#(<-does not really remember what tags are useful for helping things show up the tumblr algorithm is fake word of mouth Only)
aseuki · 5 months
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Hi all! To celebrate 1k followers (fun number!! Woo!!), I decided to put together a fun little dtciys/raffle! Draw either of my little guys, and who knows, I might end up drawing one of yours!
Rules, details, and more under the cut! 👇
Both Stell and Phemus have references, gijinka references, and their own dedicated tag. Feel free to draw what your heart tells you! Stell: Ref / Gijinka / Tag Phemus: Ref / Gijinka / Tag
There is no floor or cap for skill. If you need to know anything about me, it's that I love promoting the arts! If you were thinking about trying but felt intimidated, consider this your encouragement to give it a shot, I would love to see what you make!
Please keep the content PG-13 at maximum.
Should you choose to participate, please @ me or my art blog in your post so that I may see! 👀
You are welcome to draw one or both of the characters, but raffle entries will be limited to 1 per person.
The raffle winner will be able to request either a halfbody or chibi of their character of choice. (Most Kirby OCs/characters will be eligible as well!)
The deadline to enter for the raffle has been extended to June 23. I will draw and contact the winner on June 24th. This gives a whole month!
Thank you again for all the follows! And I hope you have fun if you decide to give this a shot! ✌
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utilitycaster · 11 months
(Long ask warning)
Hello! I'm jumping on the appreciation train to say thank you so much for all of your meta and analysis! I just found your blog today, and you've already given me so much clarity and context for things I've been noticing in the CR fandom lately.
I quite literally spent my summer living under a rock (in the woods leading spelunking for scouts!) and so was completely out of the loop from early June through September. And while I am not yet caught up (I'm about to start ep. 65), I have been going through the tags and ao3, because I primarily engage with fandom through fic and I don't care about spoilers. And I can't help but notice that everything being written for c3 lately is just... monochromatic. The Hells have such interesting characters and premises. One would think they're ripe for creative and interesting fic. And yet even what little gen fic that I have seen since returning to civilization has largely been boiled down to reiterative mush with vaguely shippy overtones. I can totally see this being indicative of the cresting and waning of the Imodna and Callowmore shipping you've been discussing.
I've gotta ask though, is it really just shipping that is causing this problem? Or is there something else in the source material that you think could be affecting fic in particular?
This is the first time I've been in a fandom with ongoing source material in over a decade. I'm used to watching people beat dead horses in their own little corner, safe in the knowledge that I can block them and it isn't going to affect my experience in the slightest. I guess I'm just having a hard time believing/remembering that shipping can be this incidious.
So a couple of things: first, I was not heavily involved in fandom until Critical Role; I have a decent amount of background knowledge from being on Tumblr and because I do tend to look into/research this kind of thing because it's very interesting to me, but you will probably have better snapshot of what fandom looked like 10 years ago than I do. Second, fanfic has always been a tiny aspect of what I've engaged with and I do find the bulk of it to be dull and samey (which is why it is a tiny aspect), so again, you probably are a better judge of the quality of fanfic elsewhere.
With that said, as part of a much larger discussion of which I only have as mentioned pieces of the puzzle, I do think there's been a shift over the past decade or so of like...people expecting the source material to reflect fanfic-y desires, and resenting it when it does not; people not seeing the point in enjoying non-canon ships; and a broader theme of self-infantilization. This has to a small extent spilled over into published fiction, though thankfully there's plenty that isn't that. It's not just shipping (though that absolutely can be insidious to the point that people have been harassed and doxxed over it); I think it's a general taste for pablum that has been growing within fandom spaces.
I'll link a few posts I've made and a source that, while I cannot vouch for it per se I did read and found enlightening at the end but I think a really indicative example as of late was the fandom response to the show Good Omens (spoilers for Good Omens S2 in the next link if you are by any chance avoiding those). Obviously do not do anything obnoxious to the person who wrote this question, but there are a worrying number of people in fandom spaces who believe this unironically and uncritically: fiction exists to "save us from hurtful reality." And I do understand that the tumultuous politics and world events of the past decade are probably a factor; but I mean, have you looked at literature from the first half of the 20th century (or like. the second half, for that matter)? It is, in my opinion, only going to help put our modern world and issues in better context and honestly make you feel better in the long run if you read, say, The Great Gatsby or The Things They Carried instead of burying your head in lower case song lyrics ... (hurt/comfort, fix-it, happy ending, 6k) and like, to be clear, I have written a small portion of lower case song lyric-titled fics myself but most of them aren't terribly happy, and even so, god I'd be horrified if that was all people were reading.
We've seen it across fandom at large with the polls; I have not watched season 2 of Our Flag Means Death in part because I've realized with horror that this mentality has swept, plague-like, through that fandom; people are acting like having a canon queer ship on a small premium cable show in 2022 is world-changing and unprecedented while also kind of ignoring everything that isn't the central ship (including valid criticisms of how this takes a real-world plantation owner and turns him into a goofy fop, how there's precious few female characters and none in the main cast, and how the actually far more groundbreaking nb character is pushed aside in favor of the core M/M ship). Spoilers for Good Omens again (sorry in advance, Good Omens 2 was a realization point for me how deeply and widely this rot has set in in some places and I have a bunch of sources of people being like "guys stories require conflict and tension to be good" in response to the overwrought moaning that the story wasn't unambiguously happy) but this is another author responding to the "the desired endpoint of all fiction is obviously to have your ship living in a small house together in bliss and anything else is torment" mentality.
In addition to shipping another factor is, I think, people overidentifying with characters and as such being reluctant to actually put them through any sort of hardship, however minor. I recently reblogged a post about the origin of the concept "Mary Sue" and it led me to read a bit about its history, because it was in fact created by women. It was a woman in the Star Trek fandom who was sick of spending money to buy fanzines (pre-common home internet, let alone pre-Ao3) only to find the vast majority of the stories to be this "here is my self-insert who is perfect and beautiful and pure and every other character thinks she is the greatest even if that's entire OOC". It was a frustration with the abandonment of the characterizations in the original work. And that's true today - I have read a popular Imogen and Laudna fluff fic to see what the deal was and it stripped out so much of their premises and characterizations it was unrecognizeable as them but for the hair colors and occasional cringeworthy attempts to replicate Southern US dialect - but what was notable is that those people were at least being honest and writing OCs (though to be fair a lot of them were also young white teen girls and the only woman in TOS was black and that was probably also a factor). Now, you get people who cannot tolerate any analysis of characters that is less than flattering because instead of having an OC, they are identifying so strongly with, for example, Imogen or Ashton, that they cannot separate out the real character or understand this is not an attack on them (or, to be blunt, as someone who sees some of my own worse traits in both those characters, a necessary critique). It's not shipping, but it is that same "fiction should only ever be a soft blanket or a flattering mirror, never a dark mirror and certainly never a door" mentality.
I do place a little blame on fanfiction itself; I think having something that is roughly made to order and tells you exactly what it is up front means people start to think that is the only way, and that's why we have people claiming Chipotle is the height of cuisine while making gagging noises at the authentic Mexican restaurant except for fiction. I think fanfiction can be great; it's fun to write and I have read some great pieces. But a lot of it is mush and formulaic and as that Mary Sue history points out, always has been.
So anyway, to Bells Hells: I think past campaigns also had a lot of dull fanfiction; I think the Nein lent themselves more to poorly written angst than poorly written fluff but yeah a lot of that was really samey and bland in its own way. Fanfiction has always been formulaic to a degree but I think we're starting to see the generation of people who really have read more of that than like, books, and sure there are shitty books, but man there's a LOT of shitty fanfiction, and increasingly, I find that shitty published books are bad because they're too much like fanfiction. [If I get the chance today I have a post I want to write about the ignorance of fantasy tropes in the current fandom which I think is also driving some of this and which I alluded to in my post about shipping; like, I feel the almost automatic but oddly thought-free resistance to gods and fate and the 'right' way to respond to a tragic backstory comes from this ignorance; this also is a case in the D20 fandom when they've dipped into sci fi.] Shipping definitely is a factor, and I think again C3 has an influx of fans primarily here to ship in that "my ship must become canon and must 'win' for some arbitrary definition thereof" which is probably why so much of the fanfic sucks, but again, this is a larger self-infantilizing and entitled mentality that goes beyond mere ships.
Further reading (mostly my own posts but not exclusively)
The fandom echo chamber (also Good Omens spoilers in a broad sense), not by me
Some discussion on queerphobia being inserted only as a tool to assist with specific shipping narratives (I think this ties in again to like. people need obstacles to justify why the characters aren't already in their cottage by the sea but once the characters are together they discard these obstacles even if they are systemic and would still exist, which makes for really bad fanfic bc it's clearly poorly plotted and thought out)
Me on why this campaign isn't good for shipping but a lot of the fandom showed up primarily to ship (might be the post that prompted this ask tbf)
Fandom monocropping (not my post)
My treatise on Imogen and Laudna specifically which honestly, even now that they are canon, still largely holds up re: the fandom and a related one about similarly fluff-centric Change is Evil and the highest order of fiction is Two Blorbos In A House With Zero Problems mentality (not by me but I've been part of that discussion)
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x6
First, it looks like tumblr refused to actually let my non-spoiler post be in the tags so here is the link: deeper dive 2x6: eyes without pity; hopefully this post will show up in the tags!
Not only is this one going to have spoilers for all the aired episodes plus any teasers (including the trailer for episode 7), it will also have book spoilers through book 14: A Memory of Light
"A few weeks ago I considered hitting Renna over the head with that pitcher, and I could not pour wash water for three days. Once I’d thought of it that way, I not only had to stop thinking about hitting her with it, I had to convince myself I would never, under any circumstances, hit her with it before I could touch it again. She knew what had happened, told me what I had to do, and would not let me wash anywhere except with that pitcher and bowl."
It is a little stunning how the show was able to take that paragraph and make this heartbreaking episode using it as the spine. And by changing it from a wash bowl into a water pitcher, they made it even more of a fundamental torture because Egwene is literally being dehydrated until she gives in to her abuser's demands.
Which, her mention of 'weeks ago' (Egwene is damane for roughly two or three months in the books) is making me wonder about the timeline in the show. Because we were visually shown the brutality of the 'training' process already, I wonder if the timeline is going to be shortened, or if we're going to get a timeskip of some kind next episode. Because Rand is definitely not interested in waiting around for weeks now that he knows Egwene is in captivity, even if he doesn't know the full extend of what's happened to her.
Also, double-checking the books, Egwene hits Renna in the stomach with the pitcher and doesn't hit her over the head like I had remembered; hitting her over the head was what she had thought about but never did. Maybe she'll get to brain her in the show.
2. Note: Renna may be wrong when she says that any pain a sul'dam feels, her damane feels twice-over even to the death, because in the last book when Min comes to rescue Mat and (ugh) Tuon, there is a damane attached to a dead sul'dam. And Min just... leaves her to die in a fire instead of saving her because book!Min kinda sucks but, yeah (she actually screams at the damane to help even though she should know it's impossible for her to help while she's still leashed). Though I wonder if Renna is actually correct but the implication is wrong -- which is that the damane does feel the full pain of the sul'dam's death (twice-over) but just doesn't necessarily die as a result of it.
3. The show is really really evoking book!Tuon in both the characters of Renna and Suroth in this episode, I have to say. Renna makes a point of saying she's a ~kinder softer~ sul'dam because she believes in cultivating a ~friendship~ with her damane and that's basically exactly how Tuon presents herself and her relationships with her ~well-behaved~ damane. And then later in the episode, we get Suroth's scene where she purposefully mocks and degrades Loial for her own amusement, evoking... well, Tuon in many moments tbh -- she laughs at Mat like this frequently in CoT & KoD, because she sees him as her own personal court jester -- but definitely the moment when Tuon steals Egeanin's name from her.
It's... it's an interesting thing because I also feel like the show has deliberately evoked book!Min in some of Lanfear's characterization changes, mostly when she was playing Selene -- pretending that she doesn't want a romantic relationship with Rand but desperately wanting one; pretending that she's not jealous about the other people he cares about but actually being incredibly jealous; trying to make herself his emotional anchor and the one person that he depends on; using their connection to get him to do things for her that he doesn't want to do (in Min's case, it's about using sex to get Rand to take her into dangerous situations, like the fake!DotNM meeting that ends up with Rand losing his hand while trying to protect Min). And taking characteristics that belonged to 'love interest' characters in the books and giving them to villains is... an interesting choice.
4. Is Lanfear questioning Rand near Shayol Ghul in TAR (that large blasted area) or is she just dramatic?
5. Turak's room of curiosities... I really wonder if we're going to sub in the Stone of Tear's storage room from TSR to Turak's room of curiosities and if there is a twisted stone doorway in there. That would give us a chance to do (some parts of) the beginning of TSR in 3x1 next season by having Mat, Rand, and Moiraine potentially all going into the doorway.
@markantonys was talking about how it was interesting that Min's romance viewing didn't come up in her scenes this season and speculated that the show is hedging its bets somewhat with regards to how much time they'll get to play out the storylines. And wondering that if that's the case for Rand's Situation, then it might end up being the case for Mat as well, and the show might hold back on the marriage prophecy (because if s4 or s5 ends up being the final season, they might not want to have to deal with squishing in Mat marrying some random slaver that we just met a handful of episodes ago). Definitely interesting to think about!
I personally love the idea that Avirandlayne could all get together without the viewers actually having heard about Min's viewing (besides the little hint of it we got in s1).
I do wonder sometimes if Jordan regretting sowing Mat's marriage prophecy in so early once the book series really started to stretch out, because it really handcuffed him to a very specific Mat plotline and some of the authorial choices that Jordan made to shackle Mat to that plotline were... very weird and involved characters behaving very strangely to their normal behavior (I have an entire post at the end of my WH reread where I go over how WTF some of Jordan's writing choices were to 'justify' Mat going on his road trip with Tuon).
6. I know that some people take issue with Alanna, Maksim, and Ihvon confronting Lan over potentially being a Darkfriend but... as Pevara says in A Crown of Swords, “You were very brave coming to me, Seaine. I’ve known Darkfriends to kill brothers, sisters, parents, to try hiding who they are and what they’ve done. I love you for it, but you were very brave indeed.”
Holding Lan above suspicion because of his background seems like it would have been foolish for Alanna & co to do, after having found that poem in his belongings. After he and Moiraine have been doing secretive journeys together for twenty years, very soon after Moiraine herself changed to be much colder and much more isolated from her fellow Sisters (especially since she and Siuan likely 'broke up' at that time).
I do think that book readers were potentially so distracted by wondering whether or not Alanna was going to get Lan's bond that they didn't necessarily realize that he was being covertly interrogated all of episode 4 by her and her two Warders, trying to figure out what Moiraine is doing and why she dumped Lan this way. I didn't look at the storyline like that on my first viewing because I was looking at it as a Lan plotline, but on my rewatch, it was actually very clear that Alanna, Maksim, and Ihvon were all trying to get information from Lan in various ways to try to figure out what's up with him and Moiraine. Alanna doesn't want Lan's bond; she wants his secrets.
7. More eye trauma for Mat in Rand's dream here. Both Nynaeve and Rand give Mat eye trauma foreshadowing in their visions, which does imply to me that the show wants to do the 'Finn plotline.
8. "You can travel too, see the world as it really is." hmm, I almost wonder if Rand is going to do what Egwene did in LoC, and use TAR to get to Falme quickly? (but then how do Moiraine, Lan, & Mat all come too? hmm. Might just be set up for a later season)
9. My constant emotional surprise when Randgwene keeps being a thing even though we haven't gotten to the part in the books where they break up For Real: my own personal toxic book reader trait, lol.
10. We once again have it kinda being hammered into Rand that going off entirely on his own and abandoning the people that he loves is a bad thing, actually. It's very very difficult to see the show ending in the same place that the books did, because "Rand off on his own and emotionally isolated" is definitely being shown as a negative.
(of course, it was mostly treated as a bad thing in the books too, until it's suddenly Rand's happy ending. but the show has the advantage of already knowing the journey they need to take to the ending, so I feel like they wouldn't be pressing this button so hard if they planned to end it the same way -- plus, this Rand doesn't even smoke pipes, which was really just Jordan, known pipe-smoker, stapling that trait onto every single male character in the series, no matter what their culture)
11. I really hope that the show is able to find some excuses to let more character reunions happen in the show than happened in the books because the idea of Mat and Rand splitting up in s4 for their respective narratives and then not seeing each other until they get one single scene in s8 is absolutely excruciating. My biggest disappointment with the Sanderson books...
...okay, no the biggest disappointment was Mat magically teleporting to Ebou Dar with zero explanation in the text of how it happened or why he changed his entire set of character motivations in between ToM & AMoL.
One of my disappointments was how... hollow the Mat & Rand reunion was. It happened on enemy territory, while Mat was still in full 'fawn over the slaver' mode and hadn't yet gotten his spine back, and it ends in this weird bro-out one-up competition that didn't really match their previous relationship in the books at all. So if the show could just... do all that differently... that would be great.
12. I wonder if Rafe & co noticed the same thing about Rand and Mat that I noticed in my last reread -- which is that their lives kinda drastically go downhill once the plot forces them to separate for the rest of the book series. Because we really see them being a source of comfort and support for each other here. Which is also very true in portions of the book series -- I think especially of moments like Mat quietly sitting with Rand after Rhuidean, which is literally exactly what Rand needs at that moment in time.
13. So, my current theory re: Mat and the dagger viewing is that he is going to essentially be the 'proof' for show-onlys that Min's viewings are unavoidable. Because Mat does not want to stab Rand and he even knows now that there's (essentially) a prophecy that he's going to do just that. And Mat stabbing Rand anyway, even though he actively does not want to and does his best to avoid it, would serve as a harsh lesson for the viewers and for Mat himself that prophecy cannot be avoided (my money is still on compulsion from Ishy, but we will see!).
Which is relevant to Mat's arc in a lot of ways. In the books, it was really frustrating how he thinks about how he'll run away from the DotNM if he finds out who she is but then once he's face to face with her, he basically rolls over and caves to fate pretty much instantly.
He didn't have to take Tuon with him when he escaped Ebou Dar. He didn't have to stay with the circus once he'd left the city; he literally could have just walked away from her and yet he inexplicably actively courts someone that he never, at any point, wants to marry (even after the final vows are said, Tuon's slave Karede notes how Mat looks miserably resigned to his awful fate), and fawns over her despite her being basically the lovechild of Suroth and Renna, in terms of characterization (Suroth's Mean Girl (TM) behavior towards Loial in this episode vividly reminded me of Tuon's Mean Girl (TM) behavior towards Egeanin; show!Suroth and book!Tuon both have the most fun in life when they have someone to mock and look down on and treat like shit).
If, in the show, he's already learned the hard way that some fates cannot be avoided, then we might get into a more interesting situation where Mat tries to find a way to make the prophecy come true in a way that still helps his friends, and tries to manipulate fate for the better. It's also a way to make the relationship somewhat more palatable for the viewers
Just... the whole way that Jordan played their relationship in CoT & KoD will eternally leave a bad taste in my mouth. Especially since WH set Mat up to challenge Tuon's beliefs. (though probably the worst part is running across that certain variety of 'Mat fans' who either don't notice or don't care that he threw away his morals in between WH & CoT and did a near-complete 180 turn on his attitude about slavery). It's just wild how much shit Jordan makes Mat swallow with a smile for the sake of this terrible prophecy marriage -- and other characters get covered in Tuon's shit too, because of Mat's choice to bring her along in the escape. Joline, Teslyn, and Edesina get tortured because of Mat's choice. Yeah. Pretty much any decision that Rafe & co make about this storyline is guaranteed to be better than the original version.
14. So Siuan coming here is basically the show's version of the scene from Fal Dara, given what we have of the set-up -- fourteen Aes Sedai making a traveling journey to a major city. But that is definitely worrisome news for Moiraine, given the differences in the show vs books.
15. I don't think that Alanna will bond Rand next week (it feels way too early for it) but I do think that the seeds of why she believes that he should be bound might be planted. It depends on if Rand gets publicly outed as a man who can channel & who believes that he's the Dragon Reborn. Because we do have those fires and potentially a riot going on in the Foregate in the next episode, based on the trailers. Rand may do something that 'proves' to Alanna that the White Tower needs to control him so that he doesn't destroy the world. Especially if he disappears from the city after the riot, with them having no idea where he disappeared to.
16. ...I am really looking forward to Egwene putting that damn collar around Renna's throat.
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Good Omens Chibi Headcanons (Aziraphale And Crowley) [Part 3: Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley]
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👼 Original headcanons 😈
👼 Ao3 version 😈
Part 1 (original) is here.
Ao3 Part 1 is here.
Updated Tumblr part 1 is here.
Part 2 (original) is here.
Ao3 Part 2 is here.
Updated Tumblr part 2 is here.
(*Takes place during Season 1*)
• They speak mainly gibberish, but they can sometimes say and use English words! Both their gibberish and English sound very cute!
• Tiny ineffable friends / husbands!
• Is it dumb luck, yin and yang, or the Almighty simply working in mysterious ways? Whatever it was, when Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley work together, there’s nothing they can’t do! Size isn’t an issue!
• They have their own handshake! It’s really cute and it ends with them forming a heart with the other's hand.
• Chibi Aziraphale thinks that Chibi Crowley is so cool! He also finds him to be really fun! The demon has taught him so many fun and exciting human games, such as tag, hide and seek, and one game that Chibi Crowley likes to play called playing tricks on the mortals. With that game, the angel didn’t mind playing along as long as the pranks they pulled were harmless and no humans got hurt by them. (Oh, and when playing tag or hide and seek, Chibi Aziraphale has to be really careful cause sometimes Chibi Crowley gets really excited when playing and will end up using his powers, causing havoc. The demon is oblivious to the destruction.) Chibi Aziraphale also really appreciates Chibi Crowley’s kindness! Sure, the demon might try to come off as if he’s not, but Chibi Crowley was always doing nice things for his angel friend.
• Chibi Crowley really likes Chibi Aziraphale’s good natured personality since having it made it easier for the demon to tease and tempt his friend. While he enjoyed teasing and tempting the angel, the demon would never take it too far, often doing it in a playful way. Chibi Crowley is also really glad that Chibi Aziraphale has a sweet tooth because now he’s got someone to share his gummy snakes with! He knows that the angel was book smart due to him spending most of his time in the bookshop with Aziraphale, but he also knew that the celestial being was innocently unaware of certain earthly things. The demon remembers once having to explain to Chibi Aziraphale what a toaster was.
• Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley put on a reenactment play about Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s friendship across the ages! They even wear costumes of the outfits that their big counterparts wore through those centuries.
This was their first play, so they had to make it something exciting and special, something that the audience would never forget. The performance was being held in the backroom of Aziraphale’s bookshop.
A toy theatre stage was set up on the table and Aziraphale, Crowley, and Chibi Aziraphale’s Harry the Stuffed Rabbit plush were the audience. The room's lighting dims and the spotlights shine on the curtain.
The curtain is then opened and the show starts!
While saying their lines, Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley used a mix of both gibberish and English.
Aziraphale acts like a supportive parent at their child’s first ever school play in while in the audience, cheering, applauding, and shrieking in utter excitement every time his chibi says or does something in a scene.
This causes Chibi Aziraphale to smile and wave at his big friend each time on stage. “He’s so cute and talented, isn’t he?” Aziraphale would whisper to Crowley, referring to Chibi Aziraphale.
Crowley did notice little errors in the play, but couldn’t dislike it.
He still really appreciated the effort and dedication the two chibis put into it.
The performances weren’t too bad, and the two tiny entities did look like they were having alot of fun despite their very small audience.
His favorite parts had to be seeing his chibi be over the top while playing him.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the smaller demon’s exaggerated acting.
The play itself consisted of Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley making an effort to be precise, but ultimately producing their own cute and comedic version of the events.
Some might say that was impossible for a play to have only two people in it, but the chibis managed to make it work and it’s adorable.
• Imagine them doing a reenactment of the entire show.
• Chibi Aziraphale and Chibi Crowley had been to alot of fun places in London before, but their all time favorite place had to be the fun fair. (The toy shop was their second favorite place, the zoo was third, and the sweet shop was fourth.)
An overexcited Chibi Crowley appears in the bookshop one day to show Chibi Aziraphale a poster that he found that showed an advertisement for a fair in London. He suggested that the two of them go.
The demon has never been to an actual fair before, but he has seen tons of commercials for them on TV at the flat and they looked like a lot of fun.
The angel has never been to a fair before either, but the pictures on the poster did make the place seem fun.
To him, the fair looked like one big playground!
He agrees to go, and when the two arrive there, Chibi Aziraphale is immediately fascinated by everything!
Seeing that look on his friend’s face makes Chibi Crowley smile as he takes the heavenly being’s hand and leads him to the attractions.
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I did not check other people's tumblrs for like a week and just caught up on all the Princess Bee stuff! Sorry for the anon shyness, but I have a couple of things:
1. You mind if I draw these suckers and send em to you? Cuz now I really wanna draw the next gen kids, Chester Fester, and timeskip designs for everybody.
2. Holy shit, this is a fun premise! I especially love that Chloe is a lawyer! Like, she'd be so good at it, especially with the way you write her (which is the default Chloe in my brain, tbh). You already have her run the merch department. Her dad is the freaking mayor, even if he is a bad one. She's already really good at knowing which authority can override what and when, she's good at working the system and knowing when it's screwed up, and she's got a helluva sense of justice after all the shit she's been through.
2. Some stuff with Lila: I know it was decided that she was gonna do a grand scheme where she got her petty revenge on Ladybug, but then Ladybug didn't show up after the first few akumas cuz the wish said so, and so she kinda just fucked off for a bit to do lowkey cons using the butterfly. When she sees the new EmmaBug, it brings up unaddressed trauma and she zooms back to Paris and starts being a Problem TM. But, like, what is actually her plan? She's going after the miraculous, but what does she want to do with them? What'll her wish be? I know she doesn't really care about the shit that went down with the Miracuclass anymore (she did get exposed). But she is still real bothered by Ladybug, but we also kinda established that she doesn't really know what she wants. So what are Lila's plans?
3. Thoughts on establishing a rogues gallery:
You said you wanted the main focus to be akuma, so why not have a handful of regularly occurring akumas instead of a new one every time? We've already got Chester as Lila's right-hand man, even if he is gonna be a bit of an inneffectual, comedic, Mr. Pigeon-esque akuma. Why not have Lila amass several other allies to regularly akumatize who want in on whatever she's up to. Lila can be very charming and has been doing on and off cons for like 20+ years. Odds are, she's met some pissed of people willing to do some shady shit to get what they want. Lila was also very much willing to use Chloe for her bullshit back in the day, so she could also maybe manipulate some people into helping her out, especially if you want more kid akumas.
I also think it would be cool if you had a handful of other "rogues" who are unrelated to Lila and aren't actively villainous so much as they are assholes that cause issues. Like, Chloe's enemies from lawyering, some of Jess and Zoe's problems from NYC, the creepy boy who was uncomfortably hitting on Emma and ended out getting Dawn landed in the principal's office in the first place, the previously discussed Chief of Police. Etc.
4. I really like the idea of the kids all being roughly the same age, but a couple years apart. It allows for shenanigans like Hugo and the other younger kids having an awkward gang of middle school pals who know nothing about this shit, shipping the heroes, writing fanfics, giving unsolicited bad advice, etc. And it lets some of the kids be older, more mature, more experienced, and act as mentors to their middle child leader. Kinda how Luka worked for the OGs, but you have more of them with different personalities. Kinda like how digimon adventure had the kids mostly the same age but a little spread out across a few grades.
5. Give Hugo or Louis the horse. That would be a really obvious one to take out for a joyride, and they'd get attached to Kaalki.
That's all for now, ngl, this might be my favorite non HC/LL for Miraculous that you've done (followed up by the double trouble one because sonic jokes).
Welcome back! Okay so
1.) Go for it! Just yeet me a link because I'm bad at remembering to check if I've been tagged in things!
2.) Chloé as a lawyer is honestly my favorite post-canon job for her. That and/or running the hotel. Just put her whole skillset into being used for good
2.5) So Lila! I'm being sympathetic to her instead of making her full evil. Like she's still going to be causing Akumas and also a con artist so morally gray, but not like. Season 4-5 Gabe.
Which has resulted in her motivation being a touch nebulous. In that... Ya girl has been rolling with a lot of depression that she doesn't realize is 'depression' because fuck man what does she have to be 'depressed' about? So she just feels like nothing is 'enough' to make her happy and must find something out there that can 'fix' her.
Seeing the 'Ladybug Returns' both kinda gets in her head of as much she acknowledges her grudge with LB was petty teen stuff, it is unresolved business. And that may make her feel better. However, barring that, the Wish would do whatever she wants. It could 'fix' her. Give her whatever she needs to not feel this hollow emptiness in her chest 24/7.
3.) Honestly having all sorts of nonsense to be problems is GREAT.
4.) Yeah I haven't established much on their ages other than Emma and Louis are twins while Hugo is roughly a year and a half younger (so a grade down). I doubt I'd have everyone in the same class, but the whole group are still friends due to knowing each other for years.
5.) Ha! I'm thinking Louis with the Horse now.
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aziraphales-library · 11 months
Lost Fic #157
1. Hello, first of all thank you for all your hard work 🫶 really appreciate! I'm looking for a fic i read about a year ago: unfortunately i can't remember much, so i apologise if it's a vague description. I also think i might be mixing some facts with this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39533883 so i’m sorry if i’m making it hard to find. Trigger warning from here on (depression, su! c!de): the fic was set in the crowley's flat and the characters were canon (im pretty sure it was set a short time after S1's canon events, but somehow C still had holy water). Crowley had just suffered some sort of physical and emotional trauma (r@pe? sorry, i can't quite remember) and couldn't trust neither Aziraphale nor himself. He fell in a state of depression and couldn't see any other way out but use the holy water in his safe. (Spoilers) | remember a scene where he weakly walked to the safe and wrote a note, then tried to reach the thermos but was stopped last second by Aziraphale. Thank you in advance🫶; and if you manage to find it, congrats😅 - anon
2. Helloo I hope it's not too hard to find but I lost a fic on ao3 a bit ago I didn't finish reading and was hoping someone recognise it, it starts off with post apoca-nope Crowley being confronted by demons in his flat who tell him to stay away from aziraphale and summon a screen through which to view him. buuut since there was no audio they all missed a conversation between aziraphale and god in which god gives him a golden string (I think) and explains that metatron has been giving orders independently from god, then asks aziraphale to go to heaven and stirr up trouble. And that's when I accidentally closed the Tumblr app and lost it :( - anon
3. so theres this fic i was reading where its post canon but basically crozira gets locked up in heaven and crowley does his snake thing and releases them both (was in the beginning ish) but thats all i remember 😭😭 im sorry if this is too much to ask for, thank you in advance!!! - @stars-v3ria
4. Hello! I hope y'all are doing all right in what I imagine is a swamp of new asks from season 2's approach. (Writing this in the final few weeks til release.) I'm writing in search of a lost fic--I've scrounged through the Aziraphale's True Form tag but come up empty. It was T, M, or E rated, and more or less a true form sex fic, but may or may not have included genital sex. The part I remember (which I think was the focus of the story, it being a oneshot) was framed as a divinity/grace kink scene in which Aziraphale revealed his true form to Crowley. It was overwhelming to him (verging on pain iirc), but also very beautiful, intense, and possibly sensual or sexual. The part I really remember, though, came at the end-- Crowley, crying, used their safeword, which was "Amen." And after that I think it was more on the tender side. Would you happen to have encountered such a story? Thank you very much for your time, and potentially that of your followers-- I very much appreciate all the work you do for the fandom. <3 P.S. In case this reaches the author, and you with to remain anonymous, please know that the fic really stuck with me and I was merely searching for it in hopes of leaving a comment to that effect. &lt;3 - @elderly-worm
5. Hello! I was recently told about the (cursed) movie script and was told that there is a fanfiction of Book and Show Crowley saving movie Aziraphale from movie Crowley. The person said they're sure they read it on ao3 but cannot find it now and I'm extremely curious. Any help would be very appreciated and thank you so much for the library you're doing here, helped me to find a lot of gems. - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
❤️Natalie Scatorccio NSFW Alphabet❤️ (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked)
❤️Read the SFW Alphabet here!❤️
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Warnings: Minor spoiler for Season 2 episode 8! It's all dirty [AFAB Reader/anatomy used if any] (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked)
Word Count: 1,359
A/N: Hello lovelies! I know a lot of you wanted it, so here you go! Natalie's nsfw alphabet! She actually was a lot easier to write about than expected, probably because she's so straightforward anyways. Not much more for me to say, so enjoy, and as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!❤️
Natalie Scatorccio Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Nat is the type to need a cigarette after sex. I mean, maybe not a cigarette specifically bc I don't remember if she smokes in the show, but in my headcanon it's an every-now-and-then thing for her. But, for whatever reason she never got hooked on it like she did other things. But when it comes to caring for you specifically afterward she’d get you a warm towel to wash up at the very least. Everyone deserves that. But in a committed relationship she’d go as far as running a bath for you if you like and helping you in if it was a rather intense evening
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves your hips, I just know it. No matter what shape or size, she just loves having something to hang onto, ya know? It’s just the perfect spot for her hands and she loves running her thumbs over your stomach
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I know for a fact that she makes you clean her fingers with your tongue when she’d done with you. She wants you to know exactly what she’s tasting. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not really a dirty secret but she loves when her partner and this is only in a “serious” relationship (as serious as Natalie will get at least) takes complete control because she gets to be in a state where she’s not in control, but she knows she’s completely safe 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh, we all know that Ms. Scatorccio knows exactly what she’s doing. When it comes to sex, she’s been around the block and back and she’s always willing to do another lap if she feels the need. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Imma say she enjoys receiving while face-sitting because it's the best of both worlds. She enjoys being on top, but she also likes receiving, and she loves the feeling of your arms and hands tight around her thighs
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
She’s more serious in my opinion. She doesn’t find sex silly. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think she shaves everything (arms, legs, etc) but not regularly. She's cool with having stubble wherever so long as it's not bothering her.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Eh, again it depends on what kind of relationship you’ve got. I think over time she could learn to be romantic, but at the start, sex is a give and take for her. “You get what you need as long as I get what I need,” kind of thing. She’ll never make a big deal out of it though. She might have when she was younger, but she’d far more seasoned now, shall we say. She knows what she wants and that’s her priority
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She’s gotten good at using her hands because I doubt they let you bring any kind of toy with you to rehab, but she prefers a vibrator some nights
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think she’d enjoy mirror sex. She’d like watching herself but also forcing you to watch how she makes you feel. She's also into teeth. Like, not necessarily biting, but she likes someone with a nice set of teeth
L = Location (favorite places to do they do)
She’s down for semi-public sex but still wants some privacy so anywhere with a locked door is fair game
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
There isn’t a lot that doesn't turn her on really. Genuine interest in her sexually sometimes is all it takes. But she likes being teased and having her partner play coy with her. It makes her feel like a lady
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
I think after watching S2 Ep 8 this is a given, but knife play…
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She’s into both but has a fondness for receiving, ngl. This girl firmly insists that she’s a switch but she loves to bottom. Might sound like an oxymoron, but she loves the power she holds while receiving. Digging her hands in your hair and holding you where she wants you, squeezing your head or hand between her legs. Honestly, she’d gladly suffocate you if you let her
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She’s fast and rough when she’s on top, no questions asked. She likes getting to the point 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She’s quite fond of them. If it's guaranteed you’re not getting a night in together she’d gladly take a quickie in a bathroom stall if she needs it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Once there is some established relationship I think she’s down to try new things, but she’s not experimenting during a one-night stand, she might have done that before, but by now that’s behind her and she’s only experimenting with established trust from now on
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I don’t think she has a lot of stamina when it’s her cumming. She can have two, maybe three before she calls it quits. She could probably go for longer but once she’s had one or two she’s satisfied
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She doesn’t have a wide collection, just a few vibratos that she orders online while drunk and horny on random nights. But she’ll use them now and then with herself and whenever you want if that's something you’re into. I think she’d be really into using one on you while you eat her out. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s a big tease. She enjoys being a mean girl sometimes! 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I think she’s pretty quiet, but not for any lack of enjoyment. She’s got those breathy moans that swoon from the back of her throat and she tends to suck on her teeth
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She’s got nice hands. She keeps her nails short, partly because I think she’s a nail-biter, but she has the decency to file them before anything intimate happens so they’re nice and smooth. But she’s got long, thin fingers that really accentuate her knuckles and she’s always got a plethora of rings on so she makes a show of taking them off for you. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She’s quite thin and lanky. I mean, we pretty much saw everything when she was walking around her motel in her bra and her fishnets.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s definitely high, but she knows she can get what she wants whenever or handle anything she needs on her own, so it's not often a “driver” for her or anything. Unless she’s drunk. If she's with someone she’s deemed as her person and she’s drunk, she wants in your pants as soon as possible
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
She’s not the type to fall asleep after sex. She prefers having some kind of nightcap first (a drink or a cigarette or maybe even both to mix things up. Who knows!) you’re more likely than not to fall asleep before her which is when she makes her graceful exit if she’s not in her bed. However, in a committed relationship she’ll get back in bed with you after whatever “treat” she’s finished and hold you from behind till she knows you’re asleep. She likes kissing your shoulders when you’re naked. But she won't fall asleep that way, eventually turning over to her other side 
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
Meet the Mun
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Mario has been a fixture in my life since my fifth birthday. Mario 64 was my first Mario game actually! There's just something about his happy-go-lucky attitude and ability to persevere that I find inspiring. Comforting even. Originally, I wasn't even eyeing tumblr but my girlfriend at the time all the way back in the prehistoric age of 2014 suggested I make a blog. I decided to pick up Mario on a whim and have stuck with him(on & off mind you) since!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Smut. Sometimes I find it to be cumbersome. I don't lead with this objection because sometimes it's over quickly but other times I'm just not into it. And angst! Angst exhausts me.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Action! I love seeing how characters react in tense situation(despite what I just said about angst). I also like a bit of fluff because c'mon, I'm sure we could all use some relief from the outside world. It's kinda scary.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
I try to start off slow. What I mean is I look at what we got in canon, side content(comics,shows, etc) and reasonably merge the concepts where they can mesh. Then I draw conclusions from that! Other times when I'm doing research on certain aspects on Mario's character such as plumbing, being a physician, his italian heritage, etc I pick parts from it and mentally labor over how they apply to him. Really, it's like a little Mario calculator is in my head and I see how the info I'm gathering reacts with what I already know.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Anytime I try writing with music doesn't end well. I always focus more on what I'm writing rather than the song. Podcasts work best.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I'm almost always winging it out. I open up the reply/draft and just let things flow.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I'd ship Mario with a tree if it could talk back.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Papa Pasta
Just turned 28!
February 7th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Lavender, red, and orange
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I got deep into Tame Impala a while ago. Favorite song by far from him: Cause I'm a man. Right after that is "New Person/Same Old Mistakes". Another favorite of mine is Close In The Distance from Final Fantasy XIV
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Final Destination. Wanted to see if it was as good as it was when I was a kid. Not disappointed.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Centaur World! Very cute show
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Spaghetti & Meatballs!!!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Fall. I like watching the trees shed their leaves
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Hmmmm, definitely have to say @thehouseofivo. Him & Julian have been with me since the very beginning. I'm having a little trouble remembering exactly how things started off between us but it's been so long! We've kept in contact outside of tumblr and things fell apart a few years ago when I was deep in my pit but we picked up right where we left off pretty much recently! He's a real nice guy and I'd do anything in my power to help him along! Give him a follow if you haven't already, you won't be disappointed! One thing I don't see too often on here is a coherent continuity. (If you know any other blogs that do this then pls pls pls tell me) Most threads he does will go into the development of Julian somehow.
tagged by NOBODY stolen from @lultimagoccia uhhhhhh I'mma tag @thehouseofivo @adara-of-the-flame @timid-plumber @atimelesslullaby @musescfmusic & anyone else who wants to steal it!
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Hey sorry bout this but what's the etiquette for tagging and liking and reblogging (and what kind of reblogging to do)?
hi! don't worry about it - new social media sites are scary sometimes, haha, i still don't know how twitter works. but here's some etiquette as i understand it!
reblog whatever you want. i'm serious. i literally reblog or queue every single post i like that i see, but you don't have to do this. it's considered REALLY NORMAL to reblog a lot of stuff, though, or even to reblog the same thing more than once! if you like it, and you think maybe other people would want to see it, or just want to comment to the op... reblog it!
when it comes to likes, the thing to keep in mind is that most tumblr users keep their likes private, and liked posts don't show up on other people's dashes. therefore liking a post only helps the number of notes go up, which only helps its standing when searching through a tag - otherwise, it effectively "does nothing for the algorithm", as most tumblr users largely just look at their dash. i personally use likes either to indicate that it's a post i've reblogged before so i don't constantly reblog the same things over and over again and to like, indicate that i've seen posts that are like, personal or not really a rebloggable thing, but i want to be like "yes i agree" or "i see you" to, you know? however, everyone uses them differently - some people use them as bookmarks, for example, and some people use them for the traditional use of "i liked this, i just don't want to reblog it". the thing to keep in mind that a like is like, an indicator that you've seen something, and a reblog boosts it further! that informs the etiquette on which you want to do. ultimately, though, it's your decision how to use that tool.
tags are for organizational use. DO NOT CROSSTAG. that's the big etiquette to remember. only tag things on your original posts that are relevant to THAT POST. (this, for the record, includes: do not put the 'minecraft' tag on anything that's mcyt! those are separate fandoms and we don't want to flood the guys just trying to talk about the game.) if you crosstag and i notice it in the tags i do in fact immediately report you for spam and block you. beyond that, on original posts, it's really up to you how you tag, just remember that only the first... i think its five... are relevant to people trying to search for posts, so if you want higher discoverability save conversational tags for after those.
when it comes to reblogs, tags are both for organizing your own blog how you want (if you use them, i don't) and for like, comments that you want to make on a post, but do not add to the post. it is normal to leave conversational tags on reblogs, and to talk in the tags of posts about things that are not the main body of the posts. because the tags don't get reblogged with the post when someone reblogs it, it's sort of like whispering! you will get the hang of it by watching what other people do, if that makes you nervous. generally, just remember that OP can see your tags, and then chat however you want in them.
i hope this helps!
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
I have posted about this multiple times before but since tumblr's search won't cough any of it up, I'm just going to say it again so I can add my new thing to my thought process about trigger warnings:
Years ago a popular true crime blogger posted an ask from someone requesting that she tag for needles. I think she had posted that notorious x-ray of masochistic serial murderer Albert Fish's colon, which is admittedly disturbing, but she very politely declined on the basis that everything she posts tends to be violent and disturbing--you actually SHOULD find her blog upsetting--and users should manage their expectations around that general premise. Additionally, needles do not carry the specific traumatic weight of something like, say, racial violence or child abuse, for which a warning could be in order; needles are everyday objects that one might reasonably encounter in a store or a person's home, or practically anywhere. If you have such an aversion that it really affects your life to see a needle, you might want to pursue treatment and stop using a part of the internet that is essentially a giant random image generator.
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My personal take on content/trigger warnings (are those different? If not then why do we have varying tags instead of one universal one to keep the system reliable?) is similar, that they're only important for material that could seriously upend someone's day. Is Thing X something you truly could not have expected where you encountered it? Would you need to leave work or school if you saw Thing X? Would you need to seek assistance or take a medication? Does Thing X cause significant social problems or affect your sense of safety? If not, you don't need a warning. I mean everyone can tag whatever they choose and of course some folks are happy to tag stuff just because someone might find it annoying or unpleasant, but you're not entitled to protection from strangers just to spare you casual discomfort.
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One day I got this extremely angry anonymous message in all caps yelling at me for not tagging spiders. I had no idea what the person was talking about, but after a while I realized it had to be about a popular post I'd made years ago showing tarantulas in a Kids In the Hall sketch. This was especially funny to me because at the time I was posting a lot of explicit violence and sexual imagery that someone could reasonably object to, but this person felt that it was my job to help create the illusion of a spiderless world for their benefit. I know arachnaphobia is a real thing but I still think that if you suffer from it then it's your job to look after yourself and not everybody else's job to protect you from remembering that there are spiders.
This is kind of a tangent but I often think about how trypophobia is not technically a phobia because it isn't affecting anybody's ability to lead a normal daily existence. It's just a grossout thing, basically a matter of taste, but people love to try to elevate it to the level of a serious psychological vulnerability for some reason.
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I'm thinking about this stuff (again) today because I just saw a post on one of the autism subreddits where someone linked to a scientific paper to answer a specific question, but they said it needed warnings for incidental use of the term "high-functioning" and advised that some people may not wish to read the paper at all so they wouldn't be triggered by it. That term is sometimes used to invalidate or deny care to people who give the outward appearance of less urgent needs, so it is indeed pretty tricky and needs work. But change is only going to come from attention; if you are concerned about the effects of that language then I think it behooves you to know how it is being used so you are able to argue about it and lobby for change. It's hard for me (a "high-functioning" person) to imagine a scenario in which I'm interested in reading about a condition I have, and then I refuse to do so because the phrase "high-functioning" is going to trigger a psychiatric episode so bad that it's better for me to just ignore information about my own health. I think an adult who is usually inclined to educate themselves should be able to handle occasionally seeing troublesome or outdated language.
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Put more concisely than above, my criteria for warnings is just: when the questionable item relates to a real, reasonably common traumatic experience that would be unfair to spring on someone who could relate to it, and/or when the content would be legitimately surprising in its context. Like if you're in my corner of tumblr you should expect that you're going to see horror movie stuff, I'm not tagging anything like that unless it's miles over the line I typically draw. But on the other hand I was out at a restaurant one night and this spoiled egomaniac was practically shouting for a long time in graphic detail about episiotomies within earshot of everyone who was trying to eat. Honestly one of the staff should have told her to shut the fuck up. That's not a thing that people should be normally expected to put up with in a public dining situation, even though it regards a medical procedure that is not morally offensive.
It's probably obvious by now that I think that being uncomfortable and even offended, at least to some degree, has an important psychological and social function. It enables you to recognize and react to problems around you. Understanding what makes you uncomfortable is critical; dealing with discomfort builds character; and continuously avoiding everything you don't like keeps you infantile. It's actually not good to live in a world of only your favorite things.
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kageyuji · 7 months
Hii! This is my first time trying this, but do you have any advice for starting and building a writing blog?
I've been wanting to start one for a while but I'm not sure how to gain followers and stuff.
hi!! no worries :D and tbh.. i’m not exactly sure LMAO despite it seeming like i have my shit together i Do Not. but!! i can give you some general things/ideas:
write for yourself. write what makes you happy and what you genuinely want to write. despite how much of a people-pleaser i am, it’s also really important to remember that this is a hobby and if you write things you don’t really want to write, it’s going to show through your work but it’s also going to burn you out quickly.
(that said, if you are writing for x reader content make sure your reader is ambiguous. having a character be a 5’4 brunette with a knack for baking is cool sometimes, but it’s also a very slim audience and it’s going to throw some people off)
similarly, don’t compare yourself to other creators and don’t compare yourself to.. yourself. if you have something that does really good, and then you post the next week and it does shit, that’s okay! sometimes tumblr algorithm is just shit. sometimes certain characters are more of a fan favorite. but, also remember that people who have already built a large following are going to have more notes. just don’t get discouraged easily — every fic is something entirely new and it shouldn’t be weighed off of someone else or an entirely different work.
make a masterlist, and make it organized. if you write for a lot of characters and use different posting types this can get really confusing, but look around at other places or play around with it until you find something that you think feels right.
watch your blog activity (once you start posting, anyway). i believe mobile doesn’t have it, but on desktop (or just login to tumblr from your phones browser app lol) there is a little icon that will show interactions with your posts/blog and you can ask it to show the chart based on time of day, weekly basis, etc. post accordingly to that, and hopefully your posts will gain a little more traction :)
aesthetic is (unfortunately) pretty important in my opinion. of course, if you have the most well written thing i’ve seen i’m going to ignore the kinks but i’m also going to be a lot more likely to read things that are organized well. this is mostly about fics to catch someone’s eye, although this bleeds into your actual blog as well.
(pinterest has lots of cool stuff for aesthetics. twitter layout blogs also usually have a lot of good headers. if you want dividers, you can search the “dividers” tag on tumblr or there’s loads of mobile apps to get the thin color strip dividers like i use.)
similarly, try to make your pinned/navi organized and easy to follow. in my personal opinion, i like adding things like rules/dni, tag guides, and especially masterlists linked somewhere in the post. although, again, it’s up to personal opinion on what exactly you want to link there. as long as it’s organized and somewhat simple, you’re good.
as far as a masterlist and rules go, i would recommend laying out certain things beforehand, like what characters you’re going to write for and hard “no”s. as much as i love people on tumblr, sometimes they just cannot read — it helped me a lot whenever i was new to tell myself “hey, i don’t have to do that. it says that right here and it’s not my fault that they didn’t see that!”
(i also added a little rule that said “if you actually read this, add a ‘<3’ in your asks so i know” LOL it helped me filter requests between who actually cared to read my rules and who didn’t)
add tags to your fics. add so many tags. add many more tags than you think you probably need. add so many tags that you get sick of them — that’s how people are going to find you.
try to keep anonymous asks on, that’s where a lot of interaction comes from. ik people can be dicks sometimes but there’s also a lot of shy people on tumblr. probably 90% of my asks are from anons and i use anon 90% of the time whenever i send asks (especially to my moots bc they’re scary :[ lol)
just generally be nice to people. you don’t have to go out of your way to send love letters to everyone on your feed, but i’ve found that just leaving a little “i hope you enjoy reading this” or something similar as a little note helps my mental for some reason, but it also (hopefully) makes me seem a little less intimidating
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yukidragon · 2 years
hiya! i wanted to ask, do you have sauce’s old art saved, or is there an archive somewhere? from what i’ve read, they had a twitter that’s been privated/locked (?) but i see people post art that looks like it was drawn by sauce ;w; also i’m sorry if this was already asked, i feel like i sent in this ask before but can’t remember,,
i love and appreciate all your work btw!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
Awwww! Thank you so much! That makes me really happy to hear. I hope you have an amazing day too! 💖
I’m afraid there’s no archive set up as of yet, just pictures fans managed to save and pass around amongst themselves. Sauce did mention that they wanted to create an archive on the patreon before they closed their twitter. I don’t know if that’s still happening or not, but I imagine that’s taking a backseat to their personal recovery and making progress on their various projects. They have a lot on their plate right now, so it’s understandable that it might take a while.
I have quite a lot of old art saved myself, and I use some of the pieces here in my posts occasionally, with Sauce’s consent so long as I credit them. They’re really such a nice person. That’s why whenever I share some of their art, I like I plug the SnaccPop Studios Patreon and remind everyone not to repost any of the privately posted content elsewhere.
You can see a lot of Sauce’s art peppered around my blog, particularly in posts I’ve labeled as Headcanon Ramblings. Sometimes it really helps to illustrate my points, you know? Maybe I should add a Sauce-y tag sometime.
Sadly, I can’t show any of the NSFW art over here without heavy censoring. Tumblr might say they’ll allow non-erotic nudity again, but I suspect all it’ll take is one floppy ding-a-ling, some “female presenting” nips, or something a bit too spicy and suggestive and my blog will be taken out with an extinction level event.
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I mean look at this. This is such a fun picture and all you get to see over here is Jack’s face. Sure I could show the man’s nips since he’s not “female presenting” but with the level of spice sprinkled in this picture, I’d rather not risk it. Such a shame. Not that I can complain about seeing a face like that. This clown is having a really good time and it shows. Sauce does great work with expressions don’t they?
You know, this picture actually looks pretty exploitable cropped like this. It looks like a good teaser illustration for some spicy writing. It seems like an awful shame not to do anything with this idea, don’t you think?
Alice might not be a part of the full picture Sauce drew, but I’m totally going to imply it with a little bit of writing. I hope you all enjoy this impromptu snippet of Adults Only spicy fun times between Jack and my version of his sunshine~!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
Jack moaned as he tipped his head back. His clothes were in disarray, his shirt rolled up close to his collarbone, his pants and underwear dangling off one of his legs, with the rest of his signature outfit nowhere in sight. His flushed skin glistened with sweat and bore countless pink patches that marked where Alice claimed him as hers with her mouth.
That same mouth was wrapped around him now, showing Jack love in a way that he had only dreamed about before. He lost count of how many fantasies he had about Alice going down on him, but no fantasy could ever hope to compare the real thing.
Alice had started with kisses that fluttered along his length delicately, but just as the teasing started to get too much, she switched to using her tongue. She tasted him thoroughly, making sure not a single inch was left untouched before she took the tip into her mouth.
“Oh Alice…,” Jack moaned before biting his lower lip. “Your mouth feels so good… so warm…”
Alice let out a low hum, and the vibration of her voice made him twitch a bit. She repeated the sound again, longer this time as she sucked on him, and she was gratified to see his eyes roll upward.
Jack was so big, bigger than anything Alice was used to. A part of her worried she might not be able to handle all of him without choking, but she was determined to try. She focused on relaxing her jaw as she dipped down as far she could before she had to draw back for a breath, taking him just a little bit further each time.
Jack twined his fingers through his sunshine’s fair hair as he watched Alice adoringly. “You’re doing so good…” She gazed up at him through nearly white lashes, and the way her blue eyes burned with desire that was only for him sent a jolt of heat directly into his core. “God… You look so beautiful like this. I love you so much.”
Alice wanted to respond in kind, but words were impossible for her at the moment, so she traced a heart on his inner thigh with her finger instead. Jack murmured her name in return, his rich voice dissolving into another moan as she teased him with gentle suction. She couldn’t get enough of his sweet words or all the adorable noises she coaxed out of him. It made her all the more determined to please and tease him.
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greatbigbellies · 2 days
Do you have any tips for starting a kink blog?
Yeah! I have a few I can share! One size does not fit all but I've certainly learned some things that inform my approach.
Remember above all that it's supposed to be enjoyable. If you start a kink blog and it feels like a time sink or a chore, then it might not be for you, or you could be spending more time on it than you really should. This also means that the time and energy you have to dedicate to a kink blog is going to fluctuate. You might pop off one week and not log into it at all another, and that's okay. You should run it at the pace you enjoy. This also means when you feel a dip in sex drive and the kink stuff isn't hitting like it usually does, take a break so you don't burn yourself out.
Queue is your friend. As are tags. Honestly 1 post a day works wonders, cause you can load up around 15 posts at once and be covered for a couple of weeks. Having a solid and consistent tag system for yourself is also great. You don't need to overload it with specificity, but have some for different kinds of media (writing, video, gifs, audio...) is helpful, and being able to tag different facets of your kink is great for when you OR your followers need to scratch a specific itch. Like for me and my preg kink blog, whether the belly is bare or not, if there are lots of stretchmarks, if it's fpreg, mpreg, or nbpreg... all good things to keep sorted. Also try to keep the meaning of your tags really obvious (that sounds like a no-brainer, but I used to use a tag meant for when clothes were too small for a bump, but it just came off as me complaining that the belly was too small, which actually resulted in me need to talk to an artist to get a block lifted, oops!)
Related to the above, if you produce original content, be it art, writings, audio, whatever, have a tag for that too. Makes sifting through your original stuff and reblogs much easier, and lets people find your stuff even just searching tumblr wide.
LABEL. EVERYTHING. AS. MATURE. If you're running a kink blog, minors should not have any way to see it, and the easiest way to do that is to slap a "sexual themes" label on it. Covers your ass and keeps people who should not be able to look from looking. Even if the kink is pretty innocuous, it's best to play it safe.
Pinned posts are especially useful for kink blogs for setting boundaries, and telling newcomers what they'll see right off the bat. It doesn't need to be enormous, but just a little intro and a list of expected kinks someone will find on your blog helps keep people informed so they know whether or not to follow.
Don't be shy about blocking people. If someone posts stuff that makes you uncomfortable or is being shitty, just block em and move on. On the flipside, respect other people's boundaries, and remember that if you find yourself blocked by someone, remember it might not even be personal and just be a blog content thing.
If you do make kink content involving yourself, like pics or videos, protect your identity. Just play it safe, don't show your face and obscure identifying tattoos. Odds are low it'd come back to be a problem, but they're not 0, so just play it safe for yourself. Both for potential work/career hang ups and to minimize stalking or doxxing.
I'll reblog with more later if I think of it. I know half of this applies to blogs in general, not JUST kink blogs, but other than there being inherently sexual content, they're not that different. Please send any follow up asks if you have further questions, and if you decide to start one, good luck and have fun with it!
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peanutrat20 · 1 year
Welcome, to Babysitters Guide to Turtle Mutants
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About Babysitters Guide
Babysitters Guide to Turtle Mutants is my TMNT fan iteration.
in Babysitters Guide the turtles were mutated with splinters dna basically as soon as they hatched. and with the first two (leo and mikey) they were mutated with a secondary dna as well. leo was mutated with the dna of a inland taipan and mikey a scrub jay. the second two were mutated with the secondary dna later. donnie is mutated with a wolf's dna and splinter escapes the lab they live in before raph can be mutated a second time
when they escaped the lab their ages are as follows leo: 16 mikey: 14 donnie: 6 and raph: 2. the whole reason that splinter takes off with the boys when he does is because the scientists decided that they were going to mutate him and he did not want to be mutated. when they lived in the lab leo and mikey had a really shit life they used leo's venom to create a sedative which they then turned around and used on mikey repeatedly causing mikey to get addicted to it. when they leave splinter disappears for days at a time leaving leo to take care of his younger brothers. a year after the escape leo blows and basically kicks splinter out. for the next two years the boys don't stay in one place longer than two months. until they decide to move to new york. and so they do and leo promised that they wouldn't have to move again.
so once they move to new york leo puts out an add for a babysitter needed. because as much as he loves his brothers sometimes he needs a break but he does not trust mikey to watch donnie and raph. also bonus of if whoever answers ends up being awful donnie is allowed to basically use them as his chew toy. and who answers the add but april. who is suspiciously okay with going to an abandoned warehouse for the job. leo ends up intrigued and lets her stay. and she ends up becoming great friends with leo and helping him work with all the quirks of their chaotic life. she takes donnie to the park so he has the chance to just run and get his zoomies out. she holds raph when he gets scared and leo isn't there. and is just a good someone for leo to lean on. the only turtle that april doesn't immediately bond with is mikey. and she doesn't quite understand but she tries to be there for him anyway.
and she does find out why he acts toward her the way he does three years later. when splinter comes and finds them five years and hundreds of miles away from where he left them, and he had been mutated, into drumroll a rat. splinter comes and tries to convince the boys to come with him. because "he's their father and blah blah blah" but raph doesn't even remember splinter donnie does but just barely. to them leo is their dad. leo is who has raised them for six years. splinter shows up out of nowhere and leo tells mikey to take raph and april and start packing because they had to leave asap. raph is understandably upset and it causes mikey to break as well. this was their home leo had promised it was forever. and here they were having to up and leave again. april watches as mikey breaks and admits to things he hadn't even told leo. and april offers a solution to the whole mess.
What to expect to see with Babysitters Guide
here on tumblr i'll be posting art, reference images, and any small stories that don't fit the main narrative.
anything written will be posted on ao3 (links will be added here as they are posted)
Want to interact with Babysitters Guide?
if you see Babysitters Guide and decide you want to make fanart or whatever else you are 100% welcome to. there is only one rule no t//c3st besides that you can do whatever you want with my iteration as long as you tag me so i can see it.
i will also answer questions sent to my ask box about Babysitters Guide
Other Links:
[nothing to see here... yet]
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snailsbigrace · 1 year
Pre-trauma KEL Headcanons
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A/N: I posted this on my Wattpad but can't leave out the Tumblr users, hope you enjoy! ^^
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1k
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- Calling it right now he tried to be like HERO. He at some point wanted to do everything that big brother did but obviously couldn't. 
- He'd try to be charming but would fail miserably, he wanted to go to highschool but couldn't, he'd try to cook and bake but couldn't and most likely accidentally set something on fire. Poor kid could hardly do anything that his brother did. :( 
- He was heartbroken when he found out that he couldn't be HERO, don't worry, he moved on pretty quickly, especially after HERO told him that he'd much rather hangout with KEL then another him. 
- The same applies to MARI. He wanted to be her too. But then he remembered she could play piano and he definitely couldn't so he gave up on that one pretty quickly.
- He was a troublesome kid who liked to cause problems, especially for AUBREY and HERO. He didn't find it fun to tease, pick on, or bug SUNNY, BASIL and MARI. He got a good giggle whenever he bugged HERO, as he knew that inside HERO probably found his antics funny... He hoped...
- He loved the reactions AUBREY gives him when he pokes fun at her, and he finds it even funnier to see what responses she would come up with. It was a game between the two of them.
- Likes to tease AUBREY about her crush on SUNNY the most, since it really gets to her. Though he usually ends up with a bruise afterward and is crying to HERO.
- HERO gets AUBREY to apologize but definitely tells KEL that he shouldn't bug her so much and that she had a good reason to be upset at him. 
- Likes to play tag with MARI! He does feel a little bad when her knee starts to hurt though... 
- He likes to climb on HERO, since HERO is so much taller than him it's pretty easy on HERO yet a challenge for KEL! 
- HERO doesn't really like it, he says that it reminds him of "a spider crawling up on me". This just makes it funny to KEL, he usually likes to tap his finger against his brothers back to imitate spiders while he climbs, loves it when HERO totally freaks from this.
- He also likes to climb on his dad who doesn't mind as much as HERO! He usually just ruffles KEL's hair, which KEL hates, because he finds it soooo embarrassing.
- Jokingly flirts with AUBREY, SUNNY, and BASIL (totally not because he sees HERO and MARI do it... P.S. IT IS) 
- Enjoys BASIL's confused, yet flustered, yet embarrassed, yet shy, yet disgusted, yet happy, yet excited, yet angry reaction the most. 
- Likes to mock HERO and MARI's relationship.
- Often encouraging them to kiss along with AUBREY.
- Lets out a mocking "awwww" whenever HERO and/or MARI are worried about each other. 
- Secretly wishes someone would worry about him like that
- He definitely worries for AUBREY in the same way HERO and MARI worry about each other. Doesn't have a crush on her though.
- When at BASIL's house he points at all the different plants and goes "what's this one?" "what's that?" "Ohh! This one looks cool! What's it called?!"
- Probably has diagnosed ADHD.
- He likes to show MARI and HERO things he's found. HERO usually gags if it's a bug, or if literally anything is covered in dirt, or is soaked, he'll gag. MARI's always "Ooh cool find KEL! :D"
- If he finds something he really likes MARI and/or BASIL will help him keep. If it's a bug or something MARI will buy one of those little Dollar Store bug enclosures and help him put things inside of it like leafs, grass and sticks. 
- SUNNY will also join in if it's not a spider, MARI will teach SUNNY a thing or two about bugs and nature if he helps. 
- KEL always lets SUNNY come up with the name for the bug. Though SUNNY usually only names the spiders scary. 
- He has a few of the cheap, crappy enclosures outside in his backyard. HERO reminds him to check if the bugs are dead or not so that if they are they can use the enclosure for other bugs.
- Holds funerals for the bugs. 
- If it's something that's covered in dirt or sand or something of the sort BASIL will help him wash it off and clean it.
- If it's something that can be named KEL will let BASIL name it, though BASIL always says "No! It's yours KEL! You should name it!"
- KEL will keep bugging BASIL until he names it. But to cheer him up after KEL always goes "Me and (name)! Adventure buddies forever! Me and him/her will go on so many adventures together! Thank you BASIL!"
- Is constantly asking his mom for snacks for his friends. He knows MARI and HERO could just make them but he knows that sometimes it must get tiring. His mom always makes little sandwiches with a side celery and cucumber. Maybe apple slices as well. 
- Tells HERO and MARI that it's just because he was feeling really hungry and couldn't wait for them to make food. But MARI knows that he really only wanted to help out and so she teases him for being embarrassed to help.
- KEL hates it, how dare she >:(
- He's not actually all that mad though, he's just over dramatic like that
-  He likes to share his food with SUNNY! SUNNY doesn't eat all that much and KEL doesn't know why, so he hopes that by offering his food to SUNNY he'll eat more. 
- Other than MARI he's one of SUNNY's biggest encouragement providers, often trying to get SUNNY out of his comfort zone and try new things! But SUNNY usually only freaks out and runs to his sister. KEL can only pout at this.
- Has successfully convinced BASIL that he indeed has a watermelon for a head.
- Likes to go "You have a spider in your hair!" to HERO and AUBREY. He laughs when he sees them freak out. Though AUBREY always does it back to him, which KEL says is not at all fair.
- Doesn't like it when his brother teases or bugs him back, which happens a lot.
- "KEL screams like a girl!" Is what AUBREY likes to tease him about, and he finds that one to be the most embarrassing. 
- Is jealous of his brother sometimes, because HERO seems to be good at everyone which KEL doesn't find fair at all. 
- Often has scrapes and bruises all over himself, he seems like the type of kid to trip a lot because he's clumsy. 
- Definitely a scab picker, which both his mom and brother lecture him not to do. But he can't help it!
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YIPPEE I finished the first headcanons! I'm happy with how they all came out! ^^
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shadow-pixelle · 11 months
special challenge- each of these needs to be answered with a different fic
Ooooohkay! Big ask. Let's see if I can do your little extra challenge too while I'm at it, I've probably got enough stuff.
Under a read more, because oh dear god this got long so quickly.
So for the portal; I'll go with 'something I haven't written yet', rather than haven't posted, because when it comes down to it I have no idea if I'll write something, but anything I've not posted I'll post eventually, so yeah.
The fic is called Run (Yourself) To Death, it's a Danny PhantomxDC crossover, it was one of the first things I came up with for this fandom, and is a solid 90% the fault of Clockwayswrite's A Broken Sort of Normal because that's what introduced me to the 'quick death' ship and I found it very very cute. Idea was that Wally West doesn't end up dead after the big twister thing from Young Justice (I don't remember enough about that show to give more details) and instead sort of... falls sideways, I guess? Into a natural portal to the Infinite Realms riiiiiight as he also fades into the Speedforce and kinda ends up in this very fucked up state of not-quite-Halfa but not dead but not alive either, no connection to the Speedforce, and a developing Ghost Core. The entire story would be focused on Danny finding him and trying to help him get back to his reality, which is really really hard, and takes several years, ending with them in a relationship and also Wally as a super liminal/basically a Halfa by the time they figure it out.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm calling it Run Yourself To Death, or just Run To Death, which is why the 'yourself' is in brackets.
Sunny cloud!; favourite piece of dialogue... ok, I've got a few WIPs ongoing at the moment. Normally I'd go with the one closest to being posted, buuuuuut that fic has no dialogue. So I'll go for the next one on that list, which is Strange Aeons, the Tumblr fic.
(I spent a solid like, half an hour looking through my various WIPs trying to choose a line, because I couldn't for the life of me decide on one that I liked enough.)
“Wait, so if you’re not- related, or whatever, to the Lazarus Pit, then what are you?”
I mostly like this one because of the cliffhanger-ness of it. It's not the last line of that segment, but it's pretty close to it.
For the thundercloud; something funny/cracky from your WIP. This is hilarious, because my WIP 1 isn't really funny- or well, it is, but more in the context of irony, and WIP 2 is. Uh. Not there yet. WIP 3 and WIP 4 both have some alright ones, so I'll take this one from Parhelion, because why not.
That scent was incredibly familiar. "Did you traffic me to yourself?" He asked, incredulity too strong for nervousness. "You haven't been trafficked." Wayne replied automatically, before stilling. "Excuse me?"
Tornado! Or as it appeared on my screen, cloud with a ghost tail. Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/AO3 tags. Uuuh ok. Let's use Ornithology for this one, because it's currently my main WIP. I'd sum this one up with Found Family, Cryptid Batfam, Gotham City Is Weird, Gotham City Rolls With Everything, and Wingfic as my main ones. I love this fic so much. It's nearly complete, too, which is a yay.
And finally, umbrella rain. Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it... hmm. Ok this is a fun one for me, because usually if I have a fic concept, I intend to write it, no matter what? But I've definitely got something somewhere that's so old that I probably won't end up writing it just because I've got so much else to write...
digs into the box of WIPs and ideas
Ok let's pull out two fun ones that I have in this old as fuck list- specifically ones that I actually remember what the fuck that note means (looking at you, 'guitar riff bad life decisions (also AA)' like what the fuck does that mean Past Pix. What the hell is that.)
So one of them is labelled as 'Tarre Kamino aka fuck the SW timeline'. I mostly remember this one because I started writing this, and it is in fact the reason I have a Word document with my own Star Wars timeline in it, because I got so sick of trying to figure it out via the wikis that I made some guesses and made my own. I didn't write more than maybe a scene of it because it was all driving me mad, and also I couldn't figure out where to go with things, but the idea was that the Force Ghost of Tarre Vizsla is on Kamino fucking around and finding out, and basically doing his best to keep the clones safe in the face of gestures at common fanon Kamino stuff and also like, the amount of rage he's got at Jango Fett and the other Mandos on planet. Cool idea, could not figure out where to go with it aside from probably having him interact with Shaak Ti at some point, but I had a solid 10 years to get through to get there and was lost.
The second one is 'Kamino is v angery (4546B)', man I love my naming system for things, and this one had No Plot Just Vibes. Fans of Subnautica may recognise that little number-letter combo at the end, the idea was literally that Kamino had once been the planet 4546B from Subnautica. The only real idea I had to go from there involved the Leviathans, specifically the Sea Emperor, but I had no idea what I wanted to do with it outside of that.
Maybe I'll come back to them sometime.
looks up wow this is a long post, huh. Damn. Hope you enjoyed hearing all these rambles, and ta very much for the ask! It was fun to go digging through things for quotes and stuff.
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