#(( since flu won't go away I'll make use of it ))
clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 22
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Monday, November 30; 8:15 AM - School.
Spending a day in the snow is nice. Doing it two days in a row and getting sick, not so much. I caught a nasty flu. Seeing my condition on Friday morning, Bronze outright forbade me from going to class. I was only good for crawling back into bed for the day. I even had to give up my trip back to Barcelona, even though my leave had been approved. I figured there was no point in going home just to stay in bed and spread my germs to everyone. Bronze stayed behind and spent some time with me when I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't even able to talk to her because of my hoarse voice. It wasn't until today that I regained enough of my voice to speak.
I sneeze for the umpteenth time as I make my way to my instructor's office. Since my condition has slightly improved today, I insisted on going back to class. Bronze couldn't forbid me from going, especially with the determination I showed. I didn't want to fall further behind, given I already was. Everything seemed fine, but I never imagined my teacher would turn me away after seeing my state. Well, it's true I look a bit pale, tired, and haven't fully recovered my voice, but I felt capable of working! He finally gave me a chance, but it was short-lived. He forced me to leave after five minutes because I couldn't stop coughing and blowing my nose. Great, right? For once, I was motivated, and they wouldn't let me work. I knock on the office door, which is wide open. The two instructors I'm used to seeing instinctively look up at the sound.
"He sent me away because of my condition," I mumble in a raspy voice.
I sound like a duck. Engen suppresses a laugh. I have trouble understanding what I just said myself. I cross my arms to pull my jacket tighter around me. The classrooms may be heated, but the hallways are a different story.
"No wonder," chuckles Engen. "You look like a zombie!"
"Stop mocking her, Ingrid," Bronze scolds. "I told you it was a bad idea."
I sneeze again and cover my nose with my hand as it starts to run. That was too much for Engen, who bursts out laughing. My supervisor stands up, grabbing her jacket. I thank her when she offers me a tissue. She gave me a pack this morning, but it's already empty. Well, I can only agree with her. It was really a bad idea to try going back to class.
"I'll take her back to her room. I'll be back soon."
"No problem. Get well soon, Ona."
She escorts me to the dorm. I head to the bathroom to put on some sweatpants and a thicker sweater, and I take the opportunity to wash my hands. Then I dive into my bed. To think I had taken the trouble to make it neatly. Bronze looks at me with amusement. She approaches me and checks my temperature. We both know that if I'm sick, it's because of my recent relapse. My immune system is shot. The pill Bronze gave me this morning must be working because, according to her, I no longer have a fever. I had one over the weekend. I felt like I was going back a few weeks.
"Well, I'm going to Wiegman's to see if I can take you to the doctor. You need proper treatment if you want to get well quickly. I won't be long. Stay put here in the meantime."
"Very funny. Where else would I go?" I grumble.
"With you, one never knows," she smiles. "I'll be back."
I sigh as I watch her leave, then lie down with my back to the door. I pull the blanket up as high as possible and try to fall asleep. I almost succeed before Bronze returns. She orders me to get up. She got Wiegman's permission to see a doctor. It looks like my day in bed is ruined. I'm forced to put my boots and jacket back on. Luckily for me, she doesn't make me wear my uniform. We head out in her car, and I recognize the route to downtown.
"By the way, did you give my wish list to my teacher?" I ask her.
"Yes, on Friday."
I sense some hesitation from her to continue. She eventually refrains, but my curiosity gets the better of me.
"Is there a problem?"
"Actually, yes. I shouldn't be telling you this, but he was surprised by your first choice," she admits. "We ended up talking a bit, and he showed me your grades. Why didn't you tell me they were so bad?"
I regret pushing her to continue. We hit a traffic jam at that moment. The only subjects where I manage to get average grades are literature and languages. I shouldn't normally worry about my last two choices.
"You should have told me. You have failing grades in everything!" she scolds.
"I do not!" I retort. "In literature and languages."
"That's not enough to get you into management!"
I sigh and rest my head against the window. Bronze moves forward with the traffic. Is she trying to make me understand that I have no chance of getting my first choice? That's probably it. I don't have the time or means to catch up. We're nearing the end of the first semester, which means there aren't many assignments left to improve my grades.
"Do you even study at all?"
"The minimum," I admit.
"I managed to get an opportunity for you."
"Oh, really?" I ask uncertainly.
"Yes. But only if you want to and feel motivated to do it."
"What opportunity?"
"You have the chance to retake a test in each subject. The new grades will replace your worst ones. Your teacher also told me that you'll likely have two more tests per subject before the semester ends."
"How am I supposed to do that? There are only three weeks left!"
"That's why I said you need to be motivated. It's a chance for you since they don't have enough grades."
"How did you get this opportunity?" I ask, watching her bite her lip for a moment.
"Don't get mad, but I had to explain your academic situation. If you accept, I want you to come study in my office after your classes starting Wednesday. We have three weeks to turn things around. It's up to you."
"Why are you doing this?" I whisper.
She's going through so much trouble. It's my problem if I don't get accepted into my first choice. It's because of my behavior at the beginning that I'm in this situation. I didn't care about grades or being here. I never tried to catch up since then. The only test I think I did well on was last week's math test.
"I know you care about your choice. Be grateful I'm giving you this chance, once again. It's clearly the only thing that can save you. Even if you get average grades, they'll see you've made an effort, and that will only be positive for you."
"Alright... I don't have much choice anyway."
"Good. I'll tell your teacher then."
The cough that takes over prevents me from replying, so I nod. Damn illness. We arrive at our destination shortly after this conversation. She parks in front of a tall building. I don't know exactly where we are, but it's impressive. I follow Bronze, who seems to know the place. The interior is as vast as the exterior. I spot signs indicating the names of several doctors. We reach the reception where Bronze introduces us. The receptionist directs us to an elevator, noting our presence. Bronze seems to know where we're going because she presses the third-floor button without being told. I keep alternating between sneezing, coughing, and using tissues. I'm slowly losing patience while Bronze mocks me. When we arrive on the floor, we head to a waiting room that's thankfully not too crowded. Bronze makes herself comfortable while I don't even dare take off my jacket. The wait is long. My supervisor is lucky to have games to occupy her while I twiddle my thumbs.
"Is the doctor a man or a woman?"
"A man, why?"
"Will you come with me?" I ask, biting my lower lip.
She frowns and puts down her game. I don't really want to be alone with him, especially since I don't know him. Seeing I won't explain, she shrugs.
"I planned to wait here, but it's fine if you want me to come with you."
"Thank you," I sigh.
"Do you have a problem with doctors?"
"Not really... Do you know him?"
"He's my doctor."
"He's young and cool. You don't have to worry."
She says that to reassure me, but it has the opposite effect. I sigh after sneezing again. Bronze smiles and hands me a tissue, which I accept with thanks.
"You'll come with me, right?"
"Yes, Ona," she rolls her eyes with a smile.
"Don't make fun of me," I grumble.
"Oh no, not at all," she smiles more.
She chuckles softly as I pout. We attract the attention of the other people in the room. It must have been very quiet before we arrived.
"Will you tell me about this problem someday?"
"Maybe once."
For now, I'm not ready to do so. It would reveal a lot about me.
"Here, do you want to play?" she asks, handing me her phone.
"Really?" I ask, surprised.
"Yes, you need to relax. You're way too stressed," she giggles.
I stick out my tongue and take her phone. It's been so long since I last played. I don't find the time to do it anymore. I smile when I see she has a Candy Crush level in progress. I was addicted to this game for a while. I remember this level where she's stuck very well. It took me a month to pass it. I'm playing through all her lives under Bronze's watchful eye. Meanwhile, other patients come and go.
- Oh shit, you did it!!! I’ve been stuck on this level for two months!
I giggle at her childish behavior, which once again draws attention to us. She apologizes for the disturbance before returning to her phone. I’m surprised myself that I passed this level. I guess it was just a stroke of luck. She seems in disbelief as she stares at the screen. We lift our heads when my name is called. I panic slightly when I see the young doctor. Bronze is the first to stand, placing her hand on my shoulder. I force myself to follow them into the office. He recognizes my supervisor, which surprises me. I didn't think she was the type to come here regularly. He asks me to lie on the examination bed in the middle of the room. I do as he asks without taking my eyes off my supervisor. She sits on a chair in front of the doctor’s desk, turning it to watch.
- Is she your sister? the doctor asks Bronze.
- What? Bronze chuckles. Do we look alike?
- No, I was just asking. It’s the first time you’ve come with someone... for the few times you do come.
Bingo, I was right. Bronze laughs softly. I don’t see what’s so funny. The situation is quite exasperating. It’s clear the doctor is interested in Bronze from the way he looks at her. I almost want to tell him he doesn’t stand a chance because she’s a lesbian.
- She’s a student from my workplace.
Bronze is too kind. I wouldn’t have even bothered answering for her. The doctor turns to face me. He gives me one of his best smiles while I barely avoid squinting at him.
- I didn’t know you were teachers.
I snicker as he frowns and begins my examination. He’s not gentle, the bastard. He must be doing it on purpose to get back at me. I look at my supervisor, who smiles at me unexpectedly. I roll my eyes with a slight grimace, which makes her smile wider.
- You’re not a teacher?
My doctor turns back to Bronze. She tries to regain her serious demeanor. I snicker, realizing it’s a lost cause. In reality, I think she’s fully aware that he’s trying to get her attention. I’m surprised she doesn’t shut him down. It’s something that would annoy me if I were in her place.
- No, not really, she replies as seriously as possible.
- And what do you do then?
- I don’t think that interests you.
- Oh, but it does!
- Of course it interests him, Bronze, I say cheerfully.
She silences me with a stern look. The doctor finally asks me to cough. I almost scream in response to his rough movements. What a bastard! It hurts more and more!
- She’s a student in a private school, and the student in front of you is my responsibility, so you better make sure she gets well quickly and in the best conditions.
Bronze uses her famous tone that always gives me chills. I hold back a smile, seeing the doctor swallow hard. I’d almost pity him, knowing how that feels. I didn’t expect Bronze to defend me or even notice how he was examining me. Strangely, since her intervention, he stops hurting me.
- It’s a nasty flu, he announces.
- Thanks, I already figured that out, I roll my eyes.
- Ona, be nice like I taught you, will you? my supervisor scolds me.
I roll my eyes. Well, I deserved that jab, but she could have spared me from looking like a complete idiot.
- It’s okay, don’t worry, the doctor laughs, which makes me want to vomit. I’ll prescribe your treatment. Take it morning, noon, and night with meals for a week.
He lets me pull down my shirt and moves behind his desk. I jump off the bed to sit next to Bronze.
- You’ll see how well you taught me to behave, I whisper, loudly enough though.
She slaps my thigh unexpectedly. A loud noise makes her eyes widen. I groan, holding my thigh. She didn’t miss. She laughs softly, patting my shoulders.
- You okay? she chuckles.
- You’re a brute, I swear! I grumble.
She laughs even more, apologizing this time. I look up at the doctor, who seems surprised by our behavior. At the same time, I’m supposed to be her student. It makes me realize we have an exceptional bond. It’s a bit of a strange relationship, but we appreciate each other a lot. If we had met in a different context, I’m sure we’d be friends in another way.
- You seem very close for her to be your student, the doctor comments.
- Well, let’s just say she’s a special student to me, she replies, ruffling my hair.
- Stop that, I grumble, pulling away from her hand.
I see her smile from the corner of my eye. Her words echo in my head. I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s nice to hear. The doctor pulls us out of our bubble by handing me my prescription. Bronze takes it before I can.
- Well, it was a pleasure to see you again.
- Likewise.
I cough exaggeratedly, letting out a small "liar" between coughs. This earns me a disapproving look from Bronze. He might have been credible if she hadn’t been holding back a smile. I hit the nail on the head again. She finally shakes the doctor’s hand, and I do the same right after. The doctor leads us out to open the door. We say goodbye before he goes to get his next patient. I jump when I get a kick in the butt as I head to the elevator. I say nothing until the doors close on us. We both burst out laughing.
- Don’t make a scene like that again, or you’ll see what happens, she scolds, hitting my shoulder.
- Admit it was funny! He was openly flirting with you! He even took it out on me because he was jealous.
I widen my eyes when she shows me a little piece of paper with a phone number written on it. She steps out of the elevator and continues as if nothing happened. I don’t know what shocks me more. The fact that she took the piece of paper or the fact that I didn’t notice. I quickly exit the elevator to catch up with Bronze, who is still laughing.
- Tell me you’re not going to call him? Because I mean, even I can do better than him at that level, right? He’s really annoying, don’t you think?
- Are you kidding? she laughs. I told you I’m only interested in women. I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings. And you’re right, he’s a bit annoying.
- You’re giving him false hope, which is worse!
- You think?
- Definitely! He expects you to call him now.
She looks at the piece of paper carefully before tearing it up without hesitation. I giggle, understanding what that means.
- Well, it seems I’ll have to change doctors.
I shake my head, amused, as we return to the car. At least I’m sure now that she’s not interested in men. I’m still struggling to get used to the idea. It seems like she has no trouble showing it. Yet, after what just happened, I understand that she doesn’t shout it from the rooftops either.
- I don’t regret asking you to come with me to the office.
- Hmm, don’t get too excited. I expect explanations for this in the near future, remember.
- Or a distant future.
- Near and non-negotiable.
She challenges me with a raised eyebrow. No matter what she wants, we both know I’ll talk when I’m ready. Before heading home, Bronze stops at the pharmacy to get my medication. It looks like her confidence is returning. She left me alone in the car with the keys in the ignition so I could keep the heat and music on. I take the opportunity to observe her dashboard in her absence. I’d love to have the same car someday. Her sudden return surprises me. I blush for being caught red-handed. I quickly reposition myself as she settles back in. She places a full bag on my lap.
- Like my car? she smiles.
- Yeah... I say, my cheeks still red. Bronze, will you let me drive it once?
- Lucy.
- Pardon?
- Call me Lucy. It’s starting to annoy me that you call me by my last name all the time when you know my first name.
- You’re the one who doesn’t want me to call you by your first name, I remind her.
-At school, yes, but outside, I allow you to call me by my first name.
- And like when we’re alone at camp? Like our future evening classes? I ask, making her roll her eyes with an amused smile.
- Your flu should have completely silenced you.
- Hey! I didn’t ask for anything bad.
- No, but you always ask for more. You should be happy I let you call me by my first name outside. Otherwise, it’s too risky. We don’t know who’s around.
I nod, biting my lip. She’s probably right that I keep asking for more. I can understand that she doesn’t want to take risks. We’ve already been interrupted several times without noticing someone else was around.
- Do you have a license? she changes the subject.
- Yeah, but no car. My mom didn’t want to take any risks at the time.
- Understandable.
- Yes, completely, but it makes- Oh shit, you did it!!! I’ve been stuck on this level for two months!
I giggle at her childish behavior, which once again draws attention to us. She apologizes for the disturbance before returning to her phone. I’m surprised myself that I passed this level. I guess it was just a stroke of luck. She seems in disbelief as she stares at the screen. We lift our heads when my name is called. I panic slightly when I see the young doctor. Bronze is the first to stand, placing her hand on my shoulder. I force myself to follow them into the office. He recognizes my supervisor, which surprises me. I didn't think she was the type to come here regularly. He asks me to lie on the examination bed in the middle of the room. I do as he asks without taking my eyes off my supervisor. She sits on a chair in front of the doctor’s desk, turning it to watch.
- Is she your sister? the doctor asks Bronze.
- What? Bronze chuckles. Do we look alike?
- No, I was just asking. It’s the first time you’ve come with someone... for the few times you do come.
Bingo, I was right. Bronze laughs softly. I don’t see what’s so funny. The situation is quite exasperating. It’s clear the doctor is interested in Bronze from the way he looks at her. I almost want to tell him he doesn’t stand a chance because she’s a lesbian.
- She’s a student from my workplace.
Bronze is too kind. I wouldn’t have even bothered answering for her. The doctor turns to face me. He gives me one of his best smiles while I barely avoid squinting at him.
- I didn’t know you were teachers.
I snicker as he frowns and begins my examination. He’s not gentle, the bastard. He must be doing it on purpose to get back at me. I look at my supervisor, who smiles at me unexpectedly. I roll my eyes with a slight grimace, which makes her smile wider.
- You’re not a teacher?
My doctor turns back to Bronze. She tries to regain her serious demeanor. I snicker, realizing it’s a lost cause. In reality, I think she’s fully aware that he’s trying to get her attention. I’m surprised she doesn’t shut him down. It’s something that would annoy me if I were in her place.
- No, not really, she replies as seriously as possible.
- And what do you do then?
- I don’t think that interests you.
- Oh, but it does!
- Of course it interests him, Bronze, I say cheerfully.
She silences me with a stern look. The doctor finally asks me to cough. I almost scream in response to his rough movements. What a bastard! It hurts more and more!
- She’s a student in a private school, and the student in front of you is my responsibility, so you better make sure she gets well quickly and in the best conditions.
Bronze uses her famous tone that always gives me chills. I hold back a smile, seeing the doctor swallow hard. I’d almost pity him, knowing how that feels. I didn’t expect Bronze to defend me or even notice how he was examining me. Strangely, since her intervention, he stops hurting me.
- It’s a nasty flu, he announces.
- Thanks, I already figured that out, I roll my eyes.
- Ona, be nice like I taught you, will you? my supervisor scolds me.
I roll my eyes. Well, I deserved that jab, but she could have spared me from looking like a complete idiot.
- It’s okay, don’t worry, the doctor laughs, which makes me want to vomit. I’ll prescribe your treatment. Take it morning, noon, and night with meals for a week.
He lets me pull down my shirt and moves behind his desk. I jump off the bed to sit next to Bronze.
- You’ll see how well you taught me to behave, I whisper, loudly enough though.
She slaps my thigh unexpectedly. A loud noise makes her eyes widen. I groan, holding my thigh. She didn’t miss. She laughs softly, patting my shoulders.
- You okay? she chuckles.
- You’re a brute, I swear! I grumble.
She laughs even more, apologizing this time. I look up at the doctor, who seems surprised by our behavior. At the same time, I’m supposed to be her student. It makes me realize we have an exceptional bond. It’s a bit of a strange relationship, but we appreciate each other a lot. If we had met in a different context, I’m sure we’d be friends in another way.
- You seem very close for her to be your student, the doctor comments.
- Well, let’s just say she’s a special student to me, she replies, ruffling my hair.
- Stop that, I grumble, pulling away from her hand.
I see her smile from the corner of my eye. Her words echo in my head. I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s nice to hear. The doctor pulls us out of our bubble by handing me my prescription. Bronze takes it before I can.
- Well, it was a pleasure to see you again.
- Likewise.
I cough exaggeratedly, letting out a small "liar" between coughs. This earns me a disapproving look from Bronze. He might have been credible if she hadn’t been holding back a smile. I hit the nail on the head again. She finally shakes the doctor’s hand, and I do the same right after. The doctor leads us out to open the door. We say goodbye before he goes to get his next patient. I jump when I get a kick in the butt as I head to the elevator. I say nothing until the doors close on us. We both burst out laughing.
- Don’t make a scene like that again, or you’ll see what happens, she scolds, hitting my shoulder.
- Admit it was funny! He was openly flirting with you! He even took it out on me because he was jealous.
I widen my eyes when she shows me a little piece of paper with a phone number written on it. She steps out of the elevator and continues as if nothing happened. I don’t know what shocks me more. The fact that she took the piece of paper or the fact that I didn’t notice. I quickly exit the elevator to catch up with Bronze, who is still laughing.
- Tell me you’re not going to call him? Because I mean, even I can do better than him at that level, right? He’s really annoying, don’t you think?
- Are you kidding? she laughs. I told you I’m only interested in women. I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings. And you’re right, he’s a bit annoying.
- You’re giving him false hope, which is worse!
- You think?
- Definitely! He expects you to call him now.
She looks at the piece of paper carefully before tearing it up without hesitation. I giggle, understanding what that means.
- Well, it seems I’ll have to change doctors.
I shake my head, amused, as we return to the car. At least I’m sure now that she’s not interested in men. I’m still struggling to get used to the idea. It seems like she has no trouble showing it. Yet, after what just happened, I understand that she doesn’t shout it from the rooftops either.
- I don’t regret asking you to come with me to the office.
- Hmm, don’t get too excited. I expect explanations for this in the near future, remember.
- Or a distant future.
- Near and non-negotiable.
She challenges me with a raised eyebrow. No matter what she wants, we both know I’ll talk when I’m ready. Before heading home, Bronze stops at the pharmacy to get my medication. It looks like her confidence is returning. She left me alone in the car with the keys in the ignition so I could keep the heat and music on. I take the opportunity to observe her dashboard in her absence. I’d love to have the same car someday. Her sudden return surprises me. I blush for being caught red-handed. I quickly reposition myself as she settles back in. She places a full bag on my lap.
- Like my car? she smiles.
- Yeah... I say, my cheeks still red. Bronze, will you let me drive it once?
- Lucy.
- Pardon?
- Call me Lucy. It’s starting to annoy me that you call me by my last name all the time when you know my first name.
- You’re the one who doesn’t want me to call you by your first name, I remind her.
- At school, yes, but outside, I allow you to call me by my first name. You don’t hesitate to use “tu” with me, so a first name won’t change much.
- And like when we’re alone at camp? Like our future evening classes? I ask, making her roll her eyes with an amused smile.
- Your flu should have completely silenced you.
- Hey! I didn’t ask for anything bad.
- No, but you always ask for more. You should be happy I let you call me by my first name outside. Otherwise, it’s too risky. We don’t know who’s around.
I nod, biting my lip. She’s probably right that I keep asking for more. I can understand that she doesn’t want to take risks. We’ve already been interrupted several times without noticing someone else was around.
- Do you have a license? she changes the subject.
- Yeah, but no car. My mom didn’t want to take any risks at the time.
- Understandable.
- Yes, completely, but it makes me want to now. I never really got to drive since then. I don’t even know if I can still do it.
- And you’re asking if you can drive my car? she raises an eyebrow.
- You can’t blame me for dreaming of driving an Audi.
She laughs, shaking her head. Once again, I feel like I’m asking for too much. We continue talking for the rest of the trip. I tell her how I learned to drive with my dad. He let me drive in the countryside when I was a teenager, without my mom knowing. Later, I really learned on the roads with my mom. It wasn’t a pleasant time. We always argued. This conversation keeps us occupied for the entire return trip. My cough still doesn’t calm down. I had to clear my throat more than once during our conversation. I feel exhausted now that the excitement has subsided. It’s eleven o'clock when we get back to my room. She goes back to work while I crawl under my blanket after taking off my sweatpants. I’m alone long enough to sleep in my underwear. I fall asleep quickly. Unfortunately, I’m woken up shortly after. It’s Bronze again, standing over my head with a smile.
-Wake up, sleepyhead. I’ve let you sleep long enough.
"What time is it?" I mumbled.
"Past one o'clock."
I sighed deeply after coughing so hard it hurt my chest. I rolled onto my back to see her better. I thought Alexia was going to wake me up, but she must have gone back to class.
"Come on, get out from under there. Let's eat."
I grumbled in discontent. I really didn't want to get out of bed, especially to eat when I wasn't hungry at all. That didn't stop her from throwing my tracksuit right in my face.
"I managed to catch Alexia in the hallways to give you an extra hour, so do me a favor and get up to share your meal with me."
"I'm not hungry," I admitted.
"That's why I asked for some soup to be prepared. You need to eat something with your medication."
I rolled my eyes, which made her smile. I could have done without it, especially the soup. I had eaten enough of it during my detox. I held back a groan, stretched, and then pulled off my blanket to sit at the edge of the bed. She had a victorious smile when I put on my tracksuit. She rummaged through the medicine bag lying on my desk.
"What are you doing?" I asked, dragging my feet toward her.
"I'm checking what you need to take this afternoon."
"Yeah, basically I have to take everything," I said, seeing her pull out the boxes one by one.
"Have you taken any syrup?"
"No, I haven't touched anything."
"Make sure you take some after eating then. It will calm your cough."
"You're not going to manage my medication again, are you?"
"It seems I will, since you can't take them yourself."
I rolled my eyes, sniffing loudly.
"Got a tissue?"
"Yeah. Take this afterward," she said, handing me a nasal spray.
"You're so annoying."
I sighed again but listened to her. She wasn't going to give me the last word on this kind of thing.
"Can I wear my sneakers?"
"We'll make an exception this time."
She took my medicine bag, and we went to the cafeteria, which was empty. Our tray was already prepared by the staff. Bronze must have notified them before fetching me because she thanked them. We sat at her table on the educators' side. She didn't force me to eat anything but the soup, but that was already too much. I slumped over the table.
"Make an effort and eat a bit."
"Um... I won't be able to go out this weekend, right?"
"Why wouldn't you?"
"I don't know."
I stirred my spoon in my soup while she prepared all the pills I had to take. There were at least five. I swallowed them without complaint with my glass of water.
"You can go if your leave is approved. Eat your soup; it will get cold," she scolded.
I forced myself to eat a few bites to please her. It felt like my stomach disagreed. I had already lost my appetite, and now that I was sick, it was even worse. I spent more time playing with the soup than putting it in my mouth. Bronze eventually took the spoon from my hand, dipped it into my bowl, and brought it to my mouth. I groaned, understanding her intention to feed me.
"It's the only way you'll eat, isn't it?"
"Fine, I'll eat."
I tried to take the spoon back, but she pulled it away.
"Too late. Open your mouth."
I sighed, resigned, and opened my mouth where she placed the spoon. I swallowed everything under her smile.
"When you've finished everything, yes. Open."
I rolled my eyes, taking another spoonful. I had tried to take the spoon back, but she even smacked my fingers. She finished her dish in the meantime. I finished mine without much enthusiasm. I didn't like her doing this. One, because I was forcing myself to eat, and two, because it made me feel dependent.
"Can I stay here if I don't want to go back?"
"This weekend?"
"Why wouldn't you want to go back?"
"I want to do my Christmas shopping..."
"Are you trying to tell me something?" she smiled.
"I just want to know if there's a way to go out if I stay here. Well, I still need to recover first..."
"We'll discuss it if you like. Now, open your mouth; you're almost done."
I accepted the end without protest. I slumped over the table right after she took my bowl away. I could have fallen asleep on that table; I was so tired. The flu was draining all my energy. Bronze had to pull me up from my chair.
"Can't you carry me?"
"And what else?"
"You have no pity for the sick," I grumbled.
"Correction, I have no pity for you. Come on, Ona, don't be a child. You'll be back in bed in five minutes."
With this news, I found the motivation to move. I accompanied her to clear the tray, and then we returned to the dormitory. Before letting me lie down, she made me take some syrup to calm my cough and use the nasal spray. Finally, I lay down after all that. I took off my tracksuit again to be more comfortable. I was surprised she stayed by my bed to keep me company.
"Why are you staying? I'm going to fall asleep."
"I know. Just sleep. You need the rest."
I smiled softly, watching her read with my sleepy expression. Her presence reassured me. I was glad she stayed, even though sleep came quickly thanks to my light conscience.
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thisismeracing · 10 months
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I'LL ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF YOU (100%) | ✅ (read here) mick schumacher x fluff The flu caught you out of the blue and completely unprepared, good thing you have your boyfriend around to take care of you.
PRETTY LIAR (100%) ✅ | (preview here and full piece on Patreon here) lando norris Ever since Lando was a kid he knew his future would bring fame somehow, always involved with racing and having just what it needed to become a Formula 1 driver, he was happy with everything it entailed, up until said future became his present and he realized there was also a rough side to the fame. That's why, when he found you – someone who had no idea who he was, he kept his career from you. He would tell you, and he would eventually clarify the situation, he had it all planned, however, all it took was one week. One week for you to discover that what you thought started as a beautiful story, was actually a perfectly told lie. Lando was pretty, but he was also a liar. Now he had to find a way to explain everything, and you had to find it in you to forgive him.
LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME (100%) ✅ | (preview here and full piece on Patreon here) daniel ricciardo When Daniel asked you to marry him you knew your wedding would be perfect, you just didn't expect your fiancée to rent a whole island a week before the wedding to enjoy the off days with you until you finally tied the knot. Safe to say you made good use of all the private land and boat rides.
LITERATURE LOVERS (100%) ✅ | (preview here and full piece on Patreon here) carlos sainz – professor!sainz One of your favorite writers once said that "destiny guides our fortunes more favorably than we could have expected", deep down you knew he was right, but you had never given it too much thought. Well, at least not until you hear the Spanish Literature professor say those words looking at you. Of course, it was dangerous grounds, but things clicked, and as he said so himself, destiny guided you together.
HEART-DRESSER (100%) ✅ | read here lewis hamilton – hairdresser/braider!reader When Lewis finds himself just a couple days away from a racing weekend and without his usual braids he desperately searches for suggestions of available hairdressers in the area. As the saying goes, love can come from the most unexpected places, and Lewis is about to discover that this is, in fact, true.
DIE FROM A BROKEN HEART (100%) ✅ | read here mick schumacher – wolff!reader After a fight with Mick, your secret boyfriend, you find yourself crying in your father's arms, and it won't take much for Toto to connect the dots. The thing is: what is going to happen when he finally does?
TO BUILD A HOME (100%) ✅ | (preview here and full piece on Patreon here) mick schumacher x hamilton!reader Mick and Yn are used to sharing everything, and always spending time with each other. All this time they didn't notice, however, that things got easier because they ended up pilling some things in one house. His place is theirs now, but the same happened with her place that now, too, is theirs. It only takes their respective siblings one look to figure out the whole situation. Will it scare them, or will they finally move in together?
HOW YOU GET THE GIRL (100%) ✅ read here daniel ricciardo x plus size!reader Yn is tired of going on dates only to realize that the guy she thought was great, was actually terrible. So that's why when her friend tells her she knows someone who would match perfectly, Yn accepts the blind date. It's gonna be her last attempt at love, and now Daniel only has one date to prove he's worth it.
THIS LOVE IS OURS (100%) ✅ read here lewis hamilton x reader Relationships aren't usually easy. Add to it the fact that you date a world champion racing driver, and your dad doesn't really like said driver, and the media is ready to dissect every move you make. At the end of the day, the stakes are high and the waters can be rough, but what you share with Lewis is true love, and it's yours.
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⟶ Disclaimer: Please, be patient with me, I may take time but I always get it done <3.
⟶ also: make sure you reblog my pieces and/or leave me a comment, it means a lot and that’s a way to support and give more visibility to content creators! *mwah* 
⟶ important: the pieces with "patreon exclusive" can be read here, the others will come out there first (early access) but will be posted here too after a couple of days.
⟶ here’s my main masterlist & patreon guide
⟶ my taglist if you want to be tagged on my works
› These titles can always change! they’re just so I can keep my docs organized and you guys updated.
› ✅ - means the piece was published.
› % - stands for the amount of writing I did on that piece
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balkanradfem · 11 months
So, since the gardening season was unsuccessful, and really sad, I've been dreaming of starting new seeds. I've decided, this time, I'm going to plant so many tomatoes that nothing will be able to prevent the tomato harvest. It's gonna be all tomato garden, 40+ tomato plants, I'll build shelters for them in case of hail, weave nets, I'm ready, let's do this.
However, it's October, and there's precious little I can do in October to start plants; if I germinate anything right now, there won't be enough sun for it to grow, and it will pout and die </3. It happens every year when I stubbornly plant basil and it checks out the daylight levels and decides to nope out of that situation.
So, instead, what I'm doing, is still learning about mushrooms! I'm going to the forest regularly and collecting anything that could possibly be edible, and trying it out. I've been lucky to find so many edible boletes, I've been drying them in the summer and I have a great dried mushroom stash, which will prove very valuable during the winter.
Now there's a mushroom that grows when nothing else is really available, the latin name is 'Neoboletus luridiformis' and it looks like this:
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Cool, right? A red bolete mushroom. She's called Scarletina Bolete. Looks poisonous. However, sources claim that this mushroom is edible, granted it's cooked first. I've been sheepish to try it because it's so red, and there are red boletes that are 100% poisonous, so this is just a health risk. You can check if the mushroom is this one because it stains blue and black when you cut it, and mine do. This is how it looks like cut:
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I mean that does look extremely unappetizing but it says right there on wikipedia that it's edible:
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hmm so anyway, I've finally decided to stop being a coward, and I cooked the mushroom and had some yesterday! It's still not been a full 24 hours, but I'm faring well for now. If this turns to be a good food source, I'll be set for the entire year because this baby grows at all times in the forest.
Another cool thing I'm trying out is acorn pancakes. I discovered some people on youtube who are making acorn flour and then baking pancakes out of it, and I've been curious about acorns before, but now I'm set with instructions and knowledge on how to process it. Acorns were used as a source of flour before wheat was in use, and it was pretty great, because they didn't need to cut down forests, or plow the fields, or turn bunch of soil to dust; people can just collect acorns because oak trees are everywhere here. The only issue is that the acorns are filled with tannins, which is a chemical that produces a very bitter taste, which makes them not very tasty. However, people have also figured out how to ''wash the tannins out', and there's a process of boiling and throwing water away, or leaving them buried next to a riverbank for a year, in order to get them to taste good.
I haven't yet decided what route I'm going to take, but I collected some acorns last time I was in the forest:
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I have to admit they feel very good to hold in hand. They're so nicely brown, almost chestnut in color, they're shiny, pleasant oval shape, and very heavy. It felt like I was holding something valuable, rich. Since they're a wild food, I know they have more nutrients in them than anything we developed ourselves, wild food generally has 3 times more nutrition than anything growing in a human-made garden.
I've also stumbled on a few acorns that have sprouted roots! I've collected them as well, and put them in a soil-filled container on my balcony, let's see if I can grow an oak tree. That would feel extremely cool to grow.
I'm also collecting and curing walnuts (apparently you can make a walnut butter out of them I did not know that), conkers (for the laundry detergent, I love them), nettle (drying into powder, using as a calcium supplement) and I've also found some violets growing at this time, so I collected the leaves for tea; they're medicinal for colds, flus and fevers.
I'm going to the forest again tomorrow, and hopefully I'll write another update about fun things I've found and trying out! Stay safe and don't follow my lead to eat weird things, unless you research them yourself.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary; Eddie is a pain in the ass when he is sick. He is also very cuddly.
A/N; Sorry, I just needed some sick Eddie fluff.
'Invincible Immune System'
"I'm gonna die," Eddie croaks out and you laugh. He pouts before coughing again. "Stupid fucking invincible immune system," he gripes at you.
You had not been sick since you where thirteen. Eddie got sick every winter, spring, summer, and any time allergies got bad. He had the immune system of newborn baby.
Eddie had a fairly bad flu, you would think he had terminal cancer. He was sprawled out on his bed, scattered tissues, cough drops, medicine bottles, stray pills, joints, a lighter, and many other random objects covered his bed and floor.
"you're not going to die. Now take the damn pill," you say, losing your patience. Eddie hated being sick, but he also completely refused to take a pill. You quite literally had to force him.
"I'll give you a kiss," you bargain and Eddie curses before taking the pill and a the glass of water on his side table. He gives you pouty eyes before taking a gulp of water and throwing the pill in his mouth. He swallows, and then gags.
"Disgusting, I think I deserve two kisses," he complains and you press a quick kiss to his lips, he moans into it like a man starved as you pull away. He pouts, for the umpteenth time that hour.
Eddie didn't stop pouting. Making him take medicine? He would pout. Making him clean his room? He would pout. Anything where he couldn't be glued to you? He was almost in tears with how hard he was pouting.
You sigh and give him another kiss. His lips are soft and- fuck he was sick. You wouldn't get sick, but he shouldn't be kissing with the flu.
He pouts when you pull away. He gives you the stupid puppy dog eyes. You groan and move to get in bed with him. You both lay down together, and Eddie enjoys getting to be the little spoon.
He wouldn't admit it; but he loved having your arms and legs wrapped around him. He loved it. You tucked his head away under your chin as you pressed a kiss to your forearm.
You hated when Eddie was sick; Eddie, however, loved it. He got an excuse to have you smother him for days on end. He almost hoped this flu never ended.
But there was a strict no sex, and nothing other then quick kisses while sick. He hated the rule. It was his arch-nemesis.
You smile as you hear a soft snore. Sick Eddie fell asleep within minutes. That was what you thought. The truth was Eddie felt so safe being cuddled by you. So he slept well.
You close your eyes and decide to get some rest for the fever dream questions he would be waking you up to ask at three am. He always did, and never remembered it, or he claimed to never remember it.
Sleep soon overtook you to, you both doesn't the night sleeping. Curled up into each other.
My requests are open! My pinned post has everybody/thing I write for, and what I won't write for!
Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed it please leave a comment and reblog it. It takes less then a minute but means the world to us writers!
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
Wine, Drug and Antidote Haylor theme
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Wine / Alcohol
Clean “you’re still all over me like a wine stained dress I can’t wear anymore”
Death by a Thousand Cuts “my time, my wine, my spirit, my trust” and "I get drunk, but it's not enough ’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby"
False God “got the wine for you”
Willow “lost in your current like a priceless wine”
Maroon “your roommate’s cheap ass screw top rose" and “The burgundy on my tshirt when you splashed your wine into me”
Paris “cheap wine make believe it’s champagne”
Dress: I’m spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we’re both drunk
The 1: Rosé flowing with your chosen family
August: August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine
Ivy: Or dare to sit and watch what we’ll become, and drink my husband’s wine
Need "Desire is the sound of the whiskey / Telling me you miss me Can you come around?"
Gorgeous"Whiskey on ice, Sunset and Vine, you’ve ruined my life by not being mine"
“Slut!”: And if I’m gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love
End Game: I don’t wanna hurt you, I just wanna be drinking on a beach with you all over me
Delicate: We can’t make any promises now can we babe, but you can make me a drink
Dress: I’m spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we’re both drunk
Cruel Summer: I’m drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar
Cardigan: Dancing in your Levi’s, drunk under a streetlight
Olivia, “This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love”
Already Home “a bottle of wine, pretending it’s fine”
Changes “god bless the young hearts sippin cheap wine
Grapejuice "I'm so over whites and pinks", "A bottle of rouge” and “Just me and you 1982" and “grapejuice blues”
Little Freak “red wine and ginger ale”
Keep Driving “wine glass, puff pass”
Pick you up "We don't need wine, we need water"
Medicine "I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted"
From the Dining Table "Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon"
Satellite "Do you wanna talk? / We share the last line / Then we drink the wall"
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Medicine, Anti-dote, drugs and addiction
Clean "Ten months sober, I must admit / Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it / Ten months older, I won't give in / Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it"
Death by a thousand cuts "Gave up on me like I was a bad drug"
Don’t Blame Me: Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I’ll be using for the rest of my life
Illicit Affairs: A drug that only worked the first few hundred times
Bejewelled “some guy said my auras moonstone just cuz he was high” 
Muse as a drug/addiction
Meet me in the Hallway "I just left the bedroom Give me some morphine / Is there any more to do?"
Daylight - “ You got the antidote I'll take one to go, go, please”
Golden "I can feel you take control (I can feel you take control) / Of who I am, and all I've ever known / Lovin' you's the antidote",
Ever Since New York "Choose your words 'cause there's no antidote"
End of the Day "Twenty minutes later, wound up in the hospital / The priest thinks it's the devil, my mum thinks it's the flu / But, girl, it's only you"
Medicine - "I'm here to take my medicine, take my medicine / Treat you like a gentleman / Give me that adrenaline, that adrenaline"
Make my day "She asked me to choke her, I play along / Hit me like a ray of light, straight to my veins"
Complicated Freak "I still crave it, complicated freak"
Taking drugs / being high
Ophelia "Why don't we get a little high and crazy?"
Daylight "You were just doing cocaine In my kitchen, you never listen" and "I'm on the roof / You're in your airplane seat / I was nose bleedin'"
Keep Driving "Cocaine, side boob / Choke her with a sea view"
Pop tart "A coked up little Pop-Tart" (I think not Haylor)
Kiwi "Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up"
Cinema "I bring the pop to the cinema / You pop when we get intimate"
(See also @womanexile's post on Wine)
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musekicker · 2 years
For your prompts (if you’re still doing those): maybe Puss is sick and Death is passing through where they are (totally unrelated, probably just a disaster in a nearby town or something) and tries to help out. Kitty, who knows for a fact that Puss just has a cold/flu, basically goes “Boi don’t you dARE-“ and Death has to reassure her that no, he’s not here for Puss; he’s not THAT eager to see him again. Kitty is still suspicious, Puss is too tired/out of it to really care.
So first finished drabble with these characters. Getting use to writing them so some of the writing may be stiff? But I like what I wrote.
It had been three days since Puss had got sick. There was a small bit of luck that he had started showing signs of being sick soon after they had reached the inn. He was coughing all night that first night. Kitty knew the next morning that they were better off staying at the inn until Puss was better. Expensive but better then having someone sick on the road.
So now Puss was sleeping in bed, his breathing raspy. Had been for days now. And his temperature was getting higher.
Kitty was more worried then she let on to Perrito. Enough that she was going to take a quick trip into town to talk with the town doctor again. As well as pick up more supplies for the sick cat.
"You stay with Puss. I'm going to go on a quick supply run. I won't be long." Kitty said.
Perrito sat up straight and nodded.
"I'll keep a good eye on him!" Perrito said.
Kitty gave one more worried glance in Puss's direction before she opened the door. Then she found there was a wolf at the door. Or rather, Death was at the door.
Kitty instantly had a dagger in paw.
"Don't you even dare-" Kitty hissed.
Death puts his hands up in a placating gesture.
"I am not here for his soul. Not his time I promise you." Death said.
Kitty was not backing down yet. Death was not on the list of those she trusted.
"Why are you here?" Kitty asked.
The wolf strode deeper into the room. His imposing form ever more frightening to the others in the small inn room. His red eyes fixed on Kitty and Perrito. Though they flickered over towards the cat in the bed for a second. That made Kitty more tense.
"There was a rather devastating fire in the town a few miles away from here." Death said. "I was busy there as you can imagine."
"Yes, I can. That still does not make you welcomed here." Kitty said. "Or explain why you stopped here."
Death just grinned.
"It is nice to see that the hero has someone that has their back" Death said. "And for why I stopped here, maybe I needed a rest."
"You? A rest?" Kitty asked, incredulous.
"Of course he does!" Perrito said. "Everyone needs to rest."
Kitty wanted to argue with Death more, but then the sound Puss moving in the bed and a slight groan told the group that Puss was awake. The orange cat blinked his bleary eyes a couple of times before he saw Death.
"Am I hallucinating?" Puss asked.
"Nope!" Perrito said.
"Is it-" Puss asked.
"No it's not your time. You have the flu and you are being dramatic." Death informed Puss.
Puss coughed before replying.
"That does sound like me." Puss admitted.
Death let out a small bark of a laugh.
"More agreeable when sick I see too." Death said.
"Why are you here?" Puss asked.
"As I explained to your friends, I was already at a disaster the next town over. You'll want to take another route to a different town when you do travel on again." Death said. "I've finished my business there and am taking a break."
"Death takes breaks?" Puss asked.
"Yeah." Kitty said, still glaring at Death and keeping herself between Puss and Death. "I don't believe that either."
Death only smirked. Kitty hissed under her breath. Before things could get more tense, Perrito spoke up.
"Do you have any stories? You have to have a lot of interesting stories I'm sure." Perrito said.
The wolf looked down to Perrito with a unusually softer expression.
"I do not think that you would like the stories I have to tell. They all end rather... well, grim." Death said.
Kitty and Puss did not doubt that. 
"Aw, but you've been around so long. There has to be something you can tell that doesn't end in well.. you. Like maybe you saw a really rare and pretty flower or heard a nice song or-"
Death put up a hand to interrupt the dog, though not without a amused expression.
"I suppose I could think of something that isn't as dark as all the other stories I have." Death said.
"Yay!" Perrito cried. 
Kitty and Puss could only glance at each other as Death actually sat on the floor. And before they could suggest Perrito keep his distance from Death, he ran right over to the wolf. He stopped right before him, turned in place three times as dogs did, and laid down to hear the story.
"This story is about a kingdom that no longer exists-"
Death went on with his story. All during the story, Kitty was trying to figure out Death's angle was here. Surely he was not here to just hang out. Was he?
Puss tried to stay on alert as much as Kitty was. But with how sick he was, he found himself dozing off. And Perrito was close to sleep himself. Soon it would be just Kitty and Death awake. Would Death make a move on Puss's life then?
Though if he truly wanted Puss's soul, he could had fought his way past Kitty. She would had done everything she could to protect Puss, but she knew Death would had defeated her in a fight eventually.
"- and they say to this day even though the town and it's church no longer stand, the bells of that church can be heard at night on the anniversary of the towns fall." Death said.
"That's kind of nice." Perrito said sleepily.
Death tilted his head, curious.
"How so?" Death asked.
"The town is gone but at least it's not forgotten. And they even got a ghost bell. How cool is that?" Perrito said.
Death smiled.
"You are a odd one." Death said, not unkindly.
Perrito yawned, and laid his head down. Soon enough the dog was snoring.
Now it really was just Kitty and Death.
"I still don't trust you." Kitty told Death.
Death grinned.
"That is honestly fair." he said.
Kitty didn't know how or when, but she had fallen asleep sometime during the night. Realizing that, she sat up in the chair she was slumped in and looked around the room. First she noticed that Death was gone, Perrito still sleeping in the spot before where Death had been.
Kitty could not hold back the feeling she should check on Puss to make sure he was still breathing. To see if Death had pulled a fast one on them.
She hurried over to the bed. 
Puss looked to be asleep. And for a second Kitty's heart seized, sure that they had been tricked and that he was gone. She had to lean over closer to Puss's face and chest to realize that he was breathing. A little less raspier then he had been last night.
Kitty sighed in relief. She stood there at Puss's side for a few minutes until she was sastifaied that he was safe and alive.
It took another three days for Puss to feel better enough to be in any traveling condition. He barely remembered that night when Death came to visit. But both he and Kitty could agree that the whole thing had been odd. 
Even odder would be the fact that this would not be their last casual encounter with Death.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
Marjan's goodbye to the 126 made me cry... but Carlos is her friend too and he deserved to say goodbye too. And if Tim won't give me that, I'll just write it myself.
Or read on AO3
--- "Mama you really don't have to stay. You can just go home." Carlos pleaded with his mother. "I promise I won't overdo it. I'll just sit right here until TK gets home."
"Mi amor, I promised TK I'd stay to keep an eye on you so that's exactly what I'm going to do. You scared us." she stroked his face and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "We nearly lost you, we're allowed to be a little over protective."
"I'm fine mama. You heard the doctor, I've been lucky. I'm ok." he tried to reason with his mother. "I'm going back to work in a few days."
Andrea gave him a look that said she wasn't happy about that.
"Your dad has already talked to your sergeant about making you take it easy for a while. You need to give yourself time to recover."
"I will. I am, I promise. I don't need babysitting."
"Maybe not but I'm not leaving you on your own this soon after getting out of hospital. I'm your mother, it's my job to take care of you." she told him. "And I haven't always done a very good job..."
"Just read your book Carlitos, I'll get started on dinner so TK doesn't have to worry about that when he gets home from work."
"I can cook mama, you don't have to. At least let me help." Carlos tried.
Andrea seemed to consider his suggestion but before she could decide anything, there was a knock on the door.
"Are you expecting anyone? Did TK forget his keys?" Andrea asked, going to open the door before Carlos could even think of getting up. "Oh hello Marjan."
"Hi Mrs Reyes." she said politely. "Is Carlos awake? I was hoping to talk to him for a little while."
"Yes Carlos is awake and very bored because he's barely allowed to move from the sofa." Carlos said, coming to greet her at the door. "Hey Marj."
"Hey you, how are you feeling?" she carefully hugged him.
"Fine. A little tired but that's it." he told her, leaving out certain details. "Though my mom and TK are making sure I don't so much as blink without either of them knowing. He hasn't left me out of his sight since I was discharged and now he had to go back to work, he got my mom to babysit me."
"We're just worried about you sweetheart. We want to make sure you're safe and rest up enough to enjoy your wedding day." Andrea told him.
"That's weeks away mom. I'll be fine by then. I'm fine now."
Andrea shook her head and turned to Marjan.
"He's just like his father. They're always fine and the world will end if they take some time to rest."
"I am resting." Carlos argued. "I've barely moved all day."
"Yeah I'm with your mother and fiancé on this one." Marjan told him. "It's not like you just had the flu."
"Not you too." Carlos sighed dramatically as the two of them sat down on the sofa while Andrea went to work her magic in the kitchen. "Don't take this the wrong way because I'm always happy to see you... But why are you here? Did something happen to TK?"
"No, no TK is fine." she rushed to say. "I'm going to the station after this."
Carlos frowned.
"Wait. Wasn't your hearing today? Or your deadline? With that woman you rescued?"
"TK told you about that?"
Carlos nodded.
"Yeah. And the group chat."
Marjan gave him a small smile.
"The good old group chat."
"Is everything alright? Did they suspend you?" Carlos asked, noticing his friend wasn't in uniform.
She shook her head.
"I quit. I left the AFD."
"That couple... They don't want an apology, they just want to use me to make some money. They want me to link to their gofundme in my apology post and tell people to donate... And I can't do that."
"And that's why you quit?"
"Part of it." she nodded. "The department are pushing me to make the post and I won't and they're not happy about that... But this whole thing is messing with my head. I froze up on a call because I was afraid of doing something wrong. If I can't trust my instincts I'm putting the rest of the crew in danger. People could die."
"I get it... I think." Carlos said after thinking it over for a minute. "So what's next for the great firefox?"
Marjan shrugged.
"I don't know. And that's both exciting and terrifying." she said and they both laughed. "I bought cap's bike."
"Oh great, instead of worrying my father in law will get himself killed, I'll be worrying about you."
"I'll be fine. I know how to ride. I had a bike in Florida but I had to leave it behind when I moved. I sold it and I've been thinking of getting a new one ever since. And when cap showed up at the station with his..."
"You wanted to get back in the saddle?"
"Something like that." She took a deep breath. "I came to say goodbye. I'm going to hit the road for a while. See what's out there."
"For a while? How long? TK and I are getting married in 7 weeks, and we need you there. You're part of the family."
Marjan smiled.
"I promise I'll keep in touch and I promise I'll be at the wedding. I can't let you two get married without me there. Not after everything you've put me and the rest of the crew through!"
"Excuse me? What we put you through?" Carlos said mock indignant. "You should be thankful you get to witness true love on a daily basis."
"Yeah you're right. Judd and Grace really are an example to us all."
"So mean." Carlos said laughingly and leaned over to hug her. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too." She squeezed him a little tighter before letting go and getting up. "I should head to the station. I want to get on the road before it gets dark."
Carlos walked her to the door.
"Yeah. Be careful out there ok?"
"I will."
"And if you're not back here for the wedding, I will hunt you down and drag you home myself." Carlos told her. Not entirely serious but not exactly joking either. "I'm a cop. I have resources."
"That's abuse of police powers, officer Reyes." Marjan teased.
"Not if it's for a good cause. Having my friend at my wedding is a good cause."
Marjan just smiled and pulled him in for another quick hug.
"See you soon, Marj."
"Yeah. See you."
He watched her walk away and give him a quick wave before rounding the corner to get to the elevator.
"Just remember I have friends in the missing persons department, Marwani!"
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themistyfootprints · 7 months
Kinda need to vent into a void for a bit.
I'm sick at the moment. For the second week in a row. I mean I'm much better than a week ago but I've got a feeling I won't be fully well until next week or so. Which is rather unfortunate since I'm moving this Saturday and could use all the physical strength I have. The move is good though - I'll finally get away from this place that has placed a ton of unnecessary stress on my shoulders (and I do blame that stress on me becoming this sick). I'm excited for the move but very tired from this flu or whatever it is that's going on. At least I can already feel my stress levels lowering. But it has been a lot. Physically the toughest four months I've experienced in years for sure.
And then there is this dating app match I got about four weeks ago. I crushed hard and it felt like they did as well - yet here I am, left guessing because all of a sudden it feel like the conversation stopped from their end. I mean, I don't really mind people ghosting me, but this does feel different since they kept a strong flirt going for weeks and now it's gone. I hope they just got busy, and will get back since we did make plans. But I just feel kind of down about this and keep second guessing everything I said and whether I came on too strong or maybe a just said something annoying.
In other news, I turned 28 last week and it really is devastating how stressed I have been. Not just from my living situation and crush but also from school and applying to internships. I feel I'm barely keeping afloat yet I have to keep going.
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marylinofvinheim · 6 years
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
Omg hello Flora! HAPPY 2K!! That’s so exciting!!! And deserved I luv ur writing it always makes me so happy. For your event I would like to request “Person A catches a nasty cold. Person B runs out to the pharmacy to pick up medicine, cough drops, and tissues for them.” By @lavenderotpprompts with Izuku?
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℘. flora's notes : I never say no to izuku fluff 👀 I am so glad to hear that my content makes you happy, this is so precious 🤗 IZUKU IS ONCE AGAIN BEING THE STANDARD IN THIS, APPRECIATE HIM THANK YOU and uh I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND IT'S SUPER LONG- I loved writing it sm... i usually hate the one-shots i make but i really like this one, please let me know what you think :)
℘. female, male, gn reader ! just one use of "beautiful"
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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izuku, being the perfect boyfriend he is, brought you to your doctor appointment. turns out you have the flu. he carried you from the car to your bed, bridal style. he just could not allow himself to let you walk when his arms were in perfect condition to carry you. he gently tucked you in, making sure you're warm and comfortable. he set all the medicine you needed on your bedside table and picked up the cough syrup. he put a big, strong hand on one side of your face, rubbing small circles on your cheek before feeding you the cough syrup. like most medicine, it tasted horrible, you could not help but gag a little.
"shhh, you're doing so good, love. it's over, you don't have to taste that again before tonight." he said reassuringly and kissed your forehead.
he got up and headed towards your shared closet. he was still in his hero suit and wanted to be in something more comfortable. he decided to bless you by changing with the door wide open. just the sight of his pro hero muscles was enough to make your headaches flow out the window. he just changed into grey jogs and stepped back into your bedroom. you had no choice but to stare at him with heart eyes, making him blush and shyly turn his head away in an attempt to avoid your gaze.
"y/n, i- uh- do you want some privacy ? i really won't be upset if you would rather be left alone, i completely understand. i'll just watch TV on the couch, it's really no problem. or i can even go out of the house if-" he rambled, classic izuku.
"m'stay" you quietly mumbled. izuku's face was plastered with a wide smile as he eagerly hopped into bed next to you. he put a protective arm around you, huddling your head on his chest. his bare skin on your cheek brought such a unique warmth to your entire body and filled you with love.
izuku could not take his eyes off you. his feelings for you never once faltered, he loved you the same since day one. you often cuddled up to him, but it always felt like it was the first time. the butterflies, the excitement, the blush, nothing ever changed. he looked at you as if you were an angel, with such a pure, loving gaze. you exude such a glow that he could see you through a crowd of a thousand people. he eventually fell asleep too, his head on yours. he didn’t want to, he had to look upon you but hero work is exhausting and he rarely takes breaks. the moments he shared with you never failed to make his worries and anxiety go away.
after a three hours long well-deserved nap for izuku, he left the house to go grocery shopping. though, for a very short while, he could physically not leave you alone for more than 20 minutes without having a panic attack, he was afraid you might die. he wanted to cook you a nice meal to cheer you up. he spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen, occasionally peeking his head into the bedroom to check if you were still breathing and resting peacefully. 
he carefully set your meal on a platter, so you could eat in your bed. he did not want you to move a finger today, you had to rest. he heard the tv turn back on and assumed you were awake. he carried the food to your door and softly knocked. he thought you must be a tad dazed after your nap and his last wish was to startle you. you saw his soft green curly head snoop inbetween the door gap, automatically sparking a smile on your face.
"come in 'zu" you said tenderly. izu cautiously put the food on the empty side of the bed, to not bother you. he gently stroked your face from your forehead to your cheek with an adoring smile. "i made you some food, i know that when you're sick you don't really feel like eating but i think it's important that you do. i didn't know what to make, I'm sorry if you don't like it. i can make something else for you or order takeout as you wish ! i won't be mad or anything... i just want you to be okay"
he was rambling again. you could tell he was worried about you and was trying his best to make you feel better. he was just so adoring and attentive, he's perfect for you. you kissed his cheek, attempting to convey your gratefulness. you pulled back a little, your eyes meeting his. "thank you izu, you're a life saver".
oh he was blushing, BLUSHING. that's the best thing you could tell a pro hero. he was filled with pride and love for you, saving others every single day meant nothing to him if he was not able to save you. and even if you were not in a life threatening situation, he completed his daily task : taking care of his most precious person.
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
From the Dialogue Prompts, could you Everlark this for me 😃
6. “Shut up and get over here, we’re doing physical affection.”
Thank you @wendywobbles . Rated F for fluff on top of fluff and taking care of a sick loved one.
"You shouldn't be here," Peeta sniffled, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He looked utterly miserable-feverish, glazed-over eyes behind the glasses he only wore when he couldn't use his contacts, hair greasy and sticking up all over his head in clumps of messy waves. "I'll just get you sick," he said, "and I don't want to be responsible for that. You're kind of a grouch when you're sick."
Sick and still thought he was a comedian.
Katniss shook her head at his antics. Choosing to ignore him, she held out a glass of water and the cold medicine she'd retrieved from his medicine cabinet. From his place on the couch, Peeta didn't seem to have the energy to do anything but sprawl against the cushions, let alone make the trip across his apartment. "Insulting me isn't going to get me to leave. You know I'm just a glutton for punishment at this point."
"It won't?" Peeta asked, throwing his head back and popping the pills in his mouth, grimacing as he swallowed. His throat must be sore, too. "Tell me what will get you to leave my germ-infested side then. I can't promise I'll be physically able to do it at the moment, but I’ll file it away for next time," he said, pointing at the side of his head like a doofus.
"Nothing will make me leave because I'm not a bad friend," Katniss reminded him, dropping down on the arm of the couch. "You're a mess, and I'm not leaving you alone. Now shut up because you're not funny. Shove over," she added, gesturing for him to scoot down and make room for her to sit beside him.
Peeta sighed but did as he was told, groaning as he scooted over, though not nearly far enough.
Katniss debated sliding off the arm of the couch and onto the cushions, despite the onslaught of nerves kicking in because of their closeness. "You've got to give me more room," she told him, nudging his side gently. "I'm practically in your lap."
Peeta flopped over on his side, stretching across the cushions and closing his eyes, still not making enough room for her. "Too tired to move. And just so you know, because you need to know, my lap is always open for you, day or night, set your sweet tushie down on it. Get comfortable. That's the prime spot in this apartment, and whenever you want that prime spot, you got it. All you have to do is take it.”
"I think you must be delirious," Katniss muttered, wedging herself between Peeta's thighs and the arm of the couch. Despite his sick state, heat still crawled up from her stomach, blistering her face. 
Because Peeta’s invitation wasn't coming out of the left field. Last week at Thresh's birthday party, after them and their friends drank a bit more than they should have, Katniss did precisely that- she took the prime seat in the house, so to speak. 
She still wasn't sure whether it happened because Peeta was openly, lazily staring at her mouth or because she couldn't stop smiling at him and touching his hair. Somehow, she found herself straddling his legs in the wee hours of the morning, needing to get closer to her Peeta when everyone else was asleep and there was no one else to watch. They made out for hours that night.
Since then, worried she'd wrecked their friendship by opening that can of  repressed sexual tension between her and her childhood friend, Katniss did her best to avoid Peeta. She would still be obliviously doing just that if Peeta hadn't gotten so sick with the flu that Finnick called to let her know. She couldn't stand the thought of Peeta in his apartment, alone and miserable, even if she was nervous so close to him. She had no idea what he thought about the things they'd done the night of Thresh's party or how she was avoiding him.
"Quit it," Peeta mumbled. Opening his eyes, he sat up far enough to tug her against his side, settling her tightly against him. "The lady doth protest too much. You love me, and I love you- so you come here right now and sit on my lap."
Katniss laughed at the absurdity of the situation even though she was surprisingly okay with the whole I love you thing dropped so casually. I love you felt like an accurate way to describe the things she felt for him. Of course, they loved each other, she realized as he patted the top of his thighs in invitation.
"Now shut up and get over here, Everdeen. We're doing physical affection. Let's just try and keep our lips to ourselves till I'm feeling better, 'kay? After that," Peeta smiled against her cheek, pressing a warm kiss there, "we'll make up for all the lost time."
"What lost time?" she whispered, closing her eyes because all the invading happy feelings felt like too much. Not that she was complaining. She didn’t fight him when he swung her legs over his and pulled her onto his lap.
"Years and years, decades even when we should have been kissing each other,” he said in his scratchy voice.
Katniss smiled when he pressed his nose against her skin. And it would have been one of her life's sweetest, happiest moments if he didn't immediately suck in a sharp breath before proceeding to sneeze on the side of her neck.
"Sorry," Peeta said, sniffling.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
hiii can i request hanma smiley and baji reacting to s/o being sick or them being sick and their s/o takes care of them? u can choose between these 2 i dont mind any of them lol
i still can't believe smiley is ranked as the third worst boyfriend 💀 but thank u so much for requesting and I'm so sorry this took so long (´ . .̫ . `) have a fantastic day!! 💗
PAIRINGS: Baji, Smiley, Hanma x gn! reader (not proofread)
GENRE: fluff, humor, comfort
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 is one sly little shit. He sees how you act towards the cats that barge into his room, cooing them and treating them all with that tender care and the other animal crazed boy needs that so he'll give out the best acting performance there is even if he didn't need to.
- He hardly gets sick so he's giving everything he has to act as awful as he is for him to experience you baby him.
"Fuck, Baji. You're heating up, what the hell happened?"
"I thought you were gonna be nicer than that."
- He doesn't feel half as bad since it just started but he's caught a flu and he'll remain stubborn, believing that it won't drag him down but the next day he's up to 39.7 of a temperature and you scold him that he belittled his own sickness and he accepted it anyway since it seemed like it was the first sign for you to be sweet to him.
- "I heard this is good for you. If you want me to grab you some water for your medicine, just tell me." You remind him, sitting down while you placed the tray in front of him like you did on your own and his eyes held a subtle gloss at how minimum it was of a gesture but god was he stupidly whipped.
- When you're occupied by schoolwork and Baji slips up the act of looking too immersed in sickness, Chifuyu breaks his streak. "Baji-san! You're getting better-"
"No, I'm not!" *coughs out a storm*
- Seriously speaking, being sick takes a toll out of him and even if he wants to act all fine to make you worry less, he can't help it— meaning he didn't have to exaggerate his coughs and his sniffles just for you to tend to him because you're doing it for his sake too.
- His mom insists that he stayed home to rest which leads him to miss you throughout the day and cuss forever on at how he wished it'd go away but when you visit him with some cup noodles and other food he tends to crave, he feels like the day has been saved. "Keisuke, how are you feeling? I have your homework here, I can teach it to you later but you should eat first."
"Love you, Y/N!"
- He adores it when you tie his hair. Since he was going to be warm for the rest of the day, you figured he didn't need extra baggage for heat so when you put it in an updo, he fawns. "I wish it'd be like this everyday." Instead of an agreement that you answer, you ended up glaring at him while he furrows his eyebrows if he had said something wrong.
"I don't want you to get sick all the damn time, Kei."
- He hates to see you do all the work. You were switching in and out of his room by cleaning and grabbing what he needs, washing the dishes you both used, as well as trying to catch up on your projects. Sure, he likes it when you put your attention on him but he doesn't like how you neglect your own priorities. "I'll help."
"Kei, no. Get some rest, bub."
- When he's laying on his bed and you're running your hands to his locks to ease him down, his slumber deepens whenever you do it, even if you were just letting your hand cascade from his forehead to his cheek so you can feel his temperature while you sighed in discontentment with how high it was. "Don't stay out in the rain too long." You whispered, a peck to his forehead then he shift his body to you, clinging to your waist while his head was to your chest, peaceful as is.
- It then turns into a habit of him reaching or looking for you when he's half asleep. If you were on his desk, minding your work, scribbling down on your notebook, you take a peak to his bed and you see him unable to find a proper position by turning in between different directions. Surrendering, you hop beside him, careful not to entirely wake him up and when the pillow he embraced was replaced by a real body, he hums and proceeds to draw you to him while the snore that escapes him was just a clear a sign that his wish was fulfilled.
- The KTD begins, aka Kiss Transmitted Disease. Since you were a fan of leaving soft kisses to him on his forehead and his cheek, the only thing left was his lips which you occasionally do when you're off to go home. Baji's a tad bit concerned that the fever would latch onto you so the next time you visit, he's checking your own temperature. "Wait what's wrong? I'm fine y'know."
"Well, I don't want you to get sick too, babe. "
"So you won't kiss me for now?"
"If that's what I have to do for you to not get sick then... I'll keep doing it! At least we both have it and I get to look after you!"
- The three days that he spent inside his house with you, he's finally gotten over his fever and all's that left was a runny nose but he was back to his usual self and that fact was acknowledged by his mom—not by you because he was still hungover the fact you treated him so well and he needed to experience it one more time before he can let it go and before you can vividly see how he was doing better.
"Heya, gorgeous!" He said too brightly, slinging his arm to your shoulders. His mom encouraged him to skip school for now just to be sure he was finished with every schoolwork he needed to pass the upcoming day so when he saw your text that you were going to drop by his place, he already met you right at the moment you turned to his street.
"Hi, love." You checked his neck through the back of your palm while he just waves you off. "Let's watch some movies!"
When you step in his house, placing your bag to the couch and greeting his mom, a reminder flashes to you. "Oh, Baji, it's time for that cough medicine of yours since you told me it got worse."
"WHAT?" His mom came from the kitchen as your boyfriend snickers and hides behind you while you stood confused. Baji hugs your waist and his mother reappears beside him earning him a smack to the shoulder.
"Mama, I just wanted Y/N to take care of me—OW!"
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♡ 𝐍𝐀𝐇𝐎𝐘𝐀, to simply put it, feels like royalty and there ain't no damn way he's letting this moment go.
- The moment he gets sick and he realizes "Right, I have Y/N. " His smile could've grown ten times bigger because he knows what's about to happen and even if he was sniffling his way to your house, he's skipping with glee until he pops up once you opened the door.
"I'm sick! ♡"
"Nahoya what?"
- He's sitting on your room, a bit too preppy for a sick person and you come back with soup in hand, bewildered at how this was the embodiment of someone whose happy to catch a flu. "Smiley, are you sick or did you take some drugs? Why are you so.. thankful?"
"I get to be your patient, that's all."
- I kid you not—this boy sneezes and that sound echoes through the damn house. You know those sneezes in the hallways during schools and it just bounces off the walls until you're all looking at each other wondering who did it? It's probably Smiley. It's that aggressive yet semi high pitched voice too and it startles the fuck out of you. It even sounds cheerful. "Who the hell am I dealing with?" You think.
- I don't think a simple fever would drag him down, that's why he has that spark of energy left but the migraine he has is his main enemy. "Nahoya, c'mere I'll massage you." So he places his head on your lap while your fingers do the work to release a few of his stress. "Thanks, babes!"
- Though, it can be his friend too because after every massage, you kiss his forehead so it becomes automatic to him and he even leans his head to you, bumping it to your shoulder or mildly bowing and it confuses you. "What's.. going on?"
He raises his head, chuckling while he rests his hand to his nape. He simply points to his forehead while you cock an eyebrow. "Another headache?"
"A ki-nope yeah, a headache."
- When it gets worse, that's where he gives in and stays in bed which gives him more chances to make you stay. You're putting food on his desk, grabbing his medicine, and bringing him a few of his mangas just so he can entertain himself. He was rottenly spoiled and he loved every part of it.
- He goes to school despite his condition but the downside is, he's irritated by everything and you could see it from a mile away. "What's wrong?" You asked him, a hand to his shoulder with a somber look to your eyes while he turns to you. "My head hurts." He excuses as you sighed.
"Lay your head down on my hand, I'll take care of it."
So you did it as promised and it just changes his mood entirely to the point it even surprises Souya.
- When you're back at his room while he was fresh from a nap, he notices how you're copying your notes down to his notebook for the days he missed now that he decided to skip school knowing it wasn't gonna help neither of you but soon enough, you rest your arm on the desk to rest and that's where he can sense you were tired yet you chose to put him first.
"Y/N?" He called out but he received silence. He walks to where you were, finding your asleep state so he slowly picks you up to carry you to his bed while he joins in, hovering the blanket over the two of you as he turns off the light. "You're thinking about me too much, don't forget about yourself, dumbass." He whispers.
- Speaking of naps, he lives off of it. He enjoys your warmth too much so he'll be glued to your body while you trail your hands to his hair. "Does your head hurt?" He shakes his head.
"Things are better when I'm with you."
- Nahoya will purposely forget his medicine intake so when you remind him about it almost the entire day, he feels like he's being scolded in a good way. There's something about you being mad at him with immense care that just amuses him because he knows you love him. "Did you drink it already?"
"I told you about it three times already. You're gonna forget it again later."
"Mkay, love you."
- "I heated some water for you. That should be good by now." You remind him and he tilts his head. "You ran me a bath?" He asks while you nod, tossing him his towel and he brings you in for a hug. You were too genuine and it makes his heart soar from it.
"You are an angel."
- When you're back in your own room, he still calls you, randomly updating you of his progress which is relieving to say the least because you knew he was getting better but there's still a few drops of how he misses you.
"I could use a hug right now, hm I think that'd cure me in an instant, y'know?"
"Don't get me started."
- A couple of days later, the fever disappears and he's thanking you through a date because you've been amazing and he just wanted to reverse the roles to show his gratitude not until you kept sneezing. "Oh no."
"It's my turn now! ♡"
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♡ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 is a mix of claiming he can do it on his own and wanting you to take care of him. He feels like it's childish and unnecessary but he'll eventually turn into Baji and ask for your help.
"Well that's new." You said, placing the back of your hand from his forehead to his neck. "You've got a fever."
"Eh? It's nothing." He ignores while you rolled your eyes. "I'm buying you medicine and some food. Stay here." You announce, standing up from the couch and before he could argue that he didn't need it, the tone in your voice was enough for him to give in.
- The minute you come back to prepare his lunch and ready his medicine, that's where he realizes that this was a good thing. He usually had to tend to himself so now, he has someone to do it for him and the fact that it was you that was going to care for him, it actually makes him feel safe.
"You need anything?" You asked when he hugged you from behind as he shakes his head, burying his chin to your shoulder. "Just lucky to have you here."
- He's new to this whole domestic thing but he pokes the fun out of it regardless. "I think I'm dying." He comments after a fit of coughs while you smack his head. "Let's not hope on it."
"I wasn't finished, hmp. "
- The type to let out an exaggerated sigh when you walk by him just so he can give you a signal that he wanted you there. If it doesn't work, he'll keep going until it pisses you off. "Shuji, what is it?" You asked out of impatience at his repetitiveness but he sends you a smile instead.
"I miss my nurse."
"Well, my shifts over. Go to sleep."
- Would definitely ask you to feed him as a joke. There's no use in defending himself at how it was unlike him but he needed a moment to test you. At first you declined because it just wasn't something he'd be into—he'd probably make fun of it but to hear how he wanted to give it a try felt like a cruel joke. "Are you.. serious?"
"C'mon babe! Nothing illegal about it." He says, scooting closer to you while you pursed your lips, taking the bowl of noodles with chapsticks in hand ae you took a few of them to let him eat. You raised it to his lips then he munches on it. It was supposed to be a joke but with how you looked, he figured the tables have turned.
- "Hanma, stop fighting it. I'll be here when you wake up. I don't have any plans for the rest of the day." You assured him while he hugs you. He tries to stay awake for most of the time he's sick because he feels like it worsens when he does so but when you're willing to hold him even if his fever heightens, it warms his heart.
"Thanks, pretty. I'll be the happiest once I wake up."
- The type to love massages. That headache of his was determined to leave him so it does make him moody but one sentence from you that says you could massage it for him was enough to let his head rest on your lap as you work your magic.
"Ooh-right there, that shit hurts."
- The difficulty in taking care of a sick Hanma is that he's still trying to find a way to do something exhilarating instead of staying on his bed. One minute he's sitting on the couch then the next he's up on his bike, ready to escape with you while you're sending him a glare. "Are you forgetting you're at 38?"
"It won't stop me now so get your cute ass here and let's watch the sunset."
- This man is an obnoxious sneezer so you had to bring a pack of tissues and a plastic bag on your sunset trip just so he doesn't leave the disease to the streets. Even when he's driving, that runny nose of his was disturbing the serenity that was the atmosphere you were supposed to feel but it merely replaced by him sniffling and sneezing which became the reason why he understood that he should stay home.
- When he sees you preparing dinner for the two of you, he's thinking of ways to make it up to you because you've been non-stop head on in making him your priority and he notices you don't have much time to yourself anymore so he tells you he's capable of surviving for two days just so you can catch a break back in your house. "You sure?" You asked him while he pats your head.
"I've got this, doll. You go on ahead and I'll see you in a bit."
- He doesn't strike me as a person who even likes drinking medicine so he forgets it most of the time but he regains his health just by taking warm showers like you suggest and by eating properly without a miss because he knows it'll make you mad.
- Speaking of mad, when you scold him, it's concerning how he's in love. He usually dislikes people talking over him as if he had a say in his life but to see you get all worked up because he was careless of his body, was definitely a show. "I can't believe you still beat people up when you're sick—just minimize smoking all the time. "
"Hm, okay, hun."
- Loves it when you kiss him. He doesn't believe in the saying that you'll get sick when you kiss someone who is so he's just going to peck you with every chance he get to thank you. "If I get the flu, I get to blame you."
"Keep blaming me, don't care as long as I get to love you."
- When he gets better, he's letting out a victorious sigh with hands raised as he smiles. "Fucking finally." He exclaims before running to you to lift you off your feet. "There's the best nurse in the world!"
"I'm glad you're okay now, Shuji."
"Thanks to you, doll. It's all on you."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999 @beezebub @l-luci @bekky06 @keiisukebaji @manjiroarchiviste @smileysmileysmiley @tendo-shairdye @toshiswifey @thispenguinrocks @kleesboom
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee @crapimahuman @meguroshi @floydenai @dai-tsukki-desu
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ogravensimp · 3 years
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this one is for@mistkissedmoon a lil more Dad!Constantine with a ft. from Jason Blood and John would be so terrible at taking care of ppl but still like really care, so I hope I captured that feeling in this
“This was your big emergency?”
Jason Blood gave a blank stare to the British man across from him.
He didn’t usually just drop everything to attend to someone; especially if that person was John Constantine, but ever since the exorcist decided to take care of the Gem of Scath he proposed it would be a good idea for John to keep him on speed dial.
He didn’t actually expect John to use said number.
Constantine was a demon expert in his own right. Jason believed that he was right to assume that the only reason his help would be sought after was only if the apocalypse had begun.
He felt a nerve in his temple twitch in annoyance (and, ashamedly in disappointment).
It's just that when John rang him and pressed for him to come to the House of Mystery, he had simply been expecting more...destruction. Maybe some blood and fire raining from the sky, the earth itself cracking open to release eldritch horrors of all kinds or even complete ripping of the fabrics of reality.
Anything along those lines would have justified his presence being required, but instead, he was met with-
Jason looked down at the small form below him.
The spawn of evil incarnate was smaller than he thought it would be. If one ignored the glowing red gem wedged into its forehead, it could easily fool for another harmless 7-year old girl.
Especially as it laid half-dazed in its bed, staring up at the ceiling in a lucid trance. With only half its face poking out from under their star themed blanket, it sniffled pitifully due to the snot dripping out its flushed nose.
The room was perfectly mid-temperature, but the child has so drenched in sweat that even the towel on top of its forehead had over-soaked but yet it still shivered as if it was below -0 degrees.
Was the level of the child’s symptoms extreme? Yes.
Was it worth calling him for? Definitely not.
The daughter of Trigon was sick, yes, but it was obviously just the flu.
“That’s what I‘ve been saying.”
Jason turned to the source of the voice—a young woman stood in the doorway and held a tray of what seemed to be cups and bowls.
John had introduced her as Zed and he had just assumed they were in a relationship— to focused on the assumed threat to try to examine their personal lives.
Maybe he should’ve guessed this excursion would be a waste of time by Zed’s expressions. When he arrived she had shot him nothing but apologetic looks. At first, Jason believed the worst laid behind the doors he was led to but as he now knows, that was not the case.
“That idiot thinks it’s some paranormal curse,”, Zed huffed as she sent a glare at the blond man who began to try and defend himself.
“It's been weeks and she's still under the weather. You think Beelzebub gets the bloody sniffles?!”
“But a child of her age would! Especially one who reads in the tub and doesn't dry her hair before going outside in August,” Zed rolled her eyes as she spoke as if the answer was obvious—and they were, "maybe if you stopped treating her as the destroyer of worlds and instead as a 7-year-old, you won't have wasted the poor guys time."
Jason couldn't help but internally agree with her words.
John continued his defence, "All I'm saying is when I got a cold, I just carried on with my day maybe a bit foggy up there but hardly half-dead like Blackbird over 'ere."
Another eye roll from Zed was the only reply.
Approaching them, she extended the tray towards Jason. He gave a look at the cup of tea and noticed it seemed to be next to another 'sweat towel' in a bowl, he cringed a little before rejecting the offer.
Zed just shrugged before dropping the tray onto a side table and drinking the cup herself. Taking a seat at the edge of the bed, her gaze was soft as she stared down at the child, her hands ran through the child short dark tresses in a comforting manner.
Jason studied how she gently cupped the back of the Gem of Scath’s head and raised it, picking up a cup of water from the side and bringing it to the demon’s mouth and it drank with obedience.
The more Jason watched, the less he could even continue to refer to this child as a demon.
Etrigan was a demon—looked like one too.
How could he use the same term he'd use to describe the bastard in him, to describe this tiny looking thing before him? And though he could sense the hellish magic pouring out of her, for now, she was harmless.
"Alright, summon him out."
John's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He gave him a perplexed look before asking, "Excuse me?"
"Etrigan. Your demon buddy," the way John looked and spoke, you could tell he saw no issue with his request, "Just wanna confirm from a primary source whether if this is something worse or natural way of life."
Jason was flabbergasted, 'was this why he was called?!'
John sighed.
Actually looking peeved by Jason's confusion.
To the side, he heard Zed's chuckle as she began to switch the towels on the girls head, "told you he wouldn't do it."
"Oh bog off," John retorted back before turning back to him and placing a hand on Jason's shoulder, "Listen, it's either you or I visit ol' Luci and I'm simply not really...eager to have that encounter. So do me a favour here, and just bloody say the rhyme."
Jason looked at the hand on his shoulder like it was a parasite before smacking it off. Taking a breath to compose himself, he turned to the exorcist, " I assure you, there is nothing Etrigan can assist you with that I cannot also offer."
"A huge fuck-off sword?"
Jason glared, "Let me see the child," he spat—obviously ignoring the previous statement.
John put his hands up in surrender before indicating with a turn of his head to the child who had actually risen during their conversation and was now sitting upright—well, slouched and she was staring half-lidded at the wall with the only sign she was awake being her harsh breaths.
He bent down as to be in her level of sight and stuck his hand out, "Hello, my name is Jason Blood, you must be..." "Raven." "-yes, thank you, Zed. They tell me you are a bit under the weather?"
Jason realized halfway that he never learnt the girl's name and had simply just been referring to her as the Gem of Scath. He felt a tinge of guilt for his rudeness, but the dazed stare the girl gave him was confirmation that she was barely conscious enough to even notice.
He also realized it was ridiculous to try to shake a child's hand and was bout to retract it when he felt a pair of smaller ones latch onto his fingers.
Looking up he met a sleepy pair of amethyst eyes trying to focus on him, "N-n-nwot sick...jus-jhwust..uh sleepy and...cwold," with a voice that was softer than a whisper, plus the slurring of her words due to the fever, she was basically incomprehensible.
He was going to try and retract his hand again when he felt something soft come in contact with it. He looked down to see that she had placed her face in the palm of it and wrapped around it like a snake.
With a single muttering of, "...warm...like hellfire", she fell asleep with his hand still under her.
He looked at Constantine.
Not really sure what to do, but the con-man only grinned before giving him a tap on the back, "Good lad Jason, put her to sleep. Even I couldn't do that, let alone Etrigan. Guess I'll leave it to you."
And with that, Zed and John stood up and began to exit the room.
Jason was still in shock to even speak; so before he realized what they were doing, they already switched off the lights and closed the door with a soft click.
He simply stared into the darkness, the only illumination being the moon and stars outside.
Sighing, looked down at the fiend holding his hand prisoner and contemplated yanking her off. She was small. it would incredibly easy to flick her away and then he could simply depart home...but then he felt a squeeze.
As if the girl sensed his thoughts, she clung harder onto his limb like it was a lifeline.
She looked truly at peace right now; her harsh breaths were now nothing but puffs and she was less...sweaty. Demon spawn or not, the girl was no more vulnerable than a newborn fawn at the moment. Jason just didn't have the heart to disturb her peace for his own gain.
Another sigh could be heard in the silent room.
'Maybe an hour longer won't hurt but after that, never accept a favour for John Constantine again.'
hope you like it, feels weird writing characters that aren't just raven and my other faves, hope I didn't make anyone ooc
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #196
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we're building the last of the Three Goddesses Alliance, Ereshkigal! (It took her long enough to show up.)
Eresh is a Grave Cleric for relatively obvious reasons, as it lets her do pretty much everything she does- raise the dead, care for the dead, raise the dead properly, cause earthquakes, and start pandemics. Maybe don't do that last one right now, we're kinda busy with one already. It's a shame Soul Cage is a wizard spell, but pobody's nerfect.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Now all of China knows you're on the naughty list.
Race and Background
Ereshkigal is part chthonic god, part human thanks to being a pseudoservant, that means Fallen Aasimar is a pretty good choice for her. You get Darkvision, Celestial Resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, Healing Hands to heal with your hands, and the Light cantrip to help the mortals with their dumb mortal eyes, using Charisma to cast it.
She's also the Three Goddess' Representative on behalf of humanity, trying to squirrel some away to prevent them from being entirely wiped out. This gives her proficiency with Intimidation and Religion, as well as an extended spell list we'll go over as it comes up. If you're wondering about the Intimidation: Yes the fandom thinks she's cute now, but you have to remember she's still a god of death. Most people aren't going to be as chill with her.
Ability Scores
Wisdom is first, Ereshkigal spent millennia honing her art alone in the underworld, so either she has a super high wisdom or an incredibly low one. But high wisdom works better for the build, so we'll go with that. Second is Charisma- some people love you, some people are terrified of you, those are both charisma. Your Dexterity is also solid, because your armor is not. Your Constitution is above average because while we don't need it for the build have you SEEN her HP stat? Your Intelligence is okay. You're not dumb, we just need other stuff more. Finally, dump Strength. You're a bit awkward with that spear, but we'll get some stuff to make it work later.
Class Levels
You're 100% Grave Cleric, so we'll just get into it. Starting off in this subclass gets you proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as Persuasion to show off your awkward charms and History because you're literally older than the written word. At first level you also enter the Circle of Mortality, so your healing spells automatically heal for max HP on creatures with 0 HP, and you get a suped-up version of the Spare the Dying cantrip that uses a bonus action and has a thirty foot range. You also get Eyes of the Grave, meaning you can sense undead creatures within 60' of you if they're not behind cover. It won't tell you about their identity though, so make sure you don't pick a fight with Strahd, you're still only level one. You can do this Wisdom modifier times per long rest. Starting in a spellcasting class also gets you Spells, surprise surprise, and having a Ravnica background gets you even more. Being a grave cleric gets you Bane and False Life for free, giving you easy access to curses and HP boosts early in the game. Something I want to bring up about the ravnica background before we move forward: I misread how these backgrounds work before. They add spells to your class' spell list, not your spells known. That means builds where you pick spells every level only get the opportunity to learn those spells, they don't just get all of them for free. Clerics can prepare spells from their spell list every long rest anyway so it's not a big difference here, but it is something I'll have to go back and fix for the other members of the alliance and Ishtar. Anyways, you get Illusory Script added to your spell list, not exactly something you'll probably use. For spells you can actually choose, grab Resistance for a goddess core that adds 1d4 to your next save, Thaumaturgy for when you need to get dramatic with extra magical effects, and Toll the Dead to do just that for some necrotic damage. You can also choose to prepare spells like Command to flex your authority and Protection from Evil and Good to flex on your sister.
Second level clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in two flavors. Turn Undead takes care of undead that fail their wisdom save, and Path to the Grave will clear out anything else. Spend your action to curse a creature, giving vulnerability to the next attack that hits it. Rules as written you can't target a mountain with this, and you definitely can't get the bonus for an Earthquake spell, but I'd allow it for the cool factor. Alternatively, you can Harness Divine Power to spend one use of Channel Divinity for an extra spell slot which is a level equal to or less than half your proficiency bonus. You can do this once per long rest, but that will grow as your Channel Divinity uses do.
Usually your third level doesn't get you much of anything as a cleric, but since you're a fallen aasimar you get a Necrotic Shroud, spending an action to get really spooky for a minute. Mechanically, this is your big ghostly form, and it'll frighten nearby creatures that fail a charisma save, and for the minute you're transformed you'll deal an extra bit of necrotic damage once per turn. You can go ghost once per long rest. You also get second level spells now, including your freebies Gentle Repose to prevent people from rising back as zombies and Ray of Enfeeblement, which weakens a creature's weapon attacks for up to a minute. They can make a constitution save to shrug it off, but not until the after the spell's already hit, so at least you'll get your money's worth. Thanks to your background you can also learn the spell Enthrall, making it harder for people to notice anyone but you. As someone who's existed in this fandom for any period of time, I can confirm Ereshkigal definitely has this ability. You can also prepare spells like Spiritual Weapon to have a spear that actually hits good and Protection from Poison for more goddess core shenanigans. Finally, make sure you pick up Silence. I'm still not entirely sure how we'll build Tiamat, but that should help shut off her immortality.
At fourth level you get your first Ability Score Improvement, which won't actually be improving your ability scores. grab the Eldritch Adept feat for the Armor of Shadows invocation so you can cast mage armor on yourself for free. You also learn how to cast Friends to make it easier to make friends and terrify your enemies.
Fifth level clerics get third level spells, including your freebies Revivify and Vampiric Touch. You're the god of the dead, so people should only really die when you want them to. Alternatively, you can Animate Dead to summon some skeletons for your own uses. You can also use Spirit Guardians to get more ghostly defenses. They'll slow down creatures of your choice in your area, and if they fail wisdom save they'll take radiant and/or necrotic damage, with it getting halved if they succeed.
At sixth level you get a second use of Channel Divinity per short rest, and a second use of Harness Divine Power per long rest. You also become a Sentinel at Death's Door, shutting down a critical hit near you as a reaction, turning it into a regular attack Wisdom Modifier times per long rest. Sure, you can bring people back later, but this is way less expensive.
Seventh level clerics get fourth level spells, like Blight and Death Ward. It is really hard for flowers to grow in the underworld. You can also use Leomund's Secret Chest thanks to your background, or you can prepare Banishment to throw Tiamat back where she came from, use Guardian of Faith for more ghosts, and leave an Aura of Purity around you to give your allies the blessings of Kur.
Eighth level clerics get another ASI, and this one will improve your ability scores. Kinda. We're grabbing another feat, but being Shadow Touched will improve your Wisdom by one point. It lets you cast Invisibility or Disguise Self once per long rest for free, or you can cast either spell as if it were a normal spell on your spell list. Now you can really make yourself look ghostly, if a bit undersized for your boss fight. Your destroy undead also bumps up to hit CR 1 creatures, but that'll blow up your skeletons as well, so be careful with it. Finally, Potent Spellcasting adds your wisdom modifier to your cleric cantrip damage. Nobody can toll the dead harder than the god of the dead.
Ninth level cleric, fifth level spells. Antilife Shell prevents anyone from getting too close to you, though it also means you can't get close to them without breaking the spell. It's almost poetic. Anyway, you also get Raise Dead, which is like revivify but with a more lenient time frame. You can also instigate your very own christmas event now with Contagion! This spell poisons a target, and at the end of each of its turns it has to make a Constitution save. After succeeding three throws, the spell ends. If it fails three throws, it gets a disease for the rest of the week. The closest thing to Sumerian Flu is probably Filth Fever, which gives disadvantage on saves, checks, and attacks that use strength, but there's all sorts of diseases you can give people. Technically this isn't a contagious disease, but talk to your DM, I'm sure you can work something out. You can also use Hallow to turn your room into a little slice of the underworld, shutting down your sister even further.
Tenth level clerics can invoke Divine Intervention with a 1 in 10 chance of getting a free favor from your god. Your god is you, technically, but it'll make more sense later. You can use this once per day, but it takes a week to recharge after it actually works. You can also cast the Light cantrip now. You could do it before, but now it's stronger.
Destroy Undead grows to hit CR 2 undead, and you can cast sixth level spells. Create Undead makes stronger undead for your army. Sadly dinosaur skeletons aren't available, so you'll just have to settle for ghouls. At higher levels you still won't get dinosaurs, but you can get ghasts, wights, and even mummies! Just be careful you don't stop recasting the spell, mummy rot can be rough. You can also summon a Heroes' Feast for more blessings from Kur, and you can take on an Otherworldly Form for another ghost transformation. This spell makes you immune to fire and poison damage as well as the poisoned condition. You can fly 40' per round, get +2 to AC, and you can attack with weapons using your wisdom twice per attack action. You're stuck with the UA version of this spell, so it takes an action, but on the plus side this just gives you an excuse to use Spiritual Weapon more.
Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more health. Health gets added retroactively, so you get +12 HP now instead of just +1. It's pretty nice.
Seventh level spells! Resurrection further cements your control over death with a time limit of a century, and you can also Plane Shift yourself (or an enemy) into the underworld.
Destroy Undead hits CR 3 creatures now. Not even mummies can stand up to your power!
Fifteenth level clerics get eight level spells. If silence won't keep Tiamat down, Antimagic Field should do the trick. The one problem there is it's only a 10' sphere around you, and you rely on magic way more than Tiamat does. You can also cause Earthquakes, turning a very large area into difficult terrain, disrupting concentration, knocking creatures prone, and destroying structures in the area. The one problem here is that you can't fly, so be careful where you're pointing that thing.
Yet another ASI. Use this one to finally max out your Wisdom for super strong spells and better protection from crits.
If you make it to level 17, you get the super powerful ninth level spells. Also, Destroy Undead hits CR 4 creatures, and you become a Keeper of Souls, stealing away some of a dying enemy's soul to heal an ally based on the creature's hit dice once per turn. Right though, ninth level spells. True Resurrection brings someone back even if they've been disintegrated 199 years ago. It's expensive, but you can always grab some gems from your sister if you're pressed for cash. The benefits of sharing a body.
At eighteenth level you get a third Channel Divinity and another use of Harness Divine Power. Really get those paths to the grave filled, it's kind of your thing.
Use your last ASI to grab the Tough feat for 38 HP now and another 2 next level. You have one of the highest HP stats in the game, this only makes sense.
Your capstone level is an improvement to your Divine Intervention. You know how I keep bringing up multiclassing as a con when we include cleric levels? This is why. Your divine intervention now always succeeds. Period. I mean, it makes sense. You are the god giving you power. But yeah, you get guaranteed god-level power freely given as an action. You truly have the power of god and anime on your side.
Pros and Cons
Clerics have a good variety of spells, and you take it even further with your background. You can heal but you're not completely hosed on your own like Medea Lily, you can deal damage and still do stuff outside of combat unlike your sister, and you have utility without your build being dominated by it like Hundred Personas.
You might not be good in a one on one fight, but you don't get into those that often thanks to your skeleton army. If you just dedicate harnessing divine power to keeping them in line, you can have nine extra bodies on the field to turn the action economy in your favor.
Even when we're not talking about spells, you're still really supportive of your team. Shutting down critical hits and stabilizing your allies quickly will seriously improve the longevity of your party.
Dabbling in so many areas of magic means you're unfocused, so you won't excel in any one. You won't heal as much as Medea, deal as much damage as Ishtar, or be a skill monkey like Hundred Personas.
You also rely on magic completely for combat, which means stepping into an anti-magic zone can be deadly. This is especially bad for you, since an anti-magic zone will probably be the best way to deal with Tiamat.
You might have an undead army, but your best spells are area of effect and you're a cleric. Destroy Undead is kind of a big deal for you.
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 34
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𝔞/𝔫: this chapter will be in 3rd person POV
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.45K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @pixiekooo | @cana
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When was the moment he realized things were broken?
Driving down the dark streets, his hand clenches on the wheel of the car. Memories of past smiles, foreign whispers of love, someone's hand holding his while he couldn't feel more alone...
Maybe he always knew.
Maybe he just didn't want to admit it to himself.
Pausing in front of a stop sign, he looks over as his phone buzzes, a message popping up on the screen. He doesn't bother looking at it, he knows it's not going to say what he wants it to say.
Watching the blinking lights at an empty street, he considers running it. There's nobody else around. No one would even notice. Even if he somehow did get in an accident would it matter? At this point is there anyone left who cares? Once the light changes green, the thoughts disappear as though they had never existed in the first place.
Jimin, you knew this would happen eventually.
You made this game.
"Yen, what's your secret?"
How is she able to smile so brightly? He sees the darkness in her eyes, he sees the way she disappears into herself, he sees the struggle inside her as she fights to be happy every day.
So why? How is she so strong?
Why can't I be that strong?
Jimin thought he would be able to forget everything. He thought it wouldn't matter. All he wanted was someone to be beside him. All he wanted was to not feel alone. He didn't think that having someone beside him, knowing that they didn't love him, knowing that they were using him for everything else but love...
He didn't think it would make him feel cold, almost isolated.
And yet, he still doesn't want to let go.
When his phone buzzes once more, he looks over at the passenger seat, not paying attention to the road. He doesn't notice as he comes across another intersection. He doesn't notice the crosswalk, nor the woman who is crossing. He’s too focused on the name that flashes on his screen. Debating in his strangled min whether or not to answer.
When he reaches her, just a few feet away, may it be fate or destiny he turns away from the phone just in time to see the woman. Adrenaline pumping violently through his body, his eyes widen as she turns, hearing the roar of the engine and the screech of the tires. Instinct taking over his body, Jimin slams his foot on the brake, the car managing to squeal to a stop, just a few inches away from the frozen woman. In the few moments it takes for him to register her face, he's able to discern one thing.
Bright luminescent green eyes.
In the silence that follows, Jimin breathes heavily, looking over his wheel almost hesitantly. He doesn't know if he hit her, all he's aware of is that she can no longer be seen through the windshield. Fear erupting in his nerves in waves, he frantically unbuckles with shaking fingers, opening the door and dashing to the front of the car. The buzzing phone now forgotten.
He pauses for a moment taking in the scene.
The good news is that he didn't hit her.
The bad news is Jimin quite possibly terrorized her beyond reality.
She’s fallen to the ground, bags of groceries scattered around her, her eyes wide and her entire body shaking. Her hands wrap around the gravel on the ground as she shivers, her lips moving as tears start to appear at her eyes, but no sound can be heard. Jimin notices the scratches her knees have endured from the fall, the way dark smudges of pavement have mixed with the tears on her cheeks, and the small drops of blood dripping from her hands so brutally ripping through the pieces of gravel and dirt.
Sighing, he kneels beside her, trying to gather her attention. It proves to be quite difficult considering the way her eyes are locked on the headlights of the car just a few inches away from her. She shivers as she contemplates how she could have died just a few moments ago and finds the thought far too horrifying to comprehend. Fear paralyzing her like a virus, Jimin has to take her by the shoulders to gather her attention.
And there they are again. Brilliant green eyes, golden flecks scattered within her irises. They meet his deep cinnamon ones, a spark reflected between the two of them. A spark only the heavens could have seen.
"Are you okay?"
Once Jimin speaks, in a soft hushed tone, the woman breaks out of her reverie. Her eyes well up in unspoken terror, and she starts to shake even more violently at the sight of someone next to her comforting her.
Why is it when we are at our most vulnerable, we find ourselves breaking when there is someone there to hold us?
Noticing her shivers, he removes his jacket and places it across her shoulders, trying desperately not to falter at the sight of panic in her eyes.
"It's okay, I'm here."
"Yes, I know I'm late but I'll be there soon."
Needless to say, Jimin finally figured out how to answer his phone.
He paces a few feet away from where he left the shivering woman, his heart clenching and unclenching in distress. When did it become such a chore to talk to her? When did he start regretting every moment spent with her?
Half listening to the pressed voice on the other line, he glances at the woman who pulls his coat tighter around her body, her face pale and eyes darting around in frantic panic. At the sight, his heart tightens in pain and he struggles to shove down his guilt.
It doesn't help matters when he hears the words on the other side of the line.
As though he were stuck in a lucid dream he tries not to let the disappointment eat at him. It's not a big deal that she ate without him, after all, he was running quite late...
Why does it bother him so much?
Why does the thought make him feel alone?
Oh, I don't know Jimin, maybe it's the fact that she used you.
Your money, your love, your dedication, your time.
It was all a waste after all.
"No, it's fine. We'll see each other another time."
Jimin clenches his jaw at the sound of a male voice addressing her on the other line. Suspiciously close, dangerously close. Jimin doesn't bother asking who it is. He already knows the real reason. Taking a deep breath, he tries his hardest not to give in to the tears.
God, you're pathetic aren't you?
"Okay. I have to go now, but I'll see you soon."
No, you won't.
"I lo--"
The line cuts off before he can finish his sentence, and Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised. He holds the phone up for another moment as though waiting for a phantom to whisper the words he so longs to hear. Biting his bottom lip when it's clear they won't come, he pockets his phone and turns back to the woman on the bench.
Would she treat him the same?
If she were in this situation, what would she do?
Jimin knows these are desperate, ridiculous questions to ponder, but he can't help himself. He's too lost, too broken to wonder anything else. Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he walks towards her, settling onto the bench seat beside her. He knows she overheard the conversation, he knows that every time he looked at her she glanced away as though being caught in a trap.
At this moment, however, he finds it very hard to care.
"Was that my fault?"
At the question, Jimin smiles almost bitterly.
"No, it was mine." He leans his head back, sighing as he stares at the dark sky. "I should've expected it."
At the nearly dejected statement, the woman can't help but look at him with concern. She recognizes the look in his eyes. The dark swirling pit of nothing. She's seen it reflected in her own. She hesitates before speaking once more.
"If you need somewhere to be, I'll be fine." Jimin looks her way incredulously, at the glance, she smiles nervously finding it hard to meet his eyes. "I can wait for a bus on my own--"
When she glances back his way, she doesn't expect him to be so close.
His face nearly inches away from hers, she could almost swear that her heart stopped for a fraction of a second from the shock. It's not a normal occurrence to have a nearly perfect man inches away from you.
But then again, what part of this situation is normal in her eyes anyway?
Oh God, all I wanted was to get some groceries.
Jimin stares at her with an unreadable gaze, his piercing eyes staring deep into hers. Perhaps it's an attempt to see into her soul, to find some part of her character reflected within him. There has to be a reason she looks so familiar, some form of explanation for why he feels as though he's known her all his life.
Why is it so comfortable to be around her?
"What is your name?"
The woman looks up at him with wide eyes, the iridescent green nearly blinding Jimin of all reason.
Sliding his hand on the back of the bench as he leans closer to her, she avoids his eyes. Inwardly she prays that he doesn't hear her heartbeat increasing every second he is close to her.
"Jocelynn." At the sound of her name on his tongue, her stomach turns in on itself. Looking back at him she is surprised to find that his gaze has never strayed from hers. "You know that when it's this late, it's not smart to be on your own right?"
His voice is deep and husky, drawn to a near whisper that is hardly distinctive but manages to move every possible emotion present in her heart. Raising an eyebrow, Jocelynn tilts her head slightly.
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"You were alone."
If she expected him to be flustered, she couldn't have been more wrong. Instead, his eyes darken once more and he smiles half to himself.
"Maybe I don't want to be alone."
Another second, maybe Jimin would have leaned further. Another second and maybe he would have placed his lips on hers. Another second and perhaps he would have been able to forget just how empty he was, as long as he was holding another in his arms.
But when he sees the sad conjecture hidden within her eyes, he can't bring himself to use her in that way. For some unknown reason, he finds that he can't hurt her even if it means he'll feel whole.
Coming to his senses, he pulls away. The same space that was between them a few moments ago, opening once more. He leans forward resting his arms on his legs, his hands clenched tightly together, his heart playing games with his mind.
She's just a stranger, someone he met by some strange coincidence of the skies.
And yet, he can't bear to see that look in her eyes.
"You never told me your name."
Jimin turns to Jocelynn, raising an eyebrow incredulously.
"You don't know me?" he murmurs, obviously surprised, and probably wondering if she's lying. Jocelynn in turn rolls her eyes at the assumption that anyone would be oblivious to who he was, and Jimin can't help but feel amused.
"So what if I do? It's polite to introduce yourself to strangers you nearly run over." Jocelynn responds, her eyes glinting mischievously and Jimin can't help it.
He laughs.
Jocelynn smiles at the sight, almost proud that she was able to leech that out of him. After a moment, Jimin turns to her and extends his hand her way.
"My name is Jimin." When she doesn’t take it right away, he raises his eyebrow at her. In turn, she rolls her eyes before intertwining her hand with his and shaking it. Jimin can't help but think that her hand is soft, comforting, almost made to fit with his. Inwardly, he chastises himself for thinking that way.
When will he remember that fate and destiny don't exist?
Hasn't he been taught that enough?
"It's nice to meet you Jimin."
When she says his name, it's almost as though some invisible bind around his heart has been released. He's able to breathe for the first time, he's able to forget everything he's been harboring deep inside. Almost as though a simple utterance of his name on her tongue has set him free.
"I'm sorry I ruined your date." Jocelynn apologizes before pulling away, and Jimin considers scrambling to hold her hand tightly within his own. In order to refrain himself, he scratches the back of his neck as he shakes his head.
"It's not your fault, don't worry." He reassures her, and she bows her head, smiling to herself. Sighing, Jimin looks back up at the stars, finding it fascinating the way they can shine so bright from so far away. "If I'm being honest it was probably ruined before I met you."
"Do you mind saying why?" At the thought of showing her that vulnerable side of himself, he can feel the darkness start to taint the inner corners of his heart.
Why is it so frightening to reveal one's weakness?
Smiling almost bitterly, he avoids her eyes as he answers her.
"Have you ever had a relationship where you know you're being used, but you stay in it because you're afraid of being alone?"
Jocelynn flinches at the description, being reminded of a time way back where she had exactly that. Painful memories she had thought she had since buried ever since he was removed from her life. Moments she thought she had left behind the moment she promised she would move on.
"That's my relationship." Jimin continues, Jocelynn listening quietly beside him. "I mean it started nice enough. The usual honeymoon phase. She was sweet and funny. To top it off she was just drop-dead gorgeous, I thought I hit the gold mine. The luckiest guy in the world."
Though he doesn't look her way and she doesn't make a move to comfort him, somehow her presence beside him makes things easier for him. He doesn't feel as though someone is violating his memories, he doesn't feel as though she were a stranger. On the contrary, he feels as though this were a normal thing, as though he had been confiding in her all his life.
"Until I saw that she was only happy when she was taking from me. She used me for money, sex, love..."
It was all a lie.
Even now, Jimin can't bear to utter the words, instead they hang over his head. Unspoken but the reality hitting him like a grenade.
"Yeah, she was sweet all right. Like poison."
He laughs bitterly, shaking his head at himself. He never knew self-deprecation could hurt this much. Slowly building up each day until he threatens to break.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I don't even know you."
It's strange, he can't even confide in his friends. He doesn't even feel as though he's able to talk to Tae like he used to, why is it so easy for him to talk to Jocelynn? A person whom he met on a chance encounter, someone whom he didn't even know the name of until just a couple of seconds ago. They are little more than strangers, so how is this so easy?
At the question, Jocelynn smiles to herself, remembering something she had heard once before. From a mere child, and yet it was a child who was the first person to teach her she was never truly alone.
"Sometimes it's easier to talk to those you don't know. They don't have room to judge, they don't know what you did wrong or where you messed up. You may never see them again, so what harm is there in talking to them? That way you don't have to deal with the baggage following you around."
Jimin looks at her with surprise and finds that her gaze is far away. Those green eyes that are so calm and serene are now filled with unspoken tears and sparkling gems of pain.
"I'm not going to say some crappy thing like 'why don't you just leave' or 'she's toxic just drop her' because I know how hard that really is." She takes a deep breath to steady her nerves before continuing. "However, I know what it's like to be used and endure pain because you don't want to be alone. So I will say something to help you make up your mind."
When she meets his delicate tawny eyes with her tender green ones, he finds himself struck speechless. She looks at him almost as though she were afraid he'd break. As though he needed a shield to protect him at all costs and she would be willing to be that shield.
Since when was it Jimin who needed protecting?
"You deserve better."
Jimin seems shocked, almost baffled at the notion. Jocelynn smiles almost bitterly to herself. Is that what she looked like when she was told the same thing? Was it so hard to believe that someone like her could deserve to be happy?
"No matter what you may tell yourself, you deserve love. You deserve to be loved. No matter what you think you may have done or how scared you are of being alone, you deserve to have someone reciprocate the love you give to them." Jocelynn holds her hands tightly together as she speaks, an attempt to refrain herself from reaching over and taking his within hers. Though she longs to give him some sort of comfort, she has to keep her distance. "From the way you're describing it...this relationship doesn't sound like it's love."
The silence that blossoms between them is one not easily broken. It's a silence filled with unspoken emotions, late realizations, and hard-won ignorance crumbling. When Jimin looks at her, he admires the way her face shines in the moonlight, her hair that tumbles down around her shoulders, the way she exuberates calm serenity that never thought he'd find.
Almost as if she were an angel sent for him.
When the bus pulls up in front of the two of them, Jimin finds that he doesn't want her to be a stranger. He doesn't want her to leave. He wants her to be around him, he wants her to know his burden. And above all...
He doesn't want to hide anymore.
"Just...think about it okay?" Jocelynn stands, sliding the jacket Jimin gave her not but a few moments ago off her shoulders and offering it up to him. "Here."
He sits there for a stunned moment, staring up at her and the jacket. Within his mind, he makes a quick decision, one that he sincerely hopes he doesn't regret.
Standing, he pushes the coat back to her and smiles.
"Keep it." He murmurs as her emerald eyes widen, a soft rosy hue threatening to erupt on her cheeks. Smiling to herself, she nods, holding the jacket close to her chest, before stepping back toward the bus.
"Thank you." She whispers back, turning on her heel and boarding the bus.
Leaving Jimin alone.
As the doors close, and the familiar hiss exuberates from the vehicle as it pulls away, Jimin stands there. He watches Jocelynn walk down the aisle, before settling into a seat beside a window. She presses her cheek against the cool glass before turning back to the jacket she holds in her hands. Jimin sees as she smiles to herself before holding it close to her heart, her face buried deep within the fabric.
He doesn't notice the grin on his face as he witnesses the pink blush on her cheeks, and the wide smile on her face as she pulls away. Her eyes sparkle with a joy he's only seen on TV screens, and in the back of his mind, he wonders if it's possible to keep that smile to himself. He wonders if she'd be willing to stay by him forever.
Then the bus is gone, she's gone, and he's left in the dust of forgotten memories and broken tears.
"No..." He murmurs, a smile playing at the memory of her green eyes.
"Thank you."
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note: NEW CHARACTER ALERT!!! This character has a lot of background to do with Yen, which will be revealed later. I really like this chapter and enjoyed writing in a different POV for different characters. I think this is a nice view into Jimin's side of the story and hopefully we can expand on it soon. Anyways! Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed!
chapter 35 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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To Hell & Back
Part Four:  “My wings are frayed and what’s left of my halo’s black”
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Summary: Your exit strategy involves your neighbour... Well, it is your neighbour.
Prompt: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
Warnings: swearing. (Typos that will be fixed). That's it??
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Masterlist
You weren't always this...angry.
You weren't always this spiteful and short tempered, and malicious enough to deliberately poison muffins.
At one point in life, you were everything you'd ever wanted in a friend. Kind and compassionate. Even patience was a virtue you had an abundance of.
Then, one day, some guy from Asgard came with an army of aliens and ripped a hole through your father's finances. Apparently damaging a bunch of buildings, including the one your father worked at, was bad for business and so it closed down.
Just as your mother's job had barely managed to get your family out of the red, her boss gets murdered at some important meeting that blew up – along with some world leaders. In her boss's place, the son took over and ran the company into the ground.
Luckily, your sister had a bakery that made just enough to cover your parents' costs and your summer jobs had saved you enough to get you through college. Then, some other guy came with another alien army, and decided to take half the world with him – or whatever he did
The wrong half of the world, in your opinion. You could have lived without watching your sister's husband run her business into the ground. And life would have been a little easier if you didn't have to stretch yourself thin, to make sure your mother saw the next day.
"Then half the world came back," you continue, eyes focused on the cat. "And some random family showed up in my apartment. I'm pretty sure the husband had a heart attack when he saw me–"
Bucky places another beer in front of you. You hate the taste, but coffee on an empty stomach has never worked well for you.
"–so I moved," you take a final sip of your second beer, before placing it down and reaching for the one he just placed in front of you. "Now, I'm here. Stuck with a nosy neighbour and his cat."
"You can keep her." Bucky sighs, leaning against the wall next to you. Your shoulders brush. "I don't know the first thing about cats."
You frown and look up at him. "Barnes... You are cat. And I already have you, why would I want another one?"
He scoffs, blue eyes meeting yours. "I am not that kind of lady."
"Oh god," you roll your eyes.
"Gotta buy me dinner first, doll–"
"Not a doll."
"Maybe take me dancing," he continues, lips twitching at the sight of your scowl. "If you're lucky, I might invite you in for tea."
You glance at the coffee machine, still boxed, sitting on his counter but don't comment. You know what it means, you know why he bought it, and the thought alone makes you queasy.
So you look back at the cat, curled on your bare lap, and sigh. "Sorry I came in without pants."
You don't say anything else and he chuckles. He found you in nothing but an old shirt and socks that night, so he's not really surprised.
"Sorry I helped you without a shirt." He replies. He would've answered you immediately, the second you said his name, but he had to find pants first.
Silence falls between the both of you, and it takes actual effort for Bucky to look away from you. Tempering down the disappointment that has the audacity to knaw at you, at your stubbornness, you turn back to the screen of his laptop.
He was reviewing CCTV footage of your building's basement garage. Two hours into the viewing and he heard you calling him from the balcony, so he had to pause.
Now, four hours, three beers on your side and a weird trip down memory lane later – you're helping him sift through footage at a faster rate.
"So," you begin, eyes glued to the screen. "I have a question, about that whole serum thing."
"Hmm?" It's the first question you've ever asked about that part of him, that part of his history.
"How does it work when it comes to diseases?"
Blinking, Bucky has to pause the video to look at you. "Diseases?"
You nod. "Like flu, chicken pox, tonsillitis. You know, that stuff."
"I'm confused–"
"Do you not get it or does it run through you like water?"
"Or does your immune system just basically butcher it within the hour?" You blink at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "'Cause like, I had this friend with one helluva immune system. He never got sick, so does it work like that?"
He pauses, lips pursing as he considers you. "Do you wanna know if my blood cells can cure AIDS?"
"If that were the case, you'd be in a CDC off-site lab right now–" you put down the beer you've been cradling. "–so, no. I wanna know what kind of illness can knock a super soldier out long enough for me to use it as an excuse."
He blinks. Once. Twice. "Huh?!"
"Saturday is in a few days."
"What does that have to do with me?" His face scrunches up into the most confused expression you've ever seen.
"As we both know," you narrow your eyes at him. "Ever since you saved my life, like the asshole you are, my parents have taken a liking to you. And since I poisoned their favourite couple last week, I'm in deep shit this week unless I can find a good reason to not show up."
"I'm not gonna apologise for saving you."
You raise an eyebrow. "Of course not. That would mean admitting it was very selfish of you."
This is not how he expected this conversation to go. Or how he wanted it to go. So, he decides to turn back to the screen and continue watching the footage.
You know you struck a nerve, and it would be easier for you to blame it on the beer, but you can't. You want answers, just as much as he does.
You want to know what gave him the right to knock down your door, or the audacity to have his friend fly you to the hospital. He won't straight up tell you, you tried when you woke up in the ICU and found him there, and it pisses you off that he might not ever tell you.
Bucky frowns at the screen. "The camera's get switched off right after I leave–" he glances at you. "Did you bribe security to switch them off?"
"We have security?"
"The guys at the front desk?"
You frown at him. You know those guys, you bring them baked goodies from work three times a week.
"Hang on," you place the cat on the couch next to you, cross your legs and turn to move closer to him. "Let me get this straight."
Your knees gently press into his thigh and he forced to look at you.
"You're telling me that Laurence with sinuses, down in the lobby, and Percy with the three-legged rabbit. Those guys–" of course you'd know that. "–they're security? For this apartment building? We have security?"
"You can't be serious–"
"We have a biometric system at the door and like cameras, and a patrol car that frequents this neighbourhood–" you're pressing a little to hard on your fingers and he's worried you just might snap one off. "–what the hell do we need security guards for?"
You continue rattling off all the safety measures the building has, which means your fingers have to suffer throughout the list, unless he does something about it.
Which he does. Almost as if instinct, his hands are clasping yours before he can make the decision to reach for them. They're warm and cold against yours, but the right kind of warm and cold that makes you frown at them.
His hands swallow yours, which isn't something that surprises you. It's the way you're not pulling away, the way you're not fighting it, the way you can't blame the alcohol because it almost feels...normal.
You haven't felt normal in such a long time.
"You gonna stop tryna break your fingers?" Bucky starts. "Or do I have to stay like this 'til you knock out?"
You blink. "Does a concussion knock you out long enough to warrant an excuse?"
"You're relentless."
"Says the guy watching CCTV footage because of a cat."
"It's... For a good cause."
"Me missing Saturday dinner is a good cause, Barnes."
He sighs. "Doll–"
"–I'll owe you one."
Bucky is about to argue, his mouth was halfway open before your words registered. That's really what happened.
It's not like he was looking for an opening or anything. A way of asking you, that wouldn't resort in an argument or anything.
It's not like those were the words he's been waiting for, for quite some time now.
Not at all.
Of course not.
But, who is he to argue with the mysterious workings of a universe.
The room you're in is dimly lit, the only light originating from the kitchen and the streetlights. But you can still see that dangerous glint in his eyes.
He grins. "Is that right?"
You swear you heard yourself gulp.
"Okay–" you're fidgety and anxious, and can't seem to stand still as the elevator doors close. "–now, let's go through this again. What's our exit strategy?"
Bucky turns to fully face you. He's been trying to keep you calm ever since the parking lot, but even he can admit that he was far too distracted to be helpful.
It wasn't even his fault he was distracted, it was completely yours. When he invited you to Sarah's party , the party celebrating the expansion of the success revamp of the boat business, he had said to dress comfortably.
Not dress like you were put on this Earth to be the end of him.
He was waiting in the parking lot, the same one that had the camera's switched off right after he left, when you came barrelling towards him.
You had narrowly escaped your sister. She was getting off the elevator just as you were nearing it, so you quickly opted for the staircase beside it. You were a flurry of floral black and white and pink in a summer dress, your hair barely in place – you tried using pins and thought about ribbons, but then forgot about them when you couldn't find your other shoe – as you basically pushed him inside the car.
You used the passenger window to try and fix your hair, as best as you could. And he spent the drive trying to reassure you that you looked fine.
You looked more than fine, but he couldn't seem to muster up the words.
"Not a doll." Is your automated response.
"You look fine, " sweet as sugar, is what he wants to say. "And, well, there is no exit strategy."
You gape up at the mammoth of a man in front of you. His words, a ballad of heathens in your book, echoes in your head.
"No exit strategy?" You whine, fisting his shirt as you desperately meet his eyes. "Bucky, no. Please. You can't do this."
The elevator doors open before he can respond to you. Sam is waiting on the other side of the doors, champagne glasses in both hands.
Hands still gripping into Bucky's shirt, hair almost presentable, Bucky's face flushing from hearing you say his name, and your expression portraying pure fluster. You and Bucky both turn to find Sam staring at the scene in front of him.
His eyebrows shoot up, golden brown eyes lighting up at the sight. "Okay. This definitely makes up for you being late."
Bucky blinks, seeming to snap out of his stupor. "Wait, wha–"
"No–" Sam cuts in. "–I know how you 40s guys are about kissin' and telling. I won't pry."
"Hang on, Sam–"
"Bathroom's on the next floor," he has the audacity to grin. "Just be quick about it. The speech's in twenty minutes."
With that, he steps away from the elevator, gives a curt nod and – with a Cheshire grin – walks away.
You slowly peel your hands away from Bucky and take a few steps back.
Bucky clears his throat. "So, about the exit strategy..."
TAGS :D : @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel , @arctic-duchess , @sltwins , @thewayilookatbacon , @buckyisperfect , @paryl
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