#(Mostly due to being fascinated by his talent)
more-than-a-princess · 5 months
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@lightcreators asked: ❛  do you ever wonder what it would be like if things were different between us?  ❜ (from kokichi ouma, friendship-wise of course, since ouma have an reason to remove his mask for one second)
Pining/Yearning Sentence Starters
"Hm?" Sonia asked. She'd been in the process of reaching for a salmon-filled onigiri when Kokichi had interjected with his question. And at their small table in the cafeteria, there weren't many others it could be directed towards.
The Main Course classes often kept to themselves, as it were, but Class 79's Kokichi Ouma was another category in and of himself. As far as Sonia knew, the common terms that were used when referring to him were 'gremlin' or 'menace,' for all the times her cohorts were caught at the receiving end of his pranks, jokes, and schemes. Even Hiyoko, who was also commonly referred to as a gremlin herself by her peers, clashed with Kokichi's methods of befriending others. More trouble than he was worth, that was how most of her fellow students seemed to view him.
An opinion that Sonia herself did not share. Admittedly and embarrassingly, she could admit that the initial reason she reached out to him was due entirely to his talent: as Ultimate Supreme Leader, she'd never actually met the leader of a cult before. For all of her interest in them, her first-person exposure was nil. Still, she'd tried to be polite when inquiring after his talent and the duties associated with it: how did he attract members? Did they have secret rituals? What about death pacts or prophecies for the future?
Instead, her friend seemed more keen on practical jokes than giving her firm answers to her questions. Just as well, a bit of mystery kept things intriguing. But to that end, Sonia was one of the few from her class who was willing to have lunch with him, or at least be present as a captive audience for any amount of time. And she fully expected him to tease her about some sort of Japanese culture she'd managed to mess up, something she took in stride until she couldn't anymore, when her eyes narrowed and tone switched and the line she'd drawn had been crossed between good humor and ill-intended jabs.
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This, however, was surprisingly philosophical for him. "If things were different between us?" She repeated. "Like talents? If we had different talents? Ooh, like if I was the Ultimate Supreme Leader! Though I wonder if my followers would simply be members of a coven at that point. Or otherwise devoted to the supernatural!"
She chuckled at the thought: it would be a far more exciting life than what her reality amounted to: endless meetings, ribbon cuttings, tea parties, memorials, and balls. Even the annual Masquerade each October only had subtle hints of the macabre, eagerly borrowed from her own personal collection of occult artifacts.
"What do you wonder then, if things were different between us?" She asked, setting her onigiri down on its plate. "Maybe I am a bit off in what you had in mind."
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writingfool001 · 7 months
What Really Matters
Author's Note: I decided to keep this one and delete the old one later. I like this one better.
 Due to the culture of looking down on half-bloods in the wizarding world, I can picture Newt!MC sympathizing with Sebek about his internalized racism as they had seen multiple Slytherins act the way he does in order to hide the fact that they're either a half-blood or a muggle born. It'll be touching if while Newt!MC is explaining their world to Sebek they touch upon the blood status subject and bring up example of half-bloods being just as exceptional as any regular magician.
Pairing: Newt!MC x Sebek (Platonic or romantic)Warning: Newt!MC is based off of Newt Scamander, mostly dialogue, short.
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You've met many people on your travels, different races, ethnicities, and so on. Compared to your fellow wizards, you would treat everyone you met with decency unless you saw a valid reason not to. Ever since you arrived at NRC, there were few who didn't let anyone doubt their magical abilities due to their background. Yet there was a certain first year, in your flying class, who often called you human and would talk about humans or about Malleus being superior. Overtime, you learned more about his lineage and how he himself was half human himself which made you thought perhaps that is what fed into his usual behavior. 
“Sebek, I didn’t know your dad was a dentist?” You started out as we were studying. 
“Why would that be important as of right now?” he told, looking up from his homework. 
“You always ask me questions; wouldn’t it be fair if I could not do the same to you?” 
He glared a bit as his eyebrow twitched a bit before speaking. 
“...yes, he is.” 
“Such a fascinating job, he must be quite special.” 
“He’s just a magic-less human dentist.” 
"So, what? His magical ability does not change the fact that he is special. I presume your mother holds him in a high regard." 
"She does, though I do not entirely understand why." He grumbled as he wrote out his notes. 
"She likely saw him for who he was rather than the lack of magic." You suggested, only for him to scoff at it.  
"That does not take away from the fact that he does not have magic." 
"That does not make him any less important besides, do you care about having magic that much?" 
"Yes, or else I would be weak, it would've been easier if my father wasn't magicless." 
It was a little surprising to hear Sebek be somewhat open with you considering how he's usually yelling at you and such throughout the day, but it was nice. It also showed some of his insecurities about himself. 
"There have been many extraordinarily talented people I have met. Many of them being half-blooded magicians that have been more exceptional than the sum purebloods magicians." You start "I do not judge on one's magical capability or who they're related to which you should learn to do as well. Each to their own." 
  “You won’t see me differently for my blood?” He asked as you shook head before he let out a hearty loud laugh. “I don’t believe you.”  
“I remember my first friend outside of school was a young man who was very passionate about baking and didn’t have any magical talent. I still hold him dear in my heart as he's passionate about baking. I envied how easy it was for him to talk to others while I struggled with it. He's one of the most extraordinary people I met.” You smiled gently as you recalled your dear friend. 
“He didn’t have any magic?” 
“He had some, but he was considered magicless by most and he was fine with that. It didn’t matter if he had any magical talents or not, it mattered that he was passionate, something I admire.” 
You both sat there for a while before you packed your books and notes up then got up. Before leaving, you turn to him. 
“Don’t let your lineage or magic be how you define yourself. It’s the passion that is what makes someone like you the way you are. You’re Sebek to me. Just remember that.”  
You turned on your way and left. The next couple of days, you noticed a small pep in Sebek’s step and how extra loud he was during flying practice. It's good to see some things don't change. 
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
Bradley was a total loser in high school but in the way that he was still liked by everyone. He was all over the place, playing baseball, doing theater (mostly musicals...), and keeping up with all the 'nerds' in his year in maths and physics, a mathlete, all to make himself a good candidate for the USNA. He'd also go to youth military camps during summer and worked a part-time job since he was a sophomore.
Everyone at school knew of him, but he was so closed off that he was a mystery to many, which in turn made him have close to zero friends, but people liked him and he was never bullied. This was partially due to being too busy to have friends, partially due to him being afraid to bring friends home (because of Mav and Ice's secret relations...) and partially because Bradley had a hard time making friends in general — he's been moving around a lot as a kid and often had to swap schools mid-semester but also had more trauma and issues than your average kid.
And a lot of the kids who did try to befriend him were intimidated —Bradley was a chill, friendly, and nice guy on the surface, very talented as well, seemed not to care about other people's opinions and just did his thing, but then the minute you learned more about him, he was intense. He had his whole life planned already in a way most teenagers do not — chose his college, chose the job he wants, has been preparing for it for years already. Military camps, pilot licence, science on a level suitable for aerospace engineering, multiple side hobbies, all successful, deep knowledge of the military and political scene, all before he even finished high school. To the kids who learned more about him he was cool, but in the 'he seems like a future legend' way, almost too picture-perfect. It was very isolating for Bradley but also something he carried into adulthood out of haplessness — he can be the heart of the crowd, but he's never close with anyone, opposite of an open book, always trying to do his own thing while trying to not care about what others think (this has also been exaggerated by what Mav did to his USNA application...)
Jake was from the popular crowd but a lot of people only pretended to like him. He was the football star and had pretty good grades, took part in the debate club and also volunteered with their church — in their small town, he was the perfect golden child. Every parent wanted their kid to be like him. A lot of people only befriended him because they thought being friends with him would also put them on the same pedestal and were pretty fake, disliking him behind his back.
On the inside though, he was just the local farmers' boy who always gave all of himself to others, no matter what it was. His humility was genuine at the beginning but when everyone questioned him and called it fake, he started to have an attitude just to appease everyone's expectations and not be eaten alive. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life but he tried to give his best whatever he wasn't doing — so a lot of the things he did were what he felt was expected of him. He's tall and athletic, their football team is good — he should join. His dad never finished high school and wanted his kids to have a good education — so he tried his best to make him proud. His mama ran the local book club and helped the church and their pastor almost every day — he should show that he inherited some of her leadership and good, god-lead heart. It even went to a point where he knew he wasn't interested in girls at all, but felt like he had to try because that's what teenage popular boys do — they date, they hook up, they have crushes.
Choosing to go USNA and deciding he wanted to be an aviator was the first thing he did for himself (after letting himself develop a fascination with flying and planes first) and so many people were disappointed with him — so many people said he was wasting his potential, a career in varsity football, any other potentially well-paying, respected jobs he could get if he went to a good college and not joined the military. Every single adult discouraged him from it, telling him how he's not going to do well and how he had more options than almost all of the kids in their town. Even his own parents were, well not unsupportive but also not very supportive. His dad who had been drafted, openly discouraged him from joining the military and often said he should not waste all his hard work.
(The above was brought to you by a fic idea: Bradley didn't go to his high school reunion but when Jake gets an invite for his, he feels like he needs to go to prove something to himself - that all the people who said he's wasting his potential and who pretended to like him to be in the right social circles were wrong and that he's happy and satisfied with his life.
He and Bradley are together at the time and he decides to take him as his plus one. This proves to be another challenge — taking his boyfriend to his small, kinda homophobic town, and trying to fight off the reality and judgment from all the people he's always wanted to please and prove something to.
Especially since Bradley doesn't completely understand why Jake wants to do it — he can see how badly it's affecting him and he just doesn't get the point of doing something or interacting with people who make Jake feel shitty about himself. He's conflicted between being supportive and calling Jake out on how self-destructive and pointless the whole reunion is for him.
Also: Jake's parents and Jake's ex-girlfriends. Disaster waiting to happen.)
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tobi-smp · 7 months
well ! if I'm posting about my other interests ! have a little how-to guide for getting into marble hornets:
firstly, what is it.
that's an answer in two parts! it's a foundational indie horror web series on youtube that was beloved in its time for its mystery, atmosphere, and editing (pioneering or popularizing many of the techniques that you'll see more commonly now in the analogue horror genre, just with the budget of college students in 2009).
and it's remembered fondly Now for its fascinating representation of mental health (in how it subverts the harmful ways that horror tends to depict more stigmatized disorders, but Also in how it depicts mental and physical health in general), and the underlying queer themes that While subtext at the time have ultimately been confirmed as intentional as one co creators (and actor for the main character) has come out as bisexual!
it is Also a wildly creative and beautiful comic series. written solely by troy wagner (the aforementioned co-creator) and illustrated by jackie reynolds (a long time fan of the series and insanely talented illustrator). taking place after the events of the webseries, the comics take full advantage of this new visual medium to express the horror, atmosphere, and emotions of the series in a more visceral way. and being self published they're free to make whatever they'd like
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done entirely in water color and ink, it builds beautifully on what was laid down with the original series and carves out its own identity and legacy.
it's also just very lovely seeing queer creators who were once writing subtext be able to just. Be Open about it. both about themselves and their characters. it's a horror story that happens to have queer characters mind, but it's just ! nice.
now ! being internet horror that's sat in that weird space between args and analogue horror (nightmind would call it Unfiction, but unfortunately that term hasn't caught on as much as I'd have liked) it's not as simple to get into as just like, Watching A Show.
that's not to say you Can't just watch it, but rather I have ways to help you get more out of it :>
1: The full chronological playlist for the marble hornets web series, including the totheark replies: [Link]
this is exactly what it says on the tin ! the entire series in order, I've even included the dvd extras at the end of each season !
two notes: firstly, the full series is captioned, and I think they're very nice captions! and secondly, there's a lot of loud noises in the series, which the captions help mitigate a bit. this is due in part to the nature of the kind of horror it is (though it doesn't have straight up jumpscares), but Also because troy wagner was HoH at the time he was doing the audio editing for the series.
there's significantly fewer issues with the audio as the series goes on (troy actually got surgery for his hearing!) but for the most part it's fine just keeping it Somewhat lower. except entry five. entry five is so very loud <3
2: The in-character twitter for jay merrick (the main character of marble hornets): [Link]
much like the youtube channel is presented as being ran by the main character/pov character of the series (jay merrick), the twitter was created to run along-side the main series! it mostly exists to give us further insight into jay's mental state and personal life that you don't get in the main series, especially early on!
it's a little cumbersome nowadays, especially since twitter doesn't Like being archival. but you kind of just have to scroll all the way to the bottom to when the twitter was created and scroll up to follow along jlkfasdjlkfdas
this is made a Little more difficult because the account got hacked in 2020 and reinstated 2021, so all of the dates are wrong now. but the account always posted when new entries were uploaded so it's easy to watch an entry, check what was posted after it was uploaded, and then see the link for the next entry and know to stop until you've watched.
you don't Have to do it this way, but I think it's the way to get the most out of it!
3: All of the translated codes for totheark/tta listed in order: [Link]
back in the day, youtube allowed you to make Video Replies, which would be displayed Under whatever video you were responding to! this feature was ultimately removed because of the tendency to do make clickbait in response to whatever was currently popular, but it was Wonderful in this instance !
the youtube channel and twitter were presented as in character, and they took advantage of this by having a second channel created (named totheark) start Replying to the entries as they were uploaded. these videos were highly edited and contained codes and secrets that were meant as messages to the main character (and the audience)!
there was a dedicated community for code breaking throughout the show's entire life, and this list here goes through every one! I like this one in particular because it Also gives us information on How the codes were broken, in a digestible way.
4: Nightmind's marble hornets explained series: [Link]
this is definitely Optional. it's obviously not official media, is outdated now that the comics have started, and I'd say was flawed even at its release. (it's not a spoiler if nobody knows what I'm talking about, so I'll say now that I'm not a fan of his theory with masky, and the seth theory is very famously silly).
BUT! I Do think it's a very good resource when it comes to putting certain crucial things together. as the whole point of the series is that it's a Mystery. you see nearly everything out of order and you're intentionally limited in what you know about characters and their motivations. this series works as a good jumping off point in that it helps to put things into Context and change your perspective on certain events and character With the benefit of said context!
like I said, it's not Required, it might just be helpful! a starting point to help chew on things once you've watched the web series in full for the first time.
Comics!: [Link]
comics ! they're all available on troy wagner's personal website! (along with other goodies that are periodically available!) you can buy them either physically Or digitally ! personally I'd recommend digital, as it's cheaper, instantly available, and the digital extras are wonderful!
they come with the script for the comics, a commentary version (including comments from troy and jackie on every page), and other extras like backgrounds, behind the scenes sketches, character art, etc!
I would very much so suggest buying the comics if you're interested. this is an indie project being ran and funded by two people (and again! there's other goodies in the store that are worth looking at). buttttttt, my friends may dm me <3
Extras! [Extras]
Anniversary streams [Link] on a few different anniversaries for the series several of the creators have done streams rewatching the series and reacting to it live ! this is a playlist where I've collected all of the instances that I could find :>
I Also included the dvd commentary here ! the format is different, but it's a similar concept so, why not ljkfsdajklfasd
Interviews, QnA's, and con appearances: [Link] exactly what it sounds like !
I was, at one point, overtaken by some kind of madness and hunted down for every single Person Records Marble Hornets Creators Talking About Marble Hornets thing I could find, and then attempted to put it in order. this is just ! for fun. I do so adore it though, I have one con panel that was recorded on someone's 3ds.
My silly posts:
some analysis posts I've main on my main account since having watched the series ! these all contain spoilers so I wouldn't suggest watching them until you've seen the show (though I Would suggest reading them if you do choose to watch the explained series)
this is my post going into what I think masky is supposed to be/represent, and why it's Important [Link] which I think pairs nicely with this post by tim sutton (one of marble hornet's actors) [Link]
my discussions on jay's mental health and behavior and how they're often misunderstood (which won't necessarily be needed if you've read through his twitter jlkfasdlkjafds) [Link 1, Link 2]
confirmation that jay is canonically queer :> [Link]
Social Media
Social media for various marble hornets creatives !
Troy wagner (co-creator, actor for jay): Tumblr [Link] Twitter [Link] Instagram [Link]
Jackie Reynolds (main artist for the comics): Tumblr [Link] Twitter [Link] Instagram [Link] Linktree [Link]
Tim Sutton (actor for tim (I know)): Tumblr (inactive): [Link] Twitter: [Link]
Joseph DeLage (co-creator, actor for alex): Twitter [Link]
and here's art jackie drew of masky marble hornets punching richard spencer in the face <3
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muffinsin · 28 days
Whew! Y’all! This is it, my first bg3 post!🙌👀 HCs on:
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If y’all like this one, more will follow ;) check the bottom of this post for more info!🙌
Let’s get into it!
Masterlists (bg3, re8)
Although utterly loyal to Bhaal, her life does undermine and hinder her and many skills and talents she possesses
Art, for example
While it’s a talent tucked away in the form she slaughters, it’s always there, hidden away, just out of sight if you aren’t searching for it
She likes to use blood as her paint, red being her favorite color
But her life allows little distractions, little life outside of training, killing, fighting, surviving
She finds art in her own way
In the way she decorates the bodies she leaves behind
In the wounds marking their tender flesh
In the spilled blood around them
When she allows herself a treat, she creates a beautiful corpse
Blood and guts everywhere, but often resembling Bhaal’s cult icon or, when she feels particularly bold, a butterfly
While living- and having lived- mostly underground, Orin is fascinated by the life above the sewers
She has no preference between upper and lower city, she finds both supply her with her prey
Often, she will loot corpses. She doesn’t care for gold, but sometimes takes some coins due to the shine they have to them. Worn gold means nothing to her
She likes weapons and has a large collection of them, stored and hidden away by her room
Her favorite creature is a butterfly. Pixies aren’t so bad either
Orin likes pinning them, or attempting to catch them in the air
To entertain herself, she likes to rip one wing away and watch the poor thing struggle
But, when feeling particularly sentimental, she likes to watch red butterflies fly in her room
She relates, somewhat. But she can’t understand what to
As a young bhaalspawn, she was fearful of spectators. She still feels a little uneasy around one. Another reason she prefers the city, and its sewers
Her least favorite ally is Gortash
She not only finds him silly, but also painfully annoying
She regularly messes with him
Ketheric is a little odd to her
She’s thrilled, excited, over the moons, blood boiling at the opportunity to slice and slit and cut over and over and over and over again
He’s been at the receiving end of her blade plenty times
In time, Orin has grown fond of him. Not that this means he does not see her blades
She’s grown somewhat fond of him, though saw his remaining love for his daughter pathetic
But above all, she feels pride, and desperation
She wants to prove herself. Wants to be admired and wanted. Wants to be feared
Wants to be known
She’s proud, analytical, thinks critically and is unrelenting. She’s strategic and very self aware
And, lonely
Not in the form that she necessarily desires for another person
At least she isn’t fully aware of such a need and would never explore it, either
Should she find love, she will be fully aware of the piece she was missing. Yet, she never, and will never, outright go looking for it
No, Minthara longs for a home
Trustworthy company
She doesn’t trust easily. She has never known unconditional love. She has never known anything but to look out for a dagger behind her back
To some extend, it comforts her
She is open to new things, but prefers her ways
At times, when she allows herself to, she longs for a day she rules the underworld, allied with one she trusts, one she admires
While a little of a bold take, Minthara has a “crush” on Lae’zel. Of course the very word hardly describes either of them
She admires her, and has from the day she has joined camp with her
Of course, she is an adequate warrior. Minthara has immediately picked up on that
While quiet during the day and on the road, Minthara grows active at night
She dislikes the sun and every little comment Astarion makes about it
During quiet camp nights, she likes to talk to Lae’zel
She’s highly interested in the githyanki and their ways and likes to study her companions in battle
She finds, only Lae’zel is worthy of her, intellect and maturity wise
This makes her her favourite companion, whereas Gale and Minsc are her least favorites
She’s wise, and is not hesitant to help others learn from her mistakes. Yet, this doesn’t mean she opens up to others
When she does sleep, she is plagued by Nightmares of Orin, the Tadpoles, and her Mother
She insists, even to herself, they only strengthen her
She detests goblins, gnomes, elves, children and wizards, yes. But still, Minthara has an odd liking towards oxes
She can’t explain it, and never elaborates on it. She supposes, they’re just one of the creatures making the surface world slightly more pleasurable
Her favorite creatures are bulettes and spectators
While she doesn’t find bulettes resourceful, she finds them, well, almost cute
She would have loved to keep one as a pet
In her future dream of ruling the underworld, sees herself making use of the creatures of the underdark
She is easily annoyed and angered, but it takes much for her to leave company once she trusts someone
She loves teddy bears. Of course, her own is her favorite
She takes him wherever she goes and has had him since he was gifted to her as a young tiefling
When gifted another stuffed animal, she makes sure to cuddle them equally and take turns, so they both feel equally loved
No one gets left out is her motto
She can’t settle on a favorite color
When asked, she’ll answer with one, change her answer twice
Then, a few hours later or so, if asked again, she’ll answer differently
She cares incredibly much for those she loves and trusts
Her favorite companion is Lae’zel. She’s a big fan of her and finds her the “coolest” to hang out with and learn from
She’s somewhat of a role model
Though, the companion she is closest to is Wyll. She likes to hear about the stories the Blade of Frontiers has to tell
She’s rather bad at pick pocketing, but thinks it’s hilarious
She likes to practice on her friends, but isn’t exactly quiet
That way, she’ll often snicker and whisper-giggle while crouching behind them and attempting to pickpocket them
Afterwards, she feels so bad about it she immediately returns the items
She last hug she experienced before Avernus was one to a warrior she met in baldur’s gate. She bid her farewell in battle
She’s a very affectionate person and hates not being able to touch others
Sometimes, she’ll take plates and all else she finds and use some rope in order to create a friend for herself
Gale and Wyll often summon Flame Elementals for her to cuddle and hug.
She loves them and names them regularly
She is sure they wiggle because they’re happy around her
She loves giving everyone nicknames. She has slight difficulty remembering a person’s name and it helps her out
Her own nickname stems from hearing said warrior in baldur’s gate refer to herself as “Don’t worry, Mama’s got this” before heading out into battle
She’s adapted it for herself ever since
She loves playing with scratch and while she can’t touch him most of the time, she likes to play fetch with him whenever she can
Karlach likes speaking to withers. She likes his funny words
She likes music and is bored by art
As a child, she pretended to be a wolf fairly often due to her parent’s abilities
Later on, despite wrongly being fearful of wolves, she still finds she can’t take her eyes off them
She often searches their eyes for something, but quickly retreats when they approach
At nighttime, she likes to look up at the stars
She doesn’t remember her past for a long time in her life, but during this, she still liked to gaze up in the sky and think about what her life might have been like
She wondered sometimes whether her parents were part of Shar’s circles, too, whether they were of low or high rank, whether Mother Supreme knew them before their demise
In time, she has learned better
But she still likes to daydream when others sleep
Despite her obedience and faith, there’s rebellion in her
She likes to explore dangerous places, cave-ins, abandoned land. She finds it fun to watch others embarrass themselves, and finds those she finds beneath her amusing
Speaking of, she dislikes goblins, and the time spent with Minthara only has this dislike grow. At times, they bond bickering about the little creatures
At other times, they have deep conversations regarding their faith
Despite being an oathbreaker and having turned from her faith, Shadowheart finds Minthara to be a wise and trusted ally
She likes going to her for advice, especially after learning the truth about Shar
Despite her earlier fear and hatred towards Githyanki, Shadowheart finds herself intrigued by Lae’zel
At first, she is furious how little mind she pays her, how insignificant she seems to the warrior
In time, she allows herself to see through the hard shell around both, her and Lae’zel
She’s more curious than anything by the end of it and, despite her preference being magic, likes to study her companions in battle
She finds Lae’zel is the most efficient and, after turning against the Lich-Queen, finds she can somewhat relate to her, even
She wants to support her, though does not apologise for her behavior prior. Lae’zel would not care if she did, either
She dislikes socks, and their texture, and robes
She likes armor and has often asked Karlach to try hers on. Not that it would be suited for battle
Before, and after Shar, she feels a great deal of loneliness
Karlach helps her feel less so, and she likes to spend her time talking to her and taking in her energy
She likes borrowing her clothing and feeling the warmth off them
It comes easier to her than asking for a hug
Am I still gonna write re8?
Yes, mainly, too. My focus will remain on the Dimitrescu sisters
Do I now take bg3 requests?
I might! Feel free to send them in, but I might not tend to them if they don’t take my pick.
As it comes to bg3, I haven’t yet found what I like to write about, so I’ll just try a little bit of everything. Some prompts I’ll take, others I’ll pass on :)
I’ll probably only write for Orin as of now though, but feel free to send in requests for others, too. I won’t write for male characters and my DURGE will always be gender neutral or female
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
hi thoughts on tokoyami & aoyama? both as a ship and a platonic duo.
Ahhhh tokoyami and aoyama our classic sun and moon duo, i'll be happy to oblige anon ;)
There is a very obvious and glaring issue of Aoyama's quirk weakening and hurting dark shadow. Normally they would be very defensive and on guard around someone with a light based quirk but quite frankly aoyama is a bit pathetic (lovingly). Aoyama has a very weak and cowardly aura, and while he is certainly shown to have brave moments, he is just like koji and mineta in that there isnt an intimidating bone in his body. Dark Shadow could probably just look at him and he would faint with fear (very lovingly, i adore a pathetic crybaby man). Regardless Yuga does constantly give off light unintentionally due to his lazer leaking and his shining atire so Shadow keeps their distance out of annoyance of accidental burns. There is really only so much you can do when you are neighbors though.
Tokoyami's early avoidance was very superficial, he thought aoyama was loud, pompous, and annoying. tokoyami has a distain for bright things to the point he would claim he's "allergic to color" and decided Yuga's wardrobe was more than enough reason to avoid the blond. For as much as every one seems to think tokoyami is afraid of the dark that seems like a truly ridiculous idea. He purposefully makes his room as dark as possible and his character sheet says one of his favorite things is “dimly lit places”. Tokoyami feels at home in the dark (one could say he revels in it) and aoyama is one with the light, they couldn't possibly get along...right?
Aizawa obviously chose aoyama to be tokoyami's neighbor on purpose. As such they naturally have to spend more time together mostly due to aoyama's medaling. He has always found something alluring about our mysterious bird friends as such is the nature of light always chasing after the darkness. Although he is a bit frightened of the demonic shadow they do seem kind enough around the girls. Once Yuga decided to talk to him their conversations come naturally as they have a surprising lot in common (what a twist!). As someone (supposedly) from France he has a lot of knowledge on Europe and its culture and history which is a fascination of tokoyami's. And while their wardrobes are in opposing color schemes they have a surprisingly similar style in the mildly effeminate and victorian fashion. Aoyama admits to having taken fencing classes and dabeling in sewing but seems to have failed spectacularly at both although he plays oblivious to this and boasts his false talents. (If bakugo is a wonder boy who is good at everything he does, aoyama is the opposite who is spectacularly bad at everything) Tokoyami is good at both sword fighting and sewing and offers to help him try his hand at these hobbies again which obviously reveals yugas failings but tokoyami is willing to teach him until he succeeds. He still remembers to keep his distance though for shadow.
Dark Shadow and Aoyama end up having a lot in common too. They are both ridiculously dramatic and flamboyant in their actions and attention seekers. Even more important they are both chronically ill from their quirk side effects. Most people don’t understand the constant level of pain from lights darks shadow has to deal with but Yuga listens to them and shares his own struggles with his incontinence and stomach pain. Obviously Aoyama’s laser itself is a literal pain to deal with but after that conversation he tries hard to keep it covered when around them (he so thoughtfully what a gentleman). They can end up being very silly with each other due to their eccentric and emotional personalities. Which is good because Aoyama needs all the love he can get.
From here on out is season 7 Spoilers for the anime ->
Dark Shadow always knew there was something off about Aoyama. They have the ability to read the auras or emotions of people and they could tell he was hiding something very dark inside him. When they told fumikage he brushed it off as them being vehement towards his quirk. This assumption strengthened once they moved into the dorms and shadow could hear him crying late and night, pacing, sneaking around, and even getting an odd phone call or two. They tried to tell fumikage and even others but was once again was brushed off, most people don’t take shadow seriously. They did try to visit Aoyama when he was crying but he only let them in very rarely and never talked about what was bothering him, his perfect mask back in place by the time he opened the door. Shadow did their best to cheer him up. When he was revealed to be the traitor shadow wasn’t surprised but still felt betrayed (Tokoyami learned a very important lesson to listen to his shadow’s instincts from now on). Shadow usually holds grudges against people who have wronged them especially since they had almost gotten kidnapped because of him. But Yuga also saved them from being kidnapped too, and he was being forced into the situation to protect his parents. Tokoyami and Shadow felt the same about this for once. All they felt was pity and understood why he did what he had to, it was easy to forgive.
Aoyama was reluctant to get too close to any of his classmates but if anyone could understand him it was the prince of darkness himself. Although tokoyami never recognized the mask Aoyama wore Aoyama could recognize his. He could see fumikage carries a terrible weight of guilt on his shoulders and felt empathetic. Tokoyami and Aoyama were both trying to cheer each other up just as hero’s do.
For tokoyami and Shadow their relationship went from dislike to “reluctant” friendship after getting to know him. Aoyama is forever grateful to have gotten so close to them.
Manga spoilers past here ->
Aoyama’s decision to leave was a devastating one and was the worst betrayal of all to shadow. They took it personally as him saying they aren’t friends anymore and that he doesn’t care about 1-a anymore. This is an illogical and emotional conclusion to cover up their hurting because they would rather feel anger and resentment than heartbreak. Tokoyami was much more rational about his decision and realizes his feelings about being abandoned and hurt as an untrustworthy emotional response. He deals with this the same way he deals with all his unwanted emotions, intense suppression. (You guys thought he was going to work through his feelings normally? HA! WRONG!)
Yuga’s decision to leave is admittedly not one I understand well. All I can see is that his quirk hurts him far too much for a long career of hero work with it. I would like to think all he did was change to general studies like trading places with shinso. He could have had his license revoked for a year, had private training, then went back to the hero course with support gear to fight with instead. The in universe explanation that he never even wanted to come to UA doesn’t make any sense. He obviously said he wanted to be a hero and likewise had many heroic moments (6 off the top of my head) that prove he could back up his motives. UA is the best place to become a hero, so there is no reason for him to leave. The only real reason he could have wanted to leave was his guilt and fear pushing himself away from his friends. Which is very similar to when Midoriya pushed everyone away during his dark deku phase, but everyone came after him and forced him to come home then. Will they go after Aoyama too? My hc says yes they do because they are a family and I said so. Mido was on his own for a few months so I think it will be a few months of them trying to contact Yuga and him trying to run away before they hunt him down >:)
In the mean time Dark Shadow takes out their anger about Yuga leaving on Shinso unfortunately. Since he’s an insomniac they have far too many times to interact without tokoyami to mitigate…but that’s another can of worms to deal with. Eventually tokoyami’s suppressed feelings blow up in his face (like always) and he has a breakdown saying how much he misses him and doesn’t want anyone to leave their class ever. Things get better after that with toko not denying his emotions anymore and Yuga soon to return. They will make up and become proper friends again (although tokoyami will still act tsundere towards him). Dark shadow cries and hugs him which they have never done before because of the burning; they are to happy to see him to care though!
I know this was sort of all over the place but I needed to talk about Aoyama’s decisions somewhere. Thanks again for the ask anon!
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lipstickitty · 7 months
I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter One
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Jake Kiszka x Demon!reader
1k+ words
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS GO AWAY!! talk of death, reader is a demon, Jake is a sweet angel baby love, eventual smut
Having been born centuries ago, you had watched the world transform entirely before your eyes more times than you could count. Being orphaned at a young age, you had struggled your way through every day of your human life with a heavy heart and the weight of the world on your shoulders. You’d fought tooth and nail for even the most basic of necessities and gone without plenty of times before. Which is why, when a stranger showed up on the dark path leading to your makeshift home after a long night of trying to scrounge up enough money to eat on, you decided to hear him out for his strange offer rather than panicking right away. ‘How much worse could things get?’ You’d thought to yourself as the man introduced himself as Malachi, a demon in a salesman position of sorts.
His job was to find mortals who lived miserable lives, those who suffered daily, and offer them whatever their hearts desired in exchange for their souls. You’d be “recruited” so to speak, as a demon, and assigned a job based on your skills and talents, very similar to human jobs really.
Due to your smooth talking skills and no nonsense attitude you’d been hired as a succubus- sapping energy and claiming souls of those unlucky enough to fall into bed with you.
Suffice it to say, you’d met quite a few men in your lifetime. Countless, even. But you’d never encountered another soul like Jake Kiszka, not in all your centuries on this earth. Though you were technically a demon, you remembered being human and took pity on those you felt deserving of it. You only set your sights on the skeeviest, most depraved and revolting of men, seeing it as the consequences of their own actions. The good men, the kind men, those only trying to provide for themselves and their families, you left alone. Their souls were worth more than that to you. Jake’s soul was worth more than that to you.
You’d met Jake at your day job at your local bookstore. Independently owned, you were the assistant store manager and as such you got a lot of say in what books and other merchandise were carried, which you delighted in. You adored filling the store with a vast variety of different genres, truly something for everyone. You took special pride in your occult section, you were a demon after all.
One day, Jake had come in while you were just coming off your lunch break. As soon as you’d clocked in, he’d awkwardly said hi to you and blushed when you smiled in his direction. Part of your succubus charm was the effect you had on men, making them nervous and enthralled with you at first glance even if you never intended to take them to bed. “Hi sweetheart, I’m y/n! Ya looking for anything special today?” You cheerfully greeted him.
“Oh, nice to meet you y/n, I’m Jake! Well, Jacob- or- Jake… whichever… anyway, uh, yeah, I was really hoping you could point me towards the history section- biographies and such on, like, musicians or historical figures, or… ya know…” he trailed off with a nervous clearing of his throat.
“Oh yeah, of course, Jake! Follow me, I’ll show you!” You linked your pinky with his, leading him to the section he was looking for. “Any specific thing you’re interested in, Jake?” You asked with a bright smile.
“Oh, pirates, mostly… kinda nerdy but I find it very interesting… fascinating, actually.” He giggled. “Ah, makes sense.” You grinned, gesturing to his necklaces layered on his mostly bare chest. His cheeks flushed the most adorable shade of pink, muttering, “yeah I guess that does make sense.” With a chuckle, not quite meeting your gaze.
“Hey, don’t be shy about your interests, Jake! I love seeing people be passionate about their interests! I’ve read a lot of these myself! What you’re looking for is gonna be over here, honey” you point out the books in question. You smile and go to turn away but he clears his throat once more, stopping you in your tracks. “Listen, I know this is kinda forward but I think you’re fucking gorgeous and I’d love to hear any insider tips you have on the best books here. Can I- give you my number? And we can… swap book recommendations, or maybe hang out sometime?” He stammers out, barely meeting your eyes.
“Jake, sweetie, I don’t date, and not to be too blunt here, but I don’t sleep around either, not in the way you’re used to. I’d love to be friends, we could grab coffee or swap music or books and catch up, but I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. I couldn’t be good for you, I’d only hurt you, and you seem like an honestly good man. I’m good at reading people, and I couldn’t hurt someone like you. We can swap numbers and get coffee when I’m done here, okay?” You looked in his eyes and held his hands with yours while you spoke, handing him your phone to put his number inside. When the shock wore off, he slid his phone to you to do the same.
“I’ll text you later, Jake. It was really nice meeting you.” You gave him a genuine, warm smile as you walked away to get back to work. You managed to keep the smile on your face for the rest of the shift, and help all the customers that needed you, but you felt dread settle in your chest when you thought about the beautiful boy that had walked in and turned your world upside down. You wanted nothing more than to throw yourself at him, get to know him, keep him all to yourself. But given your nature, you knew it wasn’t fair to do so knowing you couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t get hurt.
You knew the safest thing for the both of you was to stay far away from Jake Kiszka, not let it go any further than that first interaction. But in all your years you’d never felt the kind of magnetism that you’d felt towards the brown eyed boy you’d just met. You knew you’d try and be his friend, selfishly wanting to keep him in your life in any capacity. You knew Jake would be your undoing.
Tags: @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @gracev0609
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momojedi · 1 year
THE BAD BATCH: Hobbies/Interests
Type: General Headcannons Characters: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, Omega
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Hunter is a GOD at board & card games. You would think Tech would be able to beat him but being a Sergeant as well as the leader of Clone Force 99, no one beats Hunter when it comes to strategic games.
There are countless tic tac toe games etched into the wall of their old barracks on Kamino, all on Hunter’s account against his brothers.
He will get grumpy when someone hits him with the “draw 4” card in Uno, though.
He’s also really good at both dart-throwing and pinfinger/the knife game. It’s pretty much a miracle neither he nor Crosshair have lost a finger at this point with how often they’d challenge each other.
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Tech is a surprisingly good artist. Thanks to his talent to work with fine things and creative mind, he tends to catch himself doodling every once in a while, despite not thinking much of it. To him, it's rather a waste of time and not really something he pays attention to, but he still is incredibly talented. Omega always subtly gathers his drawings when she has the chance to before he throws them away. Had Clone Force 99 had a Jedi General, you'd be 100% sure they would've asked him to paint on the Marauder.
Aside from drawing, he’s also really good at sewing! Tech’s lost track on how many times he’s had to sew up holes in his brothers’ - mostly Wrecker’s and Omega’s - civvie clothes and blacks.
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We all know that Echo has pretty much taken over the mom role in the group, but did you also know that he’s a wonderful cook?
Echo is very wary when it comes to what he eats, whether that’s just war PTSD or because he’s scared about his machinery, he prefers to take care of the food part himself than risk eating something bad. On Kamino as well as during his time with the 501st, he was usually teased by Fives for always adding countless spices to their other wise bland meals but once he tried it too, they both realised Echo had a definite talent for that.
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Ironically to his size and destructive personality, Wrecker actually really likes plants. He doesn't necessarily have a green thumb yet he really likes the sheer variety of them and is also incredibly fascinated by flowers. How can something so pretty be so delicate? Wrecker will ask Tech questions about each and everyone that catches his attention.
Omega got him a small cactus once that he keeps with Lula. He called it Bob, don't ask me why though.
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Crosshair really likes carving. In their old barracks, he was usually the one to carve the mission numbers into the walls and would get grumpy when Wrecker got to it first. Due to his work, he doesn't really get the chance to carve a lot despite it being a form of relaxation to him.
Hunter keeps all of Crosshair's carvings hidden in the Marauder. Despite their different views and paths in life, he would never be able to get rid of them and as soon as someone suggests getting rid of them, Hunter will snap.
Omega collects EVERYTHING. She's spent all of her life rotting away on Kamino with no knowledge on the secrets of the galaxy, so once she got out, she started collection little treasures wherever she went. The Bad Batch has gotten used to it at this point and made a deal with her that every planet they visit, Omega is allowed to get one thing for her galactic collection!
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okay now that i've had some time to (slightly) emotionally and physically recover from yesterday, i need to flail about the highlights:
1) meeting one of my absolute favourite humans who i would never have got to know if it hadn't been for this little corner of tumblr - and then getting to share the excitement/nerves/elation/exhaustion rollercoaster of seeing am with them was just - there aren't even words for it. so special 💖
2) learning how to navigate rain ponchos
3) impulse buying too much merch (but also not regretting it. the glasgow tour poster is going to be the first thing going on my wall in my new flat)
4) the mirrorball starting to twirl just before they all came onstage and sending the colours of the afternoon sun everywhere
5) the sheer rush of the moment they all walked onstage together (also that was pretty much the only time i got to glimpse nick and matt at all 💔 from where i was standing i could mostly only see alex and jamie)
6) seeing alex a few metres away in real life after months of looking at his beautiful, dorky little expressions in photos/videos was surreal in the best possible way- there's just something so different about the way you get a sense of someone's energy when you're in the same space with them?? and as someone who's endlessly interested in people, i'm fascinated by how alex simultaneously gives off really reserved, self-contained vibes at the same time as being such a dynamic and captivating performer - like he’s so good at tapping into emotions without letting them be a door into how he’s actually feeling (if that makes any sense, my post-gig brain is not very articulate) i guess that all very much makes sense with all the stuff he's said about personas/performing, but it was still so interesting to get to really feel that sense of his presence in live time. he's definitely very much in control but in a very understated kind of way
7) a bunch of birds circling overhead on one side of the crowd, alex seeing them and dramatically declaring 'release the rest of the birds' 
8) me and the lovely human i went with turning to each other with expressions of sheer joy when the opening bars of crying lightning were played (and don't sit down. and four stars. and arabella. and - you get the picture. getting to share the sheer delight of your favourite songs being played is just the loveliest feeling 💗)
9) alex doing a quirky little 'ha ha' laugh in the middle of body paint 
10) mirrorball coinciding with the most beautiful pink dusk and half moon just above the stage, and getting to witness alex’s piano playing at the start of it
11) body paint. just. body paint. i think my soul left my body.
12) how much energy and enthusiasm alex seemed to have throughout the set - especially after the last week or so it was just the loveliest thing to see him messing about and having fun. and his voice sounded SO good. how anyone manages to sing like that (let alone sound like that less than a week after cancelling shows due to laryngitis) is an absolute mystery to me
13) alex's theatrical hand gestures for crying lightning (the one for gobstopper was a particular favourite)
14) hearing 505 when dusk has just fallen and you can see the smudged moon behind the deep indigo clouds is the only way anyone should ever hear 505 
15) alex and matt having a giggle about something mid set
16) obviously i was aware of how stupidly talented they all are - but there's something about seeing it unfold in front of you in real time that makes it really hit you. the sound wasn't great where i was for some of the time so i don't feel like i got the best audio sense of everything, but i was just so struck in particular by matt on the drums and also alex with his guitar playing. i feel like when i'm just listening to their records i'm so busy listening to alex's voice that i forget how incredible a guitar player he is and - wow. just. yeah. it honestly took my breath away.
17) getting the distinct impression that it provides alex with a sense of amusement to deliberately do that thing where he sings the lyrics at slightly different speeds to trip the crowd up
18) even though i ended up being in significant pain for the second half of the set and had to go find somewhere a little further back where i could lean against the railings (chronic pain conditions and standing for 6+ hours apparently isn't the best mix), nothing could dull how magical it was hearing all the tracks from the car that they played closer to the end. standing there in the dusk and feeling so much about everything is something i'll never forget. it truly brought home to me so poignantly everything about why am's music means so much to me and how much love i have for them 💜
19) being in the exact line of direction alex blew kisses to at the end
20) the hazy post-gig walking in the dark under lit up green trees with the lovely human i went with and our conversations about am and creativity and the courage of sharing music 💖
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hologramcowboy · 3 months
You said in your Jane Eyre answer that Jensen has an “emotional depth” but I am mostly if not only see emotional immaturity. The way he talks about being a father, comparing hos feeling for his own kids, rolling eyes to Elta and mostly the fact he is still with her in this f-ed up marriage… I like her and big SupNat fan (1-5season) but I think his emotional intelligence is not good. I would love to hear your opinion on that.
Thank you for the great question, anon. To answer it, I must make a clarification: I was referring to Jensen's acting strictly. While playing Dean Winchester, Jensen has proven emotional depth. Meaning he is an actor that can access deep emotional states. Does he use that ability? Often not, especially nowadays. As for real life, he does come off tone deaf on a lot of topics and he definitely doesn't exercise emotional intelligence when it comes to his audience and the way he portrays himself. He hides behind a carefully crafted persona but due to conflicting feelings he ends up coming off as passive-aggressive towards his own family. He seems to be in the dark about his own self. I hope he finds happiness, in whatever form that may come in. An actor's real-life persona can be extremely different from his celebrity persona as well as from his acting persona. Some of the shittiest people on this earth are some of the most talented actors who are also revered because people don't know their real life personalities. My point is, don't mistake someone's real life personality for their acting range. As humans we can explore many depths of our psyche, we just have to be willing to do the inner work required. The stage or the set are often cathartic to actors precisely because they get to play out aspects of themselves they don't get to express in real life. Someone completely shy and reserved could be a firebomb on set just as someone extremely charismatic in real life might not translate well on screen and come off as unlikeable. It all depends on how the camera sees you and what type of inner work you've done. Some people pierce the screen and then seem completely anonymous when you met them in real life, to the point where you fail to recognize them. Jensen belongs to that kind of category of actor, as far as I'm concerned. Meaning that his onscreen charisma and flair have zero to do with his presence in real life and that his magnetism does not translate in person. It's definitely a case of the camera adding a new dimension to his overall look. That's just my opinion, of course, and I am strictly viewing him through an acting lens. They say Marilyn Monroe could turn off her charisma and become anonymous when she wanted, she had full control of her presence as a performer and actor. That was a result of years of study, years during which she developed a persona that to this day fascinates. Jensen didn't study much as an actor so whatever charisma the camera gives him fades away as soon as the cameras stop rolling. That's because as an actor you have to develop your charisma, culture has a lot to do with it but so do many other things an actor can pick up. People superficially view Jensen as "hot" and know nothing about him beyond that and that's because he has no branding. The persona he's developed is entirely superficial. I would really LOVE to see him embody that iconic man he sometimes brings to life on screen. There is no one who believes more in his potential but all of my believing has to be matched by profound inner work on his side.
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writingfool001 · 1 year
No Difference
Author’s Note: Hi, it's been a while since I update. My google doc I had full of some of my WIPs got deleted so I lost some of the previous request.
 Due to the culture of looking down on half-bloods in the wizarding world, I can picture Newt!MC sympathizing with Sebek about his internalized racism as they had seen multiple Slytherins act the way he does in order to hide the fact that they're either a half-blood or a muggle born. It'll be touching if while Newt!MC is explaining their world to Sebek they touch upon the blood status subject and bring up example of half-bloods being just as exceptional as any regular magician.
Pairing: Newt!MC x Sebek (Platonic or romantic)
Warning: Newt!MC is based off of Newt Scamander, mostly dialogue, short.
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You've met many people on your travels, different races, ethnicities, and so on. Compared to your fellow wizard, you would treat everyone you met with decency unless you saw a valid reason not to. Ever since you arrived at NRC, there were few who didn't let anyone doubt their magical abilities due to their background. Yet there was a certain first year, in your flying class, who often called you human and would talk about humans or about Malleus being superior. Overtime, you learned more about his lineage and how he himself was half human himself which made you thought perhaps that is what fed into his usual behavior. 
“Sebek, I didn’t know your dad was a dentist?” I started out as we were studying. 
“Why would that be important as of right now?” he stated, looking up from his homework. 
“You always ask me questions; wouldn’t it be fair if I could not do the same to you?” 
He glared a bit before speaking with a slight hesitation and suspicious tone. 
“...yes, he is.” 
“Such a fascinating job, he must be quite special.” 
“He’s just a magic-less human dentist.” 
"So what, his magical ability does not change the fact that he is special. I presume your mother hold him in a high regard." 
"She does, though I do not entirely understand why/" He grumbled as he wrote out his notes. 
"She likely saw him for who he was rather than the lack of magic." I suggested, only for him to scoff at it. 
"That does not take away from the fact tha he does not have magic." 
"That does not make him any less important besides, do you care about having magic that much?" 
"Yes, or else I would be weak, it would've been easier if my father wasn't magicless." 
It was a little surprising to hear Sebek be somewhat open with you considering how he's usually yelling at you and such throughout the day, but it was nice. It also sowed some of his insecurities about himself. 
"There have been many extraordinarily talented people I have met. Many of them being half-blooded magicians that have been more exceptional than the sum purebloods magicians." You start "I do not judge on one's magical capability or who they're related to which you should learn to do as well. Each to their own." 
“You won’t see me differently for my blood?” He asked as you shook head before he let out a hearty loud laugh. “Of course not, for I am Sebek, skilled magician and retainer of the great Malleus Draconia!" 
It's good to see somethings don't change. We went back to studying and later on, you saw Sebek still prideful and his loud self, but shown a little brighter.
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kittenpawscute · 2 years
hello! I just wanna say I REALLY love your writings. And I'd like to send a request too! So, what about the arcane ladies fall in love with a single mother!reader?? It's okay if you're not able to do it! (or perhaps you've done it before)
Thanks for reading this message, much love xoxoxo ♡
Okay I have no idea how this will go but I will try my best xxx
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You and Sevika met in Last drop, you were working behind the bar, trying to earn some money for you and your kid. When this guy started being a total jerk, first trying to get you to sleep with him then name-calling you and spilling his drink on you once you refused. As soon as the physical threats started, Sevika showed up and put him in his place. While you have seen her a few times before, you never really talked. Her being so gentle with you, making sure you're alright to finish your shift almost made you think it was a different person. She even went as far as giving you one of her shirts she had upstairs in case she had to change because of her clothes being stained by blood. Next few weeks she tried to keep herself closer to the bar, telling herself it's just to make sure no one tries shit like that again. Until you two got to talk more. She adored how strong you were, considering that in the Undercity anyone who wasn't capable of protecting themselves were taken as an easy target, especially with a child.
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Even though you were a teacher in the school Caitlyn went to, you and Cassandra didn't really meet, as she never really came to pick up Caitlyn. However the little girl started acting strangely, mostly quiet, never really playing with the kids. While you didn't really want to pry into it, knowing that she was one of the quiet ones of the class. Your daughter (let's say daughter) started noticing Caitlyn acting strangely as well. Once when her father came to pick her up, you requested for (preferably) both parentsto come see you some time during the week to discuss her strange behavior. Next day you got an invite from Cassandra herself inviting you to dinner to discuss it. While it seemed strange to discuss it by dinner you didn't mind and went along with it. It was a chance to bring out one of your more formal dress after all. (You pick)
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While Cassandra was already interested in you from the way Caitlyn described you while telling her parents about her day. Seeing you in person got her hooked. She couldn't help but he fascinated by your intelligence and she was more then glad that she planned the dinner while her husband is away. After you two talked about Caitlyn and how she's doing in school she couldn't help but ask you more about yourself and your life. By the end of the dinner she was determined to get to know you better and maybe grow closer to you.
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You were a very talented and known artist in Piltover, meaning that you having your own display in the local gallery wasn't anything surprising. What was surprising was the little girl walking across the building with stars in her eyes. While her mommy had to welcome the guests, she was able to roam the gallery as she's been there many times before. Mel was adoring the various paintings scattered across the walls, she didn't unexpectedly ran into your daughter who wasn't paying attention to where she walked. Not like she complained. She was impressed by the little girls intelligence and manners, considering how young she was. And soon you showed up, causing Mel to feel like a child in a candy store. For a while she's been adoring your work, so meeting you was an honor to her. And (of course) unable to resist Mel's charm, you accepted her invitation to dinner, your little Star included.
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As she hasn't seen you since her teenage years due to her imprisonment, you could imagine her shock when she found out you had a daughter. Of course the crush she had on you all those years ago suddenly hitting her again like a train was nothing you or your daughter would miss. But even through the time she was away from you, you two caught up very quickly, and your daughter absolutely loves Vi. Not once did you come home from work to see them cuddled up or having a play fight. Those usually ended with Vi on the floor being "punched" until your daughter noticed you were standing in the doorway.
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A/N: Hii! So I was thinking I could turn either Cassandra's or Sevika's into a mini series! Maybe even both considering that there aren't enough Cassandra stories out there. Either way I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to drop some suggestions <33
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masterofrecords · 10 months
NRC basketball team roster
(As depicted in my fic, Aquarium)
Okay, first of all, I'm really glad I planned for this chapter to take at least 2 weeks from the start, because yesterday I managed to fuck up my knee a little, so my mental energy goes to worrying about it and my physical energy goes towards stretching and working my knee to make sure the bones don't again try to misalign themselves and the joint remains decently pain-free. Definitely didn't need the added stress of "damn, I should be writing", haha.
Anyway, this list has tiny little spoilers, most of which likely won't become apparent until the chapter is published, but I'm warning you just in case.
Nima - (unofficial) coach, former center
Savanaclaw, junior. In his last proper year at school he took over the coaching position (because who else is going to do that, Vargas? No thank you). Has a little too much energy and enthusiasm and not enough understanding of the limits of a normal human body. Hopes for Jamil to take over the coach role next year.
3 - Egil - shooting guard
Pomefiore, sophomore. Despite different positions, Gideon's unofficial protege. Everyone is quite unsure if there's something going on between them or if Pomefiore is just Like That. Depending on team composition sometimes plays as a forward, but is not very comfortable in any playmaking role, prefers to defer tactical decisions to others.
5 - Jamil - point guard
Scarabia, sophomore. While versatile about the position he plays in, prefers to stay to the back line to direct his team's play and make long shots from behind the three-pointer line. One of the highest-scoring members of the team.
10 - Floyd - center
Octavinelle, sophomore. Dunk shots are his bread and butter, but he surprisingly enjoys the defense, too - especially when it allows him to bully other players under the basket. In official matches tends to get removed from the court for rule violations way before the end of the game, which annoys him to no end.
11 - Ace - shooting guard
Heartslabyul, freshman. Pretty good at most technical things and able to play a variety of positions, but tends to be impulsive and make rash decisions that lead to mistakes. Has a special talent for provoking the opposing team to foul on him.
13 - Bertram - point guard
Diasomnia, freshman. A bird beastman of generally quiet disposition, though allows himself to express himself more on the court. Tends to be in a (mostly) friendly competition with Ace as a fellow freshman.
17 - Gideon - center/power forward
Pomefiore, junior. The second half of the "rituals are intricate" Pomefiore duo. Tall but lanky, prefers playing forward but often has to sub in for Floyd as center if Floyd breaks the rules too many times.
18 - Mosi - shooting guard
Savanaclaw, junior. In his freshman year he didn't make it into the spelldrive club, and might be still a little bitter about it, but mostly is determined to prove his worth as a basketball player. Has a temper problem on par with Floyd - sometimes they cancel each other out, sometimes the opposite.
22 - Ludwig - small forward
Octavinelle, junior. One of the more versatile players on the team, though he's mainly been playing as forward since his sophomore year when he bulked up. Unlike many others, finds strategy and tactics discussions at practice fascinating.
25 - Ryder - small forward
Scarabia, junior. Compensates for his short stature with almost unnatural speed and jump height. Has been having some problems with discipline and being a team player for the last several months - actually, since winter break. Wonder why that might be.
31 - Jay - power forward
Savanaclaw, sophomore. Accident prone. Didn't train for several months of his freshman year due to a concussion sustained during History class, refuses to elaborate on the details.
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blapis-blazuli · 1 year
Now listen up
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I am obsessed with this man. He's got so many weird details about him and I love (almost) all of them.
First, Slim's original concept fucks. Being an undead cattle rustler out for bull's blood due to being trampled to death is fascinating. I don't know how long it took before someone at Disney cried "too dark" at that backstory, but I'm surprised it was even in consideration given the mostly lighter tone of the final product. More than that, Disney could've had a literal ghost rider among their villains! Had that movie been any good, he might've joined Disney's popular villain lineup, or maybe we could've even gotten a boss battle with him in a Kingdom Hearts game. That's not what we ended up with due to Reasons, though, which is a bit disappointing, but not much you can do about that.
Anyway, onto what we did get.
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Before Slim makes his formal appearance, he's only seen in silhouette, on a wanted poster, then in disguise, and is finally fully revealed when he rides in on a bison. He is huge, and I don't mean because he's fat, I mean he's a good deal taller than most of the other characters. He's set up to be someone threatening, to be taken seriously.
And then comes his yodeling villain song.
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The moment it's revealed that Slim's yodeling can hypnotize cows, the music picks up and there's a literal rainbow of colors for the rest of his number. As I said, he's a big man, but he's also light enough on his feet to dance and jump on and off any of these cows while not missing a beat in his performance. When the men who got knocked out beforehand come running after him, he doesn't threaten them, he just throws his spurs at a precarious bit of rocky landscape with such force that it falls and blocks the pathway to him. That's more badass than if he did draw his gun on them.
Actually, I wanna talk about the music he performs. The movie's set in Wyoming during 1889, so obviously Slim's not gonna be yodeling A Cruel Angel's Thesis or whatever. They could’ve come up with something original for him to yodel to (which, I mean, they kinda do), but they chose music by composers such as Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, which aren't exactly things you'd associate with the wild west. The obvious out-of-universe answer for why those pieces were chosen is "they existed before the year this is set in, and they're recognized even today," but we've no in-universe answer for why he chose them or how he knows them. Regardless, it's kinda amazing that he knows them well enough to yodel them.
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His lair in Echo Mine has an area with some nice furniture in it. How'd this shit get there? Who knows. Anyway, this is where he reveals that he disguises himself to buy up the properties owned by the people he's stolen cattle from, which includes his former employers. Why doesn't he work for any of them anymore? He never directly says. According to him, they didn't "appreciate [his] talents," which means they probably hated his yodeling. I don't blame him for being mad about that because why the hell would you tell someone that? If he's doing the job right and well without hurting anyone, then who cares? The idea that he's moved on to use a skill against the former bosses who didn't like it is kinda great though.
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(Side note: a nice, small detail about this part of the lair is the faded branding on the map, which shows that Slim has been doing this for quite a while. Shame that it's not more consistent from shot to shot though. I can't take credit for noticing this myself: my partner pointed it out after I posted a screenshot as a joke on Discord. She's so cool.)
Slim doesn't like it when someone calls his yodeling "singing": he thinks singing is beneath him given the disdain in his voice when he says that's what birds, saloon gals, and children do. No, he considers what he does to be an art. He's not entirely wrong, though: it is an impressive skill, especially since he can yodel to certain classical pieces like The William Tell Overture, Ode to Joy, Ride of the Valkyries, and The 1812 Overture. (Also Yankee Doodle, because, well, American. Also maybe Largo al factotum from The Barber of Seville, but I'm unsure of that one: unlike Slim, I am no classical music expert.) There's no need for him to be quite as defensive about it as he is, but his nephews calling it "singing," saying that might be why his bosses didn't like him, and calling yodeling "silly" is enough to make him get violently angry at them. Man's got issues.
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Oh yeah, Slim has nephews. They're triplets named Gil, Phil, and Bill, and they're collectively known as The Willies. Unlike their uncle, they're all blond and thin, so god knows what Slim's unnamed and unmentioned sibling must look like.
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Slim also has a bison named Junior. I'm not fond of the whole "he's too fat to ride anything else" angle of that, but I do like that they chose an animal that people are constantly told to not mess with because of how dangerous they are. Slim's not afraid of him: he's got this creature trained to listen when he calls for him. I can only guess that Slim is the one who named Junior, so maybe he also raised him. It would explain why Junior appears annoyed with him but still puts up with having Slim jump on his back and the like.
You know what Slim doesn't have though? Kids. Putting together the disdain in his voice when he mentions children, his seemingly low opinion of saloon girls, his big villain number turning the landscape into a rainbow of colors, the queer history of cowboys, and the prevalence of queer-coding in Disney villains... well, I think you get where I'm going with that.
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Moving onto his disguise. Don't ask me why nobody figured out this was Slim sooner, given that his wanted poster shows they have the same facial hair, bushy eyebrows, and bags under the eyes. My best guess is because it's in black-and-white and he's in a different outfit, and unless someone's encountered him before they probably don't know what he sounds like. Anyway, His alias is Yancy O'del (yeah, I know), but the one sign we see him with has both "Mister" and "Esquire" in there.
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Having looked this up, I learned a few things. First, having "Mister" and "Esquire" together isn't something you're supposed to do, yet nobody in-universe caught this. Second, in the United States, "Esquire" is a title only used for lawyers, so maybe that's why nobody questioned him - fear of a sudden lawsuit for something or other. Third, "Yancy" was not really a name used back then, or at least not a common one. Why'd he choose that name (besides for the pun)? I dunno.
(Also, where the hell does Junior stay whenever he goes to one of these auctions? The world may never know.)
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Slim's final defeat at the hooves/wings/what-have-you of several farm animals is pretty pathetic, even by silly Disney villain standards, but I got to give him credit for not wanting to give up even after his disguise is (literally) blown and while he's stuck in a train's smokestack. I have no idea how he planned on getting out of that one, and whatever it was most likely wouldn't have worked anyway, but I admire his refusal to back down in the face of obvious defeat.
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Even in his very last scene we see him struggling with the ropes they tied around him while he's carted off to jail. He does not give up.
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Anyway, here he is picking up Small Black Market Dealer Steve Buscemi one-handed like it's nothing. (His name is Wesley, but Slim keeps calling him Mister Weasley. That's right, this movie used that joke before Frozen did.)
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And here he is lifting three full-grown cows off the ground before tying them up faster than they can react to it. (The cows have names too, but this post ain't about them.)
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He uses his left hand to write and aim his gun and seems just as adept with using it as much as his right, which is cool. (There's no frame with both his face and the gun, so you'll have to trust me on that.)
Speaking of his hands
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Look at this huge-ass man and his pinkies, I can't with this dude
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Look at that smile, sir, who gave you the right
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If there were a whole movie about just these two, I'd watch it, I won't even lie.
I've gone on about this guy for probably too long by this point, so to sum it all up:
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demideific · 2 years
Autistic Nico & Will Headcanons Part 1:
Nicos special interests have always really centered around Mythology despite it being a sometimes negative constant in his life.
It brings him a lot of joy when he has opportunities to learn new things about it and experience it all first hand(preferably the things that wouldn't get him killed).
He's known to travel often whenever the opportunity arises to explore it further.
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Nico is honestly a very extroverted person who just struggles sometimes to connect with others due to his trauma and past.
Also the accidental info-dumping. He finds it hard not to chat if it doesn't involve his special interests at times which can make it hard to make connections with folks.
Due to being an extrovert though, with the resources to indulge in his special interest very often, he's gathered quite a few connections with folks despite it all. Most people are very surprised to find just how many people Nico knows and how easy he is to talk with once he's comfortable around them.
It's literally canon that Nico knows so many different types of people, most on a personal level from travelling, which I find delightful.
Most people assume Will is the one with all of the dad jokes, but Nico again comes in clutch with the unexpected talents. He carries them like a second weapon, but not because he extremely enjoys them, but more so sees them as an ice breaker to soften the natural "Death Boy" aura he carries.
Also it's fun to make people laugh and cringe in the same breath, double power move in Nicos mind.
Will has made it an unspoken mission of his to out-joke Nico, it's a really fun way they bond. Will may be "losing", but it doesn't feel like a loss when Nico smiles. Many few it as them "bickering" at times, but their banter is never from a place hate but enjoyment.
Another way they bond is through Wills special interest, which can honestly be a pretty broad topic. He enjoys studying the human body and finding the most efficient ways to heal physical traumas.
He really knows the ins and outs of most every injury or ailment out there and if he hasn't gotten to it yet it's most certainly on his list.
He'll grab Nico any time there's been a very interesting or rather gruesome case admitted to the infirmary. They'll bounce back and forth off each other as far as ideas and fascination goes as they enjoy patching up the patient together.
Nico may have developed a mild special interest himself from Wills new point of view on injuries, though he's mostly interested in the injury itself and not necessarily the healing process. He does find Wills talents very impressive though, a cool sight to see.
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Nico can feel a bit jealous at times of how he admires some of his patients, despite knowing it's coming from a place of admiration of the work he's done.
They've made a promise to voice those concerns each time they pop up. They both agree that not communicating is an awful idea, so no matter what they always speak there mind and talk it out.
People often view their talks as fighting, but the reality is they're just very open and blunt when they speak, always closing out on good terms before moving on.
Not to say they've never fought, but simply they would rather work to avoid negative conflict when they can.
On a funny note, Nico could never really get into Wills special interest in Star Wars, but they found compromise in both obsessing over Greys Anatomy. He finds himself sometimes quoting the "Pick me, choose me, love me" line from the show to lightheartedly say he's feeling jealousy. They both get a laugh out of it and will regroup by watching a few episodes together when able.
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Will tends to keep a bandage wrapped around his hand to stim with in a pinch. He'll wrap and unwrap it aimlessly as he's working to help with his hectic surroundings.
He use to stim by chewing at his lips, but has taken to chewing gum or a chew necklace due to the accidental bleeding it would cause.
Nico tends to bounce his leg, tap his feet, fidget with his fingers, or pick as his hands for stimulation. He's working to break the hand picking habit due to the unintentional harm it can cause. It's a work in progress.
Will and Rachel have both gifted him stim toys to help as a replacement.
He felt very embarrassed at first, thinking that "toy" meant it was for children, but once he saw Percy and Annabeth using them during a meeting he felt better about it.
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He always keeps them on hand now and appreciates them a lot.
Also, you thought I was just gonna throw in the Greys Anatomy thing and not mention it again???
Not likely, there's more. 😌✨
For anyone that's watched the show, they'll do the "dance it out" thing as a form of stimming, ESPECIALLY on an extra stressful day.
It really helps Will the most, though Nico would be lying if he said it didn't feel freeing.
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sugarbang · 6 months
🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick?
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?  
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? 
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?  
🍏 : how stable is my muse’s physical health? do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician? do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication? how often do they get sick?
Jake has a head injury! Its kept under wraps, but its the explanation they use to explain his irratic behavior or general arrested development. The public is not aware that he's had a disabling injury, but many of the people who work in Crocker are aware and tend to blame Jakes "less than saviory" behavior on the head injury. No one other than Jade Crocker and Jakes doctors know how it was caused, and no one seems keen on giving a direct answer.
That being said, Jakes over all constitution other than that is amazing, he is big and sturdy and well fed, he regularly works out and has a lot of work put into not only looking good but physically being in good shape. He rarely if ever gets sick, and doesnt take any medication other than pain killers for migraines!
🍉 : which of the four seasons suits my muse best, and why?
Winter, cold, frigid, dead, filled with brightly colored plastic decorations and artificially made fruits to lighten up the very gloomy atmosphere. Static, frozen, unchanging. Perfectly preserved, but tucked away behind a veil. You can sled or ice skate or find ways to fill yourself with warm hot chocolate but you can't ignore the frzen bodies under the fresh layer of snow.
🍓 : how is my muse typically seen by others? does it ring true to who they really are? does their reputation matter to them?
Jake Crocker is typically seen as an air headed, ditzy pretty boy, and that's about it. He's characterized as earths golden child, the perfect capture of innocence and smarm. They don't perceive him as a real person in the same way you wouldn't perceive mickey mouse or the pillsbury dough boy as real. Jake thinks keeping up this reputation is very very important, mostly because hes told it is. Its integral to the brand of Crocker Corp and if he were to mess up his reputation it could drastically impact their power.
How accurate this really is really depends on your definition of airheaded ditziness. Jake isn't very smart, he's had no formal education, he's had a hole drilled in the back of his skull, and due to how scripted his entire life has been, he has no social skills at all. But he isn't stuck like that, hes a victim of circumstance. Jake has somewhat of a temper, and more importantly, a horrible stubborn streak. He is willing to do what he needs to to get what he wants, he just hasnt ever had the NEED to want something before.
🥝 : does my muse have any ‘ unusual ’ habits, interests, and / or talents? do they hide it, or are they proud of it?
Jake has a secret fascination with weaponry, Crocker Corp. has an arms department (obviously) he came in contact with when he was younger and one thing lead to another, he ended up becoming engulfed in obsession. Its something he's extremely secretive about, since it contradicts with his uber-cutesy pink persona, and honestly, stresses him out a LOT to think about. he doesn't know how to enjoy them without it coming with a weird feeling of guilt.
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