I could see the differences in colors and size, and I could trace the shape of the Milky-Way. There were no trees or streetlamps lining the Iowa highway and it felt as if I was swimming through inky blackness, like I was swimming between the stars. The glittering lights were so bright and so close. It was special sort of magical.
I rested my elbows on my knees and my head between my hands and stared out the windshield at the beautiful black expanse. On my right, Castiel copied my position.
"Jack tells me you like the stars," he said. Upon hearing his name, Jack briefly looked to me and smiled before turning his gaze back to the window. I had been drifting in and out of conversation with various partners throughout the car ride.
"I do, I love them," I kept my voice soft and my answer simple, "I've never seen so many at once before. I don't think I'll ever get used to it." Castiel smiled softly.
"You know, I am several billion years old, and I am still baffled by the magnificence of this universe. Sights like this, they never get old." I turned my head away from the bright lights in the sky to look at the angel beside me.
"Have you been up there?"
He nodded.
"Yes, I have."
"What's it like?"
Castiel sighed in a melancholy sort of way. I could see the reflection of all those stars gleaming in his eyes.
"It's more beautiful than you can imagine."
I nodded and gazed back out at view of the heavens.
"I wish I could live up there."
Castiel chuckled.
"Someday you might. Who knows what will happen?" He said.
"However," he added, "As for right now, I think you need to get some rest."
"Nah, sleep is for the weak." At that moment I yawned, emphasizing my point. Dean glanced at me in the rear-view mirror.
"We can pull off and stop at a motel overnight if you need some sleep," He offered. I shook my head and tried to blink away my sleepiness.
"Don't stop on my account! I can sleep in the car," I insisted.
"You sure?" Dean asked. I gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh yeah. I actually sleep better in cars, if you can believe it. Something about the noise and the motion puts me to sleep like a baby, I'm all good." For once I told the truth. I really did sleep better in cars.
"Okay, as long as you're comfy, we've got about eight more hours till' we get there." Dean turned down the volume on whatever album we'd been listening to all day. I'd never been a fan of rock music, but some of Dean's songs weren't that bad.
"We'll try to be quiet for you, Marty," Sam said. I yawned again and rubbed my eyes.
"Thanks guys, for everything. Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I had a good night's sleep."
"You're welcome, kid. This is what we do. Now shut your eyes." Dean mock commanded. I rolled them instead and turned to Jack.
"Jack?" I said to get his attention.
"What are your feelings on being used as a pillow?" Jack's face was painted with all shades of confusion.
"I-I don't, um, I-" He tried to answer but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.
"I'm just kidding," I explained. "You don't have a choice in the matter!"
I grabbed his arm and tugged it around my shoulders so I could lay my head on his chest. Jack's entire body stiffened, and he looked to Cas with an expression that said 'Help me, she's doing something weird. Tell me what to do'. Castiel merely shrugged and in the front seat Dean snorted. I chuckled and waited for Jack to shift around a bit and get comfortable before I closed my eyes.
"You're a comfy pillow," I remarked.
"Um, thank you?"
I couldn't see his face, but Jack sounded extremely confused. I decided then that I needed something to hold on to. It took me a few moments to feel around for his arm but when I found it, I gripped his hand and held it up.
"This is mine now."
Wrapping his arm around my waist, I tangled our fingers together and smirked when I felt Jack chuckle and wrap his other arm around me in a way that was friendly and natural.
"If this keeps up, I think we're gonna have to have a talk with Jack about a thing or two." I heard Dean whisper to Sam.
"I heard that."
"Shut up, Mcfly. You're supposed to be sleeping." He scolded, teasingly. I kept my eyes closed but stuck out my tongue at him. I smiled when I heard him laugh.
"Goodnight, guys."
"Goodnight." Dean, Sam and Cas chimed together.
"Sweet dreams, Marty," Jack whispered.
With that, I let myself slowly drift into oblivion's velvet embrace.
"Is she asleep, yet?" Dean asked in a whisper, peering in the mirror at the sleeping girl.
"Um, I'm not sure." Jack craned his neck in an effort to find out, but he just couldn't tell.
"I'm trying, Mom," Marty mumbled into Jack's chest. That made him grin.
"From that I'd say, she's close."
"I'm not your mom, Marty," Dean sighed.
"Sorry, dad." She murmured. Dean just shrugged.
"Well, that's a little closer I guess," He said, his lips twitching with a tiny smile.
"Say, Jack, when's the last time you slept?" Sam asked, turning in his seat to face Jack who's face scrunched up as he thought about his answer.
"Four days ago, I think." He replied. Now that he thought about it, Jack realized just how tired he was.
"Dude. Sleep. Now." Dean ordered. Jack blinked a few times and yawned.
"No, I can wait." He yawned again.
"Jack..." Cas pressed.
"I can't go to sleep yet," Jack insisted.
"Why not? Marty back there did it just fine," Dean said.
"Gimmie back my socks, Biden," Marty mumbled.
"See? Out like a flickering lightbulb." Dean joked.
"No, you don't get it. I can't go to sleep, she's right here. She'd think I'm weird or something." Jack worried.
"Well, you're not exactly normal, Jack." Cas muttered under his breath.
"Look, she's the one sleeping on you kid." Dean paused, glancing at the others in the car. "That came out wrong. The point is, she clearly doesn't know the meaning of personal space. Just go for it." He finished, refocusing on the road.
"What do you mean?" Jack asked. Dean's eyeroll was nearly audible.
"Go to sleep, Jack. She ain't gonna care."
Jack nodded.
Snow began to fall on the roof of the Impala with a tip, tip, tipping noise as Jack rested his head atop Marty's. Her hair was soft under his cheek and he matched his breathing with the gentle rise and fall of her chest.
"I love that sound," She sighed, in her half-asleep stupor. Jack guessed she was referring to the sound of the falling snow.
"Me too," he whispered, closing his eyes and drifting off to the same place as the girl beside him.
"You have got to be kidding me... JACK!"
Jack woke with a start. Blinking rapidly, he attempted to make sense of the world around him. Confusion washed over him as he could have sworn, he had fallen asleep in the Impala next to Marty. But he wasn't there anymore. In fact, he wasn't sure where he was.
Everything was white. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. Well, actually this place didn’t really seem to have walls or a ceiling or a floor. It was all just white, stretching off forever. Behind Jack somebody coughed.
"Behind you," They said, sounding rather annoyed.
Jack turned around slowly and cautiously. Standing in front of him now stood Marty. Her tiny hands on her slim hips and her face twisting into a frown that was somehow amused and annoyed at the same time. She raised her eyebrows at him, and her foot tapped rapidly on whatever surface it was that they seemed to be standing on.
"Heya, Jack." Marty smirked.
Jack's eyes shifted nervously left and right. His hand reached up on its own accord to rub at the knot he felt in his chest. He got the distinct impression that something here wasn't right. He planned to figure out what was going on as soon as he could determine where exactly 'here' was.
"Don't worry Jack, it’s just us. Or, I should say, it’s just you," Marty said, clarifying and confusing things for Jack at the same time. Jack shifted his gaze back to the girl in front of him.
"Where are we?" He asked, his brows drawing together. Marty smiled at him pleasantly.
"We're inside your head!" She answered.
"What?" Jack wondered how she could answer his question while giving him so many more at the same time. She giggled a bit at his confused expression. Spreading her arms like wings, she spun in a circle.
"Look around, Jack! It’s so big! You should be proud!" She stopped spinning to grin at him. The line between Jack's eyebrows and his confusion were deepening quickly. Marty tapped her chin and looked upward with a smirk, as if thinking about something. "But we really should both be proud." She mused.
"Marty, what's going on? Are you okay?" Jack took a step towards the girl reaching his hand out. Marty flicked her eyes up and down between him and his outstretched hand, her expression darkened. She held up her hands in a defensive gesture as she took a few sauntering steps back.
"First of all, I'm not Marty," She stated, evenly. Jack's position instantly switched from inviting to aggressive. He bent his knees and widened his stance, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet, readying himself for a fight.
"Who are you?! Where is she?! What did you do to her?!" He demanded. His eyes pulsed with an orange light as he prepared to use his powers. The person in front of him, who apparently wasn't Marty, put a hand on her chest, gasping with obvious mockery.
"You wound me, Jack! You're not even going to ask who I am? I thought we were better friends than this." She closed her eyes and shook her head, sighing in an obnoxious and sarcastic way. Jack wasn't having any of this thing's games. He clenched his teeth and raised his hand threateningly.
"Where's Marty?" He growled, trying his best to imitate Sam, Dean, or Cas when they were in similar positions. The not-Marty just rolled her eyes, like she was bored.
"Yeah, no. We ain't doing that in here." She frowned, waving her hand simply. Jack scowled and tried to blast her back with his power, but he abruptly realized that he couldn't. Nothing was happening. She had taken his powers away. His eyes snapped open wide and he stared at his hand. Now he was the one taking a few steps back.
"W-what? I-" Jack stuttered. The not-Marty crossed her arms and leaned back on her heels, taking on a much more relaxed position.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot here, Jack. Can we start over?" She tilted her head and smiled pleasantly at him before sitting cross-legged on the ground. Jack nodded at her with a distrusting expression but hesitantly copied her position.
"Thank you, Jack. I'm sorry about the attitude earlier, it's just that, with this form you gave me, her personality and came with it and then there was your expectations and perception to deal with, so I had to battle through that. I'm very sorry, but I think we're all good now."
Jack was struck by just how pretty the pleasant smile on her face was and had to remind himself that it wasn't really Marty.
"What do you mean? Who are you?" He asked, expecting another vague and confusing answer. The girl giggled, her laugh sounded exactly like Marty's bubbling, wind chime laugh.
"I'm you, Jack!" She replied, brightly.
"No, you're not- you can't- how can you be me? I don't understand," Jack shook his head, bewildered. The girl giggled again.
"I'm not you you, of course. I'm your conscience! Or your sub-conscious or whatever, really." Jack didn't know what to say. Not-Marty leaned forward as if to tell him a secret. "Ya remember what I said about us being inside your head?" She reminded him.
"So, this is a dream?" He asked. She nodded.
"You could call it that, yes. So, you don't have to worry about Marty. When you wake up, she'll be right were you left her, safe, sound, and all cuddled up in your arms." She wrapped her arms around herself, jokingly. Jack nodded, sighing with relief, now he could figure out the rest of this weirdness.
"If you're my conscience, why do you look like Marty?" Was his next question. The girl claiming to be his conscience shrugged.
"You were thinking about her when you fell asleep. It's that simple." Jack nodded slowly.
"This is confusing," he stated. The girl just nodded.
"It is. Let's make it a little less confusing, shall we?" She stretched her hand out for him to shake, "I'm not Marty so how bout' you call me Cricket?"
"Why Cricket?"
"Like Jiminy Cricket! From Pinocchio!" She cheered. Jack took her hand and shook it firmly, still not completely sure he trusted all she was saying.
"Hello Cricket, it's nice to meet you?" He said, more as a question than a statement.
"It's nice to meet you too, Jack!" Cricket giggled for a moment before sobering up in a snap, "But we need to have a talk," She said, her voice grave.
"About what?" Asked Jack, carefully. Cricket chuckled at his apprehensive tone.
"Relax kiddo, it's not like I'm mad at you!" She reassured him.
"Then why am I here? What do we need to talk about?" Cricket frowned; her expression dark.
"We need to talk about Marty," She said. Jack narrowed his eyes.
"What about Marty?"
"There's something off about that girl, but I don't know what it is," Cricket answered.
"Why not?"
She rolled her eyes.
"Well, if you don't know, then I don't know, and we don't know!" She he exclaimed.
"But I'm telling you, all five-foot-two of this," Cricket gestured at Marty's body, "Isn't what it seems." Jack frowned.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying, Martina is dangerous," Cricket deadpanned.
"No! She's my friend! She's not dangerous!" Jack protested. Cricket raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Really? How much do you actually know about her? You don't even know her full name," She pointed out, her voice harsh. "She's keeping secrets, Jack."
"Don't make me the villain here, Jack. You're making me the villain, I'm not!"
"Stop! Get out of my head!" Jack shouted.
"Jack, listen to me. I'm you and I'm trying to protect us!" Jack scrambled to his feet, shaking his head.
"I don't believe you!" The girl in front of him stood too.
"If you won't listen to me, then maybe you'll listen to mom." Then Marty was gone. Standing in her place was Kelly Kline.
"Mom?" Jack whispered he couldn't stop himself inching forward. Kelly opened her arms.
"Jack! Please listen to me, you can't trust that girl. I know she's your friend, but you need to look-" Jack cut her off.
"You're not real!" He said, backing away. In an instant, Kelly was gone, and Cricket came back.
"Fine, suit yourself." Cricket's glared was ferocious and her voice was cruel. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
Jack blinked and when he opened his eyes, Cricket was gone.
"We should probably wake em' up," Sam whispered as the Impala rounded the turn off on the dirt road that led to the bunker.
"Wait! Cas, do me a favor," Dean said passing his phone to the angel in the back seat, "take a picture of those two." Jack and Marty were still fast asleep. The only thing that had changed in eight hours on the road was that Marty had grabbed a hand full of Jack's shirt. Taking the phone from Dean's hand, Cas snapped three pictures of the sleeping duo.
"Here." He passed the phone back to Dean who took his eyes off the road to observe the pictures.
"Awesome." Dean grinned. "These are going in the black-mail folder."
"In the what?" Sam asked.
"The black-mail folder, Sammy. You don't have one?"
"Uh, no."
"Your loss," Dean shrugged, turning his attention back to driving. The car was quiet for a few minutes.
"So, what's in the black-mail folder?" Sam asked after a bit. Dean smirked at his brother.
"You'll find out," He said, ominously, "Next time I want something, you'll find out."
Sam decided in that moment that he did not want to find out what was in Dean's black mail folder. As the bunker came into view, Castiel reached over and shook the shoulders of the sleeping pair next to him.
"Jack, Marty, we're here," Cas urged, gently. Jack eye's opened and he blinked the tiredness from them, his neck was stiff, so he stretched it out. Marty, however, did not wake nearly as easily.
"Martina." Cas shook her shoulder again.
"Wake up."
"Five more minutes." She murmured. Jack chuckled at her antics.
"Marty, wake up. We're home." Marty's big grey eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to look up at Jack.
"Home?" She sighed.
"Yeah, home," Jack said. Marty sat up and yawned, stretching her arms and rubbing her eyes.
"Home sounds pretty good."
~What story should I tell? Will it end happy? Will it turn out well? What dreams do I own? Can I call any place my home?
And I rock myself to sleep And I tell myself "Don't fall to deep" Cause I know by now You're not comin' for me
And I tell myself "Move along" And I tell myself "You were all wrong" But I know by now Wrong was right for me
I'll sleep peacefully~
Lyrics from: Sleep Peacefully by Lilly Kershaw
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babygurlkamya · 4 years
Can’t Get You Out Of My Head (Luke Patterson x OC)
Luke Patterson x OC
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Description: Los Feliz high school is a school full with extremely talented kids. Most of the students at this school could sing, dance, play an instrument, or all three. Anastasia Madden was of the few students that could do all three. Anastasia was known around the school for being a varsity cheerleader and one of the members of Dirty Candy (Which has honestly never shown her real singing talent). Anastasia never cared about being popular and likable to people it just happened. Anastasia never cared about being popular and likable to people it just happened. When her friend Julie Molina lost her mom and stopped playing music it hurt Anastasia to see her like that. Anastasia, Flynn, and their former friend Carrie tried their best to help Julie. Carrie started to distance herself from them and soon took the spot first chair and in music class.  After Julie fails to play in music class and runs out in fear. Anastasia decides to hang out at the Molina’s household to check up on her. Ray(Julie’s dad) asks them to help out cleaning Julie’s mom’s studio. They find a CD in a box and decides to play it to help them clean. When they play the CD three boys appear in Julie’s studio. What will happen?
Warning: Swearing, mention of dangerous activity
Word count: 1,754
A/N: This does go along with the actual show so please know that. Anastasia is an beautiful WOC with dyed red hair and brown eyes. She is also 5′5. I believe that is all you need to know.
Los Feliz high school is a school filled with extremely talented kids. Most of the students at this school could sing, dance, play an instrument, or all three. Anastasia Madden was of the few students that could do all three. Anastasia was known around the school for being a varsity cheerleader and one of the members of Dirty Candy (Which has honestly never shown her real singing talent). Anastasia never cared about being popular and likable to people; it just happened. When her friend Julie Molina lost her mom and stopped playing music it hurt Anastasia to see her like that. Anastasia, Flynn, and their former friend Carrie tried their best to help Julie. Carrie started to distance herself from them and soon took the spot first chair and in music class.  After Julie fails to play in music class and runs out in fear. Anastasia decides to hang out at Molina's household to check up on her. Ray(Julie’s dad) asks them to help out cleaning Julie’s mom’s studio. They find a CD in a box and decide to play it to help them clean. When they play the CD three boys appear in Julie’s studio. What will happen? But let’s backtrack to the beginning of today.
As the bell rings to signal the end of class. Anastasia was seen walking down the hallways heading to her locker in her blush pink dress and her letterman jacket. A couple of people would walk up to her while she was walking to her locker to say hi. She would reply to them and smile. As she made it to her locker, a Puerto Rican with brown curly hair, wearing clothes like she didn’t want to be noticed today walked up to the locker next to her. 
“Hey, Julies.” Anastasia greeted as she opened her locker.
“Hey, Ms. Cheerleader,” said Julie, smiling at her.
Anastasia giggles before saying, “you know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“I know but you are a cheerleader so…”
A girl in colorful clothing walks up to the two girls. “Hey, Underachiever.” As their friend Flynn referred to Julie. “Hey, Overachiever.” referring to Anastasia.
“Hey, disappointment.” Julie and Anastasia replied with smiles on their face.
“Okay, I know you don’t want me to ask you this, but have you figured out what you’re gonna do today?” Flynn questioned. 
“I’ll know in the moment,” Julie answered.
Anastasia frowned. “Girl, come on. We got to know something.” Anastasia looked down knowing that Julie had been through a lot after her mom passed. She had never seen her so down. Anastasia knew how much Julie’s mom meant to Julie. Julie’s mom meant so much to Anastasia her mom taught her how to play the piano and the guitar. She would spend the weekends hanging out at Julie’s house making music together. It was their favorite pastime.
“Really, Julies? That’s all you’re giving me? Ms. Harrison said this is your last chance.” Flynn urged with worry seeping into her tone.
“I know, I was there,” said Julie.
“See you at the rally,” said a distinctive voice the three girls knew too well. A blonde girl wearing a two-piece pink top and skirt, handing out flyers to the people around her.
“Ugh, what is she handing out?” Flynn asked.
“Oh, I forgot we’re performing at the rally tomorrow,” Anastasia mumbled.
Flynn looked at her glaring before turning back around.
“Desperation, no offense Ana.” Guessed Julie. 
“I don’t blame you, I would say the same thing,” Anastasia replied, smirking.
Carrie walked up to the three girls handing Julie and Flynn flyers. “Here you go. My group’s performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do. Am I right Anastasia?”
“I’m pretty sure they would only show up just to see me,” Anastasia replied, rolling her eyes at the blonde.
Flynn, ignoring the comment from Anastasia, is annoyed that she still hasn’t quit Carrie’s group “Dirty Candy.” “Oh my gosh, Carrie, thanks!” Flynn exclaimed in a fake excited tone. 
Carrie put her hand on her chest faking to be hurt. “Oh my gosh, Flynn, don’t bother coming!”
“She didn’t mean that,” said Anastasia.
“Oh yes I did, Anastasia,” said Carrie smirking before turning around and walking handing more flyers out to people. Flynn crumpled up her flyer in her fist. Anastasia took Julie’s flyer out her hand knowing good and well she wasn’t going to go. She looked at Julie for a second before looking at what she was or should I whom she was staring at, which happened to be Carrie’s boyfriend.
“Nick?” Flynn questioned. “Still? You know they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Nick’s a sweetheart,” Julie argued.
“Yeah, you’d actually have to talk to him to know that.” Anastasia quickly replied.
“True and only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby.” Flynn looks right at Carrie before shouting “Demon!” Carrie looks at the three girls. The three girls turned away quickly laughing. 
Flynn pointed to Julie’s face. “There’s that smile. Now let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
Julie and Anastasia closed their lockers, all three of them walked to music class. They sat down next to each other and waited for the class to begin. Ms. Harrison walked into the room telling all of the students who would be performing today. Flynn and Anastasia had gone the day prior. Mrs. Harrison had called up Nick to perform first, who absolutely killed it on the electric guitar. Everyone in the class had clapped for him after he had finished.
“Nick job, Nick,” Ms. Harrison praised. “Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale.
Nick and a couple of his lacrosse friends chuckled. Anastasia had also chuckled as she was there at the game cheering for the school lacrosse team.
“Okay, we have one last performance,” Ms. Harrison announced while Nick went to unplug his guitar. “Julie.”
Julie looked up nervously. She had stood and placed the hat she was wearing on the chair. Anastasia and Flynn quickly glanced at each other in concern as they watched Julie slowly approach the grand piano in the classroom. Julie slowly placed her sheet music down on top of the piano as she sat down. Anastasia and Flynn gave Julie thumbs up as in encouragement. 
“Take your time,” Ms. Harrison told Julie softly
Julie took a deep breath, she opened the piano to reveal the keys. She placed her fingers on the keys gently before quickly retracting them. Flynn and Anastasia’s eyes widened as they both stood up worrying about Julie.
Julie got to her and shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Is this when we clap?” Carrie questioned.
Ms. Harrison turned and gave Carrie a look. Julie rushed out of the room and into the hallways.
“Watch it, Carrie,” Flynn scolding Carrie before running after Julie.
“That was a really bitchy move, Carrie, even for you,” said Anastasia.
“Ms. Madden, Language,” said Ms. Harrison, scolding Anastasia.
“Sorry, is it okay if--”
Ms. Harrison nodded knowing what she was about to ask and soon motioning her to go after the girls. Anastasia quickly ran after her two best friends. As she made out to the hallways she could Flynn talking to Julie.
“Julie! Girl, you better get back up there and you show them you can sing!”
Anastasia finally made over to them. “We all know you can do it, Julie!”
“I’ve tried for myself, I’ve tried for Ms. Harrison, I’ve tried for you two, I’ve tried for Dad, and I’ve tried for Mom. For a whole year, I’ve been trying. But I can’t do this anymore… I can’t…..I’m done.” Julie cried to the two girls. Anastasia looked down trying to hold back tears knowing this was hurting her too. Julie turned and ran out of the door.
“Julie!” The girls called out for her but it was too late she was already gone. Flynn and Anastasia both sat down at the steps holding each other worried for their friend.
“Okay, everyone. Time to get in your stunting groups.” Said Anastasia cheer coach. Anastasia took a deep breath before heading her stunt group. She had been completely messing up since practice started. The only thing on her mind. She was lucky that she had cheered as one of her classes today and didn’t have to stay after school.
“Hey, Ana, are you okay?” asked a brunette girl named Ashley.
“Not really, Ash. Do you think I could trade your stop today and back spot? I don’t feel in the right mindset to fly today.”
“Oh sure, I do need more practice on it anyways.”
Anastasia gives her a weak smile. After practicing for 20 minutes their coach comes up to the group of 4.
“Ana, I haven’t seen you stunt yet. Can you and Ashley switch? I really want to see what you have been working on. 
“Yes, Coach.” The girls switched positions as they did so that their coach gave them the idea of doing a basket toss. Anastasia’s eyes widened as she was completely nervous to try the move knowing that was going to have her be completely focused even though she really wasn’t. They warm up for a good five minutes before trying it the first time the head almost did it correctly if it wasn’t for Ari messing up at the beginning. They tried it again but it didn’t go so well they wound up dropping her. Anastasia screamed as she fell. The coach runs up to her as the rest of the team does as well.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Coach. I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt. It was my fault. I wasn’t focused, don’t blame it on them.”
“Don’t worry about who is at fault. Right now I need my star flyer healthy. Go to the nurse and let her check you. When she lets you go you can go home and get some rest. Can you do that for me?” said her coach with concern in her voice.
“Yeah, I can do that.” Anastasia gets up and grabs her stuff and heads to the nurse’s office. The nurse said her right leg and her arms were just bruised and she would just be fine if she iced it. She walks out the office getting a message for her mom saying she was going to pick up with her stuff to sleepover at the Molina’s.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy the first part of this series. I’m currently editing part 2 and working on part 3. Hopefully part 2 will be out later tonight! Feedback would be so helpful. Let’s me know if you would like to be add to the taglist!!-Mya
Taglist: @taehyungsrealgucciwife
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vampire--dad · 4 years
For the Witcher Writers’ Circle prompt bingo!
Prompt: Grieving
I am so sorry
(you did this to yourself kell)
(song: play this when i’m gone — Machine Gun Kelly)
I’m writing you this message just so I can say that I love you.
The letter slips from Jaskier’s satchel as Geralt moves it aside to find his nice black doublet. His eyes follow the parchment as it falls to the floor and sees his name penned delicately across the folded page. He’s almost scared to read it, especially today. But he does. He picks it up from the floor and sits on the edge of the bed as he unfolds the page. He almost hears the bard’s sweet voice in his head, wishing that it was more than a figment of his imagination, that it was real, that he was still here.
They both knew it would happen someday, but Geralt had hoped they’d have more time. Jaskier’s death came early even for a human. Some sickness had caught him. Yennefer and Triss did everything they could, brought all the help they could muster, but nothing worked. No herb or potion could cure whatever it was that ailed him. All they could do was ease the pain as he slipped away.
The witcher sighs as his eyes pass over those three words. Jaskier could never say it too many times. It never lost its meaning. He proved it in new ways every day, even on his deathbed.
I had to let you know that everything about me was you.
As if Geralt didn’t already know. Jaskier loved to say that Geralt was his smile, his laughter, the sparkle in those beautiful blue eyes that he misses so sorely. The witcher almost smiles thinking of those eyes and how Jaskier used to set them upon him and smile and tell him for at least the fifth time that day that he loved him. Sometimes Geralt wasn’t sure why he did. Jaskier would lay with him late at night or early in the morning, brushing a hand through his hair, and remind him of all the reasons he adored him.
But not even those memories can ease the pain of the truth. Those eyes now remain closed, the smile nothing more than a memory that Geralt clings to. Sometimes, if he closes his eyes and relaxes enough, which doesn’t come easily, he can almost feel Jaskier’s fingers in his hair, brushing through the snowy locks and twisting them into a braid. He only wishes it was real. That he was still here next to him peppering kisses on his cheeks and making him laugh like no one ever could.
I think it’s time for me to leave, but I’ll never leave you.
He dares not look outside. He knows that by now Eskel and Lambert will have laid his body on a pyre. He promised himself that he would hold himself together for as long as he could and seeing his body, having to accept once again that he’s gone, will break him before the funeral even starts.
His free hand rests on the chain around his neck that carries two rings. They dangle just below his medallion, close to his heart. Both are made of gold, one shaped like two vines woven together, the other simple, but not bland. They hang next to his heart as a reminder, something for Geralt to remember his husband by. Not that he needs it. Jaskier is burned into his brain like a brand. No matter how many years pass until he sees his lover again, he’ll never forget him.
Ciri stands by his door in a long dress of black silk with a light cloak drawn around her shoulders. Jaskier did love that dress on her. It brought out those beautiful green eyes, he’d say. Geralt can tell that she’s already been crying. Jaskier, her papa, meant the world to her as she did to him. He loved that girl as fiercely as Geralt does. She has his wonderful imagination, his creativity, his way with words that Geralt could never understand, and, unfortunately, his flirtatiousness. He hears Jaskier every time she tells a story of a hideous monster or a wonderful woman she’s met on her travels.
Geralt sets aside the letter and stands, returning to his search for his doublet.
“I’m almost ready,” he says shortly, not trusting himself to say much more.
“Are you?” she asks softly. Geralt doesn’t respond. He can’t. A lump forms in his throat that he chokes back down. “I don’t think I am… I’m not ready to say goodbye to him…”
She sniffles and sighs, letting out a chuckle to try to lift her own spirits.
“Gods, I’m a mess already.”
“That makes two of us,” he replies thickly, leaning against the dresser with a sigh.
The pain in Ciri’s voice only adds to his own. Tears shine in his yellow eyes as they meet Ciri’s green ones. Her lip trembles as she throws herself into Geralt’s arms.
I’m not gonna lie and tell you it’s alright. It’s alright.
“It’s alright, Geralt.”
Those were his last words to his lover. His voice was barely above a whisper, weak and shaking in his chest as his heart came to a stop. Geralt wonders if he knew when he said those words how deeply they would hurt him when he was gone. He remembers feeling Jaskier’s hand go limp in his, watching his eyes close for the last time and the life slip from his body, wishing he’d had the strength to say ‘I love you’ one last time for him to hear. Yennefer and Triss were quick to leave the room, each holding their breath so Geralt wouldn’t hear them cry. He shakes his head slightly, trying not to think about the moment his husband passed. It only hurts more.
Ciri helps him fiddle with the buttons of the doublet. Usually he would hate wearing these things and would much prefer to wear his armour, but of all people, Geralt insisted that they bring out what little finery they allow themselves to have. Jaskier loved to see them all dressed up. Over the years he shared with Geralt on the Path, the witcher convinced him to wear something slightly more protective than silk and lace, but he loved to dress up. He liked to look pretty for his White Wolf, as he would say so affectionately.
“He would have loved this outfit,” Ciri says softly.
“He would have loved yours more, petal.”
Ciri draws in a slow, calming breath at the use of one of Jaskier’s old nicknames. Her eyes are already reddened and puffy.
“I should have gone out last night and picked some daisies for my hair.”
You’re gonna cry and baby, that’s alright. It’s alright.
It’s a struggle, but Geralt manages to hold back his tears until the fire roars and envelopes Jaskier’s body, wrapped delicately in the finest silk Lambert and Eskel could find. The funeral was going to be painful enough without having to see Jaskier’s pale face.
With his brothers’ arms slung around his shoulders, Geralt looks up at the clouds that hang above their heads and sighs shakily, tears streaming from his eyes. Eskel glances at him and pulls him into a hug. That’s what really breaks him. All of a sudden he’s sobbing quietly into his brother’s shoulder, Lambert’s hand still on his back. Eskel clenches his jaw and blinks tears from his own eyes as they meet with those of his younger brother. Lambert quickly looks away. Even at a funeral, he doesn’t want his brothers to see him cry. Jaskier had become incredibly close with Geralt’s brothers. Eskel loved to share his stories with him for his songs. He always made it known that those stories weren’t of the famed White Wolf, but another charming warrior. He never wanted his brother’s fame, but at least Jaskier gave him the credit. Lambert used to have such terrific exchanges with the bard, sharing the most creative empty insults and making each other howl with laughter. Late at night they’d share much kinder words. Jaskier would tell the witcher that his voice would pair wonderfully with his own. Lambert never took him up on the offer. He should have.
Ciri has her head buried in Yennefer's shoulder, crying her eyes out again. Her papa was her sunshine. She was his daisy. He made sure that she knew how to collect her skirt when she sat down, how to curtsey, how to braid her hair— not easy things for a girl to learn when she’s raised by wolves. Luckily, though he didn’t have sisters of his own, he had many, many cousins. Yennefer was expecting a wild, boyish, awkward child when she took Ciri into her care. She was surprised to meet a polite young lady with expertly braided hair. She often spoke of her fathers, one being a little rough around the edges but loving and kind, the other being like a walking ray of sunshine. Yennefer eventually met this wonderful man she described and found this to be oh so true. She and Jaskier spent many nights together drinking expensive wine and gossiping. He often told her of his latest quarrel with his husband, but no matter how disagreeable he could be at times, he always spoke of Geralt with love and affection. She remembers those nights fondly as she watches flames engulf his body with tears rolling down her cheeks.
I wrote you this song to keep when I’m gone if you ever feel alone.
Geralt hasn’t slept properly since he passed. The only thing that grants him relief from the exhaustion is the exhaustion itself. In the early hours of the morning he’ll pass out, only to wake a few hours later, still alone. That’s quite possibly the hardest part. He’d grown so used to Jaskier lying next to him, snoring softly, that trying to sleep alone is almost impossible. He misses tracing the curve of his back, burying his face in the crook of his neck, kissing his hair and neck to wake him, watching those bright blue eyes flutter open. He wouldn’t dare sleep with another. He doubts he ever will. Jaskier was his light. Nothing can replace that. No one can.
But the weight of being alone becomes heavier with each day that passes. The chain around his neck feels like an anchor, but taking it off would hurt even more. He finds himself bed ridden some days, not seeing much of a reason to get up. He knows what Jaskier would say. He tries to listen. The others don’t say anything, other than words of encouragement. They know how Geralt feels. Jaskier’s passing weighs heavily on all of them but it’s nothing compared to him, the man he would have followed to the ends of the earth. The weight on Geralt is unimaginable.
Part of me doesn’t want this cruel world to know you.
“We don’t want your kind ‘round here.”
“You’re no different from the things you hunt, you know that?”
Jaskier used to work himself into a frenzy over those comments. Geralt reassured him that he was used to it, it came with the occupation, but the bard wouldn’t accept that.
“What the fuck do they think they know?!” he would exclaim. “They call you all these names, but they don’t know you. Not like I do.”
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to know me like you know me, songbird,” the witcher would reply.
Jaskier would turn to him, still annoyed, but smiling. That was the one thing about him that never aged, his smile. Wrinkles slowly formed around his eyes. Grey streaks appeared among his mass of chestnut hair. But his smile never aged, even framed by a thick but well kept beard.
“Well, no, I wouldn’t want anyone to know you quite that well either. But still, Geralt. They don’t give you a chance.”
Geralt would chuckle and shake his head. Jaskier hated how adorable the witcher thought he was when he was angry, but that anger quickly melted when Geralt pulled him into his arms.
So just try and keep in mind everything that I told you.
Jaskier would shower Geralt in compliments, if not just to see him try to hide how flustered he was. He’d give him all of the nicknames he could come up with and deepen the blush on Geralt’s cheeks by peppering kisses on them and on the tip of his nose. Geralt had maybe one or two nicknames for him. His favourite was songbird. Jaskier would smile brighter than the sun whenever he called him that.
“Your eyes look like rays of sunshine, dear heart. Like the finest gold.”
“Sweet Melitele, your hair, my love. It’s so soft when it’s clean. It looks and feels like fresh snow.”
“Have I ever told you how wonderfully intelligent I think you are, my dearest? You like to act like you’re not, but I know you are. If I had met you at Oxenfurt I would have thought you a scholar.”
“Stop it, Jask.”
“Why? Oh, is my big scary wolf getting all flustered because I called him pretty and smart?”
“No. Witchers don’t get flustered.”
“Bollocks to that. I see you blushing.”
Maybe there was some truth to all the things Jaskier said to him.
This is the last time I’ll ever open up my eyes, I apologise.
That moment haunts Geralt. He tries his best not to think about it, but late at night it flashes before his eyes, clear as day.
Yennefer had sought him out early in the morning, waking him from what little sleep he was trying to get. She looked exhausted, but they couldn’t afford to stop working. Jaskier was getting worse, she told him. She didn’t need to say anymore. They both knew. They were losing him. Geralt was out of bed and up the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him.
Even weak and dying, Jaskier’s smile could light up a room in seconds. Despite the tears beginning to slip from his eyes, Geralt smiled weakly and sat on the edge of the bed, brushing his fingers through Jaskier’s hair and kissing him softly. He had to. He didn’t want to admit it, but he knew then it would be the last time.
Jaskier managed a soft chuckle and told him he looked like shit. Nothing could quash his sense of humour. Geralt told him he wasn’t looking much better and immediately regretted it, even if it was just a joke. Jaskier shrugged. He seemed to have already accepted his fate.
All of a sudden, Jaskier’s breath rattled in his chest. The smile slipped from Geralt’s face as he leaned over Jaskier and gripped his hand firmly. The bard had kept on smiling and reassured him he was alright. Geralt begged to differ, but stayed silent as Jaskier cupped his face gently and told him he loved him. He said it with such finality that Geralt just about started sobbing then and there. Jaskier wiped a tear from his cheek gently but before he could speak again, he coughed, his hand falling from his face and clutching at his chest. Geralt looked on helplessly as he fought to draw one last breath.
“It’s alright, Geralt.”
He doesn’t remember much after that. He remembers clutching Jaskier’s body to his chest and sobbing, but he can’t recall how long he sat there. At some point, Eskel had come in to pull Geralt away. He didn’t want to go, but Eskel had to remind him that there was nothing he could do now. He was gone.
In that moment, Geralt’s whole world had come crashing down before his very eyes.
Tags: @lovelyeskel @jaskierswolf @patchwork-quilts @viking-raider
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Summary: The reader unexpectedly falls in love with two best friends
Characters: Frank Castle x black!reader, Billy Russo x black!reader
Warnings: Violence, language, and smut
WC: 6.5k (yeah, its hella long)
A/N: This is my baby and its finally ready for release. There will be a pt. 2, which revolves around season 2. Be on the lookout for that!
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A groan behind the dumpster alerted you. Instinctively, you drew your gun and rounded the corner. Your eyes had to be deceiving you, because right now you were standing in front of a supposed to be dead Punisher.
Tucking your gun back in, you bent down to check on him. “Hey, are you ok?”
“I’m bleeding out lady, do I look okay,” he grunted.
Instead of sassing him back like you usually would, you pulled him up and started walking him up to your condo.
“Hey, lady you don’t have to do this. I’m good.” He protested, trying to push off of you, but too weak to do so.
“Stop calling me lady. My name’s Y/N. And you can’t even walk on your own. Let me stitch you up and then you can leave and finish whatever crusade you’re fighting.”
Frank shut his mouth. He did an okay job at stitching himself up, but it was always better to let someone else do it. Especially, when it’s a beautiful woman such as yourself.
You finally got into your place without getting caught. After, you guided Frank to a seat, you grabbed the first aid kit out of your bathroom.
“What’s a fancy girl like you willing to bring a bleeding man in your place,” Frank questioned after taking in your condo. Women who lived in places like these typically stayed away from men who looked like him currently. They usually clutch their purse and have 911 on speed dial.
“You’re not the first bloody man I’ve brought up here and you certainly won’t be the last. And plus, I know who you are, Frank,” you took a break from cleaning his wound to look up at him to show him you had no ill-intentions. “Whatever you’re doing now has to still do with your family and I totally get it. I didn’t stop hunting down the men who killed my sister.” You explained before he could even ask you.
“So, you’re not just some trust fund baby?” Frank joked.
Tugging on the thread a little hard you smiled at his wince. “No, I’m definitely a trust fund baby. I’m just a trust fund baby that knows how to shoot.”
For the first time tonight, he smiled, and you almost poked yourself with the needle. Frank Castle was already a dangerous man, but Frank Castle smiling was a deadly man.
“You know you should smile more,” you said, finishing up the last stitch.
“I haven’t had a reason to in a long time until now.” Frank stared at you for a while, but then he remembered he had to leave, not wanting you to get caught for harboring him.
He grabbed his jacket and limped to the door. “Thanks, Y/N.” He started turning the knob but stopped and looked back at you. “Um, do you mind? Can I- um, shit why is this so hard?” He fumbled with his words and you had to stop laughing, because you could tell Frank wasn’t a man who got nervous easily. “Would it be okay, if I uh, if I come here next time I’m all busted up?”
Going up to him, you reached up to the doorframe and grabbed the spare key. “How about this? You take this key and use it whenever you’re hurt.” You forcefully placed the key in his hand and gently shoved him out the door, because you knew he would reject your offer. “See you later, Frank.”
Since, that first night with Frank you seen him numerous times thanks to his extracurricular activities. Quickly, you two became friends, which probably a hard thing for Frank to do. Conversation between you two were never boring.  In fact, most of the time you two spent it laughing. After all the tragedy in his life, you knew Frank needed a ray of light, some semblance of happiness and you were the one to offer it to him.
Sometimes during his visits, he would use you as a sounding board. Your dad ran a private security firm and you worked for him so, you would give him some insight on his missions. He trusted you so much, that he told you where his hideout was with David Liberman was so you could patch him up if he couldn’t make it to you.
During all your time with Frank, you found yourself falling for him. And who could blame you? He was the perfect mix between rough and gentle, serious and goofy, jackass and sweetheart. Your ex was the opposite. Sure, Billy was rough around the edges, but he had a smooth exterior. He could charm a homeless man into giving him his last dollar.  
That’s how Billy ended up in your home even though you had a bleeding Frank locked in your spare bedroom. He charmed himself in.
“So, what is it that you want Bill? I’m tired and I’ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow.”
He knelt in front of you and grabbed your hands. “I miss you. I want us to get back together, baby.”
Knocking his hands away, you stood up from the couch. “Bullshit, Billy! Didn’t I just see you with that curly-haired DHS agent a couple of months ago?”
Billy smirked at your jealously. He knew you would never admit it, but he still affected you. Hell, you still affected him. “She reminded me of you a bit and I thought I could stay with a poor reminder of you, but I can’t. You’ve been in my mind every fucking day and I can’t get you out no matter how many other women I fucked.” He lifted his hand to stop you from interrupting him. “I know I messed up, but baby I was in a dark place then and I’m better now. I need you Y/N. I wanna marry you, give you babies, and grow old together. Please, give me one more chance,” he pleaded with a kiss to your hand.
A war was raging inside of you. If Billy would’ve done this a couple of weeks earlier, you probably would’ve taken him back in heartbeat and given him a hard time about it, but now that you were developing feelings for Frank it wasn’t so easy.
“Who is he?” Billy’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Who’s the man you’re seeing” Billy annoyingly clarified for you.
You were confused. Why would he think you were seeing anyone? “Not that its any of your business Russo, but I’m not dating anyone. You kind of fucked up dating for me.”
Billy used his height to tower over you to intimidate you as he backed you into the wall. “Fuck that. Remember I can you read you so fucking well. What other man has you hesitating to take me back?”
When you didn’t answer, he kissed you roughly and what a wonderful feeling it was. Billy looked like he would be a gentle lover, but in reality, he was rough, and you loved it. Abruptly, he ended the kiss. “Does he kiss you like that? Does he know how you like to be man-handled? Does he know that you like it doggy-style with your hair pulled?” In between each question he would kiss you with his hands roaming your body.
Someway, somehow you ended up on your couch with Billy on top of you, pulling off each other’s clothes. Both of you were very close to getting naked when Billy’s phone went off. Angrily, he answered the phone and by the sound of it, you wouldn’t be continuing your little rendezvous.
“Work emergency,” he explained while putting his clothes back on. “But this is far from over. I’m picking you up at 9 tomorrow morning for breakfast. No arguments. I love you.”
“Love you too,” you replied back, before he kissed your forehead and rushed out the door.
With one door closing another one opened and you finally remembered about Frank. When he came out, he had a look of despair on his face and you felt so fucking bad. How could you be so inconsiderate of him while he was in pain?
Pushing him to the chair you apologized. “I’m so sorry, Frank. I just get so caught up in Billy that I forget about everything. I should’ve never let him in. I’m sorry.”
Frank grabbed your hands just like Billy did earlier. “No, I’m sorry.”
Now you were definitely confused. Why in the hell is Frank apologizing to you? “Umm for what,” you dragged out.
“You know I used to nag Billy about finding a good woman and settling down, you know the whole quality over quantity thing, and now look at me. I’m falling in love with his girl. Some fucking friend I am.” Frank confessed, keeping his head down.
You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Frank knew Billy. It wasn’t far-fetched, both were in the marines and at the same time. Great, it was just your luck that you fell for two best friends.
“Did you guys meet in the service?” You whispered, not trusting your voice to crack.
Frank shook his head yes. “Yeah, saved my ass more times I can count. He was on that special ops team with me that Rawlins and Schoonover headed.”
Nudging his head, you got Frank to look at you. “Frank, I didn’t know,” remorse filling your voice.
Frank held your face in his hands. “No, no, no. Its not your fault, sweetheart. Just my luck to fall in love with my best friend’s girl, huh?”
“You love me,” you asked, tears pricking your eyes.
“Oh yeah, who wouldn’t? But I already had my chance at happiness, now its Billy’s turn. You won’t see me again. I’ll get Liberman to fix me up.” Frank claimed, walking towards your door.
You grabbed his hand to try to pull him back, but he snatched his hand away with ease despite being hurt. “Frank don’t do this,” you pleaded with him.
Nodding his head to himself, he looked down at the ground. “I got to. Billy needs you. He needs a strong woman in his life. If you can make an angry, bitter fuck like me happy, you definitely can do the same for Bill. I can’t be around you, because I’ll do my best to keep you for myself.”
The both of you let reality sink in. This would be the last time you’d see Frank Castle. Just before he crossed the doorway, he slammed the door shut, gripped your face and backed you against the door. “Shit, I’m gonna regret it if I don’t do this.” Suddenly, his lips were on yours and it was divine. His kiss was gentle, but no less dominant or passionate than Billy’s. He just expressed it in a different way.
Before you got to truly relish in the kiss, Frank released your lips and leaned his forehead against yours. “Take care of Bill for me, ok,” and with one last kiss to your forehead Frank was gone.
Billy stood by the gate staring daggers at a cuffed Frank. Only if Frank would’ve stayed in hiding, he wouldn’t have to deal with all this and could be spending time with you.
“Just ask it, Bill. I know you want to,” Frank told him.
He pushed off the gate and got right in front of Frank’s face. Both men staring each other down in hate. “You screw her, Frank?”
Frank leaned back to take a look at his former best friend, a man he once considered as his brother. He toyed with the idea to lie to him but disregarded it because, he didn’t want to disrespect you by lying on you.
Getting fed up with waiting, Billy asked again with more bass in his voice. “Did you sleep with Y/N, Frankie?”
“No, but I should’ve.”
Billy cocked back his hand and punched Frank.  No other man could have you, only him.
The punch didn’t affect Frank one bit. He just laughed it off and egged on Billy. “Man, you messed up, Bill. You lost her. Do you think she could ever forgive you after what you did? Was killing my wife and kids worth you losing the best damn thing in your miserable life!?” Frank ended up screaming in his face.
“My life wasn’t ruined until you decided to start your little revenge mission! I already had the ring picked out, the perfect wedding venue, and her father’s permission, but you ruined that Frank! You dragged the one pure thing in my life into your mess!”
Frank tried to jump up from his chair to get in Billy’s face. “No, you did that all on your own! After Madani found you out at the hotel, she brought Y/N in for questioning. Madani told me she railed into her. She thought Y/N had to know something, but she didn’t. Eventually, Madani believed Y/N and felt bad for her, so she told her the whole truth about you.”
“You’re lying and if you aren’t Y/N didn’t believe a word.” Billy sneered, pointing a gun at Frank.
“I’m not lying, Bill and you’re right…she didn’t believe Madani. Y/N/N didn’t believe it until she talked to me. I used to be able to find solace at Maria’s grave, but it wasn’t enough after I found out you betrayed me. So, I went to Y/N to talk and you wanna know what happened when she opened the door?”
Billy rolled his eyes at Frank’s dramatic storytelling. “What happened?”
“She broke down and cried.” Frank reminisced on your last encounter. The heartbreak on your face solidified his hatred for Billy. “All it took was one look at me and she knew everything Madani told her was true, and you wanna know what the kicker is? She apologized to me. To me! Like she was the one who pulled the trigger. She apologized for loving the man who destroyed my family. Hell, Billy she was so fucking disgusted with herself that she wouldn’t even let me touch her! Do you know what a fucking gift you had, Billy!? A woman like her only comes once in a lifetime.”
Billy had to hold himself together, no matter how much he wanted to break down. Whatever chance he thought he had with you was gone. There were a lot of things you could forgive, but his recent actions were unforgivable. “So, what now? You think you won now that you ruined my relationship with Y/N? What, are you two going to live happily ever after?”
“Hell no! Even though she hates what you did, she still loves you and that’s the beauty of Y/N. So, I can’t be with her when I kill the love of her life. I would be a constant reminder of that.”
Bending down, leaning on his knees Billy said to Frank, “That’s not gonna happen. You’ll be dead and then I’ll have time to fix things with Y/N.”
The former friends couldn’t resume their argument, because Rawlins finally showed up. This conversation would have to pick up at another time.
Miraculously, Lieberman was able to get in contact with you and informed you of Frank’s crazy plan. David only told you, so you can get to their safe house before Homeland Security and save Frank. He had a horrible feeling that Frank was being tortured or at the brink of death.
And he was absolutely right. When you got to the safe-house Frank was beaten at the worst you’ve ever seen him, and Rawlins had a knife to his eye.
Knowing Rawlins’ death belonged to Frank, you let off a warning shot by his ear. “Get away from him you cyclops looking ass bitch!”
All eyes turned on you. Both Frank and Billy were in shock that you were there, but Rawlins was happy.
“Forget the eye you owe me, Castle. I’ll just take one more thing you love.” Quickly, Rawlins grabbed you and put the knife to your neck.
“What the fuck are you doing, Rawlins!?” Billy yelled, drawing his gun.
“Let her go! You got me! Come kill me you son of a bitch!” Frank shouted, attempting to jump from his seat.
Both men kept yelling at him, but it didn’t deter Rawlins. Instead he added more pressure to your neck, drawing blood.
“Shut it, Russo! You don’t get to question me; you work for me.” Rawlins leaned into your ear. “I thought I would have to find you and make your death look like an accident. But look, the last loose end, struts right into the lion’s den.”
Desperately, you wanted to knock him out, but with how close he had the knife to your neck, there was a great possibility that Rawlins could get in a fatal blow.
“I’ll get her under control. She won’t say a word.” Billy tried to reason with him.
“No fucking way! I can’t wait to see Frank put a bullet in your fugly face!” You said to Rawlins, correcting Billy.
You could practically hear Billy roll his eyes at your outburst. One of things he loved and hated about you is, that you always spoke your mind, but it was one of the times that it was detrimental. “Y/N, shut the fuck up!” Frank and Billy reprimanded you.
Rawlins laughed at the interaction. “Sorry to end this little love triangle, but you can blame Castle for pulling her in Russo.”
What you and Rawlins didn’t know was that Frank and Billy were silently communicating on how to save you. Earlier, Billy loosened Frank’s restraints, because Rawlins was being a dick to him, so he deserved what was coming to him.
Finally, getting the hint Frank broke free. The shock caused Rawlins to loosen his hold on you, which allowed Billy to grab you.
“You good? Are you okay, baby?” Billy questioned while his hands roamed your body for injuries. When he was satisfied that you weren’t hurt, he kissed you deeply. For a moment, you forgot that he was backstabbing murderer, but the sound of Frank attacking Rawlins pulled you out of it.
Never had you seen Frank fight. You only saw the aftermath. So, you were intrigued when he fought Rawlins.
Billy tried to turn your head. “Don’t look. Y/N don’t need to see this.” You slapped his hands away and continued to watch anyway.
The way Frank fought was unbridled, ruthless, and brutal. Truthfully, if it was anyone else you would be concerned about their mental state, but you understood the depth of his anger and that was how he expressed.
You ran to Frank when he almost passed out after killing Rawlins. “Hey, baby wake up,” you lightly slapped his face.
“BABY!?” Billy roared from the other side of the room.
“I wish I could see your face right now, Bill. You just realized you’re done, and you lost everything you gave a shit about.” Frank struggled to speak.
“This isn’t my gun, Frank. I was never here. Y/N was never here.” Billy pulled you up from, Frank’s body and dragged you across the room.
You managed to pull yourself out of his hold and give Billy a right hook. “I’m not going anywhere with you! Do you think we still have a chance after everything you’ve done?”
Billy crowded your space and pointed the gun at Rawlins. “I offered Frankie a ticket out of the country before and just now I loosened the zip tie, so Frank had his chance. Ain’t that enough? What else do you want from me?”
“How about some remorse!? Can you even access that emotion or does that require too much selflessness from you?” You challenged Billy. You had to be hard on him or you would be too weak and take him back like nothing.
Taking a second, he looked up to the ceiling in deep thought. Billy leveled his eyes to yours and sighed, “What was happening when I broke up with you?”
“Huh? That’s irrelevant, Billy!”
“Its not! Now think what was in the news when I ended things?”
It took you awhile for you to remember, but when you did it hit you like a freight train. “Frank. His trial. Everything with Frank was front and center,” you mumbled.
“How does that matter, Billy?” Frank yelled off from the side. He didn’t need Billy charming his way back into your good graces.
“None of your business, Frankie. Why don’t you stick to dying over there?”
Punching Billy in the stomach, you scolded him. “Stop it!”
This time he let you go when you went to check on Frank. He was bleeding badly, so you took off your shirt to slow down some of the bleeding.
“Well, ain’t that a sight to go out to,” Billy commented on how Frank got an ample view of your breasts.
Billy’s smartass remarks were getting on your everlasting nerves and you were running out of patience. “William ‘Billy’ Russo quit your shit!”
“He ain’t lying sweetheart. That beautiful face being the last thing I’ve see is a blessing.” Frank took a bloody hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
You leaned down to his ear, playing it off as if you were leaning down to kiss him. “Stop talking. I need to stall him long enough until DHS gets here.”
Then you placed a kiss on his cheek, earning you a shot dangerously close to Frank from Billy. “None of that,” he warned.
“Okay, since I can’t do fucking anything but listen, please enlighten me what Frank’s trial had to do with us breaking up.”
Scratching the side of his head, Billy was trying to figure out where to start at. He had to make you see sense, to make you understand that he wasn’t as heartless as you believed him to be. “Y/N, you changed everything. Maria, the kids, I pushed all the guilt down and reasoned that their deaths were necessary, because I deserved better. And when all that shit went down with Frank and why he was killing everyone, all that guilt came back up.”
“Why then, Billy? Why did you feel guilty then!?”
“Because of you, damn it! Because I could finally relate. Because if someone as so much laid a fucking finger on you, they’d be dead. Shit, I already told Frankie over there, so I tell you, I was planning to propose to you. That pregnancy scare we had right before we broke up made me ready to have a family with you and I knew if someone took it away like Frank’s family, I would’ve ended up the same way.” Billy confessed.
Frank tried to stand up after he heard Billy’s confession, but he was too hurt, so you gently pushed him back down. “Having a family of your own made you regret your decision, even though we considered you family!?” The hurt was evident in Frank’s voice and you thought he may never recover.
“Frank, it’s done and over with. That chapter of your life is done. Matter of fact,” Billy gripped you by the back of the neck and pulled you against him. Then he cocked his gun and aimed at Frank despite your protests. “It’s the end of your story.”
Just before he was able to pull the trigger on Frank, a bullet from a Homeland Security hit his shoulder. He recovered quickly and dragged you with him, not caring that you left behind a bleeding Frank. The only solace you had in that moment was Madini would be able to get him the help that he needed.
“This is stupid, you know. You have DHS, NYPD, and my dad on your ass. Just turn yourself in and end the madness, Billy.”
Billy looked away from the window to look at you, “I’m not going prison. All I gotta do is get rid of Frank and then we’re off to a country with no extradition and starting a new chapter of our lives.”
Thankfully, Billy trusted you to a degree and didn’t tie you to the chair. So, you got up and wrap your arms round his waist and laid your head on his back. “If you go after Frank, do you really think you’ll survive that, Billy? He’s pissed and he’s not gonna stop til you’re dead. The only way to stop this is to convince you, because I know Frank can’t and more importantly, I won’t ask that from him either”
Insulted that you didn’t believe he could survive, Billy stepped out of your embrace. “You rather have me in prison?”
“I rather have you in prison than six feet under! God, Billy do you know how fucking conflicting this is for me!? I have to deal with two men I love trying to kill each other and one of em deserves it! Do you know how much it hurts my heart to say you deserve to die, Billy?” Sobs racked your body and eventually your body gave out and you fell to the floor. Never has Billy seen you cried like this. He got down to the floor and held you until the sobs subsided. “Please Billy, if you can’t go to prison just leave the country, but I can’t go with you.” You whispered against him.
It seemed like an eternity passed after you gave Billy that ultimatum. He truly considered it, but he couldn’t live without you, even if it would mean you would hate him forever. “You said it best, doll: Frankie ain’t stopping, so neither am I.” He admitted, right before he ripped your shirt in half.
“What the fuck, Billy?!” You slapped his hands away, but that didn’t deter him. His hands began to drift off to your pants and you were positive they were going to be his next victim.
Twisting your hip away from him, you were able to escape Billy’s embrace. “Bill, what the hell are you doing?”
Billy went down to push your pants down. “Just like I told you neither me or Frankie is stopping and if this is my last day on earth I wanna make love to my soulmate and possibly leave her with a little gift.”
“Uh huh. There’s absolutely no way I’m having sex with you.” Your voice quivered as you tried to reject Billy. Despite seeing him callously kill those DHS agents at his house, your body thrummed with excitement at the prospect of having sex with Billy.
Softly kissing the column of your neck with little nips in between, Billy cockily asked, “Is that so?”
You didn’t trust your voice, so you shook your head yes, which was a big no no for Billy. He loved you being vocal. Even when you two would sneak around in public, he made no efforts to quiet your moans.
“Use your words, darling,” he warned with two quick slaps to each butt cheek.
You melted into him despite the stings on your ass. “We’re totally not having sex,” you stuttered while Billy was massaging your ass.
Billy said nothing as his hand slid up your neck and lightly squeezed your throat. “See, your mouth is saying one thing, but your body is saying the complete opposite. Are you sure that’s what you want, baby? You know how good I can make you feel. How full I make you feel with me between those luscious thighs. How blissful it feels when I get at just the right angle and hit that spot. How high you feel when I start rubbing that pretty clit of yours while I’m plowing into you. Or how about how good it feels when I finally let you cum and you gush all over me. Do you really want to miss out on that for possibly the last time?”
At this point, you were a puddle. Billy always had a way with words. You only had enough energy to turn to face Billy and rip off his clothes. “That’s my girl,” Billy chuckled as he helped you take off his clothes and the remaining of yours.
Billy lowered himself to his knees and threw one of your legs over his shoulders, but you stopped him before he could get started. “No, I need you inside of me,” you ordered him.
“Someone’s impatient,” Billy smirked, standing up to his full height.
“Stop playing around or I’ll go find someone else to finish the job.”
Billy’s whole face darkened, he lifted your leg around your waist and entered you roughly. Both of you moaned in ecstasy. Both enjoying the familiar feeling of each other.
“Feels like my words did the trick. I didn’t even get to taste my favorite meal, because you’re so fucking wet already.” Billy whispered, not moving one inch since he entered you.
To motivate him, you slapped Billy across the face. “I swear to God, Russo if you don’t start moving, I’m gonna—oh shit,” your eyes rolled to your back of your head as Billy pulled out and pushed back in.
Yours and his moans plus the sound of skin slapping together were basically pornographic. Billy was right, he knew exactly how to make you feel on top of the world.
“I’m close, baby. Are you?” Billy asked, moving all your hair to one side so he could kiss the side of your neck. Somehow you managed to tell him yes and he let out a growl of approval.
“I’m gonna bust all in you. You hear me?” Billy yanked back your hair. “I’m gonna fill you with my seed and hope to see you round with my baby. Whether I end up dead or alive, either way I’m getting you pregnant tonight.”
His words shouldn’t have turned you on, but they did. You shouldn’t even be having sex with him right now but fucking Billy Russo could have almost anything he wanted especially when he was deep in your guts.
Billy’s pace fastened, causing both of you to erupt against each other. Both of your bodies were covered in the light sheen of sweat, but neither of you made the effort to clean up. In fact, you snuggled into him, drifting off to sleep, not knowing the shit show you would awake to later.
When you woke up, you were tied to a carousel, Dinah was lying on the ground with a gun shot wound to the head, and Billy and Frank were beating each other to death.
Neither man had the upper hand, they were too evenly matched for each other. “Guys, please stop!” Your throat was harsh, but you managed to scream at them.
It took a couple of more screams for them to finally pay attention to you.
“Sweetheart, you good? Did he hurt you?” Frank asked, oblivious to Billy planning to attack him. Billy managed his sneak attack on Frank and he finally got the upper hand. Your heart dropped. It looked like Frank was going to die, because you were a distraction.
You were in such a frenzy that you didn’t notice you broke the zip ties until you fell from the carousel.
In the nick of time, you were able to cover your body over Frank’s, halting Billy’s assault.
“Get out the way, Y/N!” Billy ordered you.
Shaking your head, no, you pleaded with him. “Please stop.”
Billy rolled his tongue around like he always does when he’s pissed. “Do you love me?”
“Good. Do you love him?” He hissed.
“Yes,” you uttered, knowing it would break Billy’s heart.
“Do you love him more than me?”
“I..I…I don’t know.”
Sheathing his knife, he bent down, gripped the sides of your face and gave you a bruising kiss. You couldn’t tell if the kiss was meant for pleasure or punishment, or maybe both.
“Well, we’re about to find out.” He pushed off of his heels and cocked his gun. “Choose.”
“What?” You questioned, obviously confused.
Frank finally spoke up from under you. “Bill, you piece of shit. Don’t you do this to her!”
Billy was unfazed and instead of pointing the gun at Frank, he pointed it to Dinah. “Choose or she won’t even get the chance to survive the first shot.”
Frantically, you looked between both Frank and Billy. Each man so different but so similar at the same time and both had a vise grip on your heart.
“Frank,” you whispered with your head hanging down. “I choose Frank.”
If he wasn’t bleeding, you would’ve been able to see the red flushing Billy’s face.
He nodded his head as if he understood. “You always make things difficult. That’s ok, it’ll be just like when we first started dating.”
Expert marksmanship was Billy’s thing, so he always had a shot at Frank despite you covering his body. When the shot went off, you got clipped in the shoulder.
That moment set something off in Frank and he had renewed energy. Just like when Rawlins cut you, he was an animal. He attacked Billy so ferociously, you thought Billy was dead. But Frank shocked you, he told Billy he’ll leave him alive. The only thing that worried you was would it have been better just to kill Billy after the state Frank left him in.
Things were as good as they were gonna get. David was back with his family, Billy was locked up and hospitalized, Dinah was alive, and the CIA and DHS decided to leave Frank alone, letting him live his life.
Currently, you were waiting on Frank to go to David’s house for dinner with his family.
“Hey, Frank you almost ready?” You asked, putting on your earrings.
Frank came out of your guest room with a big duffel bag and a face full of regret.
Nodding to yourself to stop from crying, you asked the question you already knew the answer to. “You’re not going, are you?”
Sticking his hands in his pockets, Frank looked off to the side before returning his gaze to you. “Yeah.”
Walking over to him, you stuck your hands in his back pockets and gave him your irresistible puppy dog face. “There’s no way I can make you stay?”
Frank shook his head at you. He had to be strong or otherwise you would have him wrapped around your finger. Who’s he kidding? He’s probably already is. “You’re dangerous. You know that, sweetheart?”
Flipping your hair, you smiled up at him. “Duh. I kick ass on the daily.”
“That’s true, but you can really bring a man to his knees with just those beautiful eyes of yours. So, stop giving me those puppy dog eyes, or I’ll never leave you alone.”
Since, your innocent act wouldn’t work you decided to be a bit more devilish. This time you snaked your arms around Frank’s neck, brought your face closer to his and whispered into his ear. “You sure you can’t stay? At least for dinner?” You asked, licking the shell of his ear before tugging it in your mouth.
Grabbing handful of your ass, Frank pulled you closer to him and growled in your ear. “Don’t go poking the bear.”
“Or what,” you threw back, smirking up at him.
Frank shoved you against the nearest wall to kiss you and fondle your body. The way he was kissing you was almost like he was marking his territory, making it impossible for you to think about any other man.
His hands drifted to the inside of your jeans, where he pushed your panties to the side to insert two of his digits inside of you.
“Frankkkk,” you whimpered, digging your fingers in his shoulders. Those two fingers alone were stretching you out almost making you feel full. You couldn’t imagine how it would feel to get the real deal.
“Hey, open your eyes. I want to see them when I make you cum.” Frank rasped against your ear, making you even wetter than before.
Frank sped up his fingers and used his thumb to massage your clit. He loved how you quivered against him, knowing he was the cause of it. He loved your little moans that made him harder. He loved how hard you were digging into his shoulders that he knew would cause bruises. All of it he loved because he loved you.
He felt you contract around his fingers and he was in a dilemma. Desperately, he wanted to observe you fall apart against him, but he also wanted to draw it out, because this was the last time he planned on seeing you.
“Baby, please,” you begged Frank. Hearing you beg, undid Frank and at that moment he decided to finish you off.
Curling his thick fingers without changing his pace, Frank hit your g-spot, making you cum so hard you saw white spots.
Frank muffled your moans with his lips on yours. The way he was kissing you made you already wanting to start round two when you barely made it through the first round.
You whimpered when he slipped his fingers out of you and into his mouth. Unwrapping your arms from around his neck, you tried to stand on your own, but you stumbled a bit. “You okay, sweetheart?” Frank chuckled while checking on you.
When you shook your head yes, he reached down to pick up his duffel bag. “Still leaving huh?” You asked trying to keep the disappointment out.
“It’s better this way. Gives you a chance at a normal lifestyle.” Frank explained to you.
“What if I don’t want normal,” you countered.
Frank smirked at you before pulling you back into him. “You deserve it after all this bullshit, sweetheart. Go find an accountant or some stockbroker. Anyone who’s not like me or Billy.”
Pouting, you playfully hit his shoulder. “But I like my men a little murderous,” you whined.
Frank couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh. He was gonna miss that humor of yours. “I’m serious, Y/N.”
“I’m serious too! What the hell am I gonna do with a stockbroker? I’m gonna be like: ‘Oh what did I do? I beat the shit out of my client’s abusive husband. So, how was your day?’”
“You can’t beat the shit out of those assholes if you’re on the run with me. You gotta stay here help people out. It’s your calling.” It hurt to admit it, but Frank was right. The way Frank loved being a marine was the same way you loved helping out people.
Accepting defeat, you hugged Frank tightly, taking in his scent, committing it to memory. “I love you, Frank Castle.”
Slightly, pulling away from you Frank cupped your face as if he was holding precious cargo and kiss the corner of your lips. “I love you too.”
Just for a couple of seconds both of you stood there silently, getting your fill of each other for the last time. Frank was the one that broke contact first when he reached for the door. “Take care of yourself Y/N.” He advised, right before walking out the door.
After Frank left, you locked the door and slid to the ground, allowing yourself to finally let the tears fall. In a span of a couple of months you were in love with two men, one who was responsible for the deaths of the other’s family, and in a matter of days both were out of your life.
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Requested: Yes / No 
Synopsis: Y/N and George get married, 
Word Count: 3,355
Honeymoon One Shot - Contains smut 
I watched hidden behind the opaque curtain as guests began to make their way into the old Manor George and I had chosen for our ceremony. The bracelet on my wrist sparkled as the last rays of the sun hit it, the engraving standing out against the gold.
My best friend, always and forever, and a lot longer - George.
The ceremony would begin in a few minutes, as soon as all the guests settled, and George and his groomsman arrived. I couldn’t wait to see the field, George and I had poured hours into getting it to look right, twinkling lights were to hang from the ceiling, rose petals line the aisle, something straight out of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Nights Dream. A literal dream, our dream.
George and I had helped set up the day before, aided by Dean and Daisy and the rest of our wedding party, and we're were there to make sure it all looked how we’d envisioned, but I hadn’t yet seen it with the lights on yet, and the excitement was killing me, But now, the sun was setting and the sky was darkening, and I was excited to see how all the lights looking with everything together.
“Only a few more minutes,” My heart was beating rapidly and I had butterflies in my stomach but I couldn’t have been more ready to walk down that aisle. My mind was having trouble focusing on anything but how handsome George would look in his tuxedo, standing there, waiting for me.
“You ready, sweetheart?” My dad asked me as he walked towards me, a hand extending towards me, ready to take my arm his other holding my bouquet.
This was really happening.
“Yeah, I am,” I smiled at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek as I closed the small gap between us. We talked quietly amongst ourselves as we walked out of the room I’d gotten ready in, and down the stairs. “Here we go,” I whispered happily.
“Holy shit, Y/N, this is happening,” I heard Daisy exclaim as she linked arms with Dean, George’s best man. “I’ll see you out there, He’s going to die” She smiled at me, her head turning with Dean’s as they walked out the side door onto the isle.
“I love you, Y/N, so much. I know you’re marrying George, but just remember you were my girl first,” He chuckled tears welling with tears.
“Always,” I held my breath trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. Dad laughed and squeezed my hand, “Love you,”
“I love you, Y/N,”
The opening cords to Elvis Presley’s Can’t help falling in love began to play as we stepped out onto the field. My eyes quickly surveyed how our dream had come alive as we walked to the end of the aisle, then my eyes were all for him. I couldn’t see the crowd, they didn’t exist, it was just George and I. He looked nervous he had his eyes on his feet, taking a deep breath, my soon-to-be husband looked better than I ever expect, hair combed back perfectly, his navy blue tuxedo with the white shirt underneath, and that’s when he looked up at me. And not two seconds passed before we both were in tears, the time was finally here.
“Hold it in kiddo,” My dad whispered at me, I nodded and sucked back the tears. I had to keep it together to get down the aisle. I could fall apart later, “Nearly there,”
Twenty more steps,
We’d waited years for this, waiting for my career to settle, then George’s took off, we deserved this, we had been waiting for years.
Fifteen more steps,
This was it, we’d gotten here.
“Beautiful,” George mouthed as we neared each other.
The smile erupted on my face, all I could feel was love. So much love for George, and in turn I could feel the love bursting and radiating from him. George had always made me feel safe, always made me feel overcome with the protection he provided, and I couldn’t wait for him to keep me safe forever, and I couldn’t wait to make sure he was always happy.
I couldn’t wait to cherish him forever,
Five more steps.
George shook my father's hand as I reached the altar, his hands going for mine pulling me securely to his side. We’d made it. George and I turned to our officiant, Henry as he began.
“Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of George and Y/N. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow George and Y/N to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them.” Beside me Daisy let out an undignified sniffle, causing a smile from Henry. “Bless you, So welcome to one and all, who have travelled from near and far. George and Y/N thank you for your presence here today and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married.”
“I love you,” George whispered loudly enough for only me to hear, A smile pulling at my lips as I held his hand,
“And I you,”
“Marriage is perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure of human relationships. No ceremony can create your marriage; only you can do that—“ Henry began, and all I could think about was George, and the love I felt for him. “Through love and patience; through dedication and perseverance; through talking and listening, helping and supporting and believing in each other;” My mind floated back to George’s Oscar nomination, how proud I was, how much love I felt for this man, I didn’t think I’d ever feel more love, but now here we were, ready to be joined forever, “Through tenderness and laughter; through learning to forgive, learning to appreciate your differences, and by learning to make the important things matter, and to let go of the rest. What this ceremony can do is to witness and affirm the choice you make to stand together as soulmates and partners.”
I loved this man,
“Will you, George MacKay, take this woman to be your wedded wife?”
“I do,” He smiled, eyes on me.
“Will, you, Y/N, take this man to be your wedded husband?”
“I do,”
“In the spirit of the importance of strong friendships to a marriage, George and Y/N have asked two friends to read selections about love that especially resonate with them.” Daisy and Dean stepped up to replace Henry, Daisy first, her hands shaking as she approached the microphone.
“No sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but they loved, no sooner loved but they sighed, no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason, no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy; and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage.”
As Daisy read the quote she’d picked for us from As you like it, my eyes began to water.
“I love you,” I mouthed to my soon to be sister-in-law,
“I love you,” She mouthed back, tears rushing freely down her cheeks, as Dean wrapped an arm around her shoulders,
"One half of me is yours, the other half yours— Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours.” He spoke clearly into the microphone, smiling proudly at George and I, before releasing Daisy as they both walked back to their spots by our sides,
“One final quote, to prepare us for a Midsummer night’s dream,” Henry began, “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” He smiled, “Two people in love do not live in isolation. Their love is a source of strength with which they may nourish not only each other but also the world around them. And in turn, we, their community of friends and family, have a responsibility to this couple. By our steadfast care, respect, and love, we can support their marriage and the new family they are creating today.” He cleared his throat, “Will everyone please rise and will you who are present here today, surround George and Y/N in love, offering them the joys of your friendship, and supporting them in their marriage?”
“We will,” Our family and friends chimed,
“Please, be seated friends,” Henry waited for all to take their seats, “We've come to the point of your ceremony where you're going to say your vows to one another. But before you do that, I ask you to remember that love—which is rooted in faith, trust, and acceptance— will be the foundation of an abiding and deepening relationship. No other ties are more tender, no other vows more sacred than those you now assume. If you are able to keep the vows you take here today, not because of any religious or civic law, but out of a desire to love and be loved by another person fully, without limitation, then your life will have joy and the home you establish will be a place in which you both will find the direction of your growth, your freedom, and your responsibility. Please now read the vows you have written for each other.”
“Y/N,” George began, his hands gripping mine, “You were my reason back then, my reason now, my reason every day. You strengthen my weaknesses, bring focus to my dreams. Here and now I pledge my life to yours, that your dreams become my dreams. No matter where life leads me, I know that as long as you are there, that is where I am meant to be,” I let out a dreadfully loud sob as George finished his vows, he smiled kindly, his hands reaching under my veil to wipe them away,
“Y/N,” Henry urged, I nodded my head and looked back to George,
“George, From this moment, I take you as my best friend for life. I pledge to honour, encourage, and support you through our walk-in life together. When our path becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you.” I took a deep breath, hands tightening around his. “I promise to love and care for you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you.”
“May I have the rings, please?” Daisy and Dean stepped to Henry, passing over the rings, “George and Y/N have written their own ring exchange vow’s,”
“Y/N,” George smiled, his hand taking the ring from Dean, “I promise to love, respect and honour you I will always be there for you, with you, beside you, Let this ring be a symbol of our love, may it represent our today, our tomorrows, our future & our past. As I have given you my hands to hold, so I give you my life to keep.” George slid the band on my finger, It was real,
“Y/N,” I took the band from Daisy,
“With this ring, I give you my heart… From this day forward, You shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter, And my arms will be your home” I whispered pushing the ring on George’s finger,
“By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” Henry cried, “George you may now kiss your bride,” George practically threw back the veil, dipping me into a romantic chaste kiss,
“Wife,” He whispered as he brought me back to a stand,
“Husband,” I smiled,
“Now we party,” He smiled pulling me down the cheering isle,
The reception venue was as absolutely stunning as was the wedding. Our Midsummer Nights Dream flowed from the ceremony space to the reception area, the lights twinkled above our head, as George and I sat at the middle of the table surrounded by our friends and family as we shared our first meal as husband and wife, we cried together through my dad’s speech, and laughed through Dean’s,
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make a toast to my beautiful wife,” I heard George say into the microphone apparently he wasn’t nipping off to the bathroom, He plucked the microphone from the stand walked across the dance floor to me, His hand coming down to stroke my cheek lovingly, “Now please, bear with me, this may belong.” George began,
“It’s his Oscar speech moment,” Dean bellowed to a roomful of laughter,
“He’s not wrong,” George cackled into the microphone,
“You’ll get it this year honey,” George’s mother called,
“Thank’s mum,” George laughed, “First of all, thank you to Y/F/N for your kind words, and I would like to say that it is a privilege to be welcomed into your family. Distinguished guests, those of lesser distinction and those of no distinction at all, family, relatives, in-laws and out-laws, friends, friends of friends, freeloaders, hangers-on, and any stray golfers who may have wandered in, welcome to our wedding dinner.” Another whoop from Dean and the Groomsmen, “Someone once said that a good speech has both a good beginning and a good ending however a great speech keeps them very close together. Well, unfortunately, this speech is neither good nor great, so make yourselves comfortable. And yes, security is positioned at all the exits so don’t even think about it.”
“George,” I laughed.
"Now seriously, I had a cracking speech prepared with humour, emotion and sentiment but as I am now married, Y/N has given me a speech to read instead.” He joked, “It is hard to express our feelings on this special day but it wouldn’t be such a special day without the presence of our friends and families. Y/N and I are humbled and greatly honoured that so many of you have made the effort to be with us here and share this day with us. So on behalf of Y/N and myself, I would like to thank you all. I hope you are all enjoying this day as much as we are, and how well it is going is a reflection on the monumental efforts for all involved. So as is the tradition I would first like to make a few thank you’s. I would like to thank my mum and dad for putting up with me, today and over the years. Thanks for your love, support and patience throughout my teenage years, which I’m sure I’ll grow out of soon enough.”
“I doubt it,” George’s dad called to another monuments round of laugher,
“Most of all, thank you for giving me such a wonderful start in life. When I turned around and saw Y/F/N walk down the aisle with Y/N, I realised how much today means to Him and Y/M/N. Y/N’s their daughter and I know this is the day they have been looking forward to since she was a little girl. I promise you I will try and make Y/N as happy for the rest of her life as she is today. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me over the last couple of years, You’ve both been so kind and helpful to me, I really appreciate the way you’ve opened up your home and lives to me. Thank you for accepting me as part of your family. I am honoured to be able to call such a special couple my in-laws.”
“We love you George,” My mum called, lips wobbling as she held in her tears,
“We’ve some presents for our parents, and I know tradition states that usually the mum’s receive a bouquet of flowers, and the dad’s get a bottle of fine malt. But we wanted to give you something a little more permanent, so we’ve got non-refundable bookings for each of you to get a tattoo. We hope you choose the style wisely.” He waited for the well-earned laugher before he began again. "Seriously though, to show you how much we appreciate what you have done for us, and also what you have put in to make this day as special as it is, we would like to present these to both of you,” He ducked behind the table, head popping up a second later, a guilty look on his face, “We’ve seemed to left them at home, so an IOU is in order,” He chuckled guiltily.
“George, you had one job!” Daisy chided her brother,”
“Shush, Dais,” He cleared his throat, “Thank you for the support you have given us, from day one, you’ve been fully behind us and have always shown us how marriages should be, and that’s successful and full of love. I’d like to take this opportunity to propose a toast, there’s a proverb that goes: "When children find true love, then their parents find true happiness". So, here’s to their happiness from this day forward.” He raises his beer, everyone copied him with their glasses, “To you,” We all took a sip. “Our thanks go to Y/N’s brothers, Y/B/N and Y/B/N, for their impeccable Ushering, never have so many people been ushered so well. I’ll tell the organisers of the Oscars to hire you because it is fairly self-evident that you’ve both done a fantastic job of keeping the paparazzi away. Well done, and thanks to the both of you. My next thank you is to the maid of honour and the bridesmaids. You are all looking fantastic today, and were a great help in keeping Y/N sane, throughout the day. I would like to present Daisy with this token of our appreciation, again, another IOU.”
“GEORGE,” She cried through her laugher,
“Sorry Dais,” He chuckled, “Don’t worry folks, we’re nearly done, To my best man, Dean. For those of you who don’t know him, Dean is this guy here. A big thank you must go to him. This morning he even gave me a list of nice wonderful comments to say about him, but it just reinforced my belief that he is a compulsive liar and to ignore everything he says about me!”
“Bastard,” Dean laughed quietly beside me,
“Seriously though, you have been a great mate for more years than I care to remember and there is no one I would rather have by my side for our wedding. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to present you with a gift. Now I know that traditionally, the best man gets a beer mug, a nice pen or a hip flask, but I tried to find you something a little different. We hope you like it, but again, another IOU,”
“That’s six George,” My dad called with a raise of his glass,
“Glad we can still count there, Y/F/N. Keeping me honest,” George laughed. “Now on to my wife, I’m completely overwhelmed at how amazing you look today, and I can’t believe just how privileged I am that you chose to be my wife. Y/N, you are my soul mate and the love of my life! I am a very fortunate man and I would just like to take this opportunity to say to you how much I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I hope that every day will be as happy as today.”
“I love you,”
“As I you,” He replied with a raise of his glass,
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal for season 13!! 😎😎 (2/4)
Here we go with another four episodes! I'm enjoying myself A LOT and I do hope we will continue this way! I can't wait to know more about Rock Mom and who really is the Skull Sorcerer and ENOUGH LET'S GO TO THE EPISODES!!! 💕💕
Here we go!!
For this one I already saw the Nya's knight suit already... and she was gorgeous... I mean she always is but COME ON 💙💙💙
These munce are too much 😂 They are kind of adorable in their stupidity really
Jay going full "we're never going to get out Imma get overly pessimistic because YES" is always a familiar sight, almost as him spazzing out during a difficult situation... that could still happen 🤷‍♀️
Good thing Nya gets the brain cell most of the time 👌
Of course while I'm waiting for the third part of Tales of Arcadia, something so similar to the Trollmarket comes my way 😂 Very nice thought, a bit dark. I hope it doesn't get in the way of seeing the good fighting scenes
Okay but THIS
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IS PLAIN CURSED, PLAIN BALD HEADS😱😱😱 Well I'm guessing Tommy doesn't have excuses anymore to become a LEGO character 😂
Well Murt, that was one breathtaking story, you should be a storyteller 👍
Ah, there we go, with the Jay and Nya and queen situation 😒 It's not that bad really, considering I thought it was going to be just a weak way to include Jay with just another triangle. It didn't last long so that's kinda fine, but it is annoying that Nya is pushed away. But overall better than I expected
Also it is nice the reminder that she is his yang 💙❤💙❤
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And they are still adorable 😂😂 I like that you can tell immediately here who's the strong one of the couple 😎😎
So there is a drawing of the Millie Gillie guy/gal on that wall, huh... was I in the wrong about that being Cole's mom? I thought they said she, but English is not my first language so I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️
Ninja Jay could be the new Kai Ninjago 😂
Aww, that part with the lightning and the crystals was so pretty 🤩🤩
And there we go with the confrontation 😛 I did snorted seeing Jay kinda offended at Nya not wanting to fight for him, but she is still super adorable saying that they belong 💕💕 Also Lloyd just being there trying to calm everyone down, le poor baby 😂😂
Yep, the fire instinct kicking in, Nya is the daughter of Ray after all 🤷‍♀️
Oh, apparently the queen of munce can do spin dash 😱
Woooo, that preparation for the spinjitzu was so cool 🤩 And of course she kicked the HECK out of her, THAT'S MY GIRL!!!
And now she's the queen, great, more problems to come 😅 We'll see how this plays out, and I am kinda curious to see queen Nya at work ☺
Not my favorite episode, but still enjoyable, let's keep getting better and better!
I don't know if it's because it's a very obvious but convenient thing to do or I just love Kai THAT much, but I love when there's dark and he just lights up his hand. Idk, I just think it's neat 🙂
There're the Geckos! They are cute too 💜 Also chanting about the Millie Gillie guy, I'm still convinced that's just Cole's mom! Also I'm kinda guessing the Skull Sorcerer is the king of Shintaro. He is the most suspicious for now, we'll see how it goes 🤷‍♀️
Poor Kai got the awful thing in his mouth... AND HAIR!!! Look out sweetie, your beautiful chocolaty hair!! 😱
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Really like the crystal vibe 😍 This one is blue, the other was green, is there a reason?
I missed Kai and Zane together, I missed anyone with Zane in general! It's always a nice contrast and always amusing, especially if hotheadTM is involved 💕
So they throw rocks to show approval, I'm loving this society for some reasons 😂
Okay, vengestone is literally everywhere, there is no way all this stuff was not on purpose. It would make sense that a place studied to weaken an elemental master was meant for something more. Wooooo, ROCK MOM ROCK MOM 🖤🖤🖤
Awwww, I don't know why but them acknowledging the elemental masters is super satisfying 💜
Oh so Kai is not a king, he's a chancellor... and he didn't want to 😂😂 Vincent definitely had fun voicing this episode 👌
Okay, so there are three explorers involved? I'm guessing the muscular one in the trailer was one of them. I wonder what will be their part in the story 🤔
Poor Kai, his encouragement speeches used to be the key of convincing, here it's harder. Let's see how they will deal with this... also how Kai will react with queen Nya of the munce 😂
Pff, Zane throwing the rock of encouragement, that was so adorable 🤍
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I really missed these two ❤🤍❤🤍
Seriously, even talking to herself and thinking about the worst situations like Bluebell? If Cole and Vania do end up together, I'll still hold onto the fact that Rocky is into the loquatious type 😂😂
Okay, a sweet princess' paranoia towards a little white cute dragon named Chompy?
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One of the cutest thing ever seen 😍 Also I am a firm believer that everything improves if you put a dragon into it, another reason why I love Ninjago so much 🤍🤍🤍
Pff, seeing Vania talking about call then the cut on the black ninja makes me think about that one vine with the guy hanging with his phone saying "Yeah I'm okay mom, bye (phone down)... I AM NOT OKAY!!" 😂
SOLO MOMENT WITH COLE!!! Freaking yes, and it looks like the little tic of talking to himself when stressed from March of the Oni got stuck 🙃🙃
Lava punches back! Big bad bats!! Spiders!!... wait- AAAHHH 😱
Okay, forgive my skepticism when I doubt that a simple spider web could stop one of the strongest ninja of the team. We needed Vania to the rescue, alright, still sounds a little easy but eh watcha gonna do 🤷‍♀️
And Chompy is a big good boy 🤩
CALLED IT!!! CALLED IT FOR THE KING!!!... I mean it was kinda obvious 😅 Still, happy I thought about it before it actually happened. Although it's curious that the reveal happens now, halfway there, unlike in Prime Empire where it took almost all the season to build up the reveal. What's left for the finale?... ROCK MOM?!?!
There's a customer for all that vengestone? That... actually makes a lot of sense. Anyone who is against the ninja would want it really, and that only considering past villains. And if we think about possible elemental masters coming back, uuuhhh, I like where this is going!!
Wait, so they don't naturally have wings? Oh, that's why she didn't have them in the trailer, I see 🤔
This is probably the only moment when I think they rushed a bit. Not too much, I iust feel like we haven't seen enough of Vania and her father to truly feel that decision moment as fundamental. Still cool, still intense, but kinda light. Anyway GO PRINCESS GO!!! 💕💕
Oh Garmadon... that title... *flashbacks The Fall while realizing this is indeed Cole's season* NOT AGAIN 😱😱😱
I mean they are already falling so... uh, let's see how it goes
Okay the fall here is actually kind of hilarious 😂 Or is it because I love that Kirby gets to be on the center of the attention and he is giving his all? Idk, I love all the voice actors of the show really 🤷‍♀️
Hey, you people watching this
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Am I the only one getting emotional here?? 😢 ... just me, huh 😅 I mean come on, it's Cole and Wu! The first leader and the sensei! The used to be dad and his son Cole Jr.! I headcanon that Cole was the first to arrive at the monastery and this feels like the old times... EMOTIONAL PEOPLE
Lol, sensei taking the time to compliment Vania about her behavior, he's gonna adopt her when this is over 😂
I mean, you kinda faced worst yes, you fell into the Underworld on dragons you used to be afraid of, you fell from a ship with an anchor, you fell into a junk compactor that almost squashed you against your rival now best friend, you fell from SPACE towards THE EARTH, you fell from a ladder... THE LADDER COLE 😱😱😱 (this fangirl will never recover from that)
Aaaand a giant web. Of course. Classic Ninjago lack of luck right there 👈👈
Clutch Powers still lives 😂
Okay, seriously? She freaks out when things gets out of hand and talks about staying calm by making vocal exercises! Freaking, it might be me trying to find an excuse to think about Bruise, but they are making it a little too easy for me 🖤💙🖤💙
I am kinda loving her being so genuine, Idk, I really like Vania. She does her best 👍
Falling > Dying, life lessons by your master of Earth 😎 Wu sounds so done, they can never go anywhere without something crazy like this happening 🤣
Why is this so funny, the sequel of The Fall shouldn't be 😂 Meh, not complaining
That was one very mad Lapras
YES THANK YOU SENSEI!!! Finally he acknowledged it, Cole is literally surrounded by his element, OF COURSE he is crazy strong in here. I needed this scene, heck yeah, I love elemental powers 🖤
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Oh they must be the explorers... Merlin, Assassin's Creed and Conan the Barbarian 😅 So we hit rock bottom, literally apparently, and one of the spider's name is Adam... OKAY
So the real fall was in fact Cole falling asleep for the shock 😂 Lol if Cole and Vania really don't end up together, I can joke and say that in this season Cole has never fell harder 😉😉
This was very amusing, I liked this episode, I would rewatch it only for the comments 😂 I'm curious to see what else will happen, especially with these three now involved! Who are they?
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Erik x BlackReader
Summary: Erik and his friends place a bet to get with you little does he know who you and family are.
Part 1
“Ahh Ray Charles.. Ray Sings, Basie Swings. How did you know? I’m going to enjoy this..“ Your father held the vinyl closely reading all the fine print on the back of the casing.
“How could I not? Ray was all you listened to back then. Your one and only obsession.“ You smiled fondly at the older man. He seemed to be really happy about the gift. That made you feel good. Job well done.
He called one of the four men that stood guard around his office. Dressed in black suits with black earpieces. One hurried towards him. With quickness he took the vinyl from his hands and pulled out the vinyl to insert it into the gramophone.
He dropped the needle and Oh, What A Beautiful Morning started playing. Ray Charles voice filling the wide space. Your father's office was the backdrop of your childhood when you were still innocent and hopeful. You used to run between the wooden chairs and hide behind the large curtains. Minding your blissful business.You missed these days but thinking about the past did nothing but let pain into your heart. Now you were back years later, a grown women. Wiser, intelligent and sometimes harsh.
 Your father's smile took you out of your train of thought. He seemed happy these days. You didn't live with him so seeing him was a treat. You would told anyone this but you were much closer to him the your mother. There were reasons for that, none that made your mother seem unfit but you felt more willing to share your woes and problems with your father. It just felt right.
Next moment the guards left, moving swiftly and closed the door behind them. Offering much needed privacy. While they left he poured himself a glass of whiskey. 
“Thats is not true, Ray is not my only obsession...speaking of..how is your Mother doing?“ He carried on the conversation as if nothing had happened.
“For a divorced couple you both do sure ask about each other a lot.“ You placed your bag on his wooden table and sat down on the leather chairs. Your large dreadlocks laid down the sides of your body. 
“She is the Mother of my beautiful children how could I not care about her well being Y/N?“ He was being sarcastic to cover up his true feelings. He felt bad that you had figured him out already. He sometimes forgets how in ture you are with people's motives and emotions.if only he knew that you didn't judge him one bit. You loved that he wanted her back but you couldn't make your mom fall for him. Not after what happened. 
“I guess, but I know you miss her ...and not in that way in the other way...in the making a 4th child way.“ You took a sip of his whiskey since you already decided to be cheeky with him.
“Y/N!! I am your father!!“ He gently reminds you.  
“And I am your daughter, who can see through your bullshit....I have a good idea! Marry her again!!“
“Okay I'm sorry about swearing but you know i'm right.“ You cross your legs and arms.
He leaned back and siped what was left of his whisky. A coy smile on his face thinking about his ex wife.
“How are the twins by the way?” 
“They are fine. Somewhere in Spain, partying. They are young, Dad. Let them live okay. Don't do what you did with me.  Look, now i'm a introverted bitch who cares more about her hair care collection than a real relationship. Call them ...ask how they are doing...show them ...that you care even if it looks small. We love affection.“
“Okay I won't be strict on the boys and ill send them love letters every 2 seconds”
You rolled your eyes
“- But your mother will defendant be strict with them. I can't help you there. Speaking about relationships..you still up on my offer?”
You let out a sigh thinking about his offer. 
“No..I love you dad but i have to decline.I appreciate it I really do but..but you know I'm not a fan of your line of work... and I know what your gonna say. The money raised us, yes and it came when we really needed it. It's a double standard but I can't have someone with such a risky ...lifestyle. I worry about you and Uncle Ronny too much already. Just for my piece of mind I can't go out with the men you have in mind.“ 
“Don't worry sweetheart. Your old man understands.“
“I mean do you know any teachers, bus drivers, an IT guy...hell you know any barrestas.“ He laughed and your sense of humour.
He was glad you were very open with him. Unlike your younger brothers you had reached maturity that surprised him but sometimes you being alone with no one did worry him. 
“Dad Im happy. Don't worry. I really dont need a man. I'm good.“ You tried to convince him.
“I wouldn't be this...concerned if ...if you were active.“ 
“No! I'm not having this conversation with you.“  You were shocked. He had due restriction when it came to your sex life.
“Baby listen you can't be ...scared your whole life. I know what happened when you were young and I know how damaging that experience was to you. You were so young and brave-.“
You cut him off.
“Brave? I wasn't brave dad. I just.....I just layed there and he-” Your voice cracked. You squeezed your thighs remembering the pain “..I Know I can't think like that, that a man who wants me will treat me that way but ...it's so hard. The thought of opening up to a stranger ..it's bit crazy.” 
You wanted him to knew you were afraid but at the say time you didn't. You wanted to live up to this strong daughter image but you had your moments of weakness. Bearing them deep in your soul was better than reliving them. 
“You forgave him, made some calls and you took care of him.”
“Is that what we calling murder now.“ You pushed your hair back.
“You know you didn't have to do it.“ He leaned back into his chair. The smirk on your face worried him.
“I'm glad I did.“
“but... you became stronger. I dont think you should let that event lead you stray from love..potential love. You are-”
“Putting a bullet through his head was never going to take the pain away.“ You whispered
“Does it make me a bad person that I loved the sound of his ...agony... The scream he let out when Uncle Ronnie started cutting off his fingers. Does that make me a bad person?” You voice was soft and dry.
“You wanted revenge....Anyone would have. You a good girl Y/N. You deserve to be happy, I'll make sure of it. If anyone tries anything. I mean anything with you. They so much as move a hair out of place. Call me and they will wish they were never born.“
You wink at him trying to lighten the heavy mood
“Speaking of that..... I did met someone!“ You looked down fearing his reaction. It was bad timing but you wanted him to know 
“Really now?“ he looked surprised.
“Yes..and I have his number. He seemed kind and he said he came out of a bad break up about a year ago. I'm not sure about him but he..he made feel comfortable.“
”Well I’m very happy to hear that. When are you planning to meet the young man.“
“I’m not sure maybe tomorrow maybe next week, maybe never.“ 
“Okay then. Tell me when you or if you do meet him. But I do need to leave unfortunately. I'm leaving the country for a bit. Business of course but please do get comfortably. I will see you in 4 days.“
You got up from your chair and gave your father a hug. He was warm and large just how you liked. Your face rested on his chest. Hearing his calm heart beat.
“Thank you for being understanding, for being patient with me and supportive. Please stay safe and come back in one piece.“
“Always. Now please. Get some rest. Eat something.” He gave you a kiss on the cheek and you left his office.
You strolled making your way to your ride. You instructed Frank, your driver to take you to the Hilton hotel. You had been living there since you arrived. The suite you booked was beautiful and you wish you could live there forever. There were no memory, no stress, no anxiety, no fears. when you layed in your bubble bath in the lavish hotel room you at peace. Milky bubble bath sat still around your curvy brown form, hair up away from the fragranced  soapy water. 
You remember telling your father you didn't need a man. That was true you didn't need one but having someone would be nice. The gilded hotel rooms, marble floors and first class flights to any country. They would be so much better with someone. Someone who cared and loved you. Maybe giving Someone a chance would a right start but you really didn't want to date. The process seemed tedious and time consuming. 
But Erik seemed....different. Well that's what you thought. He was a gorgeous black man, there was question about that but beautiful men are everywhere. Your priority was finding someone with a good heart, maybe some who is simple. No flashy lifestyle. Someone would have patience and be slow with you.
Taking a chance climbed out of the warm tub heading to get your phone on the messy bed...Wrapped in a towel you decided to call him.
“You are a punk, look hoe I'm beating your ass.“ Erik shouted
They were in a heated basketball video game. The guys had brought drinks, weed and snacks to Coles place. It was a friday so they wanted to unwind. 
“Trey, I will body you next round I swear. How could you let this fool win.”  Jadyn complained 
“...And you put money on this nigga.“ Trey called Cole out.
“”What? I thought I could win...I really did have it..“
“Don't lie! You never had it.“ Erik mocked him.
“Ahh I wouldn't be talking if I was you ...shawty still hasn't texted your ass..“ Cole gave back the same energy.
“..She will ..just give her time.“ Erik really didn't expect you to take time long to text him. It pissed him off. He underestimated your thirst.
Any girl with half a brain would have texted him by now.  He was used to that. There was no instant gratification with you. He felt ashamed a bit that you didn't fall to his feet and he tried to avoid talking about the bet.
“..Stop all that..just reload the next game..i'm going to the bathroom... “
He up and left. Minutes later he heard Cole telling him he had a phone call from an unknown number.
“Let it ring...“ He shouted back as he dried his hands
“So E who’s calling you so late. Its almost 11. Early booty call.“
Erik made his way back to the living room.
“Nah all my booty calls are saved. I have Friday Linda big Titties, double cheek up Nikki, Lisa Titties could be bigger ....and my absolute favorite.....Nasty Keke. Now that bitch is crazy. “
“Call it back maybe it's an important call from the hospital or something.“ He stopped playing the game.
“Man why would you say that...playing with my guilty conscious and shit.“
He dialed up the number and called it.
It would be an understatement to say he did not expect your voice. It was sweet with just enough of nervousness to make it sound more attractive.
“Hey“ Erik’s voice involentarly went high as well and all the 3 men in the room with him looked at him. 
“Are you alone?“ You asked. Erik signaled them to turn of the games and stay quiet then proceed to put the call on speaker.
“Yeah It's just me. I..I didn't expect you to call.“ 
“Oh ...Im sorry. Its just I feel like calling is better? Don't you think?“ You waited for him to answer. Tip toeing around your room. 
“Don't apologise...I mean..Yeah..Calls are more personal. Makes the person in the other end feel..... real.“ 
All 3 men knew Erik was talking shit but for a small moment Erik forgot about the Bet. It was actually nice to have a female call him like this. It had never happened before. They always just texted him. Texted him where to pick them up and when to. They never really wanted to get to know him. 
“Did your father like the gift?“ He asked 
“Yes, he did. He’s a big fan of Ray.“ You hated how nervous you were. It really annoyed you. You didn't understand because you weren't this emotional when you meet him back at the music store. Why did you feel like this now. You liked how deep his voice was, You tried not to be affected by its smoothness.
“ - and hows that heart of yours?“ Erik remembered the lie he had told before.
“His doing much better now that you called. You made a brother wait 2 weeks.”  You let out a playful laugh
“Believe or not but I have other things to deal with...but you're very corny Sir. Do you know that?“
“Yes. I'm just trying to be myself. Corny all day. How was your day Y/N?“
“Well, I facetimed my brothers, Dwayne and Dean. They on vacation right now. Then I visited my dad. I actually gave him the ...gift today. Now i'm at home...its a hotel but still.. Nothing much really and you? A handsome man like you surely has tons of women -“
Erik knew that in order to gain your trust he had to destroy any doubt you might have about him. That yeah, a tall, handsome man could be available like that.
“Its 11: 20 and Im on the phone with you ..what women?”
The line went silent for too long. You didn't know what say. Erik and his friends could hear your soft breaths. You were lying face up on the bed now.
“You still there“ he asked.
“There’s a Japanes restaurant downtown... Nine o'clock sharp. Tomorrow.“ You hold your breath.
Erik stood up and did a victory dab and the men smiled
“Let me pick you up, Where do you live?“
“No you dont have to...you know what yes“ Erik thought your outburst was strange but he didn't dwell to much on it.
But that would be hard to explain. Why you had a 6.2ft armed guard following you at all times ....at any given moment he was always next to you. You didn't want him to see that. It would be too early to explain to him. Joe, your bodyguard didn't like leaving you alone. He would meet your father's wrath if anything happen to you. So you would have to talk to him and make sure he stays low.
You would just cross that bridge when you got there.
 “......Yeah. I'm excited.“
You regretted saying that. It just came out to fast. You really didn't want Erik to think you were forward.
“Me too.“ Your heart melted a little. For some reason you thought he would make fun of you.
“Have a nice night Erik. I'm going to bed now."
"Okay goodnight Princess."
You bit you lip and hung up before you moaned out loud. Rolling around in bed you giggled from the adrenaline from the pet name paired up with his voice. You couldn't believe what you just did. You felt a sense of victory. You felt proud of yourself. You hoped Erik felt the same.
He hung up and the boys went wild with excitement.
" fuck that....I'm not letting you anywhere near my girl no more. You too smooth nigga." Trey said laughing with excitement.
"She eat that shit up like breakfast. I hope yall have got my cash ready."Erik said 
“You better send us some evidence though.“ Trey reminded him
“Yeah whatever. I need to leave anyway get ready for my date and shit. I think i'll stop by Tati’s house first. That girl knows how to throw it back. I'm out.“ He got his belongings and left. Meanwhile you left to call Joe. He had rather stand guard outside the hotel door then inside. He liked to give you your private space. You called him. 
“Joe could you come in for a bit i need to talk to you.“
“Sure.“ By the time you had slipped into pjs he was standing in the living room area.
“Joe...Please take a seat. There is something i need to tell you....“
“Yes “ the incredibly large man sat down legs wide on the soft couch.
“I'm going on a date tomorrow.“ You would be lying if you said you didn't expect his reaction to the new.
“..and who the fuck is that punk.“
Joe had watched you grow up in front of his eyes. he was assigned to you when you were 12. He knew you better than most people in your life so he cared for you a lot and he had his own way of showing it.
“Joe please. He’s nice. And he's taking me out tomorrow.“
“Is he that nigga that was bugging you at that music shop. Him and his friends were acting too fresh for my liking. Eyeing you like a piece of meat. “
“okay i get it men are weird but the reason i called you in ..was to ask you ...to not come.“
“Forget it. If something happens to you ..your father will kill me.“
“I know...Its just i dont want him to know. Can you at least just keep a low profile.“
“Okay. I'll try...but if he so much as hurts you ill...“ You covered his mouth quickly.
“I think you forgetting that i can take care of myself.“
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edensbuttercups · 4 years
Golden lights - Part eight
Pairing: Jaskier x reader Summary:  A new life is brought into this world. As Jaskier and the reader are left with the newborn girl, Geralt heads to the nearby town looking for a healer. Word count: 1.5k A/N: I’ve got to thank @temerianwitch​ ‘cause not only she’s an amazing friend but she also helped me with this chapter and motivated me to write! I’ve got so many ideas for this fic, to think that it was supposed to be only a oneshot! I’m planning on writing more fanfics and oneshots, so if anyone has any requests let me know and I’ll work on them too 💖  Stay safe, warm hugs ^^
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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Light made its way in through the windows that morning, the golden rays warming everything they laid upon. You shifted from the bed, holding the newborn close to you. She had woken only once in the night, hungry and confused by her new surroundings. Geralt had left for the closest village at sunrise, promising to bring back the best healer he could find, while Jaskier nodded off into a light sleep in a small chair near the bed only to be woken up by every small sound the newborn made, sitting up and studying her, his eyes full of tiredness and curiosity. 
You were weak, but happy. You looked down at your baby, studying her face, her puffy cheeks, her red lips. She had beautiful blue eyes that matched Jaskier’s, yet some small filaments in her iris matched yours, an ever so subtle proof of her being the fruit of your love. You shifted in the bed, slowly sitting up, holding your baby close. You saw Jaskier’s eyes flutter open before meeting yours, a small smile forming on his lips. “You alright?” he asked. “Happy. And a bit in pain. But mainly happy.” You lifted your arm, inviting him into bed with you. He stood up from the small chair and sat next to you, slowly scooting closer while gently placing his hand on your daughter’s head. “She’s so small” he caressed her head, moving his hand away when she opened her eyes and looked around. “Oh. Hello. Hmm, did I wake her up?” he turned towards you, worry in his eyes that your warm laugh blew away. “Babies sleep a lot, but also wake up often. She’s probably just hungry.” You smiled warmly as you picked the baby up and held her close, her in your arms and you in Jaskier’s.
In the next town over the Witcher stood alone before an old wooden door. He had asked for the best healer in town and was brought here, yet as he knocked people rushed away, leaving him alone in the dark alley as if afraid of who stood behind that mere piece of wood. The door clicked and opened, revealing a small table that stood in the middle of a dimly lit room. He took a step inside, pushing the door closed behind him and walking forward, taking seat at the table and waiting. A soft scent lingered in the air: lemongrass and honey. The Witcher’s leg bounced up and down, aware of the passing of time and eager to bring the healer home, one way or another. “Well, who am I to deserve the visit of such a handsome man I wonder?” a voice echoed around the walls. Geralt turned around and met her eyes, one blue and one violet. She stood in front of him, owning the space she occupied, standing tall and elegant. A soft white dress was draped around her, simple golden jewelry adorned her hair, her ears, her arms. His eyes lingered on her longer that he believed he should’ve. He turned around, avoiding her gaze, and stated what he needed as calmly as he could. “I need your help. As a healer.” He added, noticing how the room felt like magic. “How about we have a little chat before that? Get to know each other a bit?” “Someone I… care about needs you. I promised them that-“ “Where are they?” “A cottage. I left at sunset and got here now. The journey isn’t long, but she just gave birth and I believe it would be best for her to receive your help as soon as possible”. He glared at her, offended by the idea of favoring a chat to the health of someone he cared about. “You took the road by the coast. The longer road.” “There is no other road” “There is if you know where to look. With me, we’ll get there in a fraction of the time. So, let’s chat.” She elegantly sat down, challenging his eyes with hers. “I’d rather leave now.” “It wasn’t a question.” She smiled. The Witcher tried to stand but felt his limbs weak. He sighed and nodded. “If that’s how it’s got to be, let chat. But if anything happens to her just know that you’ll suffer twice as much as she.” His eyes reflected the anger of his soul, her eyes reflected respect. She hadn’t met many Witchers in her lifetime but had met even fewer men that cared so much. She lifted a hand and closed her eyes, freeing his limbs from the spell. “We may go. I can see now that your intentions are pure. A rare sight between these walls” She chuckled, standing up and walking towards a door. “Wait for me outside, I’ll get my horse and we’ll leave” she smiled, passing next to him and placing a hand on his arm. “see you soon.” She said, winking. 
You looked at Jask as he held your daughter close to his chest. He was new to the whole situation, still unsure as where to place his hands to keep her comfortable, but so full of love and patience. Had you ever had any doubts they had evaporated the moment you say how he looked at her, how he held her, how he listened. He placed her in the bed and walked towards you on his tippy toes, moving slowly and dramatically. He reached you and sat next to you. “What should we call her?” “You’re the poet” you nudged him, laughing softly. “Yes but a name is such a big thing! You’re stuck with it forever!” “you sure are,” you looked at him and smiled “Julian” He turned and faced you, his mouth shaped in a big “o”. “If she hates me because I gave her a name she doesn’t like-“ “She won’t hate you! She will love you. She’s been born for less than a day and you’ve already been such a great dad. Now let’s think. A name.” “I… don’t know! God, we’ve been awake since dawn, it’s too early!” “Dawn.” “What?” he stopped. “Something about dawn?” you tried, tentatively. “Dawn. A new day, a new beginning. A goddess. She was the one that flew across the sky each morning to announce the arrival of the sun. I know her name, it’s… Aurora!” he exhaled happily. “Aurora. I like it.” You leaned into him and placed a kiss on his lips “and I’m sure she will too.” You felt him smile into the kiss, gently wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. 
“You didn’t ask for my name.” “Hmm.” “Not a man of many words, hmm?” She said, imitating his tone. “My name is Myristica. Like the plant. And just like the plant, I like relieving pain, of the body and of the soul.” She smiled and looked ahead. She led him to the edge of the town, where he had come from. He couldn’t see another path anywhere, but she carried on ahead, her white horse not hesitating as she led him into a thick part of the forest. “Where are you…?” “Not many people know of this path. It’s hard to get in but it will save us a lot of time, trust me.” He nodded and followed her. “I’m sorry for not asking for your name. I’m just worried.” He reached her after speaking, part of him hoping she hadn’t heard me. “I know, big man. Let’s help your friend so you stop being worried and we can get to know each other a bit better, hmm?” she smiled such a heavenly smile, and he couldn’t help but smile back, even if he tried to hide it. He looked at her when she couldn’t see him; he admired the way she held herself, the way the fabric fell on her back, her skin peaking from beneath, her hair swaying in the wind. “You know, Witcher, you’re not so subtle” she turned her head towards him and winked. He looked away and sighed. He heard her laugh and smiled, before wearing his serious expression once more. “Geralt.” he spoke softly. “I’m sorry?” “My name. Since you didn’t ask either. My name is Geralt.” She seemed at loss of words, suddenly her face was blessed by a soft blush, before she smiled once more, bowing her head. “It’s a pleasure to formally meet you, Geralt.” She peeked ahead before turning towards him once more “I’d say we’ve reached your friend. Is that the cottage?” They emerged from the forest and it was like time had stopped for the whole journey. The sun was still high, the sky as blue as could be. The cottage stood there, standing between blue waves and green fields, a home that was waiting to be lived in. “That’s the one.” He got off Roach and petted her hear before walking towards Myristica and offering her a hand. “Thank you” she took her hand and slipped off her horse, placing a hand on Geralt’s chest when she lost her footing. “Whoops” she said, smiling, a mischievous expression in her eyes. “Let’s go, big boy” she rested a hand on her bag, filled with all sorts of herbs, and one on his arm. Their eyes met once more, moments before the bard popped out from a window, waving happily at Geralt and the new possible friend.
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mimymomo · 4 years
Orphydice Weathering With You Part 3
This is way too long and really angsty so...
Here you go!
One last job. That’s all that was left. From the message request, it was for a husband to have a day in a large public garden with his wife for their anniversary. The day was simple in theory: get this job done, and surprise Orpheus with his present. 
The only problem is...Eurydice is 64% sure that he’s gonna hate. She fiddles with the velvet box that barely fits in her jacket pocket. She spent hours deciding what to get even with Hermes' help and even more hours getting it together. But it’s here, burning a hole in her pocket and head. 
Then their client shows up. 
She takes back her previous statement. There are actually two problems she has to deal with...
“I can't believe it!” Eurydice screams exasperatedly. “You sent this request Hades? I bet you did this on purpose to taunt me.”
“I did no such thing,” Hades rolled his eyes, sitting idly on the bench beside Eurydice. Orpheus sat on her other side. “You just wanted to surprise Aunt Seph right?” Orpheus said with a hesitant smile. “She does love that garden. You two used to take me there all the time as a kid.” 
“For real?” Eurydice asks. Orpheus nods. It was a long time ago. Seph had left a few minutes prior. She had to “grab something” and would “be right back.” She comes back holding a large box wrapped in obnoxiously festive ‘happy anniversary’ paper. And trailing her is...Mr. Hermes? 
“Why are you here Hermes?” Hades growls. “Aye brother, what’s with the attitude?” Hermes asks with a smirk. “My dear sister here needed me to help with that gift of yours. She couldn’t get it here on that motorcycle she rides.” Seph pushes the box into Hades’ lap, it barely fits. “Open it!”
It’s a small, gray Cane Corso puppy. His eyes are a dusty pale blue. He has a patch of white fur on his chest and floppy ears. 
“So what are you doing here Hermes?” Eurydice asks. “I’m the one who brought that puppy here! My sis here had me go get him.” “Since you watched over this puppy, can I get a puppy too then, Mr. Hermes?” Orpheus begs. “No.”
Hades isn’t paying attention to the conversation, he keeps himself busy with the new puppy his wife and gifted him. Hades acted like the small dog was a burden yet hadn’t taken his hands or eyes off of him since Seph graciously sat him down in his lap. The puppy nips at Hades' fingers, and Hades ignores the few strands of fur that linger on his coat. 
He names the puppy Cerberus. 
“I didn’t know you loved dogs so much Hades,” Eurydice teases. “Oh for sure! I catch this softy watching animal planet and dog videos on his laptop when he thinks no one is watching,” Persephone laughs. Eurydice laughs hard, who woulda thought. “Girl…” Hades growls. 
Eurydice gets up and sprints, the puppy jumping off his owner's laps and following her. Hades and Hermes go and try to catch the roaming dog. Orpheus gets up to join them but Seph pulls him back. 
“Orpheus...did you, can you...actually change the weather?” Orpheus tilts his head and nods, “um, yeah.” Persephone lowers her shoulders, “I have something important to tell you.”
The rest of the afternoon floats by and the clouds roll back in but Eurydice’s still in a wreck. The groups pack up and begin to head their separate ways. “Well, we gotta take this little guy back home,” Persephone says, holding the sleeping pup in her arms. “You heading back to the bar Eurydice?” She winks at the teenage girl which causes Eurydice to blush. 
Hermes must’ve been on the same wavelength as his sister because he adds, “I gotta make a few errands before I head back. You two should walk back together. For safety reasons.” Now both teens are blushing. “You two have fun, but not too much fun!” “Oh, shut up Seph!” Eurydice cries. 
Two begin the walk back home. Eurydice fidgets with the box in her pocket, the nerves returning full force and kicking hard. They walk to the bar in deafening silence, the only sounds are the tapping of the rain. They make it to the alleyway and Eurydice stops. Orpheus takes a few steps forward then stops as well. 
“Orpheus!” “Eurydice!”
“You go first.” “I’m sorry, you go first.”
“Orpheus you go first,” Eurydice says. Orpheus gives Eurydice a weak, half-smile, “Eurydice, I-”
In the blink of an eye, Orpheus is gone. Disappearing right from in front of her. Eurydice stands in shock, what...just happened? “Orpheus? Orpheus! Orpheus where are you?!” 
Eurydice glances up and there, in the sky, is Orpheus. He squirms, flailing about as if he’s swimming. “Eurydice!” “Orpheus!” Eurydice reaches out and pulls the boy out of the sky. Her fingers go straight through his hands and she pulls back. Orpheus falls to the ground. Areas of his skin translucent and...watery? “Or-Orpheus?” 
Suddenly, his skin goes back to normal, as he pants heavily under the falling rain. The boy glances sadly up at the girl, a halfhearted grin on his face. He’s trying to be brave for her. 
When they walk inside they don’t say a thing. The air is heavy and tense but no words can seem to come out. 
Orpheus breaks the silence, “I think I remember the day I first got my ability to control the weather. It was a few years back and it was raining really bad. Mr. Hermes was outta town so I was staying with aunt Seph and Hades. But this was back when they were nearing a divorce. They were so...bitter to each other. Aunt Seph drank all day and Hades spent all his time in his office. I thought they were getting better at the time, they hadn’t argued with each other for a few weeks and they actually promised to take me to that public garden we hadn't visited in years again. But it was raining and the two began to bicker. Bickering turned into arguing, arguing to shouting, shouting to an all-out war. I couldn’t take it Seph and Hades were the closest thing I had to a normal husband and wife relationship to look up to, they were kinda like a surrogate mom and dad like Mr. Hermes. So to see them like that...I just couldn’t take it. I left the house and I saw this beam of sunlight in the distance. The only ray of sun in the dark cloudy sky. So I ran. I ran all the way to where it shined, an abandoned train station. I walked down underground, the sun shined through a glass window over a single train car. I walked to the car and tried to get in but the door was locked. So I climbed on top and right where the sun shined, was an open hatch. 
I hopped through the hatch and suddenly I was falling in the sky, being swept around by the breeze and rain. In the distance I could see green on top of a cloud, it looked like a meadow or field. A whole another world, Eurydice. All around me I kept hearing this song, it was beautiful. I fell and fell, the song still ringing loud around me and before I knew it, I blinked and I was back inside the train car. The rain had completely stopped. From that day on, I could tell something was different about me. I still had that song in my head, and I realized every time I sang it, the rain would stop.”
Orpheus finishes his story, pulling out two towels and brings Eurydice a change of clothes. Eurydice heads to the bathroom without a word. She doesn’t know what to say. What happened out there? Why did Orpheus disappear and turn up in the sky? What was up with his skin? It must have something to do with his powers. 
A knock at the door. “Eurydice doesn’t think much of it and continues in the bathroom. 
“Oh, the POLICE!” Orpheus yells, obviously trying to warn Eurydice. Eurydice’s eyes widen, what were the police doing here?
“Hello kid, I’m officer Atropos. May we ask you a few questions regarding a case? Do you recognize this girl in this video here?”
“N-no, no sorry.” “You sure? So this isn’t you in this video?”
Eurydice presses her ear to the door, she tries to listen in but they’re too far and too quiet. “No!” She hears Orpheus yell. She wants to tear out this door but she knows she can’t. A few more minutes pass and Eurydice hears the door slams. Eurydice opens the door and steps into the room. Orpheus stares at the closed door, tears silently drip down his face. “Orpheus?”
“He...he’s at the hospital. Mr. Hermes, he…” “Orpheus, what happened to Hermes?” “He fainted, in the street. They raced him to the hospital. His temperature was extremely high and...he’s not doing well, Eurydice. They don’t know how long they will have to keep him in the hospital. I might have to enter foster care.” 
Foster care...Orpheus in foster care. “Can’t you move in with Seph and Hades?” Eurydice questions. “I don’t know…” “Well, I’ll go back to Seph and Hades’ house and talk them into it!” Orpheus, still out of it, nods his head. “Orpheus pack a bag and be ready for us when we come back!”
Eurydice races out the bar and there on the street, it’s Hades' car. Eurydice figures he must’ve heard the news and came to get them. She runs to the car and hops in the front seat, “Hades! Have you heard about Hermes?” “Yes, girl I have,” Hades says shortly. He stares out the window, glasses over his eyes. “Then we have to go,” Eurydice says. “Orpheus is inside and they said something about foster care and-”
“Seph and I will handle that. She is at the hospital. We’ll pick him up later tonight and then take him to see Hermes first thing in the morning. Visiting hours are over for today.” Eurydice stares at him, “am I not going tomorrow?”
“No.” Eurydice stares at the man in shock. “After Seph left, the police came. Your parents filed a missing child report. They threatened us with child kidnapping.” Hades pulls Eurydice’s bags out from the back seat, “I can’t allow you to stay in our house anymore. I won’t let your childish foolishness ruin mine or my wife’s hard work. ” 
He hands her an envelope, “take that has you final allowance and severance pay. I can’t drive you to the station but your ticket is in there and paid for, my wife told me where you boarded from.” He turns to face Eurydice, meeting her eye to eye, “go home Eurydice. Don’t continue to cause trouble for everyone.” 
Eurydice silently steps out of the car, her face hardened. Hades drives away and she’s left in the rain, it’s falling harder than before. The air was getting colder. She walks slowly back to the bar. She was at a loss, she couldn't go home, she swore to herself that she wouldn’t let herself be dragged back there ever again. But she knew Hades was right, if she stayed, she would just be causing trouble for him and Seph and especially Orpheus. She would leave, but not without saying goodbye first. 
Orpheus is finishing up his packing when she walks back inside the closed bar. “Eurydice, you’re back already? What’s wrong?” He notices her tears before she does. “I... I have to go.” “Go? Go where Eurydice?” “I don’t know! All I know is that I can’t stay here. I have to get far away from here.”
“Then let’s go.”
Eurydice is stunned, “what do you mean let's go?” “I’m going with you, Eurydice.” Eurydice shakes her head, “no you can’t. You need to be here for Hermes.” “I need to make sure you’re okay!” He counters. He grabs Eurydice’s hands, “at least for tonight, stay here.”
“I can’t stay here Orpheus. Hades and Seph are on their way back here. If they catch me here…”“Then let me come with you. I need to know that you find a place to stay.”
Eurydice felt her stomach drop. ‘You can’t continue to be a burden…say no. Say no right now!’
She agrees. 
The two set out to find a cheap place to stay for the night. The weather gets worse and worse as the night goes on. The air is frigid, and the wind bites at any and all exposed skin. The streets are icy and the rain has turned into snow. Snow in July. The storm gets so bad that roads are closed down, leaving people stranded all over. The two walk to multiple hotels and motels around the city but no dice (reasons spanning from no vacancies to not enough money). 
They pass the abandoned train station and Orpheus asks to take a detour there. While underground Eurydice pulls out the gun she had been carrying all this time, she had forgotten all about it and that horrible incident that almost got someone killed. She dropped the gun, she couldn’t bear to keep it anymore. Orpheus comes back with a wad of cash. “I’ve been hoarding money here for safekeeping for years now!”
After a few more stops, they’re walking down a busy street when Eurydice gets stopped by a random cop and his partner. “Excuse Miss, but aren’t you a little young to be out here by yourself especially with this storm going on?” he asks. “Ooh, we were just walking back home.” The officer in back starts to talk into his walkie talkie, “I believe we might have found the missing girl. We’ll take her back to the station.” The two begin to corner and guide Eurydice in the direction of the station but she quickly screams at Orpheus to run and sprints away. 
Her attempt is futile as the officers quickly catch her. They try to handcuff her but Orpheus tackles the officer before he can. They fight and squirm until Orpheus screams a ‘la’ and a sudden bolt of lightning strikes down on a truck parked across the street, setting it ablaze. 
They're all stunned. The cops forget the children and run to handle the fire. Eurydice is the first to recover and she gets up and drags Orpheus in the opposite direction. 
Finally, they find a place with an open and affordable room. They fall to the floor after shutting and locking the motel door. They look and each other and begin to laugh, mostly from shock and craziness of it all. 
They take turns showering and changing, Eurydice going first. While Orpheus is taking his turn, Eurydice sneaks out and raids the vending machine outside their room and discovers there’s a convenience store nearby so she stops there too. Eurydice splurges quick a bit, it’s her last day with Orpheus and besides Hades did get her severance pay, she could go a tiny bit beyond her usual spending. 
When she returns Orpheus is sitting on the one bed (they couldn’t afford a double!) They dine on junk food and watch trashy TV movies, just enjoying each other’s company. They don’t acknowledge that this is their last day together, they both don’t wanna ruin the moment. As the night goes on, they avoid watching the news, scared to see the damage of the storm that’s happening right outside their door. 
They lie in bed backs to each other, a good chunk of space between them. Neither able to sleep. 
“Hey, Orpheus ?” The girl turns and sees Orpheus already facing her. “Huh?” 
“It’s midnight so,” she grabs the box that’s been bothering her all day and sets it between the two. “Happy birthday.”
Inside is a necklace. A silver pendant wrapped around a red guitar pick. Engraved one side of the pick is the letters ‘O + E’ and on the other side is the words ‘My Rainbow After The Storm.’
“Sorry, it’s nothing fancy or anything.” “I love it,” Orpheus says with no hesitation. He lifts his head, “thank you Eurydice.” 
The two stars at each other and before she realizes it, Eurydice leans over places a peck on Orpheus’ lips. One peck turns to two, then four then they lose count. They pull each other close, desperate to take this moment and each other in as much as possible. 
Orpheus pulls away, “Eurydice, would you like the weather to go back to normal?”
Eurydice squints her eyebrows, “I mean of course I do, but it’s kinda impossible. Your powers only work for a few hours.”
Orpheus frowns, pulling further away, curling in on himself. “Orpheus?” Eurydice calls. “I’m a human sacrifice,” Orpheus says bluntly, still facing away from Eurydice. “Aunt Persephone told me earlier, she learned the truth behind my powers. I’m supposed to die in order to set the weather back into balance. Maybe not die per se, but I won’t be here anymore.”
“No, that’s...that’s not funny Orpheus,” Eurydice shakes her head, refusing to accept this. “It’s not true!” Orpheus lifts up his shirt and drops it on the floor, ⅗ of the skin on his body is translucent, bubbles of what looks like pockets of water swim across his chest and, collarbone, shoulders, and ribs. The light from the lamp causes the bubbles of water to reflect, rainbow colors in fact. “I used so much of my power already, I’m disappearing. If I sing the song one more time... if I fix this mess then…”
“No! I won’t let you do that!” “Eurydice you’re leaving anyway, if I do this then everything will be fixed, the weather will go back to normal.” “But you won’t be here!” She screams, “what’ll be the point of me leaving and not being a burden to you if you disappear?”
Quiet, the words premeditates in the room. “You’re not a burden to me Eurydice,” Orpheus says firmly. Eurydice hugs the boy, “don’t do it. Stay here, I’ll stay too if that’s what it takes. We’ll stay here together.” She knows she’s just making empty promises in the dead of night but at the moment neither of them cares. The cry in the dark of the poorly lit room, passing out after an undisclosed amount of time. 
Orpheus is the first to wake up, Eurydice tucked close to his side. He brushes a strand of hair away from her eye. “I’m sorry Eurydice.” He stands, putting his forgotten shirt back on again. He stuffs the necklace in his pocket, closes his eyes, then...he sings. 
When he opens his eyes he’s lying in a bed of grass. It’s soft, too soft to be regular ole grass. It’s bright, the sun shining in his eyes. The sky is perfect crystal color, the clouds fluffy, tall and white. Flying around him are tiny beads of water, all in long groups that remind Orpheus of little fish swimming in a pond. 
He's seen this place before, but that time, he didn't reach it. He’s in that other place in the sky. 
He’s gone. He’s alone. 
Orpheus fishes for the necklace in his pocket, needing something to ground him. The silver chain twinkles in the sunlight. Suddenly a rush of water droplets come swimming in his direction, brushing against and sometimes through his body. Orpheus feels himself ripple, like a pond that just got a stone slipped across it. The ripple starts from his chest then moves to his arms, hands, then fingertips. 
The ripple causes the necklace to slip through his fingers, falling down and disappearing from the cloud.
“No!” Orpheus tried to save it, pushing and pulling it’s of cloud grass, but it’s no use. 
It’s gone. 
Orpheus sobs. He sobs for his family, Hermes, Persephone, and even Hades. But he mostly sobs for Eurydice, for the promises he broke. How he would never see her again. He would be all alone. Forever.
As he weeps, he prays Eurydice will never see another storm in her life. 
“It’s a mess out there!” Persephone yells, rushing inside the quiet house. She walks into the dining room and sees her husband nursing a glass of whiskey, the bottle half empty. Cerberus lay asleep near his feet. “They closed most of the roads, I barely made it back. Hermes is doing fine, they’re treating him for a fever. I called the bar to tell Orpheus but he didn’t answer. Must be busy with Eurydice.” She grabs herself a glass and sits next to her silent husband. “Speaking of the girl, where is Eurydice?”
Hades doesn’t say a thing.
Seph immediately knows something is up.
“Hades. Where is Eurydice?”
“I sent her away.”
“You did what!?” Seph is pissed.
“The police came, she’s a runaway, Persephone. Her parents filed a missing child’s case on her. She’s 16! Do you know how much trouble we would be in if they found out we were harboring a minor?”
Seph knows her husband is right, but that doesn’t mean she ain’t pissed about it. “It’s a fucking mess out there Hades! You should’ve let her stay here the night!” Speh finishes her drink then marches to the door.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go find her Hades!”
“The roads are closed, Seph. You will just get in a bigger mess.”
Seph stews silently before turning away from the door, snatching the bottle from Hades and walking to their room. “Don’t talk to me. Sleep on the couch, drive a separate car, just...don't come near me.”
Hades ignores her, “you going to ruin your sobriety over a runaway?”
Persephone flips her husband off and heads to their room, slamming the bedroom door shut. He deserves that. He knows.
Yay angst!
One more part to go (hopefully...)
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maneoyoona · 4 years
TW: rape and miscarriage
They say that your life flashes before your eyes when you were about to die, Yoona wasn’t sure if this was it.
The day started off perfectly.
She woke up and the sun wasn’t shining brightly in her eyes. Her coffee tasted divine. Everything was going well.
It was her first day off in weeks and the young woman was looking forward to a day of relaxation. A friend of hers invited her for a girl’s night in The Gilded Siren. Since Yoona was free for that day, she told herself why the heck not?
She easily found an outfit for the night. Again, everything was going perfectly.
Dressed to the nines, she arrived at the casino and scoffed at the tacky interior. If the alliance goes well, maybe she could recommend a few interior designers to the Amaranthine leader. She was too busy scoffing at the wallpaper and chair combinations that she bumped into a bulky man as she entered the main gambling hall. “What the heck? Watch where you are going!”
The night went on without a hitch until she caught a whiff of what smelled like gasoline in the air. She asked her friends about it but they didn’t smell anything.
Something is wrong. Yoona could feel it.
The wizard tried to leave but her friends all protested.
“Something is wrong here. The air, it smels like gasoline.”
“You need to let loose, Yoona. Here have some wine”.
A deafening sound rang through her ears, a flash of white, then nothing.
A young girl and a young boy.
They were observing some plants in the middle of a glasshouse. The air was chilly and snow was falling to the ground. The distant chattering of people mixed with an occasional Christmas carol filled the silence.
“Hi. I’m Seo Yoona, I’m turning eight the day before Christmas! What’s your name?”         
Another flash of white this time it was coupled with an intense heat.
It was one of those baby blue skies, not the psychedelic candy blue nor the washed out grey so characteristic of wintry mornings. The clouds were as fluffy as they could be, the warm summer breeze was almost soothing to the skin. Yet two figures were standing there, postures tense and the heartbreak permeating through the air. Lies after lies were spewed in order to keep one safe.
“Good bye Miss Seo.”
“Walk away, Elizabeth. Walk far away from me. You’ll be safer this way. Go and live your life like I never existed.”
The light was gone and it was replaced by a fiery atmosphere, the heat already scorching as if the flames were surrounding her.
Screams for help. Desperate ones.
A woman was being ravaged by a man much stronger than her especially since she was weak. They put a potion in her drink, one so strong that she couldn’t fight. More screams for help then quiet sobs.
The scene changed to a lavish household, pristine marble floors and plush furnitures. The interior of the house looked as if it came straight out of the architectural digest. Yet a young woman was on her knees with tears streaming down her face.
“Dad, I can’t marry Chiyoung. Please.” 
“What are you talking about Yoona? His family had invested a lot in our company!”
“Dad,I’m pregnant. He raped me. Dad please, I can’t.”                                                    
“Get your wits together, Yoona! You are a Seo and you won’t be the disgrace of this family!”
Wails of despair filled the air and suddenly the beautiful interiors were replaced by stark white walls and the scent of disinfectant in the air.
“I am sorry, Ms. Seo. You had a miscarriage.”                                                              
“Haneul, please don’t tell anyone. Please.”
Her skin was heated yet a cold touch brought temporary reprieve to Yoona. She could feel a sticky substance run down her face. She wants to move her body but she couldn’t.
There was a meeting of some sort. People were seated around a long rectangular table. They were discussing something about a budget. A young woman opened her mouth to say something but she was quickly interrupted by the woman sitting next to her.
“Allow me to translate. What Seok was trying to say is that it is extremely needed by the medical team right, Seok?”
A huff was the only reply she got.
The scent of freshly made ramen filled the air, the homey atmosphere of the restaurant was incredibly comforting. Two figures sat on a table, they were whispering in hushed tones yet the woman was looking at the young man with fondness in her eyes.
“Really? You’d poison people for me?”                                                                                   
“In a heartbeat, Jiyongie.”
With a burst of cold air, the scenery changed into an apartment. A man was lying face down on the bed, seemingly drunk and bit out of it, and a woman was standing by the door looking softly at him.
“Whatever back at you. Good night, sweetheart.”                                                          
There was a small ray of light and Yoona tried to get to it. She ran and ran but she couldn’t escape the darkness. “No. They need me.” She kept on running towards the light as if it would bring her back to her loved ones. “Jiyongie, he needs me. Seok needs me. Sangseok too. Heck, maybe even Dongchul.”
Yoona ran some more and she finally caught up with the light.
“Liz.” she breathed, her brown eyes finally opening after a few days.
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cptnsantiago · 5 years
i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind
summary: It was seventeen years to the day. Everyone he knew said it would get easier, that the pain would lessen; and he thinks he’s figured out why. This revelation only makes it more painful. 
Jake is forgetting her.
read on ao3 / major character death
Jake hasn’t seen Amy in seventeen years.
He’s 58 years old now; their daughter is fully grown and about to graduate from college. She’s thriving, maybe because she barely knew Amy. Maybe because she didn’t have to experience the same trauma he did. Luna had only been four years old when Amy was shot in the line of duty. He still remembers it so clearly. Every time the memory returns to the forefront of his mind, he digs the heels of his hands into his eyes so hard until he sees stars.
Stars are more beautiful than watching your wife fall to the ground again and again.
It was seventeen years to the day. Everyone he knew said it would get easier, that the pain would lessen; and he thinks he’s figured out why. This revelation only makes it more painful.
Jake is forgetting her.
He’s surrounded by memories of her, photos and videos. But he can barely hear her voice or her laugh in his head anymore. He used to close his eyes and see her beautiful smile with the crinkles forming as the smile grew, or her concentrated frown with the other cute crinkle in her eyebrows. She rarely shows up in his dreams anymore, it had been a few months since she last made an appearance in his imagination where everything was okay .
Since Luna was old enough to understand the pure grief her father experienced, the day had always gone the same. A schedule of sorts. She was her mother’s daughter.
Jake usually remains in bed until Luna shows up with two bowls of Lucky Charms at midday. They would eat in silence, even when she was a child and she would want to wake him up earlier, she would remain silent. Luna knew it was the hardest day of the year, it always was. She would eat their favourite cereal in silence before snuggling, the both of them silently crying.
Luna usually leaves after thirty minutes, allowing him sometime to drag himself to the shower and put Amy’s favourite flannel on - it’s old and in tatters, but she always loved it on him so he’ll sew the crap out of it until it falls apart -  so they can go about their day. This process usually takes over an hour. His chest constricts, walking around their room, trying to function without her. The room is a mess and she would loath it; so he needs to clean it. Sometimes he thinks to himself that he doesn’t want Amy to be upset when she gets home. It’s been seventeen years but sometimes he believes she might come home.
Jake usually exits his room by 1:30, and they get out of the house a half hour later. The drive to the graveyard is exactly 34 minutes away, and he tries his best to keep himself calm on that drive. Luna was already freaked out enough by driving in Brooklyn, and with her nerves amplified by the day itself, he needs to remain sane. So he closes his eyes.
This time he can’t force the stars to keep one of the most distinct memories of Amy away.
“Okay Luna, you’re spending the day with Grandma and I need you to remember one thing.” Amy is squatting in front of Luna, hands on her shoulders. “Can you remember what it is?”
“That I’m the best kid ever?”
“Yes, of course.” Amy rolls her eyes with huff of laughter, “But what about Grandma’s rule?”
“Don’t touch her paint without her express permission…” Luna tips her head back and slumps her shoulders. “The walls aren’t canvas.”
“Good girl.” Amy pulls her in for a tight hug, “I’m sure if you ask nicely, Grandma will let you paint your own vase.”
“Really?” Luna pulls back, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Definitely. I’m sure she’ll even show you the vase I painted at your age!” Jake interjects.
“I love you, mija.” Amy pulls her in, squeezing her one last time, before letting her go.
“Love you more, mom.”
Amy scoffs, trying to hide her growing smile. “Not possible! I love you the most.”
“I can prove that I love you more!!” Luna stands proudly, hands on her hips. She holds the pose for a moment before wrapping herself around Amy again, smothering her face with wet kisses, finishing off with a raspberry to her cheek.
“I’ve been convinced.” Amy laughs, tucking the loose strands of hair out of Luna’s face. “What about you dad?”
“I think you’ve finally been beaten, Ames.” Jake kneels down as Amy gathers herself, “Now it’s my turn.”
Jake joins Amy in the car just a few minutes later , she has a dreamy smile on her face and has a hand over her heart. “I can’t wait to have another baby.”
“Luna is spectacular, she’s gonna be the best big sister.” Jake notes, lacing his fingers with her spare hand and running his thumb over her knuckles. “I can’t wait either.”
Amy leans over her seat to place the softest, and probably the most intimate kiss they’ve ever shared. Jake sighs happily as the separate, leaning against her forehead. “Do you think your mom knows we’re pawning Luna on her so we can have hot baby making sex today?”
“Definitely. She can read minds!”
He wishes more than anything in the world that Amy had said yes to calling in sick so they could spend all day together instead. But Amy insisted he go to work, because he had a stupid important killer perp still on the streets. He tries to shake the thought away, one that haunts him. It was his important case that got her killed.
He doesn’t even notice they’ve arrived until Luna places her hand on his. “Dad?”
Jake looks from her hand to her face, a weak smile appearing on his face as she does the same. In a way, he will forever have memory of Amy. Luna was almost a clone, in personality and looks. This was both a blessing and a curse; some days it’s a great comfort that they were so alike, it was as if she was always there but then other nights it made Jake miss Amy so bad that he would cry to the point of not being able to breathe properly.
“Dad? Let’s go, yeah? Mom’s waiting.”
“Mom’s waiting…” Jake’s hands begin to tremble under Luna’s, his throat tightening. “Maybe you should just go, I’ll wait in the car.”
“Dad, I’m here. I won’t leave your side.” Her grip on his hand only becomes tighter, and her eyebrows knit together just like Amy’s always did. “Promise.”
Jake always struggles visiting her grave. He’s never been able to go alone, or with anyone but Luna. After all, she’s the reason he’s still a reasonable member of society seventeen years later. Jake hadn’t been a great parent. Luna tries to convince him otherwise, but there were countless times he had been unreliable. Not being able to get out of bed for weeks sometimes and she had to step up to look after the both of them.
Daddy, I can’t imagine how you feel. I know you miss her. Luna at eight years old, only just beginning to really understand the reality of what happened.
Stop blaming yourself, she made her choices. This isn’t your fault, dad. Thirteen year old Luna when he had barely left his room for two weeks.
Tell me more about her. I want to know her more, dad. It had only been weeks after a two week stint in bed and missing a parent-teacher conference.
He eventually opened up, it was the first time they went to her grave. Only his second time there since her funeral. He cried for the first time in front of Luna there, really cried. Jake told her all about his life with her mother before she was born, after she was born.
His healing process had been long, but he did return to being a functioning member of society outside of work. Still, he had weak moments like any human, and sometimes they were so heavy he forgot how to breathe. But he did it anyway.
Jake had only kept the day’s leading up to Amy’s death secret to Luna, she didn’t need to know or experience that pain if she didn’t have to. He never spoke of the funeral either, about his epic meltdown and being held down by Captain Holt as he experienced a pain unknown to man.
Gina had stayed with Jake overnight before the funeral. She helped get Luna ready, and cried with Jake as he asked her to help him with his buttons as well. Luna had mostly been confused during this time, always asking her aunts and uncles why daddy couldn’t stop crying and asking when mommy was coming back .
Jake didn’t remember arriving at the graveyard, only remembering the sight of her casket ready to be lowered into the ground. She would absolutely hate being buried underground, too claustrophobic, he had thought. People made speeches he couldn’t listen to and he somehow managed to drag himself up to the podium and unfold his paper with great care.
“A-Amy… Amy Santiago, um… She, she was-” Jake shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut and letting the tears fall freely. A few moments that felt like an eternity later, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Holt. Jake moves aside and allows Holt to take over.
“Amy Santiago is the love of my life.” Holt starts, his voice already cracking but continues with a clear voice. “Amy is the smartest person I’ve ever met. So smart, and funny and wonderful and beautiful. She is the best mom and the best wife. Amy really was the ultimate human slash genius, none of us at the nine-nine couldn’t keep up with her if we tried.”
Jake and a few others laugh slightly at this, and he wipes fresh tears off his cheeks before Holt continues. “Amy was a strong and determined woman, she never let anything get in her way. Her dream was to become the youngest female Captain in the NYPD, and I’m grief stricken that I’ve lost her but also just as bad that she was only able to make it to Lieutenant before she passed. She would have made the best Captain, sorry Ray.”
Holt takes a pause as he reads on a few sentences. “I don’t know how to live without her, and it’s so unfair. To me, to Luna - she will never really know her mom and that makes me angry. She’s the best woman I’ve ever known and she won’t know her. That’s the worst, pardon the language , fucking thing about this. I miss her, I’m going to miss her for the rest of my life. I love you forever, Ames.”
Soon after, when the casket is lowered is when Jake loses it. He collapses besides the ditch, his hand laid flat on the and he just can’t breathe. Amy is really gone and she’s not coming home.
He feels Holt wrap his arms around him, and he thinks even Luna runs up to him and hugs him. It’s not very clear but if it was, he hoped she would never remember this moment.
It’s a hard day, it always was. But watching as Luna places Amy’s favourite flowers on the gravestone before sitting on the damp grass and pulling Jake down with her truly warms his heart. “Hi mom.”
“Let’s get into it. Our daughter is actually the smartest woman ever. End of story.” Jake laughs softly, “But really, tell her Luna.”
“Okay, so. I’ve told you before that I’ve been studying forensic science and psychology, and I’m almost done with that degree. I’ve decided to further my education, gonna get a masters so I can be a more of a leading force in the field.” Luna pauses for a few moments, as if giving Amy the chance to react. She twists her hands and takes a deep breath before continuing, “I hope you’re proud. I’ve worked really hard to do well, and I know dad is proud and he never fails to remind me of that. I just hope you are too.”
“Of course your mom would be proud, Luna.” Jake takes her hand this time, seizing the opportunity to be the comforter for once. “She would so adore the smart, independent woman you’ve become.”
Luna nods with a shy smile, tucking her hair behind both ears just like her . “I miss you so much, mom.”
“We both do. So much.” Jake adds with a sad sigh.
“I don’t know if you’re feeling it too, but this year feels especially heavy and sad.” Luna shrugs, “I keep watching videos of us from when I was younger and the photos. So many. It just sucks that you’re missing from all the photos now.”
Jake nods along with this, managing to hold back his own tears and wiping the ones falling down Luna’s cheek. “Any other updates for mom?”
“I met this guy, pretty recent, and I really like him.” Luna looks away, knowing what her dad’s face said without looking at him. “ Dad it’s pretty new, and isn’t now a good time I can tell you both ?”
“I guess. I will be getting more info later, get ready for dad cop.”
Luna lets out a snort, and it’s lighter from that moment. They joke and chat as if Amy was there next to them, and it was just a regular picnic as a family. It’s not long before Luna stretches and stands up. “Shaw’s? Everyone’s gonna be waiting for us.”
“Uhm, I think I’m gonna hang back here.” The shock is evident on Luna’s face, it takes her a few moments to process what he’s said.
“Dad, are you sure?” Luna kneels next to him again. “Are you gonna be okay?”
“It’s been seventeen years since I’ve been alone with her... I owe her this.” Jake shrugs, “Go ahead without me. I’ll meet you there.”
Luna crashes into him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, dad. Bye mom, I love you the most.”
With a press of her fingers to her lips onto the gravestone, Luna is gone. Jake is alone with Amy for the first time in seventeen years. Jake simply sits there for a few minutes, staring at the engravings on her stone. Her final resting place.
Lt. Amy Santiago
August 7, 1983 - October 19, 2024
Ultimate human slash genius.
Daughter. Friend. Mother.
“Hi Ames. It’s been a while.” Jake bites his lip, a sudden guilt washing over him as he sits there longer. “I’m sorry I’ve never come to talk to you alone. I was… scared? I don’t know, I miss you so bad. I can’t bare coming here to talk to you and you not being able to talk back but… That’s not fair to you.
“I don’t know if it’s my age, or my general goldfish memory b-but I feel like I’m starting to forget you. Not forget you but just the little things. Smaller memories that aren’t significant but they’re precious, every moment with you was important and it’s fading .
“They discontinued your favourite shampoo. I kept using it so I would never forget what you smelled like, but one day I went to the bodega to stock up and they were out. I looked everywhere, Amy. But now they don’t make it and I can’t quite remember what you smell like, it was flowers I know, but I don’t know at the same time…. And your laugh… I can’t hear it as clearly, I have to watch videos to remember it. I feel so awful, how can I forget my wife like this. I’m a bad husband, a bad dad and god I miss you Ames.
“Luna was right. This year is harder, and I just want you in my arms again. I can’t remember how it feels to hold you in my arms, I just remember it was good. You were good. Great. All I needed in this world. You were too good to leave us so soon. I know you would hate me for this but I still blame myself. I can’t stop it, you are the one that helps me think logically but you’re gone and you have been for seventeen years. Because of me.
“We keep on having all these celebrations lately. Like Nikolaj got an art deal with a comic book publisher, and Charles was so proud. It was a great party, and I went home that night and all I could think about was how you weren’t there.
“I wish I had been more careful. If I hadn’t been so careless in the first place, I wouldn’t need to call for stupid backup. You’re gone because of me. Amy, I’m so sorry. You should have been here for Luna growing up. You should have been able to make Captain. It was my case - Amy, I can’t forgive myself.
“I want to remember every detail about you. But I can’t. What your lips feel like, how it feels when you run your hand through my hair, how it felt when I would return the favour. You deserved so much better. I love you and I’m so sorry.”
Jake lets himself go then, sobbing until he can’t get air into his lungs and it hurts. “How does it hurt the same? I wish it wouldn’t hurt this much. I wish you were alive.”
He doesn’t know how long he’s there crying but he assumes it’s a few hours. Luna shows up eventually, a bottle of water and a muffin in her hand. She helps him up, and he lets one last tear fall before Luna helps him walk to the car. His suspicions of how long he was there are confirmed on the drive home as he watches the sunsets, driving past Shaw’s.
Arriving home, he heard Luna mention cooking dinner but he hears nothing past that as he lays on the couch, his eyes heavy from crying.
This case had been kicking his ass. Weeks spent on it, more women were being killed and he couldn’t find him. A survivor had even been able to give a good enough description of him to find the identity of the man, but he hid well. So well. When he was finally spotted a precinct over, Jake had immediately rushed out, nodding when Amy offers her support with a few officers as a back up.
And on his way there, there was an updated report of shots fired. It very quickly turns into a more serious situation, and the backup he didn’t think he’d need was summoned.
She was a very capable lieutenant, but the thought of the two of them being out in a situation such as this together made his stomach turn. This would be the first time they’re out in the field together in dangerous conditions, the first time they were in danger at the same time. He almost freezes.
This was too risky, a chance one of them could get hurt was doubled, even with backup. He almost wants to tell her to go back, he didn’t want to put her in danger. But he knows his wife, she would argue and this was not the time nor place. Amy would stay. They couldn’t leave Luna alone, they had to be careful.
Amy gives out her orders, and positions are taken. Except he fucks it up, he had been too in his head about Luna potentially being by herself. Jake ends up where Amy is supposed to be, and at first it seemed like it was going to work out for them. The victim is lying on the floor, only a graze to her face but she’s terrified.
The perp had been right next to her, holding his gun at her head. Jake and Amy had their own weapons aimed at the man, telling him to freeze and put the weapon down. Amy’s eyes skirted to the shaking girl on the floor, ready to protect at a moments notice.
He sees everything in slow motion, and of all the things present Jake wants to forget, this was the main one. He watches as the main raises his gun anyway, and Jake is firing his own weapon as the perp does as well. He wishes he didn’t see Amy in the corner of his eye, jumping in front of the innocent girl, struck by the bullet despite her vest and collapsing to the ground.
Amy groans loudly as she hits the floor, clutching her thigh as the girl scuffles away and Jake is shouting something into the radio and he disarms the bleeding criminal on the ground. All he can focus on is his wife on the ground, blood rapidly flowing from her leg despite the pressure she’s trying to put on it.
Jake rips off the jacket over his vest as he slides to his knees next to Amy, taking her bloody hand in his as he uses his other hand to apply as much pressure as he can. “Hold on, Ames. Ambulance is coming.”
His tries to make his voice as soothing as possible, but he watches as the blood doesn’t stop even with the pressure he’s put on the wound. The bullet must have hit a major artery. Fuck.
If Jake had just focused on his orders, he could have taken out the perp from behind with the butt of his gun without anyone getting hurt. But instead he was on the floor next to his wife who was slowly bleeding out. “Where the fuck is the ambulance?”
“Hey, Jake. Look at me.” Jake hesitates before looking down at Amy. She’s so pale, but she attempts to smile at him, trying to sooth him when she’s the one bleeding out on a dirty floor.
“You’re gonna be okay, Ames. Just stay with me okay?” Jake voice cracks, adding more pressure and watching as it does nothing to stop the bleeding.
“I’m okay. I’m with you.” Amy reaches her bloody but uninjured arm up to touch his cheek. “Jake, I need to say something.”
“Amy no, we’re not going there.” Jake shakes his head furiously, “The ambulance will be here soon. I’m not leaving your side.”
“Tell Luna I love her, Jake. Make sure she knows this, okay?” Jake looks down at her again, somehow paler than before and now she’s crying. “I love her and never let her forget it. Support her, be the great dad I know you are.”
“Amy stop, you’re gonna be okay.” Jake is sobbing at this point, he hates the idea of her thinking she’s gonna die. Because she wasn’t.  “You’re gonna be okay and you’re going to continue to be a great mom to Luna and our family is only gonna get bigger. Just stay with me.”
“Jake…” Amy struggles, “Promise me you’ll both be okay?”
“Amy, I… I can’t. We’ll all be okay together.”
“ Jake , please.” Amy hiccups, her arm now too weak to stroke his cheek.
“I… I promise.”
They spend the longest minutes sharing words of love, and Jake is still insisting that she’s not going anywhere but there is so much blood - his jeans and other clothing is drenched in it. “I love you forever, Ames.”
Amy motions for him to move closer, and when he’s close enough she threads her fingers in his curls and pulls him down for one last kiss, whispering her reply. “I love you forever.”
Jake wakes up with a gasp, and he can’t find air to put in his lungs. “A-Amy, Amy.” It’s all he can manage to get out and Luna rushes to his side, her hands gripping his shoulders so he stops shuddering. “It’s all my fault. My fault.”
“Dad, no. Please take deep breaths, remember what we practiced when we feel scared.”
Jake really tries but he can’t stop crying. It was his fault. His fault, he could have followed orders correctly. He fucked up, it was his fault Amy was dead.
Luna pulls him in, holding him tight until somehow his breathing evens out and the tears are less of a waterfall. “I need to know what happened that day, dad. I want to help you. It kills me to see you hurt like this and blame yourself when I’m sure it’s not your fault.”
Conflict rages inside him. Luna is surely mature beyond her age, and she deserves to know but she shouldn’t need to know. It hurts, so why should he burden her with the knowledge of what happened that day? To help himself? He was used to the pain that came from that memory dream that appeared often. He won’t be selfish like that.
“Dad, please .”
Jake gives in, and he doesn’t realise how much of a relief it is to talk about it. He had been set in his stubborn ways and always refused to go to therapy, to recover .
Luna cries a lot, and he holds her the way she has done for him countless times after the nightmares he’s had over the years. “So mom sacrificed herself to protect that girl from this criminal. And you blame yourself?”
“I could have done something different, like properly follow orders instead of being skittish. Things would have turned out so different, and this was my case. My case that took us out on the field that day. I could list so many more reasons her death was my fault, Luna.” Jake laughs with a sarcastic huff. “No matter what anyone has ever said, I stand by it being my fault.”
“You know who I blame?” Luna asks softly.
“Me? Because it’s my fault.”
“No. The criminal, for being a criminal. Trying to hurt an innocent woman, who was then bravely protected and kept alive by my hero mom.” Luna’s passion matches the way Amy got angry, maybe even exceeding Amy. “This was in no way your fault. Mom was doing her job, and she died.”
He was the reason he couldn’t remember her voice on demand, it was his fault he can never run his hands through her hair. It’s his fault he can never be truly happy again. “But-”
“No, dad, I’m talking!” Luna screeches. “You’ve been torturing yourself over this for seventeen years and it’s time to stop! It’s tragic and I miss her and I know you do so much, but you can’t blame yourself when it was the criminal who pulled the trigger. You didn’t kill Amy. A murderer did.”
“God, your passion matches your mother and I’m just a little scared.” Jake laughs, more tears streaming down his face. “I think I can accept that? With a bit more time… That it’s not my fault.”
“I think mom will rest even easier knowing you’ve said it.” Luna wipes her father's tears off his face, “Forgiving yourself for things you can’t control is the only thing that will bring you peace.”
“I’m so glad you got your mom's smart genes. So wise.” Jake says, “Now, tell me what you made for dinner and I’ll tell you some new stories.”
“Oh! Yes!” Luna claps happily, still sniffling. “I found a recipe written in her handwriting so I cooked that!”
“Oh sweetie .” Jake grimaces, unable to control his laughter. “I got a story for you! But first you’re gonna want to throw whatever concoction you made in the trash. And quick .”
It will forever startle Jake to look at Luna. What a miracle he had created with Amy, his reason for living. She had become everything he and Amy had wished for, late at night when Luna was pressing on Amy’s spine and she couldn’t sleep. She was so her own person but so like Amy. How Jake would have coped without her in his life he doesn’t want to know.
Jake doesn’t think he will ever fully recover; Amy was the most important person in his life. He almost doesn’t want to stop feeling the pain, it helps him remember. The good and the bad, and his memory is bad enough that those smaller things about her are gone. It breaks his heart.
Amy will stay with him forever, she’s a permanent scar on his heart. He couldn’t blame himself, hurt himself, forever. It wasn’t fair to Luna, almost as unfair as having her mother ripped away from her at such a young age. Jake forgives himself, for Luna.
So Jake cherishes the scar, he feeds it with love and new memories made with Luna. It’s all he can do, for Amy.
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