#(< tbh tho i feel like trying to label the things i feel abt him as ‘platonic’ and ‘romantic’ is knda dumb it’s more complicated than that)
autistic-katara · 1 year
girl help it’s been months and the pining hasn’t ceased
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helyeahmangocheese · 3 months
Give me the bipolar2!percy headcanons, my good royalty of ambiguous gender.
I have Bpd!Percy as a massive headcanon for him ^__^
okok this is just gonna be an info dump of what comes to mind and mostly comes from my own experiences/how I read percy but since you so kindly asked:
its onset is probably closer to the first Great Prophecy — not that hypomania wasn't brewing for multiple reasons and not that he hadn't already experienced depression but I do imagine that further into his teens he becomes more and more sleepless abt his inevitable death and he starts feeling more ok with so called risky behaviors
lol on that note he'd mess with annabeth and snack on her melatonin gummies casually before bed. it wouldn't do anything to him and he's not trying for that either—the strawberry ones just kinda taste good tho
realtalk this is honestly really unhealthy but he's probably convinced all is fine when he goes hypomanic during dangerous quests (particularly during HoO). this is the only time he truly believes he can do the world-saving, legendary things that he /is/ capable of. it's not necessarily that he has an "overinflated" self image—he's just at the point where he's willing to take the risks per the quest and believe he can pull it off. which honestly is often required for those moments, and that's why the cycles are so hard.
same with his having "grandiose plans" or having all this energy despite getting no sleep—it's all just his body coping with excessive trauma and unrealistic expectations on these quests, that's how he pulls it all off. is it technically a hypomanic episode? will he eventually crash? yes and yes, but he's also the son of Poseidon so wyd. he needs to have a plan and he needs to believe he can pull it off. he needs to pull it off.
oh but I would love to see percy's rapid speech written out as dialogue. like, explaining a plan he has but it's too fast and he explains it backwards but he doesn't even realize that not everybody is on the same level as him in the moment. bc that's what it's like in both types of episodes—just constant confusion abt where you are and why others aren't there with you.
his depressive episodes are fucking awful after quests and it takes a similar hit to him when nobody else seems to feel as deeply as he does about it. he falls back into self deprecation and it's really confusing for people to witness and experience these "two types of Percy." he's really not a fan of people labeling it that.
sometimes he just won't talk after and the best thing at that point is to just be around him let him choose how to express himself—because he's honestly really creative. music and painting kind of let him sit with whatever emotions, whatever episode he's experiencing, process it, and share afterwards. he's very vivid when explaining his experiences, he just needs time, and he needs to feel in control while also not self-isolating.
annabeth does a really good job of making sure he's not ever alone in a risky way while also giving him space and also they parallel play a lot.
outside of episodes, he just feels things very deeply in general. he loves deeply, he mourns deeply. when he says he feels for you, he fucking means it.
he doesn't necessarily rapid-cycle, but he has both types of ADHD so he has to be very careful about the lines between hyperfixation and hypomania. and inattentiveness vs literally just being dissociated. bc holy shit he did NOT see that coming when he started New Rome University—my boy managed to panic-complete all of his assignments during the week, go out every weekend out of FOMO, and then crashed so hard during winter break back home that I'm honestly pretty sure this is when they diagnose him.
bc tbh all of the other symptoms popping up during SON/MOA era and particularly through/after going through Tartarus made a lot of sense. but he was hoping it'd be over after he stopped feeling the need to sacrifice sleep to protect Annabeth every night, etc. the fact that uni became one of his triggers after hs was a total sideswipe.
boy was hypomanic during hoh-boa and when apollo saw him in that whole "please god not this again" state in toa he was in the corresponding depression tbh. idk if that lines up w the timeline but it's probably true.
also one of his "risky behaviors" is getting into so many commitments with various friend groups that he can't juggle them all but can he really help it bc he's loyal? like is it his fault that he's for some reason managing multiple club sports teams because he likes the people and he picked up so many different sports/hobbies out of boredom the last time he wasn't sleeping more than 4 hours a night? oops!
it also probably works that annabeth doesn't mind taking care of finances bc he will impulse spend it on these hobbies when he has all that hypomanic energy. love u bby boy me too.
literally word vomit but I hope that made sense and Im happy to elaborate or discuss heh! also: thank u for being absolutely correct abt my gender
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
i guess with age gaps friendships, it's better for both parties just to tell each other their age before the friendship properly start to develop because i support they got like a mini t&c given to them beforehand. that's understandable and fair but i feel like some ppl do that to tell if the other party will be a clingy friend or not. that's true and the cases where they keep in contact with everyone else but deliberately just do it to you is a real shitty realisation to acknowledge.
i think in those cases like that, the parties may find each other attractive too hence why they dive into a relationship so quickly or they just gel really well together i dk but i feel like it's a factor for some. she kept telling my family i have a surprise for z so when i came back, i thought she was joking. i would say 99% of ppl (including me) couldn't do that lol. it did worked for her, she's having her first child in May.
also, i saw your cats in mediterranean post, i went turkey last year and they were everywhere! i went to a McDondalds over there and a few kittens came into the sitting area outside but everyone was chill lmao. if i ever come off on anon, i'll prob just call you koko because i find that the easiest name to remember. ah i did recognise them including the gen one but not all of them. do you play gi?
ah some ppl are very laidback towards their names but it's interesting how much names play a role in someone personal/cultural identity. mine used to belong to a very specific group when i was born. also, finding out meaning of names is very fun. i suppose all this links back to psychology (?) to some extend.
agreed. that’s also one of the reasons i’m pretty open abt my age on here lol. the friend i gave as example has been aware the whole time too so
hm yeah understandable. yeah exactly, if you know everyone else is being ghosted by the person too then you know it’s not personal and stuff. but being the only person to be ignored really sucks
ngl i thought abt me & my relationships more bc i was trying to understand why you’d date/marry someone so soon and uhh. tbh. my qpp and i took a year and a half to label us as in a queerplatonic relationship (basically platonic partners. if things go well, platonic life partners :3 i would certainly marry him for tax benefits) but we clicked immediately so i’m starting to understand. a few weeks would def not be enough for such a big commitment like marriage but we p much were best friends like two weeks in and we only saw each other for 2 hours a week so... just immediately clicking and thus starting to date so soon actually makes kinda sense.
oh my god help this completely threw me for a loop first adhjdhf me & my friends are all so school focused i forgot that people my age and a few years above start having kids. omg. okay but congrats to her!! also very understandable i would’ve thought it’s a joke first too... like. a few weeks to get married is VERY unusual here lol
ohh omg life goals tbh. i love cats man i wish they’d swarm like flies here too adhjgdh ig it’s mostly a problem with stray cats tho :/ but it does sound like a nice experience lol
koko works fine hehe :3 yep, i’ve been playing genshin for over two years now! 26.1.2021 hehe. been slacking since last summer but during the first one and a half years i actually played it almost every day and i even picked up honkai tho i play that a lot less regularily. and i’m excited for honkai star rail!! which is gonna be released in just four days <3
oh oh very true yeah. i’m trans so i’m just not on the best terms with my deadname but i don’t care abt it that much tbh and i can’t decide on a new name so i just give people the option to do that lol. ngl i think the meanings of last names is more interesting... idk it has to do with your inheritage n that’s indefinitely more interesting to me than your parent’s naming choices but it is fun to talk abt name meanings! non-last name meanings definitely are linked to psyghology, especially if you choose them based on meaning yup. funfact my mom should have been named after ‘love’ but her parents accidentally shifted a line down when reading their book of names so now her name means something along the lines of ‘the one with an injured foot/leg’ which.... is not exactly a nice meaning lol but ppl don’t know abt it anyway plus it’s a pretty name so it doesn’t really matter. but it’s a fun little fact i think haha
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bichelangelo · 2 years
i’m curious abt ur own tmnt lgbt headcanons if u don’t mind sharing
oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Hi :) I have different headcanons for every iteration, feel free to ask abt a specific one but I'll just list rise, 2012 & idw, since my lgbt hcs for those 3 stay somewhat consistent, while others shift a lot. oh & i’ll try to keep it down to the main group.
ah het hem...
i think Raph is a bi trans guy! (He/him)
Leo’s nonbinary (prefers just the Trans label) & bisexual (They/them)
Donnie is a trans demiboy, & he’s bi bi bi. (He/they)
I think Mikey‘s a queer kid but he’s just not all that interested in labels! He is who he is (He/him)
April’s a trans lesbian!! (She/her)
Sunita is a nonbinary trans girl & bi/pan (She/her)
I think Cassandra is a lesbo w/ a fucked up gender <3 (She/he/they)
& I think Splinter is so bisexual it’s not even fucking funny (He/him)
Leonardo is nonbinary & genderfluid. gender indifferent most of the time, with a lil side of simultaneous boy / girl :) & they're bisexual, with a much stronger leaning towards girls. (They/them)
Raphael is agender & bi. Her not giving a single fuck about gender is so special 2 me. Especially when she meets Casey. (She/him)
Donnie is a demiboy & bi as well! (he probs refers to himself as heteroflexible or some shit) (He/him)
Mikey is genderfluid & gay(likes dudes) Having a fun & fucked up gender is a game & he's winning (She/he/they or any pronouns really)
I think Casey's genderfluid & pan! I think Casey validates & expands on like every single gender related thought & feeling of Raphael's & it most definitely aided Raph's transing of gender (He/she/they)
& April is a bi trans girl tbh! (She/her)
I think Leo is an aromanticflux bisexual & a nonbinary guy! (They/them)
Raph is a bi/pan trans guy w/ a preference for girls (He/they)
Donnie is a genderqueer bi guy! (She/he)
Mikey is bi & nonbinary (He/her)
April's a straight trans woman. (She/her)
I think Casey's a trans guy & bisexual. (He/him)
& Jennika is a nonbinary bisexual woman! (She/her)
OH FUK I forgot my girl Al... anyways Alopex is a bi trans demigirl (she/they/he)
soooo yeah :) I feel so silly typing it all out 😭 like fr first two rules of consuming fictional media. 1. Everybody bisexual. 2. Everybody transgender. I do not make these rules 🤷‍♀️ thanks 4 asking tho it's fun to talk abt these things
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Divaz confos #3
Mod: Round three of your Divaz/z3st thoughts...
1. Re. Bjdivaz dump 2. No.5, I got screenshot of them saying what you said they did never happened, if you're the same anon that had them buy a 2nd hand doll and they haggled down the owner w/o telling u, that posted before. I believe u tho, anon. No.6, it was my doll that waited with them for 20 days. They weren't checking it - they had printed a shipping label which is how I knew how long it was there. And they told me it shipped. Their fault entirely for slow shipping. u can't make excuses!
2. #5 might have had a decent point until they went from "this was my experience" to frothing Z3st-like falsehoods and extreme reactions. This is why people aren't taking your type seriously. You start raging at the tiniest thing, typically brought on by you or someone else being completely incapable of understanding simple statements. You're not a righteous army, you're the Karen Squad.
3. BJDivaz deserves to go out of business. There, I said it. Anything they are doing at this point is their own fault, no one is "crusading" to get them shut down, it is their constant CONSTANT temper tantrums and inability to shut the hell up that is destroying their own name. Do you people really think DOA made that 'Dealer Caution' tag on a whim? They are suffering the consequences of their own shitty actions.
4. Couldnt leave it as a comment because the divaz supporters would attack me. I think both divaz and al3x are insufferable. Al3x because he was proven to be a liar, and divas for being petty and unable to stay professional. Z3st's comment history made him look crazy, so his negative review wouldnt have been taken seriously, and others would skim it. Divaz brought attention to it, and gave it validity when they attacked anyone who didnt leave a positive later. Both of them can fuck off.
5. I will NEVER buy from BJDivaz with the way they are responding to people. Z3st, I get, but tangy m3lon? Anyone who doesn’t give them positive glowing feedback gets responded to, and I am sure they will blast them to their followers like they did to z3st. Why are they allowed to respond to that in the feedback thread? Make a paging thread, message a mod. This is why people cant be honest, they attack anyone and everyone not bowing down to them. I will not be placing an order, ever.
6. I have a long layaway with BJDivaz that’s due to end next year…should I be worried?
7. Divaz should've just canceled Z3st/al3xcess's order instead of transferring it to DZ tbh. Kevins don't deserve nice dolls.
8. Z3st/al3xcess needs a new hobby, because clearly dolls aren't it. Stop harassing other collectors and trying to make it harder for them to get the dolls they want. Get a life and some perspective, the thing you're crying about is so much not a big deal at all it's pathetic and so transparent that you're just crying to get attention. You're just making yourself look worse and lending more credibility to the post about you.
9. Zest and his friend should really get a job or just go outside or something other than spamming this board with their bullshit.
10. Vic3mage and that one other person seem really nasty whenever they comment on the Divaz debacle, but haphazarrd-marionette and mysteriously delicious the0rist seem so similar that vic3mage might be right about them being the same person. I'm not really sure who to believe anymore.
11. I feel like I can't even vague any company anymore because everyone thinks it's abt Divazz, even though it's not. And I know someone is gonna say I shouldn't vague, but maybe I just wanna vague rant a bit, and be done with it? If I put the name to it, I might just fuck someone over, and I don't want that unless they're like known in the hobby for sucking ass. If I vague it's because I'm personally a bit upset, but I don't wanna ruin someone's rep for my one incident.
12. Does z3st participate in his local comm? I'm worried about showing up to a meet with him present because I don't want to get into a physical altercation. The thought of being at a BJD with him prescence makes me feel very unsafe.
13. Why are the fans who title themselves as diva boosters, always thinking that all these confessions on diva's is made by one person? look at the den of angels thread, look at the people who didnt write 100% positive reviews, and look at the likes they got. Obviously people are fed up with divas and see through the bullshit spam positive feedback, including DOA mods. Funny how addicts deletes bad feedback from people pointing them to a feedback group, but leaves the positive feedback.
14. Seeing all the new alt accounts people have made to chime in on the bjdivas argument like *sips tea* 👌
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reversecreek · 3 years
✵ zloane , bravier , nyla and sean
their first impression of your muse:
sexy. tugged on her hair literally the first time he saw her hadn’t even had a conversation bt was just like target? located. going? ✈️ annoy her. probably initially just thought she was only at the skate park bc sean was n was like 🙄 then she cld actually skate n he was like 😏 liked that she gave him shit. found it funny pushing her buttons. liked her eyes. probably was like wtf is in the fuckin water in this town yo why all my friends got hot sisters that shit aint right tryna make me a dog....... not that he was even. phased by betraying those boundaries bt. still. i won’t lie his main first impression was probably jst damn bit hot when she glares at me like that. KJHFSGKSJHGKGHSFKGH
current impression:  
knows her a little more than he likes to know people. favourite person to argue w. can possibly skate better than him bt if she said so he’d be like “ur off ur fuckin tits man” n then practice secretly on his own for hours that night n get 9457295 scrapes. doesn’t like talking abt her dad like him so one time he put a firework in his mailbox n never admitted it was him. has reactions to youtube videos tht make him snort. quite funny in general rly. drinks a lot not that he can judge it’s just sometimes he notices n once he even snatched her cup n drank the rest so she couldn’t. played it off as their typical fuckery bt he isn’t sure what that feeling was. hasn’t been concerned often enough to know it by name. finds her hot at inappropriate moments like when a movie chara’s dying n he’s meant to be sad. finds her hot when she pisses him off too. thinks mayb she likes the excuse to hold onto him when she rides on his vespa but he kind of likes it too so he’s not about to call it out bc “he isn’t about that deep shit”. 
are they attracted to your muse?:  
KFJHGKJGHFGKFHSGKSHGKSFGH. imagine i was jst like no <3... yes. he likes to act like he’s less so than he is bt it’s obvious.
something they find frightening about your muse:
i wouldn’t say it frightens him bt sometimes he catches her looking at him a certain way n it unsettles him but he doesn’t know why. usually just pretends he didn’t catch it.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
he likes her short hair he’s always ruffling it n tugging on it. whenever she hs bumps n scrapes n bruises from falling off her board n getting back on over n over again jst never giving up or giving a fk. when she acts like she isn’t jealous.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
umm. no. he’s an asshole. KGJSHFKGHSKFHGSKFGHKGH. sighs.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
no..... sees that as dangerous territory wouldn’t wna blur the lines. looks away.
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
baddie. FKGJHSKGHFGSFHGSKGHSFKHG. demonic (when they’ve had a fight). 
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. he loves to argue w her but it never feels that Real u know... more like flirting. even when they’re rly pissed off. wld never enter that territory he hates shit like tht w a passion. cue round of applause from the audience for this absolutely low bar.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
i feel like they’re not rly huggy people...... ziggy probably puts his arm around her a lot tho he loves doing that. hs kissed her more times than he can count too n doesn’t plan on stopping
their first impression of your muse:
funny. mean in a more digestible way than she was used to. he had barbs n she liked the way people winced when they tried to swallow his company. when she got paired w him for a class project she met his eyes across the room n he didn’t quickly look away like most ppl. something abt that intrigued her. a sharp fingernail inside her head kept having to itch at something n she realised it was the urge for him to call her a bad name. this weird craving to hear an angry word inside his mouth just for her. she used to think that’s what someone wanting her was like. still does sometimes. this both pissed her off n caught her attention which is a bit of an accomplishment fr someone who gets bored by everyone n everything.
current impression:  
his heart’s more good than she expected. it felt a bit like having a cat drop a dead mouse at ur doorstep that u don’t know what to do with when she realised that. she felt uncomfortably like her mother when she couldn’t get out of his bed bc she was too depressed n that rly made her feel like. ill honestly. he did all the right things but suddenly she just felt sick abt the whole situation which is Not the normal reaction to ur bf caring about u but bradley doesn’t understand ppl caring abt her. felt more like pity. she thinks he’s better off. she misses him sometimes bt then she reminds herself she doesn’t miss people. does a good job of believing it. one of the best ppl she’s dated not that she’d say it.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
yes..... ws probably. unhinged n rabid when they were dating. very good at hiding it now however. cold at the drop of a hat.
something they find frightening about your muse:
that he witnessed her being vulnerable............ literally grosses her out so much like she’d rather die than. anyone see her like that. when they were dating she’d get paranoid her dad wld somehow find out too n smthn wld happen to him for it. it ws definitely weird for her like the fact she even cared enough to consider tht.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
adorable is rly not a word that fits into bradley’s vocabulary GHSFGHSFKGHSFKG bt hm. maybe if he ever tried to tell her what to do one time even casually. she’d b like awww..... u think i do what anyone tells me? that’s so fucking sweet. 
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
in most cases no :/..... however if it was smthn to do w the guys that work for her dad then ya she’d put herself in danger to avoid him being in it.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
i mean she has in the past bt bradley’s idea of dates is like. starting a bar fight together. getting thrown out of a club n both falling over into trash cans in a dingy back alley. stealing a car. breaking into a random house n fking in a stranger’s bed. fking in the bk of a movie theatre w a horror movie screening. definitely not dinner or anything like tht. she wldn’t now........ they’re not exactly in a place fr that..... 
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
ex. whatever. i know it’s not one word but “some guy”. FGHSKGHFGKSHG >_>
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. she’s a violent person bt not xavier.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
NO hugging...................... she fronts like she wldn’t kiss him bt like. if a discussion got heated n they were in each other’s faces who’s to say. 
their first impression of your muse:
strange little fella which is a very high compliment. kind of reminded them of an animated turtle come to life in the human realm altho they honestly don’t have an explanation for that it’s just the way their brain works. they love the turtles in finding nemo tho so maybe there’s some sort of correlation. very nice face. they kind of wanted to hold his head like a bowling ball just so they could examine it properly. i feel like when they first met him they probably reached out n smoothed a sticky label onto his forehead that said ‘catfish in chernobyl’ n they had one on their forehead that was blank n then they just wafted a pen mid air n were like ‘wanna play guesses?’ even tho that isn’t the name of the game. as if that was just. a completely normal introduction to someone. FGKHSKHGSFKGHSFKG. feel like sean wld have rolled w that tho so nyla was like :P i like.... if they played another round they’d give sean another sticky label that said ‘the loneliest whale in the world’ n then it’d start a whole conversation abt how nyla thinks they can speak whaleish. (whale spin on elvish). 
current impression:  
sean makes them think of that artificial blue raspberry flavour some popsicles have n how it’s always rly fun when they stain ur tongue. sweet n exuberant n leaves a bright impression. he lets them ride on his skateboard sometimes rolling along being lead by them holding his hand n nyla likes to shut their eyes like they’re a bird sailing above the clouds. one of their favourite things to do especially when the sun’s out. bc of this nyla thinks sean was a bird in his past life but not a greedy one like a seagull or a plain one like a pigeon. maybe a bluebird bc of his eyes. he makes them laugh a lot. they entrusted him to babysit their children (as pictured) in his hair for a whole day and night once n they had lots of fun with him so nyla thinks he’s very trustworthy and kind. he also is rly easy to talk to like they cld randomly be like “i’ve been thinking lately that maybe homer simpson could’ve been a good figure skater” n sean wldn’t look at them like they’ve lost their marbles he’d just go w it. they like his company a lot.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
something they find frightening about your muse:
ummm nothing in particular altho one time when they were rly tripping out bc his eyes are blue n it got them thinking abt the ocean n they always think they can talk to ghosts underwater so they were kind of like. thinking abt ghosts whenever they looked him in the eyes. maybe covered their own w their hands n if sean asked why they told him abt it. suddenly he shut his eyes to make them feel better n it turned into a whole thing where nyla had to lead him around the party like a guide dog.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
his nose. watching him talk to his siblings. his hands.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
😌 yea
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
yes............ feel like they’d have fun if they went anywhere tbh........ cn imagine them at a fair eating from the same cotton candy n chattering as they point out things. nyla trying to do that hammer game where u make the meter reach the top n lifting the hammer in the air n falling backwards bc it was heavier than they anticipated.... sean yelling like man down man down..... mayb they take a tab n suddenly the fair is so scary they’re like 😳 we’re in danger...
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
silly (affectionate). sailor (also term of endearment). gnome (same thing again). cool.
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no ur sick....
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
ya to both. jst suddenly had a vision too of nyla being cold one time n clinging to sean from the front like a bushbaby in a hug as he carries her around. suddenly this mode of transportation hs happened more thn once (godmod) (contact my lawyers if u dare bebe) (bitch) (i take it back) (it wasn’t right alli it jst wasn’t right) (pelase forigev m eim shakign)
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professorspork · 4 years
I started the day running errands on Havarl, culminating with finishing off Jaal’s loyalty mission! I took Vetra with us thinking ‘hey, if anyone knows sibling dynamics...’ but then she factored into all of that absolutely 0%, lol @ me. but no matter! Jaal was super flirty as we made our way to the Forge, and it was adorable when he was like “HERE MEET MY FRIEND SO YOU CAN SEE AKKSUL IS WRONG” and bodily dragged me toward his siblings. their fight was absorbing and intense; I LEGIT GASPED WHEN HIS SISTER SHOT HIS BROTHER. LIKE!! the whole confrontation with Akksul felt super weighty and I really enjoyed it-- keeping my trigger discipline to not shoot that dude was really hard! there was a split second there where his bolt was headed toward Jaal’s face and I was like “if I kill off Jaal in his loyalty mission I’ll be so upset” but nope it all worked out, he has a bitchin cheek scar now, and the respect of his people, and I got a forehead touch so y’know. i melted. GOSH. then I died laughing at Akksul’s not-apology email.
now Jaal wants me to meet his mom(s) but Helen said that’ll lock in the romance, so I’ll probably wait just a little longer so I can uh keep having FWB sex with Peebee and ?maybe??? flirt with Vetra at some point? altho I teasingly called her MOM last time we were in Kadara Port so maybe not. (Jaal still hates it there, he’s so grumpy and it’s cute, but I digress)
this one got even longer than usual so doing a cut
one thing that I really like, that the game navigates in interesting ways, is that to the angara, we’re all just “Milky Way people.” like. so much of the original trilogy is about navigating the differences between all these aliens, and like, some of that is here too, esp with the krogan, but it’s actually really neat the way we’ve flattened out. and even with the krogan it’s still night and day-- like. comparing what Tuchanka is like in ME2 when Wrex is still solidifying his status as warlord is miles away from what it’s like for me to wander around New Tuchanka or, especially, just run into random krogan out and about (like the nice water scouts. WHY COULDN’T I JUST GIVE THEM THE WATER? but I’m getting ahead of myself). I know some of it has the Watsonian explanation of, like, only forward-thinking, open-minded krogan would be interested in the Initiative in the first place, and some of it is the Doylist explanation of ‘well people really liked that Charr/Ereba romance so let’s have more sweetie pie krogan’ but like. overall. it’s interesting, and I’m sure there’s more angles I haven’t considered.
I traced more of those comm buoys for Addison and learned that the doctor she’s obsessed with ran away to get pregnant! I definitely read that whole situation as Addison being in love with this lady and tbh it still doesn’t refute it? but I won’t get any more progress until I make a new outpost. the whole idea of ‘the first human baby born in Heleus’ thing is really cool, though, and I’m invested.
then I went to Elaaden! I feel some kind of way about Lexi diagnosing all of these scavengers with Brain Disease, but I can’t put my finger on it exactly-- other than, I guess, my general discomfort with pathologizing criminality. I was glad she said we couldn’t vaccinate people without their consent, but the whole thing smacks as very... self-conscious on the part of the game creators? like they thought people would say “hey it’s a huge plot hole that the Initiative screened every person before putting them on the arks and yet so many of them do crimes, explain that to me” and they were like “oh yeah shit that makes no sense, it’s not like people faced with the existential crisis of being in a brand new place 600 years away from everything they’ve ever known with no way back and not enough resources and multiple things wanting to kill them might just make desperate, risky choices, that’s not good enough, obviously we need to explain it with BRAIN DISEASE.” come on.
I made it to New Tuchanka, where the postings on the terminals are literally my favorite part of this whole game. THE ONE KROGAN WHO WANTS GINGERBREAD. THE ONE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO FOCUS ON CONS AND SUGGESTS A “PRO-VERSATION.” THE ONE ABOUT THE “PROBLETUNITY” OF MATING SUGGESTING WATCHING KRANTT HARDLY WAIT. THE ONE WHO INVENTED BLOOD RAGE FOR GUN TURRETS. but also, the best one, my favorite one of all: KRANTT THE RAGENING LARP. there is nothing I would not give to play Krantt: The Ragening.
I sort of tripped and fell and decided to finish Drack’s loyalty mission even though I intended to do more Elaaden things first, and that was a blast. Vorn is so presh! and also Drack is my dad so there’s that. I loved that Vorn helped save the day with a poison vegetable, and I love that Kesh pretended not to like the flower he got her. it was like-- okay. real talk, I just spent like 20 minutes trying to find proof that there is, in fact, a scene in parks and rec where someone gives April a friendship bracelet and she pretended to hate it until they threatened to take it back and could not find it ANYWHERE and felt so gaslit until I realized that that scene was not about April at all but Louise Belcher so. GOOD JOB ME. anyway. it was like that. kesh pretending her comm was broken when Tann tried to talk to her is the oldest joke in the book but I laughed anyway. 
and then I TOOK SPENDER DOWN FOR GOOD. I’m a little miffed that neither Kesh nor Tann got to be in on that discussion; like, I recognize he was Addison’s underling but given all the bullshit he pulled with the krogan I especially felt Kesh deserved to be there? at one point there was a dialogue tree where I could either say it was Addison’s fault or Spender’s fault, and I picked the latter because I think they both such but Spender sucks worse, but in hindsight I wish I’d stuck it to Addison more because my dialogue was way too nice. when faced with the choice of jailing or exiling Spender, I picked jail despite my desire to defund Nexus Militia because I was scared if I exiled him he’d just come back as a worse enemy because of all his off-station contacts. when reviewing the choice in the codex, though, it narrativized my choice by saying I imprisoned him knowing he “would never survive life on the run from his former associates.” that wasn’t my assumption at all! quite the opposite! I jailed him thinking he’d start a coup from without if I didn’t, and it’s really interesting to me that the game isn’t framing that as a concern Ryder would have reasonably had. anyway, now Brecka has his job, which is good because Brecka is the best.
before leaving I unlocked my last memory, and SURPRISE MY MOM IS ALIVE. WELL. FOR A GIVEN DEFINITION OF ALIVE. i don’t know why I’m surprised; of course my dad sucked that much. but also, the fact that all of that got nestled in with the reaper ‘reveal’ (if you can call it that) felt... very strange? like. this is such a personal, emotional thing for Ryder. obviously for the player harkening back to the trilogy is supposed to be a gut wrench, and objectively, yes, I can see how the knowledge that they might have narrowly escaped certain death is a big deal, but like. the reapers aren’t HERE. they aren’t relevant. my MOM, on the other hand, is and is, apparently! it’s occurring to me I didn’t even try to find her mis-labeled pod, I was so turned around by all the benefactor stuff after the fact. anyway.
swung by Kadara to get drinks with Drack and had an epic bar fight, and then Lexi p much lectured us both abt it because Drack is like 90% spit and duct tape at this point. him talking about raising Kesh giving him a new lease on life was VERY sweet, tho, and his line about how parents aren’t the finish line, they’re the starting line was very good.
went back to Elaaden, which Jaal called “a big planet” while discussing hunting someone down and AU CONTRAIRE, JAAL, IT IS A MOON. wish I’d had Drack with me when I found Annea’s water because I bet he would have had better dialogue than Cora, but alas. felt very weird giving control of the reservoir to the Nexus, but like. Annea being like “you can’t, this is my emotional support monopoly on a vital natural resource” just wasn’t gonna fly with how I’m playing Ryder. I was gratified to hear the Nexus guy at Paradise say we were giving the water to everyone, including krogan and scavengers, because I 100% did not trust Tann not to overrule him with some shitty call.
then I went to the Remnant ship to stop Morda from making a bomb out of the drive core, and it was all going swimmingly until I traced the signal to that cave inside the flophouse and suddenly my triangle button stopped working, making me unable to activate the console. YIKES. a quick google of the issue tells me that this mission is buggy for a lot of people and reloading from an earlier save tends to help, but I tried that and the issue persisted so I gave up for the evening. hopefully a fresh start tomorrow and time for the ps4 to cool off is all that is required. 
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ikonist · 4 years
this is abt hanbin and ikon so keep scrolling
so i was high a few days ago nd watched a video about hanbin and yun and realized that yun took such good care of hanbin. he always played the ‘hyung’ card on him, teasing him and saying that he loves hanbin all the time, said his ‘mission’ was to make hanbin happy. and that got me thinking that yun must’ve helped -both emotionally and physically- hanbin throughout the years… like,,, hanbin rarely acts childish around the members since he is the leader/songwriter/composer but he does it w yunhyeong bc yun doesn’t mind it.. yun always cooks for him knowing that he was up until late in the studio, avoids waking binie early (but does if he has to), and the other members said this a bunch of times but yun is a great listener so can you imagine the amount of times he listened to hanbin’s concerns and self doubts and never complained abt it cuz he’s yunhyeong lol but those thoughts made me so sad thinking how hard it must’ve been for hanbin these past 11 months without his brothers.
tbh i don’t care if hanbin decides to live his life quietly or just producing songs for himself/his friends. i don’t care if he comes out with a full comeback, mv, etc. i rlly don’t care. the only thing i genuinely care about is if he’s happy doing whatever he is doing, and he seems to be happy these past days, so that’s enough for now. i think i’m past that point of wondering what on earth he is doing, if he’s producing more songs, creating a label, etc, but if i could ask for just one little thing, it would be to show him how much his fans love him; to show him every tweet i see with “i miss hanbin”, “hanbin pics to brighten your day!” or “hanbin compilation” posts. to show him the heartbreaking and incredible edits and posts i’ve seen about him, and how much he is loved. i know that in demo 3 he said “i know i was loved”, but i want to tell him he is loved, still. ikon is loved. ikonics never gave up on them. god, not even one ONE!! hanbin fansite closed, and it has been almost a year. think of kpop idols who lost fansites for even less than that (not that i like fansites that much but the symbolism is there). i’m so grateful that he knows how much we think about him, but every time i feel like it’s not enough. i want him to know that we’ll always be here and he’ll always be in our hearts too. i wish hanbin could see himself thru my eyes and know how kind, talented, heartwarming he is.
sometimes i ask myself if i’m not being too ‘blinded by love’ when it comes to ikon (but especially about hanbin), but then again, what is it about ikon that makes me appreciate them so much? what makes me feel this empathy for them? what is it that when i think of them, i don’t see a boygroup. i see friends who are a ‘chosen family’, who know each other so well and would never give up on their brotherhood. never. how they are totally different people, but learned what being respected and appreciated feels like, and saw how much they could grow if they listened to one another. i’m not saying that they never fought (if anything i’d put my finger on donghyuk cuz hes a capricorn living with an aries ARIES and a capricorn sag dom.. i mean…. i’d throw hands if i were him), but they learned that hierarchy in the group wouldn’t lead them anywhere. in that iheart radio interview where the lady said ‘what is ur secret to have such great teamwork/chemistry’ and they said they don’t rlly have hierarchy and (to me) this is so important for a group like ikon. 
imagine if they never took anything chanwoo says seriously just because he’s the maknae even tho he is one of the most logical members? or what would happen if hanbin had to always act like the leader when he said yunhyeong would be best fitted for that? if bobby got mad at donghyuk for playing with him just because he’s younger and they never developed that friendship? at times like this i thank ikon for being such a down to earth group. they never took anything for granted. they were humble from the beginning and kept being humble, even when they received (a lot) of  awards. in the mma speech, hanbin said ikon was a group who tried to fill an ocean into a teacup, but that only made water spill everywhere, and i think that’s true. ikon was ambitious and had such a big desire to win that it led to so many heartbreaks and tough paths for them. 
i realized once i started (fully) stanning ikon that they make you feel this immensive empathy towards them to the point where i got choked up with tears learning about their hardships. i’m not trying to say that they’re the only group who went/goes thru this; in fact, i don’t believe anyone should be put to what they had to endure predebut until now. the countless times i cried watching videos of them sleeping on the floor on tour, watching interviews/vlives where they said they want to show us what they’ve been working on, watching concerts where they broke down in tears because ‘they just wanted to see us’. it breaks me because ikon are such good boys but they aren’t even allowed to show that.
in that concert where bobby said “please protect us” and hanbin said “please protect me”... that’s what i’m talking about. ikon was always true to us. the concert was in early 2019, so imagine what they’ve gone through in 2013-2015, when they were trainees. god i can’t even wrap my head around to think how much these boys (who at the time were 16-20) suffered in their early days. being called ‘b-list’ idols because they weren’t as good as the other yg groups. having to tour for a year doing two concerts a day sometimes, while preparing for comebacks/recordings. having to use oxygen masks to perform bc they were too tired. but they always put the biggest performances because they know that moment was once in a lifetime for us. 
when ikon won soty in 2019 it was clear to me how much they appreciate what we’ve done for them and how personal the fan/idol relationship is with them. i don’t mean it as in some delulu shit but... ikon knows that we trust them. they know we will always be loyal to them, and that’s why they treasure their fans the most. only ikon knows what they went thru since 2013, but some fans who have been with them ever since are proof that the bond has always been strong. for fuck’s sake even the fan chart for most of the songs “we will protect you ikon / we will care for you ikon / we will shine on you ikon / let’s be happy ikon”. i don’t wanna sound fake deep but ikonics reflect ikon in so many different ways. ikon is loyal, they are caring,  they never gave up on what they dreamed of, even if it seemed unreal. they know what’s like to see the ones you love fall and try to get them back up again. ikon lived so many failures and were SO critical about themselves for not debuting in 2013, trying to debut again in 2015 but not doing so well in charts, not being able to be free. they just wanted to sing. to be with each other. and yet they kept meeting obstacles along their way, but even so they never gave up. and i think that’s kinda what being an ikon fan is about too.
so, as for now, no one is sure about ikon’s path in the future but i can say that even though things might get tough a few months from now, ikon will always be that group for me.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issues 4&5
its delphi time babey
I'm sorry but drift & co look like such fuckin nerds on their scooter things on the cover lmaooo
oh god. seeing the first page just reminded me of how horribly confused i was for this whole little arc the first time i read it. i was like ok, who are all these new characters, and also why does everyone look so similar
anyways now i now what's going on. i love first aid
love the running continuity of rung being the literal only psychologist on cybertron (except for fr*id but that's later). no wonder everyone's fucked up they all have to share a single therapist 
ok i find it extremely funny that first aid was demoted from doctor to nurse, as if that's a thing that happens EVER - I mean it'd be one thing if first aid was a nurse practitioner (which i doubt is a position that exists here), at least that demotion would make sense, but like...the doctors i work with don't know how to do most nurse stuff (like BP, cathing, vaccinations, hell even using some of the thermometers - that's all stuff nurses/etc do), so demoting one to a nurse would be a disaster (just like promoting a really good nurse to a doctor would be a bad idea). anyways i know I'm being pedantic but it Be like that when you work in the medical field and read something that has medicine-related stuff in it
i love swerve giving ratchet the tiniest free drink ever lmaooo
is that skids being a rowdy drunk in the bg lmaoooo
unironically i love medical statistics. keep it comin
i love magnus’s giant sternal chestpiece thing. its like a bird’s sternum but without the massive pec muscles attached 
i love magnus and rodimus’s dynamic so much
oh pipes....im so sorry but this fun space adventure is going to be not so much fun for you
ratchets ideologies are certainly interesting, and i liked seeing how they changed over the course of the story
drift: why would i be SCARED of the DJD, I've got a SWORD, two swords even,
hvbhajkhfbsdjkf pipes really said ‘oi, you two - what's this, then?’ that's the most british fucking thing, that's literally something i say when I'm doing an overexaggerated british accent, oh my god,
aaaand now you're covered in dead bodies, pipes. look at your life, look at your choices
drift epic sword moments
drift confirmed for the kinda weird guy who has katanas that he uses to like, cut up fruit and water bottles in his backyard while rodimus films him
‘i thought i heard...bickering’ lmaooooo
ah, so its covid
this arc is how i feel working in healthcare lmaooo especially now that i probably have covid 
so rewind condensed the entire war into an 11 second long cringe compilation. nice
seeing the mechanical stuff past tailgate’s visor is so cool
poor tailgate, this guy is getting slammed with history from multiple sides. and like, bias is inevitable in ANY sort of recounting of events, especially controversial historical events, so poor tg just kinda has to take it all in and decide who to listen to 
that’s...not really how immunity works, guys. also, you shouldn't be exposed to so much disease with proper ppe usage
is there even such thing as ppe in the transformers universe?? there are fluid- and contact-transmitted illnesses, so there SHOULD be
is there even OSHA in this universe??????? unbelievable 
first aid, holding a giant fucking claw clamp: we haven't tried EVERYTHING............
first aid read a human wikihow article on how to jumpstart a car and took notes 
i love tailgate’s ‘mom says its my turn on the xbox’ pose 
tailgate has a point - he’s from pre-war times, where things weren't as grey so of course he would try to divide the two sides into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
go get some character development and then maybe you'll feel better
seeing the word quarantine is making me twitchy w/my possible month-long complete isolation quarantine on the horizon
drift pulling his swords on pipes and ratchet pushing down drift’s arms...lmao
poor pipes...even tho this is completely his fault, its still rough
also jesus, pharma and ratchet look so goddamn similar, reading this was so confusing the first time around 
drifts idea of subduing pipes involves turning into a cool car and also posing with his sword
also. never gonna be over drift’s massive thighs. jesus man
ooof now drift has the rona. ouch 
poor drift, his covid realization is getting overshadowed by pharma being flung around
first aid bustin thru w/the epic medical nipple clamps and some Big Boi Backup
ok that's an epic pre-beatdown speech from fort max right there, daym 
im just gonna continue on w/issue 5 now for continuity’s sake. yay!
the cover of tailgate in magnus’s autobot school is so cute
and we open with an incredible shot of fort max str8 up ripping a guy in half. i mean, to be fair, he DID just give an epic speech about how much he was gonna do that, and he certainly followed thru
yeahhhhh, fort max is not doing so well atm
when he puts that dudes head in his chest vent thing and then snaps it shut....man 
also i fucking LOVE when their faces are shaded all in black w/only the eyes/mouth fully drawn...fantastic stuff
ratchet: phew i am not equipped to deal w/this level of Fucked Up Mental Trauma. u good m8?
ratchet is already writing up a referral to rung for fort max as this is happening
drift is just laying on the ground dying like, oh hey yeahh I'm still here too 
i fucking love when punctuation is drawn in story - like here where first aid has a little ? over his head....fav
ratchet holding drifts hand ;_; 
ok tbh ambulon having switched sides 10 yrs ago is wild bc like, 10 years is barely any time for these guys, especially in a war that lasted 4 million years. that would be like a human switching sides in a war like, 3 months before it ends. probably. i sense some math bs, I'm just extrapolating here
all that mexican standoff shit is going down and first aid is just like But That's None Of My Business
ah so ambulon is an asymptomatic carrier 
and there's first aid with the save! iconic
pharma calling ratchet ‘buddy’ hbvakjdsbfhkasdf
ooooh i love that they figured it out - and i love that twist, that transforming is what triggers the start of symptoms. remember when drift turned into a cool car? yep
s/o to Ambulon Transformers for helping me in my medical terminology courses, bc now ill always remember: Leg(tm)
also this explanation makes a ton more sense (in universe, at least) than the whole ‘i guess we as medical staff have been exposed to enough Germz that we’re more immune to this or something’ theory 
ah, i love the meaningless (to me) alien robot medical jargon 
drift and ratchet hhhhhhhhh
‘I'm too wide’ fort max L O R G E
also once again drift is forgotten in favor of a bunch of other dramatic stuff happening vbhjksdfbjhskdf
godddd i love tailgates little flashbacks where we see how Important and Special he is, complete with his ‘bomb disposal’ arm label...augh its so good! 
and tailgate’s autopedia page even reflects his lies! like, did tailgate go edit that first thing upon waking up??? seriously, I'm fascinated by tailgate’s meticulous dedication to his fake life
also the fact that ultra magnus believes everything he read on autopedia is amazing lmao
ultra magnus: you think somebody would just go on the internet and tell lies? 
fuckgin love magnus’s long ass name/title placard 
tailgate hvbahjkdfbjhaskf i mean, he’s gotten the abridged version of everything else, of course he would assume that’d be the case here too...but not on magnus’s watch
magnus cant even say ‘fun’ hvukdasdbjfkjsadf i love my uptight law dad
love rung implying that upon questioning, he would easily divulge a patient’s name and maybe even information about said patient’s treatment while under him....love the disregard for patient confidentiality and hipaa in general 
not that hipaa seems to exist here, at least not in a fully realized form 
also i mean the above genuinely, i think rung’s tendency towards at least slight malpractice is very interesting 
poor red alert....super bad luck that HE was the guy to get roped up in that overlord business 
I'm glad that, at the very least, red alert was able to prove that he was Actually hearing something to rung, rather than get brushed off completely 
god magnus and tailgate’s interactions are golden 
also tg is much more sarcastic/quippy than anyone gives him credit for tbh
‘thought warfare,’ ultra magnus says with complete seriousness. god i fucking love this comic
now i can tell pharma apart from ratchet bc pharma has let his true Petty Bitch nature emerge and you can see it in his expressions
the whole ‘tarn is addicted to transforming’ thing didn't really go anywhere, right? i feel like i noticed that on my second readthru as well 
also pharma is such an interesting character given the context of him like, trying to strike a bargain w/the djd to keep them from destroying delphi, but that arrangement inevitably kinda making him lose it as the situation escalates. he’s also just really entertaining bc i feel like he kins the joker or st and probably gets into really heated arguments w/people on twitter about just abt anything
‘sound bomb’ i love this comic
another important facet of pharma’s character becomes clear around this time as well - how he’s really into ratchet. i also choose to read them as awful exes tbh, it makes their dynamic even more entertaining
‘killmaster, with the wand’ is one of my favorite running remarks lmao
also, was killmaster even a character before mtmte? or, if he was, was he an important one? it would crack me up the most if he literally didn't exist at all, but any way you spin it is still funny 
ratchet’s tiny humansona facing off against pharma is wild
‘I'm miles from anyone i truly care about’ brutal, ratchet, drift is dying like 2 floors away (im p sure)
oh don't worry first aid, that sure isn't the last we’ll be seeing of pharma 
so like, did first aid save everyone by posting that data log to his wreckers fan blog or something? lmao love it 
i love the pretty fucked up reveal of ratchet having stolen pharma’s hands. like, damn dude. 
and that wraps up the delphi arc! our first true ‘arc’ of mtmte, and a fantastic one at that. short and snappy and fresh, with some very clever writing and cool new characters, and a lot of great plot threads to be picked up later. plus, we got to see the beginnings of drift and ratchet’s whole thing (and ratchet and pharmas whole thing). and the lost light gets some much needed extra medical staff, so everyone wins! 
well, we’ll see how fort max feels about this all pretty soon.....
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aspenthicket · 5 years
now that i have some time, i’m gonna talk abt my thoughts on Black Friday. It’s below the cut and i should warn y’all that it’s just going to be random trains of thought. there will be criticism, but also lotsa praise! 
overall i liked it, though it’s def far from my favorite musical of theirs. I’d put it level with TTO (which is funny when thinking abt how different they are)
Dylan, as always, steals the show, although everyone was just???? so good. everyone was suited to their roles perfectly and the vocals were A+
don’t get me wrong, I wish Jeff would sing in his lower range more often (like in “America’s Great Again”) because it’s beautiful, but i personally thought he killed the falsettos and that his higher range sounded much stronger than in TGWDLM. especially that one note. you know the one.
i think the decision to heavily focus on so many characters was a poor choice and that’s why the musical feels incomplete. it’s not the vague ending, it’s that we barely got to know the characters to any depth.
on that note, it prob should have stuck to McNamara, Tom, and Lex as main characters (at least based on the beginning) & possibly had McNamara somehow working them instead of the president
honestly i was just not very attached to any of the characters except sorta Tom, and that’s mostly because Dylan could make me cry even if he was singing the phone book
i def agree with people that the superpower reveal sucked and then?? only existed in this musical to give Lex a gun
the creep factor was tight and i was actually a little freaked when the president went into the black and white
the political commentary? the anti-capitalism commentary? beautiful
anyway joey should play villains always. i mean i love him in any role, but he is so good as a villain
also that was, as of now (having seen the show once and not listened to a single song again), the only song to really stand out as one i’ll def listen to more. but it’s typical of me to not love musical’s songs the first time i hear them/grow to love them, so
Jaime was given a, frankly, terrible character to play and i’m lowkey bitter she didn’t get a decent and larger role because she’s soooooo talented
although she had some Iconic lines, i just wasn’t feeling Linda. I mean i adore Lauren, but i remember feeling distinctly disappointed when i realized that Linda would be her main role in the show. she was funny for a scene, but too bland as a villain
so i know the theory is alternate dimensions and all but i cannot stop thinking about the last song seemingly implying groundhog day and the idea that like..... the creatures/aliens/whatever are not only resetting the timeline over and over, but that they’re tweaking “settings” (relationships to one another, for example) and trying different things to control people with. it could be for fun, but what if they just aren’t getting the outcome they want? which is strange, because they won in TGWDLM and the ending to Black Friday is vague.
it’s only a game, i guess it’s only a game, Black Friday is nothing but a—
there’s also the whole “Black Friday is a musical made by the aliens from TGWDLM” theory that, while i don’t like, does make sense given Paul’s singing in the end
no but really, we gotta discuss Paul singing
speaking of the vague ending, i do think our questions will be answered in the next show. but let’s be honest, that doesn’t make the vague ending less disappointing
despite any criticism, i genuinely enjoyed watching it and that’s what matters
personally, less humor didn’t bother me. in fact, outside of Starkid, i usually avoid stuff labeled comedy and prefer drama, including other musicals. I usually prefer drama with a small dose of humor, but never 50/50 (or worse), tho Starkid has always been good about finding a balance. This musical leaned more into my typical preference, but i literally wouldn’t have complained either way! I love that they took a step into trying something a little more serious
I def agree with some people saying the camera was too pulled in at times. i would rather have a static camera just showing the stage than miss out on choreo tbh
Jon as the lawyer was fjdsakfhjfkhsfdjksfhskjf
this show really gave us some Feminist Icons
the TGWDLM references being super obvious and heavy honestly just made them funnier imo. like half of them had no subtlety at all and i love it
“i’ve met god, he had nothing nice to say about you”
maybe if the audience and i both gasp loud enough about emma and paul we can create a portal to another world and go into it
the man in a hurry made me cackle every time tbh
okay but did joey take the apple back
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mvlcolms · 5 years
Tumblr media
*clears throat*  is  this  thing  on  ?  hi  friends  im  mella  !  i  go  by  feminine  pronouns  n  am  19  yrs  of  achy  joints  and  random  migraines  .  basically  19  going  on  107  .  i’m  here  to  introduce  u  to  malcolm  .  fair  warning  tho  ..  he  is  the  worst  .  so  if  u  dont  hate  both  of  us  by  the  end  of  this  ,  feel  free  to  like  this  or  hmu  so  we  can  plot  smth  ? 
❛ welcome  to  new  york  ,  malcolm  hansen  .  your  resemblance  to  herman  tommeraas  is  absolutely  uncanny  .  by  the  looks  of  your  tesla  roadster  ,  we’re  thinking  you’ll  fit  right  in  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty  second  birthday  bash  .  your  chances  of  making  it  in  the  city  are  dicey  since  you’re  unscrupulous  ,  but  being  captivating  gives  you  an  advantage  .  (  cismale  &  he/him  ) 
SO  let  me  introduce  u  to  malcolm  richard  hansen  iii  ,  but  if  u  call  him  anything  other  than  mac  ,  he  prob  will  throw  hands  .  he  comes  from  olllllld  money  ,  nobody  rly  knows  how  the  family  got  rich  initially  but  his  grandpa  (  the  og  malcolm  )  made  even  more  money  by  creating  a  very  successful  record  label  thats  now  rly  dominant  in  the  music  industry  .  his  grandpa  is  currently  79  yrs  old  n  just  recently  stepped  out  as  the  ceo  but  is  still  has   a  lot  of  influence  in  the  company  and  obviously  in  the  family  .  this  might  sound  irrelevant  but  it  will  be  important  later  on  i  promise  .
ok  so  mac  was  born  to  mac  jr  and  a  former  singer  named  tara  michaels  .  they  met  when  she  was  in  the  record  label  building  , for  a  meeting  in  regards  to  a  possible  contract  and  the  rest  was  history  ?  grandpa  hated  tara  and  made  no  secret  of  his  opinions  abt  her  .  basically  he  thought  she  was  a  golddigger  (  she  was  )  and  his  son  was  stupid  (  also  true  )  ,  and  even  refused  to  attend  their  wedding ceremony .  needless  to  say  ,  as  soon  as  they  got  married  ,  the  couple  left  sunny  california  n  settled  down  in  chicago  .
mac  was  his  first  male  grandchild  tho  ,  n  even  if  he  hated  his  mother  n  resented  his  dads  stupidity  ,  mac  was  kinda  like  his  golden  child  .  so  senior  kinda  stole  his  grandson  ?  not  rly  but  he  did  keep  him  in  la  every  summer  n  holidays  ,  when  he  wasnt  in  school  in  chicago  .
so  mac  rly  looked  up  to  his  grandpa  growing  up  even  if  he  also  thought  he  was  an  asshole  ?  they  werent  super  close  but  had  a  lot  of  respect  for  each  other  ,  n  mac  much  preferred  spending  his  time  with  og  mac  than  with  mac  jr  n  his  ma   (  oh  boy  this  is  bound  to  get  confusing  )  .  but  yea  ,  his  grandpa  was  a  huge  influence  on him  while  growing  up  ,  which  was  mayhaps  not  a  good  idea  .
once  he  graduated  high  school  ,  his  grandpa  told  him  that  he  wanted  him  to  run  the  company  in  his  dads  place  bc  he  wasnt  leaving  a  multibillion  dollar  company  for  that  doofus  ,  but  sneaky  old  mac  told  him  that  there  were  terms  to  this  development  .  mac  would  get  the  company  once  he  retired  ,  but  since  his  father  had  been  such  a  dumb  fuck  ,  he  would  only  get  the  company  n  his  money  ,  if  he  married  a  woman  approved  by  the  senior  before  he  kicked  the  bucket  .  mac  threw  an  absolute  fit  ,  but  eventually  came  to  the  conclusion  that  he’d  rather  marry  someone  for  convenience  than  be  poor  for  the  rest  of  his  life  .  which  tbh  so  would  i  .
ENTER  ARRANGED  FIANCÉE  .  they’ve  been  engaged  for  about  two  yrs  now  but  no  one  is  in  any  rush  for  the  actual  marriage  .  the  deal  was  that  they  only  had  to  do  it  before  senior  died  ,  n  since  he’s  in  pretty  much  perfect  help  ,  the  duo  is  just  biding  their  time  .  mac  moved  to  nyc  to  live  w/  the  fiancée  ,  but  as  of  now  ,  they  r  pretty  much  just  roommates  atm  .  so  yeah  basically  thats  how  mac  ended  up  in  this  moment  in  his  life  lmao  . 
in  regards  to  his  personality  ,  mac  is  pretty  much  a  mini  version  of  malcolm  senior  .  he’s  v  confident  (  cocky  )  n  has  a  LOT  of  trouble  trying  to  view  life  by  any  other  point  of  view  than  his  own  .  very  selfish  and  honestly  not  a  guy  u  can  put  ur  trust  in  ?  he’s  not  like  a  super  asshole  or  anything  ,  is  in  fact  rly  charming  n  can  be  a  great  person  to  hang  out  w/  but  if  you’re  his  best  friend  n  he  feels  like  he  can  get  away  w/  hooking  up  w  your  mom  ? 12/10  will  do  it  .
is  mad  into  parties  ?  always  hanging  out  in  the  hottest  spots  w  all  different  kinds  of  ppl  until  the  sun  is  comin  up  .  he  has  weird  views  when  it  comes  to  dating  which  is  lowkey  for  is  kinda  an  asshole  who  gives  no  fucks  n  usually  ends  up  being  hated  by  his  exes  .
but  he’s  also  a  super  fun  guy  to  be  around  !!  will  always  be  down  for  a  good  time  n  do  his  best  to  cheer  u  everyone  around  him  .  u  r  always  going  to  be  entertained  around  him  there  isnt  even  a  choice  .
he  works  on/off  for  the  record  label  ,  mostly  monitoring  bigger  artists  n  such  because  we  love  nepotism  around  here  friends  ,  but  he  also  does  music  every  once  in  a  while  ?  its  not  frequent  ,  n  he  mostly  writes  songs  for  other  artists  , but  he  has  previously  released  an  album  n  scored  a  couple  of  #1s  .  i  pretty  much  think  of  his  vc  n  style  as  bazzi’s  ,  but  he’s  definitely  not  super  active  as  a  singer .
so  far  this  is  pretty  much  it  for  mac  .  i’m  still  working  on  him  a   little  ,  but  this  is  an  alright  outline  of  his  for  now  .  i’m  gonna  list  some  possible  connections  but  those  are  gonna  be  pretty  basic  .  feel  free  to  hmu  in  my  ims  or  on  discord   (  mella is lost #1597  )  where  i  am  p  much  all  the  time  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  bomb  ideas ?
someone  whos  signed  to  the  label  n  they  connected  through  it  ?  could be  all  kinds  of  stuff  actually  .  
best  friends  bc  even  demons  need  those  every  once  in  a  while  .
exes  ,  all  kinds  of  them  but  mostly  bad  terms  bc  mac  is  the  worst  .
pretty  much  all  the  fwbs  no  strings   attached  things  specially  if  they  come  w/  angst   . 
hype  friends  who  r  always  there  to  have  a  good  time  w  each  other  .
first  love  type  of  thing  ?
skinny  love  that  will  never  work  ?
i  cant  think  of  anything  else  ?  pls  dont  give  up  on  me  tho  n  like  this  thing  or hmu  for plots  bye !!!
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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yunhycran-blog · 6 years
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( the cuteST )
for once i don’t have a long ass spiel typed before introducing myself, imagine that ! hey i’m kat, i’m 20, canadian, and uh, i’m rly pulling this stunt again huh !! bc of lo siento fucking me up, i’m giving this brat one last shot in the group rp realm rather than pick up a new muse ( i am.. v convinced i kill or ruin rps by presence alone but with her ?? it’s tenfold so fingers crossed GKSKGKSL ) i’m just.. rly attached to her ok. 
i’m a uni student and in love with sowoo if that wasn’t already obvious, plus i’m 90% sure at least a quarter of you have seen me use hyeran before so this shouldn’t be a surprise to you SDKGJGKLDFS. you can find extras abt her — including stats — HERE, hmu on d*scord if you’d like ( STREAM LO SIENTO !!#2030 ) and with that, i’ll shut up and ( re ?? perhaps ? dfgjslkg ) introduce you to this brat !
` +⬦・゚——— SHE/HER, PANSEXUAL — YUN HYERAN is said get mistaken for JEON SOMIN on campus all the time. they are TWENTY-TWO and about to go into their SENIOR YEAR. rumour has it they’re majoring in MUSIC COMPOSITION and came all the way from DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA. their roommate says they’re EBULLIENT & RESOLUTE but also SELF-CRITICAL & CIRCUMSPECT. ( kat, 20, gmt-3:30, and she/her  )
yun hyeran, a daegu native with an older and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
tbh this is a copied intro from a few months back that i tweaked a bit for the rp, and i don’t have the time to perfectly incorporate much of her bg, so you can check out all of that HERE
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older brother, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her brother’s still exists, albeit barely. he’s a bit of a toxic influence on her, or at least that’s how she perceives it, and she tends to distance herself from him
would visit jeju island when she was younger bc her aunt lived there
she adores said aunt, her dad’s sister and the maternal figure she Deserves, so overall jeju holds a special place in her heart
went to uni in seoul to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) but transferred to busan u after some.. shit and her own feelings ? anyways she was content when she settled here and soon found her way into the world of production !! by junior year, she’d transferred out of her original program and majored in that instead and has loved it ever since
for the time being, she works full-time as a barista at a café off-campus
she’s also making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music, something she’s had for abt a year now
she’s not even close to making it big yet ofc, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
this is so short since i took out a bit from when she was recent uni grad!hyeran so, pardon that sgkljgskfld
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s a very loyal person, v e r y. while like i said ( and will elaborate on in her bio ), her relationship with her brother is Not Great, she hasn’t completely given up on him. maybe for the time being — by that i mean another two years or so ?? LJSKSDFGJ my baby’s still hurt by his bullshit so — but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line, leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind if he does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little naive and is a p gentle soul ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
don’t confuse that with her being v forgiving, weak, etc, etc. she’s a soft bitch, p vulnerable too ngl but.. she’s not that Dumb sdljfkg
speaking of vulnerable, she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
spontaneous tbh, transferring to busan was a little last minute on her part, for one
she’s a bit reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? those first few points above mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
v strong overall, takes people’s shit and if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast. doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
positive, ugh. maybe not sickeningly sweet, but.. still dgklsf
don’t confuse that with optimism tho, bc she’s a bit of a defensive pessimist deep down, with her optimistic side always trying to overpower it
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone
has a good understanding of english, her mom’s an american national so she grew up with it being spoken in the house at times
prob speaks it better than i speak french ( and uh, i studied that for almost ten fucking years with a shit end result on that end of things LKSDFGJGDKF ), but still wouldn’t consider herself fluent
.. i would tho js
plays piano and bass guitar, but knows her way around a flute and tenor sax ( you don’t know how tempted i was to say clarinet as an homage to jiwoo gjflkgds )
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten back in daegu ( i’m shit with pet names so if lucy sounds lacklustre.. you know why rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses somin wears a lot ?? hyeran wears them too but.. actually needs them for reading and especially while she’s working on shit on her laptop, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, just a bit, but god help her nonetheless
her favourite subject in hs was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks at the café, even took up a couple of courses since attending uni
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic but.. i’ve gotta get myself together for the day so this’ll do for now i hope ??
so if you’d like to plot, im me here or on d*scord ! i prefer the latter personally, but whichever’s easiest for you. i have a list of a few of the specific wcs i have in mind ( for the time being, catch my lazy ass avoiding listing all the basic ones and revising a few i have on an old blog ) for hyeran up now, which you can find here, so just lmk if any of them appeal to you !!
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tyrellis · 7 years
Tbh! I identify as bi but I went on a couple dates with a boy this week and I’ve been feeling so sick like actually nauseous about it! Just generally not good even tho he was really nice and funny. And then just now I saw that post u reblogged and I feel so much better thinking I can be a lesbian like I feel like I just breathed such a sigh of relief u know??
oh my goodness ik exactly what u mean ! lmao ive never gone out w a boy but ive kissed a few, and both times i was fairly drunk and like immediately regretted it the day after. like the 2nd time the boy kept texting me back and i ended up ghosting him bc i had no idea what to do. but like its been 2?? weeks of id’ing as a lesbian and it rly is like...a sigh of relief. like calling myself a lesbian and thinking of my future in terms of only women (and women-aligned nbs obvs!) to kiss or date or marry is like....refreshing? and incredibly freeing ive found? when i id’d as bi i was super chill and didnt rly care abt coming out properly to ppl and it was just another part of me, but id’ing as lesbian is like...everyone has to know! how wonderful it is to be a lesbian! how exciting !!
but yea anon if u think ur a lesbian like i would defs try out the label for a while and if as u say it makes u feel better than like...u probs r one? it can be weird to let go of being bi, and of like....Thinking abt men Like That in general, but it is so Good to walk past a man and just think like...never. not a chance. he doesn’t matter to me aslkdjaslkda. and obvs u can still be attracted?? or drawn? to fictional men and still be a lesbian. like that specifically is comforting to me as like. i am in love with finn from star wars but thats bc he’s a lesbian ally.
laksjdlakdaskal anyway basically ik exactly how ur feeling lol bc it was like 5 yrs of id’ing as bi, and this past yr thinking that i might be a lesbian but Unfortunately I Am Attracted To Men :/ and only now have i been able to like embrace being a lesbian and just...so many more things abt me make sense. if u want more clarification, i would check out some sapphic/lesbian positivity blogs on here and see if any discussions r helpful. figuring out ur a lesbian is rly hard for some ppl so its gud to read a lot and try and see if anything applies to urself (eg comp het, id’ing as ace bc u dont feel attracted to men, etcetc). ANYWAY i hope that was helpful or at least relevant.... if anything i at least totally understand what u mean abt id’ing as a lesbian being a ‘sigh of relief’ lol so !
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leonbastralle · 7 years
(not yet a miracle but one day) ficus!! 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 24, 27 (lmao), 32, 39, 46!! sorry i chose a shitton
ficus is absolutely the miraclest miracle even tho hell never take that name so he counts (i kinda wanted to be asked abt him most tbh) SO THANK YOU also no sorries, im sorry for this clusterfuck that probably doesnt make any sense and also for taking so long!
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?idk how to best put it but…hes generally v unhappy with his situation and everything that comes from it (unemployment and work shit and all) at this point he has no idea what hell b doing the next day (not that he knows what hes doing at all) but…hes definitely able to hide that well until he gets back home, so…no. no exploiting. snowdrift could, at a certain point, but…he no longer wants to.03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?he likes his hair (i think thats obvious) but hes also ok with his general appearance like…the amount of muscle and that shit04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)ok physical he rly likes snowdrifts curls (i swear theyre just rly soft i just Know) and his lil dootworthy nose and his delicate pianist fingers, character traits would be…how hes able to feel (and show) such intense emotions abt a lot of things, his thirst for knowledge and just general curiosity and how persistent and stubborn he is (all traits that ficus lacks) also later on how hes just willing to…give so much to a person who only seems to have been taking from him? just honest strong support when he needs it most, so probably like…how he was willing to set all the shit aside when it got serious? is that a trait? probablyBONUS snowdrift for ficus: snowdrift too loves that one single curl that ficus has (i know i keep saying that), his nose, his lips (snowdrift dies at those lips especially combined with that stupidly good voice), probably also his abs and butt and…maybe…his neck? XD there is A LOT. for character traits…at first he doesnt rly see the true ficus but he knows there HAS to be more to it which is part of what attracts him, all the mysteries for him to solve, and though the whole im tough and strong and cool and know just how to drive you mad in any possible way is super attractive to him, when he rly knows who he fell in love with its like…hes so overwhelmed by how dAMN SOFT THIS BOY IS and he just thinks its so beautiful that hes so complex and ajsfbakjsfnaksd im gonna actually tear up snowdrift probably does too? also his persistence when it comes to snowdrift and how supportive/protective he is of him despite his softness and own shit i guess? and how smart he is (u bet theres dirty talk in latin happening i die)05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?tough toUGH TOUGH like sure…he definitely starts out super shy because the poker face?? its just that the boy knows nOTHING about love and then this shitbag of a first breaks his heart but…generally i wouldnt necessarily use shy as a label since…he did absolutely enjoy that intense power showoff that was early snowdrifticus (until snowdrift found out how to neutralise him oops, it was mostly just the joy of finally getting him to shut up…about work stuff) but in the end when everythings said and done hes still a soft subby marshmallow at heart (imagine this said like spooky scary skeletons because i do for some reason?) also this was a lot more than what the q said and maybe i also completely blew it but…yeah08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?he would probably say that his biggest flaw is that hes still existing or some…really bad stuff like that, so no hes definitely not rly aware…at least hes rly good at focusing on some things and completely ignoring the other? but to answer question one…probably this exactly? how hes throwing himself so deep into all the self pity and negative stuff and just being like…pls swallow me but also…i rly cant blame him for that. just like the whole thing of putting on such an extreme show because thats just a) him trying to show that hes strong and scary so nobody will see how vulnerable he is but at the same time also exploiting that huge difference between actually being vulnerable but acting completely different? its just such an Experience and i definitely blame him for needing this extreme stuff so much?? but that again is just a way to feel smth else than sad iTS ALL CONNECTED IDK10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?depends on how you define femininity or masculinity? sure hes…v emotional and marshmallowy deep down and he spends a LONG time grooming his hair but i aint abt those stereotypes xD he has a rly damn good dark voice and som abs and a pretty masculine face and his poker face/power trip self is definitely condensed masculinity (esp with all that testosterone cause snowdrift tension bless the boys)24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?an infuriatingly attractive idiot? xD and the worst pighead he knows (he admires that tho) and also he thinks snowdrift has the most angelic face eSP LIKE U KNO IN DIM LIGHT PRESSED AGAINST A PILLOW OR SOM SHIT but he would never ever say that out loud27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?mURDER it would…probably be because he took his whole police game one step too far??32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?ficus isnt one to leave the house much if he doesnt have to…he turned into a true hermit during his vamp years even tho he actually DOESNT burn in the sun…but if anything, hed want to go somewhere absolutely deserted, in the late evening or at night mAYBE THE BEACH CAUSE SYMBOLISM or just a hill with a nice view that isnt light blue and full of moles. hed be absolutely ok with having a lil picnic and just cuddling and talking and taking things in? thats the worst cheese i know39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?what ppl assume by ficus appearance works very well with his poker face self because like…theyll probably think hes very collected but also sharp and probably pretty evil and could definitely murder you in your sleep and thats absolutely what hes trying to convey and what hes acting out so…no the assumption isnt correct at all, behind all the snark hides a (still snarky) v bitter v sad vamp who just wants to b held in various ways46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?tbh snowdrift is a lot more abt random affection than ficus? ficus does give a lot of temple kisses tho.
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ghost-of-a-girl · 5 years
Its been awhile since I've been active on this blog except for the occasional reblog every now and then. This is my safe place to use as a mental health/illness related outlet. However, things have... Changed.
- For awhile I questioned my gender. I had always accepted I was a cis girl and later that I was bi (or pan, but I prefer bi).
At some point in September Eli made a joke abt me being a trans boy and that got us talking abt how he had noticed the things I had said over the years abt presenting and genitalia without much thought abt what it meant. I thought abt the time I had been mistaken for a guy and how good that felt.
He fully embraced me figuring this out and even bought me a rather expensive realistic packer and answered any questions I had abt presenting. I still wasn't sure how to label it. Bigender seemed to make the most sense as I did, at times, feel like a girl even tho during those months I totally felt like a boy. I also didnt want to try hormones (tho facial hair would've been cool) or surgery as my body seemed easy enough to disguise (except for my height, lol. 5' for the win) and I could get away with just a sports bra and loose shirt and I actually love my body now- especially after my hips and breasts have finally developed now that my body has been out of starvation mode for 2+ years. But...
- I've recently found out it hasn't been just me. There are two others, maybe three, that I know of, also sharing this body. I'm working on getting a diagnosis (my guess is a form of OSDD as I'm sure I'm usually co-con and have only mild childhood (there were a few years I had completely forgotten trauma but a couple years of flashbacks kindly reminded me 🙃) and recent amnesia) and I really wish I had done it sooner. Ive been curious abt it but always pushed it away as "attention seeking" and didnt try to reach out to who might be there.
Now that I have... I realize poor James has been my voice of reason at certain times and I've been extremely rude and ignored him bc I always assumed they were my own thoughts. We talk a lot now. I only get minor headaches from our communication and we Haven't tried bringing him any closer to the front like we've done with the little (she actually kinda just does that by herself now that she knows it ok... She drains me, esp when she throws a fit but tbh, its 100% worth it and I love her) and already I've been a lot happier and made huge improvements in my life that have been issues for years.
Based on his name and appearance (his first way of making himself known was getting me to sketch his hair before describing what the inner world looked like already and why I was stuck where I was) I think he's been around for quite some time but either he's not sure how long or our communication still needs improvement.
Because of this I'm wondering if those months when I felt very masculine were him bleeding through, trying to help me while I rapidly declined.
- Eli and I broke up the day after Valentine's day and I have no other friends to talk to and my family isn't exactly trusted with this sort of thing. Any of it.
The URL of this blog is a line from a poem I wrote in long term in 2015-2016. ("Coward in a pillbox, ghost of a girl") I feel like I should change it but I'm not sure what to change it to. I'm more confused abt my gender identity than ever now, esp with how I seem to be mostly co-con with James and I still want him to be comfortable when he's closer to the front for long periods of time. Idk. This is all super new.
I might make a separate post describing how I discovered them and my time processing and accepting that it was real (James is very good at patiently arguing my denial, which I appreciate 💖)
So ye. I guess thats an update. Sorry its so long.
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