#(Twirls my hair and giggles like a middle schooler)
lemonadehtwooh · 1 year
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fuck-customers · 11 months
i am once again thinking abt the time a manager actually hip-checked me away from a transaction i, 19yo at the time, was in the middle of like a bitchy popular high schooler stereotype instead of a damn 30-year-old woman or however fucking old she was. she was deadass giggling and twirling her hair for the visibly-uncomfortable dude making a purchase at the time. while yelling at me to Go Do The Thing She Literally Not Ten Minutes Prior Had Told Me To Never Do.
like. what, did my aroace, genderqueer-egg ass have game? was she made insecure by the way i autistically never caught onto social cues that should properly shame me? was she pissed that I disliked how she changed my availability schedule right in front of my eyes? The World May Never Know.
never work for a women's fashion department store chain, is what i'm saying.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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Talking to moots, kicking my feet in the air, twirling my hair inbetween my fingers, giggling like a middle schooler with a crush
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
Characters that fit into the niche that I enjoy will never fail to make me giggle and kick my legs like a middle schooler watching 1D interviews for the first time. You'll just have to imagine me seeing a detective/secret agent and twirling my hair around my fingers with a big dopey grin on my face. I can't help myself.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years
the babygirlisms of a 5’11” not-incubus mechanic who’s a huge nerd
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marleyin · 2 years
S.H. x Hopper! Fem! Reader
[EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE series masterlist]
Chapter 3
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You weren’t going to let him corrupt your mind like that, he was probably doing that on purpose, more than likely. To take your heart like that and then smush it into the ground. But a small part of you in the back of your head made you want it to be true. You sorta wanted Steve to actually like you, you had no clue why- you just did.
Walking over to your locker you over hear Steve startle Nancy and you turn to see him twirl her around. God that smile he gave towards her was something. Wishing that he smiled at you like that he then saw you slam your locker and walk off to 7th period Math, which you also had with him. He looked worried, not that you could see- but he wanted to make sure that you were okay. He didn’t know why he wanted to ask you, but he did.
Math went by slow, very slow. You were taking notes and drawing your teacher as a clown on the paper. “Y/n, answer to question 14?” “27?” You reply fast knowing that you meant to say 26. “26, that’s alright though-” she tried to reassure you. “Yeah I didn’t mean to say 27…” you play with your pencil to only get some giggles from the class. You turn to see the people who were laughing but when you looked around Steve was the only one not smiling- hell he was even taking notes. That’s a first. Shaking your head you go back to working some problems.
“Y/n! Wait up!” It was Steve again, sighing you turn back around to see what he had to say this time. “Yes, what do you want now?” He straightened his back and put a hand through his hair. “I was wondering if you were okay? Like before math I saw you slam your locker and all plus-” “I’m alright, don’t worry?” You cut him off, him being worried about you was strange- very strange. Probably the weirdest thing that’ll happen to you today. “Oh alright..” he says waving a goodbye to you, you wave back and go to the front of the school to get your bike. Your dad was busy today so you grabbed the bike from under the deck and went off to school that way.
“HOLY SHIT Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Dustin yells into the Walkie-Talkie. You run to your closet and grab the walkie-talkie from your ‘adventure’ bag and pull up the antenna. “Okay Okay! Stop with the yelling I’m here!” Rolling your eyes you wait to hear what he says. “Oh my god when the party and I were walking through the woods last night we found some girl that had a buzz cut! Over.” ‘A buzz cut?’ You thought, that sounded familiar in so many ways- maybe from some news articles? “Woah, does she speak at all?” You question sitting down onto the floor. “Nope! Only a few words, I keep on saying that she was a science experiment but Mike and Lucas won’t believe me! Over.” “Dustin where are you? …over.” You grab your bag and leave to put your shoes back on. “Uh at Mike’s!” You curse to yourself as you make it out the door. “Alright be there in a jif! Over.” “Fuck fuck fucking shit.” You say out-loud realizing that you have to be at Nancy’s now. You didn’t want to see her now, and not today. Putting on your helmet you ride off to the Wheeler house.
Ringing the door bell you wait for Nancy or anyone to open it. Nancy pulls the door open to see you taking off your helmet. “Your little dipshit here?” “Yeah in his roo-” you cut her off by walking right in and going upstairs. As you were walking you run into Steve, literally. “You’re here?” He asks in confusion. “Friends with her brother and his friends.” You state pointing to his door with your head. He nods and you walk to the door and knock on it. “Dustin it’s me y/n!” You yell waiting for a response. He doesn’t open it. You sigh and do the secret knock to let him know that it’s you and not some random shapeshifting alien. He opens the door and drags you inside, “Look!” He says, last thing Steve hears till the door gets closed again. He turns back around to Nancy’s room realizing that you’re friends with a group of middle schoolers.
“That’s her?” You say pointing towards the girl that’s wearing mikes sweats. “Yes, her name’s Eleven but we call her El for short.” Mike states crossing his arms. “El huh, why so?” Asking so you can get more evidence on why Dustin calls her an experiment. “She has 011 tattooed on her wrist.” “Oh my god she is an experiment!” You say putting your hands on your hips and turning to Dustin. “See!” He responds in happiness seeing that someone also agreed with him. “We have to tell someone,” Lucas interrupts, we turn to him. “We can’t just let some girl who doesn’t know that much English be roaming around!” He states going to open the door. He opens it but it gets grabbed by his hand by a force and slammed plus locked. Everyone now in shock turn back to see Eleven with blood dripping down her nose. “No.” She states, we all stand there in shock.
Leaving mikes room after figuring out the plan, your face is still in shock. ‘Oh she’s definitely a science experiment…’ thinking you don’t even look where you’re going and bump into Nancy. “Oh shit sorry.” You say dropping down to pick her stuff up. “Didn’t see you there…” “It’s alright.” She states grabbing more things from you, you sigh and stand up handing her the notebook. “So how’s school been?” You ask her, you haven’t spoken to her in 2 years, after that dance situation you sorta kicked everyone out of your life due to trust issues.
“Oh it’s been alright, I have a boyfriend now, Barbra’s another friend of mine…” you could tell that she was hurt that you left her out in the dust. “Hey look- I’m sorry for leaving you in a ditch like right after my 9th grade formal..” you look down in disappointment, knowing she doesn’t have to accept the apology. “It’s alright, I remember hearing about what had happened…” she states with a endearing smile. Smiling back you nod, “So how’s it going with Steve?” “Oh him? He’s nice, a real gentleman.”
Nodding you look around, “That’s nice to hear, hey has he been acting weird lately? I’ve been noticing it…” She looks at you like you over heard their conversation. “Yes…he has?” “Oh I just saw him checking up on random people, you know people he never speaks to.” She tilted her head in confusion, “He has?” You nod with biting your lip in awkwardness. “Yeah, a lotta people..” She nods looking to her right and away from you. “So I’ll get goin-” “Do you want to go to Steve’s little hang out tonight?” She cuts you off as you then stop walking down the stairs.
“What?” You ask looking back at her. “Barb and I are gonna be at Steve’s tonight, do you want to go too by any chance?” She waits for an answer and you think. Thoughts flood your head more and more. What if this is some sick joke, but Nancy has been nice lately- she hasn’t been a jerk yet. “I don’t know if my dad would let me…” She sighs, “Alright be at my house by 7, Barb will be here at 7:30.” You nod, “Ok sure…why not?” Returning the nice smile she gave she nods. “Tonight, please be here.” “I’ll be there for ya Nance, don’t worry.” You state giving her a smile and a goodbye. You’re glad that you’re there for a friend again.
Sitting at the dinner table with your dad the quietness over comes your both. It’s awkward and he knows your keeping something from him. “What do you need sweetie?” You place your fork down, “Can you drop me off at Nancy’s at 7?” “Seven?” He states placing his napkin down. “Yeah she needs help in her business tech class so I thought I’d help her out, plus she asked me.” You straighten up your back, serious tone coming out to convince your dad. He looks at you with a eyebrow furrowing stare. “No boys right?” You nod, “Only her nerdy brother that I play DND with is there.” Stating your final sentence. “Alright, but don’t stay out too late.” “Got it.” Going back to eating your stomach still turning from lying.
“Hello Mrs. Wheeler, is Nancy here?” You ask with your bag over your shoulder. “Yes she is, are you also going to be studying with barb and her?” She asks you with her hand on her hip. “Yes! We really have some catching up to do in class.” You state with a smile. She nods and lets you in.
“Y/n?” Mike asks while at the dinner table with the rest of the party. “Hey.” You say waving at them. “Hello sir.” You say towards Mr. Wheeler, he nods in response. “You can go up to my room.” Nancy states as she grabs her plate from the table. Nodding you go upstairs and into her room.
Turning on the light you see an array of light links and yellows plastered all over. It looks like nothing compared to your room that looks like a total mess. “Wow…” Walking around you go over to her bedside table and look at the photo booth photos she has. One particular catching your eyes.
The one with Steve kissing her.
God he’s head over heels for her. You look closer at it and see his hand on her waist, her sitting on his lap and the smiling. God it hurt, you didn’t know why- not like you had a crush on the guy. He was strange, but you didn’t have a crush on him.
The door opens a little more and Nancy sees you looking at the photo. You turn to her with a smile, “You guys are really cute.” She smiles and nods, “First guy that I could trust.” “Yeah seems like it…” you guys then wait for barb to come, noticeably she comes earlier and the 3 of you are off to Steve’s.
[TAGLIST: @mothresscos05 , @willgrahamscasket , @vixionix , @i-bitch-you-bitch , @tanyaherondale , @joesphines-simps-fics , @yoyoanaria , @inkighao , @manuosorioh , @tremendoushearttaco , @xceafh , @bear-bone-berries , @grumpyy-bearr ]
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I Know You - Steve Harrington X Female Reader
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Title: I Know You
Steve Harrington X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's parents (Mentioned), Steve's parents (Mentioned), and middle schoolers (Mentioned)
| Part 1 |
WC: 2,298
Warnings: Reader has a terrible memory, mention of bullies, angst, and fluff
Staring at the phone, Steve hesitated before picking it up off the receiver. Putting in your number, he brought the phone to his ear as it rang, twirling the cord between his fingers nervously. After several rings, you picked up, and Steve cleared his throat before speaking.
"Hey, uhm... Y/N?" He stammered.
You hummed softly, "Yeah? Steve, right?"
Steve's eyes widened, "Y... Yeah! That's me. Um, hi. I hope I'm not bothering you." He said, stammering again.
You giggled, "No, no! Not bothering me at all. I was actually waiting for you to call me."
Steve blushed at your statement... You were waiting for him...
"Well... Is tomorrow okay?" Steve asked, swallowing thickly.
You bit your lip, "Um... Tomorrow sounds good. Where do you want to meet?" You asked, and Steve paused.
"Umm, well, I could pick you up? I was thinking of having dinner at my house?" At your silence, he quickly spoke again, "I promise I am not a creep or anything."
You chuckled, "Not a creep at all. That's totally what a creep would say." You joked.
"We could go to a diner instead if that would make you feel more comfortable?" Steve offered, hesitating again.
"Dinner at your house is fine." You answered, and Steve relaxed slightly.
"Great! What time would be good for you?" Steve asked, and you glanced at your watch.
"How about 6:30?" You suggested, and Steve nodded.
"Perfect. Oh, um... What's your address? So can I pick you up?" Steve asked, and you nodded to yourself.
"Oh, my house is the last house on Cornwallis. The cute red house." You said, and Steve smiled.
"Awesome! Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow." Steve said, and you smiled.
"See you then." You said softly before hanging up.
Steve let out a long breath and smiled, leaning against the wall, he hung up the phone. He was excited. He was nervous. He was scared. But most of all, he was hopeful. Hopeful that maybe, just maybe, you would remember him.
Pulling up to the 'cute red house' as you called it, Steve let out a nervous breath and double-checked his hair in the car mirror before getting out. Walking up to the front door, Steve hesitated before knocking. He heard movement inside the house before the door swung open, revealing you.
"Hey... Steve." You said softly, smiling brightly at him.
Steve blushed and cleared his throat, "Hi, Y/N. I... Are you ready?" He stammered, and you nodded.
You and Steve then walked to his car, he walked around and opened the door for you before getting into the driver's seat. It was quiet in the car the whole way to his house. You felt so weird, looking out the window and staring at the passing houses and trees.
Steve finally spoke up after driving for a while, "So, um... I just wanted to say that you look nice today." Steve said nervously, avoiding eye contact with you.
You smiled softly, "Thank you. You too."
Steve cleared his throat before continuing, "I'm sorry if I'm awkward..." He muttered, and you shook your head.
"No, no. You're fine." You chuckled, "Besides, it's cute." You added, winking at Steve.
Steve's cheeks warmed under your gaze, "Thanks. So, um... Do you like spaghetti?" He asked nervously.
You smiled, "I love spaghetti." You replied, and Steve nodded.
You two then arrived at Steve's house, parking in the driveway. Steve quickly got out and jogged over to your side, opening the door for you with a shy smile.
"Come on." He said, leading you toward the house.
Once you were inside, Steve led you through the living room to the kitchen. There was a large dining area in the corner of the kitchen, and in the center was a round wooden table, several chairs surrounding it. Steve motioned for you to sit down, and you followed his lead. Steve quickly then went to the kitchen and brought out the spaghetti he had prepared. He placed a plate before you and finally sat down himself.
"So, uhm... How are we going to do this?" You asked, and Steve looked up from his food.
"Do what?" He asked, and you swirled your noodles around your fork.
"Helping me remember you. For all I know, you are a murderer and this is how you trick your prey." You teased, and Steve smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, that's not true." Steve insisted, "I'm not a murderer."
You chuckled, "I'm sure you aren't." You agreed, placing your elbows on the table and resting your chin on your hands. "You're too nice."
Steve's cheeks flushed, "Thanks. I think."
"Well, how about you tell me some of the memories you've had with me? Maybe that will help." You suggested, and Steve nodded.
"Okay." Steve mumbled, taking a bite of his pasta before starting, "I remember when we met. We were both in middle school, and you always wore these cool shoes. You sat in the back of the class next to me, and we would talk during class or pass notes. We were both very bad influences on each other. That's what we used to joke about."
Steve grinned, "One time, we ate all of my mom's chocolate chip cookies." He said, chuckling.
You laughed, "That sounds like something I would do."
Steve smiled, "Yeah, I miss those days. Those were the good times."
You nodded, "I agree. Being a kid was fun. What else did we do together?" You asked, and Steve shrugged.
"I don't know. We would play outside sometimes? Or we'd ride our bikes around the neighborhood." Steve said, "There was this one time we went to the park and we played on the monkey bars until we got stuck. No matter how many times we tried, neither of us could get off." He said, and you smiled fondly.
You then frowned, realizing that you remembered the memories just not who you shared them with. When you thought back to them, all you saw was a shadow of the person who existed before you. And that was terrifying.
"Well," Steve started slowly, "I have a lot of memories with you. Did any of that help?"
"No?" You asked, your voice wavering slightly.
Steve stared at you for a moment before nodding, "Oh... Alright."
Inside he felt like he was dying.
The rest of the dinner was spent talking about memories, or rather just Steve's memories. But, as the night came to an end, he dropped you off at your house. Hopping out the passenger side, you leaned against the open window.
"Well, thank you for dinner, Steve." You smiled, and Steve blushed.
"It wasn't a problem, Y/N." Steve said, and you gave him a small wave before walking up to your door.
Once you were inside, Steve hit the wheel in frustration, before driving off.
Going up to your room after greeting your parents, you went into your closet, pulling out a small cardboard box that you've had since you were a kid. Peeling off the dusty and grimy tape, you were impressed that it stuck on for as long as it had been on the box. Opening it, your mind was bombarded with memories.
Memories of the time when you and your parents went camping and you were forced to sleep in a tent alone. You cried because you missed your bed, but your parents comforted you by letting you share their large blow-up mattress.
Pulling out some old artwork, used pencils that couldn't be sharpened anymore, your baby blanket, and even stuffed animals, you sat down on your bed, looking through everything.
Remembering all the people who loved you. All the times you had fun. You were happy, weren't you?
Finally, at the bottom of the box, were some old yearbooks. Finding your last year of middle school, you opened it to find your class. Trailing your finger across the faces on the page, you remembered some of the faces. In the corner, you noticed the boys who bullied you, two of your best friends, and finally Steve. Staring at the young boy's face, his hair was shorter then and he had braces. His eyes were big and bright. He looked like a lost puppy.
"He looks so sad..." You whispered to yourself, closing the book and tucking it back into the box. Turning back to your desk, you found your old journal. Reading through it, you read about your first day of middle school, to your last. Along with the memories from school, you had written about Steve. Or, in your twelve-year-old words, your best friend Stevie.
You then turned to the last entry and gasped.
"Dear Diary, Today was a really great day! I got to hang out with my best friend Stevie, and we had such a blast!"
You read the next one.
"I lost my temper. I shouldn't have gotten angry but I did. I wish I could take it back but I can't. I'm moving."
What happened? You asked yourself.
Flipping to the next page, you continued to read.
"Dear Diary, I moved to a new town. I miss my old friends and the place where I grew up. I have no idea why I keep writing these things. I guess I'm trying to convince myself that I'm okay. I am. I'm just missing home. That's all."
And there it was.
"I love my necklace. The one that Steve gave me. I wonder if he misses me too?" You sighed and set the journal aside.
Wrapping your arms around your legs, you fell silent. A necklace. Eyes widening, you grabbed the box digging through it. Finally at the corner at the very bottom, was a small heart-shaped locket. Carefully, you picked it up, thumbing open the clasp, and you saw inside, was a picture of you and Steve. And with that, it was like all your memories came flooding back.
From your first encounter at the bus stop, to your little date at lunch. From your first kiss. Every memory you shared with Steve, you remembered. You chuckled, remembering stealing the cookies with Steve, to the time he got stuck on the monkey bars. You remembered how he sat next to you when you were lonely in middle school, and how you comforted him when he was upset.
As you held the locket in your hand, your eyes welled up with tears. How could you have forgotten him?
You sniffled and wiped away the tears, putting the necklace on your bedside table. In the morning you decided, you would call Steve. You had to see him. You felt terrible for not remembering him. You couldn't explain it but it was like your memories had been locked behind a steel wall, and you hadn't known how to break it down.
But now, you know exactly how.
Steve rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a breath as he walked into the diner. Spotting you at a small booth in the corner, he walked over. You gave him a small sad smile as he sat down across from you.
"What did you want to talk about?" Steve asked, and you fidgeted with your fingers under the table.
"Well, um... I have something to tell you." You said, and Steve perked up.
"Oh?" Steve said, leaning forward, "Do you remember anything?" He asked, eyes wide.
"Everything," You muttered, "I remember everything."
Steve's mouth fell open, "What?!" He asked, "But... How?"
"Because you helped me remember." You said softly, "You told me about all the memories you had with me. And that night I found my old box from when I was a kid, and I found you in my yearbook, along with the necklace you gave me." You let out a breathy laugh, "The necklace... That was the key to my memories. It was like I had amnesia or something.”
Steve smiled brightly, "This... This is amazing...." He admitted, "I mean, wow..."
"I'm sorry." You said, "For forgetting you."
Steve shook his head, "It's fine. You didn't forget me. I was just hiding in the back of your brain or something." He joked.
You hummed, before opening your bag and pulling out your old yearbook, opening it to the right page, and sliding it along the table to Steve. Steve took the yearbook and flipped it around. Seeing his boring hair and braces. Then seeing you, smiling, a couple of spaces away.
"You were so tiny..." Steve muttered, "I had terrible hair" He mumbled to himself before looking up at you, "Are you sure you remember?"
You reached over, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "Everything. I promise you. I remember during the summer, I told you I was moving. You cried. And you made me promise that I would come back and not tell anyone that you cried." You said, "It's not a clear picture... But it's there."
Steve smiled, "You came back." He said, staring at you, "You kept that part of the promise."
You tilted your head to the side. "That part?" You asked and Steve nodded, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Yeah, technically you told me that I had cried, I honestly forgot that part." Steve joked and you scoffed in faux offense.
Chuckling, you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're a bad influence. My mom was right." You smirked, "Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do. But I feel better knowing that I can remember everything."
Steve smirked, "How about... We go on another date, today?" He asked and you smirked back.
"So are we counting this as date number two?" You asked teasingly.
"Sure... Why not? Now, what are you ordering? I'm starving!"
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julesclues · 3 years
hi boooo! You’re legit my favorite author on here! I love your writing so much 💕 was wondering if you could do one: outer banks JJ getting so drunk at a party and throwing up at the party and getting sick all over JB car going back to the chateau with all the pogues. And like reader (not Girlfriend yet) taking care of him please 🥺 thank you so much!!!! 😍😍😍 I know you’re busy so like take you’re time and if you don’t want to it’s fine too 💕💕
Drunken Confessions
Warnings: excessive and underage drinking, cursing
Pairing: jj maybank x reader
Word count: 2.48k
Summary: JJ drinks a littleee too much at a party, which makes the reader worried about him. So being the great person she is, she decides to take care of him.
a/n: thank you for the kind words in your request! It really means a lot! <3
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3 things JJ Maybank loves most in this world: sex, surfing, and booze. Emphasis on the booze because once he started, it was almost impossible to stop him which, was currently the situation at the party you were all at.
It was a normal party, one mixed with tourons and pouges. But a normal party for JJ obviously meant drinking. You always worried about him when he would over do it like he is now. Though you were all used to the underage drinking, it was kind of hard to remember that it still is, technically, illegal.
The music was almost too loud. You could barely hear your friends as they each took turns telling stories about their most embarrassing moment. “Mine’s gotta be in 3rd grade when I was in the talent show for dancing and wound up twirling off stage,” Kie exclaimed, making all of you laugh. Pope went next and then John B and as you went around the circle, you realized JJ was no where to be found. You stood up in worry and searched the party for his unique clothing style and beautiful set of hair. “Where is he?” You ask, making John B tilt his head. “Who?” You roll your eyes and look at him. “Your best friend?” You ask with a laugh. Before John B could answer though, you all heard some yelling in the distance. Turning your head to the sound, your question was answered.
There was JJ. Standing on top of a table. Chugging beer after beer, almost as if he was putting on a show for the cheering audience under him. They were all applauding him as he downed the substance, some of it pouring down his chest, turning his dark blue tee into black. You groaned in annoyance as you and the other pouges ran up to him. You pushed through the crowd and made your way to the front, giving you the perfect view of JJ’s drunken state. You sigh and stick your hand out to him. “JJ!” You yell, but he still continued to pour the drinks down his throat. “Maybank! Hey! Let’s go!” You attempt again, but it’s no use. So, you climb up on the table with him, earning even more cheers from the people below. Maybe they thought you were going to join him.
He finally turns to you and his eyes light up. “Y/n!” He exclaims happily. As much as you loved JJ, in this moment, you were pretty upset. All you wanted was for him to just take care of himself so he wouldn’t do stupid shit like this. “Let’s go J,” you whisper only loud enough for him to hear. You reach out to him but he dodges your touch. “No!” He yells, scanning the people below. “Please J. Come on. Please let’s go home,” you plead, making JJ turn toward you. This time, his eyes were soft and warm, almost as if he had turned sober for a quick moment. “Ugh, fine,” he groans, but secretly doesn’t mind the feeling of your finger tips guiding him off the table and back to the pouges. You ignored the boo’s you heard from the others, but they soon forgot about it. To you, they weren’t worth JJ’s time.
“He’s shit faced,” you state to the other pouges, as JJ leans further into your side. Without you, he might have fallen over. “What’s new?” Pope laughs, making you roll your eyes. You knew that this was normal for JJ and that the pouges took it as a joke, but that doesn’t mean it should’ve been normalized. You always worried about JJ and the fact that the other pouges didn’t, made you upset.
You sigh as you sway awkwardly with JJ, thinking about what to do. “Can we just take him back to John B’s? He can’t be drinking anymore guys,” you plead, as John B nods and grabs his keys to the van. “Let’s go then.” You all start walking to the van, you and JJ a little bit behind due to his wonky walking. “You’re cute,” he laughs in his drunken state, making you smile a bit. JJ flirting with you both sober and drunk wasn’t out of the ordinary, but it never failed to make you blush like a middle schooler. “You too J,” you admit, and he chuckles without saying another word.
You make it to the van where Kie holds the door open for you two to hop into the back. You shove JJ in first, having him sit near the window while you sit in the middle and Kie sits next to you guys. John B starts the van and starts driving, which makes JJ hold his stomach. You’re the only one who notices it. “You okay JJ?” You ask him, but all he does it roll down the window. “I’m gonna throw up,” he mumbles, making your eyes go wide. “Oh no JJ, not in the van please,” John B begs. JJ doesn’t say anything as he sticks his head out the window and starts violently throwing up. All of you groan and laugh, as you rub JJ’s back to soothe him. You repeat the phrases “it’s okay” and “you’re okay” like a mantra.
You felt something on your thigh and looked down to see JJ’s hand. After pulling his head back out the window, he plops down on the soft seat under him and looks at you with a sloppy smile while squeezing your thigh in reassurance. “I’m good,” he laughs, looking around the van. “Good cause if you ever throw up in my van, I’ll kill you,” John B chuckles, making everyone else laugh along.
Finally making it back to John B’s, with JJ getting sick almost every 5 minutes, you limp with him by your side as the pouges rush to get the door open for you two. “Come on,” you grunt, finding it a bit difficult to hold JJ up by yourself. He keeps giggling and laughing while slurring his words. “Get him cleaned up in the bathroom y/n,” Pope says, and you nod. “We’ll get him water and some tylenol but until then, just make sure he doesn’t throw up all over my house,” John B exclaims, making you chuckle and adjust yourself against JJ. “Sure thing John.”
You walk into the bathroom with JJ and plop him down on the toilet seat. He sways back and forth, struggling to keep his eyes open. “Jesus J, your clothes are so dirty,” you whisper with a sigh. “Would you like me to strip then, princess?” You roll your eyes but can’t help but grin at his flirty words. “Shut it Maybank. Let’s just get you cleaned u-“
Your words were interrupted by JJ rushing to get off the toilet seat so he could open it. He instantly started throwing up, gripping the sides of the toilet until his knuckles turned white. You instantly got on your knees and sat behind him, rubbing his back to try and soothe him. “Shit JJ..” you say sympathetically. “I fucking hate when you do this shit.” After a minute or so of throwing up, he sits down on the floor and wipes him mouth. “Come here,” you mumble, coming closer to him with a napkin, but he swats your hand away. “JJ..” you warn. “Y/n just get out of here, okay? I don’t need you taking care of me.” You blink in surprise of his words and how quickly he can switch up. “Instead of being petty JJ, how about you be grateful that someone cares about you!” He scoffs and looks away. “Whatever,” he hiccups. “Why do you even care? It’s not like you’re my girlfriend.” 
You freeze for a minute, trying to pretend like his words didn’t hurt you as much as they did. “You’re an asshole sometimes JJ. Girlfriend or not, I care about you. So stop denying my help and just shut up! God, I don’t even know why I’m fighting with you. You’re obviously so drunk right now. You don’t mean anything you’re saying.” You get up and stick your hand out for him. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” He looks at your hand and then up at you. You shoot him a smile and he could swear, drunk or not, that smile would be the death of him one day. 
He hesitantly takes your hand, and you pull him up, having him stumble a bit before regaining his balance. You lead him to his bedroom and plop him down on his bed. You kneel down to take off his shoes for him, but he stops you. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes, looking down to the ground. “For what?” You ask him, sitting down next to him. He feels the bed dip down a bit, which makes him sway a little. “For what I said in the bathroom,” he mumbles. You shake your head and chuckle. “JJ, you’re just drunk. I know you don’t mean any of it.” You were always so patient and understanding when it came to JJ. It was one of the many things he loved about you. That’s what made you so different from the other pouges. 
“Y/n?” He whispers. “Hm?” You ask in the same volume that he had used. “I like you a lot.” You smile and grip his shoulder. “I like you a lot too, JJ.” He shakes his head and lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. “No Y/n,” he sighs, while closing his eyes. “I don’t think you understand. I like you a lot.” You tilt your head for a second in confusion, but instantly look at him wide eyed when you get what he meant. “Wha- JJ? Are you serious?” But he doesn't respond. All you heard from him was his silent snores. You get up from his bed and look down at him, to see he was fast asleep. Your breathing starts to pick up as you pace around the room silently. “Oh my god, oh my god. He didn’t mean that, right? He’s just drunk.. right? My god Y/n, who are you even asking? You’re alone. Right.. okay.” You stop pacing and grab a blanket that’s folded on JJ’s bed and cover him, leaning down to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. “You better have meant what you said JJ, or I’ll kill you.” 
You leave a letter for him and go on your way, hoping he calls you in the morning or is not too sick to remember what he meant. 
Dear JJ, 
It’s your favorite person :) You were pretty drunk last night so the pouges left you some water and medicine while I took care of you. When you wake up, give me a call, okay? We kinda need to talk. And please JJ, try not to get so drunk anymore. You worry me when you do. I care about you. Girlfriend or not. 
Love, Y/n <3
JJ wakes up the next morning with a groan and a pounding headache. He felt like he got hit by a truck. He never drinks this much and he knew it, but for some reason last night was different. He was trying to forget. And apparently it worked because he forgot what he was trying to forget. Bingo. He blinks a couple of times to get his vision from blurry to clear before standing up and stretching. He  looks down at his nightstand and finds a folded piece of paper and instantly recognizes your handwriting. 
He opens the letter and reads it. His eyes go wide when he reads “girlfriend or not.” He starts to wonder what he could’ve possibly said to you last night for you to include that in the letter, but his memory is failing him. Nevertheless, he finds his phone and quickly finds your contact, hesitantly clicking “call.” 
You answer after a couple of rings with a chipper yet out of breath ‘hello.’ 
“Hey Y/n..” he says softly, hearing your pants. “Are you okay?” he asks with a hint of concern in his voice. “Yeah J, I-I’m good. Just surfing. Why don’t you join me? None of the other pouges are here, and I’d like to talk to you, if that’s okay.” You didn’t sound mad or upset, which JJ took into consideration. The last thing he ever wanted was to make you upset. “Sure, yeah. I’m on my way.” 
JJ meets you on the beach about 15 minutes after your phone call. “Hey J!” You say, running up to him with a smile. “How are you feeling?” You ask him, and he just rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m a little out of it but the strangest thing is that I don’t remember anything from last night.” Your face instantly drops and JJ is quick to recognize your disappointment. “Oh..” you sigh, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down. “What’s the matter? Did I say something last night? Y/n whatever I said, I didn’t mean it, okay?” You look back up at JJ with a bit of tears in your eyes. “You said you liked me,” you mumble, making JJ tilt his head. “Of course I like you,” he chuckles. You shake your head, realizing you were mimicking his actions from last night. “No JJ. You said you liked me.” His eyes go wide, immediately realizing what you meant. “Oh.. Y/n, I- I don’t-”
“Did you mean it J?”
“Just tell me JJ. Please. Don’t lie to me, okay?”
 JJ looks down for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should tell the truth to you and potentially ruin the friendship, or lie to you, and ruin the friendship even further. He saw how hurt you look when he said he didn’t remember, so maybe, just maybe, there was a slight chance that you liked him back. 
“I like you Y/n. I do. More than a friend. I didn’t want to tell you while I was shitfaced and with you taking care of me. But I did, and I’m sorry. You deserved a better confession from me. I really do like you Y/n but if you don’t like me back then that’s okay. I ju- are you crying?!”
You wipe the tears away as you chuckle from JJ’s concerned face from you crying. “Of course I am, you idiot!” You exclaim, walking closer to him. “JJ I like you too. So much. I was really hoping you were telling the truth because I don’t think I could watch you have one night stands anymore,” you laugh, and so does he. “So does this mean..” his voice trails off but you knew what he meant. You nod with a smile and he returns it, blinking slowly. 
“Can I kiss you now?”
“Please do.”
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fumikaze · 4 years
HII!!!! I noticed that request were open and I was wondering if I could request some Kou Minamoto x fem!reader? In which reader basically gets jealous (fluffy end plz :D)
finally, a tbhk request. I worked on this since 12:00, so I hope this came out alright
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genre: (a bit) angst to fluff
female reader
❤︎ »»----- ♡ -----«« ❤︎ »»----- ♡ -----«« ❤︎
You didn’t know how to ask out the younger Minamoto boy, he’s pretty dense—really dense. Currently, now he’s been spending much more time with the female student from the high school division. You disliked the feeling that bubbled in your chest.
You couldn’t help but glare at the blonde teal tip haired girl from across the ladies restroom. Giggling happily as the underclassman and upperclasswoman talked amongst each other, it pained your heart. This didn’t go unnoticed by the seventh mysterie himself.
Hanako didn’t know whether to tease you for being jealous or to be concern, since you were looking like you’re about to do the unthinkable.
Sighing as you made your way to your school bag that laid onto the freshly mopped tiled floor. Of course you did not hate the fat ankled girl, just simple jealously. It was painlessly obvious that both males liked Yashiro. And for you ? You were just there, almost collecting dust.
It almost felt like you weren’t even part of the group, just a boulder in the middle a road.
But you once had tried asking out Kou by making it seem as if it was a friendly hangout, only for it to be backfired. “Sorry, [name]-chan ! I’m going to be hanging out with Senpai..”
Honestly, you really didn’t know how to give up, but this ? Almost seems impossible. You weren’t making any progress with the boy. In your point of view, Yashiro was the boulder in the middle of your road.
If you had to be honest. Yashiro is really the woman that a man would want, she can cook, clean, garden and sew.
She’s very unique in her own way.
You can’t really argue with that.
“[name]-chan, you’re leaving already ?” Kou asked, placing the windex bottle inside the sink. You lowly hummed, giving a small nod and throwing your bag over your shoulder
“Yea. My mom wants me to get her somethings...” You lied. Really, all you wanted to was run away from there, at the moment you felt like a ticking bomb
“Do want my help ?”
Shaking your head, “No, I’ll be fine. Bye guys, see you tomorrow.” Waving your hand, exiting out of the girls restroom
“Boy.. you are really naive..” Hanako mumbled, sweat dropping shoving his ghostly hands deep within his black pants pockets
“What is that supposed to mean ?”
“[name]-chan likes you.” Yashiro stated taking her gloves off her sweaty palms
Kou couldn’t help but jolt, cheeks flushing themselves into a very noticeable red as his stomach did summersaults. “Th-There’s no way !!” He exclaimed
Yashiro sighed, “Kou-kun. You really are that naive. She’s even asked you out on a date, but you declined..”
“Wow, you had a lucky shot.” Hanako frowned his brows, smile never falling. “Though, you did mention about liking her.”
“I-I do like her !”
“Then, confess tomorrow.”
❤︎ »»----- ♡ -----«« ❤︎ »»----- ♡ -----«« ❤︎
The middle schooler thought about Hanako’s words and placed a letter onto your desk with simple words to meet him by a tree outside of the shared school.
Kou nervously let out a breath, silently listening to the tree above him sway. This was his first confession, and hopefully his very first girlfriend. His palms started to sweat as he watch your form come closer to his pinpoint, he was starting to think this was a bad idea.
“Ah ? Kou-kun were you the one who placed this lovely letter on my desk ?” You questioned with a playful smile resting on your lips, twirling the paper letter in between your fingers. “So, what do you need to talk about. Let me guess it’s a confession ?” Giggling, but halted noticing the seriousness glimpsing through his ocean like eyes
Your eyes widened with shock and a hint of confusion. You didn’t want to jump right into conclusions, but the beating of your heart was nearly about to explode.
“[name]-chan.. this is a confession..” He softly mumbled, grasping your small soft hands into his own large ones, giving them a gentle grip. “Please be my girlfriend.”
Pink hue dusted your cheeks to your ears. You could feel the shakiness of his palms, and the frowning of his brows. The poor teenager was nervous. However afraid of rejection.
He’s liked you for a very long time, since the being of yours and his first year of middle school.
A giggle escaped your lips, as the cooling breeze made your hair danced with the wind and the shining sunset making your beautiful skin glow.
Kou reopened his eyelids, preparing his heart for the harsh rejection he was about to received, he’s grip slightly tightened around your hands. You gave his knuckles a small gentle, loving rub.
And gorgeous soft smile to embrace his vision.
“Kou, I would love too.”
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thepatricktreestump · 4 years
Crush pt3 - peter parker imagine
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crush masterlist
part 3 – the homecoming dance
               It seemed as though after spending that evening in his apartment, everything between you and Peter changed. There wasn’t any awkward tension or tip toeing around your feelings. You could simply just feel and not have to be ashamed or embarrassed by it. He started going to meet you at your locker before school, complimenting you on whatever outfit you were wearing, and holding your hand, which was your personal favorite. It was like a reminder that you were finally his. Although neither of you clarified whether you were officially dating yet or not, it was obvious something had changed in your friendship. MJ and Ned were quick to point out this change, teasing you two relentlessly but also congratulating you both.
               Even outside of school, Peter was still tugging at your heartstrings. He sent you adorable texts and even facetimed you before bedtime to talk. One morning before school he had even gotten you some iced coffee, and another day offered to walk you home. He was definitely the sweetest boy you had ever met, and you found yourself falling harder and harder for him each day. As the dance approached, Pepper helped you slowly get ready. She went out with you to find the perfect dress, one that complimented your eyes and cascaded down your hips, as well as some matching jewelry. She also briefed you on some dance lessons just in case your brain went blank in the middle of a slow song. You giggled to yourself as you imagined Aunt May doing the same with Peter.
               Before you knew it, the night had finally arrived, and you were excited and nervous all the same. Staring at yourself in the mirror, fancy hairstyle framing your makeup painted face, you smiled. You wouldn’t have wanted to spend this night with anyone else but Peter. Walking down to the lobby you smiled at your dad, beaming at you with teary eyes. “You look absolutely stunning, y/n,” he gave you a big hug. “Can’t believe my little girl’s all grown up.”
               “Best believe it,” you smirked. “I’ll be up and off to college before you know it.”
               “Ah you won’t be gone long,” he shook his head. “I know you’ll breeze right through it. You’ve got your father’s brains.”
               “If only she had your confidence too,” Pepper teased. “Then she’d be unstoppable.”
               “Yeah right,” you scoffed. “I’m a teenage girl in high school, dad. You probably have more confidence than all of us combined.”
              “A visitor has approached the door. Would you like me to let him enter, Mr. Stark?” JARVIS chirped through the building and you felt giddy, heart beginning to race.
               “That must be Peter,” you smiled and you saw your dad tense behind you as you rushed towards the door.
               “Peter?” he raised an eyebrow, clearing his throat awkwardly.
               “Yeah,” you opened the door, proudly presenting your date to your father.
               He stood there in the doorframe, just as you imagined, but almost even better. Hair swept back neatly, sporting a tuxedo and a bowtie, smelling faintly of cologne, he was handsome as ever. You wanted to kiss him right there on the spot. “Y/n! You look beautiful,” Peter gasped and you blushed, looking up at him, shy.
               “Thank you,” you whispered. “You look very handsome too.” Your dad stepped out from behind you to get a good look at the boy and you stepped back to let them introduce themselves, noting the almost surprised look on both of their faces. Did Peter really think you weren’t going to introduce him to your family?
               “Nice to meet you sir,” the boy extended his hand, looking a bit jittery. “Peter Parker.”
               “Tony Stark…” your dad drew out his voice, seeming very off, and you stared at him strangely, confused. They shook hands slowly, both staring at each other weirdly, and you narrowed your eyes at the interaction, letting Peter step into the room and watching as the two of them struggled to find words to say.
               “Big fan of your work,” Peter nodded slowly, smiling anxiously, entire body tense. “You’re a good man, Mr. Stark.”
               “Going to keep my daughter safe tonight, Mr. Parker?” your dad asked, ignoring Peter’s praise, and you rolled your eyes, sighing, slugging him in the shoulder playfully.
               “Y-yes sir, of course, absolutely,” Peter insisted, almost as if trying to convince himself, and Tony hummed, still skeptical. Your father turned to you and you instantly felt strange yourself, hoping everything was okay.
               “Mind if I have a couple words with Petey here?” your dad asked and you stared at him quizzically.
               “Sure, is everything alright?” you turned your head to the side.
               “Of course, you know, just the regular don’t hurt my daughter or I’ll hurt you type of talk,” he reassured and you chewed on your inner cheek, looking up at him, hesitant.
               You lowered your voice, leaning into his ear to whisper. “Just don’t mess this up, okay dad? I really like him,” you pleaded, and he smiled softly, nodding.
               “It’ll only be a couple minutes,” Tony replied. “Why don’t you go out and wait with Happy in the limo. I’m going to talk to Mr. Parker for a little bit.”
               Reluctantly, you followed his instructions, going out to wait in the backseat of the vehicle with Happy. Meanwhile, your father confronted Peter in the lobby, pulling him aside so that they were alone. “Look, Mr. Stark, I can explain really-” Peter began but Tony shook his head, shutting him up.
               “No. What did I tell you?” he asked bitterly, taking off his glasses, cursing. “Shit. You’re not supposed to be doing these things, kid. And with my daughter? Are you serious? You have a job, people to protect, yourself to worry about. You can’t be involving other people who could potentially get hurt, just so you can boogie for a night in your high school’s gymnasium.”
               “I know, I know. But it’s so much more than that,” Peter sighed, apologetic. “And I swear, I wasn’t the one who approached her Mr. Stark, I would never try to mess with your daughter. I know you told me already and everything, but I swear, she approached me. And I didn’t want anything to happen but she just, she’s really a great girl, Mr. Stark. She’s so smart and funny, and she kept asking me to hang out, and we kept talking and I- I couldn’t help but catch feelings. And there was this dance coming up and my aunt, you know my aunt, she kept bugging me to ask someone, and the only person I could think of to bring was-”
               “Her. Okay, I get it, kid,” Tony sighed, running a hand through his hair. “But I don’t think you understand. She likes you. A lot. She’s really fallen hard. You’re all she ever talks about. And I’m just afraid if this keeps happening, whatever this is between you two, something bad could happen. You having these powers, being, you know, Spider-Man… It’s a full time gig. There’s no option for girlfriends, Peter. If something ever ends up happening to her, that’s not only going to be on me anymore. That’ll also be on you. And you’re just a kid, I don’t think you’re ready for that yet. I don’t think anyone ever is.”
               “I promise I’ll be careful, Mr. Stark. I’d never let anything happen to her, I care about her a lot. I really do,” Peter swore.
               “It’s not a matter of how much you care, Romeo. You can’t control things like this,” Tony argued. “Think of what would happen if anything happened to her. If anything happened to you! She’d be devastated. She wouldn’t be able to take it. And if you two stay together, she can’t know. She can’t know about any of this, about your powers or your suit, or the fact that we already know each other. It would be based upon a lie. And she doesn’t deserve that.”
               “So what? I’m just not allowed to have a girlfriend?” Peter began to get annoyed. “I can’t be a normal high schooler sometimes? I’m not allowed to bring the girl I like to one school dance?”
               “Look kid, none of this is normal. Not a single bit of it. And I know that’s not fair to you, but that doesn’t mean it has to be unfair to anyone else either, okay? Being a superhero, that whole gig, being Spider-Man, that comes before anyone else. Especially girls, no matter who that girl is,” Tony explained. “I’m sorry, but no means no. You just can’t have both.”
               “And apparently I can’t choose either?” Peter stared at him, desperate, but Tony insisted.
               “Being a hero means doing the right thing,” he said firmly, finalizing his statement. Stark looked at the boy, noticing the sadness in his eyes, and shook his head. It was for the best. “Now go. Have a good night. Give her something to remember. Take care of her.” There was a pause and he sighed. “You can plan on telling her tomorrow.”
               Peter blinked at Tony, trying not to either punch him in the face or start crying, watching as your father walked away, unsure of what to think or do. He wanted to swing away, to the highest rooftop, and scream at the sky. But he couldn’t. He had a dance to go to and a girl to take care of. A girl he couldn’t even keep if he wanted to. Walking silently to the limousine, he opened up the door, and you greeted him cheerily, but he remained quiet, making you concerned, furrowing your brow. “What’d he talk to you about? You were in there for a while, I thought you’d never come out,” you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, but he still looked different. Almost sad. “You okay, Peter?”
               “It’s fine,” he shook his head. “He just uh, he told me to have a good time.” He gave a fake smile and you stared at him, concerned, wondering what the fuck your dad just did to make him look so goddamn depressed.
               “A-are you sure that was it?” you wondered, and you could pick up the same type of tension on Happy. It was like everyone knew something you didn’t.
               “Yeah, just forget about it,” Peter insisted. “It’s fine.”
               When you arrived to the dance though, he seemed distracted and distanced, making you worry even more. Ned and MJ greeted you both with their dates, and you all poured glasses of fruit punch and took silly photos at the booth. When it came time to dance, you begged Peter to join you, and you swayed your hips to the music and twirled around in circles, trying to get him to loosen up, but he still seemed off. “What’s up with Peter?” MJ finally cracked as soon as you had stepped away from the boys and you shrugged.
               “He’s been like that ever since he picked me up from my house,” you frowned. “I feel like something’s wrong.”
               “Did you ask him about it?” MJ wondered and you sighed.
               “Several times, but he won’t tell me what’s up,” you replied. “I’m almost scared it might be something I did. We were fine until he came over. Maybe the tower and my dad and everything scared him off.”
               “I don’t think so, Peter doesn’t seem the type to ignore you,” MJ insisted. “Just let me know if I can help. I hope you figure it all out soon.”
               “Thanks,” you gave a sympathetic smile. “Me too.”
               “Best of luck, buddy,” she winked, going off to grab some snacks.
               You shook your head, hoping everything would work out. Maybe the dance was just making him nervous. You made your way through the sea of people crowding the gymnasium, trying to find a familiar face. A slow song began to play, one of your favorites, and you instantly rushed towards Peter, holding out your hands. “Come on,” you begged. “Slow dance with me? Please?”
               “S-sure, of course,” he smiled, getting up from his chair, making his way to the middle of the dance floor with you. He set his hands on your hips and you rested your arms on his shoulders, smiling as you looked into those hazel eyes you grew so fond of, thinking about just how much he meant to you. Sure, it started off as a silly little crush, having your eyes out for the smart nerdy boy in your chemistry class, but now? You felt like Peter was your best friend, and you wanted him to be something more. He was easy to talk to, to relate to, to be around. When you were with him, it was like the entire rest of the world disappeared.
               “Can I tell you something?” you wondered and Peter looked at you, caught off guard.
               “Uh yeah, yeah, sure,” he agreed. “But um, I have something to tell you too.”
               “You do?” you raised an eyebrow, interested. You secretly hoped it was the same thing. “Maybe you should go first.”
               “Are you sure?” he looked quizzical, almost unsure of himself.
               “Mhmm,” you smiled, still swaying your hips, looking into his eyes, hopeful. What if he was going to tell you how much he liked you too? Or what if he asked you to be his girlfriend? What if he told you he loved you? No! No way. That would be way too soon. Wouldn’t it? Your heart raced as you watched him struggle to find the words to say, excited as ever, but as soon as they left his mouth you wished he had never said them at all.
               “I don’t really think this is working out,” he whispered and you stared at him, beginning to feel your heart shatter into a thousand pieces.
               “W-what?” you stammered, freezing in your place, confused.
               “Us,” Peter clarified, looking down at the floor, embarrassed. “I think I made a mistake. Asking you to the dance. And I’m sorry.”
               “Wait, what?” you almost laughed, trying to convince yourself this was all some crazy prank or something, but you looked up and saw the pain and sadness in Peter’s eyes and you suddenly knew something wasn’t right. Maybe that’s why he had been acting so weird. Did he regret asking you to the dance? He seemed so excited when he had asked you. And he had told you all week how much he was looking forward to it. Was it all just some big lie? You shook your head, still in denial. “You’re joking, right?”
               “I’m sorry, y/n,” Peter mumbled, breaking away from you, walking off the dance floor. But you didn’t know what to do, instead just standing there, tears of your own forming in your eyes.
               Were you fooling yourself? Were all of these feelings just one sided? Were you too stupid to see what was happening all along? You hated yourself for thinking someone like Peter could ever like you. You were just friends, and that was it. God, Ned and MJ probably thought you looked stupid too. Tears welled up in your eyes as you exited the gymnasium, pulling out your phone, sitting on the curb in your dress, hating yourself for messing everything up. Your phone rang several times before you sniffled, clearing your throat.
               “Uh, hey dad?” you whimpered.
               “Y/n?” Tony asked, concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
               “Can you pick me up from the dance? I want to go home,” you told him, voice shaky, wiping tears from your cheeks.
               “Sure thing, kiddo,” he reassured. “I’ll be there in ten. Hang tight.”
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madpanda75 · 5 years
The Romantics Series “In Sickness and In Health” Part One
Revisiting my Romantics Series with a little two parter. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now. A huge thanks to @sass-and-suspenders​ for giving me the idea for the title and letting my blursty monkey ass send her snippets 😜
Warning: NSFW— Just a pinch of smut
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The first warm spring weekend at Harvard meant frat boys tossing a frisbee and sorority girls sunbathing. For you and Rafael, it was a chance to go outside under your favorite oak tree and study. However, little studying was being done by either of you. You were laying on the blanket with your legs propped up against the tree trunk, crossed at the ankles. Kate Chopin’s The Awakening lay abandoned on your chest as you napped.
Rafael, on the other hand, was more focused on you than his philosophy notes. From your polished toes, up your long legs to the delicate forearm shielding your eyes from the sun, and finally the crown of hair haloed around your head. The sunlight streaming through the leaves, made each strand shimmer. He could turn his head and brush his lips against your calf if he wanted to. Instead he shifted in his seat, using his binder to cover his half-hard cock as he watched you stretch like a cat. Your Nirvana t-shirt rising up to reveal a strip of bare skin on your stomach.
Perhaps it was the stress of school or maybe it was the four years of pent-up emotions Rafael had for you, finally bubbling up to the surface. Whatever it was, it seemed as if all you had to do was glance his way or accidentally brush up against his body and he was hard as a rock. He felt like a prepubescent middle schooler.
“I feel you,” you mumbled.
“Excuse me?” Rafael cleared his throat and silently willed his body to calm down.
“I feel you watching me.” You lowered your arm and opened one eye, peering up at him. “What’s up?”
The irony of your words was not lost on Rafael. “Nothing,” he replied, suddenly fascinated by Kirkegaard’s existential philosophy.
A smile tugged at your lips. “Liar.” You propped yourself up on your elbows and nudged his shoulder with your foot. “Come on, I can always tell when you’re lying. Your right eye twitches a little bit.”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a burger. Maybe go see a movie? Como agua para chocolate is still playing at the theater.”
“I can’t. I’m supposed to help Chet Aldrich study for our feminist literature studies exam.” You glanced down at your watch. “Actually, I need to get going.”
Rafael scoffed. “You mean to tell me that misogynist frat boy is taking a feminist literature class?”
You shrugged and laced up your Doc Martens. “I think he thought it was a bird course. Little did he know that Dr. Gupta is ruthless. Poor guy is in way over his head. And anyways, he’s kinda cute in a Jason Priestly sorta way.”
Rafael rolled his eyes. Chet Aldrich was a legacy and the president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the oldest fraternity at Harvard. Having had a few classes with Chet, Rafael had seen firsthand what a flirt he was, always talking up the pretty girls to help him pass his classes and maintain his subpar GPA.
Despite his misgivings, Rafael walked with you over to where Chet said he would meet you. “I still can’t believe you’re doing this.”
“He asked for my help. What was I supposed to say? I think you’re judging him way too quickly. You don’t even know him.”
“Wait a minute.” He narrowed his eyes a bit, noticing the way you were fidgeting, the blush on your cheeks. It was as if someone had adjusted the antenna on a TV just a hair and all of a sudden the picture became clear. “Do you like this guy?”
“Maybe,” you admitted.
Rafael felt like his heart sank into his stomach. “Maybe,” he softly repeated.
You stared down at your shoes, unable to look your best friend in the eye. Four years. That was how long you had pined over Rafael. There were moments where you just couldn’t take it anymore. Moments where you thought about marching right up to his dorm room and confessing your feelings, but fear always stopped you from taking that next step. You were afraid he wouldn’t reciprocate. Afraid that your friendship would never be the same. But most of all, you were afraid that you’d be left heartbroken and alone. Once the spring semester started, you decided it was time to move on and try to find someone else. It was better to have Rafael as a friend than nothing at all.
After your confession, both of you stood in silence when a Red BMW blaring Informer by Snow came around the corner, screeching to a halt in front of you. Chet Aldrich hopped out of the car and gave you a dazzling smile. Well, you thought it was dazzling. Rafael thought it was smarmy. “Hey, baby. Ready to study?”
You giggled and twirled a strand of your hair. “Absolutely!”
Chet walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for you. “Your chariot awaits.” He pointed to Rafael, who was currently trying to choke back the bile rising in his throat. “Hey, I know you. It’s Rudy or Randy, right?”
“Actually it’s Rafael,” he snapped at the frat boy.
Chet nodded his head. “Oh yeah, Ra-fa-el,” he slowly said.
“Are you kidding me with this guy?” Rafael mumbled so that only you would hear.
“Be nice,” you quietly chastised and patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Y/N, wait,” Rafael called out as you walked away, taking your hand and pulling you into a hug. “Just be careful, ok?” he whispered in your ear, squeezing you tight for a second longer before letting go.
Your face grew hot at your friend’s sudden surprise affection and you briefly wondered if he even noticed as you tried to brush it off. “Relax, Rafi. I’ll be fine. I’m not being shipped off to war. I’m going to study.” Waving one final time, you went back over to Chet.
“Don’t worry,” Chet said, shutting the passenger door after you stepped inside. “I’ll be sure to have her back in one piece.” He winked and got in the car, driving away and leaving Rafael alone in the dust.
You straddled Rafael on the bed, kissing him hard, all teeth and tongue. Your books tossed aside and long forgotten during your hot and heavy makeout session. You rocked against his denim-clad erection, your hair tickling his face as you caressed his tongue with your own.
Rafael whimpered and ran his hands down your back. Grabbing your ass, he encouraged you to continue your movements, the wet spot in his boxers growing larger. The collective sounds of your labored breathing and soft moans echoed around the room with every slow drag of your hips.
“Rafi, make love to me,” you murmured between kisses.
He groaned, already on the brink of coming in his jeans. “Are you sure?”
“Please, I need you,” you purred, your voice dripping with desire.
In an instant, Rafael flipped you over, rendering you on your back. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed you were completely naked. “What?” He looked around the bedroom, the clothes you were wearing only seconds ago were nowhere to be found. “How did you—”
You giggled and licked your lips, your gaze lowering to his groin. “Damn. All these years and I never realized you were packing.”
Rafael looked down and realized that his clothes were gone. “But I didn’t—”
“Rafi, fuck me,” you whined, your eyes half-hooded with lust.
No longer caring where your or his clothes were by that point, he crashed his mouth into yours, spreading your legs. His large hand palmed at your breast, pinching your hardened nipple.
“Rafael,” you gasped and arched into his touch.
“Oh, Y/N,” he moaned, aligning himself with your entrance when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Tilting his head back, Rafael’s jaw dropped when he saw Chet Aldrich standing by the bed.
“You’re too late, Rudy. She’s mine,” he said with a smirk.
“It’s Rafael,” he sneered.
“Whatever. Get out of the way.” Chet pushed Rafael off you, sending him flying off the bed.
Rafael sat bolt upright, his t-shirt soaked with sweat. Running a hand over his face, he glanced over at his bedside clock. It was 7:30. Chet Aldrich was probably putting the moves on you at this very moment. He flopped back onto the mattress, his mind reeling over you, over Chet, over the bizarre dream he  just had.
Your behavior that afternoon bewildered him. He had never seen you flirt before. That wasn’t you. You were the girl that would make a quippy remark whenever someone put the moves on you, choosing to walk away arm in arm with Rafael instead. Maybe after four years, he didn’t know you at all. Maybe he really had missed his chance with you. Putting his hand over his heart, he felt dull ache radiating from beneath his rib cage.
He sighed and looked down to find his painfully hard cock sticking straight up. Apparently, you made quite an impression in his dreams, that is until Chet Aldrich interrupted. Unzipping his jeans, he freed his erection and closed his eyes. He began to stroke himself, imagining what he would do to you if you were there— worshipping every inch of your skin, making you come undone with his mouth before crawling on top of you, thrusting into your pussy, feeling your slick walls grip him.
“Oh, Y/N,” he moaned, smearing the precum that had leaked out of his weeping head against his shaft. His breath hitched as he sped up his movements, squeezing himself at the root of his cock all while fantasizing about how you would writhe in pleasure underneath him. The noises you would make. Your sweaty bodies molded perfectly to each other. He was so close, right about to tumble off the edge when the phone ringing pulled him back.
Rafael whined and wiped his hand off, reaching for the phone on the nightstand. “Hello,” he grumbled.
“Rafael? It’s Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Mrs. Y/L/N,” he squeaked and nearly dropped the reciever while covering himself with a pillow, as if your mother had the ability to see what he was doing through the phone. “Is everything ok?” A small sob escaped her lips and his pulse began to quicken. “Did something happen?”
All the color drained from his face listening to her, only processing certain parts. Car accident. You. Mount Auburn Hospital. “I’m on the first flight out of Chicago,” she said. “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind staying with her until I get there? I would ask her roommate, but Rebecca is away at a crew competition.”
“Absolutely. I’m on my way.” Rafael stood up and nearly walked out of the room when he realized that his pants were still dangling around his ankles.
“Thank you. You’re such a good friend to Y/N.” She sniffled. “You know, she hates hospitals. Ever since—”
“I know,” he softly replied. “I’ll head over right now.” Panic began to set in as soon as he hung up with your mom. Running out the door, several thoughts came to his mind—for you to be ok and that he was going to murder Chet Aldrich. 
@glimmerglittergirl​ @southern-magnolia​ @sweetcannolicarisi​ @delia26​ @obfuscateyummy​ @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded​ @thatesqcrush​ @katmstanton​ @amirightcounsellor​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o​ @sonnysdoll​ @lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @burningsorr0ws​ @gibbs274​ @izzythefanfreak​ @babypink224221​ @livxrafa​ @esparza-army​ @obsessionprofessional​ @ottosuricato​ @melsquared79​ @dreila03​ @frenchiefoxy​ @tropes-and-tales​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @goodluckfindingone​ @scarlettsoldier​ @amirightcounselor​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @imjustreallynosy​ @graniairish​ @ashley-chi​ @lolacolaempath @cocomel0613​ @imagine-all-the-imagines​ @mysterioustrashadventures​
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Hotel California, Chapter 5 (Gigi/Jackie) - Roza
summary: jackie is beginning to struggle with her own anxiety and worry about the situation at home while gigi seems to be in nothing but an utter euphoria.
author's note: thank you jankie candle for all the support and to meg for being my wonderful beta! I hope you all enjoy and tumblr is @leljaaa as always xx
AO3 Link / My Tumblr: @leljaaa / ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
— *.✧
Three fateful days had passed since Gigi and Jackie had officially slept with one another.
Jackie kept track, it was something of importance to her.
It was definitely a bold move on both of their parts but especially the Persian who was still the refugee, the one who would be twice as targeted for it, the one who would take all of the blunt force and trauma as the news would roll in more and more about the revolution.
Gigi was in utter heaven knowing that she had no restrictions as long as they were alone or decently private and away from everyone else though Crystal caught on rather quickly and it was only natural Jan was told, the blonde smiled wide and gasped the minute the other had told her over the phone.
They giggled softly like high schoolers once again even if in the back of their head they knew that this was not a good idea for either Gigi or Jackie.
Being in love.
Not just being in love but being in love with a refugee from Iran, being hopelessly devoted to Jackie who still had that ticket to Canada set in stone. Gigi attempted to simply convince herself that the eighties would be better and that all of Jackie’s internalized homophobia would eventually cease when the revolution died down.
It has to end eventually doesn’t it?
The American only hoped innocently for things to return as they were as she slowly engulfed herself more and more into the politics of Iran so Jackie would not feel so damn outcast and alone. She was not perfect but it was a step, one that the Persian beside her appreciated leaps and bounds.
Every endeavour together ended with a long and loving kiss before Gigi would become flustered and watch Jackie chuckle at the red speckles across her cheeks.  
She awoke gently to mumbled newscasters going on and on about the current headlines as she realized she had fallen asleep on the couch by mistake. She wished she had fallen asleep with Jackie instead.
“I don’t care,” she groaned out as she took a sip from the already opened can of Pepsi that sat on the coffee table beside the arm of the brown couch. Her fingers tapped every button possible before she reached an international headline that made her eyes widen.
“Breaking news...On the morning after the Shah declared martial law, security forces fired on a large protest in Tehran’s Jaleh Square. At least 100 have been killed as the revolution continues…”
Gigi jumped up as she instantly raced for the door, not caring that she was still in her outfit from last night; Jackie was the only thing on her mind constantly but hearing the news only made her twice as ridden with horror not even being able to imagine what the Perisan felt.
Running down the field as she skipped a long to the complex beside her home did not feel one bit weird, she needed to see how Jackie was doing even in her dusty old dress from the night before where they had managed to make hummus, Gigi failing terribly though the Persian saved the day and made it delightful.
“It’s me,” the blonde yelled as she knocked twice on the wooden door, her lips unknowingly curling into a smile the moment she heard Jackie’s muffled talking from the other side. The door opened as the Persian smiled gently, her eyes utterly red and stained with tears.
She definitely knows what happened.
The Persian pulled her friend into her current home as she sniffled, hands on her hips as Gigi tugged her sleeves and opened her arms. Jackie grinned with a snicker as she felt herself happily drop
“I ran down the hallway as soon as I heard,” she admitted in a faint mumble as Jackie kissed her lips, not wanting to even think about what was currently going on. Gigi was her favourite distraction from her own issues and problems, she would use that to her advantage.
The blonde smirked, always happy to kiss the Persian even if it was more for personal reasons than to be romantic. Her hands dropped down to her waist as she enjoyed the impromptu make out session as best as she could.
Jackie hummed, admitting that this had been an awful day but somehow Gigi managed to take all of the pain away. It was a harsh reality that the Persian had to live with but somehow her happiness came perfectly on time in the form of a slightly shorter, blonde biker with the cutest smile and best one liners.
“I’m convinced we can solve world peace by just kissing quietly,” the Persian smiled as Gigi cackled, nodding her head at the statement.
“Kissing you is like heaven, what can I say?” Gigi mumbled against her lips as Jackie grinned slightly, never one to reject a kiss from her the blonde. Her fingers gently ran through her hair, twirling strands of the curls as the Persian wrapped her arms around her neck.
It was always going to be difficult for Jackie to take in all of these strong, new feelings towards the blonde for multiple reasons but she was simply attempting to win the war against herself and her own preconceived notions.
Just because I am in love with a woman does not make me any less of a human being or any less of a Persian.
They sat on Jackie’s bed together, listening to the birds who chirped outside on the trees as the both of them were silent, tangled together and holding each other.
 “Do you want to go riding together? I can take you for some very overpriced, very mediocre ice cream,” Gigi asked against her skin as Jackie couldn’t help but smile wide and nod her head, entranced.
“I would love to.”
— *.✧
“This is quite nice, do you really find it that awful?” Jackie asked curiously as she licked her pistachio ice cream beside the blonde who seemed to instantaneously devour her mint chocolate chip ice cream in the span of three minutes.
“I think it’s fine just not worth ten dollars but consider this a date,” she winked as the two rubbed shoulders, strolling down the neverending beach and sand that plagued the coastline.
Jackie shrugged, gently beginning to bite her cone curiously as she sighed in relief. She had never lived near a beach her entire life so being near a beach felt like a privilege.
“Do you come here often? The weather is quite lovely, I am surprised no one else is here besides us and the one woman we saw a few minutes ago,” Jackie asked aloud before Gigi shook her head, admitting that Hollywood Beach was never of interest to her unless Crystal and Jan wanted to spend the day in the water or attempt to surf.
“I have never been a huge beach person and I was born at the hospital in Long Beach, a coastal city we have here in the state; the utter irony.”
The Persian sighed in relief as she stared out at the open ocean, wandering if her family was okay as Gigi pressed a kiss to her neck, interlocking their hands tightly as Jackie nervously shook her head, clasping her own hands together.
“Not in public,” she whispered, the blonde sighed as she knew that from the beginning it was Jackie’s biggest rule and fear. Gigi beating up and stabbing the two men outside the grocery store a few days ago did not help this sentiment.
“I love you,” she mumbled quietly as the waves crashed onto the shore, their feet becoming wet with the cold Pacific ocean beneath them as Jackie mouthed the words back not skipping a beat.
The Middle Eastern woman stared off into the distance, finding herself stuck in a constant day dream about being back home in Iran, even with the ongoing revolution and then the fantasy of staying in California with Gigi and living the rest of her life by her side.
They spent another two hours laughing aloud on the beach and strolling aimlessly before the heat became unbearable and they wanted to leave and go back to an air conditioned room.
“Do you want to spend the night with me?” Jackie asked out of the blue as they made their way back to Gigi’s motorcycle. The blonde smirked, knowing exactly what that would entail as she nodded heavily.
“That would be perfect,” She added as Jackie hopped up on the bike behind her, arms once again around her back tightly as Gigi took off for the ride back home.
Jackie attempted to focus on all the palm trees or the colorful buildings that molded her vision of California however nothing was being played except that damn headline.
Over and over.
Slowly the revolution grew not only more violent but to a larger international scale, she had to see the news from American outlets and not her own family though Jackie assumed hearing it from home would only be worse.
She had not yet gotten the chance to call her family but planned to do so the next time they went out early or late at night, time zone conversions had become the biggest bitch of all.
Jackie felt lost, she knew Gigi was attempting to at least get a grip on politics and stay informed on the revolution but it did not feel the same as speaking to her best friends or university classmates or family.
Everything she attempted to say felt lost in English, she felt five times dumber and knew that even though everyone complimented her consistently on her well spent degree and her skills in the language she was still the outsider.
Not just the outsider but the Persian outsider.
She was currently the butt of the joke, the insults were all directed her way and she simply had to keep a straight face against all of the accusations and comments.
"My mother didn't raise me to yell at uneducated street rats," she would tell Gigi as hecklers would pass by them on the streets, cussing out Jackie who definitely looked Persian enough to get long stares or subtle glances consistently.
And now, she wasn't just Persian she was a Persian in love with a woman.
Her lips were utterly sealed to her family when it came to the matter of Gigi and her current endeavour and relationship with the blonde.
She simply said that she had met some good American friends around her age that were helping her explore California.
Who knew I would be deep in exploring things besides America.
Jackie simply tried not to think about it though that always proved impossible considering her entire status and story in America was that she was a "helpless" refugee from Iran.
Crystal occasionally spoke to her in comfort, admitting that seeing her mother who had immigrated from Mexico to California almost two decades ago for a better life still being teased simply for being her the moment they left the comfort of Los Angeles or Hollywood was unbearable to hear.
I deserve to be here just as much as someone who was born here.
Gigi parked the motorcycle and turned off the ignition as she gently hopped off, holding Jackie's hand as she dusted down the red romper Crystal had gifted her with a smile.
"You look good in that, so much better than Crystal did," the blonde flirted as Jackie snickered, unable to hold back her laughter upon hearing the comment.
Almost as if on cue the two of them saw the redhead in the distance, across Gigi's house waving in her floral printed Hawiian shirt as Jackie gestured her over.
The blonde cocked a brow, a bit disappointed that they wouldn't be alone as planned though she couldn't possibly complain if their company was her best friend.
"You look so great," Crystal chirped as she adjusted the sleeves for the Persian girl, Gigi grinned in utter heaven staring at Jackie as the redhead snapped her best friend out of the trance.
"We get it you think Jackie is hot," she groaned aloud quietly as the blonde rolled her eyes, punching her shoulder teasingly as Jackie gave a bright smile and pushed her hair back.
"So lovebirds, are you going back to Jackie's place to hang?"
"That was the plan."
Jackie nodded before asking if Crystal would like to join them for some drinks and food for at least an hour or two.
"So polite, I love it," Crystal winked before Gigi coughed wildly, feeling her jealous side begin to peak as she watched the redhead make an attempt to flirt.
Jackie shushed Gigi as the Mexican girl admitted that she could stay for an hour but no more because she had some more work to do for the recreational center.
"Oh shut up, my dad loves you, he's not going to care if you take a few hours off especially not with me."
Admitting defeat, Crystal raised her arms and laughed as she followed the couple back to Jackie's place. The three of them shuffled towards the hallway before the Persian gently opened the door and let Crystal and Gigi enter first, snagging a kiss from the blonde as she walked through the doorway.
"Would you like anything to drink or eat Crystal?" Jackie asked as she opened the fridge, grabbing the bottle of tequila that Gigi had managed to steal from the grocery store a few days ago.
"Your girlfriend is so wonderful Gigi," she teased obnoxiously before giving a thumbs up at the tequila bottle. The blonde scoffed, kissing Jackie's forehead as she grabbed the glasses.
"I've never seen Gigi so speechless, I'm so impressed Jackie," the younger woman admitted as the Persian heard Gigi mumble something along the lines of "I'm speechless every night you just don't get to hear it."
Crystal laughed as Jackie gently grabbed her lover's chin, whispering at her in Farsi to stop speaking so dirty in front of her own friend; somehow expecting for Gigi to understand a lick of what she was saying.
"I don't know what you said but I'm completely turned on right now," she whispered as they pressed their lips together, grinning wildly as Jackie gave Crystal the tequila bottle.
"Cheers to being single!" She awkwardly added aloud as she shotgunned the tequila she had poured. Gigi frowned, defending her best friend and saying that eventually she would find someone.
"I thought I did but clearly she had other plans," Crystal admitted bitterly as Jackie widened her eyes in shock, a bit confused though both her and Gigi turned their attention to Crystal.
"Jaida is happy where she is now, I won't blame her or Jan," the minute the words left Crystal's lips Jackie gasped in shock.
"You and Jaida? I had no idea I'm so sorry," the Persian mumbled as she rubbed Crystal's shoulders for comfort.
"It was only a few months, don't worry about it, of course you had no idea obviously."
"I did not know about this either," Gigi replied a bit angry as Crystal bit her tongue anxiously in front of her best friend, apologising for the long held secret.
"So is that why you two were avoiding conversation at the rink?"
Crystal nodded in silence.
"You will find that person, your soulmate; trust me, it might be in the most unexpected situations," Jackie added sweetly as she smiled at Gigi, gazing at her lover towards the end of her sentence.
"Oh so I'm your soulmate? How romantic," Gigi mouthed as Jackie stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes.
"I was really in love, what a shame." She hummed before adding that she and Jan had no bad blood about it, it was simply just a lost cause to fight about it at this point.
Jackie could understand, Jaida was extremely attractive and seemed sweet, grounded and intelligent and quite the catch especially for girls as bubbly and extroverted as Jan and Crystal.
"Never say never," Gigi hummed. "In my heart of hearts if you want the truth I still think she's in love with you and not Jan. Give it a solid month or two and I think she will realize that you're the one."
Crystal and Jackie looked beyond interested to how the blonde had come to that conclusion so quickly after just two minutes ago she said that Jan was Jaida's perfect match.
"I might love Jan and think they're cute but I saw her staring at you when you were skating, I'm not stupid."
Jackie ran a hand through her partner's hair as she offered Crystal some food she had prepared last night.
The redhead shook her head, attempting to hide the permanent frown painted across her face.
"No thank you, I'll stick to the alcohol."
— *.✧
Jackie smiled as she felt Gigi wrap her arms around her waist and pull her closer in the bed, the two of them beginning to become sleepy after all the physical activity they had just done to say the very least.
"You're perfect," Gigi mumbled as the Persian beside her flushed not knowing how to genuinely respond to a compliment of such high praise.
"I believe you are also perfect," Jackie finally responded as she ran her fingertip's through Gigi's long, blonde hair as she occasionally planted a kiss near her earlobe.
"So I'm your soulmate?" The American teased beside her before Jackie groaned, admitting that maybe it was a strong choice of words for them only being together for barely two weeks.
"It was beautiful, I almost teared up," Gigi admitted as she tilted Jackie's head back to her own so she could gaze into her eyes.
"My English improves bit by bit," she joked before Gigi shut her lips with another kiss, the two of them giddy and gently melting into every affectionate gesture.
"I hope you never leave," the blonde whispered as she laid her head on Jackie's bare chest with a permanent smile planted on her mouth as she closed her eyes, ready to sleep.
Jackie swallowed her breath, unable to even speak on the matter.
"Goodnight Gigi," she said as she turned off the lamp beside her before running her hands through her partner's hair once again, thinking about all that had managed to happen these past two weeks.
I have to leave but I will keep quiet about that for now.
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Of Fountains And Laughter
Pairing: Sugino and Nagisa (either romantic or platonic) (Y’all really think that I can write Nagisa birthday fics and not include his best friend/(platonic) soulmate)
Nagisa and Sugino walked together along the cobblestone path that ran through the park, their enclasped hands swinging in tandem with every synchronised step they took. The two of them were strolling through a park, which, in Nagisa’s opinion was the best way to end the best birthday ever. He still couldn’t help but tear up when he found out that the whole class had gotten together and had taken time out of their own lives to celebrate his birthday with him. He was so lucky to be surrounded by such caring and loving classmates that genuinely wanted to be around him. All of his life, he was treated like a second thought - he was the son his mother never wanted, the child his father couldn’t try harder to be around, the friend that drove Karma away - but for some reason there is an entire class of people who consider him someone to be celebrated and he’s never been more grateful for them and for dropping down to the hated E Class. As he and Sugino were on their way to Sugino’s house when the best birthday party Nagisa had ever attended was over, to start their sleepover, Nagisa’s eyes caught sight of the park entrance. Once Sugino had followed his line of vision, he asked if he wanted to check it out, seeing as they had around two hours before his parents expected the both of them. At Nagisa’s enthusiastic agreement, the two of them were happy to find the park deserted as they ran around, stopping only once so that they could play on the swingset. When the two of them had decided to retreat back to their original path to Sugino’s home, the sun had just about set and night was closing in.
“So I was thinking,” Sugino said, “we could either watch a movie on Netflix or binge another sports drama together. We could even have some of the leftover ice cream if my brother hadn’t eaten all of it by now.”
“I’m fine with anything,” Nagisa replied, “I like movies and it’s also really fun to see you get all excited when we watch those baseball shows.”
“Yeah, we’ll just decide when we get home. Hopefully the little terror would leave us alone.”
“Sugino, he’s your brother.”
“Yeah, I know and I love him but he just gets so annoying when I bring you around. I don’t get why he always wants to tag along with us.”
“He’s nine. Besides, I don’t mind. He doesn’t bother me. I find it cute that he likes to hang out with us.”
“Honestly, I think he’s there more for you than me. I don’t know how you do it but he even cleaned his room when he found out that you were staying over. He doesn't even pick his things up when mum tells him to, she normally has to threaten to ground him until he does.” 
“Really, that’s so sweet.”
“Yeah, well it’s not like you’re his best friend,” Sugino grumbled in annoyance.
Nagisa rolled his eyes in amusement, a fond smile playing on his lips. He really loved the Sugino family. Every single one of them treated him like he was a part of them, making sure to ask how he was doing, if he was alright, if he wanted anything and always welcoming him with open arms. It was no wonder that his classmate turned out so kind-hearted since he was surrounded by family members that were always smiling and weren’t afraid to show their genuine affection to each other. He was just about to comment on Sugino’s statement when something caught his eye.
“Hey,” he said nodding his head towards an area behind Sugino’s back, “check out those fountains.”
Turning around, Sugino was greeted by the sight of multiple gushes of water erupting out of the ground, ascending and descending in synchrony with each other. At the base of each mini-geyser was a mini-light that would gradually change shade from one colour of the rainbow to the next, causing each burst of water to look like a technicolour volcano against the contrast of the darkness of the atmosphere.
“Come on,” Nagisa giggled as he pulled on Sugino’s hand gently, encouraging him to follow him towards the block of cement that the fountains were emerging from, “let’s go check it out.”
Sugino let Nagisa drag him, only stopping when they were so close to the perimeter of the fountain floor that he could feel specks of water splash against his face and shirt, “woah, woah, wait. Are you suggesting that we go in?”
Nagisa looked sheepish as his face blushed, “well, it’s just that I saw kids come and play in places like this a lot when I was younger and I thought it might be fun to do it. With you, I mean. We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m so sorry, Sugino, I should’ve asked instead of dragging you here. I just got so excited when I saw them that-”
“Hey,” Sugino smiled in reassurance, squeezing the hand that was still holding Nagisa’s, “I’m not mad or anything. Just surprised. I never took you for the type to run around in water.”
“I just don’t like doing it in public, you know,” Nagisa said, looking down, “I feel like I would get judged if I act so childishly, you see. I already look like an Elementary Schooler, I don’t want people to think I actually am one. But if I’m with you, well, I know that you won’t think I’m anything that I’m not.”
Sugino could hear the gratitude that was interwoven in Nagisa’s words. As much as the blue-haired boy tried to hide it with smiles and laughter, Sugino knew that he was very self-conscious and insecure about his childish, feminine appearance and so for him to say that Sugino made him feel comfortable enough to not have to worry about his insecurities coming true meant the world to him. Sure, he would need to try harder to convince his kind-hearted best friend that he’s worth more than he thinks and that his looks shouldn’t matter but the journey of self-positivity is a long one - one that Sugino would not mind taking even if it lasted for the rest of his life. He was already planning on doing this uncharacteristically silly bit of fun with him anyway, but hearing those words that caused his stomach to fill with a pleasant fuzzy warmth and a fond smile to make its way across his lips had definitely sealed the deal, “so what are we waiting for then?”
Nagisa yelped as Sugino ran into the middle of the fountains, swinging Nagisa’s body so that he could take hold of the other hand. All at once, water spurted up in long colourful columns that went past their heads. With a wide smile, Sugino spun Nagisa around, crashing him into the wet pillars and taking delight in the way the other’s shocked eyes lit up with unadulterated happiness. Laughing at the increasing momentum acting on his body, Nagisa pulled as well, managing to get his taller companion twirling around as well. They probably looked like a couple of crazy people: spinning around and laughing, completely drenched from head to toe, all by themselves in this abandoned park late in the evening. Once the two of them had gotten too dizzy and had stopped whirling around like human tornadoes, they let go of their hands. Then, without a word, Nagisa swiped his hand across a gush of water, sending a splash of it right at Sugino’s face. Throwing his head back and erupting into a flurry of giggles at Sugino, who was now the startled one, Nagisa sprinted to a corner of the rectangle of stone. 
“Hey,” Sugino shouted, chasing after him with a laugh, “get back here.”
Unfortunately for him, Nagisa was the best at sneak attacks for a reason; by the time he had covered the distance between them Nagisa had vanished, slipping in through the small intervals between the fountains as quickly and stealthily as a viper and using the water as a cloak to hide against. Every time the water would descend the back into the ground and Sugino would see the bluenette standing somewhere and then once the floor would erupt like polychromatic volcanoes of water, he would have gone somewhere completely different undetected, his mischievous chuckles - as well as the occasional gentle shoves that would push him directly into a gush of water - being the only indication that he was still there. After the fourth attempt of trying to get revenge on his shorter friend, he felt two slender arms gently hug him from behind and a soaking wet head rest against the curve of his back.
“Thank you,” Nagisa whispered, “for doing this with me. Thank you.”
“Any time,” Sugino smiled, turning around so that he can hug Nagisa back, “and you don’t need to thank me for wanting to spend time with you. I enjoy doing that anyway.”
The joy that was radiating off of Nagisa’s face was blinding and Sugino found it infectious. He loved seeing the other teenager like this, unrestrained and carefree, unlike the too careful, shy and held-back way he would act in class, where he’s too worried about doing something wrong or that would inconvenience someone or hurt them. Like this, with his hair dripping and hanging limply, sticking against his pale skin, blue eyes illuminating both with the natural light of happiness inside them and because of the way they would catch with the light emitting from the floor, he looked like a regular teenager that had just done something something completely ridiculous just for the sake of it and enjoyed every single second of it - and Sugino was the one lucky enough to do it with him.
“Happy Birthday Nagisa,” Sugino said, internally thinking, ‘and thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for.’
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peterthepark · 5 years
Not a question but I just want you to know I’ve been scrolling through your blog and reading everything for like the last hour and I love it all 💕 I’m also a lover of Steve x Henderson!Reader, and this idea is far from angsty but I love the idea of a cute/fluffy fic about Dustin’s sister being a camp counselor and Steve has been sending her flirty letters all summer but gets too nervous to ask her on a real date when she gets back lmao
hope u enjoy 🌹
Camp Crush
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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“How long has he been like that?”
Steve lays on his couch, head buried in a mass of throw pillows as a blanket covers the length of his body. He’s not sick, yet there are countless amounts of tissue on the floor around him.
It’s been two weeks since he got a letter back from you. Of course, he understands that sometimes letters get lost on the way to their sender, or that people may write the wrong address, or that they forget to mail it - but Steve knows that you aren’t the type of person who casually forgets to mail someone. All of the worst case scenarios flood his mind instantaneously. Did he say something wrong in his last letter? Was he being too nice or too playful? Did he scare you off with his jokes? Did you happen to meet someone else at your job?
“Steve, get up.” Dustin kicks at Steve’s arm, who reacts with a long groan.
“Go away, shitheads.” He mumbles, barely looking at the kids surrounding him. “I’m sick.”
“Yeah, and I’m sick of you acting like a child.” Max moves past Lucas, grabbing at Steve’s arm with all her strength. That’s when everyone pitches in, all dragging Steve down onto the carpet.
“You guys are so annoying. Middle schoolers are so annoying. Leave me alone.” He mopes, not caring to get off the floor.
“Is this about Y/N?” Will asks.
Immediately, Steve perks up. His whole body shoots off the floor and suddenly he can finally stand upright. His hair is wild, and his eyes are wide. “What about Y/N?”
“That she hasn’t written back to you in days?” Will scoffs, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the room.
“You write to my sister?” Dustin steps out from the group, furrowing his brows at Steve. “Wait, you write to my sister?!”
“I thought you knew!” Steve retaliates, voice cracking as Dustin pushes at his chest. 
“You’re the guy that she wants to ask out?!”
“She wants to ask me out?”
Steve feels like time has stopped. He can only hear his own breathing, rather than the explosive shouts and rejoices from the children in front of him. He plops down onto the couch, arms resting in his lap as he leans forward with a puzzled look.
“Oh, my god.” He chuckles, smiling. A blush washes over his face and creeps down his neck. “She likes me. Wow.”
“I do like you.”
Steve turns his head at the pleasant sound. It’s unfamiliar, but he seems to recognize it. 
He knows that it’s you.
“I thought I was being pretty obvious with the kind of letters I was sending you.” You chuckle, setting down your heavy bags by the coffee table. Steve slowly stands up from the couch, jaw hanging open as he takes his first steps towards you. “I-I figured that maybe seeing you in person would be much better than talking to you through a crappy piece of paper.”
“Y/N…” He pulls you into his arms, crushing you in his grasp as your feet lift from the ground. He grins, calling out your name once more while he twirls you around. “You’re here. How are you - why are you -  Y/N!” He laughs, setting you down. His hands cup your cheeks, eyes staring into yours. 
“Hi, Steve.” You giggle, placing your hands over his. “I… I did write you a letter, though. But I wanted to give it to you in pri-”
“Dear Steve,” You whip around, gasping when you find that your brother has your letter in his hands, reading aloud while his friends circle around him. 
Nosy little shit.
“Hey! Don’t read that!” You reach over to snatch the letter from Dustin. However, before you can react, Lucas takes it from him - running to the top of the stairs to read it further.
“Dear Steve!” He shouts, grinning victoriously when he sees the embarrassment written all over your face. “I miss you, so much. With my whole heart. I can’t wait to see you in person soon. Maybe you can finally take me to that new mall that you work at. I’m sure you look handsome as always in that disgustingly cute sailor uniform.” He gags humorously, doubling over in childish laughter. “I wish that you could see the view that I have from my cabin. It’s so quiet and peaceful here, and I’m sure that we’d have lots of time to…” Lucas stops, face falling as he furrows his eyebrows. His upper lip curls up, baring his teeth as he squints his eyes at the letter. “No! Nope! I’m done reading. I did not need to see that. Oh, god.”
“That’s what you get, smartass!” You grab the crumpled paper from Lucas, shaking your head at him as he covers his eyes. You hand it over to Steve, lowering your voice to a hushed whisper. “This is for you. Read it later.”
“I sure will.” He winks, humming softly as he puts it away in his pocket. “So… you wanna - you wanna go to the mall?”
“Right now?” You look up at him, playing with your hands. He nods, a shy smile lingering on his lips. “To hang out?”
“I mean… not to just hang out, but…” Steve sighs. Shutting his eyes, he rubs his jaw, before placing his hands on his hips. “But, uh, I wanted to - I wanted to see if you, um… you - you wanted to go on a date with me! At the mall! A date… at the mall? Do you - do you wanna go? With me? To the mall. I meant. For the date.”
The kids behind you start to snicker. You’re blushing extremely hard, swaying lightly from side to side. Steve shifts from one foot to the other, anxiously waiting for your response.
“Yes, I-I… I would love to go on that date. To the mall. With you, Steve Harrington.” You mimic him playfully, looking away with a bashful grin. 
“It’s a date, then.”
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⁂ That Don’t Impress Me (Yuushi Oshitari)
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Genre: Slice of Life, Friendship, Comedy, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 1,608 ☁
Pairing: Reader, Yuushi ☁
World: Prince of Tennis ☁
Song: “That Don’t Impress Me Much” by Shania Twain ☁
I’ve known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart. But you’ve got being right down to an art.
Yuushi sat quietly in class, breezing through the day’s work with ease.
Yuushi Oshitari was the Tensai of Hyotei Gakuen, with top marks in every subject. Not only did he have the brains, but he was also an excellent tennis player, and very popular to boot. Quite a few people looked up to the blue-haired male and he even had his own fan club – though it wasn’t nearly as big as Hyotei’s King. Then again, no one’s was.
Most of the boys at Hyotei often approached the tensai in hopes that he’d either do their homework for them or help them in some way. His answer was always the same – “no”. And yet, they still kept coming back.
You often found yourself wondering how his head hadn’t gotten half as swollen as Atobe’s. Then again, his ego was still quite large, thanks to his three years at Hyotei.
“Hey, Yuushi.” you poked his shoulder and he turned in his seat, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Can you help me out with this math problem? It makes no sense.”
“Sorry, you’ll have to find someone else.” he turned back around, a smirk slithering onto his lips.
Your eye twitched as you stared at his back, fighting the urge to flick him with the tip of your pencil.
You think you’re a genius, you drive me up a wall. You’re a regular original, know-it-all.
You watched in silence as a blonde girl approached Yuushi during tennis practice that afternoon. Now, you were not thinking that blondes were dumb, but this girl gave stupid a whole new meaning. Or maybe she was just desperate.
“You’re going out with me tomorrow, right, Yuushi darling?” she was flirting, twirling her hair and swaying her hips from side to side.
“I never agreed to that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to practice.” he went to turn around, but she grabbed onto his arm, hugging it tightly between her large breasts.
“Don’t play hard to get in front of your friends, Yuushi!” she whined, glossy bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
He scoffed, breaking free from her grasp. “I’d much rather go out with someone that understands what the word ‘no’ means.”
She grabbed onto his waist. “What do you mean? I can look up ‘no’ if that’s what it takes!”
His eye twitched and you fought to hold back your laughter. Seeing him get so agitated, a sight that was rarely seen, was quite the entertainment to you.
“Perhaps I should rephrase that. I’d much rather go out with someone with an IQ higher than a two-year-old child,” he said coldly.
“What do you mean?” she tilted her head to the side, blonde locks falling into her eyes.
Yuushi sighed, trying once again to gain freedom from the clingy blonde.
You scowled in disapproval.
Sure, the girl may have been one of the stupidest middle schoolers around and sure, she may have been extremely clingy and downright aggravating, but that didn’t mean he had to be such an ass to her. He really thought he knew it all.
That attitude of his really drove you up a wall and you wanted nothing more than to take his title of genius and hit him upside the head with it.
Oh, oh, you think you’re special. Oh, oh, you think you’re something else.
They got their math tests back and you groaned, looking at the red 65% in the upper right corner. Peering over Yuushi’s shoulder, his grade had not changed since he first entered Hyotei. Yuushi had received yet another 100%.
He smirked in satisfaction when he noticed you looking. Not a normal smirk, though. One of those arrogant ‘I’m-better-than-you-times-ten’ smirks. You know the kind that Atobe always wore. You knew that boy was a bad influence! “Good grade, as always.”
Your eye twitched, “Don’t gloat.”
He smirked, turning around and running a hand through his hair. “Don’t be mad just because I’m smarter than you. There are not very many people in this world who can match my brains.”
How could that boy be so damned arrogant? You didn’t understand.
Were those fake glasses messing with his brain? Or was it that blue colored hair of his? No matter what the reason, he was taking it too far.
Okay, so you’re a rocket scientist? That don’t impress me much. So you got the brains, but have you got the touch?
It seemed as if his arrogance grew more and more with each passing day and it was quickly reaching unbearable lengths. Even his teammates were beginning to feel the aggravation that came with it.
Every time Yuushi got a good grade, he tried to rub it in your face. It was like he was trying to prove a point or something. Whatever it was, it was getting old, and fast. Something had to be done about him.
Now, normally, you had no problems with Yuushi, but arrogant Yuushi? You couldn’t stand him.
You were determined to figure out what the hell his problem was. Which meant paying close attention to him in class and watching him during practice. Subtle changes in his behavior would be what gave it away, and that’s what you were looking for. You tried to be as stealthy as possible, though, so he wouldn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary.
You had to admit, his tennis was pretty amazing. That large brain of his was pretty useful in-game. You’d never admit that to him, though, not in a million years.
His ego was big enough for ten Yuushis as is.
Now don’t get me wrong, yeah, I think you’re alright, but that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night. That don’t impress me much.
You were sitting behind the school, back against the wall, reading a book you had borrowed from Yuushi’s bag earlier that morning. You were close to giving up on your best friend. You had tried to figure out what his deal was, but it was impossible. Either he was hiding it extremely well or there was no real reason for the change.
No matter what you did or said to the male, you just couldn’t come to understand why he was acting so cocky lately. Maybe you just weren’t smart enough to figure out the intentions of such a guy. You laughed at the thought. The whole ordeal was making your head hurt and you began to wonder if it was really worth it.
“Enjoying my book?” Yuushi had walked up to stand in front of you without catching your attention. Had you been that deep in thought?
“Yes, actually. It’s not so advanced that I can’t understand it.” you rolled your eyes before returning them to the page.
Yuushi took a deep breath and removed his glasses before running a hand through his hair. His words were soft, and you were sure he hadn’t meant for you to hear them. “Last time I take relationship advice from Atobe…”
“Eh?” you glanced up at him, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Tell me. Do you know why I’ve been acting this way recently?” he was dead serious, much different from the teasing arrogant side that he’s been displaying recently.
“No, I don’t…. are you bipolar, Yuushi?”
He chuckled, replacing his glasses and shaking his head. “No, I’m not bipolar. I didn’t want to lose your friendship, idiot.”
“Eh? Lose my friendship?” you blinked, thoroughly confused. “What are you talking about?”
“I heard a few rumors… that you were hanging out with someone else. You’ve been really busy lately and rarely spending any time with me. I’m supposed to be your best friend.” he paused, taking a deep breath, “Atobe suggested that, if I act smarter, I’d get your attention. He told me it’d work but, I’m not so sure of that anymore…”
“You were jealous… of who?”
He knelt down in front of you, laying his hand on your outstretched leg to balance himself. “That boy. The blonde that you’ve been hanging around recently.”
You bit your lip, trying to hold in the laughter that would probably damage the male’s pride. You just couldn’t keep it in, though, and ended up busting out laughing, laying the book to the side so you could clutch your stomach.
Yuushi’s eye twitched and he demanded to know what was so funny. One thing the tensai could not stand was being laughed at.
You attempted to catch your breath, wiping your wet eyes before answering. “That boy is my cousin, idiot.”
He blinked in surprise, his eyes wide, “C-Cousin..?”
“Ahh. Shishido knew that… he didn’t tell you?”
He shook his head, imagining himself strangling the brunette in his head for making him look like such a fool in front of you. He pushed up his glasses, the light glinting on the lenses so you couldn’t see his eyes. “I suppose the plan only drove you farther away…”
“A little,” you murmured, thinking back to all the times you wanted to strangle him. Your eyes followed him as he moved to sit beside you. “Idiot, you’re my best friend. No one could replace you.”
He smiled, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer, resting his head against your own. “I should have just confronted you.”
“For someone so smart, you’re a moron to listen to Atobe’s advice.” you giggled, crossing your arms, “But, I think you’re alright, Yuushi.”
He laughed as you patted his arm, pulling you into a tight bear hug.
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how do you drink a soda the wrong way?
269/365: Absent-minded
Ryuunosuke looks up. Beside him, his classmate has his hand raised, shaking slightly with apparent nerves. Fukuzawa turns around from the blackboard with his eyes narrowed, but he always looks like that.
“Yes, Nakajima-kun?” He asks. Nakajima visibly takes a deep breath before continuing.
“I h-had to leave my textbook home to dry out,” he stammers, “so I don’t have it with me…”
Hushed giggles and whispers dart through the mouths of the other middle-schoolers in the classroom. Fukuzawa blinks once.
“Share with Akutagawa,” he says flatly before turning back around to the board. Ryuu frowns, and he looks over at Atsushi again as he loudly shoves his desk closer to his, the laughter and comments growing louder. He simply rolls his eyes at them.
“I’m sorry,” Nakajima murmurs, fingers curling around each other in his lap. “I drank a soda the wrong way, and it got all over my textbook.”
As Ryuu opens his book, he raises one eyebrow.
“How do you drink a soda the wrong way?”
Nakajima flushes a deep red. “I didn’t know it was a soda… I thought it was just regular lemonade with pulp, so I shook it…” he says nervously, twirling a haphazardly-cut strand of hair around his finger. He looks up when Ryuu gives a small huff of a laugh.
“That’s a new level of idiocy, Nakajima-kun,” he says, and the tiniest of smiles tugs at the corner of his lips. Nakajima’s face suddenly goes red again, even though Ryuu can’t fathom why, and he quickly looks down at the textbook. Ryuu instinctively holds his finger under the passage they’re reading so Nakajima can follow along.
It’s weeks before Ryuu sees Nakajima’s textbook again. He’s always forgotten it, somehow, forcing him to share with Ryuu. Not that either of them seem to mind.
But one day, he walks in with it under his arm. Face downcast, he doesn’t move his desk closer to Ryuu’s, as he’s used to doing the minute he steps in the classroom. Ryuu watches him closely.
“You finally brought it,” he says softly. Nakajima nods.
“My foster dad chewed me out for always forgetting it,” he murmurs. His shoulders bunch together, and he runs his thumb up and down the closed book’s pages. Ryuu had never seen him look so upset.
Fukuzawa looks up when Ryuu calls his name the next day, hand raised. He raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, Akutagawa-kun?”
Ryuu looks to his side at Nakajima, whose wide, curious eyes haven’t left Ryuu’s empty desk since he sat down. He feels his heart begin to beat a little faster, but not from nerves; it’s Nakajima’s smile, a smile that dawns on him like the sun when he realizes exactly what Ryuu’s done.
“I forgot my textbook at home.”
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