#((I mean don't get me wrong her dad did say she was pretty every now and then))
tenuuchlegch · 2 years
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         No matter how many times people proclaimed it these days, Odtsetseg did not believe she would ever become fully accustomed towards being labeled as pretty or beautiful and such.
          It merely felt so different to when she was a child, as some had considered her appearance homely at best during those years.
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alleycatchitchat · 7 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 Initial Reactions
Just got back from the theater! Here are my thoughts. I'll try to be vague about the plot, but be warned: spoilers below.
So I went into the theater with rock-bottom spirits. I had seen the cringeworthy previews, read the disheartening reviews, connected the unsatisfactory dots and concluded that the movie I was about to see would be a nasty dumpster fire of a train wreck. And yet kfp played such a big role in my childhood that I couldn't just stay away. Filled with dread and morbid curiosity, I braced myself for the worst.
And it wasn't that bad.
Don't get me wrong; this movie made some decisions that I HUGELY disagree with. And compared to the other kfp movies, it's undeniably lousy. But it didn't ruin the franchise for me and I actually enjoyed myself in the theater.
Listing off my thoughts in no particular order:
Zhen. She is, to my surprise, a lot less irritating that I expected. The trailers don't do her justice and Awkwafina's voice was a whole lot less jarring than I expected. In terms of actual personality and even backstory, I liked her! However. Let's be honest, her design is shit. She looks like someone's Zootopia self-insert. She feels totally out of place in this movie -- particularly, during the end credits when she's side-by-side with the five (who all have the most beautiful stylized designs). Also, plotwise, WHAT is she doing in this film? Spoiler alert: she becomes the new dragon warrior. Spoiler alert again: yes, this is every bit as random and undeserved as you can imagine.
Furious Five: Were not in the movie. First of all, fuck you dreamworks, how dare you withold my children? My darlings? The loves of my life? Their absence is keenly felt and the plot is emptier without them, and I mean that with complete sincerity. I’m also going to point out the obvious; if there has to be a new Dragon Warrior, and I’m not saying that’s a good plot idea, but if there has to be, it should be Tigress. It makes the most sense thematically and the possibilities are just so good – developing her relationship with Po as he provides guidance, facing her feelings of inadequacy, exploring her connections with Shifu and the rest of the five — I could go on and on. The wasted potential is breathtaking. To be honest, it kinda feels like Zhen was written to replace her(using a hug to de-escalate a fight with Po, anyone?). Fanfic writers, I need a rewrite of this movie with Tigress, stat.
TAI LUNG! He was obviously played for nostalgia and there was no concrete point to his lines or presence. He was also written, if you ask me, pretty out of character. I’m still fuming over the fact that they brought him back and we don’t get to see Shifu’s reaction at all. Again, the wasted potential is breathtaking. When compared with Kai and Shen, who have NO speaking lines, it’s obvious that dreamworks just didn’t want to pay for extra actors. I thought that his acceptance of Po as the Dragon Warrior at the end was super cool, but there was NO lead up, NO meaningful character development to make this feel sincere, and again, it would have hit much harder if Tigress or Shifu were also there or if Po was NOT giving up the title. That being said, I never thought he would appear in a movie again, and I’m happy to have any crumbs I can get. They did a bad job, yes, but they BROUGHT HIM BACK. 
Po’s dads! Their side story was goofy and unnecessary but fun, and I enjoyed it. Also maybe it’s just me but the romantic tension between them is AMPED UP – does Li, like, live at the restaurant now? And they spend the movie acting like the most married couple ever. And when Li bursts into the tavern to rescue Mr. Ping, who looks at him with those starstruck eyes – well. I’m just saying. I think there’s something going on there.
I liked the Chameleon! Yeah, her whole gimmick is a little bit ripped off from Kai, but she’s sinister and greedy and badass, so she’s the real deal. I actually thought she was scarier than previous villains – there was less comic relief, maybe? I can only think of one instance where she’s presented in a comedic light, and even then, the tension just picked right up from where it left off. Which is strange, because the rest of the movie is a lot more lighthearted than previous films.
The pacing was weird. Too fast.
Shifu was cute in this movie. More Shifu please!
The reaction to Tai Lung’s return was WEIRD. It’s obvious Dreamworks didn’t want to dedicate time or effort to what was, essentially, a red herring. But. Plot-wise, it’s SO WEIRD that Po would try to face him with no backup. And the fact that we didn’t get to see Shifu’s reaction AT ALL, ugh. Realistically speaking I think Shifu would try to go face Tai Lung, no matter how “inner peace”-y he is now. Like come on, Tai Lung was his son, for crying out loud! 
The goats at the start? Also weird designs. Feel out of place.
Mantis got married! What the heck? (neutral about this, but it was definitely unexpected.)
In general, the plot was weird. It didn’t feel meaningful and it didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the kfp universe. Storytelling decisions were just plain bad. But as a standalone movie, it was not… terrible. Not irredeemable. I think, if Tigress had taken Zhen’s place, this could have actually worked. But she didn’t, and it didn’t.
So I’m going to headcanon it as fake and just stick to loving the first 3 movies. I don’t regret watching it, but there were huge problems that prevented me from enjoying it to its full potential.
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natlovespink · 2 months
Unpopular options on TLOUS fanfics/ and more
1. Ellie would never let you strap her down😭 I'm sorry if you ok with that, that's fine. I'm not judging, but home girl would NEVER let you do that to her.
2. Stop making Ellie seem like a man. No, she's not gonna pick you up and throw you. I also don't think she's this big dommy, mommy. idk why, but I don't see it.
3. I don't like Ellie x Abby. I'm sorry, I dont see it happening.
4. I also don't like how some people write Abby just because she's built like a "man" doesn't mean she acts like one 😭
My opinions on a the TLOUS game in general.
1. Joel is a bad person. I love him, don't get me wrong, but Joel did some really awful and gruesome things that didn't need to be done, but I understand.
2. All of abby friends deserved it but Owen and Mel which I'll talk about later. But they all deserved it they way they talked about how they KILLED KIDS!? was crazy and Manny showed how cooky a d unfair he was and how disrespectful they were to Joel's body.
3. Mel was not in the wrong for not liking abby. She only wanted Mel to come so she can keep Joel alive so she can keep hurting him. Then abby always seem to get in the way of her and Owen's relationship. Owen isn't perfect but the fact that he told abby not to kill Ellie and he said she went overboard showed how he had a little bit of humanity and what he said about thr fireflies being terrorists.
4. Let's stop acting like Abby is perfect 😭 she's to me sadistic. It's kind of the fact that she liked killing scars and even killing CHILDREN them saying it was their fault!? But not just that it's the way she killed Joel after he helped her it's all Joel knew was that someone was gonna cut a little girls head open to TRY and fix humanity Joel didn't know that man he did what he thought was right.
5. Dina had EVERY RIGHT to leave Ellie🤷🏾‍♀️ people say she left because she thought ellie was dead.but she knows ellie, and she knows she's not gonna let anyone do anything TO HER. She just didn't want to deal with the fact of losing another loved one, and Dina was tired of fighting and having to stick by Ellie and this obsession.
6. Tommy forced Ellie.to go after abby which is why we got the ending that we got I understand how hard it must be losing pretty much all you biological family is hard but damm he saw how good ellie had it and it's got ruined.
7. Naughty dog forced us to feel bad foe Abby Ik she may not know what the fireflies where really up to but other then that she and the other wolf members had it good growing up🤷🏾‍♀️ and I don't know what abby expected not for Joel's love ones to come after her? I only started liking abby because of how she took care of Lev and me.readimg fanfics. 😩 but other then that I don't like her and never will really feel bad for her.
8. I'm sorry but if it was Abby vs Ellie again Abby would win🤷🏾‍♀️ Ellie is a 5"5 skinny girl vs a 5'10 muscles Abby would win and the only reason she didn't was because all her muscles where gone.
9. I like the ending of TLOUS 2 Ellie saw Joel In Abby and she realized she can't hold this grunge and surprisingly I feel Joel wouldn't want Ellie to track down his killer and make it her life mission and he would be PISSED at Tommy for making Ellie track down Abby.
10. I feel like is Abby knew what the fireflies where doing she wouldn't stand for it. Not even if her dad said it was for humanity I feel like she would belive what he was doing was wrong.
11. Ellies NEVER gonna get over Riley that was her first love, and I feel like she loved Dina but never the way she loved Riley, and that goes for her relationship with Cat too.
Hiii sorry for my English again 😅 now these are MY OPINIONS
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istansamwilsonbish · 2 months
I have returned to this blog to Yap about the boys....No I'm not gonna make sense. Mind the tags♡
Now that I've had hours to think on it.....Hughie should have actually fought with Annie in the Finale. No, not a fist fight or a breakup. But there should have been WAY more pushback from Hughie. And the fact there wasn't.....Is lowkey upsetting to me.
For one: Yes, I don't really care for Annie. Never really have, never really will. She's not my cup of tea. But this post ISN'T about bashing her. I think that Annie's lashing out makes complete sense. She's been kidnapped and was tortured for ten days. Shifter literally used the fact that Hughie proposed and she fucked him to torment her. I don't dislike Annie's reaction because it does make sense in that moment.
I dislike Hughie's reaction.
Hughie has been taking life like a champ this season. He seems to handle everything with grace. That's not a bad thing but everyone has their breaking point. And this feels like, from a narrative standpoint, should have been Hughie's. Within less than a month, Hughie had to deal with his family Trauma, killing his dad, having his personal business exposed(With the abortion, it is MORE of Annie's personal business. But Hughie was the father of that child, and they seemed to be in it together. It won't be as bad for Hughie, but of course, he felt something.), being sexually assaulted by Ashley and Tek, Almost being murder by Tek and threatened with more sexual assault. That's a lot! Now he found out that he was sexually assaulted again and his girlfriend was locked up who's know where for a week!
That's not mentioning that Hughie was also showing signs of a Trauma response. Hughie mentions constantly having sex with Shifter but Shifter initiated. Despite that, I read this more as Hughie being hypersexual in order to ignore his issues. Shifter initiating just made it easier on Hughie so he didn't have to do it himself. Which is a thing some people do in order to not get called out on that behavior.
After realizing that his Girlfriend has been replaced and he almost died(again), He gets to talk to Annie again. Annie snaps at him and Hughie defends himself a bit but goes into this whole tangent about how he also knew Shifter wasn't Annie? Or how he figured it out in the end? What?
For one, I don't really know what this information would do for Annie. Like I guess it would show how much Hughie loves the small things about her? But within this moment it feels like a nothing burger to me. For two, Hughie has every right to be straight up and actually defend himself. Like what the fuck did Annie expect him to do? Lashing out at him isn't fair because neither of them did anything wrong. And if not that, Hughie should have just left completely with an explanation that being a punching bag for Annie in this moment helps neither of them. Annie isn't in a good state of mind so she's not gonna care about Hughie's feelings. But that doesn't mean Hughie can't protect his own.
But they just completely skip over that with an "Lmaoooo Mens do like the Smexy sexy time! But he likes all the little things about her lol". Then they follow it up with Annie not apologizing. No. That wasn't an actual apology. Lowkey saying that you would still fuck someone and not breaking up with them, ISN'T an apology. She might have done it off screen because they go on to being cool by the end of the finale. So I'll give her that.
All of this just combines to a narrative that doesn't take men's mental health or assault seriously. Hughie should be a loving boyfriend, but it's perfectly fine for him to set boundaries and not be punched down on. This all gets worse because we saw the effects of Deeps' assault on Annie. It was a part of her development and treated pretty seriously. But when it's Hughie.....It's treated like a joke or a nonissue.
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akalikai · 4 months
So she woke up in Oxford that's what I'm hearing. Does girlie go dimension hopping in her sleep but wake up in random places bc of it???
The way Celia said "absolutely" just gave me butterflies also Sam MOVE Alice is right you're like a baby foal now let me show you have to rizz up a milf-
Celia girl what is GOING ON
it is kinda concerning to me that after Celia talks to Sam that we get a MAGNUS statement
Going away for a while???? Lonely-coded lmao and also me-coded
Magnus Institute Outreach Centre??? What the fuck??? They're like. Pretending to be a help center or like. A real institute???
Harcourt House? Sounds like a rich manor or something. A friend of Lady Mowbray's perhaps?
Meeting a successful version of yourself GONE WRONG
Holy shit. Holy shit what the fuck. What the FUCK. Oh my God. So this is. This guy is literally just a fucked up person. Like. Dear God.
Oh my God it's his dad. Okay well. If the dad was a shitty person...I mean I don't condone it but I can see why that might have happened?
"Your world and mine are pretty similar" What does that mean????
This kind of reminds me of the statement in TMA season 4 where that woman keeps killing people because she's a good person and donates to charity and can make a difference and deserves to live. I wonder if this was the way she thought in the beginning. Although, she was killing innocent people. This guy killed a sadistic murderer.
This...Kinda also parallel's Not Sasha replacing Sasha and no one knowing it. It's just that Celia isn't actively trying to harm people. At least she seems to feel guilty for replacing this universe Celia??
JMJ ERROR AGAIN?? but I thought we just found our in universe jmart as well.
Gwen's a tech girlie???? Also Dyhard shippers are being fed this ep lol
Ethernet PROTOCOLS??? Lmao I'm kidding I'm kidding
Also I realized that the possible jonmartin sighting is from another universe not the one that we're in. But that's so funny to me because in SOME universe, Jon had to go to COURT MANDATED THERAPY
So from what I understand, this guy is from a third universe, not the TMA or TMAGP universe, and he managed to stumble into the TMAGP universe. I'm saying this bc I hope that in some other universe, jonmartin have a chance.
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, angst. coarse language, quarrelling. Implied/slightly described messy home life
In which, Janis has always been reader’s source of love and comfort. Through the pretty and the ugly.
I’m on the incredi-coaster. Some days I am on the highest of highs, huffing chocolate-chip cookies, and, other days, I liiiterally want to jump right off
— Auli'i Cravalho, 2023
I like making myself emotional apparently 😁
“Are you okay?” Gretchen asks in a quiet voice, studying your face closely.
“Yeah.” You shrugged, focusing your eyes on the whiteboard and teacher at the front of the room.
“You alright?” Regina shot you a look, “What’s going on with you? You’re not yapping about like you usually do.”
“No, nothing.” You replied dismissively. Why’d she notice anyway?
“y/n, what…what are you doing? You’ve got the answer wrong.” Cady mentions.
“What?” You snapped out of your trance, shaking your head slightly as though to get rid of the unwanted thoughts. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry- I just-”
Just felt like crying, honestly.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Aaron says, “You look a little pale, are you sure—”
“Yeah, why the heck not?” You cut him off, grabbing the dodgeball and then threw it back to him.
Your day was going…alright— arguably.
“y/n, what is going on with you? I literally called for you twice and you just stared at your food.”
“I’m fine. Just tired, Damian.” You plopped the fork back onto the tray.
You spent half your school day without Janis since you both had, essentially- the same classes but at different times. After lunch was art class, where you’d see Janis for the first time since she picked you up from your house. “Hi, baby.” She presses a kiss to your cheek before taking her usual seat in class. You sat down beside her, your mind drifts back to last night’s useless quarrel with your Mom and Dad.
Janis was watching, you could feel it. But you continued looking straight ahead at the front of the room. You couldn’t lose it now, not after you’ve tried so hard to keep it together and you weren’t about to just…give up.
"Okay." Janis' voice pulled you back, "We're ditching, let's go."
"No." "Yes, come on. Before Mr. Riley gets here." She insisted. Next thing you knew, you were being led out of the school by Janis and into her Mom's car. She'd texted her Mom to come and pick the two of you up, and she did. But quickly left the house after you two'd been dropped off to go run errands.
"It happened again, didn't it?" Janis asked knowingly while shutting her door.
You scoffed, avoiding eye contact with her. Janis sat down beside you and carried on speaking, "I told you- you don't have to pretend with me. You do enough of that every fucking day, trying to care for your sisters, your Mom, yourself."
Damn, she really was always listening whenever you'd vented to her.
"I'm sick of it, you know? Have to re-parent myself, gentle parent myself- it's ridiculous. They made me this way and yet I'm the one doing all the work? While whatever's made me like this is still happening?" Your voice quivered, you sniffled, got up and walked to a corner of her room to avoid having her see you like this. Upset, teary, weak.
Janis saw a side of you that everyone else failed to see: the little girl inside you pleading to be loved and cared for instead of being picked on or dismissed. Or having every little flaw of yours scrutinised. Every time after you'd poured your heart out to her, you brushed it off as 'being in a mood'. But she doesn't. Janis knows it means something and has been helping you all this time. To undo the damage that's been done to little you. Janis allowed you to express your emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, anxiety, disgust...all of it. She's never once held you back but instead stayed along side you while you did what you needed in the moment, felt what you needed to feel in the moment. Janis knew every little quirk of yours like the back of own hand, she knew what made you happy, and what made you not so happy. She knew exactly what to do in any given moment which has made you feel like her burden. Which...you'd expressed in passing but she didn't agree. Janis immediately shut you down. But you insisted, saying it wasn't her job to fix you.
"y/n- listen to me. You are right, it's not my job to fix you- to fix any of this. But as your partner and someone who loves you, it is my responsibility to help you grow into a better person- a better version of yourself. You don't realise that so I'm telling you my point of view, okay? You've helped me too, you know that? You've made me less blunt, more patient...things that I weren't before I met you, y/n. It's not just me putting in the effort, you are too. I see how hard you're trying...to break the cycle and that's so important to remember in moments where it doesn't feel like it."
Now was one of those times...but you couldn't fight what you were feeling. Those emotions you've tried so hard to work through were all boiling back up. But still, you bit back those tears. And it physically hurt.
The more eager you seemed in avoiding looking at her, the more eager she was in walking up to you to make you took at her in the eye. "Why do you even love me?"
'What the fuck.' Janis thought to herself. That was honestly her first thought and what she wanted to say but she stopped herself, taking a deep breath instead, "You cannot choose who you fall in love with. And I don't have just one reason why. It just feels right, like it's meant to be." Janis slowly walked up to you from behind, "You don't see yourself the way I see you and it hurts me that you hate yourself this much. You're doing the best you can, baby. I see that, but please listen to me now, okay? Let it go, you need to let those tears go. Stop holding it in, it's okay. It's okay to cry."
Oh, what the hell.
You really just let go of the tears you've been swallowing all day long, falling limp in her arms as you choked on a sob. Whatever happened last night was anything but new, but it always upset you and brought you to a shitty place. Eventually, her back hit the wall and you two slid to the floor with you still safely in her embrace. She's witnessed worse, but this doesn't cause her invalidate your emotions. Janis would never do that to you- she never has. Janis loved you - every part of you. It's been clear since day one, nothing fazed her but what you had to go through all your life only angered her, wanting nothing but the best for you.
Janis had days like this too, and you were there for her without a second thought. Nothing mattered more than making sure she knew you were there for her. When you were in her shoes, you do it without even thinking. But whenever you were on the receiving end, you never could take your own advice or words that you so earnestly gave to your girlfriend.
Right now, was one of those days where you felt like jumping right off. Nothing felt worth it, everything you fought and worked for seemed futile. You, felt like shit. But Janis, no- she was a fucking saint, so damn patient and loving and it scared the shit out of you to have seen and experience the stark difference in her personality in public and in the safe walls of home...that side of her was as real as it was a show for self-defence. You never did experience love like this till Janis came into your life. All your life, you learnt that love had to be earned. That love was smashed glasses, broken walls and slamming doors. Absolutely nothing like what you could've imagined it to actually be and it terrified you.
Hurt in private, shine in public. Right?
You stop eventually, feeling nothing left inside of you anymore. It's not like you were a loud crier by any means, but it just went on for several minutes and the more sober you felt, the more you kept thinking that you should just...stop. Even with her whispering words of assurance into your ears over and over, her telling you she loved you.
"Do you wanna stand?" She asks, both her hands cupping your cheeks. You just did, not giving her a verbal response. Sighing, you went into her bathroom to freshen up then changed into a set of clothes that were hers. Wordless. Not another word came out either one of your mouths as all of this was carried out. Because she knew you- that's how you worked. You climbed into her bed, and she does the same, spooning you as you felt yourself relax further under her touch. Your arms rested on hers as you gave her hands a squeeze, hoping she got what you meant. She did, of course she did. She knew what every little gesture meant. Janis could read you like a book.
You two dozed off for a little while, and when you woke up again you were expecting a bitching headache- which did start. But eh, you'd be fine. You felt better after letting yourself feel what you needed to feel. Both of you acknowledge whatever's happened prior to the nap, but moved on with your day focusing on anything but that. That was done. While you were curled up on the couch, Janis threw a frozen pizza into the oven along with the last bit of chicken tenders, she said. Again, you did not say a thing but she knew you were listening. You were the one who requested the pizza after all.
You two've gotten the routine done and that's what mattered on days like these. You knew she loved you and why, but when emotions were running high, a lot of crap tended to be said. A little bit of love, patience and peace went a long way in these times. "Janis." You looked at her, she looked back at you, "Thank you. I love you." "Anytime, baby. I know you do. I love you, too." Janis said back, running a hand through your hair while you had your head in her lap now, "We're doing just fine."
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delucadarling · 25 days
Current rambling thoughts on dieting/weight loss, nothing that's a downer:
Back in April I got blood test results that showed my cholesterol was high and my sugar was barely shy of being diabetic. It spooked the shit out of me, as despite being fat most of my life, I was also pretty healthy and somewhat active. It was after getting covid that I was so fatigued I dropped the active thing pretty much entirely.
The doctor was more focus on the sugar, and recommended cutting back simple sugars, adding in more fiber, and increasing my weekly activity.
I'd been wanting to get back into shape for a long, long time but I've been nervous about trying the gym again. My dad was one of those shithead people that secretly films people in the gym doing things 'wrong' or committing the sin of being fat in public. It had me terrified of trying to get fit where other people could see me, because you know, most people don't want to be mocked.
Lucky me, I have the most amazing, supportive girlfriend ever. She took me by the hand and very gently showed me around the gym, helped me learn how to use the machines, and didn't mind when I shadowed her around as she did her workout. From there, I got excited! I used to LOVE working out, I just mostly did simple stuff, running, and swimming. I did a lot of WiiFit when I was younger, and this one Jillian Michael's DVD I found at Walmart for like $5 at the time. Running was the big one though (hello Zombies, Run folks).
So just making those changes (less soda, more fiber, more exercise) over the course of maybe 3ish months I dropped almost 15 lbs. I hadn't been tracking my weight, but I did compare the results the doctor took from my previous three appointments. I was kind of shocked! I've never had a healthy relationship with weight loss, and every time I've tried to lose weight it lead to a lot of heartache, misery, and doubled weight gain. So I more or less wrote off my ability to trim down and decided to just be fat and happy.
I will say though, the extra bulk has recently frustrated me. I can't do yoga the way I used to. My limbs are still flexible but I keep getting blocked by my own fat. I have to go real easy on my joints because of all the extra weight, which is frustrating, because I'd honestly love to try jogging again. I just don't want to fuck my back and knees up again.
I decided to give losing weight another try, with a lot more self-love, after a lot more research, and with the support of someone who has loved me even at my fattest and never said a word about it.
It hasn't been too hard this time. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I am impatient, I want to see results NOW, but obviously that's not how things work. And slow is better anyway.
I know tumblr has a generally negative view on weight loss, and I fully include myself in that. I bought into the 'starvation mode means you'll never ACTUALLY lose weight permanently) thing, I was convinced anyone trying to lose weight had the same disordered ideas on it that I used to have (and still struggle with sometimes). It's a loaded topic for a hundred reasons, so I am trying to be conscious of when I talk about it and around who. Hence the tags and putting it under a cut. I'm happy and excited to be trying this out, putting my health first, trying to feel strong and capable in my body, but I absolutely know first hand how upsetting hearing about dieting can be. Not to mention how hard it is to avoid the more toxic side of trying to change your diet and fitness.
I've found a lot of resources that are very facts based, cut and dry, and leave out the moralizing behind weight loss and weight gain and just weight in general. There are a lot of very encouraging resources as well.
So yeah! As said, this is just a ramble, I like to write to get my thoughts down, and it always comes easier when it feels like I'm talking to someone, not just myself. I probably won't post a lot about this, but it's been just over a week since I started tracking my food and daily weight specifically, which always used to be something that would send me into a bad habit spiral. This time feels different. I've been doing fine. There have been a few moments of disappointment, but they've been easy to shake off. Mostly I'm just astounded to learn more about the macros involved in the food I eat, and I'm also happy to have tools to help me find portions that make me feel full and not stuffed. On the days I've been not kept to my deficit goals, it was because I was hungry and decided it was more worth it to feed myself than stick to a number and I didn't feel a bit of guilt about it afterward.
I'm pretty pleased with how it's going so far. I feel stronger, I feel more energetic, and tracking my food intake and weight makes the part of my brain that loves a spreadsheet very happy.
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auiciqa · 22 days
Can you do a fic about the marage council w miguel ohara, where you guys divorce and Miguel realized how much of a bitch the other girl was, and starts to miss her. So he sobers up and changes the way he is, then tries to get back together… maybe some angst and fluff?
Marriage counseling with Miguel O'Hara pt.2
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Pairing-Miguel x ex wife/reader
Warnings-light Angst and fluff(but it's all in Miguels head lol)and mentions of alcohol abuse,lmk if I missed any
a/n-yall I did not except to make another part to this and yk I can't really miss out on a good chunk of angst and fluff together,but it is best recommended to read this at night ifykyk angst fics hit harder at night.
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It's been a year since you and Miguel had divorced,yeah it was the hardest period in your life but at least he didn't have one cent left to his name.The hardest part was co-parenting, every time Miguel would drop off Gabby at your house his girlfriend which was his ex girlfriend at the time you guys were married, would make smug faces at you and throw her used cigarettes and beer cans at your yard when her and Miguel would leave.you couldn't care less despite the fact you still had love for him and he could say the same thing for himself,if he wanted to.
"Dana why can't you just shut the fuck up already,all you care about is these expensive things that I buy you and it's still not enough to make you happy!" He yells as he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs,"Pleaseeeeee miggy I promise I will be the happiest woman in the world after you buy me this necklace." Didn't take him too long to finally give in.
"c'mon Gabby you're going to be late to soccer practice!" You hurry and fill up her water bottle."Dad's going to pick you up from practice today so meanwhile you're at practice I'll pack your change of clothes."okay mommy!"Once y'all settle in the car y'all hurry off to the field."Bye Gabby I love you!" "I love you too mommy!"
Miguel had many sleepless nights thinking about you,by sleepless I mean by him going out to bars or after work or going to the nearest gas station and buying a dozen of beers just to drink half of them in his front porch before Dana even notices.Yeah he thinks about you a lot just the two of you cuddled up in bed or on the couch while y'all whisper sweet things to each other,i mean how tf is this bitch going to think about you this way after cheating on you.
"Daddy, mommy said to drive to the house to pick up my bag since we were running late she didn't have enough time to pack it." "Alright dear what ever you say." As he makes a u turn driving to the direction of the house.
"Ok,there's her clothes,iPad,dolls and swimsuit let me know if I missed anything." Nope I'm pretty sure you didn't." He says as he looks through the bag."well bye I guess.""w-wait" he says as he grabs your wrist,"what is it?" "Can he just please work this out I know that cheating on you was wrong but I'm a completely different man now I promise I won't treat you that way ever again.." you look at him as you sigh knowing that if you let your feelings get in the way this would end up in "one thing led to another" situation which is very immature."Miguel I'm sorry but..I don't think we could go back to how it was it.. just wouldn't be the same." "I know and I'm sorry it's just that Dana is being a total bitch right now an-" you were furious,not that because he wanted to get back together it was because of his stupid excuse."so you want to get back together because your girlfriend isn't treating you the way you want her to?" "No I didn't mean it that way it's just I've been thinking about us lately...yk maybe it could work out this time." "Why are you saying that as if we've broke up and gotten back together multiple times,I'm not your side piece and it won't be easy to get back together and you can't just say that you want be together again out of the blue that's just..dumb" You were out of words and so was he,you practically left the man speechless."just think about it, gabby wont have to grow up thinking that co parenting is normal and that it's ok.. i mean we should set a great example on how a real relationship is supposed to look like and it's ok to let our feelings get in the way sometimes." He was right,it wouldn't be ok to set an example that it's ok to be hoeing around co-parenting to your daughter,and that you both know that deep down y'all still love each other,maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Back again with Mihawk x Sora and their son Sanji.
I feel like Sanji doesn't call Mihawk father just because of Judge and how that title is tainted for him like when you meet someone and they ruin a whole name? Judge did that to 'father'.
The crossguild shenanigans would be so funny too.
There's a really pretty woman walking around and is nice to Buggy and Crocodile doesn't even know who she is. They're both confused until Sora walks into a meeting and is like "you need to fix your bounty system I just had a box of fingers dropped off."
Buggy admires her bravery and nonchalance as she sets the box down on the table, Crocodile goes to start laying into her because she clearly doesn't see who she's talking to or what she interrupted. Crocodile goes to start berating her but Mihawk is just like "ah, thank you, Darling. We'll discuss that now." Sora nods and leaves. Croc and Buggy would be shook because of course Mihawk would be able to hide this. He's Mihawk.
Sanji however still won't fight Zoro with swords because he's a cook. And when the Strawhats find out about the Guild Sanji's not worried about his mom, he's laughing so hard at Mihawk being beneath BUGGY? FUVKING BUGGY? he's losing it, he's gone, he almost died of suffocation. And like since Sora was a queen he knows Sora is absolutely helping Mihawk privately because Mihawk is probably ready to choke the clown and he knows his mother is talking him out of it every fucking day.
Hello again! I kinda wanna start naming my anons, you can Sanon be because I think I counted 3 or 4... if you don't want to tho you can tell me
I see what you mean about ruining the word "father" and I absolutely agree. I feel like Judge would have ruined so many things for Sanji and now it's just left for Mihawk to pick up the pieces.
For example Sanji does something wrong or accidentally breaks something and expects to be punished in some horrible way. But Mihawk just sighs and tells him to get the broom for him. Sanji does and is still waiting to get hit with it but instead just watches Mihawk clean it up and tell him to be more careful next time.
Or maybe he asks him if he wants to learn to fight and poor Sanji doesn't know he can say no. When he loses, because there's no way he could win, he expects to be ridiculed and shamed but Mihawk just pats him on the back and tells him how amazing he did, what his strengths and weakneses are, and what he needs to work on.
Also the cross guide made me think of that one clip of John Ward where he goes "Darling, how fo you turn on the air fryer?" and I can just see him doing that with everyone omg. Like "Darling, where's my second sock? I seem to have misplaced it...", "Dear, have you seen my keys?", "Have you checked my letter, I don't sound too rude, do I?" Just dad things ig hahaha
Sora having to calm an angry Mihawk is so cute to me like, he's tapping his foot in agitation, while she's rubbing his back. "I'll kill him," he stands up, to which she automatically goes "Mmmno, you won't," in a calm and loving voice making him sit back down. And he just nods, still angrily "No, I won't."
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Cheating
The next morning I went shopping with Sandra. S. will soon actually move. We went to that damn IKEA. Every time I enter an IKEA, I buy TRASH, that I don't need!! Anyway! Sandra and I were busy unpacking all those bits & bobs we bought. My Mom also came into my room, to ask where Nico was? She noticed that he left in the middle of the night and she probably heard us arguing.
N.'s Mom called him last night. She wanted Nico to pick up his fiancée. Yesterday before Nico came to me, he droped Stephanie at his Mother's house. Someone had to take care of his crazy ex- fiancee... Stephanie started that pity shit again and she also told N.'s Mom about me. She meant Nico was cheating on her. And of course his Mom didn’t feel like taking care of his fiancee, while he was shaking up with someone. (me) So yea, she's pretty mad! And I was mad at him because he didn’t come back to me, but stayed there. I told him, if he didn’t finally send Stephanie to hell, I’d date someone else, too! But N. didn’t take me seriously. He was just making silly jokes. That's why.... I called Dennis!! He accompanied Sandra & me today and we had a really nice day with him.🤷‍♀️
Mom: There you are!... Where's Nico? Why isn’t he with you? I thought you two never wanted to be apart again. 🤨
Me: His Mom called him. He had to leave.
Mom: I heard you two fighting! Did he change his mind about your Baby?
Me: N-no!... Agh, pls get off me.
Mom: Sandra! Who is that guy who accompanied you two?
Sandra: Um-....
Me: How-...How do you know??
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Mom: I saw him outside with you two. You know, my "spy-window". That one in the kitchen! I could observe absolutely everything! So don’t you dare lie to me and tell me he’s Sandra's bf or something. That boy's clearly after you, A.! 😠
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Me: Really? 👉👈 You think he likes me? ... No, JK!! 😉 He and I met at Ana’s College. Dorm!! He lives there too and... yea that's all. We're friends.
Mom: Since you mentioned this, what’s wrong with you and Ana? She told me it was a mistake to take you to her college . It's bcs of that boy??
Me: NO! It was Adam's fault! He made trouble for Ana and me. But Ana and I made up.... Idk why she's avoiding me?? I guess it has something to do with her new bestie Claudia. 💁‍♀️😒
Mom: Why don’t you ask her?
Me: I was busy with my own shit!!! But well, I'm gonna talk to her.
Mom: And now tell me what’s wrong with N. Did-....did he ask you to see other men? That's a familiar road for you two, isn't it?
Me: You nuts? I can't believe you actually think that!! 😲😠
Mom: I don’t know what to think or believe? You are pregnant A.! Second, you’re married to Daniel. And I just saw you outside with another guy. And it’s no secret that Nico does strange things to you.
Me: What kind of strange things? This thing with Philip and him last year was a fucking mistake! An experiment that went totally wrong for ALL of us! Especially for N.! However, it won’t happen again!
Mom: Your Dad knows! I told him last night. He wants to talk to Nico, so..... where is he?
Me: You already told him?? 😲 But-... ugh, idk if Nico will come by today? That stupid Stephanie!.............. Who knows if he’ll ever come back to me.😫
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I told my Mom the truth that Nico had a fiancée. He broke up with her, but Stephanie just won’t let go of him. My Mom was so mad at me for getting involved in something like this. She accused me of being........... a bitch. She didn’t say "bitch"!! !My mother doesn’t use such.... bad words. 😇 (😒) I just can’t think of the right word in English rn, but it means the same.
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Mom: How many times have I told you and your sister, never, to fall in love with a man who is taken or married! It's a really low blow, A.!
Me: You’re just saying that because of you and Dad! But-....I love him, I loved him before! So, he belongs to me! Not to her!
Mom: Then why did you marry Daniel? If... you’ve always loved Nico? You knew he had a fiancée. You deliberately decided to ruin their relationship! Just because your marriage didn’t work. The right thing would have been to ignore Nico’s messages. You never know what or WHO you want?... It’s like a curse on you. 🤦‍♀️
Me: You’re on her side, not mine! I hate you! And I didn’t ruin anything! He wanted to break up with her anyway!!
Mom: Sure, that’s why he’s with her now, not here with you. 🤷‍♀️
Shit, I think she was right. I have to stop this. I have to stop Stephanie! I'm going to have his Baby! Sandra said the same to me. I have to make it clear to N., that he’s gonna lose me, if he doesn’t do the right thing!!!! But Nico thought now that I’m pregnant, he’d be safe. I mean, I’m not sure he really thought that, but that’s how it felt to me.
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midnightcreator12 · 4 months
Let's Talk About TMNT 2012 Season 3 Episode 2 'A Foot too Big'
Because after some digging I found out that my takeaway from the episode isn't as common as I thought it was and I'm kinda confused and upset about that so I'mma make a tumblr rant about it.
Disclaimer for this real quick tho? I do like tmnt 2012. I have many issues with certain things that hold it back from being on my 'love it' list but, when they manage to write the characters well, its great, and there are a lot of good ideas and characters and pretty creative mutant designs.
Having said that, there's still bits of it that make me...cringe a little extra but I can chalk most of it down to the idea that the team working on the show were probably expected to crack out scripts as quickly as they could so the continuity suffered.
And then there's 'A Foot too Big'. An episode that I WILL skip every time because it gives me the creeps and I have NO clue how that episode got greenlit.
Trigger warning: I am going to be talking about some stuff about pedophilia and sexual assault. If these things make you uncomfortable, do not click the read more.
SO! What, exactly, is the goal of 'A Foot too Big'?
This is an important question to answer. And the answer that pretty much everyone came to when the synopsis dropped was that it was going to decided the fate of Apriltello. Many people assumed that it was the episode that was going to show Donnie that he was being too much with his crush and April would either A) confirm she liked him back by episodes end, or B) would firmly state that she wasn't interested and, thus, the ship would die.
When the episode dropped, there were many jokes about Donnie getting a taste of what he puts April through, about how BIgfoot crushing on him was karma for him creeping on April for 2 seasons.
BUT the mentality around Apriltello had become very negative by this point. Many were tired of Donnie constantly stumbling over himself and being Donnie's crush was pretty much the only thing April had going for her. She had her dad back so the season 1 goal was accomplished. They'd revealed she was part Kraang but...it never really factored into her character beyond 'oh, I have powers now but only sometimes'
So, yeah. People hated the ship and in particular hated on Donnie because, lets face it, he was the only one actively pushing it. April's reactions were minimal, at best (probably so they could keep making 'Donnie is a simp' gags)
But what, exactly, did Donnie do to be labeled a stalker and creep?
Well, he very clearly was into her the moment he saw her!
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....like he's a fifteen-year-old boy who's never seen a girl before? I do NOT approve of people who chastise others for having crushes. Having a crush on someone doesn't make someone a creep, it makes them a damn person.
Well, he made a flow chart to ask her on a mission (date)!
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Yeah.....he planned out an activity for them to do together. One April said yes to. Donnie overplanned the hell out of it and clearly saw it more as a date then an intel mission but, again, there isn't really anything wrong with what he did. He's being a little weird about it but, hey, teenaged sheltered boy whos never met a girl before April....who's never had a FRIEND before April.
He follows her around all the time!
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Okay, yes, on its own, that is a little creepy. Except the 2012 boys explicitly say, several times, that they only go out at night, meaning Donnie only follows April at night. Yes, why would he feel a need to keep an eye on his friend whom is being hunted by aliens when she's walking around back alleys with no people in New York City at night!?
I do NOT blame him for this! I'm more surprised the rest of the turtles DON'T see any issue with the fact April will just...stroll around in the middle of the night by herself! No freaking wonder she gets kidnapped so much! Girl grew up on a farm and it shows!
His comments make her uncomfortable!
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I will concede to this one. Donnie often tries to flirt and, for the sake of the joke, his flirting often falls flat. Could he tone it down a bit? Absolutely. But most of his 'flirting' is pretty tame and he often is just chatting with April or trying to be supportive or show off for her. The worst of this behavior honestly comes out when he's trying to one-up Casey. Its still not an excuse but he's not being any worse than any other 15 year old and, honestly? He does back off when he notices that his flirting is unwanted in the moment.
So, to sum up, Donnie is a bit over-eager and tries to flirt badly and tries to spend time with April. He occasionally follows her when he's patrolling because he's worried and wants to keep an eye on her which is valid because she gets in over her head a lot.
And then we have 'A Foot Too Big'. Donnie's 'karma' for being a 'creep' towards April. Where-
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He gets manhandled-
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Kissed without consent-
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Followed around doing everyday things-
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Constant invasions of his personal space-
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Even after he has clearly shown discomfort multiple times-
Donnie NEVER physically forced himself on April, didn't invade her privacy and personal space constantly, he didn't try and push himself into her every waking moment! In fact, considering he has ZERO social skills, I'd say he's doing pretty well in trying to make his affections clear AND being respectful!
But we're supposed to nod along and agree that Donnie giving April a music box!
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Is equivalent to THIS?!
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That Donnie sometimes flirting in poor taste is on par with him getting kissed and grabbed without consent? BY AN ADLUT!!??
But, hey, let's play devil's advocate. Let's say Bigfoot is a teen by her species' standards! She is still sexually assaulting Donnie throughout the entire episode!
And there's still pedophilia vibes because then it means that the Finger got with a teenager! So it's still gross!
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I just sat through Donnie being sexually assaulted, possibly by an adult, for 20 minutes, his family laughing at him for it and definite predator vibes no matter what the character ages are just so the show can tell me 'lol, nothing has changed, we're still gonna shove this ship in your face!'
This entire rant is because when I posted a sketch of my OC simi inspired by a tiktok sound, I captioned it 'Raven is why I wasn't going to rewrite A Foot too Big' and a few people thought I meant she'd shoot the Finger.
No. She'd fucking shoot Bigfoot. The second time Bigfoot made Donnie uncomfortable, Raven and Scrap would be burying a body before nightfall.
Hell, I wasn't going to include the episode in the fic but I just might at this point just to have the catharsis of Raven getting to unlock her inner Chula Verd a lil bit!
Thank you for reading my rant. I know this is kinda old news at this point but I got mad and just wanted to throw my thoughts to the winds.
Hope y'all have an awesome day/night.
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amigac0debasic13 · 10 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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saedii-gilwraeth-simp · 4 months
Once again in the pinball chamber of my mind so have part 2 of this kinda
Tyler's uniglass buzzes on his bedside table, forcing his drooping eyes to open. He scrunches one closed again and reaches an arm over to the table and clumsily picks the uniglass up, careful not to jostle Saedii where she is asleep on half of his chest.
Unsurprisingly, the cause of his buzzing uniglass is his sister and her indestructible love for spam texting. He reads through the pair she had sent and scrunches his eyebrows in confusion at the messages.
Scarlett Jones: did you know that dad speaks Syldrathi?
Followed by
Scarlett Jones: ask me how I know that, Ty
He one-handedly types out his response.
Tyler Jones: I'm pretty sure he doesn't speak any Syldrathi, he watches as a typing bubble appears on his screen.
Scarlett Jones: yeah?
Scarlett Jones: I'm pretty sure he and I share a wall and I now know way too much about mum and dad's sex life. Tyler reads the message once and then twice and then holds back the urge to gag as Scarlett's messages keep rolling in.
Scarlett Jones: maybe not having a mum was better
Scarlett Jones: dad would still be sad but at least I wouldn't be ready to jam the closest sharp object into my ears
Tyler Jones: please stop, I don't want to ever think of this... ever
Scarlett Jones: too bad bee-bro,
Scarlett Jones: if I have to hear it, you have to hear about me hearing it
Scarlett Jones: twin code
Tyler Jones: why is twin code only a thing when you want to torment me?
Tyler Jones: do they not realise you can hear them?
Scarlett Jones: I think they're used to being empty-nesters and forgot I was here
Tyler Jones: gross
Scarlett Jones: yup
Scarlett goes quiet after that for a bit and he thinks they're both done being tormented. And then his uniglass vibrates again.
Scarlett Jones: oh Maker, how are they going again?
Scarlett Jones: Ty save me she pleads, and he decides very quickly that he loves his sister, but not that much. She's on her own.
He puts his uniglass down, ignoring it when it vibrates again in favour of closing his eyes and burying his face in Saedii's hair.
He sends a prayer for his sisters sanity and then tries to fall asleep.
Two weeks later, which is about the amount of time it takes for her to think she can look either of her parents in the eye again, she takes a trip back down to see them.
Did she think Tyler would drop the bomb that he and Saedii were having a baby right before she left for Terra? No. But did it present an opportunity for her? Maybe.
It did bring her some smug joy that Tyler had told her first.
It's just after sunrise when she get back to her childhood home and she is immediately hungry when she pushes the front door open and smells a medley of breakfast foods. She rounds the corner to find Corae moving about the kitchen, preparing breakfast while humming along to the music playing from the speaker on the island.
"Morning, evaariin," Corae says and Scarlett smiles at her mother's Syldrathi term of endearment for her - sunshine.
"Hi mum," she says, taking the plate she's offered, sitting on one of the bar stools and watching her mother putter around. Sometimes Scarlett has these moments alone with her mother and loses herself in thoughts of how nice it would have been to have had Corae around during her childhood.
She could imagine exactly what it would have been like. Corae would have braided her hair every morning before school and taught her how to use her waywalker-y skills on mean girls at school and built a pillow fort in which to eat ice cream and complain about boys after her first breakup.
"What's wrong, evaariin?" Corae asks and Scarlett blinks back to see her mother watching her with a tilted head, sharp purple eyes assessing her and dimple popping with her twisted smile. Scarlett shrugs and lets go off her imagination. Her mother is here now and that's what matters.
"Nothing, work just has me busy," she brushes the question off. She knows Corae knows better but appreciates that she is smart enough to let it go.
"Yeah? What has the legion got you doing now?" Corae humours her and Scarlett starts to rant about the dumb Chellarian ambassador who doesn't know his ass from his elbow, making Corae laugh as she exaggeratedly describes the buffoons she has to work with.
Eventually, her dad joins them, coming downstairs and kissing Scarlett's forehead and Corae's cheek as he passes into the kitchen. He's in a finely-pressed suit with a flag of Terra pin on the lapel and Scarlett raises an eyebrow at the get up.
"Your father is going to a ribbon cutting ceremony," Corae says in a voice laced with posh fondness, waving her fork vaguely. "The life of a very important Senator," she says and Scarlett laughs a little at that. Jericho just fondly rolls his eyes.
"Very important senator you married," he mocks back and Corae shrugs.
"What can I say? You fill a suit out very nicely," she says, eyeing Jericho up and down.
"Before you two start eye-fucking, I'd like to remind you that I'm sitting right here trying to eat," Scarlett says dryly, making both parents turn to her with raised eyebrows.
"We do not eye-fuck, as you so very crassly phrased it, Scar," her father says and Corae nods.
"Yeah, we're way more diplomatic. Eyes are obvious, it's all about the body language," she says and Scar sighs.
"Hm, well before your dad goes out, do you want to tell us whatever secret your obviously keeping about your brother?" Corae asks casually and Scarlett's head snaps to her.
"How-" Corae taps her Waywalker sigil and smirks. "Nope, you can't have possibly figured out that from just being a Waywalker, come on, what gave me away?"
"I would also like to know, if it matters," Jericho says and Corae shrugs.
"One side of your mouth is tilted higher than the other like a smirk but you're not being any more scarcastic than usual, so you're smug about something and when it comes to us, you're only smug when you know something we don't. You're not broaching any new topics we might start inferring from, so it's a secret not a surprise. And you keep raising one eyebrow when you talk, the one that your brother has the scar through. Ergo, you know a secret we don't know and it's about your brother," Corae explains and Scarlett blinks. She's never really met someone who could read people like her and it was aways slightly disturbing.
"How do you know it's Ty specifically? It could be the whole Squad," she tries to divert and Corae shakes her head.
"When it's the squad you move your shoulders more, they're the people you want to hug. When it's your boyfriend, you sit differently," Scarlett blinks.
"I sit differently?" Corae nods. Jericho makes a surrending symbol with his hands and very quickly kisses his wife goodbye and leaves like fire is on his heels.
"You're hips tilt further forward depending on how pleased you are with him," Corae says and Scarlett groans, burying her blushing face in her hands.
"Mu-um!" she moans through her fingers and Corae chuckles.
"You asked, evaariin, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about, we all have our tells."
"You don't have any tells," Scarlett says and looks up to see Corae shrug.
"My birth family knew all of them so I trained myself out of them. My mother was a terribly exacting woman, it was torture having her be able to read me," Scarlett considered her mother for a beat.
"I've never heard you mention your family," Corae shrugs again, leaning against the opposite counter and folding her arms across her chest.
"Not much to tell. The only ones I liked are dead. Yet somehow the one who tried to stab me lives on," she laughs at Scarlett's incredulous look, "story for another time. Now, you promised to take me to the quote unquote 'best dress shop on Terra' so eat up so we can go out," Corae says, pointing her fork at Scarlett's half eaten plate.
Scarlett smiles and turns back to her plate, wondering to herself if this is what her friends felt like when she was around. Although she supposes there are worse people to be like than her mother - even if she's already planning on making Ty switch rooms with her before she stays over again.
idk I just see Corae calling Scar 'sunshine' and Ty "moonlight' as terms of endearment
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sibillascribbles08 · 7 months
Oh it's aro week ! Here's a short Off Colors drabble for the occasion feat. Leo and April
April watched the credits rolling up the screen of her TV. Leo sat on the bed with her, his shell pressed against the wall and her legs rested over his, as usual on movie nights.
"So..." April broke the silence. "That was pretty good, right?"
"I guess?" He shrugged.
"You guess? What's wrong with it?"
"You know." He waved a hand. "Once again we have this intense adventure plot going on and there's some romance involved."
She sighed. "Leo, that doesn't make it bad."
"I know, I know." He tossed his hands up before crossing them and slouching down further in his seat. "It just has to come up every single time. And like, why? Do people really want romance in all their stories that badly?"
"I mean, yeah? Most people do, I guess." She climbed over Leo to reach the remote and turn the TV off. "Though I kind of get it. Like, why does it always have to be a guy and a girl. We need more girls falling in love with girls."
"No offense April, but I'd probably stick my tongue out at that too." As if to emphasize, he did it now.
April lightly kneed him in the stomach as she returned to her usual seat. "You don't have to complain about it that much."
"It's just... frustrating." He mumbled. "You say it's normal. Dad says it's normal. Hueso says it's normal. But I can't wrap my head around it."
She sank into her pillows and put her legs on his lap again. She took a moment to swallow her anger, after all Leo wasn't trying to be rude about it. He probably really didn't get it.
She tilted her head. "And you're certain it's not a find the right person situation?"
The turtle rolled his eyes and held one of his hoodie strings, swinging it around. "Well gee, how would I even know that? What other teenagers do I interact with besides you? Love you, by the way, but not like that."
"Good cause I don't like boys." She lifted a foot and used it to give his head a light shove.
He pushed her leg back down in an instant. "Dad keeps saying I'll get it when I'm older but he's been saying that for years. Like hello, I'm thirteen now. Doesn't it happen to most teenagers sooner than that?"
She shrugged. "I guess. But you're not exactly most teenagers either."
"Quick, google sexual maturity of red eared sliders."
She snorted at that, and was glad to see Leo crack a smile, but it didn't last.
Then, it gave her an idea.
"Actually, hang on." She climbed off her bed to grab her laptop off her desk. "I might have an idea."
"Are you actually going to google it?"
"No." She smiled and sat back down. "But you remember the whole thing with that flag on my pin board yeah?" She pointed to where it probably was behind her.
Leo nodded. "Yup, lesbian flag. Which you lied to me about at first and convinced me it was a country until my dad had to explain it."
She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at that old joke. "Right, well there's a lot of other flags out there. I did some brief reading on them and I think one might help explain some things." She pulled up her internet browser and began to type.
He moved his legs and crawled over to sit next to her. "You're telling me there's a flag for people who hate romance?"
"Not exactly that but..." April scrolled down the page, glancing at the various lines of colors until she finally saw the one she remembered. "There, that's the one!"
Leo leaned closer to the screen, studying the bars of green, white, grey and black. "Aromantic?"
"Yeah." She clicked on the hyperlink which brought up the full page. "People who feel little to no romantic attraction." With it loaded she slid the computer onto his lap to let him scroll and read for as long as he wanted.
Which turned out to be for a while. April felt awkward with the silence so she climbed off the bed and grabbed all the empty bags of snacks and soda cans. "You want some water?"
Her friend just let out a hum of acknowledgement that she took as a yes. She carried the trash to the kitchen and tossed it in the bin, passing by her mom in the living room.
"Movie done?" Her mom asked, watching her own TV.
"Yeah, just chatting for a bit."
"He can stay the night if he wants, but you both aren't staying up all night."
"I know." April sighed. It wasn't a school night–they never did movie nights on school nights–but her mom was still mad about three weeks ago when the pair of them accidentally stayed up talking until one in the morning.
She pulled a couple of water bottles out of the wrapped plastic next to the fridge and shuffled back to her room, replying to her mom's quick good night.
Leo was still on the laptop when she returned, though now laying on his stomach and staring at the screen like it held the secret to life, love, and everything.
April wouldn't interrupt. She set his bottle on the nightstand and opened her own, taking a few sips and settling back onto the mattress.
"So..." Leo finally spoke up. "Maybe it is normal? That I'm not into romance? If this is apparently enough of a thing to make a group name for it."
She smiled and lightly scraped her nails over his shell. "Yeah! You might be ace too."
"I assume you don't mean that in the sense of 'extremely cool.'"
She snorted and leaned across his back to use the touchpad. She scrolled down to the related links, clicking on asexual.
"Hm, not as crazy about that flag." Leonardo raised a brow. "Prefer the greens." He scanned the page for a second. "Wait, is there a difference between romantic and sexual attraction?"
"Yeah." April tapped her mouth with the lid of her bottle. "I mean, I don't personally get it but it makes sense? After all, ace people aren't sexually into people, at least not always, but they still fall in love?"
"Hmm, yeah I don't think I'm into any of that."
"Then in that case..." April, still laying on his back, scrolled down again and clicked on the aroace page.
"Huh? They have a different flag?"
She laughed. "There's a lot of those."
"I like this one though." She could practically hear the smile in his voice. "It has blue in it. And orange! Doesn't yours have orange?"
"We could match! Sort of!"
"Yeah!" She giggled, and Leo responded, and soon both of them were falling into a fit of laughter.
April rolled off him while catching her breath, and then took another sip of water.
Leo got up and grabbed his own bottle. "It's not weird for me to just go with that, right?" He tilted his head as he frowned. "I mean, what if Dad is right? Maybe I'm still not old enough or haven't meant the right person or something."
She shrugged. "You're allowed to change your mind, Leo. I mean, I thought I was bi until I realized my interest in guys was just me trying to match what the girls in class were doing. Helps that my mom has knowledge about this though, I guess."
She kicked her legs. "Anyway, point is, you can go with it and change your mind later."
He smiled and drank some water. "I almost hope I don't. What if our flags stop matching?"
April snorted and tossed an arm around his neck to pull him close. "I'm sure we can find something else to match."
Leo's smile became softer and he turned to pull her into a proper hug. "Thanks, Apes."
She returned it, though she wasn't entirely sure what he was thanking her for. Could be any number of things, and she chose not to ask.
"Of course, Lee."
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Hi Kat,
I know you have quite a big following so I want to ask you something, just to see if any of your followers or even you experienced something similar. I apologize for a very long message btw.
Firstly I would just like to say that I don't do drugs or drink. I'm a few years older than you, so while yes I'm 31 I'm still not an old grandma and my memory is pretty good.
I'm a person who still recalls how the voices of my ex-classmates sound (when I read books, or anything else, I read it with a voice in my head... if you know what I mean. I can recall voices I like and read text in that voice), I still know their names and last names. Except I don't know all the last names of my classmates that I went to high school with for 4 months (but I remember how they looked like, sounded like and I know their names, I just don't know last names of some people who had pretty long or complicated last names).
Now to the story. Last year I went to pay a lottery ticket for my dad. He plays a lottery ticket every week. I don't really know what this little store is called in English, we call it "trafika". You can pay lottery tickets there, you can pay bills, they sell magazines, some alcohol, cigarettes, little chocolate bars, chewing gums... and that's pretty much it. It's very small. A woman owns this store and she has 1 employee. One works in the morning, another one in the evening.
Last year, it was during summer break time I saw a new cashier - most likely the owner took some time off.
The new cashier wasn't rude looking or anything, but when I stepped into the store I got such an odd vibe, just a very uncomfortable feeling. This happens a lot to me... it's like an intuition I guess. And I'm usually right because when I get an odd vibe from someone something usually goes wrong.
I wanted to pay the lottery ticket when the woman called me by my name. I was quite surprised since I had never seen this woman in my life. She told me her name and because I was looking at her confused she told me she used to be my classmate.
I went to some high school for 4 months before I changed schools. Her name wasn't common, and I was even more confused because I would 100% remember a unique name. I have never had a classmate with that name.
I'm a loner, a quiet type so she would 100% not know me if she weren't my classmate. But even if I'm a loner I did speak with those classmates, heck I was forced to when we had to do stuff in groups and so on, so I 100% interacted with all my classmates at some point.
She even told me the name of the school I went to. I told her that I don't remember her at all, she seemed kind of disappointed and a bit mad, but since I saw this woman for the first time in my life I didn't feel the need to lie and pretend I did know her. I just felt like it would be more awkward if I lied. I paid for the lottery ticket and I said bye to her and told her I had to go because I was in a hurry (that was a lie but oh well. Her mad stare was kinda making me feel awkward so I just wanted to go asap)
The next week I didn't pay lottery ticket there but I went to the post office instead because this interaction kinda freaked me out a bit. I even crossed the street when I walked by in the next few days. But after a few days, the owner was back (you can see easily inside because it's a glass window and that woman never returned since then). I don't even know how many days that woman worked there because for 3 days I was too freaked out to even look at that direction, I know it sounds silly. And the day I looked there the owner was back. So I guess she was there less than 3 days?
What else gave me the creeps is... she really wanted to convince me that we knew each other. Something about that just felt off to me.
I know like 15 years passed since then but I swear to you on my life I don't remember ever meeting this person. I remember people who take the same bus as me, even if I see them on that bus once every month. And I don't brag I can recognize every person I have ever seen, because I can't. But if I remember a random person I see on the bus once per month, I'm sure I would remember this woman like I remember every single one of my classmates. This is why I feel crazy.
I deleted my facebook ages ago, and when I had facebook I was never sharing personal info like which school I went to or where I worked. So it's not like she was bored, saw me on social media, and decided to prank me.
I listen to yt stories sometimes and some stories are about how people shifted into a different reality. These are just interesting stories to me, nothing more. But that day I felt like this woman met another me in some different parallel universe, I know it seems crazy.
I find the idea of a parallel universe interesting but I don't know if I believe in all this, but it just felt like she is from a different reality where she met me. And in this reality, I never met her.
I lost all touch with ex classmates (they also live far away from me so it's not like I can run into them either) I can't ask anyone else if they remember her.
I usually don't message you on anon, but in this case, I will turn on the anon button... because I feel kinda crazy. Some time passed already but whenever I walk by I always think of this incident. And I was just curious if anyone else experienced something like that?
I agree that it's odd, but I don't believe in reality shifting and I think it's far more likely that you genuinely forgot one classmate after 15 years than that she's from a different reality. Even if your memory is unusually excellent
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I should probably do this at more regular intervals! [5.7-6.X]
Guess how I spent my sunday afternoon! I'll try and do this every, like, 3 chapters, maybe? Because fuck, there's a lot to talk about. Let me try and do it in order. Arc 5 (.7 onwards) So, the Lung rematch honestly took me by surprise. The whole arc did, really? Going from a pretty depressing but harshly real depiction of what happens to girls like Taylor, to 'Fuck it, let's fuck shit up', to Lung is back! Already! It's Arc 5! I was so sure his escape and reappearance was going to be a big thing the characters dreaded and came back to bite them at the last moment, but-- And yeesh, was 5.9 a chapter. There's a certain passage in the introductory page for Worm: "Morality isn’t black and white, Taylor and her acquaintances aren’t invincible, the heroes aren’t winning the war between right and wrong ..." Every fight has me at the edge of my seat. Last year for me's been pretty brutal for media depicting major-character-deaths like it's no big deal-- and the moment Lung came back, I was so sure someone was dead. I thought it might've been-- and after the interlude, real glad it wasn't-- Newter. But somehow, everyone managed to get off scott-free. And after the fiasco that was Arc 6-- we'll get there!-- I just don't know how long this'll last. Even for the Undersiders. Which makes me want to predict deaths. I think because of the phrasing of the opening page, I know that Taylor is the POV character as a standard, and interludes are the exception. So unless this does some huge POV-shift, I think she's safe. From death, not from anything else. I am not entertaining the thought of Lisa's death. Brian and Alec, though? I don't know. I don't know about Alec at all, actually. He's kind of a scary guy? Horrifyingly subtle power, but really scarily applied in Arc 6. He's low-key one of the strongest, at least potential wise, in The Undersiders. I think Brian is going to have more story to him, now that his past's all been laid out? But later on, I just can't say. I really hope he doesn't, he means a lot to Taylor, and he's a good shoulder to lean on. Rachel-- 'Bitch'? I can't remember if she prefers one or the other... -- is a little harder to talk about. It was hard to like her after how she introduced herself! Mauling the POV character practically unprovoked isn't a good first impression. But, like Taylor's described, I feel, she's started to grow on me. Arc 5 touched on her character and personality in a nice way. I'd already started to sympathize with her come the end of Arc 4, rather than just view her as a begrudingly amazing tool for the team, but the dynamic between her and Taylor in Arc 5 was peak. She gave her her jacket!
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Arc 5 Interlude This is really sweet! It left Arc 5 off on a high note. 'Kinda. I don't know what to make of the 5.X interlude. It was interesting. Newter was nice to see again. Flatline was intriguing to get a closer look at. Gregor is a strange person, but so-- I don't know if blunt is the right word, but 'sincere'-- almost refreshingly so given the web of deception going on in every other Arc-- that I liked him by the end. What I don't know what to make of in particular is the tattoos. Does it imply that there's a different-type of origination for parahuman powers? Is it artificial? I don't know! But I'm interested in finding out! Arc 6 Anyway, that was what, 4 chapters' thoughts? Let's talk about Arc 6. I started off my liveblog talking about how one of the most interesting plot threads was the growing inner-struggle Taylor has of working with The Undersiders and having agreed to double-cross them. Something I neglected to mention as well, was Taylor's dad, Danny. Straight from the get-go, both of these are the spotlight. They almost seem to slowly be intertwining the further the Arc goes on-- something I felt especially towards the end, and a final decision Taylor makes. If it wasn't painfully clear already, I like how this arc brings to the forefront how muddy the line between traditional 'good and evil' is. Armsmaster is blatantly not-good. He does not seem to value what is right and what is wrong, and-- while we do not see inside his mind-- Taylor does, and that his reputation is above all else is very telling. Luckily, he gets what he deserves. Cue my favorite passage of the serial so far:
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Actually has me grinning while reading this chapter. It is unlikely Armsmaster is the only Hero that isn't all too much of one. I'm certainly not the most researched on the subject, but the parallels between Heroes and the Cops of today seem to be a major theme. With Coil entering the picture-- and, what a fucking reveal, by the way!-- I can't imagine this idea is going to take a backseat any time soon. I don't know much about Coil, and by his own words, he is not a good person. But as the only person striving for meaningful change-- whether his methods are morally sound or not-- I think I'd feel more comfortable with Skitter under his wing than, say, Armsmaster's. From his actions and his one-chapter-of-glory alone, he's a character I'm interesting in looking out for. Arc 6 made me cry! This will likely be a running theme, as I'm warned. 6.9 in particular is where it got me. That shit was crushing. As someone that struggles with anger, I admire Danny for keeping as collected as he did given the circumstance. He really does love her, and it's awful that Taylor's gotten so deep into things so quickly that she just can't be honest with him. Not until he knows what she is, and what she does. I thought Danny and Taylor's relationship was going in a healthy direction, after the incident in the mall, but I think that was just far too wishful thinking, with how everything was going to play out. ..Conversely, it looks like Taylor is figuring herself out. Writing that letter I think finally helped her analyse what she was doing, what she cared about, and what she wanted-- contextualized after finally learning about Coil and his intentions, and everything she and The Undersiders'd been through up until now. It was a powerful moment-- burning it especially. And maybe my favorite ending to an arc so fa-- Oh! Wait! There's an interlude! This is horrifying! It sure didn't shy down from takes about law and justice! The idea of a Rogue is interesting, and one I didn't even consider in the context of the world just yet. Apparently, the world's still working on that front, too. 'Making an example' of someone in a legal context is terrifying enough. That example being that the use of powers in any altercation, if you aren't grinning and willing to be part of the governments personal army of upholding the status quo, is LIFE IMPRISONMENT IN THE MONSTER DUNGEON-- like, fuck. If this is the system Heroes are defending, it's a little bit beyond muddied good and evils, it's a swamp.
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Here is a bisexual Newter as a treat for making it this far among my ramblings. (thank you, mischievious magpie.) I'm sorry that they're so -rambly-! I had a lot of thoughts, and couldn't even get all of them down! Like, here's a few more bonus-thoughts: -The way Taylor via Newter-poison fucking owned Lung was rad as hell! - This!
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But, yeah. I just wanted to get this out so I could keep going this evening, and on my walk. I'll stop again at 7.4-ish, and write my thoughts so this doesn't happen again. I certainly won't do more than an arc at a time. Az out!
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