#( persephone chat 1. )
shmaptainwrites · 11 months
persephone was so real for eating that pomegranate
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averageyaoienjoyer · 4 months
'professional associates' dialogue masterpost (in hades 1)
hi im insane. here's a list of timestamps of instances charon and hermes are mentioned or associated with each other in the first game. thought i'd compile them since their dynamic is pretty miss-able and heavily implied through dialogue
using tazzie gaming's 94-run playthrough videos for these. thank you stranger, whoever you are
if anyone has any clips of other interactions lmk, i'll update this post. clips of other characters talking about these two together is fine too!
Hermes's dialogue
00:30 - first time hermes calls charon his "professional associate"
00:47 - hermes notices zag has charon's keepsake (bone hourglass); calls charon "a real gentleman"
2:44 - hermes talks about his job and charon
3:40 - hermes and his "one-sided chats" with charon
5:10 - hermes tells zagreus to keep his association with charon a secret
5:17 - hermes knows about persephone returning to the underworld despite it still being a secret at that point, implying charon (!) told him
6:05 - charon and questions
10:41 - what hermes thinks of charon :)
11:05 - hermes imitating charon
14:59 - how long hermes and charon have been working together
16:36 - charon dropping off hermes
16:58 - hermes about zag's first fight with charon
17:09 - hermes's bet with charon of zag beating charon twice in a row
17:30 - zagreus completing the bet
Charon's dialogue
shorter list because you know how charon is lmao
1:55 - zagreus first mentions hermes to charon
5:38 - zagreus asks charon why hermes is helping him escape the underworld
6:13 - zagreus asks charon if he can ask nyx why hermes is helping him, charon gets mad (lol)
9:04 - zagreus and charon after the feast with the olympians; charon and hermes "having a good time" (!!!!!!!)
11:17 - zagreus mentions hermes's bet with charon
13:06 zagreus to charon after beating him twice in a row
if there is ever a good hades 2 dialogue video of these two i'll use that to compile the dialogue in another post lol
edit 6/5/24 - found a charon compilation video that depicts how charon and hermes were subtly conspiring together. thanks youtube user opal!
i'll be listing some dialogue from other characters, and the lucky tooth saga included in the vid. i think it's very funny that skelly is also deep into this.
22:07 - alternate dialogue from hermes after completing the wager
23:50 - zagreus asks hades about hermes working with charon
24:38 to 24:50 - artemis and zeus wonders where hermes is
24:58 - hermes tells zagreus not to tell anyone he's helping him
25:26 - zagreus asks nyx about hermes
25:54 - hermes comments on skelly's keepsake (lucky tooth)
26:06 - zagreus asks skelly about hermes
26:48 - hermes admonishes zagreus to keep what skelly said to himself
27:00 - hermes about skelly
27:13 - zagreus asks skelly about what hermes said
27:35 - hermes about zagreus's friendship with skelly
33:28 - zagreus confronts skelly about who he's working for; gets confirmation that it's charon, and that hermes works for him too
35:54 - zagreus asks charon about skelly, charon gets mad (lol)
36:18 - hermes heard from charon (!) that zagreus knows the extent of charon's involvement; admonishes zagreus (again) to keep that to himself (lol)
36:33 - zagreus asks skelly if he told charon and hermes about their conversation
39:22 to 39:50 - various lines of dialogues from zagreus telling charon to say hi to hermes as he's exiting charon's shop (!!!!)
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genericpuff · 6 months
bit out of nowhere but LO Hades reminds me so much to Bojack Horseman idk how to explain it
Oh we've talked about this extensively in the ULO chat circles n such, especially when it comes to the most climactic scene in the show, the second interview:
The entire tone of the show showcases a very bitter reality with a lot of celebrities and people in power. There are some messed up things that happen throughout the course of the show, but they always feel like they're being used for comedy or brushed under the rug with comedy, because the show is, after all, a comedy. But I feel like that was the point, because it's not until the final season that everything that happened throughout finally catches up to Bojack, and suddenly... it's not funny anymore. There's no punchline. It really reflects just how much people in power don't see their abuse or wrongdoings as "big deals", sometimes they even see it as "just some funny thing that happened", all while the onlookers and victims of their behavior and abuse either become so acquainted with it they don't even see it as abuse anymore until they finally break away from it (Diana, Todd, Princess Caroline, etc.) OR they fight to be heard while the media tries to snuff them out. So then when the consequences finally catch up to them, there are no laughs to be heard, as much as the perpetrator in question may try their best to pass it off as "not a big deal" or believe they shouldn't be held accountable because "it happened a long time ago".
Anyone who sees Biscuits Braxby as the villain here is missing the overall point - Bojack has been responsible for literally ruining people's lives on several occasions, and has never been held accountable.
And yeah, I see a lot of that in LO as well, but the issue is the framing of the story isn't making it clear if it's actually going to have its "Come to Jesus" moment with Hades and Persephone, or if it's just gonna keep celebrating them as the heroes.
There were no consequences for Hades pulling out Alex's eye. They played the resolution out for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant. They played the scenario out for comedy literally by the end of the very same episode and then well into the next one.
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There were no consequences for Persephone cornering Tori at his job. The entire thing was played up for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone raiding Leuce's home. She was rewarded with sex from Hades and it was, you guessed it, played up for comedy.
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Just like with Bojack Horseman, we don't see Hades or Persephone treat these situations as seriously as they ought to. They ultimately don't care how other people feel or how they may be affected by their own actions, they only care about themselves. Just like with Bojack, we see Hades enter sexual relationships with women who are in a much weaker position than him, women who stand to lose far more than he would if the relationship went south.
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(I need you all to realize that Hades is literally blackmailing her. He is trying to pay her off with a management position or some kind of severance and framing it in such a way to manipulate her into thinking it's 'better' for her that she take the deal, all for the sake of getting her out of the picture because he's with Persephone now. This is blackmail. And the narrative wants us to root for Hades here.)
Shit, I would argue Bojack is still a better character than Hades and Persephone because we 1.) see how the consequences of his actions do affect him on a deeper level (through his anxiety and self-hatred which he spends a long time wallowing in, making his situation worse, rather than seeking help for) and 2.) he actually does eventually start to seek help, but unfortunately there's only so much one person can do to fix themselves when their actions still haven't been brought to justice and their mindset hasn't truly changed; which is what we see in the final part of the show when, despite Bojack's attempts to be a better person, the Sarah-Lynn case catches up to him, and in his final moments up on that stage with Biscuits Braxby, we see his true nature come out - he thinks being an addict should absolve him from what he's done to others.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Except replace "addict" with "traumatized" as many of Persephone and Hades' actions are swept under the rug with "they went through trauma so it's fine". Despite the fact that other characters who have also been through trauma aren't given that same grace (Thanatos, Demeter, Minthe, etc.)
You could also go a step further and call out how the fans themselves will defend their actions as "but they're gods!!! gods were terrible all the time in the myths!" but isn't it funny how myth accuracy only ever comes up when it comes to defending Hades and Persephone? Meanwhile you'll never see anyone bring it up when it comes to Apollo SA'ing Persephone, or Hades having an emotional affair with Persephone, or any of the other number of things that Rachel rewrote for her 'retelling'. It's not funny haha, it's funny yikes.
I can only imagine how the fans feel seeing Hades and Persephone called out must be similar to how first-time viewers like myself felt seeing Bojack be put on the cross by Biscuits Braxby - "you're being an asshole, he's working on himself!" "leave him alone!!!" "the media is making a monster out of him!" "he's really not THAT bad!"
But he is. They are. And unlike Bojack Horseman, I unfortunately can no longer have the good faith in believing Hades and Persephone will have their comeuppance, or the people they've hurt will get their retribution. I have no hope that Persephone will see that she's the Sarah-Lynn of the relationship, a girl who was groomed into an abuser at the hands of an abuser, who had no chance of doing better because the person she fell for pulled her down to his level. I don't have any faith in Rachel whatsoever that she'll manage to end this story with any message besides "it's fine for Persephone and Hades to be who they are, because they're rich and powerful and really horny for each other!"
And Hades doesn't think he has any power over women.
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theglamorousferal · 3 months
Persephone's Binding Part 7
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
As he slid into the booth Jason was glad he had taken Danny's advice on wearing "Mid 2000's American chic". Clad in dark wash jeans, a red Henley shirt and his leather jacket he waited for Danny to come back with their order of "Nasty Burgers". He wasn't particularly excited about the name, but after sparring for four hours he was starving.
"One Double Nasty Burger with Nasty Fries and a chocolate milkshake for you and the rest is for me!" Danny returned to the table with his arms stretched longer than should be possible with four trays of food. He placed one in front of Jason and kept the others for himself. Jason raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"You sure you can eat all that?"
Danny smirked, grabbed a fist full of fries and declared "Watch me," and shoved his whole hand into his mouth in an almost cartoon logic sort of way.
Jason gaped for a moment before he chuckled to himself and picked up his burger. It looked like a regular burger, so he took a bite and - dammit it's delicious! He finished his bite and reached for the fries - eh, pretty mid.
"You were right about the burgers, this is delicious. However, once we figure out if or when we can contact my home dimension I am taking you to Batburger and your are gonna try the Jokerized fries." Jason finished his statement gesticulating with a fry before he popped it into his mouth.
"As long as your paying." Danny said, himself gesticulating with a fry. "I mean, flying around and doing ghostly shit is pretty taxing, so I'm always down for food, especially of the high calorie kind."
"Fair enough." They lapsed into a comfortable quiet for a while. Danny quickly worked his way through four Double Nasties, three large fries and two milkshakes.
Jason remembered something he had seen at the training grounds. "So I know we can't use projectiles on each other, but I noticed targets at the grounds. Any chance we can spend the afternoon practicing our aim?" Danny raised an eyebrow at him and Jason rolled his eyes. "Fine. Do you want to spend the afternoon trying to one-up each other?"
"Sounds like a plan, dude." Danny took a long slurp of one of his milkshakes. "So, what do you think of my sister?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.
Jason startled at the shift in topic and blinked. Am I about to get a shovel talk? I should probably be serious then. "I think she is very kind and genuine in her care of things. I think she's acting as Atlas and I think it's been that way for longer than she's been Regent. I think she probably should take one if not multiple days off." He brushed the salt from his fingers onto his jeans and licked his lips before speaking again. "I haven't really been able to have a real conversation with her yet. Mostly we've kinda just given each other a summary of our lives and a brief discussion about books after our discussion in the library last night. I've interacted with you more than I have her, but from what I've seen of both of you so far, I'm impressed."
Danny looked at him, his green eyes intense, as if scrutinizing his very soul. He very well might be doing that actually. Jason did not flinch at the inspection, everything he had said was genuine.
"Hmm." Danny took a loud slurp, finishing off that milkshake. He set it aside and grabbed the other. "Do you find her attractive?"
Jason did not waver as he responded. "Just because I do doesn't mean anything without her approval." Danny narrowed his eyes further and took a sip so long Jason wondered if he had to breathe.
Jason sighed. "Fine, I may try and make myself a bit more aesthetically pleasing to her to try and catch her attention besides that I am a person in need and would gladly take pointers if you aren't completely against me attempting to woo her."
Danny smirked. "I knew it! Ha, take that Johnny!" He whipped out a clunky looking device and sent off a message in a group chat. He then leveled Jason with a look. "K, so, I may be new to the whole 'reading souls' thing, but when I took a look as you were talking nothing looked off and I've enjoyed hanging out with you so far today so I'm going to help you." As Jason perked up, Danny held out a hand. "I'm just gonna say this right now; I am not a miracle worker. I'm going off of evidence from past crushes and boyfriends here and it's been years since her last one. She's been a bit too busy for romance with all the training and then everything that happened.
"Anyway, you're on the right track with the biker aesthetic if this is more like your every day clothes. If you had a bike to go with it then we can likely get your foot in the door. I mean, you've already got a leg up on her last boyfriend with talking to her about books." Danny paused in eating his fries. "You know what? Let's rain check on the target practice, I'm gonna take you someplace we can get you a ride. We'll kill three birds with one stone, you get more of the biker aesthetic, maybe you can get Jazz to go on a ride with you, and you can move around the Zone without needing one of us to guide you!" Danny shot off another message to his group chat and then promptly finished off the last of his fries. "Come on, let's head over!"
Jason gathered all the trash and dumped it away as he followed Danny out of the restaurant. Danny grabbed Jason by the shoulders and flew off from Amity and towards a segment of floating land that looked like a winding road.
"It's gonna take a bit to get there at normal person speeds. Mind if I speed this up a bit?" Danny looked down at Jason.
"Go for it, I'm used to flying with the Supers and they can move at light speed."
Danny looked at him shocked for a moment. "Man, your dimension sounds so cool!" At the last word Danny's entire being seemed to flicker brighter and the freckles on his face spun around and were shaped like stars. He cleared his throat, embarrassed for a moment. "I can't go nearly that fast, but my top speed should get us there in five instead of thirty minutes." With that he took off.
Soon enough, Jason saw quickly approaching what appeared to be a brownstone not unlike those from any major US city with an apartment above two businesses. A garage and a stylist's from the look of it. Standing in front of the place was a couple, a blonde and very pale man in a mechanic's jumpsuit covered in various stains, and a very pale woman with green hair and bright red leather jacket and skirt.
"Hey Phantom, so this is the poor schmuck?" The blonde asked after Danny placed Jason back on his feet.
"Hey Johnny, yeah, this is Jason. Poor guy got sacrificed to Jazz of all people." Danny replied with all the air of a younger sibling. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure he left his bike in his home dimension, mind hooking him up with a ride? I don't want to have to carry him everywhere and I doubt a ghostly horse is gonna do it for him." He stuck his thumb out, pointing at Jason behind him.
Johnny seemed to be sizing him up, his arms crossed before he eventually nodded. "Fine, but it's going on your bill." He turned to head into his shop. "See ya later Kitty, I got a big project apparently." He kissed the woman before he walked into the garage.
Jason made to follow, but Kitty stopped him. "If you ever need some styling you come to me okay kid? And if you make the Queen cry, I can make men vanish with a kiss." She patted him on the shoulder before sauntering back into her shop.
"Yeah, Kitty got close with Jazz after a fight she had with Johnny one time. It's kind of weird because when Jazz was dating Johnny, he was trying to get it so Kitty could possess her to exist in the Living Realm. It was a whole thing, but it's behind us at this point." Jason blinked at Danny's back as he floated his way into the garage. Okay then, just casually drop horrifying lore why don't you? Jason followed him inside.
Danny was floating over Johnny's shoulder as the man was drawing up basic schematics.
"Standard Court specs?" Johnny asked the floating High Prince.
"For liminal humans for now yeah. We haven't had the chance to bring him to get a full scan done to find his classification yet."
"Hmm. Okay, hey Sacrifice, get over here, do you like low riding or tight riding?" Jason joined them at the table and they spent the next few hours planning out Jason's ecto-bike. "Looks good, it's gonna take me a bit, but I can get it to you in a week, two tops if I can't get one of the parts. I'll hold off on the engine until we know what your classification is, if you produce your own ecto then we'll need a sample for it." At Jason's hesitation he continued. "It just means that it'll be more self-sustaining and you can summon it to your will. It'll lock-on to your ecto-signature."
"Cool, do you think it'd work in my home dimension? Or will I have to leave this beauty here if or when I leave?"
"Possibly? I mean, at the very least you are death-touched and that kinda manifests ectoplasm in universes. It depends on how much ambient ecto there is around. It doesn't run on gas, it runs on ectoplasm." Danny butted in. "Either way, it'll be good to have here, and who knows, if you have to leave it, maybe you can still come visit?"
"Yeah kid, I'd like that." Jason replied.
Danny smiled. "Cool, well, we gotta head back for dinner. Lunch Lady is making baked Mac and Cheese tonight and I am not missing getting the corner servings."
"See ya around Johnny! Thanks for this by the way."
Johnny waved him off. "Eh it's no big deal, I make all the rides of the Royal Family. You being sacrificed means you're probably bound to this craziness for eternity." Johnny looked at him seriously for a moment. "Do better for her than I did, K? I know that won't take much, but she's been through Hell and back and she deserves someone to take care of her for once."
Jason nodded back, determination set on his face. "If she lets me, I will."
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lavender-laney · 1 year
writeblr introduction!
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About Me
Hey, I'm Laney! I'd love to become more active in the writing community and find some writer friends. I love reading about everyone's ideas, and I'm always happy to beta read if anyone is looking for feedback! I'm currently a reporter, but have a passion for creative writing and editing. Some of my other interests include evolutionary biology, Greek mythology, and all forms of art.
About My Writing
Although I'm still trying to find my niche and what I enjoy writing, I'm currently working in the genres of literary fiction, fantasy, and gothic horror. I'm especially inspired by mythology and folklore, finding magic and significance in the mundane, and the diversity of the human experience.
Writing tag: #my writing
Current WIPs
Choking on Sea Salt
wip intro, chapter 1, chapter 2 part one, chapter 2 part two
tag: #choking on sea salt
In the same vein as the Southern Gothic subgenre, this novel is inspired by the idea of Coastal Gothic. In a remote coastal town, a young journalist finds herself unraveling the town's foggy history and ever-growing mysteries -- why are there so few women, why is it forbidden to walk along the beaches or sail in the waters, and what is the haunting song whistling through her windows each night?
Acrylic Body
wip intro
tag: #acrylic body
Upon the passing of an eccentric and reclusive painter, his artwork is left without a keeper and lies abandoned for years. Eventually, his home is cleaned out and his paintings are sold at auction. Through the eyes of one of his paintings, we view the lives of those whose hands she is passed through.
Feathers and Wax
tag: #lysandra
Ovid's Metamorphoses detailed the devotion of Persephone's handmaidens, and their transformation into winged sirens to pursue the goddess. This retells Persephone's myth from the perspective of Lysandra, a nymph-turned-siren who would travel to the ends of the Earth for her maiden.
I'd love to find some other writeblrs to follow so feel free to comment if you think our interests may align! + feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to chat about writing or want another pair of eyes on your wip!
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wickedslip · 16 days
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𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖕𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖞 ®. est. November 1, 2019. Shop can be found online with a cult following via Instagram / Tiktok @rosethornsapothecary. The owner, Nausicaä Persephone Black, initially had a following from her own instagram due to the 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ® brand, where she offers readings, trainings, general sage advice, live and chats for neophytes of all ages and walks of life. Store hours of operation are Wednesday through Sunday from 9am - 6pm est. Readings must be scheduled in advance, no walk - in appointments allowed unless if there is a psychic emergency. The store is available to the public and thieves will be turned into toads on sight.
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wittlesissyb4by · 9 months
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The White Rabbit - Chapter 1: Persephone
Finding a needle in a haystack. A diamond in the rough. A four-leaf clover. A unicorn. Waldo.
Whatever idiom or cliche you’d like to use, none of them can accurately portray how difficult it is to find a good, competent online dominatrix.
Let me rephrase.
It is damn near impossible to find an online domme that doesn’t want to drain you of every cent in your bank account, and if you do? It’s a bot…that also wants to drain you of every cent in your bank account.
That didn’t stop me from trying, though. 
I traipsed every site I could think of. Fetlife, Reddit, Twitter, 4chan. Begging, pleading for someone to “use this sissy in any way you see fit.” I commented “wish this was me” under every single Tumblr post about sissies getting humiliated in hopes that it would somehow yield a strong, dominant, willing woman to my inbox. I even put an ad on Craigslist. 
In all my attempts, the only thing I got was creepy messages from dudes, and bots. LOTS of bots.
The only thing I’d had even moderate success on was Kik. I wouldn’t even call it success, really. More like a handful of messages every now and then from girls interested in seeing me in panties. My cock would be so hard, the g-string I was wearing looked more like a slingshot. But things rarely took off from there. 
They either wanted too little from me, outrighted ghosted me, or wanted too much from me.
I know, I sound hypocritical. What do I mean, ‘too much’? Right? Turns out, I’m not willing to spoon feed myself my own shit for someone else’s amusement. Everyone has their limits.
But then, just when I’d abandoned all hope, along came Persephone.
“Hello,” her first message said, what everyone said when they first messaged. Could anything be more boring and uninspiring to a conversation?
But she wasn’t done.
“I found your *adorable* blog on Tumblr and just had to message you.”
Okay, so it’s a bot. Or a findom. One of the two. But usually phishers will have a stereotypical profile picture of some bimbo or a MILF that they ripped from the internet. Persephone’s, however, was a hand drawn image of, well, Persephone. Or at least what I thought was Persephone, I hadn’t really brushed up on my Greek Mythology. Or was it Norse Mythology? Whatever it was, the picture was of a bronze-skinned woman with leaves and flowers going through her auburn hair. She was clutching skulls in her left hand, and eating what looked like a pomegranate in the other. 
“Just tell me how much your tribute is.” I shot back coldly.
It took several seconds for her to reply. Usually bots had an automated response that would give their list of demands (in poorly written english) as well as a price tag. 
“Tribute? What’s a tribute?” she eventually said. “I just want to see you in panties.”
I was skeptical, but let’s be honest, any submissive sissy would already be intrigued by the prospect at this point.
I quickly found my lacy pair of pink ones, my favorite.
“Cute!” she replied after I sent her a picture of the panties just beneath my shirt. “But now take the rest of your clothes off so that you’re only wearing those.”
Again, I still had my reservations, but that didn’t stop me. I positioned my phone on the dresser. Trying to get just the right angle and distance to show off my body, without showing my face. I definitely didn’t trust whatever this was enough to put even a modicum of my identity out there. 
I wasn’t in great shape by any means, but I wasn’t overweight either. ‘Flabby’ would probably describe it best.  It occurred to me just then that I should start going to the gym. It took me several attempts to get a shot I was happy with. I quickly uploaded it to the chat and hit send. A part of me was worried that if I didn’t go fast enough, I would end up losing her. 
“You’re such a pretty sissy!” She replied shortly after. It was oddly comforting. I felt validated. “Do you have anything in black?
This was really happening, not only was someone showing interest in me, but they haven’t even asked for money yet. 
I got out my black g-string. In my angst to get it on I pulled up a little too far and flossed my crack a bit. It singed from the friction, but I ignored it. Tucking my erection into the waistband so it was held upwards. 
“Hahaha! That one makes you look super slutty! And look how happy your clitty is! What other colors do you have?”
I spent the next half an hour going through the various pairs of panties I’d accrued over the years, modeling each and every one of them for her. Persephone was just the right amount of encouraging, dominating, and wicked. 
“Your tushy looks great in that one.”
“I bet I could make your cheeks that same shade of red.”
“Wiggle that butt and tell me you’re a sissy slut!”
My body was shaking. No, more like shivering. It had to be because I was naked and cold. Or was it? There was an icy chill flowing through my veins. A pressing weight from the intensity of the thrill. Like when you ride a roller coaster. You know you’re probably safe, but that doesn’t stop you from getting paranoid, panicky, and excited all at the same time. I could feel my heart thumping through my chest. 
“Are you ready to wet your panties?” She eventually asked. 
There it was. For some reason things always had to escalate into toilet stuff. I know beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to getting dominated, but I really wish I wasn’t so picky. 
“I’d rather not piss myself 😔” I told her. 
I hoped she’d understand, I hoped she’d be lenient, I hoped I didn’t scare her away. 
It took a long time for her to respond, or maybe it just felt like it did. But eventually my phone pinged. 
“Not piss yourself, silly. I was asking if you wanted to wet them with cummies. Even though it looks like you’re already halfway there with your pre-leakies 😏”
My face flushed in embarrassment even though she wasn’t even there. It was just words, but it still had an effect on me. How could someone without a face and a voice still make me feel so small? It was intoxicating. 
“Touch your itty bitty clitty for me, sissy.”
She was so poignant, so forward without sounding demanding, like I was comforted but under her thumb all at the same time. 
I reached into my panties. I’d be lying if I said it was the first time since we started chatting. My cock had been screaming to be touched since the first or second message. I obliged it several times while being careful not to go too far. I didn’t want this scene to end. But now I had permission. 
I reached into my panties and wrapped my hand around my cock. It wasn’t the biggest, maybe 4  and a half inches, 5 on a good day. Right now it felt like I was pushing 6. I had to stop because I was getting too excited. I sent her the video, doing my best not to touch myself again and cum too soon.
“I’m sorry…” she said after I sent her a 30 second video of me slowly stroking. I was confused, until she said “is that how someone in panties is supposed to be touching themselves??”
Ok. I was still confused. 
“How should I do it, Miss?”
“Call me Goddess.” She replied. “And you should do it like most girls do when they play with themselves: one finger, on the sensitive part of your clitty. Do NOT stroke.”
I flushed again. This was so humiliating, but I was achingly erect. I propped my clit—err—cock up into my waistband again. It was enough for the head to stick up just above it. I dipped my finger into my mouth and wet it with saliva to lubricate it. Not that I needed to. As soon as I touched the frenulum at the bottom part of my penis, I noticed it was covered with precum. 
I aimed my phone at myself, seeing how pathetic I looked on the screen as I started swirling my finger back and forth along the tiny, sensitive line. 
I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I heard a pitiful, high-pitched sigh escape my lips. It wasn’t a lot of stimulation, but apparently I didn’t need much. I felt the urge to cum again.
I had to stop myself. I didn’t want to go yet. I wanted to stay in this headspace forever. I scanned through the video real fast to make sure I didn’t accidentally show my face, then hit send. 
“God you’re so fucking pathetic! Lol. Such a horny sissy! I can hear you making little girly moans! But I want them to be louder. I want you moaning like a fucking whore while you beg me to let you cum in your sissy panties!”
I didn’t have to embellish much, just had to stop suppressing the sounds I wanted to make, and bring them up an octave so they were a higher pitch. 
“You’re doing so good, baby girl!” She teased after I sent her another 30 seconds of me moaning and whimpering. Normally I would be a bit put off by being called a baby, but nothing could stop me now. 
“Please let me cum, Goddess! Please!” I squeaked. I had two fingers rubbing my clitty as I anxiously awaited her reply. 
“You can cum. But I want you repeating ‘I'm a sissy making stickies in my panties’ the whole time. And I want to see your face while you do it.”
I gulped. My cock retreated a bit at that last sentence. I hardly knew this girl. I couldn’t even be sure she was a girl. And what would she do with a video like that? What I'm doing is far from illegal, but it’s still not something I would like being spread around. 
“Do I have to show my face?” I asked. 
“Yes.” She replied, “but only if you’re comfortable… and only if you want to cum 😉”
‘Only if you’re comfortable.’ For some reason, that made me feel better, like she had my best interest at heart, but still maintained a firm grip on my psyche. 
I did want to cum. Probably more than ever. But I didn’t want to put my face out there. I never had before, was this the time to start?
Yes. The horny devil on my shoulder told me instantly. I didn’t even hear the angel, no idea where that guy was right now. 
I sighed as I opened my camera again. Pulling my arm back a little further than normal so as to allow my face to join the rest of my splayed out body on the floor. My cheeks were a bright red, whether from embarrassment or being more horny than I've probably ever been in my life, I couldn’t be sure. 
“I’m a sissy making stickies in my panties” I said as I fingered my clitty. It was weird saying something out loud, basically to yourself, in an empty apartment. 
“I’m a sissy making stickies in my panties!” I had to close my eyes because I didn’t want to see how pathetic I looked on the screen. Unfortunately, there was no way for me to stop myself from hearing it. 
“I’m a s-sissy,” my legs were shaking, I could feel the pressure building like a volcano about to erupt, “m-making st-stickies in my…my…PANTIES!!”
I practically shouted the last word as my clit erupted into the soft, silky material. It just kept going. Spurt after hot, sticky spurt of jizz into my red panties. They were now a darker shade of crimson as the wetness spread through them. It was probably one of the biggest loads I’ve ever made, but the fabric itself was terrible at absorbing any excess. It was all sloshy and gushy inside, and the creamy load made its way all the way down the thin line to my taint and crack. 
My libido evaporated and was replaced by a bit of shame. But even with my post-nut clarity, I was blinded by the power Persephone held over me. I wanted to impress her. I wanted to please her. 
“Thank you for letting me make cummies in my panties, Goddess” I said before hitting stop on the video. 
If there was ever a time to go back on my word about showing my face, it would be now. I didn’t have to send it. I could just move right on and she would never be the wiser. She would probably forget about me and move on to some other sissy to play with. 
But that realization hit with a pang of jealousy. I wanted to be the one she played with. I wanted to be the one she called a slut and even a ‘baby girl’. 
Women like this didn’t come around often, or like…ever.  I didn’t want to lose my chance with her. 
The angel on my shoulder finally appeared. “You just met her an hour ago.” it said, “you actually haven’t even met her yet. Who knows what she could do? Who knows if she’s even a ‘she’?”
Valid points, all of them. But even without my horniness intact, the devil was winning.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” he said. “Opportunities like this don’t come often. If you let her get away, you’ll be kicking yourself.”
After several seconds of deliberation, I made my decision:
I hit send.
I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?
It was the waiting game that was torture. The message indicated that it had been read. She was probably watching it now. But after several minutes, the length of the video had passed. If she was watching it, she had to have finished by now. What was she doing?
Then the screen changed. Persephone is typing…
“Good job, sissy slut! You sure made quite the mess! Now it’s time for me to upload it everywhere and send it to all your friends!”
God damn it! 
Oh god oh god oh god…
How could I be so stupid??
I knew. I knew she would do this! I should have fucking listened to myself. That little inkling of doubt and reason. The one you realize was there only after you fuck something up. 
What will my friends think when they see me gushing into panties? What will my Mom think??
My phone pinged again.
“Just kidding!” it read, “Oh how I WISH I could have seen your face!! 😂” 
The gravity was turned off in the building. All the crushing weight had been lifted. I didn’t even know what to say, I was just happy I could breathe again.
“You got me…haha 😅” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I made you do something *else* in your panties too 😉” 
I didn’t exactly know what she meant by that. But I didn’t question it. I was just happy to have her still talking to me. 
“Well I’m off to bed, sissy. And in case you haven’t guessed: You will be sleeping in your gushy panties all night. Sweet dreams!”
To be continued…
I just released Chapter 5 of this story over on Subscribestar. Things are starting to pick up if you'd like to continue reading!
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quinloki · 1 year
Quin! I’m back again! With this question that just slapped me in the face!
Do you think Doffy and Crocodile would ever be able to share a partner? Or would they be jealous of each other. Who got to spend more time with who kinda nonsense 🧐
Yes. I think they could.
I like the, uh, Croffy? pairing xD So if we assume said pairing as being active, I could see someone getting both of their attention at some point.
Oh, Ohhhhhhh I love the idea of like them being on holiday, or on a business trip or whatever, and someone at the same location - staff member, other guest, etc. is just having a random easy conversation with Crocodile and Doffy watches it.
He's not worried about Crocodile, but what intrigues him is how you're not afraid of him. They're two well-known, big, tall, intimidating people and you're just as relaxed as can be. Maybe you're talking about a mutual love of animals or something.
Later you end up being approached by Doflamingo, and master manipulator he is, it's another easy conversation - whatever he has up his sleeve, and you're just as relaxed, laughing and having a good time. (I'm leaning toward guest at this point).
Crocodile sees, and his only concern is that whether or not Doffy is jealous - the two of them certainly can and do get jealous, but it's never been so bad to cause an unmendable rift. Maybe he's not worried about Doffy, so much as he's worried your earlier conversation is going to have you harmed by Doffy.
So he comes over and joins the chat.
A chat that turns into hours of easy conversation.
There's so many possibilities - maybe you are a random good person, maybe you're an under-world kind of person, maybe you're an heiress, or a noble, or WHATEVER. The details can be worked out in a proper story, but they're both delighted by you.
Delight turns into an offer. The offer turns into a first night. The first night turns into another. And another. You're making plans to meet them in all the places they go together.
They're both possessive - Crocodile more than Doflamingo, but you're safer with them. "Stay with me" they both say, concessions have to be made, you cannot be split in half. You joke about being Persephone - ah but who is Hades and who is Demeter?
After some time their moods sour when you're with the other, and eventually it's decided (begged for by stressed crew members!) that the three of you make a singular base of operations. Because almost every squabble, every curt word, every breakdown in communications, can be linked back to you. Your absence.
Doffy's officers handle ALL negotiations on his behalf when you're at Crocodile's. Mr. 1 warns, STERNLY, anyone with a meeting with Mr. 0 while you're in Dressrosa, that they must be on impeccable behavior if they value their lives.
... >.> It'd be fun to write.
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your--isgayrights · 2 months
Outside of Lee Seolhwa and Lee Sookyung, do you have plans for any other character outside of Kim Dokja’s primary companions (like Gong Pildu or Han Doonghoon) for your soulmate fanfiction? Constellations like Persephone or Uriel or Sun Wukong probably wouldn’t make sense to exist in real life but maybe characters such as Han Myungoh/Han Dareum or Jang Hayoung could fit? If I recall correctly, Jang Hayoung in particular is the one responsible for the title of the fanfiction, right? I feel like she alongside the Unidentifiable Wall and the Fourth Wall would be so thematically appropriate but I couldn’t imagine how you would do it if at all. I also want to say that I’m impressed how you managed to seamlessly incorporate so many references to the original ORV into your work. It must have required you to reread and recheck the wiki.
Yess, I'm glad you asked this anon bc literally I just threw in a little reference to Han Doonghoon and Lee Sungkook in the 4.4 update and got worried people would think they had to remember the characters well to understand the surrounding plot point better than Kim Dokja does. But I think I should trust the reader a bit more lol.
Unfortunately my inclusion of Aileen and Jang Hayoung isn't going to be as big as the other kdjco members, but they're sort of already set up in the fic and have a role in chap 5. I think JHY doesn't appear directly bc to me the relationship between her and KDJ is harder to make 'real,' though I have some ideas depending on how much I decide to include in chap 5. In my plans 5 will have a gaming tourney featured, so other big 'wos players' may be referenced further there as well.
Of course like you mention the fic title and many of the chapter titles are coming directly from the mouth of Jang Hayoung, so in that way she is constantly being referenced, haha.
Han Myungoh and his daughter are referenced earlier in Chapter 4. It's sort of a drive by.
I do make use of the wiki (bless the editorsn🙏), though mostly just to check dates, numbers, and spellings of names. I like to think of myself as someone with a pretty decent memory tho, so a lot of the more specific story references are definitely just me pulling in stuff I remember from my novel read throughs. Like I might have to look at the wiki to remember Han Dareum's name, but I'll never forget Han Myungoh's entire Male Pregnancy that he had like that was a crazy random W to me on my first ORV read through I was like hello??? Also that being around when JHY was being confirmed trans haha. I think I was only out for like a year or so before reading orv so the little gender fucky moments really stuck out to me.
Sometimes rereading my old work I also remember things I forgot happened in ORV. I think part of the reason I'm struggling so much with chap 4 and onward is that now that the wall fic characters have sort of developed to where they are some of the scenes I had in mind are less 1 to 1 with the OG. For instance, I'm trying to rewrite a scene I have of YJH and KDJ having a rooftop chat that like parallels the one back before the seoul's strongest incarnation arc in the novel, but it's a bit difficult. At first I wanted to include a lot more of KDJ interacting with the rest of YJH's team, but the rooftop Scene makes more sense to put a cap on the themes explored in chap 4. But when I first wrote this scene it was less specifically addressing that theme, because it was in the outline of like right after I wrote chapter 1, so it was kind of just the OG ORV scene with the flavoring of my AU on top. A lot of the little things they do and say in the OG novel would have to be quite finagled to fit anymore, so reworking it is the big task rn.
Anyway I'm really appreciative of people like you who take note of these small details <3. it's kind of helping me remember and appreciate a lot of the parts of me that were behind a lot of Wall fic originally if that makes sense? I am like reintroducing myself to him and giving him a hug instead of running away cringing just because it's me lol.
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babyrunsforfanfic · 2 years
pinned post~
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hi! welcome to my blog!*
hi! my name on here is angel, feel free to call me that or any nicknames, i’m not picky whatsoever! also feel free to send me an ask or a dm; always down to chat! <3
23 | infp-t | slytherin | demisexual
and apparently i post fanfic now, so y’know…
here’s the details!
mainly writing for stranger things btw!
currently trying to post new works at least 2x a week <3
requests are currently: open
*pls have your blog filled out in some way. with the spambots following, i go to almost every person who follows me and try and verify you are not a spambot. if you don’t have some form of bio, pfp, or posts— it is highly likely i will block you
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Steve Harrington
‘Tangled Necklaces’ - sfw, fluff one shot with very light angst, where steve untangles your necklaces 4x, and you untangle his own 1x — publ. 12/15/22
‘The Mixtape Detectives’ - sfw, fluff one shot where eddie, nancy, and robin try to figure out who you and steve are dating — publ. 12/16/22
‘New Year’s Kiss’ - sfw, meet cute at a nye party where you kiss a stranger — publ. 01/01/23
‘It’ll Pass’ - sfw, angst “right person/wrong time” one shot — publ. 01/05/23
‘Mom & Dad’ - sfw, fluff, where you and steve talk about the future — publ. 01/08/23
‘Ruin Me’ - sfw, fluff, where steve confesses to you — publ. 01/15/23
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Eddie Munson
‘Cheerleader, OVER’ - sfw, angst/fluff, where you save chrissy on that night — publ. 01/10/23
‘From, Persephone’ - sfw, a retelling of the known myth with hades!eddie x persephone!reader, including lots of prose — publ. 01/27/23
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Robin Buckley
coming soon!
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Steddie (Steve x Reader x Eddie)
‘Old Money Pt 1’ - sfw, light angst but fluffy that focuses on old-money!reader moving to hawkins indiana — publ. 12/20/22
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‘Happy’ - sfw, steve harrington is happy; steddie x gn!reader — publ. 12/20/22
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Passing Notes | Photo Fics
‘Steve Harrington’ - asks you out in class through passed notes — publ. 12/23/22
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Soulmate AU One-Shot Series
coming soon!
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70 notes · View notes
‘Til Death
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Underworld
Chapter 1: The Flower
Chapter 3: No Choice
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Persephone watched in horror as the world above her disappeared right before her eyes. The gaping crack in the ground closing as she fell through the dark pit. She squeezed her eyes shut as she anticipated the end of her plummet down this mysterious abyss that had swallowed her up. It wasn’t even a few seconds until she finally fell to the bottom with a thud and a grunt of surprise from the sudden impact. The spring goddess took a moment to process what had just happened to her. It all happened so fast, she felt like she was dreaming.
She brushed her hot pink hair from her face and observed her surroundings. Persephone couldn’t recognize a single thing. It was quite dark and the whole place had an eerie and macabre feeling to it as strange moaning sounds echoed throughout the cavernous area. The place also smelled like a wet, damp cave. Honestly, she didn't mind that, after all, she was a spring goddess and has been in all sorts of natural environments, including damp caverns. What really bothered her was the faint stench of sulfur. She wondered what in the world could be down there that could produce such an odor.
Trying to ignore the odd smell, Persephone continued to study her surroundings. There were towering pillars of jagged stone everywhere and bones scattered here and there as if she were in some sort of animal’s underground cave. It wasn’t until Persephone noticed the glowing green river nearby that she realized this was no animal cave and that river was no ordinary river. It was a river of human souls. This place was the Underworld.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to drop in.”
Persephone’s eyes went wide as her body went stiff. She’s heard that voice before at plenty of parties on Olympus (usually it was either complaining about everything or killing the mood). She turned her head and saw the one and only god of the Underworld.
“Hey, how ya doin’, sweetheart? Name’s Hades, Lord of the Dead. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.” Hades held out his hand to shake Persephone’s, but she just sat there, frozen in fear while staring at him from the (oddly) warm, hard ground.
“Right, I forgot. You’re the shy type, you’re not into that. That’s fine, no big deal.” Hades took his hand away when he noticed the daffodil from before lying next to Persephone. “Heeey, I see you got my little gift I left for ya! It’s nice, isn’t it? Had to do a lot of butt kissing to convince Narcissus to give me that thing, but hey, it was definitely worth it now that you’re here, huh?”
Persephone looked at the flower lying on the ground next to her. It must’ve fallen down with her after the whole ordeal on Earth. She picked up the flower then looked at Hades curiously.
“You did this?” she asked. “Of course, I did! It’s sort of a personal invitation to the Underworld from me to you.” Hades replied with a smirk.
“Well, I decline. I have flowers to grow and the rest of the world to bring spring to, so if you’ll excuse me.” Persephone declared as she stood up, dusted herself off, then handed the golden daffodil to Hades who accepted it with confusion as Persephone walked away from him. Hades quickly made the flower in his hand disappear in a cloud of smoke before teleporting in front of the spring goddess in a blast of blue flames to stop her from walking any further.
“Hey! Woah, woah, woah, woah! What’s the rush, babe? Huh? You were taking a break out there before ya got dumped down here weren’t you? Now, I get it, you’re not exactly a ‘people person’, but at least stay for a while.” Hades then summoned a stone loveseat and a fruity cocktail drink for himself and Persephone as he led her to the loveseat to sit down with him. “Have a drink, relax! Tell me about yourself! What are your hobbies? What are you into, huh? C’mon!”
“I really don’t have the time to sit here and chat with you, Hades. I have a job to do.” Persephone declared once again as she shoved her drink into Hades’ hand and got up from the stone loveseat to try and leave again.
The drinks and loveseat disappeared in a puff of black smoke as Hades stood and followed Persephone with a frustrated frown now plastered on his face. “Well, there’s been a change of plans, doll face. From now on your ‘job’ is to stay here until I say you can leave. Got it?” Hades declared as his arms turned to smoke and wrapped around Persephone, lifting her up and bringing her back to him.
“You can’t just keep me here! I’m the Goddess of Spring! The rest of the world is gonna freeze for two whole seasons if I don’t go back to finish my job!” Persephone persisted, trying to squirm her way out of the grip of Hades’ smoky arms.
“Yeah, that sounds more like a mortal problem, not my problem. It’s not that big a deal anyways, so people are stuck with a bit of snow and dead fruit for a while. Who cares?! It just means more clientele for me! I get a lot of souls during the cold seasons.” Hades replied with a careless shrug. Persephone glared at Hades with a disgusted frown.
“What do you want from me, Hades?”
"I’m so glad you asked, babe! Y’see, I got a bit of a ‘problem’, per se, that only you can fix.” Hades then let go of Persephone before explaining to her why she was here. 
“After that whole, ‘take over the cosmos’ fiasco, I got stuck in my Well of Souls and those slimy, good for nothing mortal souls kept me down there for so long that it ended up draining most of my powers. So, if I don’t restore them, then I could lose them forever. That’s where you come in, sweetcheeks. Y’see, the only way I can prevent that from happening is if I marry another goddess as powerful as me. So, I did a little ‘bridal shopping’, saw your pretty little face and bada bing bada boom! Here you are!”
Hades then summoned a scroll and writing utensil to take notes as Persephone stared at him in bewilderment. “So, how many gods from your side are we talking here? 10? 15? 20? C’mon, gimme an estimate, babe. We gotta get some RSVPs going here.” 
“Okay, hold on. So, you basically dragged me down here to force me to marry you just so you can get your lousy powers back?” Persephone asked. “Hey! My powers aren’t lousy! But, yeah. Pretty much. That’s the gist of it.” Hades replied as the scroll and writing utensil magically disappeared from his hands in small puffs of smoke.
“Forget it! I’m never gonna marry you! Not after everything you did to me, the gods, and the entire world when you tried to take over the cosmos! You’re crazier than Mania!” Persephone scoffed before attempting to leave the Underworld once more.
“Not so fast, sweetheart!” Hades snapped as his arms turned to smoke once more and reached out to capture her in an even tighter grip than before. “You’re not getting out of this. You’re staying right here until you decide to marry me.” Hades threatened as he brought her face to face with him. Persephone glared daggers at him, wanting so badly to slap that evil smirk right off his grey-blue face.
“Anyways, since it looks like you’re gonna be staying here for a while I’ll show you to your luxury suite.” he said before teleporting both himself and Persephone to another part of the Underworld in a blast of blue flames.
The two gods then appeared in a well lit (thanks to the large chandelier in the middle of the room), but gloomy bedroom. There was a canopy bed, a wardrobe, a vanity, and a stone armchair in the corner by a shelf filled with rolled up scrolls all set up for someone to stay. The entire room was colored in blacks, grays, and dark blues (Hades’ signature color scheme). The room was also covered with dust and cobwebs most likely due to nobody ever bothering to actually stay as a guest in the Underworld.
“Luxury suite, huh? I’d hate to see the downgrade.” Persephone sarcastically remarked.
“Yeah, keep it up, princess and maybe you will.” Hades replied. Persephone simply rolled her eyes at Hades’ snarky and slightly threatening retort as his smoky arms released her, materializing back into their normal state once more.
“It’s got everything ya need: a bed, some reading material, a mirror to ogle yourself with. The works. You’re set for eternity, babe.” Hades said. “Eternity?! No! No way! I am not gonna be here for eternity!” Persephone argued. 
“Hey, I already told you, you’re stuck here until you decide you change your mind.” Hades reminded her with a shrug.
“And what are you gonna do if I don’t marry you? Lock me away in Tartarus with all the other goddesses that said ‘no’ to you?”
Hades raised his brow at her as he casually leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “I’ll have you know you were my first choice, sweetheart. You should be flattered.”
Persephone scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m so lucky the God of the Underworld chose me of all goddesses to be his mail order bride.”
“Look, I’ll make a deal with ya. Okay? You say ‘yes’ and I’ll consider letting you go. Whaddya say?” Hades persuaded.
“‘What do I say?!’ No! For the last time, Hades, I am NEVER going to marry you! EVER!” Persephone exclaimed. 
Hades simply shrugged in response. “Fine, have it your way. Sleep tight, rosebud.” The smug god then disappeared in a blaze of blue fire as the large doors slammed shut, leaving Persephone alone in the dusty, gloomy guest room. 
“Hades! You can’t do this to me! You’re making a big mistake! Someone will realize I’m missing and come looking for me! Hades!” Persephone shouted after him as she ran to the bedroom doors trying to open them with no luck. 
After yelling and banging on the door for a few minutes to get Hades’ (or really anyone’s) attention, Persephone sighed in defeat. She then walked over to the bed and wiped off the dust so she could sit down without dirtying her chiton.
“You’ll see. Any minute now mother will realize I’m missing and send all the gods to come and find me. Then you’ll get what’s coming to you, you overgrown candle.” Persephone huffed to herself as she crossed her arms.
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theglamorousferal · 2 months
Persephone's Binding Part 9
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
"Does your sister frequently miss meals?" Jason asked Danny while the young halfa was shoveling the corner portions of the baked meal into his mouth.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, meeting days especially. She usually spends a few hours after they're all done so focused on making notes about them that she forgets. I usually bring some to her after I'm done." Danny then licked one of the four plates in front of him clean before moving onto the next one.
Jason mulled over a thought as he chewed then swallowed. "I could take it to her? I remember where her office is."
Danny paused in inhaling his food. "Sure, I guess. Probably should bring her some tea too, chances are she's stressed as hell and she could use it. Here, I'll get a skelly to bring a cup of Sam's tension blend." He snapped his fingers and went back to eating.
"Who's Sam? Actually, I meant to ask Jazz, but I can ask you the same question. Will I get to meet the rest of the royal family?"
"Sam's one of my partners, she's the one in charge of the garden outside. My other partner is Tucker, he usually is chilling in his man cave programming and playing video games. As for the Prince and Princess, how much did Jazz tell you already?"
"Their names are Ellie and Dante, ones a clone of you that's a girl and the other is an alternate dimension version of you inhabiting a clone body."
"Cool, I don't have to spare details. Yeah, so they're both traveling the Realms for the foreseeable future. They do have to come back every three months though, so depending on how long you're here for you may get to meet them. You'll probably meet Sam and Tucker later this week, they still have finals, I was able to get mine done early." He finished off his third plate.
As Jason placed his fork on his empty plate, a skeleton came in with another serving of food and a steaming mug. "Guess that's my cue. Have a great night Danny." He stood and retrieved the items from the skeleton and left the room, headed towards the office he had spawned in.
When he reached the door, he knocked and heard a soft "Come in" before opening the door.
"You can just set it on the side table Danny, I'm almost done here." Jazz, in full regalia though the helm-crown was sitting on the desk next to her elbow, didn't look up as she continued writing in her notebook.
Jason chuckled and she froze, eyes wide. "He said you were focused, but I didn't realize how in the zone you'd be." He walked toward her an noticed she was flushed to her ears as she finally looked up at him. "Here, he recommended you have some of this tea, and judging by the line of your shoulders and the frown on your face when I walked in you need it." He set the cup on the desk in front of her and she leaned back in her chair. She didn't move, still frozen and looking at him. He decided to be bolder and, after placing the feathered part of the quill pen she was using as a bookmark in the journal, placed the plate in front of her. He then took the mug and pressed it into her now empty hands.
She took an absent sip of tea, which seemed to snap her out of it and properly savor the sip, her shoulders losing some of their tension and no longer at her ears. "Thank you, yes, he was right, I needed that." She placed the mug on the desk and took up her fork and began to eat. " Where are my manners, please sit, sit." she gestured to one of the chairs that had been pulled in front of her desk, probably from an earlier meeting. "So, how was your day with Danny?"
"It was fun! It's always fun to spar with new people, but especially other heroes. Whenever it is we find my dimension, I really want to introduce him to the hero community, I think it'd be good for him. We have a few royals in the community that you guys can chat about ruling with too." She nodded at that.
"That is, if we can travel easily between the dimensions, stable portals are hard to make, and I'm not sure the schematics for the one going from an outside dimension into the Realms would work the same way as one going out to a specific one." She took another sip of tea before swallowing quickly. "Oh, I meant to tell you, tomorrow we're going to the Far Frozen to find out your classification. It should help us narrow down which dimension you're from. Then we can work on getting you home." She gave him a warm smile before turning back to her food.
Jason sat there for a moment, hands folded in front of him, before he leant forward resting his elbows on his knees. "I'm in no hurry, so far I've enjoyed my time here. I'd like to learn all I can, and depending on if I can come back, I may even look into IRU. I have a feeling that unlike the colleges of my dimension, they wouldn't mind that I'm legally dead." Jazz's face flushed as she glanced between Jason's forearms and his face and back down to her food.
"Yeah, they're a great place, thousands of different majors." She said to her plate.
Jason inwardly smirked to himself. Maybe I do effect her after all? "Is there an introductory book for the Realms?"
She immediately perked up and stood, turning to the bookshelves behind her. She pulled out a large three ring binder, stood in front of him and gestured for him to take it. "I've been working on this since Danny started taking his lessons on Realms history, he would only go if I went too. It's still a rough draft, but this has most introductory knowledge of the Realms and the major locations and peoples." She stood with her hands on her hips, obviously proud.
Jason began to flip through the pages. It had to be five hundred pages long. "This is extensive, but I suppose it's about an entire dimension, so that's to be expected. Thank you." She nodded and went back to her desk.
"I still have a bit of notes to get through before I head to bed, do you mind if I get back to it? I'd like to get to bed at a decent hour tonight."
"Yeah, no problem, mind if I sit on your couch to start reading this?"
"No problem, let me know if you have any questions, okay?"
"Yeah, do you happen to have a notepad and a pen or something that I can use for notes?"
"Oh, yes, one second." She reached for a lower drawer and pulled out a journal identical to the one she was writing in and a red feathered quill pen. "The quill is magic, so it never dries out or runs out of ink."
"Cool, thank you Jazz." He smiled up at her and stepped away.
He will fully admit that when he sat on the couch that he was posing. One leg bent for him to rest the journal on, and propping the binder in front of that so he can easily flip between the two. The other leg extended off the couch as he laid back and lounged, relaxing into it. He enjoyed every time he caught her looking at him out of the corner of his eye for the first twenty minutes until both were so focused on their tasks that two hours went by without either realizing.
Finally Jazz set her quill in its stand and sighed heavily. She stretched her arms above her head, grunting as something popped. Jason set the binder on the side table. He then stood and tucked the journal into his back pocket, and the quill behind his ear.
"Bed time?" He asked.
"Yeah," she sighed again. "I'm making use of my giant bathtub and taking a nice, long, destressing bath, and then I'm going to pass out until the morning where I don't have anything until we take you to the Far Frozen." She said almost mechanically. Jason chuckled again.
"I get that, I've had those days. The world on your shoulders and then finally you have a few hours to yourself. It's the best."
She nodded enthusiastically before putting her journal in one of the drawers and standing herself. She picked up the headpiece and placed it upon her head, her eyes flashed yellow for a moment before it subsided. "Shall we?" she asked, gesturing towards the doors.
"Yeah, sure." They headed out from there, making small talk about things Jason read in the intro guide. Once they got to the split in the halls, they both paused. "I uh, had a nice time hanging out tonight. Next time you just have paperwork to do, do you think I could hang out with you? I know there's plenty of books for me to read."
"Yeah, that'd be nice. I'd like company and most of my options are either unable to stay quiet or work for me."
"Oof yeah, I get that. But for now, goodnight. I'll see you at breakfast?"
"Sounds good to me, have a great night Jason." She turned down the family wing and Jason turned towards his door.
Once inside he punched his fist into the air. "I think she's into me at least a bit. Okay, I got my foot in the door, now to figure out an actual game plan." He took the notebook and quill out and began a new page, tucked about 3/4 of a way into the journal. He titled the page 'Date Ideas', and began writing into the night.
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aandriskobold · 1 year
@chiropteracupola said anyone could be tagged and i'm sleepy and procrastinating actually doing the w in wip so.
the game is: post the names of the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title of what most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. if you want, tag as many people as you have wips
TAZ Love Sparks on the Upbeat Seven Magpies taz balance was based heavily on farscape and i'll fucking prove it lupcretia hades/persephone taakitz florist theft au The Way To Be A Hero your good heart is wasted on me Regalia and Rebellion There Are Other Gifts Than Silver
Exu Calamity We Will Move Mountains Far more than the stories
Six of Crows Crow on the Cradle
TLOU For as Long as I Got You (1/2 chapters published)
Star Wars (sigh) star worms
I... had forgotten how many TAZ wips i have. jesus christ.
If anyone's curious I will also chat about original stuff in DMs! Planet Paradise shadow and the strongman story sought dead to me the tattoo test
And I will tag @room-on-broom, @zinabug, @msbadatnamingthings, @antique-symbolism! (and anyone else who wants to do this: this is your sing, please do it and tag me so i can see!)
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jaxs-beanie · 2 years
Hadestown Tour Notes
I saw Hadestown on February 5, 2023! I took notes during the show, and here they are if you wanna read them! Our Orpheus was Jordan Bollwerk, and the Workers included Jamal Lee Harris, Eddie Noel Rodriguez, Cecilia Trippiedi, KC Dela Cruz, and J Antonio Rodriguez. Eurydice was Hannah Whitley, Persephone was Brit West, Hades was Matthew Patrick Quinn, and Hermes was Nathan Lee Graham. The Fates were Dominique Kempf, Belen Moyano, and Nyla Watson.
ACT 1 Workers out first to start the show, then Fates, then everyone else. Hermes was sweet to Eurydice, gave her a bit of a hug. Audience laughs as Hermes poses, gets us ready, then brushes us off. Hades snaps a hand against his hip to dance, Persephone goes down from balcony, Eurydice jams out to the drums, Hermes is happy to be here, Hades just standing looking serious. Jamal’s worker has a turquoise hat.
In Any Way the Wind Blows the Fates shoo Orpheus away from Eurydice; he finds a match and is reaching out when Hermes gives Eury one and is sad. Hannah’s Eurydice has a very rich, deep voice. She feels like she was a Fate in a past life. Hermes goes soft on liking to hear Orpheus sing and then is in denial. Audience gave big laugh on Come Home With Me and ‘the man who’s gonna marry you’ and ‘when you become my wife!’ Eurydice felt sleepy-grumpy at first but got total awe when she saw the flower, very alert and in disbelief. Orpheus was very careful and affectionate towards her but with a straight back, like he wanted to prove himself.
Orpheus is zoned out for Epic 1 on ‘as if I’d known it all along’, feels very in tune with the mystical side to the songs. All of his Epics feel very improvised and on the spot. Hermes says ‘Hades… and Persephone’ drawn out on Hades. After ‘go on’ his singing and confidence got stronger. On ‘twice as bright’ the light got bright and Persephone stood. Audience laughed on abrupt grumpy ‘but that was long ago!’
Seph kissed Hades and got no reaction. Workers cheered and went ‘yeah!’ after ‘anyone want a drink’, Eddie chatted with Eury and Seph about something. While Hermes was grooving with the band and Persephone, Hades was alone and sad. I felt bad for him. Orpheus’s toast was a lil drunk but very improvised feel, eyes shining. A Worker (or Hermes?) slurped their water loud during the toast to laughter. Couldn’t tell who took Orph’s guitar but I think it was Antonio.
Hermes soft on AIEK intro, Persephone in love with their love. They were very heartfelt and a careful, intimate dance, while Hades read the paper and refused to look at them. Orph in total shock at Eurydice’s big kiss. In Way Down Hadestown, Hades packs up and slams the doors on the Fates verse. Eurydice interested in Fates and Hermes, Persephone seems very sad. Hermes enjoyed trash talking Hades and seemed grumpy at him, as did Seph; audience laugh on ‘I missed you.’ Orpheus stomps the floor when moving to protect Eurydice, effect like puffed up kitten. One male Worker has a really deep voice, and they all gather around the doors for the end of the song.
HC Hannah Eurydice has Seasonal Affective Disorder cause as soon as winter came on she was sleepy sad again. She was scared of the storm and brushed Orpheus’s shoulder goodbye with her hand, I think KC gave her the jacket. Epic 2 felt improvised too, felt more and more in tune the more Orpheus sang. Hadeseph appeared on the balcony for Chant 1. Persephone was upset at first then horribly sad. Eurydice was terrified of the storm and screamed for Orpheus. Hades got a huge bright spotlight on the cathode ray’ verse. Hermes was desperate to get Orpheus to listen and broke character a bit. Hades feels like a charismatic used car salesman, secure and powerful but sleazy. Eury trying to run to Orpheus but the fates turn her around, Persephone is crying on her final chant verse before ‘this neon necropolis!’
Persephone slammed doors on final Chant note and saw Hades leering at Eury. Audience laughed at his first “HEY.” He was all smooth, slick oil in HLS, said ‘poet’ like a dirty word a la Tom Hewitt, very playful ‘lemme guess.’ Eurydice ran back and forth during the intro to Chips, tried to give Hermes her ticket or look to him for help but he wouldn’t budge. Atropos felt like she was leading her sisters in the song and directed their maenad energy, afterwards Eurydice felt super depressed. Hermes opened the ‘door’ to Hadestown and seemed like he was reassuring Eurydice that her journey there would be safe.
Hermes playing with the coin bag/putting stuff away on the table when Orpheus finds him. Orph falls to his knees as Hermes picks up the flower and regains his strength on seeing it. He felt lost at first but found his footing, then during the ‘suck your brain’ verse he fell and crawled a bit but got up and kept going, disappearing through a crack. In wall song the wall got brighter every verse as Hades got more manic up until ‘what do we have that they should want?’ It felt like he was leading the workers in investigating the wall. Seph and Eury exchanged pointed glances as she appeared, and Hades didn’t undo his tie or jacket until she disappeared beyond the doors. Audience laughed at ‘anybody want a drink?’ closer.
Band came out and the lights dimmed, Hermes and Seph came out arm in arm but he had his jacket on and she did a bump instead of a kiss. During Our Lady we all cheered for the band but loudest for Audrey on the trombone and the keyboardist. Persephone wasn’t too sad or at least hid it well. She and Hermes toasted and drank together, and then she drank some more and went to ‘sleep’ near where the Workers come out.
Way Down had harsh red light, Eddie was the Fates’ model worker as they showed off what Eurydice would look like some day. Eury ran to Hermes for help but he couldn’t do anything. She was horrified and then depressed in Flowers, from her performance I feel like Euryhades was a thing. I noticed the lighting in Flowers is very gloomy and dark, similar to Doubt Comes In but a lil lighter. The big hug and spin was adorable and so cathartic, when Hades showed up everyone looked annoyed/scared that he woke them. Persephone was defensive of Orpheus, the Fates stopped him from reaching for his guitar. Hades was so gleeful and mean telling him about the contract, Orpheus was in utter disbelief.
Hades watched the Papers fight with his arms crossed, then at the end motioned like that was enough. Atropos held the guitar for Nothing Changes, Orpheus is in disbelief and sorrow and then becomes strong. Persephone was in the center as the workers quit their work, Hermes was all for this rebellion. Orpheus was a mix of angry sad and defiant in his verses and hopeful as the workers began to stand. He led them through the door, Eurydice following in last and barely making it, as Persephone stood in shock.
Persephone was crying at the beginning of How Long, especially when it came to Orpheus’s love for Eurydice. She said ‘I know’ kinda snippy like she wasn’t surprised Eury meant nothing to Hades, then tons of emotion on ‘But she means everything to him!’ Hades walked away from her on ‘the logic of kings’ and it ended with them face to face super close up in an argument.
Hermes was all for the riot in Chant 2 and described it gleefully. Hades watched the workers, then grew agitated when they stopped. Eury and Orph were leading the revolt. Hades was growly on the music of machinery and all the lights blinded us. He was sing-songy at first for the ultimatum but snarled ‘the Great Beyond’ as a threat.
For Epic 3 Eury gave Orph a hug for luck. Hades said ‘Awww, it’s about me?’ like ‘aw, how cute.’ Orpheus started scared but got very breathy and sad on ‘a man in love with a woman.’ As the Workers began to sing, Hades made slicing motions with an arm and ‘told’ them to knock it off, but they kept going, he did this twice to no effect. 2 Workers held hands as they walked off the center table. Orpheus got breathy and sad at the end of Epic 3, the audience gasped when Hades made the flower. Hermes didn’t do the shoulder thing like some other Hermes do, he just took the mic.
After the dance Hades kneeled before Persephone and buried his head in her chest, then they stood and hugged for 3 minutes, her leaning into him. Audience was sniffling during Promises, Workers were all huggy and sweet. When Hades said ‘I dunno’ the audience laughed. The Workers were crushed and crumpled over, heads in hands like all was lost, Orphydice hugged and were super scared. Hades walked over to Orpheus like he wanted to smite him but Persephone stopped him so he went to think.
Matthew’s Hades His Kiss the Riot felt very villainous for a lot of it, he shouted lines like ‘freedom…Freedom!’ and snarled others, like ‘bravery can be contagious!’ His shadow on the wall grew the more agitated he got. For the terms and conditions he was more subdued, then going back into ham mode for the very end until the final ‘and doubt comes…’ he took a 10 second pause and his final ‘doubt comes in?’ was a broken question, unsure of himself. Hermes was sad and soft laying it out but eager to help Orpheus beat this curse. The Workers and Eurydice were very hopeful, and Hades approached Orpheus to shake his hand; Orpheus was hesitant to and did so reluctantly. Persephone left on the balcony stairs.
Doubt Comes In super dark teal lights with fog. Orpheus stumbled a bit before righting his way and lalalaled as reassurance, the Fates’ lanterns glowed and nothing else. I felt like Jordan’s Orpheus was slowly forgetting himself and who he was/why he was there on the walk out, he sounded more and more unsure of his own existence. A chain of Workers was behind them, then as the turn they were chorus members waiting for his exist. Audience gasped at the turn, and Eurydice’s final ‘Orpheus’ was long, drawn out, and quivery like a ghost.
Hermes was sad and serious, but not broken—ready to try again and get it right, with a soft ‘but we sing it anyway’ and suddenly the floodgates opened and he burst with emotion on ‘CAN YOU FEEEEL IT? LIKE A TRAAAAAIN!’ Persephone came down from the balcony, she and Hermes twirled, Hades appeared on ‘it’s a love song’ and also came down. We gave a standing ovation. Hades blew us a kiss, and Hadeseph clung to each other during Cups. The audience cried a lot. Hades and Jamal talked about something as they walked off after the end of the show.
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
url meme for either here or ravenbraved!
Do I Follow Them?: Yes! On this blog @ravenbraved
Why Did I Follow Them?: Terri and go way back, mainly focused on their Gwen Stacey blog!
Do We Role Play?: not for these two new characters!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: YES! For both of their blogs!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: for @feelsdeath I wanna do an au where Victoria is a daughter of Persephone so her and Ki are friends/besties maybe even relatives?! Her father could be Hades, could be someone else - but it's something I'd have to look into bc I am familiar with Percy Jackson but it's been forever since I actually read the lore
A Song For Our Muses: to be decided in the future!
Do I Ship Our Muses?: i always auto-ship mentally as friends or at least acquaintance! Like I could also picture my characters being friendly to others until plotted or discussed otherwise.
What I Think About The Mun: Terri is such an amazing writer to work with! They've been nice enough to actually accept a headcanon of mine for their Gwen Stacey that revolved around her death in the comics/TASM2 - so I look forward to plotting and chatting/getting to know them again since so much time has passed between us. I also look forward to writing with them again!
Overall Opinion: I think very highly of them and the different canon-diverganceys they create for their characters. From ocs who have their own lore to canon-characters that have their own twists on the story again I mainly knew them for Gwen Stacey and Terri wrote her beautifully, even did a crossover ship with a DC character! So if you haven't already, definitely check them out!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
And Then It's Spring
and then it's spring by emilieee
As their surroundings lighten, Chat Noir laughs again at something she said, more open, brighter, and Marinette realizes—it sounds a lot like spring.
Or: A Persephone and Hades retelling.
Words: 3591, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Mythology, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Fluff, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45755938
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